Ch1 PS (Sec A&b) Fall 2017 Lecture

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October 2017
Instructor :Engr.Muhammad Asim
 Energy is the basic necessity for the economic development of a country. Many
functions necessary to present-day living grind(crush) to halt(cut off) when the supply
of energy stops.
 As a matter of fact, there is a close relationship between the energy used per person
and his standard of living. The greater the per capita (average personal income
earned by person ,equally divided ) consumption of energy in a country, the higher is
the standard of living of its people.

 Electrical Energy:-
Energy exists in different forms in nature but the most important form is
the electrical energy. The modern society is so much dependent upon the use of electrical
energy that it has become a part and parcel (object) of our life.

Importance Of Electrical Energy:

 Energy may be needed as heat, as light, as motive power etc. The present-day
advancement in science and technology has made it possible to convert electrical
energy into any desired form.
 The survival of industrial undertakings and our social structures depends primarily
upon low cost and uninterrupted supply of electrical energy.
 In fact, the advancement of a country is measured in terms of per capita
consumption of electrical energy.


Electrical energy is superior to all other forms of energy due to the following reasons :
1. Convenient (easy) form:
2. Easy control: The electrically operated machines have simple and convenient starting,
control and operation. For instance, an electric motor can be started or stopped by turning on or
off a switch. Similarly, with simple arrangements, the speed of electric motors can be easily
varied over the desired range.
3. Greater flexibility: One important reason for preferring electrical
energy is the flexibility that it offers. It can be easily transported from
one place to another with the help of conductors.
4. Cheapness: Electrical energy is much cheaper than other forms of
energy. Thus it is overall economical to use this form of energy for
domestic, commercial and industrial purposes.
5. Cleanliness: Electrical energy is not associated with smoke, fumes or
poisonous gases. Therefore, its use ensures cleanliness and healthy
6. High transmission efficiency: The consumers of electrical energy are
generally situated quite away from the centers of its production. The
electrical energy can be transmitted conveniently and efficiently from
the centers of generation to the consumers with the help of overhead
conductors known as transmission lines.
Generation Of Electrical Energy:-
The conversion of energy available in different
forms in nature into electrical energy is known as generation
of electrical energy.
 Electrical energy is a manufactured commodity (product)
like clothing, furniture or tools. Just as the manufacture
of a commodity involves the conversion of raw materials
available in nature into the desired form, similarly
electrical energy is produced from the forms of energy
available in nature.
 Energy is available in various forms from different
natural sources such as pressure head of water, chemical
energy of fuels, nuclear energy of radioactive substances
 The arrangement essentially employs an alternator coupled to a
prime mover. The prime mover is driven by the energy obtained
from various sources such as burning of fuel, pressure of water,
force of wind etc.
 For example, chemical energy of a fuel (e.g., coal) can be used to
produce steam at high temperature and pressure. The steam is
fed to a prime mover which may be a steam engine or a steam
turbine. The turbine converts heat energy of steam into
mechanical energy which is further converted into electrical
energy by the alternator.

Sources Of Energy:-
The Sources of energy are

1. The Sun 2. The Wind 3. Water

4. Fuels 5. Nuclear energy.
 Out of these sources, the energy due to Sun and wind has not been
utilized on large scale due to a number of limitations.
 At present, the other three sources viz., water, fuels and nuclear
energy are primarily used for the generation of electrical energy.

1. The Sun:-
 The Sun is the primary source of energy.
 This heat can be used to raise steam and electrical energy can be
produced with the help of turbine-alternator combination.

(a) It requires a large area for the generation of even a small amount
of electric power.
(b) It cannot be used in cloudy days or at night.
(c) It is an uneconomical method.
2. Water:-
 When water is stored at a suitable place, it possesses
potential energy because of the head created.
 This water energy can be converted into mechanical
energy with the help of water turbines. The water turbine
drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy
into electrical energy.
 This method of generation of electrical energy has become
very popular because it has low production and
maintenance costs.

3. The Wind:-
 This method can be used where wind flows for a
considerable length of time.
 The wind energy is used to run the wind mill which drives
a small generator.
 In order to obtain the electrical energy from a wind mill
continuously, the generator is arranged to charge the
batteries. These batteries supply the energy when the
wind stops.
Maintenance and generation costs are negligible.
The drawbacks of this method are
(a) Variable output
(b) Unreliable because of uncertainty about wind pressure.
(c) Power generated is quite small.

4. Fuels:-
 The main sources of energy are fuels viz., solid fuel as coal, liquid fuel as oil and
gas fuel as natural gas.
5. Nuclear Energy:-
 Towards the end of Second World War, it was
discovered that large amount of heat energy is
liberated by the fission (division into two or more
parts) of uranium and other fissionable materials. It is
estimated that heat produced by 1 kg of nuclear fuel is
equal to that produced by 4500 tones of coal. The heat
produced due to nuclear fission can be utilized to raise
steam with suitable arrangements.
Principle Of Nuclear Energy:-
The principal of nuclear energy are
 High cost of nuclear plant.
 Problem of disposal of radioactive(ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA, X-RAY, AND NEUTRONRADIATION.
Ionizing radiation takes a few forms: Alpha, beta, and neutron particles, and gamma and X-rays. All types are caused by unstable
 waste and dearth(lack or shortage) of trained personnel to handle the plant.

Crude oil

Natural gas

Hydro-electric power

Nuclear power


Energy Utilization
Comparison Of Energy Resources:-
The chief sources of energy used for the generation of electrical energy are water,
fuels and nuclear energy.
Units Of Energy:-
 The capacity of an agent to do work is known as its energy.
 The most important forms of energy are mechanical energy, electrical energy and thermal
 Different units have been assigned to various forms of energy.

(i) Mechanical energy: The unit of mechanical energy is newton-meter or joule on the M.K.S.
The MKS system of units is a physical system of units that expresses any given measurement
using base units of the metre, kilogram, and/or second (MKS) or SI system (Système
Internationale mean international system)
 The work done on a body is one newton-meter (or joule) if a force of one newton moves it
through a distance of one meter.
Mechanical energy in joules = Force in newton × distance in meters
(ii) Electrical energy: The unit of electrical energy is watt-sec or joule and is defined as
 One watt-second (or joule) energy is transferred between two points if a p.d. of 1 volt exists
between them and 1 ampere current passes between them for 1 second.
Electrical energy in watt-sec (or joules)
= voltage in volts × current in amperes × time in seconds
1 watt-hour = 1 watt × 1 hr
= 1 watt × 3600 sec = 3600 watt-sec
1 kilowatt hour (kWh) = 1 kW × 1 hr = 1000 watt × 3600 sec = 36 x 10^5watt-sec.

(iii) Heat: Heat is a form of energy which produces the sensation of warmth. The unit of heat is
calorie, British thermal unit (B.Th.U.) and centigrade heat units (C.H.U.) on the various systems.
Calorie: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gm of water through 1ºC
1 calorie = 1 gm of water × 1ºC
Sometimes a bigger unit namely kilocalorie is used. A kilocalorie is the amount of heat required
to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water through 1ºC i.e.,
1 kilocalorie = 1 kg × 1ºC = 1000 gm × 1ºC = 1000 calories
B.Th.U: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 lb of water through 1ºF
1 B.Th.U. = 1 lb × 1ºF
Lb is an abbreviation of the Latin word libra. The primary meaning of libra was balance or scales (as in the
astrological sign), but it also stood for the ancient Roman unit of measure libra pondo, meaning “a pound by
C.H.U: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 lb of water through 1ºC i.e.,
1 C.H.U. = 1 lb × 1ºC
Relationship Among Energy Units:-
The energy whether possessed by an electrical system or mechanical system or thermal
system has the same thing in common i.e., it can do some work. Therefore, mechanical, electrical and
thermal energies must have the same unit. This is amply established by the fact that there exists a
definite relationship among the units assigned to these energies. It will be seen that these units are
related to each other by some constant.
(i) Electrical and Mechanical
1 kWh = 1 kW × 1 hr
= 1000 watts × 3600 seconds = 36 × 10^5 watt-sec. or Joules
∴ 1 kWh = 36 × 10^5 Joules
It is clear that electrical energy can be expressed in Joules instead of kWh.
(ii) Heat and Mechanical
(a) 1 calorie = 4·18 Joules (By experiment)
(b) 1 C.H.U. = 1 lb × 1ºC = 453·6 gm × 1ºC
= 453·6 calories = 453·6 × 4·18 Joules = 1896 Joules
∴ 1C.H.U. = 1896 Joules
(c) 1 B.Th.U. = 1 lb × 1ºF = 453·6 gm × 5/9 ºC
= 252 calories = 252 × 4·18 Joules = 1053 Joules
∴ 1 B.Th.U. = 1053 Joules
(iii) Electrical and Heat

(a) 1 kWh = 1000 watts × 3600 seconds = 36 × 10^5 Joules

= 36 × 10^5/4.18 calories = 860 × 10^3 calories
∴ 1 kWh = 860 × 10^3 calories or 860 kcal

(b) 1 kWh = 36 × 10^5 Joules = 36 × 10^5/1896 C.H.U. = 1898 C.H.U.

[ 1 C.H.U. = 1896 Joules]
∴ 1 kWh = 1898 C.H.U.

(c) 1 kWh = 36 × 10^5 Joules = 36 × 10^5/1053 B.Th.U. = 3418 B.Th.U.

[ 1 B.Th.U. = 1053 Joules]
∴ 1 kWh = 3418 B.Th.U.
The output energy divided by the input energy is called energy efficiency or
simply efficiency of the system.

Efficiency, η = Output energy / Input energy

As power is the rate of energy flow, therefore, efficiency may be expressed equally well as
output power divided by input power i.e.,

Efficiency, η = Output power / Input power

Measuring Efficiency
Of Compressor
Calorific value:-
The amount of heat produced by the complete combustion of a unit weight of
fuel is known as its calorific value.
Advantages of Liquid fuels over the Solid fuels:-
The following are the advantages of liquid fuels over the solid fuels :

(i) The handling of liquid fuels is easier and they require less storage space.
(ii) The combustion of liquid fuels is uniform.
(iii) The solid fuels have higher percentage of moisture and consequently they burn with
great difficulty. However, liquid fuels can be burnt with a fair degree of ease and attain high
temperature very quickly compared to solid fuels.
(iv) The waste product of solid fuels is a large quantity of ash and its disposal becomes a
problem. However, liquid fuels leave no or very little ash after burning.
(v) The firing of liquid fuels can be easily controlled. This permits to meet the variation in
load demand easily.
Advantages of Solid fuels over the Liquid fuels:-
The following are the advantages of solid fuels over the liquid fuels :

(i) In case of liquid fuels, there is a danger of explosion.

(ii) Liquids fuels are costlier as compared to solid fuels.
(iii) Sometimes liquid fuels give unpleasant odors during burning.
(iv) Liquid fuels require special types of burners for burning.
(v) Liquid fuels pose problems in cold climates since the oil stored in the tanks is to be
heated in order to avoid the stoppage of oil flow.

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