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Report on Developing Baseline

Specific Energy Consumption in

Petrochemicals Industry in India

April 2013

The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the view of Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation.
The organization also does not guarantee accuracy of any data included in this publication nor does it accept any
responsibility for the consequences of its use.

CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................................3
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................... 10
OVERVIEW OF GLOBAL PETROCHEMICALS INDUSTRY.............................................................................. 12
TRENDS OF GLOBAL PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY...............................................................................................13
ENERGY CONSUMPTION TRENDS IN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY ........................................................................14
TECHNOLOGY TRENDS IN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY .......................................................................................15
GLOBAL DEMAND SUPPLY AND CAPACITY .........................................................................................................16

OVERVIEW OF INDIAN PETROCHEMICALS INDUSTRY ................................................................................ 20

TRENDS IN INDIAN PETROCHEMICAL SECTOR ....................................................................................................23
FIBRE INTERMEDIATES (CAPROLACTUM, ACRYLONITRILE, MEG, DMT AND PTA) ...............................................24
PSF, POLYPROYLENE STAPLE FIBRE, POLYESTER STAPLE FIBREFIL) ................................................................25
SYNTHETIC RUBBER/ELASTOMERS (SBR, PBR, NBR, EPDM AND EVA) ..........................................................25
SYNTHETIC DETERGENT INTERMEDIATES (LAB AND EO) ...................................................................................26
TRENDS IN IMPORT-EXPORT OF PETROCHEMICAL PRODUCTS ............................................................................27
DEMAND SUPPLY SITUATION IN INDIA ................................................................................................................28
CATEGORY-WISE DEMAND-SUPPLY SCENARIO IN INDIA .......................................................................................28
KEY PETROCHEMICALS TRADE MOVEMENTS .....................................................................................................30
PETROCHEMICALS USES AND APPLICATIONS IN INDIA .........................................................................................33
PRIMARY BUILDING BLOCKS .............................................................................................................................38
ETHYLENE & PROPYLENE .................................................................................................................................40
LOW DENSITY POLY ETHYLENE (LDPE)............................................................................................................44
HIGH DENSITY POLY ETHYLENE (HDPE) ..........................................................................................................45
LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLY ETHYLENE (LLDPE) ..............................................................................................47
POLYPROPYLENE (PP) ....................................................................................................................................48
POLY VINYL CHLORIDE ( PVC) .........................................................................................................................49
POLY STYRENE ( PS) .......................................................................................................................................50
XYLENE ...........................................................................................................................................................53
PURIFIED TEREPHTHALIC ACID (PTA) ...............................................................................................................54
MONO ETHYLENE GLYCOL ...............................................................................................................................55
POLY ETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE (PET)..........................................................................................................55
CAPROLACTUM ................................................................................................................................................56
POLYESTER CHIPS...........................................................................................................................................57
NYLON-6 (POLYCAPROAMIDE) CHIPS ................................................................................................................58
LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB).........................................................................................................................59
ETHYLENE OXIDE (EO) ....................................................................................................................................60
ACRYLONITRILE (ACN) ....................................................................................................................................63
PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE (PAN) ...........................................................................................................................64
ACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE STYRENE (ABS) ....................................................................................................65
STYRENE ACRYLONITRILE (SAN)......................................................................................................................66
ELASTOMERS ( SYNTHETIC RUBBER).................................................................................................................67
POLY BUTADIENE RUBBER (PBR).....................................................................................................................67
STYRENE BUTADIENE RUBBER (SBR) ...............................................................................................................68
ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN INDIAN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY ..........................................................................68

REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BENCHMARKING PRACTICES ...................................................................... 73

SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION PER TON OF ETHYLENE (SECE) ...................................................................73
RATIO OF THE ACTUAL SEC TO THE REFERENCE SEC ......................................................................................74
INDIVIDUAL PLANT SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION (SEC) .............................................................................74
ENERGY INTENSITY .........................................................................................................................................75
BENCHMARKING CURVES ................................................................................................................................76
BENCHMARK DATA SUPPLEMENTED BY EFFICIENCY INDICATOR DATA .................................................................77
HYPOTHETICAL BENCHMARKING ......................................................................................................................78
VOLUNTARY PERFORMANCE GOALS ................................................................................................................79
MARKET-BASED APPROACHES ........................................................................................................................79
BENCHMARK-BASED ALLOWANCE ALLOCATION ................................................................................................80
EMISSIONS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ..........................................................................................................81
STATISTICAL APPROACH ..................................................................................................................................82

GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND REGULATIONS .............................................................................................. 88

PCPIRS ..........................................................................................................................................................88
OTHER POLICY AND SCHEMES..........................................................................................................................91
INDIA’S TRADE AGREEMENTS AND ITS IMPACT ON THE PETROCHEMICAL SECTOR ................................................92

ROADMAP FOR IMPLEMENTING PAT IN PETROCHEMICAL SECTOR ........................................................ 95

SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN “SINGLE PRODUCT” INDIVIDUAL PLANTS .....................................................96
SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN “MULTI PRODUCT” INDIVIDUAL PLANTS.......................................................98
CONSUMED ...................................................................................................................................................101


............................................................................................................................................................................ 111
ANNEXURE 1 – GLOBAL PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY ............................................................................. 113
ANNEXURE 2 – INDIAN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY ................................................................................ 115
ANNEXURE 3 – QUESTIONNAIRE .................................................................................................................. 126
ANNEXURE 4 – SEQUENCE OF DATA COLLECTION TO ARRIVE AT SECS ............................................. 135
PLANT ................................................................................................................................................................ 164
ANNEXURE 7 – REPRESENTATIVE STATISTICAL MODELS ....................................................................... 167

List of Figures
Figure 1: Dynamics of a Petrochemical Cycle ...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2: Capacity additions 2000-2011, MTA ..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3: Worldwide Polymer per capita consumption (Source: CMAI) ............................................................... 20
Figure 4: Building Blocks – Capacity v/s Production, kTA ................................................................................... 23
Figure 5: Fibre Intermediates – Capacity v/s Production, kTA ............................................................................. 24
Figure 6: Polymers – Capacity v/s Production, kTA ............................................................................................. 24
Figure 7: Synthetic Fibres/Yarn – Capacity v/s Production, kTA ......................................................................... 25
Figure 8: Synthetic Rubber/Elastomers – Capacity v/s Production, kTA ............................................................. 26
Figure 9: Synthetic Detergent Intermediates – Capacity v/s Production, kTA ..................................................... 26
Figure 10: Exports and Imports of Petrochemicals (Figures in Rs. Crore)........................................................... 27
Figure 11: Process flow diagram indicating the above primary building blocks, intermediates & products
manufactured ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 12: Primary Building Blocks Flow Diagram ............................................................................................... 39
Figure 13: Lummus Technology for Olefins ......................................................................................................... 41
Figure 14: Axens Technology for Olefins ............................................................................................................. 42
Figure 15: Lummus Technology for Propylene .................................................................................................... 42
Figure 16: BASF Technology for Butadiene ......................................................................................................... 43
Figure 17: Flow Diagram for Manufacturing LDPE ............................................................................................... 45
Figure 18: Bassell HDPE Process ........................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 19: Basell Sperilene Process .................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 20: KBR Technology for Polypropylene .................................................................................................... 48
Figure 21: PVC Manufacturing Process ............................................................................................................... 50
Figure 22: Polystyrene Batch Bulk Polymerization Process ................................................................................ 51
Figure 23: UOP Process for Manufacturing P-Xylene .......................................................................................... 53
Figure 24: PTA Manufacturing Process ............................................................................................................... 54
Figure 25: MEG Manufacturing Process .............................................................................................................. 55
Figure 26: PET Manufacturing Process ............................................................................................................... 56
Figure 27: Nylon Manufacturing Process ............................................................................................................. 58
Figure 28: UOP Manufacturing Process for LAB .................................................................................................. 60
Figure 29: Ethylene Oxide Manufacturing Process .............................................................................................. 61
Figure 30: Benzene, Toluene and Xylene Manufacturing Process ...................................................................... 63
Figure 31: ACN Manufacturing Process ............................................................................................................... 64
Figure 32: PAN Manufacturing Process ............................................................................................................... 65
Figure 33: SAN Manufacturing Process ............................................................................................................... 67
Figure 34: SBR Manufacturing Process ............................................................................................................... 68
Figure 35: Estimated Product Wise Energy Consumption for Indian Petrochemical Sector................................ 69
Figure 36: Twelfth Five Year Plan Growth Targets for Chemical Industry Segments .......................................... 89
Figure 37: Energy & Mass Flow Chart for “Single Product” Individual Plant ........................................................ 97
Figure 38: Energy & Mass Flow Chart for “Single Product” Individual Plant ........................................................ 98
Figure 39: Energy & Mass Flow Chart for “Single Product” Individual Plant ...................................................... 109
Figure 40: Product-wise Demand Portfolio ......................................................................................................... 113
Figure 41: Comparable SEC Trends with reference to Olefins Production & Feedstock Consumption ............ 161
Figure 42: Polyethylene - Production and SEC .................................................................................................. 162
Figure 43: Polypropylene – Production and SEC ............................................................................................... 163

List of Tables

Table 1: Electricity Usage by Demand Source ......................................................................................................14

Table 2: Energy Consumption and Energy Efficiency Index in Global Chemical and Petrochemical Industry .....16

Table 3: Capacity and Demand of Major Petrochemical Products in 2010-15 .....................................................17

Table 4: Global Ethylene Production Capacity ......................................................................................................18

Table 5: Major Petrochemical Complexes in India ................................................................................................21

Table 6: Export-Import Statistics of Petrochemical Products ................................................................................30

Table 7: Sector wise Petrochemical Product Uses ...............................................................................................33

Table 8: Product-wise Uses and Applications in India ..........................................................................................35

Table 9: Capacity and Demand of Primary Building Blocks ..................................................................................38

Table 10: Major Plants in India Producing Ethylene & Propylene .........................................................................40

Table 11: Breakup of Ethylene & Propylene Production Capacities .....................................................................40

Table 12: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................41

Table 13: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................42

Table 14: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................43

Table 15: Capacity and Demand of Commodity Plastics ......................................................................................44

Table 16: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................45

Table 17: List of Plants Manufacturing HDPE & LLDPE .......................................................................................45

Table 18: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................47

Table 19: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................48

Table 20: Major Plants Manufacturing Polypropylene ...........................................................................................48

Table 21: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................49

Table 22: Major Plants Manufacturing PVC ..........................................................................................................49

Table 23: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................50

Table 24: Major Polystyrene Manufacturers ..........................................................................................................51

Table 25: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................52

Table 26: Capacity and Demand of Synthetic Fibre Intermediates .......................................................................52

Table 27: Synthetic Yarn Production Capacity & Demand ....................................................................................52

Table 28: Xylene Manufacturing Plants .................................................................................................................53

Table 29: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................54

Table 30: Important Manufacturers of PTA ...........................................................................................................54

Table 31: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................55

Table 32: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................55

Table 33: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................56

Table 34: Major Manufacturers of Caprolactum ....................................................................................................56

Table 35: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................57

Table 36: Major Polyester Chips Manufacturers ...................................................................................................57

Table 37: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................58

Table 38: Major Nylon Manuacturers ....................................................................................................................58

Table 39: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................59

Table 40: Production Capacity and demand of Surfactants in India .....................................................................59

Table 41: Major LAB Manufacturing Plants ...........................................................................................................59

Table 42: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................61

Table 43: Manufacturing Capacity & Demand for Basic Organic Chemicals ........................................................61

Table 44: Major Benzene Manufacturing Plants ...................................................................................................62

Table 45: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................62

Table 46: Specific Energy Consumption ..............................................................................................................63

Table 47: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................64

Table 48: Major Manufacturers of PAN .................................................................................................................64

Table 49: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................65

Table 50: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................66

Table 51: Specific Energy Consumption ...............................................................................................................67

Table 52: Capacity and Production of Synthetic Rubber ......................................................................................67

Table 53: Energy Efficiency Measures Implemented by Leading Petrochemical Industries .................................70

Table 54: SECs for some petrochemical products from a sample petrochemcal complex .................................101

Table 55: Heat of Formation of Feedstocks ........................................................................................................103

Table 56: Heat of Formation of Products ............................................................................................................104

Table 57: Estimation of EEI .................................................................................................................................105

Table 58: Threshold Energy Consumption of Sector under PAT ........................................................................108

Table 59: Top Ethylene Producing Companies in the World ..............................................................................113

Table 60: Major Planned Ethylene Capacity Additions for 2011-13 ................................................................... 114

Table 61: Product-wise installed capacity & production of major petrochemicals (Source: Annual report 2010-11,
Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India) (Figures in 000’ MT, %) .......................................................115

Table 62: Product-wise Demand-Supply Actuals and Projections ......................................................................120

Table 63: Major players in the Petrochemical sector in India ..............................................................................124

Table 64: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Plant Capacities, Technology
Licensors, Feedstock, Energy Sources & Combined Heat & Power Plant Configuration ...................................136

Table 65: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Monthly Production Data .....137

Table 66: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Energy Imported into Petrochemcial Complex Boundary 137

Table 67: Questionnaire - Petrochemcial Complex - Energy for Electricity & Steam Generation.......................137

Table 68: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Allocated Energy Values for
Fuels and Utilities ................................................................................................................................................139

Table 69: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Allocated Energy Values for
Fuels and Utilities ................................................................................................................................................140

Table 70: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Allocated Energy Values for
Fuels and Utilities ................................................................................................................................................142

Table 71: Questionnaire - Olefins Plant - Information on Monthly Consumption of Major Feedstock, Production,
Fuels & Electricity ................................................................................................................................................143

Table 72: Questionnaire - Olefins Plant - Quantification of Imports & Exports of Fuels, Electricity & Utilities ....145

Table 73: Questionnaire - Olefins Plant - Quantification of Imports & Exports of Fuels, Electricity & Utilities ....147

Table 74: Methodology 1: Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption for Olefins plant ..................................149

Table 75: Questionnaire - Polyethylene Plant - Information on Monthly Consumption of Major Feedstock,
Production, Fuels & Electricity .............................................................................................................................150

Table 76: Questionnaire - Polyethylene Plant - Quantification of Imports & Exports of Fuels, Electricity & Utilities
Table 77: Method 1 - Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption for Polyethylene Plant ................................154

Table 78: Questionnaire: Polypropylene Plant - Information on Monthly Consumption of Major Feedstock,
Production, Fuels & Electricity .............................................................................................................................155

Table 79: Questionnaire - Polypropylene Plant - Quantification of Imports & Exports of Fuels, Electricity &
Utilities .................................................................................................................................................................157

Table 80: Methodology 1 - Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption for Polypropylene plant .....................159

Table 81: Methodology 2: Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption for the Petrochemical Complex as a
Whole ...................................................................................................................................................................159

Table 82: Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) in a “Single Product” Plant ................................164
Executive Summary

The primary objective of the Energy Conservation Act (EC Act), 2001,(later amended in 2010) is to promote
efficient use of energy and its conservation through certain statutory measures in various sectors of
economy. Under this act, 15 industry types were identified as Energy Intensive Industries depending on
their annual energy consumption.

In 2008, Government of India announced the ‘National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC),
identifying eight missions to promote inclusive growth in the country. The National Mission on Enhanced
Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) is one of the eight identified mission under NAPCC. One of the initiatives under
NMEEE is Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme which is a market based mechanism having the
objective to enhance energy efficiency by providing specific energy consumption targets with an option to
trade the additional energy savings, in the form of energy saving certificates. Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(BEE) under Ministry of Power (MoP) is implementing this scheme in 8 industrial sectors in the first phase,
which are Thermal Power Plants, Aluminum, Pulp & Paper, Chlor- Alkali, Cement, Iron & Steel, Textile and
Fertilizer. During the first phase of PAT,( 2012-13 to 2015-16), about 460 designated consumers (DCs) are
expected to participate in the scheme who would be required to reduce the Specific Energy Consumption
(SEC) from their baseline values.

BEE further plans to include few new sub-sectors from the already identified 15 Energy Intensive Industries
under the EC Act, during the next PAT cycle, depending on their energy consumption. Similarly, the
remaining 8 industrial sectors need to be studied in detail to work out the baseline specific energy
consumption (SEC) based on the production quantity and all type of energy usage. In this baseline study
the petrochemicals sector was analyzed to develop the SEC and to identify the potential of energy
conservation and to arrive at the energy saving targets.

The petrochemicals sector is highly energy intensive and plays an important role in the Indian economy.
The various products in the Indian petrochemical sector falls under 9 Categories and 39 products and 55
plants were identified for this study. The chemical and petrochemical sector in India presently contributes
about 3% in the GDP and constitutes 14% of the domestic industrial activity. The polymer industry alone
annually contributes over Rs 8,000 crores by way of taxes and duties.
Energy consumption in the Indian Petrochemical sector was estimated for the year 2011-12 and was
worked out on the basis of actual production and the design specific energy consumption for a specific
petrochemical product provided by the technology supplier . The gross primary energy consumption is
estimated to be 120 million GJ or 2.85 MTOE for the year 2011-12.,Production of Propylene and Ethylene
consumes maximum energy with almost 63% of the cumulative energy consumption for the entire sector.

Secondary data analysis of the sector indicates that three products account for 75% of the total energy
consumption, the remaining energy is consumed by remaining 14 major products . As such specifying a
minimum energy consumption level for demarking the Designated Consumers (DC) was a challenging task
for the sector. Having reviewed thevarious international benchmarking practices and their respective pros
and cons of each method, and keeping in mind the complexity of the petrochemical sector we propose that

the following two methods may be considered for arriving at the SEC for each of the products. These
methods are robust and can help in setting targets for the designated consumers.

a) A Statistical Approach, which helps in setting specific energy consumption and also arriving at
normalization factors. The factors (independent variables) that affect energy consumption
(dependent varaible) in a petrochemical plant are used to arrive at a regression equation, which
could be used for each of the petrochemical product. The same has been demonstrated in this
report with examples. However, these equation developed will have to be further refined after
collecting product specific actual plant data. The theortical concepts of the statistical method are
discussed in the “Review of International benchmarking practices” chapter and examples of
statitical models are provided in Annexure 7.
b) A Energy Efficieny Index (EEI) approach, is fundamentally a Ratio of Reaction Heat to Total Energy
Consumed. This is based on the first principles of reaction engineering, the ratio indicates the
energy consumed (or generated depending on whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic)
to that actually consumed. However, this also need to consider various operational parameters
such as capacity of the plant, hours of continuous operation, etc. The EEI method has also been
demonstrated in the report. This method is discussed in detail in “Roadmap for Implementing PAT
in Petrochemical Sector” chapter.

A questionnaire for collecting precise data from petrochemical plants has also been provided in the report
for facilitating unifrorm and comprehensive data collection and recording. A sample filled questionnaire for
an actual Polypropylene, Olefins and Polyethylene Plant has also been attached in Annexure 3 of the
report .

The Government Policies and Regulations relevant to the petrochemical sector, mainly focusing on Policy
on Petroleum, Chemicals & Petrochemicals Investment Regions (PCPIR) and also National Policy on
Petrochemicals, Technology Up-gradation Fund (TUF) Scheme, etc. Highlights of these policies are also
mentioned in this report in “Government Policies and Regulations” chapter.
Having reviewed the current scheme proposed under PAT-I where targets have been provided to the
designated consumers, except for the power sector the other sectors lack scientific rationale and the
desired robustness for arriving at the threshold limits for individual sectors.
Based on the secondary data the threshold value of 30000 tonnes of oil equivalent is a good representation
of the petrochemical sector in terms of energy usage in a plant, however it scores low on the sector
representation as such. The threshold level of 12000 tonnes of oil equivalent seems to be a more
reasonable representative of the sector, as it would cover over 50% of the plants. This topic is discussed in
detail under the “Roadmap for Implementing PAT in Petrochemical Sector” chapter.
Within the limited data availability, we also have attempted to conclude that a SEC reduction in the range
5% to 6%, over a 3-year PAT cycle, may be a reasonable target.

We sincerely express here that the level of accuracy and analytical depth of the research conducted under
the study could have increased multiple times if the petrochemical plant’s first hand energy consumption,
manufacturing technology / licensor, process details, etc were available rather than the secondary data
that was used for this study.

A stakeholder discussion was held to brainstrom the findings of the study and the summary of the
discussion is documented in this report under “Summary of Stakeholder Deliberations on proposed
methodology and Way Ahead” chapter.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 11

Overview of global petrochemicals

Petrochemical industry owes its origin to growing demand of synthetic materials for household, automotive,
manufacturing and other sectors, especially post-World War II. The earliest petrochemical experiments
date back to early 1900s when synthetic rubber was invented, plastics in 1907 by Bakelite, petrochemical
solvents in 1920s, polystyrene in 1930 and so on. Ever since its origin the petrochemical industry has
been a true manifestation of existing state of economy, due to its strong co-relation with demand. From its
initial stage till late 1980s, developed countries like US, Western Europe and Japan, played a great role in
growth of petrochemical sector. However, the current petrochemical sector is significantly dependent on the
expected demand surge from emerging countries, especially China and India, and on low-cost producing
countries from Mid-east.

The petrochemical industry is quite cyclical and has some defined stages as shown in the pictorial
representation below. The cycle is dependent on regional and global demand imbalances (demand
exceeding supply), level of investment, regional dynamics, global economic situation etc. Though no fixed
time-frame for completion of one complete cycle can be ascertained, it can be safely assumed that the
present year 2012 could be end of the current recessionary cycle and herald a beginning of a fresh cycle
with slew of new investments planned in China, Mid –East and other regions.

Excess capacity
• Demand exceeds • Era of competitive
supplies devaluation
• Beginning of • Beginning of
investment in the • Over-investment in consolidation and
sector the sector closures and
• Era of high-margin • Manufacturers start • Manufacturers start
and expansion losing pricing-power regaining pricing-
• Supplies slowly start power
exceeding demand • Demand starts
exceeding supply
End of cycle/Beginning
Start of the cycle
of new cycle

Figure 1: Dynamics of a Petrochemical Cycle

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 12

Trends of Global Petrochemical Industry

Shift from ‘technology-push’ to ‘demand-push’: The petrochemical industry has changed drastically in last
few decades. Since it is quite cost-intensive technology, prior to 1980s, US, Western Europe, and Japan
played a prominent role, both as production and demand centres. However post-2000, with emerging
economies, like China and India, there is a definitive shift to these new demand centres. Share of China in
global petrochemical demand has increased from 24 per cent in 2006 to 32 per cent in 2010, during which
the global demand has itself grown by 15 per cent. Demand share from the old guards like, Western
Europe and US are set to decrease, and Asia is emerging in petrochemical production. In addition to China,
India, and Mid-east, production has also increased in other Asian countries like Singapore, South Korea,
Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia due to domestic demand and/or available export market.

Feedstock cost being a significant part of total cost, a shift in petrochemical production to oil and gas rich
Mid-east is noticed. Globally most of the regions are facing declining oil and gas production and highly
volatile feedstock cost. This has led Mid-east countries looking for refinery-petrochemical integration in a
big way. Availability of cheap feedstock like naphtha and natural gas, growing regional demand, availability
of cheap labour, and proximity to emerging demand centres (China and India) have led to surge of new
petrochemical complexes in different Mid-east countries. Most of the products from Mid-east countries find
its way to export market. However due to higher dependence on one type of feedstock (ethane-based),
issues related to project-execution, and increased capacity-addition in China (a major export market), Mid-
east countries may witness growth-constraints.

Growth of petrochemical industries is highly dependent on the growth of user-industries like automotive,
packaging industry etc. Despite the global economic slowdown, these industries are expected to grow,
especially in emerging economies, where recent increase of higher income has been a key factor.
Automotive owes its growth to transportation and infrastructure sectors, whereas, packaging industry will
continue growing due to the convenience, protection and cost-effectiveness it offers, especially to food and
beverage sector.

Due to shortage of oil and gas in large emerging economies, especially China, coal may see increase in
use as petrochemical feed-stock. This is expected since China has access to coal and for all its planned
petrochemical projects, it can be utilized as feedstock. This will necessarily have detrimental impact on
environment. It is, however, expected, that coal-gasification process will get boost to check the environment
concerns that coal may pose.

Environment has been a key concern for petrochemical industry. Regions like Western Europe and US
have imposed strict emission norms, thus, restricting growth in these regions. This is likely to continue in
these regions and is expected to extend to other regions as well.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 13

Energy Consumption Trends in Petrochemical Industry

Petrochemical industry is an energy-intensive industry. The chemical and petrochemical sectors contribute
to approximately 10 per cent of total energy demand and if we add the energy use of the feedstock, this
share may go upto 30 per cent. Within chemical sector, petrochemical sector consumes 70 per cent of total

Top ten chemicals consisting - ethylene, propylene, m-xylene, methanol, p-xylene, methyl tert-butyl ether,
butylene, tere-phthalic acid, propylene oxide, caprolactam – form 70% of total CO2 emitted, but constitute
only 38% of total petrochemical production. Methanol is expected to witness highest growth in total CO 2
emission by 2018. Caprolactam is the highest CO2 emitter on per unit of weight, followed by toluene di-
isocyanate and Poly butadiene rubber.

With the expected growth story discussed above, total CO 2 emission may increase by approximately 50 per
cent by 2018 from 2008 levels. Asian region alone will contribute to 70 per cent of this increase. Regionally,
Asia leads the total CO2 emission list and will continue this trend in the foreseeable future. Other regions,
North America, Western and Central Europe, may see marginal growth. In ethylene production, Mid-east
may outpace Asia (minus mid-east) in total CO2 emission, whereas, for methanol production Asia (minus
mid-east) is way ahead.

Table 1: Electricity Usage by Demand Source

Energy Demand Source Process electricity use Share of total electricity use
(EJ/year) (%)

Electrolysis 0.5 13

Motors ~2.4 ~65

Lighting 0.25 7

Others ~0.55 15

According to IEA Report on Chemical and Petrochemical Sector 2009, the biggest source of electricity
consumption in chemical and petrochemical sector is motors, contributing to 65 per cent of total energy
consumed. With worldwide alarming and constraining trends on energy efficiency and CO2 emissions, the
global petrochemical industry can expect emphasis on higher energy-efficiency and better feedstock-
utilization. The same report emphasizes that the expected energy saving potential will be maximum in
process heat (>4 EJ per year) followed by recycling and energy recovery (>2EJ per year).

Source : IEA, Report on Chemical and Petrochemical sector , 2009

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 14

The working paper on “Global Industrial Energy Efficiency Benchmarking - An Energy Policy Tool” by
UNIDO talks about the sectoral energy benchmarking based on the benchmark curves. In benchmark
curves the energy use of individual plants is plotted as a dependent variable from the most efficient to the
least efficient plant, either as function of cumulative production or of the number of plants. The information
from benchmark curves can be used to assess the relative performance of individual plants. It can also,
where sufficient specific information is available and the coverage of the benchmark curve is fairly
comprehensive, be used to estimate the aggregate savings potential. The benchmark curve contains
valuable information about best practice technologies (BPT), i.e. technologies that are energy efficient and
already applied in practice. This helps in projecting the potential effect of implementing BPT and other best
available energy saving technologies.

The “Energy Efficiency Benchmarking Covenant” by the Flemish Government also commands to realize the
best international standards of energy efficiency based on the international benchmarking principle. This
comparison provides the basis for participating businesses to draw up an energy plan which determines
which measures they will use to ensure that they achieve the world top level with regard to energy

Technology Trends in Petrochemical Industry

Development of petrochemical industry is a journey of technical innovation. In the past, the countries with
technical edge were the major players of the sector. With surge of urban growth, the industry grew despite
constraints, in these countries. Post-1980s or more decisively post-2000, the base started shifting to Asia,
not necessarily the centre of technological excellence. In the changing scenario, role of technology is no
less important. In short, the present state of industry needs to handle issues related to feedstock
availability, sustainability, long-term profitability of manufacturers (in light of cyclicality of industry) and
refinery-petrochemical integration.

Currently majority of feedstock used worldwide is hydrocarbon based. Hence the technologies are evolving
around this and even the industry has shifted to Mid-east, the largest oil and gas producing region. Since
hydrocarbon reserves are depleting and their prices are volatile, China, a prominently growing player, has
shown keen interest in using coal as feedstock. Coal as feedstock for olefin production, is gaining
prominence in China, and so are the concerns related to global environment due to coal-usage. This
necessitates an urgent technological issue of clean coal. Scientists worldwide are working on coal-to-gas
and other technologies, which can reduce the environmental burden.

Another feedstock related trend is related to efficiency of feedstock-usage. Feedstock cost is a significant
cost in petrochemical industry, hence there is constant effort to optimize feedstock-consumption and
remain competitive through economies of scale and feedstock-efficiency improvements.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 15

Petrochemical is an energy-intensive industry. Basic petrochemicals account for more process energy use
and CO2 emissions than any other type of chemical. This industry is facing the challenges of emission (due
to environment concerns) and energy-supply security (due to depleting energy sources).

The table below provides a summary of energy consumption and energy efficiency index in global chemical
and petrochemical industry. The energy efficiency index shows the potential of further energy saving- lower
the index, higher the potential for energy savings.

Table 2: Energy Consumption and Energy Efficiency Index in Global Chemical and Petrochemical

Country Reported Energy use (PJ) Energy efficiency Index

US 6862 0.70

Japan 2130 0.90

China 3740 0.80

Saudi Arabia 1115 0.82

Germany 1157 0.90

Netherlands 618 0.82

France 654 0.88

Brazil 577 0.83

UK 490 0.94

India 1091 0.84

Chinese Taipei 741 0.81

Italy 389 0.94

World 28819 0.82

In light of growing concern about emission norms, technologies involving sustainability hold the key to the
future of industry. The current technology is handling this by developing more energy-efficient processes
and innovating processes using sustainable feed-stocks like bio-mass.

Global Demand Supply and Capacity

Globally petrochemical market is a USD 1.3 trillion market, forming the single largest segment of chemicals
market. Demand of petrochemical is entwined with growth and hence has great correlation with global,

Source: IEA

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 16

regional and national economic growth. The global petrochemical demand in 2010 was approximately 314
million tonnes, which had grown at CAGR of 3.6 per cent from demand of approximately 273 MT in 2006.
Major part of this demand, approximately 80 per cent, comes from five products- polyethylene (23 per
cent), polypropylene (16 per cent), methanol (15 per cent), purified terephthalic acid (14 per cent), and
polyvinyl chloride (11 per cent).

The table below shows the status of demand and capacity in 2010 and estimated demand and capacity in
2015. It is interesting to note that in all product categories, the demand and capacity are expected to show
a healthy and positive CAGR.

Table 3: Capacity and Demand of Major Petrochemical Products in 2010-15

Product Capacity Demand Expected Expected Capacity Demand

Capacity Demand CAGR CAGR

2010 2010 2015* 2015* 2010-15 2010-1015


Ethylene 143 120 165 151 2.9 4.7

Propylene 94 75 113 94 3.75 4.6

PET 19 15.3 27 20.6 7.28 6.13

Benzene 56 41 62 47 2.06 2.77

Butadiene 14 9.6 15 11.6 2 3.9

p-Xylene 35 28 45 37 5.15 5.73

PTA 49 41 68 55 6.77 6.05

PVC 46 35 55 44 3.64 4.7

HDPE 41 33 50 44 4.05 5.92

LLDPE 28 21 34 29 3.96 6.7

LDPE 22 19 25 22 2.6 3

Ethylene production is a key indicator of petrochemical production. Globally there has been steady rise of
ethylene production capacity. The global ethylene production capacity in 2010 (end 2010) was
approximately 143 MTA (million tonnes annum) , compared to 130 MTA in 2009, 126.7 MTA in 2008, and
119.6 MTA in 2007, maintaining a healthy CAGR of approximately 5.4 per cent.

Source: CMAI

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 17

On a regional basis, Asia-Pacific region has the largest ethylene capacity followed by North America,
Western Europe and Mid-East. However, at present US has the largest capacity, followed by China and
Saudi Arabia. But with the capacity addition planned, China may surpass US by 2015-16.

Table 4: Global Ethylene Production Capacity

Region Ethylene Major countries Ethylene capacity,

capacity, MTA MTA

Asia Pacific 42.63 China (Excluding 12.98


Japan 7.26

Taiwan 4.00

India 3.30

Malaysia 1.72

Singapore 2.78

South Korea 5.63

Thailand 3.17

Eastern Europe 7.97 Russia 3.49

Mid-east/Africa 23.36 Saudi Arabia 11.95

Iran 4.73

Kuwait 1.65

Qatar 2.52

N. America 34.50 US 27.59

Canada 5.53

Mexico 1.38

South America 5.08 Brazil 3.50

Western Europe 24.90 Germany 5.74

France 3.37

Netherlands 3.96

UK 2.85

Italy 2.17

Belgium 2.46

Spain 1.43

Source: Oil Gas Journal

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 18

The period of 2007-10 was booming period for global petrochemical capacity addition worldwide, following
a disastrous year for industry in 2006. Keeping in line with the expected demand, year 2010 alone saw
capacity addition of 8.65 MTA- highest annual addition ever- out of which 3.95 MTA was in Mid-east and
balance 4.7 MTA was in Asia-Pacific. The ethylene capacity addition trend post-2000 is charted below, with
two obvious trend lines denoting decelerating (red line) and accelerating (green) growth rates.


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012* 2013*

* Estimates

Figure 2: Capacity additions 2000-2011, MTA

Most of the major ethylene capacity additions are expected in China and Mid-east, as detailed above, with
exception of Algeria and Venezuela. Emergence of China is witnessed not only in ethylene capacity
addition. According to an estimate, during 2008-11, China has added capacities in propylene (5.3 MTA, 57
per cent growth), benzene (4.6 MTA, 80 per cent growth) and p-xylene (4.4 MTA, 109 per cent growth) as
well. With all these additions, it looks to reduce its imports from Mid-East, and shift towards self-reliance.

Mid-east, which is mainly an export market, plans to add capacities in propylene (5 MTA, 80 per cent
growth), benzene (0.9 MTA, 30 per cent growth) and p-xylene (1.6 MTA, 79 per cent growth). As discussed
above, due to feedstock-advantage, this region has clear price advantage in ethylene production at USD
250-300 per MT, compared to its nearest competitor South East Asia at USD 850 and above.

Source: Oil Gas Journal

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 19

Overview of Indian petrochemicals

The petrochemical industry is one of the fastest growing industries in India. With the growth in the
economy, rising income levels and shifting of manufacturing base from US, Western Europe and Japan to
Asia, it is expected that petrochemical sector in India will continue to grow during this decade. In India, the
major petrochemical products comprise synthetic fibres, polymers, elastomers, synthetic detergent
intermediates and performance plastics. India is the fifth largest consumer of polymers in the world after
United States, China, Japan and Germany, although India has very low per capita consumption of
polymers. Current per capita consumption of polymers in India is approximately 7 kg compared to global
average of 28 kg. Similarly in the synthetic fibre segment, India's current per capita consumption is only 5
kg, whereas global average is 10 kg. India accounts for approximately 4% of the regional share in global
polymer production in 2010, which constitutes about 70% of the end products of the petrochemicals market
in India.

The Indian polymer market has tremendous growth

FSU, 2.0 Central
potential and is equivalent to 1.2 to 1.4 times the GDP India, 4.1 Europe,
Africa, 1.4
growth rate. The current PE, PP, PVC and PS capacity in
Middle West
India is around 3.3 million MT, 2.84 million MT, 1.27 East, 11.0 Europe,
million MT and 0.36 million MT respectively. Reliance is Asia, 6.9

the market leader with HPL, GAIL and IOCL being the North
America, South
other major players in the Indian polymer market. 20.6 America,

Asia, 30.7
The Indian petrochemical industry was established around
mid-sixties when two private sector companies - Union
Carbide and National Organic Chemical Industries Ltd.,
set up naphtha based crackers of 20 KTA and 60 KTA in
Figure 3: Worldwide Polymer per capita
Mumbai in 1966 and 1968 respectively. The first public consumption (Source: CMAI)
sector naphtha based integrated petrochemical complex was set up by IPCL in 1978 at Vadodara of 130
KTA capacity. In 1989, IPCL commissioned its gas based petrochemical complex at Nagothane of 300 KTA

During 1990s, post liberalization and government reforms in this sector such as delicensing, deregulation,
liberalization of trade policies and lowering of tariffs, huge investment was made by other players such as

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 20

RIL, GAIL, Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. (HPL) to set up large integrated complexes in late 90s. In 1998, RIL
completed phase-II expansion of Hazira petrochemicals complex including world's largest multi-feed
cracker, PET plant, MEG plant, PTA plant and PE plant. In the same year, GAIL set up its first gas based
petrochemical complex at Pata and IPCL commissioned its third petrochemical complex at Gandhar. In
1999, HPL commissioned naphtha based petrochemical complex at Haldia. During 1999-2000, RIL’s
refinery-cum-petrochemicals at Jamnagar was commissioned. Recently in 2010, IOCL commissioned
petrochemical complex at Panipat. Currently, there are three naphtha based and an equal number of gas
based cracker complexes in India with a combined annual ethylene capacity of 2.9 million MT. Also, there
are four aromatic complexes also with a combined xylene capacity of 2.9 million MT.

The Indian petrochemical sector has come a long way. Now, majority of the players are integrating refinery
and petrochemical complexes, which provides improved margins due to readily available feedstock and
hence significant saving in transportation, sharing of utilities, support services and infrastructure etc. and
most important aspect is flexibility to optimize products to capture the highest market value. The table
below gives the details about major petrochemical complexes in India. Annexure 2 entails more details on
Product-wise installed capacities, production and the major players in the sector.
Table 5: Major Petrochemical Complexes in India

Petrochemical Plants/Facilities Main Products and Capacity (`000 TPA)


RIL, Vadodara Naphtha Cracker, LDPE Plant, Ethyelene (130), Propylene (107), Butadiene
Mono Ethylene Glycol/Ethylene (37), Benzene (23), O-xylene (454), P-
Oxide Plant, Butadiene Extraction xylene (486), DMT (30), EO/EG (20),
Unit, Polybutadiene Rubber Plant Acrylonitrile (30), LAB (43.5), LDPE (80), PP
(2 plants), Benzene Extraction Unit, (55), PVC (55), PBR (20), Acrylic Fibre (24)
LAB plant, Acrylonitrile Plant,
Acrylic Fibre Monocompo-
nent Plant, Acrylates Plant, VCM
Plant, PVC Unit, Polypropylene
Copolymer Pant, Acrylic Fibre Bi-
component Plant, Polypropylene

RIL Hazira Naphtha Cracker, Mono Ethylene PP (360), Propylene, Ethylene, 1-Butene,
Glycol Plant (3 plants), PVC Plant, VCM (160), EDC, EO/MEG (340), DEG,
VCM Plant, HDPE Plant, POY TEG, HDPE (360), LDPE, PVC (160)
Plant, PP Plant, PSF Plant, PTA (2
plants), Aromatics Plant, PET
Naphtha Cracker capacity- 750 KTA
Plant, PFF Plant, Combined Cycle

Source: Company Websites & Petrochemical Process Technology Book by I.D. Mall

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 21

Power Plant (2 plants) Aromatics Plant capacity- 350 KTA

RIL Dahej Gas Cracker, Ethane Propane Ethane/propane (450), Ethylene (300),
Recovery Unit, HDPE Plant, Mono Butadiene (10), PVC (150), Propylene (380,
Ethylene Glycol/Ethylene Oxide EO (20), Ethylene dichloride (240), VCM
Plant, PVC Plant, VCM Plant, Chlor (158), EG (10), Alpha olefins (100), Alcohols,
Alkali Unit Chlor Alkali, Chlorine (115), Caustic (130),
Ethoxylates (100)

RIL Patalganga Naphtha Cracker, Polyester P-xylene (400), Terephalic acid, LAB (100),
Filament Yarn Unit, Polyester Polyester
Staple Fiber Unit, PTA Unit,
Paraxylene Plant, LAB Plant

RIL Nagothane Gas Cracker, LDPE Plant, Butene- Ethylene (400), LDPE (80), LLDPE (80),
1 Plant, LLDPE/HDPE Plant, PP HDPE (55), Propylene (63), Butene (15),
Plant, Mono Ethylene Polypropylene (60), Acetylene
Glycol/Ethylene Oxide Plant

RIL, Jamnagar Aromatics Complex, Polypropylene 2.1 MMTPA (PX+ OX) capacity, PP ((1030
plant KTA and a new PP line of 900 KTA)

HPL, Haldia Naphtha Cracker, HDPE Plant, Ethylene (300), HDPE and LLDPE (200),
LLDPE Plant, PP Plant, C4 Polypropylene
Hydrogenation Unit, Butadiene
Extraction Unit, Benzene Extraction
Unit, Pyrolysis Gasoline
Hydrogenation Unit

GAIL, Pata Gas Cracker, HDPE Plant, Ethylene (300), HDPE (80), PP(100), PVC
HDPE/LLDPE Plant, Gas (100)
Sweetening Unit, C2-C3 Extraction
Unit, Butene-1 Plant, LPG Plant

IOCL, Panipat Naphtha Cracker, P-Xylene (360), TPA (550), Ethylene (575),
Paraxylene/Purified Terephthalic Propylene (350), MEG (250)
Acid (PX/PTA) plant, PP Plant,
MEG Plant

BRPL, Aromatic Complex, DMT Plant, P-xylene (40), DMT (40), Polyester Fibre
Bongaigaon, Polyester Fibre Plant (10)

MRPL, Aromatics Complex, Mixed Xylene P-xylene, Mixed xylene

Mangalore Unit Aromatics Complex capacity is 100 KTA

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 22

Trends in Indian Petrochemical Sector

According to production figures from Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers Annual report 2012, Performance
plastics, fibre intermediates, aromatics and synthetic fibre/yarn production grew by 6% or more in last
seven years i.e during 2003-04 to 2010-11. The Ministry of Chemical and Fertiliser has categorised number
of products for the petrochemical sector. This section provides an insight to the product-wise installed
capacity and production of the major petrochemicals in the country as categorised by the Ministry of
Chemical and Fertiliser.

Building Blocks (Ethylene, Propylene, Butadiene, Benzene, Toulene, P-Xylene, O Xylene and M-

10077 10833
8215 8175 8491

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Capacity Production

Figure 4: Building Blocks – Capacity v/s Production, kTA

• Basic petrochemicals fall in two major categories – Olefins and Aromatics. Olefins are the major
building blocks of the petrochemical industry.
• In 2010-11, ethylene and propylene constituted more than 90% of the total production and capacities in
olefins category. During the same period, P-xylene and benzene constitute more than 80% of the total
production and capacities in aromatics category.
• Installed capacity of aromatics has remained steady during 2008-11, however olefins capacity during
the same period has increased by ~21%.
• Ethylene capacity increased by ~34%, however production grew merely by ~1% during 2008-09 to 10-
• O-xylene capacity decreased by ~11%, however production increased by ~40% during 2008-09 to 10-
• Benzene production has shown positive growth, however toluene and mixed xylene production growth
was negative during 2008-09 to 10-11.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 23

Fibre Intermediates (Caprolactum, Acrylonitrile, MEG, DMT and PTA)

4354 4219 4098

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Capacity Production

Figure 5: Fibre Intermediates – Capacity v/s Production, kTA

 In 2010-11, PTA and MEG constituted around 90% of the total production and capacities in
fibre intermediates category.
 Production maintained CAGR of ~10% during 2008-11. However, installed capacity for fibre
intermediates was inconsistent. It grew in 2009-10, but decreased by 18% in 2010-11.
 MEG capacity increased by ~27%. However PTA capacity which increased by 26% during
2008-09 to 09-10, decreased by ~30% in the consecutive year, 2010-11.
 There was no production of DMT during 2008-09 to 10-11.
 Caprolactum and PTA production grew by 46% and 48% respectively, however MEG had
shown negative growth of ~5% during 2008-09 to 10-11.

Polymers (HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Polystyrene, Polypropylene, Polyvinyl Chloride and Expandable

5720 6170
5060 4791 5292

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Capacity Production

Figure 6: Polymers – Capacity v/s Production, kTA

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 24

 Polymers are the major products that account for bulk of the petrochemical industry. India has
significant production capacity of polymers which is growing at significant pace.
 In 2010-11, HDPE/LLDPE, PP and PVC capacities constituted around 40%, 31% and 19% of
the total capacities in polymer category. During the same period, production of HDPE/LLDPE,
PP and PVC production constitute around 34%, 32% and 24% of the total production in this
 Installed capacity of polymers increased by 19% from 5720 to 6806 KTA during 2008-09 to
2010-11, %, however production grew merely by ~4% during 2008-11.
 LLDPE/HDPE capacity increased by ~47% , however LDPE capacity and production
decreased by 20% & 6% respectively during 2008-11.
 PVC capacity grew by 16% during 2008-11.

Synthetic Fibres/Yarn (PFY, Nylon Filament Yarn, Polypropylene Filament Yarn, Acrylic Fibre, PSF,

3461 3511
2601 2790

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Capacity Production

Polyproylene Staple
Figure 7: Synthetic Fibre, Polyester
Fibres/Yarn Staple
– Capacity Fibrefil) kTA
v/s Production,

• In 2010-11, PFY and PSF capacities constituted around 34% and 25% of the total capacities in
synthetic fibre/yarn category. During the same period, production of PFY and PSF constitute around
34% and 23% of total production in this category.
• In the last three years, the total installed capacity of synthetic fibre /yarn had decreased from 3461 to
3291 KTA.
• Polyester fiber capacity decreased by 6%, however production increased by ~19% during 2008-11.
• Acrylic fibre capacity decreased by ~34% and PSF increased by ~23% during 2008-11.

Synthetic Rubber/Elastomers (SBR, PBR, NBR, EPDM and EVA)

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 25

186 186 184

96 106

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Capacity Production

Figure 8: Synthetic Rubber/Elastomers – Capacity v/s Production, kTA

• In 2010-11, PBR and SBR capacities constituted around 40% and 34% of the total capacities in
Synthetic rubber/elastomers category. During the same period, production of PBR and SBR constitute
around 81% and 13% of total production in this category.
• Installed capacity for this category remained steady and production merely grew at CAGR of 1.05%.
• Production of EPDM and EVA almost stopped since 2007-08.

Synthetic Detergent Intermediates (LAB and EO)

637 639

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Capacity Production

Figure 9: Synthetic Detergent Intermediates – Capacity v/s Production, kTA

• In 2010-11, LAB and EO capacities constituted around 86% and 14% of the total capacities in synthetic
detergent intermediates category. During the same period, production of LAB and EO constitute around
74% and 26% of total production in this category.
• Installed capacity for this category decreased from 637 to 581 KTA; EO capacity decreased
significantly by 40% in last two years.
• LAB capacity and production grew by 5% and 9% respectively during 2008-09 to 10-11
• Demand for EO is mainly coming from ethoxylates, glycol ether and dyes intermediates

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 26

Trends in Import-Export of Petrochemical Products

Indian petrochemical imports have gone up significantly in the last few years due to growth of demand
fuelled by a robust economic growth.

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
(upto Dec)
Export Import

Figure 10: Exports and Imports of Petrochemicals (Figures in Rs. Crore)

Key trends in the Indian Petrochemical Sector

• Ethylene imports increased by ~225 percent during FY2009-11 in value terms. UAE, Qatar and Iran
were the major exporters to India.
• Styrene import was more than US$500 million during FY2009-11 as India is entirely dependent on
imports for this product.
• Benzene exports increased by ~35 percent during FY2009-11 in value terms. Major importing country
includes Saudi Arab, USA, Singapore and Belgium.
• India imported ~US$170 million of toluene in FY2009-10 and FY2010-11. Singapore, Korea Republic
and Iran were the major exporters.
• O-xylene exports increased by more than 200 percent during FY2009-11 in value terms. Major
importers include China, Indonesia and Pakistan.
• India exported as well as imported significant value of p-xylene during FY2009-11. Imports increased
by almost 50% and exports decreased by ~15 percent in value terms over the previous year.
• Indian exports of m-xylene increased significantly to Malaysia, Indonesia and Pakistan in 2010-11.
• PTA and MEG imports by India increased significantly by ~87 percent and ~47 percent in value terms
during FY2009-11.
• LAB export increased by ~170 percent during FY2009-11 in value terms. Major importers include
Indonesia and Vietnam.
• India’s PE import was US$1645 million in 2010-11 an increase of over 40% over the previous year.
• India exported as well as imported significant value of PP during FY2009-11. Exports increased by ~20
percent and imports increased by ~6 percent in value terms over the previous year.

Source: Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 27

 India’s SBR and ABS imports increased by ~50% during FY2009-11.

Demand Supply situation in India

As per report of sub-group on chemicals & petrochemicals for the 12 five year plan, Department of
Chemicals & Petrochemicals, GoI; India’s petrochemicals consumption is estimated to grow at CAGR of
10.7%, whereas capacity is estimated to grow by 10.2% during 12th plan period. Robust consumption
growth is expected in fibre intermediates, commodity plastics, building blocks, synthetic fibres and synthetic
rubber category in next five years in India. The table in Annexure 2 shows the product-wise demand-supply
actuals and projections as per this report.

Category-wise demand-supply scenario in India

Building Blocks
• Currently, India is entirely dependent on imports for styrene and in the absence of any capacity addition
plan; it is likely to remain import dependent.
• th
The major contribution to the ethylene capacity during the 11 five year plan was made by partial de-
bottlenecking of capacity by GAIL and HPL and the start-up of IOC complex at Panipat. During the
same period, extraction of Propylene by RIL at its Refinery Complex augmented the supply of
• Ethylene and propylene capacity in India is expected to increase when supplies from OPal and BCPL
are likely to come on stream by 2014.
• Butadiene capacity in India is expected to increase when supplies from new steam crackers planned by
IOC and OPaL are likely to come on stream. IOC has planned to commission 138 KTA butadiene
extraction unit at Panipat by 2013-14. Also a butadiene extraction unit of 95 KTA capacity at Dahej is
likely to come on stream by 2014-15.
• th
Due to low capacity addition planned in toulene during the 12 plan period, demand-supply gap would
widen to 380 KTA in FY 2016-17 against 170 KTA in FY 2011-12
• th
Benzene demand is expected to grow at CAGR of 9.65% during 12 five year plan period, however
due to huge capacity addition planned during the same period; benzene export is likely to be more than
domestic demand. Major demand is expected to come for production of from cyclohexane and

• PE is the largest polymer in the polymer category. Amongst the polymers, PP is the fastest growing
polymer. LLDPE is the fastest growing polymer in the PE category.
• Currently, excess demand of LDPE is met by imports.
• Due to low capacity addition plans in PVC during the 12th plan period, demand-supply gap would
widen to 1467 KTA in FY 2016-17 against 757 KTA in FY 2011-12.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 28

• PE and PP capacities in India are expected to increase when supplies from Opal and BCPL are likely
to come on stream by 2014. Also GAIL Pata expansion from 5 to 8 MMTPA is likely to increase PE
capacities in India.

Synthetic Rubbers
• Currently, only 25% of the synthetic rubber demand in India is met through domestic production.
• During FY2005-11, demand for synthetic rubber grew at CAGR of 11.5%.
• PBR, butyl and NBR would remain in deficit in 2016-17, although substantial capacity addition is
planned during 12th plan period
• Substantial capacity addition during 12th five year plan in SBR (from 20 to 370 KTA) and EPDM (from
10 to 90 KTA) would be sufficient to overcome the deficit. IOCL and RIL have capacity addition plans in
SBR and butyl rubber segments.

Fibre Intermediates
• Polyester fibre is forecasted to account for around 70% of the incremental fibre demand in the next
• PET demand is expected to grow at CAGR of 19.5% during 12th plan period.
• th
During 12 five year plan period, significant capacity addition is planned in polyester as a result
demand for PX and PTA which are used to produce polyester is expected to grow at CAGR of ~15%
and 13% respectively.
• PTA and MEG deficit would continue and it is expected to increase during 12th plan period.
• To meet the growing demand of polyester, new capacity additions are planned by IOC, RIL and MRPL
in polyester feedstock chain.

Synthetic Fibres
• In polyester segment including PFY and PSF, strong capacity addition plans ahead of domestic
demand would keep India a substantial exporter of polyester fibre. Capacity of PFY would be doubled
by 2016-17, whereas demand is expected to grow by 1.8 times.
• th
No capacity addition plans for Nylon yarn during 12 plan would increase the deficit in this category
(both NFY and NIY)

• th
Demand for the LAB and EO grew by 8% and 13% during the 11 plan period.
• th
During 12 plan period, it is expected that there would be deficit of ~ 100 KTAs of LAB in the absence
of any capacity addition plans.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 29

Key Petrochemicals Trade Movements

According to the exports & imports data from Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GoI, the products which
contribute largely to the petrochemical exports are benzene, o-xylene, p-xylene, m-xylene, mixed xylene,
LAB and PP and the products which contributed largely to the imports are ethylene, styrene, toluene, p-
xylene, MEG, PTA, LAB, PE, PP, SBR, PVC and ABS. The table below gives the export-import statistics of
petrochemical products.

Table 6: Export-Import Statistics of Petrochemical Products

Product/HS Code Exports Imports Major Major

Importers Exporters

Figures in million 2009-10 2010-11 2009-10 2010-11


Unsaturated 0.08 0.06 34.59 113.69 Netherland, UAE, Qatar,

Ethylene (HS Singapore Iran
Code: 290121)

Unsaturated 24.68 22.96 0.59 0.79 Indonesia China

Propylene (HS
Code: 290122)

Styrene (HS 1.1 2.67 500.49 555.38 Iran Saudi Arab,

Code: 290250) Singapore,

Benzene (HS 365.28 492.3 97.34 49.95 Saudi Arab, Iran,

Code: 290220) USA, Indonesia

Toulene (HS 1.76 4.73 167.26 170.06 UAE, Sri Singapore,

Code: 290230) Lanka, Saudi Korea,
Arab Republic, Iran

Ortho-Xylene (HS 166.06 520.86 42.1 44.67 China, Taiwan, Iran,

Code: 290241) Indonesia, Israel

Para-Xylene (HS 503.58 429.01 304.04 450.06 Indonesia, Kuwait,

Code: 290243) Pakistan, Singapore,
Malaysia Oman,

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 30

Meta-Xylene (HS 0.04 156.79 0.64 2.17 Malaysia, Korea
Code: 290242) Indonesia, Republic

Mixed Xylene (HS 42.7 85.39 2.41 0.05 Korea Italy

Code: 290244) Republic,

MEG (HS Code: 3.57 30.88 477.95 701.04 Belgium, Qatar Saudi Arab,
290531) Kuwait, Iran

DEG (HS Code: 3.7 15.68 2.01 0.72 China, UAE, Iran, Taiwan
290941) Argentina

TEG (HS Code: 18.87 23.64 11.66 16.68 USA, China, USA, China
290949) Qatar

PTA (HS Code: 0.51 0.55 439.27 824.35 China, USA Korea
291736) Republic,
Thailand, Iran,

DMT (HS Code: 0 0.04 4.04 5.62 Canada Korea

291737) Republic,

LAB (HS Code: 128.47 345.05 118.07 132.72 Indonesia, Qatar, Saudi
381700) Vietnam, SOC Arab, Iran

PE (density < 9.54 40.76 686.25 1101.01 Turkey, Kenya Saudi Arab,
0.94; HS Code: USA,
390110) Thailand,
Qatar, Korea

PE (density 18.19 149.18 478.38 544.24 China, Turkey Saudi Arab,

>=0.94; HS Code: Qatar, UAE,
390120) Iran

PP (HS Code: 624.77 748.22 442.22 468.33 China, Turkey, Saudi Arab,
390210) Indonesia Korea

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 31


SBR (HS Code: 1.95 4.39 218.33 404.2 Italy, Sri Lanka Korea
400219) DSR Republic,

PVC (HS Code: 0.32 0.62 88.14 112.32 Nigeria Korea

390410) Republic,
Taiwan, USA

PS (HS Code: 70.71 86.89 10.29 20.3 Egypt, Turkey, Singapore

390319) UAE

SAN (HS Code: 0.02 0.04 4.39 9.86 Korea

390320) Republic

ABS (HS Code: 0.08 10.25 56.53 111.6 Taiwan, Korea Korea
390330) Republic Republic,

Polyethylene 30.51 63.74 5.42 32.29 UAE, Morocco, UAE

terephthalate Bangladesh
slices or chips PR
(HS Code:

Polyester or 5.66 9.38 13.73 28.46 Spain Singapore,

contract resins Korea
(HS Code: Republic

Total 2022.15 3244.08 4206.14 5900.56

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 32

Petrochemicals uses and applications in India

Almost every item used on a daily basis is composed of a petrochemical product. It finds its application in
almost every sphere of life like packaging, clothing, automobiles, housing, construction, irrigation, medical
appliances, furniture, household items, agriculture, electronics and electrical appliances etc.

India represents a significant growth opportunity for petrochemical products with the growth on the
economy. Sectors including automotive, infrastructure electronics, textile, construction, micro-irrigation,
healthcare and packaging segments are expected to be the major contributors in the growth of
petrochemicals in India.

The major inputs to various sectors and applications are mentioned below. There are many other uses; the
list only contains few major uses and applications.

Table 7: Sector wise Petrochemical Product Uses

Sector Petrochemical Uses & Benefits

Product Applications

Transportation/A Plastics Body parts Light weight enhances fuel efficiency,

utomotive cost-effective, flexible and durable,
(including railways reduced maintenance, corrosion &
, roads and chemical resistance, splendid
airplanes) designing, aerodynamic looks etc.

Synthetic rubber, Tyres Cost effective over radial tyres, better

nylon tyre cord grip

Textile Synthetic fibre Cloths Substituted limited availability of cotton

(Polyester, and other natural fibre, easy to wash
Polyamide- etc.
Nylon, Acrylic

Agriculture Plastic pipes Irrigation Saves water and

enhances production, lightweight and

non-corrodible (durable), reduced
pumping hours due to micro irrigation
will save electricity

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 33

Polymer parts Agro- Improves Productivity

Plastic & Leno Storage, Easy to use

bags handling Easy to wash and wear

Housing/offices Plastic pipes Sewer Low cost, lightweight and non-

corrodible (durable)

PVC Windows Techno-commercial benefits over

traditional aluminium windows

Extremely clear cplastic that offers

Polycarbonate Shatterproof excellent visibility and actually transmits
windows, light better than alternative materials,
transparent durable


Electronic and ABS Computers, Lightweight and non-corrodible

electrical radios, (durable)
televisions and

Healthcare Plastic Medical Cost effective, lightweight and non-

appliances, corrodible (durable)
products, blood
bags, syringes,
masks and
gloves and
medical and
surgical gowns,
inhalers etc.

Household Plastic Furniture Prevent deforestation, cost-effective,

lightweight and non-corrodible
Polymer Grocery bags,
bottles for
various uses,

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 34

curtains etc.

Table 8: Product-wise Uses and Applications in India

Product Uses & applications

Polymers  HDPE- It finds its major application in raffia, blow moulding, injection
moulding, films, pipes etc.
 LLDPE- It finds its major application in mono and multi-layered films
(major being butane film followed by HAO and metallocene LL film),
roto-moulding, wires & cables etc.
 LDPE- It finds its application in general purpose film, extrusion coating,
liquid packaging, heavy duty film, injection moulding, wires & cables
and adhesive lamination.
 EVA- Major application of EVA is footwear manufacturing, films etc.
 PP- It finds its application in raffia, tubular quench films, IM HP, impact
co-polymer, random co-polymer, BOPP, fibre & fialment
 PVC- It is also called as ‘infrastructure plastic’ because of its
applications in pipes, conduits, ducts, wires & cables, films & sheets,
fittings, foot wear, flooring, windows & doors and roofing etc.
 PS- It finds its major application in electronics appliances such as
computer, thermocol, foam, refrigerator trays, CD/ DVD cases,
structural insulation, bottles, disposable cups, smoke detectors, films,
housings of electrical equipment like hairdryers, TVs and kitchen
appliances etc.

PET Its main application is in production of bottles, sheet, strapping and injection
moulded products, fastening straps etc.

Polycarbonate Polycarbonate finds its application in sheets/film, automotive (window and

non-window), optical media, appliances, housewares, electronics/electrical,
medical, ophthalmic, construction, sports, recreational, packaging etc.

ABS It is mainly used in buildings /construction, transportation/ automobile

industry, electronics/electrical appliances such as computers, radios,
televisions and telephone handsets, alloys and other application like
medical, toys and recreational.

SAN It is mainly used in electrical/electronic, automotive, containers, household

goods, acrylics, cosmetics and compounding with ABS.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 35

Linear Alkyl LAB and EO are the major synthetic intermediates used in manufacture of
Benzene (LAB) and detergents and surfactants. EO also finds its application in production of
Ethylene Oxide other derivatives such as ethoxylates, glycol ether, dye intermediates,
(EO) ethanol amines, TEG and drug intermediates.

Butadiene Butadiene is used in the production of a wide variety of synthetic rubbers

(SBR, BR, and NBR etc.), ABS, polymer resins and few chemical
intermediates. Other chemical intermediates manufactured from butadiene
are adiponitrile and chloroprene.

SBR It is used mainly in automobile tyres and also in adhesives, sealants,

conveyor belts, auto components, coatings and rubber articles such as shoe

PBR It is used mainly in tyres, retread, auto components, conveyor belts etc.

Aromatics  Benzene is used mainly in the production of ethyl benzene,

cyclohexane/ caprolactum, LAB, cumene/phenol, chlorobenzene,
alkylbenzene, nitrobenzene and other industrial chemicals.
 Toluene is used as major solvent in the petrochemical industry. It is also
used in the manufacture of toluene derivatives such as toluene di-
isocynate (TDI), para-cresol, iso butyl benzene, chlorotoluene,
nitrotoluene and pharmaceuticals.
 Mixed Xylene is used as solvents in paints, resins, pharmaceuticals,
printing inks, rubber, and leather industries.
 O-xylene is used for a variety of applications. A majority (92%) of all the
o-xylene produced globally is used for the manufacture of phthalic
anhydride. It is also used for production of unsaturated polyester resins
and as solvents in many applications.

Acrylonitrile (ACN) It is used mainly as a monomer in the production of acrylic fibres. It is also
used for pesticide & speciality purpose.

Para-xylene It is mainly used in the manufacture of purified terephthalic acid) and DMT.

Processes and Technologies in use for manufacturing of petrochemicals products

The major feedstocks for petrochemical industry are Naphtha & ethane/propane rich gas. The primary
building blocks of petrochemical manufacturing are as follows.
• Ethylene
• Propylene
• Benzene
• Butene

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 36

• Toluene
• Xylene

Process flow diagram indicating the above primary building blocks, intermediates & products manufactured
from each of these are represented below.

Figure 11: Process flow diagram indicating the above primary building blocks, intermediates &
products manufactured

Naphtha from crude oil processing refineries is one of the major feed stocks used in Petrochemical
complexes. Presence of C2+ hydrocarbons in Naphtha makes it suitable for cracking to all the primary
building blocks, including olefins & aromatics. Benzene & Xylene are mostly manufactured in plants using
Naphtha as feedstock.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 37

Ethane/Propane mix gas is also being used in many plants. However, in India plants using this feed stock
are not many, due to restricted supply and limited capability of manufacturing aromatics such as benzene &

The intermediates & Final products in petrochemical sectors fall into the following categories:
• Commodity Plastics (PP, LDPE, HDPE, LLDPE, PVC)
• Fibre Intermediates ( PTA. MEG, PET)
• Elastomers ( SBR,PBR)
• Surfactants ( EO, LAB)
• Other Basic organic chemicals ( Benzene, Toluene, ACN, PAN)

The major technologies for manufacturing of primary building blocks & Final products are discussed below.

Capacity & demand of various petrochemicals given in this report is taken from “Report Submitted to
Working Group on Chemicals & Petrochemicals for the 12th Five Year Plan, Government of India, January

The specific energy consumption figures are taken from a publication ‘Chemical & Petrochemical sector”
published by IEA/OECD in 2009 as well as from industry sources. All specific energy figures are obtained
during years 2004 to 2008.

Primary Building Blocks

Ethylene, Propylene, Butadiene & Styrene are the primary building blocks of petrochemical industry.
Benzene & Toluene are also considered as building blocks and are described in basic organic chemicals.
Xylene is considered as fibre intermediate. The following table summarises capacity & demand of these
products in India

Table 9: Capacity and Demand of Primary Building Blocks

Products Capacity Demand
(In 1000 TPA) (2011-12) (2011-12)
Ethylene 3867 3785
Propylene 4117 3700
Butadiene 295 124
Styrene 0 496

The available capacity of Ethylene, Propylene & Butadiene are sufficient for domestic use and there is a
small amount of export also observed.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 38

Styrene is not manufactured as a saleable product in India. Those plants which manufacture elastomers
produce styrene as intermediate or import. There is no plan to add capacity of styrene in the country in the
next 3 years.


Pyrolysis Furnace

Transfer Line Exchange

(Producing Steam)

Cracked gas

Oil/water quench tower

and oil fractionator

Multi stage compressor, acid

removal and caustic scrubbing

Scrubbed products
Fuel Gases
Drying, pre-cooling and

De-methanizer Ethylene

De-ethanizer acetylene
hydrogenation (acetylene Ethylene
converter) and C2 splitter

De-propanizer and C3 splitter Propylene

De-butanizer and C4 Butadiene

Benzene, Toluene,

Backflows to refinery C4 raffinates,

C8+fraction and fuel oil

Figure 12: Primary Building Blocks Flow Diagram

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 39

Ethylene & Propylene

The Pyrolysis furnace cracks the feed in presence of dilution steam to ethylene, propylene & byproducts.
Heat is recovered in 100 ata steam which is used for driving steam turbines of various drives. The cooled
gas is compressed, dried and ethylene & propylene are separated through cryogenic processes.

The average specific energy consumption varies from 13.0 to 25 GJ/Ton of ethylene depending on feed
type and battery limit conditions. When processing Ethane/propane gas, the specific energy consumption is
on the lower side, and with Naphtha the figures are close to 25 GJ/Ton.

The major plants in India producing Ethylene & Propylene is listed below. Note that the production is given
as total olefins capacity. The quantity of ethylene & propylene depends on market requirements and is
manufactured by varying feedstock & operating conditions.

Table 10: Major Plants in India Producing Ethylene & Propylene

Producer Location Capacity Technology
Reliance Industries Hazira 900000 Stone & Webster
Nagothane 400000 Stone & Webster
Vadodara 190000 Lummus
Dahej 400000 Stone & Webster
Indian Oil corporation Panipat 800000 Lummus
Haldia Petrochemicals Haldia 670000 Lummus
GAIL Pata 500000 Stone & Webster

The breakup of ethylene & propylene production capacities by cracker plants and refineries is summarised

Table 11: Breakup of Ethylene & Propylene Production Capacities

Ethylene Capacity, TPA
RIL 1883400
GAIL 400000
Haldia 700000
IOCL, Panipat 857000
Propylene Capacity, TPA
RIL 759800
IOCL, Panipat 650000

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 40

BPCL, Mumbai 50000
CPCL, Chennai 30000
HPCL, Vizag 41000
HOCL, Cochin 29000

Note that ethylene is not manufactured in refinery complexes, whereas propylene is manufactured in small
quantities in refineries. IOCL Panipat has a cracker complex to produce ethylene.

Ethylene & Propylene production by steam cracking by Lummus accounts for 43% of installed capacity in
India. The remaining 57% of production capacity is accounted by Stone & Webster.

Table 12: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.3 13.1 -1.4 45

As compared to Naptha cracking, where the fuel gases from Demethaniser & drying is sufficient to cater the
need of energy for cracker; plants using ethane propane mix need external sources of energy for cracking.

The following schematic describes Lummus’ technology for olefins

Figure 13: Lummus Technology for Olefins

Olefins produced in refineries using Axens technology is as per below steps.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 41

Figure 14: Axens Technology for Olefins

Lummus technology for producing propylene from ethylene & C4+ feeds is given below.

Figure 15: Lummus Technology for Propylene

This technology integrated with cracker plant gives flexibility to produce ethylene or propylene depending
on market demands.


Butadiene is produced by solvent extraction or extractive distillation process wherein the butadiene is
extracted by a solvent. The major Butadiene manufacturers in India are the following:

Table 13: Specific Energy Consumption

Butadiene Capacity, TPA
RIL 200000

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 42


The BASF technology for Butadiene production is given below.

Figure 16: BASF Technology for Butadiene

The C4 cut enters the pre-distillation tower, in which methyl acetylene, propadiene and other light
components are separated as gaseous overhead product. Its bottom product enters the bottom section of
the main washer column while N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) solvent enters at the column top. Overhead
product C4 raffinate consisting of butanes and butenes is drawn off.

The crude butadiene withdrawn as overhead product from the rectifier is sent to the butadiene column. In
its top section, mainly water and some remaining light components are separated, while heavy ends are
drawn off as bottom product. The butadiene product is withdrawn as liquid side product.

Table 14: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton

Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.5 0 6.7 45

Commodity Plastics
Commodity plastics are the major products that account for bulk of the petrochemical industry. India has
significant production capacity and demand for commodity plastics. The following table summarises
capacity and demand of commodity plastics.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 43

Table 15: Capacity and Demand of Commodity Plastics
Products Capacity Demand
(In 1000 TPA) (2011-12) (2011-12)
LDPE 205 405
LLDPE 835 1198
HDPE 1825 1657
PP 4140 2993
PVC 1330 2087
PS+EPS 640 340

Amongst commodity plastics, PVC is one of the major products where capacity growth in past had been
significantly lagging demand growth.

India has large capacity of PS and EPS between three major producers. However, all these facilities are
based on imported monomer since there is no local production of Styrene.

Low Density Poly Ethylene (LDPE)

LDPE finds its application in general purpose film, heavy duty film, liquid packaging, injection moulding,
extrusion coating, wire & cables, adhesive lamination. Due to its inherent strength, LD is extensively used
as a blend with other polymers.

Total capacity of LDPE production in India is 205000 TPA, which is mostly manufactured at RIL Nagothane
& Vadodara Plants having a total capacity of 175000 TPA. The flow diagram for manufacturing LDPE is
given below.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 44

Figure 17: Flow Diagram for Manufacturing LDPE

Ethylene, initiator and comonomers are fed to the process and compressed to pressures up to 3,100 bar
before entering the tubular reactor. The polymer properties (MI, density, MWD) are controlled by the
initiator, pressure, temperature profile and comonomer content. After the reactor, excess ethylene is
recovered and recycled to the reactor feed stream. The polymer melt is mixed with additives in an extruder
to yield the final product.

Table 16: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
3.5 0 -2.1 0

High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE)

The list of Plants manufacturing HDPE & LLDPE in India is as follows.

Table 17: List of Plants Manufacturing HDPE & LLDPE

HDPE/LLDPE Capacity Technology
RIL, Hazira 360000 HDPE Dupont &
Nova Chemicals
RIL, Gandhar 160000 HDPE Basell
RIL, Nagothane 220000 HDPE/LLDPE BP Chemicals

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 45

Haldia 700000 HDPE/LLDPE Mitsui CX &
Petrochemicals Basell
GAIL, Pata 210000 HDPE/LLDPE Novacor
IOCL, Panipat 300000 HDPE Basell
350000 HDPE/LDPE Nova Chemicals

The Bassell HDPE process is shown below. This is a 3 reactor- solution based polumerisation process.

Figure 18: Bassell HDPE Process

Polymerization occurs in a dispersing medium, such as n-hexane, using a very high-activity Ziegler
catalyst. No deactivation and catalyst removal is necessary because a very low level of catalyst residue
remains in the polymer. For HDPE production the catalyst, the dispersing medium, monomer and hydrogen
are fed to the reactor (1, ) where the first polymerisation step occurs. The second and third step
polymerization occurs under different reaction conditions with respect to each reactor. No further catalyst
only ethylene, butene and further dispersing medium are fed to the second (2) and third reactor (3).
Reactor conditions are controlled continuously, thus HDPE with very high properties is manufactured.
Finally, the HDPE slurry from the third reactor is sent to the decanter (4) and the polymer is separated from
the dispersing medium. The polymer containing the remaining hexane is dried in a fluidized bed dryer (5)
and catalyst/cocatalyst residuals are removed in the powder treatment vessel (7). The powder is then
pelletized in the extrusion section. The separated and collected dispersing medium of the fluid separation
step (6) with the dissolved co-catalyst and comonomer is recycled to the polymerization reactors. A small
part of the dispersing medium is distilled to maintain the composition of the diluent.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 46

Table 18: Specific Energy Consumption
Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.9 0 1.0 0

Linear Low Density Poly Ethylene (LLDPE)

The gas phase technology of Basell sperilene process is given below.

Figure 19: Basell Sperilene Process

Ethylene, comonomer and hydrogen are fed to the reactor according to the required production capacity
and proportions needed for the target product. Propane is used as the inert medium of reaction and
provides an independent means of controlling the reaction kinetics while providing a heat removal capability
far superior to that of inorganicinerts (such as nitrogen). The heat of the reaction is removed from the
fluidizing gas in a water cooled vertical heat exchanger.

The polymer is withdrawn continuously from a specially designed outlet at the bottom of the reactor and
sent to a degassing vessel where monomer unreacted, comonomer and hydrogen are removed from the
polymer with the help of a counter-current propane gas flow. Specific energy consumption for LLDPE is
given below.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 47

Table 19: Specific Energy Consumption
Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.4 0 1.6 0

PolyPropylene (PP)

The major plants manufacturing Polypropylene is provided in the table below.

Table 20: Major Plants Manufacturing Polypropylene

Poly Propylene Capacity, Technology
plants TPA
RIL, Vadodara 100000 Basell
RIL, Nagothane 60000 Himont
RIL, Hazira 360000 UCC
Haldia Petrochemicals 320000 Basell-spheripol
IOCL, Panipat 600000 Basell-spheripol

KBR technology used for manufacturing polypropylene is described below.

Figure 20: KBR Technology for Polypropylene

Inside the reactor (1) the growing polymeric granule is continuously recirculating between two interrelated
zones, where two distinct and different fluodynamic regimes are realized. In the first zone (1a), the polymer

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 48

is kept in a fast fluidization regime; when leaving this zone, the gas is separated and the polymer crosses
the second zone (1b) in a packed-bed mode and is then reintroduced in the first zone.

Unreacted monomer is mostly recovered at intermediate pressure (3) and recycled back to the MZC reactor
through a compressor, while polymer can be fed to a fluidized gas- phase reactor (4) operated in series
(optional) where additional copolymer can be added to the product from the gas loop. From the
intermediate separator/second reactor, the polymer is discharged to a receiver (5), the unreacted gas is
recovered, while the polymer is sent to a proprietary unit for monomer steam stripping and catalyst
deactivation (6). The removed residual hydrocarbons are recycled to the reaction. While the polymer is
dried by a closed-loop nitrogen system (7) and, now free from volatile substances, the polymer is sent to
additives incorporation step (8).

Table 21: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.9 0 1.0 0

Poly Vinyl Chloride ( PVC)

The major plants in India manufacturing PVC are provided in table below.

Table 22: Major Plants Manufacturing PVC

PVC plants Technology

RIL, Vadodara 55000 Oxyvinyls

RIL, Gandhar 150000 Oxyvinyls

RIL, Hazira 160000 Geons

Chemplast Sanmar 235000 Basell-spheripol

Finolex , Ratnagiri 260000 Hoest AG

DSCL, Kota 70000 Chisso corporation

The PVC manufacturing process can be divided into 5 different steps from input of raw materials to the end
• Input Fresh VCM, additives and water into a stirring reactor (1), and maintaining temperature during the
polymerization to control the grade of the PVC

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 49

• Discharge PVC powder after 85-90% VCM/PVC conversion to a blow down tank (2) to flush off VCM
gas and recover VCM gas to VCM gas holder (6)
• PCV slurry containing VCM is fed into the stripping column (3) continuously, most of the residual VCM
will be recovered from this column
• The slurry will be de-watered with a centrifuge device (4)
• The slurry will be dried by the proprietary dryer (5). It is then passed to storage silos.

Figure 21: PVC Manufacturing Process

The specific energy consumption process is given below.

Table 23: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton

Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock

0.6 0.5 1.2 0

Poly Styrene ( PS)

The major Polystyrene manufacturers in India are given below.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 50

Table 24: Major Polystyrene Manufacturers

Poly Styrene plants Capacity,


Supreme Petrochem 272000

LG Polymers, Vizag 100000

BASF, Dahej 100000

Styrene is obtained by reacting ethylene with benzene in the presence of aluminum chloride to yield
ethylbenzene. The benzene group in this compound is then dehydrogenated to yield phenylethylene, or
styrene, a clear liquid hydrocarbon with the chemical structure CH2=CHC6H5. Styrene is polymerized by
using free-radical initiators primarily in bulk and suspension processes, although solution and emulsion
methods are also employed.

Various grades of polystyrene can be produced by a variety of batch processes. Batch processes generally
have a high conversion efficiency, leaving only small amounts of unreacted styrene to be emitted should
the reactor be purged or opened between batches. A typical plant will have multiple process trains, each
usually capable of producing a variety of grades of polystyrene. The following figure is a schematic
representation of the polystyrene batch bulk polymerization process.

Figure 22: Polystyrene Batch Bulk Polymerization Process

The division of specific energy consumption has been represented in table below.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 51

Table 25: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton

Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock

0.4 0.5 0 0

Fibre intermediates
India has a strong synthetic fibre base integrated to large production capacity of fibre intermediates. The
following table summarises capacity and demand of synthetic fibre intermediates in India.

Table 26: Capacity and Demand of Synthetic Fibre Intermediates

Products Capacity Demand
(In 1000 TPA) (2011-12) (2011-12)
Para Xylene 2477 2306
PTA 3850 4350
MEG 1300 1836
PET 814 542

India remains a net importer of PTA & MEG which the basic raw materials for polyester chips/filament yarm
industry. It is expected to add Para Xylene capacity of 2.4 Million TPA by year 2014, which will enahnce
the capacity of downstream production of PTA.

The status of synthetic yarn production capacity & demand is as follows. Evidently, PSF and PFY are the
most predominant synthetic fibres manufactured in the country.

Table 27: Synthetic Yarn Production Capacity & Demand

Products Capacity Demand

(In 1000 TPA) (2011-12) (2011-12)

PSF 1334 1214

PFY 2582 1973

NFY 32 48

NIY 74 115

PIY 21 40

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 52


Commercially important xylenes are of two kinds: Para xylene and Ortho xylene. Para xylene is used for
the manufacture of DMT and PTA and this is the backbone of the synthetic fibre industry. Ortho xylene is
mainly used in the production of phthalic anhydride. The following plants manufacture Xylene in India.

Table 28: Xylene Manufacturing Plants

P-Xylene Capacity, TPA
RIL 1856000
IOCL, Panipat 360000
IOCL, Bongaigaon 29000
O-Xylene Capacity, TPA
RIL 420000
IOCL, Bongaigaon 6000

The configuration of an aromatics complex depends upon the available feedstock, the desired product
slate, and the balance between performance and capital investment. A fully integrated modern complex
contains a number of UOP process technologies. The naphtha feed is first sent to a UOP naphtha
hydrotreating unit (1) to remove sulfur and nitrogen compounds and then sent to a UOP CCR Platforming
unit (2) to reform paraffins and naphthenes to aromatics. The following figure shows the process of UOP for
manufacturing P-Xylene.

Figure 23: UOP Process for Manufacturing P-Xylene

The specific energy consumption of P-Xylene is given below.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 53

Table 29: Specific Energy Consumption
Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.2 6.3 0.8 0

Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA)

The important manufacturers of PTA in India are:

Table 30: Important Manufacturers of PTA

PTA plants Capacity, TPA Technology
RIL, Hazira 700000 Dupont
RIL, other locations 1350000 Dupont
Mitsubishi Chemical Corpn, Haldia 990000 MCC
IOCL, Panipat 553000 Dupont

Polymer grade PTA can be produced based on the liquid phase oxidation of p-xylene in the presence of a
catalyst to produce crude terephthalic acid (C-TPA). Acetic acid and p-xylene are fed to a reactor with a
cobalt acetate catalyst (Step 1). The reactor is fed with compressed air to supply oxygen for the reaction.
Reactor pressure and temperature are maintained at 1,500 kPa - 3,000 kPa (220 psi - 435 psi) and 175°C -
230°C (347°F - 446°F) respectively. Products from the reactor are pumped to a centrifuge to separate the
C-TPA (Step 2). The C-TPA produced is purified using the Amoco purification process.

Figure 24: PTA Manufacturing Process

The specific energy consumption is 2.9 GJ/Ton.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 54

Table 31: Specific Energy Consumption
Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.3 0 2.6 0

Mono Ethylene Glycol

EO in an aqueous solution is reacted with CO2 in the presence of a homogeneous catalyst to form ethylene
carbonate (1). The ethylene carbonate subsequently is reacted with water to form MEG and CO2 (3).

Figure 25: MEG Manufacturing Process

The specific energy consumption is 4.5 GJ/Ton (from Industry sources)

Table 32: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.2 0.8 3.5 0

Poly Ethylene Terephthalate (PET)

This is a thermoplastic polyester widely used for production of beverage bottles. It is also used for flexible
packaging film. Reliance Industries at Hazira is the single manufactrurer of PET in India with a capacity of
290000 TPA.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 55

Figure 26: PET Manufacturing Process

The specific energy consumption is 4.8 GJ/Ton.

Table 33: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.7 4.1 0 0


Major manufacturers of caprolactum in India are provided in the following table.

Table 34: Major Manufacturers of Caprolactum

Caprolactum plants Capacity, TPA
GSFC, Vadodara 70000
FACT, Cochin 50000

Essentially, all of its production is consumed in the manufacture of nylon 6 which is used for fiber (clothing,
carpets and industrial fibers) and for resin production. Caprolactam is produced by the Beckmann
rearrangement of the oxime in the presence of oleum. Cyclohexanone oxime is formed by the reaction of
Cyclohexanone and Hydroxilamine. The subsequent neutralisation step yields ammonium sulphate as co-
product. The crude Caprolactum is purified by solvent extraction, ion-exchange, hydrogenation, evaporation
and vacuum distillation to obtain products of extremely high purity and consistent quality.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 56

The specific energy consumption is represented in the following table.

Table 35: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
1.1 0.2 -3.2 0

Polyester Chips

The basic raw materials are Pure Terephthalic Acid (PTA) and Ethylene Glycol (EG). The reaction involved
is direct esterification in case of PTA followed by polycondensation. The reaction is carried out in one or
more reactors above atmospheric pressure and at elevated temperature. Excess glycol is used for carrying
out the reaction, which is recovered during polycondensation and recycled.

Polyester filament yarns are manufactured either from molten polymer or polyethylene terephthalic acid
(PET) chips by melt spinning process. In this process molten polymer from a manifold is metered through
various spinnerettes, having number of holes, to form filaments. These filaments are then solidified by air-
quenching and wound on take-up winders after application of spin-finish. The yarns manufactured could be
UDY (undrawnyarn), POY (partially oriented yarn) or FDY (fully drawn yarn) depending upon the winder
speed and heatsetting methods.

Supplies of PFY technology are Zimmer, Inventa, Lurgi, Didier, Toray, Du-Pont, Teijin, Enka, Snia and
Samsung. The major Indian manufacturers of Polyester chips (with raw materials PTA & EG) are as
follows. Manufacturers who only buy chips and then melt –extrude are not considered here.

Table 36: Major Polyester Chips Manufacturers

Polyester fibre plants Capacity, TPA

RIL, all locations 1606000
Indorama Synthetics, all locations 610050
South Asian Petrochemicals, 200000
Jindal Polyfilms 108000
Ester Industries 107000
Chiripal Industries, Ahmedabad 100000
Modern Petrofils 80000
Sanghi Polyester 75000
Century Enka 75000
The specific energy consumption for chips production is given below.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 57

Table 37: Specific Energy Consumption
Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.2 0 2.0 0

Nylon-6 (Polycaproamide) chips

Currently tyre cord fabric made of Nylon is dominating. The other applications include fabric for conveyor
belt, rubber hose reinforcement, tarpaulin, awnings, static covers and display fabric. The major
manufacturers producing Nylon chips, which is subsequently used for yarn production is as follows.

Table 38: Major Nylon Manufacturers

Nylon plants Capacity, TPA
Century Enka, Pune 180000
SRF, Chennai 110000
GSFC, Surat 9000
FACT, Cochin 3000
JCT Ltd., Phagwara 14000

The technology for Nylon-6 manufacturing is by Uhde Inventa-Fisher. The raw material for manufacturing
Nylon 6 is coal. Cyclohexane oxime is produced by a series of chemical reactions on coal. Cyclo
heaxaneoxime is then treated with sulphuric acid to form caprolactum. The caprolactum is a monomer with
6 carbon atoms that are polymerized to from chains of caprolactum. Polymerization is done by gently
heating it in a steam – jacked stainless steel vessel. The solution is stabilised as a super polymer under
constant steam and pressure. The chips containing 9% monomer and cyclic oligomers are treated with hot
water in extraction column. Wet chips are sent to centrifuge, then dried with nitrogen.

Figure 27: Nylon Manufacturing Process

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 58

Table 39: Specific Energy Consumption
Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.2 0 2.0 0

The production capacity & demand of surfactants (LAB & EO) in provided in the table below. The capacity
of these surfactants is more than the demand. The last plant installed in India was in 2004 at IOCL.

Table 40: Production Capacity and demand of Surfactants in India

Products Capacity Demand
(In 1000 TPA) (2011-12) (2011-12)
LAB 530 480
EO 209 173

Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB)

The details of major plants in India manufacturing LAB is provided below.

Table 41: Major LAB Manufacturing Plants

LAB plants Capacity, TPA Technology
RIL, all locations 180000 UOP
Nirma, Vadodara 110000 UOP
Tamil Nadu Petroproducts 120000 NA
IOCL, Vadodara 120000 UOP

UOP accounts for more than 70% installed capacity of LAB. The process flow diagram is given below.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 59

Figure 28: UOP Manufacturing Process for LAB

Linear paraffins are fed to a pacol reactor(1) to dehydrogenate the feed into corresponding linear
olefins.Reactor effluent is separated into gas and liquid phases in a separator (2).Diolefins in the separator
liquid are selectively converted to monoolefins in aDeFine reactor (3).Light ends are removed in a stripper
(4) and the resulting olefin parafin mixture is sent to a PEP absorber (5) where heavy aromatics is
removed prior to being sent to a Detal reactor(6) where the olefins are alkylated with benzene.The
reactoreffluent is sent to fractionation section (7,8) for separation and recycle of unreacted benzene to the
Detal reactor ,and separation and recycle of unreacted paraffins to the pacol reactor.Areturn column (9)
separates the LAB product from the heavy alkylate bottoms stream. The specific energy consumption is
about 4.0 GJ/Ton (from industry sources)

Ethylene Oxide (EO)

In India, EO is produced by Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) and India Glycols Ltd. (IGL). RIL sells the entire
EO produced for the Merchant Market while IGL captively consumes all EO produced for Surfactants &
Glycol ethers production. The current effective capacity of EO is 209000 TPA. The predominant technology
is by ABB Lummus.

Ethylene and oxygen in a diluent gas made up of a mixture of mainly methane or nitrogen along with
carbon dioxide and argon are fed to a tubular catalytic reactor (1). The temperature of reaction is controlled
by adjusting the pressure of the steam which is generated in the shell side of the reactor and removes the
heat of reaction. The EO produced is removed from the reaction gas by scrubbing with water (2) after heat
exchange with the circulating reactor feed gas.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 60

Figure 29: Ethylene Oxide Manufacturing Process

The specific energy consumption is 3.3 GJ/Ton of product (from industry sources).

Table 42: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.8 2.5 0 0

Other Basic Organic Chemicals

The other major petrochemicals are Benzene, Toluene and Acrylonitrile commonly known as the basic
organic chemicals. The manufacturing capacity & demand for these products are given below.

Table 43: Manufacturing Capacity & Demand for Basic Organic Chemicals
Products Capacity Demand
(In 1000 TPA) (2011-12) (2011-12)
Benzene 1235 590
Toluene 270 440
Acrilonitrile 40 125


There are three categories of benzene producers in India:

 Cracker operators [RIL, IPCL (Baroda), HPL], who accounted for 39 percent of the domestic benzene

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 61

 Refineries (RIL, IOC, BPCL, and KRL), who accounted for 54 percent of the domestic benzene
 Steel producers (SAIL, which produces benzene as a by-product from coke oven gas), accounts for
around 6 percent of domestic benzene production

The major manufacturers of benzene in India is represented in the following table.

Table 44: Major Benzene Manufacturing Plants

Company Capacity, TPA
RIL 680000
IOC 200000
BPCL 80000
KRL 85000
HPL 125000
Steel Plants 60000

The main source of benzene supply comes from Steam cracking and Reformate/toluene hydro dealkylation
based production units, each accounting for about 400,000 tonnes and 620,000 tonnes, respectively.

Benzene is produced by steam cracking as well as aromatic extraction processes. In the latter, the feed
rich in C7+ aromatics is treated with hydrogen in a hydodealkylation process to produce benzene. Only the
hydrodealkylation process produces benzene on-purpose.

Specific energy consumption in steam cracking method is about 12 GJ/Ton. Specific energy consumption
of aromatic extraction method is given below.

Table 45: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.3 13.1 -1.4 0

Schematic of Lummus technology( aromatic extraction) is given Toluene section. In this process
dealkylation of Toluene/Xylene is done to extract Benzene.


At present the method used to produce Toluene is by separating the aromatic mixture. The plant consists
essentially of an extractor, a water wash, a heater and a clay treater. The feed is contacted with the solvent

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 62

counter currently. After extraction and treatment, the mixed aromatics are distilled in train of two towers for
the separation of the three aromatics, benzene, toluene and xylene.

Figure 30: Benzene, Toluene and Xylene Manufacturing Process

The specific energy consumption is similar to that of Benzene, as given below.

Table 46: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.1 0 2.0 22.5

Acrylonitrile (ACN)

Reliance Industries, Vadodara is the only manufacturer of ACN in India, with a capacity of 40000 TPA.

Acrylonitrile is produced domestically by a single process i.e. Sohio process of propylene ammoxidation. A
simplified flow diagram of the basic Sohio process is presented in Fig. Propylene, ammonia (NH3), and air
are fed to the reactor in near stoichiometric ratios. The yield of acrylonitrile monomer from this reaction is
typically 79 weight percent with approximately 2 and y molar percent yields of each of the by-products
acetonitrile and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) respectively. The stream exiting the reactor contains acryonitrile
and by-products but also un-reacted oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. The
acrylonitrile product obtained from the Sohio process has a purity of 99 + percent.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 63

Figure 31: ACN Manufacturing Process

The specific electricity consumption is 1.1 GJ/Ton with a steam credit of 6.4 GJ/Ton.

Table 47: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.8 0.3 -6.4 0

Phthalic Anhydride (PAN)

The major manufacturers of PAN in India are as follows.

Table 48: Major Manufacturers of PAN

PAN – Plants Capacity, TPA
IG Petrochemicals Ltd 116110
Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd 145000
Asian Paints Ltd. 29796

Fig below shows the process flow diagram for phthalic anhydride production using o-xylene as the basic
feedstock. Filtered air is preheated, compressed, mixed with vaporized oxylene and fed into the fixed-bed
tubular reactors (Step 1). The reactors contain vanadium pentoxide as the catalyst and are operated at
340°C to 385°C (644° to 725°F). In order to maintain catalyst activity, small amounts of sulfur dioxide are
added to the reactor feed. Exothermic heat is removed by a molten salt bath circulated around the reactor
tubes and produce PA (Step 4). The liquid then flows to the vacuum distillation column where the remaining

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 64

water and impurities are removed (Step 5). In the final step, the pure product is pumped to molten storage
(Step 6).

Typically this reaction produces more energy than it consumes & the plants manufacturing PAN is expected
to be net exporter of energy.

Figure 32: PAN Manufacturing Process

The specific energy consumption is 20.7 GJ/Ton of product

Table 49: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.7 20 0 0

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

ABS resins are well-established, high volume, amorphous engineering thermoplastics, which offer an
excellent balance of heat, chemical and impact resistance with superior processing versatility.

It is derived from Acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene either as such as graft polymer or SAN on
Polybutadiene or as a blend of ABS plus SAN. Composition of the constituent monomers can be varied in
order to alter the properties of the final resin.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 65

Current capacity in India is 120 KT. The major producer of ABS in India is INEOS ABS (formerly Lanxess,
Bayer) with 80,000 metric tonnes of capacity and Bhansali Polymer with current capacity of 40,000 metric

ABS is produced by grafting styrene and acrylonitrile onto a polybutadiene matrix. The three basic steps in
the suspension process are: prepolymerization, polymerization, and product separation. The processing
steps for mass polymerization are: prepolymerization, polymerization, devolatilization, and extrusion. Mass
polymerization generates a minimum of wastewater and eliminates the need for dewatering and drying. In
both the suspension and mass processes the polybutadiene must be soluble in styrene. Polybutadiene
resin may be added as a dry resin rather than a latex.

Table 50: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.2 0 2.0 0

Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN)

Styrene and Acrylonitrile monomers can be copolymerized to form a random, amorphous copolymer that
has improved weather ability, stress crack resistance, and barrier properties. The copolymer is called
styrene Acrylonitrile or SAN. The SAN copolymer generally contains 70 to 80% styrene and 30 to 20%

The manufacturers are the same as that of ABS, though in this case only two monomers are involved and
they can manufacture both SAN and ABS. Current capacity in India is 120 KT .The major producer of ABS
in India is INEOS ABS (formerly Lanxess, Bayer) with 80,000 metric tonnes of capacity, and Bhansali
Polymer with current capacity
of 40,000 metric tonnes.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 66

Figure 33: SAN Manufacturing Process

Table 51: Specific Energy Consumption

Specific energy consumption, GJ/Ton
Electricity Fuel Steam Feedstock
0.2 0 2.0 0

Elastomers ( Synthetic rubber)

Since India has a large production base for natural rubber, demand for synthetic rubber had been
structurally very different. The share of synthetic rubber consumption in India is only 30%.

Reliance is the sole manufacturer of PBR which account for ~60% of total domestic synthetic rubber
capacity of 124 KT (2010-11). This is the only major synthetic rubber operating unit in India. The capacity
and production of synthetic rubber in India is given below.

Table 52: Capacity and Production of Synthetic Rubber

Products Capacity Demand
(In 1000 TPA) (2011-12) (2011-12)
PBR 74 131
SBR 20 186

Poly Butadiene Rubber (PBR)

Reliance Industries, Vadodara is the only manufacturer of PBR in India with a capacity of 95000 TPA.
There are 2 nos plants at this location, with technology from Polystar and JSR.

Polybutadiene rubber is prepared by either emulsion or solution polymerisation. In general these processes
are based on organo-lithium compounds or co-ordination catalysts. Polymerization is carried out using pure

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 67

dry butadiene and a solvent. When the desired conversion is achieved, the catalyst is deactivated and
polybutadiene is recovered from the unreacted butadiene and solvent, washed to remove the catalyst
residue, and dried.

Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR)

The only manufacturer in India producing SBR is Apcotex Lattices, Thane with a capacity of 30000 TPA.

Figure 34: SBR Manufacturing Process

Fresh butadiene and styrene are received, stored, and blended with recovered butadiene and styrene. The
two chemicals, along with a catalyst and soap solution, are pumped to the reactors where polymerization
takes place. After the short-stop stage, in which an agent is added to the mixture in order to stop the
reaction, unreacted butadiene and styrene are recovered for recycling and pumped back to the storage
tanks. In the next stage, stripped latex is accumulated for blending, if required. The latex is then coagulated
and converted into crumb and screened, washed, and filtered. Excess water is removed, and the crumb is
dried in a hot-air dryer. It is then weighed out in 77-pound (35-kilogram) bales and wrapped in polyethylene
bags for shipment.

Energy Consumption in Indian Petrochemical Industry

Energy consumption in the Indian Petrochemical Industry has been estimated for the year 2011-12. In the
absence of actual energy consumption figures it has been worked out on the basis of actual production and
the design/benchmark specific energy consumption for a specific petrochemical product .

Source: Chemical and Petrochemical Sector, IEA 2009; Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers; CMIE

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 68

Based on the above computation the gross primary energy consumption is estimated to be 120 mn GJ or
2.85 mn MTOE for the year 2011-12 . Production of Propylene and Ethylene consumes maximum energy
with almost 63% of the cumulative energy consumption for the entire sector. The graph plotted below

Figure 35: Estimated Product Wise Energy Consumption for Indian Petrochemical Sector
brings more insight on product wise energy consumption as estimated for the sector. The graph plots the
petrochemical products based on their energy intensity (GJ/T) versus the total production. The size of the
bubble indicates the total estimated energy consumption of the product.

While three products account for 75% of the total energy consumption, the remaining energy is consumed
by remaining 14 major products as indicated in the graph above . As such specifying a minimum energy
consumption level for demarking the Designated Consumers (DC) would be challenging task for the sector.
As such laying down of such energy consumption level would be very important so as to address a uniform
penetration across the sector and not just restrict the DC to the top three products viz. Ethylene, Propylene
and Benzene, in the energy consumption list. While most of the units manufacturing these products would
be large integrated complexes producing other products as well, it would be appropriate to have separate

This is determined in terms of final energy terms. Conversion to primary energy will involve use of generation efficiencies.
Acrylonitrile (ACN) being a net negative energy intensive product is not represented in the chart

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 69

benchmarking levels for integrated and other units. The approach to creating benchmarks for determining
DC will be recommended further during the course of this project once the actual data will be available and
interaction with the stakeholders will be made.

Energy efficiency improvement initiatives across petrochemical sector in India

Bureau of Energy Efficiency is leading the national movement toward the implementation of Energy
Conservation Act 2001. The Bureau is assisting industry and commercial establishments to meet the
mandatory provision of the Act through voluntary approach. In order to implement the energy efficiency
projects in industrial sectors and commercial sector and build awareness and capacity of key stakeholders
in the sector for replicating/implementing similar projects across the country, BEE initiated Energy
Conservation Awards. Every year BEE felicitates the award winning industrial units for making commendable
efforts in energy conservation in their respective fields. Some of the progressive industrial units in
petrochemical sector have already realized the cost effectiveness of energy conservation measures.

Major areas for energy-efficiency improvement are utilities (around 30%), fired heaters (around 20%),
process optimization (around 15%), heat exchangers (around 15%), motor and motor applications (around
10%), and other areas (around 10%). Of these areas, optimization of utilities, heat exchangers and fired
heaters offer the most low investment opportunities, whereas in other areas low-cost opportunities also
exist. Some process related EE opportunities needs investments.

The table below summarizes the cross cutting energy efficiency measures implemented by leading
petrochemical industries in last 9 years in India

Table 53: Energy Efficiency Measures Implemented by Leading Petrochemical Industries

Energy Management Programs (dedicate energy efficiency team)
Energy Monitoring and control system
Steam Supply
Flue gas heat recovery Blow down steam recovery
Combined heat and power Steam expansion turbines
High temperature CHP Fuel substitutions in boilers
Boiler process controls Reduction in Flue gas
Steam Distribution System and Steam End-use
Improved distribution system insulation Leak repair
Insulation maintenance Flash steam recovery Steam trap improvement
Return condensate
Steam trap maintenance and monitoring Improve efficiency at steam

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 70

end use
Process Heaters and Furnaces
Control air-to-fuel ratio Improve control
Improve heat containment Switch electric heaters to
fuelled heaters
Improve heat transfer Maintenance
Heating, Cooling and Process Integration
Reduce fouling in heat transfer equipment Process integration
Regular checks of cooling water systems Pinch analysis
Heat recovery Total site pinch analysis
Motor Systems
Properly sized motors Reduce voltage unbalance
High efficiency motors Adjustable-speed drives
Improve power factor Variable voltage controls
Pump system maintenance Avoiding throttling valves
Pump system monitoring Pump demand
reduction/Proper pipe sizing
Controls Adjustable-speed drives High-efficiency pumps
Precision castings, surface coatings or Properly sized pumps
Multiple pumps for variable loads Impeller trimming Use dry
vacuum pumps
Fans and Blowers
Properly sized fans Adjustable speed drives
Improved controls High efficiency belts
Compressors and compressed air systems
System improvements (pressure reduction) Controls
Maintenance Properly sized regulators
Monitoring Properly size piping
Leak reduction Heat recovery
Reducing the inlet air temperature Adjustable speed drives
Maximize allowable pressure dew point High efficiency motors
Improved load management
HVAC systems
Converting vapour compression system to Energy efficient system design
vapour absorption systems

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 71

Variable-air-volume systems Adjustable-speed drives
Optimization of reflux ratio/Enhanced Feed conditioning
distillation control
Check required product purity Upgrading column internals
Seasonal operating pressure adjustments Stripper optimization
Reducing reboiler duty Insulation
Process Specific measures
Recover exothermic heat Recuperative incinerators
More selective furnace coils Improved transfer line
transfer line exchangers
Additional expander on de-methanizer Increased efficiency cracking
Pre-coupled gas turbine to cracker furnace Higher gasoline fractionator
bottom temperature
Improved heat recovery quench water Reduced pressure drop in
compressor interstages
Additional re-boilers (cold recuperation) Extended heat exchanger
Optimization steam and power balance Improved compressors
Improved product recovery systems Low pressure steam recovery
Optimal design EO/EG-sections Multi-effect evaporators
Optimize recycle loops Gas-phase direct chlorination
of ethylene
Catalytic cracking EDC Condensate recovery and
process integration

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 72

Review of International
benchmarking practices

Specific Energy Consumption per ton of Ethylene (SECe)

Ethylene as the most important product from steam cracking in the past, the specific energy consumption
per ton of ethylene (SECe) is a common measure of energy consumption for cracking. Modern plant values
for SECe are 14 GJ/ton of ethylene for ethane cracking (13 MBtu/ton, HHV) and 20-27 GJ/ton of ethylene
for naphtha/gas oil cracking (19-26 MBtu/ton, HHV) (Phylipsen et al., 1998a).

 Single product Benchmark
 Simple method for implementation
 Usually data is readily available with manufacturing plants

 The cracker product mix is influenced by feedstock and processing conditions (or severity which
includes parameters such as temperature, pressure and furnace residence time).
 Using the specific energy consumption per ton of ethylene (SECe) as a measure of energy efficiency
would mean that all energy consumption is allocated to ethylene, and none to the other products.
 The benchmarking is limited to only to petrochemical plants manufacturing ethylene

Using another feedstock or severity will affect the SECe, even if total energy consumption does not change.
In order to be able to compare different processes and feedstock (with different yields for the various
products) another allocation has to be used. In order to exclude effects from changing product yields,
energy consumption should be allocated over all products formed in a particular process (on a mass basis).

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 73

Ratio of the actual SEC to the reference SEC

Specific energy consumption is defined as the net energy consumption per unit of high value chemicals
(including hydrogen, ethylene, propylene, a mixed butane fraction and a BTX fraction5). The energy
efficiency is presented as the ratio of the actual SEC to the reference SEC. The reference SEC can be
global best practice technology SEC, best achieved technology SEC, best SEC in that sector in that
country or Solomon’s Index.

 Comparison within industries in sector implies achievability of the set targets
 Uniform index for comparison
 Greater possibility of Industry participation as the benchmarks are not theoretical but practically

 Reference SEC may not be readily available, for e.g. Solomon Associates have a proprietary
methodology for deriving Solomon Index which may not be opted by all petrochemical plants
 Arriving at Reference SEC for all major petrochemical products for different feedstock, production
technologies, plant vinatges, might be difficult.


A thorough analysis of globally available of energy indexes, SECs, energy consumption pattern has to be
undertaken in purview of its applicability to domestic industry. The resource requirement for deriving a
reference SEC that takes into consideration the technology, feedstock, vintage, etc may turn out to be

Individual plant Specific Energy Consumption (SEC)


SEC is calculated from the energy that a plant consumes during a cycle of operation, for example, one
month, per product of that same period. Based on the present SEC, a target for reducing SEC is given to
industry, which can be in percentage of present SEC. For e.g a petrochemical plant with SEC of 17 GJ/ton
is given a target reduction of 5% of present SEC. This cycle is continued year on year till the plant meets
the best in class SEC.

 Simple and plant specific method

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 74

 Accounts for all the variables present within the plant that affect SEC
 The SEC reduction targets can be given after discussion and solicitation with each plant to increase

 Plant specific target may create disagreement among industries in that sector
 Uniformity and justification of targets set for each industry may be difficult for implementing agency
 Arriving at best in class SEC accounting for all variables may require complex modelling

Energy Intensity

Energy Intensity is defined as the proportion between the energy consumed in the production process the
country’s gross domestic product (GDP) or other unit such as ton of product, production value, transport
value, etc. The energy consumed being analyzed differently depending on its source, for example, heat,
electricity energy, or total energy.

 Uniform Index methodology
 Can be related to value of product or GDP extending its use to accounting at national level

 May not be suitable for industry level comparison
 The problem of accounting for various other factors affecting energy consumption may not be captured
by this method

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 75

Benchmarking Curves

Benchmarking is used to compare the performance of individual plants with the most energy efficient
plant(s) on a sector-by-sector basis. Energy benchmarking is part of a much wider use of benchmarking as
a management tool. The results of sectoral benchmark studies can be summarised in benchmark curves in
which the energy use of individual plants is plotted as a dependent variable from the most efficient to the
least efficient plant, either as function of cumulative production or of the number of plants. The information
from benchmark curves can be used to assess the relative performance of individual plants.

Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Petrochemical Industry - An
ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers

The most efficient plants are represented to the left and lower part of the curve, and the least efficient
plants to the right and higher part of the curve. The shape of benchmark curves would vary for different
sectors and regions. However, typically a few plants are very efficient and a few plants are very inefficient.
This is generally represented by the steep slopes of the benchmark curve before the 1st decile and after
the last decile respectively. Between these two deciles, benchmark curves tend to display a broadly linear
relationship between energy efficiency and the share of cumulative production. This relationship can be
used to support a rough assessment of the energy efficiency potential for an industrial process, which is
defined as 50% of the difference between the efficiencies observed at the first and last deciles.


 It sufficient specific information is available and the coverage of the benchmark curve is fairly
comprehensive, be used to estimate the aggregate savings potential at the level of an individual
country, a region, or worldwide.


 The most energy efficient plants in the benchmark curves are not, however, necessarily users of the
most efficient technologies.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 76

 They may be plants that benefit from exceptionally favorable feedstock quality or other non-technology-
related factors.
 For some industries and countries, benchmark curves are readily available. But data is often much less
readily available, and often less reliable.
 Even where benchmark curves are publicly available, it is often impossible to identify individual plants
based on the information given.
 Plant data are often confidential because of antitrust regulations and market sensitivities.


It is not therefore possible to develop detailed efficiency investment programmes based on a benchmark
curve because it remains unknown which plants exactly are the ones with the high savings potential.
Information from additional sources is needed to complement benchmark curves if governments or other
organisations are seeking to target investments in energy efficiency.

Benchmark data supplemented by Efficiency Indicator data


If energy use data cannot be identified at plant level, it is sometimes possible to quantify energy efficiency
improvement potentials by comparing the average energy use within a country or region with the
comparable best practice plant in the world. Average energy use can be derived from publicly available
information such as energy statistics and production data. But the resulting energy efficiency indicators are
generally less sensitive than benchmarking data.

Plant benchmark data are complemented by two further types of analysis based on (i) the average current
specific energy consumption (SEC) by world region or country, and (ii) the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) as
developed by Phylipsen et al (2002) and Neelis et al (2007) for the Netherlands.

The SEC analysis uses the average current SEC at country or regional level depending on data
availability8. If SEC data are not available, energy statistics provide the only basis for assessing energy
efficiency. Energy statistics provide information on energy use at sectoral level, thereby including all
production processes within the sector.

The EEI approach estimates the EEI of country j for sector x with i production processes as follows:

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 77

TFEU is the actual energy use of sector x as reported in Energy Balances prepared by International Energy
Agency (IEA) (in petajoules (PJ) per year), P is the production volume of product i in country j (in mega tons
(Mt) per year), BPT is best practice technology energy use for the production of product i (in GJ per ton of
output) and n is the number of products to be aggregated. On this basis, a country is the most efficient
worldwide when all its processes for a given sector have adopted BPT. In that case, the

Country or region has an EEI of 1.


This method finds in applicability at state or national level where the IEA or similar agency has reliable data
available for comparison.

Hypothetical Benchmarking

Benchmarks need not be set at the average energy intensity; however, a benchmarking curve can also be
used to develop applicable specific benchmarks. The figure below shows that the plants at the extreme left
are the ones with low SEC and the SEC increase towards the right. The hypothetical benchmark may not
be essentially the lowest but can be a more industry acceptable benchmark like the one marked on the
graph. Setting the ambition of a benchmark – whether average, better-than-average, or top-performing –
becomes particularly important in regulatory systems for reducing energy consumption, including both cap-
and-trade and performance standards approaches.

Reference: White Paper - Issues and Options for Benchmarking Industrial GHG Emissions

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 78

Since this is a hypothetical benchmark, industry may not agree with the benchmarking targets. Also the
benchmarking do not account for variables that affect the energy consumption like feedstock, vintage of
plant, process parameters, etc.

Voluntary Performance Goals

Voluntary programs may take one of several forms (Lyon 2003):

 initiatives undertaken by industry alone (e.g., self-regulation), such as the goals announced by the
Cement Sustainability Initiative and the PFC reduction goals of the International Aluminum Institute;

 negotiated agreements between government and industry, such as the US EPA’s Climate Leaders
program; or

 public voluntary programs (e.g., ENERGY STAR) in which governments provide technical assistance
and publicity to companies that adopt and meet certain goals.

Voluntary approaches have generally been perceived as being more acceptable to industry actors than
regulatory or even market-based approaches to reducing greenhouse gases. Analyses of the success of
voluntary environmental programs, however, have found that in general they have not and cannot attain
levels of emissions reduction comparable to market-based or regulatory approaches (Lyon 2003;
Morgenstern and Pizer 2007). When voluntary efforts have failed to meet their goals, some governments
have pursued other policy approaches. For example, in the German voluntary program described above,
when GHG reduction targets were not met in 2003 and 2004, Germany introduced a more ambitious cap
into its cap-and-trade program in 2006 (German Federal Ministry of the Environment 2006). Despite their
limitations, voluntary programs can help build technical capacity and early action towards eventual
transition to a more comprehensive policy approach.


As discussed above the success of the program lies at the discretion of industries on which the voluntary
targets are applicable, there is a conflict of interest. However, to encourage the industry to take first step
towards energy efficiency this mechanism seems to be a good initiative.

Market-Based Approaches

A cap-and-trade program is a market-based program to limit energy usage or greenhouse gas emissions.
These types of programs are being implemented in the U.S. East Coast and Mid-Atlantic states through the
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), in Europe, through the EU Emission Trading System (EU

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 79

ETS), and in the state of New South Wales, Australia through its Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme.
The Western Climate Initiative, which comprises four Canadian provinces and seven U.S. states including
Washington, is currently developing the detailed design for a regional cap-and-trade system, as are the
states involved in the Midwest Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord (MGGRA).

 Production cost advantages: differences among countries in terms of access to inexpensive raw
materials, highly skilled or low-cost labor, or advanced technologies that may provide cost advantages
greater than any increased cost of production resulting from the cap-and-trade program;
 Large, fixed, capital investments: the extent to which increased production costs in the US might
influence where new manufacturing facilities are located; and
 Transportation costs: the degree to which transportation costs for inputs and outputs influence the
competitive position of the industry.

Benchmark-based Allowance Allocation

To help address concerns regarding industrial competitiveness, some observers have suggested that
emissions allowances, the tradable commodity in a cap-and-trade system, be freely allocated to emissions-
intensive, trade-exposed (EITE) industries. The American Clean Energy and Security Act, which passed
out of the U.S. House of Representatives as H.R. 2454 in June 2009, provides for allowances to EITE
industries on the basis of a benchmark emissions level defined as the sector’s average direct emissions per
unit of production output. Allowances are also rebated for indirect emissions (i.e., emissions released to
produce purchased electricity or heat) based on a similar sector-average calculation. Each individual facility
in an EITE sector would receive free allowances based on the facility’s output times the average emissions
intensity of the sector (the benchmark). Facilities with an emissions intensity below the average (more
efficient or lower emitting facilities) would receive more allowances than they would need to cover their
emissions and would therefore have extra allowances to sell.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 80

Reference: White Paper - Issues and Options for Benchmarking Industrial GHG Emissions

Despite the apparent benefits of free allocation of allowances via output-based benchmarks, tradeoffs do
exist. In particular, freely allocating allowances to industry can substantially diminish the price signal to
firms to reduce GHG emissions, the central goal of the cap-and-trade program (Schneck et al. 2009;
Matthes et al. 2008). Freely allocating allowances also foregoes the opportunity to use that allowance value
for other uses, such as support for low income consumers, investments in clean energy technology, deficit
reduction, or workforce training (US EPA, US EIA, and US Treasury 2009; Zabin, Buffa, and School

Free allocation of allowances is definitely not a long term strategy but can be implemented at the first stage
of the program and then gradually pulled back year after year.

Emissions Performance Standards

While EPA and many stakeholders have expressed a preference for a market-based approach to reducing
greenhouse gases (e.g., cap-and-trade), regulatory emissions performance standards continue to be
considered and advanced as a “backstop” policy, should market-based approaches fail to be implemented
(Alsalam 2009; Richardson, Fraas, and Burtraw 2010).

Broadly speaking, regulations on GHG emissions from stationary, industrial facilities could be developed
using one of two approaches. The first approach is to identify particular, sector-specific emissions
benchmarks in terms, such as of tons CO2e per unit of output, that must not be exceeded. The second
approach is to define a particular set of technological controls – such as best available control technology
(BACT) – that must be implemented by a specific facility. These approaches are not mutually exclusive. For
example, a BACT may be defined as a specific technology based on that technology’s ability to meet a
particular emissions benchmark.

As discussed above, to avoid a complete failure of voluntary or allowance based mechanism, a minimum
energy reduction target is helpful. This minimum target may not need a technical clarification if it is below
the Voluntary target set by industry.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 81

Statistical Approach

Regression is a statistical technique that estimates the dependence of a variable of interest (such as
energy consumption) on one or more independent variables, such as ambient temperature, reaction
temperature and pressure, chemical constituents of products, etc. It can be used to estimate the effects on
the dependent variable of a given independent variable while controlling for the influence of other variables
at the same time. It is a powerful and flexible technique that can be used in a variety of ways when
measuring and verifying the impact of energy efficiency projects.

Energy usage is typically the dependent variable (taken as specific energy consumption), whether energy
usage is measured monthly through bills or measured more frequently through meter monitoring. The
regression model attempts to predict the value of the dependent variable based on the values of
independent, or explanatory, variables such as weather data.

Dependent Variable – the outcome or endogenous variable; the variable described by the model; for M&V,
the dependent variable is typically energy use
Independent Variable – an explanatory or exogenous variable; a variable whose variation explains variation
in the outcome variable; for M&V, weather characteristics are often among the independent variables

 Simple Regression – a regression with a single independent variable

 Multiple Regression – a regression with two or more independent variables

Advantages of Regression
Regression is a very flexible technique that can be used in conjunction with other M&V methods to help
provide a deeper understanding of how and when energy is used. Regression can also be used to
extrapolate short-term measurements to annual energy. If the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables is not expected to change over the range of operating conditions, then short-term
measurements can be extrapolated to annual energy use, even if the measurement period does not
capture the full annual variation.

A particular advantage of regression is that it not only facilitates an estimate of energy savings, but it also
can provide an estimate of the uncertainty in savings calculations.

Regression is conceptually simple, have at least a basic familiarity with it.

Disadvantages of Regression
Although simple in concept, proper use of regression requires a clear understanding of statistical methods
and application guidance; situations can occur that require a more detailed understanding of statistical
methods and to relate them with process engineering parameters. While the basic technique is fairly

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 82

straightforward, complications to the site or the data can easily require more advanced techniques and a
more thorough understanding of regression methods.

Regression models require multiple observations on the dependent and independent variables. There are
times, however, when explanatory variables are not readily available or we only have access to proxies.
Independent variables that are not included in the regression model often introduce added error. If energy
use is not a strong function of the independent variable(s) in the equation, or if there is large variability in
energy use (“scatter” in the x-y chart) relative to strength of the predictive relationship, regression analysis
generates estimates that have high uncertainty.

It is important to note that regression is often performed without an estimate of the degree of uncertainty
involved, so the validity of the resulting savings estimates is unknown.

The Regression Process
The regression process can be summarized in six steps:
1. Identify all independent variables to be included in the regression model
2. Collect data
3. Synchronize data into appropriate time intervals (if necessary)
4. Graph the data
5. Select and develop the regression model
6. Validate the model

Step 1 - Identify All Independent Variables

To properly identify all independent variables, the entire facility should be considered and the different
factors that play into its energy use should be identified. A model should only use the variables that explain
the relationship and not include additional, extraneous information. ASHRAE Guideline 14, Appendix D,
provides additional information on regression estimation with two or more independent variables (multiple
Some independent variables commonly used in energy regressions are:
 Ambient dry bulb temperature (actual or averaged over a time-period )
 Heating degree-days
 Cooling degree-days
 Plant output

Step 2 - Collect Data

Prior to installation of the measure, identify and collect data for a monitoring period that is representative of
the facility, operation, or equipment. This is the baseline period, sometimes referred to as the tuning or pre
period. The baseline monitoring period should be long enough to represent the full range of operating

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 83

It is vital that the collected baseline data accurately represent the operation of the system before
improvements were made. Anomalies in these data can have a large effect on the outcome of the study.
Examine data outliers – data points that do not conform to the typical distribution – and seek an explanation
for their occurrence. A typical events that result in outliers include equipment failure, any situations resulting
in abnormal closures of the facility, and a malfunctioning of the metering equipment.

Step 3 - Synchronize the Data

To accurately represent each independent variable, the intervals of observation must be
consistent across all variables. For example, a regression model using monthly utility bills as the outcome
variable requires that all other variables originally collected as hourly, daily, or weekly data be converted
into monthly data points. In such a case, it is common practice to average points of daily data over the
course of a month, yielding synchronized monthly data. There are problems with this approach because
varying data lengths can cause net bias in the model. Net bias means that the total predicted energy use
over the period being analyzed will differ from the actual energy use over that period.

Step 4 - Graph the Data

Create one or more scatter plots to begin to visualize the relationships between the dependent and
independent variables. Most commonly, one graphs the independent variables on the X axis and the
dependent variable on the Y axis.

Step 5 - Select and Develop Model

To create a baseline equation, perform a regression analysis on the measured variables. The analysis is
typically called an ordinary least squares regression, because the mathematics generates a model that
minimizes the sum of squared deviations between the actual and predicted values.

The equation calculated from the regression analysis represents the baseline relationship between the
variables of interest. Frequently, more than one independent variable influences the outcome variable. For
example, the electricity used by a chiller system might be affected by variations in outside temperature,
relative humidity, hours of facility use, and number of occupants. To accurately model cooling energy
consumption, we need to include additional independent variables, creating a multiple regression model.

Step 6 - Validate Regression Model

Once we have created a baseline model, we can generate the following statistical measures or tests to help
validate that your estimated model relationships provide a good description of the data. At a minimum, use
the following three measures to determine if the baseline equation is appropriate:

R (or R-squared),
 Net Determination Bias, and
 t-statistic.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 84

R-Squared (Coefficient of Determination)
The coefficient of determination (R ) is the measure of how well future outcomes are likely to be predicted
by the model. It illustrates how well the independent variables explain variation in the dependent variable.
R values range from 0 (indicating none of the variation in the dependent variable is associated with
variation in any of the independent variables) to 1 (indicating all of the variation in the dependent variable is
associated with variation in the independent variables, a “perfect fit” of the regression line to the data).
The rule-of-thumb for an acceptable model using monthly billing data is an R > 0.75.

If the R is low, we may wish to return to Step 5 in the regressions process and select additional
independent variables that make sense to add to your model; then use the adjusted R as a goodness-of-fit
test for a multiple regression.

2 2
The R value can be thought of as a goodness-of-fit test; but a high R value is not enough to say the
2 2
selected model fits the data well, nor that a low R indicates a poor model. Fit criteria in addition to R
should be assessed.

For example, a model with a low R is acceptable when there is a clear relationship between the dependent
and independent variables.

Standard Error of the Coefficient (Intercept or Slope)

The standard error of the coefficient is similar to the standard error of the estimate, but is
calculated for a single coefficient rather than the complete model. The standard error is an estimate of the
standard deviation of the coefficient. For simple linear regression, it is calculated separately for the slope
and intercept: there is a standard error of the intercept and standard error of the slope. These are
necessary to get the t-statistic for each.

The t-statistic is the coefficient (βi) divided by its standard error. Within regression, the t-statistic is a
measure of the significance for each coefficient (and, therefore, of each independent variable) in the model.
The larger the t-statistic, the more significant the coefficient is to estimating the dependent variable. The
coefficient’s t-statistic is compared with the critical t-statistic associated with the required confidence level
and degrees of freedom. For a 95% confidence level and a large number for degrees of freedom
(associated with a lot of data), the comparison t-statistic is 1.96. Measure the t-statistic for every
independent variable used, and if the t-statistic is lower than the critical value (such as 1.96) for any
variable, reconsider the model. Go back to Step 5) and consider if a different model specification is more
appropriate. Note that the more variables used in a regression, the lower will be the significance of each

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 85

The p-value is the probability that a coefficient or dependent variable is not related to the
independent variable. Small p-values, then, indicate that the independent variable or coefficient is a
significant (important) predictor of the dependent variable in the model. The p-value is an alternate way of
evaluating the t-statistic for the significance of a regression coefficient. Rather than requiring an input
confidence level as you would to compare the t-statistic, the p-value provides probability as an output.

Analysis of Residuals
Analysis of residuals can provide a relatively easy way to confirm the assumptions required for a valid
linear regression are met and to help validate the model’s predictions. Plotting the predicted y-values
against the actual y-values provides a quick way to validate the model’s predictions; the slope should be
close to 1.

Establishment of Baseline SEC under PAT-1

The specific energy consumption of any industries under PAT – I was calculated using the Gate-to-Gate
concept with the following formula.

SEC = Total energy input to the plant boundary

Quantity of the Product

While calculating the total energy input to the plant, all energy sources are be converted to a single unit i.e.
MTOE (metric ton of oil equivalent) using standard engineering conversion formula. In this calculation, the
following factors were considered:
(a) All forms of energy (Electricity, Solid fuel, Liquid fuel, Gaseous fuel, by products used as fuel etc.)
which are actually consumed for production of output should be considered.
(b) Energy consumed in colony and for outside transportation system is not be accounted.
(c) Energy used through renewable energy sources should not be accounted.
(d) The ‘Product’ is the key parameter. The definition of product for various sectors has been shown below
for the purpose of calculating SEC. This has been arrived at considering the typical practice of defining
SEC and consistency in product output.

The basis for baseline SEC and base year under PAT-1

The base line SEC was calculated based on the following procedure:

 All DCs were asked to submit the details of production and annual energy consumption since 2005-6 to
2009-10 through a notified form which was mandatory as per EC Act, 2001.
 A few additional sector specific factors like process technology, process flow, raw materials, product
mix etc. were also collected.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 86

 The SEC calculated from step (a) was considered as ‘Reported SEC’ by the DC. As there were various
variable factors that affected the energy consumption significantly, some ‘Normalization Factors’ were
also considered. It was proposed to consider the ‘capacity utilization’ as one of the most important
parameter contributing to the normalization factor. However, the rationale for developing the
‘normalization factors’ was done only for a few sectors like the power, cement etc. In other sectors this
exercise was not factored in successfully due to various uncertainties and the exercise still requires
considerable research for arriving appropriate factors in a scientific manner.
 Now the reported SEC was normalized after incorporating the normalization factor.
 Normalized SEC = f ( Reported SEC , Normalization factors)
 The base line SEC was estimated by taking the average normalized SEC of last 3 years i.e. 2007-8,
2008-9, 2009-10.
 The base year was defined as 2009-10.

1. Energy Use and Energy Intensity of the U.S. Chemical Industry
Ernst Worrell, Dian Phylipsen, Dan Einstein, and Nathan Martin
2. A Study on Energy Efficiency Index in Petrochemical Industry – Thailand DEDE
3. Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Petrochemical Industry - An
ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers: Maarten Neelis, Ernst Worrell, and Eric
Masanet Environmental Energy Technologies Division
Sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - June 2008
4. White Paper - Issues and Options for Benchmarking Industrial GHG Emissions Submitted to: the
Washington State Department of Ecology June 30, 2010 With support from: Öko-Institut - Ross &
Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd.
5. Regression for M&V: Reference Guide - Bonneville Power Administration -

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 87

Government Policies and


Overall Concept

The draft manufacturing policy recently approved by the Cabinet targets increasing the share of
manufacturing in GDP to at least 25% by 2025 (from current 16%). The chemical and petrochemical sector
in India presently contributes about 3% in the GDP and constitutes 14% of the domestic industrial activity.
The polymer industry alone annually contributes over Rs 8,000 crores by way of taxes and duties.

In preview of the current scenario and policy initiatives, two distinct future growth scenarios have been
considered in the XII five year plan for the sector. In the base case scenario considering the present
initiatives, the Indian chemical industry could grow at 11% p.a. to reach size of $224 billion by 2017.
However in an optimistic scenario, high end–use demand, improved export competitiveness and resultant
growth impact for each sub-sector could lead to an overall growth rate of over 15% p.a. and a size of $290
billion by 2017 (~6% of global industry). The following growth targets have been set for the various
segments of the chemical industry for the XIIth five year plan.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 88

XII Five Year Plan Growth Targets for Chemical
Industry Segments (%)

Specialty Chemicals 13

Basic Organic Chemicals 12

Pesticides 12

Colorants 12

Overall Chemical Industry 12

Chlor Alkali 8

Alcohol Based Chemicals 8

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 36: Twelfth Five Year Plan Growth Targets for Chemical Industry Segments

To enhance competitiveness of the industry both for the domestic and international market, Infrastructure
and PCPIR has long been recognized as a catalyst for the sector growth. In this regard, Govt. constituted a
high-level Task Force to explore ways to facilitate investments in petroleum, chemicals & petrochemicals
sector. Based on the Task Force’s recommendations, Govt. announced Policy on Petroleum, Chemicals
& Petrochemicals Investment Regions (PCPIR) in 2007. Under the facility regime, setting up of
integrated Petroleum, Chemicals & Petrochemical Investment Regions (PCPIRs) was envisaged for
providing a conducive environment for setting up businesses, which would reap the benefits of co-siting,
networking and enhanced efficiency through common services and also boosting manufacturing, exports
and employment in the region.

PCPIRs is a specifically delineated investment region having an area of about 250 sq. kms of which at least
40% is earmarked for processing activities. These PCPIRs duly notified under the central or state
legislation or policy may include Special Economic Zone/s (SEZs), Industrial Parks, Free Trade &
Warehousing Zones, Export Oriented Units, or Growth Centres,. All the benefits available under the
relevant legislation or policy will continue to remain available for the respective zones and parks forming
part of the PCPIR. There is also a provision wherein the existing settlements could be covered under the
PCPIR and the concerned government may not acquire the entire area comprising the PCPIR, but it will
notify the same under the relevant Act for proper planning and zoning to ensure coordinated development.

Role of Key Stakeholders

 Government of India has constituted a High Powered committee (Cabinet Committee on Economic
Affairs- CCEA) to ensure necessary approvals, ensuring necessary coordination among respective

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 89

central ministries and state government and also monitoring all the planned activities, requisite
environment and other related clearances for the development of the PCPIRs.
 In each of the PCPIR, a refinery/ petrochemical feedstock company would act as an anchor tenant,
wherein the external linkages will be provided by Government of India and the concerned state
government. The internal infrastructure of the PCPIR will be built and managed by a Developer, or a
group of Co-developers. The users of external as well as internal infrastructure will pay for its use,
except to the extent that the government supports the service through budgetary resources.
 As per the PCPIR Policy, Government of India is to ensure availability of external physical
infrastructure linkages (Rail, Road (National Highways), Ports, Airports and Telecom) to the PCPIR in a
time bound manner. To the extent possible, the infrastructure linkages created/ upgraded shall be
through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and the Central Government to provide necessary viability
gap funding (VGF) through existing schemes. It would also requisite budgetary provisions through
public sector for creation of these linkages, as the case may be.
 The Government of India will also support the respective state governments and all the related
agencies to disseminate information in view of promoting PCPIR, both at domestic and international
arena to attract further investment.
 The policy also stipulates the role of state government in the development of the PCPIR, there role
involves to identify the site, proposal preparation and seek approval from the CCEA. The state
government will ensure to notify the PCPIR under the relevant act and acquire or assist in acquiring the
land (Avoiding Agricultural Land) in accordance with the laws and ensuring rehabilitation during the
course of planning and development.
 State government to notify a nodal department to coordinate all the respective linkages and to ensure
that after notifying the area for PCPIR, all physical infrastructure and utility linkages under its
jurisdiction are provided within stipulated time frame. It will also facilitate all the requisite clearances
from the state government.
 The state government would also responsible for facilitating infrastructure including power connectivity
and ensuring reliable power, bulk water requirement, road connectivity, sewage and effluent treatment
linkages and addressing other environment and social aspects. The units may also seek open access
as per the state electricity regulations.
 The state government may also notify additional package of incentive for the development of PCPIR. It
would also constitute a management board for development and management of PCPIR under the
relevant state acts.

Current Status - PCPIRs

Initially six proposals for PCPIR were submitted to Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) for
approval, out of which three got approved. This included Dahej in Gujarat, Haldia in West Bengal and
Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, while in the second phase the proposal of Govt of Orissa was
approved. These PCPIRs are expected to create infrastructure worth Rs. 57385.7 crore. The industrial

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 90

investment in these regions is expected to be to the tune of Rs. 7, 63,914 crore while employment
generation for about 36 lakh persons is expected over a period of a time.

In lieu of the policy framework, Memorandums of Agreement have been signed between the Government of
India represented by Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals and the Governments of AP, Gujarat
and West Bengal. Notification of these three PCPIRs has been completed and Development Boards have
been set up. The State Governments are in the process of finalising the Master Plans and obtaining
Environmental Clearances. Investments amounting to Rs. 99412 crore have been made in these three
PCPIRs since their approval. Memorandum of Agreement with Govt of Orissa was signed in November,
2011. A committee headed by Secretary (C&PC) has been constituted to monitor the progress of
implementation of the approved PCPIRs.

Other Policy and Schemes

National Policy on Petrochemicals (2007)

The Government approved National Policy on Petrochemicals in April 2007

 The main objectives of the Policy are to increase investments and competitiveness both in the
upstream and downstream sectors, encourage modernization of downstream processing units,
promote research and development, development of adequate skilled manpower, etc. with an overall
objective to achieve an environmentally sustainable and healthy growth in the petrochemical sector
which will also increase the exports in the sector.
 The petrochemical sector is considerably deregulated, the items which require compulsory licenses are
Hydrocyanic acid and its derivatives, Isocyanates and Di-isocyanates and Phosgene and its
 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is generally permitted through the automatic route without any
sectoral cap. Specific approvals are required only in case of proposals requiring compulsory license,
foreign investment of more than 25% in equity capital of a company manufacturing items reserved for
the small scale sector and proposals relating to the acquisition of existing shares in an Indian company.
 In the Foreign Trade Policy announced by Ministry of Commerce and Industry for the period 2009-14,
the various schemes like Duty Exemption Scheme (DES) which enables duty free import of inputs
required for export production, Duty Entitlement Pass Book (DEPB) Scheme to neutralize incidence of
Customs Duty on import content of export product, Zero Duty Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme
(EPCG) for import of capital goods for export production etc. are available to the industrial sector which
also includes Petrochemicals.
 In pursuance of National Policy on Petrochemicals the Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals
envisaged following three schemes, formulated in the year 2010-11:
 National award for Technology Innovation – The scheme aims to incentivize meritorious innovations
and inventions in the petrochemical Sector through National Awards. Central Institute of Plastic

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 91

Engineering Technology (CIPET) was entrusted with the task of seeking and short listing nominations
for the scheme.
 Setting up of Centre of Excellence – The Scheme aims at improving the existing petrochemical
technology and research in the country and to promote the development of new applications of
polymers and plastics. CIPET and National Chemical Laboratory, Pune have already started research
activities in their respective fields.
 Setting up of Plastic Parks – The Scheme aims at setting up need based Plastic Parks and ecosystems
with requisite state of the art infrastructure and enabling common facilities to assist the sector to move
up the value chain and contribute to the economy more effectively. The Scheme Steering Committee in
its first meeting held on 24.02.2012 granted “in principle” approval for setting up of four plastic parks in
the states of Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Odisha

Technology Up-gradation Fund (TUF) Scheme

To compete with the global market and show improved performance, the Indian chemical industry needs to
transform itself and upgrade rather operating at uneconomic scales of production with obsolete
technologies. There is challenge in particular for the SME sector to invest such a huge capital upfront to
upgrade technology. To address this challenge, it is envisaged in the XIIth five year plan, that the
government could establish a technology up-gradation fund (TUF) that addresses specific technology
issues faced by the industry. Other than consumer safety and employment, the specific qualifying
technologies for funding should also support adoption of environment friendly, greener technologies and
setting up of common chemicals infrastructure (E.g. effluent treatment plants) which would benefit SMEs
and the environment.

The technology up gradation fund (TUF) for the textile industry is one of such a good precedent for the
industry. Since its inception in the year1999 to 2010, more than 28,000 projects worth $ 46 billion benefited
from the fund (with a total sanction of $ 16.5 billion).
A technology up-gradation fund (similar to textiles) outlay of Rs. 500 Crore (USD 111 million) or yearly
outlay of Rs 100 crore (USD 22 million) for the XIIth plan period has been proposed for the Indian chemical

The technology up-gradation fund (TUF) scheme will aim at modernization and technology up-gradation in
the Indian chemicals sector. If the scheme is successfully implemented and receives a positive response
from the industry, it could be further extended or the outlay increased as was observed in the case of the
TUF scheme for textiles.

India’s Trade Agreements and its impact on the Petrochemical Sector

The multilateral arrangement under the WTO and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) has resulted in rapid
expansion of global trade and reduction in tariff rates. Over the past two decade, developed countries
are opting for Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) to protect their local industries, which include trade related

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 92

procedures, technical regulations, standards, import or export licensing systems etc. The other most
frequently used instrument across globe for the economic integration across countries or group of
countries is the Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs).

In keeping an aggressive approach for a liberal global trade regime, India considers Regional Trading
Arrangements (RTA's) as building block to achieve the objective of trade liberalization. India is party to
number of such agreements which include Free Trade Agreements (FTA's); Preferential Trade
Agreements (PTA's); Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreements (CECA's); etc.

The regional free trade agreements are intended to stimulate domestic economic growth through
enhancing the nation’s market access to other countries and subsequently attracting more foreign direct
investment. The RTAs will not only bring in more investment but will also facilitate technology transfer
while stimulating increased productivity and competitiveness both at the domestic and foreign level.

To increase India’s market access abroad while addressing the trading concerns, India has adopted a
multi-pronged strategy to deal with issues arising due to NTMs. On the import side, efforts are on to
create suitable Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures/ technical regulations on Indian imports over
a period of time depending on the capability of the domestic sector to comply with the same. Also, such
a regulatory environment would encourage a regime of quality production and thereby indirectly promote

The Sub-group report on Chemicals & Petrochemicals for the 12th Five Year Plan Department of
Chemicals & Petrochemicals has identified the key impact of the various trade agreements on the sector.
The key highlights of same are as following:
 The FTA varies from one to other and hence has wide range of influence or impact on Industry to
Industry and agreement to agreement. However, irrespective of the partner country, the two broad
issues involved is assessment of the impact of any RTA/FTA are improved market access to the
domestic market of the partner country which can boost India’s exports and the likelihood of imports
coming from the partner country through preferential route to India’s domestic market.
 While some of India’s RTAs like SAFTA, India-MERCOSUR PTA, India-Chile PTA, etc have significant
potential to provide a boost to India’s petrochemicals exports, certain other RTAs can be potential
threats to the domestic petrochemical industry. FTAs like those with ASEAN, GCC, Thailand, Japan,
Singapore, etc can have an adverse impact on the Indian petrochemical manufacturers by flooding the
market with cheap imports. Some of India’s partner countries like Singapore and GCC are major
international trade hubs with easy access to ports and act as transit a point, which increases the
potential threat of preferential imports disrupting the Indian market with the added risk of rerouting of
merchandise from other countries who are not party to the RTA.
 Petrochemical industry in several of India’s RTA partner countries like ASEAN and GCC have come up
on the back of huge incentives/ benefits/ concessions provided by their respective governments, which

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 93

give them cost advantage vis-à-vis Indian manufacturers. India needs to take a cautious approach to
trade agreements keeping in view the higher transaction costs in the country and needs to evaluate
each RTA on a case-by-case basis to safeguard the domestic industry’s interest, especially for sectors
like petrochemicals which are extremely capital-intensive.
 To ensure that the primary objective of FTAs i.e. increasing trade, is met, it is important that India
enters in to negotiations only with those countries and groups where there is complementarity between
the two sides.
 In order to address the issue of trade diversion and abuse of preferential benefits, it is imperative that
the rules of origin for the FTAs are stringent with dual criteria of both changes in tariff classification as
well as minimum local content.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 94

Roadmap for Implementing PAT in
Petrochemical Sector

Challenges in Defining Specific Energy Consumption, Target Setting & Verification

Implementation of the PAT scheme demands that the methodologies used for Specific Energy
Consumption (SEC) calculation uses measured quantities that are easily verifiable. A typical PAT cycle is
for three years from the announcement of SEC reduction target to verification of achievement of the target.
As such it is necessary that the methodology of calculation remains valid till the end of the PAT cycle. It is
also desirable that the methodologies involve reasonably simple calculations so that the baseline SEC
calculation can be done easily from historical monthly statistical data of production and energy consumption
collected from plants by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).

Once the baseline SEC is fixed, the next challenge is fixing the SEC reduction targets. In industrial sectors
wherein SEC targets have already been announced, BEE has followed the principle of having separate,
individual targets for each Designated Consumer (DC). Considering the fact that industries may use
different process routes, differing vintages of technologies and other location specific issues, especially
those related to quality of feedstock and energy, the premise of having separate, individual targets for each
designated consumer is in itself sound only if the basis for the SEC calculation and targeted reduction are
technically justifiable.

In the Petrochemical sector, technology licensees may have declared the expected energy consumption at
various levels of capacity utilization; however, some of the older plants may have gone through renovation,
revamps and de-bottlenecking exercises that may make the original specifications irrelevant; revised values
may not have been clearly documented. Modeling of processes for establishing the energy consumption
for varying production throughputs and operating process parameters is a theoretical possibility, however,
this requires huge amount of process design and operating data that are unlikely to be shared by plants, as
technology licensors may treat it as proprietary information. Even if all information is accessed, ensuring
validity of the model for all operating conditions, process variations and varying feedstock quality is
extremely difficult; such models evolved by external agencies can be easily challenged by Designated
Consumers and may generate controversy during PAT implementation.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 95

The third issue is verification of achievement of SEC reduction targets at the end of the PAT cycle; while it
may be relatively simple for “single product” plants, it can be extremely complicated for “multi-product
plants with shared processes” and “multi-product, multi-plant petrochemical complexes with shared
processes”. Most large petrochemical complexes have cogeneration plants that supply heat and power to
various plants in the complex. Depending on the “Heat to Power” ratio of the cogeneration plant, allocation
of energy in primary fuel input to Heat and Electrical Power may differ depending on whether calculation
methods give primacy to heat or electrical power. In addition, part of the heat energy may be from separate
fired equipment and part of the electricity may be from the grid or other captive sources; these issues will
further complicate the assigning of energy values. Most of these plants also have large utilities like
compressed air systems, refrigeration plants, cooling water systems etc. that may be centralized. In most
large complexes, accounting and allocation of the entire energy consumption in central services to
individual operating plants and accounting all inter-plant energy transfers within the complex by sub-
metering may also be difficult and impractical. In some cases, the feedstock may also provide part of the
energy through waste streams, which may lead to situation wherein the sum total of the energy
consumption of all plants in the complex may be greater than the energy imports of the complex.

For achievement of SEC targets, large complexes should be provided the freedom to implement the energy
saving schemes anywhere in the complex, may be in process plants, offsite utilities, centralized
cogeneration plants etc. Methodologies are required to capture and verify the impact of these measures on
the SEC; it may even call for “out of the box” definitions for SEC.

An added complication is that, in large complexes, some the plants may not operate continuously, may be
due to issues related to feedstock quality and/or market demand. It is also likely that some products and/or
operations may be discontinued due to market conditions or obsolescence of the products or process
technologies. The objective of PAT is to finally achieve measurable reduction in SEC in any plant or large
complex, with reference to net energy imports (usually fuels & electricity) into the plant or complex

Keeping in view these, a few SEC calculation methodologies have been proposed for both individual plants
and large complexes. Most petrochemical plants and complexes may have internal methodologies for
monitoring SEC; however, data collection for PAT would have to be done in a uniform manner to facilitate
inter-plant comparisons and also possibly help evolve benchmarks; a common questionnaire has been
developed to facilitate data collection from plants and large complexes (please refer Annexure 3) and
calculation of SEC. The questionnaire has been tested using available data from some petrochemical
plants; the data collected and the proposed methodologies for SEC calculations are discussed herewith.

Specific Energy Consumption in “Single Product” Individual Plants

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 96

Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) or energy consumption per unit production can be calculated relatively
easily in “single product” petrochemical plants (not part of a large petrochemical complex). In plants with
multiple products or a mix of intermediates and final products, SEC is difficult to calculate as sub-metering
of energy and utilities is never complete at a micro-level; a combination of measurements, approximate
allocations and assumptions are used in such plants for SEC calculations.

For “single product” or “single major product” individual plants, the SEC is the ratio of the net total energy
consumption within the defined plant boundary divided by the production.

Figure 37: Energy & Mass Flow Chart for “Single Product” Individual Plant

The calculation of SEC in “Single Product” Individual Plants is easy as it only requires correct quantification
of all energy imports & exports and production data.
 Energy imports include all fuels and electricity supplied from outside the plant boundary.
 Energy exports include all byproducts or waste products leaving the plant that are used as fuels or any
utility like (steam, chilled water, brine, compressed air etc.) or electricity that is exported out of the plant

The flow chart in Figure 37 shows the plant boundary and all imports and exports that are probable in a
“Single Product” individual plant. Table 82 in Annexure 5 represents actual values of feedstock, production

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 97

and energy consumption of a sample Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) plant, which falls in this category and the
corresponding SEC.

Specific Energy Consumption in “Multi Product” Individual Plants

Two methods are suggested for “Multi Product” plants; Error! Reference source not found. shows the
typical energy and mass flow diagrams.

Method 1: Correlation of Energy Consumption with the Major Product

For “multi product” plants with shared processes with a single major product and correlation ratios between
major major and minor products is in an acceptable narrow band, the SEC may be calculated as the ratio of
net energy consumption to the production of the major product.

Figure 38: Energy & Mass Flow Chart for “Single Product” Individual Plant

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 98

Method 2: Correlation of Energy Consumption with the Major Feedstock

For “multi product” plants with shared processes and absence of a single major product, correlation of the
major feedstock with energy consumption is a possibility; of course, this entails that “feedstock to product
mix” correlation is understood in relation to the quality of the feedstock and has a correlation ratio that lies
in a reasonably narrow range.

Specific Energy Consumption in “Multi Product, Multi Plant” Petrochemical Complexes

In Petrochemical complexes, the calculation of SEC gets very complicated due to shared processes,
multiple intermediate and final products; additional complications arise due to exothermic reactions that
often result in export of energy from one plant to another within the complex and, at times, export of energy
from the complex to end users outside the complex. All energy exchanges may also be affected by
variations in process variables, feedstock mix, quality of feedstock and mix of intermediate and final
products. Most of the petrochemical plants and complexes have methods in place for energy accounting;
however, these methods may not always be suitable for monitoring specific energy consumption for
implementation of PAT scheme.

The interplay between plants in terms for flow of intermediate products, energy and utilities can get even
more complicated as the number of plants and products increase; no generalized flow charts can be made,
a specific flow chart has to be made for each petrochemical complex.

Method 1: Calculation of SEC Separately for Each Plant in the Complex

For “multi product, multi plant” industrial complexes, SECs for each individual plant can be calculated
separately, provided reasonably accurate alloactions of inter-plant energy and utility transfers are available.
Extreme care will have to be exercised in calculation of energy equivalent of utilities. SEC can be
calculated as the ratio of energy consumption to production for individual plants within the complex after
defining a thorough methodology of allocation of energy and utilities from outside the boundary limit of the
plant under consideration.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 99

Petrochemical complexes, that do not have good sub-metering system to measure and quantify mass, heat
and utility transfers between plants, may have to rely on approximate allocations that may lead to serious
errors in SEC calculations at the plant level over a period of time.Secondly, plants may use different
philosophies for allocation of energy values to electricity and steam generated in cogeneration plants; when
part of the electricity is from the grid and the rest from the cogeneration plant, the absolute values of energy
allocation to plants may involve complicated calculations. As energy optimisation and conservation
opportunities also often lie in the centralised power plants, cogeneration plants and offsite utilities, it may
not always be easy to capture the savings by monitoring of SECs of individual plants.

In such a situation the possibility of defining SEC as a ratio of the net energy consumption of the complex
to the feedstock needs to be explored. A note of caution for this line of analysis is there may also be plants
in the complex that are by the very nature of products are independent and have no relation to the major
feedstock i.e. these “Unrelated Plants” do not use either the major feedstock nor any intermediates or
byproducts produced from the major feedstock; if the energy and utility imports and exports from these
Unrelated Plants are correctly accounted for, correlation of rest of consumption of the complex with major
feedstock is a possibility.

Method 2: For the Complex as a Whole, Correlation of Energy Consumption with Feedstock

Alternatively, SEC can be calculated as the ratio of the net energy consumption of the entire complex to the
major feedstock consumed; due reference has to be made to “feedstock to product mix” correlation.

Please refer to Annexure 4 for the Sequence of data collection to arrive at SECs

Observations and Comments on SEC Calculation for Ethylene / Prpylene Complex

 Olefins Plant accounts for about 85% to 90% of the energy consumption of the complex. The cracker
generates high pressure steam after the cracking process; fuel gas is also generated in the de-
methaniser column, which is fed into the fuel gas header of the complex, mixing with purchased natural
gas; this mixed fuel gas is used for combustion in the complex. This implies that a portion of the
feedstock makes its way into the fuel stream. Due to this phenomenon, the sum total of fuel
consumption in individual plants of the complex may be more than the fuel imported into the complex.
Since the PAT scheme is essentially attempting to reduce the energy imports, defining SEC using
feedstock as a substitute for production may be a worthwhile exercise.
 The trends of SEC vs. Olefins Production and SEC vs. Complex Feedstock Consumption shows
striking resemblance; this probably implies that using feedstock as a substitute for production at the

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 100
complex level is a possibility for complexes that do not have many plants that are unrelated to the
major feedstock of the complex.
 The annual average SECs for some petrochemical products from a petrochemcal complex in India are
shown herewith:

Table 54: SECs for some petrochemical products from a sample petrochemcal complex

Product SEC

Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) 5.052 million kcal/MT

Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) 1.566 million kcal/MT

Ethylene Oxide / Ethylene Glycol (EO/EG) 5.938 million kcal/MT

Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 2.819 million kcal/MT
Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) 2.689 million kcal/MT

Polypropylene (PP) 2.368 million kcal/MT

Poly Butadiene Rubber (PBR) 3.850 million kcal/MT

Acrylo Nitrile (ACN) 1.352 million kcal/MT

The basis for calculation of these SEC values have not been disclosed due to confidentiality.

Method 3: Defining Plant Efficiency Efficiency Index as Ratio of Reaction Heat to Total Energy

It may be worthwhile attempting a methodology based on heat of formation of feeds and products, that can
perhaps overcome the problems that may be faced in other methods due to variations in composition of
feedstock and changes in production mix. This method is focusses on establishing the theoretical heat of
reaction of the plant based on heat of formation of feeds and heat of formation of products. The heat of
reaction (difference of sum total of heats of formation of products and sum total of heat of formation of
feeds) of the plant/complex divided by the actual net energy imports (electricity, fuel, steam etc.) of the
plant/complex; this ratio can be called the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) for the PAT cycle.

For example, an Olefin cracker using ethane feed will have 80% ethylene yield, 1% propylene yield & 1%
Butadiene yield as compared to when using Naphtha feed. With naphtha feed, the ethylene yield is about
30%, propylene about 15%, aromatics 15% and butadiene 5%.

Typically, with ethane feed, SEC is about 17-20 GJ/ton and, with Naphtha feed, SEC is about 25-30 GJ/ton.
However, when naphtha feed feed is used, many other products like butadiene and aromatics are also
formed in good quantities which may be profitable commercially; hence, he choice of feed and fuel is not
only an energy efficiency issue; usually, it is availability of feedstock and market demand. Due to these
reasons, comparisons of Olefin crackers based on different technologies, feeds or products are not very

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 101
For example, consider a cracker complex with ethane feed and products i.e. ethylene, propylene &

There are multiple feeds as in may cracker complexes i.e. some cracker furnaces may be on ethane feed
and some others may be on propane feed or mixed feed; in that case, heat of formation of each feed
multiplied by the quantity of each feed and summed up to get the total heat of formation of feed. The same
method of calculation has to be follwed for all products and byproducts leaving the paln tor complex

This Heat of Reaction is the theoretical energy change required for production of various products from
feed stocks. A positive Heat of Reaction implies endothermic reaction and negative Heat of Reaction
implies exothermic reaction. Exothermic reactions may result in process waste heat utilisation in the plant
or complex, export of energy out of the complex (as energy or material reosurce) or dissipation of waste
heat to atmosphere.

We define here an Energy Efficiency Index is defined as as

This approach can capture various combination of feeds & products and help establish a comparison of a
theoretical value of heat of reaction & actual external energy consumed during the baseline of PAT cycle.
Please note that this is not Specific Energy Consumption, but a ratio of the theoretical heat of reaction &
actual energy supplied to effect the reactions in the complex.

This approach has some very useful advantages:

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 102
 BEE can easily determine the change in EEI for an Plant or Complex, even with feedstock and product
mix changes.
 If Design energy consumption numbers are available, an “Design EEI” can also be established and the
deviation of the actual EEI can be calculated.
 The same analyses can be done at the Plant level to compare the EEIs of different technologies for
manufacture of same products.

Illustration of Calculation of EEI at a Plant Level

The following table shows the composition of the feedstock, mass flow, molecular weight, kg-mole flow and
heat of formation.

Table 55: Heat of Formation of Feedstocks

Component % Mass Molecular Heat of Mole flow Heat of

weight flow kg/h weight formation kg mol/h formation
∆Hf kJ/h

kJ/ kg mol

Methane 0.3 245.3 16 -74890 15.330 -1148037

Ethane 64.8 46260.5 30 -83820 1542.017 -129251866

Propane 31.6 22562.7 44 -104680 512.788 -53678613

Butane 0.0 0.0 58 -125790 0.000 0

C5's n Hvr 0.1 98.2 60 -146760 1.637 -240290

Acetylene 0.0 0.0 26 226730 0.000 0

Ethylene 0.2 127.1 28 52510 4.540 238417

Propylene 0.8 548.6 42 19710 13.061 257427

H2 0.0 0.0 2 0 0.000 0

Other C4 2.1 1517.2 58 -125790 26.159 -3290564

CO2 0.0 0.0 44 -393510 0.000 0

TOTAL 100 71359.6 -187113525

The following table shows similar information on all the products of the reaction, including by-products.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 103
Table 56: Heat of Formation of Products

Component Mass Flow Molecular Heat of formation Mole flow Heat of

kg/h weight ∆Hf kJ/ kg mol kg mol/h formation kJ/h

Methane 5884.825 16 -74890 367.80 -27544661

Ethane 14838.12 30 -83820 494.60 -41457705

Propane 4228.046 44 -104680 96.09 -10058905

Butane 0 58 -125790 0.00 0

C5's n Hvr 590.5022 60 -146760 9.84 -1444368

Acetylene 225.6582 26 226730 8.68 1967826

Ethylene 33996.44 28 52510 1214.16 63755469

Propylene 7574.218 42 19710 180.34 3554472

H2 1952.726 2 0 976.36 0

Other C4 201.2905 58 -125790 3.47 -436557

CO2 0 44 -393510 0.00 0

C3 157.7978 26 226730 6.07 1376057

Butadiene 974.8927 54 109240 18.05 1972172

Benzene 459.6138 78 82880 5.89 488369

C6 83.80549 86 -166920 0.97 -162661

Toluene 92.2738 92 50170 1.00 50319

C7 35.90198 100 -187800 0.36 -67424

C8 11.69379 114 -208950 0.10 -21433

C9- 51.79004 128 -228750 0.40 -92554

TOTAL 71359.6 -8121584

The Heat of Reaction is the difference of the sum total of the heats of formation of the products minus the
sum total of the heat of formation all the components of the feedstock.

Heat of Reaction = (-8121584) – (-187113525) = 178991942 kJ

= 42.749 million kcal

Total Energy Consumption during the period = 302.098 million kcal

= 14.15%

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 104
 The EEI for a plant, calculated considering all feedstock and all products and by-products, when
monitored on a month to month basis, can be an indicator of plant energy efficiency; higher EEIs
indicate improved energy efficiency.
 The EEI can also be used to benchmark various technologies and compare technologies using similar
feedstock and producing similar products.

Illustration of Calculation of EEI at a Multi Product Complex Level

At the complex level, the Heat of Reaction may be defined as the difference between sum of Heats of
Formation of all final products and by-products leaving the complex boundary and that of the feedstock.
The EEI is then defined as the ratio of total Heat of Reaction of the complex to the net energy import of the

The following table shows the EEI calculated an Ethylene complex manufacturing Polyethylene and

Table 57: Estimation of EEI

Particulars Unit March April May June July

Heat of Formation of

Liquid Natural Gas (Feedstock MT 18752 34694 31576 31726 37980

to Olefins Plant)

Heat of formation of Feed kcal/ -628093 -628093 -628093 -628093 -628093


Heat of formation of Feed Millio -11778 -21791 -19833 -19927 -23855

n kcal

Heat of Formation of

Polyethylene MT 9841 17285 19988 21872 23449

Heat of formation of kcal/ -478000 -478000 -478000 -478000 -478000

Polyethylene MT

Heat of formation of Millio -4704 -8262 -9554 -10455 -11208

Polyethylene n kcal

Polypropylene MT 4984 3428 5687 4984 4644

Heat of formation of kcal/ -471000 -471000 -471000 -471000 -471000

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 105
Polyproylene MT

Heat of formation of Millio -2347 -1615 -2679 -2347 -2187

Polypropylene n kcal

Calculation of Heat of
Reaction & Energy Efficiency

Total Useful Heat of Reaction of Millio 4727 11915 7600 7125 10459
Complex n kcal

Total Energy Consumption of Millio 223177 220616 252682 223934 236626

the Complex n kcal

Energy Efficiency Index % 2.118 5.401 3.008 3.182 4.420

Observation and Comments

 The EEI for a complex can be used to monitor the energy efficiency of a whole complex, without getting
into details of individual plant process.
 The complex level EEI will reflect improvements in efficiency when process waste heat from one plant
is used in another plant within the complex.
 Impact on energy efficiency due to improved capacity utilization will also reflect in improved EEI.
 This method may also help obviate the complications arising due to changes in production mix over a
period of time and also the real possibility of some of the plants in the complex shutting down due poor
market demand or obsolescence of products / technology.

Method 4: Comparison of the Actual SEC with the Technology Lincensor design SEC

The quantum of deviation of the actual SEC for production from the SEC provided by the Technology
Licensor can be an indicator the energy performance of the petrochemical plant.

Based upon the data available from Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) for the Production,

Electricity and Fuel consumption by major petrochemical plants for each product produced, average energy
Consumption and Production data was tabulated for 3 years 2008 to 2011. Similarly the Licensor’s SEC
data for as many products available through secondary research was tabulated. (Refer Annexure 6)

 Data for the actual SEC and the technology and licensor details have to be made available by the
 During the life cycle of a plant, the processes are modified for various reasons and hence the deviation
alone may not be the correct indicator

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 106
Benchmark and Threshold Limit

Guidelines for Inclusion of Plants / Complexes in PAT Scheme and Definition of Baseline SEC

The inclusion of petrochemical plants and classifying them as Designated Consumers can depend on the
following issues:
 The contribution to national energy savings expected from the Petrochemical sector.
 Population of plants to be covered with a view point of accounting for at least 80% of the total energy
consumption accounted for by the Petrochemcial sector.
 Possibility of focusing on only Petrochemical complexes with crackers manufacturing Ethylene and
Propylene, as almost 60% to 70% of the total energy consumption of the sector is likely to be
accounted for by these plants.
 Assessment of existing penetration of energy saving technologies in the sector.
 Broad alignment with definition of Designated Consumer in other industrial sectors. For large fuel
consumers, BEE has fixed the cut-off baseline energy consumption as 30,000 MTOE; the same cut off
can also apply to petrochemical plants.

The sector is characterized with a wide bandwidth of specific energy consumption (SEC) which is also
indicative of the large energy-savings potential in the sector.

In particular, most new plants are amongst the most energy efficient. The wide bandwidth is a reflection of
the differences in the energy-saving possibilities amongst plants because of their varying vintage,
production capacity, raw material quality, product mix etc.

This also makes it difficult to specify a single benchmark SEC for the sector as a whole since it would either
be impossible to achieve for the older plant if set at the level of a newer plant, or would be trivial if set at the
level of the older plant.

Under the current PAT scheme Designated Consumers (DCs) from the eight energy intensive sectors have
been included. The DCs account for 25% of the national gross domestic product (GDP) and about 45% of
commercial energy use in India. The genesis of the PAT mechanism flows out of the provision of the
Energy Conservation Act, 2001, hereinafter referred to as the Act. Section 14 (e) of the Act empowers the
Central Government to notify energy intensive industries, as listed out in the Schedule to the Act, as DCs.
The Ministry of Power (MoP) has notified industrial units and other establishments consuming energy more

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 107
than the threshold in 9 industrial sectors namely Thermal Power Plants, Fertilizer, Cement, Pulp and Paper,
Textiles, Chlor-Alkali, Iron & Steel, Aluminum and Railways in March, 2007. The industries of a sector are
required to submit their energy consumption every year through a mandatory reporting system which would
enable the MoP to decide on DC status. The Ministry of Power’s notification issued on 2nd March 2007
under section 14 (e) of the Act is summarized hereunder:

Table 58: Threshold Energy Consumption of Sector under PAT

Sector Threshold Energy Consumption

(tonnes of oil eq.)

Aluminium 7500

Cement 30000

Chlor-Alkali 12000

Fertilizer 30000

Iron and Steel 30000

Pulp and Paper 30000

Textiles 3000

Thermal Power Plants 30000

There is no definitive and accessible rationale behind the MoP’s criteria of arriving at the threshold limits for
individual sectors.

We have analyzed the available secondary data of energy consumption for select industries in the
petrochemical sector. The key aspects coming out of our analysis are:
 43% of the petrochemical sector accounts for over 90% of the energy consumed
 Threshold value of 30000 tonnes of oil equivalent represents 35% of the petrochemical sector
accounting for over 85% of energy consumed
 Threshold value of 12000 tonnes of oil equivalent represents 54% of the petrochemical sector
accounting for over 95% of energy consumed
 Threshold value of 7500 tonnes of oil equivalent represents 62% of the petrochemical sector
accounting for over 98% of energy consumed
 Threshold value of 3000 tonnes of oil equivalent shall represent 73% of the petrochemical sector
accounting for over 99% of energy consumed

The graph below provides the synopsis of this analysis. Based on the secondary data used the threshold
value of 30000 tonnes of oil equivalent is a good representation of the petrochemical sector in terms of
energy usage, however it scores low on the sector representation as such. The threshold level of 12000
tonnes of oil equivalent seems to be a more reasonable representative of the sector.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 108
99% 98% 95%
100% 85%

20% % Representation in
3000 7500 12000 30000
Threshold Value (Tonnes of Oil eq.)

Figure 39: Energy & Mass Flow Chart for “Single Product” Individual Plant

The above approach applied on the actual data received from plants will assist in arriving at a more
practical threshold level for the sector. However based on the current available secondary data a threshold
level of 12000 tonnes of oil equivalent seems reasonable.

The second method as described above is more reasonable, considering the fact that it is not based on
assumptions and it uses the threshold levels used under PAT phase I to analyse the assimilated secondary
data for the petrochemical sector for representation in terms of energy and number of units for the sector.

Using the average energy reduction target of 4.2% under PAT phase I the energy reduction potential of the
petrochemical sector is estimated to be 0.05 million tons of oil equivalent. This value is estimated on the
basis on secondary data of the petrochemical sector and may vary if actual data received from the industry
is used for analysis.

Guidelines for Baseline SEC Reduction Target Setting under PAT Scheme
Some of the Energy Benchmarking methods followed in the Petrochemical Sector and in the industry in
general has been already reviewed. Product-wise energy benchmarking methods, though useful as a
guideline, cannot be applied directly for determining the potential for reduction in SEC in petrochemical
plants due to differing technologies, differing feedstock quality, varying plant complexities, differences in
determining energy values foroff-site utilities, differences in allocation of energy values for heat & power
from cogeneration plants and a host of other location specific issues.

The potential for reduction from baseline SEC for a plant or a complex would have to determined keeping in
view the following issues:

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 109
 The design energy consumption, declared by technology licensor, for the vintage of technology used.
Revised values would have to be used in case process revamps or modernisaton has taken place.
Scope for further revamp and modernisation to reduce SEC.
 Variations in feedstock from the feedstock defined in design document.
 Extent of exploitation of cogeneration potential.
 Extent of process heat integration done and understanding available waste energy streams.
 Potential for improvement in capacity utilisation.
 Variation in monthly SEC for a period of 36 months; understanding potential for energy saving by
replication of performance of “low SEC” months i.e. months having SEC below the weighted mean
 Potential for reduction in energy consumption determined by previous energy audits.
 Potential for reduction in energy consumption determined by a PAT-specific energy audit, similar to the
PAT Baseline audit conducted by BEE for Designated Consumers already under the PAT scheme.
 Constraints in implementation of energy saving measures from the viewpoint of age of existing plant
and machinery, likely obsolesence of the products & processes, structural requirements for retrofits,
required plant shutdown duration for implementation of energy saving measures, impact on plant safety
(especially while attempting modofications on aged equipment) etc. should also be factored in to make
realistic projections of SEC reduction targets in the 3-year PAT cycle.

A SEC reduction in the range 5% to 6%, over a 3-year PAT cycle, may be a reasonable target.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 110
Summary of Stakeholder
Deliberations on proposed
methodology and Way Ahead

A half day consultation workshop was convened by Deloitte on the 9th April 2013 at India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road, New Delhi wherein the findings of the study were presented. The workshop was attended by
leading experts in the field of industrial energy in general and petrochemical sector in particular and had
delegates from petrochemical industry, petrochemical energy efficiency consultants, industrial energy
association and petrochemical process technologists.

The dignitaries were welcomed by Shashank Jain, Sr. Programme Officer (Industry) of Shakti Foundation
and bequeathed introductory remarks on the study conducted by Deloitte team. Dr.Pradeep Dadhich,
Director, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt Ltd., instigated the technical discussion session by a
presenting the approach followed for conducting the study and the selection of petrochemical products. The
Overview of the Indian Petrochemical Industry was presented with Petrochemicals value chain and the
trends in the Indian petrochemical sector. The projected demand for the petrochemicals (i.e. the Building
blocks, Commodity Plastics, Synthetic Rubber, Surfactants, Synthetic Fibres, Fibre Intermediates, Solvents
and Intermediates) and the production capacity analysis was presented to the attendees. The Demand and
Supply situation in India was put forward to build up the rational for product selection. The Product selection
methodology based on the production data published in ‘Annual Report of Ministry of Chemicals and
Fertilizers’ for the year 2009-10, production share of each product in that category and production growth
rate calculations were briefly explained. The company and plant selection methodology was also briefly
explained and the secondary data of products, capacity and technology was shared with the attendees.

The experts acknowledged the relevance of the approach in context of the complexity and variability of
Petrochemical sector. The experts mulled over the philosophy for selection the petrochemicals and
concluded that the petrochemical industry is covered in totality.

The Deloitte team further presented the key findings of the study and a conclusive analysis to determine
the threshold limits and cut offs to identify Designated Consumers. The following two methodologies for
arriving at the threshold level were discussed in detail:

 Using the average energy reduction value of 4.2% as estimated under phase I of PAT.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 111
 Using the threshold levels applied under PAT phase I, comparing with the current sectors having
similar energy consumption levels one of the threshold values of 30000, 12000 & 7500 MTOE deem fit.

The attendees concurred that the threshold level of 12000 MTOE seems to be a reasonable representative
of the sector and both the methodologies were conceptually agreed and accepted by experts as a logical
continuance of BEE’s philosophy to set threshold and identify DCs under PAT.

A brief presentation on the global benchmarking practices with the pros and cons of each method was also
presented concluding with identifying the two most relevant methods for establishing baseline for
petrochemical sector i.e. the Statistical approach and the Energy Intensity method. The advantages and
challenges to success of each method were brainstormed by the participants in minute details. Both of the
methods were found by attendees to be equally utilitarian, each one with its key advantages over other.
Whereas the statistical method delves upon the micro identification and accounting of each variable (e.g.
capacity utilization, feed stock, vintage, etc.) affecting energy consumption, the Energy Intensity is a macro
level approach based on heat of formation which is readily available in most of the cases. The experts felt
that a broader industry and regulatory involvement is required to select the best of two methodologies. The
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)’s involvement and sharing of the learning from PAT phase 1 would also
provide indicators for selection of most suitable approach. Also Industry consensus on the data collection
and reporting is required to be sought prior to proceeding with methodology for benchmarking is

One of the experts expressed that instead of having gate to gate approach adopted in PAT Phase 1, a
project based savings achieved approach backed by an International protocol like IPMVP (International
Performance Management and Verification Protocol) could be adopted that is uniform to all plants and the
savings are actual and exact. However, other argued that this would result in a paradigm shift in the PAT

The workshop has provided valuable insights from the industry and process experts. We believe that the
confidence and conceptual agreement by the experts to the proposed methodologies and the conclusions
from the secondary research will form the basis for BEE to establish baseline for the PAT phase II.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 112
Annexure 1 – Global Petrochemical

Percentage of Total Demand

PVC, 11
Methanol, 15

Phenol, 3

Styrene, 9 Polyehtylene,

PTA, 14

MEG, 6

Butadiene, 3 Polypropylene,

Figure 40: Product-wise Demand Portfolio

Table 59: Top Ethylene Producing Companies in the World

Company Capacity (MTA)

SABIC 13.39

Dow Chemical 13.04

Exxon Mobil Chemical 12.51

Royal Dutch Shell 9.36

Sinopec 7.57

Total AS 5.93

Chevron Phillips Chemical 5.60

LyondellBasell 5.2

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 113
National Petrochemical Company 4.73

Ineos 4.65

Table 60: Major Planned Ethylene Capacity Additions for 2011-13

Company Location 2011 2012 2013


Total/Sonatrach Arzew, Algeria 1.1

Daqing Petroleum Heilongiang 0.6

Sinopec Guandong 0.32

OPAL Dahej 1.1

Qatar Petroleum/Exxon Mobil Ras Laffan 1.6

Saudi Polymers Al-Jubail 1.2

Exxon Mobil Chemical Corp. 1

CPC Corp. Taiwan 1 0.6

Abu Dhabi Polymers Abu Dhabi 1.5

Pequive Venezuela 1.05

Polimerica Venezuela 1.3

Polinter Venezuela 1

TOTAL 4.82 6.45 2.1

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 114
Annexure 2 – Indian Petrochemical Industry

Table 61: Product-wise installed capacity & production of major petrochemicals (Source: Annual report 2010-11, Ministry of Chemicals &
Fertilizers, Govt. of India) (Figures in 000’ MT, %)

\ Installed capacity Production Growth in Cap.

production (%) Utilization
in 10-11 (%)

2008- 2009- 2010- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- CAGR Y-o-Y Col.
09 10 11 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 (2003- growth 12/Col.4
04 to (from
10-11) 2009-
10 to

I. Synthetic fibres/

1.Polyester filament 1848 1899 1730 1003 970 1015 1194 1350 1262 1345 1496 5.88 11% 86%
yarn (PFY)

2.Nylon filament yarn 36 36 36 31 37 40 32 28 28 30 33 0.92 10% 92%


3.Nylon Industrial yarn 77 77 77 56 48 55 72 84 69 88 86 6.36 -2% 112%


4.Polypropylene 16 15 12 15 11 9 10 10 9 9 6 -12.55 -33% 50%

filament yarn (PPFY)

Sub total yarn 1977 2027 1855 1105 1066 1119 1307 1471 1368 1472 1621 5.62 10% 87%

5.Acrylic fibre (Inc. 143 143 95 117 128 114 107 85 78 91 76 -5.99 -16% 80%
dry spun) (AF)

6.Polyester staple 1266 1266 1266 604 639 623 785 919 843 980 1036 8.02 6% 82%
fibre (PSF)

7. Polypropylene 8 8 8 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 5.39 33% 50%

staple fibre (PPSF)

8. Polyester staple 67 67 67 39 40 47 47 45 51 54 53 4.54 -2% 79%

fibrefil (PSFF)

Total synthetic fibre/ 3461 3511 3291 1868 1875 1906 2250 2524 2343 2601 2790 5.9 7% 85%

II. Polymers

1.Linear low density Not separate cap. 606 650 689 772 837 817 683 897 5.76 31% -
polyethylene (LLDPE)

2.High density Not separate cap. 958 1035 1035 958 974 942 856 887 -1.1 4% -

LLDPE/HDPE 1865 2085 2735 1564 1685 1723 1730 1811 1758 1539 1784 1.89 16% 65%

3.Low density 200 200 160 184 205 201 195 198 191 193 179 -0.38 -7% 112%
polyethylene (LDPE)

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 116
4.Polyestyrene (PS) 462 462 462 274 275 311 285 274 240 270 296 1.11 10% 64%

5. Polypropylene (PP) 2035 2076 2076 1567 1690 1541 2001 1978 1771 1617 1684 1.03 4% 81%

6. Poly Vinyl Chloride 1105 1279 1279 878 885 953 926 998 1051 1110 1278 5.5 15% 100%

7. Expandable 53 68 94 31 36 39 46 44 49 63 71 12.35 13% 76%

polystyrene (EX-PS)

Total Polymers 5720 6170 6806 4499 4776 4768 5183 5304 5060 4791 5292 2.35 10% 78%

III. Elastomers

1.Styrene butadiene 62 62 62 19 16 15 13 17 13 19 12 -6.27 -37% 19%

rubber (SBR)

2. Poly butadiene 74 74 74 56 64 67 72 74 72 73 76 4.53 4% 103%

rubber (PBR)

3. Nitrile butadiene 27 27 25 7 9 9 10 13 11 13 6 -2.78 -54% 24%

rubber (NBR)

4. Ethyl propylene 10 10 10 5 4 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 - 0%
dimers (EPDM)

5. Ethyl vinyl acetate 13 13 13 0 4 14 3 0 0 0 0 0 - 0%


Total Elastomers 186 186 184 87 97 110 101 106 96 106 94 1.05 -11% 51%

IV. Synthetic

1.Linear alkyl 472 497 497 382 409 468 460 471 434 464 475 3.16 2% 96%
benzene (LAB)

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 117
2.Ethylene oxide (EO) 120 140 84 71 79 88 96 114 117 154 164 12.61 6% 195%

Total synthetic 592 637 581 453 488 555 556 585 552 618 639 5.02 3% 110%

V. Performance

1.ABS resin 86 86 107 48 62 76 74 78 68 84 90 9.26 7% 84%

2.Nylon-6 & Nylon-66 16 16 16 11 13 13 15 14 12 13 16 5.27 23% 100%

3.Polymethyl 4 4 4 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 1.75 0% 75%

methacrylate (PMMA)

4.Styrene acrylonitrile 96 96 96 37 36 36 41 61 58 72 83 12.23 15% 86%


Total performance 202 202 223 99 113 127 133 157 141 172 192 9.98 12% 86%

Total major 10222 10706 11085 7007 7349 7467 8224 8674 8193 8287 9007 3.65 9% 81%

B. Intermediates


1.Acrylonitrile (ACN’) 41 41 41 36 39 33 37 39 30 39 38 0.62 -3% 93%

2.Caprolactum 120 120 120 110 122 117 121 86 84 123 123 1.57 0% 103%

3.Dimethyl 300 300 300 217 239 197 28 4 0 0 0 0 - 0%

terephthalate (DMT)

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 118
4.Mono ethylene 820 820 1040 652 714 881 872 923 783 738 746 1.94 1% 72%
glycol (MEG)

5.Purified terephthalic 3073 3873 2718 1676 1738 1734 2379 2059 2154 2985 3191 9.64 7% 117%
acid (PTA)

Total fibre 4354 5154 4219 2691 2851 2963 3437 3111 3052 3886 4098 6.19 5% 97%

II.Building blocks


1.Ethylene 2841 3021 3840 2421 2645 2719 2683 2810 2639 2515 2665 1.38 6% 69%

2.Proylene 2270 2387 2387 1746 1892 1745 2089 2157 1887 1859 1930 1.44 4% 81%

3.Butadiene 276 295 295 114 131 207 223 244 214 205 242 11.34 18% 82%

Total olefins 5387 5703 6522 4282 4668 4671 4995 5211 4740 4580 4837 1.76 6% 74%


1.Benzene 1111 1158 1149 608 640 686 886 867 880 823 945 6.5 15% 82%

2.Toulene 281 281 281 166 177 159 147 142 139 137 128 -3.61 -7% 46%

3.Mixed xylene 165 165 165 56 63 56 58 74 78 55 44 -3.28 -20% 27%

4.Ortho-xylene 474 474 420 207 146 242 431 269 224 358 400 9.9 12% 95%

5.paraxylene 2296 2296 2296 1389 1425 1394 1925 2137 2155 2223 2137 6.35 -4% 93%

Total aromatics 4327 4374 4311 2425 2451 2537 3447 3488 3475 3595 3654 6.03 2% 85%
(i) Includes capacity of all the units producing PFY, NFY, NIY and PPFY under broadbanding as Synthetic Filament Yarn

(ii) Independent capacity of units producing only NFY, NIY and PPFY

As the capacities of these products are also included in Synthetic Filament yarn, capacity utilization cannot be worked out.
(iii) Combined capacity to produce both LLDPE and HDPE and hence capacity utilisation can not be worked out. However production is independent.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 119
Table 62: Product-wise Demand-Supply Actuals and Projections

(All Figs in KTs) Consumption Consumption Growth (%) Capacity Gap Planned Capacity
Capacity Addition (%)

Actual Projecte During During Actual Projecte Actual Projecte Projected Projected
d d d

Group Product 2011- 2016-17 2006-07 to 2011-12 to 2011-12 2016-17 2011- 2016-17 2011-12 to 2011-12 to
12 2011-12 2016-17 12 16/17 16/17

11th 12th 11th Plan 12th Plan 11th 12th 11th 12th 12th plan 12th plan
Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan

Building Blocks Butadiene 124 470 2.8 30.5 295 528 171 58 233 79%

Ethylene 3785 6805 7 12.4 3867 7087 82 282 3220 83%

Propylene 3700 4823 11.7 5.4 4117 4987 417 164 870 21%

Styrene 496 647 4.1 5.5 0 0 -496 -647 0 No plans

Benzene 595 935 3.1 9.5 1235 2110 640 1175 875 71%

Toulene 440 650 9.3 8.1 270 270 -170 -380 0 0%

Mixed 88 130 15.5 8 90 90 2 -40 0 0%


O-Xylenes 266 379 1.5 7.4 420 420 154 41 0 0%

Total 9494 14839 10294 15492 800 653 5198 50%

Polymers LDPE 405 597 9.9 8.1 205 605 -200 8 400 195%

LLDPE 1198 2076 13.7 11.6 835 1960 -363 -116 1125 135%

HDPE 1657 2573 10.9 9.2 1825 3090 168 517 1265 69%

PP 2993 5015 14.4 10.9 4140 4715 1147 -300 575 14%

PVC 1925 3102 9.6 10 1330 1635 -595 -1467 305 23%

PS 377 638 8.9 11.1 640 666 263 28 26 4%

Total 8555 14001 8975 12671 420 -1330 3696 41%

Synthetic PBR 131 193 10.4 8.1 74 164 -57 -29 90 122%

SBR 186 275 13.6 8.2 20 370 -166 95 350 1750%

NBR 31 47 5.3 8.7 20 40 -11 -7 20 100%

Butyl 87 127 11.3 7.9 0 100 -87 -27 100 Entire

during 12th

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 121
EPDM 27 79 11 24 10 90 -17 11 80 800%

Total 462 721 124 764 -338 43 640 516%

Surfactants LAB 483 627 7.8 5.4 530 530 47 -97 0 0%

EO 165 241 11.9 7.9 209 254 44 13 45 22%

Total 648 868 739 784 91 -84 45 6%

Fibre PX 2306 4576 7 14.7 2477 5201 171 624 2724 110%

PTA 4350 7992 8.1 12.9 3850 7130 -500 -862 3280 85%

MEG 1836 3024 13.7 10.5 1300 3024 -536 0 1724 133%

PET 542 1319 25.5 19.5 814 2310 272 991 1496 184%

ACN- 125 181 0.8 7.6 40 40 -85 -141 0 0%

Total 9034 16911 8441 17664 -592 753 9223 109%

Synthetic PSF 1100 1600 6.8 7.8 1400 2000 300 400 600 43%

PFY 2100 3500 10.6 10.8 3000 5216 900 1716 2216 74%

NFY 56 71 11.8 4.9 32 32 -24 -39 0 0%

NIY 113 125 2.9 2 74 74 -39 -51 0 0%

PIY 36 68 - 13.6 21 68 -15 0 47 224%

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 122
Total 3405 5364 4527 7390 1122 2026 2863 63%

Indicate double digit growth in consumption

Indicate no capacity addition plans


More than 50% incremental capacity addition plans

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 123
Table 63: Major players in the Petrochemical sector in India

Product/ Facility Major Players


Gas based GAIL, RIL (Nagothane, Dahej and Hazira)

Naphtha based RIL (Patalganga, Vadodara, Hazira), HPL, IOCL


Propylene BPCL, CPCL, HPCL, Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd.

Butadiene RIL (Hazira, Vadodara), HPL


Benzene Major producers (excluding steel plants) are RIL, IOCL,



P-Xylene and O- RIL, IOCL


Fibre intermediates

PTA RIL, IOCL, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation

MEG RIL, IOCL, India Glycols Ltd.(IGL)

Caprolactum GSFC, FACT

Synthetic Fibre/Yarn

Polyester Major players are RIL, Indorama, SAPL, JBF Industries

Chips/Yarn/Fibre Ltd., Jindal Poly Films Ltd., Ester industries Ltd., IOCL,
Nakoda Ltd., Garden Silk Mills Ltd., Chiripal Industries Ltd.,
Sumeet Textile Mills Ltd., Polyplex Corporation Ltd., Sanghi
Polyesters Ltd., Futura Polyesters Ltd.

Nylon JCT Ltd., SRF Ltd., Century Enka Ltd., GSFC


Acrylic Fibre Indian Acrylics Ltd., Vardhaman Acrylics Ltd.

The major polymers players in India are Reliance Industries
Ltd. (RIL), Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd (HPL), GAIL (India)
Ltd., and Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL). RIL produces

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 124
all forms of polymers namely Polyethylene (PE),
Polypropylene (PP) and Poly vinyl chloride (PVC). HPL
produces PE & PP but don't produce PVC. IOCL produces
PP, PE at Panipat refinery at Panipat whereas GAIL only
produce PE at Pata.

Other players PVC segment are DCW, Chemplast Sanmar,

Finolex Industries Ltd., DSCL, sanghi Polymers Ltd.

Polystyrene Supreme PC, BASF and LGP are the three producers in

PBR RIL is the sole producer

SBR Apcotex Lattices Ltd is the sole producer


LAB Major producers are RIL, TPL, Nirma and IOCL



ABS/SAN Major producers are INEOS ABS and Bhansali Polymers

Post-acquisition of IPCL, RIL has obtained majority of the market share of total polymers market in India

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 125
Annexure 3 – Questionnaire

A detailed questionnaire has been developed to elicit this information. It is envisaged that the information
provided in the questionnaire, after verification and ratification, can be subjected to statistical analyses
that will help evolve a statistical model for each petrochemical plant; this model can then be used to set
Specific Energy Consumption targets within constraints imposed by technology, feedstock and other
process specific issues.

The questionaire is in MS-excel format and is provided as soft copy and snapshots are provided herewith.

Back to Contents page

1 The objective of this questionaire is to calculate the energy baseline for each plant within the petrochemical complex.

2 Explanatory notes are provided along with each sheet to explain terminologies.

3 Kindly please ensure accuracy of information provided.

4 All information provided will be kept confidential and be used only for calculation of energy baseline of your plant.

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 126

Back to Contents page

Name of Pe troche mical Comple x:

Location (City/Town/District):
Postal Address:
Telephone no.:
Fax no.:
Email id:

De tails of Contact Pe rs on:

Official email id:
Direct Telephone nos. / Extension nos.
Mobile Phone no.:
Fax nos.:

De tails of De s ignate d Ene rgy Manage r:

Official email id:
Direct Phone no. / Extension nos.
Mobile Phone no.:
Fax nos.:

Lis t of Major Products Te chnology Lice ns e e s


Lis t of Major B y-products


Lis t of Major Plants within the Comple x

Plant Ye ar of Commis s ioning

Lis t of Major of Fe e ds tocks Source of Supply


Lis t of Major Ene rgy Source s Source of Supply


Do you purchas e e le ctricity from grid? Yes/No

Do you have captive powe r plant? Yes/No

Do you have coge ne ration plant? Yes/No

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 127

Back to Contents page

Note s:
"MTA" is Metric Tons per annum
"MWh" is" kWh/1000". Please report numbers up to three decimal places
"GCV" is Gross Calorific Value of fuel or Higher Heating Value (HHV)
"LCV" is Lower Calorific Value of fuel or Lower Heating Value (LHV)
Add more rows to accommodate more fuels or any other details
Ensure that the measurment units are correct. In case the measurements units used by you are different, you may use those units; however please mention the units being used, by changing the default units mentioned in this sheet.
"MWh" for thermal utilties is the electricity consumption for auxiliaries likecirculation pumps, combustion fans etc.
Thermic fluid implies secondary heating media like Hytherm, Dowtherm etc.

Unit 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Captive Power Plant (Only Electricity Generation without Cogeneration)

Electricity Generation in Captive Power Plant MWh per annum

Fuel type A
Type (Name of fuel)
Quantity MTA
Calorific value (specify whether it is GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Fuel type B
Type (Name of fuel)
Quantity MTA
Calorific value (specify whether it is GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Cogeneration Plant
Electricity Generation in Cogeneration Plant MWh per annum

Steam Generation in Cogeneration System

Steam Generation MTA
Steam Pressure kg/cm2g
Steam Temperature °C
Condensate quanity recovered MTA
Average temperature of returned condensate °C

Hot Water Generation from Cogeneration System

Hot Water Generation MTA
Hot Water Pressure kg/cm2g
Hot Water Supply Temperature °C

Fuel type A
Type (Name of fuel)
Quantity MTA
Calorific value (specify whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Fuel type B
Type (Name of fuel)
Quantity MTA
Calorific value (specify whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Fuel type C
Type (Name of fuel)
Quantity MTA
Calorific value (specify whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Fuel type D
Type (Name of fuel)
Quantity MTA

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 128
Unit 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Electricity Purchased from Grid

Purchased Electricity from Grid MWh per annum

Steam Generated independently in Offsites Boilers

Fuel Type (name)
Fuel consumption MTA
Steam Generated in Offsites Boiler MTA
Steam Pressure kg/cm2g
Steam Temperature °C
Enthalpy of steam kcal/kg
Equivalent energy Million kcal per annum

Hot Water Generated independently in Offsites Hot Water Generators

Fuel type (name)
Calorific Value ofFfuel kcal/kg
Fuel consumption MTA
Totalised Hot Water Generation MTA
Hot Water Pressure kg/cm2g
Hot Water Temperature °C
Electrical energy consumption for hot water system MWh per annum

Thermic Fluid Heatesr in Offsites

Fuel type (name)
Calorific Value of fuel kcal/kg
Fuel consumption MTA
Type of Thermic fluid (name)
Specific gravity of thermic fluid
Specific heat of thermic fluid kcal/kg/°C
Totalised Thermic Fluid flow MTA
Thermic Flluid Pressure kg/cm2g
Thermic Fluid Supply Temperature °C
Thermic Fluid Return Temperature °C
Electrical energy consumption for thermic fluid system MWh per annum

Energy Generation from Renewable Energy

Electrical energy (from Wind, Photovoltaics etc.) MWh per annum
Thermal energy (for steam, hot water etc.) Million kcal per annum

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 129

Back to Contents page

Note s :
"kWh/kg or kWh/Nm3" is the specific electrical energy for delivering the utility; it may be pumping power, fan power , compressor power etc.
The thermal energy input of the utilties (steam & hot water) will be calculated from the enthalpies at the given temperatures & pressures

Design Actual Remarks

B oile r Fe e d Wate r Import
Pressure kg/cm2g
Temperature deg.C
Enthalpy of BFW kcal/kg
Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m3
B oile r Fe e d Wate r Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Temperature deg.C
Enthalpy of BFW kcal/kg
Hot Wate r Import
Temperature deg.C
Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m3
Hot Wate r Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Temperature deg.C
Enthalpy of BFW kcal/kg
Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m3
"Le ve l 1" Ste am
"Level 1" pressure kg/cm2g
"Level 1" temperature °C
Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m3
"Le ve l 2" Ste am
"Level 2" pressure kg/cm2g
"Level 2" temperature °C
Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m3
"Le ve l 3" Ste am
"Leve l3" pressure kg/cm2g
"Level 3" temperature °C
Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m3
"Le ve l 4" Ste am
"Level 4" pressure kg/cm2g
"Level 4" temperature °C
Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m3
Conde ns ate Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Temperature °C
Enthalpy of condensate kcal/kg
Raw Wate r Import
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/m3
Raw Wate r Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/m3
De mine ralize d Wate r Import
Pressure kg/cm2g
Temperature °C
Enthalpy kcal/kg
Specific energy consumption kWh/m3
De mine ralize d Wate r Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Temperature °C
Enthalpy kcal/kg
Specific energy consumption kWh/m3
Cooling Wate r Import
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/m3
Cooling Wate r Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/m3
Chille d Wate r Import
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m3
Chille d Wate r Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/m3
The rmic Fluid Import
Type (Name of fluid)
Pressure kg/cm2g
Inlet Temperature °C
Outlet Temperature
Specific heat of thermic fluid
Specific Power kWh/m3
The rmic Fluid Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific Power kWh/m3
Ins trume nt Air Import
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3
Ins trume nt Air Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3
Compre s s e d Air Import (for Proce s s t)
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3
Compre s s e d Air Export (for Proce s s )
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3
Compre s s e d Se rvice /Plant Air Import
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3
Compre s s e d Se rvice /Plant Air Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3
Nitroge n Import
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3
Nitroge n Export
Pressure kg/cm2g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 130

Back to Contents page

This sheet is only for Plant 1 in your petrochemical complex. For ther plant in the complex (Plant 2, Plan 3 stc.), please add more similar sheets and enter the relevant data separately in the same fashion. Please name the new sheets correctly.

Particulars Unit 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Plant Design Capacities

Main Products leaving Plant battery Limit


Data on Raw Materials to Process entering Plant Battery Limit
Raw Material Type (add more mix combinations, if required) Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3
Details of Raw Materials mix
Raw material input MTA
Number of onstream days with this raw material (total onstream days should not
exceed 365 days) days per annum
Data on Recycled Steams from Same Plant
Raw Material Type (add more mix combinations, if required) Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3
Details of Raw Materials mix
Recycled materials input MTA

Production Data
Main Products leaving Plant battery Limit

Byproducts leaving Plant battery Limit



Fuel no. 1
Type of fuel (Name)
Fuel Import MTA
Specific Gravity of fuel
Heat Content of fuel (mention whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Fuel no. 2
Type of fuel (Name)
Fuel Import MTA
Specific Gravity of fuel
Heat Content of fuel (mention whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Fuel no. 3
Type of fuel (Name)
Fuel Import MTA
Specific Gravity of fuel
Heat Content of fuel (mention whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Particulars Unit 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12


Fuel no. 1
Type of fuel (Name)
Fuel Export MTA
Specific Gravity of fuel
Calorific value of fuel (mention whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Fuel no. 2
Type of fuel (Name)
Fuel Import MTA
Specific Gravity of fuel
Calorific value of fuel (mention whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Fuel no. 3
Type of fuel (Name)
Fuel Import MTA
Specific Gravity of fuel
Calorific value of fuel (mention whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg


By-product Fuel no. 1
By-product fuel (Name)
By-product fuel quantity MTA
Specific Gravity of by-product fuel
Calorific value of by-product fuel (mention whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

By-product Fuel no. 2

By-product fuel (Name)
By-product fuel quantity MTA
Specific Gravity of by-product fuel
Calorific value of by-product fuel (mention whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

By-product Fuel no. 3

By-product fuel (Name)
By-product fuel quantity MTA
Specific Gravity of by-product fuel
Calorific value of by-product fuel (mention whether GCV or LCV) kcal/kg

Electrical Energy Imported from outside Plant Battery Limit
Electrical Energy Imported MWh per annum

Electrical Energy Generated within Plant Battery Limit

Electrical Energy generated in plant MWh per annum

Electrical Energy Exported out of Plant Battery Limit

Electrical Energy exported from Plant MWh per annum

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 132

Back to Contents page

This sheet captures all energy forms and utilities that are being imported, generated and exported from Plant 1.
You may change the measurement units mentioned to units commonly used in your plant; however, please mentione the units used correctly by changing the default units mentioned in this sheet.
You may add more rows, if the existing option are not sufficient and there are more utilities being used in your plant.

Particulars Unit 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2000-11 2011-12
Generation Import Export Generation Import Export Generation Import Export Generation Import Export Generation Import Export Generation Import Export Generation Import Export Generation Import Export Generation Import Export Generation Import Export Generation Import Export
"Level 1" Steam
Quanity MT

"Level 2" Steam

Quantity MT

"Level 3" Steam

Quantity MT

"Level 4" Steam

Quanity MT


Quantity m3 per annum

Quantity m3 per annum


Quantity m3 per annum

Quantity m3 per annum

Quantity m3 per annum

Quantity m3 per annum

Demineralised Water
Quantity m3 per annum

Cooling Water
Quantity m3 per annum

Instrument Air
Quantity m3 per annum

Compressed Air (as Process input)

Quantity m3 per annum

Compressed Air (as Plant/Service Air)

Quantity m3 per annum

Quantity m3 per annum

Electrical Energy consumption (outside Plant battery limit for Intermediate or Final Storage of Products)
Electricity Consumption (for Offsites product pumps, compressors etc.) MWh per annum

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 133

Back to Contents page

This sheet captures th "SPECIFIC CONSUMPTION" of all energy sources and utilites consumed in Plant 1. You may provide the information the way it is reported in your regular MIS sheets.


Particulars Unit 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2009-11 2009-12









Annexure 4 – Sequence of data
collection to arrive at SECs

The ensuing tables illustrate the sequence of process form data collection (through questionnaire) to
arriving at SECs for a sample Petrochemical complex manufacturing Polyethylene and Polypropylene

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 135
Table 64: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Plant Capacities, Technology Licensors, Feedstock,
Energy Sources & Combined Heat & Power Plant Configuration

Major Intermediates / Products Capacity Technology Licensees

1 Olefins - Ethylene & Olefins: 440,000 MTA (Ethylene: 230,000 MTA, Propylene: 126,000 M.W. Kellogg, USA
Propylene MTA)

2 Polyethylene 360,000 MTA Nova Chemicals, Canada

3 Polyproylene 120,000 MTA Basell, Italy


1 None

Plants in the Complex Year of Commissioning

A Olefins 1995

B Polyethylene 1995

C Polypropylene 1995

Major of Feedstock Source of Supply

1 Liquefied Natural Gas (NGL) State Utility

Major Energy Sources Source of Supply

1 Natural Gas State Utility

Do you purchase electricity from grid? NO

Do you have captive power plant? YES

Do you have cogeneration plant? NO

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 136
Table 65: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Monthly Production Data

Sr. Name of Mfg Plant in Unit March April May June July
No. the Complex

Major Feedstock

1 Liquid Natural Gas Olefins MT 18740 34694 31576 31726 37980


2 Virgin C5+ Olefins MT 13 0 0 0 0


1 Ethylene Olefins MT 10776 22915 20879 20485 25199

2 Propylene Olefins MT 2983 4943 4664 4309 5227

Final Products

1 Polyethylene Polyethylene MT 9841 17285 19988 21872 23449

2 Polypropylene Polypropylene MT 4984 3428 5687 4984 4644

Table 66: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Energy Imported into Petrochemcial Complex

Unit March April May June July

Primary Fuels Purchased (total for all


Fuel type A

Type (Name of fuel) NG NG NG NG NG

Quantity '000 sm 25598 26386 26386 24407 24901
'000 Nm 27052 27884 27884 25793 26315
Calorific value - LCV kcal/Nm 8250 7912 9062 8682 8992

Electricity Purchased from Grid

Purchased Electricity from Grid kWh 0 0 0 0 0

Energy Generation from Renewable Energy

Electrical energy (from Wind, Photovoltaics kWh 0 0 0 0 0


Thermal energy (for steam, hot water etc.) Million kcal 0 0 0 0 0

Table 67: Questionnaire - Petrochemcial Complex - Energy for Electricity & Steam Generation

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 137
Unit March April May June July

Captive Power Plant (Only

Electricity Generation without

Fuel type A

Type (Name of fuel) NG NG NG NG NG

Quantity '000Nm 10498 11709 10891 10382 10556
Calorific value (LCV) kcal/Nm 8250 7912 9062 8682 8992

Heat input to Captive million kcal 86609 92639 98697 90134 94921
Power Plant

Electricity Generation in MWh 16798.78 20989.60 22639.92 21640.70 21599.81

Captive Power Plant

Export to Grid MWh 252.96 391.50 952.32 504.00 358.61

Consumption of MWh 16545.82 20598.10 21687.60 21136.70 21241.20

Petrochemical Complex

Steam Generated by Fuel

Firing in Boilers

Location Olefins Plant

Fuel Type (name) NG NG NG NG NG

Fuel consumption '000 Nm 16554 16175 16992 15411 15759
Calorific value (LCV) kcal/Nm 8250 7912 9062 8682 8992

Heat input to Boilers million kcal 136568 127978 153986 133800 141705
Steam Pressure kg/cm g 46 46 46 46 46

Steam Temperature °C 270 270 270 270 270

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 138
Table 68: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Allocated Energy
Values for Fuels and Utilities

Design Actual Remarks


Fuel Gas Import

Calorific value kcal/Nm3 8573 Plant laboratory report

Fuel Gas Export

Calorific value kcal/Nm3 5294 Plant laboratory report


Boiler Feed Water Import

Pressure kg/cm2g 9 9

Temperature deg.C 110 110

Enthalpy of BFW kcal/kg 110.2 From steam tables

Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m 0.0 No sub-metering of electricity for BFW

Boiler Feed Water Export

Pressure kg/cm2g 9 9

Temperature deg.C 110 110

Enthalpy of BFW kcal/kg 110.2 From steam tables

Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/m 0.0 No sub-metering of electricity for BFW


Ultra High Pressure Steam

Pressure kg/cm2g 110 110

Temperature °C 500 500

Enthalpy kcal/kg 803.0 From steam tables

Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/kg 0 No sub-metering of electricity for boiler


High Pressure Steam

Pressure kg/cm2g 45.5 45.5

Temperature °C 400 400

Enthalpy kcal/kg 765.3 From steam tables

Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/kg 0 No sub-metering of electricity for boiler


Medium Pressure Steam

Pressure kg/cm2g 17 17

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 139
Temperature °C 206 206

Enthalpy kcal/kg 668.5 From steam tables

Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/kg 0

Low Pressure Steam

Pressure kg/cm2g 5 5

Temperature °C 158 158

Enthalpy kcal/kg 659.8 From steam tables

Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/kg 0 No sub-metering of electricity for boiler



Condensate Import

Pressure kg/cm2g 6 6

Temperature °C 70 70

Enthalpy of condensate kcal/kg 69.9 From steam tables

Specific electrical energy consumption kcal/kg 0 No sub-metering of electricity for boiler


Condensate Export

Pressure kg/cm2g 6 6

Table 69: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Allocated Energy

Values for Fuels and Utilities
Design Actual Remarks

Temperature °C 70 70

Enthalpy of condensate kcal/kg 69.9

Specific electrical energy consumption kcal/kg 0 No sub-metering of electricity for boiler



Raw Water Import

Pressure kg/cm2g

Specific energy consumption kWh/m3 0.414 From sub-meters of Rivers Pumps &
filtration plant
Specific energy consumption kcal/m 356

Raw Water Export

Pressure kg/cm2g 0

Specific energy consumption kWh/m3 0

Specific energy consumption kcal/m3 0

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 140

Demineralized Water Import

Pressure kg/cm2g 8 8

Temperature °C 53

Enthalpy kcal/kg 53.0

Specific electricity consumption kWh/m3 0.869 From sub-meters of DM Water Plant

Total specific energy consumption kcal/kg 53

Demineralized Water Export

Pressure kg/cm2g

Temperature °C

Enthalpy kcal/kg

Specific energy consumption kWh/m3 0.869 From sub-meters of DM Water Plant

Total specific energy consumption kcal/kg 747


Cooling Water Import from Offsites/Other Plants

Pressure kg/cm2g

Specific energy consumption kWh/m3 0.223 From sub-meters of cooling towers


Instrument Air Import from Offsites/Other Plants

Pressure kg/cm2g

Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3 0.298 From sub-meters of Compressed Air


Instrument Air Export to Other Plants

Pressure kg/cm2g

Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3 0.298 From sub-meters of Compressed Air


Compressed Air Import (for Process)

Pressure kg/cm2g

Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3 0.298 From sub-meters of Compressed Air


Compressed Air Export (for Process)

Pressure kg/cm2g

Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3 0.298 From sub-meters of Compressed Air


General Servicet Air Import from Offsites/Other Plants

Pressure kg/cm2g

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 141
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm3 0.298 From sub-meters of Compressed Air

Table 70: Questionnaire - Petrochemical Complex - Collection of Information on Allocated Energy

Values for Fuels and Utilities

Design Actual Remarks

General Service Air Export to Other Plants

Pressure kg/cm g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm 0.298 From sub-meters of
Compressed Air Station


Nitrogen Import from Offsites/Other Plants

Pressure kg/cm g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm 0.357 From sub-meters of Nitrogen

Nitrogen Export One Process Plant to

Another Plant
Pressure kg/cm g
Specific energy consumption kWh/Nm 0.357 From sub-meters of Nitrogen

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 142
Table 71: Questionnaire - Olefins Plant - Information on Monthly Consumption of Major Feedstock,
Production, Fuels & Electricity

Particulars Unit March April May June July

Major Feedstock

1 Liquid Natural Gas (NGL) MT 18752 34694 31576 31726 37980


1 Ethylene MT 10776 22915 20879 20485 25199

2 Propylene MT 2983 4943 4664 4309 5227



Type of fuel (Name) LP Gas LP Gas LP Gas LP Gas LP Gas

Fuel import kNm 6203 11280 19214 9263 11067

Heat value million 53176 96703 164719 79411 94874




Type of fuel (Name) HP Gas HP Gas HP Gas HP Gas HP Gas

Fuel Export MT 1158 2073 2065 2514 2922

Heat Value million 5294 5294 5294 5294 5294



Electrical Energy Import

Electrical Energy MWh 1364 1594 1567 1433 1480

Electrical Energy Exported out of

Plant Battery Limit

Electrical Energy MWh 0 0 0 0 0

Electrical Energy Generated within

Plant Battery Limit

Electrical Energy MWh 0 0 0 0 0

Electrical Energy consumed

outside Plant Battery Limit for

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 143
Product Storage or any other
activity that has to be allocated to
this plant

Electrical Energy MWh 75 107 111 107 111

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 144
Table 72: Questionnaire - Olefins Plant - Quantification of Imports & Exports of Fuels, Electricity & Utilities

Particulars Unit Design March April May June July


Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export


Fuel Gas
Quanity kNm 6203.0 1158.0 11280.0 2073.0 19214.0 2065.0 9263.0 2514.0 11067.0 2922.0

Energy million 53178.3 6130.5 96703.4 10974.5 164721.6 10932.1 79411.7 13309.1 94877.4 15469.
kcal 1



Quantity MT 0.0 15122.0 0.0 19593.0 0.0 18886.0 0.0 18771.0 0.0 20069.

Energy million 0.0 11572.8 0.0 14994.5 0.0 14453.4 0.0 14365.4 0.0 15358.
kcal 8


Quantity MT 0.0 3904.0 0.0 4772.0 0.0 4348.0 0.0 4335.0 0.0 4660.0

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 145
Energy million 0.0 2610.0 0.0 3190.3 0.0 2906.8 0.0 2898.1 0.0 3115.4


Quanity MT 0.0 15192.9 0.0 18569.0 0.0 16751.0 0.0 15537.0 0.0 16352.

Energy million 0.0 10023.5 0.0 12250.9 0.0 11051.5 0.0 10250.5 0.0 10788.
kcal 2

Quantity m 234321.3 4656.7 286392.7 5864.6 268435.9 6255.0 251929.6 10095.0 259898.0 6417.2

Energy million 12419.0 513.0 15178.8 646.1 14227.1 689.1 13352.3 1112.2 13774.6 707.0

Quantity m 0.0 71280.0 0.0 118800.0 0.0 122760.0 0.0 118800.0 0.0 12276

Energy million 0.0 4985.6 0.0 8309.3 0.0 8586.3 0.0 8309.3 0.0 8586.3

d Water
Quantity m 234321.3 0.0 286392.7 0.0 268435.9 0.0 251929.6 0.0 259898.0 0.0

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 146
Energy million 150553.1 0.0 184009.3 0.0 172471.9 0.0 161866.5 0.0 166986.3 0.0

Quantity km 8584.3 0.0 10153.4 0.0 10746.8 0.0 7470.3 0.0 7752.5 0.0

Energy million 1644.0 0.0 1944.5 0.0 2058.2 0.0 1430.7 0.0 1484.7 0.0

Air for
Quantity m 861.4 0.0 1052.8 0.0 953.2 0.0 908.3 0.0 972.3 0.0

Energy million 220.8 0.0 269.8 0.0 244.3 0.0 232.8 0.0 249.2 0.0

Table 73: Questionnaire - Olefins Plant - Quantification of Imports & Exports of Fuels, Electricity & Utilities

Particulars Unit Design March April May June July


Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export

Quantity km 272.0 0.0 222.0 0.0 211.2 0.0 356.0 0.0 148.2 0.0

Energy million 83.5 0.0 68.2 0.0 64.8 0.0 109.3 0.0 45.5 0.0

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 147
Electrical Energy

Electricity MWh 1364.0 0.0 1594.0 0.0 1567.0 0.0 1433.0 0.0 1480.0 0.0

Energy million 1173.0 0.0 1370.8 0.0 1347.6 0.0 1232.4 0.0 1272.8 0.0

Electrical Energy
Outside Plant
Battery Limit for
this Plant

Electricity MWh 75.0 0.0 107.0 0.0 111.0 0.0 107.0 0.0 111.0 0.0
Consumption (for
Offsites product
compressors etc.)

Energy million 64.5 0.0 92.0 0.0 95.5 0.0 92.0 0.0 95.5 0.0

TOTAL million 219336.3 35835.4 299637.0 50365.6 355231.0 48619.3 257727.7 50244.7 278785.9 54024.8

NET IMPORT million 183500.8 249271.4 306611.8 207483.0 224761.2


Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 148
Table 74: Methodology 1: Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption for Olefins plant

Particulars Unit March April May June July



Plant Utilization (on-stream days) Days 18 30 31 30 31

Production of Olefins (intermediates: Ethylene & MT 13759 27858 25542 24794 30426

Ethylene Production MT 10776 22915 20879 20485 25199

Propylene Production MT 2983 4943 4664 4309 5227

Ethylene Production % 78.32 82.26 81.74 82.62 82.82

Propylene Production % 21.68 17.74 18.26 17.38 17.18

Total Energy Consumption of the Complex Million kcal 183501 249271 306612 207483 224761

OVERALL NET SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION AT Million 13.34 8.95 12.00 8.37 7.39


Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 149
Table 75: Questionnaire - Polyethylene Plant - Information on Monthly Consumption of Major Feedstock, Production, Fuels & Electricity

Particulars Unit Design March April May June July



Major Feedstocks

1 Ethylene MT 10776 22915 20879 20485 25199

Number of onstream days days

Production Data

Main Products leaving Plant battery Limit

1 Polyethylene MT 9841 17285 19988 21872 23449



Type of fuel (Name) LP LP LP Gas LP LP Gas

Gas Gas Gas
Fuel import kNm 6203 11280 19214 9263 11067

Heat value million 53176 96703 164719 79411 94874



Type of fuel (Name) HP HP HP HP HP Gas

Gas Gas Gas Gas

Fuel Export MT 1158 2073 2065 2514 2922

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 150
Heat Value million 5294 5294 5294 5294 5294


Electrical Energy Import

Electrical Energy MWh 1364 1594 1567 1433 1480

Electrical Energy Exported out of Plant Battery Limit

Electrical Energy MWh 0 0 0 0 0

Electrical Energy Generated within Plant Battery Limit

Electrical Energy MWh 0 0 0 0 0

Electrical Energy consumed outside Plant Battery

Limit for this plant

Electrical Energy MWh 75 107 111 107 111

Table 76: Questionnaire - Polyethylene Plant - Quantification of Imports & Exports of Fuels, Electricity & Utilities

Particulars Unit Design March April May June July


Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export


Fuel Gas
Quantity kNm 273.0 0.0 349.0 0 356 0.0 340.0 0.0 346.0 0.0

Energy million 2340.4 0.0 2992.0 0.0 3052.0 0.0 2914.8 0.0 2966.3 0.0

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 151

High Pressure

Quantity MT 8427 0 10884 0 12241 0.0 12510.0 0.0 13342.0 0.0

Energy million 6449.2 0.0 8329.5 0.0 9368.0 0.0 9573.9 0.0 10210.6 0.0


Low Pressure

Quantity MT 0.0 3103 0 5839 0 2812 0.0 2730.0 0.0 2160.0

Energy million 0.0 2047.2 0.0 3852.3 0.0 1855.2 0.0 1801.1 0.0 1425.1

Quantity m 4657 0 5864 0 6255 0.0 10095.0 0.0 6417.0 0.0

Energy million 513.1 0.0 646.0 0.0 689.1 0.0 1112.2 0.0 707.0 0.0

Quantity m 0 9686 0 13367 0 15850.0 0.0 9904.0 0.0 16533.0

Energy million 0.0 677.5 0.0 934.9 0.0 1108.6 0.0 692.7 0.0 1156.4

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 152

Cooling Water
Quantity km 5119.0 0.00 4705.00 0 4775 0.0 4899.0 0.0 4926.0 0.0

Energy million 980.4 0.0 901.1 0.0 914.5 0.0 938.2 0.0 943.4 0.0

Air for
Quantity m 1456.00 0.00 1772.00 0 1798 0.0 2024.0 0.0 2126.0 0.0

Energy million 373.1 0.0 454.1 0.0 460.8 0.0 518.7 0.0 544.9 0.0

Quantity km 839.00 0.00 1157.00 0 1283 0.0 1104.0 0.0 1347.0 0.0

Energy million 257.6 0.0 355.2 0.0 393.9 0.0 339.0 0.0 413.6 0.0

Energy Import

Electricity MWh 3295 4995 5080.0 0.0 5290.0 0.0 5515.0 0.0

Energy million 2833.7 0.0 4295.7 0.0 4368.8 0.0 4549.4 0.0 4742.9 0.0

TOTAL million 13747.5 2724.7 17973.7 4787.2 19247.1 2963.8 19946.2 2493.8 20528.6 2581.4

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 153
NET IMPORT million 11022.8 13186.5 16283.3 17452.3 17947.1

Table 77: Method 1 - Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption for Polyethylene Plant

Particulars Unit March April May June July



Plant Utilization (on-stream days) Full Stream 12 19 21 27 27

Partial 8 7 10 3 4

Shutdown 11 4 0 0 0

Production of Polyethylene MT 9841 17285 19988 21872 23449

Total Energy Consumption of the Complex Million kcal 11023 13186 19247 17452 17947

OVERALL NET SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION AT Million kcal/MT 1.12 0.76 0.96 0.80 0.77

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 154
Table 78: Questionnaire: Polypropylene Plant - Information on Monthly Consumption of Major Feedstock, Production, Fuels & Electricity

Particulars Unit Design March April May June July

Major Feedstocks

1 Propylene MT 2983 4943 4664 4309 5227

Production Data

Main Products leaving Plant battery Limit

1 Polyethylene MT 1833 3428 5687 4984 4644



Type of fuel (Name) LP LP LP Gas LP LP

Gas Gas Gas Gas
Fuel import kNm 6203 11280 19214 9263 11067

Heat value million 53176 96703 164719 79411 94874



Type of fuel (Name) HP HP HP HP HP

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 155
Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas

Fuel Export MT 1158 2073 2065 2514 2922

Heat Value million 5294 5294 5294 5294 5294



Electrical Energy Import

Electrical Energy MWh 1364 1594 1567 1433 1480

Electrical Energy consumed outside Plant Battery Limit

for product Storage or any other activity that has to be
allocated this plant

Electrical Energy MWh 75 107 111 107 111

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 156
Table 79: Questionnaire - Polypropylene Plant - Quantification of Imports & Exports of Fuels, Electricity & Utilities

Particulars Unit Design March April May June July


Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export Import Export


High Pressure Steam

Quantity MT 689 0 927 0 1038 0.0 1002.0 0.0 30.0 0.0

Energy million 527.3 0.0 709.4 0.0 794.4 0.0 766.8 0.0 23.0 0.0

Medium Pressure Steam

Quantity MT 2091 0 3455 0 4144 0.0 4240.0 0.0 4142.0 0.0

Energy million 1379.5 0.0 2279.4 0.0 2734.0 0.0 2797.3 0.0 2732.7 0.0

Compressed Air for

Quantity m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Energy million 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Electrical Energy Import

Electricity Consumption MWh 946 0 1703 0 2402 0.0 2259.0 0.0 2125.0 0.0

Energy million 813.6 0.0 1464.6 0.0 2065.7 0.0 1942.7 0.0 1827.5 0.0

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 157

Electrical Energy
Consumed Outside Plant
Battery Limit specifically
for this Plant

Electricity Consumption MWh 9.2 0.0 17.6 0.0 26.0 0.0 25.2 0.0 26.0 0.0
(for Offsites product
pumps, compressors

Energy million 7.9 0.0 15.1 0.0 22.4 0.0 21.7 0.0 22.4 0.0

TOTAL million 2728.3 18.5 4468.6 35.3 5616.5 52.0 5528.6 50.4 4605.5 52.0

NET IMPORT million 2709.9 4433.3 5564.4 5478.2 4553.5


Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 158
Table 80: Methodology 1 - Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption for Polypropylene plant

Particulars Unit March April May June July


Plant Utilization – On-stream Days Full Stream 11 21 31 30 31

Partial Shutdown 0 0 0 0 0

Shutdown 20 9 0 0 0

Production of Polypropylene MT 1833 3428 5687 4984 4644

Total Energy Consumption of the Complex Million kcal 2710 4433 5564 5478 4553


Table 81: Methodology 2: Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption for the Petrochemical Complex as a Whole

Particulars Unit March April May June July

Liquid Natural Gas (Feedstock to Olefins Plant) MT 18752 34694 31576 31726 37980

Total Energy Consumption of the Complex Million kcal 223177 220616 252682 223934 236626



Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 159
35000 14.00


Specific Energy Consumption, million kcal/MT


25000 11.00
Olefins Production, MT



10000 7.00


0 4.00
March April May June July
Production, MT Specific Energy Consumption, million kcal/MT

40000 13.00

35000 12.00

Specific Energy Consumption, million kcal/MT


NGL Feedstock, MT




5000 5.00

0 4.00
March April May June July
Feedstock, MT Specific Energy Consumption, million kcal/MT of Feedstock

Figure 41: Comparable SEC Trends with reference to Olefins Production & Feedstock Consumption

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 161
25000 1.20


Specific Energy Consumption, million kcal/MT


Polyethylene Production, MT





0 0.00
March April May June July
Polyethylene Production, MT Specific Energy Consumption, million kcal/MT of Production

Figure 42: Polyethylene - Production and SEC

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 162
6000 1.60


Specific Energy Consumption, million kcal/MT


Polyethylene Production, MT


3000 0.80




0 0.00
March April May June July
Polypropylene Production, MT Specific Energy Consumption, million kcal/MT of Production

Figure 43: Polypropylene – Production and SEC

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 163
Annexure 5: Calculation of Specific Energy
Consumption (SEC) in a “Single Product” Plant

Table 82: Calculation of Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) in a “Single Product” Plant

Unit Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11


Kerosene MT 38480 6952 34472 39040 39900 37757 39216 35102 32997 37462 34666 38093

Benzene MT 23767 4294 21292 24113 24644 23321 24222 21681 20381 23138 21411 23528


N- Paraffin MT 9620 1738 8618 9760 9975 9439 9804 8776 8249 9365 8667 9523

Final Product

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 164
Linear Alkyl MT 8081 1460 7239 8198 8379 7929 8235 7372 6929 7867 7280 8000


of fuel)
Quantity Nm 5556 2222 4444 5667 5889 5444 5333 5000 4556 5222 5000 5500
Calorific kcal/Nm 9000 9105 9050 8917 8987 8950 9004 9054 8973 9121 9027 9065
value - LCV


Grid kWh 571266 243738 562788 608868 608733 587412 593190 567927 518238 566145 508482 569556
Electricity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Energy Million 54913 22329 45062 55766 58159 53780 53123 50154 45334 52501 49508 54756
Consumption kcal

SPECIFIC Million 6.80 15.30 6.22 6.80 6.94 6.78 6.45 6.80 6.54 6.67 6.80 6.84

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 165
Annexure 6 – Comparison of Actual SEC and the
Technology licensor design SEC

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 166
Annexure 7 – Representative
Statistical Models

Statistical Modeling is a technique that estimates the dependence of a variable of interest on one or more
independent variables. Considering the complexity of petrochemical sector it is important to identify such
dependent and independent variables and their relationship. This will assist in the use of normalization
factors appropriately under the PAT Phase-II for petrochemical sector. With the limited availability of plant
level data the representative statistical models prepared are mostly for statistical data available publically
like, capacity, production, energy consumption etc.

Considering the type of data available for the various petrochemical products the statistical models have
been prepared have been divided in two categories:
a. Data available for more than two variables – capacity, production and energy consumption. The
products covered under this category are PSF, PVC resins and HDPE/LLDPE
b. Data available for two variables - production and energy consumption

Category A

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 168
Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 169
Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 170
Category B

Linear Regression results with Total Energy Consumed(MMKCAL) as Dependent Variable (y) and Production in MT (x) as Independent variable

ANOVA output

Sr Value of Value of Value of

Name of Product F test Sig (α) Regression Equation Conclusions
No R square Regression SS Residual SS

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is high.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
1 1,3 Butadiene 0.792 2780078.945 38.16 0 Y = 5876.263+ 1.161*x variability is accounted for by the regression model. Since p or α
is < 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is high.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
Polyvinyl Chloride
2 0.794 4455623.207 1159329.71 38.43 0 Y = 2767.166 + 1.015 * x variability is accounted for by the regression model. Since p or α
is < 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is low.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
3 Benzene (PGH-BZ) 0.428 9953901.875 1.33E+07 7.48 0.021 Y = 9923.424 + 0.941 * x variability is accounted for by the residual model. Since p or α is
< 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is low.

values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
4 Propylene (FPU) 0.448 1353866.68 1668367.987 8.11 0.017 y = 1390.848 + 0.825 * x variability is accounted for by the residual model. Since p or α is
< 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is high.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
Ethylene Oxide
5 0.913 2.64E+07 2.498E+06 105.56 0 y = 469.847 + 5.665 * x variability is accounted for by the regression model. Since p or α
(E.I. EQ EO)
is < 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Linear Regression results with Total Energy Consumed(MMKCAL) as Dependent Variable (y) and Production in MT (x) as Independent variable

ANOVA output

Sr Value of Value of Value of

Name of Product F test Sig (α) Regression Equation Conclusions
No R square Regression SS Residual SS

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is high.

y = 48641.360 + 4.842 * Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
Ethylene, CGP &
6 0.982 3.15E+09 5.82E+07 144.54 0 x1 + 8.104* x2 – 0.037 * variability is accounted for by the regression model. Since p or α
x3 is < 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is high.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
y = 48763.397 + 4.827 *
243.46 0 variability is accounted for by the regression model. Since p or α
x1 + 8.074 * x2
is < 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is high.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
7 LDPE 0.925 4.951E+07 4.025E+06 123.00 0 y=3803.12 + 2.281 * x variability is accounted for by the regression model. Since p or α
is < 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is high.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
Vinyl Chloride
8 0.83 1.561E+07 3201424.605 48.77 0 y = 3673.380 + 1.970* x variability is accounted for by the regression model. Since p or α
Monomer (VCM)
is < 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is high.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
9 0.78 1973573.624 557866.626 35.38 0 y = 1100.837 + 0.989 * x variability is accounted for by the regression model. Since p or α
copolymer (PPCP)
is < 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 172
Linear Regression results with Total Energy Consumed(MMKCAL) as Dependent Variable (y) and Production in MT (x) as Independent variable

ANOVA output

Sr Value of Value of Value of

Name of Product F test Sig (α) Regression Equation Conclusions
No R square Regression SS Residual SS

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is low.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
10 PP IV 0.535 1922761.722 1669055.278 11.52 0.007 y = 3519.397 + 0.286 * x variability is account for by the residual model. Since p or α is <
0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is high.

Values of RSS and ESS (residual) indicate that much of the
11 PBR -II 0.642 3058013.685 1706778.565 17.92 0.002 y = 4760.903 + 2.497 * x variability is account for by the regression model. Since p or α is
< 0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Sig> 0.05 and R square is not significantly different from zero,

hence model is not very significant and we cannot find a
12 PBR - I 0.179 471722.720 2163608.280 2.18 0.171
satisfactory relationship between the dependent and
independent variables using this data.

Value of R square indicates that degree of correlation is low,

values of RSS and ESS(residual) indicate that much of the
13 Acrylo Nitrile(ACN) 0.40 2934637.234 4398803.015 6.67 0.027 variability is account for by the residual model. Since p or α is <
0.05 the model is good enough for predicting the outcome

Report on Developing Baseline Specific Energy Consumption in Petrochemicals Industry in India 173
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