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Admission Form 1178

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Affix your recent

passport size
photograph here
(Please P

Study Centre Janakpuri Batch Option: Regular Weekend


Test Series Corre. Courses for IPTY/IPOY/RCPOY/IX/X Foundation Course IXth Xth

1. Name of the Student ............................................................................................................................................Gender M F

2. Date of Birth ....................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Father’s Name...................................................................................................................Occupation................................................

4. Mother’s Name..................................................................................................................Occupation................................................


5. Correspondence/Permanent Address ..................................................................................................................................................


Landmark ....................................................................State ..................................................... Pin Code.............................................

Phone (Res)...........................................Mobile (Father’s)................................................... Mobile (Mother’s).........................................

Student Mobile.........................................................Parents E-mail ID...................................................................................................

6. School/College from where the student has appeared/is appearing for Class VIII/IX/X/XI/XII.................................................................
7. Student Class Category IX Studying X Studying XI Studying XII Studying XII Passed (Please (P
) in the relevant box)

8. Percentage of marks obtained in Science and Maths in Class X/PCB in Class XII Science Maths Physics Chemistry Biology

9. Category (Please P
) GEN SC ST OBC Others

10. Eligibility of Entrance Exams ____________ ___________ _____________ _____________ ______________ ___________

Date......................................... Yours Faithfully

Place........................................ (Signature of Student)

CORPORATE OFFICE: A-1/169, Main Najafgarh Road, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 Phone: 011-41024601-05
E-mail: info@targetpmt.in Website: www.targetpmt.in

1. Students are expected to work hard. They must attend 10. If any students/parent insists on lump sum payment of fee, the
classes regularly. institute can accept the fee in lump sum also. The refund
2. Students have to appear in each and every test conducted at policy for such students will be applicable as mentioned for
the institute. In case of any difficulty he or she must submit the students who pay the fee in installments.
request letter to the office duly signed by the parents before 11. Incomplete form will be rejected. It is compulsory to attach
the test. photocopy of mark sheet of class IX/X/XII and recent
3. For any enquiry about their ward's progress or any other passport size photographs to the admission form. The
problem concerning their ward, parents can meet with a institute reserves the right to use the photograph for
prior appointment only. publicity in case the students secures position/success in
4. Any change of address/phone no. should be informed in medical entrance exams.The student should also staple three
writing to the office within 7 days. recent passport size photographs along with the form.
5. Students enrolled with DD Target PMT Pvt. Ltd. have to 12. A student who is late by 10 minutes for classes/tests, will not
provide photocopy of Admit Card of various Medical be allowed to enter the classroom.
Entrance Exams, as soon as they receive their admit cards 13. Any study material given during the classes or otherwise, will
before/during test series to be conducted in March. not be given to those students who are absent without prior
6. If the study material provided to the student is lost/misplaced, application from the parents. No request/personal
a duplicate set of the books can be obtained from the appointments in this regard shall be entertained.
Institute against the payment. 14. Once the name of a student is struck-off due to non-payment
7. If at any point of time, the Central Govt. further increases of fee for more than 3 weeks from the due date, the student
service tax, (existing rate of service tax is 14.5%) the extra shall have to pay Rs. 500 for re-admission.
amount of service tax will be borne by the students from the 15. If any type of mishap occurs in the premises of institute
date of enforcement of the act by the Govt. because of situations beyond control or any natural calamity
8. A student is not allowed to carry mobile phone/I-pod in the of any type such as earthquake, floods, fire, electric short
classes. If at all, he/she carries mobile phone in the classes, circut etc, the institute shall not be responsible in any manner
then it should be switched off.The Institute is not responsible whatsoever.
for any loss/theft of mobile phone in the Institute. 16. In case if any parent/guardian misbehaves with any staff
9. If any student absents himself/herself for more than 10 days members of the institute, his/her ward can be rusticated from
continuously without any prior written application, he/she the institute and no claim of refund of such student will be
will not attend/join the classes and will not be given any test entertained. The decision of the Director will be final and
(papers). He/she may be demand to be expelled from the binding on the student and parent/guardian.
Institute. No separate intimation will be sent to the parents. 17. If any student does not pay the fee on the due date as
No fee or part of the fee paid/enchased will be refunded in mentioned in the prospectus or is defaulter in the fee
such cases. The decision of the Managing Director in this payment, he/she shall be stopped from attending the classes.
regard will be final and binding on the students and parents. It is therefore, in the interest of the parents and students that
No refund of Admission cum Scholarship Test fee shall be they should deposit the fee on the due dates mentioned in
made under any circumstances whatsoever. the prospectus.
18. Target PMT reserves its right to make any alternation in its of DD Target PMT Pvt. Ltd. is located will have jurisdiction
programs/venue/timing and days of classes without any prior over the matter and/or for enforcement as the case may be.
notice to anybody. The decision of the Director will be final REFUND POLICY
and binding on the students and the parents. 1. No refund of Admission cum Scholarship Test fee shall be
19. In case, any dispute or difference arises between you and the made under any circumstances whatsoever.
institute regarding the interpretation of these terms and 2. No refund of Registration Fee shall be made under any
conditions, non-payment of any claim or any dispute arising circumstances whatsoever.
out of or in pursuant to these terms and conditions, the same
3. For the purpose of calculations of refund the date of
shall be referred to sole arbitrator who shall be appointed by
commencement of the batch will be considered and not the
the Director of DD Target PMT Pvt. Ltd.
date of joining of any student in the institute.
The proceeding shall be conducted at New Delhi the
4. The calculation will be done from the date of submission of
provisions of arbitration and conciliation act and the courts
refund application only.
at New Delhi only shall have jurisdiction over the matter
5. All refund cheques will be issued in the name of
and/or for enforcement as the case may be. If an arbitrator to
student/parent only.
whom the matter is referred refuses to act or for any reason,
6. If any student/parent insists on lump sum payment of fee, the
does not enter the reference or after entering into the
Institute can accept the fee in lump sum also. The refund
reference proceedings are abandoned or kept in abeyance or
policy for such students will be applicable as mentioned for
not proceeded with, it shall be lawful for the Director of
students who pay the fee in installments.
DD Target PMT Pvt. Ltd. to appoint another person to act as
7. Refund rules are universal even
arbitrator in the manner aforesaid. Such person shall be
(a) If a student join late, or
entitled to proceed with reference from the stage at which
(b) If a student does not join or attend even a single class at
was left by his predecessor, if both the parties consent to this
all after depositing the fee.
effect, failing which the new arbitrator will be entitled to
8. No refund is applicable for correspondence courses.
proceed denovo. The court in the city where Centre/Branch


Course Name Before commencement From the date of commencement of the classes
of classes
0-7 days 7-15 days After 15 days

DIPTY/IPTY - Xth passed 10% 15% 25% No refund

DIPOY/IPOY - XIth passed 10% 15% 25% No refund

RCPOY - XIIth passed 10% 15% 25% No refund

I have read the terms and conditions and various policies of the Company as mentioned in the prospectus and promise to abide by the same.

(Signature of the Parents/Guardian) (Signature of the Student)


Father's Mother's


Phone No.







Office Address

Office Tel. No.


Any other information


Student Father's Mother's

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