Up To 40 Midterm Answers
Up To 40 Midterm Answers
Up To 40 Midterm Answers
1. Write a motivational speech on reliability (like assignment 02): maximum 2 pages. (Check Ass)
2. Compare 1E-9 / FH in aerospace industry with 1E-6 / 15 years in automotive industry.
3. Some MTTF, MTBF, MDT, MUT, availability exercise (like assignment 04)
4. Define Reliability and provide details on each of the terms involved
RELIABILITY DEFINITION: The ability of an item to perform its required function under stated conditions
for a specified period of time.
Item: It embeds components utilized or studied, manufacturing process “E.G: hand solder”
The probability generally is translated into the reliability target (e.g. x% surviving at time t, PPM
under warranty, cost of operating over a specified time period, etc.) R(t) btwn 0 to 1.
Required function: When defining the function one has to have a clear definition of the failure
mode. The units function reliability is a combination of individual reliabilities
Stated conditions: These include: environmental conditions, maintenance conditions, usage
conditions, storage and moving conditions, possibly others
Specified period of time: Function of operating conditions e.g: operating hours, calender time,
cycles, km etc.).
5. Explain, using your own words, the meaning of the following graph and fill in the blanks.
10. Cost per time unit (km, miles, flight hour, calendar hour, cycles) exercise like example in class
Reliability cannot predict the exact time to failure of a unit. It always deals with a population. Reliability
provides units to measure the performance of the population.
11. List units used by management to measure reliability
Reliability is not performed for the sake of reliability and is a mean to achieve other targets.
Safety, Catastrophes, Image (Media Impact), Availability, Dispatch Interruption rate, Media Interruption
rate, Warranty, Scheduled Maintenance cost, Life Cycle Cost, marketing, Aftermarket, Liability, “Money;
12. What is the typical break-down of a system for reliability?
A typical breakdown of a system in reliability represents the link starting from the functional level, going
down to technical functions ensuring the upper function and linking these technical functions to the
physical piece- part or component involved
13. . Define the risk and provide some practical units to measure the risk.
Risk can be defined as intentional interaction with uncertainty (is a measure of unpredictable or
uncontrollable outcome of an event).
The risk is a measure of a danger which puts together the measure of occurrence of the unwanted event
and the measure of the consequences of this event.
Units to measure Risk: Severity and Probability of Occurrence (Not Sure)
Units to measure Risk : Safety; media impact; availability; mission interruption; scheduled maintenance
cost; lifecycle cost; aftermarket; warranty; marketing; liability; program cost; company’s reputation.
14. Define the 3 types of reliability encountered by a product during its life. Explain the progression
of the reliability during the life of the program.
Design Reliability: Is the predicted reliability of a product at the end of its development phase.
Based on field experience from testing similar products and types under nominal environmental
and operational conditions.
Inherent Reliability: This is the reliability of a product associated with variations format he
original design reliability as a result of variation in quality during the production process.
Variations result from some components not conforming to design specs and / assembly errors.
Field / operational reliability: This is also known as the actual reliability of a product upon sale to
the end user. Measured as a result from failures and malfunctions
15. Explain using your own words the diagram below
16. Define B10 and provide details on its use as a reliability metric to compare various products.
B10 is the time that a devices will operate prior to 10% of a sample of those devices would fail.
17. Explain the reliability in series and its effect on the system. Provide a simple example.
Reliability in series of multiple systems drastically decreases the overall reliability of the entire system
A system consists of several components of which one or more must be working in order for the system
to function. Components of a system may be connected in series, which implies that if one component
fails, then the entire system fails. In this case, reliability of the entire system is considered, and not
necessarily the reliability of an individual component. If, in the example of the control-panel system,
where each warning light had a reliability of 0.90, then the reliability of thewarning system would be:
RSystem = RComponent 1×RComponent 2 = 0.90×0.90= 0.81.
The system reliability in a series configuration is less than the reliabilities of each component. This
systems reliability makes use of a probability law called the law of multiplication.
18. Explain the reliability in parallel and its effect on the system. Provide a simple example.
19. Define the failure rate. Explain the difference between failure rate and reliability (not the
The failure rate function, also called the instantaneous failure rate or the hazard rate, is denoted by λ(t).
It represents the probability of failure per unit time, t, given that the component has already survived to
time t.
Data obtained from failure rates are used to determine the shape of the bathtub curve, including
locating boundaries between stages. If the failure rate decreases with time, then the product exhibits
infant mortality or early life failures. These types of failures are typically caused by mechanisms like
design errors, poor quality control or material defects. If the failure rate is constant with time, then the
product exhibits a random or memoryless failure rate behavior.
While the unreliability and reliability functions yield probabilities at a given time from which reliability
metrics can be calculated, the value of the failure rate at a given time is not generally used for the
calculation of reliability metrics.
20. Define the 3 phases of the life of a product as described by the failure rate evolution. Provide
details on each phase.
21. Describe the life of the software from a failure rate point of view.
There are two major differences between hardware and software curves. One difference is that in the
last phase, software does not have an increasing failure rate as hardware does. In this phase, software is
approaching obsolescence; there are no motivation for any upgrades or changes to the software.
Therefore, the failure rate will not change. The second difference is that in the useful-life phase,
software will experience a drastic increase in failure rate each time an upgrade is made. The failure rate
levels off gradually, partly because of the defects found and fixed after the upgrades. Software
Reliability is the probability of failure-free software operation for a specified period of time in a specified
22. Draw the removal break-down diagram. Provide details on each term.
23. Explain the difference between the MTBF computed over the life of the product (sum of all the
operating times cumulated by product divided by number of events) versus the 12-month
moving average MTBF (sum of all the operating times cumulated over the last 12 months
divided by the number of events encountered). Highlight the individual usage of each.
MTBF is the mean time between failures for repairable objects with exponential failure rate distribution
and constant failure rate. = (No of Equip * Time period) / No of failures during that time.
24. Explain the difference between the MTBF computed over the life of the product (sum of all the
operating times cumulated by product divided by number of events) versus the warranty period
and/or fiscal year.
• definition
• when to perform
• types of FMEA
• process: how to build
• members involved
• expected results
Definition - when to perform - types of FMEA - basic steps to follow - process: how to build - members
involved - expected results.
• Basic steps to follow
List the key process steps in the first column
List the potential failure mode for each process step
List the effects of this failure mode
Rate how severe this effect
Identify the causes of the failure mode/effect
Identify the controls in place to detect the issue
Multiply the severity, occurrence, and detection numbers
Sort by RPN number and identify most critical issues
Assign specific actions with responsible persons
Once actions have been completed, re-score the occurrence and detection.
When to perform
FMEAs should always be done whenever failures would mean potential harm or injury to the
user of the end item being designed.
• Types of FMEA
System – focuses on global system functions
Design – focuses on components and subsystems
Process – focuses on manufacturing and assembly processes
Service – focuses on service functions
Software – focuses on software functions
Expected results
The purpose of FMEA is the anticipation and mitigation of the negative effects of possible failures prior
to the time they occur
Scenario B: The assessed reliability indicates that the target value is achieved, but in reality this
is not the case. If the actual reliability is well below the target value, then releasing the
production to the market can result in high warranty costs, customer dissatisfaction, and in the
worst case, a product recall.
Scenario C: The actual reliability is greater than the target value, but the assessed reliability
indicates that this is not so. As a result, the development program is continued, incurring
additional costs that could have been avoided.
Scenario D: In this case the assessed and actual reliabilities exceed the target value and the
termination of the program does not entail any risks.
3. Analyze 4. Verify
- Estimating the product’s reliability, often with a rough - Prototype Hardware build. Quantity all of the previous work
first cut estimate, early in the design phase. It is based on test results. By this stage, prototypes should be ready
important at this phase to address all the potential for testing and more detailed analysis.
- Iterative process where different types of tests are performed,
sources of product failure.
product weakness are uncovered, the results are analyzed and
- Close cooperation between reliability engineers and
design changes are made.
the design team can be very beneficial at this phase.
Activities / Tools
Activities/Tools HALT.
Finite element analysis, physics of failure ALT
Reliability prediction (reliability block diagrams) Test to failure (Life data analysis)
Engineering judgment, expert opinions, existing Degradation analysis. Reliability growth process (if
data enough data is available).
Warranty analysis of the existing products DRBTR (Design Review Based on test Results)
DRBFM or Change Point Analysis (if needed)
Stress/strength analysis
FMEA (updated)
5. Validate 6. Control Assuring that the process remains unchanged and the
- Validations involves functional and environmental testing on variations remain within the tolerances
a system level with the purpose to become production ready.
- Making sure that the product is ready for high production Activities/ Tools
volume. Control Chart and process capability studies (Cpk, Ppk,
Activities/ Tools. Human Reliability.
Design Validation (Including Accelerated life testing Continuous compliance.
and reliability demonstration). Field return analysis (warranty) and forecasting.
Process Validation. IRT (ongoing reliability testing).
Note: Often program schedule leaves not time for Audits.
test to failure at this stage. Most of it should be done Lessons learned for the next generation of products
at the previous stages. Validation phase is often done (important to close the cycle of the DFR).
via ‘test to success”
29. Define 4 questions for auditing the 1.2 – STATUS. Define people to survey (Stick only to the
management Aspect - Professor)
30. Field experience: what are companies doing good and what are they weak at
31. Give 5 examples of reliability metrics for the Reliability program plan
In this reliability tool by inserting percentage of accepted failures and desired minimum time for
X% failures and then pushing the button RUN, we can see a table of different µ and sigma. All of
these µ and sigma’s can meet our requirement for the inserted information. By putting these
numbers in a figure, we can have a line and then for a given set of data, we can realize if they
are OK or NOT OK with respect to required criteria (which we inserted at first). If the point is
bottom of this line or on the line in figure, we can say that this item is OK and if not, the item
cannot meet our requirements.
37. Exercise example: A pump has 2 main failure modes: electric motor and shaft failure. Failure
times are listed in the table on the right.
Compare the performance of the electric motor against the shaft.
For the same operating times, the shaft shows only 4 failures while the electric motor shows 36
failures. By the classic formula of MTTF = (sum of operating time) / (number of failures), it is
expected to obtain a value 9 times less for the shafts than the value for the electric motors.
38. What are the most common methods used to choose the right distribution model for a
failure mode?
39. What is the use of a statistical model during the program?
40. Explain what memoryless effect means for the exponential distribution (no formulas are
It means the condition reliability function for the lifetime of a component that has survived to
time s is identical to that of a new component. This term is the so-called “used-as-good-as-new”
assumption. Because of this characteristic, MTTF = MTBF. Because of this, it is not important
what happened before and the current situation of the item is the only thing that matters.
41. Explain the process to set the maintenance interval in the risk-based maintenance
42. Explain the practical meaning of BETA and ETA parameters for the Weibull distribution
used in reliability
decreases sharply and monotonically for and is convex.
For , decreases as increases. As wear-out sets in, the curve goes through an
inflection point and decreases sharply.
A change in the scale parameter has the same effect on the distribution as a change of the abscissa scale.
Increasing the value of while holding constant has the effect of stretching out the pdf. Since the area
under a pdf curve is a constant value of one, the "peak" of the pdf curve will also decrease with the increase
of , as indicated in the above figure.
If is increased while and are kept the same, the distribution gets stretched out to the
right and its height decreases, while maintaining its shape and location.
If is decreased while and are kept the same, the distribution gets pushed in towards the
left (i.e., towards its beginning or towards 0 or ), and its height increases.
has the same units as , such as hours, miles, cycles, actuations, etc.
43. Explain the practical meaning of MIU and SIGMA parameters for the Normal distribution
used in reliability
44. Explain the use of MTBF in safety