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Dir.=, of Com.^ntswicccion: nnd 5thntegy ? 4 Maroh 2003

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You may have seen David Aaronovitch's colu,-nn in the Gnzsdian yestezday,
I hope that was considered seriously-in the BBC, The point he was making was
underlined sev°ra( tirnes on fnis morni.~b's Today programme
. First, wh-n it
con_inued to refer to out of date polls which predate polls showing growing support
for action; seco-ad in giving far grcs.:er pro:ninence to ihe Commons vote on the
amcndrnersy than the motion which aathorised military action, which attiactcd a far
small~ rebellion . Nor could I help noticirtg that the paper revinv was largely
about Clare Short, when t.he papars werc dortunatad by the vote and the Prime
lv(inisw~r's speech .

Put all that to one sicie, I would like you to justify the following five

l . John i-h.i.n:phrrys to Mike O'Brien

:"You wynt into the pzocess
detenmizied to have a war. That was the point I was ma..king and that :s
the way it has turned out, h.zs.-t't it". We are ail well tfsed to tl:e -
oontempt Mr ls'.uL-rsph .reys displays to ciected politicians (unlc;-:~t~Iiey are
"rebels") but T17is was particularly contemptuous . How, givetitl,te
ex~aordinary efforts f~-ie Govemrnent mad-. to secare a new R°.solution at
the'CiN, can such a "poin4" be Justiued?

2. Iohn p:uncph.reys today: "The Car_servative Pz.-:y e`~'`ectit°?y saved their

(the Goverr~rner,t's) bzcan_ "I rue, or

3 . Tom Carver at the UN on ti-it day we wiLdrew the draRt SC?..

<`A Clear majozity in the 5eeurity Cattncil basically said rbat Geor;e
Bush's idea a.nd concept of pre-empave military action was ju,t as
dangerous to law and order throu?hout the world as 5addam :~ussein ."

a~~~~.( a,3, t2q

W. 01J4 P. 3
. iy, mnn. tvvs io :'+v


"This is not diplornacy that we're wi'messii:g here but rather an unsccmly
scramble by individual countries to salva=ge their owM rtputa:ions iza all this
for the history books. The attes,pt to blame ths Frenoh :s frankly a canard.
The reason that the British and :,e Amezicans killad oz: their own resolution
is not bccause of 'he t:,-at of a veto but si,":-4ply because it L±n't have. the
support in `xe Sccurity Council
. And the longer I have watched this go on
the more obvious that has become. R,-=kly thcy would have been b etter off
if they'd n.ever t±ied !l:is 2t all."

I'A.merica carat here to t :o sell :ts view of the world. Bat failed to .¢make
the sale. Its diplomacy was 'heavy-haiided, even ir.ept at times . N"~arty of
Bush's own team were openly sooz'nfi:1 of the whole diplomatic process .
They talked all the time about the need for America.-i seoarity after 9/11 but
very littleaboufthe global context Yet despirw ail of that, we al]-assumed
the shccr weight of A:r.ericanpowe: would prevail. Butit didn't. rive
months of bargaz.-~ing and artx-:vristing prod.uced the s`a~eri-~g zesult of
winniag over $ulgarza" .

T'ttis is not report;ng, but editor:alising. Could you justify each ofthcse
three stater,ier~ts .

4. Andrew Crtilli~D'an said on the Today prog-amr!zw today that ",1rn2ocent

people will die here in rhe next few hours"_ Could you justify that
statem.°?qt to rze.

5. P.aga1, Otr:aar in $aghade.d on'I'uPscaay quoted what ;Ae cailed an

"czdir.ary Iraqi" as saying "I Know that B-zttislh and Americans say they'll
spar-, civilian targets this rnan said bat few of us beiieve tnezn. I t'V.inic
they're just going to bomb every~:ng and most ofti:s 2u-~ oir.g to stay in
our homes*' .

As I have said to you before, and zs John Simpson has acknowledged, reporters are
not ~ee in either :he:r movements or who they spe2.k to . 'What is mc;e, any
"ordinay" I:aqi w:, o speaks to `ne media k=ows that :: they say anything that
would ofTend tbe re ,ime, they risk p~rishrnent up to and inc,ud ::~g deat:. This is
W'.7y it is so irr,portant faat res4ictioZs are ;efe.n'ed to . I reaet t;.at in your previous
carrespondernee you fail to see this point_ For my part, I feel you are. in regulax
b:each of your own guid°1"sn^~s .

Fi:al1y, let me j :st take'one Iesue in ~ore de?ail, hamely the legaliy of milctary
action without a new SCR, to il3ustrate L~e selecdon towards anti-war, anti-
;ove;.~rent stories .

~aca~ 10~32 t3Q

N0. 0214 °. 4
tvuD iD :41


Coverage on me `legality ofthe war' has been heavily biased toward stories
az>eriing the ws.r would bc illegal without a second resohltion.

1 Maroh : 151awyers write to Guardian wan, in7 pre-emptive self-defence would ':)e

Today projrar;une and WATQ gave widespread coverage to this stoy- interviews
with lawyers, long-~hy discussions em, It was high up their running-orrlers .

" Today only intervicwed anti war lawyer

" WATO interviewed on a.nti and one pro Cout concluded that without z°'1
resolution the-case for action not as strong)

13 March: John Hump'1.reys Speakirtg to ,4n~~ Clwyd: "I repeat that the :e axe
horrible Ieadsrs all over the place and in tais pa-iticular case it appears that tiie
eovemment's own )es;al advisers are 'r>1l:ng th°m that this wou.ld be an illeza_1 war.
You suppor't it none the less?" Dased on what, might T ask? His assertion has~
never been correetcd .

14 March- calls for government to -publish legal advice

The tone of tbe rcpor's was that government is cme.°alin; advice b--cause: it
doesn't back war without a 2°d Resolution . ,

Thr. Today propratn,nie gave this widespread coverage, interview;,ao anti waz
Labour 'N2 and Tory MP who asserts tine r"smovr is the AG's advice s at odds
with Cabinet.

WATO interviews aati war 12wyer.

17 March - AG publislaes lagal advice making clea: the above stopic!s %V--re W, on

Hardly any covorage on ffie BBC.

Today Lnterviews Lord Goodhart (LD lagal affairs) and Ross Czanstor. (La,bouT M1?
ar.d QG) (pre publication)

VvrATO don't cover the sto;y.

One lir:er on R5 : AG to set out grv=ds L-z Lozds statcnent (1200)

One i±ner, on Pm: Goldsmith says war legal Wlout 2nd resolution .

(3 0, C,l L-~ 4 0133 131

6'C.0274 ?. 7
, iJ,rnnIV tVVJ 1U .`5V

1 know you will try tio justify this. You always do . But it :s wrorng.

You may bc interested to that ~-ie Pri= Aftinister iAas aIso exeressed real
ooncern about some of the reports he `.as seen aad haard. I feel strangly that if the
BBC rtoorting contirtues as it s, this will b--come a public oon'aoversy, which I am
sv.,t neithe: of us parzicularly we.nt

Richard Sambrook
Director OfNews
24-m-2093 15 ;15 FROM 0e 7755 3000 TD// 57120 P .01ie

1)G~.:Lw~- G~/
fs~ : 6~ f ? o

Fm= TheRt. Hon, Gc;aid Ka~,~fman, Io,P_


HO .U~= Oi COViv:ONS

20 blsrd: ?D03

?=ti~ase C: ConSdencal

Cevjll LAW=
13SC : Broadcasi~ Housc
Por`lsmd Place lx7_A 1;4 A,

Dear G.iwn

I lvo7e 6ct_n in touch wi.Sa li1_st<it GampbeL, as a resa'_t o ;-xfvch he Lzas

sho~n ~c alett~ ~ate= 19 :tr',:z~. ~t he l~s sen: ;o R:r~:d ~arnl3:ao'u-
coaceU :ng m]n}adon, oftlae BBC's ,awz o dIine.=.. I Low tnns 1.tbeen
mat^fg and lis-z_ni.-I; to wit B3C caverage of t:c pneivde to Tbe lvan
ar_d now $ac wcu itsel& and I sin e.,=nelp sorz=rn°_d s- what ztp?~x to
~ -o oc b)atant vio~azi~s ozt<~e g~.icP1 nes. `!1s ss a ve_y t~se ~ce.
The WC Vs bcen trusted um thc yaw, and violation oftJese
P"xCCJ7. .'1 C5C5 S TII mp vl'~,IL ;~ F7QlaTl:Ji of .'~,.~t im1Sf, I cLItLtSccL I ;)Gk to Tc u,

tt-:z 0-~'hd -), SI) tctl 'm -J -=Zen cyI to btvc 5~m-'Inca r~:cn5z:-L If
T Zt--, it approp to 0o so, I s?,all bc i~ tcnich viih ._vu n7os t-- n=:t
few cL-i$, witli `ur.6tc exaacnle_s .

Yo-.:cs sincerc:y.

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