The Role of Lipid Transfer Proteins in The Almond Tree and Almond Fruit As Contact and Airborne Allergens
The Role of Lipid Transfer Proteins in The Almond Tree and Almond Fruit As Contact and Airborne Allergens
The Role of Lipid Transfer Proteins in The Almond Tree and Almond Fruit As Contact and Airborne Allergens
© 2009 Esmon Publicidad J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2009; Vol. 19(1): 61-63
62 S Garrido-Fernández, et al
were separated by electrophoresis, which revealed a protein almond (both members of the Rosaceae family) and the
band pattern with molecular weights of between 9 kDa and existence of previous sensitization to peach LTPs could
63 kDa. account for the allergy to LTPs in different almond tree sources,
Immunodetection performed on epicarp/mesocarp and tree with peach LTPs acting as the primary sensitizer through a
leaf extracts with an anti-Pru p 3 monoclonal antibody revealed mechanism of cross-reactivity.
an uptake band of approximately 9 kDa for both structures but The only almond fruit allergens registered in the
which was more intense in the case of the leaf extracts. When official allergen nomenclature of the International Union
immunodetection was performed using the same extracts with of Immunological Societies are Pru du 4 (profilin) [6] and
the patient’s serum and anti-IgE as a secondary antibody, a band Pru du 5 (60S acidic ribosomal protein, unpublished).
of approximately 9 kDa was observed for the epicarp/mesocarp Recently, other allergens such as 2S albumins [7],
extract (Figure 2). conglutinin γ [7], and the almond major storage protein,
Our study found that both almond tree leaves and almond amandin (legumin-like protein) [8] have been described, as has
fruit epicarp/mesocarp were allergenic sources, indicating an LTP in Prunus dulcis sequenced at the RNAm level [9]. Our
the existence of lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) with allergenic findings constitute the first explicit report of the presence of
potential. This is indeed plausible as LTPs are mainly located LTPs (Pru du LTP) in almond fruit and almond tree leaves.
in the external part of plants and vegetables. We conclude that the LTPs present in nonpollinic structures
Although basophils were poorly reactive, evidenced by such as almond fruit epicarp/mesocarp and almond tree leaves
the negative response to anti-IgE (positive control), a positive may behave as contact or airborne allergens and that these
result was obtained for epicarp/mesocarp in BAT and sLT. This panallergens are present and relevant in the almond tree and
might explain the negative response to almond tree leaves in almond fruit.
both these tests.
Although allergies due to members of the Rosaceae
family and LTPs following inhalation [3], contact [4], and Acknowledgments
ingestion [5] have been well documented, we did not find any
reports of airborne urticaria or angioedema caused by either M.L.S. is supported by grant RD07/0064 from the Spanish
of these sources in the literature. Research Network on Adverse Reactions to Allergens and
Prevailing sensitization to LTPs was evidenced by the Drugs (Red de Investigación de Reacciones Adversas a
positive SPT for nPru p 3 and the presence of a protein Alérgenos y Fármacos) of the Carlos III Health Institute.
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© 2009 Esmon Publicidad J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2009; Vol. 19(1): 61-63