Chess System Tal (User's Manual)
Chess System Tal (User's Manual)
Chess System Tal (User's Manual)
User´s Manual
1. Introduction
Chess programs have come a long way over the past ten years. Not long ago strong players
would laugh at their weak moves and lack of forward planning ability; now, with the help
of fast processors and more efficient algorithms, strong players are sometimes being beaten.
But, unfortunately, the classical programs still play weak moves, still suffer from an
inability to plan, and still fail to understand important aspects of chess - the strong players
are still laughing, most of the time.
C. Whittington
Mikhail Tal
3. How to Use Chess System Tal
Chess System Tal has two modes of operation:
Chess Mode
Database Mode
In both modes you will find most of the screen is active. i.e. wherever you click something
will happen. The menu bar is accessed by moving the mouse to the top of the screen.
1. A variation is denoted by a character Θ in front of a move. to add a variation simply play a different move
in place of an existing move. Click on the Θ character to obtain the variation list. An unlimited number of
variations can be put anywhere into the move list and can be nested (i.e. variations inside variations inside
variations). Variations are useful for exploration of alternative lines of play. Look at the games in the demo
database to see how to combine variations and comments effectively to illustrate 'what if' moves whilst
retaining the main line of the game.
2. The delete key is only needed if you make a mistake. If during play you decide you want to go back and try
a different move, you can simply take back, and then make the new move. A variation will be created so you
will not lose your original line of play. Clicking the left mouse button on a move will take you to that move.
Clicking and holding the right mouse button on a move will temporarily highlight this move on the board.
3. Warning: This is an advanced feature, changing the value of a book move in particular during the opening
will permanently affect the way Chess System Tal plays. If the move isn't in the opening book, a popup menu
will appear giving you a break down of it's score. (See the big thinking window section for more information
on each of these components. Right clicking anywhere after the move will allow you to exclude that move
from the search. This is an advanced feature and is discussed further in the Move Analysis menu section and
the advanced section. This will only work if Analyse mode is switched on. The popup menu to the right of the
title bar is used to follow named opening lines such as the Ruy Lopez opening, Selecting it with the right and
Thoughts window
Shows you Chess System Tal's thoughts.
the left buttons have different effects. If you click on the icon a popup menu will appear. The last two named
positions you reached will appear at the top of the list and below this all the named openings that extend from
here. If the list is longer than the box you may scroll through it by either moving the mouse to the scroll
arrows at the top or bottom (while holding the mouse down) or by moving the mouse over any line and typing
the first letters of the line you are interested in until the one you want appears. You may use backspace to go
back a character and if you press space the next entry starting with this will be found. E.g. to find Ruy Lopez
move the mouse over the popup menu until a line is highlighted and type "ruy" then press space till you find
the line you want. Select any line by releasing the mouse over it. Using the menu with the left mouse button
will play the next move in that line. With the right mouse you can "set" a named line. When you do this all
information about lines will disappear from the legal list except the move that will take you to the chosen
named position. to turn this off select none from the popup menu. If you find a line is absent from the list you
may add it (see the advanced section at the end of the manual).
Mobility: This is a measure of the freedom of movement of the pieces. Tal function:
Measures attacks against the king. Chess System Tal is uniquely designed to execute king
attacks in the style of Russian Grandmaster Mikhail Tal.
Development: This measures how rapidly pieces are moved from their starting positions.
Capablanca: Named after Cuban Grandmaster Capablanca, known for his 'technique' and
knowledge of the relative values of bishops, knights and pawns.
Centre Control: Control of the centre of the board is important in chess.
Key Squares: Before each move we identify certain critical squares and measure the
control each side has of them.
Pawn Structure: deals with doubled, isolated, weak pawns etc.
Passed Pawns: Evaluates the strength of pawns that threaten to promote.
Material Threats: Evaluates attacks on enemy pieces.
Nimzowitsch: Named after this famous Grandmaster who was known for his knowledge of
pawn structures and restriction of the movement of enemy pieces.
Major Pieces: Evaluates rooks, queens and pieces in danger of being trapped.
Total: All the above terms added together.
Inner-Eye window
The inner eye window gives you a graphical insight into the engine's thought processes.
Click here to for an explanation of the terms used here. There are four modes available for
this window. To change the mode click and hold the mouse down on the popup menu icon
to the right of the title bar above the window, then select the mode you want from the
popup menu that appears:
Mentor - An emotionally expressive head will appear in the window representing how the
engine is feeling. The mouth and lower face show how optimistic its evaluation is. The
eyebrows and upper face respond to small changes in the evaluation.
Search profile - This mode shows search width against depth. The lowest white line
represents the number of computer moves considered so far at ply zero, the next black line
the number of replies and so on. Since brute-force search is exponentially explosive with
depth, Chess System Tal uses various techniques to reduce the number of moves it needs to
search, sacrificing search width to gain search depth. So the search profile usually shows an
inverted diamond shape, as the search width becomes wider with depth. Interesting
positions are extended, this is shown by a sharp peak at the top of the profile, normally such
peaks represent interesting tactical threads. Areas in blue signify checks and replies to
check. For an explanation of the numbers and text that also appear in the window see the
advanced section.
Move interest - This mode shows how interested we are in each of the possible moves in
the form of a bar graph. Clicking on a bar will tell you which move it corresponds to. The
top section of the bar is in blue and represents how much the search was extended on this
Checker board - At random intervals during the search the engine will draw a dot on the
destination square of the move it's currently thinking about. Thus a map of 'interesting'
areas of the board is built up.
Scatter diagram - This gives a radial picture of the search tree, similar to a radar screen. At
random intervals the search plots it's position in the window. The diagram is a semicircle,
with it's centre at the bottom middle of the window. Radial distance from the centre
represents depth. The angle from the bottom left going clockwise represents position. Thus
if there 20 moves in the ply 0 move list, the semi-circle will be divided into 20 arcs.
Imagine this graph as a tree growing outwards from the bottom centre. If you click with the
mouse within the scatter diagram, the arc will be shown and the mouse cursor will tell you
which move this arc corresponds to. Dots in blue represent positions with high activity.
Arcs containing a lot of dots are moves found particularly interesting.
Capture/Points window
This window either shows the captured pieces or a graph of points against move number.
The popup icon to the right of the title bar will allow you to select the mode. The graph
modes show how the score has changed as the game has gone on. If you see your score
suddenly dropping for no apparent reason watch out!, the graph is from Whites' point of
view, so a positive score is always good for White. For a description of the components see
the big thinking window. The vertical points axis is logarithmic to allow sudden jumps in
score to be shown. Left clicking on the graph will make the window cycle through all of it's
modes. Right clicking and holding will allow you to rescale the graph axes. Adjust the
vertical scale by clicking and holding on the window with the right mouse button and move
the mouse up and down. The graph will only contain results for moves made in the current
play session. Thus if you load a game or get a database game, the points graph will contain
no results.
Comments window
The comments window is used to enter a comment for the move just made. Click in it and
start typing to add or edit a comment, the comment will also appear in the move list. To
finish typing press escape or click outside the comment window. You can enter any
comment you wish here - the standard shorthand comments used in chess notation are as
! - good move
? - poor move
!! - very good move
?? - very poor move
!? - speculative move
?! - questionable move
File Menu
New Game - Starts a new game. If you have a game in progress you will be asked if you
want to save it.
Load Game - Load a game saved on disk.
Save Game - Save the current game to disk. Type the name of the game in the filename box
and any comments you want to make about the game in the comment box.
Import - Import a game from disk in a format other than our standard save game format.
Chess System Tal can load saved games from other chess programs and most text files
containing games. Chess System Tal can load ChessMaster 4000 Turbo saved games,
Kasparov's Gambit saved games. PGN (text) format saved games and any other generic text
saved game format that contains lists of moves or Forsythe boards.
Export - Export a game to disk.
Text - PGN text format is a standard format used by chess programs and chess database
programs to save games. If you export your games as PGN files, other programs can read
Art - Save the picture of the board as a 256 colour picture file. The type of file is machine
specific. For the PC version it's a Microsoft Windows.bmp file. These file can be loaded by
Windows paint packages.
Who Are You - This menu option allows you to set up details of the current user. Up to 10
different users may be registered with the program, each with their own settings. (Please
note this does not mean you may have 10 copies of Chess System Tal - the 10 users must all
use the same copy of the program on one machine).
New User - Create a new user. Type your name into the name box. The dialog also shows
your estimated grade and the number of games you have won, lost or drawn. Initially after
no games played your grade will be set to the minimum. Your play strength is expressed as
one of four figures selected in the "Set Playing Strength" menu optional. They are USCF
(US Chess Federation), Swedish/German ELO, U.K. ELO or BCF (British Chess
Federation). When you click on ok, the current settings of the program will be saved with
your name. Each time Chess System Tal is quitted the last user and their preferences will be
Choose User - Switch to a different user, created with New User.
Delete User - Delete an existing user from the list.
User Profile - Get details on an existing user and allows their name to be changed.
Strict Game - Strict play mode is a no cheating play mode used to assess your playing
strength. When selected a new game will be started and tournament chess rules will apply.
The results of games played in "strict mode" are used to obtain a recognized figure for your
strength as a player. The following special things happen in "strict mode". You may only
play in standard 2D or 3D layouts. You may not take back or stop the clocks during your
turn. The only clock modes allowed are Tournament and Blitz. Time controls are enforced
(i.e. if you run out of time you loose). When a game is finished the result is stored as part of
your cumulative assessment, the more games you play the more accurate this figure will be.
To quit "strict mode" before the game is finished use the adjourn game menu option.
Adjourn Game - Quit strict mode play. You are allowed one adjournment each game. If
you have already adjourned once this game you will be asked to resign or carry on playing.
If you adjourn, next time you select strict play you will be given the option of continuing
the adjourned game. When a "strict mode" game finishes your new grade will be given to
you and you will be presented with the option of automatically setting Chess System Tal's
strength to this new figure, this way the next game will be more balanced.
Beginners Menu - When this is selected a simple "Beginners" menu is displayed as the
second menu.
About - This will show program credits and information about the performance of your
Database Mode - Switch to database mode.
Quit - Exit to operating system. The current game position will be automatically re-loaded
next time you use Chess System Tal.
Beginners Menu
This menu will appear the first time you run the program. You may switch it on and off
with the Beginners Menu option under the File menu. All of the functions within it (except
Show Squares and Odds Chess) may be performed from other menus as well.
Start New Game - Start a new game.
Normal Game - Start a new game, in the currently selected clock mode.
Blitz Game - Start a new game and switch to Blitz mode. You will be asked to enter the
time you want the entire game to last.
Choose New Pieces - Select different art to be used for the pieces, board and backdrop.
Switch to 3d/2d view - Switch to the 3d board if you are playing in 2d or the 2d board if
you are playing in 2d.
Swap Sides -This is a quick way of making the computer start/stop thinking. It doesn't
actually swap the sides though this is what often appears to happen. If the current side to
move is being played by a human, this is changed to computer and the opponent to human,
the opposite happens if the side to move is computer. This is useful after moving through
the move list, as Chess System Tal will always leave the human with the move after going
to a new move. Swap sides will start the computer thinking.
Set White Player - Allows you to set exactly who should play White, Human or Computer.
Use the White Player option under the Setup menu if you want to set one side to Network.
Set Black Player - Allows you to set exactly who should play Black.
Flip Board - Rotate the board by 180ì (useful if you're playing black).
Show Squares - When you pick up a piece all the squares that it may move to will be
highlighted when this option is turned on.
Odds Chess - Start a new game with a handicap against the computer. You will be asked
what you want the handicap to be.
Mono Set - Turn the diagrammatic Black and White set on and off. This set is always
available regardless of other colour set you have loaded.
Backdrops - Toggles screen backdrops off, thus freeing memory for important items like
the hash table. If you are running in low memory the program may have not loaded a screen
backdrop, in which case the background will be grey.
Gamma correction - Adjusts the brightness of the display. Once you have set the
brightness the level will be remembered for the future.
Graphical clock - Toggles between digital and graphical clock display. This can also be
done by clicking on the clock.
Coordinates - Displays standard chess coordinates 1-8 and a-h around the board.
Orientation - View the board from different angles. Left to Right means White plays Left
to Right and so on.
Notation - Allows you to set the chess notation the program will use to display moves. See
the glossary for more information. This can also be done using the popup menu on the
Move List.
Blindfold Chess - This will hide all the pieces during play except when they move. To turn
blindfold mode off select this item again.
Setup Menu
Board - Set the board up. The mouse will turn into a '+' shape to indicate you are in setup
mode. You will be prevented from making any further moves or using many of the menu
options until you have finished. Click anywhere other than on a piece while the mouse is a
'+' shape and the popup menu will appear. If your mouse isn't a '+' shape then right click
first. While the mouse is a '+' shape you may pick up and move any of the pieces on the
board. To put a new piece on the board, select the required piece from the popup menu. You
may now add this piece to the board by clicking on a square. If the square already contains
a piece the old piece will be deleted. Right click the mouse to return the mouse to the '+'
shape. To delete a piece from the board select delete from the popup menu, the mouse will
turn into an 'X' shape. Any piece you now click on will be deleted. Use the reset option to
set the board to the standard startup position. Use the clear option to clear all pieces from
the board. When you have finished select finish. You will then be asked for whose side it is
to make a move. At all stages right clicking will return the mouse to the '+' shape. You will
not be allowed to set up illegal chess positions. The "too many pieces" message will appear
if you attempt to put too many pieces on the board (remember you start with 8 pawns so the
maximum number of Knights or Bishops or Rooks you may have when all the pawns have
gone is 2+8=10).
Time - Set the time controls to be used whilst playing the game. These will be used by the
computer but not enforced on you unless playing in 'Strict Mode'.
Blitz - set the time to play the entire game. Exceeding the time control is equivalent to a
loss. In Blitz mode the digital clock will show a count down clock below the main clock.
Infinite - leaves Chess System Tal to think forever or until interrupted.
Average - Chess System Tal will think for an average of the time set here throughout a
Tournament - Chess System Tal's strongest mode: primary, secondary and tertiary time
controls, Chess System Tal will use its time intelligently over the course of the game. In
tournament chess it is required that both players meet certain time controls. The standard
controls are 40 moves within 2 hours then 20 moves each hour after that. In Chess System
Tal you may set up to three time controls, the third one is cycled. Time is cumulative so if
you only take 1.5 hours to make the first 40 moves you will have 30 minutes spare on top of
the 1 hour you are expected to make the next 20 in.
Matching - Chess System Tal will, on the whole, try to move at the same rate as the human
Exact time - the only strict time cutoff. Normally Chess System Tal treats the time control
as 'flexible', thinking longer when necessary and quicker in trivial positions, in this clock
mode Chess System Tal will think for exactly this amount of time each move.
Clock Method - You can set the clock method for Blitz and Tournament chess games. The
two clock methods are the Fischer Clock and the Bronstein clock. These are two new
methods of time control becoming popular at chess tournaments aided by the introduction
of electronic clocks. Under the Fischer method each time you make a move the time you
enter in the dialog will be added to your clock. Thus if you set 15s and make your first
move after 10s your clock will have gained 5s. The Bronstein method is similar except that
the minimum of the time taken and the time you set here is added to your clock. Thus in the
above example only 10s will be added after your move leaving your clock at zero. Thus
under the Bronstein clock you can't ever have more time than you started with. The
advantage of these methods is that in long endgame situations you can keep on playing so
long as you keep moving fast.
Set Play Strength - Set the strength of play of the computer. The engine in Chess System
Tal will strive to match this level. You may set the grading scale you wish to use from
German/Swedish ELO, BCF (British Chess Federation), UK ELO or USCF (US Chess
Federation). When you first start Chess System Tal the Set To Maximum item will be
selected, click on here to set the strength to a different value. Click on here again in the
future if you want Chess System Tal to play at its maximum again. If you set the figure
below about 1500 Swedish/German ELO Chess System Tal won't search and will make its
decision purely on the basis of 1 ply of look ahead. If you're playing a tournament of 'Strict
Mode" games it is worth letting Chess System Tal automatically adjust this figure to match
your grade.
Style - Chess System Tal gives you control over its evaluation and search parameters.
Evaluation - Adjust the way Chess System Tal "scores" a position. Please see the advanced
section for detailed instructions.
Search Extensions - Adjust the way Chess System Tal decides to extend its search. Please
see the advanced section for detailed instructions.
Save - Save the current style to disk.
Load - Choose the style you want to play against from this menu. If the style you want isn't
visible then use the 'Other' option.
Default - Set the style of play to the standard style.
Set draw - Sets the desirability of a draw, otherwise known as the 'contempt' factor.
Hash Tables - This allows you to recommend the amount of memory used by the main
hash table and the pawn hash table. The actual values will be adjusted once the next move
is made, so as not to interrupt the engine. The main hash table is more important than the
pawn hash table and should be given a lot more memory. Clear hash tables, will simply
blank the entire contents of all hash tables. this can be done at any time, even if we are
thinking, all information we have already thought of will be lost.
Swap sides - This is a quick way of making the computer start/stop thinking. It doesn't
actually swap the sides though this is what often appears to happen. If the current side to
move is being played by a human, this is changed to computer and the opponent to human,
the opposite happens if the side to move is computer. This is useful after moving through
the movelist, as Chess System Tal will always leave the human with the move after going to
a new move. Swap sides will start the computer thinking.
White player - Can be set to Computer, Human, or Network. This way you can manually
set up who is playing White. Network is only available when network communication has
been established (see communications menu).
Black Player - As for White player.
Communications - This menu starts network play.
Connect - Before network play can begin both players have to use connect, In order to use
network play both computers must have read and write access to a common drive. For
instance "f:\shared". Your computer will now wait until communication has been
established with another player.
Check connection - Once network play has begun, the connection between you and your
opponent may be checked at any time with this option. If all is well the message "Message
acknowledged" will appear almost immediately. NB.: This will not happen if your opponent
is using their menus, in which case you must wait until they stop doing this.
Disconnect - Use this option to stop network play. Your opponent will be notified if you do
Send message - Send a text message to your opponent. The message will appear on your
opponents screen. For more details on how to use network play see the advanced users
Options - Sets various "chess etiquette" options.
Offer draws - if set, Chess System Tal may offer a draw if it thinks it expedient, this
control also allows Chess System Tal to offer resignations.
Slide pieces - if set, Chess System Tal will slide pieces over the board as they are moved.
Must move touched pieces - the 'touch and move' rule. If you pick up a piece it must be
moved to a new square!
Sound - Chess System Tal will bleep to warn you it is your turn to move.
Capture animation - captured pieces will animate when taken or deleted.
Set clocks - allows adjustment of the time on the clocks. If we are thinking you will be
prevented from doing this until the next move has been made. If you set the auto query
parameter up, you will be asked to set the correct time after this many moves repeatedly.
Book Menu
Book Control - Gives control over Chess System Tal's opening book. For more information
on opening books please see the glossary. Chess System Tal constructs it's opening books
from databases of games. The method for selection of moves to play is governed by the
Popularity, Strength, Random buttons and the slider bar below them. Popularity means the
most common move that we know of that was played from this position. The
unusual/common slider bar sets the likelihood of selecting moves that were uncommon to
common. Setting the control to common will mean we will always play the same (most
popular) response. Strength means we will pick moves that lead to the most wins for the
side to move. The random/best slider bar moderates this between totally random moves to
the strongest move we can make. Full on will make us always choose the strongest move
each time. Random means moves are chosen totally randomly. Book moves may either be
obtained from the main opening book (shipped with the program) or from opening books
you create yourself. To use your own opening book turn the main book off by clicking on
the tick box next to it, then click on the User Book drop down menu and select your book,
select 'Other' if your book doesn't appear in the list or isn't in the books directory, finally
turn your book on by selecting the 'User Book' item. The settings in the opening book
dialog are saved in the preferences. The tick boxes next to each book turn it on and off. The
priority is the order in which the books are searched, if both are set to on, then if moves are
found in the first the second will not be searched.
Optimise use - Speeds up usage of the opening book on slow computers.
Analyses Menu
Hint - If available, Chess System Tal will suggest a move for you to play.
Solve for mate - solves standard mate in 2, mate in 3 etc. positions. All mates found are
shown. To be a mate move, the move must lead to mate regardless of what the other side
does. You have the option of searching for mate up to 31 half moves ahead, this would take
a long time (probably longer than the existence of the universe) we recommend 8 as a
sensible upper limit. At the end the results will be presented in a dialog box. Click on any
move to make it.
Warnings - if set this will give beginner style warnings if the human player makes a
'dangerous' move. Please note that this is a beginner feature and uses the ply zero scoring
information rather than the search to decide on warnings. Thus it will still warn you even if
you are making a deliberate sacrifice.
Grading - This option will present you with a summary of your games played in 'Strict
Mode' and give you your current grade.
Chess Puzzles - Chess System Tal comes with over 6000 solved test positions or puzzles.
Each position has been solved by a human and has one answer which is regarded as the best
move to make. There are also extra suites shipped with Chess System Tal, including
"BT2450.POS" and "BT2630.POS" these contain the positions in the standard Bednorz-
T'nissen tests for computer chess programs. You can get an approximation of your ELO
grade using these suites. The Bednorz-T'nissen tests are a suite of 30 positions with known
solution times for a range of graded chess programs. Using the the Bednorz-T'nissen
method ELO grades can be approximated. You can either choose to try against the two
"official" suites or with a random selection of 30 positions from 6000. The Bednorz-
T'nissen method awards points for the time taken to arrive at the correct answer, up to 15
minutes, an incorrect answer is scored at 15 minutes. When a test is completed the results
are summarised into a dialog box. Each position will be shown as <the position number>
<the solution> <time in seconds to find it (900 for a failure)>. At the bottom is the ELO
grade in the various formats.
My grade - will grade Chess System Tal according to the current time set, for
accurate grading set 15 minutes exact and use one of the "BT.POS" suites. (This
will take 7.5 hours so using a lower time is acceptable). During grading,
information about the position including the solution will appear at the top of the
Thoughts window.
Your grade - will estimate your grade. You will have one chance at each position.
If you get the correct answer, you will move on to the next one. If you get the
wrong answer then you will be allowed to see the correct solution by clicking on
the board. Remember your grade will be affected by how long you take to think.
Goto next - skips to next test position in suite. This has the effect of marking this
position as failed.
Terminate - aborts current grading test, and brings up the summary on the basis of
the positions played. If you abort after only completing a few tests, bear in mind the
results will be very inaccurate.
Load test position - loads a specific test position.
Load suite - several suites of test positions are supplied. The default suite contains
6000 positions. BT2450 is the standard test suite of 30 Bednorz-T'nissen positions
BT2630 as BT2450, but more difficult. Test suites with more than 100 positions are
used to generate random positions for the My grade / Your grade tests. Positions
from smaller test suites are read in order. The test suites use Forsythe notation and
are in text, please see advanced section for details of how to create your own.
Move Analysis - If Analyse mode is set, then moves in the 'legal move' list can be
'greyed out' - click to the right of the move using the right mouse button. Greyed out
moves will then be ignored by the search. Useful for 'what if' scenarios and
correspondence players. Please see advanced section for more details.
3.2. The Database Mode
To quickly switch between Database Mode and Chess Mode use the F1 key.
Games shown in Black are said to be hidden, if the database is searched or saved the hidden
games will be ignored. This is similar to deleting the game from the database. Left clicking
on a game will make it the current game. Right clicking on a game will change it from
hidden to visible and back again.
Goto Game - Type the number of the game you want to go to. If you type a number higher
than the last game in the database you will be taken to the last game.
Chess Mode - Switch back to Chess Mode.
Get game - Use this option to add the currently played game from chess mode to the
database. If the game originally came from the database by using the put game option you
will be asked if you want to put it back where it came from. If not you will be asked to
provide information on the game such as, the names of the players, where it was played and
the result. To put a date in simply type the year at the end of the venue. Changed games will
appear with a '*' character in front of them in the list of games. The changed games will not
be saved to disk until you choose save from the database menu. If you attempt to load a
new database while there are unsaved changes you will be warned and asked if you want to
save the changed database.
Edit game - This option will overwrite your currently played game in chess mode with the
currently highlighted database game and return you to chess mode. This will allow you
delete/add moves variations and annotations. To put it back in the database, return to
database mode and press the get game button.
Quit - Quit Chess System Tal.
View Menu
This menu is a reduced version of the view menu in chess mode. See the view menu under
the chess mode menus.
Search Menu
Search Database - Search the current database for specific games. You will be presented
with a large dialog box with a number of options in it. If any of these is left blank or is off it
is ignored while searching. The fields are:
Player: Type the name of a player you want to search for here. An incomplete name
such as "kas" will match with any names that start with this name such as Kasparov.
Case is ignored so "Kas" is the same as "kas". Wildcards can be used in the name:
The '*' character means any letters can match this part of the name. So searching for
"ka*ov" would find all games played by Kasparov and all games played by Karpov
plus all games played by anybody whose name starts in "ka" and ends in "ov". The
'?' character matches any characters at this point in the name. This is useful when
looking for games by a player whose name may have been misspelt such as
Korchnoi whose name may have been spelt Korchnoj. You could look for
"Korchno?". Next to the name are two tick boxes, at least one of these must be set if
searching for a player. They determine whether you want to look for games played
as White or Black or either.
Venue: Set a location for games you are interested in such as Buenos Aires. You
may use wildcards in this field.
Year: Set the years to look for games between. Setting only the first year will look
for games played in and after this year. Thus 1990- will look for all games from
1990 to the current time. 1990-1994 will look for games between these two years
and 1990-1990 will look for games played in 1990.
Named line: You can search for games starting with a named sequence of moves
with this option such as the Ruy Lopez opening. Click on the dropdown menu and
select the line you are interested in. (If the named opening you are interested in
doesn't appear in the list see the advanced user section for how to add it.
Current database game line: click on this tick box to look for games that contain
moves up to the currently highlighted move in the current database game. This is
useful for finding similar games in a database.
Main game line: Same as above except the line searched for is taken from the
game that was being played in chess mode before you switched to database mode.
This is useful for finding what (if anything) other players did in the position you are
now in.
Current database position: This is similar to searching for the current database
game line except that rather than looking for a sequence of moves, the games are
searched for a matching position. Thus all transpositions are found.
Main game position: As above except the game currently being played in chess
mode. Setup positions: Look for any games that don't start from the standard chess
starting position, this includes black starting.
Variations: Look for any games that contain variations. Comments: Look for any
games that contain text comments or annotations. Result: Look for games whose
result was a draw (1/2-1/2), win for White (1-0) or a win for Black (0-1).
The final options in the dialog are the (and, or not) radio buttons. These should be read
as they are said. Eg. Player is set to Kasparov as White and year is set to 1990-
1990. With and - all games that were played by Kasparov and were played in 1990
will be found. With or - all games that were played by Kasparov or that were played
in 1990 will be found. With not - all games not (played by Kasparov or in 1990)
will be found. More than two things can be set at once so all games played by
Kasparov in 1990 in Buenos Aries could be set with and. Clearly if only one option
is set and/or will have no effect.
The reset button will reset all of the fields in the dialog to off.
The effect of searching is to set all games that don't match the filter to hidden. Only
visible games are searched so the effect is cumulative. Thus if the first time you get
all Kasparov games and the second time you search not draws. You will have all
Kasparov games that were not draws4.
Sort - Use this option to sort the database into a specific order such as chronological (year)
or alphabetical on the White players name.
Show Hidden Games - Hidden games can either be shown 'greyed out' in the game listing,
or can be hidden completely.
Clear Filter - This makes all games in the current database visible.
Invert Filter - Shows hidden games and hides visible games. Useful for splitting databases
into two parts. Eg. find all Kasparov games and save the result. Invert the visibility of all
4. To search for all games played by a specific player set the players name, select White and Black and set
the games and save the database. This has the effect of extracting and removing all
Kasparov games from the database.
Book Menu
Make New Opening Book - Builds a new opening book from the current database. You
will be asked for the name of the new book, if you choose an existing book you will be
asked if you want to append or overwrite it (append means keep the old data and add the
new data to the end). You will then be asked how many half moves you want to go into the
opening book (up to 200). The number of moves affects how big the resulting book file will
be and also how deep it can be played into. Pressing escape at any time will abort the
process. When you have finished a book it may be optimised and you may fold it's
transpositions together using the optimise.exe program you will find in the database
New personality - Builds a new opening book using database games played by your choice
of named person (Eg: Tal or Kasparov). Again this option requires a database to be loaded.
The database is searched for games played by the chosen player and the data from the game
is put into the book in a specific way, such that the lines will be chosen even if the game
was lost. This is because if you build a Kasparov book you want his bad moves as well as
his good moves.
4. Advanced Features
What follows is further information on some of the more advanced features of Chess
System Tal.
2. Static adjustments - They are only done once before we start searching
Attack enemy King - Encourage attack of our opponent king.
Attack weak pawns - Encourage attack of weak pawns.
Avoid pins - Avoid having pieces pinned down (Eg Queen in front of king).
Support passed pawns - Keep your promoting pawns safe.
Promote lever moves - A lever move is one in which we try to attack the opponents
pawn chain.
Don't block pawns - Don't get in the way of your pawns.
Bad bishop - Bishop restricted by its own pawns.
Occupy enemy board - Get into opponents half of the board.
Lock flank pawns - Inhibits the pushing of the wing pawns.
Lock pawns near king - Tries to maintain a pawn defence in front of the King.
Knight freedom - Increase mobility of the Knight.
Knight attacks - Promotes Knight attacking enemy pieces.
Bishops and Knights to centre - Encourages bishops and Knights specifically to
control centre.
3. Piece adjustments - These adjust relative piece values. i.e. you can make your
Queen more valuable.
Search extensions terms - Are used to 'extend' the search in active positions (see glossary).
If the search extension terms are set to 'active' or 'manic' Chess System Tal will detect
tactical themes, but at the expense of the 'normal' positional search. Search extensions strike
a fine balance between finding tactical themes and playing sound positional chess. With all
extensions set Chess System Tal becomes a fine 'finder'; that is it will find tactical threads if
they are there. Unfortunately this is not the same as playing good chess, so in a normal
game it is necessary to reduce the extension settings. There a number of pages of these as
follows and each one can be set to one of up to four settings.
Sacrifice for Queen check - Looks for possible sacrifices so the Queen can follow through
with dangerous checks.
Sacrifice for piece check - as above but for any other piece.
Sacrifice for capturing check - as above but capture while giving check.
Overloaded king defence - Looks for pieces defending too many other pieces at once.
Queen infiltration near the King - Looks for ways for the Queen to get near the King.
Skewer piece near King - Pin pieces on the King.
Discovered check threat - Look for discovered checks.
Discovered mate attack threat - Looks to see if you can move a piece to reveal a mating
Strong check sequence - Extends the search if there have been a powerful series of checks.
Check piece can be captured - Extends even if the checking piece can be taken.
King left in extreme Danger - If a King is left in a dangerous position we extend the
King left in Danger - as above but not so immediate.
Threaten check - Extend if you threaten to give a check on your next move.
Give check - Extends if just given check.
Check enemy Queen in danger - Extend if you give check and threaten the Queen.
Check enemy Queen in extreme danger - as above but threaten Queen extremely.
Check enemy piece in danger - as above but for any piece.
Check, interposes forced - Extend if opponent can only respond by putting a piece in the
Check king has only one reply - The king can only make one move.
Tal defend - Turns on/off Tal function for own King.
Tal attack - as above but for enemy King.
Tal let's have fun - Turns up Tal function.
Make King active in Endgame - Looks for King attacks against pawns in endgame.
Promotion threats - Extend if you threaten to promote.
Passed pawn threats - If you threaten to move a passed pawn forwards.
Running pawn threats - Pawns with free pathway to promotion.
Dangerous running pawn threats - as above but more dangerous.
Rook support for promotion - Rook is supporting a passed pawn.
Connected passed pawn threats - Looks for adjacent pawns.
Attack enemy pieces - Extend if we're attacking an enemy piece.
Look for Knight forks - Fork King and Queen with Knight.
Trap major pieces - Queens and Rooks having very few moves.
Trap minor pieces - as above but Bishops and Knights.
Threaten trapped pieces - Attack pieces seen as trapped.
Look for pinned pieces - Detect pieces pinned against the King.
Look for pins against the Queen - as above but for Queen.
Look for potential pinned pieces - pieces might be pinned in future.
Equal capture extension - Extends if a piece can be safely taken.
Capture Search - Extends on certain types of capture.
Null move search - Activates the null move algorithm (see the glossary).
General search extension 1,2,3,4 - These activate certain undefined and experimental
/autot - Special mode for auto-tournamenting Chess Tal against other chess
programs using a NULL modem cable and a FOSSIL driver - for further details
contact Oxford Softworks.
/cd_drive= - (CDRom version only). This sets the name of the CDRom drive with
the chess program on it, this is only necessary if problems arise. Eg. /cd_drive=D
/no_titles - No title animation or logos shown. /safety Program will save game after
every move made into the DATAFILE\LASTGAME.GAM file used for saving the
current game when you quit. /no_3d Program won't load 3d art - this can save about
600k of memory that the program can then use for other things like hash tables.
E.g.: To start the program with no 3d art and in safety mode type: C:\chess /no_3d /safety.
5. Stop Press Items
Here are some things that didn't make their way into the online manual in time for release
DOS or Windows 95
Chess System Tal will run best directly from DOS (not a DOS window under Windows, but
bare DOS). There's no multitasking to steal time from CST, and CST can grab more
memory without Win95 in the background. Your mouse driver will need to be enabled.
You can also run Chess System Tal from a DOS window under windows. To increase the
performance, you should avoid trying to multitask other applications at the same time. But
even so, Windows will give some performance degradation.
Click on the ABOUT menu item, then PERFORMANCE. This will tell you how much
memory has been allocated to the hash tables, and the performance of your system relative
to a Pentium Pro 200.
Tournament Testing
Use as follows: bare DOS (not a DOS window), some disk cache to speed up the CD
access, preferably transfer the large opening book to hard disk lots of memory - 32 Mbytes
for a Pentium Pro 200 and tournament time controls would be suitable
Named Lines
In the datafile directory you will find the file “ecoclas.txt”. This is a file of the named ECO
system openings in our file format## (see main online help). You may replace the
datafile\engopen.txt with this file by copying it onto it, i.e. from your chess directory in dos
type “copy datafile\engopen.txt datafile\old.txt”, this will make a backup copy of the old
copy for you “copy datafile\ecoclas.txt datafile\engopen.txt”.
You will now be able to use this far more complete opening classification. It does make the
choice of opening rather wide though!
Auto232 Autoplayer
The Austrian autoplayer by Chrilly Donninger is supported. Run Chess System Tal using
the /c232 switch, eg. chess /c232. You should have installed the Donninger software using
the 'noname' option. To acquire Auto232 software and special serial cable for linking two
PC's, try the Gambitsoft World Wide Web site for details.
6. Glossary
A quick guide to the terminology used in this manual.
Best line - Like all good chess players, when CST thinks it's looking many moves
ahead. In fact unlike a human it will consider many thousands of moves each
second. Each time it finds a better or more likely sequence of moves, it remembers
it. This sequence of moves is called the best line and is simply the best CST has
come up with so far. Thus a best line of G1F3 B8C6 B1C3 E7E5 D2D4 means
white plays G1F3 then black plays B8C6 white responds with B1C3 and so on. In
CST the best line is displayed in the thoughts window, clicking on any move in the
best line will make CST show you the best line played out on the board.
Branch - A branch in a search tree is a move that can be made from the position.
Coordinates - In chess the coordinates of the board are taken from white's bottom
left hand square, which is a1. The letters increase to the right and the numbers
increase up.
Depth or ply - This is simply how many moves ahead we are looking. The numbers
start at 0. So the ply 0 moves are all the moves that can be made from the current
position. The Nominal depth is the current depth that we will not search beyond
unless we decide to extend.
Engine - This is the intelligence of the program, or the bit that knows how to play
Extensions - Normally during searching, depending on the iteration the program
won't look deeper than a certain number of moves. An extension is where it decides
a certain line needs greater consideration and extends it's search beyond this point.
Forsyth board - The Forsyth board (also known as Forsyth Edwards Notation
FEN) is the most compact way of representing a chess board in text. The translation
is as follows. Lower case pnbrqk means black Pawn Knight Bishop and so on.
Upper case PNBRQK means white. You start at board square a8 and work right and
down. A number means step on this many squares a '/' means go down to next line.
So 3r3k means 3 spaces a black Rook on c8 3 spaces and the black King on f8. At
the end of the line the side to move appears ('w' or 'b').
Hash Table - Also known as the transposition table. The hash table is a large area of
memory that's used by the chess program to remember things that it's already
thought of. There are two reasons for this. Often sequences of moves can lead to the
same position eg E2E4, E7E5 D2D4 is the same as D2D4 E7E5 E2E4. This is
called a transposition and clearly CST would be wasting it's time if it thought of
moves that continued from this position more than once. The second purpose is to
guide the search by quickly providing information calculated in previous iterations
to the current iteration.
Horizon - The horizon is the depth or number of moves ahead that we are looking
until before we stop looking.
Iteration - Searching in chess is carried out in iterations. When CST starts thinking
it firstly restricts itself to only looking say two moves ahead. It does this very
quickly and then starts all over again and looks maybe 4 moves ahead, next time 6
and so on. Each time it starts again is a new iteration. This process may seem very
inefficient but remember that information from previous iterations has been stored
in the hash table. The reason for doing this is so that when we decide to stop
thinking, we've covered as wide an area as possible, within the time available.
Move and Half move number - A move in chess is really a pair of moves, i.e. the
number of moves a particular colour has made. The half move number is the count
of all the moves played.
Notation - Many notations are used in chess to denote moves. We support all of
them, here is a brief description of each:
Coordinate - also known as algebraic. This is the simplest notation, it is
simply the coordinates of the start square followed by the coordinates of the
end the end square. Thus E2E4 means move the piece on E2 to E4.
FIDE - FIDE is the most commonly used notation amongst chess players.
It's more compact than coordinate, but also harder to read. FIDE is the
International Chess Federation. The letters NBRQK mean Knight, Bishop
Rook Queen King respectively. Except for castling all FIDE moves contain
only one square coordinate which is the end square of the move. One
coordinate by itself (eg. b4) means a pawn moves here. A capital NBRQ or
K before the move (eg. Rb4) means that piece type moves here (Rook to b4).
In cases where say two Rooks of the same colour could move to b4 a
qualifying rank or file is given before the square (eg Rab4 Rook on file a
moves to b4, or N3c5 Knight on rank 3 moves to c5). When a capture takes
place the letter x is put before the square coordinate (eg. Bxb7 Bishop takes
on b7). When a pawn is promoted, whatever it is promoted to is put after the
square coordinate (eg. b8=Q Pawn moves to b8 and is promoted to Queen).
Finally a short castle is denoted by O-O and a long castle (on the queens
side) by O-O-O. We also provide the option of graphical FIDE in which the
letters NBRQK are replaced by graphics symbols of the pieces.
Long algebraic - is a combination between Coordinate and FIDE, as with
coordinate the start square and destination square are given. A '-' character is
added between them which is replaced by an 'x' character when a piece is
captured, and if the moving piece isn't a pawn the capital letter NBRQK is
added before the move. (eg. g6-g7 Pawn on g6 to g7. Nf3xg5 Knight on f3
captures on g5). Promotions and castles are the same as in FIDE.
Descriptive - is an old fashioned notation. The start of the move is the type
of the moving piece (i.e. PNBRQK), this is followed by a '-' or 'x' for
capture. The destination square then follows. The destination square is given
in terms of squares in front of the starting position of a piece. Thus K3 (King
3) for white is the third square in the King file (or e3) for black this would be
e6. So P-K3 for white is E2E3 for black it's E7E6. Rooks, Knights and
Bishops on the left hand side of the board are referred as Queens Rook,
Queens Knight and so on. On the Right side of the board they belong to the
King. Thus N-KB3 means Knight to Kings Bishop 3 or Knight moves to f3.
If there is ambiguity over the moving piece, it's qualified with King or queen
(eg KN-Q4). Promotions come after the move and a '\' is used (eg P-KN8\Q).
Castling is the same as for FIDE.
Correspondant - This is simply coordinate replacing the letters with
numbers, so a1 becomes 11 and e4 becomes 54. Finally in all the above
notations check is denoted by a '+' following the move, except for
Descriptive where the letters 'ch' are used instead. (eg. F1B5+, Bb5+, Bf1-
b5+ and B-N5ch).
Null move search - Special search technique in which the weaker side makes two
moves in succession to determine if it can improve its position.
Opening book - The first few moves played in any chess game often follow very
similar sequences of moves eg (E2E4.. E7E5). Because of this chess programs
employ opening books to help them make the first few moves. Rather than wasting
precious clock seconds on deciding whether E2E4 is a better first move than D2D4
the decision is made instantly from a big external file of known opening move
sequences. CST allows you to build different opening books from the databases
PGN format - PGN stands for Portable Games Notation - and is a text based way
of saving chess games so that other programs may load them. Because the files
created are text you may load and edit them in a suitable word processor. The
format is too detailed to outline here but the full specification and specifications for
FEN and EPD may be obtained from the author on the internet - Steven
( The main chess repository containing hundreds of PGN
games and lots of other useful information can be found at the anonymous ftp site at the University of Oklahoma at Norman (USA) on the internet.
Pruning - is a concept which derives naturally from the idea of a search tree. it's a
process used by the search to prevent it from looking down certain lines, thus
pruning all the positions beyond.
Result - This is the result of the game and is one of 1-0 white wins 0-1 black wins
or 1/2-1/2 draw.
Score or Points - Scores or Points in CST are measured in terms of pawns. A score
of 1 means we think we are exactly 1 pawn ahead, a score of 2.4 would mean we
think we are 2.4 pawns ahead.
Search - Searching in chess programs, means searching for the best move to make.
This involves looking at as many positions as possible to come out with the most
optimal move. This is not the same as the move which could lead to the best
position. For example "Fools mate" can put your opponent in checkmate within 3
moves of the start of the game. Clearly the "Fools mate" is a very good position to
be in, but we assume our opponent is as intelligent as us and won't allow us to get to
this position. Thus we won't even search as far as it. This process is called
minimaxing, which means we take the minimum of the maximum scores available
to us, this allows us to prune out large areas of the search tree.
Search Tree or Search Space - This is an imaginary tree that represents, all the
possible moves that could be made. This number is actually more than the number
of atoms in the universe. At the start position there are 20 legal moves for white. If
you draw a circle which represents this position then 20 lines or branches could
drawn from it to new circles or positions, if you then draw a branch from each of
these new circles representing the moves that could be made from this position and
so on you get a tree.
Transposition - A transposition in chess is a position that can be reached by more
than one sequence of moves. (eg. The position reached by E2E4, E7E5 D2D4 is the
same as the one reached by D2D4,E7E5 E2E4).
1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
2. The World Champion Mikhail Tal ................................................................. 3
3. How to Use Chess System Tal ....................................................................... 4
3.1. The Chess Mode .......................................................................................... 4
3.1.1. How to Use the Screen in Chess Mode .................................................... 4 The Chess Mode Windows .................................................................... 5
3.2. The Database Mode ................................................................................... 16
4. Advanced Features ....................................................................................... 20
4.1. Network Play ............................................................................................. 20
4.2. Text Files ................................................................................................... 20
4.3. Loading ChessBase Format Database ....................................................... 20
4.4. Move Analysis ........................................................................................... 21
4.5. Profile Text ................................................................................................ 21
4.6. Adjusting the Style of Play ........................................................................ 22
4.7. Command Line Switches .......................................................................... 24
5. Stop Press Items ........................................................................................... 26
6. Glossary ........................................................................................................ 29
Oxford Softworks
Oxford Softworks, Stonefield House, 198
The Hill Burford, Oxford OX18 4HX