August 22 Issue
August 22 Issue
August 22 Issue
● 5 $1.75 AUGUST 22, 2017 TUESDAY A.M. FOG, CLOUDS & SUN 92° | 70° FORECAST NEWS 15
No ‘rapid exit’
from fight,
Trump says
In change of mind, he declares
war against terror must continue
By Brian Bennett
and Noah Bierman
Washington Bureau
dent Donald Trump, admit-
ting he came into office want-
ing to pull all U.S. troops out of
Afghanistan, said Monday he
had changed his mind and
had approved what amounted
Paul Abeln of Breinigsville gazes in amazement at the eclipse outside Da Vinci Science Center in Allentown on Mon- to an open-ended military
day. Despite some partly cloudy skies, sky watchers were able to get a good glimpse of the partial solar eclipse. commitment to prevent ter-
rorist safe havens there.
“My original instinct was to
pull out, and historically I like
following my instincts. But all
of my life I heard that deci- “A hasty with-
sions are much different
when you sit behind the desk
drawal would
in the Oval Office,” Trump create a vacuum
said, in a rare acknowledg-
ment of the unique pressures that terrorists —
and vantage of his office.
“The consequences of a including ISIS
rapid exit are both predictable
and unacceptable,” Trump and al-Qaida —
said, adopting the rationale
that his predecessors, Presi-
would instantly
Watching the solar eclipse along Hamilton Street in downtown Allentown are, from left: BB&T Bank employee Susan
dents George W. Bush and fill.”
Barack Obama, had used to
Green; Lehigh Valley Health Network Program Manager Caleb Schwarzbach; BB&T Bank employee Eftefany Deleon. justify 16 years of U.S. military — President Trump
involvement in Afghanistan.
“A hasty withdrawal would
create a vacuum that terror- troop levels nor timetables for
ists — including ISIS and Al deployment. But his military
Qaeda — would instantly fill, advisers are seeking 4,000
just as happened before Sept. more troops, a 50 percent
11.” increase, and stepped-up
Trump’s speech — a tele- counter-terrorism operations.
vised prime-time address be- He said he would not pro-
fore an audience of troops at vide a “blank check” for U.S.
Fort Myer, across the Potomac support to Afghanistan’s gov-
Solar eclipse brings out sense of wonder, River from Washington in
Virginia — marked a shift to a
ernment. But he also said he
would not adhere to any
spirit of community among area sky watchers much more traditional Re-
publican foreign policy by a
pre-set timetable nor specify
benchmarks for when U.S.
president who ran for office involvement might end.
disparaging what he often Committing thousands
By Daniel Patrick Sheehan less exclamations of wonder from north. But an eclipse, he added, is referred to as a the “stupid” more troops to the nation’s
and Sarah M. Wojcik the crowd of sky watchers. undeniably a thrill. decisions of the past. longest war presents a new
Of The Morning Call “Look at the yellow,” said Paul “Better than a poke in the eye with Although he campaigned political challenge for the
Abeln of Breinigsville, 78, a marvel- a sharp stick,” he said. on pulling back U.S. involve- president at a time when his
The chance of storm clouds ously well-informed watcher who In Bethlehem, hundreds turned ment overseas, Trump’s green public approval has been
eclipsing the eclipse seemed dis- knew that the yellow wave moving out to Payrow Plaza between City light to send additional troops damaged by a succession of
tressingly high Monday as crowds across the edge of the crescent sun Hall and the public library for an to Afghanistan means the missteps and misstatements
gathered at the Da Vinci Science was its corona — the outer atmos- eclipse watch party. president has now increased in his young administration.
Center in Allentown to watch the phere, millions of degrees hotter The Burke family of Upper the military’s role in every With his decision, Trump is
slow, exquisite passage of the moon than its surface and generally unob- Saucon Township — Liz, 16, Andrew, combat theater he inherited — in the awkward position of
in front of the sun. servable from Earth except during 13, and Chris, 11, — waited about an a Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Soma- taking ownership of a conflict
But the atmosphere by and large eclipses. hour and a half to snag a pair of lia as well as Afghanistan. he has criticized.
cooperated, and while the dimming “I like the aurora borealis better,” viewing glasses with their friend Trump, reading from a tele- His shift signals the influ-
sun ducked behind the clouds once Abeln confessed, recalling the heart- Jonathan Riker, 17, of Allentown. prompter in sober tones, did ence not just of Pentagon
in a while during the more than stopping beauty of those colored All four are Moravian Academy not provide details for in- commanders, led by retired
two-hour event, it was visible often waves of charged particles that creased involvement, saying
enough to elicit squeals and breath- sometimes fill the skies in the far Please see ECLIPSE NEWS 4 he would publicize neither Please see TRUMP NEWS 2
In Pa., 1 in 3 approve
war, we’ve spent $113 billion private contractors to fight previous presidencies.
rebuilding Afghan … that’s alongside Afghan troops. Trump’s public sales-
2x our own $50 billion The troop increase in manship in the life-and-
annual federal highway Afghanistan is supposed to death matter could be
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to recover
rested him in response to a disturbance that when the officer approached Ochse, he
used excessive force during complaint Aug. 14, 2015. U.S. District Judge immediately became hostile, yelling and
arrest near city restaurant. Jeffrey Schmehl last week threw out a claim pointing at Busch. When Busch tried to stop
the officer violated Ochse’s First Amendment Ochse to get his identification, Ochse flailed
By Michelle Merlin By Peter Hall right to sing. and pullled away, so Busch took him to the
Of The Morning Call Of The Morning Call According to court documents, Ochse was ground where Ochse continued to resist,
walking near N. Seventh and Hamilton according to court documents.
An Allentown boy found submerged in a An eight-person jury has been selected to streets singing an a cappella version of the Lawyers on both sides say that in addition
Carbon County lake Saturday is expected to hear self-described wandering minstrel Beach Boys’ “Barbara Ann,” when he caught to Ochse and Busch, as many as 10 other
recover, according to a park ranger investi- James W. Ochse’s claims that an Allentown the attention of an off-duty police officer police officials and expert witnesses on
gating the incident. police officer used excessive force while dining outdoors with his wife. Officer Taldan police use of force will testify. They also plan
Ranger Frank DeMatto said he spoke to arresting him two years ago in front of diners Cashatt called his colleague Busch, whom to play security camera and bystander video
the boy’s father, who said his son woke up in downtown Allentown. Cashatt knew was on-duty in the area, and of the incident for the jury.
several times, was responsive, and is Lawyers for Ochse and officer Robert reported Ochse for causing a disturbance. Ochse later pleaded guilty to disorderly
expected to make a full or near to full Busch took about two hours to select the Ochse claims in court documents that conduct but a charge of resisting arrest was
recovery after being pulled unconscious panel of four women and four men Monday Busch approached him and told him to stop dismissed.
from under the water on Saturday after- in federal court in Philadelphia. Opening singing. When Ochse complied and started to
noon at Mauch Chunk Lake Park. DeMatto arguments are set for today in Reading. The walk away, Busch grabbed his arm and
estimated the boy was submerged for at trial is expected to last two or three days. slammed him to the ground, the lawsuit Twitter @phall215
least five minutes and probably close to six Ochse, 63, claims Busch violated his rights alleges. 610-820-6581
or seven minutes.
The boy, 9, was airlifted to Lehigh Valley
Hospital-Cedar Crest, where he’s listed as
in critical condition. JEEP
“This is a truly a tragic accident that
happened,” DeMatto said. “He got caught in Continued from NEWS 1
a tough situation and unfortunately he
remained under water.” partnership of some kind for more than two
DeMatto said several beach visitors years.
pitched in to save the boy to both get him The potential sale of Jeep to a Chinese
out of the water and give him medical automaker is sure to raise political ques-
attention on land. tions and present a challenge to President
Park Director Dave Horvath said inci- Donald Trump's America First mantra.
dents like this are uncommon at the park, One potential way around such concerns
although earlier this summer another child would be for Great Wall, or any other
was taken to the hospital after being Chinese automaker, to purchase a minority
submerged. stake, said Michael Dunne, an automotive
“This isn’t something that happens analyst who specializes in China.
normally,” he said. Chinese companies have shown a will-
ingness to buy some or all of a company,
LOWER SAUCON TOWNSHIP invest in that company and allow the
existing management teams to continue
Teen says he was jumped managing the company, said Dunne, found-
near South Mountain Park er of Dunne Automotive.
“I believe that all parties — Chinese and
A 16-year-old boy told officers that a American — are acutely aware of the
group of teens attacked him Saturday night political atmosphere right now. I would ED JONES/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
near Lower Saucon’s South Mountain Park, watch for a nuanced or slightly gradual Chinese carmaker Great Wall Motors, shown here at the Auto China 2012 car show in Bei-
according to police. approach,” Dunne said. jing, signalled its intention to make an ambitious acquisition deal with car maker Fiat
The boy told police that he was walking China's Dongfeng Motors and the Chrysler Automobiles following a report that it wants to buy the Jeep brand.
about 9:20 p.m. toward the park when three French government each invested about
people he knew attacked him. According to 800 million euros, or $942 million, into money. And they are looking for the Chrysler's most successful brand.
police, a 17-year-old boy put the victim in a French automaker PSA Groupe in 2014 in smartest way in.” The brand has been growing rapidly in
chokehold until he passed out while two return for a 14 percent ownership stake. A sale or partial sale of Jeep that is recent years and its growth has accounted
15-year-old boys repeatedly punched him. Dunne also said the Chinese government separate from the remainder of the com- for a large percentage of Fiat Chrysler's
Police said the victim was treated at St. is encouraging Chinese automakers to pany also would raise concerns about the sales and profit growth. Jeep's sales have
Luke’s Hospital. expand globally and to spend money on that future of the Dodge and Chrysler brands. climbed from less than 500,000 in 2008 to
According to police, three teens are being expansion rather than on investments Fiat Chrysler has focused far more atten- more than 1.4 million last year.
charged with harassment and a fourth is inside the country. tion on the development of Jeep, Ram and Marchionne set a goal in 2014 for Jeep's
being referred to juvenile court to face “The government is giving the signal. Alfa Romeo in recent years while invest- annual sales to exceed 2 million SUVs
charges of simple assault, harassment and They are giving management a lot of leeway ment in the Dodge and Chrysler brands has annually by 2018, and the brand is on track
strangulation. to decide how to manage their profits for languished. to meet that goal, Fiat Chrysler Chief
future growth,” Dunne said. “[Chinese Jeep, the rugged SUV known for helping Financial Officer Richard Palmer said
— Matt Coughlin automakers] have ambition. They have the U.S. Army during World War II, is Fiat earlier this year.
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Additional details emerge in hit-and-run account when they have negative accounts.
Under the old policy, sixth- to 12th-graders
could receive up to three meals with
overdrawn accounts.
Members of family who Road, near Route 100, Drew spotted some-
thing in the middle of the road, which he
“My gratitude goes out to Superintendent Joseph Roy said before
the meeting the new policy aligns with what
helped save man provide assumed was an animal, his father said. the kids who stopped and the district has recently been practicing.
more information on case. At the same time, an SUV with bright If a student still has a delinquent debt by
LED lights was coming from the opposite did what I wished the senior year, he or she will not be allowed to
By Manuel Gamiz Jr. direction and started to slow down, but participate in commencement activities.
Of The Morning Call instead of going around the object, it went people who hit him would How schools handle meal debt has
right over it and fled the scene, he said. become a topic of discussion across the
When his three children got to their Labenberg said his son drove closer and have done.” country. A 2014 federal report found 39
Emmaus home early in the morning two realized it wasn’t an animal that had just — April Partington, mother of injured Scott percent of districts nationwide hand out
Sundays ago, they were shaken up by what been hit, but a young man in dark clothing. Becker cheap alternative meals with no nutritional
they had witnessed on their drive home, The brothers got out of their car while requirements and nearly 6 percent refuse to
Brent Labenberg recalled. Dylana stayed inside. serve students with no money.
He said his children were heading home Drew stayed with the injured man and Becker’s mother, April Partington, reac- In July, the U.S. Department of Agricul-
early Aug. 13 on a foggy, rural road in Darren ran about 150 yards to the nearest hed out to his family days after his Facebook ture announced it will require districts to
Weisenberg Township when they wit- home to call for help because he couldn’t post and thanked them for what they did. adopt policies this month addressing meal
nessed Scott Becker get run over by a sport get cellphone service in the area, their dad Partington told the Morning Call last debts, including coming up with a better way
utility vehicle, which then fled the scene. said. week that she doesn’t think her son would to inform parents about the rules at the
His sons tended to Becker, 21, and called The brothers stayed until emergency have made it if the Labenberg children beginning of the school year.
for help, staying with the badly injured man crews arrived, providing police with details hadn’t helped her son. The agency is not specifically barring
until help arrived. of what they saw. “All the internal bleeding, he wouldn’t be tactics such as serving cheap sandwiches in
Labenberg is making the additional State police have only said it was a here,” she said. “My gratitude goes out to place of hot meals or sending students home
details public in hopes of helping police light-color Mercedes Benz that struck the kids who stopped and did what I wished with conspicuous debt reminders, such as
track down the driver in last week’s hit and Becker, but Labenberg said it was a metallic the people who hit him would have done.” hand stamps.
run on Holbens Valley Road, and to help blue Mercedes SUV with LED lights Since that day they helped save Becker, But it is encouraging schools to work more
Becker’s family find justice. around the front lights and also shining the Labenberg brothers have left home. closely with parents to address delinquent
Becker suffered several internal injuries through the emblem. Drew, 21, shipped off to Army boot camp at accounts and ensure children don’t go
that required the removal of a spleen, a Labenberg first shared the story on Fort Sill in Oklahoma on Monday, and hungry.
kidney and parts of his intestine. The list of Facebook hours after it happened because Darren, 20, returned Sunday to Elizabeth- Pennsylvania has no law regarding how
injuries also include bleeding in his brain, he had a hard time sleeping after his town College, where he also runs cross districts handle meal debt.
fluid in his lungs, fractures to his spine and a children told them what they had just been country. Free and reduced-price meals funded by
shattered pelvis, Becker’s mother said last through. Dylana has kept in touch with Becker’s the Agriculture Department’s National
week. “When they came home, my wife woke family. School Lunch Program let children eat for
Labenberg said his oldest son, Drew, was up and we couldn’t go back to sleep," “We hope to visit Scott when he gets a free if a family of four earns less than about
driving home at 1:30 a.m. that night with his Labenberg said. “The next day, we went to little better,” Brent Labenberg said. $32,000 a year or at a discount if earnings are
brother Darren in the passenger seat and church as a family.” under $45,000. Almost 60 percent of Bethle-
sister Dylana asleep in the back. They had “It’s been a rough couple of days, that’s hem Area’s students receive free or reduced-
been with friends earlier, he said. for sure,” he said. “Not knowing if he Twitter @mannypantalones price lunches, which means they don’t have
As they headed down Holbens Valley survived, not knowing who he was.” 610-820-6595 overdrawn account issues.
Still, Roy said before the meeting that
overdrawn accounts are an issue. House-
Pa. must start freezing spending, top senator says holds with slightly higher incomes are more
likely to struggle, experts on poverty and
nutrition say.
By Marc Levy balanced budget seven weeks into its fiscal but the Republican-controlled House of Other districts have recently updated
The Associated Press year and unconstitutional for the state to Representatives has been unable to pass a their policies, too.
spend it. plan to fully fund it. Northampton Area School District
HARRISBURG — Democratic Gov. Tom “He’s got to start putting things in On Monday, a couple dozen House amassed $10,305 in school meal debt last year
Wolf should start freezing spending on reserve now because you can’t pay the Republicans met behind closed doors in — the equivalent of more than 4,000 unpaid
various programs because the deficit- bills,” Scarnati, R-Jefferson, said. “You the Capitol as they try to develop a lunch entrees.
strapped state government soon will not be can’t pay the bills. The checking account’s response to the Republican-controlled In the spring, Northampton Area updated
able to pay every bill on time, Pennsylva- empty. So as money comes in, what bills Senate’s $2.2 billion budget-balancing its policy. Elementary and middle school
nia’s ranking state senator said Monday. does he decide to pay?” package, passed narrowly last month. students would continue to get alternate
Since the recession, the state Treasury Pennsylvania state government is run- Wolf supports the Senate’s plan, which meals that meet nutritional requirements
Department has reliably supplied cash ning on a nearly $32 billion budget bill that revolves around borrowing $1.3 billion after five non-paid lunches. But high school-
infusions into the state’s tattered bank lawmakers approved June 30, the day against Pennsylvania’s future proceeds ers would be cut off altogether after five
account during low-flow periods of tax before the current fiscal year began, even from the 1998 multistate settlement with non-paid meals.
collections. But Senate President Pro though it is badly out of balance. Wolf let tobacco companies, raising $400 million
Tempore Joe Scarnati said it would be the bill become law without his signature. worth of taxes on consumers’ utility bills
irresponsible for the Treasury to loan more Taxes still are being collected, and bills are and mounting another huge expansion of Twitter @Jpalochko
money while the state government lacks a being paid by the Pennsylvania Treasury, casino-style gambling. 610-820-6613
TODAY Donald D. "Pop" Easton Ronald L. Moxey Olga Harbove
Donald D. ”Pop” Easton, 89, of Walnutport, formerly of Ronald L. Moxey, of Emmaus, died August 20, on his Olga Harbove, 89, of
Durkay, Adela Coplay, died Sunday, August 20, 2017 in his home. He was birthday. Born in Philadelphia in 1936, he was the son of Whitehall passed away
Easton, Donald the husband of the late Florencia (Ongais) Easton and Bea- Louis and Myrtle (Stehlig) Moxey of Doylestown, PA. He peacefully Saturday, August
Harbove, Olga trice (Crick) Easton. Born in Mattoon, IL, October 9, 1927, was married to Jayne (Kuntzleman) Moxey for 56 years. He 19, 2017 at Lehigh Valley
Heil, Lorraine Donald was the son of the late Don and Virgie (Eveland) was a graduate of Central High School in Philadelphia and Hospital, Salisbury Town-
Koziel, Paul Easton. He was employed as a terminal manager at Agway Muhlenberg College where he earned a BA in English. He ship. She was the wife of
Manesis, Dimitrios Petroleum Corp., formerly Phillips Petroleum Corp. in ran cross country and track in both high school and col- the late Michael “Benny”
Miller, Charles Macungie for 12 years before retiring in 1989. Prior to that, lege. Following graduation from Muhlenberg, he served 3 Harbove who died No-
Moxey, Ronald he worked on the Phillips Petroleum Pipeline in various years as an officer with the Armed Forces Security Group vember 15, 2004. Born in
Serencsics, Emma states for 15 years. He faithfully and honorably served his in Norfolk, VA, where he was the officer in charge of the Egypt, she was the daughter
Strong, Carol country in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He volun- Courier Station. Upon his release from the Navy, he was of the late Raymond and
teered in the social hall of NOVA EMS, Coplay. Donald was assistant editor of COMPRESSED AIR MAGAZINE (Ingersol Suzanna (Hudsco) Koche-
Toczek, Stanley a member of Life In Christ Church, Bethlehem. Rand Co) and later joined Lieberman Associates Advertising nash. Olga worked at the
Wigfield, Carol Survivors: Children, Clinton D. Easton and his compan- Agency in Allentown as a copywriter and account executive. former Richards Sportswear
Zipprodt, Bradley ion, Carol A. Farole of Walnutport, Ronald R. Easton of He then became a vice president and account manager. in Allentown for several
Illinois, Michael L. Easton and his wife, Jocelyn of South Upon retirement Ron worked as a groundskeeper at Lehigh years. She was a volunteer
Obituary Notice Policy Carolina, Robert N. Easton of Walnutport, Rebecca A. County Club—a job he loved. An avid reader and writer, and very dedicated mem-
Obituaries and/or corrections Mangas of California, Sandra A. Mack of Florida; stepson, Ron enjoyed woodworking, gardening and running, even ber of St. John the Baptist
will be accepted from and Michael A. Owen of Danielsville; stepdaughters, Cynthia completing his first marathon at age 58. He was a member Ukrainian Catholic Church,
billed to the funeral home R. Martnick of Bethlehem, Deborah S. Grimm of New of The Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit and served on Northampton.
handling the arrangements; Ringgold, Donna I. White of Walnutport; 19 grandchildren; the church council for 10 years. Survivors: sons, Mi-
we will also accept obituaries many great grandchildren. Survivors: In addition to his wife, Jayne, he is survived chael R. Harbove and wife,
from families handling their Services: Family and friends may pay their respects from by his son Andrew (Allison) of Emmaus, son Timothy (Liz) Nadine, David P. Harbove
own arrangements. 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Thursday, August 24, 2017, followed by a fu- of Chestnut Hill and daughter Beth (Jim) of Allentown, and wife, Anne; 6 grandchil-
neral service at 8:30 pm. in the Heintzelman Funeral Home, his brother, Richard Moxey (Lorraine) of Doylestown, PA, dren, Daria, Michael, Sherri,
Obituaries will be accepted by Inc., 4906 Route 309, Schnecksville with Pastor Norman brother-in-law, Charles Kuntzleman and wife Beth and Christopher, Megan, and
fax at: 610-820-6755; or via
Carlisle officiating. Interment with military honors will be grandchildren, Tyler, Ashley, Todd, Timothy, Clare and Benjamin; brothers, Paul,
email at
held 9:30 am. Friday, August 25, 2017 at Woodlawn Memorial Thomas. Harold, Edward, Joseph,
For more information, contact
Park, 1500 Airport Road, Allentown. Online expressions of Services: Funeral Services Friday, August 25, 2017 at Dennis and Stephen Koche-
The Morning Call at
sympathy may be recorded at 11:00 AM in The Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit, 3461 S. nash; sisters, Margaret and
Contributions: In lieu of flowers, memorial contribu- Cedar Crest Blvd., Emmaus. Visitation 10:00 to 11:00 AM in Virginia; and many nieces
OBITUARY DESK HOURS: tions may be made to Life In Christ Church, c/o the funeral the church. Interment with military honors will follow in and nephews. Olga was pre-
Monday-Friday - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. home, P.O. Box # 196, Schnecksville, 18078-0196. Emmaus Moravian Cemetery. Schantz Funeral Home, P.C., deceased by sisters, Anna
Saturday - 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Please sign Guest Book on Emmaus is handling arrangements. and Rose.
Sunday - 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contributions: In lieu of flowers, contributions may be Services: A viewing will
Holidays - 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. made to Lehigh Valley Hospice, 2024 Lehigh St., Allentown, be Friday, August 25th from
In order to guarantee PA 18103 or to Leukemia – Lymphoma Society, P.O. Box 4072, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. with Pan-
publication in the next day’s Pittsfield, MA 01202 or online at ikhida service at 9:15 a.m. in
paper, an obituary needs to be Please sign Guest Book on the Reichel Funeral Home,
submitted by 2 p.m. 326 E. 21st St., Northampton
Emma (Faustner) followed by Divine Liturgy
Serencsics at 10:00 a.m. in St. John the
Emma Serencsics, 91, Baptist Ukrainian Catholic
formerly of Moore Town- Church, 1343 Newport Ave.,
Dimitrios Manesis ship, passed away on Northampton. Burial will
Paul M. Koziel Dimitrios “Jimmy” Mane- Saturday, August 19, 2017, follow in the parish cem-
Paul M. Koziel, 48, of sis, 85 of Bethlehem died on at Country Meadows in etery. Online condolences
Hometown, formerly of August 19, 2017 at St. Luke’s Bethlehem Township. She may be submitted to www.
Hazleton died suddenly Hospital in Fountain Hill. was the loving wife of John
Saturday at Wayne Memo- Dimitrios was the husband Serencsics, with whom she Stanley J. Toczek Contributions: Memori-
rial Hospital, Honesdale. He of Angeliki (Malitsis) Mane- shared 60 years of marriage Stanley J. Toczek, 60, of als may be presented to the
Adela A. Durkay was born in Hazleton son sis, they were married for prior to his passing in 2012. Whitehall Pennsylvania, church c/o funeral home in
Adela A. Durkay, 90, Born in Ormrod, on March passed away Wednesday,
of Sophia (Gorski) Koziel, over 65 years. lieu of flowers.
formerly of Coxeville died 06, 1926, she was a daugh- August 16th in his home.
Hazleton and the late Dimitrios was born in Please sign Guest Book on
early Saturday morning at ter of the late Charles and He was the husband of Lisa
Michael Koziel. He was a Othoni (Damaskatika-5)
Hometown Nursing Home Bertha (Keppel) Faustner. A. Toczek (Bednar). Born in
Police Officer for the City of Corfu, Greece on May 1,
were she had been a guest. She attended Parkland Allentown he was the son
Allentown joining the force 1932 son of the late Nicho-
She was born in Hazleton High School. A member of Frieda (Bruckner) Liberda
in 2003, advanced to Detec- las and Angeliki Manesis.
daughter of the late Stanley of the International Ladies’ and the late Henry Toczek.
tive, Criminal Investigations He was the owner the Blue
& Louise (Matuella) Yackera. Garment Workers’ Union, Stanley was a graduate
in 2012, Member of the Anchor Restaurant for a few
She was a member of Ss. Emma was employed in the of Louis E. Dieruff High
Crisis Negotiation Team in years, then he owned the
Peter & Paul B.C. Church, garment industry for many School. He served honor-
2016 and in 2017 Detective- Greek Island Coffee House
Beaver Meadows. Prior to years before retiring as a ably in the United States
Lehigh County Insurance and later he owned Manesis
retiring she was employed floor lady. She was also an Marine Corps and was a
Fraud Task Force, during Painting in Bethlehem.
in the Local Garment active member of Sacred Correctional Officer for
his time on the force he He was a member of St.
Industry. She was a lifetime Heart of Jesus Parish in Lehigh County Corrections.
received two Merit Com- Nicholas Greek Orthodox
member of the Women Bath, and the Ladies Altar Stanley was an avid long
mendations and a Bravery Cathedral in Bethlehem.
of the Moose, an ILGWU Society. distance runner and was
Commendation. Previously Survivors: His wife An-
member, served a brief time Survivors: She is sur- in training for what would
he served as a police officer geliki, their sons Nicholas,
as Greek Catholic Union vived by her loving nieces, have been his fifteenth full
in Kline Twp. from 1998 to husband of Doris and
Athletic Director, Ss. Peter nephews and their fami- marathon.
2000 and West Hazleton Aristidis, husband of Isa-
& Paul Ladies Auxiliary, and lies. In addition to her late Survivors: Mother, Wife,
from 1999 to 2003. He was bella all of Riegelsville; five
was an avid bowler. She is husband, John, she was Daughter Valerie Toczek-
a member of the Fraternal grandchildren Gino, David,
preceded in death by her predeceased by her three Reinhart and Son in Law
Order of Police Lodge 10. Ariella, Dimitrios and Ales-
Husband Joseph Durkay in brothers, Joseph, Frank and Patrick of Bethlehem,
Paul was an avid music fan sia; sister Ioanna Pappas
1996 and a brother Walter Charles, as well as her two Granddaughter Caroline,
and was very proud of his and brother Kostas both of
Yackera. Sisters- Suzanne Lagler,
Polish Heritage. Athens, Greece and many sisters, Stella and Bertha.
Survivors: She is survived Services: Her Mass of Marianne Hoffman, and
Survivors: He is survived nieces and nephews.
by her 3 daughters: Joanne Christian Burial will be Wanda Benkovic, Brother-
in addition to his mother by Services: Funeral service
Shimanski and her husband
Joseph, Hazleton, Mary
Boyle and her husband
his wife the former Susan
Laudeman and the follow-
on Friday August 25, 2017 at
11 AM, viewing 10AM to 11
celebrated on Thursday,
August 24, 2017, at 10:30
A.M. in Sacred Heart of
Michael Liberda, many
nieces, a great niece and
great nephews.
ing brother and sisters: AM in St. Nicholas Greek
Joseph, Bethlehem and De-
nise Durkay and her com-
panion Todd Zimmerman,
Mary Koziel, Lakeworth,
Florida, Julia Koziel, Ber-
Orthodox Cathedral 1607
West Union Blvd, Bethle-
Jesus Catholic Church, 210
E. Northampton Street,
Services: The family will
have a celebration honor- who
wick, Dorothea Saksek, west hem. Burial in Nisky Hill Bath, PA 18014. Friends and ing Stanley's life on Sunday,
Hummelstown, Pa., 3 grand- relatives are invited to call August 27th from 1-6 pm
Hazleton, Michael Koziel Cemetery, Bethlehem. Fu-
children: Joseph Shimanski, on Thursday morning from at Northampton Municipal
and his wife Beth Logan, neral arrangements are by
Jr., Shawn Joseph Boyle, and 8:45 A.M. to 9:45 A.M. in Park (off of Laubach Ave.)
North Chelmsford, Mass. the John F. Herron Funeral
Erin Michael Boyle, 1 great-
granddaughter Brittany
Ann Shimanski and several
Several nieces, nephews,
uncles , aunts, cousins and
Home in Bethlehem.
Contributions: To the
FUNERAL HOME, Inc., 2165
Please sign Guest Book on support
his faithful pet companions: Cathedral. Community Drive, Route
nieces and nephews.
Services: The Funeral will
Josey wales, Lily, Dirty Harry,
Julius, Coco, Pixie, Vera and
Please sign Guest Book on
946, Village of Moorestown
- Bath, PA 18014. Interment Carol N. Wigfield during
be held on Wednesday at will follow in Sacred Heart Carol N. Wigfield, 77,
9:30 A.M. from the Frank J.
Bonin Funeral Home Inc.
Services: The funeral will
be held on Friday at 9:30
Parish Cemetery, Bath.
Contributions: In lieu of
of Emmaus, passed away
in her home on August 21, these
Divine Liturgy with Office flowers, contributions may 2017. She was the wife of
a.m. from the Frank J. Bonin
of Christian Burial at 10:00 be offered in memory of Edward C. Wigfield and they
Funeral Home Inc. 542 N.
A.M. at Ss. Peter & Paul B.C. Emma to the Alzheimer’s As- would have observed their
Wyoming St. Hazleton, PA.
Church. Interment in the 60th wedding anniversary
Parish Cemetery. Friends
and relatives may call on
Mass of Christian Burial at
10:00 a.m. at the Parish of Ss.
Cyril and Methodius at the
sociation, 617 Main Street A,
Hellertown, PA 18055.
Please sign Guest Book on
next month. Born in Bryn
Mawr, she was the daughter
Tuesday evening from 6:00 of the late Lawrence A. and
Church of St. Joseph 604 N.
to 9:00 P.M. Parastas will be Charles P. Miller Ruth D. (Powell) Altemus.
Laurel St. Hazleton, PA. In-
held at 7:00 P.M. Charles P. Miller, 75, Carol was self employed as
terment will be held at the
Please sign Guest Book on
convenience of the family of Upper Macungie Twp., Carol E. Strong a piano and vocal teacher.
in St. Stanislaus Cemetery. passed away Saturday, Carol E. Strong, 89, of She was an avid quilter and
Bradley B. Zipprodt Friends and relatives may August 19, 2017 in St. Luke’s Bethlehem died Sunday, Au- she was a member of Bethel
Bradley Zipprodt, 54, of call on Thursday from 5:00 Hospice House, Lower gust 20, 2017 at the St. Luke’s Bible Fellowship Church,
Allentown died at Lehigh to 9:00 p.m. at the funeral Saucon Twp. He was the Hospice House in Lower Emmaus.
Valley Hospital on July 14, home. husband of the late Jeannie Saucon Township. Born De- Survivors: Survivors:
2017 as a result of injuries Contributions: In lieu of E. (Klass) Miller. Born in cember 26, 1927 in Bethle- Husband; Children, Edward
C. Wigfield, Jr. and his wife,
sustained in a motor vehicle flowers, donations to Lodge Allentown, he was a son of hem, she was the daughter
accident. He graduated 10 Fraternal Order of Police the late Oscar and Dorothy of the late Harry and Evelyn Cindy; Kathi L. Schlier and
from Nazareth Area High in Paul's Memory would be Miller. Charles was a weaver (Gottshall) Strong. her husband, David; Susan
School in 1980 and entered appreciated by the family. at Raxon Fabrics for 42 years Carol was a 1946 gradu- B. Wigfield; Janice E. Harris
and her husband, Robert;
the Navy upon graduation. Please sign Guest Book on before retiring in 2008. He ate from Bethlehem High
Survivors: mother Geor- was a member of First Pres- School. She worked and David P. Wigfield and his
giana, brother Kurt and his byterian Church of Hokend- retired from Sure-Fit in wife, Cheryl; Elizabeth
wife Lynne, two nephews. auqua. Charles enjoyed life Bethlehem. Carol was a Kuhns and her husband,
Jeffrey; 19 grandchildren; 3
Services: Private. Ar- and loved spending time member of Rosemont Lu-
rangements by the Herron with his family. theran Church. In her free great-grandchildren.
Funeral Home in Bethle- Survivors: Daughter: time, Carol enjoyed to knit Services: Services: 11
hem. Share Heather J. Irwin and her
husband Warren of Upper
and crochet.
Survivors: She will be
AM Thursday, August 24
at Bethel Bible Fellowship
Please sign Guest Book on Macungie Twp.; Son: Shawn lovingly remembered by Church, 418 Elm Street, Em-
P. Miller of Denver, CO; her nephew, William B. maus. Calling hours will be
Lorraine E. Heil Brother: Bill Miller and his Gill husband of Doreen, held 6-8 PM Wednesday at
Lorraine E. Heil, 91, died Bachman, Kulik & Reinsmith
August 20, 2017. She was the wife Karen of Wisconsin; great nephew, Patrick, great
Grandchildren: Cody Mur- nieces, Corrin and Kelli and Funeral Home, 225 Elm
wife of the late Harold Heil. Street, Emmaus, and 10-11
Services: Viewing 10 – 11 phy, Brayden Irwin, Aiden a brother-in-law, Thomas
Miller, Nick Irwin, Ryan Gill. Carol was preceded AM Thursday in the church.
AM, Service at 11AM, Thurs- Contributions: Contri-
day, August 24, Pennsburg U Irwin and his wife Brittany. in death by her sister, Joyce
Charles was predeceased by Gill. butions: In lieu of flow-
C C, 775 Main St., Penns- ers, contributions can be
burg. For a complete obitu- a brother Dennis. Services: Services will be
Services: At Charlie’s re- private and at the conve- made to Still Waters Baptist
ary see the Town & Country Church, 100 E. Driftwood
and visit falkfuneralhomes. quest, there will not be any nience of the family. Ar-
services. “Remember me rangements Connell Funeral Street, Nags Head, NC 27959
with a smile.” Arrangements Home, Inc. Please sign Guest Book on
Please sign Guest Book on by Stephens Funeral Home, Contributions: Memorial
Inc. www.stephensfuneral.
Contributions: In lieu
contributions may be made
in Carol’s name to, St. Luke’s
Hospice, 240 Union Station share your memories
For those who gave support
of flowers to CurePSP, 30
E. Padonia Rd., Suite 201,
Plaza 1st Floor, Bethlehem,
PA 18015. 610.820.6565
during these difficult times.
Call 610.820.6565. Timonium, MD 21093.
Please sign Guest Book on Please sign Guest Book on
U.S. basks in cosmic spectacle
Moment in shade came out onto the White
House’s Truman Balcony,
of total eclipse gazing skyward with pro-
lights up millions tective lenses in place —
although the president
By Laura King and briefly looked up after re-
Matt Pearce moving his glasses.
Los Angeles Times Most total eclipses,
which come around every
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — one to three years, take
Millions of people gazed place in inaccessible areas,
skyward Monday as the far out at sea or over the
moon’s shadow raced east- poles, darkening the planet
ward along a slender corri- in places where few are
dor bisecting the mainland around to see it. There
United States, blotting out hadn’t been a coast-to-coast
the sun in a grand celestial total eclipse in the United
show that had not been States since June 1918, as
visible all across America in World War I raged and
nearly a century. Woodrow Wilson sat in the
As if by the machinations White House.
of some great astral clock, Eclipse mania suddenly
the magic of the total solar became a pop phenomenon
eclipse began right on as well as a scientific bonan-
schedule, with the moon za.
taking its first “bites” from NASA star-gazers and
the sun, to the enthrallment reams of other astronomers
of watchers in the Pacific COLIN MULVANY/THE SPOKESMAN REVIEW kept watch from ground
Northwest and swiftly be- After their wedding , Nathan Mauger and Connie Young toast the eclipse with family and friends in Spokane, Wash. telescopes and outer space.
yond. Animal behaviorists and
Darkness descended. set. “Whoa,” said a woman the state fairgrounds in the Cheyenne, Wyo., tweeted botanists had a literal field
The air cooled. Birds fell on a paddleboard, leaning to capital, Salem, which was in out a shot of a long, zig- day. Zoos and museums
silent. Cicadas buzzed. kiss her girlfriend. “I didn’t the path of totality. zagging line of car head- hosted viewing events;
Watchers erupted in cheers. think it would be so drama- The stretch of enveloping lights lighting up the campgrounds and open
In the eerie, failing light, tic.” darkness as the moon fully predawn sky. fields fell silent with awe, or
cattle lay down in the fields. The path of totality, it blotted out the sun was the In South Carolina, traffic erupted in whoops of won-
The stars came out. The turns out, is a pretty person- longest in Southern Illinois, before 9 a.m. was light on der.
contrails of passing jet al thing. Among young and where totality lasted nearly many of the two-lane roads For anyone who missed
planes jumped into sharp old alike, a sense of childlike three minutes. Elsewhere winding through the hills in the show: Just wait until
relief. wonder awakened as the on the route, the show was a the west of the state. Day- 2024. That’s when the next
The eclipse, moving clock ticked down to what few seconds shorter. trippers in sun hats walked total solar eclipse will be
along a 2,600-mile, 14-state GEORGE FREY/GETTY many saw as a once-in-a- The most devoted along the side of Cherokee seen in the United States.
swath starting in Oregon The sun in full eclipse over lifetime cosmic spectacle. eclipse-watchers had pre- Foothills Scenic Byway, But there won’t be another
and ending in South Car- Grand Teton National Park “Make the most of the pared for these fleeting mo- hauling folding chairs, cool- coast-to-coast one until
olina, seemed to bring out outside Jackson, Wyo. day!” said gallery owner ments months or years ago, ers and umbrellas to Table 2045.
everyone’s awe-struck Bonita Shipman, in Brevard, devouring accounts of the Rock State Park.
inner poet — or curious Louisville, Ky., after light N.C. Hours before eclipse fear and awe eclipses in- Even in cities where the Laura King reported from
amateur scientist. returned to the sky. time, vendors in a parking spired in ancient times, and, eclipse was only partial and Washington and staff writer
All too soon, it was over, “I felt a sense of awe lot were gearing up to hand turning to modern-day pre- the sky barely darkened, Matt Pearce from Nashville.
and its passing left some about nature ... the whole out free Moon Pies and occupations, scouring web- office workers clustered on Special correspondents
feeling almost bereft. totality of the universe,” she hawk their crafts. sites for flights, rental cars street corners, using protec- Thacher Schmid contributed
Watching, some embraced. said. “I felt like I couldn’t pass and hotels. tive spectacles to look at the from Portland, Ore., Kay
Others wept. At Lake Jocassee in it up,” said Oregon State Some rural highways and fiery corona. In Washing- Manning from Brevard, N.C.,
Outside Nashville’s South Carolina, water and Rep. Rob Nosse, who hap- byways, as well as major ton, D.C., outside the totality and Jenny Jarvie from
Grand Ole Opry, the wonder surrounding hills were pily rose before dawn to highways, were hit by chok- path, President Donald Salem, S.C.
of it was still in the voice of slowly engulfed in a shad- catch the Solar Eclipse Spe- ing vehicular jams. The Na- Trump, together with wife
Lisa Wilbanks, 57, of owy, pink 360-degree sun- cial train from Portland to tional Weather Service in Melania and son Barron,
collisions, a
It will be on a “tight time-
line” and also look into
“tactical and navigational
proficiency” of sailors, he
naval pause
The latest collision
comes three months after
the McCain’s sister ship, the
Navy puts fleet’s sensors failed to avoid guided-missile destroyer
crashes while underway. Fitzgerald, collided with a
operations on hold “I have directed fleet much larger Philippine-
for safety review commanders to immedi- flagged container ship, the
ately conduct an opera- ACX Crystal, on a calm,
By W.J. Hennigan and tional pause with com- clear night about 50 nauti-
Jessica Meyers mands and leaders across cal miles from the Japanese
Washington Bureau the fleet, to ensure we are port of Yokosuka.
taking all appropriate im- Seven sailors were killed
AMMAN, Jordan — The mediate measures to en- in the June 17 collision, and
Navy said Monday that the hance the Navy’s safe and the commander and his
world’s largest and most effective operation around executive officer were re-
powerful armada will im- the world,” Richardson said. JOSHUA FULTON/U.S. NAVY lieved of command last
mediately pause operations The orders come as ten- The hobbled USS John S. McCain rests Monday at Changi Naval Base in Singapore. week after a Navy investiga-
for a fleetwide safety review sions with North Korea tion.
following the pre-dawn col- again notched upward. lacca. determine what happened.” With geopolitical ten- A guided-missile cruiser,
lision of a guided-missile Thousands of U.S. and Ten sailors were missing Despite the extensive sions at play in the region, Lake Champlain, collided
destroyer and an oil tanker South Korean troops began and presumed dead, and damage, the hobbled de- China’s Foreign Ministry with a South Korean fishing
that left 10 sailors missing 11 days of joint drills Mon- five sailors were injured, stroyer arrived at Changi earlier this month de- vessel on May 9 off the
near Singapore, the fourth day and Pyongyang warned after water poured into a Naval Base in Singapore nounced the United States Korean Peninsula. Another
naval accident in the Pacific that it could lead to the huge gash in the McCain’s under its own power. after the McCain passed guided-missile cruiser, An-
this year. “uncontrollable phase of a port hull, flooding crew Search-and-rescue opera- close by a South China Sea tietam, ran aground on Jan.
Chief of Naval Opera- nuclear war.” berthing, machinery and tions were underway using island that China claims. 31 and gushed oil into Tokyo
tions Adm. John Rich- U.S. warships in the west- communications rooms, the Navy Seahawk helicopters The state-run China Bay.
ardson announced the rare ern Pacific are crucial to Navy said. and Ospreys as well as Daily used the latest colli- All of the U.S. ships are
“operational pause” in a South Korea’s defense. Defense Secretary Jim Singaporean tugboats, Navy sion to note “the way U.S. part of the Navy’s 7th Fleet
video posted to social media The fleetwide stand- Mattis told reporters trav- and coast guard vessels. warships tend to sail with- based in Yokosuka.
Monday. He did not say how down was announced hours eling with him in Jordan on The Strait of Malacca is out observing maritime When asked by reporters
long it would last. after the U.S. guided-missile Monday that he has reached one of the world’s most traffic rules and the sloppi- about the collision late Sun-
He also ordered a com- destroyer John S. McCain out to families of the miss- congested shipping lanes. ness of their crews.” day, President Donald
prehensive review into collided with the Alnic MC, ing sailors. Much of Asia’s oil imports The Alnic was damaged Trump initially said, “That’s
causes of the recent colli- a Liberian-flagged oil and “My thoughts and traverse the choke point on in front of its hull, but no too bad.”
sions, saying “more forceful chemical tanker nearly prayers are with the sailors the way to the South China crew members were in- He later tweeted
action” is needed to deter- three times its size. The and families of the USS Sea, where China is build- jured, according to Singa- “thoughts & prayers” for the
mine why trained crews on collision occurred at 5:24 John McCain,” he said. “We ing artificial islands in wa- pore’s Maritime and Port sailors aboard the ship.
U.S. warships carrying a.m. local time at the en- obviously have an investiga- ters that its neighbors also Authority.
radars and other high-tech trance to the Strait of Ma- tion underway, and that will claim. Richardson said the com-
shot Monday morning near venile lockup after being death lawsuit that Nate ground during Monday’s at- Officials in Steubenville, Ohio, work the scene of Monday’s
the courthouse in convicted with another Richmond filed in April tack. incident, in which a bailiff shot and killed the gunman.
office, however, he faces a Emmanuel Macron is more unpopular at the three-month point of his first term than were any of his immediate predecessors, a French polling firm says.
full-fledged nose-dive in
public opinion. According perceived lack of respect for Move — is a new force in point, according to Ifop, the increase military spending vatives and other support-
to the latest YouGov poll, the French military and the French politics. While Mac- Paris-based polling firm. by next year, he plans to go ers of the military objected
published at the beginning relative inexperience and ron made headlines for cre- Of late, any attempt by ahead with previously an- to what they saw as the
of August, just 36 percent of lack of discipline shown by ating a diverse coalition of Macron to act as the nounced cuts of almost $1 undiplomatic way Macron
the French now approve of his party’s parliamentary deputies — with as many “Jupiter of the Elysee,” as he billion to the 2017 defense conveyed and defended his
their president, roughly the deputies. women as men, and from a has been dubbed, has run budget. decisions to the armed
same as the percentage of Others say the decline wide range of professional into fierce opposition. A That amount represents forces. The young presi-
Americans who approve of can be explained in part by backgrounds — the brief vague proposal to make his a small fraction of the dent, who has never served
Trump. On May 7, some 66 France’s system of govern- summer session before Par- wife, Brigitte, an “official” French military’s total an- in the military, dismissed
percent of French voters ment, in which the presi- liament’s August recess was first lady — a title that would nual budget of $37 billion. the protests of his troops,
supported Macron. dent enjoys far broader marked by infighting and a have come with a separate But against the backdrop telling them in a widely
That steep decline — es- powers than many of his degree of administrative taxpayer-funded budget — of France’s efforts to com- discussed public speech last
pecially given the relief that Western peers — including chaos. was abandoned after an bat terrorism at home and month, “I am your boss”
followed Macron’s trounc- the power to dissolve Parlia- For many, though, it’s online petition garnered abroad, Macron’s decision and insisting that he needed
ing of the far-right Marine ment. As a result, he re- Macron’s personality that more than 300,000 signa- was seen by military offi- “no pressure and no com-
Le Pen — has baffled politi- ceives all the credit or all the has done the most to alien- tures. Brigitte Macron told cials as a betrayal. mentary.”
cal operatives and pollsters blame whenever either is ate ordinary citizens. Elle Magazine in her first In mid-July, the coun- The speech was poorly
here. And although poll due. In three months in public interview that she try’s top-ranking general, received by military fam-
numbers fluctuate, the lat- “It’s a pitfall of the presi- power, the new head of state would serve only in an Pierre de Villiers, resigned ilies, Desportes said, adding,
est figures also have many dential system,” said Sudhir has been reluctant to grant informal capacity. in protest. “He knows nothing.”
wondering about the viabil- Hazareesingh, an expert on interviews, preferring to de- Macron’s treatment of “The French army is in a Hazareesingh, though,
ity of the president’s newly French politics at the Uni- liver lengthy orations in the the military has also helped very difficult state because sees Macron’s lack of trans-
established political party versity of Oxford. Haza- halls of Versailles, France’s cement his emerging image of the budget cuts that have parency as perhaps his big-
and his ambitious economic reesingh also noted the historic seat of absolute as an aloof, kinglike figure. characterized the last 25 gest public relations prob-
proposals. damage done by lawmakers monarchy, and such regal After his inauguration, years,” said Vincent De- lem.
In an interview, Antoni in Macron’s party, whom he optics have not played well the new president quickly sportes, a retired French “He’s adopted a very
Minniti, a research director described as “a complete set with the media or the pub- set his sights on military general, in an interview. clear strategy of not talking
at YouGov France, attrib- of novices.” lic. expenditures, a not-unex- “Fundamentally, we need to the press,” he said, noting
uted the unusual drop to a “They haven’t got used to Macron is more unpopu- pected move given his support. Macron said he that Macron has so far
“convergence of elements” parliamentary procedure,” lar at the three-month point promises to slash govern- would provide that support, preferred to appear in the
after Macron’s first 100 days he said, “and the group of his first term than any of ment spending as a way to but the first thing he did spotlight only alongside
in office. Among the fre- really isn’t as cohesive as his immediate predecessors keep France in line with was to walk back on his other world leaders or pop
quently cited factors his might be hoped.” — François Hollande, Nico- European Union budgetary word.” stars.
team noticed, he said, were Established last year, the las Sarkozy and Jacques guidelines. Separately from the That can’t last, Haza-
reactions to the president’s party — Republic on the Chirac — were at the same Although he pledged to budget arguments, conser- reesingh said.
MOSCOW — In a step
that could affect hundreds
of thousands of Russian
tourists, the U.S. Embassy
in Russia said Monday it
would suspend issuing
nonimmigrant visas for
eight days from Wednesday
in response to the Russian
decision to cap embassy
The embassy made the IVAN SEKRETAREV/AP 2013
decision after the Russian The U.S. Embassy made the decision after Moscow or-
The cost of protecting the president and his family has strained the Secret Service. Foreign Ministry ordered a dered a cap on U.S. diplomatic personnel in Russia.
cap on the number of U.S.
They alternately blamed Congress raised expecta- agers who are filling in on a suicide belt at two troopers Police patrol Monday near Subirats, where officers shot
the White House for failing tions for a defense buildup. temporary basis. Business who confronted him in a and killed the lone fugitive from last week’s van attack.
to offer up candidates and Since then, the GOP-led executives praised their vineyard just outside the
Congress for failing to ap- coalition has struggled. An hard work but expressed city he terrorized, author- police determined the leave the premises and go
prove those who have been early effort to repeal and concern that the stand-ins ities said. bomb belt was not real, home. We heard a helicop-
appointed. replace the Affordable Care tend to lack the agenda- Police said they had “sci- Trapero said. A bag full of ter flying around and many
Science Applications Act revealed deep rifts setting authority more per- entific evidence” that knives was found with his police cars coming toward
International Chief Execu- among lawmakers, and manent political appoint- Younes Abouyaaqoub, 22, body, police said. the gas station that is some
tive Anthony Moraco some industry officials ees have. drove the van that barreled A police photo of the 600 meters from the prop-
sounded the alarm on worry that approaching “Without the political through Barcelona’s body seen by The Associ- erty,” Ventura said.
March 30, when he told deadlines to deal with the appointee in position to crowded Las Ramblas ated Press showed his The search for
investors that his Reston, debt and budget could lead drive reform, it just doesn’t promenade, killing 13 peo- bloodied face, bearing sev- Abouyaaqoub ended on the
Va.-based business was be- to another government happen,” said Dan Stohr, a ple on Thursday, then hi- eral days’ stubble on the same day that Catalan po-
ing negatively affected by shutdown. spokesman for the Aero- jacked a car and fatally chin. lice confirmed that he was
“award delays due to on- Meanwhile, Trump lags space Industry Association, stabbed its driver while With Abouyaaqoub’s the last remaining cell
going administration tran- behind the previous three which lobbies on behalf of making his getaway. death, the group responsi- member thought to still be
sitions.” Leidos Chief Exe- administrations in getting aerospace and defense Abouyaaqoub’s brother ble for last week’s fatal van at large and provided a
cutive Roger Krone, whose qualified candidates ap- manufacturers. and friends made up the attacks has now been bro- timeline of his movements.
Reston company employs pointed and confirmed for Former government rest of the 12-man extrem- ken, Trapero said. Authorities said earlier
33,000 people and services key government jobs, ac- managers echoed that con- ist cell, along with an imam “The arrest of this per- Monday they had evidence
$6.8 billion in federal IT cording to data maintained cern. Frank Kendall, who who police said died in a son was the priority for the that pinpointed
contracts, raised the issue by The Washington Post was the undersecretary of botched bomb-making op- police because it closed the Abouyaaqoub as the driver
in early May when he said and the Partnership for defense for acquisition, eration. detention and dismantling of the van that plowed
his company was seeing Public Service. technology and logistics in After four days on the of the group that we had down the Las Ramblas
“more slowness than ex- As of Friday, only 15 the Obama administration, run, Abouyaaqoub was identified,” he said. promenade, killing 13 pe-
pected in the acquisition Defense Department ap- said temporary Defense spotted outside a train sta- Four are under arrest, destrians and injuring
organizations of our (gov- pointments had been filled, Department managers are tion about 33 miles west of and eight are dead: five shot more than 120 others.
ernment) customers.” half of which were con- less likely to reverse initia- Barcelona on Monday by police in the seaside Trapero said that after
General Dynamics Chief firmed by the Senate within tives begun by their prede- afternoon. A second wit- town of Cambrils, where a abandoning the vehicle,
Executive Phebe No- the last few weeks. That’s cessors. ness told police she was second van attack left one Abouyaaqoub walked
vakovic said July 26 that compared with 22 and 33 at “They will keep the certain she had seen the pedestrian dead early Fri- through Barcelona for
she has seen “very slow the same point in the trains running,” Kendall man whose photo has gone day; two others killed on about 90 minutes, through
execution” on contracts in Barack Obama and George said. “Appropriately, how- around the world as part of the eve of the Barcelona the famed La Boqueria
some agencies. And L3 W. Bush presidencies, re- ever, they will generally not an international manhunt. attack in a botched bomb- market and nearly to Bar-
Technologies Chief Execu- spectively. make major policy changes Two officers found him making operation; and celona University.
tive Ralph D’Ambrosio said Appointments at other nor proceed with question- hiding in a nearby vineyard Abouyaaqoub. The Spanish newspaper
the vacancies have “defi- agencies are behind even able programs that new and asked for his identifica- The Islamic State group El Pais published images
nitely resulted in a slow- more: Only 9 percent of politically appointed lead- tion, according to the head has claimed responsibility Monday of what it said was
down” even at the Defense political appointments at ership might reverse.” of the Catalan police. He for both the Cambrils and Abouyaaqoub leaving the
Department. the Energy Department The result, some say, is a was shot to death when he Barcelona attacks. van attack site on foot. The
The comments come as have been filled; 8 percent slower contracting process. opened his shirt to reveal Roser Ventura, whose images show a slim man
federal contractors face an at the Agriculture Depart- “Without these appoint- what looked to be explo- father owns a vineyard be- wearing sunglasses walk-
uncertain future. Many saw ment; 13 percent at the ments, it is difficult to sives and cried out “Allah is tween the towns of Sadurni ing through La Boqueria.
their stock prices soar Education Department; process contracts and get great” in Arabic, regional d’Anoia and Subirats, said In a parking lot often
when President Donald and 18 percent at the State authorized and appropriat- police chief Josep Luis she alerted the regional used by university students,
Trump prevailed on Elec- Department. ed funds obligated to con- Trapero said. Catalan police when they he then hijacked a Ford
tion Day, as the prospect of In the meantime, the tracts,” General Dynamics’ A bomb disposal robot spotted a car crossing their Focus belonging to Pau
Republicans controlling work is generally being Novakovic told investors was dispatched to examine property at high speed. Perez, stabbing Perez to
both the White House and picked up by interim man- last month. the downed suspect before “The police told us to death and taking the wheel.
during the past decade. a 2016 finding by the Presi- Steven Barnes hugs family members after his rape conviction was overturned and he was freed from prison in Utica, N.Y.
Some of that science — dent’s Council of Advisors
analysis of bite marks, latent
fingerprints, firearms iden-
on Science and Technology
that such associations are
“At some point, we have to acknowl-
tification, burn patterns in “unsupported by any mean- edge that precedent has to be over-
arson investigations, ingful evidence or estimates
footwear patterns and tire of their accuracy.” ruled by scientific reality.”
treads — was once consid- ■ In Chicago, a federal
ered sound, but is now judge rejected a request to — Christopher Fabricant, director of strategic litigation,
being denounced by law- exclude testimony of gov- Innocence Project
yers and scientists who say ernment experts to describe
it has not been studied firearm and tool-mark com-
enough to prove its reliabili- parisons they performed on When the reliability of sion on Forensic Science
ty and in some cases has led bullets collected at crime forensic evidence is chal- wants “to change the sys-
to wrongful convictions. scenes in the trial of Hobos lenged through DNA test- tem from the ground up to
Even so, judges nation- gang members. The judge ing or other new evidence, it make it virtually impossible
wide continue to admit reasoned that defense law- often results in the granting to convict anybody,” said
such evidence regularly. yers were free to cross- MANUEL BALCE CENETA/AP 2015 of a new trial, even if there is William Fitzpatrick, a pros-
“Courts — unlike scien- examine the government’s Kirk Odom, who was convicted of a 1981 rape based on hair other strong evidence. ecutor in Syracuse, N.Y.
tists — rely too heavily on experts. evidence, was exonerated by DNA testing after 22 years. “More often than not, it Kirk Odom was 18 when
precedent and not enough Two reports by scientific undermines confidence in he was charged with raping
on the progress of science,” boards have sharply criti- Justice Department would one-fourth list “false or mis- the verdict, which is enough a woman at gunpoint in
said Christopher Fabricant, cized the use of such foren- disband the National Com- leading forensic evidence” to get a new trial,” said Washington, D.C. An FBI
director of strategic litiga- sic evidence, and universi- mission on Forensic Scien- as a contributing factor. Daniel Medwed, a law pro- agent testified that a hair on
tion for the Innocence Proj- ties that teach it are moving ce, an independent panel of And a report last fall from fessor at Boston’s North- the woman’s nightgown
ect. “At some point, we have away from visual analysis scientists, researchers, the president’s council criti- eastern University. was “indistinguishable”
to acknowledge that prece- and toward more precise judges and attorneys that cized several “feature-com- Many prosecutors scoff from Odom’s.
dent has to be overruled by biometric tools. had been studying how to parison” methods. The at the notion that long-used Odom spent 22 years in
scientific reality.” But some defense law- improve forensic practices. council said those methods forensic evidence is not prison but was exonerated
Defense lawyers and civil yers fear any progress on The National Registry of — including analysis of shoe scientifically valid, saying after DNA testing of the hair
rights advocates say prose- strengthening forensic sci- Exonerations at the Uni- prints, tire tracks, latent groups that have criticized and other evidence ex-
cutors and judges are slow ence may be lost under versity of California at fingerprints, firearms and the techniques were too cluded him as the rapist.
to acknowledge that some President Donald Trump. Irvine has documented spent ammunition — need heavily influenced by de- “I just kept saying,
forensic science methods In April, Attorney General more than 2,000 exonera- more study to determine fense attorneys. ‘They’re lying,’ ” Odom re-
are flawed because these Jeff Sessions announced the tions since 1989. Nearly reliability and error rates. The National Commis- called. “That ain’t my hair.”
Tribune news services
Jury awards $417M in suit that alleged J&J baby powder cancer risk
hygiene. client hoped the verdict
Science backs The lawsuit was brought would lead Johnson &
out to help these other
She had blamed her ill-
ness on the company’s tal-
product’s safety, by a California woman, Eva
Echeverria, who alleged
Johnson to include addi-
tional warnings on its prod-
Johnson & Johnson
spokeswoman Carol Good-
cum powder-containing
products, which she used
company says Johnson & Johnson failed
to adequately warn con-
“Mrs. Echeverria is dying
rich said in a statement that for more than 40 years.
the company will appeal the Besides that case, three
By Michael Balsamo sumers about the potential from this ovarian cancer jury’s decision. other jury trials in St. Louis
Associated Press cancer risks of talcum pow- and she said to me all she She says while the com- reached similar outcomes
der. wanted to do was to help pany sympathizes with last year — issuing awards of
LOS ANGELES — A Los Echeverria developed the other women through- those impacted by ovarian $72 million, $70.1 million
Angeles jury on Monday ovarian cancer as a “proxi- out the whole country who cancer, she says science and $55 million, for a com-
ordered Johnson & John- mate result of the unreason- have ovarian cancer for us- supports the safety of John- bined total of $307.6 million.
son to pay $417 million to a ably dangerous and defec- ing Johnson & Johnson for son’s baby powder. Goodrich said the com-
woman who claimed in a tive nature of talcum pow- 20 and 30 years,” Robinson A St. Louis, Mo., jury in pany is preparing for addi-
lawsuit that the talc in its der,” Echeverria said in her said. May awarded $110.5 million tional trials in the U.S. and
iconic baby powder causes lawsuit. “She really didn’t want in May to a Virginia woman will continue to defend the JEFF CHIU/AP
ovarian cancer when ap- Echeverria’s attorney, sympathy,” he added. “She who was diagnosed with product’s safety. The lawsuit targeted the
plied regularly for feminine Mark Robinson, said his just wanted to get a message ovarian cancer in 2012. talc in J&J’s iconic product.
From news services
$7.45B deal
creates N. Sea
oil, gas giant
French oil company To-
tal agreed Monday to buy
the oil and gas division of
Danish conglomerate AP
VALLEY STOCKS Moller-Maersk for $7.45 bil-
lion, in a deal that will see it
HOW TO FIND become the No. 2 operator
Go to for complete stock data. in the North Sea.
CURRENT Total said its purchase of Sempra’s bid for Oncor wrestled the power transmit-
Including stock prices, historical trends, investing tools and latest news.
STOCK PRICES Maersk Oil will shore up its ter away from Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.
position in the offshore and
LOCAL challenging waters of Sempra to buy Oncor for $9.45B
s Community Hlth Sys
7.64 +8.7% t
Bon Ton Stores
.62 -7.5%
northwest Europe, which is
the seventh-largest oil and
gas producing region in the
Sempra Energy is buy-
ing Texas power trans-
Future entered bank-
ruptcy in 2014, saddled
world. Industry consultants mitter Oncor for $9.45 with more than $40 bil-
Wood Mackenzie said it’s billion in cash, wresting it lion in debt due to crater-
THE MORNING CALL 30 the biggest North Sea- away from Warren Buf- ing energy prices.
weighted deal since 2006. fett’s Berkshire Hatha- Berkshire Hathaway
YTD 12Mo
3Mo %CHG %CHG Volume P/E DIV YLD Under the terms of the way. said last month that it
deal, Total said it will up- Sempra said Monday would buy Oncor for $9
Air Products APD 129.00 157.84 145.15 -.61 -.4 -.4 +1.84 +.9 +4.3 1,093,600 22 3.80 2.6
hold Maersk Oil’s devel- that it will also pick up billion, and last week it AMZN 710.10 1083.31 953.29 -5.18 -.5 -.5 -17.38 +27.1 +25.4 2,963,400 ... ... opment schedules and in- $9.35 billion of the com- stuck to that bid. Hedge
vestments and that Den- pany’s debt. To gain pos- fund Elliott Manage-
BB&T Corp BBT 36.80 49.88 45.88 -.24 -.5 -.5 +3.48 -2.4 +25.4 4,542,500 16 1.32 2.9
mark will become the hub session of Oncor, Sempra ment, which owns a sig-
Bon Ton Stores BONT .31 1.98 .62 -.05 -7.5 -7.5 ... -57.8 -61.9 133,900 .20 32.3 for all its operations in will acquire the reorga- nificant portion of On-
Denmark, Norway and the nized Energy Future cor’s debt, opposed Berk-
Buckeye Partners BPL 55.30 73.01 54.55 -1.13 -2.0 -2.0 -11.99 -17.5 -15.8 684,000 15 5.05 9.3
Netherlands. Holdings Corp. Energy shire’s takeover bid.
Cedar Fair LP FUN 56.23 72.56 66.26 -.14 -.2 -.2 -4.05 +3.2 +20.7 98,400 23 3.42 5.2 As part of the deal,
Community Hlth Sys CYH 4.15 13.28 7.64 +.61 +8.7 +8.7 -2.03 +36.7 -29.9 5,848,200 ... ... Maersk will get $4.95 billion
worth of Total shares,
Cross America Ptrs CAPL 23.26 29.80 26.73 +.18 +.7 +.7 +2.33 +6.1 +13.8 31,700 2.49 9.3
which is equivalent to L.A. Times leadership shaken up
Dun & Bradstreet DNB 100.46 139.70 109.53 -.03 ... .. +4.03 -9.7 -19.2 116,300 15 2.01 1.8 around 3.8 percent of Total’s
share capital. The French In a shakeup at the Los of the 135-year-old news
FirstEnergy Corp. FE 27.93 34.96 32.92 +.09 +.3 +.3 +4.48 +6.3 +3.5 2,388,200 12 1.44 4.4
company said it will also Angeles Times, the Chi- organization. The move
Fulton Financial FULT 13.95 19.90 17.20 +.15 +.9 +.9 -.30 -8.5 +24.8 765,400 17 .44 2.6 assume about $2.5 billion cago-based parent com- was announced Monday
worth of Maersk Oil debt. pany has installed new by Justin Dearborn, chief
Hartford Fn Sv HIG 39.96 57.16 55.28 -.28 -.5 -.5 +6.48 +16.0 +40.4 1,293,400 17 .92 1.7
The deal was welcomed leadership and plans to executive of Tronc, the
Home Depot HD 119.20 160.86 149.20 +1.71 +1.2 +1.2 -6.76 +11.3 +11.8 3,840,400 21 3.56 2.4 in the markets, with both invest more resources in parent company of the
companies enjoying sup- the news organization to Los Angeles Times and
Knoll Inc. KNL 16.57 28.40 18.02 -.09 -.5 -.5 -4.50 -35.5 -25.7 433,500 12 .60 3.3
port on a day when Europe- move it more quickly into eight other daily news-
Las Vegas Sands LVS 50.04 66.22 60.25 +.24 +.4 +.4 +2.55 +12.8 +20.7 2,053,100 26 2.92 4.8 an markets were noticeably the digital age. papers, including The
lower. Ross Levinsohn, 54, a Morning Call.
Merck & Co. MRK 58.29 66.80 61.97 +.48 +.8 +.8 -2.07 +5.3 -.4 6,570,800 16 1.88 3.0
Shares in AP Moller- veteran media executive Jim Kirk, 52, a veteran
OraSure Tech OSUR 6.87 21.59 20.47 +.21 +1.0 +1.0 +5.88 +133.1 +192.4 511,500 38 ... ... Maersk closed up 2.9 per- who worked at Fox and Chicago news executive,
PNC Financial PNC 86.54 133.26 126.60 -.51 -.4 -.4 +7.15 +8.2 +51.5 1,229,200 16 3.00 2.4
cent in Copenhagen, while served as interim chief of was named interim editor
Total’s share price in Paris Yahoo, was named pub- of the Times.
PPL Corp. PPL 32.08 40.20 38.94 +.02 +.1 +.1 -.21 +14.4 +13.7 1,586,800 16 1.58 4.1 ended 0.3 percent higher. lisher and chief executive
ProPhase Labs PRPH 1.78 2.45 2.26 -.03 -1.2 -1.2 +.33 +13.1 +25.1 7,000 ... ...
Sanofi SNY 36.81 50.24 48.22 +.03 +.1 +.1 -.94 +19.2 +25.3 512,000 1.58 3.3
Univest Corp of Penn UVSP 22.24 31.50 29.05 +.20 +.7 +.7 +.60 -6.0 +34.0 99,200 .80 2.8
Walgreen Boots Alli WBA 75.18 88.00 80.60 +.57 +.7 +.7 -.74 -2.6 -1.3 4,230,400 17 1.60 2.0 the biggest maker of semiconductors, said its new eighth genera-
tion of Core processors will deliver. It’s the biggest bump in performance that
Weis Mkts WMK 43.72 68.88 44.94 +.51 +1.1 +1.1 -10.36 -32.8 -10.6 59,400 22 1.20 2.7
personal computer users have experienced in years. That’s a leap in performance
Wells Fargo & Co. WFC 43.55 59.99 51.82 +.14 +.3 +.3 -1.19 -6.0 +9.6 11,878,500 13 1.52 2.9 that arguably happens only once in a decade, the Santa Clara, Calif.-based com-
pany said. New laptops built on the chips will come to market in September.
Source: The Associated Press. Sales figures are unofficial.
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HIGH: 92° LOW: 70° 83° 58° 78° 56° 77° 54° 76° 56°
Allentown through 5 p.m. Monday
Areas of fog this morning;
Monday Normal Record otherwise, hot with a mixture of
High . . . 86° . . . . 82° . . . . 95° in 1937 Towanda clouds and sunshine and near-
85/59 Poughkeepsie record heat. Mostly cloudy tonight
Low . . . . 61° . . . . 60° . . . 45° in 2000 90/68 with a shower or thunderstorm
PRECIPITATION around; warm and humid.
24 hours through 5 p.m. Monday . . . . 0.00" Hawley
Month to date Year to date 86/62
Areas of fog in the morning;
Williamsport Scranton otherwise, humid with times of
89/65 88/65 clouds and sunshine. Increasing
Wilkes-Barre clouds tonight with a strong
89/65 thunderstorm in the evening, then
Stroudsburg a couple of showers later at night.
Actual Normal Actual Normal
7.94" 2.64" 38.63" 28.72" THE SHORE
Danville Jim Thorpe
WIND 87/66 Newark Humid today with times of
88/65 Easton
Average speed . . . . 3.5 mph 91/74 clouds and sun. Mainly clear
Pottsville 90/70 New York City and humid tonight. A shower or
Peak gust . . . . . . . . . . 10 mph 89/73
87/67 thunderstorm around tomorrow
Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SW
Bethlehem morning; otherwise, variable
Allentown 91/70 New Brunswick cloudiness. Nice weather Thursday
92/70 91/72 with clouds and sunshine.
Monday's pollen
Harrisburg Reading Quakertown RIVER LEVELS
Trees 93/71 88/69
91/71 Trenton In feet as of 7 a.m. Monday
Grass 90/72 Flood
Lehigh River Mon. Stage
Ragweed Lancaster White Haven . . . . . 3.54 . ... 8
Molds York 91/71 Philadelphia
Gettysburg Lehighton . . . . . . . . 3.45 . . . . 10
91/71 92/75
Absent Very Low Moderate High Very 92/71 Bethlehem . . . . . . . 2.39 . . . . 16
low high
Delaware River
Pollen counts supplied by Dr. Eric J. Schenkel
610-954-9260, Bethlehem Wilmington 77° Tocks Island . . . . . 6.30 . . . . 21
91/73 Riegelsville . . . . . . . 4.43 . . . 22
Shown is
Monday's reading Temperatures are
93/74 Atlantic City
today’s highs and
tonight’s lows.
Q: What type weather
74° has claimed the most
Ocean City
lives since the 1960s?
50 100 150 200 300
Source: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Dover
Protection 91/73
Washington, DC Forecasts and graphics
94/77 Cape May
CONDITIONS TODAY 78° 86/75 provided by A: Drought
Today Tomorrow
79° 89° 96° 97° 97° 91°
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.
Albany 86/63/s 77/56/pc
Albuquerque 86/64/t 88/66/c
The higher the UV Index™ Anchorage 63/51/pc 61/52/sh
number, the greater the need for eye and skin Atlanta 92/74/pc 89/73/t
protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High;
8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. The patented
Boston 87/70/s 82/63/t RealFeel Temperature is an Chicago 80/59/t 77/58/s
exclusive index of effective temperature based on Cleveland 84/62/t 79/60/pc
eight weather factors. Dallas 97/78/s 91/74/t
Denver 84/59/pc 89/59/c
Detroit 80/58/t 77/54/pc
THE SKY Fort Myers 94/77/t 90/77/t
The Sun Rise Set Honolulu 88/75/sh 88/76/pc
Las Vegas 101/81/s 100/79/pc
Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:19 a.m. . . . . . 7:49 p.m. Los Angeles 83/64/pc 81/65/pc
Tomorrow . . . . . . . . 6:20 a.m. . . . . . 7:48 p.m. Miami 91/80/t 89/80/t
The Moon Rise Set Milwaukee 78/59/t 74/59/s
Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:07 a.m. . . . . . 8:32 p.m. Nashville 93/73/t 85/63/c
Tomorrow . . . . . . . . . 8:13 a.m. . . . . . 9:05 p.m. New Orleans 90/76/t 90/77/pc
New York 89/73/pc 81/66/t
First Full Last New Orlando 92/75/t 91/75/t
Phoenix 107/84/s 105/82/t
Pittsburgh 85/61/t 77/57/pc
Portland, ME 83/67/pc 82/57/pc
Raleigh 95/74/pc 94/70/t
Aug 29 Sep 6 Sep 13 Sep 20 St. Louis 83/62/t 81/60/s
San Antonio 97/75/pc 97/75/t
The Planets Rise Set San Diego 77/68/pc 76/67/pc
Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. San Francisco 73/60/pc 72/59/pc
Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:29 a.m. ..... 6:07 p.m.
Mars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:35 a.m. ..... 7:32 p.m. Tampa 94/79/t 92/80/t
Jupiter . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:34 a.m. ..... 9:52 p.m. Weather (W): s–sunny, pc–partly cloudy,
c–cloudy, sh–showers, t–thundetrstorms,
Saturn . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:40 p.m. ..... 1:05 a.m. r–rain, sf–snow flurries, sn–snow, i–ice
ted ways as Christie is reportedly considering other options.
spend more time as a political activist.
Colonial girls soccer preview
Will Solehi be able to extend its success
into another postseason run? Sports 3
summer leading up to his ninth-
grade season at Lakewood (Calif.)
High School.
He was back at shortstop the
next game that summer.
Kingery took grounders at third
base last month and again Monday,
but has yet to play another infield
Recent play proves the Eagles must find a real fullback position as a pro. The University of
Arizona product has never caught a
he Philadelphia Eagles need a full- DeMarco Murray sign- ranked higher than four playoff teams, includ- game in his life, but if asked:
back. ing of 2015 repeating in ing Super Bowl champion New England, with “I wouldn’t know what to do
Yesterday, if not sooner. the form of LeGarrette an average of 4.1 yards per carry last year, they behind the dish,” he admitted, “but
Not an offensive or defensive Blount, who has proved thought they could continue to get by without I’d give it my best.”
lineman that they can plug in at fullback. Not a that he can’t get to the one. Crawford, Kingery and former
tight end who can pull double duty there when perimeter, which really At the NFL meetings last March, Pederson IronPigs teammate Rhys Hoskins
needed. is the only option for basically admitted that, when The Morning Call know that a position change at this
They need a good, old-fashioned, honest-to- Eagles running backs asked him about his plans for fullback. point in their careers is not perma-
goodness fullback. A player who works full- these days because … “It’s something that obviously, my history, nent. It is a way to get where they
time at his craft, cleaning up what the offensive they don’t have a full- even as a player in the West Coast system, we’ve want to be sooner rather than later.
line can’t get to or what the tight ends often back. always had that position,” he said. “We’ve Hoskins is the Phillies’ future
Nick first baseman. Despite a pretty
miss. Fierro This wasn’t part of always had that player. You’ve always been able
They need a player who can line up as the coach Doug Pederson’s to get in the I-formation and run downhill. good road block in National League
lead back in the I-formation and react organi- original plan, either. “The game has changed so much now. That Gold Glove candidate Freddy
cally after the snap, blocking on a run or Right after being re-hired last year, he made it position, we can use a tight end. You saw last Galvis, Crawford appears to be the
hovering near the line as a dump-pass outlet for clear that he would carry a fullback. That plan season we used a defensive tackle. Beau was in organization’s shortstop for the
the quarterback. changed when they couldn’t find anyone that position a little bit. The game has changed. next decade.
No longer can they get by without one. That worthy of making the roster and then tried to If you’re not adjusting to, say, the times, those Kingery’s case may be a little
was proved throughout the course of last get by with a bunch of part-timers like Beau positions can sometimes be filled by other role different, though he’s shown this
season, when they couldn’t get a half-yard Allen and Matt Tobin and Trey Burton. players.” season at Double-A Reading and
whenever they really needed it. The evidence But perhaps because they were fooled by the Triple-A Lehigh Valley that his
continues to mount this summer, with the failed totally misleading statistics that had them Please see EAGLES SPORTS 2
25% OFF
Ex-Eagle confident
he’ll play in Week 1
By Jay Skurski
Of The Buffalo News (TNS)
with a helmet on while the rest of his
teammates were in pads.
“The thing that gave me confidence
hit town,
Jordan Matthews takes pride in being about it moving forward was that I was able
there for his team. to finish practice,” Matthews said. “If it was
The Buffalo Bills’ newest wide receiver an injury, where I immediately had to stop,
played in 46 of a possible 48 games the past and they would have just had to take me off
three seasons for the Philadelphia Eagles. and I was done, I would have been way
So when he was hurt on the very first play more worried. But because of the nature of LYNNE SLADKY / AP
the ball came his way during his first the injury and what happened afterwards, I Former Eagles CB Byron Maxwell (41) on
practice with his new team, Matthews was felt confident that I’d be able to make a good Monday returned to Philadelphia and ad-
in denial. recovery.” mitted to some hard feelings following
“It’s extremely frustrating because I’ve Matthews’ injury is an uncommon one in trade that sent him to the Dolphins.
been consistent in my career — with being football. One of the doctors who treated
at practice, being there for my team, not him said the only other time he had seen it place, a year after he signed a monster
missing games and everything,” he said. “I was when a hockey player got hit by a stick. free-agent contract with the Eagles when
was in disbelief. That’s why I finished the “It’s definitely a unique injury,” By Nick Fierro former coach Chip Kelly was in charge of
whole practice because I was like ‘there’s no Matthews said. “I’m a person that believes Of The Morning Call personnel.
way I just hurt myself my first day as a Bill, that all these types of things happen for a “I would be lying if I told you I don’t want
just not possible.’ When I got done with reason, so it must have been because I PHILADELPHIA – Not only were the to do better than the Eagles do,” he said. “I
practice I realized my chest and arms needed more time to get acclimated to the Miami Dolphins in town for the first of two do. I want to win more games than them. I
started stiffening up a little bit. At that point playbook, get to know the guys. Even open joint practices with the Philadelphia want to prove them wrong.
I kind of knew.” though it was unfortunate, it gave me a Eagles on Monday, but the action was pretty “… You could call it petty. I don’t know
The diagnosis was a chip fracture in his chance to get in my playbook and learn the much nonstop. what it is. That’s what I do. That’s how I feel.
sternum, an injury that has him classified as Buffalo environment a little bit, without Unlike even how most joint workouts are I mean, that’s just realistic. I know what it is,
“week to week” but doesn’t accurately having the add-on of having to practice, and conducted, with intermittent breaks in but I still want to do better than my old team.
describe the pain involved. In the days after physically go out there and perform. scrimmage sessions for various position I don’t think any player wants to … when the
he was hurt, any activity that involved using “Obviously, I’m a competitor, I want to groups to do individual work, this was team gets rid of you and then they do better,
his upper body caused a significant amount get back out there. I was excited to get back almost all Eagles offense vs. Dolphins to be honest with you.”
of pain. out there a little bit and run around. I’m defense on one field and Dolphins offense vs. The Dolphins’ offense also was sharp,
“There was a funny movie that came out really looking forward to getting back out Eagles defense on another, with occasional however, as their speedy receivers gave the
and I didn’t go see it because I was like ‘I there and playing.” breaks to work on special teams. Eagles’ cornerbacks fits.
don’t want to laugh right now.’ I knew it was Matthews said he is “extremely confi- That made things much more interesting Perhaps a reason why the first team had
going to hurt,” Matthews said. “It’s some- dent” that will happen by Week 1 of the for the fans, as training camp has been so much trouble is because it lost defensive
thing that you have to monitor in that regular season. extended through Tuesday. end Brandon Graham and middle linebacker
aspect. Breathing has gotten better; the “I had an injury last preseason, unfortu- The players also didn’t mind. Jordan Hicks to injuries early in practice.
hardest part is sneezing and coughing. For nately, it kept me out some time when I was “We did eight minutes of individual work The Eagles have released no details on
the most part, the regular things in life are with the Eagles, but I was able to come back and then the team stuff from there,” Eagles either.
getting a little bit easier, and that’s why I’m Week 1 and have a very productive game,” safety Malcolm Jenkins said. “It’s definitely a
extremely excited about it.” he said. “I know how to take mental reps, I different style of practice than what we were Roster move: The Eagles on Monday
Matthews’ recovery took a step forward know how to stay in shape, and I know how used to, but I thought it was good. A lot of our shipped tackle Matt Tobin and a seventh-
Sunday as he participated in some individu- to make sure that I’m on top of the ones got a lot of reps — more than we usually round draft pick to Seattle for Seattle’s
al drills during practice, catching passes playbook.” get in practice. So I think it was good for us.” fifth-rounder in 2018.
Added Eagles center Jason Kelce: “It’s That’s the second offensive lineman
always good in my opinion to break up the they’ve traded since camp began. Allen
EAGLES December of 2015, owner Jeffrey Lurie has
been banging the drum about how Roseman
monotony. You get to go up against different
guys who play differently, have different
Barbre was the first.
has been charged with building the best moves. Even though it’s a similar defense to Injury update: As already mentioned, Gra-
Continued from SPORTS 1 personnel department money can buy. our own, it’s always good to see some ham and Hicks left practice with unidenti-
So to hear “there’s just not that many out different players, see some different styles. fied injuries. However, ESPN reports that
A month later, immediately after they there” as the reason for giving up the fullback And it was really just fun to play football.” Graham has a triceps strain that is not
wrapped up the NFL Draft, Pederson once chase has to be awfully disconcerting at best Dolphins quarterback Jay Cutler, coaxed believed to be serious.
again was asked about the fullback spot. and downright disgraceful at worst. out of retirement when starter Ryan Tan- LB Najee Goode also left with an
He winced, almost as if in pain, and again That’s because the premise simply isn’t nehill was lost for the season with a knee unspecified injury.
spouted off some similar mumbo jumbo true. There’s plenty out there. They’re just injury earlier this month, was in favor of the WRs Bryce Treggs (leg) and Paul Turner
about how the game has changed, finally harder to find these days because they idea as well. (shoulder) and OL Josh Andrews (hand)
admitting that the team had given up on sometimes have to be mined from other “I think it’s good,” he said. “It’s good for remained out, but DE Derek Barnett re-
trying to find a fullback because “there’s just positions and coached up. everybody on the team. It’s just a change of turned after missing a day with a leg injury.
not that many out there.” Develin, a Philadelphia area native, is a pace. You see different faces, a little bit
Of course, nobody can be sure if it those perfect example. He was a defensive lineman different defenses, different tendencies. I Treggs fined $25,000: Treggs on Monday
words really were Pederson’s or he was at Brown who bounced around in the UFL think it’s good for me just to get more game learned he had been hit with a $25,000 fine
simply parroting what executive vice presi- and AFL before Jay Gruden, then the simulations out there and just play more for a crackback block on Green Bay’s
dent of football operations Howie Roseman’s offensive coordinator of the Bengals, con- football.” Damarious Randall, who suffered a concus-
personnel crew told him, because Pederson vinced him that fullback would be the way to sion on the play.
doesn’t control personnel. go. Observations: Eagles quarterback Carson Treggs tweeted that he would start a
Nevertheless, it was an incredibly stupid He’s not the typical super NFL athlete, and Wentz enjoyed a superb day against the GoFundMe account to help him pay it off.
thing to say, even if it’s true. there’s not a lot of speed there. In four full Dolphins. His deep-ball accuracy, not always That elicited an angry response from
There’s also not that many Super Bowl seasons with New England, he’s had just 20 a strength of his, was spot-on in this practice. Randall, who tweeted: “Yo broke ass
contenders out there either. But pretty much total touches (seven carries, 13 receptions) He routinely hit receivers in stride 30 and 40 shouldn’t play dirty then”
all of them still carry fullbacks. and no touchdowns. But he’s smart and big yards down the field, befuddling the Dol- Treggs has since removed his tweet about
Like both of last year’s Super Bowl teams, (6-3, 250) and craves contact. phins’ cornerbacks, including former Eagle starting the GoFundMe account.
for example. There’s lots of players like that in this great Byron Maxwell.
You might remember the Patriots, who gene pool that is America. Speaking of Maxwell, he admitted to
won, and how they leaned so heavily on That said, getting someone like that on this some lingering bitterness following the trade Twitter @nickfierro
Blount and his NFL-high 18 touchdowns to roster wouldn’t necessarily fix the problems that sent him to the Dolphins in the first 610-778-2243
get there? the Eagles have with their running game. But
Well, also remember this: On 14 of those it’s become clear after nearly two calendar
TDs, he had James Develin on the field with years that the other way isn’t working.
him. Not some lineman they moved into the Time to go back to Plan A. #Eagles trade T Matt Tobin and sev-
role. An actual fullback. Time for the supposedly best personnel enth-round pick to Seattle for fifth-
And remember this: if getting by without a department in the game to go out and find a round pick in next year's draft. Sounds
fullback is something that can be achieved fullback or a player that coaches who are like a good deal for Birds.
with true success in today’s NFL, Patriots advertised as innovative can develop into
coach Bill Belichick, who is at the forefront of one.
using players at multiple positions, would Yesterday.
have thought of it first. If not sooner.
He didn’t. And for good reason. Because Love these joint workouts. Teams can .. Now if only Howie can position the
unless you’re absolutely super in other areas, get so much more accomplished with #Eagles to draft Saquon Barkley next
you can’t. Twitter @nickfierro offense and defense working on sepa- year ...
Ever since “releasing” Chip Kelly in 610-778-2243 rate fields. #eaglescamp
Mariot P 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Baltimore: Placed RHP Miguel Castro on the bereavement list. Recalled SL: Jimmy Golf 71, Roman Lisicky 76, Tom Smith 78, Matt Palmer 79, Charlie
Syracuse AB R H RBI SO AVG Gomez PH 1 0 0 0 1 .242 RHP Alec Asher from Norfolk (IL). Strohl 79, SV: Tom Gallagher 82, Justin Kyra 84, Gage Steelier 86, Brad Yeahl
Turner SS 3 0 0 0 1 .000 Fien P 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Minnesota: Placed INF Miguel Sano ion the 10-day DL, retroactive to 91, Robert Mateff 100.
Gonzalez SS 2 0 0 0 1 .235 Beato P 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Sunday. Optioned LHP Nik Turley to Rochester (IL), then recalled him as NORTHWESTERN 396, WILSON 553
Falu 2B 5 0 1 0 1 .282 Cozens PH 0 0 0 0 0 .214 26th man for Monday’s doubleheader. Recalled INF Kennys Vargas from MORGAN HILL G.C., PAR 70
Werth LF 3 0 1 0 0 .333 TOTALS 34 4 7 4 12 .251 NW: Tyler Wiik 76, Luke Hallman 78, Joe Frey 80, Mason Vogwill 80, Jake
Rochester (IL). Selected the contract of RHP Tim Melville from Rochester
Huffman LF 1 0 0 0 0 .182 Syracuse .............................................. 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 - 3 7 0 (IL). Dellicker 82; WIL: Rob Webb 95, Tristan Altenbach 97, Ethan Haas 108,
Robinson 1B 2 1 1 1 1 .249 New York: Optioned RHP Bryan Mitchell to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL). Alexandra Deitrich 124, Matt Glovas 129.
Soto RF 4 1 1 0 0 .292 Lehigh Valley ....................................... 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
- 4 7 1 Seattle: Released 2B Danny Espinosa. Recalled SS Taylor Motter from
Adams P 0 0 0 0 0 .000 SYR: HR: Robinson, C (18, 4th inning off Eshelman, 0 on, 0 out); RBI: Tacoma (PCL).
Ramirez P 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Robinson, C (72); Bautista, R (8); Snyder, B (67). Tampa Bay: Placed RHP Jacob Faria on the 10-day DL, retroactive to
Skole 3B 4 1 1 0 1 .237
Kieboom C 4 0 1 0 0 .293
LV: 3B: Moore, L (1, Fedde); RBI: Moore, L 3 (25); Kingery (20).
Syracuse IP H R ER SO ERA
Toronto: Released LHP J.P. Howell. Optioned RHP Tom Koehler to Dunedin LOCAL GOLF
Bautista CF 4 0 1 1 1 .250 (FSL).
Fedde P 2 0 0 0 1 .000 Fedde 6.0 4 3 3 5 4.76 NATIONAL LEAGUE
Snyder PH 0 0 0 1 0 .258 Romero 1.0 0 0 0 3 3.00 Arizona: Optioned RHPs Silvino Bracho and J.J. Hoover to Reno (PCL).
Romero P 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Adams 2.0 0 0 0 4 2.29 Recalled RHPs Jimmie Sherfy and Braden Shipley from Reno. LEHIGH C.C.
Collier RF 1 0 0 0 0 .248 Ramirez (L) 0.0 3 1 1 0 8.38 Los Angeles: Claimed RHP Jordan Jankowski off waivers from Houston. Husband-Wife Championship—Gross:1. Robert Beck, Jackie Beck 67; Net:1.
TOTALS 35 3 7 3 7 .252 Totals 9.0 7 4 4 12 5. Milwaukee: Optioned RHP Brandon Woodruff to Colorado Springs (PCL). Michael Beattie, Madonna Beattie.
Lehigh Valley IP H R ER SO ERA Reinstated RHP Chase Anderson from the 10-day DL. Junior Club Championship—Overall: 1. Peter Chiaradia 153; 13-14 years old:
Lehigh Valley AB R H RBI BB AVG 1. AJ Janis 217; 11-12 years old (18 holes): Zach Yenawine 114; 9-10 years old
Eshelman 6.0 3 1 1 5 2.52 New York: Sent RHP Matt Harvey to Binghamton (EL) for a rehab
Kingery 2B 5 0 1 1 1 .313 assignment. (10 holes): Boden Rainford 63; 8 and under (4 holes): Evan Scagliotti 26.
Crawford 3B 4 0 0 0 2 .243 Mariot (BS) 1.0 4 2 2 0 4.78
Fien 1.0 0 0 0 1 1.64 Philadelphia: Recalled RHP Ben Lively from Lehigh Valley (IL).
Tocci CF 4 0 0 0 1 .158 Pittsburgh: Recalled C Jacob Stallings from Indianapolis (IL).
Stassi 1B 3 1 1 0 1 .265 Beato (W) 2.0 0 0 0 1 2.92
Totals 10.0 7 3 3 7 3.80 St. Louis: Recalled OF Stephen Piscotty from Memphis (PCL).
Pullin LF 3 1 1 0 2 .227 San Diego: Sent RHP Miguel Diaz to Lake Elsinore (Cal) for a rehab
Mora SS
Moore C
1 1
1 2
Pitches-strikes: Fedde 92-61; Romero 16-10; Adams, A 22-17; Ramirez, N
13-8; Eshelman 78-55; Mariot 17-11; Fien 23-16; Beato 22-14; Umpires: HP:
Robert Moreno. 1B: Chris Graham. 3B: Dan Merzel; Weather: 82 degrees, Quebec: Released LHP Trevor Caughey. Signed OF Charles Demers.
partly cloudy; First pitch: 7:04 PM. Sussex County: Released OF Daniel Rockett.
FOOTBALL 2017 Little League World Series Glance
At South Williamsport, Pa.
All Times EDT
Detroit: Waived/injured DT Bruce Gaston. Signed TE Scott Orndoff. Double Elimination
Green Bay: Signed DT Calvin Heurtelou. Monday, Aug. 21
Tennessee: Waived DE Mehdi Abdesmad. Removed WR Tajae Sharpe from Grosse Pointe (Mich.) 11, Emilia (Italy) 7
SCHOLASTIC GIRLS Weckeeshan/Emily Fisher 6-0, 6-0; Chloe Getz/Triselle Samuels (JT) def. the PUP list. Tamaulipas (Mexico) 1, Seoul 0, Seoul eliminated
SALISBURY 5, WILSON 0 Sabrina Moyer/Jocelyn Rega 6-1, 6-0. HOCKEY Jackson (N.J.) 12, Rancho Santa Margarita (Calif.) 9, Rancho Santa
Singles – Lilia Crouthamel (SAL) def. Jenna Galvin 6-1, 6-2; Anna Bishop STROUDSBURG 6, LIBERTY 1 Margarita eliminated
(SAL) def. Mollie Veres 6-4, 6-1; Vivian Rogers (SAL) def. Jesse Galvin 6-2, Singles—Sara Denny (S) def. Paige Simmons 6-1, 6-2; Delaney Pinson (S) NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE
Anaheim: Signed D Francois Beauchemin to a one-year contract. Game 19: Pontezuela (Dominican Republic) vs. Maracaibo (Venezuela), 6
6-0; Doubles – Bryn Kubinski/Paige Gizbons (SAL) def. Mia Cain/Christine def. Julia Zheng 4-6, 6-2, 6-3; Vasilia Briegel (S) def. Angelique Ronca 6-2, p.m.
Szubiak 6-0, 6-0; Katie Denver/Sara McGee (SAL) def. Samantha 6-0; Doubles—Emily Traub/Sydney Runkel (S) def. Maren Drake/Caroline AMERICAN HOCKEY LEAGUE
San Antonio: Signed G Sam Brittain and D Josh Atkinson. Game 20: Walla Walla (Wash.) vs. Fairfield (Conn.), 8 p.m.
Nutter/Sarah Mengel 8-1. Hawk 8-6; Gabrielle Harvilla/Kendra Siegfried (L) def. Mercedes Bator/
NOTRE DAME GP 3, MORAVIAN ACADEMY 2 Hannah Boback 6-3, 3-6, 6-3; Erin Hunt/Blanca Zhang (S) def. Shivoni Patel,
Singles—Logan Lencheski (ND) def. Taylor deCastro 6-0, 6-1; Emma Bradon Drake 6-0, 6-2; Annelise Knauf/Julissa Garcia (S) def. Margeaux
Anmolsingh (ND) def. Miranda Gibson 4-6, 6-4, 7-6; Sara Medei (ND) def. Donchez/Gabriella Palermo 6-2, 6-0.
Grace Nixdorf 6-7, 6-2, 7-5; Bailey Hancharik/Liliana Nino (MA) def. Jules
Rosko/Caitlin Maloney 6-3, 6-1; Kyla Manga/Dierdre Hoffman (MA) def.
Singles— Elessa Jacobs (E) def. Emma Gordon 6-0, 6-0; Kaitlin Grogg (E) def.
Jaimee Schurra/Lexi Latzanich 6-0, 6-0. Olivia Luchetti 7-5, 7-5; Hiu Ling Kwok (E) def. Lauren Minutella 6-0, 6-1;
EMMAUS 6, ES SOUTH 1 Doubles— Quinn Fantozzi/Gordon (CC) def. Quinn Langen/Tyra Burgess
Singles – Tina Zhang (EMM) def. Kaitlyn Semon 6-3, 6-1; Mia Columbus 8-1; Jess Davis/Kiki Wang (CC) def. Morgan Glover/Emma Strano 5-7, 7-5, VALLEY PREFERRED CYCLING CENTER— Jesse Stauffer, 7; 2. Matthew Mech, 5; 3. John Hostetter, 3; 4. Nicholas
(EMM) def. Lindsay Serbo 8-6, 5-7, 7-5; Sonya Boukengolts (EMM) def. 6-1; Emma Sweterlitsh/Hannah Sarmia (CC) def. Giavanna Williams/ Master & Rookies Series Roberts, 2; 5. Chris Consorto, 1; Event 13—Women 9 Lap Snowball Points: 1.
Zarya Tom Wing 6-1, 6-4; Doubles – Krissy Heilenman/Julia Marks (EMM) Rachel Frey 6-1, 6-2; Tajiana Oladapo/Ashley Keane (E) def. Mally 08/19/17 Vanessa Romano, 7; 2. Elizabeth Hukki, 5; 3. John Hostetter, 3; 4. Becca
def. Elena Boyer/Hannah Owusu-Afriye 8-2; Cindy He/Shannon Stewart Sayech/Katie Gearis. Place, Name, Omnium Points Brown, 2; 5. Danielle Shumskas, 1; Event 14—Junior 3 Lap Hanidcap: 1.
(EMM) def. Madison Malsch/Valeria Osorio 6-3, 6-1; Misa Hollinger/ FREEDOM 7, NORTHAMPTON 0 Event 1—Category 5 6 Lap Point A Lap: 1. Jim Levi, 7; 2. Dakota Stein, 5; 3. Reagan Pattishall, 7; 2. Grayson Hauck, 5; 3. Zac Olszewski, 3; 4. Divik
Sanbhya Sriram (EMM) def. Tamara Davis/Delaney Robbins 6-1, 6-3; Shayla Singles— Natalie Sinai (F) def. Liz Hozza 6-2, 6-0; Rebecca Packo (F) def. Andrew Mergan, 3; 4. Trevor Olexy, 2; 5. James Cardillo, 1; Event 2-Category Verma, 2; 5. Anson Wright, 1; Event 15—Masters Elimination: 1. Lucas
Powell/Meagan Vandermark (ESS) def. Caroline Sampson/Katherine Rose Sharga 6-0, 6-0; Jessika Klo (F) def. Amelia Casanek 6-0, 6-0; Doubles— 410 Lap Scratch:1. Sean Mooney, 7; 2. Kenneth Englert, 5; 3. Matthew Mech, Koehler, 7; 2. David Igelwicz, 5; 3. Gary Brown, 3; 4. Nao Yamashita, 2; 5.
Erickson 10-1. Christina Chen/Abbi Badman (F) def. Grace Tepes 8-2; Anjah Chhugani/ 3; 4. Nicholas Roberts, 2; 5. Blane Maddox, 1; Event 3—Women 9 Lap Points Robert Kowal, 1; Event 16—“B” Feature 20 Lap Points: 1. Nao Yamashita; 2.
JIM THORPE 4, TAMAQUA 1 Olivia Chhugani (F) def. Jess Grello/Syd Schmarl 6-0, 7-5; Twinkle Race: 1. Elizabeth Hukki, 7; 2. Vanessa Romano, 5; 3. Becca Brown, 3; 4. Brian Gristick; 3. John Hostetter; 4. Paul Incognito; 5. Chris Consorto; Event
Singles— Brooke Williams (TAM) def. Leanne Van Essendelft 6-3, 7-6, 10-8; Gupta/Megan Smith (F) def. Shannon Reinhard/Liz Moore 6-1, 6-0; Danielle Shumskas, 2; 5. Mante Ho, 1; Event 4—Juniors 6 Lap Scratch: 1. Zac 17—“A” Feature 20 Lap Tempo Points—1. David Igelwicz; 2. Brean Shea; 3.
Christ McLean (JT) def. Alexis Breiner 6-4, 6-1; Kaitlyn O’Neil (JT) def. Molly Margaret Cavanaugh/Hanna Nicholls (F) def. Regan Hobby/Kasey Zelienka Olszewski, 7; 2. Divik Verma, 5; 3. Jonah Hover, 3; 4. Anson Wright, 2; Divya Blane Maddox; 4. Jesse Stauffer; 5. Frank Negri; Ominum Masters—1. Lucas
Clemson 6-3, 6-1; Doubles – Angelica Uza/Evelyn Flores (JT) def. Madison 6-2, 6-1. Verma, 1; Event 5—Masters 10 Lap Tempo Points: 1. Brean Shea, 7; 2. David Koehler,11; 2. David Igelwicz,11; 3. George Sherman, 8; 4. John Chambers, 7;
Igelwicz, 5; 3. George Sherman, 3; 4. Gary Brown, 2; 5. Lucas Koehler, 1; 5. Brean Shea, 7; 6. Gary Brown, 7; 7. Nao Yamashita, 2; 8. Robert Kowal, 1;
Event 6—Category 5 8 Lap Scratch: 1. Andrew Mergan, 7; 2. Dakota Stein, 5; Omnium Category 4—1. Jesse Stauffer, 12; 2. Matthew Mech, 9; 3. Blane
3. James Cardillo, 3; 4. Eamonn Carroll, 2; 5. Trevor Olexy, 1; Event Maddox, 8; 4. Sean Mooney, 7; 5. Kenneth Englert, 7; 6. Nicholas Roberts, 4;
COLLEGE WOMEN SOCCER 7—Category 4 12 Lap Tempo Points: 1. Blane Maddox, 7; 2. Jesse Stauffer, 5; 7. John Hostetter, 3; 8. Michael Barkasi, 3; 9. Chris Consorto, 1; Omnium
3. Michael Barkasi, 3; 4. Kenneth Englert, 2; 5. Matthew Mech, 1; Event Women—1. Vanessa Romano, 19; 2. Elizabeth Hukki, 15; 3. Becca Brown, 10;
8—Women 10 Lap Scratch: 1. Vanessa Romano, 7; 2. Becca Brown, 5; 3. 4. Danielle Shumskas, 4; 5. Jenna Davis, 3; 6. Elodie Burlet, 2; 7. Mante Ho, 1;
Elizabeth Hukki, 3; 4. Elodie Burlet, 2; 5. Danielle Shumskas, 1; Event Omnium Catgory 5—1. Andrew Mergan, 17; 2. Dakota Stein, 13; 3. Jim Levi,
SIENA COLLEGE 3, LAFAYETTE 1 LAF: GOALS: Katie Brannigan; SHOTS: 10; Shots on GOAL: 6; CORNERS: 5; 10—Masters 5 KM Scratch: 1. Jon Chambers, 7; 2. George Sherman, 5; 3. 12; 4. James Cardillo, 4; 5. Eamonn Carroll, 4; 6. Trevor Olexy, 3; 7. Alexander
GOALIES: Maggie Pohl 0 Saves; Kelly O’Brien (45’) 4 Saves; REC: (0-1) SIE: Lucas Koehler, 3; 4. Gary Brown, 2; 5. David Igelwicz,1; Event11—Category 5 Gudenkauf, 1; Ominum Juniors—1. Zac Olszweski, 17; 2. Divik Verma, 10; 3.
Lafayette 0 1 —1 GOALS: Michele Tremblay, Madison Vazquez, Lindsay Mulligan; ASSISTS: Win-N-Out:1. Andrew Mergan, 7; 2. Jim Levi, 5; 3. Dakota Stein, 3; 4. Eamonn Anson Wright, 8; 4. Reagan Pattishall, 7; 5. Grayson Hauck, 5; 6. Jonah Hover,
Siena College 1 2 —3 Darby D’Angelo, Gabby Albano, Ashley Carpenter, Tremblay; SHOTS: 13; Carroll, 2; 5. Alexander Gudenkauf, 1; Event 12—Category 4 Miss-N-Out: 1. 5; 7. Jacob Evans, 1; 8. Divya Verma, 1.
Shots on GOAL: 7; CORNERS: 5; GOALIES: Taylor Dorado 5 Saves; REC.(1-0).
Game played 08/20.
FBC SCHEDULE Lafayette at Monmouth (NJ), 3 p.m.
Marist at Bucknell, 6 p.m.
Stetson at Sacred Heart, 6 p.m.
Lamar at N. Texas, 7 p.m.
Morehouse at Ark.-Pine Bluff, 7 p.m.
Liberty at Baylor, 7 p.m.
volving top-five teams and The last team to start and 17. Florida
18. Miami
AUG. 26 Miami (Ohio) at Marshall, 6:30 p.m. Jackson St. at TCU, 8 p.m.
Kent St. at Clemson, Noon Prairie View at Texas Southern, 9 p.m.
the first pitting teams ran- finish No. 1 was USC in 19. South Florida 11-2 327 19
Hawaii at UMass, 6 p.m.
Texas S. at Florida A&M, 6 p.m. California at N. Carolina, 12:20 p.m. BYU vs. LSU at Houston, 9:30 p.m.
ked in the preseason top 2004, and the Trojans were 20. Kansas St.
21. Virginia Tech
317 NR
240 16
Oregon St. at Colorado St., 2:30 p.m. Bethune-Cookman at Miami, 12:30 p.m. VMI at Air Force, Noon
Portland St. at BYU, 3 p.m. NC St. vs. S. Carolina at Charlotte, N.C., 3 Portland St. at Oregon St., 2 p.m.
three. ranked No. 1 the following 22. West Virginia
23. Texas
173 NR
Colgate at Cal Poly, 7 p.m. p.m. Valparaiso at Montana, 3 p.m.
Southern California, season — the last team to do 24. Washington St. 8-5 133 NR S. Floria at San Jose St., 7:30 p.m. William & Mary at Virginia, 3:30 p.m.
Alabama A&M at UAB, 3:30 p.m.
Troy at Boise St., 3:45 p.m.
W. New Mexico at San Diego, 5 p.m.
Stanford vs. Rice at Australia, 10 p.m.
which finished last season it before this year. 25. Tennessee 9-4 114
Others: TCU 98, Utah 85, Notre Dame 65,
AUG. 27 Stony Brook at S. Florida, 4 p.m. W. Michigan at USC, 5:15 p.m.
on a nine-game winning Boise St. 37, NC State 26, Northwestern 25, Richmond at Sam Houston St., 7 p.m. Charleston S. at Mississippi St., 4 p.m.
Kentucky at S. Miss., 4 p.m.
Cal Poly at San Jose St., 7:30 p.m.
Abilene Christian at New Mexico, 8 p.m.
AUG. 31
streak and No. 3 in the The Morning Call Pittsburgh 23, Oregon 21, Houston 19,
Colorado 18, UCLA 9, San Diego St. 9, BYU 5, St. Anselm at Wagner, 6 p.m. Morgan St. at Towson, 6 p.m. Montana-W. at Weber St., 8 p.m.
country, starts at No. 4. contributed to this story. Appalachian St. 4, Nebraska 4, Tulsa 4, Delaware St. at Delaware, 7 p.m.
Maine at New Hampshire, 7 p.m.
Newberry at Citadel, 6 p.m.
James Madison at E. Carolina, 6 p.m.
S. Utah at Oregon, 8:15 p.m.
UC Davis at San Diego St., 8:30 p.m.
Defending national cham- Kentucky 3, Texas A&M 3, Michigan St. 1.
pion Clemson begins the AP TOP 25 Holy Cross at UConn, 7:30 p.m.
FIU at UCF, 6 p.m.
Virginia St. at Norfolk St., 6 p.m.
Albany (NY) at Old Dominion, 6 p.m.
Howard at UNLV, 9 p.m.
Incarnate Word at Fresno St., 10 p.m.
post-Deshaun Watson era RK, TEAM W-L PTS LW FCS COACHES Kentucky Christian at Morehead St., 6 p.m.
Presbyterian at Wake Forest, 6:30 p.m.
N.C. Cent. at Duke, 6 p.m.
Furman at Wofford, 6 p.m.
Montana St. at Washington St., 10:30 p.m.
N. Arizona at Arizona, 11 p.m.
NC A&T at Gardner-Webb, 6 p.m. W. Carolina at Hawaii, 12 mid.
at No. 5. Florida State re- 1. Alabama (52)
2. Ohio St. (3)
Clarion at UT-Martin, 7 p.m.
Jacksonville at Mercer, 7 p.m. Appalachian St. at Georgia,, 6:15 p.m. SEPT. 3
ceived four first-place votes, 3. Florida St. (4) 10-3 1396 8
Kennesaw St. at Samford, 7 p.m. UMass at Coastal Carolina, 7 p.m. Virginia Tech vs. W. Virginia at Landover,
4. USC (2) 10-3 1325 3 Grambling St. at Tulane, 7 p.m. Md., 7:30 p.m.
Ohio State got three and 5. Clemson 14-1 1201 1 1. James Madison (20) 14-1 642 1
Kentucky Wesleyan at Murray St., 7 p.m.
Methodist at Campbell, 7 p.m. Northwestern St. at La. Tech, 7 p.m. SC St. at S. U., 2:30 p.m.
USC two. 6. Penn St.
7. Oklahoma
2. North Dakota St (2) 12-2 618 3 Tennessee St. at Georgia St., 7 p.m. SE Louisnaia at Louisiana-Lafayette, 7 p.m. Texas A&M at UCLA, 8:30 p.m.
3. Sam Houston St (3) 12-1 577 5 W. Illinois at Tennessee Tech, 7 p.m. Brevard at Davidson, 7 p.m. SEPT. 4
The one bit of bad news 8. Washington 12-2 1150 4 4. Eastern Washington 12-2 525 4 McNeese St. at Nicholls, 8 p.m. Limestone at ETSU, 7 p.m. Tennessee at Georgia Tech, 8 p.m.
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happy with
4 p.m.
G1: Marlins at Phillies CSN
7 p.m.
Cubs at Reds or Dodgers at
Pirates MLB
7:30 p.m.
G2: Marlins at Phillies CSN
10 p.m.
Rangers at Angels ESPN
2017 season
11 a.m.
Australia vs. Sioux Falls (S.D.)
3 p.m.
7:30 p.m. Raceway CEO says sun was only part of
the reason for track’s success this summer.
WOMEN By Keith Groller cluding the installation of
Of The Morning Call Wi-Fi which will be impor-
New Zealand vs. United States tant to fans staying for the
Floyd Mayweather Jr. (left) and Conor McGregor have been given an exemption to the rule
NBCSP LONG POND — Unlike weekend on the infield or
requiring 10-ounce gloves for the 154-pound fight so that both fighters can wear 8-ounce
the three Mondays last sum- those just wanting to con-
MINOR LEAGUE gloves. And just like that, the fight appeared more competitive — at least to some.
mer when he was preparing nect with their devices dur-
Smaller gloves?
7 p.m. to host races postponed ing one-day visits.
Syracuse Chiefs at IronPigs from the day before, Pocono “I have two little kids and
SECTV2 Raceway CEO Nick Igdal- the kids want to be able to
sky spent this Monday watch stuff on their Kindles,
2017 TEAM
9-8 4.70 12-11
10-5 3.69 11-7
1-1 19.1 3.26
1-1 19.0 3.32
Kinsler fined $10K for ripping ump 1917: Pittsburgh’s Carson Bigbee set a
major-league record — since tied — with
11 at-bats in a 22-inning game against
Brooklyn. Pirate Elmer Jacobs pitched 16
2-3 innings in relief. The game was also
Col Gray (R) 5-2 4.74 8-4 2-0 18.2 2.89 Tribune news services writing that the wristband pro- urday. “So I don’t want to hear — I the fourth consecutive extra-inning
game by the Pirates for a total of 59 in-
KC Duffy (L) 8:15p 7-8 3.82 9-11
TEAM REC-Team’s Record in games started by today’s pitcher. VS OPP-Pitcher’s
0-2 17.0 6.35
test would lead to fines. don’t want them to minimize — nings, a National League record.
1961: Roger Maris, en route to his 61-
record versus this opponent 2017 statistics. Tigers second baseman Ian On Sunday, the umpires ended that he’s not being punished.” home run season, became the first play-
er to hit his 50th homer in August. He
Kinsler was fined $10,000 for his their protest. When Hernandez heard connected off California pitcher Ken Mc-
comments about umpire Angel Commissioner Rob Manfred Kinsler’s comments immediately Bride in a 4-3 loss to the Angels.
1984: New York Mets right-hander
RESULTS, SCHEDULE Hernandez, ESPN reported offered to meet with their union’s after the game, Hernandez said Dwight Gooden, at 19, fanned nine San
Diego Padres to become the 11th rookie
MONDAY’S RESULTS Washington at Houston, 8:10 Monday. governing board. he didn’t care what Kinsler said to strike out 200 batters in one season.
G1: CHI WHITE SOX 7, Minnesota 6
BALTIMORE 7, Oakland 3
Colorado at Kansas City, 8:15
San Diego at St. Louis, 8:15
On Aug. 15, Kinsler called Kinsler never backed down and was only concerned about MOST HITS
Seattle 6, ATLANTA 5 Texas at L.A. Angels, 10 Hernandez a bad umpire who is from his comments, saying Fri- doing the best job he can.
CLEVELAND 5, Boston 4 SUNDAY’S RESULTS Player (age that year) HITS YEAR
L.A. Dodgers at Pittsburgh, late DETROIT 6, L.A. Dodgers 1 “messing with baseball games, day that he was fined but that he The next night, when Hernan- Ichiro Suzuki (30) 262 2004
Arizona 3, N.Y. METS 2 (10)
G2: Minnesota at Chi White Sox, late
Miami 6, N.Y. METS 4
TAMPA BAY 3, Seattle 0
blatantly. He needs to find anoth- had no regrets about what he dez was working second base in George Sisler+ (27) 257 1920
Lefty O'Doul (32) 254 1929
Texas at L.A. Angels, late
Minnesota at San Francisco, late
BOSTON 5, N.Y. Yankees 1
L.A. Angels 5, BALTIMORE 4
er job, he really does.” said. the finale of the Rangers-Tigers Bill Terry+ (31) 254 1930
WEDNESDAY’S SCHEDULE ATLANTA 8, Cincinnati 1 On Saturday, some umpires Tigers manager Brad Ausmus series, the umpire and Kinsler Al Simmons+ (23)
Rogers Hornsby+ (26)
253 1925
250 1922
Oakland at Baltimore, 3:05
Milwaukee at San Francisco, 3:45
MINNESOTA 12, Arizona 5
Oakland 3, HOUSTON 2 across Major League Baseball called the fine the biggest he has shook hands when Kinsler took Chuck Klein+ (25)
Ty Cobb+ (24)
250 1930
248 1911
Miami at Philadelphia, 7:05
L.A. Dodgers at Pittsburgh, 7:05
KANSAS CITY 7, Cleveland 4
CHI CUBS 6, Toronto 5 (10)
wore white wristbands as a show seen during his career. his position in the first inning. George Sisler+ (29) 246 1922
Ichiro Suzuki (27) 242 2001
Boston at Cleveland, 7:10 Chi White Sox 3, TEXAS 2 of solidarity after Kinsler was not “To act like Ian Kinsler just got They shared a few words, and Babe Herman (27) 241 1930
N.Y. Yankees at Detroit, 7:10 Milwaukee 8, COLORADO 4
Chi Cubs at Cincinnati, 7:10 Philadelphia 5, SAN FRANCISCO 2 suspended. fined ... it’s the biggest fine I’ve Hernandez briefly put his hand Heinie Manush+ (26)
Wade Boggs+ (27)
241 1928
240 1985
Arizona at N.Y. Mets, 7:10
Toronto at Tampa Bay, 7:10
Washington 4, SAN DIEGO 1
PITTSBURGH 6, St. Louis 3 Major League Baseball report- ever seen Major League Baseball on Kinsler’s shoulder after the Jesse Burkett+ (27)
Darin Erstad (26)
240 1896
240 2000
Seattle at Atlanta, 7:35
Minnesota at Chi White Sox, 8:10
Home team in CAPS edly notified the umpires in give a player,” Ausmus said Sat- handshake. Rod Carew+ (31) 239 1977
Willie Keeler+ (25) 239 1897
Ed Delahanty+ (31) 238 1899
NL LEADERS AL LEADERS Don Mattingly (25)
Ichiro Suzuki (33)
238 1986
238 2007
Hugh Duffy+ (27) 237 1894
JuTurner LAD 96 341 57 116 .340 Altuve Hou 120 473 84 171 .362 Joe Medwick+ (25) 237 1937
Blackmon Col
Harper Was
500 115 168 .336
402 92 131 .326
Hosmer KC
Segura Sea
■ Dodgers: Clayton Kershaw games and producing the first Eduardo Rodriguez in the sixth Paul Waner+ (24)
Jack Tobin (29)
237 1927
236 1921
DMurphy Was 112 424 76 138 .325 AGarcia ChW 97 376 51 118 .314 will make a rehab start for chant of “Bruuuce” from Indians inning of the Red Sox-Indians Rogers Hornsby+ (25)
Kirby Puckett+ (28)
235 1921
234 1988
Posey SF 111 390 50 125 .321 Gregorius NYY 99 392 53 121 .309
Goldschmidt Ari 123 439 92 139 .317 MaGonzlez Hou 103 345 53 106 .307 Triple-A Oklahoma City on Sat- fans. The Indians won 5-4. game. Wendelstedt stayed in the Lloyd Waner+ (23)
Shoeless Joe Jackson (23)
234 1929
233 1911
Votto Cin
LeMahieu Col
435 87 137 .315
461 74 144 .312
JoRamirez Cle
Springer Hou
.303 urday before returning to the ■ Miller hurt: Andrew Miller ag- game for the rest of the inning but Earl Averill+ (34) 232 1936
Arenado Col
CTaylor LAD
475 79 148 .312
370 69 115 .311
Pedroia Bos
ERosario Min
Dodgers’ starting rotation, man- gravated a right knee injury and left before the top of the seventh. Nap Lajoie+ (26)
Matty Alou (30)
232 1901
231 1969
ager Dave Roberts said after was pulled from a game days 2B umpire Alan Porter took Earle Combs+ (28)
Freddie Lindstrom+ (22)
231 1927
231 1928
HOME RUNS Arenado, COL 148
LeMhieu, COL 144
Betts, BOS
Kershaw’s successful four-inning after the Indians’ relief ace re- Wendelstedt’s place behind the Freddie Lindstrom+ (24)
Tommy Davis (23)
231 1930
230 1962
Stanton, MIA 45 Judge, NY 37
Bellinger, LA 34 DOUBLES Gallo, TEX 35 TRIPLES simulated game in Pittsburgh. turned from the disabled list. plate. Stan Musial+ (27) 230 1948
Votto, CIN
Blackmon, COL
Arenado, COL
Herrera, PHI
Moustakas, KC
KDavis, OAK
Castellanos, DET 9
Sanchez, CHI 6 “He’s getting close,” Roberts said Miller threw seven pitches in the ■ Twins: All-Star 3B Miguel Sano Pete Rose (32)
Joe Torre+ (30)
230 1973
230 1971
Bruce, CLE
Duvall, CIN
Murphy, WAS
36 Smoak, TOR
33 STOLEN BASES after Kershaw threw 55 pitches seventh inning before leaving the was placed on the 10-day disa- Willie Wilson (24)
Rogers Hornsby+ (33)
230 1980
229 1929
Gldschmidt, AZ
Harper, WAS
29 Blackmon, COL 14 Judge, NY 91
Altuve, HOU
Dyson, SEA
28 to test the strained lower back game against the Red Sox. It was bled list with a stress reaction in Kiki Cuyler+ (31)
Stan Musial+ (25)
228 1930
228 1946
Zimmrmn, WAS 29 Hamilton, CIN
9 Springer, HOU 86
Altuve, HOU 84
RDavis, OAK
Maybin, LA
that put him on the disabled list his second appearance since his left shin bone. Jim Bottomley+ (25) 227 1925
Blckmon, COL 115 Hamilton, CIN 51
Ramirez, CLE 80
PITCHING July 24. spending two weeks on the DL ■ Mets: Steven Matz needs an- Charlie Gehringer+ (33)
Billy Herman+ (25)
227 1936
227 1935
Stanton, MIA 94
Gldschmidt, AZ 92
Gordon, MIA
Cruz, SEA 100
Sale, BOS
Vargas, KC
14-7 ■ Indians: Jay Bruce, acquired with patellar tendinitis in his other elbow operation, almost Rogers Hornsby+ (28)
Lance Johnson (32)
227 1924
227 1996
Harper, WAS 92 Kershaw, LA 15-2
Upton, DET
Schoop, BAL
Santana, MIN 13-7
from the Mets on Aug. 9, went right knee. certainly ending a miserable 2017 Nap Lajoie+ (35)
Sam Rice+ (35)
227 1910
227 1925
Arenado, COL 105
Wood, LA
14-1 KDavis, OAK
Sale, BOS 2.62 1-for-4 in his Progressive Field ■ Umpire injured: Plate umpire season for the LHP. The team Jesse Burkett+ (32) 226 1901
Stanton, MIA 97
Gldschmidt, AZ 96
Kershaw, LA 2.04 Altuve, HOU 171
Kluber, CLE 2.67
Stroman, TOR 2.99
debut against the Red Sox in a Hunter Wendelstedt left a game said Matz was diagnosed with Ty Cobb+ (25)
Shoeless Joe Jackson (24)
226 1912
226 1912
Lamb, AZ 95
Schrzer, WAS 2.25
Hosmer, KC
Abreu, CHI
STRIKEOUTS battle of division leaders. Bruce after being struck on the mask by irritation of the ulnar nerve in his Chuck Klein+ (27)
Bill Terry+ (30)
226 1932
226 1929
Ozuna, MIA
Scherzer, WAS 220 Andrus, TEX 144 Sale, BOS
Archer, TB
207 lined a single to right off Eduardo a warmup pitch from Red Sox left elbow. Matz, 26, was 2-7 with Jose Altuve (24)
Jesse Burkett+ (26)
225 2014
225 1895
deGrom, NY 191 DOUBLES
Blckmon, COL 168 Kershaw, LA 168 Ramirez, CLE 39
Kluber, CLE 196
Severino, NY 175
Rodriguez in the second inning, reliever Joe Kelly. Wendelstedt a 6.08 ERA in 13 starts this Ty Cobb+ (30) 225 1917
Inciarte, ATL 152 through Sunday Lowrie, OAK 38 through Sunday extending his hitting streak to 11 was hit after Kelly replaced season. source:
Orioles 7, Athletics 3 MOST DOUBLES MOST TRIPLES Mariners 6, Braves 5
26 home runs, 27 stolen bases) are
R.Davis lf 4 0 0 0 .233 Player (age that year) DOUBLES YEAR Player (age that year) TRIPLES YEAR Segura ss 4 1 0 0 .311 impressive. His .988 fielding per-
Semien ss
Olson rf
.230 Earl Webb (33) 67 1931 Chief Wilson (28) 36 1912
Alonso 1b
Cano 2b
3 .273
1 .274
centage in 2017 is even better when
Lowrie 2b
K.Davis dh
George Burns (33)
Joe Medwick+ (24)
64 1926
64 1936
Dave Orr (26)
Heinie Reitz (27)
31 1886
31 1894
Seager 3b
Haniger rf
0 .255
1 .252
Continued from SPORTS 1 you consider his range and instincts.
Healy 1b
Pinder rf-ss
Hank Greenberg+ (23)
Paul Waner+ (29)
63 1934
62 1932
Perry Werden (31)
Harry Davis (23)
29 1893
28 1897
Gamel lf
Zunino c
0 .295
0 .220
He believes those traits would
Chapman 3b 3 0 1 1 .225 Charlie Gehringer+ (33) 60 1936 Sam Thompson+ (34) 28 1894 Martin cf 2 2 1 0 .175 glove work at second base is as good help him at any defensively position.
Garneau c 2 0 1 0 .193 Todd Helton (26) 59 2000 George Davis+ (22) 27 1893 Albers p 1 0 1 1 1.000
a-Maxwell ph-c 2 0 0 0 .214 Chuck Klein+ (25) 59 1930 Jimmy Williams (22) 27 1899 Pagan p 0 0 0 0 .000 as anyone the Phillies have under “If you have the versatility to go to
Powell cf
.273 Tris Speaker+ (35)
Carlos Delgado (28)
59 1923
57 2000
Sam Crawford+ (34)
Kiki Cuyler+ (26)
26 1914
26 1925
Heredia lf
0 .279
6 contract. He played the outfield in the outfield, play third, short, sec-
Billy Herman+ (25)
Billy Herman+ (26)
57 1935
57 1936
Joe Jackson (24)
John Reilly (31)
26 1912
26 1890
ATLANTA AB R H BI AVG. college and can handle himself at ond,” Kingery said, “there’s a better
Beckham ss
Machado 3b
Garret Anderson (30) 56 2002 George Treadway (27) 26 1894 Inciarte cf
Phillips 3b
shortstop. opportunity to get up there, maybe
Craig Biggio+ (33) 56 1999 Roger Connor+ (36) 25 1894
Schoop 2b
Jones cf
Nomar Garciaparra (28) 56 2002 Sam Crawford+ (23) 25 1903 F.Freeman 1b
Kemp lf
Though no player wants to em- not stick [at that position], but if it’s
Mancini lf 2 0 1 0 .283
George Kell+ (27)
Joe Medwick+ (25)
56 1950
56 1937
Larry Doyle (24)
Buck Freeman (27)
25 1911
25 1899 Markakis rf 4 1 3 0 .282 barrass himself in the field, all of for that first shot, why not figure out
C.Davis 1b 3 0 1 0 .225 Suzuki c 4 1 1 1 .268
Trumbo dh 3 0 1 1 .239
Brian Roberts (31)
Lance Berkman (25)
56 2009
55 2001
Tom Long (25)
Ty Cobb+ (24)
25 1915
24 1911 Albies 2b 4 2 2 2 .224 them have the same goal. that [position]?”
Castillo c
S.Smith rf
Matt Carpenter (27) 55 2013 Ty Cobb+ (30) 24 1917
Swanson ss
Foltynewicz p
.056 “All I care about is about getting Crawford’s name is in the Sep-
Ed Delahanty+ (31) 55 1899 Ed McKean (29) 24 1893
Gentry rf
Gee Walker (28) 55 1936 Dan Brouthers+ (36) 23 1894
L.Adams ph
S.Freeman p
out of here,” Crawford said. tember call-up conversation thanks
Oakland 010 001 010—3 7 1
Mark Grudzielanek (27)
Todd Helton (27)
54 1997
54 2001
Ty Cobb+ (25)
Earle Combs+ (28)
23 1912
23 1927
M.Adams ph
.271 Kingery is a stellar defensive to what he’s done since July 1: .296
Baltimore 010 140 01x—7 10 1 Hal McRae (31)
John Olerud (24)
54 1977
54 1993
Adam Comorosky (25)
Sam Crawford+ (33)
23 1930
23 1913
second baseman, something he batting average, .949 OPS, 29 extra-
Seattle 011 301 000—6 9 4
a-grounded out for Garneau in the 7th. E: Magglio Ordonez (33) 54 2007 Curtis Granderson (26) 23 2007 Atlanta 020 003 000—5 12 1 prides himself on as much as base hits, 34 RBIs and 37 runs in 56
Dustin Pedroia (24) 54 2008 Nap Lajoie+ (22) 23 1897
Chapman (7), Schoop (12). LOB: Oakland
5, Baltimore 7. 2B: Chapman (15). HR: Alex Rodriguez (20) 54 1996 Dale Mitchell (27) 23 1949 E: Segura (13), Alonso (8), Haniger (4), anything he does at the plate. games entering Monday.
Lowrie (11), off Miley; Powell (1), off
Brach; Jones (23), off C.Smith; Schoop
Jeff Cirillo (30)
Jonathan Lucroy (28)
53 2000
53 2014
Mike Smith (25)
Harry Stovey (27)
23 1893
23 1884
Zunino (6), Foltynewicz (1). LOB: Seattle
7, Atlanta 7. 2B: Alonso 2 (20), Seager The 23-year-old’s strong arm and “It feels great,” Crawford said.
(27), off C.Smith; Jones (24), off Dull;
Castillo (13), off Brady. RBIs: Lowrie (43),
Don Mattingly (25)
Stan Musial+ (32)
53 1986
53 1953
Sam Thompson+ (27)
John Anderson (24)
23 1887
22 1898
(29), F.Freeman (23). 3B: Albies (3). HR:
Suzuki (14), off Albers. RBIs: Alonso 3
athleticism allow him to be a versa- “I’m finally seeing some results. I’m
Chapman (25), Powell (3), Schoop 3 (91), Lyle Overbay (27) 53 2004 Jake Beckley+ (22) 22 1890 (57), Cano (78), Haniger (29), Albers (1),
Inciarte (44), Suzuki (38), Albies 2 (9),
tile option whenever the Phillies comfortable knowing what I can do
Jones 2 (63), Trumbo (55), Castillo (38). Freddy Sanchez (28) 53 2006 Bill Bradley (25) 22 1903
SF: Trumbo. SO: R.Davis (1), Semien (2), Al Simmons+ (24) 53 1926 Earle Combs+ (31) 22 1930 Swanson (41). SB: Martin (6), L.Adams
(7). SO: Alonso (2), Haniger (1), Zunino
deem him ready to handle major is finally showing up on the field.”
K.Davis (1), Healy (3), Chapman (1),
Beckham (1), Schoop (2), C.Davis (1),
Grady Sizemore (23)
Tris Speaker+ (24)
53 2006
53 1912
Roger Connor+ (29)
Sam Crawford+ (22)
22 1887
22 1902 (1), Martin (1), Heredia (1), F.Freeman league pitching.
(2), Foltynewicz (2).
Castillo (1), S.Smith (1), Gentry (1). Paul Waner+ (33)
Albert Belle (28)
53 1936
52 1995
Birdie Cree (28)
Jake Daubert (38)
22 1911
22 1922 SEATTLE IP H R ER BB SO ERA Kingery’s combined stats at Read-
C.Smith, L,0-3 41⁄3 6 5 4 2 3 5.56
Miguel Cabrera (31) 52 2014 Elmer Flick+ (30) 22 1906 Albers,W,2-0 5 6 4 3 1 3 3.60 ing and Lehigh Valley (.314 average, Twitter @TomHousenick
Johnny Frederick (27) 52 1929 Willie Keeler+ (22) 22 1894 Pagan, H, 4 ⁄3 2 1 1 0 0 2.86
.929 OPS, 26 doubles, eight triples, 610-820-6651
Dull 2
⁄3 2 1 1 1 0 5.26 Lou Gehrig+ (24) 52 1927 Tommy Leach (24) 22 1902 Rzepczynski 1 3 0 0 0 1 2.63
Hendriks 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.19 Luis Gonzalez (38) 52 2006 Bid McPhee+ (30) 22 1890 Vincent, H, 24 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 1.88
Casilla 1 1 0 0 0 2 4.37 Edgar Martinez (32) 52 1995 Mike Mitchell (31) 22 1911 Diaz, S,28-32 1 1 0 0 0 0 3.67
Brady 1 1 1 1 0 1 4.56 Edgar Martinez (33) 52 1996 Hi Myers (31) 22 1920 ATLANTA IP H R ER BB SO ERA
BALTIMORE IP H R ER BB SO ERA Tip O'Neill (29) 52 1887 Kip Selbach (23) 22 1895
David Ortiz (31) 52 2007 Tris Speaker+ (25) 22 1913 Foltynewicz 5 ⁄3 9 6 6 2 3 4.95
Miley, W,7-10 6 5 2 2 4 6 5.11 Winkler 1
⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
O’Day 1 0 0 0 0 0 4.02 Enos Slaughter+ (23) 52 1939 Snuffy Stirnweiss (26) 22 1945
Brach 1 2 1 1 0 1 2.92 Tris Speaker+ (33) 52 1921 Joe Visner (30) 22 1890
1 0 0 0 0 0 3.20
1 0 0 0 1 2 2.45
Scott Kingery
Asher ⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 5.46 Tris Speaker+ (38) 52 1926 Honus Wagner+ (26) 22 1900
extended his
Vizcaino 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.18
Britton, S, 11-11 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 2.88 Michael Young (29) 52 2006 Paul Waner+ (23) 22 1926
Loss: Foltynewicz, (L, 10-9). Albers
Miley pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. In-
Beau Bell (29)
Craig Biggio+ (32)
51 1937
51 1998
Home Run Baker+ (26)
Tom Brown (30)
21 1912
21 1891 pitched to 2 batters in the 6th. Inherited hitting streak
herited runners-scored: O’Day 1-0, Brit-
ton 2-0. HBP: Casilla (Mancini). WP:
Wade Boggs+ (31) 51 1989 Earle Combs+ (29) 21 1928 runners-scored: Pagan 2-2, Rzepczynski
1-0, Vincent 2-0, Winkler 1-0. HBP:
to 19 games
George Burns (34) 51 1927 Sam Crawford+ (32) 21 1912
C.Smith. Time: 3:12. A: 16,020. source: source: Foltynewicz (Martin). Monday with a
MOST WALKS MOST HIT BY PITCH White Sox 7, Twins 6 MOST AT BATS walk-off single.
Player (age that year) WALKS YEAR Player (age that year) HIT BY YEAR MINNESOTA AB R H BI AVG. Player (age that year) AT YEAR HARRY FISHER /
Barry Bonds (39) 232 2004 Dozier 2b 4 1 2 0 .262 MORNING CALL
Barry Bonds (37) 198 2002 Hughie Jennings+ (27) 51 1896 Mauer dh 4 1 1 0 .290 Jimmy Rollins (28) 716 2007 FILE PHOTO
Barry Bonds (36) 177 2001 Ron Hunt (30) 50 1971 Buxton cf 4 0 1 1 .240 Willie Wilson (24) 705 1980
Babe Ruth+ (28) 170 1923 Hughie Jennings+ (28) 46 1897 Escobar 3b 5 0 2 1 .257 Ichiro Suzuki (30) 704 2004
Mark McGwire (34) 162 1998 Hughie Jennings+ (29) 46 1898 Gimenez c 2 0 0 0 .201 Juan Samuel (23) 701 1984
Ted Williams+ (28) 162 1947 Dan McGann (26) 39 1898 Adrianza ph-lf 2 0 0 0 .267 Dave Cash (27) 699 1975
Ted Williams+ (30) 162 1949 Dan McGann (27) 37 1899 Rosario lf-rf 3 1 1 1 .303 Juan Pierre (28) 699 2006
Ted Williams+ (27) 156 1946 Curt Welch (29) 36 1891 Garver 1b-c 3 0 0 0 .125 Matty Alou (30) 698 1969
Barry Bonds (31) 151 1996 Don Baylor (37) 35 1986 Kepler rf 3 0 0 0 .252 Woody Jensen (28) 696 1936
Eddie Yost (29) 151 1956 Craig Biggio+ (31) 34 1997 Vargas ph-1b 0 1 0 0 .243 Jose Reyes (22) 696 2005
Curt Welch (28) 34 1890 Polanco ss 3 2 1 3 .245 Alfonso Soriano (26) 696 2002
Babe Ruth+ (25) 150 1920
TOTALS 33 6 8 6
4 3
Jeff Bagwell+ (31) 149 1999 Tommy Tucker (25) 33 1889 Omar Moreno (26) 695 1979
Eddie Joost (33) 149 1949 Hughie Jennings+ (26) 32 1895 CHICAGO AB R H BI AVG. Ichiro Suzuki (32) 695 2006
Barry Bonds (38) 148 2003 Steve Evans (25) 31 1910 L.Garcia lf 4 0 0 0 .287 Maury Wills (29) 695 1962
Eddie Stanky (29) 148 1945 Brandon Guyer (30) 31 2016 Moncada 2b 3 1 0 0 .176 Bobby Richardson (26) 692 1962
Jim Wynn (27) 148 1969 Jason Kendall (23) 31 1997 Abreu 1b 4 2 2 1 .302 Ichiro Suzuki (27) 692 2001
Jason Kendall (24) 31 1998 Kirby Puckett+ (25) 691 1985
Jimmy Sheckard (32) 147 1911 Delmonico dh 2 2 0 0 .349
Ted Williams+ (22) 147 1941 Anthony Rizzo (25) 30 2015 A.Garcia rf 4 1 3 2 .318 Michael Young (29) 691 2006
Mickey Mantle+ (25) 146 1957 Craig Wilson (27) 30 2004 Neifi Perez (26) 690 1999
Sanchez 3b 3 1 1 4 .251
Barry Bonds (32) 145 1997 Chief Roseman (33) 29 1890 Anderson ss 4 0 0 0 .242 Michael Young (27) 690 2004
Harmon Killebrew+ (33) 145 1969 Tommy Tucker (23) 29 1887 Narvaez c 2 0 0 0 .268 Sandy Alomar (27) 689 1971
Babe Ruth+ (26) 145 1921 Tommy Tucker (27) 29 1891 Engel cf 2 0 0 0 .185 Lou Brock+ (28) 689 1967
Ted Williams+ (23)
Babe Ruth+ (31)
145 1942
144 1926
Curt Welch (26)
Don Baylor (38)
TOTALS 28 7 6 7 Jimmy Rollins (27)
Jose Reyes (25)
689 2006
688 2008
Attendance: 8,478
Eddie Stanky (34) 144 1950 Craig Biggio+ (35) 28 2001 Minnesota 100 001 130—6 8 0 Dave Cash (26) 687 1974
Ted Williams+ (32)
Joey Votto (31)
144 1951
143 2015
Pete Gilbert (23)
Fernando Vina (31)
Chicago 200 320 00x—7 6 1 Tony Fernandez (24)
Horace Clarke (30)
687 1986
686 1970
Tom Eshelman’s performance this also against Syracuse. Monday’s triple
Babe Ruth+ (29) 142 1924 Craig Biggio+ (30) 27 1996 LOB: Minnesota 8, Chicago 3. 2B: Dozier
(23), Buxton (10), Escobar (12), Abreu
Alex Rodriguez (22) 686 1998 season is one of the best by a Phillies extended his hitting streak to six
Gary Sheffield (27) 142 1996 Craig Biggio+ (37) 27 2003 Ichiro Suzuki (34) 686 2008
Eddie Yost (23) 141 1950 David Eckstein (27) 27 2002 (34). HR: Polanco (4), off Holland;
Sanchez (6), off Melville; Abreu (25), off
Nomar Garciaparra (23) 684 1997 minor-leaguer. It continued Monday games. He also drove in a run with a
Frank Thomas+ (23) 138 1991 Hughie Jennings+ (25) 27 1894 Ian Kinsler (32) 684 2014
Roy Cullenbine (33) 137 1947 Chase Utley (29) 27 2008
Turley. RBIs: Buxton (28), Escobar (43),
Derek Jeter (38) 683 2012 night with six solid innings. He allowed second-inning fielder’s choice and
Rosario (51), Polanco 3 (44), Abreu (77),
Jason Giambi (29)
Ralph Kiner+ (28)
137 2000
137 1951
Shin-Soo Choo (30)
Ron Hunt (29)
A.Garcia 2 (60), Sanchez 4 (38). SB: Dozi- Aaron Hill (27)
Lance Johnson (32)
682 2009
682 1996
only Clint Robinson’s 18th homer of the scored the winning run on Kingery’s hit.
er (12), Delmonico (2). SF: Buxton, Rosa-
Willie McCovey+ (32) 137 1970 Ron Hunt (31) 26 1972 rio, Sanchez. SO: Dozier (1), Mauer (1), Alfonso Soriano (27) 682 2003 year and left with a 3-1 lead. Game notes: Centerfielder Carlos
Babe Ruth+ (32) 137 1927 Tommy Tucker (28) 26 1892 Buxton (2), Escobar (1), Gimenez (1), Ro- Jo-Jo Moore (26) 681 1935
Babe Ruth+ (33) 137 1928 Eddie Burke (26) 25 1893 sario (1), Garver (2), Kepler (1), Polanco Jose Reyes (24) 681 2007 The 23-year-old is a combined 11-3 this Tocci’s diving catch and double-up at
Eddie Stanky (30) 137 1946 Fred Clarke+ (24) 25 1897 Lloyd Waner+ (25) 681 1931
Jack Clark (31) 136 1987 Kid Elberfeld (36) 25 1911
(1), L.Garcia (1), Moncada (3), Abreu (1),
Sanchez (1), Anderson (1), Engel (1). Kirby Puckett+ (26) 680 1986 year at Double-A Reading and Triple-A second base saved at least two runs in
Jack Crooks (26)
Ferris Fain (28)
136 1892
136 1949
Andres Galarraga (37)
Ron Hunt (27)
Runners left in scoring position: Minne-
sota 5 (Mauer, Escobar 2, Garver,
Pete Rose (32)
Ichiro Suzuki (36)
680 1973
680 2010
Lehigh Valley with a 2.65 ERA and a 1.01 the seventh inning. … J.P. Crawford
Babe Ruth+ (35) 136 1930 Ron Hunt (28) 25 1969 Polanco); Chicago 1 (Moncada). RISP: Frank Taveras (29) 680 1979 WHIP in 21 starts. made clean plays on both balls hit to
Frank Thomas+ (27) 136 1995 Jason Kendall (29) 25 2003 Minnesota 2 for 8; Chicago 3 for 6. Curt Flood (26) 679 1964
Ted Williams+ (35) 136 1954 F.P. Santangelo (29) 25 1997 MINNESOTA IP H R ER BB SO ERA Harvey Kuenn (22) 679 1953 Hitting streak: Scott Kingery extended him in his second game at third base.
Jeff Bagwell+ (28) 135 1996 Tommy Tucker (26) 25 1890 Bobby Richardson (28) 679 1964
Brian Giles (31) 135 2002 Chase Utley (28) 25 2007
Melville, L,0-1 31⁄3 4 5 5 3 4 13.50
Ichiro Suzuki (29) 679 2003 his hitting streak to 19 games with a Up next: RHP Jose Taveras (2-1, 1.17 ERA)
Turley 32⁄3 2 2 2 1 3 12.51
Joey Votto (29)
Eddie Yost (32)
135 2013
135 1959
Fernando Vina (29)
Rickie Weeks (27)
Busenitz 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.83 Ichiro Suzuki (31)
Doug Glanville (27)
679 2005
678 1998
10th-inning, walk-off single. It is the faces Syracuse RHP Jacob Turner (1-5,
Ferris Fain (29) 133 1950 Brady Anderson (35) 24 1999 CHICAGO IP H R ER BB SO ERA Dick Groat (31) 678 1962 longest single-season hit streak in 5.85) in a 7:05 p.m. start.
Mark McGwire (35) 133 1999 Don Baylor (36) 24 1985 Rodon, W,2-4 61⁄3 4 2 2 3 9 3.88 Juan Pierre (26) 678 2004
Jose Bautista (30) 132 2011 Dan Brouthers+ (33) 24 1891 Farquhar 1 1 1 1 2 0 4.14 Ichiro Suzuki (33) 678 2007 IronPigs history.
Barry Bonds (42) 132 2007 Derek Dietrich (26) 24 2016 Holland ⁄3 2 3 3 1 1 6.28 Vernon Wells (24) 678 2003
Jack Clark (33) 132 1989 Bill Freehan (26) 24 1968 Petricka, H, 2 1⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 8.14 Matty Alou (31) 677 1970 Moore is better: Logan Moore’s two-
Lou Gehrig+ (32)
Frank Howard (33)
132 1935
132 1970
Brandon Guyer (29)
24 2015 Minaya, S,3-3 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.50 Don Mattingly (25)
Jim Rice+ (25)
677 1986
677 1978
run triple in the fourth inning was his Twitter @TomHousenick
Inherited runners-scored: Turley 2-0.
source: HBP: Melville (Engel). WP: Rodon. source: first three-bagger since May 16, 2016, 610-820-6651
■ Extra innings: Adam Jones hit a pair of HRs, Jonathan Schoop added a three-run shot and the Orioles beat the Athletics 7-3 in Baltimore. Jones tied a career high with four hits and is
one home run shy of reaching 25 for the seventh consecutive season. ... After going more than four years without a big league win, Andrew Albers has two in less than a week as the
Mariners held off the Braves 6-5. The Mariners got the call on a disputed play at home plate to preserve the win.
sc pe out
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10 tips
Prep work
Don’t wait till the night
before to get on a better
sleep routine. Try to get your
child to reset at least a few
days ahead of time, getting
her to bed and up earlier.
Sleep routine
Children need a consistent
bedtime routine. Enforce a Full tank
rule of no electronics usage Kids that eat a filling,
(phones, computers, TV, nutritious
t iti b
kf t
video games) well before function better in school.
bedtime. A lack of sleep is
associated with lower
academic achievement in Lunch facts
middle school, high school Research what foods are
and college. A guideline:
available at the school
Young children should get cafeteria and help your
10-12 hours per night; child make healthy
adolescents (13 to 18 years choices. If they will be
old) should strive for 8-10 packing, plan out lunches
hours per night. ahead of time. (Opt for
healthy lunch items such
In the bag as fruits, lean protein and
Send your kiddo to school
with a sturdy backpack with
wide, padded shoulder Snack attack
straps and a padded back.
Don’t allow that bag to
Have healthy snacks
available when the kids 8
10 tips for a healthy
collect so many items that come home from school.
it weighs more than 10 to 20 String cheese, fruit and
percent of your child’s body vegetable sticks are good
school year
weight. options.
While some kids are
before approaching it. Go Of The Morning Call organized by nature,
over the rules about others are not. If your child
crossing a street (looking falls in the “not” category,
both ways before crossing). It’s that bittersweet time when you realize summer work with him on ways to
is nearly over and the kids will soon go back to keep track of assignments.
school. Most Lehigh Valley school districts open
Stand out their doors next week.
use for screening nasopha- A test for the Epstein-Barr virus was 97 percent accurate completely unresponsive Ketamine has antidepressant activity that kicks in quickly.
ryngeal cancer in high-risk at detecting nasopharyngeal cancer in a clinical trial. to her grandchildren. containing promethazine
areas like Hong Kong,” said This is a total change so that immediate care may and codeine for several
senior researcher Dennis one of the causative factors will be of greatest value in from her personality five be provided if necessary years to treat a persistent
Lo. He’s an associate dean for this cancer.” Asian countries and likely years ago, when she was (JAMA Psychiatry, April 1, cough. Last week her doc-
of research and director of Based on this, Lo and his will not be pursued in the devoted to her family and 2017). tor said she’s been on it
the Li Ka Shing Institute of team developed a test to United States. engaged with the world. too long and refused to
Health Sciences with the detect fragments of Ep- “We don’t have the same A: Major depression Q: My cholesterol is renew her prescription.
Chinese University of stein-Barr virus contained incidence of nasopharyn- takes a terrible toll on the elevated (268). For years, She woke up in the
Hong Kong. in tumor DNA that’s re- geal cancer that Hong individual, family and my doctor has been try- night with severe nausea
The nasopharynx is the leased into the blood- Kong and southern China friends. Suicide attempts ing to get me to take a and diarrhea and has not
upper part of the throat stream as cancer cells die have, so I don’t have any are a clear signal that your statin. I finally gave in felt good since she ran out
that lies behind the nose, in a patient’s body. idea whether someone is son’s mother-in-law is and am on pravastatin at of syrup. She has chronic
just above the soft part of Test screening of more pushing for approval here,” desperate and requires bedtime. back pain, and her back is
the roof of the mouth and than 20,000 people de- Ambinder said. “I don’t expert medical interven- I really am against also bothering her more
just behind the nasal pas- tected Epstein-Barr viral think it’s going to be high tion. taking a statin. Is it OK to than usual.
sages, according to the fragments in more than on anyone’s priority list as Ketamine (Ketalar) is a take red yeast rice in I’m wondering whether
American Cancer Society. 1,100 people, or about 5.5 a screen.” fascinating drug that has addition to the pravas- she could be experiencing
It serves as a passageway percent. Of those, 309 had But this new report does been used since 1962 as a tatin? I hope eventually withdrawal symptoms.
for air between the nose persistent positive results point to new ways in general anesthetic. Over the to take the red yeast rice Might the codeine have
and the throat. when tested repeatedly, which other virus-related past several years, research- instead of a statin. been accidentally helping
Nasopharyngeal cancer the researchers found. cancers can be identified ers have discovered that A; You should not take her back pain? She says
is relatively rare, with less The DNA test wound up early, said Ambinder, who this medication has pro- both red yeast rice and a “no way,” but I think there
than one case for every accurately detecting naso- wrote an editorial accom- found antidepressant activ- statin. There is no signifi- might be a connection.
100,000 people in the pharyngeal cancer 97 panying the study. ity that kicks in within cant benefit to adding red A: Your explanation
United States and many percent of the time. It “What’s leaking out hours instead of the usual yeast rice, but the combina- sounds plausible to us.
other parts of the world, accurately ruled out heal- from the tumor cells here weeks of standard drugs. tion might be more likely to Codeine is a relatively weak
the American Cancer Soci- thy people 98 percent of is tumor DNA that in- A recent meta-analysis cause side effects. opioid, after all, which might
ety says. However, it is the time, study results cludes with it viral DNA,” found that ketamine is Why not try the pravas- explain why her doctor
much more common in showed. Ambinder said. “There’s a effective in reducing suicid- tatin to see if you tolerate didn’t want her to continue
southern China and other The study was pub- lot of interest and progress al ideation within four it? Many people do. If you on it. Stopping suddenly
parts of Asia and North lished in August in the made in diagnosing other hours (Neuroscience and want to switch to red yeast may have triggered her
Africa, making a test for New England Journal of tumors by the presence of Biobehavioral Reviews, rice later, be sure to discuss symptoms. Your mother’s
early detection an impor- Medicine. tumor DNA in blood. June 2017). Unfortunately, your plans with your physi- doctor should investigate
tant way to potentially save Dr. Richard Ambinder, There are some things research has not yet shown cian. the cause of her long-lasting
lives there, according to the professor of oncology with about finding the viral how long this effect may You can learn more cough.
American Cancer Society. the Johns Hopkins School DNA that make it a little last. about this and other ways
Nasopharyngeal cancer of Medicine in Baltimore, easier to find.” There is inadequate to reduce your cardiovas- In their column, Joe and
is closely related to the said, “By surveying the “I expect that there are a research on ketamine infu- cular risk in our “Guide to Teresa Graedon answer let-
Epstein-Barr virus, a mem- blood and looking for the lot of cancers that we’re sion in older patients (Ex- Cholesterol Control and ters from readers. Send ques-
ber of the herpes family, Lo fragments of the viral going to be able to diag- pert Opinion on Pharma- Heart Health.” Anyone tions to them via
said. DNA, you could pick out nose by the presence of cotherapy, April 2017). who would like a copy can www.peoplespharmacy
“The Epstein-Barr virus people who needed a more these fragments of DNA,” Since this medication may download one for $2 from .com.
genome can be found in careful look to see if they Ambinder added. “This is alter blood pressure and www.peoples
more than 99 percent of had an early cancer, and only the beginning, but it heart rate, the latest recom-
tumor cells of nasopharyn- very often they found that wouldn’t surprise me at all mendations from the
geal cancer,” Lo said. “It is they did.” if this applied to many American Psychiatric Asso- Q: My mom, who is 81,
believed that the virus is Ambinder said the test common cancers.” ciation call for monitoring has taken a cough syrup
In other words, people A new study found that depressed people often preferred Instagram’s Inkwell filter, which turns a color image into black and white.
with depression were more
likely to choose a filter that may end up assisting, rather stimulation altogether.” evaluated the photos using makes people see their incredibly important.”
drained all the color out of than competing with, Given that, it makes software programmed to world through a darker, However, the research
the images they wanted to health care professionals as sense that such visual clues look for known visual signs grayer lens,” Reece said. also opens up thorny ethi-
share, the researchers con- they seek to make accurate would show up in the pho- of depression. However, Reece warned cal questions revolving
cluded. mental health assess- tos people post on social “We were looking for that the program still needs around privacy.
Photos posted by de- ments,” Reece said. media sites like Facebook subtle patterns associated a lot more fine tuning. More than 500 participa-
pressed people also con- Years of prior research or Instagram, reasoned with depression, and that “This is preliminary nts initially were recruited
tained fewer faces, possibly have established that de- Reece and his co-author, required sifting through a work, and it needs to be for the study, the research-
because they aren’t as likely pressed people are more Chris Danforth, a professor lot of data to be confident more thoroughly tested, ers noted, but many
to engage in lots of social likely to prefer darker or at the University of Ver- about what we were see- vetted and replicated be- dropped out because they
interaction, the report paler colors, said Dr. Igor mont College of Engineer- ing,” Reece said. fore we can safely claim would not consent to shar-
pointed out. Galynker, associate chair- ing and Mathematical “Humans just aren’t very that an algorithm can truly ing their social media data.
The computer program’s man for research at Mount Sciences. good at keeping track of identify markers of depres- “Who is going to be
detection rate proved more Sinai Beth Israel’s psychia- To test their theory, information over many sion in Instagram posts,” accessing the data? Who is
reliable than that of pri- try department in New Reece and Danforth asked thousands of data points, so Reece said. going to be scanning the
mary care doctors, accord- York City. 166 people to share their a computational approach The real promise held by data? How will it be used?
ing to the study authors. “There are reasons why Instagram feed and their was really the only feasible this line of research could These are really incredibly
Earlier studies have shown depression is called blue, history of mental health. option for scalable and be in suicide prevention, difficult questions,”
that general practitioners and why people associate The team wound up col- efficient analysis.” Galynker said. Galynker explained. “Who
correctly diagnose depres- red with raging, and why lecting almost 44,000 pho- The program wound up “It is nearly impossible to is going to be giving permis-
sion in patients about 42 people say depression is tos from these volunteers, accurately assessing de- predict suicide,” Galynker sion to study what is sup-
percent of the time. like a dark or black cloud,” as well as responses to pression in Instagram users said. “If machine learning posedly private informa-
“It’s clear that depres- Galynker said. “Patients individual questionnaires 70 percent of the time, the could predict who is poten- tion?”
sion isn’t easy to diagnose, with depression choose to assessing their level of findings showed. tially suicidal — based on The new study was pub-
and the computational wear darker colors. They depression. “Our results suggest that what they say, what colors lished in August in the
approach we’ve taken here generally avoid bright The investigators then depression quite literally they use — that would be journal EPJ Data Science.
My fuzzy friend PETS
Unhappy husband finds his
lies catching up with him
Dear Amy: I have been married for I already live on my own in a different
almost 40 years. My wife and I have three state than her. She’s always had issues
grown children. There is nothing left in with boundaries and control, so I typi-
the marriage, except for my kids and cally just give a vague answer and change
grandchildren. the topic.
The only reason I am still in the mar- The last time we talked, she directly
riage is because of them. asked me if I’m planning on moving to be
I caught my wife cheating on me a with him. She said he could be the best
couple of times, and after that I decided to guy in the world and it would still be a
do my own thing, but keep the mistake. I responded that
family together. she was getting ahead of
I met a beautiful woman herself and wasn’t putting
on a dating site and we fell in my happiness first. My
love. mother said that, of course,
My problem is that I have she wasn’t putting my hap-
lied to her about my age. I piness first, and that I
told her I am 50 (I am 60, and would regret leaving when I
she is 42). I’ve also lied about got older!
my marital status. It was Her comments have had
only supposed to be for some no effect on my decision, but
fun at the beginning, which is I am wondering how to field
why I thought the lies would her comments over these
JANET HADDAD/CONTRIBUTED PHOTO not matter. Amy next six months and, even-
Bandit, a boxer/St. Bernard mix, is owned by Janet and Allen Haddad of Bangor. When we met, she said she Dickinson tually, tell her that I am
didn’t want to go out with a moving. I’d like to make this
Want toplan
Want to planfurther
further ahead?
Go to to for searchable
for searchable events.
Listings subject to change. 2131. 610-264-4151. StorYo: Gentle stories with yoga for peace-
TODAY Tai Chi Exercise: Led by Bob Donnelly.
12:30-1:30 p.m. West Catasauqua Communi-
Fogelsville Senior Citizens Meeting:
Games and refreshments. 1 p.m. Fogelsville
ful dreams. All ages. 6:30 p.m. Bethlehem
Area Public Library, 11 W. Church St. 610-867-
Adult Coloring Club: 11 a.m. Whitehall ty Center, 2301 Pine St., Whitehall. Call for Volunteer Fire Company, 7850 Lime St. 3761.
Township Public Library, 3700 Mechan- registration and fees., 610-437-3700. 610-756-6291. Strength Training: Led by Lee Ann Fotta.
icsville Road. 610-432-4339, Teen Tuesday: 2 p.m. Kutztown Community Game Day: Light refreshments. 10 a.m.- 10:30-11:30 a.m. West Catasauqua Commu-
Allentown Area Swing Dance Society Library, 70 Beiber Alley. 610-683-5820. noon. Lower Saucon Township Senior Cen- nity Center, 2301 Pine St., Whitehall. Call for
Dance: Main lesson 7-8:30 p.m.; East Coast Trinity Thrift Store: Benefits the food ter, 3700 Old Philadelphia Pike. 610-625- registration and fees., 610-437-3700.
Swing with Con Gallagher. 8:30-10:30 p.m. pantry. 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Trinity Evangelical 8744. Sweet Spot Diabetes Lecture: Edward
Fearless Fire Company, 1221 S. Front St., Lutheran Church, Third and Iron streets, Guided Walk at Tannersville Bog: 2 1/2 Bechtel RPh. presents "Fighting the Fat."
Allentown. $10; $5, students 21 and under Lehighton. 610-377-4303, hour journey into the bog. Meet at parking Sponsored by Bechtel’s Pharmacy. 1-2 p.m.
with ID, 610-220-8157, Weekday Lunch Meal: Call day before by 9 area. Wear appropriate footwear. 10 a.m. Slatington Public Library, 650 Main St.
American Legion Band of Bethlehem a.m. for reservation. 11:30 a.m. Lehigh Valley Tannersville Cranberry Bog, Cherry Lane 610-767-6461,
Rehearsal: New members welcome. 7:30 Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. $2.50 Road, off Route 611 South. $4, members; $6, Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS): 11:15
p.m. Northeast Middle School, 1170 Fern- per person for 60 and over., 610-437-3700. non-members, children under 12. Pre-regis- a.m. St. John’s Lutheran Church, 40 S. Sec-
wood St., Bethlehem. 610-262-8762. Weekly Lunch: Hot entree every day. Call tration requried., 570-629-3061, mcconser- ond St., Slatington. First meeting is free.
Block Party: Fun building with blocks for before 9 a.m. for reservation. 11:30 a.m. West $32/year & $5 monthly dues, 610-597-2599,
ages 2 and up. 9:45 a.m. Kutztown Commu- Catasauqua Community Center, 2301 Pine Ice Cream Festival : Food, beverages,
nity Library, 70 Beiber Alley. 610-683-5820. St., Whitehall. $2.50, for 60 and over., 610- desserts, games for children. 5-8 p.m. Edge- Trinity Thrift Store: Benefits the food
Bridge: Players 50 and up. 9:30 a.m. The 437-3700. boro Moravian Church, 645 Hamilton Ave., pantry. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Trinity Evangelical
Salvation Army, 521 Pembroke Road, Bethle-
hem. 610-867-4681. WEDNESDAY Bethlehem. 610-866-8793.
Knitting Group: 1-3 p.m. Lower Saucon
Lutheran Church, Third and Iron streets,
Lehighton. 610-377-4303,
Cribbage: Learn to play and enjoy the Acrylic Classes: Led by Judy Peters. 9-11:30 Township Senior Center, 3700 Old Philadel- Village Volleyball: Weather permitting.
game. 1-5 p.m. Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 a.m. Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm phia Pike. 610-625-8744. Church provides place, net, ball, cold water
W. Elm St., Allentown. 610-437-3700. St., Allentown. Call for registration and fee, Literary Lunch: Grades 6-8th meet to eat (bring your water bottle) and bathrooms. All
Groovy Movers Exercise Program: 11 610-837-3700. lunch and discuss a book. Bring your lunch ages; minimum of 2 persons needed, if no
a.m.-noon. Lower Saucon Township Senior Adult Coloring Club: 6 p.m. Whitehall and the library will provide dessert and a one shows by 7 p.m., evening is cancelled.
Center, 3700 Old Philadelphia Pike. 610-625- Township Public Library, 3700 Mechan- drink. noon. Emmaus Public Library, 11 E. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Huffs Church, 540 Conrad
8744. icsville Road. 610-432-4339, Main St. Registration required, 610-965- Road, Alburtis. 610-845-2626.
League of Literaries Writer’s Group: For Adult Coloring Group: 1-3 p.m. Lower 9284, Weekday Lunch Meal: Call day before by 9
grades 6 and up. 6-7:30 p.m. Tamaqua Saucon Township Senior Center, 3700 Old Movie Wednesdays: "Jackie". 12:15 p.m. a.m. for reservation. 11:30 a.m. Lehigh Valley
Community Arts Center, 125 Pine St. 570- Philadelphia Pike. 610-625-8744. Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. $2.50
668-1192. Allentown Northeast Kiwanis Club Meet- Allentown. $2, members; $4, non-members. per person for 60 and over., 610-437-3700.
Line Dancing: Beginner lesson, 7:15 p.m., ing: noon-1 p.m. Denny's Restaurant, 1871 Pre-register., 610-437-3700. Weekly Lunch: Hot entree every day. Call
open dancing follows. 7-9:30 p.m. Tatamy Catasauqua Road, Allentown. 484-232- Northern Lehigh Recreation - Zumba before 9 a.m. for reservation. 11:30 a.m. West
Fire Company, 164 Bushkill St. $5., 610-759- 7568. Gold: 10-11 a.m. St. John’s Lutheran Church, Catasauqua Community Center, 2301 Pine
2786, Arts & Crafts Group: Led by Trisha Baker. 40 S. Second St., Slatington. $4, 484-633- St., Whitehall. $2.50, for 60 and over., 610-
Mah Jongg: Learn to play and enjoy the 9-11:30 a.m. Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS
0093. 437-3700.
We invite non-profit groups to submit
game. 1-5 p.m. Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 Elm St., Allentown. Call for registration and Parkinson's Support Group: "How to Wiggly
Fill out an onlineDifferent
form at activities
W. Elm St., Allentown. 610-437-3700. fees., 610-437-3700. Maintain Your Independence with Adaptive
preschool/toddlers each week. 10 a.m.
Master Gardener answers Gardening Beginner Computer Classes: 10 a.m.- Clothing and Home Care Devices." 1 p.m. The Kutztown Community Library,
e-mail or send70
Questions: 10 a.m.-noon. Penn State Ex- noon. Lower Saucon Township Senior Cen- Birches at Arbour Square, 695 Main St., Alley.
Morning Call, Box 1260 Allentown, PA
tension Office, 529 Lentz Trail, Jim Thorpe. ter, 3700 Old Philadelphia Pike. 610-625-
570-325-2788. 8744.
Harleysville. Registration required. 215-513-
18105-1260. Please include phone number
Memoir Writing: Join others to reminisce Bible Study: All adults welcome. 11 a.m. The Peach Social: Take out available. 4-6:30 Adult Basic Computer Classes: 10:05 a.m.
and write about your life. 1 p.m. Emmaus Salvation Army, 521 Pembroke Road, Bethle- p.m. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 109 Emmaus Public Library, 11 E. Main St. 610-
start small.
Second St., Slatington. $5 per class, 484- 610-625-8744. Bridle Path Road, Bethlehem. $6 per dozen, Room. 6:45-8 p.m. Emmaus Public Library, 11
633-0093. Bridge at Phillipsburg Area Senior Cen- call to order., 610-867-0402. E. Main St. 610-965-9284,
Open Art Studio: Instruction by Fran Rose- ter: All players welcome. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Salvation Army Women’s Program : Community Exchange Yoga Class: Held in
man. 1 p.m. Lower Saucon Township Senior Phillipsburg Senior Center Inc, 310 Firth St. Major Peg Goding: "Jesus is the Lighthouse". the School of Nursing Building. 6-7 p.m.
Center, 3700 Old Philadelphia Pike. 610-625- 908-859-2423. Happy,
Ha y, healthy kids1 p.m.
grow Theup to be happy,
Salvation Army, 521healthy
Pembroke Lehigh
adults. By Valley Hospital
supporting - Allentown,
the Weller Health
He 17th
th &
8744. Computer Lab: 30 minute appointments Road, Bethlehem. 610-867-4681. Chew streets, Allentown. $10; free, Commu-
Pinochle: 1 p.m. Lower Saucon Township for individual help. Call forEd
a time.ion Center and
1-4 p.m. their
Senior in-school
Activities forprograms
Growth and focused
Enrich- on self-esteem
nity Exchange and healthy
members., rel
Senior Center, 3700 Old Philadelphia Pike. Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633
we canW. Elm
laySt., ment: Led byfor
a solid foundation Trisha Baker.
kids andnoon-2 p.m. started early on living healthy.
get them
610-625-8744. Allentown. 610-437-3700. Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS
Rachel’s Music Together: Music and Explorers Club: A variety of books and Allentown. Call for registration and fees., We invite nonprofit groups to submit listings.
movement class for ages birth-5 and adults. activities for grades K-3. 4 p.m. Emmaus Fill out an online form at
10:30 a.m. Palmerton Area Library, 402 Public Library, 11 E. Main St. Registration Senior Drop-in: For ages 50 and up. Re-
800.976.2242 submitevent, e-mail or
send to The Morning Call, Box 1260, Allentown
Delaware Ave. Call to register., 570-778-6128. required, 610-965-9284. freshments. 9-11 a.m. The Salvation Army,
PA 18105-1260. Please include a phone
Storytime: 10-11 a.m. Dimmick Memorial Family Storytime: For grades 1-3. 6 p.m. 521 Pembroke Road, Bethlehem. 610-867- number and submit calendar items 10 days in
Mt. Holly
Library, Springs
54 Broadway, Elementary,
Jim Thorpe. 570-325- Catasauqua Public Library, 302 Bridge St. 4681. advance of publication.
Carlisle Area School District Independent Licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association
HorosCope acting on events that haven’t LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) toward the wrong people for all above it all by being pleasant and PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
occurred yet. Stick to the plan. Do what you the wrong reasons when, in fact, upbeat in all situations. The only thing to be sure of is
By Jeraldine saunders you already know better.
set out to do and don’t allow dis- there are no “sure” things. Be
TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES GEMINI (May 21-June 20) tractions and detours to derail
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) wary of those who approach you
Compliments and praise will only
you from your goals.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You may find you are much more
with can’t-miss opportunities.
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr. 19) take you so far as the recipients Don’t spread yourself too thin. comfortable working quietly in
Put the pedal to the metal. The may be quick to doubt your VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Trying to please too many people your own private corner rather IF AUGUST 22 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY:
time for planning and delibera- sincerity. Show your true colors Believe it when you see it. Just at once could weaken your posi- than trying to be part of a group You have the whole world in your
tion is passed. You should get the by simply being honest. because someone makes a tion. Find your strong suit and today. hands as the next three to four
ball rolling by taking definitive promise doesn’t mean they’re stick with it. weeks unfold. Late October is
action. CANCER (June 21-July 22) going to keep it. Don’t expect
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) another time when you are most
Even the truth may have some
anything until the deal is done.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Don’t let a smooth talker catch
likely to make sound decisions
TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20) spin on it. Be careful to consider Don’t take it too seriously if you off guard. Someone who
Don’t count your chickens before and shrewd changes. You may
the source in regards to disclo- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22.) someone challenges your perfor- showers you with charm and
need to buckle down in Decem-
they hatch. A little patience may sures as personal agendas may Keep your values straight. There mance or integrity as it may be flattery may have ulterior mo-
be required to prevent you from ber and address your obligations
be in play. may be a tendency to gravitate an attempt to shake you up. Stay tives, so stay alert.
in a businesslike manner.
^ # NCIS ‘Willoughby’
8:30 9:00
Bull ‘Stockholm Syndrome’
9:30 10:00 10:30
G Pioneers of Television ‘Funny Ladies’ Carol Burnett’s Favorite Sketches Carol Burnett: The Mark Twain Prize
NCIS: New Orleans ‘Aftershocks’
$ America’s Got Talent ‘Live Show 2’ 10:01 Hollywood Game Night
“Face Off: Game Face” (10
% Lethal Weapon ‘Homebodies’ The Mick Brooklyn Nine Fox 5 News at 10
p.m., Syfy): In each episode of & Bachelor in Paradise 10:01 Somewhere Between ‘Madness’
this new spin-off series, four ) The X-Files The X-Files Family Feud Family Feud
former “Face Off” all-stars * America’s Got Talent ‘Live Show 2’ 10:01 Hollywood Game Night
go head to head to complete + The Flash ‘Duet’ DC’s Legends of Tomorrow PIX11 News at Ten
three challenges, with an , Diana -- Her Story Secrets of Althorp -- The Spencers Frontline
elimination at the end of 0 Bachelor in Paradise 10:01 Somewhere Between ‘Madness’
each. The last player standing 1 Name Game Name Game The X-Files Action News at Ten on PHL17
takes home $10,000. Two Os- 6 NCIS ‘Willoughby’ Bull ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ NCIS: New Orleans ‘Aftershocks’
car-winning make-up effects < America’s Got Talent ‘Live Show 2’ 10:01 Hollywood Game Night
wizards, Ve Neill and Rick = Lethal Weapon ‘Homebodies’ The Mick Brooklyn Nine Fox 29 News at 10
Baker, anchor the judging L Diana -- Her Story Secrets of Althorp -- The Spencers Frontline
panel, with rotating guests as P Praise Joseph Prince Every Minute Joyce Meyer Israel Matters
the third panelist. McKenzie Y The Flash ‘Duet’ DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Eyewitness News 2 Broke Girls
Westmore from the original ¨ Leading the Way Taking-Initiative Your Health with Dr. Richard Living Truth CBN Newswatch
McKenzie Westmore “Face Off” is the host here. µ The Doctors Dr. Phil 69 News at 10:00 Berks Edition
A&E Leah Remini: Scientology: Continues Leah Remini: Scientology 10:02 The Murder of Laci Peterson
AMC Movie: “Clash of the Titans” ›› (PG-13, ’10) Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson. Movie: “Pompeii”
ANPL 7:00 River Monsters The Great Barrier Reef
“NCIS” (8 p.m., CBS): Reeves (Duane Henry) ends up in danger while undercover BBC Movie: “A Knight’s Tale” ›› (PG-13, ’01) Heath Ledger, Mark Addy.
to flush out a businessman who relies on terrorism to control the stock market in BET Black Girls Rock! 2017 Being Mary Jane ‘Feeling Ambushed’
“Willoughby.” Bishop (Emily Wickersham) and her boyfriend Qasim (guest star BRAV Housewives/NJ The Real Housewives of New Jersey Housewives/NJ Night w/My Ex Housewives/NJ
Rafi Silver) may find the break that’s needed in the case. Veteran Los Angeles CMT Movie: “Shallow Hal” ›› (PG-13, ’01) Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black. “Shallow Hal”
newscaster Pat Harvey guest stars as a reporter. Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, CNBC Shark Tank Shark Tank The Filthy Rich Shark Tank
David McCallum, Wilmer Valderrama and Jennifer Esposito also star. CNN Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
COM South Park South Park Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Jim Jefferies
CSN 7:30 MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at Philadelphia Phillies Phil. Postgame
“Bull” (9 p.m., CBS): After Danny (Jaime Lee Kirchner) helps convict a man (Dri- DIS Stuck/Middle Bunk’d Bizaardvark Andi Mack K.C. Undercover K.C. Undercover
ton Tomaj) on manslaughter charges, his wife, Laurel (guest star Christina Jack- DSC Deadliest Catch: On Deck Deadliest Catch ‘Lost at Sea’ 10:01 Manhunt: Unabomber ‘Abri’
son) sets off a bomb at the TAC offices and takes the team hostage in “Stockholm E! Movie: “Bring It On” ›› (PG-13, ’00) Kirsten Dunst, Eliza Dushku. WAGS: Miami ‘Bride Wars’
Syndrome.” It’s all part of her desperate strategy to force Bull (Michael Weatherly) ESP 2017 Little League World Series Baseball Tonight MLB Baseball: Rangers at Angels
to reopen the case and prove her husband is innocent. Freddy Rodriguez, Geneva ES2 7:30 NFL Live Championship Drive Championship Drive E:60
Carr and Christopher Jackson also star. FOOD Chopped ‘Whiskey and Wings’ Chopped ‘The Newlywed Game’ Chopped ‘Grill Masters: Battle 4’
FREE The Fosters ‘Chasing Waterfalls’ 9:01 The Bold Type 10:02 The Fosters ‘Chasing Waterfalls’
FS1 UFC Knockouts UFC Top Ten Boxing Premier Boxing Champions
FX Movie: “Battleship” ›› (PG-13, ’12) Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgard.
“Face Off” (9 p.m., Syfy): It’s all over but the shouting (and maybe a little scream-
FXM 7:00 Movie: “Let’s Be Cops” (R, ’14) 8:55 Movie: “Let’s Be Cops” ›› (R, ’14) Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr.
ing) in the second of the two-part Season 12 finale, “Journey Into Fear: Part 2.” FXN Tucker Carlson Tonight The Five Hannity
Before the winner basks in the cheers of victory, the final three should expect to GSN Family Feud Family Feud Snap Decision Snap Decision Divided Divided
hear some boos: Hey, after all, it’s a haunted house challenge, right? McKenzie HALL Last Man Standing Last Man Standing The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle
Westmore is the host. HGTV Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Good Bones ‘Bugging Out on Budget’
HIS 7:59 Forged in Fire: Cutting Deeper Forged in Fire ‘The Kampilan’ 10:03 American Ripper
ION Criminal Minds ‘Divining Rod’ Criminal Minds ‘Hit’ Criminal Minds ‘Run’
“NCIS: New Orleans” (10 p.m., CBS): Someone has left and someone arrives in LIFE Dance Moms Dance Moms 10:02 So Sharp ‘So Sick’
“Aftershocks,” in which Vanessa Ferlito (“CSI: NY”) succeeded Zoe McLellan as LIFEM Movie: “Dangerous Intuition” (NR, ’13) Tricia Helfer, Estella Warren. Movie: “The Client List” (NR, ’10)
a regular cast member. The newer character is FBI agent Tammy Gregorio, who MSNB All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word
probes Pride (Scott Bakula) and his team while they probe the case of a sniper who MTV Teen Mom 2 ‘Motherducker’ The Challenge 10:02 Fear Factor
strikes at well-attended events in the Big Easy. NIK The Thundermans The Thundermans Full House 9:33 Full House 10:03 Full House 10:36 Full House
OXY Snapped ‘Judith Hawkey’ Snapped ‘Gabriela Escutia’ Snapped ‘Teresa Stone’
SPIKE Ink Master ‘Pin-Up Panic Attack’ Ink Master ‘Drill Baby, Drill’ Ink Master ‘Grim Inker’
“Wrecked” (10:30 p.m., TBS): Well, surely you didn’t think our wacky castaways SYFY 6:30 Movie: “XXX” ›› (PG-13, ’02) Face Off ‘Journey Into Fear, Part 2’ Face Off: Game Face
were going to solve their problems that easily, did you? Well, easy in the relative TBS Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Wrecked
sense, given that they did have to deal with some pirates who planned to harvest TCM Movie: “Experiment in Terror” ››› (NR, ’62) Glenn Ford, Lee Remick. 10:15 Movie: “The Violent Men” ››
and sell their organs at one point. In any case, the season finale finds the motley TLC Outdaughtered: Life With Quints Outdaughtered 10:03 Rattled ‘Pump & Dump’
plane crash survivors on a ship that is rapidly sinking. TNT 6:30 Movie: “Now You See Me” ›› Animal Kingdom ‘You Will Be Gutted’ 10:01 Animal Kingdom
TOON King of the Hill American Dad Cleveland Show American Dad Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers
TRUTV Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Adam Ruins You Can Do Better
TRVL Delicious Delicious Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern
TALK SHOWS TVL 8:12 M*A*S*H ‘Major Topper’ Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond
“Conan” (11:01 p.m. 12:32 a.m., TBS): Musician Jim Lauderdale.* UNI Enamorándome de Ramón Mi marido tiene familia La tierra prometida
“The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” (11:34 p.m., NBC): Actress Jessica USA WWE SmackDown! Shooter ‘Across the Rio Grande’
Biel; actor Matt Bomer; Kelsea Ballerini performs; Keith Sweat sits in with The VH1 Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Baller Wives
Roots.* WE Law & Order ‘Point of View’ Law & Order ‘Consultation’ Law & Order ‘Extended Family’
HBO Movie: “The Incredible Hulk” ››› (PG-13, ’08) Edward Norton, Liv Tyler. Hard Knocks: Training Camp
“The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” (11:35 p.m., CBS): TV host John Oliver;
comic Mike Birbiglia; actor Michael Showalter.* HBO2 Game of Thrones Insecure Hard Knocks: Training Camp “Fantastic Beasts”
HBO3 “The Conjuring” Room 104 Movie: “Serendipity” ›› (PG-13, ’01) John Cusack. “Changing Lanes”
“Jimmy Kimmel Live” (11:35 p.m., ABC): Celebrity guests and comedy skits.* CIN Movie: “My Cousin Vinny” ››› (R, ’92) Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei. Movie: “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World”
CIN2 7:25 Movie: “The Forest” (PG-13, ’16) Movie: “The Box” ›› (PG-13, ’09) Cameron Diaz, James Marsden.
* Subject to change TMC Movie: “The Land” ›› (R, ’16) Jorge Lendeborg Jr. 9:45 Movie: “Dangerous Minds” ›› (R, ’95)
SHO 7:05 Movie: “The Recruit” (PG-13, ’03) Ray Donovan ‘Dogwalker’ Dice Episodes
Hey, TV lovers: Looking for detailed show listings? TV Weekly is an ideal companion. STARZ 8:01 Movie: “Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk” ›› (R, ’16) Joe Alwyn. 9:56 Movie: “Inferno” (PG-13, ’16)
STZENC 7:47 Movie: “The Living Daylights” ››› (PG, ’87) Timothy Dalton. Outlander ‘The Way Out’
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Before Christopher
is born to adopt a pet
Q: My son and daughter-in-law are make a personality determination before
Frank of Niagara Falls, N.Y., having their first baby in October. They putting a dog up for adoption.
researched his family tree, have informed us that they plan on As for breed-specific legislation, many
he knew his ancestors did adopting a pit bull from a rescue. My communities realize that breed bans don’t
not immigrate here by wife and I are against it. We will fear not work. In fact, they often report the same or
choice. “They were slaves only for them but the baby. I know peo- increased number of dog bites, perhaps
who were shipped here ple say it’s how the dog is raised. How do because resources target dogs based on
from Africa,” he said, “and you know how a dog is raised if it’s a appearance rather than on behavior.
recorded as cargo, along rescue? So far, 20 states have passed provisions
with livestock and barrels There must be a reason why the pit prohibiting cities from enacting breed
of rum.” bull is a rescue. The dog could discrimination provisions, and I
Sure enough, Frank TRIBUNE ILLUSTRATION have been mistreated. I do know expect this trend to continue.
learned the DNA on his that any dog can bite and cause Ironically, pit bull dogs were
mom’s side matches the legwork out of your name lot of people named ‘Hus- harm. While vacationing in once America’s sweethearts,
DNA of members of the change by creating a sein.’ ” Denver, we found out that if you owned by several presidents,
Tikar Tribe in Cameroon. packet of documents to Changing your name move into the area with a pit many celebrities, and even the
He already knew the links sign and send. “When he and gender is difficult. Only bull they will destroy the dog. It children’s author Dr. Seuss.
on his dad’s side, thanks to died, she couldn’t get the about a third of people who is illegal to own one. How If you are getting ready to
a memoir by an ancestor. payout from his life insur- identify as transgender should this be handled? Also, become grandparents, you may
The deeper he delved ance policy because it had change their names legally, the apartment they live in is remember Petey from the Little
into his family’s history, the to go to her with his last said the National Center about 500 square feet. Rascals. He was a pit bull dog.
more he wanted to change name. So after 62 years of for Transgender Equality. — Carol N., Syosset, N.Y. Cathy M. With any pet, no matter how
his name, said Frank, who marriage, she changed her Others use a new name Rosenthal sweet and lovable, new parents
chose “Saladin Allah.” It name.” socially but keep their birth A: Before I address your ques- must remember to never leave a
was common for slave Others just need some name legally. tion about pit bulls, let’s talk about baby or small child alone with
owners to give their slaves incentive. “I had one client The cost of changing the adoption of a pet right before the ar- that pet for any reason. Regardless of
their last names, said Allah, who paid his wife (whom your name varies by state, rival of a new baby. I see this happen a lot breed, that’s the single most important
thus blacks in his (and he was divorcing) from less than $100 to with expectant couples. They want their thing for new parents to remember with a
other) families had “white” $100,000 to stop using his more than $1,000, not child to grow up with a dog, or they are dog.
names. “A name should be last name,” recalled Anita counting legal fees. If “nesting” and think now is the perfect time Q: My 10-year-old dog gnaws occa-
a reflection of who you Ventrelli, a Chicago family you’re on a budget, ask to add a pet to the family. sionally on places on his front legs that
are,” he said. law attorney. your county bar association Both are bad ideas. First, kids can begin end up looking bare of hair and in-
No one keeps a tally of Another common rea- if there are attorneys in growing up with a dog at any age. They flamed. How do I treat that?
how many people change son is wanting a name your area who volunteer don’t need to rush things. My son didn’t get — Ann P., Moyock, N.C.
their names each year, said that’s easier to pronounce their time for low-income his first dog until he was 8 years old.
Bruce Lansky, author of or spell. That’s why Lau- clients. Second, adopting a dog right before a A: Dogs chew on themselves because
several books about names, rence Tureaud became Transgender people can baby arrives is unfair to the dog. New par- they itch, either from fleas, allergies or
including “100,000+ Baby Mr. T and why Tom ask the Name Change ents are often exhausted and don’t have the even a habit formed by anxiety or bore-
Names,” though he esti- Dlabola of Briarcliff Man- Project (transgender time or energy to train a new dog and help dom. That means flea preventatives, and
mates it’s about 50,000 a or, N.Y., took his wife’s last to match them him or her succeed in the home. allergy and anxiety medications can help
year. name and became Tom with lawyers who work pro If they can wait to adopt a dog until after some dogs.
Marriage and divorce Cameron. bono. the baby arrives, I think they will be in a But dogs itch so much, there is now a
are the most common Debt collectors were For an overview of the better position to know what kind of time, new monthly injectable that stops their
reasons for name changes. reason enough for Gary name-change law in your energy and financial resources they will itch for up to a month. Talk to your veteri-
Eighty percent of brides Thomas Adams II of Kan- state, go to namechange have to devote to a new pet — and the dog narian about it. Regardless of the reason,
change their last names to sas City, Mo., to change his Then, be- will benefit more from waiting too. you will need to treat the hot spots — the
their husbands’ names, said name to Thomas Fredrick friend the folks at your As for your question about pit bulls — a irritated skin lesions that result from repet-
The Knot’s 2016 Real Wed- Adams. His name was too county courthouse, who term than encompasses about 20 breeds of itive biting chewing, licking and scratching.
dings Study of women with similar to that of a relative will tell you how to file a dogs — they are no different than any other You can find hydrocortisone sprays and
an average age of 29. who was not paying his petition and schedule a dog. It’s not about how they were treated — other healing creams online and at pet
Because most states bills. hearing with a judge. almost all of Michael Vick’s fighting dogs stores. If that doesn’t work, your veterinari-
allow spouses at least one Judges understand why Make lots of copies of got adopted into homes, and some even an can prescribe something stronger.
free name change per you want to change your the document the judge served as therapy pets during their lives.
marriage, with no expira- name if it is the same as a gives you, so you can It’s about how they are being treated and Cathy M. Rosenthal is a longtime animal
tion date, some spouses bad guy’s. “When Saddam change your driver’s li- socialized now. advocate, author, columnist and pet expert
take their time. Hussein became the most- cense, passport, Social If a dog is raised in a home around peo- who has more than 25 years in the animal
“We had one client who wanted man on the planet, Security card, tax records, ple and with training, things are generally welfare field. Send your pet questions, stories
was 84 and had never there was a rush on the voter registration card, fine. If a dog, regardless of breed, is ne- and tips to Please
taken her late husband’s courthouse,” said Kenneth bank accounts, credit glected or relegated to a back yard with include your name, city, and state. You can
name,” said Jake Wolff, Boulden, clerk of the cards, insurance, etc. little to no contact with people, he is more follow her @cathymrosenthal.
co-founder of hitchswitch peace, in New Castle likely to bite or become aggressive. Shelters
.com, which takes the County, Del. “There are a Leslie Mann is a freelancer. and rescue groups can behavior test and
Cookbook blends
activism, recipes
Author says food tied to involvement in community
By Joseph Hernandez new activists. Three sec-
Chicago Tribune tions break down the reci-
pes: for those too busy
After marching in the resisting to cook; feeding a
national Women’s March crowd; and baked goods
the day after President and portable snacks — “for
Donald Trump’s inaugura- the activist on the go,”
tion, cookbook author Julia joked Turshen.
Turshen found a need to “I wanted the recipes to
become more active in her be really useful,” she said.
community. “Everything leans toward
A regular volunteer for affordable, and you can
hunger relief organizations, make something that will
food pantries and other make you feel good. Activ-
programs, Turshen wanted ism begins with self-care —
to take it a step further. She like putting on your oxygen
chronicles this in her forth- mask on a plane before
coming book, “Feed the under a month, “Feed the your neighbor. Before you
Resistance: Recipes and Resistance” is more than can show up anywhere and
Ideas for Getting Involved.” just a cookbook. Inter- stand up for someone else,
“A silver lining of this spersed with essays from you need to be nourished
new administration is the contributors like Mikki with healthy food.”
transformation of so many Halpin (author of “It’s Your Many of the dishes have
folks, myself included, from World: If You Don’t Like It, stories rooted in communi-
being sometimes activists to Change It”), Callie Jayne ty too. Take the large-for-
being fully committed (organizer, Citizen Action mat Filipino adobo sa gata
members of the resistance,” of New York) and Tunde or Brazilian fish pie soup,
she writes in the book’s Wey (writer and cook), the both of which speak to a
introduction. book features resources for legacy of breaking bread
Turshen, who published community building and with your neighbors and
the acclaimed “Small Victo- political engagement. feeding dozens of people.
ries” cookbook just last “Making this book was a Baker Cheryl Day’s choco-
year, took baby steps into true community effort,” late espresso pie bars are
local activism by first at- said Turshen in an inter- inspired by the Club From
tending immigrants-rights view with the Tribune. “I Nowhere, a group of wom-
meetings in a local church, value the range of voices en who sold baked goods to
around the time of the who have contributed. It’s offset transportation costs
administration’s first travel such a wonderful mix of during the 1950s bus boy-
ban. Soon after, she began powerful writing and inclu- cott in Montgomery, Ala.,
volunteering at Citizen sive recipes.” started by Rosa Parks.
Action, a grassroots politi- “So much of the book is For Turshen, food is
cal organization with local providing a framework for deeply tied to activism and
branches throughout the the people who have had community. “What we eat,
country. the privilege — like me — of where we buy groceries,
It was at Citizen Action not being part of the resist- what restaurants we visit —
that Turshen saw a way to ance until the current ad- all these things have mean-
weave her skills as an au- ministration,” she said. “It’s ing and potential impact,” GENTL AND HYERS
thor and recipe developer a guide for what to do that’s she said. “Food can inspire “To think deeply about food is to also think deeply about the environment, the economy,
into her personal brand of sustainable — very practical us in our daily lives to be immigration, education, community, culture, families, race, gender,” Julia Turshen writes.
activism, and the idea for advice to avoid being over- more active and inclusive.”
“Feed the Resistance” was whelmed.” In the book, she writes, the world, lower-case ‘d,’ of buying the book sup- “There’s no need to start
born. “I realized the work I A handful of essays “to think deeply about food and affects all of us.” ports something impor- something new. You don’t
was doing in my own com- speak of intersectional is to also think deeply about The book won’t be pub- tant,” said Turshen. have to reinvent the activ-
munity could be exponen- politics, creating a safe- the environment, the econ- lished until October but is “There’s a lot of solidarity ism wheel — it’s sometimes
tial if I put some of it down space for discussion, and omy, immigration, educa- now available for preorder in these pages.” best to find a wheel that
on paper and shared it with how food can build com- tion, community, culture, on Amazon, with all pro- As for parting advice for works for you and just help
you so that you can better munity, while Turshen and families, race, gender and ceeds from the book di- those new to and grassroots spinning it.”
feed your own resistance,” her contributors provide identity. Food is about rectly benefiting the Ameri- activism, Turshen says to
she writes. practical recipes for nour- people, all people. It is the can Civil Liberties Union. find a cause you believe in
Put together in just ishing both veteran and most democratic thing in “I love that the simple act and start there. Twitter @joeybear85
Dolores Munson, 85, got
tired last winter of waiting
behind a police car that had
made a traffic stop about a
mile from her home. She
swerved into the next lane
to pass but couldn’t help
looking to see who had
gotten in trouble.
“I was nosy,” the Strat-
ford, N.J., woman said.
Distracted, Munson
slammed into the front of
the police car, hard enough
to break an axle on her VW
Passat. The cruiser was
This might be good
news, Joan Smeraski
thought when she got the
call from her mother’s
Jitterbug. Maybe the police
would make her mother
stop driving. Smeraski had
been trying for months to
take the keys away, but her
mother wanted the free-
can give. Dolores Munson of Stratford, N.J., gets in her car in June. Her family is increasingly worried about the 85-year-old Munson’s ability to drive.
Smeraski’s hopes were
dashed. The police didn’t have less power than you’d cial legal duty to prevent problem, said Jodi Olshev-
even ticket Munson. Her think. Families are likely to the parent from driving,” ski, a gerontologist who is
insurance company was find their most powerful Rothkoff said. “However, executive director of the
also understanding and allies in doctors and driving there clearly is a moral Hartford Center for Mature
helpful. So was the body evaluators who are trained obligation.” Market Excellence. If sen-
shop. Smeraski asked her to test older or disabled It’s not as easy as taking iors won’t listen, family
mother’s doctor to write a drivers. the keys or moving the car. members can take them for
note telling Munson, who State laws vary widely. Experts say they know of a special driving test.
has “mild to moderate Regular vision tests and a cases where seniors or- “We really think that
cognitive decline,” not to requirement that drivers dered new keys, bought comprehensive driving
drive. She put it on her renew licenses in person new cars or accused an evaluations are the best
mother’s refrigerator. seem best at reducing fatal adult child of stealing the way to go,” Olshevski said.
Munson is still driving. accidents, but only for the car. The company will even pay
“If you live to be my age, oldest drivers. Experts say Police can’t just yank a for evaluations if an insured
you will see,” she said in many older drivers decide license, much as they might driver was injured in an
June as she sat in her favor- on their own to stop night want to. Mike Fergus, a accident.
ite chair, the one with a and highway driving when program manager for the Michael Barry, a spokes-
view of the gloriously green they have trouble with International Association man for the Insurance
backyard she won’t leave to vision or response times. of Chiefs of Police, said Information Institute, an
live closer to Smeraski. Despite a growing senior many departments could industry group, said age is a
“You’re in the house all the population, fatality rates for use more training to help factor in setting insurance
time. You sit in a chair, and older drivers have dropped older people use their cars rates, but companies
sometimes you wonder in recent years, likely be- safely and to recognize weight it differently. Acci-
why you’re living. You can’t cause cars are safer, and when drivers have demen- dents typically make rates
do anything. You can’t go seniors are in better health. tia or other problems that go up. Insurers can decide
anywhere. ... Sometimes Older drivers don’t drive as could affect their driving. not to renew policies for
you need a change of sce- much as younger drivers, so The Laurel Springs drivers with particularly
nery.” their per-capita crash rates Police Department, which bad records, but they do it
Smeraski and her sib- are low. However, the rate handled Munson’s acci- with “great reluctance”
lings wondered if they CHARLES FOX/PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER of crashes per mile for dent, did not respond to because “they want more
might be liable if their Munson has been reluctant to heed the cautions of daugh- people 80 and older is requests for comment. customers,” he said. “They
mother hurt someone. ter Joan Smeraski and her other children to stop driving. twice as high as it is for Auto insurance compa- don’t want to send them
They talked about going those 35 to 54. The risk of nies might be among the away.”
above their mother’s head only a psychological fear accidents. Figuring out being in a crash where first to see an uptick in Smeraski and other
to the state’s motor vehicle marker of independence when and how to stop an someone dies starts to rise claims that signals declin- family members, as well as
commission but haven’t but also a skill that allows elder from driving is one of around 70. ing driving ability. her mother’s paid caregiver,
been able to take that step. seniors to stay in their the toughest challenges Smeraski and her sib- But even The Hartford, have made a point of taking
Thousands of families homes and avoid asking for families face, and it’s made lings probably wouldn’t which produces useful Munson on outings.
across the country are all — or paying for — help. even tougher by the fact need to worry about being educational materials on Smeraski took her moth-
too familiar with scenarios Feeling trapped in a that they often don’t get sued unless their mother older drivers, sidestepped a er’s car to the mechanic for
like this, which will grow house is depressing for much support. had been declared inca- question about whether maintenance and parked it
more common as car-loving people of any age, and it can People age differently, pacitated by a court, said insurers could do more to in the garage, where it has
baby boomers reach old make health problems which makes it challenging elder lawyer Jerry identify problem older mostly stayed put.
age. Especially for people worse. Adult children don’t for lawmakers and insurers Rothkoff. drivers. She noticed that Munson
who live in suburban and want to make their parents to create effective, nondis- “Legally, I do not believe Family members are has seemed less interested
rural areas, driving is not miserable, but they also criminatory rules. Police the child is under any spe- usually the first to notice a in driving recently.
ence mirrors that of an whether socialization has rie,” he says. “It was the Many people find the health club a good place to strengthen social bonds, which can be
active senior population, a positive effect on health friendship, someone to an important factor in prolonging life, studies show.
where the gym has become or whether people who kibbitz with.”
a place to build not just are sick simply have fewer Nick Crossley, a profes- Disease, which conducted The post-workout re- ness and says that after his
muscle but community. social relationships — the sor of sociology at the Uni- focus groups of participa- covery offers another water aerobics class, the
Perhaps unsurprisingly, authors said that the data versity of Manchester, has nts in a fitness program for opportunity to socialize. group often heads right to
studies have linked strong “provides stronger evi- researched community- older adults, one woman It’s easy to meet because the hot tub, where it’s easy
social relationships to a dence for the influence of building in health clubs. He said that “being able to everyone’s already in the to socialize.
longer life span. In one social relationships on risk says that these places are socialize with people and same place. In his report, “We talk about that
British Medical Journal for mortality rather than particularly effective be- to laugh helps the body “(Net)working Out: Social day’s class, but we usually
study, researchers wrote vice versa.” cause they encourage so- become better and the Capital in a Private Health like to talk about things
that social activities may be Based on their meta- cialization on a routine mind stronger.” Club,” Crossley noted that outside, like our travels,”
as effective as fitness activ- analysis, researchers basis, often with the same The researchers noted the intimacy of a gym’s Ginsberg says.
ities in lowering the risk of found that in its influence, people, even if by chance. the strong sense of cohe- sauna, “where people are In Abramowitz’s case,
death. They followed more social isolation compares Studies have borne out sion among members, “a often squashed together, the socializing afterward
than 2,800 people over the with risk factors such as the role that fitness centers dynamic process reflected sitting in the eye line of was just as important as
age of 65 for a 13-year pe- smoking and alcohol play in maintaining social by the tendency of a group others,” makes conversa- the workout.
riod. The researchers con- consumption, and it might bonds in seniors. In one to stick together and re- tion almost a necessity.
cluded that active people even exceed other risk study published in the main united in pursuit of Stan Ginsberg, 73, works Ben Opipari is a freelance
were more likely to be alive factors such as physical journal Preventing Chronic its objective.” out at a D.C.-area LA Fit- writer.
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