Micro-Doppler Effect Analysis and Feature Extraction in ISAR Imaging With Stepped-Frequency Chirp Signals
Micro-Doppler Effect Analysis and Feature Extraction in ISAR Imaging With Stepped-Frequency Chirp Signals
Micro-Doppler Effect Analysis and Feature Extraction in ISAR Imaging With Stepped-Frequency Chirp Signals
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Abstract—The micro-Doppler (m-D) effect induced by the ro- helicopter with rotating rotors, a ship with scanning antennas,
tating parts or vibrations of the target provides a new approach etc.), have attracted great research attention in accurate target
for target recognition. To obtain high range resolution for the ex- identification. High-resolution time–frequency techniques have
traction of the fine m-D signatures of an inverse synthetic aperture
radar target, the stepped-frequency chirp signal (SFCS) is used been developed to extract these time-varying m-D signatures
to synthesize the ultrabroad bandwidth and reduce the require- [3], [5], and the adaptive chirplet presentation for m-D fea-
ment of sample rates. In this paper, the m-D effect in SFCS is tures from the target with rotating parts is studied in [6]. The
analyzed. The analytical expressions of the m-D signatures, which empirical-mode decomposition is utilized to estimate accurate
are extracted by an improved Hough transform method associated parameters of the rotating parts and focus the image of the
with time–frequency analysis, are deduced on the range-slow-time
plane. The implementation of the algorithm is presented, partic- main body in [7]. The image processing algorithms have also
ularly in those extreme cases of rotating (vibrating) frequencies been introduced for the separation of the m-D features, such
and radii. The simulations validate the theoretical formulation and as the Radon transform [8] and the Hough transform (HT) [9],
robustness of the proposed m-D extraction method. [10]. Furthermore, some literature has reported the application
Index Terms—Hough transform (HT), inverse synthetic aper- of the m-D effect in automatic target recognition, e.g., the
ture radar (ISAR), micro-Doppler (m-D) effect, stepped-frequency geometrical feature extraction of wheels [11], the micromotion
chirp signal (SFCS), time–frequency analysis. feature extraction of helicopters [5], the urban sensing and
indoor sensing [12], the gait and activity analyses of pedestrians
[1]–[3], [5], [6], [11], [13], etc.
First, (20) is rewritten in the equivalent form The rotating or vibrating center can be identified from the
c c parameter RQ . The radius ρ can also be estimated using the
r̂(tm ) + +M · following:
4Δf 2Δf
= RQ + ρ 1 + ω02 f02 Tr2 /Δf 2 cos(ω0 tm ρ = A/ 1 + ω02 f02 Tr2 /Δf 2 . (28)
+ θ0 + φ) + , M = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . (22)
4Δf The accuracy of RQ and A is mainly dependent on the range
resolution of the HRRP, and the accuracy of Ω and ζ is
i.e., determined by the set interval between the adjacent discrete
c elements in [Ωmin , Ωmax ] and [ζmin , ζmax ], respectively. The
RQ = r̂(tm ) + M ·
2Δf more accurate the Ω and ζ, the more the computer storage and
computational time required.
−ρ 1 + ω02 f02 Tr2 /Δf 2 cos(ω0 tm + θ0 + φ). (23) Generally, the algorithm previously presented can extract
the m-D signatures from most of the targets with rotating or
According to the assumption that the length of the target in vibrating parts, such as the horizontal rotors on a helicopter and
LOS is shorter than the coarse range resolution c/(2B1 ), i.e., the rotating antenna on a ship. However, two special situations
−c/(4B1 ) < RQ < c/(4B1 ), and B1 ≥ Δf , it yields must be taken into consideration.
c c
− < RQ < . (24)
4Δf 4Δf
A. When A < c/(4N Δf )
Therefore, (23) can be rewritten as
In this situation, the amplitude of the curve is less than half
RQ = mod r̂(tm ) − ρ 1 + ω02 f02 Tr2 /Δf 2 of the range resolution. This situation also widely exists in
radar target, e.g., a truck with vibrating surface induced by
a running engine or a person with chest fluctuation induced
c c c
× cos(ω0 tm + θ0 + φ) + , − . (25) by breathing. When A < c/(4N Δf ), the curve will appear
4Δf 2Δf 4Δf
as a straight line on the range-slow-time plane, and the m-D
Let A = ρ 1 + ω02 f02 Tr2 /Δf 2 , Ω = ω0 /(2π), and ζ = θ0 + signatures cannot directly be extracted by HT. Supplementary
φ, and we have processing is needed before the implementation of the HT.
Reconsider (8); when letting ω = −4πμRΔ0 /c, the HRRP
RQ = mod r̂(tm ) − A cos(2πΩtm + ζ) can be synthesized by applying fast Fourier transform (FFT) to
the right side of (8) with respect to i. Ignoring the influence
of the coupling term between v and i, the result of FFT is
c c c
+ , − . (26) approximately obtained, i.e.,
4Δf 2Δf 4Δf
Thus, the detection of curves on the range-slow-time plane 4πΔf 4π
S(k) = Cn · sinc k + RΔ0 + f0 Tr v
is transformed to the peak value detection in the parameters c c
(RQ , A, Ω, ζ) space by utilizing the HT according to (26). The
implementation of the HT is given as follows: · exp −j f0 RΔ0 (29)
Step 1) Set up a discrete accumulator matrix
Ac (RQ , A, Ω, ζ), where RQ ∈ [RQ min , RQ max ],
where Cn is a constant. According to (16) and (17), it can be
A ∈ [Amin , Amax ], Ω ∈ [Ωmin , Ωmax ], and ζ ∈
obtained as
[ζmin , ζmax ] are within the prospective value scales.
Zeroize matrix Ac .
4πΔf 4π
Step 2) Apply the HT to all the points on the range- S(k, tm ) = Cn · sinc k + R(tm ) + f0 Tr v(tm )
c c
slow-time plane whose module values are greater
than a certain threshold, i.e., calculate the curves 4π
(R̂Q , Â, Ω̂, ζ̂) in the HT space corresponding to · exp −j f0 R(tm ) . (30)
the point (r̂(t̂m ), t̂m ) on the range-slow-time plane
according to (26), and then apply Because A < c/(4N Δf ), |S(k, tm )| appears as a straight line
on the range-slow-time plane; hence, we have the peak location
Ac (R̂Q , Â, Ω̂, ζ̂) = Ac (R̂Q , Â, Ω̂, ζ̂) + 1. (27)
of |S(k, tm )| at
Step 3) Search the local maxima in the HT space, and their
coordinates Ac (RQ , A, Ω, ζ) are the parameters of k = −4πΔf R(tm )/c − 4πf0 Tr v(tm )/c ≈ C n (31)
the curves on the range-slow-time plane.
The rotating or vibrating rate of the micromotion scatterer where Cn is a constant. Let k = Cn , and take the derivative to
ω0 = 2πΩ can be obtained from the parameters detected by HT. the phase term of the right side of (30) in terms of tm . Then, the
Fig. 5. Micro-Doppler signatures induced by rotation. (a) Curves of the scatterers (2 Hz, 2 m) and (5 Hz, 2 m) on the range-slow-time plane. (b) Curves of
the scatterers (2 Hz, 2 m) and (8 Hz, 2 m) on the range-slow-time plane. The “◦”-dotted and “”-dotted dashed curves are determined by (20) when the motion
parameters of the scatterer are (2 Hz, 2 m) and (8 Hz, 2 m), respectively.
Fig. 6. Micro-Doppler signature extraction when A < c/(4N Δf ). (a) Curves on the range-slow-time plane appear to approximately be a straight line.
(b) Sinusoidal curve obtained by applying the Gabor transform to the row of straight lines.
Fig. 7. Micro-Doppler signature extraction when the rotating rate is extraordinarily high. (a) Blurry curves on the range-slow-time plane. (b) STFT result
of Sc (ω, i) in (8) at ω = −4πμRΔ /c. It appears to be segments of straight lines on the time–frequency plane. (c) New frequency (range)-slow-time plane
constructed by stitching up the planes of all the bursts in order.
half-range resolution, the curves appear to be a straight line around one center with the distance from the reference point
approximately, as shown in Fig. 6(a). In this condition, the HT RQ = −3 m. The radii are both ρ = 1 m, and the rotating rates
is unable to detect the parameters from the range-slow-time are the same at 20 Hz. The initial phase θ0 is 0 and π/2, respec-
plane. Extracting the row of straight line, taking interpolations tively.
The magnifying coefficient of the sinusoid’s amplitude is
for four times, and then implementing Gabor transform to the 1 + ω02 f02 Tr2 /Δf 2 = 20.9678, i.e., A = 20.9678 according
row, the sinusoidal curves are obtained as shown in Fig. 6(b). to (28).
The synthesis window in the Gabor transform is a Gaussian The curves on the range-slow-time plane are shown in
window. The number of Gabor coefficients in time is 100, Fig. 7(a). The curves are very blurry because of the high rotat-
and the degree of oversampling is 20. Then, the HT can be ing rates; as a result, the parameters of the curves cannot exactly
implemented to obtain the parameters (A , Ω, ζ), and the results be detected by the HT from the range-slow-time plane, as
are shown in Table II. shown in Table III. It can be found that the detected parameters
It can be observed in Table II that the rotating rates are fail to fit to the set values.
accurately detected as Ω = 2 and 4 Hz. The average values of Fig. 7(b) shows the STFT result of Sc (ω, i) in (8) at ω =
parameter A are about 43.33 and 84.75, respectively. Accord- −4πμRΔ /c. It can be seen that Sc (ω, i)|ω=−4πμRΔ /c is an
ing to (34), the rotating radii are calculated as ρ = A c/(2f0 · approximate LFM signal on the time–frequency plane, i.e.,
2πΩ) = 0.0517 m and 0.0506 m, which are quite close to the the i−k plane. Stitching up the planes of all the bursts in
set value of 0.05 m. In fact, the errors are mainly dependent on order, a new frequency-slow-time plane can be constructed,
the frequency resolution of the Gabor transform. as shown in Fig. 7(c). For clarity of the figure and ease
3) Detect Curves When the Rotating or Vibrating Rate Is of comprehension, Fig. 7(c) presents just a part of the new
Extraordinarily High: Assume that two scatterers both rotate plane from 0 to 0.1 s in the slow time, and the frequency
TABLE III As shown in Fig. 8(a), the simulation conditions are the same
P LANE W HEN THE ROTATING R ATE I S E XTRAORDINARILY H IGH as those in Section IV-C1, and the body’s returns are added
with SNR = −20 dB. It can be found that the m-D curves are
relatively very weak and that the HT may have errors when
detecting the parameter pairs of curves. The result of the noise
suppression processing is shown in Fig. 8(b). Applying the HT
to this figure, the parameter pairs can accurately be detected.
However, similar with many other algorithms, the m-D ex-
traction algorithm presented herewith cannot effectively work
when the noise is overwhelming. As shown in Fig. 8(c), when
the SNR decreases to −30 dB, the noise suppression does not
TABLE IV effectively work, so that the curve with a frequency of 8 Hz
THE ROTATING R ATE I S E XTRAORDINARILY H IGH can no longer be detected by HT. In this case, it is necessary to
improve the noise suppression algorithm in future works.
When A < c/(4N Δf ) or the rotating rate is extraordinarily
high, the Gabor transform or the STFT needs to be implemented
before the HT. In these cases, the body’s returns will bring in
adverse effects because of the limitation of the time–frequency
resolution. Therefore, the antinoise ability of the algorithm
will be degraded to some extent. In particular, for the STFT,
the multicomponent signal of the body’s returns will seriously
contaminate the m-D curves on the frequency-slow-time plane.
axis is transformed to the range axis for consistency with Fig. 9 shows the robustness of the proposed algorithm when
Fig. 7(a). A < c/(4N Δf ). The simulation conditions are the same as
Thus, the curves in Fig. 7(c) are more obvious, and the those in Section IV-C2, and SNR = −16 dB. The results of
HT can be utilized to detect the parameters exactly. The de- Gabor transform and the noise suppression processing are
tected parameters (RQ , A, Ω, ζ) of the two curves are given in shown in Fig. 9(a) and (b), respectively, and the HT can
Table IV and fit well to the set values. accurately detect the parameters of the curves.
4) Robustness Discussion: In actual situations, the micro- Fig. 10 shows the robustness of the algorithm when the
motion parts are always masked by the target’s body. As a rotating rate is extraordinarily high. The simulation conditions
result, the induced m-D signals are contaminated by the target are the same as those in Section IV-C3, and SNR = −10 dB.
body’s returns. In the processing of m-D feature extraction, Applying the HT to Fig. 10(c), the m-D features can success-
these body returns must be considered as “noise,” because fully be extracted.
they will bring in mistakes. Meanwhile, for simplicity, we Time-varying complex scattering coefficients: It is highly
have assumed the target consists of point scatterers with unit possible that the scattering coefficients are time-varying com-
scattering coefficients. However, for a rotating target with a plex values if the rotating scatterers have large radii or high
large radius or high frequency in real-world situations, it is frequencies. When the rotating scatterers have large radii, we
highly possible that the backscattering coefficients have time- directly detect the curves from the range-slow-time plane;
varying complex values. In the following, we further study the therefore, the time-varying complex scattering coefficients just
performance of the proposed algorithm in these situations. lead to the varying moduli of the curves. When the rotating rates
SNR: After sufficiently accurate translation compensa- of the scatterers are extraordinarily high, we detect the curves
tion, the body scatterers can be considered as micromotion on the frequency (range)-slow-time plane after taking the STFT
scatterers with zero rotating frequency approximately; there- to each burst and stitching up the time–frequency planes in
fore, the corresponding curves on the range-slow-time plane order, and in each burst time, the scattering coefficients can be
or the frequency-slow-time plane appear to be straight lines. considered as constants approximately. In such case, the time-
According to the difference between the m-D curves and the varying complex scattering coefficients also just lead to the
body’s straight lines, a primary and simple noise suppression varying moduli of the curves on the frequency (range)-slow-
method is designed as follows: assuming that the data matrix time plane. Due to the robustness of the HT to the discontinu-
on the range-slow-time plane or the frequency-slow-time plane ities of the pattern, the adverse effects of the curves’ varying
is M with X × Y points, the straight-line-removing processing moduli are very limited.
can be expressed as Fig. 11 shows the curves on the range-slow-time plane,
Y where the simulation conditions are the same as those in
1 Section IV-C1. The moduli and phases of scattering coefficients
M (x, y) = |M(x, y)| − |M(x, y)| · MY (35)
Y y=1 randomly vary within [0, 1] and [0, 2π], respectively. Applying
the HT to Fig. 11, the parameter pairs of the curves can
where MY is a 1 × Y vector with all elements equal to one. accurately be detected.
Then, the HT can be implemented to M (x, y) for m-D feature Fig. 12 shows the curves on the frequency (range)-slow-time
extraction. plane, where the simulation conditions are identical to those
Fig. 8. Robustness validation of the proposed algorithm under different SNRs when detecting curves on the range-slow-time plane. (a) Curves and straight lines
correspond to the micromotion scatterers and the body scatterers on the range-slow-time plane, respectively. The straight lines are considered as “noise” when
extracting the m-D features. The SNR is −20 dB. (b) Result of the noise suppression processing when SNR = −20 dB. (c) Result of the noise suppression
processing when SNR = −30 dB.
Fig. 9. Robustness validation when A < c/(4N Δf ) and SNR = −16 dB. (a) Result of Gabor transform. (b) Result of the noise suppression processing.
Fig. 10. Robustness validation when the rotating rate is extraordinarily high and SNR = −10 dB. (a) Blurry curves correspond to the micromotion scatterers,
and straight lines correspond to the body scatterers on the range-slow-time plane. (b) New frequency (range)-slow-time plane constructed by stitching up the STFT
results of all the bursts in order. (c) Result of the noise suppression processing.
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Ying Luo was born in Hunan, China, in 1984. He Cheng-wei Qiu (M’06) was born in Zhejiang, China,
received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering, in on March 9, 1981. He received the B.Eng. degree
2008, from the Institute of Telecommunication Engi- from the University of Science and Technology of
neering, Air Force Engineering University (AFEU), China, Hefei, China, in 2003 and the Ph.D. de-
Xi’an, China, where he is currently working toward gree from the Joint Ph.D. Program between the
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. He is cur- National University of Singapore, Singapore and
rently with the Radar and Signal Processing Labo- the L’École Supérieure d’Électricité (SUPELEC),
ratory, Institute of Telecommunication Engineering, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, in 2007.
AFEU. His research interests include signal process- Since 2009, he has been a Postdoctoral Fel-
ing and ATR in SAR and ISAR. low with the Research Laboratory of Electronic,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
MA. He has authored more than 40 journal papers and one book chapter, and
has given a few invited talks at conferences. His research interests include the
electromagnetic wave theory of complex media (e.g., chiral, anisotropic, and
bianisotropic materials), invisibility cloaks, metamaterials, and imaging.
Dr. Qiu was the recipient of the SUMMA Graduate Fellowship in Advanced
Electromagnetics in 2005; the IEEE AP-S Graduate Research Award in 2006;
the Young Scientist Travel Grant in Japan in 2007; the Travel Grant for
Metamaterial ’07 in Rome, Italy; and the URSI Young Scientist Award in 2008.
Qun Zhang (M’02–SM’07) received the M.S. de- Xian-jiao Liang was born in Hunan, China, in 1986.
gree in mathematics from Shaanxi Normal Univer- She is currently working toward the M.S. degree in
sity, Xi’an, China, in 1988 and the Ph.D. degree electrical engineering in the Institute of Telecom-
in electrical engineering from Xidian University, munication Engineering, Air Force Engineering Uni-
Xi’an, in 2001. He was a Research Engineer from versity, Xi’an, China. Her research interests include
2001 to 2003 and a Research Fellow from 2005 to signal processing in SAR and ISAR.
2006 with the Department of Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering, National University of Singapore,
Singapore. He is currently a Professor with the
Telecommunication Engineering Institute, Air Force
Engineering University, Xi’an, and an Adjunct Pro-
fessor with the Key Laboratory of Wave Scattering and Remote Sensing
Information (Ministry of Education), Fudan University, Shanghai, China. He
has authored more than 100 papers on journals and conference proceedings. Kai-ming Li received the M.S. degree in electrical
His research interests include signal processing, clutter suppression, and its engineering from the Institute of Telecommunica-
application in SAR and ISAR. tion Engineering, Air Force Engineering University
Dr. Zhang is a Senior Member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE); (AFEU), Xi’an, China, in 2009. He is currently with
a Committee Member of the Radiolocation Techniques Branch, CIE; and a the Radar and Signal Processing Laboratory, Insti-
member of the Signal Processing Council of Shaanxi, China. He was also a tute of Telecommunication Engineering, AFEU. His
Vice Co-Chair of the Technical Program Committee of Workshop for Space, research interests include signal processing and ATR
Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics in 2009. He was the recipient of the in SAR and ISAR.
First-Grade and the Second-Grade Prizes of Shaanxi Natural Science Excellent
Academic Paper in 2006 and 2008, respectively.