Kumpulan Jurnal Data Mining
Kumpulan Jurnal Data Mining
Kumpulan Jurnal Data Mining
Editorial Preface
From the Desk of Managing Editor…
In the last decade, we have witnessed a big increase in the use of wireless technologies in different type of network,
such as ad hoc sensor networks and vehicular ad hoc networks. Ubiquitous access to the information anywhere,
anytime, from any device by end-users continue to conduct the need to develop innovative architectures and
protocols for ad hoc networks with capabilities that can help achieve this goal. The birth of mobile networks like the
VANETs has opened up many research challenges that need to be treating to enable end-to-end communication
transparently over a highly heterogeneous network. In particular VANET networks (Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks) are a
new form of mobile ad hoc networks used to establish communications between vehicles or with infrastructure located
at roadsides. These networks are used to meet the needs of communication applied to transportation networks to
improve the driving and road safety for road users.
Applications related to road safety is an important part of VANET applications and include the dissemination of
messages on the state of traffic , the road conditions , accidents or messages reminding limitations speed and safety
distances. Services deployed in VANETs are not limited only to road safety applications but other types of applications
that allow the dissemination of practical information by providers of services to drivers of cars like the location of
available parking places.
The VANETs are characterized by high mobility, related to the speed of the cars, which is important on highways.
Therefore, a car can quickly join or leave the network in a very short time, which makes topology changes very
frequently. Nevertheless, the absence of a central management of network functionality creates other constraints such
as channel access, routing and data dissemination, self- organization, addressing or security of the network.
This special issue is dedicated to original results and achievements by active researchers, designers, and developers
working on various issues and challenges related to wireless networks. After a rigorous peer review process we
accepted four papers that cover different topics of the special issue.
In the paper entitled “The impact of Black-Hole Attack on AODV protocol” the authors presented the black hole attack
and its impact on a network that uses the AODV protocol followed by simulation compared with AODV in normal
In the paper entitled “Traffic Signs Detection and Recognition Using Neural Network on OpenCV library” a system of
Traffic Signs Detection and Recognition based on image processing using OpenCV library and Multilayer Perceptron
(MLP) algorithm was presented.
The authors describe in the first section the detection module which is based on image processing such as color
segmentation, threshold technique, Gaussian filter, canny edge detection, Contour and contours detection based on
OpenCV library.
The authors propose in the second section a Recognition Module which is based on neural network, in this part a pre-
processing stage was presented in order to reduce the amount of information to process, and reduce the computing
time cost of the system.
The entitled paper “Investigation of Time Slots corresponds to a node dies in LEACH protocol on Wireless Sensor
Network“ present some idea to resolve the life time problem, that’s due to the fact that when a battery node dies in
WSN, it becomes useless. The authors propose the use of Hierarchical routing protocols to maximize the network life time
combined with the LEACH protocol that is one of the fundamental protocols that can be used for decreasing the
energy consumed in aggregating and sending the data.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
In the paper entitled “A comparative study of decision tree ID3 and C4.5” The authors have started with a presentation
of the two algorithms ID3 and C4.5 were they focus on the key elements of the construction of these decision tree and
finally they have completed their work by a comparison of these two algorithms according to several criteria.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Advanced Computer
Science and Applications (IJACSA), Professor Dr Kohei Arai, for his invaluable support and encouragements throughout
the preparation of this special issue. We thank the staff at IJACSA for their kind help.
We express our deepest gratitude to all reviewers who devoted much of their precious time reviewing all the papers
submitted to this special issue. Their timely reviews greatly helped us select the best papers included in this issue. We also
thank all authors who contributed to this special issue.
Finally, we hope you will enjoy reading this selection of papers as we did and you will find this issue informative and
helpful in keeping yourselves up-to-date in the fast changing fields of wireless network.
TIAD Laboratory, Computer Sciences Department, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies
Sultan Moulay Slimane University. Beni-Mellal, BP: 523, Morocco
E-mail: m.erritali@usms.ma
Guest Editor
IJACSA Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
ISSN 2156-5570 (Online)
ISSN 2158-107X (Print)
©2013 The Science and Information (SAI) Organization
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Editorial Board
Guest Editor
Mohamed Fakir
University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Morocco
Belaid Bouikhalene
University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Morocco
Rachid El ayachi
University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Morocco
Najlae Idrissi
University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Morocco
Omar Bencharef
Cadi Ayyad University, Essaouira, Morocco
Ahmed Boumezough
University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Morocco
Imad Badi
University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Morocco
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Paper 1: Robust Automatic Traffic Signs Recognition Using Fast Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves and Neural
Authors: Abderrahim SALHI, Brahim MINAOUI, Mohamed FAKIR
PAGE 1 – 7
Paper 2: Time Slots Investment of a dead node in LEACH protocol on Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Abedelhalim HNINI, Abdellah EZZATI, FIHRI Mohammed, Abdelmajid HAJAMI
PAGE 8 – 12
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Abstract—Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition (TSDR) has particular color and geometry of these panels; and using image
many features help the driver in improving the safety and processing techniques such as color segmentation, threshold
comfort, today it is widely used in the automotive manufacturing technique, Gaussian filter, canny edge detection, it allows us to
sector, a robust detection and recognition system a good solution greatly reduce the amount of information to be processed. This
for driver assistance systems, it can warn the driver and control allows faster processing and facilitating the realization of a
or prohibit certain actions which significantly increase driving system operating in real time.
safety and comfort. This paper presents a study to design,
implement and test a method of detection and recognition of road
signs based on computer vision. The approach adopted in this
work consists of two main modules: a detection module which is
based on color segmentation and edge detection to identify areas
of the scene may contain road signs and a recognition module
based on the multilayer perceptrons whose role is to match the
patterns detected with road signs corresponding visual
information. The development of these two modules is performed
using the C/C++ language and the OpenCV library.
The tests are performed on a set of real images of traffic to show Fig. 1. Examples of the four types of panels considered in this work
the performance of the system being developed.
Keywords—Traffic sign; recognition; detection; pattern The second Module is the recognition Module; it helps
matching; image processing; Polygonal Approximation of digital identify road signs by comparing information provided by the
curves detection Module with models of road signs that have been
learned beforehand, based multilayer perceptrons.
A driver assistance system is designed to help the driver to The algorithms are designed to detect and recognize red
better control the vehicle in difficult circumstances (tired, triangular and circular panels, and blue circular and rectangular
stress, carelessness, poor vision ...) to help increase safety and panels. Making this choice of traffic signs to recognize, it
the safety of other drivers, pedestrians etc. involved in the covers a vast majority of common traffic signs and also the
traffic on the roads. most important signals that advertise a danger on the road, a
ban (speed limit) or require a driver to certain behavior (blue
Computer vision is a promising approach for addressing signals) figure (FIG 1). Shows some examples of signs used in
this problem. Automatic control of the braking system, this work.
automatic speed control, generation of alerts and notifications,
corresponding to the various events encountered on the road II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
etc., are some examples among many installations of driver The first section in our system (FIG 2) is the detection
assistance that could be developed, based on this approach. module, in this part we read the RGB image from real images
The aim of this work is to design, implement and test a sequence and convert color to HSV space, to minimize the
system of Traffic signs Recognition. effects of changing brightness, followed by a color
segmentation using threshold [5], two masks are generated, the
Traffic signs Recognition system developed in this work first one, is designed to find zones which may be a red circles
like [1-3] composed of two main Modules. The first Module is or a red triangles shapes, using shape recognition [8], the
the detection Module which is designed to detect and extract second mask, is to find zones which may be a bleu circles or a
zones may contain traffic signs in the image, based on the bleu rectangles shapes by the same way.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
To represent contours in the OpenCV library, we use the
Freeman method or the chain code. For any pixel all its
neighbors with numbers from 0 to 7 can be enumerated as Fig.
4(a). The 0-neighbor denotes the pixel on the right side, etc.
As a sequence of 8-connected points, the border can be
stored as the coordinates of the initial point, followed by codes
(from 0 to 7) that specify the location of the next point relative
to the current one. (Fig. 4 (b) illustrates example of Freeman
coding of connected components.)
Fig. 5. Simplifying a piecewise linear curve with the Ramer-Douglas–
Fig. 3. a) BGR color image; b) thresholded Blue mask, c) Peucker algorithm [11].
thresholded Red mask.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
The extracted contours are used to find the edges that can
match the shapes of traffic signs, like triangular shapes, circular Start
shapes and rectangular shapes. In the contours returned from
the red mask, we will look for the triangular and circular
shapes, and in those returned from blue mask, we will search Read image in
for rectangular and circular shapes. color Mode
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Blue circular shapes
Blue rectangular shapes
(a) Red shapes are framed by a red rectangle & Blue shapes are 15
framed by a blue rectangle in reel image.
(a) Cropped red and blue shapes found (b)
(b) 5
Red triangular shapes
The traffic signs images database [9] used in this paper (c)
contains 300 color images with natural background, and with 60
1300x800 pixels size. Our program is tested on all these Red circular shapes
images, the figure (FIG 7) shows one result of traffic signs
Detection Module. 40
The program may extract also some blobs which are not a 20
traffic signs, but all these blobs will be presented as input to
Traffic Signs Recognition Module to decide which the right
traffic sign is, and which the bad is. 0
Figure (FIG 8 & 9) shows respectively the number of blobs
extracted from the first 100 images and the time spent in (d)
processing each image by Traffic Signs Recognition Module.
Fig. 8. Number of blobs extracted from the first 100 images
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Blobs are presented in the 32x32 size, which is 1024 pixels,
(a) and for the three layers R, G and B, the size of neural network
0.25 input vector will be 3072, and this will delay the system. For
Extraction time of the bleu rectangular shapes (µs) each channel, a projection of the pixels is done on both vertical
and horizontal axes.
So for each point on the horizontal axis:
i=1 2… 32 (1)
0 And for each point on the vertical axis:
(b) j 1 2… 32 (2)
Extraction time of the red circular shapes (µs)
0.3 Is the intensity of the pixel whose coordinates are (i, j) of
the layer C.
Is the red layer R, green layer G or blue layer B.
And values are between 0 and 1.
0 The new descriptor is composed of 192 elements, the 32
Fig. 9. Time spent in processing each image by Traffic Signs
Detection and Recognition Module
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
The Traffic Signs Recognition Module is implemented by The activation function that used in this paper is binary
using feed-forward artificial neural networks or, more sigmoid function, which is defined as:
particularly, multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), the most used type
of Artificial neural networks [12]. These are a mathematical (5)
model, inspired by the brain that is often used in machine
learning. It was initially proposed in the ’40s and there was With 1 1 , it is shown like illustrate (FIG 12);
some interest initially, but it waned soon due to the inefficient the sigmoidal function basically has some very useful
training algorithms used and the lack of computing power. mathematical properties, monotonicity and continuity.
More recently however they have started to be used again, Monotonicity means that the function f(x) either always
especially since the introduction of autoencoders, convolutional increases or always decreases as x increases. Moreover,
nets, dropout regularization and other techniques that improve continuity means there are no breaks in the function, it is
their performance significantly. smooth.
The MLP includes at least 3 layers. The first one is the These parameters are intrinsic properties eventually assist
input layer; the last one is the output layer, and one or more networks power to approximate and generalize on functions by
hidden layers. Each layer of MLP contains one or more learning from data.
neurons directionally linked with the neurons from the previous The Traffic Signs module used in this paper is separated to
and the next layer. The figure (FIG 10) represents an example four MLP functions; each one is used for one type of blobs,
of a 3-layer perceptron with three inputs, two outputs, and the (blue circular blobs, blue rectangular blobs, red circular blobs
hidden layer including four neurons. All the neurons in MLP and red triangular blobs).
are similar. Each of them has several input links (it takes the
output values from several neurons in the previous layer as The results of Traffic Signs Recognition Module are
input) and several output links (it passes the response to several presented in table I, II and III below.
neurons in the next layer).
Number of
33 18 36 14 10 9 23 11
tested images
Number of
30 15 32 10 10 8 20 11
recognized signs
Fig. 11. Computing process in a neuron
Recognition rate 10 10
90 83 89 71 89 87
(%) 0 0
The values retrieved from the previous layer are summed
up with certain weights, individual for each neuron, plus the TABLE III. RESULTS OF RECOGNIZED BLUE CIRCULAR TRAFFIC SIGNS
bias term. The sum is transformed using the activation function
that may be also different for different neurons (FIG 11) In
other words, given the outputs of the layer , the
outputs of the layer 1 are computed as:
Number of images 29 5 6 5 7 11 18 5
(3) Number of
25 4 4 4 6 9 16 3
recognized sign
Recognition rate (%) 86 80 67 80 86 82 89 60
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Abstract—Wireless sensor network (MSN) is a wirelessly it becomes useless. Several protocols have been used for a long
interconnected network. WSN promises a wide range of potential time. Hierarchical routing protocols are the best used protocols
such as surveillance, military and civilian, to name just a few, to maximize the network life time. LEACH protocol is one of
applications. A sensor node senses the environment and delivers the fundamental protocols that can be used to decrease the
data to the sink. Energy saving is one of the keys to challenge energy which is consumed to aggregate and send the data. Each
network life time. LEACH protocol has been incorporated to node has a time slot of data transmission, even the dead nodes
extend network life time. This protocol forms clusters of the or the nodes outside the area. In our contribution, we seek to
sensor nodes and elect one of them to become a Cluster Head invest the free slots of the dead nodes.
(CH) to route data cluster to sink. In cluster, communication uses
TDMA technique. This latter organizes transmission time (Time Our work is organized in the following way: section 1
Slot) which corresponds to each node member of cluster. When a introduces the WSNs. Section 2 presents related works on the
node dies, time slot corresponding to this node will be free. In this hierarchical routing protocol and the existing LEACH
paper, we will present LEACH comportments after a node dies, descendent. Section 3 includes the presentation of our
then we will propose some ideas to invest its time slots by alive contribution. Section 4 shows the simulation steps and
node members to maximize data reception time parameter so demonstrates the simulation results. The last section conclues
throughput end-to-end. This parameter is very important for our work.
real-time data. Finally, we will simulate this idea with Network
Simulator (NS2) to argue for our propositions. II. RELATED WORKS
Keywords—Network Clustering; routing protocol; Ad hoc LEACH protocol is a basic hierarchical protocol for the
Network; LEACH; WSN; Node dies WSN. It’s made up of nodes cluster. Each cluster has a special
node as cluster head. This latter collects data from nodes that
I. INTRODUCTION belong to the respective cluster and transmits it to the base
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained booming station [1][2].
interest in recent years. They are used in various fields: LEACH protocol has two phases, the set up phase and the
military, agriculture, meteorology and medicine… Wireless steady state phase. In set up phase, the clusters are formed and
Sensor Network consists of a huge number of nodes called the cluster heads are chosen. Each node decides if it will
sensor nodes. They are deployed in a spacious area. A typical become a cluster head. The decision is made by the node
sensor node is made of 4 building blocks: power unit, selecting a stochastic number between 0 and 1. If the number is
communication unit, processing unit and sensing unit. Limited less than a threshold T(n), the node becomes a cluster head for
network life is one of the most critical inconvenience and the current round [1].
limitations of WSNs. It’s arduous to recharge or to change
batteries in the battery-powered sensor nodes. That is the The threshold is set as:
reason why many researchers have been incorporated to
increase the network life time.
( ) { [ ( )] ( )
The clustered WSN compromises three types of entities: the
base station, cluster head sensor node and non-cluster head
sensors. Non-cluster head sensor nodes take the information Where:
and send it to the respective cluster head. This latter sends the
data to the base station directly in order to resolve the life time p is the probability of needed being selected as a cluster
problem, which’s due to the fact that when a battery node dies, head node;
8|P age
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
r is the number of rounds passed; transmits it to the CH. This latter aggregates the received data
and forwards these data to base station. As presented in
G is the collection of ordinary nodes mod denotes schema.
modulo operator.
In the steady state phase the cluster head is maintained and
the data is transmitted between nodes. The cluster head sends
all the data to the base station after receiving and aggregating
it. Each cluster communicates using the TDMA technique,
which divides time of communication by slots, each time slot
corresponds to a node of the cluster that can deliver data in
their time slot.
A node is free only when a node is out of area or dead.
A modified version of the LEACH protocol is known as the
LEACH-C [2], we call it also LEACH Centralized. This
protocol uses the same steady-state phase as the LEACH.
Fig. 1. Clustering in LEACH
However, in set-up phase each node omits information
concerning its current position, which is determined using
position finding system, and residual energy level to the base In cluster, communication between CH and its member
station. nodes use TDMA technique to synchronize data transmission
time. TDMA divides time of communication to form frames.
Another extension of LEACH is the TEEN (threshold-
This latter is subdivided to form Time Slot: data transmission
sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network), in which two
time corresponds to one member node. Every node has one
thresholds are added for the sensed attribute: the hard threshold
time slot as presented in figure (figure 1).
and the soft one.
The hard threshold is the minimum value of the sensed attribute A. The energy dissipation of the steady data transmission
required to oblige a sensor node to activate its transmitter and phase
transmit to the cluster head. The soft threshold emitted by the A sensor uses its energy to realize three main activities: the
cluster head to its nodes member and the cluster configuration. acquisition, communication and data processing.
All this is done to increase the life span of network [3].
Acquisition: the energy consumed to complete the
Most studies have shares on LEACH protocol and its acquisition is not very important. However it depends on the
descendants interesting by life time protocol but most of these phenomenon and the type of monitoring performance.
works are not interested in the freedom of time slots which
corresponds to the dead node. Communication: The communications consumes a lot of
energy than other spots. They cover communication
LEACH-V [4] is introduced to overcome the problem transmission and reception.
when a CH dies or does not have sufficient energy to transmit
the received data arriving from cluster members to the base Treatments: the energy consumed in calculations is much
station. In this case, another member node will become a CH of
the cluster. This node is called vice cluster head. This one is
interested in the death of CH but it doesn’t also use the free
time slots corresponding to the dead node member.
The exception studies are interested in a phenomenon
which is close to free time slots is presented in [5][6][7][8], all
these studies meet the influence mobility of nodes in term of
packet loss. But there added a lot of flow to control packet loss.
Therefore they consume a lot of energy. . In addition, they took
the packet loss even if a node that does not have any data to
transmit, it changed the cluster or its battery is sold out.
All this protocol, when a member node (not CH) dies, the
time slot reserved of this node is free or it is using with more Fig. 2. chronologique communication in
energy . That's what we did to develop this free time to invest it
and use it by other node, in a manner minimizing power lower than the energy of communications.
consumption. In LEACH [2], to transmit a K-bit message for a distance d.
the transmission consumes energy as showed below:
LEACH protocol divides sensor network to form clusters ETx(K, d) = Eelec × k + εamp × k × d2 ----------------(2)
and randomly selects a CH (Cluster Head) in each cluster. In a To receive a K-bit message the reception consumes:
cluster member node, which is not a CH, senses data and ERx(K) = ERx-elec(k) = Eelec × k --------------------(3)
9|P age
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Where Eelec: energy transmission/ reception power. receive the data sent by their member nodes, so the CH dies
K: message size earlier than the other nodes in the cluster.
d: the distance between transmitter and receiver.
εamp: amplification factor. Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3
Each cluster head dissipates energy among the signals
received from the nodes and transmits the aggregated signals to N1 N2 N3 N4 N1 N2 N4 N4 N1 N2 N4 N4
the BS since the BS is far from the nodes. Presumably, the 1 1 1
energy dissipation follows (d4 power loss); therefore the
1 1 1
energy dissipated in the cluster head node during a single frame
Fig. 4. The organization of free time slot to CH
Eframe = N/k * (ETx(K, d) + ERx(K)) + Ech ----- (4)
In the last case, in each frame we reserve the free time slot
Ech = N/k* ERx(K ) + N/k *ETx(K, d2) ------ (5)
to one node in the cluster. As presented in fig 5. In this case, all
Where we assume that there are N nodes distributed the cluster nodes will be compelled, at the end of each frame, to
uniformly in an M*M region and there are k clusters, there is be active to receive the broadcast message by the CH which
an average of N/k nodes per cluster. reorganizes the time slots again. Energy dissipation is added to
Each non-cluster head node needs less energy to transmit its the equation (3) as Esprending + k/N*Eactive. So (4) change
data to the CH. Thus the energy used in each non cluster head to (8)
node is: Eframe = N/k * (ETx(K, d) + ERx(K)) + Ech +
EnotCH = ETx(K, d) + ERx(K) ------------------- (6) Esprending + k/N*Eactive ----- (8).
Where d is the distance from the node to CH.
B. The communication technique inside one cluster Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3
In this paper, we will do a restatement of slots. We
distribute free time slot of the dead nodes to the other living
nodes with regard to three different possible cases. In the first N1 N2 N3 N4 N1 N2 N3 N4 N1 N2 N2 N4
case, the free time slot will be given to the first node in the list.
In the second, it will be given to the last node as CH. In the last 1 1 1 1 1 1
case, in every turn, we reserve it for a member node in the
In the first case, the free time slot is reserved to the first
node in cluster as showed in figure 3. We assume that node N3 Fig. 5. In each frame free time slot reserved to one node in cluster
is dead after Frame 1, so the organization of time slots will
change according to the diagram in Figure 3. After the end of In all cases, we spend slightly more energy but we
each frame CH informs the first node in cluster (N2) to lock minimize the data time arrival, we maximize data aggregation
this free time slot. Energy dissipation is added to the equation and throughput. As a result, we maximize QoS parameter.
(3) as Esprending to inform node N1 so (4) revert equation (7) These parameters will be presented clearly in the simulation
result. WSN generates different traffic. This requires the
Eframe = N/k * (ETx(K, d) + ERx(K)) + Ech +
classification of different type of services. In addition, real-time
Esprending ----- (7) data normally demands larger bandwidth and entails higher
network throughput to transport large volume of data to remote
data sink rapidly and reliably. However, in this simulation we
Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 will focus on data reception rates, jitter and end-to-end
reception. These parameters have a lot of benefits despite
consuming a little bit more energy.
N1 N2 N3 N4 N1 N2 N1 N4 N1 N2 N1 N4
1 1 1 1 1 1
We run our technique using NS-2 simulator (version 2.34)
[13] with LEACH protocol [14] to determine its benefits. Then
we will compare it to LEACH in terms of Throughput relative
to the number of the alive nodes (data received to the BS in
Fig. 3. The organization of the frame after the node N3 dies terms of number of the alive nodes per time), energy
dissipation per time. For the experiment, we choose the
In the second case, the free time slot is reserved to the last following parameters: a network of 100 homogeneous nodes
node in cluster that is the CH. So after node N3 dies, we obtain randomly deployed in a zone with dimensions of 1000*1000
the following organization (fig 4). We get the energy and a base station which is located at (X=70, Y=200). For our
Esprending dissipated in (7) but CH always remains active to evaluations, we use the average of 10 runs for each set of tested
10 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
0 modified
first node
Time (ms)
11 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
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LEACH protocol has a less throughput than the line of LEACH Protocol for Mobile Sensor Network", Communications (ICC), 2011
protocol modified. Therefore our technique is able to extend IEEE International Conference on, On page(s):1-5
the performance in terms of average throughput. [8] Hanady M. Abdulsalam, Layla K. Kamel: W-LEACH: Weighted Low
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Proc. of Int’l Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems [13] Kevin Fall , Kannan Varadhan “The ns Manual” MIT, November 4,
2009, CTS’09, pp. 18-22, May 2009. 2011.
[5] G. Santhosh Kumar, V. Paul M V , and K. Poulose Jacob, “Mobility [14] W. Heinzelman "The MIT uAMPS ns Code Extensions, Version 1.0,"
Metric based LEACH-Mobile Protocol” 16th International Conference MIT, August 2000.
on Advanced Computing and Communications, ADCOM pp. 248 – 253,
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Abstract—Data mining is the useful tool to discovering the Decision trees are a very effective method of supervised
knowledge from large data. Different methods & algorithms learning. It aims is the partition of a dataset into groups as
are available in data mining. Classification is most common homogeneous as possible in terms of the variable to be
method used for finding the mine rule from the large database. predicted. It takes as input a set of classified data, and outputs a
Decision tree method generally used for the Classification, tree that resembles to an orientation diagram where each end
because it is the simple hierarchical structure for the user node (leaf) is a decision (a class) and each non- final node
understanding & decision making. Various data mining (internal) represents a test. Each leaf represents the decision of
algorithms available for classification based on Artificial belonging to a class of data verifying all tests path from the
Neural Network, Nearest Neighbour Rule & Baysen classifiers
root to the leaf.
but decision tree mining is simple one. ID3 and C4.5
algorithms have been introduced by J.R Quinlan which produce The tree is simpler, and technically it seems easy to use. In
reasonable decision trees. The objective of this paper is to present fact, it is more interesting to get a tree that is adapted to the
these algorithms. At first we present the classical algorithm that probabilities of variables to be tested. Mostly balanced tree will
is ID3, then highlights of this study we will discuss in more detail be a good result. If a sub-tree can only lead to a unique
C4.5 this one is a natural extension of the ID3 algorithm. And we solution, then all sub-tree can be reduced to the simple
will make a comparison between these two algorithms and others conclusion, this simplifies the process and does not change the
algorithms such as C5.0 and CART. final result. Ross Quinlan worked on this kind of decision trees.
Keywords—Data mining; classification algorithm; decision II. INFORMATION THEORY
tree; ID3 algorithme; C4.5 algorithme
Theories of Shannon is at the base of the ID3 algorithm and
I. INTRODUCTION thus C4.5. Entropy Shannon is the best known and most
The construction of decision trees from data is a applied. It first defines the amount of information provided by
longstanding discipline. Statisticians attribute the paternity to an event: the higher the probability of an event is low (it is
Sonquist and Morgan (1963) [4] who used regression trees in rare), the more information it provides is great. [2] (In the
the process of prediction and explanation (AID - Automatic following all logarithms are base2).
Interaction Detection). It was followed by a whole family of A. Shannon Entropy
method, extended to the problems of discrimination and
In general, if we are given a probability distribution P = (p1,
classification, which were based on the same paradigm of
p2,…, pn) and a sample S then the Information carried by this
representation trees (Thaid - Morgan and Messenger, 1973;
distribution, also called the entropy of P is giving by:
CHAID - Kass, 1980). It is generally considered that this
approach has culminated in the CART (Classification and
Regression Tree ) method of Breiman et al. (1984 ) described (1)
in detail in a monograph refers today. [4]
In machine learning, most studies are based on information
theory. It is customary to quote the ID3 Quinlan method B. The gain information G (p, T)
(Induction of Decision Tree - Quinlan 1979), which itself We have functions that allow us to measure the degree of
relates his work to that of Hunt (1962) [4]. Quinlan has been a mixing of classes for all sample and therefore any position of
very active player in the second half of the 80s with a large the tree in construction. It remains to define a function to select
number of publications in which he proposes a heuristics to the test that must label the current node.
improve the behavior of the system. His approach has made a It defines the gain for a test T and a position p
significant turning point in the 90s when he presented the C4.5
method which is the other essential reference when we want to
include decision trees (1993). There are many other changes
this algorithm, C5.0, but is implemented in a commercial (2)
Classification methods aim to identify the classes that where values (pj) is the set of all possible values for
belong objects from some descriptive traits. They find utility in attribute T. We can use this measure to rank attributes and
a wide range of human activities and particularly in automated build the decision tree where at each node is located the
decision making.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
attribute with the highest information gain among the attributes The classification of the target is "should we play ball?" which
not yet considered in the path from the root. can be Yes or No.
Weather attributes outlook, temperature, humidity and wind
III. ID3 ALGORITHM speed. They can take the following values:
J. Ross Quinlan originally developed ID3 (Iterative Outlook = {Sun, Overcast, Rain}
DiChaudomiser 3) [21] at the University of Sydney. He first Temperature = {Hot, Sweet, Cold}
presented ID3 in 1975 in a book, Machine Learning [21], vol. Humidity = {High, Normal}
1, no. 1. ID3 is based off the Concept Learning System (CLS) Wind = {Low, High}
algorithm. The basic CLS algorithm over a set of training Examples of the set S are:
instances C. ID3 is a supervised learning algorithm, [10] builds
a decision tree from a fixed set of examples. The resulting tree TABLE I. DATA SET S
is used to classify future samples. ID3 algorithm builds tree
based on the information (information gain) obtained from the Day Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play
training instances and then uses the same to classify the test D1 Sun Hot High Low No
data. ID3 algorithm generally uses nominal attributes for D2 Sun Hot High High No
classification with no missing values. [10] D3 Overcast Hot High Low Yes
The pseudo code of this algorithm is very simple. Given a D4 Rain Sweet High Low Yes
set of attributes not target C1, C2, ..., Cn, C the target attribute, D5 Rain Cold Normal Low Yes
and a set S of recording learning. [7] D6 Rain Cold Normal High No
D7 Overcast Cold Normal High Yes
Inputs: R: a set of non- target attributes, C: the target
attribute, S: training data. D8 Sun Sweet High Low No
Output: returns a decision tree D9 Sun Cold Normal Low Yes
Start D10 Rain Sweet Normal Low Yes
Initialize to empty tree; D11 Sun Sweet Normal High Yes
If S is empty then D12 Overcast Sweet High High Yes
Return a single node failure value D13 Overcast Hot Normal Low Yes
End If
D14 Rain Sweet High High No
If S is made only for the values of the same target
We need to find the attribute that will be the root node in
Return a single node of this value our decision tree. The gain is calculated for the four attributes.
End if
If R is empty then The entropy of the set S:
Return a single node with value as the most Entropy (S) =-9/14*log2 (9/14)-5/14*log2 (5/14) = 0.94
common value of the target attribute values found in
S Calculation for the first attribute
End if Gain(S, Outlook) = Entropy (S)-5/14*Entropy (SSun)
D ← the attribute that has the largest Gain (D, S) among all -4/14*Entropy (SRain)
the attributes of R -5/14* Entropy (SOvercast)
{dj j = 1, 2, ..., m} ← Attribute values of D =0.94 – 5/14*0.9710-4/14*0 – 5/14*0.9710
{Sj with j = 1, 2, ..., m} ←The subsets of S respectively Gain(S, Outlook) = 0 .246
constituted of dj records attribute value D Calculation of entropies:
Return a tree whose root is D and the arcs are Entropy (SSunl) = -2/5*log2 (2/5)-3/5* log2 (3/5) = 0.9710
labeled by d1, d2, ..., dm and going to sub-trees ID3 (R-{D}, Entropy (SRain) = -4/4*log2 (4/4)-0* log2 (0) =0
C, S1), ID3 (R-{D} C, S2), .., ID3 (R-{D}, C, Sm) Entropy (Sovercast) = -3/5* log2 (3/5) -/5* log2 (2/5) =0.9710
End As well we find for the other variables:
Gain(S, Wind) = 0.048
Fig. 1. Pseudocode of ID3 algorithm Gain(S, Temperature) = 0.0289
Gain(S, Humidity) = 0.1515
EXAMPLE 1 Outlook attribute has the highest gain, so it is used as a
decision attribute in the root node of the tree (Figure 2).
Suppose we want to use the ID3 algorithm to decide if the time
ready to play ball. Since Visibility has three possible values, the root node has
During two weeks, the data are collected to help build an ID3 three branches (Sun, Rain and Overcast).
decision tree (Table 1).
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Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
or the gain ratio and the partition that maximizes the gain is In this example we are going to detail the calculation of
selected. information gain for an attribute of continuing value.
C. Pruning Gain (S, Humidity) =?
Generating a decision to function best with a given of We must now sort the attribute values in ascending order, the
training data set often creates a tree that over-fits the data and is set of values is as follows:
too sensitive on the sample noise. Such decision trees do not {65, 70, 70, 70, 75, 78, 80, 80, 80, 85, 90, 90, 95, 96}
perform well with new unseen samples.
we will remove values that are repeated:
We need to prune the tree in such a way to reduce the
prediction error rate. Pruning [5] is a technique in machine {65, 70, 75, 78, 80, 85, 90, 95, 96}
learning that reduces the size of decision trees by removing
sections of the tree that provide little power to classify TABLE III. GAIN CALCULATION FOR THE ATTRIBUTE CONTINUOUS
instances. The dual goal of pruning is the reduction
complexity of the final classifier as well as better predictive
accuracy by the reduction of over-fitting and removal of
sections of a classifier that may be based on noisy or
erroneous data.
The pruning algorithm is based on a pessimistic estimate of
the error rate associated with a set of N cases, E of which do
not belong to the most frequent class. Instead of E/N, C4.5
determines the upper limit of the binomial probability when E
events have been observed in N trials, using a user-specified
confidence whose default value is 0.25.
Gain (S, Humidity) = 0.102
Pruning is carried out from the leaves to the root. The
estimated error at a leaf with N cases and E errors is N times Then assigns Visibility has the largest value of Information
the pessimistic error rate as above. For a sub-tree, C4.5 adds Gain is the root node of the tree (Figure 4).
the estimated errors of the branches and compares this to the
estimated error if the sub-tree is replaced by a leaf; if the latter
is no higher than the former, the sub-tree is pruned.
D. Exemple 2
We will work with the same example used before but this
time we will take continuous values for humidity attribute.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Entropy (SSun) =-2/5* log2 (2/5) –3/5* log2 (3/5)= 0.9710 Performance Parameters:
Entropy (SOvercast) =-3/3*log2 (3/3) –0/3* log2 (0/3)=0
Accuracy: The measurements of a quantity to that
Entropy (SRain) =-3/5* log2 (3/5) –2/5* log2 (2/5)= 0.9710 quantity’s factual value to the degree of familiarity are known
Gain (Outlook) = 13/14 (0.961 – 0.747) = 0.199 as accuracy.
When a case of S with the known value is assigned to the
subsets Si, the probability belonging to Si is 1, and in all other The Table 4 presents a comparison of ID3 and C4.5
subsets is 0. accuracy with different data set size, this comparison is
presented graphically in Figure 6.
C4.5 therefore associated with each sample (with missing
values) in each subset Si weight w representing the probability TABLE IV. ACCURACY COMPARISON BETWEEN ID3 AND C4.5
that the case belongs to each subset (Figure 5). ALGORITHM
Fractionation of the set S using the test on the attribute Size of Data Set Algorithm
visibility. A new wi weight is equal to the probability in this ID3 (%) C4.5 (%)
case: 5/13, 3/13 and 5/13, because the initial value (Table 2) w 14 94.15 96.2
is S1 = 5+5/13, S2 = 3 +3/13, and S3 = 5+5/13. 24 78.47 83.52
35 82.2 84.12
Generating decision rules
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
B. C4.5 Vs C5.0 CART looks for alternative tests that approximate the
C4.5 was superseded in 1997 by a commercial system results when tested attribute has an unknown value, but
See5/C5.0 (C5.0 for Unix / Linux, See5 pour Windows). C5.0 distributes cases among probabilistic results.
The changes encompass new capabilities as well as much- Speed of C5.0 algorithm is significantly faster and
improved efficiency, and include [13]: more accurate than C4.5.
A variant of boosting, which constructs an ensemble of VI. CONLUSION
classifiers that are then voted to give a final Decision trees are simply responding to a problem of
classification. Boosting often leads to a dramatic discrimination is one of the few methods that can be presented
improvement in predictive accuracy. quickly enough to a non-specialist audience data processing
New data types (e.g., dates), “not applicable” values, without getting lost in difficult to understand mathematical
variable misclassification costs, and mechanisms to formulations. In this article, we wanted to focus on the key
pre-filter attributes. elements of their construction from a set of data, then we
presented the algorithm ID3 and C4.5 that respond to these
Unordered rule sets—when a case is classified, all specifications. And we did compare ID3/C4.5, C4.5/C5.0 and
applicable rules are found and voted. C5.0/CART, which led us to confirm that the most powerful
and preferred method in machine learning is certainly C4.5.
This improves both the interpretability of rule sets and
their predictive accuracy. REFERENCES
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[13] Xindong Wu, Vipin Kumar, J. Ross Quinlan, Joydeep Ghosh, Qiang
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two or more outcomes. [14] Introduction to Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Third Edition
by Two Crows Corporation.
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CART prunes trees using a complex model whose Abbrev., in press.
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[18] Guillaume CALAS, Études des principaux algorithmes de data Mining, [24] K. Ming Leung, Decision Trees and Decision Rules OLYTECHNIC
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[21] J.R. QUINLAN, Induction of Decision Trees, 1986, Machine Learning Quinlan)
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[22] Leila BENAISSA KADDAR et Djamila MOKEDDEM, Construction lille3.fr/polys/apprentissage/sortie004.html#toc10
Parallèle des Arbres de Décision, University of Science, Technology
[30] http://www2.cs.uregina.ca/~dbd/cs831/notes/ml/dtrees/c4.5/tutorial.html
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(IJERT),Vol. 1 Issue 4, June - 2012, ISSN: 2278-0181.
19 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
Abstract—In mobile Ad-Hoc networks, each node of the Table-driven routing protocols.
network must contribute in the process of communication and
routing. However this contribution can expose the network to Source-initiated on-demand driven routing protocols.
several types of attackers. In this paper, we study the impact of Table-driven routing protocols are also known as proactive
one attack called BLACK-HOLE, on Ad hoc On-Demand
routing protocols. These protocols desire to maintain consistent
Distance Vector routing protocol. In this attack a malicious node
can be placed between two or several nodes, and begin dropping
and up-to-date routing information in the network. The nodes
all packets from a source and breaking communications between
exchange the routing information periodically and also when
nodes. The vulnerability of the route discovery packets is there is even a minor change in the network topology and thus,
exploited by the attacker with a simple modification in the every node maintains one or more routing table to store routing
routing protocol, in order to control all the traffic between nodes. information about every other node in the network.
In this study we simulate the attack with NS2, taking into account As a result, these protocols are not preferred in large
the mobility of the network and the attacker, the position of the network. The highly dynamic network also avoids it, as there is
attacker and finally the number of the attackers. We will also see
lot of message exchanges and it will create congestion and
the impact of this attack in a higher number of loss packet
compared with AODV in normal situation.
delay in the network. The protocol evolves periodic exchanges
even when there is no change in topology and this is simply the
Keywords—Black-Hole; AODV; Attack wastage of network resources. The mobile devices may also
drain out their battery power sooner in such cases. In spite of
I. INTRODUCTION several drawbacks, these protocols also have the advantage that
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is the network of mobile there is no initial delay as routing information is always
nodes that requires no infrastructure or centralized management available.
in order to communicate. The nodes can join or leave the AODV is a reactive routing protocol used to find a route
network any time thus have a dynamic approach of network between a source and a destination, and allows mobile nodes to
topology. Here nodes carry the responsibility of router and host obtain new routes for new destinations in order to establish an
both. It does not have any preexistent infrastructure or ad hoc network. In this order several messages are exchanged,
centralized controller, and the nodes in it rely on each other in different types of link are established, and many information
order to communicate. This type of network allows to create can be shared between the participants nodes. In AODV
and deploy a wide field of communication quickly, and that's protocol we find hello message and three others significant
what we need in several cases such as a natural disaster or type of messages, route request RREQ, route reply RREP and
battlefield surveillance where there is no centralized route error RERR. The Hello messages are used to monitor and
infrastructure and all nodes are capable of movement and must detect links to neighbours, every node send periodically a
be connected to each other dynamically and arbitrary. It offers broadcast to neighbours advertising it existent ,if a node fails
better coverage and higher throughput with lower operating to receive an hello message from neighbour a link down is
cost. However, due to distributed nature of the wireless nodes declared. In order to communicate every node must create
they are several vulnerabilities and the Black hole is one of the routes to the destinations, to achieve that the source node send
most known. a request message RREQ to collect information about the
In this paper we will focus on the performance of AODV route state; if the source receives the RREP message the route
(Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) protocol under Black up is declared and data can be sent and if many RREP are
hole attack. we did our simulation with ns2 by implementing a received by the source the shortest route will be chosen . Any
new protocol that adopts the algorithm of AODV and the nodes have a routing table so if a route is not used for some
behavior of a Black hole attacker. period of time the node drop the route from its routing table
and if data is sent and a the route down is detected another
II. OVERVIEW OF AODV ROUTING PROTOCOL message (Route Error RERR) will be sent to the source to
inform that data not received.
Ad-hoc routing protocols determine the appropriate path
from the source to destination and efficiently notify the A. Route Request (RREQ) Message
network with link failure, if it occurs. These protocols are This type of message is used by AODV at first in order to
broadly divided into two categories. locate a destination, this message contains identification of
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
request, sequence number, destination address and also a count routing by faulty information etc. There are mainly two kinds
of hop initialled by zero. of sources of MANET threats:
There can be attackers who attack from outside of the
MANET, that is external attacks on a mobile ad hoc
network by distortion, overload, redundancy and
injecting false routing information.
In second type of approach, sources of attacks are
internal that means the compromised nodes can affect
the data adversely to cause failure and can misuse the
information of routing to other nodes . There are many
drawbacks of MANET that make it vulnerable to
Fig. 1. Route Request (RREQ) Message various malicious attacks. It doesn’t have any fixed
infrastructure, nodes can leave and join the network
B. Route Reply (RREP) Message First anytime, dynamic topology, limited physical security,
This type of message contains the same fields like Route frequent routing updates and many other attributes are
Request (RREQ) Message, and it sent in the same route of there due to which MANET often suffers with security
reception of RREQ message. When the source received this attacks.
message it mean that the destination is ready to accept Some main security issues are briefly described here.
information and the rout is working correctly.
A. Security Issues in MANET
1) Decentralized Connection: Unlike the traditional
approach of networks having a fixed infrastructure and central
points (access points), MANET is connected in a decentralized
manner. It works without a pre-existent infrastructure. The
nodes in it work as routers and host, forwarding and receiving
the data packets. Due to this absence of a central management,
detecting the attacks or monitoring the traffic is very difficult
Fig. 2. Route Reply (RREP) Message in large scale or highly dynamic MANETs.
2) Uncertain Boundaries: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks do
C. Route Error (RERR) Message not have any clear or secure boundary. As the nodes can leave
Sometimes a node detect a destination node that not exists or join the network anytime and can communicate with other
in network, in this scenario another message (Route Error nodes in the network, it is not possible for a MANET to have
RERR) is sent to the source informing that the data is not certain boundaries. If a node is in the radio range of a
received. RERR is like an alert message used to secure table of
routing. MANET, it automatically joins it. This characteristic makes a
MANET more susceptible to security threats. Network or the
applications running in it can be disturbed through
redundancy, distortion, leakage and injection of false
information .
3) Dynamic Topology: In MANET, nodes are free to
frequently leave and join the network and move arbitrarily.
Thus the routes change very often, changing the topology
dynamically. These changes in nodes, routes and topologies
Fig. 3. Route Error (RERR) Message are very frequent and unpredictable. This results as
partitioning of network and cause loss of data packets
III. AD HOC NETWORK AND SECURITY ISSUES affecting the integrity of information.
With the help of routing protocols, nodes in a MANET 4) Scalability issues: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are quite
exchange the information organizing the topology accordingly. different from the traditional approach of fixed networks,
This information can be sensitive and targeted by malicious where the network is created by connecting the devices
adversaries with an objective to intercept and harm the network through wires so that one can define the network during the
or applications. There are two types of security attacks active
and passive. In passive attack, the attacker does not affect the initial phase of design and it does not changes during the use.
functionality of routers or we can say does not inject any kind On the other hand, in MANETs nodes are free to move in and
of disturbance. It just spies on or monitors the routing. While in out of the network. Nobody can predict the number of nodes a
active attack, the attacker intercepts the routing by several MANET had in past or can have in future.
means that can be done by impersonating the newly launched 5) Compromised Node: Compromised node is a node in
node, repeating the old data packets, disturbing the correct MANET, on which the attackers get the control through unfair
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means with the intentions of performing malicious activities. IV. BLACK HOLE ATTACK
The nodes in MANET are free to move and autonomous in Due to these above mentioned issues, MANET is
nature. They cannot prevent the malicious activities they are susceptible to many security attacks. Black Hole Attack is one
communicating with. As the nodes can join and leave the of these attacks. It is a simple but certainly effective Denial of
network anytime, it becomes very difficult to track or monitor Service attack in which a malicious node, through its routing
the malicious activity because the compromised node changes protocol, advertises itself for having the shortest path to the
its position too frequently. destination node or to the node whose packets it wants to
6) Physical Security Limitations: MANET often suffers intercept. It pretends to have enough of fresh routes for a
certain destination. The source node assumes it to be true and
with security attacks. Mobility of nodes increases this
the data packets are forwarded to a node which actually does
possibility and makes it more susceptible to malicious not exist, causing the data packets to be lost. When a source
activities. These attacks include monitoring of traffic with node wants to initiate the communication, it broadcasts a
unfair intentions, denial of service attack in which a malicious RREQ message for route discovery. As soon as the malicious
node claims to be a different node to get the sensitive node receives this RREQ packet, it immediately responds with
information, masquerading, spoofing etc. a false RREP message to the respective node advertising itself
7) Limited resources: The nodes in a MANET rely only on as the destination or having the shortest path for that
battery power for energy means, as they do not have any destination. Since the malicious node needs not to check its
centralized management. Bandwidth constraint also affects as routing table before responding to a routing request, it is often
they have lower capacity than that of the infrastructure based the first one to reply compared to other nodes. When the
requesting node receives this RREP, it terminates its routing
networks. MANETs have variable capacity links. Along with
discovery process and ignores all other RREP messages
limited power, the storage capacity of a MANET is also coming from other nodes. Thus the data packets are sent to
limited. such a “hole” from where they are not sent anywhere and
B. Security Issues in AODV absorbed by the malicious node. Often many nodes send RREQ
simultaneously; the attacker node is still able to respond
AODV protocol is exposed to a variety of attacks, the
immediately with false RREP to all requesting nodes and thus
impact of these attacks on AODV protocol are not the same.
easily takes access to all the routes. In this way source nodes
Some of these attacks can cause a breakdown of the network
are bluffed by malicious node which gulps a lot of network
connectivity, increasing the end-to-end delay, increasing the
traffic to itself resulting severe loss of data. Black Hole nodes
number of the loss packets, or shutting down some nodes by
may also work as a group in a network. This kind of attack is
consuming all the energy left in there batteries.
called Collaborative Black Hole attack or Black Hole Attack
1) Black hole attack with multiple malicious nodes.
2) In black hole attack: A malicious node must be placed The main objective of black hole attack is to drape packets
between two or more nodes and begin dropping all the traffic. and break communications between nodes, all the network's
This attack exploits the vulnerability of the route discovery traffic is redirected to a specific node which does not exist at
packets of the routing protocol by modifying this last one in all. Black hole node work with two scenarios, in the first one
order to control all traffic that circulates between nodes. the node exploits all the vulnerability that exists in an ad hoc
3) Wormhole attack: In this type of attack, an attacker network such as announcing itself having a valid route to a
saves the packets generated in one location of the network and destination node; the Second one, the node drupes and controls
redirects it to another and replays it. This type of attack can all the intercepted packets. The Black hole attack in AODV
protocol can be classified into two categories: black hole attack
be performed by several malicious nodes in same time. caused by RREP and black hole attack caused by RREQ.
4) Byzantine attack: In this type of attack, individually or
cooperatively a malicious nodes carry out attacks such as A. Black hole attack caused by RREQ
creating routing loops and forwarding packets through non- This attack work by sending fakes RREQ messages, an
optimal paths. attacker can form a black hole attack as follows:
5) Rushing attack: Rushing attacker forwards data and Set the originator IP address in RREQ.
messages very quickly by skipping some of the routing
processes. So, in on-demand routing protocol such as AODV, Set the destination IP address in RREQ.
the route between source and destination include rushing Set the source IP address of the IP header to its own IP
nodes. address.
6) Resource consumption attack: In this type of attack, an
attacker attempts to consume battery life of other nodes to take Set the destination IP address of the IP header to
it down. broadcast address or to a nonexistent IP address.
7) Location disclosure attack: In this type of attack, the Increase the sequence number and declaring a low hop
related information to the structure of network is revealed by count and put them in the related fields in RREQ.
attacker nodes.
False information about source node is inserted to the
routing table of nodes that get the fake RREQ, if these nodes
22 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
want to send data to the source, at first step they send it to the Scenario 6: we simulate with non-mobile nodes that
malicious node. use AODV as routing protocol and one non-mobile
node with the behavior of a black hole attacker.
B. Black hole attack caused by RREP
This attack work by sending fakes RREP messages after Scenario 7: we simulate with non-mobile nodes that
receiving RREQ from source node, a malicious node can use AODV as routing protocol and two non-mobile
generate black hole attack by sending RREP as follow: nodes with the behavior of black hole attackers.
Set the originator IP address in RREP to the originator Scenario 8: we simulate with non-mobile nodes that
node’s IP address. use AODV as routing protocol and one mobile node
with the behavior of a black hole attacker.
Set the destination IP address in RREP to the
destination node’s IP address. Scenario 9: we simulate with non-mobile nodes that
use AODV as routing protocol and two mobile nodes
Set the source IP address of the IP header to its own IP with the behavior of black hole attackers.
Scenario 10: we simulate with non-mobile nodes that
Set the destination IP address of the IP header to the IP use AODV as routing protocol, one non-mobile node
address of the node that RREQ has been received from and another mobile node with the behavior of black
it. hole attackers.
In our simulation of the Black hole attack, we did use Ns2
as a simulator and We fixed some cases where we will study
the impact of the attack on AODV protocol and the hole
network without knowing the attacked node or the way the
traffic is generated. We try to determine the of the attack on the
network with the most real way possible,
In order to simulate a Black hole behavior we did integrate
a new protocol in NS2 using the source code of AODV
protocol and adding the black hole algorithm in it by modifying
the AODV functions.
Simulator Ns2.34
Time 500s Fig. 4. Simulation results for the first five scenarios where the AODV nodes
are mobile. X number of nodes, Y % of packet loss.
Pause Time 1.0
Max speed 20 m/s
Number of nodes 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , 30
Flat space 750 * 750 m
Scenario 1: we simulate with mobile nodes that use
AODV as routing protocol and one non-mobile node
with the behavior of a black hole attacker.
Scenario 2: we simulate with mobile nodes that use
AODV as routing protocol and one non-mobile node
and another mobile node with the behavior of black
hole attackers.
Scenario 3: we simulate with mobile nodes that use
AODV as routing protocol and one mobile node with
the behavior of a black hole attacker. Fig. 5. Simulation results for the last five scenarios where the AODV nodes
are non-mobile. X number of nodes, Y % of packet loss.
Scenario 4: we simulate with mobile nodes that use
AODV as routing protocol and two mobile nodes with VI. CONCLUSION
the behavior of black hole attackers.
Ad Hoc Network is independent of any fixed infrastructure
Scenario 5: we simulate with mobile nodes that use or central management and have frequent routing updates
AODV as routing protocol and two non-mobile nodes which makes it easy to set up, low in cost, provides
with the behavior of black hole attackers. communication by wireless means with nodes working as
routers as host.
23 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications
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