Endoalpha Product Brochure 001 V1-En 20100601
Endoalpha Product Brochure 001 V1-En 20100601
Endoalpha Product Brochure 001 V1-En 20100601
The future begins here…
We needed to renovate and it wasn’t a quantum leap to decide Another significant phenomenon is that, since our
that we should then invest in innovation – to decide how far to ENDOALPHA OR has been featured in the media, we have
take systems integration. also seen a significant increase in those applying to work
at our hospital. Our beautiful OR and state-of-the-art systems
Our goal was to improve information control and to increase are not only the pride of our staff, they are also an attraction
efficiency. As a result, the information coming into and out of to others!
surgical and diagnostic endoscopy has improved. But the major
economic impact of systems integration is from increased
efficiency. For example, turnaround times are faster and having
video available throughout the hospital is significant. Staff can
check progress from outside the OR and plan appropriately.
Overall, a few minutes here and half hour there add up to
significant efficiency gains.
discover ENDOALPHA !
When we designed the new hospital, we were able to plan for available – whether it is x-rays or CRTs or just the patient’s
systems integration from the start and were looking for a general details.
forward looking, open solution. Since we anticipated a block of
“standard” multi-disciplinary ORs, the ENDOALPHA system’s Despite the sophistication of the 15 OR system, which also
flexibility and the ability to integrate various pieces of equipment includes a teaching room, the maintenance and service has
and systems were important. been nearly problem free. The required certification process
undoubtedly adds security and reliability to the system.
The integration into the hospital IT systems is robust.
The staff can work with the system’s central database from
inside each OR and anywhere in the hospital network,
for example, accessing or adding to procedure notes, or
working with the patient’s medical record. Generally they spend
less time looking for patient information, but have more of it
Integration aimed at increasing efficiency and comfort
through improved workflow and information
The ENDOALPHA system is the total integration solution for endoscopy consisting
of modular components which are combined to meet a hospital’s individual needs.
Olympus works with the hospital as a technological partner at design, implementation
and service stages with “Quality” as the watchword at every step.
Better and more efficient information flow
in a more ergonomic workspace
within your endoscopy suite
Patient Data
Your systems integration solution will be custom Improved ergonomics and workflow lead to greater
designed for your hospital. Installation will be smooth efficiency and improves hospital staff satisfaction.
and to a guaranteed gold standard.
Olympus systems integration experts will partner with the By designing the workspace to include the suspension of
hospital to design a system with the right endoscopic equipment from surgical arms, centralising control of equipment
integration solution to maximise value for the hospital. Local onto convenient touch panels and making all necessary
systems integration experts apply international expertise to information (graphical, data or settings) instantly and
local know-how to plan and execute the installation of the conveniently available, workflow and throughput is significantly
system. ENDOALPHA ORs must be certified by TÜV, assuring improved. The improved ergonomics reduce work related
that the system is installed to the highest standard and with injury and increase staff satisfaction.
detailed documentation for effective long-term maintenance.
Office Links
Patient Data
Image Archiving
Centralised control of medical and peripheral equipment Information is efficiently captured, readily available and
allows for more efficiency and improved ergonomics easy to access and use for reference or analysis.
during interventions.
Centralised control via touch panel allows for improved The integrated documentation system captures all information
workflow during interventions. Individual team members enjoy relevant to endoscopy like logistical and patient data as well as
improved autonomy and reducing the need for auxiliary staff images into a centralised database which is readily accessible
intervention. Speed is improved while miscommunication is from anywhere in the hospital. Automatic exchange of
reduced. The automatic saving and recovery of settings of information between new and existing systems (PACS, HIS)
equipment reduces set up time and reduces errors. eliminates the inefficiency of double-entry and reduces errors.
Reporting of procedures is much easier, more detailed and
standardised. Powerful analytical tools allow for workflow and
efficiency analysis as well as transparency.
Easy control of equipment
and information in the hands
of the surgical team
Live video images are available wherever needed, Maximum usability and the long life of the system are
as well as recorded and can be replayed easily for ensured by a custom service plan backed by local
archiving, teaching or reference. and international support.
Live or stored video images can be readily used throughout Once the gold-standard installation, including independent
the hospital (and beyond) for teaching, mentoring, supervision certification, is completed, the maximum usability and long
and to improve efficiency. Endoscopic team members can useful life of the system is guaranteed by combining training,
monitor intervention progress from outside the room to preventative maintenance, repair, help desk and other service
reduce waiting time and senior members can mentor without elements into the ideal service package. The hospital partners
needing to go into the room. Video can be automatically with Olympus by selecting from a range of these well-defined
linked to patient data for reference, legal requirements or service modules to create a custom service package fitted
organisational archiving. precisely to the hospital’s needs.
E0491642 · 5.000 · 03/09 · RK
Specifications, design and accessories are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
Postfach 10 49 08
20034 Hamburg, Germany
E-mail: endoalpha@olympus-europa.com