Abstract:: Mission: The IDSC (Information and Decision Support Center) Is

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Human Resources Management


In this report we analyze and evaluate the performance of the

Human Resources Department of the Information Decision Support
System of Egypt (IDSC, Egyptian Cabinet). Added to that, we want
to know the Human Resources department degree of enrolment to
achieve the organization goals.


Mission: The IDSC (Information and Decision Support Center) is

working to create the conditions required for accelerating the rate of
social and economic development in line with national goals through
conducting developmental studies and economic analysis necessary
for supporting decision makers.

Vision: To be the distinguished organization in the field of decision

support and data provision adopting the concepts of neutrality and
total quality.


1) Follow up and monitor important daily events and local, regional,

and international
economic phenomenon.

2) Analyze major economic issues that interest decision makers.

3) Prepare reports, studies, and researches related to economic


4) Participate in administrative developments that is currently

taking place in all Egyptian governorates

5) Developing economic composite indices.

IDSC objectives:

1) Assist the Cabinet in the decision support process in

comprehensive economic and social development fields.

2) Tackling different social and economic issues that face the

Egyptian society and concern the decision makers as well as
prepare relevant information and reports.

3) Supporting different governmental entities in developing their

capabilities in preparing studies and taking decisions.

Human Resources Management

4) Forecasting economic trends and analyzing all effects of events

that could happen on domestic, regional, and global levels.

5) Active participation in international events and cooperation with

specialized entities in the fields of information and decision support.

6) Developing Egyptian human resources with the aim of building a

new generation capable of dealing with requirements of

Human Resources Management

IDSC Human Resources Department Analysis:

The IDSC human resources department is responsible for

carrying out these functions with a high degree of
consultation from different line managers and the use of
external providers:

They conduct job analysis for different jobs in the organization

through interviewing their employees in order to get full job
descriptions for each job; with the cooperation of each line manger
they set the required job specifications for each job.

Selecting & recruiting the best candidates to join IDSC Staff in

addition to determining their job specializations according to their
previous experiences & most adequate field of work.

Setting payroll system in consultation with line managers and

external providers.

Providing achievement allowances based on the results of a monthly

performance appraisal.

The IDSC human resources department is responsible for the

following functions solely or with a low level of consultation
from different line managers:

They are responsible for well defining the IDSC objectives and the
ways to achieve it for new employees, taking into consideration
employees personal goals and align both objectives together to
increase employees' loyalty and make them feel that they belong to
the organization.

Improving & enhancing IDSC employees' skills through the

implementation of employees training plan.

Making a monthly performance appraisal for all employees except

for the four directors.

Motivating employees by developing & enhancing IDSC internal

work environment through facilitating the proper working conditions
needed to preserve an effective working power of highly qualified
calibers that have the motive to excel and distinguish. Added to
that, offering medical and transportation benefits in order to
increase the degree of motivation too their employees.

Human Resources Management

Communicating with employees by preparing job satisfaction survey

for all IDSC employees periodically based on a six- months interval
in order to build employee's commitment.

Developing and enhancing the skills of IDSC’s senior level


Attracting qualified employees with convenient payment

(governmental payment system)

IDSC human resources department is not involved in the

following functions by any means:

Controlling the labor cost.

Workforce expansion or reduction.

IDSC human resources manager carries out two main


Line function through directing activities of employees in the human

resources department.

Staff functions by assisting and advising all IDSC departments in

hiring, training, evaluating and rewarding employees.

IDSC strategic management process:

IDSC are able to define their organization misiion and vision by

setting organization goals like serving as a think tank to the
Egyptian Cabinet in the area of decision support in economic, social,
and political development issues.

They achieve these strategic goals by performing internal and

external audit and then set internal strategies like Sustain human
resources development with the purpose of enhancing staff
members’ skills and building new cadres to cover IDSC’s different
fields of operation and crucial issues. And also they set external
strategies like developing relations with the ministries and different
governmental authorities aiming to adopt a team work approach
instead of competitiveness.



Human Resources Management

The IDSC human resources department sets its own mission and
objectives but they don’t have a written work strategy.

The IDSC human resources department has an execution role in

implementing organization strategy. But they don’t enroll in the
formulation of the strategy.

The use of the job analysis information:

They use the information they get from job analysis in recruiting
and selecting new employees.

They make a performance appraisal each month and they giving

achievement allowances by comparing the job description with
actual performance and also according to the value added from
each employee in each department.

After analyzing each job the human resources department set the
suitable training according to the required activities.

Human resources department role in training process:

The IDSC human resources department develops cadres who are

capable of utilizing the modern scientific approaches during stages
of decision support by using HR information system to great extent
in carrying out different activates.

Developing and build up staff members related capabilities by

Allowing the staff members access to a skills inventory and
applying new techniques in human resources development.

Developing and enhancing the skills of IDSC’s senior level

management by encouraging and supporting IDSC staff members’
postgraduate related researches studies.

The training process is carried out by the human resources

development with a limited degree of consultation from different
line managers.

Human Resources Management

IDSC performance appraisal:

The human resources department make performance appraisal for

all the employees except the four IDSC directors on monthly basis
by alternation ranking method in each department based on the
value added from each of them.

And according to this performance appraisal they determine

achievement allowances.

The IDSC human resources department faces a problem because of

the short period between performing each evaluation.

The IDSC paying system is determined by:

1) Dividing all the jobs into 3 categories, each category has a

certain paying system. (non university degree ,university degree
and experience, high achievements in all aspects)

2) the paying system for the 1st category due to a paying schema.

3) The paying system for the 2nd category depends on two main
factors university degrees and working experience. Employees can
fill higher positions according to the more experience they have or
the more university degrees they achieve.

4) The paying system for the 3'rd category is determined mostly by

the performance and achievements in all aspects.

5) The higher the rank are paid more.

Human Resources Management

Evaluation of IDSC Human Resources Department:

It is relatively small when compared to importance and size of the


It is able to carry out its activity with the cooperation from different
line managers which benefit the organization as a whole due to
unifying the goals

They have HRM strategy but they aren’t aware of it's existence
because the human resources department have a well defined
activities, objectives and policies and they are also trying to align it
with employees behavior and competences that the organization
require. This means that they are creating a strategy oriented HR

They are not involved in the formulation of the organization

strategy because this gives HR department more central role in
managing performance.

The HR department needs more improvements in the areas of

payroll and training because of the increase of relaying on external
provider in major HR functions.

They benefit from the interview method in conducting job analysis

because it is simple and quick way to collect information includes
information that might never appear in a written form. But they also
affected by the distortion of information.

The job description made by the HR department Is relatively close

to the standard job description because it include job code, job
name, summary, responsibilities and job qualification.

setting both organization and HR department mission helps them to

communicate organizations objective to all the members of the
organization in order to specify the organization goals to prevent
any deviation and waste time and resources which lead to conflict in
doing the job.

Using an HR information system help them to communicate with

employees easily. Added to that, computerized system help them
analyzing job applications and selecting new employees which
facilitate tasks and increase the performance of the HR department.

The use of World Wide Web helps them to give full image to all

Human Resources Management

The use of different selection methods helps them to exactly hire

the right person in the right place.

They are best performing in the area of motivation through

communication with their employees regularly by making semi
annual surveys, which increase employee's commitment.

They have equal employment opportunity which can be figured out

from the ratio of males to females in the organization.

They use different work practices which is useful for them to attract
and retain a better qualified, more diverse work force including
those who cant work full time or with in standard hours which
increase motivation and also give chances for this kind of
employees to do training or higher degree studies which surely
benefit the organization.

The organization encourage employing fresh graduates than setting

obstacles and barriers against them which helps the organization to
benefit from their up dated knowledge in technological areas. ( i.e
all college students now studied the effect of globalization and
technological importance which are not highly experienced to deal
with new technologies practices)

The main axe of the HR department is doing training to all

organization members which helps them to make the learning
meaningful, making skills transfer easily and motivate the learners.

The performance appraisal method that they use ( alternation

ranking method) help them to distinguish between the best and
worst employees more easily but due to the short evaluation
interval they are wasting time and resources because the period is
not enough to achieve any improvements.

Human Resources Management


After our analysis and evaluation of IDSC we found that its highly
performing, enjoy growth with increasing employees satisfaction
and motivation, and using training practices which leads to
achieving both employees and organization goals.

The HR department is well performing in the area of training but

need to give more attention to other areas like compensation and
formulating the organization strategy.


They should use different methods in job analysis in order to get

valid and reliable information.

Make researches to discover the reason behind turnover.

HR department must be MORE INVOLVED in designing not just

executing the organization strategic plan.

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