The Jakarta Post - May 4 2017

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Young orangutans find Jonan resorts to bullying major Apple posts surprise
sanctuary in Pulang Pisau p5 foreign oil companies p13 dip in iPhone sales p17


still haunts
at work
Marguerite Afra Sapiie

Ikhsan Raharjo, 29, still remem-

bers covering the crash of a Brit-
ish-made Hawk 200 jet belong-
ing to the Indonesian Air Force in
Kampar regency, Riau, in 2012.
Like other journalists, Ikhsan,
who worked for a national radio
station at the time, immediate-
ly went to the crash site to report
the news. However, the journalists Antara/Akbar Nugroho Gumay
were barred from carrying out their Pressing ahead: President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (third left) talks with former president of Timor Leste Jose Ramos-Horta as they line up on stage along with Betlehem Isaak
duties by Air Force personnel. of Eritrea (left to right), UNESCO director general Irina Bokova, Communications and Information Minister Rudiantara and head of the Press Council Yosep Adi Prasetyo
“We could not even use our during a World Press Freedom Day 2017 commemoration at the Jakarta Convention Center in Jakarta on Wednesday. Betlehem represented his father Dawit Isaak, who re-
equipment, such as recorders and ceived the Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize 2017 from UNESCO for his commitment in journalism. READ ALSO p3
cameras, because the authorities
seized them. Residents also could
not take pictures,” said Ikhsan.
Several journalists at the site
even suffered physical violence at
the hands of Air Force personnel.
The military officials later
apologized for hindering the jour-
nalists’ work, but no official was
held accountable for the violence.
Former Jayapura Alliance of In-
Jokowi vetoes Susi’s policy
Haeril Halim Jokowi backs down after time Affairs complaints, and insisted that the mobilized by an illegal fishing ma-
dependent Journalists (AJI) chair- THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA pressures from PKB and Fisher- ministry had provided free en- fia that had lost income after the
man Victor Mambor said impuni- ies Ministry vironmentally friendly nets for policy was implemented.
ty still undermined press freedom Spearheaded by outspoken Susi insists ‘cantrang’ had not yet fishermen using vessels weigh- Susi said she was surprised about
in Indonesia, especially in Papua, Maritime Affairs and Fisher- destroys environment provided any ing less than 30 gross tons (GT) the complaints because the ban was
which remained a difficult place for ies Minister Susi Pudjiastuti, the environmen- immediately after the ban was implemented after thorough dis-
both local and foreign journalists. far-reaching and ceaseless war to the State Palace on Wednesday tally friendly implemented. cussion between fishermen, boat
Victor, who has also experi- against illegal fishing has gone on and told her to allow fishermen to fishing equip- “The program is not for big ves- owners and the Ombudsman be-
enced intimidation by securi- for more than two years now, gar- continue using cantrang until late JP/Dhoni Setiawan ment as an al- sels, but we can help them obtain fore the policy was issued in 2015.
ty officials when doing his duty, nering praise domestically and 2017. Susi Pudjiastuti ternative. bank loans to buy environmental- “When we talk about cantrang,
said since most cases of violence internationally for its triumphs. “The instruction from the “The PKB ly friendly nets,” Susi added. it is not about fishermen, but the
against journalists remained un- However, the war has taken President is to extend the use of doesn’t have any interest other Susi’s claim was denied by the owners of vessels who are pro-
punished, most journalists did a toll on an unintended victim: cantrang until late 2017, especial- than seeing fishermen prosper. We Office of Presidential Staff (KSP), testing the policy. For small fish-
not even bother to report the as- small fishermen along the north- ly in Central Java,” Susi said. definitely don’t want to see them which revealed that as of April ermen, it is not the end of the
saults to the police. ern coastline of Central Java and Jokowi’s instruction came af- fall into poverty,” Muhaimin said. 2017 only around 10 percent of world, because we are providing
In the past two weeks, the AJI East Java — the nation’s second and ter National Awakening Party The PKB, a member of Jokowi’s fishermen who had previously them with other tools to replace
recorded two cases of violence third most populated provinces. (PKB) chairman Muhaimin Is- governing coalition, said Su- used cantrang received new nets cantrang,” Susi said.
against journalists in Papua. On As many of the fishermen are kandar toured Java’s northern si’s policy had led to 2.4 million from the ministry. Cantrang reach the bottom of
May 1, Jayapura Police personnel supporters of the largest Islamic coast last week. people becoming unemployed, Susi, however, has continued the seabed and sweep up all sea
allegedly assaulted Yance Wenda, party in the House of Represen- Muhaimin reportedly received and argued that not all cantrang to defend the policy, saying that life with their finer mesh, but this
a local journalist working for the tatives, President Joko “Jokowi” complaints from fishermen that harmed the ecosystem. traditional fishermen did not use also means they catch fish spawn
Jubi daily and, Widodo has caved to accommo- the cantrang ban was being en- Susi said she was surprised cantrang, and only big vessels did that are important for habitat
while he was covering the arrest date their demands, rather than forced at a time when the Mari- to learn about the fishermen’s so. The protests, she argued, were sustainability.
of West Papua National Commit- risk losing support for the simul- Susi said that Java’s northern
tee (KNPB) activists. taneous presidential and legisla- coastal area was suffering the ef-
Three days earlier, three jour- tive elections in April 2019. fects of overfishing because can-
nalists from Metro TV, Jaya TV and Jokowi has reversed Susi’s pol- trang have been used for years,
TVRI reportedly experienced in- icy and allowed fishermen nation- and traditional fishermen across
timidation while covering a trial at wide to return to using a modified the country also opposed big fish-
the Wamena District Court. An un- type of trawl net, known locally as ing vessels operating in their ar-
known group of people approached cantrang, which has long caused eas by using such net. A vessel us-
and questioned them, then forced environmental damages. ing the net, she said, could cover a
them to delete their footage of the Susi, who has become a popu- 6-kilometer area in one sweep.
trial. Police officers reportedly wit- lar Cabinet minister due to her “Cantrang destroy the income
nessed the incident, but did noth- unique charisma and policy of of traditional fishermen. These
ing to protect the journalists. sinking hundreds of foreign ves- legislators are not supporting a
The incidents occurred around sels caught fishing illegally, issued policy that is good for fishermen
the time of the commemora- a regulation banning the use of and the environment. Don’t bring
tion of World Press Freedom Day cantrang in 2015 to protect ma- the fishermen issue into politics
(WPFD) in Jakarta, held from rine ecosystems and promote sus- JP/Markus Makur because if we allow the use of can-
Monday to Thursday, which has tainable fishing. Swept aside: Fishermen from East Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara province, haul in a cantrang net in trang again Indonesia could suf-
been criticized for not including The President summoned Susi April 2016. fer from overfishing,” Susi said.
any events discussing press free-
dom in the provinces of Papua
and West Papua.
“There are 1,500 journalists UN CONFERENCE
at the [WPFD] event calling for
freedom of the press, but there,
in the eastern part of Indonesia,
journalists are still assaulted,”
Victor said.
RI scrapes through peer review on human rights
This year’s WPFD highlighted Tama Salim mad Al Khaththath, who was ar- in previous UPR cycles, partly due of Indonesia’s positive law; it is was an air of partiality and an at-
2017 as a critical time for jour- THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA rested by authorities in Jakarta to concrete follow-ups from the our conviction that the rights tempt to steer the opinion of the
nalism, given a worldwide trend for allegedly holding discussions government, but also due to the of the offenders must always be international community.
of physical attacks against jour- Indonesia mounted a seeming- to overthrow the government. absence of countries who previ- weighed against the rights of the She said the human rights is-
nalists, and it called for an end to ly successful defense of its human The United States delegation ously politicized the debate. victims, their families and further sues that Retno promoted as prog-
impunity for crimes committed rights issues during Wednesday’s similarly recommended Indonesia Members of the Melanesian rights of the community to live in ress were “harmless” in gauging
against the media. Universal Periodic Review (UPR) end prosecutions under the articles Spearhead Group, some of whom peace and security — as stipulated the quality of law enforcement and
UNESCO, which co-organized at the United Nations in Gene- for treason, so that the people may — like the Marshall Islands, Vanu- in our constitution,” Yasonna told impunity in the country.
the global event with the Indo- va, but activists argue that many “[exercise] freedom of expression atu and the Solomon Islands, who the UPR session. “Kontras deeply regrets that the
nesian government and the Press rocks are still left unturned. and peaceful assembly.” have rallied behind Papuan sepa- He did, however, acknowledge human rights agenda, as it pertains
Council, has called on Indone- Leading a delegation to defend Interestingly, the US also urged ratists — were visibly absent in the public discourse on limiting to antiterrorism, was not given
sia to end the cycle of violence Indonesia’s murky human rights Jakarta to “end prosecutions un- Indonesia’s third UPR cycle. executions taking place in the room for discussion, and that the
against journalists by thorough- record, Foreign Minister Retno der articles 156 and 156a of the Other predictable themes that country, as well as the ongoing re- quality of fundamental freedom is
ly investigating any cases of vio- LP Marsudi was faced with a bar- Criminal Code for exercising free- were raised by delegations of the vision of the Criminal Code that, not seen as a downward trend of
lence and bringing the perpetra- rage of questions and recommen- dom of religion and expression.” UN Human Rights Council include if passed by lawmakers, would democracy, but rather as a partial
tors to justice. dations on a wide array of issues. Both articles have been used issues such as Indonesia’s position reserve capital punishment as a issue,” Yati said in a statement.
The AJI released a report on A delegate from Germany was against incumbent Jakarta Gover- on torture practices, an appeal to last resort with a real possibility But Retno acknowledged even
Wednesday revealing 72 cases of forthcoming when he recommend- nor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purna- protect religious and sexual minor- of commuting the sentences of this in her closing remarks at the
violence against journalists be- ed Indonesia “repeal or amend Ar- ma in his blasphemy trial. The US ities against discrimination and the those who show good conduct. UPR session: “As a process and
tween May 2016 and April 2017. ticles 106 and 110 of the Criminal delegation also “noted with con- abolition of the death penalty. Meanwhile, Retno listed In- long-term investment, our efforts
At least 38 of the cases involved Code to avoid restrictions on the cern the failure to publish and en- In the government’s defense donesia’s concrete efforts and in the promotion and protection
physical abuse and 14 the prohi- freedom of expression.” force a government-wide frame- of its continued use of the death achievements of the past four years of human rights are, most of the
bition of covering certain events. The two articles correspond work of accountability for abuses penalty, Law and Human Rights since its last UPR cycle in 2012. time, not instantly visible.
The AJI recorded nine cases of to charges of treason mounted by the military and the police.” Minister Yasonna H. Laoly once In Jakarta, Yati Andriyani, co- “In this regard, sentiments of
journalists being forced to delete against alleged dissidents, rang- The issue of tensions in Pap- again played the drug abuse card ordinator of the Commission for encouragement and engagement
photos or footage, two cases of ing from student activists in ua and West Papua provinces, al- to seek justification from the in- Missing Persons and Victims of are preferable, rather than base-
criminalizing journalists and two Papua to the coordinator of the though mentioned a few times, ternational community. Violence (Kontras), ar- less allegations that tend to create
cases of verbal intimidation. March 31 (313) protests, Muham- did not feature as prominently as “The death penalty is still part g u e d that there resentment and retaliation.”

F E | p24
Information, digital literacy ‘Unique’ Ronaldo leaves Thai news groups urge govt Five years, billions Remembering the Titan
key to fighting fake news Safety regulations matter Atletico needing a miracle to scrap media control bill to rebuild Mosul

French election: Lessons from the anti-globalists

he likely victory of Em- and rational voters surely will un- inflame bigotry, and thrive on a global economic order, in which The lesson of all of this is
manuel Macron in the derstand this. dangerously polarized us-versus- goods, services, people, and ideas something that Scandinavian
French presidential But it would be a mistake to them approach to governance. could move more freely across countries learned long ago. The
election has elicited a conclude that discontent with the Deep and perhaps irreparable borders. To the applause from region’s small countries under-
global sigh of relief. At least Eu- global economy — at least how national cleavages may be the re- his fellow populists, Trump has stood that openness was the key
rope is not going down the protec- it treats large numbers of those Joseph E. sult. In the US, Trump has already thrown a hand grenade into that to rapid economic growth and
tionist path that President Don- in (or formerly in) the middle Stiglitz diminished respect for the presi- structure. prosperity.
ald Trump is forcing the United class — has crested. If the devel- PROJECT dency and will most likely leave Given the insistence of Trump But if they were to remain open
States to take. oped liberal democracies main- SYNDICATE/NEW behind a more divided country. and his acolytes that borders and democratic, their citizens had
But advocates of globalization tain status quo policies, displaced YORK We must not forget that before do matter, businesses will think to be convinced that significant
should keep the champagne on workers will continue to be alien- the dawn of the Enlightenment, twice as they construct global segments of society would not be
ice: protectionists and advocates ated. Many will feel that at least with its embrace of science and supply chains. The resulting un- left behind.
of “illiberal democracy” are on Trump, Le Pen, and their ilk pro- Indeed, it is in their self-inter- freedom, incomes and living stan- certainty will discourage invest- The welfare state thus be-
the rise in many other countries. fess to feel their pain. The idea est to turn to politicians who op- dards were stagnant for centuries. ment, especially cross-border in- came integral to the success
And the fact that an open big- that voters will turn against pro- pose these changes. But Trump, Le Pen and the other vestment, which will diminish of the Scandinavian countries.
ot and habitual liar could get as tectionism and populism of their So the lesson should be obvi- populists represent the antithesis the momentum for a global rules- They understood that the only
many votes as Trump did in the own accord may be no more than ous: In the absence of progressive of Enlightenment values. With- based system. With less invested sustainable prosperity is shared
US, and that the far-right Marine cosmopolitan wishful thinking. policies, including strong social- out blushing, Trump cites “alter- in the system, advocates for such prosperity. It is a lesson that the
Le Pen will be in the runoff vote Advocates of liberal market welfare programs, job retraining, native facts,” denies the scientific a system will have less incentive US and the rest of Europe must
with Macron on May 7, should be economies need to grasp that and other forms of assistance for method, and proposes massive to push for it. now learn.
deeply worrying. many reforms and technologi- individuals and communities left budget cuts for public research, This will be troublesome for
Some assume that Trump’s cal advances may leave some behind by globalization, Trumpi- including on climate change, the entire world. Like it or not, hu-
poor management and obvious groups worse off. In principle, an politicians may become a per- which he believes is a hoax. manity will remain globally con- The writer, a Nobel laureate in
incompetence should be enough these changes increase economic manent feature of the landscape. The protectionism advocat- nected, facing common problems economics, is university professor
to dent enthusiasm for populist efficiency, enabling the winners The costs imposed by such pol- ed by Trump, Le Pen and oth- like climate change and the threat at Columbia University and chief
nostrums elsewhere. Likewise, to compensate the losers. But if iticians are high for all of us, even ers poses a similar threat to the of terrorism. The ability and in- economist at the Roosevelt Institute.
the US Rust Belt voters who sup- the losers remain worse off, why if they do not fully achieve their world economy. For three-quar- centive to work cooperatively His most recent book is The Euro:
ported Trump will almost cer- should they support globalization protectionist and nativist ambi- ters of a century, there has been to solve these problems must be How a Common Currency Threat-
tainly be worse off in four years, and pro-market policies? tions, because they prey on fear, an attempt to create a rules-based strengthened, not weakened. ens the Future of Europe.


Jakartans call for help against radicalism All benefit

Indra Budiari

As Jakartans are still reeling

from press
from the most divisive guberna-
torial election the city has ever
seen, which exacerbated sectari-
anism and fanned anti-Chinese
sentiments, some citizens have
freedom: VP
called on the government to pro- Marguerite Afra Sapiie RI press freedom must be
tect the capital from any threat THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA used to unite society
from radicals.
On Wednesday the State Pal- In a year described by many as Quality journalism key to
ace, as well as the headquarters a critical time for quality journal- promoting inclusion and
of the National Police, the Jakarta ism, Indonesia has raised calls for democracy
Police and the Indonesian Mili- the media to stay objective and
tary (TNI), were adorned with use freedom of the press to help
dozens of flower boards bearing advance the country’s develop- WPFD, co-organized by UNES-
messages calling on the govern- ment, justice and peace. CO, the Indonesian government
ment to curb radicalism. Amid boiling sectarian senti- and the Press Council.
“We are ready to support the ments heated up by the recent Held from May 1 to 4, the event,
military and the police to eradi- highly divisive Jakarta guberna- which presented the theme of
cate radicalism and maintain the torial elections, there is no better “Critical Minds for Critical
unity of the Unitary State of the time for the press, as the fourth Times: Media’s Role in Advancing
Republic of Indonesia [NKRI],” pillar of democracy, to be more at- Peaceful, Just and Inclusive So-
read one flower board that had tentive about protecting its free- cieties,” was officially opened on
been put on the front yard of the dom for the sake of inclusiveness Wednesday.
Jakarta Police headquarters in JP/Dhoni Setiawan in society. The event focuses on strength-
Senayan, South Jakarta. Say it with flowers: People take photographs in front of flower boards at the National Police headquar- Today’s global challenges ening the freedom and quality of
“Save the NKRI, curb radical- ters in Jakarta on Wednesday. The flower boards were sent as signs of people’s support for the police brought by technological ad- journalism to advance peace, jus-
ism,” read another flower board. and Indonesian military over their efforts to eradicate radicalism and thuggery and to guard the Unitary vancement and the rise of social tice for all and the rule of law, as
The two flower boards were State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). media that lower the barriers pre- well as inclusiveness, so that the
among more than 20 flower ar- venting information sharing, but media can remain strong amid
rangements set up at the police’s the military were still an impor- decided to throw their support be- election. at the same time open the gates current challenges and threats
headquarters. tant part of guarding Jakarta hind him, mobilized by Muslim Qodari described the flowers for fake news and misinforma- against the press.
“To be honest, we have no idea from the threat of disunity and groups, including the hard-line Is- as a “cry for help” from Jakarta tion, must not hamper journal- Declining audiences for tradi-
who put all these flowers here,” radicalism. lam Defenders Front (FPI). residents, besides being a token ists from providing critical checks tional media, the proliferation of
said Jakarta Police spokesper- The gesture came a few weeks Following Ahok’s loss in the elec- of gratitude to law enforcement and balances for governments, fake news as seen in the coverage
son Sr. Comr. Argo Yuwono on after the Jakarta runoff election, tion, thousands of people showed officers. Vice President Jusuf Kalla said. of several major political events
Wednesday. described by experts as the coun- their support for the governor by “Some people are worried that “We hope that freedom of the in the past years and extremism,
He appreciated the act and try’s most polarizing election turning City Hall into a jungle of recently conservative groups press takes into account an im- including violence against jour-
deemed it to be part of the na- with racial and religious issues colorful flower boards last week. have gotten a bigger stage and portant matter, namely that jus- nalists, are the latest challenges
tion’s democracy. overshadowing the city’s most Admirers sent flower boards to have taken control of the public tice and peace are above free- to the media, UNESCO noted.
“Certainly, this is a form of citi- critical problems, including edu- express their sympathy, sadness, sphere,” he told The Jakarta Post. dom of expression. Press freedom Quality journalism combined
zens showing their aspirations. cation and infrastructure. or support for Ahok and Deputy “Therefore, they ask for help from without peace will instead create with critical thinking is impor-
They address their appreciation Riding a growing wave of reli- Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat, the police and the military.” conflict and media would be re- tant for bolstering freedom of the
and motivations toward the police. gious conservatism, former cul- who conceded defeat in the April Messages on other flower ar- sponsible for that,” he said in his press and expression that could
They will encourage us to continue ture and education minister Anies 19 election ahead of the official rangements called for the police opening remarks for a 2017 World contribute to inclusion, gen-
safeguarding Jakarta,” Argo said. Baswedan won the election, beat- announcement of the results. to arrest FPI leader Rizieq Shihab Press Freedom Day event in Ja- der equality and human rights,
Flower boards were also sent to ing incumbent Basuki “Ahok” Tja- A political analyst from Indo and to disband his organization. karta on Wednesday. UNESCO director general Irina
the State Palace as a token of grat- haja Purnama, who was dogged Barometer, M. Qodari, said that Responding to the messag- “If there are injustices and con- Bokova said.
itude to President Joko “Jokowi” by allegations he had committed the flowers sent to the military es, Argo said, “There is nothing flicts, media should play a better “I believe a free, independent
Widodo for his role in maintain- blasphemy while seeking election. and the police headquarters wrong with sending messages role to take sides and clarify the and pluralistic media is essential
ing Pancasila as the state ideology. Some political experts said were a clear sign that there were through flowers. Deciding wheth- matters to ensure that justice, not only for individual rights, but
The senders, however, also Anies owed his success in the run- some Jakarta residents who were er to say something has broken peace and development of the also for inclusive society, democ-
pointed out that the police and off election to Muslim voters who worried about the impact of the the law is up to the police.” (dea) country continue,” he added. racy, rule of law, sustainable devel-
The Indonesian press has en- opment and peace,” Bokova said.
joyed relative freedom since the The media’s role in helping cre-
reform era when it was unleashed ate inclusive societies could be
TRANS PACIFIC from the restraints that once tight- done by portraying exactly what
ly controlled the media under the worries citizens, Press Coun-

Turnbull to reset ties with Trump New Order regime. Kalla claimed
the government no longer cen-
sored or intervened in the media.
However, he warned that freedom
cil chairman Yosep Adi Prasetyo
said. He added that newsrooms
should also have political agendas
in terms of seeing the condition of
Daniel de Carteret “We’ll talk about a wide range kind of rapport and get comfort- ing the US line” or face the threat combined with the rapid develop- society.
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/SYDNEY of security and economic issues, able with one another,” said Si- of a nuclear strike. ment of social media could become “Media now has a tendency
but top of the list obviously at mon Jackman, chief executive at Australia has backed Washing- negative should media companies only to follow big news without
Malcolm Turnbull will seek to the moment is North Korea,” the the US Studies Center in Sydney. ton in calling on Beijing to bring not conduct internal censorship. having a political agenda toward
steady Australia’s longstanding Australian prime minister said on The meeting will take place at the rogue state to heel, although This year, Indonesia, the the society’s situation in the fu-
alliance with the United States Wednesday. the USS Intrepid museum in New several former senior Australian world’s third-largest democracy, ture. What I mean by political
when he meets Donald Trump It will be their first encounter York, where they will commem- diplomats have also urged Can- which has guaranteed press free- agenda is not about the practical,
this week, after relations soured since a tetchy phone call rattled orate the 75th anniversary of the berra to rethink ties with the US dom since the enactment of the but media has to be aware of the
at a time of growing tensions in ties soon after Trump took office, World War II Battle of the Coral in light of China’s rise. 1999 Press Law, hosted the 2017 context,” he said. (rdi)
the Asia-Pacific. when he took issue with a deal that Sea when US and Australian forc- Turnbull is expected to reaf-
His visit to New York on Thurs- the US would settle refugees from es fought against the Japanese ad- firm Australia’s allegiance to the
day comes as Washington works Australia’s Pacific island camps. vance in the Pacific. US on Thursday.
to shore up regional support The president took to Twitter “All that imagery [...] will help “The Trump administration is THIS ODD WORLD
against North Korea, ratcheting afterwards to label the agreement paint a picture of a relationship that now coming out, indicating quite
up pressure on China to do more struck with Barack Obama’s ad- is getting increasingly normalized strongly that it isn’t going to be Stepmother stabbed over lack of food
to counter Kim Jong-un’s nuclear ministration as “dumb.” after a surprising and unexpected the isolationist presidency that
ambitions. On a trip to Australia last start,” Jackman told AFP. we had feared,” said the Austra- DEPOK, WEST JAVA: Stepmothers are often depicted as vindictive toward
But the advent of Trump has month aimed at mending fences, “The Australian public in par- lian National University’s head of their husbands’ children but a recent incident in Depok may prove the
invigorated a debate over Aus- Vice President Mike Pence reaf- ticular might want a bit of re- international security and intelli- other side of the coin with a 70-year-old woman reportedly being victim-
tralia’s place in the world and firmed the US would take the ref- assurance that despite the fact gence studies John Blaxland. ized by her stepson.
whether its future lies with an un- ugees but added it “doesn’t mean Trump is a very unconventional “From the Australian point Ronih had to be admitted to a nearby hospital after allegedly being
predictable US, or a closer rela- we admire the agreement.” president — a bit of a wild card — of view we can be more forth- stabbed by her stepson Kosasih, 35, who was infuriated after finding no
tionship with China, its top trad- The icy start was cooled further that nonetheless the US remains right [when dealing with China] food on the table, Pos Kota reported on Tuesday.
ing partner. by Washington’s withdrawal from a willing partner on a number of because you have greater confi- He rushed to the kitchen and is reported to have stabbed Ronih. Neigh-
Turnbull, like Trump a busi- a trans-Pacific trade agreement important dimensions.” dence that the US is not walking bors expressed their sympathy for Ronih and showed abhorrence for the
nessman-turned-politician, has that would have given Australian The history of military coop- away.” alleged culprit.
said he is “delighted” to meet with businesses greater access to the eration stretches back to World Nevertheless, Turnbull is ex- “What a cruel son he is to his aging mother, even though she’s only his
the US leader and affirm a rela- US and key regional markets. War I, and North Korea recently pected to exercise caution on just stepmother. What is more deplorable is that his father is an ustad [Islamic
tionship that has seen its militar- “The single biggest thing is for warned Canberra to think twice how far he can back an unpredict- scholar]. May God forgive that prodigal son,” a neighbor said.
ies fight side by side for a century. the two leaders to establish some before “blindly and zealously toe- able US president. Neighborhood head Khoiruddin said Kosasih’s action may have resulted
from his anger at receiving less attention than his three stepsiblings.
“Since his father married Ronih, Kosasih has lived with his stepsiblings.
WEATHER FORECAST : MAY 4, 2017 He has complained that his siblings have been treated exceptionally well
compared with himself,” Khoiruddin said.
Banda Aceh Batam Semarang Denpasar Makassar Ternate
Sunny The stabbing incident is believed to have unfolded after Kosasih
Rainy 22 - 32 °C 24 - 31 °C 25 - 32 °C 25 - 32 °C 25 - 30 °C 25 - 30 °C returned home from his friend’s house. As he sat down to eat a meal he
Medan Jakarta Yogyakarta Samarinda Manado Ambon discovered there was no food on the table.
23 - 33 °C 25 - 32 °C 24 - 32 °C 24 - 27 °C 23 - 32 °C 23 - 31 °C “Being hungry he could not restrain his emotions. He searched for his
stepmother and found her in the kitchen. He [allegedly] stabbed her to
Pekanbaru Bandung Surabaya Palangkaraya Gorontalo Jayapura the ground and fled,” he said, adding that the incident had not been
Meteorology, Climatology
And Geophysics Agency
24 - 29 °C 20 - 30 °C 25 - 34 °C 24 - 30 °C 24 - 33 °C 24 - 31 °C reported to the police. — JP

Information, digital literacy NATIONAL SCENE

Bakamla deputy chief indicted for graft

key to fighting fake news

JAKARTA: Maritime Security Board (Bakamla) deputy chairman Eko
Susilo Hadi has been indicted on bribery charges that carry a maxi-
mum punishment of 20 years in prison upon conviction. Eko’s trial
started at the Jakarta Corruption Court on Wednesday.
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutors have charged
him under a 2001 corruption law for allegedly receiving four separate
The Jakarta Post Media, information hateful discourse. that would then be flagged as “dis- bribes in connection with the procurement of a satellite monitoring
JAKARTA literacy help counter hate That can start by engaging pub- puted,” after going through fact system by the Bakamla.
speech lic participation, especially among checkers who verify whether the Eko allegedly received the illicit money from Fahmi Darmawansyah,
Be critical and knowledgeable youths, to introduce media liter- article is fake or legitimate. the owner of PT Melati Technofo Indonesia (MTI), which won the
of what you read online. Engaging public acy, said Abdullah Alkafaween, a Adama Lee Bah, a member of tender for the Rp 222 billion (US$16.7 million) project, and Fahmi’s
That is the key to combatting participation among trainer in Media Information and the Communications Coordina- subordinates Muhammad Adami Okta and Hardy Stefanus.
fake news, often dubbed the “can- youths is key to Digital Literacy from Jordan. tion Committee for the United Na- Fahmi, Adami and Hardy have also been indicted in the case.
cer of democracy,” and prevent- combatting fake news “We have to encourage youths tions (CCCUN), added: “Through The military police named Commodore Bambang Udoyono a suspect
ing it from reaching Indonesia’s to have opinions about the cur- Media and Information Literacy, for allegedly receiving kickback money from the company. — JP
129 million active social media us- rent public issues,” he said dur- we can use any platform we have
ers, according to panelists speak- ed online is crucial in prevent- ing Wednesday’s discussion, add- to educate young people about any
ing at a commemoration of World ing the spread of both fake news ing that media literacy can also issues, not only about tackling hate Defying Fahri, PKS opposes KPK inquiry
Press Freedom Day. and, subsequently, hate speech, be taught through something as speech but also teach them to vote,
The country has seen a grow- according to speakers of a World simple as showing netizens how or to go out and register.” JAKARTA: The Islamic-based Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has sent
ing wave of fake news polarizing Press Freedom Day discussion to use social media platforms, like Adama further said that it was a letter to House of Representatives Speaker Setya Novanto rejecting
opinions since the 2014 presiden- held in Jakarta on Wednesday. Facebook, or email properly. important to hold a discussion on the House’s decision to initiate an inquiry into a Corruption Eradication
tial elections, when divisive po- Panelists at the event agreed Clair Deevy, head of econom- critical issues, such as different Commission (KPK) graft investigation.
litical campaigns sparked an all- that the digital media and infor- ic growth initiatives Asia-Pacific perceptions on certain practices The letter, signed by PKS faction chairman Jazuli Juwaini and faction
out war of words — and memes mation literacy could serve as ef- at Facebook, said the social me- in various religions, by involving secretary Sukamta on May 2, stated that the process leading to the
— across social media platforms. fective methods of countering dia giant had been working with multiple parties. Through this decision to initiate the inquiry during a plenary session on April 28 did
Tensions escalated once more hate speech, misinformation and youths in the country to identify way, she added, the voice of many not follow procedure.
during the 2017 Jakarta guberna- polarization online. the core issue of the behavior of groups, could be recognized. “The decision made on the plenary session did not consider voices
torial elections, the campaigns of Empowering media consum- internet users. Indonesia, under the supervi- and opinions from all factions and members, as regulated in the
which fostered growing sectar- ers with the appropriate knowl- Facebook is Indonesia’s most sion of the Communications and House’s 2014 code of conduct,” the letter states.
ian sentiments and the rampant edge and tools to navigate the popular social media network, Information Ministry, has con- During the plenary session, House Deputy Speaker Fahri Hamzah, who
spread of fabricated news stories. internet wisely and to interpret with more than 70 million users. ducted several programs to en- chaired the meeting, unilaterally banged the gavel to pass the inquiry.
Maintaining a critical mind information critically would help Facebook now offers a feature gage public participation in com- Members of the Gerindra Party, the Democratic Party and the National
when reading news disseminat- people from being trapped in for users to report bogus stories bating fake news. (rdi) Awakening Party (PKB) factions walked out of the room in protest. — JP



Domiciled in Jakarta
(the “Company”)

bar for presidential ANNOUNCEMENT


nomination The Board of Directors of the Company hereby announces to the Shareholders that the Company has conducted
the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter shall be referred to as the “Meeting”), namely:
A. On:
Day / Date : Tuesday, 2 May 2017
2. Approve to grant authority to the Board of Directors to perform any and all acts necessary in connection
provisions of the Articles of Association regarding the loan and pledge over the assets of the Company,
Margareth S. Aritonang “We have achieved several Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 62-63
actions as may be necessary and considered good by the Board of Directors to perform the purposes
agreements. This include a presi- of granting such authority.
Time : 14.25 – 15.40 Western Indonesia Time Sixth Agenda:
dential threshold of zero,” Luk- 1. Approve the increase of issued and paid up capital of the Company by granting the Pre-Emptive Rights
After winning the Jakarta man, a PKB politician told The :LWKWKH$JHQGDRIWKH0HHWLQJDVIROORZV
1. Approval of the Company’s Annual Report and the Report of Supervisory Duties of the Board of
election, more political parties Jakarta Post. conducted upon the effectiveness of the Registration Statement.
favor eliminating the support As the Bandung meeting only year 2016. 2. Approve the granting of authority to the Board of Directors to perform any necessary action in
threshold for presidential can- involved several members of the 3. Determination of salary/honorarium and other remuneration of the members of the Board of IXO¿OOLQJWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVZKLFKGHWHUPLQHGLQWKHSUHYDLOLQJODZVDQGUHJXODWLRQVLQFOXGLQJ32-.1R
didates in the deliberation of the special committee in charge of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company. 32/POJK.04/2015 regarding the Increase Capital of Public Company by Granting Pre-Emptive Rights,
including among others:
election bill. the deliberation, which is a high-   $SSRLQWPHQW RI 3XEOLF$FFRXQWLQJ )LUP WR DXGLW WKH )LQDQFLDO 6WDWHPHQWV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ IRU WKH
While earlier in the delibera- er-level group, Lukman said the 5. Pledge the entire or large part of the Company’s assets to guarantee the obligations of the Company
keep the requirement of 20 to 25 ing a later meeting of all mem- by the Company’s Board of Commissioners. v. Sign the necessary documents of the the Increase Capital by HMETD II including documents
6. Approval of the plan to increase Company’s capital by issuing Pre-Emptive Rights. LQ UHODWLRQ WR WKH UHJLVWUDWLRQ VWDWHPHQW WR EH VXEPLWWHG WR WKH )LQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV$XWKRULW\ RI
percent of minimum votes for a bers of the special committee. He 7. Approval of amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association particularly on Article 4 paragraph (2) 5HSXEOLFRI,QGRQHVLD
political party to name a candi- was confident that the decision RQWKH&RPSDQ\¶VLVVXHGDQGSDLGXSFDSLWDOLQFRQQHFWLRQZLWKWKHUHDOL]DWLRQRILQFUHDVHRIFDSLWDO vi. Negotiate and sign the other related agreements in relation to the standby buyer agreement
by using Pre-Emptive Rights to the Shareholders of the Company through the mechanism of Limited ZLWKWKHWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVGHHPHGJRRGIRUWKH&RPSDQ\E\WKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVRIWKH
date, more parties have opted for would remain the same, as both Public Offering II. &RPSDQ\
equal opportunity for presiden- committees actually comprised   5HSRUWRI8VHRI3URFHHGV5HDOL]DWLRQRIWKH3XEOLF2IIHULQJRI&KDQGUD$VUL3HWURFKHPLFDO%RQGV, vii. Place the Company’s shares into the collective custody of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia
tial nominations. similar members. Year 2016. .6(, LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHUHJXODWLRQVRI.XVWRGLDQ(IHN,QGRQHVLD
ty, the National Mandate Party [regarding the elections bill], Board of Directors  L[ &RQGXFWDQ\QHFHVVDU\DQGRUUHTXLUHGDFWLRQLQFRQQHFWLRQZLWKWKH,QFUHDVH&DSLWDORI+0(7'
(PAN), the Democratic Party and so that we can present the final - Vice President Director : Kulachet Dharachandra  [ &RQGXFWDQ\RWKHUQHFHVVDU\DQGRUUHTXLUHGDFWLRQWRSHUIRUPWKH,QFUHDVH&DSLWDOE\+0(7',,
the Hanura Party, the Prosper- decision at a plenary meeting,” - Vice President Director : Baritono Prajogo Pangestu Seventh Agenda:
ous Justice Party (PKS), which Lukman said, adding that the - Director : Terry Lim Chong Thian 1. Approve the amendment of Article 4 paragraph (2) of Articles of Association of the Company in
Uno in Jakarta’s recent guber- In addition to having no pres- (also acted as Independent Director)
2. Approve the amendment of Article 4 paragraph (3) Articles of Association of the Company regarding
natorial election, has thrown its idential threshold, the majority Board of Commissioners WKH,QFUHDVH&DSLWDORI3XEOLF&RPSDQ\E\*UDQWLQJ3UH(PSWLYH5LJKWVVRLWLVZULWWHQDQGUHDGDV
- President Commissioner : Djoko Suyanto IROORZV
support behind the proposal. of factions also prefer an open (also acted as Independent Commissioner and the Head of Audit Committee) Article 4 paragraph 3:
Backed by Gerindra, the PKS election system, which will al- - Vice President Commissioner : Tan Ek Kia
Shares in portfolio shall be issued by the Board of Directors according to the capital need of the
(also acted as Independent Commissioner)
and the PAN, Anies, a former ed- low eligible voters to directly - Commissioner : Ho Hon Cheong
ucation minister, triumphed over choose their representatives at (also acted as Independent Commissioner) can delegate the authority regarding the time, terms also price determination to the Board of
Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja the House. - Commissioner : Agus Salim Pangestu Commissioners, by taking into account the provisions in the Articles of Association and the prevailing
the government parties led by the plained that the decision was yet 3. Approve to grant the authority to the Board of Directors to state the Meeting Resolution in connection
Indonesian Democratic Party of to be finalized, although he ex- Meeting. ZLWKWKHDPHQGPHQWRI$UWLFOHSDUDJUDSK  RIWKH$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQRIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGWR
most divisive in the country’s his- mittee would approve it. Decision of the Meeting shall be made by deliberation. If deliberation could not be reached, then the voting
to state the amendment of Article 4 paragraph (2) of the Articles of Association of the Company before
Pre-Emptive Rights (HMETD) after the Increase Capital by HMETD II is completed furthermore to
paign period. it be put to the vote, we aim to Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, and to perform any necessary action in relation to such resolution
Agendas For Against Abstain
The National Awakening Party settle it internally in the special VKDUHVRU VKDUHVRU
2nd Agenda VKDUHVRU In the Meeting, the Company reported:
(PKB) and the United Develop- committee to avoid the plenary,” 
Eighth Agenda:
ment Party (PPP), two Islamist Yandri said. 3rd Agenda

central government’s ruling co- expect to overturn the majority 4th Agenda

alition, also expressed support for by initiating a proposal to hear VKDUHV 00 shares or FRVWRI3XEOLF2IIHULQJ%RQGVLVXVHGIRUSD\PHQWRISDUWLDOGHEWEDVHGRQ L )DFLOLW\$JUHHPHQWIRU
5th Agenda VKDUHVRU
eliminating the so-called presi- President Joko “Jokowi” Wido- RU  866LQJOH&XUUHQF\7HUP)DFLOLW\DQG LL )DFLOLW\$JUHHPHQWIRU866LQJOH
dential threshold in the latest do’s opinion on the matter. “If the 7th Agenda
meeting to deliberate the bill. President supports the zero pres- FRQVLVW RI DQ DPRXQW RI 5S RU  RI QHW SURFHHGV LV XVHG HQWLUHO\ IRU SD\PHQW
the Meeting is a report, then voting is not conducted. 5S RU  RI QHW SURFHHGV LV XVHG HQWLUHO\ IRU SD\PHQW RI SDUWLDO GHEW EDVHG RQ
the House of Representatives — we as supporters of the govern- )DFLOLW\$JUHHPHQWIRU866LQJOH&XUUHQF\7HUP)DFLOLW\
H. Resolution of the Meeting is:
First Agenda:
20 percent bar for the presiden- Golkar Party said. 31 December 2016 including the Report of the Board of Directors and ratify the Report of Supervisory )XUWKHUPRUHLQFRQQHFWLRQZLWKWKH6HFRQG$JHQGDRIWKH0HHWLQJDVPHQWLRQHGDERYHZKHUHWKH0HHWLQJ
The chairman of the special kandar criticized Lukman and DXGLWHGE\WKH³260$1%,1*6$75,2 (1<´3XEOLF$FFRXQWLQJ)LUPZLWKWKHRSLQLRQRI´)DLULQ$OO
ating the bill, Lukman Edy, said porting the zero threshold, calling   $SSURYH WR JUDQW IXOO UHOHDVH DQG GLVFKDUJH WR DOO REOLJDWLRQV ³9ROOHGLJ $FTXLW HW GH &KDUJH´  WR NO REMARKS DATE
the decision was made during a it “a joke.” the entire members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners of the
Ɣ &DVK0DUNHWV 15 May 2017
of a smaller working group from will be too crowded and it will &RPSDQ\H[FHSWIRUDQ\IUDXGHPEH]]OHPHQWDQGDQ\RWKHUFULPHV
Friday to Sunday in Bandung, take longer to negotiate [among Second Agenda:
Ɣ &DVK0DUNHWV 16 May 2017

 RIWKH&RPSDQ\/DZ Procedures of the Cash Dividend Distribution:
announcement to shareholders.
PT CHANDRA ASRI PETROCHEMICAL TBK VKDUH ZKLFK KDV EHHQ SDLG RQ  6HSWHPEHU  DV VXFK WKH UHPDLQLQJ LQ WKH DPRXQW RI Register of Shareholders of the Company on 15 May 2017 as of 4.00 pm Western Indonesia Time
Domiciled in Jakarta 86SHUVKDUHZLOOEHSDLGWRWKH&RPSDQ\¶V6KDUHKRGHUVZKRVHQDPHVDUHUHJLVWHUHG (hereinafter referred to as “the Eligible Shareholders”).
in the Company’s Register of Shareholders on 15 May 2017 (recording date) at 16.00 Western 3. Payment of Cash Dividend:
Company’s business activities. %XUHDX 37 5D\D 6DKDP 5HJLVWUD ³5HJLVWUD´  GRPLFLOHG LQ 3OD]D 6HQWUDO nd )ORRU -DODQ -HQG
or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, and Cash Flows of Consolidated Financial this Meeting and the Meeting further ratify the Company’s Board of Commissioners to determine the payment from the relevant KSEI account holder.
1. Approve to appoint Accountant Bing Harianto of the ”SATRIO BING ENY & PARTNERS” Public Registra the latest on 15 May 2017 as of 4.00 pm Western Indonesia Time. Without the inclusion of TIN,
Jakarta, 4 May 2017 Fifth Agenda:
1. Approve pledge of all or most of the Company’s assets to guarantee the obligations of the Company Jakarta, 4 May 2017
4 | CITY THURSDAY May 4, 2017


City prepares to merge water companies
JAKARTA: The Jakarta administration is drafting a plan to merge the
city’s two water companies, sewage company PD PAL Jaya and water
utility PAM Jaya, into a single entity called Perumda Air Jakarta.
Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that the
administration was in the process of preparing the management struc-
ture of Perumda Air Jakarta while it was awaiting discussions over the
regulation for the merger.
“To merge the two companies, we need a regional regulation. Now
we are preparing the company’s management first,” he said at City
Hall on Wednesday as quoted by
The idea behind the merger came from big cities in other countries,
which have single entities that treat wastewater and provide clean
water, Ahok added.
“All over the world, [the management of] waste water and clean
water is one. So if we want clean water, we immediately install pipes
to get the wastewater as well. So they benefit each other,” he said.
Water pollution and a lack of clean water sources are among the
major problems in the capital, yet efforts to resolve them have been
PAM Jaya can only meet about 60 percent of the city’s water needs
and claims it cannot expand its services because it lacks a water supply.
By merging the companies, the city administration aims to tackle
problems with both the supply and treatment of water. — JP

Jakarta gets additional haj quota

JAKARTA: The haj quota for Jakarta citizens has been expanded to
7,891 in 2017, an increase of 2,263 from last year.
Jakarta city secretary Saefullah said that last year the haj quota for
the city was 5,628.
In order to accommodate the increase, the administration has ex-
panded the budget and prepared more officials.
“This year, there will be an increase of haj officials from 50 to 61,” JP/Dhoni Setiawan
Saefullah said on Wednesday as quoted by Construction workers finish the highway project for Transjakarta Corridor 13 in Kebayoran, South Jakarta, on Wednesday. PT Transportasi Ja-
The funds for the budget increase would be classified as unexpected karta (Transjakarta) is set to test out the route for its newly built Corridor 13 this week, which will connect Jl. Tendean with Jl. Ciledug in South
expenditures because of the urgency of the matter, he added. Jakarta, with an estimated journey time of around 30 minutes.
“The haj schedule could not be changed,” Saefullah said.
The head of Jakarta’s mental and spiritual education bureau, Hendra
Hidayat, said that there would be an increase of Rp 1.5 billion over the
previous budget of Rp 3.5 billion.
“The increase of the haj quota has boosted the number of groups
from 18 to 21,” he said.
Jakarta’s haj quota was cut in 2013 because of the renovation of the
Masjidil Haram grand mosque in Saudi Arabia.
“This year, the quota has returned to the normal figure of 7,084 per
LIPI urges govt to tackle
year, with an additional quota of 807,” said Hendra. — JP

Police confiscate FPI leader’s phone

discrimination issues
JAKARTA: The Jakarta Police have confiscated a cell phone belonging Callistasia Anggun Wijaya Govt told to take leaders for official student organi- violations, she said.
to firebrand Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab. THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA SARA issues seriously, zations (OSIS). Irine added that regulations
The confiscation of the phone took place in relation to the police’s incorporate regulations Citing an official report from under the Electronic Information
investigation into pornographic conversations that allegedly occurred The Indonesian Institute of under anti-discrimination the Culture and Education Min- and Transactions Law should also
between Rizieq and Firza Husein, a treason suspect. The steamy chats Sciences (LIPI) has urged the law into election law istry, Henny Supolo, chairwom- be adopted under election laws to
leaked onto the internet earlier this year. government to immediately in- an of the foundation, said several control campaign speech online.
The leaked material was uploaded onto the now-blocked website corporate regulations stipulated Researchers warn of students in some schools in Sing- Another LIPI researcher, Sy- under the Anti-Discrimination further exploitation of kawang, West Kalimantan, and amsuddin Haris, said the politici-
Screenshots of the chats display controversial messages and nude Law into existing election laws Salatiga, Central Java, said they zation of religious matters during
amid lingering ethnic, religious, SARA sentiments ahead did not want to have non-Muslim the election was a setback and in-
pictures. of regional elections
A voice message allegedly containing Firza’s voice was also up- racial and social group (SARA) OSIS leaders. fluenced the way residents voted.
loaded. sentiments among the public fol- in 2018, presidential Irine added that with the up- This issue, Haris said, was high-
The phone was not taken from Rizieq himself, but from Muchsin lowing the divisive Jakarta guber- election in 2019 coming regional election in 2018 ly exploited during the election,
Alatas, head of the FPI Jakarta branch, said Jakarta Police spokesperson natorial election. and presidential election in 2019, with the state tending to be am-
Sr. Comr. Argo Yuwono. LIPI political researcher Irine ementary school student in Jaga- the exploitation of SARA issues bivalent toward minority groups,
“[The police got the phone] from someone else. From Muchsin,” Hiraswari Gayatri said in a dis- karsa, South Jakarta, who made a could continue, especially in opting instead to side with the
Argo said as quoted by on Tuesday, adding cussion on Wednesday that the pantun (quatrain reading) that said Muslim-majority regions, such majority.
that the phone was not given to them voluntarily. exploitation of SARA sentiments Muslims should not vote for Ahok. as West Java, East Java, South Su- It would therefore be crucial
The investigators, he said, found messages containing “intense against Jakarta Governor Basuki “The Jakarta election, regard- lawesi and West Sumatra. for civil societies to create a har-
things” between Rizieq and Firza on the phone. However, he refused “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, a Chris- less of its result, severely impacted For that reason, Irine said, the monious environment among the
to disclose the content. tian of Chinese descent, during residents, as it taught them diver- government needed to quickly in- people moving forward, he said.
“We will reveal it all during trial,” he said. the campaign season was not a sity is bad,” Irine said at the LIPI corporate regulations under Law Meanwhile, Association for
The police detained Firza last February and searched her house in frivolous matter. office in South Jakarta. “A sense No. 40/2008 on the Elimination Elections and Democracy (Perlu-
Lubang Buaya, East Jakarta, to obtain evidence regarding the case. This issue, she said, had cost of unity has left as people were in- of Racial and Ethnic Discrimina- dem) head Titi Anggraeni said the
Firza was later released. the nation, as it not only affected fluenced [to believe] that a leader tion in both its regional and na- government, through its ministries
Firza, Rizieq, Rizieq’s wife and a friend of Firza’s were summoned Jakarta voters, but also citizens must be Muslim, even though the tional election laws. and election commissions, should
again last Tuesday for questioning. However, none of them showed in other regions, including chil- election was about voting for a According to the law, victims of optimize the dissemination of po-
up. — JP dren, as discriminatory remarks governor, not an imam for shalat.” discrimination can individually litical education to residents.
against the governor were widely On Tuesday, non-governmen- or through class action file a law- In the education sector, for in-
spread through social media plat- tal group Cahaya Guru Founda- suit with the district court against stance, the government needed to
Gated area forms, at mosques and on ban-
ners across the city.
tion, which specializes in train-
ing teachers, suggested that the
discriminative actions they faced.
The Elections Supervisory
promote values of diversity and
tolerance to students, Titi said,
Citing an example of hate Jakarta election affected how Agency (Bawaslu) could refer to adding that tolerance was a qual-
speech, Irine said she saw an el- students in some regions elected the regulations to handle future ity internalized at an early age.


Anies-Sandiaga transition team eyes revised city budget

Jakarta Governor Basuki cotted Ahok for his blasphemy Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus and clude their programs in the [bud-
“Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama may defendant status in February, are the Jakarta Health Card (KJS) Plus. get priorities] for the 2018 APBD,
travel a bumpy road approach- set to become the backbone of the City Hall is currently drafting they can do that,” Ahok said.
ing the end of his tenure as he will transition team. its revised budget, which is usual- He added that the transition
need to accommodate in the city “The public will ask the po- ly deliberated in August. Drafting team could only offer suggestions
budget programs planned by pre- litical parties who endorsed the for the APBD customarily starts regarding the revised budget —
sumptive successor Anies Baswe- [Anies and Sandiaga] to fulfill the in September the next year, then which is something all Jakarta
dan, which he called unrealistic pair’s campaign promises. There- discussed in mid-December. residents could do.
during the campaign period. fore, we will assist the them [...] by “If [Anies and Sandiaga’s pro- However, the team could not
Currently, Anies and his pre- engaging experts,” Suhaimi said. grams] could be included in the interfere with the current admin-
sumptive deputy, Sandiaga Uno, Syarif, a Gerindra politician who revised budget, we hope to imple- istration’s priority, for example
are preparing a transition team is also the secretary for Anies and ment 20 to 30 percent of them to develop the Light Rail Transit
that will facilitate a transfer of Sandiaga’s campaign team, said between October and December (LRT), he said.
power in October. the transition team would consult this year,” Syarif said, without re- During the heated campaign
Abdurrahman Suhaimi, Pros- with Ahok’s administration in the vealing how much the team will period, Ahok and his running
perous Justice Party (PKS) fac- hopes of including some of the pre- earmark for its programs. mate, Djarot Saiful Hidayat, crit-
tion head in the Jakarta City sumptive pair’s key programs in the Members of the transition icized all of Anies and Sandiaga’s
Council, said this team would city’s 2017 revised budget (APBD- team will be announced on Friday key programs.
comprise members of Gerindra P) and the General Budget Policies and start working next Monday. They called the zero-rupiah
and the PKS, two political parties and Provisional Budget Ceiling and Separately, Ahok said it was im- mortgage scheme unrealistic and
JP/Seto Wardhana that backed the pair in the elec- Priorities (KUA-PPAS) for the 2018 possible for the transition team to predicted that the OK OCE pro-
A Jakarta Transportation Agency officer inspects a newly tion, as well as volunteers. budget (APBD). revise the former. gram would likely not be imple-
installed electronic parking gate at a child-friendly integrated Gerindra and PKS, which were Their key programs include the “They can’t revise the APBD-P mented because of the large bud-
public space (RPTRA) in Kalijodo, North Jakarta, on Tuesday. also among the four political par- zero-rupiah mortgage, the entre- draft because it is still under my get it requires.
The gate was installed to prevent illegal parking. ties in the City Council that boy- preneurship OK OCE initiative, the administration. If they want to in- — JP/CALLISTASIA ANGGUN WIJAYA


Govt to revive airstrip development in Panjang Island

Ivany Atina Arbi The winner will be given a per- ment fund allocated in 2006. BPK and the Jakarta Inspector- lands, he added. in Maluku. Yogyakarta and the Thou-
THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA mit to develop the tourist area “We have used a certain ate’s audit results. “Tourists wanting to go to the sand Islands off the coast of Jakarta
with, for example, a resort. amount from the local budget to “If the airstrip is in full opera- Thousand Islands [will be able are also among the emerging desti-
In a bid to boost tourism in the “One of the requirements [of the build the airstrip, but we have yet tion, there will be an increase in to] use either small planes or he- nations to be developed.
Thousand Islands, the Jakarta ad- permit], of course, is to finish devel- to benefit from it,” Saefullah said. visitors. The number of tourists licopters,” Saefullah said. The Thousand Islands regen-
ministration plans to continue de- oping the airstrip first,” Jakarta city “Now we want the private sector visiting the Thousand Islands has The government has said it cy itself has numerous exotic is-
velopment of an abandoned air- secretary Saefullah said at City Hall to continue its development, so already exceeded our target set will focus on the development of lands, such as Tidung Island,
strip project in Panjang Island by in Central Jakarta on Tuesday. that our local budget can be used [for one year],” he said. 10 emerging tourist destinations which is located relatively close
holding a tender bid for the private The project, estimated to cost for other priority projects.” A total of 7 million domestic in a bid to double the number of to Jakarta as it can be reached by
sector, thereby minimizing use of Rp 80 billion (US$6 million), Panjang Island has an area of and foreign tourists are targeted foreign tourist arrivals within five a one-hour ferry ride from Muara
the regional budget (APBD). came to a halt mid-construction 40 hectares, while the unfinished to visit one of 10 priority desti- years, from around 9.4 million in Angke Port in North Jakarta.
The tender will be held in the because of alleged budget misuse airstrip is 900 meters in length nations in the country this year. 2014 to about 20 million in 2019. White beaches and clear blue
near future, after the Supreme by then Thousand Islands regent and 23 meters in width. However, about 8 million tour- The selected priority destinations waters surround the entire coast
Audit Agency (BPK) and the Ja- Abdul Rahman Andit. Thousand Islands Regent Budi ists have visited the Thousand Is- include Lake Toba in North Suma- of the island. Tidung waters are
karta Inspectorate finishes audit- He allegedly mismanaged Utomo said he fully supported the lands, Saefullah said. tera, Bromo in East Java, Mandalika quite shallow and almost over-
ing the project, which has been Rp 1.2 billion from the regency’s development plan, but reiterated The airstrip would make it in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Tan- grown with coral reefs that are
abandoned since 2009. Rp 2.5 billion airstrip develop- that it would have to wait for the easier for tourists to reach the is- jung Lesung in Banten and Morotai still in excellent condition.

Young orangutans find ISLAND FOCUS

sanctuary in Pulang Pisau Jayapura

Labuan Bajo
Moses Ompusunggu With around 700 school) at BOSF’s rehabilitation
THE JAKARTA POST/PULANG PISAU, orangutans, BOSF has center in Nyaru Menteng.
CENTRAL KALIMANTAN largest sanctuaries in One of the women, Sri Raha-
world yu, an employee at the facility Nine children killed as truck overturns
At the verdant Salat Island since 2007, spends most days tak-
orangutan pre-release site in Pu- Center nurtures young ing care of the orangutans. She JAYAPURA: A truck carrying sand overturned in Kimupugi village,
lang Pisau, Central Kalimantan, orangutans for years said she would always “burst into Dogiyai district, in Papua on Tuesday, killing at least 10 people, mostly
Romeo, a 10-year-old male orang- tears” when any of the arboreal school-age children, and injuring 14 others.
utan, was busy trying to open a
before releasing them in apes “passed the training,” which “The 10 victims are being buried today [Wednesday] and the police
coconut using a rock in a scene wild typically lasts six to seven years. are also conducting a crime scene investigation into the accident,” Papua
reminiscent of the ape-like men’s “But the tears are not a form of Police spokesman Sr. Comr. AM Kamal said in Jayapura on Wednesday.
actions in the opening scene of mantan. The group members de- sadness. Rather, I cry because fi- The fatalities comprised nine children aged 8 to 13 years and one
Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 magnum scribe themselves as “teachers, as nally they are a step closer to be- adult, M. Ansori, 30, the truck driver, he said.
opus 2001: A Space Odyssey. well as mothers” for the apes and coming real orangutans,” said Sri. The accident took place as the children were riding on the truck,
The coconut was supplied by aim to rehabilitate them before Orangutans are dependent on which was carrying sand from Kimipugi to Egebutu village. The driver
workers of the facility — run by releasing them in the wild. their mothers for seven years be- attempted unsuccessfully to climb a hill and the truck rolled back and
local conservation group the Bor- Workers in Nyaru Menteng fore they fend for themselves, but flipped over, burying the children in the sand.
neo Orangutan Survival Founda- lead a school forest program for rampant deforestation driven by “Local people burned the truck after the accident,” Kamal said. — JP
tion (BOSF) — who also beckoned the orangutans that teaches sur- land clearing for industries, such
Romeo’s fellow orangutans, 24 in vival and food gathering skills, as palm oil, timber and mining,
total, to have lunch with him un- among others. After they are JP/Moses Ompusunggu has threatened the species and its Foreign tourist bitten by Komodo dragon
der the lush rainforest canopy. deemed mature enough to face Playful: Juvenile orangutans natural bonding process.
“He [Romeo] needs to be famil- situations in the wild, they are re- spend time with workers and With forests shrinking at an LABUAN BAJO: A 50-year-old tourist from Singapore was attacked by
iar with life in the wild. That’s why located to the pre-release site and their surrogate mothers at a alarming rate, orangutans are a Komodo dragon in West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on
we don’t feed him, but merely pro- spend six months to a year there rehabilitation center in Nyaru forced to seek new homes, such Wednesday morning.
vide him with the fruits, letting before being released to the wild. Menteng, Central Kalimantan, as in plantations. Locals, mean- Lon Lee Alle, who was in the area to visit the Komodo National
the orangutans open them up by In order to provide more pre- on Monday. while, often capture the infants as Park, was severely injured by a bite to his left leg.
themselves,” BOSF CEO Jamartin release sites for the orangutans, pets, leaving the mothers behind. According to the park’s head, Sudiyono, Alle was watching several
Sihite told The Jakarta Post during BOSF has teamed up with pub- wrong if we are still the biggest,” Nyaru Menteng rehabilitation Komodos feeding on pigs and goats. He approached the animals to take
a recent visit to the site. licly listed palm oil company PT Jamartin said. center manager Denny Kurni- pictures, ignoring locals who warned that he should not get too close.
The BOSF, the biggest orang- Sawit Sumbermas Sarana, which Just an hour’s drive from Salat awan said around 40 percent of the “He must have been too close. A Komodo doesn’t like to be dis-
utan rehabilitation foundation bought 1,434 hectares of land Island, a delta in the Kahayan Riv- orangutans in the foundation’s fa- turbed while eating,” Sudiyono told The Jakarta Post.
worldwide, currently takes care around the current Salat Island er, dozens of infant orangutans cilities in Central Kalimantan were Locals immediately helped pull Sudiyono away from the pack of Komo-
of around 700 orangutans in its site. “We hope to go from being played with women acting as their rescued from plantations, thanks to dos and rushed him to a nearby medical center where he received first aid.
facilities on Salat Island and in the biggest rehab foundation in surrogate mothers after conclud- tip-offs from citizens. The remain- Alle was then taken to the Siloam General Hospital by military speed boat.
Nyaru Menteng in Central Kali- the world for orangutans to the ing their daily reintroduction ing 60 percent come from locals “This is the first incident of a human being bitten by a Komodo
mantan and Samboja in East Kali- smallest. Something must be training at a sekolah hutan (forest who previously kept them as pets. dragon in the past five years,” Sudiyono said. — JP


BP Batam eyes Hang Nadim airport as transportation hub

Fadli lion passengers from the current eign private companies, he said. Nadim airport management such as flight companies from port has the longest runaway in
THE JAKARTA POST/BATAM 5 million passengers and the de- The government, through the three times. their respective countries to open Asia, which spans 4,025 meters,
velopment of a new terminal that Transportation Ministry, has Meanwhile, state-run airport flight routes to the airport. and is capable of accommodat-
The Batam Industrial Develop- is expected to accommodate 10 eased foreign investment re- operator PT Angkasa Pura has “Hang Nadim’s proximity to ing 120 takeoffs and landings ev-
ment Authority (BP Batam) plans million passengers. The project quirements for the aviation sec- also filed a proposal to join the KLIA [Kuala Lumpur Interna- ery day.
to expand and improve infra- will reportedly start in 2019. tor. Foreign firms can now have bidding, he added. tional Airport, Malaysia] and Moreover, BP Batam spokes-
structure at Hang Nadim Inter- “The objective [of the upgrade] a 67 percent share in managing BP Batam will conduct a “beau- Changi [Singapore] is a competi- man Purnomo Andiantono also
national Airport in Batam, Riau is to reaffirm Hang Nadim’s pur- airports. ty contest” to choose partners tive advantage,” he said. said the company planned to
Islands, under a massive project pose as a hub airport,” the air- Japanese company Mitsui that that it believes will bring mutu- At present, only 45 percent build a cargo terminal to accom-
with a US$448 million price tag, port’s operational general manag- manages Haneda Airport has ex- ally beneficial cooperation. of the airport’s 1,760-hectares modate the increasing amount
which for the first time will open er, Suwarso, told The Jakarta Post pressed interest in joining the Suwarso also said that for for- plot of land has been developed. of goods being delivered through
airport management to foreign on Tuesday. bidding to manage Hang Nadim, eign operators like Mitsui and The rest is expected to be de- the airport.
participants. The central government will Suwarso said. Other companies Incheon, Hang Nadim had a stra- veloped by the airport opera- “We will also complete the
The upgrade will include the fund the project while the man- that have also expressed interest tegic position and could be de- tor company chosen to manage airport with modern supporting
improvement of the old terminal agement of the airport will be of- include South Korean Incheon, veloped more maximally. He said Hang Nadim. facilities,” he said as reported by
to increase its capacity to 8 mil- fered to both domestic and for- which has already met with Hang they could invite related parties Currently, Hang Nadim air-
6 | OPINION THURSDAY May 4, 2017

Safety regulations matter

he same old story resulting from the ram- Raw mineral exports
T pant violation of safety regulations repeats
itself, turning a merry trip to the hilly resort
area of Puncak in West Java into mourning
following the loss of lives in two separate ac- from different perspective
cidents in a week. Based on the police’s early investigation,
the tragedies resulted from brake failure, which could,

edia reports sur- The second concept is “Tech- running out of bauxite within
and should, have been detected earlier. rounding the coun- nology Advancement”. The best two decades. The ban can unde-
The deaths of 12 people when their bus plunged into try’s mining in- example of this is the peak oil niably save us from a depletion
a plantation after colliding with a number of vehicles on dustry has been theory by a geologist and scien- catastrophe.
Monday, and four others in another multiple collision recently dominated by Freeport, Alexander tist named M. King Hubbert. However, after the ban, there
in an earlier accident, are too many, even in a country Freeport and Freeport. However Senaputra He forecast a timeline when the are only two bauxite-to-alumina
there are more issues in the coun- JAKARTA world’s oil reserves would reach refineries operating so far: Hari-
where compliance with traffic regulations remains low try’s mining sector that need to be a peak and then decline. In his ta Well Harvest and Antam CGA.
and enforcement of the traffic law is weak. raised and discussed. the previous Law No. 4/2009. prediction, it was to have peaked Currently, they process 4 million
Blaming drivers who ignore safety rules at will, or The Freeport saga is a result Working for years in bauxite in 2010. However, in reality the tons of bauxite annually, at max-
their employers, and imprisoning them is easy, but of Government Regulation (PP) processing, I would see reversing world’s oil reserves have been in- imum. This means our reserves
this only amounts to scapegoating, without a compre- No. 1/2017, which eventually gives the mineral export ban from a dif- creasing since 2008 until now will last for 250 years or even lon-
hensive solution to the entrenched disrespect for Freeport a choice of converting ferent perspective. and the production rate has been ger if new deposits are found and
its contract of work (CoW) with There are two fundamental too — thanks to a technological (r) become economically viable. The
traffic regulations. a requirement to build a smelter, concepts that need to be exam- evolution. question is if aluminum or any
First and foremost, the standard operating procedures for or continuing with the CoW un- ined when discussing non-re- Hydraulic fracking and hori- metal would still hold the same
declaring a public bus roadworthy need revisiting. Reports til 2021 with the possibility of not newable natural resources. First zontal drilling help oil and gas economic value as today, based
have it that to secure a vehicle roadworthiness certificate being granted an extension. is the “present value” from a very companies tap unconventional on the present value concept and
from the transportation authorities, money still talks. Issued as the fourth revision influential article: “The Econom- deposits by accessing deeper and also when technology advance-
The latest two accidents involving buses that could op- of PP No. 23/2010, PP. No. 1/2017 ics of Exhaustible Resources” vastly elongated in-land sources. ment gradually progresses to-
erate despite unsafe brakes should speak volumes about was also accompanied by Energy by Harold Hotelling, which is Fractured oil wells unpredictably ward polymers as the material of
and Mineral Resources Minister’s re-discussed by John E. Tilton contributed to almost doubling the future.
the lack of implementation of public transportation road- Regulation (Permen ESDM) No. in his book that serves as a bible US oil production from 5 million In fact, alumina prices have de-
worthiness systems. Such poor supervision has persisted 5 and 6/2017, which gives details for mineral economists: On Bor- barrels per day in 2005 to 9 mil- creased from US$400 to $230 per
for years as brake failure was the cause of at least two fatal about what was being revised in rowed Time. It is said there that lion barrels per day in 2015. ton because of market oversup-
crashes involving public buses in Puncak between 2013 PP No. 23/2010. the mine’s goal is to maximize the The bottom line is that tech- ply, before bouncing back to a lev-
and 2016. Two of the most discussed is- present value of its current and nology breakthroughs can hap- el of near $300 recently. In some
The practice of bribing traffic police officers for a sues are nickel ore with a grade of future profits. pen at any part of the supply chain cases, the longer we wait the low-
less than 1.7 percent that can now The present value means a dol- and often become game changers er the economic gain we get from
driver’s license, in particular licenses for public trans- be exported, as well as washed lar received today is worth far that may bring benefits or dam- mineral extraction.
portation drivers, is another acute problem that has bauxite with Al203 content great- more than a dollar received years age depending on our positions — Therefore, we would better
contributed much to traffic accidents in the country. The er than or equal to 42 percent as later, for it can be invested and likewise the weakening position focus on the quest for the opti-
online system, accompanied by an increase in administra- stipulated in article 10 of Permen earn a return rate. Michael Spen- of the Organization of Petroleum mum rate of mineral extraction,
tion fees, introduced by National Police chief Gen. Tito ESDM No. 5/2017. ce, a Nobel Laureate economist, Exporting Countries (OPEC) although that means some of the
Karnavian last year, should end the corrupt culture, but it Resistance to the resumption also emphasized the trickle-down when unconventional oil is pro- ore must be exported for the capi-
remains to be seen whether the initiatives will work. of nickel and bauxite ore exports effect when “a dollar” is invested duced on a mass scale. tal of building domestic process-
is unavoidable. Lately, a non-prof- today rather than later. Going back to the Indonesian ing facilities.
We cannot turn a blind eye either to the still rampant it organization filed the materi- For instance: A new road can bauxite, before the export ban
street bribery involving both errant drivers and dirty al test for those regulations with be built and support the flow of came into effect, the export of
cops at the expense of the enforcement of traffic regula- the Supreme Court, with the hope goods and the flow of goods sup- bauxite ore was 60 million tons The writer works as technical
tions. This practice has cost the law and its enforcers that those regulations would be port the economic growth of an a year. With 1 billion tons of to- adviser for PT Geoservices. The
their credibility. nullified because they contravene area, so on and so forth. tal reserves, Indonesia would be views expressed are his own.
More specifically, the series of traffic accidents in Pun-
cak requires extra efforts to prevent more road users being
killed and injured. The crowded route on weekends and
holidays testifies to the inability of the road infrastructure
in the holiday resort to accommodate so many tourists.
N. Korea must win back ASEAN goodwill
We appreciate the quick response of the central and Kavi Chongkittavorn more, the grouping’s position has missile test, aiming at provoking condoned without proper investi-
Bogor governments to provide safe journeys to holiday- THE NATION/ANN/BANGKOK also been consistent: De-escala- the US to coincide with President gation and explanation. Obviously,
makers by their plans to widen the road, although this tion of the crisis, denuclearisation Donald Trump’s hundred days in without Malaysia’s full acquies-

or nearly two decades, of North Korea and the resump- office as well as challenging the cence, ASEAN would not be able
will only stimulate more people to go to Puncak and thus North Korea has had am- tion of Six Party Talks (SPT). United Nations Security Council to mobilize its diplomatic efforts
sustain the gridlock. Bogor Regent Nurhayanti’s prom- ple opportunities to use After the ASEAN Regional Fo- meeting on North Korea chaired in whatever capacities.
ise to set up checkpoints to make sure only roadworthy ASEAN goodwill and friendship rum (ARF) was established in by State Secretary Rex Tillerson Second, North Korea must give
public transportation vehicles travel along the hilly route and its numerous mechanisms to 1995, the Korean Peninsula has in New York. What was intriguing an assurance to ASEAN that it
is another effort to prioritize safety. build up confidence and further been dominating the region-wide about Pyongyang’s strategy was would give up its nuclear ambition
Innovations in traffic management in the favorite reduce tensions in the Korean security platform. Sad but true, af- that while it was asking ASEAN and join community-building ef-
tourist destination will, however, still be needed, such as Peninsula. But Pyongyang chose ter joining the ARF in 2000, North for support, it was threatening forts in East Asia. The future of this
to completely ignore ASEAN. Even Korea has not been a good ARF ASEAN, as the latest tests were hermit kingdom lies within this
the even and odd number mechanism currently in place worse, it has taken the group- member due to the lack of a for- timed to coincide with the ASEAN region and its cooperative spirit.
in Jakarta. But unless safety rules prevail, the roads will ing for granted and in the process eign ministerial attendance. Fur- Summit over the weekend. These ASEAN can help ease the pains of
remain a killing field for unsuspecting travelers. greatly undermined its potential thermore, since 2003 the SPT has ballistic missiles can reach all economic integration of central-
power to shape issues impacting been dragging on without any sub- ASEAN capitals. ized economies. Just look at the
Step down, Maduro peace and security in earlier days.
Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho’s
stantive progress. All SPT mem-
bers belong to the ARF, which
The ASEAN chairman’s state-
ment, which was released yester-
progress of the ASEAN Commu-
nity, which now incorporate all
letter to ASEAN secretary-gener- ASEAN had hoped could be used day after the end of 30th summit on countries in Southeast Asia.
 t is only a matter of time before Venezuelan al Le Luong Minh warned that the as a platform to build up confi- Saturday, again expressed “grave Without this prerequisite,

I President Nicolas Maduro’s dictatorship

falls. He is wrong to think Venezuelans will
always love him simply for being the direct
choice of the late Hugo Chavez, the “Robin
situation in the Korean Peninsula
was “reaching the brink of war”
because of the United States ac-
tion. He urged the ASEAN chief to
inform member countries about
dence and reduce tensions.
In addition, Pyongyang also ac-
ceded to the Treaty of Amity and
Cooperation in 2008, accepting
the 1976 regional code of conduct
concern” over the latest test. The
ASEAN leaders also called for
self-restraint not to exacerbate
the current tension and explore
awareness of immediate dialogue.
North Korea will remain a bellig-
erent nation as always. ASEAN
has been consistent in express-
ing concerns over Pyongyang’s
repeated tests of mass weapons
Hood” of the oil-rich state.  the grave situation on the ground. that advocates pacifist means of In the context of Asian diplo- of destruction. At this juncture,
The history of many nations, including Indonesia, Truth be told, ASEAN leaders resolving conflicts and denounces macy, however, it is better late and ASEAN has also taken up a com-
shows that no leader can survive in a collapsed economy have been well informed as they the use of force. Back then, ASEAN never. There are few tangible steps mon position to push for a global
while also plundering through abuses of power alongside have issued numerous statements sincerely hoped it could persuade that Pyongyang needs to take to ban treaty for nuclear weapons,
their cronies. Soeharto ended his 32-year rule following expressing concerns over Pyong- Pyongyang to be part of the new bring back longstanding ASEAN which is currently under negotia-
the Asian financial crisis, when Indonesia suffered the yang’s intransigence in the past make-up of regional architecture goodwill and confidence before tion at the UN.
years. as ASEAN was expanding its role any decision to do North Korea’s All in all, North Korea does not
most compared to its neighbors.  The Korean Peninsula crisis and region-wide security forum. bidding. At this juncture, Pyong- have to be aggressive with ASEAN
Maduro inherited power from his mentor Chavez has been greatly escalated by the But the expectation was a bit pre- yang’s important gesture must be as it is not threatening anyone.
who died in 2013. Chavez, who came to power in 1998, frequent testing of ballistic mis- mature, as North Korea has con- to communicate frankly with Ma- There is no loss of face involved in
was hugely popular for his distribution of the abundant siles and nuclear-related weapons tinued to pursue its nuclear am- laysia about the incident at Kuala dealing with ASEAN. The country
revenue gained from a skyrocketing oil price. He provided since Kim Jong-un came to pow- bition without addressing ASEAN Lumpur International Airport in has a clear choice to make — the
free education, healthcare, heavily subsidized food staples er at the end of 2011. Minh would concerns and issues related to February. path of more isolation or integra-
and housing for the people. He was known globally as the probably not respond to Ho’s let- peace and security in the region. The murder of Kim Jong-nam, tion. As its 50-year history has
ter because ASEAN does not trust Just this month alone, Pyong- Kim Jong-un’s half brother, re- manifested, ASEAN is very good
poster boy for anti-United States sentiments. North Korea any more. Further- yang conducted three ballistic mains a mystery and cannot be at the second choice.
 The Associated Press reported poverty rates fell
sharply during Chavez’s administration; many continue
to see him as a beloved Robin Hood figure who gave them
houses, free healthcare, better education and a place at the
table in the government. 
Italy will be Europe’s next big problem
Maduro should end his four-year government rule and
Ferdinando Giugliano Meanwhile Italian politics goes chases of government debt. The come muddled. He claims to be
stop the bloodshed caused by his loyalists. Thousands BLOOMBERG VIEW from bad to worse. The Five Star prospect of political instability in pro-European Union, but never
have lost their lives as victims of the dictator’s brutal Movement, a populist force that Rome could spook investors, rais- misses a chance to bash Brus-
tactics to silence hungry and angry protesters. As Maduro

mmanuel Macron looks on wants to hold a referendum on It- ing doubts over the sustainability sels — for imposing fiscal auster-
would clearly continue to silence anyone who defies his course to become France’s aly’s membership of the euro sys- of Italy’s debt. ity, especially. Why should voters
regime, he should be stopped. His attempt to dissolve the new president, ending the tem, is riding high in the polls and In many ways, Matteo Renzi, opt for Renzi’s half-hearted eu-
democratically elected parliament and to rewrite the con- threat of a euroskeptic at the Ely- currently neck and neck with the Italy’s former prime minister, roskepticism when they can have
see. Even if Macron wins, though, center-left Democratic Party. who resigned after a heavy de- the real thing?
stitution to allow him to remain president is intolerable. it’ll be too soon to celebrate a new The general election, sched- feat in December’s constitutional A year is a long time in politics.
 Although Maduro has expressed his intention to with- phase of stability in the eurozone. uled for next spring, is unlikely referendum, would be the obvi- Italians could yet grow tired of
draw from the Organization of American States (OAS), Across the Alps, an economic and to produce a clear winner — and ous choice. At 42, he is only three the Five Star Movement and de-
where members include the US, the regional grouping political storm is brewing — and there’s even a small chance it may years older than Macron. He too cide that Renzi offers a safer al-
needs to strengthen concrete measures to isolate Maduro. there’s no sign anyone can stop it. result in a Eurosceptic govern- has sought to modernize the left, ternative — but don’t count on it.
Given that 95 percent of the country’s export earnings Italy’s economic problems are ment, if the Five Stars were to win even though he preferred to climb With luck, France is about to sug-
come from oil, a skyrocketing oil price is the only hope for in many ways worse than France’s. enough votes and form an alliance through the ranks of his party, gest that reason still prevails in
Public debt stands at nearly 133 with the fiercely anti-euro North- rather than set up a new one as European politics. Italy remains
Maduro to retain his rule. However, as such a scenario is percent of gross domestic product ern League. Macron did. capable of proving otherwise.
unlikely, Maduro may not hesitate to take all available, (GDP); in France, it’s 96 percent. Europhiles in Italy are busily The trouble is that Renzi looks
merciless actions against the population.  The last time Italy grew faster than looking for an Italian Macron — increasingly like a spent force.
The International Monetary Fund predicted Venezue- France was in 1995. Both countries someone who could offer a liberal He has just obtained a fresh man- The author writes columns and
la’s inflation would reach 700 percent this year. And as in have struggled to stay competitive remedy for Italy’s economic woes date as party leader, but many editorials on European economics
Indonesia after Soeharto’s fall, Venezuela now has little internationally — but French pro- while fighting off the threat of “It- Italians doubt his promises be- for Bloomberg View. He is also an
choice but to sell its major assets, including state oil firm ductivity has risen by roughly 15 exit.” Investors would like that. In cause he reneged on a pledge to economics columnist for La Repub-
percent since 2001, whereas Italy’s the autumn, the European Cen- quit politics if he lost the refer- blica and was a member of the edito-
Petróleos de Venezuela, SA. has stagnated. tral Bank looks set to slow its pur- endum. His message has also be- rial board of the Financial Times. 


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THURSDAY May 4, 2017 OPINION | 7

TNI AU and technology parity awareness

f we look through the macro eign and capable defense indus- is a must to obtain a minimum velopment. By joining the global latest defense technology devel-
lens, the development of jet try. On the other hand, “stronger number of purchases, which defense supply chain system, the opment. It is instead a very im-
fighters is moving at a speed now” is easier to achieve through would optimize the value of the most expensive portion of re- portant concept to reverse the
nearly comparable to the off-the-shelf acquisition, which offset we can get. The offset val- search and development costs is arms race tendency, which will
advancement of smartphones. Haryo B. inflicts significant opportunity ue should be manifest not only shared, with a bonus in the form enable defense technology pro-
The Cold War legacy, which was Rahmadi costs for a sovereign defense in- in our air power capabilities, skill of a higher learning curve, which ducers worldwide to communi-
marked by size, speed and de- JAKARTA dustry, as the industry is denied improvements of our airmen and is impossible to achieve under the cate with each other in tackling
structive power, has been gradu- participation in building defense aviation industry workers, but economies of scale in an autarky cross-border and cross-sectoral
ally replaced by more maneuver- flected strategic and technologi- capability. also in the integration of PTDI to approach. threats.
able, smarter and more efficient cal comprehension that materi- Opportunely, the defense in- the global defense supply chain. One very important goal of Acquisition of proven tech-
capabilities; packed in a multi- alized through the formation of a dustry law bridges these contra- Producers of weapon systems employing the technology parity nology from the market, like
role platform corresponding to state aircraft maker, which is now dictory visions by regulating de- usually require a minimum pur- concept is higher availability and the AW101 helicopter and the
wider duty calls. This way, quan- known as PT Dirgantara Indone- fense offset as an obligation in chase before they are willing to readiness with more readable ra- planned acquisition of Airbus
tity builds up and arms races be- sia (PTDI). defense acquisition. In general, negotiate offsets, which could tionalization, standardization A400M Atlas heavy transport
come irrelevant. The Air Force played a pivotal defense offset is defined as the range from supplying parts and and interoperability (RSI) of de- aircraft, will be a positive step
For Indonesia today, the con- role in the initial efforts to form willingness of weapon sellers to components to establishing as- fense equipment. In a world with for Indonesia. In turn, the vast
cept that should prevail is “tech- an indigenous aerospace indus- buy products or services from the sembly or manufacturing lines in growing resource scarcities, RSI spectrum of defense acquisition
nology parity” or having the latest try. The recent 71st anniversary buying countries. the buying country. in defense logistics and opera- should call on all defense acqui-
technology coupled with a better of the Air Force should therefore By means of defense offset, Nevertheless, it is often said tions has become a headache for sition-related stakeholders to de-
man behind the gun. Indonesia encourage the nation to revive its the technology parity concept of- that the current defense mar- many armed forces, either as ex- vote closer attention and positive
recognized this call 71 years ago, strategic and technological vision. fers a solution to align and syner- ket is a buyers’ market, therefore porters or importers. contributions beyond the defense
when it established the Indone- As the legal umbrella for such gize the two contradictory visions any weapons makers are more The fact that threat dynamics contract time span to safeguard
sian Air Force (TNI AU). a vision, Law No. 16/2012 on the in defense acquisition in two ma- than happy to oblige with any rea- have advanced beyond sectoral the manifestation of this concept
Our visionary founding fathers defense industry stipulates two jor steps. sonable requirement especially and territorial boundaries also into effective practices.
were aware of the need to have a main agenda items of our defense First, acquisition of the best against the backdrop of shrinking contributes to the importance Happy 71st anniversary to the
separate air force less than a year industry: self-sufficiency and ca- technology available in the mar- defense budgets. of this RSI issue since nearly no Indonesian Air Force, may the
after independence. It even came pability strengthening, two vi- ket and combat-proven in mis- The technology parity con- threat nowadays can be isolated force be with you as the Wings of
a year earlier than the United sions that actually contradict sions, for example our recent ac- cept thus calls for the right tar- as merely a single nation’s affair, the Motherland.
States, which only decided to turn each other. quisition of the Anglo-Italian geting of our defense spending, from humanitarian and disaster
the US Army Air Force into the Self-sufficiency is a long and Leonardo AW101 Merlin heavy not only on the technology ac- relief to transnational organized
separate US Air Force in 1947. more expensive journey full of tri- transport helicopter, is manda- quired to strengthen our capabili- crime. The writer lectures on defense
Such awareness emerged be- al-and-error, which sacrifices de- tory to ensure the TNI AU is on a ties, but also on the right amount This again reminds us that management and economics at
yond the mere patriotic spirit of fense capability in the short term par with the latest developments. of spending to ensure significant technology parity is not a subjec- the Indonesian Defense University,
a newly born country, but also re- in an endeavor to build a sover- Second, a thorough calculation offset for our defense industry de- tive approach to cope with the Sentul, Bogor.

Protests alone won’t

fix Venezuela
Jennifer McCoy indicted for criminal activity,
REUTERS including drug trafficking, cor-
ruption or human rights abus-

n May 1 opponents of es. Those already on the United
the Venezuelan govern- States sanctions list for such of-
ment once again filled fenses and many others are likely
the streets of Caracas, following a to keep a tight grip on power un-
month of demonstrations against less they know that they won’t be
President Nicolas Maduro in prosecuted in Venezuela or extra-
which 29 people were killed and dited for trial to the US.
hundreds detained. The “polarization trap” comes
In a new gambit to delay elec- from the division between sup-
tions and defuse the protests, porters and opponents of the gov-
Maduro on Monday proposed a ernment, a schism that has ex-
500-person assembly chosen by isted since 2001. The two groups
groups of workers, students and distrust each other and so far
others to rewrite the country’s have been unwilling to engage in
constitution. The opposition de- any kind of conversation about
nounced this move as unconstitu- resolving Venezuela’s problems.
tional, and called Venezuelans to Moderates in the middle who at-
the streets to protest. tempt to compromise or negoti-
But protests alone won’t lead ate a solution to the crisis are con-
to peace for this divided and suf- sidered sell-outs or traitors by the
fering country. Other countries extremes.
need to pressure moderates from Venezuela can escape the “exit
the government and the opposi- cost trap” with a form of transi-
tion to negotiate a solution to the tional justice usually applied after
crisis that has left millions of Ven- civil wars or during transitions
ezuelans with too little food and from authoritarian to democratic
medicine, and a power struggle governments.
between the legislature and the It involves measures like those
Supreme Court.
Venezuela is facing the leg-
acy of 18 years of revolution-
ary change introduced by Hugo
in the recent Colombian peace
agreement, where the govern-
ment offered reduced sentences
to the guerrillas in exchange for
Sustainable infrastructure investment
Chávez. In the 2000s, the Chávez them providing financial com-

government distributed the prof- pensation, turning over their nfrastructure investment activities such as irrigation for ag- by 2019: 100 percent drinking wa-
its from record-high oil prices to weapons, taking responsibility needs are high on the glob- riculture, building resilience and ter access as well as sanitation,
the poor, but failed to invest in the for their crimes and committing al development agenda as adaptation to the impact of cli- 96.6 percent electrification ratio,
national petroleum company and, to not resume the war. the realization of the funding re- mate change. livable housing, infrastructure for
after confiscating many private Venezuela could escape the quirements depends not only on Armida S. How to reconcile sustainable remote and border areas.
businesses, resorted to importing “polarization trap” with the help each country’s financing capacity Alisjahbana infrastructure investment with The second priority is to build
most of the country’s food. of the international community. but also on multilateral coopera- JAKARTA quality infrastructure invest- inter-modal connectivity to con-
In the years following Chávez’s Neighboring countries in tion with other countries or inter- ment? The five Ise-Shima prin- nect regional growth centers,
2013 death, oil prices slid, drop- South America could help Ven- national agencies. resource-efficient economy, for ciples of quality infrastructure broadband development and en-
ping to as low as US$25 per bar- ezuelans overcome their skep- Sustainable and quality infra- example, through energy- and wa- investment and finance adopted ergy infrastructure.
rel in early 2016. The Maduro ticism of negotiation by setting structure investment are two sides ter-efficiency. It is resilient to cli- by the G7 and endorsed by G20 The third is to build sustainable
government refused to loosen its time limits for the government of the same coin. Quality infra- mate risks such as sea-level rise countries entail the same spirit. urban transportation as Indone-
control of foreign currency and to accept medical and food aid, structure investment can facilitate and extreme weather events, and They include Principle 1: En- sia’s population is rapidly urban-
open up the economy, leading to fix dates for internationally- the achievement of the Sustain- — particularly with natural infra- suring efficiency, reliable opera- izing. The combination of road,
shortages of food and medicine, monitored local and national able Development Goals (SDGs), structure — can also increase re- tion, sustainability, safety and rail-based and mass transporta-
a severe recession, and hyper-in- elections, release political pris- which are part of the global devel- silience. resilience; Principle 2: Contribu- tion systems is being developed in
flation currently estimated at 700 oners, restore the legislature’s opment commitments. Sustainable infrastructure in- tion to the local community; Prin- large metropolitan and big cities.
percent. power and stop arming civilian What is sustainable infrastruc- vestment will support the achieve- ciple 3: Addressing social and en- Other countries may have differ-
It responded to its falling pop- militias and repressing peaceful ture investment and how does it ment of SDGs through enhancing vironmental impacts, and use of ent infrastructure development
ularity by postponing governors’ protesters. link to quality infrastructure in- access to basic services, promoting international best practices; Prin- scales and priorities.
elections, jailing opposition lead- International development vestment and finance? To quote inclusive growth and promoting ciple 4: Alignment with national The different drivers of sus-
ers, and arming pro-government banks could suspend multilater- the Report of the Global Com- environmental sustainability. and regional strategies; Principle tainable infrastructure invest-
gangs to intimidate protesters. al loans until the Organization of mission on the Economy and As countries are at different 5: Resource mobilization. ment of the countries concerned
The current crisis could end in American States determines the Climate 2016, sustainable infra- levels of development, it is impor- Sustainable and quality in- will entail different resource-mo-
three ways. First, the protesters Maduro administration is putting structure is infrastructure that is tant to understand the drivers for frastructure investment can be bilization strategies. To arrive at
now in the streets may grow tired democracy back on track. socially, economically and envi- successful sustainable infrastruc- aligned through the priority of principles of quality infrastruc-
and return home, international To be sure, bringing the two ronmentally sustainable. The re- ture investment by type of coun- addressing national and regional ture investment and financing,
attention may fade, and the gov- sides together to negotiate a way port describes the three pillars of tries based on their development priorities and strategies by tak- the first principle is to take on the
ernment could continue to lead out of the crisis will not be easy. sustainable infrastructure invest- stage. The Report of the Global ing into account economic sus- economic principle of sustainable
while waiting for oil prices to rise, The Maduro government con- ment as follows: Commission on the Economy and tainability, social sustainability infrastructure investment, i.e. it
allowing it to make its next bond trols the media, judiciary, elec- Socially sustainable infra- Climate 2016 classifies drivers and environmental sustainabil- does not burden a government
payments in November. During toral council, state oil company, structure is inclusive — it serves of demand for sustainable infra- ity. This approach nicely over- with unpayable debt, or impose
that time the government would security forces and armed civilian all, not just a select few — and structure investment as follows; laps with principles 1, 2 and 3 painfully high costs on users.
likely continue to delay elections militias. contributes to enhanced liveli- At the global level, the rap- of the Ise-Shima principles as In closing, to support the devel-
and suppress dissent. This has Its opposition has in the past hoods and social wellbeing. It id pace and nature of growth in described above. Why first and opment of financing strategies as
happened twice before in the last been weak and divided, racked may be expressly designed to emerging and developing econo- foremost are these national pri- outlined above, several enabling
three years. with internal rivalries and ambi- meet the needs of the poor by in- mies relative to advanced econo- orities and strategies? Because factors and environment needs
Second, the sporadic violence tions that have prevented it from creasing access to basic services mies implies different infrastruc- infrastructure investment is a must be enhanced. Sound public
that now occurs between gov- agreeing on conditions for nego- such as clean energy, water and ture needs. development priority for the de- institutions and foundations for
ernment-armed gangs and the tiations. But moderate voices are sanitation by supporting poverty Achieving climate and sus- veloping and emerging countries public investment should be de-
youths who oppose them could now beginning to call for compro- reduction, and by reducing vul- tainable development objectives concerned and not solely an in- veloped. Policy-enabling condi-
spiral out of control, producing mise rather than all-out victory nerability to climate change. of the Paris Agreement and the vestment issue. tions for SOEs and private partic-
more bloodshed and chaos. over the government. Economically sustainable in- SDGs requires early and systemic Each country’s investment ipation need to be strengthened.
Third, and ideally, moderates The Maduro administration frastructure does not burden gov- action and investment in new and needs and priorities are differ- Capacity to mobilize domestic
on both sides could negotiate to can’t afford to wait. It faces severe ernments with unpayable debt, existing infrastructure. ent based on their development investment through capital mar-
restore constitutional rule and international debt obligations, or impose painfully high costs The challenges for countries, stages. Take the example of In- kets and financial institutions is
checks and balances, end the a loss of popular confidence and on users. It helps create jobs and however are different depending donesia (Bappenas, 2014): for the needed as a source of investment
food and medicine shortage, and the risk that members of its own boosts gross domestic product on their country needs and prior- period of 2015-2019, total infra- as it is geared toward more non-
start the long path to national inner circle could defect. (GDP), and may include opportu- ities as can be ascertained by type structure investment needs are government sources.
recovery through elections and Negotiations are the key to nities to build capacity among lo- of countries. about US$370 billion (41 percent
compromise. Venezuela’s future. The alterna- cal suppliers and developers and Infrastructure demand for low government, 22 percent state-
For this third scenario to be tives are far worse. strengthen livelihoods. and developing countries is more owned enterprises [SOEs], and 37 The writer is a director of the
possible, however, Venezuela Environmentally sustainable on expanding access to basic ser- percent public,-private partner- SDGs Center at Padjadjaran
must overcome two traps. infrastructure limits all types of vices: clean water, sanitation, im- ship [PPP] or private sector). University, Bandung. The article is
The “exit cost trap” exists be- The writer is distinguished pollution during both construc- proving connectivity through Based on the Medium Term an excerpt of her speech at the Inter-
cause some elected government university professor of political tion and operation, and supports road networks, infrastructure Development Plan 2014-2019 national Economic Forum on Asia
officials are reluctant to hold elec- science at Georgia State the conservation and sustainable for information and communica- (Bappenas, 2015), the priorities organized by OECD Development
tions because if they lose, they University and co-author of Inter- use of natural resources. tions technology (ICT), basic in- for Indonesia are: The first prior- Center, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and their collaborators could be national Mediation in Venezuela. It contributes to a low-carbon, frastructure to support economic ity is to fulfill basic infrastructure Japan and ERIA, Tokyo, April 14.

Please send your articles to

8 | SPORTS THURSDAY May 4, 2017

FIFPro wants Muntari yellow quashed
THE HAGUE: World players’ union FIFPro urged Italian soccer powers
Tuesday to quash Sully Muntari’s yellow card for leaving the pitch over
the weekend, after fans hurled racial abused at the Ghanaian player.
The former AC Milan and Inter midfielder dramatically left the field
for exhausted Manchester United
Sunday while playing for Pescara at Cagliari after he angrily confronted
Cagliari fans, claiming to have been racially abused before being Kieran Canning woes as they join Phil Jones, Chris City man would revel in ending of the likes of Edwin Van der Sar,
booked. AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/MADRID Smalling and Marco Rojo on the United’s chances of winning the Edgar Davids and Jari Litmanen
While leaving the pitch in frustration and murmuring “Basta! sidelines, meaning Mourinho will Europa League for the first time. lost the 1996 Champions League
[Enough],” Muntari went to address more supporters, showing them Jose Mourinho must patch need to look for emergency solu- “As they say ‘Manchester is final to Juventus on penalties.
his arm and shouting: “This is my color, this is my color.” up an injury ravaged Manches- tions at centre-back. blue’ and that’s how it will be However, a new genera-
Muntari, 32, received a one-match ban later Tuesday from Italian ter United squad as the English Mourinho has been critical when we visit there as tion of wonder ki kids now
league officials for his decision to leave the field seconds before full- side’s quest for Europa League of Jones and Smalling’s unwill- well, because we are threatens to take
ta Eu-
time — a decision that earned him a second yellow card, and then a glory faces its stiffest test yet with ingness to play through the pain Celta Vigo and we rope by storm, includ-
red, from referee Daniele Minelli. a semi-final, first leg trip to Celta barrier and doesn’t expect them will try to keep ing 17-year-old Justin
“FIFPro believes Muntari’s yellow card should be rescinded,” the Vigo on Thursday. to rush back meaning right-back the city blue.” Kluivert, son o of Ajax
Dutch-based union said in a statement. The Portuguese manager de- Mateo Darmian, midfielder Mi- Patrick.
leg- end Patrick
“Muntari was well within his rights to approach referee Daniele Mi- scribed United’s nine-match chael Carrick or 19-year-old Axel “It’s what
nelli, as the first point of reference, to make his grievances known and April schedule as “not human” Tuanzebe could deputise at the stands for.
Ajax stan
seek a solution,” it said from its headquarters outside Amsterdam. after another disappointing 1-1 heart of the defence. We give young
FIFPro urged Italian soccer authorities to “hear Muntari’s version of home draw in the Premier League “That’s my personal opinion, players d dreams
events, investigate why the situation was mismanaged, and take firm against relegation threatened I don’t think they will [be fit] but and opopportu-
action to ensure this never happens again.” — AFP Swansea City on Sunday. I know the players I choose will nities,” said
His side’s schedule doesn’t get give everything. It doesn’t matter Van der
any easier, though, with six more if I go with Darmian or Carrick or Sar, now
Benteke urges Sakho to stay at Palace games to come over the next 19 Axel, I trust the boys.” the club’s
days in a bid to seal Champions The visitors will have Paul Pog- Fo r m e r general di-
BENGALURU: Crystal Palace striker Christian Benteke is eager to con- League qualification either by ba and Marouane Fellaini back Liverpool rector.
vince on-loan defender Mamadou Sakho to stay at the Premier League winning the Europa League or available, whilst Juan Mata could striker Lyon has
club past this season, the Belgian international has said. squeezing into the top four of the make his comeback from groin Iago As- injury tr troubles
Palace has lost just twice and kept four clean sheets in the eight Premier League. surgery after being an unused pas is Cel- as it lolooks to
league games where Sakho, who joined Palace from Liverpool on loan “If we beat Celta, we have the substitute against Swansea. ta’s main reach a first
in January, has played at center-back. final and, in this moment, it is ob- Celta, by contrast, has had the t h r e a t , European
ever Eu
Benteke, who has scored 16 goals this season, played with Sakho at viously hypothetical,” Mourinho luxury of resting up Eduardo Ber- though, as he’s final.
Liverpool and said that once 16th-placed Palace was safe from relega- told the United website. izzo’s preferred XI for the major- struck 24 Top scor-
tion, signing the Frenchman, who suffered a knee injury last week, “The Europa League final is ity of its recent La Liga games as times this er AleAlexandre
would be the next priority. on the Wednesday and we play the Galicians concentrate on try- season. Lacazette and
“I’m trying to persuade him to stay but it will be tough,” Benteke against Crystal Palace on the Sun- ing to win a first ever major tro- The other French in-
told British media. “He’ll have offers from other clubs, although our day. Before that, we play South- phy. semifinal, first ternational
chairman and boss will try to get him to stay too. He’s made such a ampton away a few days before, so “We also know what’s at stake leg takes place Corentin Tol-
difference to us. First, we have to make sure we remain in the Prem we would be playing the final with — not only that you win the Euro- on Wednesday in isso have
hav trav-
[league], but we’re not far away now.” disastrous consequences.” pa League, which is huge, but you Amsterdam as Ajax elled with the
Benteke, who joined Palace at the beginning of the season under The English giant is without can also win a place in the Cham- look to rekindle for- squad, b but are
former manager Alan Pardew, said the club had to improve next top scorer Zlatan Ibrahimovic pions League,” Celta striker John mer European glories doubtful.
both doub
season. due to cruciate ligament damage. Guidetti told against Lyon.
“It wasn’t the plan when I came to fight relegation,” Benteke said. Meanwhile, Luke Shaw and Eric “You have dreams about that.” Ajax hasn’t reached a John Guidetti
“Next season we have to aim for the top half of the Premier League Bailly added to United’s defensive And the former Manchester European final since the vintage
table.” AFP/Javier Soriano
Palace travels to fourth-placed Manchester City on Saturday and a
win would guarantee it remains in the league for another season. — CHAMPIONS LEAGUE

Strootman banned two games for diving ‘Unique’ Ronaldo leaves Atletico needing a miracle
ROME: Roma midfielder Kevin Strootman received a two-match ban
for diving on Tuesday after winning a controversial penalty in Sunday’s Cristiano Ronaldo’s sensation-
3-1 Rome derby defeat by Lazio. al goalscoring record was hailed
The Dutch international earned his side a penalty late in the first as “unique” by boss Zinedine Zi-
half, but television replays quickly showed there was no contact be- dane as his latest hat trick left
tween Strootman and Lazio’s Brazilian defender Wallace. Real Madrid on the verge of an-
The Italian league’s disciplinary body said Strootman was being other Champions League final by
punished for “serious unsporting behavior,” with the 27-year-old set to thrashing Atletico Madrid 3-0.
miss upcoming games against AC Milan and Juventus. Ronaldo’s treble was his sec-
Roma’s loss to Lazio left it nine points behind leader Juve with just ond against Atletico this season
four matches remaining, while third-placed Napoli pulled to within a and second straight in the Cham-
point of Luciano Spalletti’s side. — AFP pions League after hitting three
past Bayern Munich in the quar-
“Goalscoring is something
he has over others, that is what
makes him unique,” said Zidane.
Victory extended Real’s hex
over Atletico in the Champions
League over the past four seasons.
Real has eliminated Diego
Simeone’s men in each of the past
three years, including in the 2014
and 2016 finals, by the finest of Reuters/Sergio Perez

margins. Midas touch: Real Madrid’s Cristiano Ronaldo celebrates scoring his team’s first goal with teammates
However, there was a gulf be- during the Champions League first-leg semifinal against Atletico Madrid in Madrid on Tuesday. Real
tween the sides this time round won 3-0.
as Ronaldo’s 10th minute header
opened the scoring. the second-half. control midfield but in the end drid we might be capable of it.”
And they struck twice more in “We are very happy with the you need a player who will score Barcelona pulled off the big-
the final 20 minutes to give the performance. To score three goals and he did. gest comeback in Champions
AFP/Filippo Monteforte scoreline the reflection Real’s and most importantly in a [two- “He always does. He scored five League history earlier this sea-
Off the ground: Roma’s Kevin Strootman (left) vies with Pes- dominance deserved. legged] tie keep a clean sheet at in the quarterfinal and three to- son by overcoming a 4-0 first leg
cara’s Jean-Christophe Bahebeck during their Serie A soccer “The team was tremendous. I home is very important.” day, so it’s incredible for us.” deficit against Paris Saint-Ger-
match on April 24 in Pescara, Italy. scored the goals but the team was Ronaldo is now just one goal There were contrasting emo- main.
phenomenal from start to finish,” behind Barcelona rival Lionel tions for Atletico boss Simeone. And Simeone is clinging to the
said Ronaldo. Messi as the Champions League’s However, he refused to give hope of something similarly un-
SCOREBOARD Victory also kept Real on top scorer this season with 10. up hope of a miraculous come- expected.
course to become the first side to Seven of those have come in back on what will be the final “We need to forget about this
Basketball Utah 21 25 27 21 94
(Golden State lead the best-of-seven series retain the Champions League in his last three games, though, as he European match at Atletico’s Vi- game.
NBA by 1-0) 27 years. struck five of Madrid’s six in see- cente Calderon on May 10 before “It seems impossible, but it is
Results from the NBA Play-offs 2nd Round “We played great, it is not easy ing off Bayern 6-3 on aggregate in they move to a new stadium next football and football has these un-
games on Tuesday (home team in CAPS) Soccer to score three goals [against Atlet- the quarters. season. expected things that make it mar-
1 2 3 4 OT T
BOSTON 29 35 20 30 15 129 Champions League ico],” added Zidane. “It’s great to have a player like “More than ever I am calm,” vellous.
Washington 42 25 22 25 5 119 Results from the Champions League “The first half hour was fan- him,” said Real midfielder Toni said Simeone. “Until the last drip of hope is
(Boston lead the best-of-seven series by semifinal first leg matches on Tuesday
2-0) Real Madrid (Esp) - Atletico Madrid (Esp) tastic, we had a lot of chances to Kroos. “We have to do something im- gone, we will give it everything we
GOLDEN STATE 27 31 26 22 106 3-0 score the second, but we got it in “You can play good in defense, possible and being Atletico Ma- have.” — AFP/Kieran Canning


World’s first ‘footballpool’

league kicks off in Prague
No cues are needed as the play- Footballpool pits two teams former Hearts and West Brom
ers kick the white ball, walking on with two players against each oth- striker Roman Bednar and ex-
the pitch. er, with each player taking on each Dortmund and Liverpool mid-
“I’m not much of a football fan opponent in two matches. fielder Patrik Berger to the sport.
but I like pool, and this combi- This was the formula used at “It’s not just kicking the ball,
nation is very interesting,” says the first world championships at a I like sports that require some
Ziegelova, who has teamed up shopping mall in Prague. thinking and precision, like this
with her boyfriend Lukas. “We had 70 teams from coun- one,” Bednar told AFP.
Clad in black-and-yellow shirts tries including Algeria, Kyrgyz- “I must say I fell in love. It’s not
complete with numbers and stan, Brazil, Afghanistan, Ger- a bad sport at all, and it’s for every-
names, they lost their opening many, Slovakia,” says Novotny, one who likes new things.”
league tie against a team led by adding that a Czech-Slovak team Among active players, Czech
Jiri Novotny, who has organized won. striker Jan Chramosta, a former
the competition together with a Prague is also scheduled to host under-21 international currently
friend. the next worlds in February 2018. plying trade with the top-flight
Novotny is no stranger to ball Shopping malls are a typical side Mlada Boleslav, is equally
games, having scored 20 goals in venue for the sport as Novotny excited.
89 matches for the Czech Repub- said he leased the legless football- “It’s fun. You can make various
lic national futsal team, according pool “tables” to companies like bets and spice up the experience a
AFP/Michal Cizek to the Czech Football Association bowling alleys which then charge bit,” he said, adding he had already
Two in one: A man and a woman play a footballpool match in Prague on April 28. Footballpool is a com- website. clients a fee to play. taken on a few of his teammates.
bination of soccer and pool. The world’s first footballpool league has just kicked off in Prague, following “I saw a video on YouTube “This is really a game for anyone “It’s a lot about technique,
its maiden world championships in the Czech capital in February 2017. where two Americans played the — at the tournaments we have or- about the way you kick the ball,
game in a garden, drinking beer ganized, we had children, pension- about tricks and rotation. Not that
Jan Flemr Katerina Ziegelova, a 26-year- tal in February. and doing a barbecue,” the wiry ers, women, men,” said Novotny. I’m an expert there,” he chuckled.
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/PRAGUE old clerk, is one of the pioneers of A combination of soccer and 28-year-old futsal defender told The footballpool association Living testimony for the bene-
“footballpool,” the latest addition pool, the sport uses inflatable soc- AFP. currently has 15 playgrounds fits of footballpool, Novotny went
A dark-haired girl kicks a white to the hybrid sports family. cer balls — white, solids and stripes “So we designed the table, set across the Czech Republic. In on to play at the futsal league play-
soccer ball gently towards a black The Czech footballpool league like in pool — and a playground up a footballpool association and May, it expects to install another offs right after the tie, grabbing
eight ball, then wrings her hands has just kicked off in Prague, af- with six corner and side pockets, started calling it a sport,” he said, 20. three assists as his Slavia Prague
in despair as she fails to sink it in ter the sport made its debut world proportionately larger than the adding this was the first such com- Novotny has managed to lure beat Pilsen 6-4 to advance to the
the corner pocket for a win. championships in the Czech capi- regular pool table. petition in the world. some big soccer names, including top-flight semifinals.
THURSDAY May 4, 2017 SPORTS | 9
Pelita eager to overcome SM in IBL finals
THOMAS SCORES 53 JAKARTA: Pelita Jaya Energi Mega Persada of Jakarta is ready for its
final battle of this year’s Indonesian Basketball League (IBL) against fa-

in Celtics win while

vorite Satria Muda (SM) Pertamina of Jakarta as the club says it knows
the key to defeating its opponent.
“We have to be able to quickly handle Satria Muda’s strategic
transition, from defensive to offensive,” Pelita Jaya coach Johannis

Warriors rip Jazz

“Ahang” Winar said Tuesday as quoted by Antara.
Ahang said his men would maintain their good teamwork
while facing the seven-time IBL champion in the two-series
finals, which are staged this weekend in C-Tra Arena sports
hall in Bandung, West Java, and Britama Arena in Jakarta.
“We have to stay focused on our teamwork,” added the
Agence France-Presse tributed 15 points and 12 re- coach.
WASHINGTON bounds while Jae Crowder and Pelita Jaya reached the finals after securing two solid wins
Avery Bradley each added 14 against W88.News Aspac of Jakarta in White Division’s final four.
Isaiah Thomas scored a career- points for Boston. Meanwhile, Satria Muda earned the final ticket after winning 2-1
high 53 points and dedicated the But the only Celtics player to against CLS Knights of Surabaya in the Red Division.
effort to his late sister as the Bos- ever score more points in a play- Pelita Jaya is reaping the rewards of the return of big man Kore
ton Celtics defeated the Washing- off game was John Havlicek, who White and center Adhi Pratama Prasetyo for the finals. White did not
ton Wizards 129-119 in a second- struck for 54 in 1973. play in the first series of semifinal round, while Adhi has just recovered
round NBA playoff game Tuesday. “It’s nice [for] your name to from an injury.
Thomas scored 20 points in the be in Celtics’ history with all the In the first series of semifinal, Adhi produced 10 points, 12 rebounds
fourth quarter and nine more in a great players, but until you win and two assists. White made 28 points, 10 rebounds and four assists in
game-closing 15-2 over-time run one of them championships you the second series of the semis. — JP
that gave the host Celtics a 2-0 can’t call yourself a great player,”
lead in the best-of-seven Eastern Thomas said.
Conference series, which shifts Thomas spent Quintana aims for Giro-Tour double
to Washington for game three on six hours with
Thursday. a dentist on PARIS: Nairo Quintana will embark on a daunting quest for a career-
Thomas attended his sister Monday to defining Giro-Tour de France double on Friday when he sets off
Chyna’s funeral Saturday after repair his against a tough field on Italy’s roads.
she died in a car accident and has teeth and The Colombian is looking to become the first man since the
also had to overcome having had a played late Marco Pantani in 1998 to win both three-week races — a
tooth knocked out in a game-one with a cus- feat even Alberto Contador, the greatest grand tour rider of his
victory Sunday. tom-made generation, has found beyond him.
“My sister, everything I do is dental guard. While Contador had already won both races when he last
for her, and she’s watching over “What else is attempted the double in 2015, Quintana has yet to prevail
me,” Thomas said. there to say?” on the Tour,
On what would have been his Celtics coach where he has been
sister’s 23rd birthday, Thomas Brad Stevens bested by Britain’s
connected on 18-of-33 shots from said. “There Chris Froome.
the floor and 12-of-13 from the was a point to- Reuters/Greg M. Cooper/USA TODAY Sports The 27-year-old
free throw line. day where he Quintana, who rides
Here be giants: Boston Celtics point guard Isaiah Thomas (left) for Movistar, is full of
“The least I can do is go out was not feeling good at all. He’s drives against Washington Wizards center Marcin Gortat (right)
there and play for her,” Thomas had a tough day and I thought he confidence however
during their 2017 NBA Playoffs at TD Garden in Boston, Massachu- as he prepares to
said. “There was no way I couldn’t was going to really have to gut this setts, United States, on Tuesday. Boston won 129-119.
play on her birthday. I wanted to one out. battle it out with
win for her.” “Not only guts it out, he ends defending champion
He did more than that, eclips- up with 50. Pretty impressive.” at the end of the first quarter. Gortat and sank two free throws Vincenzo Nibali of
ing his former career-best 52 John Wall led seven double- “It was a hell of a basket- with 14.4 seconds remaining to Italy, France’s Thibaut
points in a regular-season victo- figure scorers for the Washington ball game,” Wizards coach Scott pull Boston level again. Wall and Pinot, Dutchmen
ry over Miami this season and his Wizards with 40 points and 13 as- Brooks said. “Two teams played Beal missed in the dying seconds Bauke Mollema
former playoff best of 42 last year sists, but 19 of those points and six their hearts out. Two great play- to send the game into over-time. and Tom Dumoulin
against Atlanta. assists came in the first quarter. ers played well. I thought both In Oakland, California, Ste- and Briton Geraint
In the Western Conference, The Wizards, who led 42-29 af- teams competed, nothing to be phen Curry scored 22 points Thomas.
NBA season wins leader Golden ter the first period, became the first ashamed of.” while Draymond Green and Kev- “The idea is to go
State beat visiting Utah 106-94 in team since the NBA introduced a Otto Porter’s 3-pointer put in Durant each added 17 points for the Giro title — for
the opener of their second-round shot clock in 1954 to lose the first Washington ahead 114-112 with and Klay Thompson had 15 as the both titles. I don’t
series. two games of a playoff series after 32 seconds to play in regulation Warriors showed no rust from a know if it’s going
Celtics center Al Horford con- leading each by 10 or more points but Thomas was fouled by Marcin week off after a first-round sweep. to come off or not,
but we’ll try,” said
Quintana, who won the e
Italian race in 2014.
GOLF “We’re on the right track,”
he added, referring to his
overall victory in the week-long g
Hend, Thongchai star as Thailand Open returns to Asian Tour Tirreno-Adriatico race in March.
The 100th edition of the Giro
starts from Sardinia andnd feature
Agence France-Presse play. will see the Asian Tour co-sanc- a stage-four finish on the he slopes
of Mount Etna as well as two Nairo
BANGKOK “The Thailand Open is one of tioning four new tournaments Quintana
the oldest national champion- with prize purses of between ascents of the Stelvio pass on
stage 16, where the race could be AFP/Jose Jordan
AFP/Anthony Wallace

The Thailand Open has re- ships in Asia and we are excited $300,000 and $500,000.
joined the Asian Tour after an to welcome the prestigious tour- Burack also vowed that they decided. — Reuters
eight-year hiatus, organizers an- nament back into our fold,” Asian would seek to host more tour-
nounced Wednesday, confirming Tour CEO Josh Burack said in a naments in Japan and South Boston apologizes after racist taunts
that Australia’s Scott Hend and statement. Korea as the Asian Tour
local favorite Thongchai Jaidee The Asian Tour has been large- pushes for a greater slice of BOSTON: Fans at Boston’s Fenway Park gave Baltimore Orioles out-
will headline the event later this ly shut out from the East the lucrative Asian market. fielder Adam Jones a loud ovation on Tuesday and the city, state and
month. Asian golfing powers of The Thailand Open Red Sox officials apologized to the player, the day after he said he was
The deal will be seen as a new China, Korea and Japan was last sanctioned subjected to racial taunting during a game there.
blow to the struggling rival OneA- since 2008 when those by the Asian Tour in Civil rights advocates said the Monday night incident at Boston’s
sia Tour, who poached the tour- countries’ professional 2009, when it was historic ballpark illustrated simmering racism that is pervasive in a city
nament from the Asian Tour in golf associations threw won by India’s Jy- that considers itself one of the most liberal in the United States.
2010, and comes just weeks after their weight behind the oti Randhawa. “A disrespectful fan threw a bag of peanuts at me,” Jones, a five-
the Asian Tour announced it had OneAsia Tour.
time All-Star, told reporters after the game. “I got called the N-word a
made a breakthrough deal to re- But OneAsia has
handful of times tonight. Thanks. Pretty awesome.”
turn to China, where OneAsia had struggled in recent
Jones, who is African-American, said it was not the first time he
previously had a foothold. years. It currently
Thailand’s national cham- has just three events had been the target of racial insults but that the ones hurled from the
pionship, which dates back to confirmed on its 2017 park’s bleachers were the worst he had faced.
AFP/Anthony Wallace

1965, will held this year at Bang- calendar: last week’s He later told reporters he hoped the fans would be barred from
kok’s Thai Country Club from China Open in Beijing, attending future games at the 105-year-old park. The Red Sox said two
May 18 to 21 with a prize fund of which was co-sanctioned people were ejected.
US$300,000. with the European Tour, “This is unacceptable and not who we are as a city,” Boston Mayor
The 2016 Asian Tour number and two others in Korea. Marty Walsh said in a statement. “These words and actions have no
one Hend, three-time Order of Last month Burack an- place in Fenway, Boston, or anywhere.”
Merit winner Thongchai and fel- nounced a new strategic Tongchai Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker called the incident “unac-
low Thai star Kiradech Aphibarn- partnership with the China Jaidee ceptable & shameful” in a Twitter post, while the Red Sox issued an
Scott Hend rat have all confirmed they will Golf Association (CGA) that apology. — Reuters


Record-holders receive apology from taskforce chief

Reuters recommendations, which it wants tournament in 2000. Olympic gold medal- Paula to be broken
Darren LONDON to be extended to world records. “We hope people look at it ist Darren Campbell Radcliffe and some of
Campbell Radcliffe faces having her 2003 in that vein, rather than strip- welcomes the Eu- those records
Innocent athletes worried that women’s marathon world record ping great athletes like Paula of rope call for new can’t be broken unless
their world and European records of two hours 15 minutes 25 sec- their records,” he said. “Unfortu- record ratifica- you’re taking drugs.”
will be struck off received an apol- onds expunged, but O’Callaghan nately, Paula ran her records in a tion laws. Campbell wants the
ogy on Tuesday from the official said there was a bigger picture. golden period that happens to be Former authorities to build on
who proposed the radical anti- “[The proposal] is intended to two years before the technology sprinter the initial proposal, say-
doping plan. give the public belief and credibil- moved on. C a m p - ing tougher laws must
European Athletics’ taskforce ity in what they are watching in “People should not look at Pau- bell, who be implemented for
chair Pierce O’Callaghan said he the sport,” he said. la’s records and throw them in with could lose the sport to move past
accepted that some record-break- European Athletics will for- doping records — she achieved her his 4x100 the doping scandals.
ers would be “collateral damage” ward a report to the International performance, as did Jonathan, m European record Elsewhere, United
under the measures which sug- Association of Athletics Federa- with 100 percent integrity.” from 1999, believes States athletics officials
gest resetting pre-2005 marks. tions (IAAF), which will study it The IAAF has only stored the proposal is want to study the ramifica-
The proposal, which was an- at its Council meeting in August. blood and urine samples since worth the sacri- tions of the controversial
nounced by European Athlet- If the proposal is accepted, cur- 2005. Other world records under fice. European proposal, given
ics on Monday, was immediately rent records failing to meet the threat would include Mike Pow- “I will sacrifice it would also affect those
condemned by several athletes guidelines would no longer be of- ell’s 1991 long jump mark of 8.95 whatever it takes that have never failed dop-
with Britain’s Paula Radcliffe ficially sanctioned although they meters and Hicham El Guerrouj’s to save the sport ing tests.
branding it “cowardly.” would remain on the “all-time list.” 1998 1500 m time of three min- and give its credibil- “Any action pertaining to
“Apologies to the athletes, O’Callaghan said he had spo- utes and 26 seconds. ity back,” he told BBC records, from ‘retirement’ of
we never intended to damage ken to Radcliffe and Britain’s There is no suggestion that any Radio 5 live. records to changing criteria for
their reputation and legacy,” triple jump world record holder of these athletes took drugs. “I’ve thought about the record books, has the po-
O’Callaghan told BBC Radio. Jonathan Edwards, another ath- Another British athlete, Steve it, put myself in their tential to affect records that
Under the plan, any athlete lete who could be affected be- Cram, weighed into the contro- shoes of losing a re- are clean as well as those that
breaking a record would have to cause his mark was set in 1995. versy on Tuesday, dismissing the cord and yes, I’ve lost are tainted,” USA Track and
have been drug-tested many times The official compared the plan as a “PR exercise.” medals and you kind Field (USATF) spokeswom-
in the lead-up. A sample taken af- changes to English soccer re- Under the proposals, Cram’s of go, ‘OK it’s for the an Jill Geer said in a state-
AFP/Glyn Kirk

terwards would have to be avail- vamping its structure to incor- 1985 mile and 2000 m European greater good’. You ment to Reuters on Tuesday.
able for retesting for 10 years. porate the Premier League in records would be removed from have to accept it and “There is no perfect solu-
European Athletics’ ruling coun- 1992 or rugby union’s Six Nations the books. move on. tion, just as there is no per-
AFP/Romeo Gacad cil has accepted the project team’s emerging out of the Five Nations Meanwhile, British former “Records are there fect anti-doping system.”
10 | THURSDAY May 4, 2017


Rules for religious schools to be drafted
MALAYSIA: The Education Ministry and the Department of Islamic
Development Malaysia (Jakim) are working together to draw up guide-
lines for the registration of Islamic schools in Malaysia, also known as
tahfiz schools.
Education Minister Mahdzir Khalid said the guidelines would include
the teachers’ qualifications and the number of classrooms, based on
the existing terms of reference for private schools.
“The meeting between the ministry and Jakim is expected to be
held soon,” he said.
Mahdzir was speaking to reporters after opening the third govern-
ment-aided religious school and religious secondary school heads’
meeting on Tuesday. He said there were about 270 religious schools
registered under the ministry.
The recent case of 11-year-old Mohamad Thaqif Amin Mohamad
Gaddafi, who died after being allegedly abused at a private reli-
gious school in Johor, could be a lesson on the importance of using
a gentle way to discipline, said a principal of a government-aided
religious secondary school in Terengganu, who did not want to be
named. — The Star/ANN

Logos removed from king’s funeral statue

THAILAND: Apple, Facebook and Google logos have been removed
from a giant statue of a mythical beast that will stand inside the
sprawling cremation complex being built for Thailand’s late king after
their inclusion caused an online outcry.
Dozens of palace artisans are working around the clock to produce a Reuters/Malacanang photo handout
dizzying array of sculptures for the funeral of King Bhumibol Adulyadej Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (right) speaks to China’s President Xi Jinping over the phone with the help of Christopher “Bong” Go,
in October — a year after the deeply revered monarch’s death plunged special assistant to the president, in Davao City, Philippines, on Wednesday. In the telephone call, Xi urged all sides to exercise restraint regard-
the nation into mourning. ing the heated South China Sea issue and return to the correct path of talks as soon as possible.
One of the leading artists included logos for the tech giants on a
2-meter tall statue of the Garuda — a half-bird-half-human creature in
Hindu and Buddhist mythology — as a way of paying tribute to Bhumi-
bol’s embrace of technology.
But their inclusion sparked a backlash when photos of the statue
were published online, prompting their removal and an apology from
the artist. “I have to apologize, I did this job to show my pride for His
Majesty like everyone else,” artist Pitak Chalermlao said in a Facebook
post showing the logos had been removed.
Thai news groups urge govt
The Apple and Google logos were nestled in the center of each of
the Garuda’s wings while a Facebook logo was etched onto the ani-
mal’s belt buckle. Netizens were largely against the inclusion. — AFP to scrap media control bill
Laos, S’pore leaders discuss cooperation Agencies If adopted, bill could Prime Minister Prayuth Chan- make the restrictions permanent.
BANGKOK establish regulatory panel ocha said the government had no Requiring a certificate to practice
LAOS: Laos Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith and his Singaporean to oversee all media intention to silence media with journalism, media registration,
counterpart Lee Hsien Loong have discussed ways to enhance friendly Thirty media bodies in Thai- platforms in Thailand the bill, but regulations were and state representation in the
relations and cooperation between the two ASEAN member-states on land marked World Press Free- needed to push up the quality of proposed National Professional
Tuesday. dom day on Wednesday by call- Authorities calls off the media. Media Council all go against the
Thongloun was in Singapore for an official visit at the invitation of his ing on the military government event hosted by foreign The media is “an important core principles of press freedom.
counterpart Lee, said Laos Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release. to scrap legislation that seeks to journalists club earlier on part of the government’s work,” SEAPA said it was alarming
The two prime ministers discussed future cooperation in transport tighten control of news reporting Wednesday Prayuth told reporters at an event that the state-sanctioned media
system development, economics and trade, as well as encouraged in the Southeast Asian country, as to mark World Press Freedom council will have jurisdiction over
business operators from Singapore to invest in Laos. reported by Reuters. Day. “So I want the press to be existing complaint mechanisms
The premiers also discussed a plan for exchange visits by high-level The call came days after a jun- respondents’ Club of Thailand balanced while working with the for individual journalists, media
delegations from their countries, as well as discussing issues of com- ta-appointed reform panel ap- (FCCT) focusing on the as yet un- government for the people.” outlets, and professional media
mon interest. proved a bill to regulate the media solved disappearance of a revolu- The government will now re- groups.
The prime ministers said they highly valued the growing strength- that has drawn opposition from tion plaque commemorating the view the draft bill, before it goes The alliance expressed its soli-
ened relations and cooperation between Laos and Singapore, reflected rights groups who say it is de- end of absolute monarchy in 1932 to the National Legislative As- darity with the Thai Journalist
by the fact that the leaders of both countries have made regular visits. signed to boost state interference — a subject on which the junta has sembly, a parliamentary body ap- Association and its allied organi-
Laos and Singapore have both pushed for the realization of the ASEAN and curb independent reporting. largely evaded questions. pointed by the military, for ap- zations in opposing the draft bill.
Community as they are members of ASEAN, the 10-member regional If adopted, the bill could estab- In a statement to commemo- proval and passage into law, he “We repeat and fully support
bloc. — Vientiane Times/ANN lish a regulatory panel of 15 peo- rate the World Press Freedom added. their call to stop the draft bill and
ple, including two state officials Day, the FCCT, instead, said Thailand fell six places this efforts to muzzle the media,” said
and seven media representatives, that “[the club] stands by its col- year to rank 142 out of 180 coun- SEAPA.
to oversee all media platforms in leagues in Thailand’s domestic tries on the World Press Freedom The FCCT, as reported by The
HEALTH Thailand, whether print, broad- media as they struggle to main- Index of the Paris-based group, Nation, also reminded Thai pub-
cast or online. tain professional standards and Reporters Without Borders. lic to demand responsibility and
Illegal abortions are killing “The bill is essentially designed
to facilitate political interference
editorial independence in partic-
ularly challenging times.”
Meanwhile, Southeast Asian
Press Alliance (SEAPA) expressed
accuracy from all parts of the
media and legitimate journal-
in the media and restrict press Thailand’s military govern- its deep concerns over the draft ists should be allowed to get on
Myanmar’s women freedom,” the Thai media organi-
zations said in a joint statement.
ment, which took power in a
bloodless 2014 coup, has attract-
bill, as reported by Bangkok-based
newspaper The Nation.
with their work without interfer-
ence or intimidation, saying that
Earlier on Wednesday, the ed international criticism for SEAPA said it is deeply trou- “there is no profession on the
Caroline Henshaw nal deaths in Myanmar will be re- military government called off curbing free speech and threaten- bled that the current military gov- planet more open to public scru-
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/YANGON lated to abortions,” said Sid Naing, an event hosted by Foreign Cor- ing press freedom. ernment is seemingly seeking to tiny and criticism.”
country director for reproductive
Thiri’s heart started pounding health NGO Marie Stopes.
and her whole body shook after Like Thiri, many desperate
she swallowed the final dose of women resort to taking black mar- MEKONG RIVER
pills that would end her unwant- ket pills they know little about.
ed pregnancy in a Yangon hotel.
Her boyfriend had abandoned
her after finding out she was
pregnant — a familiar story in
Others visit backstreet clinics
run by untrained quacks who use
anything from umbrella shafts to
twigs or bamboo to try to dislodge
Silk Road push may founder on Thai river
Myanmar, where many consider the fetus.
women “ruined” if they have sex Experts say there are dozens of Brenda Goh
before marriage. illegal surgeons in the commercial and Andrew RC Marshall
With no other option in sight, capital Yangon alone, charging be- REUTERS/KHON PI LONG, THAILAND
she joined the hundreds of thou- tween 30,000 kyats (US$22) and
sands of women in the country who 100,000 kyats for a procedure. China’s plan to blast open more
risk their lives every year seeking Ni Ni, the country director of of the Mekong River for bigger car-
out illegal backstreet abortions. the reproductive rights advocacy go ships could founder on a remote
“My heart was beating very fast group IPAS, described one case outcrop of half-submerged rocks
[after taking the final dose] and I where a 14-year-old girl had to that Thai protesters have vowed to
was trembling all over [...] then the have her uterus removed after it protect against Beijing’s economic
bleeding started and I had a pain was ripped by a bicycle spoke. expansion in Southeast Asia.
in my stomach,” 28-year-old Thiri, Some women bleed to death Dynamiting the Pi Long rapids
whose name has been changed to straight away, while others are and other sections of the Mekong
protect her identity, told AFP. left with internal infections that between Thailand and Laos will
“Now I worry about my womb, can become fatal. harm the environment and bring
about whether I can get pregnant.” Records from the Yangon Cen- trade advantages only to China,
Abortion is banned in Myan- tral Women’s Hospital seen by the protesters say.
mar unless a woman’s life is at risk AFP showed almost 300 women “This will be the death of the Me-
and doctors who defy the law can were admitted with abortion-re- kong,” said Niwat Roykaew, chair-
face up to 10 years in jail. lated septicemia — a blood infec- man of the Rak Chiang Khong
Even talking about sex is taboo tion — between January and Sep- Conservation Group, which is cam- Reuters/Jorge Silva
in the Buddhist-majority country, tember last year. paigning against the project. “You’ll Mighty Mekong: A sticker is seen on the Thailand side of the Mekong River, on the border between
where there is no proper word for “If they don’t come early we never be able to revive it.” Laos and Thailand, on April 23.
vagina in the Burmese language cannot help,” said Su Su, who used Niwat said blasting the Mekong
spoken by most people. to work at the hospital. “Normally will destroy fish breeding grounds, sections of the river in Laos several protesters three times since De- That would expedite the ship-
While contraception is techni- they come late, because they are disrupt migrating birds and cause years earlier. cember in a bid to avert opposition ping of Chinese freight deep into
cally available, few women know afraid.” increased water flow that will But some Chinese engineers in- to their work. northern Laos, said Paul Cham-
how to use it and many young Activists say many married erode riverside farmland. volved in the survey speak of it as A unit of the conglomerate bers, an expert in international
people are too ashamed to buy it. women end up pregnant because Such opposition reflects a wid- a part of the broader plan, and it is faced violent protests in January relations at Thailand’s Naresuan
“Women don’t talk about sex,” they have no power to refuse er challenge to China’s ambitious consistent with Beijing’s Silk Road in Sri Lanka, where people object- University.
said Thiri, who has still not told their husband’s advances or make “One Belt, One Road” project to objectives. ed to plans for an industrial zone “Luang Prabang may seem
her new fiance she had an abortion them use contraception. build a modern-day Silk Road Even in its Southeast Asian in the south. sleepy, but northern Laos [...] rep-
two years ago. “It’s like a secret.” Most of the hospital records through Asia to Europe. backyard, where it has sympa- Chinese engineers on the Me- resents a hub of Chinese influ-
She says the doctor who told listed women in their mid-20s and Second Harbor Consultants, thetic governments and ancient kong said they were worried that ence,” he said.
her she was pregnant made her 30s, along with several in their 40s. a subsidiary of state-owned be- historical ties, China sometimes Thai protesters would board the Despite reassurances from
feel ashamed for sleeping with Only a handful had “single” writ- hemoth China Communications struggles to convince ordinary rickety cargo ship where they CCCC Second Harbour, some lo-
her boyfriend out of wedlock, and ten next to their entry in red pen. Construction Corp. (CCCC) said people that One Belt One Road slept, prompting them to moor it cals still believed the engineers
urged her to “get married fast.” “Women get threats if they it was surveying the Mekong for a will benefit them. on the Laotian side of the Mekong were marking out areas for blast-
Experts say this culture of si- don’t agree to have sex with their report that China, Laos, Myanmar Thailand, Laos and Myanmar each night. ing, said Niwat, who represented
lence and scandal around sex husbands,” said Htar Htar, found- and Thailand would use to decide have approved the survey work, “We are afraid for our team’s campaigners in meetings with the
could be driving more than a er of women’s rights group Akha- whether blasting should go ahead. which is funded by China, but safety,” one engineer told Reuters, Chinese company.
quarter of a million women a year ya Women. “They cannot say no It added that it was not tasked further studies and approvals are declining to be named because he His group draped a large white
to seek out clandestine and often to sex and also cannot negotiate with the blasting work, which needed before blasting. wasn’t authorized to speak to the banner reading “Mekong Not For
unsafe abortions. to use condoms.” would need to be tendered. The Mekong River originates in media. Sale” on the bank overlooking the
With 282 fatalities per 100,000 Birth control was shunned by The company said in an e-mail the Tibetan plateau and cascades “We keep a low profile here,” he Pi Long rapids, whose name in
pregnancies, Myanmar’s mater- Myanmar’s former junta, which it had held meetings with local through China and five Southeast added. “We want to do this project Thai means “lost ghosts.”
nal death rate is the second-high- tried to encourage Buddhists to people “to communicate, build Asian countries. well and benefit Thailand, Myan- The military seized power in
est in Southeast Asia and twice have children out of fear of the confidence and clear doubts.” China has built a series of dams mar, Laos, China, these four coun- Thailand in 2014 and banned gath-
the regional average. huge populations of neighboring China’s foreign ministry did along its stretch of the river that tries. This is not just for China.” erings of five or more people.
Officially around 10 percent India, China and even Thailand. not immediately respond to a re- Thai campaigners say has impact- China wants to remove rocks But Narongsak Osotthanakorn,
are caused by induced abortions, That changed under the quasi- quest for comment. ed the water flow and made the re- and sandbanks to allow ships of governor of Chiang Rai — the Thai
but experts say the reality is likely civilian government that took Clearing the Mekong for big- gional giant hard to trust. up to 500 tons to sail from its province where the Mekong is cur-
higher as deaths from infections over in 2011, which implemented ger ships is not officially a part of Chinese flags now flutter from landlocked province of Yunnan to rently being surveyed — said peo-
are counted separately. a scheme to give more married One Belt, One Road, a project an- company speedboats, while CCCC the sleepy Laotian town of Luang ple could “protest freely” against
“Up to a third of all the mater- women access to contraception. nounced in 2013; China blasted Second Harbor has met with Thai Prabang. the Chinese plan.
THURSDAY May 4, 2017 WORLD | 11
Away from danger AROUND THE WORLD
US envoy Suicide attack on NATO convoy kills eight
pick says will AFGHANISTAN: Islamic State (IS) movement claimed responsibility for
a suicide bombing in the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Wednesday that
push China killed eight civilians in an attack on a convoy of the North American
Treaty Organization (NATO) armored personnel vehicles.
The blast hit the convoy during the morning rush hour in one of the
on N. Korea busiest parts of Kabul. Public health officials said eight civilians were
killed and at least 25 wounded, with a number of civilian vehicles that
were near the convoy destroyed or badly damaged.
Agence France-Presse A spokesman for the United States-led NATO mission, US Navy Cap-
WASHINGTON tain Bill Salvin, said three US service members were wounded in the
attack. The vehicles, which are designed to withstand big blasts, were
United States President Don- able to return to a base under their own power, he said.
ald Trump’s nominee for ambas- In a statement on its Amaq news agency, IS said a suicide bomber deto-
sador to Beijing said Tuesday he nated an explosives-rigged car as the convoy passed near the US embassy.
would urge his friend Chinese The heavily armored Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)
leader Xi Jinping to honor a com- vehicles that foreign forces use to travel in Kabul appeared to have suf-
mitment to rein in North Korea. fered only relatively minor external damage, witnesses said. — Reuters
Terry Branstad, governor of
Iowa, appeared before the Senate
foreign affairs committee to seek 50 miners trapped in explosion in Iran
confirmation as Washington’s
next envoy to its biggest rival and IRAN: More than 50 miners were trapped after a huge explosion in a
trading partner. coal mine in northern Iran on Wednesday, and some were feared to
The state of Iowa exports have died, state media reported.
around US$1.4 billion in farm The reports said more than a dozen injured people had been
products like soya and pork to transferred to hospital after the blast at 12:45 p.m. local time in the
China and Branstad has known Zemestanyurt coal mine in Golestan province.
Xi since he visited the US as an State news agency IRNA quoted a local official as saying some of
agricultural official in 1985. the trapped miners may have died in the explosion. A rescue operation
But he told senators that, was under way.
while he hopes to build on the Iran extracted 1.68 million tons of coal in 2016, an increase on pre-
relationship, he would not hold vious years, thanks to an easing of international sanctions. It exports
back from pressuring China on only a fraction of the coal and uses most of it in domestic steel produc-
human rights or Beijing’s mari- tion. — Reuters
time territorial ambitions.
And he said it would be vi-
tal for China to properly en-
12 dead in tunnel blast in China
force United Nations sanctions CHINA: Twelve workers died following an explosion in a high-speed
on North Korea in order to dis- rail tunnel in southwestern China, state media said Wednesday, after
suade Kim Jong-un’s isolated re- AFP/Zein Al Rifai
rescuers spent over 14 hours searching the rubble for survivors.
gime from building more nuclear Fire billows from a burning vehicle following a reported car bomb explosion in the rebel-held town of Azaz The blast occurred after gas filled the tunnel, which was being
weapons. in northern Syria on Wednesday. Five people were reportedly killed, four civilians and one police officer. bored in the province of Guizhou, leaving 12 injured and 12 trapped,
“They have not abided by according to the official Xinhua news agency.
these United Nations resolu- Over 2,000 rescue workers searched the tunnel for survivors before
tions and I think what’s happen- ending the operation at 4:45 a.m. Wednesday morning, it said.
ing right now with North Korea

‘All sides in N. Korea

The cause of the accident is under investigation, the report said,
is an example of why that needs adding that the tunnel was designed to pass through a coal seam.
to change,” Branstad warned. The country has been on a high-speed rail building spree for over a
“I also think that they recog- decade, putting up over 17,000 kilometres of track at a rapid clip, rais-
nize [...] that this nuclear obses- ing concerns about corner-cutting. — AFP

standoff to stay calm’

sion that the leadership of North
Korea has, with the guided mis-
siles and everything, is a serious
threat to humankind. JAPAN
“And we need to all look at ways
that we can work together. I hope
that with my long-time relation- Ben Blanchard China calls on all sides to
“lower temperatures”
tem, whose powerful radar it fears Abe hopes for reform of
ship with the leader of China I can could reach inside Chinese ter-
convey to him that we sincerely
want to work with them.”

China on Wednesday called on North Korea says US has

ritory, just as Trump has praised
Chinese President Xi Jinping for
pacifist charter by 2020
Branstad was cautious when all parties in the Korean stand- brought region to brink of his efforts to rein in North Korea.
asked whether Washington off to stay calm and “stop irritat- nuclear war It was widely feared North Ko- Reuters tion takes effect,” Abe added.
might seek to punish Beijing if it ing each other” a day after North rea could conduct a nuclear test TOKYO It was his first public mention
again allows North Korea to by- Korea said the United States was on or around April 15 to celebrate of a date. A recent ruling Liber-
pass international sanctions. pushing the region to the brink of The flight of the two bomb- the anniversary of the birth of the Japanese Prime Minister al Democratic Party (LDP) rule
But he admitted “there may nuclear war. ers came as US President Donald North’s founding leader, Kim Il- Shinzo Abe said on Wednesday change means Abe could well still
well be” a role for action against The US has urged China, re- Trump raised eyebrows when he sung, or on April 25, the 85th an- he hoped the first-ever change to be prime minister in 2020 if his
Chinese banks that work with the clusive North Korea’s lone ma- said he would be “honoured” to niversary of the foundation of its the country’s 70-year-old pacifist party stays in power.
Pyongyang regime, which is test- jor ally, to do more to rein in its meet North Korean leader Kim Korean People’s Army. constitution would be enacted by Under Abe’s watch, parliament
ing missiles that might one day be neighbour’s nuclear and missile Jong-un in the right circumstanc- The North has conducted such 2020, and that it would enshrine in 2015 voted into law a defense
capable of hitting US cities. programs which have prompted es, and as his CIA director landed tests or missile launches to mark the status of the military. policy shift that could let troops
During last year’s presidential an assertive response from the in South Korea for talks. significant events in the past. Under the constitution’s Ar- fight overseas for the first time
campaign, Trump was a strident Trump administration, warn- North Korea said the bombers Instead, North Korea held a big ticle 9, Japan forever renounced since 1945, but any formal consti-
critic of China, accusing it of ma- ing that the “era of strategic pa- conducted “a nuclear bomb drop- military parade featuring a dis- its right to wage war and banned tutional revision would require the
nipulating its currency to boost tience” is over. ping drill against major objects” in play of missiles on April 15 and maintenance of a military, though backing of two-thirds of members
its exports at US expense. The US has sent a nuclear- its territory at a time when Trump then a large, live-fire artillery drill successive governments have in- of both houses of parliament and a
And just ahead of his inau- powered aircraft carrier to Kore- and “other US warmongers are 10 days later. terpreted it to allow a military ex- majority of voters in a referendum.
guration, Trump threatened to an waters and a pair of strategic crying out for making a preemp- Trump drew criticism in Wash- clusively for self-defense. But voters are divided over his
plunge bilateral relations into US bombers flew training drills tive nuclear strike” on the North. ington on Monday when he said Japanese troops have taken campaign to revise the constitu-
crisis by suggesting that he might with the South Korean and Japa- “The reckless military provo- he would be “honoured” to meet part in international peace-keep- tion, against a backdrop of grow-
review US support for the “One nese air forces in another show of cation is pushing the situation North Korea’s young leader. ing operations, as well as a non- ing tension in the region, particu-
China” policy. strength this week. on the Korean peninsula closer “If it would be appropriate for combat reconstruction mission larly over North Korea, according
But once in office, Trump dis- Chinese Foreign Ministry to the brink of nuclear war,” the me to meet with him, I would ab- in Iraq from 2004 to 2006. to a poll released on Wednesday.
tanced himself from both po- spokesman Geng Shuang, asked North’s official KCNA news agen- solutely, I would be honoured Abe, in a video message to a A Nikkei Inc./TV Tokyo survey
sitions and last month he had about the bomber flights, the cy said on Tuesday. to do it,” Trump told Bloomberg gathering celebrating the anni- showed support growing for Abe’s
warm words for Xi after the great drills and North Korea’s response, Tension on the Korean pen- News. versary of the enactment of the push to revise a charter written
power leaders met at his Florida stressed that the situation was insula has been high for weeks, Trump did not say what condi- charter, proposed making explic- by the United States after Japan’s
golf resort. “highly complex” and sensitive. driven by concern that the North tions would be needed for such a it reference to the Self-Defense defeat in World War II and never
Branstad told the senators “The urgent task is to lower might conduct its sixth nuclear meeting to occur or when it could Forces (SDF) in the constitution. amended.
China had kept its currency ar- temperatures and resume talks,” test in defiance of UN Security happen. The document currently does not About 46 percent of respon-
tificially low in the past but no he told reporters. Council resolutions. “Clearly conditions are not make any mention of the force. dents favored keeping the constitu-
longer does so, and he vowed to “We again urge all relevant The US military’s THAAD an- there right now,” White House “By making explicit the status tion as it is, four percentage points
push Beijing to open its market parties to remain calm and exer- ti-missile defence system has spokesman Sean Spicer said. of the SDF in the constitution, lower than a similar poll last year.
to more US exports. cise restraint, stop irritating each reached initial operational capac- Trump warned in an interview we should leave no room for con- The number favoring a change
His testimony was well-re- other, work hard to create an at- ity in South Korea, US officials with Reuters on Thursday that tending that the SDF may be un- stood at 45 percent, up five per-
ceived by both Republican and mosphere for contact and dia- told Reuters, although they cau- a “major, major conflict” with constitutional,” he said in the vid- centage points from a year ago.
Democratic senators and his logue between all sides, and seek tioned that it would not be fully North Korea was possible, while eo, aired by Japanese television Nuclear-armed North Korea has
confirmation as ambassador by a return to the correct path of di- operational for some months. China said last week the situation broadcasters. over the past year stepped up mis-
the full Senate is now expected to alogue and negotiation as soon as China has repeatedly ex- on the Korean peninsula could es- “I strongly hope to make 2020 sile tests, the most recent of which
be a formality. possible.” pressed its opposition to the sys- calate or slip out of control. the year in which a new constitu- was a failed launch on Saturday.


Morocco fights to save its iconic monkey

Hamza Mekouar Nature (IUCN). Zouhair Ahmaouch, an official the Convention on Internation-
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/ Conservationists blame illegal at Morocco’s High Commission al Trade in Endangered Species
CHEFCHAOUEN, MOROCCO poaching, tourists who feed the for Water, Forests and Combating (CITES).
monkeys and overexploitation Desertification, said the new con- That makes buying and selling
“If nothing is done, this spe- of the cedar and oak forests that servation plan focused on tack- the monkeys illegal except under
cies will disappear within 10 form the species’ natural habitat. ling poaching. exceptional circumstances.
years,” warns a poster on Ahmed In response, Morocco has Based on various studies, they Ahmaouch welcomed the
Harrad’s ageing 4x4 showing Mo- launched a campaign to save the estimate that Morocco is home move.
rocco’s famed Barbary macaque species. to between 3,000 and 10,000 ma- “It will allow Morocco and oth-
monkey. “We are working on two areas caques today, compared with er countries to unify their efforts
Harrad spends his time criss- — monitoring and making a cen- 17,000 three decades ago. to fight against the illegal trade in
crossing northern Morocco to try sus of the species in the Rif and Last October, the Barbary Barbary macaques,” he said. Mo-
to convince locals to protect the raising awareness among locals macaque was listed as a species rocco has a “global responsibility
endangered monkey. so that they actively help rescue threatened with extinction on to conserve this heritage.”
The only species of macaque it,” Harrad said.
outside Asia, which lives on leaves As head of a local association,
and fruits and can weigh up to Barbary Macaque Awareness &
20 kilograms, was once found Conservation (BMAC), Harrad
throughout North Africa and has become a tireless advocate for
parts of Europe. the animal.
But having disappeared from He says it is often sold to buy-
Libya and Tunisia, it is now re- ers in Europe for between US$110
stricted to mountainous regions and $330 despite laws forbidding
of Algeria and Morocco’s north- the trade.
ern Rif region. Another semi-wild “A lot of foreigners buy mon-
population of about 200 individu- keys as pets,” he said.
als in Gibraltar are the only free- Seen as quiet and cute when it
ranging monkeys in Europe. is young, the adult monkey can
Today, the only native primate become a burden, Harrad said.
AFP/Fadel Senna north of the Sahara, apart from “It breaks things, bites, fights
On the brink of extinction: A Barbary macaque scratches himself humans, is in danger of extinc- with children and climbs the cur-
in a forest near the Moroccan town of Azrou, in the Atlas mountain tion, according to the Interna- tains,” prompting many owners
chain on April 15. tional Union for Conservation of to abandon their pets, he said.
WORLD THURSDAY May 4, 2017 | 12
Religious overture
Macron, Le Pen Arab youth
disapprove of
square off in debate Trump: Poll
Richard Balmforth hand fighting to demonstrate that
and Dominique Vidalon her ideas represent false solu- Reuters
Le Pen, who portrays Macron
French voters can expect ver- as a candidate of high finance A majority of young Arabs see
bal “hand-to-hand” combat when masquerading as a liberal, told Donald Trump’s election as the
centrist Emmanuel Macron and Reuters: “His program seems to factor most influencing their re-
the far-right Marine Le Pen hold be very vague, but in reality it is gion in the next five years, a sur-
a televised debate on Wednesday a simple continuation of [Social- vey published on Wednesday
night, their last encounter before ist President] Francois Hollande’s showed, and they expressed con-
Sunday’s run-off vote to pick the government.” cern that the United States presi-
next president. In that interview she reaf- dent was anti-Muslim.
Opinion polls show Macron, 39, firmed she wanted to take France Trump signed an executive or-
holding a strong lead of 20 points out of the euro and get a national der in March banning citizens
over the National Front’s Le Pen currency back into French pock- from six Muslim-majority na-
with just four days to go to the fi- ets within two years. tions from travelling to the S, cit-
nal vote, in what is widely seen as A Cevipof poll published on the ing security reasons, but the ac-
France’s most important election website of Le Monde on Wednes- tion was blocked by a court.
in decades. day — one of the last big polls be- The annual survey by Dubai-
Voters are choosing between fore the Sunday vote — saw Ma- based public relations firm
Macron, a strongly Europe-mind- cron getting 59 percent of the ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller of
ed ex-banker who wants to cut votes versus 41 percent for Le people aged between 18-24 across
state regulations in the economy Pen, similar to other pollsters in 16 Arab countries showed 64 per-
while protecting workers, and Le the last few days. cent of respondents viewed the
Pen, a Eurosceptic who wants to The poll said 85 percent were Reuters/Ammar Awad Trump presidency with “concern,
ditch the euro currency and im- now sure which way they would Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby (right) stands next to Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani, the director of Al- anger or fear.”
pose sharp curbs on immigration. vote, leaving at least 15 percent Aqsa Mosque during his visit to the Dome of the Rock on the compound known to Muslims as Noble Sanc- Eighty-three percent viewed
Macron finished only three of voters who could be swayed by tuary and to Jews as Temple Mount, in Jerusalem’s Old City on Wednesday. Trump unfavorably, far up from
points ahead of Le Pen in the first what they see and hear in the TV the 52 percent recorded by his
round on April 23, but he is wide- showdown. predecessor Barack Obama and
ly expected now to pick up the Commentators said Wednes- even exceeding the 77 percent
bulk of votes from the Socialists day’s debate could still have an in- disapproval rating for George
and the center-right whose candi-
dates were eliminated.
Though Le Pen has a moun-
tain to climb to catch Macron, the
fluence, particularly on potential
abstainers, many of whom voted
for the candidate of the hard left
who came fourth in the April 23
Five years, billions W. Bush, whose invasion of Iraq
made him especially unpopular
in the Arab world.
Around 70 percent of respon-

to rebuild Mosul
campaign has been packed with first round. dents said Trump was anti-Mus-
surprises, the exchanges between “What he [Macron] has to do is lim. Half said his proposed travel
the two have become noticeably to convince the people who didn’t ban would make it easier for mili-
sharper and the 48-year-old Na- vote for him [in the first round] tant groups to recruit young Mus-
tional Front veteran has shown and who do not agree with his lims.
she is capable of catching him out program that they will be respect- Ahmed Aboulenein Airport, railway wrecked in cities during the occupation, have Respondents listed oil prices
with clever public relations ma- ed,” one outgoing government REUTERS/MOSUL battle with Islamic State already started drawing up plans as the factor next most likely to
neuvering. minister said. to rebuild Mosul, though they are impact the region in the next five
Upwards of 20 million viewers Macron, a one-time economy Mosul’s wrecked roads, bridges Local official speaks in still were not sure where the mon- years, followed by the Islamic
are expected to tune in to the de- minister in a Hollande Socialist and broader economy will take at fortified office, gun on ey will come from, said Qablan. State (IS) group, which was seen
bate out of a voter population of government, heads only a fledg- least five years to repair and need desk For the first six months, local as the biggest challenge in the re-
close to 47 million. ling movement called En Marche! billions of dollars of development authorities would focus on re- gion in last year’s poll.
Macron warned he would not (Onwards!) which has no repre- that Iraq’s government will strug- Turkish, Iranian produce storing security, water, electric- The survey was based on 3,500
pull his punches against a rival sentation in parliament. gle to afford, officials returning to fills markets in eastern half ity and fuel, and on the return of face-to-face interviews carried
whose policies — primarily the Assuming he wins, one of his the battle-scarred city said. those displaced by the war. out in countries ranging from
anti-euro strategy and a nativ- immediate challenges will be to The airport, railway station Under the plan, there would Morocco and Egypt to Jordan and
ist anti-immigrant policy on jobs build a parliamentary majority and university were all destroyed alition have now retaken the east- then be a two-year period of re- Saudi Arabia.
and welfare — he says are danger- in follow-up elections in June to in the long fight to dislodge Islam- ern half of the city — letting re- construction and the initiation of Meanwhile, Trump’s nation-
ous for France. push through his program and ic State (IS) militants from their gional councilors return for the a reconciliation process followed al security adviser described his
“I am not going to employ in- avoid being hamstrung by a Na- main Iraqi stronghold. first time in two-and-a-half years by 30 months focused on attract- boss’s foreign policy approach
vective. I am not going to use cli- tional Assembly where oppo- Iraqi government forces to survey the damage. ing investment and developing as “disruptive” on the eve of the
chés or insults. I’ll use hand-to- nents hold sway. backed by a United States-led co- “After Mosul is fully liberated, the economy. US president’s first White House
we need a working plan to restore Some of the early repair work meeting with the Palestinian
things to the way they were be- could cost as little as US$5,000 a leader, saying his unconventional
fore 2014 when Islamic State took house, Qablan said. ways could create an opportuni-
over,” Noureldin Qablan, deputy But even that would strain ty to ultimately help stabilize the
chairman of the council covering budgets that he said were under- Middle East.
the surrounding Nineveh prov- funded by the central govern- Trump faces deep skepticism
ince, told Reuters. ment in Baghdad. at home and abroad over his
He sat back in his office in the “Honestly, we are not getting chances for a breakthrough with
heart of Mosul, the province’s re- enough support. What has been Palestinian President Mahmoud
gional capital, an unremarkable allocated to Nineveh in 2017 was Abbas, not least because the new
building apart from its new con- 52 billion Iraqi dinars [$44.5 mil- US administration has yet to ar-
crete fortifications and the teams lion] which is a very small sum ticulate a cohesive strategy for
of armed guards surrounding it. for a province this size,” Qablan restarting long-stalled peace
A gun lay on his desk, next to said. talks.
his phone and piles of paperwork. “In 2013 we were allocated 738 Seeming to brush aside such
Outside, bustling markets have billion dinars, yet after all this de- concerns, national security ad-
sprung back into life on the east- struction we get just 52. It is very viser HR McMaster told an Is-
ern banks of the Tigris river. Over hard to reach our goals with this rael Independence Day celebra-
on the other side of the river, IS sum, so we are counting on for- tion in Washington on Tuesday
fighters are holed in, defending the eign grants.” night that Trump “does not have
densely-populated Old City with Council officials are in talks time to debate over doctrine” and
snipers and suicide bombers. with the United Nations, inter- instead seeks to challenge failed
At the heart of their territory national aid groups and friendly policies of the past with a busi-
sits the medieval Grand al-Nuri states, he said. Italy was already nessman’s results-oriented ap-
Mosque and its famous leaning helping rebuild a hospital. proach.
minaret, where IS leader Abu Outside on the eastern side Trump’s unpredictability has
Bakr al-Baghdadi declared his ca- of the river, foreign investment rattled friends and foes alike
liphate in July 2014. Experts fear was already flowing back in, in around the world. Some ana-
the fragile brick structure could the form of market stalls heav- lysts doubt Trump can succeed
still succumb to the fighting rag- ing with Turkish and Iranian fruit where experienced Middle East
ing around it. and vegetables, replacing the less hands failed for decades, espe-
Iraq’s army has said it expects plentiful Syrian produce that had cially when trust between Israe-
to expel IS from the rest of the city dominated under IS. lis and Palestinians is at a low
by May. Tobacco shops, banned by the point.
The 34 Nineveh councilors, ultra-hardline Sunni Muslim “The president is not a super-
who have been meeting in other group, have reopened. patient man,” McMaster said.


Indonesia, China boost anti-drug ties

Liza Yosephine press briefing. prevent illicit drug trafficking.
THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA He said China had expressed He said heroin was the main
interest in boosting efforts to curb drug arriving in China from In-
Indonesia and China agreed in a illicit drug trafficking stemming donesia, while shabu was the top
meeting on Wednesday to intensify from precursors trade. Prenotifi- drug to arrive in Indonesia.
intelligence sharing in their quest cations from China reported that “This is why cooperation be-
to eradicate drug trafficking. some 1,097 tons of precursors tween the two countries is ben-
The National Narcotics Board have arrived in Indonesia from eficial for both parties in order to
(BNN) and the National Narcot- the Asian giant since 2014. prevent drugs from entering ei-
ics Control Commission of China A prenotification is given pri- ther country,” Lan said.
(NNCC) exchanged information or to precursors arriving at sea Highlighting the commitment
on drug issues in each country, and ports, Arief said, as the chemicals to curb illegal drug circulation in
committed to boosting coopera- are commonly traded as ingredi- China, Lan said the government
tion in law enforcement and crack- ents for medicine, but risk falling heavily targeted drug manufac-
ing down on drug trafficking. into the hands of illegal traffickers turers for a six-month period.
The cooperation is a follow-up to make illicit drugs, such as shabu NNCC crackdown in 2016 un-
on a 2012 bilateral agreement. (crystal methamphetamine). raveled a total of 145,000 cases
BNN deputy chief on legal He stressed the importance of and confiscated 82 tons of drugs.
affairs and cooperation Arief international cooperation, not- Both parties at the meeting
Wicaksono Sudiutomo said both ing that recent government data also exchanged information on
agencies also agreed on mecha- shows 80 percent of drug smug- citizens involved in drug cases in
nisms of communication, infor- gling pass through sea routes. each country. As many as 53 Indo-
mation sharing and the monitor- The BNN recorded as many nesians since 2003 are involved
ing of precursors. as 11 origin countries involved in in ongoing drug cases in China
The NNCC also offered assis- drug smuggling into Indonesia. and a total 150 Chinese citizens in
tance in information technology to Other than China, these include Indonesia.
track drug syndicates in China on Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq, as Meanwhile, a 2016 UN Office
cases related to Indonesia. well as several nations in Africa, on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC)
“We have also agreed to con- South America and East Asia. world drug report revealed East
duct capacity building and, most NCCC deputy secretary-gen- and Southeast Asian among the
importantly, to intensify ex- eral Lan Weihong called for world’s largest meth markets,
change of intelligence that would strengthened measures on the where seizures almost quadru-
benefit both parties,” Arief told a control and trade of precursors to pled between 2009 and 2014.
BUSINESS THURSDAY May 4, 2017 | 13
Price ceiling sought to support PH environment chief dumped ‘Mixed Feelings’ Art
biodiesel p14 as miners triumph p16 Breeding Ground p22

Confiscated items
Jokowi gives nod to final
batch of marquee projects
Entering the second half of his ate added value.
leadership tenure, President Joko Since the beginning of the year,
“Jokowi” Widodo has approved the administration has buckled
various development projects down to review its projects and
that will become final additions to President Jokowi has held 22
the current administration’s list meetings to discuss projects in
of national strategic projects. each province with his relevant
Coordinating Economic Minis- ministers and other stakeholders.
ter Darmin Nasution claims that In his opening remarks, the
President Jokowi recently ap- only part of Wednesday’s meet-
proved 55 new projects and one ing in which reporters were al-
program to the existing list. The ad- lowed to cover, Jokowi said that
dition brings the total to 245 stra- the infrastructure developments
tegic projects and two programs were on track, with more than 40
needing an estimated investment percent of the national strategic
of more than Rp 4 quadrillion projects planned by his adminis-
(US$300.4 billion) to complete. tration undergoing construction.
A little over a year after his in- Another 37 percent of the proj-
auguration as the country’s sev- ects, meanwhile, are still in the
enth president in October 2014, planning stages, he claimed.
Jokowi issued Presidential De- Moreover, Jokowi also empha-
cree (Perpres) No. 3/2016 and sized that the projects on the list
Presidential Instruction (Inpres) must be able to contribute to the
No. 1/2016, which identify a list local economy, lower the poverty
of 225 national strategic proj- rate, increase welfare and create
ects that include, among oth- jobs.
ers, 47 highway projects, five na- “I always underline that the na-
tional non-toll roads, 12 railway tional strategic projects must have
projects, 11 airport revitalization a significant and real effect on the
works and construction of four region’s economy,” he said, add-
new airports. ing that the government must also
Both regulations serve as legal ensure that the non-government
standings for public officials to re- infrastructure project funding
Antara/Reno Esnir vise or replace rules that hamper scheme was managed transpar-
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati (center), together with customs and excise director general Heru Pambudi (second left), talks to the development, and to accelerate ently in order to pull in more in-
press at the Finance Ministry in Jakarta on Wednesday during a crackdown on illegal textile exports. The directorate general, in collaboration land acquisitions. vestment from the private sector.
with the National Police and the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (PPATK), has discovered violations of export rules that Since then, 20 projects worth While land acquisition has re-
could have cost the state Rp 118 billion (US$8.86 million). Rp 33.5 trillion have been complet- mained a large issue faced by
ed, while 15 projects worth Rp 40.5 Indonesian authorities in in-
trillion have been cut out of the list frastructure development, the
of national strategic projects. Finance Ministry through its
New additions to the list con- State Asset Management Agency

Jonan resorts to bullying sist of 45 multi-sectoral projects,

seven toll road projects, three
railway projects and one aircraft
construction program. Darmin
(LMAN) launched last month a
new scheme to fund land acqui-
sition for the national strategic

major foreign oil companies

confirmed that the new projects As part of the new scheme, two
would be the final batch added public bodies, the Indonesia Toll
onto the list, as instructed by the Road Authority (BPJT) and the
President, whose tenure expires Public Works and Public Housing
in October 2019. Ministry, signed a memorandum
“This is the final [addition] for of understanding (MoU) with 23
Fedina S. Sundaryani Jonan threatens to revoke ed to be able to produce 1,200 with the government to continue this administration. One of the toll road companies (BUJTs).
THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA Inpex’s contract mmscfd and 24,000 barrels of the project as soon as possible. requirements for a national stra- Under a 2016 presidential reg-
condensate per day for 24 years. The gas field project needs hard tegic project is that it has to start ulation, LMAN should plan for
For Japan’s Inpex Corp. and Recent negotiations to However, the ministry has de- work and large investments in construction before 2018. This funding and the utilization of
Royal Dutch Shell, Indonesia’s further project run into manded the companies explore the long term so it needs support means that we cannot add more land banks as well as pay com-
abrupt policy change to make them deadlock other options for onshore designs from all stakeholders,” he said. until this administration finishes pensation for land acquisition to
rewrite their multi-billion-dollar that will cost them more than $75 Indonesian Chamber of Com- in 2019,” he told reporters follow- support the government’s infra-
business plan last year may not be million in additional investment merce and Industry (Kadin) head ing a closed-door Cabinet meet- structure development programs.
their last hurdle, even after more design (pre-FEED) phase. with no benefits at all as the op- of energy, oil and gas regulations ing at the State Palace in Central The government allocated for the
than six years of negotiations aimed This phase will determine the tions are already estimated to Firlie Ganinduto said Jonan’s Jakarta on Wednesday. agency state capital worth Rp 16
at getting the project running. production capacity of the on- yield less than initially expected. comment would only spook in- Infrastructure development trillion and Rp 20 trillion in the
The companies, at risk of losing shore liquefied natural gas (LNG) Exploring other design options vestors and he said he hoped the has been an important feature of 2016 and 2017 state budgets, re-
the US$1.6 billion they already sank plant, the length of pipes, the allo- will only delay the pre-FEED former banker would not harm Jokowi’s administration, with a spectively.
into gas exploration in the Mase- cation of gas for local use and the completion, which normally their business. majority of the projects intended
la block in Maluku, were forced by islands where the facilities will be takes one and a half years. “The government must honor to increase connectivity and cre- —JP/FEDINA S. SUNDARYANI
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo located, among other things. Pre-FEED is an early stage af- any agreements already made,”
in March last year to alter their plan “If Inpex takes too long to con- ter resource discovery. After the he said.
to extract gas from the block using duct the pre-FEED then I will phase, the companies and the ReforMiner Institute re-
offshore facilities. They must now
use onshore facilities instead.
cancel the contract. My patience
is wearing thin,” Jonan said on
ministry are required to negoti-
ate a plan of development (POD),
searcher Pri Agung Rakhmanto
said that although Jonan’s state-
Instructive order
While the companies have fi- the sidelines of a national gas fo- which usually also takes one and a ment might have been merely
nally agreed to move forward rum in Jakarta on Wednesday. half years at most. “emotional,” it only highlighted
with the $19 billion onshore proj- “I have been the energy and Once the POD is approved, the the government’s increasing lack
ect, the biggest ever in Indonesia, mineral resources minister for companies and the ministry pro- of attention toward the upstream
a recent deadlock in the negotia- six months and they still haven’t ceed to negotiate the final FEED, energy sector.
tions with the authorities over started.” which includes talks about incen- “The policies the government
preliminary facility design have Unilaterally terminating the tives and taxes. This process can has utilized only demonstrated
made them the apparent victims PSC, which will not expire un- take two to three years before the its distrust toward the industry.
of bullying-like tactics. til 2028, will be legally time-con- project construction is offered for This may be even more apparent
Energy and Mineral Resourc- suming and the government will open bidding, which takes less since the sector’s contribution to
es Minister Ignasius Jonan has be at risk of being pulled into in- than one year. state revenues has continued to
threatened to cancel a produc- ternational arbitration if the Construction takes four to five decline,” he said.
tion-sharing contract (PSC) in- companies cannot fully accept years. Moreover, Pri Agung noted
volving the gas-rich block if the the termination rationale. Given the complexity of the that the government cannot re-
contractors do not get the ball During the pre-FEED negotia- negotiations, the chances for the voke a PSC unilaterally, as any
rolling on the field’s development. tions, the ministry has given In- block to start producing by 2023, cancellation of a contract must be
The government has asked In- pex and Shell two options for the as the government hopes, may di- agreed to by all parties.
pex and Shell, which hold 65 and LNG plant capacity: 7.5 mtpa with minish. The Masela morass has drawn Antara/Audy Alwi
35 percent stakes in the block, re- 474 million standard cubic feet of Inpex spokesman Usman the attention of both Japanese National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) chief Bambang
spectively, to immediately agree gas per day (mmscfd) or 9.5 mtpa Slamet said the company would Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Brodjonegoro (right) checks on discussion groups during a confer-
to the Energy and Mineral Re- and 160 mmscfd. The piped gas continue to work with the gov- Dutch Prime Minister Mark ence in Jakarta on Wednesday. The agency held the event to devise
sources Ministry’s terms for the will be sold to local petrochemical ernment to find a way to expedite Rutte who recently demanded a government working plan for 2018, which will focus on 10 national
design during the so-called pre- companies. the project. Jokowi help resolve the project’s priority programs and 30 priority programs to drive the country’s eco-
liminary front-end engineering The Masela block is estimat- “We continue to work together bottlenecks. nomic growth.


CEPA expected to boost EU’s low investment in Indonesia

Stefani Ribka investment, but only 15 percent Indonesia’s crude palm oil (CPO) export destinations 2016 lowered trade figures compared for European nations to gradu-
THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA goes to Indonesia, whereas, as we all to other neighboring and devel- ally phase out the use of palm oil
know, Indonesia’s share in ASEAN Countries Quantity Value oping countries. that is not sustainably produced,
(in million tons) (in billion US dollar)
The European Union expects GDP [gross domestic product] is 35 Total trade between the EU which it says has contributed to
an economic deal it is discussing or so percent. So, this missing gap India 2.95 1.87 and Indonesia settled at $25.1 bil- deforestation. Indonesia is the
with Indonesia to boost invest- of 20 percent means you don’t get Netherlands 0.68 0.42 lion last year, much lower than world’s biggest palm oil producer.
ment in Southeast Asia’s largest your fair share,” Guérend told The Singapore 0.58 0.36 the bloc’s 2016 commerce with “We are not freezing the CEPA
economy, which it says is still be- Jakarta Post in an exclusive inter- Italy 0.25 0.15 Vietnam of $53.6 billion and with negotiations. We even aim to raise
low potential. view on Tuesday. Spain 0.24 0.14 Mexico of $61.4 billion, according the palm oil issue in the context of
Up to the present, accumulative “The reason why you don’t get Germany 0.17 0.1 to data from Trade Map. trade and sustainable development
EU investment amounts to €25 bil- your fair share is because, sorry to Malaysia 0.17 0.09 In terms of trade, Indonesia is in the CEPA framework,” Iman
lion (US$27.3 billion), only 15 per- say, European companies prefer Others 0.24 0.18 EU’s fifth largest trading partner said in a text message Wednesday.
cent of the bloc’s overall investment to go elsewhere because they can TOTAL 5.28 3.31 in Southeast Asia and its 30th big- The talks on the CEPA entered
in ASEAN countries, according to do better business elsewhere,” he Source: International Trade Center gest in the world. The EU, mean- the second round in January and
data from the EU’s delegation to In- added. while, is Indonesia’s fourth larg- will continue to the next round in
donesia and Brunei Darussalam. The 27-member bloc eyes a general expected to open bigger neighbors, like Thailand and Viet- est trading partner. September with both parties ex-
EU Ambassador to Indonesia wide range of sectors for invest- access for European business- nam, but also by other developing Separately, the Trade Minis- pecting their conclusion by the
and Brunei Darussalam Vincent ment, including financial ser- people to tap into enormous op- economies of similar size, such as try’s director general for interna- end of 2018.
Guérend said that investment from vices, retail, consumer goods, portunities in the market of more Brazil and Mexico. Supported by tional trade negotiations, Iman The CEPA is set to address
European companies in Indone- agriculture, fish and seafood pro- than 260 million people that has existing economic agreements Pambagyo, said that Indone- some new issues that Indonesia
sia was much lower than that in its cessing, textile and footwear, an abundant labor force and nat- with the bloc, the latter two coun- sia would continue talks on the has yet to put onto the table with
Southeast Asian peers, particularly Guérend further said. ural resources. tries have received €300 billion CEPA despite escalating tension other trade partners, such as gov-
given the huge size of its economy. Apart from investment, the The EU’s investment in In- and €100 billion, respectively. over the future of palm oil trade. ernment procurement, and a new
“European companies are by far comprehensive economic part- donesia is not only comparably The smaller figure of invest- The European Parliament re- type of investor-state dispute set-
the first provider of foreign direct nership agreement (CEPA) is in smaller than that received by its ment in Indonesia has in turn cently issued a resolution calling tlement.
14 | BUSINESS THURSDAY May 4, 2017

Banknote rates Green cause AVIATION

Banknote rates Selling Rp Buying Rp
US dollar 1 13,363.00 13,231.00 Govt eyes
Australian dollar 1 10,050.31 9,949.71
Swiss franc
more int’l
British pound
Hong Kong dollar 1
1 17,299.74
Japanese yen 100 11,925.93 11,806.01 Winny Tang
Korean won 1 11.85 11.71 THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA
Malaysian ringgit 1 3,099.03 3,066.28
Philippine peso 1 267.63 264.83 The government is aiming for
Singaporean dollar 1 9,595.72 9,499.57 a significant increase in interna-
Thai baht 1 388.35 384.29 tional flights, which it is confident
will account for 40 percent of all
Source: BI flights at Soekarno-Hatta Inter-
national Airport by the end of
World benchmarks 2017, up from the current portion
Daily Change of 15 to 20 percent.
Country Index Points % The ambitious target comes af-
Indonesia (JCI) 5,647.37 -28.44 -0.50 ter the country’s largest airport
launched operations at its new
S. Korea (Kospi) 2,219.67 N/A N/A
Terminal 3 for Garuda Indonesia’s
Thailand (SET Index) 1,565.04 0.92 0.06 international flights on May 1.
Malaysia (FTSE BM) 1,772.51 -5.96 -0.34 Antara “International flights provide
Singapore (FTSE ST) 3,237.81 26.70 0.83 The production and business strategist for state-owned cement maker PT Semen Indonesia, Johan Samu- the opportunity to attract tour-
Japan (Nikkei 225) 19,445.70 N/A N/A dra (left), receives a 2017 Indonesia Green Award from the Environment and Forestry Ministry’s inspector ists. This is the instant way to in-
Hong Kong (Hang Seng) 24,696.13 N/A N/A
general Imam Hendargo in Jakarta on Wednesday. The firm was presented awards in six categories, includ- crease the country’s foreign re-
ing energy saving and application of new and renewable energy. serves and thereby contribute to
China (SSE Comp.) 3,135.35 -8.37 -0.27
economic growth,” Transporta-
Philippines (PSE Index) 7,682.26 -20.84 -0.27 tion Minister Budi Karya Sumadi
India (S&P Sensex) 29,915.77 -5.41 -0.02 said on Monday.
Garuda Indonesia president

Price ceiling sought

USA (DJIA) 20,949.89 36.43 0.17
UK (FTSE) 7,236.51 -13.54 -0.19
director Pahala N. Mansury said
that as of May 1, all of Garuda’s in-
Australia (All Ordinaries) 5,919.94 -51.49 -0.86
ternational flights had moved to
Source: IDX Terminal 3. The transition from

to support biodiesel
Terminal 2 to Terminal 3 had gone
smoothly without any hassle.
ECONOMY IN BRIEF “This is also part of our efforts
to improve our services. Previ-
Moody’s assigns Baa3 rating to PLN’s MTN ously, we only had 13 check-in
counters [at Terminal 2], but now
JAKARTA: Moody’s Investors Service has assigned a provisional Baa3 Grace D. Amianti sources Ministry’s new and re- Price caps expected to we have 26 check-in counters [at
rating with a positive outlook to a proposed US$2 billion issuance of and Viriya P. Singgih newable energy director general, stand at no more than Terminal 3],” he said.
global medium-term notes (GMTN) by state-owned electricity firm PT THE JAKARTA POST/JAKARTA Rida Mulyana, said recently that it Rp 4,000 per liter The national flag carrier was the
PLN. would have to carry out a simula- first Indonesian airline to serve
At the same time, Moody’s assigned a Baa3 rating to the proposed The government has said it is tion for the new formula amid the New formula aims to international routes. It currently
notes issued under this MTN program, which will represent the first still working to formulate new process of revising a presidential stimulate firms to support operates 17 direct international
drawdown under this program and will rank pari passu with all other biodiesel price caps for compa- regulation to impose the scheme. biodiesel blending policy flights to countries in Asia, Austra-
senior unsecured debt issued by PLN. nies distributing the product in Under the new formula, the lia and Europe.
The rating agency in a statement on Wednesday said PLN’s Baa3 an effort to extend the outreach government will reduce the cost Eight airlines from the Sky-
rating reflected the company’s standalone credit quality and Moody’s of subsidies to those operating of converting CPO into fatty acid $60 per barrel, and that of CPO at Team alliance, including ANA Air-
assessment of the credit support the government as the sole owner of outside the public service obliga- methyl ester (FAME) — which around $650 to $750 per ton. The lines, Japan Airlines, Delta Air-
PLN was likely to provide in a situation of distress. tion (PSO) program. is used to produce biodiesel — to allocation is lower than the Rp 10.6 lines and KLM Airlines, would also
“PLN’s rating also takes into consideration its involvement in the The government and industry $100 per ton from the current $125 trillion set aside last year. move to Terminal 3, Angkasa Pura
national capacity addition programs — the Fast Track programs 1 and players are currently discussing per ton. With the proposed $25 cut, Two companies — state-owned II (AP II) president director Mu-
2, and a 35-gigawatt five-year program. These programs are expected proposed price caps for biodiesel it is estimated that the government energy giant Pertamina and pub- hammad Awaluddin said. After the
to increase PLN’s debt levels and put pressure on its key credit metrics distributed under PSO and non- will save $38.25 million. licly listed petroleum and chemi- Idul Fitri holiday, the state-owned
over the next five to eight years until the programs are completed,” PSO programs, which are ex- The government expects the cal distributor PT AKR Corporin- airport operator aims to move the
Moody’s wrote. — JP pected to stand at a maximum of new formula to boost its subsidy do — have been assigned to absorb remaining 24 international air-
Rp 4,000 (30 US cents) and Rp funds, which will help biodiesel local biodiesel supply with sup- lines to Terminal 3 in a process it
2,000 per liter, respectively. distributors to continue purchas- port from the government’s PSO hopes to complete by August.
Govt to decide gas for PLN this week “We need to discuss the figures ing FAME from various produc- funds. Last year both firms saw By concentrating international
further because we must follow the ers and support the government’s subsidy rates hover at an average flights at Terminal 3, AP II aims
JAKARTA: The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry will decide on rules. As we revise the presidential mandatory biodiesel blending of Rp 4,500 to Rp 5,500 per liter. to increase the capacity of Termi-
the gas allocation level for electricity this week. regulation [for the new formula], policy. “The [special] team for the Sixteen companies have been nal 1 from 9 million passengers
Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan said President we’ll stay with the existing scheme tariff will analyze the overall [cal- assigned to supply 1.53 million to 18 million passengers a year.
Joko “Jokowi” Widodo had emphasized the need to increase electricity until the new one is ready,” said culations],” Musdhalifah said. kiloliters of biodiesel to Pertamina Likewise, the airport operator
powered by gas in order to eventually wean the country off coal-fired Musdhalifah Machmud, deputy for Indonesia started implement- and AKR Corporindo for the peri- also plans to double the capacity
power plants. food and agricultural coordination ing the 15 percent biodiesel od of November 2016 to April 2017. of Terminal 2 to 18 million pas-
The minister said he had ordered his subordinates to finalize a draft at the Office of the Coordinating blending (B15) policy in 2015 and The government currently re- sengers per year. Terminal 3 cur-
on the gas allocation for electricity. “I have already issued an order on Economic Minister, on Tuesday. the 20 percent blending (B20) views the biodiesel quota on a six- rently has a capacity of 25 million
the gas allocation for gas-fired power plants,” he said during the open- The government expects to policy last year to boost domestic monthly basis, from May to Octo- passengers per year. “With the re-
ing speech of the national gas forum held in Jakarta on Wednesday. impose a new formula for the so- biodiesel consumption. ber and from November to April. position, the burden at each ter-
In PLN’s latest electricity business procurement plan, electricity called biodiesel index price, which The Indonesian Oil Palm Es- It has also been formulating a minal will be distributed well,”
procured from gas will make up 26.6 percent of total energy sources is currently calculated based on tate Fund (BPDP-KS) has allocat- new progressive levy scheme for Awaluddin said.
for electricity. PLN has been ordered to convert several gas-fired power the crude palm oil (CPO) base ed Rp 9.6 trillion to support the all exporters, in which the levy Terminal 3 is equipped with 65
plants to wellhead ones to cut down on distribution and transmission price with the additional conver- implementation of the B20 policy would soar by 20 percent every immigration counters, 30 auto-
costs. It is hoped that these reduced costs will lead to lower electricity sion cost of $125 per ton. this year as the average crude oil time the CPO price increases by gates in the departure and arrival
prices. — JP The Energy and Mineral Re- price is expected to stand at $50 to $50 per ton. areas.


Q1 corporate earnings: Slightly below expectations

Harry Su Exhibit 1. Market performance experienced a higher gross profit ers were still in a wait-and-see ap- sindo Utama (TAXI) on the back
Operating Net margin on low flour prices and proach because of concerns over of competition from online taxis
profit profit
around a 3 percent higher aver- political instability, especially as well lower minimum manda-
1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 1Q17
As of the writing of this ar- age selling price (AVP) for instant with multiple mass demonstra- tory daily driver payments. For
y-y growth y-y growth
ticle, only 77 companies within decision to close down mine noodle products. tions happening in the final quar- PT Blue Bird (BIRD), results were
(%) (%)
our total coverage of 103 stocks sites. However, on the flip side, For the above, we noticed that ter of 2016. slightly lower as the economic re-
a ana o ( )
have reported their first quar- state-owned diversified min- the average cash conversion cycle On the bottom line, we saw covery was only felt at the end of
ter (Q1) results. However, with er PT Aneka Tambang (ANTM) Source: Companies, Bahana has deteriorated to 79 days from blended negative growth as the March, suggesting better earn-
the 77 companies accounting performed better as a result of 66 days in Q1 on higher receiv- foreign exchange (FX) gain in the ings ahead, particularly through
for 71.1 percent of the Jakarta higher prices for gold, the sales of Exhibit 2. The Good ables in preparation for the Idul first quarter of last year was no- its collaboration with popular
Operating Net
Composite Index (JCI) total which contributed 70 percent of Fitri holiday season, or Lebaran, tably bigger than that in Q1 this ride-hailing app Go-Jek.
profit profit
market cap, we believe the cor- revenues. which requires channel stuff- year, given the large United States In the cement sector, despite
1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 1Q17
porate performances should be For plantations, the sector has ing for longer-shelf life products dollar debts of the media players. some volume recovery, Q1 yoy
y-y growth y-y growth
fairly reflective of current market been positively affected by strong (e.g. biscuits). Among the tobac- The oil sector was dragged performance was poor, mainly
(%) (%)
conditions. volume recovery — for plantation co players, earnings were most- down by the performance of state- eroded by deterioration across
tals na na ( )
For the market as a whole (Ex- firms PT PP London Sumatra In- ly in line with PT Gudang Ga- owned gas company PT Perusa- the board for all cement compa-
lantations ( )
hibit 1), Q1 year-on-year (yoy) op- donesia (LSIP), PT Astra Agro ram (GGRM) performing slightly haan Gas Negara (PGAS), which nies’ earnings on lower ASPs and
oal r lat d ( ) ( )
erating profit growth reached 14.7 Lestari (AALI) and PT Sampoer- better than PT HM Sampoerna suffered from lower distribution higher costs stemming from in-
n ra r lat d
percent, compared to 5.5 percent na Agro (SGRO) — and increased (HMSP) on the back of higher volumes as industrial activities creased energy and raw materials
to ( ) ( )
growth in the same period last Q1 crude palm oil (CPO) prices, sales volume growth, aided by remained soft while PT AKR Cor- prices.
l o
year and 12.7 percent growth in which averaged 16 percent yoy Surya Pro Mild’s aggressive pro- porindo (AKRA), a distributor of For shipping, PT Soechi Lines
the final quarter of last year. higher to US$690 per ton. Source: Companies, Bahana motions. basic chemicals and petroleum (SOCI) has not reported and thus
At the bottom line, Q1’s yoy For coal, the sector has benefit- Within the retail sector, earn- products, experienced a higher far, the sector has suffered from
net profit growth accelerated ted from a 62 percent yoy spike in Exhibit 3. The Bad ings suffered on relatively soft de- average selling price (ASP) due low utilization rates as those re-
Operating Net
to 15.9 percent from an 8.5 per- the Q1 coal price average of $82.2 mand, which occurred between to the much improved Q1 average lated to the oil sector did not
profit profit
cent decline in the same period per ton, as opposed to $50.8 per mid-January and mid-March Brent price of $54.6 per barrel, up manage to obtain new contracts,
1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 1Q17
last year. The figure, however, is ton recorded in the same period 2017; however, a strong rebound more than 55 percent yoy. while the non-related shipping
y-y growth y-y growth
still slower than the 18.1 percent last year. In infrastructure-relat- was seen in late March, which has At this stage, oil price dynam- business was adversely affected
(%) (%)
growth recorded in the final quar- ed, both operating and net earn- continued until today, suggesting ics hinge on US oil production, by lower freight rates.
o rism ( ) na ( ) na
ter of 2016. ings growth were strong, fueled improved performance, particu- the level of compliance among For SOCI, we expect an im-
Sta l s
Thus, corporate earnings for by acceleration in government larly in the lead-up to Lebaran. members of the Organization of provement this year following the
the most part should remain sup- spending. On banks, we have seen solid Petroleum Exporting Countries commencement of its vessel re-
an s ( ) ( )
portive of Indonesia’s market val- For the automotive industry, improvements at both the oper- (OPEC) and geopolitical tension. pair and maintenance division.
alt ar
uation, whose price-to-earnings earnings benefited from stronger ating and net profit levels due to On the property front, earn- From a trading perspective,
dia ( ) ( )
(PE) ratio 2017 forecast stands at auto sales and well-maintained lower provisioning as many of ings pressure was mainly caused with the Jakarta gubernatorial
il r lat d ( ) ( )
17.7, making it the third most ex- margins, helped by manageable the banks are finished with their by low sales by industrial play- election out of the way, we recom-
ro rt ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
pensive in the region, just behind discounting within the sector. For kitchen-sinking activities. Addi- ers as investments remained soft mend investors to go back to In-
o ltr ( ) na ( )
the Philippines and India. diversified conglomerate PT As- tionally, we are also seeing a pick- while property players recorded donesia’s fundamentals and mar-
rans ortation ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Assuming security conditions tra International (ASII), we note up in higher loan growth for the improving revenues, but compa- ket earnings.
m nt ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
on the ground can be maintained, that its Q1 performance saw an sector (Q1 2017: 9.1 percent; Q1 nies such as PT Alam Sutera Re- Nevertheless, recent political
S i in ( ) ( ) ( ) na
the JCI, which recorded an all- adverse impact from the start of 2016: 8.7 percent; Q4 2016: 7.9 alty (ASRI) and PT Pakuwon Jati developments post the victory of
time high level of 5,726 on April the Toyota business restructur- Source: Companies, Bahana percent), reflecting an improving (PWON) booked lower FX gains Anies Baswedan in the election
2016, should be on target to reach ing, creating a low base effect for domestic economy helped by the resulting in weaker earnings. suggests the following important
our year-end target of 6,000, par- the Q1 performance. reported a worse-than-expected recovery in commodity prices. In the poultry sector, operating political repercussions for Indo-
ticularly given our expectation of In the telecommunications earnings performance as a result For healthcare, hospitals ex- earnings declined on a yoy basis, nesia: the rise of President Joko
a gross domestic product (GDP) sector, thus far, only state-owned of a jump in expenses related to perienced weak growth on the resulting from last year’s higher “Jokowi” Widodo’s political op-
up-cycle in subsequent quarters. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia rental (more aircraft) and fuel back of the dengue fever outbreak base effect and lower feed ASPs position; the opening of room for
Exhibit 2 shows the six sec- (TLKM) has reported earnings, (less hedging). last year causing an abnormally coupled with local corn prices. political bargaining and compro-
tors that have experienced better- which were strong mainly due to For staples, the sector’s earn- high base effect. PT Kalbe Farma Additionally, we expect the sector mises; and the likely materializa-
than-market operating and net robust data growth while earn- ings performance was higher (KLBF) was disadvantaged by its to suffer from lower yoy chicken tion of a third Cabinet reshuffle.
profit growth performances. For ings before interest, tax, deprecia- than our initial expectations as inability to raise prices because of prices caused by higher grandpar- Happy trading!
metals, in the January-March pe- tion and amortization (EBITDA) counters such as PT Unilever In- competition. ent stock quotas ahead.
riod, we saw mixed performanc- helped also given its manageable donesia (UNVR) decided to have For media, Q1 earnings dis- On transportation (taxi in-
es with nickel mine operator PT expenses. lower advertising and promotion- played negative growth on the dustry), the bad performance
Vale Indonesia (INCO) suffering For tourism, National flag car- al (A&P) spending while PT Indo- back of weak ad spend growth as was mainly caused by the per- The writer is head of research at
from the delay in the Philippines’ rier Garuda Indonesia (GIAA) food CBP Sukses Makmur (ICBP) most of the corporate advertis- formance of PT Express Tran- Bahana Sekuritas
THURSDAY May 4, 2017 BUSINESS | 15
Retailers still
upbeat about
sales target
Anton Hermansyah Retail sales estimated to
and Winny Tang have declined around 10%
Despite estimated poor re- Business players still
sults in the first quarter, retailers upbeat about full-year
remain optimistic about achiev- performance
ing double-digit sales growth this
The retail industry hopes to in- its net profit remained unchanged
crease its revenue by 10 percent from last year at Rp 244 billion.
from last year’s Rp 195 trillion Ramayana finance and ac-
(US$14.64 billion) as it expects counting director Suryanto, how-
the economy to expand by 5.6 ever, shared the optimism ex-
percent, boosting people’s pur- pressed by the association, as its
chasing power. sales picked up in April, rising by
Retail sales have likely declined 12.4 percent yoy.
by 8 percent to 12 percent in the “This is a good sign for 2017, es-
first three months of this year pecially because the growth hap-
from the Rp 40 trillion recorded pened before the Idul Fitri sea-
in the corresponding period of son,” Suryanto said.
last year, according to an estimate He attributed the pickup in
by the Association of Indonesian sales mainly to the cooling down
Retailers (Aprindo). of political tension after the Ja- Antara/R. Rekotomo
Aprindo chairman Roy N. karta gubernatorial election. Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita (right) hands over “The Province with Consumer Protection Awareness Award” to Riau Islands Governor
Mandey attributed the poten- With many demonstrations Nurdin Basirun (second left) during the commemoration of National Consumers’ Day in Semarang, Central Java, on Wednesday. The day aims
tial decrease in sales to rumors against Governor Basuki “Ahok” to raise consumers’ awareness about their rights and obligations and integrate the government’s initiatives to protect consumers.
that excessive spending — which Tjahaja Purnama, people in
surpasses monthly salaries — for Greater Jakarta, which contrib-
credits card purchases would be utes around 33 percent to its
subject to special taxation. overall sales, had held back on the INVESTMENT
“There are around 27 million purchase of many goods.
credit card holders in Indone-
sia who are the biggest spenders.
Ramayana has set a moderate
target for this year, with sales ex- More alternatives set to augment RI mutual funds market
Even though the rumors are un- pected to rise by 8.54 percent to
founded, they have discouraged Rp 8.9 trillion. Last year, its sales Winny Tang the OJK [Financial Services Au- funds to take over 11 micro hy- at least 80 percent of the inves-
credit card holders from exces- rose by merely 6 percent to Rp 8.2 THE JAKARTA POST/ JAKARTA thority],” MMI’s president di- droelectric plants on Java Is- tors’ funds in equities with more
sive spending,” he told The Jakar- trillion. rector Muhammad Hanif told land. “For the RDPT, we are only than half being used to buy state-
ta Post Tuesday. “The economy is rising again Indonesian investors may see reporters during a briefing in Ja- eyeing institutional investors owned company (SOE) shares
Supported by cyclically high amid higher commodity pric- more options for investment this karta on Tuesday. to be involved in the project,” from the market.
demand for various products dur- es. However, this has not boost- year as investment management The company hopes to issue he said. “The economic recovery is
ing the fasting month of Ramad- ed consumption of retail goods,” companies have prepared vari- the maiden ABS by the second Currently, the company has usually built upon the govern-
han, which will begin in late May, Suryanto said to explain this ous new funds, from renewable quarter of this year. “The KIK- raised about 70 percent of the ment’s initiatives through SOEs,”
and the ensuing Idul Fitri festivi- year’s modest sales goal. energy funds to toll-road-based EBA mutual funds need to be is- Rp 400 billion and will keep of- Syailendra Capital chief invest-
ties, retail sales were expected to Meanwhile, diversified group asset-backed securities (ABS), to sued this year to support infra- fering the advanced product this ment officer Cholis Baidowi said
grow by at least 40 percent in the PT Multipolar, which controls cater to public demand. structure projects using financial month. “Although we have just on Wednesday, adding that most
second quarter, Roy said. 50.2 percent of hypermart opera- PT Mandiri Manajemen In- instruments,” Hanif said. collected Rp 300 billion, we will of the purchases will be of blue
Indonesia, home to the biggest tor PT Matahari Putra Prima and vestasi (MMI), a subsidiary of In- In the initial stage, he con- keep on issuing the product and chip shares or market leaders in
Muslim population in the world, 17.5 percent of fashion retailer PT donesia’s largest lender by asset, tinued, the company prioritized proceed with the next round of terms of total assets and profit-
normally sees consumption Matahari Department Store, still PT Bank Mandiri, will join other institutional investors to buy offering,” Hanif added. ability.
peak during Ramadhan and Idul expects its retail sales to climb by companies in issuing ABS mutu- its KIK-EBA and later, for the Meanwhile, investment man- Syailendra chief marketing of-
Fitri. at least 10 percent this year. al funds (KIK-EBA) by preparing long-term plan, would also at- agement company Syailendra ficer Harnugama expects to see
Roy said retail sales would also “The past two years have been its maiden ABS to finance infra- tract individual investors to be Capital is working on new prod- the new product make a Rp 300
be buoyed by the government’s challenging for the retail industry, structure projects. involved in the mutual funds ucts to cater to investors. It tar- billion contribution to the com-
decision to set maximum retail but we are optimistic, yet [also] The company will cooperate products. gets a 35 percent to 40 percent pany’s AUM by the end of 2017.
prices for sugar, oil and meat from conservative, about the 2017 with toll road operators, such as Besides the KIK-EBA, MMI growth of its assets under man- Apart from the Reksa Dana
April 10 to Sept. 10. achievement,” said Multipolar’s PT Jasa Marga, to securitize the is offering a private equity fund agement (AUM), up to about Syailendra Equity BUMN Plus,
The general optimism about head of finance and accounting, toll road assets for raising up to (RDPT) specifically designed for Rp 9 trillion this year from Rp 6.7 the company also plans to launch
achieving annual targets comes as Djoni Rosnipa. Rp 2 trillion (US$150.4 million), advanced investors to develop trillion last year. four other mutual funds in the
some retailers have recorded un- PT Matahari Department Store which will be used to finance an- renewable energy. The compa- To reach the goal, the firm is second half of this year. “One
favorable results in the January- said it would open six to eight new other toll road projects. ny hopes to raise Rp 400 billion, banking on five mutual funds ex- product will be sharia mutual
March period. department stores across the ar- “Once we get an official letter which would later be used to ac- pected to be launched soon, es- funds, one equity-based mutual
Fashion retailer PT Ramayana chipelago this year. The expan- from the [government] officials quire a company running three pecially the Reksa Dana Syailen- funds, a fixed income fund and a
Lestari Sentosa, which focuses on sion would require capital expen- who have the authority to give us micro hydroelectric plants. dra Equity BUMN Plus that will protected fund,” said Syailendra
the middle-to-low income seg- diture of up to Rp 450 billion. the approval [to issue the KIK- Hanif expects that the RDPT be launched on May 10. Under Capital’s chief executive officer,
ment, saw sales shrink slightly by “We are starting to see signs EBA], we will submit the files to will grow larger and raise enough the contract, the firm will invest Fajar R. Hidajat. (ecn)
0.2 percent year-on-year (yoy) to of optimism from our macroeco-
Rp 1.48 trillion in the first quarter. nomic data and believe that our
Indonesia’s largest retailer of strong merchandise offerings,
apparel, beauty and home prod- combined with our growing cus- SOCIAL SECURITY
ucts, PT Matahari Department tomer base, will drive our busi-
Store, posted a 0.55 percent de-
cline in revenue yoy to Rp 1.85 tril-
lion over the same period, while
ness throughout the year,” said
deputy president director Rich-
ard Gibson. (yon) OJK calls for revision of pension funds law
The Jakarta Post The OJK’s deputy chairman, Rahmat’s views. gakerjaan), pension insurance
JAKARTA Rahmat Waluyanto, said there Dumoly said that apart from firm Taspen and state insurance
Sea conqueror The Financial Services Au-
should be more effort made to
further expand the pension pen-
the need to add to the pension
benefits offered to workers, Law
firm Asabri, are under different
thority (OJK) has called for the etration rate, especially to reach No. 11/1992, which regulates About 4.2 million workers
amendment of the law on pen- employees working in the infor- pension funds, should also be who have already joined pension
sion funds in order to raise the mal sectors. amended to further boost the programs are registered in the
number of people who get pen- “As the growth is quite slow, pension penetration rate. state-owned pension fund man-
sions in the country. we have a responsibility to pro- “We want the revision of the agement company, PT Taspen.
Indonesia’s pension penetra- vide support for the pension pension law so that non-bank fi- Dumoly added that having a
tion remains quite low despite fund industry for it to further de- nancial institutions, such as in- wider range of institutions that
the continuous increase in do- velop in the upcoming years,” he vestment management compa- could supply pension programs
mestic pension assets in recent said during a recent seminar on nies and cooperatives, can also and benefits would help the au-
years. the Indonesian pension industry. offer such programs,” he told re- thority to raise the awareness of
The number of workers al- Like the penetration rate, the porters. pension funds among informal
ready registered in pension fund ratio of pension fund assets to The revision is considered workers, especially those living
management companies totaled gross domestic product (GDP) is necessary to enable the law to in rural areas.
32.24 million by the end of last still low. cover all institutions that pro- As of 2016, Indonesian finan-
year, which represents only 27.3 According to the OJK, the to- vide pension benefits in the cial literacy concerning the pen-
percent of the 110 million work- tal pension fund assets were country. sion fund index was at 10.91 per-
ing population, according to OJK only 4.67 percent of GDP last At present, the rule only regu- cent, according to a national
data. year, indicating that workers lates pension schemes given by survey by the OJK.
Despite such a minor penetra- and employers are still relative- the Financial Institution Pen- The calls to revise the pension
Antara/Audy Alwi tion rate, the pension fund assets ly unaware of the importance of sion Fund (DPLK) and Employ- fund law emerged in 2012.
President director of PT Sillo Maritime Perdana, Edi Yosfi (center), has consistently followed an up- pension benefits. er-Sponsored Pension Funds The government proposed a
accompanied by (left to right) independent commissioner Djunggu ward trend in the past few years. Speaking at the same event, (DPPK). draft revision of the law to the
Sitorus, main commissioner Sutanto, finance director Herjati and op- Last year, these assets climbed by the OJK’s deputy commissioner Other pension benefit provid- House of Representatives in ear-
erational director Sumanto Hartono, explains in Jakarta on Wednes- 15.5 percent, more than double for non-bank financial institu- ers, such as the Workers Social ly 2014, but lawmakers have yet
day about the vessels the firm operates. the 7.06 percent in 2015. tion, Dumoly F. Pardede, shared Security Agency (BPJS Ketena- to deliberate it. (ecn)


S’pore-listed Kencana Agri to build sixth CPO mill in Indonesia

Viriya P. Singgih two kernel crushing plants with of CPO and 3,349 tons of crude weather pattern disappeared at year before stabilizing between from its nucleus plantations and
THE JAKARTA POST/TEMPILANG, a total processing capacity of 435 palm kernel oil (CPKO), which the end of last year. $685 and $750 per ton in March. 134,381 tons of FFB from its plas-
BANGKA BELITUNG ISLANDS tons per day. were distributed to some of the Last year, the company booked Gapki has forecast that the ma plantations. Around 20 per-
The sixth mill is expected to largest palm oil producers in the $138.5 million in revenue, up 5 average price of CPO will hov- cent of its total FFB production
Singapore-listed palm oil pro- become operational by the end of country, such as Wilmar Indone- percent annually. At the same er around $600 per ton in 2017. is empty fruit bunches, which
ducer Kencana Agri Ltd. plans to 2018 with an initial production ca- sia, Musim Mas Group and Sinar time, its operating profit jumped “If prices are stable this year, we are mainly used to generate re-
build a new crude palm oil (CPO) pacity of 30 tons of CPO per hour, Mas Group. to $10.8 million, up significantly hope we can see an increase of newable energy through biomass
mill in Luwuk, Central Sulawesi, which can be expanded to 60 tons According to the Indonesian from $264,000 in 2015. around 20 percent in profit, in power plants.
in the second half of 2017 with an of CPO per hour in the future. Palm Oil Producers Association The upward trend was trig- line with our production growth After completing the construc-
investment value of at least Rp 75 “For the investment, we will (Gapki), Indonesia produced a to- gered by a higher average selling target,” Kent said. tion of its fifth palm oil mill in
billion (US$5.62 million). need around Rp 2.5 billion for tal of 32.52 million tons of CPO and price of CPO as well as the gain on Kencana Agri has planted ar- East Kalimantan last year, the
At present, Kencana Agri oper- each ton per hour of capacity,” 3.05 million tons of CPKO in 2016, fair value changes in consumable eas measuring 68,220 hectares, company issued its first sustain-
ates five CPO mills in Indonesia Kencana Agri director Kent Surya more or less the same as in the pre- biological assets of $4.7 million 54,175 hectares of which are nu- ability report in August 2016.
with a total processing capacity of said recently. “Normally, about ceding year. Throughout 2016, the throughout 2016, compared to a cleus plantations, while the re- As of today, Kencana Agri op-
275 tons per hour, including one 65 percent of the investment will country exported 5 million tons of loss of $5.7 million in 2015. mainder are plasma plantations. erates two biomass power plants
in Bangka regency, Bangka Beli- be covered through bank loans, CPO and 250,000 tons of CPKO. The CPO price saw a 41.4 per- It also has land banks measuring in Bangka Belitung with a com-
tung, and two in Kutai Kartanega- while the rest will come from our This year, Kencana Agri aims cent increase to $789 per ton in 185,709 hectares, 88.6 percent of bined capacity of 13.5 megawatts.
ra regency, East Kalimantan. profit and internal cash.” to see a 15 to 20 percent produc- the period of January to December which are nucleus plantations. Most of the electricity generated
The firm, controlled by the Throughout last year, Ken- tion increase, because the impact 2016. The price moved between Last year, it produced 502,933 is sold to state-owned electricity
Maknawi family, also operates cana Agri produced 130,003 tons of the crop-damaging El Niño $725 and $820 in February this tons of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) firm PLN.
16 | THURSDAY May 4, 2017

Need for speed
Private sector sees
export growth rising
by up to 3.5%
The Nation/ANN ing some of the goods it imports
BANGKOK from Thailand. More than 40
percent of Thai export products
Still, the private sector was en- to the US are derived from US in-
couraged by a more positive view vestment.
emerging on United States-Thai- These product types include
land trade after US President electronics, rubber, fisheries, and
Donald Trump phoned Prime jewellery and accessories.
Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha and The private sector is ready to
invited him to Washington. provide information for the Thai
Predee Daochai, chairman of government if trade discussions
the Thai Bankers’ Association, are held with the US president,
The Nation/ANN said the JSCCIB at its last meet- Kalin said.
GrabBike motorcycle taxi drivers are pictured in a Bangkok street. Ride-hailing service Grab on Tuesday began a two-wheeled service in part- ing agreed that the economy was On the rise in the minimum
nership with Bangkok’s army of motorbike taxi riders — known collectively as Win. For the GrabBike (Win) service, passengers can use the Grab expected to stage a recovery this wage to 400 baht (US$11.6)
mobile app to book a ride and request pickup for any destination in Bangkok. year in line with the improving within three years, Poj Aram-
global economic conditions, de- wattananont, vice chairman
spite the risks from an unclear of the Thai Chamber of Com-
US trade policy and a reduction merce, said the private sector is
in the US deficit. ready to support the move, |es-

PH environment chief First-quarter export growth

came in higher than expect-
ed, thanks to a stronger perfor-
mance, in particular, from the
pecially if it is applied against
workers' skills. Now, most work-
ers earn wages at rates higher
than the minimum wage, given

dumped as miners triumph

electronics, automobile and the general increase in workers’
parts and rubber products indus- skills, he said.
tries, he said. Last year, the government
Amid easing tensions be- raised the minimum wage in
tween the US and China, the sectors that required more spe-
Agence France-Presse Lopez attempted to shut ment said. mission on Appointments is fi- JSCCIB’s revised forecast cialised skills. Poj said any move
MANILA down 28 mines Environment groups ex- nal, meaning President Rodrigo of export expansion of 2-3.5 to extend the rise in the mini-
pressed outrage. Duterte must nominate a new percent this year follows an ear- mum wage nationwide would
Philippine Environment Sec- Lawmakers voted 16-8 in "The rejection demonstrates minister. Lopez riled the min- lier projection of 1 to 3 percent. need to take the interests of all
retary Regina Lopez was sacked favour of removing Lopez the continued control of power- ing sector with the crackdown It also cited improvements in parties into consideration, for
on Wednesday when lawmakers ful destructive industries such as on mines though she was largely the economies of the US and the sake of fairness.
rejected her appointment, in a big world's biggest supplier of nickel mining in the country's legislative supported by Duterte. She is the Europe. Thailand's central bank in
victory for the mining industry ore and a major source of copper, houses, and the reform promised second member of Duterte's cabi- The Thai economy is expected late March raised its economic
which she had accused of corrup- Lopez's campaign had impacted to Filipinos is a sham," the Green net dismissed by Congress. to grow in a range of 3.5 to 4 per- growth forecast for this year to
tion and abuse. global commodity prices. Thumb coalition, grouping doz- Lawmakers voted 16-8 in fa- cent this year. 3.4 percent from 3.2 percent, and
Lopez had sent shockwaves Lopez had sought to shut down ens of environment groups, said vour of removing Lopez. Referring to Trump’s recent upgraded its projection for ex-
through the industry during her 28 of the nation's 40 mines and in a statement. Senator Manny Pacquiao, head call to Prayuth, Kalin Sarasin, ports, Reuters reported.
10 months as environment chief, cancel the contracts of dozens of "It clearly shows where the of the environment committee the chairman for the Board of The Bank of Thailand (BOT)
seeking to shut down roughly others. heart of the Duterte administra- that held the hearings to deter- Trade of Thailand, said that this now expects exports to rise 2.2
two-thirds of the nation's exist- Last week she also announced tion is, and clearly it is manifest- mine Lopez's qualifications, an- was a positive sign for US-Thai percent in 2017. Three months
ing mines and banning any new the ban on open-pit mining, ed with big and powerful mining nounced the outcome "with sad- trade and was likely to result in ago, it forecast no growth.
open-pit operations. which would have sounded the companies." ness in my heart." increased trade and investment Thai exports, a tradition-
However, despite the strong death knell for one of the world's Congress rejecting a presi- "I believe in my heart no mat- cooperation between the two al growth driver, increased
support of President Rodrigo biggest planned copper projects dent's cabinet appointment is ex- ter how several big people may countries. fractionally last year follow-
Duterte who had threatened to in the south of the country. tremely rare in Philippine poli- be against Gina, she will always As Asean has seen satisfacto- ing three years of contraction,
shut down the mining industry Mining Inc. had run a high-pro- tics. stand on what is morally and en- ry economic expansion, he said according to commerce ministry
completely, a congressional body file campaign to have the Com- But, despite Duterte's ruling vironmentally right and righ- the US needs to have stronger data.
rejected Lopez's appointment. mission on Appointments reject coalition having a majority in teous," said Pacquiao, referring to connections with the region- The BOT predicts headline
"If you want to be confirmed, her, arguing she was jeopardising both houses of congress, Lopez Lopez by her nickname, as quoted al grouping on investment and inflation at 1.2 percent this year,
don't go against big business!" the lives of 1.2 million people who was the second of his appoint- by Reuters. trade, he said. rather than 1.5 percent seen
an angry Lopez shouted during were dependent on the industry. ments to be rejected. Pacquiao said the deliberation Trump’s invitation to Prayuth three months ago.
a long press conference after the The Chamber of Mines re- Perfecto Yasay was in March was "perhaps the longest, dra- for a White House visit reflects In December, the state plan-
ruling. leased a statement on Wednesday dumped as foreign secretary matic and most watched by all the US view on Thailand as the ning agency, the National Eco-
"It's wrong when lawmakers thanking the commission for its when the commission on ap- Filipinos from all walks of life." centre of ASEAN, Kalin said nomic and Social Development
don't stand up for the rights of ev- quick decision. pointments ruled he had lied in Minutes before the announce- He said that while the US has Board, maintained its economic
ery Filipino, but rather big busi- "This is not the end, but rather congressional hearings about him ment, Congressman Ronaldo a large trade deficit with Thai- growth forecast of 3 to 4 percent
ness. It's really very wrong." the beginning of a new chapter for holding American citizenship. Zamora told Reuters about the land, the country was unlikely to for this year, but raised its export
With the Philippines being the the mining industry," the state- Lopez's rejection by the Com- outcome of the vote. be subjected to trade barriers as growth estimate to 2.9 percent
the US is not capable of produc- from 2.4 percent.

Together we can
Singapore aims to be LNG bunker-ready by 2020
Jacqueline Woo maritime industry has access to ing demonstration was held with Temasek-backed parent of Pa-
THE STRAITS TIMES/ANN/SINGAPORE cleaner marine fuels," said Koh, the super-chilled fuel supplied to vilion Gas, said this was done in
speaking at the Pavilion Energy a ship from a port for the first time line with TR 56, Singapore's first
Singapore is gearing up to re- LNG bunkering launch at Jurong in Singapore and South-east Asia. standard for LNG bunkering,
fuel the growing number of ships Port yesterday. Koh said the trial was testa- launched just last Friday, giving
powered by cleaner liquefied nat- "We plan to be LNG bunker- ment to Singapore's progress in the technical framework for run-
ural gas (LNG) instead of dirty ready as early as 2020." conducting LNG bunkering op- ning LNG bunkering operations
fuel oil. Koh, who is also Senior Min- erations. such as transferring the fuel on
The Republic aims to be ready ister of State for National Devel- He said: "The expansion of our and off ships, and refuelling at the
to bunker LNG to ships in the opment, cited efforts to push for LNG infrastructure and capa- Port of Singapore.
next three years, said Senior Min- the use of LNG here, including bilities will further increase op- Seah said bunkering is a key
ister of State for Trade and Indus- the Maritime and Port Authority portunities for LNG trading and market for LNG growth, while
try Koh Poh Koon on Tuesday as of Singapore's (MPA) programme bunkering, which are important the IMO's landmark ruling will
he watched a regional-first dem- to co-fund up to US$2 million for elements for a regional gas hub." boost demand for LNG in fuelling
onstration of LNG truck-to-ship LNG-fuelled harbour craft, which The truck-to-ship LNG bun- ships.
bunkering. will see five such vessels come on kering demonstration involved "The establishment of robust
The three-year schedule is in stream starting in 2018. transferring LNG, typically at mi- LNG bunkering ecosystem will
line with the 0.5 percent limit on The MPA will also embark on nus 163 deg C, from two ISO tanks add to Singapore's offerings as an
global sulphur emissions set to a three-year LNG bunkering pi- alongside Jurong Port berths to Asian LNG hub. Not only can Sin-
kick in from 2020, as announced lot programme this year, which an offshore vessel. gapore serve as a physical and fi-
by the International Maritime will "allow us to test operational It was carried out by Pavilion nancial hub for LNG trading, but
Organisation (IMO) last October. protocols, gain operational expe- Gas, one of the two licensed LNG also for small-scale LNG and LNG AFP/Mohd Rasfan
The emissions level is about 3.5 rience and beef up Singapore's bunker suppliers in Singapore. bunkering activities. Vessels will Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Razak (second left) poses with Ma-
percent today. capabilities to ensure that LNG The other licence-holder is Fu- be able to call at the Port of Singa- laysia Airlines Berhad chief executive officer Peter Bellew (right), as
"As the world's largest bun- bunkering is carried out safely, ef- eLNG. pore not only for trade purposes Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai (left) and Malaysia Airlines Berhad
kering port, Singapore remains ficiently and reliably," said Koh. Seah Moon Ming, chief ex- but also for LNG bunkering refu- chairman Md Nor Md Yusof look on during a Malaysia Airlines pro-
committed to ensuring that the At the event, an LNG bunker- ecutive of Pavilion Energy, the elling." motional event in Putrajaya on Monday.


China's silk road push may founder on Mekong River row

Brenda Goh and erode riverside farmland. nounced in 2013; China blasted regional giant hard to trust. tries. This is not just for China." Thai means "lost ghosts."
Andrew RC Marshall Such opposition reflects a wid- sections of the river in Laos sev- Chinese flags now flutter from China wants to remove rocks "At the moment we're only
REUTERS/KHON PI LONG, THAILAND er challenge to China's ambitious eral years earlier. company speedboats, while and sandbanks to allow ships of thinking about the economy and
"One Belt, One Road" project to But some Chinese engineers CCCC Second Harbour has met up to 500 tonnes to sail from its the earning figures without con-
China's plan to blast open more build a modern-day Silk Road involved in the survey speak of it with Thai protesters three times landlocked province of Yunnan to sidering the unimaginable value
of the Mekong River for bigger car- through Asia to Europe. as a part of the broader plan, and since December in a bid to avert the sleepy Laotian town of Luang of the eco-system to humanity,"
go ships could founder on a remote Second Harbour Consultants, it is consistent with Beijing's Silk opposition to their work. Prabang. he said.
outcrop of half-submerged rocks a subsidiary of state-owned be- Road objectives. A unit of the conglomerate That would expedite the ship- The military seized power in
that Thai protesters have vowed to hemoth China Communications Even in its Southeast Asian faced violent protests in January ping of Chinese freight deep into Thailand in 2014 and banned
protect against Beijing's economic Construction Corp. (CCCC) said backyard, where it has sympa- in Sri Lanka, where people object- northern Laos, said Paul Cham- gatherings of five or more people.
expansion in Southeast Asia. it was surveying the Mekong for thetic governments and ancient ed to plans for an industrial zone bers, an expert in international But Narongsak Osotthana-
Dynamiting the Pi Long rapids a report that China, Laos, Myan- historical ties, China sometimes in the south. relations at Thailand's Naresuan korn, governor of Chiang Rai - the
and other sections of the Mekong mar and Thailand would use to struggles to convince ordinary Chinese engineers on the Me- University. Thai province where the Mekong
between Thailand and Laos will decide whether blasting should people that One Belt One Road kong said they were worried that "Luang Prabang may seem is currently being surveyed - said
harm the environment and bring go ahead. will benefit them. Thai protesters would board the sleepy, but northern Laos [...] rep- people could "protest freely"
trade advantages only to China, It added that it was not tasked Thailand, Laos and Myanmar rickety cargo ship where they resents a hub of Chinese influ- against the Chinese plan.
the protesters say. with the blasting work, which have approved the survey work, slept, prompting them to moor it ence," he said. Narongsak said the survey was
"This will be the death of the would need to be tendered. which is funded by China, but on the Laotian side of the Mekong Despite reassurances from the first stage in a process that
Mekong," said Niwat Roykaew, The company said in an e-mail further studies and approvals are each night. CCCC Second Harbour, some lo- would include an environmental
chairman of the Rak Chiang it had held meetings with local needed before blasting. "We are afraid for our team's cals still believed the engineers study, public hearings and negoti-
Khong Conservation Group, people "to communicate, build The Mekong River originates safety," one engineer told Reuters, were marking out areas for blast- ations between China, Thailand,
which is campaigning against the confidence and clear doubts." in the Tibetan plateau and cas- declining to be named because he ing, said Niwat, who represented Myanmar and Laos.
project. "You'll never be able to China's foreign ministry did cades through China and five wasn't authorized to speak to the campaigners in meetings with the While he would not say wheth-
revive it." not immediately respond to a re- Southeast Asian countries. media. Chinese company. er or not he supported blasting,
Niwat said blasting the Mekong quest for comment. China has built a series of dams "We keep a low profile here," he His group draped a large white Narongsak said local people had
will destroy fish breeding grounds, Clearing the Mekong for big- along its stretch of the river that added. "We want to do this project banner reading "Mekong Not For much to gain from increased river
disrupt migrating birds and cause ger ships is not officially a part of Thai campaigners say has impact- well and benefit Thailand, Myan- Sale" on the bank overlooking the trade. "I think no country would be
increased water flow that will One Belt, One Road, a project an- ed the water flow and made the mar, Laos, China, these four coun- Pi Long rapids, whose name in happy to lose the benefits," he said.

Apple posts surprise BUSINESS BRIEF

China calms investors with words, cash

dip in iPhone sales

BEIJING: China is breaking out its mouthpieces — and wallet — as it
seeks to soothe investors in the face of tighter financial market regula-
The central bank-run Financial News urged stock investors not to
overreact to tougher regulations in front-page commentary Wednes-
Anya George Tharakan day. The monetary authority will prevent swings in liquidity from ex-
and Stephen Nellis ceeding tolerable level, the official Xinhua News Agency-owned China
REUTERS/BENGALURU/SAN Securities Journal added in a separate front-page opinion piece. The
FRANCISCO People’s Bank of China injected more cash into the financial system
through open-market operations Wednesday than any day since Janu-
Apple Inc. reported a surprise ary as the benchmark government bond yield climbed to the highest
fall in iPhone sales for its second level in two years.
quarter on Tuesday, indicating “Policy makers are trying to send a very clear signal — they do not
that customers may have held want a disorderly deleveraging process,” said Tommy Xie, an econo-
back purchases in anticipation of mist in Singapore at Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. “But investors are
the 10th-anniversary edition of the still concerned about policy risks, so any news on tighter regulation
company's most important prod- can still trigger quick market volatility in the near term.”
uct later this year. Mainland China’s benchmark Shanghai Composite Index retreated
Under pressure from share- 2.1 percent in April amid spiking bond yields as regulators overseeing
holders to hand over more of its banking, insurance and securities trading issued a flurry of directives,
US$250 billion-plus hoard of cash targeting everything from excessive borrowing to speculation in equi-
and investments, Apple boosted ties. The efforts won the central government’s public endorsement last
its capital return program by $50 week as top leaders including President Xi Jinping chaired a gathering to
billion, increased its share repur- discuss “safeguarding national financial-market security” on April 25. —
chase authorization by $35 billion Bloomberg
and raised its quarterly dividend
by 10.5 percent.
Investors were unmoved, send- Saudi to keep full control after Aramco IPO
ing shares of the world's most
valuable listed company down 1.9 KUWAIT: Saudi Arabia will retain full ownership of its oil and gas
percent at $144.65 in after-hours reserves and sole decision-making authority on production levels after
trading. Saudi Arabian Oil Co.’s long-awaited initial public offering, Deputy
Apple sold 50.76 million Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud said in interview Tues-
iPhones in its fiscal second quar- Reuters/Aly Song day on state-run television.
ter ended April 1, down from 51.19 Waiting game: Customers and sales persons are seen at an Apple maintenance service store at a mobile Aramco, the world’s largest oil-exporting company, holds a conces-
million a year earlier. phone market in Shanghai. Apple Inc. reported a surprise fall in iPhone sales for its second quarter on sion to pump the kingdom’s oil and gas, and a stake in that venture
Analysts on average had esti- Tuesday, indicating that customers may have held back purchases in anticipation of the 10th-anniversa- is what will be sold in the offering of “not far from 5 percent” of its
mated iPhone sales of 52.27 mil- ry edition of the company’s most important product later this year. shares in 2018, the prince said. Analysts at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.
lion, according to financial data and Rystad Energy AS in March said the offering had a potential mar-
and analytics firm FactSet. ket value above US$1 trillion.
Apple chief financial officer revenue of between $43.5 billion managing director of GlobalData “The wells will still be owned by the government,” said the deputy
iPhone sales down to crown prince, the son of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. “The
Luca Maestri argued the decline 50.76 million in latest and $45.5 billion for the current Retail, wrote in a note to clients.
was not as bad as it looked, given quarter, while analysts on aver- Apple's revenue from the company only has the right to benefit from the wells. This is the same
quarter as before and there are no changes to that.”
the peculiarities of how phone age were expecting $45.60 billion, Greater China region fell 14.1 per-
sales are calculated. according to Thomson Reuters cent to $10.73 billion in the quar- Production decisions will remain subject to the Organization of Pe-
Revenues rose 1.2%, troleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) policies and the global supply and
The company reports what helped by higher average I/B/E/S. ter, as cheaper rivals in the region
are called "sell-in" figures for the Analysts on average expect chipped away at sales. demand balance, the prince said.
iPhone, a measure of how many
selling price the company to sell 42.31 million Maestri said that sales of Macs Proceeds from the offering will enlarge the kingdom’s sovereign-wealth
units it sells to retailers, rather iPhones in the current quarter, and the company's services were fund, and at least half have been earmarked to develop local industries
than "sell-through" figures, which lows in the holiday quarter, be- according to FactSet. strong in China during the March such as mining, he said. The prince said last year that he expects the com-
measure how many phones are fore demand tapers over the next For the second quarter, the quarter. “The performance we’re pany to have a value of at least $2 trillion, but Sanford Bernstein put it at
actually sold to consumers. few quarters as customers hold company's net income rose to seeing in China should get better $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion in March, and Rystad estimated it at $1.4 trillion,
Maestri said the company re- back ahead of the next launch. $11.03 billion, or $2.10 per share, going forward this year,” he said. assuming a long-term oil price of $75 a barrel. — Bloomberg
duced the volume of inventory Apple's 10th-anniversary compared with $10.52 billion, or Apple's gross margin hit 38.9
going through its retail channel iPhone range might sport fea- $1.90 per share, a year earlier. percent, slightly ahead of ana- VW confirms forecast after jump start to 2017
by about 1.2 million units in the tures such as wireless charging, Analysts on average had ex- lysts' average expectation of 38.7
quarter, meaning the company 3D facial recognition and a curved pected $2.02 per share, according percent, despite higher prices FRANKFURT: : German carmaker Volkswagen on Wednesday confirmed
sold about 52 million phones to display. to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. for memory chips. The company its forecasts for 2017 after boosting revenue and profits in the first
customers on a sell-through basis. "There is a general softening in Revenue rose 4.6 percent to said it expects gross margins next quarter, even as its emissions cheating scandal continues to make
Despite the dip in unit sales, phone demand to contend with $52.90 billion in the quarter, quarter between 37.5 percent and headlines.
iPhone revenues rose 1.2 percent as well as expectations of a big compared with analysts' average 38.5 percent, versus analysts' ex- The group reported net profit of €3.4 billion (US$3.7 billion) in the
in the quarter, helped by a higher upgrade, all of which softens the estimate of $53.02 billion. pectation of 38.3 percent, accord- period from January to March, up 44 percent compared with the first
average selling price. blow of this quarter's miss," said A 17.5 percent jump in the com- ing to FactSet. three months of last year.
Expectations are building James McQuivey, a Forrester Re- pany's services business — which “NAND and DRAM [memory Revenues grew 10 percent to €56.2 billion.
ahead of Apple's 10th-anniversary search analyst. "If we see Apple includes the App Store, Apple chips] are under pressure right Both results significantly outperformed forecasts from analysts
iPhone range this fall, with inves- downplaying expectations before Music, Apple Pay and iCloud — to now in terms of some price pres- surveyed by data company Factset.
tors hoping that the launch would the next upgrade cycle, it might $7.04 billion, boosted revenue. sure. We saw that in the March “Our quarterly figures were positively impacted by the strong per-
help bolster sales. mean that the company isn't con- "We are particularly encour- quarter and expect that to contin- formance of the group brands, the launch of new, compelling products
Apple typically launches its fident it will beat those expecta- aged by the fact that service reve- ue into the June quarter, but for and solid earnings in Western Europe,” chief executive Matthias Muel-
new iPhones in September. tions." nue is nowhere near as cyclical as all the other commodities, we see ler said in a statement.
A big jump in sales usually fol- The company forecast total product revenue," Neil Saunders, prices declining,” Maestri said. VW confirmed that its operating profit increased by 28 percent to
€4.4 billion in the three-month period, raising the return on sales to
7.8 percent.
Looking ahead to the full year, the group said it aims to keep that
OUTLOOK figure “between 6 percent and 7 percent,” while increasing revenue
by up to 4 percent compared with last year.
German economy booms as protectionist threat goes pop “Challenges will arise particularly from the economic situation,
intense competition in the market, exchange rate volatility and the
diesel issue,” the carmaker said.
Michael Nienaber broad-based uptick in demand for The US increase comes de- notion echoed by ECB president Questions remain over who at Europe’s largest carmaker knew of a
REUTERS/HAMBURG top quality German products such spite some of the new president's Mario Draghi on Thursday. scheme to disguise higher-than-allowed emissions of nitrogen oxides
as cars and machines. "America First" campaigning. Chancellor Angela Merkel has in its diesel vehicles from regulators, which the group admitted to in
When port manager Axel Mat- The trade boost comes on top Trump's protectionist rheto- even fueled expectations of a fu- September 2015. — AFP
tern looks out onto the Elbe River of Germany's vibrant domestic ric and the dispute about the ben- ture EU-US trade deal, saying she
from his office in Hamburg's his- economy which is already sup- efits of free trade are likely to rank was "very encouraged" talks were
toric warehouse district, he can
literally count the rising number
ported by a robust labor market,
a growing population and record-
high on the agenda of the Group
of 20 summit to be held in Ham-
being looked at after her recent
trip to Washington.
Precision pouring
of container ships leaving Germa- low borrowing costs, enabled by burg in July. German business leaders such as
ny's biggest harbor. the European Central Bank's Concerns among managers in Anton Boerner from the BGA trade
There is an export boom un- (ECB) loose monetary policy. Europe's economic powerhouse, association point out that Trump's
derway, the ships tell him. China, Soaring private consumption, however, have already eased. protectionist threats, including
in particular, is "buzzing," Mat- increased state spending on ref- "We're very relaxed about this broad-based introduction of pu-
tern says. ugees and higher construction whole debate about Trump and nitive tariffs on imports through a
The sharp increase in demand drove an expansion of 1.9 percent protectionism," Mattern said. border adjustment tax, have failed
for "Made in Germany" goods last year, the strongest rate in half "If Trump doesn't want to buy to translate into policy so far.
from around the world is pushing a decade and the fastest among German goods anymore because "There are no concrete mea-
Europe's largest economy into the Group of Seven industrialized he thinks he can produce every- sures and this means 'business as
overdrive — and, not coincidently, countries. thing at home, we'll just find oth- usual' for companies — at least for
helping dispel worries about ris- The economy is still doing well. er buyers." now," Boerner told Reuters.
ing protectionism under United But it is the jump in trade that Corporate Germany's self-con- While uncertainty remains
States President Donald Trump. most bodes well for 2017. fidence is backed by data. A sur- high and is limiting overall pri-
Some German companies are A breakdown of trade data from vey of some 43,000 consumers vate sector investment, at least
even considering expanding into the Federal Statistics Office com- in 52 countries conducted by Da- some companies seem to be view-
the US, while others reckon the piled for Reuters shows exports lia Research and Statista showed ing political risks as the new nor-
world is big enough for them to to the US — Germany's most im- "Made in Germany" is viewed as mal — and they are pushing ahead
thrive even if American trade bor- portant single export destination the most appealing seal of quality with investment.
ders do get tricky. after the bloc of European Union in the world. A survey by the Ifo institute AFP/John Macdougall
In the first two months of 2017, countries — jumped 9 percent in Senior German government offi- shows German industrial compa- Two robotic arms by industrial robot manufacturer Kuka pour a
overall German exports rose 7 per- the first two months of the year to cials also sound less alarmed about nies plan to increase investment beer for guests attending the Summit of the Business20 (B20) in
cent on the year to €201.2 billion 17.9 billion. Those to China leapt US policy after meetings with US by 5 percent this year, up from 3 Berlin on Tuesday. The B20 forum is a debate platform to discuss
(US$219.57 billion), driven by a 14 percent to €12.6 billion. counterparts in recent weeks — a percent in 2016. the G20 economies.


Made-in-China passenger jet set to take wing

Albee Zhang sents nearly a decade of effort in meters. craft. But for it to move to the next the narrow-body Y-10, which was China, foreign firms are playing
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/SHANGHAI a state-mandated drive to reduce China is a huge battleground stage, which is to sell this product, eventually deemed unviable and key roles by supplying systems
dependence on European con- for Boeing and Airbus, with its is not going to be so easy," said never entered service. as well as the engines, which are
China is expected this week to sortium Airbus and United States travelers taking to the skies in ev- Shukor Yusof, an analyst with COMAC's first regional jet, the made by CFM International, a
conduct the maiden test flight of aerospace giant Boeing. er-growing numbers. Malaysia-based aviation consul- 90-seat ARJ 21, entered service in joint venture between General
a home-grown passenger jet built "The first flight itself is not a The Chinese travel market is tancy Endau Analytics. 2016, several years late. Electric of the US and France's
to meet soaring domestic travel huge deal. [But] of course, it's go- expected to surpass the US by But COMAC may be able to The ARJ 21 is currently re- Safran.
demand and challenge the domi- ing to be a hugely symbolic mo- 2024, according to the Interna- rely on purchases by fast-growing stricted to flying domestic routes During a visit to COMAC in
nance of Boeing and Airbus. ment in the evolution of China's tional Air Transport Association. Chinese airlines. as it still lacks the Federal Avia- 2014, President Xi Jinping ex-
The C919, built by state-owned aviation industry," said Greg Airbus has estimated Chinese It had already received 570 or- tion Administration (FAA) certi- pressed concern that not having
aerospace manufacturer Com- Waldron, Asia managing editor airlines will need nearly 6,000 ders by the end of last year, almost fication that would allow it to fly a homegrown plane left China at
mercial Aircraft Corporation of at industry publication Flight- new planes over the next two all from domestic airlines. US skies. the mercy of foreign industrial
China (COMAC), was set to take global. decades, while Boeing foresees Waldron agreed it would take China also has been in talks groups.
wing over Shanghai on Friday, The C919 is the country's first 6,800 aircraft. Both put the com- time but said that over the next with the FAA to obtain certifica- China last August launched a
the company said on Wednesday, big passenger plane and the lat- bined price tags for those planes century China would become a tion for the C919, without result. new multi-billion dollar jet-en-
according to the official Xinhua est sign of growing Chinese am- at around $1 trillion. world aviation player. The C919's first test flight had gine conglomerate with nearly
news agency. bition and technical skill, coming But aviation analysts said "You are going to have three big been due to take place in 2016 but 100,000 employees, with the hope
"If weather conditions are not one week after China launched its Shanghai-based COMAC has a companies. You will have Boeing, was delayed. of powering its own planes with
suitable, the maiden flight will be first domestically made aircraft long journey ahead before it can you will have Airbus, and you will Besides the C919, China is also self-made engines.
rescheduled," COMAC said, add- carrier and docked a cargo space- challenge the lock on the market have COMAC," he said. working with Russia to develop a After the C919's first flight, it
ing that engineers had completed craft with an orbiting space lab. by Boeing and Airbus. China has dreamed of build- long-haul wide-bodied jet called will need to pass tests to obtain
some 118 tests. The C919 can seat 168 passen- "This is an important mile- ing its own civil aircraft since the the C929. Chinese airworthiness certifica-
The narrow-body jet repre- gers and has a range of 5,555 kilo- stone for China with this new air- 1970s, when it began work on Although the C919 is made in tion before it can be sold.
18 | THURSDAY May 4, 2017

CHRISTIAN AUTO: Mazda CX – 7 GT ‘10, MANDIRI MOBILINDO: Toyota Camry 2.4 G Heaven Funeral Home @ Atmajaya, Jl. Pluit Himme Hammie Petshop, Bukit Golf Medit- LPK MITRA KARYA, baby sitter and nanny
ADVERTISEMENT automatic, 2.300cc, black, Rp 300 million, Facelift ‘07, automatic, 2,400cc, black metal- Raya No. 2, Pluit, Jakarta Utara. Call: erania, Rukan Eksklusif Blok G No. 62, Jakar- services. Jl. Raya Pendowo No.6 Limo,
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FOR THE BETTER OF CLADS in The Jakarta Call: Yohanes 02170858580, 081932922444 Nita 0812 1823 9828
Post Call/sms/WA : ERWAN 08170707337 CHRISTIAN AUTO: Land Rover Range Rover Heaven Funeral Home @ Dharmais, Jl. Letjen
Evoque Dynamic Luxury ‘12, automatic, MANDIRI MOBILINDO: Honda Civic 1.8 ‘12, LPK MITRA UTAMA, our inter-sitter to Pin D4A62A93 S. Parman Kav. 84-86 Slipi, Jakarta Barat. Kingdom Pet Shop and Pet care. Jl. Wijaya I
2.000cc, black, Rp 880 million, 25.000km, automatic, 1,800cc, black metallic, Rp 273 your home. Are you busy? Your child
Call: 021-5647778 No. 73, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.
Interior Verve, good condition, nego. Call: million, 30,000km, good condition, nego. must be maintained and cared for.
Ph: 021 - 72798938, 91066500. Web:
Ririn 0817383891 Call: Yohanes 02170858580, 081932922444 Contact me, Ali 021-7888 4359 / 021-8075
APARTMENTS Heaven Funeral Home & Crematorium @ 4448 / 0857 1884 8857 or visit us
GAMBIR ANOM MOBIL : Chevrolet Captiva Gedung Panjang, Jl. Gedong Panjang N0. 47,
1 Park Gandaria, Prime Location Expatriate MANDIRI MOBILINDO: Honda Freed PSD
VCDi Diesel, 2011, Automatic, cylinder 2.000, ‘11, automatic, 1,500cc, pearl white, Rp 179 Jakarta 14440. Call: 021. 66695151 (hunt- For your pets, coming to Sakura 9 Petshop.
Community, 91-177sqm Terralink 021- Silver metallic, Rp 215 million, original ing), Fax: 021. 66695353 Some accessories and all about your pet
29306688/08179836055 million, good condition, nego. Call: Yohanes LPK Nabila Family Care, labor agent Baby
owner, tax in order, service record, good con- 02170858580, 081932922444 here. Grooming. Limited Boarding. Jl. Barito sitter, Nanny, Housemaid. Distribution
dition, nego. Call : Amay 0816 136 8662 II 27-C. Call: 021-7236933 JABODETABEK and outside Java
Rumah Duka Husada, Jl. Mangga
For sell Apartment exclusive 3+1 BR , (all Indonesian). Info Call: 021 – 7070 9255 /
MANDIRI MOBILINDO: Grand Nissan Livina Besar Raya No. 137, Jakarta Barat. Call:
3+1bathroom; size 200m2; Low floor. Con- GAMBIR ANOM MOBIL : Toyota Camry G, 021 – 7056 5605
1.5 Ultimate A/T ‘12, automatic, 1,500cc, 0216497750 SNOOPY PETS GREEN GARDEN. Jl. Panjang
tact 081210457200 2005, Automatic, cylinder 2.400, Black metal-
pearl white, Rp 145 million, full ori, good con- Ruko Green Garden Blok A7 / 60, Kedoya
lic, Rp 124 million, original owner, leather
dition, nego. Call: Yohanes 02170858580, Utara, Jakarta Barat. Ph: 021 – 4561 6611 or
seat, tax in order, electric seat, good condi-
081932922444 Heaven Funeral Home @ Gatot Soebroto, Jl. visit us at
*ADITYA MANSIONS, Serviced Apt, Prime tion, nego. Call : Amay 0816 136 8662
Abdul Rachman Saleh No. 24 Jakarta Pusat.
location In Kebayoran Baru, Furnish, Good Call: 021-3458788
Price. Call: 021-7207033/7206747 (Rahmad) PASKAH MOBILINDO: Toyota Camry 2.5
GAMBIR ANOM MOBIL : Mercedes Benz E-
V’12, automatic transmition, 2.500cc, black,
Class E 260 Elegance, 2004, Automatic,
ori interrior, Rp 450 million, special, LPK TIARA CIPTA, Smart Care for Smart Kids.
cylinder 2.600, Black metallic, Rp 220 million,
The Bellagio Residence apt for rent, 3BR, Cash/Credit, good condition, nego.Call: Babysitter and governess, training and service
original owner, tax in order, service
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record, good condition, nego. Call : Amay
only 1600/month (min 1-2 years), 1713, 9818 3357 or /
0816 136 8662
more info pls call 08999349821 or
081808225151 PASKAH MOBILINDO: BMW 5 523i ’10, auto- SENTRA MEDIKA Funeral Home. Crematory.
IHSAN MOTOR : Honda CRV All New 2.4, matic, 2,500cc, silver, Eseat + memory, CBU, Colombarium Jl. Mayor Oking Jaya Atmaja ALDERA DRIVER Providing solutions is very
2007, Automatic, 2.400 cc, Black, Rp 185 Lead head + stop lamp, original paint, sun- easy and full responsibility, Satisfaction and Private Driver! Marsudi Suwarna Adi.
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Townhouse Apartments For Rent. 28 sqm million, Nego. Please Call: 0813 2144 8048 / roof, black interior, Rp 500 million, comfort is our goal. DAILY – MONTHLY. Call: Whether you are in a vacation, tour, or
87567001, Fax (021) 87907307 Website:
Furnished, Near SCBD Kby-Baru, SouthJkt 0812 3459 4905 39,219km, special, good condition, nego. 021 – 4222 258 business trip. I will be happy to be your
Call: 0217251689 WA: 085100823058 Call: 08118991838, 0818991838 personal driver & guide. Please contact
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Manual, 1.500 cc, Black, Rp 135 PRESTIGE: Ferrari California T ‘10, automatic,
HOUSES service, daily or monthly to Bandung and
CARS million, Nego. Please Call: 0813 2144 8048 / 3.000cc, red, Rp 3,100 billion, 6.798km, Car- its surroundings. Call : 081 9100-920-90
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bon Fibers Driving Zone, Cruise
FOR RENT Control, Armest in Leather, Dayton Style Brandnew & two storey house at Pondok
NIRMALA RC 7423063/ 7409467/ 74715030/ IMPORTZ AUTO: Toyota Alphard 2.4 G Pre- Front & Bluetooth, Magnarid Suspension, Indah walking distance to JIS,4beds/4bth
mium Sound ‘11, automatic, 2,400cc, pearl good condition, nego. Call: 085811113688. S.Pool& nice grdn U$4.250.Adin 0816790487
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white, Rp 625 million, 29,000km, good con- E:
Avanza etc R. Stock. Long/Short Term.Best Price
dition, nego. Call: Andre 08170607168, PT. MOESTAR INDONESIA, Citra driver pro-
081288835238 PRESTIGE: Ferrari 458 Italia Coupe ‘11, auto- MASSAGE fessional service, driver needs to provide for
FOR SALE matic, 4.499cc, red, Rp 6,80 billion, 3,719KM, CV IARA SURYA MANDIRI. Ready stock: personal or company, the price we offer com-
IMPORTZ AUTO: Hummer H3 Full Optional full carbon, f1 track, ABS and ASR, CST, Adap- DONITA MASSAGE, For Expats, Nice Good Baby Sitters, Nannies, housekeepers. petitive with management fee of 15%. Call:
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2008, Automatic, km 77.000, cylinder 2.800,
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Black metallic, RP 310 million, original owner,
tax in order, service record, full body kit, good Andre 08170607168, 081288835238 Fiona Rt 006 Rw 012, Kel. Kalideres, Jakarta Barat
interior, good condition, Nego. Call : Lanny 087880280711 (samping Telkom).
RELAX MORE,SPEND LESS. Make yourself experienced drivers, control of the streets of
021 - 70105551 Q-TA : Mercedes Benz E-Class E 260, 2004, muchcomfort & relief with an entertainingly mas- the capital and outside the city, a high work-
IMPORTZ AUTO: Porsche Boxter 2.9 Cabrio- Automatic, 2.600 cc, Black, Rp 240 million, JADCO, DRIVER SERVICE PROVIDER, DAILY ing professional with friendly attitude, polite
sage by young man. Call KEVIN 085770722573
let ‘13, automatic, 2,900cc, pearl white, Rp Nego. Call : 0812 2024 7223 – MONTHLY / Facebook / Twitter / Google +: and courteous.If you need us, please call:
BMW 5 523i, 2010, Automatic, km 57.000, 1,425 billion, 1,000km, good condition, nego. Jadco regal / In LinkedIn: Jadco agung agung Tedi Sofyan 021-89647947 / 085779641777
cylinder 2.500, Silver metallic, Rp 375 mil- Call: Andre 08170607168, 081288835238
lion, original owner, tax in order, Fiona 087880280711 Q-TA : BMW X5 3.0 A/T, 2003, Automatic,
PET SHOP priyono. Call: 085217125321, 08881969237,
/ 081314641777
service record, leather seat, electric seat, 3.000 cc, Black, Rp 200 million, good condi-
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IMPORTZ AUTO: Toyota Land Cruiser Prado JASA SUPIR PRIBADI “SMB”. Do you need a
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BMW X5 3.0 A/T, 2007, Automatic, km Call: Andre 08170607168, 081288835238 1.600 cc, Black, Rp 180 million, Nego. Call :
75.000, cylinder 3.000, white pearl, Rp 450 0812 2024 7223 Calico Petshop. Ampera Selatan – Jatiasih,
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record, leather seat, electric seat, sun Automatic, cylinder 2.400, Black Metallic, Rp Promo of the day. (Dandy) Ph: 0813 1010 send you! Male and female sitters and to contact us,“Yayasan DWI ASIH”. Ph: (021)
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021 - 70105551 vice record, leather seats, electric seat, good 021 - 5417671 08129566433
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Blok D5 No. 14, Cakung - Jakarta Timur We have reliable Baby Sitter! LPK MUTIARA 1.
FORD EVEREST XL 4x2 Limited Edition,
JJ MOBIL : Honda City All New City E, 2010, 13950. Call: 021 - 4601611. Visit us: Most from Java. Educated worker. Honest.
2013, Automatic, km 23.000, cylinder 2.500,
white pearl, Rp 320 million, original owner, Automatic, cylinder 1.500, silver metallic, Persevering. Call: Mrs. Darma 087878836227
Rp 169 million, original owner, tax in ABSE TRANSLATION & INTERPRETING SER-
tax in order, service record, leather seat, Build Your Confidence with SIB School! /
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021 - 70105551 Lily 0816 999 412
office/home. Qualified teachers & excellent
material 081385590009.
JJ MOBIL : Honda Freed SD, 2012, Automat-
BURSA OTOMOTIF SUNTER: Lamborghini ic, cylinder 1.500, silver metallic, Rp 179
Gallardo LP550-2 ‘13, automatic, 5,200cc, ABSE LANGUAGE COURSE&INDONESIAN For
million, original owner, tax in order,
green, Rp 4,750 billion, good condition, nego. Foreigner & Local at your place.For further info Looking for Minimum 5 yrs working experi-
service record, good condition. Call: Lily
Call: Addie 087889864349 call 081262876287, ence in freight forwarding Co. For Documen-
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knowledge, Marketing Manager, CV Email to
BOS:Rolls-royce Ghost Ghost ‘13, automat- JJ MOBIL : Mercedes Benz C-Class C 200 FUNERAL HOME
ic, 6.600cc, white pearl, Rp 7 billion, 1.000 CGI, 2011, Automatic, km 22.000, cylinder Groovy - The Ultimate Partner for Pet Well-
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back door, good condition, nego. Call: seat, Antique, full electric seat, good condi- 11460. Call: 021 5671931 ; 568458, Fax: ic. Pet Transport (international & domestic). elderly (Jabotabek & outside city). Call
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THURSDAY May 4, 2017 | 19

Kalyana Indonesia introduces new products, announces plans to go global Grand City announces 3.7 SHOPRIZE 2017 winner
Local fashion brand Kalyana Indonesia, May 1 was an important day for
which specializes in handbags featuring Indone- Dani Fernandes. This Surabayan
sian motifs, recently hosted a private afternoon did not expect to take home a Nissan
party to introduce its new products. Grand Livina X-Gear from Grand
Held on April 28 in the Avenue Java Paragon City Surabaya’s 3.7 SHOPRIZE
hotel in Surabaya, the party featured a fashion phase 1 lucky draw.
show presenting the brand’s premium leath- “At first, I didn’t think I would
er bags, which were inspired by Javanese cul- win because yesterday I only did a
ture, particularly its batik motifs. The leather bit of shopping with my wife, and
bags, variants of which are available for men and out of curiosity decided to exchange
women, feature unique motifs and patterns us- our shopping receipt for a lucky
ing engraving techniques. Courtesy of the Kalyana Indonesia draw coupon. Luck fell in our laps,”
On the sidelines of the event, a number of stylists – Mia Ambarita, Raysha Variany and Dony –shared tips Dani said.
and tricks in matching clothes with bags. The winner of second phase of
During the event, the brand also announced the latest milestone for its business: “Kalyana Indonesia the lucky draw will be announced
will also organize a fashion show from May 6 to 13 in Melbourne, Australia. Our desire to go international in September and the winner of the
could hopefully introduce Indonesia’s rich heritage and culture to the world,” Kalyana Indonesia founder third phase of the lucky draw, which
Maulina said. has a grand prize of a BMW X1, will
Kalyana Indonesia’s collection can be viewed on its official website, be announced in January 2018.
Courtesy of Grand City Surabaya

Shangri-La Surabaya celebrates British Queen’s birthday AccorHotels conducts campaign to reduce and recycle food waste
The Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya re- The East Java chapter of the Ac-
cently celebrated the birthday of Brit- corHotels group recently organized an
ish Queen Elizabeth II, who turned 91 awareness campaign called “Stop Food
on April 21. Waste,” in an effort to educate the pub-
This marks the first time her birth- lic about the importance of reducing
day has been celebrated in Surabaya. and recycling food waste.
Previously, the annual event only took The event was held on April 26 at the
place in the capital. Al-Akbar Grand Mosque in Surabaya,
“The role of Surabaya as Indonesia’s East Java, where facilitators from Tunas
second-largest city is increasingly sig- Hijau non-profit organization taught
nificant for Britain and Indonesia’s co- around 200 school students how to turn
operation. This celebration is a form food waste into bio-fertilizer.
of our commitment to relations be- The food waste that was turned
tween the two countries,” said British into bio-fertilizer was collected from
Ambassador to Indonesia, ASEAN and nine AccorHotels group brands across
Timor-Leste Moazzam Malik. Surabaya, namely Hotel Majapahit Courtesy of the AccorHotels
Held on April 27, the celebration Courtesy of Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya Surabaya, Novotel Surabaya Ngagel, Novotel Samator Surabaya, Mercure Grand Mirama Surabaya, Ibis
at the hotel featured the ambassador opening the event with the national anthems of the two countries. Surabaya City Center, Ibis Budget Surabaya Airport, Ibis Style Malang, Ibis Style Jemursari Surabaya and
Some 300 guests joined in singing “Indonesia Raya” and “God Save the Queen.” Ibis Budget HR Muhammad Surabaya.

Marriott Hotels group plants mangrove seeds in Wonorejo forest

SURABAYA SCENE The Marriott Hotels
group recently marked
Earth Day in Surabaya,
East Java, by planting
mangrove seeds in the
Wonorejo mangrove
Conducted on April
22, the activity in-
volved staff members
from Sheraton Suraba-
ya Hotel & Towers, JW
Marriott Surabaya,
Four Points by Shera-
ton Surabaya and Fair- Courtesy of the Marriott Hotels
field by Marriott Surabaya, which planted 500 mangrove seeds.
On this occasion, Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers environment, health, safety and security manager
Asrifal supervised the planting of mangrove seeds by hotel staff members in the forest, just as he did during
a similar event last year.

Surabaya Scene
For our advertising packages and rates,
call Kristiawan at 0817 345 607
or send an email to /


Seoul springs to life with festivals

ith spring in full bloom
and the days getting
warmer, a number of
festivals that focus on outdoor
activities are taking place around
Seoul. Here is a list of May festivals
compiled by The Korea Herald.

Nod to street culture

All Day Out Seoul 2017, which
takes place Friday and Saturday
at Layer 57 in Seongsu-dong, is
an event dedicated to all things
hip-hop and street culture, host-
ed by the entertainment behe-
moth CJ E&M.
Some of Korea’s trendiest rap-
pers such as CJamm, Giriboy and Visitors attend last year’s Korean Traditional Liquor and Food Festi-
Paloalto will be performing. A val at Namsangol Hanok Village.
DJing party will take place later Visitors take a selfie at last year’s Seoul Rose Festival in Muk-dong, Jungnang-gu.
in the evening. An art exhibition
will also be held in a quieter cor- at Namsangol Hanok Village from ship with the Bulgarian town of from May 19-21, artist teams from
ner of the venue, with artwork by May 18-19. Kazanlak, home to a century-old 23 countries will put on some 57
young Korean contemporary art- Traditional food and drinks rose festival. shows.
ists, such as Kim Seok-won, who will be available free of charge at The Seoul event will kick off A number of eclectic artists
goes by the name Kildren. the event hosted by the Institute with a rose parade, where festival specializing in diverse genres --
Street culture figures will be giv- of Traditional Korean Food. participants can join professional from reggae, ska and neo soul to
ing talks on their professional and dancers in a procession through jazz, blues and gugak (Korea tra-
personal journeys. The event will Rosy path the park. On the evening of May ditional music) -- will be perform-
be held from 1-10 p.m. on both days. A park in Seoul’s eastern neigh- 19, participants will be able to ing in and around the Sejong Cen-
Tickets are available at 59,000 borhood of Muk-dong, Jungnang- float rose-shaped lanterns on the ter for Performing Arts, located in
won at and gu, is famous for its tunnel of nearby stream. Gwanghwamun.
at 69,000 won on site. arches adorned with hundreds of A jazz concert, rose garden din- All shows will be open to the
climbing rose bushes. ner, dance party and rose mar- public free of charge.
Traditional food and drinks The annual Seoul Rose Festival ket will take place in the ensuing Colorful Korean music teams
The 10th edition of the Korean will take place around the Jung- days. Buskers and food trucks will such as Kingston Rudieska,
Traditional Liquor and Food Fes- nangcheon area from May 19-21 be stationed around the area. Common Ground and 3rd Line
tival, which celebrates dishes and this year, featuring some 72,000 Butterfly will be performing.
drinks that have been around for roses of over 40 varieties. City of music (ANN/The Korea Herald/
hundreds of years, is taking place The festival is held in partner- During Seoul Music Week held Rumy Doo) Musicians perform at last year’s Seoul Music Week in Gwanghwamun.
20 | THURSDAY May 4, 2017

• Korean Cultural Center
Korean Language Courses
Korean Cultural Center, address:
Equity Tower 17th Fl. Jl. Jend.
Sudirman, SCBD, Lot 9, Jakarta.
Contact: 021-2903-5650/
• The Japan Foundation
Japan Language Courses,
Address: Summitmas I Lt. 2,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, • Fire at Sea
Kav. 61-62 Jakarta by Gianfranco Rosi
Contact: 021-5201266/ May 6 at 12 p.m. Erasmus Huis Auditorium
• Russian Center of Science May 11 at 5 p.m.
and Culture
Russian Language Courses
Address: Jl. Diponegoro No. 12,
G-String Blues Band Kineforum
Menteng, RT.1/RW.4, Menteng May 13 at 12 p.m.
Contact: 021-31935290/ May 3-4 at 5 p.m., Motion Blue Jakarta Goethehaus
The G-String Blues Band consists of nine talented musicians with These talented individuals have plenty of experience under their
TOUR GUIDE distinct individual skills: Billy (vocalist and songwriter from Kansas belt and play a blend of jazz, blues, R&B, folk, country and rock.
City, United States), Nana Helena (vocalist), Jessy Pangalila (guitar- Watch G-String Blues Band’s electrifying performance live at Mo-
• Indonesian Heritage Society ist and vocalist), Tono Setiadi (bassist), Hadarsyah (drummer), Anto- tion Blue Jakarta on May 3 (Couples Night: two tickets for the price of
provides free tour at National nius Yacob (keyboardist), Priyo Wahono (trumpeter) and Sistha An- one), May 4 and May 5. Enjoy a free glass of wine or beer with every
Museum in indya (saxophonist). ticket purchased.
Every Tuesday at
10:30 a.m. • Spring Savings By Rococo CLASS
Every Thursday April 18 – May 8
at 10:30 a.m. and Lotte Shopping Avenue, Jakarta • Kelas Fotografi Jalanan
1:30 p.m. March 8 – May 6 at 2 p.m.
Every second and Serambi Salihara
fourth Saturday of the month at
10:30 a.m.
CP: Indonesian Heritage
Society Library 021-5725870/ ARTS FESTIVAL • Most Art 2017 • Blues is Alright!
• Mixed Feelings 02 May 6 at 3 p.m. May 10 at 7 p.m.
Illustration Exhibition Hotel Bumi Wiyata Foodism - Kemang, Jakarta
Cp : +6285710073433 • Suburra by Stefano Sollima
TALK April 2 – May 6 May 8 at 7:30 p.m.
That’s Life Coffee IIC Auditorium
• Entrepreneur Talkshow
May 12 at 5 p.m.
Universitas Tarumanagara • 9th Korean Culture Day : May 12 at 7:30 p.m.
Kampus I Sunsational Getaway Erasmus Huis Auditorium
CP : +6281280996778 May 6 at 1 p.m.
Universitas Indonesia
• Jakarta Food Festival 2017 Cp : +681517881806 • ‘Europe on Screen 2017’
EXHIBITION April 7 - May 7 May 8-14 at 5 p.m.
La Piazza Mall Kelapa Gading, Taman Ismail Marzuki
• VISION 80 • Saturday Night Live:
May 3-5 at 5 p.m. Chris Mann
Motion Blue Jakarta Cascade Lounge, Hotel Mulia
Senayan - Jakarta • “Dongeng Negeri Seribu Angin”
Cp: 021 5747777 ext.4388/4488 May 21 at 6.30 p.m.
Taman Ismail Marzuki,
Teater Kecil
Cp: +6281289018754
• Alive Museum Ancol
May 1-31 at 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Ancol Beach City Mall • A Tribute to Jagjit Singh by
Shekhar Ravjiani SEMINAR
May 6 at 7 p.m.
Ciputra Artpreneur Theatre, • Youth Development:
• Indonesian International Scholarship, Career,
Motor Show 2017 Jakarta
Cp: 021 – 30015666 or email to and Entrepreneurship
May 1-7 at 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. May 6 at 8.30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Jiexpo Kemayoran • Sole Fest 2017: The Biggest • Live in Concert Nidji - Arti
or Gunadarma University Campus D Sneakers Market Sahabat- Cp : 0857 1103 6115
May 5-7 May 5 at 7 p.m.
• 2nd Halal FoodCourt Kuningan City Level 2,3 & 4, Balai kartini Jakarta
@Islamic Book Fair #16 Jakarta Cp : 08111961996 OPERA PERFORMANCE
May 3-7 In the Indonesian music in-
JCC Senayan, Jakarta dustry, Nidji has demonstrated • Pau Hana Exclusive
Hawaiian Party • Musikal Mimpi Kecil - Remake itself as one of the country’s rising May 6-7
bands. It consists of six talent- May 12-13 at 4 p.m. – 3 a.m.
The Edge Bistro - Kemang, Teater Besar TIM
• Islamic Book Fair #16 ed individuals: Giring (vocals), Cp : 08111961996
May 3-7 Rama and Ariel (guitarists), Adrie Jakarta
JCC Senayan, Jakarta (drums), Andro (bass) and Run- D (keyboard). The word “Nidji” THEATER PERFORMANCE
itself is a modification of the word
“niji”, which is Japanese for rain- FILM SCREENINGS • JPAC Musical:
bow. The word was chosen as it West Side Story
represented the band’s colorful • Melodi Alam 2017 • ‘Turah’ May 12-14
music that blends different styles May 6-7 May 3-7 at 5 p.m. Graha Bhakti Budaya -
together, such as progressive, Gunung Pancar, Bogor Taman Ismail Marzuki Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta
funk, alternative and pop.
• Tumpah Ruah 7th Edition
May 6-7 at 10 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. • Bonita & The Hus Band • Beilys PROMOTE YOUR EVENTS
Gudang Sarinah Ekosistem – Hall May 6 at 5 p.m. May 8-10 at 5 p.m. For queries on placement of your events in The Jakarta Post’s WHERE TO GO section,
B, Jakarta Motion Blue Jakarta Motion Blue Jakarta please send an email to / or
Instagram: @gudangtumpahruah call Endang at (021) 5300478 ext. 2034.


INTERNATIONAL Telp. 5296 3888
Cacaote Jl. Senopati Raya 80, Kebayoran Alto Restaurant & Bar
Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta
Loewy Bar & Restaurant Oakwood Premier
Baru, South Jakarta. Telp. 293 0612. Cozmo, Kuningan, South Jakarta. Telp.
Aphrodite Club Rasuna, Jl. Rasuna Said, Place to see and be seen, melt-in-your-mouth Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 18 25542378
Kuningan, South Jakarta. cakes and pastries Kuningan Barat, Jakarta 12710 The Lounge Le Grandeur Mangga Dua,
Anomali Coffee Jl. Senopati No. 35, South Opening time: Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, North Jakarta.
Jakarta. Telp. 529-20102 CHINESE Alto Bar (Daily) 5 p.m. – 12 a.m.
Alto Restaurant (Daily) 6 p.m. – 10.30 p.m. Telp. 612 8811
Antipodean Hero Kemang Complex, Jl. Ah Yat Abalone Mid Plaza 2, LG, Jl. SAKE+ Jl. Senopati 54, Kebayoran Baru,
Sudirman Central Jakarta. Telp. 570 7333 Tel: 021 2277 1888
Kemang Selatan No. 1, South Jakarta. No South Jakarta. Telp. 7250002. Japanese bar
fuss super-fresh brekkies at this laid-back Chiao Tung Hotel Rekso Hayam Wuruk, Jl. & lounge.
Aussie-Kiwi Café. Hayam Wuruk 2F West Jakarta. Telp. 624 8680
BUNK Pullman Jakarta Central Park Podo- VIN+ Arcadia Plaza Senayan Arcadia
moro City, Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 28 ITALIAN
AWkitchen Plaza Senayan Lantai 1 Unit 106-108, South Jakarta. Telp.
Telp. 021 29 20 00 88 57901477
Bloeming FX Sudirman, South Jakarta. Level P4 Unit No. CP 409
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8 VIN+ PIM Street Gallery Pondok Indah
Telp. 2555 4182 Mall 1st Fl Unit 106 South Jakarta. Telp.
Jakarta Pusat 10270
Bakoel Koffie Jl. Cikini Raya No. 25, Central +6221 5790 6071 2952 9753
Jakarta. Telp. 3193 6608 AWkitchen Plaza Indonesia VIN+ PIM soft opening specials: - Get a
CJ’s Bar Hotel Mulia Senayan. Jl.Asia Afrika Level 2, No. E0206 glass of sangria if you follow us on twitter
Senayan, South Jakarta.Telp. 575 3275, 574 Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30 and facebook. @vinplusid and VIN+ wine
7777 ext. 4008, 4018 Bar and cocktail. Jakarta Pusat 10350 and beyond
+6221 2992 4325 Lunch promotion.
Buy 2 main courses and get 20 percent off
INDONESIAN Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta
RESTAURANTS Beautika Jl. Hang Lekir No. 1, South Jakarta. (food only)
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ASIAN FUSION A spicy culinary journey to North Sulawesi
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WINE & DINE only Rp 100,000 (tax included).
VIN+ Central Park Central Park Mall at
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city- wide. Singaporean and western dishes in Bacco Lotte Shopping Avenue, Main Lobby, Tribeca Park Ground Floor TG. 03 Jl. Let. S.
Bengawan Solo Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jl. Sudirman
cozy setting. No MSG. No. 86, Central Jakarta. Telp. 570 4444 LG 38, Kuningan, South Jakarta. Parman Kav. 28, West Jakarta. Telp. 5698 5768
Mamacita The Wine Kitchen Senayan City, Bumbu Hotel Sheraton Bandara, West Decanter Wine Lounge Plaza Kuningan, VIN+ Kemang Jl. Kemang Raya No. 45B,
LG Unit 52, South Jakarta. Telp. 7278 1477 Jakarta. Telp. 559 7777 North Tower, Ground Floor, South Jakarta. South Jakarta Telp. 7179 2577


Fill the cells in such a way so that all rows, columns and every
3-by-3 subsquare contains every digit from 1 to 9, with no rep-
etition of each digit.




By Shelby Lyman
22 | HOME & DESIGN THURSDAY May 4, 2017

Picture perfect:
Paintings are giv-

en wooden frames
and placed on the
wall for visitors to

Art Breeding
Nothing good can be forced or made instantly
and this is true of a work of art. Artists’ talk: The participating artists ( from sec-
ond left) Nykkhu, Liffi Wongso, Criwill, Hwang
Tony and Novan share their stories.

Clara Anastasia

t was a typically hectic afternoon at the two-story coffee
shop at Gunawarman in South Jakarta, where the crowd
enjoyed exhibited works by five new painters.
They are Nykkhu, Criwill, Hwang Tony, Novan Ang-
gono and Liffi Wongso, who joined Mixed Feelings — a collective
of artists established by illustrator Atreyu Moniaga with his non-
profit artist incubation project.
The latest exhibition, the project’s fifth batch, presents 21 Hadi Salim as an art lecturer at Bunda Mu-
works by the five artists who transform white canvasses into a lia University.
spectrum of color. The exhibition runs until May 7. He said he intentionally wanted the
The artists have different ways of representing themselves. group not to comprise too much so the ones
Twenty-year-old Nykkhu explores his identity using watercol- that remain are those with a high commit-
ors on canvas while Criwill showcases his struggles to overcome ment to finish the one-year project.
his bad habits in a surrealist style. “The approach is like this. I think to
At the exhibition, Hwang Tony offers his own interpretation myself: how can I get close to them so the
from a short story he adapted from illustrator Tampan Destawan. project feels like it’s theirs, not mine,” said
Liffi Wongso showcases memories of her dreams in illustra- the Jakarta Arts Institute alumni who has
tions by using different mediums of paper, colored brightly and collaborated with other creative minds, in-
boldly. cluding fashion photographer Jeremy Bo-
Novan Anggono presents an art calligraphy collection of lyrics brow and Montreal fashion stylist Mark
by American musician, writer and actress Jewel. Fatal as well as renowned Indonesian
The project aims to be held annually and does not require any fashion designers Hengki Kawilarang and
recruitment system or requirements. Anyone can join in the Sebastian Gunawan. project again since he was motivated
project as long as they can keep up with the pace. Atreyu asked for the help of many peo- by how Atreyu had inspired one of his
Atreyu, better known as Atre, has made a name for himself ple from the art industry to realize the friend’s artworks.
through his fantastical drawings. He started Mixed Feelings, an project. “So it’s a ‘gang up’ project and they “Atre, at his young age of 28, has al-
“after school” project, with fellow artists and brothers Hari and gladly help without wanting any compen- ready done a lot of photography and il-
sation, thankfully,” he laughed. lustration exhibitions and I am a fan.
I think it is very nice to be taught by
someone who has a great concern about
his students even though he’s very busy,”
Being taught from scratch, the artists Hwang Tony said.
are patiently guided for approximately a Atreyu praised his students’ high
year by Atreyu himself. sense of belonging. Artists from previ-
“The most challenging thing is to ous batches also chipped in and helped
shape the artists’ confidence because if out with the new batch, even though
they aren’t confident, they cannot see they are busy now with their own work.
themselves more truthfully, or what He claims his previous students
they really are as artists,” he says. have also done some pretty impressive
The five artists, aged between 19 and things, including a photoshoot job for
22 years, have shown an interest in art Korean Fashion Week.
since junior high school. “This exhibition itself isn’t our main
“Art is a medium for me to express purpose. What’s most important is the
myself, where I feel the most free. With output or the collection for the artists
this exhibition, the thought of having themselves. We don’t really care how big
people appreciate my artwork didn’t of a crowd or audience will show up be-
cross my mind. I am really happy to see cause we think of it as a way of having a
how developed my skills have become, good time.”
compared to my older drawings,” said
Up close: Visitors look at works on Liffi Wongso, the youngest and the only — PHOTOS COURTESY OF
display at the exhibition in Jakarta. female artists among the five. MIXED FEELINGS PROJECT
Criwill, who also joined last year’s — The writer is an intern at
collective, said he tried out for this year’s The Jakarta Post.


Antoine Froidefond vre I thought no project would be too But the then French president Fran- lished star in the United States for his el- “The project also came at a time of
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/PARIS difficult.” cois Mitterrand was so impressed with egant John F. Kennedy Library and Dal- fierce ideological clashes” between the

Yet in the end even that stern crit- his modernist extension to the National las City Hall, nothing had prepared Pei left and right, he added.
he modernist architect IM Pei, ic of modernist “carbuncles,” Britain’s Gallery of Art in Washington DC that he for the hostility of the reception his radi- The Louvre’s then director, Andre
who was once pilloried for plonk- Prince Charles, pronounced it “mar- insisted he was the man for the Louvre. cal plans would receive.  Chabaud, resigned in 1983 in protest
ing a glass pyramid into the court- vellous.” The Socialist leader was in the midst He needed all his tact and dry sense of at the “architectural risks” Pei’s vision
yard of the Louvre, turned 100 on April And the French daily Le Figaro, which of attempting to transform Paris with a humour to survive a series of encounters posed.
26 this year with his controversial cre- had led the campaign against the “atro- series of architectural “grands projets” with planning officials and historians. The present incumbent, however, is
ation now an icon of the French capital. cious” design, celebrated its genius with that included the Bastille Opera and the One meeting with the French histor- in no doubt the pyramid is a masterpiece
The Chinese-American designer en- a supplement on the 10th anniversary of Grand Arch of La Defense. ic monuments commission in January that helped turn the museum around.
dured a roasting from critics before the its opening. Already in his mid-60s and an estab- 1984 ended in uproar, with Pei unable Jean-Luc Martinez is all the more
giant glass structure opened in 1989, Pei’s masterstroke was to link the even to present his ideas. convinced of the fact having worked
with up to 90 percent of Parisians said to three wings of the world’s most visited “You are not in Dallas now!” one of the with Pei over the last few years to adapt
be against the project at one point. museum with vast underground gal- experts shouted at him during what he his plans to cope with the museum’s
“I received many angry glances in leries bathed in light from his glass and recalled was a “terrible session,” where growing popularity. 
the streets of Paris,” Pei later said, steel pyramid. he felt the target of anti-Chinese racism. Pei’s original design was for up to 2
confessing that “after the Lou- It also served as the museum’s main Not even Pei’s winning of the Pritz- million visitors a year. Last year the Lou-
entrance, making its subterranean con- An icon: The ker Prize, the “Nobel of architecture” in vre welcomed nearly 9 million.
course bright even on the most overcast glass Pyramid 1983, seemed to assuage his detractors. For Martinez the pyramid is “the
of days. stands at the Jack Lang, who was French culture modern symbol of the museum,” he said,
Pei, who grew up in Hong Kong center of the minister at the time, told AFP he is “an icon on the same level” as the Lou-
and Shanghai before studying Louvre Museum still “surprised by the violence of vre’s most revered artworks the Mona
at Harvard with the Bauhaus in Paris. the opposition” to Pei’s ideas. Lisa, the Venus de Milo and the Winged
founder Walter Gropius, “The pyramid is right at Victory of Samothrace.
was not the most obvious the center of a monument Pei is not alone in being savaged for
choice for the job, hav- central to the history of changing the cherished landscape of
ing never worked on France [the Louvre is Paris.
a historic building the former palace In 1887, a group of intellectuals that
before. of the country’s included Emile Zola and Guy de Mau-
kings.] passant published a letter in the news-
paper Le Temps to protest at the build-
ing of the “useless and monstrous Eiffel
Tower,” an “odious column of sheet met-
al with bolts.”

Man of design: US-Chi-

nese architect of the Lou-
vre Pyramid Leoh Ming
Pei poses in the Napoleon
courtyard of the Louvre
Museum in Paris.

AFP/Eric Feferberg AFP/Isabel Malsang

THURSDAY May 4, 2017 FEATURES | 23

Kartini inspires women


Three Indonesian women are relentlessly

promoting Indonesia in the United States and Livi Zheng
around the world in their own ways.

Clara Anastasia Desiana


nspired by Kartini, three women — filmmaker Livi Zheng
and lecturers Juliana Wijaya and Desiana Pauli Sandjaja
— have been promoting Indonesian language and culture
in the United States.
Kartini was a young lady from a noble Javanese family whose
progressive ideas on equality and women’s rights at the turn of
the 20th century led her to be named a national heroine for fe-

male emancipation, with her birth date on April 21 observed as

Kartini Day.

In their campaign, the three women will get help from an

upcoming film, Bali: Beats of Paradise, scheduled for release in

May 2017. UW to introduce Indo-
The film will not only be distributed to the public but also be nesian culture to students

part of class curricula taught at the University of California, Los and communities across

Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Washington (UW) in Se- America include Desiana’s move

attle in the 2017-2018 academic year. of introducing various Indonesian

“I am very pleased to have the movie Bali: Beats of Paradise as foods at supermarkets as well as hold-

a teaching resource for the language and culture [of Indonesia] ing Indonesian-themed cooking events.
next semester,” Juliana, who teaches the Indonesian language Desiana, who considers Kartini as her
and culture at UCLA, was quoted as saying in a release made source of inspiration, said that during class-
available to The Jakarta Post. es, beyond just teaching the Indonesian lan-
The film was produced and directed by Indonesian film- guage, she also inserted knowledge of the
maker Livi Zheng and the Consulate General of Indonesia in country’s culture, such as through video foot- Juliana o.
Wijaya s.c
Los Angeles. age on wayang and batik. Her students range dita
“I hope students can see the diversity, richness and biodiver- from undergraduates to master’s students as ko
sity of Indonesia and develop knowledge and their own perspec- well as professors and the public. of
tive about Indonesia,” said Juliana. “Film is a highly effective and interesting te
Juliana found her passion of teaching while completing her media outlet in which to introduce culture. C
master’s degree in the US. She currently holds a PhD in applied There are many things that can be observed
linguistics from UCLA. and studied through film other than the story
In collaboration with Jolanda Pandin (Cornell University) itself, so when I heard the movie Bali: Beats of
and Indriyo Sukmono (Yale University), she helped organize an Paradise was being produced, I was very in- generations. His earliest
annual Indonesian debate contest for students studying the In- terested to see the output and show it in my studies were with his grand-
donesian language in the US. class as part of cultural knowledge material,” father, who was a master puppe-
Juliana also works with communities and students in orga- Desiana said, adding that she believed anyone teer, musician and dancer.
nizing events, such as Indonesian Cultural Day, when Indone- could become a cultural ambassador to Indo- He complemented his traditional
sian music and dance is performed on stage and Indonesian nesia regardless of where they lived. training with formal studies, graduating
delicacies are served. The event also includes Indonesian film A Bali: Beats of Paradise concert event is from Bali’s Conservatory of Music, then
screenings and outreach programs, such as the introduction of scheduled to be held on May 4 in Los Angeles. later from the National Music and Dance
traditional gamelan music to junior high school students in Los In addition to officials, consuls and diplomats Academy in Yogyakarta, Java. He also holds a
Angeles. from various countries, Don Hall, Governor master’s degree from CalArts and a doctorate
Livi has been a guest lecturer and speaker at over 20 univer- of the Motion Picture Academy of Motion in ethnomusicology from UCLA.
sities, including the University of Southern California (USC), Picture Arts & Sciences (OSCARS), is sched- Livi said Wenten, who started the gamelan
the New York Film Academy, Los Angeles City College and the uled to attend this event with his family. program at UC Berkeley, has also performed
Communication University of China. Bali: Beats of Paradise is a gamelan-themed in Walt Disney Concert Hall.
Like Kartini, Livi’s fighting spirit is strong, especially her de- film that features Balinese dance. I Nyoman Indonesian Consul General in Los Ange-
termination to pursue her dream of becoming a film director in Wenten, a longtime faculty member of The les Umar Hadi, who was recently sworn in as
Hollywood despite knowing that the competition there is tough, Herb Alpert School of Music at CalArts, con- the Ambassador of Indonesia in Seoul, South
especially for female directors. tributed to the film. Korea, said Indonesian people in Los Ange-
Livi recalled that at the beginning of her career, her proposal Livi said Wenten is one of Bali’s most ac- les and its surroundings represent Bhinneka
was rejected 32 times, but she did not give up until her first film, complished and versatile dancer-musicians. Tunggal Ika [Unity in Diversity].
Brush with Danger, was produced and hit theaters. “He is known not only for his work in tradi- “The diversity and richness of the cul-
Livi, who holds a master’s degree in film production from tional Indonesian music and dance, but also ture is the country’s unity foundation;
USC, said she always tried to include Indonesian elements in for his creative east-west fusion of composi- therefore, we must maintain and I Nyoman
her films. tion and performance work,” she said. strengthen it,” he said. Wenten
Desiana has a master’s degree in international affairs, even Wenten, a traditionally trained Balinese
though she has been a language teacher since 1993. musician, actor and dancer, was born to a — The writer is an intern at
Among the creative efforts made by Indonesian lecturers at family of musicians and artists of several The Jakarta Post.

Courtesy of Livi Zheng

turer at the Bandung Institute of Technol- nial times, Melati, known for her exceed-
ogy (ITB) has also widely influenced his ingly strong resilience in performances of
students, such as Umi (1942-2009) whose long duration, and Etza, who made a mark
abstract forms in her paintings echo the with her work inspired by the blind.
master, though she was also led by her per- Others include Eddy, whose juxtaposi-
sonal life experience and developed a per- tions of cultural and mythical verities from
sonal touch in her use of colors. his Javanese culture and those from far-
Then there is Pirous (born 1933), away countries come together in a con-
known as the first artist in Indonesia to fluence of sameness in spite of geographi-

have developed Arabic calligraphy in cal and time differences, and Nurrachmat,
painting and graphic art, while later tend- whose outer space imaginings and futuristic
ing to abstract art that is infused with a visions bring together the present time with
sense of the spiritual. the distant future.
In the exhibition, Sunaryo (born 1943) Surely every work offered in this auction
who during four decades proved himself has an interesting narrative emanating a
to be a versatile artist with works in both spiritual force of its own.
AD Pirous realistic and abstract modes, including in- Most noteworthy is the inclusion of

stallations, offers a painting emanating a Erna’s fascinating painting featuring the

for confluence of the spiritual with the poet-

ic rhythm. A younger artist of this type is
Dikdik with his typical dark and mysteri-
ous ambience.
As noted by the curators, spirituality
Earth mirrored in the night glow of the
Moon, revealing her depth of thought and
painterly skill. An artist in her own right,
she has rarely appeared in the open.
Another interesting feature in the auc-
can take many different understandings, tion is the appearance of works by Tisna
including highlighting actual and political with those of his daughter’s Etza and his
thought-provoking issues, as shown by the son’s Zico, each infused with a spirituality
work of Mujahidin who refers to the issue that are typically their own.
Carla Bianpoen phers, silkscreeners and many more. of religious scapegoating.
CONTRIBUTOR/JAKARTA The works come from the most senior art- There are also Maharani, whose interest — PHOTOS COURTESY OF

ists to the emerging and the in-betweens. in history often refers to education in colo-
n upcoming charity auction of modern They are Ahmad Sadali, AD Pirous, Ahad-
and contemporary works aims to help iat Joedawinata, Amrizal Salayan, Dadan Se-
the poor while at the same time show- tiawan, Dikdik Sayahdikumullah, Eddy Susan-
casing an exciting diversity. to, Erna Pirous, Etza Meisyara, Guntur Timur,
The charity auction initiated by the YPM Imam Choirul B., Iman Sapari, Irmana A. Rah-
Salman Foundation for the development of man, John Martono, Maharani Mancanagara,
education and health and ArtSociates Indo- Melati Suryodarmo, Mujahidin Nurrahman,
nesia, which promotes talented artists, is be- Nasirun, Nurrachmat Widyasena, Patriot
ing planned to raise funds to assist the poor Mukmin, Reggie Aquara, Rosid, Sunaryo, Tis-
through the construction of the Salman Hos- na Sanjaya, Umi Dahlan, Yogie Achmad Gi-
pital in Soreang, South Bandung. nanjar and Zico Albaiquni.
The auction, themed “Spirituality in Art,” As curators Asmudjo Jono Irianto and Dwi-
will take place on May 7 at Ciputra Artpreneur handono Ahmad note in their curatorial essay,
Gallery in Jakarta. spirituality is not always linked to religion or
Some 40 to 50 artworks to be auctioned religiosity, but can also be interpreted as being
were displayed at Lawangwangi Creative transcendental, sublime, or an awareness at a
Space in Bandung late April and will be pre- more intense level. In a number of cases, ab-
viewed on May 5 and 6 at Artpreneur before stract art linked to spirituality was considered
the May 7 auction. the beginning of Islamic art in Indonesia.
The choice of participants in this exhibition Ahmad (1924-1987), who is considered the
shows an exciting diversity — with painters be- father of abstract art in Indonesia, has works Celestial Cartographic Table, silkscreen on brass, by Nurrachmat Widyasena,
ing a major part. They also include photogra- that are often linked to Islamic art. The lec-
FEATURES THURSDAY May 4, 2017 | 24
Titan: Ida Bagus Oka Blangsinga performs
the kebyar duduk, one of the most physically
demanding traditional Balinese dances.


Artists and scholars gather

to pay tribute to one of Bali’s
most accomplished dancers.

Courtesy of Doddy Obenk

Running in the family: Titania

Manuaba, the granddaughter of
Blangsinga, performs the kebyar
duduk dance that made her
grandfather famous.

I Wayan Juniarta

f there truly is an afterlife, the late Ida Bagus Oka Blangsinga,
one of Bali’s most revered performers, must have been looking ngg
down from heaven on that Saturday night with a broad smile le
and a proud, loving gaze on his wrinkled face.
Below, on the open stage of Bentara Budaya Bali in Ketewel, el,
Gianyar, his teen granddaughter, Ida Ayu Triana Titania Manuaba, a,
was performing the kebyar duduk, a traditional dance that in 1950s 0s
Bali was closely associated with Blangsinga.
It was his mastery of this difficult dance, which requires the per- r- Courtesy of Bentara Budaya Bali

former to execute complex and lightning fast maneuvers while in

seated or cross-legged squatting positions, that earned him respect ct Bagus Oka Wirjana in
Born Ida Bagu After learning from Mandi,
from his peers and adoration from his successors. 1929 at Saba vvillage, Blahbatuh, Blangsinga sharpened his skills
Created in 1925 by the legendary dancer I Ketut Maria, kebyar ar Gianyar, he was better
Gianya by visiting old masters in vil-
duduk became one of Bali’s iconic dances and a staple in public per- r- known as Blangs-
kn lages of Gianyar, including Anak
formances in Indonesia and abroad. inga after the name
in Agung Gede from Sukawati palace,
Titania Manuaba did not disappoint her late grandfather, nor thee of his home ham-
o Tjokorda Oka Tublen of Singapa-
dozens of spectators in front of the stage. Her rendition of the dancee let. He passed away
le du palace, as well as I Wayan Geria
was energetic, powerful and at the same time truly graceful.  Thee in early February at and I Made Kredek. Geria was the
raucous applause at the end of her performance was a sign of ap- p- the age of 87. father of I Wayan Dibia, while Kre-
proval and, more importantly, an acknowledgement to the enduring ng Blangsinga’s life
Bl dek was the father of Bandem.
flame of traditional Balinese dances. was a moving narra- Bandem pointed out that,
Courtesy of Bentara Budaya Bali

The performance in late April was part of Obituary for Blangsin- n- tive of p perseverance and Blangsinga, throughout his ca-
ga, a program co-organized by the Bentara Budaya Bali foundation on devotion to the art of dancing. reer, refused to perform any oth-
and the late artist’s family. Visitors got a chance to enjoy, among other
er He was still a li little boy when he er dances but kebyar duduk. His
things, a performance of the baris warrior dance by Blangsinga’s pro- o- baris dance from his
learned the bari mastery of kebyar duduk soon saw
tégé I Wayan Purwanto, a discussion featuring prominent scholarss I uncle, IdIda Bagus Kompiang, be-
da Bagu him tour the island and foreign
Wayan Dibia and I Made Bandem as well as an exhibition of photo- o- fore learning
learrning kebyar
ke duduk from lands, including Sweden, Japan,
graphs and memorabilia. I Wayan n Mandi. Hong Kong, China, Pakistan and
“The exhibition will run until May 5,” said Bentara Budaya’s prin- n- “He personally
personall watched I Ketut the United States.
cipal curator, Warih Wisatsana. Maria perform
p kebyar duduk in He also performed before dig-
Participating artists and photographers include Doddy Obenk, k, Tabanan n and he fell in love with nitaries like Mao Zedung and Su-
Tjandra Hutama, Arsa Putra, Komang Parwata, I Gusti Agung Wijaya ya that dance.
dannce. Unfortunately,
Unfo Maria karno. His dedication to the art of
Utama, IDK Rudita Widia Putra, Windujati, I Putu Apriwidana, Adri-- the
was at thhe height of his fame at the dancing earned Blangsinga sever-
aan Palar, Ida Bagus Alit, Carola Vooges, Irina, Miranda Risang Ayu Warrior: Blangsinga’s protégé I Wayan time and was so busy travelling to al accolades, including the Dhar-
Palar, Dushanka, Luciana Ferrero, Kaori Ohiya and Yoko Yamada. Purwanto performs the baris dance during various places that he could not ma Kusuma from the Governor
the memorial event for his mentor. give lessons to the young Blangs- of Bali, an award from the Jakarta
inga,” Bandem said. Art Council and the Siwa Nataraja
An accomplished dancer him- award from Denpasar’s Indonesia
self, Bandem demonstrated on Arts Institute.
that night Blangsinga’s signature “I had the privilege of shar-
style of kebyar duduk. ing the stage with him on sev-
Not forgot- “When years later he had the eral occasions, in Blahbatuh in
ten: Artists chance to meet Maria, Blangsinga 1958, Lombok and Singapadu in
and photogra- performed his style and asked for the 1960s, and I remember him
phers display guidance from the living legend. as a charismatic dancer who nev-
their works on The creator of the kebyar duduk er failed to mesmerize the audi-
Blangsinga to dance praised the young dancer ence.
pay homage and stated that his performance “He was very handsome, gen-
to the great was excellent and that the style erous, humble and polite, traits
dancer. was flawless. That, I believe, was that made us — his juniors — look
one of the happiest moments in up to him with reverence and ad-
Blangsinga’s life,” Bandem said. oration,” Bandem added.
Courtesy of Bentara Budaya Bali

Dud takes part
Dude rt After ch
child and separation, Radiohead expands
ands ‘OK
in m n-up
mosque clean-up Ja
Janet Jackson resumes tour Computer’ for anniversary
JAKARTA: Soap opera actor Dude Harlino
JAKARTA NEW YORK: Pop superstar and new mother Janet NEW YORK: Twenty years after Radiohead shook
recently pa osque clean-
participated in a mosque Jackson said Monday she will resume a tour after up the music world with its ts dystopian electronic
up program held by a consumer er goods a nearly two-
two-year break as she confirmed separat- album OK Computer, the band Tuesday announced
company. ing from her h husband. an expanded edition with unreleased tracks.
Dude saisaid he believed such h an In an oonline message to fans, Jackson The English rockers will reissue OK
activity cocould create a sense e of voiced g gratitude for her 4-month-old son Eis- ecords or two
Computer on three vinyl records
togetherness, strengthen one’s ne’s sa and aacknowledged splitting with her third CDs with remastered sound, nd, three
faith and become a way to o do husband, Qatari tycoon Wissam Al Mana.
husban unreleased tracks and B-sides
ides from
good de deeds. “Yes, I separated from my husband, we the singles.
“We are Muslims, so are in court,
c and the rest is in God’s hands,” Radiohead will also putt out an
cleanliness ith.
is a part of faith. said the 50-year-old younger sister of late OK Computer boxed edition on with
If we ssee garbage, we king of pop Michael Jackson as she lay on a new artwork and “full lyricscs to all
should pick it up,” he said id pillow. the tracks except the oness that
as quoted
qu by om Jackson in her video said she was chang-
Jacks haven’t really got any lyrics,”
cs,” the
in Sunda
Sun Kelapa, Men- ing the name of her tour which was initially band’s website said.
teng, Central Jakarta, on n called “Unbreakable” after her 2015 album, Radiohead had fueled speculation
Wedn her firrst since her brother’s death. of an OK Computer anniversary
ersary when
The program, held in 33 The tour — to begin on Sept. 7 in La- street posters recently appeared
peared in
cities and regencies acrossoss fayette,
fayette Louisiana and close on Dec. 17 in New York, London and other her cities with
11 provinces,
pro takes placee Atlanta — will now be called “State of the lyrics to the album’s “Fitterr Happier,” a
from April
A 21 to May 23. World.” melancholy spoken-word song in which
Besi Dude, Vice Presi-
si- “It’s n
not about politics. It’s about people, a computerized voice offers rs guidance for
Jusuf Kalla also attended
dent Jus ded world, relationships and, just, love,”
the wor modern survival.
the event
eve in Sunda Kelapa to Jackson said. — AFP But the lyrics in the posters
sters are even
show his support. — JP darker than 20 years ago, ending with
the lines, “Worse politicians
ns / More
fear.” — AFP AFP AFP

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