Edgecombe County Public Schools Mail - Sit Agenda Attached
Edgecombe County Public Schools Mail - Sit Agenda Attached
Edgecombe County Public Schools Mail - Sit Agenda Attached
Good morning,
Agenda for SIT meeting is attached. If you still want to submit an item, please let me know.
Again, you are welcome to attend even if you are not on the SIT team.
Michael Casey
Administrative Intern
West Edgecombe Middle School
6301 Nobles Mill Pond Rd.
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
Phone: 252-446-2030
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ui=2&ik=901bfed8df&jsver=kBTDgkPpgMA.en.&view=pt&msg=1600d0371576a379&q=in%3Asent%20SIT&qs=true&… 1/1