Synopsis: Graphics Tools
Synopsis: Graphics Tools
Synopsis: Graphics Tools
Graphics tools
There is always a sense of gratitude which one expresses to others
for their helpful and needy services they render during all phases
of life. I would like to do it as I really wish to express my gratitude
towards all those who have been helpful tome in getting this
mighty task of Project Report.
Finally, I would like to thank Jasveen Kalra Mam and other faculty
members of wizards system for their cooperation to develop this
term paper
AnKuR sInGh
CODE :- CAP 209
Document Toolbar
The Document Toolbar contains buttons that enable you to select different
views of the Document window. The Document bar also enables you to
choose between several open files through tabs, instead of through the
Window menu. Other Document bar options include Page Title specification,
as well as buttons for browser compatibility checks, file management,
browser previews, document refreshing, and other document window
Document Window
The Document Window contains the current document as you create
and edit it.
Property Inspector
The Property Inspector is one of the most commonly used
Dreamweaver tools. Docked at the bottom of the workspace, the
Inspector provides shortcuts for formatting text, links, images, and
tables. This tool changes appearances depending on which object is
currently selected. If no object is selected, the Property Inspector will
display text attributes. To modify an object, select the object, then
make desired edits in the Properties Inspector.
• Use the panel gripper to dock, undock, and rearrange the panels by
clicking and dragging.
• Collapse or expand the panel by clicking on the arrow next to the
panel name.
• Hide or show panels by going to Window menu and choosing such.
• Click the Options menu to list a range of choices specific to the active
panel or panel group.
File Panel
The File Panel enables you to manage your files and folders. Find out
more about the File Panel by going to Help > Using Dreamweaver >
search for "File Panel."
Every web page that you create should have a Page Title. The Page
Title not only shows up in the title bar of the user's browser window,
but it's also used for bookmarks and in some search engines. If you do
not specify a title, Dreamweaver's default title is "Untitled Document."
Imagine having 200 bookmarks that say "Untitled Document"!
Tracing Images
Dreamweaver enables you to trace an image as a layout guide for your
page. For more information about Tracing Images, see Dreamweaver's
help topic on "Tracing Images."
Format options display pre-formatted heading sizes and text elements.
This should be your first method of text formatting, as it encodes your
content behind the scenes with proper, logical HTML, making your
pages accessible to users of varying browser abilities. Headings (H1,
H2, H3, etc.) are very important in web page design. There are
different size headings (1-6), which will help organize your web page.
Heading 1 is very large and Heading 6 is very small. If you choose a
heading format, a line space will automatically be added before and
after the text. Once that's done...
The font list provides a list of commonly used fonts (or font families)
used in web pages. To select a font, click on the down arrow next to
"Default Font" to choose a font style. If you would like to choose a font
not listed on the font list, scroll to "Edit Font List." Choose from the
"Available Fonts" list (these fonts are available on your computer) by
clicking on the font. Use the arrow pointing to the left to transfer the
font to the chosen font list and press "Ok." The Chosen Font should
now be in the Property Inspector font list.
Accessibility Tip: Fonts are not embedded into the HTML document.
This means that if a user's computer does not have the specified font,
the HTML browser will display the font as the browser's default font;
usually Times New Roman. It's best practice to use common fonts such
as Arial, Times New Roman, Courier, Georgia, Verdana, or Tahoma.
Styles refer to Cascading Style Sheets. For more information, choose
Help > Using Dreamweaver > search for "Cascading Style Sheets."
Change the font size by clicking on the down arrow and selecting the
desired size. 1 is the smallest font size, while 7 is the largest.
Tip: Do not use the "Size" option to create headings (without selecting
H1, H2, H3, etc. from the "Format" drop-down first). While your text
may look fine on screen, sight-impaired users with audio web-browsers
won't recognize the text as a designated heading.
Creating a List
There are two ways to create a bulleted or numbered list:
1. Select the appropriate button and begin typing your list. After you
have finished the line, press your keyboard "Enter" key and a new
bullet or number will be created.
2. Or, if you have already created your text, highlight the text that you
would like to list and select the appropriate list button. In this case,
each paragraph is treated as a list item.
5. Hyperlinks
You can set text or images to link to other websites (absolute links),
other pages in your own site (relative links), or to specific sections of a
particular page (anchor links). For all links, select the text or image
that you would like to link and enter the URL in the Property Inspector
Link text box.
Absolute Links
Absolute links are links to external websites. Therefore, you absolutely
must specify the entire URL ( Usually, it's
easier for users when external links open up in new browser window
(this way, your site will still be available even if they browse around an
external site). To set an external link to open in a new browser
window, set the Target to "_blank".
Relative Links
Relative links are links to other pages within your own site. In this
case, you do not need to specify the entire address. If the page you
want to link to is within the same folder as your document, just enter
the name of the file (i.e., "services.htm") that you are linking to in the
Link text box. If the page is in a different folder on your website, then
the link should include the folder name, a slash, and the name of the
page you want to open (i.e., "images/faculty.htm"). The safest thing to
do is to click on the folder icon, browse to your file, and press "OK."
Anchors allow you to link to specific sections of a particular page. Instead
of having to scroll down the page to find information, you can give your
users a link that will jump down to the section of interest!
If you would like to link to a specific section in another page, set the
anchor in the appropriate spot and link to that anchor by entering the
name of the page plus the anchor link (i.e., "page.htm#anchor name").
Email Links
Set an email link in an HTML document by choosing Insert > Email
Link. Enter the text that you would like to link and the email address,
then press "OK."
Edit Tables
• Rows and Columns
Insert the number of rows and columns in the text boxes provided.
• Table Width
Table width can be set as a pixel or percentage width. Pixel widths are fixed
measurements that don't expand with the browser window, whereas
percentage widths expand and collapse with the browser window.
• Border Thickness
Set a border pixel width by entering the pixel specification in the text box.
• Cell Padding and Cell Spacing
Cell padding applies space between the cell border and cell text. Cell
spacing applies space between individual cells.
o Header
Automatically bold and center selected cells using the header options.
o Accessibility
For accessibility purposes, Dreamweaver enables you to enter table
information useful to audio-based and other alternative web readers.
To add browsers to the preview list, click on "Edit Browser List" then
proceed with the following steps:
1. Click the "Edit" button. Click "Browse" and find the browser on your
computer. This file should have an .exe extension.
2. Once you have chosen the browser, check the default browser as your
primary or secondary browser.
3. Click "Ok".
9. Other Functions
Spell Checking
Choose Text > Check Spelling
Clean Up HTML
Use the Clean Up HTML command to remove empty tags, combine
nested FONT tags, and otherwise improve messy or unreadable HTML
code. Choose Commands > Clean Up HTML
1. Start up Dreamweaver.
2. Load your index.html page as before. That is, doubleclick the file in the
Files pane in the right column.
3. Locate your existing navigation menu, which at this time merely
consists of a series of links to your home page, About Us page, Contact
Us page and the Site Map. Select them and delete them. We will be
completely replacing them in this chapter.
4. Make sure that the blinking text cursor is currently in the side bar. If it
is not, click somewhere in the side bar. Now click "Insert | Spry | Spry
Menu Bar" from the menu. That is, click the "Insert" menu, then the
"Spry" item on the menu that appears, and finally on "Spry Menu Bar"
on the submenu that appears.
5. A dialog box will appear asking you whether you want a horizontal
menu bar or a vertical one. Since we are placing the menu bar in the
left column, we want a vertical menu bar. Select the "Vertical" option
and click OK.
6. A default menu bar will be inserted into your side bar. If you look at the
Properties pane at the bottom of your Dreamweaver window, you will
see that the text and links for menu items are displayed there.
7. Select "Item 1" by clicking on it, if it is not already selected. In the
"Text" box, replace the words "Item 1" with "Home" (without the
quotes). Replace the default "Link" text of "#" with "index.html"
(without the quotes).
8. By default Dreamweaver created a submenu for your menu. We don't
need one, so we will need to delete it. Select "Item 1.1". Directly above
"Item 1.1" are two buttons "+" and "-". Click the "-" item to delete Item
1.1. Do the same for "Item 1.2" and "Item 1.3".
9. Now do the same with the other items, replacing the text with the
appropriate words for your site, and the links with the actual page
names. If there are submenus, delete them as you did for Item 1. Note
that Item 3 has a three-level menu system. Delete all submenus (item
3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3) - we won't need them.
o Text: About Us, Link: aboutus.html
o Text: Contact Us, Link: feedback.html
o Text: Site Map, Link: sitemap.html
10. Click "File | Save". A dialog box will pop up telling you that certain
files have been added to your site, and that these files will need to be
uploaded. Click "OK".
11. Now upload the page to your website using "Site | Put" and check
the results in your browser. Hover your mouse over your menu
buttons, and you will see that they change colour.
The first step is to learn how to create a style sheet
Here's how you create styles in Dreamweaver.
Simply follow these steps:
3. Now create your own custom style giving by choosing the font type,
size, weight, color etc.
Click on Ok. You have successfully created a style. Repeat these steps
to create more styles for titles, subtitles, links etc.
Once you have completed creating your styles you can apply the style
to your text. All you need to do is select the text and click on the style
in CSS Styles palette.
HTML Code: While using styles you have to set a 'class' e.g. <td class
= "text">. Here, all the contents of the cell will take on the style called
Step 1 : Place the cursor where you want the rollover text to be positioned.
Click on Insert>Media>Flash Text. The following window will be
Step 2 : Select a font and size. Click on color option and select a color for
the text andnextselectarollover color. Type your text in the text box. If your
text has a link browse th page. Select a target. If you wish you can give a
background color for your text. Lastly save it with an extension .swf and
click OK.
Step 3: To preview the flash text select the image, you will see a play
button in the properties window. Click on the play button and move your
mouse over the text to view the rollover effect after which you can click on
stop to end the preview.
Step 4 : Below is my result. Move your mouse over the text for the rollover
effect. You can also edit the font type, color and size by clicking on the edit
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<style type="text/css">
#flashcontent {
width: 175px;
height: 140px;
text-align: center;
color: #01A9D6;
<style type="text/css">
<div id="main">
<div class="blueheader"></div>
<div class="companyname">
<p>Professional University</p>
<div class="maincontent">
<div class="maninavigation">
<div class="navlink1"><a
<div class="familypictureblank">Student</div>
<div class="familypictureblank2"></div>
<div class="text">
<div class="innertext">
<p>If any query please contact Training Cordinator of your school or Mr.
Ramandeep Mittal </p>
<div class="photogallery">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
codebase=",0,19,0" width="186" height="140" title="gallery">
<div class="welcome">News</div>
Examination<br />
Registration<br />
Result<br />