Pu Portions: Physics

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 Electric charge and fields  Ray optics and optical instruments
 Electrostatic potential and capacitance  Wave optics
 Current electricity  Dual nature of radiation and matter
 Moving currents and magnetism  Atoms
 Magnetism and matter  Nuclei
 Electromagnetic induction  Semiconductor electronics
 Alternating current  Communication systems
 Electromagnetic waves

 Relations and functions  Application of integrals
 Inverse trigonometric functions  Differential equations
 Matrices  Vector algebra
 Determinants  Three dimensional geometry
 Continuity and differentiability  Linear programming
 Application of derivatives  Probability
 Integrals

 Solid state  Haloalkanes and haloarenes
 Solutions  Alcohols, phenols and ether
 Electrochemistry  Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acid
 Chemical kinetics  Amines
 Surface chemistry  Biomolecules
 Isolation of elements  Polymers
 P-block elements  Chemistry in everyday life
 D and f-block elements
 Coordination compounds

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