About Sumed
About Sumed
About Sumed
About sumed:
The Arab Petroleum Pipelines Company “SUMED” is a
joint stock company of $400 million capital, owns and
operates 2 parallel pipelines of 42” diameter and 320 km
length linking Ain Sukhna on the Red Sea to Sidi Kreir
on the Mediterranean. Ain Sukhna terminal, where
vessels discharge their cargos, can accommodate any
tanker size and can receive four vessels at a time. On the
other end of the pipelines, Sidi Kreir terminal is capable
of loading five vessels at a time and can accommodate
tankers up to 400.00 DWT. They have also a huge tank
farm at each terminal which serves operation and spare
storage capacity is offered for renting to complement the
transportation logistics. Their always updated integrated
system operated by a high caliber and professional
workforce proved excellence in receiving, handling and
loading a wide variety of crude oil types off and on
different tanker sizes punctually, efficiently and with
proper segregation.
Sumed history:
1- Sumed was established at January,1974.
2- At April,1974 Started up phase one with a capacity of
40 million tons per year.
3- December,1976 Discharged the first tanker “Esso
Rotterdam ” at Ain Sukhna terminal
4- January,1977 Loading the first tanker “ Esthel ” from
Sidi Kerir terminal.
5- October,1978 Startup of phase two with a capacity of
80 million tons per year.
6- November,1989 Increasing the storage capacity at
Sidi Kerir terminal from 1.2 to 1.5 million cubic meters
to increase the total storage capacity to 2.8 million cubic
7- November,1991 Increasing the storage capacity at Ain
Sukhna terminal from 1.2 to 1.5 million cubic meters to
increase the total storage capacity to 3.1 million cubic
8- January,1992 Extension of the period of the
company’s operation for 27 additional years ending
January 2028.
9- August,1995 Startup of phase three with a capacity of
117 million tons per year.
10- August,1997 Increasing the storage capacity at Sidi
Kerir terminal to 2.2 million cubic meters to increase the
total storage capacity to 3.8 million cubic meters.
11- September,1997 Discharging the tanker “ Lucina ”
partially at Ain Sukhna terminal in the framework of the
cooperation between SUMED and the Suez Canal
12- December,1998 Transporting 121.4 million tons
which represents 104 % of SUMED pipelines’ design
13- January,2004 Startup of the Back-loading at Sidi
Kerir terminal by modifying two SBMs to enable
receiving crude oil.
14- December,2005 Increasing the storage capacity at
Sidi Kerir terminal to 2.6 million cubic meters to increase
the total storage capacity to 4.1 million cubic meters.
15- November,2008 Increasing the storage capacity at
Sidi Kerir terminal to 3.2 million cubic meters to increase
the total storage capacity to 4.7 million cubic meters.
16- May,2010 Increasing the storage capacity at Sidi
Kerir terminal to 3.3 million cubic meters to increase the
total storage capacity to 4.8 million cubic meters.
17- October,2010 Increasing the storage capacity at Ain
Sukhna terminal to 1.9 million cubic meters to increase
the total storage capacity to 5.2 million cubic meters.
Startup of the Back-loading at Ain Sukhna terminal by
modifying one SBM to enable receiving crude oil.
18- February,2013 Increasing the storage capacity at Ain
Sukhna terminal to 2.9 million cubic meters to increase
the total storage capacity to 6.2 million cubic meters.
Main pipelines:
The crude oil is transported through two parallel
pipelines 42 inches diameter 320 km long each, starting
from Ain Sukhna terminal to Sidi Kerir terminal crossing
the River Nile South of Cairo where a pressure relief
station preserves the pipelines from any over-pressure.
Crude oil is dispatched by two pumping stations
consisting of ten electric driven centrifugal pumps, 8
mega watt each capable of pumping oil at a flow rate of
up to 9300 m3/hr per pipeline.
Crude continues streaming through Dahshour
intermediate boosting station which consists of 6 pumps
each driven by 26 mega watt gas turbine.
The pipeline is automatically and remotely controlled
from the dispatching center located at Ain Sukhna
through a state of the art SCADA system linked to all
sites via a dedicated digital microwave link with a hot
standby from Dahshour station.
Besides, all parameters of the pipeline are monitored
from Head Quarters at Alexandria where the batching
operation schedule is coordinated with pipeline users.
Ain Sukhna terminal:
Ain Sukhna terminal consists of 24 floating roof storage
tanks of 2.95 million cubic meters total capacity :
- 15 tanks of 103,000 cubic meters each.
- 3 tanks of 117,000 cubic meters each.
- 6 tanks of 175,000 cubic meters each.
Crude oil is dispatched into the main pipelines by two
booster stations consisting of 10 pumps and two main
pumping stations also consisting of ten pumps.
At Ain Sukhna, crude oil can be discharged
simultaneously from tankers through 4 SBMs capable of
accommodating vessels up to 500,000 dead weight tons
- 1 buoy up to 500,000 dead weight tons.
- 2 buoys up to 350,000 dead weight tons.
- 1 buoy up to 150,000 dead weight tons.
Dahshour station:
An Intermediate Boosting Station located midway at
Dahshour is used to increase the throughput from 80 to
117 million tons annually.
Dahshour Intermediate station consists of six gas
turbine driven pumps each of a capacity of 26 mega
Dahshour is the cornerstone for providing the highest
degree of redundancy to SUMED operations as it
contains a backup SCADA control that allows controlling
and monitoring the pipeline system at the emergency
control center.
Sidi kerir terminal:
Sidi Kerir terminal consists of 30 floating roof storage
tanks of 3.3 million cubic meters total capacity:
- 15 tanks of 103,000 cubic meters each.
- 15 tanks of 117,000 cubic meters each.
The crude oil loading system comprises of five pumping
stations, each pump station consists of 3 pump units
and is designated to one group of tanks. The loading
system is designed to simultaneously load four crude oil
grades on five vessels at maximum flow rates. Five
turbine meter banks and dual automatic sampler
systems are downstream of the pumping stations for
the custody transfer measurement . Crude is delivered
to the tankers via six SBMs capable of accommodating
tankers of up to 400,000 dead weight tons :
- 1 buoy up to 400,000 dead weight tons.
-2 buoy up to 350,000 dead weight tons.
-3 buoy up to 150,000 dead weight tons.