Mecanica Setul 1

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Setul I

1. N elastic pool balls of the same mass and size horizontal. Is the situation described possible
are arranged on the table. One ball is white for any value of μ? Assume that the
and the other are colored. All balls are initially coefficient of static and kinetic friction are
at rest. The white ball is then hit by a cue. equal.
Mysteriously, after several collisions with the 7. A wooden cube with a side of 𝑑 = 0.10 m is
colored balls, the white ball stops at the very placed on a horizontal support. A bullet of
point it was originally placed. What is the mass 𝑚 = 0.010 kg is shot vertically up
minimum value for N that allows for such a through the support and through the cuve. As
situation? Neglect friction. the bullet passes through the cube, its speed
2. A passenger who just missed the train stands decreases from 𝑣 = 120 m/s to 𝑢 = 115 m/
on the platform, sadly watching the last two s. Estimate the minimum mass M of the cube
cars of the train. The next-to-last car takes that would allow it not to lose contact with
time t to pass by the passenger, and the last the support.
one takes time t’ to pass by. How late (T) is 8. A dumbbell consists of a light rod with two
the passenger for the departure of the train? small weights of equal masses attached at the
Assume that the train accelerates at constant ends. The dumbbell is placed vertically on a
rate. frictionless table. As the dumbbell is released,
3. In a strictly scientific experiment, a student the top mass is given a horizontal velocity v
athlete throws rocks out the window in all by a quick hit. The bottom mass immediately
directions. All rocks have the same speed v. It loses contact with the table. What is the
turns out that all rocks’ landing velocities maximum length L of the dumbbell that
make angles θ or higher with the horizontal. allows this to occur?
Find the height h of the window above the 9. A small puck of mass m and velocity v slides
ground. along a horizontal plane. The puck meets a
4. A ladybug runs along a straight line, starting “hill” of mass 3m and height h that can also
from rest, with constant acceleration. After move along the plane. The puck begins to
time t, the ladybug reverses the direction of slide up the hill. If the hill is at rest, what value
the acceleration, while keeping its magnitude of v provides for the maximum subsequent
the same. How long (T) would it take the bug velocity u of the hill? Assume that all surfaces
to get back to the starting point? are frictionless.
5. A student has a large quantity of a flexible
cable. If she cuts a piece of that cable and
hangs it vertically, the longest piece that does
not break under its own weight is l. The
student then cuts another piece and places it 10. A dumbbell consists of a light rod of
on a horizontal smooth table. A small part of length r and two small masses m attached to
the cable hangs over the edge so that the it. The dumbbell stands vertically in the
cable begins to slide down after being corner formed by two frictionless planes.
released. How long (L) can this piece be so After the bottom end is slightly moved to the
that it does not break during the slide? right, the dumbbell begins to slide. Find the
6. An object is given a quick push up an inclined speed u of the bottom end at the moment the
plane. It slides up and then comes back down. top end loses contact with the vertical plane.
It is known that the ratio of the ascent time 11. A sled is given a quick push up the snowy
(tup) to the descent time (tdown) is equal to the slope. The sled slides up and then comes back
coefficient of kinetic friction μ. Find the angle down; the whole trip takes time t. If the
θ that the inclined plane makes with the coefficient of sliding friction between the sled
and the snow is μ, find the time tu it took the inclined plane. What horizontal force F must
sled to reach the top point of its trajectory. be applied to the plane so that the force of
The slope makes the angle θ with the friction between the block and the plane is
horizontal. zero?
12. The elevator operator has an eight-hour 18. A particle is moving at a constant velocity
shift to work. She wants to be sure that she v. A constant force F is then applied to the
works exactly eight hours and installs a particle. After t seconds elapse, the speed of
pendulum clock in the elevator. Is the the particle is halved. After another t seconds
operator going to achieve her goal? Assume elapse, the speed of the particle is halved
that the upward and downward accelerations again. What is the speed of the particle vf
of the elevator have the same magnitude and after t more seconds elapse?
that the times of accelerating upward and 19. Board A is placed on board B as shown.
downward are the same, according to a Both boards slide, without moving with
resting clock. respect to each other, along a frictionless
13. Two cars begin to move toward each
other simultaneously along a straight road.
Car 1 starts from point A at a speed v1; car 2
starts at point B at a speed v2. The
acceleration of car 1 is a1; it is directed
toward A. The acceleration of car 2 is a2; it is horizontal surface at a speed v. Board B hits a
directed toward B. In the process of motion, resting board C “head-on.” After the collision,
the cars meet twice; the time interval boards B and C move together, and board A
between the meetings is t. Find the distance slides on top of board C and stops its motion
between A and B. relative to C in the position shown on the
14. A child in a boat needs to cross the river. diagram. What is the length of each board?
The speed of the current in the river is k times All three boards have the same mass, size,
greater than the speed of the boat in still and shape. It is known there is no friction
water. If a child crosses the river in such a way between boards A and B; the coefficient of
as to minimize the lateral displacement, it kinetic friction between boards A and C is μk.
takes time t to cross. What is the minimum 20. A small bucket with the mass m rests at
time required to cross the river? the bottom of a pit that has a depth h. A
15. A rock is launched upward at 45°. A winch with an elastic cord is used to lift the
bumblebee follows the trajectory of the rock bucket out of the pit. One end of the cord is
at a constant speed equal to the initial speed attached to the bucket; the other end is
of the rock. What is the acceleration of the attached to the drum of the winch. There is a
bumblebee at the top point of the trajectory? mark on the cord at the height 0.8h from the
For the rock, neglect the air resistance. bottom of the pit. The cord is vertical and
16. Projectile 1 is launched vertically upward relaxed but taut. The winch begins to rotate
with initial velocity v. Projectile 2 is launched slowly. It is noticed that the bucket loses
vertically upward t seconds after the launch contact with the ground just as the mark on
of projectile 1. Projectile 2 passes projectile 1 the cord reaches the drum. How much work
as the latter reaches the top point of its is done by that moment?
trajectory. Find the initial velocity Vi2 of 21. On the diagram, two blocks of equal
projectile 2. The acceleration due to gravity is mass are connected by an ideal string. The
g. values of m, k1, and k2 are given (k1 > k2).
17. An inclined plane of mass M makes an Initially, both springs are relaxed. Then the
angle θ with the horizontal. The plane is left block is slowly pulled down a distance x
placed on a horizontal frictionless surface. A and released. Find the acceleration of each
small block of mass m is placed on the
block immediately after the release. Find all mass is at a height h/2 from the floor; in the
possible answers. “squat” position, the center of mass is at a
height h/4 from the floor. The mass of the
student is m.

22. A spaceship is traveling in outer space at

a constant velocity v =1000 m/s. Suddenly,
the commander observes an asteroid straight
ahead. The distance to the asteroid is L = 9.0
km; the diameter of the asteroid is D = 7.0
km. The commander attempts to take an
evasive maneuver by firing the emergency
rocket. The rocket gives the spaceship a very
quick change in velocity δv = 300 m/s. Is it
possible for the spaceship to avoid the
collision? Assume that the commander can
fire the rocket in any direction.
23. A reel is being pulled along a horizontal
surface by the string wrapped around as
shown. There is no slipping between the reel
and the surface. The string is pulled at a
constant speed v. Find the angular speed ω of
the reel assuming that r and R are given.

24. A student of height h jumps vertically up

from the “squat” position. At the top point of
the jump, the student’s center of mass is at a
height 3h/4 from the ground. Find the
average force F acting on the floor prior to
the moment when the student loses contact
with the floor. It is known that when the
student stands on the floor, the center of

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