Operations Management in Health Care
Operations Management in Health Care
Operations Management in Health Care
- A Case Study of an Ophthalmological Department
Healthcare organisations are facing a number of challenges as demand for care is increasing
while resources remain scarce. This results in long waiting times causing patient
dissatisfaction, increased healthcare costs, and broader costs to society as a whole. The
research presented in this study investigates and analyses issues in healthcare production at an
outpatient ward in Gothenburg, Sweden. The ward is facing long waiting times and is
struggling with an unsatisfactory utilisation of current registered nurses and nursing assistants.
The study also suggests and analyses possible actions of improvements from the field of
operations management in order to address these issues.
By using the qualitative method of shadowing, key factors contributing to the lowered
caregiving capacity in the daily work of registered nurses and nursing assistants are described.
It is shown that administrative tasks, some of which require little or no medical expertise, are
a time consuming element in the daily work of registered nurses. Furthermore, difficulties in
planning the production at the ward result in a non-optimised utilisation of valuable personnel
resources. Based on these findings, the applicability of measures from queuing theory and
task shifting is explored. These examples indicate that operations management applications
may have a positive impact on the issues observed at the ward.
This report is a bachelor thesis written during the spring semester of 2015 at University of
Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics and Law.
Gothenburg, 2015-05-28
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1.1 Background
In recent years, the healthcare systems across many developing countries have been facing a
number of challenges. Ageing populations require higher volumes of care, and new treatments
and medicines result in increasing costs for governments and health service providers. In
2012, the unweighted average of healthcare spending to GDP was 8,7 % in EU28,
significantly higher than the 7,4 % spent in 2000 (OECD, 2014). Patients in many European
countries are also facing long waiting times for health services. Long waiting times generate
dissatisfaction among patients, as well as broader economic and social costs for society as a
whole due to work absenteeism and lower health related quality of life (Derrett et al., 1999;
Hoel & Sæther, 2003; Hiidenhovi, 2002).
These critical issues can be addressed in a number of ways. In Sweden, policy developments
intending to introduce market-based elements to the healthcare sector, such as strategies to
increase competition and incentivise productivity improvements, have been made. On an
organisational level, methods from the field of operations management used in industry such
as lean production and total quality management have been identified as ways to improve cost
efficiency and availability. More recently, albeit to a lesser extent, “production planning and
control” (PPC) has been implemented in the healthcare sector, in some instances yielding
promising results (Plantin & Johansson, 2012). Historically, the healthcare policy principles
of the right to high quality and accessible healthcare for all individuals have been achieved by
expanding the sector as demand has grown. In the 1960s and 1970s this led to the increase in
costs being higher than the increase in “produced output”. However, since the mid 1980s,
attempts to improve healthcare have shifted away from increasing the share of GNP allocated
to the sector, and towards the use of managerial tools as measures to increase productivity
(Trägårdh & Lindberg, 2004).
A study of McKinsey & Co. (1996) illustrates one example of productivity differences
between different healthcare systems by comparing diabetic care in the UK and in the US.
Although the input, calculated as working hours for physicians and registered nurses (RNs), is
lower in the UK, the mortality rate for patients in the age 15-34 is 47-81% of the mortality
rate for the corresponding group in the US. Therefore, productivity defined as the resource
inputs needed to achieve a given level of output was higher in the UK. This shows that
different ways of producing healthcare services result in different productivity levels.
1.2 Problem Discussion
Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU) was founded through a merger of Mölndal Hospital,
Sahlgrenska Hospital and Östra Hospital in 1997. SU provides emergency and basic care for
the Gothenburg region with a population of 700.000, and provides highly specialised care for
West Sweden, which has a population of 1.7 million inhabitants.
In 2013, the Department of Ophthalmology at Mölndal Hospital (MH) had a total of 198
employees. 51 of these employees were doctors, and the other 147 were a combination of
different professionals including RNs, nursing assistants (NAs), and opticians (Västra
Götalandsregionen, 2014). The doctors, RNs and opticians of the department are specialists in
ophthalmology, i.e. medical and surgical eye problems. In 2013, a total of 44800 doctor visits
and 6800 operations were conducted by the department. The average patient stay for these
operations was 2.2 days. An internal report investigating the Department of Ophthalmology
during the years 2013 and 2014 shed light on a range of problems including high employee
stress levels, long patient lines and recruitment issues (Västra Götalandsregionen, 2014). The
internal report led to further investigations at unit level. An analysis of staff capacity in one of
the different department’s wards was made by internal logisticians at SU. The report showed
that productivity was constrained by low employee utilisation rates, i.e. low caregiving
capacity in relation to the total number of employee work hours.
The studied unit referred to as “the ward” is an outpatient ward, meaning that they provide
care for patients who receive medical procedures that do not require an overnight stay. The
majority of the patient visits at the ward are planned, but the ward also provides emergency
care. The ward consists of 21 RNs and seven NAs, each of which is divided into different
teams where each team has its own type of duties and patients. The ward’s unsatisfactory
level of productivity has resulted in long waiting times for several categories of treatments.
As the ward is subject to budgetary constraints and has experienced difficulties increasing
their staff due to the scarcity of people with desirable skills and competences, efforts in
increasing production capacity are focused on increasing the utilisation of their current
caregiving employees. According to the internal report of the specific ward using figures from
2014, the average utilisation rate for the caregiving staff is 74 % during patient-oriented
shifts. For doctors, the utilisation rate is higher whereas the productive time is an even lower
fraction of the RNs’ total work hours.
A general key characteristic and dilemma for hospital organisations is the limited ability of
hospital management to control the production processes that are in the hands of specialists
(De Vries, Bertrand & Vissers, 1999). A similar problem exists at the Department of
Ophthalmology where the management claims to have an insufficient understanding of the
production processes, leaving them unable to fully address the problem of unsatisfactory
utilisation of personnel resources. However, the management believes that the low utilisation
rate is a result of production processes including non-value creating activities and the poor
coordination of different resources.
In 2011 SU embarked on a program to implement PPC systems for all its units. Although the
Department of Ophthalmology has attempted to partly adopt the method, the concept of
systematically enabling the demand for care to set the pace of production has not yet been
fully embraced. Instead, the availability of necessary staff and facilities continue to determine
the intended produced quantity. As a result, one of the ward’s stated priorities is to
successfully implement the production planning approach.
For the managers at MH this study will give insights in operational matters of which they
need a better understanding when working towards increasing productivity. The study will
also act as concrete advice on how problems preventing the productivity from reaching its full
potential can be approached using theory from operations management, and thereby
potentially be solved. In doing so, the research will enrich existing theory and help bridging
the gap between theory and practice. SU has made deliberate efforts in moving towards
standards and methods more often used in industry, and the research presented in this thesis
aims to provide help and guidance on how to maximise the outcome of these efforts. By
increasing productivity, the high costs of purchased care today can be reduced. Furthermore,
with a better understanding of how daily activities are carried out by the caregiving personnel,
the management at the department will be able to develop appropriate and timely initiatives to
manage high employee stress levels. The benefits of production improvements are also of
major importance for society as a whole, as increased productivity can improve healthcare
availability. This would have a positive impact on minimising the economic and social costs
related to long healthcare waiting lines.
1.3 Purpose
This study aims to investigate and analyse issues in utilisation of personnel resources in
healthcare production at an outpatient ward. In drawing upon theory from the fields of
Management and Industrial Management, the research in this study also intends to suggest
and to analyse possible actions of improvement.
1. Which factors in the daily work of registered nurses and nursing assistants lower their
capacity for caregiving activities?
2. How can operation management methods be applied in order to increase the capacity
for caregiving activities among the registered nurses?
The description and analysis of factors affecting the capacity for caregiving activities among
registered nurses and nursing assistants exclude issues that are considered strictly
technological, medical, or in other ways beyond the scope of operations management.
In this section, the reader will be familiarised with some operations management theories.
Furthermore, presentations of several methods within operations management that can be
applicable in order to answer research question number two will be described.
of simple and rough PPC models, implemented stepwise (Plantin & Johansson, 2012). The
models can be categorised into three groups: production targets, planning processes and
matching production plans and capacity. At one of the units (a ward for elective surgery) the
specific measures taken involved the levelling of patient flow, scheduling complicated
surgery for the beginning of the week, and creating a consistent level of production. Improved
coordination of resources through matching doctor availability and operation room capacity
was another important action, leading to improved utilisation of resources. At the other unit
(an outpatient clinic), the production capacity was mainly determined by the varying
availability of doctors and not the actual demand from patients. This often resulted in either
under- or over-utilisation of personnel resources. To address this issue, historical demand
figures were used as a preliminary estimate of what production capacity would be necessary
to meet the demand. With this in mind, a production plan based on two doctors working
throughout the whole day was created.
For both units, the mean lead times and the standard deviations of lead times decreased
substantially. At the ward for elective surgery, the variation in daily admissions was reduced
from levels of 0-12 patients per day, to 4-6 patients per day (ibid).
The study shows that simple operations management methods and a shift towards a more
demand oriented approach can result in considerable improvements in patient waiting times.
by newly trained professionals known as peer educators (ibid). One of the main concerns
before implementing task shifting was that the quality of care could deteriorate from a higher
clinic volume. However, after the implementation, results showed that the examined task
shifting increased several basic quality indicators despite an increase of the clinic volume
Duffield, Gardner and Catling-Paull (2008) have written a report about transformation in the
healthcare workplace. Due to the range of economic pressures faced in recent decades, and
the implementation of strategies to alleviate these pressures, the workforce has undergone
significant changes to meet current needs. A lot of work has been picked up by RNs, today an
increasingly scarce and expensive resource. As a result from this transformation, the use of
RNs’ valuable time and skills has changed. A lot of non-direct patient care tasks are managed
by RNs - tasks which less qualified staff could manage instead. One example is the increased
level of documentation, which is currently managed to a great extent by RNs. What has to be
done, according to Duffield, Gardner and Catling-Paull (2008), is a redesign of work
responsibilities where RNs should use their skill where it is most needed - provide patient
care. Many other activities should be delegated to less qualified staff. In order to allocate the
RN staff resources more effectively, an identification of the RNs work is needed (ibid).
Firstly, a mapping process helps to detect which activities managed by RNs that could be
undertaken by other workers. The second step is to adopt work redesign in order to involve
support workers in the selected direct and indirect patient care activities. Lastly, the scopes of
practice among the different professions have to be clarified.
Another study highlighting a change and adjustment of RNs’ work activities in order to
increase their professional patient care was written by Lundgren and Segesten (2001). The
authors have investigated in the RNs allocation of time spent fulfilling nursing and caregiving
roles at a university hospital in Sweden. Their objectives were to investigate how the nursing
time was allocated to various activities, how the RNs organised their nursing time and
whether the allocation of nursing time had changed over time. To meet the specified aims,
non-participant observations were performed during two different occasions with a two-year
interval. The observation took place at a 22-bed medical-surgical ward, ten days per
observation. Lundgren and Segesten (2001) specified seven different categories in order to be
able to divide the various activities into one of them. The specified categories were: direct
patient care, indirect care, rounds, service, shift reports, patient administration and general
management and personal activities. Through data analysis, it was found that the RNs spent
on average 37 % - 39 % on direct patient care, depending on used categorisation system.
Patient administration and general management were allocated between 23 % and 25 %, with
minimum and maximum figures between 12 % and 42 %. Patient administration and general
management was found to be the activities that could be reduced from RNs to increase their
professional patient time (ibid).
The authors suggest that part of the RNs administration and general management work could
be handled over to support personnel and that small changes in how RNs spend their work
time could increase their time for professional patient time.
Most models used in queuing theory focus on finding the level of service that a firm should
provide, in order to achieve a certain waiting time. For instance, grocery stores have to decide
how many cash registers should be open, a gasoline station needs to think about how many
pumps should be available, and an airline company needs to consider how many counters they
should open during check-in (Balakrishnan, Render & Stair, 2007). A common approach to
application of queuing models is attempting to minimise costs resulting partly from providing
a given level of service, and partly from customer dissatisfaction generated from low
availability, i.e. long waiting times. By approximating the two types of costs, the decision
makers can find the level of service resulting in a minimisation of total costs (Ozcan, 2005).
Queuing models are often classified using “Kendall’s notation”. The three symbol notation
has the form of A/B/s, where A is the arrival probability distribution, B is the service time
probability distribution and s is the number of servers. In this research paper, the M/M/s
queuing system is applied. The M/M/s system is suitable when arrivals are approximated
using the Poisson probability distribution, service time is estimated with the exponential
probability distribution and the number of servers assume values other than one
(Balakrishnan, Render & Stair 2007).
The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution showing the probability of a
certain number of events occurring within a fixed interval of time or space. For the Poisson
distribution to be applicable as arrival rate estimation, four criteria need to be met. (1) The
average arrival rate is known, (2) the average rate does not differ between different time
intervals, (3) the different arrivals are independent from each other, and (4) more than one
arrival cannot occur during an interval when the interval size approaches zero. The Poisson
distribution is related to the exponential distribution. In a scenario where the arrivals occur
according to a Poisson distribution, the time between the arrivals follow an exponential
distribution. In a M/M/s queuing model context, the exponential distribution describe the
probabilities of different service rates, given a mean value.
Besides the previously mentioned conditions there are three more queue characteristics
necessary for the usability of the M/M/s queuing system. Firstly, the order of service follows
a “first-in, first-out”(FIFO) system, meaning that patients are served in the same order as in
which they arrive. Other queuing system may for instance be based on rules prioritising fast
errands or patients that are in an especially urgent need of care. Secondly, the queue can not
have limits affecting its potential length. Thirdly, the patient is served at one station and then
exits the system. If these criteria are fulfilled we can calculate several different queuing
measures given inputs on arrival rate (λ), service time (µ) and number of servers (s).
The sigma sign (∑) means that the equation is iterated s-1 times, where 1 is added to k for each
iteration. The faculty sign (!) means that k is multiplied with each positive integer lower than or equal
to k, i.e. k! = k(k-1)*(k-2)*(k-3)*…*(k-(k-1)
5. Average time a customer or unit spends waiting in line for service:
𝑊! = 𝐿! /𝜆
As mentioned above, when the criteria for M/M/s are fulfilled, different queuing
characteristics can be calculated. Table 5 displays the different characteristics that the M/M/s
queuing system can calculate from the equations at previous page.
Table 1
Operating characteristics of queue system
Lq: average number of patients waiting in line for service
Wq: average time a patient spends in line waiting for servers (in hours)
p: average server utilisation in the system
Given the practical orientation of this case study, and the fact that theory and data are
gathered and explored somewhat simultaneously, the logic of abductive reasoning is
especially well suited for this research process. Abductive reasoning can be explained as the
process of going from an observation to a simple and likely explanation, or hypothesis
(Kovács & Spens, 2005). One benefit of abductive reasoning is that the researcher can remain
open to the empirical material and on the same time maintain a solid base of theoretical
framework (Patel & Davidsson, 2011).
The applied technique to collect qualitative data has mainly been ethnographic-inspired. The
aim is to examine what actually happens at the ward and therefore, ethnographic fieldwork is
the scientific method of choice. Ethnography is a scientific and investigative method that
through rigorous research attempts to avoid inaccurate data, for example when studying
institutions. The main instruments for collecting data are the researcher’s eyes and ears
(LeCompte & Schensul, 1999). An ethnographic research approach requires an intensive
involvement in an organisation's day-to-day activities in order to give the researcher the point
of view of an insider. To attain this perspective, the ethnographer can adopt various roles, e.g.
participant-as observer or observer-as-participant (Bryman & Bell, 2011).
3.2.1 Shadowing
In this case study, primary data is collected using the ethnographic technique called
“shadowing”. Data collection has also been performed using secondary data. Shadowing is in
some ways similar to traditional field research techniques, for instance participant
observation, and they can sometimes be difficult to classify and distinguish. Czarniawska
(2007) claims that they often overlap each other as all direct observations are in some way
participatory. Shadowing implies that the researcher closely follows a predetermined object
“like a shadow”, over a predetermined time period. The great potential benefit of shadowing
as a qualitative research method is that its data is often more detailed than data gathered from
many other research methods. This can add new perspectives to organisation research
(McDonald, 2005). Another advantage of shadowing as a research method is that it enables
observations to be made in a context of complex and professional activities where it would
otherwise be impossible for most researchers to gather data through participant observations
(Czarniawska, 2007).
McDonald (2005) describes the shadowing period as a process where the researcher should
ask questions for clarification as well as for revealing a purpose. Throughout the shadowing
process, the researcher should write notes about what takes place. Everything from
conversational content, duration for different events, body language, to mood of the shadowed
person should be noted depending on the research objectives. The collected data creates the
foundation for the analysis and is therefore a critical step in the research process.
Due to the nature of this study, an appropriate method is to combine the role as an observer-
as-participant and as a complete observer. Observer-as-participant means that the researcher is
mainly an interviewer, and that the observations involve very little participation (Bryman &
Bell, 2011). A researcher being a complete observer means that the researcher does not
interact with the members of the organisation or any other people at all. The people in the
research environment do not have to take the researcher into account, giving the observation
an unobtrusive character (ibid).
According to Babbie (2001), the choice of observation method should depend on the research
situation. The researchers’ own understanding of the situation is the most important factor to
take into consideration. In the case of this study, it is important to not interfere the RNs and
NAs in during their patient appointments, as they need to assure a certain level of care quality.
Therefore influences from complete observation could be considered a legitimate way of
adapting the method to the context. However, the RNs and NAs can provide valuable
information about their working processes from discussions in the corridors, coffee breaks et
cetera, and in these situations the observer-as-participant approach is also a legitimate
approach. Therefore, throughout the shadowing process, short unstructured interviews were
conducted with the nurses depending on their time, willingness to help, and area of expertise.
This made it possible to enrich data collected from observations when acting as complete
observers would not have given a full understanding of the situation.
All RNs and NAs included in the study were informed about the shadowing in advance.
During the period of shadowing, the nurses informed their patients about the study in order to
make the patient feel comfortable. They emphasised that the focus of the observation was the
nurse and not the patient.
During the whole shadowing process, field notes were collected on prepared forms. In the
field notes, events of interest for the study were recorded, i.e. factors that could potentially
contributing to answer the first of the two research questions. Events recorded could be the
duration of different activities, specific events of interest, time consuming activities and
opinions from RNs and NAs. Each shift's schedule was studied in advance in order to
facilitate the comparison of an appointment’s planned and actual time. Three category stacks
were configured in the form: the shift’s scheduled patient assessments, the actual time used
for each activity and the activities not seen in the schedule (e.g. administration). Each activity
was noted and clocked in five-minute intervals. The handwritten forms and notes were
retrospectively translated and processed into excel sheets where utilisation rates could more
easily be calculated and aggregated.
3.2.2 Secondary data
In order to obtain a deepened understanding and knowledge within the research area, findings
and theory from other studies have also been used. The study of secondary data took place
mainly in the beginning of the research process in order to explore the topic and to better
understand the problems that had been described by the supervisors. Secondary data in the
form of scientific articles, academic reports and theoretical literature have been downloaded
through trusted databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed and Emerald. A systematic
approach with carefully chosen keywords has been used when studying existing research
material. Keywords used in the searches were for instance “production planning and control”,
“task shifting within healthcare” and “observational studies in healthcare”. Confidential data
shared by the supervisors has also been useful in order to gain knowledge and awareness
about the problems and challenges faced by MH. Data produced by SU and by management
consultancies has also given valuable statistical information, allowing the research to avoid
rough estimations and data biases.
3.3 Sample
The selection of objects to study may have an impact on the outcome of this research. In this
study, a purposive sample approach was deliberately chosen because of the focus on specific
nurse shifts. In purposive sampling, researchers do not seek to sample participants on a
random basis. Instead, the researchers sample participants in a strategic manner with the
research question in consideration (Bryman & Bell, 2011). This statement corresponds well to
the report’s purpose; relevant participants are shadowed during relevant shifts in the context of
this thesis.
Another reason for applying purposive sample method is to select specific shifts enriching the
study. For instance, to shadow an NA during a washing-shift does not benefit the study, and
consumes valuable time. To facilitate the purposive sampling of participants, meetings have
been held with the supervisors. The supervisors made up of a business developer at MH and a
logistician at SU. In agreement with the supervisors, week 17 was considered as an
appropriate and representative week and was therefore chosen to be the week for shadowing.
Together with the supervisors, it was also decided which of the RNs and NAs that should be
shadowed, and during which shifts. To fulfil the study’s purpose and to obtain a broad
perspective, a range of participants were followed during different types of shifts. Relevant
shifts in this study are mainly the patient-oriented shifts and are the same as the logisticians at
SU used in their internal report. In total, three NAs and ten RNs were followed during five
days, through a total of 19 shifts. A normal workday contains two shifts, one in the morning
and one after lunch. 15 of the shifts were patient-oriented RN shifts, three were patient-
oriented NA shifts and one shift was intended for work with the case management system.
In order to minimise potential method bias, distinct scopes of what to focus on were
developed before the observations. This was done both with and without the supervisors.
Between the shifts, reconciliations were made between the researchers to ensure that the
method worked as intended. It is of high importance to address potential disadvantages of the
shadowing methodology. If shadowing techniques are applied incorrectly or inappropriately,
participants may act differently with the purpose of concealing valuable information from the
“shadower”. This may lead to biased information and results without relevance. In order to
affect the followed respondents as little as possible, the respondents were informed about the
purpose of the study. Transparency between researchers and respondents was favourable, as
the goal of the study was to understand the issues faced during a work shift rather than
evaluating the performance of individual nurses. As a result, the aligned interests of all parties
were clearly communicated. Another possible result of the shadowing methodology is that the
nurses could feel distracted. Therefore, a neutral approach was considered appropriate, since
this minimises the effect on the participant’s ability to perform their work.
For the researchers, one disadvantage of using observation as method is its time consuming
attribute (Kylén, 2004). One week of shadowing was considered optimal given the study’s
time frame. In order to further validate the findings of the observations, additional shadowing
time could be beneficial. Statistical data compiled from this report is not intended to
demonstrate overall utilisation rates, nor is it meant to give concrete advice on planning
optimisation. Statistical data and insights collected from the observations should instead be
seen as indications on how the ward’s production could possibly be planned differently, given
the resources necessary for more accurate statistical measurement.
Qualitative research also has issues in producing generalisable results. Through observations
conducted with a small number of participants in a certain organisation, it is impossible to
know how the findings of the research can be applied to other settings (Bryman & Bell,
2011). This study’s intention is not to draw any generalisations or conclusions of how it
works at the ward every week. It is rather intended to provide data and helpful information of
how it can work at the ward a specific week.
In order to verify the practical relevance of the research for the studied organisation, frequent
meetings were held with the supervisors. By confirming that the focus of the thesis provided
results useful in their respective fields, it was possible to assure that the research remained on
the right track throughout the process. After finalising the empirical findings and the analysis,
a presentation was held for the whole management team at the department, where input from
the different managers validated the accuracy of the observations and the relevance of the
Using the method described in the previous section, it was possible to identify, study, and
classify the NAs’ and RNs’ daily activities. Furthermore, the duration of appointments and
other activities, and the collaboration between different groups of employees could be
observed. This gave an understanding of what the “non-scheduled work” actually was, and an
insight in the various problems occurring on a daily basis.
By clocking the time required for various work activities, a study of how the time was
allocated during the week of the observation could be made. The activities were divided into
four different categories, shown in table 1.
Table 2
This study’s definition of nursing activity categories
As seen in table 2, the study shows that during the 15 observed patient-oriented RN-shifts,
more than half of the RNs’ time was dedicated to patient time. Nearly a quarter of the RNs
nursing time were spent on the case management system and general administration. The total
time spent on breaks (lunch excluded) and other activities was almost equal. During the three
observed patient-oriented NA shifts, the figures differed compared to the RN shifts. The
biggest observed difference between RNs and NAs was the time allocated to patient time and
other activities.
Table 3
Percentage of nursing time spent on categories developed in this study
Activity Registered nurses Nursing assistants
(%) (%)
Patient time 58 37
Other activities 9 34
Breaks 7 7
In section 4.2 – 4.4, reasons to the unsatisfactory nurse utilisation rate during the observed
patient-oriented shifts are described.
Administrative activities at the observed ward involve a broad spectrum of different tasks and
are managed by the RNs during, in-between and after patient visits. During patient-oriented
shifts, administration amounts to 26 % of the RNs work. A large proportion of the total shifts
are also intended for administrative tasks only. The most frequently managed administrative
tasks by the RNs during the patient-oriented shifts were, in no particular order, administrative
errands received from the case management system, calls to patients for general bookings,
booking of interpreters, reading medical records, handling referrals, registering and diagnoses.
These observed administrative tasks have a major impact on the caregiving capacity and are,
as one RN expressed it, formed as a pitfall. The more patients they serve, the more
administrative work they need to deal with. The more administration that needs to be dealt
with, the more prevented they are from serving patients.
Another identified occurrence connected to the administrative activities was the time allocated
for these tasks. As mentioned before, administrative activities were managed during different
occasions. When an RN had spare time between two patient visits, for instance because of a
time slot being blocked by a doctor or due to a cancelled appointment, the RN sometimes
handled an errand in the case management system. And when the RN was scheduled for a
shift with the case management system, the RN could sometimes combine the time allocated
for case management system with other administrative activities. It was therefore difficult to
track how much time that was allocated for administration in practice. A lack of continuity
and clarity in the planning of the administrative activities created uncertainty throughout the
The complexity of the errands varied from case to case in the observations. Administrative
errands, such as cancellations, rescheduling, and bookings of appointments were sometimes
fairly simple. The counselling errands sometimes required additional information as well as
input from doctors, i.e. these were at times more difficult. According to the RNs, the time
required for all errands was on average 20 minutes. However, this time varied between 5 and
30 minutes. This estimate can be somewhat confirmed by the observations, although one of
the observed RNs needed 45 minutes per errand during an afternoon shift mainly dedicated to
working with the case management system. This is a seemingly remarkable deviation from
the time required by the other RNs in the study. Some mean that the efficiency differs from
RN to RN, and that experienced RNs are able to handle the errands at a higher pace.
Sometimes the RN would have to read through existing information about the errand before
calling, but was then unable to get in touch with the patient, as the patient was not available at
the specific time.
4.4 Difficulties in Planning
The ultimate goal when planning patient visits is to achieve the highest possible level of
patient throughput given a certain level of service and treatment quality. However, this goal is
complicated which can be confirmed by the observations. Several different resources had to
be considered and coordinated when scheduling the production. In some cases, patient visits
required availability of an RN as well as a doctor, and a room equipped with the right set of
apparatus. The RN and the doctor in some cases also needed different amounts of time to
fulfil their share of the work and to complete their administrative duties entailed by the patient
visit. The time required for the visit and the urgency of the patient’s needs is also considered.
Furthermore, a certain amount of variability, uncertainty, and flexibility needs to be
incorporated into the production plans. In several instances, these factors make precise
optimisation of production planning especially complicated and bring about different kinds of
Other difficulties in planning, observed in the study, are when patient visits of the same kind
vary in time depending on the patient’s language proficiency and age as well as the
complexity of the treatment or medical assessment. The length of a certain type of patient
visit may be estimated to e.g. 30 minutes, whereas the actual time required often varied
between 10 and 50 minutes. This often results in either over- or underutilisation, and
sometimes also in frustration from patients waiting in the waiting rooms for too long. If the
first patient visit ends up taking more time than what was planned for, the rest of the visits of
the shift may be delayed. During the observational study, one shift started with three
consecutive shifts being unexpectedly time consuming. Besides from causing long waiting
times for the patients, this also resulted in the doctor being left idle as she was waiting for the
nurse to finish the first share of the appointments before sending them on. This variability in
patient visit time is accounted for in the planning, resulting in a deliberate scheduled
Oftentimes, patient visits are cancelled, causing a need for rescheduling. Therefore, the
benefits of using one standardised visit time approximation is considered to outweigh the
resulting loss in scheduling precision, as rescheduling is fairly simple when all visits are given
the same scheduled time.
The doctors have the right to “block” a certain share of their shift when they think that the
actual required time for appointments might exceed the scheduled time. Blocking times is
common for doctors receiving their specialist training at the hospital, since they need more
time for each patient during their learning period. During one of the shifts observed in the
study, a RN was working together with a doctor who was going through his specialist training
and who needed a RN to assist him throughout the shift. The normal pace of work during a
shift of this kind would be seeing five to six patients, but since the ST-doctor needed
additional time for the appointments, he had decided to block two time slots. For the RN
assisting him in his work, this resulted in under-utilisation during the shift as her task was to
assist the ST-doctor. Since the current system assigns a certain type of shift to the RN, it is not
possible for the RN to schedule other kinds of appointments than those of the specific shift.
This means that the RN in this case was left with excess capacity. Some teams had been
working with the same doctors for a relatively long period of time, and had learned to
coordinate their efforts effectively as well as to minimise the impacts of doctor unavailability.
Other teams were often working with new doctors undergoing specialist training, which
sometimes results in many blocked time slots, also affecting the nurse’s productivity.
Another issue leading to underutilisation during certain types of shifts was patients not
showing up for their scheduled appointment. In one instance this resulted in three out of six
planned appointments being cancelled without notice. Since the patients cancelled without
notifying the hospital, the RN still had to prepare for the appointments. When the RN was
ready to receive the patient and the patient had not yet showed up, the RN had no other option
but to wait. This made it difficult to focus on other tasks, since the RN still had to be prepared
in case the patient would end up arriving.
For the NAs, some of the shifts are planned with deliberate gaps in between the appointments
since the NAs need to be available to assist doctors in the emergency ward. The NA resources
required for assistance at the emergency ward are highly irregular, meaning that they at some
points are understaffed, but that they sometimes spend periods of time completely idle. The
NAs also had difficulties using this spare time in a productive way since they don’t have
access to the facilities necessary for handling administrative work. If an NA wanted to do
paper work, they would sometimes have to search for available computers in rooms that were
often already busy because of undergoing patient treatments.
Some of the difficulties and obstacles preventing healthcare organisations from applying long
and short term production planning, similar to the planning and scheduling methods often
used in industry are described by Plantin and Johansson (2012). In their study of Skaraborg
Hospital’s surgery department in Skövde, the fact that much of the department’s production
capacity was determined by the varying availability of doctors led to difficulties in achieving
balanced production flows and optimised utilisation of other personnel resources. At the
Department of Ophthalmology at MH, a similar situation could be observed as the varying
capability of different doctors with different competence levels had a negative impact on
production continuity and on the workload assigned to the RNs. Although SU has the
outspoken goal of using production planning to set the production pace, the method has not
yet been successfully implemented. The overall approach of letting capacity set the pace of
production, rather than adjusting capacity to estimates of demand to achieve the desired level
of production is a similarity between the two cases.
In the study made by Plantin and Johansson (2012), a few reasons to why production planning
has not been widely embraced in healthcare are suggested. One reason is that basic values and
priorities may differ from those of private industry. For instance “caring”, often described
with characteristics such as physical and emotional presence, anticipating needs, and fostering
relationships, is central to nursing. According to some of the nurses at MH, the term
production is not commonly used among caregiving employees. A possible explanation to
why may be that “production” is not considered useful in accounting for the full value of the
caring aspect of nursing. Therefore, the caregiving staff may feel sceptical towards the
applicability of methods borrowed from industry.
carried out. The applications of Operations Management presented in this section are meant as
suggestions on how to address both of those issues.
The administrative work takes place in both the patient-oriented shifts, but also during shifts
intended for administration only. Lundgren and Segesten (2001) describe similar findings
where patient administration and general management could be reduced in favour of
caregiving time. Based on the observation, the administration at the ward can be divided into
two categories: easy administration and difficult administration. This also supports the
applicability of task shifting, since easy administration is easier to shift to other professions
with less training. In their report, Lundgren and Segesten (2001) suggest that more paper
work should be managed by supporting staff. A shift of easy administration from RNs to less
trained professionals may also be possible at the studied ward at MH. Lastly, if these easy
administrative tasks would be shifted, other professionals with the skills necessary for taking
on the additional work, e.g. NAs as well as administrative and medical clerks are available.
Furthermore, these employees are not as scarce on the labour market as the RNs, meaning that
MH could employ more people working with easy administration in order to let the RNs
focus on appointments.
The tasks considered as easy administration in table 3 are the tasks mainly applicable for task
shifting in this context. Some of the easy administrative tasks are suggested by the RNs, while
some administrative tasks were found easy during the observation. The professionals involved
then confirmed the low level of complexity.
Table 4
This study’s distinction of easy and difficult administration
The logic typically used in PPC is especially useful in approaching this problem. By first
using historical data to prognosticate the weekly and daily arrivals of errands into the system,
the case management system can be staffed given the required level of output. It is then also
possible to figure out the most efficient way to achieve the necessary pace of production. The
transition to a more demand based approach to resource allocation has proved to yield great
results in the report written by Plantin and Johansson (2012), and is also a prioritised albeit
not yet fully embraced method at the department.
As shown by previous studies, queuing theory is a useful tool when finding the optimal
staffing level, given a certain service level, or production goal (Agnihothri & Taylor, 1992;
Palvannan & Teow, 2012). By applying queuing theory, estimations of the time required for
handling the incoming errands can be made, and the connection between staffing level,
queuing time, and staff utilisation rate can be evaluated. One potential solution would be
letting a number of non-team bounded specialists handle all simpler case management system
errands such as bookings, cancellations and rescheduling of appointments. This would mean
that the work with the case management system is carried out in a more structured manner,
involving a smaller number of employees. Optimally, less skilled proficiencies can be trained
to handle these tasks.
Table 5
Non-counselling case management system errands mediated to the ward
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 14 33 29 28 15 0
Week 15 0 26 24 16 21
Week 16 32 26 33 15 23
Week 17 31 29 23 23 16
Average Daily λ 32 27,50 27 17,25 20
Average Hourly λ 4 3,44 3,38 2,16 2,50
Other Characteristics
Errands arriving to the queue system are mediated from a primary telephone line at SU to the
Department of Ophthalmology at MH. The errands are then placed in line in the case
management system, where they are handled in accordance with the FIFO-principle by the
RNs at the department. The department has to accept new errands no matter how many
patients that are already waiting in the queue. This means that the queue does not have an
upper limit restricting its length. After the patient’s issue has been dealt with, the errand
leaves the system. As the examined part of the patient’s interaction with the hospital contains
only one process, it can be considered a single-phase system.
operating characteristics of this queue system. Since λ varies over the week, the analysis is
made with different λ values: the overall average (3,1), the highest arrival rate of the week (4)
and the lowest arrival rate of the week (2,2). The output tables from the queuing model
analysis are given below.
If the hourly arrival rate (λ) of errands is 3,1, having only one server (i.e. one full time
employee) will according to the queuing model result in an infinitely long waiting line. This
happens when the number of servers multiplied with the service rate is lower than the hourly
arrival rate, as the number of patients in the waiting line will increase in perpetuity. If on the
other hand two servers would be assigned to handling errands in the case management system,
the average waiting time would be approximately 0,12 hours, and the utilisation rate of these
two servers would be around 38 %. These numbers indicate that the optimal staffing level
would be having more than one but less than two servers working with managing bookings-,
cancellations-, and rescheduling errands. In a scenario where arrivals into the system are as
frequent as on Mondays, i.e. λ = 4, two servers still result in a low average waiting time (0,27
hours) and a utilisation rate of 67 %. If s = 1 when λ = 4, the queue will theoretically grow to
infinity. According to the queuing model, the optimal level of staffing is also here between
s=1 and s=2. The only scenario in which s=1 is possibly a sufficient staffing level is when λ =
2,2. S=1 would result in a utilisation rate at approximately 73 %, meaning that a possible
optimal staffing level would be having less than one server. Since two servers result in a very
low server utilisation during all considered scenarios, any staffing levels with more than two
employees would result in even lower levels of server utilisation. However, if λ=5, two
servers would still be a sufficient staffing level as this would result in a server utilisation of
0,83, and a waiting time of 1,09 hours. If the arrival rate would increase to λ = 6, a third
server would be needed in order to manage the incoming errands since 2 servers would result
in a theoretically infinite waiting time.
Table 6
Values of operating characteristics given different arrival rates and staffing levels
λ s Lq Wq ρ
1 ∞ ∞ n.a
2 1,07 0,27 0,67
1 ∞ ∞ n.a
2 0,38 0,12 0,52
1 2,02 0,92 0,73
2 0,12 0,05 0,37
Conclusively, applying the queuing model to the case management system shows that no
more than two employees working full time with handling the specified errands is necessary
in order to achieve reasonable waiting times during the four observed weeks. When the arrival
rate reaches its weekly low, a sufficient staffing level is achieved by assigning one employee
to the task. One possible setup would be having a single employee working full time, with
assistance from another employee at times where the arrival rate is high. If the errands vary in
complexity, having two employees with different levels of competence, where the more
skilled employee is responsible for handling only the errands that require medical
assessments, could be a working solution. If the employee with the higher level of
competence, e.g. a nurse, is responsible for managing the more complex errands only, such a
solution would make sure that necessary competence is available when required, but that
precious nursing time is not spent on simple work.
Potential gains from a redesign and queue model are many. Firstly, the production planning of
the case management system can be enhanced. Less activities coordinated among fewer
employees simplifies the work and enables optimisation. With access to estimations of how
much time that should be allocated to case management system, the time scheduled will be
done so more precisely. Observed in the empirical findings, today many RNs manage the case
management system spread out on many occasions in an unstructured way making it difficult
to optimise the work with it. Secondly, a smaller number of employees taking care of the case
management system could possibly decrease the total downtime. They will also attain
specialist knowledge by a steeper learning curve. Thirdly, if less trained professions can be
trained for these tasks, a work shift may be feasible and the RNs time can be better utilised.
Applying a queue model simplifies the process of deciding how many people that is needed
for a work shift. Lastly, less tasks managed by RNs may decrease the today’s high level of
stress and uncertainty at the ward.
1. Which factors in the daily work of registered nurses and nursing assistants lower their
capacity for caregiving activities?
According to the empirical findings of this research, there are three main factors contributing
to an unsatisfactory caregiving capacity for the RNs. Firstly, the high share of administrative
work carried out throughout the shifts reduces the time that the caregiving employees can
spend on patient appointments. Secondly, the handling of errands going through the case
management system shifts capacity from assessing and treating patients at the ward, to
managing administrative errands and to provide patient counselling over the phone. Thirdly,
the difficulties in planning the appointments in an optimal way create inefficiencies that lower
productivity. The difficulties in planning affect the RNs as well as the NAs. In terms of PPC,
these difficulties occur in the lower levels of the planning hierarchy.
For the managers working with developing the ward, these findings provide some
understanding of issues that were previously only suspicions, or in some cases completely
unknown. With a better understanding of factors lowering the personnel utilisation rate at the
ward, their ability to fully address these issues is improved.
2. How can operation management methods be applied in order to increase the capacity for
caregiving activities among the registered nurses?
Previous research shows that there are many possible applications of operations management
in healthcare. Considering the context of this study, two examples of practical measures are
especially interesting when approaching the issues lowering the caregiving capacity of the
RNs. Firstly, redesigning the work by “task shifting” certain responsibilities has the potential
of giving the RNs more time for caregiving activities. Secondly, applying calculations from
the field of queuing theory is useful in issues related to staffing, and could enable optimisation
of the work carried out through the case management system. This could potentially lead to a
higher share of RN capacity being used for patient appointments.
This study contributes to the field of operations management by bridging a gap between
theory and practice. Although operations management theory is useful in various settings,
factors specific for certain contexts may affect the applicability of the different methods. The
research presented in this study describes issues occurring at an outpatient ward providing
medical procedures for planned patients, and describes how the methods of queuing
modelling and task shifting can be useful in addressing the observed issues. It also describes
problems related to PPC. In doing so, it enriches existing theoretical frameworks, and enables
future research related to healthcare productivity to further build upon these findings.
Since production planning is an area of interest for SU, further research about the production
planning and control processes could be based on a solid foundation of current
documentation. The emphasis of this study has been on the lower levels of the production
planning hierarchy, where there are many issues to elaborate upon. Deepened research on the
applicability and the practical implications of queuing modelling systems as well as task
shifting could be great ways of adding to the findings of this study.
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