Course Outline MAT 404 2018

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Dr. Mohamed Elwi, E-mail:


Faculty of Engineering and Materials Science

The German University in Cairo – GUC
New Cairo City - Main Entr. Al Tagamoa Al Khames, Egypt

Introduction to materials Engineering (MATS-404)

Lecturers: Dr. Mohamed Elwi

Office hours: by email, room: C7 – 010

Tutorial by: 3 TAs

Course Schedule:

Lecture: Thursday 1st and 2nd slots

Tutorial: See individual group schedule

Course Type: Introduction to materials Engineering

I. Course Description

This is an introductory course in materials science and engineering. Focus will be on

the nature and types of engineering materials, processing techniques, testing methods
and some engineering applications.
II. Instructional Objectives of the Course

Instructional Objectives:

1. Define materials science and engineering within the frame of structure,

properties, synthesis/processing and applications/performance.
2. Classification of materials into their main groups namely metals, ceramics and
glasses, polymers, semiconductors and composites.
3. Introduce the concepts crystal structure, crystallographic defects and phases
formed via condensation of matter.
4. Describe deformation mechanisms in engineering materials.
5. Describe methods by which fully crystalline and poorly crystallized materials
can be strengthened.
6. Draw clear distinctions between the different main groups of materials.
7. Introduce some materials processing techniques and highlight property-structure
relationships in materials.
8. Introduce testing methods for conventional engineering materials with emphasis
on common destructive and non-destructive test methods.

III. Relevant references and textbooks

W. D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering, 6th edition, Wiley,

E. J. Mittemeijer, Fundamentals of Materials Science, The Microstructure-
Property Relationship Using Metals as Model Systems, 1st edition, Springer,
F.L. Mattews and R.D. Rawlings, Composite Materials: Engineering
and Science, CRC Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2002.
J. C. Anderson; K.D. Leaver; R. D. Rawlings; J. M. Alexander,
Materials Science, 4th edition, Chapman&Hall, 1990.
James F. Shackelford, Introduction to materials science for engineers,
3rd edition, MacMillian Publishing Company, 1992.
T. A. Osswalg, G. Menges, Materials Science of Polymers for Engineers,
1st edition, Hanser Publishers, Munich 1996.

V. Methods of Instruction

Lecturing, Discussions, tutorials, labs and Exams with continuous feedback and
evaluation by the instructor.
VI. Course Assessment (Assessment System)

Assessment by final examination, Exercises and Quizzes in Tutorials, and lectures

10 % 3 Quizzes (select best 2)

20 % Laboratory report
5% Assignment
25 % Midterm Exam
40 % Final Exam.

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