Pu Portions: Physics
Pu Portions: Physics
Pu Portions: Physics
Electric charge and fields Ray optics and optical instruments
Electrostatic potential and capacitance Wave optics
Current electricity Dual nature of radiation and matter
Moving currents and magnetism Atoms
Magnetism and matter Nuclei
Electromagnetic induction Semiconductor electronics
Alternating current Communication systems
Electromagnetic waves
Relations and functions Application of integrals
Inverse trigonometric functions Differential equations
Matrices Vector algebra
Determinants Three dimensional geometry
Continuity and differentiability Linear programming
Application of derivatives Probability
Solid state Haloalkanes and haloarenes
Solutions Alcohols, phenols and ether
Electrochemistry Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acid
Chemical kinetics Amines
Surface chemistry Biomolecules
Isolation of elements Polymers
P-block elements Chemistry in everyday life
D and f-block elements
Coordination compounds