Newtonian Synthesis The Universal Law Gravity

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Newtonian synthesis

For the time of Aristotle, circular motion

of bodies was regarded as natural
Isaac Newton recognized that there has
some kind of force on the planets, which
orbits as a ellipses shape.

Newton reasoned that the force on each

planet would be directed toward
Earth and Moon

- The force between Earth and an apple is the same

force that pulls moons and planets (gravity force)

- There were 2 sets of natural laws, which is earthly

events, and another for motion. This union of
terrestrial laws and cosmic laws is called the
Newtonian synthesis.
The Universal Law of Gravity

F = (m1*m2)/d^2 (m1 and m2 are the masses of

the bodies) (d is the distance between its center)
*the greater the masses, the greater the
attraction between them and also the greater the
distance of d, the weaker the force of attraction*
The Universal
Constant, G

- The equation is F = G(m1*m2/d^2)

- The units of G make the force come out in


- The magnitude of G is 0.0000000000667


- The constant G can be calculated by: G =

F/(m1*m2/d^2) = 6.67*10^-11 N*m^2/kg^2
- Gravity is the weakest force compared with
other fundamental forces. (electromagnetic force
& two kinds of nuclear forces.)

- We sense gravitation only when masses like

that of Earth are involved because the huge
amount of atoms in the Earth are pulling on us.
That’s our weight. Weight depends not only on
mass but also on the distance from the center of
Earth – 6.4*10^6 m.

- The force that Earth exerts on mass of 1kg is 10

N (more precisely, 9.8 N).
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity

A gravitational field is a geometrical warping

of 4-D space and time. The bodies put dents
in space and time is like a massive ball placed
in the middle of a large waterbed dents the 2-
D surface. The more massive the ball, the
greater the dent or warp.
Gravity and Distance

- We can better understand how gravity weakens

with distance by considering how paint from a
paint gun spreads with increasing distance. -
Suppose we position a paint gun at the center of a
sphere with a radius of 1 meter, and a burst of
paint spray travels 1 m to produce a square patch
of paint that is 1 mm thick. How thick would the
patch be if the experiment were done in a sphere
with twice the radius? If the same amount of paint
travels in straight lines for 2 m, it will spread to a
patch twice as tall and twice as wide. The paint
would then be spread over an area 4 times as big,
and its thickness would be only 1/4 mm.
The inverse- square law

- The inverse-square law holds for gravity and for all

phenomena wherein the effect localized source
spreads uniformly throughout the surrounding space:
the electric field about an isolated electron, light from
a match, radiation from a piece of uranium, and
sound from a cricket. Newton's law of gravity as
written applies to particles and spherical bodies, well
as to non-spherical bodies sufficiently far apart. - The
distance term din N ew on equation is the distance
between the centers of masses of the objects.
- The greater the distance from Earth's center,
the less the weight of an object. A child who
weighs 300 N at sea level will weigh only 299 N
atop Mt. Everest. For greater distances, force is
less. For very great distances, Earth's
gravitational force approaches zero. The force
approaches zero, but never reaches zero.
- Even if you were transported to the far
reaches of the universe, the gravitational field
of home would still be with you. It may be
overwhelmed by the gravitational fields of
nearer and/or more massive bodies, but it is
there. - The gravitational field of every material
object, however small or however far, extends
through all of space.
Weight vs. Weightlessness

- The force of gravity, like any force, can produce

acceleration. Objects under the influence of gravity
accelerate toward each other because we are almost always
in contact with Earth, we think of gravity as something that
presses us against Earth rather than as something that
accelerates us. The pressing against Earth is the sensation
we interpret as weight.
- Stand on a bathroom scale
that is supported on a
- Compression of the
stationary floor.
springs is read as your
The gravitational force
weight. If you repeat this
between you and Earth pulls
weighing procedure in a
you against the supporting
moving elevator, your
floor and the scale. By
weight reading would vary
Newton's third law, at the
same time, the floor and
-not during steady motion,
scale push upward on you.
but during accelerated
Located in between you and
the supporting floor are
springs inside the bath room
Ocean Tides

- Ocean tides are caused by differences in the gravitational

pull between the Moon and Earth on opposite sides of Earth.

- Gravitational force between the Moon and Earth is

stronger on the side of Earth nearer to the Moon, and it is
weaker on the side of Earth that is farther from the Moon.

- On a world average, the ocean bulges are nearly 1 m

above the average surface level of the ocean.
- Earth spins once per day, so a fixed point on Earth
passes beneath both of these bulges each day. Any part of
Earth that passes beneath one of the bulges has a high
tide. When Earth has made a quarter turn 6 hours later,
the water level at the same part of the ocean is nearly 1 m
below the average sea level.

>> We experience two sets of ocean tides per day-two

high tides and two low tides.
The Sun also contributes
to ocean tides

is less than half as effective as the Moon in

raising tides even though the Suns pull on
Earths is 180 times greater than Moons pull
on Earth because sun's distance.
Spring tide

When have higher-than-average high tides and

lower-than- average low tides.

Neap tides

When high tides are lower than average and the

low tide are not as low as average low tide.
Earth's tilt

- Because of Earth's tilt, a person may find the tide nearest the
the Moon much lower (or higher) the tide half a day later.

- Inequalities of tides vary with the position of the moon and sun.
Tides in Earth and atmosphere
Earth is a semi molten liquid covered by a thin, solid, and pliable
crust. Hence, the Moon-Sun tidal forces produce Earth tides as
well as ocean tides because Earth is semi molten liquid covered
by a thin, solid, and pliable crust. As a result, during spring tide,
earthquakes and volcanic eruption have a higher probability to

Tidal bulges on the moon

There are two tidal bulges on the Moon (with same reasons of
Earth) . The Moon is pulled slightly away from a spherical
shape into a football shape, with its long axis pointing toward
Earth. - In a fixed point and not raising or falling in daily as
Earth . The same lunar hemisphere faces Earth all the time,
due to Moon’s rotation direction. So, whenever the Moon's long
axis is not lined up toward Earth, Earth exert a small torque on
the Moon.
Gravitational Field

The influence that a massive body extends into

space around itself, producing a force on another
massive body.
• Ex: force field (magnetic field) --> filing shows the
strength and direction of the magnetic field at
different points in the space around the magnet
Gravitational field inside
a planet

• Exists inside Earth as well as outside

• Acceleration, a, less will you are closer to the
center of the Earth
- B/c less mass pulling you toward the center
- At the center --> pull down = pull up --> net
force = 0 --> acceleration =0
• Gravitational field at Earth’s center is 0
• Cavern at the center
- Gravity-free b/c pf the cancellation of
gravitational force in every direction <-- Size has no
Black Holes

A black hole occurs when a star bigger than the

size of our sun collapse upon itself.
If the sun collapsed it will be less than the radius
of 3km(Our sun can't because it have too less
Not even light can escape the black hole, so you
have to be faster than the speed of light to
Gravitation near the star that are
collapsing is enormous that light cannot
If some light, spaceship,or dust passed
the black hole they would get suck in.
But if there are a powerful space ship they
could enter the fringes of this warp they
could still escape.
Any object that fall through black hole will
be torn to pieces.
There is a theory that black hole is similar
to wormhole
Instead of collapsing it could be a
door that open to the other side
of the universe.
Black hole had been confirm but
wormhole haven’t
Black hole can be felt by it
gravitational influence
In some galaxy the the stars are
observed that they are circling
the black hole
Those black hole has 1 billion
time the mass of our sun.
Universal Gravitation

-Earth is round because of gravitational

-Everything attracts everything else, and so Earth
has attracted itself so any corner of Earth have been
pulled, as a result, this makes it a sphere
-If everything pulls on everything else, then the
planets must pull on each other
-For example, when Saturn is near Jupiter, its pull
disturbs the otherwise smooth path traced by
Jupiter. Both planets wobble" in their orbits and this
called perturbations.
-Subsequent tracking of the orbits of both Uranus and Neptune
led to the prediction and discovery of Pluto in 1930 at the
Lowell Observatory in Arizona

-Astronomers now regard Pluto as a dwarf planet, it takes 248

years to make single revolution about the Sun, so no one will
see it in its discovered position again until the year 2178 Recent
evidence suggests that the universe is expanding and
accelerating out ward, pushed by an antigravity dark energy.

-The successes of Newton's ideas ushered in the Age of

Enlightenment Newton had demonstrated that, by observation
and reason, people could uncover the workings of the physical
universe. How profound that all the moons and plan beautifully
simple rule to govern them and stars and galaxies have such a
namely, F = G(m1*m2/d^2)

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