Feat of Clay
Feat of Clay
Feat of Clay
Although clay manufacture uses a finite
a binder in building materials instead of resource, the environmental impact can be
cement, gypsum or fired clay are a healthy benign, with low value agricultural land being
indoor environment and low environmental transformed into biodiverse wetland habitats.
impact over the whole life cycle of the material. Sources of clay are shallower and less remotely
These attributes have been well established over located than sources of gypsum and cement or
the last fifteen years in Germany, where a small lime.
specialist construction sector has experienced Unfired clay materials also have relatively low
sustained growth through the development of embodied energy and carbon. The brickwork in
national standards in using unfired clay and the the test house had embodied energy of 146
use of sophisticated products in prestige projects. kwh/tonne and embodied carbon of 44.6
But application in the UK has been hampered kgCO2/tonne. This is about 14% of comparable
by the lack of guidance and standardisation in fired brickwork and 24% compared to light-
available materials and the expense of importing weight blockwork. While the bricks were
modern products from Germany. The develop- removed from production before kiln firing,
ment of best practice guidance and low cost they still required two days of artificial air
materials manufacturing in the UK would remove drying. The estimated saving in this building is
Top: making the unfired significant barriers. Attention now focuses on 24.9MWh and 7036kg of CO2 over common
bricks. Bottom: building ways to realise this shift in attitude. bricks, and 14.5MWh and 4104kg CO2 over light-
with unfird bricks In order to assess the potential of unfired weight concrete blocks.
All images ©Arc clay bricks in the UK, a test house was built and
monitored in a research project funded by the Healthy living
DTI Partners In Innovation programme. This two- An ability to regulate moisture is another key
year project reveals the technical advantages of quality of unfired clay materials. Their hygro-
using unfired clay materials and highlights scopic scope to absorb and desorb atmospheric
practical implications of their use. moisture allowed the 15mm clay plaster surface
in the house to strongly regulate short-term
Low impact manufacturing peaks. In the bathroom, the clay plaster had
Unfired clays are natural materials with varying such a strong ability to absorb peaks of air
properties, commonly combined with fine moisture after showers that it cleared the air
aggregates and fibres to make a range of without surface condensation. The effect of the
products such as bricks, blocks, boards, mortars extractor fan was of no statistical significance.
and plasters. Clay materials produce very little The brick core had a longer term moderating
waste, as there is no fundamental chemical effect, peaking at two hours after exposure to
change or ceramicisation involved in their moisture, but continuing for over 24 hours.
manufacture and use. The materials are easily The ability of a building’s fabric to passively
recycled or cleanly disposed of. avoid conditions where condensation will occur
of showers. While external air relative humidity 70 unfired clay materials for
fluctuated considerably, between 24.9% and 60
96.1%, the mean external value was around 65%,
while the mean internal value was around 45%
(see graph above). 40
Nov 03 Nov 04
the reason for this was unclear. The improve- (mK/W) Architect at Arc, e-mail:
ment may relate to optimisation of the density Regulation wall value 3.33 0.3 tom@arc-architects.co.uk.
of the cellulose insulation or a better than Wall design value 6.33 0.157 Website: www.arc-
predicted performance by the earth brick and Recorded wall performance 9.34 0.107 architects.co.uk/archive.