Unit - I

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Name of Subject:- Engineering Metallurgy (BEME305T)

Name of Topic:- (I) Introduction to Engineering Metallurgy

• Course Objective, RTMNU Syllabus, Exam Scheme, Text Books, Journals, E-resources and Course
• Introduction to Engineering Metallurgy and Classification of materials
• Properties of Materials
• Macroscopic and Macroscopic Examinations.
• Bonding in Materials and Atomic structures
• Space Lattice, Bravais Lattice and Crystal System Topic -
• Point co-ordinate, Miller indices and Co-ordination numbers Introduction to Engineering Metallurgy

• Atomic Packing Factor and Lattice defects

• Deformation in metals, Selection of Materials, and Polymorphism & AllotropyPresented by -
Prof. Ajay A. Joshi
Subject Teacher:- Mr. Ajay A. Joshi (Asst. Professor - ME)
Session:- 2017-2018
Course Objective, RTMNU Syllabus,
Exam Scheme, Text Books, Journals,
E-resources and Course Outcomes

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Course Objective(s)
• Student will learn the various concepts of engineering metallurgy
such as
• different engineering materials,
• crystallography,
• phase transformation,
• heat treatment processes,
• hardness measurement and
• powder metallurgy.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 3
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
RTMNU Syllabus
Introduction to engineering materials their classification, Properties & application. Difference
between metals & nonmetals, Mechanical properties of metal, Study of crystal structure,
Polymorphism & allotropy, Macroscopic & microscopic examination; Imperfections in crystal, Miller
indices, Mechanism of plastic deformation, Slip, dislocation & twinning.
Solidification of pure metal, Nucleation & grain growth, Directional & progressive solidification,
Ingot structure, Dendritic solidification, Solid solution & their types, Alloy & their formation,
Mechanical Mixture, Hume Rothery Rule, Grain shape & size, its effect on the properties. Binary
equilibrium diagrams, Isomorphus system, Study of Fe Fe-C diagram - uses & limitations, Invarient
TTT Curve – Construction & limitations, Heat treatment – Principle, purpose, Annealing & its types,
Normalizing, Tempering, Austempering, Martempering, Hardening, Retained austenite & its
elimination, Maraging, Patenting; Surface hardening such as Carburising, Nitriding, Induction
hardening, Jomini End quench test for hardenability

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 4
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
RTMNU Syllabus (cont..)
Plain carbon steel, Classification based on Carbon Percent & application; Limitations, Effect of
impurities; Alloy steel, Effects of various alloying elements, Tool steel & its classification, Red
hardness; Stainless steel – Classification, composition & application; Hadfield Manganese steel,
Maraging Steel, O.H.N.S. Steel, Selection of steel for various applications.
Cast iron – Classification, Gray cast iron, white cast iron, nodular cast iron, malleable cast iron,
Mottled cast iron, Ni – hard & Ni – Resist cast iron, Meehanite Alloy; Study of non- ferrous alloys –
Brasses, its types, Cu-Zn diagram; Bronzes, its types, Cu-Sn diagram; Al-Si diagram.
Principles of hardness measurement, Hardness Test – Brinell, Rockwell, Vicker Non-destructive tests
– Ultrasound Test, Die Penetration Test, radiography test Powder metallurgy – Introduction, Metal
powder & its production, blending & mixing, compaction, sintering, Hot Isostatic Pressing,
Secondary processes, Advantages, limitations & application of powder metallurgy, few products
such as self-Lubricating Bearing, Gears & Pump Rotors, Electric Contacts & Electrodes, Magnets,
Diamond Impregnated Tools etc.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 5
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Exam pattern and Scheme of evaluation
BEME 305 T METALLURGY L=3 P=2 T=1 Credits=4

College University Maximum Minimum

Assess. Exam Marks Marks Duration
20 80 100 40 3 HRS

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 6
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Text Books
Title Author Publication
1 Materials Science and Engineering Balasubramaniam R. WILLEY I
2 Material Science and Metallurgy for Engineers Kodgire V. D. EVEREST
3 Materials Science & Engineering Singh I P JAIN
4 Engineering Material and Metallurgy Rajput R.K S.CHAND
5 Introduction to Physical Metallurgy Avner Sidney H TMH
6 Engineering Metallurgy Ramarao A V NAROSA
7 Physical Metallurgy Principals and Practice Raghavan V PHI
8 Physical Metallurgy Principals and Practice Raghavan V WILLEY
9 Engineering Metallurgy Question? Answer! Way. Ramarao A V NITDIN
10 Production Technology R K Jain Khanna Publication
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 7
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Reference Books
Title Author Publications
1 Materials Science Willium Callister John Wiley & Sons
2 Material Science Narula & Gupta Tata Mc-Graw Hill
3 Material Science & Metallurgy Parashiva murthy Pearson
4 A First course on Material Science Raghavan PHI Learning
Introduction to Material Science for
5 Shakeford & Murlidhara Pearson
Engineering Physical Metallurgy and
6 Yu M Lakhtin CBS Publisher
Heat Treatment
7 Metallurgy for Engineers E C Rollason ButterWorth & Heineman Ltd
8 Engineering Metallurgy R A Higgins Viva Books
9 Fundamentals of Solidification W Kurtz and D J Fisher Springer
10 Physical Metallurgy Clark CBS Publisher
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 8
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Material Science and Engineering, http://www.ttp.net/1013-9826.html
• Indian Journal Of Engineering & Materials Sciences (IJEMS),
• Materials Science and Engineering: A - Journal – Elsevier, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/materials-science-and-engineering-a/
• Materials Science and Engineering: B - Journal – Elsevier, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/materials-science-and-engineering-b/
• International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (IJMSE), www.ijmse.net/
• Advances in Materials Science and Engineering — An Open Access ..., https://www.hindawi.com/journals/amse/
• International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation, www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=IJMATEI
• Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology | ASME DC, https://materialstechnology.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/
• Journals Publications - Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology,
• Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering – SCIRP, www.scirp.org/journal/msce/
• Advanced Engineering Materials - Wiley Online Library, onlinelibrary.wiley.com
• International Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology, www.pphmj.com/journals/ijmet.htm
• Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, iopscience.iop.org/journal/0965-0393
• Materials science journals - Materials Today, www.materialstoday.com/journals/

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 9
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Websites and E-Links for Self Learning
• www.nptel.ac.in/
• www.video.mit.edu/
• www.sciencedirect.com
• www.howstuffworks.com
• https://sengerandu.wordpress.com/tutorials/physical-metallurgy
• http://www.materialsforengineering.co.uk/
• http://www.matweb.com/
• https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/materials-science-and-engineering/
• http://guides.lib.udel.edu/c.php?g=85283&p=549973

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 10
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Course Outcomes
1. Student will be able to illustrate and sketch diagram of crystal structure.
2. Student will be able to identify the solidification structure and sketch
various equilibrium diagrams.
3. Student will be able to differentiate between various heat treatment
4. Students will be able to explain microstructure of steel and suggest steel
for particular application.
5. Student will be able to explain microstructure of cast iron and
differentiate ferrous and nonferrous material.
6. Student will be able to explain powder metallurgy process and non-
destructive testing.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 11
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Introduction to Engineering
Metallurgy and Classification of

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 12
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Materials in day to day life

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 13
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Material Science and Engineering

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 14
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Important terminologies
• Engineering Metallurgy –
• It is a domain of material science and engineering that studies the physical
and chemical behaviors of metallic elements, their intermetallic compounds
and their mixtures, which are called Alloys.

• Material –
• The matter from which things can be made.

• Matter –
• Physical substance that occupies space and posses rest mass.
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 15
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Important terminologies
• States of matter –

• Solid – (Density) ρs More, (Kinetic Energy) KEs Less (negligible)

• Liquid – ρl < ρs , KEl > KEs
• Gaseous – ρg < ρl , KEg > KEl
• Plasma – ρp < ρg , KEp > KEg
• *Bose Einstein condensate – Combination of laser and Magnet
(Atoms are cooled to Abs. Zero (0K))
• Phase changes as you add more energy.
• Density – Mass / Volume
• KE – Kinetic Energy ( ½ * Mass * Velocity2)

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 16
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Classification of engineering materials
Metals Non – Metals
Ferrous (Contain Iron) Polymer
- Wrought iron (Nearly pure, 0.08%C) - Thermosetting
- Carbon steel - [Bakelite ,Polyester]
- Alloy steel - Thermoplastics
- Cast iron - [PVC, Polythene]

Non – Ferrous (No iron) Ceramics (Inorganic)

- Aluminium - Abrasives
- Copper - Glass
- Silver - Cements
- Tin - Refractories
- Zinc

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 17
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Difference among Metal, non-metal and
Metal Non-metal Metalloid or Semiconductor
• Usually solid at room temperature • Dull appearance • Dull or shiny
(**mercury) • Usually brittle • Usually conduct heat and electricity,
• High luster (shiny) • Poor conductors of heat and though not as well as metals
• Metallic appearance electricity • Often make good semiconductors
• Good conductors of heat and • Usually less dense, compared to • Often exist in several forms
electricity metals • Often ductile
• Malleable (can be bent and • Usually low melting point of solids, • Often malleable
pounded into thin sheets) compared with metals • May gain or lose electrons in
• Ductile (can be drawn into wire) • Tend to gain electrons in chemical reactions
• Corrode or oxidize in air and sea reactions
• Usually dense
• May have a very high melting point
• Readily lose electrons

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 18
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Automobile and Materials

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 19
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Properties of Materials

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 20
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 21
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Properties of materials
• Density- Density is defined as mass per unit volume for a material. The derived
unit usually used by engineers is the kg/m3 .
• Tensile strength TS – It is the ability of a material to withstand tensile (stretching)
loads without breaking.
• Strength - is the ability of a material to resist applied forces without

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 22
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Elasticity –
• It is the ability of a material to deform under load
and return to its original size and shape when the
load is removed.
• If it is made from an elastic material it will be the
same length before and after the load is applied,
despite the fact that it will be longer whilst the load
is being applied.
• All materials posses elasticity to some degree
and each has its own elastic limits.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 23
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Plasticity –
• This property is the exact opposite to elasticity, while the
ductility and malleability are particular cases of the property of the
plasticity .
• It is the state of a material which has been loaded beyond its elastic
limit so as to cause the material to deform permanently.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 24
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Toughness (impact resistant) –
• It is the ability of the materials to withstand bending or it is the
application of shear stresses without fracture, so the rubbers and
most plastic materials do not shatter, therefore they are tough.
• It unit is Joule/ m3.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 25
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Hardness –
• It is the ability of a material to withstand scratching (abrasion)
or indentation by another hard body , it is an indication of the wear
resistance of the material.
• Measure by –
• Scratch Hardness
• Indentation Hardness
• Rebound Hardness

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 26
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Malleability –
• It is the capacity of substance to withstand
deformation under compression without rupture or
the malleable material allows a useful amount of
plastic deformation to occur under compressive
loading before fracture occurs.
• Malleability is often categorized by the ability of
material to be formed in the form of a thin sheet by
hammering or rolling.
• This mechanical property is an aspect of plasticity of
• Malleability of material is temperature dependent.
With rise of temperature, the malleability of
material increases.
• Such a material is required for manipulation by
such processes as forging, rolling and rivet
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 27
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Ductility –
• Ductility is a property of a solid material which
indicates that how easily a materials gets deformed
under tensile stress.
• It refer to the capacity of substance to undergo
deformation under tension without rupture as in
wire drawing, tube drawing operation.
• Ductility is often categorized by the ability of
material to get stretched into a wire by pulling or
• This mechanical property is also an aspect of
plasticity of material and temperature dependent.
With rise of temperature, the ductility of material

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 28
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Creep –
• Creep is the property of material which indicates the tendency of
material to move slowly and deform permanently under the influence
of external mechanical stress.
• It results due to long time exposure to large external mechanical stress
with in limit of yielding.
• Creep is more severe in material that are subjected to heat for long

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 29
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Resilience–
• Resilience is the ability of material to absorb the energy when it is
deformed elastically by applying stress and release the energy when
stress is removed.
• Proof resilience is defined as the maximum energy that can be
absorbed without permanent deformation.
• The modulus of resilience is defined as the maximum energy that can
be absorbed per unit volume without permanent deformation.
• It can be determined by integrating the stress-strain cure from zero to
elastic limit. Its unit is joule/m3.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 30
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Fatigue–
• Fatigue is the weakening of material caused by the repeated loading of
• When a material is subjected to cyclic loading, and loading greater than
certain threshold value but much below the strength of material
(ultimate tensile strength limit or yield stress limit, microscopic cracks
begin to form at grain boundaries and interfaces. Eventually the crack
reached to a critical size.
• This crack propagates suddenly and the structure gets fractured. The
shape of structure effects the fatigue very much.
• Square holes and sharp corners lead to elevated stresses where the
fatigue crack initiates.
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 31
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Brittleness –
• Brittleness of a material indicates that how easily it gets fractured
when it is subjected to a force or load.
• When a brittle material is subjected to a stress is observes very less
energy and gets fractures without significant strain.
• Brittleness is converse to ductility of material. Brittleness of material
is temperature depended.
• Some metals which are ductile at normal temperature become brittle
at low temperature.
• Examples – Cast iron, Glass etc.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 32
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Stiffness –
• It is the measure of a material's ability not to deflect under an applied

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 33
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Macroscopic and Macroscopic

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 34
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Macroscopic Examination
• In macroscopy the examination of the structural characteristics or
chemical characteristics of a metal or an alloy is done by the unaided
eye or with the aid of a low-power microscope or binocular, usually
under l0x.

• Colour, Quantity etc.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 35
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Microscopic Examination
• The branch of materials science dealing with
microscopic examination of polished metals
and alloys specimen is called Micrography.
• In microscopy similar examination is done
with the prepared metal specimens,
employing magnifications with the optical
microscope of from 100x to as high as 2000x.
• Microstructural examination can provide
quantitative information about the following
• 1) The grain size of specimens
• 2) The amount of interfacial area per unit volume
• 3) The dimensions of constituent phases
• 4) The amount and distribution of phases. 0.75mm
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 36
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Bonding in Materials and Atomic

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 37
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Bonding in Materials

Ionic Bond Covalent Bond Metallic Bond

Na + + Cl ‾ → Na +Cl ‾ CH4 Alloy

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 38
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Atomic arrangement

• Crystalline –
• periodic arrangement of atoms: definite repetitive pattern
• Non-crystalline or Amorphous –
• random arrangement of atoms.
• The periodicity of atoms in crystalline solids can be described by a
network of points in space called lattice.
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 39
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Space Lattice, Bravais Lattice and
Crystal System

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 40
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Space lattice
• A space lattice can be defined as a three dimensional array of points,
each of which has identical surroundings.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 41
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Bravais Lattice
• The unit vectors a, b and c are called lattice
• Based on their length equality or inequality and
their orientation (the angles between them α,
β, and γ) a total of 7 crystal systems can be
• With the centering (face, base and body
centering) added to these, 14 kinds of 3D
lattices, known as Bravais lattices, can be

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 42
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Crystal Systems
Cubic: a = b = c, α = β = γ = 90o

Simple Cubic Body-centered cubic (BCC) Face-centered cubic (FCC)

Tetragonal : a = b ≠ c, α = β = γ = 90o

Simple Tetragonal Body-centered Tetragonal (BCT)

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 43
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Crystal Systems (cont..)
Orthorhombic: a ≠ b ≠ c, α = β = γ = 90o

Simple Body-centered Base Centered Face centered

Monoclinic : a ≠ b ≠ c, α = γ = 90º ≠ β

Simple Base Centered

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 44
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Crystal Systems (cont..)
a = b = c, α = β = 90º ≠ γ a = b ≠ c, α = β = 90º , γ = 120 a ≠ b ≠ c, α ≠ β ≠ γ ≠ 90º

Rhombohedral Hexagonal Triclinic

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 45
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Crystal system examples
• Triclinic K2S2O8,K2Cr2O7
• Monoclinic As4S4, KNO2,CaSO4.2H2O,
• Rhombohedral Hg, Sb, As, Bi, CaCO3
• Hexagonal Zn, Co, Cd, Mg, Zr, NiAs
• Orthorhombic Ga, Fe3C,
• Tetragonal In, TiO2,
• Cubic Au, Si, Al, Cu, Ag, Fe, NaCl

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 46
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• There are several types of pattern in which metallic atoms can
arrange themselves on solidification, but the most common is as
follows :-
• Body-Centered-Cubic [BCC]
• Chromium, Molybdenum, Niobium, Tungsten, Iron.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 47
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Face-Centered-Cubic [FCC]
• Aluminum, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Iron, Gold, Silver.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 48
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Hexagonal-Closed-Packed [HCP]
• Beryllium, Cadmium, Magnesium, zinc

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 49
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Point co-ordinate, Miller indices
and Co-ordination numbers

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 50
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Point Coordinates
• Position of any point in a unit cell is given by its coordinates or distances from the
x, y and z axes in terms of the lattice vectors a, b and c.
• Thus the point located at a/2 along x axis, b/3 along y axis and c/2 along z axis, as
shown in the figure below, has the coordinates ½, 1/3, ½

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 51
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Miller Indices
• Planes in a crystal are described by notations called Miller
• Miller indices of a plane, indicated by h k l, are given by the
reciprocal of the intercepts of the plane on the three axes.

• The plane, which intersects X axis at 1 (one lattice parameter) and

is parallel to Y and Z axes, has Miller indices h = 1/1 = 1, k = 1/∞ =
0, l = 1/∞ = 0. It is written as (hkl) = (100).

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 52
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• To find the Miller Indices of a plane, follow these steps:
• Determine the intercepts of the plane along the crystal axes
• Take the reciprocals
• Clear fractions
• Reduce to lowest terms and enclose in brackets ()
• Ex: Intercepts on a, b, c : ¾, ½, ¼ (h k l) = (4/3, 2, 4) = (2 3 6)
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 53
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Planes can also have negative intercept e.g. 1, -1/2, 1
h k l = 1 -2 1. This is denoted as ( 1 2 1 )

• Family of planes {hkl}

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 54
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Coordination number (Ligancy)
• Coordination number is the number of nearest neighbor to a particular atom in the
crystal Coordination number

• In the FCC lattice each atom is in contact with 12 neighbor atoms. FCC coordination
number Z = 12
• For example, the face centered atom in the front face is in contact with four corner
atoms and four other face-centered atoms behind it (two sides, top and bottom) and is
also touching four face-centered atoms of the unit cell in front of it.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 55
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Coordination number
• Coordination number is the number of nearest neighbor to a particular atom in
the crystal Coordination number

• The coordination number of BCC crystal is 8.

• The body centered atom is in contact with all the eight corner atoms. Each corner
atom is shared by eight unit cells and hence, each of these atoms is in touch with
eight body centered atoms.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 56
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Coordination number
• Coordination number is the number of nearest neighbor to a particular
atom in the crystal Coordination number

• In Hexagonal lattice Z = 12. The center atom of the top face is in touch with
six corner atoms, three atoms of the mid layer and other three atoms of
the mid layer of the unit cell above it.
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 57
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Atomic Packing Factor and Lattice

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 58
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Atomic packing factor
• Atomic packing factor (APF) or packing efficiency indicates how
closely atoms are packed in a unit cell and is given by the ratio of
volume of atoms in the unit cell and volume of the unit cell.

• APF = (Volume of atoms)/(Volume of unit cell)

• In general, Less the co-ordination number less is the packing factor.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 59
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• In the FCC unit cell effective number of atoms = 8 corner atoms x
(1/8) (each atom is shared by 8 unit cells) + 6 face centered atoms
x1/2 (each shared by two unit cells) = 4

• a = Lattice parameter
• R = Radius of atom
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 60
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• In the FCC unit cell effective number of atoms = 8 corner atoms x (1/8) (each
atom is shared by 8 unit cells) + 6 face centered atoms x1/2 (each shared by two
unit cells) = 4
• Total volume of atoms = × ×
• The relation between R and the FCC cell side a is
• (DB)2=(DC) 2+(CB) 2
• (4R) 2=a2+a2
• a 2= 4R

× ×
• APF (FCC) =
= 0.74
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 61
SBJITMR, Nagpur)

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 62
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• For BCC crystals effective number of atoms per unit cell is 8 x 1/8 + 1 = 2
• The relation between R and a is
• (DF)2=(DG) 2+(GF) 2 - - We have [(DG) 2=(DC) 2+(CG) 2][DF=4R]
• (DF) 2=(DC) 2+(CG) 2 +(GF) 2 = (4R) 2=a2+a2+a2
• 3 = 4R.

× ×
• APF (BCC) =
= 0.68

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 63
SBJITMR, Nagpur)

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 64
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• In the Hexagonal unit cell, number of atoms =
12 corner atoms x 1/6 (shared by six unit cells)
+ Two face atoms x ½
+ 3 interior = 6.
• 2R = a (see figure)
• Unit cell volume = (6 x ½ x a x h) x c = (3 x a x a sin60) x c
= 3a2 c sin60
× ×
• APF (HCP) =
= 0.74

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 65
SBJITMR, Nagpur)

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 66
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Defects in Solids
• The term “defect” or “imperfection” is generally used to describe any
deviation from the perfect periodic array of atoms in the crystal.
• The properties of some materials are extremely influenced by the
presence of imperfections such as
• Mechanical strength, ductility, crystal growth,
• There are some properties of materials such as
• Stiffness, density and electrical conductivity which are termed structure-
insensitive, are not affected by the presence of defects in crystals.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 67
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 68
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Lattice Defects
• Types of lattice defects
• Point defects
• Line defects
• Surface defects
• Volume defects

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 69
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Point defects
• Vacancy – An atom missing from regular lattice position. Vacancies
are present invariably in all materials.
• Interstitialcy – An atom trapped in the interstitial point (a point
intermediate between regular lattice points) is called an interstitialcy.
• An impurity atom at the regular or interstitial position in the lattice is
another type of point defect.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 70
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• In ceramic materials point defects occur in pair to maintain the electroneutrality.
• A cation-vacancy and a cation-interstitial pair is known as Frenkel defect.

• A cation vacancy-anion vacancy pair is known as a Schottky defect.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 71
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Line defects - Dislocations
• Dislocation is the region of localized lattice distortion which separates the slipped and unslipped
portion of the crystal.
• The upper region of the crystal over the slip plane has slipped relative to the bottom portion. The
line (AD) between the slipped and unslipped portions is the dislocation.
• The magnitude and direction of slip produced by dislocation (pink shaded) is the Burger vector, b,
of the dislocation.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 72
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Edge Dislocations
• In one type of dislocations, the Burger vector is perpendicular to
the dislocation line (AD) and the distortion produces an extra half-
plane above the slip plane.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 73
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Screw Dislocations
• The other type of dislocation is the screw dislocation where the
Burger vector is parallel to the dislocation line (AD).
• The trace of the atomic planes around the screw dislocation makes a
spiral or helical path (pink shade) like a screw and hence, the name.
• Atomic positions along a screw dislocation is represented in Fig. (b)

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 74
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Surface defects - Grain Boundaries
• Most crystalline solids are an aggregate of several
crystals. Such materials are called polycrystalline.
• Each crystal is known as a grain. The boundary
between the grains is the grain boundary (the
irregular lines in Fig.a)
• A grain boundary is a region of atomic disorder in
the lattice only a few atomic diameter wide.

• Crystals grow until they meet each other

nuclei crystals growing grain structure
liquid Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 75
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• The orientation of the crystals changes
across the grain boundary as shown in
Fig. b.
• Grain boundaries act as obstacles to
dislocation motion.
• Hence, presence of more grain
boundaries (finer grain size) will
increase the strength.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 76
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Bulk or volume defects
• These include pores, cracks, foreign inclusions, and other phases. They are
normally introduced during processing and fabrication steps.
• E.g. Porosity, Inclusions and Cracks
• These defects form during manufacturing processes for various reasons and are
harmful to the material.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 77
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Deformation in metals, Selection
of Materials, and Polymorphism
& Allotropy

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 78
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Deformation in metals
• Plastic deformation in metals may take place by the process of slip, or by
• Slip - It is the deformation done by one layer or plan of atoms gliding over

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 79
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Twinning - In addition to deformation by slip, some metals, notably zinc, tin
and iron, deform by a process known as "twinning".

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 80
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Selection of materials
• Material Properties
• The expected level of performance from the material
• Material Cost and Availability
• Material must be priced appropriately (not cheap but right)
• Material must be available (better to have multiple sources)
• Processing
• Must consider how to make the part, for example:
• Casting
• Machining
• Welding
• Environment
Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 81
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Selection of materials
• Four Basic Steps
1) Translation: express design requirements as constraints and

2) Screening: eliminate materials that cannot do the job

3) Ranking: find materials that best do the job

4) Supporting Info: handbooks, expert systems, web, etc.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 82
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Polymorphism in materials science is the ability of a solid material to
exist in more than one form or crystal structure.
• An example of an organic polymorph is glycine, which is able to form
• monoclinic and
• hexagonal crystals.
• Iron -

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 83
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• If the change in structure is reversible then the polymorphism is
known as ‘allotropy’.
• For example, the element carbon has two common allotropes:
• diamond, where the carbon atoms are bonded together in a tetrahedral
lattice arrangement, and
• graphite, where the carbon atoms are bonded together in sheets of a
hexagonal lattice.

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 84
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
Comparison of properties of Graphite and

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 85
SBJITMR, Nagpur)
• Introduction to Engineering Metallurgy and Classification of materials
• Properties of Materials
• Macroscopic and Macroscopic Examinations.
• Bonding in Materials and Atomic structures
• Space Lattice, Bravais Lattice and Crystal System
• Point co-ordinate, Miller indices and Co-ordination numbers
• Atomic Packing Factor and Lattice defects
• Deformation in metals, Selection of Materials, and Polymorphism &

Engineering Metallurgy by Mr. Ajay A. Joshi

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 86
SBJITMR, Nagpur)

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