1 - Forwards Problem Set

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FINOPVA Problem Set


1. Suppose that the current price of light crude oil is at USD 95.00 per barrel and that the 1-year market interest
rate is at 6.5%. If a one year light crude oil forward contract is selling at USD 100.00,

a. What should be the fair value of the forward contract to avoid arbitrage?
b. How will you exploit this arbitrage opportunity? Show the steps that you will undertake. Show the net

2. Suppose that the annual T-bill rate is at 5.0%. If an equities investor requires a market premium of 4% over the
one-year T-bill rate and he invested in a preferred stock that expects to make perpetual annual dividend
payments of PhP 50.00. What is the fair value of this stock to the investor?

3. Consider the same market scenarios as in number 2. In this case, assume that the preferred stock will pay
annual dividends of Php 20.00 in the first two years and then PhP 50.00 every year thereafter. Compute for the
fair value of this stock to the investor.

4. Suppose that the USD/PhP spot rate is currently at 47.10. The 6-Mo PhP interest rate is at 5.75% while the 6-Mo
USD interest rate is at 3.50%. A client wants to buy a 6-mo USD/PHP forward. What is the bank’s break even
USD/PhP 6-Mo forward rate? (Show the FX and MM cover and the swap points)

5. Assume the following rate scenario:

Spot EUR/USD 1.4755/65

3-mo EUR 5.625% - 5.75%
3-mo USD 4.625% - 4.75%

a. An importer wants to buy a 91-Day EUR/USD forward. What is the bank’s break-even selling rate if it were to
cover at market rates? Identify the FX/MM Cover and the swap points.

b. What is the bank’s break-even buying rate for a 3-mo EUR/USD forward if it were to cover at market rates?
Identify the FX/MM Cover and the swap points.
6. Refer to the following swap rate quotations by ING Bank.


Spot 7.7433/43 1.4257/67 2.4963/73 25.0900/1110 2293/95
T/N 0/1 1.6/1.3 2/1.7 40/50 0.40/0.60
1 week 3/6 9.5/7.5 2/1.5 100/150 3/3.5
1 month 18/23 33/38 4/1 650/725 15.5/16.5
2 month 40/47 70/65 P/5 1350/1450 31/33
3 month 60/70 100/95 4/9 2100/2200 46/48
6 month 130/150 195/185 30/35 4500/4650 94/96
1 year 330/380 375/335 95/120 9200/9700 190/200

a. 3-mo USD against HKD is a premium/discount?

b. ING’s forward exchange rate (bid and offer) for 2months USD/SGD is?
c. ING’s forward exchange rate (bid and offer) for 2months USD/MYR is?
d. 1 year USD against SGD is in premium/discount?
e. ING’s forward exchange rate for 6 months USD/THB is?

7. Consider the interest rate scenarios in the interbank money market below:
2-yr 6.00% 6.25%
3-yr 6.75% 7.00%
4-yr 7.25% 7.50%

a. If a client will be borrowing PhP 100 Million worth of funds two years from now which will mature two-
years hence, what should be the bank’s interest rate for this FRA.

b. If a client will be depositing Php 100 million worth of funds two years from now which will mature two
years hence, what should be the bank’s interest rate for this FRA?

8. Consider the interest rate scenarios in the interbank money market below:

30D 6.00% 6.25%
60D 6.75% 7.00%
90D 7.25% 7.50%

a. If a client will be borrowing PhP 250 Million worth of funds 30 days from now which will mature 60 days
hence, what should be the bank’s interest rate for this FRA.

b. If a client will be depositing Php 250 million worth of funds sixty days from now which will mature 30
days hence, what should be the bank’s interest rate for this FRA?

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