News 10.09.2010-1

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Welcome Back
Welcome back to school if you are returning and also welcome to all new children and parents. This weekly
newsletter is one way that we keep everyone informed of all that is happening in school. It will arrive home
each Friday either via your e-mail or as a paper copy if you do not have e-mail.
Birthday Assemblies
Each Friday we hold a Celebration Assembly where we celebrate the birthdays of children
during that week. Birthday assemblies are at 1:15pm on Fridays and all parents, carers and
younger siblings are welcome to attend. Parents are invited to join us for a birthday
assembly on Friday 17th September at 1.15pm for all children who have birthdays from 12th
September to 18th September inclusive.
Manor Field PTA Annual General Meeting
We will be holding our AGM on Tuesday 14th September at 7pm in the school hall. All parents and carers are
invited to attend. We are a friendly group of people and we are looking for more parents to come and join us.
It is a good way to get to know people and to help raise funds for you children while they are here at Manor
Field. We look forward to welcoming you.
Money Received in the office
Please note that all money that comes in to the office must be in a sealed envelope, marked with your child’s
name, class, the amount of money in the envelope and the purpose of the money e.g. lunch money, breakfast
club or trip money. Many thanks for your help in this matter.
Extended Schools
Do you ever worry about your child’s behaviour or worry that they are finding learning
Why not make an appointment to have an informal chat with Sean O’Donoghue, Educational
Psychologist, about your concerns? Sean will be available for half hour appointments on:

Wednesday 13th October, 9.00am - 12.00 at

Manor Field Infant and Nursery School, Manor Road, Long Stratton
Consultations are open to ALL parents/carers of all pre-school and school aged children in the Long Stratton
cluster. Consultations are private and confidential and no record will be kept of your meeting.
Please phone 01508 530356 to make an appointment
Framingham Falcons Netball Club – Extended Schools
Framingham Falcons Netball Club are running taster sessions for anyone aged 14 year plus interested in
getting back into Netball on 27th September, 18th October and 5th November. They train every Monday
evening 6.30-8.30pm at Framingham Earl Sports Centre. If you want more information please phone Kim
Mackie 07724 132417 or just turn up to one of the above sessions
Tea Towels
We still have few tea towels with the children’s self portraits on left in the office. If you have not already
purchased a tea towel and would like to, they are on display in the office and can be bought for only £3.00
each. Come and have a look.

Term Dates
Autumn Term – Monday 6th September – Friday 17th December
Autumn Half Term – Monday 25th October – Friday 29th October
Spring Term – Wednesday 5th January – Friday 8th April

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