Basic Internet Programming - Formalities

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Basic Internet programming – Formalities

’Hands-on’ tools for internet programming

DD1335 (gruint10)

Serafim Dahl

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What is this course about?

I Providing tools for hands-on internet programming

I There are only 9 lectures – do show up, please!

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Lectures are about

I Basics on the internet

I Protocols, addresses, hosts
I HTML, markup
I Internet connections, servers (Java)
I Server-Side Internet Programming
I CGI, Servlets (Java)
I Java Server Pages (JSP) and other scripting (ASP)
I 3-tier systems: JDBC (Java-SQL)
I Client-Side Internet Programming
I Javascript
I Applets (Java) and maybe some other technique(s)
I Other Issues
I XML, Web Services, Semantic Web
I PHP and other scripting languages

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Labs and Project

I Labs
I Principles: wide, not deep.
I A lot to do, but all easy, mostly with a template to start from
I Net and programming basics (Lab1), Net connections (Lab 2)
I Server side (Lab 3, Lab 4), Client side (Lab 5)
I Projects
I You define your projects.
I You form the project groups.
I Send me an email with a 5-line project idea and names of group members
I The project must be an interactive WWW system. Simple HTML pages are
not enough
I Required: server-side programming (e.g. shopping baskets, booking
systems, resource allocation)
I Required: JavaScript (e.g. client-side checking of user input, etc)
I Not much technical complexity, but a high editorial quality (good layout,
including CSS), making the best of the Internet medium
I Make goups of 3 to 6 people

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I Course codes: gruint10

I Register on the course (for admin of course element results):
Log in to some computer
Start a web browser and connect to and login
Activate the course instance ”gruint10”
I To get info apart from that on the web
course join gruint10

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Network basics

Introduction to the internet

A little on:
I network concepts
I web concepts
I internet addresses
I sockets

I Harold: Java Network Programming
I Hall: Core Web Programming
I Deitel, et al: Internet and the World Wide Web How to Program
I Ince: Developing Distributed and E-Commerce Applications

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Network basics

Programming network applications

I Why network applications?

I Alongside the technical ”evolution”, communication between application and
also between parts of applications residing on different computer become
more and more common
I Examples of asynchronously communicating applications:
web browsers, e-mail, news.
I Some other examples: Distributed databases, sound, radio, video and
internet telephony.
I Need for applications where the participants are aware of each others:
I Shared bulletin boards, whiteboards, shared word processors, control
systems (eg. robots) and (not the least) games (like runescape and world of
I There is support in the networks, where we will look closer on the

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Network basics

Programming network applications

I Large amounts of internet sites

I Auctions, advertising, commerse, portals with collections of sites concerning
business, music, film, software, info, reports of various kinds books, search
engines, education, . . .
I Kinds of application programs
I E-mail
I News
I Web based databases
I Client-server, per-to-peer
I Telephone
I Video
I ...

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Network basics


A network is in this respect a collection of interconnected computers and/or

other kinds of equipment
I node, a machine that is connected to the network (computer, printer, bridge,
vending machine, . . . )
I host, a fully autonomous computer connected to the network
I address, each node has a unique address (a number of bytes)
I packet, modern networks are packet based, meaning that the information is
broken down to and sent as small chunks, each chunk of information handled
I protocol, rules, specifying how to perform communication

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Network basics


Internet is the most know and most wide spread network.

I Designed to be robust (errors are unusual)
I First version 1969, ARPANET, designed by ARPA, a DoD unit.
I 1983 there were 562 computers on the ARPANET
I 1986 there were 5000 computers
I 1987 – 28000,
I 1989 – 100000,
I 1990 – 300000,
I 2009 – 1.67 billion (a rough estimate on June 30)

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Network basics


A network is built as a set of layers

Application Application
(HTTP, FTP, Telnet) Logical connection (HTTP, FTP, Telnet)
Transport Transport
(TCP, UDP, ...) (TCP, UDP, ...)
Network Network
(IP, ...) (IP, ...)
Physical layer
(Ethernet, FDDI, LocalTalk, drivers, ...)

I Application programmers work mainly in the upper layer

I Eventually in the transport layer (in distributed applications)
I Other layers are normally of no concern

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Network basics


I IP, Internet Protocol

the network layer protocol (the reason for the name ”Internet”)
I TCP, Transport Control Protocol
a connection based protocol which insures a correct data exchange between
two nodes
I UDP, User Datagram Protocol
a protocol which allows the transmission of independant packets from one
node to antoher with no guarantee concerning delivery or order of delivery

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Network basics

IP address, DNS

I IP address. Each machine is identified by a unique 4-byte number

I Many computers have a fixed number, others get a dynamically assigned
number at connection time
I 1995 the use of the internet ”exploded” and as there are not enough 4-byte
numbers (you get a ”lousy” 232 = 4294967296 addresses), IPv6 was created
giving 2128 = 340282366920938463463374607431768211456 adresses.
Ought to be enough for some time . . .
I DNS, Domain Name Server
I IP-addresses are hard to remember and thus DNS was created to allow
symbolic (textuel) names that are looked up and translated to IP-addresses
I Eg.: is translated to

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Network basics


I Every computer with an IP-address has 65536 logical ports for

communication over the internet.
I Some are reserved
I ports number 0-1023 are reserved (for what and by whome may be seen in
the file /etc/services (on UNIX/Linux)
I eg. the following:
I port 7 for echo
I port 20-21 for ftp
I port 23 for telnet
I port 25 for smtp (send e-mail)
I port 80 for http (web server)
I port 110 for POP3 (read e-mail)

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Network basics


There are other networks with the same structure. Local networks are usually
called intranet. They may link to the internet with special ”bridges”.
Sometimes the bridge uses filtering devices to restrict the data traffic between
the networks.
51 52 53 54

internet intranet

bridge switch

wireless connection point

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Network basics

The client-server model

I Today, the client-server model is the prevailing when constructing

distributed, cooperating application programs.
I a client asks a server for a service (as eg. information about the time)
I a server accomplishes the corresponding task and delivers the service (like
sending time info, sending a file from its local file system, eg. a web page)
I both following a protocol that enables asking for and providing services over
the network

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Network basics

The client-server model . . .

I Not all kinds of application programs fit into the client-server model.
Some act simultaneously as both client and server and, if both ”ends” of a
communication do, that communication is called”peer-to-peer”.
I a shared editor
I a game (runescape, world of warcraft, . . . )
I a telephone connection

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Network basics

RFC (Request for comments)

I Some internet standards have been developed publicly already from the
prototype stage
I Their protcols are publicly accessible on the internet
I These protocols fit into the following categories:
I Mandatory – each host must implement them, eg. IP
I Recommended – that ought to be implemented, eg. TCP, SMTP, UDP,
TelNet, . . .
I Optional, like MIME
I Restricted, that are neccessary only in special cases
I Not recommended, that should not be implemented
I Historical (obsolete, deprecated)
I Informative, that may have been constructed outside the RFC but still are
useful without delivering an established protocol

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Network basics


I HTTP, HyperText Transfer Protocol,

I a standard protocol for the communication between a web server and a web
client (web browser)
I HTML, HyperText Markup Language
I the first generation standard language for the contruction of web pages, a
subset to SGML with extra error tolerance
I XHTML, eXtensible HTML,
second generation language for the contruction of web pages, HTML as a
strict subset to XML
I MIME, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
I an open standard that determines how multimedia objects are to be
transmitted by e-mail

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Network basics


I URI, Uniform Resource Identifier

I define how to uniquely identify a resource on the internet
I is divided into the subgroups URL and URN
I URL, Uniform Resource Locator
I a reference for an address on the internet
I looks like: protocol://host[:port]/path/file[#section]
I eg:
I URN, Universal Resource Name
I a ”pointer” to a resource without specifying its exact position, eg. the search
for a certain kind of documents may deliver the set of URLs (the positions of
all the documents)

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Network basics


I SGML, Standard Generalized Markup Language

I Was created in the 1970s
I Describes the sematics of a text rather than its presentation
I HTML, HyperText Markup Language
I Was created from SGML early in the 1990s
I Describes how to present a text rather than its semantics
I Is ”lingua franca” for presentation of hypertext on the web

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Network basics


I HTTP, HyperText Transport Protocol

I a standard describing how a web client and a web server should exchange
I uses MIME to decode data
I uses TCP/IP for the transmission of data
I The client sends a message once the communication has been established
eg. GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
I the web server responds by sending the file index.html to the client

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Network basics


I MIME, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

I an open standard for how to send multimedia objects by e-mail
I denotes the type of data that is transmitted, eg.
I text/plain, text/html
I news
I application/postscript, application/pdf
I zip
I image/gif, image/jpeg, image/tiff, image/x-bitmap
I audio/basic, audio/mpeg
I video/mpeg, video/quicktime, video/x-msvideo

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