Mvs8000g All
Mvs8000g All
Mvs8000g All
If you have questions on the use of the above Power Cord / • EN60950-1: Sécurité des produits
Appliance Connector / Plug, please consult a qualified service • EN55103-1: Interférences électromagnétiques (émission)
personnel. • EN55103-2: Sensibilité électromagnétique (immunité)
Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans l’environnement
électromagnétique suivant: E4 (environnement EMC contrôlé
ex. studio de télévision).
1. Verwenden Sie ein geprüftes Netzkabel (3-adriges
Stromkabel)/einen geprüften Geräteanschluss/einen
geprüften Stecker mit Schutzkontakten entsprechend den For the customers in Europe (Optional Board only)
Sicherheitsvorschriften, die im betreffenden Land gelten. This product with the CE marking complies with the EMC
2. Verwenden Sie ein Netzkabel (3-adriges Stromkabel)/einen Directive issued by the Commission of the European
Geräteanschluss/einen Stecker mit den geeigneten Community.
Anschlusswerten (Volt, Ampere). Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the
Wenn Sie Fragen zur Verwendung von Netzkabel/ following European standards:
Geräteanschluss/Stecker haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an • EN55103-1: Electromagnetic Interference (Emission)
qualifiziertes Kundendienstpersonal. • EN55103-2: Electromagnetic Susceptibility (Immunity)
This product is intended for use in the following
Electromagnetic Environment: E4 (controlled EMC
environment, ex. TV studio).
1. Utilisez un cordon d’alimentation (câble secteur à 3 fils)/
fiche femelle/fiche mâle avec des contacts de mise à la terre
conformes à la réglementation de sécurité locale applicable. Für Kunden in Europa (Carte optionnelle uniquement)
2. Utilisez un cordon d’alimentation (câble secteur à 3 fils)/ Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung und erfüllt die
fiche femelle/fiche mâle avec des caractéristiques EMV-Richtlinie der EG-Kommission.
nominales (tension, ampérage) appropriées. Angewandte Normen:
Pour toute question sur l’utilisation du cordon d’alimentation/ • EN55103-1: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
fiche femelle/fiche mâle ci-dessus, consultez un technicien du (Störaussendung)
service après-vente qualifié. • EN55103-2: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
Für die folgende elektromagnetische Umgebung: E4
For the customers in Europe (MVS-8000G/8000GSF only)
(kontrollierter EMV-Bereich, z.B. Fernsehstudio).
This product with the CE marking complies with both the EMC
Directive and the Low Voltage Directive issued by the
Commission of the European Community. Pour les clients européens (Nur optionale Zusatzkarten)
Compliance with these directives implies conformity to the Ce produit portant la marque CE est conforme à la Directive
following European standards: sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC) émise par la
• EN60950-1: Product Safety Commission de la Communauté européenne.
• EN55103-1: Electromagnetic Interference (Emission) La conformité à cette directive implique la conformité aux
• EN55103-2: Electromagnetic Susceptibility (Immunity) normes européennes suivantes:
This product is intended for use in the following • EN55103-1: Interférences électromagnétiques (émission)
Electromagnetic Environment: E4 (controlled EMC • EN55103-2: Sensibilité électromagnétique (immunité)
environment, ex. TV studio). Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans l’environnement
électromagnétique suivant: E4 (environnement EMC contrôlé
Für Kunden in Europa (nur MVS-8000G/8000GSF)
ex. studio de télévision).
Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung und erfüllt die
EMV-Richtlinie sowie die Niederspannungsrichtlinie der
EGKommission. For the customers in Europe
Angewandte Normen: The manufacturer of this product is Sony Corporation, 1-7-1
• EN60950-1: Sicherheitsbestimmungen Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
• EN55103-1: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit The Authorized Representative for EMC and product safety is
(Störaussendung) Sony Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327
• EN55103-2: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit Stuttgart, Germany. For any service or guarantee matters
(Störfestigkeit) please refer to the addresses given in separate service or
Für die folgenden elektromagnetischen Umgebungen: E4 guarantee documents.
(kontrollierter EMV-Bereich, z.B. Fernsehstudio).
This apparatus shall not be used in the residential area.
Pour les clients européens (MVS-8000G/8000GSF
uniquement) Für Kunden in Europa
Ce produit portant la marque CE est conforme à la fois à la Der Hersteller dieses Produkts ist Sony Corporation, 1-7-1
Directive sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC) et à la Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Directive sur les basses tensions émises par la Commission Der autorisierte Repräsentant für EMV und Produktsicherheit
de la Communauté européenne. ist Sony Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327
La conformité à ces directives implique la conformité aux Stuttgart, Deutschland. Bei jeglichen Angelegenheiten in
normes européennes suivantes: Bezug auf Kundendienst oder Garantie wenden Sie sich bitte
an die in den separaten Kundendienst- oder
Garantiedokumenten aufgeführten Anschriften.
Table of Contents
Overview ............................................................................... 6
Features ..................................................................................... 6
Overview of the MVS-8000G Series Components ................... 7
Location and Function of Parts ........................................ 10
Front Panel ..............................................................................10
Rear Panel................................................................................11
Example System Configuration ........................................ 15
MVS-8000G System Configuration........................................15
Flow of Video Signals.............................................................16
Power Supply Unit Status Indicators ............................... 17
Specifications ..................................................................... 17
MVS-8000G Multi Format Switcher Processor...................... 17
MVS-8000GSF Multi Format Switcher Processor ................. 18
MKS-8110G 17-Input Board................................................... 19
MKS-8111G Additional 12-Input Board ................................ 19
MKS-8160G 24-Output Board Set.......................................... 20
MKS-8161M Monitor Output Board ...................................... 20
MKS-8162A 12-Output Connector Board .............................. 20
MKS-8170G DME Interface Board ........................................ 20
MKS-8210G Mix/Effect Board............................................... 21
MKS-8442G Frame Memory Board ....................................... 21
MKS-8450G Format Converter Board.................................... 21
HK-PSU04 Power Supply Unit............................................... 21
Table of Contents 5
Overview In dual link mode, this function is not available.
High-performance keyers
Each M/E bank is equipped with four high-performance
keyers that provide the following standard functions.
Multi format support • Ability to apply transitions to keyers independently of
The MVS-8000G system is available in two the background
configurations: a multi-format SD/HD configuration and • Chroma key and color vector keys in each keyer
an SD-only configuration. The SD-only configuration can • FineKeyTM, and key borders up to 8H
be upgraded to the multi-format configuration, and the • Color mixable matte generator available for both key fill
multi-format configuration can also be upgraded to the and key borders
dual link configuration.
• SD/HD multi format configuration Simultaneous output of two programs
1080i/60, 1080i/59.94, 1080i/50, 1080PsF/30, 1080PsF/
Each M/E bank is able to handle two simultaneous
29.97, 1080PsF/25, 1080PsF/24, 1080PsF/23.976,
program outputs, with the ability to apply any of the four
720P/59.94, 720P/50, 480i/59.94, 576i/50, 1080P/59.94
keys to program output. This gives the system the ability
(Dual link compatible version*), 1080P/50 (Dual link
to handle a wide range of operating situations, for example
compatible version*)
simultaneous transmission of two programs.
* In dual link compatible version, only 4:2:2 (YCbCr) /10bit format is
Powerful preview functions
• SD-only configuration
480i/59.94, 576i/50 The system supports simultaneous output of look-ahead
previews (next preview) and key previews, and also
transition previews.
Key resizer functions
• Magnify, shrink, move, change aspect ratio Extended frame memory functions
• As a standard feature, one resizer channel is provided for
each keyer • Two-input, eight-output frame memory
• Four resizer channels are provided per M/E bank • Maintains all MVS-8000A frame memory functions:
(allowing up to 16 channels in the MVS-8000G). freeze function, mask function, reposition function, and
• Snapshots and keyframes image composition function
• Crop • Approximately 5.4 GByte large capacity memory
• Two frame memory option boards can be installed
(MVS-8000G only)
Format converter functions • Includes animation function
• Input side format converter • Interface connection for external hard disk drive
Up-converter, down-converter, cross-converter provided
Eight channels (MKS-8450G: one board), maximum 16 (Version 7.20 does not support this function in dual link
channels (MKS-8450G: two boards) mode.)
• Output side format converter
Up-converter, down-converter, cross-converter Links to DME functions
Maximum four channels on MVS-8000G (requires at
least one MKS-8450G board, when MKS-8160G By connecting the unit to an MVE-8000A or MVE-9000
installed). DME Processor Pack with a special cable, you can apply
Maximum two channels on MVS-8000GSF. (requires at DME wipes and processed keys and a wide variety of other
least one MKS-8450G board). DME functions as if they were native switcher functions.
All DME functions can be controlled from the center
control panel of the MVS-8000G system.
6 Overview
Backup power supply can be installed • Two power supply units fitted as standard.
By installing the optional HK-PSU04 Power Supply Unit,
together with the power supply unit preinstalled at the The following options can be installed, depending on the
factory, this provides a backup system. This reduces the system.
risk of power supply problems, and increases the reliability Board Name Maximum
of live operations. installable number
of boards
High-performance color correction MKS-8110G 17-Input Board 3
Installation of the optional MKS-8442G Frame Memory MKS-8111G Additional 12-Input Board 1
Board and BZS-8420 Color Corrector Software provides MKS-8160G 24-Output Board Set 1
high-performance, two-channel color correction MKS-8161M Monitor Output Board 1
MKS-8170G DME Interface Board 1
Note that only one channel can be used for color correction
in dual link mode. MKS-8210G Mix/Effect Board 2
MKS-8442G Frame Memory Board 2
Simple P/P (Program/Preset) functions MKS-8450G Format Converter Board 2
Simple mix/effect functions can be added by installing the HK-PSU04 Power Supple Unit 2
BZS-8250 Simple P/P Software option.
The BZS-8250 option supports the following functions. MVS-8000GSF Multi Format Switcher
• Two keyers Processor
• Background transitions and key transitions
This is the main unit cabinet of the MVS-8000GSF multi
format switcher processor unit (EIA 4RU size).
Multi Program 2 Mode By default the main unit alone supports SD only, but it can
By installing the BZS-8200 Multi Program 2 Software be upgraded to multi-format HD/SD by installing a
option, you can create two different backgrounds, with software upgrade.
transition effects, in each M/E bank. M/E keyers can be • An M/E bank installed as standard; can be extended to
assigned to these backgrounds for separate keying. two M/E banks.
This allows you to create multiple programs within a • 17 inputs installed as standard; can be extended to 34
single M/E bank by varying the keyer assignments and inputs.
background video configuration. • 12 outputs installed as standard; can be extended to 24
• Color corrector option software.
Overview of the MVS-8000G Series • A frame memory option board can be installed.
Components • Up to two format converter boards (option) can be
installed. Can be extended to 16 inputs and two outputs.
• A power supply unit fitted as standard.
MVS-8000G Multi Format Switcher
Processor The following options can be installed, depending on the
This is the main unit cabinet of the MVS-8000G Multi
Format Switcher Processor unit (EIA 8RU size). Board Name Maximum
By default the main unit alone supports SD only, but it can installable number
be upgraded to multi-format HD/SD by installing a of boards
software upgrade. MKS-8110G 17-Input Board 1
• Two M/E banks installed as standard; can be extended to
MKS-8162A 12-Output Connector 1
four M/E banks. Board
• 17 inputs installed as standard; can be extended to 80
MKS-8210G Mix/Effect Board 1
• 24 outputs installed as standard; can be extended to 48 MKS-8442G Frame Memory Board 1
outputs. MKS-8450G Format Converter Board 2
• Eight reclocked outputs can be added. HK-PSU04 Power Supple Unit 1
• DME I/F option board can be installed.
• Color corrector option software.
• Up to two frame memory option boards can be installed.
MKS-8110G 17-Input Board
• Up to two format converter boards (option) can be This is a 17-input board. The MVS-8000G has 17 inputs
installed. Can be extended to 16 inputs and four outputs. fitted as standard, and by installing 17 inputs at a time with
Overview 7
this board, a maximum of 68 inputs (with three boards HK-PSU04 Power Supply Unit
added) can be reached. The MVS-8000GSF has 17 inputs This is a backup power supply unit. The MVS-8000G is
as standard, and can be extended to 34 inputs (with one equipped with two power supply units preinstalled at the
board added). factory, but installing two HK-PSU04 units provides a
fully redundant power supply. The MVS-8000GSF is
MKS-8111G Additional 12-Input Board equipped with one power supply unit preinstalled at the
This is a 12-input extension board. By installing it in the factory, but installing another HK-PSU04 unit provides a
MVS-8000G, a maximum of 80 inputs can be reached. fully redundant power supply.
(This option cannot be installed in the MVS-8000GSF.)
BZS-8200 Multi Program 2 Software
MKS-8160G 24-Output Board Set This is software which enables the creation of two
This is a 24-output board set. One set can be installed in the different backgrounds utilizing transition effects in each of
MVS-8000G only. This option increases the outputs to 48. the M/E banks of the MVS-8000G and MVS-8000GSF.
8 Overview
(This option cannot be installed in the MVS-8000GSF.)
To use the dual link configuration it is necessary to install
the MKS-8160G besides the above components.
The pre-installed system is comprised of one M/E bank,
and the installation of two MKS-8210Gs makes it two M/
E banks system.
• In dual link mode it is necessary to install two MKS-
8442Gs to use the frame memory function.
• In dual link mode it is necessary to install one BZS-8420
besides one MKS-8442G to use the color corrector
In dual link mode the MKS-8450G format converter does
not serve any function.
Overview 9
Location and Function of Parts
Front Panel
POWER A, B, C, D switches and status indicators installed. In this case, only the POWER A switch is
The POWER switches turn the unit on and off. The unit is available. There is no POWER B switch. The unit does not
powered on when the POWER switches are on the “ ? ” operate until either of the two power switches (A and B) is
side, and powered off when the POWER switches are on on.
the “a” side. The status indicators light in green when the When the HK-PSU04 is installed, operation continues as
unit is powered on. long as one power supply is normal.
• MVS-8000G Notes
Depending on the configuration of your unit when • When installing the HK-PSU04 in your unit, be sure to
shipped, the HK-PSU04 Power Supply Unit may not be contact your Sony service representative.
installed. In this case, only the POWER A and POWER B • If a status indicator does not light when you turn a
switches are available. There is no POWER C or POWER POWER switch on, there may be a fault in the power
D switch. circuits. Turn the POWER switch off and contact your
The unit does not operate until two of the four power Sony service representative.
switches (A, B, C and D) are on.
When the HK-PSU04 are installed, operation continues as
long as two power supplies are normal.
• MVS-8000GSF
Depending on the configuration of your unit when
shipped, the HK-PSU04 Power Supply Unit may not be
qdMONITOR OUT 49 to 56 connectors
qsDME 2B, 2A, 1B, and 1A connectors
1 - AC IN A, B, C,
and D connectors
0OUTPUTS 1 to 48 and FC
1 to 4 connectors 2 U terminal
Reference video signal b)
BKS-R Series
IXS Series
MKS-8010A System
Control Unit
video signal b)
Reference video signal b)
Reference video signal b) DME Processor Pack
BVE-9100 Editing
Ethernet switch a) Ethernet switch a) Control System
Cross cable
a) It is recommended that the CTRL and DATA LAN networks be b) Terminate with the supplied 75Ω terminators.
configured by connecting separate Ethernet switches for each
a) For the AC power cord of the MVE-8000A, refer to the MVE- c) Terminate with the supplied 75Ω terminators.
8000A Operation Manual.
b) For the AC power cord of this unit, see page 18 (MVS-8000G)
or page 19 (MVS-8000GSF).
18 Specifications
TTL inputs: 8 Screws (+B4×10) (8)
Relay contact outputs: 4 (30 V AC/DC, Screws (+PSW4×10) (8)
0.1 A) Operation Manual (1)
Open collector outputs: 4 Installation Manual (1)
Specifications 19
Input 12 V DC
Inputs 12 (BNC-type) Power consumption
Signal format SMPTE292M/SMPTE259M-C/ Max. 10 W
SMPTE372M Dimensions (w/d)
Signal level 0.8 Vp-p ±10% 274×94 mm (107/8×33/4 inches)
Signal transfer rate Mass Approx. 1 kg (2 lb 3 oz)
1.5 Gbps/270 Mbps
Return loss −15 dB Output
Cable length HDTV: 100 m (5C-FB cable, Outputs 8 (BNC-type), each with 2 outputs
BELDEN1694 or equivalent) Signal format SMPTE292M/SMPTE259M-C/
SDTV: 200 m (5C-FB cable, SMPTE372M
BELDEN1694 or equivalent) Signal level 0.8 Vp-p ±10%
Signal transfer rate
Accessories supplied 1.5 Gbps/270 Mbps
Operation and Installation Guide (1) Return loss –15 dB
(supplied only when product is purchased separately)
Accessories supplied
MKS-8160G 24-Output Board Set Operation and Installation Guide (1)
(supplied only when product is purchased separately)
MKS-8162A 12-Output Connector
Power requirements
12 V DC Board
Power consumption
Max. 70 W General
Dimensions (w/d)
OUT board: 317×380 mm Power requirements
(121/2×15 inches) 12 V DC
CN board: 274×94 mm Power consumption
(107/8×33/4 inches) (two CN boards Max. 10 W
supplied) Dimensions (w/d)
Mass Approx. 2.5 kg (5 lb 8 oz) 274×94 mm (107/8×33/4 inches)
Mass Approx. 1 kg (2 lb 3 oz)
Outputs 24 (BNC-type)
25, 26, 37 to 40: BNC 2 outputs Outputs 12 (BNC-type)
27 to 36, 41 to 48, FC1, FC2: BNC 1 13 to 16: BNC 2 outputs
outputs 17 to 24: BNC 1 outputs
Signal format SMPTE292M/SMPTE259M-C/ Signal format SMPTE292M/SMPTE259M-C
SMPTE372M Signal level 0.8 Vp-p ±10%
Signal level 0.8 Vp-p ±10% Signal transfer rate
Signal transfer rate 1.5 Gbps/270 Mbps
1.5 Gbps/270 Mbps Return loss –15 dB
Return loss –15 dB
Accessories supplied
Accessories supplied Operation and Installation Guide (1)
Operation and Installation Guide (1) (supplied only when product is purchased separately)
(supplied only when product is purchased separately)
MKS-8170G DME Interface Board
MKS-8161M Monitor Output Board
Power requirements
12 V DC
General Power consumption
Power requirements Max. 50 W
20 Specifications
Dimensions (w/d) Output power: 12 V DC ±0.3 V
317×380 mm (121/2×15 inches) Current consumption
Mass Approx. 1.5 kg (3 lb 4 oz) 10 to 5 A
Accessories supplied Secondary power supply
Operation and Installation Guide (1) Max. 60 A
(supplied only when product is Dimensions (w/h/d)
purchased separately) 94×83×396 mm (33/4×33/8×155/8 inches)
Mass Approx. 3 kg (6 lb 9 oz)
Accessories supplied
MKS-8210G Mix/Effect Board Operation and Installation Guide (1)
(supplied only when product is
Power requirements
purchased separately)
12 V DC
Power consumption
Max. 150 W
Dimensions (w/d)
317×380 mm (121/2×15 inches)
Mass Approx. 2 kg (4 lb 6 oz)
Accessories supplied
Operation and Installation Guide (1)
(supplied only when product is
purchased separately)
Specifications 21
22 Specifications
The material contained in this manual consists of information
that is the property of Sony Corporation and is intended solely
for use by the purchasers of the equipment described in this
Sony Corporation expressly prohibits the duplication of any
portion of this manual or the use thereof for any purpose other
than the operation or maintenance of the equipment described
in this manual without the express written permission of Sony
Sony Corporation
MVS-8000GSF Printed in Japan
(SY) 2008.05.13
Printed on recycled paper.
3-218-155-03 (1) © 2007