Prontuario INEL 4115
Prontuario INEL 4115
Prontuario INEL 4115
Mayagüez Campus
College of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
1. General Information:
2. Course Description
3. Pre/Co-Requisites
INEL 3105
4. Course Objectives:
The primary objective is to familiarize students with the physical properties of electronic
components, while
providing practical experience with modern measurement instruments and techniques,
stressing safety in the
workplace. Secondary objectives are to expand the student’s ability to communicate
technical information
through technical reports and to continue developing team-working skills.
5. Instructional Strategies:
Student Manual
8. Grading System:
Quantifiable (letters)
9. Evaluation Strategies:
10. Bibliography: text book, title, author and year and other supplement materials
Students will identify themselves with the Institution and the instructor of the course for
purposes of
assessment (exams) accommodations. For more information please call the
Student with Disabilities Office which is part of the Dean of Students office (Chemistry
Building, room 019)
at (787)265-3862 or (787)832-4040 extensions 3250 or 3258.
Engineering Topic
Specific goals for the course
# Course Outcomes
ABET Student
Person (s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Raúl E. Torres,
Committee Coordinator,
March 07. Revised by: Academic Affairs Committee, May 15, 2008.