Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkelanjutan (PKB) XXV - Trigonum Sudema Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK Unud/Rsup Sanglah 2017

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WORKSHOP I (Nephrology)
Thursday, October 12th 2017
Ruang Pertemuan I, Sekretariat Bag./SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UNUD
Gedung Angsoka, Lantai IV, RSUP Sanglah Denpasar
Management of Hypertensive Crisis: Focus on Hypertensive Emergencies
of Chronic Kidney Disease
07.30-08.00 Registration
08.00-08.15 Opening Ceremony and Pre Test
08.15-08.30 Coffee Break
Pathogenesis of Hypertension
08.30-08.50  Essential Hypertension
Speaker: Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suwitra, SpPD-KGH
08.50-09.10  Secondary Hypertension
Speaker: Prof. Dr. dr. I Gde Raka Widiana, SpPD-KGH
09.10-09.30  Discussion
Management of Hypertension
09.30-09.50  Non Pharmacology Therapy
Speaker: Dr. dr. I Wayan Sudhana, SpPD-KGH
09.50-10.10  Pharmacology Therapy
Speaker: Dr. dr. Yenny kandarini, SpPD-KGH
10.10-10.30  Discussion
Emergency Hypertension
 Pathogenesis and Management of Emergency Hypertension
10.30-11.30 Speaker: dr. Jodi Sidharta Loekman, SpPD-KGH
 Discussion
Panelis :
 Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suwitra, SpPD-KGH
11.30-12.30  Prof. Dr. dr. I Gde Raka Widiana, SpPD-KGH
 Dr. dr. I Wayan Sudhana, SpPD-KGH
 Dr. dr. Yenny kandarini, SpPD-KGH
 dr. Jodi Sidharta Loekman, SpPD-KGH
12.30-12.45 Post Test
12.45-13.00 Closing
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
Thursday, October 12th 2017
Ruang Perpustakaan, Sekretariat bag./SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UNUD
Gedung Angsoka, Lantai IV, RSUP Sanglah Denpasar
Management of Asthma and COPD
07.30-08.00 Registration
08.00-08.15 Opening Ceremony
08.15-08.30 Coffee Break
Moderator : dr. I Made Bagiada, SpPD-KP
08.30-09.15  An Update in Diagnosis of Asthma and COPD
Speaker: dr. I Gede Ketut Sajinadiyasa, SpPD
09.15-10.00  Management of Asthma
Speaker: dr. Putu Andrika, SpPD-KIC
10.00-10.45  Management of COPD
Speaker: dr. IGNB Artana, SpPD
10.45-11.15  Discussion
11.15-11.45 Closing
11.45-12.00 LUNCH


Thursday, October 12th 2017
Ruang Pertemuan II, Sekretariat bag./SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UNUD
Gedung Angsoka, Lantai IV, RSUP Sanglah Denpasar
Intraarticular Injection
07.30-08.00 Registration
08.00-08.15 Opening Ceremony
08.15-08.30 Coffee Break
Moderator : dr. Gede Kambayana, SpPD-KR
 The Role of Local Intraarticular and Periarticular Injection in
Rheumatology Case
Speaker : dr. Gede Kambayana, SpPD-KR
 Modality for Intraarticular Injection (steroid, hyaluronic acid,
lidocain and botox) in Daily Practice Speaker : dr. Pande Ketut Kurniari,
 Discussion

Live Demonstration of Intraarticular Injection (Interactive Session)

10.30-11.30 dr. Gede Kambayana, SpPD-KR
dr. Pande Ketut Kurniari, SpPD
11.15-11.45 Closing
11.45-12.00 LUNCH

Symposium Day I
Friday, October 13th 2017
Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel

07.30-08.00 Registration
08.00-08.15 Opening Ceremony
Plenary Lecture I
08.15-08.45 Diagnosis and Management Approach of Anemia in Adult Patients
Speaker: Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Bakta, SpPD-KHOM
08.45-09.00 Coffee Break
Scientific Symposium I
New Targeting Therapy in Rheumatic Diseases
Moderator: dr. Pande Ketut Kurniari, SpPD
09.00-09.20  Diagnosis Approach in Low Back Pain
Speaker: Prof. Dr. dr. Tjokorda Raka Putra, SpPD-KR
09.20-09.40  Clinical Spectrum of Spondiloarthropathy
Speaker: dr. Gede Kambayana, SpPD-KR
09.40-10.00  Adalimumab, A Holistic Approach Management of Ankylosing
Spondilitis to Optimize Patient Care
Speaker: dr. Bagus Putu Putra Suryana, SpPD-KR
10.00-10.10  Discussion
Scientific Symposium 2
Update Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Depression in
Moderator: dr. Ida Bagus Putu Putrawan, SpPD
10.10-10.30  Depression in Elderly Patient: Diagnosis and Management
Speaker: Dr. dr. Tuty Kuswardhani, Sp.PD-KGer, MARS
10.30-10.50  Update Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Elderly
Speaker: Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, SpPD-KEMD
10.50-11.10  Discussion
Lunch Symposium 1
Anemia on Chronic Kidney Diseases
Moderator: dr. Jodi S Loekman, SpPD-KGH
11.10-11.30 • Pathogenesis Anemia on CKD
Speaker: Dr. dr I Wayan Sudhana, SpPD-KGH
11.30-11.50 • Management of Anemia on CKD
Speaker: Dr. dr. Yenny Kandarini, SpPD-KGH
11.50-12.10 • Specific Guidance for Erytropoietin Biosimilars
Speaker: Prof. Dr. dr. I Gde Raka Widana, SpPD-KGH
12.10-12.30 • Discussion
12.30-13.30 Lunch
Scientific Symposium 3
Management of Cardiometabolic Complication
Moderator: Dr. dr. Wira Gotera, SpPD-KEMD
13.30-13.50  Patient-centered management of Chronic Heart Failure
Speaker: dr. IGN Putra Gunadhi, SpJP(K), FIHA
13.50-14.10  Diagnosis and Management of Cardiomyopathy Diabeticum
Speaker: Dr. dr. Putu Moda Arsana, SpPD-KEMD
14.10-14.30  Discussion
Scientific Symposium 4
Overview in Deep Vein Thrombosis and Acute Leukemia
Moderator: dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD-KHOM
14.30-14.50  Overview Approach in Deep Vein Thrombosis
Speaker: Dr. dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD-KHOM
14.50-15.10  Approach Patient with Acute Leukemia
Speaker: dr. Ni Made Renny A. Rena, SpPD-KHOM
15.10-15.30  Discussion
15.30-15.45 Dooprize and Closing

Symposium Day II
Saturday, October 14th 2017
Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel
07.30-08.00 Registration
08.00-08.30 Plenary Lecture 2
Management Approach in Acute Febrile Illness in Primary until Tertiary
Health Care
Speaker: Prof. DR. dr. Tuti Parwati Merati, SpPD-KPTI
08.30-09.00 Coffee Break
Scientific Symposium 5
Targetted Therapy in Lung Cancer
Moderator: dr. IGN Bagus Artana, SpPD
09.00-09.20  How to Diagnose Lung Cancer
Speaker: dr. I Gede Ketut Sajinadiyasa, SpPD
09.20-09.40  Update Therapy in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Speaker: dr. I Made Bagiada, SpPD-KP
09.40-10.00  Discussion
Scientific Symposium 6
The Power to Help Lowering HbA1C to Make A Difference in The Lives of
Your Patients
Moderator: dr. I Made Pande Dwipayana, SpPD-KEMD
10.00-10.20  Introducing Sitagliptin/Metformin XR: The Power to Lower HbA1C
Speaker: Dr. dr. Made Ratna Saraswati, SpPD-KEMD
10.20-10.40  Use of Sitagliptin in the Management of Patient with Type 2 Diabetes
and Renal Impairment
Speaker: Dr. dr. Yenny Kandarini, SpPD-KGH
10.40-11.00  Discussion
Lunch Symposium 2
Therapeutic Strategy to Achieve Intestinal Healing and Long-term
Moderator: dr. Nyoman Purwadi, SpPD-KGEH
11.00-11.20  How to Diagnose Inflammatory Bowel Diseases?
Speaker: dr. IGA Suryadarma, SpPD-KGEH
11.20-11.40  When to Start Adalimumab in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Therapies
Speaker: Prof. Dr. dr. IDN Wibawa, SpPD-KGEH
11.40-12.00  Discussion
12.00-13.00 Lunch
Scientific Symposium 7
Role of Immunomodulator Therapy
Moderator: dr. Tjokorda Istri Anom Saturti, SpPD
13.00-13.20  Role of Systemic Hydrocortisone in Immunologic Disease
Speaker: Dr. dr. Ketut Suryana, SpPD-KAI
13.20-13.40  Immunomodulator Therapy in Elderly
Speaker: dr. I Nyoman Astika, SpPD-KGer
13.40-14.00  Immunomodulator Therapy in Infectious Desease
Speaker: Prof. Dr. dr. Usman Hadi, Sp.PD-KPTI
14.00-14.10  Discussion
Scientific Symposium 8
Optimalization Management in Dengue Infection
Moderator: dr. I Made Susila Utama, SpPD-KPTI
14.10-14.30  Current Management of Dengue Infection
Speaker: Dr. dr. Ketut Agus Somia, SpPD-KPTI
14.30-14.50  The Role of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Therapy in Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever with Severe Thrombocytopenia
Speaker: Prof. Dr. dr. Djoni Djunaedi, SpPD-KPTI
14.50-15.10  Discussion
15.10-15.30 Dooprize and Closing

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