SDC RFP 2017 18 11jan2018
SDC RFP 2017 18 11jan2018
SDC RFP 2017 18 11jan2018
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati – 781021
The brief scope of work and qualifying criteria for the prospective bidders are specified below:
I. Brief Scope of Work:
a. Schedule I - Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning Phase: The major
activities involved during this phase are:
i. Design
ii. Site Preparation & Strengthening
iii. Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Non IT equipment
iv. Supply, Installation and Commissioning of IT equipment
v. Acceptance testing and Commissioning
vi. Training
vii. Documentation
b. Schedule II – Operate and Maintain Phase: The activities involved in this phase are:
i. Basic Infrastructure Services
ii. Managed Services
iii. MIS Reports
iv. ISO 27001 ISMS Standards
v. ISO 20000 ITIL Standards
II. Procurement of bid documents:
The interested bidders who have downloaded the tender schedules containing the tender details,
terms and conditions from the website shall submit their tender on-line on the website, with proof of payment of non-refundable tender fee of Rs. 25000/-
as demand draft/Bankers Cheque drawn in favour of Assam Electronics Development
Corporation Ltd., from any nationalized/ Scheduled Bank and payable at Guwahati. The tender
fee in the form of DD shall be valid for 3 months.
The detailed Tender Document, once purchased, cannot be returned, resold, transferred, or
reassigned; and there shall not lay any claim on AMTRON for refund of tender fee, payment of
expenses incurred etc. and AMTRON shall not be responsible in any way for any damage, loss
etc., consequential or otherwise, to any purchaser of the said Document.
The bidder must affix a Court Fee Stamp of Rs. 100/- or more in the place provided on the original
Tender document.
The Bidder must possess the requisite experience, strength and capabilities in providing the
services necessary to meet the requirements as described in the RFP document. Keeping in
view the complexity & volume of the work involved, the following criteria are prescribed as pre-
qualification criteria for Bidder interested in undertaking the project. The Bidder must also
possess the technical know-how and the financial wherewithal that would be required to
successfully provide the Data Centre and support services sought by the State for the entire
period of the contract. The bids must be complete in all respect and should cover the entire
scope of work as stipulated in the tender document. The invitation to bid is open to all Bidders
who qualify the eligibility criteria as given below:
Definition of Consortium Partner:
Consortium shall mean more than one company which joins with other companies of
complementing skills to undertake the scope of work defined in this RFP. The consortium can
only be formed with the companies dealing in either one of the work stated below:
1. Data Centre Build-up project (NON –IT)
- Planning
- Designing
- Implementation
- Commissioning & Testing
IV. Submission of bids:
The tender should be submitted on-line as per date and time of submission as per prescribed
schedule as well as in hardcopies along with the original Demand Drafts/Bankers Cheque for
tender fee and Bank Gurantee for E.M.D. and the pre-qualification, technical bid in sealed
envelopes superscripting the tender details as prescribed in the relevant section of the RFP to
the office of the Managing Director, Assam Electronics Development Corporation Ltd.,
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan, Guwahati- 781021.
The various formats as presented for the Pre-qualification, Technical and Commercial
bids needs to be duly filled & signed by the bidders and further scanned & uploaded on
the e-tendering portal.
Request for Proposal
Appointment of an Agency for Design, Supply,
Installation, Configuration, Operations and
Maintenance of Physical and IT Infrastructure for
State Data Centre, Assam
Dtd. 11/01/2018
(Commercial Specifications and Bid Process)
Affix Court Fee Stamp of Rs. 100 or more here (purchased at Guwahati)
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
1.2 Issuer and Address for Bid Submission & Correspondence ........................... 12
4.2.5 ISO 20000 ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) Standard .............. 52
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
9.20 SIA’s Right to Vary Scope of Contract at the time of Award ....................... 100
9.21 SIA’s Right to Accept Any Bid and to reject any or All Bids ........................ 101
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
10.31 Limitation of the DCO’s Liability towards the SIA ...................................... 127
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
11.5 Format 5 – Declaration of Acceptance of Terms and Conditions in RFP .... 148
12.8 Format 8 – Deviations from Tender Terms & Conditions ........................... 195
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
12.10 Format 10: Statement of Deviation from Requirement Specifications ........ 197
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
The invitation to bid is for “Design, Site Preparation, Supply, Installation, Commissioning, and
Maintenance & Operations of the Assam State Data Centre for a period of five years and six
months from the date of contract signing or for a period of five years from the date of acceptance
of the Data Centre whichever is later”. The Bidders are advised to study the tender document
carefully. Submission of bids shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and
examination of the tender document with full understanding of its implications. Submission of bid
shall be through e-procurement portal along with the hard copies
of the bid document to be submitted at the address of correspondence mentioned in 1.2. For
details and subsequent communication you may also visit AMTRON website:
This section provides general information about the Issuer (i.e. Assam Electronics Development
Corporation Limited), important dates and addresses and the overall eligibility criteria for the
1.1 Issuer
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited (AMTRON – herein after referred to as SIA
(State Implementation Agency) invites proposals for “Design, Site Preparation, Supply,
Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance and Operations of the Assam State Data Centre as per
the scope of the bid”. The scope of work and requirement of the SIA for this project are specified
in Volume I of this RFP. Volume II furnishes the details of technical requirement for the project
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan
Guwahati - 781021, Assam, India
The Request for Proposal (RFP) document for Assam SDC project consists of two volumes viz.
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
AEDC/SDC/RFP/2017-18/001 dated
Notice Inviting Tender
Sale of tender 11/01/2018 to 20/02/2018
Rs. 50, 00,000/- in the form of Bank
Guarantee valid for 6 months from the date
of bid submission from a Nationalized /
Scheduled bank
Last date to send in requests for
24-01-2018, 11:00 PM
clarifications on the tender document
Response to the Pre-Bid Clarifications 06-02-2018
Last date for submission of bids 20-02-2018 till 2:00 pm
Opening of Pre-qualification bids 20-02-2018 at 3:00 pm
Presentation on technical bid by short-listed
To be notified.
To be notified later to the technically
Opening of commercial bids
qualified bidders.
To be intimated to the successful
Issue of Letter of Intent
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Interested Bidders may obtain complete set of bid document in soft copy format from portal The bidder needs to submit the non-refundable fee of Rs.
25,000/- (Rs. Twenty five Thousand Only) in form of a demand draft of any nationalized /
scheduled / commercial bank located in India, payable at Guwahati, drawn in favour of “Assam
Electronics Development Corporation Ltd, Guwahati” along with the hard copies of the bid
documents on the last day of submission of bid i.e. 20-02-2018. The tender fee in the form of DD
shall be valid for 3 months.
The detailed Tender Document, once purchased, cannot be returned, resold, transferred, or
reassigned; and there shall not lay any claim on AMTRON for refund of tender fee, payment
of expenses incurred etc. and AMTRON shall not be responsible in any way for any damage,
loss etc., consequential or otherwise, to any purchaser of the said Document.
The bidder must affix a Court Fee Stamp of Rs. 100/- or more (purchased at Guwahati) in the
place provided on the original Tender document.
AMTRON shall organize a Pre Bid Conference on the scheduled date and time in the conference
room of AMTRON. AMTRON may incorporate any changes in the RFP based on
acceptable suggestions received during the Pre Bid Conference. The decision of the
AMTRON regarding acceptability of any suggestion shall be final in this regard and
shall not be called upon to question under any circumstances. The prospective Bidders
are requested to submit their queries in softcopy by e-mail to as per the
format mention in Annexure 6. Any query sent by the prospective bidder after the pre-
bid shall not be accepted. In the meeting the decision would be taken. The responses will be
conveyed to all the prospective Bidders (by way of hosting amendments/ clarifications on the
website i.e. at in accordance with the respective clauses of the RFP within 5
working days of last date of submission of pre-bid queries. Only those prospective Bidders
who have purchased the bid document or submitted D.D. for the cost of bid
document shall be responded over e-mail and corrigendum will be published on the
website mentioned below. Query from OEMs will not be entertained directly. OEMs
may pass their queries through any of the prospective bidders.
At any time till 7 days before the deadline for submission of bids, the AMTRON may, for any
reason, whether at own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective
Bidder, modify the bidding document by amendment. All the amendments made in the document
would be published in the website of portal and
All such amendments shall be binding on all the Bidders. The Bidders are also advised to
visit the aforementioned website on regular basis for checking necessary updates.
AMTRON also reserves the rights to amend the dates mentioned in clause 1.4 of this volume for
bid process.
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Proposals for Assam SDC Project must be received at the address specified below not later than
dates specified in Section 1.4 of this volume.
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati-781021, Assam, India
Any proposal received by the SIA after the deadline for submission of proposals mentioned in
Section 1.4 above will be summarily rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. SIA shall not
be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt/ non-delivery of the documents. No further
correspondence on the subject will be entertained.
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Eligibility Criteria
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
The Bidder must possess the requisite experience, strength and capabilities in providing the
services necessary to meet the requirements as described in the RFP document. Keeping in view
the complexity & volume of the work involved, the following criteria are prescribed as pre-
qualification criteria for Bidder interested in undertaking the project. The Bidder must also
possess the technical know-how and the financial wherewithal that would be required to
successfully provide the Data Centre and support services sought by the State for the entire period
of the contract. The bids must be complete in all respect and should cover the entire scope of work
as stipulated in the tender document. The invitation to bid is open to all Bidders who qualify the
eligibility criteria as given below:
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Clause Documents required
2. 1. Memorandum of Understanding
In case of consortium applicant, (MOU)/agreement among the members
consortia shall submit a valid signed by the Authorized Signatories of the
Memorandum of Understanding companies dated prior to the submission of
(MOU)/agreement. the bid to be submitted in original.
2. The MoU/agreement shall clearly specify
the prime bidder, stake of each member and
outline the roles and responsibilities of each
The bidder (prime) should have a. Copy of work order / client certificates. For
commissioned and installed at least one IDC bidder, Notarized Certificate from
Data center project that meets all the Company Secretary confirming the order
6. value/cost.
below mentioned requirements during
the last Five (5) years, i.e.
2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 &
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Clause Documents required
2016-17: b. Certification
a. An Order Value (including IT and Non- (IDC bidder shall also submit customer work
IT but excluding basic building structure orders)
cost) of not less than Rs. 5 crores.
b. BS 7799 / ISO 27001 certification
• Bidders who have built their own
Internet Data Centre (IDC), for
commercial use will be considered.
The bidder (prime) should have positive Chartered Accountant certificate for Net-worth.
net worth of at least 25 crores and a Net-worth shall exclude any revaluation reserve.
9. turnover of more than Rs. 100 Crores for Copy of the audited profit and loss account of the
each of the last three financial years, i.e. company showing turnover of the company for
2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-17. last three years.
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Clause Documents required
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Clause Documents required
Systems (OS), and Databases, with
names and version details of the
supported OS and Databases, for a period
of 5 years, applicable from the date of
completion of FAT. In case the said
support is terminated for any reason
within the required support period for
SDC, the OEM shall provide a better
server/network device with no additional
Each Software OEM is required to submit
an undertaking, certifying its product to
be supported on the Server and
Databases/ OS, with names and version
details of the supported Server and
Databases/OS, for a period of 5 years
from the date of completion of FAT. In
case the said support is terminated for
any reason within the required support
period for SDC, the OEM shall provide a
new version of software as applicable,
with no additional cost.
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Clause Documents required
submission date, such Hardware shall
not be quoted. In case, on the quoted
Hardware, the support is withdrawn
subsequently, the bidder shall replace the
non-supported Hardware with a better
hardware, at no additional cost.
The bidder (prime) should have an office
in the state. However, if the local
presence is not there in the state, the Relevant Documents or Undertaking signed by
bidder should give an undertaking for the Authorized Signatory
establishment of an office, within two
months of award of the contract.
The bidder should submit an acceptance Declaration in this regard by the authorized
of Terms and Conditions contained in the signatory of the prime bidder should be
RFP document. attached. Refer to Section 8.5 of volume-I of this
The bidder should submit a copy of the Signed RFP copies (both volumes), and must
entire RFP document (both Volume I & have court fee stamps of value Rs. 100/-
18. Volume II) with every page signed by an or more affixed on the tender issue page
authorized signatory of the Bidder (Page no. 2).
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Note: In the event of a consortium, one of the partners shall be designated as a "Prime Bidder".
The bidder (prime) of the consortium shall be an Information Technology Company/ IT System
Integrator. Every member of the consortium shall be equally responsible and jointly liable for the
successful completion of the entire project.
In Consortium all the members shall be equally responsible to complete the project; however
prime bidder shall give an undertaking for successful completion of the project. In case of any
issues, prime bidder would be responsible for all the penalties.
A bidding company/ corporation cannot be a part of more than one Consortium. Any Member of
consortium cannot bid separately as a sole bidder. The bidder (all consortium partners) must have
Company registration certificate, Registration under labor laws & contract act, valid GSTIN
registration and Income Tax Return with Audit Report from CA. Bidder shall provide an attested
copy of all the above mentioned certificates along with this bid document.
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
Project Profile
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
The National e-Governance Program (NeGP), approved by the Government of India, aims to
significantly transform and improve the way the Government provides services to its citizens. It is
envisaged to move from a government-centric to a citizen-centric paradigm in service
provisioning; to start treating citizens as government customers; and to empower them to demand
convenient, cost effective and transparent services from the government.
NeGP comprises of several projects spread across a number of sectors which are to be
implemented either by the line ministries/departments at the central government or by state
governments, as well as integrated projects spanning across multiple
ministries/departments/agencies. To support implementation of the Mission Mode Projects
under NeGP and also to ensure adherence to common principles and policies towards realization
of the vision, NeGP has identified 3 core components, i,e., core infrastructure projects, including:
The proposed SDCs shall facilitate consolidation of services, applications and infrastructure. State
Data Centre would provide many functionalities and some of the key functionalities are Central
data repository, Secure Data Storage, Online Delivery of Services, Citizen Information/Services
Portal, State Intranet Portal, Disaster Recovery, Remote Management and Service Integration.
The State Data Centre will be a key-supporting element of e-Government Initiatives & businesses
for delivering services to the citizens with greater reliability, availability and serviceability. SDC
will provide better operations & management control and minimize overall cost of Data
Management, IT Management, Deployment and other costs.
State Data Centre will act as a mediator and convergence point between open unsecured public
domain and sensitive government environment. It will enable various State departments to host
their services/applications on a common infrastructure leading to ease of integration and efficient
management, ensuring that computing resources and the support connectivity infrastructure
(SWAN/NICNET) is adequately and optimally used. The SDC will be equipped to host / co-locate
systems (e.g. Web Servers, Application Servers, Database Servers, SAN, and NAS etc.) to host
applications at the SDC to use the centralized computing power. The centralized
computers/Servers will be used to host multiple applications. SDC will have high availability,
centralized authenticating system to authenticate the users to access their respective systems
depending on the authentication matrix.
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
In respect to the above, it is therefore, proposed to create a Assam State Data Centre (ASDC) for
the State to consolidate its services, applications and infrastructure to provide efficient electronic
delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B services. SDC infrastructure shall provide adequate space to house
ICT assets of various departments within the state in an environment that meets the need for
reliability, availability, scalability, security and interoperability.
ASDC will ensure provision of high availability & centralized authenticating system to
authenticate the users to access their respective applications depending on the authentication
The Government of Assam (GoA) has also made great progress in the implementation of their e
Governance applications. Some of the largest application implementations include Land Records
Computerization, Treasury Computerization, and Property Registration to name a few.
Following summarizes the broad project objectives of Assam State Data Centre:
• Design and Site Preparation of the Assam State Data Centre in terms of the civil, electrical
and mechanical work and all other necessary components required to build the Assam
State Data Centre in line with the SDC Guidelines.
• Supply, installation and setting up of the necessary Physical Infrastructure (State of the
Art UPS and Air-Conditioning System, Fire Detection and Control System, Diesel
Generator Units, Lighting system, Fire Detection and Control system, Power and Network
Cabling etc.).
• Supply, installation and setting up of the multi-layer Physical Security infrastructure like
bio-metric/Smart card etc. based access-control system, CCTV / surveillance systems.
• Establish effective and efficient Infrastructure monitoring & management practices to
ensure reliability, availability, quality of services and security of the Information systems
• Help departments to focus on addressing the issues in service delivery & administration
• Help in freeing the Departments from the problems relating to vendor management,
Infrastructure, Security and performance management to a competent Implementation
Partner identified for the entire State
• The SDC should be integrated with the Assam State Wide Area Network (ASWAN) for
providing access to the Information Systems hosted in the SDC to all the Stakeholders
across the State.
• The SDC will be used as a near DR for departments who are running their own Data
Centre. Based on the criticality Application based replication or data replication will be
done as per request from user departments.
• The Bidders should incorporate/adhere the Security and Interoperability Guidelines
issued by MeitY/NIC while preparing solution for Assam State Data Centre. These
guidelines can be downloaded with the RFP document from the website mentioned in Sec
2. SDC Services
It is envisaged that various Government departments would require Data Centre services either or
combination of the following services:
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
3. Envisaged Outcomes
• Reduced costs of Infrastructure creation, Monitoring, Management for State Data Centre
for Government of Assam and its Government Departments.
• Enhanced reliability & security of Information Systems through centralized management
of IT Infrastructure adopting the necessary measures and practices
➢ Dynamic Scalability
➢ Centralized and Simplified Management
➢ Improved quality of Data housekeeping
➢ Lower risk of data loss
➢ Higher availability of system and data - 24x7
➢ Better management of security & access control
➢ Guaranteed Service Levels
• Reduced administrative burden for Government of Assam & its departments by avoiding
necessity of vendor management, addressing the technical issues surrounding the IT
Infrastructure on a standalone basis by each department
• Efficient & effective management of Information Security related issues across the
Government locations
• Availability of ‘IT Infrastructure on Demand’ to the various departments & offices of
Assam Government
• Aggregation of IT Infrastructure (Hardware, Storage, Networking and Software) and
Management Resources
• Optimal Utilization by sharing of IT Infrastructure Resources to meet individual peak
• Standardization of Systems
• Improved Scalability
• Faster Implementation cycle times
• Stable and Predictable Physical and Technical Environment
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Volume I – Commercial Specifications and Bid Process
4. Application Details
Dedicated Hosting:
Co-located hosting:
1. SSDG And SP
2. E-District (Pilot)
4. Transport (Sarthi & Bahan)
5. Agriculture (NeGP-A)
Shared hosting:
** The hosting model may be changed after the build phase and will be decided after discussion
with various departments.
Application Details:
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Scope of Work
4 Section IV- Scope of Work
The minimum specified scope of work to be undertaken by the bidder for setting up and
operating ASDC is mentioned below. The selected bidder shall design the Data Centre to
ensure an uptime of 99.749% on a quarterly basis.
The selected bidder shall build, operate and maintain the SDC as per the scope and period of
the contract.
The minimum specified work to be undertaken by the bidder for setting up and operating
ASDC has been categorized as under:
• Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning Phase – Schedule I
• Operation and Maintenance Phase – Schedule II
Note: The bidders are requested to submit both the Schedule I and Schedule II in the same
bid which would be combined for evaluation purposes.
For detailed requirement specifications for each of the SDC components, refer Volume II,
Section I, Annexure I – Technical Requirements.
The broad scope of work during this phase will include the following, but is not limited to:
➢ All Non-IT and IT Components as specified in the BoM in the RFP document,
as well as all infrastructure to be brought by the DCO for the smooth running
of the Assam SDC
• No Products supplied under the RFP should be end of life at the time of bid
submission deadline. No IT equipment model should have been introduced in the
market not later than 2 years back as on date of the bid submission deadline.
• Commissioning & Acceptance Testing shall involve the completion of the Data Centre
site preparation, supply and installation of the required components and making the
Data Centre available to AMTRON for carrying out live Operations and getting the
acceptance of the same from AMTRON.
• Acceptance testing shall be carried out before the commencement of Live Operations.
The Data Centre would be tested for the following parameters:
➢ Electrical Requirements
➢ Cooling & Environmental Control
➢ Fire Detection, Prevention & Suppression requirements
➢ Surveillance & Physical Security
➢ LAN Passive Components
➢ IT Security
➢ Successful hosting/ collocation of at least one departmental application.
• Training of personnel
• All documentation generated during design, installation and commissioning phase
shall always be made available to AMTRON on request
The proposed SDC site is on the Assam Secretariat, Behind Block C, Dispur, Assam, which is
in an already constructed building. Detailed scope of work for each of the above mentioned
components is given below:
4.1.1 Design
The selected bidder shall design the Data Centre in line with minimum requirements as laid
out in TIA 942 specifications for Tier II Data center wherever possible. The design should
ensure an uptime of 99.749% on a quarterly basis. Some of the key considerations for
designing the SDC are given below:
b. Access Control system Layout
c. False ceiling Layout (wherever applicable)
d. Electrical layout ( Including in row cooling / PAC and other
e. Lighting Layout
f. Loose furniture details
g. Fixed furniture details
h. Civil addition and alteration details
i. Internal/ sectional elevation
j. Cabling Layout
k. CCTV Layout
l. Rodent Repellent Layout
m. Fire Extinguisher Layout( including manual switches)
n. Water Leak Detection System layout
o. False Flooring (wherever applicable)
p. Other drawings as required by the State.
AMTRON shall provide the necessary minimum constructed space for locating the SDC.
Selected bidder shall arrange for necessary clearances which shall enable them to undertake
civil & interiors, electrical, and mechanical works including false ceiling, partitioning,
installation of electrical component, cable laying etc. at the SDC site. AMTRON shall support
and facilitate the DCO in obtaining the clearances. On the basis of design parameter provided
by Assam PWD, the site is suitable for setting up an SDC with the requisite load bearing
capacity, DCO will confirm from AMTRON regarding the details of structural loads to ensure
floor loading capacity (superimposed live load) of minimum 1000 kg / sq. m.
Assam State falls in Seismic Zone – 5. The site is suitable for setting up of SDC with the
requisite load bearing capacity.
The bidders are free to inspect the site prior to submitting their proposals. In case of non-
conformance due to the unavoidable building constraints, the State and the DCO shall agree
mutually on alternate arrangements.
The selected bidder shall procure and supply all Non IT components. The selected bidder
would be required to undertake all the necessary civil & interiors, electrical, plumbing and
mechanical works including false ceiling/flooring, partitioning, installation of electrical
component, cable laying etc. and other infrastructure or services to create the Non- IT/
Physical Infrastructure.
Installation shall mean to install and configure / integrate every component and subsystem
component, required for functioning of the State Data Centre.
Based on generic solution design, minimum capacities and specifications for the components
have been worked out and described in Volume II of the RFP. However, these are only bare
minimum requirements and the Bidder is at liberty to suggest better solutions to meet the
overall SLA requirements.
The selected bidder shall procure and supply all IT (Active and Passive) components. The
selected bidder would be required to undertake all the necessary works related to installation
of all the components.
Installation shall mean to install and configure / integrate every component and subsystem
component, required for functioning of the State Data Centre
Based on generic solution design, minimum capacities and specifications for the components
have been worked out and described in Volume II of the RFP. However, these are only bare
minimum requirements and the Bidder is at liberty to suggest better solutions to meet the
overall SLA requirements
All Non-IT and IT Components as specified in the BoM in the RFP document, as
well as all infrastructures are to be brought by the DCO for the smooth running
of the Assam SDC.
The DCO would be required to submit a detailed Final Acceptance Test (FAT) Plan while the
installation of both IT & Non-IT components of the ASDC is in progress. This Test Plan would
include all test cases, test scenarios, etc.
AMTRON shall review the detailed final acceptance test plan (FAT) in consultation with the
State SDC Consultant.
AMTRON would also conduct audit of the process, plan and results of the Acceptance Test
carried out by the Data Centre Operator. AMTRON would issue certification of completion for
which AMTRON shall verify availability of all the defined services as per the contract signed
between the DCO and AMTRON. The DCO shall be required to demonstrate all the services /
features / functionalities as mentioned in the agreement.
Commissioning shall involve the completion of the ASDC site preparation, supply and
installation of the required components and making the Data Centre available to AMTRON
for carrying out live Operations and getting the acceptance of the same from AMTRON.
Testing and Commissioning shall be carried out before the commencement of Operations.
Prerequisite for Carrying out FAT activity:
• Detailed test plan shall be defined by DCO. This shall be submitted by DCO to
AMTRON while the IT & Non-IT installation is in progress.
• During implementation, bidder is requested to complete the Non-IT infrastructure
first and submit the test plan for Non-IT infrastructure. Once Consultant clears the
PAT for Non-IT components, bidder will deliver the IT components and start
implementing the same.
• All documentation related to ASDC and relevant acceptance test document (including
IT Components, Non IT Components etc.) should be completed & submitted before
the final acceptance test to AMTRON.
• The training requirements as mentioned should be completed before the final
acceptance test.
• Successful hosting of at least one departmental application. It is proposed to host
“Assam State Portal” in the ASDC for this FAT purpose. For details please refer
section 3.2, Point D.
• For both IT & Non-IT equipment’s / software manuals / brochures / Data Sheets / CD
/ DVD / media for all the ASDC supplied components should be submitted to
4.1.6 Training
After installation and commissioning has been completed, the selected bidder shall provide
training to a batch of maximum 20 people for 20 days at the SDC premise covering SDC
Implementation, operations & management and other aspects or as decided by the State
Government. All the required training material will be provided to the participants by
successful bidder. The training shall cover both IT and Non-IT components involved in the
buildup of SDC and shall be provided by Certified Professionals. All the training material will
be provided by the DCO, 4-5 days in advance before the training is commenced.
The training, in addition to the topics mentioned in the table below, shall cover the following
important technical areas:
• Database and Network Administration
• Security Policy and Issues
4.1.7 Documentation
The Successful bidder shall document all the installation and commissioning procedures and
provide the same to AMTRON within one week of the commissioning of data center. The
Successful bidder shall submit a complete cabling system layout (As installed), including cable
routing, telecommunication closets and telecommunication outlet/ connector designations.
The layout shall detail locations of all equipment and indicate all wiring pathways.
This documentation should be submitted as the project undergoes various stages of
Indicative list of documents include:
• Project Commencement: Project Plan in Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
format giving out micro level activities with milestones & deadlines
• Delivery of Material: Original Manuals from OEMs.
• Training: Training Material will be provided which will include the presentations
used for trainings and also the required relevant documents for the topics being
• Process Documentation: The bidder shall be responsible for preparing process
documentation related to the operation and maintenance of each and every
component of the SDC. The prepared process document shall be formally signed off
by AMTRON before completion of final acceptance test.
a. The selected bidder shall document all the installation and commissioning
procedures and provide the same to AMTRON within one week of the
commissioning of SDC.
b. The selected bidder shall submit a complete set of Floor Layout Drawings,
BMS components, Single Line diagram, a complete cabling system layout (as
installed), including cable routing, telecommunication closets and
telecommunication outlet/ connector designations. The layout shall detail
locations of all components and indicate all wiring pathways.
c. It is the responsibility of the DCO that the certification for 27001 and 20000
should be in valid condition, at the time of exit of DCO after O&M period of 5
years. As per the ISO 20000 Standards, the DCO has to do the
documentation. Manuals for configuring of switches, routers, firewall, IPS
etc., including documentation of the configurations done for the components
installed in the ASDC, shall be provided by the DCO.
The selected bidder shall be responsible for documenting configuration of all devices and
keeping back up of all configuration files, so as to enable quick recovery in case of failure of
Definition of Models
• Dedicated Services: In this model, state departments will host their application
on the ASDC servers purchased under ASDC project.
• Co-located: In this model, State department will transfer the entire application
infrastructure at ASDC
Application for FAT
Successful hosting of at least one departmental application initially required for FAT purpose.
AMTRON/Information Technology Department, Government of Assam has identified the
application Assam State Portal.
DCO will require to co-ordinate with application owner / AMTRON and get the necessary
infrastructure for hosting the application.
Subsequent Applications
1. Once the O&M period of the ASDC is initiated, the details of which are mentioned in
Section 4.1.5 - Final Acceptance Testing, the DCO has to provide the required support
in terms of hosting the application at ASDC. More applications would be added to the
Assam SDC during the project O&M period, and the DCO is required to support the
2. DCO would also be required to continuously monitor the departmental applications
in terms of availability and performance.
3. Monitor components, including but not limited to, Application servers, Web Servers,
Middleware and other application servers on an ongoing basis to ensure smooth
functioning of the applications so that services can be offered to the citizens as well as
state government employees.
4. SIA and CT will examine the Application/ infrastructure for hosting it in SDC and
accordingly will provide guidance to the DCO to act on it.
5. For any server/ IT Infrastructure to be hosted in the Assam SDC it is the
responsibility of the DCO to do performance and heath monitoring of any server, if
desired by the SIA / CT. DCO will have to arrange for the required number of licenses
for the same.
Any delay by the DCO in the Final Acceptance Testing shall render the Bidder liable to the
imposition of appropriate Penalties. In the event the DCO is not able to complete the
installation due to non-availability of bandwidth from the bandwidth service providers, the
DCO and AMTRON may mutually agree to redefine the Network so that the Bidder can
complete installation and conduct the Final Acceptance Test within the specified time.
Key Considerations
The DCO shall be responsible for end-to-end implementation and shall quote and provide/
supply any items not included in the bill of materials but required for commissioning of the
network. Quotes for such items shall also be used for the purpose of Financial Bid evaluation.
Tendering authority shall not pay for any such items, which have not been quoted by the
bidder in the bid but are required for successful completion of the overall project Equipment
for which pricing has been provided in the bid, additional quantities can be later on bought by
SIA at unit price provided in bid.
Some of the key considerations for designing the SDC have been covered in the following:
a. Scalability
All components of the ASDC must support scalability to provide continuous growth to meet
the requirements and demand of various departments. A scalable system is one that can
handle increasing numbers of requests without adversely affecting the response time and
throughput of the system. The ASDC should support both vertical (the growth of
computational power within one operating environment) and horizontal scalability
(leveraging multiple systems to work together on a common problem in parallel).
All the additional hardware & software required i.e. Racks, Storage, Licenses etc. would be
procured from the State funds by the State & would be maintained by the DCO. AMTRON
shall be responsible for the procurement of additional hardware & software at its own cost.
However the DCO would extend support for the same as a part of operation & maintenance of
the State Data Centre.
DCO shall be responsible for the operation & maintenance of additional hardware.
1. In future, if any new additional hardware or software is procured by the State under
warranty, which will be hosted in the State Data Centre and DCO is required to maintain
the SLA for the same, O&M charges will be 1.0 % per Qtr of respective Hardware and
Software CAPEX cost. Accordingly, maintaining the SLA for the respective hardware
and/or software will be the responsibility of the DCO
2. In future, if any new additional hardware or software is procured by the State, not under
warranty, which will be hosted in the State Data Centre, O&M charges will be 3.0 % per
Qtr of respective Hardware and Software CAPEX cost. Accordingly, maintaining the SLAs
for the respective hardware or software will be the responsibility of the DCO
3. For all the hosting models, free of cost power, space for cooling and monitoring will be
available at the SDC
4. The DCO will not be entitled for any additional payment, if the infrastructure is brought
in by Govt. department and its associated entities in collocation and SLA for the same
infrastructure is not required from DCO
5. However DCO will be responsible to provide the Data Center facilities procured as scope
of this RFP and shall be responsible for providing applicable facility management.
EMS tools deployed for the State Data Centre shall have the ability to manage the entire IT
infrastructure proposed by the bidder as part of the SDC scheme and proposed cloud for the
SDC. The bidder is required to provide sufficient licenses to meet the above mentioned
requirement. The monitoring & management of the entire ASDC infrastructure is the
responsibility of the DCO and the DCO would provide adequate licenses for the monitoring &
management components to be brought in the ASDC. All costs for the same should be
factored by the DCO later based on the unit price discovered during financial evaluation of the
Bid and AMTRON will bear the additional cost (if any) on actual basis.
For ITIL 2011 based Helpdesk System, the bidder should support 2 concurrent helpdesk
analyst users at the same time.
b. Availability
All the components of the ASDC must provide adequate redundancy to ensure high
availability of the applications and the Data Centre services. Designing for availability
assumes that systems will fail, and therefore the systems are configured to mask and recover
from component or server failures with minimum application outage.
c. Interoperability
The entire system/subsystem should be interoperable, in order to support information flow
and integration. Operating systems, database and storage technologies from several vendors
must interact well with each other. These systems should support the open architecture
solutions such as XML, LDAP, SOAP, etc. where information/data can be ported to any
system, whenever desired. The system should adhere to the Interoperability Framework for e-
Governance evolved by MeitY.
d. Security
The ASDC shall be designed for an end-to-end security blanket to protect applications,
services, data and the infrastructure from malicious attacks or theft from external (through
internet) and internal (through intranet) hackers. Using security appliances, Firewalls which
will be having IPS capability built-in and having anti-malware, spyware, URL content filtering
etc., such attacks and theft should be controlled and well supported (and implemented) with
the security policy. ASDC should be designed to make use of the SSL/VPN technologies to
have secured communication between Applications and its end users. Furthermore, all the
system logs should be properly stored & archived for future analysis and forensics whenever
e. Manageability
The SDC must be designed in an efficient way to ensure an ease in maintenance. It must
facilitate ease of configuration, ongoing health monitoring, and failure detection that are vital
to the goals of scalability, availability, and security. The SDC shall be designed to match the
growth of the environment including IT Infrastructure, Government data & information, etc.
f. Integration of SDC with SWAN
Another most important aspect which should be taken care while designing the SDC is about
seamless integration with SWAN. Provisioning of connectivity between the SDC and SWAN
shall be the responsibility of AMTRON such as laying of OFC, Cabling, etc. However the DCO
should be responsible for integrating SDC with SWAN within the available infrastructure.
Location of SWAN SHQ is presently in the Assam Secretariat Complex, but it will eventually
be moved to the same building as the SDC.
g. IPv6
All the hardware and software (including but not limited to all the routers, switches, firewall,
servers, and operating systems) supplied under this tender shall be IPv6 ready from day
one. The performance as specified in the specification of each component in the RFP is for
IPv6. These components should also be ready to work on IPv4 whenever required.
The entire infrastructure should be configured & operational in IPv6 & IPv4 from day one i.e.
in Dual Stack mode.
An assessment of the storage requirement for the entire SDC environment should also be
taken into consideration. This would be based on the number of applications, their database
structure, users and transactions volume. DCO should design the storage solution keeping in
mind the relevant requirement and its usage in line with SDC’s objective. The storage system
should be scalable enough to handle future requirements. The DCO should also adopt detailed
system and Data back-up processes and methodologies, using industry standard tools to
provide long term storage and archival solution.
Cloud Services
The proposed Cloud solution should be capable of providing Infrastructure and Platform as a
service to various line departments within the State (Private Cloud). It should possess the
following capabilities:
While we are moving towards Cloud based service approach, it is also very much essential that
the security requirements are addressed adequately.
The solution should be capable of enabling automatic scale-up and scale-down of services
hosted in the cloud based on user demand or other factors, should ease Infrastructure
Management, Application Management and should be able to consolidate resources, should
be agnostic to the underlying hardware, storage, network, operating system, and hypervisor,
should be interoperable across multiple enclosures.
The scope of work for the Operations phase can be categorized under three service categories
as depicted in the figure below. Basic Infrastructure Services are mandatory services to be
provided by the DCO to ensure seamless SDC operations. User Departments shall have an
option to choose among the services listed under the Managed Services and Application
related Services as per their specific requirements
• DCO and AMTRON should agree upon the contractual period & service levels for
providing the necessary services.
• Servers, necessary OS & other software, Database Licenses and other infrastructure
over and above the BoM provided in this RFP, necessary for hosting future
application(s) would be provided by AMTRON.
Following services shall be provided by the DCO under the basic infrastructure services:
• Ensure availability of the SDC infrastructure (both physical and IT) including but not
limited to Power, Cooling, CCTV, Access Control, VESDA, Racks, Firewall, Storage
and other peripheral equipment installed at the time of SDC commissioning.
• Provision the rack-space / VMs for the User Departments to host their application
infrastructure (application, databases etc.)
• Facilitate hosting of departmental application infrastructure at the SDC:
➢ Provide rack-space.
➢ Provide power & cooling requirements up to the servers and associated
➢ Provide testing / staging infrastructure for testing the application
infrastructure before hosting on the racks.
➢ Ensure availability of the other peripheral infrastructure such as CCTV,
VESDA, SAN, network etc.
➢ Provide internet connectivity and ensure connectivity with SWAN.
• Ensure scalability in terms of availability of physical space, racks and supporting
• Provide physical space for seating departmental staff at the SDC. This arrangement
needs to be worked out in discussion with the State and the DCO. This will also
depend upon the space available at the SDC.
• Provide access card activation service for access to the server farm area in
consultation with the respective user departments.
• Provide locked server cabinets for storage, with CCTV surveillance and hand key
biometric access to all areas.
• Proactive and reactive maintenance, repair and replacement of defective components
(physical and other peripheral IT infrastructure) installed at the Data center through
this RFP. The cost for repair and replacement shall be borne by the DCO.
• Any component (Physical & IT installed at the time of SDC commissioning) that is
reported to be faulty / non-functional on a given date should be either fully repaired
or replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent configuration) within the time
frame agreed upon in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
• Proactive monitoring of the entire basic infrastructure installed at the SDC through
building management - system
• DCO shall maintain records of the maintenance of the basic infrastructure and shall
maintain a logbook on-site that may be inspected by the State at any time.
• Integration testing is essential to ensure that the application to be deployed does not
disrupt the SDC operations and affect other SDC infrastructure in terms of
performance and security. The technical tasks to be carried out shall be as follows:
• Functional Testing: Ensuring that the application functionality as described by the
department works adequately on the SDC environment. The definition and review of
the parameters for functional testing shall be the responsibility of the concerned
• Performance Testing: Ensuring that the application meets expressed performance
requirements on the SDC servers by using performance test tools and performance
monitoring tools. The definition and review of the parameters for performance testing
shall be the responsibility of the DCO and the Composite Team respectively.
• Security Testing: Testing for exploitable application security weaknesses that
undermine the application security or the security of the infrastructure. The
definition and review of the parameters for security testing shall be the responsibility
of the DCO and the Composite Team respectively.
4.3 Change Management
The security requirements of Data Centre and infrastructure are challenging and growing
increasingly. Visitors shall be screened, registered, signed in quickly and allowed to visit only
the relevant areas via integration with access control areas via integration with access control
devices. These challenges of the visitor management and lobby management activities are
seamlessly and efficiently managed by Visitor Management System.
The activities shall include:
• Provision for storage and use of computerized photo of the visitors
• Each pass has necessary details of the visitor
• List of visitors inside the premises, whenever, required
• Extensive query support
• Duration of stay of each visitors
• Give details of all visitors visited in the past without delays
• Details of visitors vehicles like type and registration number
• Data backup facility
• Data is stored using latest compression techniques
• Data should be available as per backup policy of the state
DCO shall provide installation and configuration support for the application infrastructure to
be hosted by User Departments. This service shall be availed by Departments based on their
specific requirements. It shall not include application deployment, tuning or any other
application related work. The activities shall include:
a. DCO shall undertake pre-installation planning at the State Data Centre including but not
limited to Rack planning, structured cabling, SAN cabling, power points, etc.
b. DCO shall be responsible for the commissioning of the storage, network & security
components and related basic infrastructure at the SDC. DCO shall be responsible for
facilitating backup services for applications (configuration and data files or full backup of
application servers, database instances etc.).
c. DCO shall carry out the planning and layout design for the placement of equipment in the
SDC. The plan and layout design should be developed in a manner so as to optimally and
efficiently use the resources and facilities being provisioned at the SDC.
d. The plan and design documents thus developed shall be submitted to the user
departments for approval and the acceptance would be obtained prior to commencement
of installation.
e. All the servers including EMS and other management servers shall be installed in high
availability mode. Bidder to propose additional servers required to maintain the high
availability of proposed solution.
The objective of this service is to ensure continuous operation and upkeep of the LAN & WAN
infrastructure at the SDC including all active and passive components. The scope excludes
maintenance of WAN links, which shall be the responsibility of SWAN
Implementation Agency. However, for overall functioning of the data center,
the selected bidder shall be responsible to coordinate with SWAN team for WAN
link related issues for integration between SDC & SWAN.
The services to be provided for Network Management include:
• Ensuring that the network is available 24x7x365 as per the prescribed SLAs
• Attending to and resolving network failures and snags
• Support and maintain the overall network infrastructure including but not limited to
LAN passive components, routers, switches etc.
• Configuration and backup of network devices including documentation of all
• 24x7x365 monitoring of the network to spot the problems immediately.
• Provide information on performance of Ethernet segments, including capacity utilization
and error statistics for the segment and the top-contributing hosts, WAN links and
4.8 Physical Infrastructure Management and Maintenance Services
All the devices that will be installed in the Data Centre as part of the physical infrastructure
should be SNMP enabled/manageable with BMS and shall be centrally and remotely
monitored and managed on a 24 x 7 x 365 basis. Industry leading infrastructure management
solution should be deployed to facilitate monitoring and management of the Data Centre
Infrastructure on one integrated console. The physical infrastructure management and
maintenance services shall include:
• Proactive and reactive maintenance, repair and replacement of defective components (IT
and Non-IT/ Hardware and Software). The cost for repair and replacement shall be borne
by the selected bidder.
• The selected bidder shall have to stock and provide adequate onsite and offsite spare parts
and spare component to ensure that the uptime commitment as per SLA is met. To
provide this service it is important for the selected bidder to have back to back
arrangement with the OEMs. The selected bidder needs to provide a copy of the service
level agreement signed with the respective OEMs.
• Component that is reported to be down on a given date should be either fully repaired or
replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent configuration) within the time frame
indicated in the Service Level Agreement (SLA). In case the selected bidder fails to meet
the above standards of maintenance, there will be a penalty as specified in the SLA.
• The selected bidder shall also maintain records of all maintenance of the system and shall
maintain a logbook on-site that may be inspected by AMTRON/IT department at any
DCO shall track software usage throughout the IT setup so as to effectively manage the risk of
unauthorized usage or under-licensing of software installed at the SDC. This may be carried
out through the use of standard license metering tools.
All licenses (IT and non-IT) under the scope of this project shall be procured by the DCO in
the name of the SIA, i.e. AMTRON, for the duration as mentioned. The ownership of all
licenses shall lie with AMTRON at all times.
Managed Services shall include a range of services related to the IT infrastructure at the data
center. These services shall not involve any application related work. Following services shall
form a part of managed services:
Database Administration &
4.10 Monitoring and Management Management Services
Server Monitoring, Administration &
Management Services
The DCO shall provide monitoring and
management services for an agreed service Backup & Restore Services
window during the agreed contractual period
from the date of final acceptance test. The scope Storage Administration &
of the services for overall Physical and IT Management Services
infrastructure management during this period
shall include Monitoring, Administration and Security Administration Services
It should be noted that migration of applications to the Data Centre would be the
responsibility of the user department and the DCO would only facilitate the
migration of application.
➢ Setting up of firewalls and authorization systems
➢ Performing periodic backup of data and automating reporting tasks
➢ Executing hardware and software updates when necessary.
6 Database Administration & Management Services
will be responsible for all backup of the data stored on the SAN as well as servers,
brought under this RFP. For any other backup activity related to user department, the
media is the responsibility of the user department. Backup activity will be facilitated
by DCO).
The activities to be carried out under security administration shall include but is not limited
• The DCO shall be responsible for the security audit of the Data Centre to be carried
out by a certified agency other than the successful bidder.
• Addressing the ongoing needs of security management including, but not limited to,
monitoring of various devices / tools such as firewall, intrusion detection, content
filtering and blocking, virus protection, and vulnerability protection through
implementation of proper patches and rules.
• Root domain administration by creating the root and sub-domains and setting the
root level security policies such as authentication mechanisms (single/multi factor),
password policies such as password length, password complexity, password expiry,
account lockout policy, certificate policies, IPSEC policies etc.
• Maintaining an updated knowledge base of all the published security vulnerabilities
and virus threats for related software and microcode etc.
• Ensuring that patches / workarounds for identified vulnerabilities are patched /
blocked immediately.
• Respond to security breaches or other security incidents and coordinate with
respective OEM in case of a new threat is observed to ensure that workaround / patch
is made available for the same.
• Provide a well-designed access management system, security of physical and digital
assets, data and network security, backup and recovery etc.
• Maintenance and management of security devices, including, but not limited to
maintaining firewall services to restrict network protocols and traffic, detecting
intrusions or unauthorized access to networks, systems, services, applications or data,
protecting email gateways, firewalls, servers, from viruses.
• Ensuring that the security policy is maintained and updates to the same are made
regularly as per ISO 27001, / BS 7799 and BS 15000, ISO 20000 guidelines
• Maintenance activity after obtaining the certification is the responsibility of the DCO.
Also, the DCO has to submit a report within a week of completion of the maintenance
activity as defined in the certification, failing which the subsequent QGRs will be
• Operating system hardening through appropriate configuration and patch updates.
• Periodic reviews of domain level rights and privileges.
7.3 Help Desk Services
The help desk service will serve as a single point of contact for all incidents and service
requests at the SDC. The service will provide a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and also
escalation / closure of incidents for the user departments whose infrastructure is hosted at the
data center. The activities shall include but is not limited to:
• Provide Help Desk facility during agreed service period window for reporting user
department incidents / issues / problems with the IT infrastructure.
• Provide necessary channels for reporting issues to the help desk. The incident
reporting channels could be the following:
➢ Specific/Common E-Mail account (Box id)
➢ Telephone Line
➢ Portal
• Implement a call logging system in line with the severity levels as per the SLAs. The
Help desk shall log user calls related to SDC infrastructure and assign an incident/
call ID number. Severity shall be assigned to each call as per the SLAs.
• Creation of knowledge base on frequently asked questions to assist user departments
in resolving basic issues themselves
• Track each incident / call to resolution
• Provide feedback to callers.
• Analyze the call statistics
• Creation of knowledge base on frequently asked questions to aid users.
• Continuous monitoring of the physical as well as the IT infrastructure at the SDC to
ensure availability as per agreed SLAs.
• Monitoring shall be done with the help of BMS and EMS monitoring tools and system
logs/counters and therefore the reports and alerts can be auto-generated.
• Escalate the calls, to the appropriate levels, if necessary as per the escalation matrix
agreed between the DCO and the user department. The escalation matrix shall be
developed by the DCO in discussion with the State.
• Coordinate with respective vendors for closure of calls.
• Analyze the incident / call statistics and provide monthly reports including but not
limited to:
➢ Type of incidents / calls logged
➢ Incidents / calls resolved
➢ Incidents / calls open
DCO shall submit the reports on a regular basis in a mutually decided format. The following is
only an indicative list of MIS reports that may be submitted to the State:
a. Daily reports
➢ Summary of issues / complaints logged at the Help Desk
➢ Summary of resolved, unresolved and escalated issues / complaints
➢ Summary of resolved, unresolved and escalated issues / complaints to vendors.
➢ Log of backup and restoration undertaken.
b. Weekly Reports
➢ Issues / Complaints Analysis report for virus calls, call trend, call history, etc.
➢ Summary of systems rebooted.
➢ Summary of issues / complaints logged with the OEMs.
➢ Inventory of spare parts in the SDC.
➢ Summary of changes undertaken in the Data Centre including major changes like
configuration changes, patch upgrades, database reorganization, storage
reorganization, etc. and minor changes like log truncation, volume expansion, user
creation, user password reset, etc.
c. Monthly reports
➢ Component wise physical as well as IT infrastructure availability and resource
➢ Consolidated SLA / (non)- conformance report.
➢ Summary of component wise Data Centre uptime.
➢ Summary of changes in the Data Centre.
➢ Log of preventive / scheduled maintenance undertaken
➢ Log of break-fix maintenance undertaken
d. Quarterly Reports
➢ Consolidated component-wise physical and IT infrastructure availability and resource
e. Half- yearly Reports
➢ Data Centre Security Audit Report
➢ IT infrastructure Upgrade / Obsolescence Report
f. Incident Reporting
➢ Detection of security vulnerability with the available solutions / workarounds for
➢ Hacker attacks, Virus attacks, unauthorized access, security threats, etc. – with root
cause analysis and plan to fix the problems.
➢ Software license violations
Bidders are required to submit the ISO 27001 (ISMS) implementation cum certification plan
as part of their technical proposal. This plan should be comprehensive enough and will
include the milestones, description, timelines etc.
DCO have to ensure to establish Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model for the ISMS, DCO would
be responsible for establishing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving
the Information Security Management System (ISMS) at the ASDC.
For the purpose DCO shall implement ISO/IEC 27001 standard and get certification from the
certification body such as STQC, BSI, DNV, BVQi, etc. As well as DCO would be also
responsible for successfully carrying out surveillance Audit and closer of Non conformities as
per requirement of Certification body DCO have to take consent of AMTRON in case of any
changes required in policy manual or documentation or in forming of Information security
organization or as required.
DCO has to plan and implement data center as per ISO/IEC 27001 standard. DCO would be
responsible to apply, obtain and maintain the ISO 27001 certification for the project duration.
The cost incurred for obtaining and maintaining the certification shall be borne by the DCO.
The technology solution should comply with ISO27001 standards and the DCO has to get the
certificate of the same within second quarters from the date of start of successful operations of
the Data Centre. Subsequently periodic surveillance audits must be carried out. The
Surveillance audit will be carried by the DCO as appointed by AMTRON & the cost of the
surveillance audit would be borne by DCO.
The ISO 27001 certification would be obtained by the DCO latest by end of second Quarter of
the Operations phase failing which the subsequent QGRs will deferred till the certifications is
Maintenance activity after obtaining the certification is the responsibility of the DCO. Also,
the DCO has to submit a report within a week of completion of the maintenance activity as
defined in the certification, failing which the subsequent QGRs will be deferred.
Bidders are required to submit the ISO 20000 (ITSM/ITIL) implementation cum certification
plan as part of their technical proposal. This plan should be comprehensive enough and will
include the milestones, description, timelines etc.
ISO/IEC 20000 adoption in ASDC infrastructure helps in ascertaining that the Services
delivered to SIA/ User Departments by the DCO are:
➢ As per the agreed Service levels
➢ Professionally managed with domain expertise
➢ Project Risks are well understood and managed
DCO shall be responsible to implement ISO/IEC 20000 standard which shall promote the
adoption of an integrated process approach to effectively deliver managed services to meet the
SDC, AMTRON and User Departments. If the DCO is not able to obtain certifications by the
end of the 2nd quarter of the operation phase of the project, all the subsequent QGR
will be deferred.
DCO has to plan and implement data center as per ISO/IEC 20000 standard. DCO should be
made responsible to apply, obtain and maintain the ISO 20000 certification for the project
duration. The cost incurred for obtaining and maintaining the certification shall be borne by
the DCO.
The Surveillance audit will be carried by the DCO & the cost of the surveillance audit would be
borne by DCO.
4.3 Roles and Responsibilities
The roles of the stakeholders shall change over a period of time as the project will evolve from
design to implementation and enter the operations phase. With this background,
stakeholders’ responsibilities, illustrative organizational structure for the design &
implementation phase, operational phase is given below:
Below mentioned Table 1 summarizes the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved
in the project.
Table 1: Summary of Roles and Responsibilities of stakeholders
S. No Activity
Implementation Phase
5 Site Strengthening Y Y
Preparation of Backup, Y Y Y
Security policy, business
continuity plan and other
Policy documents
Provisioning of Raw Y Y
Power (2 numbers of 750
kVA transformer for Raw
Power would be provided
by the State along with
the separate power meter
for ASDC).
Though SIA shall
7 provision for raw power
(e.g. through
transformer), DCO shall
be responsible for
provisioning of power
from transformer to the
SDC. It will also include
commissioning of related
electrical cabling,
electrical panels and
S. No Activity
equipment including
separate power meter for
measurements which
shall be in the name of
Requirement analysis, Y
8 sizing and capacity
planning for SDC
Finalizing the Y Y Y Y
requirements with
respect to physical and IT
needs and come out with
functional requirement
12 Contract signing Y Y
Provisioning of internet Y Y
(Provisioning of internet
14 bandwidth will be the
State government
responsibility. DCO will
only liaison with the
Connectivity to SWAN Y Y
Maintenance of SWAN Y
Procurement and Y
17 installation of
Infrastructure for SDC &
S. No Activity
related documentation
Project Documentation
including migration plan,
18 communication plan,
training plan, acceptance
test plan etc. for SDC
Migration of identified Y Y
application infrastructure
Preparation of Y
deliverables for Final
Acceptance Testing
Validation of Y Y
deliverables for Final
Acceptance Testing
Operations & Y
Management of the State
Data Center
infrastructure as per SLA
S. No Activity
Provision for required Y
chest and access control
of offsite media storage &
security. Bear the
expenses of such
activities outside location
Recurring expenditure Y
like bandwidth charges,
electricity, diesel during
build up and
implementation of the
Recurring expenditure Y Y
like bandwidth charges,
34 electricity, diesel, etc.
post implementation
during O&M phase
S. No Activity
as per SLA
Scalability in terms of Y Y
availability of physical
space, racks and
supporting infrastructure
Foolproof security – Y Y
locked server cabinets,
38 CCTV surveillance and
hand key biometric
access to all areas.
39 Server Management -
Periodic system upgrades
/ updates, Vulnerability
Assessment etc.
Security Management – Y Y
Firewall Monitoring,
analyze logs and update
Storage Infrastructure Y Y
41 including administration
and management services
42 Backup infrastructure Y Y
24x7 availability of Y Y
Integration of SDC to Y Y
National DR
S. No Activity
48 Physical Security Y
50 SLA Audit Y Y Y
Audit of consumption of Y Y
Power & Diesel
Please Note:
1. Based on the above, typical responsibility matrix will need to be finalized at the State
depending upon the functions as mutually agreed. Third party security audit and
third party SLA audit would be the responsibility of AMTRON.
7. Internet bandwidth will be procured by the SIA and recurrent expenses will be
reimbursed on actual.
9. It is the responsibility of the DCO to reclaim the deletion of the storage space from the
10. Load sharing feature needs to be maintained by the DCO in the Internet Router
whenever required (this is needed to share the load between the two ISPs).
11. It is the responsibility of the DCO to provide all the Monitoring Solutions such as
EMS, Enterprise Endpoint Protection, BMS, etc. with required hardware, OS,
Database and required licenses for their monitoring for implementation of
Monitoring Solutions. It is also the responsibility of the DCO to take care for any kind
of scalability that is required in these solution during the project period, DCO will not
charge any additional cost required for making them scalable to meet the project
period requirements.
12. The SDC operator i.e. DCO shall be responsible for applying, obtaining and
maintaining the ISO 20000 certification for the entire SDC project duration. DCO
shall also be responsible for preparation of Operational Manual for ASDC along with
the certification ISO 20000 certification.
13. Reimbursement of diesel cost shall be done on a Quarterly basis. DCO would be
required to submit original bills of the fuel station along with their invoice for
reimbursement. SIA shall verify the diesel consumption from the logbook maintained
and MIS generated through the BMS. The bidder has to ensure that there is an
automatic system installed which allows for measurement of the diesel consumed and
this system should also be integrated with the Building Management System (BMS).
This BMS should provide the overall statistics of the power availability, source of
power, etc.
14. Composite Team (CT) shall be formed by SIA which would comprise of professionals
& domain experts for the SDC. Composite team shall be responsible for the
implementation of the various policies & overseeing the operation & maintenance
aspects of the State Data Centre. The Project Manager provided by DCO would report
to the CT for all matters relating to the efficient operations & maintenance of the SDC.
15. Two numbers of transformer with the capacity of 750 kVA each would be provided by
SIA along with the separate energy meter for ASDC. The total Raw Power
requirement for the Server farm area is approximately 460 kVA. SIA would be
coordinating with Power Department to source power from two separate sources. The
load of auxiliary areas and server farm area will be distributed among two
16. It may be noted that in the last five years there has been no major power outage in &
around the proposed SDC area.
17. The Third Party Agency (TPA) would be interacting through the Composite team for
any activities relating to the Monitoring, Inspection & Periodic Audit for the facilities
being maintained by the DCO.
18. Audit of Consumption of Power & Diesel would be done by the TPA & DCO shall co-
ordinate for the same.
19. As and when the DR site comes up, the DCO will facilitate seamless integration of the
primary site and the DR. State can opt for any of the cloud based DR solution from
CSP’s or from any other Data Centre.
20. For all non-IT infrastructures, there should be a clear maintenance schedule, and any
deficiencies arising through the operational period should be rectified appropriately.
22. PT (Penetration Testing) of all vulnerabilities identified for components under scope
of work of DCO will be carried out by DCO. The same would be checked by the
TPA/STQC as and when required.
4.3.2. Data Centre Organization
With a view to define responsibilities, a logical view of the indicative organizational setup
during implementation and operational phase has been given below:
Note: The above only indicates staffing pattern; number of resources required may be worked
out by the SIA / GoA.
The roles and responsibilities that have been broadly stipulated as above shall generally be
addressed by the composite team under the direction of the State IT Secretary. As specified in
the Implementation option I of the SDC scheme, the Composite Team would be constituted at
the State. Among other things, an important responsibility of the Composite Team shall be
policy decision making.
4.3.3. Estimated Timelines
The table below provides the time schedule for implementation of the SDC. T, as referred to in
the table, is treated as the date of signing the agreement with the selected DCO by SIA.
Week Activity Remarks
Design document & manuals handover
T + 19
to end customer
T + 20 User Acceptance Test
Training shall be provided for a batch of
T + 21 Training
maximum 20 people for 20 days.
Also after Project Sign-off, O & M period
shall start, as mentioned in the RFP
T + 22 Project Sign-off (FAT Completion)
document, “Section 4.1.5 - Final
Acceptance Testing”.
Table 2: Manpower Resources to be provided by the DCO for the State Data
B.E. / B. Tech /
Technical Specialist
MCA/M.Sc., 4-5 years,
3. – Servers / Cloud / 24 x 7 3
equivalent etc.
B.E. / B. Tech /
Technical Specialist MCA/M.Sc., 4-5 years,
4. 24 x 7 3
– Network / Security CCNA, CCNP / JNCIA,
JNCIP etc.
B.E./B. Tech/
5. Helpdesk Support 24 x 7 3 MCA/M.Sc./Diploma 1-3
S. Description Shift Indicative Certification and
No. Number of Experience
Storage Administration
B.E./B. Tech/
BMS cum Support
7. 24 x 7 3 MCA/M.Sc./Diploma 2-4
8. 9x6 2
1) The details of the manpower required shown above are just a minimum indicative list. The
DCO will have to deploy the manpower in accordance to the SLA commitment. The cost of
the DCO’s manpower will be borne by the DCO himself and will be covered under the FMS
2) Bidder who will propose lesser manpower than the list mentioned above will be rejected.
During FMS, if DCO unable to provide minimum indicated manpower, the penalty will be
imposed as per SLA or the actual cost for each manpower absent during the QGR which
will be calculated based on the proposed cost of manpower for each position.
3) All the Technical Specialists for Network, Server, Database & Storage, Security and
EMS/NMS Engineers should be graduates with at least 3 years of experience in production
environment along with relevant OEM certifications on Network / Server / Storage/
Backup / EMS / Security.
Service Level Agreement
8 Section V - Service Level Agreement
The purpose of this Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as SLA) is to clearly
define the levels of service which shall be provided by the DCO to SIA for the duration five
years from the date of O&M initiation.
The DCO and SIA (along with CT) shall regularly review the performance of the services being
provided by the DCO and the effectiveness of this SLA
8.1 Definitions
For purposes of this Service Level Agreement, the definitions and terms as specified in the
contract along with the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
• "Uptime" shall mean the time period for which the specified services / components
with specified technical and service standards are available to the state and user
departments. Uptime, in percentage, of any component (Non IT & IT) can be
calculated as:
Uptime = {1- [(Downtime) / (Total Time – Scheduled Maintenance Time)]} * 100
• “Downtime” shall mean the time period for which the specified services /
components with specified technical and service standards are not available to the
state and user departments and excludes the scheduled outages planned in advance for
the Assam State Data Centre and the link failures that are SWO’s responsibility.
• “Incident” refers to any event / abnormalities in the functioning of the Data Centre
Equipment / specified services that may lead to disruption in normal operations of the
Assam State Data Centre services.
• “Helpdesk Support" shall mean the 24x7 center which shall handle Fault reporting,
Trouble Ticketing and related enquiries during this contract.
• “Resolution Time” shall mean the time taken in resolving (diagnosing,
troubleshooting and fixing) an incident after it has been reported at the helpdesk. The
resolution time shall vary based on the severity of the incident reported at the help
desk. The severity would be as follows:
a. Critical: Incidents whose resolution shall require additional investment in
components or time or shall involve coordination with OEMs. These incidents
shall impact the overall functioning of the SDC. For example, Power failure to
rack, failure of SAN switch etc.
b. Medium: Incidents, whose resolution shall require replacement of hardware or
software parts, requiring significant interruption in working of that individual
component. For example, installation of operating system, replacement of
switch etc.
c. Low: Incidents whose resolution shall require changes in configuration of
hardware or software, which will not significantly interrupt working of that
component. For example, installation of printer on a client etc.
This SLA document provides for minimum level of services required as per contractual
obligations based on performance indicators and measurements thereof. The DCO shall
ensure provisioning of all required services while monitoring the performance of the same to
effectively comply with the performance levels. The services provided by the DCO shall be
reviewed by Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited (AMTRON) that shall:
The following measurements and targets shall be used to track and report performance on a
regular basis. The targets shown in the following table are applicable for the duration of the
contract. All the targets for the measurements are calculated on a quarterly basis. Please note
that the Bidder should provide comprehensive, end-to-end service to maintain the SDC
Infrastructure, including replacement of the equipment in case of physical damage. No reason
shall be entertained (unless those mentioned in Force Majeure) in case of unavailability of any
service given in the scope of work in this RFP and the appropriate penalty shall be levied.
Implementation Service Levels
Services for A Penalty as 0.5% per week for
Final first two weeks, 1% per week
Acceptance 22 Weeks from for subsequent 2 week and 2%
Testing Signing of per week for every subsequent
(includes contract week, subject to a maximum of
initiation of 20% Penalty will be computed
ISO:20000 and on CAPEX value of contract
ISO 27001 (inclusive of taxes).
A Penalty as 0.5% per week for
first two weeks, 1% per week
Within 2
for subsequent 2 weeks and
Obtaining ISO quarters of
2% per week for every
27001 commencement Critical
subsequent week, subject to a
certification of the O&M
maximum of 20% Penalty will
be computed on CAPEX value
of contract (inclusive of taxes).
A Penalty as 0.5% per week for
first two weeks, 1% per week
Within 2
for next 2 week and 2% per
Obtaining ISO quarters of
week for every subsequent
20000 commencement Critical
week thereafter, subject to a
certification of the O&M
maximum of 20% Penalty will
be computed on CAPEX value
of contract (inclusive of taxes).
1) If the delays are on the part of the State, these days will be added in the implementation
period of 22 weeks
2) The required Space/site, Main/Raw Power and water will be provisioned by the State for
DCO to start SDC Implementation
IT Infrastructure Service Levels
Following outlines the service level indicators & and the target performance levels to be
maintained by the Agency during the contract period. These SLAs shall be strictly imposed
and a third party audit/certification agency shall be deployed for certifying the performance of
the Agency against the target performance metrics as outlined in the table below:
Measurement Target Severity Penalty
>= 99.75% No Penalty
Individual Server <99.75% to >=
2% of the QGR
Availability (including the 99.00%
1 Critical
OS, database and the <99% to >=
3% of the QGR
application running on it) 98.00%
< 98.00% 5% of the QGR
>= 99.75% No Penalty
<99.75% to >=
2% of the QGR
99.00% Critical
2 Storage Availability
<99% to >=
3% of the QGR
< 98.00% 5% of the QGR
>= 99.75% No Penalty
<99.75% to >=
2% of the QGR
99.00% Critical
3 Connectivity with SWAN
<99% to >=
3% of the QGR
< 98.00% 5% of the QGR
>= 99.75% No Penalty
Connectivity with Disaster
<99.75% to >=
Recovery Site (With 2% of the QGR
99.00% Medium
4 regards to SDC equipment
<99% to >=
only) 3% of the QGR
<98.00% 5% of the QGR
>= 99.75% No Penalty
<99.75% to >=
2% of the QGR
VTL availability 99.00% Medium
<99% to >=
3% of the QGR
<98.00% 5% of the QGR
>= 99.75% No Penalty
Connectivity with Internet <99.75% to >=
(With regards to SDC Critical 2% of the QGR
6 99.00%
equipment only) <99% to >=
3% of the QGR
< 98.00% 5% of the QGR
Measurement Target Severity Penalty
>= 99.75% No Penalty
LAN Availability <99.75% to >=
2% of the QGR
(Active and passive 99.00% Critical
components) <99% to >=
3% of the QGR
< 98.00% 5% of the QGR
1% of QGR for >5
Restore violations of
8 Restore to be initiated Full Restore Medium service parameter
within 2 hours of request per quarter
Note: Equipment Availability Related penalties shall be governed by the following conditions:
1. Provisioning and De- Within 15 Medium 0.5% of the QGR for every 1
provisioning of Virtual Minutes after hours of delay beyond the
Machines the approval target time. To the maximum
of the request capping of 5 hrs.
by the
Beyond 5 hours, 1% of the
S.No Measurement Target Severity Penalty
Authority QGR for every 1 hour.
S.No Measurement Target Severity Penalty
S.No Measurement Target Severity Penalty
Physical Infrastructure Service Levels
Measurement Target Severity Penalty
Power Availability
>= 99.75% No Penalty
(DG, UPS etc.)
<99.75% to >=
Availability of Power 2% of the QGR
1 will be measured up to
the socket level in the <99% to >= 98.00% 3% of the QGR
equipment room that
will be providing power < 98.00% 5% of the QGR
to the Racks.
In row cooling/PAC >= 99.75% No Penalty
system Availability
<99.75% to >=
2% of the QGR
In row cooling/ PAC 99.00%
System availability
would mean
temperature and <99% to >= 98.00% 3% of the QGR
humidity at the rack
level Critical
Temperature to be
maintained 22°± 2° at
all times
Relative humidity to be < 98.00% 5% of the QGR
maintained 50°± 5° at
all times
• For the Components which are in Redundant mode or High Availability Mode or in
Cluster, if one of the redundant components goes down and the services required form
that particular set of components are still working/ not hampered, than the DCO shall be
given 24Hrs time to rectify the components, if it is still not rectified within 24Hrs, the SLA
as defined above will come into existence. If in between 24hrs the other component goes
down, and the entire services required from that components are not available, the
penalties as defined in the table above will come into existence from that particular point.
0.05% of the
Minor Civil Work including T1 = T+4
QGR for every
Cement Concrete Work, days
unresolved call
Masonry Work, Trench Work, Low
1% of the QGR for
Storage, Glazing and
every unresolved
Scaffolding Work to be carried T2 = T1+2
within 4 days of the reporting
2% of the QGR
for every
> T2
unresolved call
Help Desk Services
Time in which a complaint / query is resolved after it has been responded to by the IT service
Type of Incident Target
T No Penalty
0.05% of the QGR for
For critical the resolution time shall T1 = T+2 hours
every unresolved call
be mutually agreed by the State and
1% of the QGR for every
the DCO at the time of award of T2 = T1+2 hours
unresolved call
T shall be the agreed resolution time. 2% of the QGR for every
> T2
unresolved call
1 day from the time of
incident logged at the
No penalty
help desk
> 1 day and < =2 days 0.05% of the QGR for
every unresolved call
1% of the QGR for every
> 2 days
unresolved call
<= 2 days from time of
No Penalty
response logged
> 2 days and < = 4 days 0.01% of the QGR for
every unresolved call
> 4 days 0.05% of the QGR for
every unresolved call
Note: If an incident has not been resolved within the stipulated time, its severity
shall be escalated to the next level.
Compliance & Reporting procedures Service Levels
Measurement Target Severity Penalty
Security & Incident Management Service Levels
These SLAs would be calculated for each of the following types of incidences:
• Virus Attack
• Any virus infection and passing of malicious code shall be monitored at all levels and
also user complains of virus infection shall be logged at the help desk system and
collated every quarter.
• Denial of Service Attack: Non availability of any services shall be analyzed and
forensic evidence shall be examined to check whether it was due to external DoS
• Intrusion: Compromise of any kind of data hosted by SDC
• Any other security related threat
• SPAM statistics on monthly basis shall be monitored through reports generated by
Anti-SPAM software.
Security & Incident Management Services includes the following:
• All the measures for security and incidents need to be mutually agreed between SIA
and DCO, based on the approvals of the composite team.
• DCO needs to provide complete document on policy that will be followed in SDC, and
periodic report as and when required by SIA to track those policy in line with the
policy document
• Monitoring of various devices / tools such as firewall, intrusion detection, content
filtering and blocking, virus protection, and vulnerability protection
• Setting the root level security policies such as authentication mechanisms
(single/multi factor), password policies such as password length, password
complexity, password expiry, account lockout policy, certificate policies, IPSEC
policies etc.
• Maintaining an updated knowledge base of all published security vulnerabilities and
virus threats for related software and microcode etc.
• Ensuring that patches / workarounds for identified vulnerabilities are patched /
blocked immediately.
• Respond to security breaches or other security incidents and coordinate with
respective OEM in case of a new threat is observed to ensure that workaround / patch
is made available for the same.
• Provide a well-designed access management system, security of physical and digital
assets, data and network security, backup and recovery etc.
• Operating system hardening through appropriate configuration and patch updates.
• Periodic reviews of domain level rights and privileges.
• Cooperate with the investigation agency when an incident has been identified.
Issues causing >1hr but <8 hour in 1% of Gross
moderate to low case of daytime ( Quarterly revenue
business disruption 9am to 6 pm on for 1st time and 2%
Weekdays ) and >8 for every
with a Production or
Level 3 - hrs on any other time subsequent lapse
3. Development Cloud or
the Cloud Dashboard or
any issue for which
there is a stable
workaround available.
> 4 hr but < 8 hour in 0.5% of Gross
Production or
case of daytime ( Quarterly revenue
Development Cloud is 9am to 6 pm on for 1st time and 1%
operational, as is the Weekdays ) and >8 for every
hrs on any other time subsequent lapse
Cloud Dashboard; no
Level 4 –
4. significant disruption
of business operations;
issues with little time
sensitivity such as
general questions
The selected bidder shall be responsible for maintaining CAPA tracker and if any of the issue related
to policy implementation or modification or closure of identified issues by TPA/PMU, STQC auditors
or ISO/IEC auditors or SIA or SI which are not part of service SLA kept open for more than
stipulated time frame as given below penalty will be applicable as below. The criticality of the issue
will be determined by external auditors or consultants or after mutual consent between selected
bidder and SIA.
Measurement Target Severity Service Level Down
Patch Management Related SLA
Critical Patches to be
implemented within
Medium .05% of the QGR
10 days of patch
Non Critical Patches to
Patch be implemented Low .01% of the QGR
Management within 15 days of patch
Optional Patches to be
implemented within
Low .01% of the QGR
30 days of patch
No Measurem Time
Measures Severity Penalty
. ent
Refilling done
No penalty
within ≤ 7 days
Refilling of fire
suppression cylinders in Refilling done in
5% of the
Fire case of discharge during ≥ 15 days ≤ 30
Critical QGR
Suppression any incident. Days
5% and
2% of QGR
per weeks
Refilling done in
> 30 Days
capped to
20% of
Manpower Resources Service Levels
>=90% averaged
over all resources
designated for
No Penalty
Resource Integration(SI)
availability for services and
all services calculated on a
requested quarterly basis
under >=85% to <90%
Operations and averaged over all
Maintenance resources
designated for SI 2% of the QGR
Resource services and
availability would calculated on a
be calculated as: quarterly basis
( No. of shift days >=80% to <85%
for averaged over all
which resource resources
present at the designated for SI 3% of the QGR
designated location services and
/ calculated on a
Total no. of shift quarterly basis Critical
days ) x 100 <80% averaged
5% of the QGR
over all resources
subsequently per 5%
designated for SI
reduced resource
services and
unavailability maximum
calculated on a
upto 20% of QGR.
quarterly basis
replacement (The <=15 days No penalty
DCO must provide
a resource with Critical
qualification and >15 days 2% of the QGR
Example: to illustrate the manpower availability in case there are there are 3 shifts per day
which will have 2 people in shift 1, 1 in shift 2 and 1 in shift 3.
Total shift per day will be = 4 (2 x 1 + 1 x 1 + 1 x 1)
Per quarter it would be = 360 shifts
In a quarter if two people were not present in shift 1 for 7 days, then, 2 x 7 = 14 shifts will be
considered for the unavailability of manpower.
Resource Availability % = (shifts in which manpower was available / total number of shifts) x
Resource Availability % = (1 – 14 / 360) x 100
Resource Availability % = 96.11%
8.4 Penalties
• The total deduction should not exceed 20% of the QGR.
• Three consecutive quarterly deductions of more than 20% of the applicable fee on
account of any reasons will be deemed to be an event of default and termination.
• The ISO 27001 and ISO 20000 certification should be obtained by the DCO latest by
end of second Quarter of the Operations phase, failing which the subsequent QGRs
will be deferred till the certification is obtained.
• In the event of any of the above happening, it shall be governed by terms & conditions
defined in Section VII – General Conditions of the Contract of Volume I.
Instructions to Bidders
9 Section VI - Instructions to Bidders
representative and should be affixed with the bidder's Seal
d) It shall be deemed that the bidders have done careful study and examination of the
Tender document and has fully understood the implications.
e) The response to the Tender should be full and complete in all respects. Failure to
furnish the requisite information or submission of a proposal not substantially
responsive to the Tender document in every respect will be at the bidder's risk and
may result in rejection of the proposal and forfeiture of the EMD.
f) All materials submitted by the bidder become the property of the Purchaser and
may be returned at its sole discretion.
g) All outstation bids should be sent through registered post/ speed post/ courier.
h) A firm may submit ONLY ONE bid either as a single Bidder on its own, or as a
partner in a Consortium/ Joint Venture submitting bids in response to these
Bidding Documents. Furthermore, a firm which is a Bidder, whether as a single
Bidder or as a partner in a Joint Venture, cannot be a Subcontractor in other bids,
except for installation/configuration, routine training, and on-going
maintenance/support under another project/work for which the Bidder is already in
contract with the owner.
6.1.2. Each copy of Pre-Qualification Bid and Technical Bid of the Tender should be covered in
separate sealed covers super-scribing “Pre-Qualification Bid” and "Technical Bid"
respectively. Each bid should be put in a single sealed cover super-scribing “Pre-
Qualification Bid” and "Technical Bid" as the case may be. Please note that Prices
should not be indicated in the Pre-Qualification Bid and Technical Bid.
6.1.3. The two envelopes containing copies of Pre-qualification Bid and Technical Bid should
be put in another single sealed envelope clearly marked “Appointment of an Agency
for Design, Site Preparation, Supply, Installation, Maintenance and
Operations of Physical & IT Infrastructure for the Data Centre at Assam”.
These envelopes are to be super scribed with Tender Number and the wordings “DO
NOT OPEN BEFORE 20-02-2018, 3:00 PM”
6.1.4. The original RFP document must be submitted as a part of the Pre-Qualification bid
and must have court fee stamps of value Rs. 100/- or more affixed on the tender issue
page (Page no. 2).
6.1.7. In case of any discrepancy observed by the SIA in the contents of the submitted original
paper bid documents with respective copies, the information furnished on original
paper bid document will prevail over others.
The queries not adhering to the above mentioned format shall not be responded.
6.6.2. The SIA will respond in writing, to any request for clarification to queries on the Tender
Document, received not later than the dates prescribed in Invitation for Bids / Key
events and dates. Written copies of the clarifications (including the query but without
identifying the source of inquiry) will be sent to all prospective Bidders who have purchased
the RFP Document.
9.7 Documents Comprising the Bids
The bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components. The bids not
conforming to the requirements shall be summarily rejected.
• Pre-Qualification Bid
In support of eligibility, a Bidder must submit the following documents (besides the other
requirements of the tender), original copies or attested copies, as the case may be, in the
absence of which the Bid will be rejected.
▪ Volume I, Section VIII – Format 1: Pre-qualification Bid Letter.
▪ Volume I, Section VIII – Format 2: General information about the Bidder.
▪ Detailed checklist for pre-qualification dully filled in along with the supporting
documents as defined in Volume I, Section VIII – Format 3. Bidders are requested to
add a column for page no. in the pre-qualification check list table and provide the
corresponding page no. of the respective criteria.
▪ Pre-qualification bid should contain Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in a separate
sealed envelope.
▪ Receipt of Rs. 25, 000/- towards the cost of the RFP document. Bidder who has
already participated and submitted their proposal against the tender
‘AEDC/SDC/RFP/2017-18/001 dated 11-01-2018’, need not to procure the
tender again and will be eligible for participating without paying the tender fee
provided they meet the pre-qualification criteria.
▪ Notarized Power of Attorney executed by the Bidder in favor of the Principal Officer
or the duly Authorized Representative, certifying him as an authorized signatory for
the purpose of this Tender.
▪ A consortium of companies duly backed up by an Agreement, copy of the same to be
submitted in case of consortium.
▪ Declaration that the Bidder has not been debarred / blacklisted by any reputed Govt.
/ Semi-Govt. organization for quality of services / product and there is no major
complaint against the Bidder by any organization as per Volume I, Section VIII –
Format 4.
▪ An Acceptance by the Bidder to the Terms & Conditions mentioned in this RFP,
Section VIII- Format 5
▪ Copy of the entire RFP document (both Volume I & Volume II) with every page signed
by an authorized signatory of the Bidder
• Technical Bid
The Technical Bid, besides the other requirements of the Tender, shall comprise of the
▪ Volume I, Section IX – Format 1: Technical Bid Letter
▪ Volume I, Section IX – Format 2: General Information about the Bidder
▪ Volume I, Section IX – Format 3: Technical Solution
▪ Volume I, Section IX – Format 4: Schedules for Technical Evaluation Criteria
▪ Volume I, Section IX – Format 5: Specifications of the Physical Components
▪ Volume I, Section IX – Format 6: Specifications of the IT Components
▪ Volume I, Section IX – Format 7: Manpower Details
▪ Volume I, Section IX – Format 8: Deviations from the Tender Terms & Conditions
▪ Volume I, Section IX – Format 9: Project Experience
▪ Volume I, Section IX - Format 10: Deviation from Requirement specification
• Financial Bid (to be uploaded only in e-procurement portal, no hard copy is
to be submitted)
The Commercial Bid, besides the other requirements of the Tender, shall comprise of the
▪ Volume I, Section VIII – Format 1: Commercial Bid Letter
▪ Volume I, Section VIII – Format 2: Breakdown of Cost Components
The breakdown of cost components is as per the following schedules, which are explained
• Undertaking
An undertaking from the Bidder stating the compliance with all the conditions of the Contract
and Technical Specifications of the Bidding Document since no deviation will be acceptable to
the SIA.
6.8.1 The Bidder shall indicate price in the prescribed format, the unit rates and total Bid
Prices of the equipment / services, it proposes to provide under the Contract. Prices
should be shown separately for each item as detailed in Tender Documents. In absence
of above information as requested, the bid may be considered incomplete and be
summarily rejected. The price components furnished by the Bidder in accordance with
format below will be solely for the purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids by the
SIA and will not in any way limit the SIA’s right to contract on any of the terms offered.
6.8.2 The Bidder shall prepare the bid based on details provided in the tender documents. It
must be clearly understood that the Scope of Work is intended to give the Bidder an
idea about the order and magnitude of the work and is not in any way exhaustive and
guaranteed by the SIA. The Bidder shall carry out all the tasks in accordance with the
requirement of the tender documents & due diligence and it shall be the responsibility
of the Bidder to fully meet all the requirements of the tender documents. If during the
course of execution of the project any revisions to the work requirements like Technical
specifications, Equipment sizing etc. are to be made to meet the goals of the SIA, all
such changes shall be carried out within the current price.
9.9 Firm Prices
6.9.1 Prices quoted in the bid must be firm and final and shall not be subject to any upward
modifications, on any account whatsoever. However, the SIA reserves the right to
negotiate the prices quoted in the bid to effect downward modification.
6.9.2 The Commercial bid should clearly indicate the price to be charged without any
qualifications whatsoever and should include all taxes, duties, fees, levies, works
contract tax and other charges as may be applicable in relation to the activities
proposed to be carried out. It is mandatory that such charges wherever
applicable/payable should be indicated separately in Section X – Format 2:
Breakdown of Cost Components. However, should there be a change in the
applicable taxes SIA reserves the right to negotiate with the Bidder.
6.9.3 Prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Commercial Bid should not be
revealed, failing which the offer shall be liable to be rejected. If price change is
envisaged due to any clarification, revised Financial Bid shall be submitted with prior
written permission of the SIA and 7 days before the final date for bid submission.
6.11.1 The "Bidder" as used in the tender documents shall mean the one who has signed the
Tender Form. The Bidder may be either the Principal Officer or his duly Authorized
Signatory, in either cases, he / she shall submit a certificate of authority. All
certificates and documents (including any clarifications sought and any subsequent
correspondences) received hereby, shall, as far as possible, be furnished and signed by
the representative and the principal.
6.11.2 It is further clarified that the individual signing the tender or other documents in
connection with the tender must certify whether he/she signs as the Constituted
attorney of the firm or a company.
6.11.3 The authorization shall be indicated by written power-of-attorney accompanying the
Pre-qualification bid.
The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, a bid security in the form of Bank Guarantee issued
by any nationalized / scheduled / commercial bank located in India, of Rupees
50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakhs only). This EMD shall be valid for a period of 6
months from the date of opening of the prequalification bid and no interest shall be paid on
the earnest money under any circumstances.
• Requirement of Bid Security
The bid security is required to protect the SIA against the risk of Bidder’s conduct, which
would warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to Section “Forfeiture of Bid Security”.
• Rejection of Bid
Any bid not secured in accordance with above mentioned clause, shall be rejected by the SIA
as being non-responsive, without any further correspondence.
1.1.1 It will be incumbent upon each Bidder to fully acquaint himself with the local
conditions and other relevant factors at the proposed Data Centre site which would
have any effect on the performance of the contract and / or the cost. The Bidders are
advised to visit the proposed SDC location (at its own cost) and due-diligence should
be conducted before the pre-bid meeting/ bid-submission.
1.1.2 The Bidder is expected to make a site visit to the proposed Data Centre facility to
obtain for himself on his own responsibility all information that may be necessary for
preparing the bid and entering into contract. Obtaining such information shall be at
Bidder’s own cost.
1.1.3 Failure to obtain the information necessary for preparing the bid and/or failure to
perform activities that may be necessary for the providing services before entering
into contract will in no way relieve the successful Bidder from performing any work in
accordance with the Tender documents.
6.14.4 It will be imperative for each Bidder to fully inform themselves of all legal conditions
and factors which may have any effect on the execution of the contract as described in
the bidding documents. The SIA shall not entertain any request for
clarification from the Bidder regarding such conditions.
6.14.5 It is the responsibility of the Bidder that such factors have properly been investigated
and considered while submitting the bid proposals and that no claim whatsoever
including those for financial adjustment to the contract awarded under the bidding
documents will be entertained by the SIA and that neither any change in the time
schedule of the contract nor any financial adjustments arising thereof shall be
permitted by the SIA on account of failure of the Bidder to appraise themselves of
local laws and site conditions.
6.14.6 The SIA shall be responsible for provisioning of the 3-phase power supply to the DCO.
Running expenses during the contract period on electricity will be the responsibility
of the DCO. However, these will be reimbursed to the DCO by the SIA.
Written Notice
The Bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after the bid's submission, provided that the SIA
receives written notice of the modification or withdrawal, prior to the last date prescribed for
receipt of bids.
Opening of Bids
Decision of the SIA or a committee appointed by the GoA/ SIA would be final and binding
upon all the Bidders. The SIA will first open the Pre-Qualification Bid, in the presence of the
representatives of the Bidders who choose to attend, at the time, date and place, as mentioned
in section ‘Invitation for Bids / Important Dates’. In the event of the specified date of Bid
opening being declared a holiday for the SIA, the Bids shall be opened at the appointed time
and location on the next working day. It is advised to send a responsible, authorized and
senior representative of the Bidder so that clarifications, if any, can be given on the spot. The
Bidder’s names, modifications, bid withdrawals and the presence or absence of the requisite
EMD and such other details considered appropriate will be announced at the bid opening.
• Bidders need to fulfill all the pre-qualification conditions mentioned in Section 11.3 of
volume I. The SIA will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether
the bid format confirms to the Tender requirements, whether any computational errors
have been made, whether required EMD has been furnished, whether the documents have
been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally in order.
• A bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by the SIA and may not
subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the nonconformity.
• The SIA may waive any informality or non-conformity or irregularity in a bid which does
not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the
relative ranking of any Bidder.
• Firstly the pre-qualified Bidders’ technical bid document will be evaluated as per the
requirements specified in the RFP and adopting the evaluation criteria spelt out in section
• The SIA may request the Bidders to make a presentation on their proposal to an
Evaluation Committee to be constituted for the purpose.
• All the Bidders who secure a Technical Score of 70% or more will be declared
as technically qualified. The commercial bids of only the technically qualified Bidders
will be opened for further processing. It is, however, clarified that, subject to other
provisions of this Document, every Bidder will have to fulfill the minimum technical
specifications laid down in the Volume-II for being qualified technically.
• In order to assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the SIA may at
its discretion ask the Bidder for a clarification regarding its Bid. The clarification shall be
given in writing immediately, but no change in the price shall be sought, offered or
permitted. However, while giving a clarification, a Bidder may offer a higher
specification or model without any impact on Financial Bid to be opened
• The SIA may waive any informality or non-conformity or irregularity in a bid which does
not constitute a material deviation , provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the
relative ranking of any Bidder
Announcement of Bids
The Bidders’ names, bid modifications or withdrawals and such other details as the SIA at
discretion may consider appropriate, will be announced at the bid opening.
Bids Not Considered For Evaluation
Bids that are rejected during the bid opening process due to incomplete documentation or late
receipt shall not be considered for further evaluation.
• A two-stage procedure will be adopted for evaluation of proposals, with the pre-
qualification and technical evaluation completed and thereafter financial proposals being
opened and compared.
• SIA will review the technical bids of the Bidders to determine whether the technical bids
are substantially responsive. Bids that are not substantially responsive are liable to be
• SIA will assign points (quality of services score) to the technically qualified Bidders based
on the technical evaluation criterion as mentioned below. The commercial bids for the
technically qualified Bidders will then be opened and reviewed to determine whether the
commercial bids are substantially responsive.
• The evaluation will be made on the basis of quality - cum - cost, with a weightage to
quality of services and cost in the ratio of 60:40 as mentioned in the sections below.
• To ensure a reasonable and realistic ratio of CAPEX and OPEX: a bid may be liable to be
rejected after scrutiny if total CAPEX happens to be more than 50% of the overall
bid value.
• Conditional bids are liable to be rejected.
Terms and conditions applied in case of consortium defined in Annexure –1 of Volume 1. The
Pre-Qualification proposal will be evaluated using the checklist given in Section 2.
Criteria for Evaluation and Comparison of Technical Bids
The following criteria shall be used to evaluate the technical bids. All the bids scoring 70 and
above in the technical evaluation will be qualified for commercial bid opening.
Formats to
Modified Template Marks be filled for
A Organizational Strength 30
▪ Bidder’s experience in setting-up Data centers in India,
quantified in terms of number of projects will be evaluated.
Setting-up Data Centers would mean where the bidder has
procured, installed and commissioned all IT and Non-IT
components of the data center.
i. ▪ Data centers with Project cost (IT and Non-IT both) not less 6 Schedule A
than Rs. 5 Crore will be considered
Formats to
Modified Template Marks be filled for
▪ Bidder’s experience in setting-up large Data centers in India,
quantified in terms of value of projects will be evaluated.
Setting-up Data Centers would mean where the bidder has
procured, installed and commissioned all IT and Non-IT
components of the data center.
iv. 4 Schedule D
1. Layout
2. Power Requirement
3. In row cooling/ PAC
4. Fire Prevention
i. 30 Schedule G
5. SAN
6. Backup
7. LAN
8. WAN/Internet
9. Physical Security
10. Logical Security
11. Cloud & EMS
12. Storage Management & Interoperability
B2 Product Compliance 25
▪ For each BOM component as specified in the Schedule H
the bidder will provide the compliance status, deviations if
ii. 25 Schedule H
any, impact of deviations (considered as negative impact),
value addition provided and impact of value addition
Formats to
Modified Template Marks be filled for
(considered as positive impact).
▪ If there is no deviation and value addition the bidder would
get 70% of the marks attributed to that component. For
each negative impact 10% of the marks attributed to the
component shall be deducted and for each value addition
10% of the marks attributed to the component shall be
added. (Note: The overall marks shall be restricted to the
maximum allowed under that component head irrespective
of the positive impact)
Formats to
Modified Template Marks be filled for
Less than 5 resource with valid certification = 1 mark;
The operations and maintenance capability and commitment are being gauged through
the SLA commitment of each bidder and the solution offered to support the SLA
commitment. The bidder can commit higher SLAs. SLA commitment of individual
components shall be evaluated and the bidder with highest commitment in the
particular component shall be awarded maximum marks and others shall be awarded
Schedule M
marks on relative (pro-rata) basis. Components that will be considered are given below:
I Power Availability 1
Ii Systems Availability 1
iii. Help desk, incident management, problem management 1
iv. Security Management 1
Total Marks 100
Note: - In case of consortium Roles & Responsibilities of each partner has to be mentioned
clearly in the implementation plan.
The financial bids of only those bidders will be opened and considered who have scored at
least 70 marks of the sum of the maximum marks specified for all the above mentioned
attributes in the technical bid evaluation process.
Commercial bids of those bidders who qualify the technical evaluation will be opened. A min
of 70 points have to be scored to qualify in the technical evaluation. The commercial scores
will be calculated as:
Fn = Fmin / Fb * 100
Bn = 0.60 * Tn + 0.40* Fn
9.18 Rectification of Errors
Arithmetical errors in the Financial Bid will be rectified on the following basis:
• If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by
multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and will be considered
for future calculations.
• Unit rates quoted by the Bidders to be multiplied by Quantities as per the following:
o For items clearly specified in the RFP - Quantities as mentioned in the RFP to
be considered
o For items not specified in the RFP - For items where quantities were to be
proposed by the Bidder as per his Proposal e.g. man-months, quantity for
items under ‘Any other item’ etc. to be considered as per the Technical
Proposal of the Bidder (including un-priced BoM), Clarifications, Technical
Presentation etc.
• For Financial Bid evaluation, the Total Price inclusive of all Taxes and Duties will be taken
into consideration. In case of normalization based on quantities as described above, total
tax amount quoted by the Bidder will also be normalized proportionately.
• For items which are mandatorily required as per RFP, if not quoted by Bidder (which is
also specified by the Bidder as per the Technical Bid, Presentation etc.), the highest value
quoted by competing bidders for the respective item to be added to the Bidder
• If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail.
• If the bidder does not accept the correction of errors, its bid will be rejected and its bid
security may be forfeited.
Contact by Writing
No Bidder shall contact the SIA on any matter relating to its bid, from the time of bid opening
to the time the Contract is awarded. If the Bidder wishes to bring additional information to
the notice of the SIA, it should be done in writing.
Rejection of Bid
Any effort by a Bidder to influence the SIA in its decisions on bid evaluation, bid comparison
or contract award may result in rejection of the Bidder’s bid.
a. The SIA may at any time, by a written order given to the Bidder, make changes
to the scope of the Contract as specified.
b. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of or the time
required for the Bidder’s performance of any part of the work under the Contract,
whether changed or not changed by the order, an equitable adjustment shall be made
in the Contract Value or time schedule, or both, and the Contract shall accordingly be
amended. Any claims by the Bidder for adjustment under this Clause must be asserted
within thirty (30) days from the date of the Bidder’s receipt of the SIA’s changed order.
9.21 SIA’s Right to Accept Any Bid and to reject any or All Bids
• The SIA reserves the right to accept any bid and to annul the Tender process and
reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidders of the
grounds for the SIA’s action.
• The SIA reserves the right to negotiate the commercials with the selected Bidder and
seek revised commercial bid.
Notification to Bidder
Before the expiry of the period of validity of the proposal, the SIA shall notify the Bidder with
highest final score (successful Bidder) in writing by registered letter or by fax, that its bid has
been accepted. The Bidder shall acknowledge in writing receipt of the notification of award
and shall send his acceptance to enter into agreement within seven days of receiving the
Signing of Contract
The notification of the award shall constitute signing of the agreement. The signing of
agreement will amount to award of contract and Bidder will initiate the execution of the wok
as specified in the agreement. At the same time as the SIA notifies the successful Bidder that
its bid has been accepted, the SIA will send the Bidders the Performa for Contract provided in
the Tender Document, incorporating all agreements between the parties. Within 7 days of
receipt of the Contract, the successful Bidder shall sign and date the Contract and return it to
the SIA.
2 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirement shall constitute sufficient
grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the EMD. In case of
exigency, if the SIA gets the work done from elsewhere, the difference in the cost of
getting the work done will be borne by the successful Bidder.
9.28 Income Tax Liability
The Bidder will have to bear all Income Tax liability both corporate and personal tax.
General Conditions of Contract
10Section VII - General Conditions of the Contract
This CONTRACT is made and entered into on this ….. day of ……….. by and between Assam
Electronics Development Corporation Limited, (herein after referred to as AMTRON/SIA
which expression shall include its successors and permitted assigns), acting on behalf of the
Information Technology Department of the Government of Assam on the one part and M/s
……………., a company registered under the companies Act with its Registered office at ………
referred to as the “DATA CENTRE OPERATOR” (hereinafter referred to as the “DCO” which
expression shall include its successors and permitted assigns) on the other part.
And whereas AMTRON has accepted the bid of the DCO and has placed Fax order / Letter of
Intent /Notification of Award vide its letter ……….. Dated…. on the DCO.
10.1 Definitions
7.1.1 “Business Day” means any day that is not a Sunday or a public holiday (as per the
official holidays observed by SIA.
7.1.2 “Confidential Information” means any information disclosed to or by any Party to
this Contract and includes any information in relation to the Parties, a third party or
any information with regard to any taxpayer, or any other person who is covered within
the ambit of any commercial taxes legislation including any such information that may
come to the knowledge of the Parties hereto / Bidder’s Team by virtue of this Contract
that: Is by its nature confidential or by the circumstances in which it is disclosed
confidential or Is designated by the disclosing Party as confidential or identified in terms
connoting its confidentiality; but does not include information which is or
becomes public knowledge other than by a breach of this Contract or or
information which is already known to the receiving party free of any restriction
at the time it is obtained from the disclosing party; or information that is
subsequently learned from an independent third party free of any restriction and
without breach of this provision; or information that is independently developed
by the receiving party without reference to or use of any Confidential Information
of the disclosing party; or information that is required to be disclosed pursuant to
an applicable law, rule, regulation, government requirement or court order, or the
rules of any stock exchange (provided, however, that the receiving party shall
advise the disclosing party of such required disclosure promptly upon learning
thereof in order to afford the disclosing party a reasonable opportunity to contest,
limit and/or assist the receiving party in crafting such disclosure) .
7.1.3 “Contract” means the Agreement entered into between the SIA and the “DCO” as
recorded in the Contract form signed by the SIA and the “DCO” including all
attachments and Annexes thereto, the Tender and all Annexes thereto and the agreed
terms as set out in the bid, all documents incorporated by reference therein and
amendments and modifications to the above from time to time;
7.1.4 “DCO’s Representative” means the person or the persons appointed by the DCO from
time to time to act on its behalf for overall co-ordination, supervision and project
7.1.5 “Commissioning of Data Centre” means the Data Centre site preparation,
supply and installation of the required Physical & IT components, making
the site available to SIA for carrying out live Operations and getting the acceptance of
the same from the SIA.
7.1.6 “Document” means any embodiment of any text or image however recorded and
includes any data, text, images, sound, voice, codes or and databases or microfilm or
computer generated micro fiche.
7.1.7 “Effective Date” means the date on which this Contract is signed and executed by the
parties hereto. If this Contract is executed in parts, then the date on which the last of
such Contracts is executed shall be construed to be the Effective Date;
7.1.8 “Intellectual Property Rights” means any patent, copyright, trademark, trade name,
design, trade secret, permit, service marks, brands, propriety information, knowledge,
technology, licenses, databases, computer programs, software, know how or other form
of intellectual property right, title, benefits or interest whether arising before or after
the execution of this Contract and the right to ownership and registration of these
7.1.9 “Kick Off Meeting” means a meeting convened by the SIA to discuss and finalize the
work execution plan and procedures with the DCO.
7.1.10 The “DCO” means the company with whom the order has been placed for providing
Services as specified in this tender/contract and shall be deemed to include the DCO's
successors, representatives (approved by the SIA), and permitted assigns, as the case
may be, unless excluded by the terms of the contract.
7.1.11 “Data Centre Operator Team” means the successful Bidder who has to provide
services to the SIA under the scope of this Tender / Contract. This definition shall also
include any and/or all of the employees of Bidder, their authorized agents and
representatives and approved subcontractors or other personnel employed or engaged
either directly or indirectly by the DCO for the purposes of the Contract.
7.1.12 “Parties” means the SIA and the DCO and “Party” means either of the Parties.
7.1.13 “Service” means facilities/services to be provided as per the requirements specified in
this tender document and any other incidental services, such as installation,
implementation, maintenance, and provision of technical assistance and other such
obligations of the DCO covered under the Contract.
7.1.14 “Service Specification” means and include detailed description, statements to
technical data, performance characteristics, and standards (Indian as well as) as
applicable and as specified in the Contract as well as those specifications relating to
Industry standards and codes applicable to the performance of the work, work
performance quality and the specifications affecting the works or any additional
specification required to be produced by the DCO to meet the design criteria.
7.1.15 “Site” means the Data Centre space, NOC Area, Staging Area, Media and Accessories
Room and other allied areas as approved by the SIA for the purposes of the contract
wherein the operations/services/facilities as specified in the scope of work are to be
provided/ carried out.
7.1.16 The “System Integrator” means the Firm or Company who is responding to this RFP
for providing a turnkey solution towards ‘Design, Supply, Installation, Configuration,
Operations and Maintenance of the Physical & IT infrastructure the State Data Centre’
as per requirements and terms and conditions specified in this RFP by combining goods
and services from multiple vendors or consortium partners
7.1.17 “Subcontractor” means any person or persons or firm/company or their legal
representatives, successors, assignees to which part of the contract has been outsourced
by the DCO after necessary consent of AMTRON.
7.1.18 “The Contract Price/Value” means the price payable to the DCO under the Contract
for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.
7.1.19 “AMTRON” shall mean SIA, India and shall include its legal representatives,
successors and permitted assignees.
7.1.20 “SIA’s Representative” shall mean the person appointed by the SIA from time to
time to act on its behalf at the site for overall coordination, supervision and project
management at site. This may refer to the Composite Team or any other
individual/agency as appointed by the SIA from time to time.
7.1.21 “Bidder” shall mean an Individual Company registered under the Companies Act 1956
or a Consortium of companies consisting of not more than three companies as defined
in this document which participates in the Bidding process.
7.1.22 “Prime Bidder” shall mean the Indian company of the Consortium incorporated
under the Companies Act, 1956 which shall interface with the Government on behalf of
Consortium, for the successful execution of the project for the entire agreement period.
7.1.23 “Acceptance of Data Center” shall mean the Final Acceptance Testing of the Data
Center (FAT).
7.1.24 “Operations and Maintenance” (O&M) phase shall mean the phase that begins
immediately after the successful completion of the FAT (Final Acceptance Testing).
7.1.25 “Quarterly Guaranteed Revenue” (QGR) shall mean the quarterly revenue
payable to the DCO by the SIA during the Operations and Maintenance phase, subject
to approval by the Third Party Agency (TPA).
7.1.26 “Partial Acceptance testing” (PAT) shall mean the installation and commissioning
of equipment (Non-IT and IT). Once Non-IT equipment are installed & commissioned
and ready to use, PAT will be issued for Non-IT equipment and IT installation will get
started. Similar way PAT of IT equipment will be carried out.
10.2 Interpretation
In this Contract unless a contrary intention is evident:
7.2.1 The clause headings are for convenient reference only and do not form part of this
7.2.2 Unless otherwise specified a reference to a clause number is a reference to all of its sub-
7.2.3 Unless otherwise specified a reference to a clause, sub-clause or section is a reference to
a clause, sub-clause or section of this Contract including any amendments or
modifications to the same from time to time;
7.2.4 A word in the singular includes the plural and a word in the plural includes the singular;
7.2.5 A word importing a gender includes any other gender;
7.2.6 A reference to a person includes a partnership and a body corporate;
7.2.7 A reference to legislation includes legislation repealing, replacing or amending that
7.2.8 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning it includes the appropriate
grammatical forms of that word or phrase which have corresponding meanings.
7.2.9 In the event of an inconsistency between the terms of this Contract and the Tender and
the Bid, the terms of the contract shall prevail. In case any terms or conditions are not
specified in this Contract, those specified in the Proposal submitted & accepted and the
RFP shall prevail.
which it may be subject or (iii) will violate any provision of the Memorandum and
Articles of Association of the DCO.
7.3.12 That the DCO certifies that all registrations, recordings, filings and notarizations of the
Contract and all payments of any tax or duty, including without limitation stamp duty,
registration charges or similar amounts which are required to be effected or made by
the DCO which is necessary to ensure the legality, validity, enforceability or
admissibility in evidence of the Contract have been made.
7.3.13 That the DCO owns, has license to use or otherwise has the right to use, free of any
pending or threatened liens or other security or other interests all its Intellectual
Property Rights, which are required or desirable for performance of its services under
this contract and regarding the same the DCO does not, so far as the DCO is aware, in
carrying on its business and operations, infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any
person. So far as the DCO is aware, none of the Intellectual Property Rights, owned or
enjoyed by the DCO or which the DCO is licensed to use, which are material in the
context of DCO’s business and operations for the performance of this contract are being
infringed nor, so far as the DCO is aware, is there any infringement or threatened
infringement of those Intellectual Property Rights licensed or provided to the DCO by
any person. All Intellectual Property Rights (owned by the DCO or which the DCO is
licensed to use) required by the DCO for the performance of the contract are valid and
subsisting. All actions (including registration, payment of all registration and renewal
fees) required to maintain the same in full force and effect have been taken thereon and
shall keep the SIA indemnified any losses or damages arising due to a breach of a third
party intellectual property right which was infringed solely due to use by the SIA of
Services of the DCO.
PROVIDED HOWEVER (i) the SIA notifies the DCO in writing promptly (ii) the
DCO has the sole control and responsibility for the defense and all related settlement
negotiations; (iii) The SIA provides the DCO with the assistance, information, and
authority reasonably necessary to perform the above; and (iv) SIA does not make any
statements, admissions or public remarks with respect to the claim without obtaining
the prior written consent of DCO.
DCO shall have no liability for any claim of infringement based on: (i) use of a
superseded or altered release of some or all of the deliverables including, but not
limited to, SIA’s failure to use corrections, fixes, or enhancements made available by
DCO; (ii) the combination, operation, or use of some or all of the deliverables (or any
modification thereof furnished) with information, software, specifications, instructions,
data, or materials not furnished by DCO if the infringement could have been avoided by
not combining, operating, or using the deliverables or any part of modification thereof;
(iii) some or all of the Deliverables or the modification thereof, which is based on SIA’s
material, data or design; (iv) any change, not made by DCO, to some or all of the
deliverables or any modification thereof or (v) use of the deliverables otherwise than for
the purposes authorized hereunder. Provided however, that the DCO’s liability will be
excluded if the DCO is not given prior intimation about the claims or is so informed and
has advised SIA about the future course of action but the SIA does not adhere to any
such advice.
If any of the deliverables provided to SIA is found by the DCO to infringe any third
party intellectual property rights, the DCO shall have the option, at its expense, to (i)
modify the deliverables so as to make it non infringing (ii) obtain for SIA a license to
continue using the deliverables; (iii) provide an alternate solution and in the event of
failure terminate the license for the infringing part of the deliverables and refund SIA a
pro - rata portion of the fees paid for that portion of deliverables. This clause provides
for DCO’s entire liability and SIA’s exclusive remedy for claims of infringement of
intellectual property rights related to DCO’s deliverables/Services.
7.3.14 That time is the essence of the Contract and hence the DCO shall at all times maintain
sufficient manpower, resources, and facilities, to provide the Services in a workmanlike
manner on a timely basis.
7.3.15 That its security measures, policies and procedures are adequate to protect and
maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information.
7.3.16 That in providing the Services or deliverables or materials, neither DCO nor its agent,
nor any of its employees, shall utilize information which may be considered confidential
information of or proprietary to any prior employer or any other person or entity.
7.4.1 Scope of the CONTRACT shall be as defined in this CONTRACT. Scope of work
including specifications and drawings and the Service level agreement and annexes are
stated in this document.
7.4.2 SIA has engaged the DCO for design, site preparation, supply, installation,
maintenance, and operations of physical and IT infrastructure for the establishment of
State Data Centre at Assam. The DCO is required to provide such services, support and
infrastructure as necessary during the term of this Contract and includes all such
processes and activities which are consistent with the proposals set forth in the Bid, the
Tender and this Contract and are deemed necessary by the SIA in order to meet its
business requirements (hereinafter ‘scope of work’).
7.4.3 If any services, functions or responsibilities not specifically described in this Contract
are an inherent, necessary or customary part of the Services or are required for proper
performance or provision of the Services in accordance with this Contract, they shall be
deemed to be included within the scope of the work to be delivered for the Charges, as if
such services, functions or responsibilities were specifically described in this Contract.
7.4.4 AMTRON reserves the right to amend any of the terms and conditions with mutual
agreement in relation to the Scope of Work and may issue any such directions which are
not necessarily stipulated therein if it deems necessary for the fulfillment of the Scope of
Work pursuant to Clause 7.20.
7.7.1 The DCO would be required to develop, maintain and manage the proposed State Data
Centre facilities. It will be the DCO’s responsibility to ensure compliance to the
requirements of the Data Centre and continued operation of the Data Centre in
accordance with and in strict adherence to the terms of this Bid, the Tender and this
Contract. Perform the Services specified by the SIA and make available the necessary
equipment / facilities / services as may be necessary and other ‘Scope of work’
requirements as specified in the tender and changes thereof. The DCO shall ensure that the it’s Team is competent, professional and possesses the
requisite qualifications and experience appropriate to the task they are required to
perform under this Contract. The DCO shall ensure that the Services are performed
through the efforts of its Team, in accordance with the terms hereof. Nothing in this
Contract relieves the DCO from its liabilities or obligations under this Contract to
provide the Services in accordance with the SIA directions and requirements and as
stated in this Contract and the Bid to the extent accepted by the SIA and the DCO
shall be liable for any non-performance, non-compliance, breach, other loss and
damage resulting either directly or indirectly by or on account of its Team.
7.7.3 The DCO’s representative shall have all the powers requisite for the performance of
services under this contract. The DCO’s Representative shall liaise with the SIA’s
Representative for the proper coordination and timely completion of the works and on
any other matters pertaining to the works. He will extend full co-operation to SIA’s
Representative in the manner required by them for supervision/inspection/observation
of the Data Centre facilities, equipment/material, procedures, performance, reports and
records pertaining to the works. He shall also have complete charge of the DCO’s
personnel engaged in the performance of the works and to ensure internal discipline,
compliance of rules, regulations and safety practice. He shall also co-ordinate and co-
operate with the other Service Providers/Vendors of the SIA working at the Site/offsite
for activities related to planning, execution of scope of work and providing services
under this contract. Name, email id & contact number of the DCO’s representative
should be shared with the SIA.
7.7.4 Reporting Progress: DCO shall monitor progress of all the activities specified in the contract and submit
free of cost monthly progress report about various aspect of the work to the SIA. The
SIA on mutual agreement between both parties may change the periodicity of such
reports. Extracts of the progress report to be termed, as “Executive Summary” shall be
submitted in 3 copies, along with 3 copies of monthly progress report. The same is
required to be submitted in soft copy as well. Formats for such reporting shall be
discussed at the Kick-Off meeting. The Data Centre facilities / services and/or labor to be provided by the DCO under the
Contract and the manner and speed of execution and maintenance of the work are to
be conducted in a manner to the satisfaction of SIA’s Representative in accordance
with the Contract. Should the rate of progress of the work compliance to the
requirements of the Data Centre/its facilities or any part of them at any time fall
behind the stipulated time for completion or is found to be too slow to ensure
completion of the works or insufficient for satisfactory operation of the Data Centre
the SIA’s Representative shall so notify the DCO in writing. The DCO shall reply to the written notice giving details of the measures he proposes
to take to expedite the progress so as to complete the works by the prescribed time.
The DCO shall not be entitled to any additional payment for taking such steps. If at
any time it should appear to the SIA or SIA’s Representative that the actual progress
of work does not conform to the approved project plan, the DCO shall produce at the
request of the SIA’s Representative a revised project plan showing the modification to
the approved project plan necessary to ensure completion of the works within the
time for completion or steps initiated to ensure compliance/improvement to the
stipulated requirements In case during the site preparation of the proposed Data Centre the progress falls
behind schedule or does not meet the desired requirements, DCO shall deploy extra
manpower, resources, infrastructure to make up the progress or to meet the
requirements. Project plan for deployment of extra man power/ resources/
infrastructure will be submitted to the SIA for its review and approval, which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All time and cost effect in this respect
shall be borne by the DCO unless otherwise expressly provided in the Contract.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary mentioned herein the DCO shall be excused
and not be liable or responsible for any delay or failure to perform the services or
failure of the services or a deliverable under this Agreement, to the extent that such
delay or failure has arisen as a result of any delay or failure by the SIA or its
employees or agents or third party engaged by SIA to perform any of its duties and
obligations as set out in this Agreement. In the event that DCO is delayed or
prevented from performing its obligations due to such failure or delay on the part of
or on behalf of the SIA, then DCO shall be allowed an additional period of time to
perform its obligations and unless otherwise agreed the additional period shall be
equal to the amount of time for which DCO is delayed or prevented from performing
its obligations due to such failure or delay on the part of or on behalf of the SIA. Such
failures or delays shall be brought to the notice of the SIA and subject to mutual
agreement with the SIA and the DCO shall take such actions as may be necessary to
correct or remedy the failures or delays. DCO shall be entitled to invoice the SIA for
additional costs incurred in connection with correction or remedy as above at
mutually agreed time & material rates. The DCO’s undertaking of this Contract shall be deemed to mean that the DCO
possesses the knowledge of all data center related requirements as stipulated in the
Tender Document including but not limited to environmental, demographic and
physical conditions and all criteria required to meet the design of the data center. The DCO shall be deemed to have understood the requirements and have satisfied
himself with the data contained in the Bidding Documents, the quantities and nature
of the works and materials necessary for the completion of the works, etc. and in-
general to have obtained himself all necessary information of all risks, contingencies
and circumstances affecting his obligations and responsibilities therewith under the
Contract and his ability to perform it. However, if during the process of site
preparation and installation of the equipment at the Data Centre, as required by SIA,
DCO detects any obstructions affecting the work, the DCO shall take all measures to
overcome them. DCO shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of
the Contract Price for the works. The consideration provided in the Contract for the
DCO undertaking the works shall cover all the DCO’s obligation and all matters and
things necessary for proper execution and maintenance of the works in accordance
with the Contract and for complying with any instructions which the SIA’s
Representative may issue in accordance with the connection therewith and of any
proper and reasonable measures which the DCO takes in the absence of specific
instructions from the SIA’s Representative.
10.8 DCO’s Team
7.8.1 The DCO shall supply to the SIA 5 days prior to the effective date of commencement of
works/services or kick-off meeting whichever is earlier, an organization chart showing
the proposed organization/manpower to be established by the DCO for execution of the
work/facilities including the identities and Curriculum-Vitae of the key personnel to be
deployed. The DCO shall promptly inform the SIA in writing of any revision or
alteration of such organization charts.
7.8.2 The DCO shall be responsible for the deployment, transportation, accommodation and
other requirements of all its employees required for the execution of the work and for
all costs/charges in connection thereof.
7.8.3 The DCO shall provide and deploy manpower on the Site for carrying out the work, only
those manpower resources who are skilled and experienced in their respective trades
and who are competent to execute or manage/supervise the work in a proper and timely
7.8.4 The SIA’s Representative may at any time object to and require the DCO to remove
forthwith from the site a supervisor or any other authorized representative or employee
of the DCO or any person(s) deployed by DCO or his subcontractor, if in the opinion of
the SIA’s Representative the person in question has miss-conducted himself or his
deployment is otherwise considered undesirable by the SIA’s Representative the DCO
shall forthwith remove and shall not again deploy the person in question of the work
site without the written consent of the SIA’s Representative.
7.8.5 The SIA’s Representative may at any time insist the DCO to remove from the work / Site
the DCO’s supervisor or any other authorized representative including any employee of
the DCO or his subcontractor or any person(s) deployed by DCO or his subcontractor
for professional incompetence or negligence or for being deployed for work for which he
is not suited. The DCO, in such a case, shall find a competent substitute with equivalent
background for the outgoing member to the satisfaction of the SIA. The DCO shall not
again deploy any person so objected to on the work or on the sort of work in question
(as the case may be) without the written consent of the SIA’s Representative.
7.8.6 The SIA Representative shall state to the DCO in writing his reasons for any request or
requirement pursuant to this clause.
7.8.7 The DCO shall maintain backup personnel and shall promptly provide replacement of
every person removed pursuant to this section with an equally competent substitute
from the pool of backup personnel.
7.8.8 In case of change in its team composition owing to attrition, the DCO shall ensure a
reasonable amount of time-overlap in activities to ensure proper knowledge transfer
and handover/takeover of documents and other relevant materials between the
outgoing and the new member. The exiting team member should be replaced with an
equally competent substitute with equivalent background from the pool of backup
10.10 Contract Administration
7.10.1 Either party may appoint any individual / organization as their authorized
representative through a written notice to the other party. Each representative shall
have the authority to: Exercise all of the powers and functions of his/her Party under this Contract other
than the power to amend this Contract and ensure the proper administration and
performance of the terms hereof and Bind his or her Party in relation to any matter arising out of or in connection with this
7.10.2 The DCO along with the members of subcontractor/ third party shall be bound by all
undertakings and representations made by the authorized signatory of the DCO and
any covenants stipulated hereunder with respect to this Contract for and on their
7.10.3 For the purpose of execution or performance of the obligations under this Contract
the SIA’s Representative would act as an interface with the nominated representative
of the DCO. The DCO shall comply with any instructions that are given by the SIA’s
Representative during the course of this Contract in relation to the performance of its
obligations under the terms of this Contract and the Tender.
7.10.4 A Committee comprising of representatives from the SIA and the DCO shall meet on a
quarterly basis to discuss any issues / bottlenecks being encountered. The DCO shall
draw the minutes of these meetings and circulate to the SIA.
7.11.1 The SIA reserves the right to inspect and monitor/assess the
progress/performance/maintenance of the Data Centre at any time during the course
of the Contract, after providing due notice to the DCO. The SIA may demand and
upon such demand being made the SIA shall be provided with any document, data,
material or any other information which it may require to enable it to assess the
progress of the project.
7.11.2 The SIA shall also have the right to conduct, either itself or through another Third
Party, as it may deem fit, an audit to monitor the performance of the DCO’s
obligations/functions in accordance with the standards committed to or required by
the SIA. The DCO undertakes to cooperate with and provide to the SIA/ any other
Third Party appointed by the SIA, all documents and other details as may be required
by them for this purpose. Any deviations or contravention identified as a result of
such audit/assessment would need to be rectified by the DCO failing which the SIA
may without prejudice to any other rights that it may have issue a notice of default.
7.11.3 DCO shall have to give an access of EMS console and /or Helpdesk Console and /or
reporting tools (Availability and Performance) to the SIA or its designated agency
such as TPA during the entire contract period as and when required. This will be
required for the purpose of service level and other operational requirements related to
payment and project obligations. Any third party agency appointed by the SIA under
this clause shall agree to adhere to the security and confidentiality policies of the
7.11.4 No confidential data of bidder on internal cost, margin etc. will be shared by SIA
during monitoring and inspection by SIA or it appointed TPA.
7.11.5 SIA shall not withhold or delay the issuance of any acceptance certificate of any of the
deliverables, if the deliverables substantially meet the specifications or on account of
any minor defects which have no material effect on the functionality of the
deliverables. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, a deliverable shall be treated as
accepted by the SIA if SIA (a) fails to provide the list of non-conformities within two
(2) weeks of delivery, (b) fails to notify the acceptance of the deliverables in terms of
this clause within the period of two (2) weeks from delivery, or (c) starts using the
deliverable in a live production environment (other than as part of agreed review and
acceptance testing procedure and FAT).
7.12.1 The SIA’s Representative shall interface with the DCO to provide the required
information, clarifications, and to resolve any issues as may arise during the
execution of the Contract. SIA shall provide adequate cooperation in providing details
assisting with coordinating and obtaining of approvals from various governmental
agencies, in the cases, where intervention of the SIA is proper and necessary.
7.12.2 SIA shall ensure that timely approval is provided to the DCO, where deemed
necessary, which should include physical data center diagram/plans and all
specifications related to equipment/material required to be provided as part of the
Scope of Work.
7.12.3 The SIA shall approve all such documents as per Clause 7.12.2.
7.12.4 The SIA shall ensure that all legal, statutory and regulatory approvals required to be
taken in relation to this Project is taken by the SIA in advance. If any delay is caused
to the DCO owing to any delay in the accordance of any such approval which was to be
taken by the SIA herein the SIA shall extend the mutual agreed delivery schedule
proportionately with such amount of time as can be attributable to any such delay.
7.12.5 The SIA shall demarcate a specific spot for disposal of any waste generated by the DCO
during the performance of the Services hereunder and shall not hold the DCO liable if
any waste generated by the DCO hereunder is always duly disposed of in such spot.
7.13.1 The DCO shall not carry and/or transmit any material, information, layouts,
diagrams, storage media or any other goods/material in physical or electronic form,
which are proprietary to or owned by the SIA, out of Data Centre premises without
prior written permission from the SIA.
7.13.2 The DCO shall adhere to the Information Security policy developed by the SIA as shall
be shared with the DCO in advance and in writing.
7.13.3 DCO acknowledges that SIA business-data and other SIA proprietary information or
materials, whether developed by SIA or being used by SIA pursuant to a license
agreement with a third party (the foregoing collectively referred to herein as
“proprietary information”) are confidential and proprietary to SIA and DCO agrees to
use reasonable care to safeguard the proprietary information and to prevent the
unauthorized use or disclosure thereof. This care shall not be less than that used by
DCO to protect its own proprietary information. DCO recognizes that the goodwill of
SIA depends, among other things, upon DCO keeping such proprietary information
confidential and that unauthorized disclosure of the same by DCO could damage SIA.
By reason of DCO’s duties hereunder, DCO may come into possession of such
proprietary information. The DCO shall limit access thereto to employees with a need
to access to perform the services required by this agreement. DCO shall use such
information only for the purpose of performing the said services.
7.13.4 DCO shall, upon termination of this agreement for any reason or upon demand by
SIA, whichever is earliest return any and all information provided to DCO by SIA
including any copies or reproductions, both hard copy and electronic.
7.13.5 The afore-mentioned confidentiality and non-use restrictions shall not apply to any
information which is or becomes public knowledge other than by a breach of this
Contract; or information which is already known to the receiving party free of any
restriction at the time it is obtained from the disclosing party; or information that is
subsequently learned from an independent third party free of any restriction and
without breach of this provision; or information that is independently developed by
the receiving party without reference to or use of any Confidential Information of the
disclosing party; or information that is required to be disclosed pursuant to an
applicable law, rule, regulation, government requirement or court order, or the rules
of any stock exchange (provided, however, that the receiving party shall advise the
disclosing party of such required disclosure promptly upon learning thereof in order
to afford the disclosing party a reasonable opportunity to contest, limit and/or assist
the receiving party in crafting such disclosure).
7.14.1 The SIA shall own the equipment and data center infrastructure supplied by the DCO
arising out of or in connection with this Contract.
7.14.2 The SIA acknowledges and agrees that this is a professional services arrangement and
that this arrangement is not intended to be used for licensing of any DCO’s proprietary
software or tools. Further, SIA acknowledges that in performing Services under this
arrangement the DCO may use DCO’s proprietary materials including without
limitation any software (or any part or component thereof), tools, methodology,
processes, ideas, know-how and technology that are or were developed or owned by
DCO prior to or independent of the services performed hereunder or any
improvements, enhancements, modifications or customization made thereto as part of
or in the course of performing the services hereunder, (“DCO Pre-Existing IP”). DCO
agrees that except with the prior consent of SIA, DCO shall not embed or incorporate
any of DCO Pre-Existing IP. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
herein, DCO shall continue to retain all the ownership, the rights title and interests to
all DCO Pre-Existing IP and nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing
or restricting DCO from using DCO Pre-Existing IP in any manner. To the extent that
any DCO Pre-Existing IP or a portion thereof is incorporated or contained in a
Deliverable resulting from this arrangement, DCO hereby grants to SIA a non-
exclusive, perpetual, royalty free, fully paid up, irrevocable license, to use, copy, install,
perform, display, modify and create derivative works of any such DCO Pre-Existing IP
in connection with the Deliverables and only as part of the Deliverables in which they
are incorporated or embedded.
The foregoing license does not authorizes SIA to (a) separate DCO Pre-Existing IP from the
Deliverable in which they are incorporated for creating a stand-alone product for marketing to
others; (b) independently sell, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, license, sub license, assign
or in any other way convey, transfer or alienate the DCO Pre-Existing IP in favour of any
person (either for commercial consideration or not (including by way of transmission), and/or
(c) except as specifically and to the extent permitted by the DCO in writing reverse compile or
in any other way arrive at or attempt to arrive at the source code of the DCO Pre-Existing IP.
All the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the third party software or component used in
providing services including those forming part of or incorporated into the deliverables shall
remain with the respective third party owners/ DCO’s licensors and the SIA shall have user
rights in accordance with end user license agreement (EULA) as applicable to use of such
software or component.
10.15 Risk Management
7.15.1 DCO shall at his own expense adopt suitable Risk Management methodology to
mitigate all risks assumed by the DCO under this CONTRACT. DCO shall underwrite
all the risk related to its personnel deputed under this CONTRACT as well as
IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY’s equipment, tools and any other belongings of the
DCO or their personnel during the entire period of their engagement in connection
with this CONTRACT and take the essential step to reduce and mitigate the risk.
State Government will have no liability on this account.
7.15.2 DCO shall take out insurance policies for replacement value against all risks of loss or
damage caused to SIA’s property/ Equipment for property owned or hired by SIA and
the works and part of the works taken over by SIA.
7.15.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in any provision of this CONTRACT, either Party
shall defend, indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against any losses,
damages, costs or claims relating to any damage to property / person of such other
Party owing to reasons solely attributable to the willful misconduct and/or gross
negligence of the indemnifying party except in case of gross negligence or willful
misconduct of the part of such other Party, its subcontractor its agents or employees,
in which case the such other Party shall be liable to bear any loss or damage
occurring to such property/person.
7.15.4 “Gross Negligence” means: any act or failure to act (whether sole, joint or
concurrent) by a person or entity which was intended to cause or which was in
reckless disregard of or wanton indifference to, avoidable and harmful consequences;
such a person or entity knew or should have known the consequences of such an act
or failure to act. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Gross Negligence shall not include
any action taken in good faith for the safeguard of life or property. “Willful
Misconduct” means: “intentional disregard of good and prudent standards of
performance or proper conduct under the CONTRACT with knowledge that it is likely
to result in any injury to any person or persons or loss or damage of property.
7.15.5 Certificate of Insurance: Before commencing performance of the CONTRACT, DCO
shall furnish SIA with attested copies of the certificates of insurance indicating
(1) kinds and amounts of insurance as required herein
(2) companies carrying the aforesaid coverage
(3) effective and expiry dates of policies
(4) the territorial limits of all policies.
The SIA shall be given thirty days written advance notice of any material change in
the policy. If any of the above policies expire or/ are cancelled during the term of this
CONTRACT and DCO fails for any reason to renew such policies, then SIA may
replace same and charge the cost thereof to the DCO. Should there be lapse in any
insurance required to be carried out by DCO here under for any reason, losses
resulting there from shall be to the sole account of the DCO. Such insurance shall be
affected with an Insurance Company incorporated and registered in India or jointly
with a company of International repute and an Insurance Company incorporated and
registered in India.
7.15.6 Transit Risks: It is the responsibility of the Bidder for all transit risk such damage,
shortage, loss, deterioration, demurrage, warfare etc. for the supplies to the receiving
points. Ownership of any equipment or infrastructure put up by the DCO will not
come to the SIA till the acceptance of the Data Centre.
10.16 Indemnity
7.16.1 Either Party hereby agrees to indemnify and defend the indemnifying the either party
from and against any costs, losses, damages, expenses, claims including those from
third parties or liabilities of any kind howsoever suffered, arising or incurred inter alia
during and after the Contract period out of: Any negligence or wrongful act or omission by the either party or the either party’s
Team or any subcontractor/ third party in connection with or incidental to this
Contract; or Arising out of breach of third party intellectual property rights as enunciated and with
the limitations as mentioned in Clause 7.3.13 of this document.
7.16.2 All other claims like damage to property/breach of the terms of the contract/act
omission of the DCO shall be covered under limitation of liability clause stated in
Section 7.31.
7.16.3 Upon receipt of a third party claim, either party will promptly inform the other of the
claim and will provide the other party the right to defend or settle the claim. The
parties will also provide reasonable co-operation to the other in its
defense/settlement of the claim. Upon receipt of the notice from either party, the
other will initiate steps for the defense/settlement of the claim.
10.17 Confidentiality
7.17.1 The DCO shall not use any Confidential Information, the name or the logo of the SIA
except for the purposes of providing the Services as specified under this contract;
7.17.2 The DCO may only disclose Information in the following circumstances: With the prior written consent of the SIA. To a member of the DCO’s Team (“Authorized Person”) if: The Authorized Person needs the Information for the performance of obligations
under this contract; The Authorized Person is aware of it and is obliged to use it only for the
performance of obligations under this contract
7.17.3 Both Parties here by agree to use reasonable care to safeguard the Confidential
Information belonging to the other and to prevent its unauthorized use or disclosure
thereof including execution of a confidentiality agreement containing similar restraints
with its subcontractors (if applicable), employees and team members .
7.17.4 Each Party will be held responsible for any breach of the fore-going confidentiality
provisions by its team members, employees and subcontractors (if applicable).
7.17.5 The DCO shall notify the SIA promptly if it is aware of any disclosure of the
Information otherwise than as permitted by this Contract or with the authority of the
7.17.6 Either party shall be liable to fully recompense the other for breach of confidentiality.
Either Party reserves the right to adopt legal proceedings, civil or criminal, against the
other in relation to a dispute arising out of breach of obligation by such other under
this clause.
7.17.7 The DCO shall not take away or remove in whatever manner any information on any
media like but not limited to Floppy, Digital Drives, CDs. DVDs, email etc from SDC
without the specific written permission of SIA. DCO, if required, shall take specific
permission for each such event.
7.17.8 The DCO shall not use any information which might have come to its knowledge in
whatever manner during the discharge of its obligation under the contract for any
purpose except strictly for discharging his obligation under the contract and no more.
7.17.9 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary mentioned elsewhere in the Contract the
confidentiality obligations mentioned herein shall survive the expiry / termination of
the agreement for a period of two (2) years thereafter.
7.18.1 The term of this Contract shall be for a period as indicated in the contract and
contract shall come to an end on expiry of such period except when its term is
extended by SIA.
7.18.2 The SIA shall reserve the sole right to grant any extension to the term mentioned
above with DCO’s mutual consent including fresh negotiations on terms and
10.19 Prices
1.1.4 Prices quoted must be firm and shall not be subject to any upward revision on any
account whatsoever throughout the period of contract for the scope of the Contract
subject to Change Order provisions.
There are certain items in the Bill of Material (e.g. Hand held Fire extinguishers) for
which the quantity has been mentioned as “As Required”. The DCO must supply
adequate numbers of such items so as to meet the requirements of the Assam State
Data Centre.
The DCO agrees that the Data Centre requirements given in specifications of the Bidding
Documents are minimum requirements and are in no way exhaustive and guaranteed by the
SIA. It shall be the responsibility of the DCO to meet all the requirements of design criteria
contained in the Bidding Documents and any upward revisions and/or additions of quantities,
specifications, sizes given in Specifications and drawings etc. of the Bidding Documents
required to be made during commissioning of Data Centre shall not constitute a change order
and shall be carried out without a change order and shall be carried out without any time and
cost effect to SIA. Any upward revision and/or additions consequent to errors, omissions,
ambiguities, discrepancies in the specification and Drawing
s etc. of the Bidding Documents which the DCO had not brought out to the SIA notice in his
tender shall not constitute a change order and such upward revisions and/or addition shall be
carried out by DCO without any time and cost effect to SIA. A change identified at any stage of
the contract which requires the Services / deliverable to deviate from the then current
baseline or the approved deliverable of the previous baseline to be modified, will be conveyed
by the SIA to DCO or vice-versa in the form of a Change Order document. The request for
change will then be assessed by DCO to evaluate its impact on feasibility, time schedules,
technical requirements in consequence of the proposed change and cost. DCO will present
this assessment to the SIA for its approval within a reasonable time period. DCO will
incorporate the change after receiving the SIA’s written approval. In case of delay in approval
by the SIA if the approved deliverable itself undergoes a change; this will mean a
reassessment of the Change Order.
Change Order The change order will be initiated only in case (i) the SIA directs in writing the DCO
to include any addition to the scope of work covered under this Contract or delete
any part of the scope of the work under the Contract, (ii) DCO requests to delete
any part of the work which will not adversely affect the operational capabilities of
the facilities and if the deletions proposed are agreed to by the SIA and for which
cost and time benefits shall be passed on to the SIA, (iii) the SIA directs in writing
the DCO to incorporate changes or additions to the Design Criteria requirements
already covered in the Contract. Any changes required by the SIA over and above the minimum requirements given
in the specifications and drawings etc. included in the Bidding Documents before
giving its approval to detailed design or Engineering for complying with design
criteria and changes required to ensure systems compatibility and reliability for safe
(As per codes, standards and recommended practices referred in the Bidding
Documents) and trouble free operation shall not be construed to be change in the
Scope of work under the Contract. Any change order as stated in Clause comprising an alteration which
involves change in the cost of the works (which sort of alteration is hereinafter
called a “Variation”) shall be the Subject of an amendment to the Contract by way of
an increase or decrease in the Contract Price and adjustment of the implementation
schedule if any. If there is a difference of opinion between the DCO and SIA’s Representative
whether a particular work or part of the work constitutes a change order or not, the
matter shall be handled in accordance with the procedures set forth in Clause 7.20.2 Within ten working days of receiving the comments from the SIA or the drawings,
specification, purchase requisitions and other documents submitted by the DCO for
approval, the DCO shall respond in writing which item(s) of the Comments is/are
potential changes(s) in the “Scope of Work” in Section IV of the Volume I of the
tender document covered in the Contract and shall advise a date by which request
for a change order (if applicable) will be submitted to the SIA.
120 If SIA accepts the implementation of the change order under Clause above
in writing, which would be considered as change order then DCO shall proceed with
the relevant work stipulated in the change order pending final agreement between
the parties with regard to adjustment of the Contract Price and the Construction
Schedule. In case, the mutual agreement about whether new requirement constitutes a change
order or not, is not reached, then the DCO in the interest of the works shall take up
the implementation of the work, if advised in writing to do so by SIA’s
Representative; putting on hold the settlement between the two parties to the effect
whether such requirement constitutes a change order or not as per the terms and
conditions of Contract documents. The time and cost effects in such a case shall be
mutually verified and recorded. If the said work constitutes a change order, the
same shall be compensated taking into account the records kept in accordance with
the Contract. DCO shall submit necessary backup documents for the change order showing the
break-up of the various elements (e.g. Data Centre Space facilities provisioning,
Engineering, Procurement, Development, Installation etc.) constituting the change
order for the SIA review. If no agreement is reached between the SIA and DCO
within 60 days after SIA instruction in writing to carry out the change concerning
the increase or decrease in the Contract price and all other matters described above,
either party may refer the dispute to arbitration.
Change of Size/Quantities
The SIA will have the option to increase or decrease the size/ quantity of the dedicated and
exclusive Data Centre space as well as the Non-Data Centre space and the related
equipment/material to be provisioned by the DCO as mentioned in the Contract at any time
before work is initiated at the site, provided that such increase or decrease shall not exceed
twenty five percent (25%) of the total Contract Price. In case the change required by the SIA
exceeds 25% of the total Contract Price, the said change would be subject to the DCO
providing his written consent to the SIA request.
7.21.1 The DCO shall, if ordered in writing by the SIA’s Representative, temporarily suspend
the works or any part thereof for such a period and such a time as ordered. The DCO
shall not be entitled to claim compensation for any loss or damage sustained by him
by reason of temporary suspension of the Works as aforesaid. An extension of time for
completion corresponding to the delay caused by any such suspension of the works as
aforesaid shall be granted to the DCO, if request for the same is made and that the
suspension was not consequent to any default or failure on the part of the DCO. In
case the suspension of works is not consequent to any default or failure on the part of
the DCO and lasts for a period of more than 2 months, the DCO shall have the option
to request the SIA to terminate the Contract with mutual consent.
7.21.2 In the event that the SIA suspends the progress of work for any reason not
attributable to the DCO for a period in excess of 30 days in aggregate, rendering the
DCO to extend its performance guarantee, SIA shall bear only the cost of extension of
such bank guarantee for such extended period restricted to the normal bank rates as
applicable in the international banking procedures subject to the DCO producing the
requisite evidence from the bank concerned.
7.22.1 Unless terminated earlier, pursuant to Clauses 7.3, 7.14, 7.17 the Contract shall
terminate on the completion of term as specified in the Contract.
7.23.1 The fee amount will be equal to the amount specified in Volume I, Section X –
Format for Tender Response – Commercial Bid. Payments will be released only on
satisfactory acceptance of the deliverables for each Task as per the following schedule:
S. No Payment Schedule Fee Payable Remarks
value of the installed PAT of all the installed
IT components equipment by
AMTRON appointed
Nodal Officer.
Payable on Successful
On successful final acceptance 20% of the CAPEX implementation of FAT,
7. test of Non-IT and IT value of the installed in accordance with
Components. IT components. AMTRON and
concerned department.
10% of CAPEX and Operations
and Management for 5 years Payment release subject
8. 5% (per quarter)
payable quarterly (as QGR) at to Performance.
the end of each quarter
7.23.2 All Payments shall be made in Indian Rupees Only and will be subject to provisions of
Clauses 7.29 and 7.30.
7.23.3 Payments to the DCO will be made subject to verification and clearance from the Third
Party Auditor (TPA) as appointed by the State Government.
7.23.4 All invoices and bills will be raised by the DCO as per the mutually agreed payment
terms. The bill will be deemed to be accepted by the SIA within fifteen (15) working days
unless indicated otherwise. The bill will become due for payment within forty five (45)
working days after being deemed accepted. The DCO will also have the right to withhold
provision of Services in case of non-payment of invoices within the stipulated time
mentioned above
7.23.5 Any change in the rates of taxes, duties and/or any levies will be reimbursed to the
DCO by SIA on the basis of actual rates prevailing at that point of time. Where applicable, the
DCO shall invoice any applicable tax, duty, levy as a separate line item in applicable invoices
and shall pay such amount of tax to the appropriate taxing authority upon receipt of such
amount from SIA. Each party shall be responsible for its own income taxes, corporate taxes
and franchise taxes.
The State will consider if any revision in service tax and other taxes during the tenure of the
project. But it’s DCOs responsibility to notify the SIA regarding any upward and downward
change in the service tax and pass the benefit to SIA if there is any downward change in the
The Commercial bid should clearly indicate the price to be charged without any qualifications
whatsoever and should include all taxes, duties, fees, levies and other charges as may be
applicable in relation to the activities proposed to be carried out. It is mandatory that such
charges wherever applicable/ payable should be indicated separately in Volume I, Section VIII
– Format 2: Breakdown of Cost Components. However, should there be a change in the
applicable taxes till the date of delivery of products/ services any downward revision shall be
passed on to Tendering authority.
7.24.1 The failure on the part of the DCO to perform any of its obligations or comply with any
of the terms of this Contract shall constitute an Event of Default on the part of the DCO.
The events of default as mentioned above may include but not limited to inter alia the
following also: The DCO has failed to perform any instructions or directives issued by the SIA which
it deems proper and necessary to execute the scope of work under the Contract for
reasons solely attributable to the DCO or The DCO has failed to adhere to any of the key performance indicators as laid down in
the Key Performance Measures / Contract or if the DCO has fallen short of matching
such standards/targets as the SIA may have designated with respect to any task
necessary for the execution of the scope of work under this Contract. The above
mentioned failure on the part of the DCO may be in terms of failure to adhere to
timelines, specifications, requirements or any other criteria as defined by the SIA. The DCO has failed to remedy a failure or to perform its obligations in accordance
with the specifications issued by the SIA despite being served with a default notice
which laid down the specific deviance on the part of the DCO to comply with any
stipulations or standards as laid down by the SIA or The DCO/ DCO’s Team has failed to conform to any of the Service/Facility
Specifications/standards as set out in the scope of work of this Tender/RFP document
or has failed to adhere to any amended direction, modification or clarification as
issued by the SIA during the term of this Contract and which the SIA deems proper
and necessary for the execution of the scope of work under this Contract for reasons
solely attributable to the DCO. The DCO has failed to demonstrate or sustain any representation or warranty made
by it in this Contract with respect to any of the terms of its Bid or the Tender and this
Contract/RFP. There is a proceeding for bankruptcy, insolvency, winding up or there is an
appointment of receiver, liquidator, assignee, or similar official against or in relation
to the DCO. The DCO/DCO’s Team has failed to comply with or is in breach or contravention of
any applicable laws. Where there has been an occurrence of such defaults inter alia as stated above, the
SIA shall issue a notice of default to the DCO, setting out specific defaults / deviances
/ omissions and providing a notice of thirty days to enable such defaulting party to
remedy the default committed. Where despite the issuance of a default notice to the DCO by the SIA the DCO fails to
remedy the default to the satisfaction of the DCO, the SIA may, where it deems fit,
issue to the defaulting party another default notice or proceed to adopt such remedies
as may be available to the SIA.
7.25.2 The SIA may by a written notice of suspension to the DCO, suspend all payments to
the DCO under the Contract provided that such notice of suspension:
124 Shall specify the nature of the failure and Shall request the DCO to remedy such failure within a specified period from the
date of receipt of such notice of suspension by the DCO.
7.25.3 The SIA reserves the right to terminate the contract with 30 days prior written notice
in event of breach of material terms and conditions of the contract by the DCO,
provided the breach is not cured within such notice period.
7.25.4 The DCO shall also have a right to terminate this contact by giving 30 days prior
written notice to the SIA, in event of breach of material terms and conditions of the
contract by SIA, provided the breach is not cured within such notice period”
10.26 Termination
7.26.1 SIA may terminate this Contract in whole or in part by giving the DCO prior and
written notice indicating its intention to terminate the Contract under the following
circumstances: Where it comes to the SIA’s attention that the DCO (or the DCO’s Team) is in a
position of actual conflict with the interest of the SIA in relation to any of the terms
of the DCO’s Bid or the RFP. Where the DCO’s ability to survive as an independent corporate entity is threatened
or is lost owing to any reason whatsoever including inter alia the filing of any
bankruptcy proceedings against the DCO, any failure by the DCO to pay any of its
dues to its creditors, the institution of any winding up proceedings against the DCO
or the happening of any such event that is adverse to the commercial viability of the
DCO. In the event of the happening of any event of the above nature, the SIA shall
reserve the right to take any steps as is necessary to ensure the effective transition
of the project to a successor DCO/service provider, and to ensure business
continuity Termination for Default: The SIA may at any time terminate the Contract by
giving 30 days written notice to the DCO without compensation to the DCO in the
Event of Default on the part of the DCO which may include failure on the part of the
DCO to respect any of its commitments with regard to any part of its obligations
under its Bid, the RFP and/or under this Contract for reasons solely attributable to
the DCO. Termination for Insolvency: The SIA may at any time terminate the Contract by
giving written notice to the DCO without compensation to the DCO, if the DCO
becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, provided that such termination will not
prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue
thereafter to the SIA. Termination for Convenience: The SIA may by prior written notice sent to the
DCO at least 3 months in advance, terminate the Contract in whole or in part at any
time for its convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is
for the SIA’s convenience, the extent to which performance of work under the
Contract is terminated and the date upon which such termination becomes
7.27.1 In the event of termination of this contract due to any cause whatsoever except
termination for SIA convenience, the DCO shall be blacklisted and all empanelment
will stand cancelled effective from the date of termination of this contract. The DCO
shall be entitled to payments for all services rendered till effective date of termination.
7.27.2 Retain amounts from the payment due and payable by the SIA to the DCO of overall
contract value (CAPEX & OPEX) for 5 years as may be required to offset any losses
caused to the SIA as a result of such event of default.
7.27.3 Invoke the Performance Bank Guarantee and other Guarantees furnished hereunder,
enforce the Deed of Indemnity, recover such other costs/losses and other amounts
from DCO as may have resulted from such default and pursue such other rights
and/or remedies that may be available to the SIA under law.
7.27.4 In the event of termination of this Contract due to any cause whatsoever, whether
consequent to the stipulated Term of the Contract or otherwise the SIA shall be
entitled to impose any such obligations and conditions and issue any clarifications as
may be necessary to ensure an efficient transition and effective business continuity of
the project which the DCO shall be obliged to comply with and take all available steps
to minimize the loss resulting from that termination/breach and further allow and
provide all such assistance to the SIA and/or the successor DCO/service provider, as
may be required to take-over the obligations of the erstwhile DCO in relation to the
execution/continued execution of the scope of this Contract.
7.27.5 Where the termination of the Contract is prior to its stipulated period, SIA through
mutual re-determination of the consideration payable to the DCO shall pay the DCO
for that part of the Services which have been authorized by the SIA and satisfactorily
performed by the DCO up to the date of termination. Without prejudice to any other
rights, the SIA may retain such amounts from the payment due and payable by the
SIA to the DCO as may be required to offset any losses caused to the SIA as a result of
any act/omissions of DCO
7.27.5 Nothing herein shall restrict the right of the SIA to invoke the Bank Guarantee and
other Guarantees furnished hereunder, enforce the Deed of Indemnity and pursue
such other rights and/or remedies that may be available to the SIA under law.
7.27.6 The termination hereof shall not affect any accrued right or liability of either Party
nor affect the operation of the provisions of this Contract that are expressly or by
implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination.
10.28 Penalty
Subject to clause for Force Majeure if the Bidder fails to complete the Commissioning of Data
Centre before the scheduled completion date or the extended date or if DCO repudiates the
Contract before completion of the Work, the SIA at its discretion may without prejudice to any
other right or remedy available to the SIA the Contract recover a maximum of 20% (twenty
percent) of the project cost from the DCO as Liquidated Damages (LD).This 20% (twenty
percent) will be staggered over a period of 5 (five) weeks at the rate of 4% (four percent) of
the project cost payable for the uncompleted Services and/or deliverables.
The SIA may without prejudice to its right to effect recovery by any other method deduct the
amount of liquidated damages from any money belonging to the DCO in its hands (which
includes the SIA’s right to claim such amount against DCO’s Bank Guarantee) or which may
become due to the DCO. Any such recovery or liquidated damages shall not in any way relieve
the DCO from any of its obligations to complete the Works or from any other obligations and
liabilities under the Contract.
7.30.1 The SIA and the DCO shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal
negotiations any disagreement or disputes arising between them under or in
connection with the Contract.
7.30.2 If, after thirty days from the commencement of such direct informal negotiations, the
SIA and the DCO have been unable to resolve amicably a Contract dispute, either
party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution to the formal mechanism
specified in Clauses 7.31.3 and 7.31.4.
7.30.3 In the case of a dispute or difference arising between the SIA and the DCO relating to
any matter arising out of or connected with this Contract, such dispute or difference
shall be referred to two Arbitrators, one Arbitrator to be nominated by the SIA and
the other to be nominated by the DCO or in case of the said Arbitrators not agreeing
then an Umpire to be appointed by the Arbitrators in writing before proceeding with
the reference. In case the Arbitrators cannot agree to the Umpire, he may be
nominated by the Secretary, Indian Council of Arbitration, New Delhi.
The award of the arbitrational panel (whether consisting of two or three arbitrators)
shall be final and binding on the parties.
7.30.4 The Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, the rules there under and any statutory
modification or reenactments thereof, shall apply to the arbitration proceedings.
7.30.5 The venue of arbitration shall be Guwahati, Assam.
7.30.6 Either Party may terminate this contract by giving a written notice of termination of
minimum 30 days to the other, if such other fails to comply with any decision reached
consequent upon arbitration proceedings.
7.30.7 Continuance of the Contract: Notwithstanding the fact that settlement of dispute(s) (if any) under arbitration
may be pending, the parties hereto shall continue to be governed by and perform
the work in accordance with the provisions under the Scope of Work to ensure
continuity of operations.
7.31.1 Except in case of gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the DCO or on
the part of any person or company acting on behalf of the DCO in carrying out the
Services, the DCO shall not be liable to SIA. For any indirect or consequential loss or damage; and For any direct loss or damage that exceeds (A) the total payments payable under
this contract to the DCO hereunder during the preceding twenty four (24) months on
the date of such termination, which gives rise to such claims.
7.31.2 This limitation of liability shall not affect the DCO’s liability to indemnity the SIA for
any third party intellectual property infringement claims as per the terms mentioned
The DCO shall disclose to AMTRON in writing, all actual and potential conflicts of interest
that exist, arise or may arise (either for the DCO or the DCO’s Team) in the course of
performing the services as soon as practically possible after it becomes aware of that conflict.
Notwithstanding the foregoing the DCO shall be free to do similar business either for itself or
for any other party or offer similar services to any third parties but without in any way
affecting the services agreed to be offered by DCO under this Contract and adhering to other
clauses of this Contract.
10.33 Severance
In the event any provision of this Contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable under the
applicable law, the remaining provisions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect.
The Agreement shall be written in English language. Subject to Clause 7.39.5, such language
versions of the Agreement shall govern its interpretation. All correspondence and other
documents pertaining to the Contract that are exchanged by parties shall be written in English
language only.
The DCO shall not be entitled to make any claim, whatsoever against the SIA under or by
virtue of or arising out of this contract, nor shall the SIA entertain or consider any such claim,
if made by the DCO after he shall have signed a “No claim” certificate in favour of the SIA in
such forms as shall be required by the SIA after the works are finally accepted and duly paid.
10.36 Publicity
The DCO shall not make or permit to be made a public announcement or media release about
any aspect of this Contract unless the SIA first gives the DCO its written consent.
7.37.1 Force Majeure shall not include any events caused due to acts/omissions of such
Party or result from a breach/contravention of any of the terms of the Contract, Bid
and/or the Tender. It shall also not include any default on the part of a Party due to
its negligence or failure to implement the stipulated/proposed precautions, as were
required to be taken under the Contract.
7.37.2 The failure or occurrence of a delay in performance of any of the obligations of either
party shall constitute a Force Majeure event only where such failure or delay could
not have reasonably been foreseen or where despite the presence of adequate and
stipulated safeguards the failure to perform obligations has occurred. In such an
event, the affected party shall inform the other party in writing within five days of the
occurrence of such event. The SIA will make the payments due for Services rendered
till the occurrence of Force Majeure. However, any failure or lapse on the part of the
DCO in performing any obligation as is necessary and proper to negate the damage
due to projected force majeure events or to mitigate the damage that may be caused
due to the abovementioned events or the failure to provide adequate disaster
management/recovery or any failure in setting up a contingency mechanism would
not constitute force majeure, as set out above.
7.37.3 In case of a Force Majeure all Parties will endeavor to agree on an alternate mode of
performance in order to ensure the continuity of service and implementation of the
obligations of a party under the Contract and to minimize any adverse consequences
of Force Majeure.
7.37.4 In the event of a delay lasting for more than 30 days, if arising out of clauses of Force
Majeure, SIA reserves the right to cancel the contract without any obligation to
compensate the vendor in any manner whatsoever subject to the provision of Clauses
mentioned. This Schedule sets out the provisions, which will apply on expiry or termination of the
Contract The Parties shall ensure that their respective associated entities carry out their
respective obligations set out in this Exit Management Schedule. Information relating to the current services rendered and performance data relating
to the performance of the services; Documentation relating to Assam State Data
Centre, Project’s Intellectual Property Rights; any other data and confidential
information related to SDC; All current and updated SDC Project data as is
reasonably required for purposes of the SDC Project or for transitioning of the
services to its Replacement Successful Bidder in a readily available format. other information (including but not limited to documents, records and
agreements) relating to the services reasonably necessary to enable the Client and its
nominated agencies, or DCO’s Replacement to carry out due diligence in order to
transition the provision of the Services to Client or its nominated agencies, or DCO’s
Replacement (as the case may be).
7.38.5 Employees Promptly on reasonable request at any time during the exit management period, the
Successful Bidder shall, subject to applicable laws, restraints and regulations
(including in particular those relating to privacy) provide to the client (SIA) a list of
all employees (with job titles and communication address) of the Successful Bidder,
dedicated to providing the services at the commencement of the exit management
At any time during the exit management period, the Successful Bidder will be obliged to
provide an access of information to the client (SIA), and/or any Replacement Successful
Bidder in order to make an inventory of the Assets (including hardware / Software / Active /
passive), layouts, diagrams, schematics, documentations, manuals, catalogs, archive data, IP
addressing, passwords, Live data, policy documents or any other material related to SDC
Project. The Successful Bidder shall provide the client (SIA) with a recommended exit
management plan ("Exit Management Plan") which shall deal with at least the
following aspects of exit management in relation to the SLA as a whole and in
relation to the Project Implementation, the Operation and Management SLA and
Scope of work definition.
a. A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in conjunction with
a Replacement Successful Bidder including details of the means to be used to
ensure continuing provision of the services throughout the transfer process or
until the cessation of the services and of the management structure to be used
during the transfer;
b. Plans for the communication with such of the DCO, staff, suppliers, customers
and any related third party as are necessary to avoid any material detrimental
impact on DC Project’s operations as a result of undertaking the transfer;
c. Plans for provision of contingent support to SDC Project and Replacement
Successful Bidder for a reasonable period after transfer.
The DCO shall have to provide a detail program as enumerated in the said clauses within the
first year of signing/execution of the contract. The Successful Bidder shall re-draft the Exit Management Plan annually thereafter to
ensure that it is kept relevant and up to date. Each Exit Management Plan shall be presented by the Successful Bidder to and
approved by the client (SIA) or its nominated agencies. The terms of payment as stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule include the costs
of the Successful Bidder complying with its obligations under this Schedule. In the event of termination or expiry of Contract each Party shall comply with the
Exit Management Plan. During the exit management period, the Successful Bidder shall use its best efforts to
deliver the services. Payments during the Exit Management period shall be made in accordance with the
Terms of Payment Schedule. This Exit Management plan shall be furnished in writing to the client (SIA) or its
nominated agencies within 15 days from the Effective Date of this Agreement.
10.39 General Nothing in this Contract constitutes any fiduciary relationship between the SIA and
DCO/DCO’s Team or any relationship of employer employee, principal and agent,
or partnership, between the SIA and DCO. No Party has any authority to bind the other Party in any manner whatsoever
except as agreed under the terms of this Contract. SIA has no obligations to the DCO’s Team or DCO’s subcontractors or
subcontractor’s team except as agreed under the terms of this Contract.
Note: All these clauses will be finalized at the time of signing the contract, the points given in
the RfP are indicative
7.39.2 No Assignment
The DCO shall not transfer any interest, right, benefit or obligation under this Contract
without the prior written consent of the SIA.
7.39.3 Survival
The provisions of the clauses of this Contract in relation to documents, data, processes,
property, Intellectual Property Rights, indemnity, publicity and confidentiality and ownership
survive the expiry or termination of this Contract and in relation to confidentiality, the
obligations continue to apply unless the SIA notifies the DCO of its release from those
7.39.8 Notices
A “notice” means:
a. a notice; or
b. a consent, approval or other communication required to be in writing under this
All notices, requests or consents provided for or permitted to be given under this Contract
shall be in writing and shall be deemed effectively given when personally delivered or mailed
by pre-paid certified/registered mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows and shall
be deemed received 7 days after mailing or on the date of delivery if personally delivered
whichever is earlier:
To SIA at:
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati -781021, Assam, India
Phone No.: 0361-2724204/230
Fax: 0361- 2724181/131
Email Address:
To DCO at:
Any Party may change the address to which notices are to be directed to it by notice to the
other parties in the manner specified above.
7.39.9 Waiver Any waiver of any provision of this Contract is ineffective unless it is in writing and
signed by the Party waiving its rights. A waiver by either Party in respect of a breach of a provision of this Contract by the
other Party is not a waiver in respect of any other breach of that or any other
provision. The failure of either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this
Contract shall not be interpreted as a waiver of such provision.
7.39.10 Modification
Any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by an authorized signatory of
each Party.
7.39.11 Application
These General Conditions shall apply to the extent that provisions in other parts of the
Contract do not supersede them.
7.39.15 Warranty
• The Bidder is required to provide warranty for all the equipment supplied for a period
of 5 years from the date of acceptance by the SIA of all the supplied equipment.
• The DCO shall not be entitled to make any claim, whatsoever against the SIA under or
by virtue of or arising out of this contract, nor shall the SIA entertain or consider any
such claim, if made by the DCO after he shall have signed a “No claim” certificate in
favor of the SIA in such forms as shall be required by the SIA after the works are
finally accepted. The scope of the warranty shall be limited only to correction of any
bugs and repair/reconfigure/re-provision the defective equipment or service that
were left undetected during any acceptance testing by the SIA. The above mentioned
warranty shall also not apply if there is any (i) combination, operation, or use of some
or all of the deliverables or any modification thereof furnished hereunder with
information, software, specifications, instructions, data, or materials not approved by
DCO and operation of the deliverables on incompatible hardware not recommended
by DCO; (ii) any change, not made by DCO, to some or all of the deliverables; or (iii)
if the deliverables have been tampered with, altered or modified by the SIA without
the written permission of DCO; or (iv) defects in components or materials provided to
DCO by SIA in connection with the preparation of the deliverable. In case of breach of
this warranty, SIA’s exclusive remedy will be to obtain (1) the re-performance of the
service or the correction or replacement of any deliverable that provides equivalent or
superior functionality or (2) if both parties mutually determine that such remedies are
not practicable, a refund of the fees allocable to that part of the deliverable will be due
to the SIA if already paid by the SIA.EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS
DCO. All third party products shall be subject to warranty provisions stipulated by the
relevant 3rd party vendor(s) in the relevant End User License
Agreement(s)/Procurement Agreement(s) signed in that respect. Any free updates,
patches, versions, upgrades and versions shall be provided if they are provided so
(free of cost) by the concerned Original Equipment Manufacturer
• Indemnity is applicable only to third party claims of the services breaching their
IPR. All other claims like damage to property/breach of the terms of the
contract/act or omission of the DCO are covered under the limitation of liability
clause stated in Cl.7.31 in Pg.107 of RFP.
• Upon receipt of a third party claim, SIA will promptly inform the DCO of the
claim and will provide the DCO the right to defend or settle the claim. The SIA
will also provide reasonable co-operation to the DCO in its defense/settlement of
the claim. Upon receipt of the notice from the SIA, The DCO will promptly initiate
steps for the defense / settlement of the claim.
Formats for Response to the Tender –
Pre-Qualification Bid
11 Section VIII - Formats for Response to the Tender – Pre-
Qualification Bid
The Bidders are required to submit a Technical and Commercial Bid in response to this
tender/RFP. This section provides the outline, content and the formats that the Bidders are
required to follow in the preparation of their Technical and Commercial Bids.
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati-781021, Assam, India
Sir/ Madam,
We hereby declare that our bid is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the
information contained in the bid is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
We understand that our bid is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a bid you
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Business Address:
13. Website
14. Financial Details (as per audited Balance Sheets) (in Cr)
18. PAT
Details of the members of the Consortium (Please attach consortium
19. Name of the Bidder (member of consortium)
Details of the Prime Bidder (Company)
Ref. #
24. Valid Sales tax registration no.
31. Website
32. Financial Details (as per audited Balance Sheets) (in Cr)
36. PAT
11.3 Format 3 – Pre qualification Check List
The table must be filled up by the bidder with appropriate page number, sections, volume of
proposals submitted, otherwise the bid may be rejected
S. Page No. Sections,
Clause Documents required
No. etc.
mentioned above shall
also be considered.
S. Page No. Sections,
Clause Documents required
No. etc.
Data Centre (IDC), for
commercial use will be
S. Page No. Sections,
Clause Documents required
No. etc.
a) The bidder (prime)
must have on its roll at
least 100 technically
qualified professionals in,
networking, systems
integration, and prior a) Certificate from bidders HR
experience in providing Department for number of
the Data Center Technically qualified
Infrastructure professionals employed by the
commissioning, design, company.
operations and b) Name of the employees along
maintenance services as with certified copies of the
on 31-03-17. certifications done, which are
ITIL / BS7799/ISO 27001 lead
b) At least five resources Auditor or Lead Implementer
should be ITIL certified certified to be provided.
and three resources
should be BS7799/ISO
27001 Lead Auditor or
Lead Implementer
S. Page No. Sections,
Clause Documents required
No. etc.
Each Server and Software
OEM is required to submit
an undertaking on the
horizontal support of its
product across
platforms/processors, as
Each Server/Network
OEM is required to submit
an undertaking, certifying
its product to be
supported on Operating
Systems (OS), and
Databases, with names
and version details of the
supported OS and
Databases, for a period of
5 years, applicable from
the date of completion of
FAT. In case the said
support is terminated for
any reason within the
required support period
for SDC, the OEM shall
Declaration letter, along with
13 provide a better
relevant supporting documents
server/network device
with no additional cost.
OEM of each
equipment/system is
required to submit an
undertaking on support of
S. Page No. Sections,
Clause Documents required
No. etc.
its product for a period of
6 years, applicable from
the date of completion of
FAT. In case the said
support is terminated for
any reason within the
required support period
for SDC, the OEM shall
provide a better
equipment/system with
no additional cost.
S. Page No. Sections,
Clause Documents required
No. etc.
Declaration in this regard by the
The bidder should submit
authorized signatory of the
an acceptance of Terms
16 prime bidder should be attached.
and Conditions contained
Refer to Section 8.5 of volume-I
in the RFP document.
of this RFP
The bidder should submit
valid GSTIN certificate
Copy of each registration should
17 and Permanent Account
be provided.
Number (PAN) issued by
income Tax department.
The bidder should submit
Signed RFP copies (both
a copy of the entire RFP
volumes), and must have
document (both Volume I
court fee stamps of value
18 & Volume II) with every
Rs. 100/- or more affixed on
page signed by an
the tender issue page (Page
authorized signatory of the
no. 2).
Power of Attorney executed by
the Bidder in favor of the
The bidder should submit
Principal Officer or the duly
power of attorney
19 Authorized Representative,
certifying the authorized
certifying him as an authorized
signatory for the purpose of this
11.4 Format 4 - Declaration Regarding Clean Track Record
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati-781021, Assam, India
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP Document
[No._________________] regarding Appointment of an Agency for Design, Site
Preparation, Supply, Installation, Commissioning, and Maintenance & Operations of the
Assam State Data Centre for a period of five years. I hereby declare that my company has not
been debarred/black listed by any Government / Semi Government organizations in India. I
further certify that I am competent officer in my company to make this declaration.
Yours faithfully,
11.5 Format 5 – Declaration of Acceptance of Terms and Conditions in
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati-781021, Assam, India
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP document
[No. …………………………………..] regarding Appointment of an Agency for Design, Supply,
Installation, Configuration, Operations and Maintenance of physical and IT infrastructure for
State Data Centre, Assam.
I declare that all the provisions of this RFP/Tender Document are acceptable to my
company. I further certify that I am an authorized signatory of my company and am,
therefore, competent to make this declaration.
Yours faithfully,
11.6 Format 6: Authorization Letters from OEMs
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati-781021, Assam, India
We hereby undertake to support above mentioned equipment / software for the duration of 6
years from the date of Final Acceptance Certificate from AMTRON.
We also confirm that the products quoted are not end of life products.
Yours faithfully,
Directorate Seal
Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the concerned manufacturer and
should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the
Formats to Response to the Tender –
Technical Bid
12Section IX - Format for Response to Tender – Technical Bid
The Bidders are required to submit a Technical and Commercial Bid in response to this
tender. This section provides the outline, content and the formats that the Bidders are
required to follow in the preparation of their Technical and Commercial Bids.
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati-781021, Assam, India
Sir/ Madam,
We, the undersigned Bidders, having read and examined in detail all the Tender documents
do hereby propose to provide the services as specified in the Tender document number
We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the Tender
documents except for the variations, assumptions and deviations, all of which have been
detailed out exhaustively in the following statements, irrespective of whatever has been stated
to the contrary anywhere else in our Tender:
• Statement of Deviations from Tender Terms and Conditions (Sec IX - Format 8 –
Deviations from Tender Terms & Conditions of Volume I)
Further we agree that additional conditions or assumptions, if any, found in the Tender
documents other than those stated in deviation schedule shall not be given effect to.
We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract
performance guarantee bond in the form prescribed in Volume I, Annexure 5 - Proforma and
as per Section VII - General Conditions of Contract.
We understand that our bid is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a bid you
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
12.2 Format 2 - General Information about the Bidder
7. Website
14. Website
12.3 Format 3 – Technical Solution
1. The Bidder is required to describe the proposed Technical Solution in this section.
Following should be captured in the explanation:
a. Clear articulation and description of the design and technical solution and
various components including make of equipment or sizing of infrastructure
(including diagrams and calculations wherever applicable)
b. Extent of compliance to technical requirements specified in the scope of work
c. Technical Design and clear articulation of benefits to AMTRON of various
components of the solution vis-à-vis other options available.
d. Strength of the Bidder to provide services including examples or case-studies
of similar solutions deployed for other clients
2. The Bidder should provide detailed design and sizing calculation for the following listing
all assumptions that have been considered:
a. Physical Components Design
o Datacenter Space and Floor layout along with Number of Racks and their
design in the Data Centre.
o Data Centre overhead layout including: Cabling, Pipes and Ducting Plan
o Electrical Requirements
o Cooling and Environmental Control requirements
o Fire Prevention and Suppression along with detailed layout of zone-wise fire
o Data Center Surveillance and Security along with detailed layout of CCTV and
access control devices.
b. IT Components design
o Approach & Methodology for Installation & Configuration of:
o Computing (Servers, OS, Databases etc.) infrastructure
o Network infrastructure
o Security infrastructure
o Applications
o Storage infrastructure
o Cloud Infrastructure
o Help Desk
c. Operations & Maintenance
1. Help Desk Services
1. Escalation Plan
2. implementation of ITIL, BS7799, ISO 27001 etc. best practices
2. System Maintenance & Management
3. System / Storage / Cloud / Database / Network / Security Administration
4. Backup & Restoration
d. Approach & Methodology for Commissioning of complete Data Centre.
e. Approach & Methodology for installation of the IT infrastructure hosted by
user departments.
f. Adherence to Best practices like ITIL, BS7799, BS15000, ISO 20000 and
ISO 27001 etc.
3. Bidder shall provide a detailed project plan with timelines, resource allocation, milestones
etc. in for supply, installation and commissioning of the physical and IT components for
the State Data Centre.
Project Page
Name Cost(indicate 1Detailsof number
S. Year of
Criteria of Capex and testimonial where the
No. Execution
Client Opex attached work order
separately) is provided
Bidder’s experience in
setting-up Data centers
in India, quantified in 1
terms of number of
projects will be
evaluated. Setting-up
Data Centers would
mean where the bidder 2
has procured, installed
and commissioned all IT
and Non-IT components
of the data center.
Data centers with Project
cost (IT and Non-IT
both) not less than Rs. 5
Cr will be considered
Testimonial would include Copy of Work order/ Contract/ Client Certificate. For IDC bidders value should
duly certified by company secretary
Schedule B: Bidder’s Experience in providing facility management
S. Name of (indicate Year of Page number where the
No. Client Capex and Execution work order is provided
Bidder’s experience in
providing Facility 1
management services to
data centers in India,
quantified in terms of
number of projects will
be evaluated. Facility
Management would
mean where the bidder
has provided
operations / 3
maintenance services
towards all IT & Non-IT
components of the data
center. Data Centres
with Project cost (IT
and Non-IT both) not
less than Rs. 5 Cr will
be considered.
Bidder with maximum 4
numbers of projects
(maximum capped to 4
projects) shall be
awarded full 6 marks
and the others shall be
awarded marks on
relative (pro-rata) basis
2 Testimonial would include Copy of Work order/ Contr act/ Client Certificate. For IDC bidders value should
duly certified by company secretary
Schedule C: Bidder’s Experience in providing system integration
Bidder’s experience in
providing IT System
integration services in
India/ services for
Information Technology
projects including
operations in India,
quantified in terms of
number of years will be
evaluated. System
Integration would mean
where the bidder has
procured installed and
commissioned all IT
Project considered for
evaluation should have
project cost more than
Rs. 5 Cr. Bidder with
maximum years of
experience (maximum
capped to 3 years) shall
be awarded full 4 marks
and the others shall be
awarded marks on
relative (pro-rata) basis.
Schedule D: Bidder’s Experience in setting up large data centers
Data Center
Order Value
Name number
S. (indicate Year of
Criteria of where the
No. Capex and Execution
Client work order
is provided
Schedule E: Average Turnover
Schedule F: Certification
Schedule G: Design and Architecture
The total marks allocated for this criteria are 30, however since the number of items to be evaluated is large hence the marks have been scaled up for
evaluation and then adjusted to the maximum marks available proportionately.
Physic EM
Technical Power coo Fire Logical
Scale Mark Layo SA Backu LA WA al S& Interoperabi
Solution Requirem ling Preventi Securit
Up s ut N p N N Securit Clo lity
Offered ent / on y
y ud
30 10 300 4 12 12 6 12 5 5 2 4 12 16 10
ure %
Max marks
12 36 36 18 36 15 15 6 12 36 48 30
out of 300
marks 1.2 3.6 3.6 1.8 3.6 1.5 1.5 0.6 1.2 3.6 4.8 3.0
out of 30
The solution will be evaluated with respect requirement of Proposed power in KVA_____
power per TR. required per TR. < to be filled
Power by bidder >
requirement 10 The bidder who proposes minimum power per TR will be
per TR considered for maximum marks and the rest will be given
marks on pro rata.
The solution design for expansion of in row cooling / PAC Proposed expansion capacity <bidder to provide the page
capacity in TR will be evaluated. ____________ TR. < to be number where the solution
filled by bidder > is provided>
In row
10 The bidder who proposes maximum expansion capacity
cooling / PAC
will be considered for maximum marks and the rest will be
given marks on pro rata.
Fire The fire suppression solution suppression in the server Name of the gas <bidder to provide the page
Suppression farm area will be evaluated for eco-friendly attributes. proposed________. < to be number where the solution
The proposed DDoS and firewall will be evaluated with <bidder to provide the
respect to the ability of handling unauthorized access, Make____________ page number where the
attacks, handling traffic securely for different network solution is provided>
segments. Model_________________
(External and
The bidder with maximum attack handling capability and Total number of different
handling of different network segment securely will be network segment supported
considered for maximum marks and the rest will be given __________ < to be filled by
marks on pro rata. bidder >
The SIEM solution that is able to handle maximum no of Make____________ <bidder to provide the
Event Per Second will be considered for maximum marks Model-_________________ page number where the
and the rest will be given marks on pro rata." solution is provided>
Maximum number of EPS
proposed < to be filled by bidder
Virtual Machines created or Physical servers virtualized by Maximum number of VMs <bidder to provide the
Cloud the proposed solution in a live / production environment. created in a single page number where the
Solution 5 The bidder would be required to present a proof of DC/environment < to be filled solution is provided>
Capabilities implementing the maximum number of Virtual machines by bidder >
in a single Data Centre location, with maximum marks to Maximum number of Physical
Cloud Certified manpower. The bidder is required to Maximum number of Cloud <bidder to provide the
Cloud mention a certificate from the authorized signatory / HR Certified Manpower employed page number where the
Certified 4 department / Company Secretary mentioning the number with Bidder < to be filled by solution is provided>
Manpower of employees certified on cloud related certifications like bidder >
MCSE, CCP, VCP, etc. Full marks would be given for 5 or
Number of Storage OEMs supported by the Storage Multi- Names of Storage/OS <bidder to provide the
pathing software to perform multi-pathing for Storages from OEM ( whichever is page number where the
these OEMs applicable) solution is provided for
Storage 1 meeting the functionality>
management Bidder with maximum certified Storages shall be awarded full 2
mark and the others shall be awarded marks on relative (pro- 3
rata) basis. 4
Storage 6 Number of Storage OEMs supported by the Snapshot/ Point in Certified Storages <bidder to provide the
Scale up and
down by a
factor of 10. Compliance
Impact of value
Total marks with RFP Impact of deviation on Value
Deviations, addition on
Bill of Material available 25, specifications (Performance/ addition
if any (Performance/
scaled up to Scalability/Availability) provided
*Deviations will lead to negative marking which will be decided by the Evaluation Committee.
The whole solution of the bidder shall be evaluated with regard to the total power requirements in terms of peak power requirement. The bidder shall provide Equipment
wise peak power consumption of all the proposed equipment in a tabulated manner along with the un-priced BOM submitted with the technical bids. The total peak
power consumption of respective bids shall be compared for evaluation. The bidder with least peak power consumption shall be awarded full 5 marks and the
other bidders shall be awarded marks on relative (pro-rata) basis
Cooling Solution
*1 PAC /In-row cooling
Compute Components
*1 Application Servers
2 Database Servers
3 Web Server
4 Management Server
5 Staging Server
6 Backup Server
7 Integration Server
Networking Components
*1 Router
Internet Switch
Application Switch
Load Balancer
Core Switch
Access Switch
Storage Components
*1 SAN Storage
(Please note that If there is any component which the bidder has missed out against each category then the Peak Power load of the bid with highest peak power load
against this component shall be considered and if there are more than one missing components in the bid then it will be considered at par with the highest total peak
power consumption bid and technical score shall be given accordingly)
The bidder must have on its roll at least 100 technically qualified professionals in, networking, systems integration, and prior experience in providing the
Data Center Infrastructure maintenance services as on 31.03.2017:
> 500 = 2;
400 - 500 =1.5;
300 - 200 =1;
100 – 200 = 0.5
Academic Qualifications
Key Years of Name of the Company
No. of and
S. No. Type of resource Responsibilitie Relevant (in case of prime and
Resources Certifications (e.g. ITIL,
s Experience partner)
1 Project Manager
2 Data Centre Design Expert
3 …….
4 Others
5 ..............
5 Once higher SLA commitment is accepted and marks awarded then if the bidder is awarded the contract then the RFP SLA will get amended to include higher uptimes and penalties will
also get a pplicable to these higher uptime commitments.
# Quantity could be the absolute number or a unit like kgs/ft 2, ft/mt2 etc depending upon the type of
equipment in consideration. For e.g. Air-conditioning system would have ‘x’ number of In row cooling
units / PAC units and ‘y’ tons of capacity. Similarly cabling would be specified in z feet per square
meters. Bidder should provide detailed specifications.
2. .............
3. .............
4. .............
5. .............
6. .............
The Bidder should provide a detailed resource deployment plan to ensure that technically
qualified staff is available to deliver the project. The Bidder would require qualified Data
Centre Design expert, Project Manager, etc. who have to be necessarily the employee of the
Vendor. But the other resources like the civil works staff, etc. may either be employed directly
by the Bidder or be subcontracted personnel from one of the consortium partners. However,
the Bidder would have to monitor and manage the staff on a daily basis.
1. The Bidder should provide the summary table of details of the manpower that will be
deployed on this project for implementation along with detailed CVs
Academic Name of
Key Qualificatio the
No. of Years of
Type of Respon ns and Company
S. No. Resource Relevant
resource sibilitie Certification (in case of
s Experience
s s (e.g. ITIL, prime and
ITSM) partner)
2. …………..
3. …………..
4. …………..
5. ..............
Onsite Relevant
Overall IT experience in
S. No. Role Offsite Qualifications Certifications Experience the respective
Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3 (Years) role
2. Helpdesk
3. Others......
4. ……..
5. ........
6. ........
7. ........
The given format should be followed while marking out the deviations from Tender terms and
Statement of
Clause Page
S. No. Section No. deviations and Remarks
No. No.
S. No Item Details
General Information
Name/Government Department
Project Details
6. Name of the Project
7. Start Date / End Date
Current Status (work in progress,
9. Contract Tenure
10. Type of Project
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati-781021, Assam, India
There are no technical deviations (null deviations) from the requirement specifications of
tendered items and schedule of requirements. The entire work shall be performed as per your
specifications and documents. Following is the exhaustive list of technical deviations and
variations from the requirement specifications of tendered items and schedule of requirements.
Except for these deviations and variations, the entire work shall be performed as per your
specifications and documents.
S. Clause
Section No. Page No. Statement of deviations and variations
No. No.
Authorized Signatory
Name :
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati-781021, Assam, India
Sir/ Madam,
Subject: Appointment of an Agency for Supply, Installation, Configuration, Operations and Maintenance of physical & IT components
for State Data Centre
Reference: Tender No: <TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER> Dated <DD/MM/YYYY>
We, the undersigned Bidder, having read and examined in detail all the Tender documents in respect of Appointment of an Agency for Supply,
Installation, Configuration, Operations and Maintenance of Physical & IT Infrastructure Components for State Data Centre do hereby
propose to provide services as specified in the Tender documents number <TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER> Dated <DD/MM/YYYY>
We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the Tender documents except for the variations and deviations, all of which have
been detailed out exhaustively in the following statement, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else in our bid.
Further we agree that additional conditions, if any, found in the Tender documents, other than those stated in deviation schedule, shall not be given effect to.
We further confirm that the prices stated in our bid are in accordance with your Instruction to Bidders included in Tender documents.
We confirm having submitted the information as required by you in your Instruction to Bidders. In case you require any other further
information/documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of our Tender, we agree to furnish the same in time to your satisfaction.
We declare that our Bid Price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in the Schedule of Requirements and Tender documents. These prices are
indicated in Format 2 as part of the Tender.
We hereby declare that our Tender is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained in the Tender is true and correct to the
best of our knowledge and belief.
We understand that our Tender is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Tender you receive.
We confirm that no Technical deviations are attached here with this commercial offer.
Thanking you,
1. Bidder should provide all prices as per the prescribed format. Bidder should not leave any field blank. In case the field is not a pplicable, Bidder must
indicate “0” (Zero) in all such fields.
2. All the prices (even for taxes) are to be entered in Indian Rupees ONLY (% values are not allowed)
3. It is mandatory to provide breakup of all Taxes, Duties and Levies wherever applicable and/or payable.
4. AMTRON reserves the right to ask the Bidder to submit proof of payment against any of the taxes, duties, levies indicated.
5. AMTRON shall take into account all Taxes, Duties & Levies for the purpose of Evaluation
The Bidder needs to account for all Out of Pocket expenses due to Boarding, Lodging and other related items. AMTRON will not provide C form or Road
Permits to the DCO for supply of equipment.
6. The Unit Rate as mentioned in the following formats shall be used for the purpose of ‘Change Order’ for respective items, if any. However, based on the
market trends, AMTRON retains the right to negotiate this rate for future requirements.
7. For the purpose of evaluation of Commercial Bids AMTRON shall make appropriate assumptions to arrive at a common bid price for all the Bidders. This
however shall have no co-relation with the Contract value or actual payment to be made to the Bidder. Furthermore, any other item required for the overall
integration and functioning of the ASDC shall be within the scope of the bidder.
8. The bidder shall also provide all required equipment which may not be specifically stated in the RFP but are required to meet the intent of ensuring
completeness, maintainability and reliability of the total system covered under this ASDC Project.
9. All the components / equipment / software / hardware quoted in Schedules A, B and D in Sections, and should include the cost of
supply, installation, commissioning, testing, taxes, levies, etc. under the relevant column in the schedules
10. The AMC in Schedules C3/CB3, C4/CA4/CB4 & C5/CA5/CB5 shall be for the entire components / items / infrastructure of ASDC supplied under the RFP
/ Contract.
Note: SIA may give orders to selected bidders for 5 years initially and based on satisfactory performance (report provided by TPA) by the bidder the contract
may be extended for another 1 year or as decided by SIA. The value of extension will be based on the discovered prices during the bid. If further extension is
required, the prices will be negotiated by both the parties and with mutual consent the order will be given by SIA.
It is mandatory to provide breakup of all Taxes, Duties and Levies wherever applicable and/ or payable under the relevant column in the schedules. State shall
take into account all Taxes, Duties & Levies for the purpose of Evaluation.
Any change in the applicable taxes during the tenure of the project will be accounted for and adjusted accordingly.
To ensure a reasonable and realistic ratio of CAPEX and OPEX: a bid may be liable to be rejected after scrutiny if total CAPEX happens to be more than
50% of the overall bid value.
Make Unit Total
Sr. Amount Tax
Components Qty & Rate (INR)
No. (INR) (B)
Model (INR) (A+B)
Physical Infrastructure
Civil & Interior Works
(Including Brick work,
masonry work, painting, diesel
1. storage tank, Partition, Anti
static flooring, modular fire
resistant false ceiling, Water
proofing, etc.
Electrical Cabling (including
electrical panel, Earthing,
ASDC internal electrical wiring, As
DB, Switchgears, UPS, DG Set, required
all ASDC Areas, Lighting &
fixtures, etc.)
In Row Cooling for the Server
3. farm area as per specifications 4
for one containment
Comfort Air Conditioning for
4. the Auxiliary Area as per the 26 TR
5. Generator Set (Each 500 KVA) 3
UPS for the Server Farm Area
for 40 Racks Total critical loads
6. 1+1
is 200 KVA with scalability up
to 500 kVA and minimum 20
36. Racks 42 U 20
KVM Switches over IP for
37. 2
KVM Switch for each server As
Rack required
LAN passive components
39. including Cabling for the entire
State Data Center Area
c. Helpdesk management – 4
user licenses
P.S. The requirements specified in the RFP is indicative, so the bidders are advised to give technical proposal & commercial proposal as per their own
understanding and analysis. Bidders are requested to provide the solution considering additional software components wherever required to be purchased on
later date and the prices will be paid to them on actual basis. All network and security devices should not have any dependency on user based/ port based /
throughput based etc. licenses.
Bidder need to provide the break-up of the costing for EMS and Cloud management solution in the below table for each component (additional rows may be
added as per the requirement). The Cloud and EMS licenses should include all the components and license as per the RFP requirement. While the bidder
needs to quote to meet the license requirement for all the appliances from day-1, the each component pricing shall also be used for future procurement.
Total IT
Amount in Words :: Rupees
Electrical switch with 40
acceseries to
mount in rack
Other Items
Total (Scalable Components) = b11
Amount in words :: Rupees
Total OPEX for ASDC (in INR)
OPEX = Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4 + Y5
Total Cost for Operations for entire Rupees
five Years i.e. OPEX in Words
This Operational Support per year shall be for the entire components / items / infrastructure of SDC under the RFP / Contract including the Support
personnel deployed for the project. Bidder should ensure that Manpower resources required for Operations and Maintenance of ASDC project should comply
as per the RFP. In case there are changes in technology, (such as addition or Up-gradation of Hardware, Software, Tools, equipment, active or passive) DCO
needs to provide the resources with suitable technical competencies in line with project requirements without any additional charges as and when required.
Please note: Operational expenses during operation phase (such as Electricity, Diesel consumption {by DG-Set}) will be paid by the SIA to DCO as per the
actual usage/ consumption as per the prevailing market price. DCO shall integrate the energy meter (for electricity) as well as diesel consumption reading of
DG Set with the BMS infrastructure for ensuring automatic information update regarding actual consumption/usage. DCO shall have to pay directly the
electricity bills of ASDC to the electricity department and the diesel vendor for diesel. However the Client shall reimburse based on the information available
on the BMS infrastructure to the DCO. More ever the other cost associated with DG Set running shall be borne by the bidder itself.
The sub-tables for each of the above tables are listed below:
2. Technical Consultant /
Infrastructure Support
Staff - Data Centre
Physical Infrastructure
3. Technical Specialist –
Servers / Cloud / EMS /
4. Technical Specialist –
Network / Security
6. Database/ Storage
8. Housekeeping
9. Any Other
a) Thereafter, there would be addition of new servers (needs to be hosted / migrated / transferred to ASDC) & required infrastructure in an incremental
b) Bidder has to suggest the suitable number of manpower resources to be deployed from the day one of the O&M phase.
c) Last but not least, bidder has to ensure that the Service & Operational levels defined in the RFP are maintained for the entire project duration
4. ………………
4. ………………
As per Schedule
As per Schedule
3. ………………
4. ………………
Total cost (in INR) =c31 =c32 =c33 =c34 =c35 = Σc3x
It is mandatory to provide breakup of all Taxes, Duties and Levies wherever applicable and/ or payable. State shall take into account all Taxes, Duties & Levies
for the purpose of Evaluation. However if there is a change in the applicable taxes, it would be paid on actual basis.
Note: Schedule CA3 is not applicable as there are no non-IT components in Schedule B.
As per Schedule
As per Schedule
3. ………………
4. ………………
Total cost (in INR) =c41 =c42 =c43 =c44 =c45 = Σc4x
Total Amount in Words (Σc4x) :: Rupees
AMC cum Warranty for IT Components (Hardware), for Schedule B – Schedule CA4
As per Schedule
As per Schedule
3. ………………
4. ………………
Total cost (in INR) =ca41 =ca42 =ca43 =ca44 =ca45 = Σca4x
Total Amount in Words (Σca4x) :: Rupees
It is mandatory to provide breakup of all Taxes, Duties and Levies wherever applicable and/ or payable. State shall take into account all Taxes, Duties & Levies
for the purpose of Evaluation. However if there is a change in the applicable taxes, it would be paid on actual basis.
As per Schedule
As per Schedule
4. ………………
Total cost (in INR) =c51 =c52 =c53 =c54 =c55 = Σc5x
Total Amount in Words (Σc5x) :: Rupees
As per Schedule
As per Schedule
3. ………………
4. ………………
Total cost (in INR) =ca51 =ca52 =ca53 =ca54 =ca55 = Σca5x
Total Amount in Words (Σca5x) :: Rupees
It is mandatory to provide breakup of all Taxes, Duties and Levies wherever applicable and/ or payable. State shall take into account all Taxes, Duties & Levies
for the purpose of Evaluation. However if there is a change in the applicable taxes, it would be paid on actual basis.
Consortium Criteria
• The prime bidder cannot be a partner in more than one consortium. In case of consortium no company will be allowed to participate in more than one
bid i.e. they should have exclusive partners in case it is observed that any consortium have a common partner then such consortiums will stand
disqualified and under no circumstances their bids will be entertained. An undertaking in this regard has to be enclosed
• In case of a consortium, applicant consortia shall have a valid Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) / agreement (duly registered) among all the
members signed by the Chief Executives/ Authorized Signatories of the companies dated prior to the submission of the bid. The MoU / consortium
agreement shall clearly state the composition of the consortium who shall be the prime bidder, the complete description of the partner and roles and
responsibilities of the partners. The MoU/agreement shall be exclusively for this project and shall be responsible in case of failure by any partner.
• In case of a consortium, the maximum of bidders should not be more than 3 bidders.
• If the bidder (All members of consortium) is a bidder, it should be registered under company’s act 1956. Partnership and Proprietor firm are not
• The bidder (Each member of the Consortium) shall have company registration certificate, registration under labour laws & contract act, valid GSTIN
certificate and Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by income Tax department. (Copy of each registration should be provided).
• Attested copy of the company’s annual report has to be attached along with the bid. Bidder should submit an undertaking that Bidder (or any member
of the consortium) is as a company/consortium and product quoted are not Black Listed by any Govt. dept. /agency in India.
• Members of the Consortium shall be jointly and severally liable to the Government for the execution of the project in accordance with the terms of the
bid document and a statement of this effect shall be included in the Memorandum of Understanding/ consortium Agreement.
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati -781021, Assam, India
Dear Sir,
We hereby acknowledge receipt of a complete set of Bidding Documents consisting of Five Annexure (along with their Appendices) enclosed to the
"Invitation for Bid" pertaining to providing of ______________________ services against tender no.
We have noted that the closing date for receipt of the tender by SIA is _______________________ at < > hrs. (IST) and opening at < > hrs.
(IST) on the same day.
We guarantee that the contents of the above said Bidding Documents will be kept confidential within our organization and text of the said
documents shall remain the property of SIA and that the said documents are to be used only for the purpose intended by SIA.
Our address for further correspondence on this tender will be as under:
Note: This form should be returned along with offer duly signed
Reference No. __________________ Date _________________
Bank Guarantee No.___________________________________________________
Managing Director
Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan,
Guwahati -781021, Assam, India
Whereas...................................... (here in after called "the Bidder") has submitted its bid dated ......(Date) for the execution of ........................ (here in after
called "the Bid")
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that We ................... ........................ having our registered office at........................ (hereinafter called the "Bank") are
bound unto Managing Director, AMTRON (hereinafter called "the SIA") in the sum of ................ for which payment well and truly to be made to the said SIA
itself, its successors and assignees by these presents.
1. If the Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity or
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the SIA during the period of bid validity:
i. Fails or refuses to execute the contract form if required; or
ii. Fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the bid requirement ;
iii. During the bid process, if a Bidder indulges in any such deliberate act as would jeopardize or unnecessarily delay the process of bid evaluation and
finalization. The decision of the SIA regarding forfeiture of the Bid Security shall be final & shall not be called upon question under any circumstances;
iv. During the bid process, if any information found wrong / manipulated / hidden in the bid. The decision of the SIA regarding forfeiture of the Bid
Security and rejection of bid shall be final & shall not be called upon question under any circumstances.
This guarantee will remain in force up to (Date) and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
Date _______________________
Place ___________________ Signature __________________
Witness _________________ Printed Name ______________
1. The Bank Guarantee by Indian Bidders will be given on non-judicial stamp paper as per stamp duty applicable at the place from where the purchase
CONTRACT has been placed. The non-judicial stamp paper should be in name of the issuing bank.
2. Foreign parties are requested to execute bank guarantee as par law in their country.
3. Foreign Bidders will give guarantee either in the currency of the offer or US $ (US Dollar) i.e. Indian Rs/US $ have been mentioned only for illustration.
Therefore, in case where bank guarantee is being given in currency other than ‘Rupees’ or U.S. $, indicate the relevant currency of the offer.
4. The expiry date as mentioned in clause 9 should be arrived at by adding 60 days to the CONTRACT completion date unless otherwise specified in the
bidding documents.
5. The Bank Guarantee by Indian Bidders will be given from Nationalized / Scheduled Banks only. The Foreign Bidders will give Bank Guarantees from an
Indian Bank situated in that country.
Dear Sir,
1. In consideration of Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited, having its office at Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan, Guwahati – 781021
(hereinafter referred to as `AMTRON', which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include all its successors, administrators,
executors and assignees) after receipt of the LOI dated _______________ with M/s __________________________ having its registered/head
office at ______________________(hereinafter referred to as the 'CONTRACTOR') which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof include all its successors, administrators, executors and assignees) and AMTRON having agreed that the CONTRACTOR shall furnish to
AMTRON a performance guarantee for Indian Rupees/US$ .............. for the faithful performance of the entire CONTRACT.
2. We (name of the bank) ______________________________ registered under the laws of _______ having head/registered office at
__________________________ (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank", which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof,
include all its successors, administrators, executors and permitted assignees) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on first demand in
writing any /all moneys to the extent of Indian Rs (in figures) __________ (Indian Rupees (in words)_____________________________)
without any demur, reservation, contest or protest and/or without any reference to the CONTRACTOR. Any such demand made by AMTRON on the Bank
by serving a written notice shall be conclusive and binding, without any proof, on the bank as regards the amount due and payable, notwithstanding any
dispute(s) pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority and/or any other matter or thing whatsoever, as liability under these presents
being absolute and unequivocal. We agree that the guarantee herein contained shall be irrevocable and shall continue to be enforceable until it is discharged
3. The Bank also agrees that AMTRON at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance,
without proceeding against the CONTRACTOR and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that AMTRON may have in relatio n to the
CONTRACTOR’s liabilities.
4. The Bank further agrees that AMTRON shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to
vary any of the terms and conditions of the said CONTRACT or to extend time of performance by the said CONTRACTOR(s) from time to time or to postpone
for any time or from time to time exercise of any of the powers vested in AMTRON against the said CONTRACTOR(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the
terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being
granted to the said CONTRACTOR(s) or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of AMTRON or any indulgence by AMTRON to the said
CONTRACTOR(s) or any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.
5. The Bank further agrees that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force during the period that is taken for the performance of the
CONTRACT and all dues of AMTRON under or by virtue of this CONTRACT have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till AMTRON
discharges this guarantee in writing, whichever is earlier.
6. This Guarantee shall not be discharged by any change in our constitution, in the constitution of AMTRON or that of the CONTRACTOR.
7. The Bank confirms that this guarantee has been issued with observance of appropriate laws of the country of issue.
8. The Bank also agrees that this guarantee shall be governed and construed in accordance with Indian Laws and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
Indian Courts at Guwahati.
9. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, our liability under this Guarantee is limited to Indian Rs (in figures) ______________ (Indian
Rupees (in words) ____________________) and our guarantee shall remain in force until ______________________(indicate the date of expiry of
bank guarantee)
In witness whereof, the Bank through its authorized officer has set its hand and stamp on this........ day of ........20___ at .....................
-------------------------- -------------------------
(Signature) (Signature)
Full name and official Full name, designation and
address (in legible letters) address (in legible letters)
with Bank stamp
Name of the Project:
Name of the Bidder:
Dtd. 11-01-2018
(Technical and Functional Specifications)
1.1.35. Table 1: Blade Server for Application, Web, DNS & DHCP, Directory Server,
Proxy, NTP Enterprise backup, File Server, etc. ............................................................. 37
1.1.51. Table 16: Security Incident and Event Management Tool ................................. 97
1.1.61. Table 25: Compliance to ISO 27001 Standards of Security ............................ 143
1.1.71. Table 35: Fire Detection and Control Mechanism ........................................... 175
SDC Architecture – IT Infrastructure
The bidders can propose appropriate industry standard products & solutions for the
components required for implementation of the Assam State Data Centre Project. It is to be
noted that SIA may procure all /part of the Infrastructure Requirements/Services as specified
in the RFP. It is not binding on the SIA to procure all the infrastructure/services from the
same organization and at the time of signing the contract. Based on the IT Solution
implementation roadmap of the State Government Departments, SIA may
procure/implement the infrastructure/services as sought under this RFP in phased manner.
The above diagram is an indicative schematic of SDC architecture. However, bidders can
propose better & efficient solution, as per requirement for the State Data Centre
• At SDC, 10 Gigabit Ethernet links from SWAN SHQ located in the Assam Secretariat
Complex will be connected to the aggregation switch.
• It should be also noted that, SWAN would be carrier for dataflow between the Citizens
/ Users (Departments/ Offices) and the SDC. This link would be the bridge between
the Intranets i.e. SWAN users and SDC environment
Following includes the Bill of Material for the State Data Center for Government of Assam.
The specifications of the components listed below are provided in the later sections of the
RFP. The bidder shall provide the quotation for unit prices for the following components in
the commercial bid. However for overall commercial evaluation, the quantities indicated in
the table below shall be considered. At the time actual implementation, based on the
requirements, the number of equipment may be increased / decreased by the SIA. It is the
responsibility of Bidder to provide the recommendations to the SIA as to number of
equipment required to be implemented in the SDC as per the SIA’s assessment at the time of
implementation of the SDC.
Consolidated Bill of Material for the State Data Centre for First Floor:
Unit Total
Sr. Make & Amount Tax
Components Qty Rate (INR)
No. Model (INR) (B)
(INR) (A+B)
Physical Infrastructure
Civil & Interior Works
(Including Brick work,
masonry work, painting,
diesel storage tank, As
Partition, Anti static required
flooring, modular fire
resistant false ceiling,
Water proofing, etc.
Electrical Cabling
(including electrical
panel, Earthing, ASDC
3. internal electrical wiring,
DB, Switchgears, UPS,
DG Set, all ASDC Areas,
Lighting & fixtures, etc.)
In Row Cooling for the
Server farm area as per
4. 4
specifications for one
Comfort Air Conditioning
5. for the Auxiliary Area as 26 TR
per the specifications
Generator Set (Each 500
6. 3
UPS for the Server Farm
Area for 40 Racks Total
critical loads is 200 KVA
7. 1+1
with scalability up to 500
kVA and minimum 20
Min. backup.
UPS for the BMS, NOC
and Staging Area (20
8. 2+1
KVA each, scalable to 50
Fire Suppression and
9. Detection System (for all
IP CCTV System (for all 20 nos.
Zones) (Solution should of
Unit Total
Sr. Make & Amount Tax
Components Qty Rate (INR)
No. Model (INR) (B)
(INR) (A+B)
support 100 nos. of camera
different types of camera) required
Access Control System 10 nos.
(for all Zones) (Solution of access
11. should support 50 nos. of control
Access Control nodes and nodes
200 users access) required
Public Address System
(for all Zones) (System
should support 50 nos. of As
loud speakers, as per required
standard Data Centre
VESDA System (for all As
Zones) required
Water Leak Detection As
System (for all Zones) required
Rodent Repellent System As
(for all Zones) required
Hand held fire
16. extinguishers (as per 20
standard DC norms)
NOC room LED for
display (minimum 42”) -
17. 1
2x2 Video wall with
DG sync panel (as per As
standard DC norms) required
CVT (Constant Voltage
19. 2
Any Other (please
IT Infrastructure (Hardware
Blade Server for
Application, Web, DNS &
21. DHCP, Directory Server, 14
Proxy , NTP Enterprise
backup, File Server, etc.
Unit Total
Sr. Make & Amount Tax
Components Qty Rate (INR)
No. Model (INR) (B)
(INR) (A+B)
27. Internet Routers 2
Unit Total
Sr. Make & Amount Tax
Components Qty Rate (INR)
No. Model (INR) (B)
(INR) (A+B)
b. Network Monitoring
for entire solution
provided by DCO on day
1 and for network devices
for total 48 racks
c. Helpdesk management
– 4 user licenses
d. Patch management –
entire solution for Data
e. Asset management –
entire Data Centre
Microsoft® Windows
50. 7
Server latest (DC edition)
1) BOM indicated specifies the minimum requirements and BOM can undergo change
based on the solution architecture submitted by vendor.
2) The bidder shall ensure that prices/cost for all the software licenses discovered
during the bid process will be valid for entire period of contract.
1. Blade Server for Application, Web, DNS & DHCP, Directory, Proxy, NTP,
Please refer to Table 1 in Section III for specification cum compliance
5. Blade Enclosure
Please refer to Table 3 in Section III for specification cum compliance
7. Internet Router
Please refer to Table 5 in Section III for specification cum compliance
8. Application Switches
Please refer to Table 6 in Section III for specification cum compliance.
16. Virtualization
Please refer to Table 14 in Section III for specification cum compliance
25. EMS
Please refer to Table 23 in Section III for specification cum compliance
The Solution implemented for SDC Project has to follow a well-defined security policy. It
should provide a framework that ensures the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of
information infrastructure.
The solution shall accomplish the laid objectives by providing identification, authentication,
authorization/access control, administration and audit by incorporating a security
architecture which is built upon a foundation of security services, relevant technologies, best
practices, guidelines, and standards. The security services used to protect the information
infrastructure shall include:
It is important to note that the technologies chosen are in flux, where the services and goals
remain constant. It is exigent that as new technologies emerge or existing one’s mature that
they be re-evaluated in light of the security principles and goals outlined in this document.
These security services shall be delivered and that the technologies are implemented in
conjunction with a set of best practices guidelines and industry standards.
Wherever applicable the principles mentioned in Table 24 must be applied to the security
Any activity that involves updating of database, such as generation of Bill Payment Receipt,
should be done only by an authorized person. The logon information so obtained should be
used to authorize and digitally sign the transaction using X.509 certificate/128 bit key that
uniquely identifies the authenticated user. The document should be transmitted and stored in
database as signed XML document. Hence a Bill Payment Receipt given to a citizen will have
an equivalent digitally signed XML document stored in the secure database for non-
The proposed Security architecture should provide creation and management of digital
Certificates and PKI.
1. IT Equipment
2. Civil
3. Electrical
5. UPS & Battery System
6. Air Conditioning
7. Building Management System Components
8. Fire/Smoke Detection and suppression system
9. DG Sets
Physical Infrastructure
In the schematic diagram above, entire SDC area is logically divided in different areas based on requirements. Each of these areas are having different
objective described further in this section. The respective area is provided in the detailed Data Center layout shown next:
Volume II – Technical and Functional Specifications
Volume II – Technical and Functional Specifications
a. Server Farm – The Server Farm area of 1553 sq. ft. would host Servers, Server racks,
storage racks and Networking components etc.
b. Auxiliary Areas – Comprises of NOC & Helpdesk Area, Reception & Security Area, BMS
Control Room, Staging Area, Store Room, Project Manager Room, Meeting Room, UPS &
Electrical Room, Batteries Room etc.
The server farm area of 1553 sq. ft. in first floor (1st) in the SDC will host / co-locate State
Government Intranet Web Servers, and various Departmental Application Servers including the
Database Servers. These servers may be Low end to High-end depending upon the applications
hosted on them. These servers may be online or only for repository purpose. The applications
which are running on the central-computing servers will have load balancing and high availability
This area will contain all the networking components from routers, switches to passive
components. The data communication component area will terminate SWAN connections, LAN
Connections and host a network monitoring station for LAN & WAN. All the Data Center LAN
connections will be provided through switches placed in this area.
This area will host the Security components. The security architecture will provide controlled
access to the web and database servers from Internet and other networks. This would be multi-
layer architecture with layer of firewall separating the Internet, web, and database/application
and Intranet zones.
NOC Room
This room will have all the necessary arrangements for the Database, Systems, Application and
other Server Administrators. Per shift it is expected to employ one administrator for each of the
SDC shift operators taking care of daily operational activities of SDC will use this area. There will
be one Data Center In charge per shift sitting in this area along with shift operators (one each for
specific activities like backup, daily Data Center administration / operations etc.)
The staging area will be used for storing all backed up Digital Linear Tapes (DLT). This area will
be with fireproof cabinet for storing tapes. It is also highly recommended to have an offsite back
up location at some suitable place. The offsite backup place should also have a fire and heat proof
safe cabinet.
The area shall house all the Un-Interrupted Power Supply Units, Main Power Distribution Units
(PDU) and Sub Distribution Units to feed the components such as PAC, UPS, lighting, fixtures etc.
It is recommended to install transformer based PDUs in the State Data Centre.
Batteries Room
This area shall house all the Batteries accompanying the UPS components. As these components
generate good amount of radiation it is advised to house these components in a room separate
from main SDC room.
The Building Management System (BMS) room shall house all the panels for the BMS
components including Closed Circuit Television, Fire Detection & Suppression System, Access
Control, Fire Alarm, VESDA, etc.
This room on the second floor shall be used by the Project In-charge / Project Manager
responsible for the overall delivery of the State Data Centre Project.
Meeting Room
This room shall be used by GoA and SIA for various activities concerning the State Data Centre.
Security Room
The Security area shall be used for the external visitors to the State Data Centre.
Second Floor
The Second floor of the building is kept for expansion in future if required.
The indicative schedule of requirement (but not limited to) for infrastructure to be
provided in various rooms is:
The above is indicative only. The Bidder is required to specify the exact details of
Bill of Material (including their make and model) in its Technical Bid
Civil & Architectural work like False Flooring, Painting, Partitioning, Doors and Locking, Fire
proofing all surfaces False Ceiling, Storage, Furniture & fixture will be done at all locations
wherever required
Adequate furniture, fire sensors & fire extinguishers would be placed in all areas.
Server farm area will have air conditioning (in-row cooling) on a 24 x 7 x 365
Auxiliary Areas should be provided with split-type comfort air-cooled system
A minimum of 2 numbers of 750 kVA raw power would be provided by the SIA along with the
separate energy meter for ASDC.
For Proper and uninterrupted working of Data Centre, supply of clean and uninterrupted power is
essential. This can be ensured by having the Data Centre Power distribution system with
redundancy at three levels, as follows:
• Two Incoming HT feeder supply from different substations. Even if one feeder is down, the
other one keeps power available.
• Emergency Diesel-Generator backup on Mains failure of both the feeders.
• Parallel Redundant UPS system with battery bank for critical loads.
The SDC should be environment controlled. The temperature inside Server Farm area should be
maintained at 22 degree centigrade with a precision of ± 2 degrees. The Air Conditioning (in-row
cooling) shall be provided for the Server Farm at each floor with necessary enhancements of
cooling capacity in future in terms of additional indoor and outdoor units. The bidder should plan
the location of such additional indoor and outdoor units. Bidder should also plan the location of
such additional units in the area and lay additional conduits (including associated civil / electrical
works) between locations of these additional indoor units and outdoor units, lay additional
electrical cable & outlets so as to have other infrastructure ready for deploying additional indoor
and outdoor units at a future date. Air Conditioning should be ensured to the extent of 99.741%. It
is suggested to provide air supply typically through false flooring.
Air Conditioning
Since server farm is a critical area, a separate air conditioning system (air conditioning, in-
row cooling based) should be exclusively installed to maintain the required temperature
for server farm. Auxiliary areas can have a common air conditioning system for comfort. The
general requirements for the two zones are as specified below:
• Server Farm – should be provided with in-row cooling based air conditioning at first floor
on a 24 x 7 x 365 days operating basis.
• Auxiliary Areas: Auxiliary Areas should be provided with split-type comfort air-cooled
system (at least meeting with Tier - II architecture requirements).
ambient temperature & humidity with adequate airflow. The PAC should capable to be integrated
with the Building management System for effective monitoring.
The Agency will be required to design, supply, transport, store, unpack, erect and test the
successful commissioning and satisfactory completion of trial operations of the PAC systems for
the Data Centre. This shall also include-
• Connecting the indoor unit with the mains electrical point
• Connecting indoor and outdoor units mechanically (with 18 G hard Gauge Copper
• Connecting indoor and outdoor unit electrically.
• Nitrogen pressure testing, triple vacuum, final gas charging.
• Connecting the humidifier feed line with the point provided.
• Connecting the drain line with the point provided.
• Commissioning and handing over the unit to the customer.
Operation and routine maintenance training to up to two persons nominated by the customer
while commissioning the units at site
1.1.7. Flexibility
The system should give the flexibility of discharging air at wherever point required even if the
furniture is relocated. Changing the grill/tiles carrying grills, at suitable location does this.
The entry of Rodents and other unwanted pests shall be controlled using non-chemical, non-toxic
devices. Ultrasonic pest repellents shall be provided in the false flooring and ceiling to repel the
pests without killing them. However periodic pest control using Chemical spray can be done once
in 3 months as a contingency measure to effectively fight the pest menace.
The top modular false ceiling would have 1’ 6’’ feet of space from the actual Room ceiling. This
false ceiling will house AC ducting (if required) and cables of Electrical lighting, Fire-fighting,
Rodent Control and IP CCTV. The top false ceiling should be of modular type.
To support core mission of sustainability, flexibility and reliabilityplatform, the UPS design and
parameters should aim towards making sustainable reductions in energy consumption whilst
maximizing the performance levels.
At the End of 5th year operations, DCO has to show the battery condition is capable of running
minimum 15 minutes. This activity to be done in the final quarter and if found that battery backup
is not sufficient, DCO needs to replace batteries of all battery banks.
Power Distribution
• Battery installation shall be outside the SDC area to avoid fire hazard as recommended by
NFPA guidelines.
• Power cabling inside the SDC shall be of copper. The cables and conduits used inside the
SDC shall be of FRLS quality.
• Signal referencing copper Earthing to be used using braided copper wire of 6 Gauge inside
the SDC.
UPS for BMS Room, Staging room, NOC room, Meeting room, etc.:
It is also recommended to have 3 x 20 KVA (scalable to 50 KVA) UPS with 15 minutes
battery back-up for provisioning of the power to the BMS Room, Staging Area, NOC Area, etc.
The distribution of power from the UPS room to the following shall be considered:
• All proposed component for the production environment
• Existing servers and other component
• Sub distribution panels for UPS
• Final Distribution shall be through Power Distributions Units (PDU)/MCB Distribution
Boxes. Power in the racks and other component’s shall be provided with three sockets
with power coming from separate UPS in each of these sockets.
• The bidder is required to maintain two electrical distribution paths (one normal & one
alternate) for the cabling inside the server farm area in the proposed State Data Centre
Specifications for Electrical Cabling –Fire retardant cables of rated capacity exceeding the power
requirement of fully blown configuration of the existing and proposed component have to be used.
For expansion needs suitable redundant power points to be provided at suitable locations. All
materials used shall conform to IS standards as per industry practice.
• Bunching of Wires – Wires carrying current shall be so bunched in the conduit that the
outgoing and return wires are drawn into the same conduit. Wires originating from two
different phases shall not be run in the same conduit.
• Drawing of Conductors – The drawing Aluminum / Copper conductor wires shall be
executed with due regards to the following precautions while drawing insulated wires in
to conduits. Care shall be taken to avoid scratches and kinks, which cause breakages.
• Joints – All joints shall be made at main switches, distribution boards, socket outlets,
lighting outlets and switch boxes only. No joints shall be made inside conduits and
junctions boxes. Conductors shall be continuous from outlet to outlet.
• Mains & Sub-Mains – Mains & sub-mains wires where called for shall be of the rated
capacity and approved make. Every main and sub-main shall be drawn into an
independent adequate size conduit. Adequate size draw boxes shall be provided at
convenient locations to facilitate easy drawing of the mains and sub-mains. An
independent earth wire of proper rating shall be provided. The earth wires shall run along
the entire length of the mains and sub-mains.
• Load Balancing – Balancing of circuits in three-phase installation shall be planned before
the commencement of wiring.
• Color Code of the Conductors – Color code shall be maintained for the entire wiring
installation, Red, Yellow, Blue for three phases and “OFF” circuit black for neutral and
green for earth (or bare earth).
• Fixing of the Conduits – Conduits junction boxes shall be kept in position and proper
holdfasts shall be provided. Conduits shall be so arranged as to facilitate easy drawing of
the wires through them. Adequate junction boxes of approved shape & size shall be
provided. All conduits shall be installed so as to avoid stream and hot water pipes. After
conduits, junction boxes, outlet boxes & switch boxes are installed in position their outlets
shall be properly plugged so that water, mortar, insects or any other foreign matter does
not enter into conduit system. Conduits shall be laid in a neat and organize manner as
directed and approved by the Information Technology Department Personnel or person
on their behalf. Conductors shall be planned so as not to conflict with any other service
pipe lines / ducts.
• Protection – To minimize condensation or sweating inside the conductors all outlets of
conduit system shall be adequately ventilated and approved by the proper competent
authority. All screwed and socketed connections shall be adequately made fully water
tight by use of proper jointing materials.
• Switch-Outlet Boxes and Junction Boxes – All boxes shall conform to all prevailing Indian
Standards. The cover plates shall be of best quality Hylam sheets or ISI grade Urea
Formaldehyde Thermosetting insulating material, which should be mechanically strong
and fire retardant. Proper support shall be provided to the outer boxes to fix the cover
plates of switches as required. Separate screwed earth terminals shall be provided inside
the box for earthling purpose.
• Inspection Boxes – Rust proof inspection boxes of required size having smooth external
and internal Finish shall be provided to permit periodical inspection and to facilitate
removal and replacement of wires when required.
DG Sync Panel and CVT should be of standard make for Data Centres. The proposed solution
should come with a support for a period of five years from the date of FAT
1.1.14. UPS
Reliability of electric power can affect operations of the State Data Centre. Uninterrupted Power
Supplies (UPS) shall be used to support the load of the critical components of the Data Centre for
periods of failure of the supplied electric power, while at the same time, filtering out transients.
The scope shall include supply, transportation, storage, unpacking, erection, testing, successful
commissioning and satisfactory completion of trial operations of the above UPS systems for the
State Data Centre.
The UPS system should assure the Data center equipment with continuous power at a solution
uptime of 99.741% and with redundancy available up to the load end.
• Diesel Engine – Diesel Engine, water cooled, Naturally Aspirated, developing 3 x 500
KVA@1500 RPM, under NTP conditions of BS: 5514, 6 cylinder, Turbocharged with
critical grade silencer with Dry Type Air Cleaner, Compact Radiator with Recovery Bottle
and Pusher type Fan, Engine with Coolant, Engine mounted panel with wiring harness,
Holset Coupling and Industrial Silencer, as per engine manufacturers design standards.
The DG units should come with sound proofing as per the standards. All DG sets should
be automatic, not manual i.e. they should turn on and off automatically. Synchronisation
Panel (3 incoming – 2 outgoing) with auto-synchronisation and auto load sharing
controller with complete Bill of Materials to be provided.
o Engine Specifications
o Frequency: 50 HZ
o Engine Speed: 1500 RPM
o Fuel Tank Capacity: minimum 450 Litres
o No. of Cylinders: 6
o Type of Construction: Inline
o Displacement: 7.15 L
o Gross Engine Power Output: minimum 300 BHP
o Aspiration: Turbocharged
o Governor Type & Class: Class A
• Base Frame – Sturdy, fabricated, welded construction, channel iron Base Frame for
mounting the above Engine and Alternator.
• Control Panel – Cubicle type, floor mounting Control Panel, with hinged doors, bottom
gland plate and accommodating the following:
o 1-No. ACB or Molded Case Circuit Breaker
o 3-No.’s Ammeters /1 No. Ammeter with Selector Switch
o 1 No. Voltmeter with Selector Switch
o 1 No. frequency meter
o 1 Set Pilot Lamps LOAD ON/GENERATOR ON
o 1 Set Instrument Fuses
• Operating Features
o Microprocessor based digital controller
o Accurate LCD display
o Local Start/Stop
o Auto Main Fail Detection & Mains Monitoring
o Remote Start/Stop
o Generator breaker control
o Easily Accessible through Fascia
o Engine Protection/Faults Monitoring through CAN (Controller Area Network)
o Flexibility for Selecting Manual, AMF Operations
• Fuel Management – Fuel injection equipment shall be common rail injection type or
Mechanically actuated Electronically Controlled type complete with oil strainers, injectors
etc. The fuel system shall be full authority electronic type. Fuel is to be supplied from the
day tank with necessary piping. DCO needs to make provision for fuel for 7 days for
running requirement of DG set.
• Battery – Dry uncharged maintenance free batteries with leads and terminals.
• Management - The DG set should be manageable via Building Management System/ NOC
with MODBUS Protocol with RS 485 Communication Port so that all software features
like Diesel Consumption, Power, and Current etc. can be monitored on the BMS screen.
During installation phase, fuel charges will be borne by SI. During O&M phase, fuel
charges will be reimbursed by State on actuals, based on the reading obtained from BMS.
• Engine exhaust - The engine exhaust piping shall be amply sized for minimum back
pressure and connected to the engine manifold through flexible connection on one side
and to a silencer on the other side. The silencer shall be packed type with adequate
attenuation for urban use (Residential type), constructed from heavy gauge galvanized
steel. The sound absorbent infill shall be non-hygroscopic, vermin proof, non-
combustible material. The silencer should be adequately sized to impose minimal
additional aerodynamic loading on rotor fans. The exhaust piping shall be fabricated with
mild steel as shown in the equipment schedule and all flanged joints shall have spiraget
high temperature gasket. The piping shall be installed with necessary thermal expansion
facility as required and shown on drawings
** During installation phase, fuel charges will be borne by SI. During O&M phase, fuel charges
will be reimbursed by State on actuals, based on the reading obtained from BMS.
The scope for civil work in this RFP is to furnish the data center area in all aspects. The furnishing
includes but not limited to the following
• Cement Concrete Work
• Cutting and chipping of existing floors
• Trench works
• Masonry works
• Hardware and Metals
• Glazing
• Paint work
• Anti-Static Flooring
• False Ceiling
• Storage
• Furniture & fixture
• Partitioning
• Doors and Locking
• Painting
• Fire proofing all surfaces
• Insulating
All material to be used shall be of fine quality ISI mark unless otherwise specified. For the
designated expansion area of the server farm, the bidder shall quote separately.
1.1.18. Wiring
Please refer to Table 30 in Section III for specification cum compliance.
1.1.19. Earthing
All electrical components are to be earthen is to by connecting two earth tapes from the frame of
the component ring will be connected via several earth electrodes. The cable arm will be earthen
through the cable glands. Earthling shall be in conformity with provision of rules 32, 61, 62, 67 &
68 of Indian Electricity rules 1956 and as per IS- 3043. The entire applicable IT infrastructure in
the Data Center shall be earthed.
Temperature Requirements
The environment inside the SDC containment areas shall need to be continuously maintained at
22 ± 2o Centigrade. It is advised that the temperature and humidity be controlled at desired levels.
The necessary alarms for variation in temperatures shall be monitored on a 24x7 basis and logged
for providing reports.
Fire can have disastrous consequences and affect operations of a Data Center. The early-detection
of fire and employing means for automatic suppression of the fire is important for effective
functioning of a Data Center.
Control and indicating component - The control panel shall be a microprocessor based single loop
addressable unit, designed and manufactured to the requirements of EN54 Part 2 for the control
and indicating component and EN54 Part 4 for the internal power supply.
Cable entries – The control panel will include the necessary top entry and rear entry cable entry
points via 20mm knockouts.
Smoke detectors – Smoke detectors shall be of the optical or ionization type. Devices shall be
compatible with the CIE conforming to the requirements of EN54 Part 7 and be LPCB approved.
The detectors shall have twin LEDs to indicate the device has operated and shall fit a common
addressable base.
Audible Alarms – Electronic sounders shall be colored red with adjustable sound outputs and at
least 3 sound signals. The sounders should be suitable for operation with a 24V DC supply
providing a sound output of at least 100dBA at 1 meter and 75dBA min, for a bed head or sounder
base type device. The sounder frequency shall be in the range of 500Hz to 1000Hz.
The Clean Agent Fire Suppression system cylinder, CCOE, Nagpur approved seamless cylinders,
discharge hose, fire detectors and panels and all other accessories required to provide a complete
operational system meeting applicable requirements of NFPA 2001 Clean Agent Fire
Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 70 National Electric Code, NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code or
ISO standards must be considered to ensure proper performance as a system with required
approvals and installed in compliance with all applicable requirements of the local codes and
Please refer to Table 36 in Section III for specification cum compliance.
General – The HSSD system shall provide an early warning of fire in its incipient stage, analyze
the risk and provide alarm and actions appropriate to the risk. The system shall include, but not
be limited to, a Display Control Panel, Detector Assembly and the properly designed sampling
pipe network. The system component shall be supplied by the manufacturer or by its authorized
Regulatory Requirements
• National Electrical Code (NEC)
• Factory Mutual
• Local Authority having Jurisdiction
The Access Control System shall be deployed with the objective of allowing entry and exit to and
from the premises to authorized personnel only. The system deployed shall be based on Proximity
as well as Biometric Technology for the critical areas and Proximity technology for non-critical
areas. An access control system consisting of a central PC, intelligent controllers, proximity
readers, power supplies, proximity cards and all associated accessories is required to make a fully
operational on line access control system. Access control shall be provided for doors. These doors
shall be provided with electric locks, and shall operate on fail-safe principle. The lock shall remain
unlocked in the event of a fire alarm or in the event of a power failure. The fire alarm supplier
shall make potential free contacts available for releasing the locks in a fire condition especially for
staircase and main doors. Entry to the restricted area shall be by showing a proximity card near
the reader and exit shall be using a push button installed in the secure area. The system shall
monitor the status of the doors through magnetic reed contacts.
The system should be designed and implemented to provide functionality as per table
Please refer to Table 37 in Section III for specification cum compliance.
The Critical area of the Data Centre along with the Non Critical area needs to be under constant
video surveillance. The primary objective of implementing an IP CCTV system is to ensure
effective surveillance of the area and also create a record for post event analysis. Monitoring
cameras should be installed in proper areas to cover all the critical areas of the data centre. The
scope of work involves supply, installation, commissioning, testing and maintenance of the Closed
Circuit Television system for State Data Centre.
The IP CCTV system shall provide an on-line display of video images on monitor. The entire setup
shall be monitored from the control room on 24/7 basis. Cameras with suitable lenses shall be
used to view all the critical areas of the Data Centre, Reception and Corridor.
The IP CCTV system shall be based on the use of fixed cameras integrated dome cameras (fixed)
and integrated pan/tilt/zoom cameras that can be controlled from control room location.
The IP CCTV System shall be a combination of color fixed and PTZ designed for continuous duty.
The system and each of its devices shall be designed to meet the site ambient temperature and the
site environmental conditions and shall operate satisfactorily under the specified permitted
voltage and frequency variation band of the power supply source system.
All outdoor cameras shall be IP66 rated. The IP CCTV System proposed to fulfill the overall
surveillance / Observation requirements and enhance the level of security necessary in a software
establishment such as ours which shall be complete in all respects and shall comprise of following
minimum items.
A set of fixed cameras, integrated dome cameras (fixed), pan / tilt / zoom (PTZ) cameras and
integrated dome (PTZ) cameras with remote control operation of focus and zoom.
The cameras will be of 1/3” format CCD pickup device for fixed lens camera and ¼ “ format for
PTZ cameras. The cameras are being used for special observation purposes and are being located
both indoor and outdoor & mounted on specially designed suitable mounting arrangement for
operation under all severe environmental conditions to which these will be subjected especially
the outdoor locations.
There shall be total of 2 (minimum 21”) monitors for each Digital/Network Video Recorder one to
view the multiplexed (21”) output second to view the switched (21”). This monitor should be
located in the BMS room. The monitor shall be positioned such that room lights and windows are
The video signal shall be transmitted using co-axial/Cat6 cable and control of all zoom lens and
Pan-Tilt functions through twisted pair interconnected between receiver and NVR.
Cabling for IP CCTV shall cover:
• Video link
• Remote control of cameras in terms of its control of pan tilts zooms & focus.
• Power supply cables.
The cable shall be shielded or provided with facilities to avoid interference between signals.
The transmission losses shall be minimized and where required for satisfactory operation
correction amplifiers are cable equalizes shall be provided in the monitors on the IP CCTV
IP CCTV cabinets shall be provided near set of monitors. The cable from the cameras shall be
terminated in this cabinet from where these signals are distributed to the monitors.
All necessary video amplifiers, interfaces etc. that forms the part of the IP CCTV system shall be
installed in the cabinet.
Dome Camera
The Dome camera unit shall be 1/3” CCD Color Dome camera and shall provide a minimum of
540 TV lines resolution. It shall have built-in 3 -9mm varifocal lens. The camera shall operate on
minimum lux level not more than 0.15 lux .The complete unit shall be housed in an integrated
dome and base unit, both preferably made from injection molded plastic. It shall be possible to
adjust the camera head inside the dome in both the planes so that it can be wall or ceiling
mounted. The camera shall operate on 24 V AC or 12 volts D.C.
The NVR shall provide a high quality recorder capable of storage and play back of images from at
a rate of up to 400FPS (PAL) and shall possess an internal watchdog, duplex operation, latest
Windows Operating system, watermarking of each frame, 8 alarm inputs, software configurable
video motion detection and scheduled event recording.
The digital recorder shall comply or exceed the design and performance specifications mentioned
in table 40
The building management system shall be implemented for effective management, monitoring
and Integration of various components like HVAC systems, Access Control systems, fire
detection system etc.
The IBMS shall perform the following general functions including but not limited to:
• Building Management & Control
• Data Collection & archival
• Alarm Event & Management
• Trending
• Reports & MIS Generation
• Maintenance & Complaint Management
The scope of work shall include designing supplying and installing of Building management
(Automation) System. The work shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipment's and
appliances necessary to install the said system, complete with Sensors, Direct Digital Controllers,
Communication Controllers and Supervisory Software complete with necessary
software/hardware support for interfacing with other systems. It shall include laying of cabling
duct, conduits and power supply etc., necessary for installation of the system with supply of
appropriate type products as indicated in the specification and Bill of Quantities. The controller
shall be 32 bit based Microprocessor Controller and shall sit directly on the TCP / IP network. The
Controller shall be Web Based, Web Enabled, Real Time Clock, and Web Browser with
Communication speed min of 10 Mbps.
Agency shall design & provide a full Building automation system on the basis of truly distributed
intelligence and shall comprise of the following general functional sub systems.
Please refer to Table 41 in Section III for specification cum compliance. Also, please note that the
DCO shall be responsible for the SDC Areas and the SIA shall be responsible for the rest of the
building. The bidder should visit the site for requirements gathering for the rest of the building.
The water leak detector shall be installed to detect any seepage of water into the critical area and
alert the Security Control Room for such leakage. It shall consist of water leak detection cable and
an alarm module. The cable shall be installed in the ceiling & floor areas around the periphery.
• Water Leak Detection system should be for the Server and Network room Areas to detect
and water flooding below the floor of the DC.
• Water Leak Detection System should be wire based solution with alarm; the wire needs to
lay in DC surrounding the PAC units, which is the probable source of water leakage.
The overall design of the safe should be suitable for safe storage of computer diskettes, tapes,
smart cards and similar devices and other magnetic media, paper documents, etc. the safe should
have adequate fire protection.
The common alarm panel should have provision for accepting “potential free” signals from all
system for relevant status change in that system
DCO should make provision for the physical security at the proposed State Data Centre.
Please refer to Table 42 in Section III for specification cum compliance.
• All the hardware specifications mentioned in the RFP are the required minimum, higher
or better specifications would be acceptable.
• Component furnished shall be complete in every respect with all mountings, fittings,
fixtures and standard accessories normally provided with such component's and/or
needed for erection, completion and safe operation of the component's as required by
applicable codes though they may not have been specifically detailed in the technical
specification, unless included in the list of exclusions. All similar standard
components/parts of similar standard components provided shall be inter-changeable
with one another.
• The methodology of cabling and installation work to be adopted for the State Data Center
has to ensure minimum damage to the existing structure of the building. Any damage to
the existing flooring/ walls/paint etc. shall be made good by the selected bidder. It is
advised that bidder should visit site before submitting the tender to get apprised
about the site conditions.
• The selected bidder shall be responsible for providing all materials, components, and
services, specified or otherwise, which are required to fulfill the intent of ensuring
operability, maintainability, and reliability of the complete component covered under this
specification within his quoted price. This work shall be in compliance with all
applicable standards, statutory regulations and safety requirements in force of the date of
award of this contract.
• The selected bidder shall also be responsible for deputing qualified personnel for
installation, testing, commissioning and other services under his scope of work as per this
specification. All required tools for completing the scope of work as per the specification is
also the responsibility of the selected bidder.
• The selected bidder shall perform the services and carry out its obligations with all due
diligence, efficiency and economy in accordance with generally accepted professional
techniques and practices and shall observe sound management practices and employ
appropriate advance technology and safe methods. The selected bidder shall always act in
respect of any matter relating to this contract or to the services as faithful advisers
to the SIA.
• The selected bidder shall furnish complete, well-fabricated and reliably operating
and secure systems to SIA. Design and selection of component and software shall be
consistent with the requirements of long term trouble free operation with highest degree
of reliability and maintainability. All components shall be constructed to operate safely
without undue heating, vibration, wear, corrosion, electromagnetic interference or
similar problems and all software shall be proven, tested and reliable.
• All interconnecting cables required to connect the communication component shall be
furnished. All cables shall be fully assembled connector pre-terminated and factory
tested as part of overall system checkout. Cables shall be neatly & properly tied up and
dressed using appropriate cable hangers and Velcro bands. All the cables, connectors,
sockets, panel's etc. shall be labeled for identification purpose.
• All the cabling should adhere to the TIA-942 Data Center Standard.
• All component, accessories and cables supplied under this contract shall be in accordance
with the latest applicable recommendations, regulations and standards of:
- IEC 60364
- IEEE Standard 1100
- TIA 942
- IS 3043
- EIA / TIA 568 Standards
- NFPA 72 and NFPA 318
- International Electro-technical Commission (IEC)
- Cable (Cat6A) and cable accessories (CAT6A) UL Listed and verified
• For parameters not covered under the above codes, internationally acceptable standards
shall be accepted. The selected bidder shall furnish a complete list of all standards and
codes under which his component is designed, manufactured and assembled along with
the bids.
• Functionality/accessibility of each component of the system and the system as a whole
should be demonstrated to the satisfaction of SIA.
• Reliable over voltage and over current protection circuits shall be provided in the
component power supply units. The component power supply units shall be self-
protecting and also protect connected component's against interference, noise, voltage
dips and surges & impulses that may be present in the mains power supply sources.
Component shall be guaranteed for operation over the following AC power range to
be made available by SIA: 240 V AC +/-10%, 50 Hz +/- 5%
• TheSIA shallprovidesuitableACpoweratasinglepowerpointat one locations and
distribution of this power to the various component's shall be responsibility of the
selected bidder for which necessary distribution board, cable etc. shall be provided by
the selected bidder.
• Bidder who provides Environmental Friendly Solution (Power Savings etc.) would be
1.1.35. Table 1: Blade Server for Application, Web, DNS & DHCP, Directory Server, Proxy, NTP
Enterprise backup, File Server, etc.
Specification Value
Minimum Compliance Reference
Sr. proposed by Add (if
Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Minimum 2 * 16 Core
@ 2.00 GHz of latest
1. generation with
minimum 20 MB
Support for 64bit
Linux / Windows
Operating System as
applicable, with
support for
Minimum 512 GB
DDR4 RAM with free
3. slots for future
expendable capacity
upto 1.5 TB
provided by bidder.
Any other
Specification Page
S. Minimum Compliance Value Add
proposed by Reference in
No. Specification (Y/N) (if any)
bidder Data Sheet
Minimum 2 * 16
Core @ 2.0 GHz of
1. latest generation
with minimum 20
MB Cache
Support for 64bit
Linux / Windows
Operating System
as applicable, with
cluster support as
512 GB RAM or
3. higher and scalable
upto 1.5 TB
Min 2 x 300 GB (or
higher) SSD hot
plug drives for
operating system
The available
bandwidth shall be
4x 10 Gbps
(minimum) for
Ethernet on
separate port and
2x16 Gbps
5. (minimum) for FC
on separate ports to
Bidders can also
provide the same
solution on
converged fabric.
Integrated RAID
controller & hot
plug HDD with
RAID levels 0,1
Server should
7. support
Specification Page
S. Minimum Compliance Value Add
proposed by Reference in
No. Specification (Y/N) (if any)
bidder Data Sheet
Management port
or as per solution
provided by bidder.
Functionality shall
meet desired.
Should have ports
available to connect
9 keyboard, mouse,
monitor and on-
rack KVMs
Should have DVD
10 drive (internal
Any other
Specification Value
Minimum Compliance Reference
S. No. proposed by Add (if
Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Each blade chassis must
support two or four
processor based blade of
latest generation
Blade Chassis should not
2. be populated more than
75% from day one.
Support heterogeneous
environment: x86 CPU
3. blades must be in same
chassis with scope to run
Blade Chassis shall
accommodate hot
swappable Interconnect
4. Modules, Power
supplies, Fans,
Management Modules
It shall include all
accessories so that it can
5. be mounted on an
Industry Standard 42U
All blades in the chassis
must have the
capabilities of utilizing
the provided optical DVD
drive as part of the
solution whether
Specification Value
Minimum Compliance Reference
S. No. proposed by Add (if
Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
remotely or with direct
Specification Value
Minimum Compliance Reference
S. No. proposed by Add (if
Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
:Multiple administrators
to remotely access and
maintain multiple server
blades simultaneously
Chassis should be
populated with
maximum power
supplies for scalability
purpose at the time of
Blade chassis shall have
sufficient number of
10Gbps ports/modules
for Ethernet and 16Gbps
14. of FC or Converged
fabric connectivity for
current use as well as
future use when chassis
is fully populated
Required no. of blade
switches need to be
populated to achieve
redundancy of desired
Ethernet ports
mentioned at each blade.
Each blade Ethernet
switch should have
minimum 2x40Gbps
Ethernet uplink ports.
Bidder can propose
alternate solution over
converged fabric to meet
the desired requirement.
Required no. of SAN
switch should be
populated to achieve
redundancy mentioned
at each blade. Each SAN
switch should have
minimum 4 nos. of
16Gbps FC uplink ports.
Bidder can propose
alternate solution over
converged fabric to meet
the desired requirement.
Page Value
S. Specification Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification
No. proposed (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
SAN Switch – 2 Nos.
Minimum 48 Active ports
upgradeable to 96 should be
available. (each with minimum
port speed 16 Gbps
Two nos. of Fibre channel
2. switch should be provided in
high availability mode.
Minimum15 meter each and
accessories for connecting
3. Servers /Devices to SAN with
optical mode 4 or higher
standard cables.
Should have capability of ISL
trunking of minimum 8 ports.
Page Value
S. Specification Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification
No. proposed (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Should support Fibre Channel
trace route and Fibre Channel
Ping for ease of troubleshooting
and fault isolation
The switch should be rack
Should support features such as
Quality of Service (QoS) to help
16. optimize application
performance in consolidated,
virtual environments.
Switch shall support diagnostics
features such as port mirroring,
Syslog, Online system health,
Port- level statistics etc.
18 Any other specification
SAN – 1 Nos.
Unified Storage Solution with
NSPoF (No single point of
failure) Architecture. The
Storage solution should support
NAS & SAN as an integrated
offering with high availability at
each level. The architecture
19. should allow modular upgrades
of hardware and software for
investment protection. The
system must support 12Gbps
SAS Disk Drives (Latest Drive
interface) and SATA/FATA/NL-
SAS Disk Drives (latest Drive
System to have minimum Two
controllers with NSPoF
Architecture (NO single point of
failure architecture).
Page Value
S. Specification Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification
No. proposed (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Drive interface: Minimum 16 x
12 Gbps SAS lanes or min of 192
Gbps of aggr. Backend
24. bandwidth. It should be scalable
to 32x12Gbps backend
bandwidth by
upgrading/adding controllers.
Should support various RAID
25 levels (0, 1, 6, 10/DP or
Fans and power supplies: Dual
redundant, hot- swappable
SAN/NAS support: Solution
27. should be compatible of
SAN/NAS environment
Page Value
S. Specification Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification
No. proposed (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Multi-path & Load balancing
software for at- least 100 SAN
32. connected servers shall be
provided for current and future
The storage array must have
complete cache protection
mechanism either by de-
33. staging data to disk/flash or
providing complete cache data
protection with battery backup
for up-to 72 hours or more.
The storage shall be supplied
with 80TB usable capacity (in
Ratio of around 15% SSD, 30%
SAS {10K/15K RPM}, 55%
{Min. 7.2KRPM} of net usable
data capacity after
RAID5/equivalent for SAS and
SSD disks and
RAID6/equivalent for MDL-
SAS/NL-SAS/SATA disks after
removing the drives required
for (a) Parity/Mirror, (b) Hot
spares. The storage is to
support SAS, SATA or
equivalent (7.2K, 10K RPM)
and SSD disks on the proposed
The system should scale up to
300TB usable capacity in the
same proportion as explained in
above point.
The storage array should
support array based remote
replication using FCIP or IP
technology. The storage array
should support Synchronous
and Asynchronous replication.
Page Value
S. Specification Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification
No. proposed (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The storage array should
support hardware based data
39. replication at the array
controller level across all
models of the offered family.
The storage should provide
automatic rerouting of I/O
traffic from the host in case of
primary path failure.
Should provision for LUN
41. masking, fiber zoning and SAN
Page Value
S. Specification Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification
No. proposed (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Should be configured with
"snapshots and clone" for the
offered capacity on both SAN
and NAS.
Vendor should also offer
51. storage performance
Should support the
functionality of proactive
52. monitoring of Disk drive and
Storage system for all possible
hard or soft failure.
Tape Library – 1 No.
Archival Software
Page Value
S. Specification Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification
No. proposed (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Backup Software
The proposed Backup Solution
should be available on various
OS platforms such as Windows,
Linux platforms and be capable
of supporting SAN based
61 backup / restore from various
platforms including Linux, and
Windows. It should able to
integrate with virtualization
software and should able to take
back-up of virtual servers.
Page Value
S. Specification Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification
No. proposed (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Page Value
S. Specification Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification
No. proposed (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
SQL etc. on various OS.
Below diagram depicts an indicative schematic of SAN Architecture for Assam SDC and is
presented for reference purpose only.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Hardware Architecture
1. Rack mountable
3. Modular Chassis
Interface / Slots
8 X 100/1000 base TX
Ethernet interfaces for LAN
and WAN & 2 SFP
(single/multi- mode as per
design) for Fiber
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
10. Console port 1 number
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
IPv6 QOS, IPv6 Multicast
Weighted Random Early
33. Detection, Random Early
Weighted Fair
34. Queuing/Class based
35. Priority Queuing
IP Multicasting
IGMP v1, v2, v3, PIM-SM,
PIM-DM or MOSPF with
multicast route of at least
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Display of input and output
40. error status on all
Display of Dynamic ARP
Display of physical layer
line status signals like
on all interfaces
Application switches shall be implemented in the DMZ/MZ and shall be connected to the Core
LAN Switch, Internal /External Firewall, and SLB as per design requirement.
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Rack Mountable: Mountable in
standard 19 inch rack,
minimum 48 port SFP+ ,
4x40G Fiber Ports, all 10Gig
and 40Gig ports should be
populated will necessary
transceivers (multimode) and
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
1 x console port for CLI based
3. Min 1.2Tbps switching fabric
4. Should have IEEE 802.3ad
Layer3 - with following support
5. (OSPFv2, OSPFv3, VRRP or
equivalent, DHCP)
6. Support Port Mirroring
7. Support Port Trunking
8. Link Aggregation
10. Minimum 4000 VLAN
11. Support port security
12. Traffic shaping and policing
MAC Address security and
13. should support minimum
95000 MAC addresses
Easier Software upgrades
14. through network, using FTP,
TFTP, etc.
Accessibility using Telnet, SSH,
Console access
Configuration management
through CLI, GUI based
16. software utility and using web
interfaces. GUI tools shall be
Event and system history
17. logging functions shall be
Support for Syslog Server
Switch should CPU utilization
19. monitoring and Port
v1/v2c/v3,IGMP, RMON I,
VLANs, GUI, Web based
Compatibility of network
21. management with auto
discovery & management.
Manageability on per port
Per-port broadcast, multicast,
unicast storm control to
23. prevent faulty end stations
from degrading overall systems
24. Static Routing IPv4 & IPv6
25. OSPF v2, OSPFv3
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
26. VRRP or equivalent
27. Spanning tree protocol
IPv4 & IPv6 with full
29. DC security components
Authentication, authorization,
and accounting (AAA)
31. BPDU guard and root
Should have support for
MAC address based port level
802.1Qbg VEPA / 802.1Qbr /
Hypervisor embedded vSwitch
equivalent for Server
Networking support in bare
metal/para- virtualization
IEEE 802.1d Spanning-Tree
IEEE 802.1p class-of-service
(CoS) prioritization
UL 60950-1, EN 60825-1/EN
55022 Class A/FCC Class A
38. IEEE 802.1Q VLAN
39. IEEE 802.1s
40. IEEE 802.1w
Quality of Service:
The switches should support
the aggregate QoS model by
enabling classification,
policing/metering & marking
functions on a per-port basis at
ingress and
queuing/scheduling function at
The switches should support
QoS classification of incoming
42. packets for QoS flows based on
Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4
The switches should support
identification of traffic based
on Layer 3 ToS field – DSCP
44. 8 QoS profiles
Support for rate limiting with
granularity of traffic flows
46. TFTP & SNTP/NTP Support
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
L3 features
PIM Sparse Mode / Dense
47. Mode/ Bi- directional PIM,
IGMP v1, v2, / v3
Power Supply
Should have internal
redundant power supplies
All necessary power cords,
adapters, data cables,
connectors, CDs, manuals,
49. brackets accessories, wire
managers, etc. should be
provided to install switch in the
Data Centre.
Should support VXLAN or
other virtualization techniques
Should support Data Centre
Should support
75 OpenFlow/Open Day
light/Open Stack controller
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The switch should have
24x10Gig ports/slots,
populated with 4 nos. of 10
Gig Single Mode transceiver
& 12 nos. of 10 Gig
multimode transceivers.
Should have minimum 2GB
The switch should support
line rate throughput.
The switch should support
802.1d Spanning Tree ,
802.1w RSTP , 802.1s
The switch should support
IEEE 802.3ad Link
4 Aggregation Control Protocol
(LACP) supporting upto 8
groups and 8 ports per group
The switch should support
5 atleast 1000 VLANs
The switch should support
Port-based and 802.1Q tag-
based VLANs, Private VLAN,
The switch should support
Jumbo frames of 9000 bytes
The switch should support
16000 MAC addresses
IPv4 and IPv6 Static Route
and multicast routing.
The switch should support
10 layer 3 interface on physical
port, LAG, VLAN interface
The switch should support
Dual IPv6 and IPv4 stack
The Switch should support
IPv4 DHCP Server serving IP
addresses for multiple DHCP
The switch should Support
DHCP options
Dynamic Routing protocol
14 support like OSPF, BGP, IS-
IS and MPLS etc. from day 1.
The switch should provides
Layer 2 isolation between
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
devices in the same VLAN,
even on multiple uplinks.
Should have port security
The switch should support
atleast 4 hardware queues
The switch should support
scheduling based on (i) Strict
18 priority and weighted round-
robin and (ii) DSCP and class
of service (802.1p/CoS)
The definition of class of
service should be Port based;
802.1p VLAN priority based;
IPv4 and IPv6; IP
precedence/type of service
(ToS)/DSCP based;
Differentiated Services
The switch should allow rate
limiting based on Ingress
20 policer; egress shaping and
rate control; per VLAN, per
port, and flow based.
The QoS capabilities should
be hardware based
The switch should be
22 configurable through
command line interface
The switch should support
SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3
23 with support for traps and
SNMP version 3 user-based
security model
Should have SPAN or
equivalent feature
The following features
should also be supported
Traceroute; multiple/single
IP management; SSH;
RADIUS; port mirroring;
TFTP upgrade; DHCP client;
cable diagnostics; ping;
The Switch should be
26 Common Criteria EAL3 or
NDPP certified.
The Access Switches will be required for LAN connectivity of NOC Area, Staging Room, Meeting
Room etc. These switches will be connected to External Firewall/Core Switch as per design
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
1 Hardware Specification
The switch should have
minimum 48 x 10/100/1000
Base-T Ports and 2 x 10 Gig
2 ports with suitable
transceivers populated as
per proposed design
3 Redundant Power supply
Should have fan for proper
At least 100 Gbps switching
6 Layer-2 Features
7 encapsulation. At least 1000
VLANs should be supported.
Support for Automatic
Negotiation of Trunking
Protocol, to help minimize
the configuration & errors.
IEEE 802.1d, 802.1s,
802.1w, 802.3ad,
Spanning-tree root guard
feature to prevent other edge
switches becoming the root
11 IGMPv3. IGMP filtering.
Link Aggregation Protocol
Per-port broadcast,
multicast, and storm control
to prevent faulty end
14 Network security features
15 Port security
Port-based ACLs for Layer 2
interfaces to allow
16 application of security
policies on individual switch
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
SSH and SNMP to provide
network security by
17 encrypting administrator
traffic during Telnet and
SNMP sessions.
Bidirectional data support
on the Mirrored port.
authentication to enable
centralized control of the
switch and restrict
unauthorized users from
altering the configuration.
20 DHCP snooping
21 Quality of Service (QoS) & Multicast
Standard 802.1p CoS and
Strict priority queuing
24 IPv4 & IPv6 Unicast Routes
25 Static
26 Management
Command Line Interface
(CLI) support for
configuration &
troubleshooting purposes.
For enhanced traffic
management, monitoring,
and analysis, upto four
RMON groups (history,
statistics, alarms, and
events) must be supported.
Domain Name System
(DNS) support to provide IP
address resolution with user-
defined device names.
FTP/ Trivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP) to reduce
the cost of administering
software upgrades by
downloading from a
centralized location.
Network Timing Protocol
(NTP) based on RFC 1305 to
31 provide an accurate and
consistent timestamp to all
intranet switches.
SNMP v1, v2c, and v3 and
Telnet interface support
delivers comprehensive in-
32 band management, and a
CLI-based management
console provides detailed
out-of-band management.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Specification proposed by Add (if
No (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Modular with Distributed
architecture from day 1.
2 19’’ rack mountable
Active switching bandwidth
should be minimum 5.5 Tbps
Min 48x40Gig Fiber ports
with transceivers
(multimode) and necessary
cables from day 1, scalable
upto minimum of 64 nos. of
40 Gig ports
Wire speed performance on
each offered interfaces.
The solution should provide
IPV4 and IPV6 compliant
without any performance
Port to Port latency less than
10 micro sec.
Should support minimum
16MB buffer.
The switch should support
40 Gig and higher interfaces.
Should have redundant
Power Supply.
Layer 2 Features for Solution:
Layer 2 switch ports and
VLAN trunks
Support for at least 4000
14 802.1s
15 802.1w
16 Port trunking capability.
17 Port mirroring capability
Support for 95,000 or more
MAC addresses
The core musts support static
19 MAC address assignment for
The core must support per
vlan MAC address filtering.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Specification proposed by Add (if
No (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
The core must support
21 Jumbo frames up to 9216
Layer 3 features:
22 VRRP or equivalent
23 Static IP routing
24 IP routing protocols
25 Open Shortest Path First
26 Should support DHCP
IEEE 802.1D Spanning-Tree
IEEE 802.1w rapid
28 reconfiguration of spanning
IEEE 802.1s multiple VLAN
instances of spanning tree
IEEE 802.1p class-of- service
(CoS) prioritization
32 IEEE 802.3ad
UL 60950-1, EN 60825-1/
33 EN 55022 Class A/FCC Class
34 The core should support DCB
The core must support IEEE
35 802.1Qbb Priority-based
Flow Control (PFC).
The core must support IEEE
802.1Qaz Enhanced
Transmission Selection
The core must support Data
Center Bridging Exchange
Protocol (DCBX) – part of
the ETS standard
The core must support iSCSI
38 or equivalent application
High Availability:
Shall support Redundant
Power supply
Shall support On-line
insertion and removal for
Power Supply and Fan tray.
Shall support storage
41 requirements of multiple
images and configurations.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Specification proposed by Add (if
No (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
System should support
NSSU/ISSU or equivalent.
Must support Layer 2 QoS:
The core must support 6
43 hardware unicast queues per
port per line card.
The core must support IEEE
802.1p remarking.
The core must support IEEE
802.1p, DSCP trust (ingress).
The core must support the
following classification
- Interface
46 - MAC address
- Ether type
- IEEE 802.1p
Security Features:
Must support the following
Access Control Lists (ACLs):
- Port-based ACL (PACL) –
Ingress and Egress
- VLAN-based ACL (VACL) –
Ingress and Egress
- IP-based ACL– Ingress and
The core must support min
49 of 1,200 ACL entries in
The core must support the
ability to
ACL entries
Shall have support for CLI,
Telnet and SNMPv1,2,v3
52 Shall support SSH
Should support multiple
levels of administration roles
to manage and monitor the
Should support Network
Time Protocol.
Should be able to send and
55 receive Syslog and SNMP
traps from devices.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Specification proposed by Add (if
No (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
The proposed Switch must
have virtualization feature in
the physical device itself,
allowing the physical switch
to be operated as multiple
logical devices.
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
1 FCC Class A, CE, VCCI, CB
2 Modular or Fixed
Solution should be
appliance based 64 bit
Multi-core Processing
Technology with minimum
32GB RAM scalable to 64
Minimum storage
minimum 100GB SSD
Dual Power with AC
Minimum 4 x 10G SFP+
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Minimum 8 x 1G SFP
Minimum 8 x
8 10/100/1000 copper
Dedicated HA ports in
9 addition to requested data
Minimum NG Firewall
application throughput in
real world/production
environment (measured
with traffic mix) – 10
Gbps. The bidder shall
submit the performance
test report.
Minimum NG Threat
prevention throughput in
real world/production
environment (by enabling
and measured with IPS,
Anti-Virus, Anti-
11 Spyware/Anti-Bot and all
other security threat
prevention feaand and
traffic mix)– 3 GBPS.
The bidder shall submit
the performance test
Minimum IPsec VPN
throughput – 3 Gbps
Minimum tunnels (SSL,
13 IPSec, and IKE with
XAUTH) – 2000
Minimum sessions –
Concurrent Sessions –
The device / solution
16 should support concurrent
decrypted sessions
The proposed firewall
shall support application
control and threat
inspection support in:
19 - Tap Mode
- Transparent mode (IPS
21 - Layer 2
22 - Layer 3
- Should be able operate
mix of multiple modes
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
The proposed firewall
shall support network
traffic classification which
identifies applications
across all ports
irrespective of
The proposed firewall
shall be able to handle
(alert, block or allow)
applications like unknown
The proposed firewall
shall be able to create
custom application
signatures and categories
26 using the inline packet
capture feature of the
firewall without any third-
party tool or technical
The proposed firewall
shall be able to implement
Zones, IP address, Port
numbers, User id, Service
and threat protection
profile under the same
firewall rule or under
different set of polices
The proposed firewall
shall delineate different
parts of the application
such as allowing Facebook
chat but blocking its file-
transfer capability inside
the chat application base
on the content.
The proposed firewall
shall be able to protect the
user from the malicious
content upload or
download by application
such as Facebook chat or
file sharing by enforcing
the total threat protection
for known and unknown
malicious content such as
virus, malware or a bad
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Intrusion prevention
signatures should be built
based on the vulnerability
itself, A single signature
should stop multiple
exploit attempts on a
known system or
application vulnerability.
Should block known
31 network and application-
layer vulnerability exploits
The proposed firewall
shall perform content
32 based signature matching
beyond the traditional
hash base signatures
The proposed firewall
shall have on box Anti-
Virus/Malware, Anti
33 Spyware signatures and
should have minimum
signatures update window
of every one hour
All the protection
signatures should be
created by vendor base on
their threat intelligence
Should perform stream-
based Anti-Virus
inspection and not store-
35 and-forward traffic
inspection to keep the
maximum firewall
Should be able to perform
36 Anti-virus scans for SMB
Should support DNS sink
holing for malicious DNS
request from inside hosts
to outside bad domains
and should be able to
37 integrate and query third
party external threat
intelligence data bases to
block or sinkhole bad IP
address, Domain and
Should be able to call 3rd
party threat intelligence
data on malicious IPs,
URLs and Domains to the
same firewall policy to
block those malicious
attributes and list should
get updated dynamically
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
with latest data
Vendor should
automatically push
dynamic block list with
latest threat intelligence
39 data base on malicious
IPs, URLs and Domains to
the firewall policy as an
additional protection
This should be a cloud
base unknown malware
analysis service with
guaranteed protection
signature delivery time not
more than 15 minutes
Advance unknown
malware analysis engine
should be capable of
machine learning with
41 static analysis and
dynamic analysis engine
with custom-built virtual
hypervisor analysis
Advance unknown
malware analysis engine,
detecting VM-aware
42 malware to detect and
protect from virtual
sandbox evading advance
unknown malware
Cloud base unknown
malware analysis service
should be certified with
SOC2 or any other Data
privacy compliance
certification for customer
data privacy protection
which is uploaded to
unknown threat emulation
and analysis
Cloud base unknown
malware analysis service
should be able to perform
dynamic threat analysis on
44 such as EXEs, DLLs, ZIP
files, PDF documents,
Office Documents, Web
pages that include high-
risk embedded content
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
like JavaScript, Adobe
Flash files
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
download control
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
SSL decryption must be
supported on any port
used for SSL i.e. SSL
decryption must be
supported on non-
standard SSL port as well
The proposed firewall
63 must be able to operate in
routing/NAT mode
The proposed firewall
must be able to support
Network Address
Translation (NAT)
The proposed firewall
must be able to support
Port Address Translation
The proposed firewall
shall support Dual Stack
66 IPv4 and IPv6 (NAT64,
NAT66/NPTv6 or
Should support Dynamic
IP reservation, tunable
dynamic IP and port
L2, L3, Tap and
Transparent mode
Should support on firewall
69 policy with User and
Should support SSL
decryption on IPv6
Should support SLAAC
71 Stateless Address Auto
The proposed firewall
72 must support the following
routing protocols:
73 Static
OSPFv2 and v3 with
graceful restart
BGP v4 with graceful
77 Policy-based forwarding
Should support the
79 following authentication
80 - LDAP
- Radius (vendor specific
- Token-based solutions
(i.e. Secure-ID)
83 - Kerberos
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
The proposed firewall’s
SSL VPN shall support the
following authentication
85 - LDAP
86 - Radius
- Token-based solutions
(i.e. Secure-ID)
88 - Kerberos
- Any combination of the
Should support on device
and centralized
90 management with
complete feature parity on
firewall administration
Should have separate real
time logging base on all
Traffic, Threats, User IDs,
URL filtering, Data
filtering, Content filtering,
unknown malware
analysis, Authentication,
Tunneled Traffic and
correlated log view base on
other logging activities
Should support the report
generation on a manual or
schedule (Daily, Weekly,
Monthly, etc.) basis
Should allow the report to
be exported into other
format such as PDF,
Should have built in report
templates base on
Applications, Users,
Threats, Traffic and URLs
Should be able to create
95 report base on SaaS
application usage
Should be able to create
reports base user activity
Should be able to create
custom report base on
custom query base any
logging attributes
There shall be provision
for logging, reporting,
management etc. either
98 through on-device
arrangement or through
external management
server on premise.
Specification Value
Compliance Reference
S.No Specification proposed by Add (if
(Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
The device or management
99 server shall be able to keep
logs for minimum 1 year.
Specificatio e
S.N Complianc Referenc
Specification n proposed Add
o e (Y/N) e in Data
by bidder (if
Physical attributes
Proposed Firewall should be
ASIC/non ASIC based in nature
and/or should be open
architecture based on multi-core
CPU's to protect & scale against
dynamic latest security threats.
The appliance hardware should
be a multi-core CPU architecture
with a hardened 64 bit operating
system to support higher memory
3 Should be rack mountable
4 Modular Chassis / Appliance
5 Redundant power supply
2x40 Gig and 8x10 Gig SFP+
ethernet ports
Console Port or equivalent - 1
Minimum 40Gbps of firewall
7. Minimum RAM 64 GB
Routing Protocols
9. Static Routes
11. OSPF v2 &v3
12. TCP/IP, PPTP or IPSec
14. IPSec /GRE, DES, 3DES, AES
15. EAP-TLS/RTP/equivalent
19. IPv6 enabled
IPv6-enabled inspection services
for applications based on
Allows secure deployment of
next-generation IPv6 networks,
as well as hybrid environments
that require simultaneous, dual
Specificatio e
S.N Complianc Referenc
Specification n proposed Add
o e (Y/N) e in Data
by bidder (if
stack, support of IPv4 and IPv6
Should support for QoS features
for defining the QoS policies
Other Support
802.1Q, NAT, PAT, IP Multicast
support, Remote Access VPN,
Time based Access control lists,
support VLAN, Layer 2 Firewall,
Virtual Firewall,
24. SNMP v1, v2 and v3
IPS functionality
Should protect against DoS /
25 DDoS / SYN- flood/ TCP-flood
Specificatio e
S.N Complianc Referenc
Specification n proposed Add
o e (Y/N) e in Data
by bidder (if
The detection engine must be
capable of detecting and
preventing a wide variety of
44 threats (e.g., malware, network
probes/reconnaissance, VoIP
attacks, buffer overflows, P2P
attacks, zero-day threats, etc.).
Firewall should support at least 5
virtual firewalls from day 1
Page Value
Compliance Reference Add
S.No Specification proposed by
(Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
1 Hardware
2 19" Rack Mountable
Minimum 8 nos. of 1 Gig and
3 minimum 4 nos. of 10 Gig
ports ethernet ports
Minimum Layer 7 throughput
of 10 Gbps
Minimum 1 million Layer 4
5 http request/sec scalable to 2
Minimum 200000 Layer 7
connections per second
Minimum 2000 SSL
connections per second
8 RAM - Minimum 16 GB
Minimum one Management
interface (console, SSH, telnet)
10 Web based GUI (HTTPS)
11 Redundant AC Power Supply
12 Application Delivery
Load Balancing methods -
Round Robin, Least
13 Connections, Weighted RR,
Weighted LC, Fastest
Response, etc.
IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack from
day one
Layer 4 and Layer 7 Server
Load Balancing
16 High Availability - Active
Page Value
Compliance Reference Add
S.No Specification proposed by
(Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Active, Active Standby
17 Global Server Load Balancing
18 Next Hop Load distribution
19 Database Load Balancing
Support TCP and UDP
Perform ‘TCP Multiplexing’,
‘TCP Optimization’ functions
22 Virtualization
Minimum 5 virtual instances
and scalable upto 15 instances
with additional software
license on same platform. The
proposed solution shall have
capability to dedicate
hardware resources including
CPU, memory, network
Contains a complete and
separated environment of the
24 following: a) Resources, b)
Configurations, c)
25 Web Application Firewall
Handle OWASP Top 10 attacks
26 and WASC Web Security
Attack Classification
WAF should support for IPv4
and IPv6 traffic
28 Support DNSSEC functionality
29 Others
30 SNMP v2 and v3 support
31 Integration with SIEM
Support for LDAP/TACACS+
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
The Software should
have the capability to
create & manage
multiple Virtualization
technologies available,
seamlessly. It should
also be able to
integrate with
commercialy available
public cloud platforms
The Solution should
allow Virtual Machines
consume RAM
dynamically in such a
way that if some of the
VMs in Physical
2 machine are not
utilizing the RAM, this
RAM can be utilized by
some other VM in the
same physical machine
which has a
The Solution should be
able to use power
saving features like, in
case of off-peak hours,
3 if not all servers are
required to be powered
on, the solution should
shut down to save
The cloud solution
should support
unlimited VM licenses
and should also
support requisite
number of agent
licenses / bare metal
licenses for cloud
management, as per
solution proposed
The total system of
SDC should not fail
5 due to license /support
renewal or license
The Solution should
also integrate with
SAN and infrastructure
from leading Vendors
so as to leverage high
performance shared
storage to centralize
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
Virtual Machine file
storage for greater
flexibility and
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
Security Capabilities
The Solution should
offer Automated and
Approval based
14 Upgrades for Virtual
Machines delivered
through cloud
The Solution should be
able to integrate
existing malware
protection solution in
SDC for Virtual
The Solution must
offer Identity,
Authentication and
Role based access to
16 User Departments
Infrastructure -
Machines (Virtual),
Application or
Common Services
The Solution must
offer Policy based
administration by
17 putting User
Department’s IAAS in
logical groups and
apply relevant policies.
The Solution should
have the ability to not
just enforce policies
but also track and
The Solution should
generate reports on
non-conformance and
19 escalation for
privileged access by
unauthorized roles/
The Solution should
support VLAN
20 isolation by supporting
multiple networks per
resource pool
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
The Solution should
support secure
between guest VMs
and Hypervisor and
The Solution should
offer ability to Copy,
convert, or migrate an
image within similar
hypervisor and within
two nos. of different
hypervisors from
separate OEMs.
23 The Solution must
offer ability to utilize
Service Provisioning Capabilities
Service Portal
24 Intrusion detection
System / Intrusion
The Solutionsystem
Prevention shouldto
provide a simple
seamlessly extendtointo
intuitive Web based
environment for SDC
Cloud Administrator
and User Departments
The Solution should
have self-service
capabilities to allow
Users Departments to
log service requests - in
The Solution should
offer Service catalog
listing availability of
Cloud infrastructure
like Virtual Machines,
Physical Machines,
Applications ,
Common Services
offered by State Private
The Solution should
provide comprehensive
catalog/template with
capabilities for service
33 design and lifecycle
management, a web-
based self-service
portal for users to
order and manage
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
The solution should
provide an on-
boarding mechanism
for the new user
Department on the
cloud infrastructure
that automatically
creates the department
profile, the department
34 profile administrators,
allocates specific
resources for the
department like
storage pools, server
pools, S/W packages,
network pools
(including VLANs,
DNS, IP address
spaces, etc...)
The Solution should
enforce password
policies and allow to
personalize the look &
feel and logo on the
user-interface panels
The Solution should be
able to offer choice of
various hardware
profiles, custom
hardware profile,
Selection of operating
systems, VLAN,
The Solution should
automate provisioning
of new and changes to
existing infrastructure
(Virtual, Physical,
Application or
Common Services)
with approvals
The Solution should
allow creation of
library hosting /
template creation of
39 various Operating
System, Databases and
middleware that can be
selected while creating
new virtual servers
The Solution should
track ownership and
utilization of virtual
machines, Physical
machines, and
common services
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
The Solution should
allow for implementing
workflows for
41 deployment,
decommissioning all
virtual and physical
assets in the cloud
The Solution should
allow easy inventory
tracking all the
physical & virtual
42 assets in the Private
Cloud. It should
provide capabilities to
track usage and non-
compliance situations.
The Solution should
have the ability to
manage Virtual Assets
across the major
multiple virtualization
The Solution should be
able to dynamically
allocate and balance
computing capacity
across collections of
hardware resources
aggregated into one
unified resource pool
with optional control
over movement of
virtual machines like
restricting VMs to run
on selected physical
The Solution should
have shown-Back (to
check the usage
patterns and reporting
for the user
department) and the
same solution should
have the capability to
be updated into
Charge-Back whenever
this functionality is
required by the SDC
The Solution should
offer usage report by
tenant, by region, or by
virtual machine
reporting usage of
memory consumption,
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
CPU consumption,
disk consumption
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
Requesting for
provisioning of new
virtual servers from
self-service GUI
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
based interface that
presents a customized
view of resources based
on your role in the
Capacity Management
The Solution should
identify idle,
underutilized capacity
to provide inputs to the
capacity management
function such that
informed decisions can
be taken
The Solution should
support to identify and
65 determine optimum
sizing and placement
of virtual machines
The Solution should
provide forecast
reports demonstrating
forecasted utilization
The Solution should
provide a mechanism
to automatically assess
high volumes of
workloads and
determines optimal
placement on virtual
machines across the
enterprise’s shared
resource pools
Automation, Orchestration and Monitoring
Process Automation
The Solution should
have capabilities to
72 create workflows to
automate common
admin challenges
The Solution should
have the ability to
73 develop highly
customized workflows
and easy user interface.
The Solution should
74 have web based
Integration Capabilities
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Value Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if any)
The Solution should be
able to create processes
75 across multiple
vendors’ software and
The Orchestration
Solution should be
open and interoperable
and has rich
76 integration capabilities
that support interfaces
from command line
interface and web
The Solution should
provide resource-level
operations across x86
compute resources,
hypervisors, storage
resources, and network
resources. It should
support provisioning
for multiple platforms
Linux/Windows// OS,
on x86 (32 and 64 bit)
The Solution should
provide capability for
orchestrating tasks
78 across systems for
compliant activity
The Solution should be
able to move identified
workloads to another
private cloud
Monitoring Capabilities
Hypervisor should
have capability to hot
add cpu and memory
without the need of
reboot; so as scale out
Page Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The Virtualization
software must be based
on hypervisor
technology). The vendor
should offer suitable
management software.
The solution should able
to run various guest
2. operating systems like
Windows, Linux, etc. and
any other open source.
The solution should have
the capability for creating
3. virtual machines
templates/image to
provision new servers
The solution should
continuously monitor
utilization across virtual
4. machines and should
intelligently allocate
available resources among
virtual machines.
The Virtualized Machines
should be able to boot
from iSCSI / FCoE and
fiber channel SAN
The Virtualized
Infrastructure should be
able to consume Storage
6. across various protocols
like DAS, NAS, and SAN.
It should support thin
The solution should allow
for taking snapshots of
7. the virtual machines to be
able to revert back to an
older state if required.
The solution should cater
for the fact that if one
server fails all the
9. resources running on that
server shall be able to
migrate to another set of
servers as available.
It should provide support
10. for cluster services
between virtual machines.
The solution should
provide patch
management capabilities
11. such that it should be able
to update patches on its
own hypervisor and
update guest operating
Page Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Page Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference Add
proposed by
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The management
software should generate
automated notifications
23. and alerts, and can trigger
automated workflows to
remedy and pre-empt
The management
software should have
provision to capture the
blueprint of a known,
validated configuration -
including networking,
storage and security
settings - and deploy it to
many hosts, simplifying
setup for automated host
configuration and
compliance monitoring.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Should restrict e-mail
bound Virus attacks in real
time without compromising
performance of the system
Should be capable of
2. providing multiple layers of
Should be capable of
installation on both the
gateway as well as mailing
3. servers. Inbound and
outbound monitoring on all
data transfer mechanisms
and all e-mail systems
Should be capable of
detecting and cleaning
virus infected attachments
as well
Should support scanning
5. for ZIP, RAR compressed
files, and TAR archive files
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Should support online
upgrade, where by most
product upgrades and
patches can be performed
without bringing messaging
server off-line.
Should use multiple scan
7. engines during the
scanning process
Should support in-memory
8. scanning so as to minimize
Disk IO.
Should support Multi-
threaded scanning
Should support scanning of
a single mailbox or a one off
scan. Should protect email
server and intercept
malware before it reaches
user inboxes. Detect, clean,
and block malware from
Email servers. Secure
mobile devices, data, and
networks. Simplify
provisioning and de-
provisioning. Prevent loss
of sensitive data by
restricting use of removable
media. Manage policies,
10. compliance, and reporting
from a single, centralized
console. Instantly see and
take action to adjust
security health of
Pinpoint which critical
assets are vulnerable to
which threats. Get instant,
actionable data correlation
on emerging threats to
quickly identify whether
proper protection is in
place. Reduce time spent
patching and diagnosing
Should support scanning by
file type for attachments
Should support scanning of
nested compressed files
Should be capable of
specifying the logic with
which scan engines are
applied; such as the most
recently updated scan
engine should scan all
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
emails etc.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Should provide content
filtering for message body
and subject line, blocking
messages that contain
keywords for inappropriate
File filtering should be
supported by the proposed
24. solution; file filtering
should be based on true file
Common solution for anti-
spyware and anti-virus
infections; and anti-virus
25. and anti-spyware solution
should have a common web
based management
Should support various
types of reporting formats
such as CSV, HTML and
text files
Should provide support for
Windows and Linux
Should support Data Leak
Prevention or equivalent
Should support Virtual
30. Any Other
HIPS functionality
HIPS should perform
rootkit detection, time-
based alerting and active
response. It should help to
detect attacks, software
misuse, policy violations
and other forms of
inappropriate activities.
HIPS should be able to
monitor multiple systems,
with one system being the
HIPS server and the others
the HIPS agents that report
back to the server.
Must have “Zero-day”
protection against DoS /
DDoS and worm attacks
based on traffic behavior.
33 Also it should mitigate Zero
day http floods and brute
force attack & vulnerability
scanning attempts based on
traffic behavior analysis
34 Time to Time Signature
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Monitoring and prevention
from Intrusion attack
Verifies success or failure of
an Server
37 Monitors specific system
Detects attacks that
38 network-based systems
Well-suited for encrypted
and switched environments
Near-real-time detection
and response
The offered product series
must have achieved EAL
(Evaluation Assurance
Level) Certification of EAL3
or higher in the Common
Criteria for Information
Technology Security
Evaluation (ISO/IEC
15408) for computer
security certification
42 Any Other
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The solution should offer
Single View of All the Data
captured from devices across
The solution should be able to
collect raw logs in real-time to
a Central log database from
any IP Device including:
a. Networking
b. Security devices (IDS/IPS,
AV, Patch Management,
Firewall/DB Security
c. Operating system
(Linux/Windows OS etc.)
d. Enterprise Virtualization
The solution should be able to
collect the logs in an agent/
agent less manner and store
the same in real-time to a
Central log database from any
IP Device. The raw logs should
be time stamped, compressed
to optimize storage utilization.
The solution should collect the
entire log sent by the devices.
This will help in maintaining
digital chain of custody.
These logs can be modified by
4. a malicious indented user. In
order to make these logs
tamper proof solution must
store events in compressed
archives that are temper proof
The solution should provide
tools for developing collection
and parsing capabilities for
5. home-grown or any other
unsupported /unknown IP
applications for current and
future and future requirement
The system should provide for
6. integration with third party
ticketing systems for escalated
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
incidents that need escalation.
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
either through integrated
solution or third party tool
Specification Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference
proposed by Add (if
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
CPU: x86with the latest
Motherboard: Compatible
with the above
Bus Architecture:
Integrated onboard
graphics, Two PCI, One
PCI Express 1/4, One PCI
Express 16 slots,
Integrated Audio
4. DIMM slot should be
320 GB SATAII hard disk
with minimum 16 Mb
cache and 7200 rpm &
Pre Failure alert.
USB or PS/2 104 Keys
USB or PS/2 Two button
7. scroll optical mouse with
Ports are 1 Serial, 1
Parallel, 4 USB 2.0 (min.
2 at front), VGA,
Microphone, Headphone.
10/100/1000 Mbps
Network card.
Pre-loaded latest OS or
latest licensed software
10. with latest updates and
Restore/ Recovery CD/
Self Mechanism
Specification Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference
proposed by Add (if
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
15” TFT Monitor with
11. MPR II/TCO 03
Dust Cover for CPU,
12. Monitor, Keyboard,
13. Any other
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
It should have a minimum
1. of 16 ports scalable &
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
PC selection – On screen
Display menu hot key
Absolute Mouse
The management
17. appliance should
provide unified, secure
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
access to KVM, serial
and power ports of
Data Centre devices via
a Web browser.
It should provide
policy and security
management of users
and devices connected
to KVM, other
embedded solutions
like HP iLO/RILOE,
IBM RSA II, as well as,
other in-band software
solutions such as RDP,
It should be able to
assign specific node
access to a specific
It should allow the
administrators to
access, manage and
view all equipment,
manage users and
access permissions
from a single remote
It should support
Virtual Media Deny,
View and Control
access policies.
Should be able to
create unlimited user
22. and minimum 10
concurrent users
should be allowed.
It should log user
activity (login/logout,
connect/ disconnect)
and configuration
changes at both
Appliance and
managed devices, and
23. status changes of the
connected appliances.
All of the above can be
forwarded to a network
management system or
enterprise notification
system via SNMP or
Powerful security
features that enable
integration with Active
Directory external
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
authentication tools
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
All passive componets should
have minimum 20 years of
channel performance and
component warranty.
OEM Should be ISO 9001 &
14000 certified organization
All cables & components offered
should be ROHS mentioned in
LC-MPO 24 Core Optical
Fiber Cassettes - MPO OM4
Type: MPO cassettes shall house
OM4 Multi Mode, 2 Nos 12-Fiber
Cassette. Pre-terminated
a cassettes with 2/3 MPO trunk
connections (2 x 12 fibers) at rear
-6/12 x LC Quad/Duplex (24
fibers) connection in the front
Component should be compliant
with TIA/EIA 942, ISO/IEC
24764 and
EN 50173-5 data centre
standards. COC can be provided.
Attenuation as per Data Center
norms for LC Connector at front
and MPO/MTP Connector at rear
Standard: MPO cassettes shall
c meet the most recent revision of
TIA/EIA-568-C.3 standard.
Connectors: Cassettes shall have
12 LC Duplex connectors on the
front and two (12-fiber) MPO
connections on the back.
24 Core LC-MPO Fan-out
5 Cable, OM4 Multi Mode 5
mtr Fiber patch cord
Pre-Terminated 24 Core LC-
a MPO Fan out OM4 LSZH Cable
Length 5 meter.
Patch cord should be LSZH, LC-
MPO type
1G/10G, LC-LC, OM4 Multi
6 Mode 3 mtr fiber patch cord
( TYPE - II)
Optical Fiber duplex patch cords
shall comprise of OM4 Fiber.
Patch cord should be LSZH, LC-
LC type
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The Fiber Patch Cord shall be
duplex type and factory
terminated with Connectors
terminated at each end for
connecting SFP modules of
supplied Switches with LIU.
Shall support 1 Giga, 10 Giga, 40
d Gig and higher speed fiber
7 Optical Fiber Trunk Cable
Type: The optical fiber cable used
in construction of the optical fiber
a trunk cables shall contain 12/24
(OM4) fibers, 50/125 OM4 with
LSZH Jacket.
Standard: Trunk Assemblies shall
be tested to comply with the most
b recent revision of TIA/EIA-568-
C.3 and ISO/IEC 11801
Termination: The trunk cables
shall be factory terminated in the
appropriate number of 12-fiber,
[MPO-style] connectors both end.
Each [MPO-style] connector shall
terminate 12 fibers.
Polarity: Trunk cable polarity
shall be available in straight/pair-
flipped. Each trunk cable shall
have protective devices to prevent
damage to the connector ends
during installation
Unloaded Fiber Enclosure
for MPO Cassettes
Type : 1U/2U, 19 Inch Drawer
Style rack mountable metallic
enclosure Unloaded with
minimum 4 slots for MPO
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Meets EIA/TIA 568-C.2 Category
6A specifications. Cat 6A, 4
Connector Channel Performance
ETL Certificate need to be submit
to validate the cable channel
Worst Case Cable Skew : 45
nsec/100 meters
Characteristic Impendence :
100±6 Ù@ 1-500 Mhz
e Insulation : HDPE/PE
Solid Cable should be compliance
to RoHS.
2/3/4 Connector ETL Verified
test report as per ANSI/TIA-
568-C.2 Category 6A should be
provided. LSZH jacket.
Standard length: minimum 305
Mtrs (1000 ft.)
UTP Jacks Type -
Unshielded Twisted Pair,
Category 6A, TIA
/ EIA 568-C.2
Made from high-impact, flame-
retardant, UL- RATED 94v 0
thermoplastic – ABS or
b DC Resistance: 69 milli ohms.
DC Resistance imbalance : 20
milli ohms.
Insulating resistance 500 Mega
ohms minimum.
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The keystone modules are fire-
retardant, moulded plastic
b modules UL94 VO rated,
consisting of horizontal index
strips for ease of re- termination.
110 IDC Termination 180 degree
Punch type/ tool less, allowing
wires between 22 – 24 AWG
Meets or Exceeds EIA/TIA – 568
d – C-2 Category 6A connecting
hardware specification.
RJ45 (8P8C) T568A/T568B
colour coding termination.
Cable Guide way to guide the
cable on the rear side
g 1U /2U size for 24/48 Ports.
h UL Listed specifications
Jack Panel should be RoHS
13 Faceplates
a Type - 1-port, White surface box
b Material ABS /UL94 V-0
Type - Unshielded Twisted Pair,
Category 6A, TIA / EIA 568-C.2
Patch cords shall be of multi
b strand copper cable with UL
With Matching colored snag-less,
elastomer polyolefin boot
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Design and Fabrication of
Cable Trays / Ladders:-
The Cable duct shall be fabricated
according to the design specified
by IEC 61537 and certified for 90
minutes of Fire Protection (E90)
as per DIN 4102-12. It should be
a tested for Safe Working Load
(SWL). The relevant details of
SWL and the load chart with
respect to SWL, supporting
distance and the deflection is
explained below.
The minimum support distance
should be 2 meters, and no
supports permitted for
installation in less than 2meters.
The Cable duct shall be made of
Steel, Pregalvanized sheet (275
gsm) and then Epoxy powder
coated with 60-80 microns with
c bright colors, preferable
RAL1023. No Thermoplastic/
Polyester material permitted for
straight lengths/ covers in the
entire installation.
The Cable duct should have all
the accessories which can be
mounted readily, preferably
modular features which is plug
and play with no special tools /
fasteners for drop-offs, mounting
of connectors readily installable
on the straight lengths, and easy
to manage the changing needs in
The Cable duct must be strong
enough to withstand the installed
loads by itself without the need of
covers. Covers should be an
optional accessory to be used
wherever it is required only.
The straight lengths of ducts and
covers should be available in
multiples of 2m or 3m only, and
for widths in multiples of 100
f mm, Eg. 200mm and 300 mm
(4”, 8” and 12”). The sides/ height
of the Ducts should be
50mm±10mm (2”) or 100±10mm
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
A provision to readily remove and
add the cables for expansion /
maintenance should be provided
without disturbing the support
system. The same straight lengths
should be supported from one –
side (cantilever type) or simply
supported from both sides,
depending on the installation
The Safe working load (SWL) for
upto 200 mm wide cable ducts
should be 60 kg/m when
h supported at 2m span, and above
200mm wide cable ducts is 35
kg/m when supported at 2m
The CE-marking of products is
placed on the product or on the
packaging according to Low
Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
16 EMC directive 2004/108/EC
The Cable Support System is
a neutral according to the EMC
directive 2004/108/EC
17 Additional
Proper bend radius controlled
a drop kit to be provided for each
Specification Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference
proposed by Add (if
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Specification Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference
proposed by Add (if
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Intelligent Server Rack
42U minimum 750 mm
wide x minimum 1075
mm deep
Lightweight Aluminum
extruded frames
Modular construction
3 offer easy mounting for
all IT equipment.
4 Accessory for mounting
Complete cable
management system
Will accommodate all 19-
inch rack mountable
servers with mixed server
depth solutions
Extensive cable entry
7 through multiple cable
glands in roof and base
Two drop-in ribbed and
lockable side panel
Perforated split doors
front and rear,
Door open/close lighting
Quick-Release hinges on
all doors
Rack should have the
capability to control fans
automatically to adjust
temperature at times
Blank inserts available to
14 replace cable glands in
the roof, base
Manufactured (where
15 applicable) to IEC 60297,
Sufficient numbers of
blanking panels to
16 prevent air leakage
through spaces between
17 Load rating: 1250kg static
Metered PDUs for active
18 monitoring of electrical
Power cord locking
19 mechanism for accidental
Base frame with
20 provision for fixing to the
Specification Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference
proposed by Add (if
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Roof includes two large
cable access slots for high
density cabling and brush
strips for air
21 containment. Roof to
have spring loaded pints
for easy roof removal and
installation with cable in
Installation, testing and
22 commissioning with
necessary accessories
2. Conductor 23 /
24 AWG 7 / 32,
stranded copper
4. Plug Protection
5. Warranty
Minimum 20-
year component
7. Preferably
8. Terminals
Bronze with gold
9. Jacket PVC
2. Floor Standing
Server Rack - 42U
with Heavy Duty
Extruded Frame
for rigidity. Top
7. Keyboard Tray
with BB Slides
(Rotary Type) (1
no. per Rack)
8. Stationery Shelf
627mm Network
(2 sets per Rack)
Server Racks should have the following things in addition to the above mentioned
15. Power
distribution Unit
Distribution Unit
- Vertically
32AMPs with 25
Power Outputs.
(20 Power outs of
IEC 320 C13
Sockets & 5
Power outs of
controlled circuits
for Surge & Spike
protection, LED
readout for the
total current being
drawn from the
channel, 32AMPS
isolated input to
Ground & Output
to Ground (1 No
per Rack)
17. Door
The Racks must
have steel
front/rear doors
and side panels.
Racks should NOT
have glass
Specification Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference
proposed by Add (if
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Support integration
with other network
services like DHCP,
directory etc.
Should support DNS
2. zone storage in
Should support
conditional DNS
forwarders e.g.
forwarding based on
a DNS Domain name
in the query.
Should allow clients
to dynamically
4. update resource
records secure and
Should Support
incremental zone
transfer between
Should provide
6. security features like
access control list.
Should support
several new resource
7. record (RR) types
like service location
(SRV) etc.
Should support
Round robin on all
resource record (RR)
Should be IPv6
Specification Value
S. Minimum Compliance Reference
proposed by Add (if
No. Specification (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
10. Any Other
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Should be compliant with
Support for integrated
LDAP compliant directory
2. services to record
information for users and
system resources
Should provide integrated
authentication mechanism
across operating system,
messaging services
Should provide directory
services for ease of
management and
Should provide support for
5. Group policies and software
restriction policies
Should support security
features, such as Kerberos,
Smart Cards, Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI), etc
Should provide support for
X.500 naming standards
Should support Kerberos
8. for logon and
Should support that
password reset capabilities
9. for a given group or groups
of users can be delegated to
any nominated user
Should support that user
account creation/deletion
10. rights within a group or
groups can be delegated to
any nominated user
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Should support directory
services integrated DNS
11. zones for ease of
management and
12. Any Other
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Basic Requirements
Solution should be
inclusive with hardware,
1. OS, patches, database and
any other licenses for their
monitoring etc.
The solution should be
scalable to meet the
requirement for the entire
2. project period. And the
cost for scalability for the
period of the project
should be built-in.
Should be SNMP v1, v2, v3
and MIB-II compliant.
Should be ITIL 2011
compliant in at-least
incident, problem, change,
knowledge, Service Level,
service asset (hardware,
software) and
Filtering of events should
be possible, with advance
sort option based on
5. components, type of
message, time etc.
Automated trend analysis
of unstructured data.
Should support Web /
Administration Interface.
Should provide
accessibility to database of
the EMS via the
Application GUI
Solution should be open,
distributed, and scalable
and open to third party
Should provide fault and
performance management
for multi-vendor TCP/IP
10. Any Other
Should be able to provide
11. secured windows based
consoles as well as secured
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
web-based consoles for
accessibility to EMS.
Should have web browser
interface with user name
and Password
Administrator/ Manager
13. should have privilege to
create/modify/delete user.
14. Any Other
Polling Cycle
Support discriminated
Should be able to update
device configuration
changes such as re-
indexing of ports.
17. Any Other
Fault Management
Should be able to get fault
information in real time
and present the same in
18. alarm window with
description, affected
component, time stamp
Should be able to get fault
information from
19. heterogeneous devices —
routers, switches, servers
Event related to Servers
should go to a common
enterprise event console
where a set of automated
tasks can be defined based
on the policy.
Should have ability to
correlate events across the
entire infrastructure
components of SDC.
Should support automatic
event correlation in order
to reduce events occurring
in SDC.
Should support advanced
filtering to eliminate
extraneous data / alarms
in Web browser and GUI.
Should be configurable to
suppress events for key
24. systems/devices that are
down for routine
maintenance or planned
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Should provide the
following reports for
diagnosis, analysis and
resolution purposes like
Trend analysis, utilization,
forecasting reports or
equivalent etc.
Should be able to auto-
calculate resource
utilization baselines for
the entire managed
systems and networks and
allow user to set
corresponding upper and
lower threshold limits
34. Any Other
Should provide accurate
discovery of layer 3 and
35. heterogeneous layer 2
switched networks for
Manual discovery can be
36. done for identified
network segment
37. Any Other
Should be able to discover
links with proper colour
38. status propagation for
complete network
Should support dynamic
object collections and auto
discovery. The topology of
the entire Network should
be available in a single
Should give user option to
create his /or her map
based on certain group of
devices or region.
Should provide custom
visual mapping of L2 and
L3 devices connectivity
and relationships.
42. Any Other
Should monitor various
operating system
43. parameters such as
processors, memory, files,
processes, file systems etc.
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
where applicable on the
servers to be monitored.
Provide performance
threshold configuration
for all the agents/monitors
to be done from a central
GUI based console that
provide a common look
and feel across various
platforms in the
enterprise. These
agents/monitors could
then dynamically
reconfigure them to use
these threshold profiles
they receive.
45. Any Other
System Monitoring
Should be able to
monitor/ manage large
46. heterogeneous systems
Should monitor / manage
a) Event log monitoring
Virtual and physical
memory statistics
c) Paging and swap statistics
d) Operating System
e) Memory
f) Logical disk
g) Physical disk
h) Process
i) Processor
j) Paging file
k) IP statistics
l) ICMP statistics
m) Network interface traffic
n) Cache
o) Active Directory Services
48. Should be capable of
view/start/stop the
Unix / Linux
services on windows
49. Should
servers monitor with
CPU Utilization, CPU
Load Averages
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
System virtual memory
b) (includes swapping and
c) Disk Usage
No. of Inodes in each file
e) Network interface traffic
Critical System log
Infrastructure Services
IIS / Tomcat / Web server
51. HTTP service
52. HTTPS service
53. FTP server statistics
54. POP/ SMTP Services
55. ICMP services
Database Services –
Monitor various critical
relational database
56. management system
(RDBMS) parameters such
as database tables / table
spaces, logs etc.
57. Any Other
Should able to generate
73. reports on predefined /
customized hours.
Should be able to present
the reports through web
74. and also generate “pdf” /
CSV / ASCII reports of the
Should provide user
flexibility to create his /or
her custom reports on the
basis of time duration,
group of elements, custom
elements etc.
Should provide
information regarding
76. interface utilization and
error statistics for physical
and logical links.
Should create historical
performance and trend
analysis for capacity
Should be capable to send
78. the reports through e-mail
to pre-defined user with
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
pre-defined interval.
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
For reporting, required
100. RDBMS to be provided
with all licenses.
Should have sufficient
Storage capacity should to
101. support all reporting data
for the period of the
102. Any Other
Should be able to receive
and process SNMP traps
103. from infrastructure
components such as
router, switch, servers etc.
Should be able integrate
104. with Helpdesk system for
Should be able to send e-
mail or Mobile –SMS to
pre-defined users for pre-
defined faults.
Should trigger automated
actions based on incoming
106. events / traps. These
actions can be automated
scripts/batch files.
107. Any Other
Network Management
The Network Management
function must monitor
performance across
heterogeneous networks
from one end of the
enterprise to the other.
It should proactively
analyze problems to
improve network
It should provide traffic
management capabilities
The Network Management
function should create a
graphical display of all
discovered resources.
The Network Management
function should have
extensive reporting
112. facility, providing the
ability to format and
present data in a graphical
and tabular display
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The Network Management
function should collect
and analyze the data. Once
collected, it should
automatically store data
gathered by the NMS
113. system in a database. This
enterprise-wide data
should be easily accessed
from a central location
and used to help with
capacity planning,
reporting and analysis.
The Network Management
function should also
collect traffic statistics on
client/server sessions,
which cross the LAN on
which it is running.
The Network Management
function should also
provide information on
performance of Ethernet
segments, including
capacity utilization and
error statistics for the
segment and the top
contributing hosts, WAN
links and routers.
Alerts should be shown on
the Event Management
map when thresholds are
exceeded and should
subsequently be able to
116. inform Network
Operations Center (NOC)
and notify concerned
authority using different
methods such as pagers,
emails, etc.
It should be able to
automatically generate a
notification in the event of
a link failure to ensure
proper handling of link
related issues.
The Systems and
Distributed Monitoring
118. (Operating Systems) of
EMS should be able to
Processors: Each
processor in the system
a) should be monitored for
CPU utilization. Current
utilization should be
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
compared against user-
specified warning and
critical thresholds.
File Systems: Each file
system should be
monitored for the amount
b) of file system space used,
which is compared to
user-defined warning and
critical thresholds.
Log Files: Logs should be
monitored to detect faults
in the operating system,
the communication
subsystem and in
applications. The function
should also analyze the
files residing on the host
for specified string
System Processes: The
System Management
function should provide
real-time collection of data
from all system processes.
This should identify
d) whether or not an
important process has
stopped unexpectedly.
Critical processes should
be automatically restarted
using the System
Management function.
Memory: The System
Management function
e) should monitor memory
utilization and available
swap space.
Event Log: User-defined
events in the security,
f) system, and application
event logs must be
119. Any Other
SLA Monitoring
EMS should integrate with
the application software
component of portal
120. software that measures
performance of system
against the following SLA
a Response times of Portal;
b Uptime of data centre;
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Meantime for restoration
of Data Centre etc;
EMS should compile the
performance statistics
from all the IT systems
involved and compute the
121. average of the parameters
over a quarter, and
compare it with the SLA
metrics laid down in the
The EMS should compute
the weighted average score
of the SLA metrics to help
in arriving at the quarterly
service charges payable to
the Agency.
The SLA monitoring
component of the EMS
should be under the
control of the authority
123. that is nominated to the
mutual agreement of
Director the partner so as
to ensure that it is in a
trusted environment.
124. Any Other
The Reporting and
Analysis tool should
provide a ready-to-use
view into the wealth of
data gathered by
Management system and
service management tools.
It should consolidate data
from all the relevant
125. modules and transform it
into easily accessible
information. This
information should be
presented in a variety of
graphical formats that can
be viewed interactively
(slice, dice, drill-down,
drill through).
The tool should allow
customers to explore the
real-time data in a variety
of methods and patterns
and then produce reports
to analyze the associated
business and service
affecting issues.
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The presentation of
reports should be in an
easy to analyze graphical
form enabling the
administrator to put up
easily summarized reports
to the management for
127. quick action
(Customizable Reports).
The software should be
capable of supporting the
needs to custom make
some of the reports as per
the needs of the
Provide Historical Data
Analysis: The software
should be able to provide a
time snapshot of the
required information as
well as the period analysis
of the same in order to
help in projecting the
demand for bandwidth in
the future.
129. Any Other
Enterprise Management
Management layer should
provide ability to
130. determine which part of
application is creating
performance issue
Ability to determine
131. network roundtrip times
of your user groups
Ability to do usage trend
Effective service level
management: Service
levels are important
measures of business
performance. The
management layer should
provide the right measures
for the service level
agreements for business
continuity and operational
efficiency. It should
monitor service
availability, performance,
usage, measure availability
and performance from
representative key user
locations, determine root
cause and impact of
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
service failures on overall
service level agreement.
Application performance
management: The
management framework
should help in enhancing
134. system performance and
reliability of the system to
ensure improvement in
the overall operational
Proactive monitoring: The
management framework
should provide for
proactive, unattended
monitoring of the
database system
Configuration and patch
Management platform
must provide a tool which
tracks and analyzes
hardware, database, OS
and application server
software configurations
136. and lowers the cost of
complex operations such
as applying software
patches, enforcing
operational policies and
cloning core IT
infrastructure systems
(such as databases and
application servers).
Heterogeneous platform
Monitoring support: The
management platform
must provide support to
monitor multiple middle
137. tier application servers,
multiple database servers,
multiple directories
servers, multiple
Operating Systems and
multiple firewalls.
138. Any Other
ITIL based Helpdesk System
The Helpdesk system
should provide flexibility
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
of logging incident
manually via windows
GUI and web interface.
The web interface console
of the incident tracking
140. system would allow
viewing, updating and
closing of incident tickets.
The trouble-ticket should
be generated for each
141. complaint and given to
asset owner immediately
as well as part of email.
Helpdesk system should
allow detailed multiple
levels/tiers of
categorization on the type
of security incident being
It should provide
classification to
differentiate the criticality
of the security incident via
the priority levels, severity
levels and impact levels.
It should maintain the
SLA for each item/service.
The system should be able
to generate report on the
SLA violation or regular
SLA compliance levels.
It should be possible to
sort requests based on
145. how close are the requests
to violate their defined
It should support work
146. shifts for SLA & automatic
ticket assignment
It should support the
holiday definition & SLA
clock should stop on
holiday or non-working
days. SLA clock should
stop after the analyst shift
is over case of non 24x7
support environment.
It should allow the
helpdesk administrator to
define escalation policy,
148. with multiple levels &
notification, through easy
to use window GUI /
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
System should provide a
Knowledge base to store
history of useful incident
It should have an
updateable knowledge
base for technical analysis
and further help end-users
to search solutions for
previously solved issues.
It should be able to
provide web-based
knowledge tools that
provides the flexibility to
search based on filter
151. noise words methods, list
the commonly used
security knowledge article
methods and deduction
methods using a series of
questions and answers.
It should the web-based
knowledge tool would
allow users to bookmarks
their favorite security
knowledge articles for
quick references.
It should be possible to
specify an expiration date
to a document so that if
the same becomes
irrelevant for an
organization it will be
The knowledge tools
should provide grouping
access on different
security knowledge
articles for different group
of users.
Provide seamless
integration to generate
155. events/incident
automatically from NMS /
It should be able to
provide detail asset
information on hardware
156. and software inventory
through seamless
integration with asset
management software.
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Each incident could be
able to associate multiple
activity logs entries
157. manually or automatically
events / incidents from
other security tools or
Allow categorization on
158. the type of incident being
Provide classification to
differentiate the criticality
159. of the incident via the
priority levels, severity
levels and impact levels.
Provide audit logs and
reports to track the
updating of each incident
Proposed incident
161. tracking system would be
ITIL 2011compliant.
It should be possible to do
any customizations or
162. policy updates in flash
with zero or very minimal
coding or down time.
It should integrate with
Enterprise Management
System event management
163. and support automatic
problem registration,
based on predefined
It should be able to log
164. and escalate user
interactions and requests.
It should support tracking
of SLA (service level
agreements) for call
requests within the help
desk through service
It should be capable of
assigning call requests to
technical staff manually as
well as automatically
based on predefined rules,
and should support
notification and escalation
over email, web etc.
It should provide status of
registered calls to end-
users over email and
through web.
Page Value
Minimum Compliance Reference Add
S. No. proposed by
Specification (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The solution should
provide web based
168. administration so that the
same can be performed
from anywhere.
It should have customized
Management Reports for
169. senior executives with live
reports from helpdesk
It should have an
integrated CMDB for
strong Change
170. Management capabilities.
Should integrate with
existing Helpdesk
CMDB should auto
171. populate the relationship
between CI.
172. Any other
The data transfer to
and from the
server should be
Bidder may provide
any kind of
alternate solution
for secondary
number of users is
75 and which
may increase to
200 users.
Digital certificates
for all servers, data
protocols to be
supported (SSL).
Assessing various
touch points with
and associated
risks and risk
measures should
provided in the
proposed solution
All machines
within the SDC
Project Security
boundary will
Digital Certificates
Capability to create
and manage a
It would be
responsibility of CA
for domain based
Not DCO’s
Use of digital
certificates for 128-
bit encryption and
higher and digital
Location and
Security Matrix
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The technology solution should
comply with ISO27001
standards and the DCO has to
get the certificate of the same
within three quarters” from the
date of start of successful
1. operations of the State Data
Centre. Subsequently periodic
surveillance audits must be
carried out”. The cost incurred
for obtaining and maintaining
the certification shall be borne
by the DCO.
Security certification process
2. shall include Audit of Network,
Server and Application
3. Security mechanisms.
Assessment of authentication
4. mechanism provided in the
application /components /
Modules Assessment of data
encryption mechanism.
Assessment of data access
6. privileges, retention periods
and archival mechanisms.
Final output of this process
would be a comprehensive
audit report including all the
Network, Server and
Application security features
incorporated in the project.
Manageability Requirements of
8. the project will be tested and
certified for the following:
Remote Monitoring of Status
a) and Statistics of all high-level
Management capability to
b) start/ stop/ restart services &
Auto discovery of all
c) components manageable
through SNMP
Auto discovery of all other
system components.
Ability to track changes in
e) configurations of the system
components to help track
9. Service/ System disruptions.
Final output of this process
would be a manageability
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
compliance document for the
system deployed.
11. Any Other
Critical Load
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
UPS Topology &
The specification defines the
electrical characteristics and
requirements for a
continuous duty, highly
reliable, solid state type true
on-line fully digital signal
processor (DSP)
controlled double
conversion design, IGBT
based Inverter and IGBT
based Rectifier (UPS)
Modular Uninterruptible
Power Supply systems. The
1. UPS shall provide high
quality AC power for
sensitive electronic
equipment loads. The UPS
controls & operation shall
be Fully automatic through
the use of Digital Signal
Processing. All operating
and protection parameters
shall be firmware controlled,
thus eliminating a need for
manual adjustments. The
logic shall include system
test capability to facilitate
maintenance and
2 x 200 KVA True On-Line
Double Conversion UPS
2. System in parallel
redundant mode with
individual battery banks.
UPS Rating:
200 KVA - Each UPS
3. module shall be rated at
maximum 50 kVA@ unity
output power factor
Input Standard Voltage,
380 /400 / 415 V 3 Phase, 3
or 4 wire, ranging from
4. -15% +20% from nominal at
100% load and
-30%, +20% from nominal
at 50% load
Input Frequency, 50 Hz,
+10% or -10%
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Output Steady State
6. Voltage, 380 / 400 / 415 V
with +1% / -1% regulation
Output Frequency, 50 Hz,
+0.25Hz to 0.5Hz
Output Transient Voltage
Stability, < 5% or –5% for a
load change from 0% to
8. 100%. Transient voltage
recovery shall be 25ms to
within +/- 1% of steady
Overload – 125% for 10
9. minutes and 150% for 60
Efficiency at full rated load
(AC-AC) = Not less than
94% and in Energy Saver
Mode = Not Less than 99 %
Total Harmonic Content –
With Linear Load < 2% for
100 % linear load and with
3:1 Crest factor load < 5%
Input Current Harmonics
should be <5% and Input
12. Power Factor should be
>0.99). No filters are to be
DC ripple (with & without
Battery connected) < 1%
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
The UPS control panel shall
be a digital front panel
display that features a
Graphical colour backlit
LCD display. The LCD shall
display UPS status,
metering, battery status,
alarm/event queue, active
alarms and UPS
configurations. The front
panel display shall show a
system mimic diagram with
an outlined power path,
current operating mode and
event logs.
Automatic restarting of
16. component following a
power outage
UPS Control Panel:
The UPS control panel shall
provide the following
functions from front panel
push buttons:
EVENTS: Displays the list
of Active System Events and
a historical log of system
events. Historical logs shall
include a detailed time
stamped list of the latest
500 events.
METERS: Display
performance meters for the
system such as input
parameters, output
parameters or bypass
parameters including;
17. voltage, current and
frequency. In addition, the
battery display shall show
runtime remaining. The
UPS shall provide
microprocessor controlled
diagnostics capable of
displaying fault alarms
along with metering
parameters in the event of a
UPS failure. The data shall
be viewed via an LCD
display located at the
control panel.
SETUP: Allow settings,
date and time information
serial communication port
configuration and display of
firmware revision numbers.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
The UPS interface panel
shall provide the following
signals and communication
features in a Class 2
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Communications Bay:
The UPS shall be equipped
with field configurable
communications bays that
will accommodate two (2)
communication devices with
upgrade facility to increase
the quantity of
communication devices up
to four (4).The UPS shall be
able to be monitored locally
or across a network.
20. Monitoring of UPS status
may also be performed
through isolated dry contact
Form C relays.
Simultaneous monitoring of
multiple UPSs shall be
possible from one central
location. The UPS should be
able to integrate into any
industry standard Building
Management System (BMS)
and Network Management
System (NMS).
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
The UPS shall continuously
monitor the voltage and
frequency of the bypass
source. When the source
parameters are within
acceptable limits, the UPS
will utilize a
combination of its internal
subsystems to ensure
acceptable power is always
delivered to the critical load,
at a system efficiency of 99%
or greater, over the range of
10% to 100% load. It shall
incorporate a “High Alert
Mode” to automatically
(without user intervention)
provide maximum power
conditioning any time.
When Energy Saver System
is utilized, the UPS must
attenuate ANSI C62.41-type
line transients to within IEC
and ITIC limits. The Energy
Saver System shall be able
to distinguish between
upstream (utility) faults and
downstream (load) faults,
and react appropriately to
protect and support the
critical load, without
The UPS should have
provision for enabling the
user to test the entire power
flow under full load stress
without the requirement of
an external load. Bidder
should illustrate detailed
principle and technique
proposed to be used in this
The UPS shall be designed
for forced-air cooling. Air
inlets shall be on the front of
the unit. Air outlets shall be
24. on the top. Maximum 0.5 m
of clearance over the UPS
outlets should be required
for proper air circulation.
Air filters shall be
commonly available sizes.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Acoustical Noise :
25. <65 dB (A) of noise, typical,
measured at 1 meter from
the operator surface.
Compact Footprint.
Cross sectional area of
UPS module should be
less than 1 sq. mtr.
• No back or side
clearance or access shall be
required for the system.
The back and side enclosure
covers shall be capable of
being located directly
adjacent to a wall.
• Cable entry:
Standard cable entry for the
UPS cabinet shall be
through either the enclosure
bottom or top.
• Front access: All
serviceable subassemblies
shall be modular and
capable of being replaced
from the front of the UPS
26. (front access only required).
Side or rear access for
installation, service, repair
or maintenance of the UPS
system shall not be
• Service area
requirements: The system
should require no more than
three feet of front service
access room and should not
require side or rear access
for service or installation.
• Enclosures: The
UPS shall be housed in free-
standing double front
enclosures (safety shields
behind doors) equipped
with levelling feet. The
enclosures shall be designed
for computer room
• Operating
27. Temperature: 0 deg C to
+40 deg C without derating
• Storage Temperature:
- 25 deg C to + 60 deg C
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
• Relative Humidity: 5%
- 95% non-condensing.
• Elevation: 1000 m
(3300 ft) above sea level
Standards &
The UPS shall be designed
and manufactured in
compliance with the
following applicable
Safety: IEC 62040-1-1,
IEC 60950-1
EMC: IEC 62040-2
Performance: IEC
28. 62040-3
Markings : CE
Quality: ISO 9001, ISO
14001, OHSAS
Copies of above
certifications are to be
submitted along with
the technical bid.
8. Any other
All electrical components are to be earthen is to by connecting two earth tapes from the frame of
the component ring will be connected via several earth electrodes. The cable arm will be earthen
through the cable glands. Earthling shall be in conformity with provision of rules 32, 61, 62, 67 &
68 of Indian Electricity rules 1956 and as per IS- 3043. The entire applicable IT infrastructure in
the Data Center shall be earthed.
9. Any other
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
Cable ducts should be of
such dimension that the
cables laid in it do not
touch one another. If found
necessary the cable shall be
fixed with clamps on the
1. walls of the duct. Cables
shall be laid on the
walls/on the trays as
required using suitable
clamping/ fixing
arrangement as required.
Cables shall be neatly
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
arranged on the trays in
such manner that a crisis
crossing is avoided and
final take off to switch gear
is easily facilitated.
Specification Value
S. Compliance Reference
Minimum Specification proposed by Add (if
No. (Y/N) in Data
bidder any)
shall be earthed at both
ends. The rising mains
enclosure shall be bolted
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
These specifications describe
requirements for a In-Row Air
conditioner and associated
services for the proposed Assam
State Datacenter. The
Datacenter is being planned on
a scalable model with initial
deployment of 2 (two) sets of
separate containment each
comprising of minimum 10
racks. The cooling requirements
are to be met with in-row based,
refrigerant (DX) type, cooling
system which shall be designed
to maintain temperature and
A relative humidity conditions
within the row(s) of racks. It
shall be floor mounted,
optimized for maximum cooling
capacity in a minimum
footprint. The system shall be
designed to ensure even air
distribution to the entire face
area of the coil. The unit shall
modulate cooling capacity and
airflow based on requirements.
The cooling system should be
mounted on the side of the rack.
The warm server air is to be
drawn in through a perforated
rear door and the cooled air is
Page Value
S. Compliance Reference Add
Minimum Specification proposed by
No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
to be blown back via a
perforated door in front of the
perforated doors of the server
The AC Units should have high
sensible heat ratios, to match
high sensible loads of
Rooms/Switch room. A
Microprocessor controlled
A package AC system with R-
410a/R407C refrigerant shall be
suitable to take thermal and air
qty. inputs from the server and
adjust its operation accordingly
so as to achieve highest levels of
performance and efficiency.
The Indoor unit shall comprise
of Digital
/Inverter/Fixed/Tandem Scroll
Compressor, EC fans,
Evaporator DX Cooling Coil,
Microprocessor controllers,
Thermostatic valves, Driers,
Filter, Suction and Discharge
piping, Internal power and
Control wiring,
Humidifier(optional), Heaters,
HP/LP Cutouts, Power and
Control contactors and Other
Electrical accessories.
Unit return air temperature: 35
Deg C, 26% RH
Ambient air design
température: 21+/-1 Deg. C in
Cold aisle
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Sensible Cooling Capacity: The
Gross total cooling capacity
required is 28.4 TR (100 KW) in
each containment, with
minimum cooling unit to rack
ratio of 1:2.5, i.e. minimum 4
cooling units for every 10 racks.
Air Flow Direction: Horizontal-
in front of the racks
Air inlet Temp & RH : Set point
± 1°C (DB) & Set point ± 5%
(Return Air)
Air Quantity: Modulating as per
server (80-100 cfm/kW min)
No. of Racks (per containment):
10 racks (in containment)
placed in 2 rows
No. of containment: 02
Physical Design: The Units shall
be designed for max 70 DBA at
1.5 meter from the unit outlet
quiet operation with all moving
parts mounted on anti-vibration
mounting and carefully
balanced to ensure minimum
4 Design Requirements
The environmental control
system shall be a factory
assembled unit. It shall be floor
mounted, optimized for
maximum cooling capacity in a
minimum footprint. It shall
have adjustable air supply
A diffusers, the unit shall be
capable to be mounted between
the racks or at the end of row.
The unit shall modulate cooling
capacity and airflow based on
requirements. These units are
to be supplied with 400 Volt, 3
phase, 50 Hz power supply.
Cooling / Refrigeration
One refrigeration circuit,
incorporating a high efficiency,
fully hermetic Fixed/Variable
Scroll compressor with heater,
safety valve, filter drier,
A moisture indicating sight glass
and an expansion valve. The
refrigeration system shall be of
externally equalised/direct
expansion type and each unit
must incorporate independent
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Sheet any)
evaporator coil circuit.
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Sheet any)
flow and easily removable for
cleaning. The construction of
the drip pan must be of
stainless steel/aluminum or
galvanized steel. The distance
between the fins should not be
less than 1.8 mm and the face
velocity shall not be more than
2.5 m/sec.
6 Fan section
Units shall be with Direct
Driven EC Fans, High
efficiency, external rotor
electronically commutated (EC)
motor with integrated
electronics, True soft start
characteristics (inrush current
lower than operating current),
Backward curve, corrosion
resistant fan wheel,
Maintenance free design and
The fan section shall be
designed for higher air flow.
The fan shall be protected over
temperature of motor,
electronics, locked rotor
protection, short circuit of
motor output. The fans should
be aligned and balance statically
and dynamically. The fan speed
must be controlled based on the
room return air Temperatures
and also must have automatic
speed control without manual
The operational logic of the
units to take into account that
incase of failure of one fan the
balance two fans will increase
speeds to makeup to best
B possible extent the loss of
airflow due to non availability of
one fan. All the fans to be
provided with individual and
independent air flow alarm
pressure switches which shall
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No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
shoot alarm to the unit
microprocessor incase of
airflow failure.
7 Cabinet and Frame
The frame and panels shall be
constructed of heavy gauge
corrosion resistant sheet steel
and have modular construction
with aluminum based railing
and hinged doors.
The cabinet shall be powder
B coated and have a textured
The cabinet Shall be provided
with acoustic / thermally
C insulated panels as required
with panel of minimum
thickness of 1.2mm
The front door shall be of
removable hinged construction
with provision of required
perforation for supply air.
Front door to be provided with
horizontal laminar airflow
design or with bi-directional
throws as per site requirements.
Unit shall be provided with
castors and levelling feet for an
easy unit placement into the
row of racks.
8 Air Filtration
The units shall be provided with
washable synthetic air filters
with metal frames which can be
removed from the unit and
A taken out of the server area for
cleaning and can be installed
back into the unit without
requiring any shut down of the
Filter clog pressure switch and
alarm is to be provided to
ensure maintenance and up
B keep of the equipment and also
to ensure no reduction in unit
capacity resulting from reduced
9 Microprocessor Controller
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No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Each floor Mounted Evaporator
unit must be equipped with
individual microprocessor
controls with individual display
and sensors. The controls shall
be a microprocessor
programmable logic controller.
The controls shall have separate
indication of operating modes
(cooling, heating, humidifying
A and dehumidifying), alarm
conditions (temperature high,
loss of sensor, compressor HP &
LP, wet floor, no air flow and
low humidifier water). The
display and indication shall be
visible on the front without
removing any external panels.
Local and remote alarms will be
triggered if an alarm condition
is reached.
The controller should allow
setting and monitoring of the
following space parameters:
• Air inlet Temperature
• Air supply Temperature
(remote sensors at rack inlet)
• Return Temperature set-
B point
• Supply Temperature set-
• Return Temperature band
• Supply Temperature band
• Humidity (inlet)
• Rack Min, Max and
Average temperature
Alarms: Following alarms
should be available:
• Loss of Sensor
• Compressor 1 High / Low
• Wet floor
• No Air flow
• Filter clogs
• Temperature high / low
• Humidity high / low
• Clogged filter
• LP transducer fail
• Network failure
Following features to be
incorporated in the controller:
• Status Report of the latest
event-messages of the unit.
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• The control should have an
auto-restart feature which will
return the unit to normal
operation resumption of mains
• The unit controller must
have option of dual set point for
energy saving i.e. customer
must have the option to set two
independent set points for the
unit based on operational
requirements and energy saving
10 Display & Monitoring:
In normal operating mode the
screen should display unit
A number, temperature and
relative humidity set points and
actual, operating status.
The unit must have a large
screen LCD display on
B controller with user friendly
menus and password
RS485 interface port for BMS
C compatibility with ModBus
RTU protocol is required.
11 Condenser
The condenser unit shall
include condenser fans &
motor, condenser cooling coil,
fan speed controller, Isolator
switch and non corrosive
A coating. The condenser should
be set for usages of
R410A/R407C refrigerant. The
condenser frame shall be made
up of a sturdy aluminum
12 Electrical Panel
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No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Control cabinet to be as per
OEM design, with grounding
lug, combination magnetic
starters with overload relays,
circuit breakers and cover
interlock, and fusible control
circuit transformer. The
construction of the unit
electrical panel must be such to
also provide space for
microprocessor controller and
without opening of any panels
from the front of the unit the
microprocessor panel must
have direct access for operation.
Return air T/H sensor shall be
part of standard supply of the
unit. The electric panel
provided for the unit must be
equipped with main incoming
power isolation switch,
additionally the unit must be
provided with under voltage /
over voltage / phase reversal /
single phasing protection, all
three phase motors must be
operated only via 24V coil
voltage contactors and MPCB’s,
additionally step down
transformer must be provided
for power supply to the unit
controller. The electrical panel
must also be providing with
relay block for common alarm.
13 Electric Re-Heating
The heating resistors shall be of
rigid design for extended
operational life and normally
utilised to maintain room dry-
bulb conditions during a system
call for dehumidification. The
electric strip heaters/reheat
coils shall be of low watt
density, nickel-plated, stainless
steel fin tubular construction.
Multiple-stage heating shall be
preferred. The heating system
shall incorporate protection
from short circuits and shall
include dual safety protection
through loss of air and high
temperature controls.
14 Humidifier (Optional)
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No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
If design requires, the unit may
be fitted with an
electrode/canister type steam
humidifier. The humidifier shall
be with inlet/outlet valve, level
sensor, steam distributor and
electronic controls.
Data centre cooling design is to
be based on low operation cost,
modularity, high safety,
security, flexibility, with
minimum capital cost
A investment. The air
containment system is required
to prevent the mixing of cold air
and hot air. The Containment
shall be fabricated with Powder
coated galvanized iron Door
frames and Top cover with
toughened glass.
The containment shall be
constructed between any two
symmetrical rows of racks
facing each other in Hot/Cold
Aisle. The Frame for
containment shall be
constructed with 2 doors on
each side of the racks. These
sections should be powder
coated in color matching with
the Data Center interior. The
vertical columns will be
designed to be grouted on the
RCC Flooring as per the site
requirement. The 4 vertical
doors shall be connected to each
other with help of Cross
members. These Cross
members shall also be duly
Powder coated.
The entry and exit of the Aisle
shall be closed with GI powder
coated doors .Each door should
have glass of suitable size fixed
in the door for view purpose.
Both entry and exit doors
should have lock and key
arrangement. The Glass shall be
toughened clear glass/Plexiglass
to provide visibility in the aisle.
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No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
AC unit’s microprocessor
controller should be connected
to aisle temperature directly
and the PAC unit’s temperature
is to be maintained by supply
air control mechanics based on
supply air temperature sensor.
PAC units shall communicate
each other and shall work as
team to modulate the fans at
parts for high power savings.
9. Any other
3. Any other
Manual Controls
Delay sounder
Enter or modify
device text label
Setup maintenance
Assign or modify
Disable zones,
device, sounders,
FRE contact,
auxiliary contacts
Cable entries
Heat detectors
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No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
Fire Suppression System
should follow Kyoto Protocol.
Care should be taken that
none of the Greenhouse Gases
2. identified in the Kyoto
Protocol is used for fire
suppression application.
The minimum criterion for
the selection of the Clean
Agent will be on the following
Zero Ozone Depleting
Global Warming Potential not
exceeding one.
Atmospheric Lifetime not
exceeding one week.
The clean agent fire
suppression system with FK-
5-1-12 and Inert Gas based
systems are accepted as a
replacement of HCFC and
HFC as per Kyoto Protocol.
The Clean Agent considered
for the suppression system
must be suitable for manable
occupied areas with NOAEL
Level (No observable adverse
5. effect level) of 10% as
compared to the design
concentration to ensure high
safety margin for the human
who might be present in the
hazard area.
The minimum design
standards shall be as per
NFPA 2001, 2004 edition or
latest revisions.
Care shall be given to ensure
proper early warning
detection system with
minimum sensitivity of 0.03%
per foot obscuration as per
7. NFPA 318 & NFPA 72 to
ensure that one gets a very
early warning to investigate
the incipient fire much before
the other detectors activate
the fire suppression system
A set of fixed cameras, integrated IP Speed dome cameras (fixed), pan / tilt / zoom (PTZ) cameras
and integrated dome (PTZ) cameras with remote control operation of focus and zoom.
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No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
A professional housing with
internal and external cooling
fans to protect both the
camera and lens from the
rigors of all environments and
at the same time it should be
1. designed and built for ease of
installation and maintenance.
Fan & Heater should be
installed inside the camera &
products should support up
to -10 degree to +60Degree
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No. (Y/N) in Data (if
Sheet any)
The monitor shall be suitable
for use as desktop units.
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Sheet any)
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Sheet any)
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Sheet any)
In-row cooling AC
monitoring and
controls at all
3. Any other
Energy Management
LT Panel Energy
5. UPS Monitoring
6. Any other
Protocol with RS 485
Communication Port
Energy Meter on
MODBUS Protocol
with RS 485
Communication Port
4. Any other
3. Any other
Circuit Compartments
Instrument Compartments
Separate adequate
compartment shall be
provided for
indicating lamps,
control contactors/
relays and control
fuses etc.
These components
shall be accessible for
testing and
maintenance without
any danger of
accidental contact with
live parts, bus bar and
The outgoing
terminals and neutral
link shall be brought
out to a cable alley
suitably located and
accessible from the
panel front.
The current
transformers for
instruments metering
shall be mounted on
the disconnecting type
terminal blocks.
No direct connection
of incoming or
outgoing cables to
internal components
of the distribution
board is permitted;
only one conductor
may be connected in
one terminal
Cable Compartments
Cable compartments
of minimum 300 mm
size shall be provided
in the Panels for easy
termination of all
incoming and
outgoing cables
entering from bottom
or top.
Adequate supports
shall be provided in
the cable
compartments to
support cables.
All outgoing and
incoming feeder
terminals shall be
brought out to
terminals blocks in the
cable compartment.
Engraved PVC labels
shall be provided on
all incoming and
outgoing feeders.
Single line circuit
diagram showing the
arrangements of
circuit inside the
distribution board
shall be pasted on
inside of the panel
door and covered with
transparent laminated
plastic sheet.
Name Plates
Indicating Lamps
Indicating lamps
assembly shall be
screw type with built
in resistor having non-
fading color lens. LED
type lamps are
Wiring for Remote
indicating lamp is
Color shade for the
indicating lamps shall
be as below :
• ON indicating
lamp: Red