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MARCH 11, 2018

Mass Schedule
Saturday 5PM
Sunday 8AM & 10AM
Served by:

Fr. Drew Miller


Sr. Donna Lombardi, FCM

Pastoral Associate
Parish Administrator

Karen Suter

Joe Lombardi
Music Director

Mike & Fran Krol

Parish Council Leaders

An All Inclusive Independent Catholic Community,

Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place
March 11, 2018 LIVE THE LITURGY -
5 pm If we continue to journey through life without
genuine self-knowledge, without knowing how
8 am Christine Daniele our relationships ought to be ordered and what
truth is, the path we walk will always be only
10 am dimly lit. In fact, when we make the wrong
choices or find ourselves forgetting who we are,
we can easily find ourselves in darkness. "For
God so loved the world that he gave his only
Son, so that everyone who believes in him
might not perish but might have eternal life."
Jesus is the light that came into the darkness. It
is not enough for us to simply believe that Jesus
is the Christ but we must live our lives in witness
to this truth. The choices we make and the pri-
orities we establish are going to either speak of
someone who really does not care, someone
who is confused, or someone who is whole-
heartedly convinced of God's love. Which are

Our Mission: To create a sense of home in an atmosphere of belonging,

as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ, …
using words when necessary.
Sharing the Gospel
GOSPEL MEDITATION - ENCOURAGE DEEPER Whenever the Israelites touched the rod with a
snake on it in Moses' hand, they were healed. In
UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE the same way, Jesus wants everyone to be
healed from sin. Clean up your bedroom. Set the
March 11, 2018 4th Sunday of Lent table. Take out the trash. Pull the weeds from the
Why is the world the way it is? We all wonder garden. Pray for the sick on your street. When
that from time to time. Each successive genera- you do good things everyone will know how
tion projects rose-hued longing on the past and much you love God and everyone God made.
casts furtive glances at the impending future.
We see forces beyond our control in nature and Prayer
in the newspaper. The world is changing and Holy Spirit, show me how to be helpful to my
we're being pulled out with the tide. family and friends.
In the face of this confusion, today's Gospel fea-
tures one of the most oft-quoted Scripture verses Something to Draw
of all time: "For God so loved the world that he Draw a rod with a snake wrapped around it.
gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes Draw Jesus on the cross.
in him might not perish but might have eternal
life." But if Christ has come, why is the world so Mission for the Week
challenging? Why is the world still - to our eyes - I will give thanks to God in the morning, at lunch,
being carried off in a proverbial hand basket? and at bedtime.
Jesus' response is a deeply personal one. "This is
the verdict, that the light came into the world,
but people preferred darkness to light." Patterns
arise, habits are formed, and systems become
engrained, but each is the result of an intercon-
nected web of human choices.
Where do we stand? Our answers, perhaps, vary
from week to week, hour to hour, missed traffic
light to spilled coffee to teenage child's
rebellion. The world isn't perfect because we
aren't perfect. Our parish is flawed because
we're flawed. Our families need work because
every one of us needs to be converted.
Christianity is a process, not a destination!
This Sunday, Jesus invites us to consider our own
lives. Where in our own lives do we prefer
darkness to light? What flaws are we trying to
hide? Humbly acknowledge those places today.
Ask God for the grace to be transformed. Share
with your spouse or a friend where you'd like to
improve this week. "Whoever loves truth comes
to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen
as done in God."
Rosalie’s Kitchen
Food Collection next weekend (3/18)
Most current needs:

Long life milk sugar

Cheerios salt
Palm Sunday 3/24 5 pm, 8 am, 10 am oatmeal oil
Mac and Cheese flour
Holy Thursday 3/29 7 pm Jarred spaghetti sauce tuna
canned carrots rice
Good Friday 3/30 3 pm canned raviolis

Easter Vigil 3/31 7 pm

Easter Sunday 4/1 8 am, 10am Seeking volunteers to

help count offerings
after Mass.
Please join us downstairs following 10am mass
next Sunday, 3/11 to share in some coffee, light
snacks, and fellowship! If you can spare an extra
30 minutes or so after
mass to help count the offerings with one
other person., please let Sr. Donna know.

Happy March Birthdays to ….

Stations of the Cross

Willy Murphy (Melly)
Bible Study Denise Smith

Stations of the Cross will be held on Fr. Drew

Friday evenings from 6:30—7pm Karen Suter

Bible Study will follow at 7pm Ava Costello! (Official teenager!)

If your name is missing for a March birthday, please let
“7 to 9 with pizza & wine” Sr Donna or Karen know so that we can be sure to add
Downstairs you to our list.

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