The Essential Can Du
The Essential Can Du
The Essential Can Du
A Textbook on the CANDU Nuclear Power Plant Technology
The Essential CANDU
A textbook on the CANDU Nuclear Power Plant Technology
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The Essential CANDU
A textbook on the CANDU Nuclear Power Plant Technology
Copyright ©2014 by UNENE
All rights reserved.
Fair Use: The textbook is provided free of charge in pdf format and is intended for education
and training purposes provided full attribution is given. It is provided in good faith as an aid to
CANDU awareness, education and training.
Citations: Since the contents of this web-based textbook are subject to change without notice, it
is important that the date of retrieval be included in the citation. To cite the textbook, the
following form is suggested:
The Essential CANDU, A Textbook on the CANDU Nuclear Power Plant Technology, Edi-
tor-in-Chief Wm. J. Garland, <chapter, page, etc, as appropriate>, University Network of
Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE), ISBN 0-9730040. Retrieved from on <insert date of retrieval>.
Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by The Canadian
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sion or further information should be addressed to
c/o Department of Engineering Physics, Bldg. JHE A315
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA L8S 4L7
Tel: (905) 525-9140 ext. 20168
ISBN 0-9730040
First Edition
Printed in Canada
UNENE assumes no liability for use or misuse of the textbook contents. While due care is taken
to ensure the contents are accurate, UNENE does not make any warranty, expressed or implied,
or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of
any information contained herein.
Table of Contents
Volume 1
Prologue - CANDU in Context – Dr. William J. Garland
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Nuclear Reactors - Dr. Robin Chaplin
Chapter 2 - Genealogy of CANDU Reactors - Dr. Robin Chaplin
Chapter 3 - Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics - Dr. Guy Marleau
Chapter 4 - Reactor Statics - Dr. Benjamin Rouben and Dr. Eleodor Nichita
Chapter 5 - Reactor Dynamics - Dr. Eleodor Nichita and Dr. Benjamin Rouben
Chapter 6 - Thermalhydraulic Design - Dr. Nikola K. Popov
Chapter 7 - Thermalhydraulic Analysis - Dr. William J. Garland
Chapter 8 - Nuclear Plant Systems - Dr. Robin Chaplin
Chapter 9 - Nuclear Plant Operation - Dr. Robin Chaplin
Chapter 10 - Instrumentation and Control - Dr. G. Alan Hepburn
Chapter 11 - Electrical Systems - Dr. Jin Jiang
Author Biographies
Volume 2
Chapter 12 - Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety - Dr. Edward Waller
Chapter 13 - Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis - Dr. Victor G. Snell
Chapter 14 - Nuclear Plant Materials and Corrosion - Dr. Derek H. Lister and Dr. William G. Cook
Chapter 15 - Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems - Dr. William G. Cook and Dr. Derek H. Lister
Chapter 16 - Regulatory Requirements and Licensing – Dr. Victor G. Snell and Dr Nikola K. Popov
Chapter 17 - Fuel - Mr. Mukesh Tayal and Mr. Milan Gacesa
Chapter 18 - Fuel Cycles - Mr. Mukesh Tayal and Mr. Milan Gacesa
Chapter 19 - Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel - Mr. Milan Gacesa and Mr. Mukesh Tayal
Chapter 20 - Fuel Handling an Storage- Ms. Diane Damario
Chapter 21 - CANDU In-Core Fuel Management - Dr. Benjamin Rouben
Author Biographies
There has long been a need for a CANDU1 nuclear power plant textbook suitable for students,
educators, trainers and working professionals at a target level of senior undergraduate year
university engineering and science. The aim is to provide a concise, and consistently told, root
storyline that will enable those new to CANDU, whether a student, a manager, a teacher /
trainer, a journalist or a discipline area specialist, to learn about CANDU as an overall system
and to delve into any specific area as desired. This supports the agile deployment of personnel
into the industry and redeployment throughout the industry. Early on it was decided that the
textbook would be public domain available online in pdf form under the UNENE banner along
with associated prerequisite material and further reading. This web material can be copied to
CDs for distribution or printed in book form, yet is easily updated and expanded. It is to be a
living document appearing in the form of editions for revision tracking purposes.
The Essential CANDU is a textbook about nuclear science and engineering pertaining to CANDU
reactors using CANDU as the reference design. This distinguishes it from comparable textbooks
based on PWR reactors. This is not a product description of CANDU per se. The book will
emphasize theory over other aspects of nuclear science.
This is a textbook about CANDU nuclear reactor and power plant engineering, not just the
reactor physics of the core. While it is true that the reactor is certainly the distinguishing
feature of the plant, it is hardly the whole story. Within the Nuclear Steam Supply System
(NSSS) there are some 225 systems, but only a few can be covered explicitly in the book. This is
a book about the nuclear and related bits that constitute the key bits that define nuclear
engineering, not the many associated disciplines per se.
CANDU 6 was chosen as the reference design. Specifically it was agreed that Pt. Lepreau (post
refurbishment) would be used as the default reference design. This does not preclude refer-
ence to multi-unit designs, single-unit variants and future designs as appropriate.
It is the root story line that glues a textbook together and guides what material is to be empha-
sized or deemphasized. The steam generator (and the associated heat duty diagram) is the
central node of the station. It is the steam generator that dominates the overall plant dynamics.
The primary side temperature floats on top of the steam drum temperature with just enough ΔT
to transfer the heat from the primary side to the secondary side as discussed in Chapter 6. If
the drum pressure (hence temperature) jumps, the primary side jumps to suit, affecting primary
temps, fuel temps, margins, reactivity feedbacks, etc. But clearly the overall system behavior is
very much dependent on the characteristics and limits of the various sub-systems and compo-
nents. In short, reactor physics – the inevitable focus of typical reactor texts – is important to
be sure and is covered herein. But there is so much more to a nuclear plant than reactor
physics that we would be remiss in telling the CANDU story if we were to overlook the broader
There are a number of existing documents and products that cover significant parts of the
CANDU story. UNENE itself hosts a dozen or so graduate level courses that are significant
resources for preparing a CANDU textbook. See for details on those courses.
And of course there are many other existing university nuclear and nuclear related courses in
Canada and elsewhere (see for instance The CANTEACH repository at contains a large number of legacy CANDU documents, albeit largely
descriptive. Significant training, design, analysis and operation documents exist within AECL
(and now Candu Energy) , Ontario Power Generation, Bruce Power, the CNSC and other organi-
zations comprising the Canadian nuclear enterprise. The Essential CANDU, with its educational
focus is complementary to all that.
As Editor-in-Chief it has been my pleasure to work with the authors as they laboured well
beyond expectations. I have worked for years on course development with Ben Rouben and
Dorin Nichita on reactor physics, Nik Popov on thermalhydraulics, Victor Snell on safety, and
George Bereznai on plant systems and operations. It is truly satisfying to see the fruits of that
labour appearing in the form of this text. On a more administrative level I have worked with
Robin Chaplin (thermodynamics), Derick Lister and Willy Cook (Chemistry and Corrosion), Jin
Jiang (Electrical) as they developed and delivered courses for UNENE. From its inception in
2000, UNENE has been a world class and world leading nuclear network. The aforementioned
people are part of the UNENE team. Their research and educational contributions are a big part
of that success. Guy Marleau (reactor physics), Al Hepburn (I&C), Ed Waller (Health Physics),
Milan Gacesa and Mukesh Tayal (Fuel topics), and Ms. Diane Damario (Fuel Handling) are all
well known in their areas. It was a pleasure to work with them on this project. Old and new
colleagues and friends - it is an honour to have worked with them all.
Of course it is not just the authors that deserve special mention. As they would readily attest, it
took many creative and hard working professionals to build our Canadian Nuclear Enterprise –
generations of them going all the way back to the early roots of CANDU. They are the past and
present colleagues, professors, managers, researchers, students and others that form our
foundation and upon whose work we are but modest reporters. Two particular subsets of those
are the reviewers of this text and the Working Group for this project. Scholars and authors in
their own right, they have overseen and guided the development of this work. It was a com-
forting ‘defense in depth’. The reviewers are acknowledged at the end of each chapter. We
wish to sincerely thank the following Working Group members for their guidance and technical
I have worked with each of the Working Group members as colleagues on and off over the years
going back to the 70’s. George, Basma, others and I bemoaned the lack of a comprehensive
CANDU textbook from the beginning. George and I even mapped out our vast plans (with half-
vast ideas) and did manage over time to guide a number of courses through to completion, as
did other professors. The interactions and the innumerable chats with these and many other
colleagues through the years collectively set the backdrop for this textbook. But it was Basma,
when stepping in as President of UNENE as I stepped out, who said: “Come on Bill. Let’s go.”
And so, we did. Thanks Basma for that final prod.
This textbook, as large and comprehensive as it is, is far from complete. Each topic is a book,
perhaps several books, on its own. I hope it at least encourages others to build on this modest
start. It is worth noting too that the written word, try as we might, does not capture well the
tacit knowledge, the working knowledge, that the working professionals have. This textbook is
but a humble complement to that. The very process of creating this textbook, however, creates
a learning environment for the authors and we found a considerable sharing of expertise as we
prepared the chapters. This will apply to future authors as well. So, “Come on, let’s go.”
Finally, what can we say of our long suffering families but a truly heartfelt thanks. We shall be
forever in your debt. Thank you all.
Bill Garland
Professor Emeritus
Department of Engineering Physics
McMaster University
We wish to sincerely thank the following Steering Committee member organizations for their
financial support and access to technical information, without which this project would not
have been possible:
We wish to acknowledge and thank CANDU Owners Group Inc. (COG), especially Henry Chan
and John Sowagi, for administrative support. Thank you Henry for stepping up to the plate and
securing sponsorship.
CANDU in Context
prepared by
Dr. William J. Garland, Professor Emeritus,
Department of Engineering Physics,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Herein, we introduce the CANDU reactor by first looking at the broad social context to see why
we need nuclear power. Then we take a look at the Nuclear Reactor in a nutshell, giving a quick
overview to provide some context for the details found in this textbook.
Table of Contents
1 Energy in Society..................................................................................................................... 2
2 First some basics ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Fission.............................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 The fuel: the source of energy by the fission process ................................................... 4
2.3 The moderator: slowing down those speedy neutrons................................................. 4
2.4 The coolant: to take away the heat generated by fissioning .......................................... 6
2.5 Control: staying within desired and safe limits of power ............................................... 7
2.6 Shielding: providing protection from radiation .............................................................. 8
2.7 The system that pulls it all together ............................................................................... 9
3 Textbook Organization .......................................................................................................... 10
4 Further reading ..................................................................................................................... 11
List of Figures
Figure 1 Fission................................................................................................................................ 3
Figure 2 Nuclear reactor components ............................................................................................ 5
Figure 3 A Conceptual CANDU ........................................................................................................ 6
Figure 4 Basic power reactor schematic ......................................................................................... 7
Figure 5 The overall CANDU nuclear plant...................................................................................... 9
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. CANDU in Context – September 2014
2 The Essential CANDU
1 Energy in Society
Let's step back to take a glimpse of the context into which CANDU must be placed. The simple
fact is that we are here. And there are a lot of us - some 7 billion in the year 2013 and our
population is destined to hit 10 billion in a few generations. On the premise that life is worth
living (and most of us think that way, otherwise our population wouldn't be growing), it follows
that we should make the best of the situation. Quality of life is, thus, a worthy and meaningful
pursuit. To achieve and maintain a reasonable quality of life requires energy. Access to energy is
an enabling force, empowering society and individuals. In short, it is fundamental to our exis-
tence. Energy is not a panacea for the strife of life, to be sure; but without it, there would be no
life at all.
One has only to reflect on early societies to appreciate the central role that access to energy has
played in our development. Food and water are essential commodities for the human race. To
supply these in adequate quantities to society has always been a challenge. Ancient civilizations
have met this challenge with remarkable feats of engineering such as those at Angkor Wat and
Machu Picchu. The Roman aqueducts such as the Pont du Gard also demonstrate significant
ingenuity to provide a single commodity. Most of these were built using human power only,
which limited the rate of implementation and hence development. This changed with the
industrial revolution when first water power and then steam power became a source of energy
to assist in the supply of food and water as well as clothing and transport. This supply of energy
enabled society to implement new ideas and advance technology at a greater rate and to
sustain an increase in population. Thus the human race became dependent upon another
essential commodity, namely energy.
It is well established that for the prosperity of any nation, a plentiful supply of cheap energy is
the key to economic growth. Countries where energy in some form or another is readily availa-
ble have become wealthy. Others have had to use their ingenuity to provide this resource.
Over time natural resources become depleted and new resources have to be found or devel-
oped. Some key resources which have sustained society are wood, coal, oil and now uranium.
Although uranium may not generally be considered an essential resource some countries
currently cannot do without it.
A suitable environment is an important factor for human survival. People are adaptable and
various sectors of humanity have managed to live in all parts of the world from the frigid Arctic
to the burning deserts. Hardships in these regions can be alleviated with a supply of energy
enabling increased development and access to more resources. In essence, an artificial envi-
ronment has been created in which to live. The human race is becoming more and more
dependent upon such an artificial environment or inner environment which includes heating
and air conditioning and promotes productivity. This requires increasing dependence on
energy. On the other hand there is the outer environment into which waste products from the
inner environment and energy production are dumped. No matter how good the inner envi-
ronment the outer environment still needs protection to sustain humanity.
The development of technology has put increasing stress on the outer environment but has also
provided the means to protect it. In the generation of power and the use of energy through
fossil fuels, various solid pollutants such as fly ash and gaseous pollutants such as sulphur
dioxide and nitrogen oxide are produced. The former have been significantly reduced by the
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. CANDU in Context – September 2014
CANDU in Context 3
use of electrostatic precipitators and fabric filters in coal fired plants and the latter by the
implementation of alternative fuels to eliminate smog and the development of on board diag-
nostic systems to reduce automobile emissions. Nevertheless, the outer environment is ad-
versely impacted by the extensive use of fossil fuels. The only practical and economic way that
these effects can be reduced is by burning less hydrocarbon fuel.
This problem of energy use and power production can be overcome by using electrical energy to
replace hydrocarbon fuels and generating this energy by water and wind as well as by the
nuclear fission of uranium. Most sites for hydro power have already been developed, and
future development in this area is limited by possible detrimental local environmental effects.
Wind power is intermittent and variable so that, beyond a certain capacity relative to the grid
capacity, the electrical grid becomes unstable. Moreover, reserve capacity has to be provided
for the loss of wind power. This leaves nuclear power as the only choice for long term base load
energy production with minimal impact on the environment. There are no carbon dioxide
emissions from nuclear power, and a relatively small amount of radioactive waste is produced.
By recycling this waste the very long lived transuranic products can be returned to the reactor
to be destroyed leaving only the shorter life fission products to be stored. A huge advantage of
nuclear energy is the vast amount of energy obtained from a very small amount of uranium.
Nuclear power is the only existing option for large scale power production that transcends the
limitations of nonrenewable alternatives (such as coal, oil and gas) and renewable alternatives
(wind, solar and biomass). To be sure, there are many local, national and international issues
that flavour the ultimate choice of energy source, but nuclear should not be dismissed. The
consequences would be dire.
We conclude, then, that nuclear should be part of the energy mix now and in the future, that is,
we have a functional requirement for nuclear energy.
ing more neutrons and thus sustaining a chain reaction. So the neutrons need to be slowed
down (i.e., thermalized or moderated), which is done by using a moderator such as water. The
heat generated needs to be removed. The process is controlled by controlling the number of
neutrons since the number of fissions per second (and hence the heat produced) is proportional
to the number of neutrons present to induce the fissions.
From this the basic functional requirements of a reactor are directly derived. Needed are:
• a fuel such as U-235
• a moderator to thermalize (i.e., slow down) the fast neutrons
• a coolant to remove the heat
• a control system to control the number of neutrons
• a shielding system to protect equipment and people from radiation
• a system that pulls all this together into a workable device.
In the following, these requirements are discussed in turn to gain some insight on how and why
CANDUs (and other reactor types) are built the way they are.
The probability of neutron capture leading to fission is larger for slow neutrons than for fast
neutrons. Hence, most practical reactors are "thermal" reactors, that is, they utilize the higher
thermal cross sections. Possible fuels include some of the various isotopes of uranium (U) and
plutonium (Pu). The only naturally occurring fuel with suitable properties of significant quanti-
ties is U-235, hence most reactors use this fuel.
Naturally occurring uranium is composed of 0.7% U-235. The rest is U-238. This percentage is
too low to sustain a chain reaction when combined with most practical moderators. Hence
either, the probability of fission must be enhanced or the moderator effectiveness must be
enhanced. One group of reactor types (PWR, BWR, AGR, RBMK, HTGR) enrich the fuel (a costly
task) and use a cheap moderator (ordinary water or graphite).
Alternatively, natural uranium (relatively cheap) is used with an excellent but expensive mod-
erator (heavy water). This is the CANDU approach. Which is better? There is no simple answer.
Both work. In engineered systems, there are always tradeoffs and the final design has to be
viewed in the overall context of the end-use environment.
The best moderator to slow down a speedy neutron is something that is the same size as the
neutron itself. This is true because if a neutron hit a massive target, it would just bounce off in a
different direction but with little loss in energy like a hard ball against a wall. If the neutron hit
an object much smaller that itself, it would just continue on virtually unaffected. But if it hit a
hydrogen atom, which is just a proton and an electron, that is almost exactly the mass of a
neutron, it could lose all its energy in one collision, just like in a game of billiards. However,
hydrogen does absorb neutrons as well which runs counter to the need to preserve these
precious neutrons so that they can cause fission. The deuterium isotope of hydrogen, at twice
the mass of hydrogen, is almost as good a slowing down agent but, since it already has an extra
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. CANDU in Context – September 2014
CANDU in Context 5
neutron in the nucleus, it has a very low absorption probability. So, overall, deuterium is a far
better moderator than hydrogen. By using deuterium in the form of heavy water, natural
uranium can be used as a fuel. If ordinary water is used, the fuel must be enriched in U-235.
Other possible moderators include graphite or beryllium and gases such as carbon dioxide and
helium. A good moderator has a high scattering cross section, a low absorption cross section
and slows down the neutron in the least number of collisions. Figure 2 illustrates the fission
and moderation processes.
Neutron from
previous generation Neutrons to
Fission next generation
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6 The Essential CANDU
The fissioning process generates energy, predominately in the form of kinetic energy of the
fission products which, after a few collisions with the immediately surrounding material matrix,
manifests itself as heat. A coolant (commonly) is passed over the fuel to remove this heat so
that it can be used productively for energy generation. So far, we have fuel, moderator and
coolant. We can conceptualize our CANDU as in the illustrations in Figure 3, below.
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CANDU in Context 7
We typically use the 'heat engine' process to turn this heat into a more useable (that is, flexible,
transportable, convenient, etc.) form of energy. As illustrated in Figure 4, this heat is used to boil
water and the resulting steam drives a turbine which drives an electrical generator. Electricity is
a very convenient form of energy - today it is so ubiquitous that it is hard to image life without
Control of the fissioning process is achieved most easily by simply adding or removing neutron
absorbers. Materials such as cadmium readily absorb neutrons and can be conveniently formed
into solid rods. So by having a number of these control rods partially inserted into the modera-
tor tank (also called the calandria) amongst the fuel and moderator in guide tubes, the neutron
population can be controlled.
Hence the fissioning process and the resultant heat output can be controlled. For safety’s sake,
in CANDUs, these control rods and the associated control system electronics and measurement
devices are built for reliable, fail-safe operation, are highly redundant, and employ additional
safety concepts such as group separation.
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8 The Essential CANDU
Uranium isotopes are not very radioactive by themselves and do not constitute a direct radia-
tion hazard. You can safely hold a fresh CANDU fuel bundle in your hands. Your biggest concern
would be dropping it on your toes since a typical bundle weighs about 20 kg or so. It is the
fissioning process that creates the nasty radioactive fission products. These ARE dangerous and
must be kept isolated from us. Radiation takes on a number of forms. Alpha and beta particles
are energetic charged particles that cannot penetrate solids to any significant degree. So as
long as the radioactive fission products are contained by a fuel sheath or some other pipe or
wall, there is no concern. Neutrons are not charged and can penetrate solid walls. We protect
ourselves from them by thick walls that slow down and absorb the neutrons. Combinations of
hydrogenous materials (like water and hydrocarbons) and absorbing materials (like boron and
cadmium) make good neutron shields. Gamma radiation, essentially very energetic photons
(ordinary light is low energy photons), are best stopped by dense material like lead and con-
crete. So constructing good shielding is not an onerous task, but it is an important one. Like in
the control systems, safety is enhanced by redundancy. In this case, this means layering the
shielding systems, one inside the other like a Russian doll set.
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CANDU in Context 9
The various requirements related to fuel, moderation, cooling, control and shielding to conceive
a stylized CANDU are pulled together as illustrated in figure 5. At the heart of the plant is the
reactor core containing the fuel and the moderator. Heat generated there is transported away
by the cooling system to the conventional side of the plant (steam generator, turbine and
electrical generator).
Recall the layered, defense-in-depth approach wherein the radioactive fission products are kept
from the environment by multiple protective barriers, culminated by the outer containment
Obviously, a real CANDU is far more complex than the illustrations and designing a nuclear plant
is not a trivial exercise. There are many systems and sub-systems that interact.
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10 The Essential CANDU
3 Textbook Organization
Presenting educational material on a complex physical system such as a nuclear power plant is
problematic in that some knowledge of the physical plant is needed in order to give context to
the physical phenomena studied, yet some knowledge of the physical phenomena is needed to
make sense of the physical plant. So some iteration in presentation is unavoidable and, from a
learning perspective, will prove helpful.
So we begin in the introductory chapters by putting the CANDU reactor in a societal context,
give a very brief look at how the reactor functions, provide some historical context, and de-
scribe how it has evolved. From this the reader will appreciate enough of what a CANDU as a
physical system entails to give context to the more in-depth chapters that follow.
The flow of the Chapters 3 to 11 is dictated by the focus on the Process Systems and the flow of
power from the core to the grid. Subsequently Chapters 12 to 19 explore various key topics that
arise directly as a result of the energy generating process.
The very core of the subject, literally is the fuel. The process (i.e. fissioning) aspects of the fuel
and associated moderator are the subject of Chapters 3, 4 and 5 which cover the basic nuclear
processes and the reactor physics topics of statics and dynamics. This sets the nature of the
beast, as it were.
From both a process perspective and a safety perspective, cooling the reactor core and trans-
porting the heat energy generated by the core is centrally important. Thermalydraulic Design
and Analysis is covered by Chapters 6 and 7.
The overall plant dynamics are not so much determined by the dynamics of the individual
components and systems such as the reactor core or heat transport system since each of these
systems is controlled to keep each system within its own operating envelop. Overall plant
dynamics is more characterized by how these systems interact with each other and is the
subject of the chapters on Plant Systems (8) and Plant Operations (9).
Then a closer look at reactor and process system Instrumentation and Control (10) and Electrical
Systems (11) is given.
Radiation is generated and so must be understood, quantified and handled (Chapter 12 Radia-
tion Protection and Environmental Safety).
Fissioning is inherently an exponential process and entails substantial decay heat even after
shutdown. Hence Safety (13) and Regulations and Licensing (16) are central issues.
The nuclear environment can be a harsh and demanding one. Physical integrity must be main-
tained over the long life of the plant, day in, day out. Hence Materials (14) and Chemistry (14)
are key subjects.
The process characteristics of fuel as they relate to fissioning and heat transfer are treated in
the early chapters. But there is much more to say about fuel, specifically its physics characteris-
tics that enable it to perform so well under conditions that are so demanding. This is the
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CANDU in Context 11
subject of Chapter 17. The forward looking topics of Fuel cycles and storage and disposal are
the subjects of Chapters 18 and 19 and are a fitting way to end our introductory textbook on the
Essential CANDU.
4 Further reading
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12 The Essential CANDU
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors
prepared by
Dr. Robin Chaplin
This chapter provides a top-level introduction to nuclear reactors and surveys the world reactor
situation. The various commercial large power producing reactors are identified and described
against a brief background of nuclear reactor principles and key reactor components. The
progressive expansion of nuclear power production is put into perspective in the global context.
The operation of nuclear plants with respect to changing grid system demand is explained with
some constraints identified. The chapter concludes with a brief review of safety and risk which
are critical aspects in the design and operation of nuclear plants.
Table of Contents
1 Nuclear Reactor Principles ...................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Fission Energy...................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Nuclear Reactor Principles .................................................................................................. 5
2 Reactor Types.......................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Prototype Reactors ............................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Commercial Reactors .......................................................................................................... 8
3 World-Wide Commercial Power Reactors ............................................................................ 12
3.1 Reactor Development ....................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Commercial Reactors in Service........................................................................................ 13
3.3 Recent Past and Near Future ............................................................................................ 16
3.4 Status of Large Reactors.................................................................................................... 17
4 Power Production ................................................................................................................. 18
4.1 Energy Transfer ................................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Power Output.................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Operating Constraints ....................................................................................................... 21
4.4 Fuel Burnup....................................................................................................................... 21
5 Safety and Licensing.............................................................................................................. 22
5.1 Radiation Hazards ............................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Risk Assessment ................................................................................................................ 23
5.3 Licensing Principles ........................................................................................................... 23
6 Problems ............................................................................................................................... 24
7 Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 24
8 Acknowledgments................................................................................................................. 25
List of Figures
Figure 1 Range of stable and unstable nuclides.............................................................................. 3
Figure 2 Binding energy per nucleon .............................................................................................. 4
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Tables
Table 1 Nuclear reactors in service and planned .......................................................................... 14
Table 2 Nuclear reactors in service in 2012 .................................................................................. 16
Table 3 Projected reactors in service in 2022 ............................................................................... 17
Table 4 New large reactors (1000 MWe and greater)................................................................... 17
Table 5 Decommissioned large reactors (1000 MWe and greater) .............................................. 18
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors 3
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Introduction to Nuclear Reactors – June 2015
4 The Essential CANDU
Should an element of high atomic mass number split, during a fission process, into two ele-
ments of lower atomic mass number, not as many neutrons will be required to create a stable
configuration, and the surplus neutrons will be released.
The nucleons (neutrons and protons) in the nucleus are bound together by nuclear forces.
When a nucleus is assembled, the binding energy attracting the individual nucleons is released.
Conversely, energy is required to separate individual nucleons from one another or from the
nucleus. This is analogous to the attraction of magnets to one another, but with a different type
of force. This binding energy is a maximum per nucleon for elements near the middle of the
range of atomic mass numbers and is somewhat less for elements with high atomic mass
numbers, as shown in Figure 2. This means that, if a heavy element fissions or splits into two
mid-range elements, the nucleons are bound together with a greater amount of binding energy
per nucleon. The surplus energy is released as the nucleons come together more strongly. This
is analogous to masses with potential energy falling into deeper holes and releasing this energy.
Because of the well-known relationship between mass and energy, the release of binding
energy is accompanied by a very slight decrease in the total mass of the constituents.
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors 5
When a U-235 nucleus fissions, the release of binding energy amounts to about 200 MeV, or 32
x 10-12 J. Although a very small amount, this translates into a heat production rate of 950 MW if
1 kg of U-235 is totally consumed per day. In a typical nuclear power plant operating on a
conventional steam cycle, this could be converted into an electrical power output of about 300
100 t
10 t
U-238 f
1 meV 1 eV 1 keV 1 MeV
Interactions of Importance
s = Scattering
= Radiative capture
a = Absorption
= Fission
neutrons to experience a series of non-absorbing collisions with light nuclei, which during an
elastic collision receive some of the energy from the neutrons. The resulting low energy slow
neutrons are then absorbed in U-235 nuclei to cause further fissions. Some elements that can
slow down or moderate neutrons effectively without significant absorption are hydrogen,
deuterium, helium, beryllium, and carbon. Hence, light water (H2O), heavy water (D2O), and
graphite (C) all make good moderators in nuclear reactors.
The solid lines in Figure 3 show the total probability of absorption (resulting in both fission and
capture) in U-235 and U-238. In the resonance region (where neutron and nucleus frequencies
coincide) are large spikes with very high probability of capture for U-238, so it is best to avoid
this region during the neutron slowing down process. This can be achieved to some degree by
ensuring that the moderation process is carried out away from the fuel. This leads to a reactor
consisting of a matrix of fuel elements within the moderator with a discrete distance between
fuel elements. Furthermore, to promote heat transfer from the fuel, the fuel elements them-
selves consist of bundles of small fuel rods. This is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 4.
Most of the heat from fission is generated by dissipation of the kinetic energy of the fission
products. Because this occurs in the fuel near the point of fission, it follows that the fuel
becomes the main source of heat in the reactor. To maintain a thermodynamic cycle to produce
work, this heat must be removed continuously as it is produced. A suitable coolant is therefore
required to flow over the fuel elements and remove the heat. The coolant must not readily
absorb neutrons and must have suitable thermal properties. Coolants such as light water, heavy
water, helium, and carbon dioxide meet these requirements.
Finally, to ensure steady state operation, the number of neutrons allowed to go on to produce
fission must be the same as the number in preceding generations of neutrons. To achieve the
required balance, the reactor as a whole is designed to generate excess neutrons in each
generation and to have a system for absorbing the excess so as to maintain and control the
reactor at a steady load. This also enables the number of neutrons in successive generations to
be increased when more power is required or to be decreased when power must be reduced.
Such control is usually achieved by having movable neutron-absorbing control rods partially
inserted into the reactor. By fully inserting the control rods, the reactor can be shut down.
Therefore, a typical nuclear reactor consists of the following main components as shown in
Figure 4:
Fuel in which fission occurs and heat is generated
Moderator to reduce the energy of the neutrons
Coolant to remove the heat from the fuel elements
Control rods to maintain the proper neutron balance.
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors 7
2 Reactor Types
2.1 Prototype Reactors
As nuclear reactors developed around the key elements of fuel, moderator, and coolant, many
different types were proposed and constructed as demonstration models in an endeavour to
prove their technical and commercial viability. Some designs had serious technical problems,
while others had uniquely advanced features. However, due to arbitrary political decisions, one
or two good designs did not go beyond the prototype stage, while others with insurmountable
technical difficulties were abandoned. Nevertheless, some prototypes did operate successfully
for many years, providing valuable technical and operational experience while producing power.
Ultimately, the field narrowed to certain proven designs which were adopted on a commercial
basis. Currently, there are six main types, which are listed below in order of numbers in service.
The first five have proven to be commercially viable, while the sixth can be considered to be still
in the prototype stage, but to hold promise for the future as a reactor which can breed new
fissile fuel:
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8 The Essential CANDU
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors 9
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors 11
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12 The Essential CANDU
Of the three moderators mentioned above, graphite is the least effective in reducing neutron
energy and requires the largest volume. Graphite moderated reactors are therefore the largest,
leading to high capital costs. Considering capital cost, moderator costs, and enriched fuel
supply and cost, all three of these became economically viable in their respective countries, and
commercial reactors for power plants subsequently evolved.
Over time, enriched uranium became more easily available, and commercial reactors were sold
to other countries which did not have fuel enrichment resources, leading to a free choice of
reactors. It is of interest to review the world use of nuclear reactors for electric power produc-
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14 The Essential CANDU
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors 15
It is evident from Table 1 that certain types of reactors became dominant in certain countries,
particularly in those developing their own reactors, for example, PWRs and BWRs in the United
States, GCRs in the United Kingdom, PHWRs in Canada, and LGRs in Russia. However, in later
years, certain types of reactors have been favoured by countries without their own develop-
mental program, leading to the spread of some of these types to other countries. The PWR,
however, has become the most common type and is currently produced by various manufactur-
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16 The Essential CANDU
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors 17
Table 3 shows a dramatic increase of 25% and 29% respectively in the number of reactors in
service and available capacity over the following 10 years.
Table 3 Projected reactors in service in 2022*
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18 The Essential CANDU
table shows the capacity, date taken out of service, and number of years in service.
Table 5 Decommissioned large reactors (1000 MWe and greater)*
4 Power Production
4.1 Energy Transfer
Heat, energy, and work all have the same units (joules), but somewhat different meanings, and
power is the rate of doing work (watts). What is important is that not all heat can be converted
into work. Although the first law of thermodynamics states that all work can be dissipated as
heat, the second law states that not all heat can be converted into work. In a typical water
cooled nuclear plant (CANDU, PWR and BWR) approximately 30% of the heat released by the
fuel is ultimately converted into electrical energy. The rest must be discharged as low grade
(low temperature) heat.
During the fission process, heat is generated in the fuel. This heat is removed by the reactor
coolant flowing over the fuel rods and transported in the primary circuit to the steam generator,
where it flows inside the tubes and its heat is transferred to the secondary circuit through the
walls of the tubes in the steam generator. Water in the secondary circuit outside the tubes
absorbs this heat and is converted into steam under saturated conditions. This steam is passed
to the turbine where it expands to low pressure while being directed onto the turbine blades
and in so doing transfers its energy to the turbine rotor. The rotor drives the electrical genera-
tor which produces electric power. The exhaust steam is condensed by cooling water passing
through the condenser tubes and in so doing discharges the bulk of the heat which cannot be
converted into work. The condensate is returned to the steam generator after being preheated
in the feedwater heating system. A simple flow diagram for a nuclear plant is shown in Figure
10. Note that in the BWR and RBMK, steam is generated directly in the reactor, so there is no
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors 19
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20 The Essential CANDU
generators. The turbine then delivers power according to the steam flow and the generator
sends this power into the grid system regardless of the grid frequency. The grid frequency must
then be controlled by other turbine generators which feed into the grid system and operate in
the turbine leading mode.
By referring to the figure showing the two modes of operation, it can be seen that steam
generator pressure is a key control parameter in both modes. This highlights the importance of
the steam generator, where a balance of heat input and heat output must be maintained to
maintain pressure. Furthermore, the difference in temperature between the primary coolant
and the secondary working fluid determines the rate of heat transfer. Hence the reactor coo-
lant temperature is determined by saturation temperature and thus by steam generator pres-
the reactor and allowing more neutrons to be available in the fuel. After a long period of
operation, however, such changes can no longer be accommodated, and the fuel may have
become depleted in U-235 to the point where a continuous chain reaction can no longer be
sustained. At this point, the reactor has to be refuelled with fresh fuel.
With reactors that are partially refuelled once a year, the control rods do not provide an ade-
quate range of control, and therefore a soluble neutron absorber is added in small quantities to
the moderator. Its concentration is gradually reduced over time to compensate for fuel burnup.
Some reactors are designed for continuous on-load refuelling. This is advantageous because the
effects of fuel burnup and fission product production are negligible with regard to overall
reactor conditions.
they will be subject to -radiation or -radiation emitted by these products, along with some γ-
radiation resulting from the decay process. The design of the plant has, as a key objective, the
provision of safety devices and containment barriers to ensure that radiation exposure to the
public is kept well below acceptable limits in the event of an accident.
half by component failure. Many component failures could be ascribed to human error during
component design or manufacture. Rigorous quality control, quality assurance, and quality
management procedures can minimize manufacturing and construction defects. Proper train-
ing, assessment, and licensing of plant operators can minimize human error during operation.
This all contributes to a lower risk of accident and increased safety in nuclear plants.
A further development in the nuclear industry is the concept of passive safety. This means that
in the event of a failure leading to accident conditions, the reactor will naturally revert to a safe
shutdown condition and maintain that condition with minimal operator intervention, even in
the event of the loss of key services. Some newer designs, for example, can maintain reactor
cooling after shutdown by natural coolant circulation and natural heat convection to the envi-
6 Problems
1 Explain why the fission of very heavy elements results in release of neutrons as well as
production of excess energy.
2 Explain the purpose of the key components of a nuclear reactor and show how these are
arranged to ensure adequate heat removal and satisfactory control.
3 Describe the key similarities and differences between a CANDU and a PWR as well as be-
tween a CANDU and a BWR.
4 Explain how fission heat is converted into electrical energy and identify all key interfaces and
points of energy conversion in the process.
7 Bibliography
[Cameron1982] I. R. Cameron, Nuclear Fission Reactors, Plenum Press, New York, 1982.
[El-Wakil1982] M. M. El-Wakil, Nuclear Energy Conversion, 3rd ed., American Nuclear Society, La
Grange Park, IL, USA, 1982.
[Foster1983] A. R. Foster and R. L. Wright, Basic Nuclear Engineering, 4th ed., Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ. USA, 1983.
[Glasstone1994] S. Glasstone and A. Sesonske, Nuclear Reactor Engineering: Volume 2, Reactor
Systems Engineering, 4th ed., Chapman & Hall, New York, NY, USA, 1994.
[Knief1992] R. A. Knief, Nuclear Engineering, 2nd ed., Hemisphere Publishing Corporation,
Washington, DC, USA.
[Lamarsh2001] J. R. Lamarsh and A. J. Baratta, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, 3rd ed.,
Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, USA, 2001.
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Introduction to Nuclear Reactors 25
8 Acknowledgments
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the author.
Bob Tapping
Jeremy Whitlock
Bhaskar Sur
Terry Rogers
George Bereznai
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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26 The Essential CANDU
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Historical Background
prepared by
Dr, Robin Chaplin
Professor of Power Plant Engineering (retired)
University of New Brunswick
A review of the historical background for the development of nuclear energy is given to set the
scene for the discussion of CANDU reactors.
Table of Contents
1 Growth of Science and Technology......................................................................................... 2
2 Renowned Scientists ............................................................................................................... 4
3 Significant Achievements........................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Niels Bohr........................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 James Chadwick .............................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Enrico Fermi .................................................................................................................... 6
4 Nuclear Fission ........................................................................................................................ 7
5 Nuclear Energy........................................................................................................................ 7
6 Acknowledgments................................................................................................................... 8
List of Figures
Figure 1 Timeline of significant discoveries .................................................................................... 3
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2 The Essential CANDU
The rate of technology increase has accelerated as technology itself has increased, leading to a
sort of exponential growth. Energy growth is a good example of this phenomenon. Water power
developed relatively slowly, steam power somewhat more quickly, electrical power even more
rapidly, and nuclear power very rapidly. In the case of nuclear energy, collaboration between
scientists in different countries initially spurred the discovery of various nuclear particles. Then
the Second World War provided an incentive to harness the fission process, and later the rapid
growth in demand for new energy after the war provided the need for nuclear power. Within
the time span of roughly half a century, an entirely unknown source of energy had become a
major producer of commercial electric power. In addition, an entirely new and sophisticated
technology had been developed.
Before about 1900, most scientific work in this field was related to electricity. Then in the next
two decades following the discovery of radiation and its characteristics, various pieces of the
nuclear puzzle began to come together. Only by 1920 was the basic structure of the atom
understood, and the existence of the neutron was confirmed in 1932. This was a pivotal discov-
ery because the neutron is the key element in establishing a fission chain reaction. Just ten
years later, in 1942, the first self-sustaining chain reaction was established, and by 1956 the
technology had advanced to the point where a nuclear fission reactor could produce electric
power on a commercial scale.
In reviewing this evolution of nuclear energy, it is important to note the recognition given to the
researchers responsible for these discoveries. The Nobel Prize is the most prestigious award
given to such advances in the scientific field. Some twenty Nobel Prizes in nuclear and radiation
physics and nuclear chemistry or closely related fields were awarded over a fifty-year period
from 1901, the year of the first Nobel Prize.
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Historical Background 3
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4 The Essential CANDU
2 Renowned Scientists
Many researchers in different countries around the world have contributed to this new field of
science. Several collaborated with one another or worked or were trained in another’s labora-
tory. Each contributed a piece of the puzzle. Those making a significant advancement in this
field were awarded Nobel Prizes. Some 20 prizes were awarded over a fifty-year period, demon-
strating the importance of this field of science.
The Nobel Prizes awarded in Physics and Chemistry in the nuclear field from 1901 to 1951 with
the recipients and a statement of their contribution, as obtained from the Nobel Foundation
Official Web Site, are listed below.
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6 The Essential CANDU
3 Significant Achievements
Three scientists and their respective discoveries tend to stand out in the development of
nuclear physics as applied to energy production. Niels Bohr developed a model to describe the
structure of the atom, James Chadwick established the existence of neutrons, and Enrico Fermi
directed the construction of the first reactors. All these achievements were the result of exten-
sive work in analyzing the results and further developing the ideas of other researchers and
collaborators. Extracts of their biographies from the Nobel Foundation Official Web Site are
given below.
In the autumn of 1911 he made a stay at Cambridge, where he profited by following the ex-
perimental work going on in the Cavendish Laboratory under Sir J.J. Thomson's guidance, at the
same time as he pursued his own theoretical studies. In the spring of 1912 he was at work in
Professor Rutherford's laboratory in Manchester, where just in those years such an intensive
scientific life and activity prevailed as a consequence of that investigator’s fundamental inquir-
ies into the radioactive phenomena. Having there carried out a theoretical piece of work on the
absorption of alpha rays which was published in the Philosophical Magazine, 1913, he passed
on to a study of the structure of atoms on the basis of Rutherford's discovery of the atomic
nucleus. By introducing conceptions borrowed from the Quantum Theory as established by
Planck, which had gradually come to occupy a prominent position in the science of theoretical
physics, he succeeded in working out and presenting a picture of atomic structure that, with
later improvements (mainly as a result of Heisenberg's ideas in 1925), still fitly serves as an
elucidation of the physical and chemical properties of the elements.
In 1932, Chadwick made a fundamental discovery in the domain of nuclear science: he proved
the existence of neutrons—elementary particles devoid of any electrical charge. In contrast with
the helium nuclei (alpha rays) which are charged, and therefore repelled by the considerable
electrical forces present in the nuclei of heavy atoms, this new tool in atomic disintegration
need not overcome any electric barrier and is capable of penetrating and splitting the nuclei of
even the heaviest elements. Chadwick in this way prepared the way towards the fission of
uranium 235 and towards the creation of the atomic bomb. For this epoch-making discovery he
was awarded the Hughes Medal of the Royal Society in 1932, and subsequently the Nobel Prize
for physics in 1935.
In 1934, Fermi evolved the -decay theory, coalescing previous work on radiation theory with
Pauli's idea of the neutrino. Following the discovery by Curie and Joliot of artificial radioactivity
(1934), he demonstrated that nuclear transformation occurs in almost every element subjected
to neutron bombardment. This work resulted in the discovery of slow neutrons that same year,
leading to the discovery of nuclear fission and the production of elements lying beyond what
was until then the Periodic Table.
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Historical Background 7
In 1938, Fermi was without doubt the greatest expert on neutrons, and he continued his work
on this topic on his arrival in the United States, where he was soon appointed Professor of
Physics at Columbia University, N.Y. (1939-1942).
Upon the discovery of fission, by Hahn and Strassmann early in 1939, he immediately saw the
possibility of emission of secondary neutrons and of a chain reaction. He proceeded to work
with tremendous enthusiasm, and directed a classical series of experiments which ultimately
led to the atomic pile and the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. This took place in Chicago
on December 2, 1942, on a squash court situated beneath Chicago's stadium. He subsequently
played an important part in solving the problems connected with the development of the first
atomic bomb. (He was one of the leaders of the team of physicists on the Manhattan Project for
the development of nuclear energy and the atomic bomb).
4 Nuclear Fission
Before 1939, there was no evidence to suggest the practical usefulness of atomic energy. In
1934, Enrico Fermi had reported that, when uranium was subjected to a stream of neutrons,
elements of higher mass number were formed. These transuranic elements attracted the
interest of other researchers, who discovered elements of unexpected mass numbers in the
products. Otto Hahn and Friedrich Strassmann noted in 1938 that the masses of two of these
products added up to the mass of the uranium atom plus a neutron. Subsequently, in early
1939, Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch were able to explain in a published report that "it seems
possible that the uranium nucleus has only small stability of form and may, after neutron
capture, divide itself into two nuclei of roughly equal size". This was called fission, the term
which was commonly used in biology to describe the division of living cells. Otto Frisch soon
after proved, as they had predicted, that the particles released had strong ionizing power. This
was also confirmed by several other researchers. Furthermore, these fission fragments were
found to be ejected at high velocity and to possess radioactive properties. Most of the confir-
matory work of this new revelation was completed within three months of the initial publication
of the theory of nuclear fission. This subsequently was generally referred to as "splitting the
Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch estimated that the amount of energy release in a single fission
process was in the order of 200 MeV, far greater than any other known nuclear reaction. This
can be shown by comparing the masses of the fission products with the masses of the original
nucleus plus a neutron and converting this difference to energy.
It soon became evident, as had been mentioned by Enrico Fermi, that neutrons should be
emitted during fission due to the general structure of the atoms of uranium and the fission
products. This was subsequently confirmed by different researchers.
5 Nuclear Energy
It had already been recognized that mass could be converted into energy and that so-called sub-
atomic particles existed within atoms. When nuclear fission by neutrons was discovered and
found to produce further neutrons along with fission fragments, the possibility of a branching
chain of fissions became a real prospect. If these occurred in a rapid sequence, given the
amount of energy released in each fission event, the result could be a catastrophic explosion. At
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8 The Essential CANDU
that time, interest became focused on the possibility of a powerful atomic bomb. Subsequently,
from 1940 on, all further work related to the use of nuclear energy to produce an atomic bomb
took place in secrecy. The limits to this possibility became evident with further research that
showed that a nuclear chain reaction could be sustained only in uranium-235 and plutonium-
239. The former could be separated by gaseous diffusion and the latter created by a controlled
neutron chain reaction. Both methods required extensive equipment to produce even small
The production of Pu-239 required an operating nuclear reactor with suitable fuel and modera-
tor to establish a chain reaction with U-235 in which neutrons were produced, some of which
would be absorbed in U-238 to create Pu-239. To construct a reactor in which a controlled chain
reaction would occur, Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard realized that a heterogeneous system of
lumps of uranium embedded in graphite blocks in a lattice formation would be required. The
first experimental lattice was erected in 1941 at Columbia University under the supervision of
Fermi and followed by a larger one shortly thereafter, but impurities in the materials prevented
a chain reaction from being initiated. Towards the end of 1942, sufficient amounts of pure
materials were available, and a sufficiently large pile of graphite blocks and lumps of uranium
was built at the University of Chicago to establish a continuous self-sustaining chain reaction on
December 2, 1942.
The next step was an enormous scale-up to the plutonium production plants at Hanford Works,
where sufficient plutonium was produced to enable the first atomic bomb to be tested on July
16, 1945. Concurrently, a huge gaseous diffusion plant was built at Oak Ridge to separate U-235
from U-238 and so create highly enriched uranium for a second atomic bomb.
6 Acknowledgments
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the author.
Bob Tapping
Jeremy Whitlock
Bhaskar Sur
Terry Rogers
George Bereznai
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Historical Background – September 2014
Genealogy of CANDU Reactors
prepared by
Dr. Robin Chaplin
This chapter discusses the historical beginnings and evolution of the CANDU reactor. The
research and prototype reactors leading to the CANDU design are described with some of their
principle technical parameters. Reasons for the choice of key parameters are given. This leads
into a review of the evolution of the design of increasingly larger commercial CANDU reactors.
The CANDU 6 reactor design has been chosen as a reference and a brief description of its main
components with typical design parameters follows with a comparison with the CANDU 9
reactor. The chapter includes a note on the advantages of the CANDU reactor compared with
other water cooled reactors and a general review of reactor safety as applicable to most water
cooled reactors. It concludes with some technical details of the proposed Advanced CANDU
reactor for comparison with existing commercial CANDU reactors.
Table of Contents
1 Canadian Historical Review..................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Canadian Nuclear Beginnings ........................................................................................... 3
2 Canadian Research Reactors................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Small Research Reactors................................................................................................... 4
2.2 The NRX Reactor............................................................................................................... 4
2.3 The NRU Reactor .............................................................................................................. 5
3 Development of the CANDU Reactor...................................................................................... 6
3.1 The NPD Reactor............................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Douglas Point.................................................................................................................... 6
4 Commercial CANDU Reactors ................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Commercial Reactor Development .................................................................................. 7
4.2 CANDU Reactors in Service............................................................................................. 11
4.3 Direct Steam Generation ................................................................................................ 13
5 The Current CANDU Reactor Design ..................................................................................... 14
5.1 Plant Arrangement ......................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Fuel Channel Conditions................................................................................................. 16
5.3 Comparison of CANDU Reactors .................................................................................... 16
5.4 Power Density................................................................................................................. 17
6 CANDU Technical Parameters ............................................................................................... 18
6.1 Reference Plant............................................................................................................... 18
6.2 Reactor Core Arrangement............................................................................................. 19
6.3 Coolant Loop Arrangement ............................................................................................ 26
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1 Diagrammatic cross section of a typical CANDU (PHWR) ............................................... 14
Figure 2 Moderator and coolant circuits ...................................................................................... 15
Figure 3 Point Lepreau nuclear generating station....................................................................... 19
Figure 4 Reactor vault and assembly ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 5 37-element fuel bundle .................................................................................................. 21
Figure 6 CANDU 6 reactor assembly ............................................................................................. 23
Figure 7 Reactor cross section ...................................................................................................... 24
Figure 8 Reactor longitudinal section ........................................................................................... 25
Figure 9 Reactor plan view............................................................................................................ 26
Figure 10 Fuel channel end fittings on reactor face ..................................................................... 27
Figure 11 Feeder tube assembly on reactor face.......................................................................... 28
Figure 12 Steam generator for CANDU system............................................................................. 29
Figure 13 600 MW steam turbine for nuclear unit ....................................................................... 31
Figure 14 Turbine generator for nuclear unit................................................................................ 31
Figure 15 Typical capacity factors of CANDU and other reactors ................................................. 33
Figure 16 ACR 1000 nuclear systems schematic........................................................................... 36
Figure 17 ACR CANFLEX fuel bundles............................................................................................ 36
Figure 18 Comparison of core sizes .............................................................................................. 38
List of Tables
Table 1 Technical data for NRX........................................................................................................ 5
Table 2 Canadian CANDU reactors: capacity and service date ..................................................... 12
Table 3 Foreign CANDU 6 reactors: capacity and service date ..................................................... 13
Table 4 Comparison of CANDU reactor types ............................................................................... 18
Table 5 CANDU core parameters................................................................................................... 22
Table 6 CANDU coolant system parameters ................................................................................. 28
Table 7 CANDU steam generator parameters............................................................................... 30
Table 8 Steam turbine parameters................................................................................................ 32
Table 9 Advanced CANDU reactor parameter comparison........................................................... 37
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 3
concept, a Zero-Energy Experimental Pile known as ZEEP was built at Chalk River. It was essen-
tially an aluminum cylinder 2 m in diameter and 2.5 m in height surrounded by blocks of graph-
ite. Uranium metal rods clad in aluminum were hung vertically from the top, and heavy water
could be pumped in slowly at the bottom. ZEEP was completed and went critical on 5 Septem-
ber 1945, with almost exactly the amount of heavy water that had been predicted by theory. It
was the first nuclear reactor to operate outside the United States. This confirmed the design
parameters that would be used for the fuel rod lattice for the first functional reactor, designated
NRX. ZEEP, however, continued to be used in later years for experimental studies of neutron
reactor has all these key elements in a similar but horizontal arrangement.
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6 The Essential CANDU
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 7
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8 The Essential CANDU
magazine with slots to hold each bundle separately. A significant advantage of this arrangement
was that fuelling could take place from either end of the reactor. Such bi-directional fuelling
made it possible to balance the tendency for flux skewing in a partially refuelled channel by
fuelling in the opposite direction in an adjacent channel. In the NPD design, coolant flowed in
the direction opposite to the fuelling direction, so that the fuel bundles were held in place by
the flow of coolant. This established the characteristic bi-directional coolant flow in CANDU
The calandria vessel and calandria tubes were of aluminum. Initially, there was no spacer
between the calandria tubes and the fuel channel pressure tube, but as the design for Douglas
Point evolved, a single spacer in the form of an Inconel wire garter spring was introduced. This
enabled the pressure tubes to withstand the effect of creep sag. The calandria had a light water
neutron reflector surrounding it in a radial direction. To bring about a shutdown, the heavy
water moderator could be rapidly drained into a dump tank, which for a small reactor was an
effective way of ensuring safe shutdown in the event of an accident.
The heat transport system which removed heat from the reactor core and generated steam in a
steam generator required pumps to circulate the coolant. Originally, completely enclosed
canned pumps were proposed, but these were later changed to conventional vertical pumps
with shaft seals. These had the advantage of being able to incorporate a flywheel to provide
increased rotational inertia, which would extend the rundown period after a power failure and
enable extra core cooling during the initial stages of high decay heat. The steam generator
design was based on those being designed for United States nuclear submarines. It consisted
essentially of a U-shaped horizontal heat exchanger in which the heavy water coolant trans-
ferred heat to the light water of the steam system. Because the latter operated at a lower
pressure, some steam was generated around the tubes. Risers and downcomers circulated the
steam and water mixture to a steam drum and returned the water to the heat exchanger. The
long circular horizontal steam drum was similar to that of a conventional fossil fuel fired boiler
and had internal cyclones for effective steam separation. The overall configuration required
inlet and outlet headers at each end of the reactor to accommodate bi-directional coolant flow.
The former were supplied by three 50% capacity pumps, and the latter delivered coolant to a
single steam generator.
The NPD reactor was followed very closely by the Douglas Point reactor, the latter being essen-
tially an enlarged version capable of operating like a commercial power plant and producing
electric power to the grid system on a commercial scale. The site chosen was on Lake Huron,
where there was an adequate supply of cooling water to sustain large scale power production.
The most significant change was an upgrade in power from 20 MW electrical to 200 MW
electrical. This naturally required a larger and more robust calandria, and therefore the struc-
tural material was changed from aluminum alloy to stainless steel and the calandria tubes from
aluminum alloy to zirconium alloy. Because stainless steel is a stronger neutron absorber than
aluminum, the calandria diameter was further enlarged to accommodate an internal heavy
water reflector instead of an external light water reflector. The axial shields were moved
inwards so that the fuel channel end fittings would be outside the shield and therefore more
easily accessible.
The increased size of the Douglas Point reactor required fuel channels with a length of 5 m. This
meant more fuel bundles per channel. The one-eighth length fuel bundle was based on a
cosine flux distribution, but with flux flattening, such short lengths were not required, and one
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 9
third length bundles would give virtually optimum fuel burnup. Because the same standard
length fuel bundles would be used, the fuelling machines were therefore redesigned to handle
two bundles in each slot. This enabled the magazine to be smaller in diameter, but able to
accommodate 39 in (991 mm) of fuel with each fuel movement. Other changes in fuelling-
machine design provided positive control from both ends of the fuel channel during refuelling
and enabled refuelling in the same direction as coolant flow. The advantage of this was that
fresh fuel, which would give a higher local power output, would be in contact with cooler water
when only part of the fuel channel had been refuelled.
The larger output required increased steam generating capabilities. Furthermore, the longer
reactor put the inlet and outlet of each channel further apart. Therefore, it was decided to put
steam generators and circulating pumps at each end of the reactor. The same concept of
separate heat exchangers and steam drums was retained, but instead of one horizontal heat
exchanger, several vertical hairpin tube exchangers were used to feed a single steam drum in a
way similar to that in which steam is generated in the water walls of a fossil fuel fired boiler.
The multiple smaller heat exchangers could be replaced more easily than a single large one
should tube problems arise. With steam generators and circulating pumps at each end of the
reactor and with bi-directional flow, the “figure of eight” configuration for the heat transport
system was established for this and all future CANDU reactors. A further feature of Douglas
Point was the introduction of horizontal inlet and outlet headers above the highest fuel chan-
nels, but below the steam generators and circulating pumps. This would enable the system to
be partially drained for maintenance on the circulating pumps and steam generators while still
maintaining fuel cooling to remove decay heat. In normal operation, pressure was maintained
in the heat transport system by a feed-and-bleed system to minimize heavy water inventory.
Pickering was the first large scale multi-unit commercial CANDU plant. This was yet a further
scale-up from the 200 MW Douglas Point plant to a 4 x 500 MW plant. The 500 MW electrical
unit size was consistent with that of the coal fired units on the Ontario Hydro system. Signifi-
cant changes to the reactor included longer and wider fuel channels to accommodate the
increased fuel inventory. The fuel channels were 6 m in length instead of 5 m. Rather than
increasing the number of fuel channels excessively, it was decided to increase the diameter to a
nominal 4 in (102 mm) while retaining the fuel element or rod diameter. This resulted in fuel
bundles with 28 instead of 19 elements. This required a fuel channel 4.07 in (103 mm) in
diameter to maintain the standard minimum element spacing, which was maintained by pads
brazed to the element cladding. This then became the standard for all future CANDU reactors.
The end shields were redesigned, and the annular space between the pressure tube and calan-
dria tube filled with inert gas to minimize the risk of corrosion.
A further change was the adoption of a double “figure of eight” coolant loop with two hydrauli-
cally independent loops. This had the advantage of limiting the consequences of a loss of
coolant accident due to a pressure tube or feeder tube break because the fuel channels in half
the reactor would remain flooded without the need for emergency coolant injection. The
moderator dump system for emergency shutdown was retained, but due to the time needed to
drain the large calandria, it was supplemented with gravity operated shutoff rods. The latter
system was able to handle most reactor trips, and therefore a dump arrest system was added to
prevent dumping, enabling a faster reactor restart for such non-accident related trips.
The larger reactor introduced the possibility of flux oscillation, in which the peak flux wanders
from one region of the reactor to another, induced by xenon transients. To overcome this, the
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10 The Essential CANDU
reactor was divided into 14 zones, each with a neutron flux detector and a chamber in which an
appropriate amount of light water could act as a stronger neutron absorber than the surround-
ing heavy water moderator and thus achieve local flux control. This regional neutron flux
control system became a standard feature of all subsequent CANDU reactors.
An innovative change was the introduction of vertical steam generators which incorporated the
vertical U-tube heat exchange surface and steam separation cyclones into a single vessel with
provision for water recirculation and feedwater preheating. This design became the standard
for CANDU reactors and many pressurized light water reactors, or PWRs.
For a multi-unit station, the concept of a containment surrounding each reactor was maintained
and extended by linking the separate containments to a common vacuum building. In the event
of a major reactor accident and release of steam inside any containment, the vacuum building
would act to suck out and condense the steam, thus establishing a negative pressure in the
containment to prevent egress of radioactive material.
Bruce was the next large multi-unit nuclear generating station to be built. This involved a
change in the heat transport system. In previous designs, the outlet conditions of the fuel
channels varied due to the different power ratings of the channels across the reactor core. To
create more uniform conditions at the channel outlets, the central core region required a
greater degree of subcooling at the inlet. This was accomplished by having separate preheaters
outside some steam generators rather than integral preheaters and passing coolant for the
central region only through these preheaters. This complicated the flow system, but obtained
better matching of coolant outlet conditions. Another change was made to the steam genera-
tors, where the large U-tube heat exchanger as used in Pickering was retained, but without the
integral upper steam separating section. Instead, a single long horizontal steam drum was
attached to the top of all steam generators at each end of the reactor. The larger water-steam
interface reduced level control problems, but introduced thermal stress problems. This design
was used on Bruce A, while Bruce B reverted to the separate integral design as used at
Studies had indicated that a moderator dump system was too slow for a large reactor, and
therefore this was eliminated in favour of faster acting gravity shutoff rods. Because dumped
moderator would not be available for channel cooling in the event of loss of coolant, a new
system was developed for the next generation of reactors, but applied at Bruce. This was the
injection of high pressure water into the heat transport system headers from gas pressurized
storage tanks. For Bruce, the initial supply pressure was 800 lbf/in2 (5.52 MPa), but this was
reduced to 600 lbf/in2 (4.14 MPa) in subsequent reactors.
A further safety issue arose with regard to the shutdown system. Bearing in mind that the
CANDU design is a neatly balanced configuration of fuel and moderator, any disruption of this
configuration will render the reactor subcritical and inoperable. In the event of failure of the
shutdown system to operate in an overpower situation, the reactor would disassemble and shut
itself down. Further consideration of the core disassembly philosophy led to addition of a
second shutdown system which would remove the need to consider core disassembly for
licensing purposes. Because the shutoff rods operated in a vertical plane, a new system operat-
ing entirely independently on a horizontal plane was developed. Solid rods were considered,
but might suffer mechanical interference, so liquid rods were favoured. However, their effect
would be too localized, so liquid dispersion in the moderator was the ultimate choice. By
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 11
injecting neutron absorbing gadolinium nitrate solution into the moderator through an array of
nozzles in the reactor core, a very quick shutdown could be ensured. This system was driven by
helium in pressurized storage tanks and became standard on all CANDU reactors. Because
removal of the gadolinium nitrate from the moderator was a lengthy process, this became the
secondary shutdown system, while the shutoff rods remained the primary shutdown system
which operates first in adverse transient conditions requiring a reactor trip.
The next generation of CANDU units included Point Lepreau and Gentilly-II as well as a number
of overseas plants. A design for single unit stations was needed for these to be attractive to
small utilities. The major change was the requirement for a single large containment for the
reactor and heat transport system, including the steam generators, which would condense
released steam and contain radioactive products in the event of a large break and loss of
coolant accident. Other changes followed a natural evolution in reactor design. The fuel
bundles were modified from 28 to 37 element bundles by using smaller diameter elements.
The increased heat transfer surface thus created enabled a power increase from 500 MW to 600
MW electrical, while reducing the number of fuel channels from 390 to 380. This reactor
therefore became known as the CANDU 600. Furthermore, from 12 steam generators and 16
coolant pumps at Pickering, the design had evolved to 4 steam generators and 4 coolant pumps.
Experience in steam generator design had enabled larger components to be built. Comprehen-
sive testing had shown that some boiling could be permitted within the fuel channels, thus
increasing substantially the heat removal capability of the coolant. Darlington followed the
design of the CANDU 600, but with a degree of scaling up. The heat transport system main-
tained the same arrangement of two loops in a figure-of-eight configuration, with each loop
having a steam generator and a circulating pump at each end. For increased output, the reactor
was designed for 480 fuel channels instead of 380. For future reactors of this size, a change in
the figure-of-eight arrangement has been proposed. Instead of the two loops being in separate
halves of the reactor, they would be interleaved alternately between adjacent channels
throughout the reactor. The advantage of this would be to avoid a flux tilt and power pulse in
the event of a loss of coolant accident in one loop while still maintaining the advantages of the
two loop concept.
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12 The Essential CANDU
*CANDU-6 Reactor
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 13
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14 The Essential CANDU
due to other problems such as condenser corrosion. It was shut down in 1979 and eventually
decommissioned in 1984.
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 15
ductivity of the annulus gas provides the greatest resistance to heat transfer. Cooling of the
moderator is therefore required to maintain a temperature of about 70°C, which means that a
circulating and cooling system is required. This is shown diagrammatically in Figure 2.
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16 The Essential CANDU
over-moderation. CANDU reactors are slightly over-moderated, but while this has some disad-
vantages, it does provide additional space between the fuel channels for various control de-
vices. Over-moderation enables additional neutrons to be absorbed in the moderator, and
when voidage occurs in the fuel channels, fewer neutrons are absorbed, thus increasing the
number of neutrons and giving a positive void coefficient of reactivity which must be counter-
acted in other ways. With a separate calandria, the moderator temperature can be kept rela-
tively low compared with the fuel and coolant. This is advantageous in reducing neutron energy
and promoting the fission process due to the increased fission cross section of uranium at lower
temperatures. In all CANDU reactors, the moderator in the calandria is maintained at atmos-
pheric pressure and a temperature of about 70°C.
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 17
A new development is the Advanced CANDU Reactor, known as the ACR, which uses slightly
enriched uranium as fuel and light water as coolant. This has the benefit of significantly reduc-
ing the heavy water inventory. In the proposed ACR, the power density is increased by a smaller
calandria diameter, but with an increased number of elements in the fuel bundle and a smaller
channel pitch, resulting in a more compact reactor.
Table 4 Comparison of CANDU reactor types
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 19
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20 The Essential CANDU
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 21
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22 The Essential CANDU
The reactor core includes monitoring and control devices to measure neutron flux and to
modify the flux profile if required to obtain the best power distribution. Safety devices to bring
about rapid shutdown, such as the shutoff rods and poison injection system, are also built into
the core. The general arrangement of these is shown in Figure 6, and their locations are shown
in the three views given in Figures 7, 8, and 9.
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 23
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24 The Essential CANDU
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 25
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26 The Essential CANDU
loop. Flow in the pressure tubes is arranged to be in opposite directions in adjacent fuel chan-
nels. Thus, at each end of the reactor, there are sets of inlets and outlets to and from each fuel
channel, as shown in Figure 10. To carry the coolant to and from each of these inlets and
outlets, small diameter feeder tubes are used, as shown in Figure 11. These are linked to twin
common headers above each end of the reactor core. Coolant from the outlet headers at each
end passes to the steam generators, then through the coolant pumps and back to the inlet
headers at the same end of the reactor core. After a second pass through the fuel channels, the
coolant passes to steam generators and coolant pumps at the other end of the reactor core.
The complete coolant loop thus has a double figure-of-eight configuration. Typically, there are
two steam generators and two coolant pumps at each end of the reactor core, making a total of
four of each. Although each pair of steam generators and its associated coolant loop has a
separate figure-of-eight configuration, the headers are cross-connected so that the whole
system operates at the same pressure. Pressure is maintained by a single pressurizer connected
to one of the coolant loops. The pressurizer is a tall cylindrical vessel containing half water and
half steam and maintained at saturation conditions. By varying the temperature in the vessel
with heaters or water sprays, the pressure in the entire coolant system can be controlled.
Typical parameters for 600 MWe (electrical) and 950 MWe (electrical) CANDU coolant systems
are given in Table 6. Full technical details are given in Appendix C Single Unit Station Data.
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28 The Essential CANDU
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 29
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 31
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32 The Essential CANDU
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 33
Furthermore the relative simplicity of the fuel bundles and the use of natural uranium leads to
low fuel costs for CANDU reactors. With no heavy reactor pressure vessel and the possibility of
modular construction the erection time of a CANDU reactor can be shorter than that of some
other reactor systems. Having been developed to use natural uranium in conveniently small
fuel bundles, the CANDU reactor has the ability of utilizing low enriched fuel from other sources
such as light water reactors and also blended fuel from nuclear weapons. This makes it attrac-
tive as part of a fuel reprocessing and recycling scheme involving different nuclear plants and
The refurbishment of CANDU reactors has been proven. Steam generators and reactor pressure
tubes can be replaced. This has the potential of effectively doubling the life of the plant ena-
bling it to operate efficiently for 50 to 60 years. The overall capital investment including the
cost of refurbishment can make the CANDU reactor an attractive investment for bulk base load
power production.
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34 The Essential CANDU
reactors built in Canada. However it would be in competition with light water reactors espe-
cially the PWR where later designs are under construction.
Of particular note is the modular construction proposed for new reactors. The advantage that
this modular construction offers is a decreased construction time and hence lower costs. It also
allows specific parts of the reactor to be more easily replaced during the life of the plant.
New fuel bundles with 43 fuel elements have been developed and tested. The increased
surface area and smaller diameter elements resulting from this change allow for increased heat
transfer and hence more power per bundle. Such design developments are able to reduce the
capital and operating costs of the current CANDU system.
radioactivity is trapped in the uranium dioxide matrix. This means that almost all solid fission
products are contained in the fuel under normal non-melting conditions.
The second barrier is the fuel cladding, which is a zirconium alloy sheath. This sheath is de-
signed to withstand the stress associated with fuel expansion and buildup of trapped fission
gases. Zirconium would be subject to damage should dryout and elevated temperatures occur
in the fuel channel. Provided the fuel bundles are kept flooded with coolant during accident
conditions, this barrier will remain intact.
The third barrier is the primary heat transport system boundary. This provides containment for
the coolant, which may contain fission products in the event of fuel cladding leakage. The
primary circuit is a closed loop and does not allow any fission products to go any further unless
it in turn has a leak.
The fourth and final barrier to fission product release is the prestressed low leakage concrete
containment building. The building is maintained under a slightly negative pressure and is lined
with a plastic coating which limits the leakage of fission products in the event of overpressure
due to an accident. In addition, air exchange filters in the ventilation system remove any fission
products in the circulating air which is discharged to the atmosphere.
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36 The Essential CANDU
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 37
The table clearly shows the evolution of the ACR 1000. The 43-element fuel bundle provides an
average channel power of 6.13 MW (12 bundles) as opposed to 5.43 MW (12 bundles) and 5.54
MW (13 bundles). This in turn enables fewer channels to be used for an equivalent output,
resulting in a smaller reactor for the same output. Furthermore, the channel pitch has been
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38 The Essential CANDU
reduced by 16% resulting in an even smaller reactor. The overall result is that the ACR 1000
reactor is about the same size as the CANDU 6, as illustrated in Figure 18. The heavy water
inventory has been reduced accordingly. The light water coolant eliminates a pressurized heavy
water circuit altogether, thereby effecting a further and major saving in inventory and heavy
water support systems. The low enriched uranium increases the burnup by a factor of about 2.5
and consequently decreases the amount of spent fuel. An additional reserve water system
provides a passive safety feature, making this a Generation III+ design. Other than these
important changes, there are many small improvements in the general operating conditions of
the heat transport system and steam cycle, giving an improvement in overall efficiency from
35.3% to 36.6%, which ultimately saves on fuel consumption.
8 Problems
1 Sketch a typical figure-of-eight CANDU heat transport system showing all key components
and describe the functions of these components.
2 Sketch a typical CANDU reactor core and show in the sketch where, with respect to the fuel
channels, the various control devices are installed. Identify the devices and state their purpose.
3 Describe the structure and characteristics of a CANDU fuel channel and the fuel within the
channel. Describe also what happens in the fuel channel as the coolant flows through it.
4 Sketch a CANDU steam generator showing the key components and explain the function of
each component and why they are arranged in this particular configuration.
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors 39
10 Acknowledgements
Acknowledgements are extended to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and to NB Power for use
of information, diagrams and photographs to support the text of this chapter.
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the author.
Bob Tapping
Jeremy Whitlock
Bhaskar Sur
Terry Rogers
George Bereznai
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Table of Contents
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2 The Essential CANDU
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors: Appendices 3
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4 The Essential CANDU
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors: Appendices 5
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6 The Essential CANDU
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Genealogy of CANDU Reactors: Appendices 7
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8 The Essential CANDU
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics
prepared by
Dr. Guy Marleau
École Polytechnique de Montréal
In this section, we first describe the nucleus, including its composition and the fundamental
forces that affect its behaviour. Then, after introducing the concepts of radioactivity and
nuclear decay, we discuss the various interactions between radiation and matter that can take
place in and around a nuclear reactor. We finish with a presentation of neutron physics for
fission reactors.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Learning Outcomes......................................................................................................... 4
2 Structure of the Nucleus..........................................................................................................4
2.1 Fundamental Interactions and Elementary Particles...................................................... 4
2.2 Protons, Neutrons, and the Nuclear Force ..................................................................... 6
2.3 Nuclear Chart.................................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Nuclear Mass and the Liquid Drop Model.................................................................... 10
2.5 Excitation Energy and Advanced Nuclear Models ........................................................ 12
2.6 Nuclear Fission and Fusion ........................................................................................... 15
3 Nuclear Reactions ..................................................................................................................16
3.1 Radioactivity and Nuclear Decay .................................................................................. 16
3.2 Nuclear Reactions ......................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Interactions of Charged Particles with Matter.............................................................. 22
3.4 Interactions of Photons with Matter ............................................................................ 24
3.5 Interactions of Neutrons with Matter .......................................................................... 30
4 Fission and Nuclear Chain Reaction.......................................................................................34
4.1 Fission Cross Sections ................................................................................................... 35
4.2 Fission Products and the Fission Process...................................................................... 36
4.3 Nuclear Chain Reaction and Nuclear Fission Reactors ................................................. 40
4.4 Reactor Physics and the Transport Equation ................................................................ 42
5 Bibliography ...........................................................................................................................44
6 Summary of Relationship to Other Chapters.........................................................................45
7 Problems ................................................................................................................................46
8 Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................46
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1 Nuclear chart, where N represents the number of neutrons and Z the number of
protons in a nucleus. The points in red and green represent respectively stable and
unstable nuclei. The nuclear stability curve is also illustrated. ..............................................8
Figure 2 Average binding energy per nucleon (MeV) as a function of the mass number (number
of nucleons in the nucleus)......................................................................................................9
Figure 3 Saxon-Wood potential seen by nucleons inside the uranium-235 nucleus. ...................13
Figure 4 Shell model and magic numbers......................................................................................14
Figure 5 Decay chain for uranium-238 (fission excluded). The type of reaction (β or α-decay)
can be identified by the changes in N and Z between the initial and final nuclides. ............20
Figure 6 Microscopic cross section of the interaction of a high-energy photon with a lead atom.24
Figure 7 Photoelectric effect..........................................................................................................26
Figure 8 Compton effect. ...............................................................................................................28
Figure 9 Photonuclear cross sections for deuterium, beryllium, and lead....................................29
Figure 10 Cross sections for hydrogen (left) and deuterium (right) as functions of energy..........32
Figure 11 Cross sections for 235
92 U (left) and 92 U (right) as functions of energy. ........................33
Figure 12 Effect of temperature on U 238 absorption cross section around the 6.64-eV
Figure 13 Capture and fission cross sections of 235 92 U (left) and 92 U (right) as functions of
Figure 14 Relative fission yield for 235 92 U as a function of mass number........................................37
List of Tables
Table 1 Properties of the four fundamental forces .........................................................................5
Table 2 Properties of leptons and quarks ........................................................................................6
Table 3 Main properties of protons and neutrons. .........................................................................6
Table 4 Energy states in the shell model, where g is the degeneracy level of a state...................14
Table 5 Comparison of the energy, U, required for a fission reaction in a compound nucleus
with the energy, Q, available after a neutron collision with different isotopes. ...................35
Table 6 Average numbers of neutrons produced by the fission of common heavy nuclides........37
Table 7 Distribution of kinetic energy among the particles produced by a fission reaction.........38
Table 8 Maximum values of the elastic scattering and absorption cross sections for 11 H , 21 D ,
and 12
6 C in the energy range 0.1 eV < E <0.1 MeV. ...............................................................41
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 3
1 Introduction
Energy production in an operating nuclear reactor is mainly the result of fission reactions
initiated by neutrons. Following these reactions, radiation is produced in the form of alpha
particles, electrons (ߚ-particles), photons, and neutrons, as well as a large number of unstable
nuclei (including actinides and fission products) that may decay, thereby producing additional
radiation and energy. The neutrons generated directly in the fission reaction as well as those
resulting from fission product decay are a key factor in maintaining and controlling the chain
reaction as discussed in Chapters 4 and 5. Radiation also has an impact on the properties of
the various materials in the core as well as on living cells. It is therefore important to under-
stand how radiation interacts with matter if one needs, for example, to evaluate the radio-
toxicity of burned fuel (Chapter 19) or to determine the kind of barrier that must be put in
place to protect the public, the environment, or the personnel in a nuclear power plant
(Chapter 12). Moreover, the energy produced by these decays contributes to heating the fuel,
whether it is still in the reactor or in the spent fuel pools. The aim of this chapter is to provide
the reader with an overview of the nuclear processes that take place in and around a reactor.
1.1 Overview
Several very important processes take place simultaneously in a nuclear reactor, including
neutron slowdown as a result of collisions with nuclei, nuclear fission, and decay of radioactive
nuclei with radiation emissions that subsequently lose energy or are absorbed.
To understand how all these physical processes take place, it is important to possess a general
knowledge of the physics of the nucleus, including its composition and the fundamental forces
that affect its behaviour. Although one rarely uses a description of the nucleus in terms of
elementary particles and their interaction in power-reactor applications, such a description
provides a practical background for a study of nuclear structure. In fact, the nucleus is such a
complex object that it can be described only through simplified models that provide useful
information. For example, the liquid drop model (Section 2.4) gives an empirical description of
how one can extract energy from a nucleus by breaking it into smaller components (fission or
decay) or by combining nuclei (fusion). These models are also used to predict the stability of a
nucleus under various decay processes, the energy associated with its excited states, and the
associated gamma-ray spectrum. In Section 2, an overview of the structure of the nucleus is
provided, starting from a fundamental description and progressing to more practical models.
We will also introduce some language specific to nuclear physics that will be useful throughout
this book.
The majority of the fission reactions taking place in a reactor are initiated following the
absorption of a neutron by a heavy nucleus. Radioprotection also involves the interaction
between radiation, in the form of alpha particles, electrons, photons, and neutrons, and
matter. Two important points must then be addressed before describing the physics of
neutrons in a nuclear reactor: the source of this radiation and its behaviour over time, and the
interaction of the emitted particles with matter. Therefore, Section 3 is divided into three
parts: it starts with a description of radioactivity and the decay of nuclei, continues with a
description of the interaction of ionizing radiation with matter (everything but neutrons),
which is a very important topic for radiation protection studies, and ends with a brief discus-
sion of the interaction of neutrons with matter.
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The last section of this chapter is dedicated to the nuclear chain reaction. It starts by giving an
extensive description of the fission reaction and discusses the need to slow down neutrons.
This is followed by a description of the neutron transport equation that can be used to charac-
terize the behaviour of neutrons inside a reactor.
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 5
e 2 zZ zZ
| F r | 2 ( e c) 2 , (1)
4 0 r |r|
where ݁ = 1.6 × 10ିଵଽ C is the charge of an electron, ߝ = 8.854 × 10ିଵଶ F/m is the electric
permittivity of vacuum, ℏ = 1.0546 × 10ିଷସ J × s is the reduced Planck constant, and
ܿ = 2.9979 × 10଼ m/s is the speed of light. For the gravitational force, the coupling constant
is expressed in terms of proton masses. One can immediately see that the range of the
gravitational and electromagnetic forces is substantially larger than that of the weak force due
to their మ dependence. Accordingly, the weak force is important only when two particles
with weak charges are in close contact. On the other hand, the strong (colour) force remains
significant irrespective of the distance between particles with colour charge. This observation
led to the concept of colour confinement, meaning that it is impossible to isolate a particle
having a net colour charge different from zero [Halzen1984].
Table 1 Properties of the four fundamental forces
In the standard model of particle physics [Halzen1984, Le Sech2010], these forces are repre-
sented by 12 virtual particles of spin 1 called “gauge bosons”:
the massless photon that carries the electromagnetic interaction;
eight massless gluons that carry the strong (colour) force;
three massive bosons (W± and Z) that mediate the weak interaction.
These bosons are exchanged between the 12 “physical fermions” (spin 1/2 particles) that
make up all the matter in the universe:
six light fermions or leptons that have a weak charge. Three of these have no electric
charge (the neutrinos), while three are charged (electron, muon, and tau);
six heavy fermions or quarks that have colour, weak, and electric charges. These fermions
cannot exist freely in nature because of colour confinement and must be combined in trip-
lets of quarks or quark-antiquark pairs to form respectively baryons (protons, neutrons)
and mesons (pion, kaon) that have no net colour charge.
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6 The Essential CANDU
Table 2 Properties of leptons and quarks
Leptons Quarks
Particle Mass (GeV/c2) Charge Particle Mass (GeV/c2) Charge
݁ 0.000511 −1 ݑ ≈ 0.003 2/3
ߥ < 2.5 × 10ିଽ 0 ݀ ≈ 0.006 −1/3
ߤ 0.1057 −1 ܿ ≈ 1.2 2/3
ߥఓ < 0.000170 0 ݏ ≈ 0.1 −1/3
߬ 1.7777 −1 ݐ ≈ 173 2/3
ߥఛ < 0.018 0 ܾ ≈ 4.1 −1/3
Table 2 provides a description of the main properties of leptons and quarks with the masses
given in GeV/c2, with 1 GeV/c2≈ 1.782661 × 10ିଶ kg, and the charges in terms of the charge
of one electron [Le Sech2010].
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8 The Essential CANDU
Several conclusions can be reached from Figure 1:
Isotopes containing a small number of protons ((ܼ ൏ ʹͲ)) will generally be stable only if ܰ
and ܼ are nearly equal. If the difference ȁܰ െ ܼȁis slightly too large,, the nucleus
nucle becomes
unstable. For combination of protons and neutrons with large values of |ܰ െ ܼ|, ܼ no nuclei
can be formed.
For nuclei with values of ܼ ranging from 20 to 82, the number of excess neutrons
neutron (ܰ െ ܼ)
required to create bonded nuclei increases steadily. One can also observe e that for a spe-
cific value of ܼǡseveral
several stable nuclei can be produced with different numbers of neutrons.
No stable nucleus exists with ܼ > 83,, although some radioactive nuclides with ܼ ൏ ͻ ͵ can
still be found in nature because they decay at a very slow rrate. No isotope with ܼ above 92
remains in nature.
Approximately 3200 bonded nuclei have been identified
identified, out of which 266 are stable.
stable The
stability of a nucleus is ensured by the presence of a sufficient number of neutrons to com-
pensate for the effect of the Coulomb force between protons
protons. Because the nuclear force acts
only at short distances, while the Coulomb force has a longer range, additional neutrons are
required when the radius ܴ of the nucleus increases because of the presence of more nucle-
ons (protons and neutrons):
R A1/3R0 , (3)
where ܴ is the average radius of a single nucleon.
Figure 1 Nuclear chart, where N represents the number of neutrons and Z the number of
protons in a nucleus. The points in red and green represent respectively stable and unstable
nuclei. The nuclear stability curve is also illustrated.
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 9
The stability of a nucleus
leus does not only depend on the number of nucleons it contains but also
on how these protons and neutrons are paired
paired. For example, out of the 266 stable nuclei:
159 contain an even number of protons and of neutrons,
53 have an even number of protons
protons, but an odd number of neutrons,
50 have an odd number of protons and an even number of neutrons, and
only 4 are made up of an odd number of protons and of neutrons.
In addition, for values of ܼ or ܰ equal to 8, 20, 50, 82, and 126, the number of stable nuclei is
very high. These numbers are known as “magic numbers”
numbers”. They suggest that the neutrons
and protons, just like electrons in atoms, are more tightly bonded when they fill a quantum
energy shell (see Section 2.5).
The mass ݉ ಿ శ ೋ X of a nucleus produced by combining ܼ protons and ܰ neutrons is less than
the sum of the masses of its constituents
m N Z X Z m p Nmn AB / c 2 , (4)
where ܤ Ͳ,, the average binding energy per nucleon, is the result of the negative potential
that binds the nucleons inside the nuclei
nuclei. As can be seen in Figure 2,, where a plot of ܤas a
function of ܣis provided for stable nuclei, ܤfirst increases rapidly for low mass numbers,
reaching a maximum around ܣൌ 60 60, and then decreases slowly with ܣ. This is means that, on
the average, nucleons are more tightly bonded inside nuclei having intermediate values of ܣ
(ʹͲ ൏ <ܣ120) than for very low or very high values.
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10 The Essential CANDU
M N Z X Z M 1 H Nmn AB / c 2 , (5)
where the mass of the proton has been replaced by that of the hydrogen atom, which includes
the electron mass as well as its binding energy. The approximation sign comes from the fact
that the binding energy of each of the ܼ electrons around a heavy nucleus is different from
that of a single electron attached to a proton in the hydrogen atom.
Finally, the natural composition of a given element will include stable as well as some radioac-
tive isotopes. Assuming that the relative atomic abundance of isotope ݅of atomic mass ܯ in
the natural element is ߛ, then the mass of the natural element is given by:
M X i M i . (6)
In reactor physics, one often works with the mass (or weight) fraction for the abundance of an
isotope, defined as:
wi . (7)
For completeness, one can compute the isotopic concentration ܰX of an element (atoms/cm3)
with atomic mass ܯX (g/moles) and density ߩ (g/cm3) using:
NX A, (8)
where ℕA = 6.022 × 10ଶଷ atoms/moles is the Avogadro number. The concentration of
isotope ݅is then given by:
Ni i A iNX . (9)
More information related to the isotopic contents of natural elements can be found in
[KAERI2013, WebElements2013].
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 11
number of nucleons that are close by. Accordingly, the contribution to the missing mass from
the ܣnucleons is given by:
ΔmV c2 aV A, (11)
where the constant ܽ ≈15.753 MeV has been determined experimentally. This contribution
is known as the volume effect because the volume of a nucleus can be assumed to be propor-
tional to the number of nucleons it contains. This term would be sufficient if the nucleus had
an infinite size. However, this is not the case, and the protons and neutrons that are located
near the boundary of the nucleus will interact with a smaller number of nucleons. If the
surface of the nucleus is given by 4ߨܴଶ ∝ ܣଶ/ଷ, one can assume that the ܣଶ/ଷ nucleons near
the outer surface of the nucleus see a reduced uniform potential. This leads to a negative
surface contribution to the mass defect of the form:
ΔmS c2 aS A2/3 , (12)
where ܽௌ ≈17.804 MeV.
Until now, only the nuclear force has been taken into account. However, the protons present
inside the nucleus repel each other through the Coulomb force, thereby decreasing the
binding energy. Because the potential associated with this force is long-range (ܸ(ܴ) ∝ 1/ܴ ∝
1/ܣଵ/ଷ), each of the ܼ protons will interact with the remaining ܼ − 1 protons, leading to a
contribution of the form:
Z ( Z 1) Z2
ΔmC c 2 aC a C , (13)
A1/3 A1/3
where only the dominant term in ܼ has been preserved, and ܽ ≈0.7103 MeV.
It can be observed in the nuclear chart that stable nuclei with a low mass number generally
contain an equal number of protons and neutrons. As the number of excess neutrons or
protons in a nucleus increases, it becomes more and more unstable until no bonded state can
be produced. This means that nuclear binding should decrease as a function of |ܰ − ܼ| =
| ܣ− 2ܼ|, the form of the contribution being
( A 2Z )2
Δm Ac 2 a A , (14)
where ܽ ≈23.69 MeV is known as the asymmetry term. The nuclear chart also shows that
few stable nuclei with an odd number of neutrons and protons (odd-odd nuclei) can be found
in nature, while the number of isotopes with an even number of protons and neutrons (even-
even nuclei) dominates. This means that the binding energy should be large for even-even
and small for odd-odd nuclei. Assuming that the contribution to the missing mass presented
previously remains valid only for odd-even or even-odd nuclei ( ܣodd), an additional empirical
correction of the form
(1 1 )
ΔmP c ( 1) a P
2 Z
2 A3/4
is required. Here, ܽ ≈33.6 MeV is known as the pairing term.
The final formula for the missing mass is therefore
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12 The Essential CANDU
(1 1 )
Z2 ( A 2 Z )2
ΔmX c aV A aS A aC
2 3
aA ( 1) Z aP , (16)
A 2 A3/4
which is known as the Bethe-Weizsäcker or semi-empirical mass formula (SEMF). Even if this
mechanistic model is relatively simple, it provides a very good approximation to the mass of
the nuclei found in nature. It can also be used to determine the value of ܣthat minimizes the
mass of a nucleus for a specific value of ܼ, thereby maximizing the probability that it is stable.
Neglecting the pairing term, one then obtains
4 Aa A A mn m p c 2
Z A 2
. (17)
8a A 2aC A 3
This equation, which is also illustrated in Figure 1 (the nuclear stability curve), closely follows
the nuclear stability profile.
The main weakness of the liquid drop model is its lack of predictive power. For example, it
neither explains the presence of “magic numbers”, nor the gamma-ray absorption spectrum,
nor the decay characteristics of different nuclei. These explanations can be obtained only by
looking at the interactions between protons and neutrons using quantum theory, as explained
in the next section.
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 13
a nucleon moves in a potential ܸ( )ݎthat is relatively uniform inside the nucleus and
increases sharply near its outer
er surface, namely when ݎൎ ܴ (mean field approximation).
Note that in this model, there are no one
one interactions between the nucleons.
nucleons This
means that instead of solving the Schrödinger equation for ܣstrongly coupled nucleons, the
problem is reduced
ced to the solution of ܣindependent Schrödinger equations for a single
nucleon with an averaged potential
potential. The conventional nuclear potential used in the shell
model is the Saxon-Wood
Wood potential (see Figure 3), which has the form [Basdevant2005]:
V r V0 r R/ R , (18)
1 e
30 MeV is the potential depth and ܴ ܣ ןଵȀଷ is the radius of the nucleus in fm.
where ܸ ≈30
Figure 3 Saxon-Wood
Wood potential seen by nucleons inside the uranium
235 nucleus.
The energy levels are then very similar to those associated with the harmonic potential,
2V0 3
EN N , (19)
R mn 2
where ݉ is the mass of a nucleon (proton or neutron), ܰ ൌ ሺʹ݊ ݈െ ʹሻൌ 0,1,2, 0 ⋯ with
݊ ൌ ͳǡʹǡ ڮthe principal quantum numbernumber, and l 0,1, 2, the angular momentum quantum
number that takes into account spin
spin-orbit coupling. In general, one assumes that the energy is
independent of the magnetic quantum number ݉ . The spin ݆of of each of the nucleons, which
is important when determining the probability of interaction between a nucleus (spin )ܬand
other particles, is a combination of its internal spin and its angular momentum:
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14 The Essential CANDU
j l . (20)
The energy states of the shelll model are presented in Table 4, whereas the association be-
tween the magic numbers and these states is illustrated in Figure 4.
The model is never used to evaluate the mass of nuclei (the SEMF model is used for this
purpose), ), but it is useful for classifyi
ng the energy levels of excited nuclei (denoted as
( ேା ∗
X) ) and for determining the magic numbers.
Table 4 Energy states in the shell model, where g is the degeneracy level of a state.
ࡺ 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3
0 1 2 0 3 1 4 2 0
ࢍ 2 6 10 2 14 6 16 10 2
orbital 1s 1p 1d 2s 1f 2p 1g 2d 3s
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 15
In quantum mechanics, the angular momentum is quantized, with the energy levels being
given by
EJ = 2
J J +1 ), (22)
with =ܬ0,1,2, ⋯. For nucleus having an ellipsoid shape, only even values of ܬare allowed,
and the energies satisfy the following relation:
3 1 1
E2 E4 E6 E8 , (23)
10 17 12
15 2
E2 = , (24)
2MR 2
where ܯand ܴ are respectively the mass and radius of the nucleus. These energy levels are
generally much smaller than those associated with the shell model.
is larger than that of two identical nuclides containing ܣ/2 protons and neutrons:
2 E A/2 AB E A. (26)
In physical terms, this means that two lighter nuclides generally represent a lower energy state
than a heavier nucleus. Accordingly, a spontaneous reaction where the heavy nuclide, ܪ,
breaks down into two smaller components (ܮଵ and ܮଶ) is permitted from an energy-
conservation point of view, with the energy released by the reaction given by ܧభ + ܧమ − ܧு .
This spontaneous reaction, called fission, has been observed experimentally for long-lived
actinides such as ଶଷଶTh, ଶଷହU, and ଶଷ଼U, even though this is not their preferential decay
mode (seven in 109 decays of ଶଷହU follow this path). For example, the spontaneous fission
U Þ 2 10 n + 133
Sn + 100
Mo, (27)
which releases 116 MeV, has been observed.
A second observation is that, even if a spontaneous fission reaction is very improbable, the
fission process can be initiated externally by an absorption collision between a projectile and a
heavy nuclide. For example, the neutron-induced reaction,
0 n 235
92U 3 0n 50 Sn 42 Mo,
1 133 100
is possible even with very low-energy neutrons and produces the same amount of energy as
the spontaneous fission reaction above. This reaction is facilitated by the fact that the main
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16 The Essential CANDU
interaction between the neutron and a nucleus is the attractive nuclear force. The fact that
several neutrons are generally produced following such reactions finally leads to the concept
of a controlled chain reaction, if sufficient neutrons are produced following a fission reaction
to initiate another fission reaction. The conditions required to achieve and maintain such a
chain reaction are discussed in Section 4.
Figure 2 also indicates that the nucleons inside very light nuclides are loosely bonded com-
pared to intermediate-mass nuclei. Combining two such nuclides could therefore result in a
nucleus that is more strongly bonded, again releasing energy. This process is called nuclear
fusion. Examples of such exothermal fusion reactions are
1 H 13 H 10n 24 He, (29)
1 H 32 He 11 H 24 He, (30)
which release respectively 17.6 and 18.3 MeV in the form of kinetic energy for the final fusion
products. Producing such reactions is much more difficult than neutron-induced fission
because the two initial nuclides have positive charges and must overcome the Coulomb force
to come into close contact. This can be achieved by providing sufficient kinetic energy (plasma
temperature) for a sufficient long time (confinement) to ensure that the energy released by
fusion is greater than the energy required to reach these conditions (the break-even point).
The two main technologies that are currently able to attain the conditions necessary for
controlled nuclear fusion are based respectively on confinement by magnetic fields (Tokamak)
and inertial confinement (fusion by laser).
3 Nuclear Reactions
From the nuclear chart (Figure 1), it is clear that only 266 nuclides are stable. This means that
most of the bonded nuclei that can be created will decay. This raises two questions:
How do they decay?
How are they created?
Another observation is that if one succeeds in creating a nucleus (stable or not), it may not
necessarily be in its fundamental (ground) energy state (see Section 2.5). These are the main
questions to answer in the first part of this section. We start by discussing the decay process
before continuing with a description of nuclear reactions. The second topic involves the
interaction of particles with matter, with most of these particles being produced during the
decay process.
m A X c 2 m B Y c 2 TB Y mCi bc 2 TCi b , (32)
Z W W Vi Vi
i 1
where ܶ is the kinetic energy of the different decay products. This reaction can take place
spontaneously only if
TB Y TCi b m A X c 2 m B Y c 2 mCi bc 2 0, (33)
W Vi Z W Vi
i 1 i 1
Z W Vi , (34)
i 1
A B Ci ,
i 1
that is, when the energy balance is favourable (the last two equations are for mass number
and charge conservation). For a nucleus in an excited state, the daughter nucleus will often be
the same as the parent nucleus, but at a different energy level (ground or lower-lying excited
state), the secondary particle being a photon (a ߛ-ray because the photon is produced follow-
ing a nuclear reaction).
Nuclear decay is characterized by a constant ߣ defined according to [Smith2000, Nikjoo2012]:
ΔN (t )
N (t )
lim , (36)
Δt 0 Δt
where ܰ( )ݐis the number of nuclei present at time ݐ, Δܰ( )ݐis the change (negative because
of the decay process) in the number of nuclei after time Δݐ, and ߣ is known as the decay
constant. This definition leads to the Bateman equation [Bell1982]:
dN (t )
N t S (t ), (37)
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18 The Essential CANDU
where ܵ( )ݐrepresents the net rate of production of nuclei (from the decay of other nuclei or
from nuclear reactions). One can also define
At N t , (38)
the activity of a radionuclide that represents the number of decays per second taking place at
time ݐ. This activity is generally stated in Becquerels (Bq), where 1 Bq corresponds to one
decay per second. For the case where ܵ( = )ݐ0, the solution to the Bateman equation has the
N (t0 Δt ) N t0 e Δt , (39)
j 1
j 1. (43)
The decay constant associated with each channel is given by ߣ = ߣܻ. For example, potas-
sium-40 ( ଵଽ K), which has a mean life of 1.805 × 10ଽ years, decays 89.28% of the time into
calcium-40 (ܻ రబ
= 0.8928) and 10.72% of the time into argon-40 (ܻ రబ
= 0.1072).
Note that the decay constant, ߣ, associated with a reaction can be evaluated using Fermi’s
second golden rule [Schiff1968]:
f |H ' |i ( f , Ξ) dΞ, (44)
where |݅⟩ is the wave function associated with the initial state, ⟨݂|is the wave function associ-
ated with a final state, and ܪᇱ is the interaction potential associated with the reaction. The
integral is over phase space ݀Ξ, with the term ߩ(݂, Ξ) being the density of state for the final
wave function.
The most common decay reactions are the following:
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 19
ߛ-ray emission for an excited nucleus:
( X)∗ ⇒ X + ߛ. (45)
Neutron emission (nuclear interaction) for a nucleus having a very large neutron ex-
ିଵ ଵ
X ⇒ X + ݊. (48)
Orbital electron capture (weak interaction) for a nucleus containing too many protons:
X ⇒ ିଵY + ߥ. (50)
Proton emission (nuclear interaction) for a nucleus having a very large proton
ିଵ ି ଵ ିଵ ଵ
X ⇒ [ ିଵ Y] + ଵ = ିଵ Y + Hଵ. (51)
This process corresponds to the ejection of an atom of hydrogen.
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20 The Essential CANDU
Figure 5 Decay chain for uranium-238 (fission excluded). The type of reaction (β or α-decay)
can be identified by the changes in N and Z between the initial and final nuclides.
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 21
ray absorption:
electron capture:
e ZA X Z 1AY γ. (56)
positron capture:
e ZA X Z 1A Y (57)
proton capture:
p11 ZA X ZA11Y . (58)
ߙ capture:
24 ZA X ZA42 Y . (59)
neutron capture:
Z X .
0n Z X (60)
1 A
photon-induced fission:
ZA X C 10n YB F ABZCY G . (62)
neutron-induced fission:
Z Y G .
A1 B C
0n Z X C 0n Y F (63)
1 A 1 B
These reactions must obey the same conservation laws as those described earlier for the
decay reaction. For most reactions (except elastic scattering), the final nucleus will be in a
highly excited state and will decay rapidly by ߛ-ray emission (prompt photons).
The probability that any given reaction will take place between a nucleus and a particle is
represented by the microscopic cross section ߪ. Much like the decay constant, the cross
sections have a quantum mechanical interpretation and can be expressed in terms of the wave
function |݅⟩ associated with the initial state (the product of the wave functions of the projec-
tile and the nucleus), the wave function ⟨݂|associated with the final state, and ܪᇱ, the interac-
tion potential. The differential cross section is then given by Fermi’s first golden rule, which
can be written as:
d 2V 2
f |H ' |i ( f ), (64)
dΞ vi
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22 The Essential CANDU
where ܸ is the volume of the system, ݒ is the velocity of the projectile (assuming that the
initial nucleus is at rest), and ߩ(݂) is again the density of states in the phase space Ξ for final
particles. The cross section, which is then the integration over the final phase space of the
differential cross section, has units of surface. The most common unit used for the micro-
scopic cross section is the barn (b), with 1 b = 10ିଶସ cmଶ = 10ିଶ଼ mଶ.
These cross sections are very difficult to evaluate explicitly because of the complexity of the
wave functions (the wave function for a nucleus is the product of the wave functions of all the
nucleons in the nucleus bonded by the nuclear potential) and the interaction potential. These
are generally evaluated experimentally, and the results are stored in evaluated nuclear data
files. A software package such as Janis can be used to retrieve and analyze these cross sec-
tions [OECD-NEA2013]. For computational reactor physics, the NJOY program is generally
used to process the cross-section databases for neutron-induced reactions [MacFarlane2010].
z e c ( L v F v ),
4 n (66)
dx collision mv 2
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 23
where ݒis the speed of the particle and )ݒ(ܮthe stopping number, which can be written as
2mv 2
L ln 2
(v / c ) 2 , (67)
I (1 ( v / c ) )
where ܫis the mean excitation potential for the atomic electrons in this material. The correc-
tion term, )ݒ(ܨ, takes into account the fact that the atomic electrons are bonded as well as
other quantum effects. For electrons, one must also consider the energy lost by synchrotron
radiation, which is given approximately by [Leroy2009]:
dE e3 2
Zn , (68)
dx radiation me
where ݉ is the mass of the electron. Here, it is assumed that the kinetic energy of the
electrons ܶ ≪ ݉ ܿଶ.
For heavy particles (protons, ߙ-particles), nuclear slowing-down, (−݀ܧ/݀)ݔnuclear, becomes
important when they reach a low energy.
The CSDA range ܴ of a particle is defined as the distance (path of flight) that it must travel to
lose all its kinetic energy. It is computed as
R dE , (69)
dx total
where ܶ is the initial kinetic energy of the particle and
dE dE dE dE
. (70)
dx total dx collision dx radiation dx nuclear
These CSDA expressions are helpful to understand the general behaviour of particles slowing
down in a material. However, for practical applications, tabulated values for −݀ܧ/݀ ݔand ܴ
are more useful. This type of information for electrons, protons, and ߙ-particles can be found
on-line for various elements and different material compositions on the National Institute of
Standard and Technology Web sites [Berger2013a]. The databases available are:
ESTAR, for electrons;
PSTAR, for protons;
ASTAR, for ߙ-particles.
For heavy particles, this site also provides information on nuclear stopping power. Also note
that the stopping power and range are defined in a somewhat different way from the notation
above. The following expressions are used instead:
dE / dx (MeV cm2 / g ) dE / dx (MeV / cm) (71)
R(g / cm2 ) R(cm) (72)
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24 The Essential CANDU
because these are the conventional units used in radiation shielding studies
studies. Note that the
number of electron/ion pairs produced per unit distance in a material is given approximately
dn pairs 1 dE
, (73)
dx W dx total
where ܹ is the average energy required to ionize an atom in this material.
where ߪ,௫( )ܧis the microscopic cross section of the interaction of a photon of energy ܧwith
a particle of type ݅through reaction ( ݔsee Section 3.2). The total microscopic photon cross
section can be expressed as:
( E ) Photoelectric ( E ) Rayleigh ( E ) Compton ( E ) Pair production ( E ) Photonuclear ( E ). (75)
Examples of microscopic cross sections for the interaction of photons with a lead atom are
presented in Figure 6.
Let us now describe in detail the five reactions contributing to ߪ( )ܧand discuss their respec-
tive dependences on the energy of the incident photon.
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26 The Essential CANDU
s Photoelectricc,K ( E ) »
32 2p Z 5a e6 me c 2 ) ( c) ,
( )
3 E 2
which is valid, within 2%, for photon with energies ranging from 100 keV to 200 MeV.
MeV The
total photoelectric cross section (the
the sum over all energy shells) is given approximately by
Photoelectric E Photoelectric , K E 1 0.01481 ln Z 0.000788 ln Z .
2 3
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 27
are absorbed by less-bonded electrons, so-called soft Auger electrons are ejected from the
atom, producing an Auger electron cascade.
where ܧ(ܨ, ߠ, ܼ) is the atomic form factor that represents the effect of the ܼ electrons sur-
rounding the nucleus on the scattering of a photon at an angle ߠ with respect to the initial
photon direction. Several theoretical expressions for ܧ(ܨ, ߠ, ܼ) are available in the literature
for different values of ܼ and various energy ranges. For example, when the photon energy is
greater than 100 keV, the main contributors to Rayleigh scattering are the electrons in the K-
shell, and the relativistic Bethe-Levinger form factor is used [Hubbell1975]:
sin(2g atan(Q))
F E,q ,Z = ) , (81)
( )
g Q 1+ Q 2
2E sin(q / 2)
Q E,q ,Z = ) a e Zme c 2
, (82)
g ( Z ) = 1+ (a e Z ) .
Because Rayleigh scattering is never the dominant photon reaction (see Figure 6) for the
photon energy range considered in nuclear reactors, its contribution to the total cross section
is often neglected.
where the binding energy of the electron is assumed to be small compared to the photon
energy, and the recoil energy carried by the nucleus is neglected. For a nearly free electron,
the cross section for this reaction is given by the Klein-Nishina formula, which can be written
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28 The Essential CANDU
c 2 1 1 4
Compton E e 2 ln 1 2 1 2
, (85)
mec 2
2 2 1 2
with E / (mec 2 ) This cross section decreases with energy
energy, but much more slowly than
tha for
the photoelectric effect. It dominates the photoelectric reaction for energies above approxi-
mately 0.5 MeV.
c 28
218 129
Pair production E e Z e 2 ln 2
, (86)
m c 9 17 20
with E / (mec 2 ). This cross section vanishes for ܧ൏ ͳǤͲʹ MeV and is larger than the
Compton cross section above a few MeV.
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 29
( )
E - 2.226
s 2 D,Phhotonuclear (E) » C 2 D 3
is often used, where ܧǡthe
the photon energy
energy, is given in MeV, ܥమD varies between 0.061 and
0.0624, and ߪD ( )ܧis in barns. The end result of such a photonuclear reaction is a hydrogen
atom and a fast neutron that can initiate a fission reaction (see Section 2.6).
Tabulated values for Rayleigh scattering (coher
ent scattering), photoelectric effect, Compton
scattering (incoherent scattering), and pair production cross sections with different atoms or
materials and for energies ranging from 1 keV to 100 GeV are available on
line on the Web site
of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [Berger2013b]. For photonuclear
reactions, the energy-dependent
dependent cross sections for various isotopes can be obtained using the
OECD-NEA Janis software [OECD-NEA2013]
For each reaction presented
esented above, the photons first transfer all their energy to an electron or
a nucleus following a collision. As a result, starting with ݊ሺܧǡݎ ሬ
ሬ⃗) photons of energy ܧand
direction ሬ
ሬ⃗ incident at point ݎ
Ω on a material of uniform macroscopic cross section
Ԧon on ߑሺܧሻ, the
number of initial photons ݊ሺܧǡݎ Ԧ+ ሬ
⃗ ሬሬ
+ ݏȳ , Ω) still present after a distance ݏhas been crossed is
given by [Basdevant2005]:
E s
n E , r sΩ,Ω n E , r , Ω e . (88)
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30 The Essential CANDU
The number of photons therefore decreases exponentially with distance. This behaviour is
similar to what is observed when light is attenuated by passing through a material with a
linear attenuation coefficient ߤ()ܧ(ߑ = )ܧ. Secondary photons produced with energy ܧand
direction ሬ
Ωሬ⃗ following the absorption of photons of energy ܧ′ and direction ሬ Ωሬ⃗′ will also con-
tribute to the total population of photons at point ݎ Ԧ+ ݏΩ ሬሬ⃗. The equation that describes the
photon population in a material, assuming a constant neutron incident population, is the static
photon transport equation, which takes the form [Pomraning1991]:
Ω n E , Ω, r E n E , Ω, r dE ' dΩ' s E ' E , Ω ' Ω n E ' , Ω ' , r ,
where Σ௦൫ܧᇱ → ܧ, Ω ሬሬ⃗ᇱ → Ωሬ
ሬ⃗൯ is the differential scattering cross section representing the prob-
ability that the absorption of a photon of energy ܧᇱ and direction ሬ ሬ⃗ᇱ produces a photon of
energy ܧand direction ሬ ሬ⃗.
Elastic potential scattering is an interaction in which kinetic energy is conserved and the
neutron does not penetrate the nucleus. As a result, the neutron is slowed down, transferring
part of its energy to the nucleus. For a collision between a neutron with an initial kinetic
energy ܧ, and a nucleus of mass ܯX at rest, the final neutron kinetic energy ܧ, (momentum
and energy conservation) will be given by [Bell1982]:
A 1 2 A cos ,
En ,i
En , f 2
1 A
where ܯ = ܣX /݉ and ߴ, the scattering angle for the final neutron in the of mass system, is
related to the scattering angle in the laboratory system ߠ by
A cos 1
cos . (93)
A2 1 2 A cos
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 31
On average, the neutron will lose an energy Δܧ:
1 E , (94)
n ,i
A 1 ,
α (95)
A 1
after each collision. Because Δ ܧdecreases as ܣincreases, neutron slowing-down (also called
moderation) is more efficient when scattering collisions with light rather than heavy nuclei are
For low-energy neutrons, the potential scattering cross section in the centre of mass system is
nearly constant and has the form [Bell1982]:
s = 4p R 2 , (96)
where ܴ is the nuclear radius for this material. At higher energy, one can use Fermi’s golden
rules to obtain an approximation for ߪ( )ܧof the form
2 sin 2 d
s (E) = 4p , (97)
2mn E
where ߜ represents the phase shift of the neutron wave function in isotropic scattering.
Inelastic scattering and absorption reactions generally proceed by creation of a compound
n ZA X AZ1 X n' ZA X ,
* *
The creation of the compound nucleus is a resonant reaction because the resulting weakly
bonded nucleus can exist only if it corresponds to an excitation state of ାଵ X. The lifetime of
this excited nucleus is generally very short (߬ ≈ 10 s), and with each decay channel ݇,
including inelastic scattering, is associated a resonance width given by [Bell1982]:
Γk , (100)
with ߬ being the mean life for decay through this channel. The total resonance width for the
creation of the excited nucleus Γ is then given by
Γ Γ k . (101)
For light nuclei, Γinelastic ≫ Γabsorption , and the inelastic scattering process dominates. For
heavy nuclei, the reverse is true (absorption dominates). The resonance widths for inelastic
scattering also increase with energy, the explicit dependence being
inelastic E n E 0 E , (102)
n E
A1 X E 2l 1 , (103)
E E0
where ݈ is the orbital-angular-momentum
momentum quantum numb
number. For a nucleus that decays
through channel ݇, the cross section is
k E A1 X E . (104)
Note that at low energy (ܧ ا ܧ), Γ = Γ√ܧ,
2 0 k 0
k E 2l 1 , (105)
2m E v
and the cross section is a function of ͳȀݒ, with ݒbeing the incoming neutron velocity.
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 33
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34 The Essential CANDU
Figure 12 Effect of temperature on U 238 absorption cross section around the 6.64-eV reso-
The neutron-nucleus interaction cross sections are very complex and in most cases are evalu-
ated using a combination of theory and experiment. They are generally tabulated in evaluated
nuclear data files that can be read by nuclear calculation software (NJOY, for example)
[MacFarlane2010]. They can also be extracted on-line from nuclear databases or off-line using
the Janis software [KAERI2013, Livermore2013, OECD-NEA2013].
Once the energy-dependent cross sections are known, one can easily evaluate the number of
reactions of type ݔper second (the reaction rate ܴ ,௫( ))ݒtaking place inside a region of
volume V containing ܰ nuclei per cm3 of a material ݉ (cross section σ ,௫( ))ݒwith a popula-
tion of ݊( )ݒneutrons per cm3 having a velocity = ݒඥ2ܧ /݉ :
N m m , x v n v
Rm, x v V V m, x v v , (108)
where ߶()ݒ(݊ = )ݒ/ ݒis the neutron flux and Σ ,௫(ܰ = )ݒ σ ,௫( )ݒthe macroscopic cross
section for a reaction of type ݔin this material.
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 35
with part of the energy carried by the neutrons and the lighter nuclei. These lighter nuclei
rapidly lose their energy in matter (see Section 3.3), thereby producing heat that is removed
by the coolant and transformed to electricity.
Not all the neutrons produced after this reaction initiate a fission reaction. A number of them
are absorbed by material without producing a fission reaction. Others simply leave the system
(with or without collisions). Provided that on average a single neutron per fission reaction can
initiate a new fission, a controlled exothermal chain reaction can be established. Establishing
such a chain reaction looks relatively simple; however, this is far from the case, as shown in
the following subsections.
ଽTh 5.1 5.9
ଽଶU 6.6 5.5
ଽଶU 4.9 5.9
ଽସPu 6.4 5.5
As shown in Figure 13, the energy dependence of the fission cross sections for ଶଷହ ଶଷ଼
ଽଶU and ଽଶU
reflects the behaviour described above. The probability that a neutron of energy ܧ < 1.0
MeV will collide with ଶଷ଼ ଶଷହ
ଽଶU and result in a fission reaction is very low. For ଽଶU, there is no
lower limit on the neutron energy, and the fission probability increases as the energy of the
neutron decreases. The neutron capture cross section (neutron absorption followed by
photon emission) for ଶଷ଼ ଶଷହ
ଽଶU dominates at low energy, while for ଽଶU, it remains relatively small
compared to the fission cross section (approximately 10%) over the full energy range. As a
result, most neutron absorption in ଶଷହ
ଽଶU will lead to fission followed by production of new
neutrons (neutrons are regenerated). For ଶଷ଼
ଽଶU, a collision with a neutron having energy below
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36 The Essential CANDU
the fission threshold will lead to a net neutron loss. As a result, the natural uranium fuels used
in CANDU reactors (0.72 atomic% of ଶଷହ ଽଶU) will be much less reactive (prone to fission) than
the enriched fuels (enrichment factors ߳ ranging from 2.5 to 5 atomic% of ଶଷହ ଽଶU) used in light
water reactors (LWR).
I 2, (111)
assuming that only two nuclei are produced by each fission reaction. As one can see in Figure
14, where the fission yields of all the nuclei resulting from the fission of ଶଷହ
ଽଶU are plotted as a
function of their mass number, the fission process favours the production of relatively light
nuclides (90 < A<105) combined with heavier isotopes (130 < A<145).
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 37
ଽଶU 0 2.6
ଽସPu 2.89 3.1
The fission reaction (see Section 2.6) also releases a large amount of kinetic energy (on the
order of 200 MeV) that is distributed between fission products, neutrons, ߛ-rays, rays, etc.
etc (see
Table 7). Clearly,, the fission products carry most of the energy, and because of their very short
range in matter, this energy heats the nuclear fuel electron (ߚି
fuel. Similarly, the charged electrons
particles) also lose most of their energy in the fuel
fuel. The highly penetrating ߛ-rays
rays will end up
depositing their energy in the reactor structures, while the weakly interacting neutrinos will
generally be lost to the environment
environment. Finally, for LWR and CANDU reactors, only a very small
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38 The Essential CANDU
part of the neutron energy will be transferred to the fuel in the form of heat, with most of it
being lost to the environment (mostly through slowing-down in the moderator).
Table 7 Distribution of kinetic energy among the particles produced by a fission reaction.
Prompt ߛ-rays 7
Delayed ߛ-rays 7
Electrons 8
Neutrinos 12
Neutrons 7
Total 207
Note that the data presented in Table 7 represent average values, meaning that the neutrons
produced in the fission process have an energy distribution. The probability that a neutron of
energy ܧ is produced in the fission process, which is known as the fission spectrum, ߯(ܧ ), is
often approximated by the Watt relationship [Watt1952]:
En Ce aEn sinh
bEn , (112)
where ܽ and ܾ are constants associated with the isotope undergoing fission and depend
weakly on the incident neutron energy. The normalization factor ܥis defined so that
E dE
n n 1 (113)
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 39
Now, let us look at the properties of fission products. These nuclides have intermediate
masses and vanishing fission cross sections. However, they can have very large neutron-
capture cross sections and thereby can have a considerable negative impact on the neutron
population in the fuel where they are produced. For this reason, they are often called neutron
poisons. Examples of poisons that have a large impact on nuclear-reactor operation are ଵଷହହସXe
ଵସଽ ସ
(ߪ = 3.1 × 10 b) and ଶSm (ߪ = 6.1 × 10 b). A second observation is that most of these
nuclides are unstable and decay naturally through one of the reactions described in Section
3.1. These reactions produce both particles, including delayed neutrons, and energy that is
often deposited in the fuel. These delayed neutrons play an important role in the control of
nuclear reactors, as will be explained in Chapter 5. Moreover, energy will still be produced in
the fuel for a long time after the controlled fission reaction has been stopped, due to the
decay of fission products. This is the main source of the heat produced in neutron-irradiated
nuclear fuels (some energy is also produced through photonuclear fission). This residual heat
is removed from shut-down reactors and irradiated fuel pools by continuously circulating the
where ܰூ( )ݐis the concentration of isotope ܫin the material and the net source ܵ( )ݐis now
divided into a production ܲூ( )ݐand a loss ܮூ( )ݐterm. The loss term, from sources other than
decay, is the result of a neutron being absorbed (captured) by isotope ܫ:
LI t N I t σ I ,absorption ( E ) E dE , (116)
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40 The Essential CANDU
where ߶( )ܧis the neutron flux. The production term has two contributions: decay from other
nuclei, and transformation of a different nucleus into ܫfollowing a neutron-induced nuclear
PI t YJd, I J N J t YJx, I N J t σ J , x E E dE , (117)
J J x 0
ௗ ௫
where ܻ,ூ is the yield for the production of isotope ܫfrom the decay of isotope ܬ, while ܻ,ூ is
the isotope ܫproduction yield from a reaction of type ( ݔfission, capture, etc.) between a
neutron and isotope ܬ.
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 41
The heat produced in the fuel can then easily be extracted by conventional means (by circulat-
ing a fluid such as water). The main problem is to slow down the secondary fission neutrons
to low energies (< 1 eV) while ensuring that few are lost by capture inside other materials or
by leaving the reactor. A neutron slowing-down material, the moderator, must therefore be
introduced into the reactor to serve this purpose.
Table 8 Maximum values of the elastic scattering and absorption cross sections for 11 H , 21 D ,
and 12
6 C in the energy range 0.1 eV < E <0.1 MeV.
For this moderator, two questions are of prime importance: what should be its composition,
and where should it be located? The first question is easily answered by combining the kinet-
ics of the neutron-nucleus collision and a survey of the scattering and absorption cross sec-
tions of the most promising candidates. In Section 3.5, we concluded that the slowing-down
efficiency of a nucleus increases as its mass number decreases, which points to the use of light
nuclides as moderators. The most promising candidates are the isotopes of hydrogen and
carbon that are readily available in water and graphite. Table 8 provides the maximum values
of the elastic scattering and absorption cross sections for ଵଵH, ଶଵD, and ଵଶC in the energy range
0.1 eV < < ܧ0.1 MeV. As one can see, ଵଵH is the best moderator if one does not take into
account its absorption cross section. However, up to one in ten collisions of a neutron with ଵଵH
could lead to absorption (for 1eV neutrons). On the other hand, even if the number of colli-
sions required to slow down neutrons using ଶଵD and ଵଶC is significantly higher (the distance the
neutron will travel between collisions is longer), less than 0.007% of the collisions with ଶଵD and
0.03% of the collisions with ଵଶC (1 eV neutron) lead to capture. Accordingly, if one wants to
build a core that is compact, a ଵଵH-based moderator is a requirement (light water, for example
in LWR); otherwise the best candidate is a moderator that contains large concentrations of ଶଵD
(heavy water in CANDU).
Now let us try to answer the question of the spatial distribution of this moderator. Two very
different options can be considered: a homogeneous mixture of fuel and moderator, and small
isolated fuel elements placed strategically in the moderator. Again, the answer to this ques-
tion can be inferred from Figure 13. The neutrons in a homogeneous mixture of fuel and
moderator materials have a large chance of colliding with fuel isotopes as they are slowing
down. This means that neutrons with energies in the “resonance” range (4 eV < < ܧ10 keV)
will be in direct contact with fuel nuclides. Because their capture cross sections at resonance
energies increase, often by several orders of magnitude with respect to the background value,
neutron capture will have a detrimental effect on the number of neutrons that can reach
energies below 1 eV. On the other hand, by separating different fuel elements by a sufficient
amount of moderating materials to ensure that a maximum number of neutrons escape the
resonance energy range, one decreases neutron loss by capture and increases the probability
of fission.
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42 The Essential CANDU
These are the general physics considerations that led to current reactor designs, including the
pressurized water (PWR) and CANDU reactors. In the next section, we conclude this chapter
by introducing the neutron transport equation, which provides a means to evaluate numeri-
cally the neutron population in the reactor and to determine whether a given reactor concept
can lead to a sustained chain reaction. This equation also provides the neutron flux that is
required to follow the evolution of the fuel and the fission products in the reactor using the
Bateman equation.
where ܰ(ݎ Ԧ, )ݐis the time-dependent concentration of ܬ, the solution of the flux-dependent
Bateman equations (see Section 4.2). Finally, ߢ represents the average energy produced by
the fission of isotope ܬ, which we assume to be energy-independent.
Now let us consider the flux, which is a measure of the neutron population in the reactor
(Section 3.5). For a given time interval ݀ݐ, the change of the neutron population
݀݊(ݎԦ, ݐ, ܧ, ሬ
ሬ⃗) = ݀߶(ݎ
Ω Ԧ, ݐ, ܧ, ሬ
ሬ⃗)/ ݒdue to loss of neutrons by collisions is [Bell1982, Duder-
stadt1979, Hébert2009, Lewis1993]:
LC r , t, E ,Ω dt r , t , E r , t , E ,Ω dt , (120)
meaning that neutrons, which can be considered to form a gas, tend to move towards regions
of low neutron population (the kinetic theory of gas). Neutron with energy ܧand direction Ω
can also be produced in this region of space due to scattering of neutrons with different
directions and energies:
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 43
r , t , E , Ω dt dE' d 2 Ω' s r , t , E ' E , Ω ' Ω r , t , E ' , Ω' dt , (122)
0 4
where Σ௦(ݎ ሬ
ሬ⃗′ → Ω
Ԧ, ݐ, ܧᇱ → ܧ, Ω ሬ
ሬ⃗) is the probability (also known as the double differential
scattering cross section) that a neutron of energy ܧᇱ moving in direction ሬ ሬ⃗′ is scattered in
direction ሬ
ሬ⃗ with energy ܧ. For the case where fission takes place, the neutron production rate
S F r , t , E , Ω dt j ( E ) dE' j f ,J ( r , t , E ' ) d 2 Ω ' ( r , t , E', Ω')dt , (123)
j 0 4
where ߯( )ܧis the fission spectrum and ߥ the average number of neutrons produced by
fission of isotope ܬ. Neutron productions from other sources ܵா ൫ݎ Ԧ, ݐ, ܧ, ሬ
ሬ⃗൯can also be added
to the balance, for example, sources for other types of nuclear reactions (photonuclear fission
and photoneutron production in ଶଵD) or flux-independent contributions from the decay of
radioactive isotopes.
The global neutron population will then satisfy the following balance equation:
1 df r,t, E, Ω )
v dt
( ) ( ) ( )
= LC r ,t, E, Ω + LM r,t, E, Ω + SS r,t, E, Ω + S F r,t, E, Ω + S E r,t, E, Ω , (124) ( ) ( )
which is known as the Boltzmann transport equation. If one assumes that the cross sections
are nearly constant over time (the change in the composition of the materials in the reactor
varies substantially only over long time periods) and that the core is at static equilibrium (the
flux remains constant), one obtains the following time-independent neutron transport equa-
tion [Lewis1993]:
Ω r , E , Ω r , E r , E , Ω
' ' ' ' 1
' ' '
0 4
d Ω
r , E E , Ω Ω r , E , Ω j
k j
dE '
j f ,J r , E d Ω
2 '
r , E ,Ω ,
0 4
where ݇ is known as the multiplication factor. It is inserted in the transport equation to
modify the fission rate in such a way as to reach this static equilibrium. When ݇ = 1, equilib-
rium is achieved, and the reactor is critical. For ݇ < 1, the reactor is sub-critical, and neutron
generation is insufficient to compensate for losses, whereas for ݇ > 1, the reactor is super-
critical, and neutron production exceeds losses.
For reactor calculations, where fission reactions take place only inside the core, boundary
conditions of the form
f rB , E, Ω = 0 for Ω × N < 0 ( ) (126)
are generally imposed on the transport equation. Here, the point ݎ Ԧ is on the outer boundary
ሬ⃗ being a unit vector normal to this boundary and directed outwards. This
of the reactor, with ܰ
condition simply means that no neutrons will enter the reactor from the outside.
The static transport equation is an eigenvalue equation, with ݇ being the inverse of the
eigenvalue. Therefore, the neutron flux is the eigenvector for this equation and is only defined
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44 The Essential CANDU
5 Bibliography
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Paris, 2010.
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Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics 45
[Lewis1993] E. E. Lewis and W. F. Miller, Jr., Computational Methods of Neutron Transport, 2nd
edition. Wiley, New York, 1993.
[Livermore2013] Isotope Evaluation at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:, visited April 2013.
[MacFarlane2010] R. E. MacFarlane, A. C. Kahler, “Methods for Processing ENDF/B-VII with
NJOY”, Nuclear Data Sheets, 111, 2739-2890, 2010.
[Magill2005] J. Magill and J. Galy, Radioactivity, Radionuclides, Radiation. Springer: Heidelberg,
[Nikjoo2012] H. Nikjoo, S. Uehara, D. Emfietzoglou, Interaction of Radiation with Matter. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2012.
[OECD-NEA2013] OECD-NEA Janis 3.0, Java-Based Nuclear Data Display Program., visited April 2013.
[Pomraning1991] G. C. Pomraning, Linear Kinetic Theory and Particle Transport in Stochastic
Mixtures. World Scientific, London, 1991.
[Schiff1968] L. I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.
[Smith2000] F. A. Smith, A Primer of Applied Radiation Physics. World Scientific, Singapore,
[Watt1952] B. E. Watt, “Energy spectrum of neutrons from thermal fission of ଶଷହU”, Phys. Rev.
87, 1037-1041, 1952.
[WebElements2013] WebElements: The Periodic Table on the Web., visited April 2013.
[Wong2004] S. S. M. Wong, Introductory Nuclear Physics. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004.
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46 The Essential CANDU
Chapter 19 examines the behaviour of fuel after irradiation in a nuclear reactor, particularly its
composition and the residual energy that it produces.
7 Problems
1. Evaluate the intensity of the electromagnetic force acting between two protons in
an atom of helium.
2. Determine the atomic mass of natural chlorine if it is composed of 75.77 %atomic
ଷହ ଷ
ଵCl and 24.23 %atomic ଵCl.
3. What is the atomic concentration of ଶଷହ ଽଶU in a sample of uranium oxide (UOଶ) of
density ߩ=10.4 g /cm enriched at a level of 3.5 %weight?
4. Using the semi-empirical mass formula, evaluate the atomic mass of ହFe and
compare with the exact value.
5. What is the ground state energy level of a neutron in the Saxon-Wood potential for
6. Complete the following nuclear reactions and determine the net energy in MeV re-
leased by these reactions:
a) ଶଵ ܪ+ ଷଵ = ܪܺ + ଵ݊
b) ଵ݊+ ଶସଵ ଵ
ଽ = ݉ܥܺ + ଷ ݎܭ+ 3 ݊
7. What is the activity of one gram of potassium-40?
8. Assuming that the activity of a sample of water due to tritium is 100 Bq, determine
the mass of tritium in this sample. What will be the activity of this sample after
three years?
9. Using the information available on the ESTAR web site, plot the CSDA range in cm
for an electron in dry air at sea level as a function of its energy for 100 keV <E < 10
10. Draw the deuterium cross section for photonuclear reactions as a function of en-
ergy in the range 2.23 MeV < E < 10MeV (here assume ܥమ = 0.062). Compare
with the deuterium cross section for neutron radiative capture at 300 K in the
same energy range.
11. How many collisions are required on average to slow down a neutron to half its
speed (1/4 of its energy) through elastic collisions with deuterium nuclei?
12. Evaluate the potential scattering cross section for oxygen and hydrogen at low en-
13. A CANDU bundle contains 19.5 kg of natural uranium (enrichment of 0.711
%weight). Compute the fission rate in a bundle due to ଶଷହ ଽଶU if it is exposed to a flux
of 10ଵସ neutrons/cm2/s of energy =ܧ0.01 eV.
14. Show that the mean free path of 1 MeV neutrons in thorium is 3.5 m.
8 Acknowledgments
Reviewers Marv Gold and Esam Hussein are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and
excellent comments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much im-
proved it. Of course the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the author.
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final
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Reactor Statics
Prepared by
Dr. Benjamin Rouben, 12 & 1 Consulting, Adjunct Professor, McMaster University & University
of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
Dr. Eleodor Nichita, Associate Professor, UOIT
This chapter is devoted to the calculation of the neutron flux in a nuclear reactor under special
steady-state conditions in which all parameters, including neutron flux, are constant in time.
The main calculation method explored in this chapter is the neutron-diffusion equation. Analyti-
cal solutions are derived for simple neutron-diffusion problems in one neutron energy group in
systems of simple geometry. Two-group diffusion theory and the approximate representation of
the diffusion equation using finite differences applied to a discrete spatial mesh are introduced.
The rudimentary reactor-physics design of CANDU reactors is presented. The two-step approach
to neutronics calculations is presented: multi-group lattice transport calculations, followed by
full-core, few-group diffusion calculations. Finally, the chapter covers fuel-property evolution
with fuel burnup and specific features of CANDU neutronics resulting from on-line refuelling.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................................. 3
2 Neutron Diffusion Theory ....................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Time-Independent Neutron Transport ............................................................................... 4
2.2 Fick’s Law and Time-Independent Neutron Diffusion......................................................... 7
2.3 Diffusion Boundary Condition with Vacuum at a Plane Boundary ..................................... 9
2.4 Energy Discretization: The Multi-Group Diffusion Equation............................................. 12
3 One-Group Diffusion in a Uniform Non-Multiplying Medium.............................................. 12
3.1 Plane Source...................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Point Source ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Flux Curvature in Source-Sink Problems and Neutron In-Leakage ................................... 16
4 One-Group Diffusion in a Uniform Multiplying Medium with No External Source .............. 16
4.1 Uniform Infinite Reactor in One Energy Group................................................................. 17
4.2 Uniform Finite Reactors in One Energy Group.................................................................. 18
4.3 Uniform Finite Reactors in Various Geometries ............................................................... 21
4.4 Flux Curvature and Neutron Out-Leakage ........................................................................ 30
5 Reactors in Two Neutron-Energy Groups with No External Source...................................... 31
5.1 The Neutron Cycle and the Four-Factor Formula ............................................................. 31
5.2 The Two-Energy-Group Model.......................................................................................... 34
5.3 Neutron Diffusion Equation in Two Energy Groups .......................................................... 34
5.4 Uniform Infinite Medium in Two Energy Groups.............................................................. 34
5.5 Uniform Finite Reactors in Two Energy Groups ................................................................ 36
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1 Negative flux curvature in homogeneous reactor .......................................................... 19
Figure 2 Infinite-slab reactor......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3 Flux with physical and unphysical values of buckling ..................................................... 23
Figure 4 Infinite-cylinder reactor .................................................................................................. 24
Figure 5 Ordinary Bessel functions of first and second kind ........................................................ 25
Figure 6 Rectangular-parallelepiped reactor ................................................................................ 26
Figure 7 Finite-cylinder reactor..................................................................................................... 28
Figure 8 Energies of fission neutrons............................................................................................ 31
Figure 9 Sketch of cross section versus neutron energy............................................................... 32
Figure 10 Neutron cycle in thermal reactor.................................................................................. 33
Figure 11 Face view of very simple reactor model ....................................................................... 38
Figure 12 Flux in a cell and in immediate neighbours .................................................................. 39
Figure 13 Linear treatment of flux in central cell and one neighbour.......................................... 40
Figure 14 Flux in cell at reactor boundary .................................................................................... 42
Figure 15 Energy distribution of fission neutrons......................................................................... 44
Figure 16 Variation of flux with energy if absorption is smooth .................................................. 46
Figure 17 Variation of flux with energy in the presence of resonances ....................................... 46
Figure 18 Sketch of flux variation over full energy range ............................................................. 47
Figure 19 CANDU basic lattice cell ................................................................................................ 51
Figure 20 Supercell for calculating device incremental cross sections......................................... 52
Figure 21 Simple model with superimposed reactivity device..................................................... 53
Figure 22 Evolution of fuel isotopic densities............................................................................... 54
Figure 23 Infinite-lattice reactivity vs. irradiation......................................................................... 55
Figure 24 Finite-reactor reactivity vs. irradiation.......................................................................... 55
Figure 25 Averaging reactivity with daily refuelling...................................................................... 56
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Reactor Statics 3
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
This chapter is devoted to the calculation of the neutron flux1 in a nuclear reactor under special
steady-state conditions in which all parameters, including neutron flux, are constant in time.
The position-, energy-, and angle-dependent steady-state neutron-transport equation is derived
by writing the detailed neutron-balance equation. This is done in Chapter 3 of the book.
However, it is also done here for completeness. The steady-state diffusion equation is subse-
quently derived using a linear approximation of the angular dependence of the neutron flux.
Multi-group neutron-energy discretization is also introduced.
Analytical solutions are derived for simple neutron diffusion problems. First, the one-group
diffusion equation is solved for a uniform non-multiplying medium in simple geometries.
Subsequently, the one-group diffusion equation is solved for a uniform multiplying medium (a
homogeneous “nuclear reactor”) in simple geometries. The importance of neutron leakage and
the concepts of criticality and the neutron cycle are introduced.
Of course, real reactors are almost never homogeneous, and rarely can neutron energies be
accurately represented by a single energy group. However, two energy groups are often suffi-
cient to represent neutron diffusion in a thermal reactor because most of the fissions are
induced by thermal neutrons. This chapter therefore proceeds to introduce two-group diffusion
theory and the approximate representation of the diffusion equation using finite differences
applied to a discrete spatial mesh. The latter enables the treatment of non-uniform reactor
Following this treatment of the basic theory of neutron transport and diffusion, the rudimen-
tary reactor-physics design of CANDU reactors is presented, and the associated neutron energy
spectrum is discussed. Subsequently, more general core modelling concepts are presented,
including the two-step approach to neutronics calculations: multi-group lattice transport
calculations, followed by full-core, few-group diffusion calculations. The final section in the
chapter concentrates on fuel-property evolution with fuel burnup and specific features of
CANDU neutronics resulting from on-line refuelling.
1 In this document, the term “neutron flux” is used to denote the quantity = n, where n is neutron density and
is neutron speed. The units of flux are 1cm-2s-1 or 1m-2s-1. Some newer texts use the term flux density or
fluence rate. All three terms refer to the same physical quantity.
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4 The Essential CANDU
f r , E ' is the neutron-yield cross section at position r for fissions induced by
neutrons of energy E’;
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Reactor Statics 5
' , E ' is the angular flux of neutrons at position, of energy E’, and moving in di-
rection ' ; and
(E) is the fraction of all fission neutrons born with energy E. Note: In this chapter,
for simplicity, a single fission spectrum (E) is used for fissions induced in all nu-
clides, whereas in reality the fission spectrum should be taken as different for differ-
ent nuclides. This fully correct treatment is what is done in Chapter 3.
Note: In the above equation, delayed neutrons are not referred to separately. The neutron
production rate includes both prompt and delayed neutrons. This is acceptable because it can
be shown that in (true) steady state, accounting separately for delayed-neutron production
reduces in any case to the above expression.
The rate of production of neutrons from an “external” source (not related to fissions in the
reactor fuel) is given by:
S r , E , (2)
where S r , E is the external source strength for neutrons of energy E at position r .
Note: We will assume that the source is isotropic.
The rate of neutron gain from neutrons entering the differential volume by scattering from
other neutron directions of motion or other neutron energies is given by:
s r , E ' E , ˆ ' ˆ r , ˆ ', E ' d ˆ ' dE ',
E ' '
ˆ '
where s r , E ' E , ˆ is the cross section for scattering neutrons from energy E’ to
energy E and from direction ' to direction ̂ .
The rate of neutron loss from absorption and from neutrons exiting the differential volume by
scattering is given by:
t r , E r , ,E , (4)
where t r , E , the total cross section at position r for neutrons of energy E,
a r , E s r , E E ',
ˆ ' d
ˆ ' dE ',
where a r , E is the absorption cross section.
The net rate of neutron spatial leakage (i.e., diffusion) out of the differential volume is given by:
ˆ ,E ,
J r, (5)
ˆ , E is the angular current at position r of neutrons moving in direction ̂ with
where J r ,
energy E.
ˆ , E r ,
Note: Because J r ,
ˆ ,E
ˆ , the neutron leakage [Eq. (5)] can also be written as:
ˆ r ,
ˆ ,E . (6)
Taking into account all the above rates, the neutron balance can then be expressed in the time-
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6 The Essential CANDU
Note again that for simplicity a single fission spectrum (E) has been used here. See Chapter 3
for the fully correct treatment. The second term of the equation can be simplified because the
fission cross section does not depend on ̂' , so that the integral over ̂' in the second term
reduces to the angle-integrated flux, and Eq. (7) becomes:
E ˆ r,
S r, E
4 E ' ˆ
f r , E ' r , E ' dE ' s r , E ' E,
ˆ '
ˆ ', E ' d
ˆ ' dE '
E ' '
t r , E r , , E J r , , E 0, ˆ (7)’
where r , E ' r ,
ˆ ' is the total (angle-integrated) flux of neutrons with energy E
' , E ' d
at position r .
The neutron-transport equation (7) or (7)’ is an exact statement of the general steady-state
neutron-balance problem. However, it can immediately be seen that it is very complex: in
addition to its dependence on six independent variables, it is an integrodifferential equation.
Because of its complexity, this equation cannot be solved analytically except for problems in the
very simplest geometries, and real problems require numerical solution by computer.
Note that when there is no external source S, the equation appears to be a linear homogeneous
equation, which does not generally have a solution (except a trivial zero solution for the flux) for
arbitrary values of the nuclear properties. In this case, a solution can be found by modifying the
nuclear properties. Mathematically, this can be done by modifying the yield cross section f by
dividing it by a quantity, keff, which can be selected to ensure a non-trivial solution. This quan-
tity keff is called the multiplication constant.
Two general categories of codes exist to solve the neutron-transport equation: deterministic
codes (which solve the equation directly by numerical means) and Monte Carlo codes (where
stochastic methods are used to model a very large number—typically millions or even hundreds
of millions—of neutron births and their travel and event histories, from which the multiplication
constant and flux and power distributions can be evaluated using appropriate statistics of these
histories). Although the application of either type of transport computer code to full-core
reactor models requires very significant computer resources and execution time to achieve a
high degree of accuracy, both methods, especially Monte Carlo codes, have seen much greater
application in whole-reactor analysis in the last decade or so. While core-wide pin-power
reconstruction and time-dependent kinetics calculations are still beyond reach, static eigenvalue
calculations and global flux and power distributions can now be carried out routinely using
Monte Carlo codes. However, detailed discussion of either type of transport code will not be
covered in the present work.
The traditional way of attacking neutronics problems in reactors has been to solve the transport
equation numerically in relatively small regions (such as a basic lattice cell or a small collection
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Reactor Statics 7
of cells) to compute region-averaged properties, and then to use these to solve the full-core
reactor problem with a simplified version of the transport equation, the neutron-diffusion
equation. This computational scheme is discussed in greater detail in Section 9.
Similarly, integrating the fourth term gives a result that depends on the integral flux only:
ˆ ˆ r, E r, E .
T4 t r , E r ,
, E d t (10)
We can, however, simplify T3 by noting that, because no absolute direction in space is “special”,
the scattering cross section s cannot depend on the absolute directions ̂ and ̂ ' , but only on
the scattering angle between the directions of the incoming and scattered neutrons, or even
more specifically on the cosine of that angle, i.e., on
ˆ '
ˆ . Using this fact, we can then
simplify the integral in Eq. (11) by integrating over ̂ first (actually over , because s does not
depend on the “azimuthal” angle of scattering, and integrating over that azimuthal angle simply
gives 2). The result is then a product of two integrals:
ˆ ' 2 r, E ' E , d dE '
ˆ ' d
T3 r , E ' E ,
r , E ' s r , E ' E dE ',
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8 The Essential CANDU
Equation (12) is a useful result because it depends on the integral flux r , E' only.
For the fifth term, we get:
ˆ d
T5 J r , E , ˆ r , E , ˆ
ˆ d
J r, E ,
J r , E J r , E,
ˆ d
ˆ (15)
is the current of neutrons of energy E at position r .
Unfortunately, this result is not at all of the form we would like, i.e., it is not at all expressible in
terms of the integral flux, because it is clear that integrating a function of the vector quantity
J r , E , ̂ over ̂ will obviously give in general a result totally unrelated to the integral flux
r, E !
In summary, integrating Eq. (7) over ̂ gives:
S r , E E f r , E ' r , E ' dE ' s r , E ' E r , E ' dE '
E' E'
t r , E r , E J r , E 0 , (16)
but the last term on the left-hand side (the leakage term) has thwarted our efforts to achieve an
equation in the integral flux only.
However, one approximation which is often used in diffusion problems (diffusion of one mate-
rial through another) can help us here. This approximation, called Fick’s Law, applies in low-
absorption media if the angular flux varies at most linearly with angle and if the neutron source
is isotropic [already assumed in writing Eq. (7)]. Under these conditions it states that the
current J r , E is in the direction in which the integral flux r, E decreases most rapidly, i.e.,
it is proportional to the negative gradient of r, E :
J r , E D r , E r , E , (17)
where the quantity Dr , E is called the diffusion coefficient and can be written as 1/(3tr),
with tr being the neutron transport cross section.
The reader is referred to Appendix A (Reactor Statics) of this chapter for the derivation of Fick’s
Law. Here, we will continue to derive the final form of the neutron-diffusion equation.
Equation (17), when substituted into Eq. (16), finally gives an equation in the integral flux only,
the time-independent neutron-diffusion equation:
S r , E E f r , E ' r , E ' dE ' s r , E ' E r , E ' dE '
. (18)
E' E'
t r , E r , E D r , E r , E 0
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Reactor Statics 9
ˆ ab b b ,
x x y y z z
where a, bx, by, bz are constants which can be determined in terms of the integral flux and
Let us first consider the integral flux ˆ dˆ .
From Eq. (20),
ˆ b d
a d x x
ˆ b d
y y
ˆ b d
z z
ˆ. (21)
The first integral in Eq. (21) has value 4, whereas the others have value 0 (it is clear that in
integrating a single component of the angle over all solid angles, the + and – components cancel
out). This means that = 4a, which implies that
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10 The Essential CANDU
a . (22)
Now let us consider the current:
J ˆ ˆ d ˆ .
It is clear that the first integral in Eq. (24) is zero, for the same reason that the + and – compo-
nents cancel out. Consider the other integrals in Eq. (24), for instance, x ˆ d
ˆ . This is a
vector integral, and only the x-component will survive because x y or z d
ˆ 0 , for the
ˆ 2 1 2 d 2 3 1 4 ].
4/3 [by symmetry, it must be equal to
2z d 1 3 1 3
Therefore, we can conclude that
bxiˆ by ˆj bz kˆ , (25)
bx Jx (26)
(and similarly for y and z).
Now, substituting Eqs. (22) and (26) into Eq. (20),
ˆ 3 J J J 3 J
ˆ. (27)
4 4 4 4
x x y y z z
Let us now apply Eq. (27) at a plane boundary with vacuum. Assume that the boundary plane is
perpendicular to the z-axis and the polar axis is the outward normal to the boundary, i.e., the
unit vector k̂ in the positive z-direction. The total rate of incoming neutrons is:
ˆ kd ˆ, (28)
where the integral over the “half-space” - means integrating over the entire azimuthal angle
(i.e., over 2), but only over half the polar angle , i.e., over from /2 to (or over cos
from -1 to 0).
Using Eq. (27), the total rate of incoming neutrons is:
ˆ kd ˆ
ˆ ˆ
4 4 J ˆ ˆ ˆ kd . (29)
ˆ k̂ , then, in the integral of the second term, only the part involving z will
Because z
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Reactor Statics 11
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12 The Essential CANDU
The nuclear cross sections in each group are assumed to have been appropriately averaged over
the corresponding energy intervals. In multi-group notation, the cross sections and variables
are written as follows:
S r , E Sg r
E g
f r , E f , g r
s r , E ' E s , g ' g r
t r , E t ,g r
D r , E Dg r .
g ' 1
s , g ' g r g ' r t ,g r g r Dg r g r 0, g 1,..., G.
However, the term ex/L goes to as x and therefore cannot be part of a physically accept-
able solution for x > 0. The solution for x > 0 must then be x Ce x / L .
By left-right symmetry, we can see that the full solution for any x must be
x Ce x / L , (38)
with C being a constant which we can determine from the boundary condition at x = 0.
If S is the source strength per unit area of the plane, then the number of neutrons crossing
outwards per unit area in the positive x-direction must tend to S /2 as x 0. Therefore,
lim J x
x 0 2
d x S
lim D 2
x 0
CD x / L S
lim e
x 0
L 2
, i.e., C .
L 2 2D
The neutron flux outside the source is then finally:
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14 The Essential CANDU
SL x / L
x e . (39)
It is interesting to try to interpret the “physical” meaning of the diffusion area L2. Let us calcu-
late the mean square distance that a neutron travels in the x-direction from the source (at x =
0) to its absorption point. We can do this by averaging x2 with the absorption rate a as a
weighting function:
x dx
x2 0
dx a
0 .
With the form (39) for the flux, we can evaluate the integrals and show that
x 2 2L2 ,
i.e., we can interpret L2 as one-half the square of the average distance (in one dimension)
between the neutron’s birth point and its absorption point.
D 2 r a r 0,
d 2 2 d (42)
i.e., D 2 a r 0,
dr r dr
d 2 r 2 d r 1
2 r 0. (43)
dr 2 r dr L
To solve this equation, we can write in the form r . Then, in terms of , Eq. (43)
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Reactor Statics 15
d r
dr r ,
r r2
d 2 r d r d r
d 2 r 2 2 r
dr dr2 dr2 .
dr r r r r3
Substituting these forms into Eq. (43) results in the simpler form:
d 2 r 1
2 r 0. (44)
dr 2 L
Equation (44) has mathematical solutions exp(r/L) and exp(-r/L), which give a general solution:
r Ae r / L C e r / L
er/ L e r /L
r A C .
r r
er / L
Now, the term as r and therefore cannot be part of a physically acceptable
solution. The solution must then be
e r / L
r C , (45)
with C being a constant which remains to be determined. To determine C, we can use the
continuity condition at the origin.
If S is the source strength, then the number of neutrons crossing the surface of a small sphere
outwards must tend to S as the sphere’s radius tends to 0, and therefore:
lim 4 r 2 J r S
r 0
lim 4 r 2 D S
r 0
r r/ L r/ L
e e
lim 4 r 2 CD L 2 S
r 0 r
4 CD S , i.e., C .
4 D
The neutron flux outside the source is then, finally:
S e r / L
r . (46)
4 D r
Again, it is interesting to interpret the physical meaning of the diffusion area L2. Let us calculate
the mean square distance that a neutron travels outwards from the source (at r = 0) to its
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16 The Essential CANDU
absorption point. We can do this by averaging r2 with the absorption rate a as a weighting
r 4 r dr
2 2
__ a
2 0
4 r dr
With the form (46) for the flux, we can evaluate the integrals and show that
r 2 6L2 , (47)
i.e., we can interpret L2 as one-sixth of the square of the average distance outwards between
the neutron’s birth point and its absorption point.
1. There is then, again, no need for the subscript g. Also, as explained in Section 3, we can drop
the term in s and replace t by a.
The neutron-diffusion equation in this case is:
f r a r D 2 r 0. (48)
A very important point to note is that without the external source, this is a linear homogeneous
equation in the flux (if the properties are truly constant and independent of the flux). This
means that if we find one solution of the equation, then any multiple is also a solution. There-
fore, the absolute value of the flux cannot possibly be deduced from the diffusion equation
(incidentally, not from the transport equation either). This is totally different from problems
with external sources, which drive the absolute value of the flux.
This equation is interesting. The only solution is a trivial solution, i.e., a null flux, = 0, unless
f a . (50)
In other words, unless the composition of the medium is exactly balanced so that Eq. (50) is
satisfied, the uniform infinite reactor cannot really operate in steady state (except in a trivial
zero-flux situation). We can call Eq. (50) the criticality condition for a uniform infinite reactor.
What happens if the criticality condition in Eq. (50) is not satisfied? Then there is no non-trivial
solution, but is this all that we can say? Actually, we can ensure that there is always a non-trivial
solution if we modify Eq. (49) by “tuning” the neutron-yield cross section by dividing it by a new
“modifying factor” which we call k∞, as in:
a 0. (51)
A non-trivial solution of Eq. (51) can always be guaranteed by selecting the value of k∞ as:
k . (52)
What this means is that if the composition of the uniform infinite reactor is modified from the
original composition by dividing the neutron-yield cross section by k∞ defined as in Eq. (52), the
modified uniform infinite reactor can then be operated in steady state with a non-zero flux; this
modified reactor is now critical. What is the value of the flux? We can see from Eq. (51) that
with the modified neutron-yield cross section, the flux can have any value; in other words, the
critical uniform infinite reactor can operate at any flux (and therefore power) value! This is a
direct consequence of the (apparent) homogeneity of the equation (i.e., the equation is of the
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18 The Essential CANDU
The left-hand side of Eq. (57) is the leakage out of the “point” r . If we integrate Eq. (57) over
the volume V of the reactor:
D2 r dr f a r dr . (58)
The left-hand side of Eq. (58) is the total leakage out of the reactor. This of course must be
positive: neutrons can only go out of the reactor, not into it, because there are no sources of
neutrons outside which can “feed” neutrons into the reactor. Therefore, if Eq. (58) is true as is,
the right-hand side must be positive, and because the integral of the flux must also be positive,
so must the quantity ( f a ) . We can therefore write Eq. (57) as:
2 r f r
D (59)
i.e., 2 r Bg2 r ,
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20 The Essential CANDU
almost at the reactor boundary (actually, at an extrapolation distance dextr beyond the physical
boundary), it is clear that the flux curvature will be large for reactors of small dimensions and
small if the reactor dimensions are large. Therefore, B g2 in Eq. (59) is purely a geometrical
Returning now to Eq. (57) and using the definition of geometrical buckling, the diffusion equa-
tion for homogeneous reactors can be rewritten as:
f r a r DBg2 r 0. (62)
This equation has the same characteristics as Eq. (49). The only solution is a null flux, r 0 ,
f a DBg2 . (63)
In other words, unless the composition of the reactor is exactly balanced so that Eq. (63) is
satisfied, the uniform reactor cannot really operate in steady state (except in a trivial zero-flux
situation). We can call Eq. (63) the criticality condition for a uniform finite reactor.
What happens if the criticality condition Eq. (63) is not satisfied? Then there is no non-trivial
solution. However, just as we did for the infinite medium, we can ensure that there is always a
non-trivial solution if we modify Eq. (62) by tuning the neutron-yield cross section by dividing it
by a similar parameter, called keff, as in:
r a r DBg2 r 0. (64)
A non-trivial solution of Eq. (64) can always be guaranteed by selecting the value of keff as:
keff , (65)
a DBg2
which can also be written as:
. (66)
This means that if the composition of the uniform reactor is modified from the original compo-
sition by dividing the neutron-yield cross section by keff defined as in Eq. (65), the modified
uniform reactor can then operate in steady state (i.e., as a critical reactor) with a non-zero flux.
Again, as in the infinite medium, the flux in the modified critical reactor can have any value, that
is, the critical uniform reactor can operate at any flux (and therefore power) value!
In summary, the criticality condition for a uniform finite reactor is:
keff 1 (67)
a DBg2
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Reactor Statics 21
f a a k 1
2 . (68)
Equation (67) is clearly a generalization of the criticality condition Eq. (53) for the infinite
medium, where the buckling was 0, i.e., B g2 0 (flat flux). The deviation of keff from 1 tells us
how far the reactor with the original composition ( f , a , D ) is from criticality.
Equation (68) is intriguing. The left-hand side, B g2 , is a geometrical quantity, as already noted.
The right-hand side, on the other hand, is a function of the nuclear properties only and is not a
geometrical quantity. It is nonetheless called a “buckling”, the material buckling:
k 1
Bm2 . (69)
In view of this, the criticality condition for a uniform reactor in one neutron-energy group can
be expressed as:
Geometrical Buckling Material Buckling, Bg2 Bm2 . (70)
This ratio of production to loss is the same at any point in a homogeneous reactor and is of
course then also the same as the ratio of the reactor-integrated production and loss.
Incidentally, Eq. (64), a linear equation with a boundary condition (zero flux at the extrapolation
distance beyond the boundary), is mathematically an eigenvector problem, which can best be
seen by rewriting the equation in the form:
can therefore also derive the value of the buckling). We will do this by showing how to solve
the diffusion equation in the following form [rewritten from Eq. (59)]:
2 r Bg2 r 0. (74)
become negative for some values of x before returning to 0 at aex (see Figure 3). Therefore, the
final solution for the flux distribution in an infinite slab reactor is
x A cos , (76)
and the buckling is
B .
g (77)
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24 The Essential CANDU
a /2 a /2
P Ef f x dx E f f A1 cos dx
a /2 a /2 ex
a /2
a x a a
i.e., P ex E f f A sin 2 A ex E f f sin
aex a /2 2aex
A ,
2aex E f f sin
and the absolute flux in the slab is
P x
x cos . (78)
a aex
2aex E f f sin
If the extrapolation distance is ignored, i.e., aex = a, this reduces to:
P x
x cos . (79)
2aE f f a
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Reactor Statics 25
1 d d r
Bg r 0
r dr dr
d r 1 d r
i.e., 2
B g2 r 0.
dr r dr
This differential equation is actually well known to mathematicians: it is called Bessel’s equation
of order 0, and its mathematical solutions are the ordinary Bessel functions of the first and
second kind, J (Br) and Y (Br) respectively; see Figure 5.
0 0
The flux must go to 0 at the extrapolated radial boundary Rex, i.e., we must have:
J 0 Bg Rex 0. (82)
Figure 5 shows that J0(r) has several zeroes, called ri: the first is at r1 2.405, and the second at
r2 5.6. However, because the neutron flux cannot have regions of negative values, the only
physically acceptable value for Bg is
Bg . (83)
As a result, the flux in the infinite cylinder is given by:
r AJ 0 , (84)
and the buckling for the infinite cylinder is
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26 The Essential CANDU
g . (85)
If we use the reactor power P per unit axial height to determine A and neglect the extrapolation
distance, the following value is obtained:
A , (86)
E f f R2
where f, g, and h are functions to be determined. Substituting form (89) into Eq. (88), we get:
d 2 f x d 2g y d 2h z
g ( y ) h ( z ) f ( x ) 2
h ( z ) f ( x ) g ( y ) 2
Bg2 f x g ( y )h( z ) 0. (90)
dx dy dz
Dividing the equation by f(x)g(y)h(z):
1 d f x 1 d g y 1 d h z
2 2 2
Bg2 . (91)
f x dx 2
g y dy 2
h z dz 2
The left-hand side of Eq. (91) is a sum of three terms which are functions only of x, y, and z
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Reactor Statics 27
respectively. The right-hand side is a constant. The only way in which this can happen is if each
of the three terms on the left-hand side is a constant on its own, i.e., if we can write:
1 d f x 1 d g y 1 d h z
2 2 2
Bx ,
By ,
Bz2 , (92)
f x dx 2
g y dy 2
h z dz 2
is exactly the same equation as for the slab reactor, with the same solution
f x cos Bx x , (95)
Bx . (96)
The full solution for the neutron flux in the parallelepiped reactor is therefore:
x y z
x, y, z A cos cos cos . (97)
aex bex cex
The quantities
2 2 2
B , By2 , Bz2 ,
x (98)
aex bex cex
are called the “partial bucklings” in the three directions, and the total buckling is
2 2 2
B .
g (99)
aex bex cex
If we normalize the flux to the total fission power P of the reactor and neglect the extrapolation
distance, we can show that the normalization constant, A, is given by
A . (100)
8abcE f f
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28 The Essential CANDU
d2 1 d d2
2 , (101)
dr 2 r dr dz 2
and the diffusion equation becomes
d 2 r, z 1 d r, z d 2 r, z
Bg2 r, z 0. (102)
dr r dr dz
where f and g are functions to be determined. Substituting Eq. (103) into Eq. (102), we get:
d 2 f r 1 df r d 2g z
g z f r 2
Bg2 f r g z 0. (104)
dr r dr dz
Let us divide this equation by f(r)g(z):
1 d f r 1 1 df r 1 d g z
2 2
Bg2 . (105)
f r dr 2
f r r dr g z dz 2
The left-hand side of Eq. (105) is the sum of a function of r and a function of z. The right-hand
side is a constant. The only way in which this can happen is if the parts in r and z are each
individually equal to a constant, i.e., if we can write:
1 d f r 1 1 df r 1 d g z
2 2
B 2
, Bz2 , (106)
f r dr f r r dr g z dz
2 r 2
The equations in (106) have been seen before; they are the same equations as for the infinite
cylinder and the slab reactor respectively and therefore have the same solutions:
f r J 0 Br r , g z cos Bz z , (108)
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Reactor Statics 29
Br and Bz , (109)
Rex H ex
where Rex and Hex are the extrapolated radius and the extrapolated axial dimension of the
reactor. The full solution for the neutron flux in the finite-cylinder reactor is therefore:
2.405r z
r, z AJ 0 cos , (110)
Rex H ex
2 2
r , Bz
Rex H ex
are called the radial and axial bucklings respectively, and the total buckling is
2 2
B 2
g . (112)
Rex H ex
If we normalize the flux to the total fission power P of the reactor and neglect the extrapolation
distance, we can show that the normalization constant is:
A . (113)
R 2 HE f f
r , (116)
where the function r is to be determined. Equation (115) then reduces to:
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30 The Essential CANDU
1 d 2 1 1 d r 2 r
r 2 r Bg 0
r2 dr r r dr r
1 d d r 2 r
i.e., r r Bg 0
r2 dr dr r
1 d r d r d 2 r 2 r
i.e, r Bg 0,
r2 dr dr dr 2
d 2 r
which finally reduces to 2
Bg2 r 0. (117)
The general solution of this equation is:
r A sin Bg r C cos Bg r ,
which gives
sin Bg r cos Bg r
r A C . (118)
r r
However, the cosine term goes to as r → 0, which is physically not acceptable, whereas the
sine term is acceptable because it has a finite limit as r → 0 (as can be verified using L’Hôpital’s
rule). Therefore, the final solution for the spherical reactor is
sin Bg r
r A ,
where, for the same reason as in the other geometries (to guarantee no negative flux), Bg must
take the lowest allowable value, i.e.,
Bg , (119)
so that finally
r A Rex
. (120)
If we normalize the flux by imposing a value P for the total fission power of the reactor and
neglect the extrapolation distance, we find that:
P 4 AR 2 E f f
P (121)
A .
4R E f f
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Reactor Statics 31
age per differential physical volume dr J D r r . Applying this to the flux in a
uniform slab reactor (Eq. 76) gives, for x > 0:
Leakout D A cos
DA cos 0.
aex aex aex 0
We can similarly show for all other uniform reactors that Leakout > 0. This can actually be seen
in the general case from f r a r D2 r 0 (presented earlier as Eq. (48)), which
for any point in the uniform reactor gives D 2 r f a r DB 2 r 0 . This
means that we can say that any point in a uniform reactor sees neutron out-leakage (i.e., any
differential volume is a source of neutrons).
Note again that the above finding applies to uniform reactors, not to all reactors in general.
Real reactors may have regions which are net sinks of neutrons, where the flux curvature is
positive and where there is a net in-leakage of neutrons. The general rule that we can infer
from the above and also from what we learned in source-sink problems is that:
Positive flux curvature Net neutron in-leakage, while
Negative flux curvature Net neutron out-leakage.
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32 The Essential CANDU
It can be seen that the peak in their energy distribution is ~0.73 MeV. A 1-MeV neutron has a
speed of ~13,800 km/s: fission neutrons are fast neutrons. There are essentially no fission
neutrons born with thermal energies ~1 eV; the reference thermal energy is 0.025 eV, speed
2,200 m/s, T = 293.6 K.
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Reactor Statics 33
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Reactor Statics 35
Now, this system can have a non-trivial flux solution if and only if the determinant of the flux
coefficients is zero, i.e.:
f 1 a1 12 a 2 21 f 2 2 1 12 0. (127)
Satisfying the criticality condition, Eq. (127), requires a very fine balance between the nuclear
properties. What if that balance is not achieved and Eq. (127) is not satisfied? Then there is no
non-trivial solution, i.e., we do not have a real operating infinite-medium reactor. However, we
can ensure that there is always a non-trivial solution if we “tune” the neutron-yield cross
sections by dividing them by a parameter, k∞ (to be determined). The diffusion equations then
f 1
a1 12 1 f 2 21 2 0 (128)
k k
121 a 2 21 2 0, (129)
The difference of k∞ from unity (or of ∞ from 0) tells us how far from critical the original
uniform medium is.
When the fast-fission and up-scattering cross sections are neglected, the form obtained for k∞ is
simpler and instructive:
f 2 12
k, no up scattering & no fast . (132)
a 2 a1 12
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36 The Essential CANDU
energies, which is simply the resonance-escape probability p in Eq. (122). The first factor in Eq.
(132) is the number of fission neutrons produced per thermal absorption, i.e., it is the repro-
duction factor .
Another important quantity to determine in the two-group model, which has no meaning in the
one-group treatment, is the ratio of group fluxes. In the uniform infinite medium, this can be
obtained most simply from Eq. (129):
2 1 2
. (133)
1 a 2 21
Note that the criticality condition (130) ensures that the same value would be obtained from Eq.
We can try to find a solution for the flux which is separable in space and energy, i.e., where the
two-row flux vector
1 r
can be written as a group-dependent amplitude times a group-independent flux shape. If we
can solve the equation with such a solution, then it is a good solution:
1 r A1 r
. (136)
2 r A
2 r
Substituting Eq. (136) into Eq. (135), we get:
12 A1 a 2 A2 21 A2 r D2 A22 r 0, (137)
and if we divide by r :
2 r 1 2 A1 a 2 A2 21 A2
. (138)
r D2 A2
The right-hand side of Eq. (138) is a single number, independent of space, which we can write as
–B2. [Note: We would have reached a similar conclusion if we had substituted Eq. (136) into Eq.
(134).] Equation (138) is analogous to Eq. (61), i.e., B2 is a group-independent geometric
buckling that is applicable to both the fast and the thermal groups:
2g r B 2g r , g 1, 2. (139)
Because this is exactly the same equation as we found with one energy group, the flux distribu-
tion in two groups is exactly the same as in one energy group: i.e., a product of cosines in a
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Reactor Statics 37
parallelepiped reactor, an axial cosine times a radial Bessel function in a cylindrical reactor, and
a sine-over-r function in a spherical reactor. The only new quantity is the ratio of the group
Let us now return to the criticality conditions for a finite reactor. Substituting Eq. (139) into Eqs.
(134) and (135) gives a linear homogeneous system, and therefore we can divide the yield cross
sections by keff as usual to ensure a non-trivial solution:
f 1
a1 12 D1B 2 1 r f 2 21 2 r 0 (140)
keff eff
121 r ( a 2 21 D2 B 2 )2 r 0. (141)
The criticality condition for finite reactors in two energy groups is found by equating the deter-
minant of this system to zero, which yields:
f 1 a 2 21 D2 B 2 f 212
k eff . (142)
a1 D1 B 2 a 2 21 D2 B 2 12 a 2 D2 B 2
If we consider the simpler case obtained by neglecting up-scattering and fast fission, as we did
following Eq. (131), we get:
f 212
keff , no up scattering & no fast fission
a1 D1B 2 a 2 D2 B 2 12 a 2 D2 B 2
f 212
a1 12 D1 B a 2 D2 B
2 2
The ratio of Eq. (143) to Eq. (132) gives the effect of leakage:
f 212
keff a1 12 D1B a 2 D2 B
2 2
a1 12 a 2
. (144)
f 2 12 a1 12 D1B a 2 D2 B 2
a 2 a1 12
The first factor is the ratio of (fast absorption + down-scattering) to (fast absorption + down-
scattering + fast leakage). Therefore, the first factor represents the fast non-leakage probability,
which we can call P1NL. In the same way, the second factor represents the thermal non-leakage
probability, P2NL. Therefore, Eq. (144) is equivalent to
keff k P1NL P2 NL , (145)
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38 The Essential CANDU
All cross sections in a lattice cell are homogenized (averaged spatially within the cell) and
condensed to two groups using a multi-group transport code for each lattice cell, but in a real
reactor, they must also incorporate the effects of reactivity devices superimposed upon the
basic lattice.
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Reactor Statics 39
Let us look at one of these cells (which we label with a superscript C for Central) and its six
nearest neighbours in the three directions, labelled with a superscript n = 1 to 6 (1 to 4 in x-y
geometry). We get the finite-difference form of the diffusion equation if we integrate Eqs. (148)
and (149) over the volume of cell C:
Cf11 r Cf 22 r C
21 2 r C
a1 C
12 1 r D1
1 r dr 0 (150)
1C 21 r Ca 2 C2 1 2 r D2C 2 r dr 0. (151)
where we have dropped the dependence on r for the properties because the cells are homo-
There are two types of integrals in Eqs. (150) and (151). The first type does not involve the
divergence operator "". In these integrals, the (homogeneous) cross sections can be taken
out of the integral sign, for example:
Ca 22 r Ca 2 2 r dr.
For the integral on the right-hand side, the approximation is made that the integral is equal to
the value of the flux at the centre of the cell multiplied by the volume V C x C y C z C of the
cell ( x C , y C , z C being the dimensions of the cell in x, y, and z). Then:
Ca 22 r Ca 22CV C . (152)
The second type of integral has the divergence operator in the integrand. This type of integral
simply represents the leakage out of cell C to its neighbours. By Gauss’s theorem, the volume
integral over the divergence is equal to a surface integral, for example,
D1C 1 r dr D1C 1 r nds
ˆ J 1 nds
ˆ , (153)
where S is the surface of the cell, n̂ is the outer normal to the surface, and by Fick’s Law, J 1 is
the net outward current at a point on the surface of the cell.
d 1C C 1C1
C 1
J 1,C 1 D C
1 D1 . (154)
dx 1 C
Similarly, the group-1 current from cell 1 to cell C is:
1C1 11
J 1,1C D 1
1 . (155)
1 1
However, the current must be continuous at the face, i.e.,
J1,1C J1,C1. (156)
Then by equating Eqs. (154) and (155) and solving for the interface flux, we find that:
D1C x11C D11xC11
1C1 . (157)
D1C x1 D11x C
We can then substitute this into Eq. (155) and calculate the current at the centre of the face:
1C 1C1 2 D1C D11 1C 11
J 1,C 1 D C
C 1 . (158)
1 C D x D 1
x C
x 1 1
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Reactor Statics 41
If we assume that the average current over the face is equal to the current at the centre of the
face, the total current over face C1 is:
2 D1C D11y C z C C
C1 1
J ˆ
D1C x1 D11xC
1 11 A1C1 1C 11 , (159)
2 D1C D11y C z C
A C 1
. (160)
D1 x D11x C
A very similar process can of course be performed for all six faces between cell C and its
neighbours. The total outward current in Eq. (153) is then:
ˆ A1Cn 1C 1n .
J 1 nds
n 1
Using all the above results, the finite-difference neutron-diffusion Eqs. (150) and (151) then
Cf 11C f 22C C
V C212CV C Ca1 1C2 1CV C A1Cn 1C 1n 0
keff n 1
These equations couple cell C to its closest neighbours. These and similar equations for all the
other cells in the model make up a coupled system of linear homogeneous equations for the
fluxes at the centres of the cells. If there are N cells in the model, the system is composed of 2N
equations. To solve this coupled system, we need also the boundary conditions at the model
edges, which we look at now.
The edge cells have neighbour cells only towards the “interior” of the model. In directions
outward from the model, the diffusion boundary condition with vacuum is that the flux goes to
zero at the extrapolation distance beyond the boundary.
However, we can express the boundary condition in the same form as Eqs. (162) and (163) by
creating a “dummy” neighbour cell of width 2 dextr, where dextr is the extrapolation length =
2.1312 DC [see Eq. (33)] and forcing the flux to be zero at the extrapolation distance (see Figure
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Reactor Statics 43
Neutron Production
Neutron Absorption Neutron Leakage
r [ f 1 r 1 r f 2 r 2 r ]dr
a1 1
r r a2 r 2 r J 1 r J 2 r
where the latest fluxes from the latest iteration are used and the integrals are evaluated as
sums over the cells.
One iteration is not sufficient to obtain a self-consistent solution of the entire system of finite-
difference equations. We must repeat the iterations until the fluxes converge, i.e., until the
relative difference in flux in each cell from one iteration to the next is very small, smaller than
an accepted tolerance, typically ~10-5. A convergence criterion is also needed for keff; typically, a
difference of 0.001 or 0.01 mk from one iteration to the next is used. Once convergence has
been reached, we have the sought-after solution for the flux shape, i.e., we have the unnormal-
ized (relative) flux distribution. To find the absolute values for the flux, we can normalize the
flux distribution to the total reactor fission power, for example.
where E is in MeV (see Figure 15). [Note: In Chapter 3, the Watt spectrum is used.]
Note that this is a distribution of the number of neutrons, but the flux can be obtained simply
by multiplying by the neutron speed (not to be confused with , the fission neutron yield).
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44 The Essential CANDU
Room temperature is by convention taken as T = 293.6 K = 20.4oC, which gives kT = 0.0253 eV.
The energy value E = kT is the most probable neutron energy in a Maxwellian flux distribution,
and the corresponding “thermal neutron” speed is:
v kT 0.0253 eV 2200 m / s. (166)
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Reactor Statics 45
collisions with hydrogen nuclei, the slowing-down flux (E) in hydrogen can be derived. It can
be shown that below the lower boundary Es of the fission-neutron energy range and neglecting
neutron absorption relative to scattering (a fairly good approximation), the slowing-down flux is
inversely proportional to energy E:
E , (167)
E s
where S is the fission source and s is the scattering cross section (assumed to be independent
of energy).
This provides an important, simple, basic formula for the slowing-down spectrum, even if it is
somewhat of an approximation. Another way of interpreting this relationship is that the prod-
uct E(E) is nearly constant with energy below Es.
This has the same form as in hydrogen, with an additional factor of in the denominator. is
the average lethargy gain per collision, where the lethargy u is defined as:
u ln s . (169)
Refer to Chapter 3 for greater detail.
S Es E ' dE '
E exp a . (170)
Et E E ' E '
E t
The exponential factor in Eq. (170) represents the probability that the neutron survives slowing
down to energy E; i.e., it is the resonance-escape probability to energy E, which we can denote
as p(E).
From the general form of the slowing-down flux, the following simplified statements about the
product E(E) can be deduced:
If absorption is neglected, and under the assumption that the scattering cross sec-
tion does not depend on energy, E(E) is constant (flat) with E.
If absorption is included, and assuming a smooth variation of the absorption cross
section with E, then E(E) will decrease smoothly for decreasing E.
These statements are shown in graphical form in Figure 16.
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46 The Essential CANDU
the slowing-down spectrum to about 0.625 eV. [Note that in the thermal energy
range, neutrons can gain as well as lose energy in collisions. To be consistent with
the approximation of no up-scattering in the derivation of the slowing-down spec-
trum, the “boundary” between thermal and epithermal energies should be selected
sufficiently high to ensure negligible up-scattering from the thermal region to the
epithermal region. This is one reason for the typical choice of 0.625 eV, which is
about 25 times the most probable energy of 0.025 eV at room temperature, as the
lower energy boundary of the epithermal range.]
the Maxwellian spectrum at thermal energies. [Note that it is not a perfect Maxwel-
lian, being distorted somewhat by neutron absorption].
The piecing together of the neutron-flux portions in the various energy regions is shown in the
sketch in Figure 18.
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Reactor Statics 49
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50 The Essential CANDU
shutdown-system action to avoid overheating the fuel. In fact, the postulated large-
loss-of-coolant accident (LLOCA) scenario is the reason for the adoption of redun-
dancy in CANDU shutdown capability design. CANDU reactors have two fast shut-
down systems, which are physically and logically independent of one another and
each fully capable of shutting the reactor down from any credible configuration.
Shutdown system 1 consists of cadmium shut-off rods which fall under gravity (ini-
tially spring-assisted) into the reactor from above. Shutdown system 2 consists of
the injection of a solution of neutron-absorbing gadolinium (a high neutron ab-
sorber) under high pressure through nozzles directly into the moderator.
The lattice pitch (distance between the centres of neighbouring tubes) in all operat-
ing CANDU reactors is 28.575 cm. This is not the optimum value in the sense of
maximizing the lattice reactivity (therefore minimizing the refuelling rate and maxi-
mizing the average fuel discharge burnup), which is closer to 34 cm or so. However,
the larger volume of D2O moderator would result in a higher capital cost; the shorter
pitch was selected to minimize the levellized unit-energy cost. A shorter lattice pitch
of 24 cm was selected for the ACR (to reduce moderator cost, among other reasons),
but the reduced moderation would not allow the chain reaction to be self-sustaining
with natural-uranium fuel, and the ACR would need to use enriched fuel.
The “workhorse” control devices in all operating CANDU reactors are “liquid” zone
controllers. These control 14 compartments in which amounts of light water (used
for its much higher neutron-absorption cross section than heavy water) can be var-
ied uniformly across all compartments to control reactivity or to shape the power
distribution differentially.
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Reactor Statics 51
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52 The Essential CANDU
A full, 3-D reactor model constructed in this way is used to calculate the three-dimensional flux
and power distributions in the core. Because homogenized properties are used, few-group
diffusion theory can be applied to the full-core reactor model.
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54 The Essential CANDU
The fresh-fuel infinite lattice (where the fuel has not yet received any irradiation) has
a high reactivity (~78 mk when the 135Xe and other saturating fission products have
built up). To achieve a steady state in the infinite lattice with fresh fuel, a corre-
sponding amount of negative reactivity must be added to the lattice [e.g., by dissolv-
ing a neutron poison (i.e., a material with a large neutron absorption cross section)
in the moderator] to suppress the initial supercriticality.
The reactivity starts to decrease immediately on account of 235U depletion.
It then starts to increase for a while, on account of production of 239Pu, which is
slightly more effective than 235U. Note the slight delay due to the 239Np ~2-day half-
However the rate of increase of reactivity slows (because the net rate of plutonium
production decreases), and the reactivity proceeds through a maximum, called the
plutonium peak, with increasing burnup (note that this is not a peak in 239Pu concen-
tration, but in lattice-cell reactivity!).
Following the plutonium peak, the reactivity decreases monotonically on account of
the continuing depletion of 235U and the continuing accumulation of fission products.
The infinite lattice reaches zero reactivity at an irradiation corresponding to a burnup
of ~6,700 MW.d/Mg(U).
A homogeneous infinite lattice with fuel beyond that burnup would be subcritical.
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Reactor Statics 55
However, CANDU reactors are refuelled on-power, and therefore there is always (except near
start of life) a mixture of fresh fuel and fuel with high irradiation. The fuel with high irradiation
has negative “local reactivity”, but this is compensated for by the positive local reactivity of low-
irradiation fuel. The proper mixture of fuel in this inhomogeneous reactor (obtained by the
proper rate of daily refuelling) maintains the reactor critical day-to-day. Physically, the older
fuel does the job of reducing the high reactivity of the young fuel, a job which moderator poison
does in the batch-refuelled reactor. The difference is that whereas the poison is just a “para-
sitic” absorber, the older fuel does provide fissions and therefore additional energy.
The mixture of new and old fuel makes it possible to drive the discharge burnup to a much
higher value than that deduced from the “homogeneous” reactivity curve. We can guess (or
calculate) approximately how far we can drive the exit burnup by determining what value gives
equal “positive” and “negative” areas “under” the reactivity curve [this tells us where the
average eff would be 0]; see Figure 25.
From the figure, we can see that positive and negative areas are equal when the average exit (or
discharge) burnup to which we can take the fuel with daily refuelling is ~7,500 MW.d/Mg(U).
This is almost twice the discharge-to-burnup value attainable in the “batch-refuelled” reactor
and represents quite a benefit provided by on-power refuelling!
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Reactor Statics 57
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58 The Essential CANDU
12 Problems
Problem 1
There is an infinite homogeneous non-multiplying medium with diffusion length 8 cm and
diffusion coefficient 2 cm. There are four isotropic point sources of neutrons on the x-y plane:
Source S1 = 108 s-1 at (x, y) = (10 cm, 0)
Source S2 = 108 s-1 at (x, y) = (-10 cm, 0)
Source S3 = 1010 s-1 at (x, y) = (0, 20 cm)
Source S4 = 1010 s-1 at (x, y) = (0, -20 cm)
Problem 2
An isotropic point source of strength S n.s-1 is located at the origin of axes in a homogeneous
non-multiplying material. The material is characterized by an absorption cross section a and a
diffusion constant D.
(a) Imagine a sphere of arbitrary radius R centred at the origin of axes. Calculate the integrated
absorption rate of neutrons (per s) within the sphere.
(b) What is happening to the remaining neutrons (the difference between the number emitted
and the number absorbed per s)? Prove this by calculation.
Problem 3
Suppose that you have an infinite plane source of neutrons in the y-z plane (i.e., at x = 0), which
emits a total of N neutrons per cm2 per s (half in the positive and half in the negative x-
Of course, we can think of the plane source as an infinite number of point sources, one at each
point of the plane. Let us take the emission from each point source as isotropic. If the point
source actually has differential area dA (which can be as small as we want), then the point-
source strength will be NdA neutrons per s.
Calculate the flux at any point x in space by integrating the flux from all point sources (by
symmetry, this will of course be the same for any values of y and z). Show that you get the
formula for the flux from the infinite plane source.
Problem 4
This is an exercise on the quantitative aspects of the neutron cycle.
Refer to the figure below which pertains to a critical reactor. Refer also to the notes in the
figure. You are asked to calculate how many thermal neutrons escape from the reactor per unit
Remember that the two main things that can happen when a neutron is absorbed in the fuel
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Reactor Statics 59
are capture (when the neutron is absorbed and a gamma ray is emitted) and fission (when the
neutron is absorbed and fission is induced). Therefore, the ratio of capture to fission, /f, is
an important parameter. To solve the problem, use the data given and find the right sequence
(up and/or down) for filling numbers into the boxes.
Note that numbers need not be exact integers. In each box, retain non-integer numbers to 3
decimal places.
Non-Fuel Thermal
in Fuel
Captures in
Problem 5
A homogeneous, bare cylindrical reactor with extrapolated axial length 5.8 m is critical. It is
operated at a fission power of 900 MW. In one energy group, the reactor material is known to
have = 2.38, f = 0.0042 cm-1, and D = 1.14 cm a = 0.0099 cm-1.
The leakage is 9.6 mk. [Note: neglect the extrapolation distance.]
(a) Calculate the reactor buckling and the material’s absorption cross section.
(b) Determine the reactor’s extrapolated diameter.
(c) What is the average flux in the reactor?
(d) What is the ratio of the flux on the cylindrical reactor axis at 50 cm from the reactor face to
the maximum flux in the reactor?
Problem 6
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60 The Essential CANDU
Design the proportions of a cylindrical reactor which minimize leakage [neglect the extrapola-
tion distance].
Problem 7
A research reactor is in the shape of a parallelepiped with a square base of side 5.2 m and a
height of 6.8 m. The reactor is filled uniformly with a fuel of one-group properties f = 0.0072
cm-1 (and = 2.45) and a = 0.0070 cm-1. The reactor operates steadily at a fission power of 15
MW. The average value of energy per fission Ef = 200 MeV, and 1 eV =1.6*10-19 J. [Neglect the
extrapolation distance.]
(a) What is the value of the diffusion coefficient?
(b) What is the average value of the neutron flux?
(c) What is the maximum value of the neutron flux?
(d) At what rate is the fuel consumed in the entire reactor (in nuclides.s-1) and at the centre of
the reactor (in
Problem 8
A critical homogeneous reactor in the shape of a cube loses 4% of produced neutrons through
a) Calculate k for an infinite reactor made of the same material.
b) The initial reactor is re-shaped into a sphere. Calculate the new keff .
NOTE: Use one-group diffusion theory and ignore the extrapolation length.
Problem 9
A reactor is made in the shape of a cone, with the base radius equal to the height and both
equal to 3 m. The reactor is homogeneous, with the following properties:
f = 0.002 cm-1
a = 0.0018 cm-1
Calculate the number of neutrons leaking out of the reactor per second knowing that the
reactor is critical and that the average flux in the reactor is 1013 n/cm2/s.
Problem 10
Imagine we have nuclear material with the following properties in two energy groups:
a1 = 0.0011 cm-1, 12 = 0.0068 cm-1, a2 = 0.0043 cm-1, f2 = 0.00528 cm-1
D1 = 1.07 cm, D2 = 0.92 cm.
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62 The Essential CANDU
t r , E r , E J r , E 0
(presented earlier as Eq. (16)). Our overall objective is to rewrite the last term (the leakage
term) in terms of the total flux r, E only.
We first try to obtain an equation for the total current J r , E by multiplying the transport
equation (7), which depends on angle, by ̂ and integrating over it, yielding Eq. (A.1):
S r, E ˆ E
ˆ d ˆ
f r , E ' r ,
ˆ ' dE ' ˆ d
4 ˆ 4
', E ' d
s r , E ' E , ˆ ' ˆ r , ˆ ', E ' ˆ dE ' d ˆ ' d ˆ
ˆ ' E'
t r , E r , ˆ J r,
ˆ d ˆ ,E
ˆ d
ˆ 0
,E ˆ
In the first two terms, which we can call T1 and T2, we used the assumption of isotropy in the
ˆ d
external and fission sources, so that these terms are proportional to the integral ˆ . This is
similarly for the other components) must have a zero value because there are as many positive
ˆ ' s as there are negative. Therefore, the first two terms drop out of the equation:
T1 T2 0.
Let us jump to the fourth term, which by definition is:
ˆ J r,
ˆ d ˆ J r , E .
ˆ , E d
r ,
, E ˆ
ˆ '
where we have introduced into the integral the unity factor ˆ ' 1 . Also, recall that s is not
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Reactor Statics 63
a function of absolute angles, but only of the cosine ˆ '.
1 (A.4)
T3 sa r , E ' E r , ˆ ' d ' dE ' r , E ' E J r, E ' dE '.
', E ' sa
E' ˆ'
E (A.5)
Note that if the scattering cross section were isotropic, s would not depend on , and there-
fore sa would be 0. Although this is not a good approximation, one that is more reasonable is
to neglect the energy change in anisotropic scattering, i.e., to assume that sa r , E ' E is a
delta function E' - E sa r , E , which leads to
T3 sa r , E J r , E ,
sa r , E 2 s r , E , d s r , E
1 (A.7)
and is the average cosine of the scattering angle.
Moving on to the fifth term, T5:
ˆ ,E
T5 J r , ˆ r,
ˆ d ˆ , E
ˆ ˆ d
To calculate the integral, we adopt again the assumption of weak angular dependence of the
angular flux, which leads to the following approximate expression [Eq. (27)] for the angular flux
in terms of the total flux and the total current expression; see derivation in Section 2.3:
3J ˆ
Substituting this expression into Eq. (A.8), we get
r, E 3
T5 ˆ
J ˆ ˆ d
4 4 (A.9)
Now it can be shown (a reasonable result) that the integral of the product of two components
of ̂ , e.g., ij, is equal to 4/3 if i = j, but 0 if i j. Similarly, the integral of the product of
three components is 0.
Using these two results, Eq. (A.9) becomes
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64 The Essential CANDU
T5 r , E .
3 (A.10)
Incorporating all these results for the various terms [Eqs. (A.2), (A.3), (A.6), (A.10)], Eq. (A.1)
0 0 sa r , E J r , E t r , E J r , E r 0,
3 (A.11)
which yields the final approximation for the total current:
J r, E r , E ,
3 t r , E sa r , E
which is Fick’s Law, giving for the diffusion coefficient,
D r, E .
3 t r , E sa r , E
The quantity in parentheses in Eq. (A.13) is defined as the transport cross section, tr r .
14 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
Marv Gold
Ken Kozier
Guy Marleau
Bruce Wilkin
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Reactor Dynamics
prepared by
Eleodor Nichita, UOIT
Benjamin Rouben, 12 & 1 Consulting, Adjunct Professor, McMaster & UOIT
This chapter addresses the time-dependent behaviour of nuclear reactors. This chapter is
concerned with short- and medium-time phenomena. Long-time phenomena are studied in the
context of fuel and fuel cycles and are presented in Chapters 6 and 7. The chapter starts with an
introduction to delayed neutrons because they play an important role in reactor dynamics.
Subsequent sections present the time-dependent neutron-balance equation, starting with
“point” kinetics and progressing to detailed space-energy-time methods. Effects of Xe and Sm
“poisoning” are studied in Section 7, and feedback effects are presented in Section 8. Section 9
is identifies and presents the specific features of CANDU reactors as they relate to kinetics and
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................................. 3
2 Delayed Neutrons ................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Production of Prompt and Delayed Neutrons: Precursors and Emitters............................ 4
2.2 Prompt, Delayed, and Total Neutron Yields........................................................................ 5
2.3 Delayed-Neutron Groups .................................................................................................... 5
3 Simple Point-Kinetics Equation (Homogeneous Reactor)....................................................... 6
3.1 Neutron-Balance Equation without Delayed Neutrons ...................................................... 6
3.2 Average Neutron-Generation Time, Lifetime, and Reactivity............................................. 8
3.3 Point-Kinetics Equation without Delayed Neutrons ........................................................... 9
3.4 Neutron-Balance Equation with Delayed Neutrons.......................................................... 11
4 Solutions of the Point-Kinetics Equations............................................................................. 13
4.1 Stationary Solution: Source Multiplication Formula......................................................... 14
4.2 Kinetics with One Group of Delayed Neutrons................................................................. 15
4.3 Kinetics with Multiple Groups of Delayed Neutrons ........................................................ 17
4.4 Inhour Equation, Asymptotic Behaviour, and Reactor Period .......................................... 18
4.5 Approximate Solution of the Point-Kinetics Equations: The Prompt Jump Approximation21
5 Space-Time Kinetics using Flux Factorization ....................................................................... 24
5.1 Time-, Energy-, and Space-Dependent Multigroup Diffusion Equation ........................... 24
5.2 Flux Factorization .............................................................................................................. 25
5.3 Effective Generation Time, Effective Delayed-Neutron Fraction, and Dynamic Reactivity27
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1 Graphical representation of the Inhour equation........................................................... 19
Figure 2 135Xe production and destruction mechanisms .............................................................. 33
Figure 3 Simplified 135Xe production and destruction mechanisms ............................................. 33
Figure 4 135Xe reactivity worth after shutdown ............................................................................ 36
Figure 5 CANDU fuel-temperature effect ..................................................................................... 40
Figure 6 CANDU coolant-temperature effect................................................................................ 40
Figure 7 CANDU moderator-temperature effect .......................................................................... 41
Figure 8 CANDU coolant-density effect ........................................................................................ 41
List of Tables
Table 1 Delayed-neutron data for thermal fission in 235U ([Rose1991])......................................... 6
Table 2 CANDU reactivity device worth ........................................................................................ 42
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Reactor Dynamics 3
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The previous chapter was devoted to predicting the neutron flux in a nuclear reactor under
special steady-state conditions in which all parameters, including the neutron flux, are constant
over time. During steady-state operation, the rate of neutron production must equal the rate of
neutron loss. To ensure this equality, the effective multiplication factor, keff, was introduced as a
divisor of the neutron production rate. This chapter addresses the time-dependent behaviour
of nuclear reactors. In the general time-dependent case, the neutron production rate is not
necessarily equal to the neutron loss rate, and consequently an overall increase or decrease in
the neutron population will occur over time.
The study of the time-dependence of the neutron flux for postulated changes in the macro-
scopic cross sections is usually referred to as reactor kinetics, or reactor kinetics without feed-
back. If the macroscopic cross sections are allowed to depend in turn on the neutron flux level,
the resulting analysis is called reactor dynamics or reactor kinetics with feedback.
Time-dependent phenomena are also classified by the time scale over which they occur:
Short-time phenomena are phenomena in which significant changes in reactor prop-
erties occur over times shorter than a few seconds. Most accidents fall into this
Medium-time phenomena are phenomena in which significant changes in reactor
properties occur over the course of several hours to a few days. Xe poisoning is an
example of a medium-time phenomenon.
Long-time phenomena are phenomena in which significant changes in reactor prop-
erties occur over months or even years. An example of a long-time phenomenon is
the change in fuel composition as a result of burn-up.
This chapter is concerned with short- and medium-time phenomena. Long-time phenomena
are studied in the context of fuel and fuel cycles and are presented in Chapters 6 and 7. The
chapter starts with an introduction to delayed neutrons because they play an important role in
reactor dynamics. Subsequent sections present the time-dependent neutron-balance equation,
starting with “point” kinetics and progressing to detailed space-energy-time methods. Effects
of Xe and Sm “poisoning” are studied in Section 7, and feedback effects are presented in
Section 8. Section 9 identifies and presents the specific features of CANDU reactors as they
relate to kinetics and dynamics.
2 Delayed Neutrons
2.1 Production of Prompt and Delayed Neutrons: Precursors and Emitters
Binary fission of a target nucleus ZX X occurs through the formation of a compound nucleus
AX 1
ZX X which subsequently decays very rapidly (promptly) into two (hence the name “binary”)
fission products Am and Bm, accompanied by the emission of (prompt) gamma photons and
(prompt) neutrons:
AX 1
0 n ZAXX X ZX X, (1)
The exact species of fission products Am and Bm, as well as the exact number of prompt neu-
trons emitted, pm , and the number and energy of emitted gamma photons depend on the
mode m according to which the compound nucleus decays. Several hundred decay modes are
possible, each characterized by its probability of occurrence pm. On average, p prompt
neutrons are emitted per fission. The average number of prompt neutrons can be expressed as:
p pm pm . (3)
Obviously, although the number of prompt neutrons emitted in each decay mode, pm , is a
positive integer (1, 2, 3…), the average number of neutrons emitted per fission, p , is a frac-
tional number. pm as well as p depend on the target nucleus species and on the energy of
the incident neutron.
The initial fission products Am and Bm can be stable or can further decay in several possible
modes, as shown below for Am (a similar scheme exists for Bm):
Am1 (mode 1)
Am 2 0
1 HE (mode 2)
Am A 'm 3 0
1 LE (mode 3)
Am 3 n (delayed neutron)
Fission products Am that decay according to mode 3, by emitting a low-energy beta particle, are
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Reactor Dynamics 5
called precursors, and the intermediate nuclides A'm3 are called emitters. Emitters are daugh-
ters of precursors that are born in a highly excited state. Because their excitation energy is
higher than the separation energy for one neutron, emitters can de-excite by promptly emitting
a neutron. The delay in the appearance of the neutron is not caused by its emission, but rather
by the delay in the beta decay of the precursor. If a high-energy beta particle rather than a low-
energy one is emitted, the excitation energy of the daughter nuclide is not high enough for it to
emit a neutron, and hence decay mode 2 does not result in emission of delayed neutrons.
n X A B p n p d nd . (4)
The total neutron yield is defined as the sum of the prompt and delayed neutron yields:
d p . (5)
The delayed-neutron fraction is defined as the ratio between the delayed-neutron yield and the
total neutron yield:
. (6)
For neutron energies typical of those found in a nuclear reactor, most of the energy dependence
of the delayed-neutron fraction is due to the energy dependence of the prompt-neutron yield
and not to that of the delayed-neutron yield. This is the case because the latter is essentially
independent of energy for incident neutrons with energies below 4 MeV.
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6 The Essential CANDU
k 1
k . (8)
Values of delayed-group constants for U are shown in Table 1, which uses data from
Table 1 Delayed-neutron data for thermal fission in 235U ([Rose1991])
To maintain the static form of the diffusion equation even when the fission source does not
exactly equal the sum of the sinks, the practice in reactor statics is to divide the fission source
artificially by the effective multiplication constant, keff, which results in the static balance
equation for a non-critical reactor:
D 2 s (r ) a s (r ) f s ( r )
. (12)
Using the expression for the geometric buckling:
D , (13)
Eq. (12) becomes:
2s (r ) Bg2s (r ) 0
. (14)
Note that the geometrical buckling is determined solely by the reactor shape and size and is
independent of the production or absorption macroscopic cross sections. It follows that
changes in the macroscopic cross sections do not influence buckling; they influence only the
effective multiplication constant, which can be calculated as:
a DBg2
. (15)
Because the value of geometrical buckling is independent of the macroscopic cross section, the
shape of the static flux is independent of whether or not the reactor is critical.
To progress to the derivation of the point-kinetics equation, the assumption is made that the
shape of the time-dependent flux does not change with time and is equal to the shape of the
static flux. In mathematical form:
(r , t ) T (t )s (r )
, (16)
where T(t) is a function depending only on time.
It follows that the time-dependent flux ( r , t ) satisfies Eq. (14), and hence:
2(r , t ) Bg2(r , t )
. (17)
Substituting this expression of the leakage term into the time-dependent neutron-balance
equation (9) the following is obtained:
n(r , t )
f (r , t ) DBg2(r , t ) a (r , t )
t . (18)
The one-group flux is the product of the neutron density and the average neutron speed, with
the latter assumed to be independent of time:
( r , t ) n ( r , t )v . (19)
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8 The Essential CANDU
n(r , t )dV nˆ(t ) n (t )V
V . (22)
The volume-integrated flux ˆ (t ) can be defined in a similar fashion and can also be expressed
as the product of the average flux (t ) and the reactor volume:
(r , t )dV ˆ (t ) (t )V
V . (23)
It should be easy to see that the volume-integrated flux and the total neutron population satisfy
a similar relationship to that satisfied by the neutron density and the neutron flux:
ˆ (t ) ( r , t ) dV n( r, t )vdV nˆ (t )v
V V . (24)
With the notations just introduced, the balance equation for the total neutron population can
be written as:
dnˆ (t )
f vnˆ (t ) DBg2 vnˆ (t ) a vnˆ (t )
dt . (25)
Equation (25) is a first-order linear differential equation, and its solution gives a full description
of the time dependence of the neutron population and implicitly of the neutron flux in a homo-
geneous reactor without delayed neutrons. However, to highlight certain important quantities
which describe the dynamic reactor behaviour, it is customary to process its right-hand side
(RHS) as follows:
dnˆ (t )
f DBg2 a vnˆ (t )
dt . (26)
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Reactor Dynamics 9
Reactivity is a measure of the relative imbalance between productions and losses. It is defined
as the ratio of the difference between the production rate and the loss rate to the production
production rate - loss rate f ˆ DB 2
a g
production rate ˆ
f a DBg2 a DBg2 loss rate 1
1 1 1
f f production rate keff
. (27)
Average neutron-generation time
The average neutron-generation time is the ratio between the total neutron population and the
neutron production rate.
neutron population nˆ nˆ 1
production rate ˆ f nˆv f v
. (28)
The average generation time can be interpreted as the time it would take to attain the current
neutron population at the current neutron-generation rate. It can also be interpreted as the
average age of neutrons in the reactor.
Average neutron lifetime
The average neutron lifetime is the ratio between the total neutron population and the neutron
loss rate:
neutron population nˆ nˆ 1
loss rate 2 ˆ
a DBg
a DBg nˆ v
a DBg2 v . (29)
The average neutron lifetime can be interpreted as the time it would take to lose all neutrons in
the reactor at the current loss rate. It can also be interpreted as the average life expectancy of
neutrons in the reactor.
The ratio of the average neutron-generation time and the average neutron lifetime equals the
effective multiplication constant:
a DBg2 v
1 a DBg2
f v
. (30)
It follows that, for a critical reactor, the neutron-generation time and the neutron lifetime are
equal. It also follows that, for a supercritical reactor, the lifetime is longer than the generation
time and that, for a sub-critical reactor, the lifetime is shorter than the generation time.
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10 The Essential CANDU
DBg2 a
a vnˆ(t )
nˆ(t )
. (32)
The neutron-balance equation can therefore be written either as:
dnˆ (t )
nˆ (t )
dt (33)
or as:
dnˆ (t ) keff 1
nˆ(t )
dt . (34)
Equation (33), as well as Eq. (34), is referred to as the point-kinetics equation without delayed
neutrons. The name point kinetics is used because, in this simplified formalism, the shape of
the neutron flux and the neutron density distribution are ignored. The reactor is therefore
reduced to a point, in the same way that an object is reduced to a point mass in simple kinemat-
Both forms of the point-kinetics equation are valid. However, because most transients are
induced by changes in the absorption cross section rather than in the fission cross section, the
form expressed by Eq. (33) has the mild advantage that the generation time remains constant
during a transient (whereas the lifetime does not). Consequently, this text will express the
neutron-balance equation using the generation time. However, the reader should be advised
that other texts use the lifetime. Results obtained in the two formalisms can be shown to be
If the reactivity and generation time remain constant during a transient, the obvious solution to
the point-kinetics equation (33) is:
nˆ (t ) nˆ (0)e .
If the reactivity and generation time are not constant over time, that is, if the balance equation
is written as:
dnˆ (t ) (t )
nˆ(t )
dt (t ) , (36)
the solution becomes slightly more involved and usually proceeds either by using the Laplace
transform or by time discretization.
Before advancing to accounting for delayed neutrons, one last remark will be made regarding
the relationship between the neutron population and reactor power. Because the reactor
power is the product of total fission rate and energy liberated per fission, it can be expressed as:
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Reactor Dynamics 11
ˆ (t ) E nˆ (t )v
P (t ) E fiss f fiss f
. (37)
It can therefore be seen that the power has the same time dependence as the total neutron
C (r , t )dV Cˆ (t ) C (t )V
V . (38)
It follows that the delayed-neutron production rate Sd (r , t ) , which equals the precursor decay
rate, is:
Sd (r , t ) C (r , t )
. (39)
The corresponding volume-integrated quantities satisfy a similar relationship:
Sˆd (t ) Cˆ (t ) . (40)
The core-integrated neutron-balance equation now must account explicitly for both the prompt
ˆ (t ) , and the delayed-neutron source:
neutron source, p f
dnˆ(t )
p f vnˆ (t ) Sˆd (t ) DBg2 vnˆ (t ) a vnˆ (t )
p f vnˆ (t ) Cˆ (t ) DBg2 vnˆ (t ) a vnˆ(t )
. (41)
Of course, to be able to evaluate the delayed-neutron source, a balance equation for the
precursors must be written as well. Precursors are produced from fission and are lost as a result
of decay. It follows that the precursor-balance equation can be written as:
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12 The Essential CANDU
dCˆ (t ) ˆ (t ) Cˆ (t )
d f
d f vnˆ (t ) Cˆ (t )
. (42)
The system of equations (41) and (42) completely describes the time dependence of the neu-
tron and precursor populations. Just as in the case without delayed neutrons, they will be
processed to highlight neutron-generation time and reactivity. Because reactivity is based on
the total neutron yield rather than the prompt-neutron yield, the prompt-neutron source is
expressed as the difference between the total neutron source and the delayed-neutron source:
dnˆ (t )
f vnˆ(t ) d f vnˆ (t ) Cˆ (t ) DBg2 vnˆ (t ) a vnˆ(t )
f DBg2 a vnˆ(t ) d f vnˆ (t ) Cˆ (t )
. (43)
The RHS is subsequently processed in a similar way to the no-delayed-neutron case:
f f
nˆ(t ) Cˆ (t )
. (44)
The neutron-balance equation can hence be written as:
dnˆ (t )
nˆ (t ) Cˆ (t )
dt . (45)
The RHS of the precursor-balance equation can be similarly processed:
d f vnˆ (t ) Cˆ (t ) d f f vnˆ (t ) Cˆ (t ) nˆ (t ) Cˆ (t )
, (46)
leading to the following form of the precursor-balance equation:
dCˆ (t )
nˆ(t ) Cˆ (t )
dt . (47)
Combining Eqs. (45) and (47), the system of point-kinetics equations for the case of one de-
layed-neutron group is obtained:
dnˆ (t )
nˆ (t ) Cˆ (t )
dCˆ (t )
nˆ (t ) Cˆ (t )
dt . (48)
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Reactor Dynamics 13
dCˆ k (t ) k
nˆ (t ) k Cˆ k (t ) (k 1...kmax )
dt , (54)
representing the point-kinetics equations for the case with multiple delayed-neutron groups.
analytical solution can be easily found if the reactivity and generation time are constant. Finally,
the general outline of the solution method for the case with several delayed-neutron groups is
0 k nˆ k Cˆ k (k 1...kmax )
. (55)
Equation (55) is a system of linear algebraic equations where the unknowns are the neutron and
precursor populations. This can be easily seen by rearranging as follows:
nˆ k Cˆ k Sˆ
k 1
nˆ k Cˆ k 0 (k 1...kmax )
. (56)
The system can be easily solved by substitution, by formally solving for the precursor popula-
tions in the precursor-balance equations:
Cˆ k k nˆ (k 1...kmax )
k (57)
and substituting the resulting expression into the neutron-balance equation to obtain:
nˆ k nˆ Sˆ
k 1 . (58)
Noting that the sum of the partial delayed-neutron fractions equals the total delayed-neutron
fraction, as expressed by Eq. (58), the neutron-balance equation can be processed to yield:
1 kmax
nˆ nˆ k nˆ nˆ nˆ nˆ nˆ Sˆ
k 1
. (59)
The neutron population is hence equal to:
n̂ Sˆ
. (60)
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Reactor Dynamics 15
Note that the reactivity is negative, and therefore the neutron population is positive. Equation
(60) is called the source multiplication formula. It shows that the neutron population can be
obtained by multiplying the external source strength by the inverse of the reactivity, hence the
name. The closer the reactor is to criticality, the larger the source multiplication and hence the
neutron population. Substituting Eq. (60) into Eq. (57), the individual precursor concentrations
Sˆ k
Cˆ k ( k 1...kmax )
k . (61)
The source multiplication formula finds applications in describing the approach to critical during
reactor start-up and in measuring reactivity-device worth.
nˆ (t ) n0 0t n1 1t
ˆ a0 e a1 e
C (t ) 0
C 1
. (65)
Coefficients a0 and a1 are found by applying the initial conditions.
To find the fundamental solutions, expression (64) is substituted into Eq. (63) to obtain:
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16 The Essential CANDU
d n t
e e t
dt C
, (66)
and subsequently:
et e t
. (67)
Dividing both sides by the exponential term and rearranging the terms, the following homoge-
neous linear system is obtained, called the characteristic system:
n 0
C 0
. (68)
This represents an eigenvalue-eigenvector problem, for which a solution is presented below.
First, the system is rearranged so that the unknowns are each isolated on one side, and the
system is rewritten as a regular system of two equations:
n C
n C
. (69)
Dividing the two equations side by side, an equation for the eigenvalues k is obtained:
. (70)
This is a quadratic equation in , as can easily be seen after rearranging it to:
2 0
. (71)
The two solutions to this quadratic equation are simply:
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Reactor Dynamics 17
2 . (72)
Once the eigenvalues are known, either the first or the second of equations (69) can be used to
find the relationship between n and C . In doing so, care must be taken that the right eigen-
value (correct subscript) is used for the right n - C combination. Note that only the ratio of n
and C can be determined. It follows that either n or C can have an arbitrary value, which is
usually chosen to be unity. For example, if the second equation (69) is used, and if n0 and n1 are
chosen to be unity, the two fundamental solutions are:
. (73)
The general solution is then:
1 1
nˆ (t ) e0t a e1t
ˆ a0 1
C (t ) 0 1
. (74)
dCk (t ) k
nˆ (t ) k Cˆ k (t ) (k 1,..., kmax )
dt . (75)
As long as the coefficients are constant, this is simply a system of first-order linear differential
equations, whose general solution is a linear combination of exponential fundamental solutions
of the type:
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18 The Essential CANDU
1 et
Ckmax . (76)
There are kmax+1 such solutions, and the general solution can be expressed as:
nˆ(t) nl
ˆ k l
C1 (t) max C1 lt
al e
l 0 l
Cˆkmax (t) Ckmax
. (77)
n n kCk
k 1
Ck n kCk (k 1,..., kmax )
. (78)
The components Ck can be expressed using the precursor equations in (78) as:
Ck n (k 1,..., kmax )
. (79)
Substituting this into the neutron-balance equation in (78) yields:
n n k n
k 1 k . (80)
Note that the component n can be simplified out of the above and that by rearranging terms,
the following expression for reactivity is obtained:
k 1 k . (81)
Equation (81) is known as the Inhour equation. Its kmax+1 solutions determine the exponents of
the kmax+1 fundamental solutions. To understand the nature of those solutions, it is useful to
attempt a graphical solution of the Inhour equation by plotting its RHS as a function of and
observing its intersection points with a horizontal line at y . Such a plot is shown in Fig. 1
for the case of six delayed-neutron groups.
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Reactor Dynamics 19
6 5 4 3 2 1
generation time is usually less than 1 ms, and often less than 0.1 ms, the slope of the
oblique asymptote is very small. Consequently, min is very far to the left of k , max
and hence kmax kmax kmax 1 . The importance of this fact will become clearer
later, when the prompt-jump approximation will be discussed.
Overall, the solutions are ordered as follows:
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20 The Essential CANDU
max . (87)
With this new notation, the asymptotic behaviour can be written as:
nˆ(t) n0
ˆ 0 t
C1 (t) C1 eT
0 a
Cˆkmax (t) Ckmax . (88)
Before ending this sub-section, a few more comments are warranted. In particular, it is worth
considering the solution to the point-kinetics equation (PKE) for three separate cases: negative
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Reactor Dynamics 21
Negative reactivity
In the case of negative reactivity, all exponents in the general solution are negative. It follows
that over time, both the neutron population and the precursor concentrations will drop to zero.
Of course, after a long time, the asymptotic behaviour applies, which has a negative exponent.
Zero reactivity
In the case of zero reactivity, max vanishes, and all other l are negative. The general solution
can be written as:
nˆ(t) n0 nl
ˆ 0 kmax l
C1 (t) C1 a C1 elt
a0 l
l 1
Cˆkmax (t) kmax
C Ckmax . (89)
After a sufficiently long time, all the exponential terms die out, and the neutron and precursor
populations stabilize at a constant value. Note that these populations do not need to remain
constant from the beginning of the transient, but only to stabilize at a constant value.
Positive reactivity
In the case of positive reactivity, max is positive, and all other l are negative. Hence, after
sufficient time has elapsed, all but the first exponential term vanish, and the asymptotic behav-
iour is described by a single exponential which increases indefinitely.
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resulting value of as is approximately -32.5 s-1, which is much smaller than even the largest
decay constant in Table 1 taken with a negative sign. That value is only -3 s-1. This shows that
the following inequality holds true:
min kmax as kmax 1 ..... 0 max
. (92)
The general solution of the point-kinetics equations expressed by Eq. (77) can be processed to
separate out the term corresponding to kmax 1 :
nˆ(t) n0 nkmax 1 nl
ˆ 0 kmax 1 kmax 2 l
C1 (t) kmax1t 1 kmax kmax1 a
1 C
al 1 e l kmax 1
t t
e akmax e kmax 1
0 kmax 1
l 0
Cˆkmax (t) C C C
k max
k max
k . (93)
According to Eq. (92), for l kmax 2 , all exponents of the type l kmax 1 t are positive. The
only negative exponent is kmax kmax 1 t , which is also much larger in absolute value than all
other exponents. It follows that after a very short time, t, the first term of the RHS of Eq. (93)
becomes negligible, and the solution of the point-kinetics equations can then be approximated
nˆ(t) nkmax 1 nl nl
ˆ kmax 1 kmax 2 l l
C1 (t) kmax 1t C1 C1 l kmax1 t kmax 1 C1 el t
e akmax 1 al e al
kmax 1
l 0
l l 0 l
Cˆkmax (t)
Ckmax Ckmax Ckmax . (94)
Concentrating on the neutron population, its expression is:
kmax 1
nˆ(t ) a n e l
l lt
l 0 . (95)
Substituting this into the neutron-balance equation of the point-kinetics system, the following is
kmax 1 kmax 1
l l t kmax ˆ
l al nl elt
al n e k Ck
l 1 l 1 k 1 . (96)
Noting that the following inequality holds true:
l l 0,...kmax 1
, (97)
the LHS of Eq. (96) can be approximated to vanish, and hence the equation can be approxi-
mated by:
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Reactor Dynamics 23
kmax 1
l lt kmax ˆ
al n e k Ck
l 1 k 1 , (98)
which is equivalent to:
0 nˆ (t ) k Cˆ k (t )
k 1 . (99)
By adding the precursor-balance equations, the following approximate point-kinetics equations
are obtained:
0 n(t ) k Cˆ k (t )
k 1
dCˆ k (t ) k
nˆ (t ) k Cˆ k (t ) (k 1,..., kmax )
dt . (100)
This system of kmax differential equations and one algebraic equation is known as the prompt
jump approximation of the point-kinetics equations. The name comes from the fact that
whenever a step reactivity change occurs, the prompt jump approximation results in a step
change, a prompt jump, in the neutron population. To demonstrate this behaviour, let the
reactivity change from 1 to 2 at time t0. The neutron-balance equation before and after t0
can be written as:
1 kmax
nˆ (t ) k Cˆ k (t ) (t t0 )
k 1
2 kmax
nˆ(t ) k Cˆ k (t ) (t t0 )
k 1 . (101)
The limit of the neutron population as t approaches t0 from the left, symbolically denoted as
nˆ (t0 ) , is found from the first equation (101) to be equal to:
nˆ (t0 )
Cˆ (t )
k k 0
k 1
. (102)
Similarly, the limit of the neutron population as t approaches t0 from the right, symbolically
denoted as nˆ (t0 ) , is found from the second equation (101) to be equal to:
nˆ (t0 )
Cˆ (t )
k k 0
k 1
. (103)
Taking the ratio of the preceding two equations side by side, the following is obtained:
nˆ (t0 ) 1
nˆ (t0 ) 2 . (104)
There is therefore a jump nˆ (t0 ) equal to:
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24 The Essential CANDU
1 2
nˆ (t0 ) nˆ (t0 ) nˆ (t0 ) nˆ (t0 ) nˆ (t0 ) 1 nˆ (t0 )
2 2 . (105)
Of course, the actual neutron population does not display such a jump; it is continuous at t0.
Nonetheless, a very short time t after t0 (at t0 t ), the approximate and exact neutron
populations become almost equal. Note also that Eq. (105) is valid only if both reactivities 1
and 2 are less than the effective delayed-neutron fraction .
pg (r , t ) p (r , t ) fg ' (r , t ) g ' (r , t ) dgk (r , t )k Ck (r , t )
g' k 1
. (106)
The accompanying precursor-balance equations are written as:
ck (r , t ) pk (r , t ) fg ' (r , t ) g ' (r , t ) k Ck (r , t )
t g'
. (107)
Equations (106) and (107) represent the space-time kinetics equations in their diffusion ap-
proximation. Their solution is the topic of this section.
It is advantageous for the development of the space-time kinetics formalism to introduce a set
of multidimensional vectors and operators, as follows:
Flux vector
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Reactor Dynamics 25
Φ r , t g r , t
Precursor vector
ξ k (r , t ) dgk Ck (r , t )
Loss operator
M r , t Dg (r , t ) g (r , t ) rg (r , t ) g (r , t ) sg ' g (r , t ) g ' (r , t )
g ' g
Prompt production operator
Fp (r , t ) pg ( r , t ) p ( r , t ) fg ' ( r , t ) g ' ( r , t )
Precursor production operator for precursor group k
Fdk (r , t ) dgk (r , t )k Ck (r , t )
Inverse-speed operator
v 1 g'g
, (113)
where g ' g is the Kronecker delta symbol.
Using these definitions, the time-dependent multigroup diffusion equation can be written in
compact form as:
1 k max
v Φr , t M (r , t )Φr , t Fp (r , t )Φr , t k ξ k (r , t )
t k 1 . (114)
The precursor-balance equations can be written as:
ξ k (r , t ) Fdk (r , t )Φ r , t k ξ k (r , t ) (k 1,..., kmax )
t . (115)
As a last definition, for two arbitrary vectors Φ ( r , t ) and Ψ ( r , t ) , the inner product is defined
Φ, Ψ g (r , t )g (r , t )dV
g Vcore
. (116)
dependent only on time and a vector dependent on energy, space, and time. The function
dependent only on time is called an amplitude function, and the vector dependent on space,
energy, and time is called a shape function. The sought-for flux can therefore be expressed as:
Φr , t p(t )Ψ(r , t ) . (117)
Such a factorization is always possible, regardless of the definition of the function p(t). In this
case, the function p(t) is defined as follows:
p(t ) w (r ), v 1Φ(r , t )
, (118)
where w ( r ) is an arbitrary weight vector dependent only on energy and position:
w r wg r
. (119)
According to its definition, p(t) can be interpreted as a generalized neutron population. Indeed,
if the weight function were chosen to be unity, p(t) would be exactly equal to the neutron
From the definition of the flux factorization, it follows that the shape vector Ψ ( r , t ) satisfies the
following normalization condition:
w (r ), v 1Ψ(r , t ) 1
. (120)
Substituting the factorized form of the flux into the space-, energy-, and time-dependent
diffusion equation, the following equations (representing respectively the neutron and precur-
sor balance) result:
dp (t ) 1
v Ψ r , t p (t ) v 1Ψ r , t p (t )M (r , t ) Ψ r , t
dt t
p (t )Fp (r , t ) Ψ r , t k ξ k (r , t )
k 1 . (121)
ξ k ( r , t ) p (t )Fdk ( r , t ) Ψ r , t k ξ k ( r , t ) ( k 1,..., k max )
t . (122)
The precursor-balance equation can be solved formally to give:
ξ k ( r , t ) ξ k ( r , 0)e k t e k (t t ') p (t ') Fdk ( r , t ') Ψ ( r , t ') dt '
0 . (123)
By taking the inner product with the weight vector w ( r ) on both sides of the neutron-balance
equation and the precursor-balance equation, the following is obtained:
w r ; v 1Ψr , t p(t ) w r ; v 1Ψr , t
dp(t ) d
dt dt
p(t ) w r ; M (r , t )Ψ r , t
k max
p(t ) w r ; Fp (r , t )Ψr , t k w r ; ξ k (r , t )
k 1 . (124)
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Reactor Dynamics 27
w ( r ); ξ k (r , t ) p (t ) w (r ); Fdk ( r , t ) Ψ r , t
k w ( r ); ξ k ( r , t ) ( k 1,..., k max )
. (125)
Equations (124) and (125) can be processed into more elegant forms akin to the point-kinetics
equations. To do this, some quantities must be defined first which will prove to be generaliza-
tions of the same quantities defined for the point-kinetics equations.
ˆ (t )
Ck (t ) p (t ) k k Cˆ k (t ) ( k 1,..., kmax )
t (t ) . (132)
Of course, to be able to define quantities such as the dynamic reactivity, the shape vector
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28 The Essential CANDU
Ψ ( r , t ) must be known or approximated at each time t. Different shape representations
Ψ ( r , t ) lead to different space-time kinetics models. All flux-factorization models alternate
between calculating the shape vector Ψ ( r , t ) and solving the point-kinetics-like equations (132)
for the amplitude function and the precursor populations. The detailed energy- and space-
dependent flux shape at each time t can subsequently be reconstructed by multiplying the
amplitude function by the shape vector.
k 1 0 . (133)
The IQS model alternates between solving the point-kinetics-like equations (132) and the shape
equation (133). The corresponding IQS numerical method uses two sizes of time interval.
Because the amplitude function varies much more rapidly with time than the shape vector, the
time interval used to solve the point-kinetics-like equations is much smaller than that used to
solve for the shape vector. Note that, other than the time discretization, the IQS model and
method include no approximation. The actual shape of the weight vector w ( r ) is irrelevant.
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Reactor Dynamics 29
M ( r , t ) Ψ r , t F (r , t ) Ψ(r , t )
k . (135)
The resulting shape is used to calculate the point-kinetics parameters, which are then used in
the point-kinetics-like equations (132). As in the case of the IQS and quasistatic models, Equa-
tion (135) is solved in conjunction with the point-kinetics-like equations (132).
6 Perturbation Theory
It should be obvious by now that different approximations of the shape vector lead to different
values for the kinetics parameters. It is therefore of interest to determine whether certain
choices of the weight vector might maintain the accuracy of the kinetics parameters even when
approximate shape vectors are used. In particular, it would be interesting to obtain accurate
values of the dynamic reactivity, which is the determining parameter for any transient. The
issue of determining the weight function that leads to the smallest errors in reactivity when
small errors exist in the shape vector is addressed by perturbation theory. This section will
present without proof some important results of perturbation theory. The interested reader is
encouraged to consult [Rozon1998], [Ott1985], and [Stacey1970] for detailed proofs and
additional results.
their adjoint counterparts. The adjoint A* of an operator A is the operator which, for any
arbitrary vectors Φ ( r , t ) and Ψ ( r , t ) , satisfies:
Φ, AΨ A*Φ, Ψ
. (138)
The reactivity at time t can therefore be expressed as:
Ψ* (r , 0), F(r , t )Ψ(r , t ) Ψ* (r , 0), M(r , t )Ψ(r , t )
(t )
Ψ* (r , 0), F(r , t )Ψ(r , t )
. (139)
The remaining point-kinetics parameters can be expressed similarly using the initial adjoint as
the weight function.
An additional result from perturbation theory states that when the adjoint function is used as
the weight function, the reactivity resulting from small perturbations applied to an initially
critical reactor can be calculated as:
Ψ* (r ,0), F(r , t )Ψ(r ,0) Ψ* (r ,0), M(r , t )Ψ(r ,0)
(t )
Ψ* (r ,0), F(r ,0)Ψ(r ,0)
, (140)
where the symbols represent perturbations (changes) in the respective operators with respect
to the initial critical state. Equation (140) offers a simpler way of calculating the reactivity than
Eq. (139) because it does not require recalculation of the shape vector at each time t. Note
that, within first-order of approximation, the calculated reactivity is also equal to the static
reactivity at time t, defined as:
(t ) 1
keff (t )
. (141)
In fact, perturbation theory can also be used to calculate the (static) reactivity when the initial
unperturbed state is not critical. In that case, the change in reactivity is calculated as:
Ψ*0 , 0
FΨ 0 Ψ*0 , MΨ 0
1 1 keff
keff keff Ψ*0 , FΨ 0
. (142)
In Eq. (142), the “0” subscript or superscript denotes the unperturbed state. Finally, for one-
energy-group representations, the direct flux and the adjoint function are equal. It follows that
in a one-group representation, the reactivity at time t can be expressed as:
Ψ ( r , 0), F ( r , t ) Ψ ( r , 0) Ψ ( r , 0), M ( r , t ) Ψ ( r , 0)
(t )
Ψ ( r , 0), F ( r , 0) Ψ ( r , 0)
2 ( r , 0) f a dV
2 ( r , 0) f dV
. (143)
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Reactor Dynamics 31
More generally, the static reactivity change between any two states, which is the equivalent of
Eq. (142), can be expressed using one-group diffusion theory as:
02 (r ) 0 f a dV
keff keff 2
0 (r ) f 0 dV
. (144)
. (145)
Note that the integral in the numerator is over the device volume only and that the integral in
the denominator does not change as the device moves, thus simplifying the calculations.
Moreover, if two devices are introduced, their combined reactivity worth is:
0 keff0 fd1 f 0
ad 1
a 0 dV
d 1 d 2
Vd 1
f 0 dV
V keff
0 0 fd 2 f 0 ad 2 a 0 dV
0 f 0 dV
d 1 d 2 . (146)
The interpretation of this equation is that as long as devices are not too close together and do
not have too large reactivity worths (so that the assumptions of perturbation theory remain
valid), their reactivity worths are additive.
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32 The Essential CANDU
7 Fission-Product Poisoning
Poisons are nuclides with large absorption cross sections for thermal neutrons. Some poisons
are introduced intentionally to control the reactor, such as B or Gd. Some poisons are produced
as fission products during normal reactor operation. Xe and Sm are the most important of
aX X aX . (148)
The total macroscopic absorption cross section is now:
a a 0 aX , (149)
and the new effective multiplication constant is:
f f
a DBg a 0 aX DBg2
. (150)
Addition of the poison induces a change in reactivity:
1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0
keff keff keff keff
a 0 DB 2 a 0 aX DB 2
f f
aX X aX
f f
. (151)
To calculate the reactivity inserted by the poison, the concentration of poison nuclei, X, must
first be determined.
Non-uniform concentration
In the case of non-uniform poison concentration, the perturbation formula for reactivity can be
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Reactor Dynamics 33
(r ) (r )dV (r ) (r ) X (r )
2 2 2
a aX (r )dV aX dV
1 1
k0 k
(r ) f (r )dV (r ) f (r )dV (r )
2 2 2
f (r )dV
V V V . (152)
It can easily be seen that if the distribution is uniform, the previous formula is recovered:
aX 2 (r )dV
1 1 aX
k0 k f
f 2 (r )dV
V . (153)
In the next sub-section, specific aspects of fission-product poisoning will be illustrated for the
case of Xe.
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I f I I
dt , (154)
where is called the fission product yield and equals the average number of I nuclides created
per fission. The balance equation for Xe nuclei can be subsequently written as:
I I X f X X aX X
dt . (155)
Steady-state conditions
Equilibrium conditions are attained after the reactor operates for a very long time ( ) at a
steady-state flux level ss . Under equilibrium conditions, the concentration of I nuclei is easily
found to be:
I f ss
I . (156)
Similarly, the Xe concentration can be determined as:
I I X f ss ( I X ) f ss
X aX ss X aX ss . (157)
Note that both I and Xe concentrations depend on flux level. However, whereas the I concen-
tration increases indefinitely with flux level, the Xe concentration levels off, and it can, at most,
become equal to:
( I X ) f
X max
aX . (158)
The Xe macroscopic absorption cross section is:
( I X ) f ss aX
aX X aX
X aX ss . (159)
Using the notation:
X 0.770 1013 cm2 sec1
aX , (160)
the Xe macroscopic absorption cross section can be rewritten as:
( I X ) f ss
X ss . (161)
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Reactor Dynamics 35
aX 1 ( I X ) f ss X ss
Xe I
f f X ss X ss
. (162)
For high reactor fluxes, in the case where ss X , X can be neglected in the denomina-
tor, and the reactivity becomes independent of the flux level and equal to its maximum value of:
. (163)
This is to be expected given that the Xe concentration has been found to “saturate” with in-
creased flux. The reactivity expressed in Eq. (163) is nothing but the corresponding reactivity
for the maximum Xe concentration shown in Eq. (158).
If, on the contrary, the flux is very low, in the case where ss X , then SS can be neglected
in the denominator, and the Xe equivalent reactivity increases linearly with flux level:
I X ss
X . (164)
Xe load after shutdown: reactor dead time
If, the reactor is shut down ( 0 ), I and Xe production from fission ceases, as well as Xe
destruction through neutron absorption. The concentration of I begins to decrease exponen-
tially due to decay. If the I concentration at the time of shutdown is I0, the I concentration as a
function of time can be expressed simply as:
I (t ) I 0 e I t
. (165)
Substituting this expression into the Xe balance equation and setting the flux to zero leads to
the following expression:
I I 0 e I t X X
dt . (166)
Denoting the Xe concentration at the time of shutdown by X0, the solution can be written as:
I I 0
X (t ) X 0e X t (e X t e I t )
I X . (167)
If the reactor is shut down after operating for a long time at steady state, the resulting Xe
concentration is:
( 1 X ) f ss I f ss X t I t
X (t ) e X t (e e )
X aX ss 1 X . (168)
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36 The Essential CANDU
The equivalent reactivity for uniformly distributed Xe (and assuming that the reactor was shut
down after operating for a long time at steady state) is:
1 ( X ) ss X t
I e I ss (e xt e I t )
X ss I X , (169)
I 1.055 1013 cm 2 sec 1
aX . (170)
The Xe concentration, and consequently the Xe reactivity worth after shutdown, increases at
first because Xe continues to be produced by decay of I, whereas consumption is now reduced
in the absence of Xe destruction by neutron absorption. After a while, however, the Xe concen-
tration reaches a maximum, starts decreasing, and eventually approaches zero. This behaviour
is shown in Fig. 4, which shows the Xe reactivity worth after shutdown from full power.
steady-state reactor operation. As Xe builds up after shutdown, removal of these devices can
counterbalance the Xe reactivity load, enabling the reactor to be brought to critical and re-
started. Adjuster rods in the CANDU reactor can serve this purpose, but only up to 30 minutes
after shutdown. Beyond 30 minutes, the Xe load becomes larger than the adjuster-rod reactiv-
ity worth. Because the Xe load increases with the neutron flux, Xe-poison dead time generally
affects only high-power reactors.
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38 The Essential CANDU
both moderator temperature Tm and moderator density dm, a much more useful quantity would
d (Tm , d m ) (Tm , d m ) dd m
Tm ( dm )
dTm Tm d m dTm , (173)
dd m
where the derivative is specified by the thermal expansion law.
Such coefficients are called combined reactivity coefficients. One very useful combined coeffi-
cient of this kind is the power coefficient of reactivity (PCR), which is defined as:
d n
( p1... pn ) dpi
dP i 1 pi dP , (174)
where the pi are all the parameters which change with power and on which the reactivity
ultimately depends, such as fuel temperature, coolant temperature, coolant density, and so on.
Because the core parameters depend on the flux level and because they influence the reactivity,
which in turn influences the flux, the reactivity coefficients are said to express the feedback
which describes the connection between the flux level and the cross-section values. When such
feedback is accounted for during a transient by recalculating the cross sections and the reactiv-
ity as functions of the flux level (and hence of power level), it is said that kinetics calculations
with feedback, or dynamic calculations, are being performed.
This sub-section will close with a presentation of a few alternate expressions for reactivity
coefficients. If reactivity is expressed using the effective multiplication constant, then the
reactivity coefficient can be expressed as follows:
d ( p) d 1 1 dk ( p)
P 1 2
dp dp k ( p) k ( p) dp
. (175)
For reactors close to critical ( k 1 ), this can be processed to yield:
1 dk ( p ) 1 dk ( p )
k 2 ( p ) dp k ( p ) dp . (176)
The last form can also be expressed as:
lnk ( p)
1 dk ( p) d
k ( p) dp dp . (177)
The last two expressions are often used to calculate reactivity coefficients.
9 CANDU-Specific Features
Given the presentation of the basic concepts of reactor kinetics in previous sections, this section
will be devoted to presenting how some of these concepts apply to CANDU reactors.
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40 The Essential CANDU
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Reactor Dynamics 41
the coolant leads to reduced resonance absorption and an increased fast fission rate. Both
these phenomena increase reactivity when coolant is lost. As fuel burns, a mitigating factor
appears in the form of the low-lying Pu fission resonance, which begins to play a role as Pu is
created. Reduced upscattering in the coolant reduces fissions in the low-lying Pu resonance and
hence reduces reactivity, although not enough to make it negative.
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Reactor Dynamics 43
11 Problems
1. 1020 nuclei of 235U undergo fission with a delayed neutron yield of 0.0125 and a delayed
neutron fraction of 0.005.
a) What is the total neutron yield?
b) How many precursors are produced?
c) How many emitters are eventually produced?
2. A radioactive waste site consists of two cylindrical tanks that contain liquid waste in the
form of fissile material in an aqueous solution. The tanks are in the form of cubes with the
side equal to 1m. The neutronic properties of the radioactive waste are: SA=0.00100cm-1,
D=1cm, nu=2.5, SF=0.00158 cm-1, v=2200 m/s. Assume all fission neutrons are prompt.
a) Calculate the reactivity, generation time and neutron life time for one of the tanks.
b) The site manager decides to save space and money, by storing the content of both tanks
in a larger cubical tank, with side 3 2m . Calculate the reactivity, generation time and
neutron life time for the new tank. Comment on the result.
3. A thin foil made of a mixture of isotopes one of which is fissile has a fission macroscopic
cross section equal to 0.001 cm-1. When fissioning, the fissile isotope produces two types of
precursors: one with yield 0.05 and a half-life of one minute, and another with yield 0.03
and a half-life of two minutes. The sample is subjected to a pulse of neutrons at t=0, and to
another pulse of neutrons at t=90s. The first pulse has a fluence of 108 n/cm2, and the
second pulse has a fluence of 5x107 n/cm2. What is the total number of precursors at t=5
Note: Assume that the number of nuclei that react with neutrons (through fission or oth-
erwise) is negligible compared to the original number of nuclei present in the sample, and
that neutrons emitted from the sample do not interact in the sample.
4. A thin-foil of fissile material is irradiated uniformly in a neutron flux of 108 n/cm2/s, starting
at t=0. There are 1022 fissile nuclei in the sample and the fission microscopic cross section is
2000b. There is only one group of delayed neutrons. The total neutron yield per fission is
2.33. The delayed neutron fraction is 0.001 and the half-life of precursors is one minute.
The number of neutrons emitted by the sample per second is measured with a neutron de-
a) What does the detector indicate 20 minutes after the start of the irradiation?
b) At 25 minutes the irradiation stops. What does the detector indicate two minutes later?
Note: Assume that the number of nuclei that react with neutrons (through fission or
otherwise) is negligible compared to the original number of nuclei present in the sam-
ple, and that neutrons emitted from the sample do not interact in the sample.
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44 The Essential CANDU
5. Consider a homogeneous nuclear reactor for which all neutrons are born prompt. The
reactor is cubical, with side equal to 4m. The neutronic parameters of the reactor are:
D 1cm
a 0.003cm 1
v 2200m / s
The reactor is initially critical, operating at 3000 MW fission power. The energy liberated per
fission is approximately 200MeV. The extrapolated size of the reactor can be approximated
by its physical size.
a) Find f .
b) Calculate the volume-integrated flux in the reactor.
c) Calculate total neutron population in the reactor.
d) Calculate the neutron generation time and life time.
6. Consider a slab homogeneous reactor (infinite in the y and z directions and finite in the x
direction) extending from -2m to 2m in the x direction, and with the following parameters:
D 1cm
a 0.003cm 1
Assume that the physical length and the extrapolated length of the reactor can be approx-
imated to be equal.
The reactor is initially critical.
a) Find the fission cross section.
b) A control plate, 1 cm thick (and extending to infinity in the y and z directions, just like
the reactor) is introduced at x=1m. The neutronic parameters of the control plate are:
D 1cm
a 0.01cm 1
f 0cm 1
c) Assuming the control plate is thin-enough so that the unperturbed flux across it can be
assumed to be constant and equal to the value at the center of the plate, calculate the
reactivity of the reactor after the introduction of the control plate.
d) Note: When a plate is inserted in the reactor, its material displaces (that is replaces) the
unperturbed reactor material at the position of the plate.
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Reactor Dynamics 45
7. Consider a reactor with 6 delayed neutron groups, with the following parameters.
v 2200 m / s
0.001 s
1 0.0010
2 0.0012
3 0.0008
4 0.0002
5 0.0011
6 0.0014
1 0.001 s 1
2 0.005 s 1
3 0.010 s 1
4 0.015 s 1
5 0.050 s 1
6 0.100 s 1
The reactor operates in steady state at 2000 MW. The energy per fission is approximately
What is the total delayed neutron fraction?
What is the total delayed neutron yield?
What is the precursor population for each of the groups 1 to 6?
What is the total delayed neutron source?
8. Consider a homogeneous nuclear reactor with one delayed neutron group. The reactor is
cubical, with side equal to 4m. The neutronic parameters of the reactor are:
D 1cm
a 0.003cm1
f 0.00136cm1
v 2200m / s
0.2s 1
Assume the extrapolated size of the reactor equals its physical size.
a) Calculate keff.
b) The reactor is maintained subcritical by the addition of 10B, which has a microscopic
cross section of approximately 4000b. ( 1 barn 1024 cm2 ). If k 0.980 , what is the
number density of Boron atoms?
c) An external neutron source is introduced into the reactor at point b). The neutron bal-
ance (point kinetics) equations are thus written:
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46 The Essential CANDU
n n C S
C n C
where n is the total neutron population, and S is the strength of the external source (neu-
If S 10 6 neutrons , what is the equilibrium (steady-state) neutron population? What is the
equilibrium precursor population?
d) At t=0, the external neutron source is removed from the reactor. What are the neutron
population and the precursor population 5 seconds after the removal of the external
9. Consider a reactor with six delayed neutron groups, with the following parameters:
The reactor is initially operating at a steady-state power of 1000MW. A control rod that was
initially in the core is accidentally ejected at t=0, yielding a 2mk reactivity increase. What is
the reactor power immediately after the rod ejection? Use the prompt jump approxima-
10. Consider a reactor with one delayed neutron group, with the following parameters:
0.02s 1
The reactor is initially in steady state operation at a power of 1000MW. A control rod with a
reactivity worth of 2 mk is inserted in the reactor at t=0. At t=2s, a second, identical, control
rod is inserted. What is the reactor power at t=4s?
Use the prompt jump approximation.
The prompt jump approximation is also valid when the reactor is not initially critical.
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Reactor Dynamics 47
[Stacey1970] Stacey, W. M., Space-Time Nuclear Reactor Kinetics, Academic Press, 1970.
13 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of
course the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
Marv Gold
Bruce Wilkin
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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48 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design
Prepared by
Dr. Nikola K. Popov
This chapter covers the thermal-hydraulic design of nuclear power plants with a focus on the
primary and secondary sides of the nuclear steam supply system. This chapter covers the
following topics: evolution of the reactor thermal-hydraulic system; key design requirements for
the heat transport system; thermal-hydraulic design principles and margins; design details of
the primary and secondary heat transport systems; fundamentals of two-phase flow;
fundamentals of heat transfer and fluid flow in the reactor heat transport system; other related
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2 The Essential CANDU
Table of Contents
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Overview....................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Learning outcomes........................................................................................................ 12
1.3 Summary of relationship to other chapters ................................................................... 12
1.4 Thermal-hydraulic design ............................................................................................. 12
2 Reactor Types ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 CANDU reactor design................................................................................................. 14
2.1.1 Reactor core and calandria vessel ............................................................................. 17
2.1.2 Primary heat transport system design ....................................................................... 19
2.1.3 Steam generators....................................................................................................... 20
2.1.4 Pressurizer................................................................................................................. 21
2.1.5 Primary pumps .......................................................................................................... 22
2.1.6 Primary heat transport piping.................................................................................... 22
2.1.7 Secondary heat transport system design ................................................................... 22
2.1.8 Turbine...................................................................................................................... 23
2.1.9 Condenser ................................................................................................................. 23
2.1.10 Heat exchangers and pumps.................................................................................. 23
2.2 Problems ....................................................................................................................... 23
3 CANDU Thermal-Hydraulic Design Evolution ................................................................... 25
3.1 CANDU reactor evolution ............................................................................................ 25
3.1.2 Steam generators....................................................................................................... 27
3.1.3 Heat transport pumps ................................................................................................ 28
3.1.4 Reactor core .............................................................................................................. 28
3.1.5 Reduction in radiation exposure ............................................................................... 29
3.2 CANDU reactor types................................................................................................... 30
3.2.1 Nuclear Power Demonstration station ...................................................................... 30
3.2.2 Douglas Point............................................................................................................ 31
3.2.3 Pickering A and B..................................................................................................... 32
3.2.4 Bruce A and B........................................................................................................... 33
3.2.5 CANDU 6 ................................................................................................................. 34
3.2.6 Darlington ................................................................................................................. 34
3.2.7 Advanced CANDU designs ...................................................................................... 35
3.3 Non-PHWR CANDU designs....................................................................................... 37
3.3.1 CANDU-BLW .......................................................................................................... 37
3.3.2 CANDU-OCR........................................................................................................... 38
3.4 Problems ....................................................................................................................... 39
4 Thermal-Hydraulic Design Requirements ............................................................................ 40
4.1 Fuel requirements.......................................................................................................... 40
4.1.1 Metallic fuels ............................................................................................................ 42
4.1.2 Ceramic fuels ............................................................................................................ 42
4.1.3 Dispersion fuels ........................................................................................................ 43
4.2 General fuel sheath (cladding) requirements ................................................................ 44
4.2.2 Zirconium.................................................................................................................. 45
4.3 Reactor coolant requirements ....................................................................................... 46
4.3.1 Ordinary water and heavy water coolants................................................................. 46
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 3
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 5
List of Figures
Figure 1 Heat engine concepts ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2 Typical CANDU plant ....................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3 CANDU 6 reactor cooling loops....................................................................................... 16
Figure 4 CANDU reactor, fuel channel, and fuel bundle .............................................................. 18
Figure 5 CANDU calandria vessel and reactor vault ..................................................................... 18
Figure 6 CANDU primary heat transport system .......................................................................... 20
Figure 7 Typical steam generator design...................................................................................... 21
Figure 8 Typical pressurizer design............................................................................................... 21
Figure 9 Typical primary pump design.......................................................................................... 22
Figure 10 CANDU steam generator design evolution................................................................... 28
Figure 11 Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD) heat transport system ...................................... 31
Figure 12 Douglas Point heat transport system ........................................................................... 32
Figure 13 Pickering A heat transport system................................................................................ 32
Figure 14 Bruce heat transport system ........................................................................................ 33
Figure 15 Darlington heat transport system................................................................................. 34
Figure 16 ACR-1000 heat transport system.................................................................................. 36
Figure 17 CANDU BLW heat transport system ............................................................................. 37
Figure 18 CANDU OCR heat transport system.............................................................................. 38
Figure 19 Fuel rod design types .................................................................................................... 41
Figure 20 Critical heat flux ratio.................................................................................................... 56
Figure 21 Thermal margins ........................................................................................................... 58
Figure 22 Relationship between quality and void fraction [COL1972]......................................... 62
Figure 23 Flow patterns in vertical two-phase flow ..................................................................... 66
Figure 24 Flow patterns in horizontal two-phase flow................................................................. 66
Figure 25 Flow patterns and heat transfer regimes in horizontal heated tubes.......................... 67
Figure 26 Flow patterns and heat transfer regimes in vertical heated tubes .............................. 68
Figure 27 Flow pattern map in vertical flow [HET1982]............................................................... 69
Figure 28 3-D representation of boiling surfaces ......................................................................... 71
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 7
Figure 73 Temperature distribution in the fuel cladding and the fuel element ........................ 136
Figure 74 Thermal conductivity in a fuel pin .............................................................................. 138
Figure 75 Impact of oxygen-to-metal ratio on the heat conduction coefficient in fuel............. 138
Figure 76 Heat capacity of a fuel pin .......................................................................................... 139
Figure 77 Gap conductance in a fuel pin .................................................................................... 139
Figure 78 Fuel aging effect on temperature in a fuel pin ........................................................... 140
Figure 79 Impact of gap thickness and linear power on heat conductance............................... 140
Figure 80 Asymmetric temperature profiles in a fuel pin .......................................................... 141
Figure 81 Force-momentum balance in a control volume ......................................................... 147
Figure 82 Moody chart for friction factors ................................................................................. 152
Figure 83 Martinelli-Nelson two-phase multiplier in separated flow ........................................ 154
Figure 84 Single-phase pressure distribution over a square-edged orifice................................ 156
Figure 85 Two-phase pressure distribution over a square-edged orifice .................................. 156
Figure 86 Bundle correction factor (37-element hexagonal bundle) ......................................... 157
Figure 87 Eccentricity effect ....................................................................................................... 158
Figure 88 Eccentricity correction factor ..................................................................................... 158
Figure 89 Bundle junction misalignment effect.......................................................................... 160
Figure 90 Typical single-phase pressure distribution over misaligned bundles......................... 160
Figure 91 Typical pressure drop in misaligned fuel bundles ...................................................... 161
Figure 92 Typical misaligned junction pressure drop signatures ............................................... 161
Figure 93 Typical two-phase pressure distribution over misaligned bundles............................ 162
Figure 94 Pressure gradient along a flow channel in boiling...................................................... 163
Figure 95 Example of abrupt area changes and orifice .............................................................. 164
Figure 96 Pressure drop behaviour with abrupt area changes and orifice ................................ 164
Figure 97 Pressure drop components......................................................................................... 165
Figure 98 Concept of channel flow instability ............................................................................ 168
Figure 99 Channel flow instability under low heat flux .............................................................. 169
Figure 100 Impact of different pump curves on channel flow instability .................................. 170
Figure 101 Definition of channel flow excursion instability in a single channel ........................ 171
Figure 102 Principles of flow excursion instability in two parallel channels.............................. 173
Figure 103 Results of flow excursion instability in two parallel channels ................................. 174
Figure 104 Concepts of CHF, dryout, and burnout..................................................................... 181
Figure 105 Transitions among CHF mechanisms ........................................................................ 182
Figure 106 Pool boiling CHF mechanisms................................................................................... 183
Figure 107 Flow boiling CHF mechanisms .................................................................................. 183
Figure 108 Effect of inlet temperature and mass flux ................................................................ 186
Figure 109 Effect of outlet pressure in pool boiling ................................................................... 186
Figure 110 Effect of outlet pressure on flow boiling .................................................................. 187
Figure 111 Effect of heated length on local CHF ........................................................................ 187
Figure 112 Effect of quality on local CHF.................................................................................... 188
Figure 113 Effect of tube diameter on local CHF........................................................................ 188
Figure 114 Concept of operating margins .................................................................................. 194
Figure 115 Critical channel power .............................................................................................. 195
Figure 116 CHF margin definitions.............................................................................................. 196
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8 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 9
List of Tables
Table 1 Typical fuel characteristics for key reactor types ............................................................ 26
Table 2 CANDU main process parameters and features .............................................................. 27
Table 3 Evolution of D2O content in the core and of power in the fuel channel ......................... 29
Table 4 Summary of uranium fuel characteristics [POP2014]...................................................... 41
Table 5 Summary of fuel cladding characteristics [POP2014]...................................................... 44
Table 6 Summary of coolant characteristics [POP2014] .............................................................. 47
Table 7 Summary of moderator characteristics [POP2014] ......................................................... 49
Table 8 Factors affecting pressure drop ..................................................................................... 146
Table 9 CANDU distribution of pressure drop in the primary loop ............................................ 146
Table 10 Separate CHF effects in fuel bundles ........................................................................... 185
Table 11 Sample of CHF look-up table........................................................................................ 191
Table 12 Sample of PDO look-up table [IAEA2001] .................................................................... 214
Table 13 Typical PWR reactor parameters ................................................................................. 253
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10 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
Section 1 provides an introduction to thermal-hydraulic design. It defines the expectations and
learning outcomes for this chapter and indicates the relationship of this chapter to other
chapters in this textbook.
The objective of this chapter is to describe the generic thermal-hydraulic design of nuclear
reactors under normal operating conditions, with a specific focus on design details of CANDU
This chapter covers the thermal-hydraulic design of a CANDU nuclear power reactor, with
general comparisons to other reactor types and designs. Thermal-hydraulic design covers the
reactor primary and secondary heat transport systems. In fact, the primary heat transfer
design defines the maximum power levels (globally and locally) that can be safely generated in
the reactor core and thus defines the design characteristics of many systems and components,
such as the reactor core physics and the fuel design.
1.1 Overview
This section describes the objectives, principles, and methodologies of reactor thermal-
hydraulic design. The thermal-hydraulic design of the reactor process systems that are
required to transport heat energy away from the nuclear reactor source and transform this
heat energy into useful work (generally electrical energy) are the focus of nuclear engineering
and of this chapter.
Section 2 presents the principles of reactor design, with a focus on CANDU reactor design.
Designs of other reactor types are described in Appendix A, in which the focus is on providing a
historical perspective on reactor thermal-hydraulic and systems design and on pressurized
water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs).
Section 3 covers the design evolution of the CANDU reactor, including a general description of
the overall design of the CANDU heat transport system and the design and evolution of the
main components such as primary pumps, steam generators, and the reactor core.
Section 4 defines the thermal-hydraulic design requirements, including fuel cladding (fuel
sheath), coolant, fuel, moderator materials, and control materials. Reactor core component
materials are discussed and component requirements assessed. This section also discusses
various fuel-coolant-moderator arrangements, their optimization, and their performance
within the reactor design. Advantages and disadvantages of all the variations are discussed and
possible solutions suggested. Finally, the section provides general requirements for the
thermal-hydraulic design process.
Section 5 discusses reactor thermal-hydraulic design limits from the perspective of various
reactor designs. It explains the concepts of reactor thermal margins and their application to
reactor design assessment. Reactor thermal margins are an important parameter in reactor
thermal-hydraulic design because they provide assurance that the heat generated by the fuel is
removed from the reactor core under all possible operating conditions.
Section 6 covers thermal-hydraulic design fundamentals. The first part of this section presents
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 11
the fundamentals of single- and two-phase flow and heat transfer. Two-phase flow and heat
transfer present a number of thermal-hydraulic design challenges, which are explained and
discussed in this section. In addition, this section covers the thermodynamics of the reactor
primary and secondary heat transport systems. The concepts of thermodynamic laws and their
application to reactor design are presented. The concept of reactor thermodynamic efficiency
is defined and its application to reactor performance assessment explained. Various secondary
system designs are discussed, and a description of the secondary side components, such as
steam turbines, steam condensers, feedwater systems and pre-heaters, and feedwater pumps,
is provided.
Section 7 is the key section in this chapter because it describes the design of reactor heat
transfer and fluid flow. This section outlines primary heat transport system behaviour,
describes the various mathematical models, and discusses the most important characteristics
of the primary heat transport system. The design and operation of the primary pumps is
described. The design and operation of the steam generators is covered in detail because this
component connects the primary and secondary heat transport systems, and therefore
understanding its behaviour is essential for understanding overall reactor thermal-hydraulic
behaviour. Flow stability in single-channel and parallel-channel instability situations is
explained and its relevance to reactor and pump operation presented.
Also presented in Section 7 are heat transfer in the fuel elements and their heat transfer
behaviour and operation in the reactor. Various topics are covered, such as fuel pellet cladding
gap heat conduction, variability of heat conductivity in the fuel with temperature, and the
influence of other important parameters. Fluid flow fundamentals are also covered, including
calculation of pressure drop in the primary heat transport system under single- and two-phase
operating conditions, calculation of flow resistance and its impact, and other important
Heat transfer between fuel and coolant is also discussed in Section 7, including heat transfer
regimes in single-phase and two-phase operation, with a particular focus on boiling heat
transfer in a CANDU fuel channel. The concept of critical heat flux is defined and discussed,
along with various critical heat flux approaches, experimental data, and prediction methods.
The impact of critical heat flux on reactor thermal margins is discussed and methods for
improvement identified. An important part of the critical heat flux prediction model is the
look-up table, which is explained and its application described. Part of this section is devoted
to post-critical heat flux heat transfer, i.e., transition boiling and film boiling. Various heat
transfer modes are discussed, with particular attention to CANDU fuel bundles. Most of the
important heat transfer correlations are listed and explained and their application discussed.
Finally, the last few sub-sections of Section 7 are devoted to special topics in reactor thermal-
hydraulic design. One section explains the critical flow phenomenon and its relevance to safety
analysis, as well as the water hammer phenomenon. It provides insights on the risk from the
water hammer hazard and provides high-level information on preventing this phenomenon in
reactor design.
The last part of Section 7 covers natural circulation, which is an important phenomenon
because it provides assurance that reactor decay heat will be removed from the core if forced-
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12 The Essential CANDU
flow cooling is lost. This section describes the natural circulation phenomenon and focusses on
its application in CANDU reactors. The CANDU-specific phenomena of core cooling in the
absence of forced flow and of intermittent buoyancy-induced flow in a CANDU fuel channel are
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 13
The most important role of reactor design from a safety perspective is to ensure that:
the fission reaction can be achieved and controlled (addressed by the physical
physic core
design and fuel design);
heat can be removed from the core to tthe he ultimate heat sink (addressed by the
hydraulic design);
the reactor operation can be monitored (addressed by the instrumentation
instrumentatio and control
design), and
the radioactive material can be contained within the reactor facility (addressed by the
radiation protection and civil engineering design). Among
mong the most important aspects
of reactor engineering with respect to safe operation is the heat transfer and fluid flow
(i.e., the thermal-hydraulic
ydraulic design)
The basic concept of a nuclear power plant is presented in Figure 1; it is similar
lar to that of any
other thermal power plant. The overall objective is to produce useful shaft work using a
thermodynamic heat engine (a turbine) with a heat source (a reactor) and a heat sink (a lake,
the sea, or the atmosphere). Following this basic concept,
ncept, a number of variations of the
nuclear power plant have been designed.
A number of inter-related
related systems and components are integrated in into nuclear power plant
design and interact with each other
other. Understanding their limitations
ions and characteristics is an
essential part of reactor design
design. Consequently, the process designer must appreciate the
characteristics and limitations of all the major components and systems to carry out the
detailed design of a particular system
system, i.e., to make intelligent choices. Design is, after all, the
process of constraining the possible alternatives (in reaching a design objective) down to one
choice. The overall goal is to provide an effective process within the context of the whole
operation. This means that the system must perform its process function safely and efficiently
at a reasonable cost. The interplay of these key concepts and systems constitutes
constitute “the design
The final arbitrators in resolving the conflicting demands of each ssubsystem
ubsystem are:
are adequate level
of safety, low overall cost, material limits (temperature, mechanical stress, erosion, corrosion,
etc.), regulations, past experience
experience, standardized design requirements, and quality assurance
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14 The Essential CANDU
2 Reactor Types
A number of reactor types are operating around the world, and many more have been
designed in the past 50+ years of nuclear energy utilization, but never built. Many of these
reactor types use very different physical and thermal-hydraulic concepts; however, only a
handful have been able to ensure commercial viability over the past 50 years.
A number of these reactor types have proven to be commercially and economically
competitive, the most successful of which include [ELW1990]:
Pressurized water reactors (PWRs)
Boiling water reactors (BWRs)
Gas cooled reactors
Channel type reactors.
Although a detailed discussion of these reactor types is beyond the scope of this text, the
general evolution of reactor design and several of these designs are discussed in Appendix A.
The CANDU reactor design is a channel-type reactor, and a general overview, as relevant to the
topic of thermal hydraulics, is presented in Section 2.1.
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Each fuel element consists of natural uranium in the form of cylindrical pellets of sintered
uranium dioxide contained in a zircaloy-4 sheath closed at each end by an end cap. The fuel
elements are held together by end plates at each end to form the fuel bundle. The required
fuel element separation is maintained by spacers brazed to the fuel elements at the transverse
mid-plane. The outer fuel elements have bearing pads brazed to the outer surface to support
the fuel bundle in the pressure tube.
The CANDU reactor assembly, shown in Figure 5, includes the fuel channels contained in and
supported by the calandria. Each end shield consists of an inner and an outer tube sheet joined
by lattice tubes at each fuel channel location and a peripheral shell. The inner spaces of the
end shields are filled with steel balls and are light water-cooled. The fuel channels, supported
by the end shields, are located on a square lattice pitch. The calandria is filled with heavy
water moderator at low temperature and pressure.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 21
2.1.4 Pressurizer
The pressure in the reactor primary coolant system is maintained at a controlled level by a
pressurizer. Figure 8 shows a view of a typical pressurizer [AECL2009a, AECL2010]. The
pressurizer contains steam in the upper section of its cylinder and water in the lower section.
The pressurizer is connected to the primary loop through a surge nozzle at the bottom.
Heaters are provided at the bottom of the pressurizer internals, and a spray nozzle, relief
nozzle, and safety nozzle are installed at the top of the pressurizer head.
A “positive surge” of water from the primary loop because of increasing loop pressure is
compensated for by injecting cold water from the top of the pressurizer, which condenses the
steam in the upper portion and thus reduces system pressure.
A “negative surge” of water empties the pressurizer, reducing steam pressure at the top of the
pressurizer and thus loop pressure. In this situation, the electrical heaters at the bottom of the
pressurizer are automatically activated, converting a portion of the water into steam and
resulting in a loop pressure increase. By performing these sequences (i.e., creating steam when
the loop pressure is too low or decreasing steam when the loop pressure is too high), the
pressurizer maintains loop pressure within a certain design range and also ensures smooth
pressure changes in the primary loop.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 23
components of the secondary heat transport system are the steam turbine, condenser, heat
exchangers, feedwater pumps, valves, and piping; these are covered in the next few sections.
2.1.8 Turbine
The CANDU steam turbine is typically a tandem compound unit, directly coupled to an
electrical generator by a single shaft. It consists of one double-flow high-pressure cylinder
followed by external moisture separators, five steam reheaters, and three double-flow low-
pressure cylinders. The turbine is designed to operate with saturated inlet steam. The turbine
system includes main steam stop valves, governor valves, reheat intercept valves, and
emergency stop valves. All these valves close automatically in the event of a turbine protection
system trip.
In the following sections, more details are provided about turbine operation, efficiency, and
other relevant parameters.
2.1.9 Condenser
The turbine condenser consists of three separate shells. Each shell is connected to one of the
three low-pressure turbine exhausts. Steam from the turbine flows into the shell, where it is
condensed by flowing over a tube bundle assembly through which cooling water is pumped.
The condenser cooling water typically consists of a once-through circuit that uses water from
an ocean, lake, or river or is connected to cooling towers. The condensed steam collects in a
tank at the bottom of the condenser called the “hot well”. A vacuum system is provided to
remove air and other non-condensable gases from the condenser shell. The condenser is
designed to accept turbine bypass steam to permit reduction of reactor power from 100% to
70% if the turbine is unavailable.
2.2 Problems
1. Name and describe the function of the main components of the CANDU primary heat
transport system.
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24 The Essential CANDU
2. Describe the main components of the pressurizer in a CANDU reactor, with a detailed
explanation of the method it uses to control the primary heat transport system
3. Provide a detailed description of the steam generator function, with specific reference
to its role in the relationship between the primary and secondary heat transport
systems. Comment on the relationship of these systems with the overall size of the
steam generators.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 25
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26 The Essential CANDU
Table 1 provides a general comparison of key design features of other reactor types with those
of CANDU [GAR1999, POP2014, POP2015]. Table 2 provides information on the evolution of
various key components in CANDU heat transport systems.
Fuel Enriched UO2 Enriched UO2 Enriched UO2 PuO2/UO2 Natural UO2
Fuel Geometry Cylindrical Cylindrical pellet Cylindrical pellet Cylindrical pellet Cylindrical pellet
pellet in clad in clad tube in clad tube in clad tube in clad tube
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 27
Number of Pumps 10 16 4 4
Pump Code BPVC Sect. VIII BPVC Sect. VIII BPVC Sect. III Class 1 BPVC Sect. III Class
Pump Seismic None None DBE Category ‘A’ DBE Category ‘A’
Number of Steam 80 12 4 or 8 4
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 29
configuration which has remained in subsequent heavy water-cooled reactors. The horizontal
configuration aided the on-line fuelling scheme by making double-ended fuelling feasible. It
also permitted the use of vertical safety control rods, which did not interfere with the pressure
tubes and feeders.
Reactor core evolutionary changes have been intended to achieve:
a) large increases in core rating with the minimum increase in reactor size (higher power
density enabling reduction in capital cost);
b) reduction in shop fabrication costs through simplification and standardization;
c) reduction in field assembly and shortened construction schedules through more shop
fabrication and modularization.
Table 3 Evolution of D2O content in the core and of power in the fuel channel
The major impact of higher power densities on capital costs is to reduce the heavy water
inventory. The amount of heavy water in the reactor core per MW produced in the reactor is
listed in Table 3. Higher power densities required more MWs of power produced per metre
length of fuel channel.
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30 The Essential CANDU
Because radiation dose is proportional to the product of these four factors, a reduction in any
factor will reduce the dose received. The following general classification of some solutions in
the design stage has emerged:
1) Avoid adding equipment.
2) Eliminate equipment and remove unnecessary redundancy.
3) Simplify equipment.
4) Provide necessary equipment of high reliability.
5) Relocate equipment to lower radiation fields.
6) Eliminate materials such as cobalt, which could become highly radioactive.
7) Provide better chemical control and purification.
8) Arrange for quick removal for shop maintenance.
9) Extend interval between maintenance periods.
10) Reduce in-situ maintenance times.
11) Provide adequate space around equipment.
12) Provide adequate shielding so that maintenance can take place in low fields.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 33
pumps with four reserve pumps. Component isolation was still possible, but check valves were
eliminated because of the leakage and poor reliability experienced at the Douglas Point plant.
Trimmed channel flow was achieved by varying feeder sizes and inlet feeder orifice plates. The
Pickering fuel bundle has 28 fuel elements and is the only CANDU design currently operating
with 28-element fuel.
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34 The Essential CANDU
3.2.5 CANDU 6
The CANDU 6 has been discussed in previous and following sections. The figure-of-eight loop
HTS design was adopted as of the Pickering design [AECL2009a, AECL2010]. However, also as in
the Bruce design, fewer components were used. Increased confidence in knowledge of two-
phase flow led to the use of boiling under normal conditions in the HTS. Erosion and corrosion
concerns at the steam generator inlet limited the quality to 4.5% at this position or nominally
4% at the reactor outlet header (ROH). Erosion/corrosion concerns also limited single- and
two-phase coolant flow velocities to a maximum value of 15.25 m/s to 16.75 m/s. The
presence of boiling required a surge tank or pressurizer to accommodate the larger shrink and
swell during transients. The pressurizer was used for pressure control (using heaters and steam
bleed valves), whereas inventory control remained as feed and bleed. This is the same
approach as in the Bruce design because the Bruce design is nominally single-phase. A heat
transport system schematic of the CANDU 6 design is shown in Figure 3.
3.2.6 Darlington
The HTS schematic for the Darlington design, shown in Figure 15, is similar to the CANDU 6
design. The Darlington reactor core design is similar to the Bruce reactor core design (480 fuel
channels with 13 bundles per channel) [OPG2002]. The Darlington HTS process conditions
were chosen to be very close to those of the CANDU 6 because that was the state of the art at
that time. An optimization program showed that higher tube pressures, higher qualities, and
higher velocities were economical. However, state-of-the-art engineering limits on pressure
tubes, qualities, and velocities forced the optimization to stop at these limits, which were the
same as for the CANDU 6 design.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 35
The HTS for Darlington was designed by Ontario Hydro with design support from AECL. AECL
retained responsibility for the primary HTS between the headers (RIH, feeders, end-fittings, fuel
channels, and ROH), whereas Ontario Hydro assumed design responsibility for the rest of the
The Darlington HTS design has four inlet headers, two on each side of the calandria vessel, and
two outlet headers, one on each side of the calandria vessel. This configuration enables mixing
in the outlet headers between the two loops, a feature that is useful for balancing the coolant
parameters in both loops. However, it also exhibits some weaknesses in achieving isolation of
the intact loop when the other loop is exposed to a break and a large LOCA situation.
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36 The Essential CANDU ACR-1000
The ACR-1000 conceptual and preliminary design was completed at the end of the 2000s;
however, no station was built using this reactor design. Figure 16 shows the key features of the
primary ACR-1000 heat transport system [AECL2009b]. The ACR-1000 reactor uses light water
as coolant with a low level of fuel enrichment (around 2.1%). This combination, along with
certain fuel design changes, resulted in negative void reactivity. The fuel design consisted of a
43-element bundle (CANFLEX) with low-enriched uranium fuel and with the central and
intermediate rings of larger diameter than the outer two rings. The central element did not
have fuel in it, and the outer two rings had pins with a certain percentage of neutron absorber
to achieve negative void reactivity. The fuel had target burn-up as high as 20,000 MWd/t.
Reactor power was about 3200 MWt with 520 fuel channels in the core.
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The Enhanced CANDU 6 (EC6) design followed the CANDU 6 design, but included a number of
design changes to enhance safety, operability, maintainability, constructability, and economics
[AECL2009a, AECL2010]. Most of these changes were made in the reactor safety systems, with
few in the thermal-hydraulic design. The EC6 heat transport system basically followed the
CANDU 6 design, which has been covered in previous sections.
This was the second version of the basic CANDU concept to reach the prototype reactor stage
(the 250 MWe Gentilly-1 plant) [AECL1997]. Its major difference from the others lay in the
choice of coolant: boiling light (ordinary) water, hence its name, BLW. Its reactor coolant and
turbine systems were fundamentally the same as those of the BWR described earlier, i.e., a
direct cycle was used.
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38 The Essential CANDU
Figure 17 provides a schematic illustration of the design. Ordinary water is pumped to the
bottom of each fuel channel through an individual feeder pipe. As the water passes upwards
and absorbs heat from the fuel, a fraction (~18%) is evaporated to steam. The resulting
steam/water mixture then flows to a conventional steam drum where the steam and water are
separated. The steam then flows to the turbine, and the water, mixed with incoming
feedwater in the drum, flows down to the circulating pumps, completing the cycle.
The British developed a similar version, called the SGHWR (steam-generating heavy water
reactor). A 100 MWe prototype was built. It differed from the Gentilly-1 design in that it used
slightly enriched fuel. This enabled lower-purity heavy water moderator to be used, reducing
capital costs. The fuelling costs were, however, somewhat higher.
In Japan, another similar version, called the FUGEN reactor, was developed and operated for
about 20 years. The moderator cooling system was similar to the conventional CANDU version.
A third version of the basic CANDU concept used an organic fluid as the coolant [AECL1997]. It
would have been similar to the PHWR concept, except that the boilers would likely be of the
“once-through” type, with some steam superheating provided. This was made possible
because the coolant temperature at the reactor outlet could be ~100°C higher than with heavy
water cooling.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 39
flammable, aging of the coolant (which required constant replacement and hence had a
negative impact on reactor availability (associated outage frequency)), and radiation protection
of the removed aged coolant.
One of the benefits of using organic coolant is that it is a mixture of several components and
therefore does not boil completely at a certain temperature. This helps to avoid going through
a two-phase region at one pressure and temperature, thus avoiding problems with critical heat
flux. Organic coolant also helps to achieve much higher coolant temperatures in the core
without the need to elevate the core pressure (as would be necessary for water). This
improves thermal efficiency significantly and makes the mechanical design easier and “lighter”
because of lower core pressures.
3.4 Problems
1. Describe and contrast the main similarities and differences between a CANDU primary
heat transport system and a PWR primary heat transport system design.
2. List three different CANDU reactor designs and explain the differences between each of
their heat transport system designs.
3. Identify four impacts of radiation doses on workers and list the general solutions that
have emerged at the design stage to mitigate their impacts.
4. Explain the benefits of using organic coolant in the CANDU-OCR design.
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Among uranium-based fuels, uranium metal is generally lowest in manufacturing cost and
highest in neutron economy, the latter because of its high density and the absence of other
neutron-absorbing elements. However, it has poor corrosion resistance to most coolants,
which is important in the event of fuel cladding failure. Its geometric stability in reactor use is
poor, primarily because of the swelling effects of fission products with specific volume greater
than that of the parent uranium.
Large quantities of alloying agents, such as zirconium, can be used, which effectively solve the
geometric stability and coolant corrosion problems. Unfortunately, both cost and neutron
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42 The Essential CANDU
economy suffer.
Uranium dioxide is the form in which uranium fuel is used in the vast majority of today’s power
reactors. It is somewhat more expensive to manufacture and less neutron-economical than
uranium metal because of its lower density, but possesses excellent corrosion resistance to
most coolants and a high degree of geometric stability. Being a ceramic, it can withstand high
operating temperatures, which has been the deciding factor.
Uranium carbide may be attractive as a fuel for future reactor designs. It is relatively
inexpensive to manufacture (comparable to UO2) and has somewhat better neutron economy
than UO2 (because of its higher density), but not as good as that of uranium metal. It has good
corrosion resistance against many coolants, but unfortunately not to water. Its dimensional
stability is good, and it can operate at high temperatures.
Uranium silicide is a more recent development with most of the advantages of uranium carbide
and in addition adequate resistance to corrosion by water coolants.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 43
into a high-density compact form followed by sintering at high temperature into cylindrical
The thermal conductivity of uranium dioxide is quite low. At the high power output required in
power-reactor service, this leads to very high temperature gradients across the fuel element.
The resulting thermal stresses generally lead to radial cracking of the pellets during operation.
However, this cracking does not appear to cause any deterioration in fuel performance,
provided that the pellets are suitably restrained by cladding. Fuel element centreline melting
does remain a concern and imposes an important safety margin criterion.
The chief limitation on UO2 fuel performance is the swelling caused by gaseous fission products.
At low and moderate burn-up, the swelling is slight and roughly linear with burn-up. Above a
critical burn-up, the swelling increases markedly, and continued exposure of the fuel leads to
unacceptable dimensional changes. The critical burn-up is primarily a function of fuel density, a
value of about 17x103 MWd/tHE (heavy elements) being obtained with fuel of 97% oxide
density and a value on the order of 42x103 MWd/tHE with 93% density fuel.
Thorium dioxide (ThO2) behaves similarly to UO2 under irradiation. Thermal stress-induced
cracking is also observed in ThO2 fuels.
Carbide fuels are intended primarily for use in fast-breeder reactors (where they provide better
breeding ratios). Because these reactors operate on the U-Pu cycle, the fuel consists of mixed
uranium and plutonium oxides. Thermal conductivity of UC is substantially better than that of
UO2. Hence, considerably higher specific powers are possible without risk of centreline
melting. However, at higher temperatures, the swelling rate becomes excessive. The higher
thermal conductivity of carbide fuel leads to a much lower Doppler coefficient than that
obtained with an oxide core (the Doppler effect is the change in frequency of a wave for an
observer moving relative to its source). Because the Doppler coefficient in the fuel is the main
component of negative reactivity feedback in most accident situations, designing a safe
carbide-fuelled core may be more difficult than designing an oxide core.
Nitride fuels have also been considered for use in fast reactor fuel.
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impermeability to fission products. Their major disadvantages for power reactor use are poor
mechanical properties at high temperatures and poor high-temperature corrosion resistance
with most coolants. Because the latter are temperature-dependent, aluminum alloys are
widely used in research reactor fuels where cladding operating temperatures are low, but are
not currently used in power reactors.
Magnesium alloys are similar to aluminum alloys in most regards. An alloy called “Magnox”
has, however, better high-temperature properties and adequate corrosion resistance to permit
its use in some CO2-cooled power reactors (i.e., Magnox reactors, used in the past and
described in Appendix A).
Stainless steel is a very attractive material in all major regards except for its poor neutron
economy. It has been and still is used in a number of reactors where its poor neutron economy
is somewhat less important because enriched uranium fuel is used. Stainless steels are used as
cladding in reactors where high-temperature service is needed. This type of cladding was used
in the British high-temperature, CO2-cooled reactors. Both gas-cooled and sodium-cooled fast-
reactor designs use stainless-steel cladding.
Most cladding materials in current use are metals, although ceramic-type materials have seen
limited use in certain applications.
4.2.2 Zirconium
Zirconium, in its various low-alloy forms, is by far the most common cladding material in
current use. It is the primary material type used for CANDU reactor fuel cladding. Despite its
relatively high base material cost, it combines to a large degree all the desirable cladding
properties for use with most coolants.
The primary advantage of zirconium as a cladding material is its very low cross section for
thermal neutrons, which greatly improves neutron economy. Zirconium has very good water
corrosion resistance at high temperatures. Adding tin, iron, and chromium to zirconium greatly
improves its mechanical properties. The best-known zirconium alloys are Zircaloy 2, 3, and 4,
which have found wide application as cladding for power reactor fuel elements.
Zirconium alloys are unsuitable for use at very high temperatures, even though the melting
point of zirconium is 1852°C. At 862°C, zirconium transforms from a close-packed hexagonal
structure to one that is body-centred cubic, and it is necessary to stay below this phase change.
At these temperatures, a reaction with UO2 can occur at the cladding inner interface of the
Zirconium alloys exhibit significant creep at the temperatures and stresses typical of PWR
reactor design. Creep rates increase markedly with temperature and are accelerated by
reactor irradiation.
At high temperatures (beginning at above 800°C), zirconium chemically reacts with steam to
release hydrogen in an exothermic reaction. This reaction must be considered in evaluating
any LOCA event that could expose the fuel elements to steam. Reaction of an appreciable
fraction of the cladding could add significantly to the severity of the accident. Moreover, the
mechanical properties of ZrO2 are not as favourable as those of zirconium.
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46 The Essential CANDU
The last point to be made about zirconium cladding is its cost. Zirconium tubes are more
expensive than stainless-steel tubes. Fabrication costs are also higher because all welding must
be done in an inert atmosphere. However, the decrease in fuel costs more than offsets the
increased material and fabrication costs.
Most power reactors in operation today use zirconium alloy as cladding material.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 47
permitting reasonable access to the coolant system for shutdown maintenance. A further
disadvantage is that water transports system corrosion products, permitting them to be
activated in the reactor core. These activated corrosion products then create shutdown
radiation fields in the coolant system. The water coolant may be used as a liquid in an indirect-
cycle system or may be permitted to boil, producing steam in a direct-cycle system.
Table 6 Summary of coolant characteristics [POP2014]
CO2 Gas < He n
Good OK, except Low Low Low Low
high T
He Higher Good Good, if Low Low Low Low
H2O Very Low Moderate OK High Excellent Excellent Yes, short
D2O High Excellent OK High Excellent Excellent Yes, short
Organic Moderate H2O < organic Excellent High Excellent Excellent None
< D2O
Liquid High Moderate Select High Excellent Excellent Yes, long
Metal Materials T1/2
Heavy water is used as both coolant and moderator in CANDU-type reactors. Its outstanding
advantage is much better neutron economy than ordinary water. Its primary disadvantage is
its high cost, plus a somewhat higher tendency to activate into tritium. Otherwise, its
properties are similar to those of ordinary water.
The relatively ionizing irradiation (including γ’s released because of neutron-radiative capture)
causes decomposition (radiolysis) of water. Decomposition occurs in both H2O and D2O by the
same mechanism. The rate of gas evolution (radiolysis) is proportional to radiation flux and
decreases with increasing temperature.
Radiolysis of water is an important phenomenon that must be considered in analysis of
accident events (as well as in normal operation) in a power reactor. Hydrogen is produced by
radiolysis of water discharged from any break and can accumulate in the reactor building.
Radiolysis of discharged water can occur because of γ-radiation from the sources within the
discharged water (high contribution) or from the reactor fuel (low contribution). Above a
certain concentration, hydrogen will burn at an explosive rate, creating a high risk to reactor
components and building structures (e.g., in the Fukushima accident). The accumulation of
hydrogen produced by radiolysis of discharged water in a LOCA event can be controlled by
passive autocatalytic recombiners.
Water circulated through a reactor core exhibits appreciable induced radioactivity. The γ
activity induced is primarily due to the 7.4 s half-life 16N produced by fast-neutron interaction
with 16O. Additional activity may be introduced by activation of dissolved impurities and
dissolved or suspended corrosion products. Hence, water purification is an important process
that is continuously performed by dedicated systems.
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cell, the mean free path of the neutrons being thermalized, the degree to which the moderator
wastefully absorbs neutrons, and the cost of the moderating medium. A summary of
moderator characteristics is presented in Table 7 [POP2014].
The best moderator is something that is the same size as a neutron, i.e., the hydrogen atom,
H1. However, hydrogen does absorb neutrons as well. The deuterium atom, 2H1, at twice the
mass of hydrogen, is almost as good a slowing-down agent, but because it already has an extra
neutron in the nucleus, it has a very low absorption cross section. Therefore, deuterium is a far
better moderator overall than hydrogen. By using deuterium in the form of heavy water,
natural uranium can be used as a fuel. If ordinary water is used, the fuel must be enriched in
A good moderator has a high scattering cross section, a low absorption cross section, and slows
down the neutron in the least number of collisions (high lethargy, ξ).
The desirable properties of moderators are:
a) High moderating efficiency
b) Low neutron absorption
c) Resistance to irradiation and corrosion
d) Low cost, including material, manufacture, and installation.
The following materials have been considered or are currently used as moderators in operating
1. Graphite
2. Ordinary water
3. Heavy water.
Graphite has been widely used as a moderator for power reactors. The carbon atom is
relatively “light”, graphite is relatively inexpensive, and carbon is a relatively weak absorber of
neutrons. Nevertheless, the carbon atom is sufficiently large, leading to relatively long neutron
mean free paths for thermalization, that graphite-moderated reactors tend to be large.
Furthermore, the relatively large amount of graphite required leads to significant neutron
wastage through absorption.
Table 7 Summary of moderator characteristics [POP2014]
Moderator Cost Neutron Moderator Irradiation Activation Mean Free
Type Economy Efficiency Stability Path
Graphite OK H2O < Medium Excellent Irrelevant Long
Graphite <
H2O Very Low Moderate Low Excellent Good Small
D2O High Excellent Highest Excellent Good Medium
Ordinary water is a much more efficient moderator in terms of the neutron mean free path for
thermalization because of its hydrogen atoms. It is also very inexpensive. Unfortunately,
however, hydrogen also has a significant “appetite” for absorbing thermal neutrons, which
hurts neutron economy. Most of the reactors operating in the world use ordinary water as
coolant and moderator.
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50 The Essential CANDU
Heavy water is almost as good as ordinary water in terms of neutron mean free path because
the deuterium atoms (which replace the hydrogen atoms in ordinary water) are relatively
“light”. Its outstanding advantage relative to ordinary water is that it has a very small
“appetite” for absorbing neutrons. Hence, it promotes a high level of neutron economy. Its
major disadvantages are its high cost and the possibility of its activation into tritium.
4.5.1 Hafnium
Hafnium is one of the best control-rod materials for water-cooled reactors. It is found together
with zirconium and is created as a by-product of the separation process for zirconium. Hafnium
is chemically similar to zirconium and shows the same high resistance to corrosion by high-
temperature water.
Hafnium consists of four isotopes, each of which has an appreciable neutron absorption cross
section. Note that the capture of neutrons in one isotope leads to the production of the next
higher isotope, which is also an effective absorber. Therefore, hafnium remains an effective
poison for a significant time.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 51
swelling, their use in water-cooled reactors could lead to difficulties. They may, however, be
suitable for use in gas-cooled reactors. Dispersions of rare-earth oxides in metals such as
stainless steel have been prepared. Such dispersions, when suitably clad, can be used as water-
cooled reactor-control rods because in the event of a cladding fracture, only the oxide particles
on the dispersion surface would become hydrated.
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52 The Essential CANDU
reactivity increase that partially compensates for the reactivity decrease due to fuel burn-up
and accumulation of fission products. Stainless-steel-boron alloys and dispersions can be used
successfully for this purpose because the boron burn-up in such rods can be kept low.
Alternatively, pellets of boron-silicate glass encapsulated in hollow stainless-steel tubes may be
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 53
Another nuclear consideration is that the coolant should have a low induced radioactivity.
Both H2O and D2O produce 16N and 19O, which emit γ’s in the 6–7 MeV range. This leads to
reduced accessibility and maintainability while on power. The short half-life (<1 minute) allows
shutdown accessibility. Tritium, abbreviated as 3H or T, has a 12-year half-life and represents a
major dose challenge for the CANDU station. Because tritium is a β-emitter, the problem is one
of leakage, leading to possible absorption or ingestion by humans. Organic coolant has very
little induced reactivity and aids in ease of operation and accessibility.
Coolants should also be stable in a radiation environment. At the high system pressure of the
heat transport systems of H2O and D2O, radiolysis is not a problem.
The choice of coolant also depends on other factors such as pumping power, heat capacity,
heat transfer coefficients, flow rates, pressure drop, boiling point, freezing point, corrosion,
flammability, thermal stability, and cost.
Water (both D2O and H2O) is an attractive heat transport fluid because it offers a good balance
of the considerations described above. In addition, water requires less pumping power for a
given amount of heat removal.
For the Bruce reactors (which generate about 750 MWe), approximately 24 MWs of pumping
power are required for each reactor. This represents over 2% of the electrical power generated
[GAR1999]. Because a MW saved here by reducing pumping power is gained as electrical
output, considerable emphasis is placed on lowering pumping power.
Limiting flow rates for coolant water, in addition to ensuring adequate heat transfer rates from
the fuel and to the steam generator tubes, depend on many factors such as temperature, the
presence of boiling, water chemistry, geometry, and flow regime. Fretting considerations have
led to a 10 m/sec limit on fuel channel velocity in single-phase water. Erosion/corrosion
considerations have led to limits of 4.3 to 6.1 m/s in the steam generator tubes and 16.8 m/s in
heat transport piping.
The fuel distribution in the coolant is designed to maximize the fuel surface-to-volume ratio so
that the largest heat transfer surface can be exposed to the coolant for maximum heat transfer
without drying out the fuel surface. However, if this approach is carried to extremes, the fuel
volume in the core will be less than the optimum, and parasitic neutron absorption by the
sheath will increase. Present designs use 37 or 28 elements in a fuel bundle.
Use of boiling in the coolant permits higher heat transfer due to the high heat transfer
coefficient of nucleate boiling, but introduces challenges to the attempt to minimize pressure
drop and pump size, as well as other two-phase flow effects.
Ideally, the coolant temperature should be as high as possible for maximum overall thermal
efficiency. Therefore, a high-boiling-point, low-vapour-pressure liquid is desirable so that the
heat transport system can operate at the lowest possible pressure. This reduces the thickness
of the pressure boundary and hence is important for reducing parasitic burn-up in the core.
Organic coolant is far superior to water from this point of view.
In the case of organic coolant, the secondary-side H2O pressure is higher than the primary-side
pressure. Hence, boiler tube leaks will cause a water leak into the primary coolant system.
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54 The Essential CANDU
4.7 Problems
1. Identify and explain the primary reasons that natural uranium ceramic is used as the
traditional fuel in the CANDU reactor design.
2. Identify and explain the primary reasons that zirconium and zirconium alloys are used as
the fuel cladding material in the CANDU reactor design.
3. Identify and explain several advantages and drawbacks of using heavy water as a
moderator and coolant in the CANDU reactor design.
4. Summarize and explain the main heat transport system design requirements for the
CANDU reactor design, as related to the main objectives of the system.
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56 The Essential CANDU
from the fuel elements to the coolant, fuel centreline maximum temperature in the core, fuel
cladding maximum temperature in the core, bundle maximum power, and channel maximum
Figure 20 presents the important concept of reactor thermal limits with respect to the critical
heat flux (CHF). The definition, assessment, and calculation of the CHF are covered in the
following sections. Reactor thermal-hydraulic design must ensure that the CHF is not reached
in any fuel element or bundle in the reactor core. The CHF is the heat flux at the surface of the
fuel element that results in a sudden change in heat transfer regime from liquid in good contact
with the heated surfaces, to loss of local liquid contact with surfaces because of vapour
blanketing the fuel-element surface. This phenomenon leads to severe reduction of the heat
transfer coefficient, and for heat flux-controlled surfaces (like fuel rods in a reactor), in a
significant increase in fuel temperature as well as damage to or failure of fuel sheaths.
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CANDU reactor design-related CHF phenomena are further described in Section 7.6.4.
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58 The Essential CANDU
5.4 Problems
1. Explain the relationship among the reactor core thermal parameters: reactor core
power, core volumetric generation rate, heat flux, critical heat flux, and linear power.
2. Draw a diagram of core thermal margins to explain the relationship among the various
elements that must be considered to ensure that appropriate margins are available.
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60 The Essential CANDU
In addition, two-phase flow calculations require fluid property information such as density,
viscosity, enthalpy, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity, which are functions of the primary
fluid parameters listed above.
Void fraction is the ratio of the cross-sectional area occupied by vapour and gaseous phases to
the total flow area of a pipe [WAL1969]. The opposite of void fraction is the liquid fraction, as
given by Eq. (1):
Ag Af
; (1 ) . (1)
Equation (2) defines mass quality as the ratio of vapour mass flow to total mass flow. The
opposite is the liquid quality:
Wg Wg Wf Wf
x ; (1 x) . (2)
W W f Wg W W f Wg
Mass flux is the mass flow rate per unit flow area and is given by Eq. (3):
G . (3)
Gas and liquid mass fluxes are defined using the steam quality, as in Eq. (4):
Gg G x; Gf G (1 x) . (4)
Volumetric flux (usually referred to as superficial velocity) is the volumetric flow rate over total
flow area, as in Eq. (5) [WAL1969]:
j . (5)
The corresponding vapour and liquid volumetric fluxes are given by relationships similar to the
void fraction, as in Eq. (6):
Qg Qf
jg ; jf . (6)
Using the relationships defined in the previous equations, the vapour and liquid phase
velocities can be expressed as in Eqs. (7) and (8):
Wg Qg Gx
vg , (7)
g Ag Ag g
Wf Qf G (1 x )
vf . (8)
f Af Af f (1 )
These equations assume that no relative motion exists between the two phases. However, if a
two-phase mixture is moving, the vapour, because of its buoyancy, density, and different
resistance characteristics, tends to move at a higher velocity than the liquid. In a homogeneous
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 61
system, a slip ratio S is defined as equal to one in the absence of flow or in homogeneous flow
and greater than one in non-homogeneous two-phase systems. S is defined as the ratio of the
average velocity of the vapour to that of the liquid. Hence, the slip ratio is defined as the ratio
between the vapour velocity and the liquid velocity, as in Eq. (9) [WAL1969]:
g Wg f A f x f 1 .
S (9)
f W f g Ag 1 x g
Experimental data or theoretical correlations for S covering all possible operating and design
variables do not exist. In boiling-water reactor studies, values for S may be estimated from
data that closely approach those of interest. To do this, a certain amount of individual
judgment is necessary. Otherwise, experimental values of S under conditions similar to a
particular design must be obtained. This procedure is usually expensive and time-consuming,
but may be necessary in some cases.
The importance of obtaining accurate values of S may best be emphasized by the following
discussion. One step in the core channel design procedure is to set a maximum value of alpha
at the channel exit. This is usually determined from nuclear (moderation) considerations. A
corresponding value of x at the selected S is then determined from the above equations. The
latter determines the heat generated in the fuel channel. In design, the usual procedure is to
assume a constant value of S along the length of the fuel channel. This simplification may
introduce error into the results. However, S has been observed to be fairly constant over most
of the channel length, indicating this assumption to be a good one.
The quality of the flowing liquid-vapour mixture can be expressed using Eq. (2) in terms of
liquid and vapour mass flow rates. There is an equivalent quality of a stationary liquid-vapour
mixture, which can be expressed by a similar relationship involving liquid and vapour mass.
The mass flow quality varies between 0% and 100%, i.e., no vapour to 100% vapour in the flow.
Note that mass quality does not carry information about the thermal state of the fluid.
However, where appropriate in experimental or theoretical work, if the two phases are in
thermal equilibrium (at the same enthalpy or temperature), mass quality can be called
equilibrium mass quality.
Often in thermal-hydraulic experiments or calculations, thermodynamic quality is used. It is
expressed in terms of a ratio of enthalpies, as in Eq. (10), where hm is the mixture enthalpy and
hg and hf are vapour and liquid saturation enthalpies. Thermodynamic enthalpy can be
negative when the liquid is below saturation condition (sub-cooled) or greater than one when
steam is superheated. From Eq. (10), thermodynamic quality does not carry information about
the flows (velocities) of the two phases. Usually, thermodynamic quality is expressed for a
mixture at hydrodynamic equilibrium (i.e., both phases travelling at the same velocity) and is
sometimes referred to simply as equilibrium quality [COL1972, DEL1981]:
hm h f
xth . (10)
hg h f
It is very important to understand the relationship between mass flow quality and void fraction.
There is no meaningful relationship between thermodynamic quality and void fraction because
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62 The Essential CANDU
void fraction refers to flow geometry, whereas thermodynamic quality refers to the thermal
properties of the phases. The relationship between mass flow quality and void fraction is
obtained by manipulating the above equations and can be expressed as in Eq. (11) [WAL1969]:
x vg 1
. (11)
1 x v f x vg 1 x v f
x vg
Figure 22 shows the relationship between void fraction and mass flow quality. As expected, at
or above the critical pressure of 22.12 MPa, the void fraction and quality are identical because
the liquid and vapour phases no longer exist for water regardless of pressure and temperature.
Further examination of Figure 22 shows the following:
1. For constant quality, void fraction decreases with pressure.
2. For any pressure, dα/dx decreases with quality.
3. At low quality values, dα/dx increases as pressure decreases and becomes very large at
low pressure.
4. At atmospheric pressure, a low quality (about 2%) generates almost 100% void fraction
because of the low vapour density.
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chapter and are important in analyzing mass, momentum, and heat transfer. The most
important dimensionless numbers are listed in the following sections.
The Reynolds number (Re) is a dimensionless number that measures the ratio of inertial to
viscous forces and consequently quantifies the relative importance of these two types of forces
under a given flow condition. The Reynolds number can be defined for a number of different
situations where a fluid is in motion relative to a surface. These definitions generally include
the fluid properties of density and viscosity, plus a velocity and a characteristic length or
characteristic dimension. This dimension is a matter of convention; for example, a radius or a
diameter is equally valid for spheres or circles, but one is chosen by convention. For flow in a
pipe or a sphere moving in a fluid, the internal diameter is generally used today. Other shapes
such as rectangular pipes or non-spherical objects have an equivalent diameter defined. The
velocity may also be a matter of convention in some circumstances, notably stirred vessels.
With these conventions, the Reynolds number is defined by Eq. (12) [HET1982, ELW1978]:
v2 L2 v L v L
Re , (12)
v L
v is the mean velocity of the object relative to the fluid (m/s)
L is a characteristic linear dimension (the length travelled by the fluid; the hydraulic
diameter when dealing with river systems) (m)
µ is the fluid dynamic viscosity (Pa·s or N·s/m² or kg/(m·s))
υ is the kinematic viscosity (υ = µ/ρ) (m²/s)
ρ is the fluid density (kg/m³).
For flow in a pipe, the Reynolds number is given by Eq. (13) [WAL1969]:
v DH v DH Q DH
Re , (13)
DH is the hydraulic diameter of the pipe, i.e., its characteristic length travelled (m)
Q is the volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
A is the pipe cross-sectional area (m²).
For shapes such as square, rectangular, or annular ducts where the height and width are
comparable, the characteristic dimension for internal flow situations is taken to be the
hydraulic diameter DH as defined by Eq. (14):
DH , (14)
where A is the cross-sectional area and P is the wetted perimeter. The wetted perimeter for a
channel is the total perimeter of all channel walls that are in contact with the flow. This means
that the length of the channel exposed to air or steam is not included in the wetted perimeter.
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64 The Essential CANDU
In heat transfer at a boundary (surface) within a fluid, the Nusselt number (Nu) is the ratio of
convective to conductive heat transfer across (normal to) the boundary, as in Eq. (15)
[HET1982, ELW1978]. In this context, convection includes both advection and conduction.
Named after Wilhelm Nusselt, it is a dimensionless number. The conductive component is
measured under the same conditions as the heat convection, but with a (hypothetically)
stagnant (or motionless) fluid.
A Nusselt number close to one, meaning that convection and conduction are of similar
magnitude, is characteristic of “slug flow” or laminar flow. A larger Nusselt number
corresponds to more active convection, with turbulent flow typically in the 100–1000 range.
The convection and conduction heat flows are parallel to each other and to the surface normal
of the boundary surface and are all perpendicular to the mean fluid flow in the simple case:
Convective heat transfer h L
NuL , (15)
Conductive hetatransfer k f
L is the characteristic length (m)
kf is the thermal conductivity of the fluid (kW/m °K)
h is the convective heat transfer coefficient (kW/m2 °K).
The characteristic length should be selected in the direction of growth (or thickness) of the
boundary layer. Some examples of characteristic length are the outer diameter of a cylinder in
(external) cross flow (perpendicular to the cylinder axis), the length of a vertical plate
undergoing natural convection, or the diameter of a sphere. For complex shapes, the length
may be defined as the volume of the fluid body divided by the surface area. The thermal
conductivity of the fluid is typically (but not always) evaluated at the film temperature, which
for engineering purposes may be calculated as the mean (average) of the bulk fluid
temperature and the wall surface temperature.
For relations defined as a local Nusselt number, the characteristic length should be taken as the
distance from the surface boundary to the local point of interest. However, to obtain an
average Nusselt number, this relation must be integrated over the entire characteristic length.
Typically, for free convection, the average Nusselt number is expressed as a function of the
Rayleigh number and the Prandtl number as: Nu=f(Ra, Pr) [HET1982]. For forced convection,
the Nusselt number is generally a function of the Reynolds number and the Prandtl number, or
Nu=f(Re, Pr). Empirical correlations are available for a wide variety of geometries that express
the Nusselt number in the forms described above.
The Prandtl number (Pr) is a dimensionless number that represents the ratio of momentum
diffusivity (kinematic viscosity) to thermal diffusivity [HET1982, ELW1978]. It is named after
the German physicist Ludwig Prandtl and is defined by Eq. (16):
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 65
Note that whereas the Reynolds number is subscripted with a length scale variable, the Prandtl
number contains no such length scale in its definition and is dependent only on the fluid and
the fluid state. As such, the Prandtl number is often found in property tables alongside other
properties such as viscosity and thermal conductivity.
The Weber number (We) is a dimensionless number in fluid mechanics that is often useful in
analyzing fluid flows with an interface between two different fluids, especially for multiphase
flows with strongly curved surfaces. It can be thought of as a measure of the relative
importance of the fluid’s inertia compared to its surface tension [HET1982, ELW1978]. The
quantity is useful in analyzing thin film flows and the formation of droplets and bubbles. It is
named after Moritz Weber and can be expressed by Eq. (17) [HET1982, ELW1978]:
fluid inertia v2 l
We , (17)
ρ is the density (kg/m3 )
v is the mean velocity of the object relative to the fluid (m/s)
l is the characteristic length, typically the droplet diameter (m)
σ is the surface tension (N/m).
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66 The Essential CANDU
Figure 23 shows the flow patterns for vertical flow. These flow patter
ns are generally
symmetrical across the pipe cross section.
In horizontal flow, the flow patterns are similar. However, in horizontal flow, gravity has a
different effect, and depending on the mass flow rate in the tube or channel, stratified flow
may occur with bubbly flow, slug flow, and wispy annular flow patterns.. The flow patternspatt
typical of horizontal two-phase
phase flow are shown in Figure 24. A cross-sectionalal view of various
flow patterns in horizontal flow is shown in Figure 25,, in which gravity plays a significant role,
so that the combination of gravity and drag force at the liquid
vapour interface can result in
various cross-sectional
sectional flow patterns.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 67
Figure 25 Flow patterns and heat transfer regimes in horizontal heated tubes
The distribution of phases inside a confined area strongly depends on:
Liquid and vapour velocities.
Fuel channel geometry and fuel bundle geometry, particularly in reactors where fuel
channels are interconnected in the radial direction, like PWRs and BWRs.
Surface (wall) heating, which influences near-wall flow patterns, resulting in an internal
void gradient.
Appendages, which homogenize flow patterns at downstream locations; the patterns
transition back to a basic pattern at locations farther away.
Figure 26 shows the flow patterns and heat transfer regimes for two different situations in
vertical flow [DEL1981]. On the left side, a reactor channel is shown with the following
parameters: high liquid mass flow rate, high heat flux from the walls, and high water sub-
cooling, which is typical of PWRs. To the left of the reactor channels on the first vertical line,
corresponding flow patterns are shown for this situation, whereas the leftmost line shows the
heat transfer regimes for these flow patterns. Starting from bottom to top, the following pairs
of flow pattern and heat transfer regime (note that “film” on this figure refers to steam film
next to the heated walls) are typically observed:
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68 The Essential CANDU
Figure 26 Flow patterns and heat transfer regimes in vertical heated tubes
On the right side of Figure 26, a reactor channel is shown with the following parameters:
low liquid mass flow rate, medium heat flux from the walls, and saturated water; this is
typical of BWRs. To the right of the reactor channel on the first vertical line, corresponding
flow patterns are shown for this situation, whereas the rightmost line shows the heat
transfer regimes for these flow patterns. Starting from bottom to top, the following pairs of
flow pattern and heat transfer regime (note that “film” in this figure refers to steam film
next to the heated walls) can be observed:
a) Single-phase liquid – single-phase forced convection to liquid;
b) Bubbly flow and slug flow – nucleate boiling;
c) Annular flow – forced convective evaporation;
d) Dispersed droplet flow – dispersed flow film boiling;
e) Single-phase vapour – single-phase forced convection to vapour.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 69
Note that in Figure 26, the point where the wall loses contact with the liquid is shown at the
transition between annular flow and dispersed droplet flow. Figure 26 indicates that the flow
patterns at the entry and exit of the fuel channel are similar for the two cases. The difference
is how and where the wall and the liquid lose contact. In addition, the amount of water or the
void fraction percentage in the channel does not necessarily determine the contact of liquid
with the heated walls. Therefore, as long as the walls are in contact with liquid water, heat
transfer is good, and the amount of water in the channel is not important.
Two-phase flow parameters change significantly from one flow pattern to another, in particular
the interfacial area between the two phases, and this has a significant impact on the exchange
of mass, momentum, and heat between phases. In principle, the degree of thermal and
hydraulic disequilibrium between phases has a significant impact on the sustainability of
certain flow patterns. Therefore, certain flow patterns, like churn flow, exhibit instability and
fast transitions. Various two-phase flow parameters are affected differently by flow patterns,
and hence various correlations and models are needed to capture phenomena for each flow
pattern. This implies the need for well-defined and predictable flow patterns in two-phase
flow modelling.
Many scientists and researchers in recent decades have tried to correlate flow patterns using
selected parameters.
Figure 27 shows such an attempt for a vertical flow regime. In this figure, the flow patterns are
defined as a function of gas and liquid momentum fluxes. In this example, the flow patterns
are correlated by several dimensionless number groups.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 71
surface, the wall surface temperature significantly increases, as represented by the horizontal
dashed line on the diagram from CHF to the film boiling curve (sometimes referred to as the
heat flux-controlled region). This significant increase in wall surface temperature can lead to
surface damage and melting, which is very troubling in a nuclear reactor where the fuel rod
cladding is a major barrier to fission product release.
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72 The Essential CANDU
Figure 29 shows a boiling curve with heat transfer regimes clearly marked. This figure
represents one cross section of Figure 28. It shows the heat flux below saturation (in the sub-
cooled region), where forced convection to liquid occurs. The transition point between forced
convection to liquid and nucleate boiling is called the onset of nucleate boiling and designates
the conditions under which the first bubbles start to grow on the wall surface.
Figure 30 shows the parametric trends on the boiling curve [LEU2004, POP2014]. As the mass
flux increases in an annular flow regime, the minimum wetting temperature increases, and the
boiling curve flattens out. As the mass flux increases in forced convective sub-cooled or low-
quality boiling, the CHF and the minimum wetting temperature increase, but the boiling curve
retains its shape.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 73
shape. As quality increases above zero, the CHF significantly decreases. Moreover, if the
quality drops further below zero (i.e., the liquid becomes more sub-cooled), the CHF also
increases, and the boiling curve becomes steeper in the nucleate boiling region.
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74 The Essential CANDU
Figure 33 provides model details on the transition from forced convection to liquid and
nucleate boiling. It also shows the point of initiation of nucleate boiling, when the first bubbles
appear on the wall surface. At the point of net vapour generation, the bubbles can detach
from the walls and move to the bulk liquid. A further increase in heat flux at the wall surface
happens when the liquid temperature reaches saturation, which creates an opportunity for
bubbles to become detached from the wall in great numbers and move with the liquid flow,
leading to significant phase separation and disequilibrium.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 75
dependence of the two-phase friction multiplier on pressure and quality reasonably well, it has
two unsatisfactory features: (a) the friction multiplier is a function of pressure and quality only
and is independent of mass flux; and (b) it generally under-predicts low-quality data. Many
early software codes used in CANDU design, such as SOPHT [SOP1980], used this type of
The separated flow model considers the two phases to be segregated into two streams: one of
liquid, and one of vapour. Conservation equations are written separately for each phase, and
interaction between phases is taken into account by constitutive relationships. The basic
equations for the separated flow model are not dependent on the particular flow configuration
adopted. The basic assumptions of the separated flow model in analyzing two-phase pressure
drop are:
a) The velocities of each phase are constant, but not necessarily equal in any given cross
section within the zone occupied by the phase.
b) Thermodynamic equilibrium exists between the two phases.
c) Empirical correlations can be used to relate the two-phase friction multiplier and the
void fraction to the dependent flow variables.
Among the various flow patterns, this model would be expected to be most valid for the
annular flow pattern. Newer versions of the separate flow model can accommodate both
thermodynamic and hydrodynamic disequilibrium between the flow phases.
The drift flux approach satisfactorily accounts for the influence of mass velocity on the void
fraction as seen in the separated flow model, and an empirical expression may be used to
provide the required relationship between the void fraction and the independent flow pattern.
With the separate flow model and the drift flux model, appropriate void fraction calculations
must be performed to ensure model fidelity. Many correlations have been proposed and used
in various models; a listing of these correlations is beyond the scope of this handbook (further
details can be found in [WAL1969]). Very often used as a void fraction correlation is the
homogeneous equation given by Eq. (18):
xa g
. (18)
(1 xa ) f xa g
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76 The Essential CANDU
37 fuel pins, in addition to tube and annulus data. The experimental database includes a wide
range of flow conditions with uniformly heated fuel elements or fuel elements with certain
radial and axial heating profiles. Figure 34 illustrates that bundle geometries with 6 and 37 fuel
elements do not significantly affect the relationship between void fraction and quality
[LEU2004, POP2013].
Figure 35 also shows that the impact of the hydraulic diameter of a 7-element bundle does not
have a significant impact on the relationship between void fraction and thermodynamic quality,
except for very low quality values (representing highly sub-cooled conditions) [LEU2004,
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 77
6.1.7 Problems
1. Explain the relationship between the mass quality and the void fraction in two-
phase flow.
2. Explain the difference between the mass quality and the thermodynamic quality in
two-phase flow.
3. Explain the main characteristics of the boiling curve, the main parameters that are
important for two-phase flow calculations, and the main parameters that influence
its shape.
4. Explain the key flow patterns that can occur in vertical and horizontal two-phase
flow in heated channels. Explain how the flow regime maps are developed and used
in reactor thermal-hydraulic design.
5. Explain the possible models used in two-phase flow calculations, their range of
applicability and key features.
6. A BWR reactor operates at a thermal power of 1400 MWt. Water enters the bottom
of the reactor core at 275 °C, and passes through the core at a flow rate of 6050
kg/s. the reactor operates at pressure of 7 MPa. Calculate the steam flow rate
produced in the reactor.
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78 The Essential CANDU
6.2.1 Definitions
This section describes the most important concepts and parameters in reactor thermodynamic
analysis. Consider a system undergoing a change from state 1 to state 2, as shown in Figure 36.
Initially, the system is at energy level E1. Then, after a certain amount of energy, Q, is added to
the system and a certain amount of work, W, is performed by the system, the system is
brought to energy level E2. It would be interesting to discover by what parameters this change
is driven and how effective is the energy exchange between the system and its surroundings. Work
Figure 37 shows a practical example of the general concept shown in Figure 36. In Figure 37, a
piston is moved from a position 1 to a position 2 by sequentially moving small amounts of
weight applied at the piston stem. Initially, the piston is under pressure p1, with volume V1 and
temperature T1. After moving a certain amount of weight, the piston ends up at pressure p2,
volume V2, and temperature T2. The system volume changed by dV=Aˑdx each time a weight
was removed.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 79
For a constant-pressure process (i.e., an isobaric process), the total work is given by Eq. (22):
For a constant-volume process, because the piston does not move, no work is performed, as
stated by Eq. (23):
W12 p dV 0 .
One can use the ideal gas law from thermodynamics of gases, as given by Eq. (24):
p V m R T , (24)
where P is pressure [MPa or N/m2]; V is volume [m3]; m is mass [kg]; T is temperature [°K]; and
R is the gas constant [Nˑm/(kg °K) or J/(kg °K)]. Heat
Heat as a form of energy exists in all bodies and is essential for energy transfer. The nature of
heat is associated with the movements or vibration of molecules or atoms at the microscopic
level in any body, solid, liquid, or gas. Each energy transfer process eventually ends up being a
heat transfer process, i.e., it involves transfer of molecular movement or vibration from one
body to another. Even the energy exchanged by radiation eventually ends up being transferred
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80 The Essential CANDU Energy
Energy is a conserved property of a physical system, which cannot be observed directly, but can
be calculated from the system’s state. The energy of a system can present itself in various
forms and is therefore difficult to describe by a comprehensive definition. Often, the best
description of energy is as “the capacity to perform work”.
For the thermal-hydraulic design engineer, three energy components are of most importance
[LEU2004, POP2013]:
Internal energy, EU [kJ], or specific internal energy eu [kJ/kg] (internal energy is usually
simply expressed in U, or u);
Kinetic energy, EK [kJ], or specific kinetic energy, ek [kJ/kg]; and
Potential energy, EP [kJ], or specific potential energy, ep [kJ/kg].
Internal energy describes the thermodynamic energy of system molecules or atoms (referred
to as heat). Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, which is carried by a body or system with a
certain mass. Potential energy is energy possessed by a system when moving from one place
to another in a force field, such as a gravitational field, an electro-magnetic field, or the nuclear
force field in the atom. Most often for a thermal-hydraulic engineer, potential energy denotes
the gravitational potential.
The total energy of a system in thermal-hydraulic terms can be expressed as the sum of the
above components by Eq. (25) or Eq. (26):
E EU EK EP U EK EP , (25)
e eu ek ep u ek ep . (26)
The energy of a system depends on the temperature, pressure, velocity, and elevation of the
system with respect to its surroundings.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 81 Enthalpy
Enthalpy is a measure of the total energy of a thermodynamic system. It includes the internal
energy, U (or thermodynamic potential) and the volume and pressure (the energy required to
make room for a system change). Enthalpy is useful in describing system thermodynamic
changes because it simplifies the description of energy transfers and system changes. Enthalpy
is a thermodynamic property of a substance.
Consider a system undergoing a change because of addition of heat (energy) to the system at
constant temperature; its total energy change can be described in terms of the system’s
internal energy and the product of the system’s pressure and volume, as in Eq. (27):
2 2 2
dQ dU P dV .
1 1 1
The sum of the system’s internal energy and the product of its pressure and volume defines its
enthalpy level, as shown by Eq. (28):
H U PV . (28)
On a unit mass basis, the specific enthalpy is shown by Eq. (29), where specific heat is q = Q/M,
specific internal energy is u = U/M, specific volume is v = V/M, M is mass, and P is pressure:
huP v. (29)
Enthalpy is a state parameter and can be expressed in terms of other parameters. For sub-
cooled or super-heated conditions, h f ( P , T ) , and for saturated conditions, h f ( P ) or
h f ( T ) , it is expressed in terms of pressure or temperature. In the two-phase region, the
following equation can be used to calculate mixture enthalpy (under homogeneous conditions):
hm x hg (1 x) hf hf x hfg , (30)
where hg is the enthalpy of the saturated gas, hf is the enthalpy of the saturated liquid, and hfg
is the latent heat of vaporization.
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82 The Essential CANDU
With these definitions, it is now possible to define the work performed by a system that goes
through an isobaric process as in Eq. (33):
W P dV P(V2 V1) .
Using the first law of thermodynamics, as in Eq. (31), and substituting this equation into Eq.
(33), one obtains the following equation:
Finally, there is a special form of the energy balance equation that is very useful to thermal-
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 83
hydraulic engineers for calculating fluid parameters in a pipe flow—the Bernoulli equation—in
which neither heat addition nor work is delivered (q = w = 0):
1 2 1 2
h1 2 V1 gZ1 h2 2 V2 gZ2 const , (42)
1 2
u Pv V gZ const . (43)
Equation (43) clearly shows that the key fluid parameters for a flow are connected, so that to
add up to a constant, an increase in one parameter must result in a reduction in the other
parameters. For example, considering horizontal flow, an increase in fluid velocity results in a
decrease in fluid pressure, and vice versa.
The shaded area of the diagram represents the thermodynamic cycle that is implemented with
the objective of delivering work to the electric generator.
This process leads to rejection of a certain part of the thermal energy into the environment
(lake, river, sea, or the atmosphere) to be able to close the cycle; this will be explained in later
With regard to energy generation, the cycle thermodynamic efficiency, ηt, is defined to provide
a measure of cycle performance:
t . (44)
The Carnot cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that represents the most efficient way of
converting a given amount of thermal energy between two thermal reservoirs into work
(turbine work), or conversely the most efficient way of converting a given amount of work into
creating a temperature difference between two reservoirs (refrigeration).
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84 The Essential CANDU
Figure 38 shows an ideal Carnot cycle in pressure versus volume and temperature versus
entropy diagrams. The Carnot cycle consists of the following processes [SAA1966]:
a) delivering heat to the cycle by a reversible isothermal expansion process (process from
points 1 to 2 in Figure 38);
b) delivering work output by isentropic expansion of gas (process from points 2 to 3 in
Figure 38);
c) rejecting waste heat from the cycle by reversible isothermal compression of gas
(process from points 3 to 4 in Figure 38); and
d) inputting work into the cycle by isentropic compression of gas (process from points 4 to
1 in Figure 38).
For the process from points 1 to 2 (at constant temperature, U12 m cv dT 0 ):
dV V
W12 p dV m R T1
2 2
m R T1 ln 2 . (45)
1 1 V V1
Using the first law of thermodynamics, from Eq. (31), the heat addition can be expressed as:
Q12 W12 m R T1 ln . (47)
U23 m cv dT m cv (T3 T2 ) .
Using the first law of thermodynamics, from Eq. (31), the link between internal energy change
and delivered work is:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 85
For the process from points 3 to 4 (at constant temperature, U34 0):
W34 m R T3 ln Q34 . (51)
1 1 p2V2
pV 3 3 p4V4 .
and pV (56)
Volume relation
V2 V3
. (57)
V1 V4
Hence, the net work done can be obtained by summing up the work in the separate processes
described by Eqs. (45), (48), (51), and (52) and using the relationships provided by Eqs. (54),
(55), (56), and (57):
Wcycle W12 W23 W34 W41 (58)
V2 p3V3 p2V2 V pV p V
m R T1 ln m R T3 ln 4 1 1 4 4 ,
V1 1 V3 1
Wcycle mR(T1 T3 ) ln . (59)
Now the cycle thermal efficiency can be obtained from Eq. (44):
net work done Wcycle Wcycle mR(T1 T3 ) ln (V2 / V1 ) T1 T3 T
t 1 3 . (60)
heat input Qin Q12 mR T1 ln (V2 / V1 ) T1 T1
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86 The Essential CANDU
One important observation can be made from Eq. (60): the thermal efficiency of the cycle
depends on the temperatures of the upper and lower thermal reservoirs. Hence, the higher
the temperature at which heat is added to the cycle and the lower the temperature at which
heat is extracted from the cycle, the higher will be the thermal efficiency. Therefore, design
efforts to improve cycle thermal efficiency are usually directed towards increasing the
temperature at which heat is delivered to the cycle. However, it is also evident that this cycle
will operate more efficiently if the lower temperature is reduced.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 87
electrical or vice versa, a penalty is paid in terms of increasing the disorder of the isolated
system. In other words, thermal
hermal energy cannot be con
verted into work by a cyclic process with
100% efficiency.
The mathematical formulation of the second law of thermodynamics is best visualized using
Figure 39. In this figure, on the left side
side, a generalized thermodynamic cycle is shown taking
place between a hot reservoir at temperature TH and a cold reservoir at temperature TC. On
the right side, the Carnot cycle diagram is shown between the same boundaries. Therefore,
the area in red, labelled as QC, is the amount of energy exchanged between the system and the
cold reservoir. The area in white, labelled as W, is the amount of work exchanged by the
system and its surroundings. The amount of heat exchanged with the hot reservoir, labelled as
QH, is the sum of the two, QC and W.. If the system is behaving like an engine, the process
moves clockwise around the lo loop,
op, and if it behaves as a refrigerator, it moves counter-
Thee above equation also indicates that the line integral Q / T
is path-independent
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88 The Essential CANDU
must be a state variable, i.e., a property of the state of the material, like internal energy,
pressure, temperature, density (u, P, T, ρ), etc. This differential is defined to be the entropy, S.
Because S is a system property, it is possible to express any equilibrium state in terms of S plus
one other state variable (T, P, or something else):
In a reversible process (Figure 40), the quantity, δQ/T, from point A to point B is the
same regardless of the path;
Hence, the entropy, S, can be defined as
SB S A ; (64)
Hence, for reversible processes, the equality sign applies, whereas for irreversible processes,
i.e., realistic processes, the < sign applies. All real processes are considered irreversible. This
indicates that for closed systems, any process, regardless of the path, results in an increase in
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 89
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90 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 91
In process 2-2A-3 (heating at constant pressure in the boiler), no work is exchanged with the
surroundings, i.e., w2-3 = 0. Hence, using the h-s diagram, the heat addition to the system is
obtained as a difference of enthalpies, as given by Eq. (71):
q23 qin h3 h2 . (71)
In process 3-4 (isentropic expansion in the turbine), no heat is exchanged with the
surroundings, i.e., q3-4 = 0. Hence, the work delivered by the turbine is given by Eq. (72):
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92 The Essential CANDU
w34 h3 h4 . (72)
In process 4-1 (heat removal at constant pressure in the condenser), no work is exchanged with
the surroundings, i.e., w4-1 = 0. Hence, the heat extraction from the system is obtained as a
difference of enthalpies, as given in Eq. (73):
q41 h4 h1 . (73)
The net work performed by this cycle can be obtained as:
wcycle w34 w12 (h3 h4 ) (h2 h1) . (74)
The thermal efficiency of the ideal Rankine cycle is obtained by Eq. (75):
wcycle (h3 h4 ) (h2 h1 ) q2 3 q41
Rankine . (75)
qin h3 h2 q23
As noted earlier, the thermal efficiency of the ideal simplified Rankine cycle is much less than
that of the Carnot cycle because more heat is wasted to the environment. The performance of
the Rankine cycle can be improved in practice by:
(1) raising the boiler pressure
(2) lowering the exhaust pressure
(3) using superheat
(4) using reheat.
Options (1), (3), and (4) effectively raise the inlet temperature, whereas (2) effectively lowers
the outlet temperature, with a corresponding effect on cycle efficiency.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 93
The increase in boiler pressure results in an increase in the net work performed by the cycle,
with a corresponding decrease in heat rejected. Figure 44 shows the impact of an inlet
pressure increase in a typical PWR nuclear plant [TOD2011]. However, for the indirect power
cycle, the downside of raising the boiler pressure (and the temperature because the steam is
saturated) is that it forces the primary-side temperature to increase to provide sufficient ΔT to
transfer the heat from the primary to the secondary side. This higher primary-side
temperature requires higher primary-side pressure, which in turn requires thicker pressure
vessel walls. In a pressure vessel-type reactor, this can be costly or can lead to reduced plant
reliability or life. In pressure tube reactors, the main drawback is the increased parasitic
neutron absorption in the pressure tube walls, which need to be thicker, resulting in lower fuel
Figure 45 illustrates the Rankine cycle with superheat [LEU2004, POP2013]. Superheat causes a
net increase in the temperature at which heat is received, with a resulting improvement in
cycle efficiency. Another important factor is that the amount of moisture in the fluid leaving
the turbine is reduced, which increases turbine efficiency and reduces turbine blade erosion.
However, when using superheat, one must have a high-temperature heat source or else reduce
boiler pressure. Some recent approaches and ideas include use of traditional gas-fired
superheaters in combination with nuclear power reactors.
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The effective temperature of heat addition is increased and the moisture content further
reduced by using reheat in the Rankine cycle. A schematic diagram of the power plant and an
appropriate temperature-entropy diagram are shown in Figure 46 [LEU2004, POP2013]. High-
pressure, superheated steam is expanded in a high-pressure turbine to an intermediate
pressure 4 and the fluid then returned to a second-stage boiler and superheater and reheated
to state 3A. The reheated steam is then expanded in a low-pressure turbine to the final
exhaust pressure 4A. The moisture content of the working fluid is drastically reduced by use of
reheat, and this approach is used in all fossil-fuelled and many nuclear power plants (without
the superheating part).
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 95
In theory, modifications to the cycle can be made to reduce cycle irreversibility. One of the
principal sources is the sensible heat addition required to bring the boiler feedwater up to
saturation temperature. This is accomplished by using some of the flow through the turbine to
heat the feedwater. To achieve reversibility, a possible setup is shown in Figure 47, where
internal heat from the turbine is used to heat the feedwater in process 2-2A [LEU2004,
POP2013]. This cycle could provide the same thermal efficiency as the Carnot cycle. However,
this is not a practical modification because it is impossible to design a turbine to serve as both a
power-production device and a heat exchanger. Modifications have, however, been designed
to make this design change more practical, one of which is presented in the next section.
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96 The Essential CANDU
This improvement is based on the regeneration principle, which was briefly covered in the
previous section. This improvement is based on extracting a small amount of steam at an
intermediate pressure from the turbine and using it to heat feedwater.
Two types of feedwater heaters exist in practice:
Open type, in which direct contact between extracted steam and feedwater is achieved,
resulting in good heat transfer; and
Closed type, in which only thermal contact between extracted steam and feedwater is
For both types, the reheating is usually designed in several stages. The following sections cover
both these types in detail.
Figure 48 shows the Rankine cycle with one open feedwater heater (the left side shows the
loop and the right side the T-s diagram of the cycle) [LEU2004, POP2013].
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 97
1 y h2 y h6 h3 . (80)
The pump work is obtained by summing the work from both pumps, as given by Eq. (81):
wpump w12 1 y w34 . (81)
The turbine work is obtained by summing up the two parts of the turbine expansion, one with
the full steam flow, and one with the (1-y) portion of the steam flow, as in Eq. (82):
wturbine w56 1 y w67 . (82)
The heat supplied to the cycle is not affected by the heater and is given by Eq. (83):
q45 h5 h4 . (83)
Usually, operating NPPs have multiple stages of feedwater heating; an example of a plant with
two open feedwater heaters is shown in Figure 49.
Using the heat balance at both heaters, one can obtain the enthalpies downstream from the
mixing points Z and Y, as shown in Eqs. (84) and (85):
m 1"h1" m 4h4 m1"h1" m 4h4
h4' , (84)
m 1" m 4 m1 m1'
m 1'h1' m 1 m1' h5
h5' . (85)
m 1
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98 The Essential CANDU
The turbine work in this case is obtained by summing up the work at the three parts before and
after the steam extractions, as shown in Eq. (86):
1 h1 h1' m
wT m 1' h1' h1" m
1 m 2 h1" h2 . (86)
Figure 50 shows the Rankine cycle with one closed feedwater heater (the left side shows the
loop and the right side the T-s diagram of the cycle) [LEU2004, POP2013].
The pump work is obtained by summing the work from both pumps, as given by Eq. (88):
wpump w12 1 y w34 . (88)
The turbine work is obtained by summing up the two parts of the turbine expansion, one with
the full steam flow, and one with the (1-y) portion of the steam flow, as in Eq. (89):
wturbine w56 1 y w67 . (89)
The heat supplied to the cycle is not affected by the heater and is given by Eq. (90):
qin h5 h2 A 1 y h5 h4 y . (90)
Usually, operating NPPs have multiple stages of feedwater heating; an example of a plant with
two closed feedwater heaters is shown in Figure 51 [POP2013].
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 99
The role of the moisture separator between the high-pressure and low-pressure turbines in the
cycle is two-fold:
to provide feedwater heating, thus improving cycle thermal efficiency; and
to remove moisture from the steam, enabling dry steam to enter the low-pressure
turbine (thus reducing water droplet erosion of the turbine blades).
Figure 52 shows an example of a moisture separator where, using the principle of the open
heater, the extracted moisture from the separator is mixed with the feedwater, thus
transferring the latent heat of condensation to the feedwater [POP2013].
By defining the parameters at certain points in the T-s diagram, h1" hf at p1' and 1 x1' m
and h1"' hg at p1" and x1' m
1 , and by performing an energy balance at the separator, one can
obtain the enthalpy after the mixing point using Eq. (94):
h1" x1" m 1" h4 x1"' m 1 m 1"
h5 . (94)
m 1
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100 The Essential CANDU
The real Rankine cycle is not reversible because of various losses that occur in nature and that
must be accounted for. Figure 53 shows the real Rankine cycle and the impact of various losses
[TOD2011]. The left figure shows the pump losses, the middle figure shows the losses in the
steam lines to the turbine, and the right figure shows the losses in the turbine. Some of these
losses are listed below:
Irreversible frictional losses at various places in the turbo machinery;
Irreversible heat losses from various piping, vessels, etc.;
Pump losses, in particular:
o Heat loss to the surroundings;
o Fluid friction with the pump blades;
o Mechanical losses due to friction (bearings, gears, etc.);
Turbine losses, in particular:
o Pressure drop between the superheater and turbine, which reduces entrance
pressure from P1 to P2;
o Heat loss to the surroundings, which reduces the temperature change from
point b to point c;
o Steam expansion inside the turbine, which is irreversibly adiabatic (non-
isentropic) and hence reduces efficiency and increases steam quality;
o Mechanical friction; and
o Steam bypass outside the turbine blade passages.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 101
Figure 54 shows a typical secondary side of an advanced PWR reactor [APR2011]. It is clear
that multiple feedwater heaters, one moisture separator, and double reheaters have been
designed into the system. The secondary system operates with two feedwater pumps at two
different pressures.
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102 The Essential CANDU
where sg is the entropy of the saturated gas, sf is the entropy of the saturated liquid, and sfg is
the entropy change during vaporization.
Entropy is a quantitative measure of the microscopic (molecular) disorder of a system. Entropy
generated through any process in an isolated system cannot be negative. Moreover, entropy is
a non-conserved property (it always increases in isolated systems). In engineering processes,
entropy increase is a measure of irreversibility in these processes (a measure of engineering
system inefficiency or of system losses).
Entropy change is closely associated with heat transfer. In heat transfer from a hotter to a
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 103
colder subsystem, the hotter subsystem exhibits a decrease in entropy, whereas the cold
system shows an increase. However, the increase in the cold subsystem is greater, thus making
the entropy change of the combined system positive.
Probably the most important outcome of the entropy changes in certain processes is the fact
that every process ends up with a certain penalty for moving energy in any direction. In other
words, any energy exchange between different systems results in an entropy increase, i.e.,
there is always a certain cost when moving energy from one place to another, or transferring
energy from one form to another. Any conversion of energy in a system from one form to
another or any exchange of work with its surroundings must be accompanied by some
irreversible dissipation of energy to the surroundings.
Entropy can be seen as the ability to expend energy to carry out a task. For example, a fully
charged battery has low entropy, which increases as the battery is used; or a clockwork toy has
low entropy when wound up, which increases as it unwinds.
Processes in nature change in the direction of reaching equilibrium. Entropy reaches a
maximum value when equilibrium is reached. Entropy is statistical in nature because it explains
how phenomena in the micro world affect phenomena in the macro world, capturing the
probability of a number of micro events to cause a macro effect.
In modern thermodynamics, the laws of thermodynamics are known as:
First law – characterizes the energy balance;
Second law – characterizes cycle/system efficiency;
Third law – characterizes entropy at near-zero temperatures; and
Zeroth law – characterizes thermodynamic equilibrium.
The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two bodies are in thermodynamic equilibrium
(at the same temperature) with a third body, then they are in thermodynamic equilibrium with
each other. This is a fundamental law that defines the relationship between different systems
(bodies) operating and interacting with each other. This law should have been labelled as the
first law, but because it was defined later, it was called the zeroth low to avoid confusion.
The first law of thermodynamics states that the change of internal energy in a system is equal
to the amount of heat supplied, minus the amount of work performed by the system on its
surroundings. In other words, it states that energy can be converted from one form to another,
but cannot be created or destroyed, i.e., everything requires energy to do anything. Different
forms of energy must be fed into a system before it can perform any useful work or create any
impact on its surroundings.
The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system never
decreases because isolated systems spontaneously evolve toward thermodynamic equilibrium,
i.e., the state of maximum entropy. Moreover, it states that a certain cost must always be paid
when moving energy from one place to another or transferring energy from one form to
another. When it appears that a system’s entropy decreases, this generally means that the
system is not isolated from its surroundings and that by scaling up to a larger system, it will be
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104 The Essential CANDU
found that the system is a part of a larger system with lower entropy.
The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect crystal drops to zero
when the temperature of the crystal is at absolute zero. However, according to quantum
theory, because nothing can be considered to be truly at rest, every molecule, atom, or
subatomic particle will always have a minimum amount of energy even when cooled to
absolute zero (the zero point energy). Hence, one may take the third law as stating the
minimum entropy level at a temperature of absolute zero.
6.2.8 Problems
1. Calculate the Rankine cycle thermal efficiency which operates at saturated steam at
pressure of 7 MPa, and temperature in the condenser is 30oC. Calculate the steam
quality at the exit of an ideal turbine following an adiabatic expansion to condenser
pressure for the above conditions, and for the conditions if the turbine has 85%
efficiency. Compare the results with the Carnot cycle.
2. A steam generator in a PWR nuclear power plant produces 3200 t/h saturated steam at
pressure of 5 MPa. The temperature in the condenser is 35oC. Calculate the ideal
turbine power assuming that it operates in Rankine cycle, and the steam quality at the
turbine exit.
3. In a Rankine cycle the working fluid enters the turbine at 4.5 MPa with condenser
temperature of 35°C. Calculate the thermal efficiency of this cycle assuming that:
a. no preheaters are used;
b. one preheater is used to preheat the feed water to 60°C below the saturation
temperature; and
c. the feed water is preheated in 3 preheaters to the same temperature as above.
a. Turbine inlet pressure, Pi=4.5 MPa
b. Condenser temperature Tc=35 ºC or 308 ºK
c. Feedwater heater outlet temperature, TF=Tsat-60 ºC
a. The Rankine cycle described in the problem statement is for a CANDU 6 reactor
b. Steam entering the turbine is saturated
c. Losses in the turbine and pumping losses are the same in all cases, since it is the
difference in efficiency that is important here assume these losses are negligible.
4. Consider an emergency water tank that is supposed to deliver water to a reactor
following a loss of coolant event. The tank is pressurized by the presence of nitrogen at
1.0 MPa. The water is discharged through a 0.2 m ID pipe. The reservoir has a diameter
of 5 m, and the water level is 15 m above the reactor. Calculate the maximum flow rate
delivered to the reactor if the water is inviscid and reactor pressure is (a) 0.8 MPa, and
(b) 0.2 MPa.
5. Two alternative steam cycles are proposed for a nuclear power plant, as variation of the
Rankine ideal cycle, all three operating between the steam temperature of 293oC and
condensing temperature of 33oC. The first one operates with condensate in saturated
conditions, while the feedwater downstream of the condensate pumps is subcooled.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 105
The steam is saturated at the inlet of the expander. (a) Assuming ideal machinery,
calculate the cycle thermal efficiency and steam rate for each cycle.
6. Water at 100 kPa and 20 °C flows through a smooth, circular pipe of 2 cm ID, and length
of 3 m. If the flow velocity is 3 m/s, calculate the pressure drop along the pipe and the
pumping power necessary to maintain the flow in the pipe.
7. Explain the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics and the relationship between these laws.
Provide examples of their application in reactor thermal-hydraulics design. Explain the
role of entropy in reactor thermal-hydraulics.
8. Develop an expression for thermal efficiency for a secondary heat transport system
shown in Figure 55 (CANDU-typical). Show the thermal efficiency in a generic
expression by using generic values of key parameters and by making appropriate
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The heat balance in the reactor can be described by a simple algebraic equation, Eq. (96), from
which the reactor heat production can be expressed by Eq. (97):
Wphp,hot Wphp,cold Q, (96)
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110 The Essential CANDU
Normally, the pump head curve is provided in the form of a polynomial such as Eq. (102):
Ppump A0 A1 W A2 W 2 ... . (102)
The hydraulic network losses are proportional to the square of the velocity, i.e., the mass flow
rate, along with a loss coefficient, as shown by Eq. (103):
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Figure 62 shows a general heat-duty diagram for a steam generator with a pre-heater and with
saturated primary coolant entering the steam generator U-tubes (i.e., with a certain
percentage of quality). The y-axis indicates fluid temperatures, and the x-axis provides a
conceptual representation of space in the steam generator. In this diagram, no heat losses or
pressure losses are shown (i.e., an ideal steam generator is assumed).
The primary coolant moves through the U-tubes from right to left in the diagram, starting as
saturated with a certain percentage of quality and becoming sub-cooled as it transfers the heat
to the secondary side. The secondary coolant (feedwater) enters sub-cooled (zero mass
quality, i.e., negative thermodynamic quality) and, as it receives heat from the primary side,
heats up to saturation. Thereafter, the secondary coolant boils off as it receives more heat
through the steam generator. Note that the point at the primary coolant temperature where
the secondary coolant temperature reaches saturation is called the “pinch point” [GAR1999,
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Assuming that the global heat transfer coefficient USG is constant along the steam generator,
the primary coolant temperature variation is linear along the U-tube, and by separating
primary and secondary side terms, one obtains Eq.(106):
(Tp,hot Tp,cold )
Q U SG ASG U SG ASGTs . (106)
Equation (106) can be further simplified into Eq. (107):
T T p ,cold
Q U SG ASG p , hot Ts . (107)
The temperatures can be replaced by enthalpies using Eq. (108):
h Cp T constant . (108)
Using Eqs. (108) and (107), the heat transferred in the steam generator can be given by Eq.
U SG ASG h p , hot h p ,cold
Q hs . (109)
Cp 2
Using Eq. (96) we find:
U SG ASG h p , hot h p ,cold
Q hs W p ( h p , hot h p ,cold ) . (110)
Cp 2
The secondary side steam flow can be calculated by an energy balance on the secondary side of
the steam generator, as given by Eq. (110); using this equation, one can calculate the mass flow
rate at the secondary side, as given by Eq. (111):
Q Ws hs hFW , (111)
Ws . (112)
hs hFW
7.3.2 Approximate solution to steam generator without a pre-heater region
Combining Eqs. (97), (101), (110), and (112) yields the set of four equations describing the heat
transfer in the primary and secondary loops, as shown by Eq. (113) [GAR1999, POP2014]:
Q Wp hp ,hot hp ,cold
U SG ASG hp ,hot hp,cold T T
Q hs U SG ASG p, hot p,cold Ts
Cp 2 2 . (113)
Ppump Pcircuit
Q Ws hs hFW
From the first equation in Eq. (113), one can obtain the reactor outlet (hot) enthalpy:
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hp ,hot hp ,cold . (114)
The second equation in Eq. (113) can be transformed into the following equation by dividing it
by the primary mass flow rate and using Eq. (114), while also neglecting heat losses between
the reactor and the steam generator:
SG SG h p , cold hs SG SG T p , cold Ts . (115)
Wp C pW p 2W p W p 2 C p W p
Rearranging Eq. (115) in terms of outlet enthalpy at the steam generator and outlet
temperature, one can obtain Eq. (116) and Eq. (117):
Q C pW p 1 QC p Q
h p ,cold hs hs , (116)
Q Wp 1
T p , cold Ts . (117)
Wp U SG ASG 2 C p
From Eqs. (116) and (117), all the parameters Q, Wp, Cp, ASG, USG, etc., are positive quantities.
Therefore, the reactor inlet enthalpy (and temperature) will rise as the primary flow rate
increases, will rise as the secondary-side temperature (saturation temperature) and enthalpy
increase, and may go up or down as power changes.
Substituting Eq. (116) into Eq. (117),
U SG ASG h p , hot h p , cold T p , hot T p , cold
Q hs U SG ASG Ts . (118)
Cp 2 2
The enthalpy (and temperature) at the steam generator primary side inlet can be obtained as
Q C pW p 1 QC p Q
h p , hot hs hs , (119)
U A 2 U A
SG SG 2W p
Q Wp 1
T p , hot Ts . (120)
Wp U SG ASG 2 C p
Using Eqs. (116), (117), (119), and (120), one can obtain the following useful relationships
[GAR1999, POP2014]:
h p , hot h p ,cold Q C pW p QC p
h p , aver hs hs , (121)
Q Wp 1 Q Wp Q
T p , hot T p , aver T s Ts , (122)
Wp U SG ASG 2C p W p U SG ASG 2W pC p
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Tp,hot Tp,cold Q Q
Tp,aver Tp,aver Tp,cold Tp,aver Ts , (123)
2 2C pWp U SG ASG
Tp,hot Tp,cold Tp,hot Ts Tp,cold Ts . (124)
WpC p U SG ASG 2WpC p U SG ASG 2WpC p
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 117
outlet enthalpies can be calculated. Once these are defined, the next step is to define other
primary fluid state parameters from the state laws, such as the fluid density for the inlet and
outlet reactor enthalpy. After these parameters are defined, it is necessary to check whether
the assumed USG has converged. If not, USG is updated, and another round of these calculations
is performed.
After convergence on USG is reached, the pump head and primary loop resistance can be
calculated because the primary flow rate has been defined. The last step is to check whether
the pump head and the loop resistance match. If not, then the whole process shown in Figure
64 must be repeated.
To illustrate that this process leads to convergence, a sample calculation will be performed
using typical CANDU 6 parameters as given by Eq. (125) [GAR1999, POP2014].
Q 2000 MWth
W 8000 kg / s
Ts 265 C hs 1150 kJ / kg
C p 5 kJ / kg C . (125)
U SG 5 kJ / s C m 2 C W p p / U SG ASG 0.625
ASG 3200 m 2
Equation (116) can be expressed in terms of primary flow rate, as shown by Eq. (123):
Wp . (126)
2 p hs hp ,cold
From the above equation, one can define the infinitesimal change in the primary flow rate with
the reactor inlet enthalpy as follows:
Wp Q Q 2W p2
. (127)
h p ,cold C pQ
2 hs h p ,cold 2
Substituting the parameters for CANDU 6 from Eq. (125) into Eq. (127),
2 8000
Wp s kg 2
64 . (128)
hp ,cold 6 kJ kJ s
2 10 kW
If Eq. (128) is expressed in terms of the initial values of primary flow rate and reactor inlet
enthalpy, the result gives the change in the primary flow rate as a function of reactor inlet
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where Q is reactor power (or steam generator power), Cp is D2O heat capacity (assumed
constant), Tp,hot is ROH temperature, and Tp,cold is RIH temperature.
The elementary amount of heat transferred from the primary to the secondary side of the
steam generator can be captured using the Fourier law:
dQ U SG Tp Ts dASG , (132)
where USG is the overall heat transfer coefficient through the SG piping, dASG is the incremental
heat transfer area from the primary to the secondary side, Tp is the D2O temperature in the SG
tubes, and Ts is the H2O temperature in the SG shell.
As shown in Figure 65, the secondary side of the steam generator can be split into two parts,
the pre-heater part and the boiler part. Therefore, the heat transferred from the primary to
the secondary side can also be divided into two parts, as shown in Eq. (133):
The fraction of the steam generator area involved in pre-heating is indicated by γ. The pre-
heater part of the steam generator brings the feedwater to saturation. The primary-side
temperature at which the secondary side is brought to saturation is denoted as TPINCH.
Using Eq. (113), the total heat exchanged between the primary and secondary sides in the
steam generator can be shown by means of the following relation [GAR1999, POP2014]:
Q U SG ASG p ,cold 1 U SG ASG Ts , (134)
2 2 2
where Ts is the saturation temperature at the secondary side and TFW is the feedwater
temperature at the inlet of the steam generator secondary side.
The pinch temperature can be expressed in terms of steam generator parameters using Eq.
Tp,hot Tp,cold
Q USG ASG Ts Ts TFW . (136)
2 2
Recall the relationship between the reactor inlet and outlet temperature from Eq. (124):
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120 The Essential CANDU
Tp,hot Tp,cold . (137)
The reactor inlet and outlet temperatures can be expressed by the following relationship:
Q W pC p 1
T p ,cold Ts TFW Ts , (138)
W p C p U SG ASG 2 2
Q W pC p 1
T p , hot Ts TFW Ts . (139)
W pC p U SG AG 2 2
By examining Eq. (138), one can evaluate the impact of reactor power on the variation of
reactor inlet temperature. The saturation temperature Ts at the secondary side does not
depend on reactor power if the pressure on the secondary side is kept constant. The variation
in feedwater temperature, TFW, can be assumed to be linearly dependent on reactor power.
The primary flow rate Wp, the heat capacity CP, the area of the steam generator ASG, and the
steam generator global heat transfer coefficient USG exhibit second-order variation with reactor
power Q.
To define the dependence of reactor inlet temperature on reactor power, it is necessary to
evaluate the impact of the remaining parameter, i.e., the steam generator pre-heater area γ,
on reactor power.
The heat addition to the secondary side of the steam generator in the pre-heater area can be
calculated as:
QPREHEATER WsCp,s Ts TFW . (140)
The heat extraction from the primary side of the steam generator can be calculated from Eq.
(134) as follows:
The most strongly variable parameter in Eq. (142) is the feedwater flow WFW. The heat balance
on the secondary side given by Eq. (140) can be rearranged in terms of enthalpies as follows:
Q Wh
s s WFW hFW . (143)
Because Ws ≈ WFW, it is appropriate to assume that hs ≈ constant and hFW ≈ constant.
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Therefore, feedwater flow and steam generator pre-heater area are proportional to reactor
power, i.e., WFW ∞ Q and γ ∞ Q.
It is normally desirable to describe the pre-heater area in terms of a ratio between the pre-
heater area at 100% power and at current power, as follows:
, (144)
where γ100 is the pre-heating fraction at 100% full power and Q100 = Q at 100% full power.
By substituting Eq. (144) into Eqs. (138) and (139), the reactor inlet and outlet temperatures
can be obtained as follows:
Q W pC p 1 Q
T p ,cold 100 Ts TFW Ts
W pC p U SG ASG 2 2Q100
Q Q100 W p C p 1
100 Ts TFW Ts , (145)
Q100 W p C p U SG ASG 2 2
Q Q100 W pC p 1
T p , hot 100 T s T FW T s . (146)
Q100 W p C p U SG ASG 2 2
It is clear that the reactor inlet and outlet temperatures are equal to the steam saturation
temperature with corrections to capture the primary-side and secondary-side effects. Both
these effects are roughly proportional to reactor power. Hence, at 0% full reactor power,
Tp,cold=Ts and Tp,hot=Ts.
To illustrate the above analysis and the magnitude of the correction terms, a sample CANDU 6
assessment can be performed with the following given parameters:
Reactor power Q100 = 2.064×106 [kJ/s]
Steam generator global heat transfer coefficient: USG = 4.5 [kJ/sec °C m2]
Steam generator area: ASG = 3200 [m2] per steam generator (12,800 [m2] total for a
four-loop reactor)
Primary flow rate: Wp = 8250 [kg/s]
Heat capacity of primary loop: Cp = 4.25 [kJ/kg °C]
Steam generator pre-heating portion: γ100 = 0.15 at 100% full power
Feedwater temperature: TFW = 177 [°C] at 100% full power
Secondary-side temperature (at saturation): TS = 260 [°C]
Using the above parameters, the reactor inlet temperature can be calculated using Eq. (145):
Tp,cold 58.86 0.60 0.50 6.22 260 6.32 6.22 260 . (147)
Q100 Q100
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122 The Essential CANDU
Hence, even at 100% full power, the net correction to the reactor inlet temperature Tp,cold is
less than 0.1°C. Even allowing for large variations in USG and other parameters, the effect on
Tp,cold is expected to be small over the full power range. This has been confirmed by detailed
calculations. The reactor outlet temperature can be calculated using Eq. (146):
Tp,hot 64.75 6.22 260 58.53 260 . (148)
Q100 Q100
At 100% full power, the reactor outlet temperature To is 318.5 [°C], which is greater than the
saturation temperature of 310 [°C] at 10 [MPa]. Hence, the assumption of no boiling at the
reactor outlet header is not correct. Therefore, the calculation must be repeated with an
estimate of the amount of boiling using the following expression:
xh fg
Q Q subcool Qboil W p C p T p , sat T p ,cold W p C p T p , sat T p ,cold W p xh fg . (149)
C p
The power level at which boiling starts is given by Eq. (146), into which the CANDU 6
parameters from Eq. (148) are introduced to obtain the following expression:
Tp , hot 260 310 260 Q 50
0.854 . (150)
58.53 53.53 Q100 53.53
This means that boiling starts in a CANDU 6 core when the reactor power is at 85.4% of full
power. In other words, it means that out of 100% reactor power, 85.4% is used to heat the
primary fluid to saturation and 14.6% is used to boil some of the primary fluid.
If this information is used in Eq. (149), the following expression can be obtained for the reactor
power split in the primary heat transport system:
Q Q Q WC W xh
subcool boil p p Tp , sat Tp ,cold p fg 0.854 0.146 . (151)
Q100 Q100 Q100 Q100 Q100
Hence, using just the boiling part of Eq. (151), the steam quality at the reactor outlet header
can be calculated as follows:
0.146 Q100 0.146 2.064 10 6 kJ / s
x 0.045 . (152)
W p h fg 8250[ kg / s ] 800[ kJ / kg ]
In the above calculation of the steam quality in the reactor outlet header as 4.5%, it was
assumed that the value of 85.4% of the total reactor power to onset of boiling as calculated by
Eq. (152) remains valid as the power goes up beyond the onset of boiling. Hence, it follows
that the parameters that determine the onset of boiling, Wp, Cp, USG, ASG, Ts, and TFW, have been
assumed not to change significantly when boiling starts in the primary heat transport system.
This is only approximately true: Wp and USG are affected by the presence of two-phase flow.
However, the approximation used in the above calculation is good enough to illustrate the
End of Problem
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Enough information is now available to sketch out the heat duty diagram as a function of
power. Figure 66 presents the impact of reactor power on the heat-duty diagram of the steam
generator {GAR1999, POP2014].
The primary and secondary temperatures will vary with position in the steam generator.
Energy balance on the primary and secondary sides gives the following expressions:
dQ WP dhP , (154)
dQ WS dhS . (155)
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124 The Essential CANDU
The minus sign indicates a heat flow from the primary to the secondary side, i.e., the enthalpy
of the primary fluid decreases, and the enthalpy of the secondary fluid increases.
For a single phase on either side, one can relate enthalpy with temperature as follows:
Therefore, the change in fluid temperatures along the steam generator primary and secondary
sides can be expressed as:
U SG dASG T p Ts
dT p , (156)
C p , pW p
U SG dASG T p Ts
dTs . (157)
C p , sW s
The steam generator area can be conveniently divided into N segments, each described as
ΔASG=ASG/N. The numerical algorithm for calculating the fluid temperatures simply starts at
one end of the heat exchanger with known or assumed temperatures and flows at that
boundary and repeatedly applies Eqs. (156) and (157) as it moves forward to the other end of
the heat exchanger. The principle of the calculation is shown in Figure 68. If the calculations
start at the cold end (where feedwater enters and primary fluid exits), single-phase flow on
both sides can be ensured.
At each successive nodal point, the fluid temperatures can be calculated by the following
expressions [GAR1999, POP2014]:
Tp,i 1 Tp,i
C p, p NWp
Tp,i Ts,i , (158)
Ts ,i 1 Ts ,i SG SG Tp ,i Ts ,i .
C p ,s NWs
At each nodal point i, the calculated temperature should be compared to the saturation point.
Once the saturation temperature is reached, the secondary-side temperature remains at the
saturation temperature.
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The result is the temperature profiles for both the primary and secondary sides for the given
flow rates, area, heat transfer coefficient, and cold side temperatures. Equation (153) is used
to accumulate the total heat transferred by the heat exchanger. If the heat transferred is
above or below the desired heat transfer, then iteration is required. Typically, it is desirable to
know the primary-side temperature profile for a given set of secondary-side conditions, given
the primary-side flow and a given steam generator geometry and heat transfer coefficient. In
this case, the primary side inlet temperature is varied until the target Q is met; once again, the
primary side “floats” on the secondary side.
The effect of power is seen through Ws, which is proportional to Q. For low Q, Ts will rise
rapidly to the saturation temperature. This decreases the effective temperature difference
between the primary and secondary sides. Hence, Tp will not rise as quickly as in the high-
power case.
7.3.6 Problems
1. Explain the difference in the design of steam generators that have an area designed for
preheating of feed water and these that do not. Explain how feed water heating is
achieved in both types of design. Explain the role of the pinch point in both types of
2. Using the values provided in Problem, draw a heat duty diagram of a
corresponding steam generator following the format provided in Figure 66.
3. Explain the process for calculating main parameters of the primary heat transport system.
4. Using the values provided in Problem, and using the steam generator heat
balance template equations, calculate analytically the steam generator parameters.
Determine the effect of steam generator fouling on the steam generator performance.
Determine the effect of power level on the steam generator performance.
5. Using the values provided in Problem, and using the steam generator heat balance
equations use numerical technique to calculate steam generator parameters. Determine
the effect of steam generator fouling on the steam generator performance. Determine the
effect of power level on the steam generator performance. Determine the impact of the
numerical calculation increments on the precision of the calculations.
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126 The Essential CANDU
where ρ is the material density, e is the internal energy, V is the volume, S is the surface area,
q''' is the volumetric heat generation, q'' is the heat flux, and n is the unit vector on the surface.
The term on the left-hand side is the heat storage term, which represents the net change in
energy level. The first term on the right-hand side of the equation is the heat generation term,
which describes the heat generated at any time and any volume in the solid body. The second
term on the right-hand side shows the net energy exchange from the body to the surroundings.
The right-hand side shows the net energy exchange from the body to the surroundings. Gauss’
Law connects the surface integral to a volume integral of a body that is enclosed by a given
surface [BIR1960]:
" r , t n dS q " r
, t dV . (161)
Using Gauss’ Law and Eq. (161), the surface integral in the energy balance equation, Eq. (160),
can be converted to a volume integral, following which the volume integral can be dropped for
all terms in the equation, and the internal energy e can be replaced by the temperature T times
the heat capacity c:
q ''' r, t q" r, t . (162)
In addition, a relation is needed to specify the heat flux in terms of temperature. In a solid
body, Fourier’s law of thermal conduction is applicable and can be expressed as follows
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 127
q " r, t k T r, t . (163)
Hence, substituting Eq. (163) into Eq. (162) leads to an equation describing the temperature
distribution in a solid body in which heat generation and conduction take place:
q ''' r, t kT r, t , (164)
where the solid body density ρ is in [kg/m3]; the specific heat capacity c is in [J/(kg oK]; the heat
conductivity k is in [J/(m oK sec)]; the heat flux q’’ is in [J/(m2 sec) = W/m2]; the heat generation
rate q’’’ is in [J/(m3 sec) = W/m3]; the temperature T is in [oK]; and α is defined as (k/ρc)
For a cylindrical fuel pellet, Eq. (165) must be expanded into cylindrical coordinates:
1d dT
kf r q ''' r . (166)
r dr dr
Equation (166) must be integrated twice; after the first integration, it is transformed into the
following equation:
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128 The Essential CANDU
dT r2
kf r q ''' r . (167)
dr 2
The constant of integration is zero because the temperature gradient at r=0 is zero. The
thermal conductivity, k, is a strong function of T in fuel, and therefore its variation needs to be
taken into account in the integration process. However, in the first step, its average value k f
can be assumed to be within the range of fuel temperature variation. Hence, the second
subsequent integration results in the following relation:
k f T dT k f TF To q "' r ,
To 4
where the subscript 0 indicates the centre point and the subscript F indicates the fuel pellet
radius. Because T=To at r=0, the constant of integration is again zero. Finally, with the
assumption of average fuel conductivity in the fuel pellet, the temperature difference across
the fuel pellet has the following form:
rF2 q'
T fuel To TF q "' , (169)
4k f 4 k f
where q' rF q" is the linear power density. Note that by using linear power density, the
In the gap between the fuel pellet and the cladding, no heat is generated. Therefore, for
steady-state conditions, Eq. (164) transforms into the following equation:
1 d dT
kg r 0. (170)
r dr dr
This equation can be readily integrated once to yield the following equation:
kg r const . (171)
The constant of integration is determined by considering the heat flux q'' at the fuel-gap
dT q'
k g q" . (172)
dr r rF 2 rF
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 129
Substituting Eq. (172) into Eq. (171) yields the following equation:
dT q' dT q'
kg r kg . (173)
dr 2 dr 2 r
Assuming that the gap conductivity does not change significantly with temperature and
performing integration, the temperature difference in the gap can be obtained as:
q ' rF tG
k g TGAP k g TF TC ln . (174)
2 rF
The subscript C indicates the gap-cladding interface. The boundary condition T=TC at r=rF+tG is
incorporated into this solution. Finally, the gap temperature difference is obtained as:
q' r t
TGAP ln F G . (175)
2 k G rF
Because the natural logarithm of a small number can be approximated by the number itself,
i.e., ln(1+x) ≈ x [GAR1999, POP2014], the gap temperature difference is:
q ' tG
TGAP . (176)
2 rF k G
Calculate for UO2 fuel the radial temperature difference in the fuel-cladding gap. The gap
conductivity kG is about 0.002 W/cm°K, but it varies considerably with the amount of fission
product gases. For a gap thickness of 0.005 cm, ∆TGAP is about 300°C for q' of 500 W/cm.
End of Problem
Because with irradiation the fuel will swell to touch the cladding at certain points (because the
surfaces have a certain degree of roughness), an effective heat transfer coefficient, hG, is used:
hG TGAP q " . (177)
Therefore, taking into account the relationship between heat flux and the linear power
q ' rF2q" , the temperature difference in the gap can be obtained as follows:
TGAP . (178)
2 rF hG
Calculate for UO2 fuel the radial temperature difference in the fuel-cladding gap. A heat
transfer coefficient of 0.5–1.1 W/cm2°K gives a ∆TGAP less than 300°C.
End of Problem
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130 The Essential CANDU
For the gap region described above, the steady-state equation for the cladding region, in which
there is no heat generation, is similar:
1 d dT
kc r 0 . (179)
r dr dr
This equation is solved in the same manner as for the gap to yield:
q ' rF tG tC q' r t t
k c TCLAD k c TC TS ln TCLAD ln F G C . (180)
2 rF tG 2 k c rF tG
The subscript S indicates the cladding-coolant surface interface. The boundary condition T=TS
at r=rF+tG+tC is incorporated into this solution.
Because the natural logarithm of a small number can be approximated by the number itself,
i.e., ln(1+x) ≈ x [GAR1999, POP2014], the gap temperature difference is:
q' tC
TCLAD . (181)
2 rF tG kC
Calculate for UO2 fuel the radial temperature difference in the fuel cladding. The cladding
conductivity kC is about 0.11 W/cm°K, giving a ∆TCLAD of about 80°C for a q' of 500 W/cm.
End of Problem
The heat flux from the cladding to the coolant is determined as:
q " hS TS TFL , (182)
where TFL is the bulk temperature of the coolant fluid. Hence, the temperature drop from the
cladding surface to the bulk fluid temperature is:
TCOOL . (183)
2 hS rF tC tG
Calculate for UO2 fuel the radial temperature difference in the cladding-to-coolant interface. A
heat transfer coefficient of ~4.5 W/cm2°K gives a ∆TCOOL of about 10°C–20°C.
End of Problem
By summing up Eqs. (169), (178), (181), and (183), the overall temperature difference between
the fuel centreline and the bulk coolant can be obtained according to the following equation:
q' 1 1 t G tC 1
To TFL . (184)
2 2 k f h r
G F k C rF t G hS rF t G t
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 131
The expression in brackets in Eq. (184) is the thermal resistance across the fuel element:
1 1 tG tC 1
Rth . (185)
2 k f h r
G F k C rF t G hS rF t G t
Hence, the centreline fuel temperature is greater than the coolant temperature by an amount
that depends on the amount of heat generated and on various resistances to heat flow. For a
given fuel design, most of the parameters are fixed under normal operation. The one
exception is the heat transfer coefficient to the coolant, hS, which is covered in Section 7.6.
Figure 70 shows a radial temperature distribution across the fuel element for two linear power
rates [POP2014]. Linear power level 45 [kW/m] represents full-power operation of the fuel
element in the middle of the core. Linear power level 15 [kW/m] represents operation at full
power at the core ends, or at a certain decay power level shortly after reactor shutdown. This
figure shows that the highest temperature difference occurs in the fuel pellet (above 1400°C at
full power) because UO2 is a poor heat conductor, but its melting temperature is approximately
2800°C–2900°C. The temperature difference in the gap is significant considering that the gap is
very thin. The cladding and the water are very good heat conductors, and therefore the
temperature difference is relatively small.
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132 The Essential CANDU
contribution is from the fuel-cladding gap and the second highest from the fuel pellet.
The axial variation of the fluid temperature Tc can be obtained by substituting Eq. (187) into Eq.
(188) and integrating [ELW1978]:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 133
dTc q "' max A f dz , (189)
wc p cos
Tf 1
Le / 2 Le
The exit temperature of the coolant from this channel can be obtained by integrating Eq. (189)
to the channel exit (labelled as 2, i.e., at z=+L/2):
2 q "' max A f L
T f ,out T f ,in . (192)
wc p
This equation shows that the coolant temperature rise in the channel will be greater for higher
heat generation rates, larger fuel elements, and longer channels and smaller for higher mass
flow rates.
The heat transferred between the cladding and the coolant at any location z along the fuel
channel, per unit area of cladding surface in contact with the coolant, is given by h(TSH-Tc),
where h is the heat transfer coefficient. This coefficient can be assumed constant along the fuel
channel with no boiling in the channel. Hence, the heat balance between the fuel cladding and
the coolant can be expressed by the following equation:
hCSH TSH Tc dz q "' max Af cos dz , (193)
where CSH [m] is the fuel cladding circumference, TSH [oC] is the cladding temperature, and h
[kJ/m2 oC] is the heat transfer coefficient. Substituting Eq. (190) into Eq. (193) yields the
cladding temperature variation along the fuel channel:
q "' max A f L z q "' max A f z . (194)
TSH Tc ,in 1 sin L hC cos
wc p SH L
The temperature variation at the fuel pellet surface along the fuel channel and the
temperature of the fuel pellet centreline along the fuel channel can be obtained by means of
the following relation:
TSH Tc z
q "'max Af cos . (195)
Rx L L
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134 The Essential CANDU
Hence, for fuel pellet surface temperature, the following equations can be developed:
T f , S Tc z
q "' max Af cos , (196)
R f ,S L L
T f ,S Tc R f ,S L q "' max Af cos , (197)
1 t G tC 1
R f , S . (198)
hG rF k C rF tG hS rF tG t SH
The fuel pellet centreline temperature variation can be described by the following equations:
T f ,CL Tc z
q "' max A f cos , (199)
R f ,CL L L
T f ,CL Tc R f ,CL L q "' max Af cos , (200)
1 1 tG tC 1
R f ,CL . (201)
2 k f hG rF k C rF tG hS rF tG t SH
Substituting Eq. (190) into Eq. (200) yields the fuel centreline temperature:
q "'max
Af L z z .
T f ,CL Tc ,in 1 sin q "' max A f LR f ,CL cos (202)
wc p L L
The location of the maximum cladding temperature can be obtained by differentiating Eq. (194)
and equating it to zero, i.e., dTSH/dz=0. Hence:
cot 1 wc p RSH ,
L (203)
z SH ,m tan 1
1 1
RSH . (204)
hAf hCSH L
The location of the maximum fuel pellet centreline temperature can be obtained by
differentiating Eq. (202) and equating it to zero, i.e., dTf,CL/dz=0. Hence:
cot 1 wc p R f ,CL .
z f ,CL ,m (205)
The maximum cladding temperature can be found by substituting Eq. (203) into Eq. (194):
1 1 2
TSH ,m Tc ,in q "'max Af LRSH , where wcpRSH . (206)
The maximum cladding temperature can be found by substituting Eq. (205) into Eq. (202):
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 135
1 1 2
T f ,CL ,m Tc ,in q "'max Af LR , where wcp Rf ,CL . (207)
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136 The Essential CANDU
Figure 73 Temperature distribution in the fuel cladding and the fuel element
The reason that the maximum fuel centreline temperature is closer to the fuel mid-plane is that
the radial heat flow through the fuel and cladding at any section along the fuel channel is
proportional to the heat flux at that location. The temperature differences (TSH ̶ Tc), (Tf,S ̶ TSH),
and (Tf,CL ̶ Tf,S) generally follow cosine-shaped functions according to the heat flux cosine profile.
The maxima of the cladding and fuel temperatures are affected by the heat flux maximum (at
the fuel mid-plane) and the fluid maximum (at the fuel channel exit). Because the cladding is
close to the fluid, the impact of coolant temperature is strong, and hence its maximum is pulled
away from the mid-plane. Because the fuel centreline temperature occurs inside the fuel,
where the heat is generated, its maximum is pulled toward the mid-plane, where the heat flux
maximum is located.
where x is the flow quality in the two-phase mixture, hc,sat is the saturated liquid enthalpy, and
hfg is the latent heat of vaporization. The heat balance over the differential part of the fuel
channel yields the following equation:
L /2
w f h z hcold q '( z )dz . (209)
L/ 2
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 137
In the above equation, hcold is the inlet enthalpy in the channel. If the axial position where the
coolant starts to boil (the point where h(z)=hSAT) is defined as ZBB, the heat balance equation,
Eq. (209), transforms into the following equation:
w f h z hc , sat q '( z ) dz x ( z ) w f h fg . (210)
Using the above equation, the flow quality of the two-phase mixture can be expressed by the
following equation:
x( z )
w f h fg
q '( z ) dz . (211)
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138 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 139
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140 The Essential CANDU
pellet and cladding. After a certain amount of irradiation, a number of peaks and valleys will
develop at the pellet and cladding surfaces. These may eventually produce contact between
fuel and cladding, improving thermal conductivity.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 141
However, for horizontal reactor cores, such as CANDU, the assumption of radial symmetry
across the fuel rod is not applicable for certain flow regimes. This is relevant for situations in
which bubbly flow develops in the upper part of the fuel channel, or even more importantly,
when stratification develops (e.g., under accident conditions) in the fuel channel.
In these situations, the heat flux to the upper part of the fuel element could be smaller than to
the lower part. This results in a skewed (asymmetric) temperature profile, as shown in Figure
80. In such a case, the maximum fuel pellet centreline temperature will be skewed towards the
side with the smaller heat flux. This could also have an important impact on the cladding
temperature, and it is particularly relevant to some postulated accidents in which channel
stratification occurs.
7.4.6 Problems
1. A PWR reactor produces 2440 MWt with the following core information: UO2 pellet
diameter 0.96 cm; Zr clad inside diameter 0.98 cm; Zr clad outside diameter 1.12 cm;
active fuel length 3.7 m. The core contains 220 fuel bundles each with 14 x 14 fuel pins
(but 20 positions are used for control elements). The fission energy is distributed
uniformly across the fuel pin. and TB=300°C, kUO2=0.050 W/cm°C, hcool=1.8 W/cm2 °C,
hgap=0.57 W/cm2 °C], kclad=0.12 W/cm°C. Calculate core averaged fuel pin temperature
2. The core of a BWP reactor consists of 764 fuel assemblies, each containing a square
array of 49 fuel rods on a 1.9 cm pitch. The fuel rods are 4.4 m long, but fuelled only
along over 3.6 m of their length. The outside diameter of the fuel rods is 1.4 cm, the
cladding thickness is 0.8 mm, and the fuel pellets are 1.2 cm, thus leaving a gap of 0.2
mm. The UO2 has average density of 10.3 g/cm3. The radius of the core is 2.4 m, and the
reactor is designed to produce 3300 MWt. The peak to average power density is 2.6.
Calculate (a) the maximum heat flux in kW/m2; (b) the temperature distribution at the
location of maximum heat flux ignoring the gap between fuel pellet and cladding; and (c)
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142 The Essential CANDU
the temperature distribution at the location of maximum heat flux taking into account the
3. For PWR cylindrical solid fuel pellet operating ta a heat flux of 1.7 MW/m2 and surface
temperature of 400ºC, calculate the maximum temperature in the pellet for two assumed
values of heat conduction: 3 W/mºC, and k = 1 + 3e-0.0005T where T is ºC. The UO2 pellet
diameter is 10 mm, and density is 95% of the theoretical density.
4. A CANDU channel has a typical geometry of 37 fuel elements per bundle, 12 bundles
per channel, with power, pressure and inlet and outlet temperature. Assume for this
channel linear power rating of 60 kW/m; burnup at the time of peak rating of 50
MWh/kgU; sheath-to-coolant heat transfer coefficient 40 kW/m2K; pellet-to-sheath heat
transfer coefficient of 60 kW/m2K; and pellet density of 10.6 Mg/m3. Calculate coolant,
cladding and fuel surface and centreline temperatures in radial direction for each bundle
in axial direction assuming typical power distribution along the channel with a typical
power peaking factor. Draw appropriate diagrams showing the results.
5. A fuel pin with pellet radius of 4.6 mm, clad inner radius of 4.89 mm, and outer radius of
5.46 mm, calculate the maximum liner power that can be obtained from the pellet such
that the mass average temperature in the fuel does not exceed 1200 ºC. Take the bulk
fluid temperature at 307.5 ºC, and the coolant heat transfer coefficient of 28.4 kW/m2 ºC.
In the gap consider only conduction heat transfer. Fuel conductivity is 3 W/m2 ºC; clad
conductivity is 18.69 W/m ºC; and helium gas conductivity is 0.277 W/m ºC.
6. Using analytical technique develop equations for calculating temperature distribution in
radial direction in the fuel element (fuel pellets, gap, cladding and coolant) calculate
temperature distribution in radial direction at heat loading of 40 kW/m. For the thermal
conductivity in the fuel pellets assume the distribution shown in the diagram below. To
solve the problem approximate the thermal conductivity by a suitably selected quadratic
Compare the results with the case assuming constant average heat conductivity in the
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 143
9. Calculate axial temperature distribution of fuel centreline, fuel surface, cladding and
coolant in axial direction for a typical CANDU fuel assuming maximum fuel heat load of
50 kW/m, and average fuel load of 25 kW/m. Develop relations for and calculate the
positions of maximum temperatures. As per figure below, as a base case assume (1)
cosine heat flux distribution, (2) linearly increasing heat flux distribution to the channel
exit, and (3) linearly decreasing heat flux distribution to the channel exit, and compare
the maximum temperatures and their locations in the core.
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144 The Essential CANDU
10. Using parameters of a typical CANDU channel, calculate the axial temperature
distribution in a fuel channel. Identify the key parameters that affect the calculations,
and investigate the sensitivity of the results to these key parameters.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 145
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146 The Essential CANDU
In addition to frictional pressure losses in the system, Table 9 shows the most important
pressure losses in the CANDU reactor core that are specific to CANDU reactors [IAEA2001].
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 147
The objective of calculating pressure losses with adequate precision is to optimize pump
capacity and power requirements, as well as to determine coolant flow rate in the primary
circuit, local conditions in bundles and sub-channels, and flow rates across parallel
interconnected sub-channels in fuel bundles.
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148 The Essential CANDU
where P is the pressure, τw is the wall friction stress, G is the mass flux, θ is the inclination
angle, g is the gravity acceleration, dz is the differential axial distance along the channel, δz is
the infinitesimal axial distance in the channel, um is the mixture velocity, S is the channel
circumference, A is the area of the flow channel, and ρH is the homogeneous mixture density as
a function of flow quality, given by Eq. (213) [WAL1969]:
1 x 1 x g
e . (213)
H g
Equation (212) can be transformed into the following equation after performing some algebraic
simplifications and removing the integrals:
dP S d G2
W H g sin . (214)
dz A dz H
By substituting the fluid density from Eq. (213), the pressure drop equation can be obtained in
the following form:
dP S d xe 1 xe
W G 2 H g sin . (215)
dz A dz g
Equation (215) contains three pressure drop components on the right side: friction,
acceleration, and gravity:
dP dP dP dP .
dz dz f dz a dz e
The negative sign in the above equation indicates that pressure decreases along the flow path.
Separated flow model
In a separated flow model, both flow phases are treated separately, and therefore Eq. (212)
takes on the following form:
P P dz z dA W z dS
Gu Gg ug zdA H g sin z dA . (217)
The mixture density can be assumed to be a function of the two-phase void fraction as given by
the following relation:
TP g (1) . (218)
By substituting Eq. (218) into Eq. (217), the pressure drop equation can be expressed as (in the
same form as Eq. (215)):
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 149
dP S d
W 1 G u G g u g g 1 g sin . (219)
dz A dz
Further developing the acceleration term using the relationship between the mixture and
phasic mass flux leads to the following expression for the separated flow pressure drop:
dP S d x a2 (1 x a ) 2
W G 2 g 1 g sin . (220)
dz A dz g (1 )
The frictional pressure loss occurs between the fluid and the channel wall. It depends primarily
on the fluid velocity, the tube diameter, and the fluid viscosity.
The acceleration pressure losses occur because of the change in fluid momentum between
different locations in the channel. They can be significant in channels with varying flow area
and fluid temperature.
The gravity-induced pressure loss in fact occurs because of a change in elevation, i.e., a change
of hydrostatic head. Therefore, it is relevant in vertical channels, particularly in piston flow. In
single-phase closed loops, the hydrostatic head in sections with upward flow cancels with that
in sections with downward flow.
Local pressure losses can result from many different flow obstructions such as valves, orifices,
bundle junctions, and appendages. In addition, changes in flow direction in elbows, T-
junctions, etc., can result in pressure losses. Significant pressure losses occur with sudden
changes in flow area such as sudden contractions, expansions, and orifices.
Using a term for local pressure losses as explained above, Eq. (216) can be written in the
following form:
dP dP dP dP dP .
dz dz f dz a dz e dz l
where L is the pipe length, G is the mass flux, Dhy is the hydraulic diameter (equal to four times
the flow area/the wetted perimeter), ρl is the liquid density, W is the mass flow rate, A is the
pipe cross section, and f is the friction factor. The frictional pressure drop occurs all along the
length and is hence referred to as distributed pressure drop. This equation is applicable for
single-phase and homogeneous two-phase flows, although the methods of calculating the
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150 The Essential CANDU
friction factor, f, and the density, ρ, differ in the two cases. Pressure drops across tubes,
rectangular channels, bare annuli, and a bare rod bundle (i.e., without spacers) are examples of
this component. The challenge in the above equation is to define the appropriate friction
factor f for the given flow conditions. This process is described in the following sub-sections.
Acceleration pressure loss
This reversible component of pressure loss is caused by a change in flow area or density.
Expansion, contraction, and fluid flow through a heated section are examples. The acceleration
pressure loss due to flow area changes can be expressed as [IAEA2001]:
Pa G 2
1 Ar W 2
. (223)
2 A02 l
The term Δvl describes the velocity difference between two points in the channel, Ar is the ratio
of the smaller to the larger flow area, Ao is the smaller flow area, and φ is equal to 1 for single-
phase flow. For two-phase flow, φ is described by the following relation [IAEA2001]:
x3 1 x
g l
2 2 2 2 . (224)
g 1 x l 1 x g
The acceleration pressure loss due to density change for single-phase and two-phase flows can
be expressed as:
1 1
pa G 2 . (225)
m o m i
For single-phase flows, this component is negligible, but it can be significant in two-phase
flows. For two-phase flow, the above equation can be used with ρm given by [IAEA2001]:
1 x2 1 x
. (226)
m g l 1
To evaluate acceleration pressure loss due to density change, accurate prediction of fluid
density is necessary. For single-phase flow, fluid density can be predicted reasonably well using
established relationships for thermo-physical properties of fluids. For two-phase flow, it is
necessary to predict the void fraction, and in turn the acceleration pressure loss, accurately to
determine density. Hence, the correlation for void fraction must be chosen carefully.
Elevation pressure loss
This reversible component of pressure loss is caused by the difference in elevation and can be
expressed as:
pe g l 1 g sin z . (227)
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 151
geometry and flow direction. Pressure drops across valves, elbows, tees, and spacers are
examples. The local pressure loss (i.e., the form loss) is defined by the following relation
pl K l , (228)
where Kl is the local form loss coefficient, which has different correlations for different
geometries, single-phase flows, and two-phase flows. The challenge in the above equation is to
define the local friction factor coefficient Kl properly. This topic is covered in the following sub-
For friction pressure loss correlations, circular pipe, annuli, rectangular channels, and rod
clusters are the most common applications. For local pressure loss correlations, spacers, top
and bottom tie plates, and locations of flow area changes such as constrictions, expansions,
bends, tees, and valves are the most common applications. For CANDU-type fuel bundles, the
degree of misalignment of two adjacent fuel bundles is also important in estimating the
pressure drop. In addition, in-core effects like radiation-induced creep, blister formation,
swelling, and corrosion are also important factors affecting pressure drop, but are not dealt
with here.
Figure 82 shows the Moody chart for friction factor as a function of Reynolds number and pipe
roughness [MOO1944, IDE1996]. This logarithmic diagram is the basis for calculating friction
factors in single-phase flow in pipes. On the left side is the area of laminar flow, represented
by a single straight line. Towards the right side, a group of lines is shown that indicate higher
friction factors for higher values of pipe roughness and slowly declining friction factors for
higher Reynolds numbers.
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152 The Essential CANDU
1 / Dtube 2.51
2 log . (232)
f tube 3.7 Re f rube
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 153
This correlation is often used in computer codes, but it requires several iterations because it is
not explicit in terms of the friction factor f. Many other correlations attempt to capture
different effects such as different parameter ranges or heat transfer effects. These include
changes in near-wall velocity gradient due to fluid density changes, bubble formation, sharp
variations due to liquid-film thinning, and liquid-surface or vapour-surface contact. These all
create different wall heating effects that have a significant impact on the friction factor, even
before two-phase flow occurs.
Many two-phase flow pressure drop correlations can be found in the literature. These
correlations can be classified into the following four general categories: (1) empirical
correlations based on the homogeneous model; (2) empirical correlations based on the two-
phase friction multiplier concept; (3) direct empirical models; and (4) flow pattern-specific
In addition, computer codes based on two-fluid or three-fluid models require correlations to
partition wall friction among the fluids and to determine interfacial friction correlations.
The most commonly used approach is the two-phase multiplier approach, which is described in
this section. In this case, the two-phase pressure drop is calculated by multiplying the single-
phase pressure drop by a two-phase frictional multiplier. Equation (233) exemplifies this
pf ,TP L20pf ,L0 L20 L2 1 x
2 b
or ∆,் = ߶ଶ ∆,, , (233)
where pf ,L is the single-phase pressure drop based on only single-phase liquid in the channel
and p f ,L 0 is the single-phase pressure drop based on total flow as single-phase liquid in the
channel. Assuming f a Reb , the relationship between L20 and L2 can be expressed as
L20 L2 1 x
2 b
data and are expressed in the form of graphs or correlations that typically depend on quality
and pressure. A mass-flux effect is observed primarily at low flows (and hence is flow-regime-
dependent). Surface heating has a strong impact (a near-wall effect) on two-phase multipliers
in tubes and annuli, but not in bundles (due to compensating effects).
The correlation for a homogeneous two-phase frictional multiplier in its simplest form can be
expressed as:
f g
TP 1 xe
. (234)
f TP
The two-phase viscosity correlation can have various forms with different degrees of
complexity. The simplest correlation was introduced by Cicchitti et al. [IAEA2001]:
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154 The Essential CANDU
In general, the following definitions of two-phase frictional multipliers are often used in non-
homogeneous two-phase flow:
dp / dz TPF , dp / dz TPF , (236)
dp / dz LO dp / dz GO
dp / dz TPF , dp / dz TPF , (237)
L2 G2
dp / dz L dp / dz G
where the denominators refer to the single-phase pressure gradient for flow in the same duct,
with mass flow rates corresponding to the mixture flow rate in the case of LO
and GO , and
individual phases in the case of L and G . Among these, LO is the most popular frictional
2 2 2
multiplier for steam-water flow. Figure 83 shows a popular form of this two-phase friction
multiplier suggested by Nelson-Martinelli [COL1972]. The frictional multiplier is shown as a
function of mass quality and pressure. It rises sharply when two-phase flow is initiated (even
for very small mass qualities), and its value reaches 10 times the single-phase value even at low
quality. Moreover, the friction multipliers are higher at low pressure than at high pressure due
to the difference in volumetric and mass flow rates (as shown in Figure 22).
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 155
( z ) dz . (238)
The single-phase local pressure losses are given in Eq. (228). The two-phase local pressure
losses are normally obtained using the two-phase multiplier approach. In this case, the two-
phase local pressure loss is given by the following relation [IAEA2001]:
Pl ,TP l2,LO Pl ,SP . (239)
A simple form of the two-phase local loss multiplier can be obtained by the following relation:
l2,LO 1 xa
. (240)
Sudden contraction
Single-phase loss coefficients for sudden contraction can be calculated based on flow-area
ratio, according to the following equation [IDE1996]:
3/ 4
K contr 0.5 1 f , (241)
where Af and Ao are smaller and larger pipe cross-sectional areas respectively.
In general, the irreversible pressure two-phase pressure drop due to a flow-area change is
estimated from the knowledge of single-phase loss coefficient using an appropriate model.
Sudden expansion
In the case of sudden expansion, the following correlation is used, which is based on the ratio
of area changes [IDE1996]:
K exp 1 f . (242)
Fitzsimmons (1964) provides the following equation to calculate the pressure change across an
abrupt expansion:
G 2 Ar2 l 2 1 1 2 1 1
p x 1 x , (243)
L g 1 Ar 2 1 1 Ar 1 2
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156 The Essential CANDU
where subscripts 1 and 2 refer respectively to the upstream and downstream locations of the
abrupt expansion and Ar = Af / A0.
Fittings and bends
The single-phase pressure drop due to bends and fittings can be calculated using the
appropriate loss coefficients from Idelchik [IDE1996]. For bends, the loss coefficient depends
on the bend angle, i.e., on the ratio of pipe diameter to bend radius. Because pressure drop is
dependent on piping component geometry, other specific configurations (i.e., end-fitting flow
characterization) must be experimentally tested to determine the specific pressure drop
The pressure loss through an orifice can be calculated using the following equation [IDE1996]:
W02 2
porf forf LO . (244)
The loss coefficient in an orifice depends on the orifice geometry, particularly at the orifice
entry. An extensive description of loss coefficients with different orifices in single-phase flow is
provided by Idelchik [IDE1996]. For separated two-phase flow (stratified) at an orifice, Beattie
[IAEA2001] obtained the following expression for LO
0.8 0.2
1 x L 1 1 x L G 1 . (245)
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 157
flow with 40% blocked area (a blunt-edged orifice). The pressure falls sharply over the orifice
because of the sudden increase in velocity (according to the Bernoulli equation, Eq. (43)). Due
to turbulence downstream of the orifice, unrecoverable losses occur because mechanical
energy is dissipated into thermal energy. Therefore, downstream of the orifice, where the pipe
diameter is the same as that upstream of the orifice, the pressure is lower than it would have
been without the orifice.
Figure 85 shows the two-phase pressure distribution over the same orifice as in Figure 84. The
pressure drop slope is much higher in two-phase flow than in single-phase flow, which signifies
an increase in frictional pressure drop. In addition, the unrecoverable losses are much higher,
and the pressure recovery occurs over a longer pipe section (pressure recovery is “smoother”).
Grid spacers and tie plates
Because of the variation and complexity of their geometry, it is extremely difficult to establish a
pressure loss coefficient correlation of general validity for grid spacers. However, calculation
methods that are reasonably accurate for design purposes can be achieved. To determine
pressure drop across spacers more precisely, experimental studies are required.
Generally, tie plates are used at the ends of rod cluster fuel elements and structurally join all
the fuel pins. Unlike spacers, the flow areas on the downstream and upstream sides of tie
plates are different. Moreover, they are generally located in the unheated portion of the
bundle. An approximate calculation for design purposes can be made using the contraction
and expansion model for local pressure losses. In addition, the friction losses over the
thickness of the tie plates can be calculated using the hydraulic diameter concept. For two-
phase pressure losses, the homogeneous or slip model described above can be used.
Several short bundles are stacked end-to-end in CANDU-type PHWRs instead of the long single
fuel bundle used in PWRs and BWRs. Due to this basic difference in design concept, some of
the issues and geometries are unique to the CANDU design.
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158 The Essential CANDU
diameter approach using a tube-based equation. Several correction factors are used, including
a correction for geometric effects (the differences between tubes and bundles); a correction
for eccentricity effects (differences between concentric and eccentric bundles) in crept
channels; a correction for channel shape effect (converging and diverging channels) in crept
channels; and a correction for surface heating effect.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 159
value that depends on the degree of eccentricity and on the ratio of the inner and outer rod
diameters. Pressure tube creep and development of significant bundle eccentricity lead more
fluid to flow at the top of the bundle where the resistance to flow is lower, thus leaving the
bundle with reduced fluid flow. This phenomenon also results in development of a non-
uniform velocity distribution in the fuel channel.
The following empirical correlation was proposed by Snoek and Ahmad [IAEA2001] for a
friction factor based on experiments on a six-metre long electrically heated horizontal 37-rod
cluster (this correlation has not been validated or accepted for a CANDU fuel bundle):
f 0.05052 Re 0.05719 for 108,000≤Re≤418,000. (246)
The following empirical correlations were proposed by Venkat Raj [IAEA2001] based on a set of
experiments with prototype horizontal 37-rod clusters for PHWRs with a CANDU-type spacer.
They include the junction pressure drop (these correlations have not been validated or
accepted for a CANDU fuel bundle):
f 0.22 Re 0.163 for 10,000≤Re≤140,000, (247)
f 0.108 Re 0.108 for 140,000≤Re≤500,000.
However, in addition to the above friction factor, in a CANDU fuel bundle, a number of local
pressure losses must be taken into account. The total CANDU bundle pressure losses must
include: (1) friction; (2) local resistances from bundle junctions, spacers, buttons (43-element
bundle), and bearing pad planes; (3) acceleration; and (4) end fittings.
Various authors have attempted to combine the above effects into a single pressure loss
correlation. The friction and form losses have been combined into a bundle loss coefficient
given by the following relation [LEU2004, IAEA2001]:
G 2 f bundle Lbundle G2
. (248)
Psp ,bundle K sp ,bundle K junction K appendage
2 Dhy 2
The best approach for CANDU fuel bundles is to perform experimental measurements of the
pressure losses in a CANDU fuel channel experimental apparatus, i.e., in a so-called fuel bundle
or fuel channel flow characterization test. Once pressure losses have been precisely measured
for a fuel channel design, they can be tabulated or correlated in a convenient way for use by
designers and analysts.
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160 The Essential CANDU
Figure 90 shows a comparison of typical pressure drops in single-phase flow with three bundles
with a misalignment of 45o compared to fully aligned bundles. This figure clearly shows that at
each bundle junction, an abrupt local pressure loss can be measured. If the bundles are
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 161
misaligned to a greater extent, the abrupt pressure drop at the junction will be larger.
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162 The Essential CANDU Use of pressure drop measurements to define the onset of significant void (OSV)
Because pressure drop measurements show such distinctive differences in pressure drop
between single-phase and two-phase cases, it has been noted that a sudden increase in
pressure drop at a certain location in a thermal-hydraulic network can be used as an indication
of the initiation of bulk boiling (i.e., the onset of significant void (OSV)).
Figure 94 shows pressure drop measurements for a crept fuel channel in which three different
power rates were applied, resulting in different channel boiling outcomes [LEU2004, POP2014].
The coolant inlet was on the left side and the outlet on the right side. The reference case (dark
blue line) is the case of sub-cooled conditions, with outlet thermodynamic quality negative and
nominal channel power. When channel power was increased to greater than 200%, the
pressure drop increased significantly downstream of the ninth fuel bundle because in this area
boiling was initiated, resulting in slightly positive channel outlet thermodynamic quality. When
the channel power was increased to three times nominal power, the outlet thermodynamic
quality further increased, and the pressure drop as well. Note that when boiling starts at a
certain location downstream (in this case, around the eighth fuel bundle), the pressure drop
starts to increase, which indirectly indicates the point where OSV occurs in this channel.
Hence, pressure drop measurements can reveal where boiling occurs in a fuel channel.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 163
xOSV 154 for Peclet number ≥ 70,000. (250)
k f H fg
A modified Saha-Zuber correlation for fuel bundles is based on empirical coefficients using full-
scale bundle data.
The information covered in the previous sections can now be used to describe pressure drop
behaviour in a channel with various changes in geometry. Figure 95 shows such an example, in
which fluid comes from a pipe on the left side, flows through a pipe with a different diameter
and an orifice, and then into a much larger pipe on the right side. Hence, in this example,
major abrupt changes in flow cross-sectional area can be observed.
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164 The Essential CANDU
Figure 96 Pressure drop behaviour with abrupt area changes and orifice
The pressure drop diagram for this case is shown in Figure 96. At the transition point between
the pipe on the left side (diameter D1) and the middle pipe (diameter D2), i.e., at the sudden
contraction point, the velocity increases to V2. As it accelerates, the fluid goes through a vena
contracta with eddy flow around the pipe corners. The recoverable pressure loss resulting
from the fluid acceleration is equal to V22 V12 / 2 , and the unrecoverable local loss (sudden
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 165
contraction) resulting from the turbulence around the vena contracta is K e V2 / 2 . The
velocity in the vena contracta is higher than the velocity appropriate for the pipe with
equivalent diameter D2. Therefore, the pressure in the vena contracta decreases further
around the area occupied by the vena contracta. Downstream of the vena contracta, the
pressure recovers where the influence of the vena contracta terminates, and the fluid velocity
assumes the value appropriate for a pipe with diameter D2.
Following the sudden contraction, the flow goes through an orifice with diameter Do, through
another vena contracta, and experiences further unrecoverable pressure loss.
On the other side, where the sudden expansion from the pipe into the larger pipe (diameter D3)
occurs, the reverse happens. The velocity slows down in the larger right-hand pipe from V2 to
V3. Note that velocity V3 is different from V1 because of the different pipe size. At the sudden
expansion, the unrecoverable local loss resulting from the turbulence around the vena
contracta is KeV3 / 2, and the recoverable deceleration pressure gain is V32 V22 / 2 .
Note that the slope of the pressure drop curve in the three pipes is different because of the
different hydraulic diameters of the three pipes.
Having defined all the pressure loss terms in a piping configuration, it is interesting to compare
their absolute values and to obtain an impression of their relative contribution to the overall
pressure drop. This is done in Figure 97, in which typical pressure drop components are shown
for a fuel channel in a typical BWR reactor [TOD2011].
Figure 97 shows that for low mass fluxes, the relative contributions of the friction, acceleration,
and gravity terms are similar. However, with increased mass flux, the relative contribution of
the friction component significantly outweighs the other components. Note that the friction
component in the above figure includes both distributed and local losses.
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166 The Essential CANDU
Flow instabilities are of particular importance for the reactor core. Under certain flow and heat
generation conditions, flow instabilities can cause significant changes in the fluid flow
distribution among certain channel groups in the core, thus exposing parts of the core to
insufficient cooling and consequent overheating, which can cause fuel damage. Moreover,
certain types of flow instabilities can cause pump malfunctions if the pump is not properly
selected. This section explains the nature of flow instabilities in the reactor core, provides
information on various types of instabilities, and focusses particularly on the Ledinegg
instability [TOD2011].
Understanding flow instabilities is instrumental to obtaining a good understanding of the
thermal-hydraulic system behaviour of nuclear reactor heat transport systems. A fluid flow in a
heated channel with a sub-cooled inlet condition undergoes large volume changes in a non-
uniform manner. Because the thermal and hydraulic properties of the flow change
continuously along the channel, the flow at any axial point in the channel can never become
fully developed thermally or hydrodynamically. Because the flow is not in equilibrium, the flow
properties fluctuate upstream and downstream of the point considered, often leading to
instability. Flow instabilities are of different types depending on the system configuration and
operating conditions. Flow oscillations can dramatically reduce the ability of the coolant to
remove heat from the reactor core. On the basis of primary features such as oscillation
periods, amplitudes, and relationships between pressure drop and flow rate, flow instabilities
have been classified into several types. Flow instabilities in a heated channel are usually
caused by two-phase flow and density wave effects. These instabilities are primarily classified
as static or dynamic. Some static and dynamic instabilities occur particularly during start-up
The scale of instability can vary from macroscopic, involving the whole heat transport system,
to microscopic, occurring locally in some component or part of the thermal-hydraulic network.
In terms of the driving process, instabilities can be grouped into static or dynamic.
A “static instability” occurs when a small perturbation from the original steady-state flow leads
to a new stable operating condition that is not close to the original state. The mechanism and
the threshold conditions can be predicted using steady-state system characteristics. The
pressure drop characteristics, nucleation properties, and flow regime transitions of a flow
channel play an important part in characterizing static instabilities. Critical heat flux (CHF),
which limits the heat transfer capability of boiling systems, is influenced by static instabilities.
Ledinegg instability, flow pattern transition instability, geysering, chugging, and vapour burst
are also categorized as static instabilities.
Dynamic instability is caused by dynamic interaction among flow rate, pressure drop, and void
fraction. The mechanism involves the propagation of disturbances by pressure and void or
density waves. Density wave oscillations (DWOs), parallel channel instability, and pressure
drop oscillations (PDOs) are in this group.
Ledinegg instability or flow-excursive instability is characterized by a sudden change in the flow
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 167
rate to a lower value or a flow reversal. This instability will be further explained in this section.
Flow pattern transition instability is caused mainly by the different pressure drop
characteristics of various flow patterns. For example, if bubbly flow changes to annular flow
due to large void generation, the channel pressure drop decreases. For constant pressure drop
in a heated channel, when a bubbly flow changes to an annular flow pattern, the flow rate
increases, leading to decreased vapour generation. This makes the flow pattern revert to a
bubbly or slug flow pattern, and the cycle is repeated.
Geysering occurs at low power and low circulation flow rates. It occurs due to bubble
formation, growth, and subsequent collapse during start-up. In vertical channels during start-
up, with high inlet sub-cooling, voids are generated, and a large slug of bubbles is formed,
which grows due to the decrease in hydrostatic pressure head as it moves toward the exit. The
vapour then mixes with the liquid in the sub-cooled riser and becomes condensed there. The
condensed liquid re-enters the channel and restores non-boiling conditions. This process
repeats periodically and causes flow oscillations.
Vapour burst instability occurs due to sudden vaporization of the liquid phase with a rapid
decrease in mixture density. For example, a very clean and smooth heated surface may require
high wall superheat for nucleation. The fluid adjacent to the surface is highly superheated, and
vapour generation is rapid when nucleation starts. This in turn ejects liquid from the heated
channel. Rapid vaporization cools the surface, and the cooler liquid keeps vaporization
suppressed until the wall temperature reaches the required nucleation superheat, and the
process repeats. Vapour burst instabilities are observed during the reflood phase during re-
emergence core cooling of a reactor. Other CHF-related local instabilities are discussed in
Section 7.6.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 171
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172 The Essential CANDU
drop in the system will increase by δ(Δp) (the left upper green triangle). This will make the
pump further reduce its flow delivery, which in turn will make the pressure drop further
increase. Therefore, step by step, the pump operating point will move through points 2’ and 2”
to point 2.
Inversely, if at point 1, the pump flow increases by an infinitesimal amount δW, the pressure
drop in the system will decrease by δ(Δp) (the right lower green triangle). This will make the
pump further increase its flow delivery, which in turn will make the system pressure drop
further decrease. Therefore, step by step, the pump operating point will move through points
3’ and 3” to point 3.
Figure 101 clearly shows that while the pump operating point moves from one point to
another, the pump head and the system losses will be in equilibrium for a period of time that
depends on the system and the pump hydraulic inertia. However, given enough time, the
possible operating points must be at the intersection of the two curves. However, the only
sustainable stable operating point must be the intersection point of the two curves that
satisfies Eq. (251).
Thermal-hydraulic designers need to examine pump curves and system loss curves carefully to
ensure that pump head shape and slope satisfy Eq. (251), thereby ensuring that this type of
instability will not occur.
One aspect of Ledinegg instability (i.e., excursive instability) is the situation that can arise with
parallel channels operating under a common pressure drop [POP2014]. This situation can
occur in many thermal-hydraulic networks or components. For example, this may occur in a
reactor core with two types of channels under the same pressure drop, or in a CANDU fuel
channel with crept pressure tubes, in which the flow is split into two flow paths, one in the
eccentricity above the fuel bundle, and one through the fuel bundle (see Section
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 173
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174 The Essential CANDU
7.5.5 Problems
1. List and explain the most important factors that have significant impact on the pressure
drop in the CANDU primary heat transport system. Rank the components in the
CANDU primary heat transport system that contribute to the pressure losses in the
system. Explain how reactor aging affects pressure drop in the main heat transport
2. Explain the components of pressure drop in horizontal channels, and provide information
on the parameters that influence their value. Explain the approach used to calculate the
pressure drop components in two-phase flow.
3. A mixture of water and steam at mass quality of 30% and temperature of 400oC flows
through a 10 m long pipe with diameter of 4 inches. The mass flux in the pipe is 2000
kg/m2 s. Calculate the pressure drop along this pipe using the most appropriate two-
phase flow multiplier.
4. Water flows through an insulated horizontal pipeline 100 m long (no heat losses). Water
enters the pipe at temperature of 250oC, and velocity of 3 m/s. Assuming that the pipe is
made of carbon steel of commercial quality, calculate the pump power that is required to
maintain this flow.
5. Two-phase water-steam mixture at 10% quality flows in thermal equilibrium through a
horizontal pipe 6 m long with diameter of 18 mm. The water pressure is 8 MPa.
Calculate the two-phase pressure gradient in this pipe, and the total pressure difference
between the inlet and the outlet using the Friedel correlation provided below. The total
mass flux is 2000 kg/m2 s.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 175
3.24 FH f go
2o E We0.035 E (1 x ) 2 x 2 F x 0.78 (1 x)0.224
Fr 0.0454
g f o
g g
0.19 0.7
Gm2 Gm2
H 1 Fr We
g gDe m2 m
x 1 x
m for homogeneous model
f jo if Re j 1055
Re j
Re j
f jo 0.86859 n for Re j 1055
1.964 n Re j 3.8215
Where: x is quality, ρ is density in (kg/m3) (g – gas, and l – liquid), fgo and flo are Darcy
friction factors, μ is dynamic viscosity in (Pa s), (g – gas, and l – liquid), σ is surface
tension in (N/m), and g is acceleration due to gravity (=9.81 m/s2).
6. Explain the cause and the impact of the Ledinegg flow instability in vertical channels.
Explain the importance of this type instability for the process of pump selection.
7. Explain the cause and the impact of flow excursion instability in parallel heated channels,
including the applicability and methods for avoiding or mitigating this type of instability.
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176 The Essential CANDU
7.6 Heat transfer between the fuel elements and the coolant
Section 6.1 provides the fundamentals of two-phase flow, which are needed to understand the
heat transfer regimes in the reactor core. Section 7 provides the basis for heat transfer in the
reactor primary heat transport system. Section 7.4 provides details on heat conduction in the
fuel elements. This section now focuses on heat transfer from the fuel to the coolant.
Heat removal from the reactor core is an important issue in reactor design and operation. The
main objective of heat transfer analysis for single-phase flow in the reactor is to determine the
temperature field in a coolant channel such that the reactor operating temperatures are within
the specified limits, including the rate of heat transfer to and from a surface or object. Because
reactor power densities are typically much higher than for other conventional heat sources, the
heat removal rate from any given reactor core coolant channel is quite large. Heat transfer to
the coolant in single phase therefore requires a coolant with a large heat capacity.
The boiling curve shown in Figure 29 provides a good illustration of the boiling phenomenon
and the boiling crisis in the fuel channel, which have an important impact on reactor thermal
margins. This section discusses the wall heat flux in various heat transfer regimes and the
critical heat flux (CHF) in the channel and discusses their importance and the differences
between PWR and CANDU reactors. Appropriate diagrams explaining the variation of the
critical heat flux with key parameters are shown and discussed. In addition, CHF correlations
and calculation methods are described. The CHF is a critical parameter in reactor core thermal-
hydraulic design because it sets the primary limitations on reactor thermal margins.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 177
For fully developed turbulent flow of non-metallic fluid, the general heat transfer correlation
can be expressed as [ELW1978]:
Nu C Re Pr w ,
a b
where µw is the fluid viscosity at the wall temperature and a, b, c, d are constants that depend
on fluid and channel geometry.
Heat transport with phase change such as in boiling or condensation is an efficient method to
transfer heat because latent heat per unit mass is very large compared with sensible heat. For
single-component fluids, the interface temperature difference involved for heat transfer in
evaporation and condensation is relatively small. However, when more than one component is
present in a system, the temperature difference can be higher. An example is condensation of
vapours in the presence of non-condensable gases. The two-phase heat transfer phenomena
relevant to reactors include pool boiling, evaporation in vertical or horizontal fuel channels, and
condensation inside or outside tubes.
As indicated in Figure 32, many flow and heat transfer regimes are possible in reactor channels
in two-phase flow, depending on many parameters. In addition, fuel and channel geometry,
heat transport conditions, characteristics, and materials have a significant influence on the type
and magnitude of heat transfer from fuel to coolant. As a result, in the literature, many heat
transfer correlations have been proposed, adopted, and used by various designers and
analysts. This section provides a brief overview of the most important correlations, focussing
on the critical heat flux correlations because of their significance for reactor thermal margins.
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178 The Essential CANDU
For forced convection in fuel bundles, the following correlation was proposed by Weisman
N u C R e 0 .8 P r 1/ 3 , (256)
where the constant C has the following form for square and triangular lattices respectively (S is
the fuel rod pitch, and D is the fuel rod diameter):
C 0.042 0.024, 1.1 1.3
. (257)
C 0.026 0.006, 1.1 1.5,
G 1 x) De
hc 0.023 Pr 0.4 F, (260)
f De
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 179
F 1.0 for 0.1
X tt
0.736 . (261)
1 1
F 2.35 0.213 for 0.1
X tt X tt
The Lockhart-Martinelli parameter Xtt is defined as:
l g
0.9 0.1
1 x
. (262)
X tt (1 x) g l
The nucleate boiling part of the sub-cooled boiling correlation is defined as:
S 0.00122 T 0.24 p 0.75 c 0.45
p l
0.49 0.79
hNB . (263)
0.5 hlg0.24 l0.29 g0.24
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180 The Essential CANDU
The CHF is a complex thermal-hydraulic phenomenon that varies with a large number of
parameters. This section explains the CHF phenomenon for various combinations of key
parameters and provides a discussion of CHF parametric trends. In addition, heat transfer
correlations for pre-CHF heat transfer regimes are provided and discussed [IAEA2001,
TOD2011, BER1981, DEL1981, COL1972, LWU2004].
Development of the CHF correlation requires a significant amount of experimental testing
because of the complex reactor core fuel geometry in PWRs as well as in CANDUs. This section
also provides a brief explanation of the experimental tests and their use to develop CHF
In forced convective boiling, the boiling crisis occurs when the heat flux is raised to such a high
level that the heated surface can no longer support continuous liquid contact. This heat flux is
referred to as the critical heat flux (CHF). It is characterized either by a sudden rise in surface
temperature caused by blanketing of the heated surface by a stable vapour layer, or by small
surface temperature spikes corresponding to the appearance and disappearance of dry
patches. The CHF normally limits the amount of power transferred, both in nuclear fuel
bundles and in conventional boilers. Failure of the heated surface may occur once the CHF is
exceeded. This is especially true for highly sub-cooled CHF conditions. At high flows and
positive dryout qualities, the post-dryout heat transfer is reasonably effective in keeping the
heated surface temperatures at moderate levels, and operation under dryout conditions may
be sustained safely for some time, particularly in BWRs or CANDUs.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 181
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 183
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184 The Essential CANDU
occurs with highly sub-cooled liquid. CHF occurrence is due to the spreading of a dry patch
following microlayer evaporation under a bubble and coalescence of adjacent bubbles. The
occurrence of CHF in this case depends on local surface heat flux and flow conditions; it is not
affected by upstream heat flux distribution.
Bubble crowding is shown in the middle of Figure 107 for moderate sub-cooling or saturated
conditions and high flow rate. The bubble population density near the heated surface
increases with increasing heat flux, and a so-called bubble boundary layer often forms a short
distance away from the surface. If this layer is sufficiently thick, it can impede the flow of
coolant to the heated surface. This in turn leads to a further increase in the bubble population
until the wall becomes so hot that a vapour patch forms over the heated surface. This type of
boiling crisis is also characterized by a fast rise in heated surface temperature (fast dryout).
At the right side of Figure 107, the film depletion type of CHF is illustrated, which is possible
with a relatively low mass flux of saturated liquid in high void fraction flow. In the annular
dispersed flow regime (high void fraction and high volumetric flow), the liquid will be in the
form of a liquid film covering the walls and entrained droplets moving at a higher velocity in the
pipe core. Continuous thinning of the liquid film will take place due to the combined effect of
entrainment and evaporation. Near the dryout location, the liquid film becomes very thin, and
due to the absence of roll waves (which normally occur at higher liquid film flow rates),
entrainment is suppressed. If the net droplet deposition rate does not balance the evaporation
rate, the liquid film must break down. The temperature rise accompanying this film breakdown
is usually moderate (stable dryout).
Related to the above explanation of dryout resulting from a high void fraction, high flow rate
situation in a tube is CHF dryout in a fuel channel. This situation is typical of CANDU reactors in
which towards the end of the fuel channels, saturated liquid with significant void fraction and
mass flux flows through a densely packed fuel channel. Because the two-phase flow is very
well mixed, dryout occurs gradually, and fuel is not exposed to sustained loss of contact with
liquid, i.e., slow dryout occurs. During a slow dryout, the heated surface does not experience
the usual dryout temperature excursions; instead, a gradual increase in surface temperature
with power is observed. A slow dryout is usually encountered in flow regimes where the
phases are distributed homogeneously, such as froth flow or highly dispersed annular flow at
high mass velocities and void fractions. Under these conditions, liquid-wall interaction is
significant, limiting the temperature rise with dryout.
Calculations based on cooling by vapour flow indicate only that post-CHF temperatures are
below the minimum film boiling (Leidenfrost) temperature; hence, depositing droplets may wet
the surface, increasing the heat transfer coefficient. In a CANDU reactor, because the coolant
is close to saturation over most of the channel and at relatively high mass flux and void fraction
downstream of the rector mid-plane, the most probable CHF mechanism is slow dryout.
Therefore, in a CANDU reactor, the consequences of reaching CHF are not as serious as in a
highly sub-cooled PWR because the fuel surface can still be well cooled by passing steam and
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 185
As explained above, CHF is a complex phenomenon that depends on many parameters and can
be caused by different phenomena. Table 10 shows various parameters that affect the type
and intensity of CHF in fuel bundles. Discussion of all these effects is beyond the scope of this
textbook; details can be found in the literature [IAEA2001].
Table 10 Separate CHF effects in fuel bundles
Global Flow Area Effects n-rod bundle where n>>3 and all sub-channels are identical except for
corners or cold-wall-adjacent sub-channels (e.g., square or triangular arrays
of sub-channels)
n-rods where n>>3 and adjacent sub-channels are generally not equal (e.g.,
37-rod bundle geometries inside round tubes)
Sub-Channel Effects Sub-channel size/shape (similarity to tube)
Cold wall effect
Distorted sub-channels (due to bowing, cladding stain, PT creep)
Misaligned bundles (CANDU case)
Length Effects Similar to appendage effects
Spacer/Bundle Mixing grids
Appendage Effects Attached spacers/ bearing pads/ endplates (CANDU)
Flow Orientation Effects Vertically upward
Vertically downward
Axial/Radial Flux Axial flux distribution (flux peaking/global flux distribution)
Distribution Effects Radial flux distribution (global RFD effect, cold wall effect, flux tilt across an
Flow Parameter Effects Mass flow (including zero flow or boiling/flow stagnation case)
Transient Effects Power/flow/pressure transients
Combined transients
Effect of Fluid Type Light water
Heavy water
Modelling fluids (Freon) in conjunction with a CHF fluid-to-fluid modelling
A number of studies have been conducted by various researchers to investigate the effects of
various parameters on CHF. An overview of the parametric trends is provided in this section.
These parametric trends are provided for two different CHF approaches.
The approach based on fuel channel inlet conditions is very often used in CHF R&D because of
the convenience of using inlet conditions because these are easily measured and maintained in
CHF experiments. The other method is based on local conditions, i.e., the conditions locally
where CHF occurs. This approach is used in computer-based algorithms because a computer
program can easily calculate local conditions at the CHF location.
The discussion of parametric trends provided here must be related to the general trends
described in Section 6.1, particularly those illustrated in Figure 30 and Figure 31.
The most influential parameters affecting CHF are the fluid pressure, mass flux, level of sub-
cooling, and hydraulic diameter [IAEA2001]:
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186 The Essential CANDU
The general parametric trends on CHF based on inlet conditions are as follows:
1. Heated length has a very high impact on CHF because it affects the amount of heat
transferred to the fluid; hence, CHF strongly decreases with increase of heated length
and quality.
2. CHF increases with an increase in inlet sub-cooling (a decrease in inlet fluid
3. CHF decreases with a decrease in outlet pressure (decrease of channel pressure).
4. For sub-cooled conditions, CHF increases with an increase in mass flow.
5. For saturated conditions, CHF increases with a decrease in mass flow.
6. CHF decreases with a decrease in tube diameter (which decreases the level of mixing
and turbulence).
The general parametric trends related to CHF and based on local conditions are as follows:
1. The effect of heated length on local CHF is negligible.
2. Local CHF decreases with an increase in thermodynamic quality.
3. For sub-cooled conditions, local CHF increases with an increase in mass flow.
4. For saturated conditions, local CHF increases with a decrease in mass flow.
5. Local CHF increases with an increase in outlet pressure.
6. Local CHF decreases with an increase in channel diameter.
Figure 108 Effect of inlet temperature and Figure 109 Effect of outlet pressure in pool
mass flux boiling
Figure 108 shows the relationship between CHF (y-axis) and inlet sub-cooling (x-axis in enthalpy
difference below saturation) for several mass flux values in a straight heated tube [LEU2004].
This figure is drawn in terms of channel inlet conditions. Note that CHF increases with mass
flux and with the degree of sub-cooling. In other words, reactors that have more highly sub-
cooled coolant and higher mass flux can use higher heat flux before reaching CHF. This is an
important fact that demonstrates the strategy of operating PWRs.
In general, pressure has two key effects on heat transfer and CHF, one resulting from a change
in the saturation temperature, and the other from a change in the latent heat of vaporization.
As pressure increases, the saturation temperature increases, but the latent heat of vaporization
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 187
decreases. As a result, CHF increases with pressure, as indicated in Figure 109 [TOD2011].
However, as the pressure approaches the critical pressure, the latent heat of vaporization
decreases to zero, reducing the CHF.
Figure 110 shows the effect of coolant outlet pressure (x-axis) for several sub-cooling levels for
forced flow in a heated tube [LEU2004]. This figure is also drawn for a given level of channel
inlet sub-cooling. Again, this figure confirms that higher inlet sub-cooling results in higher CHF.
The impact of outlet pressure must be analyzed in combination with the channel inlet pressure,
quality, and volumetric flux distribution along the channel (the channel length is 3.658 m).
Figure 111, Figure 112, and Figure 113 show CHF parametric trends for local conditions in
heated pipes [LEU2004].
The effect of heated length is shown in Figure 111. It is evident that CHF decreases with
increasing outlet quality in the channel. Moreover, as the heated length of the channel
increases, the CHF value decreases significantly. Hence, for a very short heated length, CHF can
be five times larger than for long heated lengths. This is another important observation in
terms of CANDU reactor design. Because in CANDU the fuel bundles are relatively short, the
bundle endplates and other bundle appendages can significantly improve the CHF value
(further explanations in other sections below).
Figure 110 Effect of outlet pressure on Figure 111 Effect of heated length on local
flow boiling CHF
Figure 112 shows the effect of mass flux under local conditions [LEU2004]. Similar behaviour
can be observed with regard to the impact of sub-cooling on heat flux (for negative
thermodynamic qualities). For saturated conditions, the effect of mass flux is not as important
and should be analyzed in combination with volumetric flux.
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188 The Essential CANDU
Figure 112 Effect of quality on local CHF Figure 113 Effect of tube diameter on
local CHF
Figure 113 shows, for local conditions, the impact of pipe diameter on CHF for various outlet
thermodynamic qualities [LEU2004]. It is evident that larger hydraulic diameters provide a
higher value of CHF for a given quality. Moreover, this figure confirms that for a given pipe
diameter, CHF decreases with increasing thermodynamic quality.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 189
resemble the conditions upon which the model assumptions are based.
The annular film dryout model is based on a mass balance on the liquid film in annular flow and
postulates that CHF corresponds to depletion of this liquid film. Equations for droplet
entrainment and deposition have been proposed. The model provides reasonable predictions
of CHF for annular flow at medium to high pressures and flows and void fractions exceeding
The bubbly layer model postulates that CHF first occurs in the lower quality regime when the
bubble layer covering the heated surface becomes so thick and saturated with bubbles that
liquid mixing between the heated surface and the cooler core liquid becomes insufficient.
The Helmholtz instability model is applicable to pool boiling, where the boiling crisis is reached
when the flow of vapour leaving the heated surface is so large that it prevents a sufficient
amount of liquid from reaching the surface to maintain the heated surface in the wet
condition. The phenomenon that limits the inflow of liquid is the Helmholtz instability, which
occurs when a counter-current flow of vapour and liquid becomes unstable.
Empirical CHF prediction methods
Empirical CHF prediction methods can be subdivided into those based on inlet conditions and
those based on local cross-sectional average (CSA) conditions [IAEA2001].
The empirical correlations based on inlet conditions (overall power correlations) are all in the
form of empirical correlations based on CSA inlet conditions (P, G, Tin, or ΔHin) and usually
assume the “overall power” hypothesis. This hypothesis states that, for a given geometry and
set of inlet conditions, the critical power (the power corresponding to the first occurrence of
CHF for that geometry) is independent of axial or radial heat flux distribution. This assumption
permits the use of CHF correlations derived from uniformly heated bundle data to predict
dryout power in non-uniformly heated bundles of identical geometry (i.e., identical cross
section and heated length). This technique is a reasonable one for obtaining a first estimate of
dryout power; it gives reasonable estimates of dryout power in the annular flow regime for
symmetric flux profiles and form factors close to unity. However, it is not recommended for
form factors significantly different from unity. This approach can also be used to predict the
critical power of fuel channels with a fixed cross section, heated length, axial flux distribution
(AFD), and radial flux distribution (RFD), irrespective of the form factor. If the experimental
AFD and RFD represent the worst flux shapes from a CHF point of view, then the empirical
correlations can be used for lower-bound predictions. The overall power correlations have
generally good prediction accuracy. The best examples of this group are the Bowring
correlation for tubes and the EPRI-2 correlation for fuel bundles [IAEA2001, TON1996,
DEL1981, BER1981, CAT2005].
The overall power correlations have limitations, including applicability only to specific
geometries, heated lengths, heat-flux profiles, and the range of conditions in the database.
Hence, any variation of these parameters (i.e., extrapolation outside the database) may affect
CHF prediction and hence predicted reactor, channel, and bundle power. Moreover, these
correlations do not exhibit the correct asymptotic and parametric trends, and the axial and
radial CHF locations cannot be predicted.
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190 The Essential CANDU
The local CHF correlations satisfy the local-conditions hypothesis, which states that the local
CHF is dependent only on local conditions and not on upstream history. In principle, the local-
conditions hypothesis is sound if it is based on true local cross-sectional average conditions.
The reference formulation of local correlations is based on the linear trend of CHF with critical
quality (transformed from the linear trend of critical power with inlet sub-cooling). Additional
terms are included for separate effects (such as axial and radial heat-flux distributions). The
local correlations must be used together with the heat-balance equation to determine critical
power and CHF location (which requires iteration). The best examples of these correlations are
the Biasi correlation for tubes and the Becker correlation for fuel bundles [IAEA2001, TON1996,
DEL1981, BER1981, CAT2005].
An important disadvantage of local correlations is a larger prediction scatter than with overall
power correlations. They are valid only for specific geometries, heat-flux profiles, and the
range of conditions in the database; any variation of these parameters may affect local flow
and enthalpy distributions and hence CHF. As with any correlations of this type, extrapolation
of the applicability range may result in incorrect predictions. Moreover, these correlations
have incorrect asymptotic and parametric trends, and radial CHF location cannot be predicted.
CHF table look-up method
Because most empirical correlations and analytical models have a limited range of application,
a more general technique is needed. This approach is based on developing a table of measured
values for different geometries and flow conditions and supplementing them in terms of key
parameters that affect CHF. This approach has become known as a look-up table method. The
look-up table includes normalized CHF data banks for reference tubes, triangular-array fuel
bundles, and CANDU fuel bundles of natural-uranium fuel in a nominal channel. The look-up
table is developed using generalized correlations and trends, and then experimental data are
superimposed to improve accuracy and ensure that parametric trends are captured. The look-
up table can be statistically extended to table matrix conditions.
The empirical bundle CHF prediction method requires an extensive database with an adequate
range of the parameters of interest. It is suitable for design calculations and for reactor power
The sub-channel codes predict enthalpy and flow in each fuel sub-channel. They require a sub-
channel CHF prediction method (tube-based) and a spacer mixing/enhancement model.
The enthalpy imbalance approach uses enthalpy imbalance (in terms of thermodynamic
quality) between the critical sub-channel and the bundle cross-sectional average values. It is
used in the tube-data-based CHF prediction method with a modified thermodynamic quality to
account for the enthalpy imbalance.
Currently, CANDU 6 design and safety analysis are based on the look-up table prediction
method. This method is applicable to other geometries or flow conditions through
modification factors embedded in the table. The present CHF values used in design analysis are
included in the look-up table for uniformly heated, vertical tubes of 8 mm inside diameter,
cooled with an upward flow of water. They cover the widest range of flow conditions (all
possible CHF regimes) and exhibit correct asymptotic and parametric trends (smooth transition
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 191
between various CHF regimes). In addition, detailed prediction uncertainty is available at sub-
region levels. To this point November 13 early afternoon
A sample of the CANDU look-up table is shown in Table 11 [LEU2004, IAEA2001], where CHF
values are provided in a table format as a function of pressure, mass flux, and quality. For
values of these parameters that fall between the values given in the table, an interpolation is
made to calculate the appropriate CHF value.
Table 11 Sample of CHF look-up table
-2 -1
(kPa) (kg m s ) -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 ... ... 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7000 2500 10882 9986 8709 7496 ... ... 261 204 99 51
7000 3000 11730 10850 9620 8170 ... ... 346 263 112 52
7000 3500 12535 11558 10344 8740 ... ... 409 317 135 57
7000 4000 13317 12216 10929 9320 ... ... 470 317 136 58
7000 4500 14070 12839 11469 9769 ... ... 492 317 137 59
7000 5000 14792 13465 11954 10124 ... ... 521 326 138 63
7000 5500 15509 14000 12474 10713 ... ... 582 348 153 70
7000 6000 16208 14521 12931 11464 ... ... 655 379 179 84
7000 6500 16875 15091 13336 12214 ... ... 725 422 210 99
7000 7000 17529 15640 13763 12432 ... ... 795 476 243 116
7000 7500 18170 16174 14182 12682 ... ... 866 530 277 132
7000 8000 18806 16673 14610 12995 ... ... 936 581 312 149
Compared to other available prediction methods, the look-up table approach has the following
advantages: (i) greater accuracy; (ii) wider range of application; (iii) correct asymptotic trend;
(iv) requires less computing time; and (v) can be easily updated if additional data become
available. Applying the tables to transient heat transfer in bundles requires adjustment factors
to correct for geometry, flux shape, and possibly transient effects. Here the advantages of the
tabular technique (wide range of application, greater accuracy, and greater computing
efficiency) are particularly important to the user.
The look-up table approach has some disadvantages: (i) it is a purely empirical prediction
method, and hence it does not properly reflect the physics, and (ii) it could introduce
erroneous trends if the underlying database were subject to experimental errors.
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192 The Essential CANDU
An example of a general form of a flux-corrected local CHF correlation for uncrept channels is
given by [LEU2004, IAEA2001]:
CHFlocal a1 P G a4 P G xcr
a2 a3 a5 a6
. (268)
An example of a general form of boiling-length-average CHF correlation for uncrept and crept
channels is given by [LEU2004, IAEA2001]:
CHFBLA b1P G b4 P G xcr
b2 b3 b5 b6
1 b7
q . (269)
The values of the parameters in the above equations are of a proprietary nature.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 193
A B hlg x 2.317 h fg D G / 4 F1 D G
qcr" , A , B ,
C 1 0.0143 F2 D G 1/2
0.077 F3 D G
C , pR 0.145 p
1 0.347 F4 G /1356
F1 p18.942
R exp 20.89 1 pR 0.197 /1.917
F2 F1 / p 1.316
R exp 2.444 1 pR 0.309 /1.309 For pR 1MPa , (273)
F3 p 17.023
R exp 16.658 1 pR 0.667 /1.667
F4 F3 p1.649
F2 F1 / pR0.448 exp 0.245 1 pR For pR 1MPa . (274)
F3 p 0.219
F4 F3 p1.649
The above correlation is valid for channel lengths of 0.15–3.7 (m), pressures of 0.2–19 (MPa),
and mass fluxes of 136–18,600 (kg/m2s).
The CANDU fuel CHF correlation is based on the CHF look-up table and is given by the following
expression (note that CANDU 6 uses the look-up table method, whereas the Bruce and
Darlington designs use correlations [IAEA2001]):
CHF evaluation in the reactor core is of primary importance for estimating the reactor
operating margins with adequate precision and a good understanding of uncertainties. Figure
114 shows the concept of reactor operating margin evaluation as a function of reactor
operation (aging) [LEU2004, POP2014].
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194 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 195
temperatures. In this case, CHF is considered as the reference point for post-dryout analyzes.
The set of transient analyzes includes the following scenarios: loss of regulation, loss of flow,
loss of Class IV power, loss of coolant (small and large breaks), etc. More details are provided
in Chapter 16.
The following terminology is used when evaluating CHF margins:
1) Dryout (or critical heat flux, CHF) occurs when the fuel sheath can no longer maintain
continuous liquid contact. Current licensing criteria are no burnout or dryout at any
location in the fuel channel (details depend on whether the first or second trip is
considered in the analysis).
2) Critical power (CP) (also known as critical channel power, CCP) is the power
corresponding to the first CHF occurrence (at constant pump head). Determining this
requires knowledge of various disciplines (physics, fuel, fuel channel, thermal-
hydraulics, etc.).
3) Critical power ratio (CPR) is the ratio of critical power to operating power.
4) Regional overpower protection (ROP) or neutron overpower protection (NOP) is aimed
at preventing burnout in any fuel assembly during a slow LOR event. It includes full-
core analysis of all possible scenarios and establishment of trip set points for various
Figure 115 shows the concept of critical channel power (CPR) used in the CANDU CHF margin
methodology, with channel flow shown on the y-axis and channel power on the x-axis
[IAEA2001, LEU2004, POP2014]. In this diagram, a critical parameter is any parameter
associated with the critical heat flux (CHF). Below the diagram, a CANDU fuel channel is shown,
with 12 fuel bundles and associated feeders connecting the channel to the reactor inlet and
outlet header.
The channel hydraulic curve (blue line) determines the level of channel power that can be
removed by a certain flow rate. Therefore, as power rises, the mass quality will also rise (two-
phase flow behaviour), which would result in a reduction in the mass flow rate that can be
pushed through the channel. To this point November 14 afternoon
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196 The Essential CANDU
The CHF curve (red line) shows the CHF values for certain combinations of channel power and
flow rate. As explained in previous sections, at higher flow rates, the channel power at CHF will
also rise (with the square of the flow rate). The intersection of these two curves shows the
actual point at which CHF will be reached in the channel for a given flow rate and power.
Hence, the intersection point defines the critical flow and the critical power at CHF. The left
part of the diagram for which power is less than the critical power is defined as the pre-CHF
region, and the right side of the diagram is the post-CHF region.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 197
CHFRATIO . (276)
The above relation assumes constant inlet thermodynamic quality, constant outlet pressure,
and mass flux.
Figure 117 shows a comparison of CHF margin evaluation methods: the CHF ratio, the CHF
power ratio, and the critical power ratio [IAEA2001, POP2014]. The above explanation along
with Eq. (276) is illustrated on the left side of Figure 117. The MCHFR method is easy to
understand and implement. However, it does not provide a clear account of reactor power
margins because it uses heat flux instead of channel power, which makes it cumbersome to use
for power reactor applications (however, it is often used for research reactor applications).
The CHFPR method is shown on the right side of Figure 117 [IAEA2001, POP2014]. In this
method, rather than a ratio of channel heat fluxes, a ratio of channel powers is used that
represent a certain value of operating heat flux and CHF. This method provides a better
understanding of channel and reactor power margins with respect to CHF. However, it does
not provide a clear account of margins because as channel power rises to reach the CHF line,
the CHF line will also change position because it indirectly depends on channel power.
The most useful method in CANDU reactor applications is the critical power (CPR) method. The
principles of this method are explained above and illustrated in Figure 115 [IAEA2001,
POP2014]. The critical power ratio is defined by the following relation:
Critical Power
CPRATIO = . (277)
Operating Power
This relation holds for constant inlet fluid temperature and pressure and a fixed pump curve.
As is evident from this diagram, channel flow at point NOP on the hydraulic curve corresponds
to NOP power. Keeping the flow at point NOP, the corresponding heat flux that would have
resulted in CHF is at point CHF1 (the top blue point on the CHF curve), corresponding to the
critical power. CP1. The flow at point CHF (lower blue point on the CHF curve) corresponds to
the channel power. CP2.
Hence, the critical power ratio is given by the relation:
NOP . (278)
The margin to CHF is shown as the distance between points NOP and CP2, as can be observed
on the right side of Figure 117.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 199
Extensive R&D support is required to gain a better understanding of CHF phenomena, including
support for development of CHF correlations and look-up tables and development of computer
tools. Any changes in design or operating parameters trigger a need for supporting R&D to
provide evidence of the applicability of the current CHF models. The general strategy in
performing supporting CHF R&D is to conduct it in an incremental fashion to minimize the cost
and optimize the work scope.
CHF experiments are usually based on constant flow conditions (inlet or outlet pressure, inlet
mass flow rate, and inlet-fluid temperature) and constant geometric factors (hydraulic
diameter and heated length) in each test series. The primary interest in these CHF experiments
is measurement of fuel power at CHF. However, determining CHF locations (both axially and
radially) is also an objective. The other measurements of interest are circumferential CHF
location, subsequent CHF occurrences (CHF spreading, or dry patch spreading), and pressure
drops along a channel experiencing CHF.
A number of CHF experiments are performed in a simple geometry consisting of one fuel
element simulator. In such case, the experimental setup consists of a pipe in which heating is
provided by direct electrical current flowing through the pipe wall and coolant flowing past the
pipe outside surface. Another option is to use indirect heating by a coil embedded in the pipe
interior. through which electrical current is supplied. In either case, the heat flux from the pipe
wall to the fluid is directly proportional to the strength of the electrical current. Axial power
profiles can be obtained by varying the pipe wall thickness in direct heating, or by changing the
number of coils per unit length in the case of indirect heating.
The pipe is equipped with various instruments to measure important parameters. Stationary or
movable thermocouples are used for wall temperature measurements. The stationary
thermocouples can measure only temperatures, i.e., burnout/dryout at specific locations in the
pipe. Therefore, these may not capture initial CHF value and location. Moreover, no
information on subsequent CHF and dry-patch spreading can be obtained with these
thermocouples. Moveable thermocouples provide coverage almost over the entire heated
length because they are moved during the experiment along the internal wall of the heated
pipe. They provide measurements of initial CHF, subsequent CHF occurrences, and dry-patch
spreading. However, they are more conservative, expensive, and time-consuming (when
scanning the entire pipe surface area).
More complex and sophisticated CHF measurements are performed in CANDU fuel bundle
simulators. One such simulator is shown in Figure 118 [LEU2004]. This fuel bundle simulator
consists of a 37-element full-scale bundle 6 m long. The bundle is provided with a simulator of
junctions and appendages and fully resembles a CANDU fuel channel. The wall heating
distribution takes into account bundle endplates and fuel distribution along the string of fuel
bundles. This device can simulate non-uniform axial and radial power distribution. Sliding
thermocouples are inserted into a number of fuel element simulators that are indirectly heated
by coils connected to the electric current source. Figure 119 shows an axial power distribution
in such a fuel bundle simulator, and as is evident in the figure, any axial variation in heat flux
can easily be simulated. Figure 120 shows a close-up view of one part of a fuel bundle and a
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200 The Essential CANDU
sliding thermocouple moving inside along the fuel element, with a sample of a measured fuel
sheath temperature [LEU2004].
Figure 119 Axial flux distribution in full-scale Figure 120 CHF variation along a heated
bundle test surface
One of the most important aspects and of CHF in fuel bundles is the impact of spacing devices,
which enhances CHF as the spacing value increases. In addition, the impact of radial power
distribution is important because it can result in asymmetric CHF occurrence in the bundle.
However, the 37-element and 43-element CANDU fuel bundle designs have enhanced features
that improve CHF design.
Figure 121 shows various spacer devices used in fuel bundle design for various reactor types
[IAEA2001]. These devices have a dual purpose: to keep the bundle tight, i.e., to minimize
radial vibration, and to enhance turbulence and thus improve CHF robustness (i.e., increase the
CHF value). In general, turbulence in pipes and fuel bundles creates better fluid mixing and
therefore easier removal of bubbles generated in sub-cooled boiling on the walls. This in turn
enables a fuel element to achieve higher heat fluxes without causing CHF by bubble crowding
on the fuel sheath surface.
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202 The Essential CANDU
reactor design, safety analysis, and licensing. CHF margins are the central issue in the licensing
submissions for nuclear reactors, and this application is a strong driver for full-scale fuel bundle
data, for quantification of the impact of separate effects, and for assessment of CHF
CHF R&D work is important to reach an adequate understanding of the phenomena involved
using fundamental and bundle-specific studies and parametric and separate-effects tests.
Certainly, CHF R&D is essential to develop prediction methods, i.e., CHF correlations and
models, and to validate these correlations, models, and reactor safety codes. The CHF tests
used for this purpose are a combination of bundle and separate-effects tests. The key
applications of CHF prediction methods are in ROP (or NOP) and reactor safety codes, fuel
channel behaviour codes, and fuel behaviour codes.
Experimentally measured CHF values are based on tests with defined inlet conditions. CHF
values based on inlet-flow conditions are limited to a specific channel geometry and heated
length. However, reactor safety analyzes use the local-conditions approach based on local
pressure, mass flux, and quality to predict local CHF. For given inlet conditions, the local CHF
conditions may vary in terms of thermodynamic quality (or enthalpy). In such cases, low
quality (or enthalpy) is appropriate for short heated lengths and high quality (or enthalpy) for
long heated lengths. It is important to evaluate local thermodynamic quality using inlet flow
conditions and power.
When using CHF data, it is important to mention that all CHF data are obtained under steady-
state conditions in terms of power, mass flux, and sub-cooling. In safety analysis, CHF
prediction tools developed for steady-state conditions are used to simulate reactor transients.
If the transient is slow, i.e., longer than 10 s, no significant impact on the models is expected.
However, for fast transients (shorter than 1 s), a significant effect on CHF is likely.
Another important CHF application is related to thermal-hydraulic and neutronic responses to
CHF occurrence (partial bundle dryout). This application is strongly affected by the level of
success in predicting the spread of dryout in a fuel bundle. It has been experimentally
observed that the average CHF value that occurs over a large portion of the fuel sheath surface
can be much higher than the initial CHF at some cross-sectional locations. To capture such
important effects in dryout spreading, sub-channel codes are the most promising tool.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 203
Several figures presented in previous sub-sections of this chapter are relevant to post-dryout
heat transfer. Figure 26 shows heat transfer regimes in vertical fuel channels, with clearly
shown areas of post-dryout heat transfer regimes in the upper part of the channel. Figure 28
shows a 3-D representation of the boiling surface for water, with transition and film boiling
indicated. Figure 29 shows a conceptual illustration of the boiling curve, again showing post-
dryout heat transfer beyond the CHF point. Figure 33 shows temperature profiles along a
vertical fuel channel experiencing various flow and heat transfer regimes, including post-dryout
heat transfer regimes in the upper part of the figure.
Post-CHF heat transfer is initiated as soon as the CHF condition is exceeded and continues until
quenching (rewetting) of the surface is achieved. Depending on the particular scenario and
flow conditions present, various heat transfer modes of the boiling curve may be distributed
along a heated surface, or a series of heat transfer modes can succeed each other over time at
the same location, as is the case during transients.
During sustained post-dryout heat transfer, the heated surface is cooled mainly by vapour flow.
Because of the relatively low heat-transfer coefficient for this heat transfer regime, the fuel
sheath is exposed to high temperature that may lead to damage. In this respect, it is important
to understand and determine the surface conditions and the coolant flow parameters at the
time CHF is reached, because these determine the impact of the post-dryout condition on the
fuel sheath.
Figure 123 shows various post-dryout flow types and heat transfer regimes on a vertical surface
[LEU2004, POP2014]. These are highly similar to those that occur in a horizontal fuel channel.
Type I post-dryout identifies a situation in which the heated surface has lost contact with the
liquid, but at one location, contact has been re-established, and this point acts as a heat sink.
In this case, heat transfer from the internal parts of the wall and from surrounding areas occurs
towards this heat sink, thus cooling the wall near the liquid-wall contact and preparing it for
Type II represents a situation in which a heated surface in post-dryout regime is flooded by
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204 The Essential CANDU
liquid water from the top. This figure clearly shows the quench front moving downward. The
upper part of the surface is well cooled, and obviously heat transfer occurs from the lower,
hotter portions of the wall upwards towards the cooler area, which therefore acts as a local
heat sink, preparing the lower part of the surface for quenching. Type III represents a situation
similar to Type II, but in this case, quenching proceeds in an upward direction by flooding from
the bottom. Type II and Type III post-dryout regimes combine into one regime for a horizontal
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 205
visible on the heated surface and may move intermittently back and forth along the surface, as
is typical for this pool boiling situation. At any surface temperature in excess of the CHF
temperature, the heated surface is partially covered with unstable vapour patches varying over
space and time, with frequent replacement of vapour patches by fluid. Although this may
seem similar to transition pool boiling as described above, the introduction of the convective
component improves the film boiling component by reducing the vapour film thickness and
changing the heat transfer mode, whether dry or wet, from free convection to forced
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206 The Essential CANDU
temperatures just in excess of the boiling crisis temperature, a significant fraction of the
droplets deposit on the heated surface, but at higher wall superheats, vapour repulsion forces
become significant in repelling most of the droplets before they can contact the heated
surface. The repelled droplets contribute to heat transfer by inducing turbulence in the
boundary layer to enhance convective heat transfer to the vapour.
Figure 29 shows that transition boiling ends when the heated wall surface temperature drops
to a minimum value, called the minimum film boiling temperature, TMFB. Several names are
given to the minimum film boiling temperature. They include rewetting temperature, quench
temperature, Leidenfrost temperature, film boiling collapse temperature, and others.
During dryout and wall temperature increase, the minimum film boiling temperature separates
the high-temperature region, where film boiling or vapour cooling takes place, from the lower-
temperature region, where much more efficient heat transfer in transition boiling occurs.
Knowledge of the minimum film boiling temperature is particularly important in reactor safety
During surface quenching (such as emergency core cooling), rewetting commences at the
minimum film boiling temperature and proceeds until nucleate boiling is established at a much
lower wall temperature. For this reason, predicting the minimum film boiling temperature as a
function of the system parameters is very important because heat transfer coefficients on
either side of the minimum film boiling temperature can differ by orders of magnitude.
Generally, TMFB is defined as the temperature at the minimum heat flux.
In summary, no liquid/sheath contact is possible for TW > TMFB, but possible liquid/fuel sheath
contact exists for TW < TMFB:
TW ,MIN . (279)
Film boiling
Two theories have been proposed for analytical prediction of the minimum film boiling
temperature. One theory says that the minimum temperature is a thermodynamic property of
the fluid (i.e., the maximum liquid temperature) and therefore is primarily a function of
pressure. According to this theory, the minimum film boiling temperature is associated with
the maximum liquid superheat (beyond which the nucleation rate is infinite and liquid cannot
exist). This theory comes from the equation of state and from homogeneous nucleation
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 207
The other minimum film boiling theory suggests that rewetting commences due to
hydrodynamic instabilities that depend on the velocities, densities, and viscosities of both
phases as well as the surface tension at the liquid-vapour interface. By this theory, the
minimum heat flux associated with the minimum film boiling temperature can be predicted
from Taylor’s instability criterion. Figure 125 illustrates the theory of Taylor’s instability
[LEU2004, POP2014, DEL1981, BER1981]. This figure shows a chunk of liquid that floats on top
of a vapour film above a heated surface. The instability results from gravity acting on the liquid
as a heavier phase on the top, and on the vapour as a much lighter phase at the bottom.
During fast transitions, where insufficient time is available to develop hydrodynamic forces
fully, rewetting can be expected to be thermodynamically controlled, whereas for low flows
and low pressures, where sufficient time is available and the volumetric expansion of the fluid
near the wall is large, rewetting is more likely to be hydrodynamically controlled. Once
rewetting has occurred locally, the rewetting front can then propagate at a rate controlled
primarily by axial heat conduction in the heated wall.
Figure 126 [LEU2004, POP2014] shows various film boiling types in pool boiling and forced
convection flow situations.
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208 The Essential CANDU
Figure 127 Pool film boiling mechanisms with horizontal heated wall
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 209
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210 The Essential CANDU
Figure 130 Film boiling heat transfer temperature and velocity profiles
Away from the wall, temperature drops quickly to a lower value in the boundary layer, but still
remains above saturation. At the steam-droplet interface, temperature is close to saturation
and continues to be at saturation inside the droplet. The velocity is near zero along the wall
and rises in the boundary layer to a value representing steam bulk velocity. The steam velocity
is higher than the liquid velocity, and this velocity difference, and the associated interfacial
friction between the phases, carries the droplets upward. Because water is a much heavier
fluid than steam, a large velocity difference between water and steam is needed to produce
sufficient interfacial friction to carry the droplets in steam flow.
The heat flux direction on the left side of Figure 130 is from the wall to the vapour, and then
from the vapour to the liquid-droplet interface. Because the liquid droplets are saturated, any
heat added to the droplets results in a certain mass of liquid evaporating and joining the
vapour flow, and therefore liquid droplets continue to lose mass as they flow along the
superheated vapour flow. Heat radiation from the wall to the vapour and the droplets is
important only if the wall temperature is substantially above the saturation and steam
The right side of Figure 130 shows a film boiling regime with a liquid core in the pipe. In this
case, the velocity profile is similar to the one on the left, with the vapour velocity being higher
than the liquid velocity because the vapour is a much lighter fluid. The temperature profile
from the heated wall to the vapour is also similar. However, because the liquid core contains a
large volume of liquid, its internal temperature is assumed to be sub-cooled. Hence, the
vapour-liquid interface must be at saturation to maintain a continuous temperature profile. A
thin thermal boundary layer around the vapour-liquid interface with a steep temperature
change is evident.
In the inverted annular flow regime, few entrained droplets can be present in the steam film,
whereas the bulk of the liquid is in the form of a continuous liquid core that may contain
entrained bubbles. In dryout, the continuous liquid core becomes separated from the wall by a
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 211
steam layer that can accommodate steep velocity gradients. As a stable steam blanket is
formed, heat is transferred from the wall to the steam and subsequently from the steam to the
liquid core. For very thin steam films, heat transfer from the wall to the liquid is primarily by
conduction across a laminar steam film. For thicker steam films, turbulent flow occurs in the
film, and the liquid-steam interface becomes agitated. Heat transfer across the wavy steam-
liquid interface takes place by forced convection. This mode of heat transfer is much more
efficient than single-phase convective heat transfer between the smooth wall and the steam.
Hence, it is assumed that the bulk of the steam is at or close to the liquid core interface
temperature (i.e., the saturation temperature).
The heat flux direction on the right side of Figure 130 is from the wall to the steam, from the
steam to the liquid interface, and from the liquid interface to the liquid internal body. Note
that the heat flux from the steam to the liquid interface is partitioned into a part that is used to
evaporate a portion of the liquid interface and a part that is directed to the internal liquid body
as convective heating of the liquid. As mentioned above, heat radiation from the wall to the
steam and the liquid core is important only if the wall temperature is substantially above the
saturation and steam temperatures.
Heat transfer from the wall to the vapour and from the vapour to the liquid will depend on the
conditions of the surfaces, the flow patterns, and other parameters. This topic and the specific
heat transfer correlations are described in the section below.
Figure 131 shows various heat transfer regimes in film boiling of a dispersed droplet regime, as
described above [POP2014, LEU2004]. Solid lines in this figure indicate heat fluxes and their
directions, whereas the dashed line indicates mass transfer by evaporation.
As mentioned before for other heat transfer regimes, many heat transfer correlations have
been developed for post-dryout heat transfer regimes. The key correlations and those that are
most widely in use are covered in this section.
Accurate prediction of wall temperature in the film boiling regime is of vital importance in
accident safety analysis of the core and steam generators of advanced water-cooled reactors.
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212 The Essential CANDU
The following four methods for estimating film boiling heat transfer are commonly used:
i. Semi-theoretical equations for pool film boiling;
ii. Semi-theoretical models to predict flow film boiling. They are based on the appropriate
constitutive equations, some of which are empirical in nature;
iii. Purely empirical correlations for flow film boiling, which do not account for any of the
physics, but instead assume a forced convective-type correlation; and
iv. Phenomenological equations for flow film boiling, which account for thermal
disequilibrium and attempt to predict the “true” vapour quality and vapour
Transition boiling
The wall temperature at the initiation of transition boiling can be calculated using the CHF
correlation (the lower limit temperature) [IAEA2001]:
TW ,CHF TSAT , (280)
where qCHF is the heat flux at CHF and hNB is the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient.
The upper wall temperature limit that occurs in transition boiling is the minimum wall film
boiling temperature:
TMFB TSAT , (281)
where qMFB is the minimum film-boiling heat flux and hFB is the film-boiling heat transfer
coefficient. Note that in general, heat transfer coefficients decrease from nucleate boiling to
transition boiling and then to film boiling, i.e., hNB > hTB > hFB.
Transition boiling is encountered only within a relatively narrow temperature range. For
example, for water at 10 MPa, the transition boiling wall temperature range is 300oC < TTB <
Tong [IAEA2001, TON1996] has developed a transition boiling correlation that is frequently
hTB 39.75 e 0.144 T 2.3 105 e 105/ T Rev0.8 Prv0.4 . (282)
Very often, correlations containing boiling and convective components (valid for transition and
film boiling) are used, such as [IAEA2001]:
hTB A e BTSAT v a Rebv Prvc . (283)
An example of a phenomenological correlation (valid for transition and film boiling) is the one
proposed by Tong & Young and by Iloeje [IAEA2001]:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 213
Film boiling
In addition to the above correlations, which are applicable to both transition and film boiling,
the minimum film boiling temperature can be given by the following correlation [IAEA2001,
DEL1981, COL1972]:
h 104
TW , MIN 284.7 0.0441 P 3.72 106 P 2 , Pressure 9000 kPa
(2.82 0.00122 P)h fg
. (286)
TW , MIN TSAT TW , MIN , 9000 kPa , Pressure 9000 kPa
PCRIT 9000
There is general agreement that the modified Bromley equation [IAEA2001] for film boiling can
be used for horizontal surfaces in pool boiling:
1/ 4
3 v r g 1 g v
hFB 0.62 v v . (287)
Ts v 2
This correlation is valid for pressures of 100–9000 kPa, mass fluxes of 50–4500 kg.m-2s-1,
qualities of 0.15–0.40, sub-cooling of 0oC–50oC, and tube diameters of 9–12 mm.
A general correlation for post-CHF conditions in tubes has been proposed by Groeneveld (1973)
a k g g
Reg x 1 x ) Prg Y
c d
h pcr ,ld
De l
. (288)
G De
Y 1 0.1 l 1
1 x , Reg
g g
For tubes, a=1.09ˑ10-3, b=0.989, c=1.41, d=-1.15. This correlation is valid for equivalent
diameters of 2.5–25 mm, pressures of 6.8–21.5 MPa, mass fluxes of 700–5300 kg/m2s, heat
fluxes of 120–2100 kW/m2, and qualities of 0.1–0.9.
Post-dryout look-up table
The post-dryout bundle look-up table method appears to be a suitable approach for the
following reasons:
i. Relatively simple to use;
ii. Provides correct asymptotic and parametric trends;
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214 The Essential CANDU
iii. Uses the most universal method with the best overall fit to the fully developed film
boiling data base; and
iv. With embedded modifications for complex geometries, it can be used to account for
CANDU fuel bundle effects such as geometry and spacer devices.
Table 12 Sample of PDO look-up table [IAEA2001]
Xe ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW =
50 K 100 K 200 K 300 K 400 K 500 K 600 K 750 K 900 K 1050 K 1200 K
-0.10 1.5664 1.504 1.474 1.358 1.177 1.134 1.280 1.395 1.532 1.705 1.833
-0.05 1.414 1.311 1.275 1.194 1.026 0.981 1.131 1.210 1.356 1.499 1.625
0.00 1.257 1.164 1.106 1.071 1.006 1.048 1.120 1.198 1.283 1.369 1.456
0.05 1.513 1.393 1.223 1.126 1.141 1.270 1.273 1.352 1.371 1.397 1.430
0.10 1.654 1.547 1.318 1.264 1.361 1.476 1.459 1.492 1.483 1.483 1.472
0.20 1.700 1.617 1.427 1.394 1.504 1.655 1.643 1.704 1.704 1.712 1.688
0.40 2.629 2.582 2.547 2.368 2.334 2.393 2.401 2.447 2.456 2.470 2.479
0.60 4.229 4.008 3.750 3.483 3.324 3.285 3.344 3.046 3.119 3.188 3.249
0.80 5.507 5.203 4.488 4.088 3.983 3.936 3.963 3.906 3.955 4.012 4.088
1.00 8.103 7.061 5.500 4.692 4.446 4.605 4.796 5.061 5.264 5.457 5.627
1.20 10.27 8.893 6.784 5.176 5.028 5.471 5.639 6.038 6.296 6.549 6.775
1.40 10.80 9.683 7.906 6.412 5.854 6.206 5.983 6.632 6.846 7.065 7.275
1.60 8.327 8.087 7.856 7.222 6.694 6.780 6.763 6.936 7.107 7.277 7.477
Prediction of post-dryout heat transfer in fuel bundles, particularly film boiling heat transfer, is
much more complex than that of CHF. Aside from requiring a fourth parameter in the look-up
table (“heat flux”), non-equilibrium effects must also be considered, especially in the region
just downstream of the quench, near flow obstructions, and at low flows. Fuel bundles are
equipped with bundle appendages (as in CANDUs) or grid spacers. These appendages have a
CHF- and heat transfer-enhancing effect and also a de-superheating effect, thus reducing the
degree of disequilibrium. They can also create multiple quench fronts.
Many experimental tests have been conducted with regard to post-dryout heat transfer to
investigate phenomena, develop correlations, and test prediction methods. For such
experiments, well-instrumented fuel bundles are required. Figure 132 show a cross section of a
fuel bundle with 37 elements at the dryout plane and the appendages plane. A number of fuel
element simulators were equipped with movable temperature thermocouples. For each of the
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 215
instrumented fuel elements, using different colour codes, dry-patch spreading is indicated by a
circular line around the element for each overpower test. Different behaviour is evident for
different fuel elements, depending on the flow and heat transfer regimes that occur. These
experiments provide very useful information about post-dryout heat transfer in a fuel bundle.
The objective of these experiments is to measure temperature profiles in various flow regimes,
such as dispersed flow film boiling, and to measure dryout or dry-patch spreading around the
bundle. The sheath temperature in such a heat transfer regime rises gradually with power or
decreasing flow, i.e., it is controllable with flow condition variation. Maximum sheath
temperature is predictable and occurs at locations just upstream of appendage planes. Dry
patches are stable and propagate gradually with flow condition variations, which makes these
experiments easily controllable and measurable. In Figure 132, it can be readily seen that at
different overpower levels (i.e., power above nominal power), a different extent of wall
circumference was in dryout for different fuel pins [LEU2004]. On the left side, a test fuel
bundle is shown, with instrumented fuel pins shaded. The right side shows, using different
colours, the portions of the circumference of a fuel pin that were measured to be in dryout at
different overpower levels. Generally, the higher the power above nominal power, the larger
was the portion of the circumference that was in dryout.
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216 The Essential CANDU
steam-water flow using movable thermocouples. In this case, increased surface coverage was
achieved, i.e., more temperature measurements were collected at different places along the
fuel element. However, a limited range of powers was applied to avoid damaging the fuel
A CANDU fuel bundle simulator for post-dryout water experiments is shown in Figure 118. It
consists of a 6 m-long full-scale bundle string of fuel elements with junctions and appendages.
In these experiments, a uniform axial power profile and a non-uniform radial power profile
were used, simulating natural uranium fuel. Sliding thermocouples were installed inside rods
at several downstream bundles in the string.
CANDU bundle post-dryout Freon experiments were also performed with movable
thermocouples inside the elements of a CANDU 37-element bundle simulator. In these
experiments, because of the lower power, temperature, and pressure conditions, fine axial and
radial movements were achievable, providing detailed temperature profiles. Freon-134a was
used as a coolant, enabling low operating power and sheath temperature and high overpower
ratios (i.e., local-to-critical power ratios). With Freon, a relatively wide range of test conditions
could be investigated because these experiments were not as expensive as the water
Figure 133 shows a circumferential distribution of sheath temperatures in a Freon-cooled post-
dryout bundle experiment as a function of overpower percentage [LEU2004]. Nominal power
means 0% overpower. This figure shows the results of tests on various overpower situations,
up to 60% higher than nominal power.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 217
The application of post-dryout heat transfer is focussed on the safety analysis of postulated
events in power reactors, including CANDU. More details about safety analysis of power
reactors are provided in Chapter 16, and in this section, these topics are considered only from
the perspective of heat transfer.
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218 The Essential CANDU
where Reg=G⋅X⋅D/μg and ρw is vapour density at wall surface temperature. This correlation is
valid for pressures of 4–22 MPa, mass fluxes up to 0.42 Mgˑm-2s-1, ρl/ρg=0.5–0.9, and Re=105–
7.6.7 Problems
1. Explain the most important aspects of the three approaches of calculating reactor
dryout margins: by CHF ratio, by critical CHF power ratio, and by critical power ratio.
Provide comments on the applicability of these three approaches.
2. Describe the three main mechanisms that lead to dryout in forced flow in horizontal
heated pipes. With respect to these mechanisms, provide explanation on the difference
between heated tubes and fuel channels with fuel bundles.
3. Provide explanation about the difference in the following terms boiling crises CHF,
dryout, burnout, departure from nucleate boiling, and post-dryout in fuel bundles.
Provide examples of conditions where these terms are applicable.
4. Explain the most important parameters that affect CHF, and explain the parametric
trends that are used to gain appropriate understanding of the dryout in heated pipes
and fuel bundles.
5. Explain the main transition boiling and film boiling types in vertical and horizontal pipes
and channels, list the heat transfer modes and provide explanation on the importance
of these modes.
6. A PWR reactor uses UO2 cylindrical fuel pellets, 12.7-mm diameter, with a helium-filled
gap of 0.075 mm, and Zr cladding of 0.762 mm. The fuel rods are arranged in a square
lattice, with a pitch of 1.8 cm. At a particular section, the bulk water temperature and
velocity are 270°C and 4.5 m/s respectively. The volumetric heat generation at this
location is 5 x 104 kW/m3. Calculate (a) the convective heat transfer coefficient using
the Dittus-Boelter equation, and (b) the minimum system pressure so that no boiling
occurs in the film.
7. Calculate the local CHF for vertical upward flow of water inside a uniformly heated tube
(0.012 m ID) at the following conditions: pressure 8200 kPa, mass flux 5000 kg.m-2.s-1,
and quality 0.175. Use the most appropriate correlation for these flow conditions.
8. Using the most appropriate correlation calculate the post-dryout wall temperature for a
vertical water-cooled tube of 0.015 m inside diameter. The following parameters are
given: inlet temperature 250oC, inlet pressure 9 500 kPa, mass flux 3961 kg.m-2.s-1, local
pressure 9400 kPa, local heat flux 1500 kW/m2, local quality 0.225.
9. Evaluate the dryout power for a 3658-m-long tube of 0.0095 m ID, heated with a
symmetric-cosine heat flux. The flux profile has been discretized as
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 219
Length 0.05 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.81 1.01 1.21 1.42 1.62 1.82
(m) 1 3 6 7 3 6 9 2 6 9
qloc/qavg 0.3 0.37 0.45 0.66 0.86 1.03 1.17 1.27 1.33 1.38 1.35
Length 2.03 2.23 2.43 2.64 2.84 3.04 3.25 3.45 3.60 3.65
(m) 2 5 8 2 5 8 1 4 7 8
qloc/qavg 1.38 1.33 1.27 1.17 1.03 0.86 0.66 0.45 0.37 0.30
More nodes can be introduced to improve the accuracy of the predictions of dryout
location and power. Theoretically, an infinite number of nodes should be used for a
smooth profile. For a stepped profile, the number of nodes corresponds to the number
of steps since dryout generally occurs at the end of a step.
The flow conditions are: pressure 6930 kPa, mass flux 2050 kg.m-2.s-1, and inlet
subcooling 280.75 kJ/kg.
10. A pressure tube, with inside diameter of 103.86 mm, contains twelve 37-element
bundles of the following dimension: bundle length: 495.3 mm, and fuel element outer
diameter 13.06 mm.
Total power generated over the bundle string is 6.3 MW, and the axial power profile is
uniform. The channel is cooled with a flow of light water at the following conditions:
outlet pressure 9 MPa, mass flow rate: 17 kg/s, inlet fluid temperature 265C.
Evaluate dryout power ratio for this channel, and surface temperature distribution
along the bundle string at an overpower of 10% (overpower is defined as (String-
Power/Dryout-Power – 1)*100%).
Previous research findings appropriate to this problem:
Heat-transfer coefficient at nucleate boiling for the 37-element bundle is 120
kW/(m2oK) at the pressure of 9 MPa, mass flux of 5 Mg/(m2 s) and quality of
Heat-transfer coefficient at single-phase liquid flow is about 50% of that at
nucleate boiling.
CHF in the 37-element bundle is 20% lower than that in tubes based on cross-
sectional average flow conditions.
Heat-transfer coefficient at fully developed film boiling for the 37-element
bundle is the same as that for tubes.
Overall loss coefficient is 1.7 for a 37-element bundle inside a pressure tube of
103.86 mm.
The homogeneous equation is the most appropriate for two-phase multiplier.
Basic assumptions:
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220 The Essential CANDU
Nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient does not vary with flow conditions.
Fully developed film-boiling heat transfer is reached once local heat flux exceeds
Equilibrium flow in the channel.
Pressure drop due to acceleration is negligible.
11. In the middle of a reactor channel of a PWR reactor the bulk coolant temperature of the
turbulent coolant flow is 310oC at pressure of 14 MPa. The heat transfer coefficient in
nuclear boiling is 4.44 MW/m2 oK. Calculate the minimum heat flux at that location to
initiate nucleate boiling.
12. Water enters a heated tube of 2.5 cm diameter at 12 MPa and velocity of 2.5 m/s. The
linear heat load in the tube is constant at 100 kW/m. Calculate the distance in the tube
at which nucleate boiling starts, and distance at which it converts to bulk boiling.
Compare the heat transfer coefficients for forced convective heat transfer with these
for nucleate boiling and bulk boiling.
13. A pipe of 15 mm diameter and 3.5 m length is heated with a constant heat flux, and
total heat load of 200 kW (appropriately insulated, i.e., no heat losses). The pipe is
cooled by water at 150oC and pressure of 2 MPa, which flows through the pipe with
enters into the pipe with a velocity of 3 m/s. Calculate the mass flux of the water, and
the minimum ratio of the heat flux in the pipe and the critical heat flux.
14. Boiling water reactor operates at average pressure in the core of 8 MPa, and the
recirculation ratio of 7:1. The average velocity of the two-phase mixture in the core is 8
m/s. Calculate the critical heat flux at the exit of the reactor core channel.
15. List and explain the most important geometrical factors that have significant impact on
CHF in horizontal fuel channels.
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222 The Essential CANDU
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1. Flow of sub-cooled water with condensing steam in a vertical pipe (Figure 135)
This type of water hammer is a typical BWR case in which, during a large LOCA event,
steam lines discharge water into the suppression pool. If the valve is quickly closed or
reduced significantly, a steam pocket remaining in the steam line can condense rapidly,
which pulls water from the suppression pool towards the valve, thus creating water
hammer [EPRI1996, POP2014].
Figure 135 Flow of sub-cooled water with steam condensing in vertical pipe (water cannon)
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224 The Essential CANDU
This type of water hammer can occur in any of the PWR and BWR reactors with refilling
of a steam-filled pipe either from the bottom or from the top [EPRI1996]. If pressurized
sub-cooled water enters a pipe filled with steam in a piston flow regime, it can create
steam trapping. The filling rate for this situation is determined by the inertia of the
liquid and the pressure induced by the pump or other refilling device. Water hammer
occurs in this situation if the refilling rate is higher than the bubble rise velocity for the
top refilling case. This type of water hammer can also occur in CANDU reactors.
Figure 137 Pressurized water flowing in a vertical pipe filled with steam
4. Hot water entering a low-pressure line (Figure 138)
This type of water hammer can occur in PWRs, BWRs, and CANDUs. In this case, hot
water flowing down the pipe will flash and create a pressure wave flowing upstream,
thus creating water hammer on the upstream valve. The cold part of the sub-cooled
water that was initially outside and below the pressure vessel can create water hammer
on the downstream valve as it enters the steam-filled part of the pipe [EPRI1996].
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226 The Essential CANDU
7.8.2 Analytical models and computer codes for water hammer analysis
Water hammer assessment is performed using analytical models and computer programs
designed for this purpose. A detailed discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of this
textbook, and hence this chapter provides only a brief summary.
The analytical models consist of governing differential equations for transient single-phase or
two-phase flow. Usually, the flow is assumed to be one-dimensional because it describes flow
in piping systems. The governing differential equations are solved by appropriate numerical
techniques. Then a network model is created in which physical representations of various
system components are introduced as boundary conditions. Usually, a number of constitutive
correlations are used to cover system-specific phenomena.
Usually, analytical models for liquid, gas, or two-phase mixtures are based on rigid and elastic
column theories of the piping system. It is important to recognize that the severity of water
hammer is proportional to the level of rigidity of the piping system. Therefore, an increased
level of piping elasticity reduces the consequences of water hammer because elastic pipe
systems can absorb the energy of the pressure waves traveling through the system.
Software packages vary in complexity depending on the processes modelled. The more
sophisticated packages may have one or more of the following features:
Multiphase flow capabilities;
An algorithm for cavitation growth and collapse;
Unsteady-state friction: the pressure waves dampen as turbulence is generated and due
to variations in the flow velocity distribution;
Varying bulk modulus for higher pressures (water becomes less compressible);
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Fluid-structure interaction: the pipeline reacts on the varying pressures and causes
pressure waves itself.
Most computer programs that can model water hammer are the same as those used to model
general piping networks. However, computer codes may not be completely successful in
modelling all types of water hammer, particularly condensation-induced water hammer, which
is quite challenging. The RELAP5 code [REL2010] is an example of such a network code that can
model certain types of water hammer for PWRs and BWRs. For CANDU reactors, the CATHENA
computer code [CAT1998, CAT2000, CAT2005] has been validated for use in analysis of certain
types of water hammer.
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228 The Essential CANDU
iv. Review plant-specific thermal-hydraulic system operating procedures and designs with
respect to water hammer occurrence;
v. Document the findings of the above assessment; and
vi. Develop recommendations for improving plant-specific design features or operating
procedures to reduce the probability of water hammer.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 229
malfunctioning of a valve actuator. Hence, any system with this type of valve is at risk
of experiencing this type of water hammer.
Prevention or mitigation by design involves valve modifications to prevent this type of
valve operation. Mitigation or prevention by procedure aims to avoid valve cycling in
systems with significant flow, or perhaps uses a special monitoring capability to sense a
pressure difference across a valve and to use it as a signal for actuating the valve.
2. Flow of sub-cooled water with condensing steam in a vertical pipe
This water hammer phenomenon is unique to steam turbine exhaust piping that
discharges into a body of water. This happens when reduced steam supply to the
turbine traps steam in the exhaust piping.
The only way to prevent or mitigate this type of water hammer is to install a vacuum
breaker with sufficient capacity to replace the condensing steam in the exhaust piping
from a tripped turbine.
3. Counter-current flow of steam and water in a horizontal pipe
This type of water hammer happens in steam generators when a horizontal feedwater
pipe is slowly filled in counter-current flow. It can also happen in horizontal sections of
CANDU feeders when injecting cold ECC water.
One design option for mitigation is to shorten the horizontal portions of piping systems,
or to have the horizontal piping slightly inclined. A procedural modification may involve
better control of the water flow to affected areas.
4. Pressurized water entering a vertical pipe filled with steam
This type of water hammer can happen unexpectedly due to valve leakage, which can
lead to accumulating hot water pockets (which could quickly flash or condense) in the
closed parts of piping systems. This kind of water hammer can also occur if high-
pressure water is pumped into a system filled with steam (such as injection of ECC into
steam-filled CANDU headers or feeders).
One mitigation design change involves keeping the system full of water and preventing
valve leakage. In addition, installation of void detection devices at places where valve
back-leakage may occur can be a solution. A procedural modification may involve
venting steam pockets before injecting water or starting pumps.
5. Hot water entering a low-pressure line
This type of water hammer is typical of heater drain systems in cases where a reservoir
of hot water is being discharged into low-pressure piping.
A possible preventative design change is to modify the control system to avoid cyclic
dumping of hot water. Installing a flow control valve with slowly increasing flow can
also address this problem. A procedural change may involve placing a high-pressure
feedwater heater back in operation without inadvertently actuating the emergency
dump system.
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230 The Essential CANDU
7.8.5 Problems
1. Explain the reasons and consequences of water hummer in thermal-hydraulic equipment.
Provide examples of possible water hummer situations in the CANDU heat transport
systems, and indicate the strategies for mitigating the effects.
2. List the types of water hummer in CANDU heat transport system, and for each type list
and explain the strategy for avoiding or mitigating it.
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232 The Essential CANDU
two-phase (liquid continuous), and reflux condensation (or boiler-condenser mode for once-
through steam generators). Progression from the single-phase mode through the two-phase
and reflux condensation modes occurs as primary system liquid inventory decreases, as shown
in Figure 142 [IAEA2005, IAEA2012, POP2012a]. Natural circulation flow in a sub-cooled
primary heat transport loop (such as in PWRs) is driven by temperature-induced density
gradients, enhanced by a thermal centre elevation difference between the hot (core) and cold
(steam generator) regions in the primary loop. This density gradient produces a buoyancy
force that drives the natural circulation flow. Hence, single-phase natural circulation is the flow
of an essentially sub-cooled primary liquid driven by liquid density differences within the
primary loop.
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234 The Essential CANDU
ii. Simplified system. Generally refers to the simplified piping and equipment
layout of the system, such as minimization of U-bends, elbows, loop seals, etc.
This not only results in a simplified system, but also results in low pressure losses
and prevents phase separation from promoting natural circulation flow.
iii. Elimination of components. An example in this case is the possible elimination
of mechanical separators.
c) Low mass flux. Low driving force and the consequent use of large-diameter
components result in low mass flux in natural circulation systems compared to forced
circulation systems. With low mass flux, the allowable maximum channel power is
lower, leading to larger core volume than in a forced circulation system of the same
d) Instability effects. Although instability is common to both forced and natural circulation
systems, the latter are inherently less stable than forced circulation systems. This is
attributable to the nonlinear nature of the natural circulation phenomenon, where any
change in the driving force affects the flow, which in turn affects the driving force,
possibly leading to oscillatory behaviour.
e) Low pressure and low flow regime. In natural circulation systems, the flow rate is a
strong function of power and system pressure. Moreover, the flow is stagnant when
the reactor power is zero during initial start-up. The operating conditions of natural
circulation systems can fall into the low-power, low-flow regime, where validated
thermal-hydraulic relationships are not readily available.
f) Specification of a start-up and operating procedure. It is well known that most boiling
systems exhibit instabilities at low pressures and low qualities. Therefore, natural
circulation reactors must be started up from a stagnant low-pressure, low-temperature
condition. During the pressure and power raising process, passing through an unstable
zone shall be avoided because instability can cause premature CHF occurrence.
g) Low CHF. The basis for thermal margin is the CHF, which depends on geometric and
operating parameters. Because flow in natural circulation reactors is less, designers of
these reactors tend to use the maximum allowable exit quality to minimize their size.
This means that the CHF value of the reactor tends to be significantly lower than in the
forced circulation case. This calls for several measures to increase CHF.
As shown on the left side of Figure 141, due to the difference in densities between the vertical
legs, a pressure difference is created between stations ‘a’ and ‘b’, which is the cause of the
flow. At steady state, the driving buoyancy force is balanced by the retarding frictional force,
thus providing a basis for flow rate estimation using the following equation [IAEA2005,
R W 2
gH c h , (290)
where g (m/s2) is acceleration due to gravity, R (m-4) is hydraulic resistance, and W (kg/s) is
mass flow rate. Hence, the mass flow rate induced by natural circulation is given by:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 235
2 A 2 c h gH 2
W . (291)
Natural circulation flow is enhanced by increasing the loop height H and the density difference
(ρc-ρh), as well as by decreasing the hydraulic resistance R.
By introducing loop resistance models, the above equation can be further expanded into the
following form:
2 A2 c h gH .
W N (292)
i i Ki
i 1 Di
The natural circulation phenomenon can be classified in terms of the state of the working fluid,
the interactions with the surroundings, loop geometry, body force field, system inventory, and
number of heated channels. Figure 142 shows certain types of natural circulation in a
rectangular geometry.
The state of the working fluid can be single-phase, two-phase, or supercritical. The single-
phase natural circulation is important as a decay power removal mechanism in many operating
and new designs of nuclear power reactors. Two-phase natural circulation normally occurs in
BWRs and CANDUs under certain operating regimes.
In terms of interactions with the surroundings, closed-loop and open-loop natural circulation
can be distinguished. The closed loop involves only energy exchange with the surroundings,
whereas the open loop involves both energy and mass exchange.
In terms of loop geometry, natural circulation can occur in rectangular, U-tube, toroidal, and
figure-of-eight forms (the last being specific to the CANDU design). The body force field has an
important impact and can be gravitation (in most cases), centrifugal force, or both for certain
specific applications.
In terms of system inventory, natural circulation can occur in full systems (in single-phase
mode), in partially filled systems (in two-phase mode), or with boiling in reflux condensation
mode. In any of these types, natural circulation can occur in single-channel or parallel-channel
loops, as with the CANDU design.
Natural circulation in a containment building is a specific form of single-phase multi-component
natural circulation.
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the feeders and the fuel channel, decay heat generated in the core can be removed effectively,
regardless of the flow direction. Experiments have provided information on flow direction in
CANDU feeders and core channels under natural circulation and have demonstrated that decay
heat removal can be adequate during natural circulation for certain combinations of decay
power levels and loop inventory.
The key parameters for CANDU natural circulation are the primary coolant inventory in the
core, the secondary pressure, and the primary power. At very low powers in CANDU, two
natural circulation loops are created: one between channels and headers, and the other one
from headers to steam generators (see Figure 143). This is important because it demonstrates
that channel flow direction is not an essential parameter in determining the effectiveness of
natural circulation for decay heat removal.
Figure 144 [ING1992, POP2012b]] shows the experimentally observed onset of bi-directional
flow in a CANDU core under natural circulation. It is evident that the heat transport system
inventory plays an important role, along with channel power and pressure. Figure 145
[POP2012a, POP2012b] shows the criteria for flow reversal in a CANDU core. The upper and
lower boundaries are shown in terms of secondary-side pressure and loop-integrated void. It is
evident that at higher loop void and lower pressure, the flow reversal band is significantly
One very specific application of natural circulation in CANDU is heat rejection by the feeders to
the containment environment. At very low powers, decay heat can be passively rejected by the
feeder pipes directly to the containment atmosphere.
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission issued Generic Action Item GAI 90G02 in 1990,
requesting utilities to demonstrate reactor cooling adequacy in natural circulation and address
uncertainty in the RD-14M experiments with respect to core cooling with reduced loop water
inventory in a CANDU loop (LOCA combined with loss of forced circulation). This GAI was
closed for all CANDU stations in Canada, thus demonstrating the cooling adequacy of natural
circulation in CANDU.
CANDU core cooling in the absence of forced flow (CCAFF), i.e., natural circulation, has been
extensively studied over the past 50 years. The CANDU CCAFF terminology defines the
following natural circulation modes: a) single-phase thermo-siphoning; b) two-phase thermo-
siphoning, c) intermittent buoyancy-induced flow (IBIF), and continuous steam venting.
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238 The Essential CANDU
Figure 144 Onset of bi-directional Figure 145 Criteria for flow reversal in a CANDU core
flow in CANDU
Single-phase thermo-siphoning
In this CCAFF mode, continuous heat input to the coolant raises the temperature in the fuel
channel (as shown in Figure 143). This induces a buoyancy force whereby the hot liquid rises to
the steam generator and deposits its heat. From the steam generator, a lower-temperature
(denser) liquid continues to flow down back to the core. In this case, the buoyancy forces are
sufficient to overcome the static pressure caused by the elevation of the boilers with respect to
the fuel channels. This is a continuous process and is capable of removing a substantial amount
of decay heat indefinitely as long as the loop does not drain beyond about 70%, and as long as
the heat is removed from the steam generators.
Two-phase thermo-siphoning
This is a similar phenomenon to liquid thermo-siphoning, but with continuous boiling of the
liquid, and thus steam content in the flow provides an additional buoyancy force for heat
transfer to the steam generators (resulting from the liquid-vapour density difference). It has
been experimentally demonstrated that flow is still continuous in a given direction, with a large
quantity of vapour at the channel outlet. For this thermo-siphoning mode, it is important to
maintain a certain flow rate rather than a certain flow direction. The flow rate in this type of
natural circulation depends on the amount of void in the system and the channel power.
Intermittent buoyancy-induced flow (IBIF)
If the flow rate is reduced to a very small value, or if the fluid stagnates in the channel, the IBIF
phenomenon occurs. Numerous analytical and experimental studies of IBIF have been
conducted in recent decades to address the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission-issued
Generic Action Item GAI 90G02 on CCAFF. The closure of this GAI provided answers to many
issues related to fuel and fuel channel behaviour in a CANDU channel when the flow stops,
such as:
First channel in which boiling occurs;
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240 The Essential CANDU
Figure 146d shows the last part of an IBIF cycle, when the steam pushes through to the feeder
and the header. Usually steam push-through happens on one side or the other first. It does
not necessarily follow the usual flow direction. Once one side starts to “vent” (vapour rushes
out of that side of the channel), this creates a pressure force, which sucks in cold liquid from
the opposite header.
After venting is completed, the fuel channel refills with sub-cooled or saturated water from the
other header. At this point, the previous IBIF cycle is completed, and a new cycle begins.
Figure 147 shows an envelope of CANDU fuel sheath temperature histories during an IBIF cycle
[POP2012a, POP2014]. While the channel is full and sub-cooled, the sheath temperatures are
below saturation (left part of the diagram). As the channel saturates and remains saturated for
a certain time, sheath temperatures remain near saturation. Then, as bubbles are generated in
the upper part of the channel and fuel elements are exposed, the fuel sheath temperatures of
these fuel elements rise to above 400°C (during the heating period, and depending on fuel
element power). When steam venting occurs at the end of an IBIF cycle and the channel is
refilled with water from the other header, sheath temperatures fall to and below saturation
(the last part of the diagram).
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 241
typical experimental facility at AECL with two figure-of-eight passes containing five fuel
channels in each loop.
CWIT standing-start experiments. CWIT is a full-scale experimental facility containing
two full-scale fuel channels connected to inlet and outlet header at the Stern
More details of these experimental facilities, experimental results, and conclusions are
provided in [IAEA2005, IAEA2012]. The experimental work in this area was performed to
improve the knowledge base and to provide data for development and validation of computer
programs and models.
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242 The Essential CANDU
Li dW
i 1 i dt
g l TP H nc
. (293)
W2 1 fL Ac l
1 fL Ac
l Ac2 SP 2 Dh i Ai TP TP 2 Dh i Ai
The energy balance equation for transient natural circulation can be written as:
d eM el
Mloop W hTP hl qSG qloss . (294)
The equilibrium two-phase quality in the core exit can be defined as:
hTP hl
xe . (295)
The homogeneous mixture density is defined using the following relation:
TP , (296)
l g
1 xe
Li is the length of a loop component; K is the coefficient of local resistance;
Ai is the area of a loop component; eM is the mixture internal energy;
Ac is the area of a loop restriction; el is the liquid internal energy;
Hnc is the elevation difference driving the ̇qSG is the steam generator heat sink [kJ/s];
natural circulation ̇ loss
q is the loop heat losses;
Di is the loop element diameter; hTP is two-phase enthalpy;
f is the friction factor; hl is liquid enthalpy,
These equations can be manipulated to yield the following equations for steady-state mass
flow rate in a two-phase natural circulation loop with uniform diameter:
2 g r TP H nc Qh Drb Ar2 b l
W ss . (297)
p rb N G
The geometric contribution to the friction factor is defined as:
Lt NSP leff NB
leff NTP
NG 1b 2b LO 1b 2b LO 1b 2 b . (298)
2 2
Dr i 1 Di Ai i N SP 1 Di Ai i i N B 1 Di Ai i
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 243
In these equations:
βh is the thermal expansion coefficient leff is the effective length of a component;
Qh (°C) A is the flow area (m2);
Δz is the total heat input rate (W); µ is the dynamic viscosity (Ns/m2);
is the centreline elevation difference in r is a subscript indicating a reference
the loop between cooler and heater value.
7.9.5 Problems
1. Explain the importance of natural circulation in the CANDU primary heat transport
system, and the design decisions that help to enhance it.
2. Explain the key aspects of the Intermittent Buoyancy Induced Flow (IBIF) in CANDU
channels, list and explain the key IBIF parameters.
3. Calculate natural circulation flow in a PWR reactor primary cooling loop assuming
typical geometrical and thermal-hydraulic parameters for a PWR reactor (primary loop is
in subcooled boiling flow in normal operation, i.e., single phase liquid flow).
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244 The Essential CANDU
8 References
[AECL1978] G.A. Pon, “Evolution of CANDU Reactor Design”, AECL-6351, August 1978.
[AECL1981] “CANDU Nuclear Power System”, AECL-TDSI-105, January 1981.
[AECL1997] “Canada Enters the Nuclear Age – A Technical History of Atomic Energy of
Canada Limited”, AECL, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Toronto, 1997.
[AECL2005] “CANDU 6 Technical Outline”, AECL, September 2005.
[AECL2009a] “Enhanced CANDU 6 Technical Summary”, AECL, 2009.
[AECL2009b] “ACR-1000 Technical Description”, AECL 10820-01371-TED-001, 2009.
[AECL2010] “Enhanced CANDU 6 (EC6) Design Description”, IAEA Advanced Water-Cooled
Reactors Web-Based Report, 2010.
[AHM2009] R. Ahmadi, A. Nouri-Borujardi, J. Jafari, I. Tabatabari, “Experimental Study of
Onset of Subcooled Annular Flow Boiling”, Progress in Nuclear Energy Journal,
Vol 51, pp.361-365, 2009.
[APR2011] “Advanced Pressurized Reactor (AP1000)”, Design Control Document, Rev. 19,
Westinghouse, USNRC Website, 2011.
[BER1981] A.E. Bergles, et al., Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in the Power and
Process Industries, Hemisphere Publishing, 1981.
[BIR1960] R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart, and E.N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, Wiley, New
York, 1960.
[BPR2000] “Bruce: A Safety Report”, Brice Power, 2000.
[CAR2015] “Carnot Principle”, Wikipedia, Internet, 2015.
[CAT1998] B.N. Hanna, et al., “CATHENA: A Thermal-Hydraulic Code for CANDU
Analysis”, Nuclear Engineering and Design 180 (1998) 113-131, and AECL-
[CAT2000] “CATHENA Mod 3.5c/Mod o Theory Manual”, COG-00-008, Nov. 2000.
[CAT2005] “CATHENA Mod 3.5d Theory Manual”, AECL, 153-112020-STM-001, Dec.
[CLA2015] “Clausius Statement”, Wikipedia, Internet, 2015.
[COL1972] J.C. Collier, Convective Boiling and Condensation, McGraw-Hill, 1972.
[CRA1957] Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipes, Crane, 1957.
[DEL1981] J.M. Delhaye, et al., Thermo-Hydraulics of Two-Phase Systems for Industrial
Design and Nuclear Engineering, Hemisphere Publishing, 1981.
[ELW1978] M.M. El-Wakil, Nuclear Heat Transport, American Nuclear Society, 1978.
[ELW1990] M.M. El-Wakil, Nuclear Energy Conversion, American Nuclear Society, 1990.
[EPRI1999] Nuclear Reactor Generations, EPRI document EPRI NP-6780-L, Volume 1,
[EPRI1996] Water Hammer Handbook for Nuclear Plant Engineers and Operators, EPRI
Technical Report, Palo Alto, California, 1996.
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246 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 247
9 Further Reading
[DUD1976] J.J. Duderstadt, L.J. Hamilton, Nuclear Reactor Analysis, Wiley, New York, ISBN
0-471-22363-8, 1976.
[GIN1981] J.J. Ginoux ,Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer with Application to Nuclear
Reactor Design Problems, Hemisphere, 1981.
[GOV1972] G.W. Govier, K. Aziz, The Flow of Complex Mixtures in Pipes, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1972.
[HSU1976] Y. Hsu, R. Graham, Transport Processes in Boiling and Two-Phase Systems,
Hemisphere, 1976.
[ISH1975] M. Ishii, T. Hibiki, Thermo-Fluid Dynamic Theory of Two-Phase Flow, Springer,
[LAM1977] J.R. Lamarsh, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
[LEW1977] E.E. Lewis, Nuclear Reactor Safety, Wiley, 1977.
[ROA1976] P.J. Roache, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hermosa, 1976.
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248 The Essential CANDU
10 Glossary
ACR Advanced CANDU Reactor MCHFR Minimum CHF Ratio
ADL Axial Dry-Patch Fraction MCHFPR Minimum CHF Power Ratio
AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited MCPR Minimum Power Ration
AFD Axial Flux Distribution NPSH Net Positive Suction Head
AGR Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available
BP Bruce Power NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required
BWR Boiling Water Reactor NOP Nominal Operating Power
CANDU CANada Deuterium Uranium NOP Neutron Overpower Protection
CANFLEX CANDU Flexible Fuelling NPD Nuclear Demonstration Plant
CCAFF Core Cooling in Absence of Forced Flow NPP Nuclear Power Plant
CDF Circumferential Drypatch Fraction OCR Organic Coolant Reactor
CHF Critical Heat Flux OH Ontario Hydro
CHFR CHF Ratio OPG Ontario Power generation
CHFPR CHF Power OSV Onset of Significant Void
CP Critical Power PHTS Primary Heat Transport System
CPR Critical Power Ratio PHWR Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor
DNB Departure from Nucleate Boiling PWR Pressurized Water Reactor
ECC Emergency Core Cooling RBMK High Power Channel Type Reactor
ECI Emergency Coolant Injection RCS Reactor Cooling System
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute RFD Radial Flux Distribution
GAI Generic Action Item RIH Reactor Inlet Header
HTGCR High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor ROH Reactor Outlet Header
HTS Heat Transport System ROP Reactor Overpower Protection
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency R&D Research & Development
IBIF Intermittent Buoyancy-Induced Flow R&M Reliability and Maintainability
LMFBR Liquid Metal Breeder Reactor SGHWR Steam Generating Heavy Water
LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident QA Reactor
LOFA Loss of Flow Accident WNA Quality Assurance
LORA Loss of Reactivity Accident WWER World Nuclear Association
LWR Light Water Reactors Water Cooled and Moderated Power
Reactor (from Russian VVER)
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11 Nomenclature
A cross section area, [m2] ν fluid velocity, [m/s]
CHF critical heat flux, [kW/m2] W mass flow rate, [kg/s], work, [kJ]
cp specific heat at constant pressure, [J/(kg K)] w specific work, [kJ/kg]
cv specific heat at constant volume, [J/(kg K)] We Weber number
DH hydraulic diameter, [m] x mass quality
d diameter, [m] xth thermodynamic quality
dh hydraulic diameter, [m] Z height, [m]
dx axial derivative
Greek Symbols
EK kinetic energy, [kJ]
EP potential energy, [kJ] α void fraction, thermal diffusivity, [m2/s]
EU internal energy, [kJ] γ adiabatic exponent, SG pinch fraction
e specific energy, [kJ/kg] ΔP pressure drop, [kPa/m2]σ surface tension,
f friction factor [N/m]
G mass flux, [kg/s-m2] ηt thermodynamic efficiency
g gravitational constant, [m/s2] µ dynamic viscosity of the fluid [Pa·s],
H total enthalpy, [kJ] [N·s/m²], [kg/(m·s)]
H pump head, [m] ρ density [kg/m3]
h specific enthalpy [kJ/kg] σ surface tension, [N/m]
h convective heat transfer coefficient, τ pump torque, [Nm], friction stress, [N/m2]
[kW/m2 °K] υ specific volume, [m3/kg], kinematic viscosity,
hfg latent heat of vapourization, [kJ/(kg °K)] [m2/s]
j volumetric flux (superficial velocity) [m/s] Φ neutron flux, [neutron/(m2-s)]
K concentrated friction factor φ two-phase friction multiplier
k thermal conductivity, [kW/m °K] ω pump rotational speed
L length, characteristic linear dimension, [m]
l characteristic length,
typically the droplet diameter, [m] a acceleration
M, m mass, [kg] C cold, cladding, fuel sheath
ṁ mass flow, [kg/s] CL centreline
NOP neutron over power cold cold side
Nu Nusselt number CRIT critical
P perimeter, [m] DNB departure of nuclear boiling
p fluid pressure, [kPa] e equivalent
Pr Prandtl number G gap
Q Core power, [kW], volumetric flow, [m3/s] g gas, gap
Q″′ Core power density, [kW/m3] F fuel
q″′ volumetric heat generation rate, [kW/m3] f fuel, liquid
q″ surface heat flux, [kW/m2] fg latent heat of vapourization
q′ linear power, [kW/m] FL fluid
q energy generation per fuel element, [kW] FW feed water
R gas constant, [Nˑm/(kg °K)], [J/(kg °K)] H hot, homogenious
r radius, [m] Hot hot side
Re Reynolds number h hydraulic
ROP reactor over power MFB minimum film boiling
S slip ratio, S total entropy, [kJ] m mixture
s specific entropy, [kJ/kg] n vector perpendicular to surface
T temperature, [°K] P, p primary
t time, [s] S steam, saturation
t thickness, [m] SG steam generator
U steam generator heat transfer coefficient, SH sheath
[kJ/(m2-s)] TB transition boiling
U internal energy, [kJ] w wall
u specific internal energy, [kJ/kg]
V volume, [m3]
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250 The Essential CANDU
12 Acknowledgements
I gratefully thank the following reviewers for their hard work and excellent comments during the
development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course, the responsibility for
any errors or omissions is entirely the author’s.
Bill Garland
Lawrence Leung
Dave Novog
Terry Rogers
Victor Snell
Dave Wright
I also thank Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 251
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252 The Essential CANDU
In the EPRI documentation [EPRI1999], the following attributes are shown to be typically
possessed by a Gen III/III+ design:
1. design simplification; 6. regulatory stabilization; 12. adequate quality
2. design margins; 7. technology standardization; assurance;
3. human factors; 8. proven nature of design; 13. improved security and
4. reactor safety; 9. enhanced maintainability; sabotage protection; and
5. design basis and safety 10. enhanced constructability; 14. reduced environmental
margin; 11. improved economics; impact.
The WNA definition of the third generation [WNA2009] suggested the following attributes for
Gen III/III+ designs:
1. standard design to 4. higher availability and 9. less waste;
expedite licensing; longer operating life; 10. use of burnable
2. reduced cost and 5. reduced possibility of core absorbers;
construction time; meltdown; 11. more passive
3. simpler and more rugged 6. resistance to damage; systems;
design for easier 7. reduced radiation release; 12. load following.
operation and 8. higher burn-up;
Because the above two sets of guidelines overlap somewhat and expectations are not quantified,
it is difficult to compare designs in quantifiable terms. More importantly, there are conflicting
expectations, such as expecting changes to improve safety and at the same time expecting the
design to be well proven. A detailed discussion of implementation and compliance with these
objectives of current advanced design is beyond the objectives of this section, but note that
none of the modern advanced designs claims to achieve all the expectations described above.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 253
continued the development of PWRs in France. In this way, France became a world leader in
PWR development and implementation.
In Japan, Mitsubishi continued development of PWR reactors. In Russia, following submarine
and icebreaker design and technology, a similar PWR design, the water-cooled, water-
moderated power reactor (WWER), was developed.
Typical PWR reactor thermal-hydraulic parameters are provided in Table 13 [APR2011,
POP2014]. To ensure efficient energy conversion from the reactor core to the steam turbine, the
primary coolant pressure is typically 10–15 MPa and the primary coolant temperature 290°C–
330°C, whereas the secondary loop pressure is typically 5–7 MPa.
In the PWR reactor design, ordinary light water is used both as coolant and moderator. A
simplified reactor flow diagram is shown in Figure 149. The reactor coolant loops include
primary, secondary, and tertiary loops. In the primary coolant loop, the coolant picks up the
heat produced in the core and leaves the reactor at a temperature that is sufficient to generate
steam in the steam generator. Then the coolant is returned to the reactor core by means of
pumps. In the secondary loop, the steam generated in the steam generator expands in the
steam turbine, where its energy is transferred into mechanical energy. In the tertiary loop, the
exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed in the condenser, thus transferring heat to the
outside heat sink.
Table 13 Typical PWR reactor parameters
Reactor Fuel
Thermal output, MWth 3800 Fuel pellet material UO2
Electrical output, MWe 1300 Pellet outer diameter, mm 8.19
Thermal efficiency, % 34 Rod outer diameter, mm 9.5
Specific power, kW/kg(U) 33 Zircaloy cladding thickness, mm 0.57
Power density, kW/L 102 Rods per bundle (17 x 17) 264
Ave. linear heat flux, kW/m 17.5 Bundles in core 193
Rod heat flux ave./max, MW/m2 0.584/1.46
Vessel Core
Outer diameter, m 4.4 Length, m 4.17
Height, m 13.6 Outer diameter, m 3.37
Wall thickness, m 0.22 Pressure, MPa 15.5
Steam generator Inlet temperature, °C 292
No. 4 Outlet temperature, °C 329
Outlet pressure, MPa 6.9 Mass flow rate, kg/s 531
Outlet temperature, ⁰C 284
Mass flow rate, kg/s 528
A typical PWR plant and a typical single primary coolant system loop are shown schematically in
Figure 149a, and an isometric view with four primary coolant loops is shown in Figure 149b. The
number of loops, usually two to four, is determined by the reactor power so that the size of the
primary pumps and steam generators is reasonable and obtainable from a commercial vendor.
Each primary coolant loop has one primary pump and one steam generator. All loops are
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254 The Essential CANDU
a) PWR four-loop
loop primary system b) PWR primary coolant loop cross section
As shown in Figure 149a,a, the nuclear reactor core and fuel assemblies are located in the
reactor pressure vessel. The water coolant at high p pressure
ressure (~14 MPa) is circulated by
external pumps into the reactor vessel, flows upwards through the fuel assemblies, out of
the vessel to heat exchangers, and from the heat exchangers back to the pumps. The
water temperature at the exit of the reactor co
re is lower than the saturation
temperature, i.e., the water is sub
cooled, which has an important impact on reactor
hydraulic margins, as will be explained in later sections of this chapter.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 255
Figure 150a and Figure 150b show the internal structures of a typical PWR vessel. The reactor
core is located in the lower part of the reactor vessel and is surrounded by a cylindrical inner
vessel called the core barrel. On the inner side of the core barrel, the fuel bundles are
surrounded by a multi-faced shroud that constrains flow in the radial direction. The bottom of
the core barrel has radial sliding pins that give the barrel freedom to accommodate thermal
expansion, but do not allow barrel rotation. Around the outside of the core barrel is a metal
jacket called the thermal shield (approximately one-third of the core length, situated around the
core centre). The role of these thermal shrouds is to absorb core neutron radiation in the radial
direction, preventing excessive radiation impact on the reactor vessel and thus reducing
radiation aging effects on the vessel.
The top and bottom of the reactor core are supported by the upper core plate and the lower
support plate. Both plates support the fuel assemblies in appropriate positions in the core. The
reactor control elements and safety shutdown rods pass through the guide tubes that penetrate
the upper core plate. The reactor instrumentation typically (in older designs) passes through the
lower part of the reactor vessel and penetrates the core through the lower support plate.
The reactor coolant enters the vessel through the inlet pipes (the so-called “cold legs” shown in
Figure 149a), then turn downwards in the so-called reactor downcomer and along the outside of
the reactor barrel and inside the reactor vessel, thus coming down to the reactor lower plenum.
There, the coolant turns upwards, flows through the lower support plate, and enters the core
from the bottom. The coolant flows through the core upward and exits in the reactor upper
plenum. From there, the coolant flow exits the vessel through the exit pipes (the “hot legs”).
The upward flow in the core provides good conditions for thermo-siphoning should primary
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 257
by placing the reactor core (heat source) at the lowest point in the primary loop and the pumps
and steam generators (heat sinks) at the highest point in the primary loop.
The design of the primary pump is similar between CANDU and PWR reactors.
13.2.5 Pressurizer
The pressure in the reactor primary coolant system is maintained at a certain level by a
pressurizer. Figure 8 shows a view of a typical pressurizer.
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258 The Essential CANDU
Refuelling is normally done on an 18–24 month basis and typically takes 4–5 days. However,
refuelling outages in PWRs can last up to one month or sometimes longer when the
preparations, cooldown, maintenance activities, and return to full power are taken into account.
To operate for long periods without refuelling, the new fuel is enriched in 235U (up to a maximum
of 5%). When the fuel is fresh, the excess reactivity in the reactor core is compensated for by a
neutron poison dissolved in the coolant/moderator water and by other devices. As the fuel
burns up, the dissolved poison in the coolant/moderator is gradually removed by ion-exchange
Reactivity control in a PWR reactor is performed by full-length control rods. Levelling neutron
flux and heat generation in the core is performed by various control rod banks of full or partial
length, and by other means in newer PWR designs (i.e., burnable absorber material in fuel and in
“grey” control rods). Intermediate- and long-term reactivity control in the core is achieved by
soluble poison (called “chemical shim”); typically, boric acid is used for this purpose. The critical
soluble boron concentration is reduced in the core with core burn-up, i.e., with buildup of 135Xe
and 149Sm. Therefore, during the initial burn-up of a few hundred MWd/t, the boron
concentration is reduced sharply by up to 40%, followed later by a more gradual reduction to
compensate for fuel burn-up and generation of fission products in the fuel.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 259
The guide tubes shown in Figure 151a are provided for each fuel assembly. They are intended to
receive the control rods (shown in Figure 151a) from the top as a cluster control assembly with a
certain number of control rods. Fuel assemblies that do not have control assemblies are plugged
from the top by a special plugging device to prevent coolant bypass though them (they have a
larger hydraulic diameter than the rest of the fuel matrix).
The top and bottom nozzles are welded with the guide tubes and create a rigid fuel assembly
structure. The fuel pins pass though the grid plates, but are not welded to the grid plates to
allow for unrestricted thermal expansion. The bottom nozzle contains four openings at the four
support legs, which fit into the reactor core bottom plate, and which deliver coolant to the fuel
Figure 152 shows the fuel pin design [POP2014]. The fuel pin design is similar for the LWR and
CANDU designs. In fact, all LWRs and CANDUs, regardless of the manufacturer and country of
origin, have a similar fuel pin design.
The fuel pin consists of a Zircaloy tube into which fuel pellets are inserted. The tube is then filled
with gas and sealed. The fuel pellets have a height-to-diameter ratio of about 1.5 and have
dished surfaces on both ends, which help to align them properly in the vertical direction,
accommodate fuel swelling, and collect gases generated during fission. Numerous fuel pellets
are located in each fuel pin and form a vertical fuel pellet stack within the pin. At the top end of
the fuel pin, the fuel pellets are held tightly in a vertical direction by a spring that is installed and
sealed in the tube.
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260 The Essential CANDU
Figure 153 Typical PWR fuel assembly support Figure 154 Typical PWR reactor control sites
spacer plates
Figure 153 shows the design of the fuel bundle support plates [POP2014]. Each spacer plate has
dimples on each side of the square frame, which hold the fuel pin in the radial direction. The
fuel pin can slide along the spacer plates in the vertical direction, thus accommodating thermal
expansion. The spacer plates also have mixing vanes in the radial direction that help to enhance
turbulence along the fuel pin, resulting in higher thermal margins.
Figure 154 shows cross sections of the fuel bundles and the positions of the 21 control-rod guide
tubes [POP2014]. Typically, a number of positions in the fuel assembly are not filled with fuel,
but instead with guide tubes that are used as sites for insertion of control rods. Although not all
bundles will have control rods inserted in them, they are all made with guide tubes so that they
can be installed at any core position regardless of whether they will receive control rods or not.
Those assemblies that do not receive control rods will receive plug assemblies, which will insert
short plug rods to block coolant bypass through the empty guide tubes (the plug assembly is
similar to the assembly shown in Figure 155b, except that its plug pins are shorter).
Figure 155a shows a typical PWR control assembly design. Figure 155b shows one immovable
control assembly for long-term reactivity control in certain fixed positions in the core [POP2014].
The movable control-rod assembly consists of 21 control rods held by radial arms, which are
connected to the central holding shaft, which in turn is connected to a control drive assembly.
The movable control assembly moves up and down vertically as driven by the reactor control
system. The immovable control bundle also has 21 control rods, which are connected at the top
plate. The top plate has a shaft with a spring to lock the control bundle into position so that it
will remain stationary between two fuel replacement cycles.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 261
Figure 156 shows a typical PWR control rod design [POP2014]. The control rods are of various
design and material composition depending on their role in the reactor core. The control rods
that are part of the reactor control system are filled with neutron-absorbing material along their
full length in the core (usually a mix of 80% silver, 15% indium, and 5% cadmium, which is the
material with the largest neutron-absorption capability used in modern reactors). The
immovable control rods (Figure 156a) can be filled over their full length or partially filled at the
top, bottom, or middle. They can also be filled with neutron-absorbing material of various
thicknesses in the annulus (Figure 156a). The immovable control rods are filled with a mix of
neutron-absorbing material that reduces absorption capability by neutron capture (diminishing
absorption potential per unit volume with radiation exposure), or by materials that retain
absorption capability over several control isotope generations.
PWR control-rod guide tubes penetrate through the reactor pressure vessel head and hold each
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262 The Essential CANDU
control assembly cluster in place. The control assemblies are driven in and out of the core by
control-rod drive devices that are located outside the reactor vessel. The control-rod shaft is
located in the guide tubes that extend through the reactor cap, in the space above the core, and
holds the control-rod top. Special attention is devoted to the seals of the control-rod guide
tubes and assemblies because they are located in the vessel at a pressure of 15 MPa, whereas
their shafts and guide tubes are at atmospheric pressure. Because of the large pressure
difference between the inside of the vessel and the atmosphere outside of the reactor vessel,
special attention is devoted to preventing control-rod ejection from the vessel, which can create
a severe large positive reactivity insertion.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 263
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266 The Essential CANDU
assembly and instrumentation access through the reactor bottom and the lower plenum. The
reactor core has an active length of typically 3.5–4 m, similar to PWRs. The core contains
between 500 and 800 fuel assemblies, each containing arrays of fuel rods with a similar design to
those in PWRs.
Figure 159 shows the coolant circulation in the BWR core. The recirculation system consists of
recirculation pump loops located on the sides of the reactor vessel. In the BWR design
illustrated, the reactor vessel downcomer jet internal pumps are located on the outer core
periphery, arranged in pairs, with each having a common inlet riser. The driving flow from the
external pumps passes through the jet pump nozzles and acquires high velocity and momentum.
The momentum exchange entrains the recirculation flow, usually called suction flow. The
combination of the external pump-driven flow and the suction flow enters the throat of the jet
pump, thus ensuring adequate flow through the core. The jet pump design has the advantages
of fewer moving parts, higher reliability, and robustness in accident situations. The feedwater
inlet is in the upper part of the core, and the coolant falls down by gravity towards the inlet of
the jet pumps.
BWR fuel assemblies are typically of square design (see the left part of Figure 160), but the fuel
rods are situated in a square flow tube which does not allow flow mixing in the radial direction
(see the right part of Figure 160) [KNI2002, KOK2009]. Because the BWR reactor is designed to
operate with saturated water that boils in the core, a good level of turbulence is already
achieved, and therefore there is no need to promote radial mixing to enhance turbulence, as in
the PWR design. The left side of Figure 160 shows a BWR fuel assembly with a square tube and
the spacer grids inside holding the fuel pins.
Figure 161 shows a cross section of four fuel assemblies, on the left 10 x 10, and on the right 7 x
7 fuel rod arrays [KNI2002, KOK2009, LAH1977, POP2014]. The cruciform control assembly is
located between the fuel bundles. Clearly, between the fuel assemblies, a gap is maintained for
the control assembly to move in a vertical direction through the core.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 267
The control assembly is moved through the core from the bottom of the reactor.
reactor Therefore, the
control assembly holding the plate and drive mechanisms is at the bottom of the core and needs
to work against gravity.
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268 The Essential CANDU
Magnox cladding, only relatively modest turbine steam conditions are achievable, limiting the
station overall efficiency to ~30%.
As is typical of all natural uranium
anium power reactors, the Magnox reactors are fuelled on-load.
on This
is necessary because large quantities of excess reactivity, in the form of additional U-235,
U are not
“built into” the new fuel.
The in-service
service availability of the Magnox reactors has prov
en to be relatively good. On-load
refuelling helps in this regard. Nevertheless, their relatively high capital cost and relatively
modest achievable fuel utilization has led to the abandonment of plans for constructing further
reactors of this type. Presently,
sently, in the United Kingdom, all Magnox reactors are shut down and
undergoing decommissioning.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 269
13.5 Channel-type
type reactors
13.5.1 SGHWR reactor
The steam generating heavy water reactor (SGHWR) has been developed and operated in the
United Kingdom,, Japan, and Italy for a number of years. The best example of this reactor type
that operated successfully in Japan for more than 20 years is the Fugen reactor (currently
decommissioned) [POP2014].
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 271
reactor core, and a cross section of a RBMK plant. The reactor core is very large (21.6 x 21.6 x
25.5 m). The vessel contains the graphite stack filled with a helium-nitrogen mixture to ensure
an inert atmosphere. The reactor fuel is UO2 with a fuel rod design similar to the LWR design,
with 2%–4% enrichment in U-235. Refuelling is performed on-power to achieve a better balance
of neutron flux and core utilization and to optimize production of Pu-239.
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272 The Essential CANDU
characteristics that make the CANDU design behave quite differently from the RBMK reactors,
and that therefore CANDU reactors are not as vulnerable in accidents as RBMK reactors.
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis
prepared by:
Dr. Wm. J. Garland, Professor Emeritus,
Department of Engineering Physics,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
This chapter is concerned with thermalhydraulic analysis of the process systems that are
required to transport heat energy away from the nuclear reactor source and transform this heat
energy into useful work (generally electrical energy. Thermal hydraulic system behaviour is
largely determined by the simultaneous solution of the equations that govern the four variables
(flow, pressure, density and enthalpy). The general mass, energy and momentum conservation
equations are presented in general terms and are simplified to the common approximate forms
used in systems modelling. The equation of state that is required for closure is explored with
particular emphasis on implementation. Process system solution algorithms are investigated.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 The Chapter Layout......................................................................................................... 6
2 Basic Equations for Thermalhydraulic Systems Analysis......................................................... 7
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Conservation ................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Conservation of Mass ................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Conservation of Momentum......................................................................................... 12
2.5 Conservation of Energy................................................................................................. 15
2.6 The Equation of State.................................................................................................... 20
2.7 Empirical Correlations................................................................................................... 20
2.8 Solution Overview......................................................................................................... 21
2.9 Problems ....................................................................................................................... 23
3 Nodalization .......................................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 24
3.2 The Node-Link Concept................................................................................................. 24
3.3 Nodal Diffusion ............................................................................................................. 28
3.4 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 32
3.5 Matrix Notation............................................................................................................. 34
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2 The Essential CANDU
3.6 Exercises........................................................................................................................ 35
4 Equation of State................................................................................................................... 36
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 36
4.2 Thermodynamic Properties .......................................................................................... 36
4.3 The Iterative Method .................................................................................................... 38
4.4 The Rate Method .......................................................................................................... 40
4.5 Water Property Fits....................................................................................................... 46
4.6 Problems ....................................................................................................................... 48
5 The Rate Form of the Equation of State ............................................................................... 49
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 49
5.2 The Rate Form............................................................................................................... 49
5.3 Numerical Investigations: a Simple Case ................................................................... 50
5.4 Numerical Investigations: a Practical Case.................................................................... 61
5.5 Discussion and Conclusion............................................................................................ 66
5.6 Problems ....................................................................................................................... 67
6 Thermalhydraulic Network Simulation ................................................................................. 68
6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 68
6.2 Porsching’s Method ...................................................................................................... 68
6.3 Derivation of FIBS.......................................................................................................... 69
6.4 Special Cases ................................................................................................................. 74
6.5 Programming Notes ...................................................................................................... 75
6.6 Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 77
6.7 Problems ....................................................................................................................... 77
7 Case Study: Heat Transport System Stability ........................................................................ 78
8 References............................................................................................................................. 78
9 Nomenclature ....................................................................................................................... 82
10 Acknowledgements............................................................................................................... 83
List of Figures
Figure 1 The four cournerstone single phase flow equations and the flow of information
between them....................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2 The four cornerstone equations for the two-fluid model. .......................................... 22
Figure 3 The four cornerstone equations for the full two-fluid model with equal pressure of
the two phases...................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 4 A general node and connecting links........................................................................... 24
Figure 5 Two connected nodes.................................................................................................. 25
Figure 6 Node-link setup for a simple pipe................................................................................ 26
Figure 7 Node-link setup for an area change in a pipe.............................................................. 27
Figure 8 Illustration of convection and diffusion....................................................................... 29
Figure 9 Transmission of a step change using the plug flow model and the mixing tank model
(1 to 50 tanks). ...................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 10 Transmission of a step change using the plug flow model and a feeder model with
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 3
List of Tables
Table 1 Figure of merit comparisons of the normal and rate forms of the equation of state for
various convergence criteria (simple case)........................................................................... 58
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4 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
This chapter is concerned with thermal hydraulic analysis of the process systems that are
required to transport heat energy away from the nuclear reactor source and transform this heat
energy into useful work (generally electrical energy). Thermal hydraulic design of the process
systems is covered in the previous chapter. Design and analysis are, of course, tightly coupled.
Nuclear systems design is guided by analysis results. Analysis, in turn, is performed on a
specific design to determine its performance. It is a complex, iterative dance. Design and
analysis of the reactor process involves a number of interrelated systems:
reactor core
heat transport system
steam generators
pressure control system
coolant inventory control systems
power control systems;
a number of system components:
heat exchangers;
and a number of engineering and science disciplines:
reactor physics
heat transfer
fluid mechanics
stress analysis.
The heat transport system (HTS) is of central importance since it is the interface between the
heat source and the heat sink. Good HTS performance is essential to reactor integrity, plant
performance and safety. Herein, the scope is limited to the modelling tools used in thermal
hydraulic analysis of the HTS. This chapter is a systems level chapter, not a components level
one. Component modelling is limited to approximate models that are appropriate for systems
analysis. Detailed multidimensional modelling of complex components such as steam
generators, pumps, calandria vessels, headers, etc., are not attempted.
This chapter is primarily about the interplay the two main actors in hydraulic systems: flow and
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 5
pressure. But because we are dealing with systems involving the transfer of heat, local density
and enthalpy determine the pressure. Hence, thermal hydraulic system behaviour is largely
determined by the simultaneous solution of the equations that govern these four variables
(flow, pressure, density and enthalpy).
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6 The Essential CANDU
The student should be able to apply the various numerical methodologies (fully explicit
to fully implicit) to special cases of the thermalhydraulic system equations.
The student should be able to produce a general node-link code based on the
cumulative concepts presented in this course.
The student should be able to evaluate the efficacy of the various numerical algorithms.
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 7
2.2 Conservation
We start, both historically and pedagogically, with a basic experimental observation:
This was, and is, most easily understood in terms of mass:
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8 The Essential CANDU
V ψdV = ΓdV + S n ds
Dt (1)
DDt = substantial derivative1 = change due to time variations plus change due to
movement in space at the velocity of the field variable, ψ,
V = arbitrary fluid volume,
Γ = net sum of local sources and local sinks of the field variable, ψ, within the
volume V,
ψ = field variable such as mass, momentum, energy, etc.,
t = time,
s = surface bounding the volume, V,
n = unit vector normal to the surface, and
S = net sum of local sources and local sinks of the fluid variable, ψ, on the surface s.
We can now use Reynold’s Transport Theorem [CUR74]:
ψ dV = dV + ψv n ds
Dt V V t S
t = local time derivative, and
v = velocity of the field variable,
to give
dV = - ψ v n ds + Γ dV + S n ds .
V t S V S
In words, this states that the change in the conserved field variable ψ in the volume V is due to
surface flux plus sources minus sinks. We can use another mathematical identity (Gauss’
1 D d
For a lucid discussion of the three time derivatives, , , , see [BIR60, pp 73-74].
t t dt
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 9
Divergence Theorem):
A = any vector, such as velocity, and
= Del operator (eg. = x i + y j + ...) .
Thus equation 3 can be rewritten:
If we assume that this statement is universally true, i.e. for any volume within the system under
consideration, then the following identity must hold at each point in space:
= - ψ v + Γ + S . (6)
This is the distributed or microscopic form. Equation 3 is the lumped or macroscopic form.
They are equivalent and one can move freely back and forth between the two forms as long as
the field variables are continuous.
The above derivation path is not unique. One could start with an incremental volume and
derive (1) via (6). It is largely a question of personal choice and the end use. One school of
thought, attended by most scientists, applied mathematicians and academics, since they usually
deal with the local or microscopic approach, focuses on the conversion of the surface integrals
to volume integrals using Gauss’ Theorem. The volume integrals are then dropped giving the
partial differential or microscopic form. This path works well when a detailed analysis is
desired, such as subchannel flow in fuel bundles, moderator circulation in the calandria, etc.
The second school, which sees more favour among engineers, particularly in the chemical
industry, evaluates the surface integrals as they stand without converting to volume integrals.
This leads to a lumped or macroscopic approach useful for network analysis, distillation towers,
There exists a very large number of possible derivations, each with its own advantages and
disadvantages. As more and more detail is picked up in each class of models, numerical means
have to be used. In the limit of large numbers of nodes or mesh points, etc., both methods
converge to the same solution.
Since the above equations are basic to all subsequent modelling of thermalhydraulic systems,
one should keep in mind the basis for these equations:
1) Conservation as an experimental observation.
This is usually taken for granted. However, when the conservation equations for separate
phases in a mixture are under consideration, the various sinks and sources of mass, momentum
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10 The Essential CANDU
and energy are not entirely known and the interpretation of experimental data can be difficult
because of the complexity. It helps to keep in mind the distinctly different roles that we have
historically assigned to the players in the conservation process:
a) the local time derivative, ψt,
b) the advection term (flux), ψv,
c) the local sinks and sources, Γ, within a volume and
d) the local sinks and sources, S, on the surface of a volume.
If a clarity of form is adopted by establishing and maintaining a one-to-one correspondence
between the form and the physical processes, then a substantial pedagogical tool will have been
achieved. This proves invaluable in experimental design (to zero in on a particular process or
parameter), model formulation and interpretation, data analysis and presentation, correlation
development, etc. A model could lose its generality because, for instance, fluxes across
interfaces are written as a term in Γ, thus making the interfacial flux a local phenomena rather
than a boundary phenomena. This may be acceptable for a single geometry but causes the
model to break down when applied to diverse geometries.
2) The field variables are continuous within the volume V.
This is also usually taken for granted. But care must be exercised in multiphase flow where
discontinuities abound. A common approach, taken to simplify the complexity of multiphase
flow, is to average the terms in the conservation equations across the cross-sectional area of the
flow path. One could speculate that the error introduced in this manner could separate the
model from reality enough to make the solutions be "unreal", i.e. complex numbers,
singularities, etc. Further, fluctuating parameters are often smoothed by averaging over an
appropriate Δt. These averaged parameters and products of parameters are used in models
and compared to experiments. But there is no guarantee that, for instance,
1 1
ψ v dt = Δt
ψ dt
v dt .
Δt Δt Δt Δt Δt
Thus the use of time averaged parameters can lead to additional errors. Indeed, because of
the possibility of error due to space and time discontinuities, several investigators have offered
rigorous treatments for the distributed approach (see, for example, Delhaye [DEL81]). There is
no reason why these treatments could not be applied to the lumped approach, as well. But, at
this time, there is little incentive to do so since grid coarseness and experimental data are larger
sources of error. As always, the operative rule is - BUYER BEWARE.
We now proceed to treat the mass, momentum and energy equations in turn.
V (γ ρ ) dV = - γk ρk vk n ds + Γk dV + Sk n ds
t k k S V s
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 11
ρk = density of phase k (1 = liquid, 2 = vapour),
γk = volume fraction of phase, k, in volume V, and
Γk, Sk = phase sinks and sources, including chemical and nuclear effects.
The average density is defined as:
ρ = γ1 ρ1 + γ2 ρ2 = (1 - α) ρ1 + α ρ2 , (8)
whereρ = average density, and
α = void fraction.
Adding both phases together, equation 7 becomes:
In our case, Γ1 = -Γ2 (liquid boils or vapour condenses) and Sk = 0 (no mass sources or sinks at
surfaces). Therefore:
dV = - ρ v n ds
V t S
ρ v = (1 - α) ρ1 v1 + α ρ2 v2 . (11)
If we apply Gauss’ Theorem and drop the integrals we have:
+ ρv = 0 (12)
[(1 - α) ρ1 + α ρ2] + [(1 - α) ρ1 v1 + α ρ2 v2] = 0 . (13)
This is the distributed form useful for modelling detailed flow patterns such as in the calandria,
vessels, steam generators and headers. Component codes such as THIRST [CAR81a] and
COBRA [BNW76] use this approach.
In contrast, system codes such as SOPHT [CHA77a], based on Porsching’s work [POR71], use the
lumped equations. These codes represent a hydraulic network of pipes by nodes joined by
links, discussed in detail in section 3. Mass, pressure and energy changes occur at the nodes.
Momentum changes occur in the links. Thus the network is treated on a macroscopic scale
requiring an integral approach to the fundamental equations. Flow details in pipes are not
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12 The Essential CANDU
considered. That is, diffusion, dispersion, advection, flow regimes, flow profiles, etc. are not
fundamentally accounted for but are covered by empirical correlations. Averaging techniques,
commonly used in the distributed approach are not used in the lumped approach mainly
because there is little incentive to do so. The main sources of error lie elsewhere, mainly in
the coarseness of the discretization in the direction of flow (i.e. node size) and in friction factors
and heat transfer coefficients.
Now, ρdV is the mass, Mi, in the volume, Vi, of the ith node. Also, for our case, the surface
integral can be written as surface integrals over the individual flow paths into and out of the
volume or node. That is,
- ρ v n ds = j ρj vj Aj , (14)
where j represents inflow and outflow links with vj > 0 for inflow and <0 for outflow. Inherent
in equation 11 is the assumption that the integral, S ρ v n ds can be replaced by the simple
product ρj vj Aj. This implies known or assumed (usually uniform) velocity and density profiles
across the face of the link (or pipe).
Thus we now have:
= j ρj vj Aj Wj , (15)
where Wj is the mass flow. This is the typical representation in system codes. Thus for the
node-link type equations, we must add two more assumptions:
i) nodalization, and
ii) assumed velocity and density profile across the cross-section of a pipe.
These assumptions have far reaching ramifications that may not be immediately obvious. This
is discussed in more detail in section 3.
To conclude our progressive simplification, we note the steady state form of equation 15:
ρ v A W = 0. (16)
j j j j j
For a simple circular flow loop, the mass flow rate at steady state is a constant at any point in
the loop. Local area and density variations thus give rise to velocity variations around the
Local velocity then is:
v = . (17)
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 13
forced to do otherwise. This is equivalent to a force balance if the inertial force (a momentum
sink of sorts) is recognized. In the integral sense, the rate of change of momentum is equal to
the forces acting on the fluid. Thus:
Dt V γk ρk vk dV = S σk n ds + γk ρk fk dV + Mk dV ,
σ is the stress tensor (i.e., short range or surface effects including pressure, viscosity, etc.),
f is the long range or body force (i.e., gravity),
and M is the momentum interchange function accounting for phase change effects.
Using Reynold’s Transport Theorem, we get:
To get the microscopic form we use Gauss’s theorem and drop the volume integral as before to
(ρ v) + ρ v v = σ + ρ f . (21)
The stress tensor, σ, can be split into the normal and shear components:
σ = - PI + τ , (22)
where P is the pressure, I is the unity tensor and τ is the shear stress tensor. This enables the
explicit use of pressure and helps maintain our tenuous link with reality. Of course, it can
equally be introduced in the integral form, equation 20, or as a separate pressure for each
phase in equation 19. At any rate, equation 21 becomes:
(ρ v) + ρ v v = -P + τ + ρ f . (23)
This is the form commonly seen in the literature, useful for distributed modelling as per the
mass conservation equation. The term, τ, is usually replaced by an empirical relation. For
the system codes using the node-link structure, we switch back to the macroscopic form,
Equation 20.
If the surface integral for the advective term is performed over the inlet and outlet areas of the
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14 The Essential CANDU
where AIN is the flow inlet area and AOUT is the flow outlet area. If we assume the properties
are constant over the areas, then:
V AININvINvIN A OUT OUT v OUT vOUT σk n ds fdV (25)
t S V
Alternatively we could perform a cross-sectional average of each term, usually denoted by < >,
where <( )> = 1A ( ) ds. If we assume the properties, V, ρ and A are constant along
the length of the pipe, then the second and third terms cancel.
Equation 25 can be rewritten as:
PI nds f dV
V fL v v g
L D 2g c gc
where gc is the gravitational constant, g is the acceleration due to gravity and where τ and ρf
evaluated by empirical correlations (the standard friction factor) plus an elevation change term
(θ is the angle w.r.t. the horizontal). Note that is AOUT AIN then, even for constant pressure,
there is a net force on the volume causing it to accelerate if it were not restrained. In a
restrained system such as HTS piping, the piping supports exert an equal and opposite force on
the volume. Thus when the area differences are explicitly modelled, the appropriate body
forces must be included. Generally, it is simpler to use an average or representative area for
the IN and OUT surfaces and to add entrance and exit frictional losses explicitly in the (fl/D+k)
Assuming one dimensional flow and defining the mass flow as W ρVA, and L as the pipe
length, equation 26 becomes:
W A fL W
A sin() (27)
t L D 2g cA gc
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 15
The momentum flux terms (Aρv2) in equation 25 could also be added if large area or property
changes were present or the effect could be included in the friction term.
In the steady state, for a constant area pipe with no pump and no elevation change:
2 2
fL V fL W
PIN POUT k k 2 PPUMP ... (29)
D 2g c D 2A gc
As a final note, the assumptions made for the mixture momentum equation are thus similar to
those made for the mixture mass equation and the same comments apply. One cannot hope
to accurately model such phenomena as void propagation and other two phase transient flow
effects using lumped single phase equations unless a large number of nodes and links are used.
γk ρk ek + 2 vk dV = - qk n ds + Ek dV
1 2
Dt V
+ γk ρk fk vk dV + (σk n) vk ds ,
ek = internal energy of phase k,
qk = surface heat flux for phase k, and
Ek = internal heat sources and sinks of phase k.
The left hand side is the substantial derivative of the internal plus kinetic energy. The right
hand side terms are, respectively:
1) surface heat flux,
2) internal sources and sinks,
3) work due to long range body forces (gravity, etc.),
4) work due to short range forces (surface tension, pressure, etc.).
Using Reynold’s Transport Theorem again:
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V 1 2
γk ρk ek + 2 vk dV +
S 1 2
γk ρk ek + 2 vk vk n ds
= - qk n ds + Ek dV + γk ρk fk vk dV + (σk n) vk ds .
ρ e + 2 ρv2 dV + ρe + 2 ρ v2 v n ds
1 1
= - q n ds + E dV + ρ f v dV + (σ v) v ds ,
ρe = γ1ρ1e1 + γ2ρ2e2 E = E1+E2, etc.
Using Gauss’ Theorem to change some of the surface integrals to volume integrals:
ρ e + 2 ρv2 dV + ρe v n ds + 2 ρ v2 v dV
1 1
= - q n ds + E dV + ρ f v dV + (σ v) dV .
σ = -PI + τ ,
V (σ v) dV = [ (τ v) - (P v) ] dV .
This is the total energy equation, composed of thermal terms and mechanical terms. We can
separate the two by first generating the mechanical terms from the momentum equation
(equation 20). Forming the dot product with velocity we get:
v ( τ) = (τ v) - τ : v , (35)
v P = (P v) - P v , (36)
1 1
v (ρ v) = ρ v v = 2 ρ v 2 (37)
t t 2 t
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 17
v ( ρ v v) = 2 ρ v2 v . (38)
Using these identities and subtracting equation 34 from equation 33, we get:
V (ρ e) dV + ρe v n ds = - q n ds
t s S
+ E dV + τ:v dV - P v dV .
This is the thermal form of the energy equation. This form of the energy equation can be used
to generate the thermal conductance equation for solids. By setting fluid velocity to zero and
converting surface integrals to volume integrals we get the distributed form:
(ρe) = - q + E , (40)
where E is the internal energy generation rate term.
From thermodynamics, for solids, we have:
e T
(ρe) ρ ρ Cv , (41)
t t t
and using Fourier’s law for heat conduction:
q = - kT , (42)
we have the classical form of the heat conduction equation:
ρ Cv = kT + E
t (43)
= k 2 T + E space independent k .
This is useful for determining the temperature distributions in boiler tube walls, piping walls and
reactor fuel pencils. To generate the node-link forms we now turn back to the integral form of
equation 39. If we assume that the density and enthalpy are uniform over the node (the
volume in question), then
(ρ e) dV =
, (44)
U Vρe = LAρe. (45)
The integral of the transport term can be written over the flow surfaces:
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18 The Essential CANDU
where A1, A2, etc., are the pipe flow cross-sectional areas. For inflow, vn is negative. For
outflow, vn is positive. Assuming uniform velocity, enthalpy and density across the link (pipe)
cross-section gives:
The heat flux and generation terms of the thermal energy equation can be lumped into a
loosely defined heat source for the volume.
- q n ds + E dV Q . (48)
dV + (ρ h - P) v n ds = - q n ds
(ρ h - P)
V t s S
+ E dV + τ:v dV - P v dV .
V (ρ h) dV + ρ h v n ds = - q n ds + E dV
t S S V
+ τ:v + dV + P v n ds - P v dV .
V V t S V
The surface integral over P can be transformed into a volume integral using Gauss’ theorem and
combined with the last term to give:
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 19
The enthalpy flux terms can be evaluated in the same manner that the energy flux terms were
in equations 46-47. Thus,
v nds W h W
OUT OUT . (54)
Another special case of equation 55 is obtained by expanding the term Q as per equation 48:
- q n ds + E dV Q . (48)
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h P e T
t t t t (59)
AhN T Ts VE τ : vdV
which is useful for accounting for heat transfer between the fluid and the pipe or tube walls (eg:
boiler heat transfer).
The heat transfer coefficient, hN, is supplied through empirical relations. The turbulent heating
term V τ: v dV generally can be neglected or added as a pump heat term.
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 21
7) critical heat flux information (this is not needed for the solution of the process equations
but a measure of engineering limits is needed to guide the use of the solutions of the
process equations as applied to process design;
The above list of correlations, large enough in its own right, is but a subset of the full list that
would be required were it not for a number of key simplifying assumptions made in the
derivation of the basic equations. The three major assumptions made for the primary heat
transport system are:
1) one dimensional flow;
2) thermal equilibrium (except for the pressurizer under insurge); and
3) one fluid model (i.e. mixture equations).
These are required because of state of the art limitations (however, two fluid models are being
used increasingly in recent years.). Empirical correlations were discussed in more detail in
Chapter 6.
Figure 1 The four cournerstone single phase flow equations and the flow of
information between them.
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22 The Essential CANDU
and diverse empirical correlations require updates on the main variables and many secondary
variables. This information also "flows" around the calculation.
A further point to note on the solution overview is that each phase in a multiphase flow has a
main information flow path as shown in figure 2. In the full UVUEUP (unequal velocity, energy
and pressure) model, there are two distinct phases: one for the vapour phase and one for the
liquid phase. If a simplified model was imposed, this essentially means that the planes would
touch at some point. For instance, if equal pressure in both phases was assumed, then figure
3 would result. Here, the equation of state is common to both planes.
The HEM (homogeneous equilibrium model) is the fully collapsed case where both planes
collapse into one (figure 1). You may find these images to be useful in conceptualizing the
basic equations and how they fit together.
The precise solution procedure that you might employ is case dependent. At present, no
general solution scheme exists because the nuances of specific problems are subtle and
because one cannot usually afford to ignore the efficiency and cost savings gained by tuning a
method to a particular case. The economics of using a case specific code are changing,
however, with developments in the microcomputer field and with the realization that total
design and analysis time can often be reduced by using a less efficient but more robust code.
Codes such as SOPHT and CATHENA [HAN95] are a direct result of this realization. The near
term evolution will likely be affected mostly by microcomputer developments.
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 23
Figure 3 The four cornerstone equations for the full two-fluid model with
equal pressure of the two phases.
2.9 Problems
1. Referring to figure 1:
a. Explain the inter-relationship between the mass, momentum and energy equations
and the equation of state.
b. For the integral form, devise a simple solution scheme for the transient equations.
Show what equations are being solved and how they are being solved. Flow chart
your scheme.
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24 The Essential CANDU
3 Nodalization
3.1 Introduction
This section focuses
ses on establishing a rationale for, and the setting up of, the geometric
representation of thermalhydraulic systems. The hydraulic network is represented by a series
of interconnected nodes to form a node-link diagram.
The exploration proceeds by first establishing and discussing the governing rationale. Next,
limitations of the approximation are presented and examples are given. Finally, the matrix
approach is used to capture the system geometry in a succinct form.
W A fL W
Ag / g c sin() (62)
t L D 2g cA
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 25
These mass and energy equations are averaged over the volume in question, hence they do not
capture any detail within the volume. KnowKnowing
ing the mass and energy of a volume, the
equation of state gives the pressure. Flow, however, is driven by pressure differences. Hence
it naturally follows that the momentum equation should be applied between the points of
known pressure, ie, between vol
umes. In the distributed approach, this is called the staggered
grid method. In the lumped approach, it is called the node
node-link method and is illustrated in
figure 5.. Volumes are represented by nodes, flow paths are represented by links.
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28 The Essential CANDU
Hydraulic friction can be affected by flow direction. Figure 7 illustrates a simple pipe flow
situation wherein there is a step change in area. Flow from left to right experiences a different
junction resistance than flow going from right to left. Direction dependent resistances are
usually modelled explicitly in the system codes. The momentum flux terms, Aρv2, can either
be modelled explicitly or through the resistance coefficient, k. Note that a simple force
balance around the junction would show that there is a net lateral force on the pipe. This
force imbalance would have to be accounted for by a body force if different inlet and outlet pipe
areas were used. This is another reason that links are chosen to coincide with constant pipe
length sections.
The properties of the fluid within the link are a result of the properties of the upstream node.
As the fluid is transported along a flow path (ie along the link), the link properties will change
over time. Naturally there will be a transport delay but given that the nodal properties are
themselves average values that change relatively slowly over time, system simulation codes
typically assume that the link properties are just the same as the upstream nodal properties.
For most purposes this is an acceptable assumption that can be lessened by using more nodes
and links in the model. One has to be careful, however, of flow reversal situations that involve
two-phase flow since this can lead to rapid and large density changes in the link.
The node volume is usually assigned as the fluid surrounding the node centre as shown in figure
7(a). But this is not a critical assignment; the node “centres” can actually be at the edge of the
volume if that proves convenient. From a numerical point of view, it is beneficial to divide the
hydraulic network up into volumes of roughly equal size since the properties in small volumes
can change very rapidly and thus force the use of correspondingly small time steps. This
rationalization of the volume assignments may force the user to take some liberties with the
notion of a node “centre”.
To recap, the momentum equation is used to solve for Wj in all links, driven by upstream and
downstream pressure differences and retarded / accelerated by friction, elevation change,
pumps, etc. that appear in the links. This flow transports mass and energy to and from the
nodes. Local heat sources and sinks, such as surface heat fluxes, are modelled at the nodes.
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 29
to right movement is due to the velocity, v, while the spreading out is due to diffusion. If a
single mixing tank (node) represented a section of pipe of volume, V m3, and volumetric flow, f
m3/s, then a step change to zero in a field property, C, (which could be concentration or density)
entering the node would be an exponential by the time it left the node, that is:
where τ = V/f ; τ is also the transmission time for the plug flow model. If the pipe were
modelled by two nodes in series,
and in general, for n nodes:
nt N k 1
nt 1
k 1 n 1 !
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30 The Essential CANDU
Figure 9 compares the transmission of a step change for various numbers of nodes and the plug
flow model. It is easy to see whwhyy the codes model void propagation poorly. A very large
number of nodes are needed to transmit a disturbance without appreciable distortion. The
phase relationships or timing, of the propagation is very important in determining the stability
of a thermal hydraulic system. A pocket of void reaching a given destination at an earlier or
later time may enhance or cancel the phenomenon in question. The smearing of a wave front
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 31
the propagation of a disturbance as illustrated in figure 10.. Thus, depending on the transit
time spectrum, a 5 node approximation (say) m may
ay be quite a good representation. The risers
and headers may also give more diffusion than plug flow. These pipes are large diameter and
the flow is turbulent. Very little is know of flow regimes and propagation properties in these
In short, careful attention should be given to nodalization for meaningful simulation, quite apart
from the normal numerical concerns such as the Courant limit, etc.
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3.4 Examples
In figures 11 to 13,, some common piping situations are depicted. In figure 11, a simple Tee
junction, note that each link has a unique junction resistance associated with the
th flow path of
that link. Note also that a link has a unique upstream node and a unique downstream node.
Links are always terminated by nodes at either end; in effect, the nodes provide boundary
conditions for the links. There are 2 nodes per link, no mo
re, no less. A node, on the other
hand, can have many links connected to it.
The Y junction of figure 12 has a node link structure that is identical to the Tee junction. The
differences in the two types of junctions are captured in the details of the correlations
co for
friction, flow regimes, etc.
Figure 13 shows a CANDU HTS header and connecting piping. Note that there is no best or
unique node-link
link representation. The requirements of the problem at hand dictates the
number of nodes and links and the la layout
yout of the representation. For instance, it is useful to
place a node centre at the point of a pressure measuring device so that experimental data can
be more readily compared to the simulation results.
Figure 14 shows a typical nod-link
link diagram for a CANDU Heat Transport System simulation.
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34 The Essential CANDU
M 1 1 0 0 1 0 W1
M2 1 1 0 0 1 W m
AMW w (68)
M 3 0 1 1 0 0 3
4 0 0 1 1 1 W
where AMW is a 4x5 matrix (number of rows = number of nodes N=4, and number of columns =
number of links L=5) and w is the flow vector. Generally, upper case bold will be used to
indicate a matrix and lower case bold will be used to indicate a vector. The superscript MW
denotes that the matrix relates to the mass equation and to the flow vector. It also indicates
the size of the matrix (nodes x links)
There can be up to L entries in a row but only 2 non-zero entries in any column - no more, no
less. The AMW matrix uniquely defines the geometry. The matrix is most easily constructed
on a column by column basis, ie on a link by link basis: for each link (column vector) place a -1 in
the location of the upstream node and a +1 in the location of the downstream node. As we
shall see, all other matrices that arise in the solution to the mass, momentum and energy
equations can be derived from the structure of AMW. This is very handy for computer coding
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3.6 Exercises
1. For the 4 node, 5 link example of section 3.5, write out the flow and enthalpy equations as
individual equations and in matrix form. Compare the structure of AWP and AHW to AMW,
where the superscript WP denotes that the matrix relates to the flow equation and the
pressure vector, and the superscript HW denotes that the matrix relates to the enthalpy
equation and the flow vector.
2. For the case of 2 connected, open tanks of water with surfaces at different elevations, set up
the node-link diagram and the mass, momentum and enthalpy equations.
3. What would be different if the tanks in question 2 were closed?
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4 Equation of State
4.1 Introduction
As discussed in the previous sections, the momentum equation gives an update on the flows or
velocities from one node to another, or from one grid point to another, based on a given
pressure, flow, mass and enthalpy distribution. The updated flows are used by the mass and
enthalpy equations to update the mass and enthalpy contents at each location. This
information is given to the equation of state to update the pressure distribution which, along
with the new densities and enthalpies is used by the momentum equation, and so on. In this
manner, a time history of the fluid evolution is obtained. Of course, only the main variables
are noted. The numerous and diverse empirical correlations require updates on the main
variables and many secondary variables. This information also "flows" around the calculation.
The exploration of the appropriate forms of the equation of state to use for systems analysis
begins by reflecting on the thermodynamics and the iterative method of finding pressure.
Next a non-iterative method is offered as an improvement. This leads naturally to the water
property evaluation. Fast, accurate curve fits are presented.
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 37
Consequently, system codes are hampered by the form of water property data commonly
A key point to note is that the conservation equations are all cast as rate equations whereas the
equation of state is typically written as an algebraic equation. This arises from the basic
assumption that, although the properties of mass, momentum and energy must be traced or
solved as a function of time and space, the corresponding local pressure is a pure function of
the local state of the fluid. Process dynamics are not considered. This is the essence of the
equilibrium assumption (in a like manner, of course, we invariably use steady state heat transfer
coefficients, etc. in dynamic processes). Historically, this mixture of form arose because
thermodynamics endeavours were concerned with equilibrium states and not with system
processes. System modellers, on the other hand, emphasized system dynamics and used what
was available for constitutive relations. System modellers are more concerned with numerical
But the decisive role of the equation of state in determining system dynamics was recognized
early. Paynter [PAY60] identifies the power throughput as being the most important
parameter for system dynamics. Power is composed of the product of effort (i.e. force or
pressure) and flow. Porsching [POR71] correctly identifies the important role of flow in his work
and by keying the formulation of node-link networks to flow, stable, efficient and accurate
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38 The Essential CANDU
solution schemes result. However, the role of pressure has not received the equivalent
acknowledgement. Although the system dynamics are captured in Porsching’s Jacobian, the
essence of the system dynamics is not apparent. Nahavandi [NAH70] comes much closer to
recognizing the role of pressure
ure and explicitly casts the equation of state in rate form.
Unfortunately, the system essence is again not apparent because Nahavandi’s form is very case
Most other popular schemes, for instance, Agee [AGE83], use the algebraic form of the
tion of state. This treatment puts the pressure determination on the same level as heat
transfer coefficients. Thus, although numerical solution of the resulting equation sets give
correct answers (to within the accuracy of the assumption), intuition is not generated and
time consuming iterations must be performed to get a pressure consistent with the local state
We look first at such an iterative scheme and then consider a more efficient alternative (the rate
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4.3.1 Two-Phase
Phase Equilibrium Fluid
For two-phase
phase fluid, the density and enthalpy are functions of the pressure and quality. Since
we know the density, ρ, we can estimate the quality (xest) for the guessed P (assuming a
homogeneous mixture) since:
v = ρ = vf(P) + xest vfg(P) (71)
The denominator in equation 5 must be evaluated numerically if analytical expressions are not
available. The pressure is updated via:
P = P + ΔP (74)
and the iteration is repeated until the pressure has converged to some tolerance. The
temperature is just the temperature of saturated fluid at that pressure.
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since dρdt and dhdt (or equivalently, dMdt and dHdt) are available from the mass and
enthalpy conservation equations. First concentrating on the case of constant ρ (or v), to
obtain G2, we differentiate equation (16) to gives:
dP - hfg dv hfg v2 dρ dρ
dt = {DENOMINATOR} dt = {DENOMINATOR} dt = G1 dt . (90)
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Note that G1 and G2 are functions that depend only on the local saturation fluid properties and
their slopes at the local pressure.
Combining equations 89 and 90 to get the total pressure rate response when both h and ρ are
dP dρ dh
= G (P, x) + G (P, x) dt . (91)
dt 1 dt 2
This is the rate form of the equation of state for two-phase equilibrium fluid in terms of the
intensive rate properties, dρdt and dhdt, which are obtained from the continuity equations.
Equation 91 can be cast in the extensive form by noting that, since ρ = MV and h = HM,
dρ 1 dM M dV
= V dt - 2 dt (92)
dt V
dh 1 dH H dM
dt = M dt - M2 dt . (93)
F1 = hg vf - hf vg
F2 = vg - vf
F3 = hf - hg
hg vg
F4 = (vg - vf) - (hg - hf)
P P (96)
hf vf
F5 = (vg - vf) - (h - hf)
P P g
Mg x M
Mf (1 x) M .
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The F functions are smooth, slowly varying functions of pressure provided good curve fits are
used. The latest steam tables [HAA84] were used to fit saturated properties to less than 14%
accuracy using low order polynomials and exponentials [GAR88]. Considerable effort was
spent on obtaining accuracy and continuous derivatives over the full pressure range. The fact
that good fits are available means that the F functions are well behaved which in turn makes the
rate form of the equation of state extremely well behaved, as shown later.
The G functions are also well behaved for the same reasons.
The F and G functions have direct physical interpretations which aid in generating intuition.
The F functions relate changes in the extensive properties, M, H and V, to changes in pressure.
The G functions related changes in the intensive properties, ρ and h, to changes in pressure.
Often, a simple numerical evaluation of these functions during a simulation aids in developing
an appreciation of the changing roles of the key actors in a dynamic simulation.
For instance, because F1 is negative, we immediately see that adding mass to a fixed volume of
liquid with fixed total enthalpy will cause a depressurization (because the specific enthalpy,
h = HM, is decreased). But, since G1 is positive, an increase in density in a fluid of fixed
specific enthalpy causes a pressurization.
but, since the steam tables are given as a function of P and T, the slopes in equation (98) are not
easily obtained. To cast the pressure rate equation in terms of the independent variables, P
and T, consider:
ρ = ρ (P, T) (99)
h = h (P, T) (100)
Note that the non-equilibrium case requires the explicit tracking of the temperature in addition
to pressure. Taking derivatives of Equations (99) and (100):
dρ ρ dP ρ dT
= T dt + (101)
dt P T P dt
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dh h dP h dT
dt = P T dt + T P dt . (102)
But we desire:
dP dρ dh
dt = G1P dt + G2P dt (103)
dT dρ dh
dt = G1T dt + G2T dt . (104)
This is easily obtained by solving equations (101) and (102) for dPdt and dTdt to yield:
h dρ ρ dh
dP T P dt TP dt
dt = ρ dh (105)
ρ h
T dTP -
h dρ ρ dh
dT PT dt TT dt
dt = ρ dh (106)
ρ h
which is the intensive form we desire.
The extensive form is obtained as for the two-phase equilibrium case. Equations (92) and (93)
are substituted into equations (105) and (105) and after rearrangement we find:
dM dH dV
F1P dt + F2P dt + F3P dt
dt = Mv F4P + Ml F5P (107)
dM dH dV
F1T dt + F2T dt + F3T dt
dt = Mv F4T + Ml F5T (108)
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dTk dρk k
+ G (111)
dt = G 1T dt 2T dt
where k represents either l or v for the liquid or vapour phases respectively. In general, the 6
equation model (3 continuity equations for each phase) would be used for the general unequal
temperature, unequal velocity, unequal pressure situation. Thus dρkdt and dhkdt are
available to the rate form of the equation of state.
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Figure 20 illustrates the strategy. It should be obvious by now that not only the properties
need to be fitted but the slopes are needed as well. Both the properties and the slopes of the
properties must be free of discontinuities if numerical searches are to converge.
Having derived the desired rate forms for the equation of state, we proceed to section 5 to
illustrate the utility of the approach.
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4.6 Problems
4. Using the spread sheet macros for Microsoft Excel supplied by G.R. McGee (as per, calculate and plot the density, enthalpy,
quality and void fraction for a range of pressures ( 1 to 100 atmospheres) and
temperatures(50 C to 350 C). Make sure you cover the subcooled, saturated and
superheated ranges.
5. Using the code, WATERA.EXE (see
a. Calculate ρ and h for P=10 MPa and T=300 C. Increase the temperature in steps
to see the approach to two-phase.
b. Using ρ and h slightly different than that found in (a), calculate P and T.
c. Practice calculating ρ given h and P.
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The equation of state has been discussed in section 4 where we saw that the determination of
pressure from known values of other thermodynamic properties is not direct. Interpolation and
iteration is required because the independent (known) parameters are temperature, T, and
pressure, P. Unfortunately, T and P are rarely the independent parameters in system dynamics
since the numerical solution of the conservation equations yield mass and energy as a function
of time. Hence, from the point of view of the equation of state, it is mass and energy which
are the independent parameters. Consequently, system codes are hampered by the form of
water property data.
Having derived the desired rate forms for the equation of state in section 4, we proceed to
illustrate the utility of the approach.
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5.3.3 Comparison
The two node, one link numerical case under consideration is summarized in figure 21. Perhaps
the most startling difference between the normal and rate methods is the difference in
programming effort. The rate form was found to be extremely easy to implement since the
equation form is the same as the continuity equations. The normal method took roughly
twice the time to implement since separate control of the pressure logic is required. This
arises directly from the treatment of pressure in the normal method: it is the odd man out.
The second startling difference was ease of execution of the rate form compared to the normal
form. The normal form required experimentation with both the pressure convergence
tolerance, Perr, and the adjustment factor, ADJ, since the solution was sensitive to both
parameters. The rate method contains only the adjustment factor ADJ. The first few runs of
the rate method showed that since the correction term for drift (h-hest)(hp) is always several
orders of magnitude below the primary update term, Δt{A u + b}, the solution was not at all
sensitive to the value of ADJ. Thus the rate method proved easier to program and easier to
run than the normal method.
We look at the number of iterations required for pressure convergence as a function of Perr and
ADJ for the normal method without regard to accuracy. For a Δt of 0.01sec, Pert = 10-3 (fraction
of the full scale pressure of 10 MPa), the effect of ADJ is seen in figure 24. This result is typical:
an adjustment factor of 1 gives rapid convergence (one or two iterations) except where very
large pressure changes occur. For the case of very rapid changes, the full feedback (ADJ = 1)
causes overshoot. Overall, however, the time spent for pressure calculation is about the same,
independent of ADJ.
Allowing a larger pressure error had the expected result of reducing the number of iterations
needed per routine call. But choosing a smaller time step (say .001) did not have a drastic
effect on the peak interations required. The rate method, of course, always used 1 iteration
per routine call and the adjustment factor ADJ was found to be unimportant since the drift
correction factor amounted to no more than 1% of the total pressure update term.
The integrated error for both methods is shown in figure 25. Both methods converge rapidly
to the benchmark. The value of Perr is not overcritical. A value of Perr consistent with
tolerances set for other simulation variables is recommended. The time spent per each
iteration is roughly comparable for both methods. The main difference is that the rate method
requires the evaluation of the F functions over and above the property calls common to both
methods. This minor penalty is insignificant in all cases studied since the number of iterations
call dominated the calculation time.
In summary, to this point, the rate method is easier to implement, more robust and is equal to
the normal method at worst, more than 20 times faster under certain conditions. We now
look at incorporating a variable time step to see how each method compares.
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Figure 24 Number of iterations per pressure routine call for the normal method with a
time step of 0.01 seconds and a pressure tolerance of 0.001 of full scale (10 MPa).
Figure 25 Integrated flow error for the rate method and the normal method for
various fixed time steps, convergence tolerances and adjustment factors.
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Typical variable time step algorithms require some measure of the rate of change of the main
variables to guide the Δt choice. The matrix equation, equation 113, provides the rates that
we need. Since the rate method incorporated the pressure into the u vector, the rate of
change of pressure is immediately available. For the normal method, the rate of change of
pressure has to be estimated from previous history (which is no good for predicting the onset of
rapid changes) or by trial and error. The trial and error method employed here is to calculate
the Δt as the minimum of the time steps calculated from:
(fractional tolerance)x(scale factor for ui)
Δti = (120)
This restricts Δt so that no parameter changes more than the prescribed fraction for that
parameter. This can be implemented in a non-iterative manner for the rate method.
However, for the normal method, the above minimum Δt based on u is used as the test Δt for
the pressure routine and the rate of change of pressure is estimated as:
P Pt+Δt - Pt
= Δt (121)
The Δt is then scaled down if the pressure change is too large for that iteration. Then the new
Δt is tested to ensure that it indeed satisfies the pressure change limit. This iteration loop has
within it the old inner loop.
It is expected then, that the normal method will not perform as well as the rate method
primarily because of the "loop within a loop" inherent in the normal method as applied to
typical system simulation codes.
A number of cases were studied and the results of the normal method were compared to the
rate method. The figure of merit was chosen as
F.O.M.= (122)
(integrated error)x(total pressure routine time)x(No. of adjustable parameters)
Thus, an accurate, fast and robust method achieves a high figure of merit. Some results are
listed in table 1. Derating a method with more adjustable parameters is deemed appropriate
because of the figure of merit should reflect the effort involved in using that method. On
average, about 6 runs of the normal method, with various Perr and ADJ were needed to scope
out the solution field compared to 1 run for the rate method. Thus a derating of 2 is not an
inappropriate measure of robustness or effort required.
The results indicate that the rate method is a consistently better method than the normal
method in terms of numerical performance. We see no reason why this improvement would
not exist for any thermal hydraulic system in which pressure field determination is required.
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Table 1 Figure of merit comparisons of the normal and rate forms of the
equation of state for various convergence criteria (simple case).
dH1 dH2
dt = -h1W dt = +h1W (124)
dMi dHi
dPi F1 dt + F2 dt
Considering just the flow and pressure rate equations, we have (after substituting in for dMdt
and dHdt):
dW A A
dt = L(P1-P2) - LK|W|W (126)
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dP1 dP2
dt = -χ1W dt = +χ2W (127)
t+Δt t
P -Pi t+Δt t
= ±χiWt+Δt impliesP -P = ±χiWt+ΔtΔt (130)
Δt i i
Collecting terms and solving for the new flow:
A A A t t
Wt+Δt = 1+LK|Wt|Δt + L (χ1+χ2)Δt2-1Wt + L P1-P2 Δt
( ) (131)
This is the implicit time advancement algorithm employing the rate form of the equation of
state. For the normal method, the pressure rate equation in terms of flow (i.e., equation 130)
is not available to allow an implicit formulation of the pressure. Consequently, the implicit
time advancement algorithm for the normal method is:
A t+Δt t+Δt
Wt+Δt = 1+LK|Wt|Δt-1Wt + L P1 -P2 Δt ( )
To appreciate the difference between equations 131 and 132, consider the eigenvalues and
vectors of
= A(u,t)u(t) (133)
If we assume, over the time step under consideration, that A = constant and has distinct
eigenvalues, then the solution to equation 133 can be written as:
u(t) = uleαlt (134)
where ul = eigenvectors
αl = eigenvalues.
It can be shown that for the explicit formalism, the numerical solution is equivalent to:
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ut+Δt = (1+αlΔt)ul (135)
The eigenvalues can often be large and negative. Thus, at some Δt, the factor (1+αlΔt) can go
negative in the explicit solution causing each subsequent evaluation of u to oscillate in sign and
go unstable. For the implicit method, the contributions due to large negative eignevalues
decays away as Δt . Thus the implict formalism tend to be very well behaved at large time
steps. Positive eigenvalues, by a similar argument pose a threat to the implicit form.
However, this is not a practical problem because αlΔt is kept <<1 for accuracy reasons. Thus,
as long as the solution algorithm contains a check on the rate of growth or decay (effectively the
dominant eigenvalues) then the implicit form is well behaved.
With this digression in mind, we see that the implicit rate formalism (equation 131) has more of
the system behaviour represented implicitly than the normal method (equation 132). Thus,
we might expect the rate from to be more stable than the normal form. Indeed, this was
found to be the case as shown in figure 26. For a fixed and large time step (0.1sec.) the
normal method showed the classic numerical instability due to the explicit pressure treatment.
The rate form is well damped and very stable, showing that this method should permit the user
to "calculate through" pressure spikes if they are not of interest.
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where WSTB is the steam bleed flow, WSRL is the surge line inflow, WCI is the interface
condensation rate at the liquid surface separating the steam control volume from the liquid
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control volume, WEI is the interface evaporation rate at the same liquid surface, WCD is the flow
of condensate droplets (liquid phase) from the bulk of the steam control volume toward the
liquid control volume, and WBR is the rising flow of bubbles (gas phase) from the bulk of liquid
volume toward the steam volume.
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The rate of change of energy in the two control volumes can be expressed by the rate of change
in the total enthalpy, HS and HL, in the steam and liquid control volumes respectively:
where hSRL is the specific enthalpy of the fluid in the surge line, hgST and hfST are respectively the
saturated gas phase specific enthalpy and the saturated liquid phase specific enthalpy in the
steam control volume, hgLQ and hfLQ are respectively the saturated gas phase specific enthalpy
and the saturated liquid phase specific enthalpy in the liquid control volume, QWS and QWL are
the rate of heat loss to the wall in the steam control volume and in the liquid control volume
respectively, QTR is the heat transfer rate from the liquid control volume to the steam control
volume due to any temperature gradient, excluding those due to interface evaporation and
condensation; QCOND is the rate of energy released by the condensing steam to both the steam
and liquid control volumes during the interface condensation process and QEVPR is rate of energy
absorbed by the evaporating liquid from both the steam and liquid control volumes during the
interface evaporation process. The constant, β, represents the fraction of these energies
distributed to or contributed by the liquid control volume. The ratio δ represents the portion
of energy released during the interface condensation that is lost to the wall.
The calculation of swelling and shrinking of control volumes is only done for the liquid control
volume and the volume in the steam control volumes will be related to the volume in the liquid
control volume, VL, as:
dt = - dt (141)
The swelling and shrinking of the liquid control volume as well as values of WSTB, WSRL, WCI, WEI,
WCD, WBR, QWS, QWL, QTR, QPWR, β and δ are calculated using analytical or empirical constitutive
equations. The majority of these parameters depend directly or indirectly on pressure. Any
inaccurate prediction of pressure during a numerical simulation will result in severe numerical
instability. Hence the above problem is a good testing ground for comparing the
performances of the two methods.
During the test simulation, the pressurizer is initially at a quasi-steady state. The steam
pressure is at 96.3 kPa. The steam bleed flow, WSTB, heater power QPWR and heat losses QWL
and QWS are at their quasi-steady values, maintaining the saturation condition of the pressurizer.
At time = 11 sec., the steam bleed valve is closed and WSTB drops to zero while QPWR is increased
to a fixed value of 300 Watts. At time = 16 sec., the steam bleed valve is reopened and its set
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PL = fn(ρL,hL) = fn V ,M (143)
Both the normal iterative method and the rate method are tested to solve. The following
observations are made:
1. Using the normal method, the choice of adjusting P to converge on h given ρ or
converging on ρ given h is found to be very important in providing a stable numerical
result. At time step = 10 msec, no complete simulation result can be generated when ρ
was the adjusted variable. An explanation of this can be given by referring to G1(P,x),
or Pρ, This factor is proportional to the square of [x vg(P) + (1-x)vf(P)]. However, the
direction of change in the saturated gas phase specific volume with pressure is opposite
to that of saturated liquid phase specific volume:
2. dvfdP > 0
3. dvgdP < 0
4. Therefore, a fluctuation in the value of pressure during an iteration process will amplify
the fluctuation in the value of predicted density when that method is used;
5. Using enthalpy as the adjusted variable to converge on P, simulation results can be
generated if an error tolerance E of less than 0.2% is used. The error tolerance is
defined as:
6. E = h x100%
7. Figure 28 shows the transient of PL and PS for E = 0.2%. Unstable solutions result for E
higher than 0.2%. The average number of iteration is found to depend on the error
tolerance as shown in figure 30.
8. On the other hand, the performance of the rate method is much more convincing in
both accuracy and efficiency. The transient of PL and PS predicted using the rate
method is shown in Figure 29.
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Figure 30 Average number of iterations per pressure routine call for the
normal method in simulating the pressurizer problem.
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Overall the method is usually faster and more accurate. Time savings peaked at a ratio of 26
for the cases considered.
5.6 Problems
6. Consider 2 connected volumes of water with conditions as shown in figure 21. Model this
with 2 nodes and 1 link.
a. Solve for the pressure and flow histories using the normal iterative method for the
equation of state,
b. Solve for the pressure and flow histories using the non-iterative rate method.
c. Compare the two solutions and comment.
7. Vary the initial conditions of question 1 so as to cause void collapse in volume 2 during the
transient. What problems can you anticipate? Solve this case by both methods.
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Porsching actually uses U, total energy rather than H, total enthalpy in a hybrid form:
(H M ) W - (H M ) W + Q
Ui = jd j j j ju j j j i
There is no advantage to tracking both H and U in a simulation; thus in this course, H is used
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dMi (W + S ΔMi
= (W
dt jd j + S MW ΔW j ) - ju j MW ΔW j ) Δt (149)
where j indicates a sum over all links for which the node i is a downstream (d) or upstream (u)
Switches, S, are used to provide user control over the degree of implicitness:
0 = explicit
1 = implicit.
The system unknowns to be solved for are ΔW, ΔM, ΔH and ΔP using equations 5, 6, 7 and 8.
The general strategy is to reduce the number of unknowns so that the size of the matrices to be
inverted in the simultaneous solution of these equations is reduced. The mass equation 6 is
simple and is used to eliminate ΔM in terms of ΔW. Flow is chosen as the prime variable since it
is the main actor in thermalhydraulic systems. The enthalpy equation poses a problem as it is
too complex to permit a simple substitution. Porsching surmounts this by setting SHH = SHM = 0,
ie making the solution explicit in specific enthalpy. However, we need not make this
assumption; by casting the equations in matrix notation, the full implicitness can be retained
while still allowing the back substitutions to be made.
Proceeding then, using matrix notation:
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This matrix contains the total system geometry. It is constructed by the following procedure:
For each column (link), insert -1 for the upstream node and +1 for the downstream node for
that link since the link supplies (adds) flow to the downstream node and takes it away from the
upstream node. Flow reversal is handled automatically since the sign of W will take care of
mass accounting properly.
The form of other matrices in the following are derivable from AMW. This can be used to
advantage in coding. The input data for each link need only contain pointers to the upstream
node and the downstream node for that link. This allows AMW to be created. In short, the
upstream node and downstream node for each link completely defines the geometry and this
can be used to programming advantage.
The flow equation is:
ΔW = Δt AWP [Pt+SWPΔP] + AWW[Wt+2SWWΔW]+BW } (154)
-k1|W1| 0
-k 2 |W2 | 0
A mWW = 0 0 (155)
0 0
0 -k 5 |W5 |
A1 /L1 A1 /L1 0 0
0 -A 2 /L 2 -A 2 /L 2 0
Am = 0
0 A 3 /L3 -A 3 /L3 (156)
-A 4 /L 4 0 0 A 4 /L 4
0 A 5 /L5
-A 5 /L5 0
note that AWP is formed easily from AMW by the following procedure:
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72 The Essential CANDU
A1L1(h1ρ1g + ΔPpump1)
BW = A2L2(h2ρ1g + ΔPpump2) (157)
* *
where ΔH* and ΔM* refer to the enthalpy and mass associated with upstream properties of the
links (ie the transported properties). Thus
ΔH21 ΔM12
ΔH* = ΔH3 ,
ΔM* = ΔM3 (159)
-H1 /M1 0 0 H 4 /M 4 0
H1 /M1 -H 2 /M 2 0 0 H 4 /M 4
Am = (160)
0 H 2 /M 2 -H3 /M 3 0 0
0 0 H 3 /M 3 -H 4 /M 4 -H 4 /M 4
For each link, the elements of the column are formed from the link flow, Wj and the upstream
properties (H and M). Each link has a sink and source node.
-W1 /M1 0 0 W4 /M 4 0
W1 /M1 -W2 /M 2 0 0 W5 /M 4
Am = (161)
0 W2 /M 2 -W3 /M 3 0 0
0 0 W3 /M 3 -W4 /M 4 -W5 /M 4
-W1H1 /M12 0 0 W4 H 4 /M 42 0
2 2 2
HM W1H1 /M1 -W2 H 2 /M 0 0 W5 H 4 /M
Am = 2 4
0 W2 H 2 /M 2
-W3 H 3 /M 32 0 0
0 0 W3 H 3 /M 32 -W4 H 4 /M 42 -W5 H 4 /M 42
We wish to write the matrix equations eliminating the * parameters, ie convert ΔH* to ΔH, ΔM*
to ΔM. To do this we introduce a transfer matrix, ILN so that
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 73
where ILN is formed by entering 1 for the node that is the upstream or source node for each link.
Now, we can define:
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leave a matrix equation in ΔW only, which can be solved by traditional numeric means. Hence,
ΔP = Δt C1 AMW (Wt + SMW ΔW) + Δt C2 [I - Δt SHH AHH]-1 [AHW (Wt + SHW ΔW)
- Δt SHM AHM AMW (Wt + SMW ΔW) + BH]
Δt APW1 Wt + Δt APW2 ΔW + Δt BP (172)
where : APW1 = C1 AMW + C2 [I - Δt SHH AHH]-1 [AHW - Δt SHM AHM AMW] (173)
A = SMW C1 A + C2 [I - Δt SHH A ] [SHW A -Δt SHM SMW A A ] (174)
BP = C2 [I - Δt SHH AHH]-1 BH (175)
ΔW = Δt {AWP [Pt + Δt SWP (APW1 Wt + APW2 ΔW + BP)] + AWW [Wt + 2SWW AWW ΔW] + BW } (176)
Collecting terms in ΔW:
[I - Δt(2 SWW AWW + Δt SWP AWP APW2)] ΔW
= Δt {[AWW + Δt SWP AWP APW1] Wt + BW + AWP [Pt + Δt SWP BP]} (177)
which is of the form
A ΔW = B
which can be solved by conventional means to yield ΔW. Then we can directly calculate ΔM,
ΔH and ΔP using equations 152, 158 (or 167), and 170. Associated changes in temperature
can be obtained as for pressure, using the appropriate equation of state coefficients.
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 75
BP = C2 BH (187)
ΔW = Δt { AWW Wt + BW + AWP Pt } (188)
ΔM = Δt AMW Wt (189)
HW t H
ΔH = Δt { A W +B } (190)
ΔP = C1 ΔM + C2 ΔH, (191)
as expected.
Porsching's semi-implicit (SHH = 0 and SHM = 0, all other S's = 1)
APW1 = C1 AMW + C2 AHW (192)
APW2 = C1 AMW + C2 AHW (193)
B = C2 B (194)
[I - Δt(2 AWW + Δt AWP APW2)] ΔW
= Δt { [AWW + Δt AWP APW1] Wt + BW + AWP [Pt + Δt BP] } (195)
ΔM = Δt AMW [Wt + ΔW] (196)
ΔH = Δt { AHW (Wt + ΔW) + BH } (197)
ΔP = C1 ΔM + C2 ΔH (198)
Fully Implicit: All S’s = 1
APW1 = C1 AMW + C2 [I - Δt AHH]-1 [AHW - Δt AHM AMW] (199)
APW2 = C1 AMW + C2 [I - Δt AHH]-1 [AHW - Δt AHM AMW] (200)
BP = C2 [I - Δt AHH]-1 BH (201)
[I - Δt(2 AWW + Δt AWP APW2)] ΔW
= Δt { [AWW + Δt AWP APW1] Wt + BW + AWP [Pt + Δt BP] } (202)
MW t
ΔM = Δt A [W + ΔW] (203)
ΔH = Δt { AHW (Wt + ΔW) + AHH ΔH - AHMΔM + BH } (204)
ΔP = C1 ΔM + C2 ΔH (205)
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76 The Essential CANDU
In one case study [HOS89], for 9 nodes and links, the cost is a 50% increase in iteration time. But
this becomes a 250% increase as one approaches the 36 node/link case. By handling the matrix
operations as efficiently as possible, some increase in speed should be attainable for both
models. Using efficient assembly routines (rather than FORTRAN) for the matrix operations
yielded a 10 to 20% reduction (increasing from 9 nodes to 36 nodes) in the time per iteration for
the semi-implicit method and a 15 to 25% reduction in the fully-implicit case.
Usually the matrices contain mostly zeros and, in the case of a circular loop, may be diagonally
dominant in nature (i.e. non-zero elements occupy one, two or three stripes through the
matrix). By writing routines specific to the nodal layout for handling the matrix operations,
significant gains in speed may be possible. However, the simulator will no longer be general in
nature and the routines may have to be changed if the nodal layout is altered.
If the multiplication of two large matrices is desired, say NxN in dimension, the time to carry out
the operation (N3 multiplications and N3 additions) can be very significant. However, it is
possible to reduce the number of individual operations without losing the generality of the
method. Take, for example, the multiplication of AWP and APW. The rows in the former term
pertain to links and the columns to nodes. Each row will only contain two terms located in the
columns corresponding to the upstream and downstream nodes of that particular link. Thus,
knowing which are the upstream and downstream nodes for every link, it is only necessary to
do two multiplications and one addition to obtain each element of the product matrix (2N2
multiplications and N2 additions). By taking advantage of having only two elements in each row
of the former term or only two elements in each column of the latter term wherever possible,
significant savings in time may be observed. With this improvement in the code, a cut in time
by a factor of two for 18 nodes and by a factor of three for 36 nodes, regardless of the method
(semi- or fully-implicit) was obtained. The cost of the fully-implicit method is reduced slightly to
a 32% increase in iteration time over the semi-implicit method when 9 nodes and 9 links are
used. This becomes a 214% increase as one approaches the 36 node case.
Since the focus of this section is to provide a less obtuse and more general derivation of
thermalhydraulic system equations than Porsching's method, a full comparison of the
performance of the fully- and semi-implicit methods will not be made. Suffice it to say that, in
general, the semi-implicit method has a Courant limit on the maximum time step that can be
taken in order to ensure stability. The fully-implicit method does not have this limitation. As the
Courant time step limit is determined by the nodal residence time, the time step limit is
dependant on the node sizes and the flows through the nodes. Practical simulations have a
further time step constraints such as: the tracking of movement of valves, the maintenance of
accuracy, synchronizing of report times, etc. Thus, the choice between the semi- or fully-implicit
method depends on the time per iteration multiplied by the number of iterations required to
reach the largest time step permitted by the simulation problem. For example, for a 9 node
case, the semi-implicit method required 0.10 seconds per iteration and required 2 iterations to
meet the report time of 1.0 seconds. The fully-implicit method meet the report time in one
iteration which took 0.14 seconds. At 36 nodes however, the semi-implicit method took 2 x 0.71
seconds while the fully-implicit method took 2.12 seconds. Clearly, one method is not superior
to the other in all cases.
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 77
Pressure determination involves the use of property derivatives. To avoid the numerical
problems associated with discontinuities, smooth functions for properties must be used, such
as those derived by [GAR88, GAR89 and GAR92]. These functions and routines permit the
quick and fast evaluation of ΔP and ΔT given ΔM and ΔH for all water phases. Automatic
adjustment is provided to prevent P and T drift from values consistent with current M and H
values. These routines are non-iterative, essential for real-time simulation.
6.6 Conclusion
The FIBS approach for thermalhydraulic system simulation has been compared to the classic
work of Porsching. Porsching's algorithm is derived as a subset of the fully implicit approach.
Focusing on the system Jacobian, as Porsching did, focuses on the perturbation of the system as
a whole. Although general, it tends to obscure the interaction of the main players in typical
thermalhydraulic systems: flow and pressure. The FIBS form is shown to be more general
than Porsching's method, yet less obtuse. The interplay of flow and pressure is clarified and
coding is simplified.
6.7 Problems
1. Rewrite the conservation equations for the 4 node, 5 link case with various explicit /
implicit switches set for the following cases:
a. fully explicit
b. diagonally implicit
c. semi-implicit solution scheme (implicit in flow and pressure, explicit in mass and
d. fully-implicit solution scheme (implicit in flow and pressure, mass and enthalpy).
2. Build a simulation code that solves the thermalhydraulic equations for a general
node-link network for the explicit case using the supplied skeleton code as a starting
point. Use the node-link diagrams and equations as developed in section 3, the
water property routines as developed in section 4, the rate form of the equation of
state as developed in section 5 and the explicit solution as developed in this section.
5. Implement a fully-implicit solution scheme (implicit in flow and pressure, mass and
enthalpy). Is the solution more stable? Is there a cost penalty?
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78 The Essential CANDU
8 References
AGE82 L.J. Agee, “RETRAN Thermalhydraulic Analyses: Theory and Applications”, Progress in
Nuclear Energy, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 19-67, 1982.
AGE83 L.J. Agee, M.P Paulsen and E.D Hughes, “Equations of State for Nonequilibrium
Two-Phase Flow Models”, Transient Two-Phase Flow Proceedings of the Third CSNI
Specialist Meeting, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1983.
BAN80 S. Banerjee, “Two-Phase Hydrodynamics: Models and Mechanisms”, Keynote Paper,
ANSASME Topical Meeting, Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Saratoga, New York,
October 1980.
BER81 A.E. Bergles et al., Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in the Power and Process
Industries, Hemisphere Publishing, 1981.
BIR60 R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart and E.N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., New York, 1960.
BLO71 Benjamin S. Bloom, J. Thomas Hastings, George F. Madaus, “Handbook on Formative
and Summative Evaluation of Student Learning”, McGraw-Hill, Library of Congress
75-129488, 1971.
BNW76 COBRA-IV: An Interim Version of COBRA for Thermalhydraulic Analysis of Rod
Bundle Nuclear Fuel Elements and Cores, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories,
BNWL-1962, March 1976.
CAR81a M.B. Carver, L.N. Carlucci and W.W.R. Inch, Thermalhydraulics in Recirculating Steam
Generators, THIRST Code User's Manual, AECL-7254, April 1981.
CAR81b M.B. Carver, “Numerical Simulation Involving Large Systems of Equations”, Keynote
Lecture, United Kingdom Simulation Council, 1981 Conference on Computer Simulation,
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 79
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80 The Essential CANDU
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 81
LAH77 R.T. Lahey, Jr., and F.J. Moody, The Thermal Hydraulics of a Boiling Water Nuclear
Reactor, ANSAEC Monograph Series on Nuclear Science and Technology, ANS, 1977.
LIN79 M.R. Lin et al., FIREBIRD-III Program Description, AECL-7533, September 1979.
MER80 E.E. Merlo, et al, HYDNA-3 Program Description, AECL TDAI-205, April 1980.
MEY67 Meyer, C.A. et al., Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Steam, ASME, New
York, 1967.
MIL71 D.S. Millar, Internal Flow, A Guide to Losses in Pipe and Duct Systems, British
Hydromechanics Research Association, 1971.
MUR68 J.H. Murphy and J.A. Redfield, WASP - A Program to Generate Water and Steam
Thermodynamic Properties, WAPD-TM-839, 1968.
NAH70 A.N. Nahavandi, and S. Makkenchery, “An Improved Pressurizer Model with Bubble
Rise and Condensate Drop Dynamics”, Nuclear Engineering and Design 12, p135-147,
PAY60 H.M. Paynter, Analysis and Design of Engineering Systems, MIT Press, 1960.
POR69 T.A. Porsching, J.H. Murphy, J.A. Redfield, and V.C. Davis, FLASH-4: A Fully Implicit
FORTRAN IV Program for the Digital Simulation of Transients in a Reactor Plant,
WAPD-TM-840, Mar. 1969.
POR71 T.A. Porsching, J.H. Murphy, J.A. Redfield, "Stable Numerical Integration of Conservation
Equations for Hydraulic Networks", Nuc. Sci. and Eng. 43, p 218-225, 1971.
REL76 RELAP4/MOD5 - A Computer Program for Transient Thermalhydraulic Analysis of
Nuclear Reactors and Related Systems, User's Manual, Vol. I: RELAP4/MOD5 Description,
Vol II: Program Implementation, Vol. III: Checkout Applications, ANCR-NUREG-1335,
Sept. 1976.
ROA76 Patrick J. Roache, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hermosa Publishers, P.O. Box 8172,
Albuquerque, NM, 87108, 1976.
SEA75 F.W Sears and G.L. Salinger, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, and Statistical
Thermodynamics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1975.
SKE75 J. Skears and T. Toong, SOPHT Programmers Manual, Revision 0.0, Ontario Hydro,
Engineering Systems Department, May 1975.
SKE80 J. Skears and T. Toong, SOPHT User's Manual, Version 2.0, Ontario Hydro, Engineering
Systems Department, January 1980.
SOL85 R. Sollychin,, S.A. Adebiyi, and W.J. Garland, “The Development of a Non-Iterative
Equation of State for Two-phase Flow Systems”, 11th Annual Symposium on Simulation
of Reactor Dynamics and Plant Control, Kingston, Ontario, 1985.
STE48 A.J. Stepanoff, Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1948.
TON65 L.S. Tong, Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1965.
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82 The Essential CANDU
YAN78 A. Yang, 600MW-SOPHT Control Simulation Manual, AECL file XX-63330-225-010 and
CENI-92, August 1978.
9 Nomenclature
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Thermalhydraulic Analysis 83
10 Acknowledgements
This chapter is based on a graduate level course given by the author at McMaster University and
on research funded by McMaster University and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada. The author is indebted to Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. and to Ontario
Power Generation since this work is inextricably linked to past involvements with these
companies. Special thanks go to students, John Hoskins and Brian Hand, for water property
development, and to Raymond Sollychin for his central role in the development of the rate
method for the equation of state. A general thanks to all students over the years; their
freshness is a constant delight. Their sharp eyes caught many a mistake; of course the
responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the author.
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84 The Essential CANDU
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Nuclear Plant Systems
prepared by
Dr. Robin Chaplin
This chapter deals with the main components of a CANDU nuclear power plant. It follows the
general path of energy production from the nuclear reactor to the electrical generator with
descriptions of the systems and equipment essential for the purpose of generating thermal
energy, transferring heat and converting heat into mechanical and then electrical energy. Some
key auxiliary systems are included where these are an essential part of the energy processes as
are the basic control systems which maintain stable operational conditions and ensure safety of
the plant. This chapter leads into Chapter 9 which describes how a typical CANDU plant oper-
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 General Configuration..................................................................................................... 5
2 Nuclear Reactor....................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 General Arrangement ..................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Calandria Arrangement................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Moderator Temperature Control .................................................................................... 7
2.4 Moderator Reactivity Control ......................................................................................... 8
2.5 Core Shielding ................................................................................................................. 9
2.6 Reactor Control Systems and Devices............................................................................. 9
2.7 Fuel Configuration......................................................................................................... 17
2.8 Fuel Channel Conditions ............................................................................................... 18
2.9 Fuel Handling ................................................................................................................ 19
3 Heat Transport System.......................................................................................................... 21
3.1 General Arrangement ................................................................................................... 21
3.2 Heat Transport Pumps .................................................................................................. 24
3.3 Pressurizer..................................................................................................................... 24
3.4 Inventory Control System.............................................................................................. 25
3.5 Shutdown Cooling System ............................................................................................ 25
3.6 Partial Boiling in CANDU Reactors ................................................................................ 26
3.7 Pressure and Level Effects............................................................................................. 27
3.8 Temperature and Nuclear Considerations .................................................................... 27
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2 The Essential CANDU
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Nuclear Plant Systems 3
List of Figures
Figure 1 Reactor vault and assembly .............................................................................................. 6
Figure 2 Feeder tube assembly on reactor face.............................................................................. 7
Figure 3 Moderator cooling and purification system...................................................................... 8
Figure 4 CANDU 6 reactor assembly ............................................................................................. 11
Figure 5 Reactor cross section ...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6 Reactor longitudinal section ........................................................................................... 13
Figure 7 Reactor plan view............................................................................................................ 14
Figure 8 Shutdown System 2 (SDS2) ............................................................................................. 17
Figure 9 37-element fuel bundle .................................................................................................. 18
Figure 10 Reactor face with fuelling machine............................................................................... 20
Figure 11 Typical fuelling machine and bridge ............................................................................. 20
Figure 12 Orientation of fuelling machine with respect to reactor.............................................. 21
Figure 13 Simplified heat transport and moderator circuits ........................................................ 22
Figure 14 Diagrammatic arrangement of figure-of-eight heat transport system......................... 23
Figure 15 Heat transport purification and feed system................................................................ 25
Figure 16 Shutdown cooling system ............................................................................................. 26
Figure 17 Steam generator for CANDU system............................................................................. 29
Figure 18 Temperature profiles in steam generator ..................................................................... 30
Figure 19 Steam generator for PWR system ................................................................................. 32
Figure 20 Steam generator for CANDU system............................................................................. 32
Figure 21 Steam and feedwater system for a CANDU reactor...................................................... 34
Figure 22 Main steam system (Point Lepreau) (courtesy of NB Power) ....................................... 35
Figure 23 High pressure turbine cross section for nuclear unit (courtesy of Eskom)................... 38
Figure 24 Low pressure turbine cross section for nuclear unit (courtesy of Eskom).................... 38
Figure 25 Electrical generator for a large turbine (courtesy of Siemens) ..................................... 40
Figure 26 Construction of a 900 MW steam turbine for a nuclear unit (courtesy of Eskom)....... 41
Figure 27 Spring mounted labyrinth seal to accommodate shaft deflection ............................... 42
Figure 28 Principle of operation of LP turbine shaft seal (courtesy of NB Power) ....................... 43
Figure 29 Turbine steam sealing system ....................................................................................... 44
Figure 30 Fixing points for turbine rotors and casings (courtesy of NB Power) ........................... 45
Figure 31 Turbine generator shaft catenary ................................................................................. 45
Figure 32 Turbine lubricating oil system ....................................................................................... 46
Figure 33 Deaerator and deaerator storage tank (courtesy of NB Power) ................................... 48
Figure 34 Feedwater heater with integral drain cooler (courtesy of NB Power).......................... 49
Figure 35 Condenser longitudinal section (courtesy of NB Power) .............................................. 50
Figure 36 Condenser cross section (courtesy of NB Power) ......................................................... 50
Figure 37 Insertion of rotor into stator of generator (courtesy of NB Power).............................. 53
Figure 38 Arrangement of three single phase generator transformers........................................ 55
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4 The Essential CANDU
List of Tables
Table 1 CANDU fuel characteristics............................................................................................... 18
Table 2 Fuel channel parameters (CANDU 6)................................................................................ 19
Table 3 Steam generator conditions (CANDU 6)........................................................................... 30
Table 4 Turbine generator conditions (CANDU 6)......................................................................... 33
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Nuclear Plant Systems 5
1 Introduction
1.1 General Configuration
Specific units in a typical CANDU nuclear plant include a nuclear reactor in which heat is generated
by nuclear fission, a heat transport system to convey this heat from the reactor to the steam cycle,
a steam generator in which steam is generated, a steam system to convey steam from the steam
generator to the steam turbine, a steam turbine where available heat energy is converted into
mechanical energy, a condenser where unavailable heat energy is rejected to the cooling water
system, a steam reheating and feedwater heating system to improve cycle efficiency, an electrical
generator to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, and an electrical system to generate
electrical energy for distribution to consumers. To balance the flow of energy through these
components and to regulate plant output, a control system is required. Each of these major
systems will be described in this chapter.
All thermal reactors have four important components: fuel, moderator, coolant, and control
elements. The moderator is that part of the nuclear reactor where neutrons are reduced in energy
to increase the probability of fission when they re-enter the fuel. Spacing of the fuel assemblies
within the moderator is therefore of key importance. Heat must be removed by the coolant from
the fuel assemblies at a high rate without making the fuel sustain excessive temperatures. This is
achieved by having multiple small diameter fuel rods (elements) in one fuel assembly. These two
requirements dictate the general reactor configuration. A unique aspect of the CANDU reactor is
the horizontal arrangement of fuel channels within the reactor calandria. These channels contain
the fuel bundles and are surrounded by the heavy water moderator, whereas heavy water coolant
flows through the channels.
Heat is generated in the nuclear reactor, and electricity is produced by the electrical generator. The
production and discharge of this energy must be perfectly balanced. The steam generator is the
key component for maintaining this balance, that is, the rate of steam generation must match the
rate of steam flow to the steam turbine, or vice versa. Any change in these two energy flows will
immediately be reflected as a change in steam pressure in the steam generator. Therefore, steam
pressure is a key control parameter for the entire plant under all operating conditions.
2 Nuclear Reactor
2.1 General Arrangement
For all CANDU reactors, the horizontal fuel channels are arranged in a square array across the
reactor face, as shown in Figure 1. The calandria, which contains the moderator at essentially
atmospheric pressure, contains axial tubes in a similar square array to accommodate the
pressurized fuel channels or pressure tubes, which in turn contain the fuel bundles and the
primary system coolant. Figure 2 shows a close-up view of the feeder pipes conveying coolant
to and from the pressure tubes at one end of the reactor.
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6 The Essential CANDU
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Nuclear Plant Systems 7
tively cool moderator can provide some measure of cooling to the fuel in the event of a loss of
coolant accident and the coincident failure of the emergency coolant injection system. Because
the reactor’s configuration makes it over-moderated, any void formation within the moderator
would cause an increase in reactivity, leading to unstable reactivity conditions. Hence, it is
desirable to maintain an adequate margin below boiling conditions.
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Nuclear Plant Systems 9
Both gadolinium and boron have strong neutron absorbing isotopes, namely Gd-155, Gd-157,
and B-10. They gradually lose their ability to absorb neutrons as neutrons are absorbed to form
a heavier isotope. The burnout rate for boron is slower than that of gadolinium, making it more
suitable for longer term operations such as compensation for reactivity loss due to fuel burnup.
When a reactor is charged with new fuel, the excess reactivity from the fuel can be balanced by
a certain concentration of boron. As the fuel burns up and neutron absorbing fission products
are produced, the effectiveness of the boron decreases, making it possible to maintain reasona-
bly constant reactivity with naturally small adjustments. The burnout rate for gadolinium is
faster than that of boron, and therefore it is more suitable for short term reactivity adjustments
such as those necessary during xenon transients. The xenon concentration in the fuel is lower
during periods of low load and builds up following a large power increase. Gadolinium can
compensate for this and burns out at a rate roughly corresponding to xenon buildup. Gadolin-
ium can also be used to compensate for a lack of xenon in the reactor during an outage to
ensure that the reactor will remain subcritical.
The shutdown system, which will be described later, injects liquid poison directly into the
moderator in the event of certain reactor trips. Gadolinium is used at sufficient concentration
to ensure an immediate reduction in reactivity to well below critical conditions. Upon reactor
restart, it must be removed by the moderator purification system. Gadolinium is easily removed
by ion exchange resins, whereas boron, being a weaker ion, is not easily removed. This makes
gadolinium better suited for use in the shutdown system, but it still takes several hours to
remove it and almost as long as the ensuing outage due to xenon poisoning.
A moderator purification system, also shown in Figure 3, is connected to the moderator cooling
system to maintain heavy water purity and to remove or adjust the concentration of soluble
poisons such as gadolinium or boron which may have been introduced for shutdown purposes
or to assist in reactivity control. The non-active soluble poison (after neutron absorption) must
be removed to maintain the general purity of the moderator. The purification system has
strainers to remove particulate material such as resin fines from the system, followed by mixed
bed ion exchange columns to remove dissolved material in the form of positive and negative
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10 The Essential CANDU
water, and therefore the concentration of light water in the heavy water moderator must be
limited to avoid excessive neutron absorption. The normal isotopic concentration of D2O in the
moderator is 99.5%. Light water, however, can be conveniently used as a control device within
the reactor, where its volume in vertical tubes can be varied.
Reactor power is controlled and maintained at the required level by several devices which
absorb neutrons and thereby control the nuclear fission process. These systems and devices
Liquid poison in moderator
Liquid zone control absorbers
Mechanical rod control absorbers
Mechanical rod adjusters.
In addition, a complete reactor shutdown can be achieved by operating one or both of the
following devices in addition to those listed above:
Mechanical rod shut-off absorbers (Shutdown System 1)
Liquid poison injection system (Shutdown System 2).
Appropriate signals to operate the control systems are obtained from neutron flux detectors
within the core and ion chambers alongside the core as well as from other sensors in the steam
system and turbine generator. The main control devices are shown as part of the reactor
assembly in Figure 4.
The control devices described below are generally applicable to CANDU 6 reactors. The same
design philosophy applies to other CANDU reactors, but the number of devices may be different
if the reactor core is of different size.
In a CANDU 6 reactor core, there are 26 in-core vertical flux detectors and 7 in-core horizontal
flux detectors. Twelve vertically installed detectors provide flux information to Shutdown
System 1, while three horizontal flux detectors supply flux data to Shutdown System 2. The
remaining vertical flux detectors send information to the liquid zone control absorbers and the
solid control rod absorbers. All these in-core flux detectors can provide data for three
dimensional flux mapping of the reactor core.
Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7 show three orthogonal views of a CANDU 6 reactor. These show
the relative positions and arrangement of various components and devices.
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20 The Essential CANDU
attachment to the reactor, the fuelling machines open the fuel channel and remove the shield
plug. One fuelling machine carries the new fuel in its magazine, while the other machine at the
opposite end of the fuel channel receives and stores spent fuel in its own magazine. Each
magazine can revolve and has several slots, each of which can store two fuel bundles. Two new
fuel bundles from the fuelling machine are inserted at the coolant inlet end, while two used
bundles are removed at the coolant outlet end. Normally, depending on the particular CANDU
design, eight bundles are changed during one channel refuelling. In this way, the two bundles at
each end where the neutron flux is low spend twice as long in the reactor than those in the high
flux zone in the middle. Flow through the channel is maintained, and the pressure difference so
derived is used to move the bundles into the channel and to provide a driving force to facilitate
their removal. Spent fuel is later transferred to the irradiated fuel bay, where it is stored under
water. The average time taken to refuel one fuel channel is about two and one half hours,
meaning that the refuelling process is almost continuous during normal working hours.
reactors is heavy water to minimize neutron absorption. In the pressure tubes, the coolant flows
are in opposite directions in adjacent tubes. Thus the coolant passes from the steam generators at
one end of the reactor through half the tubes to the steam generators at the other end of the
reactor and back again through the adjacent tubes.
There are two steam generators and two heat transport pumps at each end of the reactor, and
therefore the entire system is divided into two independent loops, with each serving half the
reactor. They are linked by a balance pipe with restricting orifices so that the same pressure is
maintained in each loop and only one pressurizer is required. This arrangement is illustrated
diagrammatically in Figure 14. The advantage of this arrangement is that, in the event of a serious
loss of coolant accident, only half the reactor will be affected initially, with minimum subsequent
loss of coolant from the other half.
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24 The Essential CANDU
3.3 Pressurizer
The pressurizer maintains pressure in the heat transport system by maintaining a cushion of
vapour above the heavy water in the lower half. Pressure can be reduced by venting vapour at
the top or by spraying water into the vapour space and can be increased by heating the water
with electric heaters at the bottom. During normal operation, the heaters generally operate
periodically because the pressurizer loses heat naturally to its surroundings. Some plants rely
on venting vapour only to reduce pressure and do not have water sprays. Level in the pressur-
izer is ramped up as the temperature of the heat transport system increases to accommodate
partially the thermal expansion of the reactor coolant during power raising. Under cold shut-
down conditions, the pressurizer is normally isolated from the heat transport system to main-
tain an elevated temperature in it.
During warm-up, the pressurizer is isolated from the heat transport system, meaning that the
system is in the so-called solid mode of operation as opposed to the normal mode of operation
where the pressurizer is connected to the system. In this solid mode, pressure control is by feed
and bleed action where the flow rate of heavy water in and out of the system is adjusted to
maintain the correct pressure. In the normal mode, the feed and bleed action of the inventory
control system adjusts the coolant inventory by maintaining the pressurizer level at its set-point.
To avoid over-pressure conditions in the heat transport system, pressure relief valves on the
reactor outlet headers discharge excess coolant to the degasser condenser of the inventory
control system. If this action is insufficient to alleviate the over-pressure condition, the control
system will step back the reactor to a lower power level, and if this still does not reduce pres-
sure sufficiently, it will trip the reactor.
Note that the steam generators serve as a heat sink for the heat transport system, and therefore
reducing pressure and hence temperature in the steam generators will have the effect of
reducing temperature in the heat transport system, with a resulting reduction in pressure as
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Nuclear Plant Systems 25
steam reject system. If the reactor must be cooled down, the steam reject system can function
well until the steam generator pressure drops so low that the volume flow rate through the
steam reject or condenser steam discharge valves is insufficient for effective cooling. This
occurs at about 150°C to 165°C. Operation of the shutdown cooling system is initiated before
this stage is reached and removes heat directly from the heat transport system. A typical
system is shown in Figure 16. It can handle about 10% to 15% of the main system flow and is
capable of removing 1% to 3% of reactor full power heat.
This occurs because the fuel channel spacing is greater than optimum, resulting in over-
moderation of neutrons. Voidage reduces the moderating effect and reduces neutron
absorption, creating conditions closer to the optimum.
There is also an upper limit on fuel channel heavy water isotopic concentration. It should
always be less than the calandria heavy water isotopic concentration by a small margin. This is
necessary because, in the event of an in-core loss of coolant accident, the possible penetration
of channel coolant into the calandria may displace moderator containing neutron poison. The
concentration of light water must therefore be sufficient to absorb at least as many neutrons as
the poison and light water in the moderator would have absorbed before the accident.
4 Steam Generators
4.1 Steam Generator Function
The steam generator serves the primary function of supplying energy to the turbine for power
production. It also serves the secondary function, but one most important from the safety
point of view, of removing energy from the reactor. Immediately after a reactor trip, the decay
heat of the fission products amounts to some 7% of full power heat production. The most
practical method of removing this heat is through the steam generator. Hence, it is necessary to
maintain a certain minimum water inventory in the steam generator and to ensure that
adequate reserve supplies of feed water are available.
The steam generator also serves as the main controlling link between the nuclear reactor and
the turbine generator. The power flows of the primary coolant system and the secondary steam
system must be balanced under all conditions. Any imbalance will cause an accumulation or a
depletion of the total heat content of the steam generator inventory, which in turn will result in
a rise or fall of steam pressure. Steam pressure is therefore a key parameter in plant control.
The steam generator separates the primary coolant circuit from the secondary steam circuit and
hence prevents radioactive products in the reactor coolant from entering the steam turbine and
the feedwater heating system. This barrier is an additional safety feature and also minimizes
the area over which radiation monitoring is required.
As an example of the importance of the steam generator in performing an essential safety
function, consider a nuclear plant with an electrical output of 600 MW. The reactor produces
approximately 1800 MW of heat, and the decay heat amounts to about 120 MW immediately
after a reactor trip from full power. This is a substantial amount, the removal of which must be
guaranteed under all conditions, including for a certain period after shutdown, because it takes
almost 10 hours for this heat to fall to a tenth of the initial value, that is, about 12 MW for the
example given. Separate smaller capacity heat removal systems can handle these lesser heat
flows on their own after the reactor has been shut down for some time, although they are often
put into service while the steam generators are still handling the major portion of the heat flow.
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steam generator is the high heat transfer rate across the tubes compared with other types of
heat exchangers. This high heat transfer rate leads to a large temperature difference across the
tubes themselves, as well as in the boundary layer on each side of the tubes. Typically, the
temperature differences in the two boundary layers and across the tube itself are all
approximately the same. This means that the temperature drop across the tubes is about one
third of the total temperature difference and cannot be disregarded as in some other heat
exchangers such as the main condenser.
Ideally, heat exchangers should be counter-flow to minimize the temperature difference
between the hot and cold fluids. This is not possible with a phase change on one side of the
heat exchanger. Steam is therefore generated on the secondary side at a somewhat lower
temperature than the primary coolant inlet temperature. To maintain good thermodynamic
efficiency, a partial counter-flow arrangement is achieved by the subcooled feed water, which
enters the steam generator being passed through a preheater section before mixing with the
saturated recirculating water. The preheater receives heat from the primary coolant just before
its exit to minimize large temperature differences across which heat is transferred. The
temperature profile along the length of the tubes is shown in Figure 18. Table 3 gives typical
operating parameters of a CANDU 6 steam generator.
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A change in steam pressure in the steam generator affects steam generator water level. A
reduction in pressure causes the expansion of existing vapour bubbles in the water and addi-
tional evolution of vapour due to the lower saturation conditions. The result is a rise in water
level or swelling of the inventory. An increase in pressure has the opposite effect, shrinking of
the inventory. These are transient conditions, and the original conditions are restored when
steam pressure returns to normal.
A change in load also affects the level. A simultaneous increase in reactor output and turbine
generator load will not affect steam pressure, but will result in increased evolution of vapour
within the water space. This will in turn cause a rise in water level or swelling of the inventory.
The opposite will cause shrinking of the inventory. These are steady state effects, and hence
there is a relationship between load and level. The level control system takes this into account
by ramping up the level set-point as load increases.
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5 Steam System
5.1 General Arrangement
From the steam generators, steam is piped to the high pressure turbine at a temperature of
about 260°C, as shown in Figure 21, where it expands partially in the high pressure turbine,
yielding some useful work. The steam is then put through a separator and reheater, where
moisture in the steam is removed in a cyclonic separator and the steam brought up to higher
temperature in a heat exchanger using steam directly from the steam generator. The super-
heated steam is then passed in parallel through two or three low pressure turbines where the
remaining energy is removed from the expanding steam. The steam is then passed to a con-
denser where it is condensed. This condensate is pumped through low pressure feedwater
heaters where it is preheated. It is then passed through a deaerator and pumped through high
pressure feedwater heaters for further preheating. It re-enters the steam generator at a tem-
perature of about 180°C. Table 4 gives typical technical and operating parameters for a CANDU
6 steam turbine.
Table 4 Turbine generator conditions (CANDU 6)
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reactor to the extent that it would force a reactor shutdown. To avoid this situation, the reactor
load must be maintained at about 60%. By dumping the equivalent quantity of steam into the
condenser, reactor load can be maintained at a sufficiently high level to avoid xenon poisoning
and a long term forced shutdown. Because the steam cycle has a thermal efficiency of about
30%, almost all the remaining 70% of heat input can be rejected to the environment through
the condenser. The maximum heat rejection capabilities of the condenser therefore roughly
match the minimum load required by the reactor to avoid excessive xenon buildup and reactor
6 Steam Turbine
6.1 General Arrangement
Steam turbines consist essentially of a casing to which stationary blades are fixed on the inside
and a rotor carrying moving blades on its periphery. The rotor is fitted inside the casing, with
the rows of moving blades penetrating between the rows of fixed blades. Therefore, steam
flowing through the turbine passes alternately through fixed and moving blades, with the fixed
blades directing the steam at the correct angle for entry into the moving blades. Both casings
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and rotors must be constructed to minimize damaging thermal stresses, and the moving blades
must be fitted securely to the rotor to withstand high centrifugal forces.
Where the rotor shaft passes through the ends of the casing, a seal is required to prevent steam
leakage and air ingress. In addition, within the casing, seals are required to prevent steam from
leaking around the blades rather than passing through them. Turbine seals are of the labyrinth
type where there is no mechanical contact between fixed and rotating parts. Leakage is there-
fore not really eliminated, but merely controlled to minimal amounts.
The rotor shafts are carried on bearings and are linked together and to the electrical generator.
Bearings must be properly aligned to accommodate the natural gravitational bending of the
shaft. Allowance must also be made for differential expansion between the rotors and the
casings during thermal transients. Both must be free to expand without upsetting the align-
ment, while allowing the rotors to expand more quickly and to a greater degree than the casing.
Lubrication is required for the bearings. Multiple pumps driven by alternative power sources
ensure adequate lubrication under all operating circumstances.
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38 The Essential CANDU
Figure 23 High pressure turbine cross section for nuclear unit (courtesy of Eskom)
Low pressure turbines are very much larger because they must accommodate the increase in
specific volume as the steam expands. Low pressure turbines are therefore of different con-
struction. An inner casing supports the fixed blading and has annular channels through which
steam is extracted for feedwater heating. Surrounding each entire low pressure turbine is an
exhaust hood into which the exhaust steam flows before passing into the condenser below the
turbine. Figure 24 shows the low pressure cylinder of a 900 MW turbine for a PWR which has
low pressure steam conditions fairly close to those of a CANDU reactor.
Figure 24 Low pressure turbine cross section for nuclear unit (courtesy of Eskom)
Diaphragms carrying the fixed blades are fixed inside the turbine cylinders. Like the cylinder
casings, they are split horizontally to enable assembly around the turbine rotor. Because there
is a pressure drop across the fixed blades in both impulse and reaction turbines, sealing must be
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provided between the diaphragms and the rotor to minimize steam leakage.
In turbines with reaction blading, significant axial thrust is developed by the steam flow. Double
flow turbines are normally used so that this axial thrust is balanced by opposing forces. Tur-
bines with impulse blading do not develop this large thrust, but the low pressure blading near
the turbine exhaust must have a reaction component due to the length of the blades. There-
fore, all large low pressure turbines are double flow.
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Figure 26 Construction of a 900 MW steam turbine for a nuclear unit (courtesy of Eskom)
The design philosophy for fixed and moving blades is naturally different. All large turbines have
pressure compounded impulse blading or reaction blading so that there is a pressure drop
across the fixed blading. The blades must withstand this pressure drop, and if the design
provides for a large diaphragm, as is usually the case in low pressure turbines, the blades must
also support the pressure difference across the diaphragm. The blades may therefore be quite
wide (as measured in the axial direction), especially towards the outer diameter. On the other
hand, moving blades are subject to high centrifugal forces and have a slender shape decreasing
in width towards the outer diameter.
When steam expands below the saturation line, some condensation takes place, and the steam
becomes wet. A very fine mist of droplets forms and passes over the blading, and some is
deposited on the blades to create a film of water. This film is swept off the blades and en-
trained by the steam. The size of these entrained drops is governed by surface tension rather
than by condensation phenomena. They are therefore somewhat larger than the original
condensation droplets and, when travelling at high velocity, can damage any material on which
they impinge. Being larger and heavier, they are also separated more easily from the main
steam flow during changes in direction. When these larger drops are swept off the fixed blades,
their velocity tends to be lower than that of the steam, and the moving blades tend to run into
them at high speed. The impact of the drops on the blades (more accurately the blades on the
drops) causes material erosion from the blades. Minute amounts of material are removed,
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42 The Essential CANDU
leaving a rough etched like surface. If severe, this material removal can change the blade profile
and weaken the blade. After impact on the moving blades, the water film tends to be thrown
off towards the periphery by centrifugal action. Turbine blades must be designed to withstand
moisture erosion in the affected areas. This is done using inserts of hard erosion resistant
material such as tungsten or stellite or by specialized heat treatment to harden the blades in
selected areas.
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Figure 30 Fixing points for turbine rotors and casings (courtesy of NB Power)
All turbine rotors are slightly flexible due to the elastic nature of the material from which they
are made. They therefore bend slightly under the influence of gravity. As they rotate, this bend
remains always in the direction of the force of gravity. The couplings are consequently tilted
slightly upwards. To ensure proper alignment at the couplings, the adjacent rotors must be
installed at a slight upward angle. They in turn deform slightly under gravity, and their outer
bearings must be elevated further to compensate for bending. The further a rotor is from the
centre, the greater the compensation required. The result is that the entire turbine shaft is
mounted along a catenary, as shown in Figure 31. The end points may be some 20 mm to 30
mm higher than the midpoint in a large steam turbine and generator.
To ensure continuity of oil supply, there are three or four oil pumps driven by different power
sources. The main oil pump is usually driven directly by the turbine through a hydraulic connec-
tion to an oil driven turbine and sometimes by an uninterruptable electrical connection from a
small separate generator on the turbine shaft. As the turbine runs up to speed, more power is
provided to run the pump, which increases its speed, and at some intermediate turbine speed,
the main oil pump output reaches the required value.
The auxiliary oil pump is electrically driven and is supplied with power from the station or unit
auxiliary electrical systems. It is used during turbine run-up and rundown when the main oil
pump does not provide adequate oil pressure. It can also be used as an emergency oil pump at
any time, should the main oil pump fail. At low turbine speeds, however, this pump itself could
fail, and therefore an emergency pump is required.
At least one electrically driven emergency pump is provided. Its power supply is usually from an
uninterruptable electrical source such as the station emergency electrical system, from a DC
battery system, or both if two emergency pumps are provided.
There are also jacking oil pumps to lift the shaft off the bearings before rolling the turbine after
a shutdown in which the turbine has been stopped. These are positive displacement pumps
with a separate pump supplying each bearing to ensure a definite flow to each bearing. Figure
32 shows a typical lubricating oil system for a large steam turbine.
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7.2 Deaerator
The deaerator is part of the feedwater heating system and receives extraction steam from the
turbine. The condensate to be heated and the extraction steam are intimately mixed in the
deaerator by a system of spray nozzles and cascading trays between which the steam percolates
as shown in Figure 33. The condensate is heated to saturated conditions and the steam con-
densed in the process. Any dissolved gases in the condensate are released in this process and
removed from the deaerator by venting to the atmosphere or to the main condenser. This
ensures removal of oxygen from the system particularly during turbine start-up and minimizes
the risk of corrosion within the system. Venting to the atmosphere reduces the load on the
condenser vacuum pumps, but results in some steam loss unless provision is made to condense
it and return it to the condensate system. Venting to atmosphere is only possible if the deaera-
tor pressure is above atmospheric as it is at higher loads. In the CANDU system, auxiliary
(pegging) steam is supplied at low loads to maintain elevated temperatures in the deaerator
storage tank.
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other side of the header. Extraction steam from the turbine enters the shell and passes over the
outside of the tubes, where it is condensed. The condensed steam collects in the bottom of the
shell and is drained away. Generally, the drains from the high pressure heaters are cascaded
through lower pressure heaters to the deaerator, and those from the low pressure heaters
likewise to the condenser.
8 Condenser
8.1 General Arrangement
The purpose of the condenser is to condense the exhaust steam from the turbine so that it can
be returned to the system for reuse. In the Rankine cycle, the condenser is complementary to
the steam generator in that it condenses the steam while the steam generator evaporates the
water. Like the steam generator, it has a free water surface that interfaces with the steam, and
some form of level control is required. Steam leaving the turbine enters at the top of the
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condenser and circulates around the outside of the tubes, where it is condensed by cooling
water passing through the tubes. The resulting condensate rains down to collect in a hotwell at
the bottom of the condenser. Figure 35 and Figure 36 show a typical arrangement for a large
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and stopping the pumps. In the event of a pump trip, vacuum breakers enable the water
column to separate at the condenser and provide an air cushion to avoid damaging reverse flow.
The condenser hotwell serves as the entry point for demineralized make-up water, which is
required to compensate for leakage losses. Level sensors indicate when there is a need for
additional water. Note that the level in the hotwell rises naturally as the system is heated and
loaded and water is displaced from other components.
An air extraction system removes air that is in the system before start-up and that may leak into
the system during normal operation. This system extracts air from the end of the steam path,
that is, at the centre of the condenser tube bundle, where it collects as steam is condensed.
Shrouded air cooling tubes in this region reduce the temperature locally to a few degrees below
saturation to increase the ratio of air to steam extracted. The air is extracted by vacuum pumps
which run continuously to maintain condenser vacuum.
In the CANDU system, water spray pipes and nozzles are located in the condenser shell outside
the tube bundle, so that during condenser steam bypass operation, cool condensate can be
sprayed into the steam entering the condenser from the bypass system. This steam is at a high
temperature and in a superheated condition and therefore must be cooled before it enters the
tube bundle.
9 Electrical Generator
9.1 Generator Rotor
The generator rotor is machined from a single long slender forging of high strength steel. Slots
are cut on two opposing sides for a two pole rotor and on four sides for a four pole rotor to take
the rotor windings. The latter are for large half speed turbine generators used in nuclear plants.
The poles between the slots produce the rotating magnetic field as the rotor turns. The copper
windings are laid in the slots in pairs so that the current flow in them produces opposite north
and south poles in a two pole rotor and alternating north and south poles in a four pole rotor.
When rotating, these magnetic poles induce an alternating current in the generator stator. The
rotor windings carry a large current at low voltage. Hence, they must be cooled and insulated
while being held securely in the slots against very high centrifugal forces.
The individual windings are separated from one another by insulating separators and from the
rotor itself by insulating slot liners. These are held in place by insulating blocks and aluminum
wedges that fit into tapered grooves at the top of the slots. The windings have spaces between
them to allow free flow of hydrogen coolant through the windings. A space is left at the bottom
of each slot to create a duct to enable coolant to flow into the rotor from the ends. The flow is
driven by centrifugal action, with the rate determined by holes in the wedges. This ensures
uniform distribution of coolant and consistent cooling of all rotor windings. Hydrogen under
moderate pressure (to increase its density) is a good coolant and very suitable for this applica-
The winding connections, which protrude at the ends of the slots, wrap around, and enter slots
further around the rotor, are held in place by end bells. These are ring shaped and are shrunk
onto the ends of the slotted part of the rotor. They cover the end windings and secure them
under the high centrifugal forces arising during operation. Centrifugal or axial flow fans are
fitted to the rotor shaft at each end to feed coolant to the ends of the rotor and to ensure
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proper circulation of hydrogen through the stator. Each fan serves one half of the generator.
Rotor current is provided by an exciter connected to and driven by the generator shaft. Current
is transferred to the rotor by fixed brushes and slip rings mounted on the shaft. This current is
on the order of 5000 A and the voltage around 500 V for a 660 MW generator.
good heat transfer properties. Compared with air under similar conditions, it has twice the heat
transfer capability and several times the thermal conductivity and specific heat. This makes it
ten times more effective at heat removal than air. The hydrogen atmosphere also prevents
degradation of insulation and other materials by oxidation processes.
Hydrogen, however, is flammable and explosive in concentrations from 4% to 76% of hydrogen
in air. Hence, it must be contained in the generator and maintained at a high purity of about
97%. Special seals are required where the rotor shaft penetrates the casing, and appropriate
provisions must be made to prevent any mixing with air during gassing or degassing of the
generator. Most seals have a very fine running clearance between the fixed and moving parts,
into which seal oil is injected. The seal oil is usually lubricating oil from the main turbine gen-
erator oil tank, but is purified and pressurized for this purpose. When gassing the generator
before operation, all air is displaced by admitting heavier carbon dioxide at the bottom of the
generator casing and allowing the air to escape at the top. Hydrogen is then admitted at the
top and, being lighter, displaces the carbon dioxide downwards. When all the carbon dioxide
has been expelled, the generator casing is sealed and more hydrogen admitted to pressurize it.
Degassing is done by following a reverse procedure, with hydrogen discharged to atmosphere
from the top of the generator while being displaced by carbon dioxide admitted at the bottom.
Like the turbine, the generator runs on bearings at each end, with the exciter having its own
bearings. These are lubricated by the main turbine oil system. The bearings, however, must be
removable because assembly of the generator is different from that of the turbine. Because the
generator stator cannot be split horizontally, the rotor must be threaded into the stator from
one end of the generator, as shown in Figure 37. Once in place, the bearings are mounted and
aligned to ensure that the rigidly bolted generator couplings maintain the required shaft cate-
nary under gravity. This means that the generator bearings must be slightly higher than those
of the turbine due to the natural bending of the turbine and generator rotors under the influ-
ence of gravity at all times, even at speed. Furthermore, the generator rotor must be able to
move axially in the bearings by about 25 mm or more to accommodate axial expansion of the
turbine rotors as their temperatures increase to those of normal operation.
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10 Power Transmission
10.1 Generator Main Connections
The neutral point of the generator star connection is grounded through a current limiting device
to minimize ground fault currents in the generator, should a flashover occur in the stator wind-
ings. A convenient manner of providing a low resistance, yet current limiting ground connection
is to use a transformer where the inductance limits the current. In the event of a ground fault,
the lower voltage secondary side reflects a high current. This signals the fault to the generator
protection system, which initiates a trip of the generator circuit breaker.
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higher voltage in the case of the generator transformer and at a lower voltage in the case of the
unit transformer. In very large generating units, separate single phase transformers are pro-
vided for each phase. In such a case, a delta connected circuit may be provided on both primary
and secondary sides. The advantage of such a delta-delta arrangement is that one of the single
phase transformers can be isolated for maintenance or removed for replacement without
disrupting the continuity of the three phase system, as shown in Figure 38. The system can
therefore continue to operate, although at a reduced power level which is only about 58 per-
cent of rated power. This is not possible with a star connected secondary circuit.
11 Problems
1. List the reactivity control devices for a CANDU reactor and for each describe briefly its
purpose and how it operates.
2. Explain the difference between Shutdown System 1 (SDS1) and Shutdown System 2
(SDS2). Explain how each operates and under what conditions each would operate. Cla-
rify how each would be reset to the primed condition.
3. Explain how the inventory and pressure of the heat transport system are maintained.
4. Describe how heat is removed from the reactor under all operational conditions includ-
ing the shutdown state.
5. If the exit quality of the steam leaving a fuel channel is 4%, calculate the void fraction at
this point assuming no slip (vapour velocity equal to liquid velocity) in the channel. As-
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56 The Essential CANDU
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Nuclear Plant Systems 57
12. Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the arrangement of a typical thrust bearing. Explain
the purpose of thrust bearings and state, with reasons, where they are located in a typi-
cal large multi-cylinder turbine.
13. Explain, with the aid of a sketch, how the shaft of a large multi-cylinder turbine genera-
tor is aligned. Clarify how the bearings are set and what effect would be experienced at
the couplings between the rotors if the shaft were not aligned properly.
14. Explain the general philosophy of providing lubrication to the turbine and generator
bearings. Explain what pumps are used and how they operate. Clarify how they are dri-
ven and what happens should their driving power fail.
15. Explain the purpose of a deaerator and the importance of maintaining its pressure in the
event of a turbine trip.
16. Explain the difference between feedwater heating in a deaerator (open heater) and a
feedwater heater (closed heater). Consider the temperature differences between the
heating and heated fluids and their respective pressures. On this basis, explain why
there is usually only one deaerator, but multiple feedwater heaters.
17. Describe the structure of the main condenser and explain the purpose of its key internal
18. Explain why hydrogen is used for cooling in the electrical generator and what precau-
tions need to be taken during gassing and de-gassing. Clarify the operational procedure
for these processes.
Answer Guide for Chapter 8
1. See Section 2.6 Reactor Control Systems and Devices.
2. See Section 2.6.5 Mechanical rod shut-off absorbers and Section 2.6.6 Liquid poison in-
jection system.
3. See Section 3.3 Pressurizer as well as Section 3.4 Inventory Control System and Figure 15
Heat transport purification and feed system.
4. See Section 3.5 Shutdown Cooling System and Figure 15 Heat transport purification and
feed system as well as Section 3.5 Shutdown Cooling System and Figure 16 shutdown
cooling system. See also Section 4.1 Steam Generator Function.
5. Use steam tables. Void fraction α = 0.34 (using light water steam tables).
6. Use steam tables. (a) Volume displaced ΔV = 53 m3 (using light water steam tables).
Rise in level ΔH = 17 m much greater than available height so some inventory must be
bled from the system. (b) Increase in ΔT in steam generator due to increased rate of
heat transfer and hence increased average temperature of reactor coolant. Generation
of some steam in the fuel channels which has a greater volume than the water from
which it was formed.
7. Use steam tables. Sensible heat 17%. Latent heat 83%. Total heat transfer rate Ω =
2058 MJ/s.
8. Use steam tables. (a) Steam generator ΔT = 94°C. (b) Steam generator ΔT = 124°C.
9. See Figure 18 Temperature profiles in steam generator. Consider change and restoration
of average temperature difference between primary coolant and secondary steam.
10. See Section 5.2 Steam Bypass System and Section 5.3 Condenser Steam Discharge
11. See Section 6.5 Turbine Sealing Principles and Figure 27 Spring mounted labyrinth seal to
accommodate shaft deflection as well as Section 6.6 Turbine Seals and Figure 28 Prin-
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58 The Essential CANDU
ciples of operation of LP turbine shaft seal. Consider relative pressures and note that
flow is always down the pressure gradient.
12. See Section 6.8 Turbine Bearings and Figure 30 fixing points for turbine rotors and cas-
13. See Section 6.8 Turbine Bearings and Figure 31 Turbine generator shaft catenary.
14. See Section 6.9 Bearing Lubrication and Figure 32 Turbine lubrication oil system.
15. See Section 7.2 Deaerator.
16. See Section 7.2 Deaerator and Figure 33 Deaerator and deaerator storage tank as well as
Section 7.3 Feedwater Heaters and Figure 34 Feedwater heater with integral drain coo-
17. See Section 8.1 General Arrangement and Figure 35 Condenser longitudinal section and
Figure 36 Condenser cross section.
18. See Section 9.4 Generator Systems.
13 Acknowledgements
Acknowledgements are extended to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and to NB Power for the
use of information, diagrams, and photographs to support the text of this chapter.
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
George Bereznai
Simon Pang
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Nuclear Plant Operation
Prepared by
Dr. Robin A. Chaplin
This chapter deals with the operating concepts of a CANDU nuclear power plant. It combines
some theoretical aspects with basic operating procedures to explain how the plant operates.
Key aspects related to plant control are addressed. Space allows only the primary energy
generation, transport and conversion components to be covered, but there are many other
components whose operation is vital for the efficient and safe operation of the plant. There is
approximately an equal division of detail between the nuclear reactor, the heat transport and
steam systems, and the steam turbine.
Table of Contents
1 Power Production ................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Power Output Regulation ............................................................................................... 5
1.2 Operational Constraints .................................................................................................. 7
2 Plant Control and Protection .................................................................................................. 7
2.1 CANDU Plant Control Systems ........................................................................................ 7
2.2 Reactor Protection Systems .......................................................................................... 10
2.3 Reactor Shutdown Systems........................................................................................... 10
2.4 Emergency Coolant Injection ........................................................................................ 11
2.5 Turbine Protection System............................................................................................ 12
3 Nuclear Reactor Operation ................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Reactivity Characteristics .............................................................................................. 13
3.2 Source Multiplication.................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Approach to Criticality .................................................................................................. 15
3.4 Approach Technique ..................................................................................................... 18
3.5 Reactor Start-up............................................................................................................ 19
3.6 Reactivity Changes ........................................................................................................ 22
3.7 Fuel Burnup................................................................................................................... 23
3.8 Refuelling Considerations ............................................................................................. 24
4 Heat Transport System.......................................................................................................... 25
4.1 Operational Considerations .......................................................................................... 25
5 Steam Generators ................................................................................................................. 26
5.1 Plant Control ................................................................................................................. 26
5.2 Steam Generator Pressure Control ............................................................................... 27
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1 Lagging and leading plant operation................................................................................. 5
Figure 2 Basic plant control system ................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3 Source multiplication by subcritical multiplication factor .............................................. 15
Figure 4 Stabilization time for different subcritical multiplication factors ................................... 16
Figure 5 Approach to critical - subcritical multiplication factor change ....................................... 17
Figure 6 Approach to critical - inverse count rate change ............................................................ 18
Figure 7 Major activities during start-up and loading .................................................................. 21
Figure 8 Effects of fuel burnup on reactivity................................................................................. 24
Figure 9 Steam generator temperature profile............................................................................. 27
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Nuclear Plant Operation 3
η reproduction factor
η efficiency
θ temperature difference (between fluids) °C
Λt thermal neutron non-leakage probability
Λf fast neutron non-leakage probability
ν neutrons emitted per neutron absorbed
ρ density kg/m3
Σf macroscopic fission cross section m-1
Σa macroscopic absorption cross section m-1
Ω rate of heat transfer kJ/s
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Nuclear Plant Operation 5
1 Power Production
1.1 Power Output Regulation
Consider a very simple system with a nuclear reactor, steam generator, and turbine generator
supplying electrical power to an isolated electrical grid, as shown in Figure 1. The power must
be generated at the moment it is required by the consumers connected to the grid. Power
production must follow demand exactly, and any mismatch will cause the grid frequency to fall
or rise as demand increases or decreases.
admit more steam to increase the power output of the turbine generator. The additional flow
of steam to the turbine will cause a reduction in steam pressure in the steam generator. This in
turn will be sensed by the reactor regulating system, which will lower the liquid zones or with-
draw control rods from the reactor core until the increased fission rate generates sufficient
additional heat to restore the steam generator pressure. In the event of a decrease in demand,
the reverse occurs. This is known as the reactor following or turbine leading mode of operation
(or normal mode in some plants because it is a natural way of maintaining stable conditions).
Such a system, however, cannot maintain the specified frequency (60 Hz in North America)
exactly without large unstable oscillations, and therefore a certain speed droop is incorporated
into the turbine governor. This enables a progressive increase in governor valve opening (steam
flow) as the turbine speed (grid frequency) falls. A typical droop setting is 4%, which means
that, if the turbine were initially at zero load and at full speed, its speed would have to drop to
96% before the governor valve would be fully open. Such a speed is not acceptable for the
turbine due to possible blade vibration, nor to the grid due to loss in speed of connected
motors. Therefore, the governor is adjusted to bring the speed back to 100% at full load. In the
event of a turbine trip or load reduction to zero under these conditions, the reverse would
occur, and the turbine speed would rise to 104% of full speed.
In the operating mode just described, the nuclear reactor output follows the electrical grid
demand, and therefore its power level oscillates continuously. This can have certain adverse
effects, depending upon the type and design of the reactor. Excessive oscillations impose
temperature transients on the fuel, which could cause premature failures of the fuel cladding.
Large oscillations near full power could cause power limits to be exceeded, thus tripping the
reactor and losing power production as well as imposing restart transients on it and the turbine.
Due to high capital cost and low fuel cost, it is desirable to run nuclear reactors at full power
most of the time. An alternative mode of operation is therefore often used at nuclear plants, in
which reactor power output is fixed. This is known as reactor leading or turbine lagging opera-
tion. To maintain stable operation, reactor power is controlled at a given value by measuring
the neutron flux and adjusting the control rods or liquid zones accordingly. Pressure in the
steam generator must be maintained at the proper value to ensure stable conditions in the
reactor coolant circuit. This is done by opening or closing the turbine governor valves to control
the steam flow from the generators. The turbine then delivers power according to the steam
flow, and the generator sends this power into the grid system, regardless of the grid frequency.
The grid frequency must then be controlled by other turbine generators which feed into the grid
system and operate in the turbine leading mode.
By referring to Figure 1 showing the two modes of operation, it can be seen that steam genera-
tor pressure is a key controlling parameter in both modes. This highlights the importance of the
steam generator, where a balance of heat input and heat output must be maintained to main-
tain its pressure. Furthermore, the difference in temperature between the primary coolant and
the secondary working fluid determines the rate of heat transfer. Hence, the reactor coolant
temperature is determined by the saturation temperature and thus by the pressure in the
steam generator.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 7
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8 The Essential CANDU
This determines the mode of operation of the plant (turbine leading and reactor lagging, or
reactor leading and turbine lagging). Steam generator pressure controls both modes of opera-
tion. In turbine leading or reactor following, the steam pressure determines the required
reactor output by signalling the reactor regulating system to increase or decrease fission heat
release. In reactor leading or turbine following, the steam pressure determines the power
output by signalling the turbine governing system to admit more or less steam to the turbine.
output according to the speed droop setting. Further manipulation of the speeder gear by the
unit power regulator (turbine leading) or the boiler pressure control (reactor leading) will
restore the desired power output.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 11
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12 The Essential CANDU
pressure of about 5 MPa to give sufficient margin from normal operating pressure to minimize
spurious injections during normal reactor cooldown.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 13
uranium-235 and uranium-238 are naturally unstable and decay mainly by α-particle emission.
Both also fission spontaneously, giving off neutrons in the process. Any fuel, even unused fuel,
therefore produces small numbers of neutrons. Furthermore, in heavy water moderated
reactors such as the CANDU, neutrons can be created by interaction of high energy γ-rays from
certain fission products with deuterium atoms. These are known as photoneutrons. If, after a
very long shutdown, these natural sources of neutrons do not produce sufficient neutrons to be
detected by the reactor instrumentation, then artificial neutron sources are inserted into the
These source neutrons can cause fission in fissile fuel, producing more neutrons and establish-
ing a chain reaction. When the reactor is shut down, the neutron multiplication factor k is,
however, less than unity. This means that the chain reaction will decay, but in the meantime,
other source neutrons will start new chain reactions. The result is that, along with these
neutrons, there will be some fission neutrons, so that the total number of neutrons will be
greater than would have arisen from the neutron sources only. The factor by which the total
number of neutrons S∞ is greater than the number of source neutrons S0 is known as the
subcritical multiplication factor. The relationship between these and the value of k is given by
the following formula:
S∞ = S0 / (1- k) (2)
From the above equation, it can be seen that, as k approaches unity, the measured number of
neutrons S∞ becomes many times greater than the source number of neutrons S0. Further-
more, it takes longer for an equilibrium condition to be reached. A very simple numerical
example for k = 0.5 and S0 =100 is given in Figure 3 for illustrative purposes.
As long as S∞ stabilizes at a fixed value after an increase in k, the reactor remains in a subcritical
condition, with k less than unity. When k is exactly unity, however, the fraction of source
neutrons is negligible compared with the total number of neutrons, and the number of neu-
trons in each generation will be the same. The system is then said to be critical.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 15
degree of accuracy. Once this limit has been reached, slight perturbations cause control system
responses that mask the actual value of Δk, and the reactor can be considered to be oscillating
very slightly above and below criticality. Under these conditions, the reactor is considered to be
critical, with the average value of k equal to unity.
Even though a nuclear reactor may be shut down, the reactivity within the reactor may change
with time due to buildup or decay of fission products. This means that one cannot simply
restart a reactor by inserting an amount of positive reactivity equal to the amount of negative
reactivity inserted to shut it down. Approach to critical is therefore a delicate manoeuvre, like
an approach to a moving and invisible target. At every step, therefore, an assessment must be
made of how far from critical the reactor actually is. Each step must also be small enough so as
not to overshoot the point of criticality.
While Δk has a large negative value, a change in reactivity will be reflected quickly on the
instruments because the fission chain reactions initiated by the source neutrons die away
rapidly since the value of k is far below unity. Following insertion of some positive reactivity,
the reactor power will rise quickly to a new equilibrium value. When, however, Δk has a small
negative value and k is very close to unity, the reactor will respond very much more slowly.
Under these circumstances, the fission chain reactions initiated by the source neutrons persist
for many generations. Following insertion of some positive reactivity, the reactor power will
rise slowly, but more significantly, and take much longer to settle at its new equilibrium value.
When the reactor becomes critical due to insertion of additional positive reactivity, the reactor
power will rise steadily and continuously without levelling off at an equilibrium value. Because
the reactor will be very slightly supercritical, the power will in fact rise exponentially. If power
versus time is plotted as shown in Figure 4, criticality will have been achieved when the meas-
ured power does not level off, but increases exponentially. Generally, such a crude mechanism
of monitoring the approach to criticality is not suitable for commercial reactors.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 17
If it is assumed that the measured reactor power P∞ (equivalent to S∞) doubles at each step,
then various parameters such as k and Δk can be calculated to show their changes. Figure 5
shows how k and Δk change with each doubling of power from P∞ = 0.0001 at k = 0.9.
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18 The Essential CANDU
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Nuclear Plant Operation 19
removal process is then started or restarted with the RRS holding the power level. As the
reactivity tends to increase, the liquid zone levels rise to compensate, keeping reactivity and
hence power level constant. When the liquid level is high, the poison removal process is
stopped. Again the operator requests a doubling of power, and the process is repeated. Be-
cause smaller and smaller amounts of reactivity addition are required as criticality is ap-
proached, the drop in liquid level becomes smaller and smaller, and after a few iterations, the
liquid zone absorber levels can accommodate a full doubling of power. In a typical CANDU
reactor, a drop in liquid level from 65% to 20% represents a reactivity change of about 3 mk. If
the power were doubled with this change, the reactor would be about 6 mk below criticality.
Further iterations of the process can bring the reactor to within 1 mk of criticality. The final step
in the process is verification that the reactor is sufficiently close to criticality for the RRS to
maintain control of power. Power raising can then follow by the operator adjusting the power
setpoint to the required value.
The advantage of this method of approach to criticality is that the reactor does not actually go
critical and, when it is nearly critical, power is increased by adjusting power level and not by
direct manipulation of reactivity devices.
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20 The Essential CANDU
transport system temperature at 80°C, the approach to critical would typically commence, along
with further warming of the heat transport system.
During the approach to criticality, initiation of reactor power increase by removing moderator
poison and continued warming of the heat transport system proceed as parallel activities. The
concern about warming the heat transport system during approach to criticality is the effect
that it has on core reactivity when reactor power is being increased and criticality has not been
achieved. During the approach to criticality, only one reactivity addition mechanism should be
in use at any one time. The primary method is moderator purification by removing poison.
However, by adding pump heat from the heat transport system pumps, the reactivity is being
adjusted due to the temperature coefficients, including those of the fuel, at play during warm-
up. This reactivity effect must be considered regardless of whether an equilibrium core or a
fresh core is in place. As the heat transport system is warmed, the temperature coefficients add
overall positive reactivity to an equilibrium core due to the buildup of Pu-239 which fissions
more readily as temperature rises within this range, whereas in a fresh core, this reactivity
effect is negative due to the lack of Pu-239. Therefore, warm-up of the heat transport system is
stopped when the core is 30 mk subcritical, which is approximately equivalent to the presence
of 1 ppm of moderator poison (gadolinium nitrate). This concentration can be confirmed by
monitoring the online moderator conductivity, which is proportional to the concentration. A
subcritical reactivity balance is conducted at 30 mk to verify the prediction for criticality and to
ensure that all reactivity factors have been accounted for. For the remaining approach to
criticality, no other actions which adjust reactivity other than that of the operator removing
moderator poison by moderator purification are permitted. This guarantees that the core
achieves criticality as predicted. In practice, criticality is defined as the point where the reactor
regulating system has sufficient positive and negative reactive addition available by means of
the liquid zone control absorbers to maintain reactor power at its setpoint. This occurs in an
equilibrium core when the reactor regulating system can double reactor power within a 10%
change in liquid zone level.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 21
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22 The Essential CANDU
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Nuclear Plant Operation 23
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24 The Essential CANDU
The effects of xenon-135 are not shown on this graph because the associated degree of reactiv-
ity change is due mainly to reactor load (neutron flux) and is greater in magnitude than the
effects shown here, being as much as -30 mk under full load conditions.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 25
pressure than that of the heat transport system, and therefore rapid depressurization is neces-
sary. This implies reducing temperature and pressure rapidly by discharging steam from the
steam generator through the steam reject valves. This procedure, known as crash cooling or
crash cooldown, imposes severe thermal stress on the components, which would subsequently
require intensive inspection.
The configuration of a CANDU reactor is such that all feeder pipes from the fuel channels are
directed upwards to headers, which in turn are connected to the steam generators at an even
higher level. Hence, any buoyancy effect due to heating or vapour generation will tend to draw
coolant upwards from the reactor to the steam generators, promoting circulation by natural
convection. In the event that the heat transport pumps fail, this provision for thermosyphoning
between the reactor and steam generator is a safety feature of the reactor. The difference in
elevation between the reactor and the steam generators promotes natural circulation, and the
built-in inertia of the pumps, giving a rundown time of between 2 and 3 minutes, enables this
circulation to be established during the initial disturbing transients. This natural circulation is
much slower than the normal forced circulation provided by the heat transport system pumps
and therefore can be used only under low power conditions.
A typical scenario under which thermosyphoning would be required is in the event of electrical
power loss to the heat transport pumps. This would result in an immediate reactor trip. As
reactor power drops to about 5% of full power within about 10 seconds (as a result of decay
heat), the circulating pumps run down slowly due to built-in rotational inertia, and flow de-
creases progressively to the point where thermosyphoning takes over naturally and maintains
flow in the same direction, but at a much reduced flow rate.
5 Steam Generators
5.1 Plant Control
As is evident from the introduction which deals with power output regulation and from Figure
1, the steam generator is a key component in satisfactory plant control. In both modes of
operation, the steam generator pressure is the measured parameter, and the control system
acts accordingly.
The rate of heat transfer Ω is governed by the following equation:
Ω = U A θ, (7)
where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, A is the surface area through which heat is
transferred, and θ is the temperature difference between the fluids on each side of the heat
exchange surface that exists between the primary side reactor coolant and the secondary side
steam-water circuit. Because U and A do not vary much, it is evident that any change in θ will
affect Ω, and vice versa. Figure 9 shows typical conditions of the reactor coolant and steam-
water mixture in the steam generator under full load.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 27
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28 The Essential CANDU
These valves are a backup in the event that the CSDVs malfunction or are not available due to
condenser restrictions.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 29
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30 The Essential CANDU
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Nuclear Plant Operation 31
Swelling and shrinking have an influence on level control in that, for a given water inventory in
the steam generator, the level will rise and fall as the load increases or decreases. Alternatively,
for a given water level, the inventory will go down or go up as the load increases or decreases.
Both situations can lead to difficulties in maintaining desired conditions in the steam generator,
particularly during rapid changes in load when transient swelling and shrinking effects are
superimposed on the steady state effects.
Consider first the situation in which the water level is to be kept constant, as shown in Figure
12. For fixed level control, a certain margin is required to allow for transient swelling and
shrinking because, during rapid load changes, the level control system cannot respond quickly
enough to maintain the level. At low load, swelling will occur as load increases, and at high
load, shrinking will occur as load decreases. The steam generator must therefore be large
enough to accommodate these fluctuations in volume and hence in level. This is done by
increasing the diameter of the upper portion and making it tall enough so that there is a margin
above and below the desired water level.
If, however, the water inventory is maintained at a fixed value and the set level is allowed to rise
and fall with load, then this range of level can be used to accommodate transient swelling and
shrinking partially, as shown in Figure 13. Transient swelling will occur only from a low load, and
hence the required margin must be above this level. Transient shrinking likewise will occur only
from a high load and requires a margin below the level at high load. If the set level at high load
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32 The Essential CANDU
is already above the set level at zero load, the margins will overlap, as shown in Figure 13. This
enables the vessel to be made smaller while still providing appropriate margins for transient
conditions. To achieve this, the desired or set level must be increased with load, resulting in so-
called ramped level control. This is a more natural method of control because the total inven-
tory remains nearly constant and the control system does not have to drive towards a new
inventory every time the load changes.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 33
control system in conjunction with a ramped level setpoint results in relatively smooth control
of water level during all types of transients.
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34 The Essential CANDU
Figure 15 Steam generator level alarms and set points (courtesy of NB Power)
6 Steam System
6.1 Characteristics and Function
The main purpose of the steam system is to convey steam from the steam generators to the
steam turbine. In a nuclear plant, the steam generators also serve as a heat sink for the reactor
under all operating conditions, and because steam is produced, the steam system becomes the
major part of the reactor heat rejection system. Provision must therefore be made to handle
steam in large quantities even when not required by the steam turbine.
Steam pressure control in the steam generators is important with regard to their function as a
heat sink. As steam pressure varies, so does the prevailing saturation temperature. Because
the rate of heat transfer depends upon the difference in temperature between the primary
coolant and secondary steam systems, a variation in steam temperature will affect the overall
capacity for heat removal. Assuming that the primary coolant pressure is fixed and controlled
by the pressurizer, thus limiting the maximum primary coolant temperature, an excessive steam
pressure will limit the heat rejection capabilities of the steam generator. However, excessive
steam pressures, which would likely arise from insufficient steam discharge, would be pre-
vented by steam discharge through the main steam safety valves. Conversely, an excessively
low steam pressure and corresponding temperature will produce excessive heat flow across the
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Nuclear Plant Operation 35
steam generator and pull down the temperature of the reactor coolant. This is done in a
controlled manner during a reactor cooldown.
For proper control of the reactor state, the steam system must therefore be able to handle the
amount of steam produced under all operating conditions and to control and maintain steam
generator pressure within prescribed limits. The steam system must be designed to handle
decay heat generation following a reactor shutdown, and it is also desirable that it be able to
maintain a high heat discharge rate to prevent xenon poisoning during a short-duration un-
planned turbine shutdown.
In the turbine steam cycle, approximately one third of reactor heat is converted into electricity,
with the remaining two thirds rejected to the environment through the turbine condenser. The
rejection path is a convenient way of disposing of heat when the turbine is unavailable. Thus, if
a turbine trip forces a short term shutdown of the turbine generator system, the reactor can be
maintained at approximately two thirds power, with the excess steam production dumped to
the condenser. Two thirds of full power on the reactor is sufficient to maintain the neutron flux
at a high enough level to prevent poisoning out of the reactor and thus permit a restart at any
In the event that the turbine condenser is unavailable, an alternative steam discharge path is
required. This is directly to the atmosphere, but naturally results in an enormous loss of fluid
inventory from the system. For this reason, it is an undesirable mode of operation, but an
essential safety feature.
Figure 16 shows a typical steam system with various control, isolation, and relief valves.
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36 The Essential CANDU
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Nuclear Plant Operation 37
ensure a safe working stress. When a pipe is heated from a cold condition with hot steam, the
inside wall temperature rises faster than the outside wall temperature. This causes the inside of
the pipe to try to expand while restrained by the outside. The inside is therefore subject to a
compressive stress and the outside to a tensile stress (in the absence of stress due to internal
pressure). If subjected to internal pressure at the same time, parts of the pipe may be sub-
jected to stresses greater than their permissible working stress. The result may be deformation
of or damage to the pipe. This can be avoided by limiting the heating rate of the pipe, and all
systems therefore have provision for slow heating by admitting a small quantity of steam before
subjecting the pipe to full steam temperature and pressure.
During steam line heating, considerable quantities of steam condense on the inside surfaces of
the pipes and must be removed through drains at the low points of the system. The drains are
open during pipe warming to ensure that collected water is properly drained away and are then
closed during normal operation. If not properly drained, water could be entrained with the
flowing steam and carried into the turbine, where it could cause severe thermal shock or impact
damage to the turbine blading.
7 Main Condenser
7.1 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
From a thermodynamic point of view, the steam-water circuit receives heat at a high tempera-
ture in the boiler and rejects heat at a low temperature in the condenser. The greater the
difference in temperature, the greater will be the drop in enthalpy and the more work produced
per kilogram of steam. If the initial steam conditions remain unchanged, it is evident that a
reduction in the exhaust temperature will increase the work done in the turbine. This will
ultimately improve overall station efficiency. Exhaust conditions are therefore important and
have a direct impact on plant performance.
Exhaust steam temperature is determined largely by cooling water temperature. The heat flow
per unit time Ω from the exhaust steam to the cooling water is governed by the following
Ω = U A θ, (8)
where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, A the surface area through which the heat is
transferred, and θ the difference in temperature between the water and the steam. Once the
condenser has been designed, A is fixed, and, for given flow rates on both steam and water
sides, the value of U is unchanged if the condenser tubes remain clean. The amount of heat
transferred is therefore proportional to θ, the difference in temperature between the steam and
the water.
The cooling water, in passing through the condenser tubes, picks up heat Ω at a certain rate and
increases in temperature ΔT according to the following formula:
Ω = M cp ΔT, (9)
where M is the mass flow rate and cp the specific heat of water. The outlet temperature of the
cooling water is generally some 10C higher than the inlet temperature for the design mass flow
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38 The Essential CANDU
rate. Note that Ω in this formula is the same as Ω in the previous formula because all the heat
transferred across the tubes is absorbed by the cooling water. The result is a temperature
gradient in the water along the tubes from one end of the condenser to the other.
On the steam side, there is no temperature gradient because the saturation temperature and
pressure are interdependent and the pressure everywhere in the condenser is practically the
same. A temperature profile through the condenser illustrating the meaning of θ and ΔT may
therefore be drawn, as shown in Figure 17. Note that θ is the average difference in temperature
between the steam and the water. More correctly, it should be the log mean temperature
difference, but using the average simplifies the analysis.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 39
Figure 18 helps to visualize the effect of various changes. One effect is a change in inlet cooling
water temperature. This has a direct and proportional effect on steam temperature. Another
effect is a change in turbine load. This in turn changes the rate of heat transferred, Ω, and
hence both θ and ΔT. Some simple numerical examples make it possible to verify these effects.
Generally, the variation in steam temperature is proportional to load.
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42 The Essential CANDU
effective surface area A if some tubes are completely blocked. The following equation illus-
trates these phenomena:
Ω = U A θ. (11)
If either U or A is reduced, then the temperature difference θ between the steam and the
cooling water will have to increase to maintain the same total heat transfer rate Ω. The net
result is an increase in steam temperature and exhaust pressure and a consequent drop in the
work done by the turbine and a loss in plant efficiency.
To avoid fouling, provision is made in most plants to filter the incoming water through screens
and in some plants to dose the water with a biological growth inhibitor. Some fouling is inevita-
ble, and condenser tubes must be cleaned periodically either online or offline.
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The total pressure is the prevailing pressure in the condenser as dictated by the saturation
conditions. Under these conditions, the partial pressure of air is negligible, and an air extraction
system would extract mainly steam, which is not very effective. If, however, the partial pressure
of air is increased such that the ratio pair/psteam is increased from near zero to a reasonable
value, air removal effectiveness is much increased. This can be done by local cooling within the
condenser. Local cooling to a lower temperature will reduce psteam to a pressure corresponding
to the saturation pressure at the lower temperature. Because ptotal is dictated by the overall
conditions in the condenser, the value of pair must rise to make up the difference. Thus, the
ratio of pair/psteam is increased, and the ratio of air to steam by mass in that area is also in-
creased. The greater the mass of air in the steam, the greater will be the efficiency of air
Local cooling in the condenser is effected by shielding sections of tubes in the tube bundle from
the incoming steam flow. The air extraction points are located in these zones where the partial
pressure of air has been increased, as can be seen in Figure 25.
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48 The Essential CANDU
8 Steam Turbine
8.1 General Operational Considerations
Steam turbines generally operate very reliably and for lengthy periods between shutdowns for
major maintenance. During these periods, however, slow performance degradation may occur
due to wear, erosion, or fouling of critical components. This has a slight detrimental effect on
overall plant efficiency, but this translates into a loss in electrical power output and loss in
revenue, which is significant in the long term, especially in a nuclear plant which normally
operates at full load. To optimize plant efficiency, these performance losses must be catego-
rized and monitored with a view to correcting deviations where possible.
Moisture in the steam in the turbine has a detrimental effect, but it tends to decrease as load is
decreased. At very low loads, the exhaust steam may actually become superheated, which is
even worse. Therefore, slightly wet exhaust steam provides some operating flexibility without
changes in exhaust steam temperature.
Turbine back-pressure as determined by condenser conditions is also critical to turbine opera-
tion. Deviations in back-pressure affect steam flow through the last stage turbine blades,
resulting in various undesirable effects. The turbine must therefore operate within prescribed
back-pressure limits, and the condenser must be capable of maintaining these limits.
Steam turbines are also subject to thermal transients, which result in thermal stress and differ-
ential expansion. These require monitoring to ensure that they do not exceed prescribed limits
and endanger turbine integrity.
The heavy turbine and generator rotors run at high speed, and therefore any slight mass imbal-
ance or shaft bending will cause serious and potentially damaging vibration. When a turbine
has been shut down and stationary for a long period, the shafts begin to sag. This sagging is in
addition to the natural deflection under gravity and is the beginning of creep, but is reversible
by slowly rotating the shaft and reversing the sag. This takes time, and, until reversed, the sag
bows the shaft, creating an imbalance. When a hot turbine is shut down after a period of
operation and comes to rest, the natural cooling process results in a temperature difference
between the top and bottom of the casing and rotor. The cooler bottom part of the rotor
shrinks slightly relative to the top, bowing the shaft upwards. This hogging also creates an
imbalance should the turbine be restarted and may in an extreme case jam the rotor against the
casing. This can be avoided by putting the turbine onto turning gear and turning the rotor until
uniformly cool.
Another critical aspect of turbine operation is governing to maintain speed and load. The
turbine is the link between the energy input as steam and the energy output as electricity. Any
mismatch between these will cause the turbine to accelerate or decelerate. Uncontrolled
acceleration is very dangerous, and precautions must be taken to ensure rapid closure of the
steam valves in the event of disconnection from the electrical grid system.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 53
The Mollier diagram is an ideal way to represent varying load conditions. Figure 30 shows the
changes in the turbine expansion line for different loads on a large nuclear unit. Some interest-
ing characteristics are apparent in this figure. Because reheating is effected by live steam, the
temperature of the reheated steam remains essentially the same with decreasing load. In
practice, the reheat temperature actually rises with decreasing flow because the temperature
difference for heat transfer becomes less with reduced heat flow. At the low pressure turbine
exhaust, the moisture becomes less with reducing load, and eventually the exhaust steam
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54 The Essential CANDU
actually becomes superheated. To avoid this situation, the reheating steam flow is throttled at
very low loads to reduce steam temperatures in the low pressure turbine. Even with no reheat,
at very low loads, the decrease in internal efficiency due to incorrect steam flow in the blades
causes the exhaust temperature to rise to excessive values. This is aggravated by possible
recirculation of exhaust steam within the turbine blading.
As the steam pressure becomes less in the low pressure parts of the turbine, this no longer
applies because the turbine exhausts against a positive (even though very low) absolute pres-
sure. The absolute pressures around the last stages are therefore not quite proportional to
steam flow, and the pressure ratio across the last stages (especially the last) drops. This results
in reduced steam velocity entering the moving blades.
In large modern turbines, the changes in the velocity diagram at the last stage can be quite
significant, as illustrated in Figure 31. Here, the velocity diagram has been redrawn to show the
whirl velocity VW. As long as the whirl velocity is positive, that is, Y is on the right hand side, the
steam does work on the blade. At very low loads, the steam incoming velocity VS1 is reduced,
and at the blade tip, the whirl velocity becomes negative, that is, Y is on the left hand side,
indicating that the blade now does work on the steam. Observation of the blade profile at the
tip indicates that, once VS1 becomes substantially less than VB, the blades will act as a fan and
will drive the steam onwards. This fanning action at low steam flows occurs towards the tips of
the blades, that is, around the outer periphery of the turbine rotor. When the fanning action
exceeds the normal steam flow, a recirculation in the last stage will be set up, with steam
returning through the blades near their roots where the impulse type profile simply plows
through the steam at low loads. Such a recirculation is shown in Figure 32. Once set up, this
recirculation results in excessive steam heating by friction and turbulence. If no corrective
action is taken, steam temperatures can become so high as to cause thermal damage to the
Two types of corrective action are possible, assuming that the turbine is obliged to continue
operation at this abnormally low load. One is simply to displace the recirculating hot steam
with a small flow of “cooling” steam through the turbine. The other is to spray cooling water
into the recirculating steam at the turbine exhaust so as to reduce its degree of superheat
before it circulates back into the turbine blades. Large nuclear units may have to operate at
very low loads for extended periods during operating manoeuvres on the reactor. These
turbines are usually fitted with exhaust hood sprays or a cooling steam system. Furthermore, a
nuclear reactor such as a CANDU may trip inadvertently or be shut down for a quick repair. In
this case, it would have to be brought back on load within about 40 minutes to avoid suffering
long term (40 hour) unavailability due to buildup of neutron absorbing xenon in the reactor core
while off load. During such events, it is desirable to maintain the turbine at full speed and ready
to be loaded up once reactor power has been restored. This may be accomplished by keeping
the generator connected to the grid system and allowing it to drive the turbine. Such operation
is known as motoring. When motoring, recirculation of steam in the turbine blades is most
severe, and cooling steam and water sprays are required to maintain the temperature of the
low pressure turbine blades within limits.
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58 The Essential CANDU
The rotor, having less mass than the casing and being surrounded by steam, tends to expand
more rapidly than the casing, leading to so-called differential expansion between them. This is
apparent mainly in the axial direction and blading, and seals must be designed to accommodate
this relative axial movement as the temperature changes. Furthermore, each cylinder casing is
separately supported on its foundations, but the rotors of all the cylinders are linked together to
form a continuous shaft. There is one thrust bearing to locate the shaft in an axial direction,
usually near the high pressure cylinder. From this point, the expansion of each rotor contributes
to the total expansion, so that there is an additional differential expansion which is cumulative
and greatest at the cylinder furthest from the thrust bearings. Such differential expansion must
be monitored during warm-up and loading to ensure that there is no risk of contact between
the fixed and moving parts.
load is therefore dependent upon governor valve position, and the governor acts to control
turbine generator load.
The main characteristic of the governor is the speed droop. This indicates the amount that the
speed will change as the load is varied. A speed droop of 5% indicates that, if the speed is 100%
at zero load, it will be 95% at full load. Such a change would not normally be permitted, and the
speed would be progressively reset as the load increased. The speed droop, however, deter-
mines how turbines operating in parallel will maintain stability and share load. With turbines
operating in parallel, the speeds must all be the same and match the system frequency. Then,
for a given change in frequency, a turbine with a smaller speed droop will change its load by a
greater amount.
to zero while excess steam is diverted to the condenser through the condenser steam discharge
valves. When the turbine power falls below that required to overcome windage and friction,
the generator will draw the necessary power from the grid system. Under these conditions, the
turbine generator is driven at synchronous speed by the electrical grid and is said to be in
motoring mode. A quick recovery from motoring mode is possible so that, once the reactor trip
has been cleared, the unit can be brought up to full power quickly to minimize the effect of the
xenon transient. For this reason, other valves in the system, such as the intercept valves, may
be automatically positioned in readiness for a turbine restart. The advantage of the motoring
mode is to avoid disconnecting the turbine from the grid system, thereby eliminating partial
turbine rundown and runup as well as resynchronization, all of which require careful manoeu-
Once tripped, however, a reactor requires checking to verify the cause of tripping and careful
restart procedures, all of which take time. Therefore, motoring may not be a practical option,
and the turbine may need to be tripped automatically in response to a reactor trip.
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64 The Essential CANDU
9 Problems
1. List the key controlling units of a CANDU nuclear plant and explain their function and
how they operate. Clarify the difference between normal and alternate modes of opera-
tion and explain which controlling units are affected and how they are affected by a
change from one mode to the other.
2. Explain how the reactor is protected from abnormal operating conditions and potential
accident conditions arising from process excursions or equipment failures.
3. Explain how the turbine is protected from abnormal operating conditions and from po-
tential accident conditions arising from control malfunctions or equipment failures.
4. Explain the theoretical aspects related to the approach to criticality in a reactor, noting
in particular the relationship between stabilization time and reactivity added. Explain
also how the point of criticality can be predicted and how one knows when criticality has
been achieved.
5. Describe the approach to criticality technique used in a CANDU reactor and clarify why
this step-wise method has an inherent safety feature.
6. Explain how reactor reactivity changes during operation, noting which key fission prod-
ucts affect reactivity over the life of the fuel. Illustrate these changes in a diagram and
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Nuclear Plant Operation 65
show on the diagram at which point refuelling is necessary. Assume that the reactor ini-
tially has new fuel only.
7. Assuming that a hypothetical steam generator operates under the following conditions:
Steam temperature 260C (saturated steam)
Feedwater temperature 260C (saturated water)
Steam flow 500 kg/s
Primary coolant pressure 10 MPa
Primary inlet temperature 290C
Primary outlet temperature 270C.
a. Calculate the primary coolant mass flow rate.
Assuming that the primary coolant mass flow rate is constant and that the heat transfer
coefficients remain constant, determine the following:
b. Primary system temperatures when the steam flow rate is increased to 1000
kg/s, assuming that the steam pressure is kept constant.
c. Secondary steam pressure when the steam flow rate is increased to 1000 kg/s if
a temperature of 300C in the primary system is not to be exceeded.
For both (b) and (c) above, sketch the temperature variation along the length of the tube
bundle and show terminal temperatures. Assume a linear rise in temperature of the
primary coolant.
8. Illustrate the two modes of operation of a typical CANDU unit as follows:
a. Sketch a typical pressure control system for a steam generator when operating in
the reactor leading mode.
b. Sketch a typical pressure control system for a steam generator when operating in
the turbine leading mode.
Each sketch should show the nuclear reactor, steam generator, and turbine generator as
well as the primary sensors and control elements. For each, describe how the system
would respond to a transient load condition (increase or decrease in load).
9. Explain the terms “swelling” and “shrinking” when applied to a boiler or steam genera-
tor. Clarify the difference between steady state and transient conditions and explain
what causes each to occur. As clarification, review the sequence of events following a
load change on the system. Explain briefly what effect this has on a single element level
control system.
10. If the pressure in the steam generator drops from 4.0 MPa to 3.9 MPa, determine what
percentage by mass of the water in the steam generator will immediately be converted
to steam. If this steam remains in suspension in the water in the form of bubbles, by
what percentage will the water swell (transient swelling)?
11. In large CANDU plants, the steam generator level set point is usually programmed so
that the water level is lower at low power levels than at high power levels. Explain why
the water level set point is different for different power conditions. Clarify how the wa-
ter inventory in the steam generator changes as the level set point is ramped up and
12. Show in a sketch how steam generator level varies with load in a typical CANDU steam
generator. Show also in a separate sketch how steam generator inventory would be ex-
pected to vary with load. Discuss the relative merits of maintaining constant level or
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66 The Essential CANDU
constant inventory in the steam generator and clarify to what extent these are achieved
with the current arrangement.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 67
For each case, sketch the new temperature profile across the condenser, assuming a lin-
ear change in cooling water temperature along the tubes and average temperature dif-
17. The condenser of a large steam turbine receives exhaust steam at varying flows depend-
ing upon the prevailing turbine output. On axes of condenser pressure versus condenser
steam flow, sketch the following:
a. Variation in condenser pressure with steam flow into the condenser (due to
variation in turbine output).
b. Variation in condenser pressure with steam flow into the condenser at a cooling
water temperature higher than that in (a) above.
Explain why the condenser performance curve has the shape shown and why the varia-
tion shown in (b) is different from that shown in (a).
18. Explain how the flow of steam through the turbine is affected by low load operation.
Clarify what adverse conditions arise in the last stage blading under low load conditions
and how this affects turbine performance. Explain how these adverse effects can be
19. Describe motoring and explain under what conditions the turbine would be subject to
motoring. Give the advantages of motoring and note the precautions that must be
taken when motoring.
20. Consider the start-up phase of turbine operation.
a. Explain in detail the cause of sagging and clarify under what circumstances sag-
ging of the turbine shaft can occur.
b. Explain in detail the cause of hogging and clarify under what circumstances hog-
ging of the turbine shaft can occur.
c. Explain why such states are not desirable and the adverse consequences arising
from such deformation.
d. Explain how such states can be prevented from occurring or alleviated if such
conditions exist.
21. Explain axial differential expansion in a large steam turbine. Explain how this can be
minimized by proper location of the thrust bearing in the case of a large nuclear unit.
Support the explanation with a suitable sketch showing the direction of expansion of ro-
tor and casing. Show the fixing points of the casing and the location of the thrust bear-
ing. Clarify under what conditions excessive axial differential expansion can occur. De-
scribe the adverse consequences caused by excessive axial differential expansion.
22. Explain the operation of the following and clarify under what circumstances each would
be used:
a. Regular governor when controlling speed.
b. Regular governor when controlling load.
c. Emergency overspeed governor.
23. Describe the sequence of events and the turbine response during the following tripping
modes. Clarify under which circumstances each would occur and sketch the speed re-
sponse of the turbine in each case.
a. Sequential turbine trip.
b. Non-sequential turbine trip.
c. Turbine load rejection.
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68 The Essential CANDU
Show on each sketch the period during which the governor valve closes and the period
of steam expansion in the turbine.
24. Explain how a turbine is protected against excessive overspeed. Describe a potential se-
quence of events with associated physical phenomena that could lead to the total de-
struction of the turbine.
Answer Guide for Chapter 9
1. See Section 2.1 CANDU Plant Control Systems and Figure 2 Basic plant control system.
2. See Section 2.2 Reactor Protection Systems, Section 2.3 Reactor Shutdown Systems and
Section 2.4 Emergency Coolant Injection.
3. See Section 2.5 Turbine Protection System.
4. See Section 3.3 Approach to Criticality as well as Figure 4 Stabilization time for different
subcritical multiplication factors and Figure 6 Approach to critical – inverse count rate
5. See Section 3.4 Approach Technique and Section 3.5 Reactor Start-up.
6. See Section 3.7 Fuel Burnup and Figure 8 Effects of fuel burnup on reactivity.
7. See Section 5.1 Plant Control and Figure 9 Steam generator temperature profile.
Use Steam Tables. (a) Flow rate M = 8008 kg/s assuming light water. (b) Inlet tempera-
ture t = 290°C. Outlet temperature t = 310°C. (c) Steam Temperature t = 250°C. Steam
pressure p = 3.97 MPa.
8. See Section 5.2 Steam Generator Pressure Control and Figure 2 Basic plant control sys-
9. See Section 5.3 Swelling and Shrinking as well as Figure 10 Steady state swelling due to
different load conditions and Figure 11 Transient swelling due to changing load condi-
10. Use Steam Tables. Amount of water converted to steam = 0.26%. Degree of swelling =
11. See Section 5.4 Steam Generator Level Control as well as Figure 12 Constant steam gen-
erator water level and Figure 13 Ramped steam generator water level.
12. See Section 5.4 Steam Generator Level Control and Figure 15 Steam generator level
alarms and set points.
13. See Section 5.4 Steam Generator Level Control and Figure 14 Three element steam gen-
erator level control system.
14. See Section 6.1 Characteristics and Function and Section 6.2 Atmospheric and Con-
denser Steam Discharge Valves. Use Steam Tables. Assume a steam generator pressure
of 5 MPa and a condenser pressure of 0.005 MPa. Water required = 0.10 kg water per kg
15. See Section 7.1 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer and Figure 18 Changes in condenser
temperature profile. (a) Steam temperature = 30°C. (b) Steam temperature = 36°C. (a)
Steam temperature = 35°C. (a) Steam temperature = 20°C.
16. See Section 7.1 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer and Section 7.4 Condenser Tube
Fouling as well as Figure 18 Changes in condenser temperature profile. (a) Steam tem-
perature = 33°C. (b) Average temperature difference θ = 15°C. (c) Steam temperature =
38°C. (d) Steam temperature = 38°C. (e) Steam temperature = 38°C. (f) Steam tempera-
ture = 26°C.
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Nuclear Plant Operation 69
17. See Section 7.1 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer as well as Figure 19 Variation in con-
denser pressure and Figure 20 Condenser performance curves.
18. See Section 8.4 Turbine Load Variation as well as Figure 31 Change in whirl velocity at
low loads and Figure 32 Recirculation of steam at low loads.
19. See Section 8.4 Turbine Load Variation.
20. See Section 8.1 General Operational Considerations.
21. See Section 8.5 Differential Expansion and Figure 33 Differential axial expansion of tur-
bine rotors and casings.
22. See Section 8.6 Turbine Governing.
23. See Section 8.9 Turbiine Trip.
24. See Section 8.12 and Figure 36 Turbine generator overspeed trip.
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70 The Essential CANDU
11 Acknowledgements
Acknowledgments are extended to NB Power for the use of information, diagrams and photo-
graphs to support the text of this chapter.
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
George Bereznai
Simon Pang
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Instrumentation and Control
prepared by
Dr. G. Alan Hepburn
Independent contractor (AECL Retired)
This chapter describes the role of instrumentation and control (I&C) in nuclear power plants,
using the CANDU 6 design as an example. It is not a text on the general design of instrumenta-
tion and control algorithms, a subject which is well covered by many textbooks on the subject.
Rather, it describes the architectural design of these systems in nuclear power plants, where the
requirements for both safety and production reliability are quite demanding. The manner in
which the instrumentation and control components of the various major subsystems co-operate
to achieve control of the overall nuclear plant is described. The sensors and actuators which are
unique to the nuclear application are also described, and some of the challenges facing design-
ers of a future new build CANDU I&C system are indicated.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................... 5
2 Nuclear Safety and Production Requirements for I&C Systems ............................................. 5
2.1 Requirements for the Special Safety Systems................................................................. 8
2.2 Safety Requirements for the Process Systems................................................................ 8
2.3 Production Requirements for the Process Systems ........................................................ 9
3 Overall I&C Architecture ....................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Architectural Design of the Special Safety Systems I&C............................................... 10
3.2 Architectural Design of the Process Systems I&C ......................................................... 12
3.3 Features of the CANDU DCC Design to Enhance Production........................................ 12
3.4 Safety-Related Functions of the Process Systems......................................................... 12
4 Overall Plant Control Functionality ....................................................................................... 14
4.1 RRS control logic............................................................................................................ 15
4.2 BPC Control Logic .......................................................................................................... 18
4.3 UPR Control Logic.......................................................................................................... 18
5 Special Safety Systems Functionality .................................................................................... 18
5.1 Shutdown Systems 1 and 2 ........................................................................................... 18
5.2 Emergency Core Cooling System................................................................................... 19
5.3 Containment System..................................................................................................... 19
6 I&C Systems Layout and Equipment ..................................................................................... 20
6.1 Sensors .......................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 Actuators....................................................................................................................... 25
6.2.1 Instrument Air System .................................................................................................. 27
6.3 Actuators for the Special Safety Systems...................................................................... 28
6.4 Control Logic Technology in the Process I&C Systems.................................................. 29
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1 CANDU overall plant control........................................................................................... 15
Figure 2 Arrangement of the 14 control zones............................................................................. 15
Figure 3 Absorber-rod drive switching.......................................................................................... 17
Figure 4 Adjuster-rod drive switching........................................................................................... 17
Figure 5 Rod drive speed .............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 6 Layout of a CANDU 6 control room................................................................................. 21
Figure 7 Pictorial view, CANDU 6 control room ............................................................................ 22
Figure 8 SIR detector geometry. ................................................................................................... 24
Figure 9 Liquid zone control compartment (simplified). .............................................................. 26
Figure 10 Reactor building instrument air system (simplified)..................................................... 27
Figure 11 Two-thirds voting logic for SDS1 trip ............................................................................ 29
Figure 12 CANDU 6 DCC architecture ........................................................................................... 31
Figure 13 Effect of compensation on Pt-clad detector response.................................................. 35
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Instrumentation and Control 3
1 Introduction
This chapter describes the role of instrumentation and control (I&C) in nuclear power plants,
using the CANDU 6 design as an example. The scope of I&C includes:
Implementation of control strategies for those control functions which are auto-
Presentation of information to the operator and receipt of operator inputs for those
functions which are under operator control,
Initiation of reactor shutdown, emergency coolant injection, and containment isola-
tion in the event of failure of the above control functions, and
Data acquisition.
The automated functions include:
Automatic control of the reactor, balance of plant, and auxiliary systems;
Activation of the special safety systems;
On-power refuelling (CANDU reactors);
Human/machine interface.
Virtually all the systems in a nuclear power plant contain an instrumentation and control
Although some of the material presented is common to other reactor types, the design details
described pertain to the CANDU reactor. The CANDU 6 design as implemented at sites in
Canada has been chosen as the reference because it is the most widely deployed CANDU design
world-wide. While the implementation of I&C in other plants is broadly similar, the differences
between the CANDU 6 and other CANDU stations are significant. These differences will be
noted in some cases where they are of particular interest to the understanding of I&C in gen-
At the time when the CANDU 6 and many of the world’s light water reactors were designed, the
process I&C subsystems in nuclear plants were implemented using a combination of individual
analog control loops and discrete Boolean logic using relay technology. The design of the analog
loops is based on classical linear frequency-domain control theory as described in any textbook
on the subject.
As a consequence of the large core of the CANDU reactor and of its many fuel channels, reactor
inlet and outlet headers, and other components, the CANDU design is very extensively instru-
mented. As CANDU reactors began to exceed about 250 MWe, the size of the reactor core and
the on-power refuelling combined to make manual supervision of the spatial distribution of
power in the core more and more unwieldy. The result was a strong motivation to introduce
computer control of the reactor and of key process control loops. The resulting control algo-
rithms are quite complex, with many related inputs and outputs. Implementing such a system
using conventional equipment would have been impractical. Therefore, a central dual-
redundant digital control computer (DCC) system, in which the control logic is defined by
software, was introduced in the CANDU design very early on relative to the I&C industry as a
whole, to say nothing of the nuclear power industry. All CANDU reactors, starting with Douglas
Point, have used computers in their process I&C systems. At least from Pickering on, the use of
this technology was a matter of design necessity.
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4 The Essential CANDU
This chapter is intended to provide an introduction to the role of I&C in nuclear power plant
applications and is consequently oriented towards issues that are unique to the nuclear context.
It is not a text on the basics of instrumentation and control, nor is detailed knowledge of this
field necessary to understand the material presented. The details of the control strategies used
in each plant system are not covered. The only detailed discussions of these strategies pre-
sented are of the subsystems involved in reactor and overall plant control and of the regional
overpower trip logic.
For those interested in studying the individual systems in more detail, there is a plethora of
material available on the CANTEACH Web site ( In reviewing this
material, the author noted that it contains many references to design features that are unique
to individual sites as if they were part of the generic CANDU design. For those who need to
know the details of a specific station, the most reliable source is the system design manuals
pertaining to that station.
1.1 Overview
The reliability and availability requirements for nuclear power plants tend to differentiate them
from many other applications. The implications of these requirements for the major I&C
subsystems are discussed from the point of view of both nuclear safety and plant production.
References to current standards and regulatory documentation are provided.
The overall architecture of I&C systems is described, using the reference CANDU 6 design as an
example. There are close ties here with the architecture of the electrical power systems de-
scribed in Chapter 11.
The implementation technologies used in nuclear I&C are also described. As an aid to under-
standing the design decisions evinced by the design, a brief discussion of the technologies
available to the designers in the early 1970s is provided.
To give the reader an insight into the more detailed I&C logic functions typical of the CANDU
design, the operation of the main I&C systems involved in overall control of the plant (reactor
regulating system, boiler pressure control, and unit power regulation) is described in Section 4.
The design of the I&C subsystems of the special safety systems is described in Section 5. The
tools and techniques used to verify the design are discussed in Section 8.
I&C technology has arguably experienced the most dramatic change of any of the technologies
used in power plant design in the years since most of the world’s nuclear fleet was constructed.
However, at least in the case of CANDU, although a number of I&C subsystems have been
replaced by more modern equipment at various stations over the years, the lack of a truly new
build design means that the existing I&C design is now very dated. If and when the next new
build is undertaken, the designers will face an extremely challenging task in bringing the design
concepts and implementation technologies forward into the 21st century.
Several new-build designs have been initiated in the interim, notably for the CANDU 3, CANDU
9, and the Advanced CANDU reactor, but none of these has been carried out to the point where
detailed design documentation was produced and implementation planning was documented,
let alone where a reactor had been constructed, commissioned, and licensed. Furthermore, I&C
technology moves forward perhaps one generation every ten years, so new designs have a
rather limited shelf life.
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Instrumentation and Control 5
Given the small number of new builds elsewhere in the world, many plants share this tendency
to have outdated I&C technology. A discussion of some of the issues facing the designers of an
upcoming new build (as opposed to a new replicate design) is included in Section 9, although, to
be sure, any such discussion will be overtaken rather rapidly by technological developments.
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6 The Essential CANDU
elements), the better. However, if dryout is ever allowed to occur, cooling deteriorates quite
rapidly, resulting in fuel melting. Therefore, power has to be raised to some point below dryout,
then held close to constant by maintaining k = 1. This manoeuvering and control is achieved by
adding or removing neutron-absorbing control elements: poison, rods, and in the case of
CANDU, light water. Insertion of each reactivity-control mechanism results in a reduction in the
neutron multiplication factor. The absorption value of these devices is expressed in milli-k (mk).
Insertion of one mk of negative reactivity decreases the neutron multiplication factor by 0.001.
In a light water reactor, fresh fuel requires maximum negative reactivity (rod insertion). As fuel
burns up, rods must be gradually withdrawn to sustain the chain reaction. Power distribution
within the core is highly predictable because the rods are withdrawn in a predetermined pat-
tern. In CANDU, with continuous refuelling, fuel reactivity can be maintained indefinitely, but
local peaks will occur when fresh fuel is inserted. This, together with the larger size of the core,
which in the absence of control action can lead to local flux oscillations due to Xe135 (a neutron
absorber with a fairly short half-life which is produced as a result of the fission process), means
that, in a CANDU reactor, flux has to be controlled both as an average value, for the entire core,
and spatially, to avoid unwanted flux tilts.
Heat must also be removed from the fuel as it is produced. This is achieved by circulating a
heat-transport fluid (e.g., light or heavy water) over the fuel. The energy removed is transferred
to the secondary coolant circuit, where it produces steam to drive the turbine. Failure to
remove heat can result in damage to the fuel or to heat-transport system components, so
control of the heat-transport system is also critical.
The safety role of the process control systems is to keep the various reactor systems operating
within predetermined safe limits. Given the potential consequences of process-system failure,
however, the defenses against such failure must be extremely robust—much more robust than
could credibly be achieved by the process systems themselves. Several additional layers of
defense are used in any modern power reactor. The probability that each layer will not be
available to accomplish its function is expressed as some unavailability figure, e.g., 10-3 years
per year. In the case of a defense mechanism, this is equivalent to saying that the mechanism
will operate as expected 999 times out of every 1000 challenges.
In any modern reactor design, the additional levels in this defense-in-depth approach are:
The shutdown systems,
The emergency core cooling system (ECCS), and
The containment system.
In CANDU plants, these systems are referred to as the “special safety systems”, while in PWRs,
they are referred to as “reactor protection systems” and “engineered safety features”. In the
CANDU context, anything else is a “process system”. During plant operation, the special safety
systems are poised ready to perform their function when called upon to do so, while the proc-
ess systems are generally in continuous operation. However, some process-system functions are
also normally dormant, but take action to preclude the need for special safety system interven-
The role of the shutdown system is to stop the chain reaction very rapidly (generally in less than
two seconds) if there is an indication that the process parameters are going outside acceptable
limits. Shutdown systems achieve their function by rapidly inserting large amounts of negative
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Instrumentation and Control 7
reactivity. This is typically done in all reactors by inserting neutron-absorbing rods into the core
using a highly reliable power source—the force of gravity (or pressurized gas accumulators, in
the case of boiling water reactors), augmented initially by springs in the case of CANDU.
The CANDU core has a slightly positive void coefficient. This means that, as power increases
through the point that the primary coolant starts to boil, the reactivity would also increase in
the absence of any control-system action. In other words, a positive feedback situation exists.
On initial consideration, this does not appear to be a desirable characteristic, because an event
that results in a power increase is not self-limiting. The Canadian industry’s response to this has
been to provide a second separate, diverse shutdown system (SDS2). In all designs from Bruce
A on, both shutdown systems are equally capable. The second system injects gadolinium nitrate
poison into the moderator, using compressed helium gas as the motivating force.
Every effort is made to ensure that the two shutdown systems are independent (different
reactivity mechanisms, different design teams, complete electrical and spatial separation of
instrumentation and mechanisms, different I&C devices wherever possible and practical), so
that the design unavailabilities of 10-3 years per year for each system can be multiplied to
achieve an overall unavailability of the shutdown function of 10-6 years per year.
Proponents of light water reactors tend to make much of the CANDU’s positive void coefficient,
but the comparison with respect to inherent power dynamics is not all one-sided. Clearly, in
addition to the direction that power tends to move, the rate at which it moves is also important.
Although a milli-k may not sound like much, the average lifetime of a neutron is less than one
millisecond. Considered simplistically, this would mean that an excess reactivity of only 1 mk
would result in an approximate tripling of neutron power within one second. Fortunately, this
simplistic approach is not applicable in a power reactor core. Due to the effects of a relatively
small number of delayed neutrons (about 6%), the increase in power in one second would, for a
CANDU, be around 1%. In a light water reactor, it would be around 10%. This is one key differ-
ence between the CANDU core and a typical LWR. For a more complete explanation, see
[Rouben2002] and Chapter 5, Section 6. Moreover, once power reduction starts, the strong
negative power coefficient of a light water reactor tends to resist the desired power reduction,
prolonging heat generation in the fuel. In a light water reactor, the shutdown system alone
does not insert enough negative reactivity to shut down the reactor. These reactors also rely on
an inherent feature of the physics of the light water core—the Doppler resonance phenome-
non—to help terminate the reaction [Rouben2008].
Stopping the chain reaction is necessary, but not sufficient to mitigate the effects of a process-
system failure. The decay heat, which initially amounts to about 6% of the pre-shutdown value,
still has to be removed. In a fossil-fuel plant, cutting off the source of new energy (the fuel feed)
instantly removes the heat source. In a power reactor, even after the chain reaction has been
terminated, decay heat could cause the fuel to melt, with the resulting undesirable conse-
quences, for many days after the reactor has been shut down, unless continued cooling of the
fuel is provided. Usually, the heat-transport system is available to do this, but to guard against
any failures in this system, a backup cooling system is required—the emergency core cooling
system, whose role is to provide an alternate path for removal of decay heat from the fuel if
there is an indication that the process systems responsible for doing this have failed.
The last line of defense is the containment system, whose role is to provide an envelope around
the parts of the plant that contain fission products so that this material will not be released to
the environment. The containment system also condenses any steam released into this enve-
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8 The Essential CANDU
lope, thus limiting any upward pressure excursion following such a release.
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Instrumentation and Control 9
be seen that anything longer than a brief outage of one of these key systems will have a severe
economic impact. Poisoning out is not an issue for the PWR/BWR.
Production availability is not, of course, a regulatory requirement, and therefore there are no
regulatory documents which pertain to this key attribute. It will be seen in subsequent sections
that the control systems are designed to fail safe, which will result in a shutdown of the reactor
without the need for special safety-system action. It will also be seen that much of the key
process control logic is implemented in a pair of dual-redundant digital control computers
(DCCs). Although there is no specific requirement for availability of the process systems in
general, these systems were designed to be highly reliable and tolerant of individual component
failures. The DCCs were designed not to fail in a manner that leads to a poison-out more than
once in three years. Note that, while this reads somewhat like the “serious process failure”
requirement described in the previous section, the two requirements are quite distinct because,
due to the fail-safe design of the process I&C systems, most process I&C outages will not result
in a serious process failure as defined in Section 2.2.
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Instrumentation and Control 11
impact both systems simultaneously (e.g., high radiation fields, temperature, and humidity).
The equipment must therefore be qualified to function in the anticipated post-accident envi-
ronment. Equipment must also be qualified to survive and function during more widespread
common-mode events such as electromagnetic disturbances and earthquakes, against which
only limited physical protection is possible.
The low unavailability of each special safety system is achieved in part by redundancy of the
equipment within each system. To ensure independence of the instrumentation, it is channel-
ized. This involves physical separation of the instrumentation, cable routes, logic equipment,
and actuators, and the electrical supplies that power them. Typically, the special systems
instrumentation and actuation logic is divided into three or more separate channels. The
separation of the electrical supplies closely reflects the separation within the I&C systems, as
described in Chapter 11.
Channelization minimizes the probability that many classes of events will disable more than one
channel at a time. Because safety-system action requires two of the three channels to call for
activation of the safety function, the system will continue to perform its design function even if
the third channel has failed in an unsafe manner. The design of the individual channel logic is
such that unsafe failure of even a single channel is unlikely.
Channelization also enables the logic in each channel to be tested periodically. A channel under
test is placed in a state where it votes for safe action. In calculating the system unavailability,
each component failure is assumed to be random and is detected by a test carried out at a
specific test interval. On average, then, failures may go undetected for one-half this test inter-
val. Therefore,
unavailability = failure frequency x test interval / 2.
It can be seen that the test frequency of functions that are normally poised but inactive is a key
input to the unavailability calculation. Unless such functions are tested periodically, any system
which depends on them must be assumed to be unavailable.
The detailed requirements for channelization in CANDU plants are documented in a series of
safety design guides which are not in the public domain.
In PWR plants, a single shutdown system is normally used, with four channels of sensor and
actuation logic. A reactor trip will result if any two of the four channels call for a trip. For
CANDU plants, two three-channel shutdown systems are used. A reactor trip will result if any
two of the three channels in a given shutdown system call for a trip. Either shutdown system
will trip the reactor if the logic for any trip parameter calls for a trip in at least two channels.
This is known as “general coincidence” logic. It is also possible to design a system in which a trip
will occur only if the logic for the same parameter in at least two channels calls for a trip. This
design is referred to as “local coincidence logic” and is used in some other CANDU plants. It can
be seen that, although local coincidence logic is less prone to spurious trips, it requires more
inter-channel communication, which compromises channel separation to some extent and adds
complexity, particularly when the logic is hard-wired. In practice, the spurious trip rate has
been found to be sufficiently small that the additional complexity of local coincidence logic is
not warranted.
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12 The Essential CANDU
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14 The Essential CANDU
The sense of the actuation logic for all systems controlled by the DCC is chosen such that de-
energization of the DCC outputs will tend to move the affected process system in a safe direc-
tion. If both DCCs fail, for example, the mechanical control absorbers will drop into the core,
and the light water zones will fill, resulting in a reactor shutdown.
Although the DCC itself is not seismically qualified, this watchdog timer function is. Hence, it is
sometimes referred to as a “seismically qualified stepback”. This ensures that, the DCCs will be
reliably disconnected from the process equipment they control should they fail as a result of a
seismic event.
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Instrumentation and Control 15
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16 The Essential CANDU
flux detectors (two in each zone) that penetrate the reactor vertically from the reac-
tivity mechanisms deck. The flux power is estimated for each of these 14 zones.
Because the platinum-clad Inconel detectors (see Section 6.1.1) do not provide an
absolute value for neutron power, the zone power estimates have to be calibrated
against thermal power. This is determined from measurements of temperature rise
between the reactor inlet and outlet headers at low power, and from secondary-side
measurements of steam flow, feed-water flow, and feedwater temperature at higher
power (> 70%), because boiling in the channels renders the primary-side measure-
ments unreliable at these power levels.
2. The appropriate power set-point is selected based on plant mode (Normal/Alternate,
see Section 4). This set-point will be overridden if a setback is required (see Section
3.4). In this event, the reactor control mode is automatically switched to alternate
mode, and the power set-point is ramped down to a predetermined endpoint. If the
operator presses the HOLD POWER button on the RRS panel, automatic adjustment
of the power set-point will also be suspended.
3. The demand power logic compares the overall reactor power measured in item (1)
above with the required set-point and generates a power error signal Ep, which be-
comes the basis for the control of the reactivity mechanisms described next.
Note that internally RRS works with logarithmic power, expressed in decades. This is
appropriate because the reactor is a multiplicative device and the reactivity-control
mechanisms control the rate of neutron multiplication. The reactivity mechanisms
are driven based on Ep, which is also a logarithmic variable, measured in decades.
However, in many explanations, and indeed in the displays seen by the operator, the
Ep axis is labelled as “Power Error %” (see, for example, Figure 3). What is implied is
that the value is a percentage of current power, not of full power.
4. During normal steady-state operation, the reactivity in each of the 14 zones is ma-
nipulated by adjusting the level of light water in each of 14 cylindrical compartments,
one located in each zone (see Figure 2). In a heavy water reactor, light water is a
neutron absorber. Each of the 14 compartments has a fixed outflow and a valve
which controls the inflow of light water. These valves are manipulated in response to
a combination of the overall power error, Ep, and any deviation of zone flux from the
average over all 14 zones. The total worth of all 14 light water zones is about 7 mk.
The logic to control overall power is run twice per second. Tilt control is updated
every two seconds.
In a zone where the overall error and the spatial components of the error signal sum
to zero, inflow will equal outflow, and the light water level will remain constant at
some intermediate level. The level of light water in each zone does not contribute to
valve opening. However, as the level approaches either completely full or com-
pletely empty, the controlled variable changes from zone power to light water level
so that the zones never completely flood or drain. These light water zone controllers
are described in Section 6.2.
5. If more negative reactivity is required than the liquid zones are able to provide, as
indicated by the zones becoming close to full, then this is accomplished by the me-
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Instrumentation and Control 17
chanical control absorber logic, which drives banks of neutron-absorbing rods into
the core. These absorber rods are normally located outside the core above the reac-
tor. There are four mechanical control absorbers, with a total worth of 11 mk. The
switching logic for them is shown in Figure 3.
the absorbers to fall into the core under gravity. In this way, a much faster power re-
duction is achieved than if the rods were driven electrically.
In the long term, if the light water zones tend to move significantly away from the
50%-full point, the operator can adjust the available reactivity by adding poison to or
removing poison from the moderator.
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Instrumentation and Control 19
envelope has not been exceeded. If any parameter exceeds a predefined trip set-point, then the
channel votes for a reactor trip. To guard against modelling errors, the CANDU design uses two
diverse parameters in each shutdown system where practical to protect against each postulated
initiating event. The case of impracticality has been invoked in the regional overpower protec-
tion (ROP) logic, which provides the primary defence against a slow loss-of-regulation accident.
The ROP sensors use the same technology in both SDS1 and SDS2, and there is no backup
nucleonic parameter for a slow loss of regulation, although the heat-transport high-pressure
parameter does provide some protection in this case. The log-rate trip provides some diversity
for fast LORs.
Most of the parameters that trip the shutdown systems are sensed using conventional process
instrumentation, which provides fairly accurate indications of process values. However, in the
regional overpower detection function, the platinum-clad Inconel sensors provide a much less
direct indication of the physical parameter of interest: the onset of dryout in each bundle in the
core. The logic used in the ROP trip will be described in Section 7, after the limitations of the
sensors used have been introduced in Section 6.1.1.
operated. Examples are the ventilation ducts, the spent fuel port, and the feed-water and
steam lines.
The pressure rise is limited by the dousing system. In the upper area of the building, a dousing
tank contains water which is released as a spray to condense steam resulting from a heat-
transport system or steam-line break. Dousing is initiated by opening a combination of electri-
cally activated and pneumatically actuated valves located beneath the dousing tank. Series
valves are used to minimize the probability of inadvertent dosing actuation. Diverse actuation
sources enhance the probability that dousing will occur when required. (This applies to single-
unit CANDU stations. Multi-unit stations use a vacuum building common to all four units. In
the event of a LOCA, the affected containment is connected to this vacuum building, and the
steam emanating from the LOCA site is doused there).
A cooling system limits the temperature rise within containment, thus maintaining the integrity
of the building in the long term. The cooling system I&C is conventional. A hydrogen ignition
system ignites any free hydrogen gas before concentrations can become high enough to be
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Instrumentation and Control 21
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22 The Essential CANDU
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Instrumentation and Control 23
number of sensors being located within containment, although the electronics may still be
separated from the sensor elements to facilitate maintenance. The electrical signals are taken
through the containment wall by penetrations which are designed to preclude leaks from within
containment along the cables.
Actuators are likewise close to the process equipment being controlled. They may use electrical
power directly or use electrical/pneumatic converters in the case of loads driven by instrument
air. Most of the electrical loads are driven by switchgear located in the turbine building.
6.1 Sensors
For the most part, the I&C systems use sensors that are used in other process control applica-
tions. However, because the subject of this text is a nuclear reactor, a description of the sensors
used for measuring neutron flux is presented below, with particular emphasis on the in-core flux
detectors, which are unique to the CANDU reactor. To ensure the necessary independence, the
sensors used by each special safety system are dedicated to the system in question and are
separate from the sensors, wiring, and associated equipment used by the process systems.
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24 The Essential CANDU
In-core flux detectors are used in the CANDU 6 reactor to measure local flux power for both
control and shutdown systems. They resemble coaxial cables with an Inconel sheath and a
central core made of either platinum-clad Inconel or vanadium in the sensitive section, as
shown in Figure 8.
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Instrumentation and Control 25
utes significantly to the complexity of both the ROP protection and power control algorithms. A
detailed explanation of this is beyond the scope of this text.
The flux detectors used and their locations are as follows:
102 vanadium detectors are inserted vertically from the reactivity mechanism deck.
These are used by the flux mapping program in the DCCs. The vanadium detectors
are also the basis for the setback on high local neutron flux (see Section 3.4.1)
28 platinum-clad Inconel detectors (two for each of the 14 zones) are inserted verti-
cally from the reactivity mechanism deck. In each zone pair, one is in channel A and
one in channel C. These are used by the RRS program, the flux mapping program,
and the stepback program in the DCCs.
34 platinum-clad Inconel detectors are inserted vertically from the reactivity mecha-
nism deck. These are used by SDS1. The detectors are divided between channels D,
E, and F.
24 platinum-clad Inconel detectors are inserted horizontally and are used by SDS2.
The detectors are divided between channels G, H, and J. Future builds are expected
to require the same number of detectors as for SDS1.
6.2 Actuators
Actuators in CANDU are primarily electrically driven by on/off 48VDC outputs from the control
system logic. Small loads may be driven directly, while heavy loads are driven by motor control
centres which receive their inputs as 48VDC signals. Some larger valves are pneumatically
actuated by electrical-to-air converters, and therefore in addition to the electrical supply
system, there is an instrument air system with odd and even channels. Because this system is
not described elsewhere, an overview of it is included in Section 6.2.1. Air-driven valves can
typically move much more rapidly than electrically driven ones. For example, on CANDU, large
air-driven valves are used to isolate containment. Air-driven valves typically use local air accu-
mulators to provide a local power source following loss of the main air supply. This power can
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26 The Essential CANDU
be used to drive air-driven actuators to a predetermined safe position following such an event.
There are a number of proportional actuators, such as the boiler feed-water control valves and
the valves which control the flow of light water to the 14 zone controllers.
The CANDU design predated devices that are commanded directly by digital signals sent over a
communications network, and therefore such devices will be found only in areas where the
original equipment has been replaced.
Although most actuators used in the CANDU design are conventional, the actuators which
control spatial power are unique. The reactor is divided for spatial control purposes into 14
zones (see Section 4.1). Each zone contains a cylindrical compartment with a variable amount
of light water (see Figure 9). The level of light water in each compartment is controlled by
varying the flow of water into it, using a valve whose position is determined by a 4-20 mA
controller (normally an output from the DCC). The light water outflow is essentially constant.
The level of water in each compartment is measured by bubbling helium in at the bottom of the
compartment and sensing the difference in pressure between the incoming gas and the pres-
sure in the helium balance header connected to the tops of all 14 compartments (see Figure 7).
This system has the advantage of requiring no active components inside the reactor core. It
works well as long as no compartment either floods or drains. However, flooding or draining
does occur occasionally, and an alternative design which does not have this disadvantage might
be worth investigating.
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Instrumentation and Control 27
power. The air passes into the reactor building through a single line equipped with two isolation
valves in series, which are operable from the control room and provide containment isolation,
typically following a LOCA. A number of the pneumatic actuators inside the reactor building are
required to operate in the immediate post-LOCA period and must be able to operate during the
five-minute interruption caused by loss of Class 4 power. Therefore, a set of three air-storage
tanks is provided inside the reactor building to provide the necessary compressed-air reservoir.
Note that many of the loads are on/off and have to execute only a single movement in this time
frame. The single supply line branches within the reactor building to feed these tanks, each
feed being equipped with its own dual isolation valves and a check valve to preclude loss of the
tanks’ contents in the event of a loss of supply air. Therefore, the three tanks provide a short-
term source of triplicated, uninterruptable instrument air within the reactor building. The air,
once it has been used, is vented to the reactor-building atmosphere and will eventually be
exhausted through the building ventilation system.
Following a LOCA, containment ventilation will be isolated, and continued use of the normal
instrument-air source described above would tend to pressurize the reactor building gradually.
To address this concern and permit continued long-term use of pneumatic actuators in con-
tainment following a LOCA, a separate post-LOCA instrument-air source is provided on recent
CANDU 6 plants. This post-LOCA instrument-air (PLIA) system consists of a compressor located
outside the reactor building and two redundant dryers located inside the building, together with
a number of isolating valves. This equipment is not seismically qualified. The PLIA system feeds
the same reactor-building instrument-air tanks described above through appropriate isolating
valves. The compressor draws its inlet air supply from within the reactor building, thus avoiding
the tendency to pressurize the reactor building. The PLIA compressor will be brought on-line
before the valves isolating the supply of normal instrument air to the reactor building are
closed. The air handled by the PLIA system is potentially contaminated, and therefore the
system components outside containment are located in isolated rooms. Water removed from
the flow, which collects in a tank downstream of the compressor, is returned to the reactor
building active drainage through an isolated line.
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Instrumentation and Control 29
To SOR Clutches
Figure 11 Two-thirds voting logic for SDS1 trip
In the case of SDS2, the contents of six tanks containing gadolinium nitrate/D2O solution are
injected into the moderator using pressurized helium as the motive source. The pneumatically
operated valves which connect this pressurized gas to the tanks containing the poison are
arranged in a two-out-of-three configuration which is logically similar to that of the electrical
contacts shown in Figure 11. Again, a trip in any two of the three SDS2 channels will open the
corresponding helium supply valves and trip the reactor.
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30 The Essential CANDU
ware. “Mini” was a relative term. A minicomputer was the size of a small refrigerator and with
the associated input/output equipment could well expand to be 10 metres long. These com-
puters were not inexpensive, nor were they noted for their reliability. One did not procure
computers in large numbers and deploy them where they were required. Rather, a pair of
centrally located computers configured as master and standby was used, and the necessary
sensors and actuators were connected to them using discrete pairs of wires (as opposed to
communications networks). Networking of computers was unknown. Once the decision was
made to use computers, one looked at what other functions, in addition to those that had to be
there, could be implemented using this expensive but very flexible resource.
The digital computers on the CANDU 6 implement the following functions:
Closed-loop control for:
o the reactor,
o steam generator level
o steam generator pressure,
o turbine loading,
o heat-transport pressure and inventory, and
o moderator temperature;
Control of the fuelling machines, which enable on-power refuelling of the reactor;
Run-up of the turbine;
Presentation to the operator of annunciation information for all process systems in
the plant;
Data logging for all process systems in the plant.
A detailed description of the logic implemented in the DCCs is beyond the scope of this text, but
as an example, see the description of Overall Plant Control given in Section 4. The architecture
of the dual-DCC system is shown in Figure 12.
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Instrumentation and Control 31
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32 The Essential CANDU
consists of a single predefined action and a set of post-action checks. A job is made up of a
series of steps. Jobs may be executed automatically from start to finish or may progress one
step at a time under operator supervision. In any event, if the expected feedbacks do not
materialize, execution stops, and the operator is alerted.
The sequential actions required to complete each fuelling activity (i.e., a “job”) are defined in an
interpretive language developed specifically for the CANDU fuelling application. Although not
as readable as a modern sequential control language, this language does provide the reader
with some level of isolation from the underlying assembly-language logic. The operator can
allow the job to proceed entirely automatically or can elect to require his permission between
each step and the next.
Because fuelling is not required on a continuous basis, the fuelling-machine function is only
implemented in a single DCC.
They were not, however, called computers, but were referred to as “programmable digital
comparators” (PDCs).
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34 The Essential CANDU
The trip comparator associated with each ROP detector is set to a value determined offline by a
computer code “ROVER” to ensure that at least two detectors in each SDS will call for a trip
before dryout occurs at any location in the core. The computer code considers a large number
of normal and abnormal reactor configurations, but does not account for non-equilibrium
fuelling. Typically, with new pressure tubes, this comparator set-point will be around 122%,
although it declines as the pressure tubes age. The code is re-run and the comparators are
adjusted infrequently (e.g., once every three years) to account for changes that affect thermal
hydraulics, such as pressure-tube creep. The comparator setting includes the desired margin to
The RFSP (Reactor Fuelling Simulation Program) code is run frequently (e.g., once every three
days). It synthesizes a flux map based on the reactor’s power and fuelling history, on reactivity
mechanism positions, and on the 102 vanadium detector readings. The power in each channel j
in the channel-power peaking factor region (all but the outer extremity of the core), CPj, is then
computed and divided by the reference power for that channel, CPref j, to yield the normalized
channel power:
Pnorm j = CPj/CPref j.
The highest Pnorm j becomes the channel-power peaking factor (CPPF, typically around 1.08).
Therefore, the CPPF represents the worst-case power peaking factor due to refuelling ripple
over all channels. The detector amplifier gains are then adjusted so that they read (current
reactor power x CPPF). It can be seen that this approach is quite conservative because it
assumes that all detectors will be affected equally by the channel at greatest risk. This purpose
of this calibration is to compensate for changes in position of the reactivity mechanisms and for
local flux changes due to fuelling. It also incidentally compensates for decreasing detector
sensitivity with age. Typically, one or two detectors per channel will be found to be out of limits
in any particular adjustment cycle.
Each detector amplifier also includes two filters which compensate for the non-prompt re-
sponse of the detector itself. These are not normally adjusted. The compensated signals passed
to the comparators represent a fairly close approximation to the thermal power in the fuel,
which is what causes dryout, and hence is the signal on which the reactor needs to be tripped.
The effect of this compensation is shown in Figure 13.
The set-points for both SDS1 and SDS2 are based on the same criteria, including trip margins,
and therefore it is a matter of chance which system will trip first. Indeed, in the case of a slow
LOR, it is likely that SDS2 will trip first because it has fewer detectors and hence its set-points
must be somewhat more conservative. In the past, there was an incentive to arrange things so
that SDS1 would trip first because it could be re-poised much more quickly and potentially avoid
a reactor poison-out. Nowadays, the analysis associated with restarting the reactor after any
trip is sufficiently time-consuming that a poison-out is inevitable in either case.
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Instrumentation and Control 35
8 Design Verification
All CANDU systems were subject during the design process to a design review carried out by
their designers’ peers. This review was based on the detailed design documentation produced
for the customer. With each succeeding design generation, the documentation became more
comprehensive. However, the process-systems review was never based on the detailed com-
prehensive list of system requirements which is typical of best-practice systems design in a
modern engineering context.
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36 The Essential CANDU
In the case of the special safety systems, the situation is better because it was necessary to
demonstrate detailed compliance with the safety requirements.
For closed-loop control systems, the dynamic performance of the control algorithms is of major
interest because any instability can require close operator attention at best and opera-
tor/automatic action up to and including shutting down the plant in the worst case. The design
of the CANDU controls was carried out before computers that could simulate plant dynamics in
real time were available. The performance of the proposed algorithms was checked using plant
models and models of the control algorithms run on a mainframe computer in batch mode. For
readers who never knew the days when telephones had wires, a mainframe computer occupied
a large room buried in the bowels of the design office, consumed many kilowatts of power, was
attended by a staff of dozens of technicians, and executed jobs fed to it in the form of decks
consisting of thousands of punched cards. You submitted your job and waited a day or two for
the results to be returned. These took the form of endless columns of numbers printed by a line
printer on reams of fanfold paper.
The plant models used for such verification were not themselves subject to any formal verifica-
In the case of the special safety systems, dynamic performance was of critical interest because
any unexpected delays in initiating a trip could lead to fuel damage. In this case, the codes used
for verification, such as Cathena, have been subjected to formal validation.
Over the life of the CANDU 6 plants, all sites have added operator training simulators which
closely mimic the performance of the subject plant in real time. Although these models have
not been formally validated to serve as engineering simulations (i.e., as accurate representa-
tions of the process dynamics), it has become common practice to verify any significant control
system changes on the operator training simulator before implementation. This not only
provides some assurance that the changes to the control algorithms will work, but checks any
associated changes to the human/machine interface. The training simulator has been particu-
larly effective in enhancing the level of confidence in changes to the DCC software because the
simulators typically emulate the DCC processor, which means that the new DCC software can be
loaded and run on the simulator. It should be noted, however, that due to possible lack of
fidelity in the plant models used in training simulators, successful operation of the changes on
the simulator does not offer a guarantee that the change will be trouble-free on the plant itself.
In the past, no new-build CANDU plant has had a training simulator installed when it was
originally commissioned. In today’s regulatory environment, availability of an operator training
simulator before commissioning has become a requirement. This will lead to a situation where
it becomes very important to be able to adapt the operator training simulator rapidly to reflect
changes made to the plant design before and during commissioning.
During the intervening years, at least three new CANDU designs have been embarked upon, yet
none has been developed to the point of implementation. These were the CANDU 3, CANDU 9,
and the Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR). All these featured I&C technology which was current
at the time. One might think that, given the advances in computing power, the design of the
control systems for these plants would present few problems. Yet this was far from the case.
In a modern distributed control system (DCS), use of which is standard practice in the I&C
industry today, the physical inputs are typically digitized close to the field instrumentation. The
digital data are then carried over a communications network to one of a number of processing
units in which the control algorithms are executed. The control commands are then networked
to output stations located near the controlled actuators. The algorithms in the input, process-
ing, and output modules typically run asynchronously, and inter-processor communication is
also typically asynchronous. Therefore, the time delays from input to output are no longer
deterministic, as is the case for a DCC. If the resulting uncertainties are to be negligible, every-
thing has to run many times faster in a modern system if the same dynamic performance is to
be guaranteed in the worst case.
Modern DCS systems have the advantage of being programmed in application-specific high-level
languages, frequently using graphical representations of the logic, which make the design much
more susceptible to review by outsiders. However, many vendors’ products use proprietary
languages which are not readily portable to a different vendor’s product, should it become
necessary to replace the control system at some stage in the life of the plant. An international
standard does exist for programmable controller languages [IEC1993], but adoption of this
standard has not yet been widespread.
Periodically, the prospect of using some of the more exotic modern I&C technologies such as
expert systems, optimal control, neural networks, and fuzzy logic controllers is raised, typically
by academics. Many of these techniques have been around since the 1960s, after all. The
problem with many of these approaches is that they are typically non-deterministic and there-
fore difficult to qualify. The regulators quite rightly frown on any design that cannot be guaran-
teed to produce the exact same response every time it is presented with the same sequence of
input conditions.
The old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, is very good advice. Any change to the existing
design must show that it can provide enhanced power output, greater plant availability, and/or
lower operating costs if it is to be seriously considered. In this chapter, the author has at-
tempted to point out some features of the existing design that may benefit from re-design in
any future CANDU new build.
due to the relatively small amount of logic involved and the fact that the PDCs are not geo-
graphically distributed, the new design was able to avoid reliance on digital communications.
Architecturally, then, the new PDCs were little different from the systems they replaced. The
functions of the safety-critical software running on the existing equipment were re-engineered
for the new platforms. Although this re-engineering was by no means a trivial task, the exis-
tence of well-documented requirements and accepted procedures [CANDU1999] for carrying
out this work made it fairly routine.
The replacement approach for the DCC hardware took a very different approach. The obvious
approach to DCC replacement is to use a modern DCS, as discussed in the previous section.
However, DCC replacement has the potential to lead to a very protracted and costly plant
outage if anything goes wrong during the replacement or if the software implementation proves
to have defects once the plant is brought back online. To minimize this risk, the fundamental
requirement of the plant owners has been to replicate the existing control logic in precise detail.
The existing DCCs contain a large body of purpose-designed software, ranging from the operat-
ing system to dozens of applications whose details are specific to each CANDU site. The most
reliable definition of the functionality of this software is the program listing itself, which is
written in a machine-specific assembly language.
As stated in the introduction, the design and implementation of the analog control loops
implemented in the DCCs are based on classical frequency-domain techniques. At a detail level,
the control logic consists of an interconnected set of gain elements, integrators, and differenti-
ators. However, because these elements are ultimately implemented in assembly language and
are specified in the form of difference equations, the basic structure of the control logic is far
from obvious to anybody reviewing the detailed design. Translating the existing control logic
into the context of a modern DCS platform with a high degree of confidence that the platform
change will not introduce latent errors would be a formidable task. Not only is there a risk of
errors in the interpretation of the software functionality, but the different architectures of the
two platforms make emulation of real-time performance very difficult to guarantee.
Therefore, if a DCS were used to replace these DCCs, the DCC logic would have to be reverse-
engineered and a new DCS-based design developed and re-validated from the ground up. No
plant owner or CANDU 6 replication project manager has accepted this risk. The alternative was
to custom-build replacement computer equipment which would be fit-, form-, and function-
compatible with the existing hardware and which would host the existing software with rela-
tively minor changes.
As it happened, the CANDU industry was not the only one to be confronted with this problem,
and replacement computer hardware based on more modern components had been developed
for both the Pickering A and CANDU 6 DCCs. These “clone” computers served as a starting point
for the refurbishment of these units, a process which is still ongoing.
All this means that all existing CANDUs will run with aging I&C technology for the next couple of
decades and that the first CANDU new build, should there be one, will be the proving ground for
the design, licensing, and implementation of what is now standard practice for the I&C industry,
assuming that the “clone” DCC is not retained.
The design life of a CANDU plant is around 40 years. With refurbishment, this could well extend
to 70 years or more. Each generation of I&C technology becomes obsolete in about 15 years,
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Instrumentation and Control 39
particularly if one is speaking about digital equipment. The manufacturers of the equipment
typically will not guarantee to support their product beyond about 20 years, though if one
happens to pick a particularly successful product line, this date might be extended by another
10 years. Therefore, any nuclear plant will have to face replacement of its digital I&C equipment
at least twice in the lifetime of the plant. In the case of the original CANDU DCCs, the original
equipment was specifically developed in Canada by a custom systems integration supplier who
owned much of the design data and was able to purchase the rest from the original equipment
manufacturers. Manufacturers of off-the-shelf I&C products are not interested in this kind of re-
engineering business. However, by far the most economic and reliable solution in the future
will be to base the I&C on off-the-shelf equipment. Design for replacement has not so far been
a requirement on next-generation reactors. This is a challenge that should be accepted. The
existing refurbished CANDU plants will probably have to face this issue with their DCCs at least
once more during their extended lifetimes because it is hard to imagine the present vendor still
providing support in 2040. In future replacements, it is unlikely that development of a replace-
ment platform which can run the existing software will be practical, and therefore the issue of
rewriting the software when the equipment is replaced will have to be faced. If a hardware
platform which supports the industry-standard languages [IEC1993]is used, this offers some
hope that the existing software will be portable. However, the industry in general has shown
little inclination to adopt these languages, meaning that there is no guarantee that this ap-
proach will yield the desired advantages.
11 Problems
1. Starting with an equilibrium reaction, assume that a control rod is moved out of core by
a fixed distance. What form will the curve of reactor power vs. time assume?
2. Given the approximate numbers quoted in Section 2 and assuming that the light-water
zone controllers are initially half full, in the absence of any other control or shutdown ac-
tion, what value would the power in a CANDU reactor reach in one second if all the light-
water zone controllers suddenly drained? Assume that initial power = 100% and that the
total reactivity worth of the zone controllers = 7 mk.
3. From the point of view of reliability, why is it important in a reactor with two shutdown
systems that the two systems be independent?
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40 The Essential CANDU
15. What would be some key requirements for the secondary control area?
16. It has been suggested that the control system be made capable of initiating a power set-
back on low margin to trip. What possible objection could there be to such a proposal?
17. What are the potential effects of a failure of the air-conditioning system which services
the room housing the DCCs?
18. Why might the CDF be less relevant in the context of modern I&C technology?
19. List some pros and cons of digitizing instrument readings inside containment.
20. When using thermal measurements to calibrate flux-detector readings, what processing
will have to be applied to the flux-detector readings before they are compared to ther-
mal power measurements?
21. Why are ion chambers not used for control in the upper decade (10% to 100%) of reac-
tor power?
22. Why do you think digital sensors have seen limited application in retrofit projects on ex-
isting CANDU power plants?
23. What would be the most demanding requirement facing a potential replacement for the
level measurement in the light-water zone compartments? Suggest some possible tech-
nologies which might be used.
24. What long-term factors might require the operator to adjust bulk reactivity using mod-
erator poison?
25. What characteristics of the CANDU design drove the choice to use digital computer con-
trol before it was a widely accepted technology?
26. What are some negative consequences of having the control logic defined in software
written in assembly language?
27. What would be a major reason that an annunciation scheme based on expert system
technology might be difficult to license?
28. Give an example of a non-proprietary language which would be appropriate to the defi-
nition of sequential control logic.
29. List some advantages to making shutdown-system testing an automatic function.
30. List two reasons why software is often considered to be particularly prone to design er-
31. Which ROP adjustment accounts for the changing shape of flux within the reactor core?
32. Why will the ROP trip comparator set-points need to be adjusted downwards as the
pressure tubes age?
33. Give an example of a non-proprietary language which would be appropriate to the defi-
nition of (a) analog and (b) Boolean control logic.
34. In what way does the architecture of a distributed control system, as opposed to that of
a centralized computer system, affect the execution timing of the control logic?
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42 The Essential CANDU
12 References
[Rouben2002] Rouben, B. Introduction to Reactor Physics, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Sep-
tember 2002.
[Rouben2008] Rouben, B., Reactivity Coefficients, McMaster University course EP 4D03/6D03,
September 2008.
[AECB1977] AECB. Regulatory Document R-10: The Use of Two Shutdown Systems in Reactors,
AECB, January 11, 1977.
[AECB1991a] AECB. Regulatory Document R-8, Requirements for Shutdown Systems for CANDU
Nuclear Power Plants, AECB, February 21, 1991.
[AECB1991b] AECB. Regulatory Document R-7, Requirements for Containment Systems for
CANDU Nuclear Power Plants, AECB, February 21, 1991.
[AECB1991c] AECB. Regulatory Document R-9, Requirements for Emergency Core Cooling
Systems for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants, AECB, February 21, 1991.
[CSA2011a] CSA. N290.4-11: Requirements for the Reactor Regulating Systems of Nuclear Power
Plants, Canadian Standards Association, October 2011.
[CSA2011b] CSA N290.5-06: Requirements for Electrical Power and Instrument Air Systems of
CANDU Nuclear Power Plants.
[CANDU1999] CANDU. Standard for Software Engineering of Safety Critical Software, CE-
10010STD, Revision 2, CANDU Computer Systems Engineering Centre of Excellence, De-
cember 1999.
[IEC2001a] IEC. IEC 61508, Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
Safety-Related Systems, International Electrotechnical Commission, June 2001.
[IEC2001b] IEC. IEC 61513, Nuclear Power Plants – Instrumentation and Control for Systems
Important to Safety – General Requirements for Systems, International Electrotechnical
Commission, March 2001.
[IEC1993] IEC. IEC 61131-3, Programmable Controllers, Part 3: Programming Languages, Inter-
national Electrotechnical Commission, March 1993.
13 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
Werner Fieguth
Dave Fournier
Norm Ichiyen
Alek Josefowicz
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Electrical Systems
Prepared by
Dr. Jin Jiang1
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Western University
This chapter covers grid requirements, station power systems, and major electrical components
in CANDU nuclear power plants (NPP). Grid requirements at an NPP location are discussed in
terms of reliability and availability of off-site power, the need for a secure electricity supply for
the electrical generation process, and the role of electricity in ensuring the safety of CANDU
nuclear power plants. The chapter also describes the operating principles of the major pieces of
electrical equipment found in a CANDU plant.
The chapter is divided into four parts. In the first part, general and nuclear safety-based
principles and practices for the design of electrical systems in CANDU 6 plants are listed.
In the second part, the main electrical connection to the power grid is explained. The concepts
of switchyard, protection schemes, grid connection, and synchronization are also addressed
from a CANDU NPP point of view. The chapter considers situations involving electric power
production during normal operation, as well as power consumption for maintaining plant safety
during shutdowns. The relationship between internal station power, generated power, and grid
power is clarified in light of reactor safety.
The third part discusses the internal plant electrical system. The section offers a detailed
classification of power sources by their reliability levels and explains the interrelationships
among them. The section also provides a justification for the classification of these power
sources and introduces the concepts of DC power sources, standby power supplies, and
emergency power systems.
The final section briefly introduces the major electrical systems and devices in a CANDU plant,
including the generator, transformers, voltage/current transducers, and circuit breakers. The
section first explains the operating principles of these systems and devices and then provides
their specific ratings and designs in a CANDU plant.
To facilitate learning, a list of exercises has been compiled at the end of the chapter. The reader
1 with contributions of Sections 1.1, 1.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 from Mr. Alek Josefowicz, P.Eng., CANDU Energy
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2 The Essential CANDU
should attempt to answer these questions to gain further understanding of the materials
presented. Additional information on electrical systems in nuclear power plants can also be
obtained through the list of key references provided at the end of the chapter.
It is important to note that electrical systems may vary slightly in different CANDU plants. For
example, some diagrams may show elements of shared systems, the CANDU 6, as a single unit
design where the design principles exclude sharing except for the switchyard. The main goal of
this chapter is to provide a basic knowledge of electrical systems in a CANDU plant, rather than
to examine details of a specific plant.
Learning outcomes
The goal of this chapter is to provide students with a clear understanding of the importance of
the availability of electrical power for maintaining the safety of a nuclear power plant under
conditions different from the normal mode of operation, but which are, however, within the
conditions evaluated in the safety analysis report.
Students should be able to explain why grid power is as important to the safety of an NPP as
the power output from the NPP is to the grid.
Students should be able to identify any deficiency in the reliability of the power grid at the
power station location.
Students should be able to read the station power distribution diagram by identifying
different classes of power sources, i.e., Class I through Class IV. They should also be able to
match the names of the safety-related systems with the corresponding power classes.
Students should be able to describe the relationships among the different classes of power
Students should be able to explain the functionalities of both standby generators and the
emergency power system.
Students should be able to list the major systems involved in power generation and
Students should be able to explain the principles of energy conversion from mechanical
energy to electrical energy through synchronous generators.
Students should be able to describe the functionality and working principles of the excitation
and cooling systems of the synchronous generators.
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Electrical Systems 3
Students should be able to identify and describe the different types of circuit breakers and
disconnect switches.
Finally, students should be able to explain how the generated electricity is delivered to
millions of customers.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 General............................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Nuclear Safety-Based Design Principles and Practices for a CANDU EDS ...................... 6
2 Electrical Power Grids and their Connection with an NPP ..................................................... 7
2.1 A Holistic View of Electrical Systems between an NPP Station and the Grid................. 7
2.2 Unique Grid Power Requirements for NPP Safety.......................................................... 8
2.3 Switchyard between the Grid and a CANDU NPP Station .............................................. 9
2.4 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 9
3 Electrical Systems Internal to a CANDU Plant....................................................................... 10
3.1 Sources of Electrical Power for CANDU NPP Station Use............................................. 10
3.2 Class Definition of Power Sources ................................................................................ 11
3.3 Channelization .............................................................................................................. 13
3.4 Electrical Power Sources under Different Classes ........................................................ 14
3.4.1 Class I......................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.2 Class II........................................................................................................................ 15
3.4.3 Class III ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.4 Class IV ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.5 Load Transfer among Different Buses .......................................................................... 17
3.6 Standby Generators (SGs)............................................................................................. 19
3.7 Emergency Power Systems (EPS).................................................................................. 20
3.8 Grounding and Lightning Protection ............................................................................ 20
3.9 Control of Electrical Loads ............................................................................................ 21
3.9.1 Loads powered from switchgear .............................................................................. 21
3.9.2 Loads powered from the MCC .................................................................................. 21
3.9.3 Class IV and Class III loads......................................................................................... 22
3.9.4 Class II and Class I loads ............................................................................................ 22
3.9.5 EPS loads ................................................................................................................... 22
3.10 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 22
4 Main Electrical Components in a CANDU Plant.................................................................... 23
4.1 Generators .................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Basic principle ........................................................................................................... 23
4.1.2 Generators in a CANDU plant ................................................................................... 26
4.1.3 Excitation system ...................................................................................................... 27
4.1.4 Excitation transformer in a CANDU plant ................................................................. 28
4.1.5 Cooling and protection systems ............................................................................... 29
4.2 Transformers................................................................................................................. 30
4.2.1 Basic principles.......................................................................................................... 30
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4 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Fig. 1 - Relationships between the station power and the power grid [1]..................................... 7
Fig. 2 - Voltage levels within a CANDU plant. ............................................................................... 11
Fig. 3 - Allowable interruption time vs. capacity of the different power classes. ........................ 11
Fig. 4 - Interconnections of different classes of power supplies. ................................................. 12
Fig. 5 - Dual-bus configuration for power distribution systems. .................................................. 13
Fig. 6 - Load distribution on the Class IV bus in a CANDU plant................................................... 18
Fig. 7 - Turbine and generator set. ............................................................................................... 24
Fig. 8 - Illustrative diagram of a synchronous generator.............................................................. 24
Fig. 9 - A two-pole (one pole pair) synchronous generator.......................................................... 24
Fig. 10 – Three-phase synchronous generator. ............................................................................ 25
Fig. 11 - Conceptual diagram of a static thyristor-based excitation system. ............................... 28
Fig. 12 - Basic operating principle of a transformer. .................................................................... 30
Fig- 13 - External appearance of a typical power transformer..................................................... 32
Fig. 14 - Principles of (a) voltage transducers; and (b) current transducers. ............................... 34
Fig. 15 - An over-current protection circuit breaker..................................................................... 36
Fig. 16 - An arc-extinguishing circuit breaker. .............................................................................. 39
List of Tables
Table 1 - Classification of power sources...................................................................................... 12
Table 2 – Channelization............................................................................................................... 14
Table 3 - Equipment supported by Class I power supplies........................................................... 15
Table 4 - Equipment supported by Class II power supplies.......................................................... 15
Table 5 - Equipment supported by Class III power supplies......................................................... 16
Table 6 - Equipment supported by Class IV power supplies......................................................... 17
Table 7 - Characteristics of the main generator in a CANDU plant. ............................................. 26
Table 8 - Characteristics of the emergency power system generator. ........................................ 27
Table 9 - Characteristics of the generator in the Class III power system. .................................... 27
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6 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
1.1 General
Even though the sole objective of a nuclear power plant is to generate electricity, it takes
electricity to run the entire plant. The electrical power system in a nuclear power plant is the
subject of this chapter. The electrical systems are designed not only for normal plant
operation, but also for conditions other than normal operation, so that plant safety can be
maintained by ensuring continuity of electrical power supplies regardless of transient
disturbances or faults during operation and post-shutdown. The power for an NPP comes from
diverse and reliable power sources that are physically and electrically isolated, so that any
single failure will affect only one source of supply and will not propagate to alternative sources.
Even after the reactor has been shut down, a significant amount of heat is still being produced
by the decay of fission products (decay heat). The amount of decay heat is sufficient to cause
fuel damage if not removed effectively. Therefore, systems must be designed and installed in
the plant to remove decay heat from the core, even in a plant shutdown condition and in the
absence of off-site power sources.
The electrical power distribution system (EDS) is a complete load group distribution system
with two independent off-site power sources, the main turbine generator, and on-site standby
power sources (standby and EPS diesel generators and, in some cases, a station blackout
1.2 Nuclear Safety-Based Design Principles and Practices for a CANDU EDS
The EDS needs to be designed in accordance with its safety functional requirements as
defined in the safety analysis, including independent and diverse provisions aligned with
independent safety functions and including provision to supply electrical power to secure
plant safety during both normal operation and accident conditions without losing all on-
site power.
The divisions of the power supply systems should be physically and electrically separated
from each other, thus ensuring independence among the divisions as much as possible.
The Group 1 and Group 2 power supply systems should be physically and electrically
separated from each other as much as practically possible.
The design of the EDS and associated support systems, including I&C, HVAC, and
cooling systems, should follow the classification, independence, redundancy, and
diversity requirements placed on Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs).
The EDS should be designed for a wide range of electrical transients which can be
assumed to occur during plant operation and for the assumed environmental conditions.
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Electrical Systems 7
The EDS should be designed for or protected from effects of both internal and external
hazards, such as short circuits or loss of the power grid.
The EDS uses commercially available conventional hardware with provisions as dictated by the
need for seismic qualification (SQ), qualification for operation in a harsh environment (EQ), and
radiation hardening. Electrical containment penetrations (ECP) form part of containment.
Even though each specific plant may have its own unique characteristics, a typical set of
electrical connections between a CANDU station and the power grid is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 - Relationships between the station power and the power grid [1].
A station can have either a single reactor unit or multiple reactors. During normal operation,
the generated power is fed to the power grid through main output transformers (MOTs). In
addition, a portion of the generated power is also fed back to the units to support electricity
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8 The Essential CANDU
production through unit service transformers (USTs). Furthermore, it is good practice to cross-
link multiple units at the switchyard to increase self-reliance within the station, particularly in
situations where one shutdown unit may need to draw power from other units within the
station to remove decay heat from the reactor, to maintain essential operating services, or to
re-start the reactor as long as it has not been poisoned out by xenon.
When the power from the station units is no longer sufficient or available to meet internal
demand, the station can draw additional power from the grid through station service
transformers (SSTs). This is also the case during a start-up process.
It is assumed that the power grid is stable and that there are other power sources connected to
the grid, which are available when needed to provide power to the nuclear station site itself.
The power flow on the grid can be effectively controlled through grid interconnection and
management systems. The NPP may contribute to voltage and power control in the grid.
However, most existing CANDU power plants operate in a constant-power output mode to
support the base load supplied by the grid.
The main objective of a nuclear power plant (NPP) is to produce electricity to support industrial,
commercial, and residential loads. Electricity is therefore the final product for most NPPs.
However, it is important to realize that about 8% of the electricity produced by the plant is
consumed internally to support power production. This is true for most power plants, such as
coal or gas, although their internal consumption may be significantly lower (<4%). NPPs,
however, have unique requirements for electric power availability. It is particularly important
to have a secure electrical supply when an NPP is in a shutdown state and is not producing any
electricity of its own. Even when the fission process in a nuclear reactor stops, a significant
amount of decay heat continues to be generated from the fission products. The amount of
heat is typically so large that continued cooling is absolutely necessary to protect the fuel
sheath from melting. Pumping cooling fluid through the core removes this excess heat, but
requires an external electrical power source. Hence, the availability of electrical power (from
other units or from the grid) is crucial for the safety of CANDU and other nuclear power plants
both under normal operations and in a shutdown state. This includes situations where
thermosiphoning is used. Electrical power is required in this case to maintain water in the
steam generators, although pumping of primary coolant is not needed.
This unique requirement for electricity requires consideration of different scenarios at the
design stage of NPP electrical systems. In CANDU power plant design, the NPP site must be
chosen so that the power grid at the site has multiple feeders from different and independent
(often geographically separate) sources, as shown in Fig. 1. This requirement ensures that off-
site electrical power sources are available to the station for removing decay heat when the
reactor is shut down and is no longer producing electrical power of its own. In addition to
Canadian standards [1,2] for a CANDU NPP, the International Atomic Energy Agency has also
issued guidelines for selecting suitable sites for other types of NPPs based on the reliability and
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Electrical Systems 9
availability of off-site power [3,4], as has also The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) [5]. As explained in Chapter 13, the availability of off-site electrical power will
affect NPP safety analysis.
As a part of the site selection process, the reliability of the grid must be assessed when some of
its generating capabilities are assumed to be no longer available. This is often referred to as the
(N-1) problem [6], where N is the number of available units. A desirable site for an NPP is one
where power delivery to the NPP site is still guaranteed when only (N-1) or (N-2) suppliers are
The main cause of the 2011 disaster at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was a
lack of off-site power due to the earthquake and inadequate protection of on-site standby
power systems against a tsunami. All the plant’s on-site diesel generators operated until they
were damaged by the water brought in by the earthquake-induced tsunami. Hence, the leading
cause of the disaster was the lack of power after the successful shutdown and an initial period
of reactor cooling.
Together with other facilities in a CANDU plant, the electrical systems must also meet the
seismic design requirements and qualification processes as outlined in [7] in Canada.
Note that even though a single line is used to show the flow of power in Fig. 1, all lines carry
three-phase power (except DC power lines). All transformers, circuit breakers, and
transmission lines in an AC power grid are three-phase devices. When delivering the generated
power to the grid, the station power must be synchronized with the grid, including the phase
sequence, voltage levels, and AC power frequency. Voltage and current transducers are used
for monitoring and control, and several high-voltage, high-current circuit breakers are placed
between the MOT and the grid connection points.
The switchyard contains numerous control and protection devices to ensure that any faults on
the grid side will not induce major disturbances to the station, and vice versa. There are also
various interlocks to prevent the incorrect operation of power devices, as well as lightning
arresters, grounding protection systems, and switchyard control systems.
2.4 Summary
Even though the main function of an NPP is to produce electricity to supply power to the grid,
unlike other types of thermal power generation systems, an NPP requires an external power
source with on-site backups to remove decay heat from the reactor when the plant is in
shutdown mode and is not producing its own electricity. Therefore, significant design
considerations have been formulated for the electrical systems within a nuclear power plant.
Furthermore, the availability of off-site power also plays a crucial role in nuclear power plant
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10 The Essential CANDU
safety and is one of the most important considerations in the site selection process when
constructing a new NPP.
Almost all systems within an NPP rely on electrical power to operate. A “defence-in-depth”
strategy for electrical power supplies is to rely on diverse, multiple, and independent sources.
These sources for a CANDU unit are: (1) power generated from the unit itself; (2) power
generated from other units within the same station; (3) off-site power obtained from the grid;
(4) the emergency power supply; (5) the standby power supply; and (6) batteries. The power
sources in a CANDU NPP consist of both AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) power.
“Defence-in-depth” as applicable to the electrical systems can be stated as follows:
These sources are arranged in such a way that they supply power to station systems during
normal operation, as well as during emergency conditions to maintain NPP safety. The
equipment in the station is also graded according to its importance to safety. In an event that
electrical generation is lost, limited alternative power sources will be used first and foremost to
keep the essential safety-related systems operating.
A CANDU plant contains several buses at different voltage levels. The selected voltage levels
might be different in different plants to meet certain country-specific requirements. One
example is shown in Fig. 2, where the output voltage level of the generator is at 22 kV, and the
voltages at the unit service transformer (UST) and the station service transformer (SST) are at
11.6 kV and 4.16 kV as secondary voltages. However, in other designs, these voltages could be
13.8 kV and 4.16 kV. Also shown in Fig. 2 are two connections to off-site power at the NPP site,
one at 500 kV and the other at 220 kV.
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Several other low-voltage buses exist throughout the plant and will be discussed further in the
next section.
Electrical power sources in a CANDU plant can be divided into four levels, according to the
allowed duration of voltage interruption that can be tolerated by the loads they supply. Class I
power supplies loads that cannot be interrupted. Loads on Class II power can tolerate ~4
millisecond interruptions. Loads on Class III can withstand power interruptions of up to 5
minutes, whereas Class IV loads can tolerate loss of power indefinitely. The most critical and
safety-related control and protection systems are powered from Class I and II sources.
Different classes of power supplies provide power to different systems, depending on the
amount of power the systems require and their relative importance to safety.
Typically, the cost per kW will decrease as the power supplies move from Class I through to
Class IV. The power capacities also increase from Class I to Class IV. The allowable interruption
times and capacities of the various power sources are summarized in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 - Allowable interruption time vs. capacity of the different power classes.
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12 The Essential CANDU
To determine which class of power should be used to supply a specific system, the safety
functionalities of the system must be examined, as well as the economic impact if that supply
were unavailable. General criteria for matching the class of power supply to the load that it
supports are summarized in Table 1. They are expressed in terms of the longest power
interruptions that will not affect the safety of either the NPP or its personnel.
Different stations may have slight variations in electrical power system configurations. An
illustrative diagram showing interconnections in the electrical power system for the different
classes of power sources in a CANDU station is presented in Fig. 4.
To increase reliability further, Class II, III, and IV power are distributed through two separate
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Electrical Systems 13
power divisions. If a failure occurs on one division, the equipment connected to the other bus
will still be available. In CANDU plants, these two divisions are typically denoted as “Bus A” and
“Bus B” or as “Odd Bus” and “Even Bus”. During design, loads are distributed evenly between
these two divisions.
An example of such a split-bus connection is shown in Fig. 5. A symbol with two circles and an
arch over them represents a circuit breaker. Circuit breakers are used to connect or disconnect
the systems (denoted as loads) and to protect them whenever a fault occurs. The connection
between the Odd and Even buses on the diagram represents two circuit breakers, one on each
bus. To accomplish the connection, both breakers must be manually commanded to close.
3.3 Channelization
Important functions use three instrument channels to provide immunity against single instrument
faults. A control channel consists of interconnected hardware and software components that
process one of the duplicated or triplicated signals associated with a single parameter. A control
channel may include sensors, data acquisition, signal conditioning, data transmission, bypasses,
and logic circuits. This defines a subset of instrumentation that can be unambiguously tested or
analyzed from end to end. For safety and high-reliability applications, I&C system design uses
three instrumentation channels with a two-out-of-three voting strategy (i.e., two of the three
channels must be outside the acceptable limits to trip or actuate the system).
To perform on-line tests in such a design, the operator will place the tested channel in a trip state,
resulting in the actuation logic performing a one-out-of-two test on the remaining channels.
Process and safety systems channels are assigned as shown in Table 2.
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14 The Essential CANDU
Table 2 – Channelization.
System(s) Safety Odd (A) Third (B) Even (C)
Group Associated Associated Associated
Channels Channels Channels
RRS and Process 1* A B C
SDS1 1 D E F
SDS2 2 G H J
ECC (SQ portion) 2 KK LL MM
Containment 2 N P Q
The channel association also applies to separation of power supplies and cabling. During
normal operation, channels A, B, and C of the UPS supply all their associated channels.
Group 1 is primarily for power production, and Group 2 is only for safety systems.
Physical separation is required between the two groups.
Group 2 systems can also be powered from the EPS. Functional and physical separation
is maintained even though in this situation, only one EPS generator supplies one bus from
which the three channelized power sources are derived.
Class I power is used to supply loads that cannot be interrupted. It is a DC power source with
three independent distribution channels, each backed with battery banks to provide
uninterrupted power to critical loads. To maintain adequate charge on the batteries, each bus
in Class I is connected to power rectifiers, which convert AC power from Class III power sources
to DC to charge the batteries, as shown in Fig. 4. During normal operation, power from the
rectifiers is used to support the load on this bus while charging the batteries at the same time.
Hence, the batteries always remain fully charged when power is available. DC/AC inverters are
also used to convert DC power from Class I to Class II. In the event of a loss of Class III power,
batteries provide a seamless transfer to support the loads without any interruption. Note that
the batteries are capable of supplying the load on the DC buses for only about 60 minutes,
depending on the particular plant design. This is a very critical time window because all Class I
and II power would be lost if Class III power could not be restored within the interval provided
by the batteries.
The loads supported by the Class I power source are very sensitive and are critical to NPP safety
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Electrical Systems 15
and operation. A partial list of system equipment powered from Class I is provided in Table 3.
Table 3 - Equipment supported by Class I power supplies.
Class II inverters
DC seal oil pumps for generator
DC lube oil pump for turbine generator bearings
Turbine trip circuits
Turbine turning gear
DC stator cooling pumps
Control and protection systems for station electrical distribution systems
Logic, control, command circuits, and operator interfaces for process and
safety systems (48 VDC)
The capacity of the Class I power source is based on the connected load. CANDU plants use
several different voltage levels for this DC power supply, including 48V, 220V/250V, and 400V,
all to meet the needs of the NPP’s various systems. Note that loss of Class I power is one of the
conditions that trigger the shutdown systems.
To prevent service interruption caused by a “single line-to-ground” fault, the 48V DC and 250V
DC systems are ungrounded. Ground fault detectors, which produce an alarm whenever a
ground fault occurs, are provided for each bus.
3.4.2 Class II
Class II power sources are critical to reactor operation. If Class II power is lost, the reactor will
be shut down immediately. Under normal operation, Class II power is obtained from Class I
sources through power inverters to convert DC power to AC power, as can be seen in Fig. 4. If
for any reason the inverters cannot supply a given bus, the Class III power source will be used to
support Class II power distribution.
The Class II power source supports those devices and systems that can tolerate power
interruptions on the order of milliseconds. Some typical systems supported by Class II power
source are listed in Table 4.
Table 4 - Equipment supported by Class II power supplies.
Digital control computers
Reactor regulation instrumentation
Electrically operated process valves (600 V power distribution)
Auxiliary oil pumps on the turbine and generator (600 V power
Emergency lighting (600 V power distribution)
Class III power supports large process loads that are unsuitable for Class II power supplies. They
are used mainly to maintain fuel cooling when the reactor is in a shutdown state and Class IV
power is unavailable. It is important to note that the duration of the loss of Class III power
consists of only the time required to start up a standby generator and re-load the Class III
power system, which is normally about five minutes.
Class III power is taken from Class IV power. In the event of total loss of auxiliary power from
off-site sources, the auxiliary power required for safe shutdown will be supplied from physically
and electrically independent diesel generators located on-site. Each power source (the feeds
from Class IV and the diesel generators) is physically and electrically independent up to the
point of connection to the Class III buses. This improves the reliability of Class III power, making
it available even in the presence of partial loss of Class IV power sources.
If the Class IV power source for a unit fails completely, it is still possible to obtain Class IV power
from other units in a multiple-unit station. Once the standby generators are started, they will
provide power to systems supplied by the Class III power source, ensuring that these critical
systems remain functional.
Some typical systems supported by Class III power sources are listed in Table 5.
The voltage level of Class III power is 4.16 kV, and its capacity can range from 6 to 8 MWe.
3.4.4 Class IV
Of the four classes of power sources in a NPP, Class IV supplies loads that can tolerate infinite
interruption. This power can come from two sources. During normal operation, Class IV power
is obtained from the main generator through the unit service transformer (UST). Using power
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Electrical Systems 17
produced internally by the plant’s own generator minimizes the potential impact of
disturbances from the grid. Class IV power can also be obtained from the grid through the
station service transformer (SST) when the UST becomes unavailable.
It is important to mention that even though Class IV power supplies the entire station during
operation, it is not actually required for safe reactor shutdown, although the unit will be shut
down immediately upon experiencing the loss of its Class IV power source.
The loads normally supplied by Class IV power are systems which can tolerate long-term power
outages without affecting the safety of equipment, personnel, or the public. These loads are
not essential to satisfy fuel cooling requirements following a reactor or turbine trip, but are
essential for operation of heat sinks above the shutdown level of reactor power. Some typical
systems supported by Class IV power sources are listed in Table 6.
As can be seen from Table 6, many important systems in a CANDU plant are supplied by Class IV
power sources, and the loss of Class IV power is considered to be a major incident. The
preferred voltage levels for Class IV systems are 13.8 kV, 4.16 kV, and 600 V.
As shown in Tables 3 to 6, NPP system loads are distributed among the various buses based on
their size and importance to system safety. Although a detailed examination of each load is
beyond the scope of this chapter, Fig. 6 provides an illustrative load diagram for the Class IV
and Class III power buses.
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18 The Essential CANDU
Under certain circumstances, it is desirable to shift loads from one source to another. There
are three modes of load transfer:
parallel transfer
fast transfer, and
slow transfer.
These specific transfer schemes are used at the upper voltage level of Class IV to prevent
reactor trip and maintain generation production.
The parallel transfer mode consists of two steps: (1) parallel the new power source to the
existing one, and (2) remove the existing one to complete the transfer. A fast transfer switches
the load quickly (within two power cycles) so that little interruption is observed. The slow
transfer operates after the voltage has decayed to approximately 40% to limit the maximum
voltage that could be applied to a connected load upon re-energization and can be used only if
the supply transformers can tolerate the inrush currents and if the voltage drop does not
prevent loads from being re-accelerated to nominal speeds.
Class IV transfers are manually initiated for normal transfers after start-up or before shutdown
and are automatically initiated for reactor trips, turbine-generator trips, or loss of the
transmission system. These transfers are accomplished by operating the incoming circuit
breakers on the primary Class IV distribution buses to transfer the sources between the unit
service transformer and the system service transformer.
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Electrical Systems 19
Automatic transfer systems are also incorporated into Class II. They monitor the operation of the
power inverters and under certain conditions, transfer Class II distribution buses to alternative
supplies directly from Class III. These transfers operate within each channel or division of Class
There are no transfers in the Class I system because each channel’s batteries are charged through
two 100%-capacity rectifier-chargers which share the load.
There are no transfers in Class III or in the EPS systems, although it is possible to connect the
Odd and Even main distribution buses manually when, following a loss of Class IV power, only
one standby generator in the system is operating.
Manual source selection is provided for Class I and II power conversion and distribution to
address the condition when, after a loss of Class IV power, only one standby generator is
available to power one Class III division.
To maintain power to safety, safety support, and heat-sink systems following loss of Class IV
power sources, CANDU stations contain additional on-site power sources. One type is known
as standby generators. These generators are not required to be seismically qualified.
This power source is based on two or more generators driven by diesel engines or combustion
turbines (in the case of Ontario Power Generation). As shown in Figs. 4 and 6, a generator
supplies Class III AC power to each Odd and Even bus at a 6.3 kV level. These generators are
supplied with enough fuel to keep the diesel engines running continuously for an extended
period of time (up to one week depending on a continued supply of fuel). Standby generator
systems have their own compressed air and DC power sources for start-up and will start
automatically upon loss of Class IV sources to maintain power to safety and safety support
systems. The SGs could form a seismically qualified distribution system, but the design has
evolved to create a separate seismically qualified distribution system. The seismically qualified
systems are connected to Class III because that is their preferred source of power and are
isolated from Class III only when the seismically qualified power sources can provide the
required power. The standby generators will also start whenever a loss-of-coolant accident
(LOCA) signal is issued, but will not connect to the buses until a loss of Class IV power occurs.
Standby generators should be up and running within 30 seconds after receiving a LOCA signal,
picking up all designated loads within a further three minutes. One standby generator has
sufficient capacity to supply the required loads.
Because of the critical roles played by standby generators, regular maintenance is critically
important. This typically consists of starting each diesel generator periodically from the local
control panel, paralleling it with the respective division of the Class IV supply, and letting the
generators run for a specified minimum period of time.
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20 The Essential CANDU
The second set of alternative power sources in CANDU plants is known as emergency power
systems. Unlike standby generator systems, these power sources must be seismically qualified
[7], and they function completely independently of other power sources. Similarly to standby
generators, the emergency power systems start automatically upon the loss of Class IV power
and will also start on a LOCA signal. Under such circumstances, back-up generators provide
power to the NPP’s critical systems to enable reactor shutdown, monitoring, and decay heat
removal. It is expected that the system should be up and running with its intended loads within
three minutes.
A total loss of Class IV power coincidental with a subsequent loss of Class III power,
both random events (except at Fukushima where Class III was incapacitated by the
tsunami, which was induced by the earthquake, but this is a different set of design
conditions), but without a LOCA, is a condition in which residual heat is removed from
the reactor by means of steam generators and water from the dousing tank.
Depressurization of the heat transport system is a precondition for this mode of heat
removal. Valves for implementing depressurization and maintaining the required
monitoring are powered from a UPS or by compressed air for some valves. There is
sufficient time for the operators to initiate the EPS to supplement the dousing tank
reserve with an emergency water supply (EWS).
The grounding system is required to prevent physical injuries and equipment damage in case of
a fault and to minimize electromagnetic effects from ground fault currents as well as to prevent
interference and to protect equipment from lightning strikes.
Lightning protection is required so that equipment related to the safety of the nuclear power
plant continues to operate and important monitoring devices continue to function when
lightning hits facilities or power lines.
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Electrical Systems 21
Generally, in a typical CANDU power generating station, the electrical loads are remotely
controlled using the control logic (relay logic) and interposing circuits, both powered from 48 V
DC Class I. The output from the control logic is hard-wired to the switchgear and motor control
centre (MCC) control circuits or to the terminals of a solenoid valve when the valve is controlled
Major loads have their mode of operation (ON, AUTO, or STANDBY) selected by the operator
from the main control room (MCR) or the secondary control room (SCA). In the AUTO mode,
the load will augment the already running load(s) when the process demand exceeds the
capacity of the running load(s). In the STANDBY mode, the load will replace the normally
running load when the latter fails to operate.
Power to the various loads is switched ON and OFF by an individual circuit breaker at the
selected voltage level. The circuit breaker protective relays may be mounted within the
breaker cell, and the relays interposing between the breaker control circuit and the load’s
control logic are located in separate cubicles or cells, called the relay and terminal (R&T)
section, adjacent to each group of circuit breakers.
A typical switchgear control circuit operates from the 250 V DC power source provided by the
Class I batteries. The circuit is used to:
Provide power to the operation of stored-energy devices which operate on the close and
trip mechanisms of the circuit breaker.
Close and trip the circuit breaker in response to commands from the:
o Unit operator;
o Process control system;
o Power circuit protective relays.
Operation of the close and trip circuits requires momentary signals. The circuit breaker
controls require manual local reset following a trip due to the operation of power circuit
protective relays.
Power to these loads will be switched ON and OFF by contactors in individual combination
starters. The relays interposing between the contactor control circuit and the load’s control
logic are located in the relay and terminal (R&T) section adjacent to each group of combination
The circuit breaker in the combination starter is manually operated and, except for
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22 The Essential CANDU
maintenance, remains in the closed position. A typical MCC control circuit operates from the
120 V AC power source provided by the starter’s step-down transformer. The circuit is used to
energize and de-energize the contactor in response to commands from the:
Unit operator;
Process control system;
Circuit breaker protection and overload relays.
To remain energized, the contactor requires a signal to be maintained. The circuit breaker
requires a manual local reset following a trip due to the operation of power circuit protective
functions built into the breaker.
Loads energized from the Class II and Class I (UPS) MCCs or panels perform either special
safety-related or personnel/equipment protection-related functions. The control modes are
therefore limited to OFF/ON or OFF/AUTO/ON and, in the case of motorized valves, to
OPEN/CLOSE or OPEN/AUTO/CLOSE and operate in the same way as the Class III and Class IV
loads with the same type of controls.
Loads energized from the EPS are controlled in the same way as when they were energized
from Class III, II, and I or will be limited to manual OFF/ON controls.
3.10 Summary
The safety and operating reliability of a CANDU NPP depend heavily on availability of electrical
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Electrical Systems 23
power to ensure proper operation of its various systems. The electrical power system inside
the plant is divided into four classes: Class I, II, III, and IV. Energy for Class I is stored in batteries
and can be obtained from the rectified power of Class III sources. Class II power is obtained
from Class I through DC/AC inverters or directly from Class III. Standby generators provide
alternative power to Class III and EPS systems. Normally, the plant obtains power from its own
unit through a UST. It is also possible and permitted to operate the plant with Class IV power
supplied through an SST. When a unit stops producing electrical power, power is drawn from
neighbouring units through switchyard connections. This may require manual re-configuration
(depending on the event) to supply the shutdown unit(s) from the running unit(s) to remove
decay heat. When these power sources are not available, grid power can be used to power
Class IV through the SST. Once Class IV power is lost, the reactor must be shut down
immediately, and heat sink systems are powered from Class III standby generators or the EPS.
In addition, CANDU stations are also equipped with two sets of long-term on-site power
supplies, at least one of which is seismically qualified, which are driven by diesel engines.
Within the same class, the Class IV, Class III, and some Class II loads in the plant are distributed
on multiple and separate buses depending on the number of loads, their power requirements,
and the plant’s Odd/Even bus philosophy. Class I and Class II power to I&C circuits is supplied
through three channelized distribution systems from channelized and independent energy
storage and conversion systems. Because Class IV buses are capable of receiving power from
either of two supplies and because automatic transfer of supplies is provided on sensing loss of
power, reliability of power is ensured, and plant operating safety is increased.
Electricity output from a CANDU nuclear power plant is generated by a synchronous generator.
The generator shaft is directly coupled to that of the steam turbine. The function of the
generator is to convert mechanical energy from the turbine to electrical energy to supply
electrical loads. A simple illustrative diagram is shown in Fig. 7.
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24 The Essential CANDU
The principle of a generator is based on Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. The main
parts of a generator are a stationary iron core and winding, known as the stator, and a rotating
iron core and winding, known as the rotor. When the rotor winding is energized through the
field excitation circuit, as the turbine rotates the rotor, a rotating magnetic field is created. The
excitation current is supplied to the rotor winding through slip rings. The rotating magnetic flux
induces a potential in the stator winding. An illustrative diagram is shown in Fig. 8.
Due to the relative positions of the magnetic flux and the stator winding, as the rotor turns, the
induced voltage will take on a sinusoidal form. The frequency of the generated voltage will be
directly related to the rotational speed. For the two-pole (N-S) machine shown in Fig. 9, one
full revolution will produce one full cycle of a sinusoidal wave. If the number of pole pairs on
the rotor is increased, a full revolution of the shaft will produce multiple cycles at the electrical
output. In other words, it is possible to reduce the rotational speed of the turbine, but still to
generate the desired frequency in the electrical output, by increasing the number of pole pairs.
The relationship among the speed of rotation (݊ rpm), the output frequency (݂ Hz), and the
number of pole pairs ( )can be stated as follows:
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݊= .
The word synchronous means that the magnetic field rotates in synchronism with the rotor.
When the stator windings are placed 120° apart as shown in Fig. 10, a three-phase voltage can
be generated.
When a load is connected to the output of the stator winding, the generator will transfer the
power to the load.
Assume that the currents from each phase can be represented as:
The active power output delivered to the load at each phase can be calculated as:
ܲ = ݅ெ ݒெ cos ߠ MW
The reactive power is
The angle ߠ is the phase difference between the voltage and the current at the generator
output. Hence, the total real and reactive power output from all three phases can be expressed
Typically, the power factor is maintained between 0.8 and 0.9. The frequency of the generated
power is controlled by a governor on the turbine, and the generator output voltage is
controlled by the field excitation through an automatic voltage regulator.
There are several generators in a CANDU plant: (1) the main generator; (2) the standby
generators; and (3) the generators in the emergency power system.
The main generator converts the mechanical power from the turbine to electric power that is
delivered to the grid to supply power to customers. Typical specifications of a main generator
are listed in Table 7.
Typical specifications of the standby generators and the emergency power generators are listed
in Tables 8 and 9 respectively.
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To create a magnetic field inside a synchronous generator, separate windings and an electrical
power source must be used. This part of the generation system is known as the excitation
system and is shown in Fig. 12. The excitation system is essentially a controllable DC source. By
adjusting the excitation system output voltage, the output voltage level of the generator can be
controlled, and hence the reactive power output. Because the excitation current must be
delivered to the windings on the rotor, slip rings are used.
Once the generator is running, power for the excitation system can be obtained from the
excitation transformer, which is energized from the Class IV distribution system. The power
source can be either the SST or the UST. However, AC power from the generator must be
converted to DC before it can be delivered to the rotor windings. In the past, a DC generator
coupled to the synchronous generator shaft was used to produce DC power for the excitation
system. Nowadays, this conversion is accomplished by a thyristor-based rectifier. Unlike a DC
generator, this conversion process has no moving parts; hence, it is often referred to as a static
thyristor-based excitation system.
During normal operation, the excitation system is often used to (1) control the output voltage
level of the generator, and (2) adjust the reactive power output of the generator. A feedback
control system, known as an excitation control system, is also used to ensure that adequate
excitation voltage is applied to maintain the desired generator output voltage level and the
reactive power output. These functionalities are essential to improve the reliability of the
generator system.
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28 The Essential CANDU
In the event of an emergency, the excitation system can also be used to provide additional
means to improve system stability. For example, when a fault has occurred on the transmission
system, the output voltage of the generator can decrease unexpectedly. The excitation system
can be used to slow down this voltage collapse, thus improving system stability. If a short
circuit in the generator or at the generator output terminal is detected, the excitation system
can cut its power immediately to drive the generator output voltage to zero, preventing further
damage to the generator.
In a CANDU plant, an excitation transformer is used to step down the generator output voltage
from 22 kV to 850 V before sending it to the thyristor-based rectifier. However, different plants
may have different output voltage levels. An illustrative diagram of an excitation system is
shown in Fig. 11.
To start the generator, a separate excitation system must be used. The details will be omitted
here. Once the generator starts to operate, a portion of the generated power is used to
provide the excitation for its magnetic field. The excitation power is obtained by converting a
portion of the 22 kV generator output to 850V AC voltage. This voltage is further regulated
through an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and subsequently sent to a thyristor-based static
rectifier to convert the AC voltage to DC voltage before sending it to the rotor through the slip
ring. The excitation system for the SGs and EPGs is different in that they must start when no
additional sources of AC power are present.
The excitation transformer is a three-phase transformer. Delta (Δ) connections are used on
both primary and secondary sides. Specifications of one such transformer are listed in Table 10.
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As electric current passes through the generator windings, heat is produced in both the rotor
and the stator. To maintain a safe operating temperature, adequate cooling must be provided.
For generators in CANDU plants, water cooling is used for the stator winding, whereas
hydrogen is used to cool the rotor winding and the iron cores of both the rotor and the stator.
The main part of the water cooling system consists of two centrifugal pumps and two heat
exchangers. The pumps maintain a steady flow of cooling water through the stator windings.
The water pressure is controlled by means of a pressure control valve which keeps the loop
pressure around 150–200 kPa. The water temperature is adjusted by means of a proportional
valve which mixes hot water from the outlet with water cooled by the heat exchanger. The
objective is to ensure that the temperature of the water coming out of the stator is around
46°C. The two pumps, rated at 75 kW, are powered by the Class IV electrical system. If cooling
water is lost, the generator will shut down immediately. Demineralized water must be used,
and dissolved oxygen must be controlled.
The reasons for using hydrogen as a coolant for the rotor and generator are its relatively high
thermal conductivity, low density and viscosity. The former property allows effective cooling,
and the latter property reduces the windage losses associated with the generator rotor
rotation. The main parts of the cooling system are the hydrogen supply unit, the hydrogen
cooling heat exchanger units, and the hydrogen leakage detection system. Another critical part
is the generator oil seals, which prevent hydrogen from escaping and causing a fire or
Hydrogen stored at high purity (98%) is injected into the generator air gap between the stator
and the rotor. The pressure is controlled through a pressure regulator set at 414 kPa. The
humidity of the hydrogen is controlled by a gas dryer heater. Four heat exchanger units are
located at the four corners of the generator to maintain the outlet temperature of the
hydrogen at 40°C. To prevent leakage, the generator is tightly sealed. Due to the flammable
nature of hydrogen, care must be taken to avoid any chance of friction-induced sparks during
filling and emptying of hydrogen. Systems removing or adding hydrogen must be grounded
(possibly even the individuals using them) to eliminate the potential for sparks due to build-up
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30 The Essential CANDU
of static electricity or from energized equipment. Several hydrogen leakage detectors are
installed in the vicinity of the generator.
4.2 Transformers
4.2.1 Basic principles
The main function of a transformer is to convert AC electric energy from one voltage level to
another while minimizing the losses in the transformation process. A typical transformer has
two independent windings. One is referred to as the primary winding, and the other as the
secondary winding. These windings are coupled through a magnetic circuit in the iron core of
the transformer. Ferromagnetic materials are used to construct the core to confine the
magnetic flux inside. An illustrative diagram of a transformer is shown in Fig. 12. It is
interesting to point out that, between the primary and the secondary, there is no direct
electrical connection.
The operating principle of a transformer can be described as follows: the current in the primary
winding creates an alternating magnetic flux, ϕ, inside the core. The strength of this flux is
proportional to the current, Ip, as well as to the number of turns in the primary winding, Np. On
the secondary side, based on Faraday’s law of induction, a potential, Vs, will be induced in the
secondary winding. The level of this induced potential is proportional to the strength of the
magnetic flux, ϕ, which is a function of the current, Ip, as well as of the number of turns in the
secondary side, Ns. Therefore, if Ns is larger than Np, the voltage at the secondary will be higher
than that at the primary; such a transformer is often referred to as a step-up transformer. A
transformer with the winding turned the other way around is known as a step-down
Most electrical power systems are three-phase systems. The power generated from a three-
phase synchronous generator must be connected to three-phase transmission lines through a
three-phase transformer. In fact, a three-phase transformer will have three primary windings
and three secondary windings. A three-phase transformer is formed by proper connection of
these windings on both the primary and secondary sides. For simplicity, only single-phase
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Electrical Systems 31
If the circuit in the secondary side is closed (through a load directly, or through transmission
lines), a path will be formed for the current, Is, to flow through. Assume that all the flux serves
to couple the primary and secondary windings; therefore, the flux, ϕ, will be equal on both
ܰ ܫ = ܰ௦ܫ௦.
ܸ ܫ = ܸ௦ܫ௦.
ܸ ܰ
= ,
ܸ௦ ܰ௦
ܸ௦ = ܸ.
The ratio (Ns/Np) is known as the turn ratio. When the turn ratio is greater than unity, the
voltage level on the secondary side will be higher than that on the primary side, and vice versa.
Because a transformer is a passive device, the current is inversely related to the turn ratio; the
current decreases as the turn ratio increases and increases as the current ratio decreases.
The product of the current and the voltage permitted to be applied to the transformer is known
as the transformer rating. The rating relates directly to the conductor size, core, and heat
dissipation capability.
Like any other electrical apparatus, a practical transformer will be less than 100% efficient.
Several sources contribute to these losses. The first is the ohmic losses in both primary and
secondary windings due to the resistance of the coils. These are also called copper losses. The
second loss occurs as a result of hysteresis and eddy currents in the core. This type of loss is
normally independent of the currents in the transformer and is commonly referred to as iron
loss. These losses normally take the form of dissipated heat. In practice, the heat must be
evacuated through cooling systems. Transformer windings are often submerged in mineral oil
to carry away the heat to be dissipated at the fins on the transformer covers. To accelerate the
heat dissipation rate further, forced air, forced oil, or water circulation can be used to increase
heat transfer effectiveness. However, these added power devices will consume additional
Even though most transformers work under principles similar to those described above, their
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32 The Essential CANDU
appearance can vary greatly. A typical transformer found in a nuclear power plant is illustrated
in Fig. 13. The high-power terminals are located at the top of the transformer, where three
isolated connections can be seen. Electric fans are used to create forced air circulation to
increase the heat dissipation rate.
In a CANDU plant, there are many transformers serving different purposes. However, three
main transformers deserve special attention:
Their functionalities have been explained in Section 2, and their specifications are given in
Tables 11 through 13.
Table 11 - Ratings of a main output transformer (MOT).
Rating 3 × 277 MVA
Primary-side voltage 22 kV
Secondary-side voltage 500 kV
Temperature (oil) 45°C
Temperature (winding) 65°C
Cooling method Forced oil and forced air
High-voltage, high-current electrical parameters (in the kA and kV range) cannot be directly
used for control purposes. To use these parameters in control and monitoring circuits, they
must be transformed to a range suitable for these applications, generally in the ampere to milli-
ampere and volt to milli-volt range. There are two groups of electrical quantities in a CANDU
plant. The second, lower-value group is suitable for monitoring, control, and electrical
protection purposes, such as input to a meter displaying the generator power output in the
main control room, or input to a data acquisition system which captures the in-rush current of a
circulation pump. High-voltage, high-current quantities cannot be directly connected to low-
power devices without some type of conversion apparatus. To measure high voltages and large
currents effectively, their electrical parameters must be converted to voltage and current
ranges which are safe for use by measurement devices and human operators without the need
for special protective equipment.
The devices that produce the corresponding low-level signals, which are proportional in value
to the original high-power quantities, are known as transducers. Because voltages and currents
are the two most important electrical quantities in an electrical distribution system, this section
will focus mainly on voltage and current transducers. Only AC voltage and current transducers
will be discussed because most of the high-voltage, high-current quantities are of this form. An
importance difference between power transformers and voltage and current transducers is the
requirements for accuracy and linearity. These requirements are much more stringent in the
latter case.
A voltage transducer is essentially a transformer with a sufficiently small turn ratio, which
converts a high-voltage signal to a low-voltage one. The high-voltage signal is connected to the
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34 The Essential CANDU
primary side, and the low-voltage signal is generated on the secondary side. As discussed in
Section 4.2.1, transformers have the unique ability to isolate the high-voltage primary side from
the secondary side electrically. The low voltage carries the same amount of information as the
high voltage, but at a lower electrical potential, making it safer for maintenance personnel and
for equipment designed to operate at lower voltage levels.
An illustrative diagram of a single-phase voltage transducer is shown in Fig. 14(a). When a high
voltage, ܸଵ, is applied, the transducer will produce a corresponding low voltage, ܸଶ. The voltage
ratio is determined by the turn ratio of the primary and secondary windings, i.e.,
ܸଶ = ே మ ܸଵ,
where (ே మ) is less than unity and represents the voltage reduction factor.
The principle of a single-phase current transducer is shown in Fig. 14(b). The relationship
between the current on the primary side and that on the secondary side can be expressed as
ܫଶ = ܫ,
ܰଶ ଵ
where (ே భ) determines the current reduction factor.
Fig. 14 - Principles of (a) voltage transducers; and (b) current transducers.
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There are many voltage and current transducers throughout the plant that provide information
on voltage and current levels in real time for control and monitoring purposes. Four sets of
current transducers are located at the generator output, each with a rating of 1,700A / 5A.
There are also two voltage transducers at the generator output, both having a reduction ratio
of 22kV/100V. Similar devices are also used for electrical protection of major transformers,
such as excitation transformers. A capacitor voltage transformer is used for high-voltage
measurement at the grid connection point to provide information necessary for plant
operation, as well as for protective relaying.
There are many electrical switches in a CANDU plant. The most common are those used to turn
certain pieces of equipment such as lights, pumps, or instruments on and off. A switch that is
turned to the on position (closed) allows electricity to pass through, whereas turning it off
(opening it) breaks the electrical circuit and stops the flow of electrons. In a low-power
environment, the switches are not much different from those in everyday use.
As voltage and current levels increase, the construction and operation of these switches
becomes more complex. High-voltage or high-current switches are often known as circuit
breakers, disconnect switches, and contactors. As the names imply, one of the important
functions of such devices is to conduct or break the current flow in a circuit. There are two
main scenarios which call for such actions: (1) to execute a control command, such as to start or
stop a load, and (2) to cut off the current flow in an abnormal operating condition such as a
short-circuit fault. A circuit breaker must be able to carry and to interrupt current as needed.
An illustrative diagram of an over-current protection circuit breaker is shown in Fig. 15. The
breaker is connected in series with the circuit. If there is no manual tripping signal, or if the
current is within the operating limit, the breaker remains closed. If either a manual tripping
signal is issued (by pushing a button) or if the measured current exceeds the threshold, the
tripping coil will generate a trip signal to open the breaker, thereby interrupting the current
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36 The Essential CANDU
A significantly high voltage can be induced between the two contacts of the circuit breaker
when it interrupts the current flow. As the contacts separate, the resistance between them
increases rapidly, producing hot spots between the contacts. The high voltage between the
contacts can also form a very strong electrical field. As the particles between the contacts
become ionized, electric arcing occurs, which will prolong the time taken for the current to
reach zero. To minimize the impact of short circuits and reduce wear and tear on the breaker
contacts, the arc must be extinguished quickly. The breaker and bus bars must be designed to
withstand the mechanical forces resulting from short-circuit currents. Depending on the
duration of the short circuits, the amount of mechanical bracing may need to be increased.
Depending on the method of arc extinction, circuit breakers can be classified as:
In an air-blast circuit breaker, high-pressure air is blasted into the arc, blowing away the ionized
gas between the contacts to extinguish the arc. The voltage and current that can be
interrupted by an air-blast circuit breaker are normally higher than in an air-break circuit
breaker. As its name implies, the contacts in a vacuum circuit breaker operate in a vacuum
interrupter chamber. The arc is generated by ionization of the contact material, whereas in an
air breaker, it is generated by the arc material as well as air ionization. Hence, in a vacuum, the
arc is immediately extinguished once the voltage can no longer sustain the plasma created at
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Electrical Systems 37
the contact. The cost of the vacuum circuit breaker is relatively high, and they are often used in
circuits at less than 38 kV.
SF6 circuit breakers are the most common for high-voltage and high-current circuits. SF6 is
short for sulphur hexafluoride, a gas which satisfies the requirements of an ideal arc-
interrupting medium. SF6 gas has high dielectric strength and is colourless, odourless, and non-
toxic, with high thermal conductivity. It is also highly stable and non-flammable and does not
cause corrosion when in contact with the metallic parts of a circuit breaker. SF6 circuit
breakers can be found in circuits with voltages ranging from 3 kV up to 1000 kV.
Circuit breakers should not be confused with disconnect switches. Disconnect switches do not
have any arc-extinction capability and therefore cannot be used to interrupt a current flow.
Such switches are instead used to provide another layer of protection for repair or maintenance
crews, enabling them to isolate the section of a circuit being serviced. Disconnect switches can
be operated either manually or automatically (in the case of motorized switches, such as a
There are many types of circuit breakers in a CANDU plant that provide control and electrical
protection functions. Circuit breakers are installed in the plant to facilitate operation and
electrical protection of transformers or electrical distribution bus bars. An illustrative drawing
of an arc-extinguishing breaker is shown in Fig. 16. SF6 circuit breakers are used for high-
voltage switchyard circuits, whereas vacuum breakers can be used at medium voltage levels
(11.6 kV/6.3 kV). These breakers can be operated manually, automatically, or by remote
control. The major types of high-voltage circuit breakers in a CANDU plant are described in
Tables 14 to 16.
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Disconnect switches are often found in series with circuit breakers to provide additional
protection for workers. A disconnect switch is used in series with the circuit breaker at the
generator output. The rated voltage of this switch is 24 kV, the current is 24 kA, and the
maximum short-circuit current is 160 kA. Note that disconnect switches are not used to
interrupt current in circuits. They are used for isolation purposes (worker safety and load
isolation), as well as to reconfigure a network. They are installed to provide additional safety
measures for maintenance crews working on the power line. There are also fuses installed in
many electric systems throughout the plant to isolate short circuits or unforeseen faults.
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Electrical Systems 39
4.5 Summary
A generator is an energy conversion device that converts mechanical energy from the turbine
to electrical energy to supply the load. Together with the generator, there are several other
auxiliary electrical systems in an NPP, such as circuit breakers, transformers, and
voltage/current transducers. In this section, the general principles of these systems have been
first explained, followed by information specific to CANDU NPPs. After completing this section,
the reader should have a good understanding of how such systems operate, including
knowledge of CANDU-specific applications.
Even though the sole objective of a CANDU NPP is to produce electricity, this chapter is
relatively independent of the other chapters in this book. To achieve a better understanding of
the functionality of the different classes of power sources with respect to safety, the student
should read Chapter 13 on Reactor Systems first to learn about the different safety systems and
safety functions in a CANDU NPP.
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40 The Essential CANDU
6 Exercise problems
1. State the reasons why an NPP is different from a fossil-fuel power plant in terms of its
station power requirements.
2. From a power grid point of view, what criteria are used to select a suitable site for
construction of a new NPP?
6. State the original energy sources of the different classes of power sources.
10. Which class of power is used to charge the batteries in Class I power sources?
11. Explain the sources of power for each power class under both normal and emergency
12. Explain the role of grid power during the start-up and shutdown of a CANDU reactor.
13. What role do standby generators play in an NPP, and which class of power supply do
they support?
14. What are the main differences between standby generators and an emergency power
15. Explain the different power sources that a CANDU plant has and the reasons for this.
18. What is the relationship between the number of generator pole pairs, the rotational speed,
and the frequency of the voltage at the generator output?
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Electrical Systems 41
23. Under what conditions can the generator be connected to the power grid?
27. Why are the coils in large-capability transformers often submerged in mineral oil?
31. What is the difference between a circuit breaker and a disconnect switch?
7 References
[1] Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Requirements for Electrical Power and Instrument Air
Systems of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants (N290.5-06), 2011.
[2] CNSC Regulatory Document 2.5 Physical Design, Design of Electrical Power Systems for
Nuclear Power Plants and Small Reactor Facilities (Draft stage).
[3] IAEA, Interaction of Grid Characteristics with Design and Performance of Nuclear Power
Plants - A Guidebook, 1983.
[4] IAEA, Electric Grid Reliability and Interface with Nuclear Power Plants, No. NG-T-3.8, 2012.
[5] IEEE, Standard for Preferred Power Supply (PPS) for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
(NPGS) Standard 765-2012, 2013.
[6] H. Ren, I. Dobson, B.A. Carreras, “Long-Term Effect of the n-1 Criterion on Cascading Line
Outages in an Evolving Power Transmission Grid”, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 23, pp.
1217–1225, 2008.
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42 The Essential CANDU
[7] CSA, General Requirements for Seismic Design and Qualification of CANDU Nuclear Power
Plants, N289.1-08, 2008.
8 Further Reading
L.L. Grigsby, Power Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, IEEE Press, 2000 (ISBN-10: 0849385784).
IAEA, Design of Emergency Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, NS-G-1.8, 2004 (ISBN 92–
P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill Professional, 1994 (ISBN 0-07-
J.D. McDonald, Electric Power Substation Engineering (2nd ed.), CRC Press, 2007 (ISBN-10:
9 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent
comments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of
course the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the author.
Pel Castaldo
Alan Hepburn
Alek Josefowicz
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety
Prepared by
Dr. Edward Waller, PhD, PEng, CAIH, CHP
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science
Crucial to operation of a CANDU nuclear plant is protection of workers, the public, and the
environment. This chapter discusses:
1. Basic fundamentals of radiation physics as they pertain to radiation interactions that
have the potential to cause biological harm in living systems.
2. Concepts of regulatory guidance which governs the “as low as reasonably achievable”
radiation dose paradigm.
3. Radiation detection and monitoring techniques used in CANDU plant environs.
4. External and internal radiation hazards, including discussions on shielding and personal
protective equipment.
5. Radiation management plans, worker dose monitoring, and control and waste man-
agement issues.
6. Radiation releases to the environment, derived release limits, and environmental protec-
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................... 7
2 Biological Effects of Radiation ................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Basic Radiation Interactions with Tissue ........................................................................ 7
2.2 Biological Radiosensitivity............................................................................................. 11
2.3 Biological Effects of Exposure ....................................................................................... 15
2.4 Radiation Risk Models................................................................................................... 20
2.5 Effects on Pregnancy..................................................................................................... 26
2.6 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 28
3 Dosimetry, Dose Limitations, and Guidance......................................................................... 29
3.1 Dose Definitions............................................................................................................ 30
3.2 Background Radiation Exposure ................................................................................... 37
3.3 International Guidance ................................................................................................. 39
3.4 Canadian Guidance ....................................................................................................... 45
3.5 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 46
4 Radiation Instrumentation.................................................................................................... 47
4.1 Basics of Detection........................................................................................................ 47
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2 The Essential CANDU
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 3
List of Figures
Figure 1 Three pillars of health physics .......................................................................................... 6
Figure 2 DNA double helix: target for radiation damage ............................................................... 8
Figure 3 Process chain for radiation interaction with tissue .......................................................... 9
Figure 4 Direct and indirect radiation interaction mechanisms with DNA .................................. 10
Figure 5 Chromosome................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6 The cell cycle ................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7 Cell mitosis ...................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8 DNA single-strand break ................................................................................................. 13
Figure 9 DNA double-strand break ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 10 Radiation damage to cells............................................................................................. 14
Figure 11 DNA damage endpoints ................................................................................................ 15
Figure 12 Differential blood count after severe radiation insult (adapted from [Gusev2001] and
[Cember2009]) ...................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 13 Dose-response curve showing two common models................................................... 23
Figure 14 Generalized dose-response curves............................................................................... 24
Figure 15 Alternative dose-response curves ................................................................................ 25
Figure 16 Radiation protection regulation pyramid ..................................................................... 29
Figure 17 Relationship between dose and endpoint.................................................................... 35
Figure 18 Origin of average yearly radiation exposure (adapted from [NCRP2009]) .................. 39
Figure 19 Chronology of radiation-protection guidance (adapted from [Inkret1995]) ............... 40
Figure 20 Paradigm shift from deterministic to stochastic effect protection .............................. 41
Figure 21 Progression of radiation protection principles (adapted from [Clement2009]) .......... 42
Figure 22 Relationship of international bodies for radiation protection regulations .................. 42
Figure 23 Ionization process ......................................................................................................... 47
Figure 24 Ionization in a gas-filled tube........................................................................................ 48
Figure 25 Excitation process ......................................................................................................... 48
Figure 26 Excitation in a scintillator-type detector ...................................................................... 49
Figure 27 Geometric efficiency examples (far planar, near planar, and well detectors)............. 52
Figure 28 Example energy calibration graph ................................................................................ 53
Figure 29 Example efficiency calibration graph............................................................................ 54
Figure 30 Simple particle-counting system................................................................................... 58
Figure 31 Simple spectroscopy process........................................................................................ 59
Figure 32 Operating regions of gas-filled counters ...................................................................... 61
Figure 33 GM counter sample plateau ......................................................................................... 63
Figure 34 Commercial HPGe system (top) and detail of lead castle (bottom)............................. 67
Figure 35 Portable contamination meter with pancake probe .................................................... 68
Figure 36 Neutron Bonner sphere ................................................................................................ 69
Figure 37 Portal monitor............................................................................................................... 70
Figure 38 Commercial portal monitor .......................................................................................... 70
Figure 39 Commercial whole-body counter ................................................................................. 71
Figure 40 TLD glow curve from irradiated LiF chip ....................................................................... 73
Figure 41 Commercial TLD reader (top) and tray of LiF chips (bottom)....................................... 74
Figure 42 LSC detection process ................................................................................................... 75
Figure 43 LSC electronics .............................................................................................................. 76
Figure 44 Commercial LSC counter (top) and detail of trays with vials (bottom) ........................ 77
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4 The Essential CANDU
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 5
List of Tables
Table 1 Radiation-induced DNA damage mechanisms................................................................. 10
Table 2 Deterministic effects [NCRP2001].................................................................................... 16
Table 3 Stochastic risk coefficients (adapted from ICRP (2007)).................................................. 19
Table 4 Relative human-organ vulnerabilities to ionizing radiation............................................. 19
Table 5 Association of cancers with radiation exposure .............................................................. 21
Table 6 Epidemiological categories for radiation risk studies ...................................................... 22
Table 7 Radiation weighting factors [ICRP2007] .......................................................................... 33
Table 8 Tissue weighting factors [ICRP1977,1990,2007].............................................................. 34
Table 9 Dose units......................................................................................................................... 34
Table 10 Sample inhalation dose coefficients [ORNL2013].......................................................... 36
Table 11 Primordial and cosmogenic radioisotopes..................................................................... 38
Table 12 ICRP103 dose limits for planned exposure scenarios [ICRP2007] ................................. 44
Table 13 Standard thickness of various beta attenuators (from [Cember2009]) ........................ 81
Table 14 Important neutron reactions ......................................................................................... 88
Table 15 Removal cross sections for neutrons ........................................................................... 102
Table 16 Parameters affecting internal dose.............................................................................. 104
Table 17 Effective half-life .......................................................................................................... 108
Table 18 Air-purifying cartridge designations............................................................................. 116
Table 19 Example of samples collected by Canadian utilities [Cole1997].................................. 128
Table 20 Some key fission and activation radionuclides expected from a reactor release ....... 129
Table 21 Order-of-magnitude CANDU radionuclide emissions.................................................. 133
Table 22 Reference animals and plants (RAP) ............................................................................ 136
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6 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
In Chapter 3, the fundamentals of nuclear physics, radioactive decay processes, and radiation
interactions with matter were discussed. This chapter expands upon the concepts in Chapter 3
and explores the fundamentals of radiation protection and environmental safety, which are of
vital importance to the safe operation of CANDU stations. In a holistic sense, the overarching
field that deals with radiation protection and environmental safety is the area of health physics.
Health physics is the branch of science that deals with protection of workers, the public, and
the environment from potential detrimental effects from exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing
radiation. The three primary pillars of health physics in the context of CANDU operations are
presented in Figure 1. Radiation shielding is presented as a pillar because it is an important
aspect of radiation protection that is often a field in and of itself.
Health Physics
Environmental Safety
Radiation Shielding
Radiation Protection
1.1 Overview
Experts in health physics generally require formal training in radiation protection, environ-
mental radioactivity, and shielding design. In this chapter, the concepts of biological effects,
radiation protection, health physics, shielding, and environmental safety are discussed with an
emphasis on CANDU nuclear plant operations. This chapter represents the principal concepts
related to the three pillars (Figure 1) which provide the well-rounded understanding of health
physics that is required for a career in CANDU nuclear operations. Specific concepts discussed
are: (1) basic fundamentals of radiation biology and the basics for understanding biological
harm in living systems; (2) concepts of regulatory guidance which govern the “as low as rea-
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 7
sonably achievable” radiation dose paradigm; (3) radiation detection and monitoring tech-
niques that may be used in CANDU plant environs; (4) external and internal radiation hazards,
including discussions on shielding and personal protective equipment; (5) radiation manage-
ment plans, worker dose monitoring, and control and waste management issues; and (6)
radiation releases to the environment, derived release limits (DRL), and personnel and envi-
ronmental protection.
and to treat cancer, so that the mode of application of radiation to material becomes important
in determining the system endpoint. The fundamentals of radiation interactions with tissue
begin with the concept of energy deposition.
Energy that is deposited in biological material can lead to two principal effects on an individual
atom: excitation or ionization. Excitation raises an orbital-shell electron to a higher energy state
without ejecting it from the atom; radiation can be emitted during this process. Ionization, on
the other hand, is the ejection of an electron from an orbital shell of an atom; other kinds of
radiation can also be emitted during this process. It is generally the ionization process that
causes damage to DNA through direct or indirect action.
If DNA is the primary critical target for radiation-protection applications, then consideration
must be given to DNA damage from direct and indirect action of the radiation to which tissue is
exposed. DNA is a macromolecule which is the main constituent of chromosomes and the
material that contains and communicates genetic information about all life. The DNA molecule
is formed as a double helix and is coded with nucleotide base pairs along a twisted backbone of
alternating sugar and phosphate groups, as depicted in Figure 2.
Double helix
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 9
cells. Therefore, most direct interactions of all types of radiation on the human body are with
The process of indirect DNA damage proceeds as follows: radiation ionizes a water molecule, as
described by Eq. (1):
H 2O H 2O e . (1)
The products of water dissociation, H2O+ and e-, interact further with water molecules. The
electron interaction with water yields a hydrogen free radical, H , and a hydroxide ion, OH-, as
shown in Eq. (2):
H 2O e H 2O H OH . (2)
The positive ion undergoes immediate dissociation as described in Eq. (3):
H 2O H OH , (3)
which yields a positive hydrogen ion, H+, and a free hydroxyl radical, OH , the neutral form of
the hydroxide ion, OH-. The free hydrogen radicals tend to form gaseous hydrogen (H2) which is
relatively harmless in the human body. The hydroxyl radical, however, is extremely reactive and
can damage DNA. These hydroxyl radicals are, however, short-lived and therefore need to be
created in the vicinity of target DNA to do damage. An alternate damage mechanism is for the
short-lived hydroxyl radicals to combine to form hydrogen peroxide as indicated in Eq. (4):
OH OH H 2O2 . (4)
Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent which is fairly stable in the human body and can
therefore migrate to distances far from the creation point and damage DNA.
A number of events on varying time scales must occur before deleterious effects from exposure
are observed. The complex chain of events from radiation exposure to a biological endpoint is
summarized in Figure 3.
Free changes
Incident Fast radical Biological
radiation electron from bond effects
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10 The Essential CANDU
The time scales extend from femtoseconds for initial ionization, to tens of nanoseconds related
to ion-radical lifetimes, to tens of microseconds for free-radical lifetimes, and finally to years
post-exposure for onset of cancer.
The dominant modes of interactions for ionizing radiation that are important to CANDU reac-
tors are contrasted in Table 1. The direct and indirect interaction mechanisms of the creation of
charged particles by neutral particles are depicted in Figure 4. Dose assessment will be consid-
ered in Section 5 for external irradiation and Section 6 for internal irradiation.
Table 1 Radiation-induced DNA damage mechanisms
Tissue inter-
Radiation Dominant damage mechanism
Production of fast-moving electrons creating free radicals
X- and γ rays
Indirect which induce strand breaks
ionization Production of recoil protons, alpha particles, and heavier
atoms, creating free radicals which induce strand breaks
Beta particles
(electrons) Direct ioniza- Direct action with DNA, inducing strand breaks. Directly
Alpha particles tion ionizing particles can also generate free radicals.
(helium nuclei)
Indirect Action
H ray
free radical
Direct Action neutron
2 nm
4 nm
Figure 4 Direct and indirect radiation interaction mechanisms with DNA
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 11
Chromatid w/DNA
(intersection of two chroma-
Figure 5 Chromosome
The cell cycle is depicted in Figure 6. The cell progresses from mitosis (cell division) to gap 1
(inactivity) for each divided cell which goes on to its own cycle, then to DNA synthesis, and then
to gap 2 (inactivity) before mitosis.
The cell has maximum radiation sensitivity during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle. The cell
cycle involves a number of stages before replication, as depicted in Figure 7.
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12 The Essential CANDU
(1st gap:
G2 relative
(2nd gap: inactivity in
relative M (mitosis) cell)
inactivity in
S G1
(DNA (1st gap:
Synthesis relative
inactivity in
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14 The Essential CANDU
g dicentric
g Death or
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 15
normal damaged
[3] error prone repair
Figure 11 DNA damage endpoints
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16 The Essential CANDU
As presented above, exposure can be categorized in many ways. Two very important concepts
related to risk are the rate of dose delivery for exposure and the endpoint.
The rate of dose delivery for exposure is conveniently divided into two principal categories: (a)
acute and (b) chronic. Acute exposure is normally considered as a single, large, and short-term
whole-body dose, and the effects are observed in a short time frame post-exposure. The effects
are categorized by four sequential stages: (i) Initial (prodromal) which lasts approximately 48
hours, (ii) latent, which lasts 48 hours to 3 weeks, (iii) manifest illness, which lasts 6–8 weeks,
and (iv) recovery, which can last weeks to months (if death does not occur). Chronic exposure,
on the other hand, is typically defined as a lower, protracted dose over a long period of time.
The two principal categories describing the endpoint effects of radiation exposure in humans
are (a) deterministic effects and (b) stochastic effects. Dose definitions (Gy, Sv, etc.) are pro-
vided in Section 3.1.
†LD50/30 is the Lethal Dose where 50% of an exposed population dies within 30 days.
LD50/60 is a similar definition at 60 days post-exposure.
There are three general categories of acute radiation sickness, as presented below.
1. Hematopoietic
Dose range 3–8 Gy
Radiation damages precursors to red and white blood cells and platelets
Prodromal phase may occur immediately
Symptoms include septicemia
Mixed survival
Examples include Chernobyl personnel (203 exhibited symptoms; 13 died)
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 17
2. Gastrointestinal
Dose > 10 Gy
Symptoms include abdominal pain/fever, diarrhea, and dehydration
Death in 3–10 days (no record of human survivors above 10 Gy)
Examples include Chernobyl firefighters
3. Cerebrovascular
Dose > 100 Gy
Death in minutes to hours
Examples include criticality accidents.
Radiation exposure to high doses is well known to induce changes in blood-count levels. There
are numerous components of blood and a variety of ways to subdivide blood characteristics.
The four factors that are often examined when high radiation exposure is expected are lympho-
cytes, neutrophils, thrombocytes, and hemoglobin, described below:
Lymphocytes are white blood cells that govern the body’s immune response (directly
fighting disease and infection)
Neutrophils are a subset of white blood cells that fight infection
Thrombocytes (platelets) are active in blood clotting
Hemoglobin is the component of red blood cells that carries oxygen.
An example of a hypothetical complete blood count with differential (CBC w/ diff) after expo-
sure to a large dose (insult > 2 Gy whole body) of radiation is provided in Figure 12. It may be
seen that immediately after exposure, there is a sharp decrease in lymphocytes, followed by a
spike in neutrophils. The neutrophil spike is the body’s response to what it believes may be an
infection. Three distinct stages of illness are evident through the exposure: (1) latent period
from exposure to approximately 20 days, (2) manifest illness, where the exposed person is
extremely sick, from day 20 to 35, followed by (3) recovery, assuming the exposed person has
survived the blood counts dropping to almost zero. Note that Figure 12 represents a very high
whole-body exposure and that the actual blood counts and time frames can vary greatly from
person to person. Note also that models have been developed to determine the severity of
radiation exposure retrospectively using sequential lymphocyte counts post-exposure
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18 The Essential CANDU
24 20 400
Lymphocytes and
Thrombocytes x 1000
Neutrophils x 1000
Hemoglobin (grams) 10 300
12 200
lymphocytes 50
0 0
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 12 Differential blood count after severe radiation insult (adapted from [Gusev2001]
and [Cember2009])
The universal principles of radiation protection dictate that deterministic effects must be
avoided in occupational exposure. However, this is not the case with medical exposure because
a deterministic-level dose may be required for the medical procedure. A typical example is
radiation therapy for treatment of cancer, where deterministic-level doses are routinely applied
to treat the cancer.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 19
Although cellular and animalal studies provide indicators of risk, the primary source of data for
exposure risk modeling is epidemiological studies [UNSCEAR2008].
[UNSCEAR2008] The primary
source of data used for risk models is the Japanese atomic-bomb bomb survivors. Other exposed
groups thatt have contributed data to risk modeling include radiotherapy cancer patients
(cervical, endometrial, childhood, breast, Hodgkin
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, etc.), ), radiotherapy patients
with non-malignant
malignant conditions (spondylitis, thymus, tonsils, ringworm, etc
), diagnostic
diagnost radiol-
ogy patients (tuberculosis fluoroscopy, pelvimetry, scoliosis, etc
etc.), workers with occupational
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20 The Essential CANDU
exposure (radium dial painters, miners, radiologists, nuclear workers, etc.), and people experi-
encing environmental exposure (nuclear weapons fallout, Chernobyl, Techa River, etc.).
Radiation is an incredibly weak carcinogen, and as therefore estimation of risk from exposure at
low doses requires the use of risk models, which are described in the following section.
Therefore, it is possible to have a low-probability event with high consequence with a low risk
factor, or a high-probability event with low consequence with a low risk factor. However, if
neither probability of occurrence nor consequence is non-trivial, then it is possible to have a
high risk factor. In terms of radiation risk, the BEIR Committee [BEIRVII2006] defines risk as:
“the chance of injury, loss, or detriment; a measure of the deleterious effects that may
be expected as a result of action or inaction”.
To understand risk from radiation exposure, a fundamental understanding of what the risk
detriment parameter is (for example, cancer) and the background incidence of this detriment is
required. Incidence of effect, or endpoint, can be estimated using in vitro or in vivo studies of
humans, animals, or plants (of organisms, components of organisms, or both, down to the DNA
level). Risk to populations from exposure can be estimated using the principles of epidemiology,
which is the study of the causal factors of the frequency of disease in humans.
Risk from radiation exposure is typically quantified as some probability of endpoint effect
(incidence) per unit dose exposure. The relative risk (RR) is a common measure of risk and is
defined by Eq. (6):
Incidence in exposed population
RR = . (6)
Incidence in unexposed population
An important metric for risk estimate is based on the increased likelihood of an endpoint
(cancer) as a result of exposure to a carcinogen (radiation) and is termed the excess relative risk
(ERR), defined by Eq. (7):
Incidence in exposed population
ERR = RR - 1 = - 1. (7)
Incidence in unexposed population
The excess absolute risk (EAR), sometimes called the attributable risk, is a measure of the
discrepancy in incidence rates between exposed and non-exposed populations and is given by
Eq. (8):
EAR = Incidence in exposed population Incidence in unexposed population . (8)
For example, if the cancer incidence in an exposed population is 0.5 Gy-1 and in an unexposed
population is 0.4, the RR is 1.25 Gy-1, and the ERR is 0.25 Gy-1. The EAR requires that the inci-
dence in the unexposed population be resolved to a percentage by multiplying by the exposure
(Gy). For a 100-mGy exposure, RR = 0.125, ERR = 0.025, and EAR is negative. When RR >1, then
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 21
exposure increases the risk, and if RR <1, then exposure does not increase risk. In this hypothet-
ical case, the exposure does not increase cancer risk.
It is often desirable to estimate whether a given exposure is the cause of an observed endpoint
(for example, cancer). The metric used for this is the probability of causation (PC), which is
given by Eq. (9):
PC= . (9)
In the example above, the PC is calculated as 0.024.
Understanding the risks of radiation exposure means understanding the cause-effect relation-
ships between endpoints and exposure. Some cancers are more strongly linked to radiation
exposure than others. Table 5 presents a variety of cancers in the following categories: (i)
strong association with radiation exposure, (ii) moderate association with radiation exposure,
although strongly influenced by other risk factors, and (ii) little or no association with radiation
Table 5 Association of cancers with radiation exposure
Strong Moderate Weak to none
Breast Esophageal
Colorectal Kidney
Stochastic risk, such as the incidence of cancer, can be plotted as a function of dose to generate
a dose-response curve that represents the incidence of an endpoint as a function of increasing
dose. There are numerous sources of data for generating risk curves; some major cohorts
where data have been obtained are presented in Table 6.
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22 The Essential CANDU
Generally speaking, much of our knowledge about dose response has been obtained from
relatively high dose / high dose rate exposure, whereas most non-medical exposure is low dose
/ low dose rate exposure. Figure 13 depicts a hypothetical, yet realistic, dose response curve
(incidence versus dose, where incidence could be relative risk of cancer, for example). The solid
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 23
circles represent points for which there are statistically significant data with reasonable confi-
dence levels (for example, data from Japanese atomic bomb survivors). The open circles
represent non-statistically significant data with low confidence. “High dose” would generally
refer to data obtained above a 1-Gy whole-body dose; “low dose” would generally refer to data
below approximately 0.1 Gy. Some risk estimates (for example, leukemia) are generated using a
linear quadratic curve [BEIRVII2006] through the data and through the point (0,0), which
represents “zero risk at zero dose”. Most risk estimates, however, are generated using a linear
curve through the data and through point (0,0). This is termed the linear no-threshold (LNT)
hypothesis of radiation risk and is very contentious in the radiation-protection community
[Bond1996] [Scott2008] [Siegel2012].
Adequate fit to
data possible
in this region
Low Dose High Dose
Figure 13 Dose-response curve showing two common models
The primary reason why the linear no-threshold hypothesis of radiation risk is contentious is
that, as discussed in Section 2.3, there is no conclusive evidence below approximately 100 mGy
to demonstrate deleterious effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. That being said, regulators
have adopted the linear no-threshold hypothesis for radiation risk because it is considered
conservative (that is, to overestimate the risk from ionizing-radiation exposure).
The various models for dose response [Cember2009] can be represented by a generalized
expression given by Eq. (10):
f D 0 1 D 2 D 2 e
1 2
, (10)
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24 The Essential CANDU
where the dose-response function is given by f(D), D is the dose, 0 is the natural incidence of
the effect (for example, spontaneous cancer incidence), 1 and 2 are linear and quadratic
fitting parameters, and β1 and β2 are parameters used in representation of cell killing or mortal-
ity only at higher doses (that is, the killing function dominates at high dose).
In terms of relative risk (RR), Eq. (10) becomes Eq. (11):
0 1 D 2 D 2 e
f D
1 2
RR . (11)
0 0
A graphical representation of the various functions for Eq. (10) is provided in Figure 14. The
values for the fitting parameters have been selected arbitrarily, and a background incidence (of
a given effect) was arbitrarily selected as 10-3. At low dose, the linear, linear quadratic, and full
expressions are basically identical. At high dose, the quadratic function matches the linear
quadratic function, and clearly cell killing/mortality attenuates the linear quadratic curve.
w/ killing
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 25
1 D 2 D 2 e 1 2
where PROFAC is the protection factor, which is the population average probability of cancer
prevention given activated natural protection and B(D) is the benefit function, which is the
probability of activated natural protection [Scott2012], which increases at low doses far more
than f(D). At low doses, f(D)/0 is essentially unity, and at low doses, the relative risk may be
approximated by Eq. (13):
RR 1 B D * PROFAC . (13)
hormesis High Dose
Figure 15 Alternative dose-response curves
(b) performing animal studies, and (c) performing epidemiological studies on exposed popula-
tions [BEIRVII2006].
Scientific debate on low-level radiation effects in the radiation-protection community involves
the model used to determine risk from exposure. There is no unanimous agreement on the
model of stochastic risk as low doses. There is scientific support for the linear-non-threshold
model, threshold dose models, and also hermetic models. Although our current system of
radiation-protection guidance is based upon the linear non-threshold model of dose-response,
the concept of threshold dose is apparent as early as the writings of Paracelsus (1493-1541), in
his famous statement “What is there that is not poison? All things are poison and nothing is
without poison. Solely the dose determines that a thing is not a poison” [Deichmann1986]. In
abbreviated terms, Paracelsus’ statement becomes “The dose makes the poison”. This suggests
that, upon exposure to an anthropogenic chemical, there is a threshold dose above which
something becomes poisonous to the body. The concept of threshold dose, established in the
16th century, was abandoned for stochastic-effect radiation-protection purposes in the 20th
century. As early as the 1955 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiologi-
cal Protection, statements were promulgated that “no radiation level higher than natural
background can be regarded as absolutely ‘safe’ ” [Clarke2005], despite there being no conclu-
sive proof that low-dose radiation causes any harm, stochastic or non-stochastic. It is this belief,
manifest in the so-called linear non-threshold (LNT) hypothesis of radiation risk described
above, that has divided public opinion and worker understanding of the effects of ionizing
radiation. Various misapplications and misinterpretations of radiation risk using the linear non-
threshold hypothesis [Bond1996] [Siegel2012] have made general understanding of the risk of
exposure to low-dose radiation confusing and controversial.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 27
2.5.1 Teratogenesis
The conceptus is a blanket definition which encompasses the zygote, embryo, and fetus stages.
Teratogenic insult may be defined as any exposure that is capable of harming the conceptus
(for example, inducing birth defects). Radiation is extremely harmful to the conceptus, and to
children in general, for two simple reasons: (1) a majority of the cells are in active growth
stages in young organisms, and as was demonstrated by the law of Bergonie and Tribondeau,
rapidly dividing cells are more radiosensitive; and (2) exposure in the young allows for more
time for observable effects to manifest before death.
The human conceptus has an approximate nine-month gestation period, with different radia-
tion sensitivities over this time frame. During the first two weeks of gestation (the zygote
stage), the egg is fertilized and implanted in the uterine wall. During this phase, the cells divide
at a rapid rate and are highly sensitive to radiation. During this stage, cell killing is the most
likely outcome from large doses of radiation. During the following approximately three to seven
weeks of gestation (the embryonic stage), differentiated organ development begins, and the
embryo is susceptible to cell killing or congenital malformations at moderate to high doses of
radiation exposure. From approximately week 8 until birth (the fetal stage), there is rapid
growth which makes the fetus susceptible to birth anomalies such as mental retardation. After
approximately 17 weeks gestation, all the brain cells have formed and do not further divide,
and therefore the most sensitive period for teratogenic effects such as mental retardation is
believed to be between 8 and 17 weeks gestation for moderate- to high-dose radiation expo-
The manifestation of stochastic effects (such as cancer-cell induction) is more probable for in-
utero exposure. This is recognized by the International Commission on Radiological Protection
by suggesting that the risk is a few times that of the population as a whole. Using the value of
5.5%/Sv from Table 3, the cancer-risk coefficient for in-utero exposure is estimated at approxi-
mately 17%/Sv. Note also that most regulatory agencies have adopted a “balance of preg-
nancy” dose limit on workers, which is designed to limit in-utero exposure. Operationally, when
a worker declares a pregnancy to her employer, the dose to the conceptus must be limited to a
pre-determined value (in the 2007 ICRP recommendations [ICRP2007], this is 1 mSv).
be extremely low. After counselling, the perception of teratogenic risk did not differ between
the groups. This result is very important because it suggests that education and consultation
with pregnant women who may be exposed to ionizing radiation can reduce stress and anxiety
from the exposure and possibly reduce the risk of the mother selecting therapeutic abortion
due to unfounded perceptions of the exposure.
2.6 Summary
From a toxicological standpoint, more is known about the effects of radiation on living organ-
isms than any other insult, including chemicals. As far as carcinogenic toxins go, ionizing radia-
tion is one of the weakest carcinogens on the planet. Effects have been investigated using
studies of DNA/molecules/cells, studies on animals, and human epidemiological studies. The
time frames for observable effects extend from subseconds (physical) to seconds (chemical) to
many years (biological). The endpoints for effects may be (i) radiation enters the body, but
misses important targets (a highly likely “endpoint”); (ii) radiation does not cause any damage
to the targets; (iii) radiation damages the target, but the target repairs itself; (iv) damaged cells
may die; and (v) damage cells may change (mutate). High doses of radiation may cause prompt
deterministic effects, such as skin burns. Both high and moderate doses of radiation may
increase the risk of stochastic effects such as cancer. Low-dose radiation exposure had not been
observed to cause deleterious effects in the populations studied, although the risk of exposure
has been extrapolated from high-dose observable effects to the low-dose regime using the
linear no-threshold (LNT) dose-response model.
What is known about ionizing radiation exposure can be summarized as:
Radiation is a very weak carcinogen
Probability of cancer is a function of dose (increased risk with increased dose; severity of
cancer is not a function of dose)
There is weak-to-no evidence of cancer effects at doses below approximately 100 mSv.
What is NOT known about ionizing radiation exposure:
Whether there are any negative effects of exposure below approximately 100 mSv
Whether there are any beneficial effects of exposure below approximately 100 mSv
Whether there are any effects at low dose other than cancer and leukemia
Whether there are any inherited effects at any exposure.
Some practical considerations for understanding ionizing-radiation exposure:
“Normal” cancer incidence is very high (30%–40% over the population)
o Cause-effect relationships cannot be proven on an individual basis; relative risk
can only be established for large exposed groups
Stochastic effects have a long latent period
o Leukemia: 2–7 years post-exposure
o Other cancers: 10–50 years post-exposure
Exposure must occur to tissue for radiation-induced cancer to form
o Cancer will not initiate in an organ of the body unless that organ has received a
Certain cancers are not associated with low to moderate doses of ionizing radiation
o Hodgkin’s disease
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 29
o Non-Hodgkin’s disease
o Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
o Cutaneous malignant melanoma
o Uterine cancer
o Prostate cancer
Risk from radiation exposure to child and conceptus are enhanced
o Rapidly dividing cells are radiosensitive
o Longer lifespan post-exposure enables latent cancers to manifest.
The risks of ionizing radiation exposure have been quantified using a variety of dose-response
models. A commonly used model is the linear no-threshold (LNT) model, which is generally
considered to be conservative and as such is used extensively by regulators. There are numer-
ous other models, including hormesis models, which are actively debated in the scientific
literature and about which scientists have shown evidence for and against. Dose-protection
guidance, the LNT approximation, and how the “as low as reasonably achievable, social and
economic factors taken into account” (ALARA) mantra is used are discussed in Section 3.
Scientific Knowledge
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30 The Essential CANDU
tend to follow international recommendations, they are not obligated to do so. In Canada,
there are various governmental agencies involved in establishing radiation-protection guide-
lines, with different areas of responsibility depending upon the source of radiation. For exam-
Nuclear reactor operations – Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
Radioactive sources and waste – Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
Uranium mining and milling operations – Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
High-energy particle accelerators – Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
X-ray regulations – each province regulates independently
o X-ray use – Health Canada (HC) guidelines
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) - each province regulates independently
o NORM mitigation – Health Canada (HC) guidelines.
Other agencies that have input into radiation protection regulations include Environment
Canada (EC) and Transport Canada (TC). A number of national agencies in Canada are involved
in safety and security of radioactive material, including (i) all the above-named agencies, (ii)
Public Safety Canada, (iii) Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), (iv) Department of
National Defence, and (v) Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).
This section discusses fundamental definitions related to ionizing-radiation dose, background
radiation, and national/international guidance regarding dose and dose limitations. Background
information on the historical development of the radiation protection-system can be found in
[Inkret1995] [Lindell1996] [Jones2005] [Clarke2005] [Walker2000].
3.1.1 Exposure
Before discussing dose, it is worthwhile to discuss, in a historical sense, exposure. In the early
days of X-rays, a common dosimeter was a piece of dental film attached to a paper clip. The
daily allowable exposure was an exposure that was just enough so that some “fogging” of the
film could be observed on processing. This was known as a “paper-clip unit” of radiation expo-
sure and amounted to an early dosimeter. For larger doses such as might be used in therapeutic
medicine, a “skin erythema unit” was used, which was an exposure that would just cause visible
reddening of the skin. Neither unit was what could be considered biologically meaningful,
although they did provide a measure of protection.
Exposure was defined for X- (and gamma) radiation in terms of air ionization, and the original
unit of air ionization established in 1928 was the Roentgen (R). The current definition is given
1 R 2.58 104 C kg 1 of air .
Absorbed dose was subsequently defined as the energy absorbed per unit mass from any kind
of ionizing radiation in any target. As such, the absorbed dose is a physical quantity. To calcu-
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 31
late the absorbed dose in air from a given exposure, the ionization potential of air (which is 33.7
eV/ion pair or 33.7 J/C) can be used. Using this value, the absorbed dose in air from an expo-
sure of 1 Roentgen can be calculated as:
1 R 2.58 104 33.7 8.7 10 3
kg C kg .
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32 The Essential CANDU
H T wr DT ,r , (16)
HT is the equivalent dose to target T (Sv)
wr is the radiation weighting factor for the radiation type.
Radiation weighting factors are related to the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of different
kinds of radiation, which is an indication of the relative amount of radiation damage done to
tissue for a given absorbed dose. The recommended radiation weighting factors from ICRP103
are provided in Table 7.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 33
2.5 3.25e 6
E 50 MeV
The effective dose, E, is calculated using the equivalent dose and tissue weighting factors using
Eq. (17):
E wT HT , (17)
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34 The Essential CANDU
Absorbed dose Radiation absorbed dose (Rad) Gray (Gy) 100 Rad = 1 Gy
Equivalent dose Roentgen equivalent man (Rem) Sievert (Sv) 100 Rem = 1 Sv
Effective dose Roentgen equivalent man (Rem) Sievert (Sv) 100 Rem = 1 Sv
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 35
In Canada, it is not uncommon to find references to classical units used as operational quanti-
ties in nuclear power plants. However, SI units are the approved units of radiation dosage
according to the CNSC regulations.
As was discussed in Section 2.3.2 and demonstrated in Table 3,, after exposure to low-dose-rate
radiation, the ICRP [ICRP2007] suggests detriment
adjusted nominal risk coefficients for cancer
and heritable effects in terms of risk per Sv (% per Sv).
The relationship between the various dose quant
ities and endpoint estimates
estimate is depicted in
Figure 17. The relative uncertainty in physical and derived quantities is shown by increasing
arrow thicknesses,, with the uncertainty compounding with each step to calculate the endpoint
risk. This demonstrates that, although absorbed
dose estimates may be made with relatively
good confidence, the ability to estimate population risk from low dose / dose rate exposure is
highly uncertain.
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36 The Essential CANDU
These conversion factors are derived using compartmental biokinetic models for internal
dosimetry. Other dose-conversion factors can include external DCFs such as those found in
ICRP74 [ICRP1996b] and discussed in Section 5.
Dlimit Sv 0.02 Sv
Sv Sv . (18)
Bq Derived air concentration (DAC)
The derived air concentration (DAC) is defined as the air concentration (Bq/m3) that would lead
to the inhalation of 1 ALI by a reference person over 2000 hours (50 weeks x 40 h/week)
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 37
assuming that the reference person inhales 1.2 m3/h (light work). The DAC is calculated using
Eq. (19):
m 2000 hr 1.2 m
2400 m3 . (19)
DACs enable rapid estimation of committed effective dose rate because the DAC represents 1
ALI (in the case of Canadian regulations, 20 mSv) in 2000 h, or stated in another manner, 1 DAC
= 10 μSv/h. The number of DAC-h corresponds to the CED.
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38 The Essential CANDU
and precipitation). Some important primordial and cosmogenic radioisotopes are listed in Table
Table 11 Primordial and cosmogenic radioisotopes
Primordial Cosmogenic
40 142 174 10 22
K Ce Hf Be Na
50 144 180 26 35
V Nd Ta Al S
87 147 187 36 7
Rb Sm Re Cl Be
113 148 190 14 33
Cd Sm Pt C P
115 152 204 32 32
In Gd Pb Si P
123 156 238, 235 39 28
Te Dy U Ar Mg
138 176 232 3 24
La Lu Th H Na
In addition to the two natural source categories, radioisotopes are introduced into the envi-
ronment from anthropogenic sources such as nuclear medicine, certain industrial processes,
routine nuclear power operations, historical nuclear weapons testing, and nuclear reactor
accidents. Theoretically, all radioisotopes on the nuclide chart can be introduced into the
environment through anthropogenic processes. In practice, only a few anthropogenic radioiso-
topes are persistent in the environment, for example, 137Cs. All the above-listed sources contri-
bute to the ubiquitous background that constantly surrounds us [Waller2013].
The most recent analysis of U.S. population dose due to natural and anthropogenic radionuc-
lides was conducted by the NCRP and published in Report No. 160 [NCRP2009]. The report
indicated that roughly half the yearly exposure to a member of the U.S. population is from
natural background radiation, primarily radon (originating from uranium in the ground) and
thoron (originating from thorium in the ground) gases, whereas the other half is from anthro-
pogenic (human-made) sources, of which the majority is due to medical procedures (see Figure
18). In Canada, it can be expected that the ratios will be similar to the U.S. values.
Note that in the U.S. report [NCRP2009], the average estimated yearly dose corresponding to
Figure 18 is approximately 6.2 mSv. The data indicated a large increase in average yearly dose,
which was exclusively due to medical procedures. Before the release of NCRP Report No. 160,
the average yearly dose was estimated to be approximately 3.6 mSv from all sources
[NCRP1987]. Therefore, the dose increase of 3.6 mSv to 6.2 mSv (almost 75% greater) due to
medical procedures is significant and worthy of increased surveillance.
Because Canada is a country in which advanced medical procedures such as computer tomo-
graphy (CT) are widely used, it is likely that our yearly average dose is proportionally similar to
that shown in Figure 18.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 39
Computed 5%
Nuclear Medicine
12% Radon & Thoron
7% Conventional
Radiography Consumer Industrial
5% 2% < 0.1%
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40 The Essential CANDU
As crude as the above recommendations are, they embody the underlying protective mantra of
radiation shielding that we still use today: shielding, distance, and time. As a result, in 1902, a
first crude limit corresponding to approximately 100 mGy per day (or 30000 mGy per year) was
proposed, corresponding to the lowest radiation exposure that could be detected by fogging on
a photographic plate [Inkret1995]. However, despite an acknowledgment of potential detri-
mental effects, between the time of discovery of X-rays and the mid-1920s, numerous injuries
due to radiation exposure were reported (especially among early radiologists). Following
increasing radiation-safety concerns by radiologists and the public, the first International
Congress of Radiology was held in 1925 in London, England. Until that point, quantification of
dose was not consistent and therefore was considered a priority. As a result, the International
Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) was formed. In 1928, the second
Congress was held in Stockholm, Sweden, which led to the formation of the International X-Ray
and Radium Protection Committee, which was the predecessor of the International Commission
on Radiological Protection (ICRP). Throughout the years, the trend in radiation protection has
involved a lowering of the acceptable radiation dose for workers, and by the 1960s, of limita-
tions on acceptable dose for members of the public. The trend in dose standards is presented in
Figure 19.
30 Sv
10,000.0 Public
Dose equivalent (mSv)
1 mSv
1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 41
Deterministic Stochastic
Increasing Probability
Increasing Severity
Linear no-threshold
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42 The Essential CANDU
Optimization and
Practical guidance Dose limitation
dose limitation
Practical Guidance
Philosophy & Policy
Basic Radiation Effects Science
UNSCEAR is the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, which
was established by the United Nations in 1955 to assess and report levels and effects of expo-
sure to ionizing radiation and provides the scientific basis for evaluating radiation risk and for
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 43
establishing protective measures. UNSCEAR provides the scientific guidance that is consulted
when developing ICRP recommendations. UNSCEAR publications can be found online at: .
3.3.2 ICRP
ICRP is the International Commission on Radiological Protection, established in 1928 to advance
for the public benefit the science of radiological protection, in particular by providing recom-
mendations and guidance on all aspects of protection against ionizing radiation. The main
objective of the Commission’s recommendations is to provide an appropriate standard of
protection for humans without unduly limiting the beneficial practices giving rise to radiation
exposure. The ICRP produces recommendations on radiological protection that are adopted
worldwide based on science and value judgements. The ICRP guidance documents form the
basis for IAEA regulatory recommendations. ICRP publications can be found online at:
while voluntarily helping in the support and comfort of patients; and by volunteers in a pro-
gramme of biomedical research involving their exposure.
Dose limits corresponding to planned public and occupational exposure are provided in Table
12. Note that the numerical values are essentially the same as reported in ICRP60 [ICRP1990],
from which the current CNSC regulations are derived. Note that the dose-limit guidance refers
to exposures above background radiation (as discussed in Section 3.2) and as such may be
considered as an additional dose over background. It should also be noted that, operationally,
action levels are often used that are a fraction of the dose limit. Exceeding an action level
would initiate an investigation into the reason for the dose and may initiate a review of proce-
dures to make doses as low as reasonably achievable, social and economic factors being taken
into account (ALARA). The ALARA principle is also found in CNSC document G-129, Rev1
Table 12 ICRP103 dose limits for planned exposure scenarios [ICRP2007]
Occupational Public
20 mSv/a averaged
Effective Dose (Whole Body) over 5 years (50 mSv/a 1 mSv/a
ICRP103 also considers the target for exposure in defining a “representative person”. A repre-
sentative person is an individual receiving a dose that is representative of the more highly
exposed individuals in the population. This term is the equivalent of, and replaces the notion of,
the “average member of the critical group” described in prior ICRP documents (for example,
Finally, ICRP103 considers explicitly the need for protection of the environment by delineating
the requirement for scientific evidence to demonstrate that protection is adequately afforded
and the need for improved protection as required. Further guidance is provided by ICRP108
3.3.4 IAEA
The IAEA is the International Atomic Energy Agency, established within the United Nations
framework in 1956 as the world’s “Atoms for Peace” organization to promote safe, secure, and
peaceful nuclear technologies. The Agency works with its member states and multiple partners
world-wide to promote safe, secure, and peaceful nuclear technologies. Three main areas of work
underpin the IAEA’s mission: Safety and Security; Science and Technology; and Safeguards and
Verification. The IAEA has a wide range of programmes, including development of safety stan-
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 45
dards in regulatory language. IAEA Safety Series documents are often used as the principal
references for national regulatory policy. The most fundamental IAEA radiation protection
standard was the “International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation
and for the Safety of Radiation Sources” [IAEA1996], which has been superseded by an interim
General Safety Requirements Part 3 report [IAEA2011]. IAEA publications can be found online
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46 The Essential CANDU
[ICRP1990]). In Canada, standards and practices to protect people from radiation exposure are
also developed by the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Radiation Protection Committee (FPTRPC),
which provides a national forum on radiation-protection issues.
The CNSC offers instruction, assistance, and information on these requirements in the form of
regulatory documents, such as policies, standards, guides, and notices. Licensee compliance is
verified through inspections and reports.
In Canada, the current (2013) radiation-protection regulations are based on ICRP60 [ICRP1990].
However, the numerical values of the dose limits have not been changed in ICRP103
[ICRP2007], and therefore the basic values on which Canadian regulatory guidance is based will
continue for many years into the future. The operational values used by the CNSC are provided
in Table 12 with the inclusion of a balance-of-pregnancy dose limit for workers of 4 mSv. The
effective dose is calculated using Eq. (20) and compared to the dose limit for regulatory pur-
poses [NSCA2000]:
mSv I
Etotal E 5 RnP 20 mSv , (20)
Etotal is the total effective dose from all sources (mSv)
E is the effective dose from external sources + committed effective dose measured di-
rectly or from excreta (mSv)
RnP is the exposure to radon progeny in working-level months (WLM)
I is the intake of radionuclides not already accounted for (Bq)
ALI is the annual limit on intake (Bq to give 20 mSv in 50 years).
3.5 Summary
Radiation-protection standards have evolved over the years to provide increased levels of
protection for workers and the public. Dose limits are established on the basis of scientific
knowledge which forms policy, best practices and guidance, and then national regulations.
The basic dose quantities used are absorbed dose, equivalent dose, and effective dose. Al-
though nuclear power plant operations often use obsolete units (such as Ci, Rad, and Rem) in
their plants, most of the nuclear industry uses SI units. Dose quantities for regulatory purposes,
as promulgated through the Nuclear Safety and Control Act, use SI units. Dose limits derived
from International Commission on Radiological Protection guidance are established in Canada,
and derived quantities are used in operations.
Background radiation is made up of natural and anthropogenic components. Dose limits are
established to provide protection above the ubiquitous background level, which has a wide
annual dose range world-wide. In Canada, the background dose is estimated to be approxi-
mately 3.6 mSv per year. Evidence from U.S. estimates indicates that increased use of advanced
medical imaging procedures such as computed tomography is resulting in a larger estimated
background dose; however, no such study has indicated that this is the case in Canada.
As research continues into large epidemiological studies and low-dose rate radiation effects,
dose-limit guidance may change in the future.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 47
4 Radiation Instrumentation
Detection of ionizing radiation is vitally important to all aspects of the nuclear energy industry.
The ability to identify sources of radiation, quantities of radiation, and specific radioisotopes
enables the administration of comprehensive radiation protection, environmental monitoring,
and security programs.
Before discussing the mechanisms of how radiation interacts with detection materials, the
basics of radiation interactions with matter must be understood. These concepts were dis-
cussed in Chapter 3 (Nuclear Processes and Neutron Physics). This section considers radiation
instrumentation that may be pertinent to CANDU operations. The basics of detection, as well as
gas-filled, scintillation, and semiconductor detectors, are discussed. Dosimetry detectors,
especially as they relate to CANDU plant operations, are explored.
anode (+v)
cathode (-v)
Figure 24 Ionization in a gas-filled tube
In an excitation-based detector, part of the radiation energy is transferred to bound electrons
and raises them to an excited state in the atom or molecule. When the excited species returns
to its ground-state energy level, the excited atom or molecule may emit electromagnetic
energy in the ultraviolet to visible region (Figure 25). This light can be detected by a photomul-
tiplier tube (PMT), which generates secondary electrons using a photocathode and multiplies
them to generate a detectable signal. This process is depicted in the scintillation-type counter
system shown in Figure 26.
UV light
ionizing radiation
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 49
UV light photomultiplier
signal out
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50 The Essential CANDU
For a counting rate, R, from a radioactive source, the presence of coincidence will mean that
the rate actually measured, r, will be less than the expected value (r < R). If the detector has a
dead time of T, then the true count rate is given by Eq. (21):
R r rRT . (21)
The counting rate can therefore be corrected for dead time using Eq. (22):
R . (22)
1 rT
The value of dead time, T, can be determined using a two-source method by measuring the
activity from two known sources r1 and r2. In theory, the measurement, r3, should be the simple
sum of the two sources as given by Eq. (23):
r1 r2 r3 b , (23)
where b is the background counting rate. If each of these counting rates is corrected for dead
time, then Eq. (23) becomes Eq. (24):
r1 r r3
2 b. (24)
1 rT1 1 r2T 1 r 3T
Because the background count rate may be considered negligible for this measurement, Eq.
(24) can be expressed in the form of a quadratic equation:
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 51
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52 The Essential CANDU
Figure 27 Geometric efficiency examples (far planar, near planar, and well detectors)
For detectors that perform spectroscopy (measurement of incident radiation spectra), both
energy and efficiency calibration are generally required. As an example of how this calibration is
performed, consider a simple scintillation (sodium iodide) gamma spectroscopy system. When a
gamma ray (emitted during a change in an atom’s nucleus) interacts with a sodium iodide
crystal, NaI(Tl), the gamma ray will frequently give all its energy to an atomic electron through
the photoelectric effect (PE). This electron travels a short, erratic path in the crystal, converting
its energy into photons of light by colliding with many atoms in the crystal. The more energy
the gamma ray has, the more photons of light will be created. A photomultiplier tube (PMT)
converts each photon interaction into a small electrical current, and because the photons arrive
at the PMT at about the same time, the individual currents combine to produce a larger current
pulse. This pulse is converted into a voltage pulse with size proportional to the gamma-ray
energy. The voltage pulse is amplified and measured by an analog-to-digital conversion (ADC)
process. The result of this measurement is an integer between 1 and 1024 for a 10-bit ADC. One
is the measured value for a voltage pulse less than a hundredth of a volt, and 1024 is the
measured value for a pulse larger than approximately 8 volts (or the largest voltage pulse in the
ADC). Pulses between 0V and 8V are proportionately assigned an integer measured value
between 1 and 1024. This measure is called the channel number. The analog-to-digital conver-
sion process is performed, and the computer records the measurements as the number of
gamma rays observed for each integer measurement or channel number.
The spectrum is a visual display of the number of gamma rays as a function of the channel
number. In the case of known sources (location of the energy peak(s) is well known), then a
correlation of channel number with gamma-ray energy can be generated. The result is a graph
of the channel number (memory location) as a function of gamma-ray energy (photopeak). The
slope of this graph (energy/channel) is the energy calibration (a fitted equation may also be
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 53
used if the relationship is not linear over all energy values). An example of energy calibration is
shown in Figure 28.
Energy (keV)
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54 The Essential CANDU
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Energy (keV)
Figure 29 Example efficiency calibration graph
Energy calibration is essential for isotope identification, and efficiency is essential for activity
x x
i 1
. (30)
N 1
The standard deviation is a measure of the variation of the data without regard to position
above or below the mean (that is, an absolute value using the square). Because most meas-
urements tend to follow a Gaussian distribution about the mean (i.e., they are symmetrical),
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 55
the mean and standard deviation are widely used measures to predict behaviour. However,
particle counting is not symmetrical about a mean. Radioactive decay is a random process that
occurs very infrequently for low-activity samples and very frequently for high-activity samples.
Three statistical distributions useful in particle counting will be discussed below.
m pN , (32)
and the standard deviation is calculated using Eq. (33):
mq Npq Np 1 p . (33)
To study radioactive decay, a distribution is required that represents a large number of counts
and a small probability of success (large N and small p). The Poisson distribution is appropriate
for this purpose.
mn m
P n e , (34)
where m is the mean of the distribution (m = Np). A primary feature of the Poisson distribution
is the ease of calculating the standard deviation using Eq. (35):
m. (35)
For individual measurements, the standard deviation is the square root of the number of
counts, (N), as given by Eq. (36):
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56 The Essential CANDU
N . (36)
For large values of m (m > 20), a more appropriate distribution, called the Gaussian distribution,
is used.
x m 2
P n e 2 2
. (37)
For a large number of measurements, the data should follow a Gaussian distribution and yield
the mean and standard deviation presented by Eqs. (29) and (30).
LC 2k b , (38)
where k is the Gaussian parameter related to area under the curve (sometimes termed “z”) and
σb is the standard deviation of the background radiation. Consider a normal distribution of
background counts, a 95% confidence level, and the fact that for a normal distribution, the 95%
confidence level occurs at k = 1.645; in this case, the critical level is defined as in Eq. (39):
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 57
Therefore, the procedure to determine the critical level (the decision criterion) is:
1. Obtain numerous background measurements (for example, 20), spatially and temporally
separated, but NOT near contamination or radioactive sources.
2. Determine the mean and standard deviation of the measurements
3. Multiply the standard deviation by 2.33 and add it to the mean to obtain the decision
For example, if the background-count rate mean is 30 cpm and the standard deviation is 5 cpm,
the decision criterion is 30 cpm+12 cpm = 42 cpm. If a measurement above 42 cpm is obtained,
it can be attributed to non-background radiation.
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4 5 6 7
2 8
1 9
or ADC
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 59
pulse train
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60 The Essential CANDU
Photopeak. A photopeak is generated in the spectrum when gamma rays deposit all their
original energy in the detector through the photoelectric (PE) interaction. This is the prima-
ry signature in a gamma spectroscopy system and is used both to identify and to quantify
the radiation.
X-Ray Escape Peak. An X-ray escape peak is generated in the spectrum when gamma rays
deposit all their original energy in the detector through the photoelectric effect (PE), except
for the energy of an iodine or germanium X-ray that leaves the detector.
Compton Continuum. The Compton continuum is produced when gamma rays interact in
the detector through Compton scattering (CS) and then leave the detector.
Double Escape Peak. The double escape peak is produced when gamma rays interact in the
detector through pair production (PP) and two 511-keV annihilation photons escape the de-
Single Escape Peak. The single escape peak is produced when gamma rays interact in the
detector through pair production (PP) and one 511-keV annihilation photon escapes the de-
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 61
applied between cathode and anode is not large enough to collect all the electrons. This region
is not useful for counting radiation.
The next region is the ion-saturation region. The potential difference is sufficient to collect all
freed electrons. A detector working in the saturation region is called an ionization chamber, and
its output is proportional to the deposited radiation energy. Internal or thin-window ionization
chambers are used as alpha-particle and fission-fragment detectors.
The next important region is the proportional region. The applied voltage is large enough that
the electrons freed by the initial radiation are accelerated, so that they in turn ionize additional
atoms or molecules (secondary ionization) to free more electrons. This electron multiplication
generates an avalanche toward the anode for each primary electron that was freed. The
applied voltage domain is called the proportional region because each avalanche is character-
ized by the same electron multiplication at a given applied voltage. The output signal is directly
proportional to the deposited energy, although each pulse is many times larger than in the
ionization region. The limited proportional region is at slightly higher applied voltage, and the
proportionality of the output signal to the deposited energy at a given applied voltage no
longer applies. Amplification of the greater deposited energy reaches its limit while that for the
lesser deposited energy continues to increase. This region is usually avoided as a detection
amplitude Geiger
2 MeV limited
1 MeV region
ion region
Applied voltage
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62 The Essential CANDU
Details about the two most common types of radiation detectors used in nuclear operations,
namely the proportional counter and the Geiger-Müller (GM) counter, are discussed in the
following sections.
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64 The Essential CANDU
4.3.1 Scintillators
Scintillators are categorized as fluors as opposed to phosphors. Fluorescence has a lifetime in
the excited state from 10-7 to 10-10 s, whereas phosphorescence has a lifetime in the excited
state of 10-3 s or longer. It is desirable to have a material with a short excited-state lifetime to
achieve a shorter resolving time. Scintillation materials can be classified as solid, liquid, or gas,
as detailed below.
Gas scintillators: The radiation energy excites the electrons of the gas molecules, and light
photons are emitted when the electrons de-excite. Because these photons are typically in
the UV range, a PMT must be chosen that is UV-sensitive. Gas scintillators are extremely
fast, but their light output is poor (low efficiency). The most extensively investigated gas
scintillators use the noble gases xenon and helium.
Liquid scintillators: Liquid scintillators consist of an organic scintillator dissolved in an
appropriate solvent. Normally, the sample to be counted is also dissolved in the scintillator.
The advantage of this arrangement is a high counting efficiency for beta particles, even for
betas of the lowest energies (e.g., 3H). In some cases, the liquid scintillator is used to meas-
ure external radiation sources (e.g., cosmic rays). In such cases, the liquid scintillator is
packaged and treated as if it were a solid crystal. One advantage of liquid scintillators is the
fact that extremely large detectors can be constructed. This is the basis of the commonly
found liquid scintillation counter (LSC).
Solid scintillators: This is the most common type of material used for gamma spectroscopy.
Aside from their physical form, scintillators may also be classified chemically as organic or
Inorganic: gas scintillators (e.g., He, Xe), inorganic crystals (e.g., NaI, ZnS, CsI, LiI, BGO), glass
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 65
Organic: liquid scintillators (e.g., PPO, Bis-MSB, POPOP), organic crystals (e.g., anthracene,
stilbene), plastic scintillators.
Two extremely common solid scintillation materials used in the nuclear industry are ZnS and
NaI, which are discussed below.
Zinc Sulfide
Zinc sulfide is often doped (activated) with silver in the form of ZnS(Ag). It is typically used in
alpha detectors and for heavy-particle detection. In the past, ZnS was combined with 226Ra to
form radium paint, which was used to paint clock and aircraft dials so that they would “glow in
the dark”. ZnS is fairly opaque and has high scintillation efficiency (~40%) with a long decay
Sodium Iodide
Sodium iodide is an alkali halide. Its use as a scintillator dates back to the late 1940s, and it is
often activated using thallium in the form NaI(Tl). Thallium is added in trace amounts, at a level
of approximately one atom in one thousand. NaI is used primarily for photon (X- or gamma)
radiation detection. NaI has a high light yield with a scintillation efficiency of approximately
12%. In other words, approximately 12% of the gamma-ray energy deposited in the crystal will
be emitted as light. The average energy of a photon emitted by NaI activated with thallium is 3
eV (which has a wavelength of approximately 415 nm, a wavelength readily detected by most
photomultiplier tubes). For a hypothetical 1-MeV gamma ray that deposits all its energy in the
NaI scintillator, one would expect 120 keV (12% of 1 MeV) to be emitted as light. With an
average photon energy of 3 eV, this would be equivalent to 40,000 photons of light. NaI crystals
can be grown to relatively large sizes for application in airborne/carborne spectroscopy systems
or portal monitors.
Scintillators produce photons of light in the UV to near-visible region and require photomultip-
lier tubes (PMT) as part of the detection process (Figure 26).
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66 The Essential CANDU
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 67
Figure 34 Commercial HPGe system (top) and detail of lead castle (bottom)
in counts per minute, counts per second, or both. If the instruments are calibrated, readings are
in dose rate (μ-, mSv, or Gy per hour) and if they have an integration function, in total dose.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 69
gamma emissions from the contamination should be detected by the scintillators and trigger an
alarm on the electronic panel. This will elicit a response from health physics personnel to clean
the contamination and generate an incident report.
Alarm and
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 71
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 73
Electrons and holes will remain in traps provided that they do not acquire sufficient energy to
escape. The number of trapped states is directly proportional to the number of ionizing-
radiation interactions with the material and hence the total dose. When the temperature of the
material is raised, the trapped charge carriers are given sufficient energy to escape from their
traps to the conduction band, where they recombine at a luminescence centre, and the excess
energy is radiated as visible or UV light, which is recorded by a photomultiplier tube (see
Section 4.3.2). The TLD reader unit provides a correspondence between the signal generated
from the measured light and the radiation exposure of the TL material.
Reading a TLD chip is relatively simple. The TL material is heated from the ambient temperature
up to 300°C–400°C, and the emitted light is collected and measured quantitatively. The TLD
reader consists of four components: (i) heating unit, (ii) light collection and detection system
(PMT), (iii) signal measuring system, and (iv) data recording system. The emission of light from
heated TLD material is often called a “glow”, and the resulting spectrum from heating the
material to release the traps is called a “glow curve”. A typical glow curve obtained from a
Harshaw model 3500 TLD reader for LiF TLD material irradiated to 500 μSv total dose from a 1
Ci 137Cs irradiator is depicted in Figure 40. The portion of the curve corresponding to the deliv-
ered dose is denoted by the region of interest marked with vertical lines.
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74 The Essential CANDU
Figure 41 Commercial TLD reader (top) and tray of LiF chips (bottom)
The TLD is the dosimeter of record for nuclear energy workers (NEW) in Canada (National Dose
Registry, Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada), as it is in most countries world-wide. All
nuclear energy workers in Canada wear TLD dosimeters if they are working around sources of
radiation exposure and as directed by the health physics department.
made from small GM tube or semiconductor detectors, and although the most common are
sensitive to X- and gamma radiation, some have neutron-detection capabilities.
Although EPDs do not provide a legal dose of record, they are often worn in conjunction with
TLDs by personnel working in nuclear-facility radiation environments, especially in non-
homogeneous fields or in areas where exposure may be in excess of action or regulatory limits.
Radionuclides Solvent Scintillator
chemical colour
quench quench
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76 The Essential CANDU
The electronic process of light detection and pulse generation in an LSC analyzer is depicted in
Figure 43. In most scintillation counters, two photomultiplier tubes collect the total light
produced within the scintillation vial that either (a) falls directly onto the two photocathodes or
(b) is reflected onto each photocathode by a reflector centrally mounted between the two
PMTs. Radioactive decay events produce approximately 10 photons per keV of energy. Beta
decay yielding a multiplicity of photons will stimulate both PMTs at the same instant in time,
and the signal from each PMT is fed into a summing circuit which produces an output only if the
two signals occur simultaneously, which is called coincidence. Because electrical noise from the
PMTs is produced randomly over time, it occurs at a sufficiently low rate to be excluded by the
coincidence circuit (below the equivalent of 1 keV). The sample in the counting chamber and
the PMTs are surrounded by lead, typically about 5 cm in all directions, which generally reduces
the background radiation to low levels.
The output from the analog-to-digital converter is processed with a spectrum analyzer cali-
brated in keV, and regions between 0 and 2000 keV are used for sample analysis. For example,
the region of interest for 3H is 0–18.6 keV (3H maximum beta energy = 18.6 keV) and for 14C is
0–156 keV (14C maximum beta energy = 156 keV).
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 77
Figure 44 Commercial LSC counter (top) and detail of trays with vials (bottom)
4.8 Summary
Ionizing radiation cannot be detected by the human senses, and therefore instrumentation is
required. A variety of radiation detection instruments is used in nuclear facilities to support
routine operations such as dosimetry, radiation protection, and environmental monitoring.
Instrumentation is selected by health physics personnel based on its applicability to the mission
design. Radiation fields to be measured in nuclear facilities may be in the form of external
fields, water effluent, airborne gases, or particulates. Instrumentation is of critical importance
for the safe operation of nuclear facilities such as nuclear reactors and therefore is an integral
part of the radiation-safety management plan.
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78 The Essential CANDU
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 79
The intensity of beta radiation for depths less than the range of the beta particles can be
described by Eq. (42):
o e , (42)
φ is the beta intensity at depth t (particle flux
flux, energy flux, etc.)
φo is the initial intensity (same units as φ)
ray absorption coefficient (cm2/g)
is the beta-ray
t is the depth(density thickness) in material (g/cm2).
The beta attenuation coefficients for tissue and air are given by Eq
Eqs. (43) and (44
44) respectively:
, tissue 18.6 Emax 0.036
, air 16 Emax 0.036
, (44)
where Emax is the maximum beta
beta-ray energy in MeV.
ayer of skin provides some beta shielding and is typically represented by 0.007 g/cm2
The dead layer
density thickness. After the beta particles pass through the dead layer of skin, all beta energy is
deposited in living tissue (betas travel no more than approximately 1 cm in tissue), and the
energy deposited is essentially equal to the dose.
Beta doses from common industr
industrial scenarios are presented below.
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80 The Essential CANDU
0.5Ca E , (45)
is the energy flux at the surface (MeV cm-2 s-1)
Ē is the average energy per disintegration (MeV)
Ca is the areal activity (Bq cm-2).
The beta surface dose rate, considering the uncollided particles, may be determined using the
beta attenuation coefficient as in Eq. (46):
D 0.5Ca E . (46)
Rewriting Eq. (46) in standard SI dose units yields Eq. (47):
MeV Gy
D 0.5Ca E 7
2.88 10 Ca E . (47)
gs h
Of interest also is the contact dose to the skin (the scenario in which the tissue comes into
contact with a surface that has beta-emitting contamination). The dose rate to tissue on con-
tact is represented by Eq. (48):
Bq MeV J s 0.007 2
0.5 f Ca 2
E 1.6 10 3600 e cm
cm transform MeV h
, (48)
0.001 J / g Gy
and the dose rate for tissue on contact with a contaminated surface is given by Eq. (49):
Bq MeV 0.007 tissue mGy
D contact 3.6 104 Ca 2 E e
cm transform
, (49)
which assumes that approximately 25% of the beta particles going down into the contaminated
surface are backscattered [Cember2009] towards the dose point (i.e., fβ=1.25) and the expo-
nential represents attenuation through 0.007 g/cm2 of tissue (the dead tissue-layer density
For tissue at some distance d away from the contaminated surface, air attenuation must also be
taken into account, as in Eq. (50). Subsequent layers of attenuating material (such as gloves on
hands) may be taken into account using similar exponentials:
Bq MeV 0.007 tissue mGy
D at d 3.6 104 Ca 2 E e
cm transform
d air
. (50) Beta dose rate from contamination on skin (or hot particles)
For the case where the beta contaminant is in direct contact with external tissue with no
backing material, the beta dose rate is expressed by Eq. (51). Note that no backscatter (fb)
factor is required in this scenario because there is air “behind” the source:
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 81
Bq MeV J s 0.007 2
0.5 Ca 2
E 1.6 10 13 3600 e cm
cm transform MeV h
0.001 J / g Gy . (51)
2.88 104 Ca E e
If the beta emitter is not in contact with the external tissue, other attenuating material can be
added using exponential attenuation factors with appropriate attenuation coefficients. Some
materials that can attenuate betas for skin doses in an industrial setting are listed in Table 13. If
the material is hydrocarbon-based, the tissue beta attenuation coefficient may be an appropri-
ate approximation in the exponential.
Table 13 Standard thickness of various beta attenuators (from [Cember2009])
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82 The Essential CANDU
Bq tps MeV J s
0.5 1.1 C 3
1 E 1.6 10 13 3600 e 0.007
m Bq transform MeV h
kg kg . (53)
1.293 3 1
m Gy
2.45 1010 C E e 0.007
Note that Eq. (53) can be modified for attenuation though clothing by multiplying by an expo-
nential factor e-μ * t, where μ represents the beta-attenuation coefficient for the material and t
is the thickness of the material.
fi / t E i MeV / 1.6 106 erg / MeV 3.7 1010 dps / Ci 3600 s / h m 1 , (54)
4 1 m kg / m3 87.7 erg / g / R
fi is the fraction of transformations that yield a photon with energy Ei
μ is the linear energy absorption coefficient for dry air at density 1.293 kg/m3 (m-1).
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 83
Plane or volume
Sv m 2
1.24 107 f i Ei . (57)
i MBq h
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84 The Essential CANDU
Interaction coefficient (cm )
-5 -1
3.5x10 cm
-1 0 1
10 10 10
Energy (MeV)
Figure 48 Linear interaction coefficients for dry air
Use of the specific gamma constant (Γ) to determine dose equivalent rate from a point source is
straightforward, as shown in Eq. (58):
A R or Sv
H p 2 wr , (58)
d h
H p is the dose equivalent rate (Rem or Sv per hour, depending upon which form of Γ is
used) at point p (distance d away from the source)
A is the source activity (Ci or MBq, depending upon which form of Γ is used)
d is the distance from source to receptor (m)
wr is the radiation weighting factor (=1 for gamma rays).
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 85
l1 l2
d1 h d2
l12 + h2=d12 l22 + h2=d22
Figure 49 Line-source geometry
For a linear concentration of radioactivity Ci (Ci/m or MBq/m), the dose rate at point p can be
expressed as a function of the point source-specific gamma constant as defined in Section, using Eq. (59):
Cl 1 l1 l
H p tan tan 1 2
h h h
or , (59)
H p
H p is the dose rate (R/h or Sv/h, consistent with Γ)
l1, l2, and h are defined in Figure 49 (m)
θ is the opening angle (radians)
Γ is the specific gamma constant for a point source (conventional or SI units)
Ci is the linear activity (Ci m-1 or MBq m-1, consistent with Γ).
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86 The Essential CANDU
r 2 h2
H p Ca ln 2 , (60)
H p is the dose rate (R/h or Sv/h, consistent with Γ)
r and h are defined in Figure 50 (m)
Γ is the specific gamma constant for a point source (conventional or SI units)
Ca is the areal activity (Ci m-2 or MBq m-2, consistent with Γ).
Figure 51 Volume-source geometry
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 87
For a uniform volume concentration of radioactivity Cv (Ci m-3 or MBq m-3), the dose rate at
point p can be expressed as a function of the point source-specific gamma constant as defined
in Section, using Eq. (61):
r 2 h2
H p
1 e t
ln 2
, (61)
H p is the dose rate (R/h or Sv/h, consistent with Γ)
r, t, and h are defined in Figure 51 (m)
Γ is the specific gamma constant for a point source (conventional or SI units)
Cv is the volume activity (Ci m-3 or MBq m-3, consistent with Γ)
μ is the linear absorption coefficient of the volume source material (cm-1).
It is possible to extend this volume treatment to other simple geometries in a similar manner.
5.1.3 Neutrons
Neutrons can be classified in a variety of ways. The most common way to classify neutrons is by
kinetic energy. Thermal neutrons and neutrons in thermal equilibrium with their environment
are distributed according to a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Their most probable energy is
0.025 eV at 20°C. At higher energies from 0.01–0.1 MeV, neutrons may be classified as slow,
intermediate, or resonance. Fast neutrons have energies from a few MeV up to approximately
20 MeV, and relativistic neutrons have still higher energies. Neutrons are uncharged (neutral)
like photons and can travel appreciable distances without interacting. Neutrons are attenuated
exponentially under good geometry and do not interact appreciably with electron fields.
Neutrons collide with atomic nuclei in elastic and inelastic collisions. With elastic collisions, the
total energy is conserved, and the energy lost by the neutron is equal to the total energy of
recoil of the nucleus. With inelastic collisions, the nucleus absorbs some of the energy and is
left in an excited state, which upon de-excitation can yield neutrons, gammas, and light ions.
Fast neutrons undergo a series of primarily elastic scattering reactions, being slowed down in a
process called moderation. As neutron energy decreases, scattering continues, but the proba-
bility of capture by another nucleus increases. If the neutron reaches thermal energies, it will
randomly move around until absorbed by a nucleus.
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88 The Essential CANDU
Besides the interactions presented in Table 14, neutron activation of materials can also be a
significant source of gamma dose in nuclear plants. Neutron activation is the production of a
radioactive isotope by absorption of a neutron and is governed by Eq. (62):
n N
or , (62)
N n 1 e t
A is the activity of the radioisotope produced through neutron activation (Bq)
is the neutron flux (n cm-2 s-1)
is the activation cross section (cm2)
is the decay constant of the produced isotope (s-1)
N is the number of produced atoms
n is the number of target atoms.
Although the radioisotopes produced are generally a gamma radiation hazard, activation is an
important reaction with respect to this source of gamma (or beta) dose.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 89
( E ) E Ni i fi
Dn E i
Gy s , (63)
(E) is the fast neutron flux (n cm-2s-1)
E is the neutron energy (Joules; 1.6E-19 Joules per eV)
Ni is the number of atoms per kg for the ith material element
i is the scattering cross section (cm2) for the ith material element
fi is the fractional energy transferred from neutrons for the ith material element, given
2M i
by f i , where Mi is the atomic mass of the ith material element. fi
( M i 1) 2
represents the average fraction of neutron energy transferred in an elastic colli-
sion assuming isotropic scattering.
The fast neutron dose can be calculated as a function of different energy groups (corresponding
to the neutron energy spectrum) to determine the total fast neutron dose.
II. Thermal neutrons
The most important specific thermal neutron reactions for tissue dosimetry (hydrogen and
carbon) are described below.
Hydrogen capture - 1H(n,)2H
This is an example of a radiative capture process. The neutron is absorbed, followed by imme-
diate emission of a gamma photon, 01n 11H 12 H 00 , with photon energy 2.22 MeV. This
reaction is of significance when tissue is exposed to thermal neutrons. This reaction yields a
uniformly distributed gamma-emitting radioisotope, and therefore initially one must solve for
the specific activity (As) of this source using Eq. (64)
As N H H , (64)
is the thermal neutron flux (n cm-2s-1)
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90 The Essential CANDU
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 91
(e) Contamination, in liquid or aerosol form, due to fission and activation products that be-
come inadvertently uncontained (which also may pose a significant external beta hazard
and internal alpha/beta hazard if inhaled).
The possible sources of the radiation that may contribute to external radiation dose while a
CANDU reactor is operating are depicted in Figure 52. The simplified drawing depicts the
biological shield (this shield also encompasses the thermal shield and reflector region), the core
(where the fission reaction takes place), and the primary heat transport (PHT) system that
circulates the hot pressurized water directly to the steam generators. The reactor operates as a
“closed primary circuit”, and therefore radioisotopes generated as a result of fission, activation,
or other nuclear processes may be circulating in the primary heat transport (PHT) system. The
primary circuit is physically separated from the secondary steam-generation circuit at the steam
generators. In theory, there should be no sources that migrate from the primary to the second-
ary side in a CANDU, and therefore no radioactivity at the turbines. Referring to Figure 52, the
potential sources may be described as follows (after [Goldstein1962]):
Prompt fission neutrons – emitted within first few μs after fission
Delayed fission neutrons – emitted from excited nuclei up to a few minutes after fission
Activation neutrons – emitted from nuclear reaction products
Photoneutrons – produced through threshold (γ,n) reactions
Prompt-fission gammas – emitted in coincidence with fission (< μs)
Short-period fission gammas – emitted by fission products within a few minutes (~10 min)
after fission
Long-period fission gammas - emitted by fission products after ~10 minutes
Capture gammas – emitted in (n,γ) reactions
Inelastic-scatter gammas – emitted from excited nuclei after neutron inelastic scattering
Reaction-product gammas – emitted from products of charged-particle reactions induced
by neutrons
Activation-product gammas – emitted from radioactive products of nuclear reactions
Annihilation photons – emitted from positron annihilation due to certain activation or
fission products
Bremsstrahlung photons – emitted from decay electrons (beta particles) slowing down in
Note that not all the listed sources are of equal importance, and often their importance is
dictated by their physical location in the reactor with respect to receptors (workers). In addi-
tion, the importance of sources is affected by the state of the reactor. On shutdown, some of
the sources disappear, and the relative importance of the remaining sources changes. There is
residual fission power in a CANDU core after shutdown, and therefore there are still prompt
fission gammas and neutrons, as well as capture gammas produced in the core. However, they
are produced at levels several orders of magnitude lower than during operation. Possible
external radiation sources ~10 minutes after shutdown are depicted in Figure 53.
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92 The Essential CANDU
Biological Shield
Core Secondary
Core side
Gamma rays
Capture Neutrons Gamma rays
Inelastic Prompt fission Prompt fission
Reaction Short period fission
Activation Capture
Annihilation Inelastic
Biological Shield
Core Secondary
Core side
Gamma rays
Activation Neutrons Gamma rays
Photoneutrons Long period fission
Gamma rays
Long period fission
Neutrons Bremsstrahlung
Photoneutrons Annihilation
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 93
Some examples of external hazards in a nuclear reactor environment include (but are not
limited to) the following:
Mixed neutron/gamma fields from normal operation (under power or shut down) at various
locations around the reactor
Contaminated coolant in a pipe (circulating or uncirculating)
Contaminated resin columns
Fission or activation products that have lodged or attached somewhere unexpectedly in a
piping system
Leakage from a contaminated water system
Outage activities that may involve opening piping or pump systems, welding and grinding
activities on potentially contaminated systems, etc.
Protection against these external hazards includes proper work planning (discussed in Section
7) along with use of the ALARA principle and shielding (discussed in Section 5.3).
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94 The Essential CANDU
surface area 4 r 2
radiation intensity, this demonstrates that dramatic decreases in dose can be achieved with
moderate changes in distance from the source, particularly close to the source.
As discussed earlier, shielding is the act of placing a material between the source of radiation
and the receptor, which has the effect of reducing the amount of radiation impinging on the
receptor. In radiation protection, shielding is often called biological shielding because its
primary purpose is to reduce the biological dose to humans. As such, shielding materials are
critically important to the effectiveness of shields. The following sections consider shielding for
gamma and neutron radiation.
I I 0e x , (66)
I is the intensity of the radiation after passing through the shield (fluence, flux, or dose
Io is the intensity of the radiation before passing through the shield (same units as I)
μ is the linear attenuation coefficient for that material (cm-1)
x is the thickness of the shield (cm).
Taking into account both the distance from the source and receptor and the influence of the
shielding material, the intensity at a point r units away from a source shielded by a thickness x
of material is given by Eq. (67):
I 0e x
I . (67)
4 r 2
The physical conditions that describe this type of attenuation are that (i) the radiation is a
narrow beam interacting with the shield and (ii) the shield is thin with respect to the mean free
path (1/μ) of the gamma radiation in the shield. This scenario is depicted in Figure 56. In this
case, the radiation, depicted by the dashed lines, scatters away from the receptor.
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96 The Essential CANDU
x I 0e x
4 r 2
Figure 56 Narrow-beam or thin-shield attenuation Buildup
Although approximation of Eq. (66). may be valid in some cases, there are a number of situa-
tions in which the radiation source may be considered a broad beam with respect to the shield
or the shield may be thick with respect to the mean free path of radiation in the shield. This
case is depicted in Figure 57. It has been observed that in this scenario, some of the radiation
that would have scattered away from the receptor actually scatters towards the receptor and
contributes additional intensity to the receptor location that is not predicted by Eq. (66). In this
case, a factor is used to modify the standard attenuation equation to account for the scattering.
This factor is known as the buildup factor (B) and is dimensionless. The intensity equation
therefore becomes Eq. (68):
I 0 Be x
I . (68)
4 r 2
I0 I 0 Be x
4 r 2
Figure 57 Broad-beam or thick-shield attenuation
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 97
The buildup factor is both a function of energy and the shield material (μx, denoted as the
optical length, relaxation length, or number of mean free paths) and is given as Eq. (69):
I 0 ( E , x) I s ( E , x) I ( E , x)
B( E , x) 1 s , (69)
I 0 ( E , x) I 0 ( E , x)
B is the buildup factor (dimensionless)
I0 is the non-collided intensity (fluence, dose, or dose rate) at the receptor
Is is the scattered (collided) radiation contribution at the receptor.
The buildup factor is the ratio of the radiation intensity, including both primary and scattered
radiation, at any point in a beam to the intensity of primary radiation only at that point. The
buildup factor accounts for scattering into an area due to poor (broad-beam) geometries and is
a function of shield material and shield thickness (x). Examining Eq. (69) leads to the conclusion
that B is always ≥ 1. Values for B have been experimentally determined; however, the bulk of
data available are from calculations, and many evaluations are presented in tables or in a
graphical format.
Two common ways of using the buildup factor for solving a shielding problem are: (i) knowing
the source and shield, calculate the intensity, and (ii) knowing the desired intensity at the
receptor point, determine the amount of shielding required.
Calculating intensity
The steps in calculating intensity (fluence, dose, or dose rate) are given as follows:
1. Look up B for:
Material of interest (e.g., lead, iron, etc.)
Energy of photons (e.g., 1 MeV)
Relaxation length of shield (μx) – Relaxation length is the thickness of shield ma-
terial that will attenuate a narrow beam to 1/e of its original value.
2. Solve equation: I=I0*B*e-ux for fluence, dose, or dose rate.
Calculating required shield thickness
The calculation of the thickness of a shield required for a given desired fluence, dose, or dose
rate is difficult because the equation must be solved simultaneously for two variables, B and x,
which can be solved for only by iteration. The steps in calculating the required shielding thick-
ness are the following:
1. Define the target exposure I (fluence, dose, dose rate)
2. Solve the narrow-beam equation I=I0*e-ux to obtain an initial shielding thickness x. This
thickness will be too small.
3. Add one half-value of thickness to x (μ = (ln 2) / x1/2 → x1/2 = (ln 2) / μ)
(new x) = (x + x1/2)
4. Look up B for material, energy, (new x)* μ.
5. Solve I=I0*B*e-ux with new values
Check: Is the calculated value of I close to the target I?
6. If the calculated I is still too large, then add another x1/2 and recalculate (i.e., go to step
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98 The Essential CANDU
Note that the shield may be placed anywhere between the source and the receptor; however,
when the shield is placed closer to the source, it provides the greatest solid-angle protection to
the receptor. Tabulated buildup factors can be found in a number of sources including, for
example, through the American Nuclear Society [ANS1991] and in work by Shultis and Faw
A number of numerical techniques can be used to perform gamma-radiation transport calcula-
tions suitable for use in shielding estimates, for example, point-kernel techniques, discrete-
ordinate techniques, and Monte Carlo simulation. The need for advanced gamma-shielding
approaches arises from requirements to simulate complex geometries, multilayer shields,
complex materials, complex source terms, and differing cross-section evaluations. Materials
In general, there are three categories of shield materials: (1) natural materials, (2) construction
materials, and (3) special materials. Natural materials include air (insofar as it can be a scatter-
ing medium), water, and soil, and often shielding design involves making judicious use of these
natural materials. Construction materials are a very advantageous design material from an
optimization standpoint because they can serve two purposes, as structural and as shield
materials. Construction materials may include concrete, steel, wood, plasterboard, and glass.
Special materials for gamma shielding are generally high-atomic-number materials such as
steel, iron, lead, tungsten, and uranium. The usefulness of a shield for any given application is
related to the mass-attenuation coefficient (directly related to the interaction cross section)
and the mass density of the material as a function of the photon energy spectrum. A plot of the
interaction cross sections of photons in lead is provided in Figure 58. It can be seen that the
photoelectric effect is the dominant interaction at energies below approximately 0.2 MeV,
Compton scattering is competing or dominant between approximately 0.2 and 4 MeV, and pair
production dominates above 4 MeV (further discussion of photon interactions is provided in
Chapter 3).
Compton scatter
5 Pair production
Cross section (b/atom)
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10
Energy (MeV)
Photon total-interaction coefficients for uranium, lead, aluminum, and water are shown in
Figure 59. It can be seen that for high-Z materials such as uranium and lead, the interaction
mechanisms are very similar. For lower-Z materials such as aluminum and water, the interac-
tion coefficients are significantly lower at most energies. Note that the total interaction coeffi-
cients at moderate energies (0.5–3 MeV) are similar for all four materials and that therefore
their attenuating power comes primarily from their different mass densities because x
is the argument of the exponential function when μ is the linear attenuation coefficient.
Interaction coefficient (cm /g)
10 Aluminum
-3 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10
Photon Energy (MeV)
Figure 59 Photon interaction coefficients
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100 The Essential CANDU
Taking all this into account, a simplified approach such as using buildup factors (similar to the
approach with photons) is not generally practical for neutron problems because [Shultis2000]:
Neutrons scatter much more than photons, thereby making B very large
There is a large buildup of low-energy neutrons because the absorption cross section (σa) is
small in the slowing-down energy region
B depends strongly on the
o Isotopic (material) composition of the shield
o Physical geometry of the shield
o Incident neutron-energy spectrum.
Due to the difficulties outlined above, the buildup-factor approach will not be developed for
neutrons. However, in addition to the above, because neutrons have radiation-weighting
factors that are energy-dependent, the difference between dose conversion factors (response
functions) for air kerma, ambient dose, and dose equivalent can be significant, as shown in
Figure 60. This can lead to significant differences in dose estimation.
Response function (pGy cm or pSv cm )
Effective equivalent (AP)
Deep dose
Ambient dose
Tissue KERMA
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Neutron Energy (MeV)
Figure 60 Response functions for neutrons
General considerations with respect to neutron shielding include:
For biological shields, fast neutrons are of most concern because thermal neutrons are
readily absorbed
Q (wR) varies with neutron energy and is greatest for 0.1 < E < 2 MeV
Materials with large σa are used to absorb thermal neutrons (e.g., Cd, In, B, Li). However,
one must consider the resulting capture gamma radiation
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 101
r S G r e r t
, (70)
rwater r
0.12 e
G r
4 r 2
φ is the fission (> 1 MeV) neutron flux at r (n cm-2 s-1)
S is the source emission rate (n s-1)
Σr is the macroscopic removal cross section for the shield material (cm-1)
Σrwater is the macroscopic removal cross section for water (0.103 cm-1)
t is the thickness of the shield (cm)
r is the distance of the water from source to receptor (cm).
The macroscopic removal cross section can be expressed as a function of the microscopic cross
section, as in Eq. (71):
r N r
or , for mixtures . (71)
r Ni ri
Macroscopic and microscopic cross sections for a variety of elements and mixtures are provided
in Table 15 (adapted from [Shultis2005]).
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102 The Essential CANDU
Aluminum 1.31
Hydrogen 1.00
Deuterium 0.92
Boron 1.07
Oxygen 0.92
Tungsten 3.36
Zirconium 2.36
Water 0.103
Paraffin 80.50
(6% water)
An approximation for the removal cross section (where Σr = μr) in terms of μr/ρ is given by Eq.
r 1.3 0.294 cm
0.206 A Z . (72)
Functionally, the removal technique can be used to estimate the flux at the surface of a shield,
and then this flux can be used to estimate the flux at a position outside the shield. Knowing the
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 103
fast neutron flux at a receptor point outside the shield, the dose rate can be estimated using
Eq. (63). Note that this is a simplified approximation, and a more complex analysis (such as the
Monte Carlo technique) is required to determine the intensity accurately.
5.4 Summary
External radioisotope hazards associated with CANDU reactors include hazards directly associ-
ated with the nuclear chain reaction (neutron and gamma fields) or indirectly associated as is
the case with fission products from fuel (whether intact or defective) and activation products
(whether fixed or mobile). Dosimetry can be accomplished from first principles using source
activity and geometry or by using dose-conversion factors and fluence measurements.
External hazards in CANDU reactors involve gamma, neutron, and beta fields, and protection of
the worker from external hazards is accomplished by adhering to the principles of “as low as
reasonably achievable” dose and the concepts of maximum shielding (of source), maximum
distance (from source), and minimum time (around source) for any given work function.
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104 The Essential CANDU
3. Transfer of contamination to
food product, or hand-to-face
4a. Intake of directly
contamination from food
5. Uptake into blood product or orofacial 2b. If wound,
and GI tract contamination transfer into blood
2a. Transfer of
contamination to hands
1. Contamination
The dominant intake regimes related to transport through the body to excretion are outlined in
Figure 63. This is a simple representation of what is called a compartmental model. Dosimetry
can be accomplished by solving mathematically for the transport, deposition, and excretion of
radioisotopes through “compartments” in the body. Most internal-dosimetry computer codes
perform this type of calculation (for example, see [IMBA2010]). Compartmental modelling of
internal dose is beyond the scope of this chapter.
Inhalation into the respiratory system can be subdivided into three regions: (i) nasal-pharyngeal
(inhalable), (ii) tracheal-bronchial (thoracic), and (iii) pulmonary (respirable, or deep lung).
Particle deposition takes place in the three regions with an efficiency based on particle diame-
ter. Generally speaking, particles from submicron to ten microns are considered respirable,
whereas larger particles deposit in the upper airway regions. Although upper-airway deposition
can lead to dose, the respirable fraction is of primary significance for internal dosimetry.
Inhalation leads to deposition in one of the three regions of the respiratory tract, and if depo-
sited in the deep lung, particles can be absorbed into the blood for transport to target organ(s).
Inhalation can also lead to a fraction being removed mechanically (by coughing, etc.) from the
respiratory tract into the GI tract, where it may be treated as an ingestion and similarly ab-
sorbed into the blood for distribution to other organs before excretion. Excretion may occur
through urine, feces, sputum, sweat, tears, etc.; however, the dominant modes of biological
excretion are through urine or feces. Before radioisotopes are excreted, they will deposit
energy in the target tissue(s). The deposition of this energy into a mass of tissue is the defini-
tion of absorbed dose.
Uptake By
Deposition In
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106 The Essential CANDU
Inhalation Ingestion
Tract Mechanical
Removal G-I
Absorption Absorption
(Cumulative Uptake)
Other Organs
Biological Removal
Figure 63 Intake to excretion pathways
The computation of internal dose requires three (3) critical pieces of information:
1. Rate of dose deposition (dose rate in tissue)
2. Elimination of radioactivity from tissue (decay and removal)
3. Total dose “committed” to tissue (committed dose).
In addition, simplified approximations can be made for short-range (high linear energy transfer)
particles such as alpha and beta radiation, compared to most penetrating (low linear energy
transfer) X- and gamma radiation. These approaches will be developed in Sections 6.1.1 and
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108 The Essential CANDU
Using Eq. (74) as a basis, the estimated dose rate at some time t after intake of a radioisotope is
given by Eq. (76):
=D e e
- ×t
-λ e t TE
D t α/β =D α/β . (76)
Finally, the dose may be determined by integrating over time as in Eq. (77):
e-λE t dt
D=D 0
, (77)
1- e
D α/β -λ E t
where D is the dose (Gy), D / is the instantaneous dose rate at time=0 (Gy/d), and E is in
units of d-1 (any time base will work as long as the dose rate and the effective elimination
constant have the same base unit). For long times (on the order of seven half-lives or more),
the dose approximation becomes Eq. (78):
D α/β
D= (Gy) . (78)
For regulatory purposes, t = 50 years is normally used for a committed dose, and the absorbed
dose (or dose rate) can be converted to equivalent and effective quantities using the appropri-
ate weighting factors.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 109
words,, the absorbed dose cannot be calculated by assuming the tissue or organ to be infinitely
large because gammas are highly penetrating (unlike alphas or betas). Therefore,
Therefore only a fraction
of the energy carried by photons originating in the tissue containing the radioisotope will be
absorbed within that tissue. Therefore, an alternative approach to that used for charged
particles is required. For this scenario, the following parameters must be considered in the
calculation of absorbed dose:
Energy per decay
Total activity
Mass of tissue or organ (target)
Fraction of energy emitted which is absorbed in the target
absorbed fraction, φ
o φ = (Energy absorbed by target)/(energy emitted by source)
o φ = 1 for both alpha and beta particles (therefore, this approach will also work
for these particles).
The concept of absorbed fraction is illustrated in Figure 64. The absorbed fraction can be
calculated as = .
E in
Specific absorbed fractions are computed using mathematical phantom calculations (Monte
Carlo simulations) and are tabulated as a functio
functionn of target organ and photon energy for
sources in various tissues [MIRD1978]
[MIRD1978]. The generic equation for calculating absorbed dose rate
using the absorbed fraction concept is given by Eq. (80):
k A n i E ii
D i
, (80)
D is the absorbed dose rate (Rad/s or Gy/s)
A is the activity in the source organ (Ci or Bq)
ni is the yield of particles at energy E emitted per disintegration (also denoted as fi or Yi)
E is the average energy per disintegration (MeV per transform)
φi is the absorbed fraction
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110 The Essential CANDU
A A t dt A 0 e E t dt As 0 ,
0 s s 0 E
where As(0) is the activity in the source organ at time = 0. The units of A are activity-time (for
example, Ci-h or Bq-s, etc.). The total dose is then given by:
n E
k A i iii
D= . (82)
To calculate total dose in the body, consideration must be given to the source (S) and the target
(T). The absorbed fractions are usually denoted as T S , and if there are multiple sources
or targets, this approach can be extended to sum all contributions. For example, for multiple
sources (S=1,2,…) contributing to a single target (T=1) of interest, the total-dose equation
D i s i i
D i i
m . (84)
i 1.6 10 13 ni E i
Note that consistent base units must be used in the evaluations to achieve the dose or dose-
rate units required. Also, as previously discussed, for alpha or beta particles, the absorbed
fractions will be equal to unity (φ=1).
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 111
6.2.1 Tritium
Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons. Tritium may be denoted
as 3H, H-3, or T for short. A tritium nucleus decays by emitting a single beta particle with a half-
life of 12.3 years. The maximum beta energy is 18 keV (average beta energy ~ 5.6 keV). Tritium
can contribute a large portion of the committed dose in a CANDU reactor and has been respon-
sible for 30% to 40% of the radiation dose received by nuclear station staff in the past [Burn-
ham1992]. Tritium, when taken into the body, distributes itself homogeneously throughout the
entire body.
Because a beta particle requires at least 70 keV to be able to penetrate the dead surface layer
of the skin, tritium is not a significant external hazard; however, it can be a significant internal
hazard in large quantities. Tritium is produced through neutron absorption in deuterium (
n 2 H 3H ), which is abundant in the moderator and the primary heat-transport (PHT)
system of a CANDU reactor core. When neutrons irradiate heavy water (D2O), some of the
deuterium atoms (D) in the D2O absorb neutrons to become tritium atoms (T) and generate
TDO (tritiated heavy water). T2O will also be produced, but in insignificant amounts.
In the case of heavy water that spends many years in the reactor core (for example, moderator
water), after a few years, the tritium content of the D2O can be on the order of several TBq 3H
per kg D2O. For heavy water that spends most of its time outside the reactor core, for example,
the primary heat-transport system water, after a few years, the tritium content of the D2O can
be on the order of a few hundred GBq 3H per kg D2O. A moderator leak can produce significant
committed dose rates if unprotected. For example, for 2 TBq/kg of moderator water that leaks
into the vault, an upper estimate of the committed dose rate is approximately 3 Sv/h, or 50
mSv/m [Burnham1992]. Workers around the moderator system must therefore be aware of the
enormous tritium risk that can exist there if D2O leaks are present, and therefore evaluation of
the concentration of tritium in air is required before entry. People working with moderator
water or performing maintenance on moderator D2O systems must wear water-resistant
(plastic) suits and breathe supplied air.
Because the PHT system operates at high temperature and pressure (300°C / 10 MPa), leaks are
inevitable in a CANDU reactor. Each fuelling machine also spills about 1 L of D2O during each
channel visit, the result being that the atmosphere of the fuelling-machine vaults and the boiler
room can be expected to have levels of tritiated water vapour up to 50 Sv/h under normal
conditions [Burnham1992]. Design improvements to the fuelling-machine (FM) snout assembly
to catch D2O that escapes during re-fuelling operations have been made to reduce tritium-in-air
levels in the FM vaults and boiler room [Aydogdu2013]. Any spill or leak of water in any of the
CANDU reactor water-handling systems should be assumed to be radioactive, and workers
must be aware that high localized levels of exposure may be possible.
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112 The Essential CANDU
Due to the relatively long half-life of tritium, it should be noted that the risk is present whether
or not the reactor is on power and remains for a long time after shutdown.
6.2.2 Radio-iodines
Several radioactive isotopes of iodine (I-131, -132, -133, -134, -135) are produced in the fuel as
fission products. These are volatile and can easily escape from defective fuel. All radioiodines
decay by beta emission with associated gamma emission. Radioiodine is routinely expected to
be circulating in the PHT system, and therefore any leakage from the PHT system gives rise to
an airborne radioiodine hazard. Radioiodines, when taken into the body, migrate rapidly to, and
are taken up by, the thyroid.
Radio-iodines can exist as elemental iodine (I2 molecules), as organic iodine (frequently as
methyl iodide (CH3I) from ion-exchange resins in the PHT purification circuits), and as volatile
hypoiodous acid (HOI). If a leak of PHT steam occurs, the radioiodines enter the air and are
picked up by dust particles to exist in particulate form [Burnham1992].
Both tritium and radio-iodines are produced when the reactor operates, and production of both
stops when the reactor shuts down. However the radio-iodines, with half-lives on the order of
hours to days, decay away over a period of weeks, whereas the tritium does not. Therefore, the
radio-iodines are a transient hazard, whereas the tritium is a persistent hazard in a CANDU
reactor. There are gaseous fission-product and delayed-neutron monitoring systems in CANDU
reactors to detect and locate failed fuel promptly. The FM can then remove the failed fuel from
the channel to reduce radio-iodine levels in the coolant. The heavy-water purification system
also removes radio-iodines from the coolant. Note that the fuel-failure rate in CANDU reactors
is low (<< 0.1%), and therefore, out of approximately 5000 bundles discharged from the core
annually, only a few bundles have a single fuel-element defect [Aydogdu2013].
6.2.3 Particulates
Radioactive particulates can be present in CANDU reactors as (i) fission products, (ii) activation
products, or (iii) other radioactive volatiles attached to dust particles. Radiation hazard from
particulates arises when airborne particulates are inhaled or when “hot” particles come into
close proximity to or contact with tissue. There are two general categories of particulates:
short-lived and long-lived.
Short-lived particulates, principally fission-product noble gas progeny 88Rb and 138Cs, are not a
significant internal hazard due to their short half-lives (18 and 32 min respectively [Burn-
Long-lived particulates such as 141,144Ce, 140Ba, 140La, 134,137Cs, 131I, 103,106Ru, 95Zr/95Nb, 90Sr, 65Zn,
Co, 59Fe, 54Mn, 51Cr, and 14C are all beta emitters, and most also emit gamma radiation. These
particulates may be found at various locations in a CANDU reactor, essentially anywhere that a
leak can occur or maintenance is being done.
6.2.4 Carbon-14
Carbon-14 decays through beta emission with a maximum energy of 156 keV (average ~50 keV)
and has a 5730-year half-life. Carbon-14 is generated in CANDU reactors by three processes:
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 113
n 17O 14C moderator and PHT water
n 14 N 14C p air
n 13C 14C .
About 1985, during a pressure-tube change outage at the Pickering NGS, 14C was found to be
widely distributed within the plant. Because of the large volume of moderator (and therefore
relatively large quantity of 17O), generation of 14C in CANDU reactors is about an order of
magnitude greater than in other pressurized-water reactors. 14C was also generated in large
quantities from 14N in the N2-filled annulus gas spaces of the pre-1985 Pickering A reactors and
is also formed in CANDU reactors whenever there is air in-leakage into the core (for example,
from the flux detectors). Carbon-14 was primarily a problem in the Pickering A Unit 1 & 2
CANDU station due to the annulus-filling gas and the lack of awareness of the extent of the
condition. 14C particulates were released when pressure tubes were replaced at Pickering A in
the 1980s and is still present as residuals in the annulus space and in waste from the pressure-
tube refurbishment. Although 14C is always present in CANDU reactors, it is less of a hazard in
other CANDU reactors than in Pickering A. Since the annulus gas was changed from N2 to CO2 in
the Pickering A reactors, 14C formation in the annulus gas has been reduced significantly. The
production of 14C in the calandria vault air applies to the Pickering A reactors because the vault
atmosphere is air. The calandria is inside a water-filled tank in Bruce A, B, and Darlington
reactors and inside a water-filled concrete vault in CANDU 6 and Pickering B reactors [Ay-
dogdu2013]. Note, however, that due to its long half-life, 14C can be a persistent problem for
operation, shutdown, and subsequent decommissioning and disposal activities.
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114 The Essential CANDU
contaminants by movement of the entire air mass into, around, and out of the workplace
[ANSI2007], and (2) local exhaust ventilation (LEV) by systems that remove air at the point
where the hazard is generated [ANSI2006,2003] [CSA2004]. The selection of a given ventilation
solution depends upon multiple factors. General guidance principles are the following: GEV for
non-toxic contaminants, multiple sources, widely distributed sources, and non-contaminated
dilution air; LEV for moderately to highly toxic contaminants, one or a few sources, and when
there is risk of direct worker exposure. Nuclear facilities use combinations of GEV and LEV with
highly monitored and filtered air discharge systems.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 115
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116 The Essential CANDU
For example, the worker depicted in Figure 65 is wearing P100 toxic-particulate cartridges on a
half-face air-purifying respirator. The P100 is the most common filter type for work in low-level-
contaminated particulate environments. In many environments found in CANDU plants, the
contamination is in the form of contaminated water, aerosols, or vapour, and therefore atmos-
phere-supplying respirators would be required. Air-line supply may be preferable when work
will take longer than an SCBA tank full of air will allow, or when complete body coverage is
required (such as might be the case in a tritiated water-vapour environment). SCBA may be
preferable when increased mobility of the worker is required or when a higher inhalation
protection factor is needed. As previously stated, the choice of respirator solution must fit the
objectives of the task.
In addition to personal protective gear, another strategy for protection from radio-iodine is to
use a thyroid blocker in the form of stable iodine (potassium iodide (KI)). The mechanism of KI is
to saturate the thyroid with non-radioactive iodine so that when radioiodine is inhaled, it will
be rejected by the thyroid and excreted, primarily through urine. The use of KI is not recom-
mended for routine operations and is therefore only a strategy for emergency response.
Charcoal-based cartridges for air-purifying respirators provide radioiodine protection in the
absence of atmosphere-supplying respirators.
6.4 Summary
A variety of internal radioisotope hazards are associated with CANDU reactors. Dosimetry
methods are well established, either using dose conversion factors on activity estimates (de-
termined from bioassay measurements) or from first principles and compartmental models.
Internal hazards in CANDU reactors involve alpha, beta, and gamma emitters and include 3H
(the principal internal hazard), 14C, radio-iodines, and particulates that can be present from
leaks of fission products (defective fuel) and activation products (directly or through corrosion).
Protection of the worker from internal hazards is accomplished by ventilation systems with
filter trains, heavy-water vapour-recovery systems, atmospheric separation and access control
features, control of sources of contamination, and judicious selection of personal protective
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 117
equipment. Respiratory protection can afford a worker a significant protection factor when
used appropriately.
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118 The Essential CANDU
The detection of radiation fields or potential contamination is facilitated by air monitors, area
monitors, portal monitors, and hand-held instrument readings. The principal personal expo-
sures in CANDU stations being monitored for are:
External dose – thermo-luminescent dosimetry (TLD)
o Whole-body gamma (deep and shallow)
o Whole-body neutron (could be from instrument reading instead)
Extremity dose – extremity pack or finger (ring) TLD
o typically for near-field and contact beta/gamma exposures
Internal dose - bioassay
o Tritium
o Other (14C).
The results of dosimetry estimates at any given time can be used to optimize worker exposure
to ALARA levels, or if needed, to remove a worker from further exposure. Yearly reports are
provided to NEWs which show their historical dose of record, dose received every year during
employment, quarterly dose in the past year, and lifetime occupational dose. These data are
maintained locally and are available through the National Dose Registry [NDR2013] upon
7.2.2 Zoning
In addition to categorization of workers, CANDU plants are also categorized by location and
potential for radioactive contamination. Although any given CANDU station may have its own
zone categories, a typical scheme is presented below [Burnham1992].
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 119
Unzoned – areas with absolutely no contamination, generally not within the boundary of a
reactor, but within the station boundary (for example, a switchyard).
Zone 1 – clean areas where absolutely no contamination is permitted; no radiation training
is required to be in these areas (for example, administrative offices).
Zone 2 – areas that contain no radioactive systems and are normally free of contamination
(although the potential exists for contamination due to ventilation and personnel traffic (for
example, a turbine hall).
Zone 3 – areas that contain radioactive systems that may act as sources of contamination
(for example, a reactor building).
Contamination monitoring stations must be used before crossing the boundary from Zone 3 to
Zone 2 or from Zone 2 to Zone 1. A two-zone system is to be introduced in new CANDU reac-
tors: a radiation-controlled area (RCA) and non-RCA spaces [Aydogdu2013]. Zone 3 becomes
RCA, and Zones 1 and 2 become non-RCA areas. Work plans must take zoning into account
because this impacts the level of qualification required for workers and the PPE or dosimetry
that will be assigned.
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120 The Essential CANDU
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 121
operations. The relative relationships, with four different measurement cases, can be seen in
Figure 66.
regulatory limit
action level
detection limit
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 66 Relationship between background, action level, detection limit, and regulatory limit
In Case 1, the measurement lies at the background level and therefore is considered back-
ground. Note that a measurement cannot, by definition, be less than background, although the
background level may vary from one place to another. In Case 2, the measurement lies be-
tween the background level and the detection limit of the instrument. In this case, with a given
confidence, the measurement is below the detection limit of the contamination-survey instru-
ment, and generally no further action is taken. In Case 3, the measurement lies above the
detection limit, and radiation has been positively detected with a selected confidence level.
This measurement is useful for identifying the presence of radioactive material and may assist
in decontamination. In Case 4, the reading has exceeded an action level (as put in place by the
station operator), and generally decontamination may be required to mitigate the hazard
(although it is not strictly required by the regulations). The location of the detection limit and
the action level may be exchanged. In Case 5, the measurement lies above the regulatory limit.
In this case, decontamination procedures must be carried out to bring the levels of measured
radioactivity to levels below the regulatory limit and as low as reasonably achievable (typically
below the action level).
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122 The Essential CANDU
spent (or used) fuel. This material is not really waste as such because there is a strong possibil-
ity of reuse (or reprocessing) of the fuel in the future. The International Atomic Energy Agency’s
philosophy for long-term storage is that future generations should be afforded the same degree
of protection as the current population. Spent nuclear fuel will not be considered further in this
There are two general approaches to radioactive waste management [IAEA1995]:
1. Dilute and disperse
a. Aerosol: discharge as gases or other fine particulates
b. Liquid: discharge into marine or fresh-water environments
2. Concentrate and contain
a. Solid: storage (delay and decay).
Dilution and dispersion occur routinely under the CNSC licence conditions for the CANDU
operator. Solid-waste management may be considered in three practical categories for CANDU
operations: (i) sources (which may include activated materials or “hot” particles, (ii) loose
contamination, and (iii) tritium waste, as discussed in the next subsection. Sources
Sources, including fixed surface contamination, will normally be collected by removing the
entire item to solid-waste storage. Efforts to remove sources of radioactive material from the
equipment or item to which they belong (such as removing a hot particle from a section of
pipe) may not be undertaken depending on the hazard analysis. Measures to ensure the
integrity of the source or fixed contamination must be implemented to prevent the spread of
contamination while the material is being moved.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 123
Removable tritium – tritium near the surface that is easily removed by light washing.
Fixed tritium – located deep within the surface of the material and not amenable to surface
decontamination techniques; and
Transferable tritium – tritium that is near the surface and acts as a reservoir of tritium to
replenish the removable tritium if that layer is significantly diluted.
Accordingly, decontamination only of the removable layer will likely result in reappearance of
the tritium after a short time (less than one month) as removable tritium. Repetitive decon-
tamination of the surface layer will eventually reduce the inventory and hence the eventual
level of removable tritium on a surface.
The most commonly used methods for tritium decontamination are washing, vacuuming,
purging, thermal desorption, and isotopic exchange by adding water or hydrogen gas in the
purge gas. These are generally adequate, but are time-consuming. More sophisticated tech-
niques such as chemical or electrochemical etching and plasma can potentially provide high
decontamination factors. Baking of the tritium in a contaminated surface is an alternate
method for decontamination, but is not normally used.
Tritium contamination of walls and floors, particularly concrete, poses a chronic outgassing
problem. Concrete decontamination is very difficult and slow. Covering the surfaces with non-
porous covers may be an alternative approach to decontamination. Walls inside a CANDU
reactor building are painted with reinforced epoxy-resin paint for ease of decontamination and
to reduce tritium contamination.
7.6 Summary
Radiation-protection program management for CANDU operations is essential for both person-
nel safety and reactor safety functions. The health physics office will be involved in or responsi-
ble for various management aspects including licensing, training, personnel monitoring and
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124 The Essential CANDU
bioassay, work planning and review, surveys and equipment maintenance, inventory control,
waste management, emergency preparedness, quality assurance, and audits. Well-defined and
well-executed management plans at CANDU plants ensure that the stations operate in the most
safe and reliable configuration possible.
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126 The Essential CANDU
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 127
ing release pathways leading to humans; those humans likely to be most exposed because of
specific habits (one or more critical groups); sample types in these pathways; and collection
frequency of these sample types. Usually, collection frequency and sample type are based on
analyzing those samples that are most likely to provide evidence of specific radionuclides that
would be indicative of releases from the facility into the environment. There are constraints on
detection because of dispersion (dilution) from the point of release. In most airborne pathways,
a dispersion factor of about one million is applied up to the first kilometre. In water effluents,
the dispersion factor is a function of cooling-water flow and tidal mixing and may range from a
factor of ten to thousands. In addition, radionuclides dispersed into the environment may
become concentrated into various biota, making their detection relatively simple. For example,
many marine biota concentrate various metals (including radioisotopes of those metals) from
seawater. Much of this information is summarized in Canadian Standards Association document
N288.4-10, which defines the desirable features of an environmental radiation-monitoring
program, and to which Canadian nuclear utilities generally conform.
Table 19 indicates some significant sampling media and their approximate frequency of collec-
tion in the two major pathways (air and water) by the various provinces, all of which operate
CANDU nuclear reactors. The most significant data outside plant boundaries are obtained from
samples gathered close to the point of emission in each of the two major pathways (air and
water). The air pathway leads the most directly to humans. Air is monitored by means of
continuous sampling for airborne radiation particulates, radioiodines, noble gases, tritium, and
carbon-14. Sampling is continuous, and measurements by the GEM of 131I, noble gases, and
particulate emissions are also continuous, but measurements of tritium and 14C releases are
not; tritium cartridges and 14C samples are taken to the laboratory for tritium and 14C meas-
urements on a regular basis (daily or weekly). Samples which are not amenable to continuous
collection (soils, vegetation, vegetables, fruits, milk, and potable water) are taken as grab
samples on a monthly or quarterly basis or as the season permits. The effectiveness of air-
pathway monitoring relies upon continuous and repetitive sampling of the given media. In the
liquid effluent pathway, the primary sample is the water itself. For water which is not used for
human consumption, such as seawater, grab samples may be taken quarterly from several
locations. In the case of potable lake water from which communities draw their drinking water,
for example, water from Lakes Ontario and Huron, daily samples (sometimes several samples
per day) may be taken, primarily to monitor for tritium. Less frequently, samples of raw lake
water, fish, aquatic plants and sediments may be collected, usually on a quarterly (or less
frequent) basis.
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128 The Essential CANDU
Air pathway samples Air particulates (m) Air particulates (m) Air particulates
(continuous sampling)
Air iodine (m) Air iodine (m) Air iodine (6m)
Water pathway sam- Seawater (q) Lake water (y) River water (m)
Mud (q) Aquaculture fish (m) Sediment (q)
Other Rain water (m) Rain water (m) Rain water (m)
TLD (c ) TLD (c )
products. Selection of key indicator radionuclides (e.g., 131I, 137Cs, 95Zr, 95Nb, 144Ce, 59Fe, 54Mn,
Co, etc.) for analysis is sufficient to define whether or not such leakage can be detected and
avoids the need to address unusual and difficult-to-analyze radionuclides such as 90Sr (which is
a pure beta emitter and is more difficult to identify). If the indicator nuclides are not detected,
then it can be assumed that an isotope such as 90Sr is unlikely to be present.
Table 20 Some key fission and activation radionuclides expected from a reactor release
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130 The Essential CANDU Modelling
A formal pathways analysis model is required to determine the significant pathways and the
types of samples and measurements required for all locations around the source of release. In
addition, baseline meteorological data showing long-term weather patterns, especially with
respect to prevailing wind directions at different seasons, may or may not indicate that a
specific geographical direction should be emphasized for sample collection at each site. Pathways
In pathways analysis, environmental components are analyzed to determine:
ability to accumulate environmental contaminants;
relative residence time of contaminants in the medium;
importance as a food source to humans; and
suitability for inclusion in a radiation monitoring program.
A generalized environmental transfer model is depicted in Figure 67.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 131
Atmosphere Forage and Crops
(b) (d)
Animal Produce
Source Dose
(a) (f)
Aquatic Animals
Aquatic Plants
Sea Water (c)
Sediment External
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132 The Essential CANDU Seasonality
Time of year (for release and sampling) can have a significant impact on the way in which
radionuclides move through the environment, particularly in their use in the various food
chains. Although this feature is generally not a primary consideration when performing emer-
gency environmental analysis, it can be extremely important for establishing baseline levels of
radionuclides in the environment.
o Guard dogs
o Hunters.
Is the sampling team prepared personally to be out-of-doors?
o Anti-allergens (EpiPens®)
o Appropriate footwear
o Appropriate clothing for time of year, terrain, and weather.
The above is not an exhaustive list, but provides examples of some of the considerations
required to ensure safe environmental sampling.
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134 The Essential CANDU
public dose as well (see, for example, [OPG2012]). However, as was previously discussed, the
dose attributable to these radionuclides is approximately 1 μSv/y, which is an extremely small
fraction of the average person’s dose attributable to background radiation exposure.
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 135
Figure 68 Common radiological assessment approach for human and non-human biota
Whereas assessment of risk for human exposure involves comparison against dose limits and
constraints, non-human biota assessment involves comparison against derived consideration
levels. The concept of derived consideration levels is depicted in Figure 69.
> Several times the natural
Figure 69 Derived consideration levels
In Figure 69, estimated values of dose to the reference organism that are less than the natural
background are of little concern, whereas levels that are several times greater than the natural
background do raise concern. The derived consideration level is a band of dose rate for a type
of RAP within which there is some chance of deleterious radiation effects.
A reference animal or plant (reference organism) is a hypothetical entity with the assumed
basic characteristics of a specific animal or plant, described to the taxonomic level of family,
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136 The Essential CANDU
with precisely defined anatomical, physiological, and life-history properties [ICRP2007]. RAPs
are used for relating exposure to dose, and dose to effect, for that type of organism. The ICRP
reference animals and plants are presented in Table 22, along with their respective wildlife
groups and environments.
Table 22 Reference animals and plants (RAP)
Frog Amphibians X X
It is highly likely that the future of radiological environmental monitoring programs will involve
incorporating explicit consideration of RAPs to demonstrate protection of both human and non-
human biota.
8.4 Summary
CANDU reactors release routine quantities of radioactive material to the environment as
permitted under their licensed operating conditions. Radiological environmental monitoring
programs are designed to demonstrate that there is a minimal impact of CANDU nuclear
reactors as related to human exposure and that the radiological emissions are below derived
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 137
release limits established by the federal regulatory body (CNSC). Over the operating lifetime of
CANDU reactors, the releases have had minimal impact on the environment, and the dose
calculated for critical groups have been generally been orders of magnitude below the limits set
by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. The future of environmental protection around
nuclear facilities in Canada may involve explicit consideration of reference animals and plants
and require demonstration that a high degree of protection is afforded to non-human biota.
10 Problems
Note: Solutions to the problems in this chapter will require reference to other texts, data,
materials and/or Web resources.
1. Calculate the individual electron densities and the ratio of the electron densities of a 1.5-cm-
thick piece of aluminum to that of the equivalent density thickness of a piece of lead.
2. How much energy does an alpha particle require to penetrate the minimal protective epi-
dermal layer of skin (thickness ~7 mg/cm2)?
3. How much energy does a beta particle require to penetrate the minimal protective epider-
mal layer of skin (thickness ~7 mg/cm2)?
4. Some important reactions in nuclear fuel have implications with respect to nuclear non-
proliferation. Two important isotopes are Pu-239 and U-233, which are both fissionable.
a. Starting with a neutron absorption in U-238, write the decay relationship to the end-
point of Pu-239.
b. Assuming that you can have neutron absorptions in both Pu-239 and Pu-240, write
down the decay relationships to the endpoint of U-233.
5. A beam of photons is incident on a slab thickness of aluminum shield on one side and exits
on the other. Assume that the beam consists of photons at only two energies: 500 keV and
1000 keV, and that the incident intensities of the two energies are equal. Your goal in designing
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138 The Essential CANDU
the shield is that there be 25% intensity of the 500-keV beam component compared to the
1000-keV component on the exit side of the shield. What thickness of shield is required?
6. A primary gamma ray from the decay of K-40 is scattered twice: first, through an angle of 25
degrees, and then through an angle of 130 degrees.
a. What is the energy of the photon after the second scattering? Show intermediate en-
b. What would the energy of the photon be if you reversed the order of scattering (i.e.,
first 130, then 25 degrees)? Show intermediate energy.
7. You are designing a slab shield for the outer region of a small light-water-moderated reactor.
Assume that the neutron flux is 100% thermal inthe outer reactor region. What thickness of
natural cadmium shield is required so that no more than 1% of the thermal flux penetrates the
shield? Assume σcapture = 2450 barns.
8. Assuming that the specific heat of the body is 1 cal g-1 oC-1,
a. Plot the approximate temperature rise as a function of whole-body doses ranging
from 100 mGy to 10 Gy;
b. What temperature rise in the body corresponds to an LD50 dose of 4 Gy? Comment
on this temperature rise.
c. What whole-body absorbed radiation dose corresponds to a 3 mL sip of 60oC coffee?
Show calculations for both males and females.
9. Pocket ionization chambers are built in the form of an electrical capacitor. From previous
physics courses, you know that capacitance is equal to a change in charge over a change in
voltage, as follows:
V ,
where the capacitance, C, is in Farads (F), the voltage, V, is in volts (V) and the charge, Q, is in
coulombs (C). You have a chamber that has a sensitive cylindrical volume with a diameter of
6.35 cm and a length of 63.5 cm. The standard density of the air in the chamber is 0.001293
g/cm3. The chamber is calibrated so that its quartz fibre has full deflection when there is 100 μC
per kg of air. The capacitance of the chamber is 1.2 nF.
a. If it takes 300 volts to charge the chamber, what is the voltage in the chamber at full-
scale deflection?
b. To what exposure (in Roentgen) does full-scale deflection correspond? To what ab-
sorbed dose in air and in tissue does it correspond?
10. You have 10 GBq of each of Co-60, Cs-137, I-131, and Ir-192 (which you can assume to be
point sources of radiation).
a. Compute the exposure rates, in mGy/h, at 25 cm, 50 cm, and 100 cm away from the
sources (present your results in a table for full value: rows = isotope; columns = dis-
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 139
b. For each isotope at the 1-m distance, how long would it take to get to the public dose
limit of 1 mSv/y (assume 1 Sv = 1 Gy)?
11. A standard-size male has an injection of 150 mCi of I-131. Assuming that 90% of this injec-
tion goes to, and is retained in, the thyroid, compute the initial dose rate (Gy/h) to the thyroid
from the beta radiation.
12. You are working in a nuclear plant, and the area monitors have detected a puff release of
CO2 that has escaped from maintenance being performed on a sealed pressure tube. The only
radionuclide identified in the plume is 14C. You are wearing full SCBA (self-contained breathing
apparatus), so that you have no possibility of getting an inhalation dose. However, it is later
found that you were submerged in the plume for a total of 25 minutes. Using the assumptions
listed below, determine your dose from this exposure.
C activity detected on 1000-L air sample by area monitors = 55 kBq
Air at STP
Average material covering the worker has the standard thickness of a thick outer
glove (assume that the beta attenuation coefficient for tissue will approximate
this material).
13. You work in a plant that manufactures sources for radioisotope thermoelectric generators
(RTGs). The source is fabricated by pressing and sintering powdered strontium titanate
(90SrTiO3). A spill of the powdered material occurred in the plant after a shielded vessel which
transports the raw material from shipping and receiving to the handling area fell over and
broke open. While the person who was handling the material was trying to find a manager, one
maintenance worker (Worker A), who was not wearing personal protective gear, worked near
the spill (which was spread out evenly on the floor). You are the health physicist charged with
determining the potential exposure to the worker. You interview the worker and co-workers
and take measurements near the spill. You gather the following data to use in your analysis:
Sr-90 contamination measured: 2 MBq cm-2 (assume uniform)
Approximate distance of Worker A’s hands from the spill: 1 foot
Approximate time Worker A’s hands spent in the vicinity of the spill: 12 minutes
a. Calculate the dose rate to Worker A’s hands using the above data.
During your interview, you also determine that Worker A came into brief contact with
the spill and contaminated her hands. She washed her hands immediately after coming
in contact with the spill (two hours ago). You estimate that casual hand washing is only
65% effective in removing this type of contamination. You immediately assist her to de-
contaminate her hands with some strong detergent and a scrub pad.
b. Calculate the dose to Worker A’s hands from this contact exposure.
14. A solution is being prepared using 0.835 GBq of Ba-133. The solution spread into a roughly
circular area of diameter 50 cm. What is the maximum dose equivalent rate (SI units) 50 cm
above the spill?
15. You have the following sources with associated activities:
Bq Source
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140 The Essential CANDU
5.00E+09 Co-60
7.50E+09 Ir-192
1.00E+09 Na-22
5.00E+10 Tc-99m
7.50E+10 Au-198
1.00E+11 Ra-226
a. Compute the exposure rates, in mGy/h, at 50 cm away from these sources (present
your results in a table for full value: rows = isotope; columns = distance)
b. For each isotope at the 50-cm distance, how long would it take to get to the public
dose limit of 1 mSv/y (assume 1 Sv = 1 Gy)?
16. You are asked to decommission an old radioactive-waste storage room, and inside you find
a large lead pig (sphere). To dispose of the source, you need to know both the radioisotope and
the activity. Unfortunately, there is no documentation for this source, and there are no mark-
ings on the pig. You take a dose-rate measurement at about 4 feet away from the surface of the
lead sphere and find that it is 100 μGy/h. You assume that there is a point gamma source at the
centre of the sphere, and using a ruler, you determine the diameter of the sphere to be about
20 cm. Using your portable GR-135 gamma spectrometer, you determine the isotope to be Co-
60 by identification of the 1.17 and 1.33 MeV peaks. What do you estimate the activity of this
source to be (SI units)? (Hint: do not neglect buildup).
17. You are responsible for health physics at a nuclear plant. You have just been told that there
are measurable levels of 14C in air in the form of carbon dioxide. This has previously not been a
hazard, and therefore there are no derived limits for this radioisotope. Estimate
a. the allowable intake limit (Bq), and
b. the derived air concentration (Bq/m3) for 14CO2 using the stochastic limit for nuclear
energy workers at your plant (20 mSv/annum). Note: Assume that after inhalation, the
CO2 is highly soluble and transfers directly into the blood.
You have been told that two workers, who did not know there was an airborne 14CO2
hazard, performed their duties in a 2-DAC environment. Worker “A” was wearing a half-
face air-purifying respirator with P100 (purple) cartridges while performing his duties for
three hours in the morning and four hours in the afternoon. A welder (Worker “B”) was
wearing an air-line, continuous-flow, half-mask respirator while performing her duties
for five total hours.
c. Estimate the committed effective dose from this hazard for both Worker A and
Worker B (assume no external hazard).
18. A standard-size male working in a nuclear plant breathes in 100 mCi of Kr-87. Assuming that
75% of this intake is retained in the lung mass, compute the initial dose rate (Gy/h) to the lungs
from the beta radiation (N.B.: only use betas with a probability of emission greater than 1%).
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 141
19. Calculate the allowable limit on intake for tritium (HTO vapour) in Bq using the stochastic
limit for nuclear energy workers of 20 mSv per annum. Assume that the source is whole-body
and the target is whole-body.
20. The DAC value for tritiated water is typically adjusted to allow for the fact that a person
working in a tritiated atmosphere will absorb half as much tritium through the skin as through
inhalation (factor of 1.5). For example, if a person inhales 100 Bq of tritium, another 50 Bq will
have been absorbed through the skin (i.e., 150 Bq total). Using the above, what is the DAC for
tritium (Bq/m3)?
21. A worker is performing his duties in a tritiated atmosphere of 1 DAC for eight hours wearing
a positive-pressure (PP) air-purifying full-facepiece respirator. What is the worker’s committed
dose from his exposure to this environment?
22. You are the health physicist at a nuclear power station. The chemistry manager has asked
you to review a purchase requisition that has been initiated for a nitrogen-16 calibration
source. The source generates N-16 through an (α,p) reaction involving curium-244 (spontane-
ous fission radioisotope) and carbon-13. The source gamma-emission strength is 2.2x106 γ/s,
and the neutron-emission strength is 2.0x105 n/s. Assume a gamma energy of 6.1 MeV and an
average neutron energy of 2.5 MeV. Data provided are:
Neutron flux-to-dose equivalent (at 2.5 MeV);
20 n/cm2-s = 25 μSv/h.
a. Write the stoichiometric relationship for the N-16 production reaction.
b. Calculate the total gamma dose-equivalent rate at 1 foot (μSv/h), assuming 100%
emission rate from the principal gamma peak.
c. Calculate the total neutron dose-equivalent rate at 1 foot (mRem/h).
Both lead and polyethylene are available to shield the source.
d. Which shielding arrangement (from the source outward) listed below would be ex-
pected to yield the lowest overall dose rate? Explain your answer.
i. Lead only
ii. Polyethylene followed by lead
iii. Polyethylene only
iv. Lead followed by polyethylene
v. No shielding is necessary because the 12-inch air gap will sufficiently scatter or at-
tenuate the neutrons.
e. If the source is surrounded by 3.93 cm of lead, by what percentage will the gamma
dose rate at 1 foot be reduced?
23. The radioisotope 140La is a common fission product that requires shielding. For La-140, find
Physical half-life (h)
Decay scheme, and
Average beta energy (keV).
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142 The Essential CANDU
a. Calculate the specific gamma constant for La-140 using the four (4) most dominant
gamma lines.
24. List the (strongest transition) capture gamma-ray energy (MeV) and capture cross section
(barns) for the following isotopes: H-1, B-10, Cd-113, Gd-157. Answer the following questions:
a. Why are cadmium and gadolinium used by control and safety systems in nuclear reac-
tors? Where are they used?
b. With respect to B-10, discuss the principal thermal-neutron capture reactions and
discuss the importance of the (n,α) reaction for shielding. What other practical use does
the 10B(n,α) reaction have?
25. Derive the working rule for specific gamma constant in classical units (i.e., 0.5 EiYi ).
Show all work and units (i.e., be explicit about where the factor of 0.5 comes from).
26. To account for the number of atoms in a material, the density of atoms in the material must
be deduced. This is necessary because the interaction cross section for a material depends on
the number of atoms that may potentially interact with the transiting radiation per unit path
length. The terminology “mixing cross sections” refers to the proportion of the cross section
assigned to each element in a material. For example, water has two atoms of hydrogen and one
atom of oxygen per molecule in water, and both hydrogen and oxygen have interaction cross
sections that are a function of energy and radiation type. The number density of a single-
element material is typically expressed as follows:
MW ,
N is the atom density (atoms/cm3)
ρ is the mass density (g/cm3)
Av is Avogadro’s number (6.02E23 atoms/mole)
MW is the molecular weight of the element (atoms/mole).
For compounds or mixtures, the number density of the ith element in the mixture can be
calculated using the weight fraction wi of the ith element in the mixture. The weight fraction can
be determined as:
ni Ai
MW ,
ni is the number of atoms of element i in the mixture;
Ai is the molecular mass of element i in the mixture (g/mole); and
MW is the molecule mass of the mixture (g/mole).
The number density of the ith constituent in the mixture is therefore given as:
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 143
N i wi
MWi ,
where Ni is the number density (atoms/cm3) of the ith constituent in the mixture (atoms/cm3). It
is common to express the number density in terms of (atoms/b-cm), and therefore:
i Ni i
cm .
This is related to material mixing in that the macroscopic cross section for the mixture is pro-
portional to the individual number densities as:
Ni i
i cm .
Note that depending on the nomenclature used, μ = Σ.
In addition, many computer-based codes require, for material definition, the elemental compo-
sitions in terms of weight fraction or number (atomic) density, and therefore it is very useful to
know how to compute these (because this is how the computer-based code will use the cross
a. Show that the weight fraction of oxygen is 0.888 and that of hydrogen is 0.112 in wa-
b. Calculate the atom fractions of oxygen and hydrogen in water.
c. Calculate the number densities (atoms/b-cm) of oxygen and hydrogen in water.
27. Using the following absorption and scatter cross sections, determine the macroscopic
absorption, scattering, and total cross sections for H2O. What is the mean free path of neutrons
in water based on your calculation?
28. Define and/or briefly explain the significance of the following:
d. WHO
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144 The Essential CANDU
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Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety 147
11 Further Reading
F. H. Attix, Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry. Toronto, ON: Wiley-
Interscience, 1986.
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J. Louvar and B. Louvar, Health and Environmental Risk Analysis. Toronto, ON: Prentice-Hall,
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©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Radiation Protection and Envir. Safety – September 2014
152 The Essential CANDU
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13 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of
course the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
Kam Aydogdu
Esam Hussein
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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154 The Essential CANDU
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis
prepared by
Dr. Victor G. Snell
The chapter covers safety design and safety analysis of nuclear reactors. Topics include concepts
of risk, probability tools and techniques, safety criteria, design basis accidents, risk assessment,
safety analysis, safety-system design, general safety policy and principles, and future trends. It
makes heavy use of case studies of actual accidents both in the text and in the exercises.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Risk ...................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Hazards from a Nuclear Power Plant ................................................................................ 10
1.5 Types of Radiation in a Nuclear Power Plant .................................................................... 12
1.6 Effects of Radiation ........................................................................................................... 12
1.7 Sources of Radiation ......................................................................................................... 14
1.8 Risk .................................................................................................................................... 15
1.9 Problems ........................................................................................................................... 17
2 Design Basis Accidents .......................................................................................................... 18
2.1 Top-Down Approach ......................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Bottom-Up Approach........................................................................................................ 21
2.3 Probabilistic Safety Analysis.............................................................................................. 22
2.4 Experience......................................................................................................................... 22
2.5 Canadian Approach to DBAs ............................................................................................. 22
2.6 Other Design Basis Events................................................................................................. 25
2.7 Problems ........................................................................................................................... 25
3 Experience............................................................................................................................. 31
3.1 Criticality Accidents and Power Excursions....................................................................... 32
3.2 Loss of Cooling / Heat Removal ........................................................................................ 45
3.3 Problems ........................................................................................................................... 53
4 Safety Goals and Risk Assessment ........................................................................................ 54
4.1 Safety Goals....................................................................................................................... 54
4.2 Risk Assessment ................................................................................................................ 58
4.3 Problems ........................................................................................................................... 74
5 Mitigating systems ................................................................................................................ 76
5.1 Defence-in-Depth.............................................................................................................. 76
5.2 Shutdown Systems ............................................................................................................ 77
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2 The Essential CANDU
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 3
List of Figures
Figure 1 Chapter concept map........................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2 Risk optimization............................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3 Examples of radiation dose............................................................................................. 12
Figure 4 Fuel element cross section showing location of fission products .................................. 14
Figure 5 Simplified top-down approach........................................................................................ 20
Figure 6 Simplified bottom-up example ....................................................................................... 21
Figure 7 Criticality experiment...................................................................................................... 26
Figure 8 SES-10.............................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 9 ZED-2 cutaway................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 10 ZED-2 top view .............................................................................................................. 30
Figure 11 Learning and forgetting................................................................................................. 31
Figure 12 SL-1 cutaway ................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 13 NRX fuel cross section................................................................................................... 36
Figure 14 NRX elevation................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 15 RBMK schematic diagram ............................................................................................. 41
Figure 16 RBMK reactor ................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 17 Reverse shutdown in RBMK ......................................................................................... 44
Figure 18 RBMK building cross section ......................................................................................... 45
Figure 19 TMI schematic............................................................................................................... 46
Figure 20 TMI core end state ........................................................................................................ 47
Figure 21 Fukushima Dai-ichi before earthquake ......................................................................... 49
Figure 22 BWR Mark 1 containment............................................................................................. 50
Figure 23 Design basis versus actual flood level........................................................................... 51
Figure 24 Typical λ(t) versus time ................................................................................................. 64
Figure 25 Reliability for constant λ................................................................................................ 66
Figure 26 Availability with repair .................................................................................................. 67
Figure 27 Simple pumped system ................................................................................................. 69
Figure 28 Sample fault tree with labels ........................................................................................ 70
Figure 29 Simple event tree .......................................................................................................... 72
Figure 30 Contributors to SCDF for CANDU 6 ............................................................................... 74
Figure 31 Simple fault-tree exercise ............................................................................................. 75
Figure 32 Defence-in-depth: barriers............................................................................................ 76
Figure 33 CANDU shutdown systems............................................................................................ 79
Figure 34 Xenon transient after shutdown and start-up .............................................................. 81
Figure 35 2/3 logic......................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 36 SDS2 testing .................................................................................................................. 86
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4 The Essential CANDU
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 5
List of Tables
Table 1 Single / dual failure limits ................................................................................................. 23
Table 2 Consultative document C-6 limits .................................................................................... 24
Table 3 Dose limits ........................................................................................................................ 24
Table 4 SL-1 chronology ................................................................................................................ 35
Table 5 Bayes’ theorem example .................................................................................................. 62
Table 6 Reliability terms and relationships ................................................................................... 65
Table 7 Levels of defence in depth................................................................................................ 77
Table 8 Typical trip signals for CANDU .......................................................................................... 83
Table 9 Grouping and separation example ................................................................................... 85
Table 10 Operating pressure of decay heat-removal systems ...................................................... 91
Table 11 Some conservative assumptions and parameters........................................................ 112
Table 12 Reactivity effects in PWR and CANDU.......................................................................... 123
Table 13 Examples of reactivity response to accidents for PWR and CANDU ............................ 124
Table 14 Typical core inventory of volatile fission products..................................................... 147
Table 15 Stages of organizational decline ................................................................................... 152
Table 16 INES event scale............................................................................................................ 153
Table 17 Categories of passive safety characteristics ................................................................. 156
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6 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the safety characteristics of nuclear reactors and how
their safety performance is predicted and verified.
1.1 Overview
Figure 1 summarizes the chapter concepts and their logical relationship. We describe each box
in turn.
Section 0 (this section) defines risk. The type of risk depends on the activity. Most people want
their activities and surroundings to be “safe”. However, this is a meaningless ideal, and impos-
sible to achieve in absolute terms, because every activity imposes some risk. Fortunately, risk
can be quantified. Then society can set acceptable levels of risk in a reasonably objective
The risk from nuclear reactors comes from accidental release of radioactive material. Most of
the radioactive material is in the reactor fuel. Therefore, one can postulate accidents which
might allow radioactivity to escape and then design systems (called mitigating systems or safety
systems) to prevent or control such accidents. These design basis accidents1 (DBA) are covered
in Section 2. As well, much knowledge about the risk from nuclear reactors comes from actual
experience in both small research and large power reactors. Case histories of the most impor-
tant events which influenced the development of nuclear power reactor safety are covered in
Section 3. Lessons learned from these were extracted in the form of specific deterministic
requirements, which described the accidents that had to be designed for and the assumptions
used in showing the safety systems were effective. These accidents also became design basis
This approach limits risk, but does not lend itself to quantifying risk because the deterministic
requirements and the design basis accidents were chosen “conservatively”, i.e., to be worse
than what would happen in reality, and with little regard to frequency. In addition, descriptions
of these accidents were not complete. A parallel approach is to start off by setting numerical
risk targets for the plant as a whole (safety goals). Possible accidents are identified and classi-
fied using a frequency-based approach. This probabilistic approach is covered in Section 4. It
leads to another list of accidents which overlaps with, but is different from, the list of design
basis accidents.
We bow to common practice in using this term. The term was not used in Canada until recently, but has been
used for a long time in the United States. It originally implied that as long as the plant was designed to withstand
“design basis” accidents, all would be well. The accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl showed the weakness
of this concept. At Fukushima, the design basis was wrong (and was known to be – see [IAEA, 2011] p. 75). This
means that design basis accidents do not define a strong boundary between possible and “incredible”. “Beyond
design basis” accidents are now of much interest—indeed, although infrequent, they are the only ones which
could have significant consequences.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 7
Section 1
Experience Safety Goals
Section 3 Section 4
Section 4
Future Trends
Review Section 9
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8 The Essential CANDU
escape from the fuel and where it will be transported. It shows that the deterministic
requirements have been met. Section 6 describes the phenomenology of accidents, and
Section 7 summarizes the mathematical tools used to predict how they evolve.
Ultimately, the safety of a plant, however well-designed, depends on the people who run it.
Section 8 covers safety aspects of operation, including safety culture. A brief summary of
innovative designs which promise to deliver increased safety wraps up Section 8.
Section 9 summarizes the key points of the Chapter. Section 10 gives the references used in this
Chapter, and Section 11 lists other sources of information on reactor safety. A Glossary in
Section 12 is a ready reference for the abbreviations used in this Chapter. Each subsection
includes problems for further self-study and the occasional worked example.
1.3 Risk
Risk involves three key ideas:
all technologies involve risk,
every endeavour involves a risk/benefit trade-off, and
risk can be quantified and reduced to an acceptably low level.
Nuclear reactors, hydro dams, and fossil-fuel electrical generating stations are all inherently
dangerous. The nature of the hazard in each case is quite different. Hazards can be sudden
(acute) or delayed. For hydro dams, an acute hazard is rupture of the dam, causing massive
floods downstream. A delayed hazard is build-up of toxic mercury in the water behind the dam
due to leaching from the rocks. For natural-gas plants, there is a local acute hazard due to
explosion and a global delayed hazard due to climate change from the release of combustion
products (greenhouse gases) to the atmosphere. Coal plants are likewise a major source of
greenhouse gases and in addition can cause respiratory disease from the combustion and
release of toxic chemicals in the coal; see [Inhaber, 1978] and [Rogers, 2004] for Canadian
examples. Some coal plants emit more radioactive material to atmosphere in normal operation
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 9
than a nuclear power plant. For a nuclear power plant, the hazard of most interest is the
release of radioactive material in accidents. Unlike a coal plant, an inadvertent rise in power in
a nuclear plant (if it is not stopped) can both drive the release of radioactive material out of the
fuel and rapidly cause damage to the reactor and its containment structure.
We “accept” hazards of technologies when they have a benefit which is perceived to offset the
risk. Sometimes this decision is made on an individual basis: you may go sky-diving (an activity
so objectively risky that you cannot get insurance coverage for it) because you believe that the
unique thrill is worth the risk. You accept the hazards of electrical shock and fires for the
convenience of using electric lights and appliances. Nothing that we do on a day-to-day basis is
as risky as hurtling down a narrow strip of levelled ground at 100 km/h in a thin metal container
containing 60 litres of explosive liquid towards someone else in a similar device, using a painted
strip as a guide to avoid collision. Yet almost all people believe the benefits of driving are worth
the risk.
Sometimes the decision is made on a societal basis: if you live in a city, you cannot easily choose
to accept or reject risks such as being hit by a car (even if you choose not to drive one), breath-
ing polluted air, or getting mugged. Activities which pose an involuntary risk are often regulated
by law. In our three examples, the respective regulatory devices would be traffic laws, emission
controls, and the criminal laws.
The benefits of nuclear power include production of clean electricity. In Ontario, over half the
electricity comes from nuclear power; in countries such as France, as much as 80%. Other
benefits of nuclear technology are medical and industrial applications, insect control, environ-
mental protection, and scientific research. Canada is the source of much of the world’s produc-
tion of medical isotopes, largely originating from the NRU reactor at Chalk River.
This chapter is concerned with risk to humans. Many technologies also pose risk to other living
organisms. For nuclear technology, in general, if radiation risk to humans is acceptable, the risk
to other living things will also be acceptable because they are less susceptible to radiation (e.g.,
they do not live as long (and therefore do not develop cancer as easily) or are inherently more
resistant to radiation damage (e.g., insects)). Radioactive elements and compounds can be
concentrated as they move up the food chain, and therefore these pathways must be modelled
to provide a scientific basis to show that humans are limiting this risk.
Safety can be thought of as the complement to risk; however, usually it is risk that is quantified,
and we shall focus on risk in this Chapter.
Because risk cannot be eliminated, it must ideally be optimized. This means a cost/benefit
analysis, although such an analysis often looks only at the risk of a technology, without factoring
in benefits. At a risk optimum, the additional resources used to provide additional risk reduc-
tion would come at a disproportionate cost, and any resources removed from risk reduction
would cause a disproportionate increase in risk. This situation is shown in Figure 2. This opti-
mum is never achieved in practice. This is partly because the risk from nuclear power is per-
ceived to be greater than that of other technologies, even if the numerical risk is the same, due
to social factors such as unfamiliarity with the technology and its association with atomic
weapons and cancer. Hence, regulation of nuclear power often includes a penalty on the
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10 The Essential CANDU
allowed risk, called risk aversion. Such a topic is beyond the scope of this Chapter; see [Slovic,
1987] or [Siddall, 1981] for examples. However, we still need an objective means of quantifying
risk in terms of frequency and consequences. We start with the latter—what are the conse-
quences of a nuclear accident?
There could be a small biological hazard if the plant uses cooling towers and does not keep them clean, in which
case they could become a source of bacterial growth.
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[UNSCEAR, 2001].
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1.6.2 Hormesis
The difficulty with the linear hypothesis is that the effects of radiation on humans at low doses
(below 0.1 Sv) are so small (or even beneficial—the hormesis hypothesis) that the models are
very difficult to validate. At the moment, for better or worse, the linear hypothesis is used
internationally as the basis for setting regulations for radiation protection. However, the
Fukushima accident has led to a rethinking of overly conservative regulations because there is a
real risk in evacuating people unnecessarily, which may be greater in some cases than the risk of
radiation exposure. Moreover, ICRP has taken great pains to distinguish a priori theoretical risks
from a posteriori predictions of “real” health effects resulting from low radiation doses to many
people; see, e.g., [Gonzales, 2013], from which the following is quoted: “Following exposure to
low radiation doses below about 100 mSv, an increase of cancer has not been convincingly or
consistently observed in epidemiological or experimental studies and will probably never be
observed because of overwhelming statistical and biasing factors.”
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For more details on hormesis, see, e.g., [Cuttler, 2009]. As an example [Chen, 2007], steel
containing Co60 was used in the construction of 1700 apartments in Taiwan, resulting in an
average dose of 0.4Sv to the 10,000 occupants. What was observed was a significant decrease,
rather than an increase, in cancer deaths.
such as cesium and strontium, the fuel temperature has to be raised to close to the melting
point (2840°C) or the fuel itself must be heavily oxidized by direct exposure to air or steam.
Therefore, accidents which release significant amounts of radioactive material are initiated by:
overheating the fuel in the core due to a mismatch between power and cooling
leaks or pipe breaks in the coolant or moderator
mechanical damage to the fuel
overheating of the spent fuel in storage due to a power/cooling mismatch.
All accident analyzes reduce to these categories of failures.
It follows that the fundamental safety functions that must be carried out after an accident are:
Control the fission reaction (and shut down the reactor)
Cool the fuel (remove the decay heat)
Contain any release of radioactive material
Monitor the state of the plant.
In summary, control / cool / contain / monitor is the essence of safety design.
1.8 Risk
Safety concerns are ultimately expressed in terms of risk. The risk of a system, which must be
specified (e.g., risk of a component failure, of an activity, of a nuclear reactor, of the nuclear fuel
cycle) is customarily defined as:
Risk fi ci
i , (2)
where fi is the expected frequency of event i and ci is its consequence; the summation is over all
events. Like the risk of betting money, this summation makes sense only for a large number of
systems over a long period of time; it does not apply to a single machine (or a single bet), for
which the event outcome is binary (e.g., for one bet, you either win or lose). In nuclear safety,
probabilistic risk analysis can be used to quantify the risk posed by a nuclear power plant; more
typically, it calculates risk indicators such as severe core-damage frequency or large off-site
release frequency. Such indicators can identify potential plant improvements to reduce risk
where practical.
Sample problem
The frequency of a (fully-contained) core-damage accident in a certain 1000 MWe nuclear
power plant is 10-7 per year. If your insurance conglomerate were asked to insure the plant,
what premium would you have to charge to break even over the long term?
We need to use a common measure of comparison, in this case average cost / year. A contained
core melt would require removal of the damaged core, decontamination, and replacement of
the reactor. This could take ten years. In addition, the electricity formerly generated by the
plant would have to be replaced. Since the accident is stated to be contained, we do not add
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16 The Essential CANDU
costs for off-site decontamination, evacuation, relocation, nor health effects – for an accident
resulting in a significant release, these would have to be considered. This means that the
average cost / year is (using rough ballpark values—the problem can easily be made very
complex if greater sophistication and accuracy is needed):
{[$5 × 109 for decommissioning / decontamination + $5 × 109 for rebuilding the plant] +
[106 kW × $0.06 /kW-hour × 24 hours / day × 365 days / year × 10 years]} × [10-7 / year]
= [$1000 + $526] / year or ~$1500 /year.
Note the importance of the replacement electricity cost.
Because accidents cannot be prevented in any significant human endeavour, the broad goals of
reactor safety analysis are to:
Show that the frequency and consequences of accidents are within acceptable limits
Show that the frequency of an accident is too small to consider.
Acceptable limits are defined (broadly) with respect to the event frequency. For example,
frequent occurrences (minor faults such as loss of electrical power) should not stress the
system, damage fuel, or invoke protective systems. Very infrequent events, like a large loss of
coolant, are permitted to push the physical systems into plastic deformation or damage fuel, but
not to allow radioactive release beyond a prescribed limit. Severe accidents may damage the
core, but should not fail the containment building. This approach may, but does not necessarily,
address the direct economic costs of a severe accident, which can be huge, even if the public
safety impact is minimal, e.g., Fukushima.
This framework implies that:
1. We have to know what the possible accidents are.
2. We have to be able to predict their frequency.
3. We have to be able to predict their consequences.
Safety analysis is carried out at several stages in the plant life cycle:
During preliminary design (design assist), to ensure that the design concepts meet safety
During final design, to confirm that safety requirements are met and to include the re-
sults as part of the applications for the licences required to construct and operate the
plant (see Chapter 16).
For an operating plant, to incorporate the effects of any changes in the plant, in funda-
mental knowledge, in operating experience, and in safety analysis methodology.
Three safety-analysis methods are used during some or all of these stages. These are comple-
mentary, not mutually exclusive, and in practice all three are used:
1. Rule - e.g., use the ASME code for pressure-vessel design. It is implied that following the
code or the standard reduces the likelihood of failure of the material to a very low level.
This is largely based on long experience, testing, and more recently, analysis.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 17
2. Deterministic safety analysis - i.e., assess a prescribed list of failures which are selected
based on past experience and judgement. Sometimes these are called “design basis ac-
cidents”, as discussed in Section Error! Reference source not found.. Each accident se-
quence is chosen to be severe enough that the consequences of a “real” accident should
be less; this means that only a subset of possible accidents is analyzed. For example, the
Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) system is sized to provide enough flow to refill the core
after a break in the heat-transport system that is up to twice the flow area of the largest
pipe and on a time scale that prevents excessive fuel damage. The consequences of
these stylized accidents are predicted and compared against analysis limits. Such analy-
sis limits can be loosely based on frequency.
3. Probabilistic safety analysis - i.e., assess the frequency and consequences of failures,
optimizing to deal with the high-risk contributors. PSAs therefore proceed using the fol-
lowing methodology:
a. define risk-based criteria,
b. generate a set of accidents to consider,
c. predict the frequency and consequences of each event,
d. show that the criteria are met.
Much of the rest of this Chapter covers these three methods.
1.9 Problems
1. International bodies set limits for the dose an individual should receive from all man-
made sources. A number of issues exist behind this framework. Discuss the following four
questions and draw reasoned conclusions:
a. How should exposure from radiation used for medical purposes be controlled
(i.e., what factors should determine whether or not, and how much, radiation
should be used)?
b. Should large power reactors have the same dose limits as small research reactors
such as the McMaster Nuclear Reactor (which also produces medical isotopes)?
c. You are a safety expert and have been asked to approve a smoke detector. As-
sume that the smoke detectors give a whole-body dose [USNRC, 2001] of 10-5
mSv per year to each of the 35,000,000 people in Canada. What would your de-
cision be, and why? What factors would you look at in normal operation of the
detector? What is the most severe accidental exposure that can happen with a
smoke detector, and how would you assess its acceptability on a risk basis?
d. What dose would you accept for voluntary lifesaving (i.e., your colleague is
trapped in a very high radiation field and you are asked to go in and save him)?
Give reasons.
2. A nuclear designer is trying to optimize his design. He knows of an accident with a
frequency of 10-7 per year which leads to a contained core melt and causes the following
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18 The Essential CANDU
Unfortunately, there is no way of identifying possible accidents beforehand (in any large-scale
engineering field) that is guaranteed to be complete. The history of any technology is replete
with unpleasant surprises, especially at the beginning—just think of the Hindenburg disaster,
the Flixborough cyclohexane explosion [Venart, 2004], and of course the Titanic. Technolo-
gies—if we are fortunate—have their accidents early on, when the scale is small and the lessons
learned can be applied to commercial applications.
The best way to obtain a “nearly complete” list of accidents, apart from experience, is to use
more than one technique. In the next few subsections, we describe several such techniques.
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22 The Essential CANDU
2.4 Experience
Design basis accidents may also be added because of experience.
For example, Canadian practice requires that each design basis accident be analyzed assuming
complete failure of one shutdown system, no matter how low the frequency. The reason goes
back to 1952, when the core of the NRX research reactor in Chalk River, Ontario, was damaged
in an accident ([Lewis, 1953] [Hurst, 1953]) in which the power increased and the shutdown
system was impaired. One of the causes was a complex control/shutdown system design; the
shut-off rods were hydraulically driven, and their performance was sensitive to dirt in the
system. The accident resulted in a large subsequent emphasis on shutdown-system reliability,
testability, and robustness, to the extent that, even though the shutdown systems in CANDU
bear no resemblance to those in NRX (lessons having since been learned about shutdown-
system design), the CANDU reactor had to be designed to survive an accident even if the
shutdown system failed. Although one could show that the most severe accident without
shutdown (a large LOCA) would not release enough energy to break containment, the designers
decided (eventually) to add another, fully independent shutdown system, so that even if one
shutdown system failed completely, the other could be credited.
The accident at Fukushima in 2011 [JNTI, 2011] is a recent example of a poor choice of the
parameters for a design basis accident. Although the plant had a Design Basis Flood level, it was
clearly inadequate, and since the accident, all operating plants have had to change their provi-
sions for both Design Basis Floods and Beyond Design Basis Floods. We shall cover key historical
events in more detail in Section 3.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 23
collapsed into two broad categories: single failures, or the failure of any one process system in
the plant, and dual failures, a much less likely event defined as a single failure coupled with the
unavailability of either a shutdown system, or containment, or the emergency core cooling
system: these constituting the so-called special safety systems. For each category, a frequency
and a consequence limit was chosen that had to be satisfied. In addition, to deal with the siting
of a reactor (Pickering A) next to a major population centre (Toronto), population dose limits
were defined for each category of accident.
The limits were as follows (sometimes this is called the Siting Guide):
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2.5.3 RD-337
As the nuclear industry has become more international and more competitive, the Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has understood the need to align its requirements, espe-
cially for new builds, more closely with international ones and has therefore developed top-
level design requirements [CNSC, 2008] which align more closely with IAEA standards [IAEA,
2000] and are less technology-specific. Events are divided into three classes: anticipated
operational occurrences (AOOs), which are expected to occur at least once in the plant lifetime;
design basis accidents; and beyond design basis accidents (BDBAs), including event sequences
that may lead to a severe accident. The limits are from [CNSC, 2008] and [CNSC, 2008a].
Table 3 Dose limits
Event Frequency Dose Limit (Sv)
Anticipated Operational Occurrence 10-2 / reactor-year 0.0005
Design Basis Accident 10-2 to 10-5 / reactor-year 0.020
Expected frequency ranges are not part of C-6; they were used by Ontario Hydro in the licensing of Darlington to
classify events not listed in C-6.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 25
There are no dose limits for BDBAs, but there are numerical safety goals and specific system
design requirements; see Section 4.
2.7 Problems
The reader should have read and understood Chapters 3, 4, and 5 on reactor physics before
1. A laboratory experiment has been set up to determine the critical mass of enriched
uranium. Two hemispheres of U235 metal are supported in an unshielded facility by one scien-
tist. Other scientists are in the same room, observing. A screwdriver is used to slowly push one
hemisphere closer to the other, while a neutron detector measures the increase in neutron flux
as they approach each other (Figure 7). (This scenario is modelled on, but is not quite the same
as, the Lewis Slotin accident in 1946 [LANL, 2000]). Develop a safety approach using the con-
cept of design basis accidents as follows:
a) Use both “top-down” and “bottom-up” approaches to define a set of accidents. Specifi-
cally: What is the “top event” that is to be avoided? What could cause the accidents?
b) How fast do the accidents occur (i.e., what physical process determines the time scale)?
What inherently limits the consequences (why don’t you get a nuclear bomb)?
c) Compare the nature of the hazard to the scientists with that to the public.
d) How could the consequence of an accident be prevented or mitigated:
Without any further equipment, i.e., just after it has occurred?
With equipment installed beforehand?
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Figure 8 SES-10
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3 Experience
Current power reactor safety design has been powerfully influenced by accidents that hap-
pened during the development of the technology. In this Section, we describe a few of them—
space constraints do not permit an exhaustive study.
Real accidents almost never follow the simple assumptions in design basis safety analysis. Most
real accidents tend to be very complex, have more than one contributing factor, have a high
component of human error and extraordinary human recovery, and often leave one wondering,
“How did all these things happen together?”
The answer is, of course, that if they didn’t happen together, there would be no accident. It is a
poorly designed nuclear power plant where a single failure or error causes a catastrophic
accident. Most accidents are the end-point of a chain of events, prevention of any one of which
would have stopped the accident from happening. We will discuss this later in Section 5.1
was its nature? What were the root causes? What were the lessons learned for design? For
operation? The exercises at the end of the chapter give you some additional actual incidents to
You should have read and understood Chapters 3, 4, and 5 on reactor physics before proceed-
Each of the case studies described below gives a brief description of the facility, the event, and
lessons learned. These are all of necessity very abbreviated. In particular, of the dozens of
lessons learned, only the few most important are listed. The reader should consult the refer-
ences for more detail.
practice, as we shall see from the case studies, to have an additional means of shutdown always
poised, even during shutdown.
You may want to think about whether it is safer to refuel a reactor while it is critical or during a
3.1.1 SL-1 Description
This summary uses material from [USAEC, 1962], [USAEC, 1962a], [USAEC, 1962b], [Stacy, 2000],
and [Thompson, 1965].
The SL-1 (Stationary Low Power Reactor No. 1) was a natural-recirculation pressurized boiling-
water military reactor with a thermal power of 3 MW. It was located at the Atomic Energy
Commission National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Figure 12 shows a cutaway of
the reactor vessel. At the time of the accident, on January 3, 1961, there were 40 fuel assem-
blies and 5 control rods in the core.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 35
-120 msec Reactor goes critical with rod at 16.7 in. (40.6 cm).
Central rod at 20 in. (50.8 cm), period = 3.9 ±0.5 msec, (2.4 ± 0.3)% Δk.
~2 msec Prompt nuclear energy release ends; total nuclear energy of excursion =
(133±10) MW-sec [+(24 ±10) MW-sec in metal-water reaction].
20% of plate area destroyed; centre 16 elements 50% melted; central shroud
and control blade ejected from core.
Water column above core accelerated by average pressure (500 psi or 35 atm)
to a velocity of 160 ft/sec (49 m/sec).
34 msec Water slams against lid of vessel. Maximum pressure ≈10,000 psi (~700 atm).
Head shielding ejected. Plugs ejected with velocity of 85 ft/sec (26 m/sec) or
less. Vessel rises, shearing connecting pipes. Guide tubes collapse. Nozzles
and vessel expand.
160 msec First plug hits ceiling.
Vessel hits ceiling. Total kinetic energy involved ~1% of total energy released.
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3.1.2 NRX Description
This summary uses material from [Lewis, 1953], [Hurst, 1953], [Larson, 1961], and [Cross, 1980].
NRX was Canada’s first large research
reactor, built in 1947 with a thermal power
of 30MW. The moderator was heavy water
contained in a cylindrical calandria. Cool-
ing was once-through, light-water, taken
from and returning to the Ottawa River.
Passing through the calandria were vertical
tubes open to the air at top and bottom.
Each fuel rod, made from metallic uranium
sheathed in aluminum, had its own cooling
jacket (Figure 13); each rod, with its cooling
jacket, was located in one of the vertical
tubes (Figure 14). A stream of air passed Figure 13 NRX fuel cross section
between each fuel rod and its calandria
tube. Twelve boron shut-off rods passed through 12 of these tubes. Start-up was achieved by
removing half these rods, after which the reactor was controlled by varying moderator level.
The shut-off rods could be raised by compressed air and were then held up by an electromag-
net. They could be driven back in using high-pressure air, although they would fall more slowly
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38 The Essential CANDU
the first to be removed during a start-up and was designed to overcome any reactivity added if
the reactor should go inadvertently critical on removal of any of the remaining banks of rods.
Removal of the safeguard bank was prohibited by limit switches on each rod unless all other
rods were down; however, the switches had been giving trouble and had been disabled.
To ensure fast start-up after a shutdown (and avoid xenon poison-out), it was possible to drive
up the first four rods, worth 30 mk, in a few seconds.
There were four pushbuttons on the control panel. Pushbutton 4 charged air to the heads of
the shut-off rods; release of this air drove the rods down. Pushbutton 3 temporarily increased
the current in the electromagnet and ensured that the rods were properly seated. Pushbutton
1 raised the safeguard bank, and Pushbutton 2 raised the remaining banks in automatic se-
quence. Normal operation was to press Pushbutton 3 along with 4, 1, and 2. If 3 was not
pressed with 4, air might leak from the head system; if 3 was not pressed with 1 and 2, the shut-
off rods might not be drawn fully home, and the safety circuits would prevent start-up from
The void reactivity was positive and large; that is, removal of all the light-water coolant would
result in an increase in reactivity of 25 mk.
been up already) was raised. The supervisor realized his mistake, but the assistant in the
control room had to leave the phone to use both hands to push the two buttons.
From [Cross, 1980]:
“It was soon apparent from instruments in the control room that the reactor was above
critical and the power level was rising. This was surprising, but not alarming, since the
reactor could easily be turned off by dropping the shut-off rods just raised. However,
when after 20 seconds, the button was pressed to do this, only one of the four rods ac-
tually went down. The power level continued to climb and, after some discussion in the
control room, it was decided to dump the moderator into a storage tank. Within less
than 30 seconds, the power-level metres were back on scale and the power dropped
rapidly to zero.”
The removal of the safeguard bank made the reactor supercritical by about 6 mk and started a
power rise to about 100 kW. The lone shut-off rod started to fall in at this point, but the power
kept rising to about 17 MW. Boiling then occurred in some of the temporarily cooled rods,
expelling the light water and increasing the reactivity by another 2.5 mk. Power continued to
rise to 60–90 MW, when it was stopped by dumping the moderator.
The power surge melted a number of fuel rods and caused a number of calandria tubes to fail.
Eventually, in a major operation, the reactor calandria was removed and buried; the building
was decontaminated, and the reactor was replaced.
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3.1.3 Chernobyl
This summary uses material from [USSR, 1986], [USDOE, 1986], [Howieson, 1987], [Chan, 1987],
[Rogers, 1987], and [INSAG, 1992]. Description
Chernobyl unit 4 was of the RBMK type (Реактор Большой Мощности Канальный, or High-
Power Channel-Type Reactor) and the most recent of the 1,000 MW(e) series. It was a graphite-
moderated, boiling-light-water-cooled, vertical-pressure-tube design using enriched (2% U235)
UO2 fuel with on-power refuelling. It used a direct cycle to produce electricity from twin
turbines (Figure 15, from [INSAG, 1992]). The reactor cutaway is shown in Figure 16, from
[Semonov, 1983].
There are two independent primary coolant circuits, each containing about 830 fuel channels,
two steam separators, and four pumps (with one normally on stand-by). Refuelling is done
during operation from the top of the core. A containment structure encloses the inlet piping in
the lower portion of the reactor and provides pressure relief to a water pool located beneath
the reactor (Figure 18). Control and shutdown are performed by movable absorbing rods in
lattice positions. Emergency core cooling is provided for pipe breaks through a system consist-
ing of a combination of pressurized-water accumulators and electric pumps.
The reactor has a void coefficient which varies from negative to positive according to the
operating state. It is limited in normal operation through control of operating conditions.
The containment is a pressure-suppression type (see Section 5) and is compartmentalized
(Figure 18). All inlet pipes are enclosed in leak-tight compartments which connect to a bubbler
pond or suppression pool below the reactor. Steam discharged from a pipe break is directed to
the bubbler pond, where it condenses. Each channel is accessible (for refuelling) from the top
through a large cover plate, to which its extension is welded (Figure 16). The (small) outlet
pipes above the core are in an enclosure designed for a rupture of up to two channels or their
outlet pipes, because rupture of more than one was believed to be highly improbable. As noted
in [INSAG, 1992], “Simultaneous failure of a greater number of fuel channels would generate a
pressure high enough to fail the containment function by lifting the cover plate, in the process
severing the remainder of the fuel channels”.
drop to zero neutron power occurred and lasted for four to five minutes. The operator, instead
of aborting the test, then attempted to recover power, but because of xenon decay, had to raise
the control rods so that most of them were out of the core. In the end, the reactor never
reached the planned initial power level.
Key: 1: graphite reactor core; 2: fuel channel; 3: in-core instrumentation tube; 4: feedwater
pipe; 5: steam separator drum; 6: downcomer; 7: intake header; 8: main circulating pump; 9:
bypass; 10: high-pressure header; 11: stop valve; 12: distribution group header; 13: steam
header; 14: steam dump valve; 15: accident localization system; 16: ECCS water reserve tank;
17: pressure controller; 18: turbogenerator; 19: condenser; 20: moisture separator/reheater;
21: condensate pump; 22: preheater; 23: deaerator; 24: emergency electric feedwater pump;
25: electric feedwater pump; 26: mixing preheater; 27: condensate collecting tank; 28: moisture
separator/reheater condensate pump; 29: level controller; 30: ECCS hydraulic accumulator; 31:
ECCS pump; 32: ECCS header; 33: ECCS fast-acting valve; 34: leak limiter.
Figure 15 RBMK schematic diagram
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In the immediate aftermath of the accident, the Soviets [USSR, 1986] placed much blame on the
operators for not following test procedures and performing the test in an unauthorized reactor
configuration. The initial cause of the power rise was stated to be the increase in void reactivity
as coolant boiling increased following pump trip. It was implied that because most of the dual
control/safety rods were withdrawn, the reactor trip was ineffective in stopping the power rise.
Later analysis ([Chan, 1987] and [INSAG, 1992]) indicated that a major cause of the accident was
the unexpected behaviour of the shut-off rods, which actually caused an increase in reactor
power rather than shutting the reactor down. This surprising design aspect requires more
detailed explanation. The absorber rods have graphite displacers or followers attached to their
lower ends which are designed to increase the absorber reactivity worth. As they are inserted,
the absorber rods move into the high-flux region in the centre of the core, which was previously
occupied by the graphite, so that the absorber-rod effectiveness is enhanced (see Figure 17). If
no graphite were present, the rod would displace water—also an absorber—in which case the
change in reactivity with insertion would not be as great.
However, during the accident, most of the absorbers were well removed from the core, which
was an abnormal configuration. The flux was peaked at the top and bottom, where most of the
reactor power was being generated. Therefore, when absorber insertion first started, the water
in the high-flux region at the bottom of the core was first displaced by the graphite follower,
leading to a reactivity increase. Therefore, operating the plant in an abnormal condition re-
sulted in an unusually large hold-up of void reactivity, which combined with a deficient shut-
down-system design, led to the large power excursion and the resulting core damage. [INSAG,
1992] indicates that this deficiency was known by designers before the event.
The power rise failed a number of fuel channels; the resulting steam release blew off the top
cover and severed the remaining fuel channels, effectively exposing the core to the environ-
ment and by-passing the containment.
The core damage rendered it subcritical, although to make sure this was the case, the Soviets
used helicopters to dump boron into the open reactor structure. The graphite moderator, when
exposed to air and heated by the fuel fragments, began to burn and did so for several days until
it was smothered by a combination of sand dropped onto the core pit and liquid nitrogen
pumped in from underneath. The core melted and flowed into the rooms below the reactor
vault, although this was not realized until some years afterwards, when the reactor cavity was
inspected remotely and found to be empty. A temporary cover (the sarcophagus) was rapidly
built over the damaged structure to prevent radioactive material from escaping and is currently
being replaced by a more permanent cover.
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44 The Essential CANDU
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 45 Description
The Three Mile Island reactor was a conventional pressurized-water reactor; a flow-sheet is
shown in Figure 19. The reactor core is inside a large pressure vessel; unlike most CANDUs and
BWRs, the coolant is highly sub-cooled and kept so by a pressurizer connected to the pressure
vessel. A pressure relief valve on top of the pressurizer provides overpressure protection for the
reactor coolant system (RCS).
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 47
running far behind the event), as well as provision of diagnostic aids to the operators.
2. The prescriptive approach to reactor safety in the United States, which was based on
regulatory-driven lists of design basis accidents, had focused attention on too narrow a
range of accidents, not just because it omitted severe accidents, but also because it fo-
cused on bounding design basis accidents and treated superficially the supposedly less-
severe DBAs such as a small LOCA.
3. PSA became far more important and more widely used to define and therefore prevent
possible severe accidents.
4. Sharing of prior experience with other plants was poor. TMI led to the establishment of
the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) for industry-wide cooperation in op-
erations and training. Description
There are six nuclear power reactors at the Fukushima I (Dai-Ichi) site. All are boiling-water
reactors (BWRs). There are four more BWR reactors nearby at Fukushima II (Dai-Ini). Figure 21
(from [USNRC, 2011]) shows the overall station layout of Fukushima Dai-Ichi.
Mark 1 type BWRs have an “inverted light-bulb” containment (the drywell) connected to a
toroidal suppression pool or chamber (the wetwell), as can be seen in Figure 22. The purpose
of the suppression pool is to condense any steam released inside the containment in an acci-
dent, such as a loss-of-coolant accident, and also to act as a temporary or permanent heat sink
for decay power in case the main heat-removal mechanisms are unavailable. If the suppression
chamber (S/C) is to act as a long-term heat sink, it must be cooled by an external circuit, e.g., for
Unit 1 (which we shall use as the example), the isolation condenser.
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52 The Essential CANDU
The current state and location of the core and the integrity of the reactor vessel and the pri-
mary containment are not known with certainty, although damage to both is expected.
A further issue was the condition of the fuel in the spent-fuel pools. Normally, the decay heat
generated by the fuel bundles in the pools is removed by active systems, which of course were
lost when all AC power was lost. In the absence of heat removal, or if water is lost due to
leakage, heating of the spent fuel is slower than heating of the core, but if not addressed, will
eventually lead to uncovering of the fuel and fuel damage. In Fukushima, the spent-fuel bays
are located high in the reactor building to facilitate transfer of fuel assemblies from the core.
Spent-fuel cooling was made more difficult by the elevation (and inaccessibility) of the spent-
fuel bays, and concerns were voiced about their structural integrity following the earthquake.
In the early phases after the accident, water was added manually to the bays (initially from
helicopters and later from cranes); stable cooling has since been restored to all pools. Inspec-
tion of the bays shows debris from the damaged reactor buildings; TEPCO has stated, “Most
spent fuels estimated to be undamaged” based on the radioactive contents of the pool water
and remote inspection. As of December 2013, fuel in the Unit 4 pool is now being removed.
Fukushima II was not flooded nearly as severely as Fukushima I and successfully achieved cold
shutdown of all units.
The safety goal is to achieve cold stable shutdown, with temperatures below 100°C and any
releases of radioactive materials from containment under control.
The injection of sea-water, while presumably stopping further core melting, led to a large
accumulation of highly radioactive water in the basement of the buildings because cooling was
essentially “once-through”. Some of this water intermittently leaked to the sea and to ground.
Once-through cooling was later converted to closed-loop cooling and continuously decontami-
nated using on-line filtration. In addition, to prevent further release of airborne radioactive
material from debris or leakage to ground or sea from rain, the reactor buildings are being
covered by weatherproof covers.
Finally the large amounts of highly contaminated water on site have to be treated and securely
loss of power.
5. Prevent loss of monitoring (e.g., design the station emergency batteries to last for a sig-
nificant length of time, protect them against external events, and provide recharging ca-
pability). Maintain on-site and off-site communications.
5. Provide facilities on site to deal with physical destruction and high radiation fields (e.g.,
bulldozers to clear debris).
6. Review lessons learned about institutional behaviour, e.g., the role of the regulator. See
Chapter 16 for a case study.
7. Examine the impact on accident evolution of having multiple units at one site.
3.3 Problems
1. Browns Ferry Fire, 1975:
a. Locate (as a minimum) the following source material (try the USNRC web site):
Fire at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant; Tennessee Valley Authority; March 22, 1975 -
Final Report of Preliminary Investigating Committee, May 7, 1975.
b. Assess the Browns Ferry fire in terms of threats to the ability to control, cool,
contain, and monitor.
c. Indicate lessons learned. Describe how you derived these lessons learned. Do
not just copy official lessons learned.
d. Comment on the robustness of the design and indicate whether design or oper-
ating changes should have been considered (and why).
2. Tokai-Mura, 1999:
a. Locate (as a minimum) the following material: International Atomic Energy
Agency, Report on the Preliminary Fact Finding Mission Following the Accident at
the Nuclear Fuel Processing Facility in Tokaimura, Japan; IAEA report, 1999.
b. Assess the accident in terms of threats to the ability to control, cool, contain, and
c. Indicate lessons learned. Describe how you derived these lessons learned. Do
not just copy official lessons learned.
d. Comment on the robustness of the facility design and operation, and indicate
whether design or operating changes should have been considered (and why).
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54 The Essential CANDU
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 55
cepted that people will implicitly accept a somewhat higher risk to life and limb if it
comes as part of their job, i.e., if a direct benefit is obtained. Attempts have been made
(e.g., in the United Kingdom, see [HSE, 2006]) to set (nuclear) safety goals for plant
workers in nuclear power plants, but the risk to such workers is dominated by conven-
tional industrial risk, which itself turns out to be less than in comparable non-nuclear in-
The goal refers to the risk of nuclear power in isolation. Just as there is a risk to having
nuclear power, there is also a risk to not having it, because the electricity would then
have to be generated from other sources with greater (or lesser) risk.
The goal does not distinguish between prompt and delayed risk of death. We can break down
the safety goal proposed above into two sub-goals:
“The annual risk of prompt death to the most exposed member of the public due to ac-
cidents in a reactor should be small in comparison to his/her total annual risk of prompt
death due to all accidents”,
“The annual risk of fatal cancer to the most exposed member of the public due to acci-
dents in a reactor should be small in comparison to his/her total annual risk of fatal can-
cer due to all causes.”
211 deaths per 100,000 people. Therefore, the average person’s risk of dying from cancer is 2.1
× 10-3 per year (or about 16% over a 75-year lifetime). Recall from Chapter 1 that 100 person-Sv
will produce about five fatal cancers in the exposed population, or a risk of 5 × 10-2 fatal cancers
per Sv. Therefore, using the linear dose-effect hypothesis, 211 cancer deaths per 100,000
people would be induced by a collective dose D calculated as follows:
D(Sv) × 5 × 10-2 (cancers / Sv) = 211 cancer fatalities, (4)
which means that D = 4220 Sv, or an average individual dose of 42 mSv. However, the linear
dose-effect hypothesis is not applicable to such low doses. Regardless, if we divide by 100 again,
then the maximum time-averaged individual dose from accidents should be less than 0.4 mSv
per year, averaged over a group of people, or about 25% of natural background radiation in
Toronto (1.6 mSv / year). The paradox with this safety goal is that it would make nuclear power
safer than natural background radiation.
This is not as useful a safety goal as the previous one because it does not tell us anything about
the frequency distribution of accidents. However, it can likewise be validated by summing all
the events in a PSA which cause a release of radioactive material.
At a more basic level, summing low doses over large numbers of people is incorrect, and a
safety goal derived this way is fundamentally flawed.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 57
This is largely consistent with international practice for new reactors, with one new concept: the
low release frequency. It is intended to address those accident scenarios which may result in
small but significant releases. These accidents may require emergency measures such as
sheltering or short-term evacuation of an area around the plant, and the low release frequency
sets a limit on these [Rzentkowski, 2013].
An approach to safety based only on a safety goal has both benefits and limitations. The
greatest benefit is that risk-based decisions require greater levels of protection on those areas
of greatest risk, and conversely, i.e., they optimize safety resources. Some limitations are:
To determine compliance with a risk target, all significant events have to be identified
and summed. This might be challenging in the early phases of a design.
Safety goals are meaningful only for events for which frequencies and consequences are
reasonably calculable. In practice, this includes most “internal” events for which actual
data exist, for which the failure combinations can be calculated, or for which a reason-
able extrapolation from the historical record can be made. However, if the design has
innovative features, with little operating experience, it may be difficult to support the
reliability values and hard to spot the cross-links4. Passive safety systems pose a par-
ticular challenge in this regard because they can be difficult to test, and therefore it is
hard to build up a reliability database.
Not all (rare) events can be assigned a frequency and consequence with confidence, for
o massive structural failure
o massive failure of pressure vessels
o very low-frequency, high-consequence external events such as earthquakes be-
yond historical record-keeping
o sabotage, terrorism, and war.
The approach to the first two is usually to design to accepted engineering codes and standards.
Then one can infer from experience the likelihood of sudden failure of structures and compo-
nents so designed. Massive failure of a LWR pressure vessel would be a catastrophic event
because it would lead to an immediate release of fission products and probably would damage
containment at the same time. Calculations have been done to show that such massive failures
are less frequent than 10-8 per year, but such low frequencies must be treated with some
skepticism. Rare events can happen by unanticipated sneak paths; for example, a precursor to a
pressure-vessel boundary failure was the undetected almost-through-wall erosion of the
reactor pressure vessel in the Davis-Besse plant [USNRC, 2002]. Similarly, historical records
make it possible to define the intensity of earthquakes down to about the ten-thousand-year
return frequency, which is taken as the design basis earthquake (DBE) in Canada. More severe
but rarer earthquakes are hard to characterize. One can carry out a “seismic margin” analysis to
calculate the likelihood of surviving an earthquake somewhat more severe than the DBE; much
beyond that, about all one can say is that the effects of damage to the nuclear plant would be
A cross-link is a failure that affects more than one system or component, e.g. a common supply of instrument air.
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58 The Essential CANDU
small compared to the havoc wreaked by such an earthquake on the rest of society, as was the
case for Fukushima. Finally for events resulting from hostile human actions, the approach has
generally been to design according to rules (e.g., the plant’s inherent defences plus the local
security force should be able to delay an attack of x people armed with y type of weapons for z
minutes); x, y, and z are indeed chosen based on reasonableness (likelihood), but the historical
database of hostile acts against nuclear power plants is sparse. In any case, the defences being
built into new plants for severe accidents are also helpful against malevolent acts.
For these reasons, those regulators that have safety goals use them in addition to whatever
deterministic criteria they have developed. This combination is called a risk-informed approach,
in which the quantified risk provides a powerful rationality check.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 59
P( A
n 1
n | B) 1 . (7)
Multiplying by P(B):
P ( B ) P ( B ) P ( An | B ) P ( An ) P ( B | An )
n 1 n 1
. (8)
This is Bayes’ theorem. Therefore, if we know P(B|An), we can calculate P(An|B). A couple of
examples will make this clearer.
Sample Problems
Pipe Inspection
Suppose that you are radiographing a Class I pipe for a defect. You know from past experience
that the likelihood of a defect is one per 100,000 radiographs. You also know that the likelihood
that the instrument indicates a defect when there is no defect (false positive) is 1%, and the
likelihood that the instrument indicates a defect when a defect in fact exists is 99%. Your test
indicates a defect. What is the probability that the pipe actually has a defect when the instru-
ment says it does?
Apply Bayes’ theorem to two events:
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60 The Essential CANDU
This is a slight simplification using the fact that P(A) is small. Actually
P(B) = P(B|A) P(A) + P(B|Ᾱ) P(Ᾱ)
= 0.99 × .00001 + 0.01 × 0.99999
= 0.0100098
or approximately 0.01 as stated.
In words, the first term is the 99% chance of detecting the defect in the one pipe in 100,000 that has the defect;
the second term is the 1% chance of indicating a false positive in the remaining 99,999 pipes out of 100,000.
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62 The Essential CANDU
Uniform Prior
P(An) 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667
P(An|B) 8.14 x 10-66 1.20 x 10-7 0.0741 0.281 0.321 0.325
Non-Uniform Prior
P(An) 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.089
P(An|B) 2.27 x 10-66 3.36 x 10-9 0.0251 0.358 0.394 0.0808
where p(x) is the probability density function. If p(x) is a constant, po, then P(X) = po(X-xmin), as
There are two types of systems:
1) Those that operate on demand (i.e., safety systems)
2) Those that operate continuously (i.e., process systems).
Assuming that the device eventually fails, the reliability, R(t) is defined as
R(t ) 1 F (t )
f ( )d f ( )d . (16)
0 0
f ( )d
dR(t ) dF (t )
f (t ) . (17)
dt dt
Let λ(t) dt = probability of failure at time t given successful operation up to time t (i.e., the
conditional failure rate); then:
f (t )dt (t )dtR(t )
or , (18)
dR(t )
f (t ) (t ) R(t )
and hence
dR(t )
(t ) R(t ) . (19)
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64 The Essential CANDU
( ) d
R(t ) e 0
. (20)
If λ is constant, (i.e., random failures):
R(t ) e t . (21)
A typical λ(t) is shown in [McCormick, 1981], page 26—the “bathtub” curve (Figure 24).
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 65
f ( )d
( ) d
e 0
f ( )d
( ) d
1 e 0
f ( )d
f ( )d
f ( )d
since f ( )d 1
(a component will eventually fail).
If λ is constant, then
MTTF e d . (23)
Let repair occur at some time interval, τ. This resets the failure probability to zero each time the
component is repaired, assuming that the repair is perfect and restores the component to its
original condition. Then F(t) is a sawtooth curve, as illustrated in Figure 26.
If τ << λ, then
2t 2
F (t ) 1 (1 t ...) t for t< in any interval , (24)
with t measured after the time of last repair.
F , (25)
i.e., the failure probability is half the test interval times the failure rate.
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68 The Essential CANDU
The conversion to the second term makes the calculation much easier because there are fewer
terms to sum. Assuming that the rods fail independently and that the failure rate is λ, then the
probability of a given rod failing on average is:
F p for conciseness (30)
as before. The success probability is 1-p. In general, the probability of event Ek is
P( Ek ) (1 p )n k p k . (31)
( N k )!k !
The factor gives the number of possible ways for the event to happen, the factor
( N k )!k !
(1-p)n-k is the probability that N-k rods all successfully drop, and the factor pk is the probability
that k all fail to drop.
The last step is not conceptually difficult, but the amount of arithmetic can be huge. It is almost
always done using special-purpose codes for all but the simplest of fault trees.
One test of a properly drawn fault tree is that causality cannot pass through an OR gate—if it
does, an AND gate is missing. For an OR gate, the input faults are never the causes of the
output fault—they are identical to the output, but more specifically defined as to cause. For an
AND gate, there is a causal relationship between the inputs and the output—the input faults
collectively represent the causes of the output fault.
There are additional types of gates which we will not cover here. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission Fault Tree Handbook [USNRC, 1981] is a superb source for learning fault-tree
Sample Problem
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70 The Essential CANDU
This results in the fault tree shown in Figure 28. Note that there are many ways of drawing this;
for example, one could recognize that the failure of the signal affects all components and
therefore could be in an “OR” gate just under the top event. It is always safer, however, to
follow the principle of immediate cause.
Having drawn the fault tree, we now assign labels to each basic event (V1, V2, V3, S, P1, P2), as
shown in Figure 28. We can also assign intermediate labels (A, B, C) to help in the calculations.
Now we can write out the Boolean algebra, starting from the bottom. It is important NOT to
assign numerical values immediately to the basic events and work out the final answer before
doing the Boolean algebra. In many cases, this will lead to double counting because terms such
as S+S will be counted twice. Remember that in Boolean logic, S+S=S, not 2S, and S●S=S, not S2.
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72 The Essential CANDU
they have to account for a failure in the fault tree (example, loss of instrument air) also occur-
ring in the event tree, or a failure of a mitigating system (e.g., loss of service water) which is
common to the failure of other mitigating systems. This topic is well beyond the scope of this
section. For more on common-cause failures, see [USNRC, 1981].
A simple example, which should be self-explanatory, is shown in Figure 29, where P1, P2, P3,
etc. are the probabilities of success for each mitigating system. Note that if the failure prob-
abilities (1 – Pi) are small, the success probabilities can be assumed to be equal to one when
calculating each success branch. So, for example, the frequency of core damage in the se-
quence just below the box labelled “Stable” is:
Small LOCA frequency x (1-P3) x P4,
and one could set P4=1 in calculating this branch, as a good approximation. Note also that even
if ECC fails, the moderator will maintain pressure tube integrity and prevent fuel melting by
removing heat from the fuel channel, as described in Section
function of ECC is called ECI, or Emergency Coolant Injection, because ECC also has other
functions such as steam generator cooldown and loop isolation1). Then, after the HTS has been
depressurized, medium-pressure and finally low-pressure water is injected. The HP water is
supplied, for example, from a water tank (accumulator) pressurized by huge gas cylinders.
Medium-pressure cooling water can be supplied from a water tank by ECC pumps, and low-
pressure water is retrieved from the sumps in the reactor-building basement, cooled, and
pumped back into the HTS. For CANDU reactors, an ECC mission time of one to three months
has been set2. The ECCS is consequently divided into two separate fault trees for the purposes
of analysis: dormant ECC and long-term ECC (designated DECC and LTECC respectively). The
DECC fault tree focuses on failure to detect the LOCA event, failure to initiate high-pressure (HP)
cooling water, failure to distribute the flow, and failure to provide medium- and low-pressure
water. The LTECC fault tree focuses on failure to provide long-term low-pressure cooling due to
pump failure, valve failure, flow blockage, loss of electrical power, or loss of coolant supply.
Such a distinction is made in Canada, but most other places just use ECC.
The mission time is defined here as the time beyond which the decay heat can be removed from the fuel to the
moderator without any water in the fuel channel, so as to prevent any further fuel failures due to overheating. It is
a calculated number.
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74 The Essential CANDU
were excluded.
The contributors to the SCDF are shown in Figure 30. Note that it is the high-frequency initiat-
ing events, including many AOOs, that dominate the SCDF; the bounding accidents such as large
LOCAs contribute very little and hence are much less risk-significant.
4.3 Problems
1. What can you say quantitatively about the probability of a pressure-tube/calandria tube
failure in a CANDU, based on that fact that only one has occurred? You will need to calculate the
number of reactor-years of experience with CANDU operation. Use Bayes’ Theorem.
2. Two 100% electrical motor-driven auxiliary feed-water pumps are located in the turbine
building and depend on recirculated cooling water and two independent power supplies. They
have the flow capability to mitigate steam- and feed water-line breaks. Identify common mode
and common-cause failures. The utility wants to extend the life of the plant and is planning
refurbishment. What mitigation features or modifications would you include to reduce or
eliminate these failures?
3. Develop a set of high-level safety goals for a military-use nuclear submarine. They can
be, but do not have to be, numerical. The most important part of your answer is to explain and
justify it, not whether or not it matches someone else’s “official” goals. Consider any differ-
ences due to docked versus at-sea and peacetime versus war.
4. Small reactors could be used in remote northern communities for heating and electricity
production. They would replace very expensive diesel generators, the fuel for which has to be
flown in, whereas the reactor could be designed to be refueled once in twenty years. Small
reactors have also been used for powering unattended remote military installations. Propose
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76 The Essential CANDU
5 Mitigating systems
In previous sections, we have referred to the four safety functions required in a nuclear reactor:
shut down the reactor
remove decay heat
contain any radioactive material
monitor the state of the plant.
In this section, we shall describe the major systems that perform these functions. We shall
concentrate on CANDU for our examples, although other reactor types have similar systems.
First, however, we need to ask how much redundancy and independence we need for each
safety function. This concept is called defence-in-depth and is a fundamental underpinning of
nuclear safety.
5.1 Defence-in-Depth
The concept of defence-in-depth was developed for military purposes. At one level, it consists
of a series of physical barriers, so that breaching any one barrier (or even more) does not lead
to disaster. The Krak Castle in Syria is one such example, where an (ancient) intruder would
have to breach the moat, the outer wall, the inner wall, and the keep to capture the ruler. More
generally, defence in depth requires that a defender deploy his resources, such as fortifications,
field works, and military units both at and well behind the front line, so that a breach in the
front line does not lead directly to defeat.
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78 The Essential CANDU
the various approaches in Section 2, e.g., large loss-of-coolant accident, loss of reactivity
control, loss of Class IV power, etc. Each of these accidents contributes to answering the
following questions, and the limiting value in each case becomes a design requirement for the
shutdown system:
How is negative reactivity inserted into the core?
How fast does the system have to act once it receives a signal?
How much reactivity depth must it have (how many negative milli-k?)
How reliable must it be?
What are the analysis limits that describe effectiveness?
What sorts of signals are available and practical to trigger the shutdown system for
each accident?
What sort of environment must the shutdown system be designed to withstand?
How do we ensure that a fault does not affect both the control system and a shut-
down system? Or both shutdown systems?
How do we know that the systems will work as designed?
How does the operator know that the system has been required and that it has
We shall cover these topics in turn. Many of these questions are common to other safety
systems, and therefore we shall explore them in detail the first time and simply refer to them
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 79
spring-loaded, which accelerates them over the first few feet of travel. Mechanically, the rod is
suspended on a cable running over a pulley, which is released by a clutch and wound back up by
a motor. The rod itself falls into a perforated guide tube within the moderator; the purpose of
the guide tube is to make sure that the rod falls straight in and does not tip over or snag.
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5.2.2 Speed
The required speed is set by the fastest accident. In CANDU, this is the large loss-of-coolant
accident, where the break is assumed to grow to full size instantaneously—a very pessimistic
assumption and inconsistent with what we know of pipe dynamics [Tregoning, 2008]. Core
voiding for such a case inserts positive reactivity at a rate of approximately 4 mk/sec. One of
the main safety requirements during this phase is to prevent melting of the central part of any
fuel pin due to overpower, because significant amounts of molten fuel could risk failure of the
nearby pressure tube. As long as the net positive reactivity is kept below approximately 6 mk,
depending on the design and the assumptions, the energy is not sufficient to melt the centre of
the fuel. This then suggests that the shutdown system has to start to bite (insert negative
reactivity) in approximately one second, and that the initial reactivity insertion rate has to
overcome the 6 mk already inserted, as well as turning the transient over by 1.5 seconds—in
other words, tens of (negative) mk/sec.
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5.2.4 Availability
Demand unavailability is expressed in dimensionless units, although it is also written as
hours/year or years/year. The required unavailability is set primarily by the safety goals applied
to the reactor by the regulator, and for current CANDUs, it is at most one failure per 1000
demands (10-3 per demand) for safety systems. Experience has shown that the shutdown
systems normally meet approximately 10-4 per demand. Unavailability values much lower than
this are possible, but are usually not credited for a single system because of:
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82 The Essential CANDU
5.2.6 Signals
A shutdown system must detect an accident soon enough that the analysis limits are met.
Some of the commonly used trip signals are listed in Table 8 (this list is illustrative rather than
Manual trip is credited if the time scales are long—typically fifteen minutes from the first clear
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 83
signal of the accident in the main control room—and if there is no practical alternative.
For plants where portions of the steam mains are within containment
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84 The Essential CANDU
accident. If it is not possible to meet this requirement, then a redundant system is needed. For
example, a major fire in or near the main control room would require shutdown (because it
could affect the control computers) and at the same time would possibly damage some of the
components of Shutdown System 1 so that it would not respond (although it would very likely
fail safe)—and therefore SDS2 (which does not depend on the integrity of the main control
room) is used as a back-up to perform this safety function.
The shutdown mechanisms in CANDU act mostly within the moderator, which protects them
from some of the effects of accidents—but not all. For example, we must design so that:
no high-energy pipes are within striking distance of the reactivity mechanisms deck
on top of the reactor, where the shut-off rod clutches and pulleys are located.
an in-core break cannot disable shut-off rods to the extent that the system does not
meet its reactivity depth requirements (it is not possible to protect all the guide
tubes and rods from pipe whip and jet forces from an in-core break).
shutdown-system cables and instruments are separated to the extent practical so
that a local fire will not incapacitate both shutdown systems.
steam, high temperatures, water, and high radiation fields from an accident must not
prevent a shutdown system from firing when needed (once it has fired, however,
such protection is no longer needed).
shaking due to an earthquake must not prevent the shutdown system from actuating
nor slow it down so severely that it cannot meet its analysis limits.
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5.2.9 Testing
Section discussed the link between testing and avail-
ability. It is not practical to test safety systems fully during on-
power operation; instead, they are designed to have their
components tested in such a way as to preclude actual system
operation. Specifically, the testing of the logic is separated
from that of the final mechanism, and the mechanism is
tested in stages, not all at once.
All safety systems in CANDU have three logic channels, with
two out of three being sufficient to initiate the trip or safety- Figure 35 2/3 logic
system action (Figure 35). The requirement that two channels
must both vote for a trip reduces the likelihood of spurious
trips due to a single component failure. On the other hand, the reactor will still trip if required
even if one channel is unavailable (failed unsafe). Finally, a single channel can be tested without
tripping the reactor.
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The shut-off rods are designed to be partially dropped individually in a test. In other words,
shortly after the clutch has released and the rod begins to fall, the clutch can be re-energized
and the rod “caught” before it enters the core. This proves that the rod is not stuck in the first
part of its travel. Typically, each rod is partially dropped about once a week.
For Shutdown System 2, Figure 36 shows one way of testing each logic channel and each valve
without firing the system, while any two channels which trip will fire the system. Testing any
single logic channel opens two valves, but does not allow (much) poison to leak into the mod-
Performance testing is usually done by
measuring the speed of actuation of one or
more components. Therefore, on a partial
rod drop, one can determine how long it
takes the rod to reach the point when it is
caught, or one can test the valve opening
times on SDS2. Before a scheduled shut-
down, a full actuation test of the shutdown
system measures the rod drop versus time
and the actual power rundown.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 87
How much heat must they remove (full power, decay heat, decay heat after x min-
utes, etc.)?
Where are they connected (primary side, secondary side, etc.)?
How are they initiated?
Under what conditions can they operate (pressure, temperature)?
What is their reliability?
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88 The Essential CANDU
melting, but will not prevent extensive fuel damage and distortion of the fuel channels (Figure
The shield tank surrounding the calandria (see also Figure 39) has its own heat-removal system
(pumps and heat exchangers) and can be used in a severe core-damage accident, e.g., if a LOCA
plus loss of ECC plus loss of moderator heat removal all occur. In current CANDUs, the shield
tank does not have enough heat-removal capability (0.3%) to match that being generated by the
fuel; in addition, the causes for the failure of ECC and moderator cooling may also have disabled
the heat-removal capability of the shield
tank (e.g., loss of electrical power, loss of
service water). However, several current
CANDUs and all new ones, have installed
gravity-driven makeup to the shield tank
and/or the calandria to provide a much
longer-term heat-removal capability.
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5.3.5 Reliability
Unlike the case of shutdown systems, the mission time of decay heat-removal systems can
extend to days or months, and therefore we need to determine both the demand availability
(reliability to start) and the running reliability once the system has started. A typical active
decay heat-removal system consists of pumps, which require electrical power, and heat ex-
changers, which require a source of cooling water, which in turn requires electrical power.
Unavailabilities in the range of 10-2 to 10-3 to start and 10-1 to 10-2 over a specified mission time
are typical. Therefore, redundancy in decay heat-removal systems is necessary.
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92 The Essential CANDU
A high-pressure initial injection phase limits fuel overheating for small breaks and forces
early cooling for large breaks (to limit pressure-tube deformation and early fuel damage).
Typical injection pressure is 5.3 MPa. In CANDU 6, high-pressure injection comes from two
water tanks which are pressurized by gas at the time of a LOCA signal. In some multi-unit
CANDU plants, this high-pressure phase is supplied by electrically driven pumps because the
reliability of Class IV power tends to be very high (it can be obtained from other operating
units as well as the grid).
Medium-pressure injection takes over when the high-pressure water tanks are nearly empty.
It uses medium-pressure (~1 MPa) pumps and draws cold water from the dousing tank or a
similar reservoir. It pumps this water into the same locations (all headers) as the high-
pressure ECC. The medium-pressure phase ensures that enough water has collected in the
basement of the containment building before the next (recovery) phase starts.
In recovery injection, the medium-pressure ECC pumps are switched over to take water from
the sump in the basement. They pump this water through dedicated ECC heat exchangers
before returning it to the heat-transport system. This phase is the long-term heat sink.
Figure 41 shows the three phases schematically for a large LOCA.
Crash cooldown is more significant. If a break is small, less than, say, a feeder failure, it is not
able to depressurize the heat-transport system down to ECC pressure or to keep it below ECC
pressure once injection begins. Crash cooldown opens all the MSSVs on all the steam lines and
blows down the steam-generator secondary side to near atmospheric pressure over about 15
minutes. Because the steam generators are still a heat sink for the primary coolant in a small
LOCA, this forces the primary-side pressure down over the same time scale. Therefore, it
ensures that ECC is not blocked by the heat-transport pressure “hanging up” at secondary-side
pressure and that the unfailed loop will also be refilled by ECC. Some CANDUs (Darlington) use
high-pressure pumps for a small LOCA and are not as dependent on crash cooldown for this
5.4.6 Reliability
As a safety system, the ECC must meet a demand unavailability of 10-3 or less. A running
unreliability of 10-2 over the three-month mission time has been used as a design target.
Availability will be better because fuel will heat up more slowly in the longer term if interrup-
tions in ECC occur; hence, there may be time to repair the fault in ECC before further fuel
damage occurs.
5.5 Containment
The important aspects of containment are the following:
1. What is the design pressure?
2. What is the leak rate at design pressure?
3. How is pressure controlled? How is heat removed?
4. How is containment isolation ensured?
5. What is the containment reliability?
6. What other functions must containment perform?
Should the pressure exceed the design pressure, the building will not explode (typical safety
margins on massive failure of the building are a factor of about three over the design pressure;
see [Rizkalla, 1984], [Rizkalla, 1986]). However, the leak rate is harder to predict because the
leak area may increase. In particular the leak-tightness of any penetrations and seals above
design pressure is dependent on their detailed design and will need to be determined on a case-
by-case basis. In any event, for an epoxy-lined containment, leakage would increase through
penetrations and cracks before the internal pressure reached failure pressure, and therefore it
would be very unlikely for the building to fail catastrophically.
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[Morison, 1987]). The sprays are likewise self-actuated on the pressure differential caused by
the LOCA. The water sprays condense the steam and reduce the internal pressure. The con-
tainment pressure quickly goes sub-atmospheric and remains so for several days after an
accident, meaning that leakage is inward, not outward.
The single-unit CANDU 6 also uses pressure suppression (Figure 42). The sprays and the ele-
vated water tank are located in the reactor building. There are six spray arms, each with spray
valves, arranged as two valves in series on each spray arm (to avoid a spurious douse). The
valves on three spray arms are pneumatically operated, and for diversity, the valves on the
other three are electrically operated. The containment building is made of pre-stressed, post-
tensioned concrete with an epoxy liner for leak-tightness. Dousing cycles on and off for small
breaks, but for large breaks, it remains on until the dousing water is used up and is all on the
basement floor of the reactor building. Dousing does not control pressure in the long term
because it is used up in the early part of an accident.
In the longer term, heat can be removed by containment air coolers. These require both water
and electrical power. Alternatively, low-flow sprays can also be used, with heat being removed
from the spray water by heat exchangers and the cooled water pumped back up to the spray
5.5.3 Isolation
In normal operation, containment is not a sealed system. Many fluid lines penetrate the build-
ing (e.g., steam lines, feed-water lines, service water lines, instrument lines). For CANDUs, the
building is normally ventilated for atmospheric temperature control, especially because person-
nel access to parts of the building is possible and required during operation. Some penetra-
tions, particularly ventilation, could be pathways for release of radioactive material if an acci-
dent should occur, and therefore, on an accident signal, these are automatically isolated.
Steam, feed-water, and service-water lines are not isolated immediately in CANDU practice
because continuing to use a running system is more reliable than stopping it and starting up
another one. For LWRs, the opposite approach is taken due to a different philosophy of con-
tainment isolation [USNRC, 2013] and partly due to the reactivity increase on a steam-line break
in LWRs. However, main steam isolating valves (MSIVs) are used in recent CANDUs to prevent
leakage to the environment through a pre-existing steam-generator tube failure after an acci-
dent, but they are manually operated and slow. Feed water and service water are not normally
5.5.4 Reliability
As a special safety system, the containment must meet a demand unavailability of 10-3
years/year or less. Containment leak-tightness is tested every few years by pressurizing the
building and measuring the leak rate. This is an invasive and expensive test, and if the leak rate
exceeds the requirement, one must assume that a containment impairment has existed for half
the interval between tests. Therefore, on-line leakage monitoring systems are being deployed
in existing reactors. The containment isolation system is likewise tested during operation to
prove that its unavailability target is not being exceeded.
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98 The Essential CANDU
5.6 Monitoring
For most accidents, the plant state is monitored from the main control room (MCR), and the
safety functions of shutdown, heat removal, and containment can be performed from there.
Some accidents, however, can render the MCR uninhabitable or inoperable: for example,
earthquakes, fire in the MCR, hostile takeover, aircraft strikes, and high radiation fields. A
secondary control area (SCA) is provided for such eventualities; the operators relocate to the
SCA and can perform the required safety functions from there.
5.7 Problems
1. Select an accident from the case studies discussed in Section 3 and analyze it in terms of
the five levels of defence in depth (both barriers and objectives). Which aspects were present?
Which were missing?
2. Consider the ZED-2 reactor described in Section 2.7. What elements of defence in depth
are present in this design? What elements are missing? Why might it be acceptable to have
missing or weak levels of defence-in-depth?
3. Using the SLOWPOKE 10MW heating reactor described in Section 2.7, describe the
possible shutdown-system requirements in terms of design, rate, depth, signals, margins,
environment, and independence. Give reasons—do not simply copy existing material.
4. Using the ZED-2 zero-power research reactor described in Section 2.7, describe the
possible shutdown-system (moderator dump) requirements in terms of design, rate, depth,
signals, margins, environment, and independence. Give reasons—do not simply copy existing
5. Look up (e.g., from the USNRC web site) the design of either the EPR or AP1000 decay
heat-removal systems. Summarize them and discuss advantages and disadvantages compared
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 99
to the CANDU decay heat-removal systems (choose one CANDU plant for your comparison). If
you do not have access to CANDU information, simply compare EPR and AP1000 decay heat
removal systems.
6. What are the options for heat removal from containment after a severe accident (core
damage)? What are the pros and cons of each of these options? Feel free to look up what
choices have been made by modern designs.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 101
6.2 Margins
A discussion of margins must start by defining the essential physical barriers that need to be
preserved, or their degradation limited, to meet regulatory dose limits with confidence.
Typically, these barriers are the fuel matrix, the fuel sheath, and the heat-transport system
including the pressure tube, the calandria tube, and the calandria shell. To prevent failure of an
essential barrier, physically based quantitative parameter limits are chosen for each failure
mechanism—e.g., Tfuel < 2800°C is a parameter limit (no fuel melting) which will prevent one
mechanism of failure of the pressure-tube barrier through local strain. More conservative
surrogate criteria are chosen if the parameter limit is uncertain. Analysis limits are chosen to
ensure that the parameter limit or surrogate criterion is met. This framework, along with the
use of conservative assumptions and data in the safety analysis, gives the margin to the barrier
failure point, as shown in Figure 44.
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102 The Essential CANDU
Figure 44 Margins
Of necessity, many assumptions about plant operation are made in safety analysis. These are
usually chosen to envelop actual or expected operation—for example, safety analysis will use a
maximum bundle power that is greater than that expected in operation. The plant must oper-
ate consistently with the assumptions in the safety analysis. The operators therefore define a
safe operating envelope (SOE) of parameters under operational control6. Operating the plant
within this envelope ensures consistency with the safety analysis assumptions and incidentally
provides another margin to the results of safety analysis. It is important that the safety analyst
not make assumptions that are too restrictive because this will unnecessarily limit operation.
Other methods of safety analysis are best estimate with analysis of uncertainties (BEAU), which
we will cover later, and best-estimate analysis, which is used for severe accidents.
In other countries, a set of Technical Specifications serves a similar purpose.
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104 The Essential CANDU
an accident (if any) and the release of fission products to the fuel channel. Codes used include
ELESTRES-IST for initial fuel conditions and ELOCA-IST for transient behaviour [Lewis, 2009].
Under certain circumstances, such as a large LOCA combined with loss of ECC injection, the
pressure tube will overheat and (depending on the internal pressure) sag or strain into contact
with the calandria tube. This requires models of the pressure-tube thermal-mechanical tran-
sient behaviour to predict the extent of deformation and the pressure-tube temperature and
internal pressure when or if it contacts the calandria tube. Such models are now part of the
system thermo-hydraulics code.
The behaviour of a channel subsequent to such contact depends on the heat transfer from the
calandria tube to the moderator. Further deformation will not occur if the calandria-tube outer
surface does not dry out, or at least does not go into widespread film boiling. This in turn
depends on the heat transfer coefficient between the pressure tube and the calandria tube, and
the local moderator sub-cooling. For the first, there are theoretical models and comparisons
with experiment – see, e.g., [Currie, 1984] and [Currie, 1986]. For the second, a two- or three-
dimensional prediction of moderator temperatures (and hence flows) is required. Of most
interest is the steady-state distribution at the time of contact, although transient calculations
are required for in-core breaks. The current industry code is MODTURC-CLAS. See [Xu, 1999]
for a brief description of MODTURC-CLAS and a good summary of thermo-hydraulic codes used
Following the release of fission products from the fuel, their movement through the heat
transport system to containment and then within containment should be predicted. To date,
CANDU safety analysis has not used models for fission-product transport within the HTS and for
deposition on surfaces such as end fittings and feeder piping, although this is clearly an area
which could be included and has been the subject of intensive R&D over a number of years.
However, the partitioning of fission products between steam and water phases at the break and
within containment has been modelled, as has long-term formation and transport of organic
iodides within and from the water pool. See [Wren, 1999] and [Wren, 2001].
The containment-pressure transient calculation uses the transient energy release from the
break and includes sub-models for dousing, containment air coolers, fission products, hydrogen
transport, and natural and forced circulation. Multi-node, multi-fluid (water, steam, air, hydro-
gen) three-dimensional containment models are used for this analysis. The GOTHIC interna-
tional code is used for CANDU; see, e.g., [Andreani, 2010].
The final step is calculation of dose to the public. The atmospheric dispersion model typically
uses a Gaussian plume model to predict exposure as a function of distance from the station; the
input is the predicted transient release of radionuclides from containment for each accident.
See [Boss, 2006] for an example. The weather assumed is traditionally the worst weather
occurring more than 10% of the time at the site. Exposure-to-dose calculations use standard
ICRP-recommended conversion factors ([ICRP, 2010], [ICRP, 2012]).
Figure 45 shows this whole process as a flowchart.
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106 The Essential CANDU
6.4.2 Thermo-hydraulics
The major integral facility used for validation of system thermo-hydraulic codes is RD-14M,
shown in Figure 47 [Buell, 2003]. It is a full-elevation model of a typical figure-of-eight CANDU
reactor heat-transport system, at full pressure and temperature conditions, and with ten full-
length electrically heated channels. All HTS components are simulated: channels, end-fittings,
feeders, headers, and steam generators. Mass flux, transit times, and pressure and enthalpy
distributions are similar to CANDU. Tests cover all phases of a large or small LOCA scenario,
including blowdown and refill, natural circulation in single-phase and two-phase, and loss of
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 107
shutdown cooling.
6.4.3 Fuel
Separate-effects fuel testing is performed out-of-reactor. For integral tests, the NRU reactor has
a vertical in-core loop that can be loaded with CANDU fuel elements and subjected to a LOCA
(Blowdown Test Facility). Fuel behaviour during extended post-dryout operation has also been
studied in the NRU loops.
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Maximize overpower
Fresh transient
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116 The Essential CANDU
Steam Generators
HTS Pumps
1) Pump Suction
2) Inlet Header
Reactor/Fuel Channels
Pickering A and B, CANDU 6, and Darlington
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 117
Fuel overheating increases the gas pressure inside the sheath relative to the coolant
pressure, which is falling, and can force the sheath to strain. Some fuel sheaths may fail.
The temperature excursion depends on the break size, which is traditionally chosen to
“stagnate” the flow in the downstream channels, e.g., 30%-40% RIH breaks8 in Figure 54.
The percentage is twice the cross-sectional area of the pipe; hence, a 100% break is twice the cross-sectional
area, allowing for discharge of coolant from both ends of the broken pipe. Note that other breaks may also
stagnate at different times; which one results in the highest fuel and sheath temperatures is determined by
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These requirements for barrier protection can be translated into analysis limits, as discussed
earlier. A detailed list of analysis limits is outside the scope of this Chapter.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 123
some typical accidents in Table 13. Relevant coefficients are shown in brackets.
For further information, a detailed and quantitative comparison of power transients in LWRs
and CANDUs has been given by Meneley and Muzumdar in two papers. The first [Meneley,
2009] gives an overview comparison of positive reactivity insertion accidents, whereas the
second [Muzumdar, 2009] looks specifically at large LOCA events in CANDU. These papers are
recommended reading for those wishing to understand further the safety differences and
similarities between the two reactor concepts.
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For Bruce and Darlington, the steam line runs entirely outside the containment boundary.
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128 The Essential CANDU
inventory, heat removal from the heat-transport system degrades, and the operator is required
to initiate an alternate heat sink such as the shutdown cooling system. Note that because the
shutdown cooling system is a high-pressure heat-removal system, the operator does not need
to depressurize the HTS before initiating this alternate heat sink in emergencies.
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132 The Essential CANDU
under its own weight as well as that of the supported channels [Simpson, 1996]. This process
continues as more channels are uncovered. As sagging increases, channel segments separate
near the bundle junctions by sag-induced local strain. A suspended debris bed is thus formed
which moves downward with the falling moderator level. Because a submerged channel can
support only a certain number of channels, the ends of those channels are expected to fail by
shear. This process will increase the loading on the channels below, leading to progressive
failure of the channels and resulting ultimately in the collapse of the reactor core into the water
pool in the bottom of the calandria vessel.
To address the plant state once the debris has collapsed to the bottom of the calandria, Rogers
et al. [Rogers, 1995] developed an empirically based mechanistic model (Figure 62) of the
collapse process, which showed (assuming that the reactor vault is kept full of water) that the
end-state consists of a bed of dry, solid, coarse debris irrespective of the initiating event and the
core-collapse process. Heating of the debris bed is relatively slow because of the low power
density of the mixed debris and the spatial dispersion provided by the calandria shell, with
melting possibly beginning in the interior of the bed about two hours after the start of bed
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 133
fail, in the shield tank / reactor vault. Only if these also fail will debris be in contact
with the containment boundary
Amenable to mitigation by adding water to either the moderator or the reactor vault
/ shield tank.
Some validation of CANDU severe-accident phenomena has been carried out at both large and
small scales. Results obtained from the RASPLAV facility in Moscow have been used to support
heat transfer through vessel walls and retention of debris in a vessel: see [Ader, 1998] and
[Rogers, 2002]. See [Mathew, 2004] for a summary.
6.15 Problems
1. Consider loss of cooling of the spent-fuel bay due to loss of electrical power to the
cooling system. What operating parameters would have the most influence on the outcome,
and how would you select conservative values? What tools would you need to analyze the
accident (i.e., what capabilities would they have to have)?
2. Estimate the evolution (using hand calculations if necessary) of the following severe
accident in CANDU: small loss of coolant plus loss of ECC (assume that crash cooldown is
available because it is on a redundant signal) plus loss of moderator cooling. Write down the
expected event sequence (based on the list below) and estimate the approximate time of:
reactor trip
start of fuel overheating
failure of first channel
core collapse
shield-tank failure
containment behaviour.
Only an approximate answer is sought (to do this accurately could take weeks). If you cannot
obtain the physical data in some cases, especially for the last item, use symbols to show how
you would do the calculation. One approach is to use heat balance.
3. Consider a CANDU that has undergone a severe core-damage accident. Assume that the
core has collapsed into a debris bed at the bottom of the calandria and is being cooled by
boiling of the shield-tank water. Calculate the depth of the debris bed in the calandria (assum-
ing zero porosity) and the average heat flux through the calandria wall. Do the calculation at 12
hours after the event. You will need to look up typical CANDU geometry [AECL, 2005] and
calculate the core decay heat. Do not strive for high accuracy.
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Nf(t) is the number of neutrons as a function of time t
k is the multiplication factor for an infinite reactor
ρ is the reactivity
is the total delayed neutron fraction
lp is the prompt neutron lifetime
M is the number of delayed neutron groups (chosen by the analyst, typically 6)
i is the decay constant of the ith delayed neutron group
Ci is the number of neutrons of the ith delayed neutron group,
and for each delayed neutron group:
dCi i N f (t )
i Ci , (33)
dt l p (1 )
Pd(t) is the power produced by all decaying fission products at time t
ni(t) is the number of atoms decaying per unit time of fission product i at time t
Ei is the average energy produced by the decay of each atom of fission product i.
This is more complex than it seems because ni(t) will depend on the irradiation history, each
fission product may have more than one decay chain (with different energies), and many fission
products are generated. In practice, such a fundamental calculation is done as a reference,
assuming a rapid shutdown after equilibrium operation. In most cases, the evolution of the
accident (because it is short) does not materially change the decay power, so that the results
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 137
from the fundamental calculation can be fitted using a series of exponentials, and the curve fit
is simply added to the fission power predicted by the physics codes. In exceptional cases, such
as an accident occurring during power manoeuvring, the result will not be very accurate, but as
with any analysis, an upper bound can be assumed (e.g., assuming the decay power appropriate
to prolonged steady-state operation at the maximum operating power level before the acci-
dent). Such a trade-off between simplified assumptions which give a conservative bound to an
answer, and more realistic assumptions which require more sophisticated analysis tools, is very
common in safety analysis. Because safety analysis resources, like all other resources, are finite,
part of the art of safety analysis is in judging when to use bounding assumptions and when to
use realistic complex models. The difficulty is, of course, that bounding models may lead to
unnecessary restrictions on operation, as discussed in Section 6.2.
7.3 Fuel
The key safety parameters related to fuel are:
fuel-sheath integrity
fission product inventory in (and release from) the fuel, and
fuel temperature.
Prediction of fuel temperature in CANDU is important because:
it drives sheath temperature and hence sheath integrity;
high fuel temperatures drive pressure-tube deformation rates;
limited fuel melting can lead directly to fuel-sheath failure;
extensive melting can lead to pressure-tube failure;
release of fission products from the fuel increases with fuel temperature;
reactivity feedback from fuel temperature does occur, although it is small in CANDU.
to a maximum of about 10% for typical CANDU operating conditions [Lewis, 1990].
At any given burnup, a larger fraction of the fission product gases is released near the centre of
the pellet, where the temperature is highest. All volatile fission products tend to migrate down
the temperature gradient toward the outside of the pellet. Their diffusion is assisted by the fact
that the pellet cracks under the influence of the temperature gradient; this cracking increases
with fuel burnup and pellet centre temperature.
In summary:
(a) at low burnup or temperature, nearly all fission products are trapped in fuel grains;
(b) fission products trapped at grain boundaries increase with temperature and burnup;
(c) the gas-gap inventory increases steadily with fuel temperature and burnup.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 139
H a 2
q , (42)
2 (a b)
so that
Ha 2
TSo TC . (43)
2h(a b)
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140 The Essential CANDU
Typical values in CANDU fuel are (see [Page, 1972] for a summary):
kF = 0.004 kW/m.°C
kS = 0.017 kW/m.°C
hg = 7–60 kW/m2.°C
a = 6.07 mm
b = 0.42 mm.
Heat capacity, c, does not enter the steady-state equations, but is important in transients. The
values for uranium dioxide and Zircaloy-4 are respectively 0.5 and 0.4 J/g-°C. The corresponding
heats of fusion are 27 and 42 J/g. The relatively large value of c and the high melting point
(2840°C) for UO2 represent important safety characteristics: typically, one can almost double the
stored energy relative to the normal operating point, inside UO2 before it melts. Metal fuel, on
the other hand, has little heat capacity and melts at a lower temperature, but has much higher
thermal conductivity, typically ten times more than UO2.
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P is the pressure differential across the tube,
r is the tube radius,
w is the tube thickness.
The strain rate is then expressed in terms similar to the following:
A n e k /T B me /T , (45)
where is strain, A, B, k, l, m, n are determined by experiment, and T is temperature.
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142 The Essential CANDU
where the Wk are all the mass flows into and out of node i along links k.
The conservation of momentum equation is applied to link k and is (ignoring gravity):
dWk Ak f k Lk Wk 2
( P P ) k k 2
, (47)
2 g c Ak
dt Lk Dk
where for the link:
W is the mass flow in link k (in Figure 66, between nodes i and j)
A is the flow area
P is the pressure in the nodes connected to the link
L is the length
D is the hydraulic diameter
f is the friction factor
(fL/D + k) is a pressure-loss coefficient which accommodates changes in flow area, en-
trance effects, etc.
The first term is simply Newton’s law applied to a fluid to which a pressure difference is applied;
the second term is the loss due to friction plus other effects that cause pressure loss. Terms for
pumps and gravity can be added.
Conservation of energy is applied to each node i as follows:
dU i
Win ein Wout eout Qi , (48)
Ui is the internal energy of node i
Qi is the heat generated in node i.
The summations are the rates of energies coming into and out of node i due to mass transfer.
These three equations are applied to each phase. There are four unknowns, e.g., mass, mo-
mentum, temperature, and pressure. The fourth equation needed is the equation of state for
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ε is emissivity
T is temperature in degrees Kelvin
σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (1.36 × 10-4 kilo-calories per metre2-second-K)
f refers to fuel and PT to pressure tube.
A similar equation would apply to radiation from the pressure tube and from the steam itself,
although these quantities tend to be small.
In practice, radiation becomes important at sheath temperatures of approximately 800°C or
more and is approximately equal to the decay power in the fuel around 1200°C–1400°C. In
practice, the hard part is working out the geometry: computer codes break the complex fuel
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144 The Essential CANDU
bundle and pressure tube into smaller pieces, calculate the “view factor” (how much of the
pressure tube or neighbouring fuel element each piece can “see”) for each piece, and calculate
the radiation heat transfer piece by piece.
Heat can also be transferred from the calandria tube to the moderator, which is significant after
pressure-tube contact (see below). The heat-transfer characteristics follow a pool boiling curve.
Limited patches of film boiling can be tolerated for short periods after contact; lengthy or
extensive dryout will lead to calandria-tube (and pressure-tube) failure.
7.5.2 Strain
The pressure tube can be heated by conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer from the
coolant and the hot fuel. If the pressure tube heats up beyond 800°C or so, it will start to
deform plastically. If the channel pressure is high (> 6MPa), the strain highly localized, or both,
the pressure tube may burst; if not, it will either strain radially or sag under gravity to contact
the calandria tube and transfer heat to the moderator water. The equations for pressure-tube
strain are, not surprisingly, similar to those for sheath strain.
7.5.3 Hydrogen
At high temperatures, Zircaloy oxidizes in steam to produce heat and hydrogen:
Zr 2 H 2O ZrO2 2 H 2 heat . (50)
This is a quadruple threat:
hydrogen collects in containment (significant amounts of hydrogen can be produced
quickly only by a LOCA with ECC failure or in a severe core-damage accident) and
can, under the right circumstances, become flammable or detonate; hydrogen can
also be produced slowly over the long term by radiolysis (radiolytic decomposition)
of ECC water as it circulates through the core;
the heat generated by the chemical reaction increases fuel and pressure-tube tem-
the presence of a non-condensable gas in large quantities can impede ECC water if
the operator tries to recover from an impairment of ECC by injecting water late10;
the formation of zirconium dioxide may embrittle the sheaths so that they may
fragment and block cooling flow if ECC is eventually restored.
Correlations of the reaction rate of steam and Zircaloy therefore form an essential part of fuel-
channel codes.
The reaction rate becomes autocatalytic around 1400°C–1500°C, that is, the heat it generates
This was the fear behind the “gas bubble” within the reactor vessel during the Three Mile Island accident. The
concern was not burning within the vessel because no oxygen was present. The hydrogen which escaped to
containment, which did contain oxygen, formed a flammable mixture of 9% hydrogen and did indeed burn without
serious consequences [Jaffe, 1979].
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keeps the chemical reaction going with no further heat input. In light-water reactors, this is a
major concern: the fuel elements are close together, so there is no place to which the heat can
radiate. Regulatory practice in the United States sets a strict limit on sheath temperature in a
design basis accident—namely, 1200oC—which was chosen to allow little possibility of an
autocatalytic reaction. In CANDU, the presence of the colder pressure tube less than a few
centimetres from each fuel element moderates the reaction. Embrittlement is still a concern,
but regulatory practice permits calculation of actual oxidation rates and thicknesses, rather than
setting a criterion based on temperature alone; the particular criterion used in Canada is: “the
oxygen concentration in the cladding must remain below 0.7 wt.% over at least half of the
cladding thickness” (see [Grandjean, 2008] for a broad review).
7.6 Moderator
The modelling requirement for the moderator is to predict the transient local water tempera-
ture at each point. The objective is to show that local moderator sub-cooling at any location
where the pressure tube contacts the calandria tube in an accident is sufficient to prevent
prolonged film boiling on the outside of the calandria tube. The physical problem is therefore
solution of three-dimensional fluid flow with heat addition in a porous medium; the medium is
not continuous because of the presence of fuel channels, reactivity devices, etc. The mass,
momentum, and energy equations described above are therefore generalized to three dimen-
sions. Experimental validation is, of course, a must because of the complex geometry.
7.7 Containment
As far as fundamental equations are concerned, containment behaviour is governed by the
same physical phenomena as the heat-transport system, with a few complications:
the containment volume is compartmentalized, and the flow within the larger com-
partments is three-dimensional;
a number of different fluids coexist: air (the normal contents of containment), steam
and water from a pipe break, and hydrogen if the sheaths are heavily oxidized;
heat is added by steam and hot water and also by radioactive decay of any fission
products carried into the containment atmosphere by the discharging fluid; heat is
removed by water sprays, condensation on containment and equipment surfaces,
containment air coolers, and indirectly by ECC in recovery mode;
pressure can also be influenced by use of the vacuum building (in multi-unit plants),
leakage from containment through cracks, and deliberate venting through filters.
Containment codes usually have sub-models for each of these phenomena.
Many containment codes also track the movement of fission products along with other fluids.
Fission products can exist as:
noble gases, which interact very little with water or surfaces;
tritium oxide (specifically the mixed oxide DTO) from the coolant or moderator.
iodine, cesium, strontium, etc. which interact strongly with water (dissolve and ion-
ize) and tend to plate out on surfaces;
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146 The Essential CANDU
actinides such as plutonium. These are released from the fuel in quantity only if the
core is massively destroyed.
Generally, iodine-131 is the significant radioisotope of concern because of its short half-life (8.1
days), high-energy gamma emission, and ability to get into the food chain as described in
Section 7.8.3.
As long as the pH of water inside containment is high, iodine will stay dissolved in the water.
High pH can be engineered through storage of chemicals such as tri-sodium phosphate in areas
likely to flood in an accident. However, a fraction of the iodine will react with organic material
in containment and form methyl iodide, which is volatile, not very soluble, and hard to capture
on filters. In an accident, any iodine-131 which does leak from containment is therefore likely to
be in this chemical form.
Table 14 gives the inventories of the most important noble gases and iodine fission products
computed for a typical 1000 MWe (PWR) plant at the end of a fuel cycle. This example is
illustrative: the time-average inventory would be different in a 1000 MWe CANDU partly be-
cause of on-power fuelling and lower burnup.
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148 The Essential CANDU
7.8.3 Dose
Release of radioactive material from containment leads to an external dose to humans (often
called “cloud” dose) which depends on the ambient radiation level and an internal dose which
depends on inhaled species (and, in the longer term, ingestion of contaminated foods). External
dose is a function of exposure time to an ambient radiation level. Internal dose is a function of
radiation uptake and residence time in the body.
For example, the dose from I131 can be delivered through the following route:
released from containment
deposits on grass
eaten by cows
excreted in milk
drunk by people.
Alternatively, I131 can deposit on plants which are eaten directly by people. The external (direct)
dose from atmospheric release of I131 can also be significant.
Detailed tables have been prepared for each radioisotope which make it possible to convert
from external concentration, inhalation, and ingestion to dose. See [ICRP, 2010] for the most
recent tables. However, these are given by type of radiation rather than by radionuclide; for an
older report that does give the conversion factors by radionuclide, see [EPA, 1993].
Sample Problem
Consider a major release of radioactive Ar41 causing an air concentration χ of 108 Bq/m3. A
person is immersed in this cloud for an hour. What is his external dose?
From [EPA, 1993], Table III.1, we see that the effective dose coefficient hD for air immersion in
Ar41 is 6.5×10-14 Sv/Bq-s-m3. Hence, the dose D for an immersion of t seconds is:
D hD t 6.5 10 14 Sv/Bq-s-m 3 108 Bq/m 3 3600sec 0.23Sv . (58)
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Note that this assumes a continuous release because we have not accounted for decay; the half-
life of Ar41 is 1.83 hours.
7.9 Problems
1. Calculate the dose to a person due to the release of 1000 Ci/hour of xenon-133 from a
CANDU. Assume that the release point is 20 m high and the receptor is 1 km distant. Assume
further that the person stays in that location for 15 minutes. Consult CSA-N288.1 for any
models you need. You should be able to find dispersion factors in the (public) annual environ-
mental monitoring reports issued, e.g., by OPG.
2. How many grams does 1000 Ci of iodine-131 represent? (Hint: remember or look up the
3. Calculate the average volumetric heat generation of the fuel in a 600MW CANDU at
100% power. At what percentage power (assuming the same heat removal from the fuel as in
normal operation) would the centre of the average pin melt?
4. Do the following:
(a) Calculate the amount of hydrogen produced by oxidation of 25% of the Zircaloy in the
sheaths in a CANDU (this is not atypical of a severe accident such as a LOCA + LOECC);
(b) Calculate the amount of energy released (you will need to look up the heat of reaction)
(c) Assume that this energy is released starting from 30 minutes after the accident and ending
two hours afterwards. Compare the energy to the decay heat produced in the same time.
(d) Now assume that the hydrogen is transported into containment and burns. Calculate the
energy produced by the burn.
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150 The Essential CANDU
8 Safety of Operation
In this section, we shall touch briefly on some high-level aspects of safety in operation. No
matter how well a plant is designed, in the end, its safety strongly depends on how, and by
whom, it is operated. We shall then touch briefly on future trends in safety, notably use of
passive systems.
in safety culture.
The difficulty with safety culture was that it was hard to “get hold of”—like personal character,
one could sense when it was deficient, but it was hard to measure. INSAG therefore hastened
to elaborate on the term in a subsequent report [INSAG, 1991] entitled Safety Culture. The
term was redefined as:
“Safety culture is that assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and in-
dividuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues re-
ceive the attention warranted by their significance”.
The three concepts in this definition are that safety culture is attitudinal as well as structural;
that it relates both to organizations and individuals; and that it matches all safety requirements
with appropriate perceptions and action. Note that it gives safety a priority to the extent
warranted—it is not an absolute.
In simpler terms, the best design and the most carefully written procedures will not help if staff
does not place safety first in their thoughts and actions. See [IAEA, 2002] and [INSAG, 1999] for
more detail.
Other organizations have used variant definitions. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
[USNRC, 2011a] defines it as “the core values and behaviors resulting from a collective com-
mitment by leaders and individuals to emphasize safety over competing goals to ensure protec-
tion of people and the environment.”
Informal but revealing definitions include “Safety culture is what you do when the boss isn’t
looking”, and “Safety culture is the way we do things around here”.
To assist in recognizing a lack of safety culture, the IAEA has defined the stages of organizational
decline, as shown in Table 15.
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154 The Essential CANDU
Description People and the environ- Radiological barriers and Defence in depth
and INES ment controls at facilities
Serious Exposure in excess of ten Exposure rates of more Near accident at a
Incident Level times the statutory than 1 SV/h in an operat- nuclear power plant with
3 annual limit for workers. ing area. no safety provisions
Non-lethal deterministic Severe contamination in remaining.
health effect (e.g., burns) an area not expected by Lost or stolen highly
from radiation. design, with a low prob- radioactive sealed
ability of significant public source.
exposure. Misdelivered highly
radioactive sealed source
without adequate
radiation procedures to
Incident Exposure of a member of Radiation levels in an Significant failures in
Level 2 the public in excess of 10 operating area of more safety provisions, but
mSv. than 50 mSv/h. with no actual conse-
Exposure of a worker in Significant contamination quences.
excess of the statutory within the facility into an Found highly radioactive
annual limits. area not expected by sealed orphan source,
design. device or transport
package with safety
provisions intact.
Inadequate packaging of
a highly radioactive
sealed source.
Anomaly Overexposure of a
Level 1 member of the public
above statutory limits.
Minor problems with
safety components with
significant defence in
depth remaining.
Low-activity lost or stolen
radioactive source,
device or transport
No safety significance (Below scale/Level 0)
8.3.1 Definitions
Inherent safety refers to the achievement of safety through the elimination or exclusion of
inherent hazards through the fundamental conceptual design choices made for the nuclear
plant. This is impossible for practical reactor sizes because it requires elimination of systems
(because they would not be needed) to remove or compensate for decay heat, excess reactivity,
and high energy releases. It is possible to have inherent safety for low-energy pool reactors
such as the 20kW(th) SLOWPOKE-2 research reactor [AECL, 1976]—the total potential reactivity
addition can all be compensated for without fuel damage by the inherent negative feedback
from fuel and coolant temperatures, and the power at which this compensation is achieved can
be absorbed indefinitely by the pool and the surroundings. For larger reactors, elimination of
one or more of these hazards does, however, give a reactor an inherently safe characteristic.
Note that the hazard must be eliminated deterministically, not probabilistically; for example, a
plant is inherently safe against fires if it has no combustible material.
An ideal passive component does not need an external input to operate; a passive system is
composed of passive components and structures. Ideally a passive system has no reliance on
external mechanical or electrical power, signals, or forces. It does rely on “natural” laws,
properties of materials, and internally stored energy. Therefore, heat removal from a reactor by
thermo-siphoning to an elevated tank of water is passive, at least until the water runs out. In
practice, most passive designs do allow active signals because there is usually a need to switch
from the active heat-removal systems used in full-power operation to passive decay-heat
removal systems after an accident. CANDU shutdown systems are passive in this respect: once
they receive a signal, they actuate by gravity or stored energy.
An active component or system is one which is not passive.
Fail-safe means that a given failure leads to a safe condition; the component or system is then
fail-safe with respect to that condition. The fail-safe characteristic is specific to the failure
mode: for example, Shutdown System 2 in CANDU is fail-safe with respect to loss of electrical
power to the valves, but not to loss of gas pressure.
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156 The Essential CANDU
Grace period is the period of time during which a safety function is ensured after an accident
without the necessity for human intervention. Colloquially, it used to be called “walk-away
safe” for whatever grace period was involved—this term has unfortunate connotations (opera-
tors are not expected to walk away from an accident) and is best not used. A grace period can
be achieved through active or passive means; usually, the first line of defence is assumed to
function properly in determining the grace period. Therefore, the grace period for loss of feed
water in first-generation CANDUs is about 30 minutes because after this period, the operator
must manually valve in an alternate heat sink. For new CANDU designs, the grace period is
extended to days through use of automatic steam-generator depressurization followed by
automatic connection of the elevated reserve water tank to the steam generators. For modern
reactor designs, evolutionary or passive, a grace period of three days for most single failures is
can be carried out in a passive or pseudo-passive manner. Recall that these functions are to
shut down the reactor, to remove decay heat, and to contain any fission products. We describe
in general terms how each of these might be accomplished.
8.3.4 Summary
This Section has indicated the direction that safety may take in the future. Passive safety is
attractive because of its simplicity, public appeal, and aura of high reliability. Evolutionary
designs have also incorporated safety enhancements while both remaining economical and
posing less of an “innovation” risk to owners and operators. Once adequate (or even more than
adequate) safety is achieved, factors such as economics and proven performance may become
the determinants of the choice of technology, particularly as electricity markets become more
8.4 Problems
1. Place the following accidents on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale,
with brief reasons for your choice. You may need to research some of these if they are
not covered in the text:
1. NRX accident, 1952
2. SL-1 accident
3. Pressure-tube failure in Pickering A (G-16)
4. Fire in Narora plant in India
5. Chernobyl accident (power runaway)
6. Three Mile Island accident (core melt)
7. Fukushima tsunami-induced accident
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 159
2. If you work for a design organization or a regulator or a nuclear power plant, evaluate
its safety culture in terms of the safety culture framework defined by one or more of
INSAG, IAEA, INPO, etc. Give reasons and evidence, not just opinion.
3. Look up information on any two modern designs (e.g., Enhanced CANDU 6, Westing-
house AP1000, EPR). Compare and contrast them as follows: for each of the systems
performing the fundamental safety functions (shut down, cool, contain radioactive ma-
terial), categorize them as active or as passive categories A, B, C, or D (give reasons).
9 Review
This Chapter has summarized the basic concepts of safety for nuclear power plants. Starting
with the hazards inherent to nuclear power, it has described tools to identify possible accidents,
in particular the top-down and bottom-up approaches. Real experience has been a powerful
driver in the approach to nuclear safety, and the Chapter has described seminal historical
accidents and lessons learned—and as Fukushima has shown, learning lessons is an ongoing
process. We presented risk assessment, first in terms of safety goals for acceptable safety
performance, and then developing the probabilistic tools used to show that the goals have been
achieved. We then described (for CANDUs) mitigating systems to shut down the plant, remove
decay heat, and contain fission products in response to the needs identified by both determinis-
tic and probabilistic analyzes. We looked at accident phenomenology, using a large LOCA as a
model, and extended this discussion to CANDU characteristics in severe core-damage accidents.
Then we described (at a high level) the mathematical models underlying the safety-analysis
codes used to predict plant behaviour in accidents. Finally we looked—all too briefly—at the
safety role of the plant operators and indicated the options for the safety characteristics of
future designs.
10 References
[Ader, 1998] C. Ader, G. Heusener, and V. G. Snell, “Strategies for the Prevention and Mitigation
of Severe Accidents”, IAEA International Symposium on Evolutionary Water-Cooled Reac-
tors: Strategic Issues, Technologies, and Economic Viability, IAEA Paper No. IAEA-SM-
353-16, Korea, 1998.
[AECB, 1980] Atomic Energy Control Board, Requirements for the Safety Analysis of CANDU
Nuclear Power Plants, Consultative Document C-6, Proposed Regulatory Guide, June
[AECL, 1976] R. E. Kay, J. W. Hilborn, and N. B. Poulsen, The Self-Limiting Power Excursion
Behaviour of the Slowpoke Reactor, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report AECL-4770,
January 1976.
[AECL, 2005] Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, CANDU 6 Technical Summary, May 2005 (Primer
on CANDU 6 design).
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160 The Essential CANDU
[AECL, 2011], ZED-2 User Facility Proposal Package, AECL report ZED2-123110-REPT-001,
Revision 0, May 2011.
[Andreani, 2010] M. Andreani and D. Paladino, “Simulation of Gas Mixing and Transport in a
Multi-Compartment Geometry using the GOTHIC Containment Code and Relatively
Coarse Meshes”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 240, No. 6, pp. 1506–1527 (2010).
[Blahnik, 1991] C. Blahnik, et al., “Modular Accident Analysis Program for CANDU Reactors”,
Proc. 12th Annual Canadian Nuclear Society Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Can-
ada, June 9-12, 1991, pp. 235-242.
[Blahnik, 2012] C. Blahnik, M. J. Brown, T. Nitheanandan, and S. M. Petoukhov, “Perspective on
Analyses of Core Damage in CANDU Reactors”, 24th Nuclear Simulation Symposium, Ot-
tawa, Ontario, Canada, October 14-16, 2012.
[Boss, 2006] K. Aydogdu and C. R. Boss, “Radiation Physics and Shielding Codes and Analyses
Applied to Design-Assist and Safety Analyses of CANDU and ACR Reactors”, PHYSOR-
2006, ANS Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 10-
14, 2006.
[Brooks, 1980] G. L. Brooks and E. Siddall, “An Analysis of the Three Mile Island Accident”,
presented at the CNS First Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 1980.
[Buell, 2003] J. Buell, J. D. Dormuth, P. Ingham, and R. Swartz, RD-14M Facility Description, 153-
112020-UM-001, 2003; also USNRC ML031690499.
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[Chen, 2007] W. L. Chen, et al., “Effects of Cobalt-60 Exposure on Health of Taiwan Residents
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pp. 63–75 (2007).
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[CNSC, 2008a] Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Safety Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants,
Regulatory Document RD–310, February 2008
[CNSC, 2011] Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, CNSC Staff Integrated Safety Assessment of
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis – October 2015
Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 161
[Hurst, 1972] D. G. Hurst and F. C. Boyd, “Reactor Licensing and Safety Requirements”, Paper 72-
CNA-102, 12th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Association, Ottawa, Ontario,
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[Huterer, 1984] J. Huterer, E. C. Ha, D. G. Brown, and P. C. Cheng, “Darlington GS Vacuum Build-
ing: Containment Shell”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 85, 131-140, 1985.
[IAEA, 1991] International Atomic Energy Agency, Safety-Related Terms for Advanced Nuclear
Plants, IAEA-TECDOC-626, September 1991.
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report NS-R-1, 2000.
[IAEA, 2002] International Atomic Energy Agency, Safety Culture in Nuclear Installations, IAEA-
TECDOC-1329, December 2002.
[IAEA, 2008] International Atomic Energy Agency, Analysis of Severe Accidents in Pressurized
Heavy-Water Reactors, IAEA-TECDOC-1594, June 2008.
[IAEA, 2010] International Atomic Energy Agency, Development and Application of Level 1
Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA-SSG-3, April 2010.
[IAEA, 2011] International Atomic Energy Agency, International Fact Finding Expert Mission of
the Fukushima Dai-Ichi NPP Accident Following the Great East Japan Earthquake and
Tsunami, IAEA Report, June 16, 2011.
[IAEA, 2011a] International Atomic Energy Agency, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Commission-
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[IAEA, 2012] International Atomic Energy Agency, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design:
Specific Safety Requirements. IAEA report SSR-2/1, January 2012.
[ICRP, 1990] International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1990 Recommendations of
the ICRP, report ICRP-60, table B.
[ICRP, 2010] International Commission on Radiological Protection, Conversion Coefficients for
Radiological Protection Quantities for External Radiation Exposures, ICRP Publication
116, Ann. ICRP 40(2–5), 2010.
[ICRP, 2012] International Commission on Radiological Protection, Compendium of Dose Coeffi-
cients based on ICRP Publication 60, ICRP Publication 119, Ann. ICRP 41 (Suppl.).
[INES, 2008] International Atomic Energy Agency and OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency, INES - The
International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale - User’s Manual, 2008 Edition, IAEA,
Vienna, 2009.
[Inhaber, 1978] H. Inhaber, Risk of Energy Production, Atomic Energy Control Board report AECB
1119, March 1978.
[INPO, 2010] Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Field Guidance: Organizational Effective-
ness Evaluation and Assistance, INPO report, Revision 2, March 2010.
[INSAG, 1986] International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group, Summary Report on the Post-
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis – October 2015
Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 163
Accident Review Meeting on the Chernobyl Accident, International Atomic Energy Agency
Report 75-INSAG-1, Vienna, 1986.
[INSAG, 1991] International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group, Safety Culture, International Atomic
Energy Agency Report 75-INSAG-4, 1991.
[INSAG, 1992] International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group, The Chernobyl Accident: Updating
of INSAG-1 – INSAG 7, International Atomic Energy Agency Report INSAG-7, 1992.
[INSAG, 1996] International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group, Defence in Depth in Nuclear Safety,
International Atomic Energy Agency Report INSAG-10, 1996.
[INSAG, 1999] International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group, Basic Safety Principles for Nuclear
Power Plants, International Atomic Energy Agency Report INSAG-12, 1999.
[Ionescu, 2009] S. Ionescu, O. Uta, M. Pârvan, and D. Ohâi, “Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor
Fuel Behaviour in Power Ramp Conditions”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 385, 387–
391, 2009.
[Jaffe, 1979] L. Jaffe, Staff Reports to the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile
Island, Reports of the Technical Assessment Task Force, Volume II, 1979.
[Japan, 2011] Government of Japan, Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters, Report of the
Japanese Government to the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety: The Acci-
dent at TEPCO’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations, June 2011.
[JNTI, 2011] Japan Nuclear Technology Institute, Examination Committee on Accident at Fuku-
shima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Examination of Accident at Tokyo Electric Power
Co., Inc.’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and Proposal for Countermeasures,
October 2011 (there are many more similar reports from IAEA and others).
[Kaplan, 1979] S. Kaplan and B. J. Garrick, “On the Use of Bayesian Reasoning in Safety and
Reliability – Three Examples”, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 44, 231, 1979.
[Kemeny, 1979] J. G. Kemeny, Report of the President's Commission on the Accident at TMI,
[Krause, 2007] M. Krause, “Hydrogen Program at AECL”, 2nd European Review Meeting on Severe
Accident Research (ERMSAR-2007), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (FZK), Germany,
June 12-14, 2007.
[LANL, 2000] Los Alamos National Laboratory, A Review of Criticality Accidents, report LA-13638,
2000. (See page 74.)
[Larson, 1961] E. A. G. Larson, A General Description of the NRX Reactor, Atomic Energy of
Canada Report AECL-1377, 1961.
[Lewis, 1953] W. B. Lewis, The Accident to the NRX Reactor on December 12, 1952, Atomic
Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-232, July 1953.
[Lewis, 1990] B. J. Lewis, C. E. L. Hunt, and F. C. Iglesias, “Source Term of Iodine and Noble Gas
Fission Products in the Fuel-to-Sheath Gap of Intact Operating Nuclear Fuel Elements”,
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis – October 2015
164 The Essential CANDU
[Popov, 2012] N. K. Popov and V. G. Snell, “Safety and Licensing Aspects of Power Reactor
Reactivity Coefficients”, Proceedings, 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineer-
ing (ICONE20), Anaheim, California, USA, July 30–August 3, 2012.
[Popov, 2013] N. Popov, V. Snell, R. Tran, and G. LeRoy, “Thermo-Hydraulic Aspects of Reactivity
Coefficients in CANDU”, 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-
Hydraulics (NURETH-15), Pisa, Italy, May 12–17, 2013.
[Rizkalla, 1984] S. H. Rizkalla, S. H. Simmonds, and J. G. MacGregor, “Pre-Stressed Concrete
Containment Model”, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 110, No. 4, pp. 730–743,
[Rizkalla, 1986] S. Rizkalla, “Limit States Behaviour of Pre-Stressed Concrete Containment
Structures”, Proceedings, Second International Conference on Concrete Technology for
Developing Countries, Tripoli, Libya (Splaj), October 27–30, 1986;. Vol. 2, El-Fateh Univer-
sity, Civil Engineering Department, 1986.
[Rogers, 1987] J. T. Rogers, “Insights from Chernobyl on Severe Accident Assessment of CANDU
Reactors”, Nuclear Journal of Canada, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 107–118, 1987.
[Rogers, 1995] J. T. Rogers, D. A. Meneley, C. Blahnik, V. G. Snell, and S. Nijhawan, “Coolability of
Severely Degraded CANDU Cores”, ICHMT International Seminar on Heat and Mass
Transfer in Severe Reactor Accidents, Cesme, Turkey, May 21–26, 1995. Also Atomic En-
ergy of Canada Ltd. Report AECL-11110.
[Rogers, 2002] J. T. Rogers and M. L. Lamari, “Application of the CANDU Molten Core Model
‘DEBRIS.MLT’ to RASPLAV Test Results”, 22nd Nuclear Simulation Symposium, Canadian
Nuclear Society, Ottawa, November, 2002
[Rogers, 2004] J. T. Rogers, Options For Coal-Fired Power Plants in Ontario, monograph at
Canadian Nuclear Society,, September 27, 2004.
[Rogers, 2004a] J. T. Rogers, “CANDU Power Reactor Behavior Following Reactor Trip”, Presenta-
tion at Panel Discussion on Islanding, Cogeneration Conference, Ottawa, October 26,
[Rogovin, 1980] M. Rogovin and G. T. Frampton, Three Mile Island—A Report to the Commis-
sioners and to the Public, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Special Inquiry Group, January
[Roy, 2004] R. Roy, et al., “Reactor Core Simulations in Canada”, PHYSOR 2004 -The Physics of
Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems: Global Developments, Chicago, Illinois, April
25-29, 2004, American Nuclear Society, Lagrange Park, IL (2004)
[Rzentkowski, 2013] G. Rzentkowski, Y. Akl, and S. Yalaoui, “Application of Probabilistic Safety
Goals to Regulation of Nuclear Power Plants in Canada”, 34th Annual Conference of the
Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, June 9–12, 2013.
[Sanderson, 2003] B. Sanderson, Fuel Channel Behaviour, presented to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, May 6–7, 2003, USNRC accession ML031340404.
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis – October 2015
166 The Essential CANDU
Experts’ Meeting, Vienna, 25-29 August 1986; Parts I and II, August 1986. Also see In-
formation on the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station and its Consequences,
prepared for IAEA, translation of Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 61, No. 5, pp. 301-320, No-
vember 1986.
[Venart, 2004] J. E. S. Venart, “Flixborough: the Explosion and its Aftermath”, Trans IChemE, Part
B, March 2004; Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol. 82, Issue B2, pp. 105–
127, 2004.
[Westinghouse, 2011] Westinghouse, AP1000 Design Control Document, Tier 2, Revision 19,
Section, USNRC.
[Westinghouse, 2011a] Westinghouse, AP1000 Design Control Document, Tier 2, Revision 19,
Section, USNRC.
[Westinghouse, 2011b] Westinghouse, AP1000 Design Control Document, Tier 2, Revision 19,
Section 1, USNRC.
[Wren, 1999] J. C. Wren, J. M. Ball, and G. A. Glowa, “The Chemistry of Iodine in Containment”,
Nuclear Technology, Vol. 129, No. 3, pp. 297-325, 2000.
[Wren, 2001] J. C. Wren and J. M. Ball, “LIRIC 3.2—An Updated Model for Iodine Behaviour in
the Presence of Organic Impurities”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 60, 577–596,
[Xu, 1999] J. Xu, V. S. Krishnan, P. J. Ingham, B. N. Hanna, and J. R. Buell, “Thermal-Hydraulic
Design Methods and Computer Codes”, China Journal of Nuclear Power Engineering, Vol.
20, No. 6, 1999.
[Yaremy, 1979] E. M. Yaremy, “A Review of the Incident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power
Plant”, presented to the Canadian Electrical Association Thermal and Nuclear Power Sec-
tion Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, October 1979.
11 Further Reading
[Duderstadt, 1976] J. J. Duderstadt and L. J. Hamilton, Nuclear Reactor Analysis, New York, NY:
Wiley, 1976. ISBN: 9780471223634.
[IAEA, 2001] International Atomic Energy Agency, Thermo-Hydraulic Relationships for Advanced
Water-Cooled Reactors, IAEA-TECDOC-1203, April 2001.
[OECD-NEA CSNI, 1989] Thermo-Hydraulics of Emergency Core Cooling in Light Water Reactors,
a State-of-the-Art Report (SOAR) by a Group of Experts of the NEA Committee on the
Safety of Nuclear Installations, OECD-NEA report Rep. No. 161, Paris.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 169
12 Glossary
AECB Atomic Energy Control Board
AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
AOO Anticipated Operational Occurrence
BDBA Beyond Design Basis Accident
BEAU Best Estimate with Analysis of Uncertainties
BECS Boiler Emergency Cooling System
BWR Boiling Water Reactor
CHF Critical Heat Flux
CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
DBA Design Basis Accident
DBE Design Basis Earthquake
DSA Deterministic Safety Analysis
ECC Emergency Core Cooling
ECI Emergency Coolant Injection (a subsystem of ECC)
EPR European Pressurized Reactor
EWS Emergency Water System
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
HPECC High-Pressure ECC
HTS Heat-Transport System (see also RCS)
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
INES International Nuclear Event Scale
INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
INSAG International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group
LLOCA Large Loss-of-Coolant Accident
LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident
LPECC Low-Pressure ECC
LWR Light-Water Reactor
MCR Main Control Room
MPECC Medium-Pressure ECC
MSSV Main Steam Safety Valve
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170 The Essential CANDU
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 171
13.1 Operators
Several operators can act on these statements:
AND is an operator which gives the answer C=1 only if both of its inputs are 1, and 0 otherwise.
It should be represented as:
A.B or AB or A∙B or A B or A.AND.B, or graphically as in Figure 69. C
It can be thought of as the intersection of sets A and B.
If A is true and B is true, then A B should be true.
If A=1 and B=0, then A.B=0.
OR is an operator which gives the answer C=1 only if either or both of its inputs Figure 69 AND gate
are 1, and 0 otherwise. It is represented as:
A+B or A∪B or A.OR.B, or graphically as in Figure 70.
It can be thought of as the union of sets A and B.
If A is true and B is false, then A∪B is true.
If A=1 and B=0, then A+B=1.
NOT is an operator which inverts the input. Figure 70 OR gate
It is represented as .NOT.
The output of .NOT.A is denoted as A’ or Ā.
It is represented graphically as in Figure 71.
It can be thought of as “the opposite of” or “the complement of” set A.
Examples: Figure 71 NOT gate
If A is true, then .NOT.A is false.
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172 The Essential CANDU
There are also four lesser-used operators (.NAND., .NOR., .XOR., and .XNOR.)
A=0 or A=1
(i.e., something can only be true or false, not both)
If A=0, A A=0
(i.e., if A is false, and because A A=A, then A A is false. Sometimes this is written as 0.0=0)
If A=1, A∪A=1
(i.e., if A is true, and because A∪A=A, then A∪A is true. Sometimes this is written as 1+1=1.
Remember, you are not doing arithmetical addition!)
13.3 Theorems
These sound abstract, but are obvious once you draw Venn diagrams with set-theory symbols.
You can substitute the mathematical symbols + and ∙ for ∪ and if this is more intuitive for
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 173
Commutative Law
A∪B = B∪A
Associative Law
(A∪B)∪C = A∪(B∪C)
(A B) C = A (B C)
Distributive Law
A (B∪C) = (A B) ∪ (A C)
A∪(B C) = (A∪B) (A∪C)
Identity Law
A A = A
A∪A = A
(A B) (A B) A
(A B) (A B) A
A∪(A B) = A
A (A∪B) = A
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174 The Essential CANDU
A + ĀB = A + B
A(Ā + B) = A∙B
DeMorgan’s Theorem
(A B) A B
(A B) A B
These will be useful when you work out fault trees mathematically.
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Reactor Safety Design and Safety Analysis 175
Figure 72 shows this graphically; yellow represents all events; green those events with outcome
A1; blue with outcome A2; red, with outcome both A1 and A2.
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176 The Essential CANDU
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178 The Essential CANDU
N (33 108 ) 1 e1.710 3310 2.3 1024 .
Using very crude assumptions, such as not adding in the contribution of previous generations of
neutrons and not counting energy losses and core expansion, we can estimate the order of
magnitude of the energy produced. If each fission event generates 180MeV of usable energy,
and if for each incident neutron absorbed in Pu239, two fast neutrons are produced, the number
of neutrons in Equation (71) is accompanied by an energy release at 56ns of:
E 2.3 1024 neutrons 0.5 fissions / neutron 180Mev / fission 8kT , (72)
2.6 1025 MeV
where kT is kilotons of TNT equivalent. This is 34 × 106MJ.
The reaction is self-limiting because the thermal energy causes the core to expand rapidly and
stops the chain reaction.
By contrast, in a thermal reactor such as CANDU, the largest - (from a large LOCA) is about
0.011; is about 0.001 sec. The timescale is measured in tens of seconds rather than nanosec-
onds, and the reaction is terminated by damage to the core lattice after about ten seconds, with
an energy input of ~50 full-power seconds. The total energy produced for an 1800MWth
reactor is therefore 9×104 MJ, or more than two orders of magnitude smaller than the value for
a bomb.
16 Acknowledgments
We gratefully thank the following reviewers for their hard work and excellent comments during the
development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course the responsibility for any
errors or omissions is entirely the author’s.
Glenn Archinoff
Glen McGee
Dan Meneley
Terry Rogers
We also thank Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Nuclear Plant Materials and Corrosion
prepared by
Dr. Derek H. Lister and Dr. William G. Cook
University of New Brunswick
The choice of materials of construction of a nuclear reactor, while important in terms of plant
capital cost, is crucial to the safe and economic operation of the unit throughout its design
lifetime; it also affects decisions about plant life extension. Most of the failures of nuclear
systems involve the degradation of materials as they interact with their environments, indicating
that chemistry control within systems should be formulated as materials are selected. All of the
three major process systems of a CANDU reactor – the primary coolant, the moderator and the
secondary coolant – have a variety of materials of construction, so the control of system chemis-
try in each is a compromise based on the characteristics of the interactions between the system
materials and the environment, including the effects of irradiation on both the material and the
coolant or moderator. Ancillary systems, such as those providing condenser cooling water or
recirculating cooling water, have similar constraints on material choice and chemistry control.
Components such as concrete structures, cabling and insulation, although not necessarily
associated with process systems, may also be critical to safety or plant operation and must have
their materials chosen with care. This chapter describes the materials of construction of the
main systems and components of a CANDU reactor and shows how they interact with their
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
2 Materials for Nuclear Applications ......................................................................................... 4
2.1 Metallurgy and Irradiation Effects............................................................................................... 4
2.2 Materials of Construction............................................................................................................ 7
3 CANDU Process Systems and their Materials ....................................................................... 21
3.1 Major Process Systems.............................................................................................................. 21
3.2 Ancillary Process Systems.......................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Supporting Structures and Components ................................................................................... 25
4 Corrosion and Material Degradation in Nuclear Reactor Systems ....................................... 27
4.1 General Corrosion...................................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (FAC)............................................................................................. 35
4.3 Galvanic Corrosion..................................................................................................................... 39
4.4 Stress-Corrosion Cracking & IGA ............................................................................................... 42
4.5 Crevice Corrosion & Pitting ....................................................................................................... 45
4.6 Fretting Wear & Flow-Induced Vibration .................................................................................. 48
4.7 Hydrogen Effects ....................................................................................................................... 49
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1. Unit cell configurations of some common metallic crystal structures (after Callister) ... 5
Figure 2. Grain structure for low-alloy (UNS G10800), austenitic (316 SS) steels and Zircaloy 4
(ASM, 2004). ..................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3. Effect of neutron irradiation on the stress/strain properties of materials with cubic
crystal structures (after Was, 2006).................................................................................. 6
Figure 4. Partial iron-carbon phase diagram (after Callister)........................................................ 10
Figure 5. Schematic Cross-Section through Magnetite Film on Carbon Steel [Lister, 2003] ........ 31
Figure 6. Scanning Electron Micrograph of Magnetite Film formed on Carbon Steel during an
1100-h Exposure in High-Temperature Water [Lister, 2003] .......................................... 31
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of Zircaloy corrosion in high-temperature water, showing three
regions (dotted line indicates early assumed pre-transition cubic and post-transition
linear kinetics) [Hillner et al, 2000]................................................................................. 33
Figure 8. Scalloped surface of outlet feeder from Point Lepreau CANDU.................................... 36
Figure 9. (a) Effect of temperature and flow on FAC at pH25ºC 9.0 with ammonia; (b) Effect of
temperature and pH on the solubility of magnetite. ..................................................... 38
Figure 10. The overall mechanism of flow-accelerated corrosion................................................ 38
Figure 11. Examples of transgrannular (TGSCC) (a) and intergrannular (IGSCC) (b) stress
corrosion cracking in stainless steel and brass respectively (after Fontana 1986)......... 42
Figure 12. Typical sensitization mode and IGA of Type 304 stainless steel (after Fontana 1986) 44
Figure 13. Initial (A) and final (B) stages in the development of crevice corrosion of a metal M
(Fontana, 1986)............................................................................................................... 46
Figure 14. Self-perpetuating corrosion pit (after Fontana, 1986)................................................. 47
Figure 15. An undercut pit and surface wastage from overlapping pits....................................... 47
List of Tables
Table 1. Compositions of commonly used zirconium alloys in CANDUs......................................... 8
Table 2. Standard compositions of commonly used ferritic, martensitic and austenitic steels in
CANDUs........................................................................................................................... 14
Table 3. Compositions of commonly used nickel alloys in nuclear power plants......................... 15
Table 4. Severity of radiation-induced damage of common polymers......................................... 20
Table 5. The galvanic series for important metals ........................................................................ 41
Table 6. Biocides used in industrial water systems....................................................................... 51
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 3
1 Introduction
The performance of power-producing systems has always been limited by the properties of
engineering materials and their interactions with the environment. Since the early days of
industrial steam generation in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, for example, the ever-
increasing need for power for new factories created a steady demand for larger boilers and
increasingly severe steam conditions. Materials selection was based on limited knowledge of
corrosion, especially stress corrosion cracking as the consequence of chloride and oxygen
contamination of the water used in the boilers and catastrophic failures of equipment occurred
As late as the end of the nineteenth century, hundreds of steam plant explosions accompanied
by large numbers of casualties were being recorded every year in Europe and North America.
The causes were generally linked to the failure of riveted joints or poorly worked steel plate in
fire-tube boilers. The innovation of the water-tube boiler and the understanding of localized
corrosion of steels in high-temperature water were major factors that led to much safer equip-
ment - even as operating conditions continued to become more severe. The major conse-
quence of these failures was the development of codes and standards for pressure retaining
components, the ASME Pressure Vessel Code in North America for example, which dictate the
acceptable design and construction practices for materials produced to particular specifications.
Today, the risk of catastrophic failure of a power-producing system is low. This can be attributed
to the strict adherence to the standards that are imposed on component designers and manu-
facturers as well as on plant operators. The setting of these standards clearly involves a tho-
rough knowledge of the properties of the materials of construction and an understanding of
their behaviour in the local environment. That environment may itself be adjusted for overall
optimum performance by specifying optimum chemistry control strategies. The prime example
of such chemistry control is the specification of an alkalinity level in the feedwater systems of
steam-raising plants, including nuclear secondary coolants, which is necessary to minimize
corrosion of piping and components and to keep systems clean of dissolved and particulate
corrosion products and impurities. In a nuclear reactor core, materials must be able to with-
stand not only the operational conditions (pressure, temperature and water chemistry) but
must show minimal degradation from the effects of radiation (high gamma and neutron flux).
Radiation effects on materials may include loss of ductility, shape change from radiation en-
hanced creep and growth and enhanced corrosion resulting from hydrogen ingress (deuterium
ingress for the case of heavy water systems).
While the current performance record of power plants is generally good, technology is not
standing still. The push for bigger returns on capital investment and the accompanying trends
towards higher plant efficiencies and longer component lifetimes lead to even more severe
operating conditions in power systems. Inevitably, the demands on the materials of construc-
tion escalate. The predominant materials of construction in steam-raising equipment and
nuclear systems are the metals and alloys. Their interaction with the operating environment
very much dictates the chemistry control to be practised by plant operators.
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4 The Essential CANDU
As described above, materials of construction for nuclear applications must be strong, ductile
and capable of withstanding the harsh environment to which they are subjected. Furthermore,
for materials used in the core of a nuclear reactor, it is important that they have specific proper-
ties such as low neutron absorption and high resistance to radiation-induced creep, hardening
and the associated loss of ductility so that reactors can operate for the decades expected by
plant owners. Thus, nuclear materials must be selected or specified based upon their strength
and interactions with the environment (including the effects of radiation), all of which are
dependent upon the metallurgy of the material.
Figure 1. Unit cell configurations of some common metallic crystal structures (after Callister)
The grains of a metal or alloy may be engineered through appropriate heat treatments (hot and
cold working and annealing for example) to be of a specific size and/or orientation to meet a
specified purpose. Small-grained metals (1 – 25 m) will have more grain boundaries and may
be more affected by phenomena such as high-temperature creep or radiation-induced creep.
Examples of the metallurgy and microstructure of ferritic steel, austenitic stainless steel and
zirconium are shown in Figure 2. Note that the grain structure, size and orientation may play
significant roles in the specific materials properties such as strength, conductivity and creep
Figure 2. Grain structure for low-alloy (UNS G10800), austenitic (316 SS) steels and Zircaloy 4
(ASM, 2004).
The fact that neutron bombardment creates interstitials and vacancies within the material gives
rise to changes in the physical dimensions and the mechanical properties of the material when
placed under stress. The creation of vacancies within the material leads to swelling, elongation
and growth whereas production of interstitials can cause the material to shrink. The energy
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6 The Essential CANDU
dissipated by radiation may induce phase changes within the material or promote segregation of
alloying constituents, both phenomena will affect the material’s strength and ductility. Overall,
the mechanical properties and dimensions of a material under irradiation will change and the
effect ultimately leads to challenges for the integrity of the components that make up a nuclear
reactor. Each mechanical effect is described briefly below, more details can be found in Funda-
mental of Radiation Materials Science (Was, 2007).
Irradiation Hardening
When a polycrystalline material is placed under stress it will stretch elastically with increasing
stress/strain up to the yield point of the material. Additional strain beyond the yield strength
leads to plastic deformation whereby the original shape and dimensions of the material can no
longer be attained with the relaxation of the strain. Plastic deformation, at the atomic level, is
induced when the atoms in the crystal lattice slip, which typically occurs on slip planes in the
matrix. When a material is irradiated by particles (neutrons) producing Frenkel pairs, the effect
of the interstitital/vacancy sites is to provide barriers to the normal slip planes within the
material. This effectively increases the yield strength, which will increase continuously in
proportion to the increasing radiation dose (dpa). Figure 3 shows the effect of neutron irradia-
tion on the yield stress/strain for materials with the FCC and BCC crystal structures [Was, 2006].
Figure 3. Effect of neutron irradiation on the stress/strain properties of materials with cubic
crystal structures (after Was, 2006).
creep alone. Since the diffusion rates of vacancies and interstitials are unaffected by irradiation
(diffusion is a temperature dependent phenomenon), irradiation creep is more complex in its
mechanism and involves the preferential absorption of interstitials under the action of strain in
the material and phenomena such as the “climb and glide” of the dislocations over barriers to
the diffusion process. Irradiation creep is preferential in directions perpendicular to the applied
stress i.e. pipes will tend to elongate due to irradiation creep.
For materials that do not have a cubic crystal structure (zirconium being the most relevant with
an HCP structure below 862oC), grain distribution and orientation (described as the material’s
texture) play significant roles in irradiation creep and growth. The distinction made between
creep and growth is that the former is the elongation of a material under applied stress while
the latter occurs even when no external stress is applied. The material’s texture gives rise to
anisotropy in the preferred crystallographic planes by which the material will stretch under an
induced strain as well as grow in a preferred direction during creep. Thus, the creep characteris-
tics of non-cubic crystal materials (zirconium and zirconium alloys) are highly dependent upon
the applied stress as well as the operational temperature.
Irradiation Embrittlement
As a metal gains strength upon particle irradiation, it will also tend to lose its ductility, becoming
hard and brittle with increasing damage and radiation dose. The material’s yield strength
increases through build-up of dislocations along barriers to atom migration, but other effects
such as the precipitation of secondary and tertiary phases within the material can change the
mechanical properties dramatically. Materials that are typically ductile and not susceptible to
brittle fracture in an un-irradiated environment may cleave and fracture excessively upon
irradiation due to the increasing hardness and loss of ductility.
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8 The Essential CANDU
reactor core and reduce the fuel burn-up. Pure zirconium has an HCP structure that transforms
to BCC at 862C before melting at 1850C. It is a reactive metal that combines easily with
oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and silicon and in air retains its metallic lustre because of a
very thin but protective zirconia (ZrO2) oxide layer. A protective but thicker zirconia layer is
retained during exposure to high-temperature water, making zirconium alloys ideal for service in
water-reactor cores. The pure metal is alloyed with small amounts of elements such as tin,
chromium, iron, nickel and niobium to improve mechanical strength, corrosion resistance and to
reduce hydrogen pickup. In CANDUs, the alloy Zircaloy-2 is used for the calandria tubes and was
the initial choice as the pressure tube material. Zircaloy-2 contains 1.2 – 1.7 weight percent Sn,
0.07 – 0.2 weight percent Fe, 0.05 – 0.15 weight percent Cr and 0.03 – 0.08 weight percent Ni. It
is also the material used for BWR fuel cladding. For fuel sheathing in CANDUs and fuel cladding
in PWRs, Zircaloy-4 was developed and used because it was observed to have a lower overall
corrosion rate and a reduced tendency to pick up hydrogen. It has a similar composition to that
of Zircaloy-2 except for the nickel content, which is reduced to a maximum of 0.007 weight
percent, and the iron content, which is increased to 0.18 – 0.24 weight percent. The composi-
tions of zirconium alloys used in CANDU reactors are shown in Table 1. Comparatively recent
developments in fuel cladding technology for PWRs are the Westinghouse alloy ZIRLO, which
contains 0.7 – 1.0 weight percent Sn and 1.0 weight percent Nb, and the Areva variant M5,
which has no Sn and 0.8 – 1.2 weight percent Nb. A Zr-1%Nb alloy was developed and used for
decades as the fuel cladding material in the Russian VVERs and the Westinghouse and Areva
alloys are modifications from the original Russian composition. They are reputedly more
corrosion-resistant and have lower hydrogen pick up than Zircaloy-4 under high fuel burn-up.
Similarly, for BWR cladding, Westinghouse has developed the alloy ZrSn, which is Zr with 0.25
weight percent Sn. The pressure tubes in CANDUs are made of Zr-2.5%Nb, an alloy of Zr and Nb
with the latter within the range 2.4 – 2.8 weight percent. This too is a modification of Russian
alloys developed for the RBMK reactors.
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 9
2.2.2 Steels
Carbon Steels
The most widely used materials in power-producing systems are the steels, which are basically
alloys of iron and carbon but which may also contain other metals as minor or major alloying
elements. The alloying elements impart desired properties such as strength, hardness or
corrosion resistance to the steel.
Pure iron at ambient temperatures has a body-centred cubic (BCC) crystal structure, in which
the atoms making up the unit cell of the crystal lattice are conveniently pictured as occupying
the corners of a cube with an atom at the cube centre. Figure 1 shows illustrations of unit cell
configurations of typical metals. The BCC phase is called α-iron or ferrite, which in pure iron is
stable below 912°C. Above this temperature the -iron or austenite phase with a face-centred
cubic (FCC) crystal structure is stable up to 1394°C. The FCC unit cell has an atom at each corner
of a cube and one at the centre of each face as shown in Figure 1. Above 1394°C another BCC
phase, δ-iron, is stable up to the melting point at 1538°C. The relatively small atoms of carbon
that can exist in solid solution in these structures are in random interstitial positions between
the iron atoms. The carbon concentration determines the stability limits of the phases.
As the portion of the iron-carbon phase diagram that is pertinent to steels indicates, carbon has
a low solubility in ferrite. Figure 4 illustrates the iron-carbon phase diagram, in which the
regions of stability of the different steel phases are shown in terms of their composition and
temperature. The maximum in ferrite is 0.02 weight percent and occurs at a temperature of
727°C. At temperatures much above and below this, the solubility declines to almost zero. The
common carbon steels, however, have carbon contents ranging up to about 2.0 weight percent,
and they are quite stable at temperatures below 727°C. To accommodate the carbon, these
steels are composed of more phases than just the ferrite. As the phase diagram indicates, for
carbon contents up to 6.7 weight percent, which is the amount of carbon in the compound Fe3C
(iron carbide or cementite), two distinct phases exist together in equilibrium - ferrite and
cementite. The proportions depend upon the overall amount of carbon in the mixture but are
not affected much by temperature below the 727°C region.
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In the aggregate of metal grains and intercalating grain boundaries that make up a carbon steel,
some grains may be ferrite or cementite and some will be a two-phase ferrite-cementite com-
posite. The composite grains are formed from alternating microscopic layers or lamellae of
ferrite and cementite in a structure called pearlite. The size of the grains, the proportions of the
different phases, and the details of the pearlite structure govern the mechanical properties of
the steel. In general, higher carbon contents produce steels that can be made stronger and
harder by heat treatment and mechanical working to control grain structure and properties. At
carbon contents above the 2 weight percent value, however, the material enters the range of
the cast irons and starts to become brittle and lose properties such as ductility and toughness
that are important for many power plant applications. For most boiler applications and piping in
general, steels with carbon contents of 0.20 weight percent or less are employed. Equipment
such as pumps, valves, turbine components etc. requiring stronger or harder material commonly
use steels with carbon contents up to 0.50 weight percent or more.
The phase diagram in Figure 4 indicates that the high-temperature -phase of iron, austenite,
can contain a relatively large amount of carbon in solid solution - up to 2.1 weight percent at
1148°C. This is because the FCC structure of austenite, although having a higher atomic packing
fraction than the BCC structure of ferrite (0.74 versus 0.68), has more interstitial sites to ac-
commodate the small carbon atoms (by contrast, the more open structure of BCC leads to
higher rates of solid-state diffusion). Note that austenite is stable down to the eutectoid tem-
perature 727°C, below which it transforms into the lamellar pearlite. A heat treatment may
then consist of heating a carbon steel to a temperature that puts it in the austenite region,
where the carbon is completely miscible. Cooling at a controlled rate to below 727°C will then
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 11
If, during the heat treatment, the austenitized steel at high temperature is cooled suddenly or
quenched (by plunging into cold water, oil, etc.) rather than cooled in a slow controlled fashion,
a different phase called martensite is produced. This has a body-centred tetragonal (BCT) crystal
lattice, the unit cell of which can be viewed as a BCC structure stretched in the direction of one
of the cube axes as shown in Figure 1. Carbon atoms can then be accommodated in interstitial
positions between iron atoms in the direction of elongation or in the centres of the basal planes
and can thereby stay in solid solution. Martensite is a very hard, strong but quite brittle materi-
al that has a metastable structure (and therefore does not appear on the phase diagram, which
shows equilibrium states only). It nonetheless survives indefinitely at ambient temperature.
The formation of martensite can impart very useful properties to steel. Thus, by selective
austenitizing, quenching and then tempering for a given period at temperatures near the
eutectoid point (727°C), the amount of martensite in a steel can be controlled and a hard, strong
material that is not too brittle can be obtained. Other iron-carbon phases called bainite and
spheroidite are also formed during selective heat treatments to produce steels with specific
characteristics of strength, ductility and toughness.
Alloying elements
Metals other than iron may be added to steel to impart desired mechanical properties or
corrosion resistance - particularly useful for service at high temperature. The atoms of alloying
metals are generally in substitutional solid solution, meaning that they take the place of iron
atoms in the crystal lattice. If the metal addition is less than 5 weight percent what is commonly
called a low-alloy steel results, while additions greater than 5 percent produce the intermediate-
and high-alloy steels. Note, however, that the plain carbon steels often contain small amounts
of elements such as manganese, phosphorus or sulphur - generally less than 1 weight percent -
as residuals from the steelmaking process or they may be added for specific reasons such as
improved machinability. Manganese in particular can impart desirable mechanical properties to
steel and in fact may be added deliberately to form low-alloy manganese steel with a marked
resistance to wear. Table 2 shows the typical compositions of various steels and stainless steels
commonly used in CANDUs.
Plain carbon steel and manganese steel are used extensively for general construction steelwork
in power systems and in non-nuclear boiler construction for tubing and components that
experience temperatures below about 500°C. They are also employed in the secondary or
steam-raising systems of nuclear power plants and constitute a major proportion of the piping in
the primary coolant systems of heavy water reactors such as the CANDU reactor, which operate
below about 320°C, and for steam generator tubes and piping in carbon-dioxide-cooled Magnox
reactors, which operate below about 360°C. As the service temperature increases the amount
of alloying is necessarily increased to impart resistance to creep and scaling. For example, boiler
superheater tubes operating at temperature up to 580°C are made of alloys such as 23 weight
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12 The Essential CANDU
percent Cr, 1 percent Mo or even 9 percent Cr, 1 percent Mo. For still higher temperatures, the
use of these low- or intermediate-alloy ferritic steels would require excessive wall thicknesses to
withstand high pressures and to offset scaling, and their cost advantage would be lost. The
highly alloyed materials - in particular, the austenitic stainless steels, “super alloys” and Ni-Cr-Fe
alloys such as the Inconels and Incoloys - are therefore employed.
Stainless steels
The addition of small amounts of selective elements such as copper or chromium to steel can
impart substantial resistance to corrosion, so that some of the low-alloy steels have superior
performance to plain carbon steel in atmospheric environments. True passivity in single-phase
water systems, as achieved with the stainless steels, requires at least 12 weight percent of
chromium as an alloying element. At least 20 weight percent chromium is required for true
passivity in high-temperature gaseous oxidation. [Birks, 2006]
The stainless iron-chromium alloys are basically ferritic with a BCC crystal structure. They
typically have chromium contents of 12-25 weight percent with about 1 percent manganese and
silicon and up to 0.2 percent carbon, to which other elements such as the strong carbide-
formers molybdenum, vanadium and niobium are added to enhance properties such as creep
resistance. Like the carbon steels they can be heat-treated and conditioned, depending upon
their content of carbon and other elements, to provide desired properties of strength, hardness
and toughness. There are also grades that are commonly used in the martensitic condition,
which typically contain 12-20 weight percent chromium, up to 1.0 percent carbon and often 1-2
percent nickel or up to 1.0 percent molybdenum.
The stainless steels used for corrosion resistance and for highest temperature service in power
systems are the austenitic grades. For example, the cladding for the fuel sheaths in the carbon-
dioxide-cooled AGR nuclear reactor, operating at temperatures up to about 650°C, is a 20 weight
percent chromium, 25 percent nickel-niobium stainless steel. The Russian design of pressurized
water reactor, the VVER, also uses austenitic stainless steel for the steam generator tubes
operating below about 320°C. Austenitic steels have the FCC structure, which is stabilized at low
temperature by the presence of nickel at concentrations between about 6 and 20 weight
percent. Resistance to corrosion is again provided by the chromium, which is added at a con-
centration between 16 and 30 weight percent. For most power plant applications, stainless
steels based on the common 18-8 or 18-12 (18 weight percent chromium and 8 percent or 12
percent nickel) grades are employed. In the designation of the American Society for the Testing
of Materials (ASTM) they are types 304 and 320, respectively, of the general 300-series austenit-
ic grades. Manganese is usually present at 2 weight percent and carbon at up to 0.2 percent,
though special low-carbon grades with less than 0.03 percent carbon are available when a
particular resistance to the deterioration of heat-affected regions such as welds by intergranular
attack in corrosive media is required (see intergranular attack Section 4.4). The addition of small
amounts of titanium or niobium to form the stabilized grades can also counteract such weld
deterioration, which is caused by the removal of the protective chromium from solid solution
within the grain boundaries by solid-state precipitation as chromium carbide over a specific
temperature range – a process called sensitization. For resistance to pitting corrosion and to
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 13
improve creep resistance, molybdenum is added in the range of 2.0 to 3.0 weight percent to
form type 316 stainless steel. It should be noted that the austenitic stainless steels cannot be
heat-treated like the ferritic steels to improve strength or hardness; however, cold working can
change the microstructure and form small amounts of martensite, for example, that change the
properties and may even induce ferromagnetism. Annealing at high temperature will relieve the
effects of cold-working.
Elemental nickel has the FCC crystal structure, which it tends to promote in its alloys - austenitic
stainless steel being the prime example described above. Oxidation resistance of the nickel
alloys is provided by chromium, which is present in the common alloys at concentrations
between about 14 and 25 weight percent. For highly aggressive environments, such as strong
acid solutions, the so-called “super alloys” with molybdenum additions up to 20 weight percent
in alloys of the Hastelloy type, as produced by the Haynes International company, are effective
and even higher levels (at about 30 percent with little or no chromium) produce the alloy
Hastelloy B2 with superior resistance to concentrated hydrochloric and other reducing acids at
all temperatures up to the boiling point. These materials may however have limited application
in high-temperature environments in power systems.
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14 The Essential CANDU
Table 2. Standard compositions of commonly used ferritic, martensitic and austenitic steels in
A class of nickel alloys that should be mentioned here, even though they have not achieved wide
use in thermal power systems but are extensively employed for gas turbine applications, is that
of the super alloys, briefly mentioned above. They have outstanding strength, creep resistance
and oxidation resistance at high temperature. Chromium concentrations around 20 weight
percent provide their oxidation resistance, which may be enhanced by molybdenum at concen-
trations up to 10 percent in some cases. Grain-boundary properties, which affect creep, are
improved by small additions of metals such as niobium, zirconium or hafnium while strength is
imparted by additions of aluminium and titanium. The last two metals, usually present at levels
of a fraction of a percent, strengthen the FCC crystal structure by precipitating with nickel as an
intermetallic compound called gamma prime (’). This precipitation hardening or age hardening
process is carried out at temperatures approaching 900°C on material that has been quenched
from solution treatment in a high-temperature region where all the constituents are in solid
solution. A typical alloy of this type is Inconel X750, as produced by the International Nickel
company, which contains 70 weight percent nickel, up to 17 percent chromium, up to 9 percent
iron, about 1 percent niobium, 2.25 - 2.75 percent titanium and 0.4 - 1.0 percent aluminium.
Alloy X750 in wire form has been used to form toroidal spacers to separate the hot pressure
tubes from the surrounding cool calandria tubes. The alloy loses practically all its ductility under
neutron irradiation but maintains sufficient strength to carry the necessary loadings. Composi-
tions of some nickel alloys commonly used in nuclear power plants are shown in Table 3.
The most widespread application of nickel alloys in the nuclear industry is for the tubing of
steam generators in water-cooled nuclear reactors of the CANDU or pressurized water reactor
(PWR) type. In order to ensure resistance to stress corrosion cracking and general corrosion,
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 15
Alloy-400, a nickel-copper alloy based on Monel-400 (63-70 weight percent nickel, 28-34
percent copper, with 1-2 percent iron, as produced by International Nickel), was employed in
early CANDU reactors. The more rigorous operating conditions in later CANDUs prompted a
move to alloys with better resistance to general corrosion in a somewhat oxidizing water
coolant, so Alloy-600 (72 weight percent nickel, 14-17 percent chromium and 6-10 percent iron)
or Alloy-800 (30-35 percent nickel, 19-23 percent chromium with the balance of iron, which is
still classed as a nickel alloy, even though the major constituent is iron) were employed. The last
two materials, respectively based on Inconel and Incoloy as produced by International Nickel,
are used widely in the PWRs, though Alloy-600 is being replaced with Alloy-690 (61 weight
percent nickel, 30 percent chromium and 9 percent iron) as a material more resistant to crack-
ing. It should be noted that the nickel-chromium alloys used for steam generator tubing im-
prove their resistance to cracking when they are thermally treated to relieve the stresses
imparted during tube forming.
Copper has an important engineering role in electrical equipment and conductors, stemming
from its high electrical conductivity (second only to that of silver, which is about 10 percent
higher). In addition, its high thermal conductivity, good mechanical properties and corrosion
resistance in many environments make it an important material for heat exchangers in the
power industry and elsewhere.
The pure metal melts at 1082C and at all temperatures below this it has an FCC crystal struc-
ture as shown in Figure 1. It is readily worked and machined and has good resistance to atmos-
pheric corrosion and corrosion in clean waters. For heat exchanger applications, however, it is
alloyed most commonly with zinc - to form the brasses - or with nickel - to form the cupronick-
els. The alloys are harder and stronger than elemental copper and offer good resistance to
aqueous corrosion - particularly in marine environments.
Zinc itself has an HCP crystal structure and it dissolves in copper to a maximum of about 37
weight percent at 500C without changing the structure from FCC. The resulting solid solutions
are in the α phase, which is the basis of the α-brasses. Zinc concentrations above the 37 weight
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16 The Essential CANDU
percent limit precipitate a second phase, the BCC β phase, which becomes the sole equilibrium
phase between about 46 and 50 percent zinc. Above this limit another phase, the phase,
precipitates but forms brittle alloys that are of little commercial utility.
The most widely used brass in the power industry is based on the single-phase 70-30 alloy (70
weight percent copper, 30 percent zinc), since this has the optimum combination of mechanical
properties and corrosion resistance and is not subject to the problems of reduced ductility and
difficulty of working experienced by the two-phase α-β or the single-phase β brasses. While the
α-brasses are easily formed into tubing etc., they tend to lose ductility with increasing cold work
and must be annealed at high temperature to avoid stress corrosion cracking (known as season
cracking) in service. Brasses are also susceptible in aqueous environments to a type of corrosion
called dezincification, in which the alloy is transformed in its original shape to porous copper
having little rigidity or strength. This phenomenon is stifled by as little as 0.04 weight percent
arsenic, which is a standard additive to α-brasses. A common material for heat exchangers and
condensers is Admiralty brass, having 71 weight percent copper, 28 percent zinc, 0.02 to 0.06
percent arsenic and small amounts of lead and iron. Antimony and phosphorus are similar to
arsenic in their corrosion inhibition of brass.
Nickel has a similar FCC crystal structure to that of copper, and the two elements are completely
soluble in each other in all proportions. The resulting α-phase solid solutions therefore have
melting points between that of pure copper (1082C) and that of pure nickel (1452C). The
cupronickels (so-called when the copper is the major constituent) are tough, readily worked and
have a high corrosion resistance. Alloys based on 70 weight percent copper and 30 percent
nickel, the 70-30 cupronickels, find widespread use in heat exchangers for sea water service,
when additions of iron and manganese to about 2 percent provide extra resistance to erosion-
corrosion. The 90-10 cupronickels have better thermal conductivity than the 70-30 alloy and are
more resistant to aqueous corrosion at higher temperatures, so they have been commonly used
in feedwater heaters in steam-raising systems.
Pure titanium has an HCP crystal structure (the α phase) at temperatures up to 884C, where it
transforms to the BCC β phase, which is stable up to the melting point of 1677C. Alloying
elements stabilize one phase or the other. Aluminum, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen, for exam-
ple, stabilize the α phase and raise the α-β transition temperature, whereas copper, chromium,
iron, molybdenum and vanadium lower the transition temperature and may even stabilize the β
phase at room temperature.
The principal titanium alloys are therefore of three types: alpha or near-alpha, alpha-beta and
beta. Their high strength-to-weight ratio (especially of the alpha or near-alpha and alpha-beta
alloys) has put them in high demand in the aerospace industry, while in the power industry the
exceptional resistance to corrosion in a wide range of corrosive waters - particularly sea water -
has made titanium an important material for condenser tubes and plate heat exchangers.
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 17
Titanium is actually a very reactive metal and must be melted and machined with care. Its
resistance to corrosion is afforded by the thin, protective layer of oxide (TiO2) that spontaneous-
ly forms in air to produce an effective barrier against the environment, thereby putting titanium
in the class of passive metals. The rather specialized metal refining and component manufactur-
ing process for titanium tubing at one time made the material an expensive proposition for
condensers. The growing demand for titanium products, however, has had the effect of lower-
ing the price relative to competitive materials - especially the copper alloys and steels. Also, the
development of seam-welded tubing suitable for condenser service and the fact that no thick-
ness allowance need be made for corrosion on the tube wall makes titanium an attractive
The titanium used mostly in condenser applications is the commercially pure material, which is
therefore an alpha-phase material. It exists in five grades distinguished by their impurity
content. Thus, the maximum amounts of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, iron and oxygen are
specified for each grade at levels of the order of 0.01 to 0.1 weight percent, and each grade has
particular mechanical properties. Titanium condenser tubing is relatively immune to corrosion
in salt or brackish water and in all types of polluted water. Marine organisms stick to its smooth
surface with some difficulty and surfaces that do foul or silt are not susceptible to pitting or
crevice corrosion. On the condensing steam side of the tubes used for power plant condensers,
there is no effect on titanium from common gases such as ammonia, carbon dioxide or oxygen.
In fact, the main concern with the use of titanium for condenser tubes is that less noble compo-
nents of the condenser may suffer galvanically-accelerated corrosion and must be protected
either cathodically or by coating or both. It must be borne in mind that in aqueous service the
metal absorbs hydrogen readily, so that its exposure as the cathodic component of a metallic
couple can promote degradation as the titanium-hydride is formed and the material becomes
2.2.6 Concrete
Concrete is an inorganic composite consisting of a coarse aggregate of gravel, crushed rock or
slag and a fine aggregate of sand, all held together with a cement. Angular particles or rock
fragments are preferred to rounded ones for the aggregate because they tend to interlock and
produce a more bonded and therefore stronger structure, although they have more surface
defects that can initiate cracks or voids. The larger the aggregate the better in order to minimize
the defects, bearing in mind that the size of the particles or fragments should be no more than
~20% of the structure’s thickness. The aggregate material can be tailored to the requirements of
the structure. Lightweight concrete incorporating steel-making slag as aggregate, for instance, is
a better thermal insulator than one incorporating normal silica-based rock, and heavy concrete
incorporating dense mineral aggregate such as ilmenite, barytes or magnetite or even metal
shot is used for radiation shielding. Ideally, the sand is a silica-based mineral with particle size
0.1 – 1.0 mm. It partially fills the spaces between the coarse aggregate and reduces the porosity
of the final concrete, in turn reducing the tendency to disintegrate during alternate freeze-thaw
cycles. The cement is a mixture of fine mineral particles that sets and hardens after being made
into a paste with water. The most common type of cement is Portland cement, named after the
cliffs at Portland in England, which the hardened material resembles. Portland cement is a type
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18 The Essential CANDU
of hydraulic cement, i.e., one that hardens upon reaction with water. It is a mixture of calcium
silicate (conveniently designated as 60-65% CaO and 20-25% SiO2), iron oxide and alumina (7-
12%). Adding water hydrates the mixture to produce a solid gel, releasing heat as it does so. The
main chemical reactions can be generalized to:
Like other ceramic-based materials, concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension, so
for most construction purposes it has to be strengthened. Reinforced concrete has steel rods
(“rebars”), wires or mesh introduced into the structure to take the tensile loads, while the
concrete supports the parts under compression. Such a combination is effective for components
undergoing bending forces. In prestressed concrete the reinforcing steel is pulled in tension
between an anchor and a jack while the concrete is poured and cured. After the concrete has
set, the external tension on the steel is removed and as it relaxes the forces are transferred to
the surrounding restraining concrete, placing it in compression. The component can now resist
higher tensile or bending forces. Post-stressed concrete also has induced compressive stresses,
but they are imposed by running steel cables or rods through tubes set in the structure and
pulling and maintaining them in tension after the concrete has hardened. Reinforced concrete
has many applications in nuclear reactor construction – building foundations, primary contain-
ment and shielding, supports for large components such as steam generators, etc. Concrete
containment buildings are pre- or post-stressed, and for the LWRs are lined with steel plate.
Existing CANDU containment buildings are lined with epoxy.
Concrete structures undergo various modes of degradation. Rebar in civil installations, typically
bridges and road overpasses, corrodes in contact with aqueous solutions such as road salt and
in time can cause serious deterioration of the structure. Pre- and post-stressing steel can also
rust and lose strength and over time the compressive stresses may relax. The concrete itself may
be attacked; chlorides, nitrates and sulphates react with the cement and cycles of freezing and
thawing can cause cracking. An insidious mode of degradation for concretes with aggregate
containing silica in a non-crystalline or glassy form is the co-called alkali-aggregate reaction
(AAR). This is an internal process whereby alkaline constituents of the cement react over time
with the silica to form a hydrated calcium silicate. This compound has a larger volume than its
precursors and the resultant swelling causes the structure gradually to spall and crack. The
hydro-electric dam at Mactaquac on the St. John river in New Brunswick has a particularly
pernicious form of this degradation. The concrete swelling puts such severe compressive forces
on the structure, which is firmly anchored between rock abutments, that the stresses have to be
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 19
relieved periodically by sawing vertically through the dam from top to bottom – a process that
can continue only for about another decade. The plinth supporting the turbine at the Gentilly-2
CANDU is cracking because of this form of degradation. Concrete used as radiation shielding
around a nuclear reactor relies on its water content to maintain not only its strength but also its
effectiveness for stopping neutrons. Over time, the absorption of radiation and the resulting
heating can lead to dehydration, involving water both bound chemically with hydrous minerals
and free as excess molecules. To minimize these losses, reactor shielding structures are conti-
nuously cooled, often with cooling water pipes embedded in the structure.
2.2.7 Polymers
Polymers for industrial or domestic consumption are generally called plastics. Because of their
ease of manufacture and formation, their physical and chemical properties and their low cost
they have a huge number of applications. The transparency of several types makes them useful
as substitutes for glass whilst the elasticity of others puts them in the class of elastomers. They
can be produced as homogeneous material or as both the matrix and the fibre reinforcement
for composites. In reactor systems they are used for electrical insulation, coatings, seals, etc.
and occur in a myriad of common articles such as textiles, containers, tools, etc.
Most polymers, and the ones discussed here, are composed of “giant” molecules consisting of
chains of simpler units bonded together. They are usually organic carbon-based compounds,
although some are inorganic, based on silicone Si-O units. Molecular weights can range from
104 to 106 g/mol or higher. A linear polymer has its molecules as single strands in a tangled
arrangement, rather like a portion of spaghetti. In a branched polymer, each “spaghetti” strand
has one or more shorter strands branching off. Linear or branched polymers can be cross-linked,
whereby atoms in individual strands are strongly bonded covalently to atoms in other strands,
either directly or via linking atoms.
Thermoplastics are composed of linear or branched molecular strands that are weakly con-
nected to each other by van der Waals bonds and that can be partially separated or untangled
by applying tensile stress. Thermoplastics therefore are ductile and deform plastically. When
heated they at first soften and then melt, making them easily moulded into useful articles and
readily recycled. Polyethylene is a common example of a thermoplastic. By contrast, thermoset-
ting plastics have their linear or branched molecular strands strongly bonded covalently to each
other in a rigid, three-dimensional network. They are therefore stronger than thermoplastics but
more brittle. On heating, they do not melt but decompose, making them difficult to recycle.
Polyurethanes are an example of a thermosetting plastic. Elastomers are thermoplastic or lightly
cross-linked polymers that have their molecular strands in a folded or coiled configuration.
Under stress the molecules deform reversibly, rather like a spring, so that the original form is
regained when the stress is relaxed. Natural rubber is the prime example of an elastomer which
can be stretched elastically to >200%. The soft, thermoplastic latex from the rubber tree is
made into useful rubber by “vulcanising”, involving reacting it with sulphur to cross-link the
highly folded molecular strands. Depending on the degree of vulcanisation, a tougher and more
elastic material is formed, one that does not soften and become sticky when heated to mod-
erate temperatures. Low (1 – 3%) sulphur contents form soft commercial rubber, while high (23-
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20 The Essential CANDU
The damage mechanism is the radiation-induced rupture of the chemical bonds holding the
polymer together, and the subsequent re-forming of the bonds to create an altered structure.
Depending on the material, the degree of cross-linking can be increased and polymerization
increased or reduced, oxidation in air can be promoted and deterioration with gas evolution
may occur. Serious changes in properties such as conductivity, strength, hardness, ductility, etc.
result. Table 4 indicates the severity of damage of several common polymers caused by radia-
Table 4. Severity of radiation-induced damage of common polymers
nitrile rubber
natural rubber
10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102
Absorbed Dose MGy
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 21
It is noteworthy that polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE – or the DuPont trade name Teflon®), a most
useful product in many domestic and industrial applications because of its non-stick and low
friction properties, is the most severely affected by radiation in the list in Table 4 (in any case, its
use in reactor systems is proscribed because it tends to release fluorine species as it degrades,
and fluorine is particularly damaging to zirconium and its alloys).
The fuel channel components in contact with the heavy water primary coolant comprise the
pressure tubes of Zr-2.5%Nb, the end-fittings of type 403 stainless steel, the liner tubes of type
410 stainless steel, the shield plugs of ductile iron and the seal plugs of Cr-Fe stainless steel. The
fuel bundles are of elements sheathed with Zircaloy-4 that are separated by spacers of Zircaloy-
4 that are resistance-welded to the end-plates, which are also made of Zircaloy-4. Bundles sit
inside the pressure tubes on bearing pads of Zircaloy-4 which, like the spacers, are attached to
the elements with a braze of Zr-Be.
The feeders and headers are made of carbon steel. Originally, when a low cobalt content was
specified to minimize radiation-field build-up around the PHT circuit, a low-chromium material
(A106 grade B with ~0.02wt%Cr) was selected. As described in Section 4.2 of this chapter and in
Section 3.2 of Chapter 15, this gave rise to flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) of the feeders at the
reactor outlet. Replacement outlet feeders are specified as A106C with a chromium level of
about 0.3wt%Cr, which, based upon extensive laboratory testing, should be enough to extend
the life of the outlet feeders by about 50% and significantly reduce system fouling from trans-
ported corrosion products. A degradation phenomenon in some outlet feeders before replace-
ment was a type of cracking, which occurred only at the Point Lepreau CANDU-6. Incidences of
feeder cracking at other CANDUs have been extremely low – confined to one repaired field weld
– making the Point Lepreau experience unique and rather mysterious. By 2005, nine feeders had
been removed because of deep cracks from the inside surfaces, in some cases they were
through-wall (Slade and Gendron, 2005), and a total of 12 feeders had been removed and
replaced up to the time of the refurbishment shut-down that began in 2008. Cracks were all in
the first and/or second tight-radius bends downstream of the fuel channel outlet, where
residual stresses were high and where FAC was prevalent. Detailed examination revealed
extensive shallow cracks on the outside surfaces also, and these outside-surface cracks were
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22 The Essential CANDU
found to be widespread in feeder bends across the reactor face. The cracking mechanism was
not conclusively identified before Point Lepreau was shut down for the refurbishment, which
included replacement of the feeders with the A106C material mentioned above and with stress-
relieved bends. However, it was postulated that the inside-surface cracks possibly originated
from stress-corrosion cracking caused by slightly oxidizing conditions at the reactor outlet due to
insufficient suppression of radiolysis and exacerbated at reactor start-up, especially if air ingress
had occurred. The outside-surface cracking was possibly low-temperature creep cracking,
facilitated by atomic deuterium diffusing through the metal lattice due to FAC (Slade and
Gendron, 2005).
The purification is a feed-and-bleed system taken off the connection between the coolant loops
or, at Bruce A (which has only one primary loop) directly off the reactor headers. It has heat
exchangers with tubes of nickel alloy (e.g., Alloy-600 or Alloy-800) and vessels such as the ion-
exchange columns of 300-series stainless steel. The pressurizer, also taken off the connection
between the coolant loops, is a carbon-steel vessel with immersion heaters clad with nickel
The steam generators are tubed with nickel alloy – Alloy-400 at Pickering, Alloy-600 at Bruce and
Alloy-800 at the CANDU 6s and Darlington and the refurbished units at Bruce (Units 1 & 2). The
replacement units at Bruce, like all the other CANDU steam generators except the original
designs at Bruce A, are of the “light-bulb” design (see Figure 17 in Chapter 8) with the steam
separator and dryer separate for each unit above the tube bundle (each original Bruce A design
has four steam generators connected to an integral steam drum at each end of the reactor). The
tube sheets in the primary heads are clad with the tube material, but the heads themselves are
carbon steel. The divider plates in the steam generator heads have been replaced with stainless
steel to eliminate FAC. All the steam generators except those at Bruce have integral preheaters,
but at Bruce the preheaters are separate heat exchangers of carbon steel with tubes of Alloy-
600 and tube sheets in contact with the primary coolant clad with the same material (the Bruce
preheaters remove heat from the primary coolant serving the inner core fuel channels, which
run at a higher power than the outer core ones).
As mentioned above, steam generator tubing is Alloy-400 at Pickering, Alloy-600 in the original
units at Bruce – Alloy-800 in replacement units and at Darlington and the CANDU 6s. The tube
supports at Pickering A are lattice bars of carbon steel and at Pickering B are broached plates of
carbon steel; at Bruce the original supports are broached plates of carbon steel but, like Darling-
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 23
ton and the CANDU 6s (except Embalse, Point Lepreau and Wolsong 1), the replacement units
have lattice bars of type 410 stainless steel. Embalse has broached plates of carbon steel, Point
Lepreau has broached plates of type 410 stainless steel and Wolsong 1 has lattice bars of Alloy
600. Steam generator shells, shrouds, etc. are of low-alloy/carbon steel.
The feedwater and steam cycle piping is generally carbon steel, although some regions of the
system susceptible to flow-accelerated corrosion, such as piping carrying two-phase steam-
water mixtures or highly-turbulent feedwater, may have alloy steel or even stainless steel.
All CANDUs except Embalse have a deaerator in the feed water train. These, the high-pressure
feedwater heaters and the moisture-separator/reheater in the steam circuit are made mostly of
carbon steel, although stainless steel may be employed for some reheater tubes. The low-
pressure feedwater heaters are made of stainless steel.
The condensers at Point Lepreau and the Qinshan CANDUs are tubed with titanium since they
draw from sea water while the Embalse plant continues to use Admiralty brass (with stainless
steel for the outer tubes of the bundles). The remaining CANDUs use Type 304 stainless steel as
their condenser tubes, Bruce units 1 & 2 being the most recently converted during their refur-
bishment project that was completed in 2012.
3.1.3 Moderator
The moderator system is the piping and components containing and processing the heavy water
moderator (isotopic purity ≥99.75wt%). It includes the cover gas system containing the helium
cover gas and maintaining its content of deuterium and oxygen (formed by heavy-water radioly-
sis in the reactor) at safe levels of <2wt% via a catalytic recombiner.
All reactors have a calandria vessel made of type 304L stainless steel and calandria tubes made
of Zircaloy-2. Most of the rest of the circuits (including the heavy water expansion tank) are of
stainless steel, except the heat exchangers, which are nickel alloy – primarily Alloy 800.
The condenser tubing materials have already been listed above. Like the condenser shells, the
inlet and outlet “water boxes” are of carbon steel and they may be cathodically protected from
galvanic corrosion caused by contact with tube sheets of more noble metals.
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24 The Essential CANDU
The purified water, maintained at high pH with lithium hydroxide, is circulated through heat
exchangers tubed with nickel alloy or even copper alloy, where it is cooled by plant service water
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 25
The dousing tank below the roof slab is made of reinforced concrete and the piping system of
carbon steel and stainless steel. In the later reactors the shell-and-tube ECC heat exchangers to
reject heat to the outside are alloy-tubed but early designs used titanium plate-type heat
3.3.1 Containment
In the four-unit CANDUs at Darlington and Bruce A and B, the reactor of each unit is contained
within a reinforced concrete vault, which extends to shielded rooms above containing the steam
generators, heat transport pumps and reactivity drive mechanisms. Main steam piping exits the
containment for the turbine building. Openings in the floor of the vault allow entry of the
fuelling machine, which serves all four units via a duct running below grade for the length of the
station and connecting to a fuel handling facility. The overall building for each unit has a flat,
steel roof.
The four-unit CANDUs at Pickering A and B, like the CANDU 6 reactors, each have the reactor,
steam generators, etc., in a separate containment building of pre-stressed, post-tensioned
concrete with a domed roof. The building is lined with epoxy, but future designs could incorpo-
rate a steel liner. The main steam pipes exit the containment directly for the turbine building.
The vacuum building is constructed of reinforced concrete. It is supported inside with an ar-
rangement of columns and beams that also hold up the ECC storage tank and the vacuum
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26 The Essential CANDU
The machines simultaneously clamp onto the end-fittings of a channel, unlock, remove and
store the seal plugs, remove and store the shield plugs then push new fuel bundles into the
pressure tube from one end and remove and store spent fuel bundles from the other end,
replace the shield plugs and finally replace and lock the seal plugs. During the operation the
machine is in contact with the primary coolant at pressure and sustains a flow of heavy water
from the PHT supply tanks. The seal plug sealing faces must be maintained in good condition to
prevent expensive heavy water leaks.
Fuelling machines are large pieces of equipment comprising many components that remotely
perform a complex series of tasks. They are made of many engineering materials. Of note are
the mechanical bearings that support the rotating magazine, which have traditionally been
made of the extremely hard-wearing cobalt alloy, Stellite®. This has been responsible for a
significant component of out-core radiation fields, since even very small releases of cobalt to the
primary coolant during a refuelling operation may give rise to the production of 60Co in the
reactor core, and this distributes around the circuit and contaminates out-core components,
particularly at the reactor faces and in the steam generator heads. Recent research is identifying
alternative materials for the bearings such as silicon nitride (see for example Qiu, L., 2013).
Additionally, activation products of antimony (primarily Sb-124) originate from bearings in the
heat transport pumps and as impurities in steel and may contribute significantly to the overall
activity levels throughout the primary heat transport circuit.
3.3.4 Fuel
The fuel materials in contact with the primary coolant, viz. the element sheaths, end plates,
bearing pads, spacers and the braze attaching the appendages to the sheath have already been
described. The fuel pellets themselves within a sheath are of high-density, sintered UO2 of
natural isotopic content (0.7% 235U) and the inside surface of the sheath is coated with a thin
layer of graphite to reduce sheath-pellet interactions (the CANLUB system). The standard bundle
is of 37 similar elements; however, more-efficient designs such as the CANFLEX® bundle with 43
elements of different diameters have been proposed; thus, for future applications, the Ad-
vanced CANDU Reactor employs low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel of UO2 with 3-4% 235U in a
CANFLEX®-type bundle with a central element containing a neutron absorber. Note that the
flexibility of the CANDU system makes it suitable for a wide variety of fuel materials, and trials
with thorium, recovered uranium (from reprocessing of LWR-type fuel) and plutonium mixed-
oxide (with uranium) have been carried out successfully.
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 27
There are mechanical adjuster rods (21 in the CANDU 6s), also inserted vertically into the
moderator, to act as neutron absorbers. They are tubes of stainless steel or Zircaloy containing
“shim rods” of steel/cadmium or cobalt that are normally fully inserted to flatten the flux profile
but can be withdrawn mechanically via motor-driven winches (sheaves) and cables as override
for xenon poisoning following reactor shutdown or a power reduction.
Shut-off rods and mechanical control absorbers are of similar design, penetrating the calandria
vertically between the calandria tubes in similar fashion to the adjuster rods. Each employs a
cable, winch and clutch to hoist, hold or release an absorber tube containing cadmium as a
neutron absorber. They are normally parked in thimbles above the calandria but can be driven
vertically downwards into the core to reduce reactivity through perforated guide tubes of
Zircaloy that are anchored at the bottom of the calandria. Shutdown System #1 comprises 28
such assemblies arranged throughout the reactor; they release their rods by de-energising the
clutch and drive them into the core by spring-assisted gravity to achieve rapid power decrease.
Four other assemblies can be used for reactor control to supplement the liquid zone controllers.
They are normally parked out of the core but are driven in at variable speeds as required to
reduce reactor power.
As described above and elsewhere in this text, a nuclear reactor is a complex system of different
connected materials that must behave optimally in unison to ensure the safe and efficient
operation of the plant. Even under the strictest chemistry control practices and careful plant
operation, the corrosion and subsequent degradation of the plant components are the inevita-
ble consequences of thermodynamics; the metals that make up the pipes, valves, fittings and
vessels all tend to revert back to their thermodynamically stable state – usually an oxide,
haematite (Fe2O3) for example, the basis of rust on iron and steel. In some cases, the degrada-
tion of system components is exacerbated by vibration, fatigue or fretting or by the interaction
with high-velocity coolant creating flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC); in all cases, component
lifetimes are shortened. Thus, knowledge of the basic forms of corrosion is a prerequisite to
understanding the materials selection and chemistry requirements of CANDUs.
thickness (incorporating a “corrosion allowance”) that will last for the desired lifetime; failures
are rare.
The mechanism for the formation of the duplex oxide film on the AGR steel has been postulated
to be the direct reaction of metal with CO2 that diffuses through pores and microchannels in the
growing oxide [Kofstad, 1985]. For example:
The carbon is distributed through the oxide and may carburise the metal. The development of
the oxide porosity is governed by stresses created at the metal-oxide interface (M-O) by the
difference between the density of the oxide and that of the metal (quantified as the “Pilling-
Bedworth” ratio, which is defined as the ratio of the volume oxide formed to the equivalent
volume of metal consumed; it is greater than unity for the common transition metals). We note,
however, an alternative mechanism [Taylor et al., 1980], whereby corrosion is controlled by the
protective nature of the inner layer; thus, the magnetite forms at the oxide-coolant interface (O-
C) via direct chemical reaction with CO2 of Fe that has migrated through the oxide:
although the details will involve reactions with diffused ionic species:
The kinetics of general corrosion governed by the increasing protection afforded by a conti-
nuously-thickening oxide film are often described by a parabolic expression, derived from the
principle that diffusion rate, and therefore corrosion rate and oxide film growth rate (dm/dt), is
inversely proportional to film thickness (m):
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 29
dm k
= (7)
dt m
which integrates to:
m2 -mo2 = kt (8)
where mo is the initial film thickness. Modifications of (8) such as (9) are occasionally quoted:
CANDU reactors have two main gas systems, although several ancillary systems also use inert
cover gases to help prevent corrosion and maintain safety envelopes. The two main gas systems
include the moderator cover gas system (already described) and the annulus gas system (AGS).
The AGS circulates CO2 through the annulus between the calandria tube and its companion
pressure tube. The system is continually monitored for moisture by dew point measurements as
a warning of a leak from the PHT system or from the calandria end shield joint. Deuterium
produced from the corrosion of the pressure tube on the PHT-side, diffuses into the AGS
forming heavy water vapour when combined with oxygen present in the CO2 so the system
needs to be regularly purged to reduce the moisture content. The oxygen added to the CO2 in
the AGS also performs an important role of oxidizing the outside of the pressure tube. By
oxidizing the outside pressure tube surface it helps to maintain a barrier to the ingress of
deuterium into the pressure tube and promotes oxide formation on the X750 garter-spring
The carbon steel feeders in CANDU primary coolant corrode accordingly, except that the coolant
is D2O rather than H2O and deuterium rather than hydrogen is evolved. Mechanistically, (10)
can be regarded as two half-reactions, the anodic or oxidation process:
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30 The Essential CANDU
The half-reactions occur simultaneously and at the same rate. According to the classic Wagner-
Traud theory [Wagner and Traud, 1938] it is postulated that the anodic sites on the metal,
where metal ions dissolve (reaction (11)), are separate from the cathodic sites, where electrons
are discharged, oxide ions form and hydrogen is released (reaction (12)). The electrons are
transported between the sites and the metal ions and oxide ions interact and precipitate as
magnetite. Clearly, for the oxidation to be uniform, the sites must be mobile across the surface.
In reality, it is understood that in high-temperature water the oxidation at the M-O produces
ferrous ions according to:
where H is in the form of hydrogen atoms that migrate through the metal. It is important to
note that if dissolved oxygen is introduced into neutral or alkaline water, reaction (14) is re-
placed by the more favourable reaction (15):
The ferrous ions and hydroxide ions from (13) and (14) or (15) interact to form soluble ferrous
but this oxidises and precipitates as magnetite according to the Schikorr reaction [Schikorr,
Again, if oxygen is present, the oxidation of ferrous hydroxide proceeds via the more favourable:
There is only room at the M-O (metal-oxide interface) for about half of the ferrous hydroxide to
precipitate there as inner-layer magnetite; the other half, along with any hydrogen molecules
generated at the M-O by (17), diffuse through the developing magnetite film to the O-C (oxide-
coolant interface). There, if the coolant is reducing and saturated in dissolved iron as in the
carbon steel inlet feeders of CANDUs, it precipitates as outer-layer magnetite according to (17);
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 31
the molecular hydrogen is then dispersed in the bulk of the flowing coolant. In the presence of
dissolved oxygen, the outer layer precipitates according to (18) and the magnetite film develops
completely without the evolution of hydrogen. In time, it may itself oxidise to the Fe(III) oxide
and if the conditions are oxidising enough haematite may be formed directly without the
intermediate formation of magnetite.
The duplex films of magnetite generally consist of a fine-grained inner layer of particles ten or so
nanometres in size, overlaid with crystallites of sizes up to about ten micrometres. The outer
layer crystallites are generally facetted octahedra, obviously grown from solution (see Figure 5
and 6).
Figure 5. Schematic Cross-Section through Magnetite Film on Carbon Steel [Lister, 2003]
Figure 6. Scanning Electron Micrograph of Magnetite Film formed on Carbon Steel during an
1100-h Exposure in High-Temperature Water [Lister, 2003]
The general corrosion of the higher alloyed materials in widespread use in water reactor sys-
tems, such as the stainless steels and nickel alloys, also leads to the development of duplex
oxide films. The oxide layers are generally thin and compact, conferring a high degree of corro-
sion resistance. The precise compositions of the oxides depend on the coolant chemistry,
particularly the oxidising propensity. In general, it is the inner layers that “passivate” the alloy;
these are based on the normal spinel FeCr2O4, which has a very stable lattice structure and a low
solubility in the chemically reducing coolants of the pressurised water reactors (PWRs) and
CANDUs [Lister, 1993]. Variants of the iron chromite structure contain elements arising from
other alloy constituents such as nickel, viz. NixFe1-xCr2O4, where x depends on the composition
of the alloy; small amounts of other metals such as cobalt may also be incorporated and in the
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32 The Essential CANDU
primary coolant this gives rise to radiation fields from 58Co and 60Co. The outer-oxide layers are
variants of the inverse spinel magnetite and are designated as NixFe3-xO4; again, x depends on
the composition of the underlying alloy but also, since the layer is precipitated from solution, it
depends upon the metals dissolved in the coolant and originating in the rest of the circuit [Cook
et al., 2000]. In PWRs, the composition of the outer layers on the alloys approximates
Ni0.6Fe2.4O4, a variant of nickel ferrite (or trevorite, NiFe2O4). This also approximates the compo-
sition of the particulate matter (called “crud”) that circulates in suspension in the primary
coolant at concentrations of the order of a ppb (part per billion) or less and that forms deposits
on in-core fuel assemblies. In CANDU primary coolants the large surface area of carbon steel
feeders makes magnetite the predominant constituent of crud.
The boiling water reactors (BWRs) traditionally operate under conditions of normal water
chemistry, NWC, which exposes their alloys to high-temperature water that is slightly oxidising.
This favours the formation of soluble Cr(VI) rather than the Cr(III), which is the basis of the
chromite oxides that are widespread in the PWRs. Consequently, the stainless steels that
constitute much of the BWR circuits develop oxides with less FeCr2O4; they also contain the
Fe(III) oxide Fe2O3, haematite. In the move to less-oxidising coolant chemistry in the BWRs,
accomplished by adding hydrogen to the feedwater to create hydrogen water chemistry (HWC),
the oxides on stainless steel approach those found in the PWRs. It is interesting to note that
detailed in-situ studies of corrosion rates on type SA 316L stainless steel indicate that NWC
conditions are somewhat less corrosive than HWC conditions [Ishida and Lister, 2012]. The
corrosion for the first 100 – 150 h under NWC follows logarithmic kinetics whereas under HWC it
follows a joint parabolic-logarithmic law.
The corrosion of zirconium alloys has been postulated as occurring in three stages, as shown in
Figure 5. The stages have been characterized as [Hillner et al., 2000]:
transition, when kinetics become rapid and linear and white or grey oxide is
As indicated in Figure 7, the transitory period was not recognized in early models, although the
omission has little effect on the general description. The transition occurs at film thicknesses of
2–5 µm.
Much of the early research leading to our understanding of the cor corrosion
rosion and hydriding of
zirconium and its alloys was conducted by Cox [Cox, 1976]. The basic electrochemical reaction is
the formation of a compact oxide film based on zirconia (ZrO2) via:
The pre-transition
transition film is adherent and compact zirconia of tetragonal crystal structure that
grows via the solid-state
state diffusion through the oxide of ions/vacancies and d electrons/holes.
Electron diffusion is rate-determining
determining and drives the cathodic reaction by reducing water to
form hydrogen. The hydrogen genera
generated (in overall terms by (20))
)) enters the metal in atomic
form and at high enough concentrations precipitates within the lattice as flakes of hydride of
nominal composition between ZrH and ZrH2, making the material brittle. The post-transition
oxide has monoclinic crystal structure and is much less protective than the pre
pre--transition oxide,
hence the accelerated corrosion.
orrosion. Since these processes occur with no oxide dissolution or
release of cations to the coolant, the weight
gain of laboratory specimens is an accurate gauge
of corrosion.
depends upon the metallurgy of the alloy and the aggressiveness of the environment, but rarely
causes problems (although spalled oxide has occasionally caused abrasion damage in BWR
control-rod drive mechanisms). So-called “shadow corrosion”, where galvanic effects thicken
ZrO2 films in proximity to components made of non-zirconium alloys such as stainless steel
control-blade handles, is an additional mechanism in the low-conductivity and low-hydrogen
environment of the BWR. BWR fuel is also subject to increased corrosion when the surface
temperature is increased by the deposition of copper-containing crud that impairs the nuclea-
tion of steam bubbles. Such “CILC” (crud-induced localized corrosion) has led to fuel failures.
These mechanisms of corrosion of zirconium alloys are reviewed in detail in the report of
Adamson et al. [2007].
Because of its relatively low burn-up, CANDU fuel sheathing develops a very thin, protective
oxide and failures from coolant-induced general corrosion are almost non-existent. The Zr-
2.5%Nb pressure tubes in CANDUs and other PHWRs also experience low corrosion rates and
their general corrosion over the 20-30-year lifetime in-reactor is acceptable. The oxidation,
however, does force hydrogen (actually, deuterium from the heavy-water coolant) into the
metal lattice, and this is much aggravated by deuterium that migrates into the pressure-tube
ends across the rolled-joint between it and the stainless-steel end fittings, which also experience
general corrosion. Hydriding (deuteriding) can then be a problem if concentrations exceed the
“terminal solid solubility” (TSS), leading to precipitation of hydride “platelets”, brittleness and
possible cracking if excessive stresses are experienced [Simpson et al., 1974]. In fact as men-
tioned earlier, in the past, pressure tubes have failed because of delayed hydride cracking (DHC),
so they must be continually monitored for uptake of hydrogen/deuterium during service [Per-
ryman, 1978].
The Zr-Nb alloy of CANDU pressure tubes is subject to several other forms of degradation
(growth and creep), and these will be life-limiting for the components in one form or another
and are the primary reason a mid-life refurbishment (after approximately 30 years of operation)
is required on CANDU reactors. As described in Section 2.1 above, neutron irradiation causes an
increase in strength and a loss of ductility (or loss of toughness) in Zr-2.5%Nb alloys (as it does in
all metals) but this does not prevent the pressure tubes from performing their role as a pressure
boundary. The neutron irradiation causes additional defects (dislocations) to be produced in the
metal lattice, which move through the metal’s crystal structure either under the action of stress
(known as radiation induced creep) or by the action of the neutron flux alone (radiation induced
growth). The migration of the dislocations results in extension or contraction of the tube in its
three major directions but because of the tube’s texture or predominant grain orientation,
growth is concentrated in the longitudinal direction. Providing sliding bearings on each end
fitting has been demonstrated to accommodate the radiation induced growth and elongation. In
early CANDU designs, channel extension was only sufficient to allow for thermal and pressure-
based expansion. Design changes have substantially increased the channel extension capability.
Fixing one end of the fuel channel now accommodates full-life channel elongation allowing for
extension to occur at the opposite, free end of the channel. Typically, at the midway point
through the reactor core’s operating lifetime, the fuel channel is released at the initially fixed
end and then pushed to its maximum inboard position and fixed at the formerly free end,
allowing for the full scope of the design extension to be used. Fuel channel elongation is great-
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 35
est in the high power channels in the centre of the reactor resulting in a dish-shaped profile of
fuel channel extension. Differential elongation could cause feeder pipes at reactor ends to
contact and chafe each other, which must be avoided. Because of the material condition of the
Zr-2 calandria tubes, they do not elongate to the extent of applying significant loads on the end
The pressure tubes also sag with increased exposure time due to the elongation described
above and from diametral creep. The diametral creep meant that fuel channels in the middle of
the core, where the combination of neutron flux, pressure and temperature are highest, would
suffer from significant portions of the coolant flow by-passing the fuel bundles, reducing the
heat transfer efficiency and leading to reductions in the margins to dry-out. The remedy was
then to derate – reduce the reactor power. Pressure-tube/calandria-tube sag also meant that
the pressure tubes in some reactors approached the calandria tubes closely, and occasionally
may have contacted one of the horizontal reactivity mechanism control tubes spanning the
calandria. The pressure tube and its matching calandria tube are separated by wire wound
toroidal spacers or garter springs that accommodate relative movement between the two. The
pressure tube will sag more between the spacers than will the calandria tube due to the higher
temperature and pressure operation and the weight of the fuel bundles. Should the spacers
move out of position from vibration during operation, there is a risk that the hot pressure tube
touchs the cool calandria tube inducing a thermal gradient or “cold spot” on the wall of the
pressure tube. The will cause any hydrogen/deuterium in the vicinity to diffuse down the
temperature gradient and form a hydride or hydrogen blister at the surface. Above a certain
size, the blister will crack to accommodate the volume change and may initiate a delayed
hydride crack that could penetrate the tube wall. As these degradation problems worsened with
time of operation, pressure-tube rehabilitation programs were undertaken. REFAB (Reposition-
ing End Fitting And Bearing) involved shifting pressure tubes within the core so that they were at
the start of their travel on the bearings to accommodate elongation, as described above. SLAR
(Spacer Location and Repositioning) involved using electromagnetic induction to find the
spacers separating the pressure tubes and calandria tubes and then shift them to their design
positions to counteract sag and avoid subsequent contact. Severely affected fuel channels could
have their tubes replaced, and in the extreme case LSFCR (Large Scale Fuel Channel Replace-
ment) could be undertaken, in which a full core is replaced. This was done during the early
operation at Pickering, when the pressure tubes suffered delayed hydride cracking (DHC)
because of faulty installation; it is an integral part of reactor refurbishment to double the
operating life of the CANDU plant.
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36 The Essential CANDU
accidents due to FAC in condensate systems have occurred in at least two nuclear plants – the
Surry PWR in the US in 1986 and the Mihama 3 PWR in Japan in 2004 – and at fossil-fired plants
such as the Pleasant Prairie coal-fired station in the US in 1995. Unexpected and sometimes
excessive pipe-wall thinning from FAC has also been an endemic problem in the outlet feeders in
the primary coolant systems of the CANDU reactors that were in operation before the two
CANDU 6 models in Qinshan, China, that went into service in 2002 and 2003. Some feeders have
had to be replaced as they reached their minimum wall thickness long before their design
lifetime, Although these replaced feeders represent a small fraction of the total number in
service, the necessity of regular inspections to ensure suitable margins still remains for the pipe
wall thickness; feeder FAC represents a considerable cost to plant operators through planning,
conducting and verifying the field inspections in the restricted, high radiation dose area.
The basic mechanism of FAC in power plants is the dissolution and “wearing” of the normally-
protective film of magnetite that develops on the corroding steel in high-temperature water. As
its title suggests, the phenomenon is exacerbated by fluid flow – specifically, turbulence. As it
proceeds, the attack “sculpts” the metal surface into a characteristic pattern of shallow hollows,
called scallops, the size of which is governed by the turbulence (see Figure 8). The magnetite
dissolves at its interface with the coolant (i.e., at the O-C, by the reverse of Equation 17) and is
replenished by corrosion at the metal-oxide interface (M-O) by reactions described above for
general corrosion (in overall terms by Equation 7). Also as described above, not all the corroded
iron can be accommodated as oxide at the M-O – about half diffuses through the oxide to the O-
C. In an FAC environment the coolant is depleted of dissolved iron, no outer layer of magnetite
can precipitate and the diffused iron is transported to the bulk coolant along with that produced
by the magnetite dissolution. The transport to the bulk is effected by mass transfer, which is
governed by the convective processes in the coolant – i.e., by the turbulence. Since the diffusion
of iron through the oxide film governs the corrosion rate, the thickness of the film attains a
steady-state which then controls the FAC at a constant rate.
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 37
This simple view of FAC, in which there are two processes in series – the dissolution of the
magnetite film and the transport of iron to the bulk coolant – has been described by Equation
21 [Berge et al., 1980]:
kmkd C s -Cb ) (21)
0.5km +kd
where: R is the FAC rate (gFe/cm2.s) , km is the mass transfer coefficient (cm/s), kd is the magne-
tite dissolution rate constant (cm/s), Cs is the magnetite solubility (gFe/cm3) and Cb is the
concentration of iron in the bulk coolant (gFe/cm3). High alkalinity reduces FAC in feedwater
systems by reducing magnetite dissolution (by reducing Cs and kd) – although at the higher
temperatures in primary coolant systems increasing alkalinity tends to increase magnetite
dissolution and is expected to increase FAC accordingly. The effects of flow and pH in the
mechanism of FAC are shown in Figure 9.
R = 2kd C s -C b ) (22)
R = km C s -C b ) (23)
However, mass transfer cannot be the sole mechanism responsible for FAC, since dependences
on flow rate much greater than those conventionally described by empirical mass-transfer
correlations are frequently encountered; moreover, FAC often occurs in circumstances where
the dissolution of the magnetite is much slower than mass transfer and should control the rate,
leading to the untenable situation of the process’s being described by Equation 22, which has no
flow dependence at all. These observations have led to the postulate of a mechanism for FAC
wherein rapidly-flowing coolant that is unsaturated in dissolved iron dissolves the magnetite (as
in the conventional description) but the dissolution loosens the nano-crystals of oxide at the O-C
which are then stripped from the surface (eroded or spalled) by the force of the fluid shear
stress at the pipe wall [Lister and Uchida, 2010]. A schematic view of the overall mechanism,
which also involves some of the reactions of magnetite and hydrogen along with the diffusion of
dissolved iron through the (now single-layered) oxide film as described earlier for general
corrosion, is presented in Figure 10.
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38 The Essential CANDU
The mathematical model describing this mechanism was first applied to a CANDU primary
coolant system, for which measured values of kd [Balakrishnan, 1977] were so much less than
km that the conventional explanation of FAC via Equation 21 was clearly inadequate. The FAC in
several outlet feeders at the Point Lepreau CANDU was modelled, leading to predictions of wall
thinning rate around the first couple of bends downstream of the end-fitting that corresponded
very well to plant measurements. At the same time, the oxide spalling terms led to realistic
estimates of crud levels (concentrations of suspended oxide particles) in the primary coolant.
After replacement of the dissolution terms in the model with precipitation terms and insertion
of appropriate coolant flow rates and temperatures, the corrosion and oxide build-up on inlet
feeders were also predicted very well, [Lister and Lang, 2002].
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 39
Traces of some transition metals (copper, molybdenum and especially chromium) in the carbon
steel have long been known to reduce FAC rates; concentrations of Cr as low as a fraction of a
percent have been demonstrated to lower FAC rates drastically [Bouchacourt, 1987]. Unfortu-
nately, the existence of a lower limit of Cr content of 0.03 – 0.04%, below which FAC rates are
not affected, has been propounded and is apparently incorporated into some examples of FAC
software. Recent work, however, has demonstrated a reduction of ~60% in FAC rate between
steels containing 0.001% Cr and those containing 0.019% Cr [Lister and Uchida, 2010].
The FAC of CANDU outlet feeders has now been mitigated in replacement piping and in new
reactors by specifying a carbon steel with a higher chromium content [Tapping, 2008]. The
original material had been specified with a low cobalt content to minimise the build-up of out-
core radiation fields from 60Co during reactor operation, and this resulted in a low chromium
content since no Cr concentration was specified; for example, the Point Lepreau feeders were
made of A106 Grade-B steel with 0.019% Cr. Replacement material has been A106 Grade-C steel
with a Cr content of ~0.33% and this has led to a reduction in FAC rate of around 50%, which
should be enough to assure the integrity of the piping for the lifetime of the plant.
The lower temperatures in secondary coolants and feedwater systems lead to higher magnetite
solubilities and correspondingly higher FAC rates than in primary coolants (both solubility and
FAC rate peak at ~130-150oC, irrespective of pH or flow – see Figure 9). Thus, even with a steel
containing 0.3% Cr and carrying feedwater dosed with amines, the 56 cm-diameter piping at the
Mihama-3 PWR at 140oC corroded at an average rate of 0.3-0.4 mm/year over the 20 years or so
of operation before rupturing when the wall thickness reached about 2 mm. The mechanisms of
FAC in feedwater systems of Mihama and elsewhere, including the effects of steel composition,
have been successfully modelled (Phromwong et al., 2011).
A metal in contact with a solution establishes an electrical potential with respect to the solution.
Such a potential cannot be measured directly, since a conductor introduced into the solution to
serve as a measuring electrode to indicate the potential difference with the metal will establish
its own potential. The best we can do is then to measure the metal’s potential with respect to an
electrode that is designated a standard. Such a standard is the “standard hydrogen electrode”
(SHE), which is platinum metal in a solution of hydrogen ions at unit activity (i.e., an acid at pH
0) in contact with hydrogen gas at unit activity (i.e., at 1 atm pressure or partial pressure). The
SHE is given the potential zero, and the potentials of metals in equilibrium with solutions of
their own ions at unit activity are listed against the SHE potential (see Table 5). This list is the
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40 The Essential CANDU
galvanic series for industrially-important metals, and those with high potentials are termed
more “noble” than those “active” ones with low potentials. An active metal can displace a more
noble metal from solution – so in principle, a metal with a negative potential can displace
hydrogen from solution as it dissolves or corrodes; a familiar example is the coating of an iron
nail with copper as it is dipped into copper sulphate solution. Note, however, that some active
metals such as aluminum and chromium are corrosion-resistant in many aqueous and atmos-
pheric environments. This is because they form a very protective oxide that resists corrosion and
makes their behavior more noble (they “passivate”).
Two dissimilar metals in contact in an aqueous environment can therefore act as an electro-
chemical cell, in which the more noble metal acts as the cathode and the more active metal acts
as the anode; i.e., the more active metal dissolves – it corrodes. The greater the difference in
the potentials, the greater the reaction rate. This is the principle of batteries such as the Daniel
cell, in which electrodes of copper and zinc immersed in sulphate solution generate a potential
difference of ~1.1 V as the Zn anode oxidizes and dissolves while Cu species are reduced and
precipitated as metal at the Cu cathode. These processes generate an electric current in an
external circuit. Galvanic coupling of metals is to be avoided in power plants, otherwise the
more active metal will tend to corrode adjacent to the contact point. The severity of the corro-
sion depends upon the conductivity of the solution and the integrity of the joint between the
metals. Oxide films may act as insulators, for example, and reduce the galvanic effect. On the
other hand, galvanic processes can be used to protect metals from general corrosion. Galvanis-
ing steel by coating with zinc, for example, promotes a galvanic process, since the more active
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 41
zinc becomes the anode when the couple is immersed in a solution and lowers the potential of
any areas of exposed steel, protecting them cathodically. Similarly, components prone to
corrode in aqueous environments may be protected cathodically by connecting them to an
electrical source or by attaching a sacrificial anode of more active metal to lower their potential.
It is important to note that in most galvanic couples it is the cathodic component that controls
the reaction rate and therefore the corrosion rate. Consequently, if dissimilar metals must be in
contact, the area of the cathode should be small relative to that of the anode. It follows that to
protect an active metal in contact with a more noble one by coating, painting, etc., the cathode
(more noble component) should be the one coated. Horror stories abound of components such
as carbon steel heat exchanger shells corroding rapidly adjacent to tube sheets of more noble
metals such as titanium because the steel was coated as a protective measure rather than the
In summary, measures to minimize galvanic corrosion include: selecting metals as close togeth-
er as possible in the galvanic series; avoiding small-anode/large-cathode combinations (e.g.,
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42 The Essential CANDU
4.4 Stress-Corrosion
Corrosion Cracking & IGA
corrosion cracking (SCC) occurs in many metals in many environments; even nominally
ductile materials can be affected. The attack may be trans
trans-granular or inter-granular,
granular, depending
upon whether the crack path traverses the metal grains or follows the grain boundaries (see
Figure 11).
(a) (b)
Figure 11.. Examples of transgrannular (TGSCC) (a) and intergrannular (IGSCC) (b) stress
corrosion cracking in stainless steel and brass respectively (after Fontana 1986)
There are three factors required for inducing SCC: the environment must be sufficiently aggres-
sive, which involves temperature since high temperatures generally increase a material’s suscep-
tibility; the composition and microstructure must be suscept
ible, which includes effects such as
sensitisation as discussed earlier; and, the metal must be under tensile stress, which may be
residual stress from manufacturing and/or operational stress from contained pressure. Note,
however, that threshold levels of these factors do not necessarily exist if there is a long enough
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 43
The inside surface of Zircaloy sheathing of nuclear fuel elements can crack during operation
under the influence of mechanical strain and of fission products, particularly iodine, released
during irradiation. The CANLUB process for coating the insides of CANDU fuel sheaths with a
thin layer of graphitic material was designed to counteract SCC by acting as a lubricant and to
some extent as a getter for iodine. It has made CANDU fuel tolerant to a range of conditions
imposed by power ramping and is applicable to both UO2 and ThO2 fuels (Hastings et al., 2009).
The alloys most susceptible to cracking in nuclear coolants have been the austenitic steels such
as the 300-series stainless steels used for LWR piping and component cladding and the austenit-
ic nickel alloys such as Alloy 600 (Inconel-600) used for steam generator tubing and pressure
vessel penetrations. Thus, in the first years of operation of BWRs, the coolant in the reactor
recirculating system was treated with “normal water chemistry” – NWC, which was nominally
pure water that became oxidizing with ~200 ppb dissolved oxygen because of radiolysis in the
core. The recirculation piping (made of type ASA 304 stainless steel) was then found to be prone
to IGSCC. Extensive pipe replacements were necessary using, where possible, stress-relieved
material containing low amounts of carbon to minimize the presence of sensitized material in
service, especially in components where cold work and/or welding were used in fabrication.
Lately, to make the coolant less oxidizing and therefore less aggressive to the austenitic steels
around the core circuit, the chemistry has been changed to “hydrogen water chemistry” – HWC,
which involves injecting hydrogen into the feedwater to counteract the radiolysis in the core. A
level of ~2.0 ppm has been used to reduce the electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP) of the
steel from the region of +100 to +300 mV with respect to the standard hydrogen electrode
(SHE), attained under NWC conditions, to -230 mV (SHE) or lower – the measured threshold for
SCC of stainless steel under BWR conditions. To achieve such low ECPs on all susceptible com-
ponents in the reactor vessel without raising the hydrogen additions to unacceptable levels,
General Electric’s NobleChemTM treatment has been applied, involving the addition of noble
metal salts to the coolant to create a catalytic environment on surfaces (Hettiarachchi, 2005).
Note that in CANDU reactors, the main use for the austenitic stainless steels is in the moderator
system (the calandria vessel and the piping) and, at the low temperature of the circulating heavy
water (<60oC), there have been no incidences of SCC since it was recognized early in the design
of the CANDU reactors that the low carbon versions (L-grade) of the austenitic stainless steels
were to be specified to avoid known problems associated with sensitization, especially during
Early steam generators in the PWRs and the CANDUs at Bruce A and the demonstration CANDU
NPD were tubed with Alloy 600, which was known to be somewhat resistant to TGSCC (trans-
granular stress-corrosion cracking) from chlorides, although research had indicated that under
some circumstances at high temperature it could crack in pure water (Coriou et al., 1960).
Unfortunately, most of those tubes had generally received only a cursory heat-treatment during
manufacture; they had been “mill-annealed” (MA) and as a result were supplied in a sensitized
state that in many instances led to IGSCC during operation. Early failures occurred on the
primary side in further-stressed locations such as the tight-radius U-bends and the rolled area
near the tubesheet. Also, IGSCC occurred on the secondary side because of contact with high
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44 The Essential CANDU
concentrations of alkaline impurities in crevices with tube support plates and under “sludge
piles” on the tube sheet. Full replacement of most of the PWR steam generators tubed with MA
Alloy 600 became necessary, so that now only a few remain, the rest having been replaced with
those tubed with thermally-treated
treated (TT – to relieve stresses) Alloy 690 – a nickel alloy containing
more chromium and less nickel. In CANDUs and several European PWRs, Alloy 800 has been
preferred for SG tubing. The Alloy 600 SGs in Units 1 & 2 at Bruce A have been replaced with
those tubed with Alloy 800 following the refurbishment projects
projects.. This contains more chromium
and iron than Alloy 600 and, having less than 50% nickel, is not strictly speaking a nickel alloy,
although it is usually classified as such for comparison with the others. It has been relatively
resistant to SCC.
Stainless steels and austenitic alloys containing moderate to high concentrations of carbon (i.e.,
03%) are vulnerable to corrosion of their grain boundaries if they have undergone a heating
process such as welding that raises the temperature to the region of 500500-800oC. Heating to this
range “sensitises” the material by preferentially precipitating the chromium in the grain bounda-
ries as chromium carbide (Cr23C6), thereby leaving the metal surface above the grain boundaries
depleted in chromium that would otherwise form the passivating oxide based on Cr2O3. As
shown in Figure 12, the grain boundaries are then subject to corrosion via intergranular attack
In particularly aggressive environments, IGA can be severe enough to loosen metal grains which
then fall out, leaving a roughened and even more vulnerable surface exposed. In welded materi-
al, the attack is often called weld decay.
Figure 12.. Typical sensitization mode and IGA of Type 304 stainless steel (after Fontana 1986)
Note that some situations may tolerate sensitised material; thus, sen
sitised stainless steel may
be used in non-aggressive
aggressive environments such as those found in architectural applications. For
exposures to potentially aggressive conditions, however, sensitised material should not be used.
A low-carbon
carbon grade of material (e.g., type ASA 304L stainless steel, with L indicating <0.03% C) is
normally specified and since the carbon content is much reduced there is little available to
precipitate as the carbide.
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 45
Austenitic material in general is usually supplied in the solution-quenched (also called solution-
annealed or quench-annealed) condition, indicating that it was heated to above the carbide-
precipitation temperature to dissolve the carbides into the metal matrix and then quenched to
cool rapidly through the precipitation range of temperature so that carbide has no time to
precipitate. Note that subsequent welding can re-sensitise the material, in which case the
component must be solution-quenched again. There are also “stabilised” alloys such as type ASA
347 or type ASA 327 stainless steels which, respectively, contain small amounts of the strong
carbide formers niobium or titanium. These have been heat-treated to precipitate the carbon as
the niobium or titanium carbide at a temperature above the range where the chromium carbide
would precipitate, leaving no carbon to combine with the chromium.
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46 The Essential CANDU
Figure 13. Initial (A) and final (B) stages in the development of crevice corrosion of a metal M
(Fontana, 1986)
In the 1980s, the basic mechanism of the denting of the steam generators of Westinghouse
design, which had drilled-hole
hole support plates of carbon steel,, was the corrosion of the steel
forming the continuous crevicess around the tubes. The heat transfer and boiling within the
crevices drew in impurities such as chlorides and when these concentrated, especially in the
presence of oxygen, aggressive acid conditions attacked the steel. The resulting growth of
corrosion-product magnetite in the crevices exerted enough force to compress (“dent”) the
tubes and deform the plate itself. Several steam generators have had to be replaced because of
denting. The prime
rime example in CANDUs is the crevice corrosion of the inner surfaces of pressure
tubes beneath fuel bearing pads
pads, exacerbated by localized boiling which concentrates solutes
such as LiOH and leads to aggressive conditions.
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 47
Pitting in particular can be extremely damaging. The pit mouths are often quite small and may
be accompanied by extensive undercutting, culminating in perforation in severe cases, and pits
may run into each other to create a rough surface degradation called general wastage (Figure
15). Beneath deposits, pits can go undetected and escape cursory inspections.
Figure 15. An undercut pit and surface wastage from overlapping pits
The pitting of heat exchanger tubes under silt deposits in an environment of static aerated
cooling water polluted with chlorides is a pervasive problem in most industries, including
nuclear power generation. Another common example in reactor systems is the pitting of the
secondary side of steam generator tubes beneath sludge piles on the tubesheet. This was a
particular problem with the German PWRs that had steam generators tubed with Alloy-800 and
operated with chemistry controlled with additions of sodium phosphate; the concentration of
aggressive species beneath the sludge led to pitting, in some cases extending to wastage. The
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48 The Essential CANDU
steam generators at the CANDU 6 at Point Lepreau, also tubed with Alloy 800, plugged many
tubes because of pitting during the period of dosing with phosphate. The change from phos-
phate to all-volatile treatment seems to have arrested the degradation.
K= (24)
AECL at Chalk River performed an extensive series of fretting-wear tests on steam generator
tube samples in contact with tube support samples. The factor having the greatest effect on
tube damage was temperature; K at a steam generator operating temperature of 265°C was 20
times higher than at 25°C. Other factors, namely chemistry (ammonia, hydrazine, phosphate or
boric acid), type of tube support (flat bar or broached hole), tube material (Alloy 800 or Alloy
690) or support material (type 410 or type 321 stainless steel) had relatively little effect. These
results led to the suggestion that an average value of K of 20×10-15 Pa-1 and a conservative value
of 40×10-15 Pa-1 may be used over a range of work rates for typical steam generator geometries
and operating conditions (Guérout and Fisher, 1999).
Fretting wear also affects in-core components. In PWRs, it has been estimated that over 70% of
fuel leaks are caused by fretting between the Zircaloy fuel rods and support grids – the so-called
GRTF, grid-to-rod fretting (EPRI, 2008). The failures usually occur on final-cycle fuel assemblies,
which are located at the core periphery. Similar failures occur in the WWER reactors, which have
stainless steel grids.
The localized accelerated corrosion of CANDU pressure tubes because of the crevice effect
beneath fuel bundle bearing pads has already been mentioned. When there is relative motion
between the bearing pad and the pressure tube, resulting from flow-induced vibration for
example, fretting can exacerbate the damage. This has rarely been seen except in reactors
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 49
having 13 fuel bundles, when significant damage is usually at the end of the pressure tube,
where the cross-component of the coolant flow may cause more vigorous vibration. On the
other hand, debris caught beneath fuel bearing pads can lead to significant fretting wear
anywhere along the pressure tube and objects caught between elements within the fuel bundle
can lead to fuel failures.
There are many types of microbe that influence corrosion and they occur in many environments,
especially natural waters. Consuming a variety of nutrients, they can grow under a wide range of
temperatures, pressures and alkalinities/acidities. Their spores are even more resistant to
adverse conditions and can be transported around systems and lie dormant for years before
being revived to germinate, attach to surfaces and create localized colonies that exude corrosive
waste matter (Licina and Cubicciotti, 1989). The biofilms created by the colonies consist of the
so-called exopolymers, largely consisting of polysaccharides that develop as slimes containing
corrosion products and debris carried from elsewhere in the system. They impede the transport
of corrosion inhibitors to the metal surface and to some extent they shield the organisms from
attack by treatment chemicals such as biocides. They can be tenacious and difficult to remove
by fluid forces alone and in some cases – often carbon steel piping systems – can be thick
enough to cause severe pressure drops.
The microbial species may exist in anaerobic (e.g., deaerated) conditions or in aerobic (e.g.,
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50 The Essential CANDU
aerated) conditions, and in some situations the one type creates local environments that sustain
the other type, giving cycles of corrosion activity. Stagnant or low-flow conditions are conducive
to MIC, so components buried in damp or wet soil and water-containing piping such as fire
dousing systems are particularly vulnerable. Locally stagnant environments, such as under dirt
or deposits and in crevices, also promote MIC. Reactor design features with redundant, static
water systems along with long shut-down periods make nuclear plants particularly susceptible.
Many materials are attacked, including the common metals in reactor systems such as stainless
steels, nickel alloys, carbon steel, copper, and copper alloys. Typical features of attack in carbon
steel are corrosion products deposited as tubercles and in stainless steel and nickel alloys are
small pits, often stained with rust, that can be deep enough to be through-wall and cause small
leaks especially at welds.
Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are responsible for many failures in water systems. The species
desulfovibrio and desulfomaculum are among the most widespread and economically important
organisms causing corrosion. They are anaerobic because their metabolism involves the con-
sumption of the sulphate ion in deaerated waters, especially under deposits, although they can
survive limited exposures to aerated conditions. They operate in steel systems by promoting the
overall mechanism:
( )
4Fe+ SO42- + 4H2O ® 3Fe OH +FeS + 2OH -
in which the microbes are instrumental in reducing the SO42- to S2-. The early postulate that the
microbes act by depolarizing the cathodic areas and catalyzing the recombination of adsorbed
hydrogen atoms to molecular H2 has been largely superseded by mechanisms involving the
formation of H2S and the interaction with iron sulphide corrosion products (Videla and Herrera,
Aerobic species act by creating differential aeration and concentration cells through their
biofilms. In seawater-cooled systems, for example, species such as Pseudomonas proliferate and
can cause extensive damage to carbon steel and stainless steels. Detailed examinations of type
304 stainless steel surfaces pitted by Pseudomonas in seawater have shown more localized
depletion of chromium in the passive films than similar control surfaces exposed in the absence
of the bacteria (Yuan and Pehkonen, 2007).
Counteracting MIC is difficult. System cleanliness is quoted as a desired remedy but it should be
noted that deionised water systems are susceptible. Moreover, removing slimes and biofilms by
flushing is seldom effective, even with pulsating flows, and mechanical scouring with sponge
balls etc. can damage protective films. Biocides are therefore a preferred recourse in many
situations. Videla and Herrera (2005) list common biocides in industrial applications:
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Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 51
5 References
R. Adamson, F. Garzarolli, B. Cox, A. Strasser and P. Rudling. Corrosion mechanisms in zirconium
alloys. Zirat 12 Special Topic Report. A.N.T. International (2007).
P.L. Andresen, T.M. Angeliu, R.M. Horn, W.R. Catlin and L.M. Young. Effect of deformation on
SCC of unsensitized stainless steel. Proc. CORROSION 2000 Conf., Orlando, Fl., USA.
NACE Intern. (2000 March 26-31).
ASM International, ASM Handbook: Volume 9 – Metallography and Microstructures, GF. Vander
Voort, Editor, ASM, Materials Park, Ohio, 2004.
P.V. Balakrishnan. A radiochemical technique for the study of dissolution of corrosion products
in high-temperature water. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 55, 357 (1977).
G.J. Bignold, K. Garbett and I.S. Woolsey. Mechanistic Aspects of the Temperature Dependence
of Erosion-Corrosion. Proc. Specialists Meeting on Erosion-Corrosion in High Tempera-
ture Water and Wet Steam. Les Renardières, France. EDF. (1982).
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Nuclear Plant Materials and Corrosion – September 2014
52 The Essential CANDU
N. Birks, G.H. Meier, F.S. Pettit, Introduction to the high-temperature oxidation of metals, 2nd
Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
M. Bouchacourt. Identification of key variables: EdF studies. Proc. EPRI Workshop on Erosion-
Corrosion of Carbon Steel Piping. Washington DC, USA. (1987 April).
W.D. Callister, D.G. Rethwisch, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 8th Edition,
Wiley, 2009.
W.G. Cook, D.H. Lister and J.M. McInerney. The effects of high liquid velocity and coolant
chemistry on material transport in PWR coolants. Proc. 8th Intern. Conf. onWater Chemi-
stry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, Bournemouth, UK, BNES, October 22-26, (2000).
H. Coriou, L. Grall, Y. Legall and S. Vettier. Stress corrosion cracking of Inconel in high tempera-
ture water. 3e Colloque Metall., Saclay, 1959. North Holland Publ., Amsterdam. p. 161
B. Cox. Mechanisms of zirconium alloy corrosion in nuclear reactors. J. Corr. Sci. Eng.,Vol. 6,
Paper 14 (2003).
EPRI. Sourcebook for microbiologically influenced corrosion in nuclear power plants. Electric
Power Research Institute. Technical Report NP-5580 (1988).
EPRI. Fuel reliability guidelines: PWR grid-to-rod fretting. Electric Power Research Institute,
Product ID 1015452. (28th July 2008).
A. Garlick, R. Sumerling and G.L. Shires. Crud-induced overheating defects in water reactor fuel
pins. J. Br. Nucl. Energy Soc., 16(1), 77 (1977).
F.M. Guérout and N.J. Fisher. Steam generator fretting-wear damage: a summary of recent
findings. Trans. ASME, 121, 304-310 (1999 August).
I. Hastings, K. Bradley, J. Hopwood, P. Boczar, S. Kuran and S. Livingstone. We can use thorium.
Nucl. Eng. Intern. (2009 August 28).
S. Hettiarachchi. BWR SCC mitigation experiences with hydrogen water chemistry. Proc. 12th
Intern. Conf. on Environmental Degradation of Matls. in Nuclear Power Systems. Salt
Lake City, Utah, USA. TMS. (2005 August 14-18).
E. Hillner, D.G. Franklin and J.D. Smee. Long-term corrosion of Zircaloy before and after irradia-
tion. J. Nucl. Matls., 278(2-3), 334-45 (2000).
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Nuclear Plant Materials and Corrosion – September 2014
Nuclear Materials and Corrosion 53
K. Ishida and D.H. Lister. In-situ measurement of corrosion of Type 316 Stainless Steel in 280ºC
pure water via the electrical resistance of a thin wire. J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. 49 (11), (2012
G.J. Licina and D. Cubicciotti. Microbial-induced corrosion in nuclear power plant materials. J.
Nucl. Matls., 41(12). 23-27 (1989).
D.H. Lister. Activity transport and corrosion processes in PWRs. Nucl. Energy, 32(2), 103- 114
D.H. Lister. Some aspects of corrosion in cooling water systems and their effects on corrosion
product transport. Proc. EUROCORR 2003, Budapest, Hungary, (2003 September 28-
October 2).
D.H. Lister and L.C Lang. A mechanistic model for predicting flow-assisted and general corrosion
of carbon steel in reactor primary coolants. Proc. Chimie 2002; Intern. Conf. Water
Chem. Nucl. Reactor Systems. Avignon, France. SFEN. (2002).
D.H. Lister and S. Uchida. Reflections on FAC mechanisms. Proc. Intern. Conf. on Flow-
Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) in Fossil and Combined Cycle / HRSG Plants, Arlington, VA,
USA. (2010 June 29-July 1).
E.C.W. Perryman. Pickering pressure tube cracking experience. Nucl. Energy, 17, 95–105 (1978).
P. Phromwong, D.H. Lister and S. Uchida. Modelling material effects in flow accelerated corro-
sion. Proc. Intern. Conf. on Environmental Degradation of Matls. in Nuclear Power Sys-
tems, Colorado Springs, CO. TMS. (2011 August 7-11).
E.C. Potter and G.M.W. Mann. Oxidation of mild steel in high-temperature aqueous systems.
Proc. 1st Intern. Congress Metallic Corros. London. p. 417 (1961).
Qiu, L. Dissolution of silicon nitride in high-temperature alkaline solutions. Proc. Intn’l. Conf.
Props. Water and Steam. IAPWS. Greenwich, London. Sept. 1st-5th (2013).
C.J. Simpson and C.E. Ells. Delayed hydrogen embrittlement of Zr-2.5wt.%Nb. J. Nucl. Mater., 52,
289–295 (1974).
J.P. Slade and T.S. Gendron. Flow accelerated corrosion and cracking of carbon steel piping in
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Nuclear Plant Materials and Corrosion – September 2014
54 The Essential CANDU
primary water – operating experience at the Point Lepreau Generating Station. Proc. In-
tern. Conf. on Environmental Degradation of Matls. in Nuclear Power Systems, Salt Lake
City, UT. TMS. (2005).
P. Sturla. Oxidation and deposition phenomena in forced circulating boilers and feedwater
treatment. Proc. Fifth National Feedwater Conf. Prague, Czech. (1973).
R.L. Tapping. Materials performance in CANDU reactors: The first 30 years and the prognosis for
life extension and new designs. J. Nucl. Materials. 383, 1-8 (2008).
M.R Taylor, J.M Calvert, D.G. Lees and D.B. Meadowcroft. The mechanism of corrosion of Fe-
9%Cr alloys in carbon dioxide. Oxidation of Metals, 14(6), 499-516 (1980).
H.H Uhlig. Corrosion handbook. John Wiley, New York. 466-481 (1948).
H.A. Videla and L.K. Herrera. Microbiologically-influenced corrosion: Looking to the future.
Intern. Microbiol., 8. 169-180 (2005).
G.S. Was, Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science: Metals and Alloys, Springer, 2007.
S.J. Yuan and S.O. Pehkonen. Microbiologically influenced corrosion of 304 stainless steel by
aerobic Pseudomonas NCIMB 2021 bacteria: AFM and XPS study. Colloids and Surfaces
B: Biointerfaces, 59(1), 87-99 (2007).
6 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
Kit Colman
Mark Daymond
Ed Price
Bob Tapping
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems
prepared by
The efficient and safe operation of a CANDU reactor is highly dependent upon the selection and
proper implementation of chemistry control practices for the major and ancillary process systems
such as the primary and secondary coolants and the moderator. The materials of construction of
the various systems are selected in consideration of the neutron economy while keeping the
proper chemical environment in mind in order to keep corrosion and degradation low and to
ensure desired plant operating lifetimes. This chapter begins with an overview of the basic
chemistry principles required to manage chemistry in CANDU reactors and then provides a
detailed description of the chemistry control practices and the reasons behind their use in the
major and ancillary process systems. The chapter concludes by examining the current practices
of component and reactor lay-up for maintenance shut-downs and refurbishments and a descrip-
tion of heavy water purification and upgrading.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................... 4
2 Chemistry Principles Applied to Reactor Coolants .................................................................... 4
2.1 pH, pD and Apparent pH (pHa)........................................................................................ 5
2.2 Solution Conductivity...................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Specific Conductivity................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Cationic Conductivity or Conductivity After Cationic Exchange (CACE) ................... 10
2.3 Purification and Ion Exchange Resin ............................................................................. 11
2.3.1 Structure of Ion Exchange Resin ............................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Ion exchange capacity............................................................................................... 11
2.4 Water Radiolysis............................................................................................................ 12
2.5 Solubility of Gases in Water – Henry’s Law................................................................... 15
3 Primary Heat Transport System ............................................................................................... 17
3.1 Chemistry Control in the PHTS...................................................................................... 17
3.2 Corrosion Issues in the PHTS......................................................................................... 20
3.2.1 Feeder Pipe FAC and Cracking................................................................................... 20
3.2.2 Delayed Hydride Cracking of Zirconium Alloys ......................................................... 21
3.3 Activity Transport.......................................................................................................... 21
4 Secondary Heat Transport System........................................................................................... 23
4.1 Chemistry Control in the Secondary System................................................................. 23
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1. Temperature dependence of pKw / pKD and the neutral pH / pD for the dissociation of
light and heavy water. ............................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2. Simplified flow diagram of a PHT purification loop (courtesy of AECL)......................... 19
Figure 3. Magnetite solubility calculated from thermodynamic data optimized to the Tremaine &
Leblanc data [Tremaine, 1980]. ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 4. Mass balance on steam generator impurity inventory. ................................................. 26
Figure 5. Alloy 800 Recommended Operating Envelope (Tapping, 2012). .................................. 28
Figure 6. Effect of steam voidage on FAC rate of carbon steel at 200°C under three chemistries
(neutral, pH25°C with ammonia and with ETA) at a flow rate of 0.56 L/min (the effect of
reduced flow rate on FAC with ammonia also indicated). [Lertsurasakda et al., 2013] ....... 30
Figure 7. Normal moderator cover gas system volume and relief ducts (CANTEACH)................. 35
Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the Calandria vault and reactor assembly.................................. 36
Figure 9. Locations requiring attention during maintenance outages and lay-up of a fossil plant.
[after Mathews, 2013] .......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 10. Oxide/steel volume ratios. ........................................................................................... 41
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 3
List of Tables
Table 1. Conductivity at infinite dilution in H2O [CRC, 2014].......................................................... 9
Table 2. Henry’s constants for select gases at 25oC (calculated from IAPWS , 2004)................... 16
Table 3. Target chemistry parameters in the PHTS. ...................................................................... 18
Table 4. Common radioactive isotopes and their source in the PHTS.......................................... 22
Table 5. Target chemistry parameters in the secondary system (all-ferrous materials)............... 24
Table 6. Comparison of delta pH for two chemical dosing strategies in a typical steam cycle. ... 29
Table 7. Target chemistry parameters in the moderator system.................................................. 32
Table 8. Typical Chemistry Parameters of the Calandria Vault and End Shield Cooling System... 37
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4 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
This chapter explains the current state-of-the-art of CANDU system chemistry. It begins with an
overview of the basic chemistry principles, as relevant to the major process systems of a CANDU
reactor, and goes on to describe the modes of operation of the primary heat transport circuit,
the secondary heat transport circuit, the moderator system and plant auxiliary systems with
respect to system chemistry. It draws on knowledge of overall system configuration and mate-
rials selection as described in chapters 2 and 11 of this text and, through examples of plant
chemistry specifications, creates a detailed knowledge of the reasoning behind the combined
selection of materials and chemistry. The necessity of minimizing corrosion and degradation of
the auxiliary systems supporting the operation of a CANDU reactor are also highlighted along
with a description of current chemistry dosing practices for these systems. Since every reactor
undergoes frequent maintenance outages and a mid-life refurbishment, the lay-up practices
during these outages are important factors affecting the overall lifetime of the plant; current
practices are described. Finally, the isotopic degradation and tritiation of the heavy water
coolant and moderator necessitate the use of clean-up and upgrading, issues that are dealt with
in the final sections of this chapter.
The chemistry of CANDU reactor system coolants is generally kept quite simple with the intent
of maintaining highly pure water with low concentrations of chemical additives to maintain low
corrosion rates on the materials in the systems. Before the specific chemistry control strategies
of the various nuclear and non-nuclear coolant systems are described, it is beneficial to define
several basic chemistry concepts that are particularly relevant to chemistry control in the plant.
These include a reminder of the measure of acidity/alkalinity (pH) and how it is typically used in
heavy water systems as “apparent pH or pHa”, the definition and calculation of the conductivity
of solutions containing dissolved ionic compounds and a discussion of water radiolysis or the
breakdown of water when exposed in a radiation field. Each of these topics will be dealt with in
turn to begin the chapter and will be used throughout the remainder of the chapter in describ-
ing the chemistry of the various reactor systems.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 5
where aH+ is the activity of the hydrogen ion in the aqueous solution, which is dependent upon
the concentration of the hydrogen ion (mH+ - mol/kg), the activity of the standard reference state
(mo = 1 mol/kg) and the ionic activity coefficient (+/-) as shown in equation 2.
aH+ = g± (2)
Under dilute conditions, the activity of ions in solution can be approximated by their concentra-
tion since the mean ionic activity coefficient (+/-) is dependent upon the ionic strength of
solution and is nearly unity (1) for concentrations below ~ 10-3 mol/kg.
For neutral, light water (H2O), there is an equilibrium established between the water molecules
and the dissociation products H+ (or H3O+) and OH- as shown in equation 3.
By definition, the equilibrium constant for this chemical dissociation reaction is given by the
ratio of the activities (concentrations) of the product species to that of the reactant (H2O);
Equation 4 defines Kw, the dissociation constant or auto-ionisation constant for water, which has
a value of 10-14 at 25 oC [IAPWS, 2007, Bandura & Lvov, 2006]. The activity of water (aw) is
typically regarded as unity in dilute solutions, thus neutral water, defined as the point where the
activity of H+ equals that of OH-, will give a pH of 7 as calculated through equation 4.
aH+ aOH-
Kw = = 10-14 @ 25oC (4)
aH O
Increasing the pH of a solution is as simple as adding hydroxyl anions from a base such as lithium
hydroxide (LiOH), which will shift the equilibrium between H+ and OH-. Lithium hydroxide is a
strong base that is essentially completely dissociated in water up to reactor operating tempera-
tures and thus can be used at low concentrations to achieve considerable changes in pH.
Exercise 1 demonstrates the calculation.
The dissociation of water (and other ionic compounds) is dependent upon temperature. The
Bandura & Lvov correlation, as recommended by the International Association for the Properties
of Water and Steam (IAPWS) is commonly used to relate this temperature dependence, giving
the result shown in Figure 1. In the temperature range 0 – 310 oC the pKw (defined as -log10Kw)
decreases significantly before starting to increase again around 250oC. This implies that the
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6 The Essential CANDU
In the heavy water systems of the CANDU reactor, the proper equations describing the dissocia-
tion of heavy water would be:
where aD+ is the activity of the deuterium ion in aqueous solution; this is analogous to the
definition of pH in equation 1. As in light water, the activity coefficient under sufficiently dilute
conditions is nearly unity so we can consider the activities of D+ and OD- to be equal to their
molal (mol/kg) concentrations. Unfortunately, the direct measurement of pD is usually not
possible since pH electrodes are typically constructed with light-water-based fill solutions and
are calibrated using light water buffers. Thus, for heavy water systems, it is standard practice to
quote a pHa or “apparent” pH, which identifies the observed or measured pH value of the heavy
water using traditional pH electrodes and buffer solutions. A general relation [Mesmer &
Herting, 1978] between the dissociation of heavy water and that of light water leads to the
simple correlation shown in equations 7 and 8:
or, when considering an alkaline solution such as CANDU systems adjusted with LiOH:
This equation is the direct result of the difference between the dissociation of heavy water and
that of light water when considering that pOD ≈ pOH at room temperature. Also shown in
Figure 1 is the pKD expressing the dissociation equilibrium constant for heavy water [Mesmer &
Herting, 1978]. It is apparent that heavy water is less dissociated than light water under equiva-
lent conditions, leading to higher equivalent values of the neutral point of heavy water at the
various temperatures. This difference results in the approximate 0.41 unit shift between pH of
light water and the pD of heavy water.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 7
Figure 1. Temperature
mperature dependence of pKw / pKD and the neutral pH / pD for the dissociation of
light and heavy water.
Lm = (9)
resistance shown in equation 10 and specific conductivity () is related through equation 11.
R= (10)
k= (11)
The molar conductivity of the solution, and hence the solution specific conductivity, can be
broken down into the sum of the individual contributions of the ions, each one of which will be
dependent upon its concentration and overall mobility. Essentially, the specific conductivity of
the solution is the sum of the specific conductivities of the individual ions:
k = å ki (12)
We define the molar conductivity of the ion in solution (i) in an analogous way as the overall
molar conductivity of the solution, thus:
l m,i = (13)
In an ideal solution, the molar conductivity would vary linearly with increasing concentration
(and specific conductivity); however, in reality the solution molar conductivity has a non-linear
dependence on solution concentration, particularly in more concentrated solutions. This stems
from the fact that ion-to-ion and ion-to-solvent interactions play larger roles in concentrated
solutions. Thus, the molar conductivity for an individual ion in solution may only be truly
measured if there are no other interfering ions present, i.e. in an infinitely dilute solution.
Inserting equation 13 into 12 and subsequently into 9 yields:
åc l
Lm = (14)
c i i i
If we note for a M+X- electrolyte, where + and - are the valences of the cation and anion
respectively, that the concentration of each ion will depend upon the total concentration of the
salt in solution, at infinite dilution this results in the simple relation of equation 15:
The ionic molar conductivities at infinite dilution are tabulated in various sources and allow for
the calculation of the solution specific conductivity directly [CRC, 2014]. It should be noted that
the above equations apply for solutions at infinite dilution but may be used directly with small
error up to total solution concentrations of approximately 10-3 mol/L. Table 1 shows the ionic
molar conductivity of cations and anions relevant to the operation of CANDU reactors. Note
that the ionic molar conductivity of each ion is per equivalent since the total migration of an ion
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 9
subjected to an electric field will be dependent upon its charge (valence). Note also the compa-
ratively large conductivities of H+, D+, OH- and OD-, which is due to the Grotthus “hopping”
mechanism for these ions in aqueous solution where the individual ions themselves do not
physically migrate but they are exchanged through the interconnecting hydrogen-bonded
structure of liquid water. These ions tend to dominate the conductivity of the relatively pure
CANDU process solutions.
Example 15.1- calculating solution conductivity from pH and values at infinite dilution.
Lithium hydroxide is added to the light water in the calandria vault and end shield cooling
system to control the pH and minimize corrosion of the carbon steel components. The pH
specification is 9.5. Calculate the required lithium ion concentration in the water (in ppm) to
attain the pH specification and estimate the solution conductivity assuming no other impurities
are present.
Since the pH specification is given (9.5), the concentration of H+ and OH- are readily evaluated
from the definition of pH and Kw:
pH = -log10 ([H+ ])
recalling the dissociation of water (Kw, eq. 4), the OH- concentration is:
- Kw 10-14
[OH ] = + = -10
= 3.16 ´10-5
[H ] 3.16 ´10 mol/kg
In this case, lithium hydroxide is a strong base and completely dissociates into lithium and
hydroxyl ions:
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10 The Essential CANDU
thus, the concentration of lithium must be equal to the hydroxyl concentration in the water, i.e.:
k = å c il i
Conductivity values for Li+ and OH- can be attained from Table 1, and since [Li+]=[OH-]:
k = cLiOH lLi¥+ + l ¥OH- )
Since the units of conductivity are in cm2, the concentration is converted to mol/cm3 for consis-
mol æ Scm2 ö
k = 3.16 ´10 -8 ç 38.7 +198 ÷ = 7.48 ´10-6 S / cm
cm3 è moleq ø
thus, the conductivity of the cooling water is expected to be 0.748 mS/m. Ans.
While the conductivity of a solution provides an indication of the concentration of impurity ions
that are present, it is not species- or ion-specific; thus, there is no way of determing from a
conductivity measurement what are the individual dissolved ionic species present in the solu-
tion. One way of providing a better indication of the concentration of anionic impurities in an
aqueous solution is to use the cationic conductivity (or conductivity after cationic exchange -
CACE) [IAPWS, 2012], which gives a direct measure of the anionic impurities in the system that
may be aggressive to the corrosion of plant materials. Cationic conductivity is simply the
conductivity of an aqueous solution after it has been passed through a strong acid ion-exchange
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 11
column to remove the cations (such as Na+, K+, Ca2+ etc.), which replaces them with the proton
(H+). The solution that elutes from the cation exchange column will contain the same concentra-
tion of anions (Cl-, SO42- etc) as the original sample and can provide a rapid and direct indication
of the rate of increase of these impurities. This gives a very useful online measurement of
impurity ingress, specifically in the case of a condenser leak.
Once fabricated, cation and anion exchange resins appear as small beads (typically ~0.5 – 1.5
mm in diameter) and may be slurried in and out of their process vessels for easy replacement
and regeneration. Traditional resins were specified as “gel-type” as they were effectively a
wrapped-up sphere of polymer chains with significant porosity and tended to break apart if
continuously reused or placed in high flow rate process streams. Newer, “macroporous”, resins
are much stronger and have shown good resilience in harsh environments.
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12 The Essential CANDU
ion exchange resin used as well as its capacity to remove various ions from the water. Ion
exchange capacity is defined as the number of ionic “equivalents” that can be exchanged per
litre of resin used. For example, a strong acid resin in the protonated form (H+) can have an
exchange capacity of around 2 eq/L; thus, for every litre of the resin used in a purification vessel
two equivalents (or moles) of H+ cations are available to exchange with cationic impurities in the
process stream. If sodium (Na+) is used as an example, one litre of this strong cation resin may
remove 2 mols of Na+ cations, or effectively 46 grams of sodium.
The exchange capacity is also dependent upon the particular cation being exchanged with higher
valence cations showing the greater preference for adsorption on the exchange site. An example
of cationic preference is:
Fe3+ > Ca2+ > Ni2+ > Cu2+ > Fe2+ > K+ > NH4+ > Na+ > H+
For a strong base ion exchange resin, an example of anionic preference follows:
SO42- > CO32- > HSO4- > NO3- > Cl- > HCO3- > CHOO- > CH3COO- > F- > OH-
Thus, a ferrous or cuprous cation would tend to displace a sodium cation from the ion exchange
bed or a sulfate anion would displace a chloride or hydroxyl anion. The capacity of an ion-
exchange bed can be described in a manner similar to a chemical equilibrium equation, as
shown in equation 17 using the exchange of the sodium cation with the proton as an example.
The equilibrium constant, in this case called the selectivity coefficient, is given by:
[RNa][H+ ]
K Na = (17)
[RH][Na + ]
where [RNa] and [RH] designate the concentration (mol/L) of the specific cation that is adsorbed
on the resin and [Na+] and [H+] are the incoming sodium ion and proton concentrations in the
solution to be purified. It should be noted that a fresh ion exchange column will have a fixed
number of exchange sites based upon the resin’s exchange capacity and the amount of resin
present; the balance between the [RNa] and [RH] must always be equal to the initial total
exchange capacity. Once most or all of the proton exchange sites available have been used or
taken up by another cation, the resin will start to “throw” the cations of lowest selectivity back
into the process water instead of removing them. This is obviously not a desirable situation as
the intent of the purification system is to remove the impurity cations from the process water
stream; at this point, the ion exchange column or vessel is said to be “spent”.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 13
fuel and limit the corrosion of system components. The pH of irradiated CANDU process sys-
tems is typically adjusted by using lithium hydroxide to produce mildly alkaline conditions and
some irradiated systems are kept under reducing conditions by excluding oxygen to prevent
elevated electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP) and excessive corrosion. For in-core systems,
the water is continuously bombarded by an intense radiation field of high-energy gamma and
neutrons, which breaks the chemical bonds and produces highly reactive radical species. This
process is known as water radiolysis. The radiolysis of pure water results in the production of
hydrogen (H2) (or deuterium D2, for heavy water), oxygen (O2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (or
deuterium peroxide D2O2 in heavy water) [Spinks & Woods, 1990]. The radiolytic production of
these oxidizing species has a direct impact on the corrosion of system components; they elevate
the ECP, increasing the possibility of stress-corrosion cracking of the alloy steam generator tubes
and, under low-temperature shut-down conditions when the radioactive decay of in-core
components and fuel still produces intense gamma radiation, they promote the pitting of carbon
steel. Radiolytically generated hydrogen peroxide will also degrade ion-exchange resins.
The radiolytic production of hydrogen, oxygen and hydrogen peroxide can be managed by
adding hydrogen to the system. The elementary chemical reactions and kinetics are complicated
but the net result is that the added hydrogen molecules react with the radical species and
mitigate the radiolytic production of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. The basic mechanisms for
these processes are explained below with the overall result being suppression of the net radi-
olytic production of oxidizing species. Further details of the radiation kinetics associated with
water radiolysis can be found in the AECL report by David Bartels [Bartels, 2009] or in the book
chapter by George Buxton [Buxton, 1987].
Upon absorbing the energy dissipated by a particle or photon, water breaks down into several
radical species as primary products of the irradiation process; on a timescale of approximately
microseconds, the overall result is:
H2O + radiation ® e-aq ,H+ , ×H, × OH, ×HO2 ,H2 ,H2O2 (18)
Reactions of these primary products can re-form water, and produce further hydrogen and
hydrogen peroxide through equations 19 - 21:
Oxygen is produced as a secondary product through reactions of the radical species with the
hydrogen peroxide molecule:
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14 The Essential CANDU
As mentioned above, providing sufficient added hydrogen to the water can mitigate the net
production of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen reacts with the hydroxide radical
forming a hydrogen atom that readily combines with hydrogen peroxide and/or oxygen, effec-
tively removing them from the solution and mitigating their overall production as shown in
equations 25 - 27. The overall effect is a chain reaction where additional hydroxide radicals are
produced (eq. 27) continuing the reaction chain, provided sufficient hydrogen is present. From a
kinetic standpoint, the concentration of hydrogen in the water needs to be sufficient to make its
rate of reaction with the hydroxyl radical (eq. 25) faster than the rate of reaction of the hydroxyl
radical with hydrogen peroxide (eq. 22). This results in the reduction of the concentration of the
hydrogen peroxide molecule and effectively suppresses the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to
oxygen, removing both species from the solution. When sufficient hydrogen is added to an
irradiated aqueous system, the very simplified chemical relation shown in equation 28 is the net
result of the radiolysis process.
The fact that added hydrogen is required in the water to promote the desired recombination
reactions implies that there must be a minimum hydrogen concentration by which the overall
rate of the reaction in equation 25 is just sufficient to overcome the reaction of the hydroxyl
radical with hydrogen peroxide (equation 22) and hence suppress the production of oxygen.
This minimum concentration is called the “critical hydrogen concentration” (CHC) and has been
measured in flow loops (both fuelled reactor systems and in gamma cells) to be around 0.5
mL/kg (~2x10-5 mol/L). [Elliot & Stuart, 2008]. Operating with the hydrogen concentration
above the CHC with no oxidants initially present leads to a system in net radiolytic suppression
while operation with an initial hydrogen concentration below the CHC (or with the presence of
significant quantities of oxidants or impurities in the water) leads to net radiolysis occurring
within the system.
Impurities dissolved within water will influence the water radiolysis processes. For example,
impurities such as nitrate and nitrite anions will interfere with the water recombination reac-
tions since they tend to react with and consume the hydrogen atoms and hydroxyl radicals
[Yakabuskie, 2010], effectively lowering their concentrations and the overall rate of the oxygen
and hydrogen peroxide consumption reactions (eq. 26 & 27). This will result in an increase in
the quantity of oxygen and hydrogen produced by water radiolysis in the presence of nitrate
and/or nitrite ions. Chloride ions interfere with the hydrogen recombination reactions since
they readily exchange their outer valence electron with the hydroxyl radicals interfering with the
primary recombination reaction (eq. 19). The chloride ion is then regenerated through electron
exchange with water molecules and can continuously impede the desired recombination
processes. Organic impurities from compressor leaks, oil ingress from pumps or other mechani-
cal systems will break down rapidly in a radiation field. High molecular weight organics undergo
polymerization reactions, extending their size and weight leading to plugging of filters and other
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 15
flow paths. Lower molecular weight organics decompose producing hydrogen and carbon
dioxide that can rapidly lead to hydrogen excursions and reduction in system pH.
The chemistry specifications for a water-filled, irradiated CANDU system must therefore be
designed to prevent the build-up of the water radiolysis products in the system, or the effects of
water radiolysis must be continuously managed to maintain system chemistry specifications.
Some systems, such as the primary heat transport system and the end shield cooling system, are
operated under net radiolytic suppression by ensuring the hydrogen concentration in the water
is above the CHC. Other systems, such as the moderator, liquid zone control and the spent fuel
bay, are operated with net water radiolysis occurring. For these systems, the hydrogen and
oxygen produced are managed by ensuring impurity concentrations are kept extremely low and
by providing catalytic recombiner units in their cover gas flow paths to ensure flammable
concentrations are not exceeded. Further details of the operation of each of these systems are
found later in this chapter.
The equilibrium established between a gas dissolved in water and its partial pressure in the gas
space above the liquid is given as:
ygas p gas
kH = » (29)
x gas c gas
where ygas is the mole fraction of the given gas in the vapour space and xgas is the mole fraction
in the liquid phase. Since the gases of interest in CANDU process systems are sparingly soluble
the mole fractions are typically equated to partial pressure (pgas) and concentration (cgas) for the
gas phase and liquid phase respectively giving units of pressure (atm or MPa) per molarity
(mol/L). Rearrangement of equation 29 shows that, under low to intermediate partial pressures,
there is a linear dependence between the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid and that
dissolved in it. Thus, by knowing the equilibrium constant, in this case called Henry’s Law
constant, the concentration of gas dissolved in water may easily be evaluated as demonstrated
in Example 15.2. Henry’s law constants at 25oC are shown in Table 2 for some gases commonly
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16 The Essential CANDU
encountered in CANDU process systems. IAPWS has released detailed correlations for determin-
ing the Henry’s Law constant for various gases as a function of temperature [IAPWS, 2004].
Table 2. Henry’s constants for select gases at 25oC (calculated from IAPWS , 2004).
Gas kH in H2O (in D2O)
O2 775.7
H2 1263
N2 1522
He 2541 (2343)
CO2 29.40
D2 (921.0)
The heavy water storage tank for the primary heat transport system contains D2O at roughly
room temperature and is purged with a helium cover gas to maintain the hydrogen concentra-
tion below 4% (by volume). The specification for dissolved deuterium in the PHTS is 3 – 10
mL/kg, calculate the equilibrium concentration that would be attained in the cover gas if helium
is not frequently added and purged and the dissolved hydrogen is maintained at the upper limit
of the specification.
If 10 mL/kg of dissolved deuterium is maintained in the PHTS, Henry’s law can be used to
estimate the equilibrium concentration in the storage tank cover gas. First the dissolved deute-
rium concentration must be converted to consistent units with Henry’s law (i.e. Molar or mol/L)
using the conversion factor that 1 mol gas = 22.4 L gas at standard temperature and pressure
(STP). Thus:
( )(
pgas = k H c gas = 921atm / M 4.46 ´10 -4 M = 0.411 atm )
For a cover gas operating at approximately atmospheric pressure this would amount to a cover
gas concentration of 41.1%, well above the flammability limit of about 8% in helium!
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 17
As explained in Chapter 10, the purpose of the Primary Heat Transport System (PHTS) in a
CANDU reactor is to remove the heat generated from the fissioning of the reactor fuel and
transport it to the steam generator for production of steam in the Secondary System. The
materials of construction in the PHTS are numerous due to the different functions of the various
components; the particular materials and their properties are described in detail in Chapter 14.
The materials with the largest surfaces areas in contact with the heavy water coolant of the
PHTS are: zirconium-based alloys in the core of the reactor (Zircaloy-4 fuel cladding, Zr-2.5Nb
pressure tubes), nickel alloys for the steam generator tubing (Alloy 400 [Monel] at Pickering,
Alloy 600 [Inconel] at Bruce, Alloy 800 [Incoloy] at Darlington and the CANDU-6s), type 410
stainless steel for the fuel-channel end fittings and carbon steel for the feeder pipes joining the
fuel channels through the headers to the carbon-steel channel heads in the steam generators.
Thus, as with any complex system, the chemistry control practices are a compromise among the
optimum chemistries for each of the major materials used.
The Zircaloy-4-clad fuel bundles, Zr-2.5Nb pressure tubes and nickel-alloy steam generator tubes
exhibit low general corrosion rates over a wide range of pH and temperature [Cox, 2003]. A
major role of chemical control is therefore to protect against localized corrosion, in particular
the stress-corrosion cracking of the steam generator tubes and the hydriding and cracking of the
pressure tubes. As described earlier in the section on radiolysis, adding hydrogen maintains
reducing conditions and this minimizes the possibility of nickel-alloy cracking, but to minimize
the potential for hydriding of Zr-2.5Nb the hydrogen is kept within strict limits (3-10 mL/kg).
A further role of the chemical control in the PHTS is the protection of the large surface area of
carbon steel. As described in Section 6.1 in Chapter 14, the general corrosion of iron produces
mixed and, at low temperature, often hydrated oxides (Fe2O3, Fe3O4, FeOOH etc.) that become
the thermodynamically stable phases at a pH (at room temperature) greater than 9 or so. It is
well known that carbon steel corrosion is minimized in mildly alkaline, deaerated water. Howev-
er, at low temperature with static water that may occur during a shut-down, oxidising conditions
can induce severe pitting of carbon steel and should be avoided. Note that during reactor
operation the inlet feeders in CANDUs are exposed to coolant saturated in dissolved iron
because of the heat transferred producing steam in the steam generators and the consequent
drop in iron solubility, so they undergo general corrosion and develop thick magnetite films as
the result of magnetite precipitation from the oversaturated coolant. On the other hand, the
outlet feeders see coolant undersaturated in iron because of the heating in the core and as a
consequence undergo flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC), which leads to very thin magnetite films
and loads the system with iron that largely deposits as magnetite in the steam generators.
Oxidising conditions tend to mitigate FAC, but the greater need to avoid localized corrosion of
the alloy components in the core and the steam generators dictates the use of reducing condi-
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18 The Essential CANDU
involves operating under alkaline conditions and mitigating the radiolytic production of oxidizing
species. Other objectives include minimizing deposition of corrosion products on the fuel
(fouling) and minimizing and controlling the concentration of activiated corrosion products and
fission products (both gaseous and dissolved) in the system. These objectives are accomplished
through dosing and control of the primary coolant’s pHa and deuterium concentration through
regular additions of lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Also, the molecular hydrogen gas
exchanges rapidly in the reactor core with deuterium in the D2O molecules. Although the
additions downgrade the heavy water slightly, this is compensated by periodic isotopic upgrad-
ing of the system’s D2O (see Section 8.1). Each individual plant maintains its own chemistry
practices and operational guidelines but, in general, guidelines for these values are shown in
Table 3.
During steady-state operation, variations in any of the above parameters are typically small in
the absence of system transients or upset conditions. Oxygen concentrations are typically non-
detectable. The alkalinity is controlled through periodic additions of LiOH through the sampling
system return (for elevating pHa) or by providing a periodic bleed flow through the purification
system using an ion-exchange column containing strong acid cation resins (for lowering pHa).
Lithiated mixed-bed ion-exchange columns (where the strong-acid IX resin D+ sites have been
saturated with Li+; both acid and base resins are deuterated) are run as normal purification for
the PHTS to collect cationic and anionic impurities. A simplified flow diagram for a PHT purifica-
tion circuit is shown in Figure 2. The purification system keeps particulate concentration low and
helps to maintain the anioic impurity concentrations below the specification to minimize the risk
of SCC of the stainless steel and alloy components in the system and to minimize the risk of
strain-induced cracking of carbon steel components [Turner & Guzonas, 2010]. It also serves to
keep the radioacitivity of the PHT coolant low as the filters and ion exchage column may capture
activiated corrosion products or ionic fission products released from failed fuel bundles.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 19
Since pHa and conductivity are directly related to [Li+], purity of the PHTS coolant is readily
observed by comparing the measured values to the theoretical values as calculated using the
equations developed earlier in the chapter. If the system is controlled well and has minimal
impurities, then the conductivity and pHa measured should match closely with the calculated
values appropriate to the measured lithium-ion concentration. Deviations in the measured-to-
theoretical value indicate ingress of ionic impurities or problems with system sampling tech-
The above discussion seems to imply that sampling the high-temperature PHTS system is routine
and simple. While it is routine, collecting and analyzing samples from a high-temperature, high-
pressure system is far from simple. Take, for example, the collection of a sample in an open
polypropylene jar. The sampled water must first be cooled from the operational temperature
and throttled to low pressure. Each of these operations changes the state of the chemical
species present in the sample. Once the valve at the end of the sample line is opened, the
ideally oxygen-free coolant sample is exposed to the atmosphere and will readily absorb nitro-
gen, oxygen and carbon dioxide from the air. Thus, this sample is immediately not appropriate
for obtaining a dissolved oxygen measurement. Additionally, the absorbed CO2 dissociates in
the sample solution to form carbonate (CO32-) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) anions, which disturb the
equilibrium chemistry established between lithium hydroxide and water. The CO2 absorption
effectively produces carbonic acid and lowers the pH (or pHa) of the sample, rendering it com-
promised for system monitoring. Thus, differences in pHa, conductivity and [Li+] from PHTS
samples may imply improper sampling techniques, not problems with system chemistry and
care must be taken to identify the root cause. Several standard methods and recommended
practices are available to properly specify and conduct sampling campaigns including the
Technical Guidance Document on corrosion product sampling recently released by IAPWS
[IAPWS, 2014].
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20 The Essential CANDU
Figure 3. Magnetite solubility calculated from thermodynamic data optimized to the Tremaine
& Leblanc data [Tremaine, 1980].
The Point Lepreau CANDU-6 6 was the first reactor to exhibit FAC of the outlet feeder pipes. The
feeders were on average corroding at rates greatly in excess of what was assumed and predicted
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 21
in providing a suitable corrosion allowance and many sections of outlet feeders needed to be
replaced well before the end of their design lifetime. Unlike other CANDU stations that also
observed FAC in the outlet feeder pipes, the Point Lepreau station also had demonstrated
cracking, which necessitated many removals and replacements prior to the refurbishment
outage that began in 2008. The stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) or environmentally assisted
cracking (EAC) observed at Lepreau was very unexpected as carbon steel is not typically suscept-
ible to significant cracking. Theories supporting mechanisms such as hydrogen embrittlement
due to the high corrosion rates and hydrogen production associated with the outlet feeder FAC
were proposed along with a detailed examination of the construction and operational history
[Slade & Genderon, 2005]. Evidence pointed to high residual stresses from the bending, welding
and fabrication process as a primary culprit to the cracking mechanism and the fact that none of
the bends were stress relieved following fabrication. No direct evidence of a connection with
hydrogen embrittlement related to FAC was found, however it is still suspected to have played a
factor. The material for replacement sections of pipe, and that used for new construction and
refurbishment projects, is now specified to contain a higher chromium content (~0.3 wt%) and
has slightly more carbon (~0.35% vs 0.3%) which, in combination act to significantly reduce the
FAC issue and increases the yield strength respectively, thereby creating more margin to protect
against cracking. All new bends are also fully stressed relieved before being placed into service.
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22 The Essential CANDU
year half life. Tritium production and decay in the PHTS heavy water means that, even in the
absence of particulate or ionic impurities, the coolant will be radioactive and the entire PHTS
will have significant concentrations of tritium, typically of the order of 104 Bq/kg of heavy water.
This is several orders of magnitude lower than the steady state tritium concentrations in the
moderator water since only about 3% of the PHTS coolant is in the reactor core at any given time
whereas >95% of the moderator heavy water is continuously being exposed to the high neutron
flux in the reactor core. Thus, all reactor systems that employ heavy water as their coolant will
contain significant tritium activity in all sections of the circuit.
In addition to the production of tritium, the PHTS heavy water coolant will contain trace concen-
trations of dissolved ions and particulates that are the result of the corrosion and wear of the
system materials. These impurities, which include iron, nickel, chromium, cobalt and antimony
can deposit in the core and may become activated by neutron absorption. In addition, zirco-
nium alloy wear products released by the movement of fuel inside the fuel channel during
refuelling, and fission products and actinides released from the (infrequent) failure of the fuel
cladding, can be transported out of the core by the coolant. These species are easily deposited,
adsorbed and incorporated into the oxide layers that form on the surfaces of out-of-core
components leading to elevated levels of activity on components removed from the direct
radiation field of the reactor core, the reactor inlet/outlet headers and feeders and inner
surfaces of the steam generator tubes, for example.
Typical activation and fission products observed in the PHT and their half-lives are shown in
Table 4. Note the relatively long half-life of Co-60, which is a major contributor to radiation
fields in out-of-core components. The fission products are generally kept at very low concentra-
tions in the PHT coolant since they are indicators of failed fuel elements, which are removed as
quickly as possible once identified. The radioiodines are of particular concern since they are
readily absorbed in the thyroid of humans and must be contained in the system and disposed of
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 23
The Secondary Heat Transport System (commonly called the secondary system or steam cycle)
produces the steam necessary to drive the turbines and electrical generator. The configuration
of the secondary system is described in detail in Chapter 8 but in summary it contains the
condenser, a series of low-pressure feedwater heaters, a deaerator, a series of high temperature
feedwater heaters, the boilers or steam generators, the steam supply piping and control sys-
tems, and the high- and low-pressure turbines with a moisture separator and steam reheater in
between them. While the secondary system at each plant is unique in terms of its exact configu-
ration and the materials used for the various components there are typically two classifications
of system; all-ferrous and copper-containing. The operating chemistry for the secondary system
is dependent upon the type of materials from which the plant is constructed. For example, as
described in the corrosion section in Chapter 14, it is desirable for iron-based materials to
operate with alkaline chemistry to promote the formation of passive oxide films and minimize
corrosion. This is often done with the addition of ammonia or other volatile amines and target
pH values (measured at room temperature) can be up to 10. In a copper-based system or a
system that contains some copper components, copper corrosion is known to be accelerated
considerably by ammonia, especially when oxygen is present, and maximum pH’s must be kept
to about 9.2 – 9.4 and the use of ammonia minimized or excluded all together. Reducing condi-
tions are maintained, mainly to protect the steam-generator alloys from cracking, by the addi-
tion of hydrazine.
Chemistry parameters that are targets for the secondary system chemistry control and are
typically measured at the high pressure feed water heater outlet are shown in Table 5.
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24 The Essential CANDU
The distribution of amine retained in the water phase or stripped to the steam phase is de-
scribed by the distribution coefficient, which is dependent upon both temperature and concen-
tration. The true distribution coefficient is defined as the ratio of the vapour-phase mole
fraction of volatile species (yB) to its liquid phase mole fraction (xB):
DB = (30)
Note that, in the true distribution coefficient, the measure is per fraction of the volatile species.
For ammonia this means the neutral species, NH3. However, due to the dissociation of ammonia
and other amines in water, the true distribution coefficient is not typically what is measured; the
measurement is the “apparent” distribution coefficient. The apparent distribution coefficient
accounts for the total concentration (or fraction) of ammonia-based species in the liquid phase
including the dissociation products as shown in equation 31. For example, the equilibrium
established between ammonia and the ammonium cation in water is given by equation 32 and
its equilibrium constant in equation 33. If ammonia is stripped to the vapour phase, its liquid
phase concentration will be reduced and will subsequently affect the concentration of the
ammonium cation retained in solution. As with other equilibrium chemical equations that have
been discussed in this chapter, the equilibrium constant for amine dissociation is temperature-
dependent, as are the distribution coefficients, thus the apparent distribution coefficient is a
complicated function of the true distribution coefficient and equilibrium chemistry.
While protection of the entire secondary system is the goal of the chemistry dosing practices,
protection of the materials in the steam generators or boilers is paramount since the boiler
tubes represent the physical barrier between nuclear and non-nuclear sections of the plant. A
boiler contains an array of 1000’s of tubes, tube support plates, tube sheet, and associated
steam driers. Since dissolved species, other than the ammonia or the other amines dosed to
control pH, represent impurities in the feedwater it is important to minimize (or eliminate if
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 25
possible) their concentrations entering the boiler. Some impurities of particular importance in
boiler feed water include iron, copper, sodium, chloride and sulphate. The iron (and copper if
the system includes some copper-bearing materials) enters the boiler as corrosion products
released from the predominately carbon steel components in the feed water train and, since
they are not volatile will accumulate in the boiler as steam is produced. Ultimately, boiler sludge
(mainly iron oxides or hydrated oxides) will accumulate on the tube sheet and tube support
plates and must be periodically removed through a physical or chemical cleaning procedure.
This can become difficult if significant copper is retained in the deposits.
Sodium, chloride, sulphate and other inorganic impurities can enter the feedwater system
through leaks in the condenser tubes and must be kept at very low concentrations since all non-
volatile species will tend to concentrate in the boiler, particularly in crevice regions in the tube
sheet or around the tube support plates. The concentration of these species is kept low in the
boiler through a continuous blow-down that removes a small fraction of the circulating water in
the boiler. Example 15.3 demonstrates the calculation on the effectiveness of blow-down to
maintain low levels of contaminants in the boiler. A simple calculation of the feedwater input
flow rate divided by the blow-down rate can give a rough indication of the concentration factor
(CF) that can be achieved in a steam generator crevice. For example, an individual boiler in a
typical CANDU-6 plant will have an incoming flow rate of around 250 kg/s. With a blow-down of
approximately 0.5% of the incoming flow (amounting to 1.25 kg/s) this shows a concentration
factor of 200, meaning that any impurities entering the boiler from the feedwater will be
concentrated 200 times in the bulk water of the steam generator. Regular sampling of the blow-
down stream for sodium, chloride, sulphate and other impurities provides a ready indication of
poor feedwater chemistry.
Impurities in the boiler cause hide-out, whereby they are absorbed and retained in the boiler
crevices or in the deposited sludge piles, which can lead to aggressive chemistry conditions for
the boiler tubes. Alloy 800, the choice material for recent CANDU reactor boiler tubes, has
shown excellent corrosion resistance and little stress corrosion cracking over a wide range of
chemistry conditions. However, if the environment adjacent to the tubes becomes sufficiently
acidic or alkaline due to the ingress and hide-out of ionic impurities, chlorides, sulphate or
sodium for example, the recommended operating envelope for the boiler tubes may be com-
promised. This situation has occurred at various nuclear plants, both CANDUs and PWRs, where
boiler tubes had to be plugged due to through-wall cracking and leakage of primary system
water into the boiler. This is detected by increasing radiation levels in the boiler blow-down or
main steam line.
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26 The Essential CANDU
A sketch of a steam generator with feedwater inlet flow rate (F), steam flow rate (S) and
blowdown flow rate (B) is shown in Figure 4. Assuming steady state operation, feedwater iron
concentration of 5 ppb (mg/kg), feedwater flow rate is 250 kg/s and blowdown rate of 0.5%
(1.25 kg/s), calculate the concentration of iron in the bulk boiler water (CM). If the blowdown
rate was reduced to 0.1%, what effect does that have on bulk boiler water iron concentration?
A steady state mass balance on the iron inventory using the sketch in Figure 4 results in:
Fe In = Fe Out
F × CF = S × Cs +B × CB
We not that the concentration in the bulk boiler water will be the same as the blow-down
concentration, hence CM = CB. Also, the iron in the boiler water is non-volatile so its concentra-
tion in the steam line will be zero. Applying these conditions and rearranging results in:
CM = CB = C
The term F/B is the concentration factor described above and is the ratio of the feedwater flow
rate over the blow-down rate. For the conditions indicated above this results in a concentra-
tion factor (CF or F/B) of 200. Thus:
Reducing the blow-down rate to 0.1% effectively increases the concentration factor by five
leading to CM = CB = 5 mg/kg. Ans.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 27
AECL has developed a recommended operating environment envelope for Alloy 800 boiler tubes
[Tapping, 2012]. The chart, shown in Figure 5, is the result of decades of reactor operating
experience and ongoing research at the Chalk River Laboratories and elsewhere to evaluate the
cracking and degradation propensity of boiler tubes in out-of-specification chemistry conditions.
While a plant may be within the recommended operating envelope for the majority of its
operational lifetime, there will be periods of out-of-specification chemistry due to ingress of
contaminant ions or elevated concentrations of dissolved oxygen. The effects of these, hopeful-
ly short, periods need to be carefully assessed as they may be the initiating events for pitting
and cracking later on in the life of the plant.
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28 The Essential CANDU
4.2.2 Flow-Accelerated
Accelerated Corrosion in the Feedwater and Steam Extraction Piping
ection of the boiler is the primary objective of the chemistry dosing practices in the second-
ary system and one of the best ways to accomplish this is to minimize the corrosion of the
materials in the feedwater train and regenerative feedwater heaters. Ex Excessive
cessive corrosion of the
feedwater piping will introduce corrosion products into the boiler water
water,, ultimately dumping the
material as sludge that accumulates on the tube support plates and tube sheet in the steam
generators. Flow accelerated corrosion (FAC), described in detail in Chapter 14, 14 is prevalent in
the feedwater system since the steam that condenses following the low pressure turbines is
ultimately pure water with a relatively low concentration of volatile amine that has been carried
through the steam cycle. This condensate water is effectively iron
free or fully undersaturated in
dissolved corrosion products and is an excellent fluid for promoting FAC of carbon steel piping.
The moisture content of wet et steam in the moisture separator and turbin
turbinee steam extraction lines
will be effectively pure water and fully undersaturated in corrosion products as well,well but have
the additional complication of possessing small water droplets that can impinge on piping
urfaces, creating a mechanical erosion mechanism compounding the FAC effect. Critical
locations for FAC are typically downstream of tight radius bends, orifice plates for flow mea- me
surements or any location where turbulence is enhanced and mass transfer from the piping
promoted. The solubility of the primary protective oxide film, magnetite, also plays a role in the
most affected locations since it is seen to go through a maximum at temperatures between 130- 130
150 C as shown in Figure 7 in Chapter 14.
Management of FAC in the secondary circuit of power plants is quite advanced and relies upon
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 29
computer model predictions (EPRI’s CHECWORKS code for example) to assess critical locations in
the plant and frequent inspections. One of the key factors in protecting the secondary side
piping from FAC is to maintain a suitable alkalinity level at all locations around the steam cycle.
Magnetite solubility is demonstrated to be at a minimum around a pH25°C of 9.5 or so and
maintaining this specification at every location in the steam cycle is highly desirable to minimize
pipe wall thinning by FAC. However, this is difficult to achieve in the field since chemical dosing
typically occurs at a sole location in the feedwater circuit (usually just downstream of the
condensate extraction pump) and the fact that the two-phase sections of the plant can have a
significantly different chemical composition from that of the feedwater due to the distribution
coefficient of the volatile amine used for plant pH control. In principle, the target is to maintain
a delta pH (pH = pHT – pHneutral@T) greater than 1.0 to ensure that sufficient alkalinity is main-
tained at each location and the solubility of magnetite is kept to a minimum.
Table 6 shows the results of a calculation for the effect of different chemical dosing strategies on
the delta pH throughout a common secondary side feedwater and steam circuit. In case 1,
ammonia is used as the pH-controlling chemical and in case 2 morpholine is used, both achiev-
ing a final feedwater pH25C of 9.6. Note that in case 2, 1 mg/kg of ammonia is also assumed to
be present due to the decomposition of the morpholine (and hydrazine) at the higher tempera-
ture locations in the system; such decomposition typically results in a residual ammonium
concentration between 0.5-1.1 mg/kg. As is demonstrated in the table, both chemical dosing
strategies achieve the same target pH25°C and maintain a sufficient delta pH at the outlet of the
HP heater, thus maintaining suitable protection of the feedwater train from FAC. However, due
to the differences in volatility and distribution coefficients, the delta pH achieved with the
morpholine chemistry in case 2 provides much better protection for the steam extraction lines
and moisture separator.
Table 6. Comparison of delta pH for two chemical dosing strategies in a typical steam cycle.
Case 2: 25 mg/kg Morpholine
Case 1: 2.3 mg/kg Ammonia
+ 1 mg/kg Ammonia
(pH25 = 9.6)
(pH25 = 9.6)
Location pHT pHneutral pH pHT pHneutral pH
HP heater outlet
6.71 5.68 1.03 6.87 5.68 1.19
(final feedwater)
Bulk Boiler water 5.92 5.59 0.32 6.34 5.59 0.74
HP turbine extraction to
6.29 5.67 0.62 6.80 5.67 1.14
Moisture Separator/Reheater 6.57 5.78 0.80 7.13 5.78 1.35
LP turbine extraction to DA 6.85 5.89 0.96 7.43 5.89 1.54
LP turbine extraction to LPH3 7.11 6.01 1.11 7.73 5.89 1.54
LP turbine extraction to LPH2 7.45 6.16 1.28 8.11 6.16 1.95
LP turbine extraction to LPH1 7.88 6.38 1.50 8.57 6.38 2.20
Condensate 8.73 6.83 1.89 9.49 6.83 2.65
Similar effects are realized with other amines of lower volatility, such as ethanolamine (ETA),
which has a relative volatility of about 0.15 at 200°C while that of ammonia is about 5.0. Its
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30 The Essential CANDU
effect on FAC compared with that of ammonia and in neutral chemistry is illustrated
illustrat in Figure 6,
which shows on-line
line measurements of the FAC rate of carbon steel in an experimental loop. loop The
operating conditions were two-phase
phase steam
liquid flows at 200°C with ammonia and ETA at the
same pH25°C (9.2) and with no additive
additive. The effect of the additives on reducing FAC below that of
neutral chemistry is immediately realized at zero voidage (% steam by volume) and continues up
to 97% voidage. As the voidage increases from zero the FAC rates with the two additives are
roughly the same and increase together
together. At about 80% voidage, the FAC rate with ammonia
increases further as the ammonia partitions to the vapour phase, while tthathat for ETA decreases as
the ETA partitions to the liquid phase (the FAC occurs in the liquid film on the walls of the pipe or
component). The diagram also shows how reducing the flow rate also reduces the FAC rate.
Figure 6. Effect
fect of steam voidage on FAC rate of carbon steel at 200°C under three chemistries
(neutral, pH25°C with ammonia and with ETA) at a flow rate of 0.56 L/min (the effect of reduced
flow rate on FAC with ammonia also indicated). [Lertsurasakda et al., 2013]
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 31
5 Moderator System
As described previously, the main purpose of the heavy water moderator is to slow down or
thermalize the high energy neutrons produced through the fission reactions to low, thermal
energies so that they more easily induce further fission reactions. A significant amount of heat
is produced as a result of the high-energy neutrons losing their kinetic energy and this must be
dissipated through the external heat exchanger loops. A secondary purpose of the moderator
system is to serve as an additional reactivity control mechanism for the reactor, which is accom-
plished by dosing the heavy water with low concentrations of neutron-absorbing elements,
boron or gadolinium for example. The third purpose of the moderator system is to act as a
reactor safety system through rapid additions of high concentration of neutron poisons (known
as shut-down system 2 – SDS 2). Thus, the moderator system encompasses a large volume of
heavy water contained within the calandria vessel, the associated side recirculation loops for
heat removal and purification, the moderator cover gas system for removing deuterium gas
produced through the water radiolyisis, and the connections to SDS2. A schematic overview of
the moderator systems is shown in Figures 4 and 5 of Chapter 8.
Typical operating parameters for the moderator system are shown in Table 7. Unlike the heat
transport systems where the water is kept alkaline to control and minimize the corrosion of
system components, the heavy water in the moderator is kept slightly acidic to ensure that
gadolinium hydroxide (Gd(OH)3) will not precipitate on the surfaces of the moderator compo-
nents and that SDS-2 can function if required.
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32 The Essential CANDU
Gd NO3 ) 3
Gd3+ + 3NO-3 (34)
Gd3+ + 3H2O Gd OH + 3H+ ( ) 3
Gadolinum concentrations within the moderator system can range from zero to ~ 1 mg/kg under
typical reactor operating conditions, leading to water conductivities of ~ 0.005 mS/m to ~ 0.10
mS/m. Care must be taken during normal reactor operation to limit the conductivity, and hence,
nitrate concentration in the heavy water to below ~ 0.05 mS/m (corresponding to ~ 1 mg/kg
gadolinium nitrate) since the nitrate anions may form reactive intermediate species with the
water radiolysis products and promote the formation of deuterium gas (D2) [Yakabuskie et al.,
2010], which can lead to excessive cover gas concentrations and increased workload for the re-
combiner units (the D2 concentration in the cover gas must be kept below 4%). Some operating
reactors have used gadolinium sulfate (Gd2(SO4)3.6H2O) as their preferred salt, which eliminates
the issues of increased deuterium production from interaction of the radiolysis products with
the nitrate ion (sulfate ions do not form reactive intermediates with short-lived radiolysis
products). However, the sulfate salt is sparingly soluble compared to the nitrate salt thus, if
excess reactivity control is required, such as during start-ups with significant amounts of fresh
fuel in the core, the preferred reactivity control shim is boric acid. Sulphur species may also
promote localized corrosion of alloy components.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 33
Boric Acid
Boron 10 is 20% abundant in nature and has a neutron absorption cross-section of 3838 barns.
Boric anhydride or boric acid is soluble in water and can be an efficient alternative to gadolinium
as a reactivity control mechanism. Its dissolution, however, is very slow and so boric acid is only
employed in the operations of the CANDU plant when necessary. This is typically when concerns
of excess deuterium production are encountered through the use of higher concentrations of
gadolinium nitrate such as during startups with significant volumes of fresh fuel.
To ensure a guaranteed shut down state, gadolinium concentrations of greater than 15 mg/kg
are typically required and this is the lower limit for gadolinium in the moderator during GSS.
Typical concentrations are targeted at greater than 20 mg/kg and assurances must be made to
the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission that GSS is achieved and maintained. This assurance is
typically accomplished by manually sampling the moderator and analyzing for gadolinium
concentration at least twice per day.
Gadolinium Oxalate
In 2008 during a planned station outage at a unit of the Pickering B plant, while the unit was
placed in GSS it was observed that the Gd concentration in the moderator was decreasing at an
alarming rate. The over-poisoned condition for the GSS requires assurances that the Gd concen-
tration in the moderator is maintained above 15 mg/kg at all times and the measured loss rate
of Gd was approximately 2 mg/kg per day. The utility, with the assistance of experts from AECL
Chalk River traced the unexpected Gd depletion to precipitation as gadolinium oxalate
(Gd2(C2O4)3), a salt known to be very insoluble in water. Oxalate is normally not present in the
moderator heavy water systems and, upon investigation, its formation was attributed to a
known leak of CO2 from the annulus gas system through the rolled joints at one of the end
fittings, a condition that had been assessed in 2005 and monitored routinely through measure-
ment of total inorganic carbon (TIC). Elevated CO2 concentrations in the moderator heavy water
produce carbonate anions, which are readily converted to oxalate through combination with
primary water radiolysis radicals such as shown in equations 36 & 37.
CO2(aq) + e(aq) ×CO2 (36)
Under typical reactor operating conditions, with little gadolinium present in solution, the oxalate
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34 The Essential CANDU
anions would readily decompose back to CO2. However, under GSS with appreciable concentra-
tion of gadolinium in solution and a high enough concentration of TIC (from the ongoing CO2
leak in the rolled joint), the oxalate anion could readily combine with the gadolinium present as
quickly as it was produced, leading to precipitation of the gadolinium oxalate salt throughout the
moderator system, as shown in equation 38.
2Gd3+ + 3C 2O2-
® Gd2 C 2O4 ( ) 3(s)
The Gd depletion is of concern for maintaining the reactor in GSS but the fate of the oxalate
precipitate throughout the calandria vessel and on the calandria tubes is of greater concern as it
could prevent the reactor from becoming critical upon startup and must be removed. Several
research programs were initiated to formulate a chemical cleaning strategy to remove the
precipitated gadolinium oxalate; however, none were ultimately needed as the precipitate in-
core was found to be readily oxidized and converted to the soluble nitrate salt through action of
the shut-down gamma fields and ultra violet radiation (Cerenkov radiation) in the drained (air-
filled) and humid calandria vessel. The remaining precipitate from out-core surfaces was easily
removed through filtration upon moderator refill and reactor start up [Evans, 2010].
Oxalate production in the moderator system has also been demonstrated to occur by radiolytic
processes involving total organic carbon (TOC), primarily from oil ingress. Two operating CANDU
units have recently experienced issues with radiolytic decomposition of hydrocarbon lubricants
within the moderator system, which will produce decomposition gases such as hydrogen and
carbon dioxide as well as create particulate material through polymerization reactions that is
highly efficient at plugging filters [Ma, 2010]. These issues with elevated TIC and TOC in the
moderator system have led to more strict guidelines and chemistry control practices since the
implications of oxalate formation have been realized.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 35
The head space in the calandria vessel is separated from the bulk of the moderator heavy water
through a series of calandria relief ducts, as depicted in Figure 7. It is extremely important that
the moderator level be maintained within the relief ducts as these provide the conduit for the
deuterium and oxygen gases to diffuse into the head-space and to the helium cover gas. Since
the surface area for moderator heavy water to cover gas exchange is limited when water level is
maintained within the relief ducts, bulk diffusion rates can be minimized and kept within
controllable margins. If the moderator level were to fall below the relief ducts a large surface
area would then present itself for the D2 and O2 to readily migrate into the gas phase, leading to
a rapid increase in cover gas concentrations and potential for exceeding flammability limits.
Figure 7. Normal moderator cover gas system volume and relief ducts (CANTEACH)
The helium cover gas is maintained at slightly above atmospheric pressure (~ 110 kPa absolute)
and is circulated by several compressors, operating in parallel, through the head-space and on to
the catalytic re-combiner units (RCUs). The hydrogen (deuterium) RCUs are usually AECL-
patented components that contain a supported platinum or palladium catalyst. The re-
combination reaction that ensures deuterium concentrations are kept low in the cover gas
follows equation 39. As can be seen, the reaction requires a 1/2x stoichiometric concentration
of oxygen in order to fully recombine the deuterium gas to heavy water; however, it is common
practice to dose the helium cover gas with oxygen in excess to ensure sufficient recombination
occurs. By ensuring the cover gas oxygen concentration is between 1-2%, sufficient excess is
continually maintained and deuterium concentrations are kept to very low values and are often
D 2 + 12 O2 ¾catalyst
¾¾® D 2O (39)
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36 The Essential CANDU
6 Auxiliary Systems
6.1 Calandria Vault and End Shield Cooling System
The Calandria Vault and End-Shield Cooling system is a light-water system that acts as a biologi-
cal shield from the gamma radiation and neutrons present in the core of the reactor. In this
system, radiation energy is dissipated as heat that is removed from the water in external heat
exchangers. Schematic diagrams of the system are shown in Figure 8 and the system is de-
scribed in more detail in Chapter 8. The system comprises two distinct circuits; the calandria
vault that surrounds the reactor calandria vessel, which is enclosed in concrete; and the end
shields on either face of the reactor through which the fuel channels protrude. The end shields
are packed with carbon steel balls that stop most of the neutrons and gamma emanating from
the reactor core (note, in some CANDUs the end shield is a solid carbon steel plate with integral
cooling ports). The system operates at nearly atmospheric pressure and contains a circulated
nitrogen cover gas. Any gas that is produced from water radiolysis will diffuse into the cover gas,
which needs to be purged periodically to avoid the build up of flammable concentrations of
hydrogen and oxygen.
Typical operating specifications for the calandria vault and end shield cooling system are shown
in Table 8. Alkalinity is controlled by addition of lithium hydroxide to ensure low corrosion rates
of the system materials and the specifications for dissolved hydrogen and dissolved oxygen in
the system are set to ensure flammability limits are not exceeded. If the nitrogen cover gas for
the system reaches the control limit for hydrogen (4%), the system is purged with fresh nitrogen
to ensure safe operation is maintained.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 37
Table 8. Typical Chemistry Parameters of the Calandria Vault and End Shield Cooling System.
Parameter Typical Specification Range
pH 9.0 – 10.0
[Li+] 0.07 – 0.7 mg/kg
conductivity 0.24 – 2.4 mS/m
Anionic impurities < 1.0 mg/kg
H2 (vol. % in cover gas) < 4%
O2 (vol. % in cover gas) < 2%
Under normal circumstances, the end shield cooling system operates with a small excess of
dissolved hydrogen produced through the corrosion of system materials. This results in the net
radiolytic production of hydrogen and oxygen being suppressed. Some CANDU reactors have
had chronic issues with build up of hydrogen in the cover gas, which requires a frequent purging
to ensure that flammable concentrations are not reached. The increased hydrogen production
has been linked to the presence of dissolved oxygen in the water due to the addition of higher–
than-normal quantities of air-saturated make-up water. Dissolved oxygen is consumed through
recombination with the dissolved hydrogen, but when there is insufficient dissolved hydrogen
net water radiolysis will recommence to produce hydrogen and more oxygen, which exacerbates
the process. Once net radiolysis is occurring on a long-term basis, simply addressing the aerated
make-up water ingress issue has been shown not to reduce the hydrogen production.
The CANDU industry has investigated the possibility of mitigating excessive hydrogen production
in the calandria vault and end shield cooling system and has demonstrated that adding an
oxygen scavenger, such as hydrazine, to the system will mitigate the hydrogen production and
return the system to net radiolytic suppression [Stuart, 2012]. The dissolved oxygen reacts with
hydrazine to form nitrogen and water, which is a process that is fast at low temperatures as it is
mediated by the radiation field. Note that simply adding dissolved hydrogen to the water would
also promote a radiolysis recombination reaction, however, since the Calandria Vault and End
Shield Cooling system operates at atmospheric pressure, this method is not feasible and hydra-
zine additions are becoming common practice in operating reactors.
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38 The Essential CANDU
interfere with the hydrogen recombination reactions and catalyze oxygen and peroxide produc-
tion. Thus, nitrogen in the cover gas (indicative of air ingress) is highly undesirable, since it will
produce nitrate anions in the presence of a radiation field and subsequently produce nitric acid
that can lead to low pH conditions and corrosion of the system materials as well as promote high
production rates of hydrogen.
The typical operating specifications for the liquid zone control system are focused on water
purity as measured through liquid conductivity. For high purity make-up water, it is often
possible to achieve conductivities in the range of 0.006 – 0.008 mS/m, and most utilities will try
to keep the system operating within these limits or at least below 0.01 mS/m. By doing so,
water radiolysis is minimized and the cover gas purge can be done as frequently as necessary to
maintain the cover gas hydrogen concentration below 4%.
Oxygen may also be injected into the CO2 annulus gas to a concentration of approximately 2-4%.
This is beneficial as it promotes protective ZrO2 films on the pressure tubes and calandria tubes
and helps to ensure that the garter springs or calandria tube to pressure tube spacers (Alloy
X750 – a nickel superalloy) are maintained in a suitably oxidized state, also promoting passive
oxide film formation. If no oxygen is present, the garter springs can become extremely brittle as
the reduced oxides or elemental nickel present under these conditions can promote cracking in
the material. This is exacerbated by radiation embrittlement due to the high neutron fluxes to
which the garter springs are exposed. Oxygen injection to the annulus gas also promotes the
recombination with deuterium to form D2O, helping to ensure the deuterium concentrations are
kept below the flammability limits.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 39
not corrode excessively and accumulate particulate corrosion products that can accumulate as
sludge in the normally stagnant system. Short-term decay heat removal is supplied by the high-
pressure and medium-pressure ECC systems that have their own distinct water supplies. For
longer-term core cooling, the emergency cooling water is supplied via a tank inside the vacuum
building in the multi-unit CANDUs or from the dousing tank in the roof of the containment
building of single-unit stations.
In the event of a LOCA, when a reactor PHTS is vented to the building, water from the dousing
tank is sprayed into the building to condense the steam and reduce the pressure. The supply
tank is connected to the sump below the reactor building that collects water draining from the
system for re-injection via the emergency injection pumps. The system chemistry is maintained
moderately alkaline and is deoxygenated with hydrazine, which will decompose over time to
ammonia producing the alkalinity required to maintain low corrosion rates of the ECC piping and
injection nozzles. Recent regulations have focused on ECC chemistry, particularly the effect of
debris or corrosion products clogging the strainers of the injection pumps. Of primary concern
are high-pH conditions, where the corrosion of aluminum components in contact with the ECC
water (the sump strainers for example) has been the focus of considerable research effort
[Edwards et al, 2010]. At too high a pH, aluminum components may corrode excessively and
form precipitates that could block the strainers. For this reason, an upper limit on dousing
system pH is typically set around 9.5.
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40 The Essential CANDU
7 Lay-up Practices
Inevitably, every power plant need
needs to be shut down for regular maintenance outages. In the
case of a CANDU, a mid-life
life refurbishment outage (after ~ 25-30
30 years operation) is required to
remove and replace the Zr2.5Nb pressure tubes that tend to stretch and sag due to the opera-oper
tional temperatures and high atomic displacements caused by the continuous neutron bom- bo
bardment under load.. A regular maintenance outage may last from 2 – 8 weeks depending
upon the scope of work required and refurbishment outages are planned for at least two years.
During any of these plant outages, the systems are typically depressurized and frequently
drained to facilitate the required maintenance work and subsequent inspections. These main- mai
tenance activities can allow air ingress into the closed-loop
loop systems that are intentionally
intenti kept
aerated to minimize corrosion during operation.. The duration and extent of the oxidizing
conditions that are produced when the systems are shut down can play large roles in their
behaviour during startup and subsequent steady power operation. Thus, it is now considered
extremely important to provide a suitable lay
up condition to the plant during regular mainten-
ance outages and is paramount for protecting nonnon-refurbished
refurbished components during an extended
shut down during a mid-lifelife refurbishment
refurbishment. Degradation mechanisms and problem locations in
the feedwater and steam circuit of fossil plants are described by Mathews and are shown
schematically in Figure 9 [Mathews, 2013]
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 41
volume during the maintenance outage is recommended to promote good mixing and repre-
sentative sampling.
Heavy water (D2O) is essential to the operation of a CANDU reactor. It is used in place of light
water (H2O) as a moderator and coolant due to its superior neutron moderating properties
(deuterium’s neutron absorption cross-section is orders of magnitude lower than hydrogen’s)
making it feasible to fuel the reactor with uranium containing the natural abundance of the
fissile U-235 isotope (~0.7%). Heavy water or, more specifically, the deuterium isotope, is
naturally abundant in the environment at about 0.015% (atomic percentage) as both the D2O
and the HDO molecule, all in chemical equilibrium as shown in equation 40. The moderator and
PHT systems both require heavy water that is greater than 98% in isotopic for D2O. For reactor
safety purposes in the event of a pressure tube rupture where the PHT water enters and mixes
with the moderator, the PHT isotopic content is typically kept slightly lower than the moderator,
98.6% vs > 99% for example, which will dilute the moderator in the accident scenario lowering
the overall moderation.
8.1 Upgrading
Separation techniques are numerous and include fractionation through distillation and various
processes involving atomic exchange through chemical sorbants and equilibrium systems. All of
these processes rely on the fact that the mass of the deuterium atom is twice that of the
hydrogen atom, making properties such as vapour pressure slightly different from those of
compounds containing the hydrogen atom alone. The separation factor for the deuterium-
hydrogen isotopes is defined as the ratio of the deuterium fraction in the desired phase (liquid,
x) over its fraction in the other phase (gas, y), as shown in equation 41. For a light-water/heavy-
water mixture, the separation factor can be estimated through the vapour pressure of each of
the components as shown in equation 42 for the normal boiling point of natural water [Bene-
dict, 1980].
( )
x 1- x
y (1- y)
pH O
aHD = 2
= 1.026 (42)
pD O
The primary method for heavy water production is known as the GS dual-temperature exchange
process. It involves the equilibrium exchange of the deuterium atom between water and
hydrogen sulfide gas in a staged absorption column as shown in equation 43. Two towers are
employed whereby a fresh water feed to the cold tower, which has a higher separation factor for
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 43
The distillation of water to produce a heavy water product is extremely energy intensive,
intensive since
large volumes are required to compensate for the low isotopic content of natural water.
water Thus,
once primary upgrading has been accomplished from pro processes
cesses such as the GS dual- dual
temperature exchange described above, energy requirements are much reduced,reduced particularly
when conducted under vacuum conditions
conditions. All CANDU plants will contain a distillation facility
for upgrading the D2O isotopic content since it can be diluted during operation through addition
of chemicals containing the hydrogen atom (H2, LiOH, N2H4, NH3 etc.) and through neutron
absorption producing tritium (H-3 or T). The overall efficiency of the fission process relies upon
specified isotopic content in the moderator and coolant thus the process water must be periodi-
cally upgraded.
8.2 Clean-up
Like the make-up water that feeds the secondary system and the reactor auxiliaries and is
conditioned to ensure low corrosion rates of the materials of construction and adequate system
lifetimes, the heavy water used in CANDU plants must be very pure. The basic methods of
filtration and ion exchange all apply to heavy water as they do for light water, with the exception
that the isotopic content of the heavy water must also be taken into consideration (the H2O
content in the heavy water may be considered an impurity).
As described above, D2O production and upgrading facilities may produce heavy water at
isotopic concentrations greater than 99.5% quite readily. Impurities introduced during the
upgrading process may include corrosion products from the materials of construction of the
distillation towers and packing columns (Fe, Ni, Cu etc) as well as contaminant cations and
anions (Na+, Ca2+, Cl-, SO42- etc) from ingress of humidity or contamination during transfer
operations. These may be removed through ion-exchange; however, it is imperative that the
ion-exchange resin first be converted to a deuterated form (exchange of the H+ sites with D+) to
minimize the downgrading in isotopic from cation exchange.
Tritium Removal
Some plants, notably the Darlington station in Ontario, include a tritium reduction facility in
order to ensure low environmental releases and to minimize the tritium activity in the operating
plant. Tritium removal plants follow the same isotopic removal principles as upgrading the
deuterium content to produce heavy water, except that the separation factor for D/T is very
close to unity under near atmospheric and/or vacuum conditions. At the Darlington facility,
separation is aided by a series of catalytic exchange columns that facilitate the equilibrium
exchange between tritiated heavy water and the carrier deuterium gas. The catalytic exchange
process follows equation 44 and typically can reduce the tritium concentration in the input
heavy water by a factor of ten [CANTEACH]. The tritium now contained in the deuterium gas
stream is concentrated to >99.9% through a series of cryogenic distillation columns operating at
temperatures of ~ 25 K absolute. A schematic flow sheet of the Darlington facility is shown in
Figure 13. These cryogenic temperatures ensure that any humidity or traces of nitrogen and
oxygen are removed (25 K is well below their boiling points) leaving a pure deuterium/tritium
gas that is easily separated through the density/buoyancy effects utilized in distillation. The
resulting pure tritium gas is encapsulated through reaction with titanium sponge, producing a
titanium hydride and immobilizing the radioactivity. The hydride may then be stored until the
tritium decays to suitable levels or sold for profit.
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Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems 45
Figure 12. Schematic diagram of the Darlington tritium removal facility. (Busigin & Sood)
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46 The Essential CANDU
The chemistry of process systems is controlled in order to optimize the performance of the
variety of materials that make up the systems. There is therefore a strong link to the Chapter 14
on Materials and Corrosion.
10 References
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©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems – September 2014
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©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Chemistry in CANDU Process Systems – September 2014
48 The Essential CANDU
ment, Nuc. Eng. & Design, vol. 197, pp. 213-223, 2000.
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London, 2012.
P.R. Tremaine & J.C. Leblanc, The Solubility of Magnetite and the Hydrolysis and Oxidation of
Fe2+ in Water to 300oC, J. Sol. Chem., vol.9, no.6, pp. 415-442, 1980.
C. Turner & D. Guzonas, Improving Chemistry Performance in CANDU® Plants, Nuclear Plant
Chemistry Conference – NPC 2010, Quebec City, October 2010.
V.F. Urbanic, B. Cox & G.J. Fields, Long Term Corrosion and Dueterium Ingress in CANDU PHW
Pressure Tubes, Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Seventh International Symposium,
ASTM STP939, pp. 189-205, 1987.
P.A. Yakabuskie, J.M. Joseph, J.C. Wren & C.R. Stuart, Effect of NO3- and NO2- on Water Radiolysis
Kinetics During -Irradtiation, NPC 2010 – Nuclear Plant Chemistry Conference, Quebec
City, Quebec, 2010.
11 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
Gordon Burton
Dave Guzonas
Craig Stuart
Thanks are also extended to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing
prepared by
Dr. Victor G. Snell & Dr. Nikola K. Popov
This chapter covers the overall aspects of nuclear reactor regulation, with emphasis on Canada,
but also covering other regimes such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. It
explains the need for regulation; how regulators work; how they are structured; and the types of
requirements they set. Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom are used as specific
examples in these areas, with detailed material on Canadian licensing processes, requirements,
and guides.
Disclaimer: This Chapter captures the elements of nuclear power reactor regulation as of ~2013,
when the Chapter was drafted. Although regulatory concepts change slowly, detailed licensing
requirements can change fairly frequently, and some of the details in this Chapter could be
superseded by the time the book is used. The reader is advised to consult the most up-to-date
regulatory documents if the intended use at the time is critical. The information in this Chapter
is current as of late 2012 or early 2013.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................................. 5
2 Generic Regulatory Requirements.......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Why is a Regulator Needed?............................................................................................... 5
2.2 What a Regulator is Not...................................................................................................... 6
2.3 How a Regulator Exercises its Responsibilities ................................................................... 7
2.4 How a Regulatory Review is Done ...................................................................................... 9
2.5 Regulatory Independence and Social Policy ..................................................................... 10
3 Regulatory Approaches......................................................................................................... 12
4 Case Studies .......................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Three Mile Island .............................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Fukushima ......................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Chernobyl.......................................................................................................................... 15
4.4 Olkiluoto............................................................................................................................ 16
5 Pre-Project Licensing Review ................................................................................................ 16
6 International and National Examples.................................................................................... 18
6.1 International Organizations .............................................................................................. 18
6.2 National Regulatory Organizations ................................................................................... 22
7 Nuclear Material Safeguards................................................................................................. 32
7.1 Objectives and Evolution .................................................................................................. 32
7.2 Safeguards Treaty Detection Fundamentals ..................................................................... 34
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1 Steps in the development of a nuclear power program ................................................. 12
Figure 2 Hierarchy of IAEA safety documents............................................................................... 19
Figure 3 Simplified organization chart of the USNRC ................................................................... 23
Figure 4 Generic hierarchy of regulatory documents ................................................................... 24
Figure 5 Structure of the ONR....................................................................................................... 29
Figure 6 “Farmer” curve................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 7 HSE concept of tolerable risk .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 8 Safeguards state evaluation is a continuous process [IAEA2007b] ................................ 33
Figure 9 Elements of safeguards [IAEA1998a] .............................................................................. 36
Figure 10 Design aspects of safeguards in LWR reactors (Type II) [IAEA1998a] ........................... 37
Figure 11 Design aspects of safeguards in CANDU reactors [IAEA1998a] .................................... 38
Figure 12 CNSC organization ......................................................................................................... 41
Figure 13 Structure of regulatory documents in Canada.............................................................. 42
Figure 14 Design and documentation completeness phases ....................................................... 63
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 3
List of Tables
Table 1 IAEA guides related to regulation..................................................................................... 19
Table 2 U.K. frequency / dose targets for accidents off-site......................................................... 31
Table 3 Single / dual failure dose limits ........................................................................................ 55
Table 4 Consultative document C-6 dose limits............................................................................ 56
Table 5 New plants in Canada: dose limits.................................................................................... 56
Table 6 Selected key CSA codes and standards............................................................................. 59
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4 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to:
1. describe the need for, and concepts underlying, nuclear regulation
2. cover specific requirements in Canada in some detail, and examples from other ju-
risdictions where the differences are instructive.
Whereas the first aspect covers “why”, the second aspect covers both “why” and “what”.
1.1 Overview
Regulatory oversight of nuclear power plants is an essential aspect of the application of the
technology, albeit not generally considered a specific engineering discipline. Regulation affects
reactor design and operation by setting requirements at both a high level (safety goals, system
requirements, operations performance metrics, etc.) and in more detail, and through regulatory
review of design and operation.
Section 2 looks at overall regulatory requirements. It begins by explaining the need for regula-
tion. It then looks at generic aspects such as regulatory structure and independence, which
tend to be broadly similar in advanced nuclear-power-capable countries. It discusses how a
good regulator works through drafting standards and guides and through independent review,
but emphasizes that the operator is ultimately responsible for safety. It describes licensing
milestones (site licence, construction licence, operating licence, decommissioning licence, and
licence to abandon), which are common to most countries.
In Section 3, different regulatory approaches are briefly contrasted, varying from risk- or goal-
driven at one end to highly prescriptive at the other.
Section 4 gives a number of case studies of regulatory behaviour (in the same spirit as Chapter
13, of learning from real experience)—not to suggest that the regulator was primarily responsi-
ble for an event, but that weaknesses in the overall regulatory approach led to inattention on
the part of the industry to certain risks.
Section 5 discusses a recent tool for facilitating the licensing of a new design: a pre-project
licensing review.
Section 6 gives some international and national examples of organizations which influence or
apply regulatory requirements. Specifically, we summarize the consensus developed by the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as reflected in its guides and touch briefly on re-
gional organizations. Then we discuss examples of prescriptive (United States) and non-
prescriptive (United Kingdom) approaches.
Safeguards are described in Section 7. Security is also covered briefly in Section 8.
Sections 9 and 10 cover the Canadian approach. This can be considered as a balanced ap-
proach, mixing prescriptive requirements and overall goals. The mandate and organization of
the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is presented in Section 9. The structure of
Canadian Nuclear Regulations and the CNSC’s Regulatory Documents and Regulatory Guides is
summarized. Certain key Regulatory Documents affecting design and operation are presented
in more detail. The licensing process in Canada for both existing and new nuclear power plants
is described in Section 10; this includes a summary of the environmental assessment process.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 5
Three supplementary sections follow. Section 11 gives some problems for the student to work
through. Section 12 is an Appendix giving some examples of U.K. Safety Assessment Principles
as typical of a non-prescriptive approach. Section 13 is an Appendix listing the information that
is typically required in Canada when applying for construction and operating licences for nuclear
power plants.
Reactor regulation is a very broad field, and we can cover only the essentials in this chapter.
Most sections in the text list references to documents or published papers that the interested
reader can pursue for more detail: see Section 14 for the list of references. Section 15 con-
cludes the chapter with a glossary of terms.
similar technologies, so that social risks are rationalized. This hardly ever happens because the
mandate of regulators is usually restricted to a specific technology. Nuclear power tends to be
regulated more strictly (i.e., lower risks and more risk aversion) than comparable technologies.
There are many reasons for this which we do not have space to explore, but which have been
touched on briefly in Chapter 13, and which include voluntary versus involuntary risk, perceived
risk versus benefit, association of radiation with atomic weapons and cancer (the “dread”
factor), and public unfamiliarity with the technology. The interested reader is referred to the
literature on this subject. [Starr1969] and [Slovic1987] are good places to start.
One of the key functions of a regulator is that through the potential of independent verification
of any aspects of a licensee’s work, the regulator influences all a licensee’s internal processes,
because any piece of safety-related work can be audited. In particular, the simple existence of
regulatory oversight stops the licensee from internally accepting deficient safety cases or
accepting too readily that their assumptions are right and that they have thought of everything.
In other words, oversight encourages the building and maintaining of an adequate safety
culture. Regulatory oversight provides a critical independent challenge to a licensee’s premises,
assumptions, and positions and affects far more than the actual items that a regulator reviews.
1 This is a Russian proverb (Доверяй, но проверяй) originally applied to US-USSR relations during the Cold War.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 7
2 Federal, provincial, and even municipal government bodies may require many other regulatory approvals, which
are outside the scope of this chapter.
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8 The Essential CANDU
Site abandonment (i.e., return to unrestricted usage).
In addition, most regulators perform on request a preliminary review of an NPP design even
before a construction licence application, to reduce the risk of licensing issues arising during the
project stage when they are difficult and expensive to address. In Canada, this is called a pre-
licensing vendor design review [CNSC2012]. In the United States, it is called design certification
[USNRC2012], and in the United Kingdom, generic design assessment [HSE2008]. This topic is
discussed in Section 5. Note that there are differences in the depth, scope, and implications of
these approaches in different countries.
A regulatory review is usually performed against a set of published standards, requirements,
and “expectations” (typically through laws, regulations, and guides). Laws are laws of the land,
set by the national government; regulations are requirements set by the government (which in
some countries are also laws of the land); and guides are non-mandatory “good practices”
issued by the regulatory agency. The licence itself is a legal instrument and typically contains
additional specific requirements that must be met. In addition, the regulator may require, or
the operator may volunteer, compliance with other national standards. In Canada, these are
developed by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). Every country has its own set of
requirements, but now there is more and more international coordination, initially after the
severe accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, and now post-Fukushima3.
Usually, there is some risk basis for regulatory requirements, which are generally a mix of risk-
informed and prescriptive requirements based on past experience, as discussed in the accident
case studies in Chapter 13.
In many countries, but not all, regulatory deliberations and decisions are made openly, with
many opportunities for public input.
Given the power of the regulator, most regulators set up checks and balances to remain fair.
Most regulators are structured somewhat like a corporation, with a Commission at the top
supported by a small dedicated group of people, and a large separate specialized technical staff
which assesses the safety case in detail and presents its conclusions and recommendations to
the Commission. The Commission makes the final decision, not the staff. The Commission
reports directly to, or is accountable to, the national government in a way that is independent
of the proponent. Some regulators have independent advisory committees (e.g., the United
States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) has an Advisory Committee on Reactor Safe-
guards (ACRS) consisting of highly respected technical experts). Such committees are inde-
pendent of the staff, so that technical inputs to the Commission come from more than one
source [USNRC2012a]. This is a “typical” description—there are differences in the organization
of regulators in different countries because the regulatory structure is the responsibility of each
national government.
National and international peer reviews of regulators use the yardstick of international best
practices to encourage improvement, e.g., as implemented by the IAEA through its Integrated
3 Post-Fukushima refers to the changes in nuclear safety regulations and requirements in response to the nuclear
accident in the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP in Japan in March 2011.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 9
4 Often the Safety Report is equated with the documentation required for a licensing milestone (called the safety
case in some countries), but this is not correct—many more documents are reviewed, as described in Figure 14.
The Safety Report as a minimum consists of a detailed design description, a deterministic safety analysis, a
summary of the probabilistic safety assessment, a description of programmatic aspects such as quality assurance
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10 The Essential CANDU
Issuing requirements and guidance for the scope, content, and quality of the safety
case. This ensures that the licensee or proponent is aware beforehand of what is re-
quired and desired. Typical material includes high-level requirements such as safety
goals or dose limits ([HSE2006], [CNSC2008]); lower-level requirements such as the
scope of safety analysis [CNSC2008b]; and guidance on acceptable methods
[CNSC2012b]. Most jurisdictions also issue requirements on design (e.g., [HSE2006],
[CNSC2008], [USNRC2012b] with various levels of prescriptive detail.
Issuing Review Guides for regulatory staff use so that their reviews are consistent
and complete. Some of these are published ([HSE2002], [USNRC2012c],
[CNSC2013]), while others remain internal.
Performing an initial acceptance review of the safety case, for completeness.
Detailed specialist review of the safety case, using such tools as:
o Line-by-line review using the Review Guides;
o Independent calculations using the same computer codes as the licensee, or us-
ing independent codes;
o Expert elicitation, including use of outside panels or individuals and independent
analysis by consultants;
o Assessment against written international standards (e.g., IAEA), industry stan-
dards (e.g., those from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)), or against the
licensee’s own procedures;
o Quality assurance review and audit, including management and safety culture;
o Review of the completeness and appropriateness of the research and develop-
ment support for any step in NPP implementation, including design, site licens-
ing, etc.;
o Visits to the site;
o Consultation with international bodies and fellow regulators;
o Independent experiments or independent analysis of industry experiments;
o Questions arising from the above to the licensee and discussion and review of
the answers.
o Extensive technical meetings with the proponent.
The staff review results are consolidated.
The position is communicated to the Commission in formal meetings, at which the li-
censee has the opportunity to present its position. The meetings are public, along
with the information that is reviewed and discussed at the meetings. It is the Com-
mission that gives the approval to proceed with the relevant milestone.
and human factors, and demonstrations of compliance with regulatory requirements. See [USNRC, 1978] and
[IAEA, 2004] for examples of the format of a Safety Report; the former is far more widely used. Details of the
probabilistic safety assessment are usually submitted along with the Safety Report.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 11
beneficial because it ensures that regulatory staff have deep hands-on knowledge of the tech-
nology they are to regulate. Often personnel movement occurs internationally, which helps
internationalize and harmonize regulatory experience.
At the top level of the regulator, the Commission Chairman, and usually the Commission mem-
bers, are appointed by the government, and therefore the process is political (in the sense of
reflecting the will of the people through their elected representatives). The government
provides ultimate oversight of the regulatory body, but rarely formally intervenes in licensing
Regulatory decisions must balance risks, not eliminate them (risk elimination is an impossibility
in almost any technology). Moreover, although most regulators say they evaluate only safety
and do not explicitly acknowledge benefits, in fact they have a responsibility to account for the
fact that an activity may have significant net social benefit. In this sense, regulation sets (or
reflects) social policy. Hence, regulatory approval means that the project poses an acceptable
level of risk. Very few regulators use only risk as a regulatory tool (i.e., based just on the prob-
abilistic safety analysis (PSA)); see Chapter 13 for a discussion on PSA. Many regulators use or
accept a risk framework to sharpen decisions—this is called risk-informed decision making
(RIDM) and is a combination of PSA insights and traditional deterministic requirements. This is
a broad topic—for more detail, see [Apostolakis2004], [Bujor2010], [CSA1997], and
[USNRC2002]. In certain cases, usually when a retrofit is being considered, a cost-benefit case
prepared by the proponent may be considered to ensure that the cost is not disproportionate to
the benefit; see [HSE2001], [CNSC2000].
Finally, regulators must have adequate resources and experience, but they do not have to
replicate all the resources of the designer or operator; cf. our example of a financial audit. To
ensure adequate financial resources, regulators are given strong government support at the
early stage of their development, whereas later most of their daily operations are on a cost-
recovery basis from the licensees.
The above description applies to countries with an established nuclear industry. A country just
embarking on a nuclear program, but with no nuclear infrastructure, faces special challenges in
developing appropriate expertise and organizations ([IAEA2012b], [Popov2012]).
Four mechanisms have been used. These are not exclusive and are often used in combination.
1. The typical mechanism in the past has been to start with a research reactor and to use it
to develop staff for design, operating, and regulatory functions from that base. This
route was followed by Canada, where the power reactor program benefited from staff
trained in the research reactors (NRU, NRX) at Chalk River. Indeed, the Atomic Energy
Control Board (AECB), established in 1946 under the Atomic Energy Control Act, had re-
sponsibility for making regulations and for the Chalk River research project until Atomic
Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) was created in 1952 under the AECB. Two years later,
the Canadian Government formalized the separation of the designer/operator of the
Chalk River site from the regulatory agency [Sims1980].
2. A second mechanism has been to use the vendor of a power reactor to help create the
required infrastructure in the country purchasing the reactor by technology transfer and
training of operating personnel. The regulatory staff in the purchasing country are de-
veloped under an agreement with the regulator of the vendor’s host country. This can
go as far as “importing” experienced regulatory staff.
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12 The Essential CANDU
3. A third mechanism is to use IAEA documents and assistance. This organization has de-
veloped a comprehensive set of requirements and guides covering all aspects of com-
mercial nuclear applications, including the organization and management thereof. The
IAEA also gives assistance to countries developing a nuclear program, such as training
courses in nuclear regulation [IAEA2002c].
4. A fourth mechanism is to hire technical support organizations (TSOs) to provide techni-
cal assistance to the developing regulatory body. These are neutral official organizations
which are either part of the regulatory body or are separate, for example a national
laboratory. See [IAEA2010] for recent developments.
Figure 1 from [IAEA2011] gives an idea of the steps and timescale involved in a new national
nuclear power program.
3 Regulatory Approaches
The approaches taken by regulatory agencies across the world tend to fall into four general
categories (based on the proven approach used by the regulator in the past; of course, this
assertion is oversimplified, and many regulators allow alternative approaches that can be a mix
of the four listed below):
1. A largely risk-based approach (e.g., the early U.K. Farmer curve [Farmer1967], and
Argentina [Barón1998])
2. A risk-informed, largely non-prescriptive approach with specification of goals or re-
sults, not the process (early Canada, some early IAEA, current U.K.);
3. A risk-informed, but more prescriptive approach (current Canada, IAEA);
4. A highly prescriptive approach, with specified detailed requirements (e.g., USNRC
and the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations).
Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 13
A risk-based approach is logical, quantifies and balances risk, and leaves major design and
operating decisions up to the proponent, who decides how to meet the risk goals. It thereby
accommodates and even fosters innovation and evolution. On the other hand, it can lead to
uncertainty in licensing because demonstration of numerical risk can be subjective or limited by
lack of knowledge. It may not account sufficiently for previously unknown failures, which might
be addressed more effectively by a more prescriptive defence-in-depth approach. In particular,
cross-linked or common-cause failures (see Chapter 13) are difficult to identify completely in a
PSA, so that the contribution to risk from these causes can be underestimated.
A mixed approach, which uses both risk-based and prescriptive approaches to various degrees,
captures most of the benefits (and some of the disadvantages) of both extremes and generally
has served Canada and the United Kingdom well. In particular, it is effective in providing de-
fence against accidents not previously identified, without too much misallocation of resources
to truly rare low-risk events.
A highly prescriptive approach in principle leads to well-defined licensing rules and more
regulatory certainty and tends to produce an apparently conservative design. However, it can
shift the burden of proof of safety from the designer/operator to the regulator. If the de-
signer/operator is required mainly to follow detailed rules set by the regulator, and if the
regulator misses something, part of the responsibility for safety has shifted subtly from the
proponent to the regulator. Furthermore, de-emphasis of risk leads to some resource misallo-
cation to severe but rare events, as opposed to more frequent ones with apparently milder
consequences. We shall cover a case study of this situation (Three Mile Island) in the next
Much of the world, especially those countries using designs originating from U.S. light-water
reactor (LWR) technology, follows the U.S. regulatory approach, largely because the regulatory
approach was adopted along with the LWR technology.
4 Case Studies
This section considers a few case studies of regulatory behaviour. Where possible, the regula-
tory agency’s self-evaluation (or that of an independent body) is used, rather than the authors’
opinions. The case studies are presented not as a criticism of a particular organization, but as
lessons learned about effective regulatory behaviour, as was done for design and operational
safety in the case studies in Chapter 13. Some of these examples are also covered in Chapter
13, but with an emphasis on design and operation, rather than regulation.
Success is marked by the lack of accidents and “near misses”, and just as an accident cannot be
laid solely at the feet of a regulator, neither can the lack of accidents be solely ascribed to the
quality of regulation. As Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima were studied from the
technical point of view in Chapter 13, we shall now look at these accidents from the regulatory
point of view.
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14 The Essential CANDU
The President of the United States appointed a Commission headed by John G. Kemeny. Their
report [Kemeny1979] was very broad. Their concentration was on human aspects: “The equip-
ment was sufficiently good that, except for human failures, the major accident at Three Mile
Island would have been a minor incident.” Of interest here are their findings on the U.S. regula-
tory structure at the time, which are summarized as follows:
The regulations were too voluminous and complex, required immense effort for
compliance, and equated compliance with safety;
The preoccupation with the most severe accident (the largest-break LOCA) took at-
tention away from more likely, but slower-developing accidents, which were there-
fore not analyzed in depth;
There was too much preoccupation with equipment performance rather than human
There was no requirement to look beyond the single events specified by the USNRC,
for example to multiple failures;
The role of systems classified as “non-safety-related” in causing accidents was not
There was no systematic way of evaluating prior operating experience or looking for
There were serious deficiencies in internal communication in the USNRC.
An additional review by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Special Inquiry Group [Rogo-
vin1980] covered very similar ground, albeit with more comments on the USNRC internal
decision-making processes.
Subsequent to TMI, and based on the findings of the Kemeny Commission, severe accidents,
emergency preparedness, plant performance monitoring, and human factors were given far
more prominence on the regulatory side. Insights from PSA were used more widely, not only to
reveal severe accident vulnerabilities, but also to flag requirements that attracted inordinate
resources compared to the risk they mitigated. The industry formed cooperative groups such as
the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) to promote high standards of safety and
reliability through plant evaluations, training and accreditation, events analysis, and information
exchange and assistance.
4.2 Fukushima
The Fukushima Dai-ichi sequence of events was covered in Chapter 13. A beyond-design-basis
tsunami caused a loss of all electrical power in four units, resulting in severe core damage or
melting and possible containment failure in the three reactors that contained fuel.
With respect to the Japanese regulator (the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA)), the
National Diet of Japan Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission [Japan2012]
concluded that “root causes were the organizational and regulatory systems that supported
faulty rationales for decisions and actions”, and in particular that the inadequacy of the design
basis for Fukushima was known to both the utility and the regulator, but was not acted on. The
regulator lacked separation from the utility. The Commission recommended formation of a new
regulatory body which would be independent, transparent, professional, consolidated, and
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 15
The Japanese Government also established the “Investigation Committee on the Accident at
Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations of Tokyo Electric Power Company”, an independent commit-
tee largely composed of academics. Their final report [Japan2012a], although more technical
than the Diet report, raised the same issues and called for reorganization of the regulatory
body. They also noted NISA’s attention to short-term rather than long-term issues. In addition
they focussed on NISA’s performance after the event, in emergency measures off-site, and in
public communication.
As of this writing (early 2014), the Japanese regulatory body has been reorganized and renamed
the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA).
Regulators worldwide have applied the technical lessons learned, as outlined in Chapter 13. In
terms of national response, in particular, the radiation threshold levels that were used for
evacuation were based on the Linear No Threshold (LNT) hypothesis, which implies an unrealis-
tically high level of risk for individual doses of radiation <100 mSv, although no effects on human
populations have actually been observed at that level. Although there were no deaths due to
radiation from the accident (and there are not expected to be), the evacuation itself resulted in
many unnecessary deaths [Tanigawa2012].
4.3 Chernobyl
The Chernobyl sequence of events was covered in Chapter 13. A test which involved running
down the main reactor coolant system (RCS) pumps while at low power ended up in a power
transient due partly to the voiding of the core, but mainly to the reverse action of the shutdown
system, destroying the reactor core and bypassing the containment.
The International Safety Advisory Group (INSAG), which provides independent advice to the
IAEA Director-General, performed very extensive fuellings of the Chernobyl accident
[IAEA1992]. This reference includes as an Appendix the Report by a Commission to the USSR
State Committee for the Supervision of Safety in Industry and Nuclear Power, which covered the
technical facts and the role of the regulatory structure. It noted that:
There were known violations of the safety standards and regulations in force at the
time in the design of Chernobyl Unit 4, but the design was approved and authoriza-
tion given for construction by all the relevant authorities and regulatory bodies.5
This deficiency resulted from a lack of a well-organized group of experts endowed
with its own resources, rights, and responsibilities for its decisions;
The USSR State Committee for the Supervision of Nuclear Power Safety could not be
regarded as an independent body because it was part of the same state authority re-
sponsible for the construction of nuclear power plants and for electricity generation.
The regulatory bodies had no legal basis, no economic methods of control, and no
human and financial resources.
The operating organization did not have ultimate responsibility and decision-making
authority for safety.
5 Note added by authors: there are always outstanding regulatory issues when a plant is given a licence—what is
important is that the process to determine which issues are acceptable should be an open and robust one.
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16 The Essential CANDU
4.4 Olkiluoto
It is not just accidents than can reveal a regulatory problem. Cost and schedule overruns
because of poor communication between the vendor/operator and the regulator can be very
damaging to a nuclear build project. This has been exemplified by the construction of the third
nuclear power plant unit at Olkiluoto in Finland. The reactor is based on the European pressur-
ized-water reactor (EPR) and is the first of its kind to have started construction. It was meant to
start operation in 2009, but as of this writing (early 2014), it is projected to come into service in
2016. This delay has been accompanied by a cost overrun of almost double the turnkey price of
~3.5 billion euros.
Because the matter is currently in legal dispute, the parties have not published much objective
analysis of what went wrong. However, the Finnish regulator (STUK) did comment publicly on
several occasions, listing lessons learned as follows, from [STUK2006], [Laaksonen2008], [Laak-
sonen2009], [Tiippana2010], [IAEA2012]:
“too ambitious original schedule for a plant that is first of its kind and larger than any
NPP built earlier;
inadequate completion of design and engineering work prior to start of construction;
shortage of experienced designers;
lack of experience of parties in managing a large construction project;
world-wide shortage of qualified equipment manufacturers”.
The operator TVO, and particularly the vendor AREVA, have offered their own perspective,
in which one of the causes mentioned is evolution of Finnish regulations during the
construction process, which introduced additional uncertainty into the licensing process.
Of particular interest to the thrust of this chapter is the need for mutual understanding be-
tween the regulator and the operator on how the regulatory practices are to be applied:
“The licensee and the regulator need to discuss early enough on how the national safety
requirements should be best presented in the call for bids.
- just making reference to national requirements and regulatory guides is not adequate to
ensure that requirements are correctly understood by vendors”.
With respect to the last point: In Finland, before a project is committed, the Government makes
a “Decision in Principle”, for part of which the regulator reviews the basic design requirements
and main safety features of each proposed alternative design and gives a formal preliminary
safety assessment. STUK confirmed in this assessment that “no safety issues can be foreseen
that would prevent the proposed plant(s) from meeting Finnish nuclear safety regulations”.
Although the regulator can apply caveats to this statement in terms of changes that would be
required, it is not based on a very detailed review.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 17
regulatory requirements of the country in which it is to operate. Such a review ensures that the
vendor understands the regulatory requirements and enables regulatory questions to be
flushed out and answered earlier. The review is very thorough and is similar in many ways to
the construction licence review, but focussing mainly on design details rather than operation.
The format of such a review, and the extent to which it is binding on the regulator, depend on
national legal and cultural practices. We describe briefly three examples.
In Canada, a designer can request a Pre-Licensing Vendor Design Review, which [CNSC2012]
“…is to inform the vendor of the overall acceptability of the reactor design…
A Pre-Licensing Vendor Design Review evaluates whether:
o the vendor understands Canadian regulatory requirements and expectations;
o the design complies with, as applicable, CNSC regulatory documents RD-3376,
Design of New Nuclear Power Plants or RD-367, Design of Small Reactor Facili-
ties, and related regulatory documents and national standards;
o a resolution plan exists for any design issues identified in the review”.
The review is not binding on the CNSC (i.e., the CNSC can request repeated in-depth reviews on
the same topics during construction licence review, and CNSC review results may be subject to
change from pre-licensing to the construction licence review).
In the United States, Standard Design Certification is a legal process covered by Part 52 to Title
10 of the Code of Federal Regulations [USNRC2012]. The design submitted and the review are
both comprehensive, although some detailed design normally performed in the project phase
may be more conceptual (e.g., details of control and instrumentation design). When com-
pleted, the product is a standard reactor design certified by the Commission, independent of a
specific site, through a rulemaking action (Subpart B of Part 52). This rulemaking action can
certify portions of a reactor design for 15 years.
Separately, a licensee can apply for an early site permit for approval of a site for one or more
nuclear power facilities. This is also separate from the filing of an application for a construction
permit or a combined licence (see below) for the facility. A specific design is not required for an
early site permit, but the design eventually chosen must fit within the safety and environmental
parameter envelope requested and specified in the early site permit.
As a third option, a licensee can request a combined licence, which is a combined construction
permit and operating licence for a nuclear power facility.
A licensee can use any combination of these tools. For example, a licensee can obtain an early
site permit based on the environmental and safety performance envelope of a set of designs;
can obtain certification of a specific design that meets the envelope; and can then ask for a
combined construction and operating licence for the certified design on the approved site.
Standard design certification and early site permits are legally binding, subject to conditions
(specified during the certification process) to be met by the detailed project design.
In the United Kingdom, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and the Environment Agency
6 Note that the CNSC document titles are in the process of changing; this document has been renamed and revised
as REGDOC 2.5.2. Other CNSC regulatory documents are being revised and renamed as REGDOCs.
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18 The Essential CANDU
(EA) offer a generic design assessment (GDA) of new reactors. The purpose is [HSE2008] an
“assessment of the safety case for a generic design, leading to issue of a design acceptance
confirmation if the outcome is positive”. It consists of four phases: the first is preparation of the
safety case by the proponent, and the next three are reviews by ONR and EA at increasing levels
of detail, namely: 1) fundamental safety overview; 2) overall design safety review; and 3)
detailed design assessment. A design acceptance confirmation is then issued, subject to possi-
ble conditions and exceptions, if the design is considered acceptable. Once completed, a GDA
ensures that within the scope of the design, ONR review results are binding. ONR may extend
the review during the construction licence review, but the results of the prior GDA remain
6.1.1 IAEA
The origins and purposes of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are described in
Chapter 13, to which the reader is referred.
Its current document structure with respect to nuclear safety and regulation includes a hierar-
chy of Principles, Standards, and Guides, as shown in Figure 2, from [IAEA2012a]. Although
these have no legal or regulatory force unless they are formally adopted on a national level,
they are seen as setting minimum international requirements for safety and regulation. The
structure and nomenclature in Figure 2 are self-explanatory, with Safety Fundamentals and
Safety Requirements being mandatory (if adopted) and Safety Guides being recommendations
and guidance on how to comply with the Requirements. As of this writing (early 2014), they
have been formally adopted in countries such as China and the Netherlands; are used directly to
establish national requirements in Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, India, Korea, and the
Russian Federation; are used as a reference for review of national standards by most nations;
and are also used as inputs by international organizations such as the Western European
Nuclear Regulators’ Association (WENRA) (Section 6.1.2).
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 19
Report Title
SSG-16 Establishing the Safety Infrastructure for a Nuclear Power Programme (2012)
GS-G-1.1 Organization and Staffing of the Regulatory Body for Nuclear Facilities (2002)
GS-G-1.2 Review and Assessment of Nuclear Facilities by the Regulatory Body (2002)
GS-G-1.3 Regulatory Inspection of Nuclear Facilities and Enforcement by the Regulatory
Body (2002)
GS-G-1.4 Documentation for Use in Regulating Nuclear Facilities (2002)
GS-G-1.5 Regulatory Control of Radiation Sources (2004)
GS-G-3.5 The Management System for Nuclear Installations (2009)
SSG-12 Licensing Process for Nuclear Installations (2010)
SSG-16 Establishing the Safety Infrastructure for a Nuclear Power Programme
GS-G-4.1 Format and Content of the Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Power Plants (2004)
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20 The Essential CANDU
Some of the key principles reflected in these Requirements and Guides are:
a regulator’s purpose is the verification and assessment of safety in compliance with
regulatory requirements;
it has sufficient resources to perform its job;
it is effectively independent from other organizations that could influence its deci-
it has qualified and competent staff;
its management system is aligned with its safety goals;
it may solicit expert advice, but does not delegate decisions;
it communicates professionally with interested parties and with the public;
regulatory control is stable and consistent;
it authorizes all facilities unless specifically exempt;
authorization is supported by a demonstration of safety submitted by the applicant;
regulatory review occurs before authorization and over the facility lifetime;
review is commensurate with risks;
it inspects facilities;
it has legal enforcement powers and can require corrective action;
it issues, reviews, and promotes regulations and guides;
it maintains records;
it promotes a safety culture (see Chapter 13);
it ensures that emergency preparedness arrangements and emergency plans are in
Finally, there is a growing international consensus on high-level numerical safety goals. Safety
goals are defined and discussed in Chapter 13 (Section 4), and the reader is referred there for
details. Almost all regulators who specify safety goals do so implicitly or explicitly on the
following basis: the goals are set so that the predicted health effects of normal operation and
accidents in nuclear power plants are small compared to other social risks. Although IAEA itself
has not specified numerical safety goals, its senior advisory body (INSAG, in [IAEA1999]) has
proposed the following targets:
For existing nuclear power plants:
o Frequency of occurrence of severe core damage < 10–4 events per plant operat-
ing year;
o Probability of large off-site releases requiring short term off-site response < 10–5
events per plant operating year.
For future nuclear power plants:
o Frequency of occurrence of severe core damage < 10–5 events per plant operat-
ing year;
o Practical elimination7 of accident sequences that could lead to large early radio-
active releases.
These targets have been used by many other international and national bodies.
7 i.e., if it is physically impossible for the conditions to occur or if the conditions can be considered with a high
degree of confidence to be extremely unlikely to arise [IAEA, 2004a]
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 21
Note also that the frequency of the design basis earthquake (DBE) has recently been changed in
most jurisdictions from 10-3 / year to 10-4 / year, meaning that the DBE that new plants are
required to withstand is significantly more severe.
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22 The Essential CANDU
extreme natural events. The consequential loss of safety functions included loss of electrical
power, including station black-out, loss of the ultimate heat sink, and a combination of both.
Each EU country (or country applying for EU membership) completed these stress tests for its
own plants and reported the results back to the European Nuclear Safety Regulators’ Group
(ENSREG), an independent expert body formed by the European Commission, for evaluation.
6.2.1 USNRC Background
In the United States, the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 established the Atomic Energy Commission
(AEC), transferring atomic energy from military to civilian control (see [Buck1983] for a history).
Its early years were devoted to nuclear weapons production and research, including the military
submarine program, whose reactors became the inspiration for the U.S. PWR commercial power
reactor design. The revised Atomic Energy Act of 1954 gave the Atomic Energy Commission the
responsibility for regulating and licensing commercial atomic activities. Research, military use,
regulation, licensing, and development of the nuclear power industry were all under the same
organization, and although it set up separate divisions, the conflicts of interest became more
and more apparent, until in 1974 the regulatory functions were transferred to the newly-
formed U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC), which began operations on January 19,
1975. Organization
The USNRC has had enormous influence on regulatory practice in the world because the wide-
spread use of LWR technology was accompanied by the LWR regulatory philosophy. Indeed,
because almost all the reactors licensed in the United States have been PWRs or BWRs8, the
regulatory requirements tend to be specific to these designs.
The USNRC is headed by a five-member Commission appointed by the U.S. President for stag-
gered five-year terms. The President designates one member to serve as Chairman. The
Commission formulates policies and regulations governing nuclear reactor and materials safety,
issues orders to licensees, and adjudicates legal matters brought before it. The Executive
8 The United States have also licensed a fast-breeder power reactor (Fermi 1) and high-temperature gas-cooled
reactors (Peach Bottom and Fort St. Vrain).
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 23
Director for Operations (EDO) carries out the policies and decisions of the Commission and
directs the activities of the program offices.
The Commission is supported by a large technical staff, as well as powerful advisory committees
who can challenge both the proponent and the staff, e.g., the Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards, or ACRS. Typically, the ACRS consists of well-known and respected scientists and
experts, often world-renowned professors drawn from universities. It has its own independent
support staff. There is no current equivalent in Canada, although at one point the Reactor
Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC), which later became the Advisory Committee on Nuclear
Safety (ACNS), had a similar role with the then-AECB, albeit on a smaller scale.
The actual trial-level adjudicatory body of the USNRC is the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
Panel (ASLB). The Panel is composed of administrative judges who are lawyers, engineers, and
scientists, and administrative law judges who are lawyers. It is chaired by the Chief Administra-
tive Judge. The Panel conducts all licensing and other hearings as directed by the Commission,
primarily through individual Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards or single presiding officers
appointed by either the Commission or the Chief Administrative Judge. Individual licensing
boards conduct public hearings on contested issues that arise in the course of licensing and
enforcement proceedings and uncontested hearings on construction of nuclear facilities.
borders. USNRC also has a large and powerful R&D Division which conducts experimental and
analytical work of very broad scope, along with development of their own computer tools,
independently of utilities and design organizations.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 25
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26 The Essential CANDU
large part of the core. In CANDU (as discussed in Chapter 13) the nearby moderator can remove
heat from the fuel through the pressure tube and has the effect of tempering the metal-water
reaction rate.
As another example, consider Appendix A to 10CFR 50, the General Design Criteria
[USNRC2012b]. This Appendix consists of 64 basic requirements which underpin much of the
technical approach to safety in the United States. Compliance is mandatory. Although high-
level, many are focussed on LWRs, as stated in the introduction:
“These General Design Criteria establish minimum requirements for the principal design
criteria for water-cooled nuclear power plants similar in design and location to plants for
which construction permits have been issued by the Commission. The General Design
Criteria are also considered to be generally applicable to other types of nuclear power
units and are intended to provide guidance in establishing the principal design criteria
for such other units.”
Many of the GDCs are generic; for example
“Criterion 16—Containment Design. Reactor containment and associated systems shall
be provided to establish an essentially leak-tight barrier against the uncontrolled release
of radioactivity to the environment and to assure that the containment design condi-
tions important to safety are not exceeded for as long as postulated accident conditions
Some are clearly specific to LWRs, for example:
“Criterion 11—Reactor Inherent Protection. The reactor core and associated coolant sys-
tems shall be designed so that in the power operating range the net effect of the prompt
inherent nuclear feedback characteristics tends to compensate for a rapid increase in re-
The underlying purpose of Criterion 11 is that a fast reactivity excursion in an LWR, caused for
example by a rod ejection, must be compensated for (not necessarily terminated, as discussed
in Chapter 13) by negative (Doppler) feedback since (because of the short prompt neutron
lifetime) engineered shutdown systems may not be able to act quickly enough (see Chapter 13).
It is often misinterpreted as a blanket requirement for a negative void reactivity.
At the same level in Figure 4 are plant licences, rules (U.S. term for regulations), and orders.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 27
lems or postulated accidents, and on data needed by staff in its review of applications for
permits or licences. Although nominally optional, exceptions taken to regulatory guides in the
United States (and most other countries) require thorough justification and significant extra
regulatory review.
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28 The Essential CANDU
application placed in publicly accessible paper and electronic repositories9. This includes the
plant Safety Report, the NRC Safety Evaluation Reports, letters between the NRC and the
applicant, records of meetings, and other documents. The NRC also holds numerous public
meetings during the licensing process.
In addition, conditions may be placed on the licence, which have the same legal force as the
licence itself. A generic set of conditions is described in 10CFR § 50.54, “Conditions of licenses”.
Many areas are covered, e.g., quality assurance, minimum staffing levels, licence amendment or
revocation, responsibility of the operator, process for making changes, security, and emergency
Finally, the USNRC has the authority to impose penalties for violations of regulatory require-
ments. It uses three primary enforcement sanctions:
1. Notice of Violation: This identifies a requirement and how it was violated and normally
requires a written response.
2. Civil Penalties: A civil penalty is a monetary fine up to $130,000 per violation per day.
3. Orders: Orders modify, suspend, or revoke licenses or require specific actions by licen-
sees or persons. Organization
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) is responsible for all nuclear regulation in the United
Kingdom. It was formed on April 1, 2011, as an agency of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
ONR combined the safety and security functions of HSE’s former Nuclear Directorate, including
Civil Nuclear Security, the U.K. Safeguards Office, and the Radioactive Materials Transport team.
In turn, HSE is a non-departmental public body (NDPB), which is defined as a “body which has a
role in the processes of national Government, but is not a Government Department or part of
one, and which accordingly operates to a greater or lesser extent at arm’s length from Minis-
ters” [UK2009]. It is sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions. At the top level, it
has a Board, which also contains its Executive Management Team. The work is organized along
program lines, as shown in simplified form in Figure 5.
On April 1, 2014, ONR became a Public Corporation under the 2013 Energy Act. ONR is now the
enforcing authority for licensed sites in Great Britain, as well as the licensing authority.
9 Some records are not disclosed, e.g., records which must be kept secret in the interest of national defence or
foreign policy; internal personnel records; trade secrets and commercial or financial information; records compiled
for law-enforcement purposes. For a comprehensive list, see 10CFR § 9.17, “Agency records exempt from public
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 29
The reader should consult [HSE2006] for the full set of numerical targets.
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32 The Essential CANDU
10 Note that “nuclear material” includes all fissionable isotopes that can be used as nuclear fuel or explosive
material, whereas “non-nuclear material” includes all material of strategic importance, such as heavy water,
zirconium tubes, etc.
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34 The Essential CANDU
The technical aim of safeguards is to use technical means to detect and verify safeguards
implementation and to provide for reporting of deviations.
For further background, see [IAEA1983], [IAEA1998a], [IAEA2011a], [IAEA2011b], [IAEA2007b].
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36 The Essential CANDU
b) Determining the effectiveness of the State safeguards program;
c) Providing statements to the State about the IAEA verification activities.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 37
b) For on-load refueled reactors, fuel movements and refuelling operations are carried out
at high frequency (daily), but with a small number of items moved per refuelling.
LWRs are refueled off-load, refuelling operations occur with an open vessel, and transfers occur
in channels filled with transparent water shielding. This design combination permits direct
visual observation. Transparent shielding is impractical for refuelling operations in on-load
refueled reactors, and therefore observation by other means is required. In these NPPs, detec-
tion of variations in radiation fields from continuously operating instrumentation together with
optical surveillance provide the information needed on refuelling sequences for safeguard
purposes. Regardless of the NPP design, all fuel is properly labelled by visible and non-visible
marking to be read by modern optical and laser devices.
Figure 10 shows the position of optical surveillance devices in the reactor building and the fuel-
storage pool building in the LWR reactor design.
Application of the general principles for safeguards is common to all pressure-tube PHWRs.
Most IAEA experience in handling PHWRs has been obtained on CANDU reactors.
Figure 11 shows the position of optical surveillance devices in the reactor building and the fuel-
storage pool building in the CANDU reactor design.
CANDU NPPs have horizontal fuel channels and are heavy-water moderated and cooled. The
refuelling system uses two refuelling machines, one at each end of the core, to insert new fuel
at one end and to accept spent fuel at the other. CANDU NPPs require appropriate shielding of
the refuelling machines and operations to protect personnel. Consequently, the positioning of
the fuelling machines in front of the reactor channels, and the refuelling itself, are carried out
by remote control.
8 Nuclear Security
Nuclear security has become far more important in the last couple of decades, due largely to
changes in the external political environment after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in
the United States. Each utility implements security at its sites, and in Canada, regulation of
nuclear security is part of the mandate of the CNSC.
Top-level requirements are set by the Nuclear Security Regulations [GovCan2010]. This Act
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 39
covers the security of both certain nuclear materials and nuclear facilities.
Nuclear materials are divided into three categories related to their security impact: for example,
a quantity of non-irradiated plutonium >2 kg is Category I; between 500 g and 2 kg is Category
II; and between 15 g and 500 g is Category III. Possession in each category requires a licence,
and the security obligations for each case are defined in the regulations.
For nuclear facilities in Canada, it is up to the CNSC Commission to establish and update the
design basis threat which is taken into account by the utility in determining its security provi-
sions. In addition, the utility must conduct an annual facility-specific threat and risk assess-
ment. Nuclear facilities must be located within a protected area enclosed by a barrier. Category
I materials are further protected by an inner-area structure or barrier whose function is to
detect and delay unauthorized access before the on-site nuclear response force can successfully
In addition, the operator must identify vital areas. These are areas inside the protected area
containing equipment, systems, devices, or a nuclear substance, the sabotage of which would or
would likely pose an unreasonable risk to the health and safety of persons arising from expo-
sure to radiation. The operator is then required to implement the appropriate physical protec-
tion measures.
The Act also sets out requirements for persons authorized to enter protected and inner areas
and for security personnel. The CNSC has supplemented and expanded the Nuclear Security
Regulations through a number of Regulatory Documents and Guides. Most of those pertaining
to high-security sites such as nuclear power plants contain prescribed information and are not
publicly available, and therefore they are not referenced here.
Further details of security regulations, implementation techniques, and verification methodolo-
gies are beyond the scope of this textbook and are not available to the general public.
11 Some of the descriptive material has been drawn from the Web site of the CNSC over the period from July 2011
to January 2013.
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40 The Essential CANDU
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 41
Executive Advisor
Commission Secretariat
Office of Audit,
Evaluation & Ethics
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42 The Essential CANDU
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 43
transfer one given—unless, in the opinion of the Commission, the applicant or, in the
case of an application for an authorization to transfer the licence, the transferee:
(a) is qualified to carry on the activity that the licence will authorize the licensee to carry
on; and
(b) will, in carrying on that activity, make adequate provision for the protection of the
environment, the health and safety of persons, and the maintenance of national security
and measures required to implement international obligations to which Canada has
The next level in Figure 13 is Regulations, which are published in the Canada Gazette and
General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations [GovCan2008]
Radiation Protection Regulations [GovCan2007]
Class I Nuclear Facilities Regulations [GovCan2012a]
Class II Nuclear Facilities and Prescribed Equipment Regulations
Uranium Mines and Mills Regulations
Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices Regulations
Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations
Nuclear Security Regulations [GovCan2010]
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Import and Export Control Regulations [GovCan2010a]
CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Regulations
Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Rules of Procedure
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission By-Laws
We have provided references above for some of the key Regulations in the nuclear power-
reactor field.
In addition, when required, the CNSC puts forward proposals for new regulations or proposed
amendments to existing regulations:
Regulations Amending the Class I Nuclear Facilities Regulations and the Uranium
Mines and Mills Regulation
Amendments to Nuclear Non-Proliferation Import and Export Control Regulations
Amendment to Class II Nuclear Facilities and Prescribed Equipment Regulations
Regulations Amending Certain Regulations made under the Nuclear Safety and Con-
trol Act (Miscellaneous Program)
Amendments to the Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations.
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44 The Essential CANDU
responsibility of various participants in the Canadian nuclear industry. The underlying purpose
of the Act is to require nuclear operators to carry insurance to cover liability should an accident
occur. The operator is absolutely liable for damage irrespective of the cause of the accident:
that is, claimants do not have to prove negligence on the part of the operator—they need only
prove that they have suffered damage. Operators must obtain liability insurance for damages
up to a maximum of $75 million (but see next paragraph); if the consequences exceed that
amount, the federal government appoints an independent Nuclear Damage Claims Commission
that will receive claims, assess damages, and recommend the level of compensation that should
be paid. The responsibility to pay claims exceeding $75 million rests with the federal govern-
ment. The Act does not set a limit on what the government pays.
As of this writing (early 2014), Bill C-22 (the Energy Safety and Security Act) has been tabled in
the House of Commons to replace the Nuclear Liability Act. It raises the absolute liability limit
to $1 billion for both nuclear energy and offshore oil and gas. It is expected that this bill will be
enacted by the House of Commons.
9.4 Licences
The third level in Figure 13 also includes licences. These are mandatory legal documents which
set forth the requirements and limitations for activities undertaken during the life cycle of a
nuclear activity. For example, a Power Reactor Operating Licence typically covers (among other
Authorization to operate the nuclear power plant for a specified period;
Reporting of events to the CNSC;
Control of the exclusion zone within which no permanent dwelling is permitted and
temporary access is controlled;
References to some of the CNSC Regulatory Documents listed in Section 9.5, which
therefore become mandatory;
References to some of the CSA Standards listed in Table 6, which therefore become
Maintaining minimum operating-crew size and composition, including obtaining op-
erating licenses for key staff;
Complying with the requirement to use a set of Operating Policies and Principles, in-
cluding Operating Limits;
Complying with reactor power limits, including bundle and channel power limits
Limits on permissible changes without CNSC prior consent. Specifically, this forbids
changes which “introduce hazards different in nature or greater in probability than
those considered by the Final Safety Analysis Report and Probabilistic Safety Assess-
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 45
ment”. Such a clause binds the results of the safety assessment performed by the
operator to the licence;
Using only those fuel-bundle designs approved by the CNSC;
Complying with requirements for an emergency plan for the facility;
Complying with the limits on releases of radioactive material in normal operation
(derived release limits);
Following requirements for a maintenance program; and
Complying with requirements for radiation protection, site security, and safeguards.
The licence is accompanied by, and references, a rather lengthy “Licence Conditions Handbook”,
which provides:
compliance verification criteria to meet the conditions listed in the licence;
information regarding delegation of authority and current versions of documents;
implementation timelines for specific licence conditions; and
an explanation of each regulatory requirement specified in the licence.
In effect, the Licence Conditions Handbook extends the scope of the licence.
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46 The Essential CANDU
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 47
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48 The Essential CANDU
Examples are documents describing the design, safety fuellings, and all aspects of
operation to which the licensee makes reference; conduct of operations; and con-
duct of maintenance.
The licensing basis sets the boundary conditions for acceptable performance at a regulated
facility or activity and thus establishes the basis for the CNSC’s compliance program with
respect to that regulated facility or activity.
We now summarize selected regulatory documents. Note that document numbers and titles
are shown in terms of the currently issued documents (and not in terms of the new classifica-
tion scheme shown in Section 9.5.2).
12 While this Chapter was being finalized, CNSC issued an update to RD-337 – called REGDOC 2.5.2 – which adds
lessons learned from Fukushima. See [CNSC2014].
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 49
tics, radiation protection principles and acceptance criteria, exclusion zones, and facility
iv. General design considerations
This section contains general requirements for all technical disciplines and reactor engi-
neering areas. It covers:
structure, system, and component classifications;
plant design envelope and operating plant states;
guidance for consideration of all important hazards and initiating events that need to
be considered in the design;
design rules, limits, and reliability for safety (such as common-cause failures, single
failures, fail-safe requirements, etc.);
pressure-retaining systems and components;
equipment classification (seismic, fire, environmental, etc.);
instrumentation and control;
safety support systems;
civil structures;
human factors;
v. System-specific requirements
This section covers requirements specific to most important systems and functions, in-
cluding the reactor core, heat-transport system, steam-supply system, means of shut-
down, emergency core cooling system, containment, emergency power supply, heat
transfer to an ultimate heat sink, emergency heat-removal system, control facilities,
waste management and control, fuel handling and storage, and radiation protection.
vi. Safety analysis
The safety analysis sections cover the most important aspects of safety analysis, namely
analysis objectives, hazards analysis, deterministic analysis, and probabilistic analysis.
The topic is covered in RD-310 in more detail [CNSC2008b].
vii. Environmental protection and mitigation
This section covers environmental protection design and requirements, as well as re-
quirements for released radioactive and hazardous substances.
viii. Alternative approaches
RD-337 is intended to be technology-neutral for water-cooled reactor designs. It is rec-
ognized that specific technologies may use alternative approaches.
The CNSC considers alternative approaches to the expectations in this document where:
The alternative approach would result in an equivalent or superior level of safety;
Application of the expectations in this document conflicts with other rules or re-
Application of the expectations in this document would not serve the underlying
purpose, or is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose; or
Application of the expectations in this document would result in undue hardship
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50 The Essential CANDU
or other costs that significantly exceed those contemplated when the regulatory
document was adopted.
One example of an alternative approach is consideration of best estimate and uncertainty
analysis instead of a conservative analysis; see Chapter 13.
and risk-effective. Such life-extension assessments are similar to, but much broader in scope
than, periodic safety reviews.
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52 The Essential CANDU
This document is a key document for utilities that operate nuclear power plants because it
states the requirements for reporting of operational issues. The document groups the require-
ments into two groups: reporting unscheduled events, and reporting scheduled events.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 53
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54 The Essential CANDU
The document describes the design, operating, and testing requirements for the shutdown
systems. It includes definition of the minimum allowable performance standards and require-
ments in several important areas, such as performance, environmental qualification, availability,
separation and independence, actuation instrumentation, status monitoring, and seismic
9.5.15 Emergency core cooling systems for CANDU nuclear power plants: R-9
This regulatory document [CNSC1991b] is one of the original series of AECB documents. It was
superseded by RD-337, except in areas in which it is consistent with RD-337, but provides more
The document describes the design, operating, and testing requirements for the emergency
core cooling system. It includes definition of the minimum allowable performance standards
and requirements in several important areas, such as core cooling, environmental qualification,
availability, separation and independence, actuation instrumentation, leakage control, inadver-
tent operation, shielding, status monitoring, and seismic provisions.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 55
It required that the two shutdown systems be independent, reliable, diverse, and individually
capable of meeting regulatory dose limits13. Therefore, it could be assumed that at least one
system would operate as designed when required (i.e., there was no need to postulate simulta-
neous unavailability of both systems after an accident).
For the licensing of Darlington, as discussed in Chapter 13, Consultative Document C-6 was
used. This expanded the number of accident classes to five, as follows:
13 This is an oversimplification of R-10. R-10 actually specifies that for single failures, “at least” one shutdown
system had to meet dose limits, whereas for dual failures, each shutdown system had to be individually capable of
so doing. The distinction was removed in later practice, so that each shutdown system alone had to meet require-
ments for all design basis accidents.
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56 The Essential CANDU
Plant licences refer to the Final Safety Analysis Report, which in turn references the appropriate
classification scheme.
14 Expected frequency ranges are not part of C-6; they were used by Ontario Hydro in the licensing of Darlington
to classify events not listed in C-6.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 57
in place.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 59
CSA N285.4 Periodic Inspection of CANDU Nuclear Power Plant Components 2009
CSA N285.5-13 Periodic Inspection of CANDU Nuclear Power Plant Containment 1998
Components (2013)
CSA N286-05 Management System Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants 2005
CSA N286.7 Quality Assurance of Analytical, Scientific, and Design Computer 1999
Programs for Nuclear Power Plants (2007)
CSA N287.1 General Requirements for Concrete Containment Structures for July 1993
CANDU Nuclear Power Plants (2009)
CSA N287.7-08 In-Service Examination and Testing Requirements for Concrete 2008
(R2013) Containment Structures for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants (2013)
CSA N288.5-11 Effluent Monitoring Programs at Class I Nuclear Facilities and 2011
Uranium Mines and Mills
CSA N288.6-12 Environmental Risk Assessments at Class I Nuclear Facilities and 2012
Uranium Mines and Mills
CSA N288.1 Guidelines for Calculating Derived Release Limits for Radioactive 2008
Material in Airborne and Liquid Effluents for Normal Operation
of Nuclear Facilities
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60 The Essential CANDU
CSA N290.1 Requirements for the Shutdown Systems of CANDU Nuclear 1980
Power Plants (2006)
CSA N290.15- Requirements for the Safe Operating Envelope of Nuclear Power 2010
10 Plants
CSA N291 Requirements for Safety-Related Structures for CANDU Nuclear 2008
Power Plants
CSA N293 Fire Protection for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants 2007
15 Some of the descriptive material has been drawn from the Web site of the CNSC.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 61
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62 The Essential CANDU
As shown in Figure 14, from [CNSC2012], following the preliminary design, detailed design is
conducted. After the detailed design and appropriate documentation have been prepared, the
licensee applies for a construction licence. During the regulatory review for the construction
licence, further detailed design activities related to the construction phase may be conducted.
After the regulatory body issues an operating licence, the licensee will continue to provide
ongoing design support activities.
Section 13 gives as an example the information that must be submitted in Canada for construc-
tion and operating licences.
At any time during operation, if a design or procedural change is considered for implementation
which deviates from the safety case or from any prior licence issued by CNSC, an approval
process for the particular change must be conducted and CNSC approval obtained before
implementing the change.
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64 The Essential CANDU
16 The first hearing is known as “Day 1” and the second as “Day 2”, although they may last more than one day
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 65
Safety and Control Act, relevant regulations, CNSC requirements and expectations, international
and domestic standards, and applicable international obligations.
The CNSC reviews the submitted application and judges whether the information contained in
the application is acceptable and whether the licence applicant is qualified and will make
adequate provision for safety, etc., in carrying out the licensed activity (in accordance with 24(4)
of the NSCA). If the CNSC accepts this information, it becomes the reference safety case for the
plant and will form part of the licensing basis at the construction licence stage. The information
provided with the licence application, including the documents to which the application makes
reference, constitutes the construction safety case. The requirements for the safety case are
listed in detail in [CNSC2012c].
The information required in support of the application to construct a nuclear power plant
includes, for example:
a description of the proposed design for the nuclear power plant, taking into consid-
eration the physical and environmental characteristics of the site;
environmental baseline data on the site and surrounding area;
a preliminary safety analysis report showing the adequacy of the design;
measures to mitigate the effects on the environment and the health and safety of
persons that may arise from construction, operation, or decommissioning of the fa-
information on potential releases of nuclear substances and hazardous materials and
proposed measures to control them;
programs and schedules for recruiting and training operations and maintenance
and in general, those safety control areas listed in Section 9.5.2.
After the construction licence application has been received, the CNSC performs a comprehen-
sive assessment of the design documentation, the preliminary safety analysis report, the
construction program, and any other information required by the regulations. The assessment
focusses on determining whether the proposed design and safety analysis, along with other
required information, meet regulatory requirements.
Specifically, the evaluation involves rigorous engineering, scientific analysis, and engineering
judgment, taking into consideration the CNSC’s experience and knowledge of the best practices
in nuclear plant design and operation, as gained from existing power plants in Canada and
around the world. This review may take place in parallel with the Environmental Assessment
and site preparation licensing process. At the end of this process, CNSC staff makes a recom-
mendation for a decision on the licence application, through an integrated assessment report.
Occasionally, the recommendations include proposed changes to the regulatory framework to
accommodate evolving nuclear technologies. A recommended compliance plan for each licence
is also developed, and the mitigation measures included in the follow-up program, if applicable,
are included in the licence.
In addition to reviewing the information included in the application, the CNSC also verifies that
any outstanding issues from the site preparation stage have been resolved. The CNSC staff’s
conclusions and recommendations from these reviews are documented in reports submitted to
the Commission; the Commission then makes the final decision on the issuance of the construc-
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 67
tion licence. As noted earlier, the Commission will not issue a licence unless it is satisfied that
the applicant will make adequate provisions to protect health, safety, security and the environ-
ment, and to respect the international obligations to which Canada has agreed. As such, it is
the responsibility of the applicant to show that there are no major safety issues outstanding at
the time the Commission considers the application for a construction licence.
During the construction phase, the CNSC carries out compliance activities to verify that the
licensee is complying with the NSCA, with associated regulations, and with its licence. Such
compliance activities focus on confirming that plant construction is consistent with the design,
that the licensee is demonstrating adequate project oversight and confirming that quality
assurance requirements are met, and that the licensee is respecting any requirements of the EA
follow-up program.
In the latter part of construction, regulatory attention turns towards the inactive commissioning
program (without fuel loaded) and associated activities, whose purpose is to demonstrate to
the extent practicable that all systems, structures, and components function in accordance with
their design specifications.
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68 The Essential CANDU
Radiation protection;
Conventional health and safety;
Emergency management and fire protection;
Waste management;
Packaging and transport;
Community relations and public information;
Financial guarantees;
Nuclear liability insurance;
Open action items.
In addition to assessing the information included in the application to operate the nuclear
power plant, the CNSC also verifies that any outstanding issues from the construction licensing
stage have been resolved.
The CNSC staff’s conclusions and recommendations from these reviews are documented in
reports submitted to the Commission, which then makes the final decision on issuance of the
operating licence.
The Licence to Operate will enable the operator to begin active commissioning. The purpose of
the commissioning activities is to demonstrate that the plant has been constructed in accor-
dance with the design and that the systems, structures, and components important to safety
are functioning in accordance with their design specifications. The initial operating licence is
typically issued with conditions (hold points) to load nuclear fuel, permit reactor start-up, and
operation at power in steps up to the design rating of the plant. All the relevant commissioning
tests must be satisfactorily completed before the hold points can be released.
During the subsequent long-term operation of the plant, the CNSC carries out compliance
activities in order to verify that the licensee is complying with the NSCA, associated regulations,
and its licence terms. If the compliance activities identify any non-compliance or adverse trend,
there is a range of possible actions that the CNSC can take, from a request for licensee action to
Enforcement actions;
Orders (legal instruments);
Licence amendments initiated by CNSC staff;
Licence amendments or renewals initiated by licensees; and
Commission meetings and hearings.
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70 The Essential CANDU
11 Problems
1. Tokai-Mura, 1999: Locate the following material: International Atomic Energy Agency,
Report on the Preliminary Fact Finding Mission Following the Accident at the Nuclear
Fuel Processing Facility in Tokaimura, Japan; IAEA report, 1999. You may also find or use
other documents as well. Assess the accident in terms of regulatory effectiveness, using
some of the ideas in this chapter. Propose lessons learned. Which aspects of regulatory
performance were also apparent after the Fukushima accident?
2. Compare the approaches taken by the USNRC and the CNSC with respect to large Loss of
Coolant Accident (LOCA) regulatory acceptance criteria.
a. Find out what the acceptance criteria are and where they are documented.
Note: not all Canadian criteria are set by the CNSC; you may have to look at
CANDU safety reports.
b. Both Canadian and U.S. practices set limits on sheath oxidation in a LOCA to
prevent embrittlement on rewet by Emergency Core Cooling (ECC). Compare the
two criteria and explain the rationale in each case.
c. Find the requirements on shutdown systems for both the United States and
Canada. What is the typical reliability of the shutdown system in each case?
How are postulated impairments of the shutdown system handled in each case?
3. Review the U.S. General Design Criteria (GDC) in 10CFR, Appendix A to part 50. Which
design criteria (if any) would be intrinsically difficult for CANDU to meet? If you find any
such criteria, what is the safety concern that these GDCs address, and how is that
concern addressed in CANDU design?
4. Locate the U.K. Safety Assessment Principles issued by HSE. Compare and contrast the
requirements for safety systems with those in CNSC document RD-337. Which ideas are
common? Which are different? (Compare the underlying requirement, not the exact
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 71
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72 The Essential CANDU
Licence to Construct
An application for a licence to construct a Class I nuclear facility shall contain the following
information in addition to the information required by section 3:
(a) a description of the proposed design of the nuclear facility, including the manner in which
the physical and environmental characteristics of the site are taken into account in the de-
(b) a description of the environmental baseline characteristics of the site and the surrounding
(c) the proposed construction program, including its schedule;
(d) a description of the structures proposed to be built as part of the nuclear facility, including
their design and their design characteristics;
(e) a description of the systems and equipment proposed to be installed at the nuclear facility,
including their design and their design operating conditions;
(f) a preliminary safety analysis report demonstrating the adequacy of the design of the nuclear
(g) the proposed quality assurance program for the design of the nuclear facility;
(h) the proposed measures to facilitate Canada's compliance with any applicable safeguards
(i) the effects on the environment and the health and safety of persons that may result from
the construction, operation and decommissioning of the nuclear facility, and the measures
that will be taken to prevent or mitigate those effects;
(j) the proposed location of points of release, the proposed maximum quantities and concen-
trations, and the anticipated volume and flow rate of releases of nuclear substances and
hazardous substances into the environment, including their physical, chemical and radiologi-
cal characteristics;
(k) the proposed measures to control releases of nuclear substances and hazardous substances
into the environment;
(l) the proposed program and schedule for recruiting, training and qualifying workers in respect
of the operation and maintenance of the nuclear facility; and
(m) a description of any proposed full-scope training simulator for the nuclear facility.
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 73
Licence to Operate
An application for a licence to operate a Class I nuclear facility shall contain the following
information in addition to the information required by section 3:
(a) a description of the structures at the nuclear facility, including their design and their de-
sign operating conditions;
(b) a description of the systems and equipment at the nuclear facility, including their design
and their design operating conditions;
(c) a final safety analysis report demonstrating the adequacy of the design of the nuclear
(d) the proposed measures, policies, methods and procedures for operating and maintain-
ing the nuclear facility;
(e) the proposed procedures for handling, storing, loading and transporting nuclear sub-
stances and hazardous substances;
(f) the proposed measures to facilitate Canada's compliance with any applicable safeguards
(g) the proposed commissioning program for the systems and equipment that will be used
at the nuclear facility;
(h) the effects on the environment and the health and safety of persons that may result
from the operation and decommissioning of the nuclear facility, and the measures that
will be taken to prevent or mitigate those effects;
(i) the proposed location of points of release, the proposed maximum quantities and con-
centrations, and the anticipated volume and flow rate of releases of nuclear substances
and hazardous substances into the environment, including their physical, chemical and
radiological characteristics;
(j) the proposed measures to control releases of nuclear substances and hazardous sub-
stances into the environment;
(k) the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate the effects of accidental releases of nu-
clear substances and hazardous substances on the environment, the health and safety of
persons and the maintenance of security, including measures to
(i) assist off-site authorities in planning and preparing to limit the effects of an acciden-
tal release,
(ii) notify off-site authorities of an accidental release or the imminence of an accidental
(iii) report information to off-site authorities during and after an accidental release,
(iv) assist off-site authorities in dealing with the effects of an accidental release, and
(v) test the implementation of the measures to prevent or mitigate the effects of an ac-
cidental release;
(l) the proposed measures to prevent acts of sabotage or attempted sabotage at the nu-
clear facility, including measures to alert the licensee to such acts;
(m) the proposed responsibilities of and qualification requirements and training program for
workers, including the procedures for the requalification of workers; and
(n) the results that have been achieved in implementing the program for recruiting, training
and qualifying workers in respect of the operation and maintenance of the nuclear facil-
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74 The Essential CANDU
14 References
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 75
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©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Regulatory Requirements and Licensing – September 2014
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©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Regulatory Requirements and Licensing – September 2014
78 The Essential CANDU
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Anaheim, California, USA, July 30–August 3, 2012.
[Rogovin1980] M. Rogovin and G. T. Frampton, Three Mile Island: A Report to the Commissioners
and to the Public, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Special Inquiry Group, January 1980.
[Sims1980] G. H. E. Sims, A History of the Atomic Energy Control Board, AECB Publication INFO-
0026, July 1980; Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Catalog CC172-3/1981E.
[Slovic1987] P. Slovic, “Perception of Risk”, Science, New Series, 236(4799), pp. 280-285 (April
17, 1987).
[Starr1969] C. Starr, “Social Benefit versus Technological Risk”, Science, New Series, 165(3899),
pp. 1232-1238 (Sep. 19, 1969).
[STUK2006] Säteilyturvakeskus, Management of Safety Requirements in Subcontracting During
the Olkiluoto 3 Nuclear Power Plant Construction Phase, STUK Investigation Report 1/06,
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 79
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80 The Essential CANDU
15 Glossary
ACNS Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety (Canada, historical)
ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (USA)
AEC Atomic Energy Commission (USA)
AECA Atomic Energy Control Act (Canada)
AECB Atomic Energy Control Board (Canada)
ALARA As Low as Reasonably Achievable
ALARP As Low as Reasonably Practical (UK)
ASLB Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (USA)
BDBA Beyond Design Basis Accident
BSL Basic Safety Limit (UK)
BSO Basic Safety Objective (UK)
BWR Boiling Water Reactor
CEAA Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
CFR Code of Federal Regulations (USA)
CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
C/S Containment and Surveillance
CSA Canadian Standards Association
DBA Design Basis Accident
DIV Design Information Verification
EA Environment Agency (UK)
EA Environmental Assessment (Canada)
ECC Emergency Core Cooling
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
ENSREG European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group
EU European Union
GAR Global Assessment Report
GDA Generic Design Assessment (UK)
GDC General Design Criteria (US)
GAI Generic Action Item
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Regulatory Requirements and Licensing 81
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82 The Essential CANDU
16 Acknowledgements
We gratefully thank the following reviewers for their hard work and excellent comments during the
development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course the responsibility for any
errors or omissions is entirely the authors’.
Glenn Archinoff
Joe Boyadjian
Dave Newland
Terry Rogers
We also thank Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Prepared by
Mukesh Tayal and Milan Gacesa – Independent Consultants
Learning Objectives
The principal learning objectives of this chapter are:
To gain a general understanding of the major mechanisms affecting fuel behaviour under
normal operating conditions;
To understand the underlying sciences of the relatively more important phenomena involving
fuel, including fission gas release, internal gas pressure, thermal stresses, element defor-
mation, environmentally assisted cracking, lateral vibrations of fuel elements, and fatigue
of the bundle assembly weld; and
To be able to perform calculations in the above subject areas to enable predictions.
Nuclear fuel, like conventional fuel, is responsible for generating heat and transferring the heat
to a cooling medium. Unlike conventional fuel, nuclear fuel presents the additional challenge of
retaining all the by-products of the heat-generating reaction within its matrix. Conventional fuel
releases almost all its combustion by-products into the environment. Experience has shown that
at times the integrity of CANDU fuel can be challenged while performing these roles. Eighteen
failure mechanisms have been identified, some of which cause fission by-products to be released
out of the fuel matrix. Other chapters in this book deal with preventing fission by-products
which escape from the fuel matrix from reaching the public. CANDU reactors can locate and
discharge fuel assemblies that release fission by-products into the coolant at power to minimize
the effect of fuel defects on plant operation and the public. Acceptance criteria are established
against which a fuel design is assessed to verify its ability to fulfill the design requirements
without failing. A combination of analyzes and tests is used to complete the verification assess-
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2 The Essential CANDU
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
2 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Operating Environment .................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Fuel Design ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 In-Reactor Challenges....................................................................................................... 8
3 Power and Burnup ................................................................................................................ 13
4 Collapsible Sheaths ............................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Diametric Collapse.......................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Longitudinal Ridging ....................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Collapse into the Axial Gap............................................................................................. 17
5 Thermal Performance of Fuel ............................................................................................... 18
6 Fission Gas and Internal Pressure ......................................................................................... 19
6.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Recoil .............................................................................................................................. 24
6.3 Knockout ......................................................................................................................... 24
6.4 Diffusion of Fission Gas to Grain Boundaries ................................................................. 25
6.5 Internal Gas Pressure...................................................................................................... 25
7 Stresses and Deformations ................................................................................................... 26
7.1 Thermal Stresses in Pellets ............................................................................................. 27
7.2 Changes in Element Diameter and Length ..................................................................... 28
8 Environmentally Assisted Cracking ....................................................................................... 31
8.1 EAC Processes ................................................................................................................. 33
8.2 Defect Threshold ............................................................................................................ 35
8.3 Defect Probability ........................................................................................................... 36
8.4 Mitigation ....................................................................................................................... 38
9 Vibration and Fatigue............................................................................................................ 39
9.1 Alternating Stresses........................................................................................................ 39
9.2 Fatigue of the Endplate and the Assembly Weld ........................................................... 45
10 Fuel Design Verification ........................................................................................................ 46
10.1 Damage Mechanisms ..................................................................................................... 51
10.2 Acceptance Criteria and Integration............................................................................... 54
11 Operating Constraints and Inputs to the Safe Operating Envelope...................................... 59
12 Removal of Fuel Bundles Containing Defects ....................................................................... 60
12.1 Deterioration of Primary Defects in Fuel Elements........................................................ 60
12.2 Defect Removal Systems................................................................................................. 62
12.3 Confirmation of Defect Removal .................................................................................... 63
13 Closure .................................................................................................................................. 64
14 Problems ............................................................................................................................... 65
15 References............................................................................................................................. 68
16 Further Reading .................................................................................................................... 70
17 Relationships with Other Chapters ....................................................................................... 71
18 Acknowledgements............................................................................................................... 72
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Fuel 3
List of Figures
List of Tables
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4 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
The principal roles of fuel are to generate heat and to maintain a reasonable geometry so that
the coolant can carry that heat away. In addition, because fuel is a significant source of radio-
logical hazard, appropriate fuel integrity needs to be ensured at all times—including during
fabrication, operation, postulated accidents, and storage.
The science of the first two of these aspects, the generation and removal of heat, has been
discussed in earlier chapters. In the current chapter, we focus on the science of those aspects of
fuel that enable its reasonable integrity during normal operating conditions. Fuel integrity
during accidents and during abnormal occurrences is covered in another chapter.
This chapter uses CANDU-6 (also called C6) fuel for illustration, as shown in Figure 1. The figure
shows a fuel bundle in which fissile uranium is contained in 37 sealed fuel elements which are
held together by two welded endplates. Separation of the hot fuel elements from each other,
and from the pressure tube, is maintained by pads that are brazed to the fuel sheaths [Page,
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Fuel 5
radiological hazards is beyond the scope of this chapter and is addressed in another chapter.
2 Overview
Before we can understand the science that underlies fuel integrity and therefore the chosen
design, it is important to obtain sufficient background about the operating conditions for which
nuclear fuel must be designed and the specific design that has been chosen to operate in them.
These factors, in turn, determine which specific scientific disciplines are pertinent to fuel
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Fuel 7
other effects, increase parasitic absorption of neutrons; increase fabrication cost; pro-
vide additional resistance to flow and hence require bigger and costlier pumps to gener-
ate the same flow of reactor coolant; lead to greater potential for fatigue and fretting
due to lower resistance of the smaller fuel elements to flow-induced vibrations; and ex-
hibit higher propensity for creep sag of the smaller fuel elements, which could poten-
tially lead to jamming of the fuel bundle in the channel. Increased subdivision also ad-
versely impacts the neutronic-thermal-hydraulic interaction during accidents (coolant
void reactivity), and, taken to the extreme, a much smaller element diameter would re-
duce the available surface area and decrease the efficiency of heat removal by the cool-
ant. Hence, a judicious balance must be struck regarding the degree of subdivision.
Circular Cross Section of Fuel Elements: As a second illustrative example, the circular
cross section of the fuel elements reduces the stress concentration that would other-
wise be introduced by non-circular cross sections. This increases the mechanical
strength of the fuel elements to resist in-reactor loads.
Ceramic, High-Density UO2: A large amount of heat is generated in the uranium fuel un-
der high external coolant pressure; therefore, the uranium must be in a form that will
transmit heat efficiently and maintain structural integrity. Ideally, uranium would be
used in a metallic form (e.g., uranium-aluminum alloy) to promote better heat transfer.
However, uranium metal has two undesirable characteristics: (1) if a fuel sheath were to
rupture and hot water from the coolant were to penetrate the fuel element, uranium
metal would oxidize rapidly and lose its strength; and (2) uranium metal is also dimen-
sionally unstable because of its anisotropy. Hence, uranium in the form of UO2 is a good
compromise. Although the low thermal conductivity of UO2 leads to high temperatures
in the fuel, its high melting point (about 2840°C) provides a large tolerance to melting.
Maximizing the density of UO2 leads to (1) higher fissile content in the element, hence
more energy; (2) improved thermal conductivity and hence lower temperature; and (3)
reduced in-reactor densification and hence higher dimensional stability.
Zircaloy-4: Unlike the enriched uranium used in other types of reactors, CANDU reactors
use natural uranium. The latter has much less 235U to undergo fission. Therefore, to sus-
tain the chain reaction, it is essential that neutrons be conserved and that absorption of
neutrons by structural materials be minimized. For this reason, the structural compo-
nents are made from Zircaloy-4, which has a relatively small cross section for neutron
absorption. In addition, the structural components are kept as thin as possible, includ-
ing sheaths that are allowed to collapse if needed under operating pressure and tem-
perature. Zircaloy-4 also has high corrosion resistance, which is important considering
the high temperatures and the long residence periods in the reactor. Finally, Zircaloy-4
also has suitable mechanical properties.
Thin Collapsible Sheaths: As a fifth illustrative example, the sheaths on CANDU fuel are
purposely kept very thin, mainly to conserve neutrons. Another benefit of a thin sheath
is that it can collapse diametrically under the operating pressure and temperature of the
coolant. This improves heat transfer from the pellet to the coolant, which in turn lowers
pellet temperature and reduces fission gas release. At the same time, the sheath must
be strong enough to carry the in-reactor loads and to avoid forming overly sharp ridges
(called longitudinal ridges, described in more detail in a later section of this chapter)
which can fail by overstrain or by fatigue.
Helium Filling Gas: To minimize damage from several mechanisms such as melting, fis-
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8 The Essential CANDU
sion gas pressure, and environmentally assisted cracking, the operating temperature of
the pellet should be kept as low as reasonably achievable. Towards that end, empty
spaces within a fuel element are filled with gas that has high thermal conductivity. This
is called filling gas, and helium, or helium mixed with argon and air, is generally used for
this purpose. Another advantage of helium is that it has very small atoms that can es-
cape through small faults in joints: if a fuel element is not perfectly sealed by the end-
caps during manufacturing, escaping helium can be detected by appropriate sensors
during fuel fabrication.
Internal Shapes and Spaces: Many internal shapes and spaces are carefully chosen to
balance a number of conflicting objectives, e.g., to reduce stresses, to provide space for
expansion during irradiation, to provide space to store fission gases produced during ir-
radiation, and to promote large-volume, automated, low-cost production. Some such
features include the pellet profile, the profile of the sheath/endcap junction, the endcap
profile, the diametric clearance between the pellets and the sheath, and the axial clear-
ance between the pellet stack and the endcaps. Several of these aspects are further
elaborated upon in later sections of this chapter.
Manufacturing: Some features are driven primarily by considerations of automation in
manufacturing, e.g., resistance welding of endcaps and sheaths and brazing of pads.
Both processes enable fast throughputs. Chapter 18 provides additional details of some
aspects of fuel manufacturing.
Ease of Handling: The length of the bundle was chosen primarily to facilitate on-power
refuelling, although both the length and weight of the bundle have ergonomic advan-
tages; one individual can lift and carry the bundle by hand.
Fuel Management: Some important considerations in fuel management are: (a) to main-
tain neutronic reactivity at the desired level; (b) to achieve reasonable burnup; and (c) to
avoid defects due to power ramps. The last aspect is discussed in more detail in a later
These configurations were chosen to facilitate the primary objectives of the fuel bundle: to
produce heat, to maintain its geometry so that the coolant can carry the heat away, to ensure
in-reactor integrity of the fuel elements and the fuel bundle, and to do all this consistently over
a lengthy period.
In several other ways as well, the chosen features reflect careful balances among many conflict-
ing requirements, processes, and forces. Fuel design is a complex multidisciplinary optimization
process involving reactor physics, thermal-hydraulics, heat transfer, structural mechanics,
microstructural processes, geometric stability, and interfacing systems, all under normal, off-
normal, and accident conditions.
The choices described above—thin structural materials, high operating temperatures, axial
movement of the fuel bundle during on-power fuelling, large in-reactor mechanical forces, and
material degradation due to irradiation—all combine to pose unique and significant challenges
to the in-reactor integrity of CANDU nuclear fuel under normal operating conditions. An
overview of these challenges is given in the next section.
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10 The Essential CANDU
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Fuel 11
Number of elements (rods) per bundle (assem- 37 Element length (mm) 493
Average discharge burnup of fuel bundle 170 Sheath (clad) thickness (mm) 0.4
Maximum residence period in the reactor 700 Pellet outside diameter (mm) 12
Overall bundle length (mm) 495 Endplate width, outer ring 4.9
Overall maximum bundle diameter (mm) 102 Endplate thickness (mm) 1.6
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12 The Essential CANDU
UO2 Zr-4
Thermo-Physical Data
Theoretical density (g/cm3) 10.97 Density (g/cm3) 6.56
Mechanical Data
Young’s modulus at 1000°C (GPa) 190 Young’s modulus at 300°C (GPa) 80
(at 98% theoretical density) Shear modulus (GPa) 27
Coefficient of linear thermal expan- 12.5 Coefficient of linear thermal expan- 6.72
sion (µm/(m.K)) sion (µm/(m.K))
(at 1000°C) (diametric, at 300°C)
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Fuel 13
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14 The Essential CANDU
4 Collapsible Sheaths
To minimize unnecessary parasitic absorption of neutrons, CANDU fuel sheaths are kept very
thin—so thin that coolant pressure induces high compressive hoop stresses in them. At suffi-
ciently high compressive hoop stress, the sheath will lose its elastic stability and collapse
diametrically inwards into the diametric gap between the sheath and the pellet until it is sup-
ported by pellets. Figure 4(a) illustrates this phenomenon.
This collapse improves contact between the pellet and the sheath and therefore improves heat
transfer between them. This, in turn, lowers pellet temperature and reduces thermally driven
processes. Some such processes, such as diffusion and release of fission gas, decrease expo-
nentially with reduced local temperature. Therefore, even a modest decrease in local pellet
temperature leads to a disproportionately large reduction in these processes. For this reason,
designers of CANDU fuel prefer to promote diametric collapse of the sheath.
At the same time, excessive diametric or axial collapse can risk sheath failure from overly high
local strains. These conditions are called longitudinal ridging and axial collapse respectively (see
Figures 4(b) and 4(c)) and must be avoided. Therefore, a delicate balance must be struck
between promoting sufficient collapse to improve pellet-to-sheath heat transfer and avoiding
overstrain due to excessive collapse. This trade-off is explained in the following sections.
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Fuel 15
because fission gas diffusion increases exponentially with higher temperature. At the beginning
of life, the internal pressure is low, the sheath is elastically unstable, the sheath is in contact
with the pellet, and pellet-to-sheath heat transfer is good. This helps reduce the diffusion and
release of fission gas. By the time internal gas pressure builds up sufficiently to provide elastic
stability to the sheath, the element rating has usually decreased with burnup. Therefore, by
then, good heat transfer is not as critically important.
[Courtesy of COG]
Figure 5 Illustrative permanent strain at the tip of a longitudinal ridge
Initially, the strain increases rather gradually. Beyond a critical strain, however, a further in-
crease in pressure increases the sheath strain fairly rapidly. The point at which this occurs is
called the critical strain and has been experimentally found to be 0.5%. It is good practice to
design CANDU fuel to stay below this strain value at the longitudinal ridge. Fuel designed in this
way has never exhibited sheath failures at longitudinal ridges.
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Fuel 17
Experiments have established that the following parameters are relatively more important in
influencing ridge strain: differential pressure, diametric clearance, sheath thickness, sheath
diameter, yield strength, and Young’s modulus.
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Fuel 19
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20 The Essential CANDU
Fission gas is produced within grains. If the grain boundary acts as a sink, a gradient develops in
the concentration of gas across the grain's radius. This concentration gradient drives the rate of
diffusion from the grain to the boundary.
At the grain boundary, the gas accumulates in bubbles (Figures 8(b) and 10), which become
progressively bigger as more gas reaches the grain boundaries.
B: Bubbles; T: Tunnels
[Source: Hastings, 1983]
Figure 10 Grain boundary bubbles and tunnels
In parallel, high temperature can also cause the grains to grow (Figures 8(c) and 11), either
through equi-axial grain growth (Figure 12) or, at even higher temperatures, through columnar
grain growth (Figure 13). The boundaries of the growing grains collect the gas that was previ-
ously contained in the areas swept by grain growth. This gas is added to the inventory of gas at
grain boundaries. This process is called grain boundary sweep.
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22 The Essential CANDU
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Fuel 23
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24 The Essential CANDU
6.2 Recoil
Recoil is one of the mechanisms that releases fission fragments outside the pellet. To a first
approximation, fission fragments travel through UO2 in a straight line. They lose energy as they
encounter (primarily) electrons in the material. When the initial kinetic energy of the fission
fragment has been fully dissipated in this process, the fission fragment stops as a fission prod-
uct. This occurs in about 10 µm. However, if the fission fragment reaches a surface of the pellet
before expending all its energy, it escapes the pellet. Therefore, recoil is a contributing factor in
fission product release from near a surface of the pellet (~10 µm), especially at low temperature
[Olander, 1976].
6.3 Knockout
Knockout is another athermal mechanism for fission product release that occurs at low temper-
ature. As a fission fragment travels through the pellet, it may occasionally collide with nuclei of
other atoms in the lattice. The latter are called “knock-ons”. Knock-ons are usually uranium or
oxygen atoms in the fuel, but occasionally a knock-on can be a fission gas atom lodged in the
lattice. A knock-on acquires kinetic energy from the collision, and it also travels in a straight line
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Fuel 25
and loses energy as it travels. A primary knock-on generally travels a distance of about 200 Å
(Angstroms) before coming to rest. If the knock-on reaches a surface of the pellet before
stopping, it escapes the pellet. If the knock-on was a fission fragment, this process results in
release of fission products [Olander, 1976].
c (r )
a r ,
2 2
where c is the local concentration, r is the radial distance from the grain centre, a is the grain
radius, f is the fission rate, is the yield, and D is the diffusivity. Concentration means the
number of nuclides per unit volume of the grain. By integrating the above equation, we can
obtain the volume-average concentration cav.
Diffusion due to a concentration gradient results in the following rate of nuclide flow per unit
area of grain surface, q:
q D at r a . (2)
The leak rate LEAK is defined as the rate of nuclide diffusion from the grains per unit grain
volume. Therefore [Tayal et al., 1989],
3 c
LEAK D at r a . (3)
a r
By differentiating Equation (1), substituting the results into Equation (3), and then substituting
the expression for cav into Equation (3), we get:
15 Dcav
LEAK . (4)
Equation (4) describes the rate at which fission gas diffuses to the grain boundary during steady
failures. Therefore, internal gas pressure is a consideration in selecting some details of the
internal design of a fuel element, such as pellet shape and axial gap.
Internal gas pressure is driven by the combined volumes of filling gas and fission gas. These
gases are stored in a variety of locations within a fuel element, e.g., in dishes, in pellet/sheath
radial gaps, in axial gaps, in pellet cracks, and in surface roughnesses of the pellet. Furthermore,
the local temperature at each storage location differs significantly because of the steep tem-
perature gradients within the fuel element.
To calculate the internal pressure, one usually divides the fuel element into many regions, each
with a nearly constant temperature. Then the ideal gas law is used to integrate the impacts on
internal gas pressure:
p1v1 T1 p2v2 T2 , (5)
where p, v, and T represent pressure, volume, and temperature respectively and subscripts 1
and 2 refer to two different states.
Consider a fuel element which was initially filled with 2 ml of helium at standard temperature
and pressure (STP). During irradiation, 10 ml (at STP) of fission gas was released to the open
space. Let us assume for simplicity that at operating power, the open space in the fuel can be
divided into three zones of essentially constant temperature, each with a volume:
0.4 ml at 1,900 K;
1 ml at 1,500 K; and
0.6 ml at 1,000 K.
This fuel element’s internal gas pressure can be calculated as follows. Recall that at STP, the
temperature is 273 K and the pressure is 0.1 MPa. Therefore, corresponding to the filling gas
volume of 2 ml at STP, the “voidage” (V/T) is (2/273) = 0.00733 ml/K.
On-power, the same gas is now stored at an effective voidage of (0.4/1900 + 1/1500 + 0.6/1000)
= 0.00148 ml/K. In other words, the on-power voidage is about (0.00148/0.00733), or one-fifth
the off-power voidage. Therefore, from the ideal gas law, the on-power pressure of the filling
gas is (0.1 * 0.00733/0.00148) = 0.5 MPa.
Including the fission gas, the total STP volume of gas is (2+10) = 12 ml. On-power, because 2 ml
(STP) of filling gas develops a pressure of 0.5 MPa, 12 ml (STP) of filling gas plus fission gas will
develop a pressure of (0.5 * 12/2) = 3 MPa.
would be very expensive to limit these always to trivial values through massively over-
conservative designs. At the same time, it is essential to keep them reasonably below harmful
levels. Some such considerations are described in this section.
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28 The Essential CANDU
[Courtesy COG]
Figure 16 Thermal stresses in a pellet
Note that the hoop stress is compressive in the inner part of the pellet and tensile in the outer
part of the pellet. The tensile hoop stresses lead to radial cracking in the outer parts of the fuel
pellet, as can be observed in Figure 15. The radial cracks add to the storage space for fission
gas, reducing internal gas pressure. They also increase pellet expansion and hence sheath
stress, encouraging detrimental environmentally assisted cracking (described in Section 8).
All three major components of stress are compressive in the central part of the pellet. This
leads to compressive hydrostatic stresses, which reduce the size of fission gas bubbles at the
grain boundaries. Moreover, the stresses are well into the plastic range. This can potentially
lead to permanent deformations in the pellet. High local temperatures plus high local stresses
can also lead to high rates of creep, leading to relatively rapid relaxation of stress. High local
creep plus local plasticity are also believed to cause "dish filling" at high local temperatures.
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30 The Essential CANDU
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Fuel 31
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32 The Essential CANDU
levels in the coolant to increase quickly. For the above reasons, it is particularly important to
have a good understanding of this damage mechanism and of ways to quantify and control it.
To date, EAC has manifested in CANDU fuels through three main routes:
EAC failures in the sheaths at interfaces between neighbouring pellets (called circumfer-
ential ridges) as a result of excessive pellet expansion during increases in power (called
power ramps). Figure 20 shows an illustrative example [Penn et al., 1977].
EAC failures in sheaths near their welds with endcaps as a result of excessive pellet ex-
pansion during power ramps. Figure 21 shows an illustrative example of a typical crack
near the sheath/endcap junction [Floyd et al., 1992].
EAC failures in the sheaths near their junctions with endcap welds as a result of exces-
sive gas pressure accumulated during abnormally long residences of fuel in the reactor
[Floyd et al., 1992]. Such defects appear similar to those shown in Figure 21.
EAC is also called by other names in the scientific literature. In Canada, it is also called “stress
corrosion cracking” (SCC). In the LWR community, it is usually called “pellet/clad interaction”
(PCI). Both these names were coined shortly after the initial rash of power-ramp defects and
were based on initial understanding of their mechanisms. Subsequently, much additional
knowledge about the mechanism has been uncovered in a myriad of tests around the world. As
a result, several labels very similar to EAC were proposed in later literature. In light of this
additional information, a re-think in the early 2000s concluded that EAC is an appropriate label
for this mechanism.
Figure 22 illustrates some key terms associated with EAC during power ramps.
[Courtesy COG]
Figure 20 Power ramp cracks originating at a circumferential ridge
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Fuel 33
[Courtesy COG]
Figure 21 Power ramp cracks near a sheath/endcap junction
Figure 22 Key terms for environmentally assisted cracking during power ramps
shape over the channel length. Therefore, during on-power refuelling, a previously irradiated
fuel bundle can go from a relatively lower initial power to (or through) a relatively higher final or
intermediate power. This causes power ramps in irradiated fuel elements.
The resultant pellet expansion strains and stresses the sheath, in the process breaking any
protective layer of ZrO2 that might have built up during initial irradiation. By then, the Zircaloy
has also been embrittled by two processes: (a) by fast neutrons experienced during many
months of irradiation at the low-power axial position, and (b) by hydrides, which can either
promote or hinder initiation and growth of cracks depending on their orientation. In addition,
by then, previous irradiation has also released fission products inside the fuel element, some of
which are corrosive (such as iodine, cesium, and cadmium). Some fraction of these corrosive
fission products is believed to react chemically with the CANLUB layer that is applied on the
inside of the sheath, reducing the amount of fission products that are available to attack Zir-
caloy. The balance of the fission products is available for chemical attack on Zircaloy while the
Zircaloy is also experiencing high stresses and strains due to the power ramp. These situations
create a potentially potent combination for EAC: high stresses and strains, concurrent with
embrittled Zircaloy, and also concurrent with a corrosive internal environment.
Figure 23 provides a specific example of some of the processes described above. It is based on
in-reactor measurements of ridge strains during a power ramp to about 55 kW/m [Smith et al.,
1985]. Specifically, this fuel element was first irradiated in a base irradiation at about 30 kW/m
to about 4 MW•d/kgU. Then it was inserted into an experimental rig that could measure sheath
diameters during irradiation. The power in the experimental rig was first increased from 0 to
about 30 kW/m, where it was held constant for about 30 days. Then the power was increased
again, this time to about 55 kW/m.
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Fuel 35
On the plot in Figure 23 for ridge strain vs. element power, we have also superposed the strain
at which ZrO2 breaks and the strain at which Zr-4 becomes plastic [Tayal et al., 2008-2]. One can
see that ZrO2 breaks very early during the ramp and therefore is unlikely to play a significant
role in protecting the sheath from chemical attack by fission products. We can also see that
defects start much later than when the sheath has become plastic. During the plastic part of
loading, stresses increase but little, yet significant plasticity is required before EAC failures occur
in CANDU fuel. Therefore, the primary mechanical driver of EAC is not stress alone, but rather a
combination of stress and strain.
To maintain fuel integrity, the above combination needs to be managed to acceptable levels.
This is done in part by designing and operating fuel below defect thresholds for EAC, as de-
scribed in the next section.
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36 The Essential CANDU
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Fuel 37
Figure 24 contains not one, but two lines. As noted earlier, the lower line is called the defect
threshold; it is the line below which no defect occurs. The upper line is one above which no fuel
bundle stays intact. The region in between contains some scatter: some bundles in that region
fail, whereas others stay intact.
Empirical evidence suggests that for all practical purposes, the defect threshold represents a
trivial likelihood of defect, essentially zero. Nevertheless, in statistical theory, probabilities
usually have asymptotic ends, that is, a probability is never zero, nor is it ever 100%. Therefore,
the defect threshold shown in Figure 24 is usually assigned a low arbitrary probability such as
1%. Likewise, the upper line in Figure 24 is usually assigned an arbitrarily high defect probability
close to 100%.
Figure 25 shows an illustrative increase in defect probability as a fuel bundle experiences power
ramps that exceed the defect threshold [Penn et al., 1977]. Theoretically, the probability should
be an “S”-shaped curve with asymptotic ends. For practical purposes, however, empirical
evidence shows that the asymptotic parts near the two ends are small and that for the most
part, the defect probability increases essentially linearly with increasing distance from the
defect threshold (see Figure 25).
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38 The Essential CANDU
The distance between the two lines shown in Figure 24 is about 5 kW/m; however, when the
data from other burnups are also considered, the overall separation between the two lines for
all burnups is closer to 10 kW/m. Therefore, to a first approximation, and if one ignores small
asymptotic regions near the two extremes, for every increment of one kW/m above the defect
threshold, the defect probability increases by about 10 percentage points until it reaches 100%.
The portion of the ramp that is above the defect threshold is sometimes also called the “excess
ramp”. In the illustrative example below, the “excess ramp” is 8 kW/m.
Exercise: Consider a non-CANLUB fuel bundle where the steady-state power in the outer
element changes from 35 kW/m to 50 kW/m at 140 MWh/kgU. This gives it a ramp of (50 – 35)
= 15 kW/m. From Figure 24, the defect threshold at this initial power is 7 kW/m. Therefore, the
actual ramp is (15 – 7) = 8 kW/m above the defect threshold. Therefore, this fuel bundle has a
(8*10%) = 80% chance of fuel defects through EAC.
8.4 Mitigation
Based on past experience, the fuel industry has adopted certain strategies to mitigate EAC
defects. Some illustrative examples are given below.
CANLUB: CANLUB significantly increases the defect threshold. It is believed that the ef-
fectiveness of CANLUB increases with thickness. However, it is also believed that after a
certain thickness, additional increases in CANLUB thickness likely yield diminishing re-
turns. At the same time, there is concern that very thick layers of CANLUB may poten-
tially release excessive hydrogen into the sheath. Therefore, a CANLUB layer of a se-
lected optimal thickness is applied to the inside of the sheath [Wood and Hardy, 1979].
Fuel Management: The key operating parameters for EAC—size of the power ramp, ini-
tial and final powers, and burnup—are all controllable to some degree through refuelling
strategy. Therefore, optimal refuelling strategies have been devised to avoid EAC failures
in CANDU reactors. A compelling example comes from the Pickering reactors, where
early EAC failures were eliminated in part by improved refuelling schemes.
Sheath/Endcap Junction: A significant contribution to EAC defects at sheath/endcap
junctions arises from the stress concentration at re-entrant corners of these junctions.
Therefore, the detailed design of the sheath/endcap junction must be carefully con-
trolled, including the radius of the re-entrant corner, the pellet profile at the end of the
fuel stack, and the axial distance between the pellet stack and the re-entrant corner.
Element Rating: Smaller ramps and lower heat generation rates reduce the threat from
EAC, as shown in Figure 24. These can be achieved by, for example, spreading a bundle’s
power among more fuel elements, e.g., by using more but smaller-diameter fuel ele-
ments within a fuel bundle. CANDU fuel has indeed evolved in this direction, starting
with a fuel bundle that used 19 fuel elements, then moving to one that used 28, to 37
elements, and to the CANFLEX design that uses 43 fuel elements [Hastings et al., 1989].
Detailed Internal Design: Sheath strain and fission gas release can also be influenced by
the detailed internal design of the fuel element, such as pellet density and clearances
between the sheath and the pellets.
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40 The Essential CANDU
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Fuel 41
the uniformly distributed load p. However, p is usually not known. Instead, the mid-span
deflection δ can be estimated more easily through other means. Therefore, p can be replaced in
Equation (10) by the mid-span deflection δ using the following additional information:
v at x 2 . (11)
This results in the following equation for the moment carried by the assembly weld and the
endplate as a function of the mid-length deflection of the fuel element:
W 32 J (2 10 J S )
. (12)
To calculate the moment through the above equation, one needs to know the spring constant S
of the endplate, which is discussed in the next subsection.
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42 The Essential CANDU
(GC ) 2 .
If the beam’s response to W is represented as a torsional spring, its spring constant S is:
2 GC 2 .
S (16)
z 0
The above spring constant can be used in Equation (12) to calculate the moment carried by the
assembly weld.
C 0.26ct ,
where c is the width of the beam and t its thickness.
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44 The Essential CANDU
that of the sheath plus that of the pellet multiplied by a “pellet interaction factor” G which
reflects the varying levels of pellet/sheath interaction.
Another complication is that UO2 is brittle and therefore cannot support significant tensile
loads. Therefore, the resulting equation for pellet flexural rigidity is fairly complex, as described
for example in [Tayal et al., 1984]. For simplicity, here we treat the impact of pellet cracking by
means of a pellet cracking factor ∝ which reduces the net contribution of the pellet to the
overall flexural rigidity of the fuel element. As an illustrative number, the examples below use a
pellet cracking factor ∝ of 0.1.
Therefore, the net flexural rigidity J of the fuel element can be described as:
J J s GJ p
E s r14 r24 E p rp4 G
4 4
where J is the flexural rigidity of the fuel element, Js the flexural rigidity of the sheath, Jp the
flexural rigidity of the pellet, Es the Young’s modulus of the sheath, r1 the outer sheath radius, r2
the inner sheath radius, Ep the Young’s modulus of the pellet, rp the pellet radius, ∝ the pellet
cracking factor, and G the pellet interaction factor.
The pellet interaction factor G varies between 0 and 1. Under the conditions of the experiment
shown in Figure 28, the pellet interaction factor G is zero when the fuel element is at zero
power. When the fuel element is first brought to full power, G increases to 1 because the
interfacial pressure between the pellet and the sheath is high. During continued operation at
full power, G gradually decreases to 0 as the interfacial pressure between the pellet and the
sheath relaxes. Therefore, the pellet/sheath interfacial pressure has a major impact on the
pellet interaction factor.
For a given lateral deflection of the fuel element, stresses in the endplate and in the assembly
weld are higher for higher levels of pellet/sheath interaction. Therefore, the upper end of the
pellet interaction factor range gives conservative results for such stresses.
9.1.6 Stresses
The above Equations (12), (16), (19)–(21) provide all the information needed to calculate the
moment carried by the assembly weld and the endplate. This moment can be converted into
nominal stresses using the classical equations given below [Timoshenko et al., 1970].
Nominal shear stress τ in the endplate:
τ = 1.87 W / (ct2). (22)
Nominal normal stress σ in the assembly weld:
σ = 32 W / (πd3), (23)
where d is the weld diameter.
To the nominal stresses given by the above equations, one would need to add the effects of
stress concentrations due to the rapid change in geometry near the end of the fuel element.
This topic is covered as part of fatigue strength in Section 9.2.
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Fuel 45
Consider the potential of fatigue from lateral vibrations of the fuel element assessed in Section
Assembly weld: The alternating stress is 2 MPa. The fatigue strength is 22 MPa.
Endplate: For comparison to fatigue strength, the classical von Mises formulation for effective
stress tells us that shear stress needs to be multiplied by the square root of 3 to be comparable
to normal stress. Therefore, the effective alternating stress in the endplate is (2.5 * √3) = 4.4
MPa. In comparison, the fatigue strength is 28 MPa.
For both the assembly weld and the endplate, the alternating stresses are much lower than the
corresponding fatigue strengths. Therefore, the weld and the endplate are not at risk of fatigue
failures from this level of vibration.
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Fuel 47
Bent-tube passage Bench test done at room temperature and atmospheric pressure to verify
that a prototype bundle, when not damaged, can pass through the “bent-
tube” gauge, which simulates the most restrictive passage in a fuel chan-
Bundle strength – Single-bundle test done in stagnant water at reactor pressure and tem-
shield plug sup- perature to verify that a prototype bundle, supported by a simulated shield
port plug, can withstand the maximum reactor load in the fuel channel under
normal conditions without failing. Test bundle failure is indicated when:
(1) the bundle fails the bent-tube gauge test and/or (2) shows permanent
deformation in any of its components that exceeds the as-built dimen-
sional tolerances for that component and/or (3) develops cracks in any of
its structural components or joints between components.
Bundle strength – Single-bundle test done in stagnant water at reactor pressure and tem-
single side stop perature to verify that a prototype bundle, supported (abnormally) by a
support single side stop, can withstand the maximum reactor load in the fuel
channel during refuelling without failing. Test bundle failure is indicated
when the bundle fails the bent-tube gauge test. Applies to C6-type reac-
Refuelling Impact Out-of-reactor test done in a representative full-length fuel channel using
circulating light water at reactor operating temperature and pressure, to
verify that prototype bundles can withstand the maximum impact loads
expected in the fuel channel during refuelling without failing. Test bundle
failure is indicated: (1) when the bundle fails the bent-tube gauge test
and/or (2) shows permanent deformation in any of its components that
exceeds the as-built dimensional tolerances for that component and/or (3)
develops cracks in any of its structural components or joints between
components. Applies to C6-type reactors.
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48 The Essential CANDU
Sliding wear Single prototype bundle test done in stagnant light water at reactor
operating temperature and pressure to verify that: (1) bearing pad wear in
the test bundle does not exceed the bearing pad wear allowance and (2)
projected lifetime pressure-tube damage, caused by sliding bearing pads of
the test bundle, does not exceed the channel’s lifetime material loss
allowance, also taking into account possible channel damage by other
Bundle rotation Out-of-reactor test done in a representative full-length fuel channel and/or
pressure drop a partial-length channel, using circulating light water at reactor operating
temperature and pressure and/or at room temperature and low pressure,
to determine the variation in hydraulic pressure drop generated across the
endplate-to-endplate junction between two abutting prototype bundles as
a function of their relative radial (mis)alignment.
Fuelling machine Out-of-reactor test done in a representative full-length fuel channel, using
compatibility circulating light water at reactor operating temperature and pressure, in
conjunction with a production fuelling machine, to verify that the fuelling
machine can charge and discharge prototype fuel bundles into the chan-
Critical heat flux Out-of-reactor test done in a representative full-length fuel channel using
circulating light water at reactor operating temperature and pressure and
electrical heaters to simulate the geometry and power produced by fuel
bundles, to determine the spectrum of channel thermal-hydraulic and
power conditions in the range of interest to reactor operation, which lead
to a step change in heater surface temperature, referred to as “dryout”.
Power ramp Irradiation test done on prototype bundles cooled by circulating water at
irradiation reactor operating temperature and pressure, to verify that a test bundle
can survive, defect-free, the most severe power ramps expected in a
reactor. Typically, this would involve: (1) irradiation of a test bundle at
relatively low power for some fraction of its residence in the reactor, and
then (2) an increase in power for the remainder of its residence in the
reactor, such that the burnup accumulated at the initial power and the
increased power surpasses the equivalent conditions of all bundles in the
power reactor. Using C6 as an illustrative example, the low-power irradia-
tion would reflect power and burnup in positions 1 to 4 in a high-power
channel, and the size of the ramp would reflect, in an appropriately
conservative manner, the power ramps in bundles 1 to 4 during or after
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50 The Essential CANDU
Irradiation of Irradiation test done on prototype elements which contain the novel
special materials material (e.g., an inert matrix for burning of actinides) cooled by circulating
water at reactor operating temperature and pressure, to verify that the
elements containing the special material will be defect-free at the end of
their irradiation period. Such a test can be done, for example, in “de-
mountable” bundles in a vertical channel of the NRU test reactor called a
“hot loop”, in which test specimens are cooled by light water.
At the same time, fully representative tests are not always practical in some situations, for
example because of equipment, cost, schedule, or combinations thereof. As specific illustrative
examples, let us consider the following:
Comprehensiveness: As one illustrative example, a CANDU fuel designer needs to con-
firm, among other aspects, that a fuel bundle has adequate mechanical strength to resist
the mechanical loads imposed on it during discharge from the fuel channel. The test fa-
cility, to verify this experimentally, would need to provide for all the important effects in
this scenario, meaning that (a) the test facility should be shielded so that it can accom-
modate irradiated fuel so that reduction in ductility due to prior irradiation can be ac-
counted for; (b) it should be long enough to accommodate a string of approximately 12
fuel bundles; (c) it should produce power to simulate the effect of on-power interaction
of the pellets and the sheath on load shedding; (d) it should be connected to a pump of
sufficiently large capacity to provide the necessary flow for the hydraulic drag load; and
(e) it should contain a representative fuel support configuration to simulate the appro-
priate load concentrations. We currently do not have a shielded facility that meets all
these requirements, and building a new one would be very expensive and time-
consuming. For this reason, such tests have been done in the past in unshielded out-of-
reactor facilities using non-irradiated fuel bundles. Although such tests are useful, they
do miss the order-of-magnitude drop in ductility of the fuel bundle’s structural materials
that occurs during irradiation, and hence they may not always determine the actual
adequacy of an irradiated fuel bundle’s mechanical strength. Another similar situation
that is also not covered by existing test facilities is the effect of gravity on long-term irra-
diation-enhanced creep sag of fuel in a horizontal orientation. These situations can be
rectified through analyzes.
Scatter: As another illustrative example, consider the need to verify whether or not a
new fuel design meets the expected power ramp challenges in a new operating enve-
lope for which the EAC defect threshold is not well known ahead of time (a priori). For a
new operating envelope and fuel design, one would not know a priori which specific
ramp is the most demanding. Therefore, one would need to test many ramps, and to
cover the expected scatter in the results, one would need to test a statistically significant
number for each condition. This would require testing many bundles for a large number
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Fuel 51
of ramps, and for each ramp, significant in-reactor irradiation would be required to ac-
cumulate the required burnup. Because only limited facilities for in-reactor irradiation
are available, the full test matrix could require large amounts of time and expense.
Again, analyzes can help reduce the cost as well as the timeline.
Margins: Knowledge of available margins is needed for a variety of purposes, e.g., to es-
tablish a safe operating envelope or to deal quickly with abnormal situations. To deter-
mine the margin available in a design solely from tests, one would need to perform a
large number of experiments. Again, time and expense for these can be reduced
through analyzes.
For these conflicting reasons, some situations are better addressed through tests, whereas
others require a judiciously balanced combination of tests and analyzes. Appropriate combina-
tions of tests and analyzes must be tailored to a variety of factors such as (a) features of the
specific change in design, (b) completeness and level of knowledge of relevant damage mecha-
nisms, and (c) specific features, capabilities, and capacities of available test facilities and analyti-
cal tools. For example, different combinations of tests and analyzes have been used to verify
the CANFLEX fuel design [Hastings et al., 1989], the ACR fuel design [Reid et al., 2008], and the
37M fuel design [Daniels et al., 2008]. In the following sections, we describe a fuel design
verification process that combines tests and analysis.
To craft an optimal program of comprehensive design analyzes, a sound knowledge is needed of
credible damage mechanisms during the conditions for which fuel integrity needs to be ascer-
tained. A few selected damage mechanisms have been described in detail in earlier sections of
this chapter. An overview compilation of all currently known credible and significant damage
mechanisms is given in the next subsection.
Zircaloy-UO2 is another system with a low-melting-point alloy. Hence, strictly speaking, UO2
does not have to heat the Zircaloy all the way to its melting point to form a liquid alloy.
Melting of Zircaloy or its alloys
Insufficient cooling may potentially melt the Zircaloy, impeding its ability to contain fission
The fuel sheath also contains Zircaloy/beryllium eutectic and other alloys in that neighbour-
hood. Their melting points are lower than that of the parent Zircaloy, and therefore insufficient
cooling may potentially melt these alloys. This could detach the pads from the sheaths, destroy-
ing their functionality.
Crevice corrosion
Crevice corrosion can potentially occur in crevices such as between bearing pads and the
pressure tube or between pads and the sheath. The crevices restrict the flow of coolant.
Coolant can boil off in the near-stagnant conditions in the crevice, which in turn can increase
the concentration of chemicals such as lithium in the crevice. Lithium, in the form of lithium
hydroxide, is added to the coolant to control its pH. The resulting elevated concentration of
lithium can potentially accelerate Zircaloy corrosion.
Overheating by contact
If a heated surface such as the sheath contacts a neighbouring surface such as another sheath
or the pressure tube, there is potential for reduced local cooling and hence overheating of the
fuel, the pressure tube, or both.
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54 The Essential CANDU
This mode refers to the possibility that in-service on-power dimensions of the fuel bundle may
become such that the fuel bundle cannot pass—easily or at all—through the fuel channel. For
example, this can potentially occur due to interlocking of multiple spacers or due to excessive
Damage to pressure tubes
Bearing pads can cause fretting, sliding wear, and crevice corrosion in pressure tubes.
Fuel element failure due to T1: Local temperature in all parts of the pellet shall stay below the
fuel melting melting point of the pellet, with a minimum acceptable margin.
Fuel element failure due to T2: Local temperature in all parts of the sheath and the endcap
sheath melting shall stay below the local melting point of the material, with a
minimum acceptable margin.
Fuel element failure due to T3: Underneath a bearing pad or spacer pad, the temperature at
crevice corrosion the sheath outer surface shall be less than that required to cause
crevice corrosion of the sheath, with a minimum acceptable
Fuel or pressure tube T4: Fuel bundle dimensional changes (e.g., due to irradiation,
failure due to overheating loads, creep, bowing, etc.) shall maintain a minimum acceptable
by contact clearance between neighbouring sheaths or endcaps and also
between the pressure tube and its sheath/endcap.
Fuel sheath failure due to S1: The excess of internal pressure over coolant pressure shall be
less than the pressure that causes cracking in the fuel sheath or in
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Fuel 55
Fuel sheath failure due to S2: Stresses and strains (or related powers and ramps) during
environmentally assisted power increases in fuel elements at circumferential ridges and at
cracking due to power sheath/endcap junctions shall be less than the appropriate defect
ramps thresholds (with a minimum acceptable margin), including the
effects of pellet chips, if any.
Fuel failure due to static S3: Local principal strain (elastic plus plastic) shall be less than the
mechanical overstrain available ductility minus the minimum acceptable margin, and
local creep strain shall be less than the creep rupture strain, with
a minimum acceptable margin.
Fuel failure due to uncon- S4: Axial and related loads on the fuel bundle shall be less than
trolled loss of geometry the bundle buckling strength, with a minimum acceptable margin.
Fuel failure due to fatigue S5: Cumulative fatigue damage from repeated cycles of alternat-
ing stresses and strains shall be less than the allowable fatigue
life, with minimum acceptable factors of safety on the magnitude
of cyclic strain and on the number of cycles.
Fuel mechanical rupture S6: Strain energy density during impact shall be less than that
due to impact of loads such required to crack or break any metallic component of the fuel
as refuelling and/or bundle, with a minimum acceptable margin.
Formation of a local hy- S8: The combined thickness of oxide and crud on the fuel sheath
dride lens due to oxide and outer surface shall be less than the amount required for spalling
crud from the surface, with a minimum acceptable margin.
Failure due to insufficient S9: The volume-average concentration of hydrogen (in the form of
ductility during post- soluble atomic hydrogen and equivalent hydrides and deuterides,
irradiation handling including their orientation) over the cross section of load-bearing
components shall be less than the amount required to retain
sufficient ductility, with a minimum acceptable margin.
Failure due to excessive C1: Maximum length of the fuel string (e.g., in the fuel channel)
interaction loads along the shall be less than the minimum available cavity (e.g., between the
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56 The Essential CANDU
Failure from damage by C2: Net dimensions, including dimensional changes, throughout
interfacing equipment fuel bundle residence in the reactor shall be within specified
limits for interfacing equipment.
Fuel sheath failure due to C3: At spacer pads, total wear from all sources such as lateral
fretting of pads vibrations, axial vibrations, fretting, sliding, and erosion shall be
less than that which brings any part of a spacer in contact with a
neighbouring sheath, with a minimum acceptable margin.
Fuel bundle jamming C4: To enable passage of fuel through the reactor in all fuel
handling operations, the axial force required to move the bundle
shall be within design allowance, including all pertinent consid-
erations such as on-power deformations, in-service contacts with
neighbouring components, and changes in material properties.
Protection of pressure tube C5: Depth of crevice corrosion, sliding wear, and fretting wear in
from bearing pads the pressure tube from fuel bearing pads shall be within specified
Many complex processes occur in a fuel element. Therefore, in real life, one seldom has com-
plete knowledge of all credible combinations of important variables involving design, manufac-
turing, and operating conditions that might fail the fuel, nor the luxury of performing an essen-
tially infinite number of experiments that would cover them all. Therefore, in real life, we must
deal satisfactorily, not only with what is known, but also with what is not.
In some situations, we know what we don’t know—the known unknowns. In other situations,
we don’t even know what we don’t know—the unknown unknowns. “Known unknowns” are
usually included in assessments through quantified uncertainties. However, “unknown un-
knowns” are usually addressed through margins contained within acceptance criteria.
Figure 29 illustrates the concept of margin within an acceptance criterion; the figure labels it as
"Minimum Acceptable Margin". Such a margin reflects expert judgment about the “unknown
unknowns” in a given technology area. Therefore it can change with time as additional knowl-
edge becomes available and/or as improved technologies for design, production, and/or as-
sessments are developed and incorporated into the product.
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58 The Essential CANDU
Table 5 Illustrative list of computer codes used at AECL for fuel analyzes
Program Description
ABAQUS This finite-element code is used for structural analyzes of fuel strings, espe-
cially in the presence of non-linearities of intermediate level. Typical examples
include: (a) determination of stresses in the fuel string resting on side stops
and experiencing hydraulic drag load, and (b) impact stresses during loading of
fresh fuel bundles. For an overview and further details of this code, contact
Dassault Systèmes, France.
ASSERT This sub-channel code is used to assess thermal-hydraulic conditions in the fuel
channel, including the effects of heat transfer between the fuel and the cool-
ant. Key results include distributions of flow and voids, pressure drop, and
critical heat flux. For an overview and further details of this code, contact
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Canada.
BEAM This code provides a fast and simple tool to assess several aspects of the
mechanical behaviour of a fuel element. Key results include axial and lateral
stiffnesses of a fuel element, frequencies of lateral vibrations and resulting
elastic stresses, collapse pressure of a sheath, and buckling strength of a fuel
element. An overview is available from M. Tayal et al., “Assessing the Me-
chanical Performance of a Fuel Bundle: BEAM Code Description”, Proceedings,
Third International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Canadian Nuclear Society,
Pembroke, ON, 1992, October 4-8.
BOW This finite-element code is used to assess the lateral deformations of fuel
elements and bundles, e.g., bow, sag, and droop. An overview is available from
M. Tayal, “Modelling the Bending/Bowing of Composite Beams such as Nuclear
Fuel: the BOW Code”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol. 116, pp. 149-159
ELESTRES This finite-element code is used to calculate several thermal, mechanical, and
microstructural responses of a fuel element. Key results include sheath and
pellet temperatures; fission gas release and internal pressure; and sheath
strain as a result of expansion, contraction, and hourglassing of pellets and the
sheath. An overview is available from M. Tayal, “Modelling CANDU Fuel under
Normal Operating Conditions: ELESTRES Code Description”, Report CANDEV-86-
110, published by CANDU Owners’ Group; also Report AECL-9331, published by
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, February 1987.
FEAST This finite-element code is used to model detailed local stresses, strains, and
deformations such as at circumferential ridges, at sheath/endcap junctions,
and in a sheath above an axial gap. An overview is available from M. Tayal,
“FEAST: A Two-Dimensional Non-Linear Finite-Element Code for Calculating
Stresses”, Proceedings, Seventh Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear
Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 8–11, 1986.
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Fuel 59
Program Description
FEAT This finite-element code is used to model local temperatures such as the
effects of end-flux peaking and local temperatures pertinent to crevice corro-
sion and braze voids. An overview is available from M. Tayal, “The FEAT Finite-
Element Code to Calculate Temperatures in Solids of Arbitrary Shapes”, Nuclear
Engineering and Design, Vol. 114, pp. 99-114 (1989).
LONGER This code calculates conditions related to sheath collapse. Key results include
pressure for elastic instability, critical pressure for excessive longitudinal ridges,
and pressure for axial collapse. An overview is available from U. K. Paul et al.,
“LONGER: A Computer Program for Longitudinal Ridging and Axial Collapse
Assessment of CANDU Fuel”, Proceedings, 11th International Conference on
CANDU Fuel, Canadian Nuclear Society, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 2010.
LS DYNA This finite-element code overlaps the functionality of ABAQUS code and can
also be used for analyzes of strength, impact, and vibration of fuel strings. For
an overview and further details of this code, contact Livermore Software
Technology Corporation, U.S.A.
NUCIRC For purposes of fuel analyzes, this thermal-hydraulic code is used to calculate
critical channel power. For an overview and further details of this code,
contact Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Canada.
derived from fuel assessments, and similar constraints derived from assessments of all other
systems are then used in safety analysis to establish the plant’s safe operating envelope.
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Fuel 61
ture. Therefore, the hydrogen often accumulates in localized areas such as at the relatively
cooler outer surface of the sheath. When the local concentration of hydrogen exceeds the local
solubility limit, the excess hydrogen precipitates as hydrides, which are called secondary hy-
drides. Once hydrides have formed, they can grow by preferentially absorbing additional
hydrogen from within the pellet/sheath gap. High levels of hydrides embrittle Zircaloy, leaving it
less able to resist stresses and strains.
A number of pertinent factors may vary along the length of the fuel element, for example the
local temperature, the local rate of decomposition, and the local oxidation kinetics of UO2 and
of Zircaloy. For this reason, secondary hydriding generally occurs at some distance away from
the primary hole.
Sheath Stresses: The volume of compound hydride is about 16% larger than the volume of the
parent Zircaloy. This creates geometric incompatibility among neighbouring materials, which in
turn leads to large stresses in the hydride and in the Zircaloy surrounding the hydride. When
these stresses become high enough, they can cause cracks in the layer of zirconium oxide which
exists on the inside surface of the sheath. This in turn enables additional hydrogen to enter the
sheath. Moreover, the hydrides can produce cracks that pass—either fully or partly—through
the sheath wall. All cracks enable further ingress of hydrogen; through-wall cracks also enable
more water to enter the fuel element.
Oxidation and Swelling of UO2: Reaction of water and UO2 results in higher concentrations of
uranium oxides, commonly labelled UO(2+x). The higher oxides have lower density, and there-
fore lower thermal conductivity and higher nominal volume, than UO2. The lower thermal
conductivity increases the temperature and hence the thermal expansion of the pellet, which
combines with the higher nominal volume to swell the pellet. The expanding pellet then in-
creases the width of the crack in the Zircaloy sheath.
These processes can lead to a hole, often caused by a loss of material from the outside surface
of the sheath, called a “blister”. Figure 30(a) provides an illustrative example. Holes due to
secondary damage are often much bigger than holes from primary damage and hence can
release significant radioactivity, and even some UO2, into the coolant. For this reason, it is
prudent to discharge a fuel bundle that contains a failed fuel element before significant secon-
dary damage to the sheath occurs. Fortunately, the process of forming secondary defects often
takes some time, and CANDU reactors are unique in being able to: (1) detect fuel element
defects that release radioactive fission products into the coolant, (2) identify the fuel channels
that contain bundles with defective fuel elements, (3) discharge these bundles before the
defects in the fuel-element sheath become too big, and (4) do all this without shutting the
reactor down. The next section summarizes the techniques to do this.
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62 The Essential CANDU
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Fuel 63
The second and third methods provide indirect confirmation that a bundle containing a defec-
tive element has been removed by monitoring gamma activity near the spent fuel handling
system or in fuel bays. At Bruce, dry sipping techniques [MacDonald et al., 1990] are used to
monitor airborne gamma activity in the air chamber that separates the heavy water side of the
spent fuel transfer mechanisms from the light water environment of the fuel bay. A higher-
than-normal signal that lingers after bundles have been transferred usually indicates the pres-
ence of a defective element.
Two other techniques have also been developed at CANDU-6 stations to confirm that fuel
bundles containing defective elements have been discharged from the core. One technique
depends on the radiation levels of fission products in the heavy water inside the fuelling ma-
chine. Before discharge of irradiated fuel bundles to a bay, heavy water from the fuelling
machine is transferred to a nearby drain tank. The presence of a defect is indicated when
gamma fields near the tank trigger an alarm that monitors gamma in the area. Another tech-
nique developed in the inspection bay at Point Lepreau is based on “wet sipping”, or measuring
the gamma activity of water samples near recently discharged bundles. Again, a defect is
confirmed if gamma activity is unusually high.
Monitoring delayed neutron activity at the outlet end of a fuel channel during refuelling also
provides some confirmation that a fuel bundle containing a defective element is being dis-
charged from the core [Manzer, 1985]. At CANDU-6 sites, special refuelling procedures are
sometimes used which involve allowing the fuel bundles inside the channel to move slowly with
the flow while monitoring the DN signal of the channel. When the signal drops to below “pre-
defect” levels, this indicates that the fuel bundle containing the defect has been pushed outside
the core boundary.
13 Closure
To restate a point made in Section 2.3, the defect rate is remarkably low in CANDU fuel—almost
in the range of impurities found in most substances. An IAEA survey has reported the following
world-wide fuel defect rates between 1994 and 2006 [IAEA, 2010]:
94 failed rods per million discharged (ppm) in WWERs;
87 ppm in PWRs;
65 ppm in BWRs; and
3.5 ppm in Canada.
These figures affirm the basic soundness of practices built into all major aspects of CANDU
fuel—from research to development, design, fabrication, and operation and the feedbacks
among them.
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Fuel 65
14 Problems
Section 2
Q2.1 – Why is a CANDU fuel “element” able to produce 30 times more heat than an electric
element of a similar size?
Q2.2 – List at least six conditions that occur during at-power operation of CANDU fuel that
challenge the integrity of the fuel.
Q2.3 – Name the components of a typical CANDU fuel bundle.
Q2.4 – Why is the uranium that is used in CANDU fuel bundles in the form of uranium dioxide,
rather than uranium metal, for instance?
Q2.5 – Why is helium used to purge the air out of fuel elements during fabrication?
Q2.6 – For a fixed bundle power, the only means that the fuel designer has at his disposal to
change the individual element rating is to use more or fewer elements. Using more elements
(subdivision) permits the coolant to be nearer the source of the heat at more locations, leading
to lower UO2 temperature and reduced threats from many thermally driven damage mecha-
nisms. What are some of the negative effects of subdivision?
Q2.7 – Experience and fundamental engineering considerations have shown that CANDU fuel
bundles can experience 18 different modes of failure in a reactor. Name the three general
groups into which the modes are grouped and provide the principal characteristic of each
Section 3
Q3.1 – What does “burnup” measure, and what units is it expressed in?
Q3.2 – A CANDU fuel element contains UO2 pellets 20 mm in diameter and having a density of
10.5 g/cm3. At 60 kW/m, how long does it need to accumulate a burnup of 40 MWh/kgU? Why
does this need so much longer than the fuel element of Section 3?
Section 4
Q4.1 – A fuel element has the following characteristics: diameter = 15 mm; sheath thickness =
0.5 mm; Young’s modulus = 80 GPa; Poisson’s ratio = 0.37. Is it elastically stable at 6 MPa? At 7
MPa? At 8 MPa?
Section 6
Q6.1 – What is fission gas?
Q6.2 – Why is it important to maintain fission gas pressure as low as possible?
Q6.3 – Describe the processes involved in the generation, accumulation and release of fission
gas into “open” spaces inside the fuel sheath.
Q6.4 – What design features does the fuel designer have at his disposal to control or minimize
fuel element internal gas pressure?
Q6.5 – Using the equations presented in Section 6.5, determine the effect of storing the fission
gas at pellet centreline temperature compared to that of the pellet interface with the sheath.
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66 The Essential CANDU
What do we learn?
Q6.6 – A fuel element’s free space is 3 ml, and it contains 15 ml of gas at STP. Assuming that all
the gas is stored at a uniform temperature of 1400 K, what is the internal pressure of the fuel
element? [Hint: Use Equation 5].
Section 7
Q7.1 – Describe three defect types in CANDU fuel that may be caused by excessive stress.
Q7.2 – Describe in qualitative terms the reasons that cracks develop in uranium dioxide pellets
at operating conditions.
Q7.3 – A temperature profile is parabolic in a pellet of radius 6 mm. Is the hoop stress tensile or
compressive at: 1 cm? 2 cm? 3 cm? 4 cm? 5 cm?
Section 8
Q8.1 – Describe qualitatively the conditions that might lead to environmentally assisted crack-
Q8.2 – Provide examples of EAC defects that have been observed in CANDU fuel elements.
Q8.3 – Recognizing the three different effects that can cause EAC defects in CANDU fuel ele-
ments, provide a qualitative description of reactor operation that could lead to EAC defects.
Q8.4 – What parameters from operating reactors have been correlated to provide an indication
of potential fuel failure due to EAC? Draw a figure to show the relationship.
Q8.5 – Describe the mitigating parameters that have been adopted by CANDU designers and
operators to minimize EAC defects.
Q8.6 – A non-CANLUB fuel bundle experiences a power ramp from 25 kW/m to 50 kW/m at 140
MWh/kgU. What is its probability of having a defect? What would the defect probability be if it
were CANLUB fuel?
Section 9
Q9.1 – Describe the coolant conditions that may lead to fuel vibration.
Q9.2 – Describe the type of damage that fuel can experience as a result of vibration.
Q9.3 – A C6 fuel element has the same dimensions as in the illustrative example of Section
9.1.6, with the exception that its assembly weld has inadvertently been manufactured with a
diameter of 3 mm. Coincidentally, it is also destined to be loaded into a channel where the
amplitude of lateral vibration is expected to be 30 micrometers. What nominal stresses are
expected in the endplate and in the assembly weld? Are fatigue failures likely by this mechan-
Section 10
Q10.1 – How many damage mechanisms have been shown to affect CANDU fuel?
Q10.2 – How many thermal damage mechanisms (“T” series) are there? Provide a brief descrip-
tion of each.
Q10.3 – How many structural damage mechanisms (“S” series) are there? Provide a brief
description of each.
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Fuel 67
Q10.4 – How many compatibility damage mechanisms (“C” series) are there? Provide a brief
description of each.
Q10.5 – List the design acceptance criteria for CANDU fuel.
Q10.6 – With the aid of a diagram, show the relationship of acceptance criteria to other rele-
vant parameters, e.g., the material damage limit.
Q10.7 – What is the purpose of assigning margins in relation to acceptance criteria?
Q10.8 – List the qualification tests and assessments used to qualify CANDU fuel bundles.
Section 11
Q11.1 – Name at least one plant operating constraint that is related to ensuring fuel integrity.
Are there others?
Q11.2 – How are plant operating constraints defined by system designers such as fuel designers
used to ensure safe plant operation?
Section 12
Q12.1 – What is the most common defect type that occurs in CANDU fuel during plant opera-
Q12.2 – What are the principal characteristics of the most common defect type that makes its
detection possible while the plant is in operation?
Q12.3 – What is secondary hydriding? Explain the mechanism and how it affects the integrity of
the fuel element.
Q12.4 – Explain why it is important to remove a defective fuel element from an operating
reactor as soon as the defect is detected.
Q12.5 – Name the three systems used in CANDU reactors to assist in the detection and removal
of defective fuel while the reactor is at power and explain briefly how each is used.
Q12.6 – Name three techniques used to confirm that a bundle containing a defective fuel
element has been discharged from the channel and explain briefly how each works.
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68 The Essential CANDU
15 References
A. H. Booth, “A Method of Calculating Fission Gas Diffusion from UO2 Fuel and its Application to
the X-2-f Loop Test”, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-496 (1957).
G. H. Bryan, “Application of the Energy Test to the Collapse of a Long Thin Pipe under External
Pressure”, Proceedings of Cambridge Phil. Society, Vol. 6, p. 287 (1888).
R. M. Carroll and O. Sisman, “In-Pile Fission Gas Release from Single-Crystal UO2”, Nuclear
Science and Engineering, vol. 21, pp. 147–158 (1965).
T. Daniels, H. Hughes, P. Ancker, M. O’Neil, W. Liau, and Y. Parlatan, “Testing and Implementation
Program for the Modified Darlington 37-Element Fuel Bundle”, Proceedings, 10th Interna-
tional Conference on CANDU Fuel, Canadian Nuclear Society (2008).
A. Fick, “Über Diffusion”, Phil. Mag., vol. 10, pp. 59–86 (1855).
M. R. Floyd, D. A. Leach, R. E. Moeller, R. R. Elder, R. J. Chenier, and D. O’Brien, “Behaviour of
Bruce NGS-A Fuel Irradiated to a Burnup of ~500 MWh/kgU”, Proceedings, Third Interna-
tional Conference on CANDU Fuel, Chalk River, Canadian Nuclear Society, pp. 2-44 to 2-60
M. Gacesa, V. C. Orpen, and I. E. Oldaker, “CANDU Fuel Design: Current Concepts”, IAEA/CNEA
International Seminar on Heavy Water Fuel Technology, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina,
1983. Also Report AECL-MISC 250-1 (Rev. 1), published by Atomic Energy of Canada Lim-
ited, 1983.
J. Gere and S. P. Timoshenko, Mechanics of Materials, PWS, Fourth Edition (1997).
I. J. Hastings, “Structures in Irradiated UO2 Fuel from Canadian Reactors”, Atomic Energy of
Canada Limited, Report AECL-Misc-249 (1982).
I. J. Hastings, A. D. Lane, and P. G. Boczar, “CANFLEX: An Advanced Fuel Bundle for CANDU”,
International Conference on Availability Improvements in Nuclear Power Plants, Madrid,
Spain. Also Report AECL-9929, published by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (1989).
IAEA, “Review of Fuel Failures in Water-Cooled Reactors”, International Atomic Energy Agency,
Vienna, Report NF-T-2.1 (2010).
J. H. K. Lau, M. Tayal, E. Nadeau, M. J. Pettigrew, I. E. Oldaker, W. Teper, B. Wong, and F. Iglesias,
“Darlington N12 Investigation: Modelling of Fuel Bundle Movement in Channel under Pres-
sure Pulsing Conditions”, Proceedings, 13th Annual Conference, Canadian Nuclear Society
B. J. Lewis, “Fundamental Aspects of Defective Nuclear Fuel Behaviour and Fission Product
Release”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 160, pp. 201–217 (1988).
J. J. Lipsett and W. B. Stewart, “Failed Fuel Location in CANDU-PHW Reactors using a Feeder
Scanning Technique”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-23, No. 1, pp. 321-324
R. D. MacDonald, M. R. Floyd, B. J. Lewis, A. M. Manzer, and P. T. Truant, “Detecting, Locating,
and Identifying Failed Fuel in Canadian Power Reactors”, Report AECL-9714, published by
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Canada (1990).
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Fuel 69
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Fuel – December 2014
70 The Essential CANDU
M. Tayal, P. Reid, M. Gacesa, A. Sun, E. Suk, and D. Gossain, “ACR-1000 Fuel Acceptance Criteria
for Normal Operation and for Anticipated Operational Occurrences”, Proceedings, Tenth In-
ternational Conference on CANDU Fuel, Canadian Nuclear Society, Ottawa, Canada (2008-
M. Tayal, A. Sun, M. Gacesa, P. Reid, P. Fehrenbach, B. Surette, and E. Suk, “Mechanism for
Power Ramp Failures in CANDU Fuel”, Proceedings, 10th International Conference on
CANDU Fuel, Canadian Nuclear Society (2008-2).
S. P. Timoshenko, Strength of Materials, Part 2, McGraw-Hill, Second Edition (1961).
S. P. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity, McGraw Hill, Third Edition (1970).
J. C. Wood, D. G. Hardy, and A. S. Bain, “Power Ramping Fuel Performance and Development”,
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-6676 (1979).
16 Further Reading
Design Verification
P. G. Boczar, "CANDU Fuel Design Process", Ninth International Conference on CANDU Fuel,
Belleville, Canada, Canadian Nuclear Society, 2005.
J. Chang, S. Abbas, A. Banwatt, M. DiCiano, M. Gacesa, A. Gill, D. Gossain, J. Hood, F. Iglesias, L.
Lai, T. Laurie, Y. Ornatsky, U. K. Paul, A. Sun, M. Tayal, S. G. Xu, J. Xu, and P. Reid, "Proof of
Design Adequacy for the ACR-1000 Fuel Bundle", 10th International Conference on CANDU
Fuel, Ottawa, Canada, October 5-8, 2008.
History (Early)
J. A. L. Robertson, “Fuel for Thought”, Nuclear Journal of Canada, Vol. 1, Issue 4; pp 332-341.
Also published in Proceedings of the Engineering Centennial Conference, Montreal, 18-22
May, 1987.
Irradiation Tests and Performance
F. R. Campbell, L. R. Borque, R. Deshaises, H. E. Sills, and M. J. F. Notley, “In-Reactor Measure-
ments of Fuel-to-Sheath Heat Transfer Coefficients Between UO2 and Stainless Steel”,
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-5400, 1977.
T. J. Carter, "Experimental Investigation of Various Pellet Geometries to Reduce Strains in
Zirconium Alloy Cladding", Nuclear Technology, Vol. 45, No. 2, September 1979, pp. 166-
M. R. Floyd, J. Novak, and P. T. Truant, "Fission-Gas Release in Fuel Performing to Extended
Burnups in Ontario Hydro Nuclear Generating Stations", IAEA Technical Committee Meeting
on Fission Gas Release and Fuel Rod Chemistry Related to Extended Burnup, Pembroke,
Canada. Also Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-10636 (1992).
M. R. Floyd, Z. He, E. Kohn, and J. Montin, "Performance of Two CANDU-6 Fuel Bundles Contain-
ing Elements with Pellet-Density and Clearance Variables", 6th International Conference on
CANDU Fuel, Niagara Falls, Canada. Also Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-
12033, 1999.
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Fuel 71
18 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this chapter; their feedback has much improved it.
Peter Boczar
Lawrence Dickson
Rosaura Ham-Su
Paul Chan
Kwok Tsang
Of course the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
Thanks are also extended to Media Production Services, McMaster University, for producing the
figures, and to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Fuel Cycles
prepared by
Mukesh Tayal and Milan Gacesa – Independent Consultants
Most commercial reactors currently use the once-through fuel cycle. However, because there
is still a significant amount of useful material (and available energy) in the fuel discharged
from these reactors, many fuel cycles are possible in which some fuel components are recy-
cled for further reactor use. In addition, several other fuel cycles are also possible using tho-
rium, which is much more abundant on Earth than the uranium that is the primary source of
commercial nuclear power today. The CANDU reactor is designed to use natural uranium
fuel, which is less expensive and more efficient in the use of uranium than any known alterna-
tive. Some of the features that enable a CANDU reactor to operate on natural uranium also
make it eminently capable of using alternative fuels. In spite of increased fuel cost, the use of
alternative fuel cycles in a CANDU reactor can lead to benefits such as significant extensions
of humanity’s energy resources, reduced capital costs of nuclear power plants, reduced vol-
ume and duration for long-term storage and disposal of nuclear waste, longer life of some
components of nuclear power plants, increased efficiency of the thermal cycle, and reduced
severity of some postulated accidents. Several alternative fuel and fuel cycles are described
in this chapter, including the enriched uranium fuel cycle, the recovered-uranium cycle, the
MOX cycle, the thorium cycle, the DUPIC cycle, the tandem cycle, low void reactivity fuel, and
actinide burning fuel. In addition to increasing fuel cost, alternative cycles impose operating
requirements that are more challenging than those experienced when using natural-uranium,
low-burnup fuel. Incremental technical challenges in the following subject areas are de-
scribed here: internal gas pressure, power ramps, corrosion, deuterides and hydrides, depos-
its, end-temperature peaking, bowing, and high burnup structure in the pellet.
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2 The Essential CANDU
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Learning outcomes.......................................................................................................... 4
2 Neutronics of Fuel Cycles........................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Definitions....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Dynamics of Depletion.................................................................................................... 6
3 Overview of Some Possible Fuels and Fuel Cycles.................................................................. 8
3.1 Reprocessing ................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Natural Uranium Fuel Cycle .......................................................................................... 10
3.3 Enriched Uranium Fuel Cycle ........................................................................................ 10
3.4 Recovered-Uranium Cycle............................................................................................. 11
3.5 MOX Cycle ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.6 Thorium Cycle ............................................................................................................... 11
3.7 DUPIC Cycle................................................................................................................... 12
3.8 Tandem Cycle ................................................................................................................ 12
3.9 Low Void Reactivity Fuel ............................................................................................... 12
3.10 Actinide Burning Fuel.................................................................................................... 13
3.11 Breeding Cycles ............................................................................................................. 13
4 Key Drivers for Advanced Fuel Cycles ................................................................................... 13
4.1 Increase the Sustainability of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle................................................... 13
4.2 Improve Fuel Cycle Economics...................................................................................... 14
4.3 Improve the Health and Environmental Impacts of the Fuel Cycle .............................. 15
4.4 Improve Safety Characteristics...................................................................................... 15
4.5 Improve the Proliferation Resistance of Fuel Cycles..................................................... 15
5 Resource Extension: A Major Incentive ................................................................................ 15
6 Other Considerations ............................................................................................................ 18
7 Pertinent Features of the CANDU Reactor............................................................................ 19
8 Natural Uranium Fuel Cycle .................................................................................................. 20
8.1 Production of Ceramic UO2 Powder.............................................................................. 20
8.2 Fuel Bundle Manufacturing .......................................................................................... 21
9 Details of Selected Alternative Fuels and Fuel Cycles........................................................... 25
9.1 Natural Uranium Equivalent (NUE) Fuel ....................................................................... 25
9.2 Extended Burnup Fuel................................................................................................... 26
9.3 Thorium Fuel ................................................................................................................. 42
9.4 Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel ............................................................................................... 46
9.5 Breeder Fuel.................................................................................................................. 48
10 Synergy between CANDU Reactors and LWRs ...................................................................... 48
11 Closure .................................................................................................................................. 49
12 Problems ............................................................................................................................... 50
13 References............................................................................................................................. 53
14 Relationships with Other Chapters ....................................................................................... 56
15 Acknowledgements............................................................................................................... 56
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Fuel Cycles 3
List of Tables
Table 1 Energy output per megagram of mined uranium............................................................. 16
Table 2 Years of uranium availability............................................................................................. 17
List of Figures
Figure 1 Transformation of specific isotopes .................................................................................. 7
Figure 2 Generalized isotope transformation processes ................................................................ 8
Figure 3 CANDU fuel manufacture: assembly flow chart ............................................................. 22
Figure 4 Illustrative notch at the sheath/endcap junction ........................................................... 27
Figure 5 Illustrative effect of irradiation on ductility of Zircaloy................................................... 27
Figure 6 Illustrative effect of burnup on power ramp defect threshold....................................... 28
Figure 7 Waterside corrosion in the sheath.................................................................................. 30
Figure 8 Illustrative distribution of hydrides in the sheath at about 25 MWd/kg HE................... 31
Figure 9 Concepts for end-flux peaking ........................................................................................ 33
Figure 10 Illustrative peaking of flux at the end of a 28-element fuel bundle ............................. 34
Figure 11 EFP: neutron flux and heat transfer .............................................................................. 34
Figure 12 End-temperature peaking: illustrative isotherm........................................................... 35
Figure 13 Model for element bowing ........................................................................................... 37
Figure 14 Illustrative circumferential variation in flux of thermal neutrons................................. 38
Figure 15 Off-centre grain growth ................................................................................................ 38
Figure 16 Increase of bowing during continued irradiation ......................................................... 39
Figure 17 High burnup structure near the rim of a pellet ............................................................ 40
Figure 18 Illustrative heat generation rate across the radius of the pellet .................................. 41
Figure 19 Thermal conductivities of unirradiated pellets............................................................. 43
Figure 20 Illustrative structures in irradiated pellets.................................................................... 44
Figure 21 High fission area (HFA) in an irradiated MOX fuel pellet .............................................. 47
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4 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
The term “fuel cycle” commonly refers to all the steps through which the nuclear fuel goes
from mining, to use in a reactor, to discharge, possible recycle, and eventual disposal. There-
fore, a fuel cycle consists of certain steps in the front end, which involves preparation of the
fuel; other steps in the service period, in which the fuel is used during reactor operation; and
still other steps in the back end which are necessary to manage, contain, and either reproc-
ess or dispose of spent nuclear fuel safely.
1.1 Overview
This chapter focusses primarily on selected aspects of the “front ends” and the “service peri-
ods” of illustrative fuel cycles that use natural uranium, enriched uranium, plutonium, tho-
rium, and their combinations. The discussion covers simplified neutronics, fuel manufactur-
ing, and selected considerations of associated in-reactor fuel performance. The remaining
aspects of fuel cycles are covered elsewhere in this book.
The simplest fuel cycle involves a single pass of the fuel through the reactor; this is called the
once-through cycle. Current CANDU reactors run on the once-through natural uranium fuel
cycle. A significant amount of useful material (and available energy) still exists in the fuel
which is discharged from LWR reactors. Therefore, many fuel cycles are possible in which
some fuel components are recycled for further reactor use, particularly in a CANDU reactor.
In addition, several other fuel cycles are also possible by using thorium, which is much more
abundant on Earth than the uranium that is the primary source of commercial nuclear power
We can derive a number of benefits by these means, including significant extensions of hu-
manity’s energy resources, reduced capital costs of nuclear power plants, reduced volume
and duration for long-term storage and disposal of nuclear waste, longer life of some com-
ponents of nuclear power plants, increased efficiency of the thermal cycle, and reduced se-
verity of some postulated accidents. However, several other important factors such as cost
also need to be considered, as outlined later in Section 6.
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Fuel Cycles 5
where C < 1.
Including the initial fissile nuclides, the total number of fissile nuclides available for fission is
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6 The Essential CANDU
1 C 1 C .
It can be seen that the total number of nuclides available for fission increases with the con-
version ratio. Because C is a function of the aggregate nuclear properties of fuel which can
change with time, the value of C can also change with time.
If C > 1, more fissile nuclides are created than destroyed. C is then called the breeding ratio.
Breeding can therefore be thought of as conversion with C > 1. When breeding occurs, the
breeding gain can be defined as:
G C 1 .
Fuel Burnup
The specific burnup (sometimes called just burnup, ω) equals the fission energy produced per
unit mass of heavy elements in the fuel:
Fission Energy Generated
Total Initial Mass of Heavy Nuclides in Fuel .
The usual units for fission energy are either MWh or MWd. Because 235U is by far the most
frequently used fissile material, initial mass is usually expressed either as kg or T (tonnes) of
U. However, if other fissile materials are used, e.g., plutonium or a mixture of uranium and
plutonium, then the initial mass is usually expressed as kg or T of HE (heavy elements).
and subsequently:
n 239Pu 240Pu (3)
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Fuel Cycles 7
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8 The Essential CANDU
where NA, NB, NC are the number of nuclei (#/cm3) for isotopess A, B and C respectively,
respectively λ is
the associated decay constant (sec-1), is the neutron flux (#/cm2-sec) and σ a , are the
microscopic cross sections (cm2) for neutron absorption and capture respectively.
respectively We can
safely assume that the flux is constant over the integration time step and can easily solve this
equation numerically. In general, there are many nuclides to track, so they are all solved for
simultaneously, thereby track
tracking the depletion and growth of the various fuel nuclides. Note
that the two production processes (3 and 4 above
above)) mean that there is potential for fuel crea-
tion, called conversion or breeding as explained earlier.
The above process yields information on whether or not a given combination and arrange-
ment of materials will achieve criticality and sustain the chain re
action and how much energy
can be so produced. The detailed “physics” evaluations of specific fuel cycles use the same
general principles that are outlined in earlier chapters on physics and are usually accom-
plished mainly by changing the inputs of appropriate “generic” physics codes.
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Fuel Cycles 9
DUPIC cycle, and the Tandem cycle. They are also outlined in this section.
3.1 Reprocessing
Before we delve into various fuel cycles, we first outline reprocessing of LWR fuel as it per-
tains to this chapter.
Considerable quantities of fission products gradually accumulate inside the fuel element dur-
ing irradiation. Some fission products are parasitic in that they absorb neutrons without
creating proportionate heat. This leaves fewer neutrons to continue the chain reaction, and
at some stage, further irradiation of that material risks shutting down the chain reaction.
Therefore that fuel is removed from the reactor and is frequently labelled as “spent” or
“waste” or “discharged”.
Uranium fuel used in LWRs has an initial 235U concentration (enrichment) of between 3% and
5%. After many months (sometimes even a few years) of generating energy in the reactor,
most but not all of the original 235U in typical enriched fuels in LWRs is largely used up (e.g.,
by fission and by radiative capture). Likewise, some fertile nuclides in the fuel, as well as
some fissionable nuclides produced by fertile nuclides, are also used up. However, fission-
able nuclides are not at zero concentration when the fuel is discharged from the reactor.
Spent fuel retains some of the original enriched uranium, and it also contains some fissile
plutonium that is produced by the chain reaction (see equations and discussion in Section 2
and in earlier chapters on physics).
The residual fissile content in spent LWR fuel depends on the starting enrichment and the
discharge burnup; nevertheless, for illustration purposes, let us say that it is typically in the
range of about 1.5% (235U + 239Pu + 241Pu). From the perspective of a CANDU reactor, this is a
much higher fissile concentration than even the usual fresh (non-enriched) CANDU fuel
(0.7%). Even though LWRs cannot continue to “burn” that fuel, CANDU reactors can, due to
the latter’s superior neutron efficiency. This creates an opportunity to generate additional
energy from spent LWR fuel in a variety of ways, as described later in this section.
However, to make effective use of available thermal neutrons, we first need to remove suffi-
cient parasitic neutron absorbers—such as fission products—from spent LWR fuel. This is
done through “reprocessing”.
Very simplistically, let us think of fuel as having the following initial and final states before
and after its irradiation in an LWR:
U (3-5%) + 238U → {235U + Pu} (about 1.5%) + 238U + fission products (FPs)
(fresh LWR fuel) (spent LWR fuel)
Let us next focus only on the right-hand side of this expression. Discussions later in this sec-
tion use the terms explained below:
For purposes of this chapter, “conventional reprocessing” or “full reprocessing” means
extracting, separating, and purifying uranium (mostly 235U and 238U) and plutonium
(mostly 239Pu and 241Pu) in spent fuel. This, however, leads to some concerns that col-
lected plutonium can potentially be diverted towards nuclear proliferation. Full repro-
cessing generally consists of the following main steps: (Step #1) Irradiated fuel is dis-
solved; (Step #2) Plutonium and uranium are separated from fission product and then
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10 The Essential CANDU
(Step #3) from each other; and (Step #4) purified for enrichment (in the case of REU) or
(Step #5) recycling as MOX.
In one variant involving partial reprocessing, all fission products are removed from spent
fuel, but plutonium is neither separated from uranium nor extracted separately, and
therefore concerns about proliferation are reduced compared to “full reprocessing”.
This product is used in the “Tandem cycle” (discussed later).
In another variant involving partial reprocessing, no dissolution of spent fuel takes place.
The gaseous fission products are removed by crushing and heating the spent fuel; the
solid fission products are retained in the fuel. The high residual radio-toxicity of this
product significantly reduces its attractiveness for potential diversion, which further di-
minishes concerns about nuclear proliferation. This product is used in the “DUPIC cycle”,
as described later in this chapter.
Plutonium recovered from full reprocessing is used to generate electricity in the “MOX
Uranium that is collected from full reprocessing is called “recovered uranium” (RU). Its
U fraction in spent LWR fuel is higher than in natural (as-mined) uranium. RU is used
to generate electricity in the “recovered uranium” cycle.
In summary, a variety of fissile and fertile materials are available from different sources in
multiple forms such as natural uranium, enriched uranium, thorium, various products of full
or partial reprocessing, and others (e.g., dismantled nuclear weapons). This presents oppor-
tunities to design a variety of fuels and fuel cycles in neutron-efficient CANDU reactors, some
of which are outlined in the following sections.
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Fuel Cycles 11
generated by enrichment can be used for a variety of purposes such as: (1) using less expen-
sive coolant (i.e., light water) to reduce capital cost; (2) enabling use of thicker pressure
tubes to reduce their creep rate and thus to extend their service life; (3) enabling use of
burnable neutron absorbers which can reduce the magnitude of a power pulse during a pos-
tulated accident; and (4) reducing the volume of spent fuel through extended burnup.
Enriched uranium fuel could also be used in existing CANDU reactors to achieve other bene-
fits such as higher reactor power (through a flatter radial channel power profile).
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12 The Essential CANDU
can extend the energy from natural uranium (which is the source of the only natural fissile
material) by using the thorium cycle. In addition, thorium cycles provide other benefits, such
as in fuel performance and fuel safety, as explained in a later section devoted specifically to
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Fuel Cycles 13
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14 The Essential CANDU
By using a breeder reactor to extract energy from U, which constitutes over 99% of
natural uranium, as discussed in Section 9.5.
Section 5 gives a more detailed discussion of resource extension.
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Fuel Cycles 15
4.3 Improve the Health and Environmental Impacts of the Fuel Cycle
The health and environmental impacts of nuclear power can be improved by using enriched
uranium in CANDU reactors and by transmuting hazardous components of the fuel, such as
long-lived actinides, in a reactor. This reduces the mass of these materials that requires long-
term disposal. This in turn reduces the size of the repositories that will be required and re-
duces potential impacts on human health and the environment.
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16 The Essential CANDU
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Fuel Cycles 17
* Seawater contains about 0.003 ppm of uranium, for a total of over 4 billion tons of ura-
[Courtesy D. Meneley; Extracted from a presentation to Canadian Nuclear Society by D. Me-
neley, 2006]
A more dramatic way to extend our energy resources is to breed fissile materials from fertile
materials. This can usually be done in two ways: one, fertile 232Th can be converted into fis-
sile 233U; and two, fertile 238U can be converted into fissile 239Pu, as summarized below.
“The absorption cross-section for thermal neutrons of 232Th (7.4 barns) is nearly three times
that of 238U (2.7 barns). Hence, a higher conversion (to 233U) is possible with 232Th than with
U (to 239Pu). Therefore, 232Th is a better ‘fertile’ material than 238U in thermal reactors, but
Th is inferior to 238U as a ‘fertile’ material in fast reactors. For the ‘fissile’ 233U nuclide, the
number of neutrons liberated per neutron absorbed is greater than 2.0 over a wide range of
the thermal neutron spectrum, unlike 235U and 239Pu. Therefore, contrary to the 238U-to-239Pu
cycle in which breeding can be obtained only with fast neutron spectra, the 232Th-to-233U fuel
cycle can operate with fast, epithermal, or thermal spectra” [IAEA, 2005].
Thorium resources have not yet been explored as extensively as uranium; nevertheless, ex-
perts estimate that thorium in the Earth’s crust is some three to four times as abundant as
uranium [IAEA, 2005]. Boczar et al. [2010] have estimated that “if all the plutonium from
used natural uranium fuel from existing CANDU reactors operating over their lifetime were to
be used in a mixed thorium/plutonium cycle, two to three times the existing nuclear capacity
in Canada (currently about 15 GWe) could be sustained indefinitely” in a self-sufficient tho-
rium cycle in a CANDU reactor, e.g., a near-breeder. With a breeder, an expanding nuclear
system could be fueled essentially indefinitely (depending on the breeding ratio).
Other experts have estimated that 238U in “waste” CANDU fuel alone that has already been
accumulated in Canada can, after reprocessing and recycling in fast breeder reactors, pro-
duce some 4,000 years of electricity at today’s consumption rates [Ottensmeyer, 2012].
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18 The Essential CANDU
Moreover, additional 238U is available underground. Therefore, in principle, fast breeder re-
actors can provide energy for millennia to come, as shown in Table 2.
At this time, these are only theoretical possibilities. Many technical, economic, and practical
concerns remain about fast breeder reactors, such as the very large fissile inventory needed
to start a fast reactor and the very daunting concerns about proliferation.
6 Other Considerations
In addition to the drivers described above, various other technical and non-technical factors
should be considered in deciding on the most appropriate fuel cycle for a specific power
plant, utility, or country. Although a detailed discussion of this subject is beyond the scope of
this book, five major aspects are summarized below: energy independence, resource utiliza-
tion, resistance to nuclear proliferation, fuel performance, and cost.
Energy Independence
Plants that enrich large quantities of uranium are very expensive and are operational in only
a few nations. Fuel cycles based on natural uranium do not require a nation to build a plant
to enrich uranium, nor do they require a nation to rely on a few other nations for continual
supply of enriched uranium over a very long period. Therefore, natural uranium cycles pro-
mote national energy independence.
Resource Utilization
To produce a given amount of energy, some fuel cycles require less mined uranium than oth-
ers. For example, the combination of heavy water and natural uranium used in current
CANDU reactors requires some 40% less mined uranium per unit energy than fuel cycles that
use light water and enriched uranium. This can be a consideration in countries that do not
have much uranium and would like to stretch their domestic uranium to the extent practical.
Resistance to Nuclear Proliferation
There is concern in some quarters that during reprocessing, potent fissile material can poten-
tially become accessible and hence available for diversion to uses other than electricity gen-
eration. Some fuel cycles such as DUPIC are comparatively more resistant to nuclear prolif-
Fuel Performance
Overall, current fuels perform very well in current fuel cycles, as noted in Chapter 17. In fuel
cycles that differ significantly from current cycles, satisfactory fuel performance must be de-
signed and demonstrated. Depending on the specific cycle, new R&D may potentially also be
Generally, enriching and reprocessing fuel is expensive, and the radioactivity and radiotoxic-
ity of spent enriched fuel tends to be higher than that of natural uranium. At the same time,
enriched fuel generally yields higher burnup, which tends to reduce fuelling cost (within a
range) and also reduces the volume of spent fuel to be stored. Therefore, this is a complex
topic, and its impact also changes with local conditions and with time.
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Fuel Cycles 19
In summary, the choice of a specific fuel cycle must consider not only the drivers discussed
earlier, but also other techno-commercial and geo-political aspects, some of which are noted
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20 The Essential CANDU
adjust the moderator and the coolant independently to exploit neutronic characteristics
more effectively. For example, the moderator can be kept at low temperature to promote
neutron efficiency, while the coolant can simultaneously be kept at high temperature to
promote the thermal efficiency of the steam cycle. In another example, the choice of cool-
ant fluid and the moderator-to-coolant-volume ratio can potentially be fine-tuned to reduce
capital cost without adversely affecting fuel cooling, as is done with the Advanced CANDU
Reactor. CANDU reactors are unique among successful contemporary reactor systems in of-
fering this important flexibility to designers.
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Fuel Cycles 21
tributyl phosphate solvent-extraction process. First, the yellowcake is dissolved in nitric acid
to prepare a feed solution. Uranium is then selectively extracted from this acid feed by tri-
butyl phosphate diluted with kerosene or some other suitable hydrocarbon mixture. Finally,
uranium is stripped from the tributyl phosphate extract into acidified water to yield highly
purified uranyl nitrate, UO2(NO3)2. Uranyl nitrate is the starting material for conversion to
uranium dioxide (UO2) powder or to uranium hexafluoride (UF6). Both these conversion
routes conventionally begin with calcining the nitrate to UO3.
A large percentage of the UO3 produced in Canada is converted to uranium hexafluoride
(UF6) destined for enrichment plants for use in LWRs, and the remainder is converted to
natural uranium dioxide (UO2) ceramic-grade powder for use in CANDU reactors. The proc-
esses involved in producing natural uranium (NU) UO2 powder for CANDU fuel pellets are
described in more detail below. The UO3 is dissolved in nitric acid, and the resulting solution
is diluted and reacted with ammonium to precipitate ammonium diuranate (ADU). The liq-
uid is decanted, and the ammonium diuranate slurry is dried to remove the water. The re-
sulting ammonium diuranate powder is dried in a rotating kiln in hydrogen gas to produce
UO2 powder. The powder may then be subjected to further physical “conditioning” to im-
prove its mechanical “reactivity” during pellet sintering. Small batches of each powder lot
may be subjected to sintering trials as part of the final QA acceptance test before it is sent to
manufacturers of CANDU fuel bundles.
At each production stage mentioned above, the uranium compound is subjected to stringent
quality control surveillance to ensure that the final product meets industry technical specifi-
cations with respect to the content of specified impurities as well as certain physical charac-
teristics related to subsequent manufacturability. In-reactor behaviour of CANDU fuel bun-
dles has demonstrated that some aspects of fuel performance (e.g., fission product
behaviour) are related not only to powder characteristics, but also to the process parameters
used in producing the powder.
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22 The Essential CANDU
to the desired diameter, and (3) impart a fine finish to the cylindrical pellet surface.
The ground pellets are sorted by diameter and placed into stacks (Step 6) ready for insertion
into sheath sub-assemblies, which come from the second stream. Pellet stack length is con-
trolled to tight tolerances because it is the principal means for ensuring adherence to the
required axial clearance within the fuel element. Pellet stacks and sheath sub-assemblies are
sorted by diameter and matched to satisfy the diametric clearance requirements. In addi-
tion, to prevent interference with the sheath, the pellets at both ends of the stack may be
tapered, or their diameter may be reduced. Additional discussion on this topic is provided
Some of the greatest challenges in CANDU fuel production occur in the UO2 pellet production
stream. These challenges derive from the pellet technical specifications, some of which are
unique to CANDU fuel. A few of the major challenges are high pellet density; precise dimen-
sional control, especially of pellet diameter; small size of permissible visible surface flaws,
referred to as “chips”; and high quality of surface finish, especially the pellet cylindrical sur-
face (see Chapter 17 for additional discussion on pellet/sheath interaction). These chal-
lenges have been successfully met by manufacturers of CANDU fuel. This is substantiated by
the almost complete absence of defects ascribed to pellet manufacturing deficiencies, the
only notable exception being failures observed in “overstuffed” fuel elements, which were
intentionally manufactured to challenge the extreme limits of the relevant parameters:
maximum pellet density, minimum diameter clearance, and minimum axial clearance. Once
defects were witnessed in “overstuffed” elements, the practice was subsequently discontin-
The second manufacturing stream, the production of sheath sub-assemblies, starts with re-
ceipt of tubes finished to the required diameter and cut to length (Step 1, RHS of Figure 3).
Some manufacturers (including both Canadian manufacturers) have “vertically integrated”
Zircaloy tubing production into this stream, so that the stream actually starts with receipt of
zirconium tube hollow (TREX), which undergoes several stages of reduction and associated
processing (not shown in Figure 3), culminating in cut-to-length tubes.
In parallel with receipt of tubes, Zircaloy sheet/strip, bar/rod, wire, graphite slurry, and beryl-
lium are also received. The sheet (or wire) is used to manufacture spacers and bearing pads
(appendages). When manufactured from sheet, the appendages are punched and “coined”
into their final shape from the sheet after it is coated with beryllium. When manufactured
from wire, the appendages are cut to length, coined, and subsequently coated with beryl-
lium. The appendages are “tacked” to the tubes with spot welds (Step 2) and heated until
the beryllium coating and the Zircaloy metal in the appendage and tube form an alloy, i.e.,
“braze” (Step 3). Appendage dimensions, the shape of the coined surfaces, the thickness of
the brazing metal, and the location and tacking of the appendages on the tube must be con-
trolled to tight tolerances to enable the manufacturer to achieve the required dimensional
tolerances for the assembled bundle. The manufacturers have successfully met the chal-
lenges of this part of the manufacturing process, as evidenced by the absence of any fuel
failures caused by detached appendages or appendages causing bundle incompatibility
within the fuel channel.
Graphite slurry is diluted with water or an industrial alcohol, applied to the inside of the tube
sub-assemblies, and dried to form a coating of precisely controlled thickness and hydrogen
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24 The Essential CANDU
content referred to as “CANLUB” (Step 4). The effect of CANLUB on in-reactor performance
of fuel elements is discussed in Chapter 17. The ends of the sheath sub-assemblies are ma-
chined (Step 5) to (1) achieve the required final length, and (2) produce the profile required
for end-cap welding. In addition, CANLUB and any debris are removed from the end of the
sub-assembly lest they interfere with the subsequent welding process.
The two process streams (LHS and RHS in Figure 3) come together at the element assembly
step, i.e., the insertion of pellet stacks into the sheath sub-assemblies and the welding of
element end closures (endcaps). Endcaps are machined from bar or rod to match the sheath
sub-assembly weld preparation and to include other features (internal and external) which
are crucial to the final configuration of the element assembly. They are then welded to the
sheath using resistance welding, which is a thermo-electric process.
During resistance welding, the sheath is held by a collet. Heating during resistance welding
softens the sheath locally. The combination of the heating and cooling cycle that occurs dur-
ing the welding cycle and the restraint provided by the collet causes the sheath diameter to
shrink immediately adjacent to the weld. To maintain the minimum required diametric
clearance in this region of the element, the pellets at both ends of the stack have a reduced
diameter (usually tapered to mimic the sheath diameter profile).
After insertion of the pellet stack into the sheath sub-assembly, and before welding of the
end caps, the air trapped inside the sheath sub-assembly is purged with helium (or a mixture
of helium and argon). The end cap is then welded while the weld region is blanketed by inert
Similarly to the pellet production stream, the Zircaloy component stream has its own unique
CANDU-related challenges, the most unique and critical being the dimensional and process
parameters related to welding of endcaps to sheath sub-assemblies. To appreciate the im-
portance of this operation more fully, it is useful to remember that the largest CANDU reac-
tors have close to one-half million of these welds in the active part of the core and that one
defective weld is cause for concern, requiring urgent action to remove it from the core. In
comparison, LWR reactors have no discontinuities or joints of any type in fuel cladding within
the active part of the core. To make sure that the contribution of endcap welding to defect
statistics in CANDU reactors remains insignificant, defects due to endcap welding must be
maintained at or below the part-per-million (ppm) level, which is extremely challenging.
Careful examination of the fuel manufacturing flow chart, including the relevant component
design and process parameters, reveals more than 15 design and process parameters which
must be maintained within control limits and must come together at the precise moment the
weld is made. It is not surprising that of the very few defects in operating CANDU fuel which
have been ascribed to manufacturing causes, more than 90% are related to endcap welding.
Fuel integrity statistics for CANDU reactors and LWRs are discussed in Chapter 17; notwith-
standing the contribution from endcap welding to defects in CANDU fuel, defects in CANDU
fuel from all causes are significantly fewer than defects in LWR fuel (see Chapter 17).
Following endcap welding, the fuel elements are inserted into an assembly jig and the ele-
ment ends resistance-welded to endplates to form the final fuel assemblies, i.e., the fuel
bundles. End plates are stamped out of an incoming strip. Although this final process in it-
self is not as challenging as some of the processes described above, it is important to note
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Fuel Cycles 25
that some of the dimensional requirements on the bundle assembly are equivalent in preci-
sion to those which are normally associated with machined components. To achieve this,
manufacturers must have stringent control, not only of the final assembly process, but also
of the processes used to produce the component parts, particularly element sub-assemblies
and endplates.
Manufacturing is the final step in the realization of a product, converting the intent specified
in the design drawings and technical specifications into functioning hardware. For one unit
of energy produced, current CANDU reactors use five to six times the mass of fuel used in
LWRs. Despite this relative disadvantage, fuelling cost per unit energy has always been much
lower for CANDU than for LWR. This can be attributed mainly to three factors: (a) CANDU
reactors avoid the high cost of enrichment, (b) CANDU reactors use 40% less mined uranium
per unit of energy produced than LWRs, and (c) CANDU fuel manufacturers have managed to
keep their fabrication costs very low while keeping fuel reliability very high. In addition, Ca-
nadian fuel manufacturers have also been very successful in transferring access to their
technology to all non-Canadian manufacturers of CANDU fuel.
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Fuel Cycles 27
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28 The Essential CANDU
9.2.3 Corrosion
Higher burnup is usually associated with longer residence period
periods.. The latter can potentially
increase sheath corrosion. This tends to be much more pronounced at the outer surface of
the sheath, which is in contact with water.
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Fuel Cycles 29
When part of the sheath corrodes, its ability to carry mechanical load decreases. Strength
assessments must account for this loss, and therefore we need to quantify sheath corrosion.
Furthermore, very thick layers of oxide tend to flake, causing a potential for debris and de-
posits in the heat transport system. In addition, flaking often leaves behind non-uniform
patches of oxides. These cause significant axial and circumferential variations in sheath tem-
perature, which in turn cause hydrogen and deuterium to diffuse and concentrate at local
peaks. The shape of the resulting hydrogen- (and deuterium)-rich areas often resembles a
lens, and therefore the product is often called a “hydrogen lens”. If local peaks of hydrogen,
hydrides, deuterium, and deuterides become pronounced, they can embrittle the sheath,
which in turn can significantly challenge its mechanical integrity. For all the above reasons,
the extent of corrosion must be kept within acceptable limits.
In CANDU reactors, lithium hydroxide (LiOH) is added to maintain coolant pH in the 10.5
range, which is intended to minimize deposition of iron-based system corrosion products
(“crud”) on both fuel surfaces and steam generator tubes [Barber et al., 1982]. From out-of-
reactor autoclave tests, several investigators have determined that oxidation of zirconium
alloys is not affected by the LiOH concentrations that are required to maintain coolant pH
near 10.5. Similarly, in-reactor, no acceleration of zirconium-alloy oxidation has been ob-
served in the pre-transition oxidation period, with additions of lithium hydroxide to control
pH in the 10.5 range. However, under very long exposures and high burnups which develop
relatively thick post-transition oxide films, some acceleration of oxidation has been observed
on fuel elements in light water reactors [Garzarolli et al., 1982; Cox, 1985]. The latter has
been attributed to possible concentration of the lithium hydroxide within the thick oxide
films due to temperature rise during heat transfer [Courtesy COG].
Waterside corrosion has indeed been identified in LWRs as a process that warrants the use of
more corrosion-resistant materials in the sheaths of very high burnup fuels. In CANDU reac-
tors, however, the burnup, and therefore the residence period, is far less, and therefore cur-
rent CANDU reactors are still quite far from requiring such an expensive change. Even in en-
riched CANDU fuel with burnup of about 30 MWd/kg, corrosion is not expected to be a
In summary, there are many detailed nuances in sheath corrosion. Nevertheless, for pur-
poses of this initial introduction, Figure 7 shows an illustrative progression of sheath corro-
sion with burnup. Note the large scatter in the data, which is typical. Also note that the
overall trends are similar in CANDU and PWR sheaths.
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30 The Essential CANDU
except that instead of deuteride platelets, hydride platelets (referred to as “hydrides”) are
formed. Figure 8 shows an illustrative example of hydrides in a sheath that was irradiated to
a burnup of about 600 MWh/kg HE in light water coolant. Note the relatively higher concen-
trations of hydrides near the outer surface because that surface is cooler than the inner one.
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32 The Essential CANDU
9.2.5 Deposits
[This section was contributed primarily by John G. Roberts, JGRChem Inc. and Dr. Craig R.
Stuart, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories].
Deposits are sometimes observed on the external surfaces of fuel bundles and are some-
times also called “crud”. Most deposits on CANDU fuel tend to be magnetite-based com-
pounds. In BWRs, “scale-type” crud contains high concentrations of copper, up to and some-
times even in excess of 50%. In PWRs, deposits tend to be compounds based mainly on
nickel ferrite. Deposits on LWR fuels can also incorporate lithium and boron.
Deposits on fuel are undesirable because they can potentially impede heat transfer. In
BWRs, they have sometimes even caused through-wall holes in the sheath [IAEA, 2010].
Deposits on fuel are very rare in CANDU reactors, but relatively more frequent and also
thicker in BWRs [IAEA, 2010]. The causes of these deposits are rooted mainly in materials
and coolant chemistry, which differ in different types of reactors. This is a very complex sub-
ject, and its detailed treatment is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, pertinent ex-
perts have identified the following four significant differences between the various reactor
types that affect in-core deposits:
a) different materials among reactor types, e.g., carbon steel in the CANDU heat transport
system and stainless steels in LWRs;
b) presence of boron in PWR coolant and its absence in CANDU coolant;
c) higher degree of success in CANDUs in maintaining consistent chemistry over time in the
primary heat transport system (PHTS); and
d) much longer fuel residence period in an LWR (usually a few years) than in a CANDU reac-
tor (usually less than two years).
As for boron in the coolant, recall that CANDU reactors separate the coolant from the mod-
erator using pressure tubes and calandria tubes. This enables CANDU designers to maintain
separate chemistries in the coolant and in the moderator. Each system can then be focussed
on optimally addressing its own respective needs. For instance, in a CANDU reactor, the ad-
ditives required for neutron management are injected into the moderator, not the coolant,
and therefore the chemistry of the PHTS is not affected. In contrast, when boron is added in
an LWR’s moderator-cum-coolant to manage the neutronics, it also has a chemical impact on
the entire primary heat transport system (PHTS), including the steam generators and all the
pipes. If this promotes crud in the PHTS of an LWR, it is then carried by the coolant into the
core, where it can deposit on fuel surfaces. In this way, separation of moderator and coolant
in separate systems is one aspect that contributes to fewer crud deposits on CANDU fuel.
In summary, the lesser quantities of deposits on CANDU fuel than on PWR fuel are due prin-
cipally to different materials in the coolant circuit, lack of boron in the coolant, higher consis-
tency over time in coolant chemistry, and shorter fuel residence period.
9.2.6 End-temperature peaking
Consider two neighbouring fuel bundles in a CANDU channel. Their fuel stacks do not abut
each other; they are separated by the two endplates, endcaps, and axial gaps, as shown in
Figure 9. Because of the absence of UO2 in this region of bundle-to-bundle contact, neutron
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Fuel Cycles 33
absorption cross sections are smaller here than in the bulk of the fuel bundle. Some fraction
of the unabsorbed neutrons from the bundle bundle-to-bundle junction—the “excess
excess” neutrons—
becomes available for captureture by neighbouring UO2. This results in an increase in neutron
flux in this region; the flux is higher a few centimet
centimetress into the fuel pellets on either side of
this junction than in the axial centre of the bundle. This is called end-flux peaking (EFP) and
is illustrated schematically in Figure 9.
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34 The Essential CANDU
In another experiment in a reactor in Ontario, excessive element bowing caused many cen-
tral bearing pads to press tightly against the pressure tube for a significant duration. This
trapped some coolant water between the bearing pad and the pressure tube. With time, the
trapped, stagnant water boiled off. This increased the local concentration of LiOH in the
coolant (LiOH is used to control coolant pH). At high concentration, an LiOH-water solution is
corrosive. This led to local corrosion in the bearing pads and also likely in the pressure tube.
This process is called crevice corrosion. There is always a potential for crevice corrosion at
the bottom bearing pads; excessive bowing can lead to crevice corrosion at other locations
around the bundle circumference if the bearing pads come into contact with the pressure
tube. Although a small amount of crevice corrosion is acceptable, its extent needs to be lim-
ited to reasonable levels lest it threaten the integrity of the pressure tube.
Excessive bowing can also alter the thermal hydraulics in the channel, which in turn can
complicate the evaluations and confirmations of heat transfer coefficients between the
sheath and the coolant. In light water reactors, excessive bowing of a fuel assembly has led
to concerns about control rod movements and dryout. Therefore, bowing and dryout also
have a mutual feedback cycle. For these reasons, it is important to limit bowing to accept-
able levels. Bowing can increase with time, and therefore it needs to be addressed in high-
burnup fuels.
When CANDU sheaths do bow, spacer pads prevent them from touching each other at their
mid-planes. Likewise, bearing pads at three axial locations reduce the likelihood of a sheath
touching the pressure tube in the absence of a severe local dry patch.
Major Driving Forces
Fabricated fuel elements are not necessarily perfectly straight, i.e., they may be bowed. In
addition, during normal operations, fuel elements initially bow due to non-uniform tempera-
ture around the circumference of a fuel element and also because of mechanical loads (a list
of causes of bowing is given later in this section).
Circumferential variations in temperature lead to differences in thermal expansion around
the sheath circumference. The hotter side of the fuel element becomes relatively longer
than the colder side. The fuel element then deforms laterally (bows) towards the longer side
to accommodate the extra length. Bowing due to thermal effects is illustrated schematically
in Figure 13(a).
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Fuel Cycles 37
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44 The Essential CANDU
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Fuel Cycles 45
zone is called the seed region, and it is physically separated from the fertile (low-power) tho-
rium part of the fuel, called the blanket”.
“It is possible—but quite difficult—to design thorium fuels that produce more 233U in ther-
mal reactors than the fissile material they consume. Thermal breeding with thorium is only
really possible if neutron economy in the reactor is very good (i.e., low neutron loss through
escape or parasitic absorption). The possibility to breed significant amounts of fissile mate-
rial in slow (thermal) neutron systems is unique to thorium-based fuels and is not possible
with uranium fuels. Irrespective of whether breeding is achieved, more practical thorium
fuel cycles in a CANDU reactor offer a significant reduction in uranium requirements”.
“Another distinct option for using thorium is as a ‘fertile matrix’ for fuels containing pluto-
nium (and even other transuranic elements like americium). No new plutonium is produced
from the thorium component, unlike for uranium fuels, and so the level of net consumption
of this metal is rather high”.
“In fresh thorium fuel, all the fissions (thus power and neutrons) derive from the driver com-
ponent. As the fuel operates, the 233U content gradually increases, and it contributes more
and more to the power output of the fuel. The ultimate energy output from 233U (and hence
indirectly from thorium) depends on numerous fuel design parameters, including fuel bur-
nup attained, fuel arrangement, neutron energy spectrum, and neutron flux (affecting the
intermediate product protactinium-233, which is a neutron absorber)”.
Specific thorium cycles can be designed to suit a country’s specific circumstances.
9.3.2 Margin to melting
As an illustrative example, consider two neighbouring fuel elements, one fueled with UO2,
the other with ThO2. Both are operating at 60 kW/m; the coolant temperature is 300°C. If
end-temperature peaking is ignored, what are the margins to melting in the two fuel ele-
To work this out, we can use the theoretical background given in Chapters 6 and 7 about the
temperature distribution within a fuel element, along with some assumptions to simplify this
illustrative calculation. Recall that if other parameters are the same, to a first approximation,
the temperature difference between the centre and the surface of the pellet is inversely pro-
portional to the thermal conductivity of the pellet.
Guided by the previous illustrative examples in this book, assume that the UO2 fuel element
has a central temperature of about 1900°C and that the melting point of unirradiated UO2 is
about 2840°C. Therefore, in the UO2 fuel element, the thermal margin is about 2840 – 1900
= 940°C.
The peak operating temperature in the ThO2 pellet can be approximated as follows:
Guided by the previous illustrative examples, assume that the temperature increase be-
tween the coolant and the pellet surface is about 100°C.
Therefore, the temperature at the surface of the pellet is: 300 + 100 = 400°C.
In the UO2 pellet, the temperature increase from the surface to the centre of the pellet
is 1900 – 400 = 1500°C.
Guided by Figure 19, assume that to a first approximation, the thermal conductivity of
ThO2 is about 30% higher than that of UO2. Therefore in a thoria pellet operating at the
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46 The Essential CANDU
same power, the temperature increase from the surface to the centre of the pellet is
about 1154°C (=1500°C / (1 + 0.3)).
Therefore, the temperature at the centre of the thoria pellet is 400 + 1154 = 1554°C.
The melting point of ThO2 is about 3350°C [IAEA, 2005], and therefore the margin to
melting in the ThO2 pellet is about 3350 – 1554 = 1796°C.
Therefore, for the same operating power of about 60 kW/m, the margin to melting in ThO2
fuel is 1796°C, which is significantly higher than in UO2 fuel.
9.3.3 Internal gas pressure
Pellet temperature is a main driver of fission gas release. Above a threshold temperature,
fission gas release increases rapidly with local temperature.
In the preceding illustrative example, the UO2 fuel operates a few hundred degrees above
the threshold temperature for fission gas release. This results in significant fission gas re-
lease in UO2 fuel.
Assuming that the threshold temperature is similar in ThO2 and UO2, the ThO2 fuel described
above operates much closer to the threshold temperature for fission gas release. This means
that the ThO2 pellet will release much less fission gas.
The above illustrative examples point to some of the large benefits in operating performance
that are possible with thorium. Along with thorium’s impressive benefits, we do also need to
consider, as noted earlier, the higher costs of some thorium cycles.
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Fuel Cycles 47
homogenous mixtures require less effort, but they also contain agglomerates, meaning that
offs must be considered [Harrison et al., 2010].
For purposes of illustration, two such alternative processes are
are: [Harrison et al.,
al 2010]:
Alternative Method # 1: A master mix with high Pu concentration is prepared by vibratory
milling of the UO2 and PuO2 powders together. The required amount of this “master mix” is
added to additional UO2 powder to achieve the desired final Pu concentration. This ap-
proach results in discrete “islands”
“islands”—also called agglomerates—of
of master mix contained in
the UO2 matrix.
Alternative Method # 2: Same as Alternative Method # 1 above except that only PuO2 is
milled (rather than a mixture of PuO2 plus UO2). The resulting powder is then added to UO2,
resulting in nearly pure PuO2 “islands” distributed within the UO2 matrix.
The two alternative fabrication processes above create islands of relatively higher plutonium
concentration. The islands undergo relatively higher amounts of fission and produce
produc corre-
spondingly higher quantities of fission gases. Figure 21 shows a typical island in a fuel ele-
ment that was fabricated using Alternative Method # 1. The arrow points to the area of high
fission. Similar areas were also observed in pellets produced by the second alternative
neous fuel.
Note that despite the higher gas release and strain noted above, the overall performance of
MOX fuel is quite acceptable in many LWRs worldwide [IAEA, 2003].
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Fuel Cycles 49
tended burnup, through DUPIC, or through plutonium recycling (e.g., MOX), and/or
destroying some of the long-lived actinides removed from spent LWR fuels through re-
Based on the fissile content of used LWR fuel, one can calculate the number of LWRs from
which the used fuel can be used as fuel by a single CANDU reactor [Boczar et al., 1996].
The quantities used in the example below are not necessarily actual values for a specific
CANDU or LWR reactor, although they are reasonably representative of the two reactor types
and are used to illustrate how the actual quantities would be used to determine the synergy
between an actual LWR and an actual CANDU reactor by substituting real, specific values.
LWR reactor:
capacity: 1000 MW(e)
total uranium in core: 80,000 kgU
amount of U refueled annually: 20,000 kg (one-quarter of the core replaced annually)
U contained in spent fuel (annually): 180 kg (0.9% 235U in total U).
CANDU reactor:
capacity: 1000 MW(e)
total uranium in core: 120,000 kg (6000 bundles containing 20 kg U each)
annual requirements:
o annual refuelling: 140,000 kg of U (7000 bundles);
o annual 235U requirements: approximately 1,000 kg 235U (0.71% 235U in total of
140,000 kg U).
annual 235U arising from spent LWR fuel: 180 kg
annual 235U requirements for CANDU reactor of equal electrical capacity: 1,000 kg
proportion of 235U used in CANDU fuel that is derived from LWR arising: 0.73% (see Sec-
tion 9.1 above); the remainder of 235U is derived from depleted U from tails of enrich-
ment plants.
CANDU reactor’s annual 235U requirements supplied by LWR: 730 kg (73% of 1,000).
Number of LWRs required to supply 235U for CANDU reactors of equal electrical capacity
(rounded to the nearest whole number): 4 (= 730/180).
The example above assumes that only 235U arisings would be used. If plutonium were also
used, the proportion of LWR per CANDU reactor would be accordingly reduced.
11 Closure
In summary, some illustrative fuels and fuel cycles are the natural uranium cycle, natural-
uranium equivalent fuel, extended burnup fuel, thorium, mixed oxide fuel, DUPIC fuel, low
void reactivity fuel, actinide burning fuel, and breeder fuel.
The natural-uranium fuel cycle that is currently used in CANDU power reactors is simple, reli-
able, and low-cost. It is also very amenable to localization, which promotes national energy
Alternative fuel cycles offer several potential strategic advantages, such as significantly ex-
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50 The Essential CANDU
tending humanity’s energy resources, reducing the initial capital cost of a power plant, in-
creasing the lifespan of a CANDU power plant, increasing the thermal efficiency of the steam
cycle, reducing the coolant void reactivity, reducing the volume of spent fuel, and increasing
the power output from a fuel bundle and the reactor.
Many alternative fuel cycles result in more expensive fuel, additional challenges in the front
end, enhanced challenges during the service period, and reduced challenges in the back end.
Therefore, a careful assessment of net benefit is required before implementing any particular
fuel cycle.
12 Problems
Section 1 – Introduction
Q1.1 – Why would one consider fuel cycles other than the once-through cycle?
Section 2 – Neutronics of Fuel Cycles
Q2.1 – Define fissile nuclides and give examples. Which is the only naturally occurring fissile
Q2.2 – Define fissionable nuclide and provide examples.
Q2.3 – Define fertile nuclides and provide examples.
Q2.4 – What is the conversion ratio as related to nuclides?
Q2.5 – In the context of conversion ratio, what is breeding and breeding gain?
Q2.6 – What is burnup as applied to nuclear fuel?
Section 3 – Overview of Some Possible Fuels and Fuel Cycles
Q3.1 – List the fuel cycles which are used, or can be considered for use, in CANDU rectors
and provide a brief rationale for using each.
Section 4 – Key Drivers for Advanced Fuel Cycles
Q4.1 – List the principal advantages of the once-through natural uranium (NU) fuel cycle
used in CANDU compared to fuel cycles using enriched uranium.
Q4.2 – With reference to the three parts of the fuel cycle, provide a general assessment of
the advantages or disadvantages of alternative cycles compared to the once-through
CANDU-NU fuel cycle.
Q4.3 – Compared to the NU fuel cycle used in CANDU, many alternative fuel cycles tend to
increase the cost of fuel and also pose various degrees of additional technical challenge.
Nevertheless, they are considered for use in CANDU because they offer other advantages.
List these advantages and provide a brief explanation of each.
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Fuel Cycles 51
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52 The Essential CANDU
Q8.12 – For one unit of energy produced, current CANDU reactors use five to six times the
mass of fuel as is used in LWRs. Despite that relative disadvantage, fuelling cost per unit
energy has always been much lower for CANDUs than for LWRs. List the three reasons for
Section 9 – Details of Selected Alternative Fuels and Fuel Cycles
Q9.1 – A fuel manufacturer has purchased REU fuel containing 1% 235U and DU fuel contain-
ing 0.4% 235U. He wishes to blend them to obtain NUE fuel. What should be the fraction of
REU fuel in the blend?
Q9.2 – List the benefits which can be derived from using enriched fuel in a CANDU.
Q9.3 – List the commercial and technical aspects that must be considered in increasing ele-
ment rating, burnup, and bundle power by using enrichment.
Q9.4 – Why is it important to control fuel-element internal gas pressure, and what can fuel
designers do to achieve this?
Q9.5 – A power ramp of 15 kW/m is contemplated in CANLUB fuel at a burnup of 400
MWh/kgU. The pre-ramp power is 20 kW/m. Is this fuel element expected to survive the
power ramp?
Q9.6 – List at least two reasons for keeping sheath corrosion below the allowable limit.
Q9.7 – List the reasons for the reduced amount of corrosion on CANDU fuel compared to
PWR fuel
Q9.8 – In the example of Section 9.2.3, what is the expected thickness of waterside corrosion
in a CANDU sheath at 800 MWh/kgU?
Q9.9 – What causes end-flux (and end-temperature) peaking?
Q9.10 – Pellet/sheath interaction causes an unrestrained thermal bow of 0.6 mm in a fuel
element that has a diameter of 13 mm and a length of 500 mm. What is the equivalent tem-
perature variation around its circumference?
Q9.11 – What are the two main reasons for considering the use of thorium in place of ura-
Q9.12 – Which is the fissile isotope in thorium?
Q9.13 – The preferred method of using thorium is in the form of thorium dioxide, also called
thoria, which is a ceramic. The reasons are analogous to those for using uranium in the form
of UO2 (see Chapter 17). List the properties of thorium dioxide pellets that contribute to
improving their in-reactor performance compared to UO2 pellets.
Q9.14 – Describe three ways that thorium and the fissile driver can be arranged to power a
CANDU reactor.
Q9.15 – (a) What are the two possible sources of plutonium that can be used in CANDU? (b)
Is reprocessing of spent CANDU fuel a likely source of plutonium?
Q9.16– What is a common challenge in the production of MOX?
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Fuel Cycles 53
13 References
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Symposium on Water Chemistry, Report IAEA-SM-264/15 and AECL-8217, 1982.
D. Baron, M. Kinoshita, P. Thevenin, R. Largenton, 2009. “Discussion about HBS Transforma-
tion in High-Burnup Fuels”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 199-214,
March 2009.
D. Baron, L. Hallstadius, 2012. “Fuel Performance of Light Water Reactors (Uranium Oxide
and MOX)”; Chapter 40 in “Comprehensive Nuclear Materials”, book edited by R. Konings,
Elsevier, ISBN-9780080560274, 2012.
Z. Bhatti, B. Hyland, G. Edwards, 2013. “Minor Actinide Transmutation in Thorium and Ura-
nium Matrices in Heavy Water Moderated Reactors”, Proceedings, Global 2013, Salt Lake
City, Utah, U.S.A., September 29–October 3, 2013.
P. G. Boczar, J. D. Sullivan, H. Hamilton, Y. O. Lee, C. J. Jeong, H. C. Suk, C. Mugnier, 1993. “Re-
covered Uranium in CANDU—A Strategic Opportunity”, Proceedings of International Nuclear
Conference and Exhibition (INC 93), Toronto, Ontario, Canada. October 3-6, 1993.
P. G. Boczar, P. J. Fehrenbach, D. A. Meneley, 1996. “CANDU Fuel Cycle Options in Korea”,
Proceedings, KAIF/KNS Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea, April 1996; also Atomic Energy of
Canada Limited, Report AECL-11586, 1996.
P. G. Boczar, J. D. Sullivan, 2004. “Low Void Reactivity Fuel”, Proceedings, 25th Annual CNS
Conference, Toronto, 2004.
P. G. Boczar, J. T. Rogers, D. H. Lister, 2010. “Considerations in Recycling Used Natural Ura-
nium Fuel from CANDU Reactors in Canada”, Proceedings, 31st Annual Conference of the Ca-
nadian Nuclear Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 24–27, 2010.
P. Boczar, 2012. “CANDU Nuclear Reactor Design, Operation, and Fuel Cycles”, Chapter 11,
“Nuclear Fuel Cycle Science and Engineering”, Woodhead, 2012.
B. Cox, 1985. “Assessment of PWR Waterside Corrosion Models and Data”, EPRI Report NP-
4287, 1985.
G. R. Dyck, T. Mochida, T. Fukasawa, 2005. “Application of Fluoride Volatility to the Recycling
of LWR Spent Fuel into CANDU”, Proceedings, Global 2005, Paper number 493, Tsukuba, Ja-
pan, October 9–13, 2005.
M. R. Floyd, 2001. “Extended-Burnup CANDU Fuel Performance”, Proceedings, International
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Fuel Cycles – March 2015
54 The Essential CANDU
Conference on CANDU Fuel, CNS, Kingston. Also Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report
AECL-CONF-01135, 2001.
W. J. Garland, 2005. EP4D03 course notes, Chapter: Core Composition Changes, McMaster
University,, 2005.
F. Garzarolli, W. Jung, H. Schoenfeld, A. M. Garde, G. W. Parry, P. G. Smerd, 1982. “Waterside
Corrosion of Zircaloy Fuel Rods”, Electric Power Research Institute, U.S.A., Report EPRI-NP-
2789, 1982.
J. M. Gere, S. P. Timoshenko, 1997. “Mechanics of Material”, PWS, 4th edition, 1997.
S. Girgis, N. Singhal, M. Tayal, 1990. “Influences of Load Following Partial Dryout and End-
Flux Peaking on Temperature Distributions in CANDU Fuel”, Proceedings, 11th Annual Confer-
ence, Canadian Nuclear Society, June 3–6, 1990.
N. F. Harrison, T. Janathasing, F. C. Dimayuga, 2010. “Post-Irradiation Examination of MOX
Fuel with Varying Plutonium Homogeneity”, Proceedings, 11th International Conference on
CANDU Fuel, Sheraton Fallsview Hotel and Conference Centre, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada,
CW-124920-CONF-004, October 17–20, 2010.
I. Hastings, P. G. Boczar, C. J. Allan, M. Gacesa, 1991. “Synergistic CANDU-LWR Fuel Cycles”,
Korea Nuclear Society, Annual Conference, 1991. Also Atomic Energy of Canada Limited,
Report AECL-10390, 1991.
B. Hyland, B. Gihm, 2010. “Scenarios for the Transmutation of Actinides in CANDU Reactors”,
Proceedings, 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE18), Paper
ICONE18-30123, Xi’an, China, May 17–21, 2010.
IAEA, 2003. “Status and Advances in MOX Fuel Technology”, International Atomic Energy
Agency, Vienna, Austria, Technical Report Series, Report TRS 415, 2003.
IAEA, 2005. “Thorium Fuel Cycle”, International Atomic Energy Agency, Report IAEA-TECDOC-
1450, 2005.
IAEA, 2010. “Review of Fuel Failures in Water-Cooled Reactors”, International Atomic Energy
Agency, Vienna, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series, report number NF-T-2.1, ISBN 978-92-0-102610-
1. 2010.
Y. Jioa, D. Li, M. Chen, Z. Meng, J. Wang, C. Cottrell, S. Kuran, 2009. “Test Irradiation of Recy-
cled Uranium in Chinese CANDU Reactors”, Proceedings, 30th Annual Conference of the Ca-
nadian Nuclear Society, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 31–June 3, 2009.
M. Karam, N. Harrison, J. Montin, 2010(a). “Post-Irradiation Examination of DUPIC Fuel”, Pro-
ceedings, 11th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Sheraton Fallsview Hotel and Con-
ference Centre, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, October 17–20, 2010.
M. Karam, F. C. Dimayuga, J. Montin, 2010(b). “Post-Irradiation Examination of CANDU Fuel
Bundles Fueled with (Th, Pu)O2”, Proceedings, 11th International Conference on CANDU Fuel,
Sheraton Fallsview Hotel and Conference Centre, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, October 17–
20, 2010.
W. C. H. Kupferschmidt, 2013. “Advanced Fuel Development at AECL: What does the Future
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Fuel Cycles – March 2015
Fuel Cycles 55
Hold for CANDU Fuels/Fuel Cycles?”, Proceedings, 12th International Conference on CANDU
Fuel, Canadian Nuclear Society, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, September 15–18, 2013.
J. R. Lamarsh, 1996. “Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory”, Addison-Wesley, 1966.
S. J. Livingstone, M. R. Floyd, 2013. “Thoria Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Examination Ex-
perience at AECL”, Proceedings, 12th International CANDU Fuel Conference, CNS, Kingston,
P. E. MacDonald, L. B. Thompson (eds.), 1976. “A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use in
the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behaviour”, MATPRO-Version 09, TREE-NUREG-
1005, 1976.
D. A. Meneley, 2006. “Transition to Large-Scale Nuclear Energy Supply”, Proceedings, 27th
Annual CNS Conference, Toronto, 2006.
P. Ottensmeyer, 2012. “CANDU Fuel Waste Re-Used, Recycled, Eliminated: $48 Trillion Car-
bon-Free Electricity via Fast-Neutron Reactors”, Engineering Dimensions, Professional Engi-
neers of Ontario, Volume 33, No. 4, July/August 2012.
R. D. Page, 1976. “Canadian Power Reactor Fuel”, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report
AECL-5609 (1976).
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clear Materials, Vol. 277, pp. 116-119, 2000.
P. Reid, M. Gacesa, M. Tayal, 2008. “The ACR-1000 Fuel Bundle Design”, Proceedings, 10th
International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Canadian Nuclear Society, 2008.
M. H. M. Roshd, H. C. Chow, 1978. “The Analysis of Flux Peaking at Nuclear Fuel Bundle Ends
using PEAKAN”, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-6174, 1978.
M. Tayal, 1987. “Modelling CANDU Fuel under Normal Operating Conditions: ELESTRES Code
Description”, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-9331, February 1987.
M. Tayal, 1989(a). “The FEAT Finite Element Code to Calculate Temperatures in Solids of Arbi-
trary Shapes”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 114, pp. 99–114, 1989.
M. Tayal, 1989(b). “Modelling the Bending/Bowing of Composite Beams such as Nuclear
Fuel: The BOW Code”, AECL-9792, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 116, pp. 149–159,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989.
M. Tayal, K. D. Hallgrimson, R. Sejnoha, P. N. Singh, R. DaSilva, 1993. “Elastic-Plastic Stress
Distributions near the Endcap of a Fuel Element”, Proceedings, 4th International Conference
on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering, Canadian Nuclear Society, Montreal, Canada.
Also Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-10646, June 1993.
M. Tayal, B. Wong, Y. Shudoh, 1995. “Effect of Radial Power Profile on Endplate Integrity”,
Proceedings, 4th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Canadian Nuclear Society, Pem-
broke, Canada. Also Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-Conf-00452, 1995.
J. Veeder, M. H. Schankula, 1974. “Bowing of Pelletized Fuel Elements: Theory and In-Reactor
Experiments”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 29, pp. 167–179, 1974.
Wikipedia, 2015. “Breeder Reactor”,, January
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56 The Essential CANDU
15 Acknowledgements
The authors thank Dr. Peter Boczar for permission to borrow heavily from his extensive publi-
cations on fuel cycles. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of this chapter were provided by Dr. Dorin Ni-
chita, Dr. Ben Rouben, and Dr. William Garland. Dr. William Garland also contributed Figures
1 and 2. Dr. D. Baron (EdF, retired) graciously provided material on high burnup structure.
John Roberts and Dr. Craig Stuart contributed key material on fuel deposits. The above con-
tributions are gratefully acknowledged with thanks.
In addition, the following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and ex-
cellent comments during the development of this chapter; their feedback has much im-
proved it:
Peter Boczar
Bronwyn Hyland
Geoff Edwards
William Garland
Of course the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors. Thanks
are also extended to Simon Oakley and Media Production Services, McMaster University, for
nicely drawing the figures, and to Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the
final copy.
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel
prepared by
Mukesh Tayal and Milan Gacesa – Independent Consultants
Nuclear wastes, in particular irradiated nuclear fuel, must be handled, stored, and placed into
permanent disposal facilities safely to prevent harm to people and the environment.
Radioactive wastes can be grouped into four classes: (i) low-level radioactive waste, (ii)
intermediate-level radioactive waste, (iii) high-level radioactive waste such as irradiated nuclear
fuel, and (iv) uranium mine and mill waste. Storage and disposal of irradiated fuel in Canada
follows a three-step process: storage in water-cooled pools, storage in air-cooled storage
cylinders, and final disposal. The two stages of storage (the first two steps above) are fully
proven and have been in practical operation for some time. The associated technical challenges
that must be addressed and the engineered solutions are discussed in this chapter. Several
configurations for final disposal have been shown to be technically feasible. Public acceptance
and implementation remain to be achieved; ongoing work aimed at achieving these goals is
discussed. Nature’s “reactors” that existed billions of years ago are examined for useful
analogies that can be applied to engineered disposal facilities.
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2 The Essential CANDU
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................... 4
2 Types of Waste ........................................................................................................................ 4
3 Strategies to Manage Radioactive Waste ............................................................................... 5
4 Irradiated Fuel Storage and Disposal: Main Considerations................................................... 6
5 Fuel Integrity ........................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Requirements.................................................................................................................. 8
5.2 Key Drivers and Precursors ............................................................................................. 9
5.3 Fuel Damage Mechanisms ............................................................................................ 12
6 Wet Storage at Reactor Sites................................................................................................. 14
6.1 Flow of Fuel Bundles Through a CANDU....................................................................... 14
6.2 Irradiated Fuel Bundles Temporarily in Air ................................................................... 16
6.3 Throughput of Irradiated Fuel Bundles......................................................................... 16
6.4 Irradiated Fuel Bay: Typical Dimensions ....................................................................... 17
6.5 Irradiated Fuel Bay: Heat Removal................................................................................ 18
6.6 Corrosion of Irradiated Fuel in the Pool........................................................................ 19
6.7 Shielding of Irradiated Fuel in the Pool......................................................................... 20
6.8 Criticality Not an Issue for CANDU Irradiated Fuel ....................................................... 20
7 Dry Storage at Reactor Sites.................................................................................................. 20
7.1 Dry Storage Containers ................................................................................................. 20
7.2 Concrete Canisters ........................................................................................................ 20
7.3 Storage Baskets ............................................................................................................. 21
7.4 Transfer of Bundles from the Pool into Baskets............................................................ 22
7.5 Heat Transfer................................................................................................................. 22
7.6 Fuel Integrity ................................................................................................................. 22
7.7 Shielding........................................................................................................................ 23
8 Final Disposal or Isolation ..................................................................................................... 23
8.1 Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 23
8.2 Phases of Disposal......................................................................................................... 24
8.3 Repository ..................................................................................................................... 25
8.4 Used Fuel Containers .................................................................................................... 27
8.5 Buffer Material.............................................................................................................. 27
8.6 Rock Temperature ......................................................................................................... 28
8.7 Health Protection.......................................................................................................... 29
8.8 Breach of Containment ................................................................................................. 32
8.9 Nature’s Analogues for a Waste Repository ................................................................. 33
9 Problems ............................................................................................................................... 35
10 References............................................................................................................................. 37
11 Further Reading Material...................................................................................................... 39
12 Relationships with Other Chapters ....................................................................................... 40
13 Acknowledgements............................................................................................................... 40
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 3
List of Figures
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4 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
This chapter focuses mainly on the challenges that must be met during storage and disposal of
high-level nuclear waste, specifically storage and disposal of irradiated fuel (also called “spent”
fuel or “used” fuel). Some illustrative potential solutions are also summarized.
To this end, Sections 2 to 5 describe the types of wastes, the overall strategy to manage them,
the associated design considerations, and the potential mechanisms for damage to fuel
integrity. Then each major phase of managing irradiated fuel is described: initial wet storage at
reactor sites (Section 6), followed by dry storage at reactor sites (Section 7) and final disposal
(Section 8). IAEA [2003] provides an extensive glossary of relevant terms.
This chapter draws heavily from previous publications. Significant passages that have been
copied verbatim from other sources are enclosed within quotes “...”.
2 Types of Waste
All biological life forms produce waste as part of their normal cycle of existence. Within the
biosphere, dissimilar life forms (e.g., plants and animals) have evolved to exist in harmony and
dependence on exchange of wastes. All human activity, starting with the most primitive
prehistoric activity associated with subsistence, up to and including the most sophisticated
industrial activity of today, produces waste. Regulations for managing all aspects of human-
generated wastes have evolved from “non-existent” for most of human existence to the
comprehensive and sophisticated regulations of today. Human industrial activity has not been
in existence sufficiently long to test the ability of ecological systems to create synergies,
interdependency, or both. Indeed, some industrial wastes are known to be detrimental to
people and the environment. Such wastes must not be left untreated or allowed to enter the
biosphere. Some nuclear wastes also fall into this category.
Under the terms of its statute, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has a mandate to
establish or adopt safety standards to protect people and the environment from the harmful
effects of ionizing radiation. IAEA identifies six classes of nuclear waste ranked in order of their
harmful radiological effects (from the lowest to the highest) and the escalating requirements for
their safe disposal, as follows [IAEA, 2009]:
Exempt waste
Very short-lived waste
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 5
Although these two lists of radioactive waste classes are not identical, it can be readily
discerned that the Canadian standard is not inconsistent with that of the IAEA. The Canadian
standard omits “exempt” waste and combines the three classes of “low-level” waste into a
single class. The two standards are explicitly consistent with respect to “intermediate” and
“high-level” waste. The Canadian standard adds a separate class for “uranium mine and mill”
waste, which reflects the importance of uranium mining in Canada. Every existing source of
radioactive waste in Canada and its class is listed, and the entity responsible for its management
is identified. Some entities may be responsible for managing more than one class of waste.
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6 The Essential CANDU
Storage and management at large central facilities such as those operated or proposed
by Ontario Power Generation and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories.
The remainder of this chapter deals with the management of irradiated CANDU fuel.
Irradiated Fuel
Irradiated fuel continues to produce power and emit radiation after it is removed from the
reactor. The power and radiation decay with time, and therefore the need to cool the fuel and
to monitor its activity also decrease with time. For this reason, irradiated nuclear fuel passes
through two phases of storage before final disposal in the third phase, as follows:
Immediately after its discharge from reactors, the fuel is stored for several years in deep
cooling pools adjacent to the reactor.
After several years of forced-circulation cooling in water, the fuel is transferred to
concrete containers which are air-cooled by natural convection. The fuel can reside in
these storage cylinders for up to 100 years before its ultimate disposal.
In the third phase, irradiated fuel is intended to be permanently sequestered in specially
designed facilities. As an illustrative example, one concept is to put the fuel in a sealed
container which is surrounded by clay and placed in a room that is built deep
underground in impervious rock.
Examples of these facilities, particularly as they apply to CANDU irradiated fuel, are described
later in this chapter.
Irradiated CANDU fuel may well be commonly considered “waste” to be (eventually)
permanently sequestered in specially designed facilities. At the same time, it also has the
potential to be recycled to generate significant energy through advanced fuel cycles in the
future (see Chapter 18), and therefore it can also be rightly considered as an asset worth a few
trillion dollars. Therefore it is prudent to adopt a flexible approach. On the one hand, the
disposal facility should safely isolate the irradiated fuel from the human population and the
environment with minimal ongoing expense, and on the other hand, the disposal facility should
permit its retrieval at a later date if appropriate and if so chosen.
IAEA [2012] provides guidance and recommendations for design, safe operation, and safety
assessments of fuel storage facilities, both wet and dry.
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 7
and facilities have their respective temperature limits for safe operation. Therefore, the
potential temperature increase caused by decay power must be controlled effectively to
prevent overheating.
(ii) Limit chemical and metallurgical damage to irradiated fuel bundles
A variety of factors can damage stored and disposed fuel, e.g., chemical, metallurgical, and
mechanical. Damaged fuel can release highly radioactive substances into the irradiated fuel bay
and also potentially into the air above. Such radiological contamination must be controlled to
acceptably low levels to protect the workers and the general public. Therefore, degradation and
damage to bundles must also be limited to acceptably low levels.
(iii) Avoid mechanical damage to irradiated fuel bundles
Irradiated fuel bundles are handled remotely by fuelling machines (pre-programmed robots)
during their removal from the reactor into the irradiated fuel pool, and by operators using
remotely operated tools for subsequent transfers. These tools must be designed and operated
so that the irradiated bundles are not damaged.
(iv) Avoid irradiated fuel configurations that could achieve criticality
CANDU fuel is made of natural uranium oxide and Zircaloy. Therefore, whether it is new or
irradiated, it cannot be put into a configuration that will achieve criticality in ordinary water
[Tsang, 1996]. This is not true, however, of LWR irradiated fuel, which contains higher levels of
fissile isotopes than CANDU irradiated fuel.
(v) Protect workers and public from radiological exposure
Adequate shielding must be provided to protect the workers and public from the radiotoxicity of
nuclear fuel. Whereas the cooling challenge reduces very quickly, shielding requirements last
longer because some long-lived isotopes (particularly the transuranics) take thousands of years
to decay. Nevertheless, the radioactivity of irradiated fuel does decrease with time, and
therefore so does the radiological threat. Hence, the most demanding conditions exist when
the fuel is handled during the initial wet and dry storage phases; special shielding must be
designed to protect workers from radiation exposure.
(vi) Adequately safeguard irradiated fuel against proliferation
IAEA takes proactive measures to observe and record movements of nuclear fuel at reactor sites
wherever practical. CANDU reactors are refuelled essentially continuously. This presents
unique safeguards (tracking) challenges, particularly during discharge and initial storage of
irradiated fuel in water-cooled bays. Continuous refuelling makes in-person monitoring
impractical; hence, IAEA-approved monitoring by remote means is used. Several monitoring
devices positioned at a number of locations in the reactor are used [Feiveson et al., 2011]. For
example, neutron and gamma radiation detectors are used in the reactor vault and in the
transfer port between the vault and the irradiated fuel bay (see Section 6.2); closed-circuit
video cameras are used in the irradiated fuel bays; and tamper-indicating enclosures that have
been inspected and sealed by IAEA are installed within the irradiated fuel bay.
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8 The Essential CANDU
(vii) Provide appropriate retrievability of irradiated fuel
Irradiated fuel may need to be retrieved from storage, especially after the fuel completes its
designated storage periods in phases 1 and 2.
However, during phase 3—disposal/isolation—a nation may or may not choose to incorporate
fuel retrievability into the design of its disposal facility, as explained in Section 3. Therefore, a
reasonable balance must be struck regarding ease of access to irradiated fuel: access must be
made quite difficult for a member of the general public, but not prohibitively so for an
approved, legitimate, large, organized agency. The desired duration for such retrievability must
also be chosen. These conscious choices influence the final configuration of the disposal facility.
Canada’s choice is described in a later section.
(viii) Avoid damage to facilities that interface with irradiated fuel
Similarly to the requirement for protection against damage to irradiated fuel, interfacing
equipment must also be adequately protected, e.g., from corrosion.
5 Fuel Integrity
The above considerations promote safety during storage. Even though this section lists a
number of items that focus on fuel integrity, several other aspects of storage also contribute
significantly to overall safety; some of these are discussed in later sections.
As with safety of the reactor core, safety during storage and disposal must be confirmed during
normal situations, during anticipated operational occurrences, and during postulated accidents.
For brevity, this chapter focusses largely on normal situations. Broader discussions of safety
during accidents are given elsewhere; see, for example, OPG [2009].
Recognizing that there will invariably be significant uncertainties in projections involving such
long time periods, it is also common practice to vary a number of important parameters and
assumptions and to perform bounding assessments. Furthermore, a number of hypothetical
“what if” scenarios are usually also developed to explore the influence of parameters and
scenario uncertainties in assessing long-term safety [NWMO, 2012a].
The remainder of this section provides some details on one aspect of safety during storage—
fuel integrity.
5.1 Requirements
IAEA [1994] outlines, among other aspects, requirements for fuel integrity during storage. Lian
[2010] cites the following two illustrative requirements from this IAEA document:
“The spent fuel cladding shall be protected during storage against degradation that leads
to gross ruptures, or the fuel shall otherwise be contained in such a manner that
degradation of the fuel during storage will not pose operational problems” (Article 223),
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 9
“The heat removal capability shall be such that the temperature of all fuel (and fuel
cladding) in a storage facility does not exceed the maximum temperature recommended
or approved by the national nuclear regulatory body for the type and condition of fuel to
be stored” (Article 225).
Furthermore, from IAEA [2002]: “The prediction of the integrity and retrievability of spent fuel
constitute the main discussion topics for spent fuel behaviour regardless of the storage system
and time period envisaged.” Therefore, fuel integrity is an important consideration in the
overall design of storage facilities.
As well, some fuel bundles do occasionally develop defects during operation in the reactor, i.e.,
before they are brought to storage facilities (see Chapters 17 and 18). Their pellets may well
undergo faster degradation than those of intact fuel due to, for example, exposure of pellets to
air, which would increase the rate of oxidation of UO2. Therefore, the impact of fuel with
defects on safety during storage must also be considered.
To quantify up-front the expected degradation of fuel in any given design or scenario, one must
first identify credible damage mechanisms. Towards this end, the authors have culled from the
literature some illustrative fuel damage mechanisms pertinent to storage and disposal and their
key precursors and drivers. These are discussed in the next two sections.
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10 The Essential CANDU
repository for permanent disposal [Rothman, 1984]. In the repository, LWR fuel temperature
peaks at about 330°C and then declines. For much of the latter half of the first millennium after
emplacement, maximum LWR fuel temperature ranges from 90°C to 150°C. CANDU fuel
temperature is expected to be comparatively lower due to its lower burn-up and therefore
lower decay power.
Changes in UO2 composition and microstructure
In the dry sealed environment inside containers, there are few processes that would
significantly alter the local composition and microstructure of UO2. Over long periods, however,
some changes are likely to develop by processes such as ongoing decay, diffusion of
radionuclides, and damage from alpha radiation.
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 11
Zircaloy, which can persist over significant durations. If stress is excessive, even nominally slow
mechanisms can potentially threaten fuel element integrity over the long periods pertinent to
storage and disposal.
The following description has been reproduced largely from NWMO [2012a]. Helium is stable
(i.e., not radioactive) and does not react chemically with other elements. Therefore, the total
amount of helium gas in the fuel elements would be expected to increase with time during
storage. Figure 3 gives an illustrative example, assuming that all fission-generated gases escape
the UO2 matrix into the open space inside the fuel element (see Chapter 17 for explanations of
these terms). Fission gases are formed in the reactor, and therefore, except for radioactive
decay, their amount would not change significantly during storage and disposal. In contrast,
after about 30,000 years, the amount of helium would be equal to that of fission gases, so that
the total amount of gas present would be double that under initial conditions. After about one
million years, the rate at which helium is produced would slow down due to changes in the
composition of the decay chain, but the total amount of helium within the fuel element would
continue to increase.
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12 The Essential CANDU
mainly of diffusion to grain boundaries, storage within grain boundary bubbles, inter-linkage of
bubbles, and micro-cracking in grains. See Chapter 17 for more detailed descriptions of these
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 13
the sheath. Still more hydrogen can enter the Zircaloy as a result of radiolysis in the storage
pool; this can be limited by chemistry control and by purification of pool water. If quantities are
excessive, some hydrogen and deuterium may precipitate in the Zircaloy as zirconium hydride or
deuteride, especially at the relatively cooler temperatures of storage after removal from the
reactor. These hydrides and deuterides result in more brittle (less ductile) Zircaloy that is more
susceptible to fracturing from the mechanical loads imposed on it, for example during fuel
transfers and/or during fuel extraction from or loading into a disposal container.
Delayed Hydride Cracking (DHC)
DHC is similar to the process mentioned above (embrittlement of Zircaloy caused by hydrogen),
but occurs after a time delay, as explained below.
In some situations, this hydrogen or deuterium may be distributed fairly uniformly. In such
situations, their local concentrations could be acceptably low. However, if the material is under
significant temperature and/or stress gradients for a significant duration, hydrogen and
deuterium can migrate and concentrate preferentially at locations of relatively lower
temperature and higher stress. Over time, this can potentially lead to excessive local hydride
and deuteride concentrations and therefore to higher susceptibility to brittle fracture.
Sheath Creep and Rupture
Internal gas pressure can lead to long-term creep of Zircaloy. If excessive, this can potentially
rupture the Zircaloy.
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
As noted in Chapter 17, SCC (also called environmentally-assisted cracking, or EAC, in Chapter
17) occurs when irradiation-embrittled Zircaloy experiences sufficiently high tensile stresses in
the presence of a corrosive environment for a sufficiently long duration. Depending on the
magnitude of stress and of intensity of the corrosive environment, through-wall cracks due to
SCC can occur quickly, or slowly, or not at all. During storage, long-term stresses are provided
by internal gas pressure. A corrosive internal environment is provided by fission gases that were
released during irradiation in the reactor.
Mechanical Overstress
From NWMO [2012a]: “As long as the fuel bundles are supported by baskets in intact
containers, they are not subjected to significant load-bearing stresses. If tremors associated
with earthquakes caused the fuel bundles to vibrate sufficiently, presumably some of the fuel
pellets or the cladding could be damaged. The damaged material would remain in an intact
container, and the overall evolution of the used fuel bundles would not be significantly
This would be a consideration mainly during transportation of irradiated fuel bundles, e.g., to
sites for dry storage and/or long-term disposal or isolation.
Defective Fuel
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14 The Essential CANDU
Sometimes fuel can develop defects in the reactor, that is, the Zircaloy develops a hole or a
crack. Detailed discussions of this phenomenon are provided in Chapters 17 and 18.
A hole or crack in Zircaloy will allow oxygen-containing air to come in contact with UO2. This,
over time, can potentially oxidize the pellet to higher states of oxygen, such as U3O8. The latter
is less dense than the former, and therefore the pellet can swell. Excessive swelling of the pellet
can potentially split the sheath. Under these conditions, in addition to the original hole or
crack, the Zircaloy can develop further splits during storage.
Other Effects and Remarks
The literature also mentions other mechanisms pertinent to potential fuel damage, for example,
hydraulic processes and biological processes. They are not covered in this chapter for the sake
of brevity. Combinations of these various mechanisms are also possible.
These fuel failure mechanisms during storage have been postulated partly from first principles
and partly from exploratory experiments. Because several of these mechanisms are thermally
activated and increase non-linearly with temperature, it would be good design practice to keep
storage temperatures reasonably low. Design studies as well as experience to date indicate that
under realistic as-designed operating conditions, the actual risk of fuel failure from any of these
postulated mechanisms is negligibly small. Some of these aspects are illustrated in the
following sections.
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 15
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16 The Essential CANDU
Inside the core, fuel bundles reside in horizontal fuel channels and are cooled by high-pressure
heavy water. During refuelling, new fuel bundles are inserted into a fuel channel (usually in the
same direction as the coolant flow), and irradiated bundles are removed from the same fuel
channel by two fuelling machines operating in tandem. One machine, labelled as the “charge”
machine in the figure, inserts new fuel bundles at one end of the channel, and the other,
labelled the “accept” machine, removes irradiated bundles from the other end. The two
machines reverse charge/accept roles depending on the channel being fuelled (i.e., the flow
direction in the channel being fuelled). Fuelling machines, when connected to the fuel channel,
act as extensions of the fuel channel pressure boundary and provide the required cooling for
irradiated fuel bundles while they are inside the fuelling machine. The “accept” machine
delivers the irradiated bundles to the irradiated fuel (spent fuel) port. From there, the bundles
are moved by other remotely operated means to the irradiated fuel discharge room, which
contains ordinary water at atmospheric pressure.
During their residence in the reactor, and during all movements within the reactor and the
irradiated fuel storage bay, the bundles are oriented in the horizontal position. This is the
orientation for which the bundles are designed when they are subjected to the flow and power
conditions inside the reactor fuel channel (Chapter 17), and therefore this would be the
preferred orientation for the bundles throughout their storage and disposal life. However, a
single tier of vertical bundles supported on their end plates is also an acceptable configuration,
provided that the bundles are not required to support more than their own weight.
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 17
moved to the spent fuel storage bay, where they are loaded underwater by a remotely
controlled bundle loading apparatus into storage trays that rest on storage racks. More recently,
consideration has been given to replacing the storage trays or racks with storage baskets which
are directly transferrable to dry storage containers. Both the trays or racks and the baskets are
designed to ensure:
adequate cooling of the bundles in the storage bay,
avoidance of damage to bundles during their residence in the pool,
avoidance of damage to pool components,
compliance with safeguards monitoring requirements (e.g., bundle serial numbers are
readily visible),
direct transfer of bundles (baskets only) into dry storage containers, and
use of the most compact arrangements of bundles in the pool.
As an illustrative exercise, one can determine the number of bundles discharged from a CANDU
6 reactor in one year, assuming the following:
The plant’s electrical output is 600 MW(e).
The plant overall efficiency of conversion of thermal power to electricity is ~30%.
Capacity factor (fraction of time the plant is running at full power) is 90%.
Each bundle contains approximately 19 kg of U and produces thermal power (average
discharge burn-up) of 6,500 MWd(th)/teU.
Using the above parameters, one can determine:
Total thermal energy produced in one year: 657,000 MWd(th) (=600x0.9x365/0.3).
Average thermal energy produced by an individual fuel bundle: 123.5 MWd (th)
Number of bundles required to produce the reactor’s annual power: 5,320 bundles
The storage pool is designed to accommodate the spent fuel generated from 10 years of
operation (~53,200 bundles in this example) plus one full core-load of bundles (4560 bundles in
this example; 380 channels containing 12 bundles each). The additional capacity of one core-
load provides for the possibility of having to unload the entire core to accommodate
refurbishment. In practice, bundles could begin to be removed from the pool as early as seven
years after their placement into the pool, reducing the risk that pool capacity would be reached
anytime during reactor life.
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18 The Essential CANDU
Nuclear Power Plant at Trois-Rivières, QC; Darlington Nuclear Power Plant in Darlington ON;
Pickering Power Plant at Pickering ON; and Bruce Power Plant at Tiverton ON.
Designs, layouts, and dimensions of irradiated fuel bays (IFBs) differ from one station to
another. As an illustrative example, the following discussion concerns an IFB with three
sections: a reception bay; a long-term (or main) storage bay; and a transfer bay.
Irradiated fuel is received in the reception bay and stored there for one to two weeks (Figure 4).
Then it is transferred to the long-term storage bay and stored there for a few years. The long-
term storage bay usually also has a fuel inspection station where fuel can be inspected
underwater, for example to monitor and assess fuel performance. Finally, in the transfer bay
(not shown in Figure 4), fuel is loaded (underwater) into storage baskets en route to placement
in dry storage
Figure 5 illustrates a typical irradiated fuel storage bay. The sizes of the bays differ in different
stations, e.g., as small as 20 m x 12 m or as large as 34 m x 17 m [OECD/NEA, 2015]. These have
a surface area similar in size to an Olympic-size swimming pool, but the IFBs are constructed of
double-walled reinforced concrete and are much deeper. To provide sufficient radiological
shielding to workers above, water in IFBs is usually 6–8 m deep. Typically, the volumes of water
in C6 IFBs are: reception bay, 700 m3, and main storage bay, 2,000 m3.
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20 The Essential CANDU
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 21
The cross section of each module is about 8 m wide and about 7 m high. Each MACSTOR unit
can store about 12,000 CANDU fuel bundles.
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22 The Essential CANDU
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 23
Lian [2010] provides an overview of the integrity of irradiated CANDU fuel during interim dry
storage in MACSTOR and the associated research and development. Lian concludes the
Highest fuel temperature is less than 150°C; and
Maximum sheath hoop stress is less than 4 MPa.
The above conditions are less demanding than those experienced by LWR fuel during dry
storage. Therefore, based on detailed assessments of LWR fuels done by the Electric Power
Research Institute in the United States, Lian [2010] concluded the following for CANDU fuel
stored in MACSTOR:
Creep-rupture and external oxidation should not cause failure at storage below 300°C;
For storage temperatures below 300°C, stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) is the most likely
mode of fuel failure, but even it is unlikely to occur to any significant extent during dry
Fatigue is not a limiting failure mechanism for stored fuel sheaths; and
Sheath splitting by UO2 oxidation is a limiting mode only for fuel rods that have already
developed defects.
Based on the above discussion, Lian [2010] projects that the failure rate in CANDU fuel during
dry storage in MACSTOR would likely be in the neighbourhood of 0.001% of fuel rods in 100
years. This is 1,000 times lower than the criterion noted earlier.
7.7 Shielding
As also noted in Section 5, radiation (i.e., the shielding requirement) does not diminish
proportionately as much as heat generation and requires continuing attention in handling of
irradiated fuel. As an illustrative example, nominal wall thickness in MACSTOR is approximately
one metre of ordinary concrete to control direct radiation exposure at the outside wall. This is
an indication that significant radiation can be expected from stacks of irradiated fuel bundles,
even six years after discharge.
8.1 Strategy
Several options are available for permanent disposal or isolation of irradiated nuclear fuel,
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24 The Essential CANDU
including isolation in stable geological formations or emplacement in abandoned salt mines.
After many decades of research [Boulton, 1978], detailed evaluations, and public consultations
[Seaborn, 1998], Canada has opted for centralized containment and isolation of irradiated
nuclear fuel in a deep geological repository (DGR) [NWMO, 2015a]. Several other nuclear
countries are also inclined towards geological repositories, e.g., Finland, Sweden, France,
Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
“The goal of (Canada's) plan is to place the (irradiated) fuel deep underground in rock where
it will be constantly watched to make sure it is secure and not affecting anything around it.
Then at some point in the future, people can decide if they want to close the facility and
return the ground to its natural state” [NWMO, 2015b]. This approach includes an optional
step of interim shallow underground storage.
A key aspect of the current concept is to surround the irradiated fuel by multiple barriers, as
explained later in this section. This minimizes the potential for release of radionuclides should
any individual barrier fail.
The Canadian strategy for long-term waste fuel management is called “adaptive phased
management” (APM) [NWMO, 2015a] and is being administered by the Nuclear Waste
Management Organization (NWMO). APM covers all phases of high-level waste management,
including dry storage of fuel at the reactor site; the end result is final disposal (e.g., isolation in a
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 25
than others.
8.3 Repository
Figure 8 shows a conceptual design of an illustrative repository. The overall concept starts with
placing many fuel bundles inside a sealed, corrosion-resistant container called a “used fuel
container” (UFC). This step isolates the fuel bundles from groundwater and delays release of
radionuclides into the environment.
The containers in turn are surrounded by a buffer material, bentonite clay, which possesses two
physical characteristics that enhance its function of isolating the fuel. First, this natural clay can
absorb up to 10 times its weight in water. If moisture were to approach the containers filled
with used fuel, the bentonite clay would absorb the water and swell up, forming a seal around
the container. This would delay the groundwater from reaching the container. Second, this clay
has low permeability. Therefore, should the container fail, the clay would slow the diffusion of
radionuclides out of the repository.
Many such containers would be placed in a horizontal position inside placement rooms in the
repository, at a depth of some 500 m. Other concepts are also being considered, such as
vertical placement of containers in boreholes.
Thus, multiple barriers isolate the fission products from the biosphere: the UO2 matrix; the
Zircaloy sheath; the sealed copper containers; bentonite clay; and rock.
Current projections are that by their end of life, CANDU power reactors will irradiate some 4.6
million fuel bundles. To dispose of these, a typical repository would require an area of about 2
km x 3 km, or about 600 Ha or 1,480 acres.
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Initial calculations indicate that it takes between 25 and 40 years for the temperature of a fully
filled vault to go from ambient to 90°C, which would be a rather high temperature for workers.
Hence, one might need to consider potential arrangements for cooling the vault during the
waste emplacement period.
The rock temperature will be higher near the fuel and lower further away. This will lead to non-
uniform local expansion of the rock, which in turn will lead to thermal stresses. From “first
principles”, one can postulate that if the temperature gradients and the resulting thermal
stresses are large, the rock can potentially crack locally. However, are the thermal gradients
expected to be large enough to crack the rock?
As an illustrative example, let us assume that the rock temperature inside the repository is
100°C. The minimum temperature in the Earth’s crust at the depth of the repository must be
greater than the freezing temperature of water (because otherwise leaching and migration
would be impossible). Therefore, the maximum temperature gradient in the rock is ~100°C.
Considering that it takes at least 25 years for the vault temperature to increase by 70°C (see the
discussion earlier) provides a strong indication that the heat flux into the rock is extremely small
and therefore that the local stress anywhere in the rock due to the temperature gradient is also
very small.
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32 The Essential CANDU
a conceptual repository at a hypothetical site. The predicted dose rates provide good margins
of safety compared to the natural background dose rate and also compared to the acceptance
criteria recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 33
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34 The Essential CANDU
to water. When the reactor power increased, groundwater heated up and evaporated; this
caused the reactor to shut down. When the water cooled down and flooded the uranium
deposit, the power started up again, and so on. These reactors shut down permanently when
the concentration of 235U became depleted to a value that could no longer sustain a chain
reaction. However, the groundwater that had made the chain reaction possible continued to
flow over the ore body until it was discovered 2 billion years later.
Unfortunately, by the time the phenomenon of “natural reactors” was understood, most of the
locales where these natural reactors operated had been mined and the evidence of radionuclide
migration 2 billion years earlier destroyed. Fortunately, some sites were undisturbed, which
provided evidence that neither the plutonium (now totally decayed) nor the uranium had
migrated from the location in the grain where they existed when fission occurred. This is
powerful evidence that the model used for radionuclide migration in the Canadian waste
disposal assessments (which assume that the radionuclides percolate to the surface of the
repository together with groundwater) is extremely conservative.
Effectiveness of the buffer material
The most direct natural analogue that provides evidence of the effectiveness of the buffer
material is the uranium deposit in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan, known as
Cigar Lake. This deposit was discovered in 1981 and, after a lengthy period fraught with
production difficulties unrelated to its geology, came into production in 2014. It is one of the
richest (average ore grade of 20%) and largest deposits of uranium in the world. It occurs at a
depth of about 500 metres as a contiguous deposit about 2000 m long, 100 m wide, and 20 m
thick. A well-defined ridge of basement rocks about 2 billion years old underlies the mineralized
zone over its entire length.
The most remarkable feature that has relevance to the effectiveness of the buffer material is
the clay deposit that completely covers the ore deposit, on top of which there is an overburden
of sandstone. The fact that the ore deposit has survived undisturbed for about 2 billion years
speaks to the effectiveness of the clay barrier in preventing water from reaching the ore deposit
and leaching out uranium atoms. The effectiveness of this entombment is further verified by
the fact that the ore deposit provides no chemical or radioactive signal of its existence that can
be detected at the surface. The age of the ore deposit and the traumatic geological events that
have occurred during that time, and which events the clay barrier has survived intact, provide
indisputable evidence for the effectiveness of the clay barrier. Finally, it must be remembered
that the buffer material designated for use in the Canadian disposal facility will be superior to
the Cigar Lake clay, and that the host rock in the disposal facility will be far less permeable than
the sandstone of the Cigar Lake deposit. Additional thoughts on natural analogues can be found
in Whitlock [2015].
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 35
9 Problems
Section 2
Q2.1 – Why is it necessary to regulate and control storage and disposal of nuclear waste?
Q2.2 – Why do regulatory bodies such as the IAEA classify nuclear wastes?
Q2.3 – Which Canadian agency is responsible for regulating the manner in which nuclear wastes
are to be handled in Canada, and how many classes of nuclear waste are designated?
Section 3
Q3.1 – What are the two stages of nuclear fuel storage that are generally accepted and used in
Q3.2 – Why is nuclear fuel stored in water-cooled pools immediately after discharge from the
reactor and for several years thereafter?
Q3.3 – After being stored in a water-cooled pool for several years, why is it acceptable and
desirable to remove irradiated CANDU fuel bundles from the pool and store them in air-cooled
storage cylinders?
Section 4
Q4.1 - Designers of storage facilities must be mindful of a number of design requirements that
must be met to ensure the integrity and security of irradiated fuel while it is being stored. List
Section 5
Q5.1 – What are the two overriding requirements specified by the IAEA that must be met to
ensure the integrity of spent fuel while it is being stored?
Q5.2 - Whether stored in water-cooled pools or air-cooled storage cylinders, irradiated fuel and
its surroundings are potentially susceptible to a number of damage mechanisms and other
challenges. List them.
Section 6
Q6.1 – What is the preferred orientation for CANDU fuel bundles in-reactor and in storage
Q6.2 – Why are irradiated CANDU fuel bundles required to reside temporarily in air as they pass
from the fuelling machine to the irradiated fuel discharge room?
Q6.3 – How are the irradiated bundles, when residing in air, prevented from overheating?
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36 The Essential CANDU
Q6.4 – How much water is contained in a typical irradiated fuel storage pool?
Q6.5 – What can the operators of irradiated storage pools do to minimize oxidation of fuel
Zircaloy components?
Q6.6 – How are the workers inside irradiated fuel storage facilities protected from radiation
produced by irradiated bundles?
Q6.7 – What is the optimum stacking arrangement of irradiated CANDU bundles to prevent
criticality in the irradiated fuel bay?
Section 7
Q7.1 – Describe the main features of a storage cylinder.
Q7.2 – Although the thermal power of the irradiated bundles decreases dramatically while the
bundles are stored in water-cooled pools, the bundles’ emission of ionizing radiation remains
high (due to decay of long-lived isotopes and elements). How are people and the environment
protected from radiation when bundles are stored in concrete casks?
Section 8
Q8.1 – What types of geological formations are thought to be suitable for final entombment of
irradiated fuel (or fuel waste)?
Q8.2 – What is the proposed method in Canada for permanent disposal of high-level radioactive
Q8.3 – What is “adaptive phased management” and how does it influence Canada’s high-level
waste disposal program?
Q8.4 – What are the two distinct phases in the “life” of a disposal facility?
Q8.6 – What are the two physical properties of bentonite clay that make it eminently suitable
for sealing storage containers inside rock caverns?
Q8.7 – Once the irradiated bundles have been placed into containers and the containers sealed
inside the vault, how many barriers are at work to prevent the radioactivity from affecting
people and the environment? Name the barriers.
Q8.8 – What are the life-limiting factors for a storage container, and what is the container’s
expected lifetime?
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Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 37
Q8.9 – What is the principal characteristic of the Deep Geological Repository that provides
shielding protection to people and the environment from the radiological effects of irradiated
Q8.10 – The initial three barriers to release of radiologically harmful effects of irradiated fuel to
people and the environment are UO2 pellets, Zircaloy sheaths, and steel/copper containers,
which can delay the release of radioactivity for several million years and are assumed
(conservatively) to do so for 105 years. If these three barriers were accidentally breached
immediately after the fuel was entombed, how would the effects of radiation on people and
the environment be affected?
Q8.11 – Empirical verification of the efficacy of the proposed disposed concept would require
several hundred years, if not hundreds of thousands of years, which is not feasible. Therefore,
verification to date has been based on short-term experiments, computer modelling, and
natural analogues. Name and describe the natural analogues that have produced information
that provides direct support (verification) of the design of the disposal facility proposed in
10 References
AECL, 2007. “ACR-1000 Technical Summary”, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.
ANS, 2014. “Decay Heat Power in Light Water Reactors”, American Nuclear Society, Publication
J. Boulton, 1978. “Management of Radioactive Wastes: The Canadian Disposal Program”,
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Report AECL-6314.
CANDU Energy, 2014. “MACSTOR: Modular Air-Cooled Storage”, published by CANDU Energy,
CNSC, 2006. “Assessing the Long-Term Safety of Radioactive Waste Management”, Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission, Regulatory Guide G-320.
CNSC, 2015a. “Historic Nuclear Waste”, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Web site,
CNSC, 2015b. “Radioactive Waste”, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission,
H. Feiveson, Z. Mian, M.V. Ramana, and F. von Hippel (editors), 2011. “Managing Spent Fuel
from Nuclear Power Reactors Experience and Lessons from Around the World”,
International Panel on Fissile Materials, ISBN 978-0-9819275-9-6,
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38 The Essential CANDU
M. Garamszeghy, 2014. “Nuclear Fuel Waste Projections in Canada – 2014 Update”. Nuclear
Waste Management Organization, Report NWMO TR-2014-16.
W.J. Garland, 1999. “Decay Heat Estimates for the McMaster Nuclear Reactor”, McMaster
University Nuclear Reactor, Technical Report MNR-TR 1998-03, 11 pages.
S. Glasstone, A. Sesonske, 2014. “Nuclear Reactor Engineering: Reactor Design Basics / Reactor
Systems Engineering”, Springer, ISBN-13: 978-1-4615-7527-6 / 978146157276, ISBN: 0-
442-02725-7, Fourth Edition.
C. Hatton, 2015. “Development of the Canadian Used Fuel Repository Engineered Barrier
System”, 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, St. John, NB, Canada.
IAEA, 1994. “Design of Spent Fuel Storage Facilities”, International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA
Safety Series No. 116.
IAEA, 2002. “Long-Term Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel: Survey and Recommendations”,
International Atomic Energy Agency, Report IAEA-TECDOC-1293.
IAEA, 2003. “Radioactive Waste Management Glossary”, International Atomic Energy
Commission, STI/PUB/1155 ISBN 92–0–105303–7.
IAEA, 2009. “Classification of Radioactive Waste”, General Safety Guide GSG-1, International
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
IAEA, 2012. “Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel”, International Atomic Energy Agency, Specific
Safety Guide, Number SSG-15.
J. Lian, 2010. “Integrity Assessment of CANDU Spent Fuel During Interim Dry Storage in
MACSTOR”, IAEA International Conference on Management of Spent Fuel from Power
Reactors, Vienna, May 31–June 4, 2010.
J. McMurry, D.A. Dixon, J.D. Garroni, B.M. Ikeda, S. Stroes-Gascoyne, P. Baumgartner, T.W.
Melnyk, 2003. “Evolution of a Canadian Deep Geological Repository: Base Scenario”,
Ontario Power Generation, Nuclear Waste Management Division, Report 06819-REP-
NWMO, 2012a. “Used Fuel Repository Conceptual Design and Post-Closure Safety Assessment
in Crystalline Rock”, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Toronto, Canada. Report
NWMO TR-2012-16.
NWMO, 2012b. “Description of Canada’s Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel and Centre of
Expertise”, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Toronto, Canada.
NWMO, 2015a. “Implementing Adaptive Phased Management, 2015 to 2019”, Nuclear Waste
Management Organization, Canada.
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel – December 2015
Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel 39
NWMO, 2015b. “Managing Canada’s Used Nuclear Fuel”, Nuclear Waste Management
Organization, Toronto, Canada.
OECD/NEA, 2015. “Status Report on Spent Fuel Pools under Loss-of-Cooling and Loss-of-
Coolant Accident Conditions”, Nuclear Energy Agency, Report NEA/CSNI/R(2015)2.
OPG, 2009. “Darlington Environmental Assessment”, Ontario Power Generation, Nuclear Waste
Management, Technical Support Document, New Nuclear, Report NK054-REP-07730-
00027 Rev 000.
OPG, 2015. “Pickering Waste Management Facility”, Ontario Power Generation, Brochure.
A.J. Rothman, 1984. “Potential Corrosion and Degradation Mechanisms of Zircaloy Cladding on
Spent Nuclear Fuel in a Tuff Repository”, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Report UCID-20172.
B. Seaborn (Chair), 1998. “Environmental Assessment Panel: Review of Nuclear Fuel Waste
Management and Disposal Concept”, Report to Canada’s Ministers of Environment and
of Natural Resources, published by Minister of Public Works and Government Services
Canada. Catalogue No. EN-106-30/1-1998E, ISBN: 0-662-26470-3.
K. Tsang, 1996. “Storage of Natural Uranium Fuel Bundles in Light Water: Reactivity Estimates”,
Proceedings of the CNS Simulation Symposium, Montreal, Quebec.
J.E. Villagran, 2013 and 2014. “Long-Term Management of Canada’s Used Nuclear Fuel”, CANDU
Fuel Technology Course, Canadian Nuclear Society.
J. Whitlock, 2015. “The Canadian Nuclear FAQ, Section E: Waste Management”,
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Storage and Disposal of Irradiated Fuel – December 2015
40 The Essential CANDU
13 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their contributions, hard work, and
excellent comments during the development of this chapter; their feedback has much improved
Jim Lian
Brian Ikeda
Kwok Tsang
Jennifer Noronha
Of course the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the authors.
Thanks are also extended to J. Villagran for providing many figures; to Jeremy Whitlock for
providing initial write-ups on natural analogues and breach of containment; to Simon Oakley
and Media Production Services, McMaster University, for nicely drawing the figures; and to
Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Fuel Handling and Storage
prepared by
Diane Damario P. Eng,
Senior Engineer – Mechanical, Fuel Handling, Nuclear Power,
SNC-Lavalin Nuclear Inc., Candu Energy Inc.
CANDU® reactors are fuelled on a somewhat continuous basis while on-power. This fuelling
capability is mainly performed by two remotely operated fuelling machines. CANDU®1 6 fuelling
machines are part of the fuel handling and storage system, which is divided into three main sub-
systems. New fuel transfer and storage involves the receipt, handling and storage of palletized
crates of unirradiated, or new, fuel, the inspection and handling of individual new fuel bundles
and the transfer of this fuel into a fuelling machine via a new fuel port. Fuel changing involves a
pair of fuelling machines transporting new fuel from a new fuel port to the reactor face, loading
and unloading fuel from a reactor fuel channel and transporting discharged irradiated fuel from
the reactor face to a spent fuel port. Spent fuel transfer and storage involves the discharge of
irradiated fuel from a fuelling machine and the transfer and storage of this irradiated fuel in
water-filled bays until the fuel is transferred to dry storage.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................... 3
2 Fuel Handling and Storage System Overview ......................................................................... 3
3 New Fuel Transfer and Storage ............................................................................................... 7
3.1 System Description ......................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Component Description.................................................................................................. 7
3.3 System Operation.......................................................................................................... 12
4 Fuel Changing........................................................................................................................ 14
4.1 System Description ....................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Component Description................................................................................................ 14
4.3 System Operation.......................................................................................................... 18
5 Spent Fuel Transfer and Storage ........................................................................................... 29
5.1 System Description ....................................................................................................... 29
1 CANDU® (CANada Deuterium Uranium) is a registered trademark of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
used under exclusive licence by Candu Energy Inc.
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
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Fuel Handling and Storage 3
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
This chapter provides an overview of a typical CANDU 6 fuel handling and storage system
handling natural uranium fuel. It does not address the potential use and handling of alternative
fuels. Although the fuel handling and storage systems of different CANDU 6 stations are almost
identical to each other, there are some differences resulting from evolution over time. As a
result, some of the equipment described herein, may not be applicable to all CANDU 6 stations.
Although this chapter does not address the fuel handling and storage system of CANDU stations
other than CANDU 6, the equipment and processes described herein share many similarities
with their equipment and processes.
This chapter explains how the fuel handling and storage system is divided into three main sub-
systems: new fuel transfer and storage, fuel changing and spent fuel transfer and storage. It
discusses the structures, equipment and purpose for each sub-system, and provides descrip-
tions of major components and system processes.
Section 3 covers the new fuel transfer and storage system, Section 0 covers the fuel changing
system and Section 5 covers the spent fuel transfer and storage system.
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4 The Essential CANDU
On-power refuelling, which involves replacing discrete amounts of fuel in the core as required
while the reactor is operating, is a major contributor to the high capacity factor of existing
CANDU reactors. Other advantages of on-power refuelling include the following:
Optimized burnup of natural uranium fuel and, therefore, lower fuelling costs.
Low excess reactivity available, which reduces the requirement for reactivity control during
Flexibility to plan scheduled shutdown activities that do not have to include fuelling opera-
Low levels of fission products in the heat transport system, by early detection and removal
of failed fuel bundles.
The sequence of movements for typical fuel handling and storage operations is illustrated in
Figure 2. The average equilibrium fuelling rate in the CANDU 6 reactor at full power is ap-
proximately 112 fuel bundles per week.
New fuel transfer and storage, described in Section 3, involves new, or unirradiated, fuel being
received and stored in the new fuel storage room in the service building. New fuel is trans-
ferred to the new fuel loading room in the reactor building as required. There, fuel is loaded
into one of two new fuel transfer mechanisms for transfer into one of the fuelling machines via
the new fuel ports.
Fuel changing, described in Section 0, involves new fuel being received by a fuelling machine via
one of the new fuel ports, fuelling machines travelling to the reactor face, new fuel being
inserted into and irradiated fuel being removed from one of the 380 fuel channels by the
fuelling machines, fuelling machines travelling from the reactor face, and irradiated fuel being
discharged via one of the spent fuel ports.
Spent fuel transfer and storage, described in Section 5, involves irradiated fuel being received
from fuelling machines via spent fuel ports and placed in water-filled fuel storage bays.
The fuelling machines, the new fuel transfer equipment and the spent fuel discharge equipment
are normally operated remotely and automatically from the fuel handling control console in the
control room. The automatic control system for the fuel handling and storage system uses one
of the station computer-controllers and includes the fuel handling control console in the Main
Control Room and local control panels specific to the fuel handling system.
Personnel are normally only required to enter the reactor building to load new fuel and to
maintain the fuel handling system components. . Regular and frequent maintenance of fuel
handling equipment, particularly the fuelling machines, is required to prevent or minimize
unexpected breakdown of fuel handling equipment and to maintain or achieve station target
capacity factors. Breakdown of fuel handling equipment at the reactor face and/or while
manipulating irradiated fuel is particularly undesirable and problematic due to very high radia-
tion fields.
The term ‘irradiated fuel’, which is common in the industry and is more precise, is used when
referring to the fuel itself; however, the term 'spent fuel' is used when referring to applicable
fuel handling subsystems and components per traditional fuel handling naming conventions for
these subsystems. Refer to Chapter 17, for information about the fuel.
Note that the figures provided are for illustrative purposes only. Actual fuel handling and
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Fuel Handling and Storage 5
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8 The Essential CANDU
A powered, pallet cart is available at the equipment airlock level to transfer up to two pallets at
a time between the service building and the reactor building through the equipment airlock.
Air Balance Hoist and Jib Crane
The air balance hoist is mounted on a jib crane. This crane is pivoted from the building wall
above the two new fuel transfer mechanisms and covers the area of the new fuel loading room
through which new fuel bundles have to be moved. The air balancing hoist is free to travel
along the length of the jib. It is air-powered and can be adjusted to balance the load from a
control on the operator’s handgrip.
Fuel Bundle Lifting Tool
The fuel bundle lifting tool is used with the air balance hoist to manually load fuel bundles into
the new fuel transfer mechanism loading trough. The bundle lifting tool is a manually operated
device which clamps around the end plates of the fuel bundles, through lifting adaptors. When
the bundle is suspended, it is clamped securely by the toggle action of the tool linkage. The
lifting adaptors are mounted on spherical bearings which allow the adaptors to align with the
bundle end plates and permit the bundle to be rotated for inspection. The air balancing hoist
used with the bundle lifting tool allows the operator to transfer the fuel bundles without
damage and with a minimum of effort.
Fuel Spacer Interlocking Gauge
The fuel spacer interlocking gauge is used for checking the diameter of each fuel bundle over
the central spacers before the bundles are loaded into the new fuel transfer mechanism maga-
zine. This gauge is used while the fuel bundle is supported on the fuel bundle lifting tool. This
gauge consists of two pivoted segments and a dial gauge having a shaded area which indicates
the go/no-go range. The dial gauge is used to verify that the bundle has not changed shape
during transit and that the pencil spacers have not interlocked. This is to verify that the bundle
diameter has not expanded and that it will pass through the fuel handling tubes and the reactor
channel without interference.
Loading Trough and Loading Ram
The loading trough and loading ram are provided for moving the new fuel into the magazine of
the new fuel transfer mechanism. Two fuel bundles are normally loaded into the trough, and
after the bundles are loaded, the lid is closed and the bundles pushed into the magazine by the
loading ram. The trough is provided with a hinged lid which is interlocked to prevent operation
of the ram unless the lid is closed. Limit switches are mounted in the trough and provide an
indication to the control system when a fuel bundle is placed in the trough. The loading ram is
in line with the top magazine station of the new fuel transfer mechanism. The ram is an oil/air
operated, double acting cylinder, supplied from the new fuel transfer auxiliaries. Oil pressure is
used to extend the ram to provide smooth ram operation and adequate lubrication.
Air Lock Valve
The air lock valve is pneumatically operated and is installed between the loading trough and the
new fuel transfer mechanism magazine, to seal off the magazine whenever fuel is not being
loaded into the magazine. This valve prevents the spread of contamination from the fuelling
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Fuel Handling and Storage 9
machine head, the maintenance lock or the fuelling machine vault, into the new fuel loading
room. Limit switches indicate when the valve is in the open and closed positions.
New Fuel Transfer Mechanism Magazine
The new fuel transfer mechanism magazine assembly consists of a leak-tight housing, a rotor,
and a drive unit. The magazine housing is a drum-like enclosure with a normally closed drain
connection to the active drainage system and a vent to the reactor building vapour recovery
system to remove any contamination through purging. The magazine rotor contains seven
tubular channels, six for accommodating the fuel bundle pairs and one for the new fuel transfer
mechanism shield plug.
New Fuel Transfer Mechanism Shield Plug
The shield plug, which is normally installed in the new fuel port except when new fuel is being
transferred to the fuelling machine, reduces radiation streaming into the new fuel loading room
when a fuelling machine containing irradiated fuel passes the end of the new fuel port in the
fuelling machine maintenance lock.
Transfer Ram and Drive
The function of the transfer ram is to remove and install the shield plug between the new fuel
port and the transfer mechanism magazine and to push the new fuel bundles from the new fuel
transfer mechanism magazine into the fuelling machine. The openings for the transfer ram on
the magazine front and rear covers are located at a bottom position, in line with the respective
magazine station. The ram head incorporates a latch assembly for engagement with the shield
plug. Ram position, for control of ram stopping and speed changing operation, is detected by a
shaft encoder mechanically connected to the chain drive sprocket shaft.
Magazine/Port Adapter
An adapter assembly is bolted to the new fuel transfer mechanism front cover, at a bottom
position in line with the respective magazine station and the fuel transfer ram. The adapter
connects the magazine to the new fuel port and consists of a spool piece with two dou-
ble-acting pneumatic cylinders. Its function is to hold the shield plug in position in the new fuel
New Fuel Ports
The new fuel ports are mounted in embedments in the walls between the new fuel loading
room and the fuelling machine maintenance locks. Each port is a tubular connection with an
end fitting at one end extending into the fuelling machine maintenance lock and the other end
engaging with the fuel transfer mechanism port adaptor. When loading fuel into a fuelling
machine, the new fuel port becomes the passageway for bundle movement from the fuel
transfer mechanism to the fuelling machine.
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Fuel Handling and Storage 11
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Fuel Handling and Storage 13
New unirradiated fuel bundles, which are made up of natural uranium, have a very low level
radioactivity, and can be handled safely by personnel without protective clothing (Note: gloves
are normally worn).
Once the operator has manually placed two fuel bundles in the loading trough and closed the
trough lid, the fuel bundles are pushed into the new fuel transfer mechanism magazine by the
loading ram. The magazine is indexed, using the local control panel mounted on the new fuel
transfer mechanism. This process is repeated until the magazine contains the required number
of fuel bundles.
The transfer of fuel bundles from the new fuel transfer magazine to the fuelling machine
magazine is normally performed under complete computer control, using a series of steps.
Confirmation of the successful completion of each step, which is indicated by either a limit
switch or a shaft encoder, is required prior to starting the following step. Prior to beginning the
transfer sequence, the fuelling machine is clamped onto the new fuel port and its heavy water2
level is lowered to just below the snout.
To ensure that the system is ready to begin the sequence, the computer memory is checked to
confirm that the fuelling machine snout plug is stored in its magazine station and that the guide
sleeve has been installed in the snout. Feedback must indicate that all rams are retracted to
their home positions, that the air lock valve is closed, that there is new fuel in the new fuel
transfer mechanism magazine, and that the new fuel transfer mechanism magazine is not in
use. All conditions being satisfactory, the new fuel magazine is rotated to the shield plug
station, the ram is advanced to remove the shield plug from the port, and then retracted to
deposit the shield plug in the magazine for storage. The commands are then given to rotate the
fuelling machine magazine to an empty station and the new fuel magazine to a full station. The
new fuel transfer ram is then fully advanced to push two new bundles into the fuelling machine
magazine station. The rams are retracted to their respective home positions, the fuelling
machine and new fuel magazines are rotated to the next stations, and two more fuel bundles
are transferred. This process is repeated until the fuelling machine magazine contains the
required number of bundles. After completion of the fuel bundle transfer, the shield plug is
re-installed into the new fuel port and locked in place. The fuelling machine then removes the
guide sleeve from the new fuel port, installs its snout plug, raises its heavy water level and is
unclamped from the new fuel port in order to traverse to the reactor face.
Normal handling of new fuel in air or light water does not pose criticality problems for natural
Note: New fuel bundles for the initial core are manually loaded into the fuel channels. Visual
inspections of these new fuel bundles are performed on a loading platform at the reac-
tor face.
2 Heavy water (D2O) has deuterium atoms instead of hydrogen atoms and is approximately 10% heavier than light
or regular water.
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14 The Essential CANDU
4 Fuel Changing
4.1 System Description
Fuel changing, depicted in Figure 5, involves the structures, equipment and activities required
to transport new fuel from the new fuel port to the reactor, to load and unload fuel from the
fuel channel, and to transport the discharged fuel from the reactor to the spent fuel port. This
is mainly performed by two fuelling machine heads remotely operated from the Main Control
Each fuelling machine head is suspended on a carriage, which moves horizontally along bridge
rails in its respective fuelling machine vault and on tracks in its respective fuelling machine
maintenance lock. A bridge assembly, adjacent and parallel to each reactor face, provides for
vertical movement of the fuelling machine head and its carriage. Each bridge and carriage
assembly allows a fuelling machine to access all 380 reactor fuel channels at the respective
reactor face. The maintenance lock tracks align with the lowest bridge position to allow trans-
fer of the fuelling machine and carriage between the fuelling machine vault and the mainte-
nance lock.
The fuelling machine D2O system supplies the fuelling machines with heavy water to cool
irradiated fuel temporarily stored in the fuelling machines, operate associated fuelling machine
mechanisms and generate injection flow. The oil hydraulic system supplies the fuelling ma-
chines and carriages with oil to operate and lubricate associated mechanisms. The catenary
system conveys heavy water, hydraulic oil and electrical power and control signals to and from
the mobile fuelling machine heads and carriages.
The fuelling machine heads are normally stored in two maintenance locks, where they can lock
onto the new fuel ports to accept new fuel, onto the service ports for maintenance and re-
hearsal, or onto the spent fuel ports to discharge irradiated fuel.
Powered shielding doors separate the fuelling machine vault and the reactor from the mainte-
nance locks and, when closed, provide shielding that allows personnel access to the fuelling
machines in the maintenance locks while the reactor is operating.
The on-channel fuel changing operations are performed in the direction of coolant flow in the
channel. Each fuel channel contains 12 fuel bundles. Typically, eight new fuel bundles are
inserted at the upstream end of a fuel channel, and eight irradiated fuel bundles are removed
at the downstream end. Since the coolant in adjacent fuel channels flows in opposite direc-
tions, for reasons of reactor symmetry, each fuelling machine is an upstream machine (carrying
new fuel) and a downstream machine (carrying irradiated fuel) at different times.
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Fuel Handling and Storage 15
channel assembly for the purpose of fuel changing. The fuelling machine head contains heavy
water and is designed to form an extension of the heat transport system pressure boundary to
enable refuelling operations to be carried out with the reactor at full power.
Snout Assembly
The snout assembly, located at the front of the fuelling machine and shown in Figure 7, enables
the fuelling machine head to clamp onto any reactor fuel channel and to seal the connection at
high pressure and temperature. To achieve loading of new fuel bundles and the discharging of
irradiated fuel bundles from the fuelling machine, the snout assembly is capable of locking onto
the new fuel port and the spent fuel port. It is also capable of connecting to the service ports as
The snout assembly includes the centre support, the clamping mechanism, the snout emer-
gency lock assembly, the head antenna and the snout probes. The clamping mechanism is
engaged by oil hydraulic pressure. The snout emergency lock, a passive safety lock, prevents
inadvertent removal of the snout assembly from an end fitting when the channel closure is not
installed. When the fuelling machine is not attached to a fuel channel or port, the snout is
sealed with a snout plug.
Magazine Assembly
The magazine assembly, as shown on Figure 7, includes a twelve-chamber rotor inside a pres-
sure-retaining housing assembly for storing fuel bundles, channel closures, shield plugs, a snout
plug, a ram adapter, a guide sleeve and tool, and a flow assist ram extension (FARE) tool.
It also includes a drive system, comprising an indexing mechanism driven by an oil-hydraulic
motor for turning the magazine rotor, and the magazine emergency drive, a manual drive
facility to rotate the magazine rotor if the oil hydraulic motor becomes disabled.
Ram Assembly
The ram assembly, shown in Figure 8, provides the necessary axial movements and forces
required for the transfer and discharge of the fuel bundles, or the installation and withdrawal of
various tools and plugs such as the guide sleeve, the channel closure plug, the shield plug, and
the snout plug. The ram assembly consists of a B ram, a latch ram and a C ram. These rams are
essentially concentric tube assemblies supported within a pressure-retaining ram housing.
Each ram has a different head assembly to perform the necessary plug or fuel changing opera-
tion. Both the B ram and the latch ram are driven by oil hydraulic motors through a gear
system and ball screws. The C ram acts as a multi-stage hydraulic cylinder and is powered by
the fuelling machine D2O system.
For each fuelling machine head there are two separator assemblies which perform identical
functions and operate in synchrony. They are mounted in penetrations through the magazine
front cover at points just forward of the magazine tubes and each assembly is oriented at 67.5°
from the vertical. The separators sense the gaps between two fuel bundles or between a fuel
bundle and ram adapter or FARE tool, provide a signal to the computer to stop the fuelling
machine ram at the correct position, restrain the axial motion of the fuel column due to hydrau-
lic forces from the fuel channel flow, push the bundles that have been separated from the fuel
column into the magazine to allow clearance for magazine rotation, and verify the presence of
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16 The Essential CANDU
the shield plug and the FARE tool during the refuelling operations. High pressure heavy water
from the fuelling machine D2O system is used to operate the separators.
Ram Adapter
The ram adapter, shown in Figure 9, attaches to the C ram head to provide a flat face for
contacting the end plate of a fuel bundle and to centralize and support the C ram, which
minimizes sagging of the ram. The ram adapter consists of five parts: the body, the sleeve, the
stem, the inner spring and the outer spring. The ram adapter body provides the contact face
with the fuel. The face is machined to simulate the end face of a fuel bundle, so that the gap
between the ram adapter and the fuel is identical to the gap between two fuel bundles. The
body is also machined to allow adequate cooling flow. The stem is screwed into the bore of the
body and is contoured to connect with the C ram. The sleeve is spring-loaded by the concentric
inner and outer springs and locks the C ram to the stem.
Guide Sleeve and Tool
The channel closure seal face in each fuel channel end fitting forms a step in the fuel channel,
the bore of the channel being smaller than the bore of the end fitting. This discontinuity forms
an obstruction to the smooth passage of fuel bundles and shield plugs. The guide sleeve
provides a smooth bore for the passage of fuel bundles and shield plugs between the fuel
channel and the fuelling machine.
The guide sleeve is moved between the fuelling machine magazine and the fuelling machine
snout by the fuelling machine ram using a guide sleeve insertion tool. The guide sleeve and the
insertion tool are locked together except when the guide sleeve is in position in the snout and
end fitting. When not in use, they are stored together in the fuelling machine magazine and are
held in the magazine tube by a locating tube and spacer.
Snout Plug
The snout plug, shown in Figure 10, is used to seal the fuelling machine snout when the fuelling
machine is not attached to a fuel channel or port. It allows the interior of the fuelling machine
to be maintained full of water at a controlled temperature and pressure, to maintain cooling of
the irradiated fuel while in transit from the reactor fuel channel to the spent fuel port. The
fuelling machine snout plug is composed basically of two parts, the latching mechanism and the
seal assembly. The latching mechanism which makes up the rear half of the plug has four jaws
which are extended by a spider mechanism. These four jaws locate the plug in a groove in the
fuelling machine snout centre support. The front end of the snout plug is comprised of the seal
assembly, which is screwed onto the latch assembly. The seal assembly contains a large elas-
tomer O-ring seal and the associated mechanism required to expand and retract it.
its lowest position, the rails on the bridge are aligned with matching rails on the maintenance
lock tracks, enabling the carriage, with the fuelling machine head, to transfer between the
fuelling machine vault and the maintenance lock.
Each carriage assembly consists of a drive unit assembly, and upper and lower gimbal assem-
blies, as shown in Figure 11. In addition to horizontal motion along the bridge and maintenance
lock rails, the carriage assembly also provides fine vertical motion and motion toward and away
from the reactor (z-motion) and allows a controlled amount of rotation of the head. It also
provides a termination point for the catenary system.
The carriage also includes clamping mechanisms, which securely anchor the carriage to the
bridge rails when the fuelling machine head is clamped to a reactor end fitting, to prevent
excessive loads from being applied to the end fitting by the fuelling machine head during a
seismic event.
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18 The Essential CANDU
snout plug is removed, the guide sleeve is installed and the fuelling machine typically accepts
eight new fuel bundles from the new fuel port. The guide sleeve is removed, the snout plug
re-installed and the water level is raised. Fuel bundles are received and stored in pairs.
With the shielding doors open, both fuelling machines travel along the maintenance lock tracks
onto the fuelling machine bridges at each face of the reactor. The bridges are then raised and
the fuelling machines positioned on the bridge so that the fuelling machines are located at
opposite ends of the selected fuel channel. The fuelling machine with the new fuel is at the
upstream end while the other fuelling machine, which contains no fuel, is at the downstream
end of the same fuel channel.
Each fuelling machine then moves forward to home and lock onto the fuel channel end fitting
to form a secure and pressure-tight joint with the channel. Figure 12 depicts a typical
eight-bundle refuelling sequence.
The fuelling machines remove their snout plugs followed by the fuel channel closures. At this
point, the fuelling machines become part of the heat transport system pressure boundary. The
fuelling machine at the upstream end of the fuel channel removes the shield plug and typically
inserts eight new fuel bundles, two at a time, into the channel. The downstream fuelling
machine removes the shield plug and typically receives eight irradiated fuel bundles, two at a
time, into its magazine. The remaining twelve-bundle fuel string is then moved back to the
correct in-reactor position and the shield plugs and channel closures are re-installed in the fuel
channel. The fuelling machines re-install the snout plugs in their snouts, the channel closures
are checked for leaks and the fuelling machines are then retracted from the end fitting.
The fuelling machine containing irradiated fuel returns to the maintenance lock and discharges
the irradiated fuel through the spent fuel port.
An eight-bundle refuelling sequence, from the time that one fuelling machine clamps onto the
new fuel port to accept new fuel to the time that the other fuelling machine unclamps from the
spent fuel port after discharging irradiated fuel, as described above, typically takes approxi-
mately two hours. This includes approximately 30 minutes at the new fuel port, a little over 50
minutes at the reactor face and approximately 35 minutes at the spent fuel port.
Other fuelling schemes are also possible. For example, an alternate scheme is available for the
first refuelling visit to a fuel channel; it involves the fuelling machine at the upstream end of a
fuel channel inserting eight new fuel bundles as usual, and the fuelling machine at the down-
stream end of this fuel channel receiving ten irradiated fuel bundles and returning the first
bundle pair removed to the fuel channel. Although refuelling fewer than eight bundles at a time
is favourable with respect to improving fuel economy; it increases wear and tear on fuel han-
dling equipment, particularly on the fuelling machines. A fuelling machine can accommodate up
to eight fuel bundles when carrying a FARE tool, up to ten fuel bundles without a FARE tool, and
up to twelve fuel bundles when the reactor is shut down. Refuelling uneven numbers of fuel
bundles is expected to be limited to abnormal situations.
Bundle movement is controlled by the downstream fuelling machine, assisted by the coolant
flow inside the channel which moves the string of fuel bundles due to hydraulic drag.
The channel flow, however, varies depending on location. In the outer zone fuel channels
where the flow is lower, a FARE tool is used to provide sufficient hydraulic drag force to move
the fuel string under the reduced channel flow condition. The FARE tool is loaded at the end of
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20 The Essential CANDU
the fuel string after new fuel bundles have been inserted by the upstream fuelling machine.
The FARE tool is removed after the required number of irradiated fuel bundles is received by
the downstream machine and the fuel bundle string is moved back to its correct in-reactor
position. The FARE tool is used rather than the upstream machine ram so that the latter does
not enter the core to become activated and contribute to the dose rate to maintenance per-
sonnel working on the machine. The FARE tool (which also becomes activated when it passes
into the core) is discharged from the machine in the same manner as irradiated fuel bundles
before maintenance work is started. The FARE tool is not required on inner zone channels.
The failed fuel detection and location system, which is part of reactor instrumentation and
control, is used to detect and identify failed fuel in the reactor core. Its gaseous fission moni-
toring system detects the reactor loop in which the fuel failure has occurred. Its failed fuel
location system, also referred to as the delayed neutron monitoring system, is then used to
identify in which channel of the particular coolant loop, the fuel failure occurred and to find, in
this particular channel, which bundle pair contains the failed bundle(s). It does this by monitor-
ing delayed neutrons via a sample station. The delayed neutron count rate decreases sharply
when a failed fuel bundle leaves the channel flow. Failed fuel bundle(s) are then identified via
their fuelling machine magazine position. They are otherwise handled by the fuelling machine
in the same way as undamaged fuel bundles.
The fuel changing system maintains irradiated fuel, temporarily stored in its magazine, at
acceptable temperatures by keeping it submerged and accommodating adequate heavy water
circulation in the fuelling machine magazine, except for the short period of time when fuel
bundles are exposed to air for discharge via the spent fuel port. The temperature of the water
in the fuelling machine magazine is monitored.
In order to prevent damage to fuel:
Fuel changing mechanisms are normally operated automatically according to pre-defined
Interlocks inhibit mechanism operations unless the configuration is acceptable.
Fuel changing components that interface with the fuel such as the ram adapter and the
separator assemblies are designed to limit the stresses in the fuel bundle to acceptable le-
When handling fuel, the ram forces are limited to prevent unacceptable axial forces on the
fuel bundles.
The geometry of the fuelling machine maintains the fuel subcritical even with heavy water
Fuel changing operations are performed remotely to limit radiation exposure of site personnel.
The fuelling machine shielding doors provide radiation shielding and a ventilation barrier
between the fuelling machine vaults and maintenance locks when the fuelling machine heads
and their carriage and suspension are in their maintenance locks to permit personnel access for
their maintenance. The atmosphere in the maintenance locks can be purged.
Prior to the start of maintenance work on the fuelling machine, plugs and tools, such as the
shield plug, ram adapter and FARE tool, which become activated when they enter the core, are
discharged from the fuelling machine.
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Fuel Handling and Storage 29
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30 The Essential CANDU
drain any heavy water into the D2O system. At the same time, the cavity is supplied with air to
assist in clearing any heavy water from the cavity.
Fuelling Machine Overflow Detection System
The fuelling machine overflow detection system includes a D2O collection container located
below the discharge end of the spent fuel port, and connected to the port. The container is
drained into the spent fuel discharge bay through a removable orifice. If the level of heavy
water in the fuelling machine fails to be lowered, a liquid level detector probe in the container
actuates a transmitter.
Port Valve Actuating System
The port ball valve actuating system is used to operate the spent fuel port ball valves via
pneumatic actuators.
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32 The Essential CANDU
at the discharge bay end of the canal and is secured by captive screws and tapered alignment
pins only at the reception bay end to facilitate removal and installation.
Fuel Transfer Canal Containment Gate
The fuel transfer canal containment gate is located at the entrance to the fuel transfer canal in
the spent fuel discharge bay. The stainless steel gate is raised and lowered by a pneumatic
actuator and includes a safety latch actuated by a second pneumatic actuator. It is closed and
becomes part of the containment boundary when the spent fuel port ball valves are open
during the discharge of irradiated fuel from the fuelling machine and through the spent fuel
port. Otherwise the gate is normally open to permit water circulation between the bays. The
containment gate opening permits passage of the conveyor cart with a full load of fuel.
Storage Tray Conveyor
The storage tray conveyor transports spent fuel storage trays, in any state of loading, between
the reception bay and the storage bay. The manually driven storage tray conveyor has three
superimposed frames, capable of telescopic extension. The bottom frame is bolted to the floor
of the reception bay, while the other end extends into a rectangular opening in the wall be-
tween the reception bay and storage bay. The storage tray conveyor is manually operated from
a handwheel located on the reception bay walkway and extended or retracted to the limit of its
travel as required.
Tools and Accessories
Spent fuel transfer equipment tools and accessories are located in the reception bay. They
enable fuel bundles to be transferred from the conveyor rack to a storage tray.
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Fuel Handling and Storage 33
Storage tray supports are provided in the reception bay, and in the main storage bay, to sup-
port the stacks of trays. Each support consists of a diagonally braced, stainless-steel frame,
supported on raised pads.
Storage Tray Lifting Tool
This tool is similar to the storage tray lifting tool used in the reception bay, except for the length
of the tool and the orientation of the handle to the head.
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34 The Essential CANDU
The elevating table is a carbon-steel rectangular table, which can be hooked onto either of the
elevator ladles. A rack of can lids can then be loaded onto the table and lowered into the bay
by the elevator.
Can Handling Tool
This tool is used to move empty failed fuel cans between the elevator ladle and the can storage
rack, between the rack and the trough, and to move full cans between the trough and conveyor
Lid Handling Tool
This tool allows the failed fuel can lids to be picked up from the storage rack and placed in
position in the canning equipment ram. The tool consists of a length of pipe, with a hook at the
top and a contoured fork at the bottom.
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Fuel Handling and Storage 35
options to supply cooling water to the exposed fuel bundles, to prevent fuel bundle overheat-
ing and possible subsequent bundle failure.
If the fuel bundles are stuck in the port and the outer ball valve can be closed, the level of
heavy water in the fuelling machine can be raised to flood the port with heavy water and cool
the fuel.
The standby cooling system can be initiated to provide cooling water to the spent fuel port via
its liner tube if fuel is stuck in the port such that the outer ball valve cannot be closed, and/or to
the length of the elevator travel to the bay water via spray headers mounted parallel to the
elevator ladle rails, if fuel is stuck on the elevator.
Once all fuel bundles are discharged onto the conveyor rack, the containment is sealed by
closing the spent fuel port globe valves, and the containment gate is then opened. The con-
veyor cart then travels on the discharge bay conveyor up to the containment gate. Once the
cart reaches the space between the two conveyors, one slotted bracket on the cart disengages
the pins of the chain as the pins go around the sprocket of the first conveyor. This automati-
cally aligns the other slotted bracket of the cart to engage the pins of the reception bay con-
veyor chain, which then moves the cart to the reception bay.
The fuel bundles are then transferred individually to a spent fuel storage tray. Full storage trays
are moved onto the extendable storage tray conveyor for transfer to the storage bay via an
opening in the wall between the two bays. Once in the storage bay, individual trays are lifted
by a hoist on the storage bay manbridge and placed in stacks on a storage tray support. The
storage tray conveyor then retracts until it closes the opening in the wall with its flow obstruc-
tion plate. This minimizes the movement of water between the two bays.
An operator on the manbridge manoeuvres all storage trays, and stacks them, using an electri-
cal hoist and storage tray handling tool.
Irradiated fuel bundles are typically stored in the spent fuel bays for a minimum of six years
prior to transfer to dry storage; this allows the heat of a natural uranium fuel bundle with
maximum burnup to decay enough to allow for dry storage. The typical transfer of irradiated
fuel to dry storage involves transferring irradiated fuel from storage trays into a storage basket,
drying and seal welding the basket, transferring the basket, via a transfer flask, to one of the
multiple storage cylinders within a concrete storage module. Fuel transfers are typically carried
in batch processes where the inventory from approximately one year of irradiated fuel produc-
tion is transferred to dry storage. The quantity of fuel baskets transferred to dry storage is
selected to completely fill the storage cylinders involved. Refer to Chapter 19 for additional
information on the dry storage of irradiated fuel.
The spent fuel storage bay can accommodate the storage of irradiated fuel in stacked spent fuel
storage trays, in addition to the space required for equipment to prepare the fuel for dry
storage. The storage capacity of the spent fuel storage bay accommodates the storage of
irradiated fuel for a minimum of six years of wet-storage after removal from the reactor, the
accumulation of inventory from at least one year of irradiated fuel production for transfer to
dry storage, plus a half-core off-load (sometimes referred to as one loop) for emergency
Normal handling of irradiated fuel bundles in air or light water does not pose criticality prob-
lems for natural uranium fuel.
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36 The Essential CANDU
Operations are carried under water as much as possible and the amount of time irradiated fuel
spends in air is minimized to maintain acceptable temperatures for the irradiated fuel and
prevent fuel damage.
During handling, the fuel bundle is supported on at least two bands of its wear pads. Minor
axial forces only are directly applied to the fuel sheaths via the endplates and endcaps.
Discharge operations are controlled remotely and the spent fuel discharge room is inaccessible
to personnel while irradiated fuel is being discharged or when there is a high radiation field.
The depth of water in the spent fuel bays has been calculated to limit exposure to any person-
nel in the area to well below allowable levels. Long-handled manual tools have markers to show
safe operating lift heights. Fixed area monitors are permanently installed in the spent fuel
transfer and storage areas and provide safe notification to personnel when radiation levels
exceed allowables. Consequently, operators do not normally require personal protective
equipment for radiation protection when handling irradiated fuel during normal operation.
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Fuel Handling and Storage 37
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40 The Essential CANDU
6 Problems
1. To accommodate eight months of reactor operation at equilibrium,
a. Approximately how many channels are required to be refueled by the fuelling machines?
b. Approximately how many fuel bundles need to be stored in the new fuel storage room?
c. How many pallets of new fuel are required?
2. Estimate the minimum number of fuel trays that the spent fuel storage bay needs to ac-
commodate, assuming that fuel is transferred to dry storage when an accumulation of fuel
from approximately one year of production has decayed adequately for dry storage?
3. Describe the typical direction of on-channel fuel changing operations and the benefit(s) of
operating in this direction.
4. Why does the level of water in the fuelling machine need to be lowered below its snout
level for the transfer of fuel bundles to the spent fuel port and from the new fuel port?
5. What measures can be taken if a fuel bundle(s) is (are) stuck during spent fuel transfer?
6. What is the purpose of the snout emergency lock?
7 Further Reading
[ISA1984] P. Isaac, “Evolution of On-power Fuelling Machines on Canadian Natural Uranium
Power Reactors”, AECL-8337, October 1984
[JAC2004] W.H. Jackson, “Design of On-Power Fuelling Machines”, CNS Bulletin, Vol. 25, No.
3, September 2004
[STE2006] R.G. Steed, Nuclear Power in Canada and Beyond, General Store Publishing
House, ISBN-13: 978-1-897113-51-6, 2006
8 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the author.
George Ilich
Benjamin Rouben
Thanks are also extended to Bill Garland for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management
prepared by
Dr. Benjamin Rouben, 12 & 1 Consulting, Adjunct Professor,
McMaster University & University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
This chapter describes the physical and mathematical models and the computational methods
used in the management of fuel in CANDU nuclear reactors. The concepts important to the topic
of fuel management are explained: fuel irradiation (fluence), fuel burnup, cross-section averag-
ing. The various levels of physics models used in fuel management are presented in quantitative
detail: these are the continuous refuelling model, the time-average model, patterned-age
snapshot models, and core-follow models. The typical reactivity curve for the CANDU lattice is
presented, and a method to estimate the average attainable fuel burnup from the reactivity
curve is explained. The CANDU initial core and the first few months of operation are discussed.
Finally, the chapter gives a short qualitative survey of advanced fuel cycles which could be
exploited in CANDU reactors.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................... 4
2 Definition of Concepts ............................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Fuel Irradiation................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Fuel Burnup..................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Relationship Between Fuel Irradiation and Fuel Burnup................................................ 5
3 CANDU Reactor Physics Computational Scheme.................................................................... 6
3.1 Lattice Calculation........................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Reactivity-Device Calculation.......................................................................................... 9
3.3 Full-Core Calculation ....................................................................................................... 9
4 Averaging Nuclear Cross Sections......................................................................................... 11
4.1 Averaging Over Space ................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Averaging Over Time..................................................................................................... 13
5 The Fuel Reactivity Curve...................................................................................................... 13
6 Exit-Burnup Estimation from Lattice Calculations ................................................................ 15
7 Flattening the Power Distribution......................................................................................... 16
8 Fuel-Management Calculations for Core Design .................................................................. 17
8.2 The CANDU Time-Average (Equilibrium-Core) Model .................................................. 19
9 More Design Calculations: Snapshots Based on the Time-Average Model .......................... 28
9.1 Channel-Irradiation-and-Power Cycle........................................................................... 28
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2 The Essential CANDU
List of Figures
Figure 1 Relationship of Fuel Burnup and Irradiation from POWDERPUFS-V Code ....................... 6
Figure 2 Face View of the CANDU Basic Lattice Cell ....................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Supercell for Calculation of Device Incremental Cross Sections....................................... 9
Figure 4 Face View of Full Reactor Model..................................................................................... 10
Figure 5 Top View of Reactor Physics Model ................................................................................ 11
Figure 6 Averaging the properties of a 2-region core ................................................................... 12
Figure 7 The Reactivity of the CANDU Lattice............................................................................... 14
Figure 8 Average Exit Irradiation Attainable with Daily Refuelling ............................................... 16
Figure 9 Example of Possible Time-Average Model, with Eight Irradiation Regions .................... 24
Figure 10 Flow Chart of Time-Average Calculation....................................................................... 25
Figure 11 Dwell Times (in FPD) from a Time-Average Calculation for the CANDU 6.................... 27
Figure 12 Channel-Power Cycle During On-Going Reactor Operation ......................................... 29
Figure 13 Possible Pattern for Order of Refuelling in a 6 x6 Region of Core ................................ 30
Figure 14 Possible Core Refuelling Sequence for the CANDU 6 ................................................... 31
List of Tables
Table 1 Sample Lattice Nuclear Cross Sections versus Fuel Irradiation .......................................... 8
Table 2 Example of Summary Results from a CANDU-6 Time-Average Calculation ..................... 27
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 3
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
CANDU Refuelling is carried out with the reactor at power. This feature makes the in-core fuel
management substantially different from that in reactors that must be refuelled during shut-
downs. The capability for on-power refuelling means that excess reactivity requirements are at
a minimum: only a few milli-k are necessary for continuous and short-term reactivity control.
This leads to excellent neutron economy and low fuelling costs.
The primary objective of CANDU in-core fuel management is to determine fuel-loading and fuel-
replacement strategies to operate the reactor in a safe and reliable fashion while keeping the
total unit energy cost low. Within this context, the specific objectives of CANDU in-core fuel
management are as follows:
Adjust the refuelling rate to maintain the reactor critical
Control the core power to satisfy safety and operational limits on fuel and channel
power, thus ensuring that the reactor can be operated at full rating
Maximize burnup within operational constraints, to minimize fuelling cost
Avoid fuel defects, to minimize replacement fuel costs and radiological occupational
To refuel a channel, a pair of fuelling machines latches onto the ends of the channel. A separate
chapter in this book describes the fuelling machine and the related fuel handling [Damario
2016]. An even number of fresh fuel bundles are inserted into the channel by the machine at
one end, and an equal number of irradiated fuel bundles are discharged into the machine at the
other end of the channel. For symmetry, the refuelling direction is opposite for next-neighbour
channels. In the CANDU-6 reactor, the refuelling direction is the same as that of coolant flow in
the channel.
Several refuelling operations are normally carried out daily, so that refuelling is almost continu-
ous. CANDU reactors offer extreme flexibility in refuelling schemes:
The refuelling rate (or frequency) can be different in different regions of the core,
and in the limit can in principle vary from channel to channel. By using different re-
fuelling rates in different regions, the long-term radial power distribution can be
shaped and controlled.
The axial refuelling scheme is not fixed;
A channel can be refuelled without delay if failed fuel exists or is suspected;
The fuel can be removed completely from a few channels, in order for example to
limit the channel axial growth.
This chapter will cover the topics relevant to the management of nuclear fuel in CANDU reac-
tors. Fuel management in CANDU has both design and operations aspects; both are covered in
this chapter. The concepts important to in-core fuel management will be explained: fuel irradia-
tion (fluence), fuel burnup, cross-section averaging. The various levels of physics models which
are used to carry out fuel-management calculations will be presented: these are the continu-
ous-refuelling model, the time-average model, patterned-age snapshot models, and core-follow
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4 The Essential CANDU
models. The purpose and use of the various calculations will be explained. Additional informa-
tion can be obtained from [Rouben 2003].
2 Definition of Concepts
Fuel irradiation (also known as fluence) and fuel burnup are separate but related concepts.
Both are in a way a measure of the “age” of the fuel in the reactor.
t F t dt
This definition is not quite complete, since the flux is a function of neutron energy E. We must
remove the vagueness and make the definition complete by specifying which flux is to be used.
The usual choice is to select F as the thermal flux in the fuel. Excluding for now the time
variable, we can write F as the integral of the flux as a function of energy:
F E dE
F (2)
where Eth is the upper bound of the thermal energy interval. Note: Since the thermal energy
interval may be defined differently in different computer codes, the fuel irradiation may vary
from code to code, and caution must therefore be exercised when comparing irradiation values
using different codes.
Having settled on the definition of fuel flux, let us return now to Eq. (1) and note that fuel
irradiation (fluence) is a monotonically increasing function of time, since flux is never negative.
The irradiation starts at 0 when the fuel bundle enters the core, and increases up to the time
when the fuel bundle exits the core. The value of the irradiation when the bundle exits from
the core is then called the exit or discharge irradiation.
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 5
The units of irradiation are units of flux multiplied by units of time. This gives for example
2 -1
.s *s, i.e., But a much more appropriate (microscopic) unit for area is the barn (b = 10-
cm2) or kilobarn (kb = 10-21 cm2). Thus, the common unit for irradiation is n/kb.
E R f t f t dt
B t
where M is the mass of uranium in the bundle, f is the fission cross section in the bundle, and
ER is the fission energy release per fission (~200 MeV).
In contrast to that of fuel irradiation, the definition of fuel burnup does not suffer from vague-
ness, since energy is a measurable, well-defined quantity. For this reason, if comparisons are to
be made between different computer codes, it is much easier, and preferred, to compare on the
basis of fuel burnup rather than of irradiation.
Similarly to fuel irradiation, fuel burnup is a monotonically increasing quantity, since the fuel
continues to fission and release energy with time. The burnup of the fuel in the fuel bundle
starts at 0 when the fuel bundle enters the core, and increases up to the time when the fuel
bundle exits the core. The value of the fuel burnup when the bundle exits from the core is then
called the exit or discharge burnup.
The units of fuel burnup are units of energy divided by units of mass. The most commonly used
burnup units are megawatt-days per megagram of uranium (MW.d/Mg(U)) or megawatt-hours
per kilogram of uranium (MW.h/kg(U)). The typical average exit discharge burnup in existing
CANDU reactors varies depending on the design of the core, and may range between 180 and
225 MW.h/kg(U) (or, equivalently, between 7,500 and 9,375 MW.d/MgU).
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 7
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 9
A typical full-core 3-d CANDU reactor model for use with finite-difference diffusion theory is
shown in Figure 4 (face view, showing adjuster modelled volumes) and Figure 5 (top view,
showing adjuster and liquid-zone-controller modelled volumes).
The full-core flux and power distributions are calculated in CANDU with the finite-difference
diffusion-theory code Reactor Fuelling Simulation Program RFSP-IST [Rouben 2002], or for
example with DONJON [Hébert 2012]. The DONJON code is currently freely available from École
Polytechnique de Montréal.
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12 The Essential CANDU
The flux is 1 and 2 in the two regions, and is a function of space in each region. How would
we calculate the overall average cross section ?
We want to conserve the total reaction rate, which is
RRtotal 11dV 2 2 dV (5)
V1 V2
1dV 2 dV RRtotal
which gives
11dV 2 2 dV
1dV 2 dV
This shows that the proper definition of the average cross section is obtained by averaging the
cross section with flux and volume weighting.
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 13
1dV 2 dV
1dV 2 dV
dV dV
11dV 2 2 dV
V 11dV 2 2 dV RRtotal (9)
V1 V2
t t dt
t dt
i.e., is basically the average of the cross section over irradiation on the irradiation interval.
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 17
B or rb (13)
Mrb BM
The most convenient units for rb are bundles/d, obtained for example from P in MW, B in
MW.d/Mg(U), and M in Mg(U)/bundle.
From this analysis we can see that by controlling the refuelling rate one can control the average
exit burnup. In fact, in this way we can control the reactivity of the fuel in each region. If we
run the fuel in a certain region to a higher burnup, we decrease the region’s reactivity, and
consequently lower the region’s power, as we will see in greater detail further below.
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18 The Essential CANDU
x x dx
x dx
t t dt
t dt
t t dt , d dt (16)
And if we define exit as the value of the fuel irradiation at the exit of the fuel channel (but note
that we are not limited to using the same value of exit irradiation in all channels), we get
exit exit
d d
Thus we would use the average values calculated as per Eq. (16) (for the various cross-section
types) at all bundle positions within each individual fuel channel. Note that actually Eq. (16) is
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 19
just another manifestation of Eq. 10). [Once again, note that we can select different values of
exit in different channels. Another way to visualize this is to realize that we have the option of
selecting different speeds of the fuel in different channels.]
Once all cross sections are defined for each position in core, and the incremental cross sections
of in-core devices are added, then we have a full axially-uniform reactor model for use with the
diffusion equation. The solution of that equation will be the core reactivity and the 3-
dimensional flux distribution in core, from which all powers, etc., can then be calculated.
Of course this is a simplified model of the properties in the reactor, since in each channel the
properties are modelled as uniform and we are losing the axial variation of lattice properties
over the channel. This is actually not as bad an approximation as may be thought, because it
can be shown that the bi-directional refuelling in CANDU reactors leads to approximately
constant lattice properties when these are averaged over 2 neighbouring channels (with the
same exit ). Thus, the axially-uniform model was used extensively in the early stages of CANDU
design development and analysis. However, eventually a model which better models the
variation of lattice properties in each individual channel was developed. This is the time-
average model, described in the next subsection.
fuel type(s), on the refuelling scheme, and on the overall core-reactivity decay rate.
The desired discharge (exit) burnup for the fuel, as an overall average and even by
core region
The power desired for each core zone or region – yes, this is something that can be
set at design time (of course the sum of the region powers must be equal to the total
core power).
These degrees of freedom are not all independent of one another: refuelling frequencies,
discharge burnup, and region powers are all interrelated. Nonetheless, it is clear that there is a
very broad range of possibilities available to the operator, even if a single fuel type is used.
Therefore, rational and orderly operation of the reactor really requires following guidelines in
terms of the average refuelling frequency of each channel.
8.2.2 Definitions
Let us start with some notation and some definitions:
Let c be a label for channel number, c = 1 to M, where M is the total number of channels in core
Let b be a label for a bundle-position number within a channel, b = 1 to Nc, where Nc
is the total number of bundles per channel
Then we can use cb as a label for a specific individual bundle position in core
Let x be a label for a type of nuclear cross section, e.g., absorption, fission, etc.
Let cb(t) and cb(t) be respectively the fuel flux and the cell flux at position cb at
some time t. These fluxes are actually multigroup quantities (2-group in the current
RFSP-IST). cb(t) and cb(t) are related by the so-called “F-factor”, ratio of flux in fuel
to average flux in cell; this is calculated by the lattice code.
Let tav,cb and tav,cb be the corresponding fuel and cell fluxes in the time-average
model. Because the time-average model does not have time as an independent pa-
rameter, these fluxes are not functions of time.
Let Dc be the average time interval between refuellings of channel c; this is also
known as the dwell time for channel c. [Note: This is not the same as the average
residence time of a bundle in core, since in most refuelling schemes some bundles
remain in core for more than 1 cycle.]
Let entr,cb be the fuel irradiation at the time of entrance of the fuel at position cb,
Let exit,cb be the fuel irradiation at the time of exit of the fuel from position cb.
Also, let Ec be the total number of bundles which leave channel c on a refuelling op-
eration; these bundles will be labelled , = 1 to Ec. For example, in the 8-bs refuel-
ling scheme, we have Ec = 8, and the bundles are bundles 5 to 12 from the channel
inlet end.
Let exit,c be the channel exit irradiation of the fuel from channel c, i.e., it is the av-
erage of the exit burnup over the bundles = 1 to Ec which leave the core on a refu-
Let x,cb be the macroscopic cross section for cell cb for reaction type x. This is a
function of the fuel irradiation .
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 21
Then let x ,cb ,tav denote the time-average cell cross section for cell cb and reaction
type x; this will be calculated in the time-average model.
8.2.4 Relationships Between Bundle and Channel Irradiations and Dwell Times
For positions cb in core where a refuelling introduces fresh fuel:
entr ,cb 0 (18)
For positions b to which a bundle moves from a position b’ in the same channel upon refuelling,
entr ,cb exit ,cb’ (19)
Now, since
Irradiation Flux Time 19 (20)
Incremental irradiation accumulated by fuel at cb between refuellings tav ,cb Dc (21)
and we can use this to relate the exit irradiation to the entrance irradiation:
exit ,cb entr ,cb tav ,cb Dc (22)
We can now relate the average channel exit irradiation exit,c to the fuel flux at the various
bundle positions in the channel, as follows.
By definition, exit ,c
exit , c
and, using Eq. (22)
tav ,c Dc
exit ,c entr ,c (24)
Ec 1
The bundle positions are those from which bundles leave the channel on refuelling. Some of
these positions may at the same time be positions into which bundles enter as fresh bundles,
e.g., bundle positions 5 to 8 for an 8-bundle-shift refuelling scheme. For these bundles, the
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22 The Essential CANDU
exit ,c tav ,cb (25)
Ec b 1
Since Dc is a channel quantity and is independent of the bundle position b, we can take Dc out of
the sum. We can also turn the equation around to isolate Dc on one side:
Ec exit ,c
Dc Nc
b 1
tav ,cb
Eq. (26) links the channel dwell time to the channel average exit irradiation, the refuelling
scheme (via Ec), and the total fuel flux in the channel.
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 23
The flux distribution tav,cb depends on the time-average cross sections x ,cb ,tav
through the diffusion equation;
The time-average cross sections x ,cb ,tav depend on the entrance and exit irradiation
values via Eq. (27);
The entrance and exit irradiation values entr,cb and exit,cb depend on the fuel flux in
the channel (which will be calculated from the time-average flux tav,cb) and the
dwell-time Dc via Eqs. (18), (19) and (22);
The dwell-time Dc depends on the flux and on the channel-average exit irradiation
exit,c via Eq. (26).
It is clear then that this equation set must be solved as a self-consistency problem. An iterative
solution scheme is applied until satisfactory self-consistency is attained.
The basic independent data which needs to be input to the time-average model consists of:
a) the axial refuelling scheme for each channel (for instance, 8-bs, 4-bs, 10-bs, etc.). Note that
this may vary from channel to channel, i.e., one may choose 8-bs for some channels and
4-bs for others. Typically, however, the axial refuelling scheme must be selected taking into
account also non-physics considerations, e.g., fuelling-machine utilization.
b) the channel-average exit irradiations exit,c. These are the main degrees of freedom in the
problem. While there are in principle as many degrees of freedom as there are channels,
the core is usually divided into a small number of relatively large regions, in each of which
exit is taken as uniform, to reduce the number of degrees of freedom. Figure 9 illustrates a
possible time-average model with 8 irradiation regions, for fine control over the target
power distribution; note in particular the regions at the bottom and far right-hand side,
which represent areas in the calandria with much hardware (to hold device guide tubes in
position) and consequently for which different exit irradiations are needed.
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 25
The flow chart for the iterative calculation for the time-average flux and power distribution is
time-average model, such as matching time-average channel powers determined from relevant
operating histories. This is obtained by varying the individual channel exit irradiations; in such
instances Figure 9 may be replaced by a map with more irradiation regions, or even by a full
map of 380 individual exit irradiations, one for each channel.
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 27
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
A 310 300 294 294 300 310
B 356 300 253 237 227 226 226 227 237 253 300 356
C 317 270 233 204 193 188 190 190 188 193 204 233 270 317
D 304 258 222 198 177 171 169 173 173 169 171 177 198 222 258 304
E 316 257 220 195 179 163 160 160 164 164 160 160 163 178 195 220 257 316
F 265 222 197 180 169 158 173 174 177 177 174 173 158 169 180 197 222 265
G 293 236 201 186 174 174 170 172 173 173 173 173 172 170 174 174 186 201 235 286
H 258 213 187 178 170 172 170 171 172 172 172 172 171 170 172 169 178 187 212 252
J 319 239 198 178 173 177 173 184 185 187 187 187 186 185 184 173 177 172 177 197 233 311
K 298 224 188 171 169 175 172 185 187 189 192 192 189 187 184 172 175 169 170 187 218 290
L 286 217 183 166 163 170 170 184 187 191 196 196 191 187 184 170 170 162 165 182 210 278
M 286 216 181 164 160 167 168 183 186 191 196 196 190 186 182 168 167 159 163 180 210 278
N 299 223 185 166 160 166 167 181 185 188 192 192 188 185 181 167 165 159 165 184 216 291
O 315 237 195 172 163 167 167 180 183 185 186 186 185 183 179 166 167 163 172 194 230 306
P 259 211 184 173 165 168 167 170 170 170 170 170 169 167 168 165 173 184 211 252
Q 294 237 203 188 175 174 169 170 170 170 170 170 170 169 173 174 187 203 237 287
R 274 232 208 188 173 165 173 172 173 173 172 173 165 172 188 208 231 273
S 339 275 237 207 184 172 167 166 169 169 166 167 172 184 207 237 274 338
T 336 281 238 208 191 182 179 183 183 179 182 191 208 237 281 336
U 339 282 239 213 199 193 195 195 193 199 213 239 281 339
V 350 283 241 221 209 206 206 209 221 241 283 350
W 290 271 260 260 271 290
Boundaries Of Radial Zones
Boundary Of Inner Burnup Region
Figure 11 Dwell Times (in FPD) from a Time-Average Calculation for the CANDU 6
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0 1 2 3
The lattice properties for position cb can then be determined from the instantaneous irradiation
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30 The Essential CANDU
lead to “hot spots” in channel power, and a good operator will consciously avoid refuelling
close-neighbour channels very closely in time, so as to avoid low ages close to one another.
It is therefore more desirable to use some “intelligence” in assigning channel ages. One way
which has been found to do this is to start by defining an “intelligent pattern” in the order in
which channels would be refuelled in a relatively small region of the core, e.g., 6-channels-by-6-
channels (see Figure 13). The next step is to subdivide the entire core into 6 x 6 regions and to
define a core “refuelling sequence” by selecting channels intelligently in sequence from one
region to region to another, making sure that whenever revisiting each 6 x 6 region the order
within the region follows the pattern defined for the 6 x 6 square. One obtains (see [Rozon and
Shen 2001] a core refuelling sequence such as shown for example for the CANDU 6 in Figure 14,
with numbers nc from 1 to 380 assigned to the channels. The age assigned to channel c can
then be defined as
380.5 nc
ac , nc 1,..., 380 (29)
Once the snapshot model with lattice properties derived using Eqs. (29) and (28) is solved with
the diffusion code, useful results are obtained for the maximum channel and bundle powers
and, also very importantly, for the Channel Power Peaking Factor (see further below, Section
11.3) and for the overall channel-power, bundle-power, and region-power distributions which
can be expected during on-going reactor operation.
From the one snapshot, many others can be obtained by “massaging” the core refuelling
sequence, for example by reflecting it horizontally or vertically, or alternatively by redefining
each nc as modulo (nc + N), where N is a number which can be selected at will. In this manner
many sets of results and good statistics can be obtained for maximum channel and bundle
powers and the CPPF. This can be very useful in determining rules for selecting channels for
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 31
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32 The Essential CANDU
reactor critical. During the transitional period which follows the onset of refuelling, the reactor
gradually approaches the equilibrium core, with the refuelling rate rapidly tending to the time-
average value (for example, approximately 15-16 bundles per FPD in the CANDU 6).
When refuelling starts, it is channels in the inner core which tend to be refuelled first, because
this region has achieved the highest burnup (on account of its higher flux values). As time goes
on, more channels in the peripheral regions of the core will be refuelled.
Approximately 400 to 500 full-power days (FPD) after initial start-up, a CANDU reactor has
reached an “equilibrium core” state. The overall refuelling rate, the in-core average burnup, the
burnup of the discharged fuel, and the refuelling rates in different core regions have become
essentially steady with time. A number of channels are refuelled every day, on the average.
However, note that refuelling is not necessarily done every calendar day; some stations prefer
to concentrate all refuelling operations to 2 or 3 days within each week.
Doing core-follow calculations at short intervals (1 to a few FPD) then becomes crucial in run-
ning the reactor in a steady and effective manner, to comply with licence limits, to ensure that
there are no “hot spots” or large power tilts.
Each run of the diffusion code in the core-follow requires inputting the instantaneous 3-
dimensional irradiation/burnup distribution. This of course comes from the output of the
preceding run. In addition, each run of the core-follow requires modelling all channel refuel-
lings which have occurred since the previous run (and their timing). This allows modelling
bundle movements and the entry of fresh-fuel bundles in appropriate locations. The instanta-
neous positions of reactivity devices are also input. From the power calculated and the time
step used, the fuel irradiation in each individual bundle are updated, and the lattice properties
The output of the current run is then obtained and becomes the starting point for the calcula-
tion at the next time step. The current 3-dimensional power and fuel-irradiation distributions
obtained serve then specifically as the basis on which intelligent selections of channels to refuel
are made (see second section below).
In addition, another very significant output of core-follow calculations is the determination of
the Channel Power Peaking Factor, which is used in the calibration of in-core protection-system
(Regional Overpower/Neutron Overpower) detectors. This is defined in the next Section.
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 35
channels which will result in acceptable values for the individual zone-controller fills
(20%-70% range), and
channels which, together, provide the required reactivity to balance the daily reactiv-
ity loss due to burnup (and which will, therefore, tend to leave the zone-controller
fills in the desired operational range: average zone fill between 40 and 60%) .
Note that channel selections for refuelling are seldom unique. Many options are available. A
good way of being confident about a channel selection is to perform a pre-simulation of the
core following the refuellings. This pre-simulation, especially if the code can predict the result-
ing zone-control-compartment fills (i.e., the bulk-control and spatial-control responses of the
Reactor Regulating System), will show whether the various power, burnup, and zone-fill criteria
are likely to be satisfied, or whether a different channel selection should be made. In fact,
CANDU operators employ pre-simulations routinely to ensure optimum fuelling selections,
including achieving low CPPF values, i.e., good operating margins.
13 Summary
This Chapter has summarized the concepts, models and calculations involved in the manage-
ment of nuclear fuel in CANDU reactors.
Fuel management in CANDU has both design and operations aspects.
The design component consists of establishing:
the desired time-average power distribution for the equilibrium core, which will be
used as the target power shape by the site fuelling engineer, and
the configuration of depleted fuel in the initial core.
The design of the time-average distribution is facilitated by the flexibility in selecting region-
specific (or, in the limit, channel-specific) target exit-irradiation values and axial refuelling
schemes, allowed by the CANDU on-power-refuelling feature.
The operations component is the responsibility of the site fuelling engineer or reactor physicist.
It involves:
core-follow calculations, typically performed 2 or 3 times per week to keep close
track of the in-core flux, power, and burnup distributions and of the discharge bur-
nup of individual bundles,
the selection of channels for refuelling, based on the current core state, power and
burnup distributions and zone-control-compartment water fills, and
the determination of the CPPF (channel-power-peaking factor) value, used as a cali-
bration factor for the ROP/NOP detectors.
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CANDU In-Core Fuel-Management 37
14 References
[Damario 2016] D. Damario, “The Fuelling Machine”, chapter in The Essential CANDU, edited by
W. Garland, 2016.
[Hébert 2012] A. Débert, D. Sekki and R. Chambon, “A User Guide for DONJON Version4”,
Technical Report IGE-300, École Polytechnique de Montréal, 2012.
[Irish 2002] J.D. Irish and S.R. Douglas, “Validation of WIMS-IST”, in Proceedings of the 23rd
Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2002
[Marleau 1999] G. Marleau, “DRAGON, Theory Manual”, Technical Report IGE-236, Institut de
Génie Nucléaire, École Polytechnique de Montréal, 1999 February.
[Rouben 1995] B. Rouben, “Description of the Lattice Code POWDERPUFS-V”, AECL-11357, 1995
[Rouben 2002] B. Rouben, “RFSP-IST, The Industry Standard Tool Computer Program for CANDU
Reactor Core Design and Analysis”, in Proceedings of PBNC-2002 (13th Pacific Basin Nu-
clear Conference), Shenzhen, China, 2002 October.
[Rouben 2007] B. Rouben, “Review of the CANDU Time-Average Model and Calculations”, in
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Saint John,
New Brunswick, Canada, 2007 June 3-6.
[Rozon and Shen 2001] D. Rozon and W. Shen, “A Parametric Study of the DUPIC Fuel Cycle to
Reflect Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel Management Strategy”, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 138, 1-25
15 Acknowledgements
The following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged for their hard work and excellent com-
ments during the development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course
the responsibility for any errors or omissions lies entirely with the author.
Richard Chambon
Ovidiu Nainer
Thanks are also extended to Bill Garland for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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Author Biographies
Table of Contents
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2 The Essential CANDU
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Author Biographies 3
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4 The Essential CANDU
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Author Biographies 5
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6 The Essential CANDU
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Author Biographies 7
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8 The Essential CANDU
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10 The Essential CANDU
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12 The Essential CANDU
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14 The Essential CANDU
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ACNS Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety (Canada, historical)
ACR Advanced CANDU Reactor
ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (USA)
AEC Atomic Energy Commission (USA)
AECA Atomic Energy Control Act (Canada)
AECB Atomic Energy Control Board (Canada)
AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
AESOP Atomic Energy Simulation of Optimization (computer code)
ALARA As Low as Reasonably Achievable
ALARP As Low as Reasonably Practical (UK)
AOO Anticipated Operational Occurrence
ASDV Atmospheric Steam Discharge Valve
ASLB Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (USA)
ASSERT Advanced Solution of Subchannel Equations in Reactor Thermalhydraulics (computer
ASTM American Society for and Testing Materials
BDBA Beyond Design Basis Accident
BDBA Beyond Design Basis Accident
BEAU Best Estimate with Analysis of Uncertainties
BECS Boiler Emergency Cooling System
BLC Boiler Level Control
BLW Boiling Light Water
BPC Boiler Pressure Controller
BSL Basic Safety Limit (UK)
BSO Basic Safety Objective (UK)
BWR Boiling Water Reactor
C/S Containment and Surveillance
CANDU CANada Deuterium Uranium – the generic name for Canadian heavy water power
CATHENA Canadian algorithm for thermal hydraulic network analysis (computer code)
CCP Critical Channel Power
CEAA Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
CFR Code of Federal Regulations (USA)
CHF Critical Heat Flux
CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
CPR Critical Power Ratio
CRL Chalk River Laboratories
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CSDV Condenser Steam Discharge Valve
CSNI Canadian Standards for the Nuclear Industry; also Committee on the Safety of Nuclear
DBA Design Basis Accident
DBE Design Base Earthquake
DCC Digital Control Computer
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Abbreviations – September 2014
2 The Essential CANDU
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Abbreviations – September 2014
Abbreviations 3
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Acronyms – September 2014
4 The Essential CANDU
©UNENE, all rights reserved. For educational use only, no assumed liability. Abbreviations – September 2014