Personal Update, March 2018

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The Legacy Project is an initiative by Gunnar Johnson to connect people fueled by a passion for the Lord, as described in the article on page 21.


The Book of Daniel:

Daniel 9
Dr. Chuck Missler
MARCH 2018

The Legacy Project

Gunnar Johnson
Israel Tour Information
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018


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2 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03
MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE

CONTENTS Disclaimer: The views and opinions

expressed in the articles and materials
presented in this News Journal are
those of the authors and/or reference
sources, and do not necessarily reflect
COVER the views held by Koinonia House.
While we may not agree with all the
details in each article, our intention
The Book of Daniel: is to stimulate discussion among the
Koinonia Institute membership as well
Daniel 9 as our Personal UPDATE subscribers.
We encourage you to use discernment:

6 Daniel 9 is probably one

of the most pivotal chap-
ters in the entire Bible for
Acts 17:11
“These were more
noble than those in
understanding end-time Thessalonica, in that
prophecy... they received the word
Dr. Chuck Missler
with all readiness of
mind, and searched
Cover Image: The mushroom cloud of the scriptures daily,
the atomic bombing of the Japanese whether those things
city of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 were so.”
rose some 11 mi (18 km) above the
BEREAN bomb's hypocenter. FOUNDER
6 Daniel 9 by Dr. Chuck Missler PRESIDENT K-HOUSE/KI
Daniel 9 is probably one of the most pivotal chapters in RON MATSEN
the entire Bible for understanding end-time prophecy. MANAGER/DIRECTOR
That may seem like an exaggeration, but after seeing OF PRINTING
what’s packed into this chapter it will be easier to
understand why that perspective is held by so many. EDITOR/PUBLICATIONS
Daniel 9 is only one of twelve chapters, so we should start RESEARCH ASSISTANT/EDITOR
with some context. The first six chapters are historical. AMY JOY
In those chapters we read that Daniel is deported from Personal UPDATE is a registered
Israel after the Babylonian conquest. He encounters King trademark of Koinonia House, Inc..
Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
Nebuchadnezzar, correctly interprets his dream, and is Printed in the U.S.A. Personal UPDATE
promoted as a result. Then we see Daniel’s rivals trying is published monthly for the supporters
to “undo” his three friends in the fiery furnace episode. of the ministries of Koinonia Institute.
Editor E-mail Address

Physical Address
21 The Legacy Project by Gunnar Johnson 4055 East 3rd Avenue,
Post Falls, Idaho 83854
One night during the 2017 Strategic Trends Conference
I went out to dinner with a guy who was also around 40 Mailing Address
P.O. Box D,
years old and fueled by a passion for the Lord. He was full Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347
of Biblical insights and passion for life. To my surprise, his
Phone Orders/Subscriptions
story of connection with Chuck Missler was one launched 1-800-KHOUSE1
out of a personal, heartbreaking tragedy and quest to (1-800-546-8731)
Office Phone: 1-208-773-6310
disprove the existence of God. Probably a lot like you, Fax: 1-208-773-6312
I love a good agnostic-to-Christ-follower story...
Online Subscriptions
28 Israel Tour Information
29 Product Order Forms Koinonia House Website
The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials Online Store
to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant
Word of God. Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 company.
The Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious
Christian for ministry in today’s world.

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

19 Volumes: Approximately 265 Hours (MP3 Audio Files, PDF Notes included)

New Testament
DVD Collection
Sale Price:

on our online store:


Without a clear
US$99.85 understanding
of the book of
Sale Price: Daniel you will not
US$80.00 understand the
times in which
we live.
on our online store: The DVD set contains 16 hours of verse
by verse teachings.

Study Set includes :

DVD Set, 1 MP3 CD,
printed Handbook,
and printed Workbook

4 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03
MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE


Dean Packwood
Editor, Koinonia House

he Seventy Week Prophecy of Daniel 9 includes the most incredible
validation of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, which He held them
accountable to have known.
In a confidential briefing to His disciples, Jesus also highlights this
passage as the key to understanding all other prophecies concerning His
return; including the Book of Revelation and other related passages.
Dr. Chuck Missler gives us an introduction into Daniel, specifically
Chapter 9, and unravels some of the mystery behind these passages.
We would do well to remember that, although we may not know the
future, we can know with certainty the One who holds the future. May
the God of heaven and earth guide you into the “perfect peace” that
passes all understanding, which can be found in a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord.
Gunnar Johnson provides another great testimony of a non-believer
coming to know the Lord. We are very pleased with the impact that our
materials have had on the tens of thousands of people worldwide who
have used them to study the Bible. We hope you find these testimonies
encouraging also.
May God bless you as you continue to study His Word.
In HIS service,
Dean Packwood
Editor, Koinonia House

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

Above: The mushroom cloud BIBLE STUDY

of the atomic bombing of the
Japanese city of Nagasaki on
August 9, 1945 rose some 11 THE BOOK OF DANIEL:

mi (18 km) above the bomb's

Article by Dr. Chuck Missler

Founder of Koinonia House
& Koinonia Institute

aniel 9 is probably one of the most pivotal chapters in the entire Bible
for understanding end-time prophecy. That may seem like an
exaggeration, but after seeing what’s packed into this chapter it will
be easier to understand why that perspective is held by so many.
Daniel 9 is only one of twelve chapters, so we should start with some
context. The first six chapters are historical. In those chapters we read
that Daniel is deported from Israel after the Babylonian conquest. He
encounters King Nebuchadnezzar, correctly interprets his dream, and
is promoted as a result. Then we see Daniel’s rivals trying to “undo” his
three friends in the fiery furnace episode.
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Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the world at that time,

writes chapter four of Daniel in which he recounts
his lesson from God about pride. That makes
Nebuchadnezzar the only Gentile writer in the Old
Testament. Next, the fall of Babylon to Darius leads
us into the Persian Empire period. BIO
Dr. Chuck Missler
After the first six chapters, we have six chapters that Founder, Koinonia
House & Institute
are a collection of Daniel’s visions. They are, in a sense, After a distinguished
appended at the end of the history. They’re not in military career and more
than 30 very successful
chronological order; the chapters appear as a group. years in the corporate
business environment,
In the first chapter of that group, chapter seven, we Chuck was led to pursue
a life-long endeavor
have the times of the Gentiles. In chapter eight, the ram of teaching the Bible
and the goat are described in a vision about the career on a full-time basis.
He founded Koinonia
of Alexander the Great as he defeats the Persians. House, an organization
That leads us into chapter nine and the seventy weeks. devoted to encouraging
people to study the Bible.
He also founded Koinonia
It’s interesting, chapters two through the end of Institute to enable people
seven are not written in Hebrew; they’re in Aramaic. to have a Kingdom effect
on the world today. Chuck
The author uses Aramaic because those chapters focus is now retired, living in
on the Gentile world. It’s very unusual for the Bible New Zealand.
to do that because Scripture usually
sees everything, past and future, The author uses
through the lens of Israel. This is a Aramaic because those
section that very unabashedly focuses chapters focus on the
on the Gentile world, and that’s one Gentile world. It’s very
reason it is so dear to us. unusual for the Bible
This is a very exciting book, but to do that because
again, it’s not in chronological order. Scripture usually sees
The visions in Daniel seven and eight everything, past and
occur between the events in chapters future, through the lens
four and five, and the interview with of Israel.
an archangel in chapter nine occurs
between the events of chapters five and six.

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Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

Background and Context

Before we get to chapter nine, it’s important for us to get another
perspective—a perspective coming directly from Jesus. Then we will
look at the events leading up to Gabriel’s words about the seventy weeks.
All of this will help demonstrate what God did in order to deliver this
amazing prophecy.

Matthew 24: Jesus’ Perspective

In Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 21, Jesus gave a confidential
briefing on His second coming to four special disciples. According
to Mark, they were Peter, James, John, and Peter’s brother Andrew.
This talk was important enough that it was recorded in three gospels,
and it had a direct connection with Daniel’s prophecy.
Matthew’s account offers more information than the others, most likely
due to a skill he had and the others didn’t. He was a customs official,
and it was a job requirement that he take shorthand. Most people are
unaware that shorthand was a skill prevalent in those days.
Matthew wrote:
And as he [Jesus] sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came
unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be?
and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
Matthew 24:3

So they ask Jesus three questions, and He then gives them a two-chapter
answer. The next verse gives a flavor of His answer.
Verse four reads:
Jesus answered and said unto them “Take heed that no man
deceive you.”
Matthew 24:4

Underline that word deceive because He opens and closes this briefing
to His disciples by warning them not to be deceived.
How do we protect ourselves from being deceived? There are all kinds
of people spreading all kinds of viewpoints. But which are correct?
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We discern the truth by diligence, and by comparing Scripture with

Scripture. Our ultimate refuge is always the whole counsel of God.
Any particular perspective must be consistent with what we find in
the Bible.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man
deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ;
and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of
wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to
pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines,
and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the
beginning of sorrows.
Matthew 24:4-8

Many, many people view these issues as signs heralding His coming,
except He says these are not signs. These are non-signs. These things will
all happen, “but the end is not yet.”
The word sorrows there is actually birth pains. Mothers know what that’s
about. These events start slowly and increase in frequency and intensity.
“But the end is not yet,” according to Jesus. Then He gives the key event
in the whole scenario.

The Key Event

One caveat should be made here. Remember, Jesus is clearly talking to
His Jewish disciples. He is not talking to those of us who are believers
under the New Covenant. That’s an important distinction as we move
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,
spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso
readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea
flee into the mountains:
Matthew 24:15

As readers, we don’t want to miss our instruction here; “Whoso readeth,

let him understand.” This passage will be a little technical, but it’s not
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

intended for just pastors or specialists— it’s intended for everyone. As

we move through this topic, know that God intends for each person to
understand it.
This is a good place to put to rest a controversy that began in the
nineteenth century. Some critics, even today, have maintained that
the book of Daniel was written by
several people. Well, according to ...we know who wrote
this passage, we know who wrote the book of Daniel; it
the book of Daniel; it was Daniel. was Daniel. We know
We know this is true because that’s this is true because
what Jesus said was true. that’s what Jesus said
With His clear statement, Jesus has was true... If you don’t
saved every student of Scripture believe in Jesus Christ,
hours of tedious library research. you’ve got bigger
And, that leads me to a familiar problems than the
comment. If you believe in Jesus authorship of the book
Christ, you know who wrote the
of Daniel!
book of Daniel. If you don’t believe
in Jesus Christ, you’ve got bigger problems than the authorship of the
book of Daniel!
Jesus identifies Daniel as a prophet, and He does something even more.
He points to the very passage that we’re studying in Daniel 9 by referring
to this abomination of desolation. That’s a technical phrase. We know a lot
about it, though, because it happened specifically once before in history.
The abomination of desolation refers to an idol being placed in the
Temple. An idol is always considered an abomination in the Bible, but
the ultimate abomination—the abomination that makes desolate—is
a pagan idol in the Holy of Holies. That happened in 167 BC, and it
led to the Maccabean revolt. After three years, the Jews were able to
rededicate the Temple from that outrage. Jews remember the event to
this day with the celebration of Hanukkah.
There is another aspect to consider here. The abomination of desolation
occurs in the Holy of Holies. Who gets to go into the Holy of Holies?
Only the High Priest is allowed in, only once a year at Yom Kippur, and
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only after great ceremonial preparation. Jesus said, “When ye therefore

shall see.” How can someone in Judea see this happen, and consequently
know when to “flee into the mountains”? They would have to see it on
cable news, of course.
In other words, this is a major political event that happens inside the
Holy of Holies, inside the Temple. That’s how we know there will be a
temple standing; it has to be standing for this to happen. If it’s televised,
there will be a worldwide audience.
It is the people in Judea who are to flee, not those in New York or
Moscow, but those who are in Judea. Why?
We need to understand what’s going on here; the abomination of
desolation is a major trigger-point in this prophecy. To make sense of
this we have to go to the passage that Jesus is pointing them to in Daniel
and understand the context.

The Flight from Judea

Jesus said:
Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him
which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of
his house.
Matthew 24:16-17

Houses in Israel are typically on hillsides because it’s very hilly terrain.
The roof is the patio, sort of a fellowship place. That’s where they spend
the cool of the evening, not in the backyard. They have to go downstairs
to get to the bedrooms and all the rest of the house.
When Jesus tells them to “not come down,” He’s saying “Split—and
do it now!”
Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck
in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter,
neither on the sabbath day.
Matthew 24:18-20
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Jesus also warns them about trying to grab supplies; even things like
essential clothing would delay them and be a burden. It would be a
handicap they couldn’t afford as they flee for their lives.
Notice that His last comment refers to Sabbath; He is not talking to
Gentiles. Keep in mind that the focus is on Israel and the Jews, not
Gentiles. He is directing this to His disciples, who are Jewish, but it’s
obviously yet future. Most people don’t fully recognize the “Jewishness”
of Matthew 24.

The Great Tribulation

Jesus goes on to say:
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Matthew 24:21

He is quoting from Daniel 12. We’ll look at that shortly, but Jesus Himself
labels the last half of that seven year period as the great tribulation.
Then He makes another statement:
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be
saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Matthew 24:22

That’s a technology statement; it’s an allusion to advanced weapons. If

someone read verse twenty-two during the 1800s, it wouldn’t mean much.
They couldn’t imagine the world wiping itself out with muskets and
bayonets, but today the nuclear cloud hangs over every geopolitical
decision made on Earth. It is now possible to envision that “no flesh
be saved.”

Chapter 9: Daniel, Jeremiah, Gabriel

With that context established, we are ready for Daniel 9. In this chapter
of Daniel, we have what is known as the interrupted prayer.1 Daniel is
praying in the first nineteen verses of this chapter, but then the angel
1 There are three important primary prayers in the historical books of the Old Testament: Ezra 9, Nehemiah 9,
and Daniel 9. There happens to be a 9 in all three references. That’s not of any significance; I think it’s just a
way to help remember it.

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Gabriel appears and interrupts his prayer. Gabriel proceeds to give Daniel
the most astonishing four verses in the entire Bible: 24, 25, 26, and 27.
The Interrupted Prayer
Most people jump right into those four verses, but this is too important
to cut corners. So we will start with Daniel’s prayer in verse one.
In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the
Medes, which was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans; In
the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number
of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the
prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations
of Jerusalem.
Daniel 9:1-2

The first verse covers titles and royal successions. Some people believe
that Darius was the uncle of Cyrus, but that’s conjecture by the scholars.
Other speculations are connected to the comment that he was made
king, which implies he is a passive recipient of some kind. Setting aside
these minor points, we want to look at the important part of this, which
is in verse two.
This all starts because Daniel was reading his Bible, the book of Jeremiah.
Please take note that Daniel took Jeremiah literally. When Jeremiah talks
about seventy years in captivity, it wasn’t allegorical. It wasn’t about an
approximate number of years, either. Daniel assumes it’s precise, and
he knows that the seventy years are about over.
If a believer today were reading in the Bible and somehow discovered
that the Lord was coming back to the Earth three weeks from now, what
would he or she do? Would they put their feet up on a desk; would they
say, “Good, the sooner the better”?
That’s not what Daniel would do; he would pray. He’s an example to
us all. He knew seventy years was prophesied in Jeremiah 25:11, and
he knew about sixty-seven years had gone by. So he knew the seventy
years were about over, and he’s getting excited. As we go through this
chapter, notice carefully what he did.

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

The book of Jeremiah makes reference to seventy years in two places:

And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment;
and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. And
it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I
will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD,
for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it
perpetual desolations.
Jeremiah 25:11-12

For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished
at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you,
in causing you to return to this place.
Jeremiah 29:10

This was written in Jerusalem. So twice in the book of Jeremiah we have

this promise that Daniel could cling to, that the captivity was about
over. What does Daniel do? Let’s take a lesson here. He says:
And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and
supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.
Daniel 9:3

Are we supposed to pray for the second coming of Christ? We know the
Second Coming is going to happen; it’s inevitable. But the Lord taught
us to pray, “Thy kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10). Prayer is God’s way
of enlisting us in what He’s doing. Carefully consider what that should
mean in your life.
Daniel also sought God by fasting. Is it appropriate for New Testament
Christians to fast? Some might say that fasting was only for the Old
Testament times, but we repeatedly find allusions to New Testament
Christians fasting:
Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and
the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? And Jesus said
unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long
as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the
bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.
Matthew 9:14-15
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As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said,
Separate me Barnabas andSaul for the work whereunto I have called
them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands
on them, they sent them away.
Acts 13:2-3

The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and
likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the
wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a
time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come
together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
1 Corinthians 7:4-5

But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in

much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, In stripes,
in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings;
2 Corinthians 6:4-5

Don’t casually decide to start fasting; it’s best to have some instruction
first. It is an appropriate activity for believers today—just do some
homework in that area before starting.
Returning to Daniel:
And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made my confession,
and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant
and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his
commandments; We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and
have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from thy
precepts and from thy judgments: Neither have we hearkened unto
thy servants the prophets, which spake in thy name to our kings, our
princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.
Daniel 9:4-6

Notice he says, “We have sinned.” That’s a strange thing for Daniel to
say. He and Joseph are two people in the Old Testament about whom
no evil is spoken (besides Christ). It doesn’t mean they’re sinless, but
Daniel is praying earnestly not on his personal behalf alone, but for his
people as well.
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

He continues in verse seven:

O Lord, righteousness belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion of
faces, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of
Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are near, and that are far off,
through all the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of
their trespass that they have trespassed against thee. O Lord, to us
belongeth confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our
fathers, because we have sinned against thee. To the Lord our God
belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against
him; Neither have we obeyed the voice of the LORD our God, to
walk in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets.
Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that
they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us,
and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God,
because we have sinned against him.
Daniel 9:7-11

He’s saying their national destiny is determined by their behavior.

Were there some saved among them? Of course, but that doesn’t alter
their national destiny, which is a function of their national behavior.2
And he hath confirmed his words, which he spake against us, and
against our judges that judged us, by bringing upon us a great evil:
for under the whole heaven hath not been done as hath been done
upon Jerusalem. As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil
is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the LORD
our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand
thy truth. Therefore hath the LORD watched upon the evil, and
brought it upon us: for the LORD our God is righteous in all
his works which he doeth: for we obeyed not his voice. And now,
O Lord our God, that hast brought thy people forth out of the land
of Egypt with a mighty hand, and hast gotten thee renown, as at this
day; we have sinned, we have done wickedly. O Lord, according to
all thy righteousness, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be
2 I believe we can apply 2 Chronicles 7:14 to America’s predicament, although it’s a different one altogether.
It reads, “If my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,
and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their

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turned away from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain: because
for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy
people are become a reproach to all that are about us.
Daniel 9:12-16

All this has been an acknowledgement of sin. The focus is Jerusalem

and the people of God. But notice what starts to happen as his prayer
continues; it’s fascinating. Even in the English, the frequency of those
verbs starts picking up. We can almost feel the intensity, the emotion,
the trembling of Daniel.
Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his
supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is
desolate, for the Lord’s sake. O my God, incline thine ear, and hear;
open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city which is
called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before
thee for our righteousnesses, but for thy great mercies. O Lord, hear;
O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for thine own
sake, O my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name.
Daniel 9:17-19

Gabriel’s Visit
Now we get to the interruption. We’re going to have a few comments
by a mighty angel of God and then, of course, the incredible gift that
Gabriel gives Daniel.
And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and
the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before
the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God; Yea, whiles
I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen
in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched
me about the time of the evening oblation.
Daniel 9:20-21

Notice that he shifted gears from the prayer to narrating what happened.
It’s interesting to see Daniel describe this. Obviously, Gabriel is one of
the archangels. We only know of three that are named: Gabriel, Michael,

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

and one named Lucifer who got into a big bunch of trouble because
of his pride.
Michael is always a warrior, fighting on behalf of God’s people. Gabriel
is always announcing something having to do with the Messiah.
The word translated man here, and applied to Gabriel, is the Hebrew
word, ish. Ish can mean man or servant, so this can be read as “the servant
Gabriel,” although he may have appeared as a man.
There is something very subtle here. Gabriel touched Daniel on the
shoulder “at the time of the evening oblation.” Daniel makes that
reference even though the Temple is about four hundred miles to the
west and in rubble. There is no temple; there is no evening oblation.
It’s an anachronism that’s out of date by virtually seventy years, but not
for Daniel.
Daniel is using a phrase here that is very revealing of his heart, and how
he is thinking. As far as he’s concerned, it was God’s appointed time
and they would be offering a sacrifice, an oblation, if they had a temple.
That’s when Gabriel came to him.
And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel,
I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding. At the
beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and
I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore
understand the matter, and consider the vision.
Daniel 9:22-23

Daniel must have been thrilled. He’s told that he is “greatly beloved” of
God. Recall that God spoke to Moses face-to-face “as a man speaketh
unto his friend” (Exodus 33:11). And what did Jesus say to the disciples
in the upper room:
Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what
his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I
have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
John 15:15

18 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03
MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE

What does it mean to be God’s friend? To His friend, God would reveal
what He was going to do. He called Moses a friend and told him what
was going to happen to the surrounding nations (Exodus 34). Jesus
called the disciples His friends and told them about His second coming.
Is there anyone closer than a friend? Moses is known as a friend of God
in the Old Testament, but who is beloved in the Old Testament? Daniel
is beloved by God. Who is beloved in the New Testament? John is often
referred to as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” in the Gospel of John.
How interesting to see what comes from that kind of rapport with God.
Daniel, because he’s beloved, is entrusted with apocalyptic insights. In
the New Testament, John is beloved, and he is granted the privilege of
delivering the apocalyptic book of Revelation.
There is a consistency between the Old and the New Testament
concerning relationship. A friend of God will be let in on what’s coming.
The beloved of God really has the inside track.

This excerpt is from Dr. Chuck Missler’s book Daniel’s 70 Weeks. This and the full Daniel
Commentary is available from the K-House Store at

In this study of Daniel's 70

Daniel’s 70 Weeks, you will discover

this amazing prophecy
in the Old Testament
predicted the very day
Book that Jesus presented
Himself as the Meschiach
US$5.95 Nagid, the Messiah the
King, to Jerusalem.
The Seventy Week
US$4.95 Prophecy of Daniel
9 includes the most
DVD incredible validation
US$19.95 of Jesus Christ as the
Messiah, which He held
them accountable to
have known.
In a confidential briefing to His disciples, Jesus also
highlights this passage as the key to understanding
all other prophecies concerning His return.
It is essential to understanding the Book of
Revelation and other related passages.
from our online store: The Daniel Commentary Study Set is also available (see page 4).

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

The Book
Evidence US$34.95
Bible Ray Comfort Available on our online store:
Newly revised and expanded in NKJV hardcover, The Evidence
Bible arms you not just with apologetic information to refute
the arguments of skeptics, but with practical training on how
to effectively and lovingly share the truth.
Discover answers to over 200 questions such as: Why is there
suffering? How could a loving God send people to hell? What about
those who never hear of Jesus?
In addition to thousands of verse-related comments,
over 130 informative articles will help you better comprehend
and communicate the Christian faith.
Over two dozen articles on evolution will thoroughly prepare you to refute the theory.
Dozens of articles on other religions will help you understand and address the beliefs of
Mormons, Hindus, Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, cults, etc.
Hundreds of inspiring quotes from renowned Christian leaders and practical tips on defending
your faith will greatly encourage and equip you.
Includes a Concordance, Topical Subheads, and the Words of Jesus in red.
The Evidence Bible provides powerful and compelling evidence that will enrich your trust in
God and His Word, deepen your love for the truth, and enable you to radically impact those you
care about.
“The Evidence Bible is filled with excellent apologetic tools and insights to help Christians
reason with those who need to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I highly
recommend it.”
— Norman Geisler
“In a day when Christians are too often silenced by the questions of skeptics,
The Evidence Bible will help you be prepared to give an answer. Compiled by seasoned
evangelist Ray Comfort, its innovative format makes it especially easy to use. You’ll find it
to be an invaluable tool for becoming a more effective witness.”
— Franklin Graham
“The Evidence Bible is specially designed to reinforce the faith of our times by offering
hard evidence and scientific proof for the thinking mind.”
— D. James Kennedy
“The Evidence Bible is a handy tool for anyone interested in proving the reliability of
Scripture, the deity of Jesus Christ, and the incredible offer of our eternal salvation. It makes
the defense of Scripture easily understood and should be read by all serious Bible students.”
— Tim LaHaye
“The Evidence Bible is a reservoir overflowing with powerful quotes from famous people,
amazing anecdotes, sobering last words, informative charts, and a wealth of irrefutable
evidence to equip, encourage, and enlighten you, like nothing else could. I couldn’t
recommend it more highly.”
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“In our modern scientific age when God’s Word is coming under increasing attack,
Christians need to be equipped with answers to defend the reliability of the Bible from its
very first verse. I thank God for resources like The Evidence Bible and am glad to have had
a small part in it.”
— Ken Ham
“The Evidence Bible will certainly assist you to always be prepared to give an answer to
everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
— Josh McDowell
Ray Comfort co-hosts (with actor Kirk Cameron) an award-winning television program “The Way
of the Master,” which airs in 70 countries and on 42 networks.

20 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03
MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE


Gunnar Johnson
Founder, Generosity
and Stewardship Strategies
ne night during the 2017 Strategic Trend Conference I went out to dinner
with a guy who was also around 40 years old and fueled by a passion
for the Lord. He was full of Biblical insights
and passion for life. To my surprise, his story BIO
of connection with Chuck Missler was one launched Gu n n a r Jo h n s o n
Before founding Generosity
out of a personal, heartbreaking tragedy and quest and Stewardship Strategies
to disprove the existence of God. Probably a lot like and co-founding Financial
Freedom International,
you, I love a good agnostic-to-Christ-follower story. Gunnar Johnson was a
local church Pastor and
My name is Adam. I grew up in Florida with a business owner. He had
the privilege of serving as
family that believed in God, the God of the Bible. an Executive Stewardship
As a young man I called myself a Christian but I Pastor at Gateway Church
in Southlake Texas for 11
wasn’t a very good one. The older I got, the further years. Prior to Gateway
away from God I got. It took me a while to figure Church, Gunnar served
for 2 years as a Stewardship
that out. First I had to realize that the God of the Minister at the The Hills
Bible was the true God. Church in North Richland
Hills, Texas. Prior to
13 years of vocational
Jesus said, “No man can come to me, except the ministr y he owned a
Father which hath sent me draw him”. So God drywall business in
Florida, and a Chem-Dry
threw in his net and drew me out and He used two carpet cleaning company
key people to do it. My older brother Brian and Texas while serving on staff
with Howard Dayton and
Chuck Missler. Larry Burkett at Crown
F i n a n c i a l M i n i s t r y.
I love my brother Brian very much but his death was Gunnar has a passion
for teaching Biblical
the best thing that ever happened to me. I was lost, generosity and financial
willingly deceived by the world into believing that stewardship to individuals,
churches, non-profits
there probably was a God but I’m too busy to even and businesses. He loves
try to get to know him. But then my brother died watching how they grow
through the power of
unexpectedly. People I knew would come up to me God's Word.

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

saying that he was in a better place, and that he’s looking down on
me, and all of the other feel good things that people say about those
who passed away. My response would always be that of someone who
was truly lost. I would say things like, “if there is a God, my brother
is not with Him and if God knew my brother then he is not watching
down from God’s heaven.” I foolishly believed that there wasn’t much
difference between life and a light switch. Once it’s turned off it’s
just gone.
I needed to be able to give a better argument to these Christians
about why there most likely was no such thing as life after death.
So I looked into the Bible to find every contradiction that I could. I
watched YouTube videos and looked up atheist websites to come up
with better arguments against Christians and I told my wife that
once I could prove the Bible to be false I was going to throw the whole
thing into the trash.
In order to prove something false your arguments have to be truthful.
Anyone who goes to the Bible looking for a hook to hang their doubts
upon will definitely find one. But I wanted more than doubts. I
wanted proof of truth no matter where it may lead.

During my quest of During my quest of proving the

proving the Bible wrong Bible wrong I began to realize that
I began to realize that I was actually proving that all of
I was actually proving atheists were wrong. They were not
being truthful. Many times their
that all of atheists were whole argument was built upon
wrong. something as simple as phrases, a
word, or a verse taken out of context. I found my walls were slowly
coming down more and more and I was the one proving the Bible
to be truthful and no longer agreeing with the contradictive websites
and videos I had been watching.
I remember the moment it happened. When I realized that my journey
to set out and prove the Bible to be false had done a 180 on me and
now I was the one proving that the Bible was truthful.

22 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03
MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE

I was sitting at my desk and it hit me. All at once I stood up on my

feet and with both of my hands on my head I asked “do you mean to
tell me that all of this is real?”
At that moment I realized the Bible is truthful, there is a God, There
is a Jesus, and the Bible is the word of God.
If there is no God then nothing If there is no God then
matters but if there is a God then
nothing matters but
nothing else matters. My new
mission was to learn everything
if there is a God then
about him that I could. nothing else matters.
Around the same time a prophecy conference came to town and my
mother was one of the attendees. One of the keynote speakers could
not make it and was replaced by a man named Chuck Missler. After
she heard him speak she could not wait to tell me and my younger
brother about Chuck.
Now with the new hunger and fresh eyes I wanted to learn the Bible
as quickly as I could. My mother introduced me to Chuck Missler
Who just so happen to have a DVD series titled “Learn The Bible In
24 Hours.” I found myself rushing home from work so that I could
sit in front of the TV and learn everything that Chuck had to tell me.
I Studied that series for several hours a day until I had reached the
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

end. I was sad that it was over but I was so excited to learn that he
had made a DVD or CD series for each one of the books of the Bible.
I begin with Genesis and then Exodus and then the book of Revelation.
I found myself bouncing around from the Old Testament to the New
Testament with one book tying into another. The old testament is the
concealed version of the New Testament while the New Testament
revealed what the old was telling us. Chuck Missler so captivated my
life that today, eight years later I still listen to multiple hours of Chuck
Missler almost every day. Of course I have all of his teachings and I
consider Them to be among my most cherished possessions.
I truly love the word of God and I truly love Chuck Missler whom
God has used to changed my life and the life of my family. From the
bottom of my heart I would like to say thank you Chuck Missler and
thank you K-house. You truly have my support and The support of
my family. I pray that God continues to bless you.
Your investment into the Koinonia House ministry fuels us to provide
materials that draws people to Christ in a lost and dying world.
Thank you for making a difference.
Lives are being changed and that is the Legacy we are working to
I have three requests.
1) Pray for us and allow us to pray for you. We gather as a team
to pray for requests every Wednesday. Our prayer e-mail
address is
2) Share your story to encourage us and allow us to encourage
others by the word of your testimony. I am collecting
ministry Impact stories at
3) Invest in the Kingdom through the work of K-House.
Your friend,
Gunnar Johnson
Koinonia House
Legacy Project

24 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03
MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE


The Sovereignty
of Man
From the beginning of time,
thinkers have puzzled over
the paradox of fate vs. free
will. In theological terms, this
leads to the struggle between
Calvinism and Arminianism. As
we explore this paradox we find
that examining the fruit of each
position reveals that the River
of Life seems to flow between
these two extremes, and that
again, truth involves a careful

Beyond the mysteries associated

with the "sovereignty of God" -
and the libraries are full of
studies on that subject - there
emerges what is, to many of
us, an even more troubling
mystery: The Sovereignty of
US$4.95 ea

US$5.95 ea
on our online store:


VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018


Searching for
the True Location
of Christ’s Crucifixion


Warning! This book will challenge your understanding as to where Jesus Christ
was crucified. Known for his detective approach to Bible archaeology, Bob Cornuke
sets aside the emotionally held traditions of the past that may have obscured the
pathway to truth and opens the door to a whole new way of finding the Biblical site
Searching for
of the crucifixion. By using the compass of solid evidence, Bob charts a course the True Location
for discovery that will thrill the willing Bible explorer who is on a quest for truth.
Don’t let tradition get in the way of truth. A must-read for the serious Bible student. of Christ’s Crucifixion
Searching for the True Location of Christ’s Crucifixion

Ron Matsen, CEO of Koinonia House & Koinonia Institute

Where was the world’s most infamous murder committed? Using eyewitness
testimony of the gospels and the discovery of some ancient tombs just east of
Jerusalem, Bob Cornuke’s Golgotha makes a captivating case that Jesus didn’t die
where tradition tells us he did. Uh, oh. Some people steeped in tradition won’t like
this. But you will. Fascinating read!
Dr. Frank Turek, President of

Robert Cornuke is president of the Bible Archaeology Search

and Exploration (BASE) Institute. He has participated in over 60
expeditions searching for lost locations described in the Bible
and has been featured on major television networks, including
ABC, FOX, CNN, National Geographic, and the History
Channel. Bob is a former FBI-trained police investigator and
SWAT team member. The author of ten books, he received his
PhD from Louisiana Baptist University. He and his wife, Terry,
along with their children, make their home in the Pikes Peak
region of Colorado.

© Copyright 2016
Robert Cornuke

Koinonia House
P.O. Box D
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816-0347

Golgotha_Cover_10.indd 1 9/06/2016 9:56:05 a.m.

A former police investigator and SWAT team member,

Bob Cornuke is a
Biblical investigator,
international explorer,
and author of nine
books. He has
participated in over
sixty expeditions
around the world
searching for
lost locations
Robert Cornuke
described in the
Bible. These journeys include searching
for Mount Sinai in Egypt and Saudi
Arabia, looking for the remains of Noah’s
Ark in Turkey with astronaut Jim Irwin
(the eighth man to walk on the moon)
and researching ancient Assyrian and
Babylonian flood accounts in Iran.
Products available from

26 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03
MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE

for the Ark
of the

DVD (1 Hr)

Paperback Book

The search for the Ark of the Covenant has been dramatized in movies and
researched in documentaries over the years, capturing the imaginations of
archaeologists and Christians the world over. Although the final resting place
of the Ark is controversial, and clouded with confusion, explorer Bob Cornuke
believes that the Ark of the Covenant was transported from ancient Israel
and is in Ethiopia today.
As unusual as Ethiopia may sound, Cornuke has uncovered compelling
evidence that the Ark may well have been spirited up the Nile River to an
eventual resting place in the remote highlands of ancient Kush – modern
Ethiopia. Cornuke travels to Axum, where today he believes the Ark is kept in
absolute isolation at St. Mary of Zion Church by a man referred to as
“The Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant.”
Now Bob, using all of his training and skills as a police investigator, takes you
along for a first-hand account of his journey. Join this modern-day Indiana Jones
on his adventure to Ethiopia, Egypt, Israel, and Rome where Bob will uncover
evidence that very well may reveal where the Ark of the Covenant is today.
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Koinonia House Presents

B.A.S.E. Tour of

Led by Robert Cornuke and Ron Matsen

Nov 21–Dec 2, 2018

More information at
B.A.S.E. - Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration
Order Forms MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE
Mark Titles Below And Add Total To The Summary At The Bottom Of This Page.
Topical Studies by Chuck Missler on CD or DVD - For Download Pricing visit
Each study is US$19.95 and contains approximately two hours of audio or video
Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm CDA114 DVD108 A Walk Thru the Bible CDA56
Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War CDA115 DVD109 How to Study the Bible CDA60 DVD28
Angels Vol. 3: Denizens/Metacosm CDA135 DVD135 How We Got Our Bible CDA55 DVD27
Behold a Black Horse CDA151 DVD160 The Grand Adventure CDA47
Behold a Livid Horse CDA152 DVD161 PERSONAL CD Qty DVD Qty
Behold a Red Horse CDA150 DVD159 Armor For the Age of Deceit CDA30
Behold a White Horse CDA149 DVD158 Being Faithful in Faithless World CDA46
Church in the End Times CDA123 DVD122 Halloween: Invitation to Occult? CDA17
Eternal Security CDA82 DVD56 Kabbalah CDA26 DVD23
Footprints of the Messiah CDA37 DVD105 Spiritual Gifts - 3 Hours CDA42 DVD155
Fulcrum of the Entire Universe CDA134 DVD134 Thanksgiving CDA84
Heaven and Hell CDA18 DVD07 The Architecture of Man CDA45
Hidden Treasures CDA128 DVD127 The Da Vinci Deception CDA23 DVD18
Inheritance & Rewards CDA101 DVD71 The Once & Future Church CDA16 DVD05
Israel and The Church CDA116 DVD110 The Vortex Strategy CDA77 DVD45
Jesus: Who & Why? CDA125 DVD124 Twilight’s Last Gleaming? CDA49 DVD61
Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet CDA103 What Is Truth? CDA63 DVD34
Manifesto of our King CDA62 DVD31 Beyond Coincidence CDA34 DVD82
Return of the Nephilim CDA14 DVD06 Beyond Newton CDA108 DVD85
The 7th Day CDA093 Beyond Perception CDA36 DVD84
The Agony of Love CDA51 Beyond Time & Space CDA31 DVD80
The Beginning of Wisdom CDA136 DVD136 Biotech: Update CDA02 DVD30
The Christmas Story CDA58 DVD49 Digging Up the Truth CDA03
The Easter Story CDA68 DVD40 DNA by Design - Meyer/Missler DVD79
The Feasts of Israel CDA76 DVD44 Genesis and the Big Bang CDA40
The Flood of Noah CDA43 In the Beginning…was Information CDA32
The Origin of Evil CDA85 DVD58 Monuments: Sacred or Profane? CDA48
The Physics of Immortality CDA148 DVD157 Seat of Mercy CDA07
The Prodigal Heirs CDA104 Stretching the Heavens CDA57
The Rapture CDA13 DVD75 The Holographic Universe CDA119 DVD116
The Sovereignty of Man CDA41 The Hybrid Age - Missler/Horn CDA113 DVD107
The Trinity CDA33 Technology & the Bible CDA80 DVD52
The Whole Counsel of God CDA102 DVD72 The Mysteries of Mars CDA38
This Generation CDA27 DVD24
Thy Kingdom Come CDA08 DVD63
A Legacy of Hate (Chuck & Avi) CDA05 Critical Thinking - Corlett CDA158 DVD177
Betrayal of the Chosen CDA50 Death of Discernment - Matsen CDA117 DVD112
Daniel’s 70 Weeks CDA25 DVD19 Defending the Bible - Matsen CDA137 DVD137
Europa Rising CDA15 DVD04 Discovering God - Matsen CDA131 DVD130
Hosea, Can You See? CDA44 Doctrines of Demons - Matsen CDA142 DVD144
Jihad: America’s New War CDA06 Human Nature - Matsen CDA132 DVD132
Myths of Eschatology CDA156 DVD167 Leadership/End Times - Matsen CDA124 DVD123
Roots of War: Profiling MidEast CDA11 DVD02 The Gospel - Matsen CDA127 DVD126
The Kingdom of Blood CDA092 The Great Commission - Matsen CDA130 DVD129
The Kings of the East CDA61 DVD32 The Love of God - Matsen CDA129 DVD128
The Magog Invasion: Alt. View CDA107 DVD77 Mary - Dr. William Welty Ph.D. DVD170
The New World Order CDA52
The Next Holocaust CDA65 DVD36
The Sword of Allah CDA105
** Individual Topical Studies ** ** Individual Topical Studies **
All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change.
See also our online store:
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

Other Topical Studies CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty Total

Alien Encounters Conference DVD131 39.95
Ancient Texts - Peter Flint/ Scott Carroll DVD178 44.95
Angels Series - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs CDA155 49.95 DVD165 49.95
An Agape Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs CDA121 49.95 DVD118 49.95
Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs CDA24 49.95
Expectations of the Antichrist -
CDA141 49.95 DVD141 49.95
Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 6 hrs
Family Matters Vols. 1-3 - DVD - Matsen DVD149 39.90
Getting Started Series - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs CDA097 49.95
Islamic Uprising - Lipkin DVD97 19.95
Kingdom, Power & Glory Weekend -
CDA126 49.95 DVD125 49.95
Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs
On the Trail of Discovery - Cornuke: 2 hrs CDA154 19.95 DVD163 19.95
Prophecy 101 - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs CDA66 29.95 DVD08 29.95
Redesigning the Church - Stolebarger: 2 hrs CDA122 19.95 DVD121 19.95
Shiite/Sunni - Lipkin CDA79 19.95 DVD47 19.95
Sleeping in America - Lipkin CDA19 19.95 DVD11 19.95
Strategic Trends 2012 - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen:
CDA118 29.95 DVD114 29.95
4 hrs
The Beyond Collection - Chuck Missler: 8 hrs CDA109 49.95 DVD86 49.95
The Case for Mecca - Lipkin CDA099 19.95 DVD69 19.95
The Coming Conflict - Lipkin CDA72 19.95 DVD38 19.95
The "Creator" Series - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman:
CDA096 49.95
8+ hrs
The Dead Sea Scrolls - Flint: 2 hrs DVD89 19.95
The End Times Scenario - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs CDA090 49.95 DVD113 49.95
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: 8 hrs CDA153 49.95 DVD162 49.95
The Holy Spirit - Ron Matsen: 4 hrs CDA138 29.95 DVD138 29.95
The Mystery of Melchizedek - Chuck Missler: 1 hr DVD152 14.95
The Reemergence of Assyria - Ron Matsen: 1 hr DVD154 14.95
The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs CDA091 29.95 DVD143 29.95
Turkey: Turn Thee Back - Lipkin CDA81 19.95 DVD53 19.95
Weathering the Coming Storm - Chuck Missler
CDA120 39.95 DVD117 39.95
& Ron Matsen: 5 hrs

Commentaries (plus PDF notes) MP3 Price Qty CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty Total
Genesis (24 sessions) CD116 44.95 CDC01 89.95 DVD15 89.95
Exodus (16 sessions) CD011 39.95
Leviticus (16 sessions) CD037 39.95
Numbers (8 sessions) CD046 29.95 CDC04 44.95 DVD94 44.95
Deuteronomy (16 sessions) CD043 39.95 DVD179 69.95
Joshua/12 Tribes (16 sessions) CD018 39.95
Judges (16 sessions) CD038 39.95
Ruth & Esther (8 sessions) CD019 29.95 CDC20 44.95 DVD66 44.95
I & II Samuel (16 sessions) CD040 39.95
I & II Kings (16 sessions) CD041 39.95
I & II Chronicles (16 sessions) CD048 39.95 CDC09 69.95 DVD76 69.95
Ezra & Nehemiah (8 sessions) CD042 29.95
Job (8 sessions) CD033 29.95
Psalms (24 sessions) CD049 44.95 CDC12 89.95 DVD43 89.95
Proverbs (8 sessions) CD047 29.95 CDC05 44.95 DVD29 44.95
Ecclesiastes (8 sessions) CD039 29.95
Song of Songs (5 sessions) CD017 29.95 CDC30 44.95 DVD98 44.95
Isaiah (24 sessions) CD022 44.95 CDC33 89.95 DVD139 89.95
CD015 44.95
(24 sessions)
Ezekiel (24 sessions) CD008 44.95 CDC16 89.95 DVD60 89.95
Daniel (16 sessions) CD004 39.95 CDC02 69.95 DVD20 69.95

30 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store:
MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE

Commentaries - Continued MP3 Price Qty CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty
Prophets to the N. Kingdom
CD051 34.95 CDC26 59.95 DVD91 59.95
(13 sessions)
Prophets to the Gentiles
CD052 29.95 CDC27 44.95 DVD92 44.95
(8 sessions)
Prophets to the S. Kingdom
CD050 34.95 CDC25 59.95 DVD87 59.95
(13 sessions)
Prophets to the Post-Exile
CD053 44.95
(22 sessions)
Matthew (24 sessions) CD006 44.95 CDC06 89.95 DVD33 89.95
Mark (16 sessions) CD028 39.95 CDC23 69.95 DVD81 69.95
Luke (24 sessions) CD021 44.95 CDC29 89.95 DVD96 89.95
John (20 sessions) CD027 39.95 CDC32 74.95 DVD120 74.95
Acts (16 sessions) CD023 39.95 CDC31 69.95 DVD104 69.95
Romans (24 sessions) CD009 44.95 CDC10 89.95 DVD46 89.95
I & II Corinthians (22 sessions) CD055 44.95 CDC34 89.95 DVD164 89.95
Galatians (8 sessions) CD012 29.95 CDC15 44.95 DVD55 44.95
Ephesians (8 sessions) CD020 29.95 CDC17 44.95 DVD59 44.95
Philippians (6 sessions) CD030 29.95 CDC28 44.95 DVD93 44.95
Colossians (8 sessions) CD034 29.95 CDC21 44.95 DVD74 44.95
I & II Thessalonians (8 sessions) CD032 29.95 CDC24 44.95 DVD83 44.95
I & II Timothy/Titus/Philemon
CD014 29.95 CDC13 44.95 DVD51 44.95
(8 sessions)
Hebrews (16 sessions) CD016 39.95 CDC11 69.95 DVD54 69.95
James (8 sessions) CD013 29.95 CDC07 44.95 DVD168 44.95
I & II Peter (8 sessions) CD024 29.95 CDC18 44.95 DVD64 44.95
I, II, & III John (8 sessions) CD029 29.95 CDC22 44.95 DVD78 44.95
Jude (8 sessions) CD010 29.95 CDC08 44.95 DVD169 44.95
Revelation (24 sessions) CD005 44.95 CDC03 89.95 DVD26 89.95
Minor Prophets Set on MP3
CD054 99.95
CD-ROM * SAVE $44.85 *
Entire Old Testament on MP3 CD-
CDOTEST 499.00
ROM * SAVE OVER $430 *
Entire New Testament on MP3
CDNTEST 399.00
Entire New Testament on DVD
* SAVE OVER $480 *
Entire Bible on MP3 DVD-ROM DVDMP3BIBLE 550.00

Commentary Handbooks # Price Qty Total

Deuteronomy Commentary Handbook * NEW * NB041F 14.95
Jude Commentary Handbook NB012F 7.95
Comprehensive Study Workbooks # Price Qty Total
Cosmic Codes Comprehensive Workbook BK124 14.95
Hermeneutics 101 Workbook (How we Got/How to Study Bible) BK136 14.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Comprehensive Workbook BK123 14.95
Prophecy 101 Comprehensive Workbook BK122 14.95
Genesis Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK120 14.95
Numbers Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK144 14.95
Proverbs Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK137 14.95
Daniel Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK127 14.95
Prophets to the N. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook BK167 14.95
Prophets to the S. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook BK168 14.95
Prophets to the Gentiles Comprehensive Workbook BK169 14.95
Matthew Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK143 14.95
Mark Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK183 14.95
Luke Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK177 14.95
John Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK182 14.95
Acts Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK178 14.95
Revelation Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK131 14.95
All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change.
See also our online store:
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

Bundles # Price Qty Total

Alien Encounters Bundle (Book, DVD and Audiobook on MP3) * NEW * BUNDLE017 44.95
Beyond Book Bundle (Paperback: Beyond Time and Space,
BUNDLE022 19.95
Beyond Coincidence, Beyond Perception and Beyond Newton)
Chuck Missler Small Book Collection (Paperbacks Included: Angels
Volume I, Angels Volume II, Behold a Black Horse, Behold a Livid Horse,
Behold a White Horse, Behold a Red Horse, Beyond Coincidence,
Beyond Newton, Beyond Perception, Beyond Time & Space, Daniel’s
70 Week’s, Footprints of the Messiah, Hidden Treasures in the Biblical BUNDLE021 99.00
Text, How We Got Our Bible, Israel and the Church, The 7th Day,
The Christmas Story, The Feasts of Israel, The Fulcrum of the Entire
Universe, The Origin of Evil, The Rapture, The Romance of Redemption,
The Spiritual Gifts, The Trinity, How to Study the Bible.) * NEW *
Daniel Study Set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook) * NEW * BUNDLE025 80.00
Deuteronomy DVD plus FREE Handbook (paperback) * NEW * BUNDLE020 69.95
The Four Horsemen Paperback Bundle (White, Red, Black
BUNDLE003 19.95
and Livid books)
Genesis Study Set (DVD, Notes, Workbook) BUNDLE011 100.00
Jude DVD plus FREE Handbook (paperback) * NEW * BUNDLE016 44.95
Mary Bundle: (DVD, Paperback book) BUNDLE013 24.95
Prophecy DVD Bundle (Daniel 70 Weeks, Magog, Rapture,
BUNDLE019 49.95
Prophecy 101) * NEW *
Revelation Study Set (DVD, Notes, Workbook) BUNDLE012 100.00
Welty Bundle (Books: I, Jesus, Mary, Since He Wrote About Me) * NEW * BUNDLE018 29.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours # Price Qty Total
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours DVD set (24 hrs.) - Chuck Missler DVD25 89.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Book BK107 19.99
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours on Audio CD - 24 CDs + CD-ROM CDA10 89.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours CD-ROM CD105 44.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Study set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook BUNDLE004 100.00
Books # Price Qty Total
The 7th Day - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK221 5.95
America’s God and Country - William J. Federer * SALE PRICE * BK216 16.95
Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman BK056 16.95
Alien Encounters Audiobook (Audio CD Set) * NEW * ABK030 34.95
Angels: Vol. 1 - Cosmic Warfare - Chuck Missler BK217 5.95
Angels: Vol. 1 - Cosmic Warfare (SPANISH) * NEW * BK224 5.95
Angels: Vol. 2 - Messengers from the Metacosm - Chuck Missler BK219 5.95
Behold a White Horse - Chuck Missler BK195 5.95
Behold a Red Horse - Chuck Missler BK196 5.95
Behold a Black Horse - Chuck Missler BK197 5.95
Behold a Livid Horse - Chuck Missler BK198 5.95
Beyond Coincidence - Chuck Missler BK205 5.95
Beyond Newton - Chuck Missler BK207 5.95
Beyond Perception - Chuck Missler BK206 5.95
Beyond Time and Space - Chuck Missler BK204 5.95
Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: Revised & Expanded! BK119 19.95
The Christmas Story - Chuck Missler BK199 5.95
Daniel's 70 Weeks - Chuck Missler BK194 5.95
The Evidence Bible - Ray Comfort * NEW * BK110 34.95
The Feasts of Israel - Chuck Missler BK209 5.95
Footprints of the Messiah - Chuck Missler BK210 5.95
Fulcrum of the Entire Universe BK218 5.95
Hidden Treasures - Chuck Missler BK100 5.95
How We Got Our Bible - Chuck Missler BK203 5.95
I, Jesus: an Autobiography (Hardcover) - Chuck Missler & William Welty BK188 19.95
Israel and the Church - Chuck Missler BK214 5.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory - Chuck & Nancy Missler BK150 18.95
Mary: Ten Test Questions for the World's Finest Woman - William Welty BK208 9.95

32 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store:
MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE

Books - Continued # Price Qty Total

The Origin of Evil - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK220 5.95
Prophecy 20/20 - Chuck Missler BK139 13.99
The Rapture - Chuck Missler BK193 5.95
The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler BK202 5.95
Science & Wonders Vol. I: On the Edge of the Chasm - Amy Joy * NEW * BK225 9.95
The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK227 5.95
Since He Wrote About Me - William Welty * NEW * BK222 14.95
The Sovereignty of Man - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK228 5.95
Spiritual Gifts - Chuck Missler BK215 5.95
The Trinity - Chuck Missler BK200 5.95

Robert Cornuke Book Price Qty DVD Price Qty

Golgotha - Searching for the True Location of Christ’s
BK212 12.00 DVD175 19.95
Crucifixion (DVD approx. 2 hrs)
In Search of the Lost Shipwreck of Paul (Hardcover) BK211 12.00
Mountain of Fire - The Search for the True Mount Sinai -
DVD171 14.95
(Approx. 1 hr)
On the Trail of Discovery - (Approx. 2 hrs) DVD163 19.95
Search for the Ark of the Covenant * NEW BOOK *
BK223 12.00 DVD172 14.95
(DVD approx. 1 hr)
Search for the Lost Shipwreck of Paul - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD173 14.95
Search for Noah's Ark - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD174 14.95
Temple * NEW EDITION * BK191 12.00
The King’s High Way Series - by Nancy Missler Book Price Qty DVD Price Qty
Against the Tide: Getting Beyond Ourselves BK105 5.95
Be Ye Transformed BK020 14.95 DVD16 49.95
Be Ye Transformed Leader's Guide - Notebook BK023 19.95
Faith in the Night Seasons BK087 13.95 DVD17 49.95
Faith in the Night Seasons Leaders Guide - Notebook BK095 19.95
Hope Against Hope BK189 18.95
Never Give Up! BK129 6.95
Private Worship: The Key to Joy BK114 10.95
Re-Igniting the Passion - (Approx. 4 hours) DVD39 34.95
Reflections of His Image: God's Purpose for Your Life BK140 12.95
The Choice: Hypocrisy or Real Christianity? BK102 6.95
The Key: How to Let Go and Let God BK098 6.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory BK150 18.95 DVD57 59.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory Leader's Guide - Notebook BK155 19.95
The Way of Agape BK016 17.95 DVD10 49.95
The Way of Agape Leader's Guide - Notebook BK019 19.95
Tomorrow May Be Too Late BK118 6.95
Why Should I Be The First to Change (Introductory) BK015 6.95

Conferences # Price Qty Total

Strategic Perspectives 2017 DVD Set * NEW * KIDVD31 60.00
Strategic Perspectives 2017 Audio CD Set * NEW * KICDA13 60.00
Strategic Perspectives 2016 DVD Set * 50% Off! * KIDVD30 30.00
Strategic Perspectives 2015 DVD Set * 50% Off! * KIDVD29 30.00

Shipping Table
If Subtotal is: USA CANADA INTL-Surface INTL-Air
$10.00 and less $2.75 C$4.50 $5.00 $16.00
$10.01 - $15.00 $3.75 C$5.50 $6.00 $20.00
$15.01 - $30.00 $4.75 C$7.00 $8.00 $25.00
$30.01 - $50.00 $5.75 C$8.00 $9.00 $27.50
$50.01 - $100.00 $7.25 C$9.50 $10.00 $30.00
$100.01 - $150.00 $8.75 C$12.00 $12.50 $35.00
$150.01 - $200.00 $10.25 C$13.50 $15.00 $40.00
Over $200.00 $11.75 C$15.00 10% 20%

All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change.
See also our online store:
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |
Personal UPDATE | MARCH 2018

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MARCH 2018 | Personal UPDATE

Hear outstanding Christian
authorities speak about
what’s really happening in
the world—what you won’t
hear from the popular media.
Our 12th and Final Strategic
Perspectives Conference
convened to inform,
encourage, and support you
as you follow Christ Jesus.
Join us so you can be an
informed believer, equipped
to make good decisions for
the days ahead!

DVD and
US$60 ea

Audio CD
US$60 ea
on our online store:

Recorded: October 26-28, 2017

• Dr. Chuck Missler - Welcome • David McAlvany - Macro Economic
Message. Outlook.
• Jay Seegert - The Inspiration of • Joseph Farah - End Times.
Scripture. • Joel Richardson - Don’t be a Nimrod!
• Skip Heitzig - A Strategic Perspective • William Federer - Kings, Governments
on the Bible. and Power.
• William Federer - Recent History to • Joel Richardson - Discerning the Signs
Understand Past History. of the Times.
• Spike Psarris - The Beginning of • Dr. Bob Cornuke - Traditions.
Time from a Creationist, Biblical • David McAlvany - Finishing Well.
Perspective. • Tim Remington - Trials, Faith,
• Dr. William Welty - What Jesus Forgiveness and Hope.
Thought of Scripture. • Ron Matsen - The End Times Church?
• Chris Corlett - Finding Truth in a
Post-truth World.

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 03 |

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