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Role of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis

in Evidence-based Medicine
Stefan Sauerland1 and Christoph M. Seiler2
(1) Biochemical and Experimental Division, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne,
Ostmerheimer Strasse 200, D-51109 Köln, Germany
(2) Clinical Study Center of the German Surgical society (SDGC), Department of Surgery,
University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 110, D-69120, Heidelberg, Germany
Stefan Sauerland
Published online: 14 April 2005
Abstract The overwhelming increase in the quantity of clinical evidence has led to
detachment of the evidence and practice because new evidence can be integrated into clinical
practice only after it has been critically appraised and synthesized on the basis of the existing
evidence. Because many clinicians lack the skills and the time for such information
processing, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, their quantitative counterparts, play an
important role in health care. Well performed systematic reviews provide clinically relevant
information for surgeons, abrogating the need to identify, read, and evaluate many individual
studies. This article reviews the basic principles of meta-analysis, discusses its potential
weaknesses such as heterogeneity and publication bias, and highlights special situations when
dealing with surgical trials.

The practice of evidence-based surgery consists of three essential parts: the preferences,
concerns, and expectations of each patient; the clinical expertise including skills, past
experience, and knowledge of the surgeon; and the best research evidence that is relevant for
clinical practice [1]. The challenge for a surgeon today is the last part of this definition. The
traditional acquisition of knowledge from inter- and intraspecialty consultation during work or
at a congress is limited in many ways (e.g., incomplete or biased knowledge of colleagues,
uncontrolled statements without quantification, conflicts of interest). The most important
source for external evidence is therefore the medical literature. In the medical literature,
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered a reference standard of clinical research
methods owing to a number of unique characteristics that try to avoid possible biases.
Surgeons, however, who try to upgrade their knowledge by reading journal articles face an
enormous task. There are about 200 major surgical journals, and each journal publishes about
250 articles per year. Thus, any surgeon who wants to keep abreast of new knowledge must
browse through 50,000 articles per year, which means 137 articles per day. This figure may
be smaller for a highly specialized surgeon, who can carefully select his or her reading, but it
still requires much more time than a busy surgeon can spare [2].
In addition to the huge volume of literature, its scattered nature poses further problems. Every
time a new article appears, readers must compare this new piece of evidence with the existing
external evidence to come to an overall clinical conclusion. This process of collecting and
summarizing scientific information over many years requires extraordinary memory
capacities that most human brains simply lack.
A third problem of the surgical literature lies in the small proportion of high-quality evidence
in most journals [3]. The number of surgical randomized controlled trials is still small, and
case reports and series seem to be the predominant publication type. Reading surgical articles
can also be trying owing to differences in study quality, such as insufficient sample size,
unclear methodology, and nonclinical outcome parameters [4].
It is therefore not surprising that many surgeons subscribe to only a few selected journals. In
consequence, clinicians are often unaware of important surgical innovations. On the other
hand, researchers are sometimes disappointed by the small overall impact of the publication
of a major trial. Here, systematic reviews are an important tool for finding important and valid
studies while filtering out the large number of seriously flawed and irrelevant articles. By
condensing the results of many trials, systematic reviews allow readers to obtain a valid
overview on a topic with substantially less reading time involved.

Traditional and Systematic Review Articles

Medical review articles have been popular for many decades because someone else has spent
the time to find and read the relevant primary articles, enabling clinical readers to gain an
overview quickly on the current state of science. In the past, clinical experts were usually
nomintated to write review articles. Because there were only a handful of surgical journals at
that time, no special skills were required to retrieve the relevant articles from these sources.
With the increasing amount of medical literature, however, traditional review articles
occasionally failed to identify the key studies on a given topic, thus drawing questionable
conclusions for clinical practice. In general, many reviews are invited commentaries and not
properly conducted pieces of research. At worst, the conclusions of nonsystematic reviews
depend on the financial affiliations of the authors [5].
Today, our reliance on review articles depends on clinical expertise combined with a
systematic approach to literature. A review earns the adjective systematic if it used
systematic ways to identify relevant studies, appraising their quality and formulating
evidence-based conclusions. An elegant approach by Antman et al. revealed that systematic
reviews reflect the current state of science better than traditional narrative review articles,
which tended to ignore innovations despite the innovation s proven effectiveness [6].
Systematic reviews can be distinguished from traditional reviews by the review s methods
section. Most narrative reviews simply lack a methods section, whereas systematic reviews
describe their methodology in detail, including questions under investigation, search strategy,
study selection criteria, assessment of study quality, and data synthesis. The introduction of
systematic reviews does not necessarily mean that narrative reviews are an outdated scientific
concept. The strength of narrative reviews lies in their broader scope, which allows one to
discuss the context of a treatment strategy. In addition, educational review articles (such as
the present article) can be a valuable instrument for continuing medical education.
The statistical pooling of results from independent studies is called meta-analysis [7]. Meta-
analysis is a possible but not necessary statistical extension of a systematic review. The two
terms are not synonymous. Only if several studies with similar patients and study designs
have been identified does pooling these studies seem reasonable so a meta-analysis can be
included as a part of a systematic review. It should be noted that despite the obvious
differences between the two terms they are still often used interchangeably. Even worse,
many systematic reviews are indexed in MEDLINE as traditional or educational review
articles, which can make it a difficult task to find systematic reviews for answering a clinical
Although meta-analysis had been a common research method in agricultural research,
psychology, and physics [8], it was not until the 1980s that medical researchers used meta-
analytic methods [7, 9]. Medical meta-analysis increased significantly thereafter, but there are
still plenty of primary studies from various fields that have not yet been examined by meta-
analysis. One reason for this shortage of high-quality meta-analyses is the lack of cooperation
between surgeons and meta-analysts. In addition, production of a systematic review is an
extremely demanding task, which is comparable to a clinical trial.

Basic Principles of a Systematic Review

A systematic review (with or without meta-analysis) can be described as a seven-step process
(Fig. 1). Prior to the beginning of this process, selected sources of systematic reviews and
guidelines (e.g., Cochrane, MEDLINE, Embase) should be checked for reviews already
existing in the respective field. Every research project then starts with a clear clinical question
and the setup of a protocol. The review protocol is necessary because meta-analysis itself is a
retrospective study, where data-driven analyses can be as misleading as in any clinical study.
Inclusion or exclusion of certain studies can heavily distort the results of a meta-analysis.
Therefore, criteria for study selection must be specified in advance to the literature research.
Most meta-analyses are done based on randomized controlled trials, but a meta-analysis can
aggregate the results from other epidemiologic designs such as nonrandomized or case-control
studies in exactly the same manner. Only data from noncomparative studies cannot be pooled
by this method. Different study types should rarely be merged in a meta-analysis.

Figure 1 Seven steps when performing a meta-analysis. (Modified from Neugebauer et al.
[10], with permission.)

Searching the literature for potentially relevant articles [11] is the most time-consuming part
of a systematic review. Consequently, systematic reviews still appear in the literature for
which careless and superficial literature searches were performed. It has been demonstrated
that restricting a literature search to only English-language or MEDLINE-indexed articles
carries the potential risk of an incorrectly increased treatment estimate [12, 13]. Any valid
search strategy should include non-MEDLINE databases such as Embase and Cochrane.
Language restrictions should be avoided.
Two independent persons should screen and select potentially relevant abstracts. All retrieved
studies are assessed again independently for inclusion and exclusion criteria. The exclusion of
studies should be documented so readers can understand the essential selection process [14].
Once a set of studies has been selected, these studies must be critically appraised in detail
[15]. The use of checklists may be helpful for this assessment. However, the summary score
determined by the checklists should not be used as a measure of overall study quality [16].
Important clinical and methodologic study characteristics should then be tabulated. At this
stage, it might be necessary to contact the authors of primary studies to obtain important
information missing in the publication. Contact with the authors is also essential when a study
has been published as an abstract only.
The fourth step in a systematic review is the extraction of data from primary studies. In
systematic reviews the original data summarized in publications is analyzed, but again it can
be necessary to contact the authors if an article does not contain the relevant data in the right
format. For a meta-analysis, original data should be given as rates (for binary outcomes) or as
mean values with standard deviations (or any other measure of spread) for both treatment and
control groups. If results are reported only as being significant, it is nearly impossible to
use this information. Another problem arises when data are skewed in a way that normal
distribution is missing. Hospital stay, for example, is often reported as median and
interquartile range. According to the distribution of data, this approach is correct and even
desirable; but the meta-analysis cannot work with nonnormally distributed data. Similar but
less severe problems occur when survival data must be analyzed.

Statistical Principles
Step five of a systematic review consists of the statistical meta-analysis. Although it is
frequently assumed that pooling data from various trials is equivalent to a simple addition of
trial results, this assumption is not correct. In fact, each study must be treated as a singly
entity. Differences in baseline risk, concomitant therapy, and outcome definition of studies
should not be combined directly. Consequently, treatment estimates, such as relative risks,
must be calculated for each trial result. Multiplication of relative risks with a weighting factor
that is dependent on the sample size of each trial ensures comparability of qualitatively and
quantitatively diverse studies. This pooling method is valid, as it does not use data from
different studies as if they came from one large single study. Nowadays, freely available
statistical software packages allow a quick meta-analytic calculation of different effect
measures with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) (Fig. 2). The choice of the effect measure (e.g.,
relative risk, odds ratio, or risk difference) depends on the effect sizes and their relation to
baseline risk [17].

Figure 2 Example of a meta-analysis without major apparent problems. All studies vary
around the summary estimate of 0.81. Although none of the 10 primary studies is significant,
the pooled estimate becomes significant because of the increased power (p = 0.04). Larger
studies can be recognized by having smaller confidence intervals and larger boxes.
(Hypothetical data for this forest plot were simulated assuming an effect size of 0.80 and an
average study size of 50 patients.)
The main argument against meta-analysis claims that highly unequal studies are forced into a
common treatment estimate. This mixture of apples and oranges may represent an
unjustified simplification, whereas in truth a broad diversity of results exists. Therefore, it is
generally agreed upon that any meta-analysis should include a formal examination of
heterogeneity. It can (and should) be tested statistically whether the results of the studies in a
meta-analysis differ among each other to a greater extent than can be expected from pure
chance alone. For this purpose, a new quantity, 12, was recently proposed [18]. It allows
measurement of heterogeneity as a percentage, with values over 75% indicating high
heterogeneity. Alternatively, heterogeneity can also be examined graphically, as shown in
Figure 3.

Figure 3 Left. Example of a meta-analysis with evidence of strong heterogeneity. Note that
the confidence intervals of many primary studies are not overlapping each other. The pooled
estimate gives a misleading impression of the primary trials. Right. Heterogeneity can be
resolved by subdividing the studies into two groups according to clinical or methodologic
characteristics. Two different effects of 0.52 and 1.18 appear in the two subgroups.

Dealing with Heterogeneity among Trials

Any systematic review inevitably includes studies that are to some extent heterogeneous.
Heterogeneity primarily denotes that the range of results varies among included trials.
Although heterogeneity may be due to chance alone, it can also be caused by clinical or
methodologic differences among trials and might thereby result in systematic errors. Clinical
considerations are also necessary when deciding whether a set of trials should be integrated
into a common treatment estimate. Heterogeneity in surgical trials is likely to arise through
diversity in technical expertise of trial surgeons. From this viewpoint, heterogeneity could
represent an important opportunity to understand treatment effects better [19]. Ideally, meta-
analysis can resolve the discrepancies between individual trial results by identifying
confounding variables that modify trial results. Investigation of possible effect modifiers is
called sensitivity analysis—step six in Figure 1.
In most cases, sensitivity analyses classify primary studies into two (or three) groups (Fig. 3).
Groups are formed according to the methodologic or clinical characteristics likely to influence
trial results. From a clinical point of view, patient characteristics (e.g., age, gender, co-
morbidity), treatment characteristics (e.g., compliance, doses, or duration of therapy), and
outcome measurement (e.g., length of follow-up, definition of diagnostic procedures) are
important variables that might interfere with trial results [20]. Methodologically, it has been
shown that blinding, proper randomization (with concealed allocation), and correct analysis
(according to intention-to-treat) have an impact on trial results [15, 21]. Depending on the
topic, some of these variables should be selected early in the review protocol to define clearly
the prospective sensitivity analyses.
In predefined sensitivity analyses, different trial subgroups are then compared with each
other. It is not important whether the results of compared groups remain significant; rather,
differences between the groups deserve attention. Significant differences indicate that trial
results might vary with the presence (or absence) of this covariable. Such a finding can help to
resolve discrepancies among primary trials and for generating new hypotheses. If the
covariable is continuous, trial results may also be modeled along this variable without
creating subgroups [22]. Such meta-regression may, for example, find that treatment effects
continually decrease with increasing age of each study s patient sample.
However, if at the end the trial results are still highly heterogeneous and no explanation can
be found for this heterogeneity, the pooling of trial results is better omitted. In this case, the
review would stop at the state of a systematic review without extension to a meta-analysis. A
systematic review that abstains from pooling studies should not be considered a failed

Publication Bias
Studies reporting significant treatment effects are more likely to be published [23], published
in English [13], and published more quickly [24] than nonsignificant studies. This problem,
known as publication bias, affects the validity of the medical literature as a whole because the
obtained results may be misleading. Although exhaustive literature searches can partly
compensate for the problem, unpublished studies cannot be traced even through the best
literature search. Therefore, any withholding of study results should be banned as scientific
and ethical misconduct. In addition, prospective registration of planned or ongoing trials may
reduce the proportion of unpublished data.
Until these efforts are realized, other measures are necessary to examine how seriously the
results of a meta-analysis are influenced by publication bias. In this regard, the funnel plot is a
useful graphic tool, which Egger et al. have complemented with a statistical test [25]. The
principle of the funnel plot is quite simple (Fig. 4). It goes by the assumption that larger
studies are more likely of being published, whereas smaller trials may get published only if
they report a significant result. Thus, any difference between the results of large versus small
studies should cast suspicion on the overall validity of the published evidence because this
finding indicates that some small studies have not been published owing to their
nonsignificance. Today, the funnel plot has become a standard procedure in meta-analysis,
although sometimes constructing a funnel plot is impossible because of the low number of
available studies. Also noteworthy is the fact that publication bias does not necessarily lead to
Figure 4 Left. Example of a meta-anaiysis with evidence of publication bias. Note that only
two small studies (E and H) reach borderline signficance; the larger studies are closer to the
line of equivalence (RR = 1). Right. Publication bias can be detected by arranging studies
according to sample size (or statistical weight), as shown in the funnel plot. Apparently, some
smaller, nonsignificant studies went unpublished. The gray fields indicate the 95% confidence
limits for study results.

Once the funnel plot shows clear asymmetry, the interpretation of the meta-analysis becomes
complicated, as there is no opportunity to locate the apparently missing unpublished
phantom studies. In consequence, for evidence-based decision-making, one rigorously
conducted study of 1000 patients is a better information source than 10 studies of a 100
patients each [26].
In the seventh and final step of a systematic review, the results are summarized and published.
Publication of systematic reviews should comply with the QUORUM standards [14], which
recommend a clear description of all critical steps. The conclusions of a systematic review
should envisage clinical and scientific recommendations. Especially in cases where not a
single study was found addressing an important question, systematic reviews are important for
guiding future research funding. For further details on systematic review methodology,
readers are referred to recent comprehensive textbooks [27, 28].

Special Types of Systematic Reviews

If only a small number of large studies have been published on a topic, it may be possible to
obtain the original data sets for all primary studies, so meta-analysis can be performed with
these data instead of published means and percentages. Sometimes such an individual patient
data (IPD) meta-analysis generates more precise results [29], but usually this increase in
precision does not justify the increased efforts of data collection. One well recognized
example of a surgical IPD meta-analysis is the European Hernia Trialists Collaboration [30].
Recently, network meta-analysis was proposed for situations for which only indirect
comparisons have been published. If, for example, a set of studies has compared treatments A
and C, whereas other studies have compared treatments B and C, it is a valid approach to take
C as a basis for comparing A and B [31]. This technique is valuable when many placebo-
controlled trials are available on a topic but head-to-head comparisons are lacking. In the
surgical field, such an approach might be chosen for a future meta-analysis of inguinal hernia
Finally, it should be noted that meta-analyses of diagnostic studies differ from therapeutic
meta-analyses in many ways. First, the literature search looks for cohort studies instead of
randomized trials. Various study characteristics, such as independent and blinded
performance of diagnostic tests, are important [32]. Also different are the statistical
procedures, which most often use weighted estimates of sensitivity and specificity for

Role of Evidence Based Guidelines

The methodology of the systematic review has strongly influenced surgeons opinion of
clinical guidelines. If review articles should be systematic, guidelines and consensus
conference also should be evidence-based [33]. Today, most guideline projects start with a
systematic review of the literature. If guideline authors find a systematic review, there is often
no need for another look through all of the primary studies. The major difference between a
guideline and a systematic review is that a guideline usually includes more than one question
so more than one systematic review is necessary. In addition, a guideline has to reach a
clinical conclusion, whereas a systematic review often concludes only that insufficient
evidence is available.
In essence, practice guidelines and meta-analyses are not competitors; rather, they are
complementary approaches to closing the gap between research and practice. One example of
a fruitful coexistence of systematic reviews and guidelines (or health technology assessment)
is the guideline development program of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery
(EAES). Another example is the Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New
Interventional Procedures (ASERNIP), which is partly led by the Royal Australasian College
of Surgeons.

Surgical Meta-analyses
Most of the differences between meta-analyses in surgery and those in other fields originate
from the differences between, for example, a surgical procedure and a pharmaceutical drug.
While a tablet acts more or less uniformly, the success of an operation depends on the
expertise of the surgeon. Furthermore, most surgeons do not perform their operations in a
fully standardized and reproducible manner. Slight modifications occur over time that may
lead to variable treatment effects. Although a few surgical RCTs have prescribed the
commitment of all trial surgeons to a standard technique, this is still not the case in most
surgical studies.
Although there is a large body of evidence showing superior treatment results from
experienced versus inexperienced surgeons, this association has not yet been shown in
surgical meta-analyses. A comparison of operating times and wound infection rates after
laparoscopic and open appendectomy failed to find a difference between experienced and
inexperienced trial surgeons [34, 35]. In primary studies, however, reporting on surgical
expertise is often vague or completely missing. These and other problems may lead to a more
heterogeneity among surgical trials than medical trials, thus threatening the validity of a meta-
analysis based on these data. Those who use systematic reviews for clinical decision-making
and evidence-based medicine must take into account the possible shortcomings of surgical

Cochrane Collaboration
Given the complex and difficult methodology of systematic reviews, it is understandable that
some reviews are still published despite major flaws. Meta-analysts therefore have decided to
collaborate on an international level to raise the quality standards of systematic reviews.
Based on preliminary experience in the united kingdom, the Cochrane Collaboration was
founded a decade ago. Its aim is to prepare, maintain, and disseminate systematic reviews of
the effects of health care [36]. The organizational structure of the Collaboration is based on
the scientific enthusiasm of its members, and financial issues are kept in the background. The
revenues from selling the Cochrane Library are used mostly for burning and distributing CDs
and for software development.
Cochrane reviews, now numbering over 1700, have been found to be of higher quality than
paper-based reviews [37]. This finding can be explained by the close collaboration of
researchers and clinicians. Furthermore, manual searching of non-MEDLINE journals and
abstract volumes for RCT reports is a cornerstone of the Cochrane Collaboration. Probably
the biggest advantage of Cochrane reviews is their periodic updating. Each time a major new
study appears (or at least every second year), a review must be updated or it is excluded.
For surgeons, the Cochrane Library also contains valuable information, although clearly more
reviews have been published on nonsurgical topics [38]. The interested reader should note
that many surgical topics are as yet unreviewed, although conducting a review would earn the
reviewer a free copy of the Cochrane Library.

The art of writing an overview has developed from the classic and unsystematic into a
systematic, often quantitative review. For surgeons such articles provide the opportunity to
obtain evidence-based summaries more quickly than from primary studies. Because
heterogeneity, publication bias, and learning curve effects represent serious problems to
systematic reviews, surgeons should have a basic understanding of methodology. Not every
meta-analysis represents level I evidence.

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