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Rules and Regulations for Research leading to Ph.D-2012 – Implementation – sanctioned – orders issued
No. DoR/B3/516/2005 Dated, Calicut University (P.O), 20-08-2012
Read: (1) Meeting of the Research Council held on 09-02-2012
(2) Extract of the confirmed minutes of the Syndicate held on 29-06-2012, item No. 2012.597
(3) Extract of the confirmed minutes of the Syndicate held on 26-07-2012, item No. 2012.759
(4) Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Academic Council held on

1. The Research Council, at its meeting held on 09-02-2012, as per the reference cited 1 st above,
discussed the Research Regulation 2012 and after incorporating the modification, approved the same and
decided to place it before the Syndicate.

2. As per the discussions evolved in the meeting of the Syndicate held on 29-06-2012 referred 2 nd
above, certain modifications suggested by members were incorporated in the Research Regulation 2012 and the
same was placed for implementation.

3. Later, consequent to detailed deliberation, it was resolved that the Research Regulation 2012 has to be
placed before the supreme statutory body on academic matters; the Academic Council, vide reference 3 rd above
and the same was placed before the Standing Committee of Academic Council, considering the urgency of the
matter, as Ph.D applications through entrance test have not been invited for more than 18 months.

4. The meeting of the Standing Committee of Academic Council held on 13-08-2012, vide paper
read 4 above has considered the question of approval of the Research Regulation 2012 and resolved to approve
the same, incorporating the modifications suggested by the members.

5. Considering the urgency and academic interest of research aspirants, sanction has been accorded
by the Vice Chancellor by exercising the powers of the Academic Council for the implementation of the
Research Regulation 2012 with effect from 16-08-2012 as per the appendix attached herewith.
6. Orders are issued accordingly
All HoDs/Research Centres
Copy to : PS to VC/PA to PVC/PA to Registrar/PA to FO/
Forwarded/By Order
Rules & Regulations for Research leading to PhD
{ All cases registered before the date effectiveness of this rules and regulations will be governed by
earlier rules. However, the mandatory requirements laid down by the UGC shall be fulfilled for
obtaining the required endorsements in the Degree}

The University of Calicut offers research programmes in different subjects listed in Statutes of the
University, and in inter-disciplinary areas leading to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. A candidate
shall ordinarily work in a recognized place of research including the University Departments, Research
Institutes and Affiliated Colleges recognized by the University. The rules regarding eligibility, entrance
examination, interview, registration, supervision, submission and evaluation of thesis, viva-voce,
defense of thesis etc. shall be as follows.

For admission to the Ph.D. programme in a related subject in the faculty, applicants
fulfilling the following criteria shall be treated as eligible :
a) Persons having passed Post Graduate Degree (Master Degree)
Examination with at least 50% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average
(GPA) of this University or an equivalent degree recognized by University of
Calicut. Relaxation for minimum marks are applicable to reservation category
Persons working in National Laboratories- Institutes/Universities/Government/ Private
Organization nominated/sponsored by the respective employer. These
persons should have a Post Graduate Degree with 50% marks, and holding a permanent
position there.
b) Above-mentioned rules will also be applicable to the foreign candidates
who have obtained a Masters Degree from the statutory Indian Universities or
equivalent degree from abroad.
c) Teachers of the Colleges, aided or government, affiliated to the University
Secondary and Higher Secondary School Teachers. For teachers of this University and
working in aided colleges affiliated to this University, 1.a, shall be relaxed.
d) Application for research in inter-disciplinary areas and from applicants
belonging to a faculty or subject other than the faculty or subject in which the
research is proposed to be done and from the international candidates (those
who have not obtained the Master's degree from Indian Universities) shall be
considered on the basis of the proven ability and aptitude of the researcher for
such kind of research. Such proposal shall be examined by the Guide and the
Head, place of research and place before the Research Admission Committee
for recommending for admission. The admission will be confirmed after the
Research Admission Committee, approves the topic.
e) Admission Percentage for foreign candidates (those who have not obtained
Master's degree from Indian Universities) will be 50% or equivalent GPA.
f) Candidates belonging to SC/ST category and those having 40% or more
physical disability, require only a pass in the qualifying PG degree examination.

2.1 Research Departments/ Approved research centres /Affiliated colleges may

conduct entrance test as per the notification issued
2.2. All the candidates getting a minimum of 50% marks and in the case of SC/ST
candidates a minimum of 45% marks, as the case may be, in the entrance test
are qualified to apply for registration to Ph.D. Programme
2.3 Exemption from Entrance Test
2.3.1. Teachers of affiliated aided colleges under the University of Calicut, and
teachers with FDP/QIP, etc., fellowships, and teachers of the University
departments are exempted from the entrance test.
2.3..2. Candidates having research fellowships from Central or state funding
agencies are also exempted from the entrance test. Qualified in GATE(valid score*)
/GPAT (valid score*)/JRF/SRF examination of the apex bodies as
such as CSIR/UGC/ICAR/ICMR/DBT and DST inspire fellowship only.
* the cut off score will be decided by the concerned Department Councils
2.3.3 M. Phil. Degree successfully completed from any Statutory Recognized University in
the relevant subject.
2.3.4 Foreign nationals who are otherwise eligible for admission
2.3.5. Full-time fellows, who have been selected on the basis of a written test and interview ,
working in a research project under the investigation of a research guide of the
2.3.6. These candidates (2.3.1 to 2.3.5) can apply for Ph.D. registration at any time
during the academic year depending subject to the availability of guides.
2.4 Procedure for conduct of Entrance Examination
The entrance test will be normally conducted once a year for each
department/discipline and list of successful candidates eligible for PhD registration,
prepared on the basis of the test, has a validity of one year, from the date of
publication of the same.
2.5 The list of successful candidates will be published by the head, place of research
2.5.1. A separate rank list for each subject, shall be published
2.6 If the particular discipline, doesn't have a university department/centre, the
entrance test shall be conducted by the affiliated college/ recognized institution, by
the directive of the University.
3.1 The University will issue notifications for PhD admission at its teaching/research
departments/centers/ recognized institutes/affiliated colleges every year.
3.2 Students who have been shortlisted after the entrance examination, or otherwise
eligible, apply to the Department/Center/ Affiliated Colleges, directly, in the
prescribed forms along with application fee for admission. Online registration for
admission shall be effected in due course of time.
3.3 The application fee shall be remitted to the University Fund and the forms will be
issued by the University.
3.4 Those who are exempted from entrance test can seek admission any time in an
year, in the proscribed format.
3.5 However, no exemption from paying fee, except in the case of Reserved
categories shall be entertained.
4.1 The University admits eligible candidates for PhD on the basis of the ranking in the
Entrance Examination, for pursuing research on full time or part-time basis, under the
supervision of recognized guides in designated centers.
4.2 The qualified candidate may contact the teaching/research department/centre/
recognized institutes/affiliated college, where he/she prefers to pursue the PhD
course, and seek the availability and willingness of the research guide who is
competent in the area in which he/she is willing to do research and work with him/her
to develop a research proposal
4.2.1. The candidate shall submit a duly filled up application, along with the fee
prescribed, for Ph.D. registration in the prescribed format along with the
research proposal so developed as in 4.1, and submit it to the Head,
place of the research.
4.2.2. The research proposal shall not exceed 10 pages in length excluding the title
page or cover page.
4.2.3. The research proposal should have the following structure:
a) Title b) Introduction c) Research Problem d) Objectives e) Conceptual
Model/Review of Literature f) Research Methodology g) Expected outcome and
relevance of the study h) Bibliography
4.3 Every person, if he/she is otherwise eligible and qualifies as per above conditions
and desirous of doing research work for the Ph. D degree should face the interview
before a committee constituted as below.
4.4 On the basis of interview, the allocation of the Research Guide for a selected
candidate shall be decided by the Department/Centre/ Institution/ Affiliated College,
in a formal manner depending on the number of candidates per faculty member, the
available specialization among the Research Guides and the research interest of the
candidates as indicated during interview by the candidate. The allotment/allocation of
Research Guide shall not be left to the individual candidate or Guide. Guide wise
quota will be declared. Reservation criteria shall be observed at the time of allotment.
4.4.1. While granting admission to candidates to Ph.D. programmes, the Research
Center will pay due attention to the State Reservation Policy.
4.4.2. Foreign candidates will be treated at par with Open Category for admission.
4.5 Head of the research centre shall forward the proceedings of the committee after
interview along with the application and list of all eligible candidates for admission for
research in that subject, in the centre to the University, within 7 days. All records
related to admission procedures shall be kept in the Department/ Center/ College.
4.6 Based on the list and applications received from the Department/Research
centres concerned, the University shall issue orders granting registration.
4.6.1. Registration to full-time and part-time Ph.D. programme may be granted to
candidates who apply for it.
4.7 The date of registration to Ph.D. shall be the date on which the candidate
actually joins the research department / centre. At the time of joining, the candidate
has to pay the necessary fee, caution deposit etc, and complete other formalities in
the department/ research centre/ college.
4.8 Provisional Registration
Under circumstances where a candidate seeks a quick registration to avail of a
fellowship or FIP for college teachers, arranging VISA in the case of foreign
candidates ,etc., a provisional registration may be granted, provided, the Vice
Chancellor is convinced that the situation so warrants.
4.9 Validity of Registration
4.9.1 The registration to Ph.D. programme shall be active from the date of joining
the research department or centre for a period of five years for full-time Ph.D.
candidates and six years for part-time Ph.D. candidates
4.9.2 After the completion of the active period, the registration order may become
invalid. A research scholar with an invalid registration ceases to be a
research scholar.
4.9.3 The Vice Chancellor may give an extension by one more year in exceptional
circumstances for the completion of the research work and submission of
4.9.4. The candidate shall apply for extension before the expiry of the
validity period
4.9.5. No further extension of time beyond the additional one year period granted.
shall be allowed under any circumstances.
4.10. Research scholars can avail the facilities of the centre, until the period of
registration is valid.
4.10.1. No claim for extension of facilities which are received on the basis of being a
research scholar of the University shall be made after the expiry of the validity
period of registration.
4.11. Proof of attendance of the full time/par-time research scholars shall be
maintained at the office of the Head, place of research.
4.12. Registered candidates are eligible for Casual leave/Duty leave/
medical/maternity/paternity leaves as per the orders issued by the university, in this
4.13. Registered candidates shall not be allowed to register simultaneously for any
other degree course.
4.14. As a general rule, a candidate will be permitted to register for a PhD
programme, in a discipline, in which he/she has qualifying degree. In case a
candidate applies for a Ph D programme, other than his/her Masters subject,
registration may be granted on the specific decision of the Research Admissions
4.15. Part-time/ Full-time Research
4.15.1. Registration may be granted to all resident scholars on full time basis and to
employed persons on part-time basis.
4.15.2. Teachers of colleges and Schools, and permanent employees of `
government/private/business firms who are eligible for Ph.D admission, may be granted
part-time registration.
4.15.3. A full-time registration may be converted to part-time , after the completion of
one year, or when the candidate declared successfully completed the course work.
4.15.4 After three years in full-time, if the candidate wishes to convert the
registration into part-time, the time duration of thesis shall be reckoned with that of
full-time registration.
5. Research Fellowship
5.1 The University fellowships shall be awarded to full-time scholars on the basis of merit
and keeping the norms of reservation. A valid registration for PhD course in the
University does not warrant that the candidate is eligible for University fellowship for
research studies.
5.2 The University reserves the right for regulating amount of the fellowships or
terminating it at any time, if found non-productive or misused, based on the Progress
Evaluation Committee report.
5.3 Application for award of research fellowships shall be submitted separately in the
prescribed format once the candidate joins for research study after getting
5.4 Candidates who have been awarded research fellowship/ grant from other
external funding agencies can avail the same through the University, subject to the
conditions of the funding agency.
5.5 The period of University fellowship will be decided by the University and for
others, the funding agency shall specify.
5.6 The Departments/ Centers/ Colleges may invite external agencies for instituting
research fellowships with the approval of the University.
6. Research Admissions Committee & Functions
6.1 The committee shall be consisted of:
a) Admission at University Departments.
1) HOD (Chairman)
2) Dean of the Faculty
3) Three subject Experts (Two from Department, nominated by the
Department Council; and another from outside to be nominated by the Vice-
b) Admission at Research Centres at Colleges
1) Principal (Chairman)
2) Three experts (one Faculty member from the University
Department/and two senior research guides from the College, to be
nominated by the Principal)
3) One person nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
c) Admission at Recognized Research Institutions
1) Director (Chairman)
2) Dean of the concerned Faculty
3) One head of the University Department, nominated by Director
4) Two subject experts nominated by the Director
5) One faculty member, from University Departments nominated by Hon' ble
Vice- Chancellor.
6.2 The research guide/supervisor of the candidate, if already not a member of the
above, Committee, he/she shall also join the Committee meeting while evaluating
the research proposal of the candidate who seeks his/her guidance.
6.3 The Chairman shall convene the Admissions Committee as and when necessary
and be responsible for keeping the proceedings and documents related to the
6.4 The Research Admissions Committee shall examine carefully the documents
presented by the candidate, and adhere strictly to the norms and policies of the State
related to reservation, and regulations of the University.
6.5 In case of any suggestions given by the committee for improvement of topic, the
candidate shall make changes accordingly and present the topic again before
the said committee within 3 months of the earlier presentation.
6.6 After successful presentation, the proposal shall be sent by the Head, place of
research within15 days from the date of presentation to the university office.
6.7 In case of any dispute regarding the admission procedure, the matter may be
referred to the Vice-Chancellor, and the Vice- Chancellor will take appropriate
7.1. A Ph.D. research scholar shall undergo a course work of one-semester
duration, which include compulsory class room teaching, seminar and assignment.
7.2. Course work lasting one semester has to be done before the end of a period of
12 months from the date of registration for Ph.D. programme.
7.3. The course work shall have two courses with four credits each
7.4. A research scholar can do his/her course work along with M.Phil candidates
if the supervisor recommends it.
7.4.1. A full-time project fellow, who got registration to do PhD together with the
project may be permitted to take the course simultaneously.
7.5. One course shall be in the Area of specialization chosen for research and the
other course shall be on Research Methodology which include research methodology,
quantitative methods, computer application, tools and techniques including
instrumentation, communication, seminar presentation and review of research
7.6. The supervisor of each research scholar shall design the syllabus or syllabi of
the course from the area of Specialization.
7.7. In the case of common course, Research Methodology, the syllabus may be
designed by a committee appointed by the Department Council /centre and shall be
approved by the Departmental Council. If the University has no research
departments in that subject of study, the University will entrust the drafting of the
course to any of its existing departments.
7.8 The PG Board of Studies in the subject shall ratify the Department Council
decision regarding the course work and approve the syllabi and mode of learning
and evaluation.
7.9 The students from the research department of University of Calicut or the
affiliated research centers/Colleges can do their course work at their respective
centres or any of the Research Institutions which have signed MoU for Ph.D
programme with the University.
7.10 University will conduct regular examinations related to course work, and
publish the results after evaluation and issue certificate to the candidate, showing
that he/she has passed/ failed the exam with the scores.
7.10.1. The request for conducting course work examination shall be forwarded to
the CE, along with the approved syllabi, Attendance-Progress Certificate, and a panel of
examinations. At least 70% attendance is required for appearing the examinations. The
head, place of research should forward the necessary documents and application of
candidate for the examination.
7. 11. If the research scholar fulfills the requirements of the course work and
successfully completes the course work as above, he/she will become qualified for
submission of his/her research thesis for PhD degree.
7.12. The research scholar may be given a maximum extension of one year for
successful completion of the course work subject to the overall limit of three
chances for examinations in the two courses .
7.12.1. If a candidate clears one paper but fails in the other, he/she may be
permitted to appear the failed paper only in the next chance.
7.13. The teaching schedule involved in the course work shall not be reckoned at part
with the teaching load of other courses of the University in affiliated colleges.
7.14. The candidates who have done M.Phil from any Statutory University and having
been done a course on Research Methodology during the course, shall be be
exempted from the course work.
7.15. Those who have an M Phil degree in the relevant subject, but without done a course in
research methodology during the programme, shall be exempted from course work, if
the candidate successfully clears a separate examination, conducted by the university.
8.1. Normally a candidate shall be required to complete his/her doctoral research
under the supervision of the guide recommended by the committee for admission.
8.1.1. University may allow change of guide on the production of a 'no objection'
certificate from the first guide and an acceptance letter from the new guide.
8.1.2. In case of such a change, the candidate shall work for a minimum period of
one calendar year under the new guide before he/she submits the thesis.
8.1.3. A' no objection' certificate will not be required if the candidate justifies the non-
availability of his guide. The justification will have to be endorsed by the Head,
place of research.
8.1.4. A candidate can seek to opt one or more co-guides for the completion of his/
her Ph.D, from the centre or any of the center approved by the University, during
the course of study.
8.2. At any given time a guide shall not have more than eight registered Ph.D.
candidates and two M.Phil candidates working under his/her supervision. At least two
seats may be given to JRF/CSIR/ etc, fellowship candidates, if available, under each
guide. Also, 2 seats per guide may preferably be allotted to part-time scholars. In the
absence of par-time scholars, it may be given to full time candidates.
8.3. The University encourages interdisciplinary research in a wider perspective and
shall consider approval of the topic of research and selection of guides in case of
inter-disciplinary subjects
8.4 In case of any dispute between a candidate and his guide, or with the research
center the committee consisting of the following shall examine the matter and report
to the Vice- Chancellor, whose decision shall be final. The candidate shall therefore
lodge the complaint with the Vice-Chancellor
8.4.1 The Head, place of research [If the complaint is against the Head, he /
she shall not participate in the proceedings of the meeting. In such case,
additional member/s may be appointed by the Vice - Chancellor].
8.4.2 Dean of the faculty concerned
8.4.3 Nominee of the Vice-Chancellor,
8.4.4 The report shall include, among other things, specific recommendations.
and shall be submitted to the Vice-chancellor.
8.5. All the registered candidates shall be required to submit to the Head, place of
research, an elaborate progress report, through their research guides, about the
research work they have done in every six months.
8.6 The progress reports submitted shall be placed before a Progress Evaluation
Committee consisting of
[a] the Head, place of research
[b] the research guide, and
[c] two research guides co-opted by the Head, place of research from
amongst recognized research guides of the University.
The committee shall scrutinize the progress reports and prepare a brief statement
on the progress of the candidate and send to the University within 15 days of the
meeting of the committee. The committee should invite the candidate to present the
progress of his/her research work. The committee may suggest the
continuation/discontinuation of the University Research Fellowship, on the basis of
their assessment with specific reasons.
8.7. If a candidate fails to submit three reports consecutively, his/her registration may
be treated as cancelled on recommendation of Head, place of research.
8.8. During the period of research, a full-time scholar can avail leave of absence from
his/her centre for a maximum period of 9 months, for data collection/ analytical
study/consultation with external experts. The candidate shall submit the progress
report, under such cases of leave of absence from the center, immediately after
joining back the institution.
8.8.1. All kinds of leaves to the Research Scholar may be granted by the Head,
Place of Research and report the same to the University, without delay.
8.8.2. The Head, place of research shall keep an attendance register, of all the
research scholars.
8.9. Every research scholar should publish at least one research paper in peer
reviewed national/ International Journal in the area of his/ her research before
the date of submission of his or her thesis to the University.
8.10. Publication of research findings in peer reviewed journal is treated as a
compulsory accomplishment for the submission of the thesis.
9. Submission and Evaluation of Thesis
9. l. The submission of thesis may be permitted only after completion of three years
from the date of registration and on successful completion of Course Work. Prior to
the submission of the thesis, the candidate shall submit a synopsis of the thesis. The
synopsis shall contain introduction, chapter wise brief account of the work done.
9.1.1. The synopsis shall accompany List of Evaluators,not less than 10, submitted by the
Guide and forwarded by the Head, place of research in sealed cover.
9.1.2. Preferably, the examiners shall be chosen from various states and from various
universities/ institutes.
9.1.3. For Indian language subjects, this selection, however, may not be strictly be
9.1.4. The Vice Chancellor, can reject the panel list, if the list is found prepared with
false intentions and not according to the above directives of the University.
9.1.5. At least 12 copies of the, neatly printed and properly tagged copies synopsis
may be submitted, along with a soft copy as a pdf file.. Avoid hard binding of the
9.1.6. The size shall not exceed 12 pages and or 100Mb
9.1.7. The synopsis shall also accompany, application form, certificate of course work
or equivalent M Phil certificate. the proof of publication, report of presubmission
seminar , no dues certificate, and the statement of fee paid to the university, and
chalan receipt of the final fee payments.
9.2. The thesis can be submitted any time after the of submission of synopsis, but
not beyond three months.
9.3. At least three months before the date of submission of the thesis each candidate
shall give a pre- submission seminar to be arranged by the Head of the place of
research at the research centre on the request of the candidate duly endorsed by the
guide. The final plan of the thesis will be discussed by the research scholars present,
among whom the presence of the research guides and the Head, place of research
or his/her nominee shall be necessary.
9.4. If the candidate fails to submit his/her thesis after the completion of normal
period of three months the candidate will be allowed to submit with late fee up to a
further period of three months, but beyond which no further extension will be
9.5 . On exceptional cases, upon recommendation of Guide, Head of place of
research and Dean of Faculty, the Vice Chancellor may permit the submission of
thesis even before three years duration.
9.6 . The final thesis (5 Copies)shall be submitted in compact bound form along with a
soft copy (CD) with each chapters in pdf.
9.7. The final thesis shall be presented in accordance with the following specifications
9.7.1. The thesis should be logically divided into meaningful chapters for
9.7.2. The methodology should be adequately described in the initial chapters
9.7.3. Literature review should relate to the problem studied.
9.7.4. The chapter may be divided into sections
9.7.5. Summary of the study, findings from the study (based on the data
collected/compiled and analyzed for the study), and recommendations, if
any, shall be included
9.7.6. Bibliography, Appendix etc. shall follow the last chapter.
9.7.7. The title of the thesis, name of the candidate, degree, name of the
guide, place of research and the month and year of submission shall be
printed on the title page and on the front cover.
9.8 . The following documents shall also be included in the Ph.D thesis.
9.8.1. A declaration signed by the research scholar that it has not previously
formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship,
fellowship or title or recognition.
9.8.2. A certificate from the supervising teacher certifying that the thesis is a
bona fide account of the research work carried out by the research scholar
under his or her supervision.
9.9 The thesis shall be written in English except on cases, when related to Modern
European or Indian or other languages.
9.10. The title of the thesis may be modified once in a research period, with the
recommendation of the guide, and on payment of the necessary fee. Such
modifications shall be entertained prior to synopsis submission only.
9.11. The procedure for the appointment of examiners shall be undertaken soon
after the candidate submits his/her synopsis. The University shall make
arrangements to complete the valuation of the thesis within 90 days from the date of
receipt of the thesis, under normal circumstances.
9.12. The thesis should be sent to two examiners, selected by the Vice- Chancellor
from among the list submitted by the research supervisor.
9.12.1. The Vice chancellor, shall constitute , a panel of examiners not less than five
by indicating the choice of order of preference from among the members in the list,
with the first person as the Chairperson
9.12.2. The panel of examiners will be selected for protecting the academic
interests and to obtain an impartial, un-biased, adjudication of the thesis.
9.12.3. In the panel at least one member shall be from outside State. However, for
disciplines like Indian Languages, were it is difficult to locate such experts, this
rule shall not be strictly observed.
9.12.4. All the two persons, in the panel may be intimated either by post or by
email/fax about their nomination along with a copy of the synopsis and a request
for valuation suggesting to adhere he time limit.
9.12.5. If the first person, declines to be the Chairman, the nomination shall fall on to
the second and so on.
9.12.6. If all the five in the panel declines to accept, the Vice chancellor shall
constitute a second panel from the list
9.13. The examiners may be given 45 days for evaluating and sending a report on
the basis of the evaluation to the University,
9.14. The reports sent by fax or e-mail by using the 'postscript' package will be
9.15. If an examiner fails to do so, the University shall send him/her a reminder
immediately after the expiry of the said period with a request to submit the
report within thirty days. If the examiner fails to comply even within the
extended period the University shall cancel his appointment forthwith and invite
the next examiner from the approved panel to evaluate the thesis.
9.16. In the event of, receipt of the report after the appointment has been cancelled or
the loss of report, postal delay, etc. the University will take an appropriate
decision in the interest of the candidate concerned.
9.17. If all the two reports are found positive, reports received from the external
examiners shall be immediately forwarded to the Head, place of research who,
after ascertaining that the reports are favourable, shall arrange the viva and the
defense of the thesis at the earliest date suitable to the chairperson.
9.18. The Head shall make the reports available to the candidate, the research guide
and the chairperson at least a week before the date of the viva.
9.19. In case one out of two examiners give unfavourable reports then University
shall seek thesis examined by another examiner from the panel of examiners
approved by the Vice Chancellor. If the additional examiner also gives an
unfavourable report the candidate will be declared to have failed.
9.20. Finally, the candidate has to face an open defense of his/her
thesis for the successful completion of PhD study.
9.21 The defense of the thesis shall take place in the presence of guide, and
external examiner as the chairperson.
9.22. If the external examiner is not able to be present at the time of open defense, the
Vice- Chancellor, on the recommendation of the guide appoint a senior research
guide to act as Chairman to conduct the same. The day, date, time and the place
of the defense of thesis shall be notified by the Head of the
place of research at least seven days in advance. Normally, the the defense of the thesis
shall be arranged in the University Department. But on exceptional cases, the
Vice-Chancellor may allow the defense to be conducted at a place of research outside
the University campus. In such a case the procedure of conduct of the defense, and
the payments to the examiner shall be the responsibility of the outstation centre
9.23. The open defense shall be conducted in an audience of the public who
are genuinely interested in the subject of study and wants to explore facts
related to the research. Letter of intimation of the open defense shall be
communicated to a large number of potential participants ( at least 50 people
outside the research department or centre) and a record of such invitations sent
and the details of participants who attended the open defense should also be
9.24. In addition to the teachers/scientists, the research scholars and the students of
the Department/Research Centre concerned, and all those who are interested
in the field shall be allowed to attend the open defense.
9.25. The candidate shall be permitted for presentation of the work, at the beginning.
9.26. On completion of the presentation, the candidate is expected to clarify the
doubts/queries raised by the examiners during their evaluation and mentioned in the
report, if any, or by the Chairman.
9.27. The participants can seek clarifications or suggest comments initiating a healthy
discussion aimed at elucidating the facts and sharing of knowledge. If the participants
are deliberately intimidating the candidate or using abusive statements the Chairman
shall interfere and regulate by ruling.
9.28. The open interaction between the research scholar and the participants in the
open defense shall in no way affect the outcome of the result.
9.29. The Chairman can also intervene any time during the open defense and control
the session, protecting the merits of the findings and the genuine interest of the
9.30. A report shall be prepared by the Chairman in consultation with the
Supervising Teacher based on the performance of the research scholar in the
presentation, viva-voce and open defense. The report shall be signed by the
external expert and supervising teacher. and send to the University within three days of
the open defense.
9.31. In case the open defense is not satisfactory, the examiners may unanimously
recommend, with reasons, for a fresh defense of the thesis within,
one month.
10.1. All teaching/research departments/centers of the University are deemed to be
research centers of this University.
10.2. Central and State funded Research Institutions, may be recognized as
research Center of the University of Calicut based on mutual agreements and upon a
10.3. There shall be a Research Recognition Committee for each subject with the
following members
1) Director of Research
2) One subject Experts to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
3) One member of the syndicate, nominated by Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor as Chairman
10.4. Affiliated Colleges of the University of Calicut may be recognized as research
centers if they meet the following necessary requirements.
10.4.1. The college which is seeking recognition in a subject shall have a
permanently affiliated post graduate department in that subject and have been
offering PG Programme for more than 3 years
10.4.2 .There must be at least two permanent teachers with Ph.D. degree in
the subject in that department
10.4.3. The faculty should demonstrate that they are actively involved in
research by way of their publications/projects/collaborations
10.4.4. The departments/centre should have adequate infra structure and
literature in that subject of study.
10.4.5 .The institutions should provide sufficient facilities to the researchers and
scholars and a undertaking in this regard shall be given to to the university
10.4.6. Once the Department / Institution is recognized as a research centre, it is
imperative that the centre is actively involved in relevant research.
10.5 . The effectiveness of the research centre may be assessed, once in every five
years, by the Research Recognition Committee
10.6 . Recognition given to any research centre can be withdrawn if the expert
committee gives a report stating that the centre is not discharging its
responsibilities satisfactorily or the conditions for granting recognition as a
research centre are violated
10.7. However, the research scholars who have registered for PhD under the
research guides of the de-recognized research centre shall be allowed to
submit their thesis in due course of time subject to the validity period of
10.8. Once the affiliation is lost as above, the research centre should start afresh
for recognition as research centre.
10.9. Permanent affiliation may be granted if the centre has been found performing
satisfactorily in two consecutive inspections
11.1. All scholars who have been contributing to the knowledge in their respective
subjects who have proven their credibility as active researcher may be recognized as
research guides, provided they fulfill the following criteria.
11.2. The candidate shall be a permanent staff member belongs to teaching/research
department University Department/ Center/ Affiliated Colleges, or a
scientist/technical staff in a research establishment having a Ph D Degree
recognized by the University.
11.3. The candidate should have at least two recent research publications in peer reviewed
journals after the award of PhD, and within a period of four years, while
requesting for guide-ship.
11.4 . A recognized guide can take a maximum of eight research scholars for Ph.D.
programme, part-time and full-time together.
11.5. Policies of reservation, shall be adhered while admitting the candidates for
research under a research guide.
11.6. Research guide ship once granted may be withdrawn by the University, if he/she
violates the ethical practices of research or seems unfit due to proven
reason. Otherwise the guide ship can be continued even after his/her retirement from
active service, provided, the research centre, where the researcher is affiliated shall
be willing to extend their facilities for his/her research.
11.7. For teaching/ research departments of the university of Calicut, a teacher
appointed as Lecturer/ Reader or Assistant//Associate/Professor on a permanent
basis may be granted recognition, with effect from his date of joining the
11.8. A researcher who wants to be recognized as a research guide of the university shall
apply for research guideship in the prescribed forms to the University
11.9. If the student under a guide fails to submit his/her thesis, within the stipulated
time, the position of the student shall be treated as vacant, and the guide can admit
fresh candidates for research
12.1. A research scholar can opt for a co-guide for his/her research study.
12.1.1. If the research scholar does Ph.D. with a recognized research institution
covered by an MOU with the University. In that case, one of the guides
may be from the teaching department of the University and the other from
that recognized research institution
12.1.2. The research scholar should apply for a co-guide at the time of registration or
later during the course with the required fee
12.1.3. One more Co-guide may be permitted later with the consent of both the
guides on the request of the research scholar.
12.2. Guide change will be permitted under the following circumstances for
research scholars doing doctoral research in the research departments or
12.2.1. The supervisor is not available for consultation for a considerable period of
time, exceeding six months, as the supervisor is on long leave or deceased
12.2.2. If the supervisor is disqualified by the university.
12.2.3. If the guide ceases to be an employee of the centre and joins else where.
12.2.4. Such guide change is subject to the maximum number of researchers
permitted under a guide, that is, not exceeding eight research scholars
12.2.5. Guide change between research centres or between university departments
and colleges shall not be permitted . However, if a research guide in a
research centre gets another appointment in any of the teaching departments of
the University or any other research centre recognized by the University, the
research scholars working under him/her can be shifted to the
teaching department of the University or the research centre where he/she got
appointment as teacher or scientist., provided the Department center/ College is
willing to admit the student.
13.1. Any teaching department can enter into an agreement with an outside
research institution or an approved research centre for carrying out collaborative
13.2. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) shall be signed between the
University and the proposed Research Institution for that purpose
13.3. The teaching department shall take the initiative for such strategic alliances
with research institutions with the permission of the University
13.4. Such collaboration shall be entered into only with institutions of high
reputation which will enhance the image of the University and gives the
researchers of the University access to resources and facilities that are not
adequately available on the University campus
13. 5 For entertaining into MoU with international bodies permission may be taken
from the respective departments/Ministry of the Country.
14.1. The University, in principle, shall be the holder of the title right of the research
outcome generated as a result of the research done at the departments/ centers/
Colleges by the researchers
14.2. Every researcher shall therefore duly acknowledge, the center where the
research is carried out and the name of University of Calicut, in the publications/
patents, generated as a result of his/ her research under the university
14.3. The researcher/s alone shall be responsible for the outcome of his/her research
which involves an insult against a society, demoralization of the cultural values of a
society, creating fear or panic thereby disrupts peace, or violating the laws of the
country, and jeopardizing the integrity of the country.
14.4. All the rules laid down earlier by the University, related to patents and sharing of
its royalty/benefits shall be applicable.
15. D.Litt/DSc and Honorary Research Degrees
15.1. The rules/guidelines framed in the statutes shall be invoked for awarding D Litt/
DSc/DLM /Honorary degrees.

16.1. Wherever it is applicable in the above clauses the terms mentioned as the
respective meanings as ;
1]. University – University of Calicut, if not otherwise mentioned.
2]. Head, place of research – Head of the Department in the university/
Principal of a college affiliated to the university/ Director of a research
institute with which the university has a valid MoU for research.
3]. Research admission committee – constituted for supervising research
admission procedure and recommending for registration.
4]. Entrance Test- a written test conducted for deciding the eligibility of a
candidate for research admission.
5]. Research centre- A place for doing research ; a department of the
university, a department in a affiliated college which has been recognized by
the university or an institute which has been entered into an agreement
with the university through an MoU for research studies.

17. At lest in the teaching/research departments of the University, all members of the Research
Admission Committee and Progress Evaluation Committee shall be recognized research
guides. Under any circumstances, if person without such a qualification happens to be in the
committee by virtue of his office, the Vice chancellor may nominate another person to the
said committee

18. Any other item significant to research in this University, and has not appeared under the
above clauses, may be ruled by the decision of the Vice- Chancellor.

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