HGM6000K V1.9 en
HGM6000K V1.9 en
HGM6000K V1.9 en
Smartgen Technology
Chinese trademark
English trademark
Zhengzhou city
Henan Province
P. R. China
Tel: +86-371-67988888/67981888
Fax: 0086-371-67992952
Web: http://www.smartgen.com.cn
Email: sales@smartgen.cn
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material
Smartgen Technology reserves the right to change the contents of this document
1 SUMMARY ................................................................................. 5
2 PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS ............................. 6
3 SPECIFICATION ........................................................................ 8
4 OPERATION .............................................................................. 9
4.1 KEY FUNCTION....................................................................................... 9
4.2 DISPLAY DESCRIBE ............................................................................. 10
4.3 AUTOMATIC OPERATION ..................................................................... 11
4.4 MANUAL OPERATION........................................................................... 13
5 PROTECTION .......................................................................... 15
5.1 WARN .................................................................................................... 15
5.2 SHUTDOWN ALARM ............................................................................. 16
6 CONNECTING TERMINAL ...................................................... 19
7 PARAMETER RANGE AND DEFINE........................................ 22
7.1 PARAMETERS TABLE (TABLE 1) ......................................................... 22
7.2 OUTPUT 1-4 TABLE (TABLE 2) ............................................................. 29
7.3 DIGIT INPUT 1-5 TABLE (TABLE 3) ...................................................... 30
7.4 SENSOR (TABLE 4)............................................................................... 30
7.5 CONDITION OF CRANK SUCCEED (TABLE 5) .................................... 31
8 SETTING PARAMETER ........................................................... 32
9 SENSOR SETTINGS ............................................................... 33
10 COMMISSIONING.................................................................... 34
11 TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................... 35
12 INSTALLATION ........................................................................ 37
13 FAULT FINDING ....................................................................... 39
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Mains Gens
Line voltage (Uab, Ubc, and Uca) Line voltage (Uab, Ubc, and Uca)
Phase voltage (Ua, Ub, and Uc) Phase voltage (Ua, Ub, and Uc)
Frequency HZ Frequency HZ
Power Current IA, IB, IC
Active power KW
Inactive power KVar
Apparent power KVA
Power factor Cos
Accumulate total gens power kWh
■ Mains have over voltage, under voltage, loss phase function; Gens have over
voltage, under voltage, over frequency, under frequency, over current function;
■ Precision measure and display parameters about Engine,
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Water temperature Gens oil pressure
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
7. Whatever times to start genset successfully, it will enter into ―safety on time‖.
During this period, alarms of low oil pressure, hi-temperature, under speed,
charge fail and Aux. input (been configured) are inactive. As soon as this delay
is over, genset will enter into ―start idle delay‖ (if this be configured).
8. During ―start idle delay‖, alarms of under speed, under frequency, under voltage
are inactive. As soon as this delay is over, genset will enter into ―warming up
time delay‖ (if this be configured).
9. When ―warming up time delay‖ is over, gens status indicator is light if gens
normal. If alternator‘s voltage, frequency meets to requirement of load, gens will
close and relay is outputting, then genset will enter into normal running with load
and gens indicator is light; if genset voltage and frequency is abnormal,
controller will alarm and stop engine (gens alarming is displayed LCD).
Sequence of Auto Stop,
1. HGM6020KC, when Mains recovery during genset running, enters into mains
voltage ―normal delay‖ and its indicator light after Mains normal be confirmed.
―Start delay‖ is beginning.
2. HGM6010KC, genset enters into ―stop delay‖ as soon as ―Remote Start‖ putting
is inactive.
3. As soon as ―stop delay‖ is over, genset enters into ―High Speed cooling delay‖.
Mains are close and breaker is disconnected. After switch ―rest time delay‖,
mains are close and relay is output as well as with loading. Gens‘ indicator is
dark while mains‘ light.
4. Idle relay has power and outputs as soon as entering ―stop idle relay‖ (If this
been configured).
5. When enters ―ETS relay‖, ETS relay has power and outputs. Oil relay‘s output is
6. When genset enters ―stop time‖, automatic to decide whether genset is stopped
or not.
7. When genset will enter into ―over stop time‖ as soon as genset is stopped. If
genset failed to stop and controller will alarm (―stop failed‖ will be displayed in
Note: This page is nonce genset status, genset status delay countdown display,
for example:
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
At the first line, NO 4 is the Start interval state; 3s is the countdown to remain time
intervals of Start interval.
Gens Status List:
0: Genset Waiting 1: Start preheat 2: Fuel output 3: Start 4: Start Interval
5: Safety run 6: Start Idling 7: Start warm-up 8: Wait for the Load
9: Normal Run 10: Stop for cooling 11: Stop idling 12: ETS stop
13: Wait for stop steady 14: Shutdown failures
1. HGM6020KC, Auto starts mode is active when press and its indicator is
illuminating. Press , then controller under ―Manual Test Mode‖ and its
indicator is illuminating. Under the both modes, press to start genset, and it
can automatic detect start successfully and accelerate to Hi-speed running. If
there is Hi-temperature, low oil level and voltage abnormal during diesel genset
running, controller can protect genset to stop quickly (detail procedures please
refer to No.4~9 of Auto start operation). Under ―Manual Test Mode ‖, genset
with load is decided by Mains is normal or not. If mains are normal, loading
transferred into gens side. Under ―Manual Test Mode ‖, after genset runs well
in high speed, no matter mains is normal or not, loading switch must be
2. HGM6010KC, Auto starts mode is active when press , and its indicator is
Hi-temperature, low oil level and voltage abnormal during diesel genset running,
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
controller can protect genset to stop quickly (detail procedures please refer to
No.4~9 of Auto start operation). After genset runs well in High speed, controller
3. Manual stop, press can shutdown the running genset (detail procedures
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
5.1 WARN
Warns are non-critical alarm conditions and do not affect the operation of the
genset system; they serve to draw the operators attention to an undesirable
In the event of a warning, the module will display at the last screen of LCD.
Warn is shown as the below:
HIGH ENGINE TEMPERATURE WARN, if the module detects that the engine
coolant temperature has exceeded the high engine temperature setting level after
the Safety On timer has expired and the input of Inhibit WTH stop is activated, a
warn will occur. At the same time LCD screen icon lighten.
LOW OIL PRESSURE WARN, if the module detects that the engine oil pressure
has fallen below the low oil pressure setting level after the Safety On timer has
expired and the input of Inhibit OPL stop is activated, a warning will occur. At the
same time LCD screen icon lighten.
LOSS OF SPEED SIGNAL WARN, if the speed sensing signal is lost, a warning
will occur and the lost speed delay set to zero, a warning will occur. At the same
time LCD screen icon lighten.
GENSET OVER CURRENT WARN, if the module detects a genset output current
in excess of the setting and the over current delay set to zero, a warning is
initiated. At the same time LCD screen icon lighten.
FAIL TO STOP WARN, if the module detects the engine is still running when the
‗Fail to stop timer‘ expires, a warning is initiated. At the same time LCD screen
icon lighten.
START BATTERY OVER VOLTAGE WARN, if the module detects that the plant
DC supply has risen above the high volts setting level, a warning is initiated. At the
same time LCD screen icon lighten.
START BATTERY UNDER VOLTAGE WARN, if the module detects that the plant
DC supply has fallen below the low volts setting level, a warning is initiated. At the
same time LCD screen icon lighten.
LOW FUEL LEVEL WARN, if the module detects that the engine oil level has
fallen below the low level setting level has expired, a warning will occur. At the
same time LCD screen icon lighten.
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
FAILED TO CHARGE WARN, if the module detects that the charge of volts has
fallen below the setting level has expired, a warning will occur. At the same time
LCD screen icon lighten.
GENSET OVER VOLTAGE WARN, if the module detects a genset output voltage
in excess of the setting a warning is initiated. At the same time LCD screen
icon lighten.
GENSET UNDER VOLTAGE WARN, if the module detects a genset output voltage
below the setting a warning is initiated. At the same time LCD screen icon
OVER SPEED WARN, if the engine speed exceeds the setting value a warning is
initiated. At the same time LCD screen icon lighten.
UNDER SPEED WARN, if the engine speed falls below the setting value after the
Safety On timer has expired, a warning is initiated. At the same time LCD screen
icon lighten.
GENSET OVER FREQUENCY WARN, if the module detects a genset output
frequency in excess of the setting value a warn in is initiated. At the same time
LCD screen icon lighten.
GENSET UNDER FREQUENCY WARN, if the module detects a genset output
frequency below the setting value after the Safety On timer has expired, a warning
is initiated. At the same time LCD screen icon lighten.
Safety On timer has expired, a shutdown will occur. At the same time LCD screen
LOW OIL PRESSURE, if the module detects that the engine oil pressure has
fallen below the low oil pressure setting level after the Safety On timer has
expired, a shutdown will occur. At the same time LCD screen flicker.
OVERSPEED, if the engine speed exceeds the setting value a shutdown is
initiated. At the same time LCD screen flicker.
UNDERSPEED, if the engine speed falls below the setting value after the Safety
On timer has expired, a shutdown is initiated. At the same time LCD screen
LOSS OF SPEED SIGNAL, if the speed sensing signal is lost, a shutdown is
initiated. At the same time LCD screen flicker.
GENSET OVER FREQUENCY, if the module detects a genset output frequency
in excess of the setting value a shutdown is initiated. At the same time LCD
screen flicker.
GENSET UNDER FREQUENCY, if the module detects a genset output frequency
below the setting value after the Safety On timer has expired, a shutdown is
initiated. At the same time LCD screen flicker.
GENSET OVER VOLTAGE, if the module detects a genset output voltage in
excess of the setting value a shutdown is initiated. At the same time LCD screen
GENSET UNDER VOLTAGE, if the module detects a genset output voltage
below the setting value after the Safety On timer has expired, a shutdown is
initiated. At the same time LCD screen flicker.
GENSET OVER CURRENT, if the module detects a genset output current in
excess of the setting value is initiated, a shutdown is initiated. At the same time
LCD screen flicker.
FAIL TO START, if the engine does not fire after the pre-set number of attempts
has been made a shutdown will be initiated. At the same time LCD screen
AUXILIARY INPUTS, if an auxiliary input has been configured as a shutdown the
appropriate information will be displayed. At the same time LCD screen
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Pin Function Dim Description
Mains neutral
34 1.0mm2 Connect to mains neutral terminal.
RS485 port
35 0.5mm2
common GND
Use only 120Ω RS485 approved cable.
36 RS485 port A(-) 0.5mm2
37 RS485 port B(+) 0.5mm2
38 Auxiliary input 4 1.0mm2 Switch to -ve
39 Auxiliary input 5 1.0mm2 Switch to -ve
40 Common port 1.0mm2 Auxiliary input common port
1. These terminals of 31, 32, 33, and 34 are not used for HGM6010KC
2. Back LINK interface as a parameter programming interface, used by SG72
adapter PC controller programming.
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Num Parameter Range Default Remark
When the engine start not
P 11 Crank interval successful, in the second
(3-60)s 10
(P06) time plus electric before the start
of the waiting time.
At this time, low oil
pressure, high water
temperature, under speed,
P 12 under frequency, under
Safe run time (1-60)s 10
(P07) voltage and charging failure
and auxiliary input
(configured) alarm is void
P 13 Start genset idle running
Start idle time (0-3600)s 0
(P08) time.
Genset entered high speed
P 14 Warming up
(3-3600)s 10 operation, in the warm-up
(P09) time
before closed for time.
After unloading in genset,
P 15
Cooling time (3-3600)s 10 the time needed to cool
before shutdown.
P 16 When stop idling genset
Stop idle time (0-3600)s 0
(P11) running time.
P 17 ETS solenoid It‘s the delay for energizing
(0-120)s 20
(P12) hold to stop.
When "ETS solenoid
shutdown output time" for
zero, idle time delay stop
steady to time, and when
P 18 Fail to stop
(0-120)s 0 "ETS solenoid hold output
(P13) delay
time" is not equal to zero,
from ETS solenoid
shutdown delay end to stop
steady need of time.
Mains or Genset switch
P 19 ATS close closing pulse width, when it
(0-10)s 5.0
(P14) time is zero, output is
The flywheel teeth on
engine starter teeth, used
for starters separation
P 20 Flywheel
(10-300) 118 condition judgment and
(P15) teeth
engine speed detection, see
behind the installation
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Num Parameter Range Default Remark
P 21 Too high or too low voltage
abnormal (0-20.0)s 10.0
(P16) genset alarm delay.
When genset voltage is
over than the point, genset
Gens over
P 22 over shutdown voltage is
volt (30-360)V 264
(P17) active. When the point is
360V, genset over voltage is
When genset voltage is
under than the point, genset
Gens under
P 23 under shutdown voltage is
volt (30-360)V 196
(P18) active. When the point is
30V, genset under voltage is
When the engine speed is
under than the point and
P 24 Under speed
(0-6000)RPM 1200 hold great than 10 seconds,
(P19) shutdown
genset under shutdown
speed is active.
When the engine speed is
over than the point and hold
P 25 Over speed
(0-6000)RPM 1710 great than 2 seconds,
(P20) shutdown
genset over shutdown
speed is active.
When genset frequency is
Gens under low than the point, genset
P 26
freq (0-75.0)Hz 45.0 low frequency shutdown
shutdown and hold great than 10
seconds is active.
When genset frequency is
Gens over over than the point and hold
P 27
freq (0-75.0)Hz 57.0 great than 2 seconds,
shutdown genset over shutdown
frequency is active.
When engine temperature
sensor value is large than
this point and remain for 2
High seconds, send out
P 28
temperature (80-140)°C 98 shutdown alarm. When the
shutdown value is 140, send out
warning alarm. (It‘s suited
for engine temperature
sensor only).
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Num Parameter Range Default Remark
When engine oil pressure
sensor value is less than
this point and remain for 2
Low oil seconds, send out
P 29
pressure (0-400)kPa 103 shutdown alarm. When the
shutdown value is zero, send out
warning alarm. (It‘s suited
for oil pressure sensor
When low Fuel level sensor
P 30 Low Fuel value is less than this point
(0-100)% 10
(P25) level and remain for 10 seconds,
send out warning alarm.
When speed is zero and
remain for the delay, send
P 31 Lose speed
(0-20.0)s 5.0 out shutdown alarm. When
(P26) delay
the delay is zero, send out
warning alarm.
When genset voltage is
over than the point, genset
P 32 Gens over over warning voltage is
(30-360)V 256
(P27) volt warn active. When the point is
360V, genset over voltage is
When genset voltage is
under than the point, genset
P 33 Gens under under warning voltage is
(30-360)V 205
(P28) volt warn active. When the point is
30V, genset under voltage is
When the engine speed is
P 34 Under speed under than the point, genset
(0-6000)RPM 1350
(P29) warn under warning speed is
When the engine speed is
P 35 Over speed over than the point, genset
(0-6000)RPM 1650
(P30) warn over warning speed is
When genset frequency is
P 36 Gens under low than the point, genset
(0-75.0)Hz 47.0
(P31) freq warn under warning frequency is
When genset frequency is
P 37 Gens over over than the point, genset
(0-75.0)Hz 55.0
(P32) freq warn over warning frequency is
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Num Parameter Range Default Remark
During genset is running,
when charge alternator
P 38 Charge fail WL/D+ voltage is low than
(0-30)V 6.0
(P33) volt this point and remain for 5
seconds, genset will
warning alarm.
When genset battery
voltage is over than the
P 39 Battery over point and hold for 20
(12-40)V 33.0
(P34) volt seconds, battery over
voltage signal is active. It‘s
a warning alarm.
When genset battery
voltage is less than the point
P 40 Battery under and hold for 20 seconds,
(4-30)V 8.0
(P35) volt battery under voltage signal
is active. It‘s a warning
When engine temperature
sensor value is large than
High this point, send out warning
P 41
temperature (80-140)ºC 95 alarm. When the value is
warn 140, send out warning
alarm. (It‘s suited for engine
temperature sensor only).
When engine oil pressure
sensor value is less than
Low oil this point send out warning
P 42
pressure (0-400)kPa 124 alarm. When the value is
warn zero, send out warning
alarm. (It‘s suited for oil
pressure sensor only)
P 43
CT rate (5-6000)/5 500 Current transformer rate
P 44 Full load Mains or genset set
(5-5000)A 500
(P39) current maximum rated current.
Over current When the load current is
P 45
shutdown (50-130)% 120 over than the point, the over
percentage current delay is initiated.
When load current is over
than the point and hold
Over current
P 46 great than the timer, send
shutdown (0-3600)s 1296
(P41) out over current signal.
When the delay is zero,
over current is disabled.
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Num Parameter Range Default Remark
Over current When the load current is
P 47
warn (50-130)% 110 over than the point, over
percentage current warn icon illume.
P 48
value output1 (0-11) 2 ETS solenoid to stop
P 49
value output 2 (0-11) 3 Idle control
P 50
value output 3 (0-11) 5 Close Gens
P 51 Close mains (6010KC has
value output 4 (0-11) 6
(P46) no function).
P 52 Aux. input1 High Temperature alarm
(0-10) 1
(P47) set switch input
P 53 Aux. input 1
(0-20.0)s 2.0
(P48) delay
P 54 Aux. input 2
(0-10) 2 Low oil pressure input
(P49) set
P 55 Aux. input 2
(0-20.0)s 2.0
(P50) delay
P 56 Aux. input 3
(0-10) 3 Auxiliary warning input
(P51) set
P 57 Aux. input 3
(0-20.0)s 2.0
(P52) delay
P 58 Aux. input 4
(0-10) 6 Oil engine closed state input
(P53) set
P 59 Aux. input 4
(0-20.0)s 2.0
(P54) delay
P 60 Aux. input 5
(0-10) 10 Remote start input
(P55) set
P 61 Aux. input 5
(0-20.0)s 2.0
(P56) delay
0: Stop mode
P 62 Module
(0-2) 0 1: Manual mode
(P57) power on
2: Auto mode
P 63 Module
(1-254) 1
(P58) address
P 64 Passwords
(0-9999) 1234
(P59) set
P 65 success Setting item is given in
(0-5) 2
(P60) condition Table 5.
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Num Parameter Range Default Remark
When engine speed is large
P 66 Speed
(0-3000)RPM 360 than this point, starter will
(P61) disconnect
When genset frequency is
P 67 Freq
(10-30)Hz 14 large than this point, starter
(P62) disconnect
will disconnect.
When engine oil pressure is
P 68 OP
(0-400)kPa 200 large than this point, starter
(P63) disconnect
will disconnect.
0 3P 4L
P 69 Select AC
1 2P 3L 0 3P4L(3 phase 4 wire)
(P64) system
2 1P 2L
P70 Select temp.
(0-8) 08 SGX
(P65) sensor
P71 Select press (0-8)
08 SGX
(P66) sensor
P72 Select liquid
(0-5) 03 SGD
(P67) level sensor
Need to set up eight first
acts of the current data set
the number of items, the
second act to set the
P73 sensor
resistance value of the third
(P68) custom curve
act to set the resistance
value of the temperature
corresponding to the value
Need to set up eight first
acts of the current data set
the number of items, the
Oil pressure
second act to set the
P74 sensor
resistance value, the third
(P69) custom curve
act to set the resistance
value of the pressure
corresponding to the value
Need to set up eight first
acts of the current data set
Liquid level the number of items, the
P75 sensor second act to set the
(P70) custom curve resistance value, the third
setting act to set the resistance
value of the value of the
corresponding level.
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Num Parameter Range Default Remark
Number of magnetic poles,
P76 Number of used for calculating rotating
(2-32) 04
(P71) poles speed of generator without
speed sensor.
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Num Items Content Remark
4 SGD(DongKang
6 DATCON 10Bar
0 Not used
1 Defined RT
Defined input resistance
Fuel level 2 SGH
3 range is 0-999.9 ohm,
Sensor 3 SGD
factory default is SGD
4 Reserved 1
5 Reserved 2
1. The crank disconnect condition has three kinds, the magnetic pickup sensor
and the genset voltage can be used alone, the oil pressure must be used with
the magnetic pickup sensor and the genset voltage, the purpose is to make
the starter and the engine to disconnect as soon as possible.
2. Magnetic pickup sensor is installed in the engine block number of magnetic
device testing flywheel.
3. When choosing magnetic pickup sensor, ensure engine flywheel teeth setting,
otherwise may appear over speeding shutdown or loss speed shutdown.
4. If the genset is not magnetic pickup sensors, please don't choose
corresponding, otherwise this will occur fail to start or loss of speed alarm and
5. If the genset has no oil pressure sensor, please don't choose corresponding.
6. If the genset starting conditions has not be selected, the controller will not
measure and display the relative parameters (This can be applied to the pump
set), if not choose magnetic pickup sensor, the speed signal will come from
the generating AC signal.
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
After controller powered on, press to enter into the parameters setting menu:
◙ Set parameters
When entering password, entering "1234" can set the item 1 to 47in the table
(parameters table [Table 1]), entering "0318" can set all items.
a. When the controller type is HGM6010KC, you will not have a table with a 1-5;
the programmable output 1-4 will have no power of some mains switch output.
b. Please modify the parameters (such as crank disconnect, input and output
configuration, various time, etc.) in standby mode, otherwise it might alarm
shutdown or other abnormal behavior.
c. The over-voltage threshold must be greater than the under-voltage threshold;
otherwise both will occur at the same time over-voltage and under-voltage
d. The over-speed threshold must be greater than under-speed threshold,
otherwise you will receive both the over speed and under speed.
e. As far as possible set the frequency (crank disconnect) to lower numerical, in
order to quickly crank disconnect when crank success.
f. Configurable input port 1-5 cannot set for the same items, otherwise cannot
appear correct function, configurable output 1-4 can be set for the same item.
g. If need to shutdown after cooling, please set any one configurable input as "
stop after cooling ", then connect this input with GND.
◙ Information
LCD will display the controller software version, issue date.
Note: Press the key will display the states of configurable input port and
output port state.
◙ Set language
User may set display interface language as Chinese, English and Spanish.
* Remark: Press the key will exit setting interface at any time.
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HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
1. When the choice sensor, the sensor to standard curve will call. If factory set
temperature sensor for SGX (resistance-type), sensor curve for SGX
(resistance-type), 120 degrees Celsius (elected SGD type), resistively curve
for temperature sensor SGD curve.
2. If use standard sensor with the curve, can differ option "item sensor curve
input", after adjusting adjustment can be determined according to save.
3. When the input sensor curve, X (resistance) must be in accordance with the
order of big from small, otherwise will enter errors.
4. When the sensor is choosing "nothing", the sensor curves no affection, LCD
display temperature or pressure for---.
5. If there is no pressure sensor, only low pressure alarm switch, it must be
alarm settings for pressure sensor "nothing", otherwise may appear oil
pressure low alarm shutdown.
6. Can set up several point of forehand or several point of backmost ordinate the
same. The following picture:
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module ISSUE 2013-08-13 Version 1.9 Page 33 of 40
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module ISSUE 2013-08-13 Version 1.9 Page 34 of 40
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module ISSUE 2013-08-13 Version 1.9 Page 35 of 40
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
Note: Recommend that the output of crank and Fuel expand high capacity relay.
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module ISSUE 2013-08-13 Version 1.9 Page 36 of 40
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module ISSUE 2013-08-13 Version 1.9 Page 37 of 40
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module ISSUE 2013-08-13 Version 1.9 Page 38 of 40
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module ISSUE 2013-08-13 Version 1.9 Page 39 of 40
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module
HGM6000K Series Automatic Generator Module ISSUE 2013-08-13 Version 1.9 Page 40 of 40