Lumut Geothermal UNU GTP 2010 29

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Orkustofnun, Grensasvegur 9, Reports 2010

IS-108 Reykjavik, Iceland Number 29



Hanifah Bagus Sulistyardi

Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Menara Cakrawala 15th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin 9,


This report covers research activities with the objective of producing basic design
documents for the Lumut Balai geothermal power plant units 1 and 2, with a total
electrical output of 2×55 MWe. The methodology to accomplish this objective is
to initially create a geothermal power plant model, its application through
simulations and a technical analysis. Once the model is set up, then the simulation
can be carried out in order to understand the performance of the geothermal power
plant when responding to several different operating conditions. The following
operating conditions are used as variable input parameters in the presented power
plant model, wet bulb temperature and non-condensable gas content of the steam
supply. In addition the behaviour of the geothermal power plant, both for rated full
load operation as well as partial load operation, is simulated for a comprehensive
analysis of a heat and mass balance diagram and the technical specifications of the
main equipment.


Lumut Balai geothermal field on the island of Sumatera in Indonesia is part of the PT Geothermal
Energy working area. The project comprises the development of upstream (steam field, steam
gathering and reinjection system) and downstream facility construction (geothermal power plant) such
that PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy can sell electricity to the national network grid company. This
technical report focuses on the basic design of the geothermal power plant itself. The first step in the
design procedure is to model the geothermal power plant using EES (Engineering Equation Solver),
computer aided thermodynamic simulation software, followed by running simulations under several
different conditions. After the heat balance diagrams are set up for different operating conditions, then
the main equipment can be sized properly according to the required margins and matched with the
requirements dictated by the selected thermodynamic cycle which, in this case, is a single-flash
condensing Rankine cycle. The main equipment and systems include: a steam gathering and
reinjection system using a steam turbine and a condenser; a gas removal system, including a hybrid
system and a dual stage steam jet ejector; and a circulating water system including a circulating water
pump and a cooling tower.

Sulistyardi 612 Report 29


2.1 Location and planned drilling activity

Drilling activity in Lumut Balai geothermal field (Figure 1) started in mid 2008, with well LMB 1-1
being the first well drilled. It is an exploration well and its profile is a straight-standard hole, but
successive wells will be directional big holes. The first phase of geothermal development in Lumut
Balai includes the drilling of 17 wells, both for production and reinjection. The steam produced will
supply a two unit geothermal power plant with a total capacity of 2×55 MWe. PT Pertamina
Geothermal Energy will sell electricity to the national network grid company through an energy sales
contract. This kind of energy selling scheme is the second for a geothermal area owned and operated
by PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy. The first one was for the Kamojang geothermal power plant
unit 6, located in the West Java province, which sells a total of 60 MWe to the national grid company.

The Lumut Balai geothermal project is located on Sumatera Island, South Sumatra Province,
Penindaian village, sub-district of Semende Darat Laut, Muara Enim regency, about 292 km southwest
of Palembang. The project area can be reached by four-wheel drive vehicles via the asphalted road
from Palembang to Simpang Meo and onwards to the project site in Penindaian village, approximately
32 km on gravel and some paved roads. The geothermal prospect is sited around Mt. Balai, Mt.
Lumut and Mt. Pagut. The average altitude of the geothermal field location is around 1000 m above
sea level (m a.s.l.). The Lumut Balai geothermal power plant project occupies an area which is
planned for geothermal power plant units 1 & 2 and also for units 3 & 4 which will be developed in
the next phase. The production wells are distributed on three wellpads. Reinjection wells are located
at two different wellpads.

2.2 Basic design documents

Basic design documents are needed to ensure end-product quality and a budget and schedule that
match project planning. Any defects in the product (in this case the geothermal power plant), such as
excessive budget realisation and delays during project execution can lead to negative effects such as an
increased financial burden borne by the company for a long term period.

Since the process of developing the geothermal power plant will involve several parties, e.g. an
engineering consultant and an Engineering-Procurement-Construction contractor, the need for basic
design documents becomes mandatory.

FIGURE 1: Location of Lumut Balai geothermal field,

PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy working area (PGE, 2010)
Report 29 613 Sulistyardi

This research is intended to produce the following basic design documents for Lumut Balai
geothermal power plant, units 1 & 2:
1. Heat and mass balance diagram; and
2. Technical specification for main equipment.

2.3 Power plant planning and design

The process of developing a new power plant from its inception to commercial operation is complex
and dynamic. The power plant planning and design process described in this report is tailored to
geothermal power plants. The basic steps are shown in Figure 2. The power plant design process
changes depending on unique financial, engineering, environmental, and other requirements for a
specific plant. One approach to the power plant design process is to design by function or system,
purchase by component, construct by specialty contractor, and start up by system. Each of these steps
is required in some form by all power plant designers. It is vital that the goals, objectives, and
constraints for each project be carefully defined in the planning and analysis stage. Project planning
and analysis encompass those strategic elements of a project that must be considered early in project
development. Steam supply studies, system planning studies, site evaluation, transmission planning
analyses, environmental feasibility analyses, and economic and financial feasibility analyses are
integral to project planning and analysis for new geothermal power generation facilities.

FIGURE 2: Power plant design process (Drbal et al., 1996)

The basic design stage encompasses a broad variety of activities. It consists of systematically defining
and evaluating the basic conditions and constraints applicable to a specific system of an electricity
generation plant. Basic design engineering starts as part of the project planning and analysis activities.
The activities include thermodynamic cycle selection, creating a model of the power plant
thermodynamic system, creating a heat and mass balance diagram, determining the performance of the
power plant thermodynamic cycle and determining technical specifications for the main equipment. A
detailed design phase includes determining the technical requirements for all plant components. It
involves detailed consideration of equipment sizing, reliability constraints, and performance
requirements for individual equipment, codes and standards, all directed toward successful
specification, construction, and start-up. As the detailed engineering is completed for systems and
equipment, procurement and construction specifications are developed to delineate specific technical
and commercial requirements consistent with the overall design objectives. Finally, effective control
of schedules, cost, design, and construction is essential to a successful power plant project. Project
control activities include critical path scheduling of engineering and plant construction activities, cost
control and cost risk assessment, design control, and construction control (Drbal et al., 1996).


3.1 Heat and mass balance

The basic design for a geothermal power plant is required for supporting the development process for
both a steam gathering system and the geothermal power plant. One of the most important documents
Sulistyardi 614 Report 29

in the basic design phase is a process flow diagram describing the heat and mass balance. This kind of
diagram depicts the processes taking place in the geothermal power plant system. Two kinds of
balances are represented in a heat and mass balance diagram: the balance of mass and the balance of
energy. Some conditions shall be simulated when modelling the geothermal power plant in order to
understand the effect of changing process parameters. Once the heat and mass balance diagram is
fixed, then the requirements for steam supply and other stream mass flow can be confirmed; then
subsequent design activities such as main equipment sizing can commence.

A heat and mass balance diagram is one of the key technical documents in the basic engineering
design phase of geothermal power plant development and it is also used during subsequent phases,
including Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) contractor bidding, detailed design, field
construction and the commissioning process. Furthermore, the heat and mass balance diagram is used
during the operation and maintenance of the geothermal power plant in order to maintain the
performance and allow continuous improvement during the commercial lifecycle of the geothermal
power plant.

3.2 Steam supply pipeline system design

Pressure drop in a steam supply pipeline system:

Approximating the pressure drop value in a steam supply pipeline system from the separator to the
power plant can be calculated using the well-known ‘Babcock’ or ‘Guttermuth and Fischer’ formula
(Armstead, 1983):

0.0914 LVw 2
Δp = 8.73 ⋅ 10 −8 (1 + ) (1)
d d5
where Δp = Pressure drop (bar);
L = Pipe length (m);
V = Specific volume of steam (m3/kg);
d = Internal diameter of pipe (m); and
w = Mass flow (kg/s).

This formula is applicable for dry saturated steam or steam with the presence of small quantities of
liquid. For very wet water/steam mixtures, i.e. two-phase flow transmission, the formula gives too
high a result.

The permissible pressure drop between the assumed economic well head pressure and the designed
inlet pressure to the power plant must not be exceeded. Where a wellhead separator is installed, it
would be wise to allow a pressure drop of about 10% of the absolute wellhead pressure to be absorbed
in the separator and its associated pipework (Armstead, 1983).

Steam transmission velocity:

Steam velocity should not exceed the value determined by the following equation (Armstead, 1983):
v= (2)
p 0.54
where v = Steam velocity (m/s); and
p = Steam pressure (bar).

This formula is recommended by Russell James (control orifices replace steam traps on overland
transmission pipelines) as the definition of ‘moderate’ velocity below which the rivulet of condensate
flowing along the bottom of a steam pipe is considered to be more or less immune from being swept
along in gulps by the faster moving steam. Apart from the risk of water-hammer, the re-entrainment
Report 29 615 Sulistyardi

of water caused by excessive steam velocity is apt to carry the water past the next downstream
collection pot and so escape condensate removal. The reduced condensate removal efficiency would
mean that the degree of purification would be far less than required. So long as the velocity is
restricted to the value determined by the formula, a condensate removal efficiency of at least 70% for
each collection pot (drain/steam trap) should be ensured (Armstead, 1983).

3.3 Thermodynamic cycle

Single flashing process:

Referring to Figure 3, the processing sequence
begins with geofluid under pressure at state 1,
close to the saturation curve. The flashing
process is modelled at constant enthalpy, i.e. an
isenthalpic process, because it occurs steadily,
spontaneously, essentially adiabatically, and
with no work involvement. We also neglect
any change in the kinetic or potential energy of
the fluid as it undergoes flashing. Thus, we
may write h1 = h2, where h denotes specific
enthalpy and the subscripts refer to the states FIGURE 3: Temperature-entropy state diagram for
shown in Figure 3. a single-flash plant (DiPippo, 2005)
Separation process:
The separation process is modelled at constant pressure, i.e. an isobaric process, once the flash has
taken place. The quality or dryness fraction, x, of the mixture that forms after the flash, state 2, can be
found from:
h2 − h3
x2 = (3)
h4 − h3

by using the so-called lever rule from thermodynamics. This gives the steam mass fraction of the
mixture and is the amount of steam that goes to the turbine per unit total mass flow into the separator.

Optimum separator temperature: An approximation formula

Regarding the process diagram shown in Figure 3, the optimum value for the separator temperature is
given approximately (DiPippo, 2005) as:
T1 + T6
T3,opt = (4)
Since this rule indicates that the temperature range between the reservoir and the condenser is divided
into two equal segments, this rule is sometimes called the “equal-temperature-split” rule. This
approximate rule applies to all flash plants regardless of the number of flashes. For a double-flash
plant, the rule says: the temperature difference between the reservoir and the first flash is equal to the
temperature difference between the first flash and the second flash, and is also equal to the temperature
difference between the second flash and the condenser.

Turbine expansion process:

The work produced by the turbine per unit mass of steam flowing through it, is given by:
wt = h4 − h5 (5)
assuming no heat loss from the turbine and neglecting the changes in kinetic and potential energy of
the fluid entering and leaving the turbine.
Sulistyardi 616 Report 29

The maximum possible work would be generated if the turbine operated adiabatically and reversibly,
i.e. at constant entropy or isentropically. The process shown in Figure 3 from 4-5s is the ideal process.
We define the isentropic turbine efficiency, ηt , as the ratio of the actual work to the isentropic work,
h4 − h5
ηt = (6)
h4 − h5 s

The power developed by the turbine is given by:

W& t = m& 5 wt = x 2 m& total wt (7)
This represents the gross mechanical power developed by the turbine. The gross electrical power will
be equal to the turbine power times the generator efficiency:
W& e = η g W& t (8)

All auxiliary power requirements for the plant must be subtracted from this to obtain the net, sellable
power. These so-called parasitic loads include, but are not limited to, all pumping power and cooling
tower fan power.

The primary purpose of the condenser is to condense the exhaust
steam from the turbine. There are primarily two types of condensers:
direct-contact and surface condensers. It is common to employ a
direct-contact condenser for geothermal power plant applications,
especially if there is a limited cooling water source, such as for
geothermal power plants built in the highlands. A modern direct-
contact condenser is of the spray type; early design was of barometric
or jet type (El-Wakil, 1984).

A direct-contact condenser (Figure 4), as the name implies, condenses

the steam by mixing it directly with the cooling water. This is done
by spraying water into the steam in the condenser. Thus turbine
exhaust steam mixes with cooling water to produce nearly saturated
condensate. A mass balance on the system, where m& denotes mass-
FIGURE 4: Direct contact
condenser (DiPippo, 2005) flow rates, gives:
m& 6 = m& 5 + m& cw (9)
An energy balance gives:
m& 6 h6 = m& 5 h5 + m& cw hcw (10)
From the above equations, the mass flow rate of the cooling water can be determined as follows:
⎛ h − h6 ⎞
m& cw = m& 5 ⎜⎜ 5 ⎟⎟ (11)
⎝ h6 − hcw ⎠

Cooling tower:
The cooling tower must be designed to accommodate the heat load from the condensing steam. With
reference to Figure 4, the steam condensate that has been pumped from the hot well of a condenser is
sprayed into the tower (Figure 5) where it falls through an air stream drawn into the tower by a motor-
driven fan at the top of the tower.
Report 29 617 Sulistyardi

The ambient air enters with a certain amount of water

vapour, determined by its relative humidity, and picks up
more water vapour as the condensate partially evaporates.
The evaporation process requires heat that comes from the
water itself, thereby dropping its temperature.

The internal process involves the exchange of both heat

and mass between the air and the water. Energy balance
and mass balance for the cooling tower system shall be
applied in order to determine how much mass flow of
outside air is required. This value will be used later to
determine cooling tower induced draft fan motor power

Energy balance for the cooling tower must take into FIGURE 5: Mechanically induced draft
account the water content of the incoming and leaving air wet cooling tower (DiPippo, 2005)

( m& a ha + m& wa ha ) + m& 7 h7 = ( m& d hd + m& wd hd ) + m& 8 h8 + m& b hb (12)

There are two other equations needed to analyse the process: mass conservation of water and mass
conservation of air. Recall that both the entering and leaving air streams contain water in the vapour
phase (in different percentages). The water conservation equation is:
m& wa + m& 7 = m& wd + m& 8 + m& b (13)
The dry air goes through the cooling tower unchanged. The dry air conservation equation is:
m& ad = m& aa = m& a (14)
For a unit mass of dry air:
⎛ m& ⎞ m& ⎛ m& ⎞ m& m&
⎜⎜ ha + wa ha ⎟⎟ + 7 h7 = ⎜⎜ hd + wd hd ⎟⎟ + 8 h8 + b hb (15)
⎝ m& a ⎠ m& a ⎝ m& a ⎠ m& a m& a

where the terms m& wa and m& wd represent the water content of the incoming and leaving air streams,

These can be found from the specific humidity, ω, of the air streams:
m& wa = ω a m& a (16)
m& wd = ω d m& d (17)

which gives:
m& 7 m& m&
ha + ω a ha + h7 = hd + ω d hd + 8 h8 + b hb (18)
m& a m& a m& a

Re-arranging Equation 18, gives the following form:

m& 7 m& m&
ω a ha + h7 = (hd − ha ) + ω d hd + 8 h8 + b hb (19)
m& a m& a m& a
Sulistyardi 618 Report 29

The dry air going through the cooling tower is unchanged. The circulating water loses mass by
evaporation. The water vapour in the air gains mass due to evaporated water:

m& 7 m& 8 m& b

ωd − ωa = − − (20)
m& a m& a m& a

For incoming air and leaving air, the following approximation can be used due to the low pressure and
temperature commonly encountered in the tower:
( hd − ha ) = c p (Td − Ta ) (21)
Equation 19 can now be written in the form:

m& 7 ⎛ m& m& ⎞ m&

ω a ha + h7 = c p (Td − Ta ) + ω d hd + ⎜⎜ 7 − b − (ω d − ω a )⎟⎟h8 + b hb (22)
m& a ⎝ m& a m& a ⎠ m& a

where ωa = Specific humidity of cold air entering cooling tower;

ωd = Specific humidity of hot air leaving cooling tower;
ha = Enthalpy of cold dry air entering cooling tower (kJ/kg);
hd = Enthalpy of dry air leaving cooling tower (kJ/kg);
h7 = Enthalpy steam condensate (hot water) entering cooling tower (kJ/kg);
h8 = Enthalpy of cold water (cooling water return) leaving cooling tower (kJ/kg);
hb = Enthalpy of blowdown portion leaving cooling tower (kJ/kg);
m& 7 = Mass flow of hot water (steam condensate) entering cooling tower (kg/s);
m& a = Mass flow of cold air entering cooling tower (kg/s);
m& b = Mass flow of blowdown portion leaving cooling tower (kg/s);
cp = Specific heat of dry air (kJ/kg°C);
Td = Temperature of air leaving cooling tower (°C); and
Ta = Temperature of air entering cooling tower (°C).

With the respect to Equation 11, the mass flow rate of m& 7 is equal to m& cw so the mass flow rate of dry
air, m& a , which enters and leaves the cooling tower can be estimated.

Range and approach of the cooling tower:

A cooling tower is also characterised by two other parameters: the range and approach. The range is
the change in water temperature as it flows through the cooling tower, namely T7-T8. With reference
to Figure 5, the approach is the difference between the water outlet temperature and the wet-bulb
temperature of the incoming air, namely, T8-Twb,a.

Cooling tower height:

Contact time between water and air is governed largely by the time required for the water to discharge
from the nozzles and fall through the tower to the basin. The contact time therefore becomes a
function of the height of the tower. Should the contact time be insufficient, no amount of increase in
the ratio of air to water will produce the desired cooling. It is, therefore, necessary to maintain a
certain minimum height of a cooling tower. When a wide approach of 8-11°C to the wet-bulb
temperature and a 13.9-19.4°C cooling range are required, a relatively low cooling tower will suffice.
A tower in which the water travels 4.6-6.1 m from the distributing system to the basin is sufficient.
When a moderate approach and a cooling range of 13.9-19.4°C are required, a tower in which the
water travels 7.6-9.1 m is adequate. Where a close approach of 4.4°C with a 13.9-19.4°C cooling
range is required, a tower in which the water travels 10.7-12.2 m is required. It is usually not
economical to design a cooling tower with an approach of less than 2.8°C (Perry and Green, 2008).
Report 29 619 Sulistyardi

Cooling tower makeup water requirement:

The makeup requirements for a cooling tower consist of the summation of evaporation loss, drift loss,
and blowdown. Therefore:
m& mu = m& e + m& d + m& b (23)
where m& mu = Mass flow of makeup water;
m& e = Evaporation loss;
m& d = Drift loss; and
m& b = Blowdown.

Since dry air mass passing through a cooling tower is obtained using Equation 22, the evaporation
loss, m& e , can be also calculated. According to El-Wakil (1984) then:

m& e = m& a (ω d − ω a ) (24)

According to Perry and Green (2008), drift loss can be estimated by:

m& d = 0.0002 × amount of water supplied to the tower (25)

Blowdown discards a portion of the concentrated circulating water due to the evaporation process in
order to lower the system’s concentration of solids. The amount of blowdown can be calculated
according to the number of cycles of concentration required to limit scale formation. “Cycles of
concentration” is the ratio of dissolved solids in the recirculating water to the dissolved solids in the
makeup water. Since chlorides remain soluble on concentration, cycles of concentration are best
expressed as the ratio of the chloride content of the circulating and makeup waters. Thus, the
blowdown quantities required are determined from:
m& e − (cycles − 1) m& d
m& b = (26)
cycles − 1
Cycles of concentration involved with cooling tower operation normally range from three to five
cycles (Perry and Green, 2008).

Non-condensable gas removal system - Selection criteria:

The non-condensable gases that are present in
geothermal steam, and which accumulate in the Head
condenser, must be pumped out from the condenser Pumping fluid
separately using gas removal equipment in order to
maintain condenser vacuum and heat exchange Motive fluid
process effectiveness. The expansion process in a
steam turbine is degraded if there is an increase in Casing
condenser pressure due to non-condensable gas Driving nozzle
accumulation. The non-condensable gases are
generally disposed of by mixing them with the cooling Mixing nozzle
tower discharge air plume. The appropriate equipment Neck
to be used for gas removal is dependent on the Diffuser
proportion of non-condensable gases present in the
Pressure increase area

At a low gas proportion (less than 1.5% by weight),

steam jet ejectors (Figure 6) are generally the most
economical choice. These are reliable but are Gas mixture outlet
relatively inefficient.
FIGURE 6: Section view of typical steam jet
ejector (Bannwarth, 2005)
Sulistyardi 620 Report 29

At a higher gas proportion, the high steam consumption of the comparatively inefficient steam ejectors
leads to the selection of higher capital cost, and lower auxiliary consumption alternatives. Generally,
for non-condensable gas contents between approximately 1-3% by weight, the most economic option
will be a hybrid system involving a first-stage steam jet ejector and second-stage compression with a
liquid ring vacuum pump. The liquid ring vacuum pump is essentially a constant-volume flow device,
so physically large and expensive units would be required if these were also to be used for first-stage

At non-condensable gas contents above approximately 3.5% by weight, it is generally more

economical to use multi-stage centrifugal compressors. These are usually coupled directly to the
turbine through a gearbox in order to obtain typical shaft speeds of 10,700 rpm for the high pressure
(HP) stages and 5,300 rpm for the low-pressure (LP) stages.

For non-condensable gas contents exceeding about 12% mass of the steam, it is generally most
economical to use a back pressure turbine rather than a condensing steam turbine because of the large
amount of power required to extract the gases from the condenser (Dickson and Fanelli, 2003).

Steam jet ejector:

For the non-condensable gas removal system, it is necessary to know the consumption of steam as a
motive fluid for sucking non-condensable gases from the condenser using the venturi principle. The
following steps are used to approximate the quantity of steam required for driving a 1st stage steam jet
ejector (Branan, 1999):
1. Determine compression ratio for 1st stage compression.
2. Determine power equivalent to compress non-condensable gas from the steam jet ejector suction
inlet to discharge outlet for 1st stage compression. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to first
calculate adiabatic head according to the following equation:

⎡⎛ P ( K −1) / K ⎤
ZRT1 ⎞
H AD = ⎢⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ − 1⎥ (27)
(K − 1) / K ⎢⎣⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎥⎦

The polytrophic and adiabatic efficiency are related as follows:

⎡ ⎡⎛ P ⎞ ( K −1) / K ⎤ ⎤
⎢ ⎢⎜ 2 ⎟ − 1⎥ ⎥
⎢ ⎢⎜⎝ P1 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎥
EA = ⎢ ⎣ ⎥ (28)
⎢ ⎡⎛ P ⎞ ( K −1) / KE p ⎤⎥
⎢ ⎢⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ − 1⎥ ⎥
⎢ ⎢⎣⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
where HAD = Adiabatic head (kN·m/kg);
Z = Average compressibility factor;
R = 8.314 kJ·kg-1·K-1/(molecular weight);
T1 = Suction temperature (K);
P1 = Suction pressure (bar);
P2 = Discharge pressure (bar);
K = Adiabatic exponent, Cp/Cv;
Ep = Polytrophic efficiency; use 75% for preliminary calculation; and
EA = Adiabatic efficiency.

The power needed to compress non-condensable gases can then be calculated as follows:
Report 29 621 Sulistyardi

PAD = (29)
where PAD = Power equivalent to compress non-condensable gases (kW); and
m& NCG = Non-condensable gas mass flow (kg/s).

3. The quantity of steam required for driving a 1st stage steam jet ejector is the theoretical amount
that can deliver the previously calculated power equivalent, using operating steam conditions,
from the operating steam inlet to the discharge outlet.
m& os = (30)
hosi − hdo

where m& os = Mass flow of operating steam (kg/s);

hosi = Enthalpy of operating steam at inlet (kJ/kg); and
hdo = Enthalpy of steam jet ejector discharge outlet (kJ/kg).

For a two-stage steam ejector system the above calculation steps is repeated to obtain the quantity of
steam required for driving the 2nd stage steam jet ejector.

Intercondenser and aftercondenser:

An intercondenser is a vessel installed after the 1st stage steam jet ejector, while an aftercondenser is a
vessel installed after the 2nd stage steam jet ejector.

The purpose of both an intercondenser and an aftercondenser is to condense exhausted operating steam
and steam that carried over while the non-condensable gas was sucked by the venturi effect of the
steam jet ejector. The process involves mixing discharged fluids from the steam jet ejector with
sprayed cooling water. The vapour part is condensed and then flows to the condenser. The non-
condensable gas is separated and flows to a gas side outlet.

Liquid ring vacuum pump:

During normal operation, a liquid ring vacuum pump will be used for 2nd stage compression according
to the hybrid system scenario. In case of an emergency condition, i.e. liquid ring vacuum pump break
down, 2nd stage compression will be replaced by a 2nd stage steam jet ejector. According to Bannwarth
(2005), the power for driving the liquid ring vacuum pump is obtained by:

0.028 piV& po
PLRVP = ln (31)
η isη motor pi

where PLRVP = Motor power for driving liquid ring vacuum pump (kW);
pi = Inlet suction pressure (bar);
V& = Suction capacity at suction pressure (m3/h);
po = Outlet compression pressure (bar);
ηis = Isothermal coupling efficiency; and
ηmotor = Motor efficiency.

The volume portion of the impeller cells available to the gas to be sucked is calculated according to
the proportional partial pressure of the water vapour with the aid of the following equation
(Bannwarth, 2005):

pi − ps
ϕ= (32)
Sulistyardi 622 Report 29

where φ = Portion of pumped gas;

pi = Inlet suction pressure; and
ps = Saturated vapour pressure of the operating liquid.

Apart from energy transfer, sealing the impeller cells, clearances between the impeller, the port plate
and the casing, the operating liquid is also necessary for the absorption and removal of the heat
accrued in the pump. Besides the compression heat, further heat flows may accrue in the liquid ring
pump as a result of vapour condensation, absorption of gases, or chemical reactions between the
process gas and the ring liquid, as well as the cooling of sucked gases with a higher temperature. The
total heat quantity to be removed can be arithmetically calculated according to the following equations
(Bannwarth, 2005):

Q& tot = Q& comp + Q& cond + Q& cool (33)

Q& comp = 0.9PLRVP 3600 (34)

Q& cond = m& v h fg (35)

Q& cool = m& G c p (Ti ,G − To,cw ) (36)

where Q& tot = Heat flow to be removed from the pump (kJ/h);
Q& comp = Isothermal compression flow and heat loss flow (kJ/h);
Q& cond = Condensation heat flow (kJ/h);
Q& cool = Heat exchange gas/operating liquid (kJ/h);
PLRVP = Power consumed by the liquid ring vacuum pump (kW);
m& v = Mass flow of the condensing vapour (kg/h) ;
m& G = Mass flow of the sucked gas (kg/h);
cp = Specific heat of the sucked gas (kJ/kg·K);
Ti,G = Inlet temperature of the sucked gas (K); and
To,liq = Outlet temperature of the operating liquid (K).

Gas Gas A liquid ring vacuum pump in

the geothermal power plant will
be put into operation without
liquid recirculation (Figure 7), a
Fresh liquid so-called fresh liquid operation
mode. With this mode of
Drain liquid operation, only fresh liquid from
the supply network or an existing
supply system (e.g. re-cooling
water) is supplied to the vacuum
pump. This brings about a
particularly intense cooling of the
FIGURE 7: Fresh liquid operation; Liquid ring vacuum pump
pump and the process gas, as it is
without recirculation (Bannwarth, 2005)
required for the generation of low
suction pressures. A liquid separator for the discharge of gas and liquid should be installed. The fresh
liquid fed to the pump will not be reused in this mode of operation which is usually applied when
economical water is available as the operating liquid and can be used for the gases and vapours to be
discharged. The supplied liquid flow absorbs the total heat accruing in the pump.
Report 29 623 Sulistyardi

Owing to this continuous supply of fresh operating liquid, there is a permanent heat transport from the
pump which keeps the temperature of the ring liquid constant. About 90% of the arising heat
quantities are removed through the ring liquid. Due to the higher heat capacity of the operating liquid
compared to the gas to be pumped, most of the energy passes to the liquid ring during the heat
exchange between these two matters, causing the temperature of the compressed gas to be only
slightly higher than the temperature of the new operating liquid entering the pump. Consequently, the
compression typical for this design of liquid ring vacuum pumps is almost isothermal. During the
compression of dry gas with water as the ring liquid, depending on the operating pressure, an increase
in temperature of about 3-10°C with liquid ring vacuum pumps is to be expected when compared to
the inlet temperature of the operating liquid (Bannwarth, 2005).

Several pumps are used in a geothermal power plant such as a cooling water pump, an auxiliary
cooling water pump and a closed circuit cooling water pump. The formula to calculate the power
requirements for driving a water pump on a volume flow rate basis (Perry and Green, 2008) is:
Ppump = (37)
η pumpη motor 3.670 ⋅ 10 5

or, on a mass flow rate basis:

Ppump =
η pumpη motor 3.670 ⋅ 105

where Ppump = Motor power to drive the pump (kW);

ρ = Density of fluid (kg/m3);
Q = Volume flow rate (m3/h);
m& = Mass flow rate (kg/h);
H = Total developed head (m);
ηpump = Pump efficiency; and
ηmotor = Motor efficiency.

Heat exchanger:
A plate heat exchanger will be installed as a closed circuit cooling water heat exchanger. The heat
exchanger is part of the closed circuit cooling system which transfers heat from the generator coolers,
lube oil coolers and compressed air coolers and rejects the heat to the circulating water system through
an S plate-type heat exchanger.

Plate heat exchangers have some advantages over shell-tube heat exchangers. Among these are
superior thermal performance, ease of maintenance, expandability and multiplex capability, and their
compact design. The preliminary size of a plate type heat exchanger can be calculated as shown by
Rafferty and Culver (1991).

3.4 Performance of a geothermal power plant

Specific steam consumption:

The performance of a geothermal power plant is usually measured in terms of steam rate, i.e. the total
mass of steam required to produce one kilowatthour of output (Kestin, 1980):
m& steam
SSC = 3,600 (38)

The above definition is the so-called SSC gross and is applicable without taking the parasitic load or
auxiliary power into account. If the auxiliary power for all running equipment to support geothermal
Sulistyardi 624 Report 29

power plant operation is to be considered, then the term turns into SSC net. The formula then
m& steam
SSC net = 3,600 (39)
Pgen − Paux

where SSC = Specific steam consumption (kg/kWh);

SSCnet = Specific steam consumption net (kg/kWh);
m& steam = Steam supply at geothermal power plant boundary (kg/s);
Pgen = Electrical power output at generator terminal (kW); and
Paux = Total auxiliary power (kW).

Geothermal utilisation efficiency:

The performance of the entire plant may be assessed using the second law of thermodynamics by
comparing the actual power output to the maximum theoretical power that could be produced from the
given geothermal fluid. This involves determining the rate of exergy carried into the plant with the
incoming geofluid. The specific exergy, e, of a fluid that has a pressure, p, and a temperature, T, in the
presence of an ambient pressure, p0, and an ambient temperature, T0, is given by (DiPippo, 2005):

e = h(T , p ) − h(T0 , p0 ) − T0 [s(T , p ) − s(T0 , p0 )] (40)

When this is multiplied by the total incoming geofluid mass flow rate, we obtain the maximum
theoretical thermodynamic power or the exergetic power:
E& = m& total e (41)
The ratio of the actual net power to the exergetic power is defined as the utilisation efficiency or the
second law (exergetic) efficiency for the plant:
W& net
ηu = (42)
All types of power plants can be compared on the basis of the utilisation efficiency, no matter the
source of the primary energy - be it coal, oil, nuclear, biomass, hydro, solar, wind, or geothermal.
Plants can also be designed to maximise ηu when the value of the primary energy (or exergy) is a
significant factor in the economics of the operation (DiPippo, 2005).

3.5 Consideration of partial load operation
1.13 mode
Steam Rate Correction

1.11 The equipment is designed to give the best
efficiency at a specific design point. The efficiency
1.08 will decrease for operation at a partial load rate.
1.07 For this research, the equipment was modelled with
1.06 the parameter that decreased at partial load
operation, the steam turbine. The steam rate
1.03 consumption was altered from its least-steam rate
1.02 consumption point according to Figure 8. The
1.01 condition affecting steam turbine performance is
110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 only load (output power) while the effect of
Per Cent Power Or Speed changing the steam turbine speed is neglected since,
FIGURE 8: Steam turbine partial load for the power generation unit, the speed will be
correction (Bloch and Singh, 2005) maintained at a specific speed, e.g. 3,000 rpm.
Report 29 625 Sulistyardi


4.1 Methodology

1. Develop a thermodynamic cycle model of a geothermal power plant within a computer-aided

thermodynamic simulation software environment, in this case Engineering Equation Solver
(EES). The geothermal power plant is modelled under selected design parameters and
conditions based on mature and proven technology for similar unit size.
2. Run simulations with several different conditions for the above mentioned model of the
geothermal power plant.
3. Analyse the characteristics of the thermodynamic cycle for a geothermal power plant at rated
full load operation and partial load operation.

4.2 Scope of work and limitations

The basic design objectives for these analyses are:

1. To produce a heat and mass balance for a geothermal power plant for rated full load operation
and partial load operation; and
2. To produce technical specifications of main equipment for a geothermal power plant with 2×55
MWe units.

Some limitations have been made:

1. The focus of the research is mainly on the geothermal power plant and its characteristics during
operations at rated full load and partial load at different conditions;
2. The site and climatic data such as wet bulb temperature, humidity and site altitude are assumed;
3. The assumptions on reservoir and well characteristics are based on moderate levels;
4. “Rated full load” is defined as gross output power at generator terminal; and
5. An economic analysis is beyond the scope of this research.

4.3 Design parameters and conditions

Design parameters and conditions for the basic design of the geothermal power plant are as follows:
1. The thermal steam cycle is a single-flash condensing cycle.
2. The reservoir is water-dominated and the temperature is 270°C.
3. Non-condensable gases (NCGs) are dominated by CO2.
4. NCG content is 1.325% at design conditions for rated full load. However, the impact of
different NCG amounts (0.65, 1.325 and 2%) will be taken into consideration during the
simulation process.
5. Wet bulb temperature is 25°C at design conditions for rated full load. Nonetheless, the impact
of different wet bulb temperatures (18-32°C) will also be simulated.
6. Relative humidity is 85%.
7. The altitude of the geothermal power plant site is 1100 m a.s.l.
8. Gross output power at generator terminals is 55 MW of electricity for each unit of the
geothermal power plant. Total gross output power is 110 MWe.
9. A separator is installed in each wellpad. The steam will be supplied to the power plant site as
single-phase saturated steam while the brine will be delivered through a hot reinjection line and
reinjected into hot reinjection wells. Condensate produced within the geothermal power plant
will be delivered through a cold reinjection line and reinjected into cold reinjection wells.
10. Optimum separator pressure will be determined using the “equal-temperature-split” rule based
on a condenser pressure of 0.1 bar.
Sulistyardi 626 Report 29

11. The condenser type is a direct contact spray condenser.

12. The cooling system type is mechanically induced draft wet cooling tower.
13. The gas removal system type is a hybrid system that employs a steam jet ejector for first stage
compression and a liquid ring vacuum pump as a second stage compression system. As a
redundant unit, the steam jet ejector system will be put online for the second stage compression
unit just in case the liquid ring vacuum pump fails to operate. When the second stage
compression unit is a steam jet ejector, the gas removal system changes over to a dual stage
steam jet ejector.

4.4 Geothermal power plant process outline

The single-flash steam cycle with a condensing turbine is recommended for the project so that the
brine in the reinjection system can be kept at high pressure and high temperature. The single-flash
steam cycle is suitable for water-dominated resources of relatively low NCG content as presented in
Lumut Balai geothermal field. The single-flash steam cycle can deliver a large capacity of output
power. It has an advantage over the double flash steam cycle in preventing silica scale formation in
the reinjection line.

The technology for a single-flash steam plant is fully developed, well proven and the mainstay of the
geothermal power industry. It is often the first power plant installed at a newly-developed liquid-
dominated geothermal field. As of July 2004, there were 135 units of this kind in operation in 18
countries around the world. Single-flash plants account for about 29% of all geothermal plants. They
constitute nearly 40% of the total installed geothermal power capacity in the world (DiPippo, 2005).

Within the geothermal power plant system, the steam flows to a steam turbine through a mist
eliminator, a strainer, main stop valves, and control valves. Exhaust steam from the turbine flows into
a direct contact type main condenser through the exhaust duct. An expansion joint is installed between
the turbine and the condenser to accommodate erection allowance and thermal expansion. In the
condenser, exhaust steam is condensed by direct contact with cold water from the cooling tower basin,
and a mixture of cold water and condensate is sent to the top of the cooling tower by circulating water
pumps. In the cooling tower, the mixture is cooled down and sent back to the condenser by gravity
and condenser vacuum. NCGs are cooled down in the main condenser to reduce the accompanying
steam and are extracted by the gas removal system and sent to the cooling tower fan stacks for
dispersion into the atmosphere. The gas removal system consists of a 1st stage steam jet ejector, an
intercondenser, a 2nd stage LRVP and a LRVP separator. The backup for the LRVP system is a steam
jet ejector and an aftercondenser. After first stage compression, an intercondenser is installed to
condense motive steam. The separator will be installed after the liquid ring vacuum pump to separate
NCGs from the LRVP working fluid. For the case of a second stage compression using a steam jet
ejector, the aftercondenser will be used to condense motive steam from the NCG stream. The motive
steam for the ejectors is drawn from the main steam line. Drainage from the intercondenser, the LRVP
separator and the after-condenser is led into the main condenser. Cold water from the cooling tower
basin is used not only for the condenser cooler but also for the turbine oil cooler, generator air cooler,
air compressor cooler, the intercondenser, the LRVP separator and the aftercondenser. The cooling
tower is of the multi cell mechanically induced-draft wet, counter-flow type. The cooling tower is
equipped with a maintenance stair and lifting facilities. At the outlet of the cooling tower basin, a
mesh screen is installed to prevent foreign particles from entering into the system. Excess water from
the cooling tower is sent to a settling basin and then to cold reinjection wells.

4.5 Simulation and calculation of specific conditions

The geothermal power plant was modelled to work as a base load electric power generation unit within
the national electric grid network. Based on this kind of electric power generation, some conditions
Report 29 627 Sulistyardi

were simulated accordingly to understand the change in parameters that might result due to
fluctuations in ambient conditions dominated by wet bulb temperature and well characteristics such as
variations in NCG content in the steam supply.

Even though the geothermal power plant is to be a base load electric power generation unit, under
some circumstances the power plant should be able to operate in partial load mode. The conditions in
which the geothermal power plant might be operated under partial load mode were simulated
including a scenario where the equipment is out of service. The geothermal power plant was modelled
with the steam turbine at partial load with constant circulating cooling water flow rate and a resulting
fall in the circulating water temperature. This has an impact on the condenser pressure and the
resulting effect on the power plant performance was analysed.


5.1 Thermal cycle model of the geothermal power plant

The screenshot of a thermal cycle model of the geothermal power plant developed within the EES
environment is shown in Figure 9. A graphical user interface modelling-approach through a feature in
EES named Diagram Window was used to better visualise the overall system and to speed up the
engineering work in the basic design phase in constructing a heat and mass balance diagram during
simulation under different specific conditions.

5.2 Analysis of the geothermal power plant operation under specific conditions

The characteristics of the geothermal power plant operation, including a change in its parameters, were
obtained by running a simulation of the thermal cycle model under specific conditions.

5.2.1 Constant gross output power (rated full load operation) using hybrid gas removal system

As shown in Figure 10, the net output power and the auxiliary power for different NCG content, 0.65,
1.325 and 2%, were simulated for a range of wet bulb temperatures from 18 to 32°C. A hybrid system
was selected as a default gas removal system. The net output power decreased as the wet bulb

FIGURE 9: Graphical user interface of a thermal cycle model of the geothermal power plant
Sulistyardi 628 Report 29

53500 5000
53000 4000
Net output power [KW]


P cond [bar]
P Aux [kW]
52500 3000
2500 0.1

52000 2000
Net output power (NCG:0.0065) 1500
Net output power (NCG:0.01325) 0.075
51500 Net output power (NCG:0.02) 1000 P cond ( NCG:0.0065)
P aux (NCG:0.0065) P cond (NCG:0.01325)
P aux (NCG:0.01325) 500 P cond (NCG:0.02)
P aux (NCG:0.02)
51000 0 0.05
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
T wet bulb [C] T wet bulb [C]

FIGURE 10: Net output power and auxiliary FIGURE 11: Condenser pressure at constant
power at constant gross output power for different gross output power for different NCG
NCG content using a hybrid gas removal system using a hybrid gas removal system
temperature increased. The increase of wet bulb temperature affects the temperature of the
circulating cooling water since the cooling tower is designed for specific ambient air temperature,
cooling range and liquid-to-gas ratio. An increase in the wet bulb temperature would lead to a
temperature increase of circulating water entering and leaving the condenser. The higher the
circulating water temperature leaving the condenser, the higher the condenser pressure; therefore, the
gross output power would decrease for the same amount of steam flow supplied to the steam turbine.
To maintain the gross output power at 55 MW, the amount of steam supply to the geothermal power
plant, especially steam entered into the turbine, should be increased and this would increase the
amount of NCGs that need to be removed from the condenser. The higher the amount of NCGs, the
higher the LRVP power needed to evacuate NCGs from the condenser. Therefore, the auxiliary power
deducted from the gross power output increases, resulting in lower net output power.

As seen in Figure 11, the change in the condenser pressure is primarily affected by the change in the
wet bulb temperature while the change in the condenser pressure is less susceptible to variation in
NCG content of the steam supply. Figure 12 shows the effects of NCG content variation on auxiliary
power component distribution. The LRVP power consumption increases as the NCG content
increases. The auxiliary power component distribution calculated for each NCG proportion is based
on an average value within a wet bulb temperature range of 18-32°C.

The amount of steam that must be supplied to the geothermal power plant in order to maintain constant
gross output power is presented in Figure 13. The steam supply in terms of the SSC net is also
provided in this figure. An increase in NCG content and wet bulb temperature would lead to higher
0.45% 0.57% 0.67%
116.5 Steam supply (NCG:0.0065) 8.3
100% Steam supply (NCG:0.01325)
Steam supply (NCG:0.02)
15.52% 114.5 SSC net (NCG:0.0065) 8.1
steam supply [kg/s]

SSC net (NCG:0.01325)

SSC net [kg/kWh]

112.5 SSC net (NCG:0.02)

P aux component

33.36% 110.5
28.39% P Misc.
60% P LRVP 106.5
P Fan
57.90% 7.3
P CWP 104.5
102.5 7.1
0.00650 0.01325 0.02000 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

NCG content T wet bulb [C]

FIGURE 12: Distribution of auxiliary power FIGURE 13: Steam supply and specific steam
components at constant gross output power consumption at constant gross output power
for different NCG content using for different NCG content using
hybrid gas removal system a hybrid gas removal system
Report 29 629 Sulistyardi

SSC net, so the geothermal power plant operation becomes less efficient, although it maintains its
constant gross output power.

5.2.2 Constant gross output power (rated full load operation) with a dual stage steam jet ejector
gas removal system

The net output power is only slightly decreased within the range of different wet bulb temperatures
and different NCG content when using a dual stage steam jet ejector gas removal system, as shown in
Figure 14. The decreasing rate of net output power is much smaller than in the hybrid systems
because the DSJE system has lower auxiliary power since it utilises a steam jet ejector instead of
LRVP for 2nd stage gas removal equipment. The steam supply and SSC net for the geothermal power
plant using DSJE system are shown in Figure 15.

In comparison with the hybrid system, the steam requirement for a geothermal power plant with DSJE
system is larger (Table 1) at 32°C wet bulb temperature and 2% NCG content. This condition was the
toughest circumstance for which the geothermal power plant was simulated. However, this behaviour
prevailed within a wet bulb temperature range of 18-32°C.
53500 5000
122.5 Steam supply (NCG:0.0065)
4500 120.5 Steam supply (NCG:0.01325)
Steam supply (NCG:0.02)
53000 4000 118.5 SSC net (NCG:0.0065)
Net output power [KW]

steam supply [kg/s]

SSC net (NCG:0.01325)

SSC net [kg/kWh]

3500 116.5 9.1
SSC net (NCG:0.02)
P Aux [kW

52500 3000 114.5

2500 8.6
52000 2000 110.5
Net output power (NCG:0.0065) 1500 108.5
Net output power (NCG:0.01325)
51500 Net output power (NCG:0.02) 1000 106.5 7.6
P aux (NCG:0.0065)
P aux (NCG:0.01325) 500 104.5
P aux (NCG:0.02) 102.5 7.1
51000 0
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
T wet bulb [C] T wet bulb [C]

FIGURE 14: Net output power and auxiliary FIGURE 15: Steam supply and specific steam
power at constant gross output power for consumption at constant gross output power for
different NCG using a DSJE gas different NCG content using a DSJE gas
removal system removal system

TABLE 1: Steam supply and SSC net for a geothermal power plant with hybrid and
DSJE gas removal systems at 32°C wet bulb temperature and 2% NCG content

Parameters Hybrid system DSJE system

Steam supply (kg/s) 116.79 121.91
SSC net (kg/kWh) 8.01 8.28

Referring to Figure 16, the condenser pressure of the geothermal power plant with DSJE gas removal
system was mainly affected by variations in the wet bulb temperature while the effect of NCG content
variations on condenser pressure was smaller. However, the range of variation in the condenser
pressure for different NCG content at certain wet bulb temperatures was wider than in the hybrid
system (Figure 11). The wider range of the condenser pressure variation results from the change in
NCG content for the geothermal power plant using the DSJE system, because a higher steam flow is
required to operate not only the 1st stage steam jet ejector but also the 2nd stage steam jet ejector.
Higher steam supply to the cycle increases the thermal load in the circulating water system. For
constant circulating water flow rate, this condition increases the temperature of the circulating water,
therefore the condenser pressure for a geothermal power plant maintaining constant gross output
power with a DSJE system is higher for certain wet bulb temperatures and NCG content. The higher
condenser pressure leads to a higher steam flow requirement to maintain a certain gross output power.
Sulistyardi 630 Report 29

It means that at the same wet bulb temperature 0.15

and same NCG content, the geothermal power

plant with a DSJE gas removal system requires 0.125
more steam flow at the steam turbine inlet than

P cond [bar]
the geothermal plant with a hybrid gas removal
system. 0.1

5.2.3 Partial load operation 0.075

P cond (NCG:0.0065)
P cond (NCG:0.01325)
The conditions for partial load operation are as P cond (NCG:0.02)

follows: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
T wet bulb [C]
1. One of the 50% capacity liquid ring
vacuum pumps is out of service. FIGURE 16: Condenser pressure at constant
2. One of the 50% circulating water pumps is gross output power for different NCG content
out of service. using a DSJE gas removal system
3. One of five cooling tower cells is out of service.

All of the conditions for partial load operation are at the same level of NCG content which is 1.325%
and use a hybrid gas removal system since these are the basic conditions under which the geothermal
power plant would be run under normal operations.

Generally the gross and net output power decreases as the wet bulb temperature increases. Out of the
three scenarios, the largest decline in output power is when one of the 50% CWPs is out of service,
followed by a significant decline when one of the 50% LRVPs is out of service. The smallest decline
in output power is when one of the five cooling tower cells is out of service. The calculated impacts
on power output under specific conditions are shown in Figure 17.

The steam supply requirement for partial load is shown in Figure 18. Steam supply curves are
proportional with the power output curves (Figure 17) and from these figures it can be deduced how
steam supply decreases as output power decreases. A quite interesting phenomenon appeared in the
SSC net curves for the scenarios when one 50% capacity liquid ring vacuum pump is out of service
and when one of the five cooling tower cells is out of service (Figure 18). Those SSC net curves
almost overlapped one another. Yet the output power difference between those two conditions is
around 8% in average (Figure 17).

This state can be attained with lower condenser pressure, see Figure 19, where one of the 50%
capacity liquid ring vacuum pumps is out of service while keeping the circulating water at the same
flow rate as that for a rated full load operation.
50000 95 14

85 13
Steam supply (SJE-LRVP 50%)
75 Steam supply (CWP 50%) 12
Steam supply (1 of 5 CT Cell out of service)
Steam supply [kg/s]
Power output [kW]

SSC net [kg/kWh]

SSC net (SJE-LRVP 50%)

65 SSC net (CWP 50%) 11
SSC net (1 of 5 CT Cell out of service)
35000 Net output power (SJE-LRVP 50%) 55 10
Net output power (CWP 50%)
Net output power (1 of 5 CT Cell out of service)
Gross output power (SJE-LRVP 50%) 45 9
Gross output power (CWP 50%)
Gross output power (1 of 5 CT Cell out of service)
35 8
25 7

20000 15 6
17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33
T wet bulb [C] T wet bulb [C]

FIGURE 17: Power output at partial load, FIGURE 18: Steam supply and SSC net at partial
NCG content 1.325% using hybrid load operation, NCG content 1.325% using
gas removal system a hybrid gas removal system
Report 29 631 Sulistyardi

0.14 60

0.13 55

0.12 50

0.11 45
P cond [bar]

T_CW [C]
0.1 40

0.09 35

30 T_CW Hot (SJE-LRVP 50%)

T_CW Hot (CWP 50%)
T_CW Hot (1 of 5 CT Cell out of service)
0.07 P cond (SJE-LRVP 50%) 25 T_CW cold (SJE-LRVP 50%)
T_CW cold (CWP 50%)
P cond (CWP 50%)
T_CW cold (1 of 5 CT Cell out of service)
0.06 P cond (1 of 5 CT Cell out of service) 20 T_CW Hot (Full load)
P cond (Full load) T_CW Cold (Full load)
0.05 15
17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33
T wet bulb [C]
T wet bulb [C]

FIGURE 19: Condenser pressure at partial load, FIGURE 20: Circulating water temperature at
NCG content 1.325% using a hybrid partial load, NCG content 1.325% using
gas removal system a hybrid gas removal system
At partial load operation, the output power will be lower than for a rated full load operation resulting
in lower mass flow of exhausted steam to be condensed. For this reason, the cooling load borne by the
condenser becomes lower while the circulating water mass flow is constant, so the circulating water
temperature leaving the condenser will go down accordingly, shown in Figure 20. The condenser
pressure will be lower as the temperature of the circulating water leaving the condenser decreases.

5.3 Heat and mass balance diagram of the geothermal power plant

The heat and mass balance diagram for specific conditions are presented in Appendix I. The summary
of these heat and mass balance diagrams for each 55 MW unit of the geothermal power plant are
shown in Table 2.

TABLE 2: Summary of heat and mass balance diagram for each 55 MW unit

Rated full load Partial load

NCG: 1.325% NCG: 1.325% NCG: 1.325%
NCG: 1.325% NCG: 1.325% NCG: 2% Twb: 25oC Twb: 25oC Twb: 25oC
No. Parameter
Twb: 25°C Twb: 25°C Twb: 32°C HS HS HS
HS DSJE DSJE 1×50% LRVP 1×50% CWP 1 of 5 CT cell
out of service out of service out of service
1 Gross pow. output (kW) 55,000 55,000 55,000 40,638 25,059 43,671
2 Net power output (kW) 52,725 53,060 53,031 38,463 23,916 41,808
3 Auxiliary power (kW) 2,275 1,940 1,969 2,175 1,143 1,864
4 Auxili. power ratio (%) 4.14 3.53 3.58 5.35 4.56 4.27
5 SSC net (kg/kWh) 7.547 7.718 8.276 7.872 8.438 7.886
6 Utilization efficie. (%) 44.76 43.77 44.06 42.91 40.03 42.83
7 Total steam flow (kg/s) 110.5 113.8 121.9 84.1 56.06 91.58
8 Turbine inlet flow (kg/s) 109.6 109.9 115.9 83.35 55.47 90.78
9 Turbine inlet press. (bar) 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
10 Condenser press. (bar) 0.1 0.1015 0.1308 0.0890 0.1005 0.1006

5.4 Technical specification of main equipment

Generally the equipment of the geothermal power plant should be designed to bear operational
conditions at rated full load. Reasonable margin adjustments while sizing the equipment are
indispensable since the geothermal power plant operational characteristics as a base load power
generation unit are dictated by the network grid requirement; on the other hand, the performance of the
Sulistyardi 632 Report 29

geothermal power plant highly depends on climatic parameters such as wet bulb temperature and
conditions of the steam supply, like the NCG content.

The technical specifications of the main equipment are determined in Section 5.4 and its sub-sections
based on the analyses that were made for geothermal power plant behaviour, simulated under specific
operating conditions (as presented in Section 5.2), taking into consideration the heat and mass balance
diagram (attached in Appendix I) and the summary in Table 2. The technical specifications of the
main equipment for the 2×55 MW geothermal power plant are presented in a table in Appendix II.

5.4.1 Steam turbine

The steam turbine will be a single cylinder, double-flow, horizontal shaft, condensing unit. For a
geothermal power plant, it is essential to apply protection for erosion/corrosion so it is assumed that
the rotor shall have erosion/corrosion protection overlays in the gland seal areas and nozzle stationary
blade labyrinth seal areas.

The pressure at the steam turbine inlet is 5.5 bar and the steam is saturated. Steam mass flow that can
be supplied to a steam turbine is determined according to Figure 21. Steam supply for a guaranteed
rated full load at 25°C and a 1.325% NCG proportion is 109.6 kg/s. The upper margin for the steam
supply is 5.75%; therefore, the steam turbine should be able to operate at a rated load with a steam
supply up to 115.9 kg/s. The lower margin for the steam supply is 4.38%; the steam turbine should be
able to operate at a rated load with a steam supply down to 104.8 kg/s.

5.4.2 Condenser

The condenser is of a direct contact, spray type connected to the turbine exhaust with an expansion
compensator. It is designed to condense all the steam from the turbine for each of the load conditions.
It is divided into two zones: condensation and gas cooling. The non-condensable gases from the
condenser, after being cooled down to a temperature about 3 degrees higher than the cold water from
the cooling tower, is extracted by the gas extraction system and discharged by piping through a stack
to the atmosphere in the cooling tower.

Referring to Figures 11 and 16, the condenser pressure range can be determined. The circulating
water flow is 4,356 kg/s.

5.4.3 Circulating water system

The circulating water pump is canned-type, vertical, wet suction, with mixed flow. The circulating
water mass flow for each pump is 2,178 kg/s with a total developed head of 20 m. The configuration
is 2×50% capacity. The power required for each motor is 606 kW.

The cooling tower is a multi cell mechanically induced draft wet, counter flow type and is comprised
of five cells. The total power drawn by the cooling power fan is determined in Figure 22 and divided
into five cooling tower fans; therefore, the cooling tower fan motor power becomes 144 kW. The
liquid-to-gas ratio of the cooling tower is 1.202. At design conditions (wet bulb temperature 25oC,
NCG 1.325%, hybrid gas removal system), the approach temperature of the cooling tower is 8oC and
the cooling temperature is 13oC. The liquid-to-gas ratio will be maintained constant at any conditions
while the approach temperature and cooling temperature may vary.

5.4.4 Gas removal system

Two types of a gas removal system will be installed. The hybrid system will be used during normal
operation. The hybrid system is comprised of a 1st stage compression using a steam jet ejector; for 2nd
stage compression, a liquid ring vacuum pump is employed.
Report 29 633 Sulistyardi

Steam turbine inlet mass flow (HS; NCG:0.0065)
Steam turbine inlet mass flow [kg/s]

116 Steam turbine inlet mass flow (HS; NCG:0.01325)

Steam turbine inlet mass flow (HS; NCG:0.02)

Cooling tower fan power (kW)

Steam turbine inlet mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.0065)
114 Steam turbine inlet mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.01325) 710
Steam turbine inlet mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.02)



108 CT Fan Power (HS; NCG:0.0065)

690 CT Fan Power (HS; NCG:0.01325)
CT Fan Power (HS; NCG:0.02)
106 CT Fan Power (DSJE; NCG:0.0065)
CT Fan Power (DSJE; NCG:0.01325)
CT Fan Power (DSJE; NCG:0.02)
104 680
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

T wet bulb [C] T wet bulb (DegC)

FIGURE 21: Steam turbine inlet mass flow at FIGURE 22: Cooling tower fan power at constant
constant gross output power for different NCG gross output power for different NCG content
content and different gas removal systems and different gas removal systems

The capacity of the 1st stage steam ejector should be able to handle NCG content within a supplied
steam range of 0.65% to 2% by weight. The steam supply for the steam jet ejector for both 1st stage
and 2nd stage is determined in Figure 23. The steam supply for the 1st stage ejector is 1.06 kg/s and for
2nd stage ejector it is 4.68 kg/s. The configuration of the 1st stage ejector is 2 x 100% while for 2nd
stage ejector it is 1×100%.

The LRVP will be sized to cover operational conditions according to Figure 24. The motor power for
each LRVP is 285 kW. The LRVP configuration is 2×50%.

5.4.5 Steam gathering and reinjection system

Separator and separator stations:

The separator pressure is determined using the “equal-temperature-split” rule. The pressure was found
to be 5.859 bar. The enthalpy of the two-phase geothermal fluid flow is 1185 kJ/kg with a steam
quality of 24.84%. The separator inlet mass flow will vary according to the operational type of
geothermal power plant. There are three production wellpads that are served by three separator
5 600
Dual stages SJE steam supply [kg/s]

LRVP Power [kW]

3 350
2.5 300
2 250
100 LRVP Power (NCG:0.0065)
0.5 LRVP Power ( NCG:0.01325)
LRVP Power (NCG:0.02)
0 0
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
T wet bulb [C] T wet bulb [C]
SJE-2 steam sup. (NCG:0.0065)
SJE-2 steam sup. (NCG:0.01325)
SJE-2 steam sup. (NCG:0.02)
SJE-1 steam sup. (NCG:0.0065)
SJE-1 steam sup. (NCG:0.01325)
SJE-1 steam sup. (NCG:0.02)

FIGURE 23: Steam supply for jet ejector at FIGURE 24: LRVP power at constant gross output
constant gross output power for different NCG power for different NCG content using
content using a DSJE gas removal system a hybrid gas removal system
Sulistyardi 634 Report 29

stations. Each production wellpad will supply two-phase flow fluid to one separator station. The
calculation of the number of individual separators that should be installed in each separator station is
beyond the scope of this research. The total two-phase flow rate requirement at design conditions to
supply a 2×55 MW geothermal power plant is 2×449.5 kg/s or 899 kg/s. The design condition is at
( ) wet bulb temperature of 25°C, NCG content
Two-phase fluid mass flow (HS; NCG:0.0065)
of 1.325% using a hybrid gas removal system.
Two-phase fluid mass flow (HS; NCG:0.01325)
Two-phase fluid mass flow (HS; NCG:0.02) If the production wellpads are assumed to be
Two-phase fluid mass flow [kg/s]

Two-phase fluid mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.0065)

Two-phase fluid mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.01325) scattered in three locations and each wellpad
480 Two-phase fluid mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.02)
supplies the same quantity of two-phase flow
470 fluid, then there are three separator stations
that should be provided with the capacity of
299.3 kg/s each. When a margin is added,
450 then the total capacity of each separator
station is 330.53 kg/s, so the total capacity of
the separator stations becomes 991.6 kg/s,
430 enough to fulfil maximum steam requirements
for maintaining a rated full load at a wet bulb
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 temperature of 32°C and with a NCG content
T wet bulb [C] of 2% using a DSJE gas removal system. The
FIGURE 25: Two-phase fluid mass flow total two-phase geothermal fluid flow rate
requirement at constant gross output power requirement at the inlet of the separators
for different NCG content and needed to supply each 55 MW unit of the
different gas removal systems geothermal power plant for different
conditions is shown in Figure 25.

Steam supply pipelines:

The steam supply for each 55 MW unit of the geothermal power plant will be served by two pipelines.
In accordance with available commercial pipes in the market, the selected nominal diameter of the
pipes is 1,000 mm schedule 40 (Nayyar, 2000). The length of pipeline between the separator station
outlet header line to the power plant is assumed to be around 3,000 m. The pressure drop along the
pipeline at maximum capacity is 0.30 bar with an actual steam velocity of 23.66 m/s and a maximum
steam velocity of 35.81 m/s. The pressure drop is around 5.12 %, still within an acceptable range and
able to fulfil the steam turbine inlet pressure requirement which is 5.5 bar.

Hot reinjection system:

The two-phase geothermal fluid will be separated into steam and brine streams after undergoing a
flashing process in the separator. The steam will be transported to the power plant site through a
steam transmission pipeline while the brine will be reinjected to the subsurface formation via hot
reinjection wells. The brine will be transported from the separator to the reinjection wells through a
hot reinjection pipeline by means of gravitational flow. As shown in Figure 26, the quantity of
produced brine will vary depending on the operational mode of the geothermal power plant.

At design conditions, to produce the rated output power (wetbulb temperature 25°C, NCG content
1.325%, hybrid gas removal system), the quantity of brine is 2×337.9 kg/s produced after a flashing
separation process for 2×55 MW geothermal power plant or a total of 675.8 kg/s. At a wet bulb
temperature of 32°C, NCG content of 2%, using a DSJE gas removal system, the produced brine
equals 2×372.7 kg/s for a total of 745.4 kg/s. In accordance with available commercial pipes in the
market (Nayyar, 2000), the nominal diameter of selected pipes for the hot reinjection pipelines is 600
mm schedule 40. Four pipelines should be provided as hot reinjection pipelines for serving the 2×55
MW geothermal power plant. The length of each pipeline is about 3,000 m. Insulation is required to
keep the skin temperature at the surface of pipeline at an acceptable level for complying with HSE
requirements and to maintain high brine temperature so that silica scaling along the hot reinjection
pipeline can be minimised or even avoided.
Report 29 635 Sulistyardi

Brine mass flow (HS; NCG:0.0065) Condensate mass flow (HS; NCG:0.0065)
Brine mass flow (HS; NCG:0.01325) Condensate mass flow (HS; NCG:0.01325)
368 Brine mass flow (HS; NCG:0.02) Condensate mass flow (HS; NCG:0.02)

Condensate mass flow [kg/s]

Brine mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.0065) Condensate mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.0065)
Brine mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.01325) Condensate mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.01325)
Brine mass flow [kg/s]

Brine mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.02) Condensate mass flow (DSJE; NCG:0.02)




318 37
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3
T wet bulb [C] T wet bulb [C]

FIGURE 26: Brine mass flow at constant gross FIGURE 27: Condensate mass flow at constant
output power for different NCG content gross output power for different NCG content
and different gas removal systems and different gas removal systems

Cold reinjection system:

It is important to maintain a mass balance within the geothermal power plant boundaries, especially
for condensate coming from overflow and blowdown in the cooling tower system. This situation is a
result of using a direct-contact condensing system in which some portion of the condensed steam is re-
circulated to the condenser as circulating water after undergoing a cooling process in the cooling
tower. However, due to the suspended solid concentrations in the cooling fluid, it is necessary to
dispose of a certain proportion of this circulating water. The condensate will be disposed of by
reinjection into the cold reinjection wells. The condensate from the geothermal power plant, by
design, will flow by gravity through cold reinjection pipelines. In accordance with available
commercial pipes in the market (Nayyar, 2000), the selected nominal diameter for the cold reinjection
pipelines is 250 mm schedule 40. Four pipelines shall be provided as cold reinjection pipelines for
serving 2×55 MW geothermal power plants. The length of each pipeline is about 1,000 m. The
condensate production rate can be seen in Figure 27.


6.1 Conclusions

• The geothermal power plant is modelled using EES and the parameters are simulated under
several conditions.
• As a base load power generation unit, the continuity of the power output of the geothermal
power plant should be maintained under fluctuating wet bulb temperature and NCG content.
• Wet bulb temperature is the main factor that affects the performance of the geothermal power
plant since it may vary even on a daily basis. The fluctuation of the wet bulb temperature will
affect the circulating water temperature in the cooling tower which dissipates heat from the
thermal system. The higher the wet bulb temperature, the higher the temperature of the
circulating water; therefore, the condenser pressure will increase accordingly. Since the
geothermal power plant should maintain constant gross power output, the steam supply should
be increased since the pressure inside the condenser becomes higher. The rise in the steam
supply to maintain power output means lower geothermal power plant efficiency in terms of the
SSC net. Conversely, a higher efficiency will be achieved if the wet bulb temperature becomes
• The NCG content of the steam supply will influence the performance of the geothermal power
plant. NCG content is one important factor to be considered when designing a geothermal
Sulistyardi 636 Report 29

power plant, even though fluctuations in the NCG content of the steam supply are less
significant than wet bulb temperature fluctuations. The higher the NCG content, the higher the
power needed to evacuate it from the condenser. This power can be derived from the enthalpy
contained in the steam supply of the working fluid used to drive the steam jet ejectors or from
electricity used to drive the LRVP. An increase in the steam supply for driving the steam jet
ejector will lead to a higher thermal load in the circulating water system causing the condenser
pressure to rise as the circulating water temperature increases. The higher the condenser
pressure, the more steam supply is required to drive the steam turbine in order to maintain
constant gross power output. As the steam supply and/or electrical auxiliary power increases, so
decreases the geothermal power plant performance, in terms of the SSC net. Conversely, the
performance increases if the NCG content of the steam supply becomes lower.
• In times of partial load operation, due to such things as sudden equipment failure or planned
shut down on specific equipment, the simulation results can be used as guidelines for necessary
action in order to run and maintain the unit efficiently and safely.
• A heat and mass balance diagram was constructed in a widely accepted manner for presenting
technical parameters of the modelled geothermal power plant.
• Technical specifications for the main equipment of the geothermal power plant were fixed based
on the heat and mass balance diagram and made available as input data for the detailed
engineering design phase.

6.2 Recommendations

• It is preferable that exact on-site meteorological data such as wet bulb temperature, humidity
and site altitude should be obtained in order to model the geothermal power plant and acquire
more precise results.
• Definitive data on reservoir and well characteristics such as well productivity curves were not
incorporated during this research. However, the geothermal power plant model developed
within EES is expandable with regard to the thermodynamic simulation environment and may
be integrated with reservoir and well characteristic data later on.
• It is possible that, at a later date, the requirement of the “rated full load” as stated in Section 4.2,
scope of works and limitations, can be replaced with “net power output at high voltage side of
step up transformer” instead of “gross output power at generator terminal”. Thereafter, the
model should be modified as necessary.


I want to express my gratitude to the United Nations University and the management board of PT.
Pertamina Geothermal Energy for giving me the opportunity and support to attend the UNU
Geothermal Training Programme. Thanks to those who coordinated the program: Dr. Ingvar B.
Fridleifsson, director of UNU-GTP, Mr. Lúdvík S. Georgsson, deputy director, Ms. Thórhildur Ísberg,
Ms. Dorthe H. Holm, Mr. Ingimar Gudni Haraldsson and Mr. Markús A.G. Wilde. I sincerely thank
my supervisors, Dr. Gudrún Saevarsdóttir, assistant professor at Reykjavík University, and Marta Rós
Karlsdóttir, MSc, lecturer at the University of Iceland, for their helpful guidance, suggestions and
advice during the research period. I also thank Prof. Páll Valdimarsson for the introductory lecture on
thermodynamic modelling.

I would like to give thanks to my parents and family for their supportive efforts and prayers for my
accomplishment. My special thanks go to my wife, Citra Selvy Rosalynda, for her vigorous support
during the preparations for my travelling to Iceland, and for her patience and endurance while caring
for our beloved son, Reyner Aziz Sulistyardi.
Report 29 637 Sulistyardi


SEP = Separator
DEM = Demister
ST = Steam turbine
G = Generator
COND = Condenser
GSE = Gland steam ejector
SJE-1 = 1st stage steam jet ejector
SJE-2 = 2nd stage steam jet ejector
INTERCOND = Intercondenser
AFTERCOND = Aftercondenser
B.DOWN = Cooling tower blowdown
ACWP = Auxiliary cooling water pump
CCWP = Closed circuit water pump
CCCW HX = Closed circuit cooling water heat exchanger
CT = Cooling tower
CWP = Circulating water pump
DSJE = Dual stage steam jet ejector
GPP = Geothermal power plant
HS = Hybrid system
LRVP = Liquid ring vacuum pump
MUWP = Makeup water pump
NCG = Non-condensable gas


Armstead, H.C.H, 1983: Geothermal energy. E. & F.N. Spon Ltd., NY, USA, 389 pp.
Bannwarth, H., 2005: Liquid ring vacuum pumps, compressors and systems: conventional and
hermetic design. WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany, 487 pp.
Bloch, H.P., and Singh, M.P., 2009: Steam turbines: design, applications and re-rating. McGraw-
Hill, Inc., USA, 407 pp.
Branan, C.R., 1999: Pocket guide to chemical engineering. Gulf Publ. Co., Houston, TX, 230 pp.
Dickson, M.H., and Fanelli, M., 2003: Geothermal energy: utilization and technology. UNESCO
Publishing, Paris, France, 205 pp.
DiPippo, R., 2005: Geothermal power plants: principle, application and case study. Elsevier
Science, Oxford, UK, 450 pp.
Drbal, L.F., Boston, P., and Westra, K.L, 1996: Power plant engineering by Black & Veatch.
Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA, 856 pp.
El-Wakil, M.M., 1984: Power plant technology. McGraw-Hill, Inc, USA, 859 pp.
Kestin, J., 1980: Sourcebook on the production of electricity from geothermal energy. U.S. Dept. of
Energy, USA, 997 pp.
Nayyar, M.L., 2000: Piping handbook. McGraw-Hill, Inc., USA, 1564 pp.
Perry, B.H., and Green, D.W., 2008: Perry’s chemical engineers’ handbook. McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
USA, 2735 pp.
PGE, 2010: Corporate website. PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy, Indonesia, website:
Rafferty, K.D., and Culver, G., 1991: Heat exchanger. In: Lienau, P.J., and Lunis, B.C. (editors),
Geothermal direct use: engineering and design guidebook. Geo-Heat Center, OIT, Oregon, USA,

APPENDIX I: Heat and mass balance diagrams

FIGURE 1: Heat and mass balance for rated full load operation at wet bulb temperature 25°C, NCG content 1.325%,
with hybrid gas removal system
Report 29
Report 29

FIGURE 2: Heat and mass balance for rated full load operation at wet bulb temperature 32°C, NCG content 2.00%,
with dual stage steam ejector gas removal system

FIGURE 3: Heat and mass balance for rated full load operation at wet bulb temperature 25°C, NCG content 1.325%,
with dual stage steam ejector gas removal system
Report 29
Report 29

FIGURE 4: Heat and mass balance for partial load operation; one 50% capacity liquid ring vacuum pump is out of service
at wet bulb temperature 25°C, NCG content 1.325%, with hybrid gas removal system

FIGURE 5: Heat and mass balance for partial load operation; one 50% capacity circulating water pump is out of service
at wet bulb temperature 25°C, NCG content 1.325%, with hybrid gas removal system
Report 29
Report 29

FIGURE 6: Heat and mass balance for partial load operation; one of five cooling tower cells is out of service
at wet bulb temperature 25°C, NCG content 1.325%, with hybrid gas removal system
Sulistyardi 644 Report 29

APPENDIX II: Technical specifications of the main equipment

for a 2×55 MW geothermal power plant

No. Equipment Qty. Parameter Unit Technical specification

1 Steam turbine 2 sets Type Single cylinder, double flow,
Rated output kW 55,000
Inlet pressure bar 5.5
Inlet temperature C 155.46
Rated flow kg/s 109.6
Speed rpm 3,000

2 Turbo generator 2 sets Rated output kW 55,000

Voltage kV 13.8
Frequency Hz 50
Power factor 0.8
Excitation Brushless
Cooling system Air cooled

3 Gland sealing 2 sets Steam flow kg/s 0.01375


4 Condenser 2 sets Type Direct contact, spray

Pressure bar 0.1
Temperature C 45.81

5 Gas removal 2 sets 1st stage steam jet ejector:

system: Steam Configuration 2 x 100%
ejector Steam flow kg/s 0.66
Steam pressure bar 5.5
Suction pressure bar 0.1
Discharge pressure bar 0.22

2nd stage steam jet ejector:

Configuration 1 x 100%
Steam flow kg/s 4.68
Steam pressure bar 5.5
Suction pressure bar 0.22
Discharge pressure bar 1.1

6 Intercondenser 2 sets Configuration 1 x 100%

Gas/steam flow kg/s 1.37
Cooling water flow kg/s 54.22
Pressure bar 0.13
Outlet water temperature C 51.16
Gas outlet temperature C 51.15

7 Aftercondenser 2 sets Configuration 1 x 100%

Gas/steam flow kg/s 7.00
Cooling water flow kg/s 193.4
Pressure bar 0.13
Outlet water temperature C 51.16
Gas outlet temperature C 51.16
Report 29 645 Sulistyardi

No. Equipment Qty. Parameter Unit Technical specification

8 Gas removal 4 units Configuration 2 x 50%
system: Liquid Suction pressure bar 0.22
ring vacuum Discharge pressure bar 1.1
pump Discharge temperature C 43.99
Working fluid Water
Working fluid flow kg/s 30.56
Motor power/unit kW 285

9 Liquid ring 4 units Configuration 2 x 50%

vacuum pump Gas/liquid flow kg/s 32.87
separator Outlet fluid flow kg/s 30.56
Outlet water temperature C 45.81
Gas outlet temperature C 39.4

10 Circulating 4 units Type Vertical, canned, wet

water pump suction, mixed flow
Configuration 2 x 50%
Flow kg/s 4,356
Total developed head m 20
Motor power kW 606

11 Cooling tower 2 units Type Field erected, mechanical,

induced draft, wet
Cell No./unit cooling tower 5
Circulation water flow kg/s 4,356
Wet bulb temperature C 25
L/G ratio 1.202
Approach temperature C 8
Cooling range C 13
Hot water temperature C 45.81
Cold water temperature C 33
Motor power fan kW 144

12 Auxiliary 4 units Type Horizontal, split casing,

cooling water centrifugal
pump Configuration 2 x 100%
Flow kg/s 170.3
Total developed head m 10
Motor power kW 25

13 Closed circuit 4 units Type Horizontal, split casing,

cooling water centrifugal
pump Configuration 2 x 100%
Flow kg/s 23.5
Total developed head m 10
Motor power kW 4
Sulistyardi 646 Report 29

No. Equipment Qty. Parameter Unit Technical specification

14 Closed circuit 4 units Type Plate-type
cooling water Configuration 2 x 100%
heat exchanger Heat transfer surface area m2 74.34
Overall heat transfer coeff. kW/m2 5
Hot side inlet temperature C 47
Hot side outlet temperature C 37
Cold side inlet temperature C 33
Cold side outlet temperature C 41
Hot water flow kg/s 23.5
Cold water flow kg/s 1.73

15 Make up water 4 units Type Horizontal, split casing,

pump centrifugal
Configuration 2 x 100%
Flow kg/s 7.8
Total developed head m 5
Motor power kW 0.68

16 Wellpad 3 Two-phase inlet flow/sta. kg/s 330.53

separator station stations Steam outlet flow/sta. kg/s 82.07
Brine outlet flow/sta. kg/s 248.5

17 Steam supply 1 lot Material A106 Gr.B

pipeline Nominal diameter mm 1,000
Schedule number 40
Total length m 6,000

18 Hot reinjection 1 lot Material A106 Gr.B

pipeline Nominal diameter mm 600
Schedule number 40
Total length m 6,000

19 Cold reinjection 1 lot Material A106 Gr.B

pipeline Nominal diameter (mm) mm 250
Schedule number 40
Total length (m) m 2,000

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