Kirloskar 4R1040 Engine PDF
Kirloskar 4R1040 Engine PDF
Kirloskar 4R1040 Engine PDF
1. Foreword 1- 6
2. Engine Description 7 - 24
3. Engine Operation 25 - 38
4. Routine Maintenance 39 - 44
5. Service & Maintenance 45 - 66
6. Faults, Causes & Remedies 67 - 70
7. Engine Specifications 71 - 76
8. Tightening Torque 77 - 88
This warranty applies to the R810 / R1040 / R1080 Series approved by us, have been continuously used. The
KOEL Diesel Engine for off Highway application. repaired or (at its option) new parts will be delivered
free of cost, EX-works.
Duration of Warranty
At the termination of such period of 12 calendar months
Off Highway Engines
(or six calendar months as the case may be) all liability
Within 18 Calendar Months from Date of Dispatch from on our part ceases.
KOEL or 3600 operating hours or 12 Months of hours
In the case of goods not of our manufacture (e.g. Fuel
date of installation whichever occurs first if customer
Injection Equipments, Electrical Components like
source the filters, K-Oil Premium, K-Cool Super Plus
Starter, Alternator, Turbocharger), you are entitled to
and avail the services from KOEL Authorised Service the benefits of respective manufacturers warranty
dealer for off Highway application. given to us. In respect there of and our liability in
Scope of Warranty respect of such goods is limited to the warranty given
by the respective manufacturer. In no case shall we
After the Engine has been taken delivery by you, we be liable for the fitting charges of replacement parts
expressly guarantee, in lieu of any warranty implied of thereof.
by law, to make good any defective parts in machinery
of our own manufacture, which defect develops under The defective parts replaced by us shall become our
proper use and necessary maintenance practices as property. All goods are supplied on the Condition that
written in this manual and arises solely from faulty we shall not be liable for any loss incurred through
material or workmanship, provide always that such stoppages or any consequential damages. Warranty
defective parts are promptly returned carriage paid to for rubber parts like AVM’s, Belts, Hoses, O rings etc
our works and provided that Fuel and lubricants will be six months from date of installation.
Limitations and Exclusions 4. The cost of maintenance or regular service of
the engine.
This warranty does not apply to
5. Any damage due to idle storage of engine beyond
1. To fair wear and tear or to damage due to
period of 6 months without treatment of long
negligence or improper handling or incorrect
application or incorrect installation by the
purchaser, or his employees or agents or in the 6. Any damage due to use of lubrication oil, coolant,
case of repairs or alterations carried out by the fuel quality and grade not recommended by
purchaser without our knowledge and written Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd.
7. Any damage resulting from improper shutdown.
2. To reconditioned or second-hand combination
8. Any failure to meet its obligations hereunder
sets or Engines. The Engines will be deemed to
which are due to circumstances beyond its
have been taken over by the customer upon
reasonable control including but not limited to
dispatch from our works, in the case of direct
industrial disputes, fire, severe weather
deliveries EX-Factory and from the godowns of
conditions, government decisions, material
our authorized Dealers viz. Distributors and
shortage, power or machinery breakdown or
Dealers, in the case of supplies from their stock
failure or war.
and this warranty will come into effect from that
time. 9. Gradual reduction in operating performance
commensurate with the age, kilometers covered
3. Incorrect operational & maintenance practices,
or operating hours, including but not limited to,
lapse in scheduled maintenance or maintenance
gradual loss of engine compression or gradual
done by other than KOEL - Authorised dealership.
increase in oil consumption due to normal
operating functions.
10. We will not be responsible for loss or damage to * Consumables & spares required for free service
goods beyond the delivery stated in our tender checks will be on chargeable basis.
and we will repair or replace free of charge goods
damaged in transit upto the point of delivery by
us, as specified above.
11. Any modification in engine without KOEL consent,
use of engine other than designed application or
changes in engine performance related settings
without KOEL consent.
This warranty is the only document given by us
warranting the Kirloskar R810/R1040 / R1080 series
engine. No other document giving any warranty terms
conflicting these contents shall be considered and
* KOEL recommends use of K Oil Premium, K Cool
Super Plus Coolant & Kirloskar genuine filters to
be used in engine.
* KOEL will provide for 5 free service checks
(Namely C1,M1,M2, M3 & M4) for off highway
application. For availing free service checks
contact nearest KOEL authorised service dealer
or call us on toll free number 1800-233-3344
* Clean high speed diesel. * Shut down the engine before carrying out
maintenance or repair work.
* Lubricating oil of specified quality and viscosity
grade. * When the work is complete, be sure to install safety
devices that may have been removed.
* KOEL recommends use of K Oil Premium.
* If you have to work on a running engine, ensure that
* Fresh air for combustion of fuel, for cooling of all clothing is tight fitting and cannot entrap the
genset / radiator. moving parts.
* Genuine spare parts for its maintenance. * Observe all industrial safety regulations when engine
* K - Cool Super Plus Coolant to avoid rust formation. are operating in enclosed spaces or underground.
* Please contact your Kirloskar Dealer for Spare parts
Service and Maintenance enquiry. Use only genuine spare parts.
2. Engine Description
2. Engine Description
2.1 Engine numbering system 2. Engine Description
Engine no is punched on the Name Plate which is fixed on the engine crankcase.
2. Engine Description 2.1 Engine numbering system
2.2 Engine illustration 2. Engine Description
1. Air cleaner
2. Aircleaner hose
3. Flywheel
17 4. Drain Plug
16 1 5. Crank case
21. V - Belt
22. Crankpulley
2.3 Engine lifting device 2. Engine Description
Before lifting the engine first fix the lifting hooks on the engine
and then lift the engine. The lifting hooks provided on the engine
are meant for lifting bare engine only. Use of engine lifting hooks
for lifting engine + equipment must be avoided as it can cause
damage to engine or equipment in the event of breakage.
2. Engine Description 2.4 Lube oil system
Force feed lubrication is provided by a ‘G’ rotor type pump to main Lube oil pump delivery
bearings, large end bearings, camshaft journals, valve gear etc.
Other components like connecting rod small end bushes, cylinder Engine type 4R1040T/TA
liners and gear train are splash lubricated. Oil supply to valve gear
is achieved through rocker shaft core hole; the oil supply is Engine rpm 2200
controlled to the valves and rocker arm by oil metering screw, which
results into lower oil consumption and lower carbon deposition. Lube oil pump rpm 2464
The system includes adequate filtering by replaceable
‘Spin-on’ filter cartridge. The water-cooled lube oil cooler is Delivery Liters/min. 44@4bar
provided to maintain the oil temperature within limits. A relief valve at 4kg/cm2 pressure
controls the maximum oil pressure, which is provided on delivery
side of the lube oil pump.
Engine type 6R1080T/TA
2.4 Lube oil system 2. Engine Description
A schematic diagram, shown below, shows the lubricating oil circuit of a typical R810 / R1040 / R1080 series engines
If the lube oil pressure at any time drops below 1.5 kg/cm2 at Note :- During the running in period of first 50 hours, never
operating speed of 1500 rpm, under loaded condition, then exceed ‘full load’ even for a short duration; this is applicable for
replace the lube oil filter cartridge and check the pressure. If the stationary applications like power generation application.
pressure is still low, then contact your Kirloskar Dealer.
2.4 Lube oil system 2. Engine Description
The lube oil sump capacities of R810 / R1040 / R1080 series engines * Whenever Lube oil filter is drained off, add approximately
are as below 0.5 lit. / 1 lit. extra Lube oil (as per the size of the Spin-on filter
These capacities are for the standard sheet metal sumps. cartridge) in the sump to maintain the correct oil level.)
* The oil level in the sump should be checked at room
Engine type 3R810 4R810 temperature by using dipstick. Top up with fresh oil when the
level reaches the low level mark on dip stick, fill till it increases
Oil sump type C.I. C.I. to top level mark. Avoid over filling.
Initial fill (lit.) 7.0 9.0 The engine should be lubricated only with the specified oil. This
Refill (lit.) Max./Min. 5.0/6.0 7.0/8.0 specially blended engine oil designed for the best performance
of engine.
Engine type 4R1040T/TA 6R1080TA Using the specified oil has the following advantages:
* Extra protection against corrosion and rusting
Oil sump type S.M./C.I. S.M./Low Ht.
* Excellent performance at both high and low temperatures
Initial fill (lit.) 11.5 15.0 / 20.5
* Reduced fuel consumption
Refill (lit.) 9.5 13.0 / 18.0
Usage of improper lube oil could result in:
* Overheating of the engine
The oil must be changed at least once in a year. This is
applicable to the engines, which are running for standby * Sluggish performance
duty application. * Excessive fuel consumption
Note : * Increased wear of bearings and other parts
* Initial fill = Sump capacity + Gallery capacity + Lube oil filter The specified oil is available only through KOEL’s authorized
capacity service dealers in suitable packing.
* Fill the Lube oil filter with oil before fitting on the engine.
2. Engine Description 2.4 Lube oil system
Lube oil of correct viscosity and detergency grades should be Multi-grade oil should be used.
used It is recommended to use ‘K Oil Premium’ (SAE15W40) As the viscosity of lube oil is dependent on temperature. the
K-OIL PREMIUM Genuine Oil for Kirloskar BS-III engines - Next choice of SAE grade should be governed by the ambient
generation lubricant. temperature prevailing at the engine operating site..
K-Oil PREMIUM is formulated using superior quality Group 11+ Optimum operating behavior will be attained if you take the
base oils and highly developed additive technology, specially accompanying oil viscosity diagram as a guide Should be
developed to meet the stringent demands of modern low temperature fall temporarily below the limits of the SAE grade
emission BS-III engines manufactured by Kirloskar Oil Engines. selected, cold starting may be affected but the engine will not be
• Suitable for engines fitted with EGR technology. • Excellent damaged.
soot dispersing capability ensures lower pressure drops across In order to keep wear to a minimum, do not exceed application
filters and enhances filter life. • Superior protection of engine limits for extended period of time.
components from wear & corrosion even under severe working
conditions. • Enhanced oxidation stability reduces sludge varnish
& deposit formation and extends oil service life. • Backward
compatible with all previous API Service categories. • Extensively
evaluated and tested under severe conditions to establish the
2.4 Lube oil system 2. Engine Description
2.4.9 Viscosity
2. Engine Description 2.5 Fuel system
Fuel is supplied to the Rotary fuel pump by a fuel lift pump (feed The fuel tank is to be installed below the fuel pump level, and
pump) a spin-on fuel filter ensures the supply of clean fuel to the then the bottom level of the fuel tank should be less than 1 meter
rotary fuel pump. The schematic diagram shows the fuel circuit below the feed pump inlet. Fuel pipe from fuel tank to feed pump
of the engine. should be of 9mm I.D.
2. Engine Description 2.5 Fuel system
2.6 Cooling system 2. Engine Description
2. Engine Description 2.7 Electrical system
Engines are equipped as per customer requirement with 12V & Recommended Battery Cable (Copper) – 35mm2 - up to 1mtr.
24V negative earth electrical starting system. 50mm2 - up to 2mtr.
Electrical system 12 V 24 V 70mm2 - up to 3mtr.
Alternator – 12V DC, 35Amp 24V DC, 30Amp
12V DC, 55Amp 24V DC, 55Amp
12V DC, 65Amp 24V DC, 45Amp
Starter – 12V DC, 2.7 KW 24V DC, 4.5 KW
12V DC, 3.0 KW
Recommended Battery Capacity –
R810 / R1040 DC, 120 AH above 100 C
R1080 DC, 150 AH above 100 C
3. Engine Operation
3.1 Commissioning
3.2 Operating conditions
3.3 Starting & stopping
3.4 Running in period
3.5 Engine cleaning & preservation
3. Engine Operation
3.1 Commissioning 3. Engine Operation
3.1.1 Oil
Oil filling
Fill the engine with Lube oil through oil filling neck as shown in
figure above. For oil quantity, grade and viscosity refer point
no. 2.4.8 & 2.4.9 respectively.
3. Engine Operation 3.1 Commissioning
Check that belts are in position and the belt tension is proper. If the
belt tension is not proper adjust the same as described in
section 5.4
It is not necessary to check / adjust the valve clearance on a new * Check battery and lead connections. Also check the cable
engine as it is already adjusted at its required value in factory. connections at the starter & alternator. Loose connections lead
However after overhauling the engine, it is necessary to recheck to improper contact and damage to the terminals.
and adjust the valve clearance before starting the engine. Refer * Remove lifting hooks after engine installation.
section 5.6 for adjustments.
* After completing the preparations, run the engine for a short
period of 10 minutes without load.
- Check the engine for oil and water leakages. If the leakages
are noticed, remove them.
* After stopping the engine check following.
- With engine stationary, check the oil level. Top up the oil if
- Retighten the V belts
3. Engine Operation 3.2 Operating conditions
* The declared power ratings of the engine are obtained at The engine power mentioned on name plate is at NTP conditions.
standard reference conditions as per ISO 3046 / BS 5514 / DIN Based on altitude, ambient tempature & relative humidity engine
6271 / IS 10000. requires to be derated accordingly.
* Where engines are operated at greater altitudes and / or higher Deration chart for Naturally Aspirated engines
ambient temperatures, they must be derated in accordance The chart is prepared on the basis of standard ambient
with respective standards. conditions mentioned in ISO 3046/DIN 6271/BS 5514, with 30%
* In case of doubt concerning such engine application, contact relative humidity. For higher relative humidity the deration
your engine equipment supplier. increases by 2% for 20% rise in relative humidity above 30%
relative humidity.
The deration chart applicable for R810 / R1040 / R1080 engines
is illustrated below.
3.2 Operating conditions 3. Engine Operation
Deration chart for Turbocharged engines Deration chart for Turbocharged Aftercooled engines
The deration chart applicable for R810T / R1040T / 6R1080T The deration chart applicable for 4R1040TA/6R1080TA engines
engines is illustrated below. is illustrated below
3. Engine Operation 3.3 Starting & stopping
3.3 Starting & stopping 3. Engine Operation
* Fill the radiator with “K-Cool Super Plus” coolant only. * Check the battery for correct voltage and current capacity.
* After starting the engine recheck the coolant level in the radiator * Check that the battery cables are correctly connected and
and top up if required. secure.
* The Compensation tank on the radiator should also be filled as * Ensure correct polarity.
per the specified marking. * Apply petroleum jelly on battery terminals.
3. Engine Operation 3.3 Starting & stopping
* Ensure that all electrical wiring of the alternator is intact. Before starting
* Ensure that all the fasteners in the foundation, couplings etc * Check the oil and coolant levels - top up if required.
are properly secured. * Ensure that there is sufficient fuel in fuel tank.
* Check the restriction indicator of air cleaner.
* Clean the engine with a dry cloth.
* Crank the engine. Release the starter switch as soon as engine
fires. Keep the ignition switch in the ‘ON’ position. Do not
crank the engine for more than 10 seconds at a time.
* If engine fails to start, wait for a minute before trying again.
After starting
* Check for leakages of fuel, oil and coolant.
* Allow the engine to run idle for about 3 minutes and then start
loading the engine.
* While the engine is operating, check the oil pressure, coolant
temperature and battery charging rate regularly.
3.3 Starting & stopping 3. Engine Operation
Before stopping
* Unload the engine and let it run at idling speed for about 5
* Check if lube oil pressure and coolant temperature have
* Shut the engine from the ‘Stop’ push button on the Engine
After stopping
* Check for any fuel, oil and coolant leakages.
* Check the oil level 30 minutes after stopping and top up if
3. Engine Operation 3.4 Running in period
3.5 Engine cleaning & preservation 3. Engine Operation
Remove the dust deposit from the engine and radiator fins with
compressed air. Cleaning with diesel fuel or kerosene or water
may cause dust to deposit again on the cleaned parts.
* Cleaning should be done from the side opposite to the normal
air flow.
* When deposits are hard, scrape and clean with a water jet. Run
the engine after such cleaning till all the water has evaporated.
* When the engine is not used for some time, it should be
protected from atmospheric moisture and condensates that
could damage the engine parts such as bearings, piston
crankshaft, etc.
4. Routine Maintenance
4. Routine Maintenance
4.1 Maintenance Schedule 4. Routine Maintenance
4.2 Maintenance Work Completed 4. Routine Maintenance
4. Routine Maintenance 4.2 Maintenance Work Completed
5. Service & Maintenance
5. Service & Maintenance
5.1 Maintenance of lube system 5. Service & Maintenance
* Stop the engine and wait for a while (Approximately 30 to 45 * Run engine until it gets warm. (lube oil temp. approx. 80°C)
mins.) till oil level in the sump is settled. Ensure that engine is * Stop the engine, remove battery connections.
in horizontal position.
* Place oil tray under the engine.
* Pull out dipstick, wipe it with a non-fraying cloth and push it in
* Unscrew oil drain plug on the end of drain pipe & drain oil
as far as it will go and then withdraw again
completely. Wait until last drop of oil.
* The film of oil left on the dipstick should extend to the upper
* Collect used oil in suitable receptacle ready for proper
(max.) mark. If the level approaches near to the lower mark,
disposal to prevent environmental pollution.
the oil should be topped-up without delay.
* Refit oil drain plug with new joint washer and tighten firmly.
5. Service & Maintenance 5.1 Maintenance of lube system
* Fill in fresh lube oil. Replace ‘Spin-on’ lube oil filter cartridge for every oil change.
– Lube oil specifications – Use K Oil Premium * Release lube oil filter cartridge with special tool and spin off
as shown in figure above.
– Lube oil sump capacity, refer 2.4.5
* Do not flush the lube oil system with diesel or kerosene.
5.1 Maintenance of lube system 5. Service & Maintenance
* Clean sealing surface of filter carrier. * Tighten lube oil filter cartridge firmly by giving a final half turn
* Fit the filter cartridge in dry condition. Do not fill oil in the filter as shown in figure above.
before assembly. * Check oil level and lube oil pressure.
* Apply light film of oil to rubber seal of new cartridge. * Check seal of lube oil filter cartridge for leaks
* Screw cartridge into place by hand until seal is evenly seated.
* Use genuine KOEL lube oil filter.
5. Service & Maintenance 5.2 Maintenance of fuel system
* Remove the cartridge by rotating in anticlockwise by hand. * Clean the sealing surface of filter.
* Collect driping fuel in a tray. * Apply light film of oil or diesel fuel to the rubber gasket of the
* Destroy the removed cartridge. new fuel filter cartridge.
* Use genuine KOEL fuel filter. * Screw in the new cartridge finger tight against the gasket.
5.2 Maintenance of fuel system 5. Service & Maintenance
* Tighten the fuel filter cartridge with a final half turn using
commercial tool.
* Open fuel stopcock.
* Check for leaks.
5. Service & Maintenance 5.3 Maintenance of cooling
5.3.1 Radiator
Coolant filling
5. Service & Maintenance 5.3 Maintenance of Cooling
5.3.3 Thermostat
Thermostat inspection
5.4 Maintenance of dry type 5. Service & Maintenance
air cleaner
Dry type air cleaner with plastic housing Dry type air cleaner with sheet metal housing
Construction of typical dry type plastic air cleaner, supplied, is bottom of cover helps in expelling the accumulated dust. This is
shown above in figure and construction of typical dry type air achieved by opening / closing of vacuator valve outlet due to the
cleaner with sheet metal housing is shown above in figure. airflow fluctuations inside the air cleaner.
Inlet cap or pre - cleaner is supplied for the air intake inlet cap Inner element is a ‘Safety Element’ to prevent ingress of dust into
prevents ingress of rain / heavy particles. the engine, when the outer (main) element is removed for cleaning
Two filter elements are co - axially fitted in the air cleaner housing. / replacement.
The outer element is the main filter element, with a built in cyclone
separator which gives a swirling effect to incoming air, to separate
out heavy dust particles by centrifugal action. This dust is collected
in the end cover (which is removable). The vacuator valve at the
5. Service & Maintenance 5.4 Maintenance of dry type
air cleaner
5.4.2 Maintenance
5.4 Maintenance of dry type 5. Service & Maintenance
air cleaner
5.4.2 Maintenance 5.4.3 Cleaning of filter element
* Discharge the dust vaccuator valve by pressing apart the lips Cleaning of filter element is to be done only when a restriction
of the ejection slot, applying pressure as shown above. indicator shows a red signal even after the engine is stopped. For
* Clean the vacuation slot time to time. cleaning proceed as follows -
* Remove any cakes of dust by pressing together the upper part * Loosen the mounting band of the dust cup, take out the outer
of the valve. element for checking and cleaning. See figure above. Do not
remove inner element (Safety element)
* Make sure that vacuator valve is not damaged, if required
change it * Use a damp cloth to wipe out all excess dust in the air cleaner.
* Thorough cleaning of the fitter element with compressed air is
5. Service & Maintenance 5.4 Maintenance of dry type
air cleaner
5.4.3 Cleaning of filter element
Cleaning air filter element with compressed air Inspection of air cleaner element - Light test
Clean the element from inside to outside using compressed air as * Carefully check new or properly cleaned element for damage
shown in figure. before installing. Conduct a light test by passing the light
* Replace the main element after two cleaning intervals. through element as shown in figure above. If there is any crack
in the element, the light will pass through it. In that case replace
* Rapping, Tapping or Pounding dust out of element is the element.
dangerous. It will result in severe damage to the filter element.
Too much air pressure can tear the filter paper and
destroy the element. (Max. Air Pressure 3.0 kg/cm2)
5.4 Maintenance of dry type 5. Service & Maintenance
air cleaner
5.4.3 Cleaning of filter element
5. Service & Maintenance 5.5 Belt drives
5.6 Adjustments 5. Service & Maintenance
5.6.1 Checking and adjusting valve clearance 5.6.2 Checking valve clearance
Valve Clearance
clearance is being checked) are “overlapping” (exhaust valve
about to close, inlet valve about to open).
ARM * Then continue turning the crankshaft through 360° (one
complete revolution). At this position both valves are closed.
* Insert a feeler gauge of 0.25 mm in the gap between rocker
arm toe and valve for inlet. The valve clearance is correct
when the filler gauge can be inserted with a slight drag. Failing
this, the valve clearance must be readjusted as mentioned in
The valve clearance is the requisite gap between the rocker arm
toe and valve stem end. See figure above. Engine performance
and power output depend on its correct setting, which can be done
by a skilled mechanic according to the instructions in 5.6.3.
5. Service & Maintenance 5.6 Adjustments
Inlet Exhaust
0.25 mm 0.30 mm
5.7 Maintenance of 5. Service & Maintenance
electrical equipment
5.7.1 Battery charging alternator 5.7.2 Battery
5.8 Additional Jobs 5. Service & Maintenance
* Knock out soot from exhaust silencer and clean the exhaust * Check & tighten-up the fasteners for following -
piping after every 1200 hours.
– Air intake and exhaust manifolds, exhaust piping
* The time span of exhaust silencer chocking is entirely
– Radiator hose connections
dependant on the working conditions and maintenance &
operating practices, so the time span will be vary accordingly. – Engine and radiator mountings
– Lube oil sump
– Front cover
– Hose clip for air cleaner
– Lube oil filter mounting
– Engine mountings
– Fuel connections
– All external nuts and bolts
6. Faults, Causes & Remedies
6. Faults, Causes & Remedies
Diesel knock
Bearing wear
Engine overheat
Mechanical knock
Excessive vibration
Engine lacks power
Engine fails to rotate
Engine does not start
Faulty oil pump
Radiator fins choked
Loose V - Belt
Air leakages through radiator & shroud
7. Engine Specifications
7. Engine Specifications
7. Engine Specifications
7. Engine Specifications
8. Tightening Torque
8. Tightening Torque
8. Tightening Torque
To prevent faulty assembly, following information on tightening Tommy bar is to be clamped in the tool slot and specified angle
of high tensile bolts is important. The bolts are to be tightened in is to be turned with reference to the initial graduation on outer
stages as specified in the table below. For connecting rod bolt and dial of the tool or a relation of hex head of bolt can be referred.
main bearing cap bolt use angle torque method with the help of NOTE:
goniometer. The tightening angles for these two bolts are
particularly important, hence figure below indicates the various 1. Lubricate threads and seating face of bolt with engine oil before
angles can be readily obtained by comparison with a clock face. it is assembled.
2. Screw the bolt by hand till it is engaged up to the seating face.
3. Apply initial torque and tighten the bolts according to the angles/
torques in stages as specified in the “Tightening table”.
4. In case of replacing main and big end bearings/overhaul/piston
seizures, fit new bolts for main bearing cap, connecting rod
cap, balance weight & cylinder head.
1 Nm = 0.102 kgm = 0.74 Ib.ft.
8. Tightening Torque 8.1.1 Tightening Torque
R810 Table for fasteners
8.1.1 Tightening Torque 8. Tightening Torque
R810 Table for fasteners
8. Tightening Torque 8.1.2 Tightening Torque
R1040 Table for fasteners
8.1.2 Tightening Torque 8. Tightening Torque
R1040 Table for fasteners
8. Tightening Torque 8.2 Tightening torque sequence
Tightening torque sequence for cylinder head bolts for R810 / R1040 / R1080 Engines
is shown below
8.2 Tightening torque sequence 8. Tightening Torque
Tightening torque sequence for cylinder head bolts for R810 / R1040 / R1080 Engines
is shown below
14 10 6 1 4 8 12
11 7 3 2 5 9 13
8. Tightening Torque
Tightening torque sequence for cylinder head bolts for R810 / R1040 / R1080 Engines
is shown below
18 14 12 16
15 11 13 17
8. Tightening Torque
Tightening torque sequence for cylinder head bolts for R810 / R1040 / R1080 Engines
is shown below
26 22 18 14 12 16 20 24
23 19 15 11 13 17 21 25