Hydrostatic Steering System
HGA Service Manual Service Manual 2751
This document and other information from Ross Operation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors pro-
vide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important
that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system
in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products
or systems, the user, through its own analysis is and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selec-
tion of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the
application are met.
The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, avail-
ability and pricing, are subject to change by Ross Operation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.
For over half a century, Ross has anticipated and met the changing and increasing needs for better steering of
automotive, construction, industrial and agricultural machines. This hydrostatic steering system described herein
is further evidence of this fact.
Hydraguide™ is the Ross name given to hydrostatic steering systems. In the HGA type Hydraguide™ steering
system, an engine-driven pump, relief valve, cylinder, reservoir, filter, fluid lines, and an HGA control unit are
needed. An automotive type steering wheel is attached to the HGA unit and the cylinder is connected by suitable
means to the steered wheels.
The driver has power steering control at all times, so long as system components work together, system integrity
is maintained, and adequate fluid is present. If there is a failure in the high-pressure circuit, a loss of power steer-
ing will result. The HGA, however, is designed to have some manual steering capability, depending on the instal-
lation. If you can’t manually steer the vehicle without using extraordinary measures, such as leaving your seat, or
pushing with your legs, don’t try it. Repair the failure in the power circuit. Some vehicles may be impossible to
steer manually because of their weight and size.
Figure HGA-1
B. DESIGN & FUNCTION tion and a fluid metering section which are hydrauli-
The HGA unit consists of a fluid control valve sec- cally and mechanically inter-connected.
The control valve section contains a mechanically
actuated linear spool which is torsion bar centered.
The metering section consists of a commutator and
bi-directional gerotor element, which contains an orbit-
ing rotor and a fixed stator. The commutator rotates at
orbit speed with the rotor and channels the fluid to
and from the rotor set and the valve section.
E. ROTOR OPERATION IN THE ROTOR action between the rotor and the stator, there are 42
SET (See Fig. HGA-3) fluid discharging actions in one revolution of the
Each lobe of the rotor has a diametrically opposite rotor. When the rotor is moving, fluid is always flow-
lobe, therefore, when one lobe is in a cavity its oppo- ing out of three of the cavities while fluid is flowing
site lobe is at the crest of the stator’s convex form into three other cavities, and one of the cavities is
opposite the cavity. As the rotor is rotated, each lobe inactive as it changes from one of discharging fluid to
in sequence is moved out of its cavity to the crest of one of admitting fluid. The commutator rotates with
the stator’s convex form and this forces each oppo- the rotor and channels the fluid from and to the valve
site lobe, in sequence, into a cavity. Due to the inter- section, and to and from the rotor set.
Figure HGA-3
F. POWER STEERING OPERATION commutator. The exhaust side of the rotor set is con-
When the spool is in center or neutral position, the nected, through the commutator, to one side of the
hydraulic oil from the engine-driven pump circulates cylinder while the other side of the cylinder is con-
through the valve section, directly back to the reser- nected to the reservoir. (See Figures HGA-1 and 2).
voir with sufficient pressure only to overcome friction
of valve channels and lines. There is no circulation of Further axial displacement of the spool results in
engine-driven pump oil to or from the cylinder. Note increased system pressure to provide the level of
the center diagram showing neutral position (See pressure required. A portion or all of the hydraulic
diagram on inside front cover) on which no direction- fluid at the required pressure from the engine-driven
al arrows appear in the metering channels. The oil pump, depending upon the speed of steering, is
pressure at the two cylinder ports is equal and pro- directed to the cylinder via the metering section,
duces ineffective forces in the cylinder. using cylinder movement to accomplish the steering
In order to accomplish a power steering maneuver,
the operator must rotate the steering wheel in the G. MANUAL STEERING OPERATION
direction of the steering maneuver. The initial rotation In the absence of system pressure, the driver's man-
of the steering wheel rotates the input shaft which ual effort displaces the spool axially. When the spool
tends to rotate the drive link and rotor set through the is displaced within the body, fluid channels are
torsion bar centering spring. Rotation of the rotor set selected connecting the rotor set, which is now act-
and spool which are coupled by the drive link, is ing as a pump, via the commutator to one side of the
resisted by the cylinder pressure required to over- cylinder. The return flow from the other side of the
come the steering forces. As the input shaft is rotat- cylinder is channeled through a recirculation valve so
ed relative to the spool, the centering spring is tor- that the oil will flow to the intake side of the rotor set
sionally deflected. Axial shift of the spool is inducted via the commutator instead of back to the reservoir.
by the ball which is captive in the spool and engaged (See. Figure HGA-5) The recirculation valve is a ball
in the helical groove provided in the input shaft. check valve in a channel connecting the return flow
chamber to the engine-driven pump pressure inlet
When the spool is axially displaced within the body, chamber. The recirculation valve is closed during
fluid channels are selected connecting the engine- power operation.
driven pump to the intake side of the rotor set via the
26. Ball 32. Man ifold
27. “O” Ring 33. Commutator Ring
28. Plug 34. Commutator
29. Spacer 35. Seal Retainer
30. Drive Link 36. Seal
31. Rotor Set 37. Washer
31 a. Stator 38. End Cover
31 b. Rotor 39. Special Boplt
31 c. Spring
31 d. Vane
Figure HGA-6
1 2, 4, & 5 3 6 7 8 9 10 11
Wheel Seal Snap Screw Upper Seal Shim Snap Thrust
Nut Kit Ring (4 ea.) Cover Kit Ring Washer
12 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 18 23
Thrust Thrust Spring Spacer Pinhole Wheel Mount Fully Needle Drive Ball
Bearing Washer Bearing Washer Washer Shaft Roller Ring 5/16” dia.
063979 400075 401366 477277 089181 089180 089193 040114 HGA013003 400013
22 & 25
Housing & spool are non-serviceable due to select fit if either needs replaced the entire unit must be replaced.
* Use part number 020206 on assemblies manufactured prior to date code 195-94
** Torsion bars are unit specific. To select the correct replacement, measure the diameter of the center section of the bar and the length between holes,
then select the correct base number from the following chart:
Base Number Bar Center Diameter - in. Length Between Holes - in.
401360 0.147 5.00 - 5.62
401363 0.160 6.00 - 6.50
401368 0.160 5.00 - 5.62
401413 0.154 5.00 - 5.62
401432 0.147 6.00 - 6.50
401435 0.139 5.00 - 5.62
Servicing of HGA Unit Page 9 Finish cleaning off outside dirt before placing on work
Filling and Air Bleeding the
System When Drained of Oil Page 19 When disassembled, parts should be cleaned only in
clear-clean petroleum base solvent and blown dry
Hydraulic Fluid Page 19 with clean, dry air. Other solvents may cause deterio-
ration of rubber seals. Avoid wiping parts with cloth
CLEAN WORK CONDITIONS and never steam clean hydraulic steering assem-
It is a must that the system be kept free of dirt or for-
eign matter in the oil circuit. Cleanliness in serving
For numerous installation you may want to purchase rag. Caution: excessive particles of felt or lint
the J26910 tool kit available from KENT MOORE can cause the new seal package to leak.
TOOL DIVISION, 29784 Little Mack, Roseville,
Michigan 48066 - Phone (800) 345-2233. 6. Cover the end of the Hydraguide unit input shaft
with cellophane tape to protect the new seal (5)
Caution: Follow the Instruction and do not disas- when it is assembled over the sharp edges of the
semble the Hydraguide unit upper cover (7) to input shaft.
replace the shaft seal (5).
7. Lubricate the new seal using hydraulic oil and
install the new seal (5) with lip side first, onto the
Hydraguide unit input shaft.
1. Remove the steering wheel nut (1), steering 8. Remove the cellophane tape from the
wheel and steering wheel column, if applicable. Hydraguide unit input shaft.
Refer to page 18 for instructions on removal of
steering wheel column. 9. Assemble the new washer (4), with small end
first, onto the Hydraguide unit input shaft and
2. Remove the dirt seal (2) over the end of the push the new washer and the new seal (5), pre-
Hydraguide unit upper cover, if applicable. viously installed, down into the Hydraguide unit
Discard this part. upper cover. (A short piece of metal tubing 15/16
minimum I.D. x 1-3/16 maximum O.D. or a 7/8
3. Remove the retaining ring (3), do not discard, deep well socket may be used to push these
this part must be reinstalled during assembly parts into place.)
10. Assemble the previously used retaining ring (3)
4. Remove the seal package parts (4) (5) from the onto the Hydraguide unit input shaft and down
Hydraguide unit by one of the following methods: into the Hydraguide unit upper cover groove. Be
sure the rounded edge of the retaining ring (3) is
a) If the Hydraguide unit has not been faced inward.
removed from the vehicle, rotate the
Hydraguide unit input shaft either clock- 11. Assemble the new seal (2) onto the Hydraguide
wise or counter clockwise to pressurize unit input shaft and down into the Hydraguide
the system and force the seal package unit upper cover (7) counter bore.
out. Discard these parts.
12. Assemble the steering column, if applicable.
b) If the Hydraguide unit has been
removed from the vehicle plug three of 13. Assemble the steering wheel and wheel nut,
the four ports in the Hydraguide unit torque the wheel nut to 35 ft. lbs.
and pressurize the other port with air
pressure to force the seal package out.
Discard these parts.
Refer to exploded view, Figure HGA-6 for parts iden- the complete housing assembly must be replaced. If
tification. the commutator or the commutator ring need
replacement, both must be replaced as a matched
set. If the rotor or stator need replacement, the com-
The spool (22) and the housing (25), the commutator plete rotor set (31) must be replaced. The pin in the
(34), and commutator ring (33), as well as the rotor end cover is not separately replaceable. If the pin or
(31B) and the stator (31A) are not separately end cover need replacement, the end cover and pin
replaceable because they are selectively fitted at the assembly (38) must be replaced.
factory. If the spool or housing need replacement,
Plug the four port holes and clean the exterior of the
unit thoroughly. Then remove the plugs.
1. To prevent possible distortion or damage to unit
if placed directly in vise, the following procedure
should be used. Insert “o” ring tube fitting, with
tube nut or fitting cap attached, into one of the
four threaded ports in the housing. Clamp the fit-
ting in a vise in a manner which will locate the
seven end cover bolts in an upright position.
(See Figure HGA-7).
Figure HGA-8
ifold (32), by a sliding and lifting motion. Care
should be used in the handling of this fragile
Figure HGA-7
Figure HGA-11
INSPECTION AND REPLACEMENT of the end cover (38) and check for freedom of
rotor rotation within the stator. The action of the
Visually inspect all parts and replace those parts spring loaded vanes may be observed during
which are not in good condition. The following fin-
ished surfaces should be inspected for abnormal
wear, scoring or damage.
1. Housing (25) bore and ends.
2. Valve spool (22) outside diameter. Some bur-
nishing due to use may be observed.
3. Valve spool (22) control edges.
4. Valve spool (22) splines.
5. Input shaft (16) seal area. Check for rust, pitting
and excessive wear. Light circumferential pol- Figure HGA-15
ishing due to seal contact may be observed.
6. Input shaft (16) helical groove. Note the contact rotation. The vanes should move freely in their
pattern created by the actuator ball (23). slots, without bind, due to the forces of the
Surface should be free from pits chipping or sur- springs. (See Figure HGA-15).
face break down. Using a feeler gage, check the rotor (31B) to the sta-
tor (31A) clearance as shown in figure HGA-16. If
7. Thrust bearing (12) and thrust washers (11) and there is more than a .007 inch clearance, the rotor
(13). Inspect for pitting of rolls and faces of set (31) must be replaced. Note: This applies to
thrust washers. rotor sets with and without vanes.
8. Drive link (30) pin slot. Width of slot must not
exceed .001 inch difference at any point in its
9. Drive link (30) teeth.
10. Torsion bar and needle roller assembly (20).
Difference in diameter of needle roller (21)
should not exceed .001.
The following parts may show a polish pattern due to
the rotor action and the circular motion of the com-
mutator. The sides of these components are ground
and lapped and should be free from nicks, burrs and
1. Spacer (29).
2. Manifold (32). Figure HGA-16
3. Rotor (31).
Carefully lift the rotor set assembly (31) from the end
4. Commutator (34) and Commutator Ring (33). cover (38) and measure the thickness of the rotor
Note: Thickness difference between commu- (31B) and stator (31A). Thickness difference
tator and commutator ring (33) shall not between the rotor and stator shall not exceed .002
exceed .002 inch. inch.
5. End cover and pin assembly (38).
The internal splines in the rotor should not allow
Note: The rotor set (31) requires special attention abnormal wear or damage.
in handling to avoid nicks and scratching. It is
recommended that the rotor (31B), stator (31A),
vanes (31D) and springs (31C) be checked in the
assembled condition. To inspect the rotor set,
place the assembly face down on the lapped face
IMPORTANT; Before starting assembly, clean all
parts with clean petroleum base solvent and air
dry. Do not wipe dry with rags. Be sure all dried
paint chips have been removed from edges of
lapped surfaces. Unless otherwise indicated, DO
NOT oil parts before assembly.
1. Insert ball (26) into its cavity in the housing.
2. Install new “o” ring (27) on plug and roll-pin
assembly (28) and install in the housing (25) to
10-14 ft. lbs. torque.
3. Reclamp housing (25) in the vise as shown in
Figure HGA-11.
4. Assemble thrust washer (13), thrust bearing
(12) , thrust washer (11) and retaining ring (10)
on input shaft (16). Figure HGA-18
5. If the retaining spring (24) has been removed, NOTE: Rotate the input shaft (16) out of the
install a new retaining spring. The spring must valve spool (22) until input shaft will no
fit tightly. longer rotate. There will be a gap of approxi-
mately .350 between end of valve spool (22)
6. Insert actuator ball (23) into ball seat located and thrust washer (13) if the drive ring (18) is
inside spool (22). assembled properly.
7. Assemble wave spring washer (14) over thrust 10. Insert the drive ring (18) into the spool (22) end
washer (13) and thrust bearing (12). Insert the by visually aligning an internal space on the
input shaft (16) into the spool, engaging the drive ring with a tooth on the input shaft (16)
helix and ball with a counter-clockwise motion. split, and allow the drive ring to drop to the limit
This operation is best done while holding the of its travel. If the drive ring does not engage
spool in a horizontal position. the input shaft spline, a slight rotation of the
8. Using the mid-section of the torsion bar (20) as input shaft will allow the drive ring to become
a gage, insert the gage between the spool end fully engaged. Remove torsion bar (20) gage.
and the thrust washer (13). (See Figure HGA- (See Figure HGA-18).
17). This will position the spool in the necessary CAUTION: The HGA will not function proper-
radial relationship with the input shaft spline ly if the correct relationship of spool, drive
teeth for assembly of drive ring (18). ring and input shaft is not achieved.
9. Place the input shaft (16) and spool (22) assem- 11. Install spacer (19) over torsion bar and pin
bly in a vertical position, with the shaft end on assembly (20) and insert the assembly into the
the table surface. spool (22) end.
12. Align the cross-hole in the torsion bar (20) with
the cross-hole in the input shaft (16) and insert a
.120 diameter pin punch to maintain alignment.
13. Insert the needle roller (17) into cross-hole in
input shaft (16); and while retracting the pin
punch, engage the pin in the torsion bar (20)
14. Initiate press of needle roller (17) into torsion bar
(20) with a few light impacts. Press needle roller
flush with outside diameter of input shaft (16)
using a 1/2” drive socket of 11/16 size for sup-
porting the input shaft. (See Figure HGA-19).
With a few light impacts on a .120 diameter pin
punch, drive needle roller (17) approximately
1/32 below the input shaft (16) O.D. (See Figure
Figure HGA-17
NOTE: If any of the input shaft (16), housing
and spool, torsion bar or upper cover (7)
have been replaced, the following procedure
for checking and shim adjustment must be
16b. Re-assemble as in “a” above using the required
new parts. After torquing the four screws (6)
revolve unit in vise so that the input shaft is
pointing downward. In order to determine that
the unit is shimmed correctly, the drive link (30)
must be in in its proper position. To do this,
grasp the input shaft (16), pull downward, and
prevent rotation. Engage drive link splines in
Figure HGA-19 spool (22) and rotate to position spool essential-
ly flush with end of housing (25). Remove drive
15. Assemble spacer (15) over valve spool (22), link and orient drive link slot to engage torsion
against spring washer (14). If so constructed, bar needle roller (21) and insert drive link.
the inside lip end of spacer must be toward the Observe relationship of spool end to body. The
spring washer. Place assembly, spool end first, valve spool must protrude .020 ± .0025 from the
into housing (25). Caution: Avoid applying adjacent counterbore surface. If within spec. no
side forces to the spool which would cause additional shimming required. If not within .0025,
binding of the closely fitted assembly. add or remove shims (9) until this requirement is
Note: If neither the input shaft (16) or upper satisfied repeating assembling steps as outlined
cover (7) are replaced, the original shims (9) in “a” above. (See Figure HGA-21).
may be reused. However, if in the inspection
of parts, damage is found to the shims, dis-
card these shims and replace with new parts
of equal thickness.
16a. Place shims on top of the thrust washer (11).
Coat seal (8) with clean grease and place in
upper cover (7) counterbore. Assemble upper
cover onto input shaft (16) and rotate to align
punch marks previously made during disassem-
bly. Note: If a new upper cover is used no
angular orientation is required. However, it is
necessary to align the upper cover (7) and
housing (25). Replace without screws, finger
tight, and then use a pilot ring or a worm drive
type hose clamp tightened around the upper
cover flange and the body pilot diameter to Figure HGA-21
achieve the required alignment. Now tighten
screws to 18-22 ft. lbs. torque. (See Figure 16c. The correct shimming must be checked on the
HGA-20). vehicle or on a suitable hydraulic test stand. The
amount of steering effort required to steer the
vehicle when the vehicle is at rest on dry pave-
ment must be equal within two inch pounds. For
example: if twenty-one inch pounds is required
to steer to the right, not less than thirteen or
more than twenty-three inch pounds should be
required to steer to the left.
If a test stand is available to place a load
between cylinder ports in the same manner as
on the vehicle, a test stand should be used. Add
shims to increase steering efforts in a left
turn, subtract shims to increase steering
effort in a right turn.
17. With the drive link (30) installed as described
above, assemble two assembly posts into the
housing (25) as shown in Figure HGA-22. These
Figure HGA-20
the heads off of two bolts similar to the special
bolts (39).
Figure HGA-24
Figure HGA-25
Figure HGA-26
Figure HGA-28
Keep the steering system filled with one of the
1. Fill reservoir nearly full. Be ready to add oil following:
when the engine is started. Do not let oil level
drop below the inlet to the power pump so that Automatic Transmission Fluid Type “F”
the power pump will not suck air into the sys-
tem. Automatic Transmission Fluid Dexron II
2. Start engine and let it idle. Immediately add oil Hydraulic fluid as recommended by the vehicle
to the reservoir as needed. manufacturer.
When no more oil can be added and oil is clear, WARNING: DO NOT MIX OIL TYPES, ANY MIX-
proceed as follows. TURE, OR AN UNAPPROVED OIL, COULD
3. With one finger on a spoke of the steering DETERIORATE THE SEALS. ENOUGH FLUID
wheel, spin wheel as rapidly as possible to COULD THEN LEAK TO CREATE A LOSS OF
bleed the air in the steering cylinder(s) and POWER STEERING ASSIST. DO NOT ALLOW
4. Immediately upon HGA valve spool actuation oil COMPLETELY DRAIN OLD OIL FROM THE
must be added to the reservoir — to replenish SYSTEM. IT MAY BE NECESSARY ALSO THAT
the oil moving into the circuit. YOU FLUSH THE SYSTEM WITH CLEAN OIL.
5. Keep rotating the steering wheel to keep the
HGA valve spool actuated. Do this until the road
wheels have reached the stop in that direction,
then quickly reverse the steering wheel rotation
to actuate the HGA valve spool in the opposite
TIPS FOR MAINTAINING THE nal equipment only.
— Do not cold straighten, hot straighten, or bend
— Top up fluid level in reservoir as necessary. any steering part.
— Maintain correctly inflated tires. — Prevent dirt or other foreign matter from enter-
ing the hydraulic system. Clean off around filler
— Always use a puller to remove the steering caps before checking oil level.
wheel. Do not use a hammer, torch, or crow bar.
— Investigate and correct any external leak in the
— Investigate and correct immediately any play, steering system, no matter how minor the leak.
rattle, shimmy, or other unusual occurrence in
the steering system. — Comply with manufacturer’s specifications for
cleaning or replacing the filter.
— Remove cause of steering column misalign-
WARNINGS for Proper Steering
— Encourage all drivers or operators to report any System Operation
malfunction or accident that may have damaged
a steering system part.
Ross extends close technical cooperation and assistance. If steering problems occur which you cannot
solve, please contact our Ross Field Service Department. Our phone number and address are on the
back cover of this manual.
OIL FLOW (From Recirculating Valve)
Ross Operation
2745 Snapps Ferry Road
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
Tel: (423) 639-8151
Fax: (423) 787-2418 (Sales) 2500/1-96 BB