MK Ultra and Derivatives
MK Ultra and Derivatives
MK Ultra and Derivatives
MK Ultra and 50+ years of Derivatives from it.
Implants are placed in your body (in my case I was drugged prior) which can control everything from
your Pituitary Gland which controls your emotion to your Central Nervous System. These people claim it
is a system of “population control” and/or try to justify your enslavement and torture as an intelligence
organization and/or “army” – servitude. Our entire body runs on electricity with our body providing the
necessary “charge” to operate the implants. Most of our bodies are made of water which creates a
perfect antenna for manipulation. The Human Body has been dissected and understood in every
fathomable manner and can be manipulated accordingly. They can target any part of the body in
anyway – any of our bodies functions can be manipulated in anyway. They can impose the most
heinous of Evil while trying to eat food, cause sleep deprivation, and cause any body manipulation etc.
They can induce hypnosis while sleeping and use it induce dreams etc. They can impose obscene
euphoria which becomes pain (pain through pleasure) endorphins and otherwise. Implants can include
Camera's and Radios etc. Noise torture – white noise – repetitive soundtracks or voice etc. All implants
controlled via satellite. The Nano Technological Revolution has come and gone (50 years ago). Imagine
how fast technology compounds on itself ‐ we are talking about 50 years of precision design. These
implants are 3‐D printed for mere dollars.
These people have mastered torture "Touchless Torture". Emotions that Human beings should never
have to experience unless in life or death situations (utter despair and fear of impending death etc.) are
utilized in conjunction with radio and manipulating your central nervous system (literally controlling
your body. Think of “Dr.Ho” at any level from mild to full locked muscle groups (in my case non‐stop for
years on end) used in conjunction with the remainder of the implants (radio, pituitary). Complete
sensory overload – mastered torture. Human beings were only meant experience these emotions if their
lives were in imminent danger and then for only short instances – not sustained for any length of time
let alone for years on end via slavery and torture. These Evil diseased criminals in this intelligence
community have mastered torture and can make anyone do anything. This is how this mafia
(intelligence) community functions.
These people have created an entire social order – children are “volunteered” by “willing” parents (who
are slaves to this intelligence community – tantamount to the mafia).
This is not only the most Heinous Evil Fathomable (no Human Being should endure at any time), but
these criminals are intent on enslaving all of humanity.
Equally evil are the people with implants who do not realize they are in their bodies – who they
manipulate unbeknownst to those enslaved to meet their agendas and social order – literally farming
them ‐ an entire group of society who will never progress beyond any point that they do not want them
to and exploiting them financially (group dynamics in conjunction with emotions etc.). This entire
intelligence community of criminals operate Corporate America and the World and any senior
“leadership” position in literally anything in society. This ensures complete manipulation and control.
Whatever Evil applications can be dreamed up from utilizing all of this have been created and employed
by these monsters (committing atrocities) whether people understood/understand what was and is
happening or not.
This apparatus needs to be destroyed immediately, and legislated with America, Land of the Free
enforced. These criminals must be incarcerated for life and their organizations abolished. Democracy
‐Benjamin Allen Sullivan
MK Ultra some 38 years ago below and Congressional
Hearings. This technology has been developed and precision
refined for over 50 years. The Nano technological Revolution
is long over.
Ex‐CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan's book: Project
Soulcatcher Vol II; page 285: "I got to see what
they have been working on with enormous
ramifications to all social order, a new world order
of electronically controlled humans without their
consent or knowledge." ~Anonymous
Deep State Treason–NSA Whistleblower Karen
Stewart Reveals Massive Surveillance Abuse of
Innocent Americans, Civilians Worldwide Beyond
FISA Memo: #BIGGERthanReleaseTheMemo‐state‐treason‐nsa‐