Rendekova, Yıl Belli Değil
Rendekova, Yıl Belli Değil
Rendekova, Yıl Belli Değil
Abstract: - We can see the 20th Century Music as a bigger dynamic whole, i.e. as a system. Systems theoretical
approach and synergetics as a special type of systems theoretical modelling enable to analyse relations of elements,
processes and functions in the system and in interrelation with the system environment. Three main subsystems could
be observed in the system of 20th Century Music: Modernism, New Music and Postmodernism. However the older
subsystem of Music of Romanticism and the origin of a new paradigm for which we do not have the name, interfere
with the system of 20th Century Music. Special relations exist between the attributes of these subsystems impacted by
the rules examined by synergetics. My attempt in this study is based on the assumption that it is possible to set up a
systems theoretical model of 20th Century Music as a self-organising system. The understanding of laws in self-
organising and self-regulating systems plays an important role in the modelling of the 20th Century Music.
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