Our Services

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Our services

We are active in the fields of construction and project development, including commercial
properties, homes and Public Private Partnerships.


Construction includes building construction, for example offices, industrial facilities and homes,
and such civil engineering projects as bridges, tunnels and roads.


Our offer includes single- as well as multi-family housing. We develop residential areas all the
way from choosing the location to planning, designing and sales.


Commercial property
At Skanska we purchase, plan, develop, manage, lease and divest property projects.

Commercial property

Public Private Partnerships

Skanska is a world leader in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), delivering real benefits around
the world to the users of roads, hospitals, schools and power plants.

Public Private Partnerships

Skanska's governance structure consists of the company's shareholders, the Board of Directors,
President and CEO, management, Group staff units and support unit and local business units
operating on home markets in Europe and the U.S.

Click the boxes in the chart above to go to related pages with more information.

As a listed company, generating value for Skanska's shareholders, along with delivering on our
purpose of building for a better society, is our aim.

Skanska is governed by the Board of Directors, the President and CEO and Senior Executive
Team, the Group staff units and support unit.

The Group's operations are based on local business units with good knowledge of their
respective markets, customers and suppliers for the four business streams:

 Construction
 Residential Development
 Commercial Property Development
 Infrastructure Development
These local units are backed by Skanska's brand and financial strength as well as Group-wide
expertise and values.

The average number of employees in the Group during 2016 was 41,000.

Business unit operations by geography

Skanska's business units are active on the following markets:

Business unit Market

Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, UK and the U.S.
Residential Development Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland and Czech Republic
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Czech
Commercial Property Development
Republic, UK, Hungary, Romania and the U.S.
Infrastructure Development Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, UK and the U.S.

Our Business Plan 2016-2020, Profit with Purpose, outlines the strategic direction that will take
Skanska to the next level. The aim is to increase shareholder value while working toward a more
sustainable future for employees, customers and communities. This is how Skanska creates Profit
with Purpose.
Generating value for shareholders
We must create shareholder value in a responsible way and contribute to society at large. Given
the business we are in and our size of our operations, we can have a considerable and positive
impact on society as part of our profitable business. It is not about doing one or the other; it is
about doing both at the same time. Profit is needed to deliver on Purpose; and a strong Purpose
will contribute to our Profit.

Generating value for shareholders and delivering an industry-leading total return to

the shareholders will continue to be Skanska's stated aim. A strong focus on profitability
is combined with controlled growth. This will result in a stable, long-term earnings trend and
provide the cash flow necessary for an attractive dividend.

To achieve this, there will be a greater focus on:

 Great People: To remain successful we need to offer a place to work with dedicated
colleagues in an open and high-performance culture with sound values. A company that
fosters collaboration and development, an organization where very employee has a strong
passion to deliver results and contribute to Profit with Purpose.
 Market Making: We will strive to engage in a structured and enhanced long-term
collaboration with our customers, as well as our suppliers and subcontractors. A
collaboration based on a close dialog, common vision and trust.
 Operational Excellence: Continuous improvement is required if we are to strengthen our
results and operations efficiency. This is true in all parts of the process - from risk
assessment and tendering to planning and execution. Increased digitalization and
automation as well as a careful review of resource consumption are important aspects of
reducing implementation costs.

Our aspirations for 2020

 Industry-leading total shareholder return
 Balanced value creation between Construction and Project Development
 Recognized as a preferred partner when it comes to creating solutions that meet
customers' needs
 Living our values and recognized as a value-driven company building for a better society
 An injury-free and ethical environment
 The most attractive employer in our industry
 Cooperation within and between units and business streams as One Skanska in high-
performing teams
 Improved operational efficiency

Research & development

The Research & Innovation function leads the research and innovation activities. Through
innovation Skanska identifies and develops new technical products, services and processes,
improving its competitiveness and creating increased value for Skanska and its clients.

Our role
The Research & Innovation function is the corporate hub for technical expertise and technical
knowledge transfer between the various Skanska units.

What we do
The function provides technical input to Skanska's risk management process in order to reduce
risk in relation to complex structures, potential systemic faults and the use of new materials. It
also provides technical support for problem solving and claims resolution, working through a
coordinated internal and external network of experts.

In addition, the function leads the research and innovation activities in Skanska, striving to find
new technical solutions and also more efficient ways of working. Innovation is needed in order
to respond to current and future needs and to stay competitive. Through innovation Skanska
identifies and develops new technical products, services and processes, improving its
competitiveness and creating increased value for Skanska and its clients.

A large part of the year's work focused on supporting Skanska's 2016–2020 business plan with
technology, particularly in the area of Operational Excellence. During 2016, technical focus
areas within Skanska included Building Information Modeling (BIM), automation and robotics,
autonomous vehicles, industrialization, materials, drones, 3D printing, energy, energy storage as
well as other focus areas such as climate change, sustainability and safety.

Collaboration with academia

Skanska actively collaborates with around 25 universities in its home markets and currently has
six adjunct professors working in the areas of energy, concrete, tunneling, bridges and climate

Building Information Modeling

Building information modeling (BIM) is a collaborative way of working, which provides
everyone working on the project with accessible, accurate data. It leads to better communication,
greater efficiency, more precise programmes and estimating and reduced risk. At Skanska, we
have readily embraced this dynamic tool, always striving to improve our overall delivery

Benefits of BIM
BIM is our way of adding value to customers' projects and moving the construction industry

Benefits of BIM

International collaboration
BIM enables new ways of working together in a more collaborative and informed process.

International collaboration

Construction units
Offices, homes, roads and bridges are just a few examples of what we do within Construction.
We offer construction services in selected home markets in the Nordics, Europe and North
Skanska Sweden
One of the country's largest contractors within building and civil construction as well as services
related to road construction and civil engineering. The business unit encompasses a number of
specialized subsidiaries. Among the assignments you find some of the largest projects in the
market as well as a great number of small and mid-sized projects. The history in Sweden dates
back to the 19th century. Skanska Sweden is based in Stockholm, Sweden.

 Business Unit President: Gunnar Hagman

 Number of employees: approximately 10,500
 Skanska Sweden website: www.skanska.se

 Residential Development
 Within our Residential Development (RD) business, we create, build and sell new homes
through our Nordic construction business units in Sweden, Norway, Finland and our
business unit Residential Development Europe managing our operations in Czech
Republic and Poland.

More information about the Nordic business units providing Residential Development is
found on the Construction units page.
 If you are interested in finding out more about Skanska's residential projects, please visit
our Projects section.
 For more information about the Skanska residential offer, go to Homes in Our services
 If you would like to know more about which homes we offer in your local region, please
visit your local Homes sales website by selecting the link listed on this page.

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