BBA Internship Report UCBL

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The document discusses the process of selecting credit customers and assessing their working capital credit needs at United Commercial Bank Limited in Bangladesh. It covers organizational structure, products/services, credit management procedures, customer selection criteria, risk grading, and credit approval.

The purpose of the document is to describe the internship experience of the author at the credit department of United Commercial Bank Limited. It provides details about the bank's operations with a focus on analyzing customer creditworthiness and forecasting working capital needs for credit.

The main factors considered when assessing credit risk include business risk, management risk, security risk, relationship risk, and repayment capacity. Business risk looks at industry growth, competition, and barriers to entry/exit. Management risk evaluates experience, expertise, succession planning, and teamwork. Security risk assesses collateral coverage and guarantees. Relationship risk analyzes account conduct, limit utilization, and covenant compliance.





Submitted To:
Riyashad Ahmed
Assistant Professor

BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Submitted By:
Nahian Zaman
ID: 11204023

BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Date: 24th September 2016

Letter of Transmittal
Date: 24. 09. 2016

Riyashad Ahmed
Assistant Professor
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on Selection of Credit Customers and

Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs.

Dear Sir,

It is truly an honor for me to be able to take this opportunity to submit my internship

report to you on Selection of Credit Customers and Assessment of Working
Capital Credit Needs.

The experience I attained during my three-month long internship program working

with United Commercial Bank Ltd., one of the leading private commercial banks in
Bangladesh, has truly broadened my knowledge spectrum while widening my
curiosity for learning on various aspects. I hope my hard work and determination
towards the program would reflect on this report as to being informative.

I am eternally grateful to you for your guidance and support which kept me motivated
throughout these three months to present my findings and analysis at an extensive
level; without your continuous generosity it would not have been possible to establish
the foremost requisites of the report.

With best regards,


Nahian Zaman
ID: 11204023
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

I want to start by acknowledging all the people for whom I was able to complete my
internship report. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my honorable advisor for
the term, Mr. Riyashad Ahmed, Assistant Professor, BRAC Business School, BRAC
University, for his enduring guidance and inspiration throughout the semester, from
suggesting the organization till the completion of the report.

I would like to extend my gratitude to my respective line manager, Mr. Md.

Saiduzzaman Khan and all the employees at United Commercial Bank Limited,
Gulshan Branch, for their constant cooperation and encouragement throughout my
entire tenure.

To conclude, I wish to express my appreciation to Mr. Md. Tamzidul Islam, Assistant

Professor, BRAC Business School, BRAC University, and to BRAC University for
administering such an academic platform with such resourceful opportunities and
Executive summary

The paper captures my experience of working in the credit department of United

Commercial Bank Limited, a privately owned commercial bank in Bangladesh. It
provides a detailed description of the banks organizational structure, business plan,
products and services, credit management, process of selecting of credit customers,
sources of information for credit investigation, principles of sound lending, credit risk
grading, credit granting and approval process, the assessment of working capital for
credit needs, whilst including the entire set of responsibilities that were assigned to
me. The key highlight of the paper however tries to dissect the two most important
functions of the bank- Analyzing the creditworthiness of a customer and Forecasting
the working capital of businesses for credit needs. The paper emphasizes on the
techniques, methods and steps needed to assess one‟s credit rating. It further tries to
deliver a comprehensive view of the entire Credit process by touching on various
topics such as credit ratings, classification of different kinds of loans whilst providing
a detailed step-by-step description of the total documentation process. Forecasting the
working capital of businesses using various methods for the need of credit was
another topic that this paper deeply addresses. It aims to provide a complete picture of
how working capital needs are forecasted by describing the techniques and methods
used to carry out the forecasting process. Various aspects such as the usage of the
financial statements, the importance of forecasting tools such as financial ratios (most
importantly the operating cycle ratio and it's components) are all mentioned here. It
also incorporates other factors that considered in carrying out the forecasting process
such as the importance of analyzing the current and future outlook of the economy.
The inclusion of all these topics were intended for one purpose only which is to
properly illustrate how a commercial bank carries out two of its most vital functions.
Table of Contents
Introduction: 1
Vision and Mission Of UCBL: 2
Strategic priority of UCBL 3
Corporate Profile 4
Group Corporate Structure: 6
Organogram of Corporate Office: 7
Board of Directors and its Committee: 8
UCB‟s Products & Services: 9
The Report 13
Primary data: 14
Secondary: 14
Credit Management: 16
Distinctions among Loan, Advances and Credit: 16
The general concept classifies credit as: 17
Primary source: 20
1. Personal Interview: 20
2. Loan Application Form: 21
3. Physical Visit: 21
Secondary Source: 21
Preparation of Credit Report: 22
Principles Of Sound Lending: 24
Basic Principles of Lending: 24
6 Cs of qualification of loan applicants: 26
National Interest: 28
Areas of Credit Risk Grading: 29
Credit Analysis: 33
Post-sanction Documentation: 40
Required Post Sanction Documents: 40
Disbursement: 41
Working Capital Finance: 42
Components of Working Capital: 42
Purpose of working capital: 43
Factors affecting WC Requirements: 43
Working Capital Assessment Methods: 43
i. Operating Cycle Method: 43
ii. Drawing Power Method 46
iii. Cash Budget Method: 46
United Commercial Bank Limited

United Commercial Bank (UCB) began its journey in 1983 in Bangladesh and
established itself as one of the largest first generation banks, with a healthy
commitment to economic and social development of the country.

With its emergence to a diverse range of segments, such as corporate, SME, retail
banking and many more, the bank has been able to contribute to the growth of the
economy of Bangladesh by exporting and importing loans through an increased
earning of foreign exchange. UCB has been able to attain a reputed position in the
private sector banking industry with its distinctive and dynamic approach, innovative
practices and proactive management system covering a network of 158 branches
across the country.

The Board Members of the bank come from well-recognized professional

backgrounds as industry, financial and operational, each one of them with acclaimed
expertise in their respective fields. There are 20 members at the Board level along
with three independent directors and managing director. Following the Board, there
are three additional committees namely Executive Committee, Audit Committee, and
Risk Management committee.

The bank has performed as an effective channel for the inflow and outflow of
remittance services by successfully dedicating its effort in cultivating towards the
advancement of the SME sector. The bank is firmly involved in trade development
and all sort of general and corporate banking activities availing itself to vast network
expansion and new technology adoption in order to gain its desired competitive

With a network made of number of branches including off-shore banking unit and
facilities, mobile financial services, remittance services, priority banking, credit card
business and most importantly involving a highly committed and devoted human asset
team of 3837 members the bank generated itself a stature of a firmly professional and

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 1

United Commercial Bank Limited

well settled financial services institution. The bank primarily emphasizes on import-
export, SME sector, retail business as well as agriculture with a focal aim put in
action to move forward as the leader of financial inclusions nationwide, which
includes green-banking initiatives as well. As a whole, the bank has two wholly
owned subsidiaries as of UCB Capital Management Limited (brokerage services) and
UCB Investment Limited (merchant banking activities).

Over the past few years, the bank has gone through remarkable policy changes, with a
view to building continuous positive and solid outcome strategically while embracing
its focus on the people, planet and profit in a sustainable manner.

Vision and Mission Of UCBL:

Vision: “To be the bank of first choice through maximizing the value for our
clients, shareholders, and employees and contributing to the national economy
with social commitments”

Mission: “To offer financial position to create, manage, and increase our clients’
wealth while improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.”

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 2

United Commercial Bank Limited

Strategic priority of UCBL

To make all the stakeholders happy and to make the entire banking process an
enjoyable experience for everyone

To be compliant with all the rules and regulations applicable in Bangladesh

to foster creativity, innovation and diversity with the view to sustainable

business growth

continuous develpment without comprising needs of future generation

to ensure satisfaction of all the UCB's customers through delivering services

with the implementation of world class IT infrastructure

to establish good governance

ensuring effective risk manangement system within entire phase of activities

Focusing on Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) in a responsible manner

To build and enhace brand image

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 3

United Commercial Bank Limited

Corporate Profile
Registered Name United Commercial Bank Limited

Legal Status Public Limited Company

Date of Incorporation 26 June 1983

Date of Commencement of Business 27 June 1983

Chairman M.A. Hashem

Vice Chairman Ahmed Arif Billah

Chairman, Audit Committee Anisuzzaman Chowdhury

Chairman Risk Management Committee M.A. Sabur

Managing Director Muhammed Ali

Company Secretary ATM Tahmiduzzaman FCS

Chief Financial Officer Mohammad Habibur Rahman

Chowdhury FCA

Date of Listing with DSE 30 November 1986

Date of Listing with CSE 15 November 1995

Authorized Capital BDT 15,000 million

Paid up Capital BDT 10,039.34 million

Total Manpower 3837

Number Of Branches 158

Number of AD Branches 28

Number of Agri. Branches 02

Number of ATM Booths

Auditors Hoda Vasi Chowdhuri & Co.

BTMC Bhaban (8th floor), 7-9 Kawran

Bazar Commercial Area, Dhaka- 1215,

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 4

United Commercial Bank Limited

Tax Consultant Md. Mosharrof Hossain, Advocate

28A, Kakrail (3rd floor), Room No- 20,


Legal Consultant T.I.N Nurun Nabi Chowdhury

Rating Agency Emerging Credit Rating Ltd.

Shams Rangs, Level A1, A2 & A5

House 104, Park Road, Baridhara, Dhaka


Registered Office CWS(A) – 1, Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka

1212, Bangladesh


Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 5

United Commercial Bank Limited

Group Corporate Structure:

United Commercial Bank Limited

Main Operations Subsidiaries

Conventional Offshore UCB Capital
Banking Banking Management

UCB, a public
limited company, The UCB Capital
was incorporated The Bank Management
in Bangladesh on obtained Limited, former
26th June 1983 permission for Maryellen Capital
Limited was
and with the Offshore Banking Management Ltd.
incorporated in
permission of Unit with letter (DSE TREC No.
Bangladesh on
Bangladesh Bank, no. BRPD (P-3) 181, CSE TREC
3rd August 2011
began its journey 744(177)/2010- No. 015) was
under the
from 28th of July. 2577 on 9th June incorporated in
Companies Act
With 158 2010. Currently Bangladesh in
1994. The vision
branches,151 it has one 2007. The
of the company is
ATMs, one OBU operating unit Company
to be one of the
and two which started provides stock
best merchant
subsidiaries, it is functioning from brockerage and
banks in
enlisted with DSE 1st November margin loan
and CSE as a 2010. service to the
public limited clients.

Assest Size (BDT

293847.23 mn)
Asset Size (BDT
Asset Size (BDT Asset Size (BDT
Loans & 10,176.95mn)
Advances (BDT 1094.52 mn) 276.03 mn)
197413.64 mn)
Loans &
Paid Up Capital Paid Up Capital
Deposits (BDT 513.50 (BDT 250.00
(220,866.48 mn) mn) mn)
Operating Profit
(8402.34 mn)

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 6

United Commercial Bank Limited

Organogram of Corporate Office:

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 7

United Commercial Bank Limited

Board of Directors and its Committee:

Board of Directors & it's Committees

Board of Directors Status

M.A. Hashem Chairman
Ahmed Arif Billah Vice-Chairman
Anisuzzaman Chowdhury Chairman-Executive Committee
Lt. Gen ATM Zahirul Alam, rcds, psc (retd.) Chairman-Audit Committee
M.A. Sabur Chairman-Risk Management Committee
Sharif Zahir Director
Showkat Aziz Russell Director
Md. Jahangir Alam Khan Director
Hajee Yunus Ahmed Director
Hajee M.A. Kalam Director
Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury Director
Md. Tanvir Khan Director
Asifuzzaman Chowdhury Director
Sultana Rezia Begum Director
Shabbir Ahmed Director
Rukhmila Zaman Director
Nurul Islam Chowdhury Director
Syed Mohammed Nuruddin Independent Director
Dr. Salim Mahmud Independent Director
Muhammed Ali Managing Director
Executive Committee Status
Anisuzzaman Chowdhury Chairman
M.A. Sabur Member
Md. Jahangir Alam Khan Member
Hajee Yunus Ahmed Member
Hajee M.A. Kalam Member
Showkat Aziz Russell Member
Sharif Zahir Member
Audit Committee Status
Lt. Gen ATM Zahirul Alam, rcds, psc (retd.) Chairman
Md. Tanvir Khan Member
Shabbir Ahmed Member
Nurul Islam Chowdhury Member
Dr. Salim Mahmud Member
Risk Management Committee Status
M.A. Sabur Chairman
Md. Jahangir Alam Khan Member
Hajee Yunus Ahmed Member
Showkat Aziz Russell Member
Asifuzzaman Chowdhury Member
Managing Director Company Secretary
Muhammed Ali ATM Tahmiduzzaman FCS

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 8

United Commercial Bank Limited

UCB’s Products & Services:

UCB's Products & Services

Deposit Products Loan Products Other Services

Western Union Money
Current Deposit Trade Finance
Savings Deposit Industrial Finance SMS Banking Service
Special Notice Deposit Import Finance Online Service
Inward & Outward
Fixed Deposit Export Finance
Foreign Currency Deposit
Loan Syndication Traveler’s Checks
Working Capital Underwriting & Bridge
UCB Multi Millionaire
Finance Financing
UCB Money Maximizer Packing Credit Locker Service
UCB Earning Plus Transport Loan Offshore Banking
UCB DPS Plus Lease Finance Loan Syndication
UCash (Mobile Financial
UCB Youngsters Savings Higher Purchase Loan
UCB Youngsters DPS House Building Loan Internet Banking
UCB Savings Plus Home Loan
Consumer Credit
UCB Women's Savings
UCB Women's DPS Plus Auto Loan
UCB NRB Savings Doctors Loan
UCB NRB DPS Plus Marriage Loan
UCB RMG DPS Plus Education Loan
Hospitalization Loan
Travel Loan
CNG Conversion Loan
Home Mortgage
House Hold Durable
Credit Card

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 9

United Commercial Bank Limited

UCB’s Products & Services:

 VISA Debit card: Enables withdrawal of money, minimum of Tk.100, free of

charge from any UCB and Dutch Bangla Bank ATM 24/7. The card also
allows transferring and withdrawing money from different personal account
and provides access to the largest network of VISA POS terminal.

 VISA & MasterCard Credit Card: Discounts offered for UCB VISA &
MasterCard Credit card for shopping, dining and travelling. Waiver of annual
fees with just 18 transactions provided with 3 supplementary.

 Youngsters Savings Account: Condition free Savings Account, which offers

daily product, based interest with no conditions applied on transaction and

 Youngsters DPS: This is a monthly savings scheme for youngster students of

any school/institution. It is a monthly savings plan to created to facilitate small
savings into larger amount of a certain period of student life.

 Car Loan: 30% loan of the total value of a car is provided with the option of
60 installments.

 NRB Savings and DPS: Monthly savings scheme for Non-Resident

Bangladeshi citizens to designed to turn small NRB savings into large amount
of money over a certain period.

 Women‟s Savings and DPS: It is designed with a special interest rate to

encourage women to develop savings habit, turning small savings into larger
amounts over a certain period of time, for a better future.

 Travel Loan: Offers a repayment period of 36 months.

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 10

United Commercial Bank Limited

 RMG DPS Plus: This scheme is designed to provide an opportunity to the

Ready Made Garments workers to turn their small savings into a large amount
after a certain period of time.

 Money Maximizer: This amount of deposit here ranges from Tk. 25,000 to
250,000, with the amount being doubled just after 6 years and with the benefit
of loan facility up to 90% immediately.

 DPS Plus: This deposit layout allows the client/customer to save Tk. 500 to
25,000 for the period of 5 to 10 years and earn/obtain a profit at the time of
maturity. It also provides the benefit of loan facility up to 90% of the
deposited amount immediately.

 Multi-Millionaire Scheme: This deposit scheme is designed to provide a

generous amount, ranging from Tk. 100,000 (10 lac) to 1,000,000 (1 crore)
within a period of 5 to 10 years and enables the loan facility of 90% of the
deposited amount.

 Earning Plus: It enables to deposit Tk. 50,000 or its multiple for 3 to 5 years‟
term and obtain the extra amount monthly or quarterly. It also provides the
loan facility up to 90% instantly.

 Remittance: Effective/efficient delivery of money to the clients from the

Centralized Foreign Remittance Centre, located at the central branch of UCB.
UCB Remittance has extremely competitive exchange rate, fastest delivery
time and online banking facilities.

 Offshore Banking: Enables navigation of international trade across the globe.

 UCash: It is the Mobile Financial Service offered by the bank. It enables

customer the usage of mobile phones as a bank account such as depositing
money, transferring funds to other UCash accounts and withdrawing money

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 11

United Commercial Bank Limited

from any of the agent point. The service revolutionized the mobile financial
service sector by being the first to offer interest on customer deposits.

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 12

United Commercial Bank Limited

The Report

As a student of BRAC Business School, this report was prepared for acquiring the
credits needed for the completion of Bachelors of Business Administration Program at
BRAC University. The report and the topic was assigned and accepted by my
academic supervisor, Mr. Riyashad Ahmed. The three-month long internship program
at UCBL (Gulshan Branch) was obligatory for construction of the report.

Credit is one of the most crucial sources of income for commercial bank. The report
attempted to illustrate the methods used to assess the credit customers/clients and to
determine the credit needs of working capital in an organization.


The report attempted to cover the selection procedure for credit customers and an
evaluation of working capital credit needs.


 To understand what credit is and how it is an important source of income for

commercial banks.

 To analyze and determine the sources for credit investigation

 The selection procedure for credit customers

 To evaluate Credit Risk Grading

 Assessment of working capital for credit needs.

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 13

United Commercial Bank Limited

In order to fabricate my learning from the internship program into this report, I relied
on both primary and secondary sources of data.
To consider primary source, I essentially focused on the work environment at my
designated banking branch and occasionally conducted casual conversation sessions
with various representatives of the bank, most importantly my line manager, Mr. Md.
Saiduzzaman, who contributed to my experience by giving me resourceful insight into
how various kinds of operations work within the bank and how they align the banking
programs to their general company practices and legal policies. However, to compress
any sort of information gap, I took further help from the proficiently constructed
Annual Report (2015) and official website of the bank.

Primary data:

 Observation
 Discussion with employees from several departments
 Data input


 Annual report 2015

 Website
 Official documents
 Other published papers/documents

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 14

United Commercial Bank Limited


 Time – Credit analysis requires more time to obtain information about various
types of customers.
 Confidentiality – Information regarding credit policy and actual organizations
(such as name of an organization and amount of loan taken) are strictly
internal and confidential.
 Interns do not have access to the data of the actual process.
 Respecting the client‟s privacy, interns do not have the chance/opportunity to
communicate directly with the customers to obtain information regarding any
credit transactions.
 With stature like UCBL, it is highly unexpected for them to operate a
corporate branch with such limited space. During rush banking hour or before
a special occasion like Eid, the lack of space creates an overcrowded
atmosphere in the branch.
 The inadequacy to step into the future, that is, there is no advanced or high
tech tool or accessories, no automation facilities installed. Being one of the
high profile Bangladeshi banks, the environment for UCBL should be
upgraded to modern facilities.
 Though unlike many organizations in Bangladesh, UCBL‟s intake for interns
is very limited in number. The very problem each and every intern faces is that
there is no seating arrangement or a desk for interns. It very difficult to believe
the bank‟s inability to notice such a big flaw. It makes it very difficult for
interns to work being seated at one place and not being disturbed.

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 15

United Commercial Bank Limited


Credit Management:

The word “credit” is derived from the Latin word “Credere” which means to trust.
Whether it is for products/goods or services or transaction money, the fundamental
nature of credit states an element of trust that exists between a buyer and seller. Credit
management is one of the most important functions of any commercial bank. It
acknowledges as one of the main sources of income for a bank and constitutes most
portions of the bank‟s assets. On the contrary it is also the most risky feature of the
bank‟s activities, if not prudently managed, it may lead to a financial loss or an
overall halt to the bank‟s operation. This conflicting characteristic of credit provides
all the significance/implementation/understanding of credit management. For a
financial intermediary like a bank, the core objective of credit management is to
maximize profit for the bank within an organized and legal framework.

Commercial banks such as UCBL sell credit products and services in market. It needs
to either design new form of these products and services or re-design them time-to-
time to gain competitive advantage.

Distinctions among Loan, Advances and Credit:

Loan: In general, the term „loan‟ means to lend or borrow money. Types of loan:

a. Demand Loan – This type of loan requires a complete repayment by the

borrower when the lender demands the money irrespective of prior notice.

b. Term Loan – Loan that is repaid in regular/routine payments over a set period
of time. It usually involves an unfixed interest rate that adds up to the actual
amount to be repaid. Some examples of loan are:
 House building loan
 Loan against import merchandise (LIM)

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 16

United Commercial Bank Limited

 Payment against documents (PAD)

 Packing Credit (PC)

Advances: It means payment of money/money paid for work before it has been
completed or done. Some examples:
 Overdrafts
 Cash Credit (Hypothecation)
 Cash Credit (Pledge)

Credit: It is the conviction that the borrower has, that is the ability and the
willingness to repay the debt to the lender as per the schedule for/of repayment. It
consist direct lending as well as the commitment to pay in the future and includes all
Funded and Non-Funded facilities extended to or in favor of the client/customer.
Therefore, Loan, Advances, Letter of Credit, Bank guarantee are all considered as
components of credit.

The general concept classifies credit as:

 Rural Credit
 Agricultural Credit
 Micro Credit
 Retail Credit
 Consumer Credit
 Personal Loan
 Small and Medium (sized) Enterprise
 Lease Finance
 Corporate Credit
 Industrial Credit
 Working Capital Loan
 Bridge Loan
 Hire Purchase Loan
 Project Loan
 Micro Credit
 Small Entrepreneurship Fund

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 17

United Commercial Bank Limited


Types Of Credit Product: Funded

Name Description Purpose Tenor

Secured overdraft (100% cash

SOD(FO) General purpose 12 months

To finance against Export L/C

PC (RMG & Packing Credit against Export
To finance against Export Order 120 days
other than RMG) L/C & Export Order
Pre-shipment Finance
Financial accommodation to a customer
for export of goods under export LC and LC
ECC Export Cash Credit allowed a certain percentage of Export validity/180
LCs/Contract days
Liquidated out of export proceeds

TRL Transport Loan To finance commercial Transport 36-48 months

House Building Loan -
HBL (Com) To finance commercial house/apartment 36-96 months
House Building Loan - To finance residential building 60-120
HBL (Res)
Residential /apartment months
LTR Loan against Trust Receipt To finance import L/C 180 days

HBL (S) House Building Loan – Staff To finance personal house/apartment 15 years

To finance Inventory

Cash Credit against

CC hypothecation of Inventory Other Business operations General 12 months
and Book Debts purpose

Short term, medium term loans allowed

Loan General Loan General for specific purpose for definite period 12-36 months
and repayable by installments.

Loan under Personal Loan –

LCPS (S) To finance personal consumable items 36 months

CL (S) Car Loan – Staff To finance personal car 5 years

FL (S) Furniture Loan – Staff To finance personal furniture 72 months

Term Loan against fixed Over 1year

Term Loan To finance fixed asset
assets max 7 years

To finance business operations/work

order/Industrial working capital
To finance fixed asset
Time Loan against Other
Time Loan 12 months
To finance duty/tax

General purpose

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 18

United Commercial Bank Limited
To finance business operations/Industry
Overdraft against Other operations
OD 12 months
Security Collateral
Misc. purpose

To purchase/discount Cheque, Bank

CP (Local) Cheque Purchase (Local) 30 days
Draft, and Payment Order

To purchase/discount foreign currency

CP (Foreign) Cheque Purchase (Foreign) 45 days
Cheque, Bank Draft, and Payment Order

Over 12
To finance purchase of consumer
Consumer Credit Consumer credit provided to months
durable by the fixed income group to
Scheme (CCS) middle class income group
raise their standard of living. Max 60
To finance capital machinery, equipment Over 12
and vehicle months
Max 60
Installment credit
Hire Purchase Hire purchase
Borrower agrees to take the goods on
hire at a stated rental
Repayment is inclusive of Principal as
well as Interest for adjustment
To finance capital machinery, equipment
and vehicle
Over 1 year
Lease Financing Lease finance Exclusive right to use the asset by the max 5 years
leaseholder for an agreed period against
payment of rent.
Advance against assignment of work
Overdraft against work order order/bill for execution of contractual 06 months to
OD works 36 months
Not a continuous credit rather time loan

Types Of Credit Product: Non-Funded

Name Description Purpose Tenor

Collection of local outstationg As per

BFC (Local) Bills for Collection – Local
Cheque / Drafts/ Documents rules/terms

Bills for Collection – Collection of foreign Cheque/ As per

BFC (Foreign)
Foreign Drafts/ Documents rules/terms

For contractual obligation (Bid-

Bond, Payment Guarantee, Advance
LG (Local) Letter of Guarantee - Local Payment Guarantee, Performance
Guarantee, Customs Guarantee,
Shipping Guarantee)
Letter of Guarantee – For contractual obligation and Specific
LG (Foreign)
Foreign others period
For local procurement
Sight Letter of Credit – As per LC
SLC (Local)
Local Terms
Recourse on title to local document
For foreign procurement under sight
Sight Letter of Credit – L/C As per LC
SLC (Foreign)
Foreign Recourse on title to import Terms
Sight Letter of Credit As per LC
SLC (A/G/B) For Importation under (A/G/B)
(Aid/Grant/Barter) Terms

Cover exchange risk against Letter

of Credit
Forward FX Forward Contract 180 days
Performance Risk

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 19

United Commercial Bank Limited



Primary source:

1. Personal Interview:
The most essential information that is to be obtained from the borrower by
personal interview in the following manner:

a) Refreezing – An informal approach of introduction with the intention

of creating a personal relationship with the entrepreneur.

b) Assessing achievement need – this is where the assessor should be

interested in asking about the borrower‟s past life experiences, his
achievements during and after his academic life. This helps to
comprehend the borrower‟s characteristics and mark the enthusiasm
regarding his/her success. It also enables the assessor to determine the
extent of optimism and pessimism present in the borrower‟s
characteristics. Finally the assessor can make notional rating (e.g.
positive, neutral, negative) about the potential client‟s achievement
c) Assessing the attitudes of the borrower – At this stage the
interviewer tries to note the borrower‟s responses indicating his
inclination to literature, business, economics, history etc. that gives an
assurance or a clear image to the interviewer, whether the interviewee
has a proper attitude towards business management. The responses are
examined and the borrower is ranked (high/average/low) based on the
attitude he has shown.

d) Assessing overall knowledge about the project – This part is more

like an evaluation of the borrower‟s knowledge about the project that
he has proposed, which is obtained through thorough discussion on the

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 20

United Commercial Bank Limited

proposal and the information available to the interviewer from the


e) Assessing management skill – At this stage the interviewer tries to

analyze the borrower‟s skills with regard to managing people, material
resources and financial resources, also his knowledge about the
product/service, the competitors, market where his product is likely to
be marketed, the price, consumer group and consumer behavior, and
overall management skills based on these mentioned factors.

2. Loan Application Form:

Borrower‟s Loan Application - Borrower‟s loan application involves detailed
questions via which borrowers answers provide some basic information
enclosed with other relevant documents such as the Financial Statement of the
applicant with a comparison of the current and previous financial position of
the potential borrower and other papers like Income tax statement, report from
CIB etc.

3. Physical Visit:
Physical visit refers to personal visit made by the respective Relationship
Officer or Relationship Manager or a designated representative of the
originating banking branch. It can be categorized as the following for UCBL:

a. Spot verification
b. Trade checking
c. Personal visit to the applicant‟s business premises

Secondary Source:
To attain an in depth understanding about the borrower and his/her business
ideology the bank looks into the borrower‟s all kinds of past business and legal
involvement which allows them to establish a detailed comparison of the
previous reputation of the borrower with the current. Collecting and analyzing

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various kinds of government reports, legal reports, as well as previous banking

reports make all of it fit together in a systematic framework of information and
documentation, which also enables to maintain a healthy track record of the
credit benefit applicant for future usage. Reports from secondary source can be
of various the forms; some of the most important reports are named below:

1. Financial Report;
2. Account Statement;
3. CIB Repot;
4. Industry/Market Report;
5. Feasibility Report;

As a whole, Credit Investigation combines collection of basic information of the

potential borrower and based on this information the creditworthiness of the borrower
is determined. Following so, the appropriate authoritative members of the bank make
further suggestions and recommendations on the application. This is then forwarded
to the other respective bankers. Finally, all of the information collected and
recommendations made by the designated members are all retained for future use.

Preparation of Credit Report:

On the basis of credit investigation, bankers prepare a credit report for the applicant
usually as per pro-forma used by the respective bank. The report generally includes
the following under different ownership:

• Name
• Worth
• Date
• Registered Office
• Address (present, permanent and business)
• Nature of business
• Constitution of the firm
• Date of establishment
• Incorporation and Commencement certificate

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• Associates and allied concerns with details of assets and liabilities

• Manufacturing and Trading Account
• Profit & Loss Account
• Analysis of Balance Sheet
• Facilities requested
• Ability to furnish equity and collateral
• Other bank report
• Manager‟s opinion

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Principles Of Sound Lending:

Banks are financial intermediaries with an aim to generate profit through various
investments of their funds. These earnings are mainly obtained from interest charged
on loans and discounts. They also considers/confronts the risk of default in repayment
of credit. To minimize the risk, commercial banks are required to acknowledge the
lending process from certain perspective:

 Basic principles of lending

 6 Cs of qualification of loan applicants
 National interest

Basic Principles of Lending:

i. Safety - Safety depends upon the valuation of security offered by the borrower,
and the capacity and willingness of the borrower to pay off the loan.
Safety means the assurance of repayment of distributed loans. Bank is in
business to make money but safety should never be sacrificed for profitability,
to ensure the safety of loan, the borrower should be chosen carefully. He
should be a person of good character & capacity as well as bank must have to
maintain eligible number of security from borrower.

ii. Liquidity- Liquidity is the potentiality of assets to be converted into cash

without depletion within a short period time to meet depositor’s demand for
cash or such other obligations.
Liquidity means the availability of bank funds on short notice. The liquidity of
an advance means it will be repaid on demand on due date or after a short
notice. Therefore, the banks must have to maintain sufficient liquidity to repay
its depositors and trade off between the liquidity and profitability is must.

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iii. Profitability- A bank must utilize its assets in a manner that they will bring
satisfactory return for the bank, which ought to be more than cost of the asset
or fund.
Banking is a business aiming at earning a good profit. The difference between
the interest received on advances and the interest paid on deposit constitutes a
major portion of the bank income, besides, foreign exchange business is also
highly remunerative. The bank will not enter into a transaction unless a fair
return from it is assured.

iv. Purpose- The purpose should be productive and must fit within the legal
Another significant principle, which is to be kept in view when
advancing, is the Purpose. The purpose for which lending is made should
be productive as to ensure definite source or repayment. The Banker
must closely scrutinize the purpose for which the money is required,
and ensure as far as he can, that the borrower applies the money
borrowed for a particular purpose accordingly.

v. Spread- Diversification of risks.

The security consciousness of a Banker and the integrity of the Borrower are
not adequate factors to keep the Banker on safe side. What is more important
is the diversification of Risk. This means, he should not lend a major portion
of his funds to any single Borrower or to an Industry or to one particular
Region. In fact, the entire Banking business is one of taking calculated risks
and a successful banker is an expert in assessing such risks. He is keen on
spreading the risks involved in lending over a large number of Borrowers,
over a large number of Industries and Areas, and over different types of
securities; the advances must not be in one particular Industry.

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6 Cs of qualification of loan applicants:

i. Character: It is the borrower‟s integrity, honesty and intention to repay the

total amount of loan taken from the bank. To assess the characteristic of the
borrower, the banker must investigate the following:
 CIB report (Credit report)
 Past Payment records
 Trade Checking
 Purpose of the loan
 Credit-rating

Sometimes a co-signer or a guarantor of the loan is present (or needed) for the
assurance of repayment of the loan amount.

ii. Capacity: This is referred to as the borrower‟s ability to do business, in

simpler words, the borrower‟s ability to generate profit. To determine the
capacity of the borrower, the banker must investigate the following:

 Identity of client (borrower/customer) and guarantors.
 Copies of resolution, partnership agreements and other legal

Ability: Adequate cash flow from sales or income to repay the loan.

iii. Capital: The financial strength to cover a business risk. It is measured by the
general financial condition of a borrower as indicated by an analysis of
financial statements. It is important to state the net worth of the business (or
the individual applicant of the loan) as well as to emphasize the risk ratios
such as Debt to asset ratio, Debt to equity ratio, Current ratio etc.

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iv. Collateral: The borrower‟s ability to produce additional securities. A further

evaluation for collateral needs the banker to examine the following:
 Ownership of the assets.
 Liquidation value of the assets.
 Degree of specialization of the assets.
 Liens, encumbrances and restrictions against property held.

It is essential for the lender (banker) to ensure that the collateral should not be
the driving force behind the lending decision, as per the experts opinion, the
collateral should be the last option to be considered for credit.

v. Condition: The general condition of the business environment including the

economy and the industry that the business operates in. The following points
are important to analyze the condition:
 Customer‟s current position in industry and expected market share.
 Total group exposure with different Banks/FIs and asset their against.
 Total credit line with different Banks/FIs compared to their business
 Customer‟s performance vis-à-vis comparable firms in the same
natures of business or industry.
 Competitive climate for customer‟s product.
 Sensitivity of customers and industry to business cycle and changes in
 Labor market conditions in customer‟s industry or market area.

vi. Control: It consists of relevant banking laws and regulations regarding the
characteristic and quality of acceptable/legitimate loans. It should have
adequate documentation prepared for auditing the loan. Lastly, it also
composed of inputs/information from “non-credit” personnel such as an
economist or a political person, on the external factors that might put an
effect/affect the repayment of loan.

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National Interest:

Banks are significantly important for a society. Consequently it plays a massive,

sometimes a determinant role for an economic growth of a country. It has the ability
to facilitate commercial changes to different regions leading to the development of a

Some Major Reason for Loan Default:

1. Wrong information in Project Profile/proposal.

2. Inefficient Management.
3. Lack of supervision, tracking & monitoring
4. Inadequate legal framework.
5. Ignorance of knowledge for proper analyzing of loan proposal by credit
6. Negligence of the credit officers.
7. Personal Interest of bank officials.

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Credit Risk Grading is an essential tool for credit risk management for its
effectiveness in identifying the various risks involved in various credit transactions,
which is done using a pre-specified scale - Matrix, that reflects the credit risk for a
certain subjection. Credit Risk Grading is the basic component for formulating a
Credit Risk Management System.

A bank‟s assets quality is primarily measured by calculating its risk grading. When
and where risk is lessened, a borrower‟s assigned risk grade should be altered and
adjusted accordingly.

By applying CRG a bank can set uniform standards to credits in order to maintain a
standard approach to the examine the quality and determine the individual credit-risk
for a particular client, line of business, credit portfolio of a unit, or the bank as a
whole. Furthermore, its significance is highlighted in matters price fixing or various
other terms and conditions of the credit facility.

Areas of Credit Risk Grading:

Criteria Weight %
Financial Risk 50
Business/Industry Risk 18
Management Risk 12
Security Risk 10
Relationship Risk 10
Total 100 %

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Summary of Financial Risk

Criteria Weight %

Debt – Equity Ratio 5

Leverage – 10
Debt – Total Asset Ratio 5

Current Ratio 5
Liquidity – 10
Quick Ratio 5

Operating Profit Margin 5

Net Profit Margin 5

Profitability Ratio – 20
Return on Asset 5

Return on Equity 5

Interest Coverage 5
Coverage – 10
Debt Service Coverage 5

Total 50%

Summary of Business/Industry Risk

Criteria Weight %

Size of Business 4

Age of Business 3

Business Outlook 2

Raw Material Availability 2

Industry Growth 3

Market Competition 2

Entry /Exit Barrier 2

Total 18%

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Summary of Management Risk

Criteria Weight %

Experience 5

Track Record 2

Second Line /Succession 3

Team Work 2

Total 12%

Summary of Security Risk

Criteria Weight %

Security Coverage 4

Collateral Coverage 4

Support (Guarantee) 2

Total 10%

Summary of Relationship Risk

Criteria Weight %

Account Conduct 5

Utilization of Limit 2

Compliance of Covenants 2

Personal Deposit 1

Total 10%

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Score Summary:

Respective Short Numeric

Grade Name Grade

Fully Cash covered, Secured by

Government/International Bank Superior SUP 1

85 + Good GD 2

75 – 84 Acceptable ACCPT 3

Marginal/Watch MG/
65 – 74 4
List WL

55 – 64 Special Mention SM 5

45 – 54 Substandard SS 6

35 – 44 Doubtful DF 7

Less than 35 Bad /Loss BL 8

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The major steps that take place while approval & the repayment of a certain credit
benefit provided to a client are described in the following points:

Credit Analysis:
The credit analyst analyses a credit proposal in order to secure the benefit on the basis
of various factors as discussed below:

 Identification of the purpose of the credit: the analyst first identifies the
reason behind the credit, the borrower‟s field of interest where he is willing to
invest, the timing and amount of cash inflow for the investment, the
repayment source and method as well.

 Structure of the borrower (Knowing exactly to whom we are lending): The

analyst determines the legal entity of the client (e.g. individual/partnership
business/a subsidiary of a holding business).
If client is perceived to be a subsidiary of a bigger group of companies, it is
given much careful attention as such cases involve complicated transactions
with other companies in the group. Also, to get hold of necessary information
to carry out the procedure, the bank must know the key decision makers of the
borrowing company.

 Business Analysis: before granting the credit the analyst must get a good
grasp of the borrower‟s business environment and the business itself to
identify the sources of repayment.
First, the macro environment of the business is thoroughly studied by the
analyst; that involves the overall industry condition, also the designated rules
& regulations for the set by the policymakers for the business type.
Next concern that comes under light is the firm itself the bank is going to
finance. This highlights the product & services the borrower is going to offer

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following market demand as well as the competitive situation of the firm

following the available core competencies of the borrower.

 Financial Analysis: In this crucial stage the analyst has to quantify how
worthy the borrower is for the credit benefit. This worth is measured in
numeric forms with the application of various ratios. Those are as follows:

Income Statement Analysis/Profitability: the analyst usually starts with the

most critical element of the financial ground of a business, profit, following the
profitability ratio, as it is positively correlated to assets and negatively related to
debt and interest.

Balance Sheet Analysis: the next factor of concern is the borrower‟s leverage
that is the amount of debts and liabilities relative to the net worth. High leverage
indicates high risk but it could be acceptable in case the firm is in good financial
position to cover the debts.
The quality of the assets of the borrower- the market value and liquidity- also
needs to be considered in this stage. As because, these assets are the last resort for
the bank to recover the loan amount by selling them off that we call security.
Usually securities can be divided into two broad categories. Such as-

Primary Security: primary security is directly related to justification behind

the credit (e.g. Goods imported through an L/C).
Secondary Security: Any security that is not directly related to the justified
purpose of the credit (e.g. A sole proprietors land mortgaged for loan
sanctioned for development of his grocery shop).

Cash Flow Analysis: In finance an important factor of repayment is cash flow.

Cash flow can be constructed directly or indirectly. All sorts of cash inflows and
outflows from operating, investment and financing activities are recorded in direct
method. In case of indirect method, cash flow is accumulated by adjusting non-
cash inflow and out flow with the net income as a whole.

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Perspective: All the ratios applied by the analyst also need to be analyzed from
different perspectives. Primarily, the borrower‟s current performance with
previous performance has to be compared over a particular period of time. While
doing so, the current performance is to be compared with the industry

Accounting: The analyst must be aware of the accounting method used by the
borrower for whichever accounting method is to applied must match the
requirements and should not be misleading either of the parties. The analyst also
should consider and keep a track of the off-balance sheet items that have not been

Pre-sanction documents:
Before the credit proposal is put on the tables of the granting authority, the initial part
of documentation is to complete. During the time of initial documentation, the
following documents are collected and studied thoroughly:

1. Bank‟s loan application duly filled in, required for Public Limited
Company only
2. Certificate of commencement of business for Public Limited Company
3. Certificate of Incorporation
4. Certified copy of memorandum and articles of association, both for
Public & Private Limited Company
5. Certified copy of Form XII of Joint Stock Company, if there is any
change in the directors
6. Up to date Trade License – for Importers & Exporters
7. Bank‟s loan application duly filled in
8. Board resolution of the company to create loan
9. Annexure “ka” form of Bangladesh Bank duly signed and sealed for
collecting CIB report
10. Up to date Income Tax Clearance Certificate
11. Net Worth of the Directors including Chairman and Managing Director

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12. Name & address of the Directors and their number & percentage of
13. Name & address of sister concerns
14. Global liabilities of the company and sister concerns
15. Last three year‟s audited balance sheet (For old company)/Three years
projected balance sheet(For new company) of the borrower company
16. Projected cash flow statement
17. Production Plan
18. Stock Report (Hypothecation & Pledge) report of the Borrower
Company, applicable for old companies
19. Bio-data of the directors and other key personnel with two passport
size photographs of each
20. Organization Chart
21. Name & address of the of the warehouse owner and up to date rent
receipt, for rented warehouse
22. Name & address of five large customers and their purchasing
23. Last audited balance sheet of two similar companies
24. Last three year‟s industry Turnover (National) of this type of company
25. List of aged debtors
26. For Manufacturing company, Environmental Certificate duly signed by
the authority
27. Clearance Certificate of electricity, gas and water supply authority
28. Project Profile for Project loan
29. List of machineries with description and price list
30. Partnership deed for Partnership Firm
31. CIB report for any amount of credit

Risk Analysis, along with all the information and documents, is mandatory if the loan
amount is Tk. 1 crore or above. The bank must not invest more than 50% of its paid
up capital (in form of both funded & non-funded loan) in a single loan, in which, the
funded loan must not be more than 25%, regarding financing heavy amounts.

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Primarily a potential borrower collects the required Credit Application form from the
Relationship officer. Then the borrower submits the filled in form along with other
required documents back to the relationship officer

Upon receiving the application and other relevant documents from the potential
borrower the Relationship Officer scrutinizes it and makes preparatory assessment on
the creditworthiness of the respective borrower. If the officer finds the application
worthy enough the officer will forward all the necessary papers and forms attaching
his comment on it to the designated Relationship Manager, to add all of this are done
within a fixed duration set by the credit policy of the bank by the Credit Department.
However, if the Relationship officer finds the credit application to be unsatisfactory it
will be turndown and in that regard a letter will be sent to the client shortly.

The Relationship Manager, either alone, or with the Relationship Officer, visits the
potential client‟s business premises, and inspects it thoroughly in order to secure
proper understanding of the external and internal business environments and
subsequent factors- business position, reputation of the borrower, purpose, actual
credit requirement, sources of repayment etc. Alongside, the parties negotiate with
one another about the structure of the potential credit benefit to keep the risk factor
manageable. After so, the manager personally assesses the value of the security that is
to be offered and constructs a Valuation Report. Finally the Relationship Manager
draws up all the assessed information in the Pre-sanction Inspection Report as per the
bank‟s authorized format and recommends for a specific credit benefit for the client.
On the other hand, the initial bank contact, the Relationship Officer attains duly filled
up “CIB Inquiry Form” from the client and forwards it to the Credit Administration
Department of Head Office to get hold of the latest CIB Report from Credit
Information Bureau of Bangladesh Bank.

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Pre-sanction Inspection Report is then sent to corporate division at the head office.
The credit proposal is assessed there by the Head of Corporate Division or designated
executives. During the on-going process they contact Relationship Manager or the
client directly for any further query. Eventfully following duly formalities Corporate
Division of Head Office pass on their final decision to the Relationship Manager.

Upon the receipt of the request letter from the Branch, Credit Administration
Department sends the „CIB Inquiry Form‟ to Bangladesh Bank, then Credit
Administration Department would forward the latest CIB report to the concerned
Relationship Officer immediately. If the CIB report is found adverse on any ground
the process will be stopped right at that point and a refusal letter will be sent to the
credit benefit applicant.

However, upon receiving a clean CIB report, the Relationship Officer constructs a
Credit Proposal in official format following the rules and additionally, the
recommendations made by the Relationship Manager is attached to the proposal with
the manager‟s signature on it. Then accumulating all, it is sent to the Corporate
Banking Division and Credit Risk Review Department of Credit Risk Management

After altering and renewing the proposal, Corporate Banking Division puts down the
proposal before the Credit Committee along with the recommendations made by the
Head of Corporate Banking Division. Head of Credit Risk Review Department of
CRMD or his authorized representative report on the observation either in written
format or orally before the Credit Committee.

Step-8: Credit Committee will dissect the proposal and if found suitable recommend
for endorsement to the designated authority. If the Credit Committee endorses the
proposal, Corporate Banking Division will construct a Memo identifying the risk

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factors and adding on suggestions of the authoritative bodies- Credit Risk Review
Department and Credit Committee. Upon receiving the Memo, it distributed to the
respective credit officer by Head of Credit Risk Review Department in order to
scrutinize it further in relation to business plan and overall credit norms of the bank.
After assessing the credit information and risk factors, Credit Officer will attach his
observation on it and forward it to Head of Credit to find his agreement in opinion,
furthermore, the Head of Credit may also communicate with the Head of Corporate
Banking to gather any additional information or to clarify it henceforth. Finally, if the
Memo is accepted in accordance with the total credit facility and risk tolerance, the
Credit Risk Management Division will put it forward for approval. The suitable
respective then approve the credit benefit or may look for further clarification if they
find necessary or can even decline it entirely if found not viable. On the off chance
that the proposal surpasses Managing Director's authoritative power, it is passed on to
the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors or the Board itself.

Corporate Banking Division will pass on a copy of the approval memo only if the
concerned authority, to the Credit Risk Management Division, approves the prior
provision. Upon receiving the approval, Sanction Advice is issued to the initial
banking branch attaching a checklist of documentation, specifying the date of
disbursement for the requirements. Copy of the Sanction Advice is then forwarded to
Credit Administration Department and Corporate Banking Division.


A sanction letter to the client is then issued having authorized signatures. Usually the
sanction letter issued for the client contains signatures of the Relationship Manager
and Credit Administration Officer of the respective originating branch.

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Post-sanction Documentation:
Following the final approval received by the branch, the client is informed about the
approval of the credit benefit highlighting the approved credit amount, the rate of interest
payable, repayment procedure etc. once the proposal is accepted by the client, the
extensiveness (major part) of the documentation is started. In this part the Charge
documents are brought in, it can either registered or unregister, and are signed by both the
borrower and guarantor.

Required Post Sanction Documents:

1. Accepted Advice Letter - the received copy of the sanction letter by the
2. Acknowledged Assignment of Receivables/Contract Proceeds if the
borrower has agreed to assign receivables/contract proceeds to the bank
3. If Mortgage being taken the Agreement to Mortgage
4. Biana Deed, that shows whom the land is bought from
5. Board Resolution for Corporate Guarantee, if corporate guarantee taken
6. Board Resolution of Borrowing Authority - standard document taken in all
7. Central Bank Approval – applicable if the loan is over 15% of paid up
8. Continuing Guarantee that is taken if personal guarantee is taken
9. Counter Indemnity, if bank guarantee given
10. Cross Corporate Guarantee, taken when all members of a group of
companies provide a guarantee for a particular group member
11. CS Parcha, survey showing history of land during British period
12. Demand Promissory (DP) Note – Charge Document. Promise to pay
back a specific amount. Standard document taken in all cases
13. General Loan + Collateral Agreement – Charge Document. Standard
document taken in all cases
14. Insurance Policy for Inventory/Fixed Assets – taken If inventory/fixed
assets hypothecated
15. Letter of Continuity – Charge Document. Standard document taken in all

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16. Letter of Disbursement – Charge Document. Standard document taken in

all cases
17. Letter of Hypothecation - If Hypothecation takes place
18. Letter of Lien – If a security such as FDR is being taken
19. Letter of Lien and set off for GOB Bonds, If bonds are kept as security
20. List of Project‟s Machineries, If Machinery is being Hypothecated
21. Memorandum of Deposit of Title Deed, If equitable mortgage taken.
Title deed has to be kept with the bank
22. Mouza Map + Site plan – to help identify the land
23. Mutation Parcha. To show the name of the property if land is security
24. No Objection letter from RAJUK if plot is RAJUK‟s
25. Non-Encumbrance certificate, to show that property has not been
mortgaged elsewhere
26. Original Plan of Building, if building is kept as security
27. Personal Guarantee of Owners, if Guarantee being taken as security
28. Registered Hypothecation of Debts & Assets, for Limited Companies if
hypothecation done, has to be registered with the RJSC
29. Registered Hypothecation of Fixed Assets, for Limited Companies if
hypothecation done, has to be registered with the RJSC
30. Registered Hypothecation of Inventory, for Limited Companies if
hypothecation done, has to be registered with the RJSC
31. Registered Mortgage at Sub Registry Office, if this is done, it is not
necessary to keep title deed. But bank keeps the title deed in practice

The disbursement stage is initiated once the credit benefit has been approved and all
sorts of documentation formalities have been fulfilled and is carried out in a
prescribed format for loan disbursement. Considering the agreement made between
the client and the bank, the total amount of loan is disbursed- either in single payment
or in installments. If it‟s done in parts, after each fractional repayment, the bank keeps
checking the usage of the credit, and if necessary, the disbursement is rescheduled.

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Working Capital: The capital of a business that is required for conducting day-
to-day trading operations. It is a measure of a company‟s financial strength, also helps
the investors judge the future prospect and one of many instrument used to evaluate
securities/stock of a company. It is calculated as the current assets minus current
liabilities. It indicates an organization‟s ability to cover its short-term debts with its
short-term assets.

Working Capital Finance:

 Inventory finance
 Bill Finance (Post Sales Finance)

 Letter of Credit (LC)
 Bank Guarantee
 Payment Guarantee

Components of Working Capital:

The components of Working capital are in several forms of current assets:

i. Cash
ii. Raw materials
iii. Finished goods
iv. Value amount from debtors
v. Miscellaneous current assets (e.g. short-term investments and advances)

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Purpose of working capital:

 Purchase of Raw Materials (RMs)

 Purchase of stores and spares
 Funds blocked under:
Stock in process
Finished Goods
 Advance payments to supplier
 Day to day expenses (e.g. wages, salaries, utility bills, etc.)

Factors affecting WC Requirements:

i. Nature of enterprise
ii. Manufacturing/Production policy
iii. Operations (seasonal demand)
iv. Market conditions/competition
v. Availability of raw materials
vi. Growth and expansion
vii. Price level changes
viii. Manufacturing Cycle

Working Capital Assessment Methods:

i. Operating Cycle Method:

The Operating cycle is made up of four stages. It begins with the acquisition
of raw materials for processing. The length of time between the entering into
stock by procuring materials, labor, overheads etc. and receiving cash from
realizing of receivable and cash sales.

The length of the operating cycle in a year is determined by summing up the

number of days needed for a business to complete all four stages. The
summation is then used to calculate the number of cycles per year by dividing
the total number of days in a year with the length of an operating cycle.

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Stock of raw
Receivables = materials =
Amount from
selling goods &
Purchase raw
services on credit materials, Pay

WIP= Pay
Stock/ inventory workforce,
of finished goods overhead, other
exp., etc.

Assessment for trading concern:

 Stock/Inventory Turnover in days = (Stock/cost of good sold) * 360

 Receivable Turnover in days = (Accounts Receivables/Sales) * 360

 Payable Turnover in days = (Creditors/COGS) * 360

 Cash Cycle = Stock Turnover in days + Receivable Turnover in days- Payable

Turnover in days

 Working Capital Requirement = (Cash cycle in days * COGS)/360

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A. Length of operating cycle

a. Procurement of Raw Materials 30 days

b. Conversion /Process time 15 days

c. Average time of holding of FG 15 days

d. Average Collection Period 30 days

e. Operating Cycle (a + b + c + d) 90 days

f. Operating Cycle in a year (365days/e) 4 cycle

B. Total Operating Expense per annum BDT 60

C. Total Turnover per annum BDT 70
D. Working Capital Requirement
= Total Operating Expenses (B) /No. of BDT 15
Operating Cycles (f) lac

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ii. Drawing Power Method

Particulars Stock Margin DP

Paid stocks (Raw 4 25% 3
Semi Finished goods 4 50% 2
Finished goods 4 25% 3
Book debts 4 50% 2
Total 16 10

iii. Cash Budget Method:

The Cash budget method is primarily applicable to industries corresponding to

seasonal sales or order based activities. Businesses under these categories are
often in crucial need of capital during certain time of the year and the money
is generated through sales during a specified time period. Financing these type
of businesses requires the bank to forecast monthly cash flows estimated by
the borrower. The ideal current ratio for these facilities is often considered to
be 1.33:1 and 1.25:1 for medium sized enterprises whereas it mostly depends
on the quality of the borrower‟s current assets and current liabilities.

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 46

United Commercial Bank Limited


 External Pressure – The bank should be free from all external pressures such
as political influence regarding credit proposals.

 Credit Proposal Procedure – The credit proposal procedure is too lengthy.

UCBL should look into how such procedures are conducted by simpler and
shorter methods by foreign commercial banks or commercial banks abroad.

 Indifferent/biased banker – The entire loan process should be segmented and

employees should be assigned and limited to each specific segments. When a
client brought in by an employee, such as, from the marketing department, if
that marketing employee has administrative access, there is a possibility of
alteration to the loan process due to self-interest. UCBL should acknowledge
this matter and should imply strict limitation for employee accessibility.

 Lack of banker’s discretion – Due to certain external pressure and biasness,

the banker‟s discretion is often limited. If the entire process was solely based
on mathematics and calculations, policies like this would‟ve have been very

 Flaws of CRG:

a. Industry specific regarding liquidity ratio - Failure to differentiate

industries regarding the measurement of CRG could lead to credit
default. The same liquidity ratio represents two totally different
pictures for a manufacturing business and a departmental store.

b. Size specific – The evaluation for CRG should be based on the size of
organizations, similar to liquidity ratio, the same amount of money
would have different meaning to two different companies varying in
size (even if both belong to the same industry).

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United Commercial Bank Limited

c. No Specific rate of Current Ratio is ideal – A business having a current

ratio of 2.5 may be considered excellent, but it may not even be close
enough for some others.

d. Misconception of the no upper limit – It is considered a Current Ratio

of 2:1 is ideal and anything above is better. That is not always
accurate. When a business is rated on its current ratio, the valuation is
based on a minimum amount of the current ratio. An overall score is
obtained when the ratio is met with the minimum requirement. Since
there is no upper limit for obtaining the score, a business with a current
ratio of 2.75 will score the same (e.g. 5 out 5) as a business with a
current ratio of 15, if the required current ratio is 2.74 to be rated a
total 5 out 5.

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 48

United Commercial Bank Limited


The internship program at the Credit department of United Commercial Bank,

Gulshan branch, was an enormous opportunity for me to understand banking
operations and experience the practical life of the banking industry in Bangladesh.
UCBL is a renowned bank in Bangladesh with remarkable products and service
offerings in the banking industry. The banking industry is considered to be the most
important financial sector and significantly contributes to the development of the
country‟s economy. Commercial bank as big as UCBL, with certain alterations to
their system, with its commitment, the dynamic leadership of management, adequate
resources, and customer oriented services and, mostly, the experience over thirty
years of banking, has the ability to become the most important commercial bank in

The functioning of the economy largely depends on the flow of money. This is where
banks play such a massive role. Through the issuance of credit, they determine the
allocation of resources in an economy. Hence, their ability to do sound risk analysis
and due diligence is imperative in assuring that money is flowing into sound
investments and thus, the economy is running smoothly.

At UCBL, the issuance of credit is done, taking all of these into consideration, with
the bank sparing no lack of effort in this regard. It is because of their stellar credit
management history that they have established such goodwill, which in turn, wins it a
large consumer base. As confidence is a major factor in the banking industry, UCBL
considers maintaining such consumer trust to be essential.

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 49

United Commercial Bank Limited


Report, A. (2015). A Better Bank A Better Planet. Dhaka: United Commercial Bank

United Commercial Bank. (2016, September 18). Retrieved Sepetember 18, 2015,

United Commercial Bank. (2016). Board Of Directors. Retrieved 2016, from

United Commercial Bank:

United Commercial Bank. (2016, September 20). UCB Profile. Retrieved

Septembe 20, 2016, from

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 50

United Commercial Bank Limited


United Commercial Bank Limited

Appendix - A

Valuation Report

1. Name & Address of the Client :

2. Particulars of the land:

a- Area (Decimal/Katha) :
b- Dag No (s) :
c- Khatian No (s) :
d- Mouza with JL No :
e- Thana ( P.S.) :
f- District/Municipality :
g- Holding No. if it is within :
The Municipal area
h- Classification (High/Low) :
i- Nature (Agricultural/Residential/ :
j- Location (Road link/ :
Communication facilities)
k- Name & Address of the owner(s) :
of the property
l- Relationship with the borrower :
m- Whether the land is under :
Physical possession of the owner(s)
n- Present use of the property :

3. Particulars of the building:

a- Nature of construction (Tin shed/ :
Semi pucca/pucca/R.C.C Frame)
b- No. of floors in total :
Floor space (in sq.ft.)
c- Year of construction :
d- Condition of the building :

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 51

United Commercial Bank Limited

4. Value of the property:

Land.................Decimal/Katha @................ Tk...............................
Building......................sq.ft.@........................ Tk...............................
Other Construction............sq.ft.@................. Tk...............................
Total Tk...............................

5. Forced Sale value of the property @ % Tk..............................

6. General Observation, if any

We submit the above valuation certificate on physical inspection of the site made the
undersigned & we take responsibilities for any over valuation.

--------------------- --------------------
(Name of the Officer) (Name of the Officer)

Note: 1- Separate sheet to be used for each property.
2- Approved plan of the building to be enclosed.
3- Photograph of the property to be enclosed.

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 52

United Commercial Bank Limited

Appendix - B

Classified Credit Review (CCR) Form

Branch Name Relationship Manager

Borrower’s Name Group Name
Latest Credit Grade Immediate Past Credit Grade
Account Manager Date of Downgrade (Below 5)
RU Head RU Account Manager

Total Group Exposure Total Downgraded Exposure

Related Accounts
Brief Description of Business

Reasons for Classifications:

Strategy and Recovery Plan:

As At : <current quarter> As At : <previous quarter>
Entity Facility Limits Off Bal On Bal Total Limits Off Bal On Bal Total O/S


Interest In Suspense
Existing Provision
Net Amount at Risk
(Without considering security value)
Forced Sale Value (FSV) of Security
Net Amount at Risk (After deduction of FSV)
Un-drawn Commitments, if any
Total Borrowings From All Banks and Financial
Age of the Relationship

Security and Documentation Review (Present Status):

Actions of Other Banks/Institutions, if any:

Latest Payment Information

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 53

United Commercial Bank Limited

Date Comments
Last Payment Received
Previous Payment Received
Next Payment Due
Next Payment Expected

Comments on Payment History and Payment Forecast:

Ultimate Realizable Value (ULR) Calculation:

Comments on Adequacy of Provisions:

Summary of recent developments:

Current outlook:

Restructuring Possibility:

Account Strategy/Action plan for next quarter:

Name, Designation & Signature Name, Designation & Signature

(Recovery Officer) (Head of Recovery Unit)

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 54

United Commercial Bank Limited

Appendix - C

Name of the Borrower :

Key Person :
Industry :
Relationship since :
Risk Grading & Score (Existing) :
Date of Grading :
Date of Financials :
Originating Officer :
Relationship Manager :

Grade Summary

Weighted Score Numeric Grading Borrower’s Risk Grade as per Grade

Grade Score Sheet
Fully cash secured, 1 Superior
secured by
/International Bank
85+ 2 Good Aggregate Score :
75-84 3 Acceptable
65-74 4 Marginal/Watch Numeric Grade :
55-64 5 Special Mention
45-54 6 Substandard Grading :
35-44 7 Doubtful
< 35 8 Bad & Loss :

Key Financials

FY (Previous Past) FY(Previous) FY (Current)

Net Profit
Current Ratio
Operating Profit/Sales
Interest Coverage

Reasons for change (if any) in Credit Risk Grading:

Recommended Risk Grade:

________________________________ ________________________________
Relationship Officer (Originating Officer) Relationship Manager (Branch Manager)

Grading Approval

________________________________ ________________________________
Credit Officer (CRM) Credit Risk Manager (CRM)

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 55

United Commercial Bank Limited

Score Calculation Sheet

Criteria Weight Actual Score

Parameter Score
Parameter Obtained
A - Financial Risk 50%
A-1 Leverage 15%
< 0.25 x 15.00
Total Debt-Equity (x) - Times 0.26× to 0.35 x 14.00
0.36× to 0.50 x 13.00
Liabilities to Tangible Net worth 0.51× to 0.75 x 12.00
0.76× to 1.25 x 11.00
1.26× to 2.00 x 10.00
2.01× to 2.50 x 8.00
2.51× to 2.75 x 7.00
> 2.75× 0.00
A-2 Liquidity 10%
> 2.74× 10.00
Current Ratio (x) –Times 2.50× to 2.74 x 9.00
2.00× to 2.49 x 8.00
Current Assets to Current Liabilities 1.50× to 1.99 x 7.00
1.10× to 1.49 x 6.00
0.90× to 1.09 x 5.00
0.80× to 0.89 x 4.00
0.70× to 0.79 x 3.00
< 0.70× 0.00
A-3 Profitability 15%
> 25% 15.00
A-3.1 Operating Profit Margin (%) 10% 20% to 24% 14.00
15% to 19% 13.00
(Operating Profit / Sales) X 100 11% to 14% 12.00
8% to 10% 10.00
6% to 7% 8.00
3% to 5% 5.00
< 3% 0.00
> 15% 5.00
A-3.2 Net Profit Margin (%) 5% 13% to 15% 4.50
11% to 12% 4.00
9% to 10% 3.50
(Net Profit / Sales) X 100 7% to 8% 3.00
5% to 6% 2.50
2% to 4% 2.00
< 2% 0.00
A-4 Coverage 10%
Interest Coverage (x) – Times > 2.00× 10.00
1.51× to 2.00× 8.00
Earning Before Interest & Tax(EBIT)
1.25× to 1.50× 7.00
Interest on Debt 1.00× to 1.24× 5.00
< 1.00× 0.00

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 56

United Commercial Bank Limited

Criteria Weight Actual

Parameter Score Score Obtained
B - Business/ Industry Risk 18%
B-1 Turnover of Business (in BDT crore) 4%
Turnover of the borrower's business > 60.00 4.00
measured by the most recent year's total 30.00 – 59.99 3.50
sales. Preferably audited numbers. 10.00 – 29.99 3.00
(If turnover is negative by 10% than 5.00 - 9.99 2.00
previous year, deduct 1 marks from the 2.50 - 4.99 1.00
points achieved) < 2.50 0.00
B-2 Age of Business 2%
> 10 Years 2.00
Number of years the borrower is engaged 6 - 10 Years 1.50
in the primary line of business 2 - 5 Years 1.00
< 2 Years 0.00
B-3 Business Outlook 3%
Long term 3.00
Critical assessment of medium term prospects of
prospects of industry/business, market industry/business
share and economic factors. are excellent
Stable 2.00
Susceptible to 1.00
changes in the
Industry/Business 0.00
in declining
phase/Cause for
B-4 Technology/Resource/Goodwill 2%
World class 2.00
technology/ own
and the Company
are capable to
Existing 1.00
goodwill is
adequate and
competition for
Obsolete 0.00
unable to inject
fund in the crisis.
Unable to
competition in the
event of moderate

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 57

United Commercial Bank Limited

B-5 Industry Growth 3%

Strong (10%+) 3.00
Good (>5% - 10%) 2.00
Moderate (1%- 1.00
No Growth (<1%) 0.00
B-6 Market Competition 2%
Dominant Player 2.00
Consider market share, demand supply Moderately 1.00
gap etc. Competitive
Highly Competitive 0.00
B-7 Entry/Exit Barriers 2%
Difficult 2.00
Technology, Regulatory Support etc. Average 1.00
Easy 0.00

Criteria Weight Actual Score

Parameter Score
Parameter Obtained
C – Management Risk 12%
C-1 Business Experience 3%
(Management & Management Team) More than 7 years in the 3.00
related line of business
Experience of the key person and senior 4–7 years in the related 2.00
management based on the direct line of business
involvement in the industry 1–3 years in the related 1.00
line of business
No experience 0.00
C-2 Expertise of the Management 4%
Qualified professional in 4.00
the management/key
management is highly
Management has 3.00
moderate professional
experience and key
management capable
Management has primary 2.00
No experience 0.00
C-3 Second Line/Succession 3%
Clear succession. 3.00
Qualified and competent
Succession is ready, 2.00
educated but not much
Succession within 1-2 1.00
Succession in question 0.00

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United Commercial Bank Limited

C-4 Team Work 2%

Excellent. Working as a 2.00
cohesive team.
Moderate 1.50
Poor and migration of the 1.00
Regular Conflict 0.00

Criteria Weight Actual Score

Parameter Score
Parameter Obtained
D. Security Risk 10%
D-1 Security Coverage (Primary) 3%
Fully pledged facilities/ 3.00
Substantially cash
Registered 2.00
Hypothecation (1st
Charge/1 st Pari passu
2nd charge/Inferior 1.00
Simple hypothecation 1.00
/Negative lien on assets
No security 0.00
D-2 Collateral Coverage (Property 2%
R/M on Municipal 2.00
corporation/Prime Area
R/M on Pourashava/ 1.00
Semi-Urban area
Negative Lien on 1.00
Vacant Agricultural 0.00
Property in Rural Area
D-3 Collateral Coverage (Forced Sale 3%
>1.25 times of the facility 3.00
>0.75<1.25 times of the 2.00
> 0.50<0.75 times of the 1.00
<0.50 times 0.00
D-4 Support (Guarantee) 2%
Personal Guarantee with 2.00
high net worth or Strong
Corporate Guarantee
Personal Guarantees or 1.00
Corporate Guarantee
with average financial
No support/guarantee 0.00

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 59

United Commercial Bank Limited

Criteria Weight Actual Score

Parameter Score
Parameter Obtained
E. Relationship Risk 10%
E-1 Account Conduct 6%
More than 3 years 6.00
Accounts with faultless
Less than 3 years 5.00
Accounts with faultless
Accounts having 3.00
satisfactory dealings with
some late payments.
Frequent Past dues & 0.00
Irregular dealings in
E-2 Utilization of Limit 2%
More than 70% 2.00
51% - 70% 1.00
Less than 50% 0.00
E-3 Compliance of Covenants 2%
Full Compliance 2.00
Some Non-Compliance 1.00
No Compliance 0.00

Selection Of Credit Customers And Assessment of Working Capital Credit Needs 60

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