Big Viii New Guinea
Big Viii New Guinea
Big Viii New Guinea
This chapter of the bibliography contains 161 pages with about 1530 references on New Guinea island and
surrounding areas. The western part of New Guinea island is part of Indonesia and is now called West Papua, but
historically it has also been known as Netherlands New Guinea, Irian Barat and Irian Jaya, The eastern part of the
island is the independent nation of Papua New Guinea.
The southern half of New Guinea island is part of the Australian craton. In the West are Proterozoic
metamorphics and granites, overlain by relatively undeformed Late Proterozoic and Paleozoic shallow marine
and non-marine intra-cratonic sediments. The eastern part (in PNG) displays characteristics of the Eastern
Australia Paleozoic active margin, with highly deformed early Paleozoic marine sediments and a belt of
Permian- Triassic arc volcanics. The Birds Head of West Papua also displays this 'Tasmanides' active margin
character (see below).
The Central Range is composed mainly of complexly folded marine Jurassic- Early Miocene passive margin
sediments. A long belt of ophiolites and associated metamorphic rocks along the northern margin of the
Central Range foldbelt marks the suture between the Australian continental margin to the South and Pacific
domain volcanic arc and ophiolite complexes in the North. Its emplacement marks the Early? Miocene collision
of the Australian continent with an Oligo-Miocene age Philippine Sea volcanic arc.
The Central Range also contains a belt of Late Miocene- Recent dioritic intrusives and volcanics, many of
which are associated with large gold-copper mineralizations. Some authors interpret these as the result of
South-directed subduction of Pacific Ocean (Philippine Sea) oceanic plate, others dispute this.
The Birds Head may or may not be a displaced terrane. Many authors show it as more or less in the same
relative position as today since the Mesozoic (Hall, etc.), others advocate a position closer to the PNG side of
New Guinea or Queensland until the Cretaceous, based on its Paleozoic 'active margin' character of intensely
folded, low-metamorphic Silurian-Devonian marine sediments and Permian-Triassic granitoids.
A Late(?) Oligocene compression event in the Birds Head created an angular unconformity and deposition of
Sirga Sandstone, the only sandy clastics in an Eocene- Miocene carbonate sequence. This was interpreted by
Pigram and Davies (1987) and Struckmeyer et al. (1993) as evidence of timing of collision between the Birds
Head and the Misool- Onin terrane.
The Central Range formed as a result of collision of the Australian-New Guinea continental margin with a
volcanic arc, probably before the Middle Miocene, as metamorphic-ophiolitic detritus is found in sandstones of
the Makats Fm North of the foldbelt. The norhern margin of this range is a belt of obductucted ophiolites,
overlying a metamorphic belt which are metamorphosed Jurasssic-Cretaceous deep marine distal continental
margin clastics.
A second phase of uplift in the Plio-Pleistocene is apparent from the presence of outcrops of young dioritic
intrusions at altitudes of 4000m. Several of these intrusives are associated with world-class porphyry copper-
gold mineralizations (Ertsberg, Grasberg, etc.)
Commercial hydrocarbons have only been found in the Birds Head/ Bintuni basin. The two proven
hydrocarbon plays are oil and gas in Miocene carbonate buildups and gas in M Jurassic sandstones. The
successful basal Cretaceous sandstone play of adjacent Papua New Guinea has not yet been proven to
extend into West Papua, although some oil seeps are present in the Central Range. Oil and gas seeps and
non-commercial gas are present in the locally thick Late Miocene- Pleistocene successor basins of North New
Suggested reading
General, Tectonics: Visser and Hermes (1962), Hermes (1974), Pigram and Panggabean (1984),
Pigram and Davies (1987), Pigram and Symonds (1991),
Davies (2012), Dow et al. (1988, 2005), Audley Charles (1991),
Nash et al. (1993), Struckmeyer et al. (1993),
Pubellier and Ego (2002), Stevens et al. (2002), Hill and Hall (2003),
Hill et al. (2004), Sapiie and Cloos (2004), Cloos et al. (2005),
Stratigraphy: Pieters et al. (1983), Quarles van Ufford and Cloos (2005)
North New Guinea: Zwierzycki (1924, 1928), Williams and Amiruddin (1983),
Wachsmuth and Kunst (1986), Tregoning and Gorbatov (2004),
Permana et al. (2005)
Mesozoic Birds Head- Bintuni: Fraser et al (1993), Perkins and Livsey (1993), Ratman (1997),
Decker et al. (2009), Sapiie (2010)
Lengguru Foldbelt: Dow et al. (1985), Brash et al. (1991), Moffatt et al. (1991),
Sutriyono and Hill (2002), Bailly et al. (2009)
Ophiolites, Metamorphics: Van der Wegen (1971), Weyland (1999), Monnier et al. (1999, 2000),
Warren and Cloos (2007), Weiland and Cloos (2007)
The PNG foldbelt is generally lower in elevation than the W Papua part. It is underlain by weaker, Paleozoic
accretionary crust, in contrast with the West Papua relatively rigid continental crust (Hill and Hall, 2003).
Significant oil and gas accumulations were found in folded Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous quartz sands in the
PNG foldbelt. So far, this play has not been successful in the West Papua Central Range (but was proven in
the Birds Head/ Bintuni Bay).
Suggested reading
General, Tectonics: Glaessner (1950), Davies and Smith (1971), Davies (1978, 1990, 2012),
Davies et al. (1997), Milsom (1974, 1991), Dow (1977),
Hill (1987, 1991), Hill and Hall (2003), Pigram et al. (1989, 1990),
Klootwijk et al. (2003a, b), Baldwin et al. (2012)
VIII.3. Misool
The Misool Islands group between the West Papua 'Birds Head' and Seram, is generally regarded as part of
the Birds Head plate, although there are arguments to make it a separate microplate that collided with the
Birds Head in Oligocene time (Pigram and Davies 1987).
Misool is part of a long, young anticlinal trend that continues E to the Onin Peninsula, which is commonly
interpreted as the result of a latest Miocene- Early Pliocene inversion event of a Jurassic (or older) rift system.
N-S cross-section across N-dipping Triassic- Tertiary sediments of C Misool island (Roggeveen 1939 in Van
Bemmelen, 1949)
Overall dip of Misool island is to the North, so the South coast and adjacent islands have good outcrops of
Paleozoic metamorphics. These are unconformably overlain by a relatively thick Late Triassic marine 'flysch'
series and reefal Misolia limestone, unconformably overlain by a relatively thin Middle? Jurassic- Cretaceous
marine sequence. The Late Jurassic- mid Cretaceous is in bathyal pelagic limestone facies. The overlying
Turonian- Maastrichtian marls are rich in Inoceramus, but also contain radiolitid rudists (Durania spp.).
Diagrammatic Mesozoic stratigraphy of Misool islands (Weber 1930, in Van Bemmelen, 1949)
It should be noted that the Paleozoic-Mesozoic stratigraphy of Misool is different from that of the Birds Head,
Bintuni and the main 'body' of New Guinea, although this may possibly be explained by assuming a contiguous
but more distal marine setting for Misool. Misool has no equivalent of the Permian coaly series or the Jurassic-
Cretaceous shallow marine sands known from the Birds Head, Bintuni, Central Range, etc. It does have Late
Triassic reefal limestones, rudist-bearing Upper Cretaceous, etc., which are absent elsewhere in New Guinea
(except the probably displaced Kubor Terrane in PNG).
The Misool surface geology map clearly shows a mid-Oligocene unconformity: Miocene carbonates thin W-
ward from >1300m to 100m and overlap successively older rocks, suggesting an Oligocene uplift event, most
pronounced in the West.
Suggested reading
General, Tectonics: Boehm (1924), Froidevaux (1974), Skwarko (1981),
Pigram et al. (1982, a,b), Hasibuan (2008, 2009 and others),
Pairault et al.(2003)
Recent deep seismic data shows the presence of a very thick Precambrian sediment section below much of
the Arafura Sea, a continuation of the MacArthur and other Precambrian basins of North Australia. In most of
the area these are unconformably overlain by thin, undeformed Cretaceous- Tertiary sediments.
There is thickening of post-Precambrian sediments in three different areas and times. The NW-SE trending
Goulburn Graben in the Australian sector of the Arafura Sea preserves a relatively thick Paleozoic section.
This rift system was inverted in the Triassic and significantly eroded after that. No equivalent system is known
from the indonesian sector, except perhaps the thick Paleozoic section outcropping immediately South of the
West Papua onshore Central Range foldbelt.
Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments thicken towards the present-day continental margin in the West, in the
direction of the Banda Sea. Significant thickening of Oligocene and younger sediments is observed to the
North, towards the South coast of West Papua, reflecting increased subsidence in the foredeep of the New
Guinea Central Range foldbelt.
The Aru Islands appear to be part of a broad arch of upwarped Neogene shelf deposits, parallel to adjacent
trench, and may represent part of a young, discontinuous 'forebulge' on the downgoing Australian passive
margin plate.
Suggested reading
General, Tectonics: Katili (1986), Bradshaw et al. (1990), Dinkelman et al. (2011)
Ajam, S.O., L A. Henzell, J. Wang, A. Syarif & H. Soedirja H (1982)- Well-site log evaluation of the Miocene
carbonates in Salawati Basin. Proc. 11th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. 1, p. 357-378.
(Mainly log analysis methodology)
Akhmad, F. (2002)- Stratigraphy and structural analysis in the Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg) mining district, Irian
Jaya. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 335-343.
(Analysis of fractures suggests NE-SW shortening, NW-SE extension)
Allen, J.M., G.J. Artmont & K. Palmer (1995)- Application of alluvial gold mineralogy to exploration of the
Central Ranges, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proc. PACRIM '95 Conf., Australasian Inst. Mining Metall., Melbourne,
p. 7-12
Allison, I. (1975)- Morphology and dynamics of the tropical glaciers of Irian Jaya. Zeitschr. Gletscherkunde
Glazialgeologie 10, 1-2, p. 129-152.
Allison, I. & J.A. Peterson (1989)- Glaciers of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: Glaciers of Irian Jaya, Indonesia, and
New Zealand, USGS Prof. Paper 1386-H, 48 p.
(Online at
Amiruddin (1998)- Proterozoic- Cenozoic lithology sequence of the Central Range, Irian Jaya. J. Geol. Sumber
Daya Min. (Bandung), 8, 79, p. 10-24.
Amiruddin (1998)- Geologi dan geokimia kerabat granit Anggi Permo-Trias di Blok Kemum, Kepala Burung,
Irian Jaya. J. Geol. Sumber Daya Min. (Bandung), 8, 83, p.
('Geology and geochemistry of the Permo-Triassic Anggi granite in the Kemum Block, Birds Head, Irian Jaya')
Amiruddin (1999)- Characteristics of allochronous and autochronous suites with relation to the possibility of tin
mineralization in Birds Head Region, Irian Jaya. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, 1,
p. 121-130.
Amri, C., B.H. Harahap, P.E. Pieters & G.M. Bladon (1990)- Geology of the Sorong Sheet area, Irian Jaya.
1:250,000. Map and brochure. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, 70 p.
Anonymous (1920)- Verslag van de militaire exploratie van Nederlandsch Nieuw Guinee 1907-1915.
Departement van Oorlog in Nederl. Indie, Landsdrukkerij, Weltevreden, p. 1-440.
('Report of the military exploration of Netherlands New Guinea 1907-1915'. Book summarizing general
reconnaissance expeditions by Netherlands Indies military into various parts of the then unexplored territories
of W Papua, including observations on geology)
Anshori, R., E.V. Yudhanto, D. Pasaribu, M.S. Wulansari et al. (2010)- Tertiary petroleum system elements
overview in the Onin Peninsula, Papua. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA10-G-036, 11p.
(Outcrop traverse of Onin Peninsula. Two types of E Oligocene- M Miocene limestone: (1) well-bedded
argillaceous globigerinid limestones and thin marls (Onin Lst) in S and (2) karst limestone (Ogar Lst) in N.
Thickness of Oligocene shale exposed in center and North >5 m, but poor source rock)
Archbold, N.W. (1981)- Quinquenella magnifica sp. nov. (Chonetidina, Brachiopoda) from the Permian of Irian
Jaya, Indonesia: a study of the ontogeny of a chonetid brachiopod. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Paleont.
Ser. 2, p. 2, 27-34.
Archbold, N.W. (1981)- New Permian trilobite from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung,
Paleont. Ser. 2, p. 35-41.
(New species of Early Permian trilobite)
Archbold, N.W. (1991)- Late Paleozoic brachiopod faunas from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: D.I. McKinnon, D.E.
Lee & J.D. Campbell (eds.) Brachiopods through time. Proc. Second Int. Brachiopod Congress, Dunedin 1990,
Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 347-353.
(M Carboniferous- Permian brachiopods from Aifam- Aifat Formations of Birds Head)
Archbold, N.W. (1991)- Early Permian brachiopoda from Irian Jaya. BMR J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 12, p. 287-
296. (online at:
(New E Permian (E Artinskian) brachiopod fauna from Aiduna Fm, from float boulder in upper Mapia River, S
flank of Charles Louis Mountains, SW West Papua. New species of Neochonetes, Chonetinella, Aulostege, etc..
Significant links with E Permian faunas of W Australia and peninsular Thailand)
Archbold, N.W., C.J. Pigram, N. Ratman & S. Hakim (1982)- Indonesian Permian brachiopod fauna and
Gondwana-South-East Asia relationships. Nature 296, p. 556-558.
(First description of late E Permian articulate brachiopods in Birds Head. Assemblage similar to Thailand Rat
Buri Limestone, suggesting geographical proximity of Thailand and Irian Jaya in E Permian)
Archbold, R., A.L. Rand & L.J. Brass (1942)- Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 41. Summary of the
1938/1939 New Guinea expedition. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 79, 3, p. 197-288.
(Report on geographic-biological expedition to Central Range of West Papua. First westerners to visit Baliem
valley. Little or no geology)
Atmawinata, S., A.S. Hakim & P.E. Pieters (1989)- Geology of the Ransiki Sheet Area, Irian Jaya, Explanatory
Notes and Geological Map, 1:250,000 Scale, Geol. Res. Dev. Center, Bandung,
Atmawinata, S. & N. Ratman (1982)- Struktur geologi Pulau Yapen dan hubunganya dengan Lajur sesar
Sorong. Proc. 11th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 1-6.
('Geological structure of Yapen Island and its relation with the Sorong fault')
Atmawinata, S., N. Ratman & P.E. Pieters (1989)- Geology of the Yapen Sheet Area, Irian Jaya, Explanatory
Notes and Geological Map, 1:250,000 Scale, Yapen Sheet, Quadrangles 3114 and 3214, Geol. Res. Dev.
Center, Bandung, 33 p.
Audley-Charles, M.G. (1991)- Tectonics of the New Guinea Area. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 19, p. 17-41.
(Review of New Guinea tectonic/ geology. With little or no new data)
Audretsch, F.C. d’, R.B. Kluiving, & W. Oudemans (1965)- Economic geological investigation of the N.E.
Vogelkop (New Guinea). Verhand. Kon. Nederl. Geol. Mijnbouwk. Gen., Geol. Ser. 23, 151p.
(NE Birds Head geological survey)
Axelrod, D.I. & P.H. Raven (1982)- Paleobiogeography and origin of the New Guinea flora. In: J.L. Gressitt
(ed.) Biogeography and ecology of New Guinea, Junk, The Hague, p. 919-941.
Bachri, S., Surono & S.S. Bawono (1997)- A Pliocene deltaic- tidal flat succession of the Kurudu Formation in
Irian Jaya, Eastern Indonesia. J. Geol. Sumberdaya Min. (J. Geol. Min.. Res., GRDC) 68, 7, p. 11-20.
(Outcrop? Study on Kurudu Island, off NW New Guinea mainland coast)
Bailey, S.W., J.F. Banfield, W.W. Barker & G. Katchan (1995)- Dozyite, a 1:1 regular interstratification of
serpentine and chlorite. American Mineralogist 80. p. 65-77.
(Dozyite new mineral involving interstratification of serpentine and chlorite units. Occurs as colorless crystals
in altered skarn adjacent to Ertsberg East copper-gold mine in W Papua. Named after J.J. Dozy, Dutch Shell
geologist who discovered and named Ertsberg ore province in 1936)
Bailly, V., M. Pubellier & J.C. Ringenbach (2008)- Structure of the Lengguru fold-and-thrust belt, New Guinea
island: consequence of rapid kinematic changes. Abstracts 33rd Int. Geol. Congress, Oslo 2008 (Abstract only)
(Main structures of Lengguru Foldbelt controlled by Late Miocene- E Pliocene NE-SW compression against
ophiolitic or arc backstop. Thin-skinned thrusting of Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments over previously
structured basement followed by thick-skinned thrusting. Late Pliocene-Quaternary deformation (still active) is
extensional with exhumation of Wandamen Metamorphic Complex in internal zone and NE-SW collapses along
high-angle normal faults (Triton Bay) cross-cutting folds in external zone. Structuring of LFTB over short time;
NE-SW compression in Late Miocene-E Pliocene and Late Pliocene-Quaternary extension in whole range)
Bailly, V., M. Pubellier, J.C. Ringenbach, J. de Sigoyer & F. Sapin (2009)- Deformation zone ‘jumps’ in a
young convergent setting; the Lengguru fold-and-thrust belt, New Guinea Island. Lithos 113, p. 306-317.
(Lengguru foldbelt young orogen. Shortening ceased recently and now under extension. Two superimposed
prisms of stacked Mesozoic marine sediments of Australian margin against crustal buttress, formed after 11
Ma. Internal part of Lengguru fold belt active E-W extension, coeval with transition from compressive to
transtensional regime in C Range, and onset of Tarera-Aiduna and Paniai left-lateral faults. Late Miocene NE-
SW compression linked to subduction. Evolution of belt reflects rapid changes in accommodation of oblique
shortening, with isolated orogenic wedge of Lengguru fold-and-thrust belt left to collapse. At lithospheric scale,
deformation remains rooted at suture zone, but at surface shortening spread over large area in short time span
prior to being transferred to other plate boundary)
Bailly, V., J. de Sigoyer, M. Pubellier & J.C. Ringenbach (2011)- The Bird's Neck: new data, new
interpretation. Proc. 35th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. IPA11-G-229, 7p.
(Lengguru foldbelt formed by Late Miocene- E Pliocene NE-SW compression linked to subduction, followed by
Late Pliocene- Quaternary extension in whole range and exhumation of high pressure metamorphic rocks. Last
stage linked to deformation zone jump to S onto Seram wedge. Wandamen Peninsula metamorphics new high P
and T estimates (S1 high P schistosity ~12 kbar, 600°C, followed by S2 N-S stretching at 6-8 kbar, 680- 730°C).
Zircon metamorphic rims in samples characterized by high P paragenesis ages of ~8-7 Ma, zircon ages from
more retrogressed samples ~ 5- 6 Ma. Zircon cores ages of 388±27 Ma, 636±32, 736±30 Ma and 1484±49 Ma)
Baker, G. (1955)- Basement complex in the Cycloop Ranges-Sentani Lake region of Dutch New Guinea. Part 1.
Distribution, nature and chemical composition. Nova Guinea 6, 2, p. 307-328.
(Cyclops Ranges of N New Guinea metamorphic rocks with dominant amphibole mineral actinolite-
glaucophane. Intrusive rocks serpentinites (derived from harzburgite and dunite), gabbro, tholeiitic dolerite)
Baker, G. (1956)- Basement complex in the Cycloop Ranges-Sentani Lake region of Dutch New Guinea. Part
II: Opaque minerals in the basement complex rocks. Nova Guinea 7, 1, p. 15-31.
Baldwin, S.L., P.G. Fitzgerald & L.E. Webb (2012)- Tectonics of the New Guinea Region. Ann. Rev. Earth
Planet. Sci. 40, p. 495-520.
(New Guinea region evolved in obliquely converging Australian-Pacific plate boundary zone, with microplate
formation and rotation, lithospheric rupture to form ocean basins, arc-continent collision, subduction polarity
reversal, collisional orogenesis, ophiolite obduction and exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks)
Baline, L.M. (2007)- Hydrothermal fluids and Cu-Au mineralization of the Deep Grasberg porphyry deposit,
Papua, Indonesia. Master's Thesis University of Texas, Austin, p. 1-269.
(Deep Grasberg is deepest explored part of Grasberg Igneous Complex (GIC) at elevations between 2450-3050
m ( >1100 m below pre-mining surface). Copper-gold deposit hosted by three quartz-monzonite to diorite units,
emplaced at ~3 Ma)
Bar, C.B., H.J. Cortel & A.E. Escher (1961)- Geological results of the Star Mountains (Sterrengebergte)
expedition (Central Range, Netherlands New Guinea). Nova Guinea (Geology) 4, p. 39-99.
(Central Range characterized by block faulting rather than folding, is bordered to N by intensely folded
metamorphic complex and to S by relatively stable zone. Basic igneous intrusive and extrusive rocks overlain by
hard, silicified fine-grained probably lower Paleozoic clastics, Mesozoic Bon and Kembelangan Fms, and thick
Upper Tertiary deposits)
Bar, C.B. & K.A. Rijsterborgh (1958)- Geological survey of the East Digoel hinterland. NNGPM Geol. Report
441, p. . (Unpublished report Netherlands New Guinea Petroleum Maatschappij)
Bartstra, G.J. (ed.) (1998)- Bird's Head approaches. Modern Quat. Res. SE Asia 15, Balkema, Rotterdam, 258 p.
(Symposium volume with geologic overviews of Birds Head, followed by archeology papers)
Beets, C. (1986)- Neogene Mollusca from the Vogelkop (Bird's Head Peninsula), West Irian, New Guinea.
Scripta Geol. 82, p. 101-134. (online at:
(Description of molluscs collected by BPM in Klasaman Fm of West Birds Head in 1930. Subsequently dated as
'Late Miocene- Plio-Pleistocene' on basis of foraminifera by NNGPM. 35 species identified. Age determination
difficult. Some species belong to genera whose living species are restricted to Australian waters)
Belford, D.J. (1974)- Foraminifera from the Ilaga valley, Nassau Range, Irian Jaya. Bur. Min. Res. Geol.
Geoph. Bull. 150, p. 1-26.
(Foraminifera from rocks collected by Dow on way to Carstensz peak include Late Eocene (Discocyclina,
Nummulites, Lacazinella, etc.), Late Oligocene and E-M Miocene larger forams from Carstensz limestone and
Late Oligocene N3 planktonics from marly interbeds)
Belford, D.J. (1989)- Early Eocene planktonic foraminifera, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung,
Paleont. Ser. 5, p. 22-49.
(Description of rich Early Eocene zone P9 planktonic foram fauna from deep water calcareous siltstones in
Lengguru foldbelt, Birds Neck, W Papua)
Bemelmans J L H (1956)- Uebersicht der Ergebnisse der II. geologischen Expedition der Technischen
Hochschule nach Niederlandisch Neu Guinea in 1953. Nova Guinea, n.s.. 7, 2, p. 147-152.
('Overview of the results of the second geologic expedition of Delft Technical University to Netherlands New
Guinea in 1953'. Investigated economically unimportant Plio-Pleistocene lignite bed S of Sorong and possible
ore deposits in granite contact zones of Anggi lake and Ransiki regions. Evidence of pegmatitic- pneumatolytic
processes, but no economically significant ore deposits found)
Biantoro, E. & A. Luthfi (1999)- The pre-collision basin configuration in Bintuni area, Irian Jaya: an alternative
idea of hydrocarbon potential in Pre-Tertiary sediments. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI),
Jakarta, 1, p. 17-32.
Bijlmer, H.J.T. (1938)- De Mimika-expeditie 1935-1936 naar centraal Nieuw Guinea. Tijdschrift Kon. Ned.
Aardrijksk. Gen (2), 54, p. 240-260.
(Summary of (mostly anthropological) Mimika Expedition to W part Central Range of West Papua)
Bladon, G.M. (1988)- Catalogue, appraisal and significance of K-Ar isotopic ages determined for igneous and
metamorphic rocks in Irian Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Prelim Geol. Report., p. (Unpublished)
(2.2-2.9 Ma intrusions in Birds Head, Enarotali, Waghete, etc., areas; Pigram & Sukanto 1989)
Boehm, G. (1913)- Unteres Callovien und Coronaten-Schichten zwischen MacCluer Golf und Geelvink-Bai.
Nova Guinea 6, Geologie, Brill, Leiden, 1, p. 1-20.
(‘Lower Callovian and Coronatus beds between MacCluer Gulf (Bintuni Bay) and Geelvink (=Cenderawasih)
Bay’). (M Jurassic- Callovian and ‘Coronatus bed’ (= Bajocian in Germany) ammonites collected from Upper
Aramasa River, S of Bintuni Bay, and by Wichmann from Mamapiri and Papararo rivers in Wendesi area on W
side Cenderawasih Bay. Most common species Macrocephalites keeuwensis and Phylloceras mamapiricum)
Boro, H. & B. Sapiie (2003)- Structural geology of Ertsberg intrusion and its relationship to Papua foldbelt in
the Guning Bijih mining district, Papua. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 1-12.
(Two deformation events around Ertsberg mine: (1) Mio-Pliocene NW trending foldbelt, (2) Pliocene left-
lateral strike-slip deformation, with emplacement of Ertsberg Intrusion)
Boureau, E. & W.J. Jongmans (1955)- Novoguineoxylon lacunosum n.gen., n.sp., bois fossile de la Nouvelle-
Guinee hollandaise. Rev. Gen. Botanique 62, p. 720-734.
(New wood species supposedly Jurasssic age, but more likely Permian according to Bamford & Philippe 2001)
Brash, R.W., L.F. Henage, B.H. Harahap, D.T. Moffat & R.W. Tauer (1991)- Stratigraphy and depositional
history of the New Guinea limestone group, Lengguru, Irian Jaya. Proc. 20th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc.,
p. 67-84.
(Mobil field program in Lengguru Foldbelt. Extensive Paleocene-Miocene carbonate platform, 1000-1600m
thick. 6-7 zones distinguished. In most places Early Oligocene unconformable over M Eocene. After Rupelian
erosion carbonate deposition resumed by latest E Oligocene with Sirga Fm deposition.)
Broili, F. (1924)- Zur Geologie des Vogelkop (N.W. Neu-Guinea). Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Oost-Indie,
Wetensch. Meded. 1, p. 1-15.
('On the geology of the Birds Head (NW New Guinea)'. Early paper on Birds Head geology, recognizing
Permo-Carboniferous with brachiopods (Chonetes, Martinia) and coral (Amplexus coralloides) from
Kamoendan River area, Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) with belemnites (Belemnites gerardi) and molluscs
(Inoceramis galoi, Posidonomya) from Itegere River, NE Birds Head, etc. Good cross-section)
Brouwer, H.A. (1924)- Bijdrage tot de geologie der Radja Ampat eilanden-groep (Waigeoe, Salawati, etc.).
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost Indie, Verhand. 52 (1923), p. 63-136.
(‘Contribution to the geology of the Raja Ampat islands’. Early paper on geology of Waigeo, N Salawati, Pulau
Snapan, Batang Pale and Jen islands)
Bulman, O.M.B. (1964)- Lower Palaeozoic plankton. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 120, p. 455-476.
Carne, J.E. (1913)- Notes on the occurrence of coal, petroleum and copper in Papua. Dept. of External Affairs,
Bull. 1, Melbourne, p.
(Early paper discussing presence of oil seeps, including at 'Dutch New Guinea' North coast and near Fak-Fak)
Casarta, L.J., J.P. Salo, S. Tisnawidjaja & S.T. Sampurno (2004)- Wiriagar Deep: the frontier discovery that
triggered Tangguh LNG. In: R.A. Noble et al. (eds.) Proc. Deepwater and Frontier Exploration in Asia &
Australia Symposium, Jakarta, Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 137-157.
(Wiriagar Deep-1 first commercial pre-Tertiary gas discovery in Indonesia (1994). Five subsequent gas
discoveries combined in Tangguh LNG Project, with reserve potential of 24 TCF. Two main M Jurassic
reservoir horizons, sourced from Late Permian coals. Unconformity between Late Permian- Jurassic, with
Triassic sediments generally absent or thin redbeds. Jurassic sands shallow marine in transgressive systems
tract, onlapping ‘Permo-Triassic Rift Unconformity’ in N direction. Cretaceous uplift, Late Cretaceous
subsidence, Oligocene early compression phase, Miocene NW-SE trending anticline formation. Late Miocene-
Pleistocene Bintuni Basin foreland creation lead to maturation)
Challinor, A.B. (1989)- Early Cretaceous belemnites from the central Bird's Head, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Publ.
Geol. Res. Dev. Center, Bandung, Paleont. Ser. 5, p. 1-21.
(Description of belemnites from central Birds Head collected icby Skwarko from Jass Fm calcareous mudstone
and sandstone, assigned Hauterivian age)
Charlton, T.R. (1991)- Evolution of the Sorong Fault Zone, Northeast Indonesia. AAPG Bull. 75, 3, p. 75.
(Abstract only) (Sorong FZ zone of left-lateral shear at triple junction of three plates, with fragments of New
Guinea margin detached and translated W until collision with E margin of Eurasia in Sulawesi. Recent
investigations suggest less mobilist interpretation. Closest inter-island geological correlations are between
geographically closest islands (e.g. Banggai-Sula-S Obi; N Obi-Bacan; W Halmahera-E Halmahera-Waigeo;
Misool-Buru-Seram), favoring more conservative reconstructions. Although arc-continent collision started in
New Guinea in M Oligocene and slightly later in Sulawesi, SFZ did not develop before Late Miocene)
Charlton, T.R. (1996)- Correlation of the Salawati and Tomori basins, eastern Indonesia: a constraint on left-
lateral displacements of the Sorong fault zone. In: R. Hall & D. Blundell (eds.) Tectonic evolution of Southeast
Asia, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 106, p. 465- 481.
(Birds Head Salawati Basin and E Sulawesi Tomori Basin similar Mesozoic-Tertiary stratigraphies and may
have formed one single basin prior to the development of the Sorong Fault Zone)
Charlton, T.R. (1998)- Yapen island: a right-lateral paradox in the left-lateral ‘North New Guinea megashear’:
implications for the biogeography and geological development of the Bird's Head, Irian Jaya. In: J. Miedema et
al. (eds.) Perspectives on the Bird's Head of Irian Jaya, Indonesia, Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam, p. 783-796.
(Early movement along Yapen Fault Zone (M-L Miocene- E Pliocene); left lateral, since later E Pliocene.
Proposes Pliocene anticlockwise rotation of Birds head as mechanism for opening of Cenderawasih Bay)
Charlton, T.R. (2000)- Late Cretaceous evolution of the Bird’s Head, Irian Jaya: a failed rift ? AAPG Int. Conf.,
Bali 2000 (Abstract)
(Late Cretaceous Jass Megasequence bathyal succession with local volcanics varies in thickness and developed
above Intra-Cretaceous unconformity. Sediments above unconformity onlap onto structural high near Kalitami-
1, C Bintuni Basin. Late Cretaceous Birds Head was site of N-S extension, probably related to separation of
continental terrane from N of E Irian Jaya/PNG. Extension started in ~Turonian and continental margin
terrane separated from Greater Australia in Maastrichtian. By end-Cretaceous C and S Bird's Head formed
subsiding block-faulted terrane, with emergent Kemum block high to N. Oligocene initiation of arc-continent
collision produced structures in Mesozoic section and structural ridges on which Miocene Kais reefs nucleated)
Chevallier, B. & M.L. Bordenave (1986)- Contribution of geochemistry to the exploration in the Bintuni Basin.
Proc. 15th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. 1986-1, p. 439-460.
(Late Tertiary clastics and carbonates in Bintnui Basin marginal source potential and mostly immature. Oils
from Wasian, Mogoi, Wiriagar thermally mature. Mogoi and Wasian oils may be sourced by Permian Aifat Fm,
Wiriagar oil from M Jurassic)
Cloos, M. (1997)- Anatomy of a mine: the discovery and development of Grasberg. Geotimes Jan. 1997, p. 16-
Cloos, M. (1997)- Geology and the Grasberg: a model for joint industry and academic research. Geotimes, Sept.
1997, p. 19-22.
Cloos, M. & T.B. Housh (2008)- Collisional delamination in New Guinea: implications for porphyry-type Cu-
Au ore formation. In: J.E. Spencer & S.R. Titley (eds.) Ores and orogenesis: Circum-Pacific tectonics, geologic
evolution and ore deposits, Arizona Geol. Soc. Digest 22, p. 235-244.
Cloos, M. & B. Sapiie (2013)- Porphyry copper deposits: strike-slip faulting and throttling cupolas. Int. Geol.
Review 55, 1, p. 43-65.
(Continuation of Sapiie & Cloos (2013) paper of Grasberg C-Au deposit in Central Range of W Papua.
Porphyry copper ore deposits form where strike-slip movements are concurrent with early stages of deep-seated
bubbling (6 km) along walls of rapidly cooling stock of magma. Supergiant deposits form where bubbling front
extends into top of parent batholith)
Cloos, M., B. Sapiie, A. Quarles van Ufford, R.J. Weiland, P.Q. Warren & T.P. McMahon (2005)- Collisional
delamination in New Guinea: the geotectonics of subducting slab breakoff. Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper 400,
(Central Range began to form when Australian passive margin entered N-dipping subduction zone in M
Miocene, 15-12 Ma. Jamming of subduction zone at ~8 Ma initiated thick-skinned deformation (Mapenduma
anticline basement-involved block). Magma generation between 7.5-3 Ma. Contractional deformation in W
Highlands ends at ~4 Ma. Rupturing of subducting lithosphere caused short-lived magmatic event and up to 2.5
km of vertical uplift, starting at ~8 Ma and propagating from W to E at ~150 km/ My)
Cockcroft, P. J., Gamber, D.A. & H.M. Hermawan (1984)- Fracture detection in the Salawati basin of Irian
Jaya, Proc. 13th Ann. Conv. Indon.Petrol. Assoc. 2, p. 125-151.
(Wireline logging responses in fractured carbonate reservoirs of Salawati Basin)
Colijn, A.H. (1939)- Naar de eeuwige sneeuw van tropisch Nederland. Scheltens & Giltay, Amsterdam, 286p.
(Travel book on first succesful expedition to climb the snow-capped Carstensz peaks in Nieuw Guinea, with
geologist Dozy discovering world-class Ertsberg porphyry copper deposit en route to the top)
Collins, J.L. & M.K. Qureshi (1977)- Reef exploration in the Bintuni Basin and Bomberai Trough. Proc. 6th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. 1977-2, p. 43-67.
(Bintuni Basin over 22,000' of Tertiary marine carbonates and shales. In SUN contract blocks E Tertiary broad
carbonate platform over most of Bomberai Peninsula. Basinal pelagic limestones E of platform. End Oligocene
downwarp of platform margin resulted in W-ward migration of basin and transgression by Klasafet shales and
marls. Further subsidence in Plio-Pleistocene time, with deposition of thick shallow marine clastics. Portion of
platform likely area for pinnacle reefs development)
Courteney, S., P. Cockcroft, R.S.K. Phoa & A.W.R. Wight (1989)- Indonesia-Oil and Gas Fields Atlas, VI,
Eastern Indonesia. Pertamina, p.
Coutts, B P., H. Susanto, N. Belluz, D. Flint & A.C. Edwards (1999)- Geology of the Deep Ore Zone, Ertsberg
East Skarn System, Irian Jaya. In: G. Weber (ed.) Proc. PACRIM '99 Congress, Australasian Institute of Mining
and Metallurgy,Parkville, 4-99, p. 539-547.
(Deep Ore Zone in Tertiary Waripi and Faumai Fms carbonates in lower portion of Ertsberg East Skarn
System. Ertsberg Mining District underlain by folded Jurassic-Tertiary siliclastic-carbonate formations.
Intrusion of igneous bodies post-dates folding and faulting. Formation of skarn system by contact
metamorphism during intrusion of Ertsberg Diorite)
Crespin, I. (1961)- Foraminiferal rocks from the Nassau Range, Netherlands New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res.
Record 1961/104, p. 1-5.
(online at:
(Micropaleontology of rocks collected by D. Dow in W Papua Central Range. Localities of Eocene limestone
with larger forams incl. Lacazinella, Nummulites, Asterocyclina, etc.. Meleri River sample near Tiom E
Miocene limestone with reworked ‘Asian-Pacific’ Eocene Pellatispira-Biplanispira. Marls from Ilaga valley
with E Miocene planktonic forams)
Crick, R.E. & A.I. Quarles van Ufford (1995)- Late Ordovician (Caradoc-Ashgill) ellesmerocerid Bactroceras
latisiphonatum of Irian Jaya and Australia. Alcheringa 19, 3, p. 235-241.
(Ordovician nautiloid originally described as Irianoceras antiquum Kobayashi 1971 from Irian Jaya is
synonym of Bactroceras latisiphonatum Glenister, described from New South Wales, Australia. New material
extends geographic range and documents presence of U Caradoc- Lower Ashgill strata in Irian Jaya)
Dam, R.A.C. (1998)- Cenozoic geological development and environmental settings of the Bird’s Head of Irian
Jaya. In: J. Miedema et al. (eds.) Perspectives on the Bird’s Head of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proc. Conf., Leiden
October 1997, Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam, p.757-781.
(Mainly literature review of Birds Head geological history, contrasting reconstructions of Hall 1996 and
Pigram et al. 1985/ Struckmeyer et al. 1993)
Dam, M.A.C. & T.E. Wong (1998)- The environmental and geologic setting of the Bird's Head, Irian Jaya. In:
G.J. Bartstra (ed.) Bird's Head approaches; Irian Jaya studies; a programme for interdisciplinary research.
Modern Quaternary Res. Southeast Asia 15, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 1-28.
(Brief review of Quaternary geography and environmental setting and geology of Birds Head peninsula)
Davies, H.L. (2009)-New Guinea, Geology. In: R.G. Gillespie & D.A. Clague (eds.) The encyclopedia of
islands, University of California Press, p. 659-665.
Davies, H.L. (2010)- Shallow‐dipping subduction beneath New Guinea and the geologic setting of the
Grasberg, Ok Tedi, Frieda River and Porgera mineral deposits. In: 20th Australian Geol. Convention, Canberra
2010, Geol. Soc. Australia, Abstracts 98, p. 249. (Abstract only)
(Late Cenozoic igneous activity in C Range of New Guinea associated with large copper‐gold deposits at
Grasberg, Ok Tedi, Frieda River, Porgera, etc. May be related to S-ward shallow-dipping subduction of
oceanic lithosphere from plate boundary at New Guinea Trench. Slab interpreted from tomography by
Tregoning and Gorbatov (2004). S-ward progress of slab beneath island would explain S-ward migration of
igneous activity through Late Cenozoic and transfer of stress from N to S front of Papuan Fold Belt)
Davies, H.L. (2012)- The geology of New Guinea - the cordilleran margin of the Australian continent. Episodes
35, 1, p. 87-102. (online at:
(Elegant overview of W and E New Guinea geology. Fold and thrust belt marks outer limit of Australian craton.
To N, E and W is aggregation of continental and oceanic volcanic arc terranes that accreted since Late
Cretaceous, driven by oblique convergence between Pacific and Indo-Australian plates and include two great
De Boer, A.J. & J.P. Duffels (1996)- Historical biogeography of the cicads of Wallacea, New Guinea and the
West Pacific. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol. 124, p. 153-177.
(Cicadas species distribution explained as result of plate tectonic evolution of E Indonesia/ New Guinea)
Decker, J., S.C. Bergman, P.A. Teas, P. Baillie & D.L. Orange (2009)- Constraints on the tectonic evolution of
the Bird’s Head, West Papua, Indonesia. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA-G-139, p. 491-514.
(M Jurassic Tangguh reservoir sandstones in Bintuni Basin interpreted as incised valley that was attached to
Australian NW Shelf. Birds Head and translated N at least 500 km and rotated CCW by 50º-90º along dextral
strike slip fault system during Late Neogene to current position)
De Graaff, W.P.F.H. (1960)- Tertiary foraminifera from Northwest Dutch New Guinea. Proc. Kon. Nederl.
Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam, 63, p. 368-373.
(On foraminifera in samples of Miocene (Te-Tf) limestone from western Birds Head and adjacent islands)
De Groot, P.F. (1940)- Kort verslag over de werkzaamheden van de IIIde expeditie der N.V.
Mijnbouwmaatschappij Nederlands Nieuw Guinea in 1938-1939. De Ingen. in Nederl.-Indie (IV), 7, 9, p. 123-
(‘Brief report on the activities of the Third expedition of the Netherlands New Guinea Mining company in 1938-
1939’. Minerals explration expedition in Upper Digul, Birim, Moejoe Rivers areas in W Papua, S of Central
Range between ~140-141°E near PNG border and in Keerom-Bewani area around Lake Sentani NE West
Papua. 'Mijnbouw Maatschappij Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea' was consortium lead by Billiton. Locally traces
of gold in river alluvium. Not much geology detail. Rocks described in Van Bemmelen (1940), comments by
Terpstra (1941))
De Jong, G., S. Widodo, B. Antoro, N. Wiwoho, A. Perdana & P.Q. Warren (2008)- Geological review of
Broken Limestone surrounding the Cu-Au Grasberg open pit- Papua, Indonesia. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Assoc. Geol., Bandung, 1, p. 813-826.
('Broken Limestone' zones of fractures and karst in mineralized Oligo-Miocene Kais Limestone in NE and SW
areas of Grasberg mine, trending parallel to regional NW-SE faults)
De Koening, G. & R.K. Steup (1959)- Geological reconaissance survey of the Meervlakte. Nederlandsch Nieuw
Guinea Petroleum Maatschappij (NNGPM) Report 31803, p. (Unpublished).
De Sigoyer, J., M. Pubellier, V. Bailly, F. Sapin & J. Ringenbach (2007)- First discovery of eclogite in West
Papua (Wandamen Peninsula). EOS Trans. AGU 88 (52), AGU Fall Mtg. Suppl., San Francisco, p.
(Poster Abstract. Boulders of fresh eclogites and large garnets in schist in Wandamen Peninsula, in zone of
oblique Pacific- Australian plates convergence. E-W metamorphic gradient from unmetamorphosed Lengguru
sedimentary prism to metamorphic Wandamen Peninsula. Peninsula may represent inner part of Lengguru belt
and may be continuation of inner part of C Range of Papua farther East. Eclogite occurs as lenses in
metasedimentary rocks. Sediments look like Cenozoic of internal zone of Lengguru FTB. Migmatites and
leucogranite cross cut eclogite, indicating later HT event. Miocene pebbles in conglomerate overlying E flank
of Wandamen massif without metamorphic/ magmatic pebbles, suggesting eclogite exhumation after Miocene)
De Sigoyer J., C. François, A. Cocherie, M. Pubellier, V. Bailly & J.C. Ringenbach (2011)- Very young and
fast exhumation, between 8 and 5 Ma, for the high pressure metasediments of Lengguru prism,W Papua.
Geoph. Res. Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-6601-1, 2011, 1p. (Abstract only)
(High-pressure metasediments with retrogressed eclogites and migmatites in internal part of Lengguru foldbelt
(Wandamen Peninsula). Lengguru prism built between 11-2 Ma. Metasediments from N Wandamen show high-
Dickins, J.M. & S.K. Skwarko (1981)- Upper Palaeozoic pelecypods and gastropods from Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Palaeont. Ser. 2, p. 43-52.
(Early Permian (Artinskian or Kungurian) Aimau Fm pelecypods from Birds Head)
Djuharlan, J. (1993)- Structural control of Ertsberg East orebody, Tembagapura, Irian Jaya. Proc. 22nd Ann.
Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 2, Bandung, p. 906-912.
(Ertsberg East skarn mineralization in Eocene-Oligocene limestone, associated with Pliocene (3.1 Ma) diorite)
Djumhana, N. & A.M. Syarief (1991)- Pliocene carbonate build-ups a new play in the Salawati Basin, Irian
Jaya. Proc. 19th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p. 119-135.
(Traditional Salawati Basin play is Miocene Kais Fm carbonate, but additional detrital limestone play in
overlying Pliocene Klasafet and buildups in Late Pliocene Klasaman Fms. Terumbu 1 well, in NW Salawati
basin 1.8 km W of Klalin 1, < tested 17.5 MMCFD of biogenic gas in 758’ thick coralline Pliocene buildup)
Dolan, P.J. & Hermany (1988)- The geology of the Wiriagar field, Bintuni Basin, Irian Jaya. Proc. 17th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 53-87.
(1981 oil discovery in Upper Miocene Kais Limestone. Trap combination of structural, stratigraphic and
diagenetic processes. Reefs probably developed on local highs, produced by Late Oligocene folding.
Subsequent E-W directed compression in Pliocene created structural trap. Most likely source of oil is Jurassic
Kembelangan Fm, although more than one source suggested by fluid inclusions and geochemical analysis)
Douglas, E.A. (1913)- Korte beschrijving van eenige rolstenen uit de Digoelrivier verzameld door den
mijningenieur O.G. Heldring. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 40 (1911), Verhand., p. 199-202.
(‘Brief descriptions of float from Digul river, collected by Heldring’: granite, syenite, diorite, gabbro, andesite)
Douglas, E.A. (1913)- Korte beschrijving van eenige rolstenen uit de Eilanden-rivier verzameld door den
mijningenieur O.G. Heldring. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 40, (1911), Verhand., p. 203-204.
(‘Brief descriptions of float from Eilanden river, collected by Heldring’: diorite, diabase)
Douglas, E.A. (1913)- Korte beschrijving van eenige rolstenen uit de Setakwa-rivier verzameld door den
mijningenieur O.G. Heldring. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 40, (1911), Verhand., p. 205-206.
(‘Brief descriptions of float from Setakwa river, collected by Heldring’: diorites)
Douville, H. (1923)- Sur quelques foraminiferes des Moluques orientales et de la Nouvelle Guinee. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen 50 (1921), Verhand. 2, p. 107-116.
(Brief description of Eocene larger forams in samples collected by Brouwer in Halmahera, Roti, New Guinea,
Kai Besar, etc.)
Dow, D.B. (1968)- A geological reconnaissance in the Nassau Range, West New Guinea. Geol. Mijnbouw 47,
1, p. 37-46.
Dow, D.B. & B. Hamonangan (1981)- Preliminary geological map of the Enarotali quadrangle, Irian Jaya,
1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung.
Dow, D.B., B. Harahap & S. Hakim (1990)- Geology of the Enarotali Sheet area, Irian Jaya, 1:250,000 (Quad.
3112). Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Indonesia, Bandung, 57 p.
Dow, D.B. & U. Hartono (1982)- The nature of the crust underlying Cendrawasih (Cendrawasih) Bay, Irian
Jaya. Proc. 11th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 203-210. (also in Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 6, p. 30-36.
Dow, D.B. & U. Hartono (1984)- The mechanism of Pleistocene plate convergence along Northeastern Irian
Jaya. Proc. 13th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 145-150.
(Main structures along N edge Irian Jaya are probably M Pleistocene, resulting from SW directed relative
convergence of Pacific and Australian plates)
Dow, D.B., G.P. Robinson, U. Hartono & N. Ratman (1986)- Geological map of Irian Jaya, 1:1,000,000 scale,
Geol. Res. Dev. Center, Bandung.
Dow, D.B., G.P. Robinson, U.B. Hartono & N. Ratman (1988)- Geology of Irian Jaya. Preliminary geological
report. GRDC/BMR Irian Jaya Mapping Project Report, Geol. Res. Dev. Center, Bandung, 298p.
(Overview of Irian Jaya geology. See also published version in 2005)
Dow, D.B., G.P. Robinson, U.B. Hartono & N. Ratman (2005)- Geology of Irian Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev. Center,
Bandung, Spec. Publ. 32, 208 p.
(Printed publication of 1988 GRDC ‘preliminary report’)
Dow, D.B., G.P. Robinson & N. Ratman (1985)- Large-scale overthrusting during the Pliocene in western Irian
Jaya. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung 11, p. 29-41.
(Main structural elements of W Irian Jaya formed in Pliocene. K-Ar cooling ages of Wandamen Metamorphics
6.9 nd 5.0 Ma. Stratigraphic similarities suggest Birds Head was probably not far removed from Irian Jaya-
Australian continent during most of Tertiary. Cenderawasih Bay probably underlain by E Tertiary island arc
volcanics originating on Pacific Plate. Weyland Range of Derewo metamorphics, ophiolita and large M
Miocnee Utawa Diorite intrusion S-directed thrust with 25 km S-ward displacement and 4-5 km of uplift)
Dow, D.B., G.P. Robinson & N. Ratman (1985)- A new hypothesis for formation of Lengguru foldbelt, Irian
Jaya, Indonesia. Bull. Am. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 69, 2, p. 203- 214. (also in Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 11, p. 14-
28, 1985)
(Lengguru foldbelt is slab of folded platform sediments at N margin Australian continent and was thrust SW
ward, rotated 30-35°, and dragged along transcurrent faults to S)
Dow, D.B. & R. Sukamto (1984)- Western Irian Jaya: the end-product of oblique plate convergence in the Late
Tertiary. Tectonophysics 106, 1-2, p. 109-139.
(Late Miocene- Recent tectonic history of Birds Head- Cenderawasih Bay- W Papua area. Birds Head assumed
to have been in approximately same relative position since Late Paleozoic. Late Miocene collision of Australia-
New Guinea with Pacific arc caused clockwise rotation. Cenderawasih Bay underlain by Pacific domain crust)
Dow, D.B. & R. Sukamto (1984)- Late Tertiary to Quaternary tectonics of Irian Jaya. Episodes 7, 4, p. 3-9.
(online at:
(Review of 1978-1982 Indonesian-Australian Irian Jaya mapping project. Melanesian Orogeny, started in latest
Miocene and continues today, involving underthrusting of Australian continent by Pacific Plate)
Dow, D.B., D.S. Trail & B. Harahap (1984)- Geological data record Enarotali 1:250,000 sheet. GRDC/BMR
Irian Jaya Mapping Project Report, 133p.
Dozy, J.J. (1937)- Geologie, topografie. In: A.H. Colijn (1937) Naar de eeuwige sneeuw van tropisch
Nederland, p. 231-253.
(Brief description of geology and topography of area traversed during first successful ascent of the previously
inexplored Carstensz Peak (Puncak Jaya) by Colijn mountaineering expedition. First report of Ertsberg copper
Dozy, J.J. (2002)- Vom hochsten Gipfel bis in die tiefste Grube. Entdeckung und Erschliessung der Gold- und
Kupfererz- Lagerstatten von Irian Jaya, Indonesien. Bull. Angewandte Geol. 7, 1, p. 67-80.
(online at:
('From the highest peak to the deepest valley: discovery and development of the copper ore deposits of Irian
Jaya'. The large gold-bearing copper-ore deposits of W Papua were discovered (by this author) during a
mountaineering expedition to the Carstensz-mountains (4884 m) in fall 1936. Exploitation of the Erzberg
deposit at an altitude of 3700 m began in 1973, followed by Grasberg at >4000 m in 1988. Ore bodies are
metasomatic replacement deposits related to magmatic intrusions, pipes and skarn in Tertiary limestones)
Edwards, P. (1992)- Hydrocarbon exploration in the Central Fold Belt of Irian Jaya. In: Eastern Indonesia
Exploration Symposium, IPC, Jakarta 1992, 3 p.
Ego, F. & M. Pubellier (2001)- Onset of post collision strain partitioning (New Guinea). EGS XXVI, Nice
2001. (Abstract only)
Ellison, J. (2005)- Holocene palynology and sea-level change in two estuaries in Southern Irian Jaya.
Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol. 220, p. 291-309.
(SW New Guinea extensive tidal deltas on low gradient equatorial coastline. Palynology of cores in Ajkwa and
Tipoeka estuaries showed mangroves at levels well below present tidal range, with tectonic subsidence in recent
period, with Late Holocene relative sea-level rise of 0.67 mm/year)
Endharto, M. (1990)- Pola struktur dan tanan tektonik Irian Jaya serta kaitannya dengan kemungkinan
keterdapatan hidrokarbon. Proc. 19th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 91-104.
('Structural geology and tectonic setting of Irian Jaya related to hydrocarbon prospectivity')
Endharto, M.A.C. (1996)- Mendala struktur geologi regional Irian Jaya, implikasi terhadap perangkap
hidrokarbon. J. Geol. Sumberdaya Min. (GRDC) 6, 53, p. 17-26.
('Regional geological structure of Irian Jaya and implications for hydrocarbon traps')
Erdman, D.A. (1940)- De fossiele mollusken en molluscoiden van de Carstensz Expeditie 1936. Leidsche Geol.
Meded. 11, p. 96-97.
ERI (Earth Resources Institute) (1990)- Geological data from NE Warim, Irian Jaya, Indonesia: results of the
1989/90 fieldwork program. CONOCO, 129p.
Faber, F.J. (1955)- The first geological expedition (1952) of the Technical University at Delft in Netherlands
New Guinea. Nova Guinea, New Ser. 6, 1, p. 177-183.
(Summary of survey work in N New Guinea Cyclops Mountains by Delft Technical University in 1952. Mainly
evaluation of residual Ni-cobalt ores in laterite cover developed on harzburgite of Cyclops mountains)
Fachri, M., B. Sapiie, W. Sunyoto, S. Widodo, Yudihanri & W. Margotomo (2005)- Analogue fractured
reservoir characterization in Grasberg Igneous Complex (GIC) and New Guinea Limestone Group, Papua. Proc.
30th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 1, p. 543-558.
(Study of fractures in limestone and igneous rocks exposed in Grasberg open pit. Numerous shear fractures,
interpreted as a result of a left-lateral Riedel shear system trending ~N60°W)
Fearne, M.C. (1985)- Exploration drilling in the Mamberamo Region of Irian Jaya: an operations review. Proc.
14th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 582-603.
Feuilleteau de Bruyn, W.K.H. (1921)- De Schouten- en Paidadoe eilanden. Meded. Encycl. Bureau 21, 193p.
(Geographic- geologic description of Schouten and Paidadioe islands, N of West Papua. Much young coral
limestone, also serpentinite and slate with quartz veins, unconformably overlain by sandstones. Coral limestone
on Supiori 100m above sea level, in Biak up to 600m above s.l.)
Feuilleteau de Bruyn, W.K.H. (1921)- Contribution a la geologie de la Nouvelle Guinee. Dissertation, Univ.
Lausanne, Bull. Lab. Geol., Geogr. Phys. Min. Pal. Universite Lausanne 30, 172 p.
(Early work on New Guinea geology as part of 'military exploration' expeditions. Descriptions of N New
Guinea (Mamberamo area), S New Guinea and Schouten and Padaido Islands. Identified Late Devonian
brachiopods, etc., from Noordwest River float)
Fink, D., M. Prentice & J. Peterson (2003)- The last glacial maximum and deglaciation events based on Be-10
and Al-26 exposure ages from the Mt. Trikora region, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: 16th INQUA Congr., Shaping
the Earth; a Quaternary perspective, p. 231.
(Paired 10Be and 26Al exposure ages from high altitude Mt. Trikora (~3500 m). Five major moraine systems in
lower valley section sampled. Last Glacial Maximum in Irian Jaya started at least 21.5 ka ago, reaching peak
at ~18 ka. Inner moraine system formed at 15.2+ or -1.2ka during last deglaciation and represents youngest
glacial feature here)
Flint, D.E. (1972)- Geology of the Ertsberg copper deposit, Irian Barat, Indonesia. Bull. Nat. Inst.Geol. Mining,
Bandung 4, 1, p. 23-28.
Fortey, R.A. & L.R.M. Cocks (1986)- Marginal faunal belts and their structural implications, with examples
from the Lower Palaeozoic. J. Geol. Soc. London 143, p. 151-160.
(New record of Ordovician (Llanvirn) graptolites in shale from Heluk River, E Irian Jaya (4°25’S, 139°17’E).
Assigned to isograptid biofacies and taken as evidence of Ordovician ocean margin here. Also record of early
Ordovician graptolites from the centre of North Borneo?)
Fraser, T.H., J. Bon & L. Samuel (1993)- A new dynamic Mesozoic stratigraphy for the West Irian micro-
continent, Indonesia, and its implications. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 707-761.
(Thorough overview of Mesozoic stratigraphy on and around Birds Head- Bintuni Bay, W Papua)
Froidevaux, C.M. (1977)- Tertiary tectonic history of the Salawati area, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proc. 6th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 199-220.
(Same paper as Froideveax 1978)
Froidevaux, C.M. (1978)- Tertiary tectonic history of Salawati area, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. AAPG Bull. 62, p.
(Salawati Island was attached to Irian Jaya during Miocene-E Pliocene reef development, and separated in M
Pliocene- Pleistocene, by opening of Sele Strait rift zone after creation of left-lateral Sorong fault zone. Island
moved 17.5 km SW after initial 13° counterclockwise rotation. Motion triggered during widespread magmatic
intrusion of Sorong fault zone, when basalt infiltrated right-lateral fault system in Sele Strait area. Rifting along
three parallel left-lateral strike-slip faults, later site of down-to-NW normal faulting, accommodating
subsidence from Pliocene-Pleistocene load from northern basaltic mountains. If Salawati is placed in former
Irian Jaya frame, and N compartment of left-lateral Sorong fault zone moved back E, Miocene landscape
Fugro (2007)- Offshore Semai hydrocarbon prospectivity study. Multi-client study, 6 vols.
(Petroleum evaluation study SW Bintuni Basin between onshore Bintuni/Onin and Seram thrust belt)
Gafoer, S. & T. Budhistrisna (1995)- Geological map of the Sarmi and Bufareh sheets, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res.
Dev. Centre, Bandung.
Gautama, A.B. (1982)- Geologi daerah Carstensz Pyramide- Platen Spitz, Pegunungan Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya.
Proc. 11th Conv. Indon. Geol. Assoc. (IAGI), p. 31-54.
(Geology of Carstensz peak region near Freeport copper mine, Central Range Irian Jaya)
Gerth, H. (1927)- Ein neues Vorkommen der bathyalen Cephalopoden Fazies des mittleren Jura in
Niederlandisch Neu Guinea. Leidsche Geol. Meded. 2, 3, p. 225-228.
('A new occurrence of the bathyal cephalopod facies of the Middle Jurassic in Netherlands New Guinea'. Small
collection of M Jurassic ammonites supposedly from the Birds Head (but unlikely from there; Visser and
Hermes 1962, p. 54), donated to Leiden Museum by government official from Fakfak. Reportedly from Wairor
River and its Weriangki tributary, presumably near Fak Fak. Ammonites in geodes from hard black limestone,
similar to those from Cenderawasih Bay and Sula islands. From Werianki River: Macrocephalites keeuwensis,
Sphaeroceras cf. bullatum and Peltoceras, probably Callovian age. From Wairori River two Stephanoceras
species, probably Bajocian age)
Gerth, H. (1927)- Eine Favosites Kolonie aus dem Palaozoikum von Neu-Guinea. Leidsche Geol. Meded. 2, 3,
p. 228-229.
('A Favosites colony from the Paleozoic of New Guinea'. Brief report on discovery of Paleozoic tabulate coral
from dark limestone float in Noord River, S of Central Range, W Papua. Age range of genus is Silurian-
Permian (but in Australia most common in U Silurian- M Devonian; HvG))
Gerth, H. (1965)- Ammoniten des mittleren und oberen Jura und der altesten Kreide von Nordabhang des
Schneegebirges in Neu Guinea. Neues Jahrb. Geol. Palaeont., Abh. 121, 2, p. 209-218.
(‘Middle and Upper Jurassic and lowermost Cretaceous ammonites from the North flank of the Snow
Mountains in New Guinea’. Callovian- Berriasian ammonites collected by Faber from two ‘Kembelangan Fm’
localities, Lambek in W and Amarai 100 km to E. Callovian Macrocephalites keeuwensis, Oxfordian Mayites,
Perisphictes and Inoceramus galoi, etc. similar to Sula Islands ammonites. Berriasian with Blanfordiceras, incl.
B. novaguiense n.sp., Berriasella)
Gheyselinck, R.F.C.R. (1949)- Petroleum. In: W.C. Klein (ed.) Nieuw Guinea, I, Dutch Govt. Printing Office,
The Hague p. 311-350.
(Overview of pre-1949 Netherlands New Guinea petroleum activities)
Gibbins, S.L. (2006)- The magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of the Ertsberg intrusion in the Gunung Bijih
(Ertsberg) mining district, West Papua, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis University of Arizona, Tucson, p. 1-384.
(online at:
(Ertsberg complex in W Papua intrusion- and carbonate-hosted mineralization associated with 3.28-2.97±0.54
Ma multi-phase intrusive complex)
Gibbins, S., S. Titley & K. Friehauf (2003)- Age, origin, petrology and petrography of the Ertsberg Diorite,
West Papua, Indonesia. Geol. Soc. America, 2003 Ann. Mtg., Boulder, Abstracts with Programs 35, 6, p. 400.
(Abstract only. Ertsberg Diorite hosts several major copper-gold-bearing skarns in sediments along margins
and in roof pendants. U-Pb dates on zircons indicate crystallization age of ~3 Ma. Biotite-clinopyroxene
assemblage suggests depths <2 km, similar to formation of adjacent Grasberg. Mineralization at Ertsberg soon
after crystallization of main igneous body)
Gibson-Robinson, C. & H. Soedirdja (1986)- Transgressive development of Miocene reefs, Salawati Basin,
Irian Jaya. Proc. 15th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. 1, p. 377-403.
(Salawati Basin Miocene reefs grew on extensive carbonate platform during transgressive episodes in Miocene.
Three main stages of transgressive reef growth, followed by regressive phases of termination)
Giddings, J.W., W. Sunata & C.J. Pigram (1993)- Reinterpretation of paleomagnetic results from the Bird’s
Head, Irian Jaya: new constraints on the drift history of the Kemum terrane. Explor. Geophys. 24, p. 283-290.
(Paleomag supports derivation of Kemum terrane from NE Australian margin. Large-scale Neogene clockwise
rotation can be ruled out. 55° counterclockwise rotation between Tipuma Fm (Late Triassic?) and Faumai Lst
(Eocene). After deposition of Faumai Fm Kemum Terrane rafted west ward. Amalgamation of Kemum and
Misool terranes took place in latest Oligocene; then amalgamated with Australian cration in M Miocene,
causing composite terrane to rotate 10° counterclockwise)
Ginting, C.S.P. & S.F. Baok (2008)- Hydrocarbon exploration trend at Akimeugah Basin Papua based on
structural and tectonostratigraphic control. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p.
(Summary of Tertiary Akimeugah foreland basin S of W Papua Central Range. No new data)
Gisolf, W.F. (1923)- On the rocks of Doorman top in Central New Guinea. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akad.
Wetensch., Amsterdam, 24, p. 191-198. (online at:
(Petrographic description and chemical analysis of rocks from Doorman peak, W Papua Central Range,
collected by Hubrecht during Mamberamo expedition: dark green peridotite, rich in magnetite, olivine, but
without pyroxene or serpentine)
Gisolf, W.F. (1923)- Over het gesteente van den Doormantop in Centraal Nieuw Guinea. Verslag. Afd.
Natuurkunde, Nederl. Akad. Wetensch., 32, p. 160-167.
('On the rocks of the Doorman peak in central New Guinea'. Dutch version of paper above)
Gisolf, W.F. (1924)- Microscopisch onderzoek van gesteenten van Noord-Nieuw-Guinea. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederl. Oost Indie 50 (1921), Verh. 1, p. 133-161.
(‘Microscopic investigations of rocks from North New Guinea’. Descriptions of igneous and metamorphic rocks
collected by Zwierzycki in Cyclops Mountains, etc.)
Glenister, B.F., L.M. Glenister & S.K. Skwarko (1983)- Lower Permian cephalopods from western Irian Jaya,
Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Palaeont. Ser. 4, p. 74-85.
(Late Early Permian (Artinskian) cephalopods from Aifam B (Aifat) Fm mudstones in Aifam River, Tamiabuan
sheet, Birds Head, associated with rich brachiopod fauna described by Archbold (1982). Incl.
Pseudoschistoceras irianense n.sp. from Aifat Fm (also known from Timor?))
Gochioco, L.M., I.R. Novianti & R.V. Pascual (2002)- Resolving fault shadow problems in Irian Jaya
(Indonesia) using prestack depth migration. The Leading Edge 21, 9, p. 911-912.
(Geophysics paper with little or no geology)
Gouwentak, C.J. (1939)- De exploratie naar goud in Nederlands Zuidwest Nieuw Guinea. Tijdschrift Kon. Ned.
Aardrijksk. Gen. 56, 2, p. 220-235.
('The exploration for gold in Netherlands SW New Guinea'. Travel account of 1937 expedition up Lorentz/
Noordoost/ Van der Sande Rivers area S of Central Range by 'Mijnbouwmatschappij Nederlandsch Nieuw
Guinea' expedition. Limited geology: occasional outcrops of marine sediment, further upstream Eocene-
Gow, P.A. & J.L. Walshe (2005)- The role of preexisting geologic architecture in the formation of giant
porphyry-Related Cu-Au deposits: examples from New Guinea and Chile. Econ. Geol. 100, 5, p. 819-833.
(Development of giant porphyry copper/ gold deposits in New Guinea and Chile during Tertiary magmatic
events that overprinted earlier extensional tectonic settings. During collision deeply detached listric faults
inverted and focused uplift, exhumation and fluid flow. Steep transverse faults activated to form wrench
systems, pathways for magma or fluid. Ore deposits commonly in hanging wall of thrusts. Competent flat-lying
packages formed plates, like Darai/Mendi Limestone or equivalents in New Guinea, overlying folded, weaker
units underneath. These plates appear to have impeded magma ascent and formed a cap)
Granath, J.W. & R.M.I. Argakoesoemah (1989)- Variations in structural style along the eastern Central Range
thrust belt, Irian Jaya. Proc. 18th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 1, p. 79-89.
(Warim block in E part of West Papua Central Ranges part of S- vergent thin-skinned fold and thrust belt. East
of 140°E thick-skinned structures, which persist into PNG. Structures in thin-skinned part of belt appear to be
in process of overprinting by major strike-slip zone)
Granath, J.W. & S.A. Hermeston (1993)- Relationship of the Toro formation and the Alene Sands of Papua
New Guinea to the Woniwogi Formation of Irian Jaya. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Proc. Second PNG
Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby, p. 201-206.
(Central Irian Jaya unconformity between M Jurassic Kopai clastics and Late Valanginian. Late Valanginian-
Hauterivian- E Barremian Woniwogi sst equivalent of PNG Alene sst, not Berriasian- Valanginian Toro sst)
Granath, J.W. & Hooper (1993)- Inversion tectonics. New Guinea fold belt Basin Inversion Conference, Oxford
Univ., 1993, p.
Granath, J.W., T.O. Simanjuntak & M.S. Gage (1992)- Cretaceous stratigraphy of Eastern Irian Jaya. Abstracts
AAPG Int. Conf. Sydney 1992, AAPG Bull. 76, 7, p. 1103.
(C Irian Jaya U. Valanginian-Lw Hauterivian Woniwogi sst transgressive over M Jurassic clastics, with more
complete Jurassic- Lw Cretaceous section in E Irian Jaya. Coniacian- Campanian Ekmai sst marks abrupt
downward shift in relative sea level, followed by transgression. Angular unconformity in Maastrichtian-
Paleocene Waripi Fm suggest Late Cretaceous tectonics overprinting passive margin subsidence)
Granath, J.W., K.A. Soofi & J.B. Mercer (1991)- Applications of SAR in structural modeling of the Central
Ranges thrust belt, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: R.H. Rogers (ed.) Proc. 8th Conf. Geologic remote sensing;
exploration, engineering and environment, Denver, p. 105-116.
Gunawan, I., R. Hall & M.A. Cottam (2011)- Age, character and provenance of the clastic Tipuma Formation,
West Papua, Indonesia: new insights from detrital zircon dating. In: Conf. Sediment provenance studies in
hydrocarbon exploration & production, Geol. Soc., London 2011, p. 30 (Abstract only)
(Tipuma Fm of Birds Head poorly dated fluvial deposits between Permian and Cretaceous, 90-150m thick.
Detrital zircon age populations from Lower Mb Triassic, Permian and Carboniferous and Proterozoic peaks.
Ages in Middle Mb mainly Triassic-Carboniferous with few Ordovician grains. Upper Mb has important M
Triassic and Late Permian populations, also Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian and Ordovician. Maximum
depositional ages for Tipuma Fm Late Triassic (Lower Mb ~214 Ma, Middle Mb 229 Ma, Upper Mb 205 Ma).
No strong evidence for rifting event. Common Late Triassic subhedral zircons in Upper and Lower Members
suggest volcanic activity in Birds Head)
Gunawan, I., R. Hall & I. Sevastjanova (2012)- Age, character and provenance of the Tipuma Formation, West
Papua: new insights from detrital zircon dating. Proc. 36th Ann.Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. IPA, Jakarta,
IPA12-G-027, p. 1-14.
(SHRIMP U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from 11 Tipuma Fm sandstone samples show Permo-Triassic (234-280
Ma), Mesoproterozoic (1.4-1.6 Ga) and Paleoproterozoic (1.8-2.3 Ga) age peaks. Maximum age of deposition
Haberle, S.G., G.S. Hope & Y. Defretes (1991)- Environmental change in the Baliem Valley, montane Irian
Jaya, Republic of Indonesia. J. Biogeography 18, p. 95-40.
Hadipandoyo, S., Mujito & T. Wibowo (1996)- Hydrocarbon resource assessment of carbonate and coarse
clastic sediment plays, Cenderawasih Bay area, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: S.Y. Kim et al. (eds.) Proc. 32nd Ann.
Sess.Coord. Comm. Coastal Offshore Geosc. Progr. E and SE Asia (CCOP), Tsukuba 1995, p. 69-78.
(Cenderawasih Bay area belongs to W part of Waipoga- Waropen- Mamberano basin, N New Guinea. Assumed
to be underlain by Pre-Tertiary volcanics and metamorphics, part of Pacific Plate. Tertiary clastic middle
wedge play and carbonate basal wedge plays present. Oil potential as high as 126 M Tons, expected value 43
MTons (risked values 52 and 8.4 MTons resp.). Total gas potential 1,060 Gm3, expected value 505 Gm3)
Hakim, A.S. & B.H. Harahap (1993)- Geologi Lembar Waren (Pulau Ratewa). Geol. Res. Dev. Centre,
Bandung, Spec. Publ. 14, p. 42-53.
Hakim, A.S. & B.H. Harahap (1994)- Geological Map of the Waren Quadrangle Irian Jaya, 3113, 1:250,000
Scale. Geol. Res. Dev. Center, Bandung.
Hakim, A.S., Harahap, B.H. & N. Ratman (2003)- Neotektonik Papua (Irian Jaya). In: Pros. Forum Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral, Badan Litbang Energi Sumberdaya Min., p. 500-517.
('Neotectonics of Papua (Irian Jaya)')
Hall, R. (2001)- Extension during Late Neogene collision in East Indonesia and New Guinea. J. Virtual
Explorer 4, p. 17-24.
Hall, R., J. Ali, C. Anderson, S. Baker et al. (1992)- The Sorong Fault Zone. Processes and rates of terrane
amalgamation. University of London SE Asia Research Group, Rept. 111, 211p. (unpublished)
(Stratigraphy, paleomagnetism, volcanism, etc. of Halmahera, Obi, Sula, Waigeo, etc. Regional unconformity at
45 Ma-Mid Eocene. Collision of Philippine Sea arc and Australian continent at ~25 Ma ends volcanism and
starts strike slip zone)
Hampton, O.W. (1997)- Rock quarries and the manufacture, trade, and uses of stone tools and symbolic stones
in the Central Highlands of Irian Jaya, Indonesia: ethnoarchaeological perspectives. Ph.D. Thesis Texas A & M
University, College Station, p. 1-887
(online at:
(Mainly anthropological study of stone tool usage in highlands of W Papua. Stone tools from 4 main quarry
areas. In West: two quarry areas in metamorphics-ophiolite belt along N side of Central Range, Yeineri
(glaucophane schist, epidote amphibolite, epidote chlorite schist) and Tagime (meta-argillite). In East: Sela and
Langda (lighter colored basalts-andesites and meta-basalts))
Hanafi, B.R. & B. Priadi (2010)- Indikasi keberadaan endapan melange di wilayah Kotaraja dan sekitarnya,
Kota Jayapura, Papua. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Lombok, PIT-IAGI-2010-036, 4p.
('Indications for the occurrence of melange deposits in the Kotajaya district, Jayapura, Papua'. Outcrops of
chaotic, sheared rock with fragments of peridotite, gabro, sandstone, limestone, schist, gneiss, quartzite,
ranging in size from 2 cm- 15m or more, floating in greenish grey scaly clay matrix. Related to Late-Miocene
(subduction) tectonic activity)
Hanzawa, S. (1947)- Note on Lacazina wichmanni Schlumberger from New Guinea. In: Recent progress of
natural sciences in Japan, Nihon Shizen Kagaku Shuho (Japanese J. Geol. Geogr.), 20, 2-4, p. 1-4.
(Descriptions of Eocene larger foram Lacazina wichmanni from subsurface limestone of Birds Head region,
New Guinea)
Harahap, B.H. (1997)- The metamorphic complex of the Central Range of Irian Jaya, with special reference to
Enarotali Quadrangle. J. Geol. Sumberdaya Min. (GRDC) 7, 67, p. 16-25.
Harahap, B.H. (1997)- Central Range of East Irian Jaya: review of gold exploration. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev.
Centre, Bandung 21, p. 63-77.
(Gold mineralization associated with Plio-Pleistocene calc-alkaline and alkaline intrusives and volcanics. At
least 25 intrusive bodies identified in Central Range of E Irian Jaya)
Harahap, B.H. (1997)- Konstruksi penampang kesetimbangan antiklin umar Irian Jaya Barat. GRDC Geosurvey
Newsletter 17, p. 16-19.
Harahap, B.H. (1998)- Upper Paleozoic-Lower Mesozoic magmatic intrusions in Western Irian Jaya. Proc. 27th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, p. 123. (Abstract only?)
Harahap, B.H. (2009)- Tectonostratigraphy of the Phanerozoic continental province succession in Southern
Papua, Eastern Indonesia. In: 11th Reg. Congr. Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia,
GEOSEA 2009, Kuala Lumpur, p.
Harahap, B.H. (2010)- Tectonostratigraphy of the Phanerozoic continental province succession in Southern
Papua, Eastern Indonesia. Meeting IGCP Project 507, Paleoclimates in Asia during the Cretaceous, Yogyakarta
2010, p. 67-71. (Abstract only) (online at: )
Harahap, B.H. (2012)- Tectonostratigraphy of the southern part of Papua and Arafura Sea, Eastern Indonesia.
Indon. J. Geol. 7, 3, p. 167-187.
(online at:
(Review of Paleozoic- Cenozoic stratigraphy of S Papua, tied to tectonic events)
Harahap, B.H., A.S. Hakim & D.B. Dow (1990)- Geological map of the Enarotali sheet, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res.
Dev. Centre, Bandung.
Harahap, B.H., A.S. Hakim & U. Hartono (1998)- Upper Paleozoic- Lower Mesozoic magmatic intrusions in
Western Irian Jaya. Jurnal Geol. Sumberdaya Min. (Bandung) 8, 87, p. 2-13.
Harahap, B.H. & Y. Noya (1995)- Geological map of the Rotanburg (Idenburg Barat), Irian Jaya (Quad 3312).
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung.
Harahap, B.H. & H. Panggabean (2003)- Potensi hidrokarbon dengan acuan khusus terhadap singkapan batuan
di daerah Aiduna dan Taporomay, Kabupaten Mimika, Papua. In: Pros. Forum Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral, Badan Litbang Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral, p. 358-376.
('Hydrocarbon potential with special reference to rocks in the Aiduna and Tapomay areas, Timika, Papua')
Harahap, B.H. & U. Sukamta (1996)- Tectonostratigraphy of the Mesozoic- Cenozoic Pacific province
succession in northeastern Irian Jaya., Eastern Indonesia. J. Geol. Sumberdaya Min. (GRDC) 6, 57, p.
Harahap, B.H. & U. Sukamta (1997)- Tectonostratigraphy of the Mesozoic- Cenozoic Pacific province
succession in northeastern Irian Jaya., Eastern Indonesia. Pros. Seminar Nasional Geoteknologi III, LIPI, p.
Harahap, B.H. U. Sukanta & E. Rusmana (1994)- Structure of West Irian Jaya identified from Landsat imagery.
Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung 17, p. 13-21.
Hardjono, T.S. Asikin & J. Purnomo (1998)- Heat flow estimation from seismic reflection anomalies in a
frontier area of the Sebakor Sea, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: J.L. Rau (ed.) Proc. 33rd Sess. Co-ord. Comm.
Coastal Offshore Geosc. Progr. E and SE Asia (CCOP), Shanghai 1996, 2, p. 56-83.
(Bottom-simulating seismic reflector in deep water between Seram and Onin Peninsula related to presence of
gas hydrate. Sub-seafloor depth of hydrate used to estimate heat flow in frontier area without well data.
Calculated average heat flow 1.14 ucal/cm2/sec, average geothermal gradient 3.9 °C/ 100m)
Harting, A. (1925)- Bijdrage tot de geologie van Beraoe (met een geologisch schetskaartje van Beraoe
1:750,000). Verh. Geol. Mijnbouwk. Gen. Nederl. Kol., Geol. Ser. 8 (Gedenkboek Verbeek), p. 205-212.
(On the geology of Berau, with a geological sketch-map, 1:750 000)
Hartono, O. Verdiansyah & I.M. Surata (2011)- Porphyry and skarn copper-gold discovery in Pegunungan
Bintang, Papua. Proc. 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann. Conv., Makassar, JCM2011-023, 16p.
(On a 2009 copper-gold discovery in Star mountains, Central Range near PNG border. In Indonesian)
Hartono, U., U. Sukanta & N. Ratman (1989)- Pre- and post-Late Tertiary collision magmatic activity in Irian
Jaya, Indonesia. In: B. Situmorang (ed.) Proc. 6th Reg. Conf. Geology Mineral Hydrocarbon Res. Southeast
Asia (GEOSEA VI), IAGI, p. 61-71.
(Eo/Oligocene-E Miocene island arc volcanics associated with Pacific Plate result of N-ward subduction of
Australian Plate found in Birds Head, N coast of body, small outcrops in Gauttier Mts and N flank Central
Range. M Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene volcanics and intrusives in Birds Head, Neck and Central Range may
be associated with M-L Miocene S-ward subduction)
Heads, M. (2001)- Birds of paradise, biogeography and ecology in New Guinea: a review. J. Biogeography 28,
5, p. 893-925.
(Biogeographic distributions of birds of paradise and other biota compatible with New Guinea accreted terrane
tectonic model of Pigram & Davies (1987), including massive lateral strike-slip movement)
Heads, M. (2002)- Regional patterns of biodiversity in New Guinea animals. J. Biogeography 29, 2, p. 285-294.
(Distribution of 622 modern animal species analysed. Centres of diversity in various groups of animals related
to three main geological regions: Australian craton, accreted terranes and Cenozoic volcanic arcs)
Heads, M. (2006)- Biogeography, ecology and tectonics in New Guinea. J. Biogeography 33, 5, p. 957-958.
Hefton, K.K., G.D. MacDonald, L.C. Arnold, A.L. Schappert & A. Ona (1995)- Copper-gold deposits of the
Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih) Mining District, Irian Jaya. In: D. Mayes & P.J. Pollard (eds.) Geology and copper-
gold deposits of the Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih) Mining District, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. 17th Int. Geochem. Expl.
Symp., James Cook University, Townsville, EGRU Contr. 53, p. 1-43.
(Overview of Freeport copper-gold mining project in W Papua. World’s highest grade porphyry Cu-Au deposit,
associated with Pliocene diorite intrusions)
Heim, A. (1953)- Geological observations in the Wisselmeer region. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 46, p. 23-27.
(online at:
(Geological observations along traverse from Uta on S coast to Enarotali on Paniai Lake. Common Eocene
limestones. Eroded anticlinal structures with Paleocene and Eocene outcrops Thick Eocene limestones with
Lacazinella and other large forams. Above end-Eocene discontinuity abundant Upper Oligocene larger forams.
Also Paleocene and U Tertiary marls and sandstones)
Heldring, O.G. (1913)- Verslag over Zuid Nieuw Guinea. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 40 (1911),
Verhand., p. 40-207.
(Report on geological observations during 1909-1910 ‘military expedition’ along S New Guinea rivers Digul,
Eilanden, Setakwa, etc. Did not reach the Central Range and stayed mostly in Tertiary and younger sediments.
Most observations of rocks on loose material in river banks: Eocene limestones, igneous rocks, etc. )
Helmcke, D., K.W. Barthel & A. von Hillebrandt (1978)- Uber Jura und Unterkreide aus dem Zentralgebirge
Irian Jayas (Indonesian). Neues Jahrb. Geol. Palaeont., Monatshefte 1978-11, p. 674-684.
('On Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous from the Central Range of Irian Jaya'. Late Jurassic- E Cretaceous
ammonites mainly as loose float from dark shaly beds in N part Irian Jaya foldbelt. Ages mainly Oxfordian
(Perisphinctes, Epimayaites), but also Bajocian, Callovian, Tithonian and late Early Cretaceous. Upper
Jurassic ammonite faunas similar to Himalayan faunas of Spiti, Nepal)
Henage, L. (1993)- Mesozoic and Tertiary tectonics of Irian Jaya: evidence for non-rotation of Kepala Burung.
Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 763-792.
(Rather unique interpretation of New Guinea tectonics)
Hendarjo, K.S. & R.E. Netherwood (1986)- Palaeoenvironmental and diagenetic history of Kais Formation,
K.B.S.A., Irian Jaya. Proc. 15th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. 1, p. 423-438.
Henry, C. & S. Das (2002)- The Mw 8.2, 17 February 1996 Biak, Indonesia, earthquake: rupture history,
aftershocks, and fault plane properties. J. Geophys. Res.107, B11, 2312, doi:10.1029/2001JB000796, 20p.
(Large earthquake E of Biak on shallow dipping thrust fault (strike 109°, dip 9°). Rupture propagated
bilaterally on a fault extending 180 km W and 50 km E of hypocenter)
Hermes, J.J. (1968)- The Papuan geosyncline and the concept of geosynclines. Geol. Mijnbouw 47, p. 81-97.
Hermes, J.J. (1974)- West Irian. In: A.M. Spencer (ed) Mesozoic-Cainozoic orogenic belts. Geol. Soc. London
Spec. Paper 4, p. 475-490.
(Overview of W New Guinea geology/ stratigraphy, using geosynclinal terminology. Age of metamorphism in N
Central Range most likely Late Oligocene. Also Late Oligocene ‘Sirga phase’. Deformation in Mamberamo
basin is Pleistocene)
Hermes, J.J. (1982)- On the alleged rotation of the island of New Guinea. Pacific Geol. 16, p. 53- 57.
(No major rotations between New Guinea and Australia, but good evidence for transcurrent movement between
North New Guinea and Central New Guinea provinces. M Miocene Makats Fm in N New Guinea has detritus
from apparently metamorphosed and uplifted Central Range)
Hermes, J.J. & F.C. Schumacher (1961)- Summary of stratigraphy of New Guinea. Proc. 9th Pacific Sci. Congr.
Bangkok 1957, 12, p. 318-324.
(Overview of Silurian- Pliocene stratigraphy of W New Guinea. Kemum Fm in Birds Head contains Lower
Silurian Monograptus. Permo-Carboniferous rel. widespread clastics and sandy limestones with Spiriferid
brachiopods and Glossopteris flora, etc.)
Hill, K.C. & R. Hall (2003)- Mesozoic- Cenozoic evolution of Australia's New Guinea margin in a West Pacific
context. In: R.R. Hillis & R.D. Muller (eds.) The evolution and dynamics of the Australian Plate. Geol. Soc.
America Spec. Paper 372 and Geol. Soc. Australia Spec. Publ. 22, p. 265-290.
(Island of New Guinea at N Australian margin. Complex evolution, largely masked by Mio-Pliocene orogenesis.
In Palaeozoic, New Guinea contained boundary ('Tasman Line') between Late Paleozoic active margin in E and
extensional margin in W. Permian- Early Triassic active margin with widespread M Triassic granite intrusions.
Hill, K.C., N. Hoffman, P. Lunt & R. Paul (2002)- Structure and hydrocarbons in the Sareba Block, 'Bird’s
Neck', West Papua. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 227-248.
(E Birds Neck- W Cenderawasih Bay NE- trending Sareba Graben, originated in Late Jurassic- Early K.
Cretaceous- M Miocene starved basinal facies. Adjacent Lengguru foldbelt formed by collision of Weyland
Terrane with Birds Neck, consuming Papeocene oceanic crust of Cenderawasih Bay. Thin-skinned thrusting in
Late Miocene, thick-skinned thrusting/ uplift in Pliocene, Pleistocene orogenic collapse into Cenderwasih Bay
Pliocene oceanic crust, leaving a <2 Ma metamorphic core compex on Wandamen Peninsula)
Hill, K.C., J.T. Keetley, R.D. Kendrick & E. Sutriyono (2004)- Structure and hydrocarbon potential of the New
Guinea foldbelt. In: K.R. McClay (ed.) Thrust tectonics and hydrocarbon systems, AAPG Mem. 82, p. 494-514.
(Papuan Fold Belt structures inverted extensional faults and asymmetric detachment folds that break through
overturned forelimb. Previous fault-bend foldmodel flawed. PNG deformation front has not yet impinged on
strong Australian lithosphere, so low fold belt occupies its own foreland basin. W PNG Fold Belt gas-
condensate province just impinged on strong lithosphere, developing foreland basin and basement-cored
anticlines. Irian Jaya Fold Belt deformation front encountered strong Australian lithosphere, causing 15km-
thick Paleozoic- Mesozoic sequence thrust to surface along previously extensional basin-margin fault. Focusing
deformation on one fault created mountains 5km high and adjacent foreland basin. Bird’s Neck Lengguru Fold
Belt resembles oil province in Papuan Fold Belt, but Pleistocene extensional faulting may cause breaching)
Hill, K.C., R.D. Kendrick, P.V. Crowhurst & P.A. Gow (2002)- Copper-gold mineralisation in New Guinea:
tectonics, lineaments, thermochronology and structure. Australian J. Earth Sci. 49, 4, p. 737-752.
(Late Miocene-Pliocene copper-gold deposits tied to intrusives (of mantle origin, not subduction-related).
Richest deposits at intersections of N-NE trending transfer faults and inverted Mesozoic extensional faults.
Mineralisation during inversion of these faults and correlates with propagation of orogenesis from NE to SW)
Hill, K.C., P.B. O’Sullivan, K. Lumbanbatu et al. (1998)- Tectonics and hydrocarbons in Irian Jaya, constraints
from zircon fission track analysis. Proc. 26th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., (Poster Abstract)
(Zircons ages reflecting ages of volcanism: U. Miocene- Pliocene, Paleocene, M Cretaceous, Late Triassic- E
Triassic, Late Carboniferous- E Permian and Proterozoic-E Paleozoic)
Hirschi, H. (1908)- Reisen in Nordwest Neu-Guinea. Jahresbericht Geogr. Ethnogr. Ges. Zurich 1907-1908.
Von Lohbauer, Zurich 1908, p. 71-106.
(‘Travels in NW New Guinea’. Traverses from Fakfak to Cenderawasih Bay by BPM geologist. Collected M
Jurassic ammonites at Wendesi, Cenderawasih Bay, described by Boehm 1913)
Hobson, D.M., A. Adnan & L. Samuel (1997)- The relationship between Late Tertiary basins, thrust belt and
major transcurrent faults in Irian Jaya: implications for petroleum systems throughout New Guinea. In: J.V.C.
Howes & R.A. Noble (eds.) Proc. Petroleum Systems of SE Asia and Australasia Conf., Jakarta 1997, Indon.
Petrol. Assoc, p. 261-284.
(Irian Jaya fold-thrust belt two Tertiary uplift phases. Older structures formed ahead of oceanic crustal slabs
during obduction onto N Australian Plate margin. Younger structures formed after oceanic obduction ceased,
and since Late Pliocene. Folds and thrusts controlled by restraining bends in NE-SW dextral, transcurrent fault
system. Extensional basins along releasing bends. Younger structures formed after hydrocarbon generation
ceased. Two ages of compressive structures also in Papuan Thrust Belt, but formed ahead of discrete accreted
terranes. In most of Thrust Belt only one generation of folds. In PNG plate-bounding, transcurrent fault
systems well N of Thrust Belt, and deformation affects only N Papuan basins)
Hope, G.S. & J. Tulip (1994)- A long vegetation history from lowland Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Palaeogeogr.,
Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol. 109, p. 385-398.
(Pollen analysis of 10 m core from mire at 780 m altitude and 2°S latitude on ultrabasic soils on N coastal
range of W Papua, believed to cover ~60,000 yr B.P. Montane forest grew around site continously through Late
Pleistocene with increases in higher-altitude taxa from 25- 10.5 ka, the time of glacial maxima. Fine charcoal
record after 10.9 ka, probably anthropogenic disturbance)
Hopping, C.H. & R.H. Wagner (1962)- In: W.A. Visser & J.J. Hermes, Geological results of the exploration for
oil in Netherlands New Guinea, Enclosure 17, Photographs of fossils, Kon. Nederl. Geol. Mijnbouwkundig
Genootschap, Geol. Ser. 20, p. 1-11.
(Identifications and photos of Early Permian plant fossils from Birds Head outcrops and well cores (Poeragi 1).
Both Gondwanan (Glossopteris spp.) and Cathaysian (Taeniopteris, Pecopteris, Sphenophyllum) elements)
Housh, T. & T.P. McMahon (2000)- Ancient isotopic characteristics of Neogene potassic magmatism in
Western New Guinea (Irian Jaya, Indonesia). Lithos 50, 1-3, p. 217-239.
(Collision-related Central Range Late Miocene- Pleistocene intrusives and volcanics with unique isotope
compositions, probably reflecting interaction of mantle derived parent magma, Proterozoic or Archean lower
crust and possibly younger crust)
Hubrecht, P. (1913)- Beknopt geologisch verslag der derde Zuid-Nieuw Guinea expeditie 1912-1913.
Maatschappij Bevordering Natuurhistorisch Onderzoek Nederland Kolon., Bull. 68, p. 37-51.
('Brief geological report of the Third South New Guinea Expedition 1912-1913'. Expedition from S coast, up
Lorentz/ Noord River to Wilhelmina / Trikora Peak in Central Range)
Hubrecht, P.F. (1918)- Rapport over Nieuw Guinea. Typescript at Bureau of Mines office, Jayapura, p. 1-25.
(Geological observations in New Guinea and 1913 traverse from S Coast to Wilhelmina peak in Central Range)
Hubrecht, P.F. (1921)- Beknopt geologisch verslag van de wetenschappelijke Noord Nieuw-Guinea expeditie.
('Brief geological report of the scientific North New Guinea Expedition')
Hutasoit, L.M. & Y. Ashari (1998)- The origin of saline spring water in Baliem Valley, Irian Jaya based on its
isotopic composition. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 1, p. 114-120.
Hutubessy, S. (1998)- Konfigurasi struktur geologi bawah permukaan hasil analisa data gayaberat dan
seismologi di dataran tinggi Wamena, Irian Jaya. J. Geol. Sumberdaya Min. (GRDC) 8, 85, p. 12-23.
('Deep structural configuration from gravity and seismological data analysis in Wamena high valley, Irian
Indarto, S. (1996)- Potensi batupasir kuarsa di daerah Aikimia, Wamena, Irian Jaya. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 1, p. 56-66.
('Quartz-sand potential of the Aikimia area, Wamena, Irian Jaya'. (probably on quartz-rich (95-99%) Upper
Cretaceous Ekmai sandstone outcrops in Baliem Valley, Central Range of W Papua; HvG)
Indarto, S., N. Sumawijaya, A. Bukit & N. Sastra (1987)-Geologi daerah Wamena dan Depapre Jayapura Irian
Jaya. Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi LIPI, 24p.
('Geology of the Wamena and Depapre Jayapura areas, Irian Jaya'. Lithologic analysis of sandstones and
dolomitic limestones in Wamena area, Central range. Petrographic analysis of (Cretaceous?; HvG) sandstone
in Aikima area shows 95-99% quartz. Depapre-Sentani-Jayapura in NE Irian Jaya common harzburgite,
lateritized, overlain by limestone)
Insley, M. & M. Tocher (1999)- Comparison of field development in the frontal regions of the fold and thrust
belts of PNG/Irian Jaya and Pakistan. In: C.A.Caughey & J.V.C. Howes (eds.) Proc. Conf. Gas Habitats of SE
Asia and Australasia, Jakarta, Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 225-236.
Jablonski, D. (2007)- Geology and exploration potential of the offshore S.W. Bintuni Basin, Semai-Gorong
Basin, Eastern Indonesia. Presentation SEAPEX Conf., Singapore 2007, 2 p.
(Abstract only. No wells in SW Bintuni Basin, but large structures. Three provinces: Seram Thrust Belt in W,
Seram Trough in centre and Seram Fold Belt in E. Area underlain by older extensional regime, overprinted by
latest Miocene-Recent compressional pulses, younging to NE. W part of area imbricate thrusts, E area gentle
folds. Source rocks may include Permian paralic shales and coals, M-U Triassic restricted marine claystones,
and L-M Jurassic paralic coals and clays. Plays: (1) Paleozoic rift fault blocks, (2) Triassic limestone build-
ups, (3) Triassic-M Jurassic rift fault blocks, (4) Callovian-Oxfordian fractured limestone, (5) Upper
Cretaceous- Lower Tertiary sandstones associated with M Palaeocene Coral Sea rifting, (6) Miocene build-ups
(Kais Fm- equivalent); (7) Imbricate thrusts in Seram Thrust Belt and (8) Gentle folds in Seram Fold Belt in E)
Jackson, J.E. (2010)- Neogene intrusions in the Western Central Range, Papua, Indonesia: petrologic,
geochemical, and isotopic comparison of the Miocene Ular Merah and Pliocene Komopa Magmatic Districts.
M.Sc. Thesis University of Texas at Austin, p. 1-360.
(Two belts of Neogene igneous rocks in New Guinea Central Range, with Miocene (20-10 Ma) magmatic rocks
outcropping to N of Pliocene (7-3 Ma) magmatic rocks. Miocene magmatic rocks in PNG (Maramuni Volcanic
Arc), intruded Australian continental rocks; those in W Papua intruded allochthonous arc/forearc terranes.
Pliocene magmatic rocks, which young from W to E, were emplaced into Australian continental crust at highest
elevations in Central Range. Two magmatic districts in W Central Range studied here: (1) Komopa Pliocene
(3.9-2.9 Ma) quartz monzodiorites, granodiorite and monzogranites, emplaced into Australian passive margin
strata, shoshonitic, similar to intrusions from Minjauh Volcanic Field, Ertsberg Mining District and Etna Bay
(products of collisional delamination tectonism as leading edge of the Australian continental lithosphere
jammed N-dipping subduction zone beneath Irian Ophiolite) and (2) Ular Merah late E Miocene (17.4-16.6
Ma) calc-alkaline, porphyritic diorites and monzodiorites, emplaced into allochthonous Irian Ophiolite Belt,
adakite-like characteristics suggesting intrusions are result of partially remelting garnet-bearing plutons
emplaced into mantle beneath allochthonous ophiolite)
Jongmans, W.J. (1940)- Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Karbonflora von Niederlandisch Neu Guinea. Meded. Geol.
Stichting 1938-1939, p. 263-274.
('Contributions to the knowledge of the Carboniferous flora of Netherlands New Guinea'. Description of mixed
‘Cathaysian’ flora (Taeniopteris, Pecopteris) and Gondwanan 'Glossopteris' fauna from outcrop in Otakawa
River, Central Range foothills. (originally believed to be Late Carboniferous, but regarded as Permian by
Hopping and Wagner (in Visser & Hermes, 1962). Believed to be Late Permian by McLoughlin (1993), based
on correlation with Bowen Basin. Glossopteris, etc.) Identifications re-evaluated by Rigby (1997); see also
Playford & Rigby 2007; HvG)
Jongmans, W.J. (1941)- Elementen der Glossopteris flora in het Carboon van Nieuw Guinea. Handelingen 28e
Nederl. Natuurk. Geneesk. Congr. C, p. 267-271.
('Elements of the Glossopteris flora in the Carboniferous of New Guinea'. Occurrence in S Papua of
Carboniferous-Permian flora with mixed Gondwanan (Glossopteris) and Asian (Cathaysian) species)
Jordan, L. (1931)- Foraminifera from the Pliocene of New Guinea. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Geology,
Massachussets Inst. Techn., p. .
Kambu, Y. & W. Permana (2008)- Permian- Cretaceous hydrocarbon prospectivity at Berau- Papua. Proc. 32nd
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., Jakarta, IP08-SG-080, 9p.
(Small Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous paleogeographic maps of Berau area, offshore S side Birds
Head, most of them showing NW-SE trending facies belts, becoming more marine to SW)
Katchan, G. (1982)- Mineralogy and geochemistry of Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih) and Ertsberg East (Gunung Bijih
Timur) skarns, Irian Jaya, Indonesia and the Ok Tedi skarns, Papua New Guinea. Ph.D. Thesis, University of
Sydney, NSW, p. 1-498.
Kato, M., D. Sundari & S.K. Skwarko (1999)- First description of Carboniferous corals from Western Irian
Jaya, Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Paleont. Ser. 9, p. 9-41.
(Two new species of rugose corals from central Birds Head float samples in area of Aimau Fm and Aifat
mudstone outcrops reportedly suggest Late Carboniferous age and Eurasian affinity)
Keho, T. & D. Samsu (2002)- Depth conversion of Tangguh gas fields. The Leading Edge 21, 10, p. 966-971.
(Depth maps for Top Kais Lst and Base Cretaceous. Adding the well-derived Late Jurassic shale isopach to
seismically derived Base Cretaceous depth map created the Top Roabiba Reservoir Sand depth map. )
Keijzer, F.G. (1941)- Fossielen van het Palaeozoicum van Zuidelijk Centraal Nieuw-Guinea. Handelingen 28e
Nederl. Natuur en Geneesk. Congres, Utrecht, 4, p. 271-272.
('Fossils from the Paleozoic of South Central New Guinea'. Summary of macrofossils reported from >1500m
thick Paleozoic section. Includes Devonian-to Permian brachiopods and rugose and tabulate corals of Silurian
(Halysites), Devonian (Heliolites barrandei, Favosites reticulatus, Cyathophyllum anisactis, C. douvillei, etc.)
and Permian (Lonsdaleia) ages)
Kemmerling, G.L.L. (1919)- Die Geologie von Niederlandisch Neu-Guinea. Handelingen 1st Ned. Ind.
Natuurwet. Congr., Batavia 1919, p. 230-237.
(‘The geology of Netherlands New Guinea’)
Kendrick, R.D. (2000)- Structure, tectonics and thermochronology of the Irian Jaya fold belt, Irian Jaya,
Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis La Trobe Univ., Melbourne, p. 1-379.
Kendrick, R.D. & K.C. Hill (2002)- Hydrocarbon play concepts for the Irian Jaya fold belt. Proc. 28th Ann.
Conv. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc., p. 353-367.
(Irian Jaya foldbelt common oil shows and two non-commercial discoveries. Three new play concepts
proposed: young structures in foreland, Ekmai sst in thrust contact with Miocene marls, inverted Paleozoic rifts
in western foldbelt. Central Range foldbelt cooling ages 10-12 Ma))
Kendrick, R.D., K.C. Hill, S.W. McFall, Meizarwin, A. Duncan, E. Syafron & B.H. Harahap (2003)- The East
Arguni Block: hydrocarbon prospectivity in the Northern Lengguru foldbelt, West Papua. Proc. 29th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 467-483.
Kendrick, R.D., K.C. Hill, P.B. O'Sullivan, K. Lumbanbatu & I. Saefudin (1997)- Mesozoic to Recent thermal
history and basement tectonics of the Irian Jaya fold belt and Arafura platform, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: J.V.C.
Kendrick, R.D., K.C. Hill, K. Parris, I. Saeffudin & P.B. O’Sullivan (1995)- Timing and style of regional
deformation in the Irian Jaya foldbelt. Proc. 24th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 249-261.
(Apatite fission track analyses from W Irian foldbelt indicate two cooling events related to tectonic uplift: ~20-
25 Ma and 2-5 Ma. NE-SW trending lineaments, at a high angle to the trend of thrust belt may be deep-seated
basement structures. From PNG border in E to Weyland overthrust in W, lateral changes in Late Permian- M
Jurassic sequence indicate transition from granites and high-grade metamorphics to widespread clastic
graben-fill deposits and corresponds to change in trend in thrust belt from WNW to E-W at approximately 139°
E. Pre-existing extensional faults influenced initiation of basement inversion, and may have acted as lateral
ramps to compartmentalize inverted blocks and separate them from areas of thin-skinned thrusting)
Kitazaki, U. (1948)- Tertiary limestones from Japen Island, New Guinea. Miscell. Rept. Res. Inst. Nat.
Resources Tokyo 11, p. 25-26 (in Japanese).
Kobayashi, T. & C.K. Burton (1971)- Discovery of ellesmereoceroid cephalopods in Irian, New Guinea. Proc.
Japanese Academy 47, 7, p. 625-630. (online at
(Orthoconic cephalopods from dark shales that look like Jurassic Kembelangan Fm in Star Mountains near
PNG border, collected by Kennecott. Look like E-M Ordovician nautiloids and may be from Kariem Fm. If
correct, these are oldest fossils known from Indonesia. Propose new genus-species name Irianoceras antiquum)
Kochem, E.J. (1976)- Diagenesis of the subsurface Miocene pinnacle reefs of Irian Jaya, Indonesia; a
petrographic study. Masters Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, p. 1-106.
Koesoemadinata, R.P. (1976)- Tertiary carbonate sedimentation in Irian Jaya with special reference to the
northern part of the Bintuni Basin. Proc. Carbonate Seminar Jakarta 1976, Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 79-92.
(Summary of well and outcrop work in Birds Head. Two main Miocene carbonate platforms in New Guinea:
Arafura and Ayumara in Birds Head)
Koopmans, B.N. (1986)- Satellite radar interpretation of the Bintuni Basin area, Eastern Vogelkop Peninsula,
West Irian, Indonesia. Geol. Mijnbouw 65, 3, p. 197-204.
Koswara, A. (1996)- Lithostratigrafi daerah Taritau, Pegunungan Tengah, Irian Jaya berdasarakan penafsiran
citra radar. J. Geol. Sumberdaya Min. (GRDC) 6, 56, p.
('Lithostratigraphy of the Taritau area, Irian Jaya Central Range, based on radar imagery')
Krause, D.C. (1965)- Submarine geology North of New Guinea. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 76, p. 27-42.
Kruizinga, P. (1957)- Palaeozoische lei aan de Wesan Rivier op Nieuw Guinea? Nova Guinea, E.J. Brill,
Leiden, new ser. 8, 1-2, p. 1-4.
(Highly folded phyllitic rock collected by Bemelmans in 1955 just N of mouth of Wesan River, NW Birds Head.
Contains molds of Orthoceras-like fossils, suggesting Paleozoic age. East of this locality different, Late
Jurassic (Oxfordian) folded shale with Inoceramus and Belemnopsis. Rocks look different from Silurian low-
metamorphic graptolite shale from Kamundan in C Birds Head)
Kusnama (2008)- Stratigrafi daerah Timika dan sekitarnya, Papua. J. Sumber Daya Geol. 18, 4, p. 205-222.
('Statigraphy of the Timika area, Papua'. Another description of Timika- Tembagapura road section, W Central
Range foothills. Precambrian Nerewip Fm pillow lava and basalt with foliated meta-sediments unconformably
overlain by Precambrian-Cambrian Otomona Fm slate and sandstone. Overlain unconformably by Ordovician?
Kusnama & H. Panggabean (1998)- Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Beoga area, Central Range, Irian
Jaya. J. Geol. Sumber Daya Min. (Bandung), 8, 83, p.2-10.
Kyle, J.R., A.S. Mote & R.A. Ketcham (2008)- High-resolution X-ray computed tomography studies of
Grasberg porphyry Cu-Au ores, Papua, Indonesia. Mineralium Deposita 43, 5, p. 519-532.
Lacey, W.S. (1975)- Some problems of ‘mixed’ floras in the Permian of Gondwanaland. In: K.S.W. Campbell
(ed.) Gondwana Geology, Australian Nat. Univ., Canberra, p. 125-134.
Lambert, A.L. (2008)- Petrology of the southwest margin of the Grasberg igneous complex, Papua, Indonesia.
Masters Thesis, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 398p.
(3 Ma Grasberg Igneous Complex super-giant porphyry copper-gold deposit shallowly emplaced into folded
and faulted limestones as young as Late Miocene. The Heavy Sulfide Zone is pyrite-rich shell surrounding
complex, and grades into Marginal Breccia. Initial Dalam intrusion phase generated ~5 m of skarn)
Lasarimba, D.S Djohor & B Bensaman (2008)- Penentuan batuan batupasir Formasi Sirga pada tambabg
terbuka Grasberg, Kec. Tembagapura, Kab. Mimika, Provinsi Papua. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc.
Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 654-677.
('Sirga Fm sandstone provenance analysis on Grasberg open pit, Tembagapura, Mimika District, Papua
province'. Measured sections of mid-Oligocene Sirga Fm from Grasberg mine area and in cores. Thickness
~10-31m?. Samples are lithic arenite, feldspathic wacke and lithic wacke. Provenance interpreted as 'recycled
orogen'. Transport directions from S to N suggested by intercalated claystone in N of study area)
Lelono, E.B. (2008)- Pleistocene palynology of the Waipona Basin, Papua. LEMIGAS Scient. Contr. 31, 2, p.
Lelono, E.B., M. Firdaus & T. Bambang S.R. (2010)- Palaeoenvironments of the Permian- Cretaceous
sediments of the Bintuni Bay, Papua. Lemigas Scient. Contr. 33, 1, p. 71-83.
(online at:
(Paleoenvironments of Late Permian-Cretaceous of Bintuni Bay: Permian-Triassic Ainim Fm non-marine
(shale primary gas source rock for area). E Jurassic non-deposition. M Jurassic Lower Kembelangan Fm
fluvial sandstone (main reservoir). Overlain by Late Jurassic deeper marine shale. E Cretaceous absent,
suggesting erosion. Late Cretaceous Jass Fm deep marine shale. With paleogeographic maps)
Le Roux, C.C.F.M. (1926)- Expeditie naar het Nassau-gebergte in Centraal Noord Nieuw Guinee. Tijdschrift
Bataviaasch Genootschap voor Kunst en Wetenschappen 66, p. 447-513.
('Expedition to the Nassau Mts in central North New Guinea'. On the 1926 Dutch-American ‘Stirling’ N New
Guinea ethnographic expedition up Mamberamo- Rouffaer rivers and into Central Range. Not sure how much
Ling, H.Y. & R. Hall (1995)- Note on an age of the basal sedimentary sequence of Waigeo Island, eastern
Indonesia. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 11, p. 53-57.
(Basal sedimentary unit on Waigeo is Tanjung Bomas Fm and contains late M Eocene radiolarian assemblage.
Overlies ?Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous ophiolite complex and thin volcaniclastic Kapadiri Fm with Early
Cretaceous calpionnelids)
Ling, H.Y., R. Hall & G.J. Nichols (1991)- Early Eocene radiolaria from Waigeo Island. Eastern Indonesia. J.
Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, p. 299-305.
Livingstone, H.J. (1992)- Hydrocarbon source and migration, Salawati Basin, Irian Jaya. In: Eastern Indonesia
Exploration Symposium, Simon Petroleum Technology/Pertamina, p.
Livingstone, H.J., B.W. Sincock, A.M. Syarief, Sriwidadi & J.N. Wilson (1992)- Comparison of Walio and
Kasim Reefs, Salawati Basin, Western Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: C.T. Siemers et al. (eds.) Carbonate rocks and
reservoirs of Indonesia: a core workshop, Indon. Petrol. Assoc. Core Workshop Notes 1, p .4/1- 4/40.
(Kasim and Walio fields reservoirs Miocene Kais Fm reefal carbonates. Walio field producing 98.5% water,
Kasim 99.4% water. Walio on N rim of extensive carbonate bank or shelf, Kasim part of elongate pinnacle reef
complex. Reservoir rocks mainly of skeletal/coral wackestones and packstones Dolomite commonly replaced
original argillaceous mud matrix; on reef flanks much of original texture destroyed. Porosity mainly from
leaching of aragonitic fragments. Reservoirs highly stratified and divided into five units)
Lloyd, A.R. (1994)- A review of the geology, biostratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of Irian Jaya.
Unpublished study, Alan R. Lloyd and Associates, Duncraig, 630p. (Unpublished)
Lootens, D.J. (ed.) (1972)- P.T. Kennecott Indonesia final report on Irian Barat reconnaissance (Blocks 8, 9,
10). Unpubl. Report, 41p. (Unpublished)
Loth, J.E. (1925)- Verslag over de geologische-mijnbouwkundige verkenning van West Nieuw Guinea.
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Indie 53 (1924), p. 114-147.
(‘Geological-mining reconnaissance of W New Guinea’ Geologic survey of Birds Head/ Bintuni Basin area,
with investigation of oil seeps and coal occurrence, etc.)
Luck, R.B. B. Sapiie & M. Cloos (1999)- Pull-apart history for emplacement of the Grasberg igneous complex,
Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Geol. Soc. America 1999 Ann. Mtg., Abstracts with Programs 31, 7, p. 92-93. (Abstract
only. Granodioritic Grasberg Igneous Complex three-phase intrusion with major copper and gold reserves.
Early Dalam intrusive phase can not be dated. Main Grasberg Intrusive and Late Kali Intrusive phases Ar
isotopic ages of ~3 Ma. Ten-step cross-sectional model for GIC emplacement. Tens of km of regional
shortening followed by few km of left-lateral displacement contemporaneous with GIC intrusion in pull-apart
between two strike-slip faults. Model does not require stratovolcano for copper-porphyry formation)
Lumbanbatu, K. (1998)- Zircon fission track dating of the Arafura platform and Central Range up-thrust zone,
Irian Jaya, Indonesia. J. Geol. Sumberdaya Min. (GRDC, Bandung) 8, 87, p. 14-36.
Lunt, P. & R. Djaafar (1991)- Aspects of the stratigraphy of Western Irian Jaya and implications for the
development of sandy facies. Proc. 20th Ann. Conv. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc., p. 107-124.
(Stratigraphic observations on W New Guinea. Permian fusulinid distribution and Gondwanan- Cathaysian
plants, etc., Late Cretaceous (Late Turonian- E Santonian) oceanographic event towards more calcareous deep
marine deposits, Late Cretaceous volcanism of Birds Head, etc.)
MacDonald, G.D. & L.C. Arnold (1994)- Geological and geochemical zoning of the Grasberg Igneous
Complex, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. J. Geochem. Explor. 50, 1-3, p 143-178.
(Grasberg Igneous Complex is high grade porphyry Cu-Au deposit in central highlands of New Guinea.
Mineralization confined to intrusive rocks emplaced in tightly folded Tertiary carbonates. Mineralization
extends from surface at 4,200 m elevation to deepest drill penetrations at 2,700 m elevation. Two-three distinct
intrusion stages produced two porphyry orebodies with different mineralization as well as sulfide-rich skarn at
margin of igneous complex. Intrusives and mineralization radiometrically dated at 2.7-3.3 Ma.
Malensek, G.A. (1997)- Economic evaluation of the Wanagon gold deposit, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Masters
Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 142 p.
Mamengko, D.V., I.B. Sosrowidjojo, B. Toha & D.H. Amijaya (2012)- Geokimia batuan induk Formasi
Mamberamo dan Makats di Cekungan Papua Utara. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI),
Yogyakarta, 2012-E-34, p.
('Geochemistry of source rocks of the Mamberamo and Makats Formations, North Papua')
Marcou, J.A., D. Samsu, A. Kasim et al. (2004)- Tangguh LNG’s gas resource: discovery, appraisal and
certification. In: R.A. Noble et al. (eds.) Proc. Deepwater and Frontier Exploration in Asia & Australia
Symposium, Jakarta, Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 159-176.
(Tangguh complex 6 gas fields: Vorwata, Wiriagar deep, Roabiba, Ofaweri, Ubadari and WOS. Proven 1998
reserves 14.4 TCF, may grow to 24 TCF. 77% of gas in high-quality M Jurassic sst (av. porosity 12.3%, perm
250 mD), rest in in lesser-quality Paleocene turbidite sst (porosity 11-14.5%, perm 2-30 mD). Well data from
Wiriagar Deep 1,2,5,7 and Vorwata 2 wells)
Martin, B.A. & S.J. Cawley (1991)- Onshore and offshore petroleum seepage: contrasting a conventional study
in Papua New Guinea and airborne laser fluorosensing over the Arafura Sea. Australian Petrol. Expl. Assoc.
(APEA) J. 31, p. 333- 353.
(Onshore seeps in PNG Aure Thrust Belt mapped with use of local people. Analyses suggest oil-prone source
rock of probable Jurassic age. Seeping petroleum liquids are gas condensates in subsurface, and in this uplifted
region likely from accumulations only. Offshore Airborne Laser Fluorosensor (ALF) data over W Arafura Sea
indicate active oil seepage. Distribution compatible with understanding of subsurface Paleozoic- Mesozoic
source kitchens. Goulburn Graben seepage likely from Paleozoic-(?)Triassic (with possible contribution from
other Mesozoic sources), and migrating through largely unfaulted Mesozoic seal. Evidence for liquid petroleum
seepage from Mesozoic in Calder Graben via faults through regional seal along Lynedoch Bank Fault System)
Martin, K. (1881)- Eine Tertiaerformation von Neu-Guinea und benachbarten Inseln nach Sammlungen von
Macklot und v. Rosenberg’s. Sammlung. Geol. Reichsmuseum Leiden, ser. 1, 1, p. 65-83. (also in Jaarboek
Mijnwezen 11 (1882), Wetensch. Ged., p. 137-156)
(‘A Tertiary formation from New Guinea and adjacent islands, from collections of Macklot and Von
Rosenberg’. Descriptions of Tertiary fossils from W Papua (incl. Eocene Alveolina limestone), Kur, Kai Besar
and Aru islands (post-Tertiary mollusk breccia))
Martin, K. (1911)- Palaeozoische, Mesozoische und Kaenozoische Sedimente aus dem sud-westlichen Neu-
Guinea. Sammlung. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden, ser. 1, 9, 1, E.J. Brill, p. 84-107.
(Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossils from foothills from SW New Guinea expeditions 1907-1909. Brief
review of fossils collected in foothills South of Central Range by Heldring. Flanks of Wilhelmina (=Trikora)
peak composed of Eocene Nummulites and Alveolina limestones. Float in Setakwa (Otakwa) river with
Mesozoic limestone with ammonite (Coeloceras?), and Eocene Lacazina limestone. In Noordwest River hard
quartz sandstone with brachiopods Rhynconella and Spiriferina (Permian?). In Noord/ Lorentz River Paleozoic
grey limestone with trilobite fragments, also blue gray rock with orthoceratid, probably Actinoceras. In B-River
(upper tributary of Eilanden R.) Jurassic ammonites (Macrocephalites?), belemnites, also Eocene Nummulites
and Alveolina limestones, E Miocene Lepidocylina limestone, etc. No plates.)
Martodjojo, S., D. Sudradjat, E. Subandrio & A. Lukman (1975)- The geology and stratigraphy along the
roadcut Tembagapura, Irian Jaya (Indonesia). Inst. Tekn. Bandung, Unpubl. Rept., 51p.
(First description of thick Paleozoic- Mesozoic section along newly built road from Tembagapura town to
Freeport Ertsberg mine. Stratigraphic interpretation revised by Oliver et al. 1995)
Masduki, D. & H. Sugiharto (1993)- The geology and hydrocarbon aspects of the frontier Central Range of
Irian Jaya. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 627-637.
(Primarily summary of Esso 1991 field survey in Central Range)
Mathur R., J. Ruiz, S. Titley, S. Gibbins & W. Margotomo (2000)- Different crustal sources for Au-rich and
Au-poor ores of the Grasberg Cu-Au porphyry deposit. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 183, 1-2, p. 7-14.
(Grasberg is porphyry copper deposit, cut by second stage mineralization enriched in gold. Porphyry-type event
2.9 Ma age and crustal component for source of base metals. Secondary event different crustal sources for ore-
forming elements and suggest gold may be derived from sedimentary protoliths)
Mathur, R, S. Titley, J. Ruiz, S. Gibbins& K. Friehauf (2005)- A Re-Os isotope study of sedimentary rocks and
copper-gold ores from the Ertsberg District, West Papua, Indonesia. Ore Geology Rev. 26, p. 207-226.
(Ertsberg orebody is copper-gold, roof-pendant of sedimentary strata in diorite. Grasberg and Kucing Liar
molybdenites mineralization ages of 2.88 and 3.01 Ma, Ertsberg Molybdenite younger age of 2.54 Ma, similar
to Ar chronologies of Pollard and Taylor (2000))
Matsuda, F., Y. Indra, D. DesAutels & B.Y. Chua (2002)- Integration of geological and geophysical data to
reconstruct depositional models of Miocene carbonate reservoirs from Southeast Asia. AAPG Ann. Conv.
(Reservoir section in Miocene Upper Kais Fm in E Walio field, Irian Jaya, subdivided into seven shallowing
upward cycles. In lower four cycles, reef cores developed in N and E to SE margins, and back reef environment
developed in central and W part. In upper three cycles, reef cores present in S area and Walio Reef backstepped
in N part. Reservoir section of F6 field was subdivided into lower, middle and upper units)
Matsuda, F., Y. Matsuda, M. Saito & R. Iwahashi (1999)- A computer simulation model facies-3D for the
reconstruction of the carbonate sedimentary process. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. GEOSEA ’98, Kuala Lumpur,
Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 43, p. 407-415.
(Simulation study of deposition of Upper Kais Fm reefal carbonates in, Walio Field, Salawati Basin. Upper
Kais deposited during third-order cycle (5.5-4.2 Ma). Eight carbonate facies. Simulation describes
backstepping and facies change at major flooding events)
Matsuda, F., Y. Matsuda, M. Saito, R. Iwahashi, Y. Indra & D. DesAutels (1997)- A computer simulation for
the reconstruction of the carbonate sedimentary process in the Miocene Kais Formation, eastern Indonesia.
Proc. ASCOPE ’97 Conf., 1, p. 79-98.
Matsuda, F., M. Saito, R. Iwahashi, H. Oda, Y. Indra & D. DesAutels (2000)- Facies 3D- a computer simulation
model for reconstruction of sedimentary processes: a case study for Miocene carbonate reservoirs. Proc. 27th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 1, p. 653-661.
(Simulation model of U Miocene reefal carbonate reservoirs of Kais Fm in Walio Field, Salawati Basin)
Matsuda, F., M. Saito, R. Iwahashi, H. Oda & Y. Tsuji (2004)- Computer simulation of carbonate sedimentary
and shallow diagenetic processes. In: Integration of outcrop and modern analogs in reservoir modeling, AAPG
Mem. 80, p. 365-382.
(Simulation models Pleistocene Ryukyu Group, SW Jaopan, and U Miocene reefal carbonate reservoirs of Kais
Fm in Walio Field, Salawati Basin, W Papua)
McAdoo, R.L. & J.C. Haebig (1999)- Tectonic elements of the North Irian Basin. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petrol. Assoc., p.545-562.
(Waropen Basin between C Ranges and New Guinea Trench forearc basin and one or two subduction-related
accretionary prisms. Subduction stopped and relative plate motion now oblique. Plate boundary is sinistral
Yapen Fault Zone, on mainland a line of mud volcanoes, extending W along N coast of Yapen Island and may
connect to Sorong Fault system. N Irian Basin >25,000’ Tertiary sediments in Waropen, Teer River, Waipoga
and Meervlakte intermontane sub-basin depocenters. Rapid subsidence created asymmetric basin fills
dominated by turbidites. Potential reservoir distribution problematical with good quality turbidite reservoirs
McCaffrey, R. & G.A. Abers (1991)- Orogeny in arc-continent collision; the Banda Arc and western New
Guinea. Geology 19, 6, p. 563-566.
McConachie, B., H. King & M. Keyang (2000)- Old fault controlled foldbelt structures and the petroleum
systems of Warim in West Papua. AAPG Int. Conf. Bali 2000 (Extended abstract)
(Series of NW-SE trending “3KB trend” faults cross-cutting foldbelt, variously active in Triassic-Jurassic,
Oligocene and Plio-Pleistocene; summary of Conoco Warim Block exploration)
McConachie, B., E. Lanzilli, D. Kendrick & C Burge (2000)- Extensions of the Papuan Basin foreland geology
into eastern Irian Jaya (West Papua) and the New Guinea fold belt in Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan et
al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port
Moresby 2000, p. 219-237.
(Comparison of PNG Papuan foreland basin and adjacent Akimeugah Basin/Warim area of West Papua. W
Papua part sparsely explored; several wells with oil shows. Quartz cementation important in deeper foreland
basin in W)
McCue, K.F. (1987)-The plate boundary North of Australia. In: E. Brennan (ed.) Proc. Pacific Rim Congress
1987, Gold Coast, Australasian Inst. Mining Metall., Parkville, p. 827-830.
(Epicenters of shallow earthquakes used to identify active seismic zones, signifying present-day plate
boundaries, particularly across New Guinea)
McDowell, F.W., T.P. McMahon, P.Q. Warren & M. Cloos (1996)- Pliocene Cu-Au-bearing igneous intrusions
of the Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg) district, Irian Jaya, Indonesia: K-Ar geochronology. J. Geol. 104, p. 327-340.
(Nine potassic intermediate intrusives in Ertsberg area, aged 2.6-4.4 Ma. Do not appear related to subduction.
A more northerly Miocene belt (10-20 Ma; PNG Maramuni Arc and extension to W) does represent a
subduction-related arc above a SW dipping Benioff zone)
McMahon, T.P. (1994)- Pliocene intrusions in the Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih) Mining District, Irian Jaya,
Indonesia: petrography, geochemstry, and tectonic setting. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, p. 1-
McMahon, T.P. (1994)- Pliocene intrusions in the Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg) mining district, Irian Jaya,
Indonesia; petrography and mineral chemistry. Int. Geol. Rev. 36, 9, p. 820-849.
(Part 1 of 2 papers. At least 16 Pliocene hypabyssal intrusions crop out within Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg) Mining
District, W Papua, with several associated Cu-Au ore deposits. Most skarns associated with quartz monzonite
Ertsberg Intrusion. Intrusions emplaced at ≤ 2 km depth into deformed sedimentary rocks that originally were
deposited on N margin of Australian continent. Emplacement of at least one intrusion controlled by cross-
cutting NW- and NE-trending fault sets. Intrusions can be divided into high-K group of latites, trachydacites,
and trachytes (volumetrically more important), and low-K andesites and dacites)
McMahon, T.P. (1994)- Pliocene intrusions in the Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg) mining district, Irian Jaya,
Indonesia; major- and trace-element chemistry. Int. Geol. Rev. 36, 10, p. 925-946.
(Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg) Mining District is group of small, hypabyssal Pliocene intrusions with Cu-Au ore
deposits, near highest parts of Central Range of W Papua. Several skarn orebodies around margins of Ertsberg
Intrusion. All but Big Gossan deposit related genetically to Ertsberg Intrusion. Nearby supergiant Grasberg
porphyry copper deposit related to first two stages of intrusions in Grasberg Complex. Intrusions intermediate
in composition, with high-K latite- trachydacite-trachyte, and low-K andesite and dacite. Chemical variation
product of combined fractionation, assimilation, and recharge prior to emplacement in shallow crust, derived
from same lower crustal magma chamber)
McMahon, T.P. (2000)- Magmatism in an arc-continent collision zone: an example from Irian Jaya (western
New Guinea), Indonesia. Jurusan Teknik Geologi, ITB, Buletin Geologi 32, 1, p. 1-22.
McMahon, T.P. (2000)- Origin of syn- to post-collisional magmatism in New Guinea. Jurusan Teknik Geologi,
ITB, Buletin Geologi 32, 2, p. 89-104.
McMahon T.P. (2001)- Origin of a collision-related ultrapotassic to calc-alkaline magmatic suite: the latest
Miocene Minjauh volcanic field, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Bull. Geol. (Inst. Tekn. Bandung) 33, p. 47-77.
Mealey, G.A. (1996)- Grasberg. Mining the richest and most remote deposit of copper and gold in the world, in
the mountains of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Freeport-McMoRan Inc., New Orleans, 370p.
(History of discovery and development of one of worlds large Cu-Ag mines in high mountains of W Papua by
executive of Freeport McMoRan mining company)
Meinert, L.D., K.H. Hefton, D. Mayes & I. Tasiran (1997)- Geology, zonation, and fluid evolution of the Big
Gossan Cu-Au skarn deposit, Ertsberg District, Irian Jaya. Econ. Geol. 92, 5, p. 509-534.
(Big Gossan Cu-Au skarn deposit highest grade copper deposit Ertsberg district. Mineralization associated
with 3-4 Ma granodioritic dikes, intruded close to steep fault contact between shale of Cretaceous Ekmai Fm
and overlying Paleo- Eocene Faumai Fm. Most mineralization in purer carbonate rocks of Waripi Fms)
Meizarwin (2002)- Discovery and future exploration potential Tangguh gas fields, Bintuni Basin, Papua-
Indonesia. In: Giant Field and New exploration concept seminar, IAGI, Jakarta 2002, p. 19-21. (Abstract only)
Memmo, V., C. Bertoni, M. Masini, J. Alvarez, V. Memmo, Z. Imran, A. Echanove & D. Orange (2013)-
Deposition and deformation in the Recent Biak Basin (Papua Province, Eastern Indonesia). Proc. 37th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA13-G-122, p. 1-12.
(Plio- Pleistocene Biak Basin, between Biak- Yapen islands and N of Sorong- Yapen strike-slip system,
probably transtensional pull-apart basin in oblique collision zone of Australian and Pacific Plates. Oceanic or
transitional basement of basin postulated. Basin fill appears to be dominated by slope and deep water clastics.)
Mertig, H.J., J.N. Rubin & J.R. Kyle (1994)- Skarn Cu-Au orebodies of the Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg) District,
Irian Jaya, Indonesia: J. Geochem. Expl. 50, p. 179-202.
(Ertsberg major Cu-Au skarn deposits products of hydrothermal systems associated with Pliocene magma
emplacement. Orebodies in Cretaceous- Tertiary sedimentary sequence, deformed as Australian continental
margin entered N-dipping subduction zone at 12 Ma. Intrusions K-Ar ages 2.7-4.4 Ma. Skarn orebodies in
Tertiary New Guinea Limestone. Differences among skarn orebodies related to protolith composition. Oligo-
Miocene Ainod Fm likely protolith for GB and Dom orebodies. GBT and upper IOZ orebodies probably hosted
by Eocene Faumai Fm. DOZ and lower IOZ orebodies in dolomitic unit, probably Paleocene Waripi Fm)
Miedema, J., C. Ode & R.A.C. Dam (eds.) Perspectives on the Bird’s Head of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proc
Conference, Leiden 1997, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 982 p.
(Includes sections on geology by Ratman and Dam)
Milsom, J. (1991)- Gravity measurements and terrane tectonics in the New Guinea region. J. Southeast Asian
Earth Sci. 6, p. 319-328.
(Interpretation of gravity data in 7 areas of W Papua and PNG. In some areas gravity conforms to geological
models like in Papuan Ultramafic belt. Others, like Weyland Terrane in W Papua more complicated, where
Dow et al. (1986) is not compatible with gravity data. Main gravity high located over large M Miocene diorite
batholith, possibly emplaced after overthrusting)
Moerman, C. (1908)- Verslag over een geologische verkenningstocht door het terrein beoosten der Etna Baai
(19 Nov. 1904- 16 Febr. 1905). In: De Zuidwest Nieuw Guinea Expeditie van het Kon. Nederlands Aardrijksk.
Genootschap 1904/5, Brill, Leiden, p. 401-416.
(‘Report of a geological reconnaissance trip through the area East of Etna Bay 1904-1905’. SW New Guinea
Expedition 1904-1905’. Etna Bay (Lahakia Bight), SE of Lengguru foldbelt, is surrounded by massive Eocene
Discocyclina-Nummulites-alveolinid limestone, locally with andesite intrusions. Also quartz sandstones,
probably underlying the limestones, and float of diorite and andesite. Area E of Etna Bay mainly dark slates,
locally steeply dipping, with one deformed ammonite, possibly of Late Jurassic age according to G. Boehm
(first record of Mesozoic in SW New Guinea))
Moffat, D.T., L.F. Henage, R.A. Brash et al. (1991)- Lengguru, Irian Jaya: prospect selection using field
mapping, balanced cross-sections and gravity modeling. Proc. 20th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 85-106.
(Balanced cross-sections through Lengguru foldbelt. Plio-Pleistocene thrust-fold belt with inversion and non-
inversion imbricate thrust structures. External zone detached, ramp anticlines, dominantly thin-skinned and no
basement-involvement. Sub-thrust extensional systems which offset basement suggested by regional gravity at
boundary with internal zone. Platform carbonates of New Guinea Lst form competent unit. Internal zone closely
spaced imbricates, many of which breached to Kembelangan Gp. Close thrust spacing reflects lithological
change from platform to distal facies carbonates; boundary with external zone represents paleo-shelf margin)
Moig, N.A.W. (1994)- High resolution aeromagnetics as an aid to structural interpretation over the Muturi PSC,
Irian Jaya. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 417-438.
(1993 'High Resolution' aeromagnetic survey allowed resolution of lineaments and domains in basement and
sedimentary section. NE-SW and NW-SE trends fundamental structural elements controlling distribution of
features in Mesozoic and younger sections)
Molengraaff, G.J.H., G.A. Hermans & J.A.J. Kaptein (1959)- Rapport over het geologisch-mijnbouwkundig
onderzoek van het eiland Salawati (Nieuw Guinea) in 1958. Report Technical Univ. Delft, p. (unpublished)
(Report of geological-mining investigations of Salawati island. Part of series of late 1950’s survey reports of
parts of Birds Head and nearby Salawati, Batanta and other islands by Molengraaff and TH Delft students)
Monnier, C., J. Girardeau, M. Pubellier & H. Permana (2000)- L’ophiolite de la chaine centrale d’Irian Jaya
(Indonesie): evidences petrologiques et geochimiques pour une origine dans un bassin arriere-arc. Comptes
Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, Series IIA, Earth Planet. Sci. 331, 11, p. 691-699.
('The ophiolite of the Irian Jaya Central Range (Indonesia): petrological and geochemical evidence for a back-
arc origin'. Central Range ophiolite belt with peridotites, gabbros, dolerites and basalts outcrops over 450 x 50
km area. Chemistry suggests it formed in backarc environment rather than oceanic domain. Probable age
Jurassic. Obduction age Tertiary, but exact age still to be determined)
Monnier C., J. Girardeau, M. Pubellier, M. Polve, H. Permana & H. Bellon (1999)- Petrology and geochemistry
of the Cyclops ophiolites (Irian Jaya- East Indonesia): consequences for the evolution of the North Australian
margin during Cenozoic. Mineralogy and Petrology 65, p. 1-28.
(Cyclops Massif ophiolitic sequence with peridotites, gabbros, dolerites, mid-oceanic ridge basalts and minor
boninitic lavas. Tectonically overlies high T-high P mafic rock, metamorphosed in E Miocene. Basalts and
Montgomery, S.L. & J. Wold (2001)- E. Indonesian gas- 1: Irian Jaya's Waropen basin could hold more giant
gas reserves. Oil and Gas J. 99, 25, p. 34-42.
(NW New Guinea Waropen Basin up to 10 km mainly Plio-Pleistocene turbidite clastics. Proven gas potential
in 1958 Niengo 1 gas test. Potential plays deep water sands and Miocene-Pliocene carbonates)
Mujito (1994)- Hydrocarbon resource assessment of the Miocene carbonate play, Kepala Burung, Irian Jaya,
Indonesia. In: J.L. Rau (ed.) Proc. 29th Ann. Sess. Comm. Co-ord. Joint Prosp. Min. Res. Asian Offshore Areas
(CCOP), Hanoi 1992, 2, p. 61-66.
(Assessment of Miocene Kais carbonate buildups and platform play in Salawati and Bintuni basins. Remaining
hydrocarbons in Salawati Basin 1.02 M Tons oil, 1.48 Gm3 gas, Bintuni 0.78 M Tons oil, 0.54 Gm3gas)
Musper, K.A.F.R. (1938)- Over het voorkomen van Halysites wallichi Reed op Nieuw Guinea. De Ingen. in
Nederl.-Indie (IV Mijnbouw en Geologie), 5, 10, p. 156-158.
('On the occurrence of Halysites wallichi Reed on Nieuw Guinea'. Second record of tabulate coral Halysites
since Teichert (1928), from limestone, collected by Terpstra in pebbles of Penanggi River, a tributary of the
Oesak R. in headwaters of Noord or Lorentz River of Central Range foothills). Probably of Silurian age,
although E Devonian can not be excluded)
Nash, C., G. Artmont, M.L. Gillan, D. Lennie, G. O'Connor & K.R. Parris (1993)- Structure of the Irian Jaya
mobile belt, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Tectonics 12, p. 519-535.
(Freeport paper on Irian Jaya Mobile belt/ Central Range. Seven structural domains, from N to S: (1) N Coast
region: Tertiary volcanics and sediments overlain by Pliocene-Pleistocene successor basin (2) allochthonous
terrane of ophiolites and high-grade metamorphics; (3) Derewo metamorphic assemblage, displaying
polyphase deformation; (4) marginal zone within Mesozoic-Paleogene miogeoclinal sediments with steep
duplex structures and remnant klippen; (5) 40-50 km-wide partly inverted synclinorium composed of
miogeoclinal sediments; (6) regional S- vergent overturned anticlinorium formed by incompetent Paleozoic
sediments; (7) foreland thrust domain involving both Mesozoic-Cenozoic miogeoclinal cover and deformed
Neogene foreland molasse basin sequence. Late Oligocene-Miocene docking of metamorphics, island arc
assemblages and ophiolites produced tectonically stacked E-W trending structures thrust onto N margin of
Australian continent. Late Miocene-Pliocene collision with Melanesian Arc brought accreted Australian
margin into contact with W-moving Pacific Plate and instituted regime of oblique transpression. Resulting
structures E-W sinistral wrenching and NW thrusts along lateral E-W ramps)
New, B.T.E. (2005)- Controls of copper and gold distribution in the Kucing Liar deposit, Ertsberg mining
district, West Papua, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis James Cook University, Townsville, 235p.
(Online at (Kucing Liar large sediment-hosted Cu-Au deposit in Ertsberg
District in Central Ranges of W Papua. High sulphidation ore continuous with porphyry-skarn chalcopyrite,
both formed from mixing of magmatic with meteoric waters in fault zone in calcareous shale and limestone
adjacent to Grasberg Igneous Complex)
Newton, R.Bullen (1916)- Notes on some organic limestones, etc., collected by the Wollaston expedition in
Dutch New Guinea. In: Reports on the collections made by the British Ornithologists Union Expedition and the
Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea 1910-1913, 2, 20, p. 1-20.
(Mainly on larger foraminifera from limestones collected by Wollaston Expedition in 1912-1913 along Utakwa
River, on way to Carstensz Peaks. Dominated by Lepidocyclina spp (Nephroleidina and Eulepidina types) and
Spiroclypeus (not Cycloclypeus; latest Oligocene- Early Miocene age; HvG). Also occurrence of Jurassic
mollusk Ctenostreon cf. terquemi in pebbles of Utakwa River. With review of older paleontological literature of
New Guinea)
Nicoll, R.S. & G.M. Bladon (1991)- Silurian and Late Carboniferous conodonts from the Charles Louis Range
and central Birds Head, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. BMR J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 12, 4, p. 279-286.
(Conodonts from Modio Dolomite in Charles Louis Range, SW West Papua, with Panderodus cf. P. simplex,
probably Silurian age. Float samples of Birds Head Aimau Fm with Neognathodus cf. bassleri and Hindeodus
minutus suggest Late Carboniferous age)
Norvick, M.S. (2002)- The tectono-stratigraphic history of the northern margins of the Australian Plate from the
Carnarvon Basin to Papua New Guinea. Western Australia basins Symposium 3, p. 963-964.
(Set of stratigraphic diagrams used to describe tectonostratigraphy of N margins of Australian Plate. Selected
chronostratigraphic transects for Barrow Sub-basin, Dampier Sub-basin, N Bonaparte-Timor island area,
Bird’s Head-Seram region, Papuan Fold Belt and stratigraphic comparison for these basins)
Nugrahanto, K., S.W. McFall & F. Estella (2001)- Submarine-fan deposition in the lower Steenkool formation,
Bintuni Basin, Irian Jaya, Eastern Indonesia: 'deep-water reservoir potential?'. In: A. Setiawan et al. (etc.) Proc.
Deep-Water Sedimentation of Southeast Asia, FOSI (Indon. Sedimentologists Forum), Jakarta 2001, p. 66-84.
(Late Miocene- Pliocene post-Kais Limestone clastics in Bintuni Basin overall coarsening upward strata,
characterizing change from Klasafet to Steenkool Fms. Depositional environment changes from deep-marine
Klasafet to deltaic to deep-water Lower Steenkool. Basin floor and slope fans and (N to S?) progradational
complexes with clinoformal and shingled geometries interpreted within Lower Steenkool interval)
Nuraeni, A., G.J. Schurter, Y. Supriyatna, Supriyono, B. Hornby & C. Erdemir (2008)- 3D VSP finite-
difference modeling to address advance seismic imaging challenges in Bintuni Bay, Irian Jaya Barat. Proc. 32nd
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA 08-G-061, 10p.
(3D seismic modeling method to better image gas-bearing Paleocene turbiditic channel sands over Wiriagar
Deep field, previously hard to see below thick karstified Oligo-Miocene carbonates. Channel complexes trend
NW-SE, ~1km wide))
Nurzaman, Z.Z. & A. Pujianto (1994)- Geology and reservoir characterisation of Wiriagar Field as a diagenetic
facies for reservoir stimulation. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 1, p. 29-45.
Nyoman Suta, I. & L. Silahi (1994)- The structurally trapped Matoa field and porosity distribution, Salawati
Basin, Irian Jaya. Indon. Geol. Assoc. (IAGI) Ann. Conv. 23, p. 1128-1141.
O’Connor, G.V., L. Soebari & S. Widodo (1994)- Upper Miocene- Pliocene magmatism of the Central Range
Mobile Belt, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proc. 4th Asian Pacific Mining Conference, p. 1-27.
O'Connor, G.V., L. Soebari & S.Widodo (1994)- Upper Miocene-Pliocene magmatism of the Central Range
mobile belt, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, 1, p. 316-333.
(Major magmatic event in Central Range from 7.1- 2.6 Ma, possibly related to S-dipping subduction after Late
Miocene arc reversal. Belt of calc-alkaline intrusions and volcanics extend from Etna Bay (134.5°) in the West
to Ilaga in the E (138.0°) and includes the Grasberg porphyry copper. After ~4 Ma plate collision is taken up in
large transform system with no currently active Benioff zone)
O’Connor, G.V., W. Sunyoto, & L. Soebari (1999)- The discovery of the Wabu Ridge gold skarn, Irian Jaya,
Indonesia. In: G. Weber (ed.) Proc PACRIM ‘99 Congress, Australasian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy,
Melbourne, p. 549-557.
(Wabu Ridge Gold Skarn deposit identified in 1990 at elevations up to 3100m in Central Range, W Papua, 35
km NNW of Grasberg porphyry deposit. Mineralisation in skarn along S boundaries of Late Miocene Pagane
intrusive monzonite-diorite. Intrusive complex in footwall of E-W Derewo fault with sinistral strike-slip and
Oehlers, M. (2005)- Defining structural style using satellite imagery and DEM's: examples from the Bird's
Head, Western Papua and the Masilah Basin, Yemen. Proc. SEAPEX 2005 Symposium. (ppt present.)
(Promoting interpretation of satellite imagery and digital elevation models; pretty pictures, no new geology)
Okal, E.A. (1999)- Historical seismicity and seismotectonic context of the great 1979 Yapen and 1996 Biak,
Irian Jaya earthquakes. Pure Appl. Geophys. 154, 3-4, p. 633-675.
(Relocations of >220 historical and recent earthquakes in NW Irian Jaya documents continuous activity on
420-km segment of Sorong Fault, with possible 330 km extension to W. Some activity on New Guinea Trench)
Oliver, W.A., A.E.H. Peddler, R.E. Weiland & A. Quarles van Ufford (1995)- Middle Palaeozoic corals from
the southern slope of the Central Ranges of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Alcheringa 19, p. 1-15.
(First description of in-situ Late Devonian (Frasnian) rugose and tabulate colonial corals in uppermost part of
~1000m thick Silurian-Devonian Modio Fm, mainly along Timika- Ertsberg road. Genera include Scruttonia,
Disphyllum and Haplothecia. Associated with brachiopods and stromatoporoids. Pre-Frasnian corals
(Favosites, Lithophyllum, etc.) from stream cobbles at two localities. They indicate presence or former presence
of more complete Middle Paleozoic sequence than previously known in Irian Jaya)
O’Sullivan, P.B., K.C. Hill, I. Saefudin & R.D. Kendrick (1995)- Mesozoic and Cenozoic thermal history of
sedimentary rocks in the Bintuni Basin, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proc. 24th Ann. Conv. IPA, p. 235-248.
(Apatite fission track analyses of Permian-Pliocene from Rawarra-1X and Sebyar-1X wells in S Birds Head
suggest rocks reached maximum paleotemperatures today)
Pajot, E. & D. Dhont (2006)- Extension vs. compression in the Lengguru fold-and-thrust Belt (Papua New
Guinea): from JERS SAR imagery mapping to 3D geologic modeling. 7th Middle East Geosc. Conf. Exh.,
AAPG Bull. 90 (Abstract only)
(Lengguru fold-thrust belt radar images of SW part Bird's neck show compressional and extensional features.
Compression during Plio-Quaternary. Broad (100 km wide) area of extension with normal faults forming horsts
and grabens that mimic a fan-shaped feature extending from N10°E in NW to N85°E in SE. Extension may be
associated with gravitational collapse in context of tectonic escape, with Banda Sea acting as free boundary.)
Pandolfi, J.M. (1992)- A review of the tectonic history of New Guinea and its significance for marine
biogeography. Proc. 7th Int. Coral Reef Symposium, Guam 1992, 2, p. 718-728.
(Review of New Guinea tectonic history, mainly based on Pigram et al. papers. New Guinea on five lithospheric
plates. Biogeography of Indo-Pacific reef corals tied to this history)
Panggabean, H. (1981)- Rembesan aspal di selatan Danau Tage, Irian Jaya. Geosurvey Newsl. 13, 24, p. 221-
(Asphalt-like seepage from S of Paniai Lake; could not be confirmed by Esso 1991 re-visit)
Panggabean, H. (1989)- Tridanau di Pegunungan Nassau, Irian Jaya. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 13, p. 61-71.
(also in 10th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung 1981)
(The three lakes of the Nassau Mountains of Irian Jaya (Paniai, Tage, Tigi). Formed with tectonic movements
of Central Range in M Miocene)
Panggabean, H., Amiruddin, Kusnama, K. Sutisna, R.L. Situmorang et al. (1995)- Geologic map of the Beoga
sheet, Irian Jaya, scale 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Center, Bandung.
(Map of northern part of Central range of West Papua. Large areas of Jurassic-Cretaceous Kembelangan
Group, overlain by Derewo metamorphics (Early Oligocene?) and ultramafic (Late Cretaceous?) complex)
Panggabean, H. & A.S. Hakim (1986)- Reservoir rock potential of the Palaeozoic- Mesozoic sandstone of the
southern flank of the Central Range, Irian Jaya. Proc. 15th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 461-476.
Panggabean, H., S. Purnamaniningsih & E. Rusmana (1995)- Stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Irian Jaya
during the Neogene. In: S. Nishimura et al. (eds.) Proc. 6th Int. Congr. Pacific Neogene stratigraphy and IGCP
355, Serpong, W. Java, 1995, p. 115-131.
Panggabean, H. & N. Ratman (1991)- Tectonics of collision complex of Irian Jaya. In: Proc. Silver Jubilee
Symposium on the Dynamics of Subduction and its Products, Yogyakarta 1991. Indon. Inst. Sciences (LIPI), p.
Panuju (2008)- The new approach for subdivision of Pleistocene nannoplankton zonation in Waipoga-Waropen
Basin, Papua: case study of “T” well section. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p.
(Waipoga-Waropen Basin at N coast of W Papua with gas discoveries since 1958, but non-commercial. Up to
7500m of Plio-Pleistocene Mamberamo Fm turbiditic sediments. Quantitative nannoplankton investigation of
onshore 'T' well interval 200-3160m showed good latest Pliocene-Pleistocene (NN18-NN19) assemblages.
Pleistocene Zone NN19 subdivided into 9 subzones. Common reworked Cretaceous- Pliocene nannos)
Panuju, M. Firdaus, Imam P., Ginanjar R., Iskandar F. & Buskamal (2010)- Zonasi biostratigrafi nanoplangton
berumur Coniacian-Maastrichtian (Kapur Akhir), Cekungan Bintuni. Proc. 39th Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Lombok, PIT-IAGI-2010-178, 16p.
('Coniacian- Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) nannoplankton zonation, Bintuni Basin'. Nannofossil zones
CC12 (U Turonian)- CC26 (U Maastrichtian) recognized, based on samples from Bintuni Bay wells RBB-1,
WD-4 and Birds Head Ainin River outcrop samples. Upper Cretaceous section presumably unconformable on
M-L Jurassic)
Paterson, J.T. & M. Cloos (2005)- Grasberg porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Papua, Indonesia: 1. Magmatic history.
In: T.M. Porter (ed.) Super porphyry copper and gold deposits: a global perspective, PGC Publishing, Adelaide,
p. 321-345.
Paterson, J.T. & M. Cloos (2005)- Grasberg porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Papua, Indonesia: 2. Pervasive
hydrothermal alteration. In: T.M. Porter (ed.) Super porphyry copper and gold deposits: a global perspective,
PGC Publishing, Adelaide, p. 303-319.
Pennington, J.B. (1995)- Geology of the access road to the Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih) Mining District, Irian Jaya.
In: D. Mayes & P.J. Pollard (eds.) Geology and copper-gold deposits of the Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih) Mining
District, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, 17th Int. Geochemical Exploration Symposium, James Cook University EGRU
Contr. 53, p. 44-63.
(Brief overview of stratigraphy along Timika- Tembagapura road: Precambrian sediments and basic pillow
lavas, Cambrian- Ordovician clastics, Devonian Modio Fm carbonates (~1800m dolomites capped by coral
limestone), Permian Aiduna Fm (~1200m; deltaic clastics, coal, thin limestone), Triassic or E-M Jurassic
Tipuma Fm fluvial redbeds, M Jurassic- Upper Cretaceous Kembelangan Fm (~1900m), Tertiary New Guinea
Limestone Group )
Pennington J. & I. Kavalieris (1997)- New advances in the understanding of the Grasberg copper-gold porphyry
system, Iran Jaya, Indonesia. In: Pacific treasure trove- copper-gold deposits of the Pacific Rim, Prospectors
and Developers Association of Canada, Toronto, p. 79-97.
Perkins, T.W. & A.R. Livsey (1993)- Geology of the Jurassic gas discoveries in Bintuni Bay, western Irian
Jaya. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 793-830.
(Roabiba-1 1990 tested 23.6 MCFD from M Jurassic sandstone. Two more Jurassic gas discoveries in 1992.
Gas in NW-trending anticlines formed by Late Miocene and younger compression and wrench faulting.
Permana, H. (1998)- Dynamique de la mise en place des ophiolites d’Irian Jaya (Indonesie), cas des Cyclops, de
la Haute Chaine Centrale et des Weylands. Doct. Thesis Univ. Nantes, 314 p.
(‘Dynamics of ophiolite emplacement in Irian Jaya: Cyclops, Central Range and Weyland’. Thery et al. 1999:
40 Ma amphibolite sole of ophiolite N of Cyclops ?)
Permana, H., J. Girardeau, M. Pubellier, R. Soeria-Atmadja & C. Monnier (2005)- Emplacement mechanism of
the Cyclop Ophiolite, Western Papua (Indonesia). Majalah Geol. Indon. 20, 2, Spec. Ed., p. 103-115.
(Cyclop Mts mainly metamorphic rocks, overlain by peridotites and volcanics. Metamorphism of arc volcanic
and MORB oceanic protoliths during S-SW obduction of forearc peridotite, probably at 25-20 Ma. Lithospheric
thickening linked to overthrusting and closing of backarc system to N-NW on obducted peridotite and
metamorphic rocks, probably at 14 Ma. Followed by thinning and uplift of metamorphic rocks)
Permana, H., E. Soebowo & Kamtono (1992)- Preliminary study on the proposed road trace Wamena- Habema
Lake- Kuyawage, Irian Jaya. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 2, p. 803-814.
Permana, H., R. Soeria Atmadja, J. Girardeau, M. Pubellier, C. Monnier & H. Bellon (2000)- Metamorphism
and deformation in plate convergence: case studies from West Papua (Irian Jaya), Indonesia. Proc. 29th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung 2000, p.
(Pubellier & Ego (2002): metamorphic rocks along W coast Cenderawasih Bay between 7 and 4.4 Ma)
Permana, H., R. Soeria-Atmadja, J. Girardeau, M. Pubellier, C. Monnier & H. Bellon (2005)- Weyland
Ophiolite of Nabire District, Western Papua, Eastern Indonesia: origin and tectonic consequences. Majalah
Geol. Indon. 20, 2, Spec. Ed., Aug. 2005, p. 90-102.
(Dismembered Weyland Ophiolite Complex chemistry suggestive of subduction arc magmatism. Oldest K-Ar
age of altered gabbro 57-51 Ma. Cut by M Eocene- Oligocene dikes with K-Ar ages 42.5- 32.9 Ma, giving
minimum age of ophiolite. One 30 Ma K-Ar age may be age of metamorphism. Younger K-Ar ages (16.3-12.4
Ma) reflect metamorphism from Utawa diorite intrusions. WOC can not be linked to Jurassic ophiolite of
Central Range and may correlate with Auwewa volcanics/ Sepik arc or with Cyclops Mts ophiolite)
Permana, H., Suharyanto, A. Soebandrio & R. Soeria Atmadja (1999)- Evidence of Cenozoic tectonics:
implication to basement evolution and configuration of the northern part of Irian Jaya. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 1, p. 33-42.
Peterson, J.A. (1982)- Limestone pedestals and denudation estimates from Mt. Jaya, Irian Jaya. Australian
Geographer 15; 3, p. 170-173.
Petocz, R.G. (1989)- Conservation and development in Irian Jaya, a strategy for rational resource utilization.
E.J. Brill, Leiden, 218 p.
Petroconsultants (1990)- Bintuni- Salawati basins. Southeast Asia Basin Opportunities XII, 68p. (Unpublished)
Phoa, R.S.K. & L. Samuel, L. (1986)- Problems of source rock identification in the Salawati Basin, Irian Jaya.
Proc. 15th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. 1, p. 405-421.
(Salawati basin oils similar and sourced from kerogen rich in fresh-brackish water algae and higher plants with
significant marine type II, sulphur-rich kerogen. Miocene marine Klasafet and Klamogun shales and arbonates
were regarded as source rocks for Miocene Kais Fm reefs oils, but possibly more than one source)
Pieters, P.E., A.S. Hakim & S. Atmawinata (1990)- Geology of the Ransiki Sheet area, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res.
Dev. Centre, Bandung, 81 p.
Pieters, P.E., U. Hartono & C. Amri (1989)- Geology of the Mar sheet, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre,
Bandung, p.
Pieters, P.E., C.J. Pigram, D.S. Trail, D.B. Dow, N. Ratman & R. Sukamto (1983)- The stratigraphy of western
Irian Jaya. Proc. 12th Ann.Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 229-261.
(Stratigraphic columns across W New Guinea from Birds Head- Misool East to 136° E. Grouped into three
provinces: Continental (Paleozoic- Miocene Australian continent series in S New Guinea, Birds Head, Misool),
Oceanic (ophiolite-island arc basement of N New Guinea, Cenderawasih Bay, Waigeo, Yapen, etc.) and
Transition (Central Range metamorphics, Tamrau Mts, Wandamen Peninsula, Weyland Mts))
Pieters, P.E., C.J. Pigram, D.S. Trail, D.B. Dow et al. (1983)- The stratigraphy of western Irian Jaya. Bull. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre 8, p. 14-48.
(same paper as above)
Pieters, P.E., R.J. Ryburn & D.S. Trail (1979)- Geological reconnaissance in Irian Jaya, 1976-1977. Bur. Min.
Res., Australia, Record 1979/19, p.
Pigott, J.D. & P.K. Bettis (1996)- Heat flow and geothermal gradients of Irian Jaya- Papua new Guinea:
implications for regional hydrocarbon exploration. In: G.P. & A.C. Salisbury (eds.) Trans. 5th Circum-Pacific
Energy and Mineral Res. Conf., Honolulu 1990, Gulf Publishing, Houston, p. 445-458.
(Compilation of wells temperature and basins heatflow data for all of New Guinea island. With calculations to
depth of Top oil window for Salawati- Bintuni and Gulf of Papua basins)
Pigram, C.J. (1986)- Western Irian Jaya: the end-product of oblique plate convergence in the late Tertiary-
discussion. Tectonophysics 121, 2-4, p. 345-348.
(Critique of Dow & Sukamto 1994 paper)
Pigram, C.J. & H.L. Davies (1987)- Terranes and the accretion history of the New Guinea orogen. Bur. Min.
Res. J. Australian Geol. Geoph. 10, 3, p. 193-212.
(Classic paper, with first interpretation of New Guinea- East Indonesia complex tectonic history in terms of
numerous plates, many which derived from the eastern margin of New Guinea, rifted off and transported West)
Pigram, C.J. & H. Panggabean (1981)- Pre-Tertiary geology of western Irian Jaya and Misool Island:
implications for the tectonic development of Eastern Indonesia. Proc. 10th Ann. Conv. Ind. Petr. Ass., p. 385-
(Dated, broad interpretation of W Irian Jaya stratigraphy, tectonics)
Pigram, C.J. & H. Panggabean (1984)- Rifting of the northern margin of the Australian continent and the origin
of some microcontinents in Eastern Indonesia. Tectonophysics 107, 3-4, p. 331-353.
(N margin of Australian continent rifting began at ~230 Ma at Permian-Triassic boundary. Onset of seafloor
spreading (post-breakup unconformity) 185 Ma in PNG to 170 Ma in Irian Jaya, continuing to young to SW
along margin of Australian continent, reflecting opening of Indian Ocean off W Australia. End Jurassic N
Australian margin faced seaway linking proto-Indian and Pacific oceans, separated from pre-existing Neo-
Tethys/ Panthalassa oceans byscreen of microcontinents, parts of which are preserved in E Indonesia)
Pigram, C.J. & H. Panggabean (1989)- Geology of the Waghete Sheet area. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung,
46 p., 1: 250,000 scale map.
Pigram, C.J., G.P. Robinson & S.L. Tobing (1982)- Late Cainozoic origin for the Bintuni Basin and adjacent
Lengguru foldbelt. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre Bull. 7, p. 24-36.
(Same paper as above)
Pigram, C.J. & U. Sukanta (1982)- Geological data record of the Taminabuan 1:250,000 sheet area, Irian Jaya.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Open file report, p..
Pigram, C.J. & U. Sukanta (1989)- Geology of the Taminabuan sheet area, Irian Jaya, scale 1:250,000. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, 51 p.
Pigram, C.J. & P.A. Symonds (1991)- A review of the timing of the major tectonic events in the New Guinea
orogen. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, p. 307-318.
(Three major events shaped New Guinea orogen. Mesozoic extension included Triassic and Early Jurassic
rifting, leading to the passive margin along N edge of Australian craton. Second phase of rifting in Late
Cretaceous, dismembering eastern part of margin and opening the Coral Sea basin and contemporaneous
ocean basin to N in Latest Cretaceous-Eocene. Third phase is initiation of mountain building. First foreland
load-induced basin flexing in Mid-Oligocene, coinciding with switch in main clastic source from S to N. Darai
carbonate platform backstepping from Late Oligocene- M Miocene)
Playford, G. & J.F. Rigby (2008)- Permian palynoflora of the Ainim and Aiduna formations, West Papua. Rev.
Espanola Micropal. 40, 1-2, p. 1-57.
(online at:
(Palynology of Permian samples from Birds Head (Ainim Fm) and W part of Central Range (Aiduna Fm) of W
Papua. Similar palynoflora in both places, with 26 species of spores, 18 species of pollen, 5 species of
microphytoplankton. Dated as late Early- early M Permian (Kungurian-Roadian). Mainly Gondwanan affinity
of spore-pollen suite (but no Dulhuntyispora) and megaflora, but also minor Cathaysian elements)
PND- Patra Nusa Data (2009)- Opportunities (II), Salawati Basin. Inameta J. 8, Sept. 2009, p. 28-33.
(online at:
(Overview of Salawati Basin, W end of Birds Head, in conjunction with tender round offering)
Polhemus, D.A. & J.T. Polhemus (1998)- Assembling New Guinea- 40 million years of island arc accretion as
indicated by the distribution of aquatic Heteroptera (Insecta). In R. Hall & J. Holloway (eds.) Biogeographical
and geological evolution of SE Asia. Backhuys Publ., Leiden, p. 327-340.
(Relates aquatic insects distribution to terrane accretion history)
Pollard, P.J. & R.G. Taylor (2002)- Paragenesis of the Grasberg Cu-Au deposit, Irian Jaya, Indonesia: results
from logging section 13. Mineralium Deposita 37, p. 117-136.
(Grasberg Cu-Au deposit within Grasberg Pliocene Igneous Complex (GIC). Multiple intrusive phases; 35
separate stages of hydrothermal alteration and infill recognized)
Pollard, P. J., R.G. Taylor & L. Peters (2005)- Ages of intrusion, alteration, and mineralization at the Grasberg
Cu-Au deposit, Papua, Indonesia. Economic Geol. 100, 5, p. 1005-1020.
(40Ar/39Ar ages of 10 micas from Grasberg Igneous Complex range from 3.33- 3.01 Ma. Grasberg Igneous
Complex formed during several cycles of intrusion/ hydrothermal alteration, each lasting ~0.1 m.y. or less.
Phlogopite predating magnetite from Kucing Liar Cu-Au deposit adjacent to Grasberg has age of 3.41 Ma,
Posthumus-Meyes, R., E.J. de Rochemont, J.W.R. Koch, (1908)- De Zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea Expeditie
1904/5 van het Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. E.J. Brill, Leiden, 676p.
('The SW New Guinea expedition 1904-1905 of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society'. Report of geography,
geology, climate, anthropology, etc., of SW Papua)
Potter, D.R. (1996)- What makes Grasberg anomalous, implications for future exploration. In: Proc. Conf.
Porphyry related copper and gold deposits of the Asia Pacific Region, Cairns 1996, Austral. Min. Found.,
Adelaide, p. 10.1-10.13.
Potter, D., K. Parris, J. MacPherson, D. Wadsworth, G. O’Connor, W. Sunyoto, S. Widodo et al. (1999)- Gold
and silver exploration in Irian Jaya. Mining Engineering 51, 11, p. 33-36.
(On Freeport regional exploration programs in W Papua since 1990, to locate additional Ertsberg/ Grasberg-
type deposits. Other types of deposits may be present in largely unexplored W Papua)
Prasad, M.N.V. (1981)- New species of fossil wood Planoxylon from the Late Paleozoic of Irian Jaya,
Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bull. 5, p. 37-40.
(Planoxylon stopesii from Permian Aimau Fm of Birds Head shows characters of araucarian and abietinian
wood types, common in Late Paleozoic of Gondwanaland)
Prendergast, K., G.W. Clarke, N.J. Pearson & K. Harris (2005)- Genesis of pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te zones
associated with Cu-Au skarns; evidence from the Big Gossan and Wanagon gold deposits, Ertsberg District,
Papua, Indonesia. Economic Geol and Bull. Soc. Economic Geol. 100, 5, p. 1021-1050.
(Ertsberg district multiple skarn and porphyry-related deposits, together comprising one of largest Cu-Au
resources in world. Lot of detail on mineralization sequences)
Prentice, M.L., G.S. Hope, K. Maryunani & J.A. Peterson (2005)- An evaluation of snowline data across New
Guinea during the last major glaciation, and area-based glacier snowlines in the Mt. Jaya region of Papua,
Indonesia, during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Int. 138-139, p. 93-117.
Prihanasto, A.S., H. Nugroho & P. Rachwibowo (2011)- Porosity study of Paleocene sandstone reservoir using
core and petrography and influence to porosity calculation from density log at Wiriagar Deep field, Bintuni
Basin, Papua. Proc. Joint 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann. Conv., Makassar, JCM2011-120, 29p.
(In Indonesian. Paleocene deep water gas sands in Wiriagar Deep field, Bintuni Basin, variable but generally
poor reservoir quality due to calcite cementation and heterogeneous turbidite sandstones reservoirs)
Pubellier, M. & P.R. Cobbold (1996)- Analogue models for the transpressional docking of volcanic arcs in the
western Pacific. Tectonophysics 253, p. 33-52.
(Sand box modeling used for analogues of South Philippines and N New Guinea margins)
Pubellier, M., B. Deffontaines & J. Chorowitz (1999)- Active denudation morphostructures from SAR ERS-1
images (SW Irian Jaya). Int. J. Remote Sensing 20, p. 789-800.
Pubellier, M., B. Deffontaines, J. Chorowicz, J.P. Rudant & H. Permana (2005)- Expression of morpho-
structures on SAR ERS imagery- escape tectonics at a front belt; a case study: SW Irian Jaya (West Papua). In:
K. Fletcher (ed.) Spaceborne radar applications in Geology, ESA TM-17, p. 16/1-16/9.
Pubellier, M. & F. Ego (2002)- Anatomy of an escape tectonic zone, Western Irian Jaya (Indonesia). Tectonics
21, 4, 1019, 16p.
(Birds Head block escape rate from GPS geodetic measurements is 7 cm/yr. Movement accommodated by broad
shear zone. Evolution of escape zone depends on geometry of former margin of Australia, which controls style
Quarles van Ufford, A. (1996)- Stratigraphy, structural geology and tectonics of a young forearc-continent
collision, western Central Range (western New Guinea), Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis Univ. Texas, Austin, 420 p.
(Study of geology and stratigraphy along Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg) mine road and mining district. Mine access
road N-dipping homocline exposing ~18-km thick Precambrian or Early Paleozoic to Cenozoic sequence. After
rifting in Early Mesozoic and until M Miocene, N Australian continent was passive margin. Central Range of
Irian Jaya formed when Australian passive margin was subducted beneath and collided with N-dipping
subduction zone in M Miocene)
Quarles van Ufford, A. & M. Cloos (2005)- Cenozoic tectonics of New Guinea. AAPG Bull. 89, 1, p. 119-140.
(New Guinea foldbelt formed in two distinct collisional events: Peninsular Orogeny in Oligocene in E New
Guinea, and Central Range orogeny starting in latest M Miocene (12 Ma), with crystalline basement becoming
involved in deformation at ~8 Ma)
Raden Idris (2000)- An overview: geological and economic prospects in Timoforo Block, Irian Jaya (Abstract)
2000 AAPG International Conference & Exhibition
(Timoforo Block in Bird's Head N of Wiriagar and Muturi. Ainim Fm sst in Mogoi Deep #1 and Kais limestone
Fm in Mogoi and Wasian oil fields are proven reservoir rocks. Permian Ainim excellent source potential.
Modeling of Bintuni Basin shows hydrocarbon generation occurred in E Jurassic, expulsion in M Eocene.
Evaluation shows S Timoforo Block at least three structures with reserves around 1.7 TCF)
Ratman, N. (1986)- Metaliferous mineralization related to the geological environment in Western Irian Jaya.
Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung 12, p. 1-14.
(Most promising metal prospects in New Guinea: (1) laterite nickel-chromium ores derived from ultramafic
rocks in North; (2) base metal mineralization in Central Range associated with Pliocene intrusions and M
Miocene volcanics; (3) rare earth elements associated with Permo-Triassic granitoids in Birds Head)
Ratman, N. (1998)- Geology of the Bird’s Head, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: J. Miedema et al. (eds.) Perspectives
on the Bird’s Head of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proc. Conf., Leiden October 1997, Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam, p.
(High-level review of Birds Head geology. As on mainland Irian Jaya three tectonic zones: Continental (most of
area), Oceanic (N coast ophiolites and Paleogene-E Miocene arc volcanics) and Mobile Belt (N and SE))
Ratman, N. & S.A. Atmawinata (1988)- Geology of the Yapen Quadrangle, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre
Indonesia, p. 719-755.
(Broad overview of Birds Head geology; little or no new data)
Ratman, N. & G.P. Robinson (1981)- Geological map of Manokwari Quadrangle, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev.
Centre, Bandung, p.
Redmond, J.L. & R.P. Koesoemadinata (1976)- Walio oilfield and the Miocene carbonates of Salawati Basin.
Proc. 5th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 41-57.
(Walio Miocene carbonate buildup, 21km long, rising 1200’ above platform. Steep flanks to N and E, S flank
less well defined. N-S trending normal faults. Low salinity formation waters suggest fresh water flushing)
Reynolds, C.D., I. Havryluk, S. Bastaman & S. Atmowidjojo (1973)- The exploration of nickel laterite deposits
in Irian Barat. In: Proc. In: Reg. Conf. Geology of Southeast Asia, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 6, p. 309-323.
(Nickel-bearing laterites developed in-situ on nickel-bearing peridotites in Cyclops Mts and Waigeo island of W
Papua, surveyed in 1969-1971. Similar to other nickel laterites in tropical areas)
Reynolds, C.D., I. Havryluk, Soepomo & S. Bastaman (1972)- The exploration of the nickel laterite deposits in
Irian Barat, Indonesia. Bull. Nat. Inst. Geol. Min. Bandung 4, 1, p. 59-75.
(Same as above)
Riadini, P., A.C. Adyagharini, A.M. Surya Nugraha, B. Sapiie & P.A. Teas (2009)- Palinspastic reconstruction
of the Bird Head pop-up structure as a new mechanism of the Sorong Fault. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol.
Assoc., 1, IPA09-SG-067, p. 349-361.
(Seismic interpretation along offshore NW Bird Head area show development of pop-up structures at NW Birds
Head area as evidence of Sorong Fault activity. Cuts Paleozoic- Tertiary rocks. Graben development at
Eocene- Oligocene sequence was related with passive margin NW shelf Australia rifting since Mesozoic)
Riadini, P. & B. Sapiie (2011)- The Sorong Fault zone kinematics: implication for structural evolution on
Salawati Basin, Seram and Misool, West Papua, Indonesia. AAPG Ann. Conv. Exh., Houston 2011, Poster.
(online at:
(New model for Sorong left-lateral fault zone, active since Late Miocene)
Riadini, P. & B. Sapiie (2012)- The Sorong Fault Zone kinematics: the evidence of divergence and horsetail
structure at NW Bird's Head and Salawati Basin, West Papua, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib., Singapore
2012, Search and Discovery Art. 30264 (2013), 37p. (Presentation package)
(online at:
(Sorong Fault Zone strike-slip system in NW-SW Bird’s Head area formed during deposition of M-L Miocene
sequence as growth fault and remained active until today. SW Bird’s Head area part of divergent strike-slip
system leading to development of pull-apart basin around Salawati basin area. NW Bird’s Head area reverse
and normal faults as part of horsetail structure and restraining and releasing fault system)
Riadini, P., B. Sapiie & A.M. Surya-Nugraha (2012)- The Sorong fault zone kinematics: implication for
structural evolution on Salawati Basin, Seram and Misool, West Papua, Indonesia. Berita Sedimentologi 24, p.
(online at:
Riadini, P., B. Sapiie, A.M. Surya-Nugraha, F. Nurmaya, R. Regandara & R.P. Sidik (2010)- Tectonic evolution
of the Seram fold-thrust belt and Misool-Onin-Kumawa anticline as an implication for the Bird’s Head
evolution. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA10-G-154, 21p.
(Seismic interpretation with 2D palinspatic reconstructions suggest Seram Fold-Thrust Belt and Misool-Onin-
Kumawa Anticline not only related to rotation and translation phase from Sorong Fault Zone activities but also
combined with additional W-movement of Tarera-Aiduna strike-slip system. Deformation active since Late
Miocene as result of collision between Pacific island arc complexes and margin of NW Australia plate)
Rigby, J.F. (1997)- The significance of a Permian flora from Irian Jaya (West New Guinea) containing elements
related to coeval floras of Gondwanaland and Cathaysialand. Palaeobotanist 45, p. 295-302.
(Re-determination of Permian floras from W Papua described by Jongmans (1940). Mainly of Gondwanan
affinity, but also contains some Cathaysian elements (Gigantonoclea, Fascipteris). Several new species of
Rigby, J.F. (2001)- A review of the Early Permian flora from Papua (West New Guinea). In: I. Metcalfe, J.M.B.
Smith et al. (eds.) Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia- Australasia, A.A. Balkema, Lisse, p.
(Permian Aiduna Fm. S of main suture in W New Guinea, with 20 plant fossil species. Flora dominated by
Gondwanaland Glossopteris, but also includes Cathaysian-related species Fascipteris aidunae and
Gigantonuclea iriani, perhaps reflecting narrower Paleo-Tethys seaway than commonly suggested)
Robertson, J.D. (2004)- Tangguh- the first major Pre-Tertiary discovery in Indonesia. Houston Geol. Soc. Bull.,
February 2004, p. 21-23.
Robertson, J.D. (2006)- Tangguh: the first major Pre-Tertiary discovery in Indonesia. In: C. Sternbach, M.
Downey & G. Friedman (eds.) Discoverers of the 20th century: perfecting the search, AAPG Special Vol., p.
Robinson, G.P., B.H. Harahap & M. Suparman & G.M. Bladon (1985)- Geology of the Fak Fak sheet area, Irian
Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Indonesia, 40p. + map
Robinson, G.P., B.H. Harahap & M. Suparman (1988)- Fak Fak 1:250,000 map sheet, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res.
Dev. Centre, Indonesia, Geologic Data Record.
Robinson, G.P. & N. Ratman (1977)- Explanatory notes on the Manokwari 1:250 000 geological map, Irian
Jaya. Bureau Min. Res., Geol. Geoph., Canberra, and Geol. Res. Dev. Centrre, Bandung,
Robinson, G.P. & N. Ratman (1978)- The stratigraphic and tectonic development of the Manokwari area, Irian
Jaya. Bur. Min. Res. J. Austr. Geol. Geoph. 3, p. 19-24.
Robinson, G.P., R.J. Ryburn, B.H. Harahap, S.L. Tobing, G.M. Bladon & P.E. Pieters (1990)- Geology of the
Kaimana sheet area, Irian Jaya (Quad. 3012). Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, scale 1: 250,000, 50p.
(Surface geology of part of Lengguru foldbelt)
Robinson, G.P., R.J. Ryburn, B.H. Harahap, S.L. Tobing, G.M. Bladon & P.E. Pieters (1990)- Geology of the
Steenkool sheet area, Irian Jaya (Quad. 3013). Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, scale 1: 250,000, 45p.
(Surface geology of part of North Lengguru foldbelt- Birds Neck area)
Robinson, G.P., R.J. Ryburn, S.L. Tobing & A. Achdan (1988)- Geologic data record Steenkool (Wasior)-
Kaimana 1: 250,000 sheet area, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Open File report, 153p.
Rossetter, R.J. (1976)- New Guinea Limestone Group Bomberai Peninsula, Irian Jaya. Proc. Carbonate Seminar
Jakarta 1976, Indon.Petrol. Assoc., Spec. Vol., p. 93-98.
Rouffaer, G.P. et al. (1908)- De Zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea-expeditie 1904/5 van het Koninklijk Nederlands
Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Brill, Leiden, 677p.
(Results of the 1904-1905 SW New Guinea expedition sponsored by Royal Netherlands Geographical Society’)
Rubin, J.N. & J.R. Kyle (1997)- Precious metal mineralogy in porphyry-, skarn-, and replacement-type ore
deposits of the Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih) District, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Econ. Geol. 92, 5, p. 535-550.
Ruslan, M. & Y. Kumoro (1993)- Aspek geologi dalam penentuan trase Jalan Waghete- Enarotali- Kumopa,
Kabupaten Paniai, Irian Jaya. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 581-589.
(Geological aspects for the determination of the route of the Waghete- Enarotali- Kumopa road, Paniai, Irian
Rusmana, E., K. Parris, U. Sukanta & H. Samodra (1995)- Geologic map of the Timika Quadrangle, Irian Jaya,
scale 1: 250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung.
Rutten, L.M.R. (1914)- Foraminiferen-fuhrende Gesteine von Niederlandisch Neu-Guinea. Nova Guinea 6,
Geol. 2, p. 21-51.
(Description of foraminifera-bearing rocks from the 1903 Netherlands New Guinea Expedition, presumably
collected by Wichmann. Includes reports of Lacazina larger foram in Eocene of Dramai Island SE of Triton
Bay, Miocene Lepidocyclina associated with arc volcanics on Arimoa Islands off N New Guinea, etc.)
Rutten, L.M.R. (1916)- Foraminiferenhoudende gesteenten uit het stroomgebied der Lorentzrivier (Zuidwest
Nieuw Guinea). Verslag. Kon. Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam, 28, p. 408-416.
(Eocene Alveolina-Lacazina and Nummulites and Miocene Lepidocyclina foraminiferal limestone pebbles from
Lorentz River (S foreland of Central Range). Eocene Alveolina-Lacazina limestone from top of Wilhelmina/
Trikora peak. Unlike North New Guinea, no fragments of volcanic rocks observed limestones and sandstones)
Rutten, L. (1920)- On Foraminifera-bearing rocks from the basin of the Lorentz River (Southwest Dutch New
Guinea). Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam, 22, 2, p. 606-614.
(English version of above; online at
Rutten, L. (1921)- Quaternary and Tertiary limestones of North New Guinea between the Tami- and the Biri-
River basins. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam 28, 8, p. 1137-1141.
(online at:
(Tertiary limestones collected by BPM from N New Guinea between Tami and Biri rivers. No detailed locality
information. Majority of limestones of Oligo-Miocene age with Lepidocyclina. Also two samples of black-grey
Eocene reefal limestone with Alveolina, Nummulites, Orthophragmina (=Discocyclina) in Nanggoi River, S
Nimboran Mts)
Rutten, L. (1923)- Geologische gegevens uit het gebied van den Vogelkop van Nieuw-Guinea. Verslag. Kon.
Akad. Wetensch. (afd. Wis- en Natuurkunde), Amsterdam, 32, 3, p. 221-224.
('Geological data from the region of the Birds Head of New Guinea'. Early notes on Birds Head geology, based
on rock collections collected between 1917-1921 by East Indies Mines Department. Widespread Oligo-Miocene
limestones with Lepidocyclina, Miogypsina, etc., but relatively rare Eocene (Lacazina limestones in
Rumberpon-Horna area at Cenderawasih Bay coast and NW Birds Head). )
Rutten, L. (1923)- Geological data derived from the region of the 'Birds Head' of New Guinea. Proc. Kon.
Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam, 26, 3-4, p. 274-277.
(online at:
(English version of paper above)
Rutten, L.M.R. (1925)- Foraminiferen-houdende gesteenten uit het gebied van de ‘Vogelkop’ op Nieuw Guinea.
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Indie 53 (1924), 1, p. 147-167.
(Brief descriptions of Birds Head foram-bearing samples, including globigerid limestone near SE coast (=
Imskin Fm of subsequent authors), Eocene Nummulites-Alveolina-Lacazina in Horna region and many E-M
Miocene limestone localities)
Rutten, L.M.R. (1927)- Geologie van Nieuw Guinea en de Aroe-eilanden. In: L.M.R. Rutten (1927)
Voordrachten over de geologie van Nederlandsch Indie, Wolters, Groningen, p. 782-803.
Rutten, L.M.R. (1936)- Roches et fossiles de l’Ile Pisang et de la Nouvelle Guinee. Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat.
Belgique 12, 10, p. 1-13.
('Rocks and fossils from Pisang Island and from New Guine'. Pisang Island, E of Misool, samples, include
Eocene limestone with Lacazinella, Nummulites, Discocyclina, etc.; no Pellatispira)
Sadjati, O., N.A. Ascaria & A.H. Satyana (2002)- Generation and migration of hydrocarbons from pre-Tertiary
source rocks of the Kamundan area, West Papua, Eastern Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf., Cairo, 2002. (Abstract
only) (Kamundan area N of Wiriagar Deep giant gas field in Jurassic sandstones. Thermal modeling at Ayot-2,
Tarof-2 and Wiriagar-1 wells suggesst sources mature since 240-260 Ma (Permo-Triassic). In 210 Ma (Late
Triassic) hydrocarbons charged Jurassic reservoirs (???). Migration continued and charged Cretaceous
reservoirs until mid-Cretaceous tectonic activity uplifted area and changed migration routes. Afterwards,
hydrocarbons re-migrated along Cretaceous unconformity and charged Late Cretaceous and Paleocene
reservoirs, causing significant hydrocarbon accumulation in Paleocene reservoirs)
Sakagami, S. (2000)- Middle Permian Bryozoa from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Bull. Nat. Sci. Museum, Tokyo, Ser.
C 26, 3-4, p. 139-168.
(Twenty-four Permian bryozoan species from 4 localities. Fauna closely similar to that of Timor and is part of
typical Southern Tethys realm. Age is most probably early Guadalupian, M Permian)
Salo, J.P. (2005)- Evaluating sites for subsurface OO2 injection/ sequestration: Tangguh, Bintuni Basin, Papua,
Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Adelaide, p. 1-368.
(Text online at:
(Downdip aquifer leg of M Jurassic (Bathonian- Bajocian) Roabiba Fm quartzose marine sandstone is most
viable option for disposal of excess CO2 from Tangguh gas production. Second best is 'Aalenian sandstone'. M
Jurassic (Aalenian-Callovian) overall transgressive series over Permian (Triassic- E Jurassic absent over
Tangguh study area; E Jurassic only in nearby East Onin 1 well), with deeper marine facies to SW and S, with
sediment supply mainly from NE. Major unconformity between Late Jurassic- Late Cretaceous, with Early
Cretaceous missing, followed by Late Cretaceous (Turonian- Maastrichtian) rifting in Birds Head region,
probably separating Birds Head microcontinent from Australia- New Guinea Plate. Erosion of folded Eocene-
Oligocene at Basal Miocene unconformity reflects collision of Birds Head and Australia-New Guinea)
Samuel, L., K. Lukman & Suharno (1990)- Dominant geological factors which controlled petroleum potential
of Salawati and Bintuni basins, Irian Jaya. Proc. 19th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p.
Samuel, L. & L. Kartanegara (1991)- The role of Cretaceous seal to the hydrocarbon potential of the Salawati
and Bintuni Basins, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. AAPG Ann. Mtg., Dallas, Abstracts, AAPG Bull. 75, 3, p. 666.
(In Bintuni basin rel. little success in Miocene carbonates. Presence of Cretaceous shales seal important: where
this regional seal is noneffective oil could migrate vertically from pre-Tertiary sources to Tertiary reservoirs)
Samuel, L. & R.S.K.Phoa (1986)- Problems. of source rock identification in the Salawati basin, Irian Jaya. Proc.
15th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 2, p. 404-422.
Sapiie, B. (1998)- Strike-slip faulting, breccia formation and porphyry Cu-Au mineralization in the Gunung
Bijih (Ertsberg) Mining District, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Texas at Austin, 304 p.
Sapiie, B. (2000)- Structural geology and ore deposit: case study of the Grasberg super porphyry Cu-Au
mineralization, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 1-21.
(Strike-slip faulting in Central Range Irian Jaya started at ~4 Ma, after 10’s of km of contractional
deformation. Grasberg igneous complex emplaced at major left step in left-lateral strike slip system)
Sapiie, B., A.C. Adyagharini & P. Teas (2010)- New insight of tectonic evolution of Cendrawasih Bay and its
implications for hydrocarbon prospect, Papua, Indonesia. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA10-
G-158, 11 p.
(Deformation of Cendrawasih Bay related to coupling movement of Yapen-Sorong Fault Zone and Tarera-
Aiduna left-lateral strike-slip faults. Cenderawasih Basin formed by NW-SE directed shortening and is most
likely overlain by Australian continental crust)
Sapiie, B. & M. Cloos (2000)- Strike slip faulting in the core of the Central Range of New Guinea: aftermath of
collisional delamination. Geol. Soc. America 2002 Denver Annual Meeting (Abstract only)
(Strike-slip faulting in Gunung Bijih (Ertsberg) District during latest stage of collisional orogenesis, localizing
igneous intrusion and copper-gold mineralization at 3 Ma. C Range tectonically inactive; current movements
along N edge of island and Tarera-Aiduna fault zone. Between 3 Ma and Pleistocene glaciation, strike-slip
motion ceased in W highlands. Rupture of N end of Australian plate (collisional delamination) started at ~8 Ma
and propagated >1000 km E by 3 Ma, causing short-lived melting event. Batholithic-scale magma chambers in
lower crust from ~7 to 3 Ma. Core of collisional belt was zone of weakness, localizing tectonic motions. Since
then upper ~20 km of upwelled asthenosphere cooled, forming new lithospheric mantle. Healing of lithosphere
beneath W Central Range caused plate motions to become concentrated at weaknesses along N coast of island)
Sapiie, B. & M. Cloos (2004)- Strike-slip faulting in the core of the Central Range of west New Guinea:
Ertsberg Mining District, Indonesia. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 116, 3-4, p. 277-293.
(Most of New Guinea Cenozoic tectonic evolution result of obliquely convergent motion. Two stages of
deformation(1) ~12 - 4 Ma: km-scale folds and thrusts recording many tens of km of shortening; (2) starting at
~4 Ma five NW-trending (~300°) strike-slip fault zones in core of W Highlands, aiding ascent of magmas.
Intrusives of 4.4- 2.6 Ma ages formed in pull-aparts along left-lateral strike slip faults. NE trending normal
faults and veins suggest NW-SE extension)
Sapiie, B. & M. Cloos (2013)- Strike-slip faulting and veining in the Grasberg giant porphyry Cu-Au deposit,
Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih) mining district, Papua, Indonesia. Int. Geol. Review 55, 1, p. 1-42.
(Ertsberg mining district in core of Central Range of W New Guinea best known for Grasberg igneous complex,
the host of giant Cu-Au deposit that was emplaced at 3 Ma. Three domains of strike-slip faulting in deposit, E-
NE, NW and N-trending faults, formed in left-lateral Riedel shear system trending N60W)
Sapiie, B. Naryanto W., A.C. Adyagharini & A. Pamumpuni (2012)- Geology and tectonic evolution of Bird
head region Papua, Indonesia: implications for hydrocarbon exploration in the Eastern Indonesia. AAPG Int.
Conf. Exh., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 30260, p. 1-39.
(online at:
(Birds Head region of W Papua in region with deformation varying from area to area, indicating several
translations and rotations during history)
Sapiie, B., D.H. Natawidjaya & M. Cloos (1999)- Strike slip tectonics of New Guinea: transform motion
between the Caroline and Australian plates. In: I. Busono & H. Alam (eds.) Developments in Indonesian
tectonics and structural geology, Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc.Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta 1999, 1, p. 1-15.
Sapin, F., M. Pubellier, J.C. Ringenbach &, V. Bailly (2009)- Alternating thin versus thick-skinned
decollements, example in a fast tectonic setting: the Misool-Onin-Kumawa Ridge (West Papua). J. Struct. Geol.
31, p. 444-459.
Misool-Onin-Kumawa Ridge between Seram accretionary wedge and Lengguru fold belt (<8 My). Three
deformation stages: (1) Messinian thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt over shaly-silty Permian-Paleocene; (2)
Sardjono (1998)- Gravity field and structure of the Sorong Fault Zone, Eastern Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis Univ.
London, p.
Satyana, A.H. (2001)- Dynamic response of the Salawati Basin, Eastern Indonesia, to the Sorong Fault
tectonism: example of inter-plate deformation. Proc. 30th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI) and GEOSEA
10th Reg. Congr., Yogyakarta 2001, p. 288-291.
(Sorong Fault major left-lateral fault responsible for reversal of Salawati basin polarity. Late Paleozoic-
Miocene beds thicken to S-SE, revealing presence of long-lived southern depocenter. At Miocene-Pliocene
boundary basin tilted to W-SW, marking inception of Sorong Fault in N Irian Jaya. By mid-Pliocene Sorong
Fault splayed into Salawati Basin and basin subsided rapidly to N-NW with uplift of S and E parts of basin.
Coeval with rapid deposition of Late Pliocene Klasaman Fm sediments, which triggered shale diapirism)
Satyana, A.H. (2003)- Sorong Fault and the reversal of the Salawati Basin. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. Newsl., March
2003, p. 15-21.
Satyana, A.H. (2003)- Re-evaluation of the sedimentology and evolution of the Kais carbonate platform,
Salawati Basin, Eastern Indonesia: exploration significance. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 185-
(New paleogeographic model of Miocene Kais carbonates, making previous basinal zone lagoonal)
Satyana, A.H. (2009)- Emergence of new petroleum system in the mature Salawati Basin: keys from
geochemical markers. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 775-795.
(Salawati Basin proven petroleum system is Miocene Kais/Klasafet. Over Sorong foredeep kitchen, oils
generated from lower maturity rocks than overmature Kais/Klasafet marly carbonaceous shales, must be
sourced by Early Pliocene Lower Klasaman shales)
Satyana, A.H. & N. Herawat (2011)- Sorong fault tectonism and detachment of Salawati Island: implications
for petroleum generation and migration in Salawati Basin, Bird's Head of Papua. Proc. 35th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petrol. Assoc., IPA11-G-183, 21 p.
(Sorong Fault at N and W margin of Salawati Basin reversed basin polarity from basin with S depocenter
before Pliocene to the basin with N depocenter today. Ssubsidence of the basin to N resulted in petroleum
generation from Miocene Kais-Klasafet carbonates and shales main source rocks. Salawati Island, once
attached to the main Bird's Head, detached and rotated CCW, opening Sele Strait. After rotation Salawati
Island translated SW-ward to present position)
Satyana, A.H., M.E.M. Purwaningsih & E.C.P. Ngantung (2002)- Evolution of the Salawati structures, eastern
Indonesia: a frontal Sorong fault deformation. Proc. 31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 277-293.
(Neogene structures in Salawati Basin tied to Sorong Fault tectonism. Four stages of development, reflecting
25° counterclockwise rotation of strain ellipsoid between Mid-Pliocene- Pleistocene. Sorong Fault started at
~3.5 Ma, dissecting N margin of Salawati Basin. Present-day structuring mainly SSW-NNE normal faulting)
Satyana, A.H., Y. Salim & J.M. Demarest (2000)- Significance of focused hydrocarbon migration in the
Salawati Basin: controls of faults and structural noses. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 513-530.
Satyana, A.H. & I. Setiawan (2001)- Origin of Pliocene deep-water sedimentation in Salawati Basin, Eastern
Indonesia: deposition in inverted basin and exploration implications. In: A. Setiawan et al. (eds.) Proc. Deep-
water sedimentation of Southeast Asia, Indon. Sediment. Forum (FOSI) 2nd Reg. Seminar, Jakarta 2001, p. 53-
Satyana, A.H. & M. Wahyudin (2000)- Meteoric water flushing and microbial alteration of Klamono and Linda
oils, Salawati Basin, Eastern Indonesia: geochemical constraints, origin and regional implications. Proc. 29th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 1, p. 71-84.
(Klamono and Linda fields oils evidence of biodegradation. Water from Kais limestone outcrop flowed W to
Klamono field. Linda field probably affected by meteoric water moving along fault)
Schappert, A. (1990)- The seismicity of the Tembagapura region, Irian Jaya. Proc. 19th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 2, p. 50-56.
Schroo, H. (1961)- Some pedological data concerning soils in the Baliem Valley, Netherlands New Guinea.
Boor en Spade 11, p. 84-103.
(Early paper on geomorphology and relatively poor soil quality in Baliem Valley, Central Range)
Schurter, G.J., Y. Supriatna, A. Nuraeni & Supriyono (2009)- A 3D finite-difference modeling study of seismic
imaging challenges in Bintuni Bay, Irian Jaya Barat. The Leading Edge 28, p. 1008-1021. (also in Proc. 31st
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 2007, p. 369-376 and p. 377-390)
Seno, T. & D.E. Kaplan (1988)- Seismotectonics of Western New Guinea. J. Phys. Earth 36, p.107-124.
(online at:
(No seismological evidence of subduction along New Guinea Trench W of 140°E (believed to be relic of ancient
subduction). Region between N New Guinea Trench and Central Range characterized by strike-slip faulting and
reverse faulting. Yapen Island earthquake suggests active strike-slip motion along this part of Sorong fault
zone. Thrust mechanisms common in Meervlakte Basin. Additional strike-slip faulting and thrust faulting in
Tarera and Wandamen Fault Zones. Oblique convergence between Caroline and Australian plates in W New
Guinea divided into strike-slip and dip-slip components. East of 140°E along New Guinea Trench, Bismarck
plates are subducting, producing intermediate- depth seismicity beneath central New Guinea)
Setyanta, B. & B.S. Widijono (2009)- Medan gaya berat pada batuan ofiolit (ultramafik) di Beoga, Papua dan
implikasi terhadap genesis alih tempatnya. Jurnal Sumber Daya Geol. 19, 3, p. 177-189.
('Gravity-magnetic field over the ophiolite (ultramafic) of Beoga, Papau and implications for its emplacement'.
Large 50x100 km outcrop of ultramafics has elliptical gravity anomaly pattern, suggesting possible
fragmentation of ophiolite during obduction. Also gravity model over Meratus Mts and Banda Sea-Seram)
Sidarto & U. Hartono (1995)- Geologic map of the Jayawijaya Quadrangle, Irian Jaya, scale 1: 250,000. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung.
Sidarto & N. Ratman (1996)- Geologi lembar Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya, ditafsir dari citra radar. J. Geol.
Sumberdaya Min. (Bandung) 6, 61, p.
Simandjuntak, T.O., B. Mubroto, D. Sukarna, K. Astadireja, Marino, I. Zulkarnain et al. (1994)- Evolusi
tektonik daerah lengguru, Irian Jaya, dan hubunggannya dengan jebaka sumberdaya hidrokarbon. Proc. 23rd
Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 1, p. 370-388.
(‘Tectonic evolution of the Lengguru area, Irian Jaya, and relation to hydrocarbon deposits’)
Simbolon, B. (1984)- Heat flow study in the Salawati and Bintuni basins Irian Jaya. In: Heat flow, Proc. Joint
ASCOPE/ CCOP Workshops I and II, CCOP Techn. Publ. 21, p. 105-122.
Skwarko, S.K. & J.P. Thieuloy (1989)- Early Barremian (Early Cretaceous) mollusca from western Irian Jaya,
Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Paleont. Ser. 6, p. 26-34.
(Barremian ammonites and bivalves from basal Jass (= Kembelangan Fm) in SW Birds Head Taminabuan
sheet area. Beds are transgressive unconformably over Tipuma Fm)
Smith, E.M. (1966)- Nouvelle Guinee. Lexique stratigraphique international 6, Oceania, Fasc. 3a, p. 1-136.
(New Guinea part of International stratigraphic lexicon. Alphabetical listing with brief descriptions
descriptions of geological formations in both West Papua and Papua New Guinea. Somewhat dated (latest
reference dated 1957))
Soebagio, S. & Budijono. (1989)- Cu-skarn deposits in Erstberg mine area Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Geologi
Indonesia 12, 1, p. 359-374.
Soebari, L., I. Sriyanto, G. de Jong & A. Muntadhim (2012)- The Ertsberg stockwork zone: a unique porphyry
copper style mineralization in Papua, Indonesia. In: N.I. Basuki (ed.) Proc. Banda and Eastern Sunda arcs,
Indonesian Soc. Econ. Geol. (MGEI) Ann. Conv. 2012, Malang, p. 243-256.
Soebowo, E., Kantono & Y. Kumoro (1991)- Penyelidikan geologi dengan hubungannya dengan pemilihan
trase jalan antara Wosiala Hingga Dombomi, Jaya Wijaya, Irian Jaya. Proc. 20th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc.
Geol. (IAGI), p. 541-552.
Soehaimi, A., M.T. Zen, H. Moechtar & U. Lumbanbatu (2001)- The tsunamigenic earthquake of 17 February
1996 and the seismicity of Papua. In: Proc. CCOP 37th Ann. Sess. Bangkok 2000, 2, Techn. Repts., p. 72-76.
(Magnitude 8 earthquake NE of Biak island related to thrusting of submarine reverse fault. Aftershocks
indicating normal fault movements associated with fault along N shore of Biak island and left- lateral
horizontal motions associated with Yapen Fault)
Soeparman, S. & Budijono (1989)- Cu-skarn deposits at Ertsberg mine area, Irian Jaya. Proc. 17th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Geol. Assoc. (IAGI), Jakarta, p. 359-374.
Soepriadi, S. (2012)- Morfotektonik daerah Enarotali, Kabupaten Paniai, Provinsi Papua. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv.
Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-GD-05, p.
('Morphotectonics of the Enarotali area, Paniai District, Papua Province')
Stehn, C.E. (1927)- Devonische Fossilien von Hollandisch-Neu-Guinea. Wetensch. Meded. Dienst Mijnbouw
Nederlandsch-Indie 5, p. 25-27.
('Devonian fossils from Netherlands New Guinea'. Brachiopods Atrypa reticularis var. desquamata and
Orthotethes (Schuchertella) cf. umbraculum in sandstone pebbles from upper Setakwa River, collected by
Heldring around 1910. Species known from Devonian of China, Queensland, etc.)
Stevens, C.W. (1999)- GPS studies of crustal deformation in eastern Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Ph.D.
Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 117 p.
Stevens, C.W., R. McCaffrey, Y. Bock, J.F. Genrich, M. Pubellier & C. Subarya (2002)- Evidence for block
rotations and basal shear in the world’s fastest slipping continental shear zone in NW New Guinea. In: S.A.
Stein & J.T. Freymueller (eds.) Plate Boundary Zones, Amer. Geophys. Un. (AGU) Geodyn. Ser. 30, p. 87-99.
(Birds Head moves 75-80 mm/year relative to N Australia, twice as fast as any other continental block. Left-
lateral shear zone possibly as wide as 300 km. Despite high rate, rel. little seismic activity. Movement may be
driven by basal drag of Pacific plate sliding beneath it)
Struckmeyer, H.I.M., M. Yueng & C.J. Pigram (1993)- Mesozoic to Cainozoic plate tectonic evolution and
palaeogeography of the New Guinea region. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New
Guinea. Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 261-290.
(Key paper on restoration of 'Tasmanide' microcontinental plates like Birds Head and 'Australian' terranes in E
Indonesia, most of which are restored to area East of PNG in Paleozoic-Mesozoic time)
Subroto, E.A., H.L. Ong, H. Bagiyo & B. Priadi (1996)- Korelasi antara batuan induk dan minyak bumi di
cekungan Salawati, Irian Jaya. Bul. Geologi 26, 1, p. 65-72.
(Salawati Basin Kais Fm oils derived from Tertiary shallow marine (deltaic?) to non-marine source rocks. No
evidence for Pre-Tertiary source)
Sudijono (2000)- Biostratigraphy and depositional environment of the limestone sequence in the drill hole LS-
12, Ertsberg mining district, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Paleont. Ser. 10, p. 1-25.
(M Eocene (Ta3)- earliest Miocene (basal Te5) LBF assemblages in Faumai-Sirga-Kais succession in well LS-
12 well. Faumai Fm contains Lacazinella and Fasciolites, no Pellatispira. Sirga Fm quartz sandstone is barren,
but is at base Oligocene, overlain by Rupelian (Tc) with Nummulites fichteli)
Sugiharto, Antoro & Bensaman (1998)- The discovery of the Wawa Cu-Au skarn mineralization Etna Bay, Irian
Jaya. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Sumberdaya Min. Energi, p. 169-178.
Sukanta, U., S. Atmawinata & B.H. Harahap (1987)- Kendali tektonika dalam pengendapan di cekungan
Bintuni, Irian Jaya. Proc. 16th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 12p.
('Tectonics- controlled sedimentation in the Bintuni Basin, Irian Jaya')
Sukanta, U. & B.H. Harahap (1993)- The western Irian Jaya microcontinent- a review. J. Geol. Sumberdaya
Min. (GRDC Bandung), 3, 19, p. 13-20.
Sukanta, U. & B.H. Harahap (1996)- Tectonostratigraphy of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Pacific Province
succession in Northeastern Irian Jaya, Eastern Indonesia. Proc. Seminar Nasional Geoteknologi III: Dampak
regionalisasi dan globalisasi industri dan perdagangan terhadap Lembaga Litbang, LIPI, Bandung, p. 518-538.
Sukanta U., E. Rusmana, S. Wiryosujono, H. Samodra & Tasiran (1995)- Wave, tide and storm influenced
muddy shelf: a special emphasis on the Cretaceous Piniya mudstone in the Timika sheet area, Irian Jaya. J.
Geol. Sumber Daya Min. (GRDC) 5, 49, p. 10-24.
Sukanta, U., S. Wiryosujono & A.S. Hakim (1995)- Geologic map of the Wamena Quadrangle, Irian Jaya, scale
1: 250,000 (Quad 3311). Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung.
Sulaeman, A., A. Sjapawi & S. Sosromihardjo (1990)- Frontier exploration in the Lengguru foldbelt, Irian Jaya,
Indonesia. Proc. 19th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 85-105.
(Pre-fieldwork Mobil overview of Lengguru foldbelt play potential)
Sumarko K.B. (1996)- Karakteristik geologi batubara di daerah aliran Sungai Titaka dan Sungai Tuko,
cekungan Bintuni, Irian Jaya. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 2, p. 294-312.
('Characteristics of the coal geology in the drainage area of Titaka and Tuko Rivers, Bintuni Basin, W Papua')
Sunyoto, W. (1999)- The nature and distribution of gold mineralisation in hole BO52-4 of the Wabu Skarn
system, Irian Jaya. M.Sc. Thesis, James Cook University, Townsville, p.
Suta, I.N. & L. Silahali (1994)- The structurally trapped Matoa field and porosity distribution, Salawati Basin,
Irian Jaya. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 2, p. 1128-1141.
Sutadiwiria, Y., Y. Surtiati & A.H. Satyana (2006)- Reefal build ups within Miocene Kais Platform: roles of 3D
seismic data in defining a subtle trap. Proc. Jakarta 2006 Int. Geosc. Conf. Exhib., Indon. Petrol. Assoc.,
Jakarta06-INT-09, 3p.
(3D seismic significant in recognition of 'Intra-Kais reefal build ups', like Matoa-20 well. Argo 1 well (2005)
successful test)
Sutarto, W. Sunyoto, S. Widodo, L. Soebari, Sutanto, H. Setyadi & P. Wiguna (2008)- Sekuen paragenesa dan
zonasi Skarn pada endapan bijih Big Gossan Distrik Ertsberg, Timika, Papua. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Assoc. Geol., Bandung, 1, p. 798-812.
('Paragenetic sequence and zonation of the Big Gossan skarn ore deposit of the Ertsberg District, Timika,
Papua'. Big Gossan high-grade high copper deposit with reserves of 52.7 MM ton with average Cu content of
2.31%, Au 1.1 gr /ton and Ag 14.75 gr/ ton. Tabular ore body >1 km long, >500 m high and up to 200m wide)
Sutriyono, E. (1999)- Structure and thermochronology of the Bird's Head of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis
La Trobe University, Melbourne, p. 1-321 (Unpublished)
(Multiple scenarios for structure and evolution of Lengguru Fold Belt. Early Paleozoic detrital zircons in
Paleocene Waripi section of Bintuni Bay suggest attachment to Australian continent (but could also be from
Birds Head Kemum terrane?; HvG )
Sutriyono, E. (2003)- Provenance study and tectonic implications for rock sequences in the Lengguru fold belt
of Western Papua: constraints from zircon fission track thermochronology. Forum Teknik 27, p. 121-131.
(online at:
(Zircon fission track thermochronology study shows Triassic-Pliocene source terrains for W Papua clastics.
Pliocene Buru Fm in Lengguru Fold Belt abundant Paleogene (~55 Ma) volcanic zircons, possibly derived
from erosion of Weyland Terrane, which may be part of Paleogene 'Caroline Arc', eroding after Late Miocene
collision with W Papua microcontinent. Main compression 12- 4 Ma, followed by transpression in Central
Range, but continued compression in frontal Lengguru FB (Buru anticline, etc.). U Cretaceous Ekmai sst in E
Lengguru FB has Triassic age zircons, suggesting erosion of Triassic igneous rocks at that time)
Sutriyono, E. (2005)- Thermochronological constraints on cooling and uplift episodes in the Lengguru fold belt
of Western Papua. Jurn. Teknologi Mineral (ITB) 12, 2, p.
(Apatite fission track data from Triassic- Lower Jurassic in Lengguru foldbelt suggest maximum T of ~130°C,
and ~7 km pre-deformation burial due to deposition of thick Tertiary carbonates. Sequence underwent ~50°-
60°C cooling at 5 Ma, consistent with ~4 km unroofing in response to uplift, due to collision with Paleogene
volcanic arc in Late Miocene-Pliocene. Upper Miocene-Pleistocene provenance terrain cooled through partial
annealing isotherm to ~60°C in E Miocene. Protolith then buried below 3 km and exposed to paleotemperature
of ~110°C in M-L Miocene prior to uplift in last 4 My)
Sutriyono, E. (2006)- Hydrocarbons and thermal evolution of the Bintuni basin of Western Papua, assessed by
apatite fission track study. Media Teknik (UGM) 28, 1, p.13-19.
(AFT data from Bintuni basin with ~9 km Permian- Recent sediments, gently folded by Lengguru foldbelt
deformation. U Miocene-Pleistocene Steenkool Fm 4-5 km thick, with paleotemperatures below 85°C, Triassic-
Lower Jurassic Tipuma Fm max. paleo-T ~110°C. Rocks at maximum temperature today. Exposure of Mesozoic
rocks to high paleotemperatures due to Late Cretaceous-Pleistocene burial. Deeper sequences in basin not
buried as deeply, allowing preservation of reservoir porosity. Gas generation/ migration for 30 TCF Tangguh
field in last 5 My, with kitchen area ~50 km to E).
Sutriyono, E., P.B. O' Sullivan & K.C. Hill (1997)- Thermochronology and tectonics of the Bird's Head Region,
Irian Jaya: apatite fission track constraints. In: J.V.C. Howes & R.A. Noble (eds.) Proc. Petroleum Systems of
SE Asia and Australia Conf., Jakarta 1997, Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 285-299.
(AFT analyses in N Birds Head Tosem Block shows rapid cooling of dacite/diorite in Early Miocene and Late
Miocene cooling of granite-syenite intrusions, the latter probable response to uplift/obduction of Tosem Block
onto N Birds Head. Also AFTT results from Tarof 2 and E Lengguru)
Suwarna, N. & Y. Noya (1995)- Geological map of the Jayapura (Peg. Cyclops) Quadrangle, Irian Jaya. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung.
Syafron, E., R. Mardani, S.W. Susilo & R. Anshori (2008)- Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Pre-Tertiary
interval in the offshore Berau Area, Bird’s Head, Papua. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA08-G-
015, 10 p.
(In Berau basin W of Tangguh, all petroleum system elements are working. Biggest risk maturity level of source
rock. Primary reservoir target Jurassic transgressive sandstones, equivalent to reservoir in Tangguh fields, but
thinner and more distal marine sands penetrated in wells offshore)
Syam, B., A.H. Hamdani, Y. Yuniardi & N. Djumhana (2008)- Oil to source correlation for detect hydrocarbon
origin and migration on offshore Southwest Salawati Basin. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc.,
IPA08-SG-009, 11 p.
(Oils from low oxygen marine source rocks in offshore Salawati basin well OT4 tied to Lower Klasafet Fm
source rocks in onshore Salawati wells Iw-1, Im33. OK1 well oil appears to be different. Offshore oils
originated from Klasafet Fm source to N)
Talent, J.A. et al. (1975)- Correlation of the Silurian rocks of Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea. Geol.
Soc. Am. Spec. Pap. 150, 108 p.
Talent, J., R. Mawson & A. Simpson (2003)- Silurian of Australia and New Guinea: biostratigraphic
correlations and paleogeography. In: In: E. Landing & M.E. Johnson (eds.) Silurian lands and seas-
paleogeography outside of Laurentia, Bull. New York State Museum 493, p. 181-220.
Teas, P.A., J. Decker, D. Orange & P. Baillie (2009)- New insight into structure and tectonics of the Seram
Trough from SeaSeepTM high resolution bathymetry. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA-G-091,
p. 515-532.
(High resolution bathymetry and seismic over active convergent deformation system in Seram Trough.
Described as zone of young thrusting within Australian continental crustal block between Birds Head and
Seram Island. Offshore extension of New Guinea Tarera-Aiduna fault zone is readily apparent)
Teichert, C. (1928)- Nachweis Palaeozoischer Schichten von Sudwest Neu-Guinea. Nova Guinea 6, 3, p. 71-92.
('Report of Paleozoic beds from SW New Guinea'. First record of dark Silurian limestone with tabulate coral
Halysites from float in Upper Lorentz/ Noordwest Rivers, S of Wilhelmina Peak in Central Range, West Papua.
Also Devonian sandstones with Spirifer, Chonetes and other brachiopods, dark Permo-Carboniferous
limestones with Martinia, Murchisonia, Orthoceras, etc. Material collected by Van Nouhuys during Lorentz
1909-1910 South New Guinea expedition)
Terpstra, H. (1939)- Resultaten van een goud exploratie in het stroomgebied van de Lorentz en Eilanden Rivier
in Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. De Ingenieur in Nederl.-Indie (IV), 6, 1, p. 1-6.
Terpstra, H. (1941)- Opmerkingen naar aanleiding van ir. P.F. de Groot's "Kort Verslag over de
werkzaamheden van de lIlde Expeditie der N. V. Mijnbouw Maatschappij Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea in 1938
en 1939". De Ingen. in Nederl.-Indie (IV) 8, 1, p. 1-4.
(Critical review of De Groot (1940) report on result of mineral exploration expedition by Terpstra who lead
first part of this campaign)
Thery, J.M., M. Pubellier, B. Thery, J. Butterlin, A. Blondeau & C.G. Adams (1999)- Importance of active
tectonics during karst formation. A Middle Eocene to Pleistocene example of the Lina Mountains (Irian Jaya,
Indonesia). Geodinamica Acta 12, 3-4, p. 213-221.
(Lina Mts at E side Birds Head Ayumara Plateau, with Pleistocene karsting in Eocene Faumai Fm platform
carbonate. ~250m of Lacazinella-bearing M-L Eocene on Late Maastrichtian, overlain by>50m of Oligocene
Sirga sst.)
Thirnbeck, M.R. (2001)- The Sentani and Siduarsi nickel-cobalt laterite deposits, Northeast Irian Jaya,
Indonesia. In: G. Hancock (ed.) Proc. PNG Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference, Australasian Inst.
Mining Metall., Melbourne, p. 245-254.
Thirnbeck, M.R. (2004)- A search for gold in Indonesian New Guinea. In: Proc. PACRIM 2004 Conf., Hi tech
and world competitive mineral success stories around the Pacific Rim, Adelaide 2004, Australasian Inst. Mining
Metallurgy, Parkville, p. 391-399.
(Overview of twelve 1994-1999 gold exploration programs North of Central Range, W Papua)
Tikku, A.A., C. Subarya, Masturyono, R. McCaffrey & J. Genrich (2006)- Motion of the Bird's Head Block and
co-seismic deformation from GPS data. Amer. Geoph. Union Meeting, Baltimore 2006 (Abstract only)
(Previous analysis of GPS data collected between 1991 and 1997 revealed rotation of Bird's Head Block of W
New Guinea and high shear rates between Pacific and Australian plates accommodated within block.
Additional GPS data collected between 1998- 2005)
Tikku, A.A., C. Subarya, Masturyono, R. McCaffrey & J. Genrich (2009?)- Evidence from GPS data for an
Eastern Bird's Head Block in Indonesia. J. Geophys. Res., in prep., p.
(GPS data collected between 1992-2005 suggest Birds Head moving ~100 mm/yr WSW relative to Australia.
Cenderawasih Bay area more SW movement, suggesting separate ‘East Birds Head Plate’ that accommodates
shear between Birds Head block and Austrlaian plate)
Tjia, H.D. (1973)- Irian fault zone and Sorong melange, Indonesia. Sains Malaysiana 2, 1, p. 13-30.
Tjia, H.D., R. Hadian, A.R. Sumailani & A. Martono (1980)- The nature of Umsini volcano, Irian Jaya,
Indonesia. Bull. Volcanology 43, 3, p. 595-600.
(Mount Umsini in Bird’s Head of W Papua listed as active volcano. Mountain occurs at N end of Arfak Range,
which consists of tilted and presumably folded early turbidite sequences and volcano-clastic rocks that were
intruded by Early Oligocene gabbroic rocks. Absence of any volcanic activity, crater relicts and general
morphology and lithology suggest Mount Umsini is not a volcano)
Tobing, S.L., A. Achdan, G.P. Robinson & R.J. Ryburn (1990)- Geological map of the Steenkool sheet, Irian
Jaya,1: 250,000. Geol. Res. Devel. Centre, Bandung.
Tregoning, P. & A. Gorbatov (2004)- Evidence for active subduction at the New Guinea Trench. Geophys. Res.
Lett. 31, L13608, doi:10.1029/2004GL020190, 4p.
(Seismic tomography shows SW-ward subduction along New Guinea Trench in PNG and Indonesia. High-
velocity zone down to ~300km, with dip angle gradually increasing from ~10° at ~143°E to 30° at ~136°E.
Length of ~650 km of subducted slab under New Guinea suggests subduction started at ~9 Ma)
Turner, S., J.M.J. Vergoossen & G.C. Young (1995)- Fish microfossils from Irian Jaya. Mem. Assoc.
Australasian Palaeont. 18, p. 165-178.
(Late Silurian (M Ludlow) thelodonts and acanthodians micro-remains from Lorenz River in eastern W Papua
and Kemum Fm of N part of Birds Head are first Paleozoic fish fossils from W Papua. Most forms compaprable
to Late Silurian- earliest Devonian N Hemisphere forms (Burrow et al. 2010: Silurian thelodont scales
originally referred by Turner et al. (1995) to Thelodus trilobatus might be better placed in Praetrilogania))
Ubaghs, J.G.H. (1955)- Mineral deposits in the Cyclops Mountains (Netherlands New Guinea). Nova Guinea,
new ser. 6, 1, p. 167-175.
(Indications of nickel-cobalt, chromium, talc, asbestos, etc., all associated with peridote-serpentinite in Cyclops
Mountains of NE part of West Papua)
Umbach, K.E. & D. Klepacki (1994)- A triangle zone along the active thrust front in southern Irian Jaya. Proc.
23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 305-321.
Untung, M. (1982)- Gravity and magnetic study of the Kepala Burung region, Irian Jaya. Ph.D. Thesis Univ. of
New England, NSW, Australia, p. (Unpublished)
Untung, M. (1989)- The isostatic state of the crust in the western portion of Irian Jaya. In: B. Situmorang (ed.)
Proc. 6th Reg. Conf. Geology Mineral Hydrocarbon Res. Southeast Asia, Jakarta 1987, IAGI, p. 43-59.
(Strong gravity gradients along main transform zones like Sorong fault. Not much new)
Untung, M., Sardjono, I. Budiman, J. Nasution, E. Mirnanda, E.G. Sirodj & L.F. Henage (1995)- Hydrocarbon
prospect mapping using balanced cross-sections and gravity modelling, Onin and Kumawa Peninsulas, Irian
Jaya, Indonesia. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Southeast Asian basins; oil and gas for the 21st century. Proc. AAPG-GSM
Int. Conf. 1994, Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 37, p. 445-470.
(Geology mapping and acquisition of gravity data along 26 traverses (650 km) across Onin and Kumawa
peninsulas. Predominant outcrop is karstified New Guinea Limestone, up to 2150 m thick. Onin and Kumawa
peninsulas lie at margin of Jurassic rift faulting, inverted during Pliocene-Pleistocene collision of Australian
Plate and Banda arc. Gravity data indicate basement at depth of ~3 km in Onin area, ~6 km in Bomberai area)
Untung, M., Sardjono, I. Budiman, J. Nasution, E. Mirnanda, L.F. Henage & E.G. Sirodj (1996)- Balanced
cross-section and gravity modelling for hydrocarbon prospect mapping in the Onin and Kumawa Peninsulas,
Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 19, p. 1-32.
(Same paper as above)
Urban, L. & M.L. Allen (1977)- Vitrinite reflectance as an indicator of thermal alteration within Paleozoic and
Mesozoic sediments from the Phillips Petroleum Company ASM-1X well, Arafura Sea. Palynology 1, p. 19-26.
(Palynology of Late Permian- Early Cretaceous section. Early Cretaceous unconformable on Early Triassic.
Lack of liquid hydrocarbon source. Max. maturity in early oil window)
Valenta, W.T. (1979)- Seismic modelling of porosity distribution in a Miocene reef, Salawati Island, Indonesia.
Valk W (1960)- Notes on coal in Netherlands New Guinea. Nova Guinea, Geol., 1-3, p. 1-4.
(Reported coal seams near Horna are not Eocene, but extensively faulted Pliocene lignite seams, unsuitable for
exploitation. Similar unfavorable results for other reported occurrences)
Valk, W. (1962)- Geology of West Amberbaken (New Guinea). Geol. Mijnbouw 41, 9, p. 384-390.
(N coast mountain range of Birds Head dominated by andesites, part of E-W trending, 120x30 km andesite
province, probably >1000m thick and dipping ~20° N. Associated brackish-fresh water shales probably of
earliest Miocene (Te) age. Further West similar shales overlain by Tf1- E-M Miocene limestones. Mio-Pliocene
or Pliocene folding event)
Valk, W. (1962)- Geologische verkenning omgeving Ilaga. Bureau Mines Netherlands New Guinea, Report 25,
(Brief report on geological reconnaissance of the Ilaga region, Central Range, W Papua)
Valk, W., B. Broos, A. Doeve et al. (1961)- Geologische verkenning Bokondini-Kelila-Pyramide, Wamena-
Koerima. Bureau Mines Netherlands New Guinea, Report 23, p.
(Geological reconnaissance of area around Wamena Grand Valley, Central Range, West Papua)
Van Bemmelen, R.W. (1939)- The geotectonic structure of New Guinea. De Ingen. in Nederl.-Indie (IV), 6, 2,
p. 17-27.
(Review of tectonics of New Guinea island. Not much new)
Van Bemmelen, R.W. (1940)- Verslag van een petrographisch onderzoek der gesteente collectie van het Boven
Digoel gebied, verzameld tijdens de derde expeditie der N.V. Mijnbouw Maatschappij Nederlandsch Nieuw
Guinea (1938-1939). De Ingen. in Nederl.-Indie (IV) 7, 10, p. 137-145.
('Report of petrographic analysis of a rock collection from the Upper Digul area, collected by Third
Netherlands New Guinea Mining Company expedition in 1938-1939, W Papua'. Mainly pebbles from rivers.
Sediments include E Miocene and Pliocene limestones. Also andesites, granodiorites, etc.)
Van Bemmelen, R.W. (1953)- Geologie. In: W.C. Klein (ed.) Nieuw Guinea, I, Dutch Govt. Printing Office,
The Hague p. 259-284.
(West Papua geology review chapter)
Van den Bold, W.A. (1942)- Some rocks from the course of the Digoel, the Oewi-Merah and the Eilanden River
(South New Guinea). Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wet., Amsterdam 45, 8, p. 850-854.
(online at:
(Pebbles of igneous rocks collected in Digul, Oewi-Merah (tributary of Digoel) and Eilanden rivers in S New
Guinea by Heldring in 1909 include augite granite, augite monzonite, diorite, gabbro. Probably all of Neogene
age. No illustrations)
Van den Boogaard, M. (1990)- A Ludlow conodont fauna from Irian Jaya (Indonesia). Scripta Geol. 92, p. 1-27.
(Online at:
(Description of Silurian conodonts from calcareous quartz sandstone boulder from Lorentz (or Noord) River, S
Irian Jaya, collected by Heldring in 1906 S of Camp Alkmaar. Dominated by two forms also known from SE
Australia and Yunnan. Age probably Late Ludlowian. Rock initially described by Martin (1911) who noticed
small trilobite fragments)
Van der Wegen, G. (1962)- Geologische verkenning van de Baliem kloof. Bureau Mines Netherlands New
Guinea, Report 31, p. (Unpublished)
(First geological reconnaissance of Baliem Gorge, Central Range)
Van der Wegen, G. (1963)- De geologie van het eiland Waigeo (Nieuw Guinea). Geologie Mijnbouw 42, p. 3-
Van der Wegen, G. (1966)- Contribution of the Bureau of Mines to the geology of the Central mountains of W.
New Guinea. Geologie Mijnbouw 45, 8, p. 249-261.
(On geological activities of the short-lived Bureau of Mines in Hollandia (Jayapura) from 1959 until transfer of
Dutch administration of West Papua to United Nations in 1962. Reconnaissance surveys in Central Range,
upper reaches of Eilanden River in C Range foreland and Upper Kau-Birim area of Star Mountains)
Van der Wegen, G. (1971)- Metamorphic rocks in West Irian. Scripta Geologica 1, p. 1-13.
(Online at:
(Metamorphics along N edge of Central range of W Irian associated with ophiolitic suite basic- ultrabasic
rocks, and indicating high Pressure- low Temperature regional metamorphism. Metamorphic rocks at
Australian-side of Papuan Geosyncline associated with medium- acidic intrusives)
Van der Wegen, G., J.H.A. Doeve et al. (1962)- Geologische verkenning Katoepa- Kangeh Rivier. Bureau
Mines Netherlands New Guinea, Report 27, p. (Unpublished)
Van de Waard, R. (1962)- Geologische verkenning Ilaga-Mulia-Sinak. Bureau Mines Netherlands New Guinea,
Report 28, p. (Unpublished)
('Geological reconnaissance of Ilaga-Mulia- Sinak', W part of Central Range)
Van Dun, F.W.P. (1962)- A survey of the Efar-Sidoas Mountain ridge in northern Netherlands New Guinea.
Geol. Mijnbouw 41, 9, p. 391-395.
(Geologic reconnaissance in Efar-Sidoas ridge, 50 km SE of Sarmi on N coast of W Papua shows ridge
composed of folded Tertiary sediments with core of basic igneous rocks and pre-Tertiary schists)
Van Es, E. (1959)- Korte toelichting bij de fotogeologische kaart van het Westelijk Centrale Bergland van
Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. Report Stichting Geologisch Onderzoek Nederlands Nieuw Guinea, 18, 13p.
('Brief explanation of the photo-geologic map of the Western Central Range of Netherlands New Guinea'.
Van Gelder, J.K. (1912)- Verslag omtrent eene geologische verkenning van de Mamberamo-Rivier op Nieuw-
Guinea. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 39 (1910), Verhand., p. 87-112.
(Geological reconnaissance Mamberano and Lower Idenburg Rivers during 1909 ‘military expedition’. Mostly
alluvial deposits, with folded Young Tertiary clastics with andesite intrusions in Van Rees mountains. Possibly
5 km thick Young Tertiary stratigraphic section along Van Gelder River, from which also ?Old Tertiary
limestone and float of Cretaceous fossils were reported. Van Rees Mts- Meervlakte transition structurally
complex fault zone. Toradja River (tributary of Mamberamo River), at foot of Central Range, with only
metamorphic and ultrabasic rocks)
Van Gorsel, J.T. (2012)- Middle Jurassic ammonites from the Cendrawasih Bay coast and North Lengguru fold-
belt, West Papua: implications of a ‘forgotten’ 1913 paper. Berita Sedimentologi 23, p. 35-41.
(online at:
(Occurrences of Middle Jurassic (Bathonian-Callovian) bathyal shales with 'Macrocephalites' ammonite faunas
as reported from 'Birds Neck' by Boehm (1913) and Gerth (1927) represent deep marine Middle Jurassic facies.
This suggests an eastern limit for gas-productive Middle Jurassic sandstone reservoirs of Bintuni Bay and thus
have significant negative implications for the potential of Mesozoic hydrocarbon plays in Cenderawasih Bay)
Van Nort, S.D., G.W. Atwood, T.B. Collinson, D.C. Flint & D.R. Potter (1991)- Geology and mineralization of
the Grasberg copper-gold deposit, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Mining Engineering 43, p. 300-303.
Vera, R. (2009)- Characterization of Roabiba Sandstone reservoir in Bintuni Field, Papua. M.Sc. Thesis, Texas
A&M University, College Station,p. 1-114.
(online at:
Verhofstad, J. (1967)- Glaucophanitic stone implements from West New Guinea (West Irian). Geologie
Mijnbouw 45, p. 291-300.
(Some stone tools in W New Guinea are glaucophane-lawsonite metamorphic facies rock, probably derived
from mafic igneous rocks)
Verhofstad, J., H. de Herdt et al. (1961)- Geologische verkenning Swart Vallei. Bureau Mines Netherlands New
Guinea, Report 26, 7p. (Unpublished)
(‘Geological reconnaissance of the Swart valley’, Central Range)
Verhofstad, J., D. Kerrebijn et al. (1961)- Geologische verkenning Swart Vallei- Bokondini- Archbold Meer.
Bureau Mines Netherlands New Guinea, Report 24, 14p.
Verstappen, H.Th. (1952)- Luchtfotostudies over het centrale bergland van Nederlands Nieuw Guinea- part 1.
Tijdschr. Kon. Ned. Aardrijksk. Gen. 74, p. 336-362.
(Air-photo studies of W New Guinea Central Range- part 1)
Verstappen, H.Th. (1952)- Luchtfotostudies over het centrale bergland van Nederlands Nieuw Guinea- part 2.
Tijdschr. Kon. Ned. Aardrijksk. Gen. 74, p. 425-431.
(Air-photo studies of W New Guinea Central Range- part 2)
Verstappen, H.Th. (1960)- Geomorphological observations on the North Moluccan- Northern Vogelkop island
arcs. Nova Guinea, Geol. 1-3; p. 13-37.
(Following peneplanation of pre-upper Miocene volcanic rocks, on whose surfaces Miocene conglomerates and
limestones were deposited, crustal movements formed volcanic and non-volcanic island arc with intervening
deep. Volcanic arc extends from Morotai through Halmahera to N Vogelkop and non- volcanic arc from NE
and SE Halmahera through Gebe toward Waigeo. Present-day coastal features product of postglacial eustatic
and younger tectonic activity)
Verstappen, H.Th. (1964)- Geomorphology of the Star Mountains. Nova Guinea (Geology) 5, p. 101-158.
(Star mountains (Sterrengebergte) of W Papua major boxfolds, steep escarpments and karsted limestone
terrains. Relief in youthful stage. Local remnants of older erosion surface occur, separated by areas of lower
elevation with complete rejuvenation)
Verstappen, H.Th. & J.P. Doets (1950)- Enige geomorphologische aantekeningen over de Wisselmeren,
Centraal Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. Tijdschr. Kon. Ned. Aardrijksk. Gen. LXVII, p. 489-496.
('Geomorphologic notes on the Wissel (=Paniai) Lakes, Central New Guinea'. Three lakes at 1640- 1749m
altitude, draining to S, but Paniani Lake may have drained N before main uplift of Central Range)
Vincelette, R.R. (1973)- Reef exploration in Irian Jaya. Proc. 2nd Ann. Conv. Indon.Petrol. Assoc., p. 243-277.
Vincelette, R.R. & R.A. Soeparjadi (1976)- Oil-bearing reefs in Salawati Basin of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. AAPG
Bull. 60, p.1448-1462.
(Salawati basin >4,600 m marine Tertiary sedimentary deposits. Basin initiated in Miocene, with deposition of
basinal limestone and shale. E and S basin margins shallow-water carbonate rocks with well-defined shelf and
shelf margin. Productive reef belt basinward of shelf margin. Reefs heights >490 m, areal extent 5- 124 km2.
Porosities in reefal carbonate up to 43%, average 20- 30%. Late Pliocene-Pleistocene normal faults cut many
Vink, W. (1960)- The mining potentials of Netherlands New Guinea. Nova Guinea, N.S., 10, Geology 1, 3, p.
Visser, W.A. (1968)- A geological reconnaissance in the Nassau Range: discussion. Geol. Mijnbouw 47, 1, p.
Visser, W.A. & J.J. Hermes (1962)- Geological results of the exploration for oil in Netherlands New Guinea.
Verh. Kon. Nederl. Geol. Mijnbouwk. Genootschap, Geol. Series 20, p. 1-265.
(Extensive compilation of NNGPM (Netherlands New Guinea Petroleum Maatschappij= Shell-Caltex-Stanvac
consortium) oil exploration and survey work in W New Guinea from 1935-1960)
Visser, W.A. & K.E. Kleiber (1959)- Geology of the Vogelkop, Netherlands New Guinea. Proc. 5th World
Petrol. Congress, New York 1959, 1, 52, p. 943-956.
(Birds Head oldest sediments of Silurian age, intensely folded, possibly in Devonian. Unconformably overlain
by Permo-Carboniferous clastics and minor limestones up to 2450m in N Birds head. Thin Triassic redbeds
overlain by M Jurassic- Cretaceous marine Kembelangan Fm. Paleocene- Miocene section mostly carbonates,
except for Oligocene Sirga-Ainod clastics, which were derived from N. N rim of Tertiary basin steeply dipping)
Wachsmuth, W. & F. Kunst (1986)- Wrench fault tectonics in Northern Irian Jaya. Proc. 15th Ann Conv. Indon.
Petrol. Assoc. 1, p. 371-376.
Wahyono & Sidarto (2001)- Aspek geologi endapan batubara di daerah Sorong, Irian Jaya. Geol. Res. Dev.
Centre, Bandung, Spec. Publ. 26, p. 1-13.
(On thin Plio- Pleistocene coal deposits near Sorong, W BirdsHead, E Salawati Basin, in regressive Klasaman
Fm. Sediments derived from Sorong Fault Zone High in North)
Ward, M.A. (1974)- Report on geological reconnaissance Block 5, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. PT Paniai Lakes
Minerals, Report, p. (unpublished)
Warren, P.Q. (1995)- Petrology, structure and tectonics of the Ruffaer metamorphic belt, west central Irian
Jaya, Indonesia. M.A. Thesis Univ. Texas, Austin, 2 vols., 338 p. (Unpublished)
Warren, P.Q. & M. Cloos (2007)- Petrology and tectonics of the Derewo metamorphic belt, West New Guinea.
Int. Geol. Rev. 49, 6 , p. 520-553.
(Derewo-Rouffaer Metamorphic Belt (DM) >500 km long, ~10-30 km wide terrane composed of slate and
phyllite on N flank of Central Range. S edge is Derewo fault in W, but gradational with unmetamorphosed
passive margin strata in E. N boundary is fault contact with Irian Ophiolite Belt. Metamorphic protoliths are
Jurassic-Cretaceous Australian passive-margin strata. Most of rock pelitic, with minor siltstones, sandstones
protoliths. Peak metamorphic conditions in Hitalipa area 250-350°C at 5-8 kbar (burial depths of 15- 25 km).
DM formed as Australian continental rise and slope sediments entered N-dipping subduction zone since 30 Ma.
Widespread emergence by 12 Ma, followed by major uplift from collisional orogenesis at ~8 Ma. Present-day
high topography of C Range established by ~4 Ma when delamination of subducting plate was complete and
collisional movements changed into left-lateral transform fault system. Tens of km of strike-slip displacement in
core of C Range, offsetting parts of metamorphic belt along Derewo and related faults)
Wass, R.E. (1989)- Early Permian bryzoa from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung,
Palaeont. Ser. 6, p. 11-25.
(Common late E Permian (Baigendzhinian) bryozoa in outcrops of Aifat Fm (= M Aifam) of upper Aifar River,
SW part of Birds Head. Assemblages affinities with Thailand and NW Australia)
Weiland, R.J. (1999)- Emplacement of the Irian ophiolite and unroofing of the Ruffaer metamorphic belt of
Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Texas, Austin, 526 p.
(Irian Ophiolite metabasites near Gauttier Offset exhumed from NE dipping subduction zone. Amphibolites
metamorphosed at ~700°C, blueschists at ~400°C, eclogites at ~450°C. Metamorphism ages between 65/70
Ma- 50/ 45 Ma. N Rouffaer Metamorphic Belt metapelites K-Ar ages ~35- 20 Ma, recording metamorphism of
passive margin strata. Intrusives near Irian Ophiolite characteristic of volcanic arcs; isotopic ages ~35-24 Ma
(allochthonous Oligocene- E Miocene oceanic arc) and ~12-10 Ma (autochthonous M Miocene Maramuni Arc).
Subduction of Australian passive margin strata and continental lithosphere led to uplift of Irian Ophiolite.
Exhumation of metamorphic rocks by normal faulting near ophiolite-metamorphic belt contact (amphibolites
from <15 km, slate from 15-20 km, phyllites from 25-30 km). Blueschists and eclogite exhumed from 25-35 km
depth along Gauttier Offset. Unroofing in E metamorphic belt increased from 23 to 2 Ma. W metamorphic belt
unroofed at ~0.3 km/m.y. from 21-3 Ma and ~6.9 km/m.y.)
Weiland, R.J. & M. Cloos (1996)- Pliocene-Pleistocene asymmetric unroofing of the Irian fold belt, Irian Jaya,
Indonesia: apatite fission-track thermochronology. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 108, 11, p. 1438-1449.
(Apatite from Ertsberg district Pliocene intrusions at crest of C Range yield fission-track ages 3.7 ± 0.9 to 2.0 ±
0.3 Ma. Grasberg pluton emplaced into its own volcanic cover and <2 km of material eroded since Pliocene.
Apatites from Triassic-Jurassic Tipuma, Carboniferous-Permian Aiduna Fms and igneous dikes exposed
halfway S slope of range fission-track ages between 2.7 ± 0.7 and 2.0 ± 0.5 Ma and indication of slower cooling
than Pliocene intrusions. Resetting of provenance fission-track ages in detrital apatite requires burial deeper
>4 km. Unroofing of Irian fold belt at least 2.5x and perhaps >5x faster, on lower S slope than at crest of
range, probably due to higher precipitation on S slope of C Range)
Westermann, G.E.G. (1995)- Mid-Jurassic Ammonitina from the Central Ranges of Irian Jaya and the origin of
stephanoceratids. In: Barnabas Geczy Jubilee Volume, Hantkeniana 1, Budapest, p. 105-118.
Westermann, G.E.G. & J.H. Callomon (1988)- The Macrocephalitinae and associated Bathonian and early
Callovian (Jurassic) ammonoids of the Sula islands and New Guinea. Palaeontographica A, 203, 90 p.
(Five Bathonian- Early Callovian ammonite assemblages on Sula Islands and from Bathonian at PNG
Strickland River. Similar assemblages, both with many endemic species. Sula assemblages more diverse and
possibly from warmer, lower paleo-latitude than Birds Head faunas)
Westermann, G.E.G. & T.A. Getty (1970)- New Middle Jurassic Ammonitina from New Guinea. Bull. Amer.
Paleont. 57, 256, p. 231-308.
(Bajocian- Callovian ammonites from loose stream bed material in Kemabu valley, NE of Paniai Lakes, Central
Range, presumably from Kembelangan Fm ‘A-member’ phyllites and re-examination of Bajocian- Callovian
ammonites from other parts Indonesian archipelago. Most ammonite species endemic to E Indonesia)
Wichmann, A. (1909)- Entdeckungsgeschichte von Neu-Guinea (bis 1828). In: A. Wichmann (ed.) Nova
Guinea, Resultats de l’expedition scientifique neerlandaise a la Nouvelle Guinee en 1903, E.J. Brill, Leiden,
vol. I, p. 1-387.
('Discovery history of New Guinea (until 1828)')
Wichmann, A. (1910)- Entdeckungsgeschichte von Neu-Guinea (1828 bis 1885). In: A. Wichmann (ed.) Nova
Guinea, Resultats de l’expedition scientifique neerlandaise a la Nouvelle Guinee en 1903, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 2,
1, p. 1-369.
('Discovery history of New Guinea (1828- 1885)')
Wichmann, A. (1917)- Bericht uber eine im Jahre 1903 ausgeführte Reise nach Neu-Guinea. In: A. Wichmann
(ed.) Nova Guinea, Resultats de l’expedition scientifique neerlandaise a la Nouvelle Guinee en 1903, E.J. Brill,
Leiden, vol. IV, p. 1-492.
(Detailed geographic- geological travel account of 1903 expedition to Northern Netherlands New Guinea.
Zwierzycki 1932: Records of Late Jurassic ammonites in area of low metamorphic phyllites- quartzites near
Jamoer Lake, Middle Jurassic ammonites near Wendesi along Cenderawasih Bay, etc. Occ. Eocene limestone
with Lacazinella on Dramia Island off Lengguru foldbelt, etc)
Widdowson, G. (2001)- E. Indonesian Gas-2- Potential giant gas reserves await development in Irian Jaya. Oil
& Gas J. 99, 26, June 25, 2001, p.
Widodo, S., P. Manning, N. Wiwoho, L. Johnson, N. Belluz, B. Kusnanto, G. MacDonald & A.C. Edwards
(1999)- Progress in understanding and developing the Kucing Liar orebody, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: Proc.
PACRIM '99 Congress, Australasian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, Parkville, Publ. Ser. 4/99, p. 499-507.
(Kucing Liar skarn deposit in Ertsberg mining district first intersected in 1994 drill holes and consists of
magnetite-copper-gold replacement and skarn mineralisation in Tertiary and Cretaceous units)
Widyanita, A., A. Purwati, J. Naar & W. Hidayat (2011)- Geocellular modelling of Vorwata, Wiriagar Deep,
Roabiba and Ofaweri Fields, Tangguh JV. Proc. 35th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA09-G-096, 14p.
(Reservoir model of M Jurassic Roabiba Fm of 5-field Tangguh gas field complex. Vorwata field ~80% of total
resources. Model divided into 3 members, 15 zones. Some zones partially eroded or pinching-out. Roabiba Fm
sandstones- mudstones deposited in tide-influenced braided rivers and deltas (Lw Roabiba; Toarcian-
Bajocian), tide-dominated delta and tidal-shoreface (U Roabiba; Late Bajocian- Bathonian) and delta front-
offshore settings (M Roabiba; Bajocian).
Williams, P.R. & Amiruddin (1983)- Diapirism and deformation East of the Mamberamo River, Northern Irian
Jaya. Proc. 12th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 68-79.
(Hilly terrain E of Mamberamo River underlain by Mamberamo Fm Late Miocene-Pleistocene predominantly
deep marine clastics. Shale diapirism caused much of deformation. Parts of succession overturned, probably
prior to current diapiric intrusion. Blocks in diapirs probable Eocene to M Miocene ages. Diapirism probably
initiated because of overpressuring due to rapid deposition and tectonic compression. Scaly clay formation not
related to collision or subduction, but to diapirism in transcurrent fault system)
Williams, P.R. & Amiruddin (1984)- Diapirism and deformation East of the Mamberamo River, Northern Irian
Jaya. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 10, p. 10-20.
(Same paper as above)
Williams, P.R., C.J. Pigram & C.B. Dow (1984)- Melange production and the importance of shale diapirism in
accretionary terranes. Nature 309, p. 145-146.
(N Irian Jaya discontinuous belt of melange between Cenderawasih Bay and PNG border product of shale
diapirism. Deformation of up to 7000m of Mamberamo Fm M Miocene- Pliocene turbidites from M Pleistocene
until today. Matrix of diapyric mudstones rich in M Miocene foraminifera. Exotic blocks include Eocene- E
Miocene limestone, volcanic rocks, serpentinites)
Williams, P.W. (1971)- Illustrating morphometric analysis of karst with examples from New Guinea. Zeitschrift
Geomorph., N.F, 15, p. 40-61.
Wilson, J.N. (1995)- Geologic summary of the Salawati Basin, Irian Jaya. In: Seismic atlas of Indonesian oil
and gas fields II: Java, Kalimantan, Natuna, Irian Jaya, Pertamina, p. IRJ1-IRJ5.
Winkelmolen, A.W., J.W.C.M. van der Sijp & F.H. van Oyen (1955)- Geological reconnaissance of the Wissel
Lakes area (Central Dutch New Guinea). NNGPM Rept. 26497, p.
(Unpublished NNGPM report, showing outcrops of Triassic (Tipuma Fm) sandstones at W side Paniai Lake
(not captured on more recent GRDC map))
Wiryosujono, S. (1997)- Beberapa aspek diagenesis batugamping Formasi Warifi bagian bawah di daerah
Wamena, Irian Jaya diamati melalui sayatan tipis. J. Geol. Sumberdaya Min. 7, 70, p. 11-18.
('Some aspects of the carbonate diagenesis of the lower Warifi (=Waripi?) Fm in the Wamena area, Irian Jaya')
Yabe, H. & T. Sugiyama (1942)- Younger Cenozoic reef corals from the Nabire beds of Nabire, Dutch New
Guinea. Proc. Imperial Acad. (Tokyo), 18, 1, p. 16-23.
(Fossil reef corals from beds considered to be of Plio-Pleistocene age in Nabire district,W Papua. Description
of new species Cyathoseris? tayamai)
Yabe, H. & T. Sugiyama (1942)- Notes on Anisocoenia Reuss and Favoidea Reuss. Proc. Imperial Acad.
(Tokyo) 18, 4, p. 194-199.
(Reviews of related coral genera Anisocoenia and Favoidea. Description of specimen of Anisocoenia junghuhni
from Plio-Pleistocene of Nabire district, W Papua, which is very similar to typical Favoidea)
Yoshino, H., T. Tanaka & H. Yamaguchi (2003)- Petroleum geology in Bintuni Basin in East Indonesia- a case
study of exploration and evaluation of giant gas fields. J. Japanese Assoc. Petrol. Techn. 68, p. 200-210.
(Bintuni fore-deep basin has certified 14.4 TCF gas for Wiriagar, Berau and Muturi PSCs in Jurassic and
Paleocene reservoirs)
Yudhanto, E.V. & D. Pasaribu (2012)- Structural evolution of Ubadari Field, Bird’s Head, Papua. Proc. 36th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. IPA, Jakarta, IPA12-G-187, p. 1-10.
(Ubadari field in Berau PSC, about 50 km SW of Tangguh is 1997 gas discovery in M Jurassic Roabiba sst and
Paleocene sst reservoirs. Bird’s Head region three main erosion events: Permo-Triassic, Oligocene (NW-SE
structural trends of Ubadari, Kalitami, Wiriagar, and Vorwata; believed to be result of initial collision between
Australian and Pacific plates) and Pliocene. Ubadari low relief structure before Pliocene and continued to
grow to present day structure. Roabiba sst sandstone transgressive succession, back stepping from SW to NE)
Yzerman, R. (1939)- Korte verslagen van den geoloog der expeditie van het Kon. Ned. Aardr. Gen. naar het
Wisselmeergebied en het Nassau-gebergte op Nederlandsch Nieuw Guinea in 1938. Tijdschr. Kon. Nederl.
Aardrijksk. Gen. 56, p. 677-679 and p. 791-792.
(Short reports by geologist of 1938 Dutch Geographical Society Expedition to Wissel (Paniai) Lakes and
Central Range)
Yzerman, R. (1947)- De aanstaande expeditie van het Nederlandsch Nieuw Guinea Exploratie Committee. Bull.
Bur. Mines Geol. Surv. Indonesia 1, 1, p. 17-19.
(‘The upcoming expedition of the Netherlands New Guinea Exploration Committee’)
Zarmansyah, T.A. & G.J. Edelbrock (1992)- Drilling in karst terrain of Irian Jaya. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petrol. Assoc. 2, p. 98-108.
Zwierzycki, J. (1926)- Notes on the morphology and tectonics of the North Coast of New Guinea. Philippines J.
Sci. 29, 4, p. 505- 515.
(Abbreviated, English version of Zwierzycki 1924 geology of North New Guinea)
Zwierzycki, J. (1928)- Geologische overzichtskaart van Nederlandsch Indie. Toelichting bij de bladen XIV en
XXI (Noord en Zuid Nieuw Guinea). Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Indie 56 (1927), Verhand. I, p. 248-308.
(Early 1:1,000, 000 overview maps of North and South New Guinea)
Abbott, L.D. & E.A. Silver (1991) Geology of the southern Finisterre Range: a case history of modern arc-
continent collision. In: R. Rogerson (ed.) Proc. PNG Geology Exploration and Mining Conf., Rabaul 1991.
Australasian Inst. Min. Metall., Melbourne, p. 1-7.
Abbott, L.D., E.A. Silver, R.S. Anderson, R. Smith, J.C. Ingle, S.A. Kling, D. Haig et al. (1997) Measurement
of tectonic surface uplift rate in a young collisional mountain belt. Nature 385, p. 501-507.
(Finisterre Range, NE PNG, current tectonic uplift rate 0.8- 2.1 mm/yr)
Abbott, L.D., E.A. Silver & J. Galewsky (1994) Structural evolution of a modern arc-continent collision in
Papua New Guinea. Tectonics 13, p. 1007-1034.
(N PNG Finisterre Mts- W Solomon Sea site of young, active, oblique collision of Finisterre arc terrane.
Accretionary wedge complex of SW-ward younging imbricate thrust sheets alongW-ward extension of New
Britain Trench and outcrops in Finisterre Mts as Erap Structural Complex. Collision doubled crustal thickness
to 50–52 km)
Abbott, L.D., E.A. Silver, P.R. Thompson et al. (1994) Stratigraphic constraints on the development and timing
of the arc-continent collision in northern Papua New Guinea. J. Sediment. Res. B64, p. 169-183.
(Two sandstone provenance shifts on S flank Finisterre Range. First shift at ~16-18 Ma, from volcanolithic
sediments to mixed-provenance rich in quartz and metasedimentary lithics, probably derived from orogenic belt
active along Australian continental margin at that time. At 3.0-3.7 Ma volcanic source rejuvenated, reflecting
initial collision / uplift of SE-propagating Finisterre terrane and Australian continental margin)
Abers, G.A. (1989) Active tectonics and seismicity of New Guinea. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Inst. Techn.,
255 p.
Abers, G.A., A. Ferris, M. Craig, H. Davies et al. (2002) Mantle compensation of active metamorphic core
complexes at Woodlark rift in Papua New Guinea. Nature 418, p. 862- 865.
(Seismic observations of metamorphic core complexes of western Woodlark rift show thinned crust beneath
regions of greatest surface extension. Core complexes are actively being exhumed at 5-10km/Myr, and thinning
of underlying crust appears to be compensated by mantle rocks of anomalously low density)
Abers, G.A. & H. Lyon-Caen (1990) Regional gravity anomalies, depth of the foreland basin and isostatic
compensation of the New Guinea highlands. Tectonics 9, p. 1479-1493.
(New Guinea foreland basin thickens from <200m in E PNG to 1 km in C PNG to >5km in W New Guinea,
reflecting increasingly stronger lithosphere to W. PNG also lower elevations and young volcanism)
Abers, G. & R. McCaffrey (1988) Active deformation in the New Guinea fold-and-thrust belt: seismological
evidence for strike-slip faulting and basement-involved thrusting. J. Geophys. Res. 93, B11, p. 13332-13354.
(New Guinea fold-and-thrust belt trend oblique to predicted convergence direction. Large component of left-
lateral shear expected, but little geological evidence for such motion. Earthquake mechanisms in New Guinea
foldbelt since 1964 indicate thrust events, with steeply dipping fault planes, 11-25 km deep, showing thrust
faulting penetrates crystalline basement at high angles. Most earthquakes in W half of thrust belt show E-W
oriented, left lateral strike-slip faulting. Translation by strike-slip faulting may play greater role than previously
Abers, G., C.Z. Mutter & J. Fang (1994) Shallow dips of normal faults during rapid extension; earthquakes in
the Woodlark-D'Entrecasteaux rift system, Papua New Guinea. J. Geoph. Res., B, 102, 7,p. 15,301-15,317.
Abers, G.A. & S.W. Roecker (1991) Deep structure of an arc-continent collision: earthquake relocation and
inversion for upper mantle P and S wave velocities beneath Papua New Guinea. J. Geophys. Res. 96, B4, p.
(E PNG earthquakes and seismic velocities used to define subduction zones. Hypocenters show seismic zone
dipping vertically or steeply to N beneath N Finistere-Huon ranges from 125-250 km depth, continuous along
strike with New Britain seismic zone to E. No evidence for arc polarity reversal from seismicity. )
Adams, C.G. & D.J. Belford (1979) A new foraminifer from the Middle Eocene of Papua New Guinea.
Palaeontology 22, 1, p. 181-187.
(Reticulogyra mirata, a new complex miliolid species from Middle Eocene Lower Chimbu limestone. Associated
larger forams include Fasciolites, Nummulites javanus, Dictyoconus chimbuensis)
Afenya, P.M. (1986) Chromite deposits of Papua New Guinea- a future potential source of chrome. In: G.H.
Teh & S. Paramananthan (eds.) Proc. GEOSEA V Conf., Kuala Lumpur 1984, 1, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 19,
p. 303-314.
(Chromite deposits associated with New Guinea ophiolite belt. Two main deposits Ramu and Hessen Bay
uneconomic in primary form, but higher concentrations in weathered zones)
Aharon, P. & J. Chappell (1986) Oxygen isotopes, sea level changes and the temperature history of a coral reef
environment in New Guinea in the last 100,000 years. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol. 56, p. 337-379.
(Seven reef terraces up to to 370m elevation along raising coast of Huon Peninsula, PNG. Spaced at 20 kyr
Ahmed, M., S.A. Barclay, S.C. George, B. McDonald et al. (2004) The distribution and isotopic composition of
sulfur in solid bitumens from Papua New Guinea. In: R.J. Hill et al. (eds.) Geochemical investigation in earth
and space science, a tribute to I.R. Kaplan. Geochem. Soc. Spec. Publ. 9, Elsevier, p. 51-58.
Ahmed, M., H. Volk, T. Allan & D. Holland (2012) Origin of oils in the Eastern Papuan Basin, Papua New
Guinea. Organic Geochem.53, p. 137-152.
(Geochemical characteristics of 16 oils/condensates/seep oil/oil shows from E Papuan Basin and one seep oil
from W Papuan Basin integrated with data from previous studies show two hydrocarbon families. Family A
oils, mostly in WPB region generated from marine source rocks with higher plant derived organic matter,
deposited in sub-oxic to oxic environment (likely M-U Jurassic). Family B oils mainly in EPB, generated from
Cretaceous or younger marine carbonate source rocks deposited under anoxic- suboxic conditions, and
containing mainly prokaryotic OM. Exact source rock formation still unidentified. Both families generated at
similar thermal maturities of 1.0-1.3% vitrinite reflectance equivalent)
Allan, T., M. Korsch & D. Whitford (2012) Larger foraminiferal extinctions as indicators of eustatic sea level
fall; new strontium isotope age evidence from the middle Miocene of the Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea. In:
Proc. 34th Int. Geological Congress, Abstracts, p. 2961. (Abstract only)
(Age range of three index taxa of Miocene larger foraminfera calibrated to geological timescale using Sr
isotope stratigraphic studies of Darai Limestone. Extinction of Austrotrillina and Miogypsina coincident with
M-L Miocene boundary (11.0-11.5 Ma) and large eustatic 3rd order sea level fall. Disappearance of
Miogypsina at approximately same age on N Marion Plateau. Disappearance of Lepidocyclina at ~7.5 Ma in
PNG and S Marion Plateau may also reflect eustatic event)
Allan, T., D.J. Whitford, G. Morgan, D.J. Holland & D.P. Leech (2006) Tertiary stratigraphy of the Papuan
Basin: insights from Strontium dating. AAPG Perth Int. Conf. (Abstract only)
(Three regressive cycles in Oligo-Miocene Darai Lst, each ending with shallow water limestones for which
cycles are named: Mid Darai (28.5-17.5 Ma), Mala (17.5-14 Ma) and Warre (14.0-7.1 Ma). Warre Cycle marks
top of Darai Lst. Early Oligocene widespread in basal Darai Lst, with significant Eocene reworking, and
recycling of quartz sand from Cretaceous into Eocene and Oligocene units. Last appearances of index
foraminifera marking T-Letter stage boundaries coincide with lower Mid Darai and lower- upper Warre Cycle
boundaries. In Papuan Foreland, cycle boundaries are correlated with 3rd order seismic sequences, including
major off-platform Miocene erosional events. Eustatic sea level falls possible factor in faunal ‘turnovers’)
Anfiloff, V. & A.J. Flavelle (1982) Formal gravity interpretation over the 800-m Darai Escarpment in New
Guinea. Geophysics 47; 7, p. 1091-1099.
(Gravity traverse over 800-m Darai escarpment shows fault near base of escarpment. No vertical continuation
bump directly over fault. Upthrown basement at depth of roughly 2500 m. Fault position near base of
escarpment suggests history of repetitive crustal movements)
APC- Australasian Petroleum Company (1961) Geological results of petroleum exploration in western Papua
1937-1961 (compilers C.A.E. O'Brian, K.W. Gray & I. Gillipie). J. Geol. Soc. Australia 8, 1, p. 1-133.
(Compilation of previously unpublished PNG oil exploration and well data generated by APC. Principal
reference for Papuan Basin stratigraphy.)
APC- Australasian Petroleum Company (1961) Puri No. 1 well, Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., p. 1-59.
(Final well report of APC Puri 1 well, drilled in 1958 on thrust-faulted anticline with repeated stratigraphy at E
end of Kereri Range, PNG Highlands. TD 10,100’ in Cretaceous. In hanging wall ~1600’ of Eocene- Miocene
limestone with Discocyclina, Eorupertia and Distichoplax biserialis near base (= Late Paleocene or E Eocene;
HvG). Tested wet gas below 7425’ in sub-thrust Oligo-Miocene limestone)
APOC- Anglo-Persian Oil Company (1930) Oil exploration work in Papua and New Guinea, conducted by the
Anglo-Persian Oil Company on behalf of the government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1920-1929, vol.
1, Harrison and Sons Ltd., London, p.
(First of 4 volumes and 2 Atlases describing oil exploration work by Anglo-Persian (predecessor company of
BP) between 1920-1929. Volume 1 contains Part. 1. Historical outline; Part 2. Reports of the first geological
expedition, 1920-1923; Part 3. Drilling operations at Popo, 1922-1929)
APOC- Anglo-Persian Oil Company (1930) Oil exploration work in Papua and New Guinea, conducted by the
Anglo-Persian Oil Company on behalf of the government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1920-1929, vol.
2, Harrison and Sons Ltd., London, p.
(Volume II contains Part 4. Reports of the second geological expedition, 1927-1929: Oriomo, Cape Vogel,
Barnum river, Sepik, Hansemann coast)
APOC- Anglo-Persian Oil Company (1930) Oil exploration work in Papua and New Guinea, conducted by the
Anglo-Persian Oil Company on behalf of the government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1920-1929. vol.
3, Harrison and Sons Ltd., London, p.
(Volume III contains Part 4 (cont.) Geology of the Finsche coast area, north-west New Guinea)
Arculus R.J., R.W. Johnson, B.W. Chappell, C.O. McKee & H. Sakai (1983) Ophiolite-contaminated andesites,
trachybasalts, and cognate inclusions of Mt. Lamington, Papua New Guinea: anhydrite-amphibole-bearing lavas
and the 1951 cumulodome. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 18, p. 215–247.
Arculus, R.J. & C. Yeats (2007) Volcanism and tectonism of the South Bismarck microplate, Papua New
Guinea. R/V Southern Surveyor Voyage Summary SS06/2007, CSIRO, p.
Arnold, G.O., T.J. Griffin & C.C. Hodge (1979) Geology of the Ok Tedi and southern Atbalmin, 1:100 000
sheet. Geological Survey of Papua New Guinea, Report 79/3, p.
Arnold, G.O. & T.J. Griffin (1978) Intrusions and porphyry copper prospects of the Star Mountains, Papua New
Guinea. Econ. Geol. 73, 5, p. 785-795.
(Star Mountains of west PNG is copper province with Mount Fubilan (Ok Tedi) deposit and 10 other prospects.
Wide range of calc-alkaline intrusions emplaced into Jurassic-Miocene shelf sediments at time of Plio-
Pleistocene thrust faulting. Copper mineralization in skarns and disseminated in porphyry stocks)
Asami, N. & R.M. Britten (1980) The porphyry copper deposits at the Frieda River Prospect, Papua New
Guinea. Mining Geol., Spec. Issue, 8, p. 117-139.
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (1998) Geology of Australian and Papua New Guinean mineral
deposits, AusIMM, Parkville, Mon. 22, p.
Auzende, J.M., J. Ishibashi, Y. Beaudoin, J.L. Charlou, J. Delteil, J.P. Donval et al. (2000) Les extremites
orientale et occidentale du bassin de Manus, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinee, explorees par submersible: la
campagne Manaute. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, Earth Planet. Sci. 331, p. 119-126.
('The E and W ends of the Manus Basin, PNG, explored by submersible'. Submersible dives demonstrate that in
E part of Manus basin oceanic accretion is reduced to two axes propagating between Djaul and Weitin FZ. In
W part of Manus basin oceanic accretion is along two axes propagating rapidly to SW. Effect of subduction of
Australian Plate in New Britain Trench evident throughout basin)
Ayyasami, K. & D.W. Haig (1997) New evidence for Jurassic age of the lower Wahgi Group, northern flank of
Kubor Anticline, Papua New Guinea. Neues Jahrb. Geol. Palaont., Monatshefte 10, p. 575-584.
(Lower Maril Shale, overlying Omung Metamorphics on N flank Kubor Anticline, is Mid or Late Jurassic age,
not Triassic as suggested by Francis et al. 1990)
Bachmann, H.G. (1988) Exploration auf Platinmetalle in Papua Neuguinea. Die Geowissenschaften (Weinheim)
6, 5, p. 151-156.
('Exploration of Platinum metals in PNG')
Bain, J.H.C. (1973) A summary of the main structural elements of Papua New Guinea. In: P.J. Coleman (ed.)
The Western Pacific: island arcs, marginal seas, geochemistry. Western Australia Univ. Press, Perth, p. 147-
161. (also as BMR Geol. Geoph. Record 1973/30. Summary of PNG geology, to accompany 1972 1:1M scale
geologic map of PNG))
Bain, J.H.C. & J.G. Binnekamp (1973) The foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Chimbu Limestone, New
Guinea. Geological Papers 1970-71, Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph. Bull. 139, p. 1-12.
(online at: )
Bain, J.H.C., H.L. Davies, P.D. Hohnen, R.J. Ryburn, I.E. Smith, R. Grainger, R.J. Tingey & M.R.Moffat
(1972) Geology of Papua New Guinea (map 1:1,000,000). Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Canberra.
(Geologic map of PNG in 4 sheets)
Bain, J.H.C. & D.E. MacKenzie (1974) Karimui, Papua New Guinea Sheet SB/55-9. Papua New Guinea
1:250,000 Geological series and Explanatory Notes. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, p. 1-39.
(Geologic map and explanatory notes of area North side of PNG Central Highlands, between 6-7° S and 144° -
145°30'E. In N of area Kubor Anticline with Late Paleozoic Omung metamorphics and Kubor granodiorite
exposed in core. In S eastern end of Central Range foldbelt)
Bain, J.H.C. & D.E. MacKenzie (1975) Ramu, Sheet SB/55-5. Papua New Guinea 1:250 000 Geological Series
and Explanatory Notes, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra.
(Geologic map and explanatory notes of area North side of PNG Central Highlands, between 5-6° S and 144° -
145°30'E. In SW of area Kubor Anticline with Late Paleozoic Omung metamorphics and Kubor granodiorite,
Triassic Kana Volcanics, etc. exposed in core. Towards NE ultrabasics belt and Mio-Pliocene Ramu Basin)
Bain, J.H.C., D.E. MacKenzie & R.J. Ryburn (1970) Geology of the Kubor anticline, Central Highlands of
Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geophys. Record 1970/79, p. 1-85 + 17 map sheets
(online at: )
(Manuscript for Bain et al. 1975 Kubor Anticline publication)
Bain, J.H.C., D.E. MacKenzie & R.J. Ryburn (1975) Geology of the Kubor anticline, Central Highlands of
Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geophys. Bull. 155, p. 1-106.
(online at: )
(With Karimui, Ramu 1:250,000 PNG geology maps. Kubor Anticline N of main PNG detached foldbelt is
basement-involved anticline with core of Omung Metamorphics, intruded by Late Permian? Kubor
granodiorite. Both unconformably overlain by 30-250m Late Triassic Kuta Fm biohermal-reefal limestone with
basal conglomerate containing igneous and metamorphic clasts and U Triassic dacites and basalts (Kana
Volcanics. Overlain unconformably by ~7000 m of U Jurassic- Upper Cretaceous clastic and volcanic rocks, U
Paleocene? clastics (Pima Sst) and Eocene-Oligocene limestone (Nebilyer Lst) respectively. At NE end Upper
Cretaceous rocks overlain with slight unconformity by ~300 m of Eocene-Oligocene foraminiferal Chimbu Lst,
Eocene-Oligocene limestones everywhere overlain by Miocene limestone or clastics)
Bainbridge, A.L., G.J. Corbett & T.M. Leach, (1994) The Nena high sulfidation system, Frieda River Copper,
Papua New Guinea. In: R. Rogerson (ed.) Proc. Geology, exploration and mining conference, June 1994, Lae,
PNG 1994, Australasian Inst, Mining Metallurgy, Parkville, p. 131-137.
Baldwin, J.T., H.D. Swain & G.H. Clark (1978) Geology and grade distribution of the Panguna porphyry
copper deposit, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. Econ. Geol. 73, p. 690-702.
Baldwin, S.L., M. Grove, E.J. Hill, B.D. Monteleone et al. (2004) Pliocene eclogite exhumation at plate tectonic
rates in eastern Papua New Guinea. Nature 431, p. 263-267.
(Exposed metamorphic core complex with Pliocene (4.3 Ma) eclogite facies in D’Entrecasteaux Islands.
Extremely rapid exhumation from ~75 km in extending region W of Woodlark basin spreading centre. Such
rapid exhumation of high-pressure rocks facilitated by extension within transient plate boundary zones
associated with rapid oblique plate convergence)
Baldwin, S.L., G.S. Lister, E.J. Hill, D.A. Foster & I. McDougall (1993) Thermochronologic constraints on the
tectonic evolution of active metamorphic core complexes, D’Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea.
Tectonics 12, 3, p. 611-628.
(Metamorphic core complexes in D'Entrecasteaux Islands formed as result of active extension at W end of
propagating Woodlark Basin spreading center. Gneisses cooled rapidly at 2.7 to 3.0 Ma and 1.6 to 1.7 Ma.,
Shear zones active from 4.0-3.5 Ma and 1.9-1.4 Ma. Granodiorite bodies associated with D'Entrecasteaux
Islands domes represent syn-kinematically emplaced granitoids intruded into area of continental extension)
Baldwin, S.L., L.E.Webb & B.D. Monteleone (2008) Late Miocene coesite-eclogite exhumed in the Woodlark
Rift. Geology 36, 9, p. 735-738.
(Late Miocene-Pliocene eclogites exhumed in Woodlark Rift. Coesite in Late Miocene (~8 Ma), eclogite from
D’Entrecasteaux Islands metamorphic core complexes, exhumed from mantle depths (≥90 km) to surface at
plate tectonic rates (cm/ yr). Youngest exhumed ultrahigh-pressure rock on Earth)
Baldwin, S.L., L.E. Webb, B. Monteleone, T.A. Little, P.G. Fitzgerald, K. Peters & J.L. Chappell (2006)
Continental crust subduction and exhumation: insights from eastern Papua New Guinea. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 70, 18, Suppl. 1 (Goldschmidt Conf. Abstract)
E PNG exhumation of previously subducted continental crust in plate boundary zone characterized by rifting-
to- seafloor spreading transition. Australian margin subducted N-ward beneath Late Paleocene–E Eocene
island arc. Eclogite and blueschist relicts in lower plates of metamorphic core complexes (MCCs). Rapid
diachronous exhumation from 13 to 0.5 Ma, proceeding from E to W, prior to and synchronous with seafloor
spreading in Woodlark Basin (6 Ma). Some rocks subducted to >100 km at ~8 Ma. Exhumation to shallow
crustal levels by 1.5 Ma. W of active sea floor spreading rift tip mineral growth and cooling from 8 to 3 Ma; SE
of active rift tip ages interpreted to record cooling and exhumation from 13-8 Ma)
Bamford, R.W. (1972) The Mount Fubilan (Ok Tedi) porphyry copper deposit, Territory of Papua and New
Guinea. Economic Geol. 67, 8, p. 1019-1033.
(Central Range young fold belt with mineralization associated with Plio-Pleistocene intrusions)
Barclay, S.A., K. Liu & D. Holland (2003) Reservoir quality, diagenesis and sedimentology of the Pale and
Subu sandstones: re-visiting the eastern Papuan basin, Papua New Guinea. APPEA J. 43, p. 515-535.
(Campanian Pale sandstone in E Papuan foldbelt 160m thick shallow marine delta front-shoreface facies,
porosity 5-16%, with biodegraded oil in outcrop)
Barndollar, P. (1993) Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Papuan Foreland. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum
exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 1993, p.
Barrett, R.A. (1996) A petroleum systems analysis of the Sepik and Ramu basins of Papua New Guinea. In: P.
Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration development and production in Papua New Guinea. Proc. Third PNG
Petroleum Convention, p. 495-509.
(Basins on N margin PNG, formed by complex series of Tertiary tectonic events. Up to 10 km of Mio-Pliocene
sediments. Formation of deep Late Oligocene- Early Miocene basins overprinted by Late Miocene and younger
compression. Potential plays Miocene carbonate buildups and Mio-Pliocene sandstones)
Barrett, R.A. (1999) Play concepts of the northern basins of New Guinea Island. AAPG Ann. Mtg. Abstract,
AAPG Bull. 83 p. (Abstract only)
Baumer, A. & B. Fraser (1975) Panguna porphyry copper deposit, Bougainville. In: Economic geology of
Australia and Papua New Guinea, 1. Metals. Australasian Inst. Min. Metall., Melbourne. p. 855-866.
Baylis, S.A., S.J. Cawley, C.J. Clayton & M.A. Savell (1997) The origin of unusual gas seeps from onshore
Papua New Guinea. Marine Geol. 137, p. 109-120.
(Gas seeps with associated oils and waters from onshore Aure Thrust Belt. Oils biodegraded and from
dominantly marine source, some with evidence of higher land plant input. Thermal maturity low to moderately
high. Some gases biogenic, some thermogenic and some mixed. Two biogenic groups, one with high CO2 - light
δD (acetate fermentation in low salinity), one with lower CO2- heavier δD (biogenic CO2 reduction associated
with higher salinity, marine environments). Thermogenic gases associated with intermediate salinity and have
exceptionally heavy d13C in CO2).
Bee, A.G. (1982) A review of Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy of Southwest Papua New Guinea.
Australasian Petrol. Co., PNG Geol. Survey, Port Moresby, p.
Belford, D.J. (1957) Micropalaeontological examination of samples from the Tabu area, Permit 22, Papua. Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Records 1957/029, p. 1-4.
(Micropal analysis of 26 samples from Tubu area, Permit 22, 47 m NW of Port Moresby and 10 m NE of Cape
Suckling, collected by Papuan Apinaipi Petroleum Ltd. All material M Miocene- Pliocene age)
Belford, D.J. (1958) Micropalaeontology of samples from Kaufana No. 1 well, Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol.
Geoph., Records 1958/9, p. 1-6.
(online at:
(Papuan Apinaipi Petroleum Co. Kaufana 1 well with diverse M Miocene and younger bathyal marine
calcareous forams above 600' (incl. Miocene Lepidocyclina at 350'). From 640-3348' (TD) poor deep
arenaceous water foram faunas only, probably all still of Miocene age)
Belford, D.J. (1958) Micropalaeontology of samples from the Karema-Karova Creek and Malalaus-Saw
Mountains areas, Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Records 1958/94, p. 1-3.
(All rel. deep marine sediments of M Miocene- Pliocene age)
Belford, D.J. (1959) Lower Miocene foraminifera from the Milne Bay area, Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol.
Geoph., Records 1959/99, p. 1-2.
(online at:
(Tuffaceous limestones collected by J.E. Thompson at Milne Bay (SE tipe of PNG mainland) probably all of
Lower Miocene age (Upper Te with Spiroclypeus, Lepidocyclina (E.), Miogypsina))
Belford, D.J. (1959) Foraminifera from the Middle Purari River area, Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph.,
Records 1959/157, p. 1-4.
(online at:
Belford, D.J. (1959) Miocene foraminifera from the Wira Anticline, Puri-Purari River area, Papua. Bur. Min.
Res. Geol. Geoph., Records 1959/105, p. 1-6.
(online at:
(Samples from Wira anticline all Late Miocene- Pliocene deep marine faunas)
Belford, D.J. (1962) Miocene and Pliocene planktonic foraminifera from Papua New Guinea. Bull. Bur. Min.
Res. Australia 62, p. 1-35.
(Thirty-four species of planktonic foraminifera described from Miocene-Pliocene beds of PNG)
Belford, D.J. (1963) Foraminifera from Mutare No. 1 bore, Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record
1963/170, p. 1-4. (online at: )
(Basal Miocene carbonates on unidentified Mesozoic section) )
Belford, D.J. (1965) Foraminifera from the Port Moresby area. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1965/102,
p. 1-6. (online at: )
(43 outcrop samples, ranging in age from U Cretaceous to E Miocene/ Te. Eocene Pellatispira reworked in E
Miocene (but Lower Te= Late Oligocene; HvG))
Belford, D.J. (1965)Foraminifera from the Wuroi No. 1 well, Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record
1965/103, p. 1-3. (online at: )
(Seven cores from Oil Search well Wuroi 1, ranging in age from M Miocene- Mesozoic)
Belford, D.J. (1965) Foraminifera from outcrop samples, Star Mountains, Papua-New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res.
Geol. Geoph., Record 1965/233, p. 1-3.
(online at:
(Very brief report on outcrop samples from Star Mountains. Mainly E-M Miocene limestones, overlain(?) by
zoneN8 planktonics from'Iwoer Fm')
Belford, D.J. (1966) Miocene and Pliocene smaller foraminifera from Papua New Guinea. Bull. Bur. Min. Res.
Australia 79, p. 1-305.
(Extensive descriptions of 156 Mio-Pliocene benthic foram species, 35 new. Very little PNG stratigraphy info)
Belford, D.J. (1966) Palaeocene planktonic foraminifera from Papua and New Guinea. Austral. Bur. Min. Res.
Bull. 92, p. 1-33.
(online at: )
(Paleocene planktonic forams described from PNG areas Wabag in W Highlands and Cape Vogel in SE.
Fourteen species assigned to Subbotina, Globigerina, Globorotalia and Chiloguembelina. Mainly from
Globorotalia pseudomenardii Subzone; oldest beds may be Globigerina daubjergensis- G. trinidadensis Zone)
Belford, D.J. (1967) Additional Miocene and Pliocene planktonic foraminifera from Papua and New Guinea.
Austral. Bur. Min. Res. Bull. 92, p. 35-48.
(online at: )
(Three more species of Mio-Pliocene planktonic foraminifera recorded and figured from PNG: Globorotalia
crassaformis, G. archaeomenardii and Sphaeroidinellopsis kochi (mainly from Ramu Atitau area))
Belford, D.J. (1976) Foraminifera and age of samples from southeastern Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph.
Bull. 165, p. 73-86.
(online at:
(Appendix in Smith & Davies (1976). Listings and illustrations of Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera,
Eocene planktonic and larger foraminifera, Late Oligocene- Miocene larger foraminifera and Plio-Pleistocene
planktonics and smaller benthics from SE PNG)
Belford, D.J. (1978) The genus Triplasia (Foraminiferida) from the Miocene of Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min.
Res. Geol. Geophys. Bull. 192 (Crespin Volume), p. 1-7.
(Three species of small benthic agglutinated foram Triplasia in Lower Miocene Yangi beds in Wabag area)
Belford, D.J. (1981) Co-occurrence of middle Miocene larger and planktic smaller Foraminifera, New Ireland,
Papua New Guinea. Palaeontological Papers 1981, Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph. Bull. 209, p. 1-21.
(online at: )
(Fauna with both larger (Lepidocyclina (N.) howchini) and planktonic foraminifera (zones N.11-N.12 ) in M
Miocene samples from New Ireland, PNG)
Belford, D.J. (1982) Planorbulinella solida sp. nov. (Foraminiferida) from the Miocene of Papua New Guinea.
BMR J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 7, 4, p. 321-325.
(online )
(New species name for Linderina sp.indet. as recorded from Cape Vogel area, PNG. Rel. widespread in Early
Miocene (Te5-Tf1) of PNG)
Belford, D.J. (1984) Late Albian planktonic foraminifera, Strickland River, Papua New Guinea. BMR J.
Austral. Geol. Geoph. 9, 2, p. 183-189.
Belford, D.J. (1984) Tertiary foraminifera and age of sediments, Ok-Tedi-Wabag, Papua New Guinea. Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph. Bull. 216, p. 1-52.
(online at: )
(Paleocene- Pliocene planktonic foraminifera distribution from outcrop samples. Top larger foram zone Te
correlated to planktonic foram zones N6-N7, with zone N8 planktonics overlying top Darai Lst Lower Tf
assemblages. Occurrence of Lacazinella near Telefomin)
Belford, D.J. (1988) Planktonic foraminifera, age of sediments and polarity reversals, New Britain, Papua New
Guinea. BMR J. Australian Geol. Geophys. 10, p. 329-343.
Benes, V., N. Bocharova, E. Popov, S.D. Scott & L.P. Zonenshain (1997) Geophysical and morpho-tectonic
study of the transition between seafloor spreading and continental rifting, western Woodlark Basin, Papua New
Guinea. Marine Geol. 142, p. 85-98.
(Two major morpho-tectonic domains, separated by major transfer zone, at transition between seafloor
spreading and continental rifting in W Woodlark Basin. Oceanic domain new oceanic crust formed during
Bruhnes Epoch, older transitional crust and rifted continental margins. Two rift branches in continental
domain. S rift branch failed, N branch maximum extension with initial development of oceanic crust. Seafloor
spreading in W Woodlark Basin started between 3.5- 2.5 Ma. Frequent jumps of seafloor spreading centers
indicate instability of Woodlark extensional system)
Benes, V., S.D. Scott & R.A. Binns (1994) Tectonics of rift propagation into a continental margin: Western
Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea. J. Geophys. Res. 99, p. 4439-4456.
Bennett, D.J., R.P. Brand, C.R. Mills & B.D Morris (2000) Exploration potential of the West Bosavi area,
Papuan foreland basin, Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan et al.(eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum
industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 139-154.
(Geology and exploration potential of Papuan foreland basin W of Bosavi lineament. Structure rel. simple.
Main plays are compactional drapes over basement highs and tilted fault blocks. Reservoir targets mainly E
Cretaceous Toro Sst, with deeper targets in Late Jurassic Digimu Fm sandstones)
Bernstein-Taylor, B.L., S. Kimberly, S. Kirchoff-Stein, E.A. Silver, D.L. Reed & M. Mackay (1992) Large-
scale duplexes within the New Britain accretionary wedge: a possible example of accreted ophiolitic slivers.
Tectonics 11, 4, p. 732-752.
Best, J.G. (1964) Regional geology - Markham Valley, Territory of Papua and New Guinea (1:250,000 Sheet
SB 55-10). Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1964/80, p. 1-6.
(online at:
(Brief report in conjunction with groundwater drilling. Mountains at E end of Markham Valley mainly Kaindi
Metamorphics, tightly folded and NNE striking, intruded by Morobe granodiorite. In SW ?Paleozoic
metamorphics. Northern Finisterre- Saruwaged Range folded-faulted WNW trending Mio-Pliocene sediments)
Bickel, R.S. (1974) Reconnaissance geology of the Cape Vogel Basin, Papua New Guinea. AAPG Bull.52, 12,
p. 2477-2489.
(Cape Vogel basin extends for 400 km along NE side of E PNG, 80% offshore. Three subbasinal areas. Basins
overlie obducted plate of oceanic mantle and crust that was thrust SW onto Mesozoic Owen Stanley
metamorphic rocks. Tertiary sediments: Late Oligocene Iauga Fm volcanics and deep-marine deposits, overlain
unconformably by early M Miocene limestone, overlain by >4,000 m thick U Miocene-Pliocene clastics)
Bickel, R.S. (1976) Cape Vogel Basin. In: R.B. Leslie et al. (eds.) Economic geology of Australia and Papua
New Guinea, Vol. 3, Petroleum. Australasian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, Mon. 7, p. 506-513.
Binnekamp, J.G. (1970) Foraminifera and age of samples from the Star Mountains, Territory of Papua New
Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1970/14, p. 1-8.
(online at:
(Foraminifera from 56 limestone outcrop samples from PNG Central Range, close to West Papua border.
Mainly Late Oligocene- E-M Miocene (Te- lower Tf) ages, some Oligocene Tcd)
Binnekamp, J.G. (1973) Tertiary larger foraminifera from New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Bull. Austr. Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph. Bull. 140, p. 1-26.
(Larger forams from 3 formations in New Britain: Eocene Baining volcanoclastics (incl. Pellatispira), Late
Oligocene Merai Volcanics (Lower Te with Eulepidina, Nephrolepidina, Cycloclypeus, Halkyardia),and M
Miocene (upper Te-Tf) with Nephrolepidina, Cycloclypeus, Katacycloclypeus, Austrotrillina, Flosculinella)
Binnekamp, J.G. & D.J. Belford (1970) Foraminifera and age of outcrop samples collected during the Kubor
survey 1968, Central Highlands, New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geoph., Record 1970/012, p 1-32.
(online at:
(Foraminifera from 158 Kubor Range outcrop samples. Oldest rocks Cretaceous Chim Fm with Cenomanian-
Turonian planktonics. Most samples hard limestones with larger foraminifera. Eocene-E Oligocene Chimbu Lst
with M-U Eocene Alveolina, Dictyoconus, Nummulites, Asterocyclina and Lacazinella wichmanni. Darai Lst in
S of area with E Miocene with Miogypsina near top. Oligocene age rocks rel. rare. Reworking of Eocene larger
forams into E Miocene in SE of area (in 'Movi Beds/ Omaura greywacke' which unconformably overlie Eocene-
-E Oligocene Chimbu Lst; Bain et al. (1974)?; incl. Biplanispira; p. 22, Pellatispira, p. 26). Aure Group deeper
water facies of M Miocene age (zone N11-12; with Gr. fohsi group. For locality map see Bain et al. 1970))
Binns, R.A. & S.D. Scott (1993) Actively forming polymetallic sulphide deposits associated with felsic
volcanic rocks in the eastern Manus back-arc basin, Papua New Guinea. Economic Geol. 88, p. 2226-2236.
Bird, K.J. & R. Seggie (1990) Barikewa and Iehi gas fields revisited. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum
exploration in Papua New Guinea. Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 551-565.
Blake, D.H. & E. Loffler (1971) Volcanic and glacial landforms on Mount Giluwe, Territory of Papua and New
Guinea. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 82, p. 1605-1614.
(During maximum Pleistocene glaciation up to 400m thick glaciers extended down to 2750-3000m elevation on
slopes of 4368m high Mount Giluwe volcano)
Blake, D.H. & Y. Niezitis (1966) Geology of Bougainville and Buka Islands, Territory of Papua and New
Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Canberrra, Record 1966/62, p. 1-59.
(online at
Botsford, A., L. Endebrock & A. Harrington (2012) Structural and stratigraphic evolution of the Gulf of Papua,
Papua New Guinea: new insights from a modern 3D seismic survey. AAPG Int. Conv. Exhib., Singapore 2012,
Search and Discovery Art. 10456, p. 1-12. (Presentation Abstract)
(online at:
(Gulf of Papua complex structural and stratigraphic evolution on NE edge of Australian plate. Current basin
setting is NW-SE-trending foreland basin SW of uplifted Papuan fold belt. Over 3.5km of siliciclastic sediments
deposited from Pliocene - present. Extensive carbonate system developed throughout Oligocene-Miocene. Well
and seismic data show erosion of up to 1.8km of Mesozoic sediment between ~63-38 Ma. Three significant gas
discoveries in Lower Miocene Darai Lst: Uramu and Pasca in 1968, Pandora in 1988)
Boult, P.J. (1993) The reservoir potential of the Imburu, Toro and Ieru Formations in the Ok Menga area, PNG.
In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG
Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 191-200.
Boult, P.J. (1997) A review of the petroleum potential of Papua New Guinea with a focus on the eastern Papuan
Basin and the Pale sandstones as a potential reservoir fairway. In: A.J. Fraser et al. (eds.) Petroleum geology of
Southeast Asia, Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ. 126, p. 281-291.
(Overview of PNG plays, with schematic paleogeographic maps for Late Jurassic Imburu- Toro and
Campanian Pale Sandstone)
Boult, P.J. & G.J. Carman (1993) The sedimentology, reservoir potential and seal integrity of the Pale sandstone
at the Aure Scarp, Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z.Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and development in
Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 125-137.
Boult, P.J., G.J. Carman & S.E. Phillips (1992) Sedimentology, reservoir potential, and seal integrity of the Pale
Sandstone, Eastern Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea. AAPG Int. Conf., Sydney 1992, Search and Discovery
Art. 91015 (Abstract only)
(Coral Sea syn-rift sediments exposed at Aure scarp in E Papuan basin include Campanian Pale Sst fluvial to
barrier island facies, mature quartz arenite, probably derived from Paleozoic Omung Metamorphics along
Kubor trend to N. Up to 190 m thick, av. porosity 20%, 750 md. Overlain by Paleogene Mendi Group Lst)
Bowen, R. (1961) Paleotemperature analyses of Mesozoic Belemnoidea from Australia and New Guinea. Geol.
Soc. Amer. Bull. 72, 5, p. 769-773.
(Includes oxygen isotope analysis of U Jurassic Belemnopsis gerardi fron Kuabgen Gp, Upper Fly River,
suggesting paleotemperature of 15.9 °C)
Bradey, K., K. Hill, D. Lund, N. Williams, T. Kivior & N. Wilson (2008) Kutubu oil field, Papua New Guinea-
a 350 MMbbl fold belt classic. In: J.E. Blevin et al. (eds.) Third Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium,
Sydney 2008, PESA Spec. Publ., p. 239-246.
Britten, R.M. (1981) The geology of the Frieda River Copper prospect, Papua New Guinea. Ph.D. Thesis,
Australian National University, Canberra, 395p.
Brown, C.M (1978) Mesozoic geology of Papua New Guinea. Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Dept. Minerals
and Energy, p.
Brown, C.M. (1982) Kavieng, Papua New Guinea - 1:250,000 geological series. Geol. Survey Papua New
Guinea, Explanatory Notes, SA/56-9.
Brown, C.M., P.E. Pieters & G.P. Robinson (1975) Stratigraphic and structural development of the Aure
Trough and adjacent shelf and slope areas. The APEA J. 15, 1, p. 61-71.
Brown, C.M., C.J. Pigram & S.K. Skwarko (1980) Mesozoic stratigraphy and geological history of Papua New
Guinea. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol. 29, p. 301-322.
(Two distinct Mesozoic successions: ‘Fly Association’ (S part foldbelt- Papuan platform; derived from
Australian continent) and ‘Sepik Association’ (N and E parts of foldbelt; around margins of volcanic arc))
Brown, C.M. & G.P. Robinson (1982) Kutubu, Papua New Guinea - 1:250,000 geological series. Geol. Survey
of Papua New Guinea, Explanatory Notes, SB/54-12, p. 1-43.
(Geologic map and explanatory notes of Southern Highlands, between 6-7° S and 142°30'- 144° E. Most of area
Central range foldbelt, with outcrops of Miocene Darai Limestone, overlain by major Late Pliocene-
Quaternary dormant volcanic centers (Bosavi, Kerewa, Giluwe, etc.). Oldest rocks exposed in anticlines in NE
part of area (Upper Cretaceous))
Bryan, W.B. & B.P. Luyendyk (1973) Rifting history of the Woodlark Basin in the Southwest Pacific. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Am. 84, p. 1125-1134.
Buchanan, P.G. & J. Warburton (1996) The influence of pre-existing basin architecture in the development of
the Papuan fold and thrust belt: implications for petroleum prospectivity. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum
Exploration, Development and Production in PNG, Proc. 3rd PNG Petr. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 89-109.
(Many of the young surface anticlines in the Papuan foldbelt believed to be inversions of Triassic- M Jurassic
Buddin, T. (1993) Petroleum evaluation of the Aure thrust belt, Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea. Simon
Petrol. Techn. Ltd., SOPAC Techn. Report 183, 39p. (online at
(Aure Thrust Belt is SE continuation of producing Papuan Fold Belt. Late Miocene Talama Fm volcanics (6-7
Ma) marks top of pre-deformational sequence, Pliocene Orubadi Beds exhibit marked growth sequences. ATB
likely to be gas province, charged from Miocene Aure Fm source rocks)
Burns, B.J. & J. Bein (1980) Regional geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Mesozoic of the western
Papuan Basin. APEA J. 20, 1, p.1-15.
Carey, S.W. (1938) Tectonic evolution of New Guinea and Melanesia. Unpubl. D.Sc. Thesis, University of
Sydney, p. (Unpublished)
Carey, S.W. (1945) Notes on Cretaceous strata in the Purari Valley, Papua. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 56, 2, p.
(Cretaceous 6,000’ dark, thick massive or thick-bedded sandstones and dark thin-bedded shales in SE
Highlands. Except for one 10’ thick 'Exogyra' mollusc bed, a sandstone with belemnite Tetrabelus macgregori
and some plant material, the sandstones are unfossiliferous, and shales have poor fauna. Cretaceous
unconformably overlain by Eocene limestone (Lacazina limestone; known form loose blocks only?))
Carman, G.J. (1987) The stratigraphy of the Aure Scarp, Papua New Guinea. Petrol. Expl. Soc. Australia J. 11,
p. 26-35.
Carman, G.J. (1990) Occurrence and nature of Eocene strata in the eastern Papuan Basin. In: G.J. & Z. Carman
(eds.) Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 1990, p. 169-183.
Carman, G.J. (1993) Palaeogeography of the Coral Sea, Darai and foreland megasequences in the eastern
Papuan basin. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.). Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 1993, p. 291-309.
(Late Cretaceous (88 Ma) pillow basalts on Aure Scarp record onset and N-most local for Coral Sea rift.
Campanian-Maastrichtian Pale sst interpreted to be synrift sediments. Paleogene shallow carbonates on
Cretaeous rift shoulder)
Carman, G.J. & N.W. Archbold (1990) Macrofossil evidence for a palaeo-high, Erun Anticline, PNG. In: G.J. &
Z.Carman, (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea. Proc First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p.
(Erun anticline at E side of Crater Montain volcano (presumably frontal Aure foldbelt- SE end of Kubor
Terrane?) with relatively shallow marine Aptian- Cenomanian (Turonian?) marls with Pecten-type mulluscs in
core of anticline. Unconformably overlain by Late Eocene- E Oligocene Chimbu Limestone with Discocyclina
(and Biplanispira?))
Carmen, G.D. (2003) Geology, mineralization, and hydrothermal evolution of the Ladolam gold deposit, Lihir
Island, Papua New Guinea. Economic Geol., Spec. Publ.10, p. 247-284.
Carroll, A.R. & E. Webb (1996) Pandora gas development. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration,
development and production in Papua New Guinea, Proc 3rd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 685-689.
Carson, B.E. J.M. Francis, R.M. Leckie, A.W. Droxler, G.R. Dickens, S.J. Jorry, et al. (2008) Benthic
foraminiferal response to sea level change in the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system of southern Ashmore
Trough (Gulf of Papua). J. Geophys. Res. 113, F01S20, doi:10.1029/2006JF000629, 18p.
(Three foraminifera assemblages in deepwater Gulf of Papua Pleistocene-Holocene: (1) high Uvigerina
peregrina- Bolivina robusta (higher organic carbon flux or lower oxygen water at maximum siliciclastic fluxes
to slope with falling sea level); (2) high Globocassidulina subglobosa (lowered organic carbon flux or elevated
oxygen, corresponding to lowered siliciclastic fluxes to slope due to sediment bypass during sea level
lowstand); (3) high % neritic benthic species like Planorbulina mediterranensis (increased off-shelf delivery of
neritic carbonates, when carbonate productivity on outer shelf increased significantly when reflooded)
Catalano, J.P. (2012) Geochemical and 40Ar/39Ar contraints on the evolution of volcanism in the Woodlark
Rift. M.Sc. Thesis Syracuse University, p. 1-124.
(online at:
(Evolution of Pliocene-Recent active volcanism in Woodlark Rift, using 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology and
whole rock geochemistry. Volcanism in Woodlark Rise and D’Entrecasteaux Islands results from
decompression melting of relict mantle wedge. Subduction zone geochemical signatures in lavas younger than 4
My are relict from older subduction beneath E Papua, probably in M Miocene)
Causebrook, R.M. & G.J. Solomon (1990) Hydrocarbon exploration and structure of the Northwest Darai
Plateau. In: G.J. & Z.Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv,
Port Moresby, p. 337-350.
(Darai Plateau is deeply karstified NW-SE trending elevated block, S of Papuan foldbelt oil-gas gas fields
Iagafu and Hedinia. Miocene Darai Limestone at surface. Structure interpeted as a relatively simple Miocene
inversion of Mesozoic rift)
Chapman, F. (1905) Notes on the older Tertiary foraminiferal rocks on the west coast of Santo, New Hebrides.
Proc.Linnean Soc. New South Wales 30, 261, p.
Chapman, F. (1918) Report on a collection of Cainozoic fossils from the oil fields of Papua, with geological
introduction by Arthur Wade. Bull. Territory of Papua, Melbourne, 5, p. 1-18.
(Listing of Miocene-Recent fossils from oil-bearing strata along coast from Yule Island to Parare delta, PNG)
Chapman, F. (1925) On some palaeontological and stratigraphical relations of the Cainozoic rocks of Papua and
New Guinea with these of the East Indies. Verhand. Geol. Mijnbouwk. Gen. Ned. Kol., Geol. Ser. VIII,
(Verbeek volume), p. 81-88.
(Brief discussion of PNG Tertiary rocks)
Chapman, F. & A. Wade (1918) Report on a collection of Cainozoic fossils from the oil-fields of Papua. Bull.
Territory of Papua 5, Melbourne, p. 1-17.
Chappell, J. (1974) Geology of coral terraces, Huon Peninsula, New Guinea: a study of Quaternary tectonic
movements and sea-level changes. Bull. Geol. Soc. America 85, p. 553-570.
(Over 20 offlapping Late Pleistocene coral terraces up to 220 kyr old and up to 600m in elevation, formed
during uplift of NE Huon Peninsula)
Chappell, J. (1974) Upper mantle rheology in a tectonic region: evidence from New Guinea. J. Geophys. Res.
79, 2, p. 390-398.
(Deformed coral terraces on NE New Guinea coast provide opportunity for estimating lithosphere-
asthenosphere rheology in tectonic region. Terraces can be traced for ~130 km and extrapolated to point of
convergence ~55 km beyond zone of least rapid uplift)
Chappell, J. (1983) A revised sea-level record for the last 300,000 years from Papua New Guinea. Search 14, p.
Chappell, J. (1993) Contrasting Holocene geologies of lower Daly River, northern Australia, and lower Sepik-
Ramu, Papua New Guinea. Sediment. Geol. 83, p. 339-358.
Chappell, J., Y. Ota & K. Berryman (1996) Late Quaternary coseismic uplift history of Huon Peninsula, Papua
New Guinea. Quat. Science Rev. 15, 1, p. 7-22.
(Huon Peninsula episodic uplift shown by regressive terraces cut into raised late Quaternary reef tracts. Uplift
events believed to be coseismic. Amplitude of uplift events averages ~3 m and increases from NW to SE)
Chappell, J. & H.A. Polach (1976) Holocene sea-level change and coral reef growth at Huon Peninsula, Papua
New Guinea. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 87, p. 235-240.
Chivas, A.R., J.R. O'Neil & G. Katchan (1984) Uplift and submarine formation of some Melanesian porphyry
copper deposits: stable isotope evidence. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 68, p. 326-334.
(Hydrogen and oxygen isotope from young porphyry copper deposits in PNG (Ok Tedi; 1.2 Ma and Yandera;
6.5 Ma), etc.indicate mixing with meteoric water with isotopic signature of consistent with elevation of 200 m
a.s.l. or less at time of mineralization; exposed deposit now at 1800m a.s.l. Influx of meteoric water at Yandera
when ground surface above deposit was at ~600 m a.s.l. Deposit now at 1600 m indicating uplift of ~2.2 km,
with removal of 1.2 km of overburden by erosion)
Cole, J.P., M. Parish & D. Schmidt (2000) Sub-thrust plays in the Papuan fold belt: the next generation of
exploration targets. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st Century,
Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 87-100.
Connelly, J.B. (1976) Tectonic development of the Bismarck Sea based on gravity and magnetic modelling.
Geoph. J., Royal Astron. Soc. 46, p. 23-40.
Connelly, J.B. (1979) Mode of emplacement of the Papuan ultramafic belt. BMR J. Austr. Geol. Geoph. 4, p.
Conybeare, C.E.B. & R.G.C. Jessop (1972) Exploration for oil bearing sand trends in the Fly River area,
western Papua. Austral. Petrol. Expl. Assoc. (APEA) J. 12, 1, p. 69-73.
Cooper, G.T., K.C. Hill & K. Baxter (1996) Rifting in the Timor Sea and New Guinea; a template for
compressional forward modelling. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production
in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Third PNG Petr. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 133-146.
Cooper, P. & B. Taylor (1987) Seismotectonics of New Guinea: a model for arc reversal following arc continent
collision. Tectonics 6, 1, p. 53-68.
(Seismicity shows active subduction zones. E of 149°E Solomon Plate subducted to N and S. W of 149°E
forearcs collided and override doubly subducted Solomon Plate. Ramu-Markham suture plunges W at 5° angle
below N New Guinea coastal ranges. From 144°-148° E convergence between Bismarck and Indo-Australian
plates accommodated by thrusting in Finisterre and Adelbert ranges and compression of New Guinea orogenic
belt, together with basement-involved foreland folding/ thrusting to S. Finisterre block overthrusts New Guinea
foldbelt, Adelbert block sutured to New Guinea and overthrusts oceanic lithosphere of Bismarck Sea. W of
144°E seismicity defines S-dipping Benioff zone and oblique subduction along New Guinea Trench )
Corbett, D.W.P. (1962) Geological reconnaissance in the Ramu Valley and adjacent areas, New Guinea. Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1962/032, p. 1-14.
(online at:
(Survey at NE coastal area of PNG around Lower Ramu Valley. At S side NE foothills of Schrader Ranges all
greenschist facies unfossiliferous greywackes/ siltstones. In N Adelbert Mts (Miocene-Recent volcanics-
dominated sediments))
Corbett, G.J. (1994) Regional structural control of selected Cu/Au occurrences in Papua New Guinea. In: R.
Rogerson (ed.) Proc. Geology, exploration and mining conference, Lae 1994, Australasian Inst. Mining
Metallurgy, Parkville, p. 57-70.
(NE-trending structural grain in Papuan Fold Belt and relation to copper-gold deposits)
Corbett, G.J. (2009) Tectonic/structural control to Papua New Guinea Au-Cu mineralisation. (Abstract Only)
(online at:
Corbett, G.J., T.M. Leach, R. Stewart & B. Fulton (1995) The Porgera gold deposit: structure, alteration and
mineralisation. In: Proc. Pacific Rim Congress 95, Auckland 1995, Australasian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, p.
Craig, M.S., K. Warvakai & H.L. Davies (2000) Seismic structure of the Strickland Anticline, Papuan fold belt.
In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea's petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG
Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 443-456.
Crespin, I. (1938) A Lower Miocene limestone from the Ok Ti River, Papua. Commonwealth Australia,
Palaeont. Bull. 3, p. 9-12.
(Limestone beneath ‘mudstone grit series’ at W bank Ok Ti River (= Upper Tedi River; near Irian Jaya border,
with headwaters in Star Mts). Assemblage of Heterostegina borneensis, Borelis pygmaeus and Eulepidina
(practically identical to W Java Rajamandala Limestone = Te1, Late Oligocene))
Crespin, I. & D.J. Belford (1955) Foraminifera from the Upper Sepik River, Western New Guinea. Bur. Min.
Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1955/46, p.
(online at:
(Brief report on samples from river float, derived from Central Range near W Papua border. Of limited use)
Crespin, I. & D.J. Belford (1955) Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Cape Vogel
area, Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1955/96, p.
(online at: )
(107 samples collected by J.E. Thompson from Cape Vogel area, E end of Papuan Peninsula, are mainly U
Miocene- Pliocene open marine fauna. A few limestones contain Lower Tf (M Miocene) larger forams, incl.
Miogypsina polymorpha, Katacycloclypeus, etc.))
Crespin, I. & D.J. Belford (1956) Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Upper Sepik-
August River area, New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1956/20, p. 1-5.
(online at: /
(Samples of E and M Miocene limestones, clastics with common reworked U Cretaceous and Paleocene
planktonics, etc. For geology of area see Perry (1956))
Crespin, I. & D.J. Belford (1957) Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Central
Highlands, New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1957/91, p. 1-6.
(online at:
(Micropaleontological analysis of outcrop samples collected by McMillan & Johnson (1960) around E part of
Bismarck Range/ Goroka Valley. In Watabung and Bena-Bena area at S side of Bismarck anticline U
Cretaceous with Pseudorbitoides, Eocene pebbles with Nummulites, Discocyclina and Pellatispira spp,
Oligocene and Miocene with Lepidocyclina, Miogypsina, etc.. No locality maps )
Crespin, I. & G.A.V. Stanley (1965) Palaeontological investigations, Papua and New Guinea. A revision of list
in BMR Report 20, with additions to the end of 1965. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1965/186, p. 1-44.
(online at:
(Comprehensive listing of paleontological reports for PNG by Bureau of Mineral Res. from 1922-1965)
Crook, K.A.W. (1961) Diagenesis in the Wahgi valley sequence, New Guinea. Proc. Royal Soc. Victoria 74, 1,
p. 77-81.
(Wahgi valley sequence Permian- U Jurassic-Miocene sediments on Paleozoic basement. In Chim and Wahgi
valleys 24.800' of pre-Miocene sediments, once overlain by probable 10,000' of Miocene shales-greywackes.
Sediments that were buried to depths of 13,000'- 28,000' show diagenesis characteristic of laumontite facies.
Sediments buried below 28,000' in prehnite-pumpellyite facies of diagenesis)
Crook, K.A.W. (1989) Suturing history of an allochthonous terrane at a modern plateboundary traced by flysch-
to-molasse facies transitions. Sedim. Geol. 61, p. 49-79.
Crowhurst, P.V. (1999) The tectonic history of Northern Papua New Guinea. Ph.D. Thesis, La Trobe Univ.,
Melbourne, 414 p.
Crowhurst, P.V., K.C. Hill, D.A. Foster & A.P. Bennett (1996) Thermochronological and geochemical
constraints on the tectonic evolution of northern Papua New Guinea. In: R. Hall & D. Blundell (eds.) Tectonic
evolution of Southeast Asia. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 106, p. 525-537.
(Bewani-Torricelli Mts along N margin of PNG formed as island arc in Late Eocene- E Oligocene and accreted
to margin by Late Oligocene. E Miocene extension due to inferred rollback of subducting slab beneath New
Guinea. Two inferred metamorphic core complexes rapid cooling from 27-23 Ma and 20-18 Ma. Continued
subduction beneath New Guinea resulted in Maramuni Arc in M Miocene and end of extension. Collision of
Melanesian Arc caused regional uplift of N PNG, mainly from 8-5 Ma, with >3-4 km of denudation)
Crowhurst, P.V., R. Maas, K.C. Hill, D.A. Foster & C.M. Fanning (2004) Isotopic constraints on crustal
architecture and Permo-Triassic tectonics in New Guinea: possible links with eastern Australia. Austral. J. Earth
Sci. 51, 1, p. 107-124.
(New ages for Triassic igneous and metamorphic rocks. Triassic volcanic arc in N New Guinea intrudes high-
grade metamorphic rocks probably resulting from Late Permian- E Triassic (~260-240 Ma) orogenesis, as
recorded in New England Fold Belt. Late Triassic magmatism in New Guinea (~220 Ma) related to coeval
extension and rifting as precursor to Jurassic breakup of Gondwana margin. Amanab- Idenburg metadiorite
near PNG border ~240 Ma. Second magmatic event in Late Triassic ~220 Ma (Kubor granodiorite, Strickland
granite, etc.). Evidence for 2 metamorphic events in Amanab block: one high-grade before 240 Ma (Late
Permian- E Triassic) and lower grade event in Miocene)
Cullen, A.B. (1991) The North New Guinea Basin, Papua New Guinea; a case study of basin evolution at a
modern accretionary plate boundary. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Oklahoma. Norman, 313 p.
Cullen, A.B. (1991) Neogene tectonic evolution of the Ramu Basin, Papua New Guinea; evidence of subsidence
analysis of the Tsumba 1 Well. The Compass (Univ. of Oklahoma) 68, 3, p. 181-190.
Cullen, A.B. (1996) Ramu Basin, Papua New Guinea: a record of Late Miocene terrane collision. Am. Assoc.
Petrol. Geol. Bull. 80, 5, p. 663-684.
(Ramu Basin Late Miocene collisional successor basin developed as Finisterre/Adelbert terrane collided with
Maramuni arc. Age of arc volcanism Late Oligocene- M Miocene. Subduction polarity uncertain)
Cullen, A.B. & J.D. Pigott (1989) Post-Jurassic tectonic evolution of Papua New Guinea. Tectonophysics 162,
p. 291-302.
Curtis, J.W. (1973) Plate tectonics and the Papua New Guinea-Solomon Islands region. J. Geol. Soc. Australia
20, p. 21-36.
Daczko, N.R., P. Caffi, J.A.Halpin & P. Mann (2009) Exhumation of the Dayman dome metamorphic core
complex, eastern Papua New Guinea. J. Metamorphic Geol. 27, 6, p. 405-422.
Daczko, N.R., P. Caffi & P. Mann (2010) Structural evolution of the Dayman dome metamorphic core complex,
eastern Papua New Guinea. Geol. Soc. America Bull.123, p. 2335-2351.
(Shallow-dipping ductile mylonitic shear zone and concordant brittle detachment fault (Mai'iu fault) control
orientation of dip slopes on flanks of Mt Dayman, E Papuan Peninsula, PNG. Dip slopes dip in all directions.
Orientation of megacorrugations on Mt Dayman domed surface (footwall) consistent with NNE-directed
Dalrymple, R.W., E.K. Baker, P.T. Harris & M.G. Hughes (2003) Sedimentology and stratigraphy of a tide-
dominated foreland-basin delta (Fly River, Papua New Guinea). In: F.H. Sidi, D. Nummedal et al. (eds.)
Tropical deltas of Southeast Asia- sedimentology, stratigraphy and petroleum geology. SEPM Spec. Publ. 76, p.
Daniels, M.C. (1993) Formation pressure measurements and their use in oil exploration in the Kutubu project,
Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum Exploration and Development in Papua New
Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby 1993, p. 579-588.
Daniels M.C. & N.I. Duncan (1990) The application of gas ratios in Papua New Guinea. In: Petroleum
Exploration in Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., p. 83-94.
Daniels,M., M. I. Jacobson, J.D. Lee, D.T. Moffat & K.C. Richards (2000) The application of exploration
principles to define the potential of the S.E. Gobe field forelimb. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New
Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 369-
Davey, R.J. (1988) Palynological zonation of the Lower Cretaceous, Upper and uppermost Middle Jurassic in
the northwestern Papuan Basin of Papua New Guinea. Mem. Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea 13, p. 1-77.
(Robertson Research Jurassic-Cretaceous dinoflagellate zonation, similar to Helby, Morgan, Partridge
zonation used on Australian NW shelf (which was updated in 2004 and 2006; HvG))
Davey, R.H. (1999) Revised palynological zonation for the Late Cretaceous and Late Jurassic of Papua New
Guinea. Mem. Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea 17, 51p.
Davies, A., C. Reiser, B. Burmaz & R. Reed (2012) AVO Screening in frontier basins: an example from the
Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea. AAPG Ann. Conv. Exhib., Long Beach 2012, Search and Discovery Art.
40910, p. . (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
Davies, H.L. (1968) Papuan ultramafic belt. Proc. 23rd Sess. Int. Geol. Congr., Prague 1968, 1, p. 209-230.
Davies, H.L. (1969) Peridotite-gabbro-basalt complex in eastern Papua; an overthrust plate of oceanic mantle
and crust. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University. Stanford, p. 1-88.
(online at:
(Early investigation of 400km long and 40km wide Papuan Ultramafic Belt, a peridotite-gabbro-basalt
complex, thought to be part of plate of Cretaceous oceanic mantle and crust. NW-SE trending outcrop belt 400
km long, 40 km wide, on NE side of Owen Stanley Range in E PNG. Ultramafics thrusted over generally sialic
metamorphic rocks in Eocene or Oligocene (Cretaceous sediments?, now in blueschist and greenschist facies)
Davies, H.L. (1971) Peridotite-gabbro-basalt complex in Eastern Papua: an overthrust plate of oceanic mantle
and crust. Bur. Miner. Resour. Bull. Austral. Geol. Geoph., Bull. 128, p. 1-48.
(online at: )
(Similar to above. Investigation of Papuan Ultramafic Belt, a peridotite-gabbro-basalt complex thought to be
part of overthrust sheet of Cretaceous oceanic mantle and crust. From top to bottom complex consists of (1)
Basalt zone (Basalt and spilite, massive and as pillow lavas, some dacite, 4-6 km thick); (2) Gabbro zone (4 km
thick); (3) Ultramafic zone (cumulates, up to 0.5 km; noncumulates: harzburgite, etc., with metamorphic
textures; 4-8 km thick. )
Davies, H.L. (1978) Geology and mineral resources of Papua New Guinea. In: P. Nutalaya (ed.) Proc. 3rd Reg.
Conf. Geology Mineral Resources of SE Asia, GEOSEA III, Bangkok, Asian Inst. Techn., p. 685-699.
Davies, H.L. (1980) Folded thrust fault and associated metamorphics in the Suckling-Dayman Massif, Papua
New Guinea. American J. Science 280-A, p. 171-191.
(Suckling-Dayman Massif in SE PNG mainly metamorphosed Late Cretaceous basalt and limestone, apparently
metamorphosed by underthrusting to 25-35 km depth in N-dipping Eocene subduction system. Massive partly
surrounded by ophiolite outcrops and in places overlain by ultramafic rocks)
Davies, H.L. (1980) Crustal structure and emplacement of ophiolite in southeastern Papua New Guinea. In: C.
Allegre & J. Aubouin (eds.) Orogenic mafic ultramafic association, Colloques Int. Centre Nat. Rech. Sci., Paris,
272, p. 17-33.
Davies, H.L. (1981) The major ophiolite complex in Southeastern Papua New Guinea. In: A.J. Barber & S.
Wiryosujono (eds.) The geology and tectonics of Eastern Indonesia, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Spec.
Publ. 2, Bandung, p. 391-408.
(Papuan Ultramafic Belt NE of Owen Stanley Range simple layered sequence of basalt (4 km), gabbro (4 km)
and ultramafic rocks (4-8 km). Ophiolite complex thought to represent Jurassic and/or Cretaceous Pacific
oceanic crust, juxtaposed with Cretaceous sediments of NE Australian continental margin in NE-dipping
subduction zone in E or M Eocene, choking subduction here ('Choked subduction zone model' of ophiolite
empplacement and uplift). Complex exposed by vertical movements in Neogene. NE dipping ophiolite complex
continuous with crust and upper mantle of Solomon Sea Basin)
Davies, H.L. (1982) The Papua New Guinea thrust belt, longitude 141-144 East. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geoph.,
Canberra, Record 1982/3, p.1-24.
Davies, H.L. (1982) Mianmin, Papua New Guinea. 1:250,000 Geological Series- explanatory notes. Dept.
Minerals and Energy, Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, SB/54-3, p. 1-44.
(Map sheet in PNG- W Papua border area, N side of Central Range)
Davies, H.L. (1983) Wabag, Papua New Guinea. 1:250,000 Geological Series- explanatory notes. Dept.
Minerals and Energy, Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, SB/54-8, p. 1-84.
Davies, H.L. (1990) Structure and evolution of the border region of New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.)
Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 245-269.
(Geology and stratigraphy of border region between W Papua and PNG, from Australian craton in S, across
foldbelt, to accreted terranes in N)
Davies, H.L. (1991) Regional geologic setting of some mineral deposits of the New Guinea region. In: R.
Rogerson (ed.) Proc. PNG Geology, Exploration and Mining Conf. 1991, Rabaul, Australasian Inst. Mining
Metallurgy, Melbourne, p. 49-57.
(Mineral deposits in C New Guinea associated with Neogene intrusions of magma of mantle origin that
penetrated thick Precambrian and Paleozoic continental crust. Magmatism not obviously subduction-related)
Davies, H.L. (1992) Mineral and petroleum resources of Papua New Guinea with notes on geology and history.
Department of Geology, University of Papua New Guinea, p.
Davies, H.L., D.E. Bumstead, R.J. Carter, S.H.R. Fardon & W.J.S. Howell (1978) History of Ok Tedi porphyry
copper prospect, Papua New Guinea. Economic Geol. 73, p. 796-809.
Davies, H.L., E. Honza, D.L. Tiffin, J. Lock, Y. Okuda, J.B.Keene et al. (1987) Regional setting and structure
of the western Solomon Sea. Geo-Marine Lett. 7, 3, p. 153-160.
(W Solomon Sea bounded by Paleogene collision complex of Papuan Peninsula to S, and land masses formed
by Cainozoic volcanism to N and E. Oblique collision of two trenches in W Solomon Sea produced structural
complexities that may include doubling of crustal thickness and strong negative gravity anomaly W of 149°E )
Davies, H.L. & D.S. Hutchison (1982) Ambunti, Papua New Guinea- 1:250,000 geological series with
Explanatory Notes.Geol. Survey of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, SB/54-4, p.
Davies, H.L. & D.J. Ives (1965) The geology of Fergusson and Goodenough Islands, Papua. Bur. Min. Res.,
Geol. Geoph., Canberra, Report 82, p. 1-65.
(online at:
(D'Entrecastreaux Islands, N of E end of Papuan mainland, are domes of metamorphic rocks with granodiorite
cores. Thick metamorphics of unknown age, possibly related to, but higher grade than Owen Stanley
metamorphics of E Papua mainland. Ultramafic rocks (marginal to metamorphic blocks and separated from
them by major faults), granodiorites (with xenoliths of ultramafics, therefore younger) and Late Tertiary-
Recent volcanics)
Davies, H.L. & A.L. Jaques (1984) Emplacement of ophiolite in Papua New Guinea. In: I.G. Gass et al. (eds.)
Ophiolites and oceanic lithosphere, Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ. 13, p. 341-349.
(Major ophiolite complexes of PNG on NE margin of Australian craton and flanked by Paleogene volcanic
arcs. Ophiolites are segments of oceanic lithosphere, in forearc zone prior to arc-continent collision)
Davies, H.L., J. Lock, D.L. Tiffin, E. Honza, Y. Okuda, F. Murakami & K. Kisimoto (1987) Convergent
tectonics in the Huon Peninsula region, Papua New Guinea. Geo-Marine Lett. 7, 3, p. 143-152.
(Anticlinal nappe forming Huon Peninsula and adjacent ranges extends offshore as Huon Ridge. Frontal thrust
of nappe is Ramu-Markham Fault (onshore) and deformation front along line of Markham Canyon (offshore).
Timing and geometry of Finisterre arc-continent collision controversial, and origin of Finsch Deep unresolved)
Davies, H.L. & M. Norvick (1974) Blucher Range, Papua New Guinea. BMR and Geol. Survey of PNG,
1:250,000 Geological Map series and explanatory notes, sheet SB/54-7, p. 1-29.
(Geologic map and explanatory notes of PNG Central Highlands, E of Indonesia border, between 5-6° S and
141° - 142°30'E. Major anticlines like Muller Anticline with Jurassic- Cretaceous section exposed in core)
Davies, H.L. & M. Norvick (1977) Blucher Range stratigraphic nomenclature. Geol. Survey Papua New
Guinea, Report. 77-14, 43 p.
Davies, H.L., R.C.B. Perembo, R.D. Winn & P. Kengemar (1997) Terranes of the New Guinea Orogen. In: G.E.
Hancock (ed.) Proc. Papua New Guinea Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference 1997, Madang,
Australasian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Melbourne, p. 61-66.
(History of terrane accretion to N margin of Australian craton starts earlier (Late Cretaceous) than previously
suggested. Collisions in C Highlands in Late Paleocene-E Eocene and Finisterre collision that precedes and is
distinct from Pliocene Bismarck volcanic arc collision)
Davies, H.L. & I.E. Smith (1971) Geology of Eastern Papua. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 82, p. 3299-3312.
(Geology of E Papua Peninsula around Owen Stanley Range. Core of mainly Cretaceous sialic rocks
metamorphosed in early Eocene at time of emplacement of Papuan ultramafic belt, flanked by Mesozoic and
younger mafic rocks)
Davies, H.L. & I.E. Smith (1974) Tufi-Cape Nelson, Papua New Guinea- 1:250,000 Geol. Map Series. Bur.
Min. Res., Canberra, and Geol. Survey of Papua New Guinea, Explanatory Notes, SC/55-84, p. 1-34.
Davies, H.L., I.E. Smith, G. Cifali & D.J. Belford (1968) Eastern Papua geological reconnaissance. Bur. Min.
Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1968/66, p. 1-31.
(Geology of SE 'tail' of PNG mainland)
Davies, H.L., P.A. Symonds & I.D. Ripper (1985) Structure and evolution of the southern Solomon Sea region.
Proc. 21st Sess. Comm. Co-ord. Joint Prosp. Min. Res. in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP), Bandung 1984, p. 170-
(Reprint of 1984 BMR paper. Good overview of onshore and offshore geology of Solomon Sea area, between E
Papuan Peninsula and New Britain. Solomon Sea Basin probably formed by back-arc spreading in E Tertiary)
Davies, H.L. & R.G. Warren (1988) Origin of eclogite-bearing, domed, layered metamorphic complexes (‘core
complexes’) in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea. Tectonics 7, 1, p. 1-21.
(Layered metamorphic rocks of D'Entrecasteaux Islands, PNG, folded into domes and antiforms bounded by
faults parallel to metamorphic layering and foliation. Metamorphic grade in N islands amphibolite facies with
pockets of eclogite and granulite, and greenschist facies in S island. All three islands sequence from felsic
metamorphics at base to ultramafics at top. Association of metamorphic and ultramafic rocks developed in N-
dipping Paleogene subduction system and exhumed to upper crustal level in Oligocene- E Miocene, possibly by
reversal of faults in former subduction system. Uplift and development of domes and antiforms in Pliocene
triggered by W-ward propagation of Woodlark Basin spreading ridge and accompanied by rift-related
magmatism, rapid erosion, and deposition of coarse sediment in adjacent Trobriand Basin).
Davies, H.L. & R.G. Warren (1992) Eclogites of the D'Entrecasteaux Islands. Contr. Min. Petrol. 112, 4, p. 463-
(Eclogitic rocks of D'Entrecasteaux Islands, PNG, three types. Eclogitic rocks occur as lenticular boudins and
small concordant tabular bodies in 2-3 km thick sequence of migmatitic gneisses and in granodiorite. Gneiss
sequence bounded by detachment faults above and younger granodiorite below, and folded into broad
antiforms. Eclogites equilibrated at temperatures ranging from 530- 840°C and pressures of 12-24 kbar.
Metamorphic complex developed during Early Cenozoic subduction and arc-continent collison, and was
elevated and exposed during Mid and Late Cenozoic crustal extension)
Davies, H.L. & A.N.Williamson (2001) Buna, PNG 1:250,000 Geological map series, Sheet SC/55-3,
Explanatory Notes to accompany Buna 1:250,000 geologic map, Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Port
Moresby, p. 1-23.
Davies, H.L., R.D. Winn & P. KenGemar (1996) Evolution of the Papuan Basin: a view from the orogen. In:
P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Third P
Davis, K., K. Pedersen, B. Todd & K. Wall (2000) Integrated geological and engineering evaluation of Central
Moran field, Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the
21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 397-425.
(Moran Field in S highlands of PNG is 1996 oil discovery in E Cretaceous Toro and Digimu Fms sands.
Narrow, SW vergent anticline with overturned forelimb)
Dekker, F., H. Balkwil, A. Sister, R. Herner & W. Kampschuur (1991) A structural interpretation of the
Onshore Eastern Papuan fold belt, based on remote sensing and fieldwork. In: G.J. & C.Z. Carman (eds.)
Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby 1990, p. 319-336.
Dekker, F., H.R. Balkwill, A. Slater, R.R. Herner & W. Kampschuur (1991) Exploring Papua New Guinea with
remote sensing field work. World Oil. 212, p. 71-86.
Denison, C.N. & J.S. Anthony (1991) New Late Jurassic subsurface lithostratigraphic units, PPL-100, Papua
New Guinea. In: G.J. & C.Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby 1990,
Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 153-158.
De Vis, C.W. (1905) Fossil vertebrates from New Guinea. Annals Queensland Mus. 6, p. 26-31.
Dixon, J.M. (1996) Physical model investigation of the influence of early extensional (growth) faults on fold-
thrust structures, with application to the Papuan fold and thrust belt. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum
Exploration, Development and Production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Third PNG Petroleum Conv., Port
Moresby, p. 147-160.
Dobmeier, C.J. & B. Poke (2012) Geological map publication series of Papua New Guinea, 1:100 000, Sheet
7887 Aiome. Mineral Resources Authority, Port Moresby.
Dobmeier, C.J., B. Poke & B. Wagner (2012) Geological map publication series of Papua New Guinea, 1:100
000, Sheet 7886 Minj. Mineral Resources Authority, Port Moresby.
Donaldson, J.C. & J.T. Wilson (1990) Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Sepik-Ramu area, Ramu
Basin. In: G.J. & C.Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petroleum
Conv., Port Moresby, p. 499-512.
(Improved seismic processing over Sepik-Ramu area, N New Guinea, suggests major tectonic event took place
in Late Miocene- Early Pliocene, not M Miocene as previously suggested. Thick Miocene section contains
70x12 km area of E-M Miocene carbonates with pinnacle reefs, potentially analogous to Salawati Basin)
Doust, H. (1990) Geology of the Sepik Basin, Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum
Exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 461-477.
(Sepik Basin in N part of New Guinea orogen is Neogene successor basin underlain and surrounded by terranes
that were accreted in Oligocene-Miocene. Torricelli- Prince Alexander Mts in N are island arc/ oceanic
terranes with some E-M Miocene limestones, mountains to S mainly metamorphics. Shell 1986 Nopan well 1,
drilled of fault block, penetrated mainly M-L Miocene marine sediments before reaching weathered chlorite-
epidote schist at 2312m, without oil shows or anticipated carbonate reservoirs)
Dow, D.B. (1961)The relationship between the Kaindi metamorphics and Cretaceous rocks at Snake River,
Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1961/160, p. 1-10.
(online at:
(Snake River area at NW end of Owen-Stanley folded zone (SW of Lae and W of Morobe granodiorite) has thick
Cretaceous greywackes previously regarded as part of Kaindi Metamorphics, but are less metamorphosed and
less complexely folded. Cretaceous molluscs fauna previously described by Glaessner (1949) include Trigonia.
Kaindi Metamorphics are greenschist facies metasediments withe marble lenses and possibly correlative of
Permian Omung metamorphics of Kubor Block)
Dow, D.B. (1962) A geological reconnaissance of the Jimi and Simbai Rivers, Territory Papua and New
Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1962/110, p. 1-31.
(online at:
(Area of Jimi Anticline at N side of Jimi River (SW of Upper Ramu River and NW of Mt Herbert/Mt Wilhelm of
Bismarck Range. Stratigraphy from old to young: (1) indurated ?Permian greywackes, (2) thick-bedded Jimi
Fm greywackes with minor basic volcanics (with U Triassic bivalves Gervillea, Costatoria bivalves); (3) U
Jurassic Maril shale with Inoceramus and Buchia malayomaorica (4) Lower Cretaceous basaltic Kondaku
Tuff; (5) M Cretacous Genjinji/ Chim Gp marine shales with belemnites (6) thick U Cretaceous submarine
basaltic Kumbruff volcanics ('spilites'); (7) thick Eocene Asai Beds (siltstone, shale, limestone with locally
common Nummulites/ Discocyclina; metamorphosed to North. Triassic- Jurassic section appears to thicken
from W to E (NE? Some of the main faults appear to have transcurrent component)
Dow, D.B. (1977) A geological synthesis of Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Bull. 201, p. 1-
(online at:
Dow, D.B. & H.L. Davies (1964) The geology of the Bowutu Mountains, New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol.
Geoph., Report 75, p. 1-31.
(online at:
(Geologic map of Bowutu Mountains, at NW end of Papuan Ultrabasic belt in SE PNG, between Owen Stanley
Range and Morobe Coast. Bowutu Mts consist of igneous rocks of Papuan Basic Belt (emplaced in U
Cretaceous or Early Tertiary) and Mageri Volcanics (M Miocene); Owen Stanley Range is made up of
metasediments of Owen Stanley Metamorphics)
Dow, D.B. & F.E. Dekker (1964) The geology of the Bismarck Mountains, New Guinea , Bur. Min. Res. Geol.
Geoph., Report 76, p. 1-45.
(online at:
(W Bismarck Mts W of Mt Wilhelm are NE of main Central Range of PNG and SW of Ramu Valley. Oldest
rocks Upper Triassic Jimi Greywacke and Kana Fm volcanoclastics, unconformably overlain by E Jurassic
Balimbu Greywacke, M Jurassic Mongum Volcanics and Late Jurassic Maril Shale. Bismarck granodiorite
probably U Triassic- lowermost Jurassic)
Dow, D.B. & M.D. Plane (1965) The geology of the Kainantu goldfields. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geoph.,
Canberra, Report 79, p. 1-28.
(online at:…)
(Paleozoic? Bena Bena Fm metamorphics, intruded by U Triassic or younger Bismarck and Mt Victor
granodiorites, overlain by Lower Miocene (Te) Nasananka conglomerate and Omaura greywacke (w.
Spiroclypeus, Eulepidina, etc.). Unconformably overlain Lower Tf Lamari Conglomerate (w. Miogypsina,
Miogypsinoides dehaartii, Lepidocyclina (N), etc.) and ?Pliocene andesitic Aifunka Volcanics with gold lodes.
This work extends mapping of E Central Highlands by McMillan & Malone (1960) to South?)
Dow, D.B., J.A.J. Smit, J.H.G. Bain & R.J. Ryburn (1972) Geology of the South Sepik region, New Guinea.
Australia Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Bull. 133, p. 1-88.
(online at: )
(Geology of N part of Central Range mountains to Sepik River in North. Oldest rocks M Triassic Yuat Fm black
shale and U Triassic dacitic Kana Volcanics. Triassic unconformably overlain by M Jurassic- Cretaceous (incl.
Maril Shale with M. malayomaorica). Ambunti Metamorphics are post-Eocene and pre-Middle Miocene in age.
p.26: Salumei Fm of S Sepik region Upper Cretaceous- Eocene thick turbiditic greywacke series with volcanic
beds, Cretaceous planktonics and Eocene limestone lenses with Biplanispira, Pellatispira. Time- equivalent of
bulk of Lagaip beds, but no volcanics in Lagaip Fm. Widespread M Miocene (Tf1-2) arc volcanics)
Drummond, B.J., C.D.N. Collins & G. Gibson (1979) The crustal structure of the Gulf of Papua and Northwest
Coral Sea. BMR J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 4, 4, p. 341-351.
Duck, B.H. (2001) The Boundary Volcano- its geological associations and implications for exploration. In: G.
Hancock (ed.) Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference, Port Moresby 2001, Proc. Australasian Inst
Mining and Metallurgy, Parkville, p. 87-92.
Dugmore, M.A. & P.W. Leaman (1998) Mount Bini copper-gold deposit. In: D.A. Berkman & D.H. Mackenzie
(eds.) Geology of the mineral deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea, Australasian Inst. Mining and
Metallurgy. Mon. Series 22, p. 833-848.
Durkee, E.F. (1990) Pasca-Pandora reef exploration in the Gulf of Papua. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.)
Petroleum Exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 567-579.
(Miocene reef exploration with >3 TCF of probable biogenic dry gas in 1988 Pandora discovery and
thermogenic wet gas in Pasca (~0.2- 0.4 TCF ?))
Durkee, E.F., W.D. Stewart & G. Francis (1987) Oil and gas potential of Papua New Guinea. In: M.K. Horn
(ed.) Trans. Fourth Circum Pacific Energy and Min. Res. Conf., Singapore 1986, p. 63-101.
(Review of oil-gas plays and discoveries of PNG Papuan Basin, Bougainville, New Ireland, North New Guinea)
Earnshaw, J.P., A.J.C. Hogg, N.H. Oxtoby & S.J. Crawley (1993) Petrographic and fluid inclusion evidence for
the timing of diagenesis and petroleum entrapment in the Papuan Basin. In: G.C. & Z. Carmen (eds.) Petroleum
Exploration and Development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 459-476.
Edwards, A.B. (1950) The petrology of the Cretaceous greywackes of the Purari Valley, Papua. Proc. Royal
Soc. Victoria 60, p. 163-171.
(online at:…)
(Purari valley Cretaceous low-quartz (clear, 5-15%) and high feldspar (30-55%) and chlorite, etc., matrix, and
metamorpic and igneous lithics. Derived mainly of granitic material, but also from sedimentary schists and
andesitic tuffs)
Edwards, A.B. (1950) The petrology of the Miocene sediments of the Aure Trough, Papua. Proc. Royal Soc.
Victoria 60, p. 123-148.
(Miocene in Aure Trough ~15,000’ thick graywackes, mudstones, conglomerates and limestone. Sediments
composed mainly of material derived from andesitic tuffs and lavas, transported over short distance)
Edwards, A.B. & M.F. Glaessner (1953) Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments from the Wahgi Valley, New
Guinea. Proc. Royal Soc. Victoria 64, p. 93-112.
(online at:…)
(In Chimbu area N of Kubor Range, S of Bismarck Range, very thick 'geosynclinal' Upper Jurassic- Eocene
section (22,500'!). Upper Jurassic Maril Shale with common Buchia malayomaorica, Belemnopsis gerardi,
Inoceramus cf. haasti, Calpionella alpina, etc.. Kondaku Tuff (6100' ?) with Aptian- Cenomanian ammonites
(Deshayites, etc.). U Cretaceous Maram shales rel. unfossiliferous, but yielded some Cenomanian ammonites,
Inoceramus and foraminifera. Chimbu Tuff mainly unfossiliferous, except reportedly with . Fasciolites
wichmanni- (abundant) and Lacazina wichmanni. Not sure if Lacazina, Pellatispia, Biplanispira were actually
found here in Chimbu Limestone)
Eisenberg, L.I. (1996) Strontium isotope analysis and structural interpretation of P’nyang Anticline, Papuan
Fold Belt, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum Exploration in
Papua New Guinea, Proc. Third PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby, p. 231-244.
Eisenberg, L.I., J.C. Phelps, T.L. Allen, J.A. Trotter, M.J. Korsc & D.J. Whitford (1996) Darai Limestone
depositional history and Strontium chronostratigraphy, Papuan fold belt, Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan
(ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 3rd PNG Petroleum
Convention, Port Moresby, p. 345-356.
Ellis, S.M., T.A. Little, L.M. Wallace, B.R. Hacker & S.J.H. Buiter (2011) Feedback between rifting and
diapirism can exhume ultrahigh-pressure rocks. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 311, p. 427-438.
(Young ultra- high-pressure rocks in Woodlark Basin, PNG, are within active rift. Models show UHP
exhumation, forming gneiss domes in Woodlark Basin, can result from feedback between rifting and diapiric
rise of previously subducted continental fragment through lithosphere)
Erceg, M.M., G.A.Craighead, R. Halfpenny & P.J. Lewis (1991) The exploration history, geology and
metallurgy of a high sulphidation epithermal gold deposit at Wafi River, Papua New Guinea. In: R Rogerson
(ed.) Proc. Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference, Rabaul 1991, Australasian Inst. Mining and
Metallurgy, Parkville, p. 58-65.
Erni, A. (1944) Ein Cenoman Ammonit Cunningtoniceras holtkeri nov.spec. aus Neu Guinea, nebst
Bemerkungen uber einige ander Fossilien von dieser Insel. Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 37, p. 468-475.
(online at:
(‘A Cenomanian ammonite Cunningtoniceras hoeltkeri n.sp. from New Guinea, with remarks on some other
fossils from the island'. Ammonite collected in Wagi valley, PNG, during 1936/1939 anthropological New
Guinea expedition. Ammonite pebbles viewed as 'magic stones' by natives)
Espi, J.O., K.I. Hayashi, K. Komuro, H. Murakami & Y. Kajiwara (2007) Geology, wall-rock alteration and
vein paragenesis of the Bilimoia gold deposit, Kainantu metallogenic region, Papua New Guinea. Resource
Geol. 57, 3, p. 249-268.
(Bilimoia gold deposit in eastern Central Mobile Belt of PNG in fault-hosted, NW-NNW-trending Au-quartz
veins hosted by M-L Triassic greenschist that metamorphosed between Late Triassic and E-M Jurassic.
Bilimoia deposit related to Late Miocene (9-7 Ma) I-type, intermediate to felsic and late mafic intrusions)
Espi, J.O., Y. Kajiwara, M.A. Hawkins & T. Bainbridge (2002) Hydrothermal alteration and Cu-Au
mineralization at Nena high sulfidation-type deposit, Frieda River, Papua New Guinea. Resource Geol. 52, p.
Etheridge, R. (1889) On our present knowledge of the palaeontology of New Guinea. Records Geol. Survey
New South Wales 1, 3, p. 172-179.
(Includes first description of Jurassic ammonites from PNG, from river float at the Observatory Bend of the
Strickland River, at 6°38'30'S and 142°E; Boehm, 1913)
Exon, N.F. & M.S. Marlow (1988) The petroleum potential of the New Ireland Basin, Papua New Guinea. In:
M.T. Halbouty (ed.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; New Ireland and Manus region,
Papua New Guinea, Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min. Res., Houston, Earth Sci. Ser. 9, p. 185-201.
Exon, N.F. & M.S. Marlow (1988) Geology and offshore resource potential of the New Ireland-Manus region- a
synthesis. In: Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs - New Ireland and Manus region, Papua
New Guinea, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy Min. Res., Houston, Earth Sci. Ser. 9, p. 241-262.
Exon, N.F. & M.S. Marlow (1990) The New Ireland Basin: a frontier Basin in Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z.
Carman (eds.) Petroleum Exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby 1990,
p. 513-534.
Exon, N.F., W.D. Stewart, M.J. Sandy & D.L. Tiffin (1986) Geology and offshore petroleum prospects of the
eastern New Ireland Basin, Northeastern Papua New Guinea. BMR J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 10, 1, p. 39-51.
Falvey, D.A. & T. Pritchard (1984) Preliminary palaeomagnetic results from Northern Papua New Guinea:
evidence for large microplate rotations. In: S.T. Watson (ed.) Trans. Third Circum Pacific Energy and Mineral
Resources Conf., Honolulu 1982, p. 593-599.
(Paleomag Huon Peninsula and islands to N and E (New Britain, Manus New Ireland, etc.). Huon-New Britain-
New Ireland may restore to Eocene NE trending arc, probably adjacent to Papuan Ultramafic belt)
Falvey, D.A. & L.W.H. Taylor (1974) Queensland plateau and Coral Sea Basin: structural and time-
stratigraphic patterns. Bull. Australian Soc. Exploration Geoph. 5, p. 123-126.
(W Coral Sea region one major and three minor marginal plateaux, partly surrounding deep abyssal plain.
Abyssal Plain underlain by ~1km sediment and oceanic crust generated by E Eocene seafloor spreading phase.
Queensland Plateau subsided continental crust with Paleozoic basement rocks, originally part of onshore
Tasman Geosyncline. Rift features beneath Queensland Trough, and plateau margin, with 1-3 kms of probable
U Cretaceous "rift valley" sediments on basement. Residual plateau highs along old Paleozoic trends subsided
in E Miocene and locally capped by coral reefs)
Febo, L.A. (2007) Paleoceanography of the Gulf of Papua using multiple geophysical and micropaleontological
proxies. Ph.D. Thesis Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 155 p.
(Surface sediments spanning recent to ~15-33 ky- Recent)
Febo, L.A., S.J. Bentley, J.H. Wrenn, A.W. Droxler, G.R. Dickens, L.C. Peterson & B.N. Opdyke (2008) Late
Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentation, organic carbon delivery, and paleoclimatic inferences on the
continental slope of the northern Pandora Trough, Gulf of Papua, J. Geophys. Res. 113, F01S18,
doi:10.1029/2006JF000677, 21 p.
(Two periods of Pleistocene rapid sediment accumulation, likely corresponding to early transgression when
rivers delivered sediments much closer to shelf edge)
Ferris, A., G.A. Abers, B. Zelt, B. Taylor & S. Roecker (2006) Crustal structure across the transition from
rifting to spreading: the Woodlark rift system of Papua New Guinea. Geoph. J. Int. 166, p. 622-634.
(Woodlark rift system active ocean basin formation. Continental extension rates some of fastest on planet, and
extension progresses E-wards to seafloor spreading. Seismic velocities suggest transition from diffuse
continental rifting to localized seafloor spreading likely across narrow zone. Magmatism may not play
significant role in altering crust until onset of seafloor spreading, except through underplating at base of crust)
Findlay, A.L. (1974) The structure of the foothills South of the Kubor Range, Papua New Guinea. Australian
Petr. Expl. Assoc (APEA) J. 14, 1, p. 14-20.
(Structural styles at S side of NW-SE trending Kubor Range, where Permian granodiorite intruded Paleozoic
metamorphics. S side of Kubor Range up to 7km of Mesozoic sediments, including mid-Cretaceous Kondaku
Tuffs in N part. E-M Miocene Darai Lst in S replaced by basinal Aure Group closer to Kubor Range. U
Miocene- Pliocene Orubadi Fm clastics in S, not deposited towards Kubor Range ?)
Findlay, R.H. (1995) Stratigraphic constraints on the development and timing of arc-continent collision in
Northern Papua New Guinea: discussion. J. Sed. Res. 65B. p. 281-282.
(Reply to Abbott et al. 1994 paper)
Findlay, R.H. (1998) Palaeostress in the Ramu Markham obduction zone. In: Proc. GEOSEA'98, Ninth Reg.
Congr. Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia, Geol. Soc. Malaysia , p. 229-230.
Findlay, R.H. (2003) Collision tectonics of northern Papua New Guinea: key field relationships in the
Finisterre, Sarawaget and Adelbert Mountains and New Britain demand a new model. In: R.R. Hills & R.D.
Muller (eds.) Evolution and dynamics of the Australian Plate, Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Paper 372, p. 291-307.
(Revised lithostratigraphy for Finisterre, Sarawaget and Adelbert Mountains of N PNG. Lithostratigraphic
relations demand interpretation of Finisterre Volcanics as allochthonous terrane, which collided with
Australian- PNG craton in Pliocene. Finisterre Volcanics formed as autochthonous plateau in backarc basin or
intra-arc rift-basin of Sepik Arc to S which collided with Australia in Oligocene)
Findlay, R.H., L. Arumba, J. Kagl, G. Kopi, S. Nekitel et al. (1997) Papua New Guinea 1:250 000 Geological
Atlas, Markham, Sheet SB/55-10 (2nd ed.). Geol. Survey PNG, Port Moresby, p.
Findlay, R.H., L. Arumba, J. Kagl, S. Nekitel, N. Mosusu, C. Rangin & M. Pubellier (1997) Revision of the
Markham 1: 250 000 sheet, Papua New Guinea: what is the Finisterre Terrane? In: G. Hancock (ed.) Proc. PNG
Geology, Exploration Mining Conf., Madang 1997, Australasian Inst. Mining Metall., Melbourne, p. 87-98.
Finlayson, D.M., B.J. Drummond, C.D.M. Collins & J.B. Connelly (1977) Crustal structure under the Mount
Lamington region of Papua New Guinea. In: R.W. Johnson (ed.) Volcanism in Australasia, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, p. 259-274.
Finlayson, D.M., B.J. Drummond, C.D.M. Collins & J.B. Connelly (1977) Crustal structures in the region of the
Papuan ultramafic belt. Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 14, p. 13-20.
(Papuan Ultramafic Belt major dipping layered structure. Thickness of crustal material seaward of belt
probably too great to be oceanic. Crustal thickness offshore 33 km in area of Huon Gravity Low in W Solomon
Sea, 27 km in area N of Trobriand Platform, 13 km in C Solomon Sea. Crust under Trobriand Gravity High
may contain ophiolite rock suite similar to Papuan Ultramafic Belt)
Finlayson, E.J., N.M.S.Rock & S.D. Golding (1988) Deformation and regional carbonate metasomatism of
turbidite-hosted Cretaceous alkaline lamprophyres (NW Papua New Guinea). Chem. Geol. 69, p. 215-233.
(Metasomatised camptonite dykes and stocks, named Fu Intrusives, in thrust plates of Mesozoic slates in New
Guinea Thrust Belt. Intrusions emplaced prior to Oligo-Miocene fold deformation and low-grade regional
metamorphism of host (K-Ar ages of 75 Ma/ Campanian probable age of intrusion). REE patterns and initial Sr
ratios typical of alkaline lamprophyres. Carbonate metasomatism of intrusive suite result of metamorphic
dewatering of host rocks during slaty cleavage development)
Fischer, M.W. & J. Warburton (1996) The importance of Pre-Tertiary basin architecture for hydrocarbon
accumulation in the Papuan fold and thrust belt: models, analogues and implications. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.)
Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea. Proc. 3rd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port
Moresby, p. 111-131.
Fisher, N.H. (1939) Metasomatism associated with Tertiary mineralization in New Guinea. Economic Geol.
1939, p. 890-905.
Fisher, N.H. (1944) Outline of the geology of the Morobe Goldfields. Proc. Roy.Soc. Queensland 55, 4, p. 51-
Fitzgerald, E. M.G., J. Velez-Juarbe & R.T. Wells (2013) Miocene sea cow (Sirenia) from Papua New Guinea
sheds light on Sirenian evolution in the Indo-Pacific. J. Vertebrate Paleontology 33, 4, p. 956-963.
(Vertebrae and ribs of indeterminate sirenian from Burdigalian-Serravallian section of Darai Limestone in
Selminum Tem cave, Hindenburg Range, W Province of PNG. Represent the earliest mammal recorded from
island of New Guinea)
Fleming, A.W. & T.I. Neale (1979) Geochemical exploration at Yandera porphyry copper prospect, Papua New
Guinea. J. Geochem. Expl. 11, p. 33-51.
Fountain, J.R. (1972) Geological relationships in the Panguna porphyry copper deposit, Bougainville island, New
Guinea. Econ. Geol. 67, p. 1049-1064.
Francis, G. (1983) Tertiary biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy of Petroleum Prospecting Licence (PPL) 30: a
critical review. Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Report 83-8, p. 1-24.
Francis, G. (1986) Some current problems of Mesozoic geology in the Papuan Basin. Geol. Survey Papua New
Guinea, Techn. Note 4/86, p. (Unpublished)
Francis G. (1988) Stratigraphy of Manus Island, western New Ireland basin, Papua New Guinea. In: N.S. Marlow
et al. (eds.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific Islands arcs-New Ireland and Manus region, Papua New
Guinea, Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min. Res., Houston, Earth Science Ser. 9, p. 31-40.
(Manus Island underlain by M Eocene- earliest Miocene island arc volcanics. Overlain by Miocene- Pliocene
marine sediments, several Miocene- E Pliocene lmestone formations and more E-M Miocene andesitic rocks)
Francis, G. (1990) The North New Guinea Basin and associated infra-basins. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.)
Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby 1990, p. 445-460.
(Good review of North New Guinea Miocene- Pleistocene basins N of Central Range (Aitape, Sepik, Ramu).
With results of 7 exploration wells and Miocene- Pliocene paleogeographic maps (cross-sections show
dominant fold-thrust style of tectonics; most authors interpret this as left-lateral transpressional system; HvG))
Francis, G. & D. Deibert (1988) Petroleum potential of the North New Guinea basin and associated infra-basins.
Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea Report 88/37, p. 1-229.
Francis, G., J. Lock & Y. Okuda (1987) Seismic stratigraphy and structure of the area to the southeast of the
Trobriand Platform. Geo-Marine Letters 7, 3, p. 121-128.
(Area SE of Trobriand carbonate platform S of Woodlark Rise, SE PNG, contains E continuation of Oligocene-
Quaternary Cape Vogel Basin. Three major seismic sequences recognized. A-B and B-D sequences faulted and
gently folded in Late Miocene. To S and SE of this depocenter Cape Vogel Basin truncated by Pliocene opening
of Woodlark Basin, an active W-ward-propagating spreading system. Goodenough 1 well Late Oligocene- E
Mioceen Iauge Volcanics, overlain my marine M Miocene- Pleistocene
Francis, G., R. Rogerson, D.W. Haig & J. Sari (1986) Neogene stratigraphy, sedimentation and petroleum
potential of the Oiapu-Yule Island- Oroi Region, Papua New Guinea. In: G.H. Teh & S. Paramananthan (eds.)
Proc. GEOSEA V Conf., Kuala Lumpur 1984, 1, Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull.19, p. 123-152.
(Miocene Aure association in SE PNG mainly bathyal shales and turbidite sandstones. Folding phase in latest M
Miocene culminating with thrusting in Late Miocene to create SE Papuan foldbelt. Deformation associated with
basaltic volcanism (Talama Fm). Local carbonate buildups on cores of anticlines (Ou-Ou Lst). Unconformably
overlain by latest Miocene- E Pliocene Orubadi Beds. E Pliocene influx of coarser clastic from rising mountains
to NE (Era beds). Second phase of thrusting in Late Pliocene- E Pleistocene. Most thrust faults dip to NE)
Francis, G., R. Rogerson, D.W. Haig & J. Sari (1986) Neogene stratigraphy, structure and petroleum potential
of the Yule Island-Delena region, Papua New Guinea. Comm. Co-ord. Joint Prospecting Min. Res. Asian
Offshore Areas (CCOP), Techn. Bull. 17, p. 13-59.
Francis, G., R. Rogerson, D. Hilyard & D.W. Haig (1990) Excursion guide to the Waghi and Chimbu Georges.
In: R. Rogerson (ed.) Excursion Guide Series, Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, p. 1-55.
Francis, G., R. Rogerson & L. Queen (1991) The distribution, petrology and mineralisation of mid-Cretaceous to
Palaeogene marine volcanics in Papua New Guinea. In: R. Rogerson (ed.) Proc. PNG Geology, exploration and
Mining Conf., Australasian Inst. Min. Metallurgy, Melbourne, p. 17-25.
Francis, G. & G.E.G. Westermann (1993) The Kimmeridgean problem in Papua-New Guinea and other parts of
the Indo-Southwest Pacific. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 75-
(Ammonites rel. rare in PNG Late Jurassic; belemnites and bivalves more common. Diagnostic Kimmeridgean
ammonites almost unknown in Indo-SW Pacific from Himalaya-PNG- New Zealand, making biozone-stage
calibrations difficult in this region. Also provincialism of PNG belemnites makes direct correlations to Tethyan
of Europe impossible).
Francis, J.M., J.J. Daniell, A.W. Droxler, G.R. Dickens, S.J. Bentley, L.C. Peterson, B. Opdyke & L. Beaufort
(2008) Deep-water geomorphology and sediment pathways of the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system, Gulf of
Papua. J. Geophys. Res. 113, F01S16, doi:10.1029/2007JF000851, 22 p.
(Modern deep water sedimentation Gulf of Papua)
Frantz, L., K.P. Becker, W. Kramer & P.M. Herzig (2002) Metasomatic mantle xenoliths from the Bismarck
Microplate (Papua New Guinea) thermal evolution, geochemistry and extent of slab-induced metasomatism. J.
Petrology 43, 2, p. 315-343.
(online at:
(On ultramafic mantle xenoliths from Tubaf and Edison seamounts in the Bismarck Archipelago, NE of PNG,
transported to sea floor by rift-related Quaternary trachybasalts)
Gagel, C. (1913) Beitrage zur Geologie von Kaiser Wilhelms-Land. In: Beitrage zur geologischen Forschung
der deutschen Schutzgebiete, 4, Berlin, 55 p.
Galewsky, J. (1998) The dynamics of foreland basin carbonate platforms: tectonic and eustatic controls. Basin
Res. 10, p. 409-416.
(Numerical modeling of coral growth and flexural subsidence in foreland basin setting matches the drowning
and backstepping of Quaternary carbonate platforms in Huon Gulf, PNG)
Galewsky, J. & E.A. Silver (1997) Tectonic controls on facies transitions in an oblique collision: the western
Solomon Sea, Papua New Guinea. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 109, 10, p. 1266-1278.
(W Solomon Sea is closing ocean basin and incipient arc-continent collision between Bismarck arc and
Australian continental margin in PNG. Seismic profiles and sidescan sonar data indicate sedimentation
controlled by topographic gradients generated by flexure of Solomon Sea plate)
Galewsky, J., E.A. Silver, C.D. Gallup, R.L. Edwards & D.C. Potts (1996) Foredeep tectonics and carbonate
platform dynamics in the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea. Geology 24, p. 819-822.
(Side-scan sonar and seismic data reveal history of carbonate platform growth, drowning, and back stepping in
the Huon Gulf, documenting subsidence of Huon Gulf in response to encroaching Finisterre Mts at ~ 5.7 mm/yr
for past 348 ky (highest subsidence in any any foredeep). Reefs may have formed during sea-level lowstands
and drowned during rapid rates of sea-level rise)
Gardien, V., C. Lecuyer & J.F. Moyen (2008) Dolerites of the Woodlark Basin (Papuan Peninsula, New
Guinea): a geochemical record of the influence of a neighbouring subduction zone. J. Asian Earth Sci. 33, p.
Gardner, J.V. (1970) Submarine geology of the western Coral Sea. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 70, p. 1399-1424.
George, S.C., F.W. Krieger, P.J. Eadington, R.A. Quezada, P.F. Greenwood et al. (1997) Geochemical
comparison of oil-bearing fluid inclusions and produced oil from the Toro sandstone, Papua New Guinea.
Organic Geochem. 26, p. 155-173.
(Oil in Lower Cretaceous Toro Sst in Iagifu-7X different from fluid inclusion oil. DST oils sourced from oxic
mixed marine/ terrestrial source, probably M- L Jurassic mudstones. Fluid inclusion oils from less terrestrially-
influenced marine source rock deposited under less oxic conditions. Fluid inclusion oils early oil charge from
probably Cretaceous source, which started migrating into Toro sst in Miocene. At Iagifu early oil diluted by
larger volume of Jurassic oil generated at end-Miocene)
George, S.C., Volk, H., Ahmed, M., Middleton, H., T. Allan & D. Holland (2004) Novel petroleum systems in
Papua New Guinea indicated by terpane and methylhopane distributions. In: P.J. Boult et al. (eds.) Eastern
Australasian Basins Symposium II, Adelaide, Petroleum Expl. Soc. Australia, Spec. Publ., p. 575-588.
(Most PNG oil production from W Papuan fold belt, with oils from Jurassic marine source with terrestrial
organic matter. Puri-1 oil and Subu wells (Aure Scarp) bitumens indicate Jurassic source also in E Papuan
Basin. Calcareous source rock may be regionally significant in E Papuan Basin. W Papuan Basin oils from
Iagifu and P'nyang wells (W Fold belt) and Bujon-1 from foreland indicate Late Cretaceous or younger marine
source with minor terrestrial organic matter. Oil from Koko–1 in foreland indicate lacustrine source. Oil stains
in Bujon-1 also likely from this source, age unconstrained, but expelled later than Late Cretaceous or younger
marine source rock which generated FI oil in Bujon-1. Future PNG petroleum plays not restricted to Jurassic
source- M Cretaceous reservoir paradigm)
George S.C., H. Volk, M. Ahmed, W. Pickel & T. Allan (2007) Biomarker evidence for two sources for solid
bitumens in the Subu wells: implications for the petroleum prospectivity of the East Papuan Basin. Organic
Geochem. 38, p. 609-642.
(Late Cretaceous sst from Subu 1,2 (Aure Scarp) with solid bitumens, reflect biodegradation of two oil families:
(A) marine source with significant terrestrial organic matter, believed to be Jurassic; (B) more reducing; so far
unidentified. Condensate charge relatively recent. Solid bitumen from Miocene volcanolithic sst from Ouha
anticline from early mature Paleogene or late Cretaceous source with predominantly terrestrial organic matter
in oxic environment. This sample proves the existence of different oil source rock in E Papuan Basin)
Giddings, J., C.T. Klootwijk, W. Sunata, C. Loxton, C. Pigram & H. Davies (1985) Palaeomagnetism of
Australia's active northern margin in New Guinea. In: E.C. Leitch & E. Scheibner (conv.) Third Circum-Pacific
terrane conference, Extended abstracts, Geol Soc. Australia 14, p. 83-86.
Glaessner, M.F. (1942) The occurrence of the New Guinea turtle (Carettochelys) in the Miocene of Papua.
Records Australian Museum 21, 2, p. 106-109.
(online at:
(Mold of turtle bone in Miocene dark tuffaceous sandstone in quarry near APC 01 well location, on road
leading from left bank of Vailala River near mouth of Kariava Creek)
Glaessner, M.F. (1945) Mesozoic fossils from the Central Highlands of New Guinea. Proc. Royal. Soc. Victoria
56, p. 151-168.
(U Jurassic and M Cretaceous molluscs from Central PNG. Incl. Late Jurassic Buchia malayomaorica,
Belemnopis gerardi and Grammatodon virgatus from Kuabgen Range at Upper Fly River area, S Central
Highlands. Also Albian Feing Group with belemnite Parahibolites blanfordi. Cretaceous from hills N of Purari
River with Exogyra probably Aptian-Albian)
Glaessner, M.F. (1950) Geotectonic position of New Guinea. Bull. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 34, p. 856-881.
(Division of New Guinea into twelve structural zones. N and E parts of island essentially Melanesian while W
New Guinea influenced by Asiatic Banda arcs. S and C New Guinea essentially Australian and appear to
continue as submerged median mass SW under Coral Sea)
Glaessner, M.F. (1952) Geology of Port Moresby, Papua. In: Sir Douglas Mawson Anniversary Volume,
University of Adelaide, p. 63-86.
Glaessner, M.F. (1958) New Cretaceous fossils from New Guinea, Guinea, with a contribution on a new
ammonite genus by R. Casey. Records South Australian Mus. 13, 2, p. 199-126.
(Cenomanian- Albian mollusks and ammonites from Central Highlands. Includes new Cenomanian ammonite
species from Chim Fm near Chimu airstrip, Chimbuites sinuosocostatus)
Glaessner, M.F. (1960) Upper Cretaceous larger foraminifera from New Guinea. Science Repts. Tohoku Univ.,
2nd. Ser. (Geol.), Spec. Vol. 4 (Hanzawa Mem. Vol.), p. 37-44.
(Abundant larger forams Pseudorbitoides israelskii and Orbitoides tissoti described from Campanian of Port
Moresby area, PNG. First report of this distinctive assemblage outside Caribbean-Gulf of Mexico area)
Glaessner, M.F., K.M. Llewellyn & G.A.V. Stanley (1950) Fossiliferous rocks of Permian age from the
Territory of New Guinea. Australian J. Sci. 13, p. 24-25.
(Short report on first discovery of 200’ of ‘Permian’ limestone at Gum/Kum Creek 4 miles SSE of Hagen
airstrip, overlying Mt Kubor granite. Subsequently re-interpreted as Late Triassic in age. Limestone not
contactmetamorphic. Coarser parts have grains of quartz, feldspar, mica flakes. Associated with quartzite)
Glikson, M. (1988) Petroleum source rock study, Miocene rocks of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. In: N.S.
Marlow et al. (eds.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific Islands arcs-New Ireland and Manus region,
Papua New Guinea. Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min. Res., Earth Sci. Ser. 9, p. 161-183.
Goldberg, A. & D. Holland (2008) Inversion tectonics and the structural development of the Elk/ Antelope gas
field, Papua New Guinea. In: J.E. Blevin et al. (eds.) Third Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium, Sydney
2008, PESA Spec. Publ., p. 247-258.
Goldberg, A., M. Wilson & S. Sioni (2010) Quantitative seismic interpretation for characterizing carbonate
diagenesis; an Elk/Antelope Gas field study. In: N. Harrison (ed.) 21st Geoph. Conf. Australian Soc.
Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG), Sydney 2010, p. 1-4. (Extended Abstract)
(Elk/Antelope gas field in PNG is hosted in Miocene reefal and deepwater carbonates. Carbonates exhibit
multiple diagenetic overprints and complex internal seismic reflector heterogeneity. Dominant control on
seismic reflection events within reservoir are porosity variations)
Goodliffe, A.M., J. Kington & B. Taylor (2008) Reconciling extension from brittle faulting, subsidence, and
kinematic reconstructions: lessons from the Woodlark Basin. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib., Cape Town 2008, 29p.
(Abstract) (Online at:
(Woodlark Basin, PNG, study of active rift processes in basin opening since 8.4 Ma. Near rifting-to-seafloor
spreading transition asymmetric rift system comprises large tilted fault blocks on S margin and unfaulted N
margin that has subsided >3 km. Estimated extension from faulting ~111 km. Extension estimated by fitting
Euler poles to fracture zones and magnetic chrons in oceanic lithosphere gives >200 km since 6 Ma.
Metamorphic core complexes (MCC), where upper crust has been removed may account for discrepancy)
Goodliffe, A M., B. Taylor, F. Martinez, R.N. Hey, K. Maeda& K. Ohno (1997) Synchronous reorientation of
the Woodlark Basin spreading center. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 146, p. 233-242,
Gordon, S.A., B.J. Huizinga & V. Sublette (2000) Petroleum potential of the Southern Gulf of Papua. In: P.G.
Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petrol. Conv.,
Port Moresby 2000, p. 205-218.
(Thick N-S trending ?Triassic- Jurassic rift basin under W part of Gulf of Papua, with 2-3km of sediment
(thicker than NW Shelf). Earliest Tertiary uplift stripped most of Cretaceous sediment)
Gordon, S.M., T.A. Little, B.R. Hacker, S.A. Bowring, M. Korchinski, S.L. Baldwin & A.R.C. Kylander-Clark
(2012) Multi-stage exhumation of young UHP-HP rocks: timescales of melt crystallization in the
D’Entrecasteaux Islands, southeastern Papua New Guinea. Earth Planet Sci Lett 351-352, p. 237-246.
(D’Entrecasteaux Islands outcrops of youngest known ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) high-pressure eclogites and
gneisses. Zircons ages suggests eclogites may have undergone UHP metamorphism from ~7.2- 4.6 Ma; TIMS
dates suggest 5.6-4.6 Ma. Eclogite and gneisses exhumed to lower crustal depths by ~3.5-3.0 Ma)
Gow, P.A., P. Upton, C. Zhao & K.C. Hill (2002) Copper-gold mineralisation in New Guinea: numerical
modelling of collision, fluid flow and intrusion-related hydrothermal systems. Australian J. Earth Sci. 49, 4, p.
(Porphyry Cu-Au mineralisation in New Guinea foldbelt tied to local dilation, facilitating magma emplacement
by reactivation of arc‐normal transfer faults, where they cut weakened fold belt. Rapid uplift and erosion
greatest in W of W Papua, where stronger Australian crust acts as buttress. Within Papuan Fold Belt, uplift
greatest near margins, where weaker fold belt abuts stronger crust and/or major faults have been reactivated)
Gow, P.A & J. L. Walshe (2005) The role of preexisting geologic architecture in the formation of giant
porphyry-related Cu ± Au deposits: examples from New Guinea and Chile. Economic Geol. 100, 5, p. 819-833.
(Development of porphyry copper-gold deposits in New Guinea during Tertiary magmatic event that
overprinted extensional Mesozoic passive margin. During collision deeply detached listric faults were inverted
and focused uplift/exhumation. Steep transverse faults formed wrench systems with pathways for magma or
fluids. Competent units of flat-lying stratigraphic packages like Darai/Mendi Limestone impeded magma ascent
and formed cap on magma and/or fluid system)
Grainge, A. (1993) Recent developments in prospect mapping in the Hides/Karius area of the Papuan fold belt.
In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG
Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby 1993, p. 527-537.
Grainge, A.M., A.J.D. Hine & P.J. Brawley (1990) Discovery and development of the Hides gas field in
Licence PPL 27, Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea,
Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 539-550.
(Hides gas field 1987 BP discovery in S Highlands Province. Structure large NW-SE trending anticline.
Reservoir Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) Toro Fm quartz sandstone. Reserves estimate 1-3 Tcf gas)
Grainger, D.J. & R.L. Grainger (1974) Explanatory notes of the 1:2 500 000 mineral deposits map of Papua
New Guinea. Bureau Min. Res., Canberra, Bull. 148, p. 1-171.
(online at: )
(Gold widely distributed through PNG and is associated with Tertiary acid and intermediate rocks. Major
porphyry copper province (Panguna, Ok Tedi deposits). Bauxite on Manus Island. Chromite and nickel
mineralization disseminated in ultramafic rocks in SE Papua. Molybdenum in several minor occurrences. Small
deposits of manganese, phosphate, asbestos, diatomite, graphite, mercury, pumice and sulphur, but not or
Grant, J.N. & R.L. Nielsen (1975) Geology and geochronology of the Yandera porphyry copper deposit, Papua
New Guinea. Economic Geol. 70, 7, p. 1157-1174.
(Porphyry copper- molybdenum- gold mineralization at Yandera, 100 km SW of Madang, in N part of PNG
highlands. Associated with M-L Miocene Bismarck synorogenic batholith complex, emplaced during collision of
Australian plate and island-arc zone. Intruded into strongly folded-faulted Goroka Fm metamorphics; see also
Titley et al. 1978, Watmuff 1978))
Grant-Mackie, J., G. Francis, G.E. Westermann & A.B. Challinor (2006) Jurassic molluscan palaeontology of
the Telefomin area, Papua New Guinea. Geol. Survey PNG Mem. 19, p. 1-101.
Green, D.H. (1961) Ultramafic breccias from the Musa Valley, Eastern Papua. Geol. Mag. 98, p. 1-17.
Green, R. & R.B. Pitt (1967) Suggested rotation of New Guinea. J. Geomagn. Geoelectr. 19, p. 317-321.
Gregoire, M., B.I.A. McInnes & S.Z. O'Reilly (2001) Hydrous metasomatism of oceanic sub-arc mantle, Lihir,
Papua New Guinea. Part 2. Trace element characteristics of slab-derived fluids. Lithos 59, p. 91-108.
Gregory, J.W. & J.B. Trench (1916) Eocene corals from the Fly River, Central New Guinea. Geol. Mag, N.S.,
3, 11, p. 481-488.
(Descriptions of Feddenia, Circophyllia, Stylophora papuensis n.sp., Stylina macgregori, Leptoria carnei n.sp.,
Dachiardia macgregori, Plesiastrae horizontalis n.sp., Kobya hemicribriformis n.sp. from Macrossan, Fly
River area. Middle Eocene?)
Gregory, J.W. & J.B. Trench (1916) Eocene corals from the Fly River, Central New Guinea (2). Geol. Mag,
N.S., 3, 12, p. 529-536.
(Descriptions of Actinacis maitlandi, A. sumatraensis, Porites deshayesana, Montipora antiqua)
Griffin, T.J. (1979) Granitoids of the Tertiary continent- island arc collision zone, Papua New Guinea. Geol.
Survey Papua New Guinea, Report 79/22, 28p.
Grund, R.B. (1976) North New Guinea Basin. In: R.B. Leslie et al. (eds.) Economic geology of Australia and
Papua New Guinea, 3, Petroleum, p. 449-506.
Gunson M.J., D.W. Haig, B. Kruman, R.A. Mason, R.C.B. Perembo & R. Stewart (1997) Stratigraphic
reconstruction of the Porgera region, Papua New Guinea. In: Papua New Guinea Geology, Exploration and
Mining Conf., Port Moresby 1997, Australasian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, Madang, 1, p. 99-108.
Gunson M.J., G. Hall & M. Johnston (2000) Foraminiferal coloration index as a guide to hydrothermal
gradients around the Porgera intrusive complex, Papua New Guinea. Econ Geol. 95, p. 271-282.
(Porgera intrusive complex and gold deposit in Cretaceous black mudstones. Color changes in bathyal
agglutinated foraminifera from white to dark gray used to map thermal maturation. Foraminiferal coloration
showed pairing of hot and cold areas across major structures, associated with upflow (hot) and recharge (cold)
of fluids from surrounding host sedimentary rocks)
Haddad, D. & A.B. Watts (1999) Subsidence history, gravity anomalies, and flexure of the Northeast Australian
margin in Papua New Guinea. Tectonics 18, p. 827-842.
(PNG folbelt at least 2 major orogenic loading events: (1) near Oligocene- Miocene boundary, associated with
widespread carbonate deposition and (2) earliest Pliocene main phase of fold-thrust belt uplift)
Haig, D.W. (1979) Early Jurassic foraminiferids from the western Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Neues
Jahrb. Geol. Pal., Monatsh. 4, p. 208-215.
Haig, D.W. (1981) Mid-Cretaceous foraminiferids from the Wahgi Valley, Central Highlands of Papua New
Guinea. Micropaleont. 27, p. 337-351.
(Albian-Cenomanian open marine forams from Kondaku Tuff and Chim Fm at N flank Kubor Anticline;
Cretaceous overlies Jurassic Maril shale with minor unconformity)
Haig, D.W. (1982) Deep-sea foraminifera from Paleocene sediments, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. J.
Foram. Res. 12, 4, p. 287-279.
(online at:
(Tropical Paleocene (P1-P7) planktonic foram assemblages from lower bathyal calcareous mudstones in highly
folded ‘Port Moresby Beds’. No stratigraphic sections, limited geologic context)
Haig, D.W. (1985) Micropalaeontological report on samples from Yule Island. CCOP Techn. Bull. 17, p. 47-59.
Haig, D.W. (1985) Lepidocyclina associated with Early Miocene planktic foraminiferids from the Fairfax
Formation, Papua New Guinea. In: J.M. Lindsay (ed.) Stratigraphy, palaeontology, malacology; papers in
honour of Dr. Neil Ludbrook, Spec. Publ. South Australia Dept. Mines and Energy 5, p. 117-131.
Haig, D.W. (1987) Tertiary foraminiferal rock samples from the western Solomon Sea. Geo-Marine Lett. 6, 4,
p. 219-228.
(Rock fragments dredged from four stations: E Eocene upper bathyal biomicrite from Trobriand Platform; Lt
Oligocene-E Miocene neritic limestones off Trobriand Platform and inner wall New Britain Trench; Miocene
bathyal sediments from Trobriand Platform; similar Pliocene from inner wall New Britain Trench and central
part Solomon Sea Basin. No reworked pre-Tertiary foraminifera)
Haig, D.W. (1994) Zone N18 in foreland basin and oceanic platform sequences, Lower Pliocene, Papua New
Guinea. In: Forams '94 International Symposium on Foraminifera, Berkeley, Paleobios 16, 2, Suppl., p. 33.
(Planktonic and benthonic foraminifera from zone N18 in the siliciclastic Orubadi Beds of Papuan Foreland
Basin. Type section > 2000 m thick and includes two mid bathyal- inner neritic shallowing upward sequences,
Orubadi Beds and underlying Puri Lst (pelagic middle bathyal base of sequence) belong to N17B and N18. No
reworking in foraminiferal assemblages, although reworked nannofossils and dinoflagellates flood mud-
fraction of sediment, suggesting extensive sediment plumes clouded surface waters of foreland basin)
Haig, D.W. (1996) Late Neogene bathyal depocentres in mainland Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.)
Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea. Proc. 3rd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port
Moresby, p. 313-327.
(Spine of mainland PNG was continuous barrier to oceanic circulation in Late Miocene-Pliocene. Papaun
assemblages are ‘Trans-Equatorial’ Gr. menardii/Gr. limbata/Globigerinoides. N New Guinea assemblages
dominated by Gr. tumida)
Haig, D.W. & P.J. Coleman (1988) Neogene foraminifera as time space indicators in New Ireland, Papua New
Guinea. In: N.S. Marlow et al. (eds.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific Islands arcs- New Ireland and
Manus region, PNG, Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min. Res., Houston, Earth Science Ser. 9, p. 91-111.
(Oldest known foram assemblage (E Oligocene) in pebbles from Jaulu Volcanics in New Ireland, PNG.
Assemblages from Lelet Lst range from latest Oligocene- Late Miocene. During M Miocene bathyal
sedimentation in N and S New Ireland. Latest Pliocene- E Pleistocene assemblages indicate shallowing from
middle bathyal and date final emergence of New Ireland landmass from ~2.0 Ma)
Haig, D.W., G.S. Humphreys, R. Rogerson & G. Francis (1986) Field guide to the Kubor Anticline, Central
Highlands. 12th Int. Sedimentological Congr., Canberra 1986, Field trip 34B, Geol. Survey of Papua New
Guinea, PortMoresby, p.
Haig, D.W. & S. Malagun (1980) Uppermost Cretaceous and lowermost Tertiary sediments around Bogoro
Inlet near Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Science in New Guinea 7, 1, p. 12-21.
(Maastrichtian-Paleocene deep marine limestones with planktonic foraminifera, unconformably overlain by
Eocene calcarenite with larger forams, incl. Pellatispira)
Haig, D.W. & D. Medd (1996) Latest Miocene to early Pliocene bathymetric cycles related to tectonism, Puri
Anticline, Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea. Austral. J. Earth Sci. 43, 3, p. 451-465.
(Four bathyal-to-neritic progradational clastics cycles in 2000m thick Orubadi Fm (Late Miocene- E Pliocene
N17B-N18; ~6.2- 4.7 Ma) in Puri Anticline, Papuan foreland basin near frontal foldbelt, overlying Late
Miocene pelagic Puri Limestone. Cycles reflect pulses of folding. Development of foredeep either in lower N17
or N16; ~11.5- 7 Ma?) )
Haig, D.W. & R.C.B. Perembo (1990) Foraminifera as Neogene stratigraphic guides for Papua New Guinea. In:
G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum Exploration in Papua New Guinea. Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port
Moresby, p. 381-395.
(Broad overview of Neogene planktonic and larger foram zonations, and paleobathymetry applicable to PNG)
Haig, D.W., R.C.B. Perembo, D.A. Lynch, G.J.Milner & M. Zammit (1993) Marine stratigraphic units in
Central Province, Papua New Guinea: age and depositional environments. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.)
Petroleum exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p.
Haig, D.W. & W. Tamu (1980) Stratigraphic relationship between Barune sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) and
Baruni Calcarenite (Lower Tertiary) near Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Science in New Guinea 7, 3, p.
(Baruni Sst with Campanian Pseudorbitoides israelskii and Orbitoides tissoti, originally described by
Glaessner 1960. Overlain by deeper water Maastrichtian pelagic Bogoro Lst and Paleocene- E Eocene Port
Moresby Beds, unconformably overlain by M-L Eocene ‘Baruni calcarenite’ with Nummulites and
Discocyclina. Description of Barune sst suggests possible turbidites, dominated by calcareous bioclasts, but
with some angular quartz. No volcanic/ igneous lithics observed. (Beds of this age generally absent in PNG
foreland, but present in terranes of N New Guinea and of Birds Head?; HvG))
Hall, R.J., R.M. Britten & D.D. Henry (1990) Frieda River copper-gold deposits. In F.E. Hughes (ed.) Geology
of the mineral deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
Melbourne, Mon. 14, p. 1709-1715.
Hamilton, P.J., R.W.Johnson, D.E. Mackenzie & R.K. O’Nions (1983) Pleistocene volcanic rocks from the Fly-
Highlands province of western New Guinea: a note on new Sr and Nd isotopic data and their petrogenetic
implications. J. Volcan. Geotherm. Res. 18, p. 449-459.
(Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopes and trace-elements from 6 Pleistocene volcanoes of Fly-Highlands province suggest
contamination of mantle-derived magmas by continental crust. No Benioff zone beneath Fly-Highlands
province, suggesting mantle-derived magmas related to Pliocene crustal uplift formed in response to mid-
Tertiary continent/island-arc collision)
Handley, G.A. (1987) Exploration of the Porgera gold deposit. In: E. Brennan (ed.) Proc. Pacific Rim Congress
1987, Gold Coast, Australasian Inst. Mining Metall., Parkville, p. 145-149.
Harlow, G.E., G.R. Summerhayes, H.L. Davies & L. Matisoo-Smith (2012) Jade gouge from Emirau Island,
Papua New Guinea (Early Lapita context, 3300 BP): a unique jadeitite. European J. Mineralogy 24, p. 391-399.
(Small stone artifact from Emirau Island, Bismarck Archipelago consists of jadeitite- jadeite jade of unusual
composition. Possible source along Torare River in NE W Papua, Indonesia, where 'chloromelanite' (=
jadeitite) was collected by Wichmann in 1903 near Humboldt Bay, with stone adzes made from same material)
Harnish, S.A. (1990) Tectonics and mineralization of the western and central New Guinea Mobile Belt. Proc.
Pacific Rim 90 Congress, Australasian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, Parkville, 3, p. 141-151.
Harris, P.T., C.B. Pattiaratchi, J.B. Keene, R.W. Dalrymple et al. (1996) Late Quaternary deltaic and carbonate
sedimentation in the Gulf of Papua foreland basin: response to sea level change. J. Sediment. Res. 66, 4, p. 801-
Harris, P.T. (1994) Incised valleys and backstepping deltaic deposits in a foreland-basin setting, Torres Strait
and Gulf of Papua, Australia. In: R.W. Dalrymple et al. (eds.) Incised-valley systems, Soc. Econ. Geol. (SEPM)
Spec. Publ. 51, p. 97-108
(On incised valleys in front of Fly River delta, cut during Pleistocene lowstands)
Harrison, D. (1991) The gravity field of the Papuan fold belt and its geological implications. Ph.D. Thesis
University of London, p.
Harrison, D. & J. Milsom (1996) Palaeo-rift controls on mechanisms of isostatic compensation in the Papuan
Fold Belt. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed), Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea,
Proc. 3rd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 77-88.
Harrison, J. (1969) A review of the sedimentary history of the island of New Guinea. APEA J. 1969, p. 41-48.
Hawkins, M.A. (2001) Controls on high-grade hypogene porphyry Cu-Au mineralisation at Frieda River, PNG.
In: G Hancock (ed.) Proc. PNG Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference, Port Moresby 2001, Australasian
Inst. Mining Metall., Parkville, p. 135-144.
Hawkins, M.A. & A.K. Akiro (2001) Geology and exploration of the Irumafimpa Gold Project. In: G Hancock
(ed.) Proc. PNG Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference, Port Moresby 2001, Australasian Inst. Mining
Metall., Parkville, p. 145-156.
Hebberger, J.J. (1992) A synthesis of regional elements of the Papuan fold and thrust belt of Papua New
Guinea. AAPG Int. Conf., Sydney 1992, Search and Discovery Art. 91015. (Abstract only)
(Evolution of PNG fold- thrust belt: (1) development of passive margin during Late Triassic-Early Jurassic
rifting, with escape of Kubor Anticline continental fragment to NE, causing development of restricted marine
basin with Late Triassic and Jurassic source rocks. Basin affected depositional extent of Cretaceous-Tertiary
rocks (e.g. Cretaceous Toro Sandstone, Miocene Darai Lst). Cretaceous deposition caused maturation of
Jurassic source and migration into passive margin traps around basin margins. Pliocene-Pleistocene collision
along N margin of New Guinea caused development of Papuan fold-thrust belt, uplift and movement of Kubor
Anticline back to SW, partially over basinal area, and remigration of oil into thrust belt structures)
Hebberger, J.J., S.P. Franklin, W.H. Uberawa & A.M. Pytte (2000) Development of the Iagifu-Hedinia Field,
PNG fold belt; a multi-disciplinary reservoir management success story. APPEA J. 40, 1, p. 546-561.
Hebberger, J.J. & J.C. Phelps (1992) Change in structural style from thin-skinned to thick-skinned along the
strike of the Papuan fold and thrust Belt, Papua New Guinea. AAPG Int. Conf., Sydney 1992, Search and
Discovery Art. 91015. (Abstract only)
(In Papuan fold-thrust belt gradual (150 km) change along strike from thin-skinned thrust folds with 1-8 km
spacing in area of Iagifu/Hedinia oil discoveries to 20-40 km wide basement-involved folds near Irian Jaya
border. No dramatic difference in thickness or composition of U Jurassic- Tertiary sediments evident. Gravity
data suggest increase in depth to granitic basement along strike, but not in same area as change thin- to thick-
skinned thrusting. Change in style may be related to different levels of detachment. In both areas two major
detachment levels: one 15-20 km below top of basement, one near base of sedimentary section)
Hedervadi, P. & Z. Papp (1977) Seismicity maps of the New Guinea Solomon Islands region. Tectonophysics
42, p, 261-281.
Hegner, E. & I.E. Smith (1992) Isotopic compositions of Late Cenozoic volcanics from southeast Papua New
Guinea; evidence for multi-component sources in arc and rift environments. Chem. Geol. 97, p. 233-249.
Hennig, A., N. Yassir, M.A. Addis & A. Warrington (2002) Pore-pressure estimation in an active thrust region
and its impact on exploration and drilling. In: A. Huffman & G. Bowers (eds.) Pressure regimes in sedimentary
basins and their prediction, AAPG Mem. 76, 9, p. 89-105.
(Pore pressures in PNG fold belt and foreland basin highly variable and compartmentalized. Conventional
pore-pressure detection techniques in shales cannot be used with confidence in tectonically active regions)
Hill, E.J. (1994) Geometry and kinematics of shear zones formed during continental extension in eastern Papua
New Guinea. J. Struct. Geol. 16, 8, p. 1093-1105.
Hill, E.J. & S.L. Baldwin (2007) Exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks during crustal extension in
the D'Entrecasteaux region, Papua New Guinea. J. Metam. Geol. 11, 2, p. 261-277.
(D'Entrecasteaux Islands of E PNG consist of a number of active metamorphic core complexes formed under
extensional tectonic setting related to sea-floor spreading in west Woodlark Basin. Complexes are mountainous
domes of fault-bounded, high-grade metamorphics (including eclogite facies) intruded by 2–4 Ma granodiorite
plutons. Two major episodes of granodiorite intrusion during uplift and exhumation of the core complexes. Both
closely coincide spatially with high-temperature metamorphic rocks)
Hill, E.J., S.L. Baldwin & G.S. Lister (1992) Unroofing of active metamorphic core complexes in the
D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea. Geology 20, 10, p. 907-910.
(Metamorphic core complexes formed as result of active extension at W end of Woodlark Basin. High grade
metamorphism followed by rapid cooling between 1-2 Ma)
Hill, E.J., S.L. Baldwin, & G.S. Lister (1995) Magmatism as an essential driving force for formation of active
metamorphic core complexes in eastern Papua New Guinea. J. Geophys. Res. 100, p. 10,441-10,451.
Hill, K.C. (1987) New tectonic framework for PNG and the Caroline Plate: implications for cessation of
spreading in back-arc basins. In: E. Brennan (ed.) Proc. Pacific Rim Congress 1987, Gold Coast, Australasian
Inst. Mining Metall., Parkville, p. 179-182.
Hill, K.C. (1989) The Muller anticline, Papua New Guinea: basement-cored, inverted extensional fault
structures with opposite vergence. Tectonophysics 158, p. 227-245.
(Papuan Foldbelt two dominant structural styles: (1) in NE 1 km thick, thin-skinned thrust-imbricate slices of
Miocene limestone, (2) in SW much larger asymmetrical folds, with thicker stratigraphic sections, resulting
from Mio-Pliocene inversion of Mesozoic- Paleogene extensional faults. Outcrop of basement in centre of
Muller Range 8 km above regional. E Muller anticline basement thrust to SW, W Muller anticline thrust to NE.
Hill, K.C. (1990) Structural styles and hydrocarbons in the Papuan Fold Belt, a review. In: G.J. & Z. Carman
(eds.) Petroleum Exploration in Papua New Guinea. Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 301-310.
(Early version of numerous Hill PNG structure papers)
Hill, K.C. (1991) Structure of the Papuan Fold Belt, Papua New Guinea. AAPG Bull. 75, 5, p. 857-872.
(Papuan lithosphere rel. weak, dissected by Mesozoic faults that partly reactivated during Neogene
compression, forming basement-involved anticlines)
Hill, K.C., K. Bradey, J. Iwanec, N. Wilson & K. Lucas (2008) Structural exploration in the Papua New Guinea
fold belt. In: J.E. Blevin et al. (eds.) Third Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium, Sydney 2008, PESA Spec.
Publ., p. 225-238.
Hill, K.C., J. Forwood, C. Rodda, C. Smyth & G. Whitmore (1993) Structural styles and hydrocarbon
prospectivity around the northern Muller anticline, PNG. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and
development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby 1993, p. 325-324.
Hill, K.C. & A.J.W. Gleadow (1989) Uplift and thermal history of the Papuan Fold Belt, Papua New Guinea:
apatite fission track analysis. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 75, p. 857-872.
Hill, K.C. & A.J.W. Gleadow (1989) Uplift and thermal history of the Papuan foldbelt, Papua New Guinea:
apatite fission track analysis. Austr. J. Earth Sci. 36, p. 515-539.
(Papuan fold belt uplifted and eroded from earliest Pliocene (5 Ma) to present, suggesting Late Miocene
collision of New Guinea with island arc to N. Mountain front anticlines like Iehi underwent heating in Late
Cretaceous, prior to Paleocene uplift and associated with opening of Coral Sea. Thermal modelling of Iehi 1
indicates ~800m of Late Cretaceous eroded in Paleocene)
Hill, K.C. & A.J.W. Gleadow (1990) Apatite Fission Track analysis of the Papuan Basin. In: G.J. & Z. Carman
(eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 119-136.
Hill, K.C., G. Grey, D. Foster & R. Barrett (1993) An alternative model for the Oligo-Miocene evolution of the
northern PNG and the Sepik-Ramu basins. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.). Petroleum exploration and development
in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. p. 241-259.
Hill, K.C. & K.A. Hegarty (1987) New tectonic framework for PNG and the Caroline Plate: implications for
cessation of spreading in back-arc basins. In: Pacific Rim Congress 87, Gold Coast 1987, Australasian Inst.
Mining Metall., Parkville, p. 179-182.
(New plate tectonic scenario for N PNG. In N New Guinea Late Oligocene- E Miocene obduction of Mesozoic
oceanic crust, followed by S-dipping subduction beneath New Guinea causing extensive M Miocene volcanism.
E Pliocene uplift/ folding of main Papuan Foldbelt at ~4 Ma tied to collision of extinct Eocene- Oligocene
island arc system with New Guinea margin)
Hill, K., J. Iwanec & D. Lund (2012) Near-field, subthrust and deep reservoir tests of the Kutubu oil and gas
fields, Papua New Guinea. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 20183, p. 1-34.
(online at:
(Kutubu oil field is thrust-faulted anticline in Papuan Fold-Belt, en echelon to smaller Agogo oil field.
Structures first drilled in mid-80's and produced over 300 MBO from basal Cretaceous Toro and Digimu sst
reservoirs. Reservoirs overlain by ~1 km of Cretaceous shale and ~1 km of Miocene limestone. Kutubu
subthrust structure drilled in 2011. Toro-Digimu reservoirs overturned in footwall, with oil-bearing Toro. Koi-
Iange test further back on Kutubu field encountered interbedded sands-shales of Koi-Iange Fm)
Hill, K.C., D. Medd & P. Darvall (1990) Structure, stratigraphy, geochemistry and hydrocarbons in the Kagua-
Kubor area, Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc.
First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 1990, p. 351-366.
(Structural geology of in Kagua area, 70 km SW of Kubor anticline)
Hill, K.C., M.S. Norvick, J.T. Keetley & A. Adams (2000) Structural and stratigraphic shelf-edge hydrocarbon
plays in the Papuan fold belt. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st
Century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 67-85.
(PNG Mesozoic-Tertiary shelf-basin transition 20-50 km NE of main oil-gas fields and penetrated by only one
well. Interpreted to be long-lived fault zone, with thick basinal facies to N. In S shallow marine Miocene
limestone unconformable over Lower Cretaceous shelf clastics; in N more complete Upper Cretaceous-
Miocene deep water marls. Numerous oil seeps. Main potential reservoir Lower Cretaceous Toro sst, but
possibly distal facies. Re-entrants may have focused Toro fans)
Hill, K.C. & A. Raza (1999) Arc-continent collision in Papua Guinea: constraints from fission track
thermochronology. Tectonics 18, p. 950-966.
(Paleogene arc along S margin of Caroline plate juxtaposed against PNG in E Miocene, coeval with locking of
W-dipping Solomon subduction zone by Ontong Java Plateau. These events initiated wrenching along N PNG
margin. Mobile Belt underwent extension above downgoing slab with rapid cooling of metamorphic rocks at 17
Ma, immediately before emplacement of Maramuni Arc from 17-12 Ma. Change in plate motion at 12-10 Ma
terminated arc and caused PNG-Caroline plate convergence, creating New Guinea orogenic belt from 12 -4
Ma. This resulted in ~4.5 km of uplift and ~3 km of denudation and cooling of entire Mobile Belt in Late
Miocene, propagating W along Mobile Belt at 8-5 Ma and S-ward into Fold Belt at 5-4 Ma. Change in plate
motion at 4-3 Ma returned margin to transpression with local compression along strike-slip faults and ongoing
collision of Finisterre Arc terrane)
Hill, K.C., R.J. Simpson, R.D. Kendrick, P.V. Crowhurst et al. (1996) Hydrocarbons in New Guinea, controlled
by basement fabric, Mesozoic extension and Tertiary convergent margin tectonics. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.)
Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 3rd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port
Moresby, p. 63-76.
Hilyard, D. & R. Rogerson (1989) Revised stratigraphy of Bougainville and Buka Islands, Papua New Guinea.
In: J.G. Vedder & T.R. Bruns (eds.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific Island arcs; Solomon Islands and
Bougainville, Papua New Guinea regions, Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min. Res., Houston, Earth Sci.
Ser.12, p. 87-92.
Hilyard, D., R. Rogerson & G. Francis (1988) Accretionary terranes and evolution of the New Guinea orogen,
Papua New Guinea. Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Report 88/9, p. 1-88.
Hilyard, D., R. Rogerson, A. Lloyd, H. Hekel & A. Webb (1988) New micropalaeontological and isotopic age
data from the highlands of Papua New Guinea. Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Report 88/16.
Hine, R., S.M. Bye, F.W. Cook, J.F. Leckie & G.L. Torr (1978) The genesis of porphyry copper deposits, New
Britain, Papua New Guinea. Econ. Geol. 73, p. 761-767.
Hirst, P. & C.A. Price (1996) Sequence stratigraphy and sandstone geometry of the Toro and Imburu
Formations within the Papuan fold belt and foreland. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.), Proc. Third PNG Petrol. Conv.,
Port Moresby, p. 279-299.
(Six sequences in Late Oxfordian- Berriasian. Passive margin setting after Triassic- E Jurassic rifting. Steady
onlap of granitic basement to SW and W. Lower Toro sandstone K5 is of Berriasian age and widespread
lowstand shoreface deposit)
Hobson, D.M. (1986) A thin-skinned model for the Papuan Thrust belt and some implications for hydrocarbon
exploration. The Austr. Petr. Expl. Assoc. (APEA) J. 26, p. 214-224.
Hoffmann, G., E. Silver, S. Day, E. Morgan, N. Driscoll & B. Appelgate (2010) Drowned carbonate platforms
in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea. J. Marine Geoph. Res., DOI 10.1007/s11001-010-9079-8, 8 p.
(online at:
(Extinct volcanic islands in Bismarck volcanic arc fringed by well-developed coral reefs, with drowned
platforms down to 1,100 m BSL, providing evidence for subsidence in C section of arc, N of Finisterre Terrane-
Australia collision. Adjacent mainland coast has raised terraces indicating long-term uplift. Volcanic and
sedimentary loading can explain inferred relative subsidence)
Hoffmann, G., E. Silver, S. Day, E. Morgan, N. Driscoll & D. Orange (2008) Sediment waves in the Bismarck
Volcanic Arc, Papua New Guinea. In: A.E. Draut et al. (eds.) Formation and applications of the sedimentary
secord in arc collision zones, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 436, p. 91-126.
(Six fields of sediment waves imaged in Bismarck Volcanic Arc. Sediment structures not unique and can result
from predominantly continuous currents or episodic (turbidity) current, or from deformation of sediment)
Hohnen, P.D. (1978) Geology of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. Bull. Bur. Miner. Res., Geol. Geoph. 194
(PNG 12), p. 1-39.
(online at:
(New Ireland is E-M Oligocene volcanic island arc deposits. Overlain by Late Oligocene- earliest Miocene
erosional surface, ~500m of E Miocene (Te5) early Late Miocene limestones. Late Miocene faulting, latest
Miocene- E Pliocene volcanoclastics in graben, Late Plioceen and younger uplift)
Home, P.C., D.G. Dalton & J. Brannan (1990) Geological evolution of the western Papuan basin. In: G.J. & Z.
Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea. Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p.
Honza, E., H.L. Davies, J.B. Keene & D.L. Tiffin (1987) Plate boundaries and evolution of the Solomon Sea
region. Geo-Marine Lett. 7, 3, p. 161-168.
(Solomon Sea Plate widely developed N of PNG in Late Oligocene, separating proto-West Melanesian Arc from
proto-Trobriand Arc. Spreading in Bismarck Sea and Woodlark Basin resulted from collision of proto-West
Melanesian Arc with N New Guinea, after arc reversal. This model explains extensive Miocene, Pliocene and
Quaternary volcanism of PNG mainland as it related to S-ward subduction of Trobriand Trough)
Hornafius, J.S. & R.E. Denison (1993) Structural interpretations based on Strontium isotope dating of the Darai
Limestone, Papuan fold belt, New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and development
in Papua New Guinea. Proc. Second PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 313-324.
Howell, W.J.S., R.S.H. Fardon, R.J. Carter & E.D. Bumstead (1978) History of the Ok Tedi copper prospect,
Papua New Guinea, II: the years 1975-1978. Econ. Geol. 73, p. 796-809.
Hulse, J.C. & G.I. Harris (2000) The Darai Plateau play: foreland basin potential. In: P.G. Buchanan, A.M.
Grainge & R.C.N. Thornton (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG
Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 169-185.
(Darai Plateau is large Plio-Pleistocene inversion of Mesozoic half-graben. Seismic imaging difficult in karsted
terrain. E Cretaceous Toro Fm sandstones primary reservoir targets. With Toro Fm sandstone isopach map)
Hutchison, D.S. (1975) Basement geology of the North Sepik region, Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min Res., Geol.
Geoph., Australia Report, 1975/162, p. 1-55.
(online at:
(N Sepik region mainly Mesozoic- Paleogene basement rocks, overlain by Neogene- Quaternary marine and
non-marine sediments. Dominant feature is E-trending basement axis (left-lateral strike-slip fault-zone with
horizontal slickensides; continuation of Sorong FZ of W Papua?), which separates metamorphic basement in S
from mainly volcanic basement in N (Bliri Volcanics; with Eocene (Tab) Nummulites- Discocyclina and E-M
Miocene Te Puwani Lst.). S of Sepik River sporadic exposures of probable U Cretaceous- Eocene greenschist
and amphibolite-grade metamorphics correlate with Ambunti metamorphics. In E of area (E Prins Alexander
Mts) Mt Turu complex ultramafics in contact with Oligocene metamorphics on S side. Ambunti metamorphics at
S side have Eocene limestone lenses (Discocyclina, Nummulites) and are overlain by unmetamorphosed U
Oligocene limestone with Lepidocyclina. In stream S of Amanab recrystallized limestone with U Cretaceous
Pseudorbitoides. Late Permian- E Triassic intrusive rocks (242-257 Ma) in Border Mts SW of Amanab))
Hutchison, D.S. & M.S. Norvick (1978) Wewak, Papua New Guinea- 1:250,000 geological series. Bur. Min
Res., Geol. Geoph., Australia, and Geological Survey PNG, Explanatory Notes, SA/54-16, p. 1-34.
(Geologic map sheet along N coast of PNG (N of Sepik River))
Hutchison, D.S. & M. Norvick (1980) Geology of North Sepik region, Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res.
Australia, Record 1980/24, p. 1-163.
(online at
(Geology of NW coastal area of PNG, E of West Papua border. Basement in N Sepik region consists of late
Mesozoic and early Tertiary volcanic and metamorphic rocks, and is unconformably overlain by thick Neogene-
Quaternary non-volcanic clastics. Complex of ultramafic and basic intrusive rocks in E Prince Alexander
Mountains (Mt Turu Complex) probably of Jurassic age and possibly small fragment of oceanic crust, emplaced
to surface in Oligocene. Mixed high-grade metamorphic and acid intrusive rocks form Late Cretaceous Prince
Alexander Complex in W and C Prince Alexander Mts. Basic- intermediate volcanics and related Paleocene- E
Miocene sediments (Bliri volcanics) in Bewani and Torricelli Mountains and N coastal ranges, appear to be
remnants of early Tertiary island arc. Large, E-trending, dominantly transcurrent fault systems run length of
region. Several oil- gas seeps are known, and few unsuccessful wells drilled in 1924-1927)
InterOil Australia (2011) Formation evaluation, carbonate reservoir characterisation and resource assessment of
the Elk and Antelope gas fields in the onshore Eastern Papuan Basin of Papua New Guinea. SEAPEX Expl.
Conf., Singapore 2011, p. 1-86. (presentation)
(2006-2008 discovery of >7 TCF Elk-Antelope gas field in Miocene carbonate buildup in anticlinal structure)
Jablonski, D., S. Pono & O.A. Larsen (2006) Prospectivity of the deepwater Gulf of Papua and surrounds in
Papua New Guinea (PNG) a new look at a frontier region. APPEA J. 46, 1, p. 179-200.
(Deepwater Gulf of Papua large basement involved, extensional structures, overprinted by compression. New
seismic indicates 11 plays: (1) extensional Paleozoic rift fault blocks; (2) U Jurassic- Lw Cretaceous turbidites
(Iagifu-Hedina-Toro sst equivalents); (3) Campanian- M Paleocene Coral Sea synrift sst and basin floor fan
equivalents (Pale/ Barune Fms); (4) M Paleocene break-up unconformity fault blocks and intra-basinal highs;
(5) U Paleocene-Lw Eocene Pima Sst equivalent associated with M Paleocene uplift and erosion; (6)
Oligocene- Lw Miocene lowstand deltas and turbidites; (7) Miocene- Recent biohermal build-ups; (8)
Karstified Darai Lst equivalent sealed by Aure Beds claystones; (9) Miocene- Recent lowstand deltas and
Jack, R.L. & R. Etheridge (1892) The geology and palaeontology of Queensland and New Guinea. Geol. Survey
of Queensland Publ. 72, 3 vols., p. 1-768, 68 plates, map
(Classic work on Queensland geology, Devonian- Cretaceous stratigraphy and fauna. Thick Devonian with
corals Favosites, Heliolites, Pachypora and Stromatopora and brachiopods Spirifera, Atrypa, Rhynchonella,
Pentamerus and Stringocephalus. Permo-Carboniferous Bowen series with coal and Glossopteris
flora,brachiopods, etc. Also chapter on Papua New Guinea geology)
Jackson, R. (1982) Ok Tedi: the pot of gold. University of Papua New Guinea, Boroko, 199p.
Jaques, A.L. (1976) High-K2O island-arc volcanic rocks from the Finisterre and Adelbert Ranges, northern
Papua New Guinea. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 87, p. 861-867.
(Thick Oligocene- Early Miocene volcanics in Finistere- Adelbert Ranges. Probably formed in volcanic arc N
of a NE dipping subduction zone)
Jaques, A.L. (1981) Petrology and petrogenesis of cumulative peridotites and gabbros from the Marum
Ophiolite Complex. J. Petrology 22, 1, p. 1-40.
(N PNG Marum ophiolite complex 3-4 km thick sequence of ultramafic and mafic cumulates, with mainly dunite
at base, through wehrlite, lherzolite, plagioclase lherzolite, pyroxenite, olivine norite-gabbro and norite-gabbro
to anorthositic gabbro and ferrogabbro at top. Parent magmas Mg olivine-poor tholeiite. May result from
partial melting of depleted mantle lherzolite at shallow depth at mid-ocean ridge or back-arc basin)
Jaques, A.L. (1981) Ophiolites of Papua New Guinea. In: N. Bogdanov (ed.) IGCP Project 39 Ophiolites, p.
Jaques, A.L., B.W. Chappell & S.R. Taylor (1978) Geochemistry of LIL-element enriched tholeiites from the
Marum Ophiolite Complex, northern Papua New Guinea. BMR J. Australian Geol. Geoph. 3, p.297-310.
Jaques, A.L., B.W. Chappell & S.R. Taylor (1983) Geochemistry of cumulus peridotites and gabbros from the
Marum Ophiolite Complex, Northern Papua New Guinea. Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 82, p. 154-164.
(Late Mesozoic Marum ophiolite peridotite-gabbro sequence of N PNG incomplete: upper part extrusives
missing. Parent magmas of Marum cumulates strongly depleted in incompatible trace elements, and not of
MORB composition)
Jaques, A.L. & G.P. Robinson (1977) The continent-island arc collision in northern Papua New Guinea. BMR J.
Austral. Geol. Geophys. 2, p. 289-303.
(Adelbert-Finisterre Paleogene oceanic volcanic arc above NE-dipping Indo-Australian Plate subduction zone
active in Late Eocene- E Miocene and first collided with Australian continental crust in E Miocene. In collision
zone SW of arc NE-dipping Marum ophiolite complex, with probable Eocene pelagic sediments interbedded
with pillow basalts. SW of ophiolite Bismarck-Schrader Ranges low-grade metamorphics, laterally grading into
Late Cretaceous- Eocene clastics and limestones. Metamorphics formed from continental slope flysch with
abundant detritus of granitic, metamorphic and volcanic rocks)
Jaques, A. L. & G.P. Robinson (1980) Bogia, Papua New Guinea, Sheet SB/55-1, 1:250. Geological Series-
Explanatory Notes, PNG Dept. Minerals and Energy, p. 1-27.
(Geologic map sheet in NE PNG (Finisterre Range, etc.))
Jenkins, D.A.L. (1974) Detachment tectonics in western Papua New Guinea. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 85, p.
(PNG foldbelt deformation in M-L Pliocene. Pattern of detachment related to configuration of two large
basement uplifts, aligned WNW en echelon to spine of island. Uplift continued after thrusting ceased)
Johnson, R.W. (ed.) (1976) Volcanism in Australasia. Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., Amsterdam, p.
Johnson, R.W. (1976) Late Cainozoic volcanism and plate tectonics at the southern margin of the Bismarck Sea,
Papua New Guinea. In: R.W.Johnson (ed.) Volcanism in Australasia, Elsevier Scient. Publ. Co., New York, p.
Johnson, R.W. (1977) Distribution and major-element chemistry of late Cainozoic volcanoes at the southern
margin of the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geoph., Report 188, p.
Johnson, R.W. (1979) Geotectonics and volcanism in Papua New Guinea: a review of the Late Cenozoic. BMR
J. Australian Geol. Geoph. 4, p. 181-207.
Johnson, R.W. (1982) Papua New Guinea. In: R.S. Thorpe (ed.) Andesites, John Wiley, p. 225-244.
Johnson, R.W. & A.L. Jacques (1980) Continent-arc collision and reversal of arc polarity: new interpretation
from a critical area. Tectonophysics 63, p. 111-124.
(N New Guinea regarded as region where polarity of island arc reversed following collision with Australian
continent, but evidence not compelling. Because present-day volcanism off PNG N coast associated with steeply
N-dipping Benioff zone and late Cenozoic volcanoes in central highlands cannot be related to Benioff zone,
more acceptable interpretation is that, following collision, N-dipping slab beneath arc became suspended
nearly vertically. Active marginal basin N of arc is unlikely subducted S beneath mainland, because lithosphere
beneath marginal basins appears to be neither thick nor cold enough for initiation of subduction)
Johnson, R.W., D.E. MacKenzie, & I.E.M. Smith (1971) Seismicity and Late Cenozoic volcanism in parts of
Papua New Guinea. Tectonophysics 12, p. 15-22.
Johnson, R.W., D.E. MacKenzie & I.E.M. Smith (1978) Delayed partial melting of subduction modified mantle
in Papua New Guinea. Tectonophysics 46, p. 197-216.
(Late Cenozoic volcanoes in PNG assigned to nine volcanic provinces, seven of which related to arc-trench
systems. Four of these seven associated with present-day subduction of lithosphere. Volcanism in three other
provinces not related to subduction (higher 87Sr/86Sr values, etc.) and may have originated in mantle
lithosphere chemically modified in Early Cenozoic or Late Mesozoic by slab-derived fluids)
Johnson, R.W., D.E. MacKenzie & I.E.M. Smith (1978) Volcanic rock associations at convergent plate
boundaries: reappraisal of the concept using case histories from Papua New Guinea. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bulll. 89,
p. 96-106.
(Three volcanic rock associations in seven Late Cenozoic provinces at convergent plate boundaries in PNG)
Johnson, R.W., D.E. Mackenzie, G.A.M. Taylor & I.E.M. Smith (1973) Distribution and petrology of the late
Cainozoic volcanoes in Papua New Guinea. In: P.J. Coleman (ed.) The Western Pacific: island arcs, marginal
seas, geochemistry, Western Australia Univ. Press, p. 523-534.
Johnson, T.L. (1979) Alternative model for the emplacement of the Papuan ophiolite, Papua New Guinea.
Geology 7, 10, p. 495-498.
Johnstone, D.C. & J.K. Emmett (2000) Petroleum geology of the Hides gas field, Southern Highlands, Papua
New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc.
4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 319-336.
(Hides field in central highlands of PNG, discovered in 1987. SW-verging asymmetrical anticline with >2000m
structural relief (and 1300m gas column?). Five gas-bearing reservoirs in clean quartz sandstones of Late
Jorry, S.J., A.W. Droxler, G. Mallarino, G.R. Dickens, S.J. Bentley, L. Beaufort, L.C. Peterson & B.N. Opdyke
(2008) Bundled turbidite deposition in the central Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua) since Last Glacial
Maximum: Linking sediment nature and accumulation to sea level fluctuations a millennial timescale, J.
Geophys. Res. 113, doi:10.1029/2006JF000649, 15p.
(Siliciclastic turbidites numerous during Last Glacial Maximum (23-19 ka), and did not occur during warming/
deglaciation times. Timing of calciturbidite coincides with first reflooding of Eastern Fields Reef)
Joseph, L.E. & E.J. Finlayson (1991) A revised stratigraphy of Muyua (Woodlark Island). Geological Survey of
Papua New Guinea, Rept. 91/3, 56 p.
Kaufman, R.L., J.C. Phelps & K.J. Kveton (1997) Petroleum systems of the Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea.
In: J.V.C. Howes & R.A. Noble (eds.) Proc. Petroleum Systems of SE Asia and Australia Conf., Jakarta, Indon.
Petrol.Assoc., p. 237-246.
(Three petroleum systems in PNG: 1. Jurassic-Imburu (proven play); 2. Cretaceous (tentative; concluded from
seeps oil analyses); 3. Tertiary (common oleanane in oil seep near Goroka, N of other seeps/ fields)
Kaufman, R.L. & B. Robertson (1999) Application of reservoir geochemistry in the Iagifu-Hedinia Field, Papua
New Guinea. APEA J. 39, p. 421-436.
(Combination of oil fingerprint and RFT pressure data in Iagifu-Hedinia Field demonstrated some seals
effective over geologic timeframes while others effective only on production timeframe. Geochemical data also
indicated presence of reservoir compartments where other data were missing or inconclusive)
Kawagie, S.A. (2005) The mineral resources of Papua New Guinea. Resource Geol. 55, p. 285-288.
(Brief review of PNG mining. Three world class, open pit mines at Ok Tedi, Porgera and Lihir; two medium-
scale underground operations at Tolukuma and Kainantu)
Kawagie, S.A. & J.B. Meyers (1996) Structural and sequence geometry of the Kiiunga area, Papuan foreland
basin, Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in
Papua New Guinea, Proc. 3rd PNG Petrol. Conv. Port Moresby, p. 175-193.
Keen, T.R., D.S. Ko, R.L. Slingerland, S. Reidlinger & P. Flynn (2006) Potential transport pathways of
terrestrial material in the Gulf of Papua, Geophys. Res. Letters, 33, 4, L04608, doi:10.1029/2005GL025416.
Keetley, J.T., K.C. Hill & K.J. Kveton (2000) 3D structural modeling of the Moran Oilfield, Papua New
Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th
PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 309-318.
(3D restoration models of Moran anticine in central part of Papuan foldbelt (Late Miocene- Pliocene S-
directed folding-thrusting))
Kicinski, F.M. (1955) Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from Buna-Kokoda area, Eastern
Papua Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1955/009, p.
(Samples from Robinson Bay Limestone (which occur as caps on volcanic Iauga Fm Trobriand arc volcanics),
have Lower Tf larger forams (= Burdigalian- Serravallian; Miogypsina kotoi, Austrotrillina, Flosculinella
bontangensis, etc.)
Kidd, R.P. & J.R. Robinson (2004) A review of the Kapit Orebody, Lihir Island Group, Papua New Guinea. In:
Proc. PACRIM 2004 Conf., Adelaide, Australian Inst. Mining Metall., Melbourne, 9 p.
King, S.J., D. Haig & A.G. Annette (2000) The tectonic implications of rapid vertical facies changes in the
Yule Island section, Aure Trough, Papua New Guinea. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib., Abstracts, AAPG Bull. 84, 9,
p. 1449.
Kington, J.D. & A.M. Goodliffe (2008) Plate motions and continental extension at the rifting to spreading
transition in Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea: can oceanic plate kinematics be extended into continental
rifts? Tectonophysics 458, p. 82-95.
(Woodlark Basin comparison of brittle extension, subsidence, and extension predicted from long-term plate
motions at rifting to spreading transition of a non-volcanic margin. Seismic data near rifting to spreading
transition yields 111 km of brittle extension, subsidence predicts about same. Long term plate motions derived
from seafloor spreading predict 220 km of extension)
Klimchuk, G.A. (1993) Provenance and depositional setting of the Pliocene Era Formation, Aure fold and thrust
belt, Papua New Guinea. M.A. Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 130p.
Klootwijk, C., J. Giddings & C. Pigram (1993) Palaeomagnetic constraints on terrane tectonics: Highlands and
Sepik regions, Papua New Guinea. Expl. Geoph. 24, 2, p. 291-294.
(New Guinea more than 32 terranes of oceanic, continental or composite affinity. Paleomagnetic control on
terrane movement of mainland New Guinea restricted to Bird's Head (Giddings et al., 1993), and North Sepik
and Highland regions of Papua New Guinea. Results from two latter regions discussed)
Klootwijk, C., J. Giddings, C. Pigram, C. Loxton, H. Davies, R. Rogerson & D. Falvey (2003) Papua New
Guinea Highlands: palaeomagnetic constraints on terrane tectonics. Tectonophysics 362, 1-4, p. 239-272.
(Paleomagnetic study of 21 localities in PNG Highlands. Three magnetic components: (1) recent overprint; (2)
mainly normal polarity overprint during M-L Miocene intrusive activity in central cordillera; (3) primary
component. Interior zone with Triassic- Miocene of Kubor Anticline, Jimi Terrane, and Yaveufa Syncline in C
and E Highlands 30°- 100°+ counterclockwise rotations. Exterior zone is basement-involved Pliocene foreland
fold-and-thrust belt in S Highlands. Exterior zone 30°- 50°+ clockwise rotations in Mendi area. Contrasting
rotations across Tahin and Stolle-Lagaip-Kaugel Fault zones indicate decoupling of zones. CCW rotations in
Kubor Anticline-Jimi Terrane cratonic spur interpreted as non-rigid rotation of continental terranes as they
were transported W across NE Australian craton margin. This margin became reorganised after M Miocene,
when N-advancing Australian craton impinged into W-moving Pacific plate/buffer-plate)
Klootwijk, C., J. Giddings, C. Pigram, C. Loxton, H. Davies R. Rogerson & D. Falvey (2003) North Sepik
region of Papua New Guinea: palaeomagnetic constraints on arc accretion and deformation. Tectonophysics
362, 1-4, p. 273-301.
(Bewani-Torricelli Arc of N Sepik, Paleocene- E Miocene Bliri Volcanics counterclockwise rotations of 30°+-
110°+ relative to Australian craton, and clockwise rotations of 100°- 170°+ of detached Tring Block.
Latitudinal evolution of Bewani-Torricelli Arc similar to Baining Arc (Finisterre-Huon-New Ireland-New
Britain), and indicates N-ward movement from ~30°S in Late Eocene to ~15°S in E-M Miocene, suggesting both
arcs may be parts of larger E-W-oriented arc complex, possibly located on Pacific plate prior to accretion)
Klootwijk, C., J. Giddings, W. Sunata, C. Pigram, C. Loxton, H. Davies, R. Rogerson & D. Falvey (1987)
Paleomagnetic constraints on terrane tectonics in New Guinea. In: E. Brennan (ed.) Proc. Pacific Rim Congress
1987, Gold Coast, Australasian Inst. Mining Metall., Parkville, p. 237-239.
(Paleomagnetic work for New Guinea shows common Late Tertiary overprints. Birds Head probably some N-
ward movement relative to Australia between M Eocene and M Miocene and some post E-M Miocene
counterclockwise rotation. In N Sepik region Torricelli and Border Mountain blocks 100° or more
counterclockwise rotations. In Highlands Kubor Block 50-100° counterclockwise rotation)
Knight, C.L. (ed.) (1976) Economic geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Australasian Inst. Mining and
Metallurgy Mon., vol. 2. Coal, Parkville, Victoria, p. 1-398.
Knight, C.L. (ed.) (1976) Economic geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Australasian. Inst. Mining
and Metallurgy Mon., vol. 3. Petroleum, Parkville, Victoria, p. 1-541.k
Knight, C.L. (ed.) (1976) Economic geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Australasian Inst. Mining and
Metallurgy Mon., vol. 4. Industrial minerals and rocks, Parkville, Victoria, p. 1-423.
Knight, C.L., R.B. Fraser & A. Baumer (1973) Geology of the Bougainville copper orebody, New Guinea.
Austr. Bur. Min. Res. Bull. 141, p. 123-133.
Kopi, G., I. Abiari, P.G. Quilty, T.W. Kilya, S. Nekitel, R.H. Findlay, C. Mortimer & P. Kia (2002) Cretaceous
macrofossils from the Ramu Valley and the Snake River, Papua New Guinea, place the northern terranes of
PNG and the Owen Stanley Metamorphics in Gondwana. In: V.P. Preiss (ed.) Geoscience 2002, 16th Australian
Geol. Conv., Geol. Soc. Australia. 67, p. 363. (Abstract only)
Krieger, F.W., P.J. Eadington & L.I. Eisenberg (1996) Rw, reserves and timing of oil charge in the Papuan Fold
Belt. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Third PNG
Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 1996, p. 407-416.
Kristan-Tollman, E. (1986) Beobachtungen zur Trias am Sudost-Ende der Tethys- Papua/ Neuguinea,
Australien, Neuseeland. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Palaont., Monatsh. 4, p. 201-222.
(‘Observations on the Triassic of the SE margin of the Tethys- Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand.
Upper Triassic Tethyan faunas remarkably similar all the way East to New Zealand, NW Australia. Includes
discussion of Kubor terrane Rhaetian Gurumugl reefal limestones ESE of Mount Hagen, PNG, which contains
latest Triassic corals (Montlivaltia norica, Thecosmilia chlathrata) and diverse forams, incl. Tetrataxis,
Involutina liassica, Galeanella tollmanni, etc.), suggesting Rhaetian age)
Kristan-Tollman, E. (1986) Foraminiferen aus dem Rhatischen Kuta-Kalk von Papua- Neuguinea. Mitt. Osterr.
Geol. Ges. 78 (1985), p. 291-317.
(First description of Rhaetian foraminifers from Kuta limestone, Mt. Hagen area, PNG Highlands. Fauna of
Tethyan affinity, similar to same age faunas from Mediterranean/ Alps area. Three biofacies types: near-reef
(with Trocholina, Coronipora, Semiinvoluta, etc.), fore-reef (crinoid detrital limestones with Variostoma
cochlea, etc.) and lagoonal (low diversity with Angulodiscus, Glomospira/ Glomospirella)
Kugler, A. (1966) The stratigraphy, structure and tectonics of the Kukukuku Lobe Permit 22, Papua. Ph.D.
Thesis University of Tasmania, Hobart, p. 1-3xx.
(part online at:
Kugler, A. (1990) Geology and petroleum plays of the Aitape Basin, New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.)
Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby 1990, p. 479-490.
(Aitape Basin at NW most corner of PNG near W Papua border. Uup to 6 km thick Miocene-Pleistocene
sediments (Boap Creek 1 well has 1500m of Pleistocene N22 section) on Oligocene and older volcanics and
Kugler, K.A. (1993) Seismic structure and stratigraphy within the Aure fold and thrust belt, Gulf of Papua,
Papua New Guinea. MA Thesis University of Texas at Austin, 104 p.
Kugler, K.A. (1993) Detailed analysis from seismic data of the structure within the Aure fold and thrust belt,
Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and development in
Papua New Guinea, Proc. Second PNG Petroleum Conference, Port Moresby, p. 399-411.
(Aure fold-thrust belt folds with amplitudes up to 3500m. Multiple sub-horizontal detachment zones in
Paleogene- Pliocene. Minimum shortening 20% for Late Miocene beds. First observable compression by Late
Miocene (~5.3- 7.2 Ma), with deformation continuing today at frontal foldbelt)
Kulange, B.J., Y. Kajiwara & K. Komuro (2002) Cu-Fe Bearing zinc sulfide from Laloki stratabound massive
sulfide deposit, Papua New Guinea: chemical characterization. Resource Geol. 52, p. 67-72.
Kulig, C., R. McCaffrey, G.A. Abers & H. Letz (1993) Shallow seismicity of arc-continent collision near Lae,
Papua New Guinea. Tectonophysics 227, p. 81-93.
(Ramu-Markham Valley separates island arc rocks to N from those of continental origin to S and appears to be
western, onland extension of New Britain trench. E end of RMV narrow, near-vertical belt of seismicity between
10-30 km depth (Lae Seismic Zone), probably within lower plate of gently dipping thrust)
Kvenvolden, K.A. (1988) Hydrocarbon gas in botton sediment from offshore the northern islands of Papua New
Guinea. In: N.S. Marlow et al. (eds.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific Islands arcs-New Ireland and
Manus region, PNG, Circum-Pacific Council Energy and Min. Res. Earth Science Ser. 9, p. 157-160.
Kvenvolden, K. A. & A. Niem (1989) Hydrocarbon gases in sediments of the Solomon Islands area. In J.G.
Vedder & T.R. Bruns (eds.) Geology and Offshore Resources of Pacific Island arcs-Solomon Islands and
Bougainville, Papua New Guinea Regions, Texas, Circum-Pacific Council Energy and Min Res, Earth Science
Series, Houston, p. 283-286.
Lamerson, P.R. (1990) Evolution of structural interpretations in Iagifu/Hedinia field, Papua New Guinea. In:
G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petroleum Convention,
Port Moresby, p. 283-300.
Larue, D. & M. Daniels (2000) Stratigraphic architecture, facies and stratigraphic modeling of the upper and
lower Iagifu reservoir intervals, Gobe and Southeast Gobe Fields, Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan et al.
(eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port
Moresby 2000, p. 349-367.
(Latest Jurassic Iagafu Fm in Gobe Main and SE Gobe fields in S Highlands of central PNG. Multiple
sandstone reservoirs mainly shoreline-associated facies, separated by marine shale flooding surfaces. Lower
Iagafu is prograding parasequence set)
LaRue, R.H. (1993) Leading edge architecture of the Papuan fold belt. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum
exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby 1993,
PNG Chamber of Mines, p. 371-383.
Leamon, G.R. & G.L. Parsons (1986) Tertiary carbonate plays of the Papua Basin. Proc. 6h Offshore SE Asia
Conf., Singapore 1986, SEAPEX Proc. 7, p. 213-227.
(Overview of Eocene- Miocene carbonate play fairways in PNG)
Lindley, D. (1988) Early Cainozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Gazelle Peninsula, East New Britain; an
example of extensional tectonics in the New Britain arc trench complex. Austral. J. Earth Sci. 35, 2, p. 231-244.
Lindley, I.D. (2006) Extensional and vertical tectonics in the New Guinea islands: implications for island arc
evolution. Annals Geophys. 49, Suppl. 1, p. 403- 426.
(online at:
(Tectonic evolution of islands E of PNG. Disposition of slabs of formerly extensive Miocene platform carbonate
suggests New Ireland and New Britain have undergone little more than gentle tilting and uniform uplift, despite
location in tectonically dynamic areas)
Lingrey, S (2000) Structural interpretation and modeling of seismic data from the Moran and Paua area, PNG
foldbelt. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th
PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 385-396.
Lisk, M., J. Hamilton, P. Eadington & T. Kotaka (1993) Hydrocarbon and pore water migration history in
relation to diagenesis in the Toro and Iagifu sandstones, SE Gobe-2. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum
exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 477-488.
Little, T. A., S. L. Baldwin, P. G. Fitzgerald & B. Monteleone (2007) Continental rifting and metamorphic core
complex formation ahead of the Woodlark spreading ridge, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea,
Tectonics, 26, TC1002, doi:10.1029/2005TC001911, 26 p.
(Metamorphic core complex (MCC) on Normanby Island in Woodlark rift. Over1 km thick blueschist-derived
mylonites formed in midcrustal shear zone in Pliocene at ~400-500°C. This top-to-N zone reactivated gently
dipping base of Papuan ophiolite (PUB). Mylonites in MCC lower plate exhumed along detachment as result of
>50 km of slip, at >12 mm/yr. Inactive detachment preserves fault surface lineations parallel to Plio-
Pleistocene plate motion. Extreme crustal thinning near MCC preconditioned later continental breakup. Lower
crust weak, thickening beneath unloaded footwalls to uplift MCCs above sea level, and flowing laterally to even
out regional crustal thickness contrasts on a 1-6 M.y. timescale)
Little, T.A., B.R. Hacker, S.M. Gordon, S.L. Baldwin, P.G. Fitzgerald, S. Ellis & M. Korchinski (2011)
Diapiric exhumation of Earth's youngest (UHP) eclogites in the gneiss domes of the D'Entrecasteaux Islands,
Papua New Guinea. Tectonophysics 510, p. 39-68.
(Woodlark rift, E PNG, hosts world's younges (2-8 Ma) eclogites. Derived from Australian Plate-derived
continental rocks, subducted to UHP depths during Eocene Papuan arc-continent collision. Exhumation
processes buoyancy-driven)
Liu, K. & K.A.W. Crook (1992) Sedimentary basin evolution during propagating arc-continent collision, PNG.
AAPG Int. Conf., Sydney 1992, Search and Discovery Art. 91015. (Abstract only)
(Oblique collision between Finisterre arc-Australian continent at NE PNG margin created isolated basins
along Markham Suture since Late Miocene. Basins initially formed by convergence of irregular plate margins.
In SE end of Markham Suture sedimentary basin evolution recorded in Pliocene-Pleistocene Erap Complex and
Leron Fm of accretionary prism. Remnant basin with >1000 m of deep sea turbidites was enclosed by two plate
promotories on Australian plate around 5 Ma. Around 3 Ma, as arc-continent collision proceeded, turbidites
incorporated into approaching forearc, with thick submarine fan/ slope deposits in trench slope basins. As
collision progressed, area was uplifted to form intramountane basin with fan delta deposition)
Liu, K. & K.A.W. Crook (2001) Neogene sedimentary basin evolution in northern Papua New Guinea: a model
for basin evolution in convergent margins settings. In: K.C. Hill & T. Bernecker (eds.) Eastern Australasian
basins symposium, a refocused energy perspective for the future, Melbourne 2001, Petr. Expl. Soc. Austr.,
Spec. Publ., p. 169-177.
(Mainly on M Miocene- Pleistocene predominantly deep-water stratigraphy of Markham basin, E PNG. Change
from Australian plate- sourced Sukurum unit to Finisterre Arc terrane- sourced Nariawang unit at 3.7- 3.1 Ma,
representing collision of Finisterre arc and Australian Plate. Collision earlier (10 Ma) in Ramu Basin)
Lloyd, A.R. (1975) An outline of the Tertiary palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Gulf of Papua, Papua New
Guinea. In: Wiryosujono & A. Sudrajat (eds.) Proc. Reg. Conf. Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast
Asia, Jakarta 1975, p. 43-54.
Lloyd, A.R. (1988) The geology and hydrocarbon potential of Southern Papua New Guinea. Allan R. Lloyd &
Associates, p. 1-132. (Unpublished consultant report)
Lloyd, A.R. (1993) The geology, biostratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of the Papuan Basin, Papua New
Guinea. Supplement, Allan R. Lloyd & Associates, p. 1-198. (Unpublished consultant report)
Lock, J., H.L. Davies, D.L. Tiffin, F. Murakami & K. Kisimoto (1987) The Trobriand subduction system in the
Western Solomon Sea. Geo-Marine Letters 7, 3, p. 129-134.
(S-dipping subduction system under Trobriand Trough and 149° Embayment, on S margin of Solomon Sea, is
active or was recently active. Oceanic basement overlain by 2.5 sec TWT of sediment showing two deformation
stages: early thrusts (inner wall) and normal faults (outer wall), and later normal faults that elevated outer
trench margin. Thrust anticlines and slope basins on inner wall)
Loffler, E. (1972) Pleistocene glaciation in Papua and New Guinea. Zeitschr. Geomorph. 13, p. 32-58.
Loffler, E. (1977) Geomorphology of Papua New Guinea. Australian Nat. Univ. Press, Canberra, 258p.
Loffler, E., D.E. MacKenzie & A.W. Webb (1980) Potassium-Argon ages from some of the Papua New Guinea
volcanoes and their relevance to Pleistocene geomorphic history. J. Geol. Soc. Australia 25, p. 387-397.
(PNG Highlands volcanics ages suggest start of volcanic activity at 1.6 Ma, major activity ceasing at 0.2 Ma)
Loudon, A.G. (1987) Gold in Papua New Guinea. In: E. Brennan (ed.) Proc. Pacific Rim Congress 1987, Gold
Coast, Australasian Inst. Mining Metall., Parkville, p. 767-772.
(Brief history of gold discovery and production in PNG)
Lowenstein, P.L. & P.E. Pieters (1974) Gold and platinum in the East and West Sepik Districts. Dept. of Lands,
Surveys and Mines, Geol. Survey of Papua New Guinea, Report 74/25 p. 1-32.
Lucas, K. (2004) Physical analog modelling of primary stratigraphic and structural controls on the evolution of
the Papuan fold belt, Papua New Guinea, with implications for hydrocarbon exploration. M.Sc. Thesis Queen's
University, Kingston, ON, Canada, 117 p.
(Papuan Foldbelt structures range from thin-skinned deformation of cover to reactivation of extensional
basement faults. Scaled physical analog models used to predict structural style. Modelling of reactivation of
extensional faults in thin-skinned setting indicates reactivation may occur early in deformation sequence,
locally absorbing majority of shortening and controlling location of fold versus thrust-dominated structures)
Lynch, D.A. & G.J. Milner (1993) The Maastrichtian- Danian disconformity in the Mendi-Nipa region,
Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum Exploration in Papua
New Guinea. Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 1993, p. 61-73.
(Stratigraphic gap across K-T boundary of 2 My (66.4-64.5) in Mendi Region, in more proximal Nipa region
4.5 My (69- 64.5 Ma))
MacKenzie, D.E. (1975) Volcanic and plate tectonic evolution of Central Papua New Guinea. Explor. Geoph. 6,
p. 66-68.
(Volcanic activity in central PNG began in Late Triassic with submarine and terrestrial andesitic and dacitic
lavas on and near NE corner of Paleozoic Australian continental crust. Minor basaltic to rhyolitic eruptions in
Jurassic in same general area. Cretaceous increase in volcanic activity intensity and distribution, spreading to
N and W, producing mainly andesitic lavas. Cretaceous increase may correlate with beginning of spreading in
Pacific basin to NE and could be first subduction in area. No evidence to link earlier volcanism with
subduction, although it took place on or near plate boundary)
MacKenzie, D.E. (1976) Nature and origin of late Cenozoic volcanoes in western Papua New Guinea. In: R.W.
Johnson (ed.) Volcanism in Australasia. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 221-238.
MacKenzie, D.E. (1975) Volcanic and plate tectonic evolution of central Papua New Guinea. Bull. Austr. Soc.
Exploration Geophys. 6, p. 66-68.
MacKenzie, D.E. (1976) Nature and origin of Late Cainozoic volcanoes in western Papua New Guinea. In:
R.W. Johnson (ed.) Volcanism in Australasia, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 221-238.
MacKenzie, D.E. (1978) Plate-tectonic evolution and delayed partial melting in Western Papua New Guinea.
Explor. Geoph. 9, p. 89-90.
(Late Cainozoic volcanoes in PNG Highlands overlie cratonic crust but produce arc-type volcanics. Mantle
magma source chemically modified during subduction and passed through rapid and pronounced changes in
tectonic setting may later on be source of magmas produced during favourable but non-arc tectonic regime)
MacKenzie, D.E. & B.W. Chappell (1972) Shoshonitic and calc-alkaline lavas from the Highlands of Papua
New Guinea. Contr. Mineral. and Petrol. 35, p. 50-62.
(Pleistocene- Recent stratovolcanoes in PNG Highlands calc-alkaline to shoshonitic lava, tuff, agglomerate,
ash, and lahars. Volcanics originated either in base of thick sialic crust which is undergoing stabilization after
major orogeny and uplift, or more probably, in eclogite sinking through underlying mantle)
MacKenzie, D.E. & R.W. Johnson (1984) Pleistocene volcanoes of the western Papua New Guinea highlands:
Morphology, geology, petrography, and modal chemical analyses. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geoph., Canberra,
Report 246, p. 1-271.
(online at: /
(15 Pleistocene composite stratovolcanoes in PNG highlands and adjacent Fly-Purari plains)
Macnab, R.P. (1969) Geology of the Area - Upper Dilava- Auga- Middle Angabunga Rivers Area, Papua. Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record No. 1969 /126, p. 1-49.
(Area NNW of Port Moresby. N- trending schists/ metasediments of Owen Stanley Metamorphics are flanked to
W by similarly trending, steeply E-dipping marine sediments of Upper Cretaceous (Senonian) and Lower
Miocene Auga Beds, underlain by U Cretaceous submarine basaltic Aibala Volcanics (overtrusting from E,
Macnamara, P.M. (1968) Rock types and mineralization at Panguna porphyry copper prospect, upper Kaverong
valley, Bougainville Island. Proc. Aust. Inst. Mining Metall. 228, p. 71-79.
Madu, S. (1996) Correlation sections of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous succession in the Papuan fold
belt, Papuan Basin. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New
Guinea, Proc. 3rd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 259-
(Twelve eustatic cycles around Toro and pre-Toro reservoir sections)
Maitland, G. (1892) Geological observations in British New Guinea. Geological Survey Queensland, Report 85,
(Includes first description of granite outcrops at Mabaduan, PNG south coast)
Maitland, G. (1905) The salient features of British New Guinea (Papua). W. Austr. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2, p. 32-56.
(includes report of supposedly Devonian grey limestone with coral Heliolites porosa on Tauri River (only, but
unverified report of Devonian rocks in PNG?; HvG))
Manser, W. (1976) Stratigraphy of Papua New Guinea. 25th Int. Geol. Congress, Sydney, Excursion Guide
51A, p. 1-41.
(Brief overview of PNG geology and 4-day fieldtrip itinerary)
Marchant, S. (1969) A photogeological assessment of the petroleum geology of the northern New Guinea basin
North of the Sepik River, Territory of New Guinea. Bur. Mineral Res., Canberra, Rept. 130 (Report PNG 4), p.
1-78 + Plates
(online at:… (202MB!)
(Set of 1: 100,000 photogeological maps of NW part of PNG, N of Sepik River. Area of Bewani Mts, Torricelli
Mts, Sepik Plains, etc., structurally complex. Some oil and gas seeps known from region)
Marlow, M.S., N.F. Exon & S.V. Dadisman (1992) Hydrocarbon potential and gold mineralization in the New
Ireland Basin, Papua New Guinea. In: J.S. Watkins et al. (eds.) Geology and geophysics of continental margins.
AAPG Mem. 53, p. 119-137.
Marlow, M.S., N.F. Exon, H.F. Ryan & S.V. Dadisman (1988) Offshore structure and stratigraphy of New
Ireland basin in northern Papua New Guinea. In: M.T. Halbouty (ed.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific
Islands arcs -New Ireland and Manus region, PNG, Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min. Res.,Houston, Earth
Sci. Ser. 9, p. 137-155.
Martinez, F., A.M. Goodliffe & B. Taylor (2001) Metamorphic core complex formation by density inversion
and lower-crust extrusion. Nature, 411, p. 930 - 934.
(D'Entrecasteaux Islands actively forming metamorphic core complexes in continental rift that laterally evolves
to seafloor spreading. Continental rifting is recent (since 6 Ma), seismogenic and rapid (~25mm/yr).
D'Entrecasteaux core complexes accommodate extension through vertical extrusion of ductile lower-crust
material, driven by crustal density inversion (thermal expansion lowers crustal density with depth). Buoyant
extrusion accentuated in this region by geological structure (dense ophiolite over less-dense continental crust)
Mason, D.R. & J.E. Heaslip (1980) Tectonic setting and origin of intrusive rocks and related porphyry copper
deposits in the western Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Tectonophysics 63, p. 123-137.
(Tertiary and younger calc-alkaline intrusives and related porphyry copper mineralization in two tectonic
settings: New Guinea Mobile Belt to N, and Australian Continental Block to S. Ages dominantly M Miocene
(15-10 Ma) in Mobile Belt, Late Miocene- Pleistocene (7-1 Ma) in Continental Block. Transcurrent- and block-
faulting controlled emplacement of intrusives)
Mason, H.D. & B.A. McConachie (2000) Cross Catalina anticline: an oil accumulation in the New Guinea fold
belt in Irian Jaya. In: P.G. Buchanan, A.M. Grainge & R.C.N. Thornton (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum
industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 475-485.
(Cross Catalina 1 well 51m net oil-saturation in E Cretaceous Woniwogi Fm sst, but low porosity due to quartz
overgrowths (2-12%). Cross Catalina structure ~200 km2 and potential OIP may be >500 MBO)
Mason, R.A. (1994) Structural evolution of the western Papuan fold belt, Papua New Guinea. Ph.D. Thesis,
University of London, 331 p. (Unpublished)
Mason, R.A. (1996) Structure of the Western Papuan Fold Belt. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration,
development and production in Papua New Guinea. Proc. 3rd PNG Petrol. Conv. Port Moresby, p. 161-173.
Mason, R.A. (1997) Structure of the Alice anticline, Papua New Guinea: serial balanced cross-sections and their
restoration. J. Struct. Geol. 19, 5, p. 719-734.
(Structures of W part of Papuan Fold Belt both thin-skinned thrusting and basement involved structures. Alice
anticline is frontal foldbelt basement-involved structure, formed due to inversion of older extensional fault
system, with varying amounts of shortening along strike. Rotations about vertical axes attributed to pinning of
foreland propagating deformation, coincident with relay zones in early extensional fault geometry)
Matsumoto, T. & S.K. Skwarko (1991) Ammonites of the Cretaceous Ieru Formation, western Papua New
Guinea. BMR J. Australian Geol. Geoph. 12, 3, p. 245-262.
(online at:
(Eleven ammonite species from five localities in Ieru Fm (above Toro Sst) in W PNG Ok Tedi sheet. Four are
typical Cenomanian species, others more likely Turonian- Santonian)
Matsumoto, T. & S.K. Skwarko (1993) Cretaceous ammonites from South Central Papua New Guinea. AGSO
J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 14, 4, p. 411-433. (online at:…)
(Eleven ammonite species from 11 localities in Central Higlands and foothills to S, collected by APC 1954-
1969. Fauriella boissieri from Maril Shale is part of Berriasian Tethyan fauna. Large Puzosia aff. mayoriana
and Pachydesmoceras suggest Cenomanian age. Acanthoceras rhotomagense, Cunningtoniceras cunningtoni,
etc. definitive Cenomanian age. Romaniceras deverianum indicates Turonian age.
Matzke, R.H., J.G. Smith & W.K. Foo (1992) Iagafu/Hedinia Field. First oil from the Papuan fold and thrust
belt. In: M.T. Halbouty (ed.) Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1978-1988, AAPG Mem. 54, p. 471-482.
(Iagifu-Hedinia first oil development in PNG fold-thrust belt. Discovery well Iagifu-2X drilled in 1986 flowed
45° API oil and gas from thrust-cored anticline. Primary reservoir E Cretaceous (Berriasian) Toro sandstone.
Well locations selected on basis of surface geology and well results. Estimated reserves of 146.6 MBO)
Mawson, D. (1905) The geology of the New Hebrides. Proc. Linnean Soc. New South Wales 30, p. 400-485.
(online at:
(Oldest rocks folded Miocene volcanoclastics with Miocene Lepidocyclina- Lithothamnium limestone
(Chapman 1905), active volcanoes, etc.)
McClusky, S., K. Mobbs, A. Stolz, D. Barsby, W. Loratung, K. Lambeck & P. Morgan (1994) The Papua New
Guinea satellite crustal motion surveys. The Australian Surveyor 39, p. 194-214.
McConachie, B. & E. Lanzilli (2000) Stanley gas condensate field discovery and the oil potential of the
Western Papuan Basin. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st
century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 427-442.
McGee, W.A. (1987) The chromite resources of Papua New Guinea. In: Pacific Rim Congress 87, Gold Coast
1987, Australasian Inst. Mining Metall., Parkville, p. 317-320.
(Chromite deposits associated with ophiolite complexes across PNG. Not currently exploitable, but potential
where contained in laterites or sediments derived from ultramafic members of ophiolites)
McInnes, B.I.A., M. Gregoire, R.A. Binns, P.M. Herzig & M.D. Hannington (2001) Hydrous metasomatism of
oceanic sub-arc mantle, Lihir, Papua New Guinea: petrology and geochemistry of fluid-metasomatised mantle
wedge xenoliths. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 188, p. 169-183.
(Ultramafic, mafic and sedimentary xenoliths recovered from Recent shoshonitic submarine cinder cone (Tubaf
and Edison volcanoes) from Tabar-Lihir-Tanga-Feni island arc, New Ireland, PNG. Gabbroic and depleted
mantle xenoliths indicate New Ireland fore-arc lithosphere is fragment of ancient Pacific Plate, generated at
mid-ocean ridge spreading centre and transported to Pacific-Australian Plate margin)
McMillan, N.J. & E.J. Malone (1960) The geology of the eastern Central Highlands of New Guinea. Austral.
Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geoph., Rept. 48, p. 1-57. (online at: / )
(Area NE of Central Range foldbelt, with Bismarck Range (incl. Mt Wilhelm; 4509m) in center, Goroka Valley
in S and Ramu valley in N (part of Bena-Bena Terrane of Davies, etc.). Large anticlinal structure cored by pre-
Cretaceous Goroka/ Bena-Bena metamorphics (comparable to Kubor Block Omung Fm?), intruded by
Permian? Bismarck granodiorite and overridden by Marum ophiolite in N. Locally overlain by folded Late
Cretaceous arenaceous limestone- calcareous shale, with Pseudorbitoides cf. israelskyii and Globotruncana.
Towards NE metamorphics overlain directly by shallow marine Eocene (Nummulites, Discocyclina) or latest
Oligocene- E Miocene Te (Spiroclypeus, Miogypsinoides, etc.), overlain by M Miocene Tf (Miogypsina,
Katacycloclypeus) marine sediments and M Miocene basic Daulo Volcanics, unconformably overlain by
intermediate Pliocene Aifunka Volcanics)
McWalter, M. (1996) Oil exploration in Papua and the Mandated Territory of New Guinea: Introduction. In:
P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 3rd PNG
Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby, p. 17-49.
Medd, D.M. (1993) A geological evaluation of the Pangia anticline, Southern Highlands Province, PNG. In:
G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petrol.
Conv., Port Moresby 1993. PNG Chamber of Mines, p. 385-397.
Medd, D.M. (1996) Triangle zone deformation at the leading edge of the Papuan fold belt. In: P.G. Buchanan
(ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 3rd PNG Petrol. Conv.
Port Moresby, p. 217-229.
Medd, M.D. (1996) Recent triangle zone deformation in Papua New Guinea. Bull. Can. Petrol. Geol. 44, 2, p.
(Description of Puri anticline in PNG; in triangle zone along leading edge PNG foldbelt)
Menzies, D., S. Shakesby, J. Wass, D. Finn, N. Fitzpatrick, G. Morehari et al. (2013) The Wafi-Golpu Porphyry
Cu-Au Deposit: Mineralisation and alteration zonation, surface geochemical expression and paragenesis. In:
Proc. Symp. East Asia: Geology, Exploration Technologies and Mines, Bali 2013, Austral. Inst. Geoscient.,
Bull. 57, p. 60-63. (Extended Abstract)
(Miocene Wafi-Golpu porphyry Cu-Au deposit and epithermal Au mineralisation in Morobe Province of PNG.
System bounded by NE- SW trending Wafi Transfer fault zone and intrudes basement of weakly metamorphosed
Oligocene Langimar Fm siltstones- conglomerates (previously interpreted as Owen Stanley Metamorphics)
Milsom, J.S. (1970) Woodlark Basin, a minor center of sea-floor spreading in Melanesia. J. Geophys. Res. 75,
p. 7335-7339.
(First author to recognize Woodlark Basin at E tip of PNG is site of active sea floor spreading, based on rugged
bathymetry, with most lineations paralleling its long axis, seismicity, upper mantle P-wave velocity, and
petrology of rocks exposed on surrounding islands)
Milsom, J.S. (1973) Papuan Ultramafic Belt: gravity anomalies and the emplacement of ophiolites. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Amer. 84, p. 2243-2258.
(Papuan Ultramafic Belt one of largest ophiolitic complexes in world. Most likely emplacement process is
large-scale splitting of oceanic lithosphere as it approaches a subduction zone)
Milsom, J.S. (1973) The gravity field of the Papuan Peninsula. Geol. Mijnbouw 52, p. 13-20.
Milsom, J. (1974) East New Guinea. In: A.M. Spencer (ed.) Mesozoic-Cainozoic orogenic belts, Geol. Soc.,
London, Spec. Publ. 4, p. 463- 474.
Milsom, J.S. (1981) Neogene thrust emplacement from a frontal arc in New Guinea. In: K. McClay & N.J. Price
(eds.) Thrust and Nappe Tectonics, Geol. Soc. Lond. Spec. Publ. 9, p. 417-426.
(N New Guinea evidence for Neogene collision of N margin Australian continent with S-facing island arc. Still
active volcanism along length of arc and deep oceanic trench opposite segment E of collision zone. Finisterre
Range, part of former frontal arc and now part of N New Guinea, up to 50 km S of expected position with
respect to segments to E and W. Offset not deep seated feature, but result of movement on shallow thrust.
Detachment of thrust sheet along volcanic arc line of weakness. Mobile segment may have been part of frontal
arc that first collided with continental margin. Adjacent segments at time of collision opposite oceanic, deeper
trenches, have not moved in this way)
Milsom, J.S. (1984)The gravity field of the Marum ophiolite complex, Papua New Guinea. Geol. Soc., London,
Spec. Publ. 13, p. 351-357.
(Marum ophiolite outcrops in NE PNG in fault contact with sialic rocks of continental core of island. To N
overlain by thick sediments of Ramu Basin with major gravity low. Gravity anomaly high offset towards N edge
of outcrops of basic rock. Anomaly similar in form, but smaller than Papuan Ultramafic Belt anomaly to E)
Milsom, J. (1989) New Guinea and the western Melanesian arcs. In: A.E.M.Nairn et al. (eds.) The ocean basins
and margins 7A, The Pacific Ocean, Plenum Press, New York, p. 551-605.
Milsom, J. (1991) Oblique collision in New Guinea; implications for hydrocarbon exploration. In: J.W.
Cosgrove & M.E. Jones (eds.) Neotectonics and resources, Belhaven Press, p. 257-267.
Milsom, J. (2003) Forearc ophiolites: a view from the western Pacific. In: Y. Dilek & P.T. Robinson (eds.)
Ophiolites in Earth history. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ. 218, p. 507-515.
Milsom, J. & R.H. Findlay (2000) Petroleum prospects in the Ramu-Markham foreland basin, northeastern
Papua New Guinea. AAPG Int. Conf., Bali 2000, AAPG Bull. 84, 9 (Abstract only)
(Adelbert and Finisterre ranges (AFR) of N PNG separated from C New Guinea by Ramu- Markham
valleyswith >6 km sediments. Gravity data indicate still thicker sediment beneath S-ward thrusting Finisterre
Range. Majority of Ramu-Markham and AFR sediments derived from S. Seismic zones dipping both N, beneath
AFR, and S beneath New Guinea Highlands testify to former presence of oceanic crust between two. Solomon
Milsom, J., R. Findlay & G. Kopi (2001) Early nappe deformation in arc-continent collision: gravity evidence
from the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea.In: G. Hancock (ed.), Proc. Geology, Exploration and Mining
Conference, Port Moresby 2001,. Australasian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, Parkville, p.275-280.
Milsom, J. & I.E. Smith (1975) Southeastern Papua: generation of thick crust in a tensional environment?
Geology 3, 3 , p. 117-120.
(Extreme SE part of Papuan Peninsula mainly M Eocene submarine basalt, resembling mid-ocean ridge
Mitchell, A.H.G. & A.J. Warden (1971) Geological evolution of the New Hebrides island arc. J. Geol. Soc. 127,
p. 501-529.
(New Hebrides islands overlie E-ward-dipping Benioff zone, bordered by submarine trench. They consist of
volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, intrusions, mudstones and limestones. Eastern and Western Belts of islands
containing Neogene rocks are bisected by Central Chain of active and recently extinct volcanoes. W Belt was
site of E Miocene volcanic arc )
Mollan, R.G. & G.J. Blackburn (1990) Petroleum potential of the Fly-Bamu Deltas region. In: G.J. & Z.
Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea. Proc. First PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p.
Munroe, S.M. & I.S.Williams (1996) The Archaean basement of Papua New Guinea; evidence from the Porgera
intrusive complex. In: J.M. Kennard (ed.) Geol. Soc. Australia Abstracts No.41, p. 308.
(Porgera intrusive complex in W PNG contains mixture of Late Miocene and Archean zircons)
Monteleone, B.D., S.L. Baldwin, T.R. Ireland & P.G. Fitzgerald (2001) Thermochronologic constraints for the
tectonic evolution of the Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea. In: P. Huchon et al. (eds.) Proc. Ocean Dilling
Program (ODP) 180, Sci. Results, p. 1-34.
(ODP Leg 180 drilled near Moresby Seamount. Igneous rocks mainly diabase-metadiabase, with minor basalt
and gabbro. Zircon age of 66.4 ± 1.5 Ma dates diabase crystallization, plagioclase isochron age of 59 ± 6 Ma,
interpreted to represent cooling following intrusion. Diabase not thermally affected by Miocene-Pliocene rift
events. Crustal extension in area of Moresby Seamount accommodated by normal faulting in latest Cretaceous-
E Paleocene oceanic crust. Felsic clasts additional evidence for M Miocene- Pliocene magmatic events in
region. Rhyolitic clasts zircon ages of ~16 Ma evidence for Miocene volcanism in region).
Monteleone, B.D., S.L. Baldwin, L.E. Webb, P.G. Fitzgerald et al. (2007) Late Miocene-Pliocene eclogite
facies metamorphism, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, SE Papua New Guinea. J. Metam. Geol. 25, 2, p. 245-265.
(SE PNG active metamorphic core complexes formed in region where tectonic regime transitioned from
subduction to rifting. At least one of eclogite bodies formed in Pliocene. Samples from Fergusson and
Goodenough Islands document Late Miocene-Pliocene (8-2 Ma) eclogite formation. W-ward younging of
eclogite facies metamorphism from Fergusson to Goodenough Island. Present-day exposure of Late Miocene-
Pliocene eclogites requires exhumation rates >2.5cm/yr)
Montgomery, J.N. (1930) A contribution to the Tertiary geology of Papua: The oil exploration work in Papua
and New Guinea. Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 4, p. 3-85.
Morgan, G.D. (2005) Sequence stratigraphy and structure of the Tertiary limestones in the Gulf of Papua, Papua
New Guinea. Ph.D. Thesis University of New South Wales, Kensington, 315 p.
(at )
(Good overview of Eocene- Miocene Darai Limestone stratigraphy and structure)
Muller, D., L. Franz, P.M. Herzig & S. Hunt (2001) Potassic igneous rocks from the vicinity of epithermal gold
mineralization, Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea. Lithos 57, p. 163-186.
(Lihir Island, NE of New Ireland, PNG, consists of five Pliocene-Pleistocene stratovolcanoes, one of which
hosts Ladolam largest epithermal gold deposit)
Muller, D., K. Kaminski, S. Uhlig, T. Graupner, P.M. Herzig & S. Hunt (2002) The transition from porphyry- to
epithermal-style gold mineralization at Ladolam, Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea: a reconnaissance study.
Mineralium Deposita 37, p. 61-74.
Murray, A.P., R.E. Summons, J. Bradshaw & B. Pawihl (1993) Cainozoic oil in Papua New Guinea- evidence
from geochemical analysis of two newly discovered seeps. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in
Papua New Guinea, Proc. Second PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby, p. 489-498.
Mutter, J.C. (1975) Structural analysis of the Gulf of Papua and Northwest Coral Sea region. Bur. Min. Res.,
Geol. Geoph., Canberra, Report 179, p. 1-52.
(online at:
(New interpretation of structure and tectonic history of Gulf of Papua and NWt Coral Sea from 1970 seismic,
gravity, and magnetic survey. Opening of Coral Sea formed Aure-Moresby Trough system in M Eocene?.
Moresby Trough folding very similar to that in onshore Aure Trough, and probably continuous feature. Crust
thins considerably under Moresby Trough, where sediment is thickest)
Nedachi, M., M. Enjoji, Y. Urashima & W. Manser (1985) On the paleomagnetism of the intrusives from the
Panguna porphyry copper deposit, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. Kagoshima Univ. Res. Center S. Pacific,
Occasional Papers 5, p. 13-26.
(online at:
(Kaverong Quartz Diorite intruded at reversed geomagnetic period of 4.0- 5.0 Ma. After polarity change,
Biotite Granodiorite intruded, and surrounding rocks were mineralized (~3.4- 4.0 Ma?))
Newton, R. Bullen (1918) Foraminiferal and nullepire structures in some Tertiary limestones from New Guinea.
Geol. Mag. 6, 5, 5, p. 203-212.
(Pebbles from Upper Fly River, PNG, collected by MacGregor in 1890 include Eocene limestone with
Alveolina wichmanni, Lacazinella wichmanni and Orthophragmina (=Discocyclina) and Miocene limestone
with Carpenteria, Alveolina and Lithothamnium)
Noku, S.K., M. Akasaka & H. Matsueda (2011) The Crater Mountain deposit, Papua New Guinea: porphyry-
related Au-Te System. Resource Geol. 61, p. 63-75.
Norvick, M. (2001) Chronostratigraphic sections of the Northern margins of the Australian Plate. Unpubl.
Report, Melbourne, p.
Norvick, M. & D.S. Hutchison (1980) Aitape-Vanimo. 1:250,000 Geol. Series. Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea.
Explanatory Notes SA/54-11, SA/54-15.
(Includes Late Permian (257-242 Ma) granitoids in mountains of PNG- West Papua border area)
Ollier, C.D. & C.F. Pain (1980) Actively rising surficial gneiss domes in Papua New Guinea. J. Geol. Australia
27, p. 33-34.
(Faults can be traced around gneiss dome on Goodenough Island and around other domes in SE PNG. Each
dome probably originated by pushing of granite pluton)
Ollier, C.D. & C.F. Pain (1981) Active gneiss domes in Papua New Guinea- new tectonic landforms. Zeitschr.
Geomorph., N.F. 25, p. 133-145.
Oppel, T.W. (1970) Exploration of the southwest flank of the Papuan Basin. APEA J. 10, 2, p. 62-69.
Osborne, N. (1945) The Mesozoic stratigraphy of the Fly River headwaters. Proc. Roy.Soc. Victoria 56, 2, p.
(Thick (~7500’) marine Mesozoic in headwaters of Fly River. U Jurassic (?Callovian-Oxfordian Kuabgen Gp)
with Malayomaorica- Belemnopsis gerardi, overlain by M Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian Feing Gp) with
Inoceramus. Cretaceous unconformably overlain by Tertairy limestone, with U Cretaceous-Eocene missing)
Osborne, D.G. (1990) The hydrocarbon potential of the western Papuan Basin foreland- with reference to
worldwide analogues. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea. Proc. First
PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 197-213.
Ota, Y. & J. Chappell (1999) Holocene sea-level rise and coral reef growth on a tectonically rising coast, Huon
Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. Quaternary Int. 55, p. 51-59.
Ota, Y., J. Chappell, R. Kelley, N. Yonekura, E. Matsumoto, T. Nishimura & J. Head (1993) Holocene coral
reef terraces and coseismic uplift of Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. Quatern. Res. 40, 2, p. 177-188.
(Six levels of emerged Holocene coral terraces along 40 km of Huon Peninsula coastline. Holocene reef crest,
ca. 6000 yr B.P., is tilted down toNW and descends from 23 to 12 m in study area)
Owen, A.D. & J.C. Lattimore (1998) Oil and gas in Papua New Guinea. Energy Policy 26, 9, p. 655-660.
Owen, M. (1973) Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from Papua New Guinea. Palaeontological Papers
1970-1971, Bull. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph. 140, p. 47-65.
(online at: )
(Diverse Upper Cretaceous (Turonian- Maastrichtian) planktonic foraminifera assemblage from Lagaip Beds,
Wabag area, W Highlands)
Page, R.W. (1976) Geochronology of igneous and metamorphic rocks in the New Guinea Highlands. Bur. Min.
Res. Geoph. Bull. 162, 117p.
(online at:
(Mainland PNG Pretertiary igneous intrusive activity only in S part of C Highlands. Kubor Granodiorite Upper
Permian (240 Ma;= E-M Triassic?) largest and oldest. Increased mid-Tertiary tectonism suggested by four 27-
20 Ma metamorphic ages and granitic intrusive in S Sepik Ambunti Metamorphics). Volcanic and plutonic peak
of igneous activity in M Miocene, 15-12 Ma)f
Page, R.W. (1976) Geochronology of Late Tertiary and Quaternary mineralized intrusive porphyries in the Star
Mountains of Papua New Guinea. Economic Geol. 70, p. 928-936.
(Majority of intrusions associated with porphyry copper mineralization between 7-1 Ma. Ok Tedi intrusion 2.6
Ma, mineralization 1.1 Ma; Star Mts intrusives 4.6- 3.6 Ma; Antares Monzonite 3.1-2.4 Ma)
Page, R.W. & I. McDougall (1970) Potassium-Argon dating of the Tertiary f1-2 stage in New Guinea and its
bearing on the geological time-scale. American J. Sci. 269, p. 321-342.
Page, R.W. & I. McDougall (1972) Ages of mineralization of gold and porphyry copper deposits in the New
Guinea highlands (Papua New Guinea). Economic Geol. 67, p. 1034-1048. (also BMR Record 1972/113)
(K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages from five different areas of gold and porphyry copper mineralization in Highlands of
PNG. Gold-bearing porphyries in Morabe Goldfield indicate 3.1-3.8 Ma age for mineralization. Gold- copper
mineralization in Kainantu Goldfields as young as M-L Miocene. In Yanderra prospect 5 My gap between main
M Miocene emplacement of pluton and Late Miocene copper mineralization. Frieda copper prospect intrusion
in M Miocene. Mount Fubilan near Ok Tedi River mineralization age Pleistocene, 1.1- 1.2 Ma. All deposits so
far dated are M Miocene or younger; magmatic activity and mineralization may have been triggered by
interaction and collision between Pacific plate and Australian plate in about M Miocene)
Page, R.W. & I. McDougall (1972) Geochronology of the Panguna porphyry copper deposit, Bougainville
Island, New Guinea. Economic Geol. 67, 8, p. 1065-1074.
(K/Ar ages of mineralization at Panguna 3.4 Ma, earliest intrusion 4-5 Ma, some intrusions 3.5-1.6 Ma)
Pain, C.F. (1983) Volcanic rocks and surfaces as indicators of landform age: the Astrolabe Agglomerate, Papua
New Guinea. Australian Geographer 15, 6, p. 376-381.
(Astrolabe Agglomerate pyroclastics with basaltic lavas at top, dated as 5.7 Ma. Since deposition unit slightly
warped and deeply dissected. Sogeri Plateau is largest remnant of a once much larger erosion surface that may
have extended over much of Owen Stanley Ranges)
Pain, C.F., C.J. Pigram, R.J. Blong & G.O. Arnold (1987) Cainozoic geology and geomorphology of the Wahgi
Valley, Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea. BMR J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 10, 3, p. 267-276.
Palmer, S.M., R. Carter & T. Varney (1992) Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir prediction for the Toro
Formation, Papua New Guinea. AAPG Int. Conf., Sydney 1992, Search and Discovery Art. 91015.
(Abstract only) (Toro Fm reservoir sands of PNG foldbelt 6 genetic stratigraphic units, separated by flooding
surfaces. Biostratigraphy allows rel. easy correlation of max. flooding surfaces. Sequence boundaries
recognized as sharp-based inner shelf/shoreface sands over mid-outer shelf, bioturbated muds/silts. Primary
reservoirs in shelf margin systems tracts. Further reservoirs in highstand and transgressive systems tracts)
Palmieri, V. (1971) Occurrence of Danian at Port Moresby. Report Geological Survey Queensland 63, p.
Park, S.C. & J. Mori (2007) Are asperity patterns persistent? Implication from large earthquakes in Papua New
Guinea. J. Geophys. Res. 112, B03303, doi:10.1029/2006JB004481. p.
Parkin, J.N., S.M.T. Marsh & W.L. Wardlaw (1996) The integration of exploration techniques in petroleum
prospecting. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New
Guinea, Proc. 3rd Papua New Guinea Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 243-256.
Parsons, G.L. & E.A. Bowen (1986) The tectonic evolution and petroleum potential of the Papuan Basin, Papua
New Guinea. Proc. 6h Offshore SE Asia Conf., Singapore 1986, SEAPEX Proc. 7, p. 96-110.
Passmore, V.L., P.E. Williamson, A.R.G. Gray & P. Wellman (1993) The Bamaga basin- a new exploration
target. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc 2nd
PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby 1993, PNG Chamber of Mines, p. 233-240.
Paterson, S.J. & F.M. Kicinski (1956) An account of the geology and petroleum prospects of the Cape Vogel
Basin, Papua. In: Papers on Tertiary micropalaeontology, Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Report 25, p. 47-70.
(online at:
(Cape Vogel Basin lies in E PNG between Morobe Arc/ Owen Stanley folded-metamorphic and peridotite Zone
and D'Entrecasteau metamorphics-granites Arc. At Cape Vogel Peninsula ~14,000' of M Miocene- Recent
mainly arenaceous sediments exposed, with gentle post-Pliocene folding. Common shallow and non-marine
Paterson, S.J. & W.J. Perry (1964) The geology of the upper Sepik- August River, New Guinea. J. Geol. Soc.
Australia 11, 2, p. 199-211.
(Petroleum Permit 21 area with mountain ranges of metamorphic and igneous rocks. S-trending embayment,
blanketed by alluvium and volcanic rocks, with 9,320’ composite Upper Cretaceous- Pliocene sediments)
Paul, R.J. & J.E. Bain (1998) Reducing the risk: integrating gravity, magnetic, and seismic data in Papua New
Guinea. The Leading Edge, p. 59-62 + 134.
(PPL 123 on Gulf of Papua Central coast. Gravity-magnetics used to support interpretation of poor seismic)
Pawih, B. (1989) The stratigraphy of the Maprik district, Papua New Guinea. Petroleum Expl. Soc. Australia
(PESA) J. 14, p. 25-33.
Pawih, B. (1990) Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Wewak Trough. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum
Exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby 1990, p. 491-497.
(Wewak Trough in N New Guinea Basin contains <2000m of Pliocene (N18-N20) clastics and minor coral reef
limestones, overlying 'Ambunti' metasediments in S and Miocene arc volcanoclastics in N)
Pegler, G., S. Das & J.H. Woodhouse (1995) A seismological study of the eastern New Guinea and western
Solomon Sea regions and its tectonic implications. Geophys. J. Int. 122, p. 961-981.
Perembo R.C.B. (2000) Miocene bathyal deposits of foreland megasequence 1 in the Papuan fold belt, Papua
New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc.
4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 123-138.
(Biostratigraphy of E-M Miocene (~20-10 Ma) widespread bathyal siliciclastic facies across PNG Fold Belt.
Planktonic foram zones N5/N6- N14 recognized (but mainly N8-N11?; ~17-13 Ma; HvG). This is part of
foreland basin sequence, tied to late Early Miocene subdidence of Darai carbonate platform due to ophiolite
obduction in northern PNG. Foreland basin fill terminated with Late Miocene hiatus (uplift around 10 Ma))
Perembo, R.C.B., H.L. Davies, E. Neinen & J. Agua (2000) Port Moresby basement geology; a mid-Cainozoic
accretionary prism. In: C.G. Skilbeck & T.C. Hubble (eds.) Understanding Planet Earth; searching for a
sustainable future, Abstracts Geol. Soc. Australia 59, p. 386.
Perry, W.J. (1955) Report on a reconnaissance of Petroleum Permit No. 21, Sepik. District, New Guinea. Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1955/39, p. 1-7.
(online at:
(Preliminary version of Perry 1956)
Perry, W.J. (1956) A geological reconnaissance of the Upper Sepik-August River area, Sepik district, New
Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1956/31, p. 1-12.
(online at:
(Geology of area of NW PNG near W Papua border. In N West and Landslip Ranges mainly composed of
metamorphic rocks, possibly of Paleozoic age. In S rocks of upper August, upper Sepik and Hoffnungs Rivers
are tightly folded, low-grade metasediments (slates, phyllites, quartzites), tentatively correlated with Mesozoic
rocks near Telefomin. Isolated Tertiary sediments in W side of area, some with reworked U Cretaceous and
Paeocene planktonics, and minor limestone with Lower Tf larger forams (see Crespin & Belford 1956))
Phelps, J.C. & C.N. Denison (1993) Stratigraphic thickness variations and depositional systems of the Ieru
Formation, Southern Highlands and Western Provinces, Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.)
Petroleum exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Second PNG Petrol. Conv., p. 169-189.
Pieters, P.E. (1980) Kikori, Papua New Guinea, 1:250,000 geological map sheet SB/55-13. Bur. Min. Res.,
Geol. Geophysics, Canberra, Record 1980/79.
Pigott, J.D. (1994) Irian Jaya- Papua New Guinea hydrocarbon exploration: constraints from regional
distribution of geothermal gradients and heat flow. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 1, p. 75-100.
(Present thermal state pervasive NW striking trend paralleling central cordillera with basinal and intra-basinal
anomalies. Heat flow averages for Salawati 1.98 ± 0.76 HFU, Bintuni 1.49 ± 0.77 HFU, Papua Basins 1.57 ±
0.49 HFU. Av. geothermal gradients for three basins 3.90 ± 1.48 °C/100m, 3.31 ± 1.51 °C/100m, and 2.61 ±
0.81°C/100m, respectively)
Pigott, J.D. & D.G. Neese (1995) Seismic stratigraphy of the Northern New Guinea Basin: insight into the
tectonic evolution of a segmenting basin. Proc. 24th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. 1, p. 383-396.
(Piore and Sepik Basins in N New Guinea Basin depositionally contiguous during Miocene. Both floored by
Paleogene basement assemblage including fragments of volcanic arc and sporadic Bliri Sequence sediments.
Overlying Miocene Sepik Sequence shallow marine to pelagic carbonates and axially transported slope systems
which thin northward. Late Miocene basin-wide unconformity. Pliocene uplift of Bewani-Torricelli Mts along
active N New Guinea Fault System separated Sepik Basin to S and Piore Basin to N)
Pigott, J.D., N.I. Trumbly & M.V. O Neal (1984) Northern New Guinea wrench fault system: a manifestation of
late Cenozoic interactions between Australian and Pacific plates. In: S.T. Watson (ed.) Trans. Third Circum-
Pacific Energy and Miner. Res. Conf., Honolulu 1982, p. 613-620.
Pigram, C.J. (1978) Geology of the Schrader Range. Geol. Survey of Papua New Guinea, Report 76/4, p.
Pigram, C.J., P.J. Davies, D.A. Feary & P.A. Symonds (1989) Tectonic controls on carbonate platform
evolution in southern Papua New Guinea: passive margin to foreland basin. Geology 17, p. 199-202.
(M Oligocene collision of N Australian craton margin with complex subduction system created thrust mass and
foreland basin from Coral Sea to Indian Ocean. Carbonate platform facies in SW PNG reflect transition from
Eocene passive margin to early foreland basin. Initially, terrigenous sedimentation confined to proximal
foredeep, with carbonate deposition adjacent to peripheral forebulge. Subsequent S-ward migration of basin
resulted in thick carbonate platform deposition, followed by burial by clastic sediments from emerging orogen
after proximal foredeep became filled)
Pigram, C.J., H.L. Davies, D.A. Feary, P.A. Symonds & G.C.H. Chaproniere (1990) Controls on Tertiary
carbonate platform evolution in the Papuan Basin: new play concepts. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum
exploration in Papua New Guinea, First PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby 1990, p. 185-195.
Pigram, C.J. & P.A. Symonds (1993) Eastern Papuan Basin- a new model for the tectonic development, and
implications from petroleum prospectivity. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and development
in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Second PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 213-231.
Pinchin, J., K.F. Fowler & C.S. Bembrick (1986) Fault structures within the Central Papuan Basin- implications
for petroleum exploration. Proc. 6h Offshore SE Asia Conf., Singapore 1986, SEAPEX Proc. 7, p. 111-124.
(Previously unrecognized Late Cretaceous- Paleocene wrench faulting on Fly Platform, primarily in two NW
trending parallel systems, Komewu and Fly. Rejuvenation of faults in Miocene)
Playford, G. (1982) Neogene palynomorphs from the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. Palynology 6, p. 29-
(Palynological analysis of outcropping shales from 3 low-grade coal occurrences in Pindiu area, central Huon
Peninsula with spores-pollen ranging in age from E Miocene- Pliocene and representing deposits of low
diversity tropical freshwater swamp vegetation)
Pono, S. (1990) Seismic images of Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in
Papua New Guinea, Proc. 1st PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby, p. 33-49.
Powell, T.G. & D.M. McKirdy (1975) Geologic factors controlling crude oil composition in Australia and
Papua, New Guinea. AAPG Bull. 59, p. 1176-1197.
Powell, T.G. & D.M. McKirdy (1976) Geochemical character of crude oils from Australia and Papua New
Guinea. In: R.B. Leslie et al. (eds.) Economic Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea 3, Petroleum,
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Parkville, p. 18-29.
Powis, G. (1993) The sequence stratigraphy of the Mesozoic reservoirs of the Gobe Anticline, Papuan thrust
belt. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Second
PNG Petroleum Conv., p. 155-167.
Purcell, P.G. (1990) Marienberg-1 Sepik Basin. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum Exploration in Papua
New Guinea, Proc. 1st PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 429-443.
(History and results of Marienburg 1 well, drilled in 1925-1928 in Ramu-Sepik Basin, on N coast along Sepik
River (first 'deep' (825m) exploration well in N PNG). Mainly Late Miocene- Pliocene marine shale, with
conglomerate near TD below 2600'. Some gas shows and oil stains encountered).
Rand, A.L. & L.J. Brass (1940) Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 29. Summary of the 1936/1937 New
Guinea expedition. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 77, 7, p. 341-380.
(Report on geographic-biological expedition of Fly River area, PNG. Little or no geology)
Renton, J.F.A., J.H.S. Black & A.M. Grainge (1990) The development of the Hides Gasfield, Papua New
Guinea. APEA J. 30, p. 223-237.
(Hides 1987 BP/ Oil Search gas discovery in PPL 27 in S Highlands. Hides-1 tested up to 15.9 mmscf/d gas
with minor condensate from four intervals in Toro Sst. Gas to be supplied to Porgera goldmine)
Richards, J.P. (1990) Petrology and geochemistry of alkalic intrusives at the Porgera gold deposit, Papua New
Guinea: J. Geochem. Expl. 35, p. 141-199.
(Porgera Middle-Late Miocene mafic intrusive complex in PNG Highlands consistent with intra-plate, alkaline
parental magma, and derivation from enriched garnet lherzolite source in subcontinental lithosphere. Partial
melting probably in response to M Miocene uplift of edge of Australian craton during collision with island-arc)
Richards, J.P. (1992) Magmatic-epithermal transitions in alkalic systems: Porgera gold deposit, Papua New
Guinea. Geology 20, 6, p. 547-550.
(Porgera Au-Ag mineralization in two main stages: (1) disseminated auriferous pyrite in phyllic alteration
zones and (2) fault-related, quartz-roscoelite-cemented hydrothermal breccias and veins with locally abundant
free gold and Au-Ag-tellurides. Associated with Late Miocene (6 Ma) epizonal intrusive complex, emplaced in
continental crust immediately prior to E Pliocene continent- island-arc collision)
Richards, J.P., B.W. Chappell & M.T. McCulloch (1990) Intraplate-type magmatism in a continent-island arc
collision zone: Porgera intrusive complex, Papua New Guinea. Geology 18, p. 958-961.
Richards, J.P. & R. Kerrick (1993) The Porgera Gold Mine, Papua New Guinea: magmatic hydrothermal to
epithermal evolution of an alkali- type precious metal deposit. Econ. Geol. 88, 5, p. 1017- 1052.
Richards, J.P. & I. Ledlie (1993) Alkalic intrusive rocks associated with the Mount Kare gold deposit, Papua
New Guinea; comparison with the Porgera intrusive complex. Econ. Geol. 88, 4, p. 755-781.
(Mount Kare gold deposit 18 km SW of giant Porgera minein PNG highlands. Both deposits associated with
Late Miocene alkalic intrusives emplaced in Mesozoic-Tertiary shelf sediments near edge of Australasian plate.
K-Ar analysis of illite from altered rock records n age of 5.5 Ma, in middle of range of ages from Porgera Au
deposit (5.1-6.1 Ma). Similar ore-forming processes at both locations)
Richards, J.P., M.T. McCulloch, B.W. Chappell & R. Kerrich (1991) Sources of metals in the Porgera gold
deposit, Papua New Guinea: evidence from alteration, isotope, and noble metal geochemistry. Geochim.
Cosmochim. 55, 2, p. 565-580.
(Porgera gold deposit associated with Late Miocene mafic alkalic Porgera Intrusive Complex, emplaced within
continental crust near Lagaip Fault Zone, which represents Oligocene suture between Australian craton and
Sepik Terrane volcano-sedimentary rocks. Magmatism at Porgera probably occurred in response to Late
Miocene elimination of oceanic microplate and subsequent Early Pliocene collision between craton margin and
arc system on Bismarck Sea plate. Gold mineralization occurred within 1 Ma of time of magmatism)
Richards, J.P. & I. McDougall (1990) Geochronology of the Porgera gold deposit, Papua New Guinea;
resolving the effects of excess argon on K Ar and 40Ar/ 39Ar age estimates for magmatism and mineralization.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54, 5, p. 1397-1415.
(Mesothermal/epithermal gold mineralization in Porgera Intrusive Complex and sedimentary host rocks.
Conventional K-Ar ages of hornblende from different intrusions between 7-14 Ma, but biotite separates
concordant at 6.02 ± 0.29 Ma. Older apparent ages from conventional K-Ar and Ar/Ar analyses explained by
excess 40Ar contamination. Late Miocene magmatism and mineralization occurred shortly prior to or during
initiation of continent/arc collision and pre-dates Pliocene uplift and foreland deformation)
Richarz, P.S.R. (1910) Der geologische Bau von Kaiser Wilhelms-Land nach dem heutigen Stand unseres
Wissens. Neues Jahrbuch Min. Geol. Pal., Beil. Band 29, p. 406-536.
(‘The geological framework of Kaiser Wilhelms Land’. Early geological description paper of the then German
colony, now northern PNG. Includes description of ‘Upper Cretaceous’ shallow marine mollusk fauna from
Torricelli Mts (but associated with Oligo-Miocene Lepidocyclina and andesites))
Rickwood, F.K. (1954) Geology of the Western highlands of New Guinea. J. Geol. Soc. Australia 2, p. 63-82.
(Oldest rocks in W Highlands Omung metamorphics and Kubor-Bismarck granodiorites. Overlain by Permian
(= Triassic; HvG) limestone at Kubor anticline, unconformably overlain by U Jurassic Maril Fm silty shale
with Buchia malayomaorica and Inoceramus haasti. ?Oxfordian-Kimmeridgean coral reef limestone lenses at
W end of Kubor anticline (incl. Tithonian? cavity fill of coral with Calpionella alpina). Cretaceous marine
sediments and mid-Cretaceous Kondaku tuff horizon. Eocene-Miocene Chimbu Lst (with Lacazina in Eocene,
Nummulites intermedia in Lower Oligocene and zone Te larger forams in Upper Oligocene- basal Miocene),
overlain by Miocene Globigerina marls. Sedimentary succession in E thicker than in W. Jurassic seas
transgressed from E. W part of region out of range of Cretaceous vulcanism, so pelagic sedimentation
continued into E Miocene. M Miocene volcanic island arc near Lai Syncline. Main folding at end-Pliocene,
followed by erosion and extensive Pleistocene volcanism)
Rickwood, F.K. (1968) The geology of Western Papua. The APEA J. 8, 2, p. 51-61.
Rickwood, F.K. (1992) The Kutubu discovery: Papua New Guinea, its people, the country and the exploration
and discovery of oil. Author edition, Sydney, 172 p.
Ripper, I.D. & K.T. McCue (1983) The seismic zone of the Papua fold Belt. BMR J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 8, p.
Robinson, G.P. (1970) The geology of the Huon Peninsula, New Guinea. Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea,
Mem. 3, p. 1-71.
Robinson, G.P. (1974) Huon-Sag Sag, Papua New Guinea- 1:250,000 geological series. Geol. Survey Papua
New Guinea, Explanatory Notes, SB/55-11, p..
Robinson, G.P. & A.L. Jaques (1978) Karkar Island, Papua New Guinea- 1:250,000 geological series. Bur. Min.
Res., Geol. Geoph., Canberra, and Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Explanatory Notes, SB/55-2, p.
Robinson, G.P., A.L. Jaques, & C.M. Brown (1976) Madang, Papua New Guinea- 1:250,000 geological series.
Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geoph., Canberra, and Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Explanatory Notes, SB/55-6, p.
Rock, N.M.S. & E.J. Finlayson (1990) Petrological affinities of intrusive rocks associated with the giant
mesothermal gold deposit at Porgera, Papua New Guinea. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 4, 3, p. 247-258.
(Porgera mafic rocks not ordinary tholeiitic or calc-alkaline basalts, andesites, gabbros or diorites, but
shoshonitic, more specifically appinitic/ lamprophyric, similar to contemporaneous shoshonitic rocks in PNG)
Rod, E. (1974) Geology of Eastern Papua: discussion. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 85, p. 653-658.
Rod, E. & J.B. Connelly (1980) Mode of emplacement of the Papuan ultramafic belt; discussion and reply.
BMR J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 5, 1, p. 74-76.
Rodgers K.A. (1975) A comparison of the geology of the Papuan and New Caledonian ultramafic belts. J.
Geology 83, p. 47-60.
Rogerson, R. (1993) Location, age, characteristics and exploitation potential of Papua New Guinea coal
occurrences. In: A.J. Hargraves & C.H. Martin (eds.) Australasian coal mining practice, Australasian Inst.
Mining .Metallurgy, Melbourne, Monogr. Ser. 12, p. 56-61.
Rogerson, R. & G. Francis (1983) Owen Stanley Metamorphic Complex: type of initial prograde
metamorphism. Science in New Guinea 10, p. 60-64.
Rogerson, R.J., D.W. Haig & S.T.S. Nion (1981) Geology of Port Moresby. Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea,
Report 1981/16, p. 1-56.
Rogerson, R.J. & D.B. Hilyard (1990) Scrapland: a suspect composite terrrane in Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. &
Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea. Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p.
(Suspect composite terrane outboard of Australian margin in E PNG, including basement blocks of Bena Bena/
Goroka, Kubor, Amanab, etc. Originated by mainly transform faulting along Australian-Pacific margin prior to
and following Coral Sea opening (Late Cretaceous- E Eocene). Late Oligocene- E Miocene Aure/ Omaura Fm
is oldest overlap assemblage of Scrapland and main body of PNG. Re-accretion to PNG margin certainly by
N17 (Late Miocene), possibly as early as Late Oligocene)
Rogerson, R.J., D.B. Hilyard, E.J. Finlayson, D.J. Holland, S.T. Nion et al. (1987) The geology and mineral
resources of the Sepik headwaters region, Papua New Guinea. Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Mem. 12. p. 1-
Rogerson, R. & C. McKee (1990) Geology, volcanism and mineral deposits of Papua New Guinea. In: F.E.
Hughes (ed.) Geology of the mineral deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Australasian Inst. Mining
Metallurgy, Parkville, Mon. Ser. 14, p. 1689-1701.
Rogerson, R. & A. Williamson (1986) Age, petrology and mineralization associated with two Neogene intrusive
types in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. In: G.H. Teh & S. Paramananthan (eds.) Proc. 5th Reg.
Congr. Geol. Min. Energy Res. SE Asia (GEOSEA V), Kuala Lumpur 1984, 2, Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 20, p.
(Numerous Neogene porphyritic basic-intermediate intrusives outcrop in eastern highlands of PNG between
144°E and 146°E, with radiometric ages from 18-7 Ma. Two distinct phases of plutonism: (1) oldest Akuna-
type, large complexes (18-12 Ma; incl. Bismarck Intrusive Complex) with rel. little mineralization; (2)
Elandora-type (incl. Yandera), 9-7 Ma, with hydrothermal Cu-Au-Ag mineralization smaller stocks, dykes, etc.)
Rogerson, R., A. Williamson & G. Francis (1986) Recent advances in the knowledge of geology, energy
resources and metallogenesis of Papua New Guinea since 1981. In: G.H. Teh & S. Paramananthan (eds.) Proc.
GEOSEA V Conf., Kuala Lumpur 1984, 2, Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 20, p. 23-37.
(Review of early 1980's geoscience and exploration work in PNG)
Ronacher, E., J.P. Richards & M.D. Johnston (1999) New mineralisation and alteration styles at the Porgera
gold deposit, Papua New Guinea. In: G. Weber (ed.) Proc. PACRIM '99 Congress, Australasian Inst. Mining
Metallurgy, Publ. 4-99, p. 91-94.
(Porgera gold mine in PNG highlands producing gold since 1990. Deposit associated with 6 Ma-old mafic
alkalic intrusions emplaced at shallow levels into unconsolidated Jurassic- Cretaceous sediments, where they
caused formation of peperites)
Ronacher, E., J.P. Richards, M.H. Reed, C.J. Bray, E.T.C. Spooner & P.D. Adams (2004) Characteristics and
evolution of the hydrothermal fluid in the North zone high-grade area, Porgera gold deposit, Papua New
Guinea. Econ. Geol. 99, 5, p. 843- 867.
Ronacher, E., J.P. Richards, M.E. Villeneuve & M.D. Johnston (2002) Short life-span of the ore-forming
system at the Porgera gold deposit, Papua New Guinea: laser 40Ar/39Ar dates for roscoelite, biotite, and
hornblende. Mineral. Deposita 37, p. 75-86.
(Porgera gold deposit associated with sodic-alkalic intrusions of alkali basaltic- mugearitic composition,
emplaced into Cretaceous mudstones- siltstones in latest Miocene. Magmatic biotite date of 5.99± 0.11 Ma,
interpreted as onset of mineralizing activity. Age of main ore deposition event ~5.9 Ma. Ages for intrusive and
mineralizing events nearly identical, suggesting magmatic and ore-forming system was short-lived)
Rush, P.M. & H.J. Seegers (1990) Ok Tedi copper-gold deposits. In: F.E. Hughes (ed.) Geology of the mineral
deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea, Australasian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, Mon. Ser. 14, 2, p. 1747-
Russell, N.J. (1990) Application of vitrinite reflectivity to paleogeothermometry studies: some examples from
Papua New Guinea basins. In: G.J. & Z. Carmen (eds.) Petroleum Exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First
PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 403-420.
(On the use of vitrinite reflectivity for paleogeothermometry in PNG)
Ryburn, R.J. (1980) Blueschists and associated rocks in the south Sepik region, Papua New Guinea; field
relations, petrology, mineralogy, metamorphism and tectonic setting. Ph.D. Thesis Univ. of Auckland, p.
(Blueschists in S Sepik formed in N-dipping subduction zone, beneath Paleogene arc system accreted along N
coast of New Guinea. Blueschists in allochthonous Tau body E-W lens (55 x 8 km) and smaller allochthons E of
Tau. Blueschists in late-Mesozoic- Eocene Salumei Fm (mostly pelitic sediments derived from S) and in
ophiolite fragments and other volcanogenic rocks, related to arc to N. Salumei Fm near Tau metamorphosed
from prehnite-pumpellyite to low-greenschist grade during Oligocene- E Miocene metamorphism. Blueschists
mostly mafic schists with blue amphibole. Metamorphic grade increases to N. Isolated mafic tectonic blocks in
and N of Tau body include high-grade blueschist, eclogite and amphibolite, all metamorphosed mafic ophiolite.
Metamorphic conditions require blueschists and eclogites formed in subduction system. Active and rapid
transport is needed to bring these rocks back to shallow levels, and term "retrojection" is coined)
Sandy, M.J., A.C.M. Laing & C. Warrillow (1986) Petroleum potential of the northwest Fly Platform, Papua
New Guinea. Geol. Survey of Papua New Guinea, Report 86/15, p. 1-19.
Sarg J.F., L.J. Weber, J.R. Markello, J.K. Southwell, J.M. Thomson et al. (1996) Carbonate sequence
stratigraphy; a summary and perspective with case history, Neogene, Papua New Guinea. In: C.A. Caughey et
al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Symp. Sequence stratigraphy in SE Asia, Jakarta, Indon. Petrol. Assoc., Jakarta 1995, p.
(Carbonate sequence stratigraphy basics,with data on gas-bearing Gulf of Papua Miocene reefs (Pasca,
Pandora). Initial foreland basin subsidence in latest Oligocene- earliest Miocene leads to start of carbonate
platform growth. SB at 21 Ma (=Bur1?) extensive subaerial exposure. Sequence 13.8 Ma major platform
outbuilding, 10.5 Ma exposure surface. Thrust loading from N initiated peripheral forebulge by middle of M
Miocene, with regional uplift and exposure of carbonates area. Platform highs subaerially exposed in Latest
Miocene and onlapped by 5.5 Ma first siliciclastics from uplifted Papuan fold and thrust belt to N and NE.
Renewed thrust sheet emplacement in latest Miocene-Pliocene drowned remaining platforms. Hydrocarbon
columns relatively small, probably due to poor seal)
Sari, J. (1988) Aspects of stratigraphy, sedimentology and petroleum geology of the Toro Sandstone Formation.
Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Report, 88/3, p.
Sari, J. (1990) Revised stratigraphic definition of the Toro Formation: a proposal. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.)
Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 159-168.
Sari, J., R. Failing & K. Wulff (1996) The Giero Sandstone: a potentially new play in the Papuan Basin. In: P.G.
Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 3rd PNG
Petrol. Conv. Port Moresby, p. 301-312.
(Cenomanian deep water sandstone in parts of Papuan Basin foldbelt)
Schluter, H. (1928) Jurafossilien vom oberen Sepik auf Neu-Guinea. Nova Guinea 6, 3, p. 53-62.
(‘Jurassic fossils from the Upper Sepik, New Guinea’. M-U Jurassic macrofossils from geodes in float of Upper
Sepik River near 4d 15’S- 141d E, collected in 1910 by German 'border commission'. Includes ammonites
Macrocephalites keeuwensis, Perispinctes spp., Idoceras, Phylloceras, Hoplites. Also canaliculate belemnites
and Incoceramus galoi, Similarities with fauna from Sula islands, Cenderawasih Bay and Himalaya Spiti Beds)
Schmidt, D. (2000) Seismic attribute studies of the Flinders amplitude anomaly- Gulf of Papua. In: P.G.
Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum
Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 469-474.
Schmidt, P.W., D.A. Clark & K.J. Logan (1997) Palaeomagnetism, magnetic petrophysics and magnetic
signature of the Porgera intrusive complex, Papua New Guinea. Exploration Geoph. 28, 2, p. 276-280.
(Hornblende diorite and hornblende diorite porphyry most magnetic rock types in Porgera Complex. Both
normal and reverse polarity preserved in Complex. Primary magnetisation carried by (titano)magnetite.
Primary remanence directions demonstrate tilting of intrusions since emplacement (up to 50°- 60°). Tectonic
rotations response to thin-skinned tectonic processes which accompanied rapid uplift of Complex)
Schofield, S. (2000) The Bosavi Arch and the Komewu Fault zone: their control on basin architecture and the
prospectivity of the Papuan foreland. In: P.G. Buchanan, A.M. Grainge & R.C.N. Thornton (eds.) Papua New
Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 101-122.
(Kimu 1 and Koko 1 wells in PNG foreland, S of Mount Bosavi volcano. Most of Cretaceous section eroded at
Base Tertiary unconformity in Koko 1 (uplift and erosion across Fly Platform coincides with Coral Sea rift
event). Well TD in E-M Permian granite (269+/-7 Ma). E-M Jurassic section onlaps onto basement highs;
thickening to N and E; facies more marine from SW to NE; Middle- early Late Jurassic extension formed
localized depocenters on NW trending faults. :ate Jurassic- E Cretaceous passive ramp margin)
Schubert, R.J. (1910) Uber Foraminiferen und einen Fischotolithen aus dem fossilen Globigerinenschlamm von
Neu-Guinea. Verhandl. Kon. Kais. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Vienna, 1910, 14, p. 318-328.
(online at:
('On foraminifera and a fish otolith from a fossil Globigerina marl of New Guinea'. Listing of Pliocene deep
marine smaller foraminifera from blueish marls of Torricelli Mountains. Incl. new species Globigerina fistulosa
(= Globigerinoides fistulosus))
Schubert, R.J. (1910) Uber das Vorkommen von Miogypsina und Lepidocyclina in pliocanenen
Globigerinengesteinen des Bismarckarchipels. Verhandl. Kon. Kais. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Vienna, 1910, p. 395-
(online at:
(‘On the occurrence of Miogypsina and Lepidocyclina in Pliocene marls from the Bismarck Archipelago'. New
species of Miogypsina M. epigona and M. laganiensis (These shallow marine larger forams look like M
Miocene age, but are associated with younger deep water fauna; HvG))
Schubert, R.J. (1911) Die fossilen Foraminiferen des Bismarckarchipels und einiger angrenzender Inseln.
Abhandl. Kon. Kais. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Vienna, 20, 4, p. 1-130.
(online at:
(‘Fossil foraminifera from the Bismarck Archipelago and some adjacent islands’ Oligocene- M Miocene
limestones with larger foraminifera (incl. Flosculinella n.gen. and Lepidocyclina) and Late Miocene- Pliocene
Globigerina-rich pelagic sediments)
Schultze-Jena, L. (1914) Forschungen im Inneren der Insel Neuguinea (Bericht des Fuhrers uber die
wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse der deutschen Grenzexpedition in das westliche Kaiser-Wilhelmsland 1910).
Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Erganzungsheft 11, S. Mittler, Berlin, p. 1-99.
('Investigations in the interior of New Guinea Island'. Results of 1910-1911 German-Dutch expedition along
border of Dutch and German sectors of New Guinea. Reached 141° meridian in Central Range from Sepik
River. Incl. report of Nummulites Limestone boulder)
Septama, E. & S.J. Bentley (2010) Late Quaternary deepwater fan depositional cycles in the Gulf of Papua:
linking sources, dynamic sedimentation processes, and depositional architecture. AAPG Ann. Conv. Exh., New
Orleans 2010, Search and Discovery Art. 50283, 31p. (Extended Abstract)
(Seismic and piston core study of Late Quaternary deepwater channel-fan system in Gulf of Papua, focused on
Pandora and Moresby Troughs)
Septama, E., S.J. Bentley & M. Shaffer (2011) Source-to-sink sediment delivery in the Gulf of Papua from
SEM-MLA-aided provenance and textural analysis of turbidite sands. AAPG Ann. Conv., Houston 2011,
Search and Discovery Art. 30181, p. (Extended Abstract)
(Provenance study of Pleistocene-Holocene deepwater sands in Gulf of Papua shows three major pathways: (1)
long-distance NW-SE sediment transport of quartzo-feldspathic sand from the Papuan Mainland; (2) short-
distance transport of felsic-mafic volcanic sand from collision margin of Papuan Peninsula; (3) intermediate-
distance delivery from Fly-Strickland and Papuan Peninsula along coastal pathways toe Moresby Trough)
Shedden, S.H. (1990) Astrolabe mineral field. In: F.E. Hughes (ed.) Geology of the mineral deposits of
Australia and Papua New Guinea, Australasian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, Melbourne, 14, 2, p. 1707-1708.
(Au-Cu field SE of Port Moresby)
Sheppard, S. & L. Cranfield (2012) Geological framework and mineralization of Papua New Guinea- an update.
Mineral Resources Authority, Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, p. 1-62.
(online at:
(Update of chapters 4-6 on geological framework and mineralization of Williamson and Hancock (2005))
Siedner, G. (1958) A geological reconnaissance of the Nambayat Creek area, Finisterre Range, New Guinea.
Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Records 1958/037, p. 1-6.
(online at:
(Survey Nambayat Creek area of S slopes of Finisterre Range, N PNG, to verify reported gold find (none
found). Sediments thick series of NE dipping, probably Miocene age clastics, intruded by basic igneous rocks)
Silver, E.A., L.D. Abbott, K.S. Kirchoff-Sten, D.L. Reed et al. (1991) Collision propagation in Papua New
Guinea and the Solomon Sea. Tectonics 10, p. 863-874.
(Finisterre Terrane accreting onto NE margin of PNG, with collision point migrating E within Solomon Sea.
Rate of progression of collision ~212 km/ My in last My))
Simmons, M.D. & M.J. Johnston (1991) Permocalculus iagifuensis sp.nov.; a new Miocene gymnocodiacean
alga from Papua New Guinea. J. Micropalaeontology 9, 2, p. 239-244.
(New species of gymnocodiacean alga from Miocene Darai Limestone Fm of PNG. Previously only recorded
from Permian and Cretaceous. Associated microfauna and other microflora described)
Simmons, S.F. & K.L. Brown (2006) Gold in magmatic hydrothermal solutions and the rapid formation of a
giant ore deposit. Science 314, 5797, p. 288- 291.
(Ladolam on Lihir Island, N of PNG, hosts one of youngest and largest gold deposits in world. Deep brine of
magmatic origin contains 15 parts per billion gold. Combination of sustained metal flux and efficient metal
precipitation led to formation of a giant hydrothermal gold deposit in short period)
Skwarko, S.K. (1963) Mesozoic fossils from Ramu 1:250,000 Sheet area, Territory of New Guinea. Bur. Min.
Res., Geol. Geoph., Record 1963/031, p.
(Macrofossils collected by Dow & Dekker from 5 units in U Triassic- U Jurassic S of Ramu River: (1) Jimi
greywacke (M-U Triassic molluscs Costatoria, Gervillia, Spiriferina, Myophoria and ammonite Sirenites
malayicus Welter, originally described from Timor); (2) Kana Fm detritus from acid volcanics (with Triassic
Skwarko, S.K. (1967) Mesozoic Mollusca from Australia and New Guinea, 2, Mesozoic fossils from eastern
New Guinea; (a) First Upper Triassic and ?lower Jurassic marine Mollusca from New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res.,
Geol. Geoph., Australia, Bull. 75, p. 40-82.
(online at:
(Mesozoic of Jimi River, Bismarck Mts and Central Highlands five sedimentary units, 21 genera and species,
half of them new. Highly provincial Late Triassic mollusks in thick Jimi Greywacke series. Overlain by Upper
Triassic Kana Fm acid volcanoclastics, probably Lower Jurassic Balimbu greywacke, ?M Jurassic Mongum
volcanics and Upper Jurassic Maril shale with Malayomaorica and Inoceramus haasti)
Skwarko, S.K. (1967) Mesozoic Mollusca from Australia and New Guinea, 2, Mesozoic fossils from eastern
New Guinea; (b) Lower Cretaceous Mollusca from the Sampa beds near Wau. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geoph.,
Australia, Bull. 75, p. 85-98.
(Eleven mollusk species from Lower Cretaceous Sampa beds of Lake Trist area, PNG)
Skwarko, S.K. (1973) Middle and Upper Triassic mollusca from Yuat River, Eastern New Guinea.
Palaeontological papers 1969, Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph. Bull. 126, p. 27-50.
(online at: )
(M and U Triassic molluscs from Yuat River gorge in E PNG Highlands (= part of 'Jimi Terrane', outboard of
Kubor Block?; HvG). Yuat Fm black shale with Late Anisian ammonites, incl. Paraceratites cf. trinodosus,
Ptychites, Beyrichites, Parapopanoceras, etc. Nearby Jimi River Ladinian- Carnian sandstones-shales with
halobiid bivalves, Myophoria, etc.. Associated with volcanics. U Anisian fauna is Tethyan in character and
Circum-Pacific in distribution)
Skwarko, S.K. (1973) On the discovery of Halobiidae (Bivalvia, Triassic) in New Guinea. Palaeontological
papers 1969, Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph. Bull. 126, p. 51-54.
(online at: )
(First report of M-U Triassic Halobiidae molluscs from mainland New Guinea: Carnian-Norian (U Triassic) of
Yuat River gorge, PNG Highlands, and from Ladino-Carnian in Jimi River area NE of Tabibuga, 80 km to ESE.
New species, Daonella novoguineana described Jimi River area is closely related to Daonella indica Bittner
1899, known from Himalayas and Timor. Associated with Costatoria, Spiriferina, etc.)
Skwarko, S.K. (1973) First report of Domerian (Lower Jurassic) marine mollusca from New Guinea.
Palaeontological Papers 1970-1971, Bull. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph. 140, p. 105-112.
(online at: )
(S Sepik region Yuat River occurrence of marine Pliensbachian in 'Balimbu Greywacke/ Kana Fm', with
Arieticeras ammonite and some bivalves)
Skwarko, S.K. (1978) Stratigraphic tables, Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Report 193, p. 1-
(online at:
(Tables of descriptions of stratigraphic units used in PNG)
Skwarko, S.K. (1981) A new upper Mesozoic trigoniid from western Papua New Guinea. Bur. Miner. Resour.
Geol. Geophys. Aust., Bull. 209, p. 53-55.
Skwarko, S.K. (1981) First report of Megatrigoniinae (Bivalvia, Cretaceous) from Papua New Guinea. Bur.
Miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys., Bull. 209, p. 57-58.
Skwarko, S.K. (1981) Nototrigonia cinotuta (Bivalvia, mainly Lower Cretaceous) from northern Queensland
and Papua New Guinea. Bur. Miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys., Bull. 209, p. 59-61.
Skwarko, S.K. (1983) Somareoides hastatus (Skwarko) a new Late Triassic bivalve from Papua New Guinea.
Palaeontological Papers 1983, Bur. Min. Res., Geol. Geoph., Bull. 217, p. 67-72.
(On systematic position of new Upper Triassic bivalve from Jimi Greywacke, central PNG, first described by
Skwarko 1967)
Skwarko, S.K. & B. Kummel (1974) Marine Triassic molluscs from Australia and Papua New Guinea. Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Bull. 150, p. 111-127.
(Jimi River sandstones and shales with Ladinian-Carnian halobiids and Carnian-Norian ammonites)
Skwarko, S.K., R.S. Nicoll & K.S.W. Campbell (1976) The Late Triassic molluscs, conodonts and brachiopods
of the Kuta Formation, Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. J. Australian Geol. Geophys. 1, p. 219-230.
(30-250m thick Kuta Limestone with Rhaetian brachiopods, cephalopods (Arcestes), bivalves and conodonts
(Misikella) E of Mt Hagen. Kuta Fm grades laterally into calcareous breccia with metamorphic rocks.
Limestone unconformably overlain by Upper Jurassic or Cretaceous)
Slater, A., H.R. Balkwill & G.U. Fong (1988) Seismic evidence for structural style in the offshore Kerema area
Papua New Guinea: application to petroleum exploration. Proc. Offshore South East Asia Conf., Singapore
1988, SEAPEX Proc. 8, p. 69-78.
(Marine seismic data off Kerema gives rel. good imaging of PNG foldbelt. Shows common S-dipping
backthrusts, frontal folds detached in Mesozoic shales, episodic SW-ward progression of foldbelt compression
with younger stratigraphic sequences less tightly folded, etc.)
Slater, A. & F. Dekker (1993) An overview of the petroleum geology of the Eastern Papuan fold belt, based on
recent exploration. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea. Proc. 2nd PNG
Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby, p. 499-516.
(On- and offshore Aure Trough abundance of oil and gas seeps onshore suggest prolific hydrocarbon system)
Smith, I.E.M. (1970) Late Cainozoic uplift and geomorphology in south-eastern Papua. Search 1, p. 222-225.
Smith, I.E.M. (1972) High-potassium intrusives from southeastern Papua. Contr. Min. Petrol. 34, p. 167-176.
Smith, I.E. (1973) The geology of the Calvados Chain, Southeastern Papua. Geological Papers 1970-71, Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph. Bull. 139, p. 59-65.
(online at: )
(Calvados Island chain in W part of Louisiade Archipelago, SE PNG, composed mainly of low-grade schists,
thought to represent Mesozoic sediments metamorphosed in Eocene. Schists intruded by upper Tertiary basic
and intermediate dykes. E Miocene reef limestone and volcanics form W-most islands in chain)
Smith, I.E.M. (1982) Peralkaline rhyolites from the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea. In: R.W.
Johnson (ed.) Volcanism in Australasia. Elsevier, New York, p. 275-286.
Smith, I.E.M. (1982) Volcanic evolution in Eastern Papua. Tectonophysics 87, p. 315-333.
(Basement formations of U Cretaceous and Eocene submarine basalt comparable to sea floor spreading centers
and thought to be associated with Coral Sea basin spreading. Arc-trench type andesitic volcanism prominent
during Late Cenozoic but no clear relationship to subduction event. Tectonic environment of E Papua during
Late Cenozoic was one of block faulting and uplift associated with crustal tension. Quaternary peralkaline
rhyolites suggests this environment now being replaced by active rifting)
Smith, I.E.M. & D.S. Clarke (1982) Intrusive rocks associated with gold mineralisation in southeastern Papua
New Guinea. In: R. Rogerson (ed.) Proc. PNG geology, exploration and mining conference, 1991, Australasian
Inst. Min. and Metall., Parkville, p. 34-39.
Smith, I.E. & H.L. Davies (1973) Abau, Papua New Guinea, Sheet SC/55-12, 1:250,000. Bur. Min. Res. Geol.
Geophys. Australia and Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Geol. Ser., Explanatory Notes, p.
Smith, I.E. & H.L. Davies (1973) Samarai, Papua New Guinea, Sheet SC/56-9, 1:250,000. Bur. Min. Res. Geol.
Geophys. Australia and Geol. Survey Papua New Guinea, Geol. Ser., Explanatory Notes, p.
Smith, I.E. & H.L. Davies (1976) Geology of the southeastern Papuan mainland. Bur. Min. Res. Geol.
Geophys., Canberra, Bull. 165, p. 1-109.
(online at:
(Geology of area of Papuan Peninsula/ Owen Stanley Range. E of 148°30’. Mostly U Cretaceous and M Eocene
submarine basalts, with minor limestone and chert (incl. Upper Cretaceous and Eocene pelagic rocks with
good planktonics and skeletal Eocene carbonates with Discocyclina, Nummulites). Also localized E-M Miocene
reefal carbonates on Kutu Volcanics, commonly with reworked Eocene LBF. Some basalt metamorphosed to
low greenschist facies. In NW peridotites of Papuan ultramafic belt are faulted against basalt, probably Eocene
thrusting. Emergence of SE Papua started in Oligocene. With extensive appendix on foraminifera by Belford)
Smith, I.E.M. & R.W. Johnson (1981) Contrasting rhyolite suites in the Late Cenozoic of Papua New Guinea. J.
Geophys. Res. 86, 11, p. 10257-10272.
(Discussion of rhyolites from New Britain, N Bismarck Sea, Moresby Strait, Dawson Strait)
Smith, I.E. & J.S. Milsom (1984) Late Cenozoic volcanism and extension in Eastern Papua. In: B.P. Kokelaar
& M.F. Howells (eds.) Marginal basin geology, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 16, p. 163-171.
(Sea floor around E PNG deep basins and submarine ridges with islands of metamorphic, volcanic or coralline
rock. Extension phases since at least Paleocene, when Coral Sea basin formed. Compressive events include
emplacement of Papuan Ultramafic Belt ophiolite in Oligocene. Extension-related volcanic rocks include low-K
tholeiites and peralkaline rhyolite. Two Neogene phases of extension (1) M- Late Miocene, with formation of
marginal basins related to subduction and (2) M Pliocene- today, response to changes in relative motions of
surrounding plates. Active sea-floor spreading in Woodlark Basin today, and post-Miocene calc-alkaline and
shoshonitic rocks of Papuan Peninsula and offshore islands reflect reactivation of subduction-modified mantle
under this tensional regime, not renewed subduction)
Smith, J.G. (1965) Orogenesis in western Papua and New Guinea. Tectonophysics 2, p. 1-27.
(Pre-plate tectonic interpretaiion of orogenesis of W Papua and New Guinea, which commenced in Upper
Miocene and reached culmination in Pliocene and Pleistocene)
Smith, J.W. & D.H. Green (1961) The geology of the Musa River area, Papua. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph.,
Report 52, p. 1-41.
(online at:
(Musa River area in E part of PNG. Occurrence of Papuan Belt ultrabasic rocks and glaucophane bearing
metamorphics at Wowo Cap)
Smith, R.I. (1990) Tertiary plate tectonic setting and evolution of Papua New Guinea. In: G.J. & Z. Carman
(eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby, p.
Snodin, S.R., D.J. Holland, J.M. James & D. Vukovic (2000) Generation of a photogeological synthesis map of
PPL 208, Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the
21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 293-305.
(Photogeological map of E portion of Papuan foreland basin)
Spencer, J.E. (2010) Structural analysis of three extensional detachment faults with data from the 2000 Space-
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. GSA Today 20, 8, p. 4-10.
(Examples of large grooved surfaces on Space Shuttle Radar Topography images interpreted as exhumed
footwalls of recently active extensional detachment faults, incl. Dayman Dome on Owen Stanley Peninsula)
Stanaway, R. (2008) PNG on the move- GPS Monitoring of plate tectonics and earthquakes. In: The Surveyor
in the Dynamic Technological World, 42nd Congr. Assoc. Surveyors PNG, Port Moresby 2008, 7p.
(Online at:
(Brief overview of GPS motions in PNG)
Stanaway, R., L. Wallace, Z. Sombo, J. Peter, T. Palusi, B. Safomea & J. Nathan (2009) Lae, a city caught
between two plates- 15 years of deformation measurements with GPS. In: 43rd Assoc. Surveyors PNG
Congress, Lae 2009, p.
(Lae is located in Ramu-Markham Fault Zone where New Guinea Highlands and S. Bismarck Plate (composed
of New Britain, Finisterre Terrane and S Bismarck are actively converging obliquely at up to 50 mm/yr along
Ramu-Markam Fault, causing clockwise rotation of SBP)
Stanley, E.R. (1923) The geology of Papua, to accompany the geological map of the Territory of Papua. A.J.
Mullett, Govt. Printer, Melbourne, p. 1-56.
Stanley, E.R. (1926) The structure of New Guinea. Proc. 2nd Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr., Australia 1923, 1, p. 764-
Stanley, E.R. (1926) Volcanic action in New Guinea. Proc. 2nd Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr., Australia 1923, 1, p.
Stanley, E.R. (1926) The Tertiary formations of New Guinea. Proc. 2nd Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr., Australia 1923,
1, p. 970-973.
Stanley, E.R. (1926) Oil provinces in New Guinea. Proc. 2nd Pan-Pacific Sci. Congr., Australia 1923, 2, p.
Stanley, G.V. (1939) Geological reconnaissance of the Border Mountains regions, New Guinea.
(Frequently quoted, unpublished survey report in NW PNG- West Papua border area. (Perry 1955: presence of
Eocene limestone resting on metamorphics, with larger forams Nummulites, Assilina and Lacazina in Yagroner
Stead, D. (1990) Engineering geology in Papua New Guinea: a review. Engineering Geol. 29, 1, p. 1-29.
Stevens, C., R. McCaffrey, E. Silver, Z. Zombo, P. English & J. van der Kevie (1998) Mid-crustal detachment
and ramp faulting in the Markham Valley, Papua New Guinea. Geology 26, p. 847-850.
(Earthquakes and geodetic evidence reveal presence of low-angle, mid-crustal detachment fault beneath
Finisterre Range that connects to steep ramp surfacing near the Ramu-Markham Valley)
Stewart, W.D. & E.F. Durkee (1985) Petroleum potential of the Papuan Basin. Oil Gas J. 83, 13, p. 151-160.
Stewart, W.D., G. Francis & S.L. Pederson (1987) Hydrocarbon potential of Papua New Guinea's Bougainville,
Southeastern New Ireland basins. Oil Gas J. 85, 47, p. 83-87.
Stewart, W.D. & M.J. Sandy (1988) Geology of New Ireland and Djaul Islands, Northeastern Papua New
Guinea. In: N.S. Marlow et al. (eds.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific Islands arcs-New Ireland and
Manus region, Papua New Guinea, Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min. Res., Houston, Earth Sci. Ser. 9, p. 13-
St. John, V.P. (1967) The gravity field in New Guinea. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Tasmania, Hobart, p. 1-200.
St. John, V.P. (1970) The gravity field and structure of Papua and New Guinea. APEA J. 10, 2, p. 41-55.
St. John, V.P. (1990) Regional gravity and the structure of the Eastern Papuan Fold Belt. In: G.J. & Z. Carman
(eds.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. First PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 311-318.
Stracke, A. & E. Hegner (1998) Rifting-related volcanism in an oceanic post-collisional setting: the Tabar-
Lihir-Tanga-Feni (TLTF) island chain, Papua New Guinea. Lithos 45, p. 545-560.
(Geochemistry of volcanic rocks from Tabar-Lihir-Tanga-Feni volcanic island chain in zone of lithospheric
extension superimposed on post-collisonal tectonic setting along Pacific and Indo-Australian plates NE of
PNG. Alkalic affinity, with trachybasalts as predominant rock type. Chemical composition of igneous rocks
from post-collisional tectonic settings strongly influenced by previous plate tectonics)
Struckmeyer, H.I.M. (1990) Papuan Basin data compilation: Mesozoic to Cainozoic stratigraphic summary
colums and data maps. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. & Geoph., Australia, Record 1990/67 (Palaeogeography 23),
(online at:…)
Struckmeyer, H.I.M. (1991) Mesozoic to Cainozoic plate tectonic reconstructions (preliminary) for Papua New
Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Canberra, Record 1991/75, p. 1-47.
(online at:
(PNG is product of plate tectonic processes at N margin of Australian Plate. Two major extensional events in
Late Triassic- E Jurassic and Late Cretaceous- Paleocene within passive margin setting. Change in movement
direction of Pacific Plate in Eocene and rapid N-ward movement of Australian Plate from Paleocene onwards
resulted in oblique convergence of two plates, and formation of island arcs above two major N-ward and S-
ward dipping subduction zones to N. From Oligocene onward progressive accretion of allochthonous terranes
of mixed and oceanic to island arc affinity to Australian margin caused displacement of parts of former passive
margin and deposition of thick syntectonic sequence in foreland and in basins between accreting terranes.
Formation of small ocean basins in M-L Pliocene, particularly opening of Manus Basin)
Struckmeyer, H.I.M. (1991) Papua New Guinea data compilation: stratigraphic summary colums and data maps
for the Papua New Guinea Orogen and Neogene basins. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. & Geoph., Australia, Record
1991/105 (Palaeogeography 37), 45 p. + encl.
(online at:…)
(Stratigraphic colums and data control maps for E Triassic- Pleistocene time slices of PNG)
Struckmeyer, H.I.M. & M. Yeung (1991) Mesozoic to Cainozoic palaeogeographic maps from the eastern New
Guinea region. Bur. Min. Res., Geol. & Geoph., Australia, Record 1991/113 (Palaeogeography 38), p. 1-81.
(online at
(Triassic- Quaternary paleogeographic/ plate reconstructions maps for E New Guinea. Showing Birds Head
and E Indonesian terranes like Seram, Misool, Sula, Buton, attached to East New Guinea in Triassic time)
Symonds, P.A., J. Fritsch & H.U. Schluter (1984) Continental margin around the western Coral Sea Basin:
structural elements, seismic sequences and petroleum geological aspects. In: S.T. Watson (ed.) Trans. Third
Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conf., Hawaii, Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., p. 243-252.
(German- Australian surveys across W Coral Sea Basin in 1978/1981 suggest opposing margins of Queensland
and Papuan Plateaus underlain by part of complex rift zone which would have been up to 80 km wide prior to
continental break up. "Outer" basement highs" with low angle contacts with oceanic crust in oceanward part of
rift zone on both sides of Coral Sea Basin. N Queensland Trough and W margin of Eastern Plateau considered
to have best petroleum potential: underlain by grabens with up to 5 km of sediments, part of which may be
Mesozoic deltaic sequence similar to that intersected in Anchor Cay 1 well)
Symonds, P.A., P.J. Davies, C.J. Pigram, D.A. Feary & G.C.H. Chaproniere (1990) Northeast Australia Torres
Shelf- Pandora Trough. Bur. Mineral Res. Geol. Geoph., Australia, Canberra, Continental Margins Program
Folio 4, p.
Tallis, N.C. (1975) Development of the Tertiary offshore Papuan basin. Australian Petrol. Expl. Assoc. (APEA)
J. 15, 1, p. 55-60.
Tanner, J.J. (1972) The ancestral Great Barrier Reef in the Gulf of Papua. In: Proc. Fourth Symp. Development
of petroleum resources of Asia and the Far East, UN ECAFE Min. Res. Dev. Ser. 41, 1, p. 283-287.
Taylor, B., A. Goodliffe, F. Martinez & R. Hey (1995) Continental rifting and initial seafloor spreading in the
Woodlark Basin. Nature 374, p. 534-537.
Taylor, B., A.M. Goodliffe & F. Martinez (1999) How continents break up: insights from Papua New Guinea. J.
Geophys. Res. 104, B4, p. 7497-7512.
(Woodlark Basin in SW Pacific present-day continuous system of active continental rifting in W, evolving to
seafloor spreading in E. Rifting started at ~6 Ma)
Taylor, B. & P. Huchon (2002) Active continental extension in the Western Woodlark Basin, PNG: a synthesis
of leg 180 results. In: P. Huchon et al. (eds.) Proc. Ocean Drilling Program, Sci. Res. 180, p. 1-36.
(online at:
(Upper crust of onshore and offshore Papuan region composed of variety of basement types (dominantly mid-
ocean-ridge basalts but also island arc rocks) and ages (Late Maastrichtian, Paleocene, M Eocene). E
Miocene- Holocene arc magmatism related to S-ward subduction at Trobriand Trough. Regional unconformity
at 8.4 Ma marks onset of Woodlark Basin rifting)
Taylor, G.A.M. (1969) Post-Miocene volcanoes in Papua New Guinea. Geol. Soc. Australia, Spec. Publ. 2, p.
Taylor, L. & D.A. Falvey (1977) Queensland Plateau and Coral Sea basin: stratigraphy, structure and tectonics.
The APEA J. 17, p. 13-29.
(Seafloor spreading in Coral Sea dated by DSDP as E Eocene (51 Ma). This requires rifting-breakup of
extended NE Australian continent, incl. Queensland, Papuan and Louisiade Plateaus and Cretaceous portions
of East Papua. After initial sprading widespread Late Eocene- Mid-Oligocene unconformity on all plateaus.
Coral reef development started in Late Oligocene- E Miocene. Up to 3km rift sequences beneath Queensland
Tcherepanov, E.N., A.W. Droxler, P. Lapointe, G.R. Dickens, S.J. Bentley, L. Beaufort et al. (2008) Neogene
evolution of the mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system in the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea. J. Geophys. Res.
113, F01S21, doi:10.1029/2006JF000684, 15p.
(Cenozoic mixed system in Gulf of Papua four phases: (1) Late Cretaceous-Paleocene: rift grabens and uplifted
structural blocks which served later as pedestals for carbonate edifices (2) Eocene-M Miocene neritic
carbonates, controlled mostly by eustatic fluctuations; (3) Late Miocene- E Pliocene: extensive demise of
carbonate platforms in central part of study area; (4) Late Pliocene-Holocene: siliciclastics-dominated,
resulting in burial of drowned and active carbonate platforms, although some platforms still alive today)
Tcherepanov, E.N., A.W. Droxler, P. Lapointe & K. Mohn (2008) Carbonate seismic stratigraphy of the Gulf of
Papua mixed depositional system: Neogene stratigraphic signature and eustatic control. Basin Research 20, 2, p.
(In Gulf of Papua major carbonate system initiated in Eocene. Subsequent to E Oligocene hiatus, carbonate
system expanded and aggraded, then backstepped and partly drowned in Late Oligocene- earliest Miocene.
During late E Miocene- early M Miocene carbonate system continued vertical growth in most platform areas.
In M Miocene (Langhian-Serravallian boundary) carbonate deposition shifted downward during sea-level
regression, exposing most of early M Miocene platform tops. After downward shift, active carbonate production
only in NE part of study area. At start of LateMiocene platform tops re-flooded. Overall pattern, often referred
to as Oligocene-Neogene stratigraphic signature, similar to patterns such as in Maldives, Bahamas, etc.)
Tcherepanov, E.N., A.W. Droxler, P. Lapointe, K. Mohn & O.A. Larsen (2010) Siliciclastic influx and burial of
the Cenozoic carbonate system in the Gulf of Papua. Marine Petrol. Geol. 27, 2, p. 533-554.
(Extensive Late Oligocene- M Miocene carbonate system in Gulf of Papua buried by huge influx of siliciclastics
from PNG. Major episodes of siliciclastic influx in carbonate system related to tectonic activity in fold- thrust
belt during Oligocene Peninsular Orogeny, Late Miocene Central Range Orogeny and Late Pliocene renewed
uplift and exhumation of peninsular region. Beautiful seismic examples)
Terpstra, G.R.J. (1964) Age determinations of limestone samples of Woodlark Island, Papua. Bur. Min. Res.
Geol. Geoph., Record 1964/006, p. 1-6.
(online at:
(Larger forams from two limestone formations of Woodlark Island: Nasai Lst from Nasai Island and Suloga Lst
from Suloga Peninsula. Both have same larger foram assemblages with Spriroclypeus, Austrotrillina, Borelis,
Eulepidina and Miogypsinoides, (interpreted as Te- Lower Miocene, but may be Te4, latest Oligocene; HvG))
Terpstra, G.R.J. (1965) Outcrop samples, Bougainville Island, Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Bur. Min.
Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1965/110, p. 1-2.
(online at:
(Ages of limestones from across Bougainville Island appear to mainly be of Lower Miocene age)
Terpstra, G.R.J. (1966) Micropalaeontological examination of outcrop samples of Bougainville Island, Territory
of Papua and New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1966/66, p.
(online at:
Limestone samples from Bougainville include mainly Keriaka Lst with Te/ Lower Miocene larger foraminifera:
Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina), Spiroclypeus, Miogypsinoides and Miogypsina (may include Te4, latest Oligocene;
Terpstra, G.R.J. (1968) Micropalaeontological examination of outcrop samples from Papua- New Guinea. Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1968/33, p. 1-8.
(online at:…)
Terpstra, G.R.J. (1969) Micropalaeontological examination of outcrop samples from the Kemp Welch River
and Tapini areas of the Central District, Papua-New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1969/68, p.
(Kemp Welch River area in Port Moresby region includes M Miocene limestone. Auga River area contains E
Miocene with reworked Eocene, etc.)
Thompson, J.E. (1965) Sedimentary basins of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and the stratigraphic
occurrence of hydrocarbons. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1965/176, p. 1-17.
(Thick sequences of Jurassic-Pliocene marine sediments are prospective for oil and gas. Unmetamorphosed
Triassic exposed in Central Highlands, but not seen in outcrop elsewhere or in subsurface. Generalized
stratigraphic tables for Papuan Basin, N New Guinea Basin and Cape Vogel Basin)
Thompson, J.E. (1967) A geological history of eastern New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record
1967/022, p. 1-24.
(online at:
(Manuscript of Thompson 1967 APEA paper. Overview of history of PNG, with 7 generalized paleogeographic
maps from Permian- Pliocene. Continental basement underlies SW stable flank of Papuan Basin and central
highlands; oceanic basement underlies NE unstable flank of Papuan Basin)
Thompson, J.E. (1967) A geological history of eastern New Guinea. Austr. Petrol. Expl. Assoc. (APEA) J. 7, 2,
p. 83-93.
(SE PNG continental area, while NE PNG underlain by oceanic basement with floating islands of detached
continental crust. SE emergent between Permian- E Jurassic, inundated in Jurassic-Cretaceous, and exposed
again in Late Cretaceous-Oligocene. NE was site of submarine volcanism from Late Triassic onward. In
Miocene, seas covered SE, while islands emerged in NE. More land area exposed from Pliocene onward)
Thompson, J.E. (1967) Sedimentary basins in the Tertiary of Papua and New Guinea, and the occurrence of
hydrocarbons. United Nations ECAFE Mineral Res. Dev. Ser. 26, 1, p. .
Thompson, J.E. (1972) Continental drift and the geological history of Papua New Guinea. Austr. Petrol. Expl.
Assoc. (APEA) J. 12, 2, p. 64-69.
Thompson, J.E. & N.H. Fischer (1967) Mineral deposits of New Guinea and Papua and their tectonic setting.
In: Proc. 8th Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congr. 6, Inst. Min. Metall. Australia-New Zealand, p.
Thornton, R.C.N., J.K. Emmett, J.A. Lyslo & R.R. Gottschalk (1996) Integrated structural and stratigraphic
analysis in PPL 175, Papuan fold belt, Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Development and
production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Third PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby, p. 195-215.
Tiffin, D.L., H.L.Davies, E. Honza, J. Lock & Y. Okuda (1987) The New Britain Trench and 149° embayment,
western Solomon Sea. Geo-Marine Lett. 7, 3, p. 135-142.
(W New Britain Trench . relatively thin sediments in E, thick turbidites in W. Trench heads toward Huon Gulf,
but ends abruptly at 149° Embayment, where it meets Trobriand Trench at acute angle. Collision melange is
present farther W, where trenches have disappeared under upper plates colliding in N Huon Gulf. Collision
suture marked by Markham Canyon, continuous with Ramu-Markham fault zone onshore. Age of the collision is
young in E but could be older in W New Guinea)
Tingey, R.J. & D.J. Grainger (1976) Markham, Papua New Guinea-1:250,000 geological series, Sheet SB/55-
10. Bur. Min. Res., Australia, and Geol. Survey of Papua New Guinea, Explanatory Notes, p. 1-49.
Trail, D.S. (1967) Geology of Woodlark Island. Bur. Miner. Res. Geol. Geoph., Report 115, p. 1-33.
(online at:
(Woodlark island ~170 mi NE of E point of Papua, composed of raised and slightly tilted Quaternary coral
platform around eroded and locally mineralized, mainly Lower Micene volcanic pile with some Te limestone)
Tregoning, P., J.J. Jackson, H. McQueen, K. Lambeck, C. Stevens, R.P. Little, R. Curley & R. Rosa (1999)
Motion of the South Bismarck plate, Papua New Guinea. Geophys. Res. Lett. 26, 23, p. 3517-3520.
(GPS velocities of Madang, Witu, Jacquinot Bay and Finschafen can be modelled to single pole of rotation,
with clockwise rotation rate of 8.11°/My. Tectonic features surrounding S Bismarck Plate can also be explained
by rotation of S Bismarck Plate about this pole)
Tregoning, P., K. Lambeck, A. Stolz, P. Morgan, S.C. McClusky, P. van der Beek, H. McQueen et al. (1998)
Estimation of current plate motions in Papua New Guinea from Global Positioning System observations. J.
Geoph. Res. 103, B6, p. 12181-12203.
(online at:
(On PNG tectonic plates and relative motions from 20 station GPS network)
Tregoning, P. & H. McQueen (2001) Resolving slip-vector azimuths and plate motion along the southern
boundary of the South Bismarck Plate, Papua New Guinea. Austral. J. Earth Sci. 48, 5, p. 745-750.
Tregoning, P., H. McQueen, K. Lambeck, R. Jackson, R. Little, S. Saunders & R. Rosa (2000) Present-day
crustal motion in Papua New Guinea. Earth Planets Space 52, p. 727-730.
(online at:
(PNG one of most active tectonic regions in world, comprising several microplates and deforming zones in
Australian- Pacific Plates collision zone. New data from North New Guinea, and strain accumulation region
between S Bismarck and Pacific Plates in New Ireland/New Britain region)
Valenti, G.L. (1993) P’nyang Field: discovery and geology of a gas giant in the western Papuan Fold Belt,
Western Province, Papua New Guinea. In: G.J & Z. Carman (eds.) Proc. 2nd PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby,
p. 413-430.
(Large gas field at SW flank of Muller anticline; basement-involved structure, reservoirs Late Jurassic
Tithonian P’nyang and Digimu Fms) and basal Cretaceous (Berriasian Toro Fm)
Valenti G.L. & G. Francis (1996) Darai Limestone formation of the western Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea:
well strontium profiles, wireline logs/strontium ratio correlations and a chronostratigraphic reference section.
In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Third PNG Petrol. Conv., Port
Moresby, p. 357-368.
(Top larger foram zone Te calibrated to ~22 Ma?, near top planktonic foram zone N4 In Juha 1)
Van Dongen, M, A.G. Tomkins & R.F. Weinberg (2007) Trace element remobilization at the Ok Tedi porphyry
Cu-Au deposit, Papua New Guinea. In: C.J. Andrew et al. (eds.) Proc. 9th Biennial SGA Mtg, Dublin 2007, p.
(Geochemistry of Ok Tedi porphyry copper-gold deposit and nearby Mount Ian Complex)
Van Dongen, M, R.F. Weinberg & R.A. Armstrong (2008) REE-Y, Ti, and P Remobilization in magmatic rocks
by hydrothermal alteration during Cu-Au deposit formation. Economic Geol. 105, p. 763-776.
(Whole-rock trace-element and REE patterns of samples from Ok Tedi porphyry copper-gold deposit, PNG)
Van Dongen, M., R.F. Weinberg, A.G. Tomkins, R.A. Armstrong & J.D. Woodhead (2010) Recycling of
Proterozoic crust in Pleistocene juvenile magma and rapid formation of the Ok Tedi porphyry Cu-Au deposit,
Papua New Guinea. Lithos 114, p. 282-292.
(Zircon from monzonite with U-Pb crystallisation ages of 1.16 Ma, making Ok Tedi youngest known giant
porphyry copper-gold deposit. Mineralisation lasted <~0.5 Myr. Pleistocene zircons with inherited Proterozoic
component of ~1.8 Ga (1.7-2.1 Ga). Cores with crustal oxygen isotopic signature, suggesting assimilation of
Proterozoic continental crust by mantle-derived magma, similar to Pliocene Porgera Au deposit. Proterozoic
ages compare to felsic magmatic rocks on mainland N Australia)
Van Oyen, F.H. (1972) Trough evidence along the southern foothills of the Prince Alexander Mountains (Sepik
area of New Guinea). Austral. Petrol. Expl. Assoc. (APEA) J. 12, 2, p. 74-78.
(Identification of significant Neogene sediment thickness in North PNG Sepik Basin from magnetic survey)
Van Wyck, N. & I.S. Williams (2002) Age and provenance of basement metasediments from the Kubor and
Bena Bena blocks, central Highlands, Papua New Guinea: constraints on the tectonic evolution of the northern
Australian cratonic margin. Australian J. Earth Sci. 49, p. 565-577.
(Metamorphics in Kubor/ Bena Bena blocks in PNG Central Highlands with old detrital zircons, suggesting N
Australian provenance. Ages of ~1.8 Ga (10%), ~1.55 Ga (10%), 470-440 Ma (Late Ordovician; 15%), ~340
Ma (E Carboniferous; 10%) and 290-260 Ma (E-M Permian; 40%) match zircons from Coen Inlier, NE
Queensland, but contrast with ages from terranes further S, E and W. Omong Metamorphics protolith probably
deposited in M-L Permian, deformed in Late Permian- E Triassic, intruded by E Triassic Kubor Intrusive
Complex at ~245, 239 Ma)
Varney, T.D. & A.C. Brayshaw (1993) A revised sequence stratigraphic and depositional model for the Toro
and Imburu Formations, with applications for reservoir distribution and prediction. In: G.J. & Z.Carman (eds.)
Petroleum exploration and development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby,
p. 139-154.
Vedder, J.G. & T.R. Bruns (eds.) (1989) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Solomon Islands
and Bougainville, Papua New Guinea regions. Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min. Res., Earth Sci. Ser.12, p.
Vedder, J.G., T.R. Bruns & A.K. Cooper (1989) Geologic framework of Queen Emma Basin, eastern Papua
New Guinea. In: J.G. Vedder & T.R. Bruns (ed.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific Island arcs;
Solomon Islands and Bougainville, Papua New Guinea regions, Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min. Res.,
Earth Sci. Ser.12, p. 59-86.
Volk, H., S.C. George, H. Middleton & S. Schofield (2005) Geochemical comparison of fluid inclusion and
present-day oil accumulations in the Papuan Foreland- evidence for previously unrecognised petroleum source
rocks. Organic Geochem. 36, 1, p. 29-51.
(Suggest Cretaceous- Tertiary source rocks from Bosavi Arch fluid inclusion oils. Not clear how these ended up
in Jurassic and E Cretaceous Toro reservoirs)
Von der Borch, C.C. (1972) Marine geology of the Huon Gulf region, Papua New Guinea. Bur. Min. Res. Bull.
127, p.
Wade, A. (1914) Report on petroleum in Papua. Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne, p.
(Includes evidence of oil along coastal belt 8-12 miles wide between Purari River Delta and Yule Island)
Wallace, L.M. (2002) Tectonics and arc-continent collision in Papua New Guinea; insights from geodetic,
geophysical, and geologic data. Doct. Thesis University of California Santa Cruz, p. 1-244.
Wallace, L.M., R. McCaffrey, J. Beavan & S. Ellis (2005) Rapid microplate rotations and backarc rifting at the
transition between collision and subduction. Geology 33, 11; p. 857-860.
(GPS velocities from PNG, New Zealand, etc., show correlation between rapid tectonic block rotations and
transition from subduction to collision, often leading to backarc rifting)
Wallace, L.M., C. Stevens, E. Silver, R. McCaffrey, R. Stanaway, W. Loratung, S. Hasiata et al. (2004) GPS
and seismological constraints on active tectonics and arc-continent collision in Papua New Guinea: implications
for mechanics of microplate rotations in a plate boundary zone. J. Geophys. Res. 109, B05404, 16 p.
(New Guinea complex array of microplates between Pacific- Australian plates, converging obliquely at ~110
mm/yr. Velocities from 38 GPS sites in PNG explained by six tectonic blocks: Australian, Pacific, S Bismarck,
N Bismarck, Woodlark and New Guinea Highlands. Highlands and Woodlark Plates rotate anticlockwise
relative to Australia, consistent with left-lateral shear between Australian- Pacific Plates. Birds Head Block in
W New Guinea also rotates CCW. Portions of Ramu-Markham Fault appear locked. Clockwise rotation of S
Bismarck plate controlled by edge forces initiated by Finisterre arc- New Guinea Highlands collision)
Wang, Z. & C.A. Stein (1992) Subsidence of the Gulf of Papua in the Cenozoic. Tectonophysics 205, p. 409-
(Two subsidence episodes in W Gulf of Papua (1) E Cenozoic-Oligocene, minor stretching with opening of
Coral Sea; (2) E Miocene- Present higher subsidence rate which cannot be explained by Paleocene rifting. Late
Oligocene- Late Miocene episode of rapid subsidence in Aure Trough to E affects subsidence of W Gulf of
Papua. Computed expected deflection from flexure due to load of Aure Trough strata similar to that observed.
Model used had effective elastic thickness of rifted continental margins, implying relatively weak lithosphere.
Predicted position of forebulge in western Gulf where Oligocene strata absent, suggesting post-depositional
uplift , facilitating growth of E Miocene reefs)
Waples, D.W. & K.J. Wulff (1996) Genetic classification and exploration significance of oils and seeps of the
Papuan Basin. In: P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration and production in Papua New Guinea. Proc. 3rd
PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 417-430.
(137 oil samples classified into 5 families from different Mesozoic- Tertiary sources)
Warren, R.G. (1972) A commentary on the metallogenic map of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Australian
Govt. Publ. Service, Bur. Min. Res., Canberra, Bull. 145, p. 1-85.
(online at:
(Includes 1:1.5M scale map and brief review (p.69-73) of PNG mineral occurrences)
Waterhouse, H.K. (1996) Potential of palynostratigraphy for Neogene basin analysis in Papua New Guinea. In:
P.G. Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 3rd PNG
Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 329-343.
Webb, P.K. & P. Woyengu (1999) The internal fold and thrust belt play, Papua New Guinea. In: C.A. Caughey
& J.V.C. Howes (eds.) Proc. Conf. Gas Habitats of SE Asia and Australasia, Jakarta, Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p.
(Brief overview of 600 km long x 230 km wide PNG foldbelt. Three segments, two trending NNW, middle one
NW. Folding, thrusting, and uplift since Late Miocene)
Weiler, P.D. & R.S. Coe (1997) Paleomagnetic evidence for rapid vertical-axis rotations during thrusting in
active collision zone, northeastern Papua New Guinea. Tectonics 16, 3, p. 537-550.
(Three thrust sheets of foldbelt N of Ramu-Markham fault zone rapid CCW rotations in last 1 My, related to
tectonic transport)
Weiler, P.D. & R.S. Coe (2000) Rotations in the actively colliding Finisterre Arc Terrane: paleomagnetic
constraints on Plio-Pleistocene evolution of the South Bismarck microplate, Northeastern Papua New Guinea.
Tectonophysics 316, p. 297-325.
(Paleomagnetic results from actively colliding Finisterre Arc Terrane indicate ~40° post-Miocene clockwise
rotation of colliding terrane. Rotation reflects coherent rigid rotation of Finisterre Terrane rather than
sequential docking of independently colliding blocks. S Bismarck/ Australia relative motion highly oblique
collision in early stages, with Finisterre Arc Terrane converging along left-lateral Ramu-Markham suture,
gradually changing to nearly orthogonal convergence observed today)
Weiser, T. W. & H.G. Bachmann (1999) Platinum-group minerals from the Aikora River area, Papua New
Guinea. The Canadian Mineral. 37, p. 1131-1145.
(Platinum-group minerals discovered in placers in Aikora River, derived from ophiolites of Papuan Ultramafic
Belt of E PNG)
Weissel, J.K., B. Taylor & G.D. Karner (1982) The opening of the Woodlark Basin, subduction of the
Woodlark spreading system, and the evolution of northern Melanesia since mid-Pliocene time. Tectonophysics,
87, p. 253- 277.
Weissel, J.K. & A.B. Watts (1979) Tectonic evolution of the Coral Sea Basin. J. Geophys. Res. 84, B9, p. 4572-
(Coral Sea basin magnetic lineations strike N70°W, parallel to N margin Queensland Plateau. Opening began
at ~62 Ma, spreading ceased at ~56 Ma. Coral Sea ceased opening at same time as Tasman Sea, but finite
rotations from two basins different. We infer that at least one additional active plate boundary in Paleocene and
that it met Coral Sea and Tasman Sea plate boundaries at triple junction near E end of Coral Sea basin)
Wells, M.L., G.K. Vallis & E.A. Silver (1999) Tectonic processes in Papua New Guinea and past productivity
in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature 398, p. 601-604.
(On relation between paleoproductivity and opal accumulation in Equatorial Pacific in last 12 My and
tectonics of N New Guinea)
Welsh, A. (1990) Applied Mesozoic biostratigraphy in the Western Papuan Basin. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.)
Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea, First PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby, p. 369-380.
(BP Jurassic-Cretaceous palynology zonation; a modified version of Helby et al. 1987 zonation)
Whalen, J.B., R.M. Britten & I. McDougall (1982) Geochronology and geochemistry of the Frieda River
prospect area, Papua New Guinea. Economic Geol. 77, 3, p. 592-616.
(Intrusive and volcanic rocks of Frieda River prospect between Frieda and Lagaip fault zones of New Guinea
Mobile Belt in W Sepik District all of andesitic composition and belong to normal K calc-alkaline suite. Frieda
Whattam, S.A., J. Malpas, J.R. Ali & I.E.M. Smith (2008) New SW Pacific tectonic model: cyclical intra-
oceanic magmatic arc construction and near-coeval emplacement along the Australia-Pacific margin in the
Cenozoic. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. G3 9, 3, p. 1-34.
(NE dipping subduction established off PNG by at least 65-60 Ma which resulted in emplacement of Papuan
Ultramafic Belt (PUB) ophiolite at 59-58 Ma. PUB, etc., formed above NE dipping Cenozoic intraoceanic arc
system which diachronously propagated (N-S) along E margin of Australian Plate. These ‘infant arc’ ophiolites
represent fragments of supra-subduction zone lithosphere generated in earliest stages of magmatic arc
formation, emplaced shortly after (<20 My) as result of forearc-Australian Plate collision. Subduction
inception result of subsidence of older MORB-like lithosphere generated in extensive back arc basin. During
emplacement of each ophiolite, a crustal fragment of older lithosphere was scraped off NE dipping slab and
subsequently back-thrust beneath each ophiolite during emplacement)
Whitford, D.J., T.L. Allan, M.J. Korsch, H. Middleton & J.A.Trotter (2003) Strontium isotope
chronostratigraphy and the carbonate sedimentation history of the Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea In: Proc.
5th Int. Symp. Applied Isotope Geochemistry, AIG-5. Int. Assoc. Geochem. Cosmochem., p. 265-268.
Whitford, D.J, T.L. Allan, A.S. Andrew, S.J. Craven, P.J. Hamilton, M.J. Korsch et al. (1996) Strontium isotope
chronostratigraphy and geochemistry of the Darai Limestone: Juha 1X well, Papua New Guinea. In: P.G.
Buchanan (ed.) Petroleum exploration, development and production in Papua New Guinea, Proc. 3rd PNG
Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 369-380.
(Sr ages Juha 1X well show Darai Lst age range 7.7- 28.9 Ma (Oslick et al. 1994 calibration),in good
agreement with foram ranges. Top Te1-4= 24 Ma, Te5 near 21 Ma, Tf1= 14 Ma, Tf2 = ~11-12 Ma)
Whitmore, G.P., K.A.W. Crook & D.P. Johnson (1999) Sedimentation in a complex convergent margin: the
Papua New Guinea collision zone of the western Solomon Sea. Marine Geol. 157, p. 19-45.
Whitmore, G.P., D.P. Johnson, K.A.W. Crook, J. Galewsky & E.A. Silver (1997) Convergent margin extension
associated with arc-continent collision; the Finsch Deep, Papua New Guinea. Tectonics. 16, p. 77-87.
(Finsch Deep asymmetric rhomboidal basin, up to 5400 m deep, N of Solomon Sea Triple Junction, E side of
PNG. Developed due to N-S extension in transition zone from continental collision W of Solomon Sea Triple
Junction to oceanic subduction to E)
Wichmann, A. (1901) Uber einige Gesteine von der Humboldt-Bai (Neu-Guinea). Centralbl. f. Mineral., Geol.
Palaont., 1901, p. 647-652.
(‘On some rocks from Humboldt Bay, New Guinea’. North Papua rock descriptions, including Neogene
Globigerina marls (Rutten 1914))
Williams, P.W. (1971) Illustrating morphometric analysis of karst with examples from New Guinea. Zeitschr.
Geomorphologie 15, p. 40-61.
Williams, P.W. (1972) Morphometric analysis of polygonal karst in New Guinea. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 83, p.
Williamson, A. & G. Hancock (eds.) (2005) The geology and mineral potential of Papua New Guinea. PNG
Department of Mining, Port Moresby, p. 1-152.
(online at:
(Well-illustrated review of geology and mineral deposits of PNG, compiled from initial report by G. Corbett,
with contributions from H. Davies, etc.)
Wilson, C., R. Barrett, R. Howe & L.K. Leu (1993) Occurrences and character of outcropping limestones in the
Sepik Basin: implications for hydrocarbon exploration. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Petroleum exploration and
development in Papua New Guinea, Proc. Second PNG Petrol. Conv., Port Moresby, p. 111-124.
(Carbonates in and around Sepik Basin, mainly at N margin (= 'Idenburg Terrane'?; HvG): (1) shallow marine,
recrystallized Late Cretaceous Orbitoides limestone, overlying metamorphic rocks; (2) M-L Eocene
Nummulites limestone, unconformably overlain by (3) >300m thick Late Oligocene- earliest M Miocene Puwani
Lst., which form basal transgressive part of Sepik basin fill)
Wilson, M.E.J., D. Lewis, O. Yogi, D. Holland, L. Hombo & A. Goldberg (2013) Development of a Papua New
Guinean onshore carbonate reservoir: a comparative borehole image (FMI) and petrographic evaluation. Marine
and Petrol. Geol. 44, p. 164-195.
(Borehole image and petrographic study of Elk- Antelope gas fields in Miocene reefal, platformal and
associated deepwater carbonates in present day foothills region of Fold and Thrust Belt in Gulf Province of
PNG (~6 TCF recoverable gas in Miocene buildup))
Winn, R.D., R.C.H. Perembo, H.L. Davies & P. Pousai (1997) Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the
Tertiary Aure Trough, Papua New Guinea: foreland basin over microplate-craton suture. In: J.V.C. Howes &
R.A. Noble (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Petrol. Systems of SE Asia and Australasia, Jakarta 1997, Indon. Petrol.
Assoc., p. 307-318.
(Aure Trough formed over suture between E Papua composite terrane and Australian craton, which represents
Oligocene docking event. Started as Oligocene foreland basin. Thick, mostly deep-marine clastics in M
Miocene- Pliocene. Pliocene Aure fold-thrust belt deformation probably far-field response to collision of
Bismarck-New Britain volcanic arc with N edge of New Guinea)
Winn, R.D. & P. Pousai (2010) Synorogenic alluvial-fan- fan-delta deposition in the Papuan foreland basin:
Plio-Pleistocene Era formation, Papua New Guinea. Australian J. Earth Sci. 57, 5, p. 507- 523.
(Synorogenic Pliocene- ?Pleistocene U Orubadi and Era Fms at SW margin of Papuan Peninsula interpreted
as alluvial-fan, fan-delta and shallow-marine sediments, deposited in foreland basin formed from loading of
Papuan-Aure fold-thrust Belt, where folding-thrusting related to docking and compression of Finisterre
Terrane-Bismarck Arc against New Guinea Orogen. Era Fm siliciclastics sourced from volcanic, metamorphic
and sedimentary rocks uplifted in orogen to NE. Volcanic sediment derived mostly from active volcanic arc
likely related to SW subduction at Trobriand Trough)
Wood, S. (2010) Oil potential of the Upper Turama River and Fly River delta areas, Papua New Guinea
foreland. M.Sc. Thesis University of Adelaide, p. 1-332.
(online at:
(Petroleum potential study of two areas in Papuan foreland. Geochemical study of 35 oils from 10 wells and 2
seeps suggest five oil families: L (lacustrine; probably from Late Triassic synrift mudstones as drilled in Kanau
1 well), MC (marine carbonate; also Late Triassic?), LJ (Late Jurassic), O (Cretaceous-Tertiary; uncertain
origin) and C (coal))
Wood, S., H. Volk & N. Sherwood (2008) Lacustrine petroleum systems in the Papua New Guinea foreland. In:
J.E. Blevin et al. (eds.) Eastern Australasian Basins Symposium III- Energy security for the 21st century,
Petroleum Expl. Soc. Australia (PESA), Sydney, Spec. Publ., p. 543. (Abstract only)
Woodhead, J.D., S.M. Eggins & R.W. Johnson (1998) Magma genesis in the New Britain island arc; further
insights into the melting and mass transfer processes. J. Petrology 39, 9, p. 1641-1668.
Worthing, M.A. (1988) Petrology and tectonic setting of blueschist facies metabasites from the Emo
Metamorphics of Papua New Guinea. Austral. J. Earth Sci. 35, p. 159-168.
Worthing, M.A. & A.J. Crawford (1996) The igneous geochemistry and tectonic setting of metabasites from the
Emo Metamorphics, Papua New Guinea; a record of the evolution and destruction of a backarc basin.
Mineralogy and Petrology 58, p. 79-100.
(Metabasites from Emo Metamorphics occur as thrust sheets below Papuan ophiolite. Four groups: garnet
blueschists, amphibolites, lawsonite blueschists and greenschists. Most specimens polymetamorphic history.
Primary igneous clinopyroxene suggests metamorphism under relatively low P. Rocks tholeiitic and with back-
arc basalts characteristics. Two new 39Ar-40Ar dates and tectonic model)
Worthing, M.A., C.K. Midobatu & P.H. Nixon (1992) Structural setting, petrology and emplacement of
serpentinites in the Koki Fault Zone, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 7, 2-3, p.
(Serpentinites from Koki Fault Zone chemically comparable with cumulate members of ultramafic ophiolite
sequence. Mapping showed presence of three structural domains: imbricate thrust stack, the KFZ and possible
passive roof duplex structure, suggesting deformation occurred close to front of foreland thrust belt)
Yang Lei & Kang An (2011) Geological characteristics and reef-forming pattern of Antelope Reef gas field in
Papua Basin. Xinjiang Petroleum Geol. 2011, 2, p.
(Papua Mesozoic- Cenozoic basin on margin of Australian continental plate with large Antelope gas field.
Antelope field is pinnacle reef, developed on carbonate platform, with great thickness of reef)
Yates, K.R. & R.Z. de Ferranti (1967) Geology and mineral deposits Port Moresby/ Kemp Welch area, Papua.
Bur. Miner. Res. Geol. Geoph., Report 105, p. 1-117.
(online at:
(Mainly geological-geochemical investigation of Astrolabe copper-gold field, SE PNG. Oldest rocks in area U
Cretaceous pink sheared limestone, unconformably overlain by unsheared Eocene (or Paleocene?; with
Distichoplax; HvG) glauconitic limestone, indicating ~Paleocene deformation event. Sadowa Oligocene
gabbro, overlain by Dokuna Tuff and 50-100' thick Bootless Inlet Limestone with Te larger foraminifera (called
E Miocene, but more likely Late Oligocene with Eulepidina and Heterostegina borneensis; HvG), including
reworked Eocene Nummulites-Pellatispira. E-M Miocene Globada Lst with Miogypsina unconformably over
Eocene-Oligocene. Astrolabe agglomerate Pliocene pyroclastics (more likely Late Miocene age; Pain 1983))
Young, G.A. (1963) Northern New Guinea Basin reconnaissance aeromagnetic survey 1961. Bur. Min. Res.
Geol. Geoph., Record 1963/117, p. 1-7.
(online at:
(Three reconnaissance profiles across N New Guinea Basin indicate pronounced regional geological structures
parallel to known structural trends)
Zeng, Y. & B.A. McConachie (2000) Application of integrated magnetic and seismic interpretation to identify
petroleum prospects in Papua New Guinea. In: P.G. Buchanan et al. (eds.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum
industry in the 21st century, Proc. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv., Port Moresby 2000, p. 239-250.
Zhu, Z. & Z. Yang (2008) Cenozoic adakites in Papua New Guinea and metallogetic significance. Jilin Daxue
Xuebao (J. Jilin University), Earth Science Ed., 38, 4, p.618-623.
Zirakparvar, N.A., S.L. Baldwin & J.D. Vervoort (2013) The origin and geochemical evolution of the Woodlark
Rift of Papua New Guinea. Gondwana Res. 23, 3, p. 931-943.
(Exhumed metamorphic rocks in Woodlark Rift of PNG linked to Late Cretaceous Whitsunday Volcanic
Province of NE Australia: similar Nd isotopic compositions, inherited zircons with 90-100 Ma U-Pb ages, and
Zwingmann, H., T. Allan, K. Liu, D. Holland & D. Leech (2008) Glauconite ages from Late Cretaceous
reservoir sandstones of the Papuan Basin. In: J.E. Blevin et al. (eds.) Third Eastern Australasian Basins
Symposium, Sydney 2008, PESA Spec. Publ., p. 259-262.
(Coniacian- Campanian glauconite ages of sandstones)
Baggelaar H. (1938)- Some correcting notes on 'Tertiary rocks from the Misool-Archipelago (Dutch East
Indies)'. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam, 41, 3, p. 301.
(online at:
(Lepidocyclina and Spiroclypeus identified from seven islands S of Misool are Discocyclina and Asterocyclina,
and probably also Pellatispira (fig. 10 from Sabenibnoe island W). All limestones therefore appear to be of
Eocene age, not Miocene)
Belford, D.J. (1991)- A record of the genus Lockhartia (foraminiferida) from Misool archipelago, Irian Jaya.
BMR J. Austral. Geol. Geoph. 12, 4, p. 297-299.
(Late Paleocene- M Eocene Lockhartia, Discocyclina and Distochoplax biserialis in ‘Daram Sandstone’ of
Sabennibnu Island, SE of Misool)
Boehm, G. (1910)- Zur Geologie des Indo-Australischen Archipels. 5: Zur Kenntniss der Sudkuste von Misol.
Centralblatt Miner. Geol. Palaont. 7, p. 197-209.
('5. On the knowledge of the South coast of Misool'. Brief descriptions of Triassic- Eocene stratigraphy along S
coast of Misool and offshore islands)
Boehm, G. (1924)- Uber eine senone Fauna von Misol. Palaeont. Timor XXVI, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 14, p.
(‘On a Senonian fauna from Misool’. Upper Cretaceous of Misool mainly marly rocks with Inoceramus and
also some rudists (Durania))
Challinor, A.B. (1989)- The succession of Belemnopsis in the Late Jurassic of Eastern Indonesia. Palaeontology
32, 3, p. 571-596.
(Belemnopsis from Misool and Sula all part of B. moluccana lineage. Misool Jurassic stratigraphy condensed
rel. to Sula. Misool: 85m of Oxfordian Demu Fm carbonate/ shale overlain by ~100m of Kimmeridgean-
Tithonian Lelinta shale with minor sandstone)
Challinor, A.B. (1989)- Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnitida of Misool Archipelago, Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Spec. Publ. 9, 153 p.
(Callovian- Hauterivian belemnites from S Misool and islands off S coast. Good correlation with thicker and
more complete (down to Toarcian) Jurassic section of the Sula Islands. No clear Kimmeridgean fossils found.
Similarities between Misool and Madagascar assemblages, but, unlike earlier studies, no close relationships
between Indonesian and New Zealand assemblages)
Challinor, A.B. (1991)- Revision of the belemnites of Misool and a review of the belemnites of Indonesia.
Palaeontographica Abt. A, 218, p. 87-164.
(Mid-Bajocian- Hauterivian belemnites comprising 6 genera and 40 species (Jurassic Dicoelites,
Conodicoelites, Belemnopsis and Hibolithes; Cretaceous Duvalia and Chalalabelus. Postulated close
relationships with New Zealand Belemnitidae non-existent. Gondwana Belemnopsis strongly endemic. Late
Jurassic ‘Indo-Tethyan’ Province from India to PNG)
De Lange, G.J., J.J. Middelburg, R.P. Poorter & S. Shofiyah (1989)- Ferromanganese encrustations on the
seabed west of Misool, Eastern Indonesia. In: Proc. Snellius II Symposium, Jakarta 1987, Netherlands J. Sea
Res. 24, 4, p. 541-553.
Froidevaux, C.M. (1974)- Geology of Misool Island (Irian Jaya). Proc. 3rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p.
(Misool almost complete Triassic- Present stratigraphic record. Misool Island is N flank of ESE plunging
anticlinorium. Oldest rocks exposed folded Triassic flysch along S shore. In Jurassic Misool located near N
edge of sea that deepened to S. Thick Eocene carbonates.‘Oligocene’ unconformity: Miocene carbonates thin
W-ward from >1300m to 100m and overlap successively older rocks. Island presently being tilted to SE)
Gerth, H. (1932)- Thecocyathus misolensis sp. nov.. Eine Koralle aus dem Oxford von Misol. Beitr.
Palaontologie des Ost Indischen Archipels, Neues Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal., Abh., Beil. Band 69, B, p. 169-171.
(New coral species from Oxfordian of Misool)
Hasibuan, F. (1990)- Mesozoic stratigraphy and paleontology of Misool Archipelago, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis,
Univ. Auckland, 384 p. (Unpublished)
(Mesozoic on S half of Misool and adjacent islets includes Triassic (Anisian- Norian), Jurassic (Toarcian-
Tithonian) and Cretaceous, unconformably over low metamorphic Siluro-Devonian Ligu Fm. Triassic Keskain
Fm 1000m of Anisian-Ladinian sst/shale unconformably overlain by ~100m Late Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian)
Bogal Fm limestone. Major unconformity in E Jurassic. Most Jurassic formations rift-drift on N margin of
Australian Gondwanana continent. In Triassic Misool related to Buru, Seram and Sumatra Islands, although
few common species. Triassic and Lias also similar faunas to Alps and Mediterranean. Jurassic of Misool
similar to Sula in bivalve content, but differs in that good ammonite assemblages are replaced by assemblages
of belemnites. In Triassic- Jurassic Misool was on SE margin of Tethys Sea. E Triassic block faulting affected
Misool, but since then relatively stable and on N margin of Australian-Gondwana continent)
Hasibuan, F. (1992)- Mesozoic biostratigraphy of Misool Archipelago, Indonesia. Second Int. Symp. Geology
and evolution of E Tethys, IGCP 321, Abstracts, p. 50-59.
Hasibuan, F. (1998)- Asosiasi fauna paleoekologi dan lingkungan pengendapan formasi-formasi batuan Jura-
Kapur Awal di Kepulauan Misool, Irian Jaya. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Sed., Pal.,
Strat., p. 27-36.
('Paleoecological faunal associations and depositional environments of Jurassic- Upper Cretaceous rock
formations of the Misool Islands, Irian Jaya')
Hasibuan, F. (2004)- Buchiidae (Bivalvia) Jura Akhir sampai Kapur Awal dari kepulauan Misool dan korelasi
regionalnya. J. Sumber Daya Geol. (GRDC, Bandung), 14, 2, p. 51-60.
('Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous Buchiidae from Misool'. Demu Fm (Late Callovian- Late Oxfordian), Lelinta
Fm (Late Oxfordian- E Berriasian) and Gamta Fm (Late Callovian-Cenomanian) contain Buchia. Stratigraphic
ranges of Buchia from Misool correlated with overseas Buchia, showing good marker for regional correlation)
Hasibuan, F. (2007)- Annelid Terebellina mackayi (Bather) from Middle Triassic Keskain Formation, Misool
Archipelago. J. Sumber Daya Geol. (GRDC) 17, 2, p. 116-123.
Hasibuan, F. (2008)- Pre-Tertiary biostratigraphy of Indonesia. In: Proc. Int. Symp. Geoscience resources and
environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008), 4th IGCP 516 and 5th APSEG, Bangkok, p. 323-325.
(Mainly on Misool Archipelago M Triassic to Cretaceous macrofossil succession)
Hasibuan, F. (2009)- Biostratigrafi dan biota Jura kepulauan Misool, Indonesia, dan korelasi interregional dan
globalnya. Jurnal Sumber Daya Geol. (GRDC) 19, 3, p. 191-207.
('Jurassic biostratigraphy and biota of the Misool islands and its interregional and global correlations'.
Jurassic on Misool ~260 m thick, spanning Toarcian- Tithonian stages. Similar bivalve faunas as Sula islands,
but Sula faunas also rich in ammonites, while Misool has more belemnites)
Hasibuan, F. (2010)- Analisis lingkungan pengendapan batuan berumur Jura di Kepulauan Misool, Papua
berdasarkan fosil makro. J. Sumber Daya Geol. 20, 5, p. 235-250.
('Facies analysis of rocks of Jurassic age of the Misool islands, Papua, based on macrofossils'. Four fossil
assemblages in Toarcian-Berriasian of Misool: (1) bivalve- ammonite with Bositra ornati (= anoxic, Aalenian),
(2) belemnite- bivalve, (3) ammonite- bivalve- belemnite and (4) bivalve- ammonite- belemnite assemblage.
Paleoenvironment continental shelf and slope, at N margin of Gondwana land or at S coast of Tethyan Sea)
Hasibuan, F. (2012)- Mesozoic geology and paleontology of Misool Archipelago, Eastern Indonesia. Geological
Agency, Bandung, p. 1-210.
(Extensive review of geology, paleontology (brachiopods, bivalves, ammonoids, etc.), biostratigraphy and
stratigraphy of Misool Island, and correlations with other regions)
Hasibuan, F. & J.A Grant-Mackie (2007)- Triassic and Jurassic gastropods from the Misool Archipelago. J.
Sumber Daya Geol. 17, 4, p. 257-272.
(Gastropod fauna of Triassic and Jurassic ages from SE Misool Archipelago reviewed, based on collections
made in 1981. Five described species and five in open nomenclature. Most taxa unique to this area, but
Eucyclus orbignyanus known also from Europe)
Hasibuan, F. & P. Janvier (1985)- Lepidotes sp. (Actinopterygii, Halecostomi), a fish from the Lower Jurassic
of Misool Island. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Pal. Ser. 7, p. 10-17.
Hasibuan, F. & E. Rusmana (2007)- Cretaceous rocks of Misool Archipelago, Indonesia. J. Sumber Daya Geol.
17, 6, p. 420-435.
(Overview of stratigraphy and macrofaunas of Cretaceous at S side Misool and adjacent islands. Section
dominated by deep marine calcilutites, probably shallowing, with silts and sands in Campanian- Maastrichtian)
Heinz, R. (1928)- Uber die Oberkreide-Inoceramen der Inseln Fafanlap, Jabatano und Jillo II im Misol Archipel
und ihre Beziehungen zu denen Europas und anderer Gebiete. Min. Geol. Staats-Inst., Hamburg 10, p. 99-110.
('On the Upper Cretaceous Inoceramus mollusks from the islands Fafanlap, Jabatano and Jillo II in the Misool
Archipelago and their relations to those of Europe and other areas'. Revision of Boehm (1924) inoceramids
from Fafanlap Fm and considered to be of Senonian age, not Maastrichtian as assumed by Boehm)
Helby, R. & F. Hasibuan (1988)- A Jurassic dinoflagellate sequence from Misool, Indonesia. In: Proc. 7th Int.
Palynological Conf., Brisbane, p. 69 (Abstract only)
(Diverse Jurassic hdinoflagellate assemblages from Misool. Yefbie shale Toarcian to Bathonian Caddasphaera
halosa zone. Demu Fm late Callovian suite to Oxfordian Wanaea spectabilis zone. Lelinta shale upper
Oxfordian- early Kimmeridgean Wanaea clathrata zone, possibly extending into early Berriasian Kalyptea
wisemaniae zone. Mid-Bathonian- Late Callovian unconformity between Yefbie Fm and Demu Fm. Apparent
absence of Kimmeridgean Dingodinium swanense zone in middle Lelinta shale)
Jaworski, E. (1915)- Die Fauna der obertriadischen Nuculamergel von Misol. In: J. Wanner (ed.) Palaontologie
von Timor II, 5, p. 73-174.
(‘Fauna from Upper Triassic Nucula marls of Misool’)
Kristan-Tollmann, E. & F. Hasibuan (1990)- Ostracoden aus der Obertrias von Misol (Indonesien). Mitteil.
Oesterr. Geol. Ges. 82, p. 173-181.
Krumbeck, L. (1911)- Uber die Fauna des Norischen Athyridenkalkes von Misol. Dissert. Friedrich-
Alexanders-Universitat zu Erlangen, Schweizerbart, p. 1-38.
(‘On the fauna of the Norian athyrid limestone of Misool’. Brief description of macrofauna of ~50m thick
limestone rich in Misolia brachiopods from S coast and ilands Jillu, etc., off S Misool. Includes some corals
(Thecosmilia), stromatoporoids, hydrozoans (Heterastridium), pectenids, etc. No illustrations)
Krumbeck, L. (1913)- Obere Trias von Buru und Misol (Die Fogi-Schichten und Asphaltschiefer West-Burus
und der Athyridenkalk des Misol-Archipels). Palaeontogr. Suppl. 4, 2, p. 1-161.
('The Upper Triassic of Buru and Misool'. Macrofossils collected by Boehm and Wanner from ‘Fogi Beds’ in W
Buru (Rhaetian?; distal, but not very deep marine dark marls and limestones and associated bituminous
limestones) and Athyrid (brachiopod) limestone in Misool (Lower Norian?; rel. shallow marine dark grey
limestone with grey and yellowish marls with Misolia, coral, mollusks, etc.)l
Krumbeck, L. (1934)- Die Aucellen des Malms von Misol. N. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaeont. Beil. 71, p. 422-467.
(‘The Aucellas from the Malm of Misool’. West Misool Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) siliceous marls with
muscovite and fine quartz grains and Aucella sandstone with common Aucella (now called Buchia) mollusks,
commonly compressed and dissolved. Also Aucellas from clay-marls from Facet island (‘Fatjet Schiefer’), with
rich open marine foram assemblages. Facet shales with Aucella (Buchia) malayomaorica, also known from
Timor, Roti, Buru, Seram and New Zealand North Island, underlying Demu Limestone with A. cf. subspitiensis)
MacFarlan, D.A.B., F. Hasibuan & J.A. Grant-Mackie (2011)- Mesozoic brachiopods of Misool Archipelago,
eastern Indonesia. In: G.R. Shi (ed.) Brachiopods: extant and extinct, Proc. 6th Int. Brachiopod Congress,
Melbourne 2010, Mem. Assoc. Australasian Palaeont. 41, p. 149-177.
(Mesozoic brachiopod fauna of Misool ten species, only one previously described (Rhaetian Misolia misolica;
three varieties of Von Seidlitz (1913) are synonyms). Four new Late Triassic species, incl. Zugmayerella
bogalica, two Jurassic (incl. Aucklandirhynchia yefbiensis) and three Cretaceous. Biogeographically fauna is
Perigondwanan (or S Tethyan). Aucklandirhynchia yefbiensis. and Prochlidonophora spinulifera of Austral
affinity and Ptilorhynchia pugnaciformis belongs to Circum-Pacific or bipolar genus)
Mulyadi, D. (2010)- Mikrofasias dan diagenesa batugamping Formasi Zaag de Pulau Misool dan sekitarnya. J.
Teknologi Technoscientia 3, 1, p.
('Microfacies and limestone diagenesis of the Zaag Fm of Misool island and surroundings'. Paleo-Eocene Zaag
Fm carbonates on Misool two facies: (1) packstones with Fasciolites (Alveolina) and Lacazinella and (2)
grainstones with Fasciolites (Alveolina), miliolids and algae)
Pigram, C.J., A.B. Challinor, F. Hasibuan, E. Rusmana & U. Hartono (1982)- Geological results of the 1981
expedition to the Misool Archipelago, Irian Jaya. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 6, p. 18-29.
(Misool islands with rel. complete and fossiliferous Mesozoic sequences. Low-grade Paleozoic metamorphic
basement (folded 'flysch') similar to Seram Sea area islands. ?Triassic flysch-type Keskain Fm unconformably
overlain by Late Triassic reefal Bogal Lst with brachiopod Misolia. Marine Jurassic section above Early
Jurassic breakup unconformity starts with Toarcian-Callovian quartz sandstone but mostly shale with
belemnites and ammonites. Latest Jurassic- E Cretaceous section is deep marine Facet Gp calcilutites, overlain
by Fafanlap tuffaceous clastics. Eocene Zaag Lst platform carbonates with Alveolina. Late Oligocene
unconformity overlain by E Miocene Kasim marls (equivalent of Sirga sst of New Guinea?) and E-M Miocene
Openta lst)
Pigram, C.J., A.B. Challinor, F. Hasibuan, E. Rusmana & U. Hartono (1982)- Lithostratigraphy of the Misool
Archipelago, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Geologie Mijnbouw 61, 3, p. 265-279.
(Descriptions of surface geology of islands South of Misool and Paleozoic- Pliocene stratigraphy of Misool)
Rusmana, E., U. Hartono & C.J. Pigram (1989)- Geological map of the Misool quadrangle, Irian Jaya,
1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung.
Simbolon, B., S. Martodjojo & R. Gunawan (1984)- Geology and hydrocarbon prospects of the Pre-Tertiary
system of Misool area. Proc. 13th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., p. 317-340.
Siregar, M.S. (1985)- Karbonat Formasi Waaf berumur Kapur di Pulau Misool. Majalah RISET Geol. dan
Pertambangan 6, 2, p. 36-45
(Cretaceous Waaf Formation carbonate on Misool Island'. Planktonic foram wackestone)
Siregar, M.S. (1986)- Endapat karbonat laut dalam di Pulau Misool. Proc. 15th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Yogyakarta, p.
('Shallow marine carbonate deposits of Misool island')
Skwarko, S.K. (1981)- History of geological investigations of the Misool Archipelago, Moluccas, Indonesia.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Pal. Ser. 2, p. 53-66.
(Overview of 50 papers on Misool geology since 1899. Mesozoic probably >4000m thick, overlying pre-Late
Triassic metamorphics and subdivided into 22 time-rock units. ?Ladinian-Carnian Keskain flysch overlain by
Norian marls and Misolia limestones. Jurassic unconformable on Triassic, with thin M Liassic quartz sst,
followed by shelfal marine marls, shales, thin limestones, calcareous sandstones, with locally common
macrofossils. Cretaceous mainly pelagic limestone)
Soergel, W. (1913)- Geologische Mitteilungen aus dem Indo-Australischen Archipel. 9: Lias und Dogger von
Jefbie und Filialpopo (Misol Archipel). N. Jahrb. Miner. Geol., Beil. Bd. 36B, p. 586-612.
(‘Liassic and Dogger of Jefbie and Filialpopo, Misool Archipelago’. Descriptions of Middle Jurassic
macrofossils collected by Boehm in 1901, Van Nouhuys and Wanner in 1909. Mainly bivalves (Astarte spp.,
Nucula, Cucullaea, etc.), also gastropods, brachiopods, ammonites (Harpoceras spp.) and belemnites)
Soergel, W. (1915)- Unter- Dogger von Jefbie (Misol Archipel). Ein Nachtrag zur Stratigraphie und Biologie.
Zeitsch. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 67, 3, p. 99-109.
(More on Dogger (M Jurassic) of Jefbie, Misool Archipelago)
Stolley, E. (1934)- Zur Kenntnis des Jura und der Unterkreide von Misol. 1. Stratigraphischer Teil. Beitrage zur
Palaontologie des Ostindischen Archipels 11, Neues Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont., Abh. B, 71, p. 470-486.
(‘On the knowledge of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Misool- Part 1 Stratigraphy’)
Stolley, E. (1935)- Zur Kenntnis des Jura und der Unterkreide von Misol. 2. Palaeontogischer Teil. Neues Jahrb.
Min. Geol. Palaont., Abh. B, 73, p. 42-69.
(‘On the knowledge of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Misool- Part 2- paleontology’. Mainly on
belemnites collected by Weber)
Syafron, E. (2011)- Evaluation of the Mesozoic stratigraphy of Misool island and implications for petroleum
exploration in the Bird’s Head region, West Papua, Indonesia. Proc. 35th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc.,
IPA11-G-158, 13p.
(Review of Triassic- Jurassic stratigraphy of Misool. Bajocian (M Jurassic) Yefbie Fm marine black shale with
terrestrial influence; probably distal facies of Roabiba Sst reservoirs in Tangguh area, Bintuni Bay. Shale
underlain by Toarcian sandy limestone and basal conglomerate, equivalent to E Jurassic sandstones penetrated
in East Onin-1ST and TBJ-1X wells. Best potential source rock Yefbie Fm shale (TOC up to 1.9%, HI 120-180
mgS2/gTOC, gas prone kerogen type III). No potential reservoir in outcrop)
Thrupp, G.A., W.V. Sliter, E.A. Silver, C.J. Pigram, H. Prasetyo & R.S. Coe (1988)- Palaeomagnetism of Late
Cretaceous calcareous sediments from the Misool Archipelago, Irian Jaya. 9th Australian Geol. Conv., Brisbane
1988, Abstracts 21, p. 401-402.
Thrupp, G.A., W.V. Sliter, E.A. Silver, H. Prasetyo & R.S. Coe (1987)- Paleomagnetic evidence from Late
Cretaceous rocks of Misool for rotation relative to Australia. EOS 68, 44, p. 1260. (Abstract only)
(Report 33° anticlockwise rotation of Misool Cretaceous deposits)
Vogler, J. (1941)- Ober-Jura und Kreide von Misol (Niederlandisch-Ostindien). In: Beitrage zur Geologie von
Niederlandisch-Indien, Palaeontographica Suppl. IV, IV, 4, p. 243-293.
(‘Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous of Misool’. Reports of acid tuffs in Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous
limestones. Late Jurassic Facet Limestone with calcispheres Stomosphaera and Cadosina spp.. Illustrations of
vertical sections of Upper Cretaceous keeled Globotruncana planktonic forams)
Von Seidlitz, W. (1913)- Misolia, eine neue Brachiopoden-Gattung aus den Athyridenkalken von Buru und
Misol. Beitr. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien II, 2, Palaeontographica Suppl. IV, p.163-194.
(New genus Misolia for Upper Triassic (Norian) shallow marine costate athyrid brachiopod from Athyrides
limestone in Misool and Fogi Beds of Buru. Genus characteristic of ‘Gondwanan Tethys’; also known from NW
Australian margin)
Wandel, G. (1936)- Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Jurassischen Molluskenfauna von Misol, Ost Celebes, Buton,
Seran und Jamdena. In: J. Wanner (ed.) Beitrage zur Palaeontologie des Ostindischen Archipels 13, Neues
Jahrbuch Miner. Geol. Palaeont., Beil. Bd. 75B, p. 447-526.
(‘Contributions to the knowledge of Jurassic molluscs from Misool, East Sulawesi, Buton, Seram and
Yamdena’. Description of Mollusca, mainly collected by F. Weber. Misool faunas include upper Liassic
Harpoceraten beds, lower Dogger Hammoceraten beds, Oxfordian Aucella malayomaorica marls (also in E
Sulawesi), etc. )
Wanner, J. (1910)- Beitrage zur geologischen Kenntnis der Insel Misol (Niederlandisch Ost-Indien). Tijdschrift
Kon. Nederl. Aardrijksk. Gen. (2) 27, p. 469-500.
('Contributions to the geological knowledge of Misool island'. Early description of geology and Mesozoic
stratigraphy of S Misool and adjacent islands, based on 3-week visit in 1909. Misool island structure rel.
simple: 10-20° N-dip. Upper Triassic- Jurassic- Upper Cretaceous open marine succession, overlain by Eocene
alveolinid limestone. With 1:187,500 scale map)
Weber, F. (1930)- Verslag over het geologisch onderzoek op de eilandengroep van Misool. NNGPM Report
12103, p.
('Report of geological investigations of the Misool islands group'. Frequently quoted unpublished BPM/
NNGPM report on Misool islands geology)
Wensink, H., S. Hartosukohardjo & Y. Suryana (1989)- Palaeomagnetism of Cretaceous sediments from
Misool, northeastern Indonesia. Netherlands J. Sea Res. 24, p. 287-301.
(Misool paleo pole positions do not correspond to Australia; probably split off in Late Triassic-Jurassic. In
Late Cretaceous Misool was at ~20° S, much farther N relative to Australia than today. 20° anticlockwise
rotation since Late K. Main folding phase on Misool Late Oligocene; older folding event in Late Triassic)
Aldha, T. & Kim Jae Ho (2008)- Tertiary hydrocarbon play in NW Arafura Shelf, Offshore South Papua:
frontier area in Eastern Indonesia. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA08-G-144, 9p.
(On proven Tertiary petroleum system on NW margin of the Arafura Shelf between northern Aru Islands and
Lengguru foldbelt)
Balke, B., C. Page, R. Harrison & G. Roussopou (1973)- Exploration in the Arafura Sea. APEA J. 13, p. 9-12.
Bradshaw, J. (1990)- Geological cross-section of the Arafura Basin. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record
1990/14, p. 1-18.
(online at:…)
(Offshore Arafura Basin contains >9 km of Paleozoic rocks in Arafura Graben in S part of basin. Basin
underlain by M- Late Proterozoic sequence which thickens to E and is probably equivalent to onshore
McArthur Basin. Overlain by Mesozoic Money Shoal Basin, ~1 km thick over central parts of graben,
thickening rapidly to W and thinning to E and N)
Bradshaw, J., R.S. Nicoll & M. Bradshaw (1990)- The Cambrian to Permo-Triassic Arafura Basin, Northern
Australia. The APEA J. 30, 1, p. 107-127.
(Arafura Basin N Australia shelf thick Cambrian- Permo-Triassic sequence, unconformably overlying
Proterozoic McArthur basin, and unconformably overlain by M Jurassic and younger Money Shoal basin.
Broad northern platform (3-5 km Paleozoic) and NW trending Goulburn graben (Carboniferous-Lower
Permian; >10km Paleozoic; 6 exploration wells). Cambrian-Ordovician mainly carbonates. Late Devonian and
Late Carboniferous mainly clastics.)
Brown, C.M. (1979)- Arafura and Money Shoal Basins explanatory notes and stratigraphic correlations. Bur.
Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Record 1979/51, p. 1-14. (online at:…)
(Arafura Basin is poorly known intracratonic basin of thick Paleozoic and Proterozoic sedimentary rocks which
crop out along N coast of Arnhem Land and extend offshore beneath Arafura Sea. Correlation panel through
Paleozoic- Mesozoic of wells Heron 1- Lynedoch 1- Money Shoal 1 and shallow onshore wells. (Manuscript for
Brown, 1980))
Brown, C.M. (1980)- Arafura and Money Shoal basins. In: Stratigraphic correlation between sedimentary
basins of the ESCAP Region, ESCAP Atlas of Stratigraphy II, 7, p. 52-57.
Carter, P.A. (2013)- Under-explored Palaeozoic and Mesozoic petroleum systems. In: 75th EAGE Conf. Exhib.,
London, 4p. (Extended Abstract)
(Barakan Graben on Arafura Shelf SE of Tanimbar Trough may be underlain by Paleozoic oil source rocks,
analoguous to NW Australia shelf Goulburn Graben and Petrel Sub-basin)
Dinkelman, M., J. Granath, J. Christ & P. Emmet (2010)- Arafura Sea: a deep look at an underexplored region.
SEAPEX Press 62, 13, 1, p. 76-95.
(New deep regional seismic shows locally very thick (up to 30km) sedimentary section on Arafura Platform,
almost all Precambrian Wessel Group and MacArthur Basin sequence)
Earl, K.L. (2006)- An audit of wells in the Arafura Basin. Geoscience Australia Record 2006/02, p. 1-86.
(Online at
(Summary of geology and wells in Australian sector of S Arafura Sea. Most wells in Goulburn Graben,
penetrated Paleozoic of inverted Goulburn graben and Jurassic- Cretaceous of Money Shoal successor basin)
Fairbridge, R.W. (1951)- The Aroe Islands and the continental shelf North of Australia. Scope, Univ. W
Australia, 1, 6, p. 24-28.
(Geomorphology study of Aru Islands from air photos. Arafura shelf is vast peneplained platform of Pre-
Cambrian rocks. Aru Islands Pre-Cambrian basement with thin veneer of Late Tertiary and Quaternary
sediments. Marine channels subdividing Aru islands group may be drowned Pleistocene river valleys)
Granath, J., J. Christ, M. Dinkelman & P. Emmet (2011)- Arafura and Banda Seas: a plate-scale look at
exploring a convergent margin. SEAPEX Press 63, 14, 1, p. 68-91.
(New deep (>40 km) regional seismic along convergent margin between Aru Trough from Seram to Tanimbar.
Seram viewed as fragment of Birds Head thrust North over itself Aru Trough is young extensional basin with
complicated Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy)
Granath, J.W., M. Dinkelman, J.C. Christ-Stringer & P.A. Emmet (2012)- Highlights and implication of a deep-
crustal seismic reflection survey in the Arafura Sea region. Berita Sedimentologi 24, p. 48-60.
(online at:
(New deep seismic shows thick two-part Proterozoic section of ~15+ km thick Arafura Basin and underlying
additional 15+ km of McArthur Basin equivalents, making up virtually entire crust under Arafura platform.
Weber Deep initiated as forearc extensional event, which severed accretionary prism from its volcanic core,
then evolved into basin within Banda Basin. Seram thrust belt lies above strike-slip system that separates Banda
microplate from Birds Head, and forms plate boundary in that area)
Grosjean, E., G.A. Logan, N. Rollet, G.J. Ryan & K. Glenn (2007)- Geochemistry of shallow tropical marine
sediments from the Arafura Sea, Australia. Organic Geochem. 38, 11, p. 1953-1971.
(Organic matter in modern Arafura Sea tropical carbonate shelf sediments dominated by marine algal input.
Closest to shore, high taraxerol abundance indicates strong input of mangrove material during transgression
following Last Glacial Maximum. Sediments in paleo-channels with dissolved CH4 of microbial origin)
Hardjawidjaksana, K. (1988)- The structure and tectonics of the Aru Trough and its surroundings, Banda Arc,
Indonesia. M.Sc. Thesis, London University, p.
Helby, R. (2006)- A palynological reconnaissnce of new cuttings samples from the Arafura-1, Kulka-1 and
Tasman-1 wells. In: H.I.M. Struckmeyer (comp.) New datasets for the Arafura Basin. Geoscience Australia
Record 2006/06, Canberra, p. 1-17.
Jongsma, D. (1970)- Eustatic sea level changes in the Arafura Sea. Nature 228, p. 150-151.
Jongsma, D. (1974)- Marine geology of the Arafura Sea. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geoph., Canberra, Bull. 157, p.
(online at:
(Results of BMR marine geological survey in Australian sector of Arafura Sea in 1969. Seismic profiling
revealed series of unconformities in the top few 100m of section. Regional unconformity at base Mesozoic,
which overlies Precambrian. Paleozoic sediments may be present in graben in Money Shoal area and N of
Melville Island. Another unconformity correlated with regional Mio-Pliocene surface encountered in Ashmore
Katili, J.A. (1986)- Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Arafura Sea. In: M.T. Halbouty (ed.) Future
petroleum provinces of the world, AAPG Mem. 40, p. 487-501.
(Arafura Sea continental shelf dominated by Late Paleozoic-Cenozoic shelf sediments, underlain by granitic
basement. Two tectonic styles: block faulting in shelf and slope sediments of Arafura sea and Overthrusting of
chaoric sediments from Banda Arc towards Australian continent. In Malita- Calder graben gas shows in M
Jurassic- E Cretaceous sediments)
Labutis, V., A. Moore & J. Bradshaw (1992)- Arafura petroleum prospectivity evaluation report. AGSO Record
1992/84, p.
Martin, B.A. & S.J.Cawley (1991)- Onshore and offshore petroleum seepage; contrasting a conventional study
in Papua New Guinea and airborne laser fluorosensing over the Arafura Sea. The APEA J. 31, 1, p. 333-353.
Miharwatiman, J.S., L. Andria, D.W. Kleibacker, J. Elliot & J.A. Baker (2013)- Exploration of the Arafura
Basin Indonesia. Proc. SEAPEX Conf., Singapore 2013, 29p. (Presentation package)
(online at:
Miharwatiman, J.S., L. Andria, D.W. Kleibacker, J. Elliot & J.A. Baker (2013)- Exploration of the Arafura
Basin, Indonesia. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., IPA13-G-184, p. 1-14.
(same paper as above)
(Results of recent ConocoPhillips exploration of Arafura Basin. Thick N-S trending, 700km long Late
Proterozoic rift basin on NW margin of Australian continent, overlain by E Paleozoic, inverted in Triassic?
(with 8000'- 15,000' of uplift/ erosion) and overlain by thin Cretaceous- Tertiary section. Two unsuccessful
wells drilled in 2010-2011, Aru-1 in Amborip VI PSC and Mutiara Putih-1 in Arafura Sea PSC, both TD in
Ordovician clastics and limestones, with Silurian- Carboniferous section missing)
Miyazaki, S. & B. McNeil (1998)- Arafura Sea: petroleum prospectivity bulletin and database. Bureau Resource
Science, Petroleum Prospectivity Bulletin and Database, 1998/1, p.
Miyazaki, S. & B. McNeil (1998)- Arafura Sea- Tertiary, Mesozoic, Palaeozoic and weathered basement plays.
APEA J. 38, p. 878.
(Petroleum potential in Arafura Sea: Tertiary, Mesozoic-Paleozoic sandstones or carbonates, weathered Pre-
Cambrian basement. NW-trending Goulburn Graben emerged end-Paleozoic, leaving peneplain in E Jurassic.
M Jurassic marine transgression over smoothed erosional surface, undeformed, with angular unconformity at
base. Oil shows from Paleozoic-Mesozoic in four wells. Bitumen strandings on S shores of Arafura Sea. Oil
slicks over Goulburn Graben during ALF survey. Paleozoic source rocks retain oil generative capability.
Jurassic and E Cretaceous sandstones good porosity. Paleozoic reservoirs poor, but often fractured. Six play
types: fault rollovers low-relief anticlines, 400 km long Tithonian- basal Cretaceous channel, etc.)
Moore, A. (1995)- Is oil being generated beneath the northern Arafura Sea? AGSO Res. Newsl. 23, p. 5-7.
Moore, A., J. Bradshaw & D. Edwards (1996)- Geohistory modelling of hydrocarbon migration and trap
formation in the Arafura Sea. PESA Journal, 24, p. 35-52.
(online at:
(Lower Paleozoic in Goulburn Graben wells in Australian part of Arafura Sea reached peak maturity before
Late Triassic formation of graben)
Moss, S. (2001)- Extending Australian geology into eastern Indonesia and potential source rocks of the
Indonesian Arafura Sea. PESA News, Feb-Mar 2001, p. 54-56.
Nicol, G.N. (1970)- Exploration and geology of the Arafura Sea. APEA J., 1970, 10, p. 56-61.
Nicoll, R.S. (2006)- Devonian stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Arafura Basin, offshore Northern
Territory, Australia. In: H.I.M. Struckmeyer (comp.) New datasets for the Arafura Basin. Geoscience Australia
Record 2006/06, Canberra, p. 1-10.
(online at:
(Devonian sediments in Goulburn Graben are of Upper Devonian (Famennian) age, and unconformably overlie
Cambrian- E Ordovician Goulburn Gp. Conodont faunas from Djabura and Yabooma Fms may represent,
crepida and expansa conodont zones and suggests shallow water, inner shelf depositional environments)
Panuju (2012)- Well log sequence stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of Barakan area, Arafura Sea. Proc. 41st
Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-GD-26, p.
(Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of Barakan-1, Koba-1 and Abadi-1 wells. Cambrian- Recent succession
subdivided into 14 sequence units. Several unconformities, and deepening of depositional setting from Koba-1
(N) to Abadi-1 (S))
Panuju, S. Sofyan & H.L. Setiawan (2009)- Sikuen stratigrafi wilayah barat Cekungan Arafura: studi kasus
penampang sedimen sumur Barakan-1 dan Koba-1. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI),
Semarang, PITIAGI2009-055, 15p.
('Sequence stratigraphy of the W margin of the Arafura Basin: study of sediments of wells Barakan 1 and Koba
1'. Correlation and sequence stratigraphic interpretation of two key Arafuru Platform margin wells. Latest M
Jurassic (Callovian)- basal Cretaceous (Berriasian-Valanginian) sand-rich interval unconformable over
Cambrian and older rocks, overlain by deep water M-L Cretaceous clastics and Tertiary carbonate section)
Petroconsultants Australasia/ Northern Territory Geological Survey (1989)- Arafura Basin. 117 p.
(Unpublished multiclient study report)
Rollet, N., G.A. Logan, G. Ryan, A.G. Judd, J.M. Totterdell, K. Glenn et al. (2009)- Shallow gas and fluid
migration in the northern Arafura Sea (offshore Northern Australia). Marine Petrol Geol. 26, p. 129-147.
(Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Arafura Basin extends from onshore N Australia across Arafura Sea into
Indonesian waters, and is overlain by Mesozoic- Cenozoic Money Shoal Basin. Shallow gas indicators and
fluid migration pathways in Holocene section identified from pockmarks and echo sounder profiles. Gas in
shallow cores of microbial origin, but deeper fluid movement suggested by hydrocarbon slicks interpreted on
synthetic aperture radar data)
Shor, G.G. (1974)- Seismic refraction results from the Arafura Sea. CCOP Newsletter 1, 3, p. 21-23.
Sloan, R.A. & J.A. Jackson (2012)- Upper-mantle earthquakes beneath the Arafura Sea and south Aru Trough:
Implications for continental rheology. J. Geoph. Res., Solid Earth, 117, B5, p.
(Upper continental lithospheric mantle (UCLM) earthquakes generally rare. Two earthquakes occurred
beneath Arafura Sea, where upper mantle is probably rel. cool (< 600°C) and one of these earthquakes lies
∼25 km below Moho in region where there is no evidence of unusually high strain rates)
Smith, M.R. & J.G. Ross (1986)- Petroleum potential of northern Australian continental shelf. AAPG Bull. 70,
11, p. 1700-1712.
Struckmeyer, H.I.M. (comp.) (2006)- Petroleum geology of the Arafura and Money Shoal Basins. Geoscience
Australia Record, Canberra, Report 2006/22, p. 1-37 (Unpublished)
Struckmeyer, H.I.M. (2006)- The northern Arafura Basin- exploration opportunities from Geoscience
Australia's new petroleum program. APPEA J., 2006, 2, p. 143-154.
Summons, R.E., J. Bradshaw, M. Brooks et al (1993)- Hydrocarbon composition and origins of coastal
bitumens from the Northern Territory, Australia, PESA J. 21, p. 31-42.
Tayama, R. (1939)- Topography, geology and coral reefs in the Aru Islands in the Dutch East Indies. Japanese
J. Geol. Geogr. 16, p. 31-32.
(Summary by T. Kobayashi of paper in Contr. Inst. Geol. Pal. Tohuku Imp. Univ., Sendai, 20, 1936, p. 1-35. Aru
Islands jointed and dismembered Miocene- Pliocene limestone plateau, possibly on granite)
Thomas, B.M., P. Hanson, J.G. Stainforth, P. Stamford & L. Taylor (1990)- Petroleum geology and exploration
history of the Carpentaria Basin, Australia, and associated infrabasins. In: Interior cratonic basins, AAPG Mem.
51, p. 709-724.
Verstappen, H.Th. (1959)- Geomorphology and crustal movements of the Aru Islands in relation to the
Pleistocene drainage of the Sahul shelf. American J. Sci. 257, 7, p. 491-502.
(Aru islands geanticlinal upwarp of Sahul shelf WNW of Australia. Structural terraces common and wrongly
attributed to Recent uplift by several authors. Sunken coast lines and drowned abrasion platforms indicate
subsidence of outer zones in Recent times. Channels between islands are result of pattern of diagonal shear
joints and have no connection with Pleistocene courses of New Guinea rivers, as often suggested)
Wagimin, N. & E.A. Sentani (2009)- Opportunities (I), Sahul Basin. Inameta J. 7, p. 20-23.
(online at:
(Overview of Arafura Sea/ Sahul Basin, W Papua, in conjunction with tender round offering)