14 Research Paper
14 Research Paper
14 Research Paper
In India, many companies entered the field of vehicles and market their services under various schemes. In turn the users
of bikes regardless of age, sex, income are always on the increase but in practice the customers using on brand of bike are
not permanent and they simply changes the bikes from one to another or from one model to another model according to their
convenience and performance of bikes. Hence the present study on Customer Satisfaction Level towards the use of Bajaj
Bikes with special reference to Tirunelveli Town, is undertaken.
invested to produce accurate descriptive of various relevant From the above table, it is shown that the 18 percent of the re-
to the decision faced without demonstrating that some rela- spondents are strongly agreed, 30 percent of the respondents
tionship exist within variable. It is used to measure the be- are agreed the work of money, 32 percent of the respondents
havior variable of people of subject who are under the study. are moderately agreed, and 14 percent of the respondents
Questionnaire is the primary form of collecting data. are disagreed this.
STATISTICAL TOOLS From this, the total is 174 that is the rank values 3.48. So, the
1. Percentage Analysis maximum number of the respondents are agreed.
2. Likert Scale Method
Total 50 100 The above Table shows that the 36 percent of the respond-
ents are strongly agree the brand image, 48 percent of the
Source : Primary Data respondents are agreeing, 14 per cent of the respondents
are said that its normal and finally 2 per cent of the respond-
From the above Table, 1 percent of the respondents are ents are disagreeing the concept of brand image. So, the
Strongly Agreed with technical excellence. 44 percent of the maximum number of the respondents are strongly agree the
respondents are agreed. 32 per cent of the respondents are brand image of the vehicle.
moderately agreed.
From this, the total value 181 divided by 50 is 3.62. So, the BETTER MILEAGE
maximum number of the respondents are agreed the techni-
Status Number of Likert
cal excellence. Respondents Percentage Value Value Rank
TABLE – 2 Strongly 7 14 5 35 2
Agree 22 44 4 88 1
Status Number of Likert
Respondents Percentage Value Value Rank Neutral 11 22 3 33 3
Strongly 5 10 5 25 3 Disagree 6 12 2 12 4
Strongly 4 8 1 4 5
Agree 23 46 4 92 1 Disagree
Neutral 16 32 3 48 2 Total 50 100
Disagree 6 12 2 12 4 Source : Primary Data
Total 50 100
From the above table, it is shown that the 14 percent of the
Source : Primary Data respondents are strongly agree with Better Milege, 49 percent
of the respondents are agreed, 22 percent of the respondents
Table 2 shows that the 10 percent of the respondents are are said that its normal, 2 percent of the respondents are dis-
strongly agreed the customer service, but 46 percent of the agreeing and finally 8 percent of the respondents are strongly
respondents are agreed the services and the 32 percent of disagreed the Better Milege. So, the maximum number of the
the respondents are told that it’s normal. At the same time respondents are in the category of Neutral.
12 percent of the respondents are disagreed the customer
There are some suggestions for promoting the sales of Bajaj
TABLE 3 bikes. The following are suggestions made by the researcher.
VALUE FOR MONEY v As the customers feel that the employees are not sup-
porting and not providing proper services, the companies
Status Number of Likert
Respondents Percentage Value Value Rank should provide proper services and increasing the after
sales services activity. It will increase the sales.
Strongly 9 18 5 45 3 v More emphasis should be given to the promotional ele-
ments such as advertising through pamphlets etc.
Agree 15 30 4 60 1
Neutral 18 32 3 54 2 CONCLUSION
The researcher takes pleasure in presenting this report of the
Disagree 7 14 2 14 4 humble study that he has made. The researcher has full sat-
Strongly isfaction over the work that was done by him independently
Disagree 1 2 1 1 5 with the supervision of his Guide. The researcher has a feel-
Total 50 100 ing that at least some of his findings and suggestions may
be useful to increase the sales of Bajaj bikes and also they
Source : Primary Data promote their services so effectively in the days to come.
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