Recommended Plant Species For Banff To Avoid Animals
Recommended Plant Species For Banff To Avoid Animals
Recommended Plant Species For Banff To Avoid Animals
It is illegal within any national park to collect plants from the wild. Outside the national parks, plants may only be
collected with the landowner’s permission. From time to time, Parks Canada may authorize relocation of native
plants within Banff National Park as part of environmental mitigations of approved landscape-disturbing projects.
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Common Name Scientific Name Native Fire Palatability Comments
Smart* (deer & elk)
Evergreen Trees
Alpine Fir Abies lasiocarpa Native H Medium May be browsed in winter.
White Spruce Picea glauca Native H Low
Colorado Spruce Picea pungens No H Low
Lodgepole Pine Pinus contorta Native H Low Saplings may be harmed by
var. latifolia elk during rutting season &
Limber Pine Pinus flexilis Native H Low Long lived. Full sun, Doesn’t
like to be coddled.
Rocky Mt. Pseudotsuga Native M Medium May be browsed when young
Douglas Fir menziesii and flexible.
Evergreen Shrubs
Common Name Scientific Name Native Fire Palatability Comments
Smart* (deer & elk)
Kinnikinnick or Arctostaphylos Native H Low Good for groundcover and
Bearberry uva-ursi xeriscaping. Can be hard to
Common Juniper Juniperus Native VH Medium More prickly than Creeping
communis Juniper; good for xeriscape
Creeping Juniper Juniperus Native VH Medium Many cultivars available;
horizontalis good for xeriscape
Rocky Mountain Juniperus Native VH Low Good for xeriscape; vertical
Juniper scopulorum vs horizontal growth
Deciduous Trees
Common Name Scientific Name Native Fire Palatability Comments
Smart* (deer & elk)
Mountain Maple / Acer glabrum Native VL Medium May be available in the near
Douglas Maple future from native plant
nurseries. Very attractive.
“Baron” Manitoba Acer negundo No VL Medium Spreads. Plant seedless
Maple cultivar only.
River Birch/ Betula occidentalis Native VL Low Tough, smaller, multi-
Water Birch/ branched. Small tree or tall
Black Birch shrub.
Paper Birch/ Betula papyrifera Native VL Low Needs lots of water. Delicate
White Birch bark.
Western Larch Larix occidentalis Native VL Medium Native to Kananaskis.
Siberian Larch Larix sibirica No M Medium
Balsam Poplar/ Populus Native VL High Aggressive spreader.
Balm of Gilead balsamifera
Trembling Populus Native VL High More resistant to browsing
Aspen/ Quaking tremuloides than most poplars and
Aspen willows. Aggressive, but
traditional browsing has
prevented its invasive
Brooks No. 6 Populus “X” Brooks No VL High Avoid non-native poplar
Poplar & No. 6, Populus “X” varieties -- potential for
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Northwest Poplar jackii “Northwest” genetic contamination of
wild poplars.
Pincherry Prunus Native VL Medium Not recommended; may
pensylvanica attract bears.
Western Prunus virginiana Native VL Medium Not recommended; may
Chokecherry attract bears.
Mountain Ash Sorbus scopulina, Native VL High Berries attract birds; may
species etc & non also attract bears.
Deciduous Shrubs
Common Name Scientific Name Native Fire Palatability Comments
Smart* (deer & elk)
Gout Weed; Aegapodium No L High Can be quite invasive within
“Snow-in-the- variogardum a garden area.
Green alder Alnus crispa Native VL Medium Prefers moister sites
Mountain/ River Alnus tenuifolia Native VL Medium Tends to spread out and
Alder a.k.a. A. incana colonize along moist areas.
Alder rugosa Seeds attractive to some
Saskatoon Amelanchier Native L High May attract bears. Moist
alnifolia and dry sites, adaptable.
Susceptible to a rust fungus.
Alpine Bearberry Arctostaphylos Native L Low Very attractive, leaves turn
rubra red in fall.
Bog, Shrub/ Betula glandulosa Native L Medium Prefers moister sites. Nice
Dwarf Birch alternative to cotoneaster.
Fall colours.
Peking Cotoneaster No L High Very attractive to elk.
Cotoneaster acutifolius These are the ‘short’ hedges
you see around town.
Red Osier Cornus stolonifera Native L High Very attractive to elk,
Dogwood berries may attract bears.
Excellent fall and winter
colours. Can take a lot of
Wolf Willow/ Elaeagnus Native L Medium Very aromatic; many
Silverberry commutata cultivars on market.
Aggressive spreader, plant
in contained area.
Labrador Tea Ledum Native L Medium White flowers. Evergreen
groenlandicum leaves. Grows in boggy wet,
Twining Lonicera dioica Native L Medium Yellow flowers, twines
Honeysuckle around other vegetation.
Attractive to hummingbirds.
Bracted Lonicera Native L Low Prefers damp woodlands.
Honeysuckle involucrata Grows into dense shrub.
Shrubby Potentilla fruticosa Native L Low Yellow flowers. Best choice of
Cinquefoil shrubs to grow in Banff, as
not attractive to ungulates or
bears. Many cultivars
available. The native one has
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silver leaves as opposed to
shiny green leaves.
Wild Ribes Native L Low Prefers moist woods or
Gooseberry/ oxycanthoides north-facing aspects. Great
Northern fall colours.
Prickly Rose Rosa acicularis Native L High Earlier flowering. Most
commercial shrub roses are
non-native varieties.
Aggressive spreader, plant
in contained area.
Common Wild Rosa woodsii Native L Medium Prefers moist woods.
Rose Flowers later than Prickly
Wild Red Rubus idaeus Native L Medium Berries attractive to wildlife.
Bebb’s Willow/ Salix bebbiana Native VL High Shrub or tall tree.
Beaked Willow
Pussy Willow Salix discolour Native VL High Shrub.
Smooth Willow/ Salix glauca Native VL High Erect shrub. Prefers moist
Gray-leaved areas.
Elderberry Sambucus Native VL high Not recommended; berries
racemosa var. may attract bears.
pubens or
Canadian Shepherdia Native L Medium Bears attracted to berries.
Buffaloberry/ Canadensis Plant male bushes only.
Soapberry/ Prefers open canopy, not
Soopalallie very vigorous.
Meadowsweet/ Spiraea betulifolia Native L Low Showy white flowers.
Snowberry Symphoricarpos Native L Medium Tends to colonize. Good tall
albus groundcover.
Buckbrush or Symphoricarpos Native L Medium Can be invasive; containment
Western occidentalis recommended. Many
Snowberry cultivars on the market.
Common Lilac Syringa vulgaris No L Medium
Low Bush Viburnum edule Native L Medium Prefers moist boggy areas.
Cranberry Attractive to birds.
*Fire smart flammability rating: VH very high H high M Medium L Low VL Very Low
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Do Elk Treat Your Yard as a Salad Bar?
Please remember that ALL elk are potentially dangerous. That means always keeping a
safe distance (30 metres) away, even if they do not seem threatening or perturbed. Your
close presence may also contribute to their habituation to people. It is important to
remind your neighbours and visitors about how to safely view elk too.
Please report all elk and bear activity in town to the 24 hr Park Dispatch at 403-762-1470.
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Native Wildflowers
Please note that this list identifies species that are available from southern Alberta nurseries and native plant
growers. Never take plants from natural areas, protected or not.
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Wild Strawberry Fragaria virginiana White. Actively spreads by runners. Attracts
birds and rodents.
Gaillardia/ Blanketflower/ Gaillardia aristata Yellow. Very showy. Blooms early summer. Very
Brown-eyed Susan drought tolerant, don’t water.
Northern Bedstraw Galium boreale White. Blooms mid-summer. Good fill-in plant.
Felwort/ Northern Gentian Gentianella amarella Purple. Blooms late summer. Annual.
Fringed Gentian Gentianella crinata Purple. Blooms late summer. Grows in moist
areas. Difficult to propagate.
Wild White Geranium Geranium richardsonii White. Blooms mid-summer. Prefers shady
Sticky Purple Geranium Geranium viscosissimum Rose-purple. Blooms mid-summer. Long
Three-flowered Avens/ Geum triflorum Pink. Attractive seedhead give it the names
Prairie Smoke/ Old Man’s Whiskers. Blooms
early summer.
Alpine Hedysarum/ Alpine Hedysarum alpinum Magenta.
Northern Hedysarum/ Hedysarum boreale Magenta. Extremely attractive.
Northern Sweet-vetch
Cow Parsnip Heracleum lanatum White. Prefers moist, rich soils. * Bears eat
celery-like stalks.
Alumroot Heuchera richardsonii Creamy flowers. Great in rock gardens. Native
“coral bells”. Once established, drought tolerant.
Western Wood Lily/ Tiger Lilium philadelphicum Orange, showy. Blooms early summer. Takes +5
Lily years to flower. Wooded areas.
Twinflower Linnaea borealis Pink. Groundcover for shady areas.
Wild Blue Flax/ Western Linum lewisii Blue. Blooms early to mid-summer. Drought-
Blue Flax resistent. European varieties may be sold as
native at nurseries. Short-lived, self-replacing.
Yellow Puccoon/ Woolly Lithospermum ruderale Pale yellow. Blooms mid summer.
Alpine Forget-me-not Myosotis alpestris Deep blue. Blooms early summer. Tends to
colonize. Full sun.
Wild Bergamot/ Monarda fistulosa Deep pink. Aromatic. Grows best in clumps.
Horsemint/ Beebalm Blooms late summer.
Reflexed Locoweed Oxytropis deflexa Purple. Blooms mid-summer.
Early Yellow Locoweed/ Oxytropis sericea Yellow. Blooms early summer. All locoweeds are
Silky Locoweed nitrogen-fixing.
Showy Locoweed Oxytropis splendens Magenta. Silver foliage. Blooms early summer.
Best in dry well-drained areas.
Viscid Locoweed Oxytropis viscida Blue-purple. Blooms early summer.
Silky Scorpionweed/ Silky Phacelia sericea Purple. Good for rock gardens.
Yellow Beardtongue/ Penstemon confertus Yellow. Blooms mid-summer.
Yellow Penstemon
Slender Penstomen Penstomen procerus Delicate spikes of blue tube-like flowers; great
in rock gardens.
Showy Jacob’s Ladder Polemonium pulcherrimum Blue. Blooms early summer. Long bloomer.
Graceful Cinquefoil Potentilla gracilis Yellow. Blooms mid-summer.
Yellow Rattle/ Rattlebox Rhinanthus minor a.k.a. R. Yellow. Blooms mid-summer. Tends to spread.
crista-galli Annual.
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Spotted Saxifrage Saxifrage bronchialis White with red “freckles”. Great for rock
Lance-leaved Stonecrop Sedum lanceolatum Yellow, succulent leaves. Great for rock gardens.
Prairie Groundsel/ Woolly Senecio canus Yellow. Blooms early summer.
Moss Campion Silene acaulis Pink. Full sun, good for rock gardens. Becomes
oasis for other seedlings.
Star-flowered Solomon’s- Smilacina stellata White. Blooms early summer. Prefers moist
Seal areas. Spreads like Lily-of-the-Valley.
Canada Goldenrod Solidago canadensis Yellow. Late season bloomer. Tall. Tends to be
Missouri Goldenrod/ Low Solidago missouriensis Yellow. Blooms later summer.
Mountain Goldenrod/ Solidago spathulata a.k.a. S. Yellow. Blooms late summer. Smallest
Spike-like Goldenrod decumbens goldenrod.
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Native Grasses & Ground Covers
Native grasses are not suited for a high maintenance,
regularly-mowed turf. They can also be very hard to
manage once they get a hold in your garden because
grasses out-compete other plants. What may have started
as a natural-looking meadow, now looks more like a hay
field! As grasses are often used for xeriscaping (read: little
or no watering beyond what falls from the sky) grasses dry
out and can become a fire hazard close to home. That said,
there are many attractive native sedges or other ground
covers, such as dryas and kinnikinnick that live in dry areas Foxtail barley is native to Banff, but
that can be planted. Their advantage is that they still do the can rapidly take over, so it is best to
keep it out of your garden.
job of holding soil in place like grasses, but do not dry out as © Parks Canada
much to become a fire hazard, nor spread the way grasses do.
A Word on Turf: As much as possible, green turf areas should be minimized due to elk attraction
and high maintenance requirements, which can lead to demand for cosmetic herbicide treatments
and excessive watering. Where high-use public areas require turf, high quality non-native
Kentucky Bluegrass/Creeping Red Fescue Mixes similar to the following are recommended:
A list of native grass and grass-like species is available upon request from Banff National Park for
reclamation and restoration projects. Contact Heather Dempsey at (403) 762-1464 or for details.
Information Sources:
Heather Dempsey, Parks Canada compiler
Ecological (Biophysical) Land Classification of Banff & Jasper National Parks (Holland & Coen 1983)
Preferred Plantings for Jasper National Park
Exotic Plants and cultivated landscapes in the mountain national parks: a growing concern. Lake
Louise, Yoho and Kootenay Field Unit, Parks Canada 2001.ISBN: 0-662-29777-6
Town of Banff’s Design Guidelines - Recommended Plant Materials
“Native Plant Source List” & “Collection and Use Guidelines” (March 2007) Alberta Native Plant
Diane McIvor, Bow Valley Naturalists
Kevin Pattison, Fairmont Banff Springs Golf Course
Kathy Tannas, Eastern Slopes Rangeland Seed Ltd
Pat Fedkenheuer, ALCLA Native Plant Restoration Inc., Calgary
Banff Field Unit Vegetation Management Plan (DeLong & Pengelly 2002)
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* from the Alberta Native Plant Council as a public service. ( It is not to be considered an
endorsement of the organizations or their services listed below.
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Vale's Greenhouses
3rd Ave. and 3rd St. NW, Box 186,
Black Diamond, AB T0L 0H0
Phone: (403) 933-4814; Fax: (403) 933-3095
Vale’s produces a selection of local native
Related Websites:
Alberta Native Plant Council:
Banff National Park:
Naturescape Alberta:
Alberta Invasive Plant Council: