Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Cover the chest with draw sheet and expose
only the abdomen. Similarly use the other
sheet to cover up the pelvic region. Inspect
the abdomen for consistency, presence of
any wound( LSCS, PPS) and if present
assess the condition of the wound.
Start from the xiphisternum down, feel for
the uterine fundus. Place the ulnar border of
the hand. Feel for the upper border of the
symphysis pubis, place inchtape inch part up
and measure the symphysis fundul height.
Feel the consistency of the uterus-hard/well
contracted and flabby.
Auscultate for bowel sound.
23. Extremities
Eliciting human’s sign
Ask the mother to flex the leg at the knee
level and relax. Support at the calf muscle
with other hand dorsiflex the foot. If the
mother experiences pain at the calf region
then homan’s sign is positive.
24. Examination of the perineum
-Position client in lithotomy/ dorsal
recumbent position.
-Drape the client.
-Put the light on.
-Wash hands.
-Wear gloves
-Examine the perineum for-
Condition of episiotomy
wound( REEDA)
Colour and amount of lochia.
Condition of perineum,
Number of pads changed/day
Explain the findings.
Help her to dress up.
Remove the drappings.
Position comfortably.
Wash and replace the articles.
Wash hands.
Put off the light.
Keep the bed/table clean.
Dispose the waste
Record the findings in nurse’s record with
date and time.
Vital signs record in the vital signs chart
27. Explain the findings to the mother and
reassure her.
Pass – Yes No