Abstract:: Mission: The IDSC (Information and Decision Support Center) Is
Abstract:: Mission: The IDSC (Information and Decision Support Center) Is
Abstract:: Mission: The IDSC (Information and Decision Support Center) Is
IDSC objectives:
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management
They are responsible for well defining the IDSC objectives and the
ways to achieve it for new employees, taking into consideration
employees personal goals and align both objectives together to
increase employees' loyalty and make them feel that they belong to
the organization.
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management
The IDSC human resources department sets its own mission and
objectives but they don’t have a written work strategy.
They use the information they get from job analysis in recruiting
and selecting new employees.
After analyzing each job the human resources department set the
suitable training according to the required activities.
Human Resources Management
2) the paying system for the 1st category due to a paying schema.
3) The paying system for the 2nd category depends on two main
factors university degrees and working experience. Employees can
fill higher positions according to the more experience they have or
the more university degrees they achieve.
Human Resources Management
It is able to carry out its activity with the cooperation from different
line managers which benefit the organization as a whole due to
unifying the goals
They have HRM strategy but they aren’t aware of it's existence
because the human resources department have a well defined
activities, objectives and policies and they are also trying to align it
with employees behavior and competences that the organization
require. This means that they are creating a strategy oriented HR
The use of World Wide Web helps them to give full image to all
Human Resources Management
They use different work practices which is useful for them to attract
and retain a better qualified, more diverse work force including
those who cant work full time or with in standard hours which
increase motivation and also give chances for this kind of
employees to do training or higher degree studies which surely
benefit the organization.
Human Resources Management
After our analysis and evaluation of IDSC we found that its highly
performing, enjoy growth with increasing employees satisfaction
and motivation, and using training practices which leads to
achieving both employees and organization goals.