Asking Attention

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Asking Attention Giving Attention

Excuse me! I see.

Listen to me! Tell me more about it.
Look at me! Really?
Look here. Mmm…
Look! What happens next?
Hey! And then what?
Hello! What’s next?
Attention, please! Is that all?
Can I get the attention! Thanks. That’s alright
Stop talking please… I see. Tell me more about it.
Everybody, may I have your attention, please ? Oh, yes. Really?
Can I have your attention, please? Mmm… Oh, my God! What happens next?
Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you …. A ha… And then what?
May I have your attention, please? How interesting! What’s next?
Sorry to trouble you. I know what you mean. Is that all?
Sorry to bother you. Oh, oh! Indeed?
Look what I’ve got here. Well, well, well… Oh, no!


Cha Cha: Will you hear my story?

Cho cho: Yes, I will. What’s about?
Cha Cha: It is about our friend Dina. Listen to me!
Cho cho: Okay!
Cha Cha: Dina asked me to join her to Batam next Sunday.
Cho cho: And then?
Cha Cha: I confused because next week I will have my first test in my course.
Cho cho: I see. Then?
Cha Cha: How to say to Dina if I can’t join her?
Cho cho: Just say the true.
Cha Cha: Okay I will try.
Cho cho: Look what I’ve got here.
Cha Cha: Why?
Cho cho: What do you think about my new motorcycle?
Cha Cha: Wow! That’s a cool motorcycle. Next time I will borrow it with you.
Cho cho: Yes, sure.
1. Let
Mengizinkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu
Rumus : S + let +agent + base form (verb 1)
Contoh :
 I let Jim to hold my hand.
 My mom lets me do the laundry.

2. Make
Memaksa atau membuat orang melakukan apa yang kita kehendaki
Rumus : S + make + agent + base form (verb 1)
Contoh :
 I made him give up his lunch.
 Because we didn’t attend the class more than three times last semester, Mrs. Cohen made us
retake the class this semester.

3. Have
Menyuruh atau memberikan tanggung jawab kepada orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu. Causative
verb ini memiliki bentuk aktif dan pasif. Causative aktif adalah ketika ketika agent-nya diketahui dan
disebutkan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa agent adalah bagian penting dari kalimat tersebut.
Sementara itu, causative pasif adalah ketika agenttidak disebutkan, karena kalimat berfokus kepada aksi
yang dilakukan tak peduli siapapun agent yang melakukannya. Rumus causative aktif dan pasif sedikit
Rumus :
Aktif : S + have + agent + base form (verb 1)
Pasif : S + have + object + past participle (verb 3)
Contoh :
 I have my brother bring me a glass of milk. (A)
 Darren had me read a book story her. (A)
 My family had our house renovated. (P)

4. Get
Menyuruh atau meyakinkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu yang kita kehendaki. Sama dengan “have”,
“get” juga memiliki bentuk causative pasif dan aktif seperti yang dijelaskan di atas.
Rumus :
Aktif : S + get + agent + to infinitive verb
Pasif : S + get + object + past participle (verb 3)
Contoh :
 I get him to pick up some burgers. (A)
 My sister got her boyfriend to come at 6AM in Sunday morning. (A)
 Hillary just got her books returned. (P)

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