Charity: Is The Voluntary Giving of Help To Those in Need.: Donating

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Charity: Is the voluntary giving of help to those in need.

Typically, in the form of money, however also can are food or different ways to give help free to
those who are in need, because they are ill, poor, or have no home.

A charitable organization is a non-profit organization where its objective is to bring aid and
assistance to the most needy.

The legal definition of charitable association is very variable according to the countries.

Some of charity acts:

1. the prevention or relief of poverty

2. the advancement of education
3. the advancement of religion
4. the advancement of health or the saving of lives
5. the advancement of citizenship or community development
6. the advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science
7. the advancement of amateur sport
8. the advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation or the promotion
of religious or racial harmony or equality and diversity
9. the advancement of environmental protection or improvement
10. the relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship
or other disadvantage
11. the advancement of animal welfare
12. the promotion of the efficiency of the armed forces of the Crown or of the police, fire and
rescue services or ambulance services
13. other purposes currently recognized as charitable and any new charitable purposes
which are similar to another charitable purpose.

Charitable organization structure

As of 2011, there are a number of types of legal structure for a charity in England and Wales.

 Unincorporated association
 Trust
 Company limited by guarantee
 Another incorporation, such as by royal charter
 Charitable incorporated organization

How can help at charitable organizations?

 Search for a charities
Thankfully, there are many charity organizations that are directing their efforts to helping
children. However, you will have to do some searching to narrow your list down. Take some
time and try searching online for children's charities that you might be interested in.
 Research a few charities

Not all charities function in the same way. Some charities will direct your donation in
different ways from others. Try doing some research to make sure that the charity
has a good reputation and is an effective one.[2]
 Not all charities are as reputable as others. It's important you research a charity
organization to make sure your donation is doing the most good.
 Visit to learn which charities are
more highly rated.
 The better business bureau can give you more information about a specific charity.
 Some charities have higher operating costs and may not be able to distribute the
majority of your donation directly to helping children.
 Other charities focus your donation more directly into improving the lives of children.
 Make a financial donation

Once you've found a charity that you feel comfortable working with, it's time to
donate. Some charities will have set levels of donations that you can make and
others will allow for customized amounts. Take note of the method of payment or
type of donation, as some charities prefer some over others. Once you're ready,
make your donation to help that charity meet its goals.
 Some charities will need items like food or clothing. These charities should provide
a list of their most needed items.[3]
 Other charities are in need of funding. These might be one time donations or
recurring monthly donations.[4]
 Charities may sell items to generate funding.
 Speak with your chosen charity to learn more about what they might need.

 Donate goods and ítems

While most every charity can benefit from financial donations, many others can make
use of donated items. Giving items or goods can be a great way to directly support
a charity and help children in need. Think about some of the following places and
items to get a good idea of how you can start donating:
 Some charities allow you to buy items they need from an on-line wish list.
 You might be able to donate food, clothing, or toys.
 Charities may also be in need of things like diapers or other care items.
 Try asking any local hospitals, church groups, emergency childcare departments, or
other groups that directly help children in need.
 Learn if your donation is tax exempt.

A great aspect of donating to a charity is that you can likely use it as a tax deduction.
While helping children in need is a good idea by itself, getting a tax break can be a
nice reward for your generosity. Keep some of these things in mind when making
sure your donation counts as a tax deduction:[5]
 Many organizations will provide documentation for you to use when filing taxes.
 To claim a deduction, you will need to file an itemized list of your donations to the
 Charity organizations should be classified as non-profit.
 Learn if a charity qualifies by using the IRS search tool found at

 Think about what you can offer. Think about what you can offer.

Many charities will train their volunteers and will gladly accept anyone who is willing
to help. However, you may want to consider if you have any specialized skills that
you can offer in addition to basic volunteer activities. Think about what level of
involvement you are comfortable with in order to help you find a volunteer position
that's right for you.
 Some volunteer positions need people with specific skills. For example, you may
volunteer as an administrator or mentor.[6]
 You might have a skill with carpentry and may be able to help build housing for
families in need.
 You might want to help hand out food to families who have hungry children.

 Look for a volunteer opening.

Once you've thought about how much time you can spare and what activities you
might want to help with, you can start your search for open volunteer positions.
Charity organizations will generally publicize their needs for volunteers, offering a
wide variety of ways for you to engage in volunteer work. Take some time to search
either locally or online for charities that have a need for volunteers.
 Searching online can be a quick way to locate volunteer positions.
 You can try searching for openings
 Many communities have local charities that could always use volunteers.
 Children's hospitals often need volunteers.
 If you attend a church, they may have a need for volunteers to go on mission trips.

 Consider volunteering at your local organization.

 Volunteer to read to others, could be children, elderly people or disabled.

Reading to children can be a fun and simple way that you can volunteer. Reading to
children has been shown to improve both literacy and reading comprehension skills.
Try looking around your neighborhood for any charities or programs that need people
to read to children.
 Libraries can be a good place to volunteer.
 Some organizations have additional focuses, like reading to children in pediatric
 Volunteer to manage an event.

There are many children's charities that aim to help children in a variety of ways.
These charities will generally need volunteers to help manage, organize, or
otherwise run an event. Consider volunteering to help a local children's charity event.
 You might help with a food drive.
 Bake-sales can usually use some extra help.
 Help in your own way.

You don't always need to wait for a charity to start up or invite you to volunteer. If
there are no charities nearby, you may consider taking action yourself. You could
organize a community event that is aimed at helping children in your neighborhood.
Think about some of these ideas when considering how you might ask your
community to help its children:
 Organize a food drive to help feed hungry children.
 Ask your community to donate old clothes to help families and their children in need.
 You could collect old toys from the community and deliver them to local children.
 You could collect books and deliver them to local children.

Spreading the Word

 Post about your favorite charity on social media.
Today, if you want to send a message to a lot of people at once, using social media is likely
the best choice. Social media will allow you to quickly share information about your favorite
charity to all of your friends and contacts. By sending this information, you can help raise
awareness and support your chosen charity.
 Offer free advertising through your business.

If you own your own business, you can partner with children's charity organizations
that you want to support. Partnering with a charity is a great way to send support
and can also help improve your own business. Think about some of these tips when
considering partnering your business with a charity:[9]
 Let your customers know how much money your business has raised and donated
to the charity.
 Mention the charity in your own advertisements, including your partnership with
 Include information about your favorite charity in your own publications.
 Ask the charity to recognize and share your contributions in their own outreach

 Talk about it.

A simple and effective way for you to inform others about your favorite charity is to simply
talk about it. Word of mouth should not be underestimated when considering ways to
promote a certain children's charity. Whenever you feel it's appropriate, try mentioning your
donations, volunteer work, or other exciting things involving the charity you want to support.

Fe y Alegría – Movimiento Internacional de Educación Popular Integral y Promoción

Social, dirigido a los sectores empobrecidos y a los excluidos, potenciando su
desarrollo personal y participación social.

International Movement of Integral Popular Education and Social Promotion, aimed

at the impoverished sectors and the excluded, promoting their personal
development and social participation.

Movimiento Manuela Ramos – Es una organización feminista peruana sin fines de

lucro que desde 1978 trabaja para mejorar la situación y posición de las mujeres.
Contribuye al empoderamiento y autonomía de las mujeres desde una perspectiva
feminista comprometida con la justicia social, los valores democráticos y el respeto
a los Derechos Humanos.

It is a Peruvian feminist organization nonprofit that works to improve the status and
position of women since 1978. It contributes to the empowerment and autonomy of
women from a feminist perspective, committed to social justice, democratic values
and respect for human rights.

ESCAES – Es una Escuela Campesina de Educación y Salud (ESCAES), Organización

No Gubernamental de Desarrollo (ONGD), cuya misión es desarrollar el capital
humano y social a través de la formación de líderes campesinos emprendedores,
creativos y responsables, que apuesten por el cambio y el desarrollo de sus

It is a peasant School of education and health (ESCAES), non governmental

organization of development (NGO), whose mission is to develop the human and
social capital through the formation of entrepreneurs, creative, and responsible,
peasant leaders that are committed by the change and the development of their

Cáritas del Perú – Promueve y lidera programas de desarrollo humano integral

dirigidos a personas que viven en situación de pobreza, exclusión social o
vulnerabilidad. Desde 1955, vienen trabajando con una Red de 48 Cáritas
Diocesanas en los 24 departamentos del país.

It promotes and leads integral human development programmes for persons living
in situations of poverty and social exclusion and vulnerability. Since 1955, are
working with a network of 48 Diocesan Caritas in the 24 departments of the country.

GRUFIDES – Es una Asociación Civil sin fines de lucro que desarrolla sus actividades
en Cajamarca con perspectiva macroregional, desde los enfoques de Derechos
Humanos, Sostenibilidad Ambiental, Equidad de Género y Desarrollo Económico

It is a Civil Association nonprofit that develops its activities in Cajamarca with

macroregional perspective, from the perspectives of human rights, environmental
sustainability, gender equality and economic development in solidarity.

Kallpa – Es una organización creativa e innovadora, comprometida con el desarrollo

humano que busca mejorar la calidad de vida de niños, niñas y adolescentes de
sectores menos favorecidos, fortaleciendo la salud integral y las habilidades sociales.
Trabajan en zonas de costa, sierra y selva del Perú.

It is a creative and innovative company committed to human development that

seeks to improve the quality of life of children and teenagers from disadvantaged
sectors, strengthening the overall health and social skills. They work in areas of
coast, mountains and jungle of the Peru.

Salud sin límites – Es una organización peruana comprometida con las

comunidades menos favorecidas que buscan mejorar sus condiciones de salud como
factor clave para su desarrollo integral.

It is a Peruvian organization committed to less-favoured communities seeking to

improve their health as a key factor for their integral development.

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