FinFET TEchnologies
FinFET TEchnologies
FinFET TEchnologies
power dissipation, because front and back gates both To quantify the power and performance of the logic
can be controlled independently or both gates and ALU techniques, certain metrics are
simultaneously. considered. The parameters used for comparison are
Average Power Consumption and Delay. The proposed
logic gates using FinFET technique is compared with
MosFET based logic gates. A comparative study of
proposed technique using FINFET and MOSFET will
also be analyzed on the basis of average power
consumption and delay.
According to the literature review, and the design space
offered by FinFETs. It is highly possible for FinFETs
to replace conventional MosFET under 32nm
technology, as FinFETs based logic circuits are
promising substitutes for conventional Mos.
Figure 3: ID-VDS double-gate n-type FinFET Device [1] Junki Kato, CES, 2014 “Circuit design of 2 i/p
of gate length L = 32 nm [9] reconfigurable Dynamis Logic based on DG
MOSFETs with whole set of 16 functions”
The effective width of a FinFET device is [2] Zhichao Lu, IEEE, Vol 28, Feb- 2007, “Short
quantized due to the vertical gate structure. The fin Channel Effects in FinFet”
height determines the minimum width with the two [3] Ajay N. Bhoj and Niraj K. Jha, IEEE, 2013 ,
gates tied together, Wmin is given by, “Design of Logic Gates and Flip-Flops in High-
Wmin = 2.Hfin + tsi performance FinFet Technology”
Where, Hfin is fin height and tsi is the thickness of [4] R.Rajprabu, IOSR-JVSP, Vol 2, Apr- 2013,
silicon body [6]. Typically, the fin thickness is kept “Performance analysis of CMOS and FinFet
smaller than the fin height to reduce the short channel Logic”
effects. The FinFET height Hfin, together with the fin [5] Sherif A.Tawfika, Elsevier, 2011, “FinFET
pitch (determined by photolithography) defines the domino logic with independent gate keepers ”
FinFET device width Wfin within the given silicon [6] Mahender Veshala , IJEIT 2013, “Reduction of
width of the planar device, to get the same or better Short-Channel Effects in FinFET”
device strength [8]. [7] V Narendar , IJCA, 2012 , “Design of High-
The key benefits of FinFET technology over performance Digital Logic Circuits based on
MOSFET includes low off currents, higher on currents, FinFET Technology ”
lower average power consumption and reduces short [8] PC Rajashree, ICIET-2014, “Deep Submicron
channel effects (SCEs) . 50nm CMOS Logic Design With FINFET”
Research groups and companies such as Intel, IBM, [9] Tushar Surwadkar, IJETT-2014, “Upgrading the
have shown interest in developing similar devices, as performance of VLSI Circuits using FinFETs”
well as mechanisms to migrate mask layouts from bulk [10] Sneha Arora, Umesh Dutta, Vipin Kumar Sharma,
MOSFET to FinFET . "A Noise Tolerant and Low Power Dynamic Logic
Circuit Using Finfet Technology"Vol. 5 - Issue 12
(December - 2015), International Journal of
The methodology used for thesis work is reviewed
Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA),
deeply in this paper. The logic gates used in ALU are
simulated on HSPICE Software tool. The model used ISSN: 2248-9622,
for FinFET circuit analysis on HSPICE is BSIM-CMG
for 32nm FinFET Technology.
BSIM-CMG is a transistor model by BSIM for Multi-
Gate transistors and is implemented in Verilog-A. This
model describes all the important characteristic
behavior of Multi gate transistors. It is physics based
model which is scalable and predictive over a wide
range of device parameters [10].